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Jurnal PO
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
changes in many biological indicators of soil 5 t ha-1 of CM + 300 kg urea ha-1 + 187.5 kg SP36
quality, including lower soil carbon, microbial ha-1 + 75 kg KCl ha-1 (75% of RDIF), T5 = 5 t ha-1
activity, fungal biomass and earth worm popula- DSM + 50% of RDIF and T6 = 5 t ha-1 DSM + 75%
tions compared to normal or double rates of of RDIF.
residue return. The CM has higher carbon and nutrients
Although the upland Ultisols has several content compared to DSM derived from biogas
problems but the land productivity can be im- processing because the DSM that originally comes
proved if the soil organic matters can be out from the biogas digester outlet has been
maintained and increased through application of decomposed perfectly. It also produced CH4, CO2,
manures and/or by returned back of crops N, CO, O, hydrogensulfide, ammonia and nitrogen
residues into the soil. Soil organic matter, as the oxides, so that the C and nutrient content of the
product of on-site biomass decomposition affects DSM were lower (Table 1).
the chemical, physical and biological properties of
the soil and its overall health. Organic matter affect Table 1. Chemical composition of cattle manure
the soil structure and porosity, the water infiltration and dried sludge manure
rate, and moisture holding capacity of soils, the
Parameter CM DSM
diversity and biological activity of soil organisms,
Water content (%) 18.84 18.10
and plant nutrient availability (Bot and Benites, pH H20 8.34 6.57
2005). Decomposition of organic material can also C (%) 16.00 12.77
supply the macro and micro nutrients and has the N (%) 0.88 0.63
ability to improve the efficiency of fertilizers and P2O5 (%) 0.86 0.71
water used by plant and reducing the dose of K2O (%) 2.42 0.41
inorganic fertilizer. Na (%) 0.19 0.11
The objective of the study was to determine Ca (%) 1.09 0.61
the amount and distribution of produces biomass Mg (%) 0.44 0.24
Fe (mg kg-1) 9,594 13,089
and fixed carbon in maize crops and to calculate Mn (mg kg-1) 1643 1101
the possible returning of carbon to the soil Cu (mg kg-1) 14.36 19.20
ecosystem in managing the soil carbon of Ultisols Zn (mg kg-1) 76.93 71.18
in sustainable ways.
Remarks: Soil Chemical Laboratory of Indonesian Soil
Research Institute, year 2013
The unit of plot size was 4 m x 5 m and the
A field study was conducted from March to treatments were randomly distributed to the plot.
July 2013 at the Tamanbogo Experimental Farm. Cattle manure (CM) and also DSM were mixed
The site is located at East Lampung District, with soil taken from the plot and it was spread
Lampung Province (N 050 00 16,4 S and E 1050 evenly on the plots and lightly mixed with the soil
29 23,1), at an altitude of about 300 m above using hoe a day before planting. The inorganic
sea levels, it belongs to C2 type climate fertilizer was applied two times, one third dose of
(Oldeman et al., 1979) with 5-6 of wet months and Urea and full dose of SP36 and KCl fertilizers
2-3 of dry months. The main characteristic of soil were drilled into the hole at 5 cm distance from
chemical properties were low in pH, N, K2O, P2O5, the seed at planting time and covered with the soil
soil organic C and cation exchangeable capacity to avoid contact of the seed with the fertilizers.
(CEC). The physical properties criterion of the soil The remaining part of urea fertilizer (2/3 part) was
was high in soil bulk density (BD), low in total pores applied on 30th day after planting.
space, permeability and available water. The plant indicator used in this field
The experiment was set up as randomized experiment was maize hybrid of Pioneer 27
block design, consisted of 6 treatments and variety (P27) produced by PT Dupont Indonesia.
