Jawad Botmeh's 2006 Masters Thesis, 'Civil Resistance in Palestine: The Village of Battir in 1948'.
Jawad Botmeh's 2006 Masters Thesis, 'Civil Resistance in Palestine: The Village of Battir in 1948'.
Jawad Botmeh's 2006 Masters Thesis, 'Civil Resistance in Palestine: The Village of Battir in 1948'.
Battir in 1948
Presented by
Jawad Botmeh
September 2006
This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Arts in Peace and Reconciliation studies at Coventry University. This is a
two year part time course.
In 2000, Westmorland General Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain, began a
PEACE initiative, called Preparing for Peace, to explore these questions with international experts and
witnesses. This is one of the papers.
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Introduction .. 5
Methodology. 6
1. Introduction 8
2. Principled Non-violence 8
3. Pragmatic Non-violence .. 9
3.1 Power . 10
3.2 Techniques and Dynamics . 12
1. Introduction 15
2. Historical Background .. 16
3. Israeli-Jordanian Armistice Agreement. 18
4. Battir during the war . 21
1. Introduction 24
2. Developing a strategy 24
3. The Division of NML 26
4. Defending the achievement 30
1. Analysis .... 32
2. Conclusion 36
Bibliography 37
Appendices .. 40
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Appendix 9: Ceded land in March 1949 northern West Bank
Appendix10: Photos of Battir irrigated land, Map and explanation
Appendix 11 Interviews .
Appendix 12 Some of Hasan Mustafas writings..
List of Figures
Fig 2.1 NML map around Jerusalem on 3 April 1949 20
Fig 3.1 Map of Battirs land inside Green Line 29
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I am indebted to many people, more so than usual because this study was conducted
behind bars, and I depended entirely upon their support to complete this dissertation. I
single out for special acknowledgment my partner Elisa Van Waeyenberge and thank
her for her love, encouragement, guidance and for inspiring me to do this study, and
for helping me with her formidable research skills and intellect to research, resource,
disentangle, discuss, and finally edit this topic, without Elisa I could not have done
this dissertation therefore, I am deeply grateful. I would like to similarly
Professor Andrew Rigby, my course tutor, for his dedication, regular visits, and for
making this MA course available to me despite all the obstacles.
Ms. Trish Weston, for surmounting the insurmountable, her exceptional hard work,
and help in making this study possible despite my handicapped circumstances.
Samia, Reem and Dina Al-Botmeh for providing constant support, advice, logistics,
photos, and sources for this study.
Dr. Salman Abu-Sitta and Palestine Land Society for valuable assistance with sources
and material.
Quakers Social Witness Programme and Freedom and Justice for Samar and Jawad
for providing financial support towards the fees.
Mr. Stephen Halford, for printing and graphics, help, coffee and nursing care.
And last but not least, all the people I interviewed, Battir residents who helped in this
effort, to whom I dedicate this work, and my colleagues for encouragement.
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Civil Resistance in Palestine: The village of
Battir in 1948
Jawad Botmeh
This is a study of a civil resistance campaign in Palestine during the 1948 war
and its aftermath. There is a hidden history of Palestinian non-violent struggle that has
remained relatively unacknowledged. This study will try to shed light back onto one
such case.
Non-violent struggle has been waged on behalf of many causes and groups in
widely differing cultures and contexts. The dynamics and techniques of non-violent
struggle have been successfully applied in the Arab world. Although this region
seems to be in a perpetual cycle of violent conflict of one form or another caused by:
western military intervention, foreign occupation, geography, oil, civil war, colonial
legacy, disparities of wealth, artificial boundaries, ethnicity, religion and questions of
legitimacy, there are remarkably many instances of non-violent struggle that are
ignored and underreported (Crow et al 1990, pp 3-5). For example, several Arab states
such as Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Sudan, Iraq, Jordan and the Gulf states, gained
independence not through wars of liberation but through negotiations, mass strikes,
demonstrations and civil disobedience (ibid.).
At the centre of this regions troubles is the Palestinian Israeli conflict and whilst
occupation, repression, armed struggle, war, terror and violence generally have
dominated western media there are important non-violent images and cases. These
include the Palestine general strike 1936-1939,1 Golan Heights Druze resistance
1981-1982,2 the Palestinian Intifada 1987-1993,3 the defence of Al-Aqsa Mosque in
Jerusalem 1967-present.4 These forms of non-violent struggle are organic movements
that found civil resistance to be the most suitable, available and effective technique to
However, there remain a large number of unpublicised yet successful instances of
civil resistance in the region. This dissertation tries to uncover some of this hidden
history of civil resistance in Palestine. It focuses on one case, the successful defence
by Hasan Mustafa of his village Battir from Israel during the 1948 war and from the
fateful demarcation of the green line that followed in 1949. The purpose of the study
is to explore how various ways of non-violent struggle were utilised and achieved
within the historical context. In particular, it draws upon Sharps (1973; 2005)
propositions regarding pragmatic non-violence, the dynamics of third party
involvement, engagement and empowerment, Gultangs (1989) great chain of non-
violence, Martin and Varneys (2003) communication perspective, to account for the
successes in this particular case.
See Crow et al (1990 , p.45); Powers et al (1997, p.394) Swedenburg ( 1999, p.129)
See Zunes (1999, p46); Crow et al (1990, p.51); Powers et al (1997, p.215), ( Kennedy 1984)
See Rigby (1991); Dajani ( 1999, p47); Powers et al ( 1997, p.256)
See: Crow R.E. et al (1990, p.52)
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I lived my youth in Battir and witnessed the unique situation whereby the village
used its lands inside Israel across the green line, the outcome, I was told, of actions
by my grandfather, Hasan Mustafa, during the 1948 war. Although I never knew
Hasan Mustafa, as he died in 1961 before I was born, family and villagers conveyed
the image of a distinguished and highly respected man. Slightly sceptical about
familial tendencies to pass on embellished and glorified accounts of ancestors, I
thought it a worthwhile venture to test the popular narrative against more objective
and documentary evidence, as well as put my recently acquired insights regarding
non-violence theory and practice to the test. I first embarked upon an attempt to
reconstruct the historical context within which Hasan Mustafa acted drawing on
documentary sources, in particular the writings of a new generation of Israeli
historians. This was combined with the consultation of maps, historical documents,
and, significantly, semi-structured interviews of those related to Hasan Mustafa (see
appendix 11). Moreover, Hasan Mustafas own writings together with a number of
articles about him and his work proved to be a valuable source of information.
Finally, my personal extensive knowledge of the area was brought to bear in this
From the changes in successive official maps, contradictions between various
testimonies, the broader historical knowledge and more specifically the recently
exposed collusion between Israel and Jordan during the 1948 war, different pieces of
the puzzle regarding Hasan Mustafas actions slowly emerged to provide a relatively
good fit for a candid account of the practice of non-violence, and allowed to identify
such mechanisms as group lobbying, fraternisation, non-violent interjection,
accommodation, which, following Sharp (1973;2005), have come to be discerned as
important elements of the praxis of non-violence.
This study was conducted with the constraint of limited access and movement to
the outside and this has limited my capacity for presentation and often hindered me in
further pursuing certain issues. Nonetheless, the main features of this particular
instance of Palestinian civil resistance, dynamics and analysis have been laid out in
the following four chapters as follows.
A first chapter seeks to chart the main features of two traditions of non-violence,
principled non-violence and pragmatic non-violence with particular emphasis on the
latter. The chapter discusses Sharps consent theory of power, non-violent action
techniques, dynamics and outcome. It further outlines Bouldings (1999) three faces
of power, Galtungs (1989) great chain of non-violence hypothesis, Martin and
Varneys (2003) communications perspective using small world theory. This chapter
provides the theoretical framework to understand the dynamics and actions of
protagonists in the case study presented in chapter three.
The subsequent chapter provides the historical background in which the case
study is situated. I concentrate on certain aspects such as the British policy in
Palestine, the collusion between Israel and Jordan and the Arab readiness for the 1948
war, as well as Battirs history during the war. This is necessary in order to illustrate
how Battir was successfully defended militarily during the 1948 war, forfeited by
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King Abdullah when he ceded the railway line to the Israelis and was, subsequently,
successfully won back through civil resistance in 1949.
The third chapter illustrates how Hasan Mustafa successfully mounted a civil
resistance campaign to save the village and safeguard its lands in the spring of 1949.
It illustrates how he developed a strategy of action after realising that Battir was
forfeited; how he lobbied, engaged and interfered with the division of no-mans-land
(NML) to secure Battirs land, and how he defended this achievement by embarking
on a constructive community development programme.
The final chapter provides analysis and conclusion to the case study. In the
process, it teases out the mechanisms and dynamics of this successful civil resistance
campaign, guided by the theory on non-violent struggle discussed in chapter 1. A
table is constructed showing three distinct phases of action: developing a strategy,
implementing the strategy and defending the movement. Examples of Hasan
Mustafas actions and positions are allocated and categorised accordingly in this table.
The chapter ends with some concluding remarks about the case study.
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Chapter 1: Theory of non-violent struggle
1. Introduction:
2. Principled non-violence:
Non-violent action has been given many name these include civil resistance, positive action, non-
violent resistance, passive resistance, non-violence and people power (Sharp 2005). I will mainly
use the term civil resistance interchangeably with non-violent struggle.
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activists. Pilots dropping a bomb are unlikely to see any protestor and are remote from
Johan Galtung (1989) submitted that direct persuasion is extremely difficult or
unlikely because there is a great social distance between the parties in conflict;
sometimes the non-violent activists are dehumanised, so that their actions do not prick
the conscience of the oppressor. He sees the obstacle being psychological distance.
