ESMO Relapsed Ovarian Ca
ESMO Relapsed Ovarian Ca
ESMO Relapsed Ovarian Ca
These Clinical Practice Guidelines are endorsed by the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO)
incidence and epidemiology with a rst-degree relative have more than a twofold increase in
risk of ovarian cancer compared with women with no family
The estimated number of new ovarian cancer cases in Europe in history. However, only 10% of ovarian cancer cases have an
2012 was 65 538 with 42 704 deaths [1]. There is variation in the identiable genetic mutation, e.g. the known susceptibility genes
incidence rate across the continent with a higher incidence in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. An inherited BRCA 1 mutation confers a
northern European countries. In the USA, there were 20 400 15%45% lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer and 85%
clinical practice
newly diagnosed cases and 14 400 deaths in 2009 [2]. Ovarian risk of developing breast cancer. A BRCA 2 mutation increases
cancer is the fth most common type of cancer in women and the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer to 10%20% and breast
the fourth most common cause of cancer death in women. The cancer risk of 85%. Women with hereditary ovarian cancer
estimated lifetime risk for a woman developing ovarian cancer is tend to develop the disease 10 years earlier than women with
about 1 in 54. non-hereditary ovarian cancer. There are no clear guidelines for
Ovarian cancer is predominantly a disease of older, referral of ovarian cancer patients for testing. Referral is made
postmenopausal women with the majority (>80%) of cases being on the basis of a family history and ethnic background. The
diagnosed in women over 50 years. The exact cause of ovarian importance of identifying BRCA mutations has increased as, in
cancer remains unknown but many associated risk factors have addition to risk-reducing surgery and surveillance for breast
been identied. A womans reproductive history appears to cancer in the patient and in family members, there are new
contribute signicantly to her lifetime risk of ovarian cancer. treatments emerging specically for BRCA-related cancers.
Those women who have had multiple pregnancies have a lower
risk than those with fewer pregnancies, who in turn have a lower
risk than nulliparous women. Early menarche and late
menopause also seem to contribute to a greater risk of ovarian pathology
cancer, while use of the oral contraceptive pill, tubal ligation, The majority of cases of ovarian cancer are of epithelial origin
breastfeeding and suppression of ovulation offer protection (90%). The World Health Organisation histological typing of
against ovarian cancer. All of these risk factors point to ovulation epithelial ovarian tumours recognises the following distinct
being correlated with the development of ovarian cancer. Further subtypes [4]:
risk factors are obesity and possibly the use of talcum powder.
Family history plays a very important role in the development serous
of ovarian cancer, although in a recent study 44% patients with endometrioid
high-grade serous ovarian cancer and a germline BRCA clear cell
mutation did not report a family history of cancer [3]. Women mucinous
Brenner (transitional cell)
mixed epithelial tumours
*Correspondence to: ESMO Guidelines Working Group, ESMO Head Ofce, Via undifferentiated
L. Taddei 4, CH-6962 Viganello-Lugano, Switzerland. unclassied
E-mail: [email protected]
Clinical trials have demonstrated that the subtype has
Approved by the ESMO Guidelines Working Group: April 2002, last update July 2013.
This publication supersedes the previously published versionAnn Oncol 2010; 21
prognostic importance [5] [I]. Grade is an additional prognostic
(Suppl. 5): v23v30. determinant and a number of grading systems currently exist
The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected].
Annals of Oncology clinical practice guidelines
which are derived from reviewing the following tumour other carcinomas
characteristics: architectural features, mitotic counts and nuclear Mixed carcinomas are diagnosed when a tumour consists of
atypia. Based on these, a grade of 13 is most commonly more than one histological type and the minor component
assigned [6]. There is no single universally accepted grading forms >10%. Undifferentiated carcinomas are rare and are likely
system. Some use a two-tier staging [7]; moreover, it is being to represent one end of the high-grade serous spectrum [13].
recognised increasingly that different grading systems for
different histological subtypes should be employed. The
borderline tumours (tumours of low malignant
complexity of subclassication below and its affect on treatment
choice underline the importance of the role of an expert in
gynaecological pathology in typing tumours. Borderline tumours comprise about 10%15% of ovarian
tumours and do not t into the category of benign or malignant.