provided with four replications. Those treatment The P27 was very suitable for upland areas. It
were as follows: T1 = 5 t ha-1 of cattle manure has strong stalk and compact roots, resistant to
(CM), T2 = 5 t ha-1 of dried sludge manure (DSM), downy mildew deseases, relatively large cob, the
T3 = 5 t ha-1 of CM + 200 kg urea ha-1 + 125 kg maize husk closes tightly so that the rain will not
SP36 ha-1 + 50 kg KCl ha-1 (50% of RDIF = enter. The P27 was planted with plant spacing of
recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers), T4 =
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
75 cm x 25 cm, 2 seeds hole-1. The plant was To convert the percentage of organic matter (OM)
thined to 1 plant hole-1 at 1 week old so that the into the percentage of carbon in the biomass
total population was 100 plants plot-1 or or 50,000 materials from the LOI method was calculated by
plants ha-1. Weeding, thinning, irrigation and the formula:
pesticide applications were done as and when
necessary. 1
The maize plants were harvested at 110 % C = --------- x % OM ...(Equation 3)
days after planting and the data of biomass and 1.724
carbon weight were collected and calculated
based on the weight of 5 crop samples for each Where:
plots of the treatments. All the samples of fresh %C = carbon contents in the biomass
maize biomass were separated into the roots, % OM = the percentage of biomass lost in the
stalks, grains, leaves, cobs and husks and it was process of LOI
1.724 = conversion factor to convert the
weighed separately. percentage of organic material into
The water content of biomass was the percentage of organic C based
determined by heating the sample in an oven at on the assumption that the organic
a temperature of 70oC for 48 hours. The dry material contain 58% organic C
weight of the biomass was calculated using the (Nelson and Sommers, 1996; Pribyl,
formula: 2010).
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
Table 2. Dry weight of harvested biomass as affected by organic fertilizers at different dose of inorganic
Roots Stalks Leaves Cobs Husks Grains Total biomass
(t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1)
T1 0.23 b 0.39 b 0.36 b 0.25 b 0.19 b 1.34 b 2.77 b
T2 0.18 b 0.34 b 0.37 b 0.24 b 0.17 b 1.15 b 2.46 b
T3 0.69 a 1.29 a 1.02 a 0.93 a 0.69 a 3.69 a 8.31 a
T4 0.66 a 1.15 a 1.14 a 0.99 a 0.79 a 3.88 a 8.61 a
T5 0.71 a 1.10 a 1.06 a 0.92 a 0.79 a 4.10 a 8.68 a
T6 0.73 a 1.09 a 0.98 a 0.99 a 0.91 a 3.85 a 8.56 a
Remarks: Mean followed by the same letter at the same columns is not significantly different (P < 0.05)
Biomas Yield (%)
13.60 12.51
15 10.97
8.00 9.05
Roots Stalks Leaves Cobs Husks Grains
Parts of the Maize Plant
Figure 1. Distribution of maize biomass yields of treated plot with CM and DSM at different dosage of
inorganic fertilizers accompanied with 50-75% of RDIF at Tamanbogo Experimental Farm, East
Lampung (n = 120 plants)
Cattle manure (CM) and DSM application (2010) mentions that the DSM is a high quality
accompanied by NPK fertilizers at dose of 50 and organic fertilizer since the chemical forms of N
75% of RDIF (T3, T4, T5 and T6) could increase and P in residue are easier to be utilized by plants
the weight of each parts of maize plants and the in short time than those in other manure
total biomass significantly (Table 2), so that the management system, such as CM which is
total weight of biomass increased from 2.46-2.77 produced b y dry decomposition process.
t ha-1 to 8.31-8.68 t ha-1. There were no significant Dry weight distribution of P27 biomass
differences weight of each part of maize crop and yields that was treated with 5 t ha-1 of organic
the total biomass between the treatment of 50% fertilizers (CM and DSM) along with inorganic
of RDIF and 75% of RDIF (T3, T4, T5 and T6). fertilizer (NPK) at a dose of 50-75% of RDIF
These results indicated that the optimal biomass showed proportional variation in each part of the
yield with minimum input of inorganic fertilizers plant (Figure 1). Most of the maize biomass was
were gained by the combination of CM or DSM accumulated in the grains (45.87%), while the
with 50% of RDIF (T3 and T5), e.i. 8.31 t ha-1 and rest were spread almost evenly on the roots
8.68 t ha-1. Although between the treatments of (8.00%), stalks (13.60%), leaves (12.51%), cob
T3 and T5 were not significantly different, the (10.97%) and husk (9.05%).
