Fatigue Fracture of Crankshaft of An Aircraft Engine

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Engineering Failure Analysis 9 (2002) 255263


Fatigue fracture of crankshaft of an aircraft engine

S.K. Bhaumik*, R. Rangaraju, M.A. Venkataswamy,
T.A. Bhaskaran, M.A. Parameswara
Failure Analysis Group, Materials Science Division, National Aerospace Laboratories,
PO Bag 1779, Bangalore 560 017, India

Received 1 May 2001; accepted 20 May 2001

The crankshaft of a piston engine of a transport aircraft failed during climb. Cracks were found to initiate at the web
radius region of journals 2 and 3 and progressed in the transverse direction of the shaft axis causing it to fracture. The
initiation of cracks was by surface contact fatigue due to constant rubbing of bearings against the journal webs. The
movement of the bearing was caused by some axial load on the crankshaft. An analysis of the failure is presented in
this paper. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Engine failures; Aircraft failures; Fretting; Fatigue; Bearing failures

1. Introduction

Shafts with circular cross section are invariably used for transmission of power. The most common cause
of failure of these shafts is fatigue. In order for fatigue to occur, a cyclic tensile stress and a crack initiation
site are necessary. In general, the shafts in power plant systems run with a steady torsion combined with
cyclic bending stress due to the self-weight bending during rotation or possible misalignment between
journal bearings [1].
Thus, these rotating components are susceptible to fatigue by the nature of their operation and the fati-
gue failures are generally of the rotating-bending type [2]. The sites on shafts where fatigue cracks may
initiate are at the stress concentrations occurring at the keyway root radius and sharp changes in cross-
sectional area of the shaft. In spite of the preventive measures taken during the design itself to minimise
stress concentrations at these geometrical irregularities, fatigue failures can still occur due to degradation
of shafts due to various other reasons [3]. In this paper, a case study on the fatigue fracture of a crankshaft
of an aircraft engine is described.

* Corresponding author. Fax: +91-80-527-0098.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S.K. Bhaumik).

1350-6307/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S1350-6307(01)00022-X
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2. Background

An aircraft engine was withdrawn from service because of unusual noise during climb. The aircraft was
powered by twin piston engines and, therefore, could land safely with the help of the other engine. Strip
examination of the failed engine disclosed that the crankshaft had fractured into three pieces. The fracture
had occurred along the webs at the No. 2 and No. 3 journals (Fig. 1). The crankshaft had completed a total
of 1460 h in service and 262 h since last overhaul. The magnetic particle inspection of the shaft during
overhaul did not reveal any defects in the critical areas either in the longitudinal or transverse direction.
The complex shaped crankshaft was machined from an alloy steel forging of SAE 4340 grade and case
hardened. The incident was reported to have occurred for the third time. In the earlier two cases also, the
fracturing was exactly similar and at identical locations [4].

3. Results and observations

3.1. Visual and stereo-binocular observations

The crankshaft was found to have fractured at the No. 2 and No. 3 journals. In both the cases, the
fracturing took place along the web radius. Careful examination revealed that the failure had occurred
transverse to the axis of the crankshaft, with no evidence of plastic deformation around the fracture zone.
The fracture surfaces showed beach marks typical of fatigue failure, and both the fractures were found to
have initiated at the web radius region. The fracture surface at the fatigue region had a smooth appearance
with a rippled beach mark pattern (Fig. 2a and b). In journal 3, the fatigue crack had propagated to about
80% of the web section before giving rise to the nal, overload fracture. In the case of journal 2, the fatigue
crack propagation was about 40% of the web cross section. In the shaft web at No. 3 journal, the beach
marks were well dened and clearly indicated the progression of the fatigue crack (Fig. 2a). In the frac-
tured shaft web at No. 2 journal, the individual beach marks were not clearly delineated as in the above
and also, the fracture surface had a crystalline appearance (Fig. 2b). In both the fractures, it was possible
to arrive at the fracture origin by tracing back the beach marks, which was found to be at the web radius

Fig. 1. Photograph showing the failed crankshaft. Fracturing has taken place at the web of journals 2 and 3 (shown by arrows).
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Fig. 2. Macrophotographs showing the fracture surfaces at webs of (a) journal 3 and (b) journal 2. Well dened beach marks, typical
of fatigue can be seen. Fracture origins are shown by arrows.

region (Fig. 2). Stereo-binocular examination of the fracture origin and surrounding regions in the web of
journal 3 showed indications of pitting and spalling at the web radius close to the crack origin (Fig. 3).
However, the severity of such damage was much less at the corresponding web radius region of journal 2.
The damaged crank shaft assembly removed from the aircraft was examined carefully. It was seen that
the split ring bearing of journal 3 had suered heavy damage resulting in metal ow and ridging at its edge
(Fig. 4). This ridging had resulted in the formation of a groove in the softer crankshaft casing made of Al-
alloy. Further, it was observed that the tenon of this particular bearing had suered considerable metal loss
due to gradual wear (Fig. 5).