As most ovarian tumours are serous in origin, borderline serous
serous carcinomas
tumours are the most common type but borderline mucinous
Invasive serous carcinomas are the most common histological and endometrioid tumours also occur. Borderline serous
type accounting for up to 80% of advanced ovarian cancers. In tumours form part of the spectrum of low-grade serous cancers.
recent years, convincing data have been presented that high- They are managed primarily by surgery and respond poorly to
grade serous and low-grade serous ovarian cancers are two chemotherapy.
distinct disease entities [8, 9]. Tumours with mild to moderate
cytologic atypia and low mitotic rates are classied as low-grade,
whereas patients with severe cytologic atypia and high mitotic molecular pathogenesis
rates are considered high-grade serous tumours. There are also Ovarian cancer is recognised as a heterogeneous disease, and in
distinct mutations present in each type, and the cell of origin the last few years a dualistic model for the pathogenesis of this
may also be different, as discussed in the next section. Clinically, disease has emerged which divides epithelial tumours into type 1
women with low-grade serous tumours, which account for and type 2 ovarian carcinomas. This classication is not intended
10% of serous cancers tend to present at a younger age and to replace histological subtypes but provides a parallel
have a longer survival compared with women with high-grade terminology pertaining to the broad mechanism of cancer
tumours [10]. There is an increasing realisation that low-grade development [13]. Type 1 cancers tend to be low-grade and
serous tumours do not respond to traditional chemotherapy indolent tumours and include low-grade serous, endometrioid,
regimens [11] and that alternative approaches are required mucinous, clear-cell and malignant Brenner tumours. These
particularly for the treatment of recurrent tumours. tumours are characterised by mutations of KRAS, BRAF, ERBB2,
PTEN, PIK3CA and ARID1A and are relatively genetically stable.
endometrioid These mutations occur early in the evolution of type 1 ovarian
The majority of endometrioid ovarian cancers are usually early tumours and are also observed in borderline tumours and
stage (stage 1) and low grade. The prevalence of endometrioid endometriosis. A stepwise sequence of tumour development is
ovarian cancers has decreased in recent years, likely due to now well recognised from benign precursor lesions (e.g.
better pathological diagnosis, and currently they account for borderline tumour) to malignant lesions in type 1 cancers.
10% of ovarian cancers. Endometriosis and in particular Conversely, there is no clear precursor lesion for type 2 cancers.
endometriotic cysts have been implicated as putative precursor These are high-grade, aggressive tumours comprising high-grade
lesions to endometrioid ovarian cancer. ARID1A mutations serous, high-grade endometrioid, malignant mixed mesodermal
have been detected in endometriotic cysts and in endometrioid tumours and undifferentiated tumours. Type 2 tumours are very
ovarian cancer, suggesting a causative role [12]. frequently associated with TP53 mutations, and one landmark
study found that 97% of high-grade serous cancers were
clear-cell cancers associated with a TP53 mutation. Approximately 20% of these
tumours also carried a BRCA1/2 mutation due to a combination
Clear-cell cancers account for 5% of ovarian cancers, although of germline and somatic mutations [14].
the incidence varies worldwide. Japanese women develop clear- In recent years, accumulating evidence has shown that the
cell ovarian cancers more commonly. The prognosis for stage 1 majority of high-grade serous ovarian and peritoneal tumours
clear-cell cancers is relatively good. However, advanced stage originate in the mbria of the fallopian tube (serous tubal
clear-cell cancers have a worse prognosis than serous ovarian intraepithelial carcinoma) [15, 16]. These malignant cells then
cancers as the tumours tend to be resistant to the standard metastasise to the ovaries and the peritoneal cavity.
chemotherapeutic agents used in ovarian cancer. Clear-cell
cancers are also strongly associated with endometriosis and a
signicant proportion carry ARID1A mutations [12]. diagnosis
Patients with ovarian cancer conned to the ovary may have few
transitional carcinoma or no symptoms, making clinical diagnosis of early ovarian
Primary ovarian transitional carcinomas are rare but cancer more difcult. Symptoms are most commonly seen with
carcinomas with transitional features are quite common. The advanced disease. Recognised symptoms of all stages include
majority of the latter are variants of high-grade serous abdominal or pelvic pain, constipation, diarrhoea, urinary
carcinomas and exhibit WT1 positivity. frequency, vaginal bleeding, abdominal distension and fatigue.
In advanced ovarian cancer, ascites and abdominal masses lead can be calculated from clinical factors, ultrasound and CA 125
to increased abdominal girth, bloating, nausea, anorexia, and can be used to refer patients to a specialist gynaecological
dyspepsia and early satiety. Extension of disease across the oncology team. Computed tomography (CT) scans are routinely
diaphragm to the pleural cavities can produce pleural effusions used to determine the extent of disease and to aid in surgical
and the development of respiratory symptoms. Patients may planning. Imaging of the chest with CT or chest X-ray should be
become aware of an abdominal or nodal mass either in the done to look for pleural effusions and disease above the
inguinal region, axillae or the supraclavicular fossa. diaphragm. A pleural effusion cannot be regarded as malignant
Following a full clinical assessment, measurement of serum CA and indicative of FIGO stage IV disease without conrmation of
125 is routinely used to aid diagnosis. However, its utility to positive cytology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans do
detect early disease is questionable as it is elevated only in about not form part of routine investigations.
