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The document discusses Indian standards related to shallow foundation design and construction in soils.

The document discusses the Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Shallow Foundations in Soils (other than raft, ring and shell).

Standards IS 2541, IS 5817, IS 1904 and IS 1080 are mentioned.

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IS 1080 (1985): Code of Practice For Design And

Construction Of Shallow Foundations In Soils (Other Than
Raft, Ring And Shell) [CED 43: Soil and Foundation

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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Indian Standard

( Second Revision)

First Reprint DECEMBER 1988

UDC 624.151.5.04:006.76

0 Copyright 1986


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 2 July 1986

lndian Standard

( Second Revision)
Foundation Engineering Sectional Committee, BDC 43

Chairman Rspescnting
MAJ-GUN O~srn SINCW Ministry of Defence

COL K. P. ANAND ( Alternate to
Maj-Gen Ombir Singh )
ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ( GE ) Ministry of Railways ( RDSO )
ADDITIONAL DIRIXT~R (8) ( Alternate )
SHI~I K. K. AoaAnwar. Posts & Telegraphs Department, New Delhi
SHRI B. ANJIAH A. P. Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
SHRI ARJUN RIJEISINCHANI Cement Corporation of India, New Del hi
SHHI 0. S. SRIVASTAVA ( Alternate )
DR R. K. BHaNDARI Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ),
SRRI MAHABI~ BIDASARIA Ferro-Concrete Consultants Pvt Ltd, Indore
SHRI A. K. CRATTERJEE Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. C. ROY ( Alternafc )
CHIRF ENGINEER Calcutta Port Trust, Calcutta
SHRI S. GUHA ( Alternate )
S~IRI R. K. D.49 GIJPTI Simplex Concrete Piles (I) Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI H. Gu~a BISWAS ( Alternafc)
SHRI A. G. D.W~IDAR In personal capacity ( 5 Hungerford Courf 121, Hungar-
ford Street, Calcutta )
SIIRI V. C. DESHP~NDE Pressure Piling Co (I) Pvt Ltd, Bombay
DIRRCTOR ( CSMRS ) Central Soil & hlatcrials Research Station, New
CHIEF l~~se.4~0~ OFFI~ BK
( CSMRS ) ( Alternate )

( Continued on pap 2 )
@ Copyright 1986
This publication is protected under the &rn &Wright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS :1080-1985

( Continuedfrom pagr 1 )

MCinbW Representing
SERI A. H. DIVANJI Asia Foundations and Construction Private Limited,
SERI A. N. JANQLE ( Altematc )
SHRI A. GACJSHAL Stun Consultants Limited. Bombay
DR GOPAL RANJAN University of Roorkee. Roorkee .
SHRI N. JAQANNATE Steel Authority of India Ltd, Durgapur
SMRI A. K. MITRA ( Altsrnats )
SHRI ASHOK K. J AIN G. S. Jain & Associates, New Delhi
JOINT DIRECTOR ( D~sroN ) . National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
!&RI &NIL BERY ( AItsraolc )
DR R. K. KATTZ Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Sam S. R. KVLKARNI M. N. Daatur & Company Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SRRI S. ROY ( Altrmata )
SRRI A. P. hfATH& Central Warehousing Corporation, New Delhi
SHRI V. B. MATHUR Mckenaies Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. MUPHERJE~ In personal capacity ( E-104 A, Sitala HOUSI, NIpMn
Sea Road, Bombay )
SARI T. K. D. MUNSI Engineers India Limited, New Delhi
SNRI M. ~YEIWAR ( Al&mat# )
SERI A. V. S. R. MURTY Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi
SERI B. K. PANTHAKY Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay
SERI V. M. M~DQE ( Altsmatr )
SERI M. R. PU~JA Cemindia Company Ltd, Bombay
SHRI 0. J. KETKAR ( Ahnale )
Ds V. V. S. RAO Nagadi Consultants Private Limited, New Delhi
Da A. SARGUNAN College of Engineering, Madras
SERI N. SIVA~URU Ministry of Shipping and Transport ( Roads Wing )
SEFZ~M. K. MVKHERJEE ( Aftwnatc )
SUPERINT~EWDINO E N o I N E E R Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
DR ~D;;;r;-0;~/r-~ )
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
DR R. KANIRAJ ( Ahnate )
SHRI G. RAMAN. Director General, BIS ( Ex-officio Mrmbrt )
Director ( Civ-Engg )

Joint Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS

( Continued on faga 7 )
IS : 1080- 1985

lndian Standard

( Second Revision)

