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Accesion For
F Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
.. Doctor of Philosophy
By witha
Dist: ib:!tion ! wih
Matthew L. Durchholz
\\Ar e94-25408
48 08
Approved by:
a method for assessing the efficiency of decision units through the identification of empir-
ical best-practice frontiers. First, a new hierarchical decomposition approach for solving
large-scale problems is described with results of computational testing in both serial and
parallel environments, that dramatically reduces the solution time for realistic DEA ap-
plications. Second, a new set of models for stratifying and ranking decision units provides
important newer insights into the relationships among the units than what was possible
with traditional frontier analysis. Because of the intensive computational requirements
of these models, their practicality builds on the effectiveness of the hierarchical process.
practitioners and researchers to be more expansive and ambitious in their use of this
important class of models, and will hopefully encourage new and even more exciting
applications of DEA.
DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS ............ ................ 1
3.7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Figure Page
1.1. Total product curve ................ ...................... 7
1.2. Decision-making unit ............... ...................... 9
1.3. Technically efficient DMUs ....... .................... ... 15
4.4. Inefficient DMU expanded sensitivity analysis .... ............ ... 117
A.1. Correlations of multinormal data variables ..... ............. ... 122
Table Page
1.1. Envelopment models . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2. Multiplier models ....... ... ....................... .... 19
1.3. Necessary Amdahl fraction a levels ....... ................ ... 23
2.1. PIONEER solution times on test set A ..... ............... ... 40
2.2. Test problems parallel run times (min.) .... ... .............. ... 45
2.3. Test problems parallel speedups ...... .................. ... 46
2.4. Test problems parallel efficiencies ...... ................. ... 46
2.5. Hierarchical test problem results ......... ................. ... 53
2.6. Bank hierarchical level test problem results ..... ............. ... 55
2.7. Multinormal hierarchical level test problem results .... .......... ... 56
2.8. DEA-GENa hierarchical level test problem results .... .......... ... 57
2.9. DEA-GENb hierarchical level test problem results ... .......... ... 58
2.10. DEA-GENc hierarchical level test problem results ....... .......... 59
2.11. Bank data results - linear programs required ..... ............ ... 61
2.12. Multi-Normal data results - linear programs required ............ ... 62
2.13. DEA-GENa data results - linear programs required ..... .......... 63
2.14. DEA-GENb data results - linear programs required ..... .......... 64
2.15. DEA-GENc data results - linear programs required ............ .... 65
2.16. Non-hierarchical and hierarchical comparisons 8,000 DMU problems . 66
3.1. large data set tiered DEA results ...... ................. ... 81
3.2. Tiered DEA example data ........... .................... 90
3.3. Results of the tiered rank ordering procedure ..... ............ ... 91
The completion of this effort marks the attainment of a goal that I set while I was
an undergraduate student at the United States Air Force Academy. The process that
allowed me to complete this work came about because of the influence and guidance of
many people to whom I am greatly indebted.
My sincere thanks goes to the U.S. Air Force which sponsored all my graduate
education. I am particularly grateful to Colonel Daniel Litwhiler and Colonel Raymond
Franck for making the opportunity to pursue the Ph.D. possible.
edge Dr. Lawrence Seiford who offered support and provided valuable recommendations
which kept my work on schedule.
Without the encouragement of my family and friends, I would not have had the
prayers and emotional support gave me the strength to see this effort through.
Finally, I'm thankful to my love, Leila McLendon (soon to be Durchholz). God has
blessed me with such a wonderful friend during the most intense periods of my research.
I look forward to having her as my wife.
1.1. Overview
In both competitive and regulated markets, measuring the productive efficiency
of firms and industries is important to economic theorists, policy makers, and production
managers. For example, the measurement of productive efficiency before and after
policy changes are enacted on a firm's operations will reveal the effects of those changes.
These measures of efficiency can also assist managers in identifying those portions of the
production process that, if made more efficient, would increase output, without absorbing
more input resources. For private industry, this can allow the competitive firm to increase
market share, effectively translate raw resources to consumable outputs, and pass the
savings on to the customer. For regulated industries, inefficiencies can be revealed and
policy effectiveness measured.
duction process can be a difficult task. Since the measured results of the model de-
pend directly on the behavioral assumptions, the validity of the assumptions must be
scrutinized carefully. Moreover, in practice, policy makers are seldom able to agree on
which factors to include in the model formulation and as different models are employed,.
results can vary greatly. Consequently the results of the mathematical model may not
reflect true economic activity as much as the degree to which they reflect the assumptions
Another limitation of this modeling approach is that there axe few common be-
havioral assumptions that exist across a variety of industries. Therefore, a new complex
mathematical model must be developed for each industrial application. In addition, once
a model is established for an industry, the model may be applicable only to a specific time
for all industries and time frames, proved to be unsatisfactory. Therefore, this approach
Because of the above limitations, other approaches were developed which did not
involve building mathematical models, but centered directly on measuring the efficiency
of a firm by observing the quantity of inputs consumed and the quantity of outputs
produced. Those firms producing more output per unit of input, compared to other firms,
For the case of a single input and a single output this ratio analysis is straightfor-
ward. But for the more common case of a firm with multiple inputs and multiple outputs,
the measurement task becomes more complex. One approach has been to form a variety
of simple ratios and rank the firms using a prioritization of the ratios. Determining
the relevant ratios and assigning the appropriate priority to each proved to be tenuous.
Attempts to aggregate the outputs into a single weighted measure and form a ratio with
aggregated inputs has also been offered. However, no consensus emerged regarding the
1.1.2. Modem Efficiency Measurement
multiple outputs. Based on extensions of ratio analysis, he was able to avoid the index
number problems that characterized previous approaches. Because of the computational
resources available at the time, Farrell restricted his attention to applications involving a
more generalized approach, the Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) method offered an
elegant reformulation and solution procedure for the multiple-output multiple-input case.
Theorists, practitioners, policy makers, and managers now had a means of measuring the
relative efficiency for all firms of interest. This technique is called data envelopment
analysis (DEA). Since the original CCR paper, over 400 articles have been published re-
garding usage and extensions of DEA [80]. This growing acceptance among theoreticians
offers. Surprisingly, with the explosive growth of DEA over the last decade, little has
been written to specifically address the issues concerning the computational aspects of-
DEA models.
is to identify the special structural characteristics associated with the DEA formulations
which, when exploited, can result in significant computational improvements in solution
As newer computer technology is used, these improvements become more relevant.
of Operations Research and Economics, improved computational tools will magnify the
synergism existing in the interdisciplinary nature of DEA, yielding new insights and
expanded applications.
Specifically, this dissertation introduces a parallel programming approach to solve
large-scale DEA problems. Because of their nature, DEA models are ideal candidates
for exploiting the relatively new parallel computing machinery. During the process of
adapting DEA to this new technology, new insights into the DEA problems were realized.
This dissertation will identify improvements that can be made to all DEA codes (both
serial and parallel), answer problematic concerns that have been revealed in DEA, and
present new approaches for DEA analysis that are possible with the new computationally
efficient codes.
In addition, a new DEA model is presented for grouping and rank ordering the
firm's operations and accounting for possible outliers in the data. Also, a new approach-
to DEA sensitivity analysis helps paint a picture of the robustness of the operations of a
particular evaluation unit. Both of these advances build upon the gains realized in the
computational research.
Because the DEA measure of efficiency is derived from the solution of a math-
ematical programming model, a description of the notation and conventions which will
be used throughout this dissertation is necessary. As much as possible, these notations
will conform to the standard emerging in the DEA literature. Matrices are denote
bold upper case Latin letters. The jth column of the matrix X is denoted by Xj anG
element in the ith row and jth column is described as xij. Small Greek and Latin bold
letters represent vectors; the ith element of vector A is given by AX.The Greek letter e is
an arbitrarily small positive non-Archimedean scalar value, i.e., the value is not explicitly
defined. The vector of all zeroes is denoted by 0. The vector of all ones is denoted as
1. Surplus and slack vectors of the linear programming problems will be denoted by a.
Superscripts will denote the constraints to which the surplus or slack variables are to be
associated. Scalars are denoted by small italicized Latin and Greek letters. Subscripts on
scalars are used to distinguish two or more variables that share common characteristics
in the problem but assume different values. Any variable superscripted by `*"(e.g., z*),
represents the value the variable takes on as part of the optimal solution for the stated
problem. All vectors and matrices are treated in a manner such that the dimensions
subscripts and superscripts may uniquely identify a set described within a given context.
Elements of those sets are denoted by small Latin letters with appropriate superscripts
measure of how well a firm succeeds in producing as much of its outputs as possible for
a given amount of its inputs is called the efficiency of operations for that firm. But what
based on a mathematical model, by which all firms will be evaluated. The shortcomings
measure a firm's performance relative to other firms which are producing like outputs
using the same type of inputs. Of course, the quantity of outputs produced as well as
the amount of inputs consumed in the production process will vary from firm to firm.
It is precisely this variation that will indicate a firm's relative efficiency compared to its
Data envelopment analysis identifies: those firms producing the most output for
a given amount of input and those firms consuming the least input to produce a given
level of output. Figure 1.1 depi,;ts the performance of a group of firms (each shown as a
point in the scatter diagram) that produce one type of output and consume one type of
input. The efficient firms are termed technically efficient and form an upper boundary by
which the remaining inefficient firms are compared. 1 This empirically derived boundary,
J ....- Jinefficient
together with the connecting line segments, is called the efficient frontier or efficient
production surface.
Because DEA identifies technical efficiency in general terms of quantities of out-
puts and inputs, the methodology can be applied to competitive firms, regulated firms,
and nonprofit organizations. This broad applicability contributes to the growing use
of DEA. However, the approach also has shortcomings. First of all, the technically
efficient subset of firms under analysis may not be very effectie in translating inputs
into outputs. Most would agree that a firm engaged in a poor production process, even
though performing better than contemporaries, should still not be considered "effective."
Farrell [51], as well as Charnes and Cooper [31], recognized this shortcoming and state
dearly that the resulting DEA measure concerns relative efficiency while the question of
effectiveness, or absolute efficiency, remains with the policy makers and analysts.
However, the attractiveness of DEA is that it compares performance with the
best actually achieved rather than some unattainable ideal. If one is concerned with
the question of effectiveness, DEA could first be used to identify the technically efficient
firms. The analyst could then limit the scope to these firms to address the question of
is desired, the analyst may limit the scope only to the best performing firms from
which to build the model. Consequently, DEA can be of value in legitimizing a given
parametric approach. For the case where prices are not available for either the outputs or
the inputs (e.g., improvement in test scores for elementary school students participating
efficiency. However, for cases where prices, costs, measures of quality, etc., are available,
DEA can still be useful in developing alternate measures of efficiency which use this
additional data.
Because the economic term firm offers the connotation of for-profit organizations,
a more general definition is used in DEA literature. Since each organization must decide
how best to transform available inputs into desired outputs, each organization will be
If the set N = {1, 2,... , n} is the index set of DMUs being compared, we may
efficient if Ej = z = mac{E}, thus having the highest output-to-input ratio. For the
case of multiple inputs and/or multiple outputs, Ej can be defined in a manner similar
The production process for DMUs with two inputs and one output can be viewed
as in Figure 1.2. The definition of efficiency can be extended to the case of two inputs
and one output
utpt ne bby re-defining
and redefnin E, tj = V1 J
VlXlj+V2X2j where vq represents a weighting factor
for input q. The efficient DMUs are determined as before and result in the greatest ratio
ber of inputs and outputs. If R = {1,... , s} is an ordered index set of s outputs and
Input x,
Production Output Yl
Input x2 Process
Q .1,..., m} is an ordered index set of q inputs, then the efficiency for DMUj,j E N,
can be defined as:
- UrYlrj
E- rER
Z VqXqj
An alternate approach, presented by Farrell, avoids this problem. If the efficient
DMUs were known, the weights could be defined so that Ej would equal 1 for all efficient
DMUs and would be less than 1 for all inefficient DMUs. Consequently, the problem of
finding the relative technical efficiency measure for a given decision making unit, DMUo,
can therefore be described as:
max z E (1.1)
s.t. Ej ,1 jEN (1.2)
gramming problem must be Slved n times, once for each DMU of the set. The computa-
tional requirements to solve the fractional programming problem- at least in this form
The work of Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes [37,38] transformed Farrell's nonlinear
fractional programming problem for determining Ej into a linear programming problem.
The computational advantages that the linear programming formulation offered made it
possible to solve for the efficiency of DMUs with many inputs and outputs. The new
formulation to find Ej has become known as the CCR Multiplier Model 2 and is written
vX 0 =1 (1.7)
)A_ 61 (1.8)
v > 61 (1.9)
In this model, let there be n DMUs with X = [X 1 ,..., Xn] and Y = [Y 1,...,yn].
Vectors Xj, Yj denote the observed data where, Xj = (xlj,. .. , xmj) is a column vector
of observed inputs and Yj = (ylj,. . . , Ysj) is a column vector of observed outputs for each
DMU. In this model, 1A is the vector of multiplier weights applied to the outputs and v
the multiplier weights applied to the inputs. To insure that the multipliers remain strictly
positive, a non-Archimedean scalar, e, is used in constraints (1.8) and (1.9). Each DMUj
is assumed to have the same inputs and outputs but in varying amounts. Originally, all
observed inputs and outputs were assumed to be strictly positive. Later, it was shown
[421 that the CCR multiplier model holds for inputs and outputs that are strictly non-
An attractive feature of this linear programming formulation, consistent with
to identify the efficiency of a DMU. Here, the maximization problem finds the most
favorable weights possible for DMUo while satisfying all constraints. As a result, the
weights, A*and v*, are found to make DMUo look as efficient as possible while insuring
that the ratio * r
*= , v*xij for all other DMUs never exceeds one. The
normalization constraint aXo = 1 (1.7) linearizes Farrel's objective function and, with
(1.6), insures that the optimal objective function value, z*, never exceeds 1. Indeed
optimal solutions to the problem will find 0 < z* < 1 with efficient DMUs indicated by
the non-Archimedean term, a particular DMUo could have an optimal objective value
z* = 1 with one or more of the multipliers equal to zero, indicating DMUo is relatively
efficient if one or more of the positive input or output variables are ignored. In this case,
the DMU will be on the efficient frontier but may not be Pareto-Koopmans efficient [42].
For example, let the inputs of DMUo consist of Xo > 0 and the outputs result in Yo > 0.
DMUo is inefficient relative to DMUo because both DMUs produce the identical levels
of output but DMUo consumes less of one input. DMUo cannot be Pareto-Koopmans
efficient if, while maintaining the same levels of all outputs, the production possibility
set allows for a decrease of an input while holding all other input levels constant. A
similar example can be constructed when one of the multipliers of an output variable is
equal to zero at optimality. A DMUo with z* = 1 but with at least one multiplier, g,
or vi*', equal to zero in all alternate solutions is termed "weakly efficient" by Charnes,
Cooper, and Thrall [42].
Ofree (1.14)
where 80 and 8i are the slacks associated with the output and input constraints, respec-
tively. This is the most widely discussed DEA formulation in current literature. Even
though the CCR multiplier and envelopment models yield equivalent optimal objective
values, the envelopment model is more efficient, computationally, because of the smaller
number of constraints. 3
3With the envelopment model, the number of constraints equals the number of
outputs and inputs observed for each DMU. The number of variables equals the number
The non-Archimedean term, e, of the CCR models poses a problem. In theory,
this term is denoted by an arbitrarily small positive value; in practice though, it must be
explicitly defined. Ali and Seiford [9] show that the choice of e can dramatically effect
the solution of problems and produce erroneous efficiency scores. This concern can be
overcome as described in the next section.