50% of patients with the International Federation of Gynecology
and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage I disease. In advanced disease, CA staging and risk assessment
125 is elevated in about 85% of patients. It is not specic for
ovarian cancer and raised CA 125 levels may be found in non- FIGO staging remains the most powerful indicator of prognosis
gynaecological malignancies (e.g. breast, lung, colon and (see Table 1). Although surgically dened, preoperative
pancreatic cancer) and benign disease (e.g. endometriosis, pelvic assessment with cross-sectional imaging (CT or MRI) is essential
inammatory disease and ovarian cysts). Serum as it guides surgery and the pathway of intervention. Given the
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA 199 levels are variation in histological subtypes and evolving different patterns
sometimes measured in situations where it is unclear whether an of care, reliance on a cytological diagnosis should be avoided and
ovarian mass is of gastrointestinal origin, or a primary mucinous a histological diagnosis should be obtained if at all possible.
ovarian tumour. Similarly, in these situations, colonoscopy Primary surgery remains the most common and preferred
and/or gastroscopy are sometimes considered, particularly when approach, but where this is deemed not feasible, an image-
CA 125/CEA ratio is 25. Ultrasonography of the abdomen and guided or laparoscopic biopsy should be carried out.
pelvis is usually the rst imaging investigation recommended for
women in whom ovarian cancer is suspected. Transvaginal treatment plan
ultrasonography has improved the visualisation of ovarian
structures, thus improving the differentiation of malignant versus surgical management of early primary disease
benign conditions [17]. A number of morphological variables The aim of surgery for early ovarian cancer is to resect the
have been identied as being strongly associated with ovarian tumour and to undertake adequate staging. This will provide
cancer. The presence of a large lesion, multi-locular cysts, solid prognostic information and will dene whether chemotherapy
papillary projections, irregular internal septations and ascites are is needed. The diagnosis may be made preoperatively, but
highly suggestive of ovarian cancer. A risk of malignancy index sometimes a tumour is an incidental nding. The availability of
Stage III Tumour involving one or both ovaries with histologically conrmed peritoneal implants outside the pelvis and/or positive regional lymph nodes.
Supercial liver metastases equal stage III. Tumour is limited to the true pelvis, but with histologically proven malignant extension to small
bowel or omentum
IIIA Tumour grossly limited to the true pelvis, with negative nodes, but with histologically conrmed microscopic seeding of abdominal peritoneal
surfaces, or histologically proven extension to small bowel or mesentery
IIIB Tumour of one or both ovaries with histologically conrmed implants, peritoneal metastasis of abdominal peritoneal surfaces, none exceeding 2
cm in diameter; nodes are negative
IIIC Peritoneal metastasis beyond the pelvis >2 cm in diameter and/or positive regional lymph nodes
Stage IV Growth involving one or both ovaries with distant metastases. If pleural effusion is present, there must be positive cytology to allot a case to stage
IV. Parenchymal liver metastasis equals stage IV
In order to evaluate the impact on prognosis of the different criteria for allotting cases to stage IC or IIC, it would be of value to know whether rupture of the
capsule was spontaneous, or caused by the surgeon and whether the source of malignant cells detected was peritoneal washings or ascites.
Reprinted from the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics [57]. Copyright 2006, with permission from Elsevier.
surgery at rst relapse appears to be associated with a survival Standard chemotherapy consists of a combination of
benet only when a complete tumour resection can be obtained paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 and carboplatin AUC 6-5, both
[30, 31]. Patients with two of three of the following criteria: administered intravenously every 3 weeks [I, A] [3638]. This
complete resection at rst surgery, good performance status and has been the standard treatment of more than 15 years, and
absence of ascites had the best survival [III, C]. There are clinical trials in the last decade adding a third drug, such as the
currently two prospective multi-centre randomised trials large Gynaecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) ICON-5/GOG
evaluating the value of surgery at relapse. The European trial, 182 trial [39], have not been shown to improve PFS or OS in
DESKTOP III [NCT01166737] uses selection criteria based on these patients. The combination of cisplatin and paclitaxel is
the above. The other study GOG 213 [NCT00565851] also equally effective but is more toxic and less convenient to
incorporates the addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy. administer. Usually six cycles of treatment are given; no
The value of surgery to improve palliation at later relapse is less evidence exists to suggest that more than six cycles results in a
clear. The largest multi-centre retrospective analysis on tertiary better outcome. While survival benets are seen in trials with
cytoreduction included more than 400 patients in 14 centres platinum-based therapy, many women undergo several lines of
worldwide [32]. This analysis showed that residual tumours retain treatment, making dissection of the contribution of individual
a positive effect on survival even in the tertiary setting of epithelial therapies, particularly rst-line therapy, more complex.
