(1.1 1.25) A, B, C D: Lho '"'M '""" ""' '"'"" M

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1. In each of sub question (1.1 to 1.25) four alternatives A, B, C and D are provided
of which one is correct. Indicate in your book, at the space provided, the correct
answer by writing the alphabet corresponding to the answer.

1.1 A si nu said al source of val tage v and fi'equ en cy f is connected to a seri

v ari able resistance, R and a fixed reactance, X. The Iocus of the
o it e
current-phasor, I, as R is varied fi'om 0 to oo is:

(a) a semicircle with a diameter r0

(b) a straight line with a slop of ;

(c) an ellipse w1th maJor ax1s. 0 +

(d) a c1rcle ofrad1us ; and ongm at (o, CJ
1.2 A c1rcu1t With a resistor, inductor and
the component values are
IS resonant of
resonant frequency 1s:
t0 Hz. If all

(a) 2t0 (b) still (c) to (d) to

4 2

1.3 In the circuit shown i

through the ideal

desired to have a constant direct current i(t)
ne nature of the voltage source v(t) must be:
(a) constant i(t)
(b) linearly in 1 oltage

(c) v(t) L
(d) increasing voltage

"' Lho tr '"'m '""" ""' '"'"" m "'LA " '"

(b) Transm1ss1on hne P
(c) o z. = 300n
(d) 0, 5 Zo = Sugar .mpedance
Load 300n
1.5 The laws of electrom agnatic induction (Faraday's and Lenz's law) are summarized
in the foil owing equation:
(a) e = iR (b) e = L -
(c) e = - - (d) None of the above

1.6 A synchronous generator connected to an mfi n1 te bus 1s overex o der g

only the react1ve power, from the pomt of v1ew of the system, th d 1 acts
(a) a capaCitOr
(c) a res1stor
(b) an Inductor
(d) None of the

1.7 A 3 phase squ1rrel cage mduct1on motor has a full O dio ctency of 0.8 and a
maximum efficiency of 0.9. It IS operated at applying a reduced
val tage. The effi c1en cy of the motor at th 1s oper ng nt 1s:
(a) less than 0.4 r than 0.6
(c) 1n the range of0.8 0.1 .t "'I.U n e of the above

1.8 The effiaency of a 100 KVA r at full as well as at half load. For
th 1s transformer at fi.J II Ioad the er

None of the above

(a) harmonr>._< (c) (d) 1311> harmonic

1.10 Series ca, cl t1 sat1 on 1n EH V tr ansm 1ss1 on II n es 1s used to

e e loading
(b he stability of the system
c) e the voltage profile (d) improve the protection of the line

(a) low cost of HVDC terminals (b) no harmonic problems

(c) minimum line power losses (d) simple protection
1.12 The output of a linear time invariant control system is c(t) for a certain input
r(t). If r(t) is modified by passing it through a block whose transfer function is
e- and then app Iied to the system, the modified output of the system wou Id be

(a) __:_{1_ (b)

1+ e'
(c) c(t-1)u(t-1) (d)

1.13 None of the pales of a lin ear control system

bounded input, the output of this system
(a) is always bounded
(c) always tends to zero

1.14 The phase Iead com pensat1on 1s used to



1.15 Ax= b. the


(b) 2 (c) 5 (d) -1

0 0 _,]

0 1 0
. The sum of the eigen values of them atrix A is:
0 0 3
-1 0 0
(a) 10 (b) -10 (c) 24 (d) 22

1.18 A d .c. val tm eter has a sen si tivi ty of 100 0 D./val t. When it measures half fu II seale
in 10 ov range, the current through the val tm eter is
1.19. A moving coil galvanometer ism ade into a d.c. ammeter by connecting
(a) a Iow resistance across the meter
(b) a high resistance in series with the meter
(c) a pure inductance across the meter
(d) a capacitor in series with the meter