OX0 - Xx - si = 0 (1.17)
Ofree (1.19)
s.t. YX - 80 = Yo (1.21)
OX0- XA - si = 0 (1.22)
0=0* (1.23)
o free (1.25)
DMU is efficient if and only if 0* = 1, 80* = 0, si* = 0 for the problem above [3,9,31,52].
Otherwise, a weakly efficient DMU would have 0* = 1 and at least one positive slack
[33], or a DMU with 0* < 1 would be inefficient with 0* measuring the extent of the
The non-Archimedean constant has been removed from the problem formulation
but at a possible computational cost of solving an additional linear program for each
DMU during the two-stage approach. 4 Later, this paper will show how the computational
costs of this approach can be minimized to achieve the benefit of eliminating the non-
Archimedean term.
The above efficiency measures all share a common shortcoming: they only ac-
count for constant returns to scale. As a result, only a subset of the DMUs on the
efficient production surface may be revealed. This can best be seen by means of an
illustration. Figure 1.3 depicts the case of a collection of DMUs, each with a single
DMUb, and DMUc exhibit constant returns to scale. In economics terms, these are the
DMUs that result in the greatest average product and represent the most productive
scale size in terms of the level of output produced. 5 The points which exhibit constant
returns to scale on the production surface can be found by drawing a line through the
origin which is tangent to the production surface. The other points on the production
4 Just as the so-called "Big M" value is not explicitly defined in the "Phase I-
II' approach to solving linear programming problems, IDEAS uses a two-stage process
to circumvent the need to explicitly define E.
5 Banker specifically identifies relationships between the most productive scale
size and DEA in his 1984 paper [101.
j o//
surface, ara technically efficient, but are not scale efficient at the most-productive scale
size. Technical efficiency implies that for a given level of output, the efficient DMUs
If constant scale efficiency implies a most-productive scale size, how can DMUb
and DMUc both exhibit constant returns when they produce different levels of outputs?
Even though DMUb, and DMUc produce different levels of output, the amount of the
the two DMUs are called scale equivalent. DMUd and DMUe represent decreasing returns
to scale compared to the most productive scale-efficient DMUs because they consume
more input, but produce less than a proportional increase in output. Moving from
DMU. to the most productive scale efficient DMUs represents increasing returns to sca'
because the percentage increase in the amount of output produced exceeds the percentage
Consequently, extensions to the CCR data envelopment analysis measure were developed
to identify all technically efficient DMUs.
Farrell and Fieldhouse 152] noticed this limitation to the Farrell measure in 1962.
They presented a "grouping method" to account for increasing and decreasing returns to
scale. In this methodology, DMUs with similar input and output amounts were grouped
together and efficiency scores determined with respect to the other DMUs within the
particular group. This method never gained wide acceptance, and in the case of multiple
outputs and multiple inputs, the process became too complex and unreliable.
In 1984, Banker, Charnes, and Cooper [11] successfully modified the original CCR
envelopment formulation to allow for "variable returns to scale. The BCC input-oriented
s.t. YA - 8 = Yo (1.27)
OX0 - XA - s8 = 0 (1.28)
1A = 1 (1.29)
A, 8 , SO > 0 (1.30)
0 free (1.31)
In their paper, Banker, Charnes, and Cooper, show how this new formulation
reveals the entire efficient production surface and all technically efficient DMUs. 6 In a
sense, the additional constraint automatically groups DMUs with similar output levels
and determines the appropriate efficiency score. For inefficient DMUf in Figure 1.3, the
efficiency score will be less than 1. The overall efficient score found by the CCR model
will be calculated as the ratio of the lengths of the line segments W t . In a like manner
the technical efficiency score, found by the BCC model, will be L-. The scale efficient
LM can be found by dividing the CCR result by the BCC result. Obviously,
measure, 1W,
if a DMU is both scale and technically efficient, the efficiency measure will be 1 in both
cases. Notice that for some DMUs, such as DMUg, the scale and technical inefficiency
scores will be identical. In other cases, such as DMUd, the DMU will be technically
efficient but not scale efficient. Therefore, to determine the technical, scale, and overall
efficiency, two linear programs, the CCR and the BCC models, must be solved for each
that is, the efficient DMUs are discovered by observing an output level and identifying
the DMU that consumes the least input. Inefficient DMUs are projected onto the
efficient surface by proportionally reducing all inputs while holding output constant. The
projection distance yields the efficiency score.
However, a different perspective can be accomplished by viewing efficiency from
DMUs of the input-oriented model will be the reciprocals of the scores for the output-
oriented model. Seiford and Thrall [81] present a generalization of the BCC and CCR
models with input- and output-oriented schemes and define models with non-decreasing
returns to scale (NDRS) and non-increasing returns to scale (NIRS). Table 1.1 anid Table
eight linear programs must be solved. This involves identifying the scale and technical
efficiency measures for both the input- and output-oriented models using the two-phase
approach of the IDEAS model. Other variations of these models have been developed
which further increase the computational complexity of determining the DEA efficiency
have not been addressed in the literature. This research explores parallel processing as a
means of approaching these challenging problems. The next section presents an overview
of the salient concepts associated with parallel programming as a background for this
A relatively new and expanding field that offers great promise for solving difficult
large-scale problems is application-level parallel processing. Computational gains can be
achieved in a multitasking setting where the power of multiple processing elements act
concurrently to find the solution for a single problem. It is important to distinguish the
Table 1. 1. - Envelopment models
CGRV mai {6j - 6(1.8' +18 0 )IYA - ' jOjXj - XA - 8'=0}
BCCj, mun {O, - C(l8, + is') IYA - 8'= Yj, OX - XA - 8 = Ol A =1}
NDRSj: min 1jO c(18i+ laO)IY,\- o =Yj jXj- XA-8' =O0,1A > 11
e(lsi + 18)IYA -s 0 OjXj-XA\-s t =0,1A\<1}
NIRSj nun {B - =Y
CCRj' min {~j + E(l8ss+la)IXA\+ 8i = j, 0y, - 'A + 80 =01
BCCj' min {10j + C(lsi + 180)IXA + 8i = Xj jj- 'A + 80 =0, 1A = 0}
NDRSj': nid {q~j + e(l.9 + 180)IXA\ + 8 = xj j- Yx+ so = 0,1ix 0}
NIRSj* min {kj, +(ls + 1s 0 )IXA\+ '= Xj,oj1',-YA\+s 0 =0,1AO5}
ADD 3 min {-1s'-- 180YA - 0 =Yj, -Xx - 8i= -xi,,ix1}
UC--Rj' maxfZ = gh~MY - VX <0;I'Xj = 1; JA , V >ell
BC max{z = tYj + u*AY - vX +u*1 <_0; vX = 1;IA El, v >e, u* free}
7Ti.maX{z=IAYj+u*IPAY-VX+u*1 0;vX,= 1;1A Ely,>e1,u* !01
CC minfz = vXI&Y - vX<0,MYj = 1,I >el, >el}
The basic premise in multitasking in a parallel environment is that, for any
correct solution. If these tasks can be scheduled for simultaneous execution on multiple
processors, opportunities exist for achieving dramatic reductions in solution times. This
fundamental motivation for parallel programming suggests great performance gains can
be made using new hardware technology if the work can be decomposed effectively.
are possible for many applications in a parallel setting, outstanding results occur only
for a much smaller set of problems. To achieve outstanding results, the majority of
steps of the algorithm must be done in parallel, and the algorithm must closely match
the architect, ,re of the underlying machine. As a result, advances in algorithm perfor-
mance are tied to how well they can exploit the computing machinery. As advances
hardware, insights into computational aspects of the problem can be gained as the new
algorithms are developed. These problem insights can be useful both to the parallel and
serial environments. Therefore, even though the challenge to achieve outstanding gains
through parallel programming may seem formidable, the challenge also has the potential
to provide new insights into the solution process that may otherwise go unnoticed.
accomplish a given task concerning a given set of data [20]. To measure the impact of
parallel performance.
the real time to solve a particular problem. Such improvement permits existing prob-
lems to be solved faster, and may render solvable problems whose dimensions exceed
traditional computational capacities. Regardless of the motivation, a measure is needed
to reflect the computational improvement offered by the parallel algorithm over a serial
algorithm to accomplish the same task.
Speedup, of which there are several definitions [201, is the most common measure
version of the algorithm to the time using the parallel version of the same algorithm with
p processors on the same machine [62]. In the development of any parallel algorithm, a
design objective is to use all resources efficiently to achieve linear speedup where S(p) = p.
The possibility of achieving superlinear speedup, S(p) > p, is open for debate [201.
Many factors determine the speedup potential for any parallel algorithm. In 1967,
G.M. Amdahl formulated a law describing the maximum possible speedup on a parallel
s(p) < a + (I1- a,)/p
where S(p) represents speedup using p processors, and a is the fraction of code that must
be run in serial (i.e., is not parallelizable). From the law we can see
lim S(p)< -.
p-o0 a
Therefore, according to Amdahl's law, linear speedup may only be possible when a small
portion of the programming steps is restricted to the serial case.
Figure 1.4 depicts the maximum-attainable speedup, according to Amdahl's law,
for various ranges of p and a. This illustrates the inherent difficulty of achieving linear
-0 20
10 p
5 d
V 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Serial Fraction, a
speedup. It becomes obvious, that the achievement of linear speedup as the number of
mine the performance of the parallel algorithm, reflecting speedup normalized by the
number of processors. An efficiency of 1 reflects linear speedup; a value less than 1 is the
Table 1.3 reveals the different values of a that are necessary to achieve a given
level of efficiency for various number of processors. This table underscores the difficulty of
achieving linear speedup, which rises proportionately with the number of processors used.
With more processors, the fraction of tasks that require serial implementation must be
very small. However, as Amdahl noticed, the fraction, a often depends on the problem
size. If n measures problem size, then a(n) --+ 0 as n --+ oo since, for many problems, the
amount of work to be done in serial is at a fixed level regardless of problem size. This
fixed amount of work becomes negligible for large problem sizes. As a result, for a fixed
Table 1.3.- Necessary Amdahl fraction a levels
Number of Efficiency
processors .8 .9 .95 .99
5 .0625 .0278 .0132 .0025
10 .0278 .0123 .0058 .0011
15 .0179 .0079 .0038 .0007
20 .0132 .0058 .0028 .0005
p, S(p) -* p as n --. oo. Consequently, linear speedup may be possible for large, highly
decomposable problems.
When approaching a problem for parallel implementation, the designer must in-
sure the algorithm takes into account the advantages of the specific hardware on which
the algorithm will be executed. Unlike single-processor machines, where serial algorithms
will execute in a more or less common fashion across many different types of computers,
the parallel implementation must be tailored to the specific hardware. Parallel architec-
tures take on many different configurations, each offering its own unique set of advantages
and disadvantages. Consequently, an algorithm designed for a particular parallel machine
may be completely inappropriate for another type of parallel computer. In 1972 Flynn
[56) offered a classification scheme for all types of parallel computers. The four classifi-
cations are dependent on the type of instruction stream and data stream the computer
is capable of controlling. The instruction stream is the sequence of programming steps
carried out on the computer to arrive at a solution to the problem. The objects on which
the instructions act are called the data stream. The single-instruction, single-data (SISD)
computers are the traditional uniprocessor computers which range from a personal com-
puter to the Cray-1 supercomputer. The single-instruction, multiple-data computers
the same instruction sequences on different sets of data. The best-known machine in
this category is the Connection Machine (models CM-1 and CM-2) that contains up to
single-data (MISD) computers. The most common parallel architecture is the multiple-
Both the SIMD and MIMD architectures require communication between the
processors to insure integrity of the solution procedure. The communication can accur
tightly coupled, design offers the advantage of minimal communication overhead and
simplified programming, but the bus bandwidth limits the number of processors. With
tightly coupled shared memory, each processor takes the same amount of time to access
a particular memory location. Although distributed processing systems pose few limits
on the number of processors, they have higher communication overhead and require more
All computational testing for this research was conducted on a tightly coupled
ured with 20 Intel 80386 processors and Weitek numeric coprocessors and 32 megabytes
of sharable memory. A Unix operating system is used to schedule the parallel tasks.
a balance of computational load across all processors. The overall goal of the use of
Several approaches exist in parallel programming to distribute the work load
among the processors. The two primary methods of performing parallel operations are
functional partitioning and data partitioning [751. The two may be used separately or
the various processors perform different functions on the same data set to complete the
problem. An analogy of this process can be made with the construction of a house.
Several tasks are needed to complete the structure. The foundation must be poured,
framing done, plumbing and electrical work completed, dry wall hung, bricks laid, and
the finished work painted. While some tasks depend on the completion of others, many
can be done concurrently. In the this case, the electricians play the role of one processor,
the plumbers another, etc. each operating differently on different aspects of the data set,
the house.
be conducted on uifferent parts of the data. Again, analogies can be drawn with the
construction of the house. As with multiple processors, multiple bricklayers can work
together to either complete a single wall or multiple walls faster than a single worker.
Again, for successful completion, communication must occur between the different pro-
limit useful speedup because of the added time for synchronization and communication
between processors. Additionally, load imbalances can occur where some processors wait
for others to complete their assigned work. In the DEA study reported here, data
Once a functional-partitioning or data-partitioning approach is chosen, a decision
must be made on how to schedule the tasks on the available processors. Two methods
of scheduling the jobs are pre-scheduling and self-scheduling [75]. With pre-scheduling,
the distribution of work across the processors is set prior to compilation and requires
little overhead. This type of scheduling is ideal when the tasks require the same amount
of time. If the tasks require differing amounts of time, the workload could be severely
imbalanced across the processors. A second method to schedule the tasks is known as
self-scheduling or dynamic scheduling. This method allows each processor to schedule its
own tasks at run time by selecting work from a task queue; once the task is completed,
the processor returns to the queue to acquire additional work. The overhead of coordi-
nating the tasks and maintaining the work queue is more time consuming than with the
all processors. For the DEA code described herein, the self-scheduling approach was used
since tasks required varying amounts of time, and workload balance was a high priority
1.6. Objectives
a new computational approach for solving large scale problems is described, with testing
presented for both serial and parallel environments. Second, a new DEA modeling and
evaluation scheme is presented that gives deeper insights into the relationships among
the decision-making units than traditional analysis. Finally, a new means of assessing
the robustness of a decision-unit's efficiency is given which spans all current models. All
of the new models described can build on the computational advances to make practical
introduced and the solution to previously unsolvable problems will be analyzed. The
DEA by first isolating the efficient DMUs and then determining the DEA scores for the
inefficient DMUs. The new approach requires fewer computing resources and improves
solution time by one to two orders of magnitude for large-scale DEA applications. The
hierarchical approach also reduces the need to duplicate effort when solving variations
of the DEA models on the same set of data. This opens the door to a new range of
ing DMUs as discussed in Chapter III. This approach may be useful to managers by
providing a different "picture" of the efficient surface and sublayers. This will allow
managers to observe more options for improving production techniques by striving not
only for improved efficiency scores, but by improving its rank order among competitors.
The approach will also demonstrate how outliers, which may distort the DEA efficiency
develop a picture for the robustness of the operations of a particular DMU. The moti-
vation for the chapter resulted from the need to know how much the use of inputs and
production of outputs can change before a DMU changes its efficiency status.