The activists behaviour must resonate with the opponents understanding or
subscribe to some shared meanings; otherwise there is no prospect for conversion
(Martin and Varney 2003, p.138). They must share the same moral universe.
Martin and Varney (2003) suggest that communication is essential for
effectiveness of non-violent action given that the channels are open and that relevant
meanings are produced. They cite Gandhis Salt satyagraha of 1930, in which activists
endured brutal assaults by police. But this did not lead the police to alter their beliefs.
The effectiveness of the campaign was through the communicative process when the
foreign journalist Webb Miller reported on the campaign for an international
audience. This caused outrage in Britain and US. Therefore the non-violent action had
its biggest impact on third parties via messages produced by an observer.
Communication was central to Gandhis success. It was not primarily through
conversion but rather through mobilization of third party opinion.
3. Pragmatic non-violence:
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and cruelty. Basically, it is a technique or a way of struggle that has been used to
promote, as well as prevent, change. Not all nonviolent action supports a just cause
either. Nor is non-violence a peculiarly Oriental phenomena. Sharp (2005, p.22)
stresses that it is probably more Western if the widespread use of strikes and
economic boycotts in the labour movements is taken into account.
Furthermore, non-violent action has nothing to do with passivity. On the
contrary, it is what it says - an action which is non-violent, not inaction. Sometimes its
use has been mixed with limited violence, but many times Sharp (2005, p15) submits,
it has been waged with minimal or no violence. It is a means by which to conduct
conflicts and can be very powerful; it is a means of combat comparable to a war
insofar as it requires planning, courage, discipline and sacrifice. Finally it does not
guarantee success and there is no assumption that the opponents will refrain from
using violence against civil resistance (Sharp 1973).
To use non-violent action one does not need to reinvent the wheel, requiring a
fundamental change in human beings or accepting new ideology. Neither is it based
on belief in turning the other cheek or loving ones enemies. Instead Sharp (2005,
p.23) stresses that it is based on the undeniable capacity of human beings to be
stubborn, to refuse orders and do what they want to do, whatever happens to be their
belief on the use of violence or not. He adds that massive stubbornness can have
powerful political consequences. Because all governments and systems of power
depend on the subordinated population, groups and institutions to supply them with
their needed sources of power (ibid.).
3.1 Power:
Gene Sharp suggests that the basic premise of non-violent action is refusal by
subjects to obey. The power of the ruler will collapse if consent is actively withdrawn
since repression by the opponent is used against his own power position in a kind of
political ju-jitsu, and the very sources of his power thus reduced or removed(Sharp
1973, p. 11).
Sharp proposed that a rulers power is not intrinsic or durable but comes from
outside. Power depends on many factors such as authority and legitimacy on the
number of people willing to grant obedience, their skills and knowledge and control
of material resources. Furthermore power depends on psychological and ideological
factors such as habits and attitudes towards obedience and the extent of sanctions
available to ruler (ibid.). Therefore, when people refuse their cooperation, withhold
their help, and persist in their disobedience and defiance, they are denying their
opponent the basic human assistance and cooperation which any government or
hierarchical system requires (Sharp 1973, p.16). If they persist, it is argued, a rulers
power will collapse because the rulers are dependent on other people to operate the
system. The extent of their power is determined by the number and the location of
people that are willing to give their consent and cooperation. Hence, Sharp (2005)
adds that rulers are continually subject to influences and restriction by both peoples
direct assistance and its withdrawal. There are limits and boundaries within which the
leaders have to stay for their commands to be obeyed and for the population to
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cooperate.6 This view of power as consent is also shared by other writers on non-
violence (Vinthagen, 2006).7 However, Sharps view of power as consents has its
critics. 8 Yet despite this criticism the basic premise of the consent theory of power
remains valid.9
Boulding (1994, 1999), then again, submits that power is a very complex
phenomenon and distinguishes three faces of power. First, threat power, whereby
the person is forced to do something by means of a threat that something will be done
to him or her if they fail to comply. The power of the law works with such specific
threats, which result in considerable behavioural change. For example, pay for your
parking space otherwise youll be fined. Military threats, Boulding continues, are
much more vague and hence, are weak in influencing behaviour, you do something
nasty to me and I will do something nasty to you. However, the dynamics of threat
system depend on the responses to this threat, he lists four responses, submission,
flight, counter threat (deterrence) and finally disarming behaviour (Boulding 1999).
This last possibility is important in the theory of non-violence which seeks to turn the
generator of threat into a friend and draw them into a larger community which
included the threatened. A second form of power is economic power.
The third is integrative power which is the most important face of power
according to Boulding. This is the power of legitimacy, persuasion, respect, loyalty,
community and so on. In a very real sense power is a gift to the powerful by those
over whom the power may be exercised, who recognise the power as legitimate
(Boulding1999, p.11). Threat power and economic power would be hard to exercise if
they were not supported by integrative power; that is if they were regarded
illegitimate. Any actual exercise of power tends to involve all three faces of power.
The loss of legitimacy has considerable effects in producing defiance in the threat
system hence; integrative power is the most fundamental form of power (ibid.). This
is a form of power which is central in the main case study described in chapter 3
below. Boulding (1999, p.15) suggest another fourth face of power which is
Disobedience when it comes is not total or absolute, Sharp (2005) suggests that people may refuse to
provide sufficient support to effectively maintain the rulers position and to enable them to implement
their policies
Such as Zunes (1999), Ackerman and Kruegler (1994)
Burrowes criticises Sharp for ignoring the fact that power can be sustained without the consent of
certain groups, which are usually excluded, but still ruled (quoted in Vinthagen 2005). Also, some
leaders might compensate for lack of internal power with external power alliances such as international
finance agreements. Nevertheless, this criticism does not undermine the consent theory in totality, but
it means that to be effective non-violent action should be carried out by groups upon which the target
power-holder depends (ibid.). Vinthagen (2006), depending on a Foucaultian analysis, maintains that
citizens capacity to resist depends on whether or not power has the ability to shape people and if so,
then power is within us as individuals and in our culture. Hence, Sharp simplifies the ability of power
to influence the conditions of resistance With simplified concept of power, comes a simplified
concept of resistance (Vinthagen 2006, p.9)
For a truly universal power theory the work of Foucault and non-Anglo-Saxon based conceptions of
personality and society have to be incorporated and tested. Instead of a free willed bounded individual,
social constructionist psychological approach of a dispersed personality living within society and is
influenced/shaped by discourse and power. The subject positions that individuals choose to locate
themselves within the discourse and the interpretive repertoires that people depend upon are crucial
for the understanding of power relations within different society especially those in collectivist
societies and high context cultures.
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organizational power which stems from organized structures that help support
informal and unorganized non-violence.
But how can activists practically challenge injustice to try and bring influence to
bear? Sharp (2005) suggested this can be achieved by applying different methods and
techniques of non-violent struggle. He listed 198 different types that can be used and
these can be divided into three main categories:
a) Protest and persuasion; mainly symbolic acts such as demonstrations,
marches, vigils, leaflets and slogans. These extend beyond verbal expression and stop
short of non-cooperation and intervention. They seek to influence the opponents and
to galvanise supporters. These are actions to send a message for example:
communicating with wider audiences through newspapers and journal, group
presentations and group lobbying, putting pressure on individuals by haunting and
fraternization (subjecting persons to intense direct influence to convince them that
the regime they serve or policies they are perusing are unjust) (ibid, p.53).
Fraternization as defined here by Sharp is, for example, one of the techniques used
in the case study in chapter 3.
b) Non-cooperation; where people withhold and withdraw their social
cooperation such as ostracism, stay at home and suspension of sporting events.
Economic non-cooperation such as strikes, consumer boycotts, work to rule, and
political non-cooperation such as stalling and civil disobedience. The impact of such
methods depends on the numbers involved in the non-cooperation and the extent to
which the opponents are dependent on the people or groups refusing cooperation.
c) Non-violent intervention in which the non-violent group takes the initiative
by such means as sit-ins, non-violent obstruction and parallel government. Non-
violent interjection is one such physical intervention technique whereby ones body is
placed between a person and the objective of his work or activity. Generally non-
violent intervention is more risky for the participants than non-cooperation or protest
and persuasion. This type of action is usually practiced by only small number of
participants because of the form of the action and because participants must exercise
more courage and discipline in face of severe repression than would usually be
required, for example, from a strike participant. Non-violent interjection adequately
describes the actions of Hasan Mustafa in the case study below.
When successful the non-violent action produces change in three different ways.
First, conversion; when the opponent comes around to a new point of view. However,
conversion is very difficult to achieve and many practitioners of non-violent struggle
even reject conversion, believing it to be impossible or impractical (Sharp 2005).
Secondly, accommodation; when the opponent chooses to grant demands
without changing his view point. Usually the situation would have been changed
significantly by the conflict that the opponents must accept some changes. Some of
the factors leading to accommodation include the perception that violent repression is
no longer appropriate or that the authority is eliminating a nuisance by
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accommodating some of their demands, and the authorities might be adjusting to
opposition within their own ranks therefore acting to prevent its growth (ibid.).
Thirdly, non-violent coercion; when change is achieved against the will and
without the opponents agreement, they are not converted and have decided not to
accommodate the resisters. However, power shifts in a way that leaves opponents
with no choice but to accommodate these demands. (Sharp 2005). Accommodation is
the main way by which change occurs in my case study below, however, these three
categories are not mutually exclusive or can be clearly demarcated.
