The Effective Use of Secondary Data: Brown University

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Learning and Motivation 33, 3245 (2001)

doi:10.1006/lmot.2001.1098, available online at on

The Effective Use of Secondary Data

Russell M. Church
Brown University

In primary data analysis the individuals who collect the data also analyze it; for
meta-analysis an investigator quantitatively combines the statistical results from
multiple studies of a phenomenon to reach a conclusion; in secondary data analysis
individuals who were not involved in the collection of the data analyze the data.
Secondary data analysis may be based on the published data or it may be based on
the original data. Most studies of animal cognition involve primary data analysis;
it was difficult to identify any that were based on meta-analysis; secondary data
analysis based on published data has been used effectively, and examples are given
from the research of John Gibbon on scalar timing theory. Secondary data analysis
can also be based on the original data if the original data are available in an archive.
Such an archive in the field of animal cognition is feasible and desirable. 2002
Elsevier Science (USA)

Key Words: secondary data analysis; data archives; animal cognition; primary
data analysis; meta-analysis; Gibbon; scalar timing theory.

Most research in animal cognition and behavior is based upon primary

data analysis in which the authors of the article collect, as well as analyze,
the data. There are good reasons for this tradition: It permits the investigator
to design an experiment that is most appropriate for the specific hypothesis
under investigation, and it provides the investigator with direct knowledge
of the conditions of the experiment and the behavior of the animals. For
primary data analysis, an investigator (1) identifies a problem and an hypoth-
esis, (2) plans an experimental design as a method to evaluate the hypothesis,
(3) collects the data, (4) summarizes the data, (5) makes inferences from the

The section of this article on secondary data analysis of original data was based on a talk
at the meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL, March 17, 2000 and
documents prepared for a workshop on Data Archiving for Animal Cognition Research
sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health and co-chaired by Russell M. Church
and Howard S. Kurtzman that was held in Washington, DC, on July 1920, 2001. The prepara-
tion of this article was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH44234
to Brown University. Kimberly Kirkpatrick was a major contributor to the development of
an archive of data of timing research:
Address reprint requests to Russell M. Church, Department of Psychology, Box 1853, 89
Waterman St., Brown University, Providence, RI 02912. Fax: (401) 863-1300. E-mail:
[email protected].
0023-9690/02 $35.00
2002 Elsevier Science (USA)
All rights reserved.

data, and (6) interprets the results. The integration of the experimental design
and data collection stages with the data analysis and interpretation stages is
the hallmark of primary data analysis.
Articles based on primary data analysis may have an important influence
on further research. Any lasting impact of an article based upon primary data
analysis may be estimated by citations of it in subsequent empirical articles
and in reviews of the literature. The earlier article may be cited for its state-
ment of the problem, its methods, its published results, or its conclusions.
The subsequent articles rarely involve any further analyses of the original
data used for the published results.
In secondary data analysis, the individual or group that analyzes the
data is not involved in the planning of the experiment or the collection of
the data. Such analysis can be done based upon information that is available
in the statistical information in the published articles, the data available in
the text, tables, graphs, and appendices of the published articles, or upon the
original data.
Meta-analysis refers to a quantitative combination of the statistical infor-
mation from multiple studies of a given phenomenon. It provides a rigorous
way to summarize the results of these studies. An excellent description of
the approach is provided by Mullen (1989). The bases for meta-analysis were
developed by R. A. Fisher and others in the 1920s and 1930s (Fisher, 1938);
even the way to combine probabilities from independent studies was well
known to researchers (Mosteller & Bush, 1954) long before the term meta-
analysis was coined by Gene Glass (1976). The method was used to com-
bine the results of 375 controlled evaluations of psychotherapy and counsel-
ing to reach the conclusions that therapy worked and that there were few
important differences in the effectiveness of different types of therapy
(Smith & Glass, 1977). A search of PsychInfo from January 1887 through
November 2000 identified 3457 meta-analysis studiesall since 1977. Al-
though this procedure has been used extensively in other areas of psychol-
ogy, a search of PsychInfo did not identify any meta-analysis studies in Ani-
mal Learning & Behavior, Behavioural Processes, Journal of Comparative
Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Pro-
cesses, Learning and Motivation, or the Quarterly Journal of Experimental
Psychology (B). Three meta-analysis studies were published in Animal Be-
haviour and one in Behaviour, but the only one related to animal cognition
and behavior was about the role of magnetoreception in human navigation
(Baker, 1987). There has also been a meta-analysis of the difference be-
tween prospective and retrospective time estimations of human participants
(Block & Zakay, 1997). One meta-analysis article was published in Journal
of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, according to the indexing software
(McSweeney, Farmer, Dougan, & Whipple, 1986). This was an extensive