Chapter V closes with observations and conclusions drawn from this research
effort. Future research directions are discussed along with a summary of the advances
methodology for assessing the relative efficiency of comparable production and other
decision-making units. As such, it has evolved into an approach to evaluating certain
types of data sets: namely, those that can be viewed as emanating from a (economic)
production function. The range of applicability turns out to be a wide one and, while
programs, many practitioners and researchers assume that the repeated use of standard
linear programming codes is sufficient for an analysis. Unfortunately this is not the
case. Specialized codes are needed to correctly handle the preemptive prioritized multiple
objectives (reflecting the models' non-Archimedian infinitesimal) and to coordinate and
expedite the solution of the large number of related linear programs.
The state of the art for DEA codes has also been limited in the size of data sets
that can be evaluated in a reasonable time: typically in the hundreds of data points.
(Codes that handle 1,000 observations have been reported, but run times can be on the
order of days [5].) This st .idy was motivated by large applications we have encountered:
franchise analysis (e.g., over 8,000 McDonald's restaurants, 6,500 Century 21 real-estate
offices, and approximately 5,000 H&R Block tax-preparation service centers), the Federal
Reserve Bank's efficiency study of 8,742 U.S. banks, a V.A. study of over 20,000 hospi-
tals, and U.S. Postal Service evaluations of over 30,000 branches. These problem sizes
This chapter describes a new code for solving large-scale DEA problems in a
report on its ability to exploit parallel processing to further accelerate solution time. We
also introduce a new decomposition algorithm that streamlines the solution of problem
sets and provide in-depth computational testing of the code on small- and large-scale
Key to the development of software for putting DEA into practice are the math-
computational gain. We now briefly summarize relevant DEA concepts, describe efficient
units. A decision-making unit (DMU) is any organization, process, or other entity that
uses a set of resources (inputs) to produce a set of products or services (outputs). All
DEA models have the same data requirements: for each DMU j, a nonegative observed
value for each of the s outputs (Y,) and m inputs (Xj), with at least one positive input
and output.
ysis: the ratio of the weighted total output produced to the total input consumed, or
IAYj/vXj. For each DMU in the analysis there is associated a separate linear program
which determines such an efficiency ratio 0, where 0 < 0 <- 1 is typically implied.
The various DEA models separate the set of n DMUs (D) into efficient (E*) and
inefficient (1*) sets. A DMU is efficient if 0 = 1, a* = 0, and 80 = 0. Mathematically, the
members of E* are extreme points, extreme rays, or lie on a convex surface which, when
taken with their associated facets, form a piecewise-linear empirical production surface,
or efficient frontier. Managerially, these units exhibit best practice of transformational
and the observation lies within, not on, the efficient frontier. In this case, the unit
uses more input for the same level of output (or produces lower output for the same
level of input) as another unit, or some combination of units. For each DMU d E P*,
the corresponding linear program's solution suggests a set of inputs and outputs that
would make d efficient. This virtual DMU is obtained by a projection (not necessarily
orthogonal) onto the efficient frontier, and is expressed as a linear combination of d's
reference set. The reference set contains those efficient DMUs with which d is being
directly compared. The virtual DMU's inputs and outputs are determined as k = YA*
and Xi - XA*.
Although there are many formulations of DEA models (see Table 1.1 and Table
1.2), the useful results in each case are similar in nature and are to be determined in
practice by a DEA code. A complete data envelopment analysis produces, for each
DMU: (1) its efficiency score, 0; (2) a set of weights, JA and V, for the outputs and
inputs, respectively; and, for inefficient units, (3) values for the slack variables sO and
si, (4) a set of reference DMUs, and (5) values for A, from which a virtual DMU can be
computed. In the next section, we describe some of the techniques that have been used
to expedite the calculation of these items.
2.1.2. Survey of Efficiency Techniques
the index set of DMUs; B (BT-) is the set of basic (nonbasic) variables associated with
and 3.* are the values of 0, a, and si, respectively, in B;; Aj = {i E DIAi E Bj} ; A- is
For each DEA model (CCR, BCC, Additive), either the envelopment or the mul-
tiplier forms may be used to compute solutions. Since typically (s + m) < n, there will
be fewer constraints and a smaller basis inverse to be maintained with the envelopment
form, used by virtually all DEA codes. This results in (n + s + m) variables and (s + m)
or (s + m + 1) constraints.
Since the number and difficulty of pivots in a linear program grows more rapidly
in the number of constraints than in the number of variables, this choice of the envelop-
ment model becomes an increasingly favorable one as the size of the data set expands.
This advantage can be further exploited as the analysis reveals the memberships of E*
and I*.
Proof. (CCR version) Let the optimal solution to the primal (envelopment) problem
have a set of basic variables B*. As shown in 141], B* must contain at least one Aj > 0,
multiplier set has been found for which the dual LP associated with DMU, would result
This theorem holds for all standard DEA models and has many consequences
members of E, if values of the weights and slacks are not needed; (2) near-optimal
advanced starting solutions for known efficient DMUs; and (3) pricing strategies that
give priority to members of E. The use of observation 1 can reduce the number of linear
In software implementations, the status of each DMUj, and its associated A,, can
the reference set, if DMUj is inefficient, or from degenerate basic variables, if DMU, is
Proof. Let z* be the optimal solution to the DEA linear programming problem for
variables. Let i E N with Ai = 0. By letting Ai enter the basis, z* does not change in
This corollary supports an extended search for members of E associated with
the nonbasic variables. Our experience is that there are often a substantial number of
alternate optimal solutions and nonbasic variables with zero reduced costs.
optimal basis corresponds to an efficient DMUj, we need only consider those variables
associated with D-I when pricing. This was publically reported by the authors in [18,191
but discovered independently by Ali and published in (6]. This computationally powerful
finding permits continual restriction of the pricing operation; as inefficient DMUs are
identified, their corresponding decision variables are dropped from subsequent problems.
This narrowing of focus to the D - I set has a ratchet-like effect on the size
of the linear programs being solved. As the membership of I increases, the effective
sizes of unsolved subproblems (in terms of number of variables) become progressively
smaller as well. Hence the "later" subproblems in a series tend to solve more quickly
than the "earlier" ones. As will be shown, this has a dramatic impact on the solution
effort required, especially on large-scale problems.
entry into the solution, and repeatedly selecting incoming variables from the list (re-
pricing members between pivots) before replenishing with fresh candidates.
This mechanism may be specialized to the structure of data envelopment analyses
as well. First, the restricted basis entry procedure eliminates from consideration variables
associated with I. Further, priority for list inclusion can be given to members of E over
U, since any basis will contain only slacks and members of E* (61.
Note that if DMUj is efficient, the optimal basic solution for the envelopment
model can be comprised of 0 = Aj = 1, with all other variables equal to zero. Ac-
as when the minimum ratio is zero. When such degeneracy exists, so does the possi-
bility of cycling, or a repetitioD of bases for the same extreme point solution leading
experience indicates that cycling in DEA codes is not only prevalent but likely, in the
Various methods have been proposed for the avoidance of cycling within the
130], perturbation [301, and Bland's rule [26J--can be computationally demanding and
hence are usually invoked only under certain conditions. Some researchers support
the use of lexicographic ordering in order to avoid a temporary stalling of the solution
process, noting a substantial decrease in the number of pivots when employed 146]. Ali
(61 proposes a specialized ratio test that gives preference to A variables over slacks when
breaking ties for zero minimum ratios, and yields decreases in the number of pivots and
Our experience indicates that, for many problems, simple scaling of the problem
in lowering the incidence of stalling and cycling 150,64,83). In those cases where a lack
of progress is detected, the invocation of the lexicographic ordering procedure quickly
(e.g., 10-6). Unfortunately, the effect for CCR and BCC models was to make the
results of any analysis dependent on the value chosen, leading to incorrect results in
many cases [9].
More recently, algorithmic changes have been proposed to avoid such data depen-
dencies and ensure correctness of envelopment analyses. Specifically, the CCR and BCC
objective functions are recast in a preemptive priority form: minimize P10 + P2(-18i
ls). Proposed implementation schemes include two-stage optimization [3], and a multi-
objective pricing form of the simplex method [46]. This approach appears to have re-
solved the infinitesimal issue in the DEA community.
I and E prior to the application of optimization. Also, in some instances, the likelihood
of encountering efficient or inefficient units early in the solution process can be increased
when DMUs are processed in a particular order.
As shown in [6], DMUi is inefficient if it is dominated by any DMUj, that is if
Xj _5X 2 and Yj >_ Y,. In the BCC and additive models, DMUj is efficient if one of
its outputs (inputs) has a unique maximum (minimum) value, or it has the largest ratio
Oj = Iy/1xj.
Processing DMUs in Oj order is reported to identify members of E* earlier than
random order. This may be helpful, especially when the number of efficient DMUs is
ated with E* or I* in the early part of the process, since solutions to inefficient DMU
subproblems tend to reveal more members of E* than the solutions to efficient DMUs,
and subproblems for members of E* tend to be more degenerate and are more prone to
In many algorithms that involve the solution of a series of related linear programs,
or subproblems, the use of reoptimization can lead to substantial time savings. This is
accomplished by using B* as an initial basic feasible solution for the LP associated with
function or right-hand-side values) but otherwise have the same mathematical structure.
on the mathematical "closeness" of the two solution points, B* and B. Ali 171 suggests
We have developed and tested PIONEER, a new DEA code which embodies most
of the above efficiency techniques. The objective was to build a flexible research code for
portable, reliable, and widely used Fortran subroutines for the solution of linear pro-
grams using the primal and dual simplex methods 1701. The LP basis is maintained
in LU-factorized form with pivoting routines from the Harwell library. The availability
of source code permitted customization of algorithmic steps for DEA problems, and
the clean, documented, modularized design of the routines provided a flexibility that
supported and simplified experimentation.
Anti-cycling logic was added to the XMP ratio test. While the aforementioned
data scaling procedure substantially reduced the incidence of stalling, lexicographic or-
dering is invoked when lack of progress is detected.
The PIONEER code implements all varieties of DEA models described in 181]:
CCR, BCC, and additive with both input and output orientations and two variable-
returns-to-scale models allowing for either increasing or decreasing returns to scale. All
of the efficiency techniques in Section 1.2 are employed, except for preprocessing and
reoptimization. (Our testing showed that reoptimization was of uneven value--sometimes
reducing, sometimes increasing, run times-hence was not used in the final testing.) The
candidate list is not prioritized, and the two-stage optimization approach to the non-
Archimedean infinitesimal issue is employed.
Auxiliary data structures maintain the E, I, or U status of each DMU, as indicated
It should be noted that while the XMP data structures are designed for sparse
problems, DEA subproblems are almost totally dense. This results in an unnecessary
processing overhead in the current implementation that can be eliminated with recoding.
Hence the execution times reported in this paper should be considered worst case, or
enhancements, a series of test runs were made on medium- and large-scale problems.
Testing with and without individual efficiency techniques lent insight into their impact
on solution speed.
the open literature, of primary interest was its effectiveness on large-scale problem sets.
For testing purposes, real life data, randomly generated data, and data based on the
economic Cobb-Douglas functional form were employed.
First, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas provided a data set of 8,742 banks
from its Southwest district, with variables consisting of the six inputs and three outputs
described in [20,211. This challenging problem from industry was clearly beyond the
state of the art of DEA codes, and was a prime motivator for this research. Testing was
performed on smaller subsets by selecting the first n observations from the unordered file.
Randomly generated observations from a multinormal population provided a sec-
ond source of test data. Using the DRNMVN routine from the IMSL library and the
procedures given in Appendix A, large data sets could be easily created. The variables
were partitioned into 3 inputs and 4 outputs so as to observe positive correlations be-
Appendix B, the program gives the user a measure of control over the proportion of
efficient points, and creates data sets that more closely approximate realistic economic
processes than the multinormal generator.
Symmetry S81B with 32MB of internal storage and processing units consisting of 16-MHz
Intel 80386s with Weitek coprocessors. The software is written entirely in Fortran and
executed under Dynix 3.0.12, a BSD-Unix-based operating system. While the processors
are rated at 4 million operations per second, in terms of current technology they are
equivalent to relatively slow personal computers.
solution times reported below are "wall-clock" times, or elapsed real execution times,
exclusive of problem input and output on the Sequent Symmetry. Unsolved subproblems
associated with members of E (as determined by Step 2d) were bypassed.
Table 2.1 describes test set A, which was made up of banking, multinormal, and
DEA-GEN problems. Three problems from Federal Reserve banking data were examined:
the first 1,000, the first 2,000, and the first 8,000 DMUs of the 8,742-bank data set. Two
multinormal data sets, for n = 1,000 and n = 2,000 were generated using the variance-
covariance matrix and procedures given in Appendix B. Six problems, with n = 1,000
and n = 2,000, were created using DEA-GEN and the parameters given in Appendix C.
Table 2.1.-- PIONEER solution times on test set A
Solution times for these problems with the PIONEER code and the CCR model are given
in Table 2.1.
The code was run using the CCR0 model with and without the use of restricted
basis entry (RBE) and early identification of efficient units (EIE) to examine its impact
on solution time, as shown in Table 2.1. In all cases, the RBE procedure had a strong
impact, cutting solution times roughly in half. The 17.04-minute time for the 1,000-
DMU problem indicated that the PIONEER code is reasonably efficient for medium-
sized problems. But, even with the help of RBE, the 19.8-hour solution time for the
solve each set of 1,000 subproblems in the 8,000 total, both with and without RBE logic.
Note that when RBE is not used, the time to solve each set of 1,000 subproblems is
roughly the same (around 4.1 hours). But when RBE is employed, the last group of
1,000 subproblems is solved almost four times faster than the first group. By restricting
the known inefficient DMUs from entering the basis, the later subproblems are smaller,
and easier to solve. In addition, the early identification of efficient DMUs results in fewer
subproblems to be solved. Typically, fewer than 20% of all DMUs are efficient, so the
faster solution time can be attributed mainly to restricted basis entry.
2.81 1 1 I 0
- 1.8,
Figure 2.2 shows the cumulative effect of RBE/EIE on solution time for the 8,000-
DMU bank problem. While the performance improvement is less pronounced in the
earlier subproblem groups, the 2:1 ratio becomes evident in the last few groups, and
trends indicate an even greater disparity might result for larger problem sets.
Although PIONEER's solution times are encouraging and indicate that the code
may be comparable to others described in the literature, other performance improve-
ments are possible. The next section describes the use of parallel processing to further
decrease solution times for these and other problems.
-0 RBE/EJE ... oO~-"'
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Cumulative Number of DMUs
ogy, parallel processing, can be utilized to achieve dramatic reductions in solution times.
With parallel processing, the solution for a given problem is found by simultaneously
body of data. If the algorithm associated with the problem solution process consists of
multiple independent tasks that can be properly assigned to separate processors, dra-
puter systems are composed of multiple processors which have the ability to act inde-
processors and their tasks is necessary. Two basic techniques are used to accomplish
this coordination activity in the parallel environment. The processors can communicate
through shared memory. If the time to access a particular memory location is identical
for all of the processors, the system is called tightly coupled, or else, the system is termed
loosely coupled. If the parallel machine contains no shared memory capabilities, coordi-
nation of processor activities must be accomplished through message passing between all
of the processors.
directly tied to how well the algorithmic steps match the architecture of the underlying
machine. Because a DEA problem involves the optimization of many separate linear-
on the surface, to be a "natural" one. In fact, the mapping of the DEA solution process
to a tightly coupled MIMD architecture turns out to be an ideal example of the use of
parallel processing.