The application of non-violent methods and techniques mentioned above
produces a fluid and changing situation therefore a grasp of the dynamics of these
techniques is necessary. Sharps analysis of the dynamics of non-violent action
provides a way of understanding the evolution of mainly mass campaigns, in which
non-violent action provides the tools for challenge and eventual transformation of
oppressive systems. The dynamics of non-violent action include
The nature of non-violent struggle makes it possible to elicit support from the
opponents camp and from third parties giving the activists the opportunity to regulate
and reduce the power of the opponent. Moreover Galtung (1989, p.13) presented the
great chain of non-violence hypothesis and his idea that liberation is not only the
responsibility of the oppressed. Intermediate groups can play a key role since they are
links in the chain of non-violence. If the oppressed cannot directly change or
influence the oppressor they can create sympathy among third parties who themselves
have more influence with the oppressors. The chain may be long with several
intermediaries between the oppressed and the oppressor. Moreover, Martin and
Varney (2003, p.140) develops this hypothesis using communication perspectives.
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They suggest that the gap between the oppressor and oppressed can be conceived not
as social distance alone but it can be interpreted as a communication failure.
Furthermore, if appropriate messages cannot get through from the oppressed to the
oppressor, the problem may lie in the absence or shortcomings of the intermediate
groups. However, how many links does one need to form a great chain? Martin and
Varney (2003, p.140) answer that:
small world theory shows that in a network, if there are even just a few
random connections, then it takes remarkably few links to span the gap between any
two parties in the networkSmall world theory suggests that in communicating
against repression, there are plenty of potential intermediaries to make a fairly short
chain, and hence absence of action is likely to be due to weaknesses in links rather
than their unavailability.
Therefore, the potential for third party involvement is considerable and lack of
action is the most probable cause for non-engagement. Once engaged third parties
would be found and intermediaries can have a more decisive influence on the
oppressor. Finally, empowerment is another outcome of non-violent action; this
comes through the experience of participating in action against perceived injustice,
giving rise to satisfying feelings of solidarity and mutual validation (Martin and
Varney 2003, p. 220).
The dynamics of third party involvement, engagement and empowerment, as
described here using the great chain of non-violence and small world theory, will
be used to explain the successes in the case study below. However, some historical
background is necessary to situate the argument in its context, which I present in the
following chapter.
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CHAPTER 2: Historical Background and Context
1. Introduction:
See also Pappe (1988; 1992); Shlaim (1988); Morris (1988; 1993); Flapan (1987). These are
collectively called revisionist historians They challenge the Israeli traditional narrative of the 1948
war which remained unchallenged outside the Arab world until recently. They helped discredit the
orthodox Israeli narrative and bring us closer to what actually happened. This revisionist narrative was
not new to Arabs or the Palestinians who lived the reality and wrote their own history. Although
welcomed, Masalha (1999, p. 211) observes how there was something disturbing and annoying in
these claims becoming valid only after Israeli Jews made them as if Palestinian historians were suspect
of non-professionalism.
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Or, as Habiby said (quoted in Shlaim 1999, p. 172): Conquerors, my son,
consider as true history only what they themselves have fabricated. It is necessary
therefore, in the light of this, to try to provide a cogent historical background, as what
happened in Battir in 1948/9 is intimately intertwined with this history.
I outline below the main elements of the 1948 conflict, with particular attention
for the British policy at the time, the balance of power and Arab readiness, and the
Israeli-Jordanian relationship. The latter allow to illustrate how the1948 war, far from
being an open war between all Arabs and the Jews, resembled more a choreographed
affair, the outcome of which was to a large extent pre-determined. This was especially
so between the Israelis and Jordanians with blessing from the British Mandate
authorities. As a result, and as illustrated in detail below, local tactical advantage and
gains, such as Battirs successful rebuttal of many attempts by Israeli force to capture
it and the railway line it straddled, were nullified in the end to fulfil this strategic
unwritten agreement between the high contracting parties, Israel and Jordan. An
understanding of the general strategic context is crucial to situate the dynamics of
how the village was, successively, first militarily defended by Palestinians, then
forfeited by King Abdullah when surrendering the railway, and finally won back
again through civil resistance.
2. Historical Background:11
By February 1947, Jews and Arabs realised that the British Mandate of
Palestine was at an end, the date of which would later be set at 14th May 1948. The
continuing influx of Jewish immigrants and the opposition of the Palestinians to the
Zionist project lead to civil strife in 1947. Many diplomatic initiatives, commissions,
inquiries were instigated to try for a negotiated agreement and accommodation of
conflicting interests, but no agreement was reached. The question of who would rule
Palestine after British withdrawal was left to the UN (Pappe, 2001). The United
Nations Special Committee On Palestine (UNSCOP) was established to report on the
situation in Palestine and their report was turned into a draft resolution for partition,
which subsequently passed at the UN on 29th November 1947. Matters came to a head
with this resolution and civil war between Jews and Arabs erupted.
The British policy between 29th November 1947 and 14 May 1948 was not
hostile towards the Jewish state as the traditional Israeli view suggests. Pappe (2001)
summed up the key to British policy during this period in two words: Greater
Transjordan. According to Shlaim (1999, p.179), Bevin, then British foreign
secretary, felt that if Palestine had to be partitioned, the Arab area could not be left to
stand on its own but should be united with Transjordan. The author continues that, by
February 1948, Bevin and his Foreign Office advisers were pragmatically reconciled
to the inevitable emergence of the Jewish State. Yet, what they did not seem
reconciled to was the emergence of a Palestinian state. On the one hand, a Palestinian
state at the time was conceived by the British as a Mufti state, headed by Hajj Amin
Al-Husayni, whom the British detested for allying himself with the Germans during
the war. This was a constant feature of British policy since the end of the Second
This section draws heavily on Pappe (2001,1999).
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World War. On the other hand, a greater Transjordan would compensate Britain for
the loss of bases in Palestine (Pappe 2001).
Therefore, King Abdullah was given tacit support to enlarge his kingdom by
taking over the West Bank. In a secret meeting on 7th February 1948 between Bevin
and Abul Huda, the Jordanian Prime minister, Britain gave Jordan permission to send
the Arab Legion (Jordanian army) into Palestine immediately after Britains
departure. However, Bevin threatened to withdraw material support and personnel if
Jordan invaded areas allocated to the Jews by the UN. Bevin did not try to abort the
birth of the Jewish State, he merely endorsed the understanding between King
Abdullah and the Jewish Agency to partition Palestine between themselves and leave
the Palestinians out in the cold (Shlaim, 1999; Pappe 2001).
The Palestinian leadership for their part did not prepare well for the end of the
Mandate. They were crippled by internal strife and external pressures which
prevented them from effective organisation and mustering of resources necessary to
meet the challenges ahead. Their earlier success, during the Arab revolt 1936-39, of
overcoming sectarian, clan and religious antagonisms was not repeated in 1947-49
(Pappe 2001). The Palestinian leadership was ill prepared and was overwhelmed by
strong foes. It gradually allowed Arab states the political initiative in Palestine and the
expropriation of the Palestinian cause (ibid. p. 69). However, the Arab states were
not committed to the Palestinian cause either.
The Arab governments were neither prepared nor preparing to fight after their
rejection of the UN partition resolution. They believed that actions by Palestinians
helped by volunteers from neighbouring countries would succeed in persuading the
world community to stop implementing the UN partition plan. The Arab leaders
merely ratcheted up their rhetoric. This gave the false impression, to the Palestinians,
that the Arab Armies would decisively defeat the Jewish forces, to catastrophic
effect (Pappe 2001, p104). 12
Moreover, none of the Arab governments wanted to fight, each confronted with
its own domestic problems, and, therefore, preferred a compromise. However, internal
public pressure and demonstrations, which the leaders had helped instigate, forced
their hands in the end. So, Arab countries sent forces to Palestine, which amounted,
however, to no more than a token (Pappe 2001, pp.104-108).13 As a result, the balance
of military power in the 1948 war was in favour of the Jewish forces. According to
British experts, the Arab Legion was the only Arab army that was fighting fit if pitted
against Jewish forces in Palestine at the time, the rest were no better than a police
force.14 By mid-May 1948, the total number of Arab troops, both regular and
In April 1948 the Jewish forces took over Haifa, Jaffa, Tiberias, Safad and the Deir Yassin massacre
occurred. This caused a great deal of apprehension in Arab capitals. This was the moment of truth
when Arab leaders needed to match their rhetoric with action. They failed miserably, however, as they
had never prepared or had considered concerted military action a real option.
The Egyptian army sent 10,000 troops joined by 3000 Syrians, 3000 Iraqis, 1000 Lebanese and 2000
volunteers and the Arab Legion deployed 60% of its forces. The latter was the only Arab army to
devote such a large proportion of its troops to the campaign of Palestine.
The British envoys report at the time that the state of readiness of other Arab armies was dismal. The
Syrian, Egyptian and Iraqi armies lacked ammunition, equipment and poor maintenance
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irregular, was about 27,000. The Jewish forces fielded 35,000 troops without counting
second line troops in the Jewish settlements (Shlaim, 1999, pp. 181).15
By April 1948, a few weeks before the end of the Mandate, when the Arab
governments decided to go into action with inadequate forces, King Abdullah was in a
good position to strongly influence events on the ground. He had the decisive force,
the Arab Legion. Crucially, however, an understanding reached in negotiations with
the Jewish Agency led the King to assign only limited objectives to his army, further
weakening the Arab side (Pappe 2001, p. 113). It had been agreed with Golda
Meyrson (Meir) in November 1947 that he would annex the UN-defined Arab state to
Transjordan and in return had promised not to attack the Jewish state in the event of a
war (ibid, p. 119).16 Pappe (2001, p183) observes how this agreement laid the
foundation for mutual restraint during the first Arab-Israeli war and for continuing
collaboration in the aftermath of this war.
