Sro 575 (I) 2006
Sro 575 (I) 2006
Sro 575 (I) 2006
[(i). the imported goods as are not listed in the locally manufactured items, notified through a
Customs General Order issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) from time to
time or, as the case may be, certified as such by the Engineering Development Board.
This condition shall, however, not be applicable in respect of S. Nos. 1, 2, 6, 15, 20, 28,
[29,31 and 35A] of the Table; and for such machinery, equipment and other capital
goods imported as plant for setting up of a new industrial units 8[provided the imports are
made against valid contract (s) or letter (s) of credit and the total C&F value of such
imports for the project is US $ 50 million or above];
(ia). [Omitted]
(ii) except for S. No. 1, 8, 16, 18, 7[23,28,35 and 37] of the Table, the Chief Executive, or the
person next in hierarchy duly authorized by the Chief Executive or Head of the
importing company shall certify in the prescribed manner and format as per Annex-A
that the imported items are the companys bonafide requirement. He shall furnish all
relevant information Online to Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS) against
a specific user ID and password obtained under section 155D of the Customs Act, 1969.
In already computerized Collectorates or Customs stations where the PACCS is not
operational, the Project Director or any other person authorized by the Collector in this
behalf shall enter the requisite information in the PACCS on daily basis, whereas entry of
the data obtained from the customs stations which have not yet been computerized shall
be made on weekly basis; and
(iii) in case of partial shipments of machinery and equipment for setting up a plant, the
importer shall, at the time of arrival of first partial shipment, furnish complete details of
the machinery, equipment and components required for the complete plant, duly
supported by the contract, lay out plan and drawings.
Explanation.- Capital Goods mean any Plant, Machinery, Equipment, spares and accessories, classified in
chapters 84, 85 or any other chapter of the Pakistan Customs Tariff, required for-
(a) the manufacture or production of any goods, and includes refractory bricks and
materials required for setting up a furnace, catalysts, machine tools, packaging
machinery and equipment, refrigeration equipment, power generating sets and
equipment, instruments for testing, research and development, quality control,
pollution control and the like;
(c) service sectors listed at S. No. 16 of the table below, and includes the items
mentioned in clause (a) above.
1) Ploughs 8432.1010
2) Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators 8432.2100
including inter-row cultivators, 8432.2910
weeders, tillers, hoes, rotary hoes and 8432.2990
rotary tiller weeders (above 90 HP).
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
1) Spray pumps (gear and diaphragm 8413.8110
type). 8413.8190
2) All types of mist blowers. [8414.8090]
3) All types of sprayers (self 8424.8100
propelled, manual, power driven, ULV,
tractor/trolley mountable) and
electronic knapsack sprayers excluding
manual knapsack sprayers.
4) Spray nozzles assembly, spray 8424.9010
nozzles and nozzles tips.
5) Herbicides applicators (including 8432.4000
band applicators), fire band weed [8432.8090]
applicators, granular applicators, slurry
spreaders, manure spreader/ composite
6) Dust application machinery and 8432.8090
(D) High Efficiency Irrigation and
Drainage Equipment. 0% Nil
1) Submersible pumps (up to 75 lbs 8413.7010
and head 150 meters) and field
drainage pumps.
2) Sprinklers including high and low [8424.8100]
pressure (center pivotal) system, [8424.2010]
conventional sprinkler equipment,
water reel traveling sprinkler, drip or
trickle irrigation equipment, mint
irrigation sprinkler system.
3) Tile drain laying equipment. 8426.4900
4) Dredger/ excavator/ dragline [Omitted]
equipment/ back hoe trenchers; 8429.5900
5) Tractor mounted rotary ditcher or 8430.6900
chain trencher (excluding tractor).
6) Direct power rotary drilling rigs. 8430.4900
7) Canal concrete lining machine. 8430.5000
8) Air release valves, pressure gauges, 8481.1000
water meters, back flow preventers, and 8481.3000
automatic controllers. 9026.2000
(E) Harvesting and Threshing 0% Nil
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
(F) Post-harvest Handling and
Processing Machinery. 0% Nil
1) Fodder and feed cube making 8433.4000
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
4) Green houses (prefabricated). 9406.0010
3) PU panels (Insulation) [Respective
4) Battery Operated Fork Lifters (upto 8427.1000
3 tons)
5) Gen set 10-25 KVA 8502.1120
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
6) Refrigerating machines with engine 8418.6920
fitted on common base for refrigerated
7) Knives & cutting blades 8208.4000
8) Other refrigerating or freezing 8418.5000
chests, cabinets
9) Other machinery 8438.8090
10) Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of 7304.3100
iron and steel 7304.3900
11) Hand tools Respective
12) Agricultural horticultural 8432.0000
machinery & parts thereof
13) Other agricultural, horticultural, [8436.8000]
forestry or be-keeping machinery.