amount of biomass in T5 was higher than T3. Guo
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
Table 4. The carbon fixation in plant biomass as affected by organic fertilizers at different dosage of
inorganic fertilizers
Roots Stalks Leaves Cobs Husks Grains Total
(t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1) (t ha-1)
T1 0.12 b 0.22 b 0.18 b 0.14 b 0.11 b 0.77 b 1.54 b
T2 0.09 b 0.19 b 0.19 b 0.14 b 0.10 b 0.66 b 1.36 b
T3 0.36 a 0.72 a 0.51 a 0.53 a 0.39 a 2.11 a 4.62 a
T4 0.34 a 0.64 a 0.58 a 0.56 a 0.44 a 2.22 a 4.78 a
T5 0.37 a 0.61 a 0.54 a 0.53 a 0.44 a 2.34 a 4.82 a
T6 0.38 a 0.61 a 0.50 a 0.57 a 0.51 a 2.20 a 4.76 a
Remarks: Mean followed by the same letter at the same columns is not significantly different according to Duncans
Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at P < 0.05
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
50 47.07
Carbon Fixation (%)
15 11.43 11.29
10 7.59
Roots Stalks Leaves Cobs Husks Grains
Parts of the Maize Plant
Figure 2. Average distribution of fixed carbon of treated plot with CM and DSM at different dosage of
inorganic fertilizers accompanied with 50-75% of RDIF at Tamanbogo Experimental Farm, East
Lampung (n = 120 plants)
Biomass Yield ( t ha-1)
1 0.80 0.72
0.53 0.66 0.59
Roots Stalks Leaves Cobs Husks Grains Total
Parts of the Maize Plant
Figure 3. Biomass recycling and removal of maize cultivation at Tamanbogo Experimental Farm, East
Lampung District
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
Carbon fixation (t ha-1)
0.45 0.41
0.33 0.33
0.05 0.08
Roots Stems Leaves Cobs Husks Grains Total
Parts of the Maize Plant
Figure 4. The balance between recycled and removed of carbon in maize soil in Tamanbogo Experimental
Farm, East Lampung District
Pioneer 27 produced as much as 6.56 t ha-1 compared to the using of CM or DSM only. The
of biomass, but only 31.9% (2.09 t ha-1) were application of CM or DSM in combination with
returned back to the soil and as much as 68.1% minimum input of inorganic fertilizer (50% of
(4.47 t ha-1) moved out from the farm (Figure 3). RDIF) gave the best total maize biomass (8.31 t
It indicates that the majority of the harvest residue ha-1 and 8.68 t ha-1) and fixed carbon (4.62 t ha-1
were not returned back into the soil to main- and 4.82 t ha-1). Most of the maize biomass
tain/improve soil productivity. Cattle manure (CM) (45.87%) and carbon (47.07%) were accumulated
treatment with a dose of 5 t ha-1 + 50% of RDIF in the grains while the rest were spread almost
(T3) and DSM with a dose of 5 t ha-1 + 50% of evenly on the roots, stalks, leaves, cob and husk.
RDIF (T5) gave the highest grains yield that were The highest concentration of ash in the maize
3.69 t ha-1 and 4.10 t ha-1 respectivelly, but more biomass was in the roots and leaves (11.04% and
than 50% of biomass produced was brough out 12.72%, respectively), but only small proportions
from the farm. were in the maize grains, stalks, cobs and husk.
The research results of carbon fixation by The P27 produced as much as 6.56 t ha-1
P27 in Figure 4 showed that as many as 31.27% of biomass, but only 31.9% (2.09 t ha-1) were
of the carbon produced in P27 maize biomass returned back to the soil and as much as 68.1%
was returned back to the soil, while the remaining (4.47 t ha-1) moved out from the farm.The maize
parts of 68.73% was moved out from the farm. It stalk was the largest biomass returned back to
means that the farm management carried out by the soil while the grain was the largest biomass
the farmers in East Lampung District is not an moved out from the farm. Most of the biomass
efficient carbon farming system. and carbon were removed from maize farming
system and it indicated that carbon balance in
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION maize farming in Lampung was not manage
efficiently. Returning crops residue or manure
The combination of CM or DSM with 50% into the soil may reduce the chemical fertilizer use
and 75% of RDIF were significantly increased the and allow the small farmers minimize their
total maize biomass and carbon fixation production cost.
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
Maswar and Yoyo Soelaeman: Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizer Inputs on Biomass Production...
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