1.20. The open collector outputs of two 2-inputs NAND gates are conn
common pull up resistor. If the input to the gates are P, Q and R, t 5
s tive ,
the output is equal to
(a) P.QRS. (b) PQ+RS
-- (c) P.Q+RS .S

1. 21. In standard TTL gates, the totem pole output stage is prim ari I
(a) increase the noise margin of the gate .. +
(b) decrease the output switching delay
(c) facilitate a wired OR logic connection
(d) increase the output impedance of

1. 2 2. One of the app li cations of current m i rr4 ,s V

(a) output current limiting
(b) obtaining a very high curre n
(c) current fee db ad<
(d) temperature

1.23. The uncontrolled
(a) thyristor
(c) diode

r ..
employed in power electronic converters is:
(b) bipolar junction transistor

1.24. The 1n 1ts on-state may be considered equ1valent to:

(b) Inductor (c) capaator (d) battery

om m utat1on c1rcu1t em played to turn off an SCR, satisfactory turn-off 1s

(a) circuit turn-off time < device turn-off time
(b) circuit turn-off time > device turn-off time
(c) circuit time constant > device turn-off time
(d) circuit time constant < device turn-off time
2. Questions 2.1 to 2 .2 0 are accompanied by four answers of which one is correct.
Indicate the correct answer, in the space provided in the answer book, by writing
the alphabet A, B, Cor D.
For each of questions 2.21 to 2 .25, three items are given on the left side and
more than three on the right. For each item on the left, match a sui tab Ie answer
from the items on the right (e.g.A-Q, B-S, C-T). Write your answer in the space
provided in the answer b oak.

2.1 Viewed fi'om the terminals A, B the following circuit shown in Fig.
reduced to an equivalent circuit of a single voltage source in seri e ,...<,h.....
resi star with the foil owing parameters: A
(a) 5 val t source in series with 1 on resistor
(b) 1 val t source in series with 2. 4n resi star
(c) 15 val t source in series with 2 .4n resi star
(d) 1 val t source in series with 1 on resistor

2.2. The effective inductance of the

shown below is:
(a) 9 H
(b) 21 H
(c) 11 H
(d) 6 H

2. 3. The neutral oe V 11 K V alternator 1s earthed through a res1 stance of 5

ohms. The ea u elay 1s set to operate at 0. 75A. The CT's have a rat1o of
100 0 : 5. What age of the alternator w1n dmg 1s protected?
(a) 85 + (b) 88.2% (c) 15% (d) 11.8%

I 1ts ew resistance 1s:

nR (b) R (c) n 2R (d) Rl

n n
A cable has the following characteristics. L =0.201 and C = 196.2 p/F/m.
The vel a city of wave propagation through the cab Ie is:
(a) 32 m/s (b) 159.24 (c) 0.0312 m/s (d) 159.24 m/s
2. 6. A 50 Hz transformer having equal hysteresis and eddy OJ rrent I asses at rated
excitation is opera ted at 45 Hz at 90% of its rated val tag e. Com pared to rated
operating point, the core Iasses under this con di ti on:
(a) reduce by 10% (b) reduce by 19%
(c) reduce by 14.5% (d) remain unchanged

2.7. The armature of a single phase alternator is completely wound with T

coils distributed uniformly. The induced voltage in each turn is 2V (rm s
he f
of the whole winding is

(a) 2T volt (b) 1.11 T volt (c) 1.414 T volt (do . volt

2.8. A 2 40 V d .c. shunt motor with an armature resistance of

current of 40 A. Find the ratio of the stalling torque to the
I";, s a full Ioad
when a
resistance of Hl. is connected in series with the arm at +
(a) 4
(c) 6


2.10. A power station consists of t > s generators A and B of ratings 25 0

MVA and 500 MVA with in 1. .u. and 1 p.u ., respectively on their own base
MVA ratings. The . merti a constant for the system on 10 0 MVA
common base is:
(a) 2.6 (c) 1.625 (d) 9.0