review of the quantitative results related to the applicability of the general-

ized matching law to the results of experiments on multiple schedules of
reinforcement. The authors did not refer to this as a meta-analysis study in
their title, abstract, or key words, and, with the definitions used in this article,
it should be classified as an excellent example of secondary data analysis of
published data. A meta-analysis has been done of field studies relating deple-
tion of resource patches to initial resource density (Dolman & Sutherland,
1997). It is not clear why meta-analysis has been rarely, if ever, used in
research on animal cognition and behavior. Although there are problems with
obtaining a random sample of studies, establishing independence of observa-
tions, and determining the comparability of the conditions of the studies, the
problems are not unique to this field. Probably the lack of use of meta-analy-
sis of studies of animal cognition and behavior is due to research conventions
in the field. Whether or not meta-analysis would provide useful quantitative
measures to supplement narrative reviews has not been evaluated. An essen-
tial weakness of meta-analysis is that it relies upon the statistical analysis
of published data and thus lacks the versatility that is possible in an examina-
tion of the raw data.
In both his research and theoretical articles, John Gibbon made effective
use of secondary analysis of published results. He first described scalar
timing in an article in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology (Gibbon,
1971). In one figure he demonstrated that the latency of avoidance re-
sponding is a linear function of the warning signal duration (see Fig. 1). He
used the reported results of four experiments (Anderson, 1969; Hyman,
1969; Kamin, 1954; Low & Low, 1962), redrew the functions on a common
scale, and edited the data in one case by eliminating the data from one animal
that showed strong order effects. He interpreted the linearity of the function
in terms of scalar timing, and the positive intercept in terms of motor time
in executing the response. However, he noted that the form of the inter-
response time distributions provided a much more stringent test. This is pre-
sumably because there are many more ways to produce a linear relationship
between mean latency and stimulus duration than there are to produce an
identity of multiple functions from results obtained under different condi-
In the analysis of data from Sidman avoidance procedures in his laboratory
and in two other laboratories (Anger, 1963; Verhave, 1959), Gibbon (1971)
showed that interresponse time distributions for single rats at different re-
sponseshock intervals were essentially of the same type when time was
scaled in relative units. This is an example of what was later called super-
position and time scale invariance. Because the published data from the vari-
ous experiments reported different dependent variables, Gibbon found it
necessary to show the linearity of the latency with stimulus duration on the

FIG. 1. Latency of avoidance responding as a function of warning signal duration. t is

time since the interval began; T is the mixed interval value; and M is a fixed latency to begin
timing. The figure is reprinted from Gibbon (1971). It was based on Gibbons secondary
analysis of data from Anderson (1969), Low and Low (1962), Kamin (1954), and Hyman

basis of one set of experiments and the superposition effect on another set
of experiments.
Gibbon (1971) derived explicit solutions for a model of the mean inter-
response and intershock time functions for several free-operant avoidance
schedules. In one figure he showed that the model provided excellent fits
to the data from five individual animals from four different experiments
(Clark & Hull, 1966; Hake, 1968; Sidman, 1953; Verhave, 1959). Although
these experiments involved different species (rats, dogs, and monkeys) and
different procedures, Gibbon demonstrated that simple quantitative functions
based on scalar timing applied to results from all of them. This analysis was
extended to the effect of amount of reduction in shock density in a theoretical
article that included data from published experiments of others (Gibbon,
1972). An unwritten message from this article is that it is not necessary to
design a specific experiment to determine whether or not a quantitative prin-
ciple is applicable. Confidence in the generality of a principle may be in-
creased by the range of studies to which it applies and the fact that the author
did not design the experiment for the purpose of illustrating the principle.
According to the Science Citation Index, this important article (Gibbon,
1971) in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology has been cited only 21
times, and only four times in the past decade. In an influential article in the
Psychological Review entitled Scalar expectancy theory and Webers law
in animal timing (Gibbon, 1977), scalar timing was applied to a wider range
of procedures. This article has been cited 358 times, and the rate of citations

FIG. 2. Three examples of relativistic timing. This figure is reprinted from Gibbon (1977).
It was based on secondary analysis of published data from Dews (1970), LaBarbera and Church
(1974), and unpublished data from Gibbons laboratory.

