Learn The Principles of The 5S/6S Philosophy and How To Successfully Implement It in Any Facility
Learn The Principles of The 5S/6S Philosophy and How To Successfully Implement It in Any Facility
Learn The Principles of The 5S/6S Philosophy and How To Successfully Implement It in Any Facility
Learn the principles of the 5S/6S philosophy and how to successfully implement it in any facility
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Hundreds of Innovative
Red Tag Strategy . . . . . . . . 7 Products and Solutions
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Lower costs
Better quality
Improved safety
Increased productivity
Set in Order
The first step of 5S begins with the Sort step. vigilant and ruthless. Doing this first step
Sort is the cornerstone of 5S and will help to correctly will lay the groundwork and ensure
get rid of problems such as: a successful implementation of the 5S model.
Tools and materials impeding workflow Identifying unneeded parts and tools is
not always an easy task. Employees and
Wasted time looking for parts, tools, and managers get so used to the chaos that they
products dont even see it anymore.
Stockpiling unnecessary and expensive 5S has an effective tool that will help you with
inventory your sort process its called the Red Tag
Safety hazards resulting from clutter
You begin the Set in Order phase of 5S only Place items so that the users twisting
when the Sort phase is complete. This phase and bending is kept at a minimum when
will be useless if there is unnecessary clutter accessing them.
in the workspace.
Arrange tools and materials in order of
The goal of Set in Order is to create a use.
standardized and consistent way to store and
retrieve tools and materials. The key here is The Set in Order step utilizes several different
standardization. The user must develop this strategies to accomplish its goals including
system based on how often the tools and (but not limited to):
materials are accessed and the process that
uses them.
Label and Sign Strategy
Some guidelines to consider:
If items are used together, store them Paint and Tape Strategy
You eliminated clutter with Sort and you Standardize your cleaning program for best
organized with Set in Order. Now its time to results. Train your employees how to do it
sanitize with Shine. correctly. Make sure that they know what
they are responsible for and give them the
When you implement this step, two things tools to do the job. Utilize checklists and
will happen. First, your employees will diagrams for consistency.
love coming to work in such a clean and
bright environment. And second, because
you are keeping the equipment and your Inspection and
surroundings in such great shape, you will
have fewer injuries and fewer equipment Maintenance
breakdowns. And that means greater
productivity and fewer costs. Cleaning is not the only facet of Shine.
The daily Shine ritual should also include
With the 5S system, cleaning is everyones inspection and routine maintenance.
responsibility. Although you may still use a
janitorial staff to tackle the daily large-scale As your employees are doing their daily
jobs, the detailed cleaning will be done by cleaning routine, they should be inspecting
your employees. You must train your staff the tools and machinery for damage or
to view dirt and chaos as an intolerable defects as well. Include it in the daily
situation. checklist to make sure it gets done.
It must be a culture that is followed from the Periodic routine maintenance should also
CEO down to the apprentice. be done at this time. Some examples are
checking the oil level in machinery, tightening
We all have our own way of doing things. This 1) Make sure that each employee
kind of individuality is great in our personal
lives because it makes life much more
knows his responsibilities.
interesting and fun.
If employees dont know exactly what is
But non-conformity can be unproductive in expected of them, then how can they do it?
the workplace. If your employees start doing
things their own way, then things will start to They should have a clear understanding of
get missed and conditions will slowly start to their daily and weekly Sort, Set to Order, and
deteriorate. Shine tasks. Their responsibilities should be
clearly written out on a checklist or a chart so
The Standardize pillar seeks to utilize a set of that it can be easily accessed throughout the
schedules and checklists that can be easily day.
followed so that each step is performed
exactly the same way every day.
2) Make it a part of their daily
This way, each employee knows what he routine.
needs to do, when he needs to do it, and
exactly how to do it. If you train your employees correctly, they will
be executing the steps of 5S without even
There is no room for uncertainty. thinking about it.
Standardize uses three steps to make That wrench is out of place. Its home is
sure that the 5S pillars are getting done here. -or- I know the next tool I need is the
consistently and correctly: screwdriver because my tools are stored in
the order that I use them.
3) Periodic evaluation.
Once you start the 5S model in your place of Assign the time to do it.
business, you will see the improvements very
quickly. But the key to long-term success is Give your staff the time to do the steps
simple diligence. correctly. For example, designate the fifteen
minutes before lunch and shift end as Shine
Have you ever gone on a diet to lose a few time. During this time, their main focus is
pounds? In the beginning, you really keep at cleaning and organizing according to their
it. You stay away from those French fries, eat checklists.
more fruits and veggies, and may even go for
a jog a couple of days a week. You lose six
pounds in two weeks.
Start from the top.
But inevitably, you start to slip. Youre out
with friends and you indulge in dessert. Or Your whole organization must be on board
you hit your favorite fried chicken joint. Its if 5S is going to work in the long run. If your
only this one time, you say. Before you know employees see that management is not
it, youre back to your old bad habits and following the steps, do you think that they will
have gained all of your weight back. continue to do it?
Traditionally there are only 5 pillars or steps Train your staff to use the equipment
in the 5S system, but many companies and correctly. Heavy equipment, electronics,
organizations opt for adding a sixth pillar: forklifts, and power tools are all
Safety. This system is then usually referred dangerous to those who use them
to, naturally, as 6S. incorrectly.
Safety plays a critical role in any company Easy-to-understand labels, signs, and
and goes hand in hand with proper space markings contribute a great deal to
organization, so it makes a lot of sense to creating a safe, visual workplace.
highlight it at the same time as 5S. In fact,
implementing the 5S model is a huge first Train your staff on exactly what to do
step in creating a safe environment for you in an emergency. From the seemingly
and your staff. small incidents like cuts and bruises to
the larger ones like injuries and fire, each
employee should know what they need to
What are some other things you do or who they need to notify.
can do?
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