Case Report Consent Form Template
Case Report Consent Form Template
Case Report Consent Form Template
You are being asked to consider allowing Dr. (insert name) to use information
about your (insert condition/disease/experience) to write what is called a case
report. Case reports are typically used to share new unique information
experienced by one patient during his/her clinical care that may be useful for
other physicians and members of a health care team. A case report may be
published (in print and/or via internet dissemination) for others to read, and/or
presented at a conference. This form explains the purpose of this case report.
Please read this form carefully and take your time to make your decision and ask
any questions that you may have.
The purpose of this case report is to inform other physicians that (insert specific
reason i.e. patients presenting to the ER with X) may be related to Y, however,
was masked by a common over the counter medication Z).
Your information being used for this case report includes (insert specific
information here).
Dr. (insert name) is obligated to protect your privacy and not disclose your
personal information (information about you and your health that identifies you as
an individual e.g. name, date of birth, medical record number). When the case
report is published or presented, your identity will not be disclosed.
You will not directly benefit from participating in this case report. The information
that can be shared with other health care professionals, however, may improve
the care that is received by others in the future.
Allowing your information to be used in this case report will not involve any
additional costs to you. You will not receive any compensation.
Taking part in this case report is your choice (voluntary). You may choose not to
take part or you may change your mind at any time. However, once the case
report is written and published, it will not be possible for you to withdraw it. Your
decision will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled
including the quality of care you receive.
You will be told about any new information relating to this case report that may
affect you.
Your signature below means that you have read the above information about this
Case Report and have had a chance to ask questions to help you understand
how your information will be used and that you give permission to allow your
information to be used in this case report.
If you have any questions please contact (insert name) at (604) XXX-XXXX ext
Participant/Substitute decision-maker
By signing this form, I confirm that:
The case report has been fully explained to me and all of my questions
have been answered to my satisfaction
I have been informed of the risks and benefits, if any, of allowing my
information to be used in this case report
I have been informed that I do not have to participate in this case
I have read each page of this form
I authorize access to my personal health information (medical record)
as explained in this form
I have agreed to participate in this case report