2.11. For the netwo/":t.., n in Fig.2 .11, the zero sequence reactance's in p .u. are
indicated. The
driving point reactance of the node 3 is:

.,. X.,o=O.l
G x.. =o.os iUh " I

(b) 0.30 (c) 0.10 (d) 0.20

2.12. The Laplace transform of (t2 -2t) u(t-1)is:

(a) -2 e-s - -
2 e-s
(b) -2 e-2s - -2 e-s
53 52 53 52

(d) None of the above

2.13. For block diagram shown in Fig.2 .13 given by





5 2 5 2
1 1
(c) 0 0 (d) 0 0
3 3
1 1 0
0 1 1
2 2
2.16. The value of J( dx computed using Simpson's rule with a step size of h = 0.25
(a) 0.69430 (b) 0.69385 (c) 0.69325 (d) 0.69415
2.17. Fig. 2.17 shows the input attenuator of d c probe
a multi meter. The meter reads fu II seale

with 12 V at M, with the range switch at L______]
position 'q'. What is the required 2Mn 6 Ma
val tage at M to obtain fu 11-scal e
deft ection with the range switch at

(a) 1 v (b) 150 v

(c) 120 V (d) 147 v


2.18. Fig. 2.18 shows the el ectrostati '4-'"'--l

the accel er ati ng voltage, the

(a) LL,;
;f Electron Trajectory

d +
_...Deflection plate
Fluorescent screen


When the firing angIe tx of a single phase, fully controlled rectifier feeding
constant d. c. current into a I oad is 3 0, the di spl acem ent power factor of the
rectifier is:

(a) 1 (b) 0.5 (c)

J3 (d) J3
2.20. A 3-phsae, fully controlled, converter is feeding power into a d.c. load at a
constant OJ rrent of 15 0 A. The rm s OJ rrent through each th yri star of the
converter is:
150./2 (d) 150
(a) 50A (b) 100A (c) ..fj

Measurement Instrument used .

(A) Transients (P) Signal generator
(B) Frequency ( Q) Spectrum analyzer
(C) Harmonic content (R) Digital storage osco
(S) Pulse counter


Test M: chine
(A) No load and blocked rotor.
(B) Sump ner's test ( Q) Induction machine

(S) DC machine

2.23. Circuit
(a) (P) High-pass filter

(Q) Amplifier

(c) (R) Com par a tor



( r f l lf u;ct1on
(A) X+ Y

(B) XV

(C) X Y
" ' V(s)NOR

2.25. Match its

foil owm g ch aracten st1 cs ag a1n th val es:

<> (P) 0.7 V


(Q) 0.2


(S) 50 V

rce or a long time. At t = 0, the switch is thrown to 24 V.

termine iL (o) and Vc (o)
Write the differential equation governing v c(t) fort> 0
(c) Compute the steady state value ofVc(t).

i, L R,
iRz i, l
4. A 50 hp, 6 pole, 50 Hz slip-ring induction motor runs at 960 rpm on full load with
a rotor current of 40 A. allowing 3 00 w for the cop per I ass in the short d rcui tin g
gear and 120 0 W for mechanical I asses, find the resistance R 2 per phase of the 3
phase rotor winding.

5. Each conductor of a 3 3 K v, 3-ph ase system is suspended by a string of

similar in suI ars. The ratio of shunt capacitance to mutual capacitance
Cal cui ate the val tag e across each insulator, and the string efficiency.

6. Find the value of S at the end of the execution of the foil owing
(given in FORTRAN CODE as well as C code).

C Function MOD (A,B) Returns the value

C (A modulo B) .. +
S=O '(.)
DO 1 1 = 1,100
IF (MOD) (1, 7). EQ.O) G 0 TO 1
IF (MOD) (1,10). EQ.7) GO TO 1
s = s +1
c co

1f (!(1% 7)) go C

Skip: '++
put of logical 1 only for the input combination (A = 1; B = C = D = 0). It is
that the foil owing com bi nations of input are forbidden:
ABCD = 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111
Evaluate the I ogi cal ex pression for the output and realize the same with two input
NAND gates. Assume that com pi em ents of in puts are not available.
(50 Marks)

Answer any TEN questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.