does not appear to be decreasing: Over a third of the citations (126) were
in the past 5 years (1996 through 2000).
The first figure in this theoretical article (Gibbon, 1977) demonstrated the
relativistic nature of timing behavior (Fig. 2). The three figures came from
unpublished research from Gibbons laboratory and two other experiments
that used quite different methods: pigeons or rats, fixed or variable interval
schedules of reinforcement, various ranges of intervals, and food or shock
reinforcers (Dews, 1970; LaBarbera & Church, 1974). The function forms
obtained in the three experiments are different (increasing or decreasing,
linear or nonlinear), and different independent and dependent variables were
used. The one regularity was that all the functions within each of the experi-
ments were essentially the same. This required that the independent variable
represent time in relative rather than in absolute units.
In other figures in this article, Gibbon (1977) showed that the mean and
standard deviation increased linearly with the fixed interval, that the coeffi-
cient of variation (the standard deviation divided by the mean) was approxi-
mately constant (Schneider, 1969; Schneider & Neuringer, 1972) in a fixed
time schedule (Killeen, 1975), that the mean time to the second response in
a progressive interval schedule was linearly related to the interval schedule
on a log-log scale (Harzem, 1969), that the function relating normalized ac-
tivity to relative time was the same at three different intervals between food
presentations (Killeen, 1975), and that the function relating probability of a
short response to relative time was the same for various ranges of time
intervals (Stubbs, 1968).
In the application of scalar expectancy theory to choice, Gibbon (1977)

used data from Chung (1965), Chung and Herrnstein (1967), Duncan and
Fantino (1970), Killeen (1970), Moffitt and Shimp (1971), Rachlin and
Green (1972), Shimp (1968, 1969), and Staddon (1968) to compare the pre-
dictions of scalar expectancy theory with matching. The quantitative predic-
tions of scalar expectancy theory were excellent in all five of the figures;
the matching predictions were not. Gibbons 1997 article provided broad
support for the general principles of scalar expectancy theory and for the
application of Webers law in animal timing.
The location of the data points in the published articles were carefully
measured by enlarging the figures photographically to 8 10 inches, and
using a Gerber scientific GraphAnalogue ruler (Model GA-103) to measure
the location within 1% of the data values (Gibbon, 1977, footnote 2).1 Other
approaches are to make an overhead transparency of a graph and project it
on large graph paper on a wall, or to use a copy machine to enlarge a graph
and enter the observed values in a spreadsheet (in millimeters), calculate the
slope and intercept of the scale transforms, and transform the units from
lengths to units of the dependent variable. A modern approach is to use a
scanner to digitize a graph that can be saved in an appropriate format and
then use software (such as DataThief, from to deter-
mine the location of the points. These procedures provide ways to obtain
reasonably accurate estimates of the values shown in graphs. The main limi-
tation is that the dependent variables displayed in most graphs represent
highly summarized information and not the original data. In some cases,
such as Killeen (1975), John Gibbon requested and received copies of origi-
nal data sheets and documentation.
In many of his studies of avoidance of shock, autoshaping, and interval
schedules of positive reinforcement, and choice, Gibbon supported the gener-
ality of conclusions by using published quantitative data from other experi-
ments. The figure that included data from the largest number of other experi-
ments showed that the number of reinforcers to acquisition of an autoshaped
response by pigeons was linearly related to the ratio of the intertrial duration

Information about the Gerber GraphAnalogue is available at
com. It includes the following story from 1945:
While studying aeronautical engineering at Renselaeer Polytechnic Institute, H. Jo-
seph Gerber was frequently required to solve intricate and time-consuming mathe-
matical problems, many involving the plotting of points. One night, in an effort to
reduce the tedious and repetitive nature of his homework assignments, he created
an expandable ruler from the elastic waistband of his pajama bottomsthereby
inventing a new method of scaling distances between points. An instant sensation
on campus, his invention was eventually modified to incorporate a unique triangular
spring . . . giving birth to the Gerber Variable Scale . This handheld device, hailed
as the greatest invention since the slide rule, is still in production todaymore than
50 years after the factwith thousands in use around the world. And, it is on perma-
nent display at the Smithsonian Institutions Museum of American History.