The only contentious issue that the Jewish Agency and King Abdullah could not
agree on was Jerusalem and it was understood that the fate of the city would be
determined on the battlefield (ibid, p.132). Except in the Jerusalem area, the Legion
did not engage significantly in the war against the Jews. In this context, many
Jordanian officers were dissatisfied about the way war was being run and considered
the wholesale surrender of strong military positions unnecessarily. 17 Similar
dissatisfaction existed on the Jewish side, but the leadership by and large stuck by the
agreements. The battle over Jerusalem ended in the de facto division of Jerusalem by
September 1948.18
Since King Abdullah had achieved his aims from the first week of the war, it
was Arab pressure and the Israeli offensive that kept the Legion fighting. When the
Israelis failed to take the Latrun area north of Jerusalem, negotiations started and an
official ceasefire agreement for the Jerusalem area was signed on 30 November 1948
between the Jordanians and Israelis.19 The city would be divided according to the
Financially, the Jewish forces had the advantage as well since only 143,000 Palestinian pounds
reached the Palestinians from the funds promised by the Arab league, compared with $28 million ,
which was the Jewish Agencys military budget (Pappe 1994, p. 112). The situation deteriorated
markedly after the first round of fighting for the Arab side whilst it improved in men and equipment for
the Israelis as they replenished both (Shlaim 2000).
Some of the Jordanian ministers who knew of the secrete agreement with the Jews thought it was a
risky and dangerous position to be effectively leading the campaign against the Jews whilst adhering to
that agreement.
One such high-ranking officer was Colonel Abdullah Al-Tall. Some of these frustrated officers, and
the general sentiment they engendered, would become instrumental levers of pressure utilised in the
fight to save Battir as transpires further below.
There were two main bouts of fighting in the 1948 war: the first was from 15th May until 11 June,
followed by a ceasefire; the second was from 8th July until the 18th July. By the second bout, the Israeli
forces had been replenished with new equipment, ammunition and men, whilst the Arab side was not.
This overwhelmingly tipped the balance even further in favour of the Israeli forces.
The Egyptian army, which controlled Bethlehem and southern Palestine, did not sign a ceasefire and,
from October onwards, the Israelis directed most of their attacks onto the Egyptian army controlled
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respective positions of the two armies (Pappe 2001, p. 182). The Armistice
negotiations continued without outside interference in December 1948 and January
1949 in Jerusalem and Shuneh (in Abdullahs winter palace). Both parties preferred
the negotiations to be continued locally, especially Abdullah, as this would allow him
to intercede personally if need be and safeguard the agreement.
The real substance of the negotiation happened in Shuneh and Jerusalem, with
the Rhodes negotiations of February 1949 mainly a sideshow. 20 In March 1949,
negotiations intensified, and, through belligerent posturing, the Israelis used their, by
then, superior military strengths on the ground to extort more land from King
Abdullah.21 Thus, on 30 March 1949, the bilateral armistice agreement was signed. A
major component of the agreement was the establishment of a special Committee to
finalise the partition of Jerusalem.22 Jordan attended the signing ceremony in Rhodes
on 3 April 1949, where earlier Egypt, and Lebanon had signed bilateral Armistice
agreements with Israel, and Syria followed suit in July 1949.
The green line delimited in the armistice agreement at Rhodes, and
demarcated on the ground at later date, resulted in the general armistice agreement
map (see Appendix 2). The newly created lines were largely based on front line
positions held by each side when cease-fire arrangements sponsored by the UN came
into force at the end of the 1948 war (Brawer, 1990). 23 In cases of irreconcilable
disagreement on the division of a certain area between the pre-ceasefire battle
positions, two parallel boundary lines were drawn, separated by a demilitarised zone
of NML. This occurred mainly in and around Jerusalem as can be seen Figure2.1
below. The green line marked the position of the Jordanian forces and the red line
marked the position of Israeli forces and NML in between the lines. Battir in this map
is firmly within NML.
areas. King Abdullah, however, was happy for the Egyptians to be neutralised and he did not come to
their assistance.
In addition both sides preferred this to Rhodos , since UN sponsored talks and resolutions where still
talking about Jerusalem as an international city, while both sides wanted it as their own.
The Israelis demanded and got an area in the north of the West Bank called the little triangle area.
This consisted of fifteen Arab villages dotted in the Aara valley with a total population of 12,000.
However, this agreement affected the lives of about 100,000 Palestinians living in 70 villages in the
north of West Bank see appendix 9 (Abu-Sitta 2004). This was ratified by the Jordanian cabinet on
23rd March 1949 (Pappe, 1992; Newman 1995). (Pappe 1992, pp. 190-191) comments: The Little
Triangle passed to the Israelis on 1st June 1949. The Israelis lost no time and on the very same day
began transferring some of the indigenous villages to make room for new Jewish settlements. In the
view of Palestinian nationalists Abdullah had committed yet another act of treason. This agreement
was strongly criticised in public, although it was signed of as part of the Armistice agreement.
This is a bilateral committee without inter-nation supervision, which was set up under article 8
subsection 2 of the armistice agreement, to look into certain issues raised by the parties. The Special
Committee shall have exclusive competence over such matters as may be referred to it. This is in
contrast to the Mixed Armistice Commission, which had international supervision. Israel and Jordan
preferred the Special Committee as it allowed them to carry on refining their understanding without
outside interference.
Military officers from both sides and contemporary military thinking determined the course of the
line and no thought was given to the emotional and physical dislocation of residents in areas affected.
Communications routes, roads and railways, as well as commanding military positions were sought and
contested stubbornly by both sides
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Fig 2.1: NML map around Jerusalem on 3rd April 1949
The green line between Israel and Jordan was a barrier of total separation, hostile
and closed. This resulted in a great deal of hardship and dislocation for the local
population as it crossed the lands of 69 villages and two towns, separating them
totally from their agricultural lands and sources of livelihood, and another 20 villages
lost about 30% of their income (Brawer 1990; Morris 1993; Newman 1995).24 Battir
was such a village.
The green line demarcation caused 28 villages to be emptied. The green line roughly paralleled the
foothills of the West Bank , therefore villages along the western fringes of the highlands lost most of
their productive lands in coastal plains below (Brawer 1990 ; Morris 1993).
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The Jordanian-Israeli armistice agreement was the most convoluted and least
understood agreement of the four armistice agreements25. It represented a great
achievement for Jewish forces and Israel wanted to consolidate its gains. In a speech
to the Knesset on 4th April 1949 Ben Gurion said, [Emphasis added]:26
I would like the Knesset to be aware of the fact that these Armistice
Agreements are not yet peacenor are we even near to making peace with the
Arab countries. Neither have we determined stability and security for all the
areas covered by the agreements, particularly in and around Jerusalem.
regarding which negotiations will still be held between us and Transjordan,
without the participation of the UN. Negotiations will also still be held
about renewing the railway connecting Tel Aviv-Jaffa with Jerusalem
and Haifa...
The fate of Battir village was intertwined with that of the valuable railway line.
General Staff [Jewish forces] ordered the 6th Brigade to seize the opportunity
and to occupy Ayn Karim, al-Maliha and Batir Batir controlled the
Jerusalem-Tel Aviv railway, and its occupation would remove another
obstacle to the undisrupted operation of the railway. Most of the area was
occupied except for the railway route, which was successfully guarded by
Palestinian and foreign irregulars.
Following the general demarcation some small local rectifications of the local boundary took place
over the next few months and years. These mainly adjusted the line 10s of yards to reunite a well with
a village or provide access. This happened in Jalboun, Bartaa and Wadi Foukin, for example, but these
were the exception rather than the rule. These were agreed upon by MAC with UN supervision and
amounted to only very small changes. (Brawer, 1990; Newman 1995)
A strip of land taken by Israeli forces that linked west Jerusalem with the cost and called the
Jerusalem corridor because it was enveloped from north and south by Arab controlled villages. Israel
wanted to widen that corridor at the expense of Palestinian villages.
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Although an official truce between the Israeli and Jordanians was enforced on
19 July 1948, random clashes continued. Another round of fighting for Battir
occurred in mid-October 1948, when two operations were planned by Israeli forces
which were mainly directed against the Egyptian controlled Bethlehem-BeitJala
sector. Operation Hahar (mountain) sought to extend the Jerusalem corridor and was
successful. Operation Yekev (Winery) was to take over the Jerusalem-Jaffa railway
and failed. Moshe Dayan and his brigade (6th) failed in their mission to control the
railway line, Battir and Al-Walaja were not occupied (Tal 2004, pp.407-8).28
The inhabitants of Battir during this war hosted refugees from other villages
closer to Jerusalem such as Ein Karem and al-Malha that had been destroyed or were
under attack (INT2; INT4). Moreover, most civilians from the village had to leave the
village for safety on two occasions, leaving primarily armed defenders behind. The
first time was in mid-May 1948 when villagers left for just over a month. 29 The
second time the civilians left the village after the October 1948 attack and stayed
away for about seven months.30 The Israeli forces controlled the rail track south of
Battir up to the coast, but they did not control the station at Battir nor the tracks on
Battir land. The situation remained tense in the village and the Israelis continued
shelling and sniping sporadically at the village from across the valley (INT4; INT2).
When the war ended and the armistice agreement was signed, Battir, al-Walaja,
al Qabu and half of Beit-Safafa found themselves in the NML (see Figure 2.1). This
would have meant that these villages should be vacated. 31 The Jewish forces wanted
control of the railway line and Abdullah ceded it to them to the surprise and delight of
Ben Gurion since nothing was requested in return (Shlaim 1988, p.446 ).