[(K) Fish or shrimp farming and 0% 1. The Ministry of
seafood processing machinery and Livestock & Dairy
equipment. Development shall
certify in the
prescribed manner
and format as per
Annex-B that the
imported goods are
bonafide requirement.
The authorized
officer of the
Ministry shall furnish
all relevant
information online to
Pakistan Customs
Computerized System
Customs against a
specific user ID and
password obtained
under section 155D
of the Customs Act,
2. The goods shall
not be sold or
otherwise disposed of
within a period of
five years of its
import except with
the prior approval of
the FBR..]
(1) Compressor 8414.8090
(2) Generator 8502.1130
(3) Condenser 8418.9990
(4) Ammonia Gas pipes 7411.2900
(5) Flat freezer 8418.3000
(6) Boast freezer 8418.4000
(7) Fiber glass tubs 7019.9090
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
(8) Insulated plants 8418.6990
(9) IQF plants 8438.5000
(10) Flak ice plants 8414.6990
(11) Fish filleting machine 8438.5000
4) IP Phones 8517.1890
5) Telephone sets/head sets. 8517.1100
6) Dialers 8517.7000
7) Generator. 8502.1200
8) Cat 5/Cat 6/Power cables 8544.4990
9) PAPX Switch 8517.6290
10) Multimedia projectors 8528.6110
11) Video conferencing equipment. 8525.8090
12) CCTV 8525.8010
13) Plasma TV 8528.7212
14) PUDs 8525.8090
15) Dedicated telephone exchange 8517.6290
system for call centers.
[16. Parts, voice cards. 8517.7000
17. Other (digital call recorders) 8519.8990
18. VAST terminals 8525.6040]
5. Following items imported by the Only approved
local assemblers of vehicles and models or brands as
companies having CNG licenses: mentioned in chapter
VII of the Customs
General Order No 12
of 2002 dated 15th
June 2002 shall be
entitled to this
exemption. The
importer shall also
furnish quality
certificate of the
original manufacturer
duly witnessed by the
designated third party
inspectors mentioned
in chapter VII of the
above stated Customs
General Order
regarding safety
standards as laid
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
down in Pakistan
CNG Rules, 1992.
1) Compressors 8414.8030. 5% -do-
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
Investment (BOI).
The authorized
officer of BOI shall
certify the item wise
requirement of the
project in the
prescribed format and
manner as per Annex-
B and shall furnish all
relevant information
Online to Pakistan
Computerized System
(PACCS) against a
specific user ID and
password obtained
under Section 155D
of the Customs Act,
1969 (IV of 1969);
(b) the exception
shall be available on
one time basis for
setting up of new
projects and
expansion of existing
ones, and shall not be
available on the spare
(c) only those
importers shall be
eligible to avail the
aforesaid exception
whose cases are
recommended and
forwarded by BOI to
(d) the goods shall
not be sold or
otherwise disposed of
without prior
approval of the FBR
and the payment of
customs-duties and
taxes at statutory
rates be leviable at
the time of import.
Breach of this
condition shall be
construed as a
criminal offence
under the Customs
Act, 1969 (IV of
A. Medical Equipment.
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
Computerized System
(PACCS) against a
specific user ID and
password obtained
under section 155D of
the Customs Act, 1969
(IV of 1969);
(ii) Locally
manufactured goods of
description as specified
in column (2) and pre-
fabricated buildings
can also be imported
upon fulfillment of the
following conditions,
(a)the exception shall
be available on one
time basis for setting
up of new projects and
expansion of existing
ones, and shall not be
available on the spare
(b)only those importers
shall be eligible to
avail the aforesaid
exception whose cases
are recommended and
forwarded by Ministry
of Tourism 13[,Tourism
Departments of
s, Gilgit-Baltistan,
FATA and Department
of Tourist Services of
the Capital
Administration and
Development Divison]
to FBR; and
(c)the goods shall not
be sold or otherwise
disposed of without
prior approval of the
FBR and the payment
of customs-duties and
taxes at statutory rates
be leviable at the time
of import. Breach of
this condition shall be
construed as a criminal
offence under the
Customs Act, 1969 (IV
of 1969); and
2. Temporarily
imported goods shall
be cleared against a
security in the form of
a post dated cheque for
the differential amount
between the statutory
rate of customs duty
and sales tax and the
amount payable under
this notification, along
with an undertaking to
pay the customs duty
and sales tax at the
statutory rates in case
such goods are not re-
exported on conclusion
of the project.
