Al-Amthal Fi Al Quran

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Amsal al Quran : Mahmud Ibn Syarif

The writer, Mahmud Ibn Syarif was born on 1922 Hijri in Iskandariahs City ad died at 1992
Hijri. He is expert in arabic linguistic. He memorized al Quran al Karem from childhood. He
then earned a Banchelor Honour from Faculty of Arabic Language Al Azhar Univercity at 1945
Hijri. With his thesis about religious diversity, he was awarded the title of Profesor from Faculty
of Usul 69. Then, he keep continue his studies at Al Azhar Univercity Kaherah,The King of
Abdul Aziz Univercity Jeddah, Ummu Darman Univercity Sudan, Qatar Univercity and Sana

He authored a lot of books about Quran. Such as Itllah ala Surah Ysin, Adwa ala
Surah Al Furqn, Al-Amthl fi Al-Qurn, Al Yahd fi Al Qurn, Al-Qissah Al Qurn, Al Hub Al
Qurn, Ar Rasl fi Al Qurn and about Islam as Al Islm wa Al Hayh Al Jinsiyah, Badr Al
Ghazwah Al Islamiyah Al Aula . Beside that, he also write a book about Sufism with Syeikh
Abdul Halim Mahmud.

In Quran, there is a lot of proverb that saying by God. So that, Mahmud Ibn Syarif as a
arabic linguist was help us to understand and gearing up our power of concentration in reading
Quran by his research and knowledge in Nahw, Sarf, Balaghah, Mantiq, Arud and so on. He
explained the proverb by chapter of Quran.

In his book2, Al-Amthal fi al-Quran Surah Hud, verse 18 to 24, Ibnu Syarif written about
comparison between religious and ignorant man. Both of this, an example to the image of person.
The religious person refer to the perfect-side person whose can see and hear perfectly. Rather
than, the ignorant person describe the blind and deaf man. This example want to show that the
ignorant person cannot see their fault and they was lost the right path in their life and the
religious person will get the big reward from Allah SWT.

While in Surah An-Nahl, verse 75 to 76, explain about a collation between slaves and
independence person. This differentation showed about the usage of owned wealthiness either

Muhammad Ali Jihad, 2002, Mujam al Udab fi al Asr Jahiliy Hatta Sanah 2002, Dar al Kutb Ilmiyah, Beirut
Ibn al-Syarif, 1119, Al-Amthal fi al-Quran, Dar al-Maarif, Mesr.
free or restrict. The slaves cannot do anything to the wealthy of his employer while the
independence person who is free and can use his wealthy either in open or close. This revealed
that Islam teach to the follower to abolished the slaves and defending their right to the free-life
comply with the islamic teaching.

Other than that, Surah Yassin,verse 13 to 29 pointed out with the example of story about
the villagers which is do not believe with the Prophets that come to their village. Futhermore,
they were banished the prophets whose send the truthness to them. This story, was described that
the person who follow with all the Allah's commands, will get the "syafaah". Meanwhile, to
whom associate Allah with an idols, will living in misguidance.

Besides that, in Surah Al- Ankabut, verse 41 to 43, was mentioned about a person who
worship something other than allah as their protector. This thing can be compared to the spider
who make the nest to be its protector, meanwhile it's nest is more decay than other's nest. This
bring out that Allah is the best protector and will give the best way to muslim from the wrong

In surah Ar-Rum, verse 28, explained about sharing properties between slaves with us.
because of that, any management of that property should be discuss together the comparison that
want to show in this example is about between the knowledgeable and unintelligible. The
knowledgeable person will respect the right as a partner. Rather than, the unintelligible person
will breach the agreement between them.

Surah Al-Kahfi, verse 32 to 37, demonstrated the example of comparison between 2 men
about the harvest from their own farm. The differentation between of this person is about pride.
One of person have a self-pride with their harvest, and the other is grateful with the sustenance
and do not pride with his self. This want to point out that all the sustenance that we get in this life
are from allah, not based on our effort only.

In Surah Al-Haj, verse 73 to 74, showed that allah is the only Almighty to worship in this
life. Because the idols that being as ignorant's worship cannot create a fly, even they trying hard
to create it. This explained that only Allah deserve to be worship.
Surah Al-Fath, verse 29, explained about the characteristics of "sahabah" of Prophet
Muhammad SAW. In Torah's scripture, it showed that they aggreassion towards the ignorant.
Meanwhile, they being loving and merciful towards Muslim's brothers. Then, in Bible's scripture
it point out that their characteristics examplify like a tree that have come to its fruitaition. In
conclusion, it want to showed that Allah will give the great reward to the religious man.

Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Tarmizi said that The analogies in the Quran contain
messages from the Creator to His creation who may not understand something beyond the sight
and hearing but which may be understood by the thinking mind of Man

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