Abdullah al-Tal, the commander of Jordanian forces in Jerusalem narrates in
detail how this was achieved through direct negotiations between Dayan and other
Jordanian army officers in Amman at a meeting on 1st April 1949. He stresses that
Battir, al-Qabu and al-Walaja were never conquered or occupied and were never in
the NML, but Jordanian officers accepted Dayans map showing them to be so and
they did not challenge him about this issue (1959, p550). Al-Tall implied that Dayan
had tricked them and confused the maps, but also that the Jordanians had colluded
with this. The agreed map was appended to the armistice agreement and signed on 3rd
April 1949 (see Appendix 2). 32 Later the same officers from both sides met again on
Maybe another reason why Battir was sought by the Israelis - they suggested swapping it in 1950
with another village could have been its historical significance. Khirbet al-Yahud nearby is the site of
Betar, the name refers to the ultimately successful assault made in Battir by the Romans against the
last holdouts of the Bar Kochba revolt (Wallach, 2002).
Battir inhabitants stayed nearby in their fields only a few miles away from what was a front line, and
in neighbouring villages and towns. During the day they would return to the village to work the land
and at night go to sleep elsewhere. Nevertheless there were defenders in the village and also irregular
forces from outside the village (interview with MAI).
There were about eight families that remained as well as the defenders and irregular forces in the
village at this time. A large number of village residents went across the Jordan river to Shuneh. Many
also stayed in Beit-Jala and surrounding villages and visited the village regularly (interview MAI; SD).
The agreement stated Rules and regulations of the armed forces of the Parties which prohibit
civilians from crossing the fighting lines or entering the area between the lines, shall remain in effect
after the signing of this Agreement with application to the Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in
article V and VI. (Israel-Jordan Armistice agreement, 1949, article IV subsection 3)
Abu-Sitta (2004,p.66) writes: In the Jerusalem sector, article V, paragraphs a, b, [armistice
agreement] hides the fact that Jordan ceded to Israel the Jaffa-Jerusalem railway line running south of
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18 April 1949 to divide NML south of Jerusalem and replace the two truce lines (red
and green lines in Fig 2.1) by a single line.33 The Jordanian officers proposed a map
that they brought from Amman and it was accepted by the Israelis. Another official
Mixed Armistice Committee (MAC) meeting took place on 25th April 1949 where it
was officially ratified.34
However, the final agreement reached between the Israelis and the Jordanians,
after King Abdullahs concession, was that the new single line dividing the NML in
that sector (south of Jerusalem) would run 200 yards south of the railway line, hence
awarding the Israelis the railway line, al-Walaja and dividing Beit Safafa (Al-Tall,
1959; Shlaim 1988, 446). According to this proposal Battir would lose 16 houses of
the village and a substantial part of its agricultural land north of the new single green
line (INT1; INT4).
The Israelis were desperate to control the full length of the railway and the
Jordanians had conceded to that demand by agreeing to hand over those four villages,
which now fell within NML. In the face of the threat to Battir a village son,
however, instigated civil resistance to save it and its lands. It is narrated in the
subsequent chapter how this civil resistance was mounted.
Jerusalem, limiting the NML to the Latrun area. The heavy handed, devious and plainly unscrupulous
methods employed by Dayan (Shlaim 1988, p326-328), apparently paid off.
This was not a Mixed Armistice Commission (MAC) meeting as it stated but a Special Committee
meeting effectively between Col Ahmed Sudki E-Jundi and Capt. Ali abu Nowar on behalf of Jordan
and Col. Moshe Dayan and Cr. B. on the Israeli side. The Special Committee structure allowed both
sides this freedom to manoeuvre. Moreover, the outcome of this meeting was ratified by the official
MAC meeting on the 25th April 1949
At the time the daily newspaper Al Defaa published what Al-Tal called completely misleading
news about these meetings to suggest that Jordanians had gained back some villages, which he
contends they never lost in the first place (1959, p558). However, the population, especially in the
villages concerned, knew the exact state of affairs: not only where these fictitious gains but also a sell
out. Al-Talls (1959) account of the status of the NML villages is not only corroborated by the oral
history of the villagers themselves. Tal (2004), an Israeli historian quoted above, also confirmed that
al-Walaja and Battir were never conquered.
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Chapter 3: Civil Resistance Campaign
1. Introduction:
2. Development of Strategy:
Hasan Mustafas involvement was part of his strong commitment to his local
community and country. He was a concerned individual, activist, writer and
broadcaster. Hasan Mustafa was born in Battir in 1914 a son of a tribal chief. He
graduated from American University Cairo in 1935. Hasan Mustafa shared many of
his countrys burdens and was active in resisting Zionist and British authorities
policies in Palestine through his writings, organising strikes and empowering local
population and increasing their ability to stand fast (INT2; INT1). The British
authorities considered him persona non grata and, in 1938 he, together with other
activists, had to leave Palestine to Iraq, where he worked in a teachers training college
in Baghdad, until 1941.36 Upon his return, he worked with Khalil Al-Sakakini in Al-
Nahda College in Jerusalem where he taught as well. He wrote articles in daily
It is worth noting that Battirs fate could have been like those of al-Qabu al-Walaja or half of Beit-
Safafa as they shared the NML status in south Jerusalem, indeed Al-Kalidi (1992, p.323) wrote about
al-Walaja saying: However, the occupation of al-Walaja was not permanent and a New York Times
report on 20 October stated that the Israelis were driven out of the village by successful Arab counter
attacks. The History of the war of Independence corroborates this account noting that the village was
later handed over to Israel according to the terms of the armistice agreement signed with Jordan on 3
April 1949. The Israeli army entered the village, along with three other villages in the Jerusalem area
(Bayt Safafa, Battir, and alQabu) in the weeks following the signing of the agreement. His remarks
about Battir are not quite accurate as will become apparent from this narrative. Al-Walaja was ceded
but so was al-Qabu which is south of the railway. Battir remained because of the civil resistance.
Activists such as Darwish Mukdadi, Abdul Khader Al-Husseini, Ibrabim Toukan, Anwar Abu
Khadra and Rashad Labibi and many others.
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newspapers and magazines at the time as well authoring 2 books.37 He also produced
and presented a radio program at Near East Radio in Jaffa called Rawiat Al-Sabah.
He was an active and establishing member of Nadi Al-Ithad Al-Karawi (Rural
Union Club) in Jerusalem in 1945 with many other rural intellectuals. This was an
influential forum for debating, promoting and furthering rural issues, which were
largely ignored by the urban intelligentsia at the time.38
He was an avid witness to what was going on in Palestine before the UN
partition resolution in 1947. Having witnessed the loss of many local Palestinian
communities in the coastal areas, he was acutely aware of the shortcomings of the
Palestinian institutions, lack of serious preparations, and the cavalier attitude of Arab
officialdom as well as Mandate authorities acquiescence with the Zionist project
(INT1; INT2). During 1947, he edited a Weekly magazine called Al-Muntadah (the
forum).39 Consequently he was very close to events on the ground before the war.40
In 1947 he organised local villagers to patrol the village grounds and report
back on any activities. With this, he was trying to foster vigilance and community
spirit rather than develop any significant military capability. He also liaised with and
had good relationship with local Palestinian resistance, Egyptian officers and
Jordanian army officers (Arab Legion) in Jerusalem. In the mean time, the village
prepared to defend itself as best as possible. Hasan Mustafas father, a tribal chief
who had a good relationship with Al-Husayni, went to Egypt with a few men and
bought 18 guns for defence of the village. The local Palestinian resistance, Al-Jihad
al-Muqadas, and volunteers had a presence in the village as well especially during
the war (INT1;INT2). Hasan Mustafa spent the war period in and about the village
and was acutely aware of the fate of many Palestinian villages that the Israeli forces
had taken.41 Battir, nevertheless, as explained above, had just survived the war so far
but would it also survive the peace?
He wrote in Al-Thaqafa magazine, published in Egypt (1943). And daily newspapers Filistine
1943-1961where he had regular columns and Al-Urdun 1949. In 1951 in Al-Hadaf/Jerusalem.
Published two books first Khatarat Rifieh in 1945 forwarded by Dr. Ishac Musa Al-Husseini, in 1948
another book shakhsiat with a forward by Khalil Sakakini. Then he illustrated a booklet in English
Eight Years of Community Development about the experience of Battir. He prepared many studies
and reports for the Arab League committee for development.
Dr. Ishac Musa Al-Hussieni (1983) (quoted in Abu-Goush 1997, p 269 ) said Hasan Mustafa was a
distinguished villager, he established the Rural Union Club, as he prophesises what enmity the future
hides. I attended the Clubs meetings at his invitation and he was the most prominent and distinguished
member in the meetings. (Arabic)
It was called Al-Qafila before and edited 4 issues under this name then another 52 issues under Al
After the war in 1949 he worked with the International Committee Red Cross ( ICRC) and after that
with United Nations Relief Work Agency ( UNRWA) he worked as section chief of the Hebron district
and helped set up the education section of UNRWA, later he became manger of UNRWAs welfare
department in Palestine and then its public relations manager before his premature death in 1961. In
mid 1950s he stood for Jordanian Parliamentary election but was not successful. However, his brother,
Ribhi Mustafa became an MP in the next round of elections after his death. ( INT1;INT2; Al-khalili
1983; Abu-Ghosh 1997)
After the second truce (19 July 1948) the official Israeli committee dealing with the refugee
problem decided to erase from the face of the earth some 400 Arab villages which had been declared
hostile ( i.e. active in the fighting) and were by then deserted repatriation thereafter became an
impossibility (Pappe, 1994 pp 156-7)
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Hasan Mustafas goal was to save the village, he knew it was still in a perilous
position, most of its inhabitants had left and it was obvious that the village and
railway line were a target during the war and during the truce negotiations. 42 By early
1949, he set out to talk to any Jordanian official to try and use persuasion and shame
power to compel them not to sacrifice the livelihood of more than a thousand people
in Battir and many more along the railway line. He used his contacts, courage, wit and
resourcefulness to meet with and lobby many Jordanian officials, pressuring them not
to relinquish control of the villages and the railway line. He would explain to officials
that it was their individual actions that would decide the fate of many thousands of
individuals. He understood that relinquishing the railway was a political/ strategic
decision from the King. However, he was convinced he could influence matters so
that the village would not be lost, after all it had not fallen militarily and was
inhabited. 43 So he made it his business to, harass, meet, lobby and talk to any official
that was involved in the armistice negotiations to make sure that Battir and railway
line villages were not just handed over to the Israelis (INT1; INT2).