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
3. The goods shall not
be sold or otherwise
disposed of without
prior approval of the
FBR and the payment
of customs duties and
taxes leviable at the
time of import. These
shall however be
allowed to be
transferred to other
entitled mining
companies with prior
approval of the Board.
10. 1. Machinery, equipment, materials, Respective 5% -do-
capital goods, specialized vehicles Headings
(4x4 non luxury) i.e single or double
cabin pickups, accessories, spares,
chemicals and consumables meant
for mine construction phase or
extraction phase. Imports made for
mine construction phase shall also be
entitled to deferred payment of duty
for a period of five years. However a
surcharge @ 6% per annum shall be
charged on the differed amount.
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized vehicles,
excluding passenger vehicles,
imported on temporary basis as
required for mine construction or
extraction phase.
11. 1. Machinery, equipment and spares Respective 5% [(i)This concession
meant for initial installation, Headings shall also be available
balancing, modernization, to primary contractors
replacement or expansion of projects of the project upon
for power generation through oil, fulfillment of the
gas, coal, wind and wave energy following conditions,
including under construction namely:-
projects, which entered into an (a)the contractor shall
implementation agreement with the submit a copy of the
Government of Pakistan. contract or agreement
under which he intends
2. Construction machinery, to import the goods for
equipment and specialized vehicles, the project;
excluding passenger vehicles, (b) the chief executive
imported on temporary basis as or head of the
required for the construction of contracting company
project. shall certify in the
prescribed manner and
format as per Annex-A
that the imported goods
are the projects bona
fide requirement; and
(c)the goods shall not
be sold or otherwise
disposed of without
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
prior approval of the
FBR on payment of
customs-duties and
taxes leviable at the
time of import;
imported goods shall
be cleared against a
security in the form of
a post dated cheque for
the differential amount
between the statutory
rate of customs- duty
and sales tax and the
amount payable under
this notification, along
with an undertaking to
pay the customs- duty
and sales tax at the
statutory rates in case
such goods are not re-
exported on conclusion
of the project.]
12. 1. Machinery, equipment and spares Respective 5% -do-
meant for initial installation, Headings
balancing, modernization,
replacement or expansion of projects
for power generation through gas,
coal, hydel, and oil including under
construction projects.
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized vehicles,
excluding passenger vehicles,
imported on temporary basis as
required for the construction of
2. Construction machinery,
equipment and specialized vehicles,
excluding passenger vehicles,
imported on temporary basis as
required for the construction of
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
Explanation. -The expression
projects for power generation
means any project for generation of
electricity whether small, medium or
large and whether for supply to the
national grid or to any other user or
for in house consumption.
14. [1. Machinery and equipment meant Respective 5% -do-
for power transmission and grid Headings
stations including under
construction projects.
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
18. Following machinery, equipment and 0% Nil
other education and research related
items imported by technical, training
institutes, research institutes, schools,
colleges and universities:-
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
16) Other balances of a sensitivity of 5 9016.0090
cg or better, with or without weights.
(ii) registration
details shall be
furnished to the
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
Collector of Customs
within three months
of the clearance; and
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
8) Core wire of base metal in coils (for 8311.2000 5% -do-
machine welding)
26. Following machinery and equipment 0% 1. For the projects of
for marble, granite and gem stone Gem Stone &
extraction and processing industries. Jewelery Industry,
CEO/COO, Pakistan
Gem and Jewelery
Company shall
certify in the
prescribed format and
manner as per Annex-
B that the imported
goods are bonafide
project requirement.
