S T P U T B C M: Olving Ransportation Roblems Sing HE EST Andidates Ethod

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Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.

5, October 2012


Abdallah A. Hlayel, Mohammad A. Alia

Department of Computer Information Systems,

Faculty of Science and Information Technology,
Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, P.O. Box 130 Amman 11733 Jordan
[email protected], [email protected]

Problem statement: The optimization processes in mathematics, computer science and economics are
solving effectively by choosing the best element from set of available alternatives elements. The most
important and successful applications in the optimaization refers to transportation problem (TP), that is a
special class of the linear programming (LP) in the operation research (OR). Approach: The main
objective of transportation problem solution methods is to minimize the cost or the time of transportation.
Most of the currently used methods for solving transportation problems are trying to reach the optimal
solution, whereby, most of these methods are considerd complex and very expansive in term of the
execution time. In this study we use the best candidate method (BCM), in which the key idea is to minimize
the combinations of the solution by choosing the best candidates to reach the optimal solution. Results:
Comparatively, applying the BCM in the proposed method obtains the best initial feasible solution to a
transportation problem and performs faster than the existing methods with a minimal computation time and
less complexity. The proposed methods is therefore an attractive alternative to traditional problem solution
methods. Conclusion/Recommendations: The BCM can be used successfully to solve different business
problems of distrbution products that is commonly referd to a transportation problems.

Operation research, transportation problem, linear programming, optimization problems, transportation
model, Vogels approximation method, best candidates method, optimal solution, solving optimization, and
objective function.


Ttransportation problem is concerned with the optimal pattern of the product units distribution
from several original points to several destinations. Suppose there are m points of original A1, . .
.,Ai, . . ., Am and n destinations B1, . . .,Bj, . . .,Bn. The point Ai(i = 1, . . .,m) can supply ai units, and
the destination Bj(j = 1, . . ., n) requires bj units (see Equation 1).


Whereby, the cost of shipping a unit from A to Bj, is computed as c. As well as, the problem in
determining the optimal distribution pattern consists the pattern for which shipping costs are at a
minimum. Moreover, the requirements of the destinations Bj, j = 1, . . ., n, must be satisfied by the
supply of available units at the points of origin Aj, i = 1, . . .,m.

DOI : 10.5121/cseij.2012.2503 23
Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

As shown by Equation 2, if xij is the number of units that are shipped from Ai to Bj, then the
problem in determining the values of the variables xij, i = 1, . . ., m and j = 1, . . ., n, should
minimize the total of the shipping costs.



Mathematically, the transportation problem can be represented as a linear programming model.

Since the objective function in this problem is to minimize the total transportation cost as given
by Equation 3.


Equation 3 is a mathematical formulation of a transportation problem that can adopt the linear
programming (LP) technique with equality constraints. LP technique can be used in different
product areas such as oil plum industry [1]. However, The LP technique can be generally used by
genetic algorithm such as Sudha at el. article [2]. The transportation solution problem can be
found with a good success in the improving the service quality of the public transport systems [3].
Also it is found in Zuhaimy Ismail at el. article [4]. As well as, the transportation solution
problem is used in the electronic commerce where the area of globalization the degree of
competition in the market article [5], and it can be used in a scientific fields such as the simulated
data for biochemical and chemical Oxygen demands transport [6], and many other fields.

However, there are several different algorithms to solve transportation problem that represented
as LP model. Among these are the known algebraic procedures of the simplex method, which
may not be the best method to solve the problem. Therefore, more efficient and simpler
procedures have been improved to solve transportation problems. Typically, the standard scenario
for solving transportation problems is working by sending units of a product across a network of
highways that connect a given set of cities. Each city is considered as a source (S) in that units
will be shipped out from, while units are demanded there when the city is considered as a sink
(D). In this scenario, each sink has a given demand, the source has a given supply, and the
highway that connects source with sink as a pair has a given transportation cost/(shipment unit).
Figure 1 visualizes the standard scenario for cities on the highway in the form of a network.

Figure1. Network flow model of the transportation problem.

Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

As shown by Figure 1, the problem is to determine an optimal transportation scheme that is to

minimize the total of the shipments cost between the nodes in the network model, subject to
supply and demand constraints. As well as, this structure arises in many applications such as; the
sources represent warehouses and the sinks represent retail outlets.

Moreover, Ad-hoc networks are designed dynamically by group of mobile devices. In Ad-hoc
network, nodes between source and destination act as a routers so that source node can
communicate with the destination node [7].


Transportation model: In a transportation problem, we are focusing on the original points.