Battir was now on the periphery and most of the decisions regarding its future
were being taken not in Jerusalem but in Amman. During the first part of 1949, Hasan
Mustafa spent a lot of time in Amman meeting officials lobbying them about Battir.
Amongst them was Col. Mohamed El-Maayte who was part of the armistice
negotiating team. In March 1949, Hasan Mustafa worked with the International
Committee Red Cross (ICRC) and spent time in Jerusalem where he later met and
knew Col Al-Tall.44 Meanwhile, Battir was still under sporadic firing and harassment
from Israeli forces across the valley. During this period he instigated some villagers to
return to the village despite the dangers. He suggested switching to low maintenance
crops in the areas exposed to Israeli fire, planting wheat instead of vegetables even in
irrigated areas. He waited to see the result of the armistice negotiations but was not
hopeful about the outcome (INT1; INT2).
Immediately after the signing of the Armistice agreement in Rhodes on 3rd April
1949 it became apparent that Battir fell within NML (See Fig 2.1). Hasan Mustafa
was now sure that the villages future was in immediate danger because according to
the terms of the agreement no people should be allowed to remain within NML. This
would have meant evacuating the village of Battir. 45 Similarly, the Israelis would not
have acquired the railway line which still existed officially within NML. In order for
It became clear in early 1949 that the Israelis had asked for the railway line as part of the armistice
negotiations in al-Shuneh . This was reported widely in the newspapers in Amman . Moreover, many
disgruntled Jordanian officers and officials in Transjordan administration had leaked any such news by
the end of 1948.
He made sure it looked fully inhabited
Earlier on he wrote a small light-hearted article in the daily newspaper Filastin illustrating al-Talls
centrality in negotiation for Jerusalem. It was a deliberate tactic to try to hold him to account and make
it clear that people are watching and expecting no more surrenders. Ive read the article.
The armistice agreement stated Rules and regulations of the armed forces of the Parties which
prohibit civilians from crossing the fighting lines or entering the area between the lines, shall remain in
effect after the signing of this Agreement with application to the Armistice Demarcation Lines defined
in article V and VI. (Israel-Jordan Armistice agreement, 1949, article IV subsection 3)
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the Israelis to acquire control of the valuable railway line, they needed to divide the
NML in their favour. Consequently, the Israelis had asked for total evacuations of
these villages within NML and the Jordanians agreed that their forces would evacuate
by 25th April 1949 (Al-Tall, 1959). Hasan Mustafa devised a two pronged strategy to
save the village: first, to make sure that the village appeared to be fully inhabited and
defended; and, secondly, he intended to strongly lobby the Jordanians to save the
village and its lands during any further negotiations with the Israelis regarding NML
(INT1; INT2).
Hasan Mustafa wanted to prevent the village from being evacuated or its lands
given away. Moreover, he had the help in the first two weeks of April 1949 from
many disgruntled Jordanian officials and officers. He visited the Jordanian Armistice
committee with a number of officers and lobbied hard arguing that Battir is still
inhabited, not conquered and should not be evacuated (INT2;INT1).46 He knew it
would be difficult to change their mind, as the armistice agreement had already been
signed, but he thought he could influence the negotiation of the division of the NML.
His efforts must have borne fruit. Unbeknown to him a meeting of MAC/ Special
Committee took place on the 18th April 1949 to define the NML in Jerusalem area
outside city limits. The Transjordan minutes of the meeting state (Al-Tall, 1959,
p556): 47
2. Col. Ahmed Bey El Jundi presented a map which he brought from Amman
showing the line of new demarcation, which gives us QATTANAH, BEIT
IKSA and BATTIR villages and gives the Jews WALLAJA and railway to
JERUSALEM. The Jews accepted the proposal and both parties signed that:
(a) The evacuation of Battir was cancelled as it has come to our side
(d) It was agreed upon that BATTIR inhabitants will continue having
ownership to their lands falling in the Jewish Territory, but they will not be
able to cross the wadi South of the railway line until further arrangements are
made. 48
The 3rd meeting on the 25th April 1949 reaffirmed the above and decided that
the demarcation of the new single line would be effective from 1st May 1949(see
Appendix 4). Hasan Mustafa, having read the newspapers on the 25th April 1949,
knew that the bulk of Battir village was saved but did not know the details. He
Another testimony submits that upon visiting the committee Hasan Mustafa , with the high ranking
officers, inferred that this concern for Battir is not only theirs alone but shared by higher authorities
(which was not the case), the bluff worked and the committee members seemed to be impressed by
This was dubbed unofficial meeting of MAC in the Jordanian minutes, since the independent
observer was not present. However, this does not make it unofficial because this is exactly the set up
required for the Special committee (article VIII, Israel-Jordan Armistice agreement, 1949) which had
exclusive competence on matters such as the railway line. In addition the content of this meeting was
ratified and accepted again in an official MAC meeting on the 25th April.
This situation Battir is quite unique, neither Qattannah nor Beit Iksa or any other village along the
green line managed to hold on to the ownership of all its land across the green line. This was a direct
result of the work done by Hasan Mustafa to compel the Jordanian officials and in turn the Israelis to
accept that compromise through presence of mind, lobbying, political guile and civil resistance.
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realised the Israelis had ambitions to take the village and did not trust them or the
Jordanians. He made sure in the last 10 days of April 1949 especially that the village
looked lit, defended and totally inhabited. He instructed about seven young men to go
and light the lamps in the houses at night, put out washing on the lines, let out the
animals into the yards and make the village look busy and fully inhabited.( INT4 ;
INT2; INT1) Moreover, there were a few families and some defenders in the village
On the morning of the 2nd May 1949, Hasan Mustafa told his wife that he was
going to meet the Jews at Battirs station that day. He said that he did not know if he
would be back, but that he would make sure that Battirs land was preserved (INT1).
That morning the Israelis arrived at the Battir railway station, watched by all who
were in village. 50 Hasan Mustafa walked half way down the hill with six villagers
towards the station. He walked the last 300 yards alone with his hands up as he
approached the Israeli soldiers and MAC officials. MAC officials had come to
implement the agreement of the 25th April 1949 with a large contingency of Israeli
forces. 51 Still, Hasan Mustafa went down defiantly to protest and make sure that none
of the lands of Battir would be compromised and that full access would be granted
after the division of the NML. He made it clear that the village was fully inhabited
and ready to defend itself. He asked to speak to the commander to know the details of
what was about to be done to the village and its land. Duly, Moshe Dayan arrived
from Jerusalem, and in the presence of MAC officials, discussed the details of the
agreement with him (INT1; INT2).
Moshe Dayan made it clear that it was the railway line, station, and safety of the
trains that was his prime concern. He also insisted that this was fully agreed upon with
the Jordanians and that they were here to implement this, and that it would be
implemented. Hasan Mustafa asked about Battirs land and rights. Moshe Dayan said
that Battirs land, apart from the railway line or station, would remain its own as per
agreement, which was shown to Hasan Mustafa. There was then a lot to finalise and
mark, the 200 yards south of the railway line which was the new line agreed with the
Jordanians and which meant that 16 houses would fall inside the new line as well as
most of the irrigated land (see FIG 3.1`) Moreover, Battirs land border within the
land that had been ceded to Israel between the 3rd and 18th April 1949, north of the
new demarcation line and north of the railway line, had to be set (for full details see
Appendix 10). Abu-Sitta (2004, p.66) stresses that:
Doubts about the location [during demarcation] were always interpreted
against the villagers interests. It did not help matters that Arabs officer
accompanying the Israelis were ignorant of the territory. They did not
appreciate the value of a hill, a valley or a road to the village life. Villagers
protestations rarely succeeded.
At this time he was trying to return villagers from Al-Shuneh to Battir to make sure it is fully
populated. The villagers were understandably scarred and reluctant to return. He nevertheless said that
he would send for them soon and they should come if they want to have any homes left.
This area is still militarised NML and any civilian in this area risked being shot
Which stipulated that the new line would run 200 yards parallel to the south of the railway line.
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Not only did Hasan Mustafa lobby the Jordanian officials earlier on, he was
also present on the day of the demarcation of the border and made sure that not one
square meter of village land was given away unduly by the disinterested MAC
officials or through Israeli deception. He called the other six men from the village
and went with the MAC officials marking Battirs land inside the green line, the
villagers marked their land and reaffirmed its ownership (see Fig 3.1) .52
Fig 3.1: Battirs Land boundaries inside the green line (Abu-Sitta 2004).
They agreed that villagers would have ownership and total access to their land,
houses and school beyond the demarcated line but they would not be allowed to go on
the railway line itself (INT1; INT2). Effectively, the division of NML meant that the
railway line and station were Israeli controlled and the rest was as it was before.53
This finalised the agreement and it became legally binding that this land is still owned
and to be used by villagers as before.54 However, this was still a precarious situation
for the village and villagers and it would take more effort for the village to survive. 55
The Israelis did the same by starting a huge forestation drive to mark the territory they claimed, (See
Appendix 8)
There were about 4 points (bridges) where the villagers could cross under them to their lands on the
other sides of the tracks without having to breach the railway line itself. This was still a tense and
militarised area and the Jordanians and Israelis stationed troops across the valley from each others to
monitor all this.
