PSV Sizing and Reaction Force Modelling Rev 1.1
PSV Sizing and Reaction Force Modelling Rev 1.1
PSV Sizing and Reaction Force Modelling Rev 1.1
1. Size pressure control valves (PCV) to perform properly over the entire flow duty envelope.
2. Size a matching pressure safety valve (PSV) capable of handling a pressure control valve failure
3. Check pipe sizes and upstream and downstream pressure drops and temperatures for code
4. Calculate the PSV relief flow reaction forces.
Pressure control and relief- or safety valve sizing is often done by the supplier, using their
specialised and dedicated software. However, these do not take installation piping into account
and often do not give reaction force values as the PSV supplier is normally not the plant designer.
Flownex is an excellent tool that enables the plant designer to quickly and simply size and select
pressure control valves and determine the requirements for a matching PSV whilst accounting for
the actual installation configuration. Furthermore, code compliance often dictates changes in the
design or layout to satisfy pressure drop or other requirements. The advantage of a Flownex
model is that these compliance requirements can be tested during the preliminary design stage,
well before significant design commitments have been made. This allows the plant designers to
test layout concepts and prevent costly redesign work at a later stage.
Flownex can be used effectively to model pressure control and safety valves in a layout
representative of the intended installation, even before significant CAD work is being undertaken.
Flownex has the ability out of the box to perform the complete sizing
and code compliance checks for pressure control valves with their
matching full-flow pressure safety valves. The further ability to model a
dynamic relief situation in real time is almost unheard of in this industry.
Hannes van der Walt
Principal Thermal Engineer
1 [email protected]
Pressure control valves (PCVs), pressure regulating valves and pressure safety valves (PSVs) are an
important part of any plant design in the oil and gas industry. Gas products are typically
transported at very high pressures to reduce pumping costs and reduce line sizes. Pressure control
valves (and the subset of pressure regulating valves) are then used to reduce the pressures to the
required levels at the point of consumption. However, if a pressure control valve fails, the plant
design must make provision for safety systems to prevent catastrophic events from taking place.
The proper selection and installation of pressure safety valves is one option. Alternatively, two
pressure control valves may be installed in series in a so called active-monitor arrangement.
Furthermore, a slam-shut valve may be installed that is able to shut down the plant in a short
period of time.
This paper discusses the combination of pressure control and pressure safety valves where the
latter is used as the means of ensuring safety should the former fail. The usage of PSVs is
commonplace in most oil and gas plants, in fact, all international design codes and standards in
the oil and gas industry mandate their use at any position in the plant where pressures may
exceed design parameters. Pressure increases beyond design values may occur mainly due to
three causes:
5. Process failure a situation where faulty equipment is no longer capable of controlling the pressure
to acceptable limits. This may include a failed control valve, a blocked outlet, a tube rupture, a loss
of utility such as cooling medium or power, gas blow-by etc.
6. Locked-in thermal expansion a situation where a vessel or length of pressure piping may be
locked in upstream and downstream and a resident heat source then causes the internal pressure
to rise beyond design limits.
7. External fire relief a situation where an external fire may add heat to a vessel or pressure piping,
resulting in a similar scenario to the locked-in thermal expansion case.
A side-effect of the installation of a PSV is the resulting reaction force that may be created when
the PSV opens. Since most PSVs pop open rather quickly, very high reaction forces may result
and must be checked by the design engineer.
This case study demonstrates how Flownex can be used to size a PCV as well as a matching full-
flow PSV and easily calculate the resulting reaction forces. Checks for design code compliance are
also performed.