Phillips, Parsons, Donoho [76], where four transputers were run from a Macintosh IIcx
on a 54-DMU problem. Times were reduced by a factor of three in this loosely coupled
MIMD implementation. The next section describes a very different computing environ-
ment and how the PIONEER code was modified to use this form of parallelism.
As with software designed for vector processors, parallel codes must be structured
to match the architecture of the target machine. Our test machine was the same Sequent
Symmetry S81B that was employed for serial testing, but which can be programmed for
parallel processing. The system has a tightly coupled MIMD design, with 20 16-MHz
The Sequent's operating system permits the programmer to create multiple, in-
dependent processes which it schedules on the available processors. The processes can
have both private and shared data-spaces. The shared spaces can be read and written by
all designated processes, and can be used for interprocess communication and to avoid
This type of parallel machine is designed to be most effective with work that
can be decomposed into large, independent tasks. The DEA solution process can be
organized in this manner through the use of data partitioning, where multiple identical
processes apply the same program steps to different data. By considering each DMU's LP
cesses select and execute tasks from a shared work list, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Each process solves its LP subproblems in its private memory; shared memory
stores the original problem data and the status of each DMU. Since a DMU's status-in
and time-based. At one moment, a given Aj variable may be part of the E U U pricing set
and, an instant later, be found to be inefficient and ineligible for basis entry. The shared
solution statistics when the order of events differ from run to run due to minute timing
2.3.2. Testing Parallel PIONEER
were chosen for analysis. Table 2.5 describes the characteristics of the problems chosen.
The original bank data consisted of 8,742 DMUs. For each of the bank problems, the
DMUs composing the data set were randomly chosen from the original data set. The
multi-normal and DEA-GEN data sets are described in Appendices A and B. These
problems were generated to simulate real life data of large-scale DEA problems. The
The "wall clock" time, measured in minutes, to solve each DEA problem, exclu-
sive of input output times, are given in Table 2.2. For the problems consisting of 8,000
and 4,000 DMUs, the number of processors used was limited by the available memory.
Tables 2.3 and 2.4 reveal the speedup and efficiency of the parallel approach. In all
cases, relative speedup was nearly linear. Isolated examples indicate that superlinear
speedup may be possible because of the use of RBE/EIE in the PIONEER code. Since
the PIONEER code is asynchronous, i.e., each LP can be solved independently of all
Table 2.3.- Test problems parallel speedups
2.3.3. Limits of Parallelism
The computational testing indicated that the parallel PIONEER code was a
highly scalable MIMD application that fully utilized the multiprocessing capability of
the given computer system. We feel that the software would also exhibit much of the
setting, changes in a DMU's status would have to be broadcast to all processors, thus
unnecessary work (i.e., avoidable in a shared-memory environment) might result, the use
In our testing, memory size limited the dimensions of problems that could use the
full parallelism of this system. We believe that additional internal storage would permit
the same excellent speedups on the larger problems as was observed on the smaller ones.
Even with these encouraging results, we felt that further improvements were
needed and possible. In fact, a close examination of the parallel solution statistics led
to a new procedure which further reduced all times-both serial and parallel-by up to
an order of magnitude.
Experimentation with sets of problems that were identical except for the number
of DMUs yielded solution times such as those given in Figure 2.3. Not only did the
memory requirements of larger problems limit the amount of usable parallelism, but
into a series of smaller ones, lower memory requirements, greater parallelism, and faster
individual solution times might offset any additional work that might be required.
1000 2WOO 3M0 4000 5MW 6O00 7600 8OOO
Number of DMUs
K = {1,..., k}. Define E(D1 ) and I(D 1 ) to be the index sets of DMUs in Di that are
efficient and inefficient, respectively, relative to Di (i.e., Di = E(D,) U I(D 1 )), based on
Proof (C--CR version). Define z;(Di) to be the optimal value of z for DMU j relative to
the set Di. We know that z(D) < z;(Di),Vj E Di in this maximization problem, since
DMU j is inefficient (efficient) relative to set S if z,*(S) < 1 (= 1). Assume j E Di has
zj*(Ds) < 1, and hence is inefficient. Since zj(D) _<z;(D1 ), j will be inefficient relative to
Assertion E* C- Ui'K E(D,):
lem; if it is efficient for a subproblem, it may or may not be efficient overall. These
relationships provide the foundation for the following decomposition procedure for DEA
The following approach to DEA problems solves a series of subproblems which are
arranged in a hierarchy. The subproblems are themselves DEA problems created from
subsets of the DMUs in D. They can be solved independently, but information about set
I membership generated from the subproblems can accelerate the solution of others.
First we define a procedure for creating and solving the subproblems. It partitions
the set of DMUs whose efficiency is unknown (U) into a series of subsets, or blocks, of
of DMUs.
2. For each block Bi, i E K, K = {1,..., k}:
(a) Apply a DEA envelopment model to compute Ej = E(Bi), using early
identification of efficiency and restricted basis entry.
Blockj Block 2 Block 3 -------------------------- Blockk
2. SolveBlocks(b, f,I).
while ( U $ 0 ) do:
1. f -'-+l.
2. u +- IUI.
3. SolveBlocks(b, fj).
Re-solve the DEA model (with basis entry restricted to E*) for members of I* to
2.4.3. Implementation Considerations
sorting networks [49,661: the original problem i, broken into several smaller subproblems,
which are solved recursively and the results cu,.bined to solve the original problem.
The blocksize parameter, b, defines sets of linear programs with the same number of
constraints as the original problem, but many fewer variables. This results in lower
memory requirements and faster solutions for the subproblems, although more linear
programs may be involved. Because of this increased speed and Theorem 2, these
easier problems can eliminate inefficient-DMU variables earlier than with non-hierarchical
The HDEA procedure focuses initially on isolation of E* (in levels 1 and 2),
so as to expedite solution of the subproblems associated with P* (in level 3). The
method should be particularly effective when IE*I < JI*, as is typically the case.
premium, its use can be minimized by paging in DMU data from external storage for
place in shared memory a copy of the X and Y data, plus a DMU-status array; each
process would also need its own private storage for solver-specific information such as a
The choice of blocksize also affects overall solution time. Since b influences the
tradeoff between the size and the number of subproblems solved, computational testing
for an appropriate setting is required. Figure 2.5 shows the total solution time in minutes
For testing the HDEA procedure, real life data, randomly generated data, and
data based on the economic Cobb-Douglas functional form were employed. For each
test problem, an array containing the status of each DMU was maintained in shared
memory. A private copy of the appropriate data was given to each processor in parallel
so that each DMU could be solved independently. Since the status of each DMU could be
updated without conflict from other processors, no locks were needed during the status
subject to system load. However, precautions were taken to conduct the runs during non-
peak hours so as to minimize the confounding of outside factors on the solution times.
m~000 Me0M0 C4 ) t (M0000e
Uat:a Coqq q O
0O 4 C4 -4 C4
-4 LO~' C4 CD (
m t- ~o6
o6 o6 t- o6 eq
w v o6o6 o6 o o6m 6
-D 4
oo% 4M-4 C4C400 44 4C
- .4 4 C4 C4
0o t- s 00Co;o 0 m= Co000m
0nC4-V - 4O)l C -t-C0 D
0 - 0~C0-4t- 4
Cq C4
00c q 0 q O0 4C
Cc -44C cnMC
q m C l eq - -0 o LaCDrD 0
fDtf = mC4 Ceaq o t-4V-4CD 0) 004
o.4 M~ to
-4 -4 q A -4 4 -Ot -4O
m CD
C) " ( 0 04 t 4M 04C4
Q (
m -o m0 A 0t -C
F-O _ _Oo_ 00_ Vt_ 4C -LI ot _Om _
DMU cases, 125 for the 2,000 DMU cases, and 100 for the 1,000 DMU cases. The effects
of different blocksizes must be investigated, hence, these results should not be viewed as
the best possible. During level 2 of the HDEA procedure, /3 = 1.5. As a result, each
subsequent block at level 2 grows by 50% until all DMUs have been classified as either
efficient or inefficient.
Table 2.5 shows that for all test runs the speedup was nearly linear. Larger more
difficult problems resulted in better speedup than smaller problems. With the smaller
problems, the overall solution time in parallel is so small that the overhead of maintaining
becomes apparent. Consequently, although the parallel results for small problems are
quite good, the parallel implementation will be more efficient for large, difficult problems.
Table 2.5 also gives the total number of pivots and pricing operations executed to
find the DEA scores for each data set. These numbers vary with the number of processors
because of the method used to update the status of each DMU. As expected, problems
with a greater number of DMUs, and those with a larger density of efficient DMUs,
require more pivots and pricing operations and, consequently, take longer to solve.
Tables 2.6 through 2.10 contain the results of each test problem for each level
of the HDEA procedure. The speedup remains relatively consistent across all problems
The effects of using early identification of efficient DMUs to reduce the number of
linear programming problems that must be solved are shown in Tables 2.11 through 2.15.
With the HDEA procedure, the total number of linear programs that must be solved
is slightly more than twice the original number of DMUs contained in each data set.
However, since the HDEA linear programs are smaller than other DEA methods, overall
t- 0 4 m U'
w m m
-4 4 o -4 t- M
40 (
tz~ Go 0 00 -0 0
10 oo mto c
c-4 oi -4a6c4 t
t) m 00 0~ uo " 00 -0 m "-4v
Go ' -414
LO C r co
-R- - - - -
55- L
-4hf C M C4
i -! 'IT'r
2 o0 00M0
t- 6Za 6-6d 6d ;o
-4;M 0 4 t t- M "'M 4
0 V 10V.4
0~ 0 1"0
C>~a O t
o QV
L q T q - c4o '-T -4
-4 C4 V CD
-l 10 p4 O c'00--UM
4 -4 -4
v-M -4 4
C4 11
ho I c'
_ 1 _ -4 -4
0- 4M0
o o V -4 U.
U ~ ' ~ 0 - 00-
ci 6 00 C
r-L~ 0~ CD -4 w0 M
0lo qC 0V M XMt
0-t- w mw6o
LO a) -4t-
0C)4 4 - M b C1 b-00 M M
1- C - CC00t- m v mt
S 04 -r- 4wc-4 0 4C
0 Om4- .4 o
o m4=m
~1-4 ~-4. "0
O0 =
1- 0ot-
00 m 00
m -4
.0=$ ' 4C O 0 C o V M I t-
w -4 w 4 "C14- 0 00 C4 k
_ _- -4 o t r-
*0000 co l r 4 0 1 -c
% _ - 4 ;5. 'o q
00 0 - D57) 0 4 C
0 t- U13 00 M~ m 1- 00 LO 0 0 CD
>1 4C~~. C4 Mt
U ~ t ~ cdm co~
t 0 0'l C) aj 0 0t0000a mG
1-4 W M -4 10 -4 O -4 t-
-40C l0C 00 a
S-4- 00 t 4-0
04 COC 4COt wI
o4 (Mc 0 m t D
rI C-4 -4 -L -4
-4W00( C4 t- 04 4L M W
C4ot- qw0
oooh~-to k~ CCO
-4 1"_ t_ 0 t-4 -4
to 4w o 00
P!4 C'
Lo- -0q 0 o 'og M
CD Lo P, uw)C
CoC4- t -gCD8;jt
w -o L 58C
4) 000000l-000 000U b
t- to eq t.4 0O eqt-
m 00
-~C C -4C~-
t-WmWoMMM ==
'.4 eq=
-l ..-
.0 0t O)0 C.. C4 t- M
o -W cz m e =
00,q C Ci
h q
Lo r-4 co m "-4L L
-4 -4 -4 C h C C C)
LO "4 U13 -4
-4 - -
L q f -4
m ~ e _ _ _4IV_
80 0 O14
linear programs at level 1 and level 2 by 10-25%. Early identification has no effect at
level 3 since only DEA scores for inefficient DMUs are found at that level.
Table 2.16 shows the dramatic effect of the hierarchical procedure on improving
solution time for the 8,000 DMU cases over the best DEA approach reported to date.
Only three processors are used in the parallel implementation because of memory limi-
fold increase in speed over the non-hierarchical procedure when both cases are run with
the same number of processors. Because the HDEA procedure requires less memory,
permitting use of more processors, the cases with 15 processors are 75 to 125 times faster
Although the test problems were limited to 8,000 DMUs because of the availabil-
ity of real life data, the HDEA procedure can accommodate much larger problems. A
Cobb-Douglas test case (Appendix B) consisting of 25,000 DMUs with 3 inputs and 3
outputs was solved using 15 processors in 19.26 minutes. Because of memory limitations,
it was not possible to solve this problem with the non-hierarchical procedure.
As seen with the test problems, the HDEA procedure allows for the solution of
large-scale DEA problems much faster than previously reported DEA methods. When
coupled with a parallel environment, the HDEA procedure yields solutions to problems
in a matter of minutes which previously, would have taken days. Additionally, the
HDEA procedure allows for the solution of very large-scale DEA problems that remain
Accompanying the HDEA method's advances in sheer solution speed are a variety
be exploited when solving multiple DEA models and further streamlining opportunities
await exploration.
o 4 4C o V4' -U) mqr0 qc
Q Q1 f -V4V4( - -4 0 0 C
U8l t4 Ov- C400 C4 C40 MM
4-D C C CD eOOO-4t-
Q0C40 O,- -
00 Ot'- CD
-4 r .4 00 4
__ I"_
CD M_ m _ _ t___ ___
ID Cqts 61
o 4 -4C 4 4V4 -- 4 V MM
00 Nmm = D -40 w4
C-4 m m00 - O tO to
t- WCq
C V-4
MM Cq O t-= -4
Cq M
- M ce) 0 t--4 -4
04 ao'
cm-. ( "c4-4 ot4 - - t 4C
-4 OO,-4c)0
MO4O -- -C
e-4 0 4 0 00 4 t
~ ~~
H __ _ - ___ 4_
CD00" M M 3 W DL62O-
00 t- 00M
tR 10 000 DC -
-4 v 0t-V4
to t- m
8-~ t-~ ' D0lc
v-4 c
OI- -t-C t
C.) -4- 4m 0
.M m o00 t- -4-
o CDt OU. m 4( - (
(D - C4 = AA (
0 C4 t cz C4t-cv
to LO00
m l) a
00t- e
- ~O~r- ~ CCCO v
C.) CD o -V O 0 -)C
oo o c.o c, 00 Vto c, co ~t-m
""-4 9-4 Lo V, m C4 t-00
T T,0>>
-0C 00
t,-- eq C4 q A % t-
V cc wt- C-
C14 to -4 - C
-40 MC
QV 4 -4
-Q~ 00 4
aC' -! t": Cl
4 V (D00 M00t
0 4 -. 4 -4 -4
00 0 0 Q00oom t-
-400 ' 4qt-
-4-4 -4 04 C4
m~ C1 4t
oo tcD
U3-4 U5QIC -4
Q C -4 (D CD0
0) C)C)o
" C~-4
W 00 t-
-4 -C*4 -4
z -
66 Solving Multinle Models
There are numerous instances in which multiple models must be solved for each
DMU under consideration. The HDEA approach can be easily modified and extended to
" To solve for technical, scale, and overall efficiency (inefficiency), both the BCC
and CCR models must be solved [85]. With HDEA, We can use the BCC or
ADD model through level 2 to find E* . On only the E* set we can apply the
CCR model formulation to find the E*cr (9 E;) set of DMUs. During level 3,
while determining the inefficient scores, we can solve the values for I*cr. Then,
as an advanced starting basis, we can allow all E* DMUs to enter the basis and
solve for V~. (Alternately, we could solve for the I c values first, then relax
the BCC 1A 1 constraint, tighten the basis entry rules, and solve for the I,,
scores). Once the BCC and CCR values are found, we can rapidly solve for the
three efficiency values desired. Note that this prevents a duplication of effort to
"* Byrnes, Fire, and Grosskopf [28] argue that a "no increasing returns to scale"
(NIRS) model must be solved to determine if the DMU (or the virtual DMU if
this may help indicate the direction the DMU should go to become efficient,
input contraction. We know that E*, C_E*irs C E-,. Consequently, the NIRS
"* Besides solving for BCC, CCR, NIRS models, we can also apply assurance region
restrictions [84,85] once the E* for each model is found at level 2. The various
this way, a series of models can be solved rapidly without duplication of effort.