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 30 November 1985, after the draft finalized by
the Foundation Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 A series of Indian Standards on various types of foundations have
been formulated covering specific requirements as well as one dealing
with the general structural requirements. This Indian Standard covers
the specific requirements of shallow type foundations other than raft, ring
and shell foundation which have been covered separately [ see IS : 2950
( Part 1 )-1981*, IS : 11089-1984t and IS : 9456-1980: respectively 1.
0.2.1 The design of shallow foundations were earlier governed by
emperical formulae and thumb rules worked out in the course of long
experience which used to further vary from department to department.
Moreover based on the thumb rules it was not possible to design such
foundation in soils having special problems. It was, therefore, necessary
that a uniform approach based on technical considerations be formulated
for designing such type of foundation and so as to cover these aspects,
this Indian Standard was formulated in 1962 and revised in 1980.
This standard is now being further revised so as to include only the
specific requirements -applicable to the shallow foundation ( other than
raft, ring and shell foundation ) based on the latest technology. The
principal modifications are: (a) transfering the general requirements to
IS : 1904-19855, (b) deleting the provisions relating to width which should

*Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations: Part 1 Design
( second revision ).
Wade of practice for design and construction of ring foundation.
$Code of practice for design and construction of conical and hyperbolic paraboloidal
types of shell foundations.
#Code ofpractice for design and construction of foundations: General requirements
( third revision ).
IS : 1080 - 1983

be based on actual determinations, and (c) limiting the provisions t.o

shallow foundations only in view of the formulations of separate Indian
Standards on each type of foundations.
0.3 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of
this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shah be rounded off in accor-
dance with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.

1.1 This standard covers the specific requirements applicable to the
design and construction of shallow foundations in soils ( other than raft,
ring and shell ).
NOTE- The general requirement applicable to all types of foundation including
shallow foundations are covered in IS : 1904- 1985t.

2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definition of terms given in
IS : 2809-1972: shall apply.
3.1 The shallow foundations cover such type of foundation in which
the load transference is primarily through sheer resistance of the bearing
strata ( the fractional resistance of soil above bearing strata is not taken
into consideration ) and are laid normally up to depth of 3 m.
3.1.1 These foundations are of following types in addition to those
mentioned in 0.2.
a) Pad or Spread - In such type of foundation, which is constructed
of masonry and/or concrete ( plain or reinforced ) and is isolated,
the loads of a structure is transferred to the ground in such a
manner that the safe bearing pressure is not exceeded.
b) Stt-zYp-- Such type of foundation provides continuous and longi-
tudinal bearing for loads carried by vertical elements, such as
continuous wall foundation beams or the like.
4.1 In such type of foundations wherever the resultant of the load
deviates from the centre line by more than lj6 of its least dimension at the
base of footing, it should be suitably reinforced.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( rsuisad ).

tCode of practice for design and construction of foundations: General requirements
( third renision ).
#Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soil engineering ( JFrst revision ).
IS : 1080 - 1985

4.2 For continuous wall foundations ( plain or reinforced ) adequate re-

inforcement should be provided particularly at places where there is
abrupt change in magnitude of load or variation in ground support.
4.3 On slopeing sites the foundation should have a horizontal bearing
and stepped and lapped at changes of levels for a distance at least equal
to the thickness of foundation or twice the height of step whichever is
greater. The steps should not be of greater height than thickness of the

4.4 Ground Beams - The foundation can also have the ground beam
for transmitting the load. The ground beam carrying a load bearing
wall should be designed to act with the wall forming a composite beam,
when both are of reinforced concrete and structurally connected by rein-
forcement. The ground beam of reinforced concrete structurally
connected to reinforced brick work can also be used.

4.5 Dimensions of Foundation

4.5.1 The dimensions of the foundation in plan should be such as to

support loads as given in IS : 1904-1985*. The width of the footings
shall be such that maximum stress in the concrete or masonry is within
the permissible limits. The width of wall foundation shall not be less
than that given by:
B = W + 30 cm
B = width at base in cm, and
W = width of supported wall in cm.

4.6 In the base of foundations for masonry foundation it is preferable to

have the steps in multiples of thickness of masonry unit.
4.7 The plan dimensions af excavation for foundations should be wide
enough to ensure safe and efficient working ( see IS : .7764-1966t ).