Page [email protected]
In selecting a pressure control valve for a specific application, the In the case of a
maximum duty flow rate as well as the potential turn-down pressure control and a
requirement must be considered. A well selected valve would be at
pressure safety valve
approximately 70% to 80% opening at maximum duty flow rate and
at approximately 20% to 30% opening at minimum flow (maximum operating in series in a
turn-down). Checking these pressure control valve limits in a real-world system,
Flownex model is as simple as it is in other software such as HYSYS other software are
or specialised valve manufacturer software such as Fishers
Specification Manager, Lesers ValveStar, Farris sizeMaster,
often not able to
SAMSONs Valve Sizing Program, Flowserves ValQuo etc. Similarly, determine the fail-
once relief requirements are known, proprietary software is able to open flow rate
quickly and easily select a pressure safety valve.
through the pressure
However, in the case of a pressure control and a pressure safety control valve when
valve operating in series in a real-world system, other software is installed with actual
often not able to determine the fail-open flow rate through the
pressure control valve when installed with actual piping, reducers,
piping, reducers, filters
filters or manual valves in a line. The sizing of an appropriate safety or manual valves in a
valve whilst simultaneously taking the actual installation into line. The sizing of an
account, is similarly beyond the scope of most valve sizing software. appropriate safety
The ability of Flownex to perform all of this in a single and simple
model sets it apart from other software.
valve whilst
simultaneously taking
As explained, a common case of process failure is where an
the actual installation
upstream pressure control valve fails open. The pressure control
valves themselves are often assembled in a fail-to-close failure into account, is
mode; however, a control system failure may still leave the valve similarly beyond the
open. It is also possible that the valve remains stuck in the open scope of most valve
position due to a mechanical failure.
sizing software. The
It is common practice to have a piping specification break ability of Flownex to
immediately downstream of a pressure control valve as all
perform all of this in a
downstream piping and equipment are subjected to a reduced
pressure. For instance, high gas pressures at 10 000 kPa may single and simple
require Class 900 piping and equipment, up to and including the model sets it apart
pressure control valve which is set to reduce the pressure to 4 000 from other software.
kPa. Piping and equipment downstream of the pressure control
valve only require Class 300 equipment owing to the reduced
pressure. However, if the pressure control valve fails open for any
reason, the designer may incorporate an over-pressure sensor and switch with a slam shut valve
arrangement, or alternatively if the flows are relatively moderate, a full flow pressure relief system
may be more cost effective. If the flow rates are high, the required size of a full flow PSV may be
prohibitive. The challenge then is to determine how much flow the failed pressure control valve will
pass which will have to be relieved by the pressure safety valve. This flow rate may be evaluated in
terms of the full installation of all components and their associated pressure losses in the system
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When sizing a pressure control valve, the combinations of the above conditions resulting in the
maximum and minimum valve openings have to be selected to ensure that the openings would be
at acceptable settings. The maximum valve opening will occur at the maximum volume flow rate
which will be at the maximum mass flow rate, minimum pressure and maximum temperature. The
valve minimum opening will occur at the reverse conditions.
The pressure control valves flow coefficient (Cv or Kv) have to be estimated and then tested
against all conditions. This may require an iterative process to ensure that acceptable valve
openings will result at the maximum and minimum valve positions.
For the example at hand, the required valve flow coefficient is calculated by selecting the
conditions for maximum opening as discussed above and setting the valve opening to a typical
value such as 70%. Then, by keeping the calculated valve flow coefficient constant, the minimum
valve opening is checked at the conditions for minimum opening. The following results were
obtained for the example: [email protected]
It appears that the valve opening at minimum flow is a little too small and the valves controllability
at this opening may be compromised. The opening is too small because the calculated valve
capacity is too large. A slightly smaller valve capacity will mean that the valve will have to open a
little more at maximum flow, but at the low flow end the valve opening will be slightly larger. To
calculate a slightly lower flow coefficient, select an 80% valve opening at maximum flow conditions
and repeat the process:
This is a much better selection, so a valve with a flow coefficient as indicated needs to be sourced.
Once an actual valve is selected, the actual valve Cv or Kv value should be entered into the
Flownex model and the upper and lower flow limits verified. Note also the low gas temperatures
expected in the minimum opening case. Of course, these low temperatures are not dependent on
the flow rate, or valve opening per se, rather simply the upstream and downstream pressures and
the upstream temperature. The property selection for the minimum opening case, however,
conveniently selects the highest supply pressure and lowest supply temperature which will result in
the lowest downstream temperature. It is important to take note of this temperature and ensure
that this is comfortably above the minimum design metal temperature (MDMT). For the case at
hand, the carbon steel piping selected has a MDMT of -29C.