We know E*r _ E* for any of the above models. Note: this same approach can
"* For the CCR and BCC models, there is an associated orientation, either input
or output. The inefficiency scores will vary depending on the orientation, but
the E;, and E,*r sets will remain the same regardless of the orientation. Con-
sequently, if both orientations are needed, then only the level 3 values must be
"* Some versions of the model may provide faster solutions than others depending on
the number of output and input variables that are used. For example, if the num-
ber of outputs exceeds the number of inputs, the output-oriented model solves
faster. Also, the CCRO model has an initial feasible solution, thus bypassing
Phase I of the simplex method. Since the output model may solve faster, this can
be used through level 2, then the input model applied in level 3 calculations if the
input values are needed. HDEA provides the flexibility to incorporate the fastest
model to identify E* through level 2, then at level 3 can use the model of choice
"* As noted above, any method can be used to find the set of DMUs belonging to E*
and I* such as sorting, preprocessing, domination theory, etc. These can possibly
enhance the HDEA procedure to expedite the level 2 and level 3 efficiency score
"* Computational concerns have arisen over the two-phase [4] or 146] approaches,
which can be lessened via HDEA. We know that the efficiency scores do not vary
with the sum-of-slack solutions. So in HDEA, there is no need to solve for the
sum of slacks during level 1 or most of level 2. Once potential E* DMUs are
identified, the sum of slacks must be solved only for these DMUs to determine
if they are weakly efficient. If there are any weakly efficient DMUs, they are
removed from E*. During level 3, there is no need to solve for the sum of slacks for
the inefficient DMUs since a proper projection to the efficient surface is obtained
since no weakly efficient DMUs can enter the basis. Solving for the sum of slacks
for the inefficient DMUs may simply identify possible alternate optimal solutions
that offer no new information when weakly efficient DMUs are not in the basis.
cost. Also, the possibility of cycling can increase with a larger number of DMUs
(variables) in the model. HDEA can help reduce the cost of cycling by main-
efficient. In this manner, the DMUs will not need to be solved and the cost of
be used to enhance the solutions at the next level. DMUs that frequently show
up in efficient reference sets can be given priority during the pricing procedure
to enter the basis. By choosing the most attractive variables to enter the basis,
the number of pivots to solve the LPs may be reduced. This may also reduce
the potential for cycling. This also indicates the possibility of using different
heuristics for the entering and leaving variables for the different levels of the
HDEA process.
* One advantage of the HDEA process over domination and other preprocessing
techniques is that it can be used to find DEA scores for categorical variables
appropriately, the efficient DMUs for each category or window can be recorded
along the way. In this way, solving overall scores as well as those within particular
"* The HDEA procedure can expand the parallel approach across many platforms.
For example, a SIMD distributed network can be used to solve each block of
DMUs. Since the blocks are smaller, memory requirements are smaller. The
status within blocks will be lost, but the basic process will still lead to a solution.
The basis entry and identification schemes will hold between levels.
"* For the parallel case, Amdahl's law assumes that the same information available
for the single processor as for multiple processors. But with RBE and early
identification, the interaction between processors ran enhance the solution process
resulting in high levels of efficiency when multiple processors are used. This is not
2.5. Conclusions
problems that advances the state of the art for computational data envelopment analysis.
As demonstrated with medium- and large-scale test sets, this approach can have dramatic
routinely solve problems with thousands of DMUs permits researchers and practitioners
to be more ambitious in their application of this important class of models and, we hope,
The primary focus to date has been on the development of a set of DEA models to
identify the efficient and inefficient DMUs under different sets of assumptions designed
to measure various types of inefficiencies. In spite of the tremendous growth and success
of the DEA methodology, there has been little research into methodologies for ordering
the DMUs according to the efficiency of their production and management practices.
The inability to rank DMUs by the comparative degree of efficiency or inefficiency limits
the potential for DEA to fully characterize successful and unsuccessful management
Although inefficient DMUs receive a DEA score which reflects the degree of
inefficiency, a direct comparison of DMUs is problematic unless both DMUs have the
same efficient reference set (ERS). To illustrate, Figure 3.1 depicts a unit isoquant plot
of a set of firms with one output and two inputs. Since each point represents a firm
and all firms produce the same level of output, the more efficient units are closer to the
origin. The efficient frontier is formed by DMUs A, B, C and D. DMUs E, F, and G are
all inefficient. The efficiency of each point is determined by a ratio whose denominator
is the length of the line segment from the point to the origin and the numerator is the
length of the line segment from the origin to the efficient boundary. The line connecting
an inefficient DMU's point and the origin will intersect one of the line segments forming
the efficient frontier. The end points of this line segment, composed of efficient DMU
points, form the efficient reference set for the inefficient DMU.
According to Charnes and Cooper [32], to compare DMUs with different efficient
reference sets would require assumptions of the weighting (or pricing) scheme used by
DEA. But it is precisely this lack of restrictions on the weighting scheme that makes
undesirable. In our example, DMUF can be compared to DMUG because they share the
same ERS consisting of DMUc and DMUD. In this case DMUG with an efficiency score
of 0.800 is more efficient than DMUF with an efficiency score of 0.774. However, neither
of these DMUs should be compared with DMUE, with an efficiency score of 0.733, which
has a different ERS composed of DMUs B and C. Hence, for inefficient DMUs, a new
approach is necessary to further discriminate and allow comparisons across all inefficient
A E.
B' O
2 CC
1 2 3 4 5 X,
For efficient DMUs, the relative importance of each DMU is difficult to discern.
Because each such unit has a DEA score of 1, there exists no variation in scores to
determine a relative value. Charnes and Cooper [32] suggested a tool which they called
the envelopment map to characterize the magnitude of the importance of each efficient
DMU. This method consists of counting the number of times each efficient DMU ap-
peared as a member of an ERS. Those DMUs occurring more often would be considered
more "consistently efficient." However, there are at least two problems with this measure.
First, to correctly count all occurrences of an efficient DMU in an ERS, all alternate
optimal solutions of the DEA i.odels would need to be identified. This can be compu-
tationally expensive and difficult to track. Secondly, this counting offers only a limited
amount of useful information. An efficient DMU that occurs often in an ERS merely
indicates that the DMU helps define part of the efficient surface which overshadows a
high concentration of inefficient DMUs. Firms utilizing new production techniques may
be extremely efficient, yet operate far from the "crowd" of other DMUs. As a result,
these efficient firms do not occur often in the efficient reference sets of the inefficient
units. Consequently, these maverick DMUs may not be deemed as important as they
should be.
practices of the DMUs, a new procedure is necessary that provides a more detailed
classification of DMUs than the ordinary DEA efficiency scores offer. This procedure
should result in a rank ordering of DMUs which serves as a proxy measure for managerial
efficiency. In this way, managers and analysts will have a useful tool to identify manage-
ment practices that both accentuate and detract from productive efficiency by observing
the practices of the higher and lower ranked DMUs. Additionally, experts may want to
state, a priori to the DEA analysis, what they believe to be the most efficient firms in
the industry. The rank ordering procedure can then be used to determine how the DEA
results compare with the experts' opinions. As in standard DEA analysis, the ordering
this chapter presents just such a rank ordering procedure which is easy to implement and
3.1. Need for a Ranking Procedure
Until recently, most modem writing on production theory assumed that all pro-
ducers were efficient. The premise was that in a competitive market place the inefficient
producers would realize the direct costs and indirect opportunity costs of continued pro-
duction and would leave the market to pursue more profitable adventures. However,
economic analysts have come to accept that inefficient production occurs in the market
place and its causes vary. Inefficient production can occur because information on the
most productive methods is neither perfect nor free. As a result, some firms may be
slower to respond to changing market conditions than others. Along with imperfect
information, market uncertainty influences the production process. The organization's
(or the manager's) position towards risk will dictate the rapidity with which the firm
will respond to change in the shadow of this uncertainty. Additionally, because perfect
competition is rarely (if ever) seen, regulations, and other exogenous constraints may
induce inefficiencies in the production process. Because of the social costs associated
with inefficient conversion of input resources to output goods, there has been a growing
interest in identifying and quantifying the inefficient processes. Data envelopment anal-
ysis has proven useful in measuring various types of the production inefficiencies which
may be attributed to inefficient managerial practices.
congestion of resources. 1 In addition, Fare, Grosskopf, and Lovell, following the lead
of Farrell 151], introduced prices of inputs and outputs to identify allocative inefficiencies.
I Congestion of inputs implies that as at least one input increases, at least one
output is reduced. That is, there is not a positive correlation between all outputs and
A firm demonstrates allocative inefficiency when it departs from its predefined goal such
Even though technical, scale, and allocative inefficiencies can be measured, little
has been written to formulate a means of ranking the DMUs based on the types of inef-
ficiencies they demonstrate. As a result, even though the inefficiencies can be identified,
they have not fully been related to various aspects of producer behavior. With a ranking
system, the DMUs exhibiting the best production processes, in terms of efficiency, could
ment practices of the best producing DMUs could then be compared to the worst DMUs
in order to identify the underlying managerial inefficiencies. Once identified, the less
efficient firms could adopt the practices of the best firms to improve the productivity of
their operations.
The purpose of this study is to present a new approach to rank order or stratify
the DMUs to more clearly relate the efficiency (or inefficiency) of a given DMU to all
others in the set. The intent is not to suggest this approach as the only valid rank
ordering scheme. Indeed, any set of items can be ranked by any subjective means.
can result in a meaningful ordering system. It is hoped that this methodology may
stimulate research into other possible ranking procedures so that the richness of the DEA
each evaluation unit's behavior. Each DMU consumes multiple inputs in order to pro-
duce one or more outputs. The implicit assumption in DEA is that the DMUs transform
if it is technologically impossible to increase any output and/or to reduce any input
without simultaneously reducing at least one other output and/or increasing at least one
other input. The empirical models of DEA use observed data to identify the DMUs which
form the Pareto-Koopmans efficient surface, and hence, are best at using the current
technology to convert the input resources to output goods. The level of technological
achievement revealed by the efficient surface will be highly dependent upon the choice
of DMUs used hi the study since the methodology only measures relative (not absolute)
The ranking method presented in this study separates DMUs into groups based
on the level of technological achievement which they demonstrate. It will be shown that
this aggregation reveals additional aspects of inefficiencies not available with traditional
DEA measures. For example, a DMU that appears to be very inefficient by the standard
DEA measures, may rank well, compared to other firms, when viewed in terms of the
DMU's ability to employ the most recent technological advances. Once the DMUs are
separated into these achievemem levels, a procedure will be presented to rank the DMUs
within each level. The ranking within a level will be determined by the contribution the
DMU makes to defining the shape of the efficient surface of that level.
across the many formulations of the DEA models. In this paper, the ranking procedure
is introduced and applied to both the input- and output-oriented BCC (variable-returns-
to-scale) models. The input- and output-oriented models achieve identical stratification
of DMUs into tiers of common technological achievement levels. However, the ranking
within each tier will differ according to the orientation used. Next, the ranking procedure
is applied to the CCR (constant returns to scale) model. In this case, the input- and
output-oriented schemes result in identical rankings. The CCR model adds interesting
interpretations of the most productive scale size to achieve each technological level.
3.2. Tiered DEA
into (relatively) efficient and inefficient sets. The models' objective function values, 0 or
z, have been used as metrics for the degree of inefficiency for comparative and predictive
purposes [21,22]. Since these values may be incompatible, from an economic point-of-
view, we present a different approach to comparing DMUs that has significant appeal,
The following tiered DEA (TDEA) procedure stratifies decision units into tiers,
Procedure TDEA
a standard DEA model, thus separating them into efficient and inefficient sets. The
efficient units are then assigned to the current tier and the inefficient ones become the
data set of interest for the next higher tier; this process is applied recursively until all
DMUs are assigned to a tier. In this way, the tier levels represent successive layers
of relatively efficient production surfaces where the DMUs at any given tier are less
productively efficient than those of "outer" (lower-numbered) tiers and more efficient
An example application of the TDEA procedure can be seen in Figure 3.2 where
10 DMUs, each with 1 output and 2 inputs, are plotted. All DMUs have the same output
level so only the inputs are shown. DMUs A, B, and C are DEA efficient since the line
segments joining these DMUs envelop the other DMUs from below. If firms A, B, and C
were removed from the data set, a new efficient frontier would be formed by DMUs D, E,
F, and G. The TDEA procedure reveals that the data contains three production surface
X24~ D H
1 2 3 4 5 X1
Figure 3.3 shows 10 DMUs each with 1 input and 2 outputs. In this case, all
DMUs use the same level of input so only the outputs are shown. Again, DMUs A,
B, and C are efficient since they form a boundary that envelops the other DMUs from
1 K
O-r C
1 2 3 4 5 Y1
The TDEA procedure was applied to three 8,000-DMU data sets, one from in-
dustry and the others randomly generated. The "Banking" data represents a selection
of banks from the Federal Reserve Bank's Southwest district, with 6 input and 3 output
values, as described in 121J. A set of "Cobb-Douglas" data with 5 input and 4 output val-
ues per observation was created with DEA-GEN using constant returns to scale and the
parameter set a = (.20, .20, .20, .20, .20). (See Appendix B for the generation procedure.)
Also, a "Multi-Normal" data set, with 4 inputs and 3 outputs and the variance-covariance
matrix given in Appendix A, was generated using the DRNMVN routine from the IMSL
For this test bed, the TDEA procedure used the CCR' model to assign DMUs
to layers. Table 3.1 reports, for the first 20 tiers, the number of DMUs assigned to
each layer ("IE[t I") and their maximum, minimum, and mean tier 1 efficiency scores
(0). Note that, in each case, that the mean and maximum efficiencies drop with each
successive interior layer, as might be expected. However, the TDEA provides insight
that DEA cannot provide. As noted by the minimum values, some DMUs possess a
low tier 1 efficiency score, yet fall on an outer tier, indicating an efficient use of current
El"a koC 0 -- CD CD M~ C14 M~LM~ 0 M 0m "W M 0 0 O to C4
o i 00 00 000 0- 0- 00 0- 0 0 0I 0 0OLOL
0Z 03
0) C M oo 00 00 00 00 t- t-t e 00
-C c t A o LO~
X M vo cz 00i m~ 00 M- Lo M~ 0m 00U-3 vO CO
GW 0- m~ 00 CD CV) = C4 =4 w~ 4m
0 4 m c 000=
5-4 -- 4 1- 4 C -1m m m e
C) ( (D CD D (D(z) ) Q D Q C) C) ( C C
00 C1 qrU'
- ~
O k (m 0k0 czUl 0CO mm 00r 0e 0CI C
to q-4 40c D(m( )QQC)0C 000l
c; i000c;00 c0C6c; s 0c 606 66 660
I - - ;_ _
technology. Conversely, the maximum values indicate that while other DMUs may seem
fairly efficient, from a 0-standpoint, they fall on an inner tier because of less productive
uses of current technology. It is precisely this behavior that should prove useful in
Of interest also are the differences between these three problems. The frequency
counts reveal that the banking data has only 18 tiers, while the Cobb-Douglas data still
has 3,286 of its 8,000 points still un-stratified after 20 tiers. The multi-normal problem
has more populous tiers than the Cobb-Douglas, but less than most of the bank's. The
banking and multi-normal data sets have tier-i-efficient DMUs on interior layers, but
Cobb-Douglas does not. The banking and Cobb-Douglas data have much larger mean-
efficiency drops between tiers 1 and 2, relative to the multi-normal. Each problem seems
to have a very different structure from the others, as uncovered by the TDEA process.