The authorized
person of the
Company shall
furnish all relevant
information online to
Pakistan Customs
Computerized System
(PACCS) against a
specific user ID and
password obtained
under section 155D
of the Customs Act,
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
1) Plastic tube. 3917.2390 (ii) the system is to be
procured from a well
2) Plastic tie slot filters/plugs, plastic 3926.9099 (iii) a certificate
cone. from one of the
International Pre-
shipment Inspection
Firms to the extent
that all the
components/parts are
to be used in the
Formwork System for
construction of
of more than 100 feet
height, is produced,
3) Standard steel ply panels, Special 7308.4000 (a) Messrs Lloyds of
sized steel ply panels, wedges, tube London;
clamps (B-Type & G Type), push/pull (b) Messrs Quality
props, brackets (structure), steel Tech,
soldiers (structure), drop head, LLC;
standard, prop tic, buard rail post (c) Messrs ABS;
(structure), coupler brace, cantilever (d) Messrs Bureau
frame, decking beam/Infill beam and Veritas; and
doorway angles. (e) Messrs SGS; and
(iv) The Pakistan
Engineering Council
shall certify that the
imported Proprietary
Formworks System
conform to the
requirement of the
Companys project..
4) Lifting Unit (Structure) 7308.9090 -do-
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
20) Wave form/ [8528.5900] -do-
Vectroscope monitors.
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
50) C/Ku Band uplink antenna 8529.1010 -do-
52) High powered uplink amplifiers. [8529.1010] -do-
53) Up converters. 8529.1010 -do-
54) Uplink monitoring/control 8529.1010 -do-
56) MPEG 2, MPEG 4 Video Encoders. 8521.1090 -do-
57) Video statistical multiplexing [8521.9090 -do-
equipment. 8517.6260]
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
82) Toolkit for satellite dish 8206.0000 -do-
6[ omitted]
85) Modems for setup box. [8537.1090] -do-
86) Power distribution equipment, [8537.1090] -do-
UPS, Generators. 8504.4010
88) GPS/electronic compass 9014.8000 -do-
89) Broadcast chopper 8529.9090 -do-
90) Acoustics. 8529.9090 -do-
91) Teletext equipment. 8529.9090 -do-
92) Studio air conditioning. [8415.1020] -do-
93) Studio furniture/fixtures. 9403.6000 -do-
94) Studio/TV Station/Uplink tation [8525.8090] -do-
video surveillance security equipment.
3. NOC from
102) FM antenna (broad band and 8529.1090 -do-
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
103) FM exciter 8525.5090 -do-
104) FM power amplifiers [8529.1090] -do-
105) Audio processor 8519.8990 -do-
106) Microphones 8518.1090 -do-
107) Patch bays 8519.8990 -do-
108) Telephone hybrids 8517.1290 -do-
109) Outdoor recording 8521.9090 -do-
110) Outdoor live coverage equipment. Respective -do-
111) Studio transmitter link (STL) 8525.5090 1. If imported by
companies duly
licensed by the
Pakistan Electronic
Media Regulatory
Authority (PEMRA).
3. NOC from
112) Audio amplifiers 8518.4000 1. If imported by
companies duly
licensed by the
Pakistan Electronic
Media Regulatory
Authority (PEMRA).
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
e) Flux [3810.1000]
f) Adhesive labels. 3919.9090
g) Junction box + Cover [8538.9090]
[h) Sheet mixture of Paper and plastic 3920.9900]
i) Ribbon for PV Modules (made of [Respective
silver & Lead) headings]
j) Bypass diodes. 8541.1000
k) EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) Sheet 3920.9900
9. Solar Cell Manufacturing
a) Crystal (Grower) Puller (if 8479.8990
b). Diffusion furnace. 8514.3000
c) Oven. 8514.3000
d). Wafering machine 8479.8990
e). Cutting and shaping machines for 8461.9000
silicon ingot.
f). Solar grade polysilicon material. 3824.9099
g). Phosphene Gas. 2848.0000
h). Aluminum and silver paste. [Respective
[9A Pyranometers and accessories 9030.8900 5%]
for solar data collection
9B. Solar chargers for charging 8504.4020 5%
electronic devices
9C. Remote control for solar charge 8543.7010 5%]
10. Wind Turbines. 8412.8090
a). Rotor 8412.9090
b). Hub 8412.9090
c) Generator 8501.6490
[Deep cycle battery 8507.8000]
[11. Geothermal energy
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
2. SMD, LEDs with or without ballast 9405.1090
with fittings and fixtures.