The Flownex model and results for the final sizing is given in the following figures:
Figure 1: Maximum Valve Opening Case (Minimum Pressure, Maximum Temperature, Maximum Mass Flow
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Figure 2: Minimum Valve Opening Case (Maximum Pressure, Minimum Temperature, Minimum Mass Flow
Note that Flownex conveniently allows the designer to check pipe velocities. According to ASME
B31.3 a DN25 pipe with a design pressure of 10200 kPa (g) and a 2 mm corrosion allowance will
require a Schedule 80 pipe. For the downstream DN25 piping, a design pressure of 5500 kPa (g)
with a 2 mm corrosion allowance will require Schedule 40 piping. Note that all pressures shown on
the Flownex model are absolute.
The Flownex valve component used in the above figures is the ANSI Control Valve which was
assigned a more realistic picture.
The valve sizing is done using the Flownex Designer, solving for three properties simultaneously
as shown below. The Designer configurations provide for different pressure, temperature and flow
rate combinations. The entries in the Equality Constraints (target values) are the upstream (supply)
static pressure, the downstream (controlled) static pressure and the mass flow rate. Note that the
target pressures are static pressures as pressure control valves normally sense only static pressure.
The Independent Variables that the Flownex solver will vary to obtain the target values are the
supply total pressure, the downstream total pressure and the pressure control valve flow
coefficient (Cv). Flownex will find a solution for all three constraints within seconds. [email protected]
Sizing the Pressure Safety Valve
As soon as the pressure control valve has been sized and selected, the pressure safety valve may
be sized and selected. To ensure compliance to a design code such as API 520, the following
needs to be checked:
1. The vessel or piping being protected must not be subjected to a pressure higher than 110% of
design pressure.
2. The pressure drop in the PSV inlet piping must not exceed 3% of the set pressure (gauge). This
is to ensure that there is only a small difference in the PSV relief pressure and the pressure the
protected vessel or piping is subjected to.
3. Similarly, the pressure drop in the PSV discharge piping must not be larger than 10% of the set
pressure (gauge) for conventional spring-loaded PSVs and 50% for pilot-operated PSVs.
4. Discharge temperatures must be within design limits.
The next figure shows the Flownex model of the example PCV and PSV operating in a real-world
Figure 4: Flownex Model of Pressure Control Valve and Pressure Safety Valve Combination
The DN25 Schedule 40 piping directly downstream of the fail-to-open pressure control valve has a
design pressure of 5500 kPa (g) as discussed above. It is the task of the PSV to prevent a pressure
excursion in the piping downstream of the failed control valve. According to frequently used
international standards such as API 520 and API 521, pressure piping and pressure vessels are
allowed to reach pressures that are 10% higher than the design pressure in case of process failure.
This means that the PSV may be set at the piping design pressure with full relief flow occurring at
110% of design pressure. For the case at hand, the PSV will be set at 5500 kPa (g) with 10% over-
pressure as shown in Figure 4, thus the pressure is allowed to reach 6050 kPa (g). At this pressure,
the PSV must be able to release all the flow that the failed pressure control valve is passing,
otherwise the pressure will continue to increase beyond 110% of design pressure.
This flow situation is very easily modelled in Flownex as shown in Figure 5, once again using the
Designer. This time though, the pressure control valve and the pressure relief valve openings are
both set to 100% to simulate the failed-open situation and full PSV relief flow.
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Figure 5: Flownex Designer Setup for Pressure Safety Valve Sizing
The Independent Variable is the PSV orifice area. The second equality constraint and second
independent variable are simply used to obtain the correct upstream static pressure by setting the
upstream total pressure via the boundary condition.