The examples of the figures above illustrate the result of applying the tiering
procedure to the BCCj and BCC0 models. These models, used to identify the Pareto-
Koopmans efficient production surface, with no restrictions on returns to scale, were first
proposed by Banker, Charnes, and Cooper [11]. The BCC,, model can be written as:
s.t. YA - 80 = Yj (3.2)
0Xj - XA - =8
=0 (3.3)
1A = 1 (3.4)
In Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, the outer layers designated by DMUA, DMUB,
and DMUc represent the efficient set which demonstrate best practice in the production
process. However, this empirical production surface is dependent on the data observed.
Suppose the original set had not included B. The models would have identified a
different, yet legitimate, production surface revealing the current technology consisting of
DMUs A, E, F, and C. If data on B later became available and was added to the set of
observations, it would markedly alter the shape of the efficient production surface. B now
that was previously unseen. It is precisely this realization that motivates the tiered
ranking procedure.
In DEA, all of the efficient DMUs share a common characteristic: they all demon-
strate an ability to make the best use of the current technology to conduct their produc-
tion process (i.e., they demonstrate best practice behavior). Once these DMUs have
been identified, they can be temporarily removed, and the remaining DMUs form a new,
valid DEA data set. When the BCC" model is applied to this new data set a new
efficient production surface is revealed. Had the data for DMUs of the outer tier not
been available originally, this new production surface would legitimately characterize the
best technological achievement level observed. Consequently, the DMUs comprising this
new efficient surface share a common level of success of utilizing the currently revealed
technology. Repeating this process groups the DMUs according to common achievement
levels. DMUs on outer tiers reveal a technological advance not realized by DMUs on
inner tiers.
appreciate the importance of the new measure, an understanding of what causes a DMU
to be inefficient is helpful. By stratifying across different tiers, the new measure provides
a more complete description of the DMU's managerial efficiency relative to its contem-
DMUs, with similar, but superior, management practices can cause the inferior DMUs
to attain a low tier assignment. Figure 3.4 depicts a set of DMUs with one output and
one input. The tiering procedure produces three layers. In this case, J is enveloped
by a concentration of DMUs using nearly the same level of inputs to produce a similar
consequently, it would receive a relatively low ranking. Even though the original DEA
scores for DMUs F, G, and J are similar, TDEA further discriminates J as less productive
3 D Tierl
N--- ----- * Tier2
2A0 _ Tier3
I i I I I II I i i
1 2 3 4 5 X
A second reason an inefficient DMU may result in a low efficiency score is that it
operates in a production process "away from the crowd." These maverick DMUs may be
the market place. The transition to these new procedures is penalized under traditional
DEA analysis because it appears that the DMUs introducing the new inputs consume
more than the peers. The dominant DMU of this shift may be efficient, but the other
DMUs can appear to be very inefficient. This situation can be seen with H. Notice,
in this case H has a technical efficiency score seen as the ratio NH-. J has a higher
technical efficiency score seen as the ratio = but is ranked lower than H in terms of
tier assignment. H may represent a risk-taker that shows a short-term reduction in its
DEA efficiency score, to take advantage of new technology, by introducing new inputs.
However, even with a short term loss of efficiency, the DMU could see a rise in its rank
ordering by moving to a higher tier level. Once the new technology is fully integrated into
the production process, the DMU may witness substantial increases in its DEA efficiency
score. Traditional DEA analysis would penalize the management decision, in the short
run, to introduce the new technology into the production process. Consequently, the
decision to incur possible short term losses to achieve long term gains would appear
unfavorable in a traditional DEA analysis. However, the stratified ranking of DMUs
reveals the success of this management decision.
The above scenario can occur often in a free competitive market. Under dynamic
conditions, the firms in the competitive market must adapt to maintain market share. A
DMU that adopts a management style and production process similar to other DMUs,
but consistently under-performs, may result in a seemingly high relative efficiency score,
but with a low rank ordering. The inability of this competitive firm to find its niche and
distinguish itself from the "competition" may result in its failure in the market place.
Current DEA methodologies are inadequate to reveal such conditions; TDEA offers an
attractive means to discriminate between these managerial behaviors.
DMUs with low efficiency scores but with relatively high rank order are not
restricted to DMUs at "fringe" production levels. Data outliers can strongly affect the
shape of the efficient surface. Figure 3.5 shows the effect that outlier B has on the
production surface. The outlier significantly distorts the surface making F seem relatively
inefficient. Had B not been in the data set, F would be efficient. In spite of F's low
efficiency score, TDEA ranks F relatively high. Consequently, the performance of F may
3 B D Tier I
2 M
- - F G H Tier2
2M " - "Tier
, ,: , ,I I I I
1 2 3 4 X
A key advantage of stratifying DMUs into tiers is that it allows the DEA method-
ology to more closely describe true managerial efficiency that may be masked by tradi-
tional DEA analysis. As a result, managers of inefficient DMUs have increased flexibility
in improving production operations. The mant,&ger's long-term goal may be to achieve
efficiency. The DMU can strive to accomplish this by improving the short run rank
ordering without a myopic focus on its DEA efficiency score.
most efficiently (with the greatest level of technological achievement) but they are also
operating at the most productive scale size (MPSS). For the single input and single
output model, the MPSS is determined by the DMUs yielding the highest ratio of
quantity output to quantity input. In economic terms, this equates to the DMUs yielding
the highest average product. Banker 1101 demonstrated that the CCR model revealed the
the observed set of data. In a traditional DEA analysis, the CCR scores for the inefficient
DMUs reflect both technical and scale inefficiencies. To separate the technical from the
scale inefficiency, the BCC model must also be run. The tiered procedure, when applied
to the CCR model, presents a different picture of scale inefficiency. As each outer tier
is removed from the data set, the set of DMUs which composes the most productive
scale size changes. As a result, the values of the scale inefficiencies for the other DMUs
also change. Therefore traditional DEA measures may overstate the amount of scale
4 Tier 1
3 D u- o'Tier2
C ,'HO
2 ,C K
1 2 3 4 5 X
Figure 3.6. Example OCR tiered results - one input, one output
Figure 3.6 shows two tiers of scale-efficient DMUs for the same set of data used in
Figure 3.4, where DMUs A, B, C, and D were shown to be technically efficient. However,
Fig 3.6 indicates B and C are scale efficient while A and D are both scale inefficient.
Because D falls far from the most productive scale boundary, the CCOV DEA measure
would indicate it is more scale inefficient than A. Yet, with the tiering procedure, both
become scale efficient at a common level. Consequently, the two DMUs may not be as
DMUs reflecting different productive efficiency layers. However, a ranking system within
each layer is still needed. This section describes a new procedure that can provide a
useful ranking.
Each tier defines a set of DMUs that forms a production surface (layer). To
determine the relative rank ordering among the DMUs at each tier, one could measure
the contribution of the DMU to the shape of its layer. DMUs that significantly distort
the production surface layer on which they are assigned play a more prominent role in
determining the shape of the production surface. Consequently, if these distortions can
be measured, the DMUs could be ranked by the degree of distortion they contribute to
the production layer.
The following model describes an extremal DEA (EDEA) approach for the MCr
model. However, the formulation also applies to the output-oriented models and to
either constant- or variable-returns-to-scale formulations. With this methodology, the
DEA formulation is modified slightly to measure how far a DMU is from the resulting
production surface when the DMU itself is removed from the data set of interest. The
an (s x n) matrix of the observed input and output values, respectively, of all the DMUs
of interest. Select a DMU to be observed, in this case DMUo. Let X{IP and Y101 be X
and Y, respectively, with the observations of DMUo removed. Then the extremal DEA
measure 0 is computed by the following model.
(EDEA Model) minO (3.7)
0 free (3.11)
In contrast to a traditional DEA analysis, 0 can now be greater than one. For
0> 1.0 the DMU will be efficient and 0 measures the allowable proportional increase
in inputs for the DMU to remain efficient. If 0 = 1, the corresponding DMU may be
weakly efficient from a DEA standpoint. However, for the inefficient DMUs, the EDEA
scores will be identical to traditional DEA scores, (e.g., 0 = 0), since the inefficient DMU
itself will never be a member of an optimal basis (this can be shown in the same manner
as Theorem 1 of Chapter 11). Consequently, EDEA has an advantage over traditional
DEA models in that it provides greater meaning to the scores for the efficient DMUs by
allowing additional variability in the efficient score values.
B* *J
2 . , K
1 K
1 2 3 4 5 X,
Figure 3.7 illustrates the EDEA procedure for B when applied to the data in
Table 3.2. Here, B is projected onto the "new" efficient surface using EDEA. The
resultant objective value, 0" = measures how "far" B is from the efficient surface.
Viewing the problem from a different perspective, 0" reflects the degree to which B would
contribute to the shape of the new efficiency surface if it was added to the data set.
DMUs that cause significant and important distortions of the efficiency surface
will result in a high EDEA objective value. Those DMUs that have little influence on
the shape of the production surface will have objective values close to 1. Consequently,
the DMUs can be ranked by order of influence at each tier level based on the EDEA
An overall ranking of all DMUs can be achieved by: (1) using TDEA to to stratify
all DMUs into tiers, (2) applying EDEA to each tier level, (3) ranking each tier's DMUs
by 0, (4) then finding each unit's overall rank by ranking those DMUs on outer tiers as
more important than those on inner tiers. The following section presents an illustrative
example of this procedure and provides some numerical interpretations.
The illustration shown in Figure 3.2 is based on the data in Table 3.2. As illus-
trated in Figure 3.2, the TDEA approach yields three production surfaces. Those DMUs
on tier 1 are the same efficient units found in a standard envelopment analysis. The
DMUs of succeeding inner tiers compose less efficient production surface layers. Notice
though, the inefficient DMUs can now be further distinguished by the production surface
on which they fall. DMUs on outer tier levels represent more successful production
processes. Consequently, the DMUs on outer tiers can be ranked more efficient than
DMUs on inner tiers. As will be demonstrated, this does not necessarily coincide with
Table 3.2. - Tiered DEA example data
y 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
x, 0.50 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 4.50 2.00 3.00 4.50
x2 4.00 1.50 1.00 3.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 3.50 2.50 1.80
DEA 1.00 1.00 1.00 .765 .650 .722 .788 .482 .565 .688
TDEA 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
TEDEA1 2.00 1.60 1.50 .765 .650 .722 .788 .482 .565 .688
TEDEA2 - - - 1.50 1.05 1.13 1.33 .733 .774 .889
TEDEA3- -. -- -- -- - - - 1.50 1.13 1.39
RANK1 1 2 3 . . . . . . .
RANK2 - - - 1 4 3 2 - - -
RANK3 -- ---- -- -- -- -1 3 2
RANK 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 8 10 9
DEARANK 1 I1 1 5 8 6 4 10 9 7
the traditional DEA score. The results of the TDEA coupled with the EDEA are shown
in Table 3.3 and labeled as TEDEA1 through TEDEA3.
The DEA row lists the CCRI 0 scores for each unit in the data set. The TDEA
row indicates the tier level to which each DMU is assigned as a result of the TDEA
procedure. TEDEAt rows give the EDEA i values for all DMUs on tier t or higher.
DMUs in tier t are ranked within tier in the RANKt rows. The overall rank for the entire
set of DMUs is given in the RANK row. This can be compared to the ranking the DMUs
would have been given, listed in DEARANK, had they been ordered by the CCkI 0
Some important observations can be made concerning these results. Notice, the
DEA and the TEDEA1 results are identical for the inefficient DMUs. Likewise, the
efficient DMUs are appropriately identified with values greater or equal to 1. Notice that
the higher inefficiency scores do not necessarily indicate on what tier level a DMU may
fall. For example, K has a higher 0 than E but falls on a lower tier level. By observing
the results at TEDEA3 one notices that the ranking of H, J, and K does not correspond
with the ranking the DMUs would receive if the DEA efficiency scores were used. In
fact, H has the lowest DEA efficiency score, but the highest rank of tier 3. Figure 3.8
illustrates why this is so. DMU J does not significantly distort the efficiency surface that
exists when it is not present. This is not true for H which significantly distorts the shape
of the production surface; DMU H is more influential than DMU J and thus is ranked
x2 x2 I
4 4
3H J3-
2 2*
1 2 3 4 Xl 1 2 3 4 5 X,
Example A Example B
that it can help paint a numerical picture of the environment in which a DMU operates.
As each tier level and associated production surface is removed, the new DEA scores for
the remaining DMUs can be calculated. In this way, the migration of the DEA scores
for a particular DMU can be traced through a series of tiers. A rapid rise in the scores
may indicate that the DMU is in a region with a relative low density of other DMUs
but is dominated by a few highly efficient ones. A slow rise in the score may indicate
that the DMU is surrounded by a larger density of other DMUs which may have similar
management styles or environments but are operating more efficiently. This information
can assist the analyst and managers in determining appropriate courses of actions to
improve either the rank ordering or the efficiency score.
The rank ordering procedure may also prove useful in window analysis. If DMU
behavior is tracked over time, the changes in rank ordering should reflect the relative
effectiveness of on-going managerial decision-making. These managerial changes may
remain hidden from traditional DEA analysis unless the changing practices result in a
change in efficient or inefficient status of the DMU. Consequently, the rank ordering
methodology may provide prompt managerial feedback as to how a DMU compares with
basic elements in the optimal solution need not represent efficient DMUs. Figure 3.7
depicts such a situation. When B is removed from the data set, the resulting effi-
cient surface includes E and F, both of which are inefficient according to a traditional
DEA. Therefore, the advantage of computational efficient techniques for DEA, such as
restricted basis entry and early identification of efficient DMUs, cannot be maintained
for the EDEA models. However, other computationally efficient procedures are possible
for the EDEA model. Computational efficiency can be maintained by combining TDEA
and EDEA into a single formulation, TEDEA*, based on the following observation.
When a DMU is removed from tier t's data set, the resulting production surface
will consist of DMUs belonging to either tier t or t + 1.
tool for the EDEA method. Since the number of DMUs at tier t and t + I is typically
small compared to the entire set, the linear programming problems remain small when
determining the EDEA scores. As a result, TDEA and EDEA can be combined to form
a computationally efficient rank ordering method. Let Xt. and Yt. be the matrices of
input and output vectors of DMUs belonging to tier t or t + 1. Choose a DMU from tier
t for analysis, let this be DMUo. The TEDEA* model can be written as:
0free (3.16)
Because the TEDEA* problem consists of LP's much smaller than EDEA, computational
efficiency is maintained.
greatly influenced by possible outliers in the data. In 1971, Timmer [861 assumed a
Cobb-Douglas form to develop a probabilistic frontier production function for observed
data. Using the Cobb-Douglas form, Timmer translated the problem into a linear
programming model with a striking similarity to the DEA model. Since he assumed
a single output, multi-input case, he was able to compare the frontier analysis with the
traditional econometric model. He showed that by eliminating the top 2% of observations
which appeared to be outliers, the linear programming frontier model yielded results that
could be supported by the econometric models.