FIG. 3. Number of reinforcers to an acquisition criterion as a function of the ratio of

intertrial duration (I) to stimulus duration (T). The figure is reprinted from Gallistel and Gibbon
(2000), which was redrawn from Gibbon and Balsam (1981). It was based on secondary analy-
sis from 12 published experiments listed in the legend.

to trial duration on a log-log scale (Gibbon & Balsam, 1981) (see Fig. 3).
In autoshaping, food may be presented at some interval (I) after the previous
food, and the stimulus may begin at some interval (T) prior to the food. For
example, I may be 100 s, and T may be 10 s. This makes the I/T ratio 10,
a ratio that produces a moderate acquisition score.
In his description of the historical and causal origins of scalar timing the-
ory, Gibbon (1991) replotted data from a well-known study of fixed interval
responding that demonstrated that the response rate on individual intervals
abruptly changed from a low rate to a high rate and that this break point
varied from one interval to another (Schneider, 1969). The top panel of Fig-
ure 4 shows the conventional representation of mean response rate as a func-
tion of time; the bottom panel shows that both the mean and the standard
deviation of the breakpoint increased linearly with the interval duration, al-
though at different slopes. The linear functions accounted for about 99% of
the variance. This is one of many cases in which Gibbons analysis went
beyond the original published report. Schneider had demonstrated the linear-
ity of the mean of the breakpoint as a function of the fixed interval, and he
provided enough data for Gibbon to extend this to demonstrate the linearity
of the standard deviation.
John Gibbon made extensive use of secondary data analysis in the analysis

FIG. 4. Response rate as a function of time since food delivery on a fixed interval schedule
of reinforcement (top); mean and standard deviation of the break point as a function of the
fixed interval (bottom). The figure is reprinted from Gibbon (1991). It was based on secondary
analysis from published data from Schneider (1969).

of human as well as animal timing. In one figure of a review article on the

neurobiology of temporal cognition (Gibbon, Malapani, Dale, & Gallistel,
1997), the coefficient of variation was shown as a function of the duration
of the interval being timed, from under 100 ms to over 2 h, based on 28
studies with humans and 15 studies with animals.
In their major statement regarding the relationship of timing and condition-
ing, Gallistel and Gibbon (2000) included 30 figures: over half of them in-

volved secondary data analysis of published data; the others involved pri-
mary data analysis, or a specification of model or procedure. The most
important feature of secondary data analysis is that the actual quantitative
results of published research is taken seriously. This can be used to establish
the generality of a quantitative function, and it can also be used to identify
problems of theoretical interest. The close examination of the quantitative
results of published studies has often facilitated the development and testing
of new quantitative theory: An excellent example of this is Killeens article
in this issue.
For a primary analysis, the investigator must select particular summary
measures to report in the text, figures, tables, and short appendices. The deci-
sion about how to summarize the data is an important one, because it is
irreversible. It is seldom possible to regenerate the original data from the
summaries and, therefore, the published summary measures of performance
can only rarely be used to examine alternative measures of performance. For
example, a study of classical conditioning that reports absolute or relative
rates (or probabilities) of responding in the presence and absence of a stimu-
lus cannot be used to evaluate a real-time theory of conditioning because
the time of responding has been eliminated from the record.
The major limitation of secondary data analysis of the published data is
that, due to the constraints of space in paper journals, the publication includes
only a summarized version of the original data. There is considerable infor-
mation in the original data that cannot be recovered from the summary mea-
sures reported in the published article. If the original data were available,
this limitation of secondary data analysis would disappear. Some journals,
such as the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, have a long
record of publishing large tables of data, but most rarely have space for more
than a few highly summarized tables.
Figures and highly summarized tables seldom provide the necessary infor-
mation for the analysis of alternative dependent variables or the examination
of different problems. For example, Crystal, Church, and Broadbent (1997)
reported results of several experiments to examine systematic nonlinearities
in rats memory for time. The published analyses based upon a particular
dependent variable, the start time, could not be used by an analyst who
wanted to examine a different dependent variable, such as time of median
response. From the original data, however, it is possible to examine this
dependent variable and a different problem, such as the scalar nature of the
behavior. Figure 5 shows that both the mean and the standard deviation of
the time of the median response of rats in 66 different interval durations
between 10 and 140 s is approximately linear; therefore, the ratio of the
standard deviation to the mean (the coefficient of variation) would also be
approximately linear. This is an illustration of the use of data from an experi-

FIG. 5. Mean and standard deviation of the time of the median response as a function
of previous interval duration. This figure is based on secondary data analysis of the original
data from Group 2 of Experiment 2 of Crystal, Church, and Broadbent (1997) on the web
site http:/ /

ment designed for the study of one topic (systematic nonlinearities in timing)
for obtaining evidence on a different topic (Webers law for timing).
Every year research psychologists collect an enormous amount of data.
They summarize it, they attempt to explain it, and they publish articles based
on the research. The original data may be in notebooks, in stacks of data
forms and, increasingly, in computer files. Various guidelines for data reten-
tion and data sharing have been made by journal editors, by the ethical guide-
lines for members of the American Psychological Association, and others.
Many psychologists maintain these records for five years or more, but it
currently is difficult to analyze them further: The details of the data formats
may be difficult to reconstruct, and they may be stored on media that are
no longer standard. Some investigators are willing and able to make their
original data available upon request to others, but, for all practical purposes,
after publication most original data are inaccessible. At present, any influ-
ence of a research project must be due to the features that can be published,
such as the procedure, the summarized data, or the conclusions; it cannot be
based on the original data.
Many experimenters currently record extensive data from experiments,
and these records may be saved on removable disks or other storage media.