Later on the Israelis-Jordanian signed on the maps in January 1950 (see Appendix 7)
The offer of aid, food, shelter from humanitarian agencies, as well as the present real fear of death in
the front line villages, acted as a pulling agent to empty these front line villages from their inhabitants.
One was only entitled to receive aid if a refugee outside ones village. Many, from other villages, left
for food and safety for that reason and thought they could easily return to their villages later on. Many
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Hasan Mustafa sent trucks immediately to Al-Shuneh and brought back the rest
of the village inhabitants. They were at first reluctant to go to their homes especially
closer to the station/ railway line. However, he walked with them to their homes. He
also walked down with the farmers to the lands on the other side of the track for the
first week.56 Four days later the MAC officials put up some fence posts and much
later on some razor wire. There was a curfew in the beginning from 6pm-6am for the
houses inside the green line but this was abandoned weeks later. The Boys school
was also next to the railway station and students and teachers carried on as usual
(INT1; INT2). 57
This achievement could not be underestimated especially considering the war
context it was accomplished in. The reality on the ground at the time was totally
militarised and belligerent, which instilled fear into villagers. Moreover, the main
artery of the village was cut (the railway), and isolation, lack of food and work
threatened the survival of the village (Mustafa, 1959).
Hasan Mustafa had to ensure that the agreements were adhered to by both sides
and encouraged villagers to use the land inside the line as usual. The results of the
partition however had had devastating effect on the spirit of the villagers. In Hasan
Mustafas (1959,p.2) own words:58
Then came The Troubles followed by the establishment of the fateful
Demarcation Line in 1949 and contact with the outside world ceased. Train
service stopped, Jerusalem was inaccessibleduring the first weeks they
[villagers] managed to get along, and there was always the hope that peace
would come soon and life would be secure, busy, and happy again. But the
days passed into months and the effect of isolation, loss of income, of health
and educational services began to be reflected in bitterness and unhappiness.
Something needed to be done if this village was to be saved.
villages laid empty partly because of fear and that pulling factor of food, aid and safety which the
Israelis exploited. Battir didnt because of Hasan Mustafas insistence on keeping it inhabited. Hasan
Mustafa met the Muktars (village chief) of Al-Qabu and Al-Walaja and urged them to return to their
villages to no avail at the time.
There was an atmosphere of sheer horror from the Jewish forces. Dier Yassin and many other
atrocities were fresh in peoples memory and border hostilities were still occurring.
This agreement is alluded to in literature about the conflict; for example Morris (1993, p. 183) and
Al-Tall (1959, p. 556, Prof. Gidon Biger (Tel Aviv University) emailed to say Local arrangement let
the Betir people to cultivate their land north of the line, although it was never agreed in writing
(17/8/06) However, it is written as shown above. This agreement have endured since 1949 despite
many obstacles, however, the building of the Israeli separation wall threatens it.
Eight years of community development available on line at http://www.battir.i8.com/hasan.html
Similar to the constructive programme of Gandhi the two sides of satyagraha, civil disobedience
and constructive work for change.
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village to Bethlehem, which was completed in February 1951. A girls school with
eight classes opened in 1952.60 Internal roads linking different parts of the village
were made (1952-53). He brought in the telephone and post office (1955), a clinic
(1959), and community centre. The main irrigation pool/reservoir was repaired and a
full size football pitch prepared and inaugurated it with football match played by
village elders (1958). Many cultural, educational, vocational opportunities were
introduced such as sewing machine workshops (1957) and adult literacy classes.61
Moreover, 16,000 trees were planted as part of town planning during this period
(Mustafa 1959; Ahmed 1957; Wallach 2002) (see Appendix 5 for details)
This community development drive managed to foster hope, provide
employment and make the villagers understand that not only could they survive but
they could also improve their lives markedly. This strengthened internal discipline in
face of continued Israeli threat to the village and its land.62 In addition, Battir became
an example of community development and its success brought the village many
external admirers.63 Hasan Mustafa harnessed the power of external allies to make
sure that outsiders had a stake in or at least witnessed Battirs prosperity and progress,
bringing it protection and support. His real achievement, though, had been in
harnessing the power of the indigenous concept of aaoneh (community
service/public help), 64 infusing it with enlightened thinking and transforming it into a
collective, potent, positive community force. (Ahmed 1957, pp14-16; Mustafa 1959)
He used this successful model to influence change in nearby villages such as Husan
and Nahalin as well. Now I will turn to analyse this successful defence and
development of Battir village.
Hasan Mustafa was a pioneer in girls and women education in rural Palestine. On 2nd June 1952 he
opened Battir girls school. It developed into 13 classrooms, 9 teachers and equipment (laboratories,
language and chemistry, sports etc). He linked the girls school to the community which developed the
school with help from UNRWA. He ensured that all girls attended school by talking to their parents
and interfered to defer marriage ceremonies until after graduation. He enrolled high achievers in further
education, for example girls trained as nurses and worked in the village health centre (1959), other
worked as a radio broadcaster in 1958. He championed girls education in the frontline villages through
his work with UNRWA. He lobbied the UNRWA hard in 1953 (during the first educational
conference) to open girls schools, not only in refugee camps but in frontline villages as well, to afford
girls a chance for education. He was successful and many other girls schools where opened in these
villages at UNRWAs expense.
It is striking to see even today, in what supposed to be Palestinian traditional rural environment,
many mothers and grandmothers usually in traditional dress able to read and write competently and use
those skills in their daily lives such as reading newspapers, for shopping, home accounting and
During the 1950s, 14 villagers were shot dead by the Israelis in incidents on village lands.
(Interview), Morris (1993, p.138) writes when talking about atrocities across the green line A similar
atrocity occurred five days later [1952] when an IDF patrol seized three villagers from Battir working
in a vegetable plot on the Israeli side of the border which Israel permitted them to cultivate under a
long-standing arrangement
Admirers or visitors to Battir: Arab league and officials, Arnold Toynbees visit in 1957, John
Dennis UNRWAs boss, Bishop of Washington DC Dean Sayer and many others.
aaoneh is best described as a form of tribal community service/ public help, which the
tribal/village culture expects from its community members in time of crisis or need. It is invoked and
used in emergencies or in real need. For example when somebody have to bring in a large harvest in
limited time, when terraces has been swept away after a harsh winter ..etc. Villagers will help each
other with their expertise and labour to complete the task. The tacit agreement or knowledge is when
you are in need you will be helped as well.
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Chapter 4: Analysis and Conclusion
1. Analysis:
When looking at Hasan Mustafas successful defence of Battir, one can see that
he achieved this without firing one bullet, although it was a war situation.
Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the armed defence of the village against Israeli
attacks during the war played a crucial role in preventing the Israelis entering and
destroying the village. However, as explained above, that alone would not have been
enough to save the village. Falling in the NML of the armistice agreement of 3rd April
1949, the village would have been depopulated in accordance with Israeli requests.
Had it stayed as such, the Israelis and Jordanians would easily have forced the
implementation of their agreement with total disregard for the local population, as
they did in other areas, such as Beit Safafa (Shlaim 1988, p.447).65 It was the civil
resistance campaign that Hasan Mustafa engaged in which ensured that Battir and its
lands were saved. Equally important was the constructive community development
work done after the demarcation of the line to shore up the achievements and help the
village survive and prosper again.
Looking back at Hasan Mustafas actions one can see three critical phases, in
accordance with the typology of Crist et al (2002): Firstly, the development of a
strategy for achieving goals; which includes setting goals, assessing resources and
analysing opponents vulnerabilities; Secondly, implementing the strategy; Thirdly,
defending the movement/ achievement, which includes maintaining internal discipline
and using the power of external allies. Although these categories are more suited to
larger movements, when superimposed onto the case study and narrative above, they
produce the following table:
Beit Safafas residents were steadfast according to testimonies heard, during the war 52 people were
killed by the Jewish forces from the village whilst the Jews tried to dislodge them (INT1). But they
stayed put, when the Israelis and Jordanians came to demarcate the line they faced stormy protest and
violent resistance from the hapless inhabitants. They came back the next day with more disciplined
troops and forced the division (Shlaim 1988, p. 447)
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1- Setting Goals: To safeguard Battir village and its land.
2- Assessing resources:
a) Integrative power; organisational power and lower threat power.
Developing a b) Contacts & friendship with disgruntled Jordanian officers willing to help.
strategy c) Ability to organise, motivate, lead, use media, self confidence and firm
belief that people can influence change
d) Bravery, resourcefulness, creativity, negotiating skills and political guile
e) No other actor on the scene, he became a conduit for action/hope. Able to
expose and hold people accountable for actions. Son of tribal chief, strong
knowledge of local society and people.
f) Worked for ICRC and later on with UNRWA- resources and influence.
g) Against, Kings ceding control of railway line to the Israelis, Israels
military dominance
3- Opponents vulnerability:
a) Low integrative power, law, NML, armistice agreement
b) Could not take control of the village militarily without significant cost.