In DEA, no functional form is assumed. Consequently, potential outliers have
bewn difficult to identify. In this case, the efficient DMUs may not represent normal
production activities and therefore may not serve as a legitimate basis of comparison.
Consequently, DEA efficiency scores of outliers could distort the true picture of manage-
extremely dominant DMUs is essential. With TEDEA*, the outliers will be located on
outer tiers. If possible outliers axe revealed, the problematic DMUs can be removed from
can be achieved.
3.7. Conclusions
This chapter has outlined a rank ordering of DMUs based on the influence they
serve in forming empirical production layers for the data set. The intent is not to present
the only valid system or rank ordering, but to stimulate thought as to how DEA methods
may be modified to make the results more meaningful to practitioners. One concern with
the rank ordering approach is the large computational requirement necessary to achieve
the results. On some layers the density of efficient DMUs will be high and on other
layers the density may be low. The code must be computationally efficient across this
wide variety of conditions. In addition, the code must be flexible to allow for constant
or variable returns to scale in either the input or output models. Flexibility to switch
between models at different layers may also be desirable. The TEDEA* approach meets
The rank order procedure presented in this discussion classifies DMUs by their
ability to use current technology to efficiently conduct the production process. This
classification can serve as a proxy measure of management efficiency that provides more
detailed information than offered by standard DEA models. By identifying the best and
worst performing DMUs, analysts can pinpoint which DMUs should serve as a basis of
comparison from which to determine which management practices enhance and which
deter from productive efficiency. In addition, the rank ordering methodology presented
here reveals the need to further charac~terize the computational issues of DEA and
4.1. Motivation
In 1978, Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (CCR) [37] developed a technique, which
they named data envelopment analysis (DEA), to determine the relative efficiency of
is efficient at the most-productive scale-size (MPSS). This model is perhaps the most
widely used in DEA applications. The Banker, Chs nes, and Cooper (BCC) model t111
and the additive model [33] determine whether the DMU is Pareto-Koopmans efficient.
In economic contexts, the BCC and additive models find the entire efficient empirical
production surface while the CCR model finds a proper subset of that surface which is
composed of efficient units at the MPSS. For a single-output, single-input DMU set, the
MPSS is the size that yields the greatest average product (i.e, the greatest ratio of output
to input).
Within the context of one of these models, a DMU's status is either efficient or
not efficient. To determine this status, a separate linear program must be solved, either
directly of implicitly. Since the DEA methodology is empirically based, values of the
inputs and outputs must be measured or estimated at a given point in time for each
DMU. A concern then is the accuracy of the measures or estimates, the comparability of
the decision units (particularly on a temporal basis), and any uncertainty associated with
the observed values. Any of these factors can affect the validity of an efficiency analysis
and influence the status of all of the decision units under consideration.
Sensitivity analysis is an important element of any DEA study because it assesses
the robustness of each DMU's status when variations in the inputs and outputs are
new optimal solution value to a problem, as updated estimates of some of the sample
data become available, without the expense of resolving the problem from scratch. This
may take the form of determining ranges within which data may be varied without
requiring a change in the set of vectors composing the optimal basis. For the DEA model
may have on the status of a DMU, not simply on the solution value of the underlying
linear programming problem. Consequently, new approaches for sensitivity analysis must
be developed when considering DEA models.
To date, a number of studies address sensitivity analysis in DEA [33,36,43,44],
most with respect to the additive model. Charnes, Cooper, Lewin, Morey, and Rousseau
[36] present a limited study of perturbations to a single output or single input using the
CCR model. This study was extended by Charnes, Haag, Jaska, and Semple (CHJS) [43]
to identify regions of stability using the additive model, in which allowable perturbations
cause the DMU to retain its status. Because the additive model finds the Pareto-
Koopmans efficient frontier without respect to an input or output orientation, the CHJS
example is restricted to simultaneous perturbations of both the inputs and outputs of
in the case of proportional changes to either the outputs alone or the inputs alone
for the BCC and CCR models. The approach will identify a range of values such
that all allowable perturbations for the DMU within the range, ceteris paribus, will
preserve the DMU's current status. Since the analysis can be conducted in conjunction
with determining the DEA efficiency score, minimal additional computational costs are
required. Also presented is an update to the CHJS approach that overcomes inherent
problems with their additive model approaches.
The remainder of this chapter is divided into four sections. Section 4.2 devel-
ops the framework for conducting sensitivity analysis on DEA problems. Section 4.3
introduces the methodology to conduct sensitivity analysis on each DMU for the BCC
and CCR models. Although the sensitivity analysis is based on proportional changes
in either outputs or inputs, nonproportional changes will also be investigated. Section
4.4 compares the methodology presented in Section 4.3 to the CHJS sensitivity analysis
approach. A problematic concern of the CHJS method is presented and a demonstration
of how the new methodology compliments the CHJS to meet that concern. Section 4.5
introduces an expanded sensitivity analysis approach based on the models introduced
in Section 4.3. Although the expanded sensitivity analysis may be computationally in-
tensive, it can reveal information to guide the management in determining what future
actions should be taken to maintain or establish efficiency. Conclusions are given in
Section 4.6.
4.2. BCC and CCR DEA Sensitivity Analysis
A new method for sensitivity analysis in DEA can be constructed from simple
modifications to the CCR and BCC DEA formulations. In this approach, the sensitivity
of a DMU's status is measured in terms of either proportional changes in outputs or
inputs. The concerns in DEA sensitivity analysis differ dramatically between DMUs
which are efficient and those that are inefficient. For efficient DMUs, an increase of any
output cannot result in a lower efficiency rating; likewise, a decrease in any input cannot
worsen the DEA efficiency score. Therefore, with efficient DMUs, primary attention
is given to determining what reductions in outputs are allowable, or what increases in
inputs are permissible in order to insure the DMU retains its efficient status. For efficient
DMUs one is concerned with identifying how bad the production process can get before
the DMU loses its efficient status.
This motivation fundamentally differs for the inefficient DMUs, for which the
primary concern is the identification of changes that will improve the efficiency rating.
Generally, one would like to identify those areas that require the smallest improvements
which would cause a given DMU to become relatively efficient. For inefficient DMUs
this would consist of either increasing outputs or decreasing inputs. We now present an
elegant formulation for analyzing both efficient and inefficient DMUs in the CCR and
BCC models.
For the sensitivity analysis, let DMUk be the DMU of interest. In this model,
we define D = {1,...,n}, the index set of DMUs, with X = 1X1 ,...,Xn] and Y =
[Y,..., Yn]. Vectors (Xj, 1') denote the observed data where Xj = (Xlj, ... , Xij, ... , Xj)
is a column vector of observed input values with xij _0 (at least one positive) and
S--- (ylj,..., Yrj,...,. yj) is a column vector of observed outputs with Yrj 0 (at
least one positive). Let X[kJ be the X matrix with the Xk column removed. Similarly
define Y[k] to be Y with the Yk column removed. A new approach called extremal DEA
(EDEA) will form the basis for the DEA sensitivity analysis. The approach allows for
both an input and output oriented analysis and can be used within the CCR and BCC
modeling contexts. The CCR-based EDEA models can be formulated as follows, with
ECCRi and ECCR0 having input and output orientations, respectively.
A, 8 ,0SO 0 (4.4)
6 free 4.5)
4 free (4.10)
The BCC versions of the above EDEA models - EBCC&and EBCC', respectively -
can be obtained by appending the constraint: 1A = 1.
In the discussion that follows, the term DEA models refers to the original CCR,
BCC, and additive models. In standard DEA form, the index set of frontier-efficient
DMUs of the BCC and CCR models which are Pareto-Koopmans-efficient is designated
as E* = {j E D16* = 1 (or 0* = 1), a** = 0, and a'* = 0}. The set F is the index set
must not be possible to decrease any input value without also decreasing at least one
efficient, it must not be possible to increase any output value of DMUk without also
increasing at least one input value or decreasing at least one other output. All DMUs
on the frontier, but which are not Pareto-Koopmans efficient, i.e., the members of F,
are labeled weakly efficient. Inefficient DMUs have 0* < 1 for the input-oriented model
and 0* > 1 for the output-oriented model. With EDEA, d* and 4* values for inefficient
DMUs are identical to their corresponding variables, 0* and 0*, in the DEA models.
However, frontier efficient DMUs in EDEA are characterized by 0 > I or 4* < 1. To
understand this, a discussion of the DEA formulations is in order.
The description of the DEA formulations gives insight into the meaning of 0*
(*). The DEA models identify the set of efficient DMUs, '*, as those forming an
empirical production surface which envelops all DMUs in D, the set under investigation,
111,31,33,39,41]. For the CCR, BCC, and additive models, all DMUs in D are evaluated
against the DMUs which are members of E'*. For the ECCR and EBCC models, the
problem reference set is denoted as D - k, where DMUk is the unit under evaluation.
If k U F, then DMUk is inefficient and 0*
=8* or = *. However, if k E"E* U F,
and since k 9 D, then 0* > 1 or 4* < 1. This results because DMUk will compare to the
remaining frontier formed by the efficient DMUs of D. In this case 0* can be interpreted
in terms of the Farrell measure [511; DMUk may increase its inputs by a factor of 0* and
remain frontier efficient. Correspondingly, for the output-oriented model, DMUk may
(BCC model) which, when taken with their associated facets, form a piecewise-empirical
production surface, or Pareto-Koopmans frontier 1331. For the ECCR and EBCC models,
only members of E will have 0" > 1. Members of E' are non-extreme rays (or non-
extreme points) but depict DMUs which fall on the frontier and are Pareto-Koopmans
efficient. For the ECCR and EBCC models, only members of E' will have 0 = 1, a' = 0,
and 80 = 0 with an efficient reference set consisting of DMUs which axe members of
E-*. DMUs which axe elements of F represent DMUs on the frontier but which are not
Pareto-Koopmans efficient. For the ECCR and EBCC models only members of F will
have 0* = 1 and s' 54 0 or 80 54 0 with an efficient reference set consisting of DMUs
which axe members of E*. It is important to note that if DMUk is a member of F with
an efficient reference set containing other members of F then, for the ECCR and EBCC
models, the optimal solution for DMUk may result in 0" 1, si = 0, and 80 = 0. In this
case, members of E and F can be distinguished if the efficient reference set is retained in
the solution of ECCR and EBCC, for once the solution for all DMUs in D are found, all
projects DMUk onto an associated Pareto-Koopmans frontier-efficient facet for the output-
oriented models 1331. In either case, the projected DMU* consisting of (Yk*, XZ) is called
will produce an efficient projection for the ECCR' and EBCCi input-oriented models,
which will be a member of E U E'U F (i.e., be frontier efficient). Likewise, for the output-
Consequently, the primary purpose of the slacks in DEA models is to insure that the
is not necessary when determining the allowable perturbations that will cause a DMU to
change status, for any weakly efficient DMU that has all inputs or all outputs perturbed
This has important implications for the EDEA models and corresponding sensitivity
analysis. For the ECCR' and EBCC' input models, 0" determines the maximum
proportional changes in all inputs of DMUk which allow it to maintain its current status.
For ECCR' and EBCC, the output oriented models, * determines the maximum
proportional changes in all outputs of DMUk which allow it to maintain its current
status. Consequently, these facts can be beneficial in determining the allowable variations
in inputs or outputs which will not change the status of DMUk.
The following procedures are used to determine the maximum allowable changes
to inputs and outputs before a DMU changes its status. The procedures differ slightly for
the CCR and BCC input- and output-oriented models. The procedure must be applied
to each DMU in the set in which sensitivity analysis is desired.
Set C = Xj and 17 = Yj of the DMU j under consideration.
Procedure SensCCR(j,,C, v):
4. AXj = X - Xj.
2. Solve ECCR~j.
3. Let +"
2. Solve EBCC'.
3. If EBCC" is infeasible then:
a. DMUj is efficient.
b. AX, = oo.
a. Let X*' dX.
b. AX,= X*-X.
2. Solve EBCCjO.
a. DMUj is efficient.
b. AYj = Yj.
a. Let 1* *- *l.
b. AY = Yj* - Y,.
In the EDEA input models, if 0> _ 1, then DMUk is efficient, and the maximum
increase of inputs that allows the DMU to remain efficient is AXk = O*Xk - Xk. If
0* < 1, then DMUk is inefficient and AXk determines the necessary decrease of inputs
to cause the DMU to become efficient. Note that AXk identifies ranges such that if all
perturbations remain less than the AXk values, the DMU will retain its current status.
Therefore, the effects of non-proportional variations of the inputs on the DMU's status
can be evaluated. It is also important to note that only when all perturbations exceed
the AXk ranges will the DMU be guaranteed to change its status. If even one input
perturbation is smaller than the allowable range, a change in status is not assured for the
AYk = t*Yk - Yk. If * < 1, DMUk is efficient and the maximum allowable decrease of
outputs is given by AYk. For * > 1, DMUk is inefficient and AYk identifies the required
increases of the outputs of DMUk which will cause the DMU status to change.
In the BCC model, the EDEA linear programming formulations may be infeasible
for the DMU of interest, DMUk, in either the input or the output model. For the input-
oriented model, this would mean that DMUk is producing one or more outputs in an
amount greater than any other DMU. Consequently, regardless of how much the inputs
of DMUk are increased, DMUk will remain Pareto-Koopmans efficient at its own scale
level. For the output-oriented model, an infeasible solution indicates there is at least one
input for which DMUk consumes lcss than any other DMU. In this case, outputs can be
reduced to zero and the DMU will remain efficient at its own scale level. Because of their
special characteristics, these DMUs will be termed critically efficient because eliminating
them from the data set critically alters the feasible region. Pre-processing of the data can
reveal these DMUs prior to performing any sensitivity analysis. It is important to note,
that the problem of infeasibility is unique to the BCC model and not the CCR model
because of the feasible regions: the feasible region of the BCC model is a closed convex
set, whereas the feasible region of the CCR model is a convex cone.
The advantage of EDEA over previous models for conducting sensitivity analysis
is that it separates the effects of perturbations of inputs from those of the perturbations
of outputs. In general, the results are only meaningful for measuring effects of pertur-
bations in inputs alone, or outputs alone, but not both simultaneously. Additionally,
the method requires few computational resources and can be used simultaneously with
determining the desired DEA efficiency scores.
4.4. Additive Model Sensitivity Analysis
Charnes, Haag, Jaska and Semple [43] (CHJS) presented the following procedure
for performing sensitivity analysis in DEA based on the additive model. Given the
empirical points (Xj,Yj), j 1,... ,n, with input vector Xj > 0 with at least one
xij positive and output vector Yj >_0 with at least one yrj positive, Charnes, et. al. [43],
define the empirical production set as
n n
PE= y ,, 'nI(y,ax) =Z i(YiXi); Z ,i = 1, A >_o
i=1 i=1
XA + 8i = Xk (4.17)
1A = 1 (4.18)
The purpose of the CHJS paper is to present a new procedure to conduct sen-
sitivity analysis for a specific class of DEA models which allows for a simultaneous
proportional change in outputs and inputs. For each DMU, CHJS calculate a "region
of stability," that is, a symmetric cell such that all perturbations within the cell maintain
the DMU's status. The shape of the cell is affected by the norm used. The authors
present an analysis based on the L. norm as well as the L1 norm. Only the Lo norm
will be discussed since the same conclusions can be reached for the L1 norm.
to DMUk with p-norm strictly less than rp preserve the DMU's current state. The L..
norm is defined as tIzIll = max Izil.