For example, the experimenter may automatically record the times of occur-
rence of several stimuli and responses during many sessions. These are more
complete than more summarized measures which do not record the specific
times of occurrence of each measured event, and these data provide more
information than is usually available in the published articles. For example,
they would provide information about each animal on each session. Second-
ary data analysis could be done on the original data, if the original data were
It is now feasible to make original data available on the internet. At present
some investigators have made data available on personal websites, and this
is reasonably easy to do. The original data from many experiments can be
represented as the times of occurrence of different events. These can be rep-
resented in text format in a table with many rows and two columns. The
original data from other experiments can be represented as numbers or words
in text format in tables with many rows and more than two columns. For
some purposes, such as archiving of stimuli, other formats are required. Sci-
entific societies or other organizations could provide an important service by
facilitating the development of standard format conventions and by providing
storage space for data that could be mirrored at other sites.
The archive should be easy to use: It should be well organized and com-
pact; it should use standard formats; and the software should be written in
a way to guarantee fast, reliable transmission. Most critically, each data set
in the archive should be accompanied by good documentation that specifies
completely and in a standardized form the experimental procedures and the
codes used. Sole reliance on personal archives is not a sufficient long-term
solution to providing permanent and wide access to original data. A useful
archive of data should contain data from research on a topic that is important
and focused (e.g., animal cognition), but that is broader than the research of
a single laboratory.
A data archive should contain a large quantity of high-quality data with
both hierarchical organization of subtopics and features to facilitate searches.
An archive of data would be particularly useful if it contained various forms
of assistance, such as references to the published literature, links to other
relevant sites, data analysis tools, theory tools, and technical support. Data
sets linked to full-text versions of published articles that have gone through
the peer review process are particularly valuable, especially if the full-text
versions are widely available.
A major concern is that investigators will not put their data in archives.
They may consider the effort of putting the data into a standard format to
outweigh the value of the general accessibility of the data. Many articles are
rarely cited, and may be rarely read; many data sets may never be used for
secondary data analysis. Some investigators may also be concerned that er-
rors will be exposed or that others will publish articles based upon their data
or will propose alternative explanations of their data. Examples in which

further analysis of data led to the identification of errors include Church,

Crystal, and Collyer (1996), Gaffan and Gaffan (1992), and LoLordo and
Ross (1991).
There are many reasons investigators might want to put data in an archive.
The scholarly values include the advancement of knowledge, the identifica-
tion of errors, the announcement of negative results, and the support and
amplification of a published article. The societal values include the maximi-
zation of information available to everyone and the minimization of the num-
ber of animals required. There are even reasons of self-interest to investiga-
tors to put data in an archive: It could increase the number of citations and
increase the credibility of the data.
Archives of original data might be used by empiricists, theorists, and
scholars. Empiricists might use the archives for further analyses, improve-
ment of experimental designs, and detection of errors in previous research.
Theorists might use them for development of quantitative models and for
tests of current quantitative models. Many different types of scholars, who
are now excluded from participation in research on animal cognition, might
use them. These include faculty without laboratory resources, teachers, stu-
dents, writers of in-depth review articles, data analysts in other fields, and
gifted amateurs.
Secondary analysis of the original data is not currently being used in the
field of animal cognition, although it is being used extensively in other fields,
such as astronomy, high-energy physics, the genome project, and psychologi-
cal health surveys. It has been used primarily in fields in which there is a
large amount of data and the cost of the data collection is particularly high.
Animal cognition experiments are often expensive because they may require
specialized laboratory facilities for the maintenance of animals and for the
experimental control and recording of behavior, and many of the experiments
require lengthy training protocols. Thus, the data in animal cognition may
be an excellent candidate for secondary data analysis. Although this may
require some adjustment of editorial policy and attitudes of investigators and
peers toward the analysis of data collected by others, such an adjustment
could facilitate progress in the field. Data archives may become a resource
as useful as a library, and they are feasible to develop.
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Received April 1, 2001

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