Battirs ability to threaten/be a nuisance to the safety of railway.
c) Village is inhabited
d) Peoples sentiments and rights/ Jordanian officers unhappy about NML
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a) Present on the ground, Fraternization, meeting and lobbying armistice
officials, group lobbying
b) Held officials accountable, influenced division of NML negotiations.
c) Lights on in the village, washing on line, noise etc as evidence of
the strategy
presence of inhabitants, sent trucks to bring back villagers
d) Met forces on day to protest, demand rights, stand fast and non-violent
intervention, non-violent interjection
e) Supervised full return of villagers and encouraged normality; used to go
down with villagers to their land beyond the green line.
f) Use of great chain of non violence mechanism, used Jordanian officers
as intermediaries with government, then government intermediary with
g) Campaign succeeded through accommodation and use of third parties.
h) Empowered villagers by asking them to mark their land and stand firm,
development drive through aaoneh( tribal community service/public help)
h) Worked with ICRC
From this table, one can see the classic elements of a successful civil resistance
campaign. Hasan Mustafa used the integrative power concept well to challenge the
lack of legitimacy of the NML and subsequent agreements. A crucial factor is that
Hasan Mustafa was fully committed, brave, present on the ground and engaged.
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During and after the war, many communities and villages fled the Israeli brutal
advance. They were left without independent national Palestinian or local coordinated
strategy or presence. This made the task much easier for the Israelis, and the
Jordanians, to implement their schemes. Hasan Mustafas intervention and activity
made a real difference at a time when there was no guidance and when most leaders
had left the country and saw engagement as futile and ineffective. This was not the
case with Battir where both sides (Jordan and Israel) were effectively challenged and
the needs of the village and its inhabitants upheld. This led Al-Shuqeri, the Syrian
representative to the UN at the time, to wonder why Qalqilia could not be like Battir
(Al-Khalili 1983; INT1).66
Furthermore, Hasan Mustafa used intermediaries and third parties to influence
the oppressor; this is what Galtung (1989) refers to as the great chain of non
violence. Hasan Mustafa could not directly challenge, influence or bring pressure to
bear on the Israelis, so he tried to create sympathy with another party, the Jordanian
government. However, they were in turn equally intransigent and unsympathetic. He
continued to look for another link in the chain and went to speak to disgruntled
Jordanian officers whom he found to be more sympathetic. Their impact as
intermediaries was decisive.67 Together, the officers and Hasan Mustafa managed to
bring pressure to bear on the Jordanians who negotiated with the Israelis. Hasan
Mustafas status as son of the village, part of the Palestinian landed strata, his
personal courage and charisma enabled him to impose himself onto officials and
events. He gained the ear of officials through his self confidence, bravery and
presence when the rest of the Palestinian leadership was absent or had fled.
When success was achieved in this civil resistance campaign it was through
what Sharp (1973) calls accommodation. Whereby Jordan and Israel chose to grant
the demands without changing their point of view, the Jordanians still ceded the
railway to Israel. However, the villagers also maintained their land integrity, the
village and livelihood. Amongst the factors that might have led to this
accommodation are: first, the authorities (Jordan and Israel) believed they are
eliminating a nuisance by accommodating the civil resistances demands. Secondly,
the Jordanian authorities were adjusting to a budding opposition within their ranks
and acting to prevent the growth of that opposition.
The dynamics of how this campaign succeeded are easily revealed. When this
civil resistance campaign managed to raise the question of Battirs lands as an issue in
the Special Committee and the MAC this became enough to merit a reasonable
reply.68 Furthermore, the campaign stressed to both parties that the village was
inhabited, defended and inhabitants rights must be upheld, to evacuate the village
would be committing an injustice. Hasan Mustafas approach depended on using
integrative power and protest and persuasion to influence both parties. Moreover,
Qalqqilya, as well as many other villages on the green line, lost most of their fertile agricultural land
after the demarcation of the green line of 1949. SeeAppendix13.
Because Sharp (2005, p411) tells us that this would have been seen as internal dissention and
opposition, which is more potent than international third party action
what is striking about the loss of many Palestinian villages and lands is the fact that they were easily
handed over rather than conquered by the Israelis because of collusion with the Jordanians,
Palestinians dependence on Arab armies to do their bidding and the disintegration and flight of
Palestinian leadership. Where people organised and defended they were largely successful in
influencing events.
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Hasan Mustafa became a conduit of action when no body else acted, he initiated
action and attracted others, who were equally dissatisfied, to act through him. The
many disgruntled Jordanian officer, who could not disobey orders completely, help
him instead. Dynamically speaking this is equivalent to them disobeying orders
themselves (Sharp 2005). This process put pressure on Jordanians, MAC and the
Israelis to compromise. However, it needed the civil resistance campaign to bring the
question to the table for it to be answered, once the question was asked the outcome
was a positive one.
In trying to understand the reasons for the success of Hasan Mustafa, it is also
evident - through interviews, reading his work, reading about him- that his personal
characteristics were a formidable asset to him and a defining feature to his success,
which earned him great respect.69 He has been described on various occasions as hard
working, dedicated, charismatic, humble, principled, courageous, witty, tenacious,
enlightened and a pioneer. This enabled him to foster support, motivate, lead and
achieve, moreover he had vision (See appendix 6).
2. Conclusion:
Battir found itself in a unique position after the division of NML and the
successful outcome of the civil resistance campaign. This defence has endured the test
of time. Villagers still use the main bulk of their land as they did in 1949. However,
this position has had to be defended all along to make sure that the Israelis did not
infringe this agreement. For example Ive witnessed, from the 1980s onwards, how
the Israeli forestry authorities planted forest trees on any land, covered by this
agreement, which was not utilised even if for one season. Many battles were fought
when Israeli pine trees where planted on Battir land. Olive trees and other productive
trees would be planted instead straight away. Hasan Mustafas brother and villagers
have maintained this struggle until today relying on the original agreement. However,
on 20th February 2005, the Israeli Government approved a new route for the
Segregation Wall which effectively expropriate 330 dunums of Battir land for the
construction of the wall, around 550 dunums will be restricted as a buffer zone and
another 1297 dunums will be isolated behind the Wall (Isacc et al. 2005, p.7).
This Segregation wall now terminally threatens the 1949 agreement regarding
Battirs land. The villagers fear for their homes and land again. A clear ruling from
the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which stipulated that the wall is illegal and
should be dismantled, was totally ignored by Israel and the international community.
Hasan Mustafa has proved through his civil resistance campaign that such action can
be potent and enduring. Nonetheless, this was particular to its historical context
characterised by a particular balance of power, the ability to influence third parties
when a modicum of international and moral concern existed.
Unfortunately, nowadays Israel and the international community continue to
ignore the ICJs ruling on the wall. Israel has continually shot at Israeli, Palestinian
and international protestors against the wall without any censor or any moral
Wallach (2002, p 28) wrote Hassan Mustafa died long ago, but young villagers were surprised when
I asked if they had heard of him. Of course we know him, they would say. He is a hero to us.
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outrage. The logic of militarism that gripped the West with its war on terror has
further suffocated the tiny space that exists for civil resistance action to the detriment
of both Israelis and Palestinians. The art, craft and science of diplomacy, negotiation,
peace building and reconciliation were/are totally compromised by a pervading,
inhumane, destructive, short-sighted logic of militarism.
The sooner this military logic ends the sooner some successful civil resistance
action opportunities will appear in Palestine and Israel around the segregation wall
and other issues of conflict. This Western paradigm shift from diplomacy and
negotiation to militarism affects Palestine and Israel directly and help obscure,
through polarisation, the necessary moral outrage that provides the dynamics which
are needed for non-violent actions.
However, when Hasan Mustafa embarked on this civil resistance campaign the
odds against success were negligible but he achieved his goals when many saw his
efforts as futile and in vain. Although contexts, balance of power, dynamics of
international politics and other particularities, are different, there is one thing I am
certain of in my optimism. It is the ability of the Palestinian oppressed people, like
oppressed people elsewhere, to formulate responses, actions and struggle against
injustice despite overwhelming odds. What is needed though, is for observers,
scholars and pundits to monitor, identify, nurture and publicise the next organic civil
resistance campaign that is no doubt coming out of Palestine.
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Crist, J T et al Strategic non-violent conflict lessons from the past, ideas for the
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Battir Village, Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem
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Mustafa, H. Eight Years of Community Development, (Jerusalem: Habesch, 1959)
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Pappe, I. The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1947-1951, (NY: IB Tauris, 2001)
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Powers R.S. et al (eds.), Protest, Power and change; an encyclopaedia of non-violent
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Editors note: We have been unable, for technical reasons, to reproduce these
appendices. It is hoped that the full paper may be downloaded from Coventry
Universitys Department of Forgiveness and Reconciliation website in due course.
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Westmorland General Meeting
Westmorland General Meeting is a Meeting for Worship and Business of the Religious Society of
Friends (Quakers), comprising Friends from the Swarthmoor, Kendal and Sedbergh, Lancaster and
Preston areas in the north-west corner of England. George Fox, founder of the Society, made his first
visit to these towns, villages and dales in 1652, and the region continues to be known among Friends as
the birthplace of Quakerism.
Quakers seek "that of God" in everyone, worshipping together in silence without doctrine or creed. For
three hundred and fifty years Friends Peace Testimony has been at the centre of a corporate witness
against war and violence, through conscientious objection, conflict resolution, service in the Friends
Ambulance Unit or alternative paths of conscience. In the 21st Century we face fundamental changes
to the engines of war, and new social and international challenges in a changing world, yet the Peace
Testimony of 17th Century Friends still bears powerful witness.
All bloody principles and practices we do utterly deny, with all outward wars, and strife,
and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretence whatsoever,
and this is our testimony to the whole world.
We are called to live in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of
wars. Do you faithfully maintain our testimony that war and the preparation for war
are inconsistent with the spirit of Christ? Search out whatever in your own way of life
may contain the seeds of war. Stand firm in our testimony, even when others commit or
prepare to commit acts of violence, yet always remember that they too are children of
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