A characteristic of the CHJS approach is that the analysis must be carried out
differently for efficient DMUs and inefficient DMUs. In the CHJS approach, a procedure
is needed to first determine the efficiency status of each DMU. Once this status is
determined, sensitivity analysis can be conducted on each DMU with an appropriate
procedure, depending if the DMU is efficient or inefficient. Note, with the EDEA
formulation, computational efficiency is attained because one process determines the
efficiency status and the necessary information to conduct sensitivity analysis for each
DMU. The CHJS sensititivity analysis can be described as follows. For efficient DMUk,
X[k]A + Si - 10 = Xk (4.22)
1A = 1 (4.23)
(Li-norm Model) max 0 (4.25)
X[k]A + si + 10 =X (4.27)
1= 1 (4.28)
The L,,e model determines the maximum permissible decrease in any output with
a simuLIaneous increase in any input before the efficient DMU becomes inefficient. On the
other hand, the Loo model finds the required decrease of inputs along with an increase
in outputs that the inefficient DMU must witness before it changes status and becomes
The authors present proofs demonstrating that 0* for both models is the radius
of stability r.. Having determined 0*, the authors claim that allowable perturbations to
lXAJ xk + lr
where r E [0, 0*), preserve efficiency for the DMU. No corresponding analysis is presented
for the inefficient DMUs, but the allowable perturbations for the inefficient DMUs would
where 7- E [0, 0*). Only when r > 0* will a change in status be assured for the inefficient
The authors claim that the projected points found when r = 0* always form an
unstable point, and therefore prove the region of stability is valid. A point (Y,, XA) is
unstable if and only if for all c > 0, the open ball centered at (Y1,Xj) with radius E con-
tains efficient and inefficient points with respect to the associated empirical production
possibility set.
The results of the CHJS approach will now be compared with the ECCRi,
ECCRO, EBCC1 and EBCC0 models' results using the data presented in the CHJS
paper. !n this example, there axe three DMUs, each with one output and two inputs, as
shown in Table 4.1. The results of an analysis of efficient DMUA are given in Table 4.2.
Ay1A I - - - 0.643 -0.750 -0,750
AXIA 1.800 infeas. - - 0.750
AX2A 1.800 infeas. - 0.750
To make proper comparisons between the EDEA models and the CHJS approach,
the EBCC models should be observed. The infeasibility of the EBCCt model indicates
that DMUA is efficient at its own scale size, therefore, the inputs can be increased
indefinitely and the DMU will remain efficient. The EBCC0 model indicates how far
the output can be reduced for DMUA to remain efficient. In this case, as long as
YIA > 0.25, DMUA will remain efficient. With the information from both the input-
and output models, one could conclude that simultaneous changes can occur in both the
inputs and outputs and DMUA will remain efficient. As long as YlA > 0.25, inputs
can increase indefinitely and DMUA'S status will remain unchanged. Notice, the CHJS
approach yields similar, although more limited, results. The CHJS results indicate that
the inputs and outputs can simultaneously be perturbed; as long as YlA > 0.25 and
XIA < 1.75, and X2A < 1.75, DMUA will be efficient. Compared to the EDEA models, it
is evident that the CHJS results place an artificial limit on the allowable perturbations
of the inputs.
to remain scale efficient. Information on any aspects of scale efficiency are unavailable
To compare the CHJS approach to the ECCRi and ECCR0 models, a simple
scaling of the data, so that all DMUs are at the same scale size, is useful. Since there is
only one output, this scaling can be accomplished by dividing all data for each DMU by
its output value. The normed data are presented in Table 4.3.
Since all DMUs produce a single output at the same level, a unit isoquant plot of
the data is possible as depicted in Figure 4.1. In this example, DMU A is efficient, B is
4 B 4,
3 -- - - - - -- -
I - lAe
*o I
I I I: I1 I I
1 2 3 4 5 x,
ATYIA - - -0.643 infeas. -1.800
AZ1lA 1.800 1.800 - - 1.800
AX2A 1.800 1.800 - 1.800
Results for the EDEA and CHJS sensitivity models are given in Table 4.4. The
infeasibility of the EBCC' model indicates that reductions in output are possible; as
long as output is greater than zero, the DMU will remain Pareto-Koopmans efficient.
Note however, if YlA < (1 - 0.643) = 0.357, DMUA will no longer remain scale efficient.
The ECCR' input-oriented models indicate that as long as YA is held fixed, inputs can
be increased to 2.8 and DMU A will remain both scale and Pareto-Koopmans efficient.
In fact, when both the ECCR' and ECCRO models are paired, one would conclude
that simultaneous perturbations of both outputs and inputs are possible. As long as
inputs remain less than 2.8, output can be reduced to 0.357 and DMUA will remain scale
efficient. DMUA will remain Pareto-Koopmans efficient even if output is reduced to 0, as
long as inputs remains less than 2.8.
The results of CHJS models reveal a potential problem with their approach.
The results indicate as long as the inputs remain less than 2.8, DMU A will remain
will remain efficient, according to CHJS, even if output is reduced to i1A = -0.800. This
clearly is not true. The causes of the problem can be identified. The authors claim the
1i.[vi, - 0* [ '0.81
X* X/o+ 0*= 2.8
L J [ X2o + 0* 2.8
is an unstable point. The projection must be an unstable point for the region of stability
in efficient production analysis, such as DEA. Therefore, the projected point cannot
be unstable. In fact, the projected point cannot be a valid member of the modified
empirical production possibility set PE. Consequently, although the CHJS approach
provides important insights into sensitivity analysis for DEA, there are special cases that
existing DEA methodologies. However, a concern of this approach is that the resulting
region of stability may be a small subset of the true allowable perturbations for the DMU
to maintain its status. Figure 4.2 illustrates this. The shaded area above points A, E,
El and below points A, B, C, D represents the allowable perturbations for which DMU
X,26 A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
E remains efficient. The EDEA method reveals a region of stability represented by the
shaded box.
stable regions for changes in the input and output vectors, respectively, for a given DMU
j to the degree of refinement desired. Recall that R - {1,. .. ,s} and Q - {l,...,m}
are the respective index sets for output and input measures. Initially, let - X7 and
,,".. ,-" El
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 XI
Figure 4.3 reveals how one iteration of this procedure expands the region of
stability for an efficient DMU, E. Because this DMU contains only one output, only the
ESA-1 portion of the algorithm is relevant. Notice, the ESA algorithm can be applied
iteratively to yield larger regions of stability if desired. However, the number of linear
programs required to trace larger regions grows rapidly. Table 4.5 shows the input and
The results of the expanded analysis now yield greater information than the
EDEA sensitivity analysis. With straight EDEA sensitivity analysis, results indicate
that for DMU E, both inputs can be increased from 1.5 to 3.25 before the DMU becomes
inefficient. However, the expanded analysis yields more detailed information. DMU E*
indicates that as long as X2E _52.69, xlE can be increased to 5.84 and E will remain
efficient. Likewise, DMU q indicates X2E can be increased to 4.33 as long as XIE < 2.00.
As can be seen in this example, the expanded sensitivity analysis reveals a greater region
DMU maintains its status. This same analysis can apply to an inefficient DMUs as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7x
Because both input and output models must be solved for each DMU, the number
of linear programs required to trace the expanded region grows rapidly. For each DMU,
(s + m) additional LPs must be solved for each additional increase in the region of
stability that is measured. Note however, the CHJS L1 norm technique for inefficient
4.6. Summary
The motivation for the sensitivity analysis for the efficient DMUs differs substan-
tially from that for the inefficient DMUs. The managers of the efficient DMUs desire
to know how much loss in productive efficiency is allowable before the DMU becomes
relatively inefficient compared to its peers. The inputs that permit only small increases
before efficiency is lost play a different role in the production process than the inputs
which can suffer large perturbations and not result in a change of state. This information
can give the manager a sense of the relative worth, or price value, of each input. In this
way, managers can plan for future markets by shifting to production technologies that
provide greater regions of stability. From the output-oriented model, the manager is able
to gain a more complete picture of the role of each output. By knowing which outputs
are most critical to maintain relative efficiency, the manager is more able to evaluate the
a market niche with a few of outputs in which the DMU can achieve relative efficiency.
The sensitivity analysis presented in this chapter presents the manager with
useful information about the role each output and input variable plays in determining
the efficiency of the production process. In this manner, the manager can concentrate
attention on those factors which can more quickly result in increased productive efficiency
when considering policy decisions.
large-scale data envelopment analysis problems which involve the solution of thousands
of linear programs. Although the focus is on large-scale problems, the new algorithms
presented can be used to effectively solve a wide range of DEA problems.
The analysis presented in Chapter II describes a new problem decomposition
procedure which dramatically expedites the solution of the computationally intensive
DEA problems and fully exploits parallel processing environments. Computational ex-
periments indicate that by combining linear programming theory with known character-
istics of the DEA formulations, solution times can be cut in half compared to general
linear programming approaches. When utilizing a parallel processing environment, the
efficiency remains above 0.97 indicating that the solution time will improve by the same
magnitude as the number of processors used. A new decomposition algorithm is pre-
sented which causes a 6- to 10-fold improvement in the solution time for the serial case.
When the decomposition procedure is coupled with the parallel processing environment,
solution times can be increased by up to two orders of magnitude.
Besides effectively reducing the time to solve large-scale DEA problems, the de-
composition approach offers many additional advantages over prior DEA solution meth-
ods. It allows for the solution of a large number of different DEA formulations in rapid
succession. The decomposition approach opens a new means of conducting window anal-
ysis as well as studying categorical variables. Additionally, the decomposition approach
helps avoid problems, such as cycling, which frequently occur in larger DEA problems.
Building on these improvements to the DEA solution process, Chapter III outlines
a new rank ordering procedure to classify DMUs by their ability to apply current technol-
ogy to the production process. This new ranking procedure acts as a proxy to measure
managerial effectiveness in a way not possible by traditional DEA methods. Best and
worst performing DMUs are easily classified with the new ordering procedure. In this
way, the analyst can compare the management practices of the DMUs from both clas-
sifications to assist in determining which policies improve and detract from productive
sensitivity analysis on the DEA results. In the chapter, the new sensitivity analysis
procedure is compared with previous approaches. The new procedure is shown to avoid
problems that may arise with the previously reported methods. The key advantage
of the sensitivity analysis is that it helps clarify which factors can cause significant
The study of large-scale DEA problems reveals many new issues that have gone
unnoticed with the study of smaller problems. The insights gained by investigating these
new problems can continue to result in new analytical tools to broaden the usefulness of
DEA. The techniques presented in this dissertation open the door to new research which
will further expand the range of applications for data envelopment analysis.
Since few large-scale DEA problems are currently available, randomly generated
data sets were needed to simulate possible real life data. One procedure to generate such
data is to draw the samples from a multinormal distribution. To this end, the DRNMVN
routine from the IMSL library was used to generate data for 10,000 DMUs. The variance
covariance matrix of Table A.1 was used to generate the data for the input and output
variables for each DMU. The code to generate this data is described by Hickman[62].
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
X1 303.4
X2 2.5 2.5
X3 12493.9 6093.9 112750625.0
X4 4062.6 484.2 -2890405.7 31033992.2
X5 265.2 45.3 -1346076.8 -455158.7 7629765.5
X6 19597.2 -195.0 3436081.9 -270405.4 -674642.7 86492323.0
X7 36418.8 6428.4 111950224.4 27415022.3 5153887.3 88983356.8 233502490.7
x8 3647.0 1001.0 10815783.1 112293.8 -64824.7 - 319883.0 10543369.3 7812141.0
From the randomly generated data, the variables representing inputs and outputs
needed to be carefully chosen. To coincide with sound economic theory, all outputs
should be positively correlated with all the inputs. In Fig. A.1, all negatively correlated
variables are connected with a line.
By eliminating variable z4, variables xl, X3, and X7 could represent outputs
since they would be positively correlated with all the other remaining variables that
Figure A.1. Correlations of multinormal data variables
would represent inputs. In this way, each DMU would be comprised of 3 outputs
and 4 inputs. Notice also that inputs positively correlated would be compliments in
the production process and those negatively correlated would be substitutes. Since the
input variables cover a wide range of compliment and substitute relationship cases, the
While random data generators can provide large problems, a more systematic
approach is need to represent real life scenarios. To this end, economic theory was used
to generate large-scale DEA problem sets. In production economics, the most widely used
functional form is known as the Cobb-Douglas production function [241. This function is
written as:
y,= a. x4, xij >0,=l .n
Here, yj is the single aggregate output produced by DMUj, xij is the value of input i
used by DMUj in the production process, ai is the elasticity factor for input i, and ao
is a constant scale factor. If E'n1 a2 = 1 then only constant returns to scale exist in
the production process. For '= ai < 1 decreasing returns to scale are present, while
ET, ai > 1 indicates increasing returns to scale. In the DEA studies, increasing returns
to scale are not used because the function results in only a few DEA efficient points.
Although this does not pose a problem, it does not realistically represent true life data.
For the single output model, this production function has many desirable prop-
erties. If the inputs are randomly generated, the function generates output values that
will always lie on the production possibility frontier, i.e., they will be DEA efficient for
IxI a2 < 1. This frontier is central to the theory of economic growth and measures
the rate of technological progress. The Cobb-Douglas frontier represents the best use
of technology as well as the best management practices to achievc efficient production.
This coincides with the practical use of DEA. Unlike DEA, the quest in economic studies
is to attempt to estimate the values of ai by fitting the function to the observed data.
By choosing the ai values a priori and then randomly generating the input values, the
output values can be determined so that they coincide with widely accepted economic
theory. To insure that not all generated data sets fall on the efficient frontier surface,
the a. scale factor can be randomly generated. The efficient DMUs will consist of those
generated where a, takes on it maximum value. Control over the number of DMUs that
are efficient in the data set can be maintained by limiting the number of DMUs generated
studies. Faire and Grosskopf [54] point out that the existence of a joint production
function has not been established. That is, the multiple-output, multiple-input model
does not produce values strictly on the efficient production frontier. To do so, would
require strict assumptions that would not provide the desired realism for the DEA study.
However, a joint model without the strict assumptions would simulate economically
sound production processes. Consequently, a joint model was developed for the DEA-
For each of the problem sets, the input values were generated from a uniform
distribution. The ai values were chosen to simulate constant returns to scale processes as
well as a variety of cases representing different levels of decreasing returns to scale. The
a. value was randomly generated, but with a modest control of the number of efficient
Once the single aggregate output level was calculated, the individual output levels
The percentages for each individual output were drawn from normal distributions with
predetermined means and standard deviations. The means of the normal distributions
were chosen so that the percentages sum to one. Table B.1 lists the ai values as well
as the means and standard deviations that were used to generate twelve different Cobb-
Because of the economic foundations of the DEA-GEN code, the data generated
resembles a class of problems that should more closely simulate realistic economic data
than what would be possible from the data sampled from a multinormal distribution.
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