3.2. Scanning electron fractography

The fractured surface of the failed crankshaft was examined in a scanning electron microscope (Jeol,
JSM-35) to identify the cause of fatigue crack initiation. The low magnication fractograph in Fig. 6 shows the
fracture surface at journal No. 3. Beach marks, typical of fatigue, are clearly visible. Tracing the beach marks,
the fatigue crack origin could be determined and is shown by an arrow in Fig. 6. The higher magnication
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Fig. 3. Photograph showing the fracture surface and the web near the crack origin (arrow). Extensive pitting, spalling and cracking
can be seen.

Fig. 4. Photograph of the damaged split ring bearing. The metal deformation and ridge formation are shown by an arrow. It is to be
noted that this bearing was rubbing against the web of journal 3.

view did not reveal any material defects at the crack origin. However, spalling of the hardened surface layer
was observed at several areas (Fig. 6). The web radius region at the crack origin is shown in Fig. 7.
Extensive pitting, spalling and surface cracking can be seen at the crack origin. In addition, scoring marks
along the circumference of the web can also be seen. The surface cracks were found to be in a direction
perpendicular to that of the scoring marks.
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Fig. 5. (a) Front view of the tenon of the damaged split ring bearing of journal 3. The region from which the material has been
removed due to gradual wear is shown by a small arrow. The direction of bearing movement is shown by the big arrow. (b) The actual
shape of the tenon is shown schematically.

3.3. Metallography

A suitable sample piece was cut from the crankshaft close to the crack origin region of journal 3,
metallographically prepared and observed in an optical microscope in both unetched and etched condi-
tions. In the unetched condition, isolated globular type inclusions were seen. The inclusion rating was
estimated to be ASTM designation E 45, Plate 1, D, Globular Type oxides, 1, Thin series. This was found
to be within the specication of the crankshaft material. After etching with alcoholic ferric chloride solu-
tion, the material showed a tempered martensitic structure. No abnormality was observed in the micro-
structure. A case hardened surface layer was also observed macroscopically. Schematically, the case prole
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Fig. 6. SEM fractograph of the fractured web at journal 3 showing fatigue beach marks and crack origin region. Spalling of nitrided
layer at several locations can be seen.

Fig. 7. SEM fractograph at the web radius region close to the crack origin. Pitting, spalling and surface cracking can be seen. Cir-
cumferential grooves at the web radius can also be seen. The direction of rotation of the shaft is shown by an arrow.

is shown in Fig. 8. The reduction in case thickness seen at the web radius was found to be due to loss of
material resulting from pitting and spalling.

3.4. Compositional analysis

Semiquantitative analysis carried out by EDX attached to the SEM showed that the crankshaft was
made of SAE 4340 steel. The surface of the crankshaft was hardened by nitriding. The split ring bearing
was found to be made of steel with 0.4% Mn.

3.5. Hardness measurements

Hardness measurements were carried out on a polished specimen using a Shimadzu HSV-20 Vickers
microhardness tester at a load of 500 g. The core and surface hardness were measured to be HV 310 and
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Fig. 8. Schematic showing the damage of the nitrided surface in journal 3. The material at the web radius region has been lost by
pitting and spalling due to surface contact fatigue. It has to be noted that the fatigue crack has initiated from this region.

HV 550, respectively. The case depth was found to be about 0.1 mm. In the web radius region, the har-
dened surface layer was lost due to pitting and spalling, and the hardness of the exposed surface was found
to be about HV 440. From the hardness prole at the undamaged area, the thickness of the hardened layer
that has been lost at the web radius of journal 3 was estimated to be about 0.13 mm. The hardness of the
split ring bearing material was measured to be  HV 175.