8. A circuit con si sting of a single resi star R and an inductor L in series is drive
25 V rm s, 50 Hz sinusoidal voltage source. A capacitor is to be placed in
with the source to improve the power factor. Given that the aver .D:--.....
d1 ss1 pated 1n the R 1s 100 W and that the react1ve power delivered to t 1
Var, what value of C will y1eld a 0.9 p.f. laggmg as seen by the

9. Determine the Impedance seen by the source V5 = 24LO'In 1n

zn -jln -jzn


10. An infinite number of charges,

X = 4, X = 8, X = 16 and SO
0, due to these system

11. An electron e lane with a speed of 106 m/s. Its velocity vector
makes an angle of -axis. A m agnatic field of magnitude 10-2 T exists
along. the v-an : a Jte the m agnatic force exerted on the electron and its
d1rect1on. '(./!'
12. ge'lV a tor delivers 60 K w at 2 40 v and 3 60 rpm . The armature and
ces are 0. 0 15 0. and 6 on respectively. Cal cui ate the speed of the
ng as a shunt motor and taking 60 KW input at 240 V. Allow 1 volt
r contact drop.
14. For the given network in Fig.14, obtain the bus admittance matrix (Ysus) using
the data given:

Lines between nodes

1- 2
1- 3
Impedance p. u.

0.0 + J0.05
0.0 + J0.02
Half of 11 ne 1ttance

2-3 0.0 + J0.02 ......

Shunt reactor at node
1- 2
Impedance 4 "'v

15. In a power system, the fuel in hour of pi ants 1 and 2 are given as
Ft = 0.20 P12+ 30 Rs per hour

F2= 0.25 -c,;r Rs per hour

Thelimitsofg0 .
20 s Pt s
40 s P2s 2
operating schedule of generation, if the load demand is 130
MW, n " g Transmission losses.

16. tern tor is connected to an infinite bus as shown in Fig.16. It delivers 1.0
rrent at 0. 8 p f I ag gi ng at V = 1. 0 p .u. The reactance Xd of the altern a tor is
p .u. Determine the active power output and the steady state power Ii mit.

excitation corresponding to operation at stabi Ii ty Iim it.

17. The state-space representation of a system is given by:

[-5-6 1] [XI]
0 x2

Find the Lap I ace transform of the state transition matrix. Find also the vali!IM:Ii
= =
x 1 at t 1 if x 1 (o) 1 and x2 (o) o.=

20 dB/dec



. Find the transformation matrix using the householder's method

21. A symmetrical 40 0 v, 3 -phase sup pi y is connected to the network shown in
Fig.21. the phase sequence is RYB. Find the reading on the wattmeter.
R1 = 300.;X1 =500. and X 2 = 400..




For V0 = d estimate the input resistance of the circuit.

24. Show that the cirruit given in Fig .24 will work as an oscillator at f = - - , if



R c

c R


(a) Construct the truth table for In F1g.2s. Q 1, Q:a and Q3 are
outputs and the clock pulses are J, K mputs are assumed
to be at Iog 1c 1. All f11 p-fl ops power ON.
(b) Sketch the output wavefor Qt. 2, and Q 3 .
(c) arm?

(a) Write down the d i fferen ti al equation governing the speed

(b) Evaluate the time taken for the speed to reach 100 0 rpm .
27. A d. c. motor driven from a fully contrail ed 3 phase converter shown in Fig. 2 7,
draws a d. c. current of 100 A with n egl i gi bl e ripple.
(a) Sketch the a.c. line current iA for one cycle
(b) Determ in e the 3 rd and s11> harm ani c component of the line current as a
percentage of fun dam ental current.

3 phase input

A_ i. _
_.,. _.

B ------l---e

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