These points may represent factories to produce items, and to supply a required quantity of the
products to a certain number of destinations. This process must be done successfully in such a
way as to maximize the profit or minimize the cost transportation. Therefore, the places of
production and supply are collected as the original points and the destinations respectively.
Sometimes the original and destinations points are also termed as sources and sinks. However, to
illustrate a typical transportation model, suppose that m factories supply certain items to n
warehouses. As well as, let factory i (i = 1, 2, , m) produces ai units, and the warehouse j (j = 1,
2, , n) requires bj units. Furthermore, suppose the cost of transportation from factory i to
warehouse j is cij. The decision variables xij is being the transported amount from the factory i to
the warehouse j. Typically, our objective is to find the transportation pattern that will minimize
the total of the transportation cost (see Table 1).

Table 1: The model of a transportation problem

Origins Destinations Available

(Factories) (Warehouses)
1 2 .. n
1 c11 c12 c1n a1
2 c21 c22 c2n a2

m cm1 cm2 cmn am
Required b1 b2 bn

Algorithms for solving: ther are several algorithm for solving ttransportation problems which are
based on different of special linear programming methods, among these are:

1. Northwest Corner method

2. Minimum cost method
1. Genetic algorithm
3. Vogels approximation method
4. Row Minimum Method
5. Column Minimum Method

Basically, these methods are different in term of the quality for the produced basic starting
solution and the best starting solution that yields smaller objective value. In this study, we used
the Vogels approximation method, since it generally produces better starting solutions than other
solving methods; as well we have used the BCM solution steps [8].

Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

Vogels Approximation Method (VAM):

Generally, VAM can be summarized by the following three main steps [9]:

i. The result of subtracting the smallest unit cost element in the row/column (cell) from the
immediate next smallest unit cost element in the same row/column is determining a penalty
measure for the target row/column.
ii. This step includes the following sub-steps:
a. Identify the row or the column that includes the largest penalty.
b. Break ties arbitrarily.
c. As much as possible, the lowest cost row/column (cell) in the row or column should be
allocated with the highest difference.
d. Adjust the supply and demand, and then cross out the satisfied row or column.
e. If a row and column are satisfied simultaneously, then only one of them is crossed out, as
well the remains rows or columns are assigned to supply as zero (demand).
iii. Finally, the result should be computed as follows:
a. If a row or a column is assigned as zero supply, or demand remains uncrossed out, then
stop the process.
b. If one row/column with positive supply (demand) remains uncrossed out, then determine
the basic variables in the row/column by the lowest cost method, and then stop.
c. If all the uncrossed out rows and columns have (remaining) zero supply and demand then
determine the zero basic variables by the lowest cost method and stop.
d. Otherwise, go to step (i).

The Best Candidates Method (BCM):

BCM process includes three steps, these steps are shown as follows [8]:

Step1: Prepare the BCM matrix, If the matrix unbalanced, then the matrix will be balanced
without using the added row or column candidates in solution procedure.
Step2: Select the best candidates, that is for minimizing problems to the minimum cost, and
maximizing profit to the maxumum cost. Therefore, this step can be done by electing the
best two candidates in each row. If the candidate repeated more than two times, then the
candidate should be elected again. As well as ,the columns must be checked such that if it is
not have candidates so that the candidates will be elected for them. However, if the
candidate is repeated more than one time, the elect it again.
Step3: Find the combinations by determining one candidate for each row and column, this shoud
be done by starting from the row that have the least candidates, and then delete that row and
column. If there is situation that have no candidate for some rows or columns, then directly
elect the best available candidate. Repeat Step 3 by determining the next candidate in the
row that started from. Compute and compare the summation of candidates for each
combination. This is to determine the best combination that give the optimal solution.

In this study, we proposed a new solving method for transportation problems by using BCM. The
proposed method must operate the as following:

Step1: We must check the matrix balance, If the total supply is equal to the total demand, then the
matrix is balanced and also apply Step 2. If the total supply is not equal to the total demand,
then we add a dummy row or column as needed to make supply is equal to the demand. So
the transportation costs in this row or column will be assigned to zero.
Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

Step2: Appling BCM to determine the best combination that is to produce the lowest total weight
of the costs, where is one candidate for each row and column.
Step3: Identify the row with the smallest cost candidate from the choosen combination. Then
allocate the demand and the supply as much as possible to the variable with the least unit
cost in the selected row or column. Also, we should adjust the supply and demand by
crossing out the row/column to be then assigned to zero. If the row or column is not
assigned to zero, then we check the selected row if it has an elemnt with lowest cost
comparing to the determined element in the chossen combination, then we elect it.
Step4:Elect the next least cost from the choosen combination and repeat Step 3 untill all columns
and rows is exhusted.
Problem: Finding the optimal cost for the problem of assigning five jobs to five persons.