4. Analysis of results

Fractographic features indicate fatigue as the cause of failure of the crankshaft. The beach marks were
well delineated on the fracture surface of the web at journal 3. The progressive crack was found to pro-
pagate to about 80% of the web cross section. This indicates that the fatigue is of high cycle-low stress
type. In contrast, the fracture surface of the web at journal 2 presented a crystalline appearance suggestive
of a relatively faster crack propagation. Though this failure was also by fatigue, the beach marks were not
clearly delineated. In addition, the major part of the fracture surface was found to be due to overload
failure. From these macro-features, it appears that the fatigue crack had rst initiated at journal 3. The
fatigue crack at journal 2 seems to be subsequent and consequential to the rst initiation at journal 3.
In both the journals, the fatigue crack had originated at the web radius region. The composition, micro-
structure, hardness and the case depth were found to be satisfactory and within the specication. Therefore,
the fatigue crack initiation seems to be due to the degradation of the shaft during service. Mechanical
degradation such as pitting and spalling were observed, which had resulted in stress concentrations at the
web radius region leading to fatigue crack initiation.
The deformation and ridge formation at the edge of the corresponding bearing split ring indicate that it
was constantly rubbing against the journal web radius surface. The metal ow due to ridging had also
resulted in the groove formation on softer Al-alloy casing. In normal operation of a piston engine, the
design is such that the bearings do not touch the webs of the journal and the bearings are xed in the casing
with the help of tenons. The two surfaces can rub against each other only when there is a possibility of
misalignment or axial movement of the shaft. Detailed examination of the damaged casing and other
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components of the engine did not show any evidence of misalignment of the shaft. On the other hand, the
tenon of the split bearing at journal 3 was found deformed and worn out. Considerable material was found
to be lost due to gradual wear, and there was distinctive evidence of bearing movement resulting in rubbing
against the web radius surface of the journals. This indicates that there is a possibility of axial load coming
on to the shaft, which can cause the bearing to move. Moreover, the extent of ridging on the bearing and
groove formation on the casing suggest that the surface contact stress between the bearing and the web of
the journal was quite high.
Surface contact fatigue can occur when two surfaces slide against each other under high contact pressure
and cyclic loading. This mode of failure leads to crack initiation at or near the contact surface, and may
subsequently lead to damage varying in extent from microscopic pitting to severe spalling [2,5,6]. The
problem is further aggravated if the sliding surfaces have wide dierence in hardness as in the present case,
where the bearing has hardness of HV 175 as compared to HV 550 of the hardened shaft surface [7]. Under
repeated loading, subsurface cracks initiate at the point of maximum stress and propagate parallel to the
surface. In the case of pure sliding, the maximum shear stress is developed close to the contact surface, and
crack initiation, therefore, occurs very near to the surface [8]. At some stage, these cracks deviate and grow
towards the contact surface, resulting in the formation of pits. These pits are usually microscopic and with
continued operation of the shaft they act as stress concentration for more severe damage in the form of
aking [9]. This results in the formation of large irregular pits, which cause rapid deterioration and failure
of the shaft. Another form of severe contact fatigue damage is known as spalling. Spalling occurs as a
progression of the pits formed by the sliding contact fatigue, or as a result of cracking at the case-core
interface of the case-hardened shaft [6]. Moreover, when spalling does take place, the debris (hard nitrided
layer) is embedded in the softer bearing resulting in severe wear. Such a case is believed to have occurred in
the present case resulting in the formation of circumferential grooves at the web radius region of journal 3.

5. Failure mechanism

From the above analysis, it is apparent that due to some axial load on the shaft, the bearing has moved
causing it to rub constantly against the journal web. This has led to a situation of surface contact fatigue
resulting in extensive pitting and spalling of the nitrided layer at the web radius region of the journals. Under the
cyclic loading, fatigue cracks have initiated at these stress concentration points leading to fracturing of the shaft.

6. Conclusions

1. The failure of the shaft is due to surface contact fatigue. Fatigue has initiated at two locations (jour-
nals 2 and 3) and propagated leading to nal failure at both locations. It appears that the rst fatigue
crack has initiated at journal 3, and that at journal 2 is subsequent and consequential.
2. In contact fatigue, fatigue occurs under high contact pressure and cyclic loading. Pitting and spalling
occur after many repetitions of loading. In this case, contact stresses are due to rubbing of the bearing
ring against the journal web radius. It is believed that the rubbing has resulted due to the movement
of the bearing caused by the axial load on the shaft. The wear of the tenon in the direction of bearing
movement is additional evidence to this possibility.

The authors thank Dr. R.V. Krishnan, Head, Materials Science Division, NAL for useful discussions.
The authors are indebted to Dr. A.C. Raghuram for his invaluable guidance in carrying out this study. The
authors are thankful to the Director, NAL, for permission to publish this work.
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