ovarian cancer, attenuating the impact of other well-established For those patients who develop an allergy to or do not
negative prognostic predictors of survival such as ascites, tolerate paclitaxel, the combination of docetaxel-carboplatin or
advanced FIGO stage and peritoneal carcinomatosis [IV, C]. pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD)-carboplatin can be
considered an alternative, based on two randomised clinical
adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage trials that showed similar efcacy [II, A] [40, 41].
Alternative schedules of administration of paclitaxel and
disease platinum chemotherapy have included intraperitoneal delivery
A recent Cochrane meta-analyses of ve large prospective and dose-dense regimens.
clinical trials (4 of 10 with platinum-based chemotherapy) Intraperitoneal chemotherapy has a solid pharmacokinetic
showed that chemotherapy is more benecial than observation background and consists of administration of part of the
in patients with early-stage ovarian cancer [33]. Patients who chemotherapy, usually the platinum agent, directly into the
received platinum-based adjuvant chemotherapy had better OS peritoneal cavity through a catheter. One randomised clinical
[hazard ratio (HR) 0.71; 95% condence interval (CI) 0.53 trial carried out by the GOG (GOG-172) demonstrated a benet
0.93] and PFS (HR 0.67; 95% CI 0.530.84) than patients who in PFS and OS for a regimen that included not only
did not receive adjuvant treatment. Even though two-thirds of intraperitoneal cisplatin on day 2 and intravenous paclitaxel on
the patients included in the two major studies were day 1, but also intraperitoneal paclitaxel on day 8 [42].
suboptimally staged, some benet for chemotherapy in Additionally a meta-analysis of ve clinical trials conrmed a
optimally staged patients cannot be excluded. Long-term benet for intraperitoneal chemotherapy in OS [43]. This led to
follow-up of the ICON 1 trial conrms the benet of adjuvant a National Cancer Institute alert in 1996 recommending that
chemotherapy, particularly in those patients at higher risk of intraperitoneal therapy should be considered in patients with
recurrence (stage 1B/C grade 2/3, any grade 3 or clear-cell small volume (<1 cm) or no residual disease after surgery.
histology) [34]. Therefore, adjuvant chemotherapy should be However, this treatment has not been adopted as a standard of
offered not only to suboptimally staged patients but also to care in the majority of institutions and countries due to its
those optimally staged at higher risk of recurrence [I, A]. greater toxicity and difculty in delivering all of the
The optimal duration of treatment remains controversial; planned treatment. The absence of the current standard
there has been only one randomised trial (GOG 157) which intravenous control arm in these trials has further inuenced
showed that six cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel were not scepticism, and many clinicians still regard intraperitoneal
associated with longer PFS or OS, but with a signicantly therapy as experimental, recommending its use only in the
greater toxicity than with three cycles [35]. There are no data to context of randomised trials. Several of these are in progress
demonstrate that the addition of paclitaxel to carboplatin is [I, B].
superior. Some clinicians feel that separating the choice of Dose-dense scheduling to improve the effectiveness of
treatment between FIGO stage IC and stage IIIV is articial, paclitaxel chemotherapy has also been explored in ovarian
and therefore choose to offer combination chemotherapy to cancer. A Japanese study (NOVELJGOG 3062) compared 3-
women with stage IC. However, evidence of a benet of weekly paclitaxel and carboplatin with the same dose of
combination therapy in this group is lacking; therefore, it is carboplatin every 3 weeks (AUC 6) and paclitaxel administered
reasonable to consider single-agent carboplatin to all women in a weekly dose of 80 mg/m2. Signicant benets in PFS and
with intermediate and high-risk stage I disease. OS were seen at 3 years, and a recent update with longer follow-
up has conrmed this benet in women with small volume and
front-line chemotherapy for epithelial >2 cm residual disease [44, 45]. However, 36% of patients had to
stop this regimen prematurely due to side-effects, especially
ovarian cancer (FIGO stage IIIV) myelotoxicity. This is a potentially practice-changing trial, but
The risks of recurrence for disease spread beyond the ovary are the possibility that this is a chance nding or is due to a
signicant, and chemotherapy is recommended for all patients pharmacogenomic difference between Japanese and Caucasian
with FIGO stage IIIV disease post surgery. populations makes it necessary to conrm these results in a
conrmed an improvement in PFS with a HR of 0.68 (95% CI bevacizumab at some point during progression) [I, A].
