)adpatch ,adctrl,admrgpch
3.)patch zip (driver files)
4.)prereq, bpatchname.ldt,fpatchname.ldt
5.)worker concept,
6.)types of patches
7.)patch options
8.)ad_deferred_jobs/fnd_install_process table
Types of patchings
How do we know we need to apply specific patch and from where we will get this
patch request? -
Functional teams , oracle recommendation and oracle have to provide the patch
System admin -> sysdba privilege -> program name - you want to run once concurrent
program to identify any latest patches need to be applied
raise an SR - rup.sql - when you run this - it will the validation and current
version version of instance and products...
based on that oracle will suggest to apply patches or not...
Before applying the patch, what this patch will do, is this patch any problem or
harm to apply......
until and unless you apply a patch on test environment can't say or confirm
what it is for that reason oracle recommends to apply patch always first
in test environemnt
to identify any issues with that patch, whether issue has been resolved with that
patch, there are some cases like to apply patch in test mode
adpatch test=y/n or adpatch apply=n
Readme.txt -
any prereq patches are there or not to apply and any post patch steps are there or
any other patch options patch maintenance are there or not this all information
will be provided in readme.txt
1.)follow readme.txt
2.) check whether any invalids there are not
3.) check whether that specific patch is applied or not
4.) put the env in maintenance mode by enabling