Step1: in this problem, the matrix is unbalanced, where the total of supply is not equal to the total
of demand (Table 2). Here we add a dummy row to make supply is equal to the demand, so
the transportation costs in this row will be assigned to zero (Table 3).
Table 2:the proposed method process 1

Plant D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 10 30 25 15 14
S2 20 15 20 10 10
S3 10 30 20 20 15
S4 30 40 35 45 12
Demand 10 15 12 15 52 51

Table 3: the proposed method process 2

Plant D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 10 30 25 15 14
S2 20 15 20 10 10
S3 10 30 20 20 15
S4 30 40 35 45 12
S5 0 0 0 0 1
Demand 10 15 12 15 52 52

Step2: By using BCM, we determine the best combination that will produce the lowest total
weight of the costs, where is one candidate for each row and column. The result from
appling BCM shown in (Table 4).
Table 4: the proposed method process 3

Plant D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 10 30 25 15 14
S2 20 15 20 10 10
S3 10 30 20 20 15
S4 30 40 35 45 12
S5 0 0 0 0 1
Demand 10 15 12 15 52 52

Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

Step3: We identify the row with the smallest cost candidate from the choosen combination. Then
we allocate the supply and the demand to the variable with the least unit cost in the selected
row and column. Also, we should adjust the supply and the demand by crossing out the
row/column to be then assigned to zero (Table 5). If the column is assigned to zero, then we
elect the cost in the cell (d3,s3) because it has a lower cost than the determined cell (d3,s4)
from the choosen combination (Table 6) .

Table 5: the proposed method process 4

Plant D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 10 30 25 15 14
S2 20 15 20 10 10
S3 10 10 30 20 20 15 5
S4 30 40 35 45 12
S5 0 0 0 0 1
Demand 10 15 12 15 52 52
Table 6: the proposed method process 5

Plant D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 10 30 25 15 14
S2 20 15 20 10 10
S3 10 10 30 20 5 20 15 5 0
S4 30 40 35 45 12
S5 0 0 0 0 1
Demand 10 15 12 15 52 52
0 7
Step4: We elect the next least cost from the choosen combination and repeat Step 3 untill all
columns and rows are exhusted (Table 7) .

Table 7: the proposed method process 6

Plant D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 10 30 25 15 14 14 0
S2 20 15 10 20 10 10 0
S3 10 10 30 20 5 20 15 5 0
S4 30 40 5 35 7 45 12 0
S5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Demand 10 15 12 15 52 52
0 5 7 1
0 0 0

We found that the result by using BCM as:

15*14 + 15*10 +10*10 + 20*5 + 40*5 + 35*7 = 1005


Actually, using BCM based on the best candidates election is to minimize the number of
combinations solutions. As we can obtain the combinations without any intersect means, such
that; one candidate for each row and column. Eficentaly, BCM works to obain the optimal
Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

solution or the closest to optimal solution than other available methods. Since it has a better
starting solution.

In this study, we have proposed a BCM for solving transportation problems, because of its wide
applicability in different area. Whereby, it refers to choose the best distrubtion of cost or time.
The BCM obtained the optimal solution or the closest to optimal solution with a minimum
computation time. As well as, using BCM will reduces the complexity with a simple and a clear
solution manner which is can be easily used on different area for optimization problems.


The authors would like to thank Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan for supporting this study.

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Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012


Dr. Abdallah Hlayel is an Assistance professor at the computer information systems

department, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Al Zaytoonah
University of Jordan. He received the B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Engineering
Science/Computer from Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering, Kiev
Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, in 1990. He obtained his Ph.D. in Engineering
Science/Computer from National Academy of Science of Ukraine, in 1994. During
1995 until 1997, he worked at Philadelphia University as a lecturer in the
Department of Computer Engineering\ Electrical. Then, he worked as a lecturer at Al
Zaytoonah University of Jordan from 1997 until now. From 2000 to 2003 he was the
Head of Computer Centre - Al Zaytoonah University. His research interests are in the field of operation
research, dynamic programming, computer systems, antennas and their sets, administration systems and
elements of computer.

Dr. Mohammad Alia is an Assistance professor at the computer information systems

department, Faculty of Science Computer and information technology, Al Zaytoonah
University of Jordan. He received the B.Sc. degree in Science from the Alzaytoonah
University, Jordan, in 2000. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from
University Science of Malaysia, in 2008. During 2000 until 2004, he worked at Al-
Zaytoonah University of Jordan as an instructor of Computer sciences and Information
Technology. Then, he worked as a lecturer at Al-Quds University in Saudi Arabia
from 2004 - 2005. Currently he is working as a Chair of Computer Information
Systems dept. at Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan. His research interests are in the field of Cryptography,
and Network security.


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