4.8 Unreinforced foundation may be of concrete or masonry ( stone or

brick ) provided that angular spread of load from the pier or bed plate
to the outer edge of the ground bearing is not more than 1 vertical to a
horizontal to masonry or 1 vertical to I horizontal for cement concrete
and 1 vertical to 213 horizontal for lime concrete. The minimum thickness
of the foundation of the edge should not be less than 150 mm. In case
the depth to transfer the load to the ground bearing is less than the per-
missible angle of spread, the foundations should be reinforced.

*Code of practice for design and construction of foundations: General requirements

( l&d rer,ision ) .
tsafety code for excavation work.

4.9 If the bottom of a pier is to be belled so as to increase its load carry-
ing capacity such bell should be at least 30 cm thick at its edge. The
sides should be sloped at an angle of not less than 45 with the horizontal.
The least dimension should be 60 cm ( circular, square or rectangular ).
The design should allow for the vertical tilt of the pier by 1 percent of
its height.
4.10 If the allowable bearing capacity is available only at a greater
depth, the foundation can be rested at a higher level for economic con-
siderations and the difference in level between the base of foundation and
the depth at which the allowable bearing capacity occurs can be filled up
with either: (a) concrete of allowable compressive strength not less than
the allowable bearing pressure, or (b) in compressible fill material, for
example, sand, gravel, etc, in which case the width of the fill should be
more than the width of the foundation by an extent of dispersion of
load from the base of the foundation on either side at the rate of
2 vertical to 1 horizontal.
4.11 The cement concrete foundation ( plain or reinforced ) should be
designed in accordance with IS : 456-1978 and masonry foundation in
accordance with IS : 1905-19807.

5.1 The cement concreting ( plain and reinforced ) in the foundation
should be done in accordance with the provision given in IS : 456-1978*.
5.2 The stone masonry construction should conform to IS : 1597 ( Parts 1
and 2 )-1967: and brick masonry construction should conform to
IS : 2212-19629.

5.3 The lime concrete should be done in accordance with the provisions
given in IS : 2541-197711 or IS : 5817-19701.
5.4 Masonry should be constructed over the base concrete after curing
the base of concrete for at least 3 days. Before laying concrete, the bed
of the foundation pit/trench should be thoroughly compacted by manual

*Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( Gird revision ) .

tCode of practice for structural safety of buildings: Masonry walls ( second revision ).
@YZode of practice for construction of stone: Part 1 Rubber stone machinery and
Part 2 Ashlar masonry.
$Code of practice for brickwork.
IlCode of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete (/irsr revision ).
TCode of practice for preparation and use of lime pozzolana mixture concrete in
buildings and roads.

IS : 1080 - 1985
( cmoriffued from pagr 2 j

Miscellaneous Foundation Subcommittee, BDC 43 : 6

Convener Rcprcsmting
SHBI S. GUHA Calcutta Port Trust, Calcutta

SERI K. K. AQARWAL Posts & Telegraphs Department, New Delhi
LT-COL C. L. ASSIJDANI Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters
( Ministry of Defence ), New Delhi
MAJ T. K. GHOSH ( Alternate )
I)~;;;o~~~~~~~~ ( BRIDQES ) Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
Highways and Rural Works Department, Madras
DIVISIONA; E~;N;R ( SOILS ) ( AItcrnate )
EXECUTIVE N Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
SHRI 1 F;zF ) VII ( Alternate )
Cent;laforkzlding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

SHRI M. R. SONEJA ( Alternate)

SIKRI G. R. HARIDAS Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SH~I A. B. GHOSAL ( Alternate )
SHRI M. IYENQAR Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
DR R. K. M. BHANDARI ( Alternate)
JOINT DIRECTOR ( GE ) Ministry of Railways
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( GE III ) ( Alternate )
SHBI D. J. KETKAR Cemindia Co Ltd, Bombay
SRRI R. L. TELAN~ (Alternate )
SHRI S. MU~HZ~RJ~E In personal capacity ( E-104 Simla How, Neban
Sea Road, Bombay )
Smt~ P. G. RAMAKRISHNAN Engineering Construction Corporation Ltd, Madras
SHRI A. G. DATAR ( Altcrnafc )
SHRI 0. S. SRIVASTAVA Cement Corporation of India, New Delhi
Sam SWAMI SARAN University of Roorkee, Roorkee

Adhoc Panel for Revision of IS : 1904 and IS : 1080, BDC 43 : 6/Pl

Sa~r S. GUHA Calcutta Port Trust, Calcutta

SHRI K. K. A~ARWAL Posts & Telegraphs Department, New Delhi
SHRI S. C. BOSE Pile Foundation Construction Co (I) Pvt Ltd,


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