As shown in the Flownex model, the PSV needs to have an orifice area of at least 113.6 mm2. This
translates to an API (or ASME) E orifice size. PSV orifice discharge coefficients typically range
from 0.8 to 0.95. The former, conservative value is a good start, but the value should be updated
with manufacturer values as soon as these are known.
The pipe section between the pressure control and safety valves in Figure 4 is meant to represent
the pipe run between the protected vessel or piping and the PSV. It is shown that this section of
pipe has a pressure drop of 2.137 kPa which is 0.04% of the set pressure (gauge) and therefore is
compliant. Of course, this section of piping may be more elaborate, including elbows and longer
pipe runs, however, as a general rule, this pipe run should be kept as short and simple as possible.
The pressure at the node immediately downstream of the PSV displays a pressure of 208.6 kPa (g)
which is 3.8% of the set pressure (gauge) and therefore also is compliant.
Note that the discharge temperature is -67C which is far below the MDMT of the piping material
chosen. This means that the discharge piping may need to be from a different material such as
ASTM A304 stainless steel. It may also be possible, using a Flownex model with heat transfer, to
show that the piping material temperature will not fall below the MDMT of -29C if the PSV
discharge can be shown to last only a few seconds before another safety shut-down system stops
the flow. In such a case, ASTM A106 B may still be acceptable.
Although not shown in this case study, it is easy to extend this example to a transient analysis. Such
an example is where the failed pressure control valve may discharge into a large vessel. The PSV
connected to the vessel may then be smaller than a full-flow relief valve as the vessel pressure may
be shown to increase slowly due to its volume. If the system is shut off after a reasonable time, the
vessel pressure may not have exceeded the design pressure yet and the reduced size PSV then
has enough time to relieve the built-up vessel content.
Much more elaborate installations may be modelled in Flownex. One such example is shown in
Figure 6. The PCV supplies a knock-out vessel. The normal outflow piping is not shown as only the
PSV piping needs to be analysed.
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Figure 6: A More Comprehensive Flownex PCV & PSV
PSV installations are often in the geometrical form shown in Figure 4 where the PSV outlet is
initially horizontal and then turns vertical with the release to atmosphere high enough to satisfy
OH&S requirements. A force applied at the PSV outlet therefore causes a bending moment at the
PSV connections (flanges) and therefore supports may be required.
The simplest method to calculate PSV reaction forces may be to place the elbow at the exit to
atmosphere and utilise the elbow components built-in force results. These elbow force results are
shown in Figure 4. The disadvantage of this method is that the elbow component does not allow
the specification of an exit loss coefficient which is taken as 1.0. This may be the cause of significant
inaccuracies as relief velocities are often sonic. Therefore, the model shown in Figure 4 places the
actual vertical length of pipe and an exit loss component downstream of the elbow.
A simple script is then used to calculate the momentum and pressure forces from first principles as
well as the API 520 force calculation. If needed, the PSV and piping masses may also be specified
which will add another force component to the vertical. The script reads the gas mass flow, static
pressure, pipe cross sectional area, gas heat capacity (Cp), gas constant (R) and gas temperature
at the point between the pipe and the exit loss element. It also reads the gas static pressure and
gas velocity at the point of discharge from the exit loss element. Figure 7 shows how the simple
script then calculates the z-forces for momentum, pressure and weight as well as the
implementation of the API 520 equation. Note that the net force calculated from first principles
and the force calculated by the API 520 method are practically identical. Also note that the
dynamic load factor is yet to be applied to these results.
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Figure 7: Force Calculation Script
Using a very simple Flownex model, a pressure control valve may be sized to perform properly at
the high and low valve opening cases. A matching full flow pressure safety valve may then be sized
to ensure vessel or piping pressures do not exceed design limits. At the same time, pressure drop
limits, temperature limits and PSV reaction forces are also checked for compliance with design
specifications. Apart from a simple script, Flownex has the ability out-of-the-box to perform the
complete sizing and code compliance checks for pressure control valves with their matching full-
flow pressure safety valves. The further ability to model a dynamic relief situation in real time is
almost unheard of in this industry.
Page [email protected]