0.570.81) and OS with a HR of 0.8 (95% CI 0.641.0) [51]. However, bevacizumab in combination with this chemotherapy
Additionally, the CALYPSO trial demonstrated that the has been licensed by the EMA and is a recommended treatment
combination of carboplatinPLD was not inferior to paclitaxel for patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer
carboplatin in terms of PFS, but was better tolerated because of who have not previously received bevacizumab.
the minimal incidence of alopecia, neuropathy, and arthralgias The second (AURELIA) trial was carried out in patients with
and fewer hypersensitivity reactions [52]. Again, the selection platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. This was a selected group
between the different options of platinum-based doublets who had received no more than two previous lines of treatment
should be based on the toxicity prole and convenience of and who did not have evidence of bowel obstruction or tumour
administration [I, B]. involvement of the serosa of the rectosigmoid colon. Patients
Several choices of treatment exist for patients with platinum- received standard chemotherapy according to physician choice
sensitive relapse. As this can occur on more than one occasion, (weekly paclitaxel, PLD or topotecan), and were randomised to
it allows for different combinations to be selected. Most of these receive bevacizumab or no additional treatment, together with
combinations involve platinum, but in the partially platinum- chemotherapy and then as maintenance until progression.
sensitive group, a survival benet was seen in a subgroup Patients receiving bevacizumab had a longer PFS (HR 0.48, 95%
analysis of the OVA-301 trial when trabectedin was combined CI 0.380.60) and an increment in response rate measured by
with PLD, when compared with PLD alone [I, B] [53, 54]. It has Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) of 15%
been hypothesised that this benet is due to the restoration of (11.8% versus 27.3%) [I, B] [56]. However, quality of life and OS
platinum-sensitivity by articially prolonging the platinum- data are still pending.
free interval. This is now being explored in two prospective
randomised trials.
Relapse may be dened according to CA 125 criteria even if this
targeted therapy does not directly lead to a change in treatment. More often, a
Bevacizumab has shown to improve the PFS of recurrent rising CA 125 triggers further imaging. According to GCIG
ovarian cancer in two randomised phase III trials. The rst criteria, progression or recurrence based on serum CA 125
(OCEANS trial) included patients with measurable recurrent levels is dened on the basis of a progressive serial elevation of
ovarian cancer after rst-line and a platinum-free interval serum CA 125 [48]. Elevated values must be conrmed by two
longer than 6 months. All patients received a combination of separate measurements obtained at least one week apart. CA
carboplatin and gemcitabine at standard doses and were 125 progression will be assigned the date of the rst
randomised to receive bevacizumab (15 mg/kg) or placebo measurement that meets the criteria as noted.
administered every 3 weeks until progression. The addition of The value and type of follow-up after primary therapy has a
bevacizumab to chemotherapy increased signicantly the PFS weak evidence base and as a result practice varies. Clinical
(HR 0.48, 95% CI 0.380.60) and produced an increment in the evaluation with or without pelvic examination and
response rate of 21% (ORR 78.5% versus 57.4%, P < 0.0001)] measurement of CA 125 is often carried out every 3 months for
[55]. A more mature survival analysis has not proven any 2 years, then every 6 months during years 4 and 5 or until
additional benet in OS, probably due to the high rate of progression occurs. While the benet of monitoring CA 125
crossover (41% of patients in the control arm received during therapy is clear, the value of its measurement following
Table 2. Levels of evidence and grades of recommendation (adapted from the Infectious Diseases Society of America-United States Public Health Service
Grading Systema)
Levels of evidence
I Evidence from at least one large randomised, controlled trial of good methodological quality (low potential for bias) or meta-analyses of well-
conducted randomised trials without heterogeneity
II Small randomised trials or large randomised trials with a suspicion of bias (lower methodological quality) or meta-analyses of such trials or of
trials with demonstrated heterogeneity
III Prospective cohort studies
IV Retrospective cohort studies or casecontrol studies
V Studies without control group, case reports, experts opinions
Grades of recommendation
A Strong evidence for efcacy with a substantial clinical benet, strongly recommended
B Strong or moderate evidence for efcacy but with a limited clinical benet, generally recommended
C Insufcient evidence for efcacy or benet does not outweigh the risk or the disadvantages (adverse events, costs,...), optional
D Moderate evidence against efcacy or for adverse outcome, generally not recommended
E Strong evidence against efcacy or for adverse outcome, never recommended
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