3.Wind turbines including alternators 8502.3100
and mast.
4. Solar torches 8513.1040
5. Lanterns and related instruments 8513.1090
6. PV module alongwith the related 8541.4000,
components including invertors, charge 8504.4090,
controllers and batteries 9032.8990,
36 Following items imported by Civil 5% The goods shall not
Aviation Authority (CAA) for air be sold or otherwise
traffic services and training:- disposed of within a
period of 5 years of
their import without
prior approval of the
FBR and payment of
customs duties and
taxes leviable at the
time of import.
Navigation equipment. 8526.9100
VOR, NDB, ILS Satellite based
instrument landing system and/or any
other satellite based navigation
equipment used for the provision of air
traffic services.
Surveillance Equipment 8526.1000
Radars and satellite based surveillance
equipment like ADS (C) & ADS (B)
and/or any other surveillance
equipment used for the provision of air
traffic services.
Rescue and Fire Fighting 8705.3000
All fire fighting vehicles, operational
vehicles used on air side.
Rescue & fire equipment including 8424.1000
spare parts.
Display System [8543.7000]
FIDS (Flight Information Display
Training equipment
All training equipment including 9023.0000
simulators and their spare parts.
Calibration equipment. [9031.8000]
All equipment being utilized for the
purpose of calibration radar & radio
navigational aids.
[Communication & Broadcast Respective
Equipment. headings.]
UHF, VHF and HF radios, ATIS and
related equipment, spare parts
including all satellite based
communication equipment like remote
radio stations and data link i.e VDL and
CPDLC and/or any other
communication equipment used for the
S. Description PCT heading Custom Conditions
No Duty
provision of air traffic services..
37 Following machinery and equipment 0% 1. Ministry of
imported by surgical industry. Industries, Production
& Special Initiatives,
shall certify in the
prescribed manner
and format as per
Annex-B that the
imported goods are
bonafide project
requirement. The
authorized officer of
the Ministry shall
furnish all relevant
information online to
Pakistan Customs
Computerized System
(PACCS) against a
specific user ID and
password obtained
under section 155D
of the Customs Act,
Header Information
HS Code
Descriptio Specs Custom Duty Sales Tax UOM Quantity Collectora CR Date of
n rate (applic- rate imported te N/ CRN/
able) (applicabl Mac Mach.
e) h No.
(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
CERTIFICATE. It is certified that the description and quantity mentioned above are commensurate with the
project requirement and that the same are not manufactured locally. It is further certified that the above items
shall not be used for any other purpose.
NOTE:- In case of clearance through Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS), the above
information shall be furnished on line against a specific user I.D. and password obtained under section
155D of the Customs Act, 1969.
Chief Executive means.-
1. owner of the firm, in case of sole proprietorship; or
2. partner of firm having major share, in case of partnership firm; or
3. Chief Executive Officer or the Managing Director in case of limited company
or multinational organization; or
4. Principal Officer in case of a foreign company.
Header Information
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
CERTIFICATE. Before certifying the above-authorized officer of the Regulatory Authority shall ensure
that the goods are genuine and bonafide requirement of the project and that the same are not manufactured
Signature ________________________
Designation ________________________
NOTE:- In case of clearance through Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS), the above
information shall be furnished on line against a specific user I.D. and password obtained under section
155D of the Customs Act, 1969.
[See Sr. No. 23]
2. 8407 (excluding 8407.1000, 8407.2100, 8407.2900, 8407.9010, 8407.9090), 8408 (excluding
8408.1000, 8408.9000), 8413.2000, 8414.2000, 8414.3000, 8414.5100, 8414.6000, 8415.0000,
8418.0000 (excluding 8418.6910, 8418.6920, 8418.6990), 8419.1000, 8422.1100, 8423.1000,
8433.1000, 8443.3100, 8443.3200, 8443.3900, 8450.0000, 8452.1000, 8452.4000, 8469.0000,
8470.0000, 8471.0000, 8472.0000 (excluding 8472.9010), 8473.0000, 8476.0000, 8481.0000,
8482.0000, 8483.0000, 8484.0000, 8487.0000 (excluding 8487.1000 and 8487.9090).
2. This notification shall take effect from the 6th June, 2006.
[C.No. 1/2/Tar.II/2006]
As amended: