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Compiled Document
Compiled Document
I am happy to write a preface to this work, which is a guide for tumor treatment with homeopathic remedies.
The book contains a theoretical and a practical part with case studies. In the theoretical part, there is a lot of
knowledge of the ancient classics of homeopathic Hehnemann (Q-potencies and their main bases) over
Kent (the Kent'sche scale) to Pierre Schmidt, who has brought over all the knowledge of Kent to Europe to
further Knzli of Fimmelsberg who has helped in turn taught tirelessly for more than thirty years, the
repertories in countless courses and the pure teachings of Hahnemann and Kent.
Pierre Schmidt and Knzli have made themselves most Q-potencies of the most important remedies that we
use in the clinic by hand.
Even the knowledge of homeopathic tumor specialists like Burnett, Clarke, Grimmer, Eli Jones, Schlegel, H.
Barthel, Pareek, Ramakrishnan and others, we find in this book.
This invaluable heritage I have received and tried this to pass on in the last twenty years in many seminars
and supervision of my teacher Dr.Knzli with gratitude. In the ten years of work in the Clinica Santa Croce
and the observations on the use of Q-potencies have been made and compiled systematically, analogous to
the twelve observations of Kent after dosing with C potencies.
Therefore, I am particularly pleased that Dr.Wurster has now along with the heavy workload of its activities
in the Clinica Santa Croce found the time and energy, to publish this theoretical part - whose observance is
important in the treatment of all chronic diseases - with a special reference to tumor treatment.
What specifically pleases me, are his case histories that run clean on the basis of considerations so that is
good to understand why a remedy was administered.
e) in difficult cases, the establishment of a therapeutic approach in which we then often from organotropic to
a constitutional means is the tortuous path of cancer treatment
g) the knowledge of iatrogenic damage to the body by radiation and chemotherapy and the homeopathic
remedies for their healing.
Page 5
The dose of the remedy is always to understand: In the critical period when the patient is still in a dangerous
stage of the disease, such as in metastasis, recurrence of the tumor disease in severely weakened vitality
and energy-consuming therapies such as chemotherapy and Starhlentherapie are predominantly Q -
Potenzen administered. In some cases during months or even years. If the patient is led out of the critical
phase, you go to Kent's scale with C-potencies above.
All of these steps we practiced on countless patients in the Clinica Santa Croce in past years and discussed
in daily supervision together in the group of doctors and so throughout the years to refine our insight and
work more and more.
The beautiful case reports of Dr.Wurster are a reflection of this collaboration and a business card for the
work which make the fellow Members in our clinic. All employees have contributed with their commitment
and sacrifice to the fact that Dr.Wurster can present this very beautiful work, which is destined to become a
standard work of homeopathic oncology.
It is thanks to him again at this point, for his great and esteemed use as a doctor in our department and
ensure that it represents the knowledge of our work available to a wide audience, hoping that as many care
provider and concerned can draw their benefit from it.
Orselina, 01.10.2006
Page 6
After my lecture has been found on the treatment metatasierter carcinomas on the 60th World League
Congress for Homeopathy in Berlin so popular, I was asked by several pages to publish the presentation, so
that the knowledge and the cases are not lost.
Together with Peter Irl we thought to make a little booklet from it and to expand the presentation by the
cases are presented in more detail in order to make the interested reader nor comprehensible and practical.
When writing up these cases I decided then to add many more advanced tumor cases from my practice to
illustrate the approach in complicated cases tumor on. The book is intended primarily to the fact that the
homeopathic cancer treatment is to understand and learn the theory and accurately documented cases with
detailed repertorizations. The reactions to the Q-potencies and treatment strategies in chemotherapy and
radiation seemed to me so important that I present in this book, so many people can benefit from a good
homeopathic therapy. I was also very important to the difficulties that may arise in the course of cancer
treatment to effectively convey and to show in relation to cases such as my way of thinking in the individual
cases was. If you treat cancer patients, then one suffers himself very much, as you at the beginning of the
common path often do not know how long the path goes.
It is important to recognize and apply the various levels of cancer treatment to be successful even in
seemingly hopeless cases. After eight years of Homeopathic treatment of cancer in one of my esteemed
teacher Dr. Dario Spine digestion initiated clinic in Ticino and treating over 500 patients own tumor, I would
now like to pass on my experiences. The knowledge I have accumulated over the years, comes from clinical
practice at the bedside and years of care and treatment of people with cancer. There are many theories
about homeopathic treatment of cancer, but there are probably at the present time only a few doctors who
treat cancer patients almost exclusively under clinical conditions. It would be a big improvement if more
doctors would begin to treat using homeopathy cancer patients.
Homeopathy is often attacked and declared to be ineffective, but that this is not the case and that even a
cure or at least a better quality of life may be possible in advanced cases, I will illustrate here at twelve
tumor cases. Similar to Dr. J. Compton Burnett in his book "Fifty Reasons Why I'm homeopath" trying to
convince a doctor of homeopathy based on cured cases. I would like to show my case descriptions and the
associated theory a way that allows it to it's me I have succeeded in some cases, to cure cancer. Thus it can
be seen that there are not isolated cases or spontaneous healing of individual tumor types, I especially
picked out cancer cases that were already completely "conventional medicine" incurable and when we
made no hope of recovery, the cancer cases that are not yet metastasized, are easier to treat. I just wanted
to point at these advanced cases, which forces homeopathy has properly applied. Most cases in this book
have been checked for their accuracy in terms of diagnosis, disease stage and progression of independent
doctors of the Tumour Biology at the University of Freiburg.
Page 7
For two years, we also perform together with the University of Freiburg by a study designed to demonstrate
the effectiveness of homeopathy in cancer patients. So far, the results are very promising. If the health
insurance and health authorities would realize that cost savings is possible with homeopathy, it would
hopefully give greater promotion of homeopathy. It is interesting that those who homeopathy most criticize,
still have not a single patient treated with homeopathy and usually have no idea about the basics of
homeopathy. You just can not afford an opinion on something that you really tested. So I'm looking forward
to all critical readers who might be inspired by this book to study homeopathy.
Who is an open heart and clear mind, should choose the suitable way for him after careful consideration. I
want this book to call on all unprejudiced physicians to regard homeopathy as a possible way to treat cancer
and sometimes to heal. There should be an interaction between conventional medicine and homeopathy in
the sense of well-being of our patients, not competition but a common home. I hope that homeopathy would
be taught in the universities and thus we would get a new medical understanding.
We were lucky to have due to certain symptoms constellations that give us clues to indicated remedy, the
possibility of tumors to regress or we can run a good help prevent cancer by bringing the disturbed
immunological processes in the organism back into order. The amazing thing is that in many patients whose
tumor has decreased using homeopathy, no specific tumor agent was necessary, but a chosen because of
the totality of the symptoms constitutional remedy. That is, one would have been years previously treated
these patients with this agent, it would probably not come to the outbreak of the tumor. That is why it is so
important that we begin to treat even the children properly in order to make the best cancer prevention. We
have with homeopathy a cure in hand, which allows us to restore health and prevent cancer and also to
Orselina, 01.10.2006
Page 8
Part 1:
Introduction to Homeopathy
Samuel Hahnemann (1755- 1843), the founder of homeopathy, developed a healing system that is based
on the principle of healing of like by like this: "Similar similar cure". Hahnemann recognized as homeopathic
principle, as in 1790 he undertook a self-experiment with cinchona bark. He knew that conditions of
intermittent fever (malaria) are treated with high doses of quinine and quinine causes that in healthy
subjects at high doses similar conditions as in intermittent fever. This means that a drug that can cause
similar symptoms in a healthy person with a similar clinical picture is also able to cure this condition. The
simile principle was created. For example, if a healthy person takes a dose of Arsenicum Album, he will
develop various symptoms. Hell probably vomit, get diarrhea with reiswasserartigem stool, pulsating beats
with exhaustion, severe freezing and an inner restlessness with anxiety. According to the homeopathic law
of similars, patients with a similar disease (eg, a state after a fish poisoning) by homeopathically potentized
Arsenicum Album healed. Hahnemann realized that a tiny amount of potentized drug is sufficient to
stimulate the Vitality of the patient so that the disease can be marketed. Hahnemann discovered that by
trituration, dilution and succussion of Drugs special forces are released that are not to be found in the
stocks. For example, Sodium Muriaticum, the ordinary saline developed until the potentiated state's ability
to cure a variety of diseases (migraine, psoriasis, complaints by grief, etc.). To find out which symptoms
produce the drug substances and thus, ultimately, can also heal, he began drug testing. He took several
doses of a potentized drug for several days in a row and began then in great detail every single symptom,
be it physical or psychological nature changes to note. The totality of the symptoms of the particular drug
tests results in the so-called drug picture. There have now been performed more than 1,000 drug tests,
which can be found in drug honor (Materia Medica). To the similar remedy can be selected. Hahnemann
described in his "Organon of Medicine" the exact procedure. It is not enough to compare only the patient's
symptoms with those of the Materia Medica, as several agents have similar symptoms.
b) Mental symptoms
After a thorough medical history and symptoms survey, an analysis of symptoms and evaluation, to provide
clues to the drug choice, herein lies the greatest difficulty to identify which symptoms correspond to the
nature of the disease and the patient.
For the remedy selection, especially the "... striking, special, unusual and peculiar (characteristic) signs and
symptoms of the disease arises, to take special and almost unique fixed eye, because especially this, must
be very similar in symptoms row of this correspond drug if it is to be the most appropriate for healing.
"(Organon 153)
In addition, the mental and emotional state of the patient is very important because there is also a very own
personal state of mind with every manifestation of the disease: "The much so that in homeopathic choice of
a remedy, the state of mind of the patient often most is the decisive factor, as characters of a certain
peculiarity, which can remain hidden from the least accurately observed among all physicians" (Organon
211). To detect the mental and emotional state must be able to recognize the people inside it. But since it is
already difficult to recognize yourself, it requires some tools here. The unconscious mind shows itself, inter
alia, in the dreams, fantasies, images and desires of people. The hidden pictures of the soul can, for
example, arise in the dreams. If a patient reports that he had dreamed in the night that a huge lion has
attacked him, so it is very important what a feeling the patient had in the dream, or what he has to free
association concept lion. The basic feeling in the dream can then provide information on drug choice. In this
case, it may i.a. be an indication of phosphorus when the patient reported that his feeling was a fear of
being killed. This state of mind then gives an indication of a homeopathic remedy. These levels are known in
homeopathy for a long time and homeopathic remedies are chronic cases usually selected based on the
totality of the symptoms. The homeopathic treatment of cancer, there are some other treatment levels that I
explain in more detail in this book.
The cancer treatment is probably one of the biggest challenges in homeopathy, because you have to work
very diligently to make the right choice of remedy, so that one can influence tumor Done low to ultimately
heal tumors can. In the homeopathic cancer treatment often difficulties arise to identify which symptoms you
should use to remedy.
When patients initial come with a tumor to our clinic, which is not pretreated, we usually have a clearer
picture of the general symptoms of the patient and the tumor symptoms so we can make the choice of
means of corpses. It has been shown over the years that the best combination for the treatment of cancer is
when the patient's constitutional remedy is also in tumor agent. That is, when the now displayed
symptoms of the patient on the one hand cover the tumor current symptoms and on the other hand
the historical patient's symptoms. But what do we do if the case is complicated miasmatically, or when
required or permitted to be treated organotropic? I'll explain later in the case studies all levels of cancer
treatment accurately. Let but first take a look back in history, because whoever has been treated with
homeopathy cancer and with what success.
Page 10
If it had been different concepts, specific dosages or very specific means have accomplished what cures
Of course, we must start at Hahnemann, who has given us with the 6th edition of the "Organon of Medicine"
a great tool in hand; we first consider some paragraphs from the Organon, which are important for the
treatment of cancer.
"In the unvenerischen, therefore most commonly, arising from psora chronic diseases, it is often
necessary to cure several sequentially to-use antipsoric remedies, but so that each following the findings of,
after the completion of effect of antecedent agent remaining group of symptoms according homeopathically
selected will.
This is an important section that shows us that there is not necessarily a cure, the so-called Similimum that
heals the whole case, but that there are cases where you have to use different remedies. When the first
applied agent has completed its effect, then a new agent which has a different sphere of action, which has
the same effect on the remaining group of symptoms, their turn. We can often be seen in the clinic, for
example, that patients with cancer pain after the decline of the pain other deep-acting agents must be given
or that current symptoms disappear and then chronic symptoms remain persistent.
In the history of homeopathy, there was Dr. JC Burnett (1840-1901), who was a specialist of such agents
rows. He had taken into account many levels of disease development, miasmatic influences, effects of
vaccination or a specific cause (causa) at its tumor cases and has gradually treated severe tumors.
But we remain at Hahnemann in the 172 and 173, in which he talks about the unilateral disease. With
unilateral disease of cancer is meant. We often hear of many homeopaths that you cannot treat cancer
because we had no symptoms, which we could base our choice of remedy.
"A similar difficulty arises from the too small number of symptoms of a disease to be cured, a fact that
our careful attention should be paid because by its removal almost all difficulties of this most
perfect of all possible healing methods (if you have not yet been fully apparatus homeopathic unheard of
medicines settles) are raised. "
Organon 173
"Just those diseases seem to have few symptoms, and therefore healing more difficult to accept, which may
be called one-sided because only one or a few main symptoms stand out, obscuring most of the rest of
the rest of coincidences. They belong mostly to the chronic."
Page 11
We have a lot of symptoms in each case of cancer, but there is the difficulty of accurately filter out the
symptoms, which represent the occurrence of cancer. Especially in advanced cases, when we have crossed
the plane of the totality or the totality of symptoms because the disease has become one-sided, it is
particularly difficult. But then it is important to take the time now currently predominant group of symptoms
that is directly related with the occurrence of cancer. You select must be the main complaint of the patient
and the associated symptoms correspond. Many clinicians often heard that one could no longer treat cancer
because the life force was too weak to even produce symptoms and the disease has become one-sided.
But that is wrong, you have to make only a separation between the chronic symptoms and those
that make us currently on cancer is attentive.
"The one-sided diseases of the first kind, it is often only at the inattention of the medical observer, if he does
not fully tracking the casualties that are available to complete the outline of the disease form."
So we need to be alert and use all our senses to filter out the peculiar symptoms, which is very important.
"It will indeed probably meet at times that this, with careful observation of the homeopathic law chosen
remedy that fits similar artificial disease to destroy the present evil darreiche, which was to the more
possible if these few symptoms very striking, determined, and excellent particularly of rare species
or (characteristic) are.
These few, striking and characteristic symptoms we have to work out, that's true. That is why it is so
important to collect detailed medical histories to obtain the set of all symptoms. Then you must still consider
the totality of all chronic symptoms and the symptoms that are directly involved with the cancer. Then the
current and ultimately the miasmatic symptoms. So, it seems at once complicated? What are the symptoms
we take now if we treat cancer? Why should no longer meet the totality of symptoms at once when we treat
What writes JC Burnett in his beautiful book about "The curability of tumors by drugs"?
"The assertion that the disease is expressed entirely in the symptoms, I cannot agree because it is not true:
That may be so, or it cannot be that it is not enough to cover the totality of the symptoms, because if done
so. has been, we have only half behind us and have the following questions then: already disappeared What
is the true nature, natural history, pathology of the disease, which we think what caused it If the cause is still
there or? The selected agent is suitable, a really similar disease to produce as the ones we have in front of
us? Is it actually really homoeopathic to the pathological process consistent accordingly and it reached him
from beginning to end?
Page 12
If not, then we are on the wrong track when it comes to truly heal and not only to alleviate. "
As you can tell that Burnett was a clinician who has really worked with cancer patients and treated severe
cases and was not deterred from solid brick theories to think through new ways and to go to help people. In
the clinic, we often have the discussion, which take symptoms if we treat a new cancer case. If the agent of
the symptoms, the cancer symptoms, covers the totality, then we are quite happy and in 70% of cases this
is the right way to treat cancer. This is an important base that represents my teacher Dr. Spinedi to right and
teaches but there are also special cases in which the totality is no longer sufficient and you then have to
treat organotropic or miasmatic.
Another foregoing, it is also clear when you have a triggering Causa or agent who Pathologic cannot meet.
What other layers except the totality there may be more to help us, and why the disease is not always
expressed in the symptoms of? In answering this question will help us again JC Burnett:
The breakpoint of the effect of an agent describes one point in a pathological process, after which it cannot
go, for example, if we treat pneumonia and the symptoms clearly speak for phosphorus, and then heal
phosphorus when it comes to pneumonia, which is in the sphere of action of phosphorus. However, if the
cause of pneumonia, a foreign body, for example, is a nail, been, then phosphorus will not be able to heal.
The nail quasi represents the breakpoint of the agent given the case of Burnett can be more carefully
considered, in which he treated a young girl who suffered from repeated attacks of congestion of the brain.
"It flashed into her face red and hot; her pupils were wide open; she was restless; they threw around and
talking nonsense That was a beautiful image of a Belladonna poisoning and therefore every time
Belladonna was given and it healed every time, "but then seemed Belladonna not worked in any of the
attacks more and the girl died. Why? The cause was tubercles in the brain. The symptoms clear choice for
Belladonna, but Belladonna only managed to eliminate the symptoms, but was not in a position to
influence the underlying pathological process, so that the disease continued to run in secret and the patient
finally died. Belladonna is not a means that is capable of a pathological process of tuberculosis is similar to
elicit and therefore in this case was the breakpoint exactly at the point where a miasmatic means the cure
could accomplish. That's why it is so important that we carefully collect the history and record all evidence of
good therapy.
Burnett also writes that the totality of the symptoms for him is a scientific palliation, since it is not enough to
take away the symptoms of the patient. "If the scope of an agent is not the disease itself, then the result is
no real cure, while it does not matter how many symptoms are brought to silence." "To cure a disease with
drugs that money has to be in a certain relation to the disease process itself, and it does not matter whether
the symptoms indicate the process or not. If the symptoms describe the pathological process correctly, then
meet the symptoms. "
Page 13
That is exactly what Hahnemann has told us to briefly respond to the 172: ... too small number of
symptoms of a disease to be cured ... This is really important, which means that we sided with the
diseases such as cancer have few symptoms of the disease to be cured. That means we have a lot of
symptoms, but the disease to be cured are low and we have to find out. And the agent must be in an area
where the disease to be cured as well. Therefore, sometimes an agent when it was chosen because of
the totality of the symptoms, not cure, if the effective range of about healing illness is taken into account.
Our agents must have regard to cancer also. You can recognize how complex is the cancer treatment and I
will introduce in this book by my cancer cases many levels that illustrate this. Burnett is certainly right, but in
most cases in the clinic, we have achieved successes in cancer treatment with agents that have been
selected based on the totality of the symptoms. However, these are then usually uncomplicated cases.
Let us return to Hahnemann to what it writes about the cause of local evils and cancer:
"Apparently decides (instinctively) human life force when it is loaded with a chronic illness, they cannot
prevail by his own forces to form a local evil to any express part, merely out of order intention by
Krankmachung and sick preservation of this to the life of people not indispensable to express in
part, that also destroy the organs of life and to appease to rob life threatening, inner evil and, so to
speak, on carry on an alternate local evils it go as it were derived. The presence of Local evil, brings in
this way the internal disease beforehand to silence, without, however, neither heal nor can substantially
reduce. However, always remains the local evil nothing more than a part of the total disease, but one
of the organic life force unilaterally enlarged portion of them, moved to a riskless (outer) part of the
body, to appease the inner suffering. It is but as I said, compelled by this, the internal disease
silencing local symptom, the part of the life force for the reduction or healing of the Total Area-evil
gained so little that on the contrary it the inner suffering but gradually increases and the nature is to
increase the local symptom always more and worse, make it to the delegate for the inner, enlarged
evil and his appeasement nor zureiche. The old leg ulcers worse, with unhealed, internal psora, the
chancre increases with still unhealed, inner syphilis and genital warts multiply and grow as long as the
sycosis is not cured, whereby the latter is more and more difficult to heal, so as the total internal disease
over time grows by itself."
This is an interesting approach, if we assume that the organism itself produces the local evil to protect
something higher, but the local evil - the TUMOR - is part of the TOTAL DISEASE. This usually means that
the basic means could heal this process due to the totality of the symptoms. Yes and that is so, but usually
only in the non-miasmatic complicated early stages. Because it can be if the cancer progresses, that it can
be cured not by drugs, covering the whole disease, including the totality of the symptoms.
Page 14
The cancer must be treated by means LOCAL or organotropic agent. If it is possible to get cancer
development through the use of local or organotroper means back to the level of the overall disease, then
you can again continue to deal with the constitutional remedy or the composition due to the totality of the
symptoms. Emil Schlegel treated many cancer patients and said that with the use of specific (organotropic)
cancer drug will later show symptoms that require the application of polychrests. If the MIASMA or a kind of
contagion is a blockade intended to cure, then you have to tackle that first. That is, we must use the ACTIVE
miasma, the symptoms constellation with the miasmatic SIGN and the striking SIGN that appears to make
the right choice of means.
"Each external treatment of such local symptoms in order to have healed without the inner
miasmatic disease, carry away from the surface of the body, that is to destroy the itch rash by all kinds of
ointments of the skin, the chancre wegzubeizen externally and only to destroy the warts by cutting, bonding
or hot iron on her body, which shall so far as Allgewhnliche, external, perishable treatment, the most
common source of all the countless, named and unnamed chronic ailments has become what humanity as
general sigh ; it is one of the most criminal acts, the medical profession could make guilty and yet it
has been the generally established and taught by the catheters as the sole ". Oh dear, since Hahnemann
writes it was ruinous to treat external local symptoms. But if you read closely, one finds that he writes that
before the internal miasmatic disease must be cured. And that's very important to realize that sometimes
it may be possible to treat externally locally, but to give the same internally miasmatic agent. You can also
say to bypass the word miasma something that the deeper inherent cause must be treated as a most
important and then it is allowed in special cases, to treat externally when the life force is no longer in a
position to the outer local process nor to influence.
It uses external and internal means LOCAL agent and healed many cancers. He states in his
recommendable book "Cancer - its cause, symptoms and treatment" many cured cases, which he had
treated with internal and external resources. We had also tried getting in the clinic and this method can
produce all the resources and ointments of Eli Jones with a pharmacist. The reports of healing by Jones
were so impressive that Dr. Spinedi thought we would try to imitate it. Thus, we studied all cases of Jones
very well and I studied the application of ointments and tinctures. However, it was a very tedious task, since
the application of this healing method requires a lot of time and effort. Eli Jones wrote that he always treated
one patient at a time, and if that was cured by months, then the next. He writes in his book of breast
tumours that fall completely under its regulations and ointments and showed including healthy skin. So
something had to be tested. But I was fully engaged in a patient with a breast cancer exulcerierten over four
months from 8:00 in the morning until night clock 23:00 clock to change every two hours, the requirements
as Eli Jones had described. And to our surprise all then also fell from the tumour and it was a beautiful skin
underneath, but the patient had previously been multiple lung metastases and was too weak as they once
would have been able to regenerate. Clarke also wrote that cancer patients often do not die from cancer,
but due to the inability to excrete the toxins. That was also the reason why Eli Jones often prescribed
Hydrastis or other internal remedies to detox. I have the method of Eli Jones tried in some patients and I
had the feeling that it is very painful for the patient on the one hand and then I'm still not sure whether it
does not yet constitute a rejection. Especially if you have not found the inside to be used remedies. I think
that in certain special cases, a local treatment may be necessary, but the goal should be, with internal
remedies to cure cancer.
Page 15
"The homeopathic doctor never handled one of these primary symptoms of chronic miasms, nor any of its
secondary, sprung from their evil by local development either by external dynamic action (1) or by
mechanical means, but heals where the one or the other show only only the large, underlying these
miasma, which then (if we except some cases of obsolete sycosis) its primary, as its secondary symptoms
disappear by themselves with, but the homeopathic doctor has since like before him did not happen and he
unfortunately usually the primary symptoms (1) shall be destroyed even externally from the previous
doctors, now more with the secondary, the di originating from the eruptions and the development of this
indwelling miasms evils, but most of the, from inner psora deployed to do chronic diseases. I myself have
studiously their inner healing, so much a single doctor after a lot of years of reflection, observation and
experience she was able to bring to light, in my book of the "chronic Diseases" indicate to which I refer
Note: 205
..I Can therefore e.g. not to the local extinction of the so-called lip or facial cancer (often a fruit well
developed psora in association with syphilis) advise by the cosmic arsenic-means, not only because it is
extremely painful and often fails, but more is because when yes this means the body instead of the evil
ulcers deliver him locally, the basic evil is but this does not reduce to the smallest parts, the life-conservation
force is therefore compelled the stove for the inner great evil to a still nobler point (as does all metastases)
to enable, and blindness, deafness, insanity, suffocating asthma, water-tumor apoplexy, etc. can be
accepted. This ambiguous local liberation of the place of the evil ulcers, by the topical Arsenicum album
means, but on top of that succeeds only when the ulcer is not large, and where it is not venereal origin, the
life force also is still very energetic; but it is in this state of matter and the inner, complete healing of the
whole primal evil is still feasible. A same, without prior treatment of the indwelling miasma, the result
of, taken away only by the cut face or breast cancer and enucleation of bladder tumours; it is done
something worse out at least death is accelerated. Such is the success been countless times; but the
old school moves but with each new event in their blindness continues to wreak the same misfortune.
"Hahnemann clearly warns against the external treatment and surgical removal of tumours, if you do not
take into account the miasma.
Page 16
This is exactly what we in can observe the clinic again and again. We see patients who underwent surgery
for a cancerous condition, have then possibly get even chemotherapy and radiation and after two years of
cancer is back and usually worse than before.
Because the amusing cause of cancer suffering was not treated or, as Hahnemann called so beautiful,
the inherent evil or miasma was not eradicated. So we need to find this amusing or hidden cause cancer in
each case and then treated with the appropriate resources. For example, when chronic abdominal infection
to a nodule in the breast leads, then you have the cause, treat the chronic abdominal infection, so that the
node disappears. Otherwise, this node will come back, even if one were to remove it surgically only. Burnett
also writes that many breast tumours arise due to a malfunction in the abdomen. Burnett also created the
concept of Synorganopathie, which shows the relationships and interactions of organ systems. This
knowledge has helped me in a case of a patient with a thyroid carcinoma (see case report no. 4, thyroid
"Before starting the cure of a chronic malady must necessarily precede whether the patient is a venereal
infection (or infection with genital warts gonorrhea) had the most careful inquiry; for then must be judged
against this treatment and exclusively when only sign of syphilis (or, seitnern, genital warts disease) are
present, but like encountered in modern times, very rarely alone. consideration but if like infection was
preceded must be made to them in the case where psora to heal because then the latter with the
former is complicated, as always, when the characters that are not clean: for always, or almost always,
the doctor if he imagines to have an old venereal disease before him, an excellent socialized with psora
(complicated have to be treated) by the inner itch Siech-thum (psora) is by far the most common root cause
of chronic diseases. It is also sometimes even to fight these two miasms with sycosis, komplicirt in
chronically diseased bodies, when turned constantly the latter infections were once done, or he finds,
however unequal oftener happens, psora as the sole fundamental cause of all other chronic conditions (they
may name as they want) the and often before the bargain bungled by allopathic not art and exalted to
monsters to be defaced maintain. "
This is modern science, what Hahnemann writes there. We now know that genital warts are caused by
papillomaviruses and that these viruses because of specific mechanisms tumour promoter (see Chapter
papillomaviruses and cancer). But this section tends to be extremely important, because it talks about the
complicated diseases. In most cancer patients, we find a mixture of miasms and so the image is often not
clear and it still begs the question, at what point and under what symptoms you should start therapy.
Page 17
Hahnemann wrote later that first you must treat the psora in a complicated case of illness and then the other
more complicated miasms. JH Allen, however, writes that first you must treat the ACTIVE Miasma to solve
the binding of two miasms (JH Allen - The Chronic diseases - miasms). In my experience it is the best way
to treat first the active miasma due to the now predominant symptoms group. We must of course take the
superficial symptoms of the active miasm. If we have a patient who has a lot of character and syphilitic
tumor occurrence is also located in the syphilitic miasm, then we Psoric a drug will not help.
The direction must be that, for example, disappear sycotic symptoms after a prescribed drug sycosis and
appear old Psoric symptoms again. This is the right cure direction. But if we get syphilitic symptoms, then it
is a development in the wrong direction and we have the sycotic symptoms only suppressed. We can
suppress homeopathy many symptoms of a disease without actually cure the disease, if the agent does not
match the current miasma. As was Dr. Vijayakar of India has suggested should herring "see generally also
extend to the point that we add the healing direction with respect to the miasms. It should after agent
administration for Sycotic symptoms disappear and old Psoric symptoms appear which is the correct
direction of cure. If, however, syphilitic symptoms in the foreground, we have suppressed the sycotic
symptoms and the syphilitic miasm enabled, which is even worse. The direction of cure must be from
syphilis sycosis by psora, then we are on the right way.
We need to learn from everyone who has been treated with homeopathy and take from each the best. I
have tried to develop a concept for the study of treatments of Clarke, Burnett, Kent, Eli Jones, Schlegel,
Grimmer, Ramakrishnan, Pareek and experience in our clinic and of course the great experience my
teacher Dr. Spinedi, with which I have been able in some cases to cure cancer and to relieve the symptoms
of cancer patients in many cases. We try in the clinic to help as many patients, but you cannot cure all.
Many people we accompany them on their way and try to ease their suffering by using homeopathy. "
It is often more difficult to create a good treatment plan, as we often do in the clinic with very advanced
tumors. Also because patients usually have only taken the traditional medical route before considering
consulted as a last resort homeopathy.
How do we go when we actually have the patient in front of us that are incurable by conventional medicine?
It might be a special characteristic of me that I have not lost in many cases that seemed absolutely hopeless
courage and I still always told me that we can turn things around if we can adjust the optimal homeopathic
remedies. Often I had to reproach myself that it would be irresponsible of me, a man who is full of
metastases to say that we can do it together.
Page 18
These conventional medicine untreatable times are now officially no longer curable. And when someone
comes this man takes to make them courage and hope and trying to work together with the patient
solutions, which is often criticized. But if you then succeed, all are very quiet and it is spoken by
spontaneous healing. I will, inter alia, present some of these discontinued "cases" and based on the stories
of suffering of these people to show that you should never say that a man is incurable. Was already a
miracle in some cases then by searching for a cure these people and their last ditch effort with homeopathy.
I have the last eight years, so many cancer patients treated who wanted to treat no more, but I told myself
that one where others have to stop to deal with, starting out right. Maybe it is my unshakable belief in the
power of homeopathy who has given me every time people anew the power to try anything and to approach
with the aim of the event that at the end there is a cure. Even if you cannot heal any person with
homeopathy, so you can still improve the condition in many cases and make the ordeal bearable. And if
there is someone determined that his life comes to an end, then offers homeopathy in the process of dying a
help. How good is it if we have patients in the early stages of cancer, yet having any chemotherapy or
radiation behind, as these are easier to treat for us because we have a clearer picture of the disease with
their INDIVIDUAL symptoms before us, and to Secondly, we must not only eliminate the side effects and
poisoning of the organism by these therapies. In the homeopathic cancer treatment often difficulties arise to
identify which symptoms you should use to remedy. Hahnemann speaks with cancer often of a unilateral
disease. This is often construed by many clinicians that there were no symptoms were present, which one
can use to drug choice. That's not true, because you have accurate by questioning also encountered and
Transfer on in the current analysis include.
When patients initially come with a tumor to us is not pretreated, we usually have a clearer picture of the
general symptoms of the patient and the tumor symptoms so we can more easily make the choice of
means. If we are patient in front of us, who have many therapies behind it, then it becomes more
complicated because it often leads to a mixture of symptoms. So it may be that a patient who all his life has
always had a cheerful, patient disposition, after six cycles of chemotherapy is very irritable and obnoxious.
This irritability is often a reaction to the poisoning of the organism by chemotherapy. It is often very useful to
start therapy with Nux vomica or other means now indexed to appease this condition and to compensate
for the side effects of chemotherapy (see Chapter chemotherapy).
If we decide to treat cancer patients, we must try to grasp the whole life of the patient. This includes all
diseases, injuries all mental or physical, infections, Impfbelastungen, family illnesses and miasmatic
influences. It is very important that we capture all oppression and suffering in the psychological field and
then of course the individual reactions, such as the patient deal with stressful situations. It may be that a
patient, excessive or disproportionate respond to a situation that would be considered ordinary everyday
situation hardly weighs us down. Since then it is very important to accurately ask what there was to trigger in
the biography of the patient that he reacts. One must learn the signs and symptoms that the patient
presents in the course of his medical history to recognize. We usually try to capture the totality of symptoms.
We call such nice the totality of the symptoms and we want to know all the symptoms in the individual
representation of the patient. The expression of the disease manifests itself in the symptoms exhibited by
the patient. Of course, it requires a lot of experience, good perception and empathy for the patient also tells
us the symptoms. It is important to recognize and to know whether it has been possible for this release
(CAUSA) the development of disease development. This can even mammary tumors in a blow to the chest
be (Conium, Bellis- perennis) that suddenly changes the whole picture, or a bad grief situation, eg the
death of a loved one can bring these people out of balance (Natrum muriaticum).
Page 19
After a thorough medical history and symptom survey, an analysis of symptoms and evaluation to provide
clues to the drug choice. Herein lies the greatest difficulty to identify which symptoms the nature of
the disease and the patient's best correspond.
Evaluation of symptoms
Basically, the chronically ill, the procedure for the selection of the important symptoms of homeopathic
treatment of tumors, such as in the treatment, but it can now be important symptoms if they are related to
the tumor events. This means that even an ordinary local symptom can suddenly become a very important
symptom, eg Itching of the nipples when there is a simultaneous mammary tumor (Conium, sepia).
For the remedy selection, especially the ".... striking, special, unusual and peculiar (characteristic) signs and
symptoms of the disease arises, to take special and almost unique fixed eye, because especially this, must
be very similar to the symptoms of number of this drug meet if it is to be the most appropriate for healing .....
" (Organon 153).
The striking symptoms may result from the disease history or even local phenomena in the tumor
itself, such as color, shape, secretions, special pain characteristics, etc. In addition, the mental and
emotional state of the patient, as with any disease manifestation is also a very important, very own
individual state of mind is: "This goes so far that homoeopathic choice of a remedy, the state of mind of the
patient often most is the decisive factor, as a sign of certain peculiarity, which can remain the least hidden
from just observing doctors at all" (Organon 211). To detect the mental and emotional state must be able
to recognize the people inside it. But since it is already difficult to recognize yourself, it requires some tools
here. Dreams, fantasies and desires wand may provide clues to unconscious contents and, in turn hints
remedy. It is particularly important to understand the state of mind that prevailed before the illness, then the
changes in mind for tumor development and current state of mind.
It is important to establish hierarchical symptoms, which are to capture quality criteria according to which
one associates the symptoms to be used and then evaluates the repertorisation.
Page 20
2) A hierarchy:
To treat cancer, we miisen try to determine all the levels of development of the disease in the patient. It is
necessary to capture as much information and the patient's symptoms, which may give us clues to the
medicine. A thorough first consultation usually takes several hours. If all symptoms and complaints have
been the recorded accurately and literally, only then you start with the analysis of symptoms. When treating
cancer, it is important that you attain from the beginning a treatment approach in which already possible
consequence agents and special-tumor agents are taken into account, so you can always lust equal rea the
specific symptoms occur. In a comprehensive history of the following areas should be strictly interrogated in
1. Constitutional history
The Constitution is used to record history of all the symptoms exhibited by the patient. There are going to
explore the current symptom-preparatory symptoms as well as the old bygone symptoms. The biography of
the man and all his all-nighter diseases and therapies over the years must be recorded. We require all of the
signs and symptoms of the human and the disease.
2. Miasmatic history
It is particularly important in the treatment of cancer, taking into account the miasms which may represent a
potential complication in cancer. It is important to include all miasmatic signs and symptoms of the patient. It
is particularly important to work out the now active miasmatic symptoms, because we usually have to start
with the drug, which takes into account the symptoms of the active miasm. It is also important to capture the
miasmatic background for several generations, if for example a tuberculosis occurred in the family. It can
sometimes be that we indeed a good way because of existing symptom - have en found, but the remedy
does not work. Then you have to wonder whether there is not a blockage eg by tuberculosis,
Page 21
are by prior infection or by vaccinating, you must first treat. Then so can later affect the indicated remedy.
3. Suppressions
A very important area, the suppressions, as it usually moves a disease with a suppressive action
on another, deeper level, which is then heal even harder. How often we can find in the history of cancer
patients suppressions of all kinds. There are countless cases in which the life force
repeatedly tried to bring the disease to the surface (skin, secretions, etc.) and the unfortunately ignorant
practitioners does not know about these relationships, repeatedly used suppressive measures. Hahnemann
is in "Band 1 Chronic diseases" very many examples of what can result in the suppression of terrible
consequences. Nowadays rashes are still treated with cortisone, cut away warts, leucorrhoea treated with
rinses, without having to recognize the dire health consequences. Only the Grnd Liche history shows that
sometimes certain diseases and even cancer have arisen only after suppression, I had a patient with very
severe leucorrhoea, which was treated with medication for a long time. Having the leucorrhoea disappeared
(suppressed) was entwickeltf, the patient a nervous restlessness, palpitations and insomnia. After two
months she was constantly irritated and got crying spells.
After a year, she developed a breast lump. Thus, the patient came to me and wanted to have treated the
tumor homeopathy. What do you do now? If you were to operate the tumor now, then you would not treat
the cause of the chest node and he would probably come back. Had to explore with an operation of the
mental state of the disease and we need to pursue this disease development to their place of origin. What
happened with this woman?
The strong Leucorrhoea is a sign that something is wrong with the abdominal organs of the woman and the
leucorrhoea is a valve to prevent progression of internal disease. What happens now?
The valve is almost closed, that is, the leukorrhea was suppressed. It has the disease now shift and there is
the typical sycosis anxiety and Irritable speed.
The disease was suppressed to a lower level. Often caused by improper treatment of pelvic pain breast
lumps. Just as in our example, there is a suppression of activation of sycosis and the end result we have the
tumor. During treatment of Sepia got better only psychological situation, then the old discharge occurred
again, and then Brustkoten disappeared.
4. Vacci nations
It is important that we capture all the reactions to the vaccination, whether there has been swelling or
suppurations. It is equally important when a vaccine is not addressed. Sometimes, for example, had shown
no scar in the smallpox vaccination at the injection site. This means that from the moment may have
originated in the organism a blockade that we need to consider if our displayed remedies do not work. Often
proved Thuja to clear these blockages, but it is important to consider the effects of vaccination heading in
the repertory, because then we see that, for example, Sulfur, Silicea and other agents also are able to
eliminate the effects of vaccination. I had a child in treatment, which developed epilepsy after vaccination,
which could be brought to disappear using Silicea.
Page 22
When a man is exposed to standing pollutants, cigarette smoke, pollution etc., it will be affected in its
immunological functions and develop certain reactions and vomiting caused. Hahnemann writes already in
4 of the Organon, how important it is to remove the disease-sustaining causes. Likewise, a chronic EB V
infection lead to a weakening of the immune system and prepare the ground for the cancer. The poor
nutrition is an important issue and should be discussed with the patient, for example, Trans-fatty acids
should be avoided in breast cancer.
The diet of cancer patients is a huge topic and is beyond the scope of this book here.
This is a very important point in treating cancer patients because often the symptoms and discomfort are
completely changed by the previous therapies, surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, and no longer
covered by the basic agent or the tumor agent. If you would now take the totality of symptoms, it could be a
mixture of several levels and lead us away from the good agent. It may be that the current problems are a
result of chemotherapy and tumor symptoms are less present. Then it is important to first treat the effects of
chemotherapy or radiation (see Chapter: The homeopathic adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy in).
Later, it will show symptoms that indicate the following means.
A comprehensive history course covers the study of the tumor. It contains so many signs and symptoms in
the tumor itself, that sometimes you get a good medicine only because of the local symptoms instructions.
So it is e.g. possible that local symptoms at the tumor when they are striking or unusual, are to 153-
symptoms and allow a large weighting in the overall assessment. A precise analysis often provides us with
so many clues to figure out good categories. It is found sometimes in tumor occurrence itself individual
symptomatology that can directly lead to the cure.
It is important that we examine the patient accurately and precisely detect with our senses, as the tumor is
like. If the tumor is hard, rock hard, cheese hard, soft, spongy, cystic, the surface is bumpy or we feel a
It is for these repertory exact rubrics that already then can give indications of the means to us.
As an example:
General TUMORS benign; strong, hard
General TUMORS benign; fleshy tumor
General TUMORS benign; Fungus, spongy tumor
General TUMORS benign; Bones as outgrowths
General TUMORS benign; conical, pointed tumor
General TUMORS benign; cystic tumor
Breast CARCINOMA mammae; hard; cheesy
Page 23
When we see bluish, purplish breast lumps, we often need eg to agents such as Carbo animalis or
Lachesis think. If the tumor is still very bad smell and is sensitive to cold, then is often Carbo-animalis the
In the investigation, it is important touching the tumor also to sense a possible temperature difference
compared to the surrounding tissue. If we, for example, Feel heat in the tumorous breast affected, this is
often an indication of Phosphorus or Belladonna.
Important symptoms can heat, cold, redness, strip the breast, veins networks and secretions of the
breast represent. Secretions from the tumor or from the nipple should be examined carefully on color,
smell and consistency of secretions, such as:
the symptoms can be local (eg itch, sting. Burning, discoloration) be the tumor itself. For example, if a
woman reported that her six months before she felt a lump in the breast, has always geliak a terrible
itching in the chest, then among other things a reference to Coniurn be.
If we have evidence of a possible Conium pathology, then we ask whether it has sometimes been a blow
to the chest. Bellis perennis-Conitim and are the best means, when tumors have occurred as a result of an
injury or shock.
You can sometimes, if we focus on the current pain symptoms, quickly find a cure, which helps not only to
pain but also possibly for the tumor. We must always keep in mind that we do not give a painkiller as in
conventional medicine, which reduces our perception of pain, so you no longer feel the pain, but we give
an inner agent which affects an inner disturbed state and regulated by virtue of which the pain and
is bearable. cancer pain can be very individual and in turn provide clues to the Heilmit tel.
In the treatment of cancer, it is important that we treat the prevailing beiastenden symptoms first. If a
patient is in pain, then he wants this to be the first thing going on. It is very important to observe the
behavior of the patient in pain. We get through this observation valuable information on the drug.
The nature of pain, eg stabbing, pressing, tearing, burning, pulsating, heme mernd etc.
B. WO is the pain?
The exact location of the pain, such as stabbing pain behind the eye, stabbing pain below the
right shoulder blade.
The exact extent of the pain, such as chest pain extending into the
Page 25
When will the pain? For example, in the morning, after midnight, from storm, at full
moon, etc when the weather changes,
Most patients do instinctively and often unconsciously something to ease their pain. It is
these behaviors are very high quality for the middle-discovery. It is of great importance if
someone eg in a gastric carcinoma can not tolerate cold and warm conditions only
want. Whether the patient places the hand on the affected area or whether the lightest
touch is already unbearable. Some patients want strong pressure on the painful spot or
lie down on the painful area., It is important whether the pain is relieved or aggravated by
motion. Furthermore, special day or night time, agitation, anxiety, thinking about the
complaints etc. to be included in the assessment. We find it in the repertory many good
E. How behaves like the patient w lt while pain? For example: restless, like
anxious, crying, trembling, shivering, st hnend etc.
It is very important if someone is completely thirstless or whether they want to drink large
quantities or if he just can drink my sip. For example, if a patient with stomach pains only
want to drink ice cold water, which relieves the pain (phosphorus), then that is very
noticeable and scored as 153-symptom. We can also sometimes see if pain is relieved
only by eating or whether the appetite is entirely absent.
ft) circumstances?
For example, scar pain when the weather changes (Carbo - animalis).
On closer Turnoranarnnese always find dozens of good symptoms. They must perceive
only. Hahnemann meant when he spoke of the unilateral disease in cancer that sometimes
occur more chronic symptoms and shifts the image in a different direction. We see that only the
tumor history, insofar as it is done thoroughly, already can bring a lot of good symptoms to
light. But the tumor history is only a small piece of the puzzle a long detailed history, which
then gives us ultimately the basis for finding the appropriate remedy. .
Page 26
Before initiating treatment, one must in each individual case, ask what one might treat dean now
exactly. Naturally is the removal of the tumor ultimately, the most important point, but it is not always
possible to start with specific tumor agents the treat- development. Take the example of a woman operated
with ovarian cancer, the bekani relapse and subsequently received multiple chemotherapies and
Bestrahiungen. How does one now before basically?
How Liblich the total history is charged with alien already mentioned under points and then miissen wit us
irnmer ask what we want to discuss first. If the patient is still suffering from the effects of chemotherapy,
then it must be treated first and then the agent will later help due to the totality of symptoms.
When we see abet that the symptoms, which herauskomrnen under chemotherapy, tibet agree with the
symptoms of the basic means of the patient, then we have the op timal means found. We also
see very often in the clinic that patients under the irradiation eg hoarseness, cough or develop after a
refreshing desire, etc., but that these symptoms the patients are not unknown. Dutch a massive attack on
the organism as indicated by the irradiation, can arrive at the Oberfiache also such symptoms from
the symptoms of its own series of patients.
If we analyze all the patient's symptoms, which he developed during the irradiation, wit
sometimes recognize so that now indicated remedy fiir the irradiation follow and may thus also the
indicated remedy urn to cure the cancer.
Just for example, a phosphorus-patient suffering very much from nausea and vomiting after Cherno
therapy, possibly only several doses of Nux vomica for detoxification brewing chen before
the phosphorus can act.
When the now predominant symptoms group no longer ptomen the ursprtinglichen Sym corresponds
to the disease, you have the totality of the currently prevailing Sym toms especially beriicksichtigen
and dafiir give special means.
Take wit - as an example a patient with severe cancer pain. Vtr experience the otherwise always
peaceful and friendly people suddenly vertndert completely, he is irritable, impatient, driven by an
inner restlessness, plagued by death anxieties, jumps out of bed, goes umber in the room, shivering
all over Kdrper, completely desperate and believes die equal to miissen. Then it is important these
currently predominant group of symptoms, including a totality of the symptoms, but it is the totality
of the currently predominant symptoms, far to use the drug choice. In this example, could a dose of
Arsenicum album-this patient be helped quickly. It means that the organism has produced symptoms
that requireArzneiniittel Arsenicum album, even if the constitutional remedy was Sepia, phosphorus
In homeopathy Arsenicurn-album nut is not used as a painkiller, but it is also a deep-acting
homoopathisches tumor agents. The enzymes of the Atmungskctte in the mitochondria
areblocked by Arsenicum album. The activation of cellular respiration and regeneration zerstorter
respiratory enzymes play a central role among others in tumor treatment. The art and also difficulty
in homeopathy is the signals and signs emitted by the patient with his symptoms and utterances,
perceive and interpret them correctly and then auszuwahlen each the most appropriate for this
condition homeopathic means.
Page 27
Let's take another example to illustrate: A patient who rnit long time Sepia was treated
well and in Sepia Issuer has to be a constitutional remedy is, has unexpectedly gets a
strong blow to the chest. At first she does not have integrals pain and some itching on the
chest, but the complaints have gone back to a guard. The patient continues to be treated
with sepia, what you are doing particularly well. Exactly one year later, the patient
bekomrnt exactly at this point of the breast tumor. How to proceed now? The normal
procedure is as always the thorough first consultation and the Turnoranamnese.
If we eg sepia work out a so-called constitutional remedy, which was selected because of
the totality of the symptoms, but strong in the medical history eM blow to the chest or a
violation of the chest was to elicit, then we must be very careful. It may well be that the
impact was on the breast of any Tumorausloser. Then we milssen of course equal to
agents such as Conium and Bellis perennis-think. It is darn very important to question
whether there has been since the blow to the chest changes in Gemiit or on the physical
Sometimes show specific symptoms such as dizziness condition that on Conium point
(dizziness when turning the head), or the tumor itself, for example, a strong itching of the
breast., If the cause of the tumor of the breast stroke aufdie gewesenistu.nd require
which was operating ligand symptoms Conium, Then this medium is capable of favorably
influencing the tumor occurrence and examined zurackzubilden tumors.
This is such a case where the shock to the chest called a breakpoint, as JC Burnett
describes it represents, the hen with Sepia we can then Gemut not affect anything, but
the tumor is going on, if we do not Conium as a remedy give. The patient was placed in a
Coniumzustand, even if the totality of the symptoms still results in Sepia by the
blow. Only when the Coniumzustand has disappeared from the body. Sepia can complete
the healing. In my case reports, there is kdnnen recognize this, it is important to treat
each perturbed state of the organism until it again reaches the level of the basic
means. For example, if we have a chronic infection or a hartnacIrige sycosis in the body,
then it must be healed first and then the other levels of the disease (see Case Report # 7.
r Metastatic ovarian cancer).
If we have to treat patients with cancer, there is always the question of whether we have
auszuwahlen a means by Oraanon 7 because of the totality of Symptorne or whether we
Need an special cancer agent.
It has been found that it is possible with the homeopathic agents, special symptoms. under
welehen the patient has to make it disappear, but it does not guarantee 1st so that this agent is
also able to elicit deep-acting changes in the tumor itself. It was in the treatment of complicated
tumor cases may be a mistake, auszuwahlen an agent due to the totality of the symptoms, the
patient welchts in general may well do and improve his general condition, but that the tumor
was not influenced and weiterwaehst.
If you do not recognize the progression of the disease in solehen traps and carries on with the
constitutional remedy, you will indeed achieve a long-term palliation, but rarely heal.
Ieh babe of my teachers learned to pay particular attention to the totality of the symptoms, urn
Page 28
Page 28
Jch repeat myself again here, but it is important because it has been shown in our cli African working with
cancer patients via years that the best combination for the treatment of cancer is when the patient's
constitutional remedy is consistent with the tumor medium. The heiBt, if now shown symptoms of
the patient einerscits the current tumor symptoms and also the historic symptoms of the
patient cover (see case report no. 1, metastatic melanoma).
We see in the clinic, that this may well be the case in uncomplicated cases. It has been found that, for
example in breast tumors at the initial stage, the basic means of the patient shows the groBte effect on the
tumor, if the case is not miasmatically or otherwise complicated. But exactly the complicated Palle
problems for us. Complexity in terms of miasmatic blocks or by iatrogenic damage,
the motherapien by Che or radiation have been induced.
If we have a clear Grundmit tel found after a long history in a tumor patients due to the totality of the
symptoms, but at the same time recognize many symptoms that do not belong in the constellation of
symptoms basic means, then we must ask ourselves whether:
If no response displayed by done, so if the base agent to the tumor does not. That is, it may be, the class
means, which was chosen due to the totality of the symptoms, dean patients helps a bit and it therefore
goes something better for him, but the tumor still continues to grow. If we have taken into account also the
active miasm and antimiasmatische means show no effect. If all other blockages were removed and yet is
no tumor response, then it may be that the tumor must be treated organ-specific. We must then choices
means having a special reference to the tumor, and try to influence the tumor organotropic. If it is possible to
control the tumor with organotropic means, then later the agent was chosen because of the totality of the
symptoms, complete healing.
It is important to work out from the beginning a treatment konnzept which taken into account already
tracking means, special-tumor agent and the treatment of iatrogenic damage caused by chemotherapy and
Often, however, a constitutional remedy, Which had earlier helped the patient may, in the current state does
not help if the predominant problem in some circumstances is a successor state of the radiation or the
Chemotheraipie that needs to be treated first. For example: a phosphorus patient suffering very much from
nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy, may require only several doses Nux-Vomica for detoxification
before the phosphorus can act. Then you have to create history parameter lists with the current patient
discomfort and superior to what one might first treat. The predominant problem, so that, by which the patient
actually suffers most, has to be treated as first, but we also have to always keep in mind the tumor
symptoms. It does not help us if the patient eg with an agent is less depressed, but to instantaneous tumor
grows twice as fast.
If you liked treat cancer patients homoopathisch, it is very important that one uses clear and objective
history criteria to judge whether the agent acts. One must act very responsibly and always want the best for
the welfare of the patient. But if, for example, the patient says he is doing wonderful, but the tumor marker
increases continuously or a breast tumor grows, we need the means to question, or are considering surgery
in some cases.
It is not a failure of homeopathic therapy, if one includes the medicine with. I myself, for example, no friend
of chemotherapy, but I have observed in some rapidly growing tumors with chemotherapy, a reduction in
tumor mass and we had gained some time for the homeopathic agent could grab. I could also observe in
some patients, as in chemotherapy, the tumors grew rapidly and then started with homeopathy,
concomitantly with chemotherapy, and the tumors went back. The immune system is always the Schlussel
to cure and if we are able to stimulate the immune system again with homeopathy, then it seems stronger
than any chemotherapy against each tumor.
Page 30
We sectors:
A) a list of the course parameters that the current complaints of the patient reproducing. After the medical
history is discussed with the patient, what symptoms he sees as important, which should be improved with
homeopathic agents (eg, pain in the tumor, sleep, fears, shortness of breath, palpitations, dry mouth at
night, etc.)
Then, of course, also important for the doctor signs such as blood pressure, laboratory parameters,
medication etc. arch in the course parameters are included.
B) a list of miasmatic symptoms is very useful to assess the progress in the long run. It is important to
assess the course can properly which miasmatic symptoms disappear or appear that, and then targeted
intermediate doses of agents antimiasmatischen Or use nosodes (Thuja, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum,
tuberculinum eta). -
The miasmatic symptoms list is also so very much meaning to evaluate the healing direction. For example, if
I give a psoric means a tumor patients and there are Iauter syphilitic character (eg nagging shin pain at
night), then the agent is wrong.
The assessment of the symptoms and reactions to the Q-potencies are very important. It is favorable if one
can observe cancer patients a few days stationar.
The patient will quickly find out whether he means well or not doing.
If the subjective parameters are better, we are already well on the way. but it is also very important to
control the objectively measurable parameters such as blood pressure, tumor marker, weight, precipitates
etc.. For example, if the patient about increased well-being with the given Q-potency reported, but the blood
pressure continues to rise, then the agent is very probably wrong.
4 pain reduction
After proper drug choice should be a reduction in pain after one to three days. It is advisable to begin with
Q-potencies in order to avoid the aggravation. In severe pain states, it is also possible. the C-potencies in
water resolved several times to give a row. This is the only exception, where one may repeat the C
potencies so often.
Page 31 Assessment of the course of a homeopathic cancer treatment
If we have good means giving that people look beautiful and healthy be. You can see it if anyone got a good
means sometimes very significantly.
If under a power of the blood pressure rises sharply or falls off, the agent is probably wrong.
7. Skin Texture
If the skin is dry or wrinkled, the color gray or yellow, then we should reconsider the agent again. The good
agent will improve the texture of the skin, but can also throw some on the skin so that at the beginning of a
cure rashes all can style show.
8. Eye
They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. This is the case it is very good for the eyes should "beautiful"
are among the good resources, ie they should be clearer, less red. Discoloration of the eyes whites should
go back.
9. Tongue
Finally, the patient maldem doctor must really stick out your tongue and the trained doctor will read the
tongue with the same enthusiasm as the morning paper. The tongue reflects the entire digestive tract again
and we get many references to the function of many organ systems (eg, dental impressions in spleen chi
deficiency). The tongue can be used very many references to the drug type and as outcome measures (eg,
geographic tongue, dental impressions, red tongue tip, pads, etc.)
The assessment and evaluation of responses to the powers decides whether it continues with this or any
other means. To assess the reactions of the powers properly belonging to the greatest difficulties in the
treatment of cancer.
Therefore, immediately follows a separate chapter to what really should be studied thoroughly.
12. History parameter table for monitoring the progress of a homeopathic therapy
In the table, all the patients currently distressing symptoms are entered. We take the initial value 10 = 100%.
Complaint. In the relief of discomfort we give less points 9, 8, 7 ... and exacerbation of symptoms, we give
11, 12 ... This course parameter table is very important, so that the patient can see what changed. Because
it is often the case that the patient often sees nurseine current stressful complaints and complaints which
have passed with the agent no longer see it as important. This can distort our image and possibly deflect us
from a good middle again. It is very important that one
Page 32 Assessment of the course of a homeopathic cancer treatment
the objective parameters such as blood pressure, tumor size, etc. in the course parameter table
Symptoms disappeared = 0.
This course parameter tables are very useful and also give the patient a safety and retaining control over
their symptoms. Because it is often so that the patient those symptoms which are reduced, loses from
memory and only the existing complained. If we have the list and assess the course correctly, it is a great
Page 34 Q-potencies
The Q-potencies
In the 6 edition of the "Organon of Medicine" 1842 Hahnemann talks about the application of the powers.
Hahnemann developed the powers after 62 years of practice in order primarily to avoid the aggravation. He
researched his life to an optimal dose of homeopathic remedies to work out.
JT Kent (1869-1916) discovered the regularities of the C potencies and describes it in his book "the theory
of homeopathy" Kent, however, had only the. Organon. The. Support long remained unpublished until 1921
under seemed by Haehl Edition. In this respect the rule Kent observations refer to the responses to the
agent shares only on the C potencies.
In the Organon edition of Josef Schmidt all changes from the were. Adopted edition of the Organon in the
Organon 6 and in italics, unfortunately is out of ignorance of the 280 in which Hahnemann talks about the
frequent repetition of the powers misinterpreted by many homeopaths so that they thus justify its extensive
use of the C potencies. This is a big mistake and harm to the patient. Through the frequent repetition of the
C potencies may well symptoms are drickt as the life force no longer has the power due to the frequent
repetition of the C potency to bring the symptoms of the disease to the surface, but often follows a worse
disorder or disease progresses below the surface. While it is possible, for example Sycotic symptoms from
which the patient has suffered long to suppress frequent gifts of C potency, but then the disease on a
syphilitic, more destructive way away.
"For this reason harms a drug if it was the case of illness also homeopathic appropriate in any excessive
administration and in large doses to the more, the homeopathic and inje higher potency she was elected, far
more alsjede as great a gift of a unhomoeopathic for the disease state in any relationship matching
(allopathic) medicine. Too large doses of aptly chosen homeopathic medicine, and especially ftere a
repetition of the same, directed generally to coarse misfortune. They do not often the patient in danger, or
make but its almost incurable disease. You of course delete the natural disease for the feel of the vital
principle from the patient suffers no longer on the original disease from the moment when the overly strong
dose of homeopathic remedy acts on him, but he is as then more sick of the very similar, only weitheftigern
medicinal disease, which most difficult to tilgenist again.
I now know quite a few cases where using of months of daily he malignant tumors arose administration of
CPotenzen. The life force is suppressed so that the original symptoms were an expression of the disease,
were silenced, but the inherent disease or underlying miasm was not achieved. Therefore also I warn here
at this point all homeopaths, who argue, it could not hurt if you enter the CPotenzen in chronic tumors or
strong Schmerzzustnden in which the agent consumes faster, and since the CPotenz darfman fters.
Hahnemann himself after ermit the effect of the C potencies in chronic sickness
Page 35 The powers of
started was standardized dissatisfied to experiment and gave the agent in the 30 every seven to fourteen
days. He did not know the high potencies as herstellite Kent Later that are more effective and which one
usually does not need to weider holden before 35Tagen (Pierre Schmidt / Knzli). That was around the time
of 1832 to 1840. Hahnemann was a researcher and made attempts mit20,30,50 and 100 succussion, but
the effect was too strong. Ultimately, he was with two succussion at the C potency: happy (1 100). Dr.
Spinedi once said to his wonderful seminar on the Q-potencies that one before Hahnemann quotes or
criticized, always first to be considered also from what time these utterances Hahnemann hstammen It
makes no sense, postulates that Hahnemann due to new findings themselves verworfenhat again to use as
justification frdaseigene Tun..hufige repetition of CPotenzen. Only in his office in Paris (1840-1843)
gelangihm the brilliant flash of genius, as he was unable to establish the magnitude. He wanted to share a
drop of the dissolved drug substance by 500 parts. Heritage nets 500 globules with a drop of the drug
substance and so he had managed to share a drop into 500 parts.
Hahnemann used 1 / 500eines Tropfensin 100 ml of alcohol under held so that a 1: 50.000Verdnnung,
Dieganzgenaue production Explains Hahnemann in 270 and in the note of the 6th Organon.
Hahnemann experimented a long time and was looking for a way to increase funding for the patients
contractual and at the same time to get effective. Especially in patients whose life force is weakened due to
advanced disease or cancer so that they could no longer bear the CPotenzen. Precisely for this reason
ermit the powers wanted to avoid the so-called healing crisis.
It is very important to realize that Hahnemann only in the Organon 6 about his new Dynamisationsverfahren,
the Q-potencies speaks. Erhatte this method not yet developed, when he. Edition of the Organon wrote, I
give some important information from the Orgonon 6 again, that should make this clear:
Note to S 246
1) "What I do to prevent these adverse reactions of the life force in the finften edition of the Organon said to
this paragraph in a long note, was all my former experience allowed me; for the last 5 years but, by my since
abgendertes, new, vervollkommtes Werfahren (Note: it makes the powers meant all vlliggehoben these
difficulties The same well-chosen remedy can now daily undzwar months wonthig be continued hand; and
though. so that when the lowly power level verbrauchtist within one or two weeks, as in, adjusting learned,
new dynamization (Note: the - potencies catches of use with the lowest levels of) one in the treatment of
chronic diseases in the same way goes to denhheren degrees. "
".. But with the caution that the power level of each dose of which the worgngigen and nachgngigen gifts
to something departs, so that to change consistent for similar medicinal disease life principle, could never
feel excited and indignant to adverse counter-effects, as modified renewed gifts, especially repeated quickly
one after the other, always happens. "
Page 36 Q-potencies
Note 247 "... One could therefore not soon take on the even best homeopathic remedy chosen such. As a
bead of the same potency grade, which was scored for the first time as well, the sick on the second, third
time dry leave, and when speaking of the dissolved in water drug whose first gift so well done, put an equal,
even small gift at the second, third time from the quietly standing bottle and she is giving had the sick, even
after intervals of a few days, quite the same drug was given to the patient but not well again. "
Organon 247, "Well, the patient may by such non-modified or otherwise transfer only sick, basically only be
sicker than he was by now only the symptoms of the same drug to effect remain for which the original
disease are not homeopathic, so it can not a step forward for healing, but only true aggravation of the
patient. But as soon as the following gift each time in their Potenzum some amends, which is slightly higher
dynamized, 3269. 270) as the patient lives principle can be carefree further by the same drug change his
mind (his sense of the natural disease further reduced) and bring it closer to the cure. "
Note 247, "But at each dose modification in their dynamization degrees, as I teach here, no offense occurs
selbstbeifterer repetition of the gifts, and the drug would be ever so high, was raised to the many remaining
succussion. One might say that applied only under several different forms, the most immune to the best
selected homeopathic remedy the Lebensprincipe the morbid derangement and could wipe out chronic
disease in him almost. "
Since we are working in cancer patients mainly with Q-potencies, it is very important to know the reactions
to the powers. I must say that the evaluation of the responses to the powers is at least as important as
finding the right agent. To find the first agent is usually not so difficult, but then accompany the patient for
years and have adapted their right agent requires a tireless study and an accurate review of the symptoms
that occur. Dr. Knzli has always had the desire to run a clinic to treat severe pathology and cancer. That's
why he created a whole series of powers along with Pierre Schmidt. These powers are very well made and
Dr. Knzli they had iberlassen luckily Dr. Spinedi. We experimented in the early days of the clinic in Orselina
with different potencies of Schmidt-nail and had to repeatedly observe strong exacerbations and are then
often strayed from the good agent. Until such time as Dr. Spinedi actually came up with the simple, yet
ingenious idea that the globules size could be too large and therefore too strong a reaction occurs. We then
began the means to verdinnen in three cups and then the results were better Hahnemann speaks of poppy
seed large globules and were 1.6 mm in size from Schmidt-nail. Today, the company Schmidt-nail the
powers in the correct size globules ago (in Germany after the HAB not permissible) and you can use it from
the first cup. We take in the clinic mainly processed by our pharmacist Gabriele Stanga powers of Dr.
Knzli, which work very well. The powers should in fact always nurals globules are recognized as never
prepared liquid potencies. Dr Knzli had repeatedly warned undes are still some companies that distribute
powers as a liquid medicine. Some companies tell their customers that the problem of succussion during
transport can not occur when the bottle is filled to the top edge. But this is
Page 37 The evaluation of the responses to powers
a huge mistake, as the medium of water composed from various molecules with different molecular weights
and therefore is always detect a movement is on my seminars I always bring this simple example that but
then all convinced Man fills a bottle of water in the below is a small stone, all the way up with water. The
mold is filled so much water that really nothing goes in and then you screwed the lid. How could supposedly
no movement or succussion occur. But what happens when you turn the bottle? Logically, the stone moves
slowly into the liquid back down and it moves some indians bottle. Exactly this movement we have in the
shipped as a liquid pharmaceutical Q-potencies. Meanwhile, I get a lot of good homeopath referred cancer
patients who can no longer lead the event. But I had to find in many cases that I'm not necessarily better,
but just come on the same agent, but the agent was not produced as Q-potency correctly and that was the
point. I remember one particular case in which a patient with breast cancer and lung metastases came to
me and reported that her lung metastases decreased with phosphorus in Q-potencies and when she had
received the higher powers, the metastases are returned. Then, the agent was changed and the case did
not go so well. I then took all symptoms, also came back on phosphorus and gabes in Q-potencies of Dr.
Knzli Stanga and metastases have disappeared. It is so important that our remedies are optimally
prepared. What good demn otherwise the intensive study of drugs, when the effect of the agent is not the
one we hope for, because the agent is not made correctly? And then of course we will switch to other
agents and the "case" is lost.
Therefore, we now come to a very important chapter on the evaluation of the responses to the Q-potencies.
This is actually just as important as finding the means. And unfortunately do not know many users of the Q-
potencies this response assessment I hope the next chapter will help that will be addressed in future many
patients with optimal / best.
If we compare the symptoms, which is why the patient came to us continuously improve a means give and
be, then we are on the right track. We observe all the symptoms that we have put on the schedule
parameter list. The means to pass (see FIG. 246 Organon).
2. exacerbation of symptoms:
If the disease symptoms, which is why the patient came to us, worse after a few doses of Q-power, then we
must seriously ask whether it is:
What could be a possible cause of premature deterioration? The most common variant is that the
agent is too strong, ie the dose is too strong or the agent has been repeated too frequently. Then we
have the means verdinnen on. (Method of the third glass).
Page 38 The evaluation of responses to Q-potencies
Or: The patient is hypersensitive to Q-potencies. Especially in patients with asthma, neurodermatitis,
Hyperthyreotikern and in people who are prone to hysteria, we can observe hypersensitivity (see
FIG. 248 Organon Ammer Kung and 281 final part).
If we observe the recurrence of the symptoms that have initially improved with Q-power, then we
must ask ourselves if:
That is, we must now settle the means and wait. Symptoms improve in the middle break, confirmed
that a late exacerbation (see FIG. Organon, 280-81 and 248 last part).
When a first original, earlier observed symptom makes demands again, it continues with the same
agent. At the same time, all means should be studied in the repertory, which can also produce this
If so-called old symptoms appear, the patient had before, then that is a good sign.
If show symptoms for which there could be a precipitation reaction in the form of rashes, sweat, from
foot or suppuration, then you have to cautiously dose and see if the symptoms disappear and the
patient is still doing well.
2.1 If the symptom is really new, or is it just a pseudo new symptom to which the patient does not
remember (50% of cases)? Very often we ask the patient if he can remember this symptom and then
the patient insists that he never had it and a week later he says, but he had it before. It's only human
and we miss considered so that we do not stray from a possibly good agent.
2.2 If a really new on symptom, so it may be a proving symptom. That is, one seeks the symptom in
the repertory and compares the medicines that can produce this symptom. If the given agent is
included in the section, we obtain either an indication that the given means could be FALSE
(because it has produced a proving symptom the patient) and on the other hand it could be an under
certain circumstances:
After the occurrence of new symptoms studying the repertory rubrics and sustaining often references
to the re-election, end the drug.
In a worsening of the condition under Q-potency doses at the same time occurrence
The evaluation of the responses to powers 39
The newly occurring symptoms are now pointing to the new remedy.
3. proving symptoms
Can also occur when the bottle was not shaken. (Proving by Organon, 247).
Example of use:
One patient with breast cancer gets the potency transfer the symptom of an ecchymosis, a localized
hemorrhage in the right eye. First, we take the repertory at hand and propose the following headings
1. eye; Ecchymosis, SUBCUTANEOUS HEMORRHAGE: acon., act-sp., aeth., am-c., argn., Arn.,
bell., Cact., calc., cham., chlol., con., crot-h., cupr-acet., erig., glon., ham., hydrog., iod., iodof.,
kali-bi., kali-chl., kreos., lach., Led., lyc., lyss., merc-c., mill., nux-v., phos., plb., ruta., salx-n.,
seneg., sul-ac., sulfon., ter., xan..
If the given means, for example, Conium in Q-potency gift was and the patient has never had this
symptom in life, then the given Conium is very likely the wrong way and the intake must be stopped,
because we have produced a proving symptom. If the administered agents but such as sepia was
undes joined this ecchymosis under the center of sepia effect, so we study the heading and note that
Sepia is not included. But do we get a hint that our re-dialing means must be sought in this section
andobtaining the means of Conium idea. Then the entire case must be re-analyzed and the possible
Causa - like a blow to the chest - be elicited.
One must always be excluded only if the patient has not had accidentally injured his eye, because
then this is a ArnikaEkchymose corn fritters and we must not involve the assessment of the course,
but if the ecchymosis is spontaneously appeared, then be there quality is character.
It should not be insecure if precipitation reactions occur under the right tools. Itis very important that
you do not with another agent Interrupts. This precipitation reactions As an example, take the case
when in a patient with a breast lump suddenly a leucorrhoea or increased sweating occurs after
agent administration, then it may be a precipitation process. If you now select an agent for
leucorrhoea, you would do the healing process reverses. JH Allen has many of these cases in his
book, The chronic miasms "described under warns he word suppressing the precipitation reactions
with homeopathy eindrucklich. Unfortunately, it is now in homeopathic practice almost customary to
always prescribe a new drug for the current complaint. If but one has understood the deep
connection and the reactions of the organism to the agent administration, you will not prescribe to
the excretory symptoms, but it is the means due to the totality of symptoms, which has brought the
healing process in motion passed.
Application rules for powers 41
Please enter for preservation three tablespoons brandy or cognac clear in a brown glass bottle with cap
(150 ml) - available at any pharmacy; please fill the bottle up to the mark (150 ml) with water (please specify
when chlorinated water VOLVIC use) on. Then enter the globules in the glass bottle.
CERTAIN that Q-potencies or three glasses diluted MUST and the Q-potencies of Kunzli-STANGA
from the FIRST GLASS will be taken to miss. Please contact your doctor.
Please suggest any taking this bottle 5 x against a --- - plump elastic pad (Book).
Then you remove a plastic spoonful from the bottle * (stock solution) and stir it in a (first)
glass (plastic cup) with about 100 ml of water (mix well).
For this first glass you see a plastic teaspoon and stir it into another glass with about
100 ml of water (mix well).
From the second glass can be found again a plastic teaspoon and stir it into a third
glass with about 100 ml of water (mix well).
Please discard the rest of the glasses contents into the toilet and rinse the glasses
under running water. Please keep the bottle and the glasses in a dark place at room
Dosing frequency:
Unless otherwise arranged, once daily in the evening. It should be about a distance of
about a fifteen minute meals and brushing are met.
This remedy is sufficient for correct intake for about 14 days. Please pay close
attention to any changes, reactions, and the appearance of new or old symptoms.
Please note all observations.
Page 42 The method according to plussing Ramakrishan
The plussing method according to the Indian physician Dr. U. A Ramakrishnan had come a time in fashion,
in which the CPotenz dissolved in the bottle and ten times at intervals of
15 minutes, the agent is muddled. Ramakrishnan is the mean 7 days and then changes to a nosode, mostly
Carcinosin when much cancer in the family was, and Scrirrhinum when the tumors were very hard.
I have applied the method at about 40 cancer patients and could achieve initial improvement, but after two
to three months kames be marked impairment. Due to the frequent repetition of the C potency One means
with high tumor regard are briefly Although symptoms brought to silence, but it seems to me to be no
therapy in our experience that has proven itself over the long term.
Since the Q-potencies are superior by far. I asked Dr. Ramakrishnan on his seminar in Bern, upper side
effects of his plussing method would have seen under denied under've been over 5,000 patients treated. I
have, partly observed in my few patients I treated with this method severe side effects. Including two
patients who developed after taking Scirrhinum hypertensive crises. In another patient with a breast tumor, I
was able to maintain stable with homeopathy for two years, I wanted to not only achieve a cessation of
growth of the tumor, but that he regresses faster. This means the patient was phosphorus, which had
helped her well in recent years. She had Wiel cancer in the family, and so I thought I'd try the nosode
Carcinosin. The administration of phosphorus in the plussing method, the patient had not been well
tolerated and do two days Carcinosin grew the tumor that was stable was two years in one night by 1.5 cm.
That's why I've become very cautious. I only had two patients who have benefited from the method. A
patient I treated for a metastatic ovarian cancer, and I was able to get three years at life, no longer
responded to the powers. I was mirstcher, Sepia istihr agent and then moved on to other agents, but
unfortunately did not help. I studied denganzen case of Abis Zund found again only sepia. Derganze
abdominal cavity and abdomen was filled mitharten tumor mass. The pain was unbearable. This I
Patientingab then sepia plussing alternately with Scirrhinum (lanes Direction hardness of the tumors) undes
was amazing thatit was a big improvement. This patient then took almost two and a half years, the daily
means in the plussing method, then she died. She had learned by plussing method a life extension of two
and a half years.
In the other patients, I had the feeling that is no longer in a position after such a frequent repetition of the
remedy organism to respond to the right resources. Similarly istes when Manz as daily are the C303x
months, wiees Dr. Pareek from India recommends That's nurfr very short time to directly aufeinen tumor
organotropic act. If you were to do this with a profound agents or with the Similimum, you would greatly
For your information I provide instructions on how to prepare the stock solution for plussing method again.
At the time I decided to go for the bottle method, because it was more feasible for the patient. Overall, the
method is too time consuming and all, few people every 15 minutes to take each day within two and a half
hours of their medicine. The use of Q-potencies is superior to the plussing method by far.
Page 43-44
Give three globules of homeopathic agent in a 200-m-liter bottle, then enter 11 tablespoons of water into the bottle.
Wait until the globules are resolved. Suggest everyone take the drug once the bottle and take a tablespoon of the
bottle every 15 minutes. Overall, it takes 10 tablespoons within two and a half hours. The last tablespoon, which
should be in the bottle at the end is lifted for the next day. The next day the bottle is (with the remaining Esslofel)
replenished with another 10 Essloffeln water weider.
Then catch again from scratch (a tablespoon every 15 minutes over two and a half hours ... before hitting etc. and let
again the last tablespoon in the bottle for the next day ...). In total this application is carried out for seven days and
then another medicine (usually the nosode Carcinosin or Scirrhinum) stated in a new bottle and treated similarly.
After another seven days to start again with the first agent.
In my experience, the method according to Ramakrishnan case only in rare special guest is Good. The advantage of Q-
potencies is that we have a possibility of control responses to the agent administration and so we repeatedly adjust
the resources optimally can (see review of the responses to the agent administration). When plussing method, the
organism is about calls and we kon nen kau m still interpret the symptoms correctly.
The discovery of modern oncology was actually due to an accident in the Italian port of Bari, which occurred in 1943,
where prizes it to an exit of the combat gas mustard (mustard gas) came. Direct stakeholders and the dockers around
got hair loss and blood count changes and died Finally, at a slow death by leukocytes zer disorder.
It was the discovery of today's chemotherapy, which aims Finally, to destroy all tumor cells. Of course you can mait
chemotherapy not only selectively tumor cells abtoten, but it warden abgetotet all rapidly dividing cells mainly. A
Chenotherapeutikum is not in a position to distinguish between a rapidly dividing tumor cell or other important
rapidly dividing cells in our body.
This is a problem because there are also very important immune cells abgetotet by chemotherapy. Especially the
ending scraping the bone marrow and the lymphatic system leads to immense immunological Saddle endings.
However, it is often only a part of the tumor cells abgetotet directly in the treatment of tumors with chemotherapy,
and another portion of the tumor cells is geschadigt in the DNA. Only the intact immune system recognizes the
damage in the DNA of the tumor cell and the tumor cell is done with certain apoptosis mechanisms.
Ultimately, it is therefore the intact immune system, which bekampft tumors. That is why it is so important that the
warden chemotherapy doses so low that the immune system does not suffer into large amounts of damage and soil
to the spread of secondary tumors is created.
If a Short insight into our cell cycle you allow yourself, then you can understand the points dcr Chcmotherapie better.
The division consists of four phases (prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase). Many cells are located in the
cell maturation. The process of cell maturation and cell division is called the cell cycle. The cell cycle consists of the
GO-phase (rest phase), G1 phase (RNA, protein synthesis), S phase (DNA doubling), G2 phase (Reparturephase of
DNA) and the M phase (cell division). The M-phase, is the most sensitive phase and only this is mainly vulnerable to
chemotherapy. In all other phases of chemotherapy we can not reach the tumor cells. Tumor cells divide faster and
usually warden therefore increasingly achieved by chemotherapy, but there are also other rapidly dividing cells in the
body, the warden of course also affected by:
skin, hair.
Another problem arises from rapid development of resistance against the individual chemotherapeutic agents, so
more and more polychemotherapies warden used nowadays Unfortunately, the resistant tumor cells are usually
much more aggressive and metastatic patterns of potentially HBEN a coarser. I have seen many patients under
chemotherapy including short-term remissions and tumor en then grew twice as fast or metastatic spread rapidly
from. Why is that?
Chemotherapy always kills only a part of the tumor cells. Even if were to succeed, abzutoten 90% of the tumor cells
then were the remaining 10%, for example, with a tumor of 1 cm, still millions of tumor cells. The key point is that we
have achieved through chemotherapy, a weakening of our immune system and many healthy immune cells are so far
geschadigt that the tumor Gifts thereafter can go so quickly.
That is why it is so important to protects the immune system as the main control center for the cancer. It is not the
Chemoherapie that heals s cancer, but it is the intact immune system. The immune system is weakened anyway in a
human cancer patient or not optimal funktionsfahig, otherwise he'd developed until no cancer, and yet a further
weakening wendann by chemotherapy is added, it can lead to a completely s collapse. That is why it is so wichtg that
we withilfe homeopathy immune system so strong that it can respond to en tumor again. I am of the opinion that
each tumor from immune system can warden healed when the immune system is able to recognize the tumor as a
tumor, many so-called spontaneous healings clearly show that it is also always come by that circumstance to an
activation of the immune system , With homeopathy we can because of the individual symptoms the optimal means
selections for it.
It should give pause to a well that moisten oncologists containing no chemotherapy were allowed to make. Several
surveys have confirmed (Makillop / Hansen / Moore / Tannock and Hirneise: "Chemotherapy cures cancer and the
earth is a vagina").
But there is also a benefit of chemotherapy and we can watch a unique action-oriented recognize by its common at:
Page 45
There is also a good response in Hodgkin's disease and some types of lymphoma. But this only
represents 3% of all tumors.
For ovarian cancer, there are studies that prove a longer survival with chemotherapy. However, only in non-
advanced cases, as in the advanced stage is hardly a cure achieved.
If chemotherapeutic agents are advertised or represented in the media, then young patients are usually given
with acute leukemias, as naturally touches. Because chemotherapy affects really very good for acute
lymphoblastic leukemia of children and should also necessarily carried out in these cases
However, there are many misconceptions when it comes to leukemia and their healing. Though most believe,
leukemia is a disease that usually occurs in childhood, it is true, in fact, ten times as many adults as
children. The results of chemotherapy in adults but not nearly as good as in children. Despite the faith,
leukemia can be cured by chemotherapy, it is a fact that there are still four of five patients die from their
disease (Moss).
For all other tumor types or in the epithelia. Ler, cancers, there is no real successes in the sense of genuine
cancer cures. Of course we should not forget that w conomic interests behind it and that eg i n America is the
annual turnover for Che motherapeutika at 400 billion dollars. Ti
Today only chemotherapeutics be compared with each other and there are few tumor patients who received
chemotherapy. Especially with advanced tumors, it is sometimes better to make no chemotherapy, not even
to spend the rest of life with the side effects of chemotherapy.
There are in America and in Germany the so-called Ethical Committee, who consider chemotherapy as
indispensable, and therefore chemotherapy is mandatory and must be officially denied anyone. Therefore, it
is apparently also not ethical, that one can carry out a study in which chemotherapy is compared with a
placebo. There are therefore only made studies to prove that chemotherapy is better than the other. But if
drug A is no good and is compared with drug B, which looks even worse then drug A is hailed as a
breakthrough in cancer therapy. Take for example the metastatic pancreatic cancer. The study location is
known that patients died an average of six months after the diagnosis.With intensive chemotherapy to life to
eventually extend one month succeed. This is then ver buys as significant survival advantage.
It is also important the quality of life and it is important to consider a difference if you mch spend the rest of
the remaining life with the side effects of chemotherapy te.
I have now been treated some patients with advanced pancreatic cancer and could use some homeopathy a
much longer survival with better quality of life reach (see case report no. 5, metastatic pancreatic cancer). I
would be happy to provide a study for pancreatic cancer carried out in which one group is treated
homeopathically and the other group receives chemotherapy. That is, as already indicated, although ethically
officially not allowed, but I think that especially in pancreatic cancer homeopathy has to have better results.
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But we now consider in more detail what the terms response rate (response rate), remission rate and
survival. Mean time, in conjunction with chemotherapy.
If you told her oncologist that it is possible, for example with Doxirubicin, a common chemotherapy drug to
achieve a response rate of 70% for breast cancer, then you will still be inclined to perform this therapy. But
the response just means that there is a response of tumor cells to this drug. Much decisive sive, however, is
the so-called remission rate, ie how much the tumor is really regresses and is then up to 25%. Well, you think
25% is not bad, but there is a remission of 25% in a given period. What matters most is but what you gain
from this therapy for survival. Which is then definedusing the so-called Survi val time, the
beriebenszeit. Lind, this is then suddenly only a few percent.
Is now used in breast cancer polychemotherapies increased to increase the response rate. By the year
1991 monotherapies were mainly used could have a response rate of 40%. Could motherapien by the now
common use of Polyche the response rate biS - be increased to 70%.
A Munich epidemiologist had all studies on survival in Krebspati ducks collected with chemotherapy (DER
SPIEGEL NR. 41 2005) and came to the sad conclusion that the life expectancy in advanced breast cancer
is now lower than it was twenty years ago. The use of chemotherapy has indeed increased the Ansprehen of
the tumor, but ultimately shortened survival time. I would not really grumble against the pharmaceutical
industry, but I want to defend myself against the senseless chemotherapies, which must be some people still
on his deathbed endure. The problem with our society that we no longer want to accept death and so the
patient is suggested to the conclusion that only the chemotherapy or radiation therapy has a survival
Ralph Moss, former scientific correspondent of the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute in New York, was after
he had laid the embezzlement practices of cancer research in America openly terminated immediately. But
as he had taken over 20 years of insight in all studies, he published his findings in his book "Questionable
Cheniothe therapy, decision aids for cancer treatment." This book should have every oncologist and every
patient who is receiving chemotherapy read. Man should his doctor, who proposes a particular
chemotherapy, always ask what it really takes for a survival advantage. course, it also comes on the tumor
type and in some cases, chemotherapy may actually be useful, but in other cases it may be that hence any
chance of a cure is prevented because the immune system is weakened too much. For example, I would in
malignant melanoma of chemotherapy advise if you have the right to cure this tumor using a reconstituted
immune system due to a good homeopathic therapy. All patients with metastatic melanoma who have taken
chemotherapy, are incurable in my eyes. However, conventional medicine has not claim to cure this, but the
life time to extend a little. Those patients with metastatic melanoma, I could stop by the proposed
chemotherapy and could be treated with homeopathy, are today usually still alive. I will present in the cancer
cases in the second part of this book, two of these patients with metastatic melanoma who I treat now over
seven years, and in which the melanoma and metastases have disappeared. But I have a feeling that I did
not have these patients can save if they had carried out the suggested chemotherapy.
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In addition, it has recently been a doctor in Holland revoked the license to practice medicine because he has
advised a patient of chemotherapy.
There are also other tumor cases with rapidly growing tumors that I have dealt with and where I had to be
thankful that there are chemotherapy. Especially with the very aggressive tumors, it may be important that
we gain time. We have also had cases where the tumor has grown under chemotherapy treatment and then
still continued to grow after the beginning of homeopathic treatment, but has regressed after further
chemotherapy. Dr. Spinedi once had a patient in whom regressed only by the interaction of homeopathy and
Chemotherapy 40 Lebermetasta sen. We can activate with homeopathy immune system so that the
chemotherapy sometimes works better.
It is important that we always take into account the immune status of the patient, thus man. This limit can
recognize when too much chemotherapy is given. Experience has shown that it is possible with a low-dose
chemotherapy, taking into account the individual's immune status and the specific type of tumor, the patient,
in connection with a adqua th homeopathic therapy in bestiminten tumor types achieve good
results. The more I want to criticize the usual method to use especially for very advanced malignancy
palliative chemotherapy, because often no great bezlebensvorteil can be achieved, but the quality of
life will be very limited due to the harmful side effects.
Homeopathic remedies for the side effects of chemotherapy are: Arsenicum album, Nux vomica,
cadmium sulphate, phosphorus, Okoubaka, Sulfur, Tabacum, Ipecacuanha, Chininum-sulph.
Arsenicum album
If the image of a arsenintoxikation one is remembered, one can observe similar Sym toms in the patient. as
after chemotherapy. .What Makes arsenic in organisms mechanism? The enzymes of the respiratory chain
are blocked, there will be symptoms of inner suffocation, which is accompanied by strong anxious,
nervous, restlessness, and restlessness that drives the patient out of bed. One can also imagine a vivid
example of how you would behave yourself, if you would, for example, pulled under water or even nose and
mouth keeps closed. One would try to do everything as fast as possible to get out of this state. And that is
precisely the image of
Page 48
Arsenicum album. It is located in eirw in constant state of panic and immediately wants to escape from this
The patient is very weak, desperate and frosty. There is nausea and Appetitlosig speed.
In the center is often the entire gastrointestinal tract with burning in the stomach, which is accompanied by
anxiety and restlessness. Despite the burning in the stomach of the patient requires heat and warm
conditions which give some relief. Arsenicum album has a great Emp sensitivity on the abdomen, and he is
very sensitive to slightest touch. There is a big weakness. He vomits frequently and has rice-water-like
debilitating diarrhea. Sometimes, the patient begins after the smallest amount of food or drink to erbre chen ..
The vomit is yellow like bile or black like coffee grounds and is very offensive. He complains about nausea,
which is aggravated by smells and movement, although the patient feels the need to constantly move. It is an
intense thirst and the patient calls for hot drinks, which he often drunk in small sips. Cold water triggers
at Arsenicum album stomachs pain. For phosphorus, the stomach will ache relieved by cold water.
It may also be that Arsenicum album even exceptionally required in chemotherapy for cold drinks, but which
are not tolerated by the stomach. It can be set chilliness and stomach cramps after cold drinks. That is an
important differential diagnosis to phosphorus.
We can observe a nightly aggravation of all complaints with anxiety and
restlessness at Arsenicum album. The patient is very demanding and requires to be helped immediately. If
one is called at night between 1-3 clock and it is, you should immediately come to the clinic, the patient wants
to talk to a doctor immediately, the patient is afraid and desperate and he runs restlessly about the room, it is
usually as Arsenicum -album. Sometimes it is really impressive to watch, if you are then the indicated
remedy such a desperate patients, how quickly then enters a rest.
We give Arsenicum album mostly as Q-potency or as C30 or C200 dissolved in water.
The effect of the Q-potency should hold twenty-four hours but if they, for example, lasts only eight hours and
it is worse again then, then you can repeat. It should only occur each time a recovery. In special cases, for
severe pain, you may be dissolved in water Arsenicum album-C200, for example. a teaspoonful every three
hours. But you should then try to get back to thelevel of Q-potencies, because otherwise too easily caught
up in the drug sector auditing and produces symptoms in the patient.
Nux vomica
Nux vomica is probably the most important means for treating the side effects of chemotherapy. Nux-
vomica is a means for gastrointestinal disorders and poisoning, and especially in thecomplaints by drug
abuse. Chemotherapy has extreme distorting effects on the organism and but leads with each individual to
individual symptoms. Nux vomica is suffering from nausea and vomiting during and after chemotherapy. The
nausea is felt to be so strong that only vomiting can bring relief. It is often an acidic mucus vomited.
Page 49
The whole stomach region is distended and painful it develop cramping, cutting stomach pain. It is during
chemotherapy feel that could adjust with the stomach pain diarrhea simultaneously. Mostly, however, we find
a persistent constipation due to an irregular peristalsis of the intestines.
The appetite is lacking and there is a foul or bitter taste in the mouth (liver disorder according to TCM).
If we have a patient in front of us, which is very irritable or easily annoyed and in which a hypersensitivity to
all sensory impressions (sounds, smells, light, music) is, most people think of Nux vomica. Often also
developed a Nux vomica picture in patients taking pain medication already for a long time.
C30 before chemotherapy or severe discomfort even once after that time or as Q-potency.
I have seen many doctors are amazed at the effect of Nux vomica. Once a patient of mine got chemotherapy
before and took his Nux and endured the chemotherapy very well. Received his two other patients in the
hospital room., The same chemotherapy and vomited all the time. Then my patient wanted to do something
good and gave his two colleagues also Nux vomica and vomiting and nausea heard the two on. Nux
vomica is an important tan clardmittel to treat the side effects of chemotherapy and should, even if you
should not think of homeopathy, yet each patient are available, which performs chemotherapy.
Cadmium sulphuratum
Another specific feature is highly acclaimed cadmium sulphuratum having in his Sym ptomatik a
strong similarity with Arsenicum album. The important difference is that cadmium sulphuratum is not so
anxious and restless and that BEWE deteriorated supply. Usually it is described as a very frosty agent. But
I've had cases in which patients were hot-blooded, and which has Cadium-sulfuratum well helped. The
center of the complaints relates to the gastrointestinal tract. There is a very strong nausea, forcing him to lie
very still to avoid vomiting. This is a very important key symptom and allows the differential
diagnosis Arsenicumalbum, improve with the movement in general. He calls for cold water which is but
immediately vomited. He vomits, even if he has been drinking very small amounts, immediately after
drinking. The vomit may look like coffee grounds. Standing up, the patient may faint. As peculiar symptom
we can sometimesobserve the eyes of concerned during sleep.
C30 or C200 dissolved in water. Not too often repeat.
When you consider how many processes phosphorus is involved in cellular metabolism and the extent to
which chemotherapy currently hindered ATP synthesis, then one can imagine that our
dearphosphorus holds it an important regulatory mechanism.
Page 50
It is for us always amazing that some people, which constitutionally. certainly were not phosphorus. due to
multiple cycles of chemotherapy or get even more by the irradiation in a phosphorus-state. It is very
important to recognize when you leave the level of efficiency of phosphorus again. It may be that a period of
phosphorus for the consequences of chemotherapy helps wonderfully, but then you have to but on the
totality of the symptoms to look back or use current miasmatic symptoms in order to prescribe the further
Often we find phosphorus very weak people who are afraid of being alone and want the closeness of family
members. You want comfort and that you hold their hand to their fears. On the contrary to Arsenicum album
phosphorus is not obviously demanding, reproachfully or restless. Phosphorus can also Galiz be exhausting
if you are called as a handler always anxious. All recently Calls phosphorus in a loving way and we learn
even much gratitude from the patient. Sometimes it is sufficient to ten minutes to sit with the patient and all
fears are gone. The patient wants to be close and attention and is trying to enjoy a nice through stories, or he
asks, how is the doctor. The speeches and the distraction will help a lot. If the patient is then alone again,
then come back thelong sam fears high. With phosphorus can help these poor people very well then.
During chemotherapy show an abundance of gastrointestinal symptoms:
The water is vomited as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach., There is a great thirst for cold drinks. Ice
cream is eaten frequently at Phosphorikern during chemotherapy and during irradiation. I knew a patient who
had vomited everything she had eaten, and the only thing she could keep down was ice cream, so this
woman all the time from morning to night eating ice cream, what you got well. The drug choice of means was
quite easy in this case, fortunately. The stomach pains are gebes sert by cold food, cold drinks, ice
cream, laying on of hands, massage and sleep. We also often find a weakness in the abdomen.
The vomit is often yellow or green like bile. The digestion is disturbed and we have a number of chair
changes that can give us clues on phosphorus, such as:. Undigested parts in stool, mucus deposits, greasy
stools, sagoartige grains, bloody mucoid diarrhea, pencil chair Quite often we also tells the patient, that
he had the feeling that they have no real control over the sphincter more. There is the beautiful rubric in the
repertory feel the anus is open with phosphorus in the third degree.
It is similar to sulfur, a sensitivity to smells, wherein phosphorus is more sensitive to cigarette smoke and
perfume and Sulfur rather on human exhalations.
As Q-potency daily.
We know Okoubaka as a typical means for poisoning and therefore it is also used in the adjuvant
chemotherapy.To remember Okoubaka for all eternity, I would like to tell a little story, why you even came up
with the idea to use Okoubaka. Long ago it was in Africa the custom that the neighboring tribes mutually
invited to dinner, to demonstrate their solidarity. Sorry, there was a time in which each of a folk
Page 51
coming the other tribe, although invited to dinner, but with the vile thoughts behind to poison the tribesmen in
this food. But as these two tribes knew this before she ate before Okoubaka and thus bowed before the
poisoning. Okoubaka she made in a special way immune to the .Gifte.
I've rarely used and if so, in low potencies. D3 or D6 twice daily.
Sulfur is an important means of detoxification and it is displa e igt when vomiting with heat feeling prevails all
The appetite is increased during chemotherapy. This is very striking, because most patients are loss of
appetite and cause even the thought of food nausea. There is a strong sensitivity to odors during
chemotherapy. Especially the smell of your own chair or own body odors are perceived as very unpleasant
and foul keitserregend. Partial arise olfactory hallucinations.
What can often amaze one, is that the patient, despite objectively difficult situation, makes jokes, appears
hopeful and everything looks very optimistic.
As Q-potency daily.
It is an agent which has a strong nausea, associated with weakness, pallor, vomiting, icy coldness and sweat
with intermittent pulse.
Although the abdomen greatly distended and is cold, he would like to have but not him covered. As a striking
symptom can evaluate the dizziness when opening the eyes.
Most D3, D6 or C30 in water.
Can be used in severe nausea with vomiting, especially if the vomiting is incessant or a gush.
The vomiting is very easily triggered as:
Smelling of food, coughing, stooping, after eating and drinking, after defecation, after scratching the itchy
There is an aversion to the smell of food. When we find a striking character nausea in the stomach with clean
tongue. In the face can be seen sunken eyes with the nausea.
Dosage: C30
Page 52
Chininum-sulturicun has least recommended. used to raise the leukocytes or to avoid the strong
Leukozytena.bfalls in chemotherapy. After had the experience of oncologists using less Neupogen or other
Leukozytenstimulatoren be used by Chininurn-sulfuricurn.
I will of course test it and think it will be confirmed, as already 0th Eli Jones and Schlegel gave Chininum-
sulphate as a tonic.
It is also interesting that Chininum-sulfuricum has a strong sensitivity of the spine and vertebrae in the
This sensitivity often develop patients get injected the Leukozytenaktivatoren. This medication should be
carefully examined.
Dosage: D3-D6
It is also important to treat side effects of certain chemotherapeutic agents with orthomolecular resources. It
would now be beyond the scope here to address all chemotherapeutic agents, but worth it, just to look at the
specific side effects and specified by the manufacturer also main damage organs closer.
So we know that, for example adriamycin carries a high risk of cardiac injury and because I like to
give vitamin Q10 and L-carnitine as a protection to heart.
Similarly, the so-called hand-foot syndrome is often referred to as typical side effect of Xeloda observed. It
caused blisters on the skin, on the hands and feet and the skin peels off. It is very uncomfortable for the
patient. If you know the interactions of Che motherapeutika, then you know that Xeloda triggers a massive
vitamin B deficiency state and occur due to the induced vitamin B deficiency, these symptoms
frequently. Using regular vitamin B-shares, these side effects avoid 80%. Likewise come many
patients during chemotherapy in a vitamin C deficiency, so can skorbutartige symptoms in the patient.
It is not surprising that all antioxidants are consumed in the body very quickly, because the mechanism of
action of many chemotherapeutic agents is; as many free radicals to produce, so by the tumor cell is
killed. Of course, one must always bear in mind are that just a lack of detoxification and many free radicals
responsible for it made for ensuring that they develop cancer I think you will look back in a hundred years in
our century and they will say. "Yes at that time, because had no idea and have actually tried to cure cancer
with chemotherapy or radiation. "
It's now true that the trend toward immunotherapies developed because it was recognized that the key to
curing cancer is the immune system intact. And what therapy could specifically activate the immune system
as homeopathy?
A good interaction between conventional medicine and homeopathy in my opinion is the therapy of the
Moss, Ralph, Questionable chemotherapy. Haug Verlag, 1997
Seeger, PG, cancer - problem with no way out? Publisher of Medicine
Dr. Ewald Fischer, 1974
Hirneise, Chemotherapy heals cancer and the world is flat, Sensei Publisher
Page 53
Irradiation reactions
Target irradiation to be a fast local tumor cell destruction. Unfortunately, a radiation not only localized
changes themselves, it can affect the entire body, so sometimes certain radiation side effects still remain for
years. This irradiation effects must be treated homopa pealing sometimes first, because they may be a
blockage and our chronic Homoe opathischen means can often act only when these blocks are eliminated.
Marr must consider ,. that irradiation indeed can cause local tumor cell destruction, but that the surrounding
tissue and lymphocytic defense wall surrounding a tumor, are also damaged. Zabel observed as early as
1960 that if Bestrah averaging over 95% of the surrounding tissue and absorb more than 5% of the tumor.
Today's medicine is unfortunately still believe that it is a local process in cancer development. Accordingly,
should actually be completely healed after an operation or Bestrahhing the patient. The sad statistics taught
us otherwise. The whole person is ill with cancer and suffering only to its genetically determined
vulnerability. Often a, as Hahnemann calls so beautiful .. Local evil created in your manifests the cancerous
There is an interesting study in which it is concluded that the mere removal of the primary tumor may activate
"dormant" tumor cells and promotes metastasis.
At least, researchers believe Michael Retsky of the Harvard Medical School in Boston. The team analyzed
data from 1,173 breast cancer patients who had participated in three clinical studies. The doctors had
operated on all concerned, without any further treatment was done. The scientists observed that the number
of relapses accumulated at certain times. The first summit was 18 months after surgery, the second five
years after surgery. Mainly affected younger women who were diagnosed before their Wech seljahren breast
From this, the researchers concluded the theory that removal of the primary tumor "dormant" breast cancer
metastases awakens. Previous studies it is known that cancer tumors secrete certain substances that
prevent the formation of new blood vessels. Yet allow for the development of metastatic tumors need they
exceed a certain size a blood supply., so you can only grow when doctors remove the first tumor and the
brake for the formation of new vessels. Moreover, the cuts could stimulate wound healing and thereby also
the vessel formation during surgery.
This is with us also the reason why we urge not equal to an operation if we have to treat a tumor, but only
strengthen the immune system, to work out the means due to the totality of symptoms and examine the
reactions to the homeopathic remedy. Only then can an operation to relieve the organism take place, without
the need to have concern that there are variations.
The situation is similar with the lymphocytic defense wall, which forms a tumor in order to keep this under
control. However, if the irradiation destroys this important barrier, then can more cancer cells spread and the
path to metastasis is paved Irradiation leads to the destruction of millions of mitochondria and respiratory
enzymes, which are necessary for cellular equilibrium and the energy deployment of the organism (Seeger.
Page 54
Dr. Otto Warburg, who is known for his theories of carcinogenesis, had been able to observe one
he creased production of H202 cells after Bestrahltingen. It has been proven that cancer cells have an
increased H202 production and that can in turn be the basis for the rapid proliferation of cancer cells. Due to
a decreased oxygen transfer efficiency of the cell and the resulting conversion of aerobic to anaerobic, it
comes to fermentation of the cells and thus to increased mutations and degeneration of the cancerous
cell. It is also interesting that hired Seeger 1960 attempts to prove that it is possible to revert back to a
cancer cell is a normal cell.
This means that if we could succeed in his attempts to convert a normal cell into a cancer cell and it would be
possible also, zuverwandeln a cancer cell back into a normal cell back, then cancer would potentially curable.
Why? If due to a disturbed metabolic situation, the cell is no longer supplied with oxygen properly and begins
to change, or to ferment, then you should try to activate these cells so that they can exercise their full
function. Exactly what makes Seeger and he experimented with Tumorasciteszellen to where he could reach
using betanidin, a dye beetroot, increased oxygen utilization of tumor cells by almost 1,000%. Suddenly the
metabolism of the tumor cell was changed and the tumor cells were transformed back into normal cells. Dii
respiration of tumor cells can also be increased by ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is 400-700% (Seeger). This
means that the cell is returned to normal breathing, and also the oxygen binding ability of the red blood cells
is activated.
This experiment should give us pause, because it shows us how important it is to have one in clock immune
system and to have an optimal metabolic status of the cells. Nowadays, it is known that so-called free
radicals cause oxidation and cell damage and mutations and cancer can trigger. Upon irradiation of the
organism mechanism is completely swamped by free radicals and the whole detoxification system comes to
a standstill. It is also no secret that exposures increase the risk of occurrence of secondary tumors by a
One should also be aware that any attack on the tumor cell, be it with X-ray irradiation, Betadron- or cobalt
irradiation, isotopes or cytotoxic drugs, is also an attack on healthy cells. A real therapy, the claim has to heal
the cause of carcinogenesis and the reactions of the organism must be taken into account. Consequently, we
must use our attention to an activation of the immune system and cellular respiration of homeopathy and
orthomolecular substances addressed in order to prevent the cancer or to bekmp fen.
Actually, it is wrong to say that you have to fight the cancer, because the cancer is only a disturbance in the
organism and if it succeeds, restores determine the order in the whole person, then the cancer is removed
from the soil to grow.
Dr. Astaldi published in 1959 his studies on the X-rays and showed that irradiation of two Gy has a
destruction of millions of mitochondria result. The mitochondria are our so-called power plants of cells in
which the respiratory chain and ATP synthesis takes place. Even 15 minutes after an X-ray irradiation
crumble the mitochondria. Not completely destroyed cells lose membrane stability. Respiratory enzymes,
especially the Cytocromoxidase be destroyed and there is a Sauerstoffutilisierungsstrung the cell. This
ultimately causes that transform these cells into cancer cells. One can explain only a few weeks after
irradiation with this explanatory model is sometimes erratic tumor growth.
Page 55
The ionizing radiation treatment leads to a sudden cell disintegration and showered the body of the cancer
patient with poisons, so that people do not necessarily die at the tumor but from the inability to excrete the
toxins. Already Clarke had observed that it is sometimes succeeded him, the cancerous tumor ren to
destructive with homeopathic remedies, but that the cancer toxins and decomposition products of the
tumor could not be eliminated, and the patient died of kidney or liver failure. Therefore, he
also experimented with the Aborvital method. in which only a drop of a cancer-specific tincture was given and
then wait a long time, so as not to overwhelm the detoxification capacity of the organism. I once had a patient
who already had many metastases in the abdomen and in the morphine had no effect on the pain, but after a
drop Ornithogallum-umbelatum was six weeks analgesia can be achieved.
To remain at the effects of radiation, you should be aware that even can cause even the smallest dose of
radiation cell mutations. In 1910 BENDER discovered that even arise in three of 1,000 cells chromosome
damage by low irradiation with 1 r (1 rad). You hear time and again that an X-ray image does not harm and
radiation exposure would be the same as if, to fly from Munich to New York or if you spend a week in the
There is only one small flaw behind. Although the amount of radiation is really the same thing but not the
dose per unit time. That's exactly the point that on a flight from Munich to New York to get the amount of
radiation over six hours at a radiograph you get the same radiation dose within a millisecond. In my seminars
I bring clarity to again and again as an example of the radiation dose per unit of time a person who beats a
thousand times with a 1-g pin on the head. This can not well tolerated the head, but if these 1,000 g then be
cut at once, for example, with a 1-kg hammer with a blow to the head, then the damage is much greater.
The main dose x-ray examination of a series of 0,2 r generated in each cell average of 400 and 800 electron
ionization suggestions. This means that a single X-ray damage to a total of 30 million cells by chromosomal
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health estimates that each year 18 million unnecessary radiographs
are made in the United States. If you consider that a radiation dose of 45 upon irradiation of the breast for
breast cancer - 60 Gray is used, one can imagine the impact on the organism and the possibility for cancer
inducing, already present. 45 Gray correspond to the radiation dose of about 45,000 x-rays!
The breast irradiation reduces the incidence of local recurrence by 40%. That sounds good and convinced
most women to seek irradiate. Here, however, remains unmentioned that while this exposure, the occurrence
of the risk of local recurrence can be reduced by 40%, whilst preserving the effective survival time is
extended to 0%!
"The boost on the tumor bed reduces the risk of local recurrence to about 40% and affected only slightly the
cosmetic result. The beneficial effect of local boosts is detectable mainly in younger women up to the 50th
birthday. In older women, the effect is not clear. An improvement in the chance of survival is for the breast
conserving operated women have not demonstrated "(evidence-based recommendations for Primrbe
treatment of breast cancer. The consensus of the AGO Organ Commission 2001). Unfortunately, of course,
is after this exposure, the probability of dying from cardiovascular disease, increased 4-fold and there is the
danger of the
Page 56
formation of lung fibrosis. The occurrence of second tumors, particularly sarcomas is increased after
Another load are nattirlich the radioactive isotopes, which have increased by tibet 500 nuclear weapons tests
and nuclear accidents more radiation exposure in the world. Only through the reactor accident in Chernobyl
in 1986 36 million Curie of radioactivity were distributed over the world. Which 7 million curies of iodine-131,
cesium-137 1 Million Curie, Curie 220,000 strontium-90 and plutonium-700 Curie 239th The Estimated
number of cancer deaths, which were drawn by this fallout, belauft in the next decades to 100,000
people. The half of them in the Soviet Union, the other half in Europe.
Just increase the number of disabled children in Russia is appalling.
The Ans, Tieg of tumors of radiosensitive organs such as the Schilddrtise depends probably also related.
For happiness we have with homeopathy a tool in the hand, which can help mitigate the radiation damage. A
year ago I had a patient in treatment, .der beer driver to Russia was and who was then driven past the
burning reactor in Chernobyl. He developed a Schilddriisenkarzinom and after the third surgery of a recurrent
tumor, he developed lung metastases and got weak and shortness of breath. Since he was incurable, he
came to us in the hospital and I was trying to find a good agent., The totality of the symptoms showed
clear Lycopodium, a Lycopodiurn-man ,. as arising from the Medica, but when I then the possible CAUSA,
radiation exposure with berlicksichtigte was clear that he only needed phosphorus before his basic
means could work. The development was amazing and iiberraschte the patient also because he was a
gross skeptics, because the shortness of breath and cough disappeared and the energy was more. He could
see even better again. Mach three months also decreased tumor markers. If we can find a possible CAUSA
in a cancer case, then we must treat the effect.
I once had another young patients from Russia in treatment, who lived in the vicinity of
Chernobyl. During the night of the reactor accident clouds were ither the villages. For these radioactively
contaminated clouds do not move, these clouds were fired upon by the Russian army with missiles, so the
clouds rain down. My patient was ten years old. He and all the children from the whole village had the whole
night just vomited blood and had bloody Sttihle. With him and his sister up after a genetic mutation that made
him far more susceptible tumors, and he fell ill at seventeen from a stomach tumor developed. After it was
removed the stomach, he developed a couple of Jah re after new tumors in the intestine. It was followed by
some chemotherapies, but the tumors were not rid of and he turned with a fist rough tumor before in our
clinic. Only when I treated him because of this CAUSA, the massive radiation exposure
with phosphorus, disappeared all tumors in the intestine. He then lived well for several more years, until yet
again manifested a renewed tumor in the bowel, which was then treated with
chemotherapy. He then received a lot of chemotherapy, which prevented a further response to homeopathy,
and he died. Unfortunately I could not save this patient, but at least he won by homeopathy few years. He
was such a sunny, frohlicher, life-affirming person and I still often think of him. Humanity is really not mature
enough, urn unizugehen responsibly with nuclear energy. It is only a matter of time before again a nuclear
accident will happen. Straight (July 2006) has been a reactor accident in Sweden and by grol3es happiness
was a similar disaster like Chernobyl can be prevented.
Page No. 57
In the Swedish Forsmark nuclear power plant - 1 that took place on July 26,almost an accident. According to
the information and Country this led to an arc and a short circuit outside the nuclear power plant that it came
from the power supply to a separation of the power plant. Because of the lack of power lost the operating
team in the power plant finally wait completely track, because many information about the state of the
system in the control room no longer received. There was apparently only because why not for disaster,
because the reactor quick chat Labs Lung and parts of the emergency core cooling system worked.
"Though even more errors occurred in the automatic control of the Swedish nuclear power plant, then the
world might have experienced in the past week its second meltdown," says Henrik Paulitz, nuclear expert of
the nuclear critical medical organization IIPNW. Lars- Olov Hglund, who was responsible for the nuclear
power plant in Forsmark as a longtime head of the design department of the Swedish Vattenfall Group and
the reactor is well aware, told the "daily": It was a coincidence that there was no meltdown. "If the reactor
had not been just seven minutes longer control the disaster would not have been aufuzuhalten loud
Hglund. Hglund had the disorder in Forsmark referred to as" the most serious incident since Chernobyl
and Harrisburg. "In Sweden, now apparently a precaution more nuclear power plants were shut down , to
clarify the exact processes and causes prevails. the IPPNW asks the German government insists on, turn
off the German nuclear power plants as a precautionary measure, since it has also come at German nuclear
power plants have several Fast disasters.
Only on 08 February 2004, there was the German nuclear power plant Biblis B 2004 feared loss of offsite
power, "just because the weather was bad and there was a short circuit in a power line." According to the
IPPNW exist in all nuclear power plants a very basic problem: "The control of nuclear power plants can
always run short circuits or surges out of control and lead to the Super GAU" The Society for Nuclear Safety
(GRS) had in 1992 in a working strong warnings for the Federal Environment Ministry before these surges.
"But in Germany, ignore safety vulnerabilities that can not be solved, simply by the motto. Close your eyes
and until it is too late times," said Paulitz.
Room. The mucous membranes are dry, the mouth is parched, at night, with thirst and the nose is
congested in the morning. There may be bloody crusts or nosebleeds. Sometimes is felt about the irradiated
areas out an intense heat in the entire body. It often develops a feeling of heat in the spine or between the
shoulder blades. There is a desire for cold drinks, refreshing or ice cream. if phosphorus does not show the
desired effect, you must first bromatum of radium or X-Ray think.
Daily as Q-potency or C potency in a single dose. The C - power of Phosphorus should be allowed to affect
35 days but necessarily, because with frequent repetition, the risk of the occurrence of bleeding may exist.
radium bromatum
Radium bromatum is an alpha, beta and gamma emitters, which is a much stronger damage potential than
z. B. X-Ray, which "only" a pure gamma radiation. Under the influence of radium rays enzymes are
inactivated, Eruthrozyten give hemoglobin and electrolytes from the serum. Microorganisms die and plants
stop growing. Wound healing is delayed, and the cell growth is blocked or delayed.
An important general symptom of radioactive contamination is considered an extreme flu-like weakness that
increases slowly. Initially, however, an increased energy is felt even more. All glandular tissue are very
sensitive to radioactivity, as I have mentioned before in the case of beer driver from Russia. But not only the
thyroid, but of course the gonads and the pancreas are radiosensitive. Radiation-related diabetes mellitus
was associated with radium-C30 bromatum complete remission, which also allows the reverse trigger
further pancreatic islet cells are radiosensitive. Phosphorus also has a strong connection to the pancreas
and diabetes. In general symptoms after chronic exposure to radium, such as by wearing the popular in the
twenties Watches painted with radium luminous numerals have emerged, Phosphorus has proved very
successful (Grimmer).
Radium Bromatum also affects bleeding tumors and Pierre Schmidt describes it as a good remedy for
bleeding by bleeding disorders.
The effect of radium on the skin is very impressive, it formed scabby and crusty eruptions that burn and itch.
The rashes are ameliorated by heat. Are formed venectasias the skin and also on the tongue (Grimmer).
It is not always easy to distinguish radium -bromatum of phosphorus, as many symptoms that we know as
typical Phopshorsymptome, are also present in Radium bromatum:
If we have a man in front of us which appears, from basic funds not to be phosphorus, but now showing
similar mental symptoms of phosphorus, it may be required in certain circumstances radium bromatum,
especially when irradiation is preceded.
On the physical level, there are striking differences in phosphorus. At Radium bromatum in the modalities
We find a similar picture to Rhus toxikodendron. Movement and heat improves.
To be able to radium bromatum easier to remember, can you remember the story of Madame Curie, which
radium bromatum isolated from uranium mineral pitchblende in years of hard work. Pitchblende has a
2,000,000 times as strong radioactivity as natural uranium. After four years of perpetual agitation toxic
pitchblende-hydrochloric acid mixtures, she won a ton of pitchblende 0.1 g of radium bromide. Together with
her husband, the physicist Pierre Curie, who both worked day and night at the Radium Research. After her
husband after twelve years, was killed in a traffic accident, Madame Curie fell even more in the work and
was driven more and more to advance their research. During World War I she was always at the front and
examined by means of self-built mobile X-ray units wounded.
Gradually showed her symptoms of radiation sickness. She developed tics, had to constantly rub their
rough, scabby hands. She was inwardly and outwardly restless and felt driven to complete their life's work.
She worked day and night to exhaustion and died 34 years after their discovery of radium emaciated and
exhausted from the effects of radiation sickness.
She wanted to see her whole life and research as a service to humanity, but only twelve years after her
death dropped the first atomic bomb.
We must always be aware that irradiation of a tumor the whole person and meets not only the tumor and
that the effects of irradiation can prevent the definitive cure of a human. Especially alpha emitters are able to
all atoms to which they penetrate even to encourage decay and nuclear radiation and thus take an influence
on the chemical composition of the cells. Degeneration and new mutations are the sad result. Veronika
Rampold writes in her drug doctrine of radium-bromatum very aptly: "radioactivity thus acts on matter as a
contagious, chronic, progressive disease, a chronic miasm on the organism and atoms show according to
their internal composition variable sensitivity to them, even of an organism from this, the other is very easy
infected by those infectious disease. "
This is very important because there are certain susceptibility of each person and that we must consider. I
had patients who have survived the irradiation without any problems, and helped others who have years of
complaints from it. Especially those who react so strongly, we can help especially well with homeopathy. But
you have to be careful with potentized radium because tests showed that the D60 is still shining
measurable. The Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Institute said in 1960, that the D10 as 1 g of radium-
containing bromatum one thousandth of the maximum allowable lifetime dose of radium.
Previously it was believed that radium is completely harmless and it was used because of its beautiful
luminosity in the dark for painting children's toys or for the luminous dials of watches. Only 1920 produced
the USA four million radium luminous watches. But after more than it could be a coincidence many
complaints to dial painters occurred, the ableckten now and then the brush to be pointed him under
investigation specialists Columbia University in 1926, the America thing.
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The experts came to the conclusion that the jaw are due at dial painters of poor hygiene and have nothing to
do with radium burdens.Skin outcrop we still have such specialists, the effects of radiation trivialisation. Only
when you get out of bed femur broke through with a dial painter, because all the bones were now totally
porous, did not fail to produce a possible link with radioactivity. For similar calcium tends to radium to
accumulate in the bone.
The US Radium Corporation has been a leader in the production of radium paint and also provided bright
wall color and luminous crucifixes ago. The factory in West Orange was only two blocks away from the
laboratory of the famous Thomas Edison, in which he had tried to make an x-ray of the human brain. Sorry,
but sent his self-built X-ray light as many beams from his assistant, Clarence Dally that that was exposed to
this radiation, a moment later died.
But let's move on with radium. There is another story that shows the dangers of radioactive isotopes. In
Brazil, once opened by chance a man to waste receiving a box with radium material, the man loved the
unusual luminosity and carried the material home and showed it to his wife and children. The next day the
family was sick unto death, demm man, this material was suspect, and he passed it to an authority. He took
the bus and the sad result was that 17 people died from radiation sickness then. Strangely enough, have a
few particles of radium into your paper hiked, which was later made into toilet paper. It is the itchy rash on
the buttocks of countless people around the traditional indication of a contaminated toilet paper (Caulfield).
Until thousands of patients were injected with radium against any conceivable illness or administered for
oral intake. It was used against rheumatism, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, depression, waning
sex drive and of course against the so-called "debutantes fatigue".
Now we can laugh about it and say, my goodness, were then ignorant, but what are the people 100 years
say about us when they look back and see that you "time" has still trying to cancer with radiation and
chemotherapy heal.
We have not yet learned to take responsibility for dealing with radioactivity. when you consider that already
more than 500 nuclear test attempts have been made and mankind was radioactively contaminated for
many years.
Two globules C30, given a few hours before irradiation, relieve side effects.
Gamma rays penetrate deep into the body and lead to numerous cell destruction. Often it is the question of
whether we radium or X-Ray bromatum to use, if we
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Irradiation have symptoms. That is why it is very important that one can distinguish between these two
means are good. From her mind, X-Ray and Radium bromatum differ significantly. In contrast to radium
bromatum X-Ray is better alone. X-Ray has more suicidal tendencies, wants to pour down from a height.
Then we find that deteriorates movement as a very important distinguishing factor.
It does not have as rheumatic complaints such as radium bromatum, but it develop abnormal sensations in
the extremities or strange feelings as if one was under Storm. The rashes are cracked and rough. Cracks of
the fingertips. It is a means for anemia after irradiation and a good remedy for burns after X-ray irradiation.
It used to be about the effects of X-rays on the body is not fully aware and in many shoe shops were X-ray
machines to measure your feet exactly. That seems inconceivable from today's perspective, since we are
now supposedly smarter. Similarly, the ultrasound is considered absolutely harmless today. But there are
already some research showing that the ultrasound in the womb well have influences on the formation of
synapses in the brain.
Perhaps we are 100 years smarter and will look back and say here, then the the did not know. But we do
not need to wait another 100 years, because since 1950, there are no studies which indicate the possible
harmful effects of ultrasound in the womb. Caused a stir investigations of the radiologist Dr. Doreen
Liebeskind from New York Albert Einstein College of Medicine. After they had suspended cells in
suspension for 30 seconds low dose ultrasound pulses, they observed changes in cell appearance and
mobility of cells, abnormal cell growth and abnormal chromosomes, some of which were passed on to the
next generation. Dr. Liebeskind is not alone in its frightening discovery. Robert Bases, Director of Radiology
at the Albert Einstein College, had more than 700 publications since 1950, testifying that ultrasound has
effects on living systems. Moreover, Dr. body were Kinds results of four other independent laboratories
confirmed (6).
Another study Revealed that in newborn rats in a similar stage of brain development are like human fetuses
in the fourth or fifth month, is done in the usually the routine ultrasound, auftretten by the ultrasonic
destruction of myelin, which nerves surrounds (Ellisman et al., 1987). It turns out that just the nervous
system is particularly vulnerable by ultrasound. Furthermore observed failures of the neurons. An animal
study published in 1999 (Brennan and colleagues) showed (7) that mice given doses were exposed, which
are typical of the ultrasound in the womb, decreased by 22% rate of cell division and showed evidence of a
doubling of Aptosis (programmed cell death) in the cells of the small intestine. Please you his critical when
you hear the next time ultrasound examinations had "demonstrated no adverse effects on you or your child!"
I want the reader only encourage them all to critically what is now sold as harmless.
It is a means, such as phosphorus which has precisely one very strake susceptibility to radiation. If you
encounter problems after irradiation bone destruction or osteoporosis, abscesses or fistulas then you should
think of Silicea.
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With changes in atmospheric electricity before a thunderstorm Silica reacts with great weakness. In
response to high-frequency radiation is often thinks of phosphorus and strong responses to low-frequency
radiation it tends to Silicea. Phosphorus and Silica react strongly to mobile stations.
Here is actually exactly the right place to address the effects of mobile phone radiation trivialized nowadays.
Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, medical physicist at the University of Leipzig, had found that pulsed beams, as
they occur in the network for mobile D- and E- cause changes in brain waves in a further 30 meters. A
surprising discovery is the fact that these EEG effects for a long time can be detected by a mobile phone.
The peaks in the EEG are sometimes even several days detectable even when the electromagnetic
stimulus is turned off for a long time.
Dr. von Klitzing: "If a biological system is influenced by artificial signals, then that is always negative cells
are in constant communication with each other and exchange nonstop vital information that is done by our
cells with electromagnetic signals and ion exchange at the cell membrane ion... but are pulsed in our body,
passed through ion channels specifically with low pulse frequencies up to about 400 Hz (for this discovery
was the way the Nobel Prize awarded). There is every indication that technically pulsed beams, the external
impact on us, those change undesirable biological processes. it undoubtedly occur biological effects and it is
clear that pulsed microwaves change with low powers the human EEG. "
Unfortunately pulsed mobile networks are further on the rise. Since it is a billion dollar market with a
corresponding lobby, it is difficult to collect critical voices, although there are already in Germany more than
200 citizen initiatives against cell phone. But why is it so bad?
Let's look at the differences between the old B and C mobile networks and the new D and E networks. The
new D and E networks are pulse-modulated digital networks, in contrast to the older B and C networks. The
fundamental frequency of the E networks is around 900 megahertz (MHz) and the pulse frequency at 217
Hz. The fundamental frequency of the E networks is 1.9 gigahertz (GHz), which corresponds to a typical
microwave range and it is also pulsed low frequency. It is this kontinuierlich- periodic pulse makes the
problem. One can carry a lamp as an example comparison in mind: If, for example a 100-watt light bulb
illuminates a space, then that is comfortable for us. If this light is pulsed, i.e. it is in strobe lights in the disco.
The 100-watt bulb, and the wavelength are the same, it's just the pulsation showing a significant effect on
our unpleasant feelings.
We had a training biologists from Milan, who told us that there is a massive destruction of lymphocytes in
the body after a few minutes of a phone call. In order to finally make with these evil rumors conclusion, the
largest Australian mobile operators decided on a experiment to prove that cell phone radiation is completely
harmless. 100 rats were exposed to mobile phone radiation for 20 minutes every day. So, this is not much in
this day and age in which many people spend hours on the phone. Unfortunately, four times as many
lymphomas developed in the irradiated group of rats within six months as in the non-irradiated control group
(Maes). No one would have a clear explanation of the mobile operators expect and came "You could try with
the rats not on the people transferred because it is other biological systems." That's a bit much, usually just
as always, animal testing is demanded as evidence. This should no longer apply at once here. One must of
course also ask: When the researchers already knew that you cannot compare rats with people, why were
then made an attempt at all?
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I just wanted to make clear from this example that we receive through the media specific information that
influence us so that we do not know in the end what to believe. It may the unprejudiced reader read it all
critical and check for yourself. It's the same with the Federal Office for Radiation Protection as completely
unriskant classified DECT phones. These are the cordless phones with a strong transmitting base station. At
a distance of 50 cm, a radiation intensity of 20,000 NW is achieved. We know from the studies of Dr. von
Klitzing that a 100 NW cause significant brain wave changes.
Here are a few case studies that point to the dangers of DECT phones. A patient with multiple sclerosis
takes for a year over 30 kg and complains of constant headaches and diarrhea. In a home visit the doctor
recognizes the DECT telephone, which stood near the head of the patient, and pulls it out of the socket. The
patient had bought this cordless phone exactly one year ago. Since the removal of this PHONES
disappeared existing for a year headache and diarrhea and the patient resumed to 10 kg.
An eight-year-old boy scratching due to the massive itching for six months every night in his sleep the skin
blood. Six months ago, a DECT phone in the next room was installed. The parents could not believe it
when short time after removal of the phone stopped the itching immediately and forever, and the child could
sleep every night again.
Equally striking is not the case of a 38- year-old notary, who suffered from insomnia, palpitations and
sweating. The blood pressure rose to 110 to 150, although the patient had to be Lebne long low blood
pressure. He received beta-blockers, but all complaints remained.
Only at a building biology investigation was recognized DECT signals from the home of a neighbor. The
neighbor was insightful and got another phone and within a few days all symptoms disappeared at the
notary and the blood pressure returned to normal.
If you want to do something for your health, then replace your cordless phone back to an analog phone to
cable or ask for the new generation of low-radiation DECT phones. At the urging of many consumers low-
radiation equipment was manufactured, but are not advertised by the industry as such, because that would
mean that they would have to admit that the old devices radiate too much.
It is a well known essential means for burns. It can be directly applied locally as a DI for burns. J. H. all has
observed that Causticum has proved if warts occur on the irradiated areas (especially after X-rays).
When the muscles and tendons contract after the irradiations are contracted and painful. The mucous
membranes to feel burning and raw.
For burns also Hhnereiwei, which is passed to the burned area is. It then forms a protective layer, which
has a healing effect on skin.
Fluoricum- acidum
An Austrian doctor uses Fluoricum- Acidum as the main agent for burns after X-ray irradiation and
reported very good results. I have the means, unfortunately, rarely used to make a statement to, but in the
literature it is praised as a means for burns after X-rays. Less frequently used means when irradiated Follow
Cobaltum- nitricum, strontium carb, cadmium sulphuratum, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Nux vomica and
Sol (Knzli).
During irradiation should officially any ointments and cosmetics are avoided at the irradiation position, but
there are patients who suffer greatly under irradiation, so you can locally as relief with some agents.
Aloe vera
Since aloe vera comes first question, which is a very good means for cooling and pain relief. Aloe vera is
also a means for burns and sunburn. It promotes skin regeneration. If strong burning pain in the irradiated
area occur Aloe is a good palliative.
The love Marigold prevents applied locally scarring and regenerates the skin. Either as an ointment or 5
drops of the mother tincture, then apply to the irradiated area on half a glass of water and.
(2) The New England Journal of Medicine, 1993; 329 (12): 874-5
(4) Dr. Sarah J. Buckley, Ultrasound Scans- Not So Safe and Sound; Nexus 9/6 2002
(8) Dr. Sarah J. Buckley, Ultrasound Scans- Not So Safe and Sound; Nexus 9/6 2002
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In 1999, Dr. Spinedi gave me the opportunity to speak at his training week, the so-called "week of
September," a small lecture on papillomaviruses. My theories and hypotheses of the past have now been
confirmed and I want to play an excerpt of his speech again. I think it is very important that you recognize
the relationships between viruses and tumor development closely. Meanwhile, I am of the opinion that the
EBV virus even stronger promoter function in tumor events holds as HPV, EBV Burkitt's lymphoma is
described in even as the triggers and Hodgkin's disease is found in 60% of cases, the EBV virus.
But we go Return to the beginning of tumorigenesis and to my lecture 1999: the cells of a tumor usually
originate from a common origin cell that before a tumor at all at some point, often many years visible
palpable, has strayed from the path of controlled cell division.
The evolution towards malignancy arises from the fact that in such cells accumulate mutations that affect
certain classes of genes. Two classes of genes play in carcinogenesis essential role proto- oncogenes and
tumor suppressor genes, proto oncogenes promote tumor cell growth and tumor suppressor genes curb it.
In my research on the development of cancer, I came very often to the p53 tumor suppressor gene. If a
mutation in the chromosomal DNA is created, it recognizes the p53 Supressorgen insofar as it is functional,
and causes the abnormal cell to commit apoptosis (controlled cell death), thus not further mutated cell lines
may arise. More than 50% of all tumor types, we find a defective p53 tumor suppressor gene. In case of
failure of this gene it comes to tumor growth. Tumor cells, which we implanted a functional p53 gene,
stopped her uninhibited growth.
Carcinoma of the cervix are often linked with certain Papillomavirusunfektionen (HPV 16 + 18). Let's look at
this a little closer papillomavirus, there are about 70 different papillomavirus types, including HPV 5, 8, 16,
17 and 18 have a proven oncogenic potential. Condylomata- acuminata, the so-called Genital warts are
caused by the HPV types 6, 11, and separated by 16 and 18. Now urged me formally the question of
whether it could well be a connection between papillomavirus infection and loss of p53 Supressorgens.
Papilloma viruses express a protein in a large amount, the so-called E6 protein, which binds to a specific
gene sequence in the p53 Supressorgen and this therefore makes inoperable. The papillomaviruses, which
are responsible for the formation of warts, can promote tumor formation on this trigger mechanism. If there
was now a possibility to restore the function of the p53 tumor growth could be made undone because tumor,
which one einschleuste functional suppressor genes regressed again.
This is currently the vision of the scientists, restoring the function of tumor suppressor genes, which has so
far succeeded only with limited success. But if we could prevent the expression of the E6 protein of
papillomaviruses, we had more functioning p53 available.
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The more we now go with the molecular detail, the closer we get to Hahnemann.
Hahnemann writes in "Volume I Chronic Diseases" that the cause of chronic miasmatic diseases, ie,
INFECTIOUS nature. He knew that on a sycotic terrain can develop warts and condylomata and he realized
that these are often immediate precursor of cancer. He did not know that there are papilloma viruses that
cause warts and condylomata, but he suspected an infectious agent.
My daring hypothesis now is that it is viral blocking of p53 Supressorgens is a reversible process,
which can be treated with antimiasmatischen means.
Already J. C. Burnett used Thuja, the Hauptantisykotikum Hahnemann, as the most common intermediate
means at his cancer cures. In the treatment of abdominal tumors in which HPV was detected, I used very
often Thuja or other Antisykotika with good success. But in my opinion, all the means are able to influence
warts, at the same time a potential cure against tumors. In the coming years, scientific research is always to
go into details and the dream of being able to finally fix tumor suppressor genes, perhaps goes too someday
come true. But one thing is certain: the deeper science goes into detail, the more it approaches
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My way to Homeopathy
Even at age 17, I felt in my heart that I want to cure cancer. I had set myself in the head, easy to learn
everything you need to know it. Many held me back then for a fantasist, but I had the feeling that one has to
go new ways to treat cancer. I've always had a strong urge to explore. That's why I was able to land at the
end only in homeopathy because it seemed to be a logical concept that.
My mother learned homeopathy Dr. Eichelberger in Munich and as I already had at school the opportunity to
study the homeopathic literature.
My former teacher Kung Fu Alan Baklayan told me insights into traditional Chinese medicine and
A. Baklayan now writes books about parasites and deals with the dark-field microscopy, an exciting area
which has opened up to me in the last few years. The dark field microscopy is a fascinating area and I have
seen so many blood tests mold etc., but it helps a little for the homeopathic therapy and remedy selection.
I wanted to go to a medical practitioner school because I thought I only want to learn homeopathy and
Chinese medicine after graduation. But then I realized that you can criticize one thing, if one has studied it in
detail and so I began to study medicine in Munich. Now I'm glad to have studied medicine, for the diagnosis
of medicine is very important and much has been very helpful, I could learn. I had seen from the beginning
of the study at all under homeopathic point of view. Right from the first semester in formation of a
homeopathic Working Group, which was supervised by Dr. Michael Barthel? It's amazing that almost all
have become known homeopath from this working group (Thomas Quack, Jan Geissler, Miklos Tacacs, Rolf
Kron, Christian Kettler, etc.).
We met regularly and we parted with great fascination the "Knzli- cases," of which we have benefited
greatly. The Repertorisationskurse Dr. Horst Barthel led me deeper into the homeopathic treatment
Then I had the good fortune to the supervision of Dr. Spinedi in Locarno in 1992. Actually, the supervision
group, who had previously led Dr. Knzli in Zurich, only reserved for physicians. All doctors from the
supervision group should now vote on whether we should now also allow medical students. The application
was rejected, but since Dr. Spinedi spoke up and said, who really wants to learn is to come. And as it turned
out, I sat from 1992 every four weeks I Rolf Kron and Christian Kettler to Locarno, went to participate in the
supervision of Dr. Spinedi weekends.
My father decided in 1992 already advanced colorectal cancer that had already grown into the bladder
diagnosed. The tumor was happening after several operations, several cycles of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy cannot be stopped. He was then sent home to die and also suffered from an antibiotic-resistant
pneumonia. He could no longer own rise from the bed and had no more control over the organs of
elimination. We all knew the family that he would not live to see his birthday in ten days. He coughed all the
time from bloody sputum, clutching his chest there. Then he said, the picture on the wall would have lost the
color, see it gray. He also demanded that it is his coke in the freezer. The fridge was still too warm; the
drinks had to be almost frozen. Then I thought to myself, that's really striking, those are good signs, I
wonder if homeopathy could still help in this final stage of the disease?
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The symptoms that the items are grey, the cough symptoms and cravings for ice cold drinks clearly showed
phosphorus. Maybe thought an attempt cannot be property-gave him a dose of phosphorus C200. The next
day it was like a resurrection: The cough was almost gone; he could get out of bed and go to the toilet
again. My father, who at first did not believe as a chemist and scientist in homeopathy began the next few
When he went back a few years later in the hospital where he had been treated before, thought the doctors,
there comes a ghost. They could not believe that he was still alive. Unfortunately, he did a check-up and it
was found a 3 cm lung metastasis. They wanted to then operate and perform chemotherapy, but my father
and I continued to believe in the power of homeopathy and I gave him more phosphorus. The doctors and
professors were horrified and told him ahead of an early demise. My father continued to live comfortably
until three years later someone from his or her medical history and lung metastasis went on. Was
immediately made him fear again and he went to check into the hospital. It was found that the lung
metastasis had increased by 2cm. So she was grown in three years 2 cm, which means you could keep the
tumour events with homeopathy reasonably stable and the quality of life was very good. This time the
professors were more worried and persuaded him to surgery. The operation showed that the lung
metastasis made it seem bigger. It's actually the best thing we can do with homeopathy when encapsulate
tumours. It is the organism managed to keep the cancer at bay.
But what happened after this operation? The doctors congratulated my father that it was a abgekapselter
tumour in the lung and he was now healed. Exactly four weeks later again began a severe cough and the
investigation revealed a new tumour in the newly operated lung. That is, either by surgery or by the
operational shock was the immune system is no longer able to control any tumour cells or there was the
immense tumour growth.
The doctors could it also does not really explain and so began immediately with chemotherapy. Night
multiple cycles of chemotherapy, then my father died.
He certainly would have lived longer if he had then gone ahead homeopathy. We reach the tumour events
with homeopathy sometimes an unstable equilibrium and in this state the tumours remain silent and if you
disturb the equilibrium, the tumours can continue to grow. But at least my father, after he had already been
sent home to die, lived for seven years using homeopathy.
When, in conversation was in 1997 that it would possibly be a homeopathic clinic in Locarno, asked Dr.
Spinedi if I wanted to come to Locarno. At first I was for some time in Munich at the hemato-oncology. The
end of 1998 I started at the hospital in Locarno with enthusiasm to treat cancer only.
In the early days of the clinic, we had a lot of seriously ill patients and many days and nights I spent in the
hospital to assist the patient. It is a difficult task to work with cancer patients. We have fortunately a very
good team and Dr. Spinedi passes meticulously and tirelessly supervision, so I was always able to discuss
with him many of my patients.
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If I write this, I realize how important it was my teacher Dr. Spinedi learned to have. He could on the one
hand provide a great homeopathic knowledge, but he also knew like no other to convey human compassion.
He also knew how to assist in an odd kind of dying people.
I think he also draws a lot of power from his strong religious feeling. Someone Dr. Spinedi had compared
times with a pastor and wanted him so rather disparaging, but who has ever experienced Dr. Spinedi at the
bedside with a seriously ill man who knows what compassion means.
Of course I did further research in other directions and so our daily lunch meetings have become stimulating
discussions. I Winn e.g. tell something about Burnett, we have both been to smile. Dr. Spinedi like me are
still seeking to find the bestenWeg in cancer treatment. That is why we try in the clinic and getting new
approaches to improve treatment for the patient.
It is a great gift to me was a teacher like Dr. Spinedi have to be allowed, which has given me a lot of
knowledge and humanity.
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papillomavirus type 16 together are necessary and sufficient for transformation of primary human
Keratinocytes J. Virol 63, 4417-4421
Weinberg, Robert: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Spezial 5: Krebsmedizin
Weiss, R., Teich, N. Varmus H., Coffin J. (1985): RNA-Tumour viruses: Molecular Biology of Tumour
Viruses 2nd ed cold spring harbour lab. New York
Werness B.A. Levin A.J. Howle P.M. (1990): Association of Human Papillomavirus Types 16 and 18 E6
Proteins with p53 science 248, 76-69
General literature list:
Alle Burnett Bcher, Kent, Allen, Geiler / Quak: Leitfaden Homoopathie, Hackethal: Operation ja
oder mein, Repertorium Mc Repertory.
Page 70
Part 2:
Any theory must prove itself in the Praxiz. Now, some cases of cancer patients I treat now over many years
to follow. I have every patient at this time very fond of and I'm glad and grateful that I was able to help these
people using homeopathy.
I especially difficult picked out for the book to be treated cases, which were mostly given up or incurable by
conventional medicine.
The cases are shown to the homeopathic interested reader can understand exactly how I came upon the
material chosen. The detailed repertorizations intended to support and show that homeopathy is not an
esoteric spinning, but that it is a scientific system, which is done exercise and learn each action step. The
book is intended for the homeopathic practitioner who, on the basis of treated cases that can comprehend
analyzes and procedures to apply what is experienced in their own practice The cases are constructed
differently, so you can already make your own thoughts about the possible remedies in the case histories.
Each case still contains many notes on the theory and practice of homeopathic cancer treatment. I hope that
the book will contribute to more cancer patients can be treated with homeopathy. It just requires a different
mindset than our usual school medical thinking. To all critics of homeopathy are invited to study these cases
carefully and to consider how they even these patients if they had completely incurable, abandoned and
hopeless sitting in front of them, treated, If then these critics of homeopathy in these cases, would have to
have better healing method, then they may contact me so I can learn this method. Otherwise, they should
be silent and a little pack at themselves. Most of the cases presented here are by independent doctors of
Tumour Biology, University of Freiburg, which with us a large study carried out to test the effectiveness of
homeopathy in cancer patients have been examined in relation to diagnosis, course and means gifts. I have
given investigators full access to the file and some of these cases presented here have been included in the
prospective study.
The patient will be contacted every four months of the Tumour Biology in Freiburg and must provide
information about their current health status.
Malignant melanoma on the back, tumour thickness 1.1 cm operated (PT2 Clarke Level III)
Three months later melanoma metastases in the left axilla (the Axillametastasen were palpable and
verified histologically after biopsy!)
Immediate axillary dissection is recommended, but rejected by the patient.
In 1999 it became a friendly, adiposer 50-jahriger pastor, sweating heavily in my practice at Clinic st. Croce
ago. After a melanoma surgery graced almost 40cm long scar his studded with pimples and pustules back.
Page 71
Even short time after melanoma removal jerk can be already found in the left axillary metastases of
melanoma (histologically confirmed by biopsy sample). There is a renewed immediate surgery
recommended and it is a time of radical axillary dissection.
But then the god-fearing man shocked the orthodox medical world and said, that he no longer wanted to
have surgery because he fears to be operated otherwise every few months new surgery.
He knew quite well that in metastatic melanoma already the cure rate is very low. He wanted to go a
different way, he selected homeopathy. The assaults and threats of the medical profession, the predicted
him a death within the next three months if he could not operate his faith in homeopathy could not shake.
By the devotion to worldly pleasures and the fondness for hearty eating, his body weight had climbed to 145
kg. The blood pressure was significantly increased, so he had to take antihypertensive drugs regularly. An
existing ever since the childhood severe acne, which had his back and his face already marked with
numerous scars, still bothered him. Antibiotic ointments and face, which he had used most of his life, have
never helped it. The face, especially around the nose was covered with thick pus pimples and shone greasy.
The acne on the back was classified as surgical risk. He described each symptom but very carefully and
tried to find an explanation for the same. He was his life-long warm-blooded so that he did not have heat in
the winter. He said in his office it was so cold, as his wife dare not pure, for that would otherwise freeze it.
To sleep he would like all windows open and stretches the uncomfortable night warning expectant feet from
the bed. He also sweats a lot especially under the armpits, unfortunately somewhat unpleasant smelling.
The toenails grow for many years and over again, making a regular pedicure required. For half a year, the
toes always furry and it hurts a heel spur. At the wrist rises a ganglion, which is surrounded by very rough
skin. The eyes are very red and especially in the morning tears very easily in windy conditions or low draft.
He had often otitis media with chronic secretion, so that he almost always cotton had earlier in the ears. He
has always been a down to earth human being who has seen the good side of life and as soon could upset
anything. Only existing for a year clashes with his son have repeatedly internally very shocked him and left a
feeling of total helplessness and would give rise to fear that he might lose the son. Since that time he sleeps
poorly and usually wakes up after 3:00 clock and then cannot get back to sleep. During sleep there is a
strong salivation.
After the medical history must we just ask of course, always, with what type of tumour for one we have to do
it and if we can find in this patient any trigger for this cancer can.
Melanoma is a disease which arises due to an impaired immune function and liver failure. The sun exposure
naturally plays a very important role, but becomes a melanoma only when a predisposed people develop.
When you consider that nearly 30% of all patients who had an organ transplant, some within ten years kind
of skin cancer (melanoma, squamous, basal cell carcinoma) develop, one should wonder why that is? All
patients with organ transplantation, in order to prevent organ rejection, immunosuppressive drugs are taking
Page 72
This weakens the immune system in the long term and there are preferentially formed skin cancers. There
are also interesting studies that in Russian submarine crews increased incidence of melanoma is observed.
These people are exposed to the sun a little and they lack just by insufficient vitamin D production due to
lack of sun protection fabrics for the optimal immune function. Scientists at the John Hopkins Kimmel cancer
centre in Baltimore (USA) translated from mice stressful situations and a cancer-causing UV irradiation. The
experimental animals developed tumours twice as fast as ungestresste control mice. Even chronic stress
weakens the immune system and can lead to an immunological dysfunction.
The key to a cure of the malignant is the restoration of the intact immunological functions in the organism.
Using homeopathy is that possible. Ausschulmedizinischer view there is not yet a concept that had been
proven to cure a metastatic melanoma. It could previously be achieved only short-term life extensions. But
I'll allow me to show off the future, how to heal malanome. Especially, when the melanoma is on
immunological disturbance level and therefore fails all chemotherapy regimens in the metastatic melanoma
because the immune system is further weakened by the chemotherapy regimens.
I want to push a little anecdote before I can think again, when I talk about the melanoma. When I completed
my course in dermatology at the University of Munich, we were among others to see slides of melanoma. I
distinctly remember a case in which a patient had a large melanoma of the face and slightly below this
melanoma were visible two smaller melanomas. Then we got to see another slide, which six months later
showed the same patient, the large melanoma had grown significantly, but one of the two smaller
melanomas was gone. The professor showed us the slides to illustrate the rapid growth and malignancy of
By contrast, I was just fascinated that had disappeared a little melanoma and told me all excited and asked
what had disappeared with the small melanoma and told me all excited and asked what had happened to
the little melanoma. The professor said that my often obscure questions a little tired, but that the essential
thing that the large tumour has grown. Only after further questioning from me, he said that it was because
the immune system at this point probably successfully reduced melanoma (regression zones). That day, I
was probably the only student who was really satisfied.
From that day on, it was clear to me that it is possible to cure melanoma when the immune system is
working properly again. If it was possible to the immune system, to regress a little melanoma again, with all
healing of melanoma is only the immune system is the key to healing. So you have to bring the disturbed
immune status in order. Why do you even experiments with interferons, but of course do not act individually
enough and many hospitals now suggest that because of the low response rate from 6% and the
disproportionate side effects of interferon therapy, not to mention the immense costs once. Also, the
consensus of the German cancer society says in the interdisciplinary guideline for the treatment of
Chemotherapy and irradiation should try to avoid if you have the right to cure melanoma. It is also not
recommended adjuvant chemotherapy for metastatic melanoma and it is purely a palliative measure, but
which also shows little effect on the survival time.
All theoretical constructs did not help much. Any theory must prove itself in the clinic.
Page 73
If they would succeed here in our case, restore the immunological function using homeopathy, then we
would have a chance to help this man.
According to the history, we work with the patient a history list of parameters to capture the distressing
symptoms of the patient.
History parameters:
1. Furry toes
2. Oily skin / hair / face
3. Acne / pimples on the face / nose
4. Extreme tiredness
5. Awakening around 2:00 clock / asleep by 2:00 clock
6. Painful Heel Spurs
7. Tearing of the eyes
8. Increased blood pressure
9. weight
10. Ganglion wrist
11. Toenails grow a (for years, every four weeks).
we must first work out all the symptoms that we were able to elicit the patient's history. We created a list with
the symptoms and then they are counted.
From the mind here we have a happy, optimistic people in front of us, who theorized much. Mind; Theorizing
(23); mind; OPTIMISM (21) (the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of drug-back, which occur in
this group). The patient likes to eat well and plenty of nourishing foods. The food desires and dislikes are
always very important. General; FOOD and drinks; fat and meaty dishes; Desire (30); stomach; DURST;
large quantities of (50). The stature of a man should always be included in the total score. General;
The temperature behaviour is also an important general symptom. The patient is very sultry, heat worse with
him. The temperature regulation is disturbed and it stretches for cooling your feet out of bed. This is so
striking that it is a -153-symptom. Extremities; HEAT FEELING; walk; covers the foot from (34); General;
HEAT; agg .; Space (122). He always needs to open windows in your sleep because you used the good
It is always very important to realize the objective observable mark on the patient. The ganglion wrist cannot
explain away one and toenails grow for years every four weeks, which are objectively observable signs.
Extremities; ABOUT LEG; Wrist, on (15); extremities; NAILS; Complaints; ingrown; Toenails (27). The oily
face, the strength acne, increased sweating are the signs of a troubled skin - and detoxification function.
Since he suffered all his life from acne already, this disorder has been around a long time and should have
been treated homoeopathically early. But unfortunately, he was repeatedly treated with ointments, cortisone
and antibiotics for this acne. Unfortunately, this is very unwise, because it was just trying to make to get the
surface "already" without treating the inner cause.
Page 74
Even Hahnemann warns in the "Chronic Diseases Volume 1" before the bad effects of suppression of skin
rashes. These suppressive treatments you may already laid the foundation for his melanoma. That should
animate all dermatologists to only explore the internal cause of rash as to treat him outwardly, which is
tantamount to rejection. Due to years of oppression of rashes we take the Section: skin; Rash; General;
suppressed (69).
As a frequent consequence of another valve is wanted by the body to soothe an inner suffering so when
suppressed eruptions. In our patient, the ears served as a valve. Constant ear infections and chronic
discharge from the ears were the result. A homeopathic doctor thinking recognizes these relationships and
attempts to restore order, administered by the chronic middle. However, our patient is unfortunately an
otolaryngologist, who repeatedly tried to treat only the ears to stop the chronic ear discharge. Only after
several operations on the ear (!), he had "made it" and the ear discharge was stopped. Our patient praises
this doctor even today. Unfortunately, that was another, even worse oppression. It was again closed a valve
that allows the body actually wanted to keep the damaged skin function in check. Ear; SECRETIONS;
chronic (15), ear; SECRETIONS; Skin rashes, according to the oppressed (12). Now, the disease will shift
to a deeper level. After years of oppression is then available at the end of the melanoma. By removing the
cause of melanoma melanoma was still not eliminated and therefore it is not surprising that showed
metastases after a few months. We need to treat the cause and thus escape the melanoma growth ground.
Now follows a re-analysis, are in striking and well-observed symptoms selected. The choice of good results
in symptoms significantly Sulphur.
No, we must ask ourselves whether Sulphur may be able at all to cure melanoma. If you looked in the
repertory 1999 were found at that time, no sulphur. Therefore, the differential diagnosis to other agents is
very important.
We see in our Repertoristation that Lachesis, a proven melanoma agent, is the third. That is why there is a
differential diagnosis to Lachesis. We see that even after complaints have chronic ear secretions. It even
has the ganglion and ingrown toenails. If we had plunged us only a few symptoms, then you certainly could
also give Lachesis, but it is important to consider the totality of the symptoms and then you realize that
Lachesis does not require either dine greasy. Lachesis has not the greasy face.
If you still considers the whole being of the patient, then you can prescribe a good feeling Sulphur.
In the major miasmatic analysis there are no recognizable hereditary blockages or vaccination loads. We
spent one year Long acne, the discharge from the ears and the many symptoms of latent psora a clear
psoric miasma before us. The suppression of skin rashes sure is a cause (causa), which had to be taken
into account.
The patient was previously treated homoeopathically 15 years by other doctors and got a wide range of high
potencies of different agents, which were respectively given for acute conditions. It's just important to realize
that homeopathy only protects you if you get the right resources over a long period of time. Many claim that
homeopathy does not in principle. But that's only because they have been applied incorrectly. If the laws of
homeopathy should be true and it should be granted this man to beat his cancer, then this could mean that
all of his symptoms most represented to be his salvation.
Page 76
We now consider the first few days in the hospital with Sulfur Q3 to assess the reactions to the Q-potencies.
Reactions to the Q-potencies can then decide whether the agent is properly selected or whether new
evidence for other assets have.
Here is an excerpt from the visits to the clinic as e suns told the patient:
"When I lie in bed, I stretch out your feet still, fortunately the ceilings are so short here because I do not
have them kick back." After the first day, we do not have any reaction to the drug.
"The toes are barely furry, because what does. Tonight I left feet in bed comfortable tonight. My heel spurs, I
feel it is a constant pain. Yesterday I walked around two hours to Locarno. From the energy I feel much
better. Was a long walk. When I think last week was yet to go to the second floor my limit. My right eye has
been watering yesterday not so as usual, this is much better. I was otherwise a very intense lacrimation
(better by 70%). Something positive: Otherwise, my face is always smeared with a layer of fat that last night
was dry, it was really clear. "Comment this visit:
This is very good reactions, that is, the agent will process the entire people and even old chronic complaints
it change quite quickly.
"Rr today 180/110 (blood pressure), the power to worry. The eyes are watering not get updated anymore.
Acne on the back less red. I have a strong urge to urinate, I have to constantly use the toilet. I no longer
have the urge to knit the feet out of bed. The heel spur hurts less. I have strong urge to urinate every two
hours, although I do not use water tablet. It is really much, so much came even with the water tablets do not.
"I was arrested and thrown into prison. I then phoned. Through my phone I found out something important.
Seven years ago, there was some trouble at work and this is a point that I was still charged. It is a point that
is not yet processed, and because I have to think about it often. I am now trying to re-establish a
The blood pressure goes up. This is not surprising for the immediate cessation of blood pressure
medications, but should with the right tools warden stable soon. Nowadays I keep the blood pressure
medication at first, and if under the Q-power transfer goes down the blood pressure, the medications
warden stopped. The strong urge to urinate is enough to show that detoxification is stimulated and excrete
the kidneys more.
Page 77
Then come dreams. When we look at the homeopathic remedy dreams that contain key issues or conflicts
of man, the agent is usually correct. My teacher Dr. Spinedi is the specialist in interpreting dreams and he
has also taught me to always exactly the feelings that arise in the dream, be included in the drug analysis.
Now where prizes patients shows in a dream a conflict from the profession, the already burdened him years.
It often happens that the correct homeopathic remedy woolen bring these central problems to the surface so
that it can warden made and processed consciously.
"I do not wipe the whole day from the face. It is much less greasy. I'm actually in top shape. I feel so good
that I will soon return home. "The urge to urinate is less.
"The apartment was a mess totals, then I'm howling ran out of the apartment, because I could not stand the
chaos and disorder. I did not understand because I'm actually a very decent person."
In general, it is considerably better to the patient, the face is not oily, which means that we were able to
achieve very much on the skin with the agent function. The dream is really impressive, as in this patient,
which is actually very tidy, a complete mess in the apartment prevailed. In psychoanalysis, the apartment or
the house, the seat of the ego and the unconscious. We have in this patient disturbed, disordered function
of the immune system, and now he spurt inside, must escape from that era us this disorder. He runs in a
dream howling out of this mess. There will be a new order. The remedy seems to be very good for these
Positive message: "RR 140/90, as well as I've never had it. The nose is better and makes it no more
pimples. Today awakened at 2:30 clock, then awake an hour, then slept until 7:00 clock as long as I could
not sleep for a long time. "
If sleep is better, which is always a good sign and blood pressure levels off now also.
"Today, the RR is 145/100 (blood pressure). Next positive, the numbness of the limbs are gone. The
GANGLION on the right WRIST becomes smaller. I feel mentally and physically in top form - as long gone. "
To comment visit:
"That is the ganglion as quickly responds unusual that could have been expected after weeks or months.
The agent must be really be his Similimum.
It must be said that this was an unusually rapid response to the agent. We would have been happy if
all symptoms had also improved only by 10%, as it takes time until the organism is surrounded.
But after such a good response to the means you can safely continue surfaces with Sulfur. Nevertheless, it
is always important to get feedback on how the course is. The patient goes after twelve days in our clinic
back home and get Sulfur Q4.
To describe all the course in detail, I would have to write 100 pages, so I give back only the course with
some important remarks and the means shares shortly.
Another therapy leveling here for complete documentation administered agent with special notes:
The patient receives the exact instructions for the proper administration of the Q-potencies home and starts
at home with Sulfur Q4.
Sometimes it is better to give the means not every day, especially if you want to avoid overdose.
It was so good that I went over to the C potencies after five months and this prescribed by the Kent`schen
series. If one goes to the high potencies, you can run the case quiet.
After waiting for 35 days and then assess how have changed the parameters and then the new agent. If the
recovery progresses, you will continue with the same agent.
After half a year Sulfur in ascending Q-potencies and C potencies he reported that he no longer feels as
good as the last three years. The then classified as operational risk acne is gone, and he had no
Page 79
oily facial skin more. Now, after six months he should almost be in accordance with the predictions of the
doctors already, but he's so amazingly well that he presented himself in this clinic to make them
uttersuchen. The attending doctor at the clinic looking at his back and asked, incredulous as to where his
acne was gone, he could find only two pimples. The doctor had amazement had a facial expression that
matches a person who just had a Marian apparition. The lymph node metastases were also gone! All nodes
in the armpit had receded. There were no more feelings of pressure in the armpit.
The doctors who had urged him to radical Ausraumung all axillary lymph nodes, gratuberten him and said,
surgery is now no longer necessary. Sleep is now relaxing and the feet are not hot at night.
He cannot feel an inner satisfaction as a long time. The toe nails do not grow a since the sulfur and the
ganglion wrist and heel spurs are also gone.
We have managed to restore order structure in the body using homeopathy and build up the immune
system so that all chronic years of interference itself could be eliminated again. Now the cancer is removed
from the growth of any basis.
Of course, six months very short with metastatic melanoma and we must treat continuously to promote
04:07:00 Sulfur M
10:11:00 Sulfur M
23:01:01 Sulfur XM
19:03:01 Sulfur XM
15:05:01 Sulfur CM
The CM has a duration of at least 3 months, so I have to have a placebo effect between given to the agent.
24.07.01 Sulfur CM
Armed with a lot of anger and trembling with gastric complaints. If Sulfur angry, he is often in a state
Staphisagria- and also in our patient could Staphisagria good help in this particular situation.
22:01:02 Sulfur M
The night was not so pleasant, the skin was something bad. The facial skin was oily again.
The reactions were then again very pleasing and the symptoms improved again.
12:03:03 Sulfur XM
Now this is quite interesting: So far, I gave the patient over the years his basic means Sulfur and it went
very well and now he developed some symptoms that are noticeable and cause me to give him
phosphorus. He suddenly developed a craving for ice cold milk. He drinks a quart of ice-cold milk at a time.
I think that that's very striking, and given that these for years have diabetes type II, although the relative is
stable with homeopathy, it could be that these now need phosphorus. Phosphorus is a very good remedy
for diabetes and affects heavily on the islet cells of the pancreas. However, phosphorus is not a good
remedy for melanoma, but I think to myself, after years of Sulfur and the disappearance of metastases, the
patient is already out in the cancer process and I can now give phosphorus.
He reports back a month later and reported that the demand has decreased rapidly after ice-cold milk and
that he is actually very good feeling with the agent. He thanks very much for the good agent because he's
so good. I think that still affects phosphorus and give him Saccharum lactis.
Phosphorus has worked well, the extreme craving for ice-cold milk diminishes very quickly, the patient is
satisfied. May we be satisfied? No, we need to look at the course, because we can wegbehandeln specific
symptoms unfortunately also with homeopathic remedies, but without grasping the whole. I am writing this
so that you can learn from my mistake here.
On 29/05/03 he says,
that the blood pressure has risen sharply and the glucose levels have decreased significantly. He also feel a
sense of pressure on the heart.
The agent phosphorus was surrendered pursuant to an abnormal current symptom. There are some schools
in homeopathy, for example, Select due to the now prevailing state of mind means, without using the
miasmatic or physical symptoms. When the mood changes again, another remedy is prescribed. If you're
working without taking into account the totality of the symptoms, you will make many oppressions and the
disease will go inside. However, I have in many cancer cases that were very complicated, with the way that
the currently predominant symptomatology highly rated, often the case further brought a bit and fed him
stages of healing. However, the best method in uncomplicated cases still is, to use the totality of symptoms
as the basis for drug selection. Now you can tell because of the increase in the objective evaluation criteria
such as blood pressure and glucose levels that it is a mistake on my part was to give phosphorus. Not that I
managed to rid a troublesome symptom, but it was a rejection. You can work with homeopathy similar to
conventional medicine when prescribing for each
Page- 81
symptom means without understanding the cause. The result is then usually a suppression of symptoms,
which ultimately leads to a progress of the disease. That's why I remember back on the totality of symptoms
and return ruefully on:
The response has been very positive, blood pressure and sugar levels stabilized again and the feelings of
pressure disappeared at heart. I was really glad I had renewed again to the good line and my mistake to
suppress the symptoms of phosphorus was eliminated again.
09:07:03 Sulfur C200 (sugar better, better blood pressure, heart in order)
10:09:03 Sulfur M
I'll change again to the Q-potency, because I think he needs the means even more intense because of the
sleep he was again something bad inside and a little nervous.
08:06:04 Sulfur XM
16:07:04 Sulfur XM
It's just so good that I think the Sulfur from October looks even more.
29.03.05 Sulfur M
You can already see that the funds are made to last, which is a good sign. That's why I give from time to
placebo in between, so as not to make the mistake of disturbing an agent which has not yet affected.
02:06:05 Sulfur M
He is a little irritated and feel easily stressed. Nux and Staphisagria are complementary to sulfur and can
often help well in the acute stress.
It occurs kidney problems. Suddenly, shooting pains and the urine does not flow properly. Immediate
improvement Belladonna C30 and C30 Berberis to be given alternately. One should never actually two
means change so quickly, but in an acute phase of a crisis of renal excretion is the transformation from
Belladonna or Chamomilla and Berberis has proven to me a lot.
28.12.05 Sulfur M
The patient reported that he, in recent times, after he had taken the remedy in the evening, increased
energy and alertness felt and consequently could not sleep so well In such cases, it is the agent in the
morning, then you have the energy for the day and can sleep well at night. Especially with Sulfur I have
often observed that one should give the agent more in the morning.
The night was much better. Liver function tests are very good, the glucose levels also, the HbAlc leigt at 6.6.
For nearly seven years, he is treated with sulfur in Q and C potencies and it showed no recurrence of
metastatic melanoma more. The lymph node metastases disappeared completely under homeopathic
treatment and the man who defied all Bestrmungen the medical profession and put his heart and his life in
the hands of homeopathy was rewarded with health.
Summary overview of the therapy over the last seven years Sulfur.
After almost seven years: No acne, toe nails do not grow a high energy, no recurrence, blood pressure
and sugar stable, patient satisfaction. Metastatic melanoma is healed.
According to conventional medical statistics, the five-year survival rate for metastatic melanoma at 2%.
There are me, despite much research, no cases are known in which a metastatic melanoma using the
conventional medical treatment way with interferons or chemotherapy could be healed. Use of homeopathy,
it is me now succeeded in a few cases, even to cure metastatic melanoma. That should be all the critics of
homeopathy but to encourage people to study this ingenious system of healing by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
This case shows that even with a metastatic tumor in an uncomplicated case a cure with the basic means is
I can not resist a little note to the case with the best intentions. This man, who was laughed at by the
Page- 83
doctors, because he believed in homeopathy, where one had predicted certain death is laughed today after
almost seven years, is still alive "Thanks to homeopathy, Oh I recently with the patient as the Lancet study
and Stiftung Warentest homeopathy constitute ineffective. I think we both had tears in their eyes with
laughter. But they will have even figure it out. it used to be had also claimed that the earth was flat and who
claimed the opposite was executed. "
Just homeopathy and complementary medicine by basic health insurance in Switzerland was removed,
including the spurious grounds that alternative medicine health care costs was driving prohibitive levels. But
the fact is that the alternative medicine accounts for just 0.136% of health costs in Switzerland. There are
other interests behind it, who want to prevent that homeopathy is gaining recognition. To illustrate this, the
cost of interferon therapy, one has to once before eyes, anyway only has a response rate of 6% and cancel
most patients because of side effects after six months. The interferon treatment costs per month 7,500-
and is accepted of course by health insurance. The treatment of my patients with homeopathy, which led to
a cure was not covered by health insurance and stood within seven years 4,500- , which are 53- per
month. It is no wonder that the health system must eventually collapse and so I hope that health insurance
soon realize that homeopathy long term leads to a cost Kung healthcare.
Case Study 2
Beginning of the year 2004 is a very friendly, but very restless acting 57-year-old man to me in the practice.
For some time he had problems with urination, prompting him to consult an urologist. The rectal
examinations revealed a suspicion of prostate cancer. After several biopsies our suspicions are confirmed
and the histological examinations prove the prostate carcinoma. The Gleason score is 9.
In the biopsy in the regular six to twelve tissue samples are taken from the prostate. The individual tissue
cylinders are the pathologist passing, who must now assess in which to test cancer cells are located. In
addition, the pathologist determined in this investigation the potential aggressiveness of the cancer. This is
generally called a grading (G1, 2, 3). When prostate carcinoma manages an even better classification by the
Gleason score, which is a maximum of 10 points can be (5 and 5). A Gleason score 2-5 total points
indicates a rather not so aggressive slow cancer growth, a Gleason-score of 6 and 7 (3 and 4) points a
moderately aggressive growth. A Gleason score 8-10 points is for a cancer with a very high potential
aggressiveness. In our case we are dealing with the most aggressive form, and therefore the prognosis is
very poor.
On MRI of November 20003 shows that the cancer was already extended far and grew backwards towards
the rectum, so that the only gradually occurring pain could explain better. It was suggested to the patient
before the tumor operable to irradiate palliative due to the unfavourable situation. First, however, it was
decided to treat the tumor hormonablativ. It has been prescribed Casodex, a testosterone blocker.
However, patient felt so uncomfortable that he was sweating, weakness and diarrhoea and the hormone
blockers deposed again after two weeks. Normally, this drug is given over years, because we know that
prostate cancer tissue slow this growth stimulation.
The patient tells very excited that he no longer endure the side effects of hormone therapy, which are very
distressing for him want to. He would also not have the surgery, and certainly not already, scheduled
irradiation. He was with two other urologists and both had told him that he had no chance of survival
because the tumour was too advanced. Even if one were to attempt to operate this extensive tumour and
irradiate the cancer continues to grow as a result of the advanced tumour spread and the high degree of
aggressiveness it immediately to renewed tumour growth would lead. The urologist told him to his face that
he was going to die, no matter what treatment he does. Our patient was then plagued totally desperate, or
death fears.
Despite this hopeless situation to the patient wishes to become healthy using homeopathy. I told him that
we can try it and there is a chance if I can find a good homeopathic remedy for him. He should describe all
his complaints, everything it loaded, which prepares him grief, and of course all the symptoms that are
associated with the prostate related might.
The patient begins then, very quickly to tell of his complaints. He is very restless and leans always close to
me and while the eyes wide open. It is the fear of death written all over his face. It seems to me like a
frightened animal in a cage. He always talks fast and moves all the time and tears again and again his eyes
In the prehistory he already had six basal cell carcinomas can be removed surgically. His grandfather had
also had basal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer. The grandfather had undergone a syphilis. Family
history is always very important because we can use it to recognize the hereditary strains and get the same
references to certain miasmatic levels. Basal cell carcinomas are relatively belt-like skin tumors, but which
are to be regarded as an important harbinger cancer. If you remove the basal cell carcinomas without
having treated the cause of Basaliomenentstehung, then the ground for new tumors is created. Here we see
again the connection between the removal of basal cell carcinoma and subsequent tumor formation. Basal
cell carcinomas one should not operate but heal with inner resources. That's me in some cases managed
with homeopathy, but it takes a long time to return to the basal cell carcinoma.
He complains now about a dribbling urination and a pressure he felt in the perineum and into the prostate.
Also in the rectum he feels again a print. The tumor has grown back.
What struck me again and again in history, is that the patient's eyes as much tears and thereby bends over
to me. He had twice had a herpes zoster on the belly and put it in the the basal cell carcinomas were later
His whole life he is suffering from recurrent tonsillitis. He is always careful to protect his neck and ears from
the cold. He likes wearing a headband as he gets earache from the cold. He has a distinct swelling below
the eyes. He suffered many years under bleeding hemorrhoids. The last three months he had a weight loss
of 5kg, making him very distressed, because he ate a lot and over years always had the same weight. He
had always been slim and looks very thin now. A friend told him that this could be the beginning of cancer
cachexia. An utterance, which transformed our patients in more fear. To my question about anxieties he
claimed to be extremely afraid.
This began in 1993 after his father's death. He had a good relationship with his father, but he was not
finished with his death. During the day, holding their fears in check, but at night the fears were reinforced
out. It is clear at night because we do not have intellectual control more and then come the hidden fears up
from the subconscious. With him it was so extreme that I had not previously experienced.
The patient had an insane fear of death and diseases before. The imagination of the death triggered panic
in him. He says he is totally controlled during the day, but the fears overtake him at night ever again.
Since the death of the father in 1993, he wakes up every night between 24:00 and 2:00 clock with a terrible
feeling of fear and it develops an indescribable restlessness in him. This restlessness and anxiety are then
so strong that he has to jump out of bed and in his despair, and the assurance that he is about to die, wants
to jump out the window. Before that, he goes up and down like a lion in the room. It comes in such a
desperate state of fear that he wants to be the only solution to commit suicide by jumping out the window.
Every night since 1993, that is, since about ten years this man has such a terrible dread and panic that he
jumps out of bed, ran to the window and would like to tumble down. Can be thought of as a disease? How
must a man walk which is so plagued?
I think that this state needs to be healed, because that could be the cause of cancer suffering. It means that
over many years an energetic state of the body prevails, of course, weakens the immune system. It is
known that our immune cells operate at worse anxiety. Then he had probably a genetically determined weak
spot and then the cancer could manifest in the prostate. He would have needed to be basal cell medium,
because then he would later result probably does not develop more cancer.
But the medical history goes even further and I'm trying to figure out even more symptoms to corroborate
my agent idea.
Again and again he shows the fearful facial expression and he reported that he was actually his life is
scared. He says that he was born fearfully and life has always scared him. He is afraid of diseases that
germinate before. He cannot drive through tunnels too, since he gets a feeling that he is overwhelmed.
Afraid of the dark, of death. Actually, he had the whole life afraid of death, so he also strives to live healthier.
When I asked what he would change about his character, if he could, he said very quickly: I want to get rid
of my fears. He was extremely neat and perfect. He was extremely neat and perfect. He wants to do
everything perfectly and it is very important to him that others consider him for perfect.
He is very sensitive to cold and may like a hot bath. He just wants to get money, but spend nothing. He had
always been very thrifty, almost miserly.
He bites often on the tongue and in the cheek. Cold drinks he avoids, for that he felt immediately in the
stomach and cause stomach pain. If someone was in need, he'll help immediately. He has also maintained
his long sick mother. He has to check everything with the mind and he says he only trust yourself and no
other. He feels it himself as bad, but there was a lack of confidence from the other people. Furthermore, he
felt something like a pressure in the hepatic region in trouble and it was a lot of pent-up anger in him. On
vaccinations, there were no responses.
After this long history I see a very clear drug screen light up and wonder why the patient has received
previously from other homeopaths Phosphorus and Lycopodium?
Phosphorus probably possible because of the many fears and sorrow for others and the fear of darkness.
Phosphorus probably possible because of the many fears and sorrow for others and the fear of darkness.
Lycopodium probably because of suppressed anger and his gastrointestinal problems. No, it's something
else entirely. But this means that I had in mind, usually no proven remedy for prostate cancer, and we must
always ask ourselves what we want to treat. It may be that we improve with an agent a mental state, but the
tumor grows anyway. Hence our choice of remedy must be sure. But in this case seems to me the state of
mind to be so pronounced, that I think this means having to give.
But first give a list of the outcome measures, so that we can use later if and how our agent
We take as outcome measures are the major symptoms of the patient and work together with the patient a
course parameter list: Output value of complaints is on our scale 10, which means the symptom is currently
100% stressful.
01. The starting up at night - this is unbelievable that the patient every night since more than ten years,
always wakes up and jumps with fear of death from the bed. If only that could improve it would be a
great asset.
02. Fears - that's probably the key in this patient. If we can take away the fear, then it would already
achieve a lot.
04. Confidence - he says he just cannot trust, he must always be in control and he feels this is an
important outcome measures for him.
05. Pressure in the rectum - if that should be better; we knew that we act on the tumor.
09. Impatience
10. Anger
11. Intolerance
12. Rage
So, we have a lot of complaints that are present over many years, as you have to wonder what we can
expect there.
What would a doctor because that has not been able to experience the miracle of homeopathy, do well?
Probably would get our patient very many psychotropic drugs, so the fears are reduced (the true fears not
pass away so) and then he would get sleeping pills.
I try first; all symptoms of the case write out and then evaluate the good symptoms.
BY the scheme, as I have already explained in the theoretical part, takes place:
1. Symptoms collection
First you must write all the symptoms out that we can discover in the patient. Here, of course, old and new
mix or chronic symptoms. Symptoms of late or symptoms that have to do directly with the tumor events.
However, it is important in any case that you will build a list of symptoms. The rating and ranking of the
symptoms will be made later.
Hierarchy of symptoms
If you have worked out all of the symptoms, a majority of the work is already done, but then these symptoms
are still counted. Many homeopathic agents have similar symptoms, but each has its specific effect and
individual character. Only if the exact match of the striking characteristic symptom persists, we will have
success with this remedy.
As a particularly striking, I found that he runs in the night of fear and tremble to the window and fall down
would like. It is a well observed mental and emotional symptom, which is due to abnormality seen as 153-
Now we take all the other well-observed mental and emotional symptoms:
Some symptoms are also local symptoms, but I write everything here in III:
V. Cause
A cause we have in the case not really deep, you could only incur the discomfort after fright or after the
death of the father as a possible cause.
The totality of symptoms results in high arsenicum album. The patient has a typical arsenicum album
picture: A restless, frightened man with a fearful facial expression, which is at night plagued by fears death.
In Arsenicum album we have the nocturnal exacerbation and the restlessness that drives him out of the bed.
But before giving the means, one must analyze the symptoms that are not covered by Arsenicum album,
because one has to wonder, what do we do if the agent does not help, despite our good thoughts? What
can then get their turn for a means? We need as William Tell always have a second arrow in the quiver.
Many physical symptoms that are not covered Arscenicum-album, are covered by Lycopodium and I think
that also means his reason might be. But Lycopodium does not have this fear of death and unrest, and has
no herpes zoster on the abdomen.
The 153-symptoms arise Arsenicum album, the mental and emotional symptoms are also covered by
Arsenicum album. If the general symptoms and physical we also covered by Arsenicum album.
If we consider the general symptoms and physical symptoms, we Lycopodium at the top. If we take only the
analysis of symptoms that are related to the prostate, we have again Lycopodium first imagine.
Arsenicum album does not have the dribbling urination and does not have the pressure on the perineum.
In prehistoric times, he always had a lot to do recurring tonsillitis and bloating, which also corresponds to
more Lycopodium. Then it must be incorporated with them in our plans if we have a reference to the
diseased organ with the agent. Corresponds to the diseased organ of the main direction of action of the
Is our means in a position to influence the tumour? One has to wonder whether Arsenicum album is an
agent that can cure prostate cancer and this fearful state now. Or, the case will require multiple agents, such
as Burnett has always shown it? I have already treated many patients with prostate cancer and Arsenicum
album came only in some very advanced cases out to achieve palliation.
Lycopodium, Conium and Thuja are the most common and most proven agent in the treatment of prostate
cancer with me. But luckily is Arsenicum album-valued in our prostate cancer, so you may still have some
confidence in this medium. But even if it had not been in the heading would be, then it would not have
mattered to me also, as of so striking mental and emotional state is a typical Arsenicum album picture. In
this case I would Arsenicum album given, no matter the pathology of man would have had. It is also always
important to realize that we actually do not treat diseases, but the people behind his illness.
The miasmatic analysis yields a hereditary syphilitic exposure to the grandfather, so that Arsenicum album
could also work well here, as Arsenicum album is highly antisyphilitic. Because of the prevailing eye-
catching mood state I decide to Arsenicum album in a Q3 potency (knzli / stanga), at 6:05:04.
I think that you have to start in this stage of the disease at home with the Q-potencies, even though he has
come just for ambulatory medical history. Since he is very conscientious by nature, I do not see any
problems that he was well registered the symptoms. Because the cancer is so far advanced and the patient
is very weak and a lot of weight lost, a Q-potency seems to me to be better than a C potency, not too much
to cause the organism to overtax or severe initial reactions.
I'm very in the middle and think to myself, if the laws of homeopathy should vote, then you can help this man
well in his desperate situation. Now it is very important that responses to the Q-potencies to properly assess
skill. We're lucky our predetermined running parameters as therapy control. The patient will call after a
He reported that he had become very tired and quiet because of the resources, but the energy was worse.
The fears are still very strong, almost worse, but to his surprise he did not have to jump around to walk to
the window from the bed to break off at since the first dose of the agent. The pressure in the gut is still there,
maybe a little less. The dribbling urination unchanged. He reported a very strong perfectionism and that he
always has the feeling of being under pressure. He feels his intolerance towards others as a burden, since
the agent can still have change anything. He is also always inwardly angry, without that he would like it
actually. The inner turmoil is better by 20%.
Is that a good course? How can we judge whether an agent is doing well? Hahnemann in the Organon in
252-258 notes on the assessment of improvement or deteriorations. He writes in:
Among the characters, especially in all diseases in the rapidly formed are (acute), show a small, not
anyone visible beginning of improvement or worsening, the state of the mind and the whole behaviour of the
patient is the safest and most reasonable. In the case of, even small beginning of improvement - greater
comfort, an increasing serenity, freedom of mind, increased courage, a kind of recurring natural ... "
The agent is working; he will continue to take it. If we can perceive only small improvements, we do with the
funds on. He has produced new symptoms and it goes a little better with the inner turmoil and he no longer
has to jump out of bed, so that we can continue with the Q-potency.
The remedy seems to work quite deep and if the fear is ultimately been the entertaining cause of the
tumour, because the fear ultimately led to a weakening of the immune system, we now have the cancer
removed from the soil to grow.
19.05.04 Arsenicum-album Q4
It goes well and so I give the next bottle of Q-potency Arsenicum album Q4. Can you pass the means,
although already an improvement has occurred?
So we may with Arsenicum album continue in daily doses, although an improvement has already occurred,
or we have to wait to the body not to cause a backlash?
Luckily Hahnemann has given us an answer by having the 246 added a note:
Note to 246
"What am I to prevent these adverse reactions of the life force, in the fifth edition of the Organon said to this
paragraph in a long note, was everything, my former experience allowed me, for the last four or five years,
but, by my since abgendertes, new, vervollkommtes procedures (Note: Q-potencies), all of which are
completely lifted these difficulties. The same well-chosen remedy can now daily and indeed months, where
necessary, continue needed, and in such a way that when lowly potency grade is consumed within one or
two weeks (because at the, adjusting learned, new, dynamization, begins the use with the lowest levels of)
one goes in the treatment of chronic diseases, in the same way to the higher degrees. "
This is very important: For here he writes about the use of the Q-potencies, what he referred to as the
adjusting learned new Dynamisationsweise. Because the Organon 6 is about the Q-potencies. And only with
this Q-potencies daily administration of a drug is permitted, not of magnitude with C, as unfortunately
nowadays still do many homeopaths in chronic cases. Only in extreme pain you can give the C potency may
often, but then only until there is an improvement, and then waiting until. The Q-potencies, however, one
must pass.
On the basis of Hahnemann and the experience of our clinic I give Arsenicum album in Q-potencies on. But
just as Hahnemann says, I use ascending LM potencies and if the lower power-level is used up within one
or two weeks, is increased to a higher power level. Today's most common use is to give LM6 or LM18 for
months, contrary to Hahnemann's instructions. As a small example, I can cite the case of a young lady who
had breast cancer with multiple lung metastases. The treated homeopath had given her phosphorus. My
analysis is also clearly phosphorus.
Under the addition of phosphorus LM6 lung metastases have become smaller and the patient felt very good.
That's why I said the homeopath that while I could find on the LM6 time not so good, but when the lung
metastases go back under their treatment, then I do not want to interfere, then they should go as they
normally going on.
After four months, the patient reported to me and told sad that now wash the lung metastases again. What
do you do now? Normally, one would think, now it needs another means because phosphorus does not
help. But if the dosage is not right then also the Similimum does not help us.
I then began therapy with rising Q-potencies of phosphorus, because it was their means easy, and within a
year all lung metastases have disappeared. I treat them now for the past two years with these ascending Q
It is important that we do not indulge in any beliefs, but the Organon study of Hahneman. He has the correct
procedure described quite accurately.
"I'm a little impatient. I want healthy until the end of June, I want that the cancer is gone by June"
It is a typical trait of Arsenicum album that he wants to be healthy as quickly as possible. The progress
made so far already huge, but Arsenicum album usually sees only what the moment may not yet be well.
Arsenicum album calls from the doctor that he should heal him quickly. It is because the heading: Use to be
worn desire fast. The pressure on the bowel was slightly less. A healer told him that his tumour will
somewhat smaller.
The pressure on the rectum is completely gone. This is of course wonderful, because it shows us that the
tumor from spreading, but rather goes back.
The dribbling is better by 80%. This shows us that the prostate is also working better again or that the
tumours are also less. But it is still too early to make concrete statements that will show the MRI. I ask the
patient what it looks like with his fears and then he says: "What fears, I have no more; the fears are all gone
since your means I'm not once more startled from sleep."
When the patient told me about it so, me the miracle of homeopathy was once again aware of and what
Hahnemann was a genius. I am so glad that my path has led me to homeopathy, because as I had a
"normal doctor" can help this people without the knowledge of homeopathy?
The swelling under the eyes are less. This means that the kidneys detoxify now better again.
People talk to him as he has changed. He noted himself that he has lost his intolerance. He is again the
man from the past who has always seen the good in people. It was not until the last years he became
increasingly suspicious and a controlling. We often see that the state of mind in the course of life can
change and that this can often be the beginning of a serious pathology. That's why it is always important to
ask how the state of mind years ago and was for the disease. If we then enter the correct homeopathic
remedy and resist restore order structure in the body, then we will cancel these altered state of mind again.
How many psychiatrists would our patient probably need to consult in vain, that he had been relieved of his
Although I am of the opinion that it may be helpful certainly if a homeopathic treatment with a good
psychotherapy or behavioural therapy combined. Often with the homeopathic remedies conflicts, repressed
or unconscious contents fetched from the subconscious to the surface and as an aid may be very important.
It is our patient since the anyName of Arsenicum album in Q-potencies significantly better. In order not to
overwhelm the body too much, I recommend the means only to take every three days.
A year later, in May 2005, he reported that the tumour had decreased already at 80% (MRI). At that time, his
urologist had told him that he had the surgery at such a vast tumour a chance of survival by 20% and now
the tumour comes back, although he has made no surgery and also accepts no testosterone blocker. Then
it must probably be in homeopathy or is it another one of those typical cases of spontaneous healing.....
There are still listed in this book very many tumour cures and the critical reader must then judge for yourself
why it is used in the homeopathic treated as cancer cases often comprise the so-called "spontaneous
remission". The difference this time is that we have initiated these cures just for a treatment plan and that
we have the immune system again encouraged to recognize the tumour as a tumour and to afflict him. We
have precisely determined before therapy, the outcome measures are familiar with the operation of the
agent. We do not treat after exactly comprehensible criteria and leave the healing to chance.
"What has impressed me back then at the first consultation the most was that at that time the doctor before I
came to you, said to me that I will die and you, Dr. Wurster, told me that I may be healed. I was totally
desperate and I thought I must die and then this set came from you. I could not believe it, but it has given
me once again to such courage."
It is very important that you give the patients the feeling to believe in healing. It might be a special
characteristic of me, but I do so in the power of homeopathy, I sometimes only at the arrival of the obituary
the patient gives up. This does not mean that I cannot assess the situation, but if you have experienced in
some cases, such as homeopathy but could still help in hopeless cases, then we should not just give up and
must try to find the right means.
Of course there are higher laws and if it is determined a person to die, then it will be so, but also because
you can still accompany the last way and try to relieve the discomfort by using homeopathy and mental
There are cases that are hopeless, because it has already been treated very much and how often you need
to experience that patient after several cycles Chemotherapy full of metastases. Many patients would live
longer if they had not made such an intensive chemotherapy. If you do chemotherapy, only taking into
account the immune status of the patient, a very low dose and only in very fast-growing tumours, which
have a high proliferation rate.
It appears an old rash on the legs. This pleases every homeopath heart because even J. T. KENT said that
you need to hope for a cure, if not eventually an old rash appears during the course of chronic health.
We are pleased when a tumor goes back to the sleep and the fears are better and then comes back an old
This means that there is a recovery from the inside to the outside.
We are now at a level Psoric. He had let a decade ago operate multiple basal cell carcinomas. A basal cell
carcinoma surgery is a reduction and it usually comes a few years later to a tumour or other serious illness.
I have to slowly watch whether the Arsenicum album is still displayed, but it all goes well and as we do with
Arsenicum album Q14 on.
In December 2005, he wakes up at 5:00 clock, is again more impatient and irritable and feels a liver
pressure on the right side. There is a pulling and pushing in the liver from front to back.
He also complains of increased bloating and fatigue after eating. These are many indications that the liver is
not working properly and it seems to me now that Arsenicum album has done his duty. The typical fears of
Arsenicum album are passed, the tumor is back and now symptoms of Lycopodium come out. I was thinking
even then that Lycopodium could be his basic means and study again the first consultation and find many
good Lycopodium symptoms.
Well I suppose but only once the current symptoms in order to check whether the Lycopodium is now also
The reactions were not pleasing, it has set no improvement, but he feels a sharp deterioration with this tool!
He did not know that it is a brand new agent, he never Knew that he had always only get the Arsenicum
album. Many critical reader might say in this case I had exercised great suggestion effect on the patient,
because I said, he may be healed.
But what happens now: He jumps back in panic out of bed, ran to the window and wants to tumble down.
Once, it was really Arsenicum album, which the patient had freed the last years of his fears, and not my
power of suggestion.
On the other hand, I have the appearance of old symptoms misjudged and there were symptoms that were
eventually passed to the Arsenicum album again, because you usually continue at the onset of old
symptoms with the same agent, the mental level to the physical level relocated, which is a good sign in the
sense of Dr. Constantine Hering. Maybe I would have been better to make a break with the Arsenicum
album as possibly a late exacerbation was, and it just was not the symptoms, which is why the patient came
under treatment. Here I give briefly the definition of late worsening in the application of Q-potencies, that is,
the symptoms, which is why the patient has come into the treatment, reappear. Since then it is usually best
to pause with the agent. If the symptoms then disappear again, you know it has been a late aggravation. If
the symptoms do not pass, you have to find another agent, or alter the potency of the previous agent again.
In light of these considerations, I go back to Arsenicum album (Knzli / stanga) in the Q15-potency,
produced by our love homeopathy enthusiastic pharmacist Gabriele Stanga.
If now the fears and the night startle with fear of death should disappear, we have a proof that the well-
chosen homeopathic remedy causes this change of state. That should all critics and skeptics of homeopathy
for thought after all.
Vanish all fears and he has since not jumped out of the bed!
Since then, I treat him further with rising Q-potencies. Meanwhile, we have arrived in September 2006 and
he is already at Arsenicum album Q22, which continues to do it very well.
The fears are completely gone and he is the last two and half years never again jumped out of the bed (with
the exception of middle exchange on Lycopodium). The tumour has now completely regressed, although it
was a tumour with the almost highest degree of aggressiveness (Gleacon score 9!).
Urinating works without problems, the dribbling is gone. The pressure caused by prostate cancer in the
rectum has not occurred. He has become inwardly calm and he has his trust again found in people.
He's gained 5 kg of weight. The tensions in the neck muscles are gone.
"The doctor wanted me back then operate for prostate cancer, had told me that I have to expect a
recurrence risk of 80%, even if everything would go well with the surgery because the tumor with me was
the most aggressive and already so advanced that the operation would succeed only difficult. Even
exposure would be able to help only palliative. The doctor told me at that time quite clear that I'm going to
die and they told me that I may be healed, that I will never forget. And now I have even made no surgery, no
radiation and get taken no hormones, but only homeopathy and the tumour have completely regressed and I
have no complaints." This was an impressive case in which I was leading the state of mind of the remedy.
Appendix 1:
Total 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
Rubrics 4 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
Prostata; 1 1
Micturition, 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1
dribbling, ...
PAIN; Press; 2 2 1 1 1 2
Rectum; 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2
PAIN; Press,
Appendix 2: After long analysis if the symptom sought in the repertory
[Insert the table in page # 10 after the paragraph: If we take only the analysis of symptoms that are
related to the prostate, we have again Lycopodium first imagine.]
Case Study: 3
Diagnose: Metastatic breast Cancer with pulmonary nodules and hypodense foci in the liver.
State after mastectomy in 1998.
In October 2004 a very desperate 47-year-old female patient came to us in the clinic, since it was
discovered 17 lung metastases in both lung wings with her after the operation of the second recurrent
The first cancer occurred already in the year 1998, for which reason the patient was subsequently removed
the entire left chest. In July 2004, a further relapse of the tumour in the upper outside quadrant of the left
breast occurred. The tumour was located on the skeletal muscle, since the left breast had been removed. It
also nodules were found in the liver, which turned out fortunately as cysts, but the lung metastases were
demonstrated repeatedly. If recurrences in breast cancer occur and then metastases in the lungs are
present, the prognosis is usually very poor. The patient brings all investigation reports from the clinic:
In both lungs there are multiple nodules of a few millimetres up to 13 mm in size. It will be counted a total of
17 metastases of different sizes.
Malignant epithelial mammary tumour. The tumour shows some ductal, lobular growth pattern partly with
moderate cellular and nuclear pleomorphism. The tumour infiltrated the dermis of the skin covering and has
led to a lymphatic spread. In the area of the base skeletal muscle is infiltrated tumour recurrence. It is a
moderately differentiated invasive breast cancer. We have not been a spread of the tumour into the
lymphatic tissue and is also already infiltrated skeletal muscles, what the prognosis worsens even more.
The attending physician was trying to teach our patient-friendly in July 2004 that because of the 17 lung
metastases probably next year it (that would be 2005) will die no matter what you do for a therapy.
This was for Mrs. K. course a severe shock, and she first lost all hope in the fight against cancer. Then she
heard of the possibility of homeopathic treatment of tumours and she wrote me a nice letter, asking for a
Once again, not minor. Multiple lung metastases, and chemotherapy no improvement. Respiratory problems
caused by the metastases. What are we to do about that?
The patient was quite depressed here. But she had an incredible will and always said that she wants to do
it, they do not want to die and we must do everything possible to help her.
I told her that it was possible that they could be healthy if we found the right tools and wanted God. Patients
often come with very high expectations to our hospital, but we are not healers, but we are even doctors who
try to help using homeopathy to people. We also do not know at the beginning of treatment, how far and
how long his is the common way. But we try to make use of homeopathy what is possible and to alleviate
the suffering and to heal a man of his illness in the most favorable case. We are also just tools in a large
structure, and if we find a good agent, then it acts in the patient and the immune system and the healing
powers of the patient then fight against cancer. The cure makes the patient actually own, but only through
the homeopathic remedy well-chosen specific channels are opened so that the self-healing is possible.
In July 2004, we began with palliative chemotherapy, but did not alter the metastases. We then wanted to
switch to tablets. The patient appears in October 2004 in our hospital.
The patient reported with desperation in her voice that she even longer for her family and the kids want to
be there. She has a nice man, a lot of friends and they do not even want to go so early from this world.
Recently, the weakness has increased more and more. The energy is constantly decreasing and they have
always diarrhoea and watch again and again undigested in the stool. The haemoglobin content of the blood
was the whole life has always been low, but that was at that time because of heavy menstrual bleeding.
She really likes ice cream, cold drinks but they are contrary to her and cause stomach upset.
Currently, tearful eyes in the morning in the room. The nasal mucosa is sensitive and bloody.
The heart beats getting very restless. It works in the anamnesis very taken only once they have to cry when
she said that the doctor said to her: "They will not grow old because you already have a lot of metastases in
both lungs and they are no longer operable. I must inform you that, unfortunately, they are probably next
year (2005) die."
The patient describes himself as very ambitious and goal oriented person who likes to have a regulated
order. It is easily flustered and impatient. While eating they do not tolerate onions that would cause bloating.
The tongue has teeth impressions. Again and again they observe recurrent herpes flare-ups on the lips.
During menstruation, she had stomach cramps which pulled down to the legs. Always one day before
menstruation she got back pain and it was her very cold. On examination of the chest shows readily the
scars. Then she pulls back but not to, but simply tells her Symptoms continue and remain seated shirtless.
Only after some time she puts on again. You love to dance. Tight at the neck and belly she cannot bear.
Narrowing generally pleased her also not well. She still complains of hot flushes and aching pain in the
chest. The tumour had infiltrated the skeletal muscles and it also developed a pulling boring pain in the
Lately, she ever faster devices except breathing because of lung metastases. Even with small effort she
gets beads of sweat on his nose.
The nose is in the morning usually clogged. At night, she has a very dry mouth and should drink again and
Since 1998, she makes every year the flu vaccine. During fast turning the head she has the feeling that they
fall right over. It is a feeling as if everything revolves around them. She never had shock, or injury to the
In winter they often get cracks at the wrists and fingers. In despair she says in tears at the end of history:
"I am so fond of dancing, but that is of course because of lung metastases and the shortness of breath
harder and harder so I can go dancing more. According to the diagnosis, I had such a fear that had my
husband always take in the arm, which did very fine. I do not want to die. "
Once again, not an easy and especially not a very clear case, as good symptoms of Multiple means mix.
Therefore, it is very important to perform a detailed analysis to develop a good therapeutic approach, so you
can still help this cute woman.
As a whole, there is a great wealth of symptoms; we take everything that may worry the patient, in the
course of a parameter list.
A follow-up parameters list is very important in order to illustrate the doctor and patient, the development of
We can recognize in the course of therapy, which symptoms improve with the agent and which are not.
If you improve some symptoms and some symptoms remain persistent and distressing, then you have to
just use the leftover symptoms to select a new agent.
The following symptoms are the patient at the first consultation as stressful and she hopes that an
improvement of these symptoms using homeopathy:
We see a lot of symptoms that burden the patient. These symptoms are reading outcome measures, but
need not be decisive for drug selection.
How many allopathic medicines, the patient would get normally prescribed?
1. Painkiller
2. Remedies for heartburn
3. a means to prevent herpes
4. A few psychotropic drugs to calm
5. A remedy for diarrhoea
6. a remedy for nausea
All of these drugs would not only reduce our insurance, but also the liver and kidneys of the patient, who
must all resign again.
In homeopathy, one sees not only the parts of the puzzles, but trying to treat the whole person and restore
the disturbed order.
The symptoms are our friends and show us the way to the right homeopathic remedy.
Total 41 33 31 30 29 27
Rubrics 21 20 17 17 18 13
Breast, carcinoma, mammary glands (88) 1 2 1 2 2 2
Stool; undigested (104) 3 3 2 2 2
General; ANEMIA (220) 3 3 3 3 2 1
ANEMIA, blood loss, by; metrorrhagia, 1 2 1
menorrhagia ... (25)
General; ANEMIA; blood loss, by; hemorrhage, 2 2 2
according to (19)
General; FOOD and drinks; ices; desire (14) 2 3 1 1
Stomach; PAIN; General; cold, cold, drinks, 1 1 1 2
according to (43)
Eye, lacrimation; morning (28) 2 1 3 3 2
Eye, lacrimation; room, in (7) 1
Nose; SECRETIONS; bloody (153) 2 2 1 2 2 2
General, Food and Drink, onions, agg. (18) 1 2 2 1 3
Face, skin rashes, vesicles; lips, fever blisters 1 1 1
PAIN; General; uterus; expansion; thigh, down 2 1
the (39)
Feminine; PAIN, bearing down, uterus and 2 1 2 2 3 1
surrounding area (126)
Back; PAIN; General; menses, agg; ago (43) 2 1 3 2
Frost, menses, before (26) 2 1 3 1 1 3
Mind; Be NAKED, wants (18) 2 1 1
Mind, DANCING, silt to (35) 1
NECK; CLOTHING agg. (40) 1 2
Abdomen; CLOTHING; sensitive to (53) 3 1 1 1 2 3
Nose; WELDING on the nose (12)
Nose; CONSTIPATION; morning (35) 2 2 1 1 2
Mouth; DROUGHT; night (45) 1 1 2 1 2
Dizziness; ROTATE; head movement, or, more 3 2 1
quickly, sudden, agg. (23)
Dizziness; ROTATE; cicle; in, like (91) 2 2 3 1 1 2
Extremities; chapped skin, cracks; hands; winter, 3 3 3
in (13)
Image # 1
The symptoms are not sorted and I have typed in sequence as they appear in the history, so that the reader,
if he reads through the history, again can understand what can be a symptom at all.
If we use the totality of symptoms, then calcium is at the top, just when we enter it as into the computer. May
we now give calcium?
What are still good chronic and objective symptoms in the case?
Total 13 13 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Rubrics 9 7 5 5 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 4
SERRATED, tongue (43)
Chapped skin, cracks, hands, ... 3 3 2
PAIN; General; uterus, 1 2 1 1 1 1
expansion; ... (39)
Dizziness; ROTATE; Circle, in, 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 2 2
like (91)
ANEMIA; blood loss, by; 1 1 2 1 1
metrorrhagia, ... (25)
ANEMIA; blood loss, by; 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
hemorrhage, according to (19)
NECK, CLOTHING agg. (40) 2 1 1 1 1 2 3
Mind; DANCING; desire to (35) 1 1 1 1 2 1
Nose; CONSTIPATION; morning 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
FOOD and drinks; onions; agg. 1 2 2 1 1 1
Sepia could be good, as it has the symptoms to dance with menstruation and the cracks of the hands in
winter and desire. She describes herself even as impatient. But can Sepia eradicate the tumour, even if it
would be the constitutional remedy? Yes, if Sepia covers the entire case, then could thus examine as a
tumour disappear.
The patient feels the first few days with sepia quite well, then she dreams to time in their lives of horses,
watering eyes still in space and the shortness of breath is not better. She gets sensations of heat in the
back, there is a heat that goes up the back. You feel a pull in the groin, what they did not know. We now
need to make the analysis even finer. Not without reason Hahnemann has renamed the Organon of
Medicine in the Organon of Medicine.
We now need to take especially the symptoms that occurred last or the last few months, because the even
show us the active miasma and give us clues to the current agent which now must be related with the
tumour and the metastatic growth. And then we see the newly occurring symptom of pulling in the groin as
sepia proving symptom, which is indication that the agent, when it really should be a new symptom, is wrong
(see responses to Q-potencies). The dreams of horses are an important symptom. Then they developed a
completely new symptom that she felt a heat that goes up the back. This symptom is very noticeable and is
not covered by sepia and not by calcium.
That's the good thing about the Q-potencies that we often get evidence of a new agent, on closer
observation of the symptoms that occur. Even if the initial choice of means has been wrong, this false Q-
potency will help to produce symptoms, which can provide us with clues to the next agent.
Now it is important that we give the last symptoms experienced a higher priority.
Total 18 14 12 11 10 10 9 9
Rubrics 10 7 6 6 6 5 5 4
Back; HEAT; expansion; riding to a; upwards (9) 3 2
Stool; UNDISGESTED (104) 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2
Nose; CONSTIPATION; morning (35) 2 2 2 1 1
Mouth; DROUGHT; night (45) 1 1 2 2 1 2
Stomach, PAIN; General; cold, cold, drinks, 1 1 2 1 1 3
according to (43)
Eye, lacrimation; morning (28) 1 2 3 3 1
ROTATE, head movement, or, more quickly, 2 3 1 2 3
sudden; agg (23)
Dizziness; ROTATE; circle; in how (91) 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 3
Mind, DREAMS, animals, horses (28) 1
Mind, be NAKED, wants (18) 2 1 1
Now we have clear evidence of phosphorus and when we again go back to the first consultation, we will see
that phosphorus covers very many symptoms. Although it has many symptoms of Chronic sepia, but it may
be that she has come more and more into a state of phosphorus in the course of the tumour disease, which
show us the last occurring symptoms.
Striking was that the patient simply sit naked remained after the investigation and did not attract the same
Then they will of course now much comfort and closeness, which speaks well for phosphorus.
Phosphorus could be good and I discuss with my homeopathic teacher Dr. Spinedi in the clinic.
Fortunately, Dr. Spinedi has a special feeling for Phosphoor and also has the same encouraged me to
continue with phosphorus.
We have nothing to lose, the patient was medically school already declared virtually dead, but we are trying
to save the life of this cute patient using homeopathy.
They had started at her with a palliative chemotherapy in hopes to curb the growth of metastases. You have
not addressed and caused very serious side effects. The weakness and shortness of breath were quite
extreme, and after three weeks she has cancelled this chemotherapy again.
The doctor makes her no hope that anything will improve, they should come to terms with their hopeless
fate and regulate their affairs.
It has done a CT of the lung and metastases have not reduced. The metastases in the lung have not
responded to chemotherapy. "The doctors told me that I should at least be glad, however, that it is not
continued to grow rapidly. Now you have no more hope for me and I was so hoping that it gets better."
The patient is totally dejected, she had placed all hope in homeopathy, but the metastases were not smaller.
But I have the feeling that you still cannot give up. You have to pass on the good homeopathic remedy and
must try to build up the immune system, which was very weakened by this palliative chemotherapy again.
For detoxification of the liver I give her Carduus-marianus in the mother tincture 2x5 drops a day to do so.
With the phosphorus they should continue.
It's amazing their parameters are better. The Carduss-Marian has done very well and the nausea in the
stomach was much better. Your complaints are reduced slowly, this is a good sign.
"It's actually quite good, I was even again while dancing and it has done very well. However, I have always
wanted felt a reinforced Tearing and drawing in the area of the sternum (bone) and even with movement of
my shoulder girdle and the down pulling the shoulders have I sometimes uncomfortable pulling, sometimes
as many small Piekse in the shoulder girdle. Probably a bracing, if I take a certain posture. "
Warning: Tearing in the area of the sternum could be a phosphorus-test symptom. But in the hope that it is a
new pseudo symptom I continue with phosphorus, because I know what phosphorus has an incredible
power to influence tumours. The other symptoms have improved, so I continue with a good feeling with the
It pulls in the ribs, but the energy was very good. She was dancing with her husband and that went very
The eyelids are no longer in the morning reddened and swollen almost not.
Pulling on the sternum is under continuous administration of phosphorus to Q8 disappeared (thankfully). All
running parameters are almost very good.
You should only take the amount of phosphorus every two days. It is better to make small breaks so they do
not get too much phosphorus.
"From me there is again nothing but good things. On 27/04/05 I was for MRI of the breast. The doctor did
not find anything, the chest is in order. I'm so happy. They had written me that the good results will be. And
it worked. I'm so excited, on 28/05/05, a CT of the lungs is made again, I have a good feeling. Please look at
my history parameters, everything will be better. "
She sends course parameter list and many parameters are decreased to 0.
"Today for only short a notice. Today I was at CT.'s Rough estimate was found that it tends to decrease; the
two large tumours in the lungs have become clearly smaller. One has shrunk by almost half. That's super. I
am overjoyed and could make leaps into the air. I have the same celebrated with my husband, we have
taken leave, were to eat well and have a wonderful day spent. That's a great success, I'm so happy. We
have in the treatment done everything right! "
The undigested parts in the stool have become much less, and the teeth indentations on the tongue also.
You go on holiday, so I give her phosphorus C200, because you should not transport the Q-potencies,
otherwise they will be too strong successes and then to cause violent reactions could.
It comes as a tourist to Ticino and joins me in the hospital over. She looks blended and is raring to go. She
has a very good atmosphere and motivates equal to another patient of mine in the hospital by telling their
story of how miserable they were a year ago to Orselina and how well she is doing now.
It has again made a spiral CT and all tumours have almost completely regressed. With the evaluation of
spiral CT I was last week with my doctor in the speech of an hour , which had operated me in July 2004 and
me because of metastases no hope did that with this stage of disease improvement will occur (maximum
deterioration ) and I have to reckon with death as early as next year ( 2005). I told her that I feel very good ,
every day have the strength and energy , go to work zones, provide my household and my family and also
go to dance . She said that the positive course of this disease is a miracle and they cannot believe that it is
as good to me. Has super happy and hopes that it goes so well. , you were thrilled and hope that it goes so
well. She says many patients with a similar diagnosis can no longer go to work and not do much , because
simply lack the strength. I'm a big exception and a true miracle. "
There is an old symptom, so I'm still waiting for and hope it passes.
"The right healthy breast was using mammography untersuchtm the left operated breast with ultrasound.
Finding is turned out well, they have found nothing. Is this night wonderful? I enjoy those moments and am
happy that it soooo I'm fine and I in 'm restricted daily life in almost any way. "
She regularly sends its course parameter list. It can be seen that all parameters are once again become
better. All parameters almost to 0.
The eyes are Linder morning sometimes slightly red and slightly swollen from time to time. The slight
thickening beneath the eyes is to see every day.
The lower edges are eye soothing morning sometimes slightly reddened.
"I am sending you a few pictures and although we were in the newspaper. Late April was a spring ball with a
large buffet and live band. There were well over 600 guests. A beautiful evening and there was much
dancing. I have with my man danced a lot. Among other things, we have laid by Elvis music a great jive on
the dance floor. Image shows us yes in full action, my dress flies up in the air. Newspaper reporters were so
excited that they photographed us and for the newspaper selected. It really is a successful picture, in the
background the band and we forward the dance.
Rock 'n roll music and songs from the sixties like us incredibly well. Our favourite band 'The Firebirds' play
these titles and we often go to the dance. That's just great that I am so fit while dancing and have great
stamina and can do so much. I had to send to you, because as you can be happy with how I have
developed, just great class. I have made great progress and I have to thank you and your treatment. "
From 23.05.06:
Sorry, that now I only answer. But on Saturday, I celebrated my 50th Birthday and since had his hands full.
I enjoyed the day and had a lot of fun. It's just nice that I could see this day. My case, you can still describe
in your book homeopathy. I am very excited. And the picture of course it helped. It is such a great and
brilliant picture, just great. When you publish the picture, please write about who shot the photo. Today I
was in the hospital during the consultation of Dr. L., which operated much and told me then that it is very
bad to me and I will not live long.
I told her that I'm going back to work fully, my family and my household-sufficient and also go to dance and
showed her the newspaper clipping. She has amazed and said that I am a real wonderful and asked me if I
ever know what I've done since. Yes, I already know to appreciate how good I feel. Almost every day I tell
myself inwardly that it is wonderful that I like a healthy human liver. "
"I'm overall very good. My bowel movement is super fine. The defecation is working well and I have almost
no bloating. That will probably have influenced the new medicine.
I have every day strength and energy, have appetite and sleep well.
On Saturday (29.07.06) occurred again on a cold sore in the upper right lip area. Just as well it was not very
big and is now (01:08:06) almost gone again. I thought that I did not get that, but now it's time occurred
Otherwise, I feel really great. My parameter list looks really great, except for a few little things almost
everywhere zeros. I am very happy that every day I feel so good and I have a hundred percent thanks to
you and your treatment.
If old symptoms such as herpes occur again and then quickly disappear again, then that is a good sign. In
the course of the cure old complaints may reappear, but should pass quickly. If symptoms appear which are
distressing and stay persistent, you have to look for these symptoms group a new agent.
The patient calls me joyfully: "I was once in the lung CT and you could even see any more cancer The 17
metastases are gone, it's just all gone The doctor congratulated me and told me that I was a.. Medical
miracle is., it has become so, that everywhere I go, people say, here comes the medical miracle. I am happy
that way. Last week I was swimming in the Baltic Sea, I'm so fit and full of energy. "
The patient is completely gone full vitality which includes shortness of breath and weakness. The patient is
symptom-free, thanks to homeopathy to this day and will certainly longer merry dance through the world
Case study: 4
Three years before the diagnosis of thyroid cancer traced the then 26 - year-old patient a print on the left
side of the neck. The subsequent investigation revealed a thyroid cyst that was punctured then.
Three years later the patient felt renewed feelings of pressure in the neck region. The newly implemented
studies and the histological results of the biopsies were collected weider this time clearly an invasive
follicular thyroid carcinoma (April 2001).
At the same time, the patient was pregnant. Through the studies and biopsies of the thyroid gland, there
was an increased thyroid hormone secretion and the patient suffered for days palpitations. However, these
investigations and biopsies had even more far-reaching consequences because the next examination the
gynecologist revealed that the heart of her child had stopped in the womb to beat. So she lost her child and
this was a great shock to the patient.
Now they wanted to operate the carcinoma in the thyroid gland and then perform radioiodine therapy, but
the patient was depressed by the death of their child so that they had refused the operation and all other
therapies. She was completely desperate and felt that she had been all cancer in the body and one you can
not help anyway. She was in a very desperate situation, because the doctors told her that she must
necessarily operate the carcinoma, as they will otherwise die. Due to the loss of her child, she had also lost
her will to live and wanted nothing more to do to be let.
Then luckily we took this amiable patient in May 2001 the way to our hospital in order to achieve an
improvement in their deplorable state using homeopathy.
In the first consultation she makes an exhausted and downcast. The sympathetic patient is blond, has blue
eyes, is of slight build and has lots of freckles on her face. The main complaint, it indicates the constant
pressure in the throat. The is always present, even if one does not swallow, but swallow even more.
The digestion was also out of order, be going again plagued by bloating that occur after the consumption of
flatulent food such as cabbage or beans.
The bloating but can also come from its constant nervousness. You can feel the nervousness in my
stomach and this triggers bloating and diarrhea from. She bites her fingernails even when she's nervous. It
can sometimes be really angry when it is irritated. If she's hungry, she can also be very irritated.
In grief she puts more reserved, but enjoys it then but, when taken in the arms. When asked what they
would like to change about her character, if she could, she said: " I want to change my impatience I am also
impatient and limitless to myself, I have always backed down my needs and I have ignored myself.
Always consider a relatively long time until they answered the questions.
In the lumbar region, it has the feeling that the back she tired. Massage helps then always very well and is it
also very pleasant.
The mattress in the bed should be rather hard, because while sleeping in a soft bed she easily gets back
pain. For concerns or fears they cannot lie on the left side. She sleeps preferably on the abdomen. As a
child she was afraid of spiders and thunderstorms. Before the cancer and the loss of her child, she was a
fun-loving man, now they cannot even imagine this condition.
She had previously often boils in the genital area. With 25 years made a huge boil on the labia, which was
treated with antibiotics. During this time she also suffered more often to yellowish- whitish vaginal discharge.
In preschool, she did not so much go to the bathroom because she was afraid of the loud noise of the Water
rinse. Now she feels loud noises still considered very threatening and thereby also slightly nervous and
The sleep is not as restful and grinds his teeth in his sleep. Before going to sleep sometimes jerks the whole
body. The necks of the teeth are exposed and you can see teeth indentations on the tongue. In the past
they have often had Zahnwurzelabszesse.
Since ancient times they have cold feet in bed at night and she could not fall asleep so often.
If you are tired, they sometimes have the feeling, as if she sees a circle around the light. Sometimes purple
and sometimes colored like a rainbow. A few times she had styes on the right and left lower eyelid.
In the left shoulder is a condyloma. She had plantar warts on the feet, which were burned out. On the
fingernails were often white spots. The back of the hand veins are easily visible.
The cycle is regular exactly 28 days. During menstruation, it moved in the lower abdomen. The psyche is
labile to menstruation and it is easier irritated. In relation to the pill often Vaginalmycosen erchienen earlier.
She was a person who likes is not alone and prefer to stay in society. The family consisted in the mother
suspected tuberculosis. She has a chronic bronchitis and was also often the cures in height.
Dreams are very important in homeopathy because they connect to the unconscious contents of man and
give us quality mental and emotional symptoms. "I dreamed that a man who killed a woman and now he
threatens me. I suggest the man with the belt buckle and see that my gloves are suddenly full of blood."
The basic feeling in the dream: "When I had beaten the man, as I was emotionally cold, the man wanted to
threaten me; maybe he would want to kill me too.
But I wanted to be superior to the man in the dream.
I used to have dreams often that I 'm being followed , but I can no longer go suddenly . I want to run away
and the legs move very slowly .
Before my illness started, I dreamed that I had an ulcer on my arm and then I was told I had cervical cancer.
Then I met my sister who told me that the parents would rather me than them, and then I answered her how
she could say such a thing , where I 'm going but die soon. Then we went to a river where many people
bathed naked and then we also have undressed naked, that was a rather satisfying feeling . "
You 've never had fever in life. This is actually typical of most cancer patients that they can develop no or
only very rarely, fever .
How often I hear from my cancer patients that they usually could not develop a fever and always as held for
very healthy because they also had very colds or other infections and "suddenly" was because the tumor.
This is a very interesting point, because at some point the immune system no longer on cold viruses
bacteria, etc. and react adequately, but trigger these pathogens that this man has surely taken exactly as its
surroundings in the body NOT adequate immune response. If we apply this to the tumor development, we
see that a tumor usually develops over many years in Organisms to make NO by the immune system
recognizable, then the immune system can also fight and cure the tumor. This is no longer wanting to
destroy the tumor with chemotherapy or radiation and protect the immune system to paralyze enable
maximum and make the tumors to the immune system recognized my opinion, the key to modern cancer
therapy. For, as we know from many studies that the immune system can fight a tumor only. if it is able to
recognize it.
In the therapy of tumor patients, I often experience that patients increasingly getting colds after some time.
Most patients are not so happy about it first , but if you are patient then stated that now their immune system
is working again and again can respond to certain types of viruses , then the patient is satisfied .
A Milan study has also shown that children who have been vaccinated against measles, not as respond to
tumor antigens as unvaccinated children .
The impact of vaccination on tumor formation is a large field and the need for further studies in order to
make as accurate conclusions.
Even the ancient homeopaths as once JC Burnett observed repeatedly that after vaccinations tumors arose
JC Burnett describes in his book " vaccinosis and its cure with thuja " the impact of vaccination on the
organism. Consider just a few times thinking, which, JC Burnett 1884
has made about the vaccinations. He wonders where the protective effect of vaccination is if we vaccinate a
person who applies it altogether before vaccination than perfectly healthy, to protect them from disease.
Because after vaccination is this, while offering edie vaccinated disease, but the organism was placed in a
modified, morbid condition. He wonders whether these vaccinated person now still be described as perfectly
healthy and he concludes that the protective effect is due only to a change in pathological condition of the
body. As a result, other diseases in the body may spread because the immune system by vaccination, a
tion has experienced. His reflections are over 100 years old, but still current.
Today, vaccines are, however, improved each year.
To contain the polio vaccine, which was administered 1.97 billion people, and who was still contaminated
with SV40 virus and liver cancer and brain tumors triggered, nowadays no SV40 virus more. This is a huge
step forward.
It is also interesting that the SV40 virus in humans usually do not occur , but rather in the monkey. Many
vaccines have been bred yet about 15 years ago on monkey kidney cells, and now everyone can have their
own wish to consider why one finds nowadays SV40 virus in 25% of all brain tumors . Nowadays, these
SV40 viruses, to be responsible as a the triggers for the emergence of mammary tumors recently , no longer
included in the vaccines are .
In 50 years, however, our now modern research will be completely obsolete and then you could say one ,
then yes , because the researchers were not ready , because you could not find with the then- modern
examination methods prions , or other infectious protein particles. Who gives them the assurance that the
vaccine containing a Different type of DNA does not lead to changes in our immunological balance?
Also you Start now to avoid mercury and formaldehyde as excipients in the vaccinations, because otherwise
too many allergic reactions could be triggered.
We also have to worry any more about the polio vaccine.
At that time the oral vaccination of all children was often made . I also still feel the delicious sugar lumps on
the tongue. Sad that this so tasty vaccination is now banned . But the development of vaccines goes
relentlessly on and so you have this oral polio vaccine prohibited with a clear conscience , because live
viruses were excreted in the stool and it has thus contributed to the spread of the polio virus. Now one uses
only the Totimpstoff , which is certainly also optimized.
Impfkritiker make nowadays even very unpopular and it has already led to a demand for a professional ban
for a Artz in Austria . Therefore I would like , however, the pharmaceutical industry praise , many white
Vaccines were again withdrawn from the market each year , so that no even greater damage was done . I
am pleased with the continuous development and research , which each year brings us amazing discoveries
As we see that new therapeutic strategies are modified each year , we can assume that our current views
may no longer be valid in 20 years.
Our vision and our state of knowledge about all things stand in relation to the limited knowledge that we
have made our own.
As we see that new therapeutic strategies are modified each year, we can assume that our current views
may no longer be valid in 20 years.
Our vision and our state of knowledge about all things stand in relation to the limited knowledge that we
have made our own.
But the truth is always valid and mostly easy. Thus, homeopathy holds already
over 200 years and it follows the same principles of the time. The laws of homeopathy are still just as valid.
But now we want to help this patient and find a good way for them , which can keep the cancer under
When asked what they would want if they had a magic wand , she said: " I would want to be healthy and
would have loved a child and a happy life. "
It must be bad if you lose a child and then also is still ill with cancer , but maybe you can help with
homeopathy . We will see how is the course .
IV Local symptoms
We see now that in the conspicuous symptoms and the mental and emotional symptoms phosphorus comes
first and the totality of all symptoms also results in phosphorus. Phosphorus could be good, as we have a
warm, nice patient in front of us, afraid of thunder and spiders has and can not sleep because of her cold
feet. This all sounds like phosphorus. But we see at the local symptoms, some symptoms that are not
covered by phosphorus, and so we must ask ourselves:
1 Is phosphorus the constitutional remedy
2 Is phosphorus bur the Simile currently displayed?
3 If the case lompliziert miasmatically?
4 Do we need more agents?
5 ways us local symptoms on a very different means?
Miasmatically was found a few warts and tuberculosis of the mother in the history, so that one has to expect
with the phosphorus as a strong tuberculous means something positive.
There were many Vaginalmycosen, that's not necessarily the effective range of phosphorus. We must also
keep in mind Synorganopathie of Burnett, who has brought the relationship between the Erkan Kung thyroid
with disrupted abdominal function in relationship.
But luckily we have the Q-potencies and know how the reactions are to be assessed on the Q-potencies
and can now examine the means.
The main outcome measures, we take the pressure in the throat and difficulty swallowing. The stomach
discomfort and bloating should also be better.
If you still could improve the psyche of this woman, we would have gained much.
"I'm fine, I feel good, I have again yesterday in a deep sleep and then I had another headache in the
forehead, so I could not read properly in the evening, I had the long not anymore. I had something stronger
discharge, dark yellow . the back is a little tense when I lie too much, but the bed is also very soft here. "
Commentary on the visit:
It occurred to headaches, but they are an old symptom, and so we will continue with the agent. The
increased discharge may be an elimination reaction. There have been no symptoms and we give nine of the
phosphorus on.
"I have not had cold feet. Sleep was quite good and deep. Yesterday I had again gnashing of teeth."
Commentary on the visit:
When old chronic ailments such as the cold of the feet are better, that's a good sign.
She is doing quite well.
It may be that developed after a history of the first day a good feeling when patient and a few things are
improving. It is quite logical, the doctor hears a too long, is interested in the symptoms and gives the patient
You could then call the suggestion effect or placebo effect. But in cancer patients with real complaints, this
effect will stop soon if we have not found the right remedy. Because what happens after a few days with the
The general condition verschlehtert , it is not better the patient. Let the patient with their words describe the
" In the afternoon, the mood went down to the basement. I was tired after eating.
After rounds, I was sad and was crying a lot, because my disease and cancer are again so clear and center.
Yesterday and today I felt a twinge again in the rectum, which I had earlier times. The eyes feel so tired
again. The dental impressions on the tongue have become more and gnashing of teeth as well. It is difficult
for me to sit with the people at the table , because I always have the feeling of not belonging , all the talk
about her cancer. "
When asked what she would like to do in such a situation, she said that she would prefer to escape and run
away. Yesterday, she again felt the side of the neck and pulled at the neck. "I cannot swallow properly,
constantly I can feel a lump in the throat and pressure in the neck, which is not better. If I swallow just yet, I
have pain. , I 'm depressed; it's not good to me and have back pain, due to the soft bed. I miss the
movement, I want to move , which is good for me for my depression. "
It is often so when we give an agent which has certain symptoms in its area of influence , that exactly these
symptoms. Therefore, it is always important to analyze the case exactly and the reactions occurring to
watch closely . I have seen many homeopaths who proudly reported that with a very rare means a particular
symptom is passed at a Pateintin . But only because this agent was specifically indicated for it. Then you
have the long term view , how is the patient . Because usually there is a suppression or shifting of
symptoms to another level . If someone had long hay fever and we treat the "successful" and the patient
then developed three months later vertigo , we have suppressed the hay fever and man made sicker than
before, because now appear central nervous system symptoms that are of the highest order .
How now going on in our case ? The analysis of phosphorus was still good, but if it does not help , one
should not say that homeopathy has failed , as it then many people say no, you have to put the blame on
yourself and try to find a new Ansatzweg , the patient can help.
It is now thought all occurred and not gebesserten symptoms and repertorised this to get references to the
newly selected agent.
It occurs a jump in the rectum, but it was an old symptom, and would not bother us if it would go the Patient
better. But since it's not doing better, which may be a reference to the new agent, or is it a phosphorus-test
Then we look at all the other symptoms in the repertory, which have not improved.
She complains of back pain in the soft bed that is a good symptom, as you take in the repertory under the
Back: PAIN; General; Lying, in, amel: hard surface, on
Then she wants to escape from the oppressive situation, which is typical of the new agent. Now consider all
the symptoms and dreams since the beginning of Q3 phosphorus intake.
Sep. Ars. Rhus- t Bell. Kall- Sulph Lyc.
Total 16 15 15 14 13 12 11
Rubrics 11 8 7 7 7 7 7
rectum; PAIN; 2 1
stabbing, sharp
PAIN; General; lying; 2 2 1 2 1
in; amel; hard
mind; ESCAPE, 1 2 1 1 1
attempts to
Hats; PAIN; 1 2 2 2 1 1
swallowing; belm;
empty; agg.
Allgemeiness; 1
EFFORT, physical,
mouth; 2
SERRATED; tongue
teeth; CRUNCH 2 2 1 2 2
Sleep, DROWSINESS; 1 1 2 2 2 2
Food; after
The symptoms show us clearly sepia to, the phosphorus disappears from the scene. Now it goes back to
the first consultation and can there already discover many good Sepia symptoms. Sepia has often proved its
worth in thyroid disorders.
She gets SEPIA Q3 at 20:05:01
" I feel better , I feel much better , I felt at once an inner satisfaction in mind ! "
"I was at my house and my room was full of chaos and suddenly ordered chaos and it was all right . "
The gnashing of teeth was not as strong. In the stomach, there is still some nausea . The neck pressure is
Commentary on the visit:
If a man says that he feels an inner satisfaction after the middle , then that is a good sign and then if still a
dream appears , is made in the order, which is a confirmation of the agent. In psychoanalysis is the room or
the house for the seat of the ICH. If it is now made to such a central place in the subconscious right, that's a
good sign. Also, in the first case with the melanoma dreamed the man of the chaos that he could no longer
bear. Disease is only a disturbed order of immunological functions, but our immunological functions are
directly dependent on our mental and emotional state.
"I really felt good for the first time today and I got a fancy to wander again., The pressure on the neck,
however, is still very strong."
"I've seen an anorexic girl and it was quite stunted and in the dream the girl then turned and was again
beautiful and healthy."
This girl she had seen in the dream was sure they or were unconscious of their shares, which heal now,
that's a very good sign. Sepia seems to be a very good means for the patient.
She is doing much better mentally and outcome measures have all improved. The stomach problems are
improved by 80%. The exhaustion is better by 70%. The twitching before sleep is gone. The cold feet in bed
are better by 70%. Sleep is now quite relaxing.
Only the pressure on the neck is little improved by at most 10%. That scares her because the doctors are
pushing for an immediate operation of the carcinoma. But if we can recognize that a means to all other
chronic symptoms and effects of cancer, in principle, only the function of the immune system and the life
force is subjected, and then we can hope that there also improved slightly. And so I'm doing good hope to
the patient and send them with a good feeling and sepia Q4 and Q5 home.
The difficulty now is to control the distance very accurately the course and to assess properly. We are then
very dependent on the cooperation of the patient, and hope that this watch is good.
The pressure at the neck is a little bit better. She is still very irritable before menses. Sepia Q6.
It goes very well; the pressure on the neck is not so bad. Mentally quite balanced. When the cold feet come
in the evening, then the pressure on the neck is reinforced. Sepia Q7, Q8
"Sometimes I have a pressure on the lungs and throat often pushes back."
There are frequent complaints that were already better with the sepia. This may be the first evidence of a
so-called late aggravation. You normally use then with the agent and waits until the symptoms passes. If
they persevere, then other means must be sought.
I decide to a middle ground and give the sepia only every two days, so as not to overwhelm the organism.
Each time after the sepia taking the pressure has intensified on the neck. Now this is weird. At first we had
worked out so well phosphorus and it had not helped, then we gave Sepia and it has helped wonderfully,
but now it no longer seems to work.
It is important that you never give up and say, well, that's the way of things and a cancer to want to stay with
homeopathy, already is very presumptuous. No, now you have to rethink everything back exactly and I
believe that the dosage is not right and now give her a gift:
"I feel like the neck is getting tighter and my neck is quite stiff. Could it be that the carcinoma fills the whole
neck? I had a dream that I'm flying through the air, which was very nice, had I used to often."
I send a placebo, because they are not yet over 35 days after Sepia XM and the agent still acts. We also
need to know that there can be several times worse in the C potencies. Either the aggravation immediately
after ingestion, or there is an aggravation to the 14th day and then again enter the possibility of an
aggravation to the 30th day. Therefore, it is important to have an impact means. Who is now too early an
agent may spoil the whole case. In addition, there must also be no aggravation, it can be. I've even had
some patients who were disappointed because there was no aggravation, as they thought, this must be so.
It has returned resting on the neck; the pressure is slightly better, but still there. It was good to have the
sepia effect. Now get back to some nervousness about an upcoming exam. The thought of the exam, they
cannot sleep. The closer the test, the more extreme it gets. Even the thought of the test can cause
diarrhoea. For the test does not go in the pants, I give her to safety: Gelsemium C200.
The test went very well, no problems, the nervousness was not so bad. But the throat pressure is really bad
again and there are more and bloating. She complains again about drowsiness after eating.
Now I'm considering that Sepia was indeed very good, but has never really affected the pain in the neck.
Total 10 11 5 7 9 7 8 7
Rubrics 7 5 3 4 5 4 5 5
mind; DREAMS; Flies (17) 1
neck; PAIN; swallowing; when; empty, agg (79) 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1
PAIN; General; Lying down,; amel; hard ... (12) 1 2 2 2
sleep; DROWSINESS; Food; for (101) 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2
rectum; PAIN; Pungent, Hot (169) 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2
NECK; PAIN; Press (69) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mind, FEAR; Examination, investigation, before a (19) 1 1
Now you see, can be a homeopathic cancer treatment as difficult. If we weight the symptoms differently,
another agent comes out. Then one sees that Thuja also covers many symptoms. Is the case maybe
miasmatically complicated?
I actually thought that Sepia is their basic means, but it helps her too little. Now thats why I give
Lycopodium XM.
She says that she feels tranquil with the agent and bloating is also decreased. The tiredness is less after
eating. Lycopodium is a good liver remedy that helps it a lot.
You did an ultrasound of neck and the doctors were confused because they found no tumour.
I wonder now whether the Lycopodium has helped in this respect or was it the sepia before? The pressure
at the throat is certainly now become much better with the Lycopodium!
She is very satisfied. The pressure at the neck has been improved by 60%. It was not until the last few days
she again noted a slight tenderness in the neck. The bloating had almost disappeared and is now more
The pressure at the throat is better overall by 70%, and only when she feels stress him more. She is very
balanced and digestion is good. Since a few days come back for more bloating.
Lycopodium CM
It is again an inner restlessness in her. Because the CM has duration of 3 months, I'll give Saccharum
The neck was actually OK, but they sit very sad because she had a child so happy and is not pregnant. She
grieved over anything else. The loss of her child was bad and now she wants nothing more on earth than to
have a child. She had some brownish discharge and was again more irritable before menses.
Sepia is a very good means if women want to be pregnant and I have a few women who were told that they
cannot have children, helped with the help of sepia to a child. But now in this situation with the cancer and
just because Lycopodium has improved but the neck pressure, I'm just in doubt whether I should leave the
Lycopodium. Nevertheless, I decide to give again Sepia, because I tshink it is the basic means of the
Sepia C200 I give her with the hope that the hormonal function is stimulated.
Everything has become worse, unfortunately, the legs are again heavy, the neck presses again very strong.
I imagine that only the cancer must be completely removed from the body before the woman can become
pregnant. With Lycopodium it was actually very stable and the feelings of pressure on the neck were
better. So I go back once again to Lycopodium XM, because that has done so well. Actually, the second
Lycopodium CM's turn would have been now. Since I in the middle was not 100% sure I did not have to
wait three months if something had not gone well.
A re-examination of the neck shows that one can find no more tumour with the visual technical measures!
She calls thrilled that she was pregnant. She was in the eighth week. I congratulate them and was no way,
because everything is going so well at the moment.
She calls and reported that she had again lost her child. It was no longer continued to grow and died since
the ninth week. She is absolutely devastated, but she cannot cry. At most when she's all alone, get a few
tears. You also want to be alone, the pain is too great and consolation they do not like.
I send her then Natrum muriaticum XM, which is next Ignatia the best means at the loss of a child. If you
cannot cry, it is usually Natrum muriaticum, when crying and sighing happen, you are more likely Ignatia.
The pressure at the throat increases again. She dreams of people who have been skinned. Lycopodium
The pressure at the throat is better. The psyche is even better, though the pain still deeply seated about the
lost child.
The neck pressure was quite good and the last few days back for more. I give Lycopodium XM in water,
but in order to change the power level a bit.
Goes well.
Lycopodium XM in water.
"It's like numbness in the neck, as if I were a corset. It is also a tingling sensation in the thyroid. The neck
pushes back for more."
What do we do now?
The Lycopodium no longer applies and I think of organ tropes means to affect the thyroid and give in
wohlweislicher consideration Spongia C200.
Spongia is a real specific for the thyroid gland, we will experience later in other cases where I will go to
them at length (see case report 11 and 12).
The tingle in the thyroid is gone and the pressure at the throat was slightly better. Occur again increased
bloating especially in the evening on.
Actually, you should proceed after the ED KENT scale and increase the potency levels, but here I will
document my honest not quite classical approach.
Normally one would twice the C30, the C200 twice, then the C1000 twice, then the XM twice and then
enters the CM twice, and then begins again at the C30. I do it in rare cases, so when I see that potency has
worked very well that I then repeat this for so long, until it no longer works.
The pressure at the throat was much better with the Lycopodium M and for four days the neck pressure
comes back. This is the right time for the repetition of: Lycopodium M.
The pressure at the throat is gone. The nervousness is completely gone, it's very good. No bloating. I think
that Lycopodium still works and give Saccharum lactis.
"It's really all good, but in my heart I am so sad that I have no child. I want to be sure pregnant. Since cannot
help homeopathy?"
Under the Lycopodium she is doing very well, the neck is fine, but she is not pregnant. I think I'll give her
again sepia and then Lycopodium. I test it again, because I think that is their basic means.
Sepia C200
The neck has become significantly worse again, it pushes back for more. She also has a lot of stress in the
office. The bloating is reinforced again. Now I have finally realized that they just keep still needs the
Lycopodium XM
It has an acute cold, and will remain off the voice and she is very hoarse. Give this acute phosphorus C200.
The phosphorus had long done very well. Also the neck pressure and the stomach was quite good. If our
idea from the beginning but not have been so bad?
"The neck is great, because I cannot feel anything anymore." It's all good.
Phosphorus M
It's all good, but she wants to have a child and has been informed of a hormone treatment. I will seek to
prevent and advise her on a hormone treatment and give again the SEPIA 200.
The neck starts to push back. Each time after the sepia pushes the neck more. I wonder what that means.
Either Sepia is fundamentally wrong, or the interaction of abdominal disorders and thyroid diseases as JC
Described Burnett, plays an important role. That is, only when a chronic abdominal disorder or dysfunction
would be healed, and the pressure would disappear at the neck. Then even a child could come.
The mufflers are pretty good, overall 70% better, but lately she complains of numbness in the arms and
legs. She is afraid that she might have multiple sclerosis, as the numbness does not go away.
She has a lot of stress and is easily irritated and has also started smoking again. In the stomach, she feels a
pressure especially during stress. She's frustrated and gives up all hope of a child.
Because of the stress and unhealthy lifestyle change I send Nux C200.
The numbness does not go by in the arms. "It's such a strange feeling and I feel like trapped in my body. It's
worse when I'm lying." Before menstruation she is very irritable and there are often conflicts with the partner.
In the evening in bed, there is a restlessness of feet, she has to move all the time due feet. It occurs again
on a yellowish discharge before menstruation. The neck pressure is fine.
What do you do now? First of studying the symptoms:
With these symptoms is again sepia in the first place. What is going on here? If I now reproducing sepia,
then the neck pressure will certainly increase again. But I am considering very carefully and analysed the
case again at the beginning and look at all our dreams again. In a dream she hut a man beaten and she
saw blood there. I thought that was striking and thought at the time of phosphorus. But said in the second
part of the dream, she said that she was emotionally cold and the man wanted to be superior. This is a topic
of sepia. The feeling of being trapped in your own body is also a sepia theme. And when Burnett should still
be right with his Synorganopathie theory, then I would again give Sepia, in the hope that it now uses. I am of
the opinion that Sepia is the basic means of patient and dare, as if the experience had nothing better to me
in this case taught, but again Sepia C200.
But this time it went well with the sepia, there is no pressure on the neck come more. The numbness in the
arms have stopped. The restlessness of the legs is nuch longer there. Sleep is relaxing and it is internally
balanced and not so easily irritated.
I am glad that it finally gets better and I am happy for me that I was so stubborn, once again to test the
sepia. Now I can give it a good feeling again.
If the neck pressure now does not appear, then that is a sign that looks deep sepia and restores the
abdomen function. Then it would be quite possible that she might be pregnant.
Sepia C200
She calls me excited: "I'm pregnant." But you do not want to be too excited, because they've lost all the
children around the eighth week and so it was important to be seen. The pressure at the throat is good; all
other parameters are also good.
Now it is important that you have the right means to maintain the pregnancy. She is still under the sepia
effect and I hope it will protect them.
It draws in the abdomen and there was slight bleeding. You a large upper construction for fear of losing her
child again. The legs are again very restless at night.
I repeat again Sepia C200.
It's better after Sepia, but she still fears for the child. She got a great desire to oranges.
She sometimes has a foul taste in the mouth. Otherwise everything quite well.
Sepia C200
She has no complaints in the neck and the child seems to be developing well. Sepia C200.
She is in the 32th week and has premature labour, but it is again in more stress. Since the sepia still works,
I'll give 3x Saccharum lactis and in reserve Sepia M, if the contractions should not stop.
It's all good again; she had the sepia M does not need to take.
It's all very well, but because of cracked nipples during breastfeeding I give again Sepia M.
This complex case has cost me a lot of nerves, because I could not understand why the sepia worsened
again and has strengthened the neck pressure. Only by the theory of the interaction of organ systems, such
as JC Burnett has called Synorganopathie, I realized that the impaired abdominal function must have been
the root cause of thyroid cancer. This case also shows that sometimes more agents needed to promote
healing. And that even a simile can accompany us for a while and then symptoms will be delivered to us that
give us clues to the Similimum. I treat the patient now for over five years and thanks to the homeopathy of
thyroid cancer could be made to disappear without surgery and radioiodine therapy. All complaints have
disappeared, and finally as a sign of perfect health she could be pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child.
Who draws it not his hat to the dear Hahnemann, who has given us with homeopathy is a wonderful tool in
the hand to help in this special way sick people.
Page 129
It's all very well, but because of cracked nipples during breastfeeding I give again Sepia M.
This complex case has cost me a lot of nerves because I could not understand why the sepia worsened
again and again and has reinforced the neck pressure. Only through the theory of the interaction of
organ systems, such as JC Burnett has called Synorganopathie, I realized that the impaired
abdominal function must have been the root cause of thyroid cancer. This case also shows that it is
sometimes more agents needed to promote healing. And that is also a simile can accompany us for a while
and then symptoms are delivered to us that give us clues to the Similimum. I treat the patient now for over
five years and thanks to the homeopathy of thyroid cancer could be made to disappear without surgery and
radioiodine therapy. All complaints have disappeared and finally as a sign of perfect health she could be
pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child.
Who accuses as not to guard against the love Hahnemann, who has given us with homeopathy a wonderful
tool in the hand to help in this special way sick people.
Case Study: 5
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas with lymph node metastases, metastasizes the Mesenterialwurzeln and
metastases in the peritoneum.
A nice 69-year-old lady from Grisons stood in March 2004 with a Bausch metastatic salivary gland cancer
with me in practice. She comes mitht the off chance that you can still give her some relief in their symptoms,
since you have her clear out her poor prognosis in mind.
The study location is currently vpn from an overall survival of more than six months after the diagnosis of
metastatic pancreatic cancer. No matter what treatment you do.
In December 2003, they lost within four weeks 10 kg of weight. Computed tomography showed a distinct
mass in the abdomen.
In February 2004, we opened the abdomen and but immediately realized that the tumor is inoperable. The
whole mesentery was riddled with metastases. It took only a few biopsies to verify the diagnosis and then
the abdomen was closed again.
The patient was then not a lot of hope, but they wanted a palliative Chemotherapy (GEMZAR and 5-FU)
make attempts to prolong her life a little, with the chemotherapy in pancreatic tumors probably the worst
responsive (R. MOSS questionable chemotherapy).
The patient came to me in March 2004 and has already received chemotherapy, but the disease could not
be stopped, but probably still faster, because the side effects resulted in a further weakening of the immune
system and massive diarrhea result Hatten.
Page 130
The disease progressed relentlessly and the patient lost within six weeks 15 kg weight! This seems to be a
mild case, but also in desperate cases you have to take the symptoms calm and try to find a suitable
homeopathic remedy.
She was very weakened by the constant diarrhea. You could actually eat anything, because everything they
ate or drank immediately caused diarrhea. The strongest drugs could not stop the diarrhea. The diarrhea is
like water, yellowish and sometimes completely undigested.
In November 2003, shortly before the diagnosis, they toiled a terrible cough that shook the whole chest. The
discharge consisted of small greenish chunks. It was a constant irritant in the throat pit, which amplifies
triggered the cough. The cough they toiled all day and sometimes at night also. Then the husband went into
another room. The cough caused a belt-like pain in the chest. With the beginning of this cough and pain in
the abdomen and the rapid weight loss, which ultimately caused her to see a doctor began.
She had lived her life always healthy, never smoked and never drank alcohol, and was completely surprised
by this infaust diagnosis. Therefore, we must consider all factors, may provide the evidence of CAUSA.
In the family of brother died ten years ago from a gastric lymphoma. The grandparents always had stomach
problems. The sister had tuberculosis.
Memory can lately very limited, especially names are no longer retained.
She has worked 25 years in the catering and stood still in front of the microwave oven. She never had a
good feeling about this microwave oven and always tried to keep some distance, but it was at stomach
height, and she was 25 years on this work. The left eyelid hangs something and it closes with her
automatically, without that they can control it.
Last year, the blood sugar levels went to the flu shot suddenly up, which could be already been the first clue
that something is wrong with the pancreas. I would not say that that has been the cause of the tumor, but
I've been in some patient, who had a pancreatic tumor, or where he was discovered shortly thereafter, saw
a significant aggravation after influenza vaccination.
Ten years ago, there was a hysterectomy. Following the operation, she got some hearing and suffers from
tinnitus since then. Then started hot flashes and were prescribed hormone patches, which they used
regularly since that time
Since the chemotherapy the tendons all over the body seem to be harder and stiffer. For minor injuries
bruises easily arise. Sometimes white patches develop on the skin, forming a spongy surface, which
immediately start to bleed profusely upon removal. Nosebleeds she had very rarely in life.
The diarrhea began three weeks before the start of chemotherapy and then got worse.
Currently coming again stabbing pains in the lower abdomen in front, before air is pushed. The regurgitation
of air has increased dramatically the last few weeks. It takes about a mouthful tasteless air upwards.
They have always liked like spicy dishes, salty and sharp. Seasoned they like it very much.
Page 131
Very happy she likes garlic. The drinks should not be too cold when it was too cold, she was feeling stuck, it
remains in the neck. There will then very hard in my throat and it adjusts itself a sense of suffocation. But
that was only very rarely times.
The knee joints have strong osteoarthritis and since the arthroscopy two years ago, she could no longer
drive a ski. It was their no longer possible to angle across the knee. A squatting position in gym does not go
for two years because of it.
The sleep is disturbed heavily for a year; she wakes up later than 1:00 clock and then lies awake in bed until
morning. Sleep has always been bad, but as bad as a year ago he has never been.
Before surgery, they have always had a twitching in the legs and it was her getting cold. There was a feeling
as if the chest and abdomen cold. You've then always slept with the heating pad on the abdomen.
On the tongue you can see red edges and slight tooth impressions. She had eczema on the back, which not
many years would disappear. You got it ointments and internal medicine. The doctor said that as eczema
must be cured with internal funds. Since he has also completely right that is thought proper homeopathy, but
unfortunately included his inner resources cortisone and the external medium consisted of sulfur shampoo
and Iacutin. Thus, corresponding to suppression rather than a healing from inside. The patient always has
hot hands and feet. The feet can even are so hot that they have to stretch them out of bed at night. The
sense of order is more relaxed, it will not interfere when something lying around.
The veins of the hands are very prominent. As a child she always got scared in the dark and being alone.
She is not afraid of thunderstorms.
Every year they had repeatedly recurrent cold sores on the lips, only last two years they didnt experience. It
is always an important sign, if chronic symptoms, suddenly "stop, because usually there is a shift to a
deeper level.
On the fingers of the patient was observed in your life small water filled itchy blisters over again. The
vesicles were also between the toes.
For ten years, in the autumn regularly an itch on his left arm and an itching in the groin that will be showered
with ice cold water by her to achieve palliation.
She still complains about a dry mouth at night, but then they do not drink, because it then so loud gurgling in
the stomach.
The worst are currently for the patient weakness, diarrhea, that they can eat anything and rapid weight loss.
Once again, not an easy story and once again a plethora of symptoms that can migrate one from a central
idea to the next.
So you have to try to order the first thing and filter out the symptoms, to organize and divide in chronic and
current symptoms. One should always remember and hope to find a good agent still can bring relief in such
a state, a possible Causa.
Page - 132
1. Collection of Symptoms:
Here are all the symptoms listed in the order as they occurred in the text, so you can see the transmission in
the repertory better as a reader or readers. It has made no rating symptoms.
If you look at the whole case and the remedy picture of Sulfur leads in mind, then this could have fit. We
have much eczema in the history, which were suppressed with cortisone and other ointments. The patient is
rather hot-blooded and stretched his feet out of bed. The sense of order is more casual. The Chronic
diarrhea is well known in Sulphur. She has now a strong weakness of memory, especially for names, it all
fits rather than sulfur to phosphorus.
But is Sulfur help now? Sulfur is perhaps the chronic remedy and covers but not the actual image?
Page- 133
It is very important that the doctor takes a medical history at lot of time and all factors taken into
consideration in order to find a good agent. You have to give the right way at the right time, otherwise it is
useless. What it helps the patient, if he gets his constitutional remedy, which helps but not for the current
complaints that require a different means.
So you have to once again make the analysis of the current symptom.
Podophyllum moves to the top of repertorisation. A very good remedy for diarrhea and intestinal
discomfort, but rather an acute remedy, Podophyllum possibly could the diarrhea, but it will never cover the
entire case and it will not be able to stop the tumor. Arsenicum -album is in second place and is a good
remedy when the patient is very weak, has diarrhea and has just launched chemotherapy behind.
Rhus - toxicodendron is the third, but seems rather to be an acute remedy me. Nux -vomica in fourth
place and this is certainly a means to which you have to think if chemotherapy or many drugs were given.
Phosphorus is the fifth and phosphorus has so far proved to me as the best means in pancreatic tumors,
so I will once again examine the phosphorus symptoms this patient exactly. In the first symptom collection
already found many good phosphorus symptoms.
Now you go back once more to the symptoms of the first consultation and considering the symptoms with
which the disease had begun, and the eventual CAUSA.
The patient had a cough for weeks, emanating from the throat-pit, which is a typical symptom of
Page- 134
One must ask whether it is not yet a cause (causa), in the medical history then.
25 years worked the patient before microwave ovens, which seems to me to be very important. That is, it
was irradiated 25 years almost daily with microwaves at stomach height. We know that microwave ovens
are not very close after the first use.
Previously, microwave ovens were even worse than shielded nowadays. But who still believes that the
microwave ovens hold all the rays, which can make the following experiment. You put a cell phone in a
microwave oven and close the door. Then you should not turn on the microwave, of course, but only select
another phone his cell phone in the microwave. In theory the phone should be able to receive signals
because the microwave is supposedly totally shielded. If so you should still ring their phone, then you know
that the microwaves go in and out. It is recommended for pregnant women to keep a minimum distance of
one meter from the microwave; otherwise genetic changes can be triggered. In experiments with pregnant
mice that were brought into the vicinity of microwave ovens, the malformation rate was increased many
times over. In addition, anyone who wants to do something for his health should be disposed of as its first
microwave. Microwaves change the structure of the proteins of the food, so that they are harmful. As a small
note, I would like to point to an impressive experiment In an experiment with 100 young cat 50 cats (first
group) were fed with expressed breast milk for cats. For the other 50 cats (second group) these cats milk
has been heated in the microwave. The first group grew rapidly. In the second group, all cats died within
three months.
Denatured proteins or changes in protein structures are very harmful. The Swiss environmental biologist Dr.
Hans Ulrich Hertel had proved in scientific experiments that food that has been heated in the microwave, is
altered toxic and produces marked changes in the blood picture of people. After Dr. Hertel was sued for
publishing his independent research by Swiss manufacturers for kitchen appliances, he had to erstreiten the
right to freedom of opinion then the first scientist in the European Court of Human Rights.
Page - 135
I think it is here in place a quote from the often persecuted physicist and inventor Galileo Galilei (1564 -
1642) insert:
,, Who does not know the truth is only a fool. Who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a criminal. "
With these possible Causa of microwave exposure and the knowledge that phosphorus is a very good
remedy for consequences of irradiation of all kinds, and the other good phosphorus symptoms I decide to
give her phosphorus.
Despite the difficult initial situation and the very advanced disease I'm the female patient courage and
assure her that homeopathy has incredible power and can help even with metastatic tumors yet.
Personally, I think it is important that the patient courage to do, even if you risk exposing yourself to warden
attacked if it is not better.
But I've seen so many patients who have told me that it was very bad to be told directly in the face by a
doctor that they have only months to live and that their disease was incurable. Some of these,, incurable
"patients I stele in this book, heir to show that sometimes it is a possibility even in the most hopeless cases,
using homeopathy and the higher laws of this earth warden healthy.
With the aim to alleviate the discomfort of the patient to extend the life of the patient and stop the tumor,
beginner I with the therapy at 04:03:04.
The ultimate goal must be to halt the rapid weight loss, relieve the discomfort in the abdomen and diarrhea.
We again create a gradient parameter list to then accurately assess the effect of phosphorus can.
The doctor uses all recyclable symptoms objectively, that is, of course, but it is always important to ask the
patient what he wants to use as outcome measures. Often then things come to light that were not even
mentioned in the anamneses. The patient must play again focused the center of his complaints. This joint
creation of the profile parameters is very important for the doctor as for the patient, as well as the patient
with all his complaints will be taken seriously. I had many patients who are as was much more important that
the fears disappeared and not the tumor or pain.
Stomach ache
Knee complaints
Page- 136
Weight loss
Freeze neck
After a week of phosphorus they had omitted the drug for diarrhea and diarrhea were still just as bad. The
appetite was a little better and she has at least not lost weight. Now she says that she has always frozen for
weeks on the neck and siet the phosphorus is much better.
The patient has to first Malk for three months a compact stool. The empty feeling in my stomach has gotten
better. No weight loss. Since about four weeks they feel the metastases in the abdominal cavity, it is strange
if I abtaste my belly, then this is like a net, there are lots of small nodules, sometimes draws and convulsing
it then also in the belly ". The peritoneum is the metastases interspersed, this is a difficult story.
The diarrhea is present again and again; it had occurred only a momentary slight improvement. The feeling
of emptiness and pain in the abdomen are plainly better. The sleeping has also improved, she was even
able to sleep for a few nights, which seemed long gone. Even the nocturnal awakening was much better.
But she gets terrible pain in my right knee so that it can no longer bend the knee. You can not even get into
the car without severe pain.
So, the diarrhea have practically not improved, but sleep and pain in the abdomen and the energy are
One must always ask when exacerbations occur, whether it is an old, ie earlier symptom. Because the
recurrence of old symptoms upon improvement of other symptoms is a good sign. Particularly if arthrosis in
the joints is present, because we are often reactions see. This means the agent is working well and you
must also continue and hope that the diarrhea will also improve.
After another week she comes back and reported that it was with the knee still terribly and she could not
walk anymore and then it was getting better and now the knee is better than before !!
She had ten years severe osteoarthritis of the knee and now it is better than ten years ago. She reported
happily: I was ten years discomfort in the knee and jtezt it is completely gone. It was Saturday still so bad
that I could not walk and now it is completely gone. I've never won the lottery, but homeopathy is now for me
like winning the lottery ".'s A good sign.
It appears a rash on the back, exactly at the point at which 20 years ago was a boil on the back, which was
repeatedly treated with black blistering ointments. It was at that time still a festering spot back; the anointing
using all sorts disappeared after one year. Now it seems just like 20 years ago.
Page- 137
1. From the inside out (including also the healing process of more important organs to less
important organs meant)
2. From top to bottom
3. And in the reverse order of their appearance.
Actually, the Hering`schen usually not of herring, as Hahnemann has it been made clear in his PsoraTheorie
in the first part of the chronic diseases. Hahnemann describes many examples where the effects of local
treatment (suppression) with enumeration of the resulting mental, emotional and body diseases. JT Kent
has it then in 1911 as a law postulates (Lesser and Minor writings eng. Edition S. 213 ff. Section,,
Correspondence of organ and Direction of cure ").
So actually only the last part of Hering`schen rule of Constantine Hering: The fact that a course of healing
the symptoms in the reverse order of appearance again Solten disappear. In the first English edition of,,
Chronic Diseases "of Hahnemann Hering wrote in 1846 the introduction and repeated thence the
observation of Hahnemann, that in curing a disease Psoric the symptoms should disappear in the reverse
order of their occurrence.
This was a small excursion into the medical history, but anyone who has even contributed to this rule, you
should thank forever, this rule is very useful in assessing the healing process, if we improve, for example,
joint discomfort medium with and then heart problems occur, then we have suppressed the disease and
moved to a more vital organ. When the heart or the eyes are better and there are joint aches or rashes on,
then that is a good sign. If a skin shock disappears in the face and only remains on the legs, then this is the
right direction.
In homeopathy, it is very difficult to trace the symptoms of chronic treatment accurately and correctly. Is
even more difficult in the assessment of symptoms in the use of Q-Protenzen (see Section Q - magnitude).
The patient was now several bottles of Q potency to the Q-5 of phosphorus.
She was administered on an outpatient basis but still chemotherapy, but then you stopped, because in spite
of chemotherapy led to an increase in the tumor marker. If chemotherapy increases the tumor marker that is
not a good sign.
Page- 138
The weakness increased again and the diarrhea was like water after chemotherapy.
Arsenicum album Q3 (Knzli / Stanga) as a means for the current side effects of chemotherapy. Then,
finally, the chemotherapy was stopped.
After that we made more beautiful with phosphorus Q6 (Knzli / Stanga).
On 05.13.04
Reported it from two mountain tours, she has made. She's doing much better and she does not tolerate the
side effects of chemotherapy. "If I did not know that I have this disease, I would not believe it".
Go to phosphorus.
After that the treating oncologist was again continued with the chemotherapy at the urging. The patient is
beset on all sides to continue the chemotherapy and it can happen again with him. The result is an
increasing weakness, massive diarrhea and abdominal pain increased.
She gets me Nux and Arsenicum album for the side effects of chemotherapy and phosphorus then
again to Q8.
On 06.10.04
Finished this one chemotherapy again, because despite this chemotherapy was another tumor marker
increase and the general condition deteriorated significantly. We would now like to switch to another
palliative chemotherapy.
In the summer of 2004, when the patient has lost another 3 kg of weight, I realize that I will lose this patient
when I cannot stop this palliative chemotherapy and make up my mind, the treating oncologist to write a
Since he is an intelligent, sincere man who wants only to help, I hope to be understanding:
It is my desire to write to you because I like you cared about by Mrs XXX, exactly at the very Herzwen.
After it has come under chemotherapy to a further increase in tumor markers and the last weeks of
chemotherapy increasingly worse off woman XXX and I had feeling that we fight with our homeopathic
remedies, only the side effects of chemo, I thought that it was time to stop the chemotherapy. I know you
now want to start a new chemotherapy, but you know as well as I study the situation that there is only a low
success rate in the palliative chemotherapy con pancreatic tumors and that its survival can only be achieved
by a few months. However, the side effects are so great that I wonder if it is not meaningful, a further life
extension vie to achieve least possible QUALITY OF LIFE, but without the chemotherapy. I think now you
can see the white woman XXX, it is possible to improve their quality of life when we pause with
chemotherapy. It has Ms. XXX give a special phenomenon that under the homeopathic therapy many
complaints they belasteteten years, disappeared. This is a sign for us that Ms. XXX is possibly curable. Only
the last weeks of chemotherapy, I made me very worried, because I was not sure if Ms. XXX suffering from
their fort-border disease or from the effects of chemotherapy, which can soon collapse their entire immune
Page- 139
Our goal is to make the immune system and its own regulatory mechanism to encourage so that the tumor
is detected again by the immune system and is then kept in chess. I know of no case has in deme lived in
patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer for more than a year, has just received chemotherapy, but I know
some cases that have lived one to two years, with gutter quality of life, who have made no more
chemotherapy and were treated homeopathically.
I ask you Really, what you want to achieve exactly the chemotherapy, if it is only palliative? Actually, it only
improves the quality of life and survival time, just like it will.
I therefore ask you again to consider what might be the best way for our patient.
The reaction was positive and the oncologist load itself to a longer Chemotherapieepause to see what
homeopathy can alone. Of course, not to point without that there were no studies on the homeopathic
treatment of curbs and no evidence for the efficacy of homeopathy, however, he has seen that has state of
the patient now dramatically deteriorated and that it identify not go on. Er. But also sees that we can
probably achieve little improvement on clinical tumor, but we must try to improve the quality of life.
According to current study situation you can with systemic chemotherapy with gemcitabine in combination
with 5 - FU achieve a response of 5-15%, but ultimately should produce only a possible survival benefit of
only four to eight weeks in metastatic pancreatic cancer.
Meanwhile, we have some common patient and good, tune the therapies to ensure optimum interaction
between conventional medicine and homeopathy.
The patient is now unfortunately in a very bad condition. Friends already want to take leave of her, now that
you expect the inexorable progression of cancer.
She freezes in the middle of summer, has bad watery yellow diarrhea immediately after eating or drinking.
The tongue is provided with teeth marks.
There is an inner restlessness, especially at night, despite extreme fatigue, sodas they cannot sleep. It is
her very cold and she says she would feel the cold even in the blood vessels. It requires warm drinks. She
sees some things twice and I wonder if this is not a phosphorus-examination symptom. Otherwise, it
shows a typical Arsenicum album- image.
Page- 140
I think she is advised by the chemotherapy in a Arsenicum album-state and not only by the disease. We
take now once again the current status and to re-create history parameters for the now-state.
On 20.07.04
They joyfully reported that many outcome measures have become the means and does her very well.
Freezing is much better and the double vision is gone. The abdominal sides ache disappeared after three
days, only the diarrhea have not changed. The dental impressions were less. Our Arsenicum album seems
to do well.
The oncologist wrote me a letter and says that he is amazed that the patient again much better off, even
though it makes only a month no more chemotherapy and he wants to be happy, to wait a little, because he
sees that the homeopathy patient is doing well. He will continue to monitor the tumor markers accurate.
On 08.05.04
There reappear double images. The weakness increases again slightly and she hears strong rumbling in the
On 20.08.04
There comes a greater unrest within her and freezing comes back. Therefore I turn again to return
Arsenicum album Q7
Page -141
I've been in far advanced disease states often see the difference between Arsenicum album and
phosphorus. Just when phosphorus is not the actual constitutional remedy of the patient and it is displayed
only in cancer, when your body is saturated with it, symptoms of Arsenicum album, an antidote to
phosphorus appear.
We now have one and a half months no chemotherapy gematch and I'm feeling better and better. Yesterday
we did a hike and I was full of energy.
There came an old rash on my back that itched me greatly. After bathing, it always itches terribly. Just as I
had 20 years ago. Fortunately Dr. had given equal lacutin and a cortisone ointment X me, and then the rash
was better. I sweat heavily since the neck.
When an old rash appears under the homeopathic therapy, then that is a very good sign, because it is the
organism able to bring back a part of an inner disease outside this must not back into drive with ointments
you. The tumor marker is increased from 100 to 140.
Due to suppression of rash and itching after swimming and sweating on the neck I give Sulfur Q3 (Schmidt-
Nagel). Sulfur is also an important means of detoxification.
She is doing quite well and they got now the Sulfur Q4.
The weight goes back up. She was already at 58 kg, and now she's back at 65 kg. As the disease began, it
still weighed 86 kg and then began the rapid weight loss. She is doing very well, only the tumor marker is
ascended confused me a little. But is she the last months better without chemotherapy. Finally, there came
also among the chemotherapy to a tumor marker increase. Now you have to think carefully and I think it
should be our goal to optimize the quality of life, but also at the same time to keep the tumor in check.
Although I am not a friend of Chemotherapy, they can sometimes be useful when a MINIMAL DOSE is used
and will always pay attention to the immune status of the patient. In consultation we make a num
chemotherapy in tablet form, which is dose reduced by 60% in order not to impair the immune system too.
Page- 142
We are very lucky. We had almost three months no chemotherapy, so that the immune system was able to
recover and then they got the last two weeks, a very low dose chemotherapy in tablet form, so that now the
tumor marker (CA 19-9) has dropped from 160 to 60. The patient is stable.
The patient developed a great desire to drink ice cold milk from the fridge and was again after the last
chemotherapy again significantly weaker.
Because of the desire for ice cold milk and weakness after chemotherapy I go back to phosphorus.
It is increasingly hoarse when speaking and they must clear their throats constantly and looks back double
images. We must always pay close attention if symptoms occur given agent that could show us a possible
late aggravation. The increasing hoarseness, throat clearing, and the double images are typical symptoms
and phosphorus are used in our case as a warning signal. So I make a break with phosphorus and give her
Saccharum- lactis, to test whether the symptoms disappear again. That would mean that it has really been a
late exacerbation.
It's nice if the theory works in practice. It was really a late exacerbation because the hoarseness, cough and
diplopia disappeared quite quickly.
The weakness is again more, the flunk become more frequent and abdomen reset themselves more pain
After the phosphorus pause now show us that agents need again. But since they already had so much
phosphorus, I admit it now only every two days.
It goes very well. She told yet that it had been removed 48 years uterine polyps and that they had then
clearly gained weight and many of their complaints have ceased. It is so important that we do not simply
operate polyps or fibroids and then claim that the man then is healthy. The man was sick, otherwise he
would not have developed the fibroids and when you operate these sick people then, man is still sick. Now
the organism will have to find a new valve.
Such a disease is always suppressed to a lower level until the end ultimately the cancer appears. I would be
glad if you would but just understand.
The tumor marker increased from 50 to 90 and the oncologist wanted to make a stronger chemotherapy, but
we remain at the minimum dose. We must also keep in mind again that the chemotherapy itself does not
heal tumors, but this ultimately does the intact immune system.
It's very good. Although diarrhea is still strong, but otherwise I have no complaints, I do not know what to
tell. The weight also goes back up to 66 kg. I am very satisfied. "
Last year I was actually already in the die itself was not even out of bed and out the relatives had all come
to say goodbye to me. This year, the relatives were back and thought they find a dying man before. Then I
only made those times a hike since then were all very surprised at how fit I am. "
It goes very well. Her oncologist told in a great doctors - Symposium in Locarno, that he had a patient with
metastatic pancreatic cancer, which breaks all the statistics and the one and a half years is still alive and is
almost free of symptoms. He also mentioned the good work together between homeopathy and
conventional medicine.
So it must be that the oncologists of the future are aligned more auTherapien that support the immune
system and use at most lowest doses of chemotherapeutic agents.
I had a cold and then me Dr. X had the same given a antibiotic. Then it was me, but always bad. He started
a new chemotherapy in tablet form. I had again an inner strakes freezing and great inner turmoil.
The abdomen caused problems, it came again pressing pains and I had to warm conditions on the belly,
which I did well. I do not consider it in the unrest but in bed, because I have to get out of bed and walk
around. As soon as I am gone about, is me extreme cold that I have to go back to bed. On the tongue quite
significant dental impressions can be detected. "
Page- 144
It is important to listen carefully to the patient and again to study all symptoms.
Ars. Rhus- Puls. Sep. Chel.
Total 15 14 6 5 5
Rubrics 6 5 3 4 3
mind; Restlessness, nervousness, tendency to; inner (40) 3 3 1 1
Restlessness, nervousness, tendency to; move; must be 2 3 2
Restlessness, nervousness, tendency to; bed; want of a 3 2 1
bed (15)
frost; MOVEMENT; according to (14) 3 3 3 1
stomach; PAIN; General; warm; applications; amel (8) 1 1
mouth; IMPRESSIONS, SCORES, AND RIBS; Tongue (43) 3 3 1 2 3
"The fact that freezing and restlessness are better, but I still have so desire to move me. It may be that I'm
doing aerobics in the night at 3:00 clock in bed".
Because it is quite good overall, I test because of the strong urge to move and certain family conflicts.
Sepia in Q-potencies.
It's not good and I no longer tolerate the chemotherapy tablets. I get the new and that makes me such
discomfort that I cannot take it anymore. I have the oncologist then returned the tablets, because they are
so expensive, 30 pieces cost 3000. And was supposed to take a pill every day. I also want the insurance
company are not levied, although everything is paid without any problems.
Sepia Next
She had Sepia to Q7 and it had helped her at times well and she felt a good energy with it. Now come again
increased abdominal pain and it reappear double images. That's the message for me is that it needs re-
It may also be that she has to react strongly to the now newly begun chemotherapy and I request immediate
dose reduction. I still feel that I have very often only to treat the side effects of chemotherapy in the course
and only then can build up the immune system's other homeopathic remedies.
The oncologist is amazed at how well it goes. The patient is full of energy.
Phosphorus Q18 (Knzli / Stanga)
Page- 145
The patient had received a new chemotherapy and very poorly tolerated, so the oncologist has these also
sold the same and he has said of himself, that one must keep the dose really quite minimal.
I try to persuade the patient to leave the chemotherapy quite be, since I wont with my homeopathic
remedies barely manage to maintain the immune system. She has lost 5 kg. She is very weak, the anxiety is
back. You freezes all day and has severe abdominal pain.
It will come back typical Arsenicum album-related symptoms after this chemotherapy auf.Ich wonder if in
this case, the chemotherapy is worse or the actual disease?
She was still with another doctor who told her that she had not long to live, since all patients die quickly with
pancreatic carcinoma. Then she had not slept all night and had great fear. How futile were these words of
this doctor, he would have been silent, then the patient would have at least slept better. However, she had
been prophesied the imminent demise of two and a half years ago and she lives all statistics despite still.
The Arsenicum album did well, the abdominal pain, the fear, the anxiety and inner freezing have passed.
You should only take the Q11 album Arsenicum every two days.
They had tried a new chemotherapy again with me and I felt really bad, so the doctor said that we have this
now. "
It's quite good. I can walk in the mountains and I again get more energy. I have again gained some weight.
They also welcomed the friendly doctor from the University Hospital Freiburg, the with us in the clinic, the
study designed to prove the efficacy of homeopathy in cancer patients burch leads. It had the disease
development of patient followed the last few years and has seen also from time to time the patient.
You still reported that they recently have the feeling that their eyes would be better as they could see well.
It goes well. The patient is very happy, she likes to go hiking in the mountains and enjoys the outdoors.
Summary of observation:
Using mainly phosphorus and Arsenicum album in Q-potencies could be achieved in this patient with
metastatic pancreatic cancer, previously a long-term survival of almost three years. I am of the opinion that
this patient will live on even long if you continue to adjust the homeopathic remedy well and I manage the
oncologist wieterhin of the minimum dose of chemotherapy or the complete omission of chemotherapy to
convince. In the course of treatment I had very often combat the side effects of chemotherapy.
Page- 146
Now I hear literally been so many critical voices say that it was not homeopathy, which has received the
patient in so miraculously alive, but the chemotherapy, which scored the patient.
To clear this criticism out of the way, let's look at times but the current study existing situation and the
current treatment options for pancreatic cancer to:
Pancreatic cancer has the neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract by far the worst prognosis: the median life
expectancy is four to six months (1)
This unsatisfactory long-term results even after curative resection led to the development of advanced
multimodal therapy concepts:
1. neoadjuvant, preoperative radio chemotherapy with local radiotherapy (45 to 50 4 Gy) and
application of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) or mitomycin C or gemcitabine when potentially curative, operable
pancreatic cancer
2. The pre-operative, "down staging" 5-FU-based chemotherapy radio if necessary). with gemcitabine
or cisplatin), and simultaneously or sequentially administered in primary unresectable, locally
advanced pancreatic cancer
3. and adjuvant postoperative chemotherapy or also 5-FU-based chemotherapy radio. You try so to
increase the local Resektionsmglichkeiten and would like to make the long-term survival improved
When chemotherapy in terms of a single agent but also in combination with other substances, 5-FU was the
most intensively studied so far chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. However,
there were only low response rates of 0% to 19% and a median survival time from 42 to 5.5 months.
Alternative mono- and combination schemes such as the Mallinson- scheme (5-FU, methotrexate,
vincristine and cyclophosphamide), 5-FU, doxorubicin and mitomycin scheme or streptozotocin, mitomycin
and 5-FU scheme fell after initially promising successes in back result even after monotherapy with 5-FU.
Since the beginning of 1996 in Germany gemcitabine (Difluorodeoxycytidine), a pyrimidine ant metabolite,
allowed the acheived significantly better results than chemotherapy drug with good tolerability. In a study of
palliative care in 1997, a clinical benefit in 23.8% of the examined patient showed under therapy with
gemcitabine compared to 4.8% in the 5-FU group. The mean survival time was 5.65 4.41 months
respectively in a single year survival rate of 18% (4). The new therapy concepts in pancreatic cancer
primarily include molecular biology and tumor immunological strategies that are initially investigated in
combination with the classical method of therapy (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy) in studies.
In other preclinical studies, it was found that pancreatic cancer increased a receptor for the so-called
epidermal growth factor (epidermal growth factor receptor, EGF-R) expressing. There are now clinical trials
for metastatic pancreatic cancer based on the blockade of EGF-R signaling with cetuximab (ErbituxR), a
monoclonal antibody directed against the extracellular domain of the EGF-R tumor cell, as well as with
erlotinib (Traceva, OSI -774), a reversible inhibitor of intracellular EGF-R tyrosine kinase domain.
In a phase II study Centuximab was investigated in combination with gemcitabine in local advanced or
metastatic pancreatic cancer, Among the 61 evaluable patients had a median survival of 7, 1 months and an
overall survival rate of 31 showed 7% in gutter tolerability of the combination therapy (5 ).
I hereby wanted to show that despite the most advanced, most intensive scientific research and the ever
newer chemotherapy regimens in pancreatic cancer only survival is to reach an average of six months. With
the new molecular biological approaches such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors or monoclonal antibodies, which
are celebrated and highly praised by the pharmaceutical industry and have been designated by the Presses
chon as a breakthrough in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, the median survival was increased from six
months to 7.1 months. So you have won one month, but the side effects have such an influence suf the
general condition that the moisten patients have no quality of life and won this month are hospitalized
because of gastrointestinal toxic side effects. Our patient has lived for almost three years assistance of
homeopathy and is happy wander in the mountains. But this is not an isolated incident and I have other
patients with pancreatic cancer, which now have been living for several years.
Is it worth not to make a study on long-term survival and quality of life, which is the homeopathy compared
with chemotherapy in the treatment of pancreatic cancer? From the immense cost savings aside. Be nobody
but I really wonder why all chemotherapies without hesitation covered by health insurance and homeopathy
almost never?
My intense homeopathic treatment with 100 consultations this patient cost in about three years 4.000.-Euro,
which is to compare as much as cost two weeks of chemotherapy in the hospital. When finally done a
rethink in our health care system and when the Homeopathy is finally set the value attributed it deserves?
The aim must be to fight tumors using a functioning immune system, and since the homeopathy can make a
great support
Page- 148
Case Study: 6
Metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma
A 50-year-old patient presents after surgery and radiation cervical metastases of squamous cell carcinoma
of unknown origin at me in the clinic.
The Primary tumor was not found so far and it has been suggested due to nasopharyngeal carcinoma
histology and PET studies.
The histological examinations of lymph node metastases showed a squamous, but the primary tumor could
not be found. The further investigations suggested a presumption that the tumor in the region of the
nasopharynx or tonsils could be.
Comment of pathologists is close because of the Aufsiedelung by CD20 positive B-cells lymphoreticular
epithelium as the primary tumor site; come primarily from the area of the nasopharynx, but also the tonsils
as the primary tumor site into consideration.
After the metastases were removed after a neck-dissection of the neck III, the entire area was massive
The only problem is that the patient still has the primary tumor in the body and is sitting on a powder keg,
since only the metastases were surgically removed and irradiated.
The patient comes on 10.11.2003 for first consultation in the clinic. The main complaints now are mainly
related to the irradiation. The outer neck is very red and the skin peels off partially. There are combustion
symptoms and the skin is very sensitive to touch.
By irradiating the salivary glands were very affected in the mouth, so that the patient can hardly produce
saliva and swallowing food only with great pain and with simultaneous fluid intake is possible.
At the outer neck existed burning hurt. The Schliddrse is a very radiation-sensitive organ. Since the
irradiation is a strong cough and the voice is in use.
The right half of the face feels completely numb and there is a schrummriges feeling in the head.
The patient is energetically very weak. He had always been rather warm-blooded and had warm feet, but
since the irradiation, the feet are ice cold and he cannot sleep with this cold feet.
From mind him here describes his wife as very harmony needy people, but unfortunately very easy devices
by his profession in stress and tension and can then very easily upset. The stress suggest to him straight to
the stomach. He can long ponder in a thing which has been irritated him. He describes himself as someone
who is hard to the outside and the inside has a very soft sensitive core. He was very honest and therefore
mendacity him busy especially on. In groups he did not feel so well, there is an internal tension, sometimes
as a kind of claustrophobia.
The forehead is wrinkled and he makes an uneasy feeling anxious. Since five years, he has a flexion
contracture of the tendons of the right hand (Dupuytren's contracture). He has warts on the soles of the feet
and stalked condyloma in the armpit. A year before the illness he had to be brought into cardiac arrest and
had an emergency basis to the hospital. This was repeated five more times until he got implanted a
pacemaker. The year before he had time to time swollen neck lymph nodes. Now he has again a knot at the
neck, which has grown back, although it had operated for many lymph nodes. This node makes him afraid,
because he thinks there could be another tumor.
Page- 149
As a child he had dreams that he was being followed and that they wanted to kill him. Sometimes it but I
already have laughed in his sleep, so also pleasant dreams must have been there. The eyes water in the
cold. He used a lot of problems with his ears and the ears are sensitive to hold air.
Let the patient tell his symptoms continue:
"I had seven weeks of irradiation, it was horrible, I have been doing vomited bile, I could not eat, my throat
felt as if I had only raw meat in the neck. Now it's just as bad. I also have such a terrible cough that is so
hard and painful. I have to put then, so I do not suffocate. It forms a tenacious mucus and I have to get up
four or five times in the night to rauszuwrgen the mucus. But when I use the mucus hochwrge, then that is
so painful that I think it's tearing me apart. I cannot eat because everything hurts so much. I have lost
already 14 kg. Only ice cream I could eat that cools the throat. my you homeopathy because I can still help?
the oncologist said that these complaints nor can last for months. "
It can be seen that we probably absolutely need here the first thing an agent that can remove the radiation
consequences now already. But this means then also be able to keep the primary tumor in check?
Therefore, it is important that one makes history in detail and tried to find the possible base means to the
patient and CAUSA or work out other, organotropic tumor agent.
In the treatment of tumors is the cause, the CAUSA, often very important, because this can be a starting
point in the treatment.
The patient could not explain why he had gotten this tumor and the oncologist did not know it also. One can
suspect a connection with smoking, since he had a long time to smoke a lot, but not all smokers get the
same one nasopharyngeal carcinoma. So I'm a few thoughts about it.
As nasopharynx is called epithelial tumors of the nasopharyngeal space.
In the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma genetic causes and environmental factors seem to play a
role. Nasopharynx carcinomas occur as in southern China endemic with an incidence of 98 per 100,000, ie
four times as often as in Germany. In many tumors, the DNA of Epstein-Barr virus can be detected.
That seems to me to be very important because epstein-Barr virus play a major role in tumor development,
similar to the papillomavirus. He had spent the last years repeatedly swollen lymph nodes in the neck and
he had ever gone through a mononucleosis. Moreover nasopharynx are also favored by dust and mold
exposure and so I ask the patient if he had time to deal with toxic dusts. The patient thought long and then
he remembered that he had made with his father, who had over 60 tubes regularly over six years the
pigeons stables clean. This could be a CAUSA, because if you examine the pigeon droppings or nests, one
finds large quantities of fly larvae, silver fish, mites, fleas and ticks as well as many pigeons
Different species of beetles, thereby indirectly contribute to the spread of disease. Even dried pigeon
droppings is therefore considered to be very dangerous, especially if the dust is inhaled or brought into
contact with the skin. There are various highly pathogenic forms of bacteria and viruses in pigeon droppings.
Often one finds chlamydial forms. From the chlamydioses the birds a significant risk of infection to humans
is based. 1998 have been reported in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Disease Act and 156
cases in 1999, 127 cases of ornithosis in humans. Main source of infection are ornamental birds, parrots
and pigeons. In poultry slaughterhouses there is an increased risk of airborne infections with chlamydia and
in 1998 several outbreaks have been described in Germany of partly clinically difficult running ornithosis of
people, where commercial poultry could be identified as the source of infection. Chlamydia are also
responsible for heart attacks because the vessel walls are inflammatory changes and thrombi may form,
which then can close the heart crane vessels. Our patient had a five times cardiac arrest, which should give
us pause. We therefore retain in mind, but first we must help the patient so that the current complaints of the
irradiation effects are treated k
Together with the patient, I create a course parameter list of the current complaints:
01. dove face half
02. Burning pain in the neck
03. difficulty swallowing
04. Sore feeling in the throat
05. cough
06. mucus production
07. Veir- have to get up to five times in the night t
08. Occupied voice
09. Cold Feet
10. can not eat
11. Dimly lit in head
12 nodes in the neck
13. Schmerrz thyroid
14. reddening neck
15. redness outside of the neck
16. belching
If we take all the symptoms so, then Sulphur is at the top and Lycopodium in third spot.
I consider him more of its kind for Lycopodium.
he has quality objective symptoms as the Dupuytern the hand and the plantar warts. If you still to take the
important mental symptom of laughter in his sleep, then one can thus exclude phosphorus already. Or is it?
We need to be clear in this case that we have a basic agent of the patient. Sulfur or Lycopodium which
could be, but is now a change of state by the irradiation from the outside occurs. which requires a specific
remedy for it. Therefore, it is in this case not possible to take the totality of all symptoms, but we must take
the totality of current symptoms.
It is logical that the neck is red and painful after the burns, we need a good remedy for the consequences of
irradiation and look again at what at the irradiation effects and look again at what exactly has happened in
the irradiation.
He says he has vomited bile, then he has developed these massive coughing, so he has to sit up there. He
has thick mucus in the throat, on which he believes to suffocate. He calls for ice to cool the neck.
Phosphorus is one of the best remedies in the irradiations and the well should helfen.Wenn him now agree
is always occupied and a constant throat clearing is present, one thinks also equal to phosphorus.
We have good flow parameters and watch how it goes.
It now makes no sense to give a basic means or miasmatic means, if the focus is on the consequences of
Phosphorus Q3 (Knzli Stanga)
We now consider the first days in the hospital and watching the reactions on the phosphorus.
On the night he felt a little electric shocks in deaf knitted layer Echoed and he had the feeling that comes
back into life. Otherwise everything is the same, the pain has not improved at all.
He could feel the electric sensations in the jaw. The swallowing pain was a little better and the cough was
also marginally better. The Dimly lit feeling in the head was a little better.
Comment this visit
If we see ourselves in the beginning only minimal improvements and no new symptoms occur, then that is a
good sign and encourages us to continue on with the agent. When nerves regenerate, it is often these
electrical sensations.
After three days of phosphorus Q3, the patient reported: The burning in the throat is better, the pain in the
thyroid is less and the amazing thing is that the redness on your neck is improving ways. I still can not
believe it. "
on 21.11.03
phosphorus Q3 is the patient after ten days back home happy. The symptoms of radiation have improved a
lot. Consider the curve parameter table again. 10 is the initial value and means that the symptom at this time
100% is onerous and 4, the symptom burden is only 40%.
Consider the table and see the significant positive development of all symptoms under the administration of
phosphorus Q3. The right outer column shows the severity of complaints to the hospital discharge after ten
,, I was at the ENT - physician and the oncologist and both could not believe how quickly my burns on my
neck and back complaints have formed. The ENT doctor was so impressed that he said spontaneously that
he wants to learn homeopathy, so that it can easily and quickly help his patients as well.
The oncologist however laughed as I said that I did homeopathy and he told me that homeopathy for the
tumor but cannot help and he has made me a little hope that this will end well. I've been so afraid of the next
PET investigation. "
He gets a rash over the whole body. This is in homeopathy always a good sign when something comes from
inside to outside on the skin. That's always hope for a cure. Since most parameters are well and the rash
has appeared, we make the phosphorus more. Only one side of the cold foot gives me something to think
On the hands warts have appeared and the rash is still there. The cold side foot well. Otherwise everything
is relatively good.
Thuja C30 to treat sycosis. Why Thuja? Once because the newly occurring warts, the Dupuytren who has
the last years developed, and because of the consideration that the patient in the six years of his childhood
in which he has removed the pigeon from 60 pigeons every day, has certainly gotten some chlamydia ,
Chlamydia live partly intracellularly and are difficult to repel the organism. Chlamydia infections sykotisieren
and the patient.
The one-sided cold right foot is very annoying. He is again somewhat querulous and dissatisfied. Now,
finally, I think to myself, I can give him his basic means Lycopodium to bring peace in the case. For the one-
sided cold feet is really a key symptom of Lycopodium Lycopodium and the other good - Symptoms of
prehistory cry out for this agent.
With a very good feeling I give Lycopodium Q3 (Knzli / Stanga).
Here I leave the esteemed readers to share in my then despair when the patient calls me after a week and
reports that have not helped him Lycopodium, but, on the contrary, all symptoms got worse. The neck pain
has become even more, it stings in the neck glands. The foot is still cold side. There are however also new
symptoms: dizziness on moving the head and eyes Close improve these scams immediately.
Lycopodium seems to be the patient's primary agent, but it is not a good effect, but rather aggravated and
there are also new symptoms.
Now I look again exactly the section with the one-sided cold feet right and realize how important it is to rely
not only on key symptoms, but always look exactly the repertory. extremities; COLD; foot; right (11): chel.,
lyc., sulph., ambr., bar-c., con., HYDROG., nat-m., pimp., puls. sabin.
There are many resources listed in the heading and then only I get it on, what he really needs.
Now one uses the existing symptoms and the newly requested symptoms for the remedy selection:
The vertigo disappears with Conium and the cold right foot also. That is, we have a momentary Similimum
found. His wife calls me and says it better go to her husband, he was not as gray in the face again and get
more energy.
It goes well. Conium Q4 (Knzli / Stanga)
One morning, suddenly, a 5 cm long and 1 cm wide elongated meat-like, tumor-like mass from the mouth.
He feels as if deep solved back in the throat or on the choanae something. That was probably the primary
tumor, because the subsequent PET scan showed no active tumor tissue more!
"I was at de PET investigation. The result was excellent. It was found no more cancer."
It's amazing what power has homeopathy. I will humbly again, if I may witness such a thing. The patient
then got the next three months Conium continue to Q8. Then make a stomach pain which was caused by
stress and so many forbidden cups of coffee.
Nux Vomica C200 then improved each time.
It occurred again more on stitches in the lymph nodes.
Regulation: Conium C200
He was the orthopedist and had made an x-ray and immediately it was very crisp in the lymph nodes and
the next day was the stinging increasingly. Because of the many radiation treatments, he has received so
far, and the stinging pain after the radiograph I give him:
X- Ray XM
The stitches have become much better after the X-Ray.
"Now come rheumatic pain in the joints and occasionally the stitches in the neck.
Heat and movement do me good for the joints. "
Radium bromatum is another good irradiation means and has similar arrangements as Rhus-
toxikodendron, for movement and warmth improve the joint pain.
Regulation: Radium-bromatum C30
The new PET examination shows that everything is fine, no more signs of a tumor events. The doctors
congratulate the patient.
Can not we stop the treatment because now there is no more tumor? No way! Although the tumor was
primarily excreted at that time, show me the problems occurring again and again that this man can not long
considered cured.
In addition, we must not forget that this man has got 57 Gy irradiation in the neck region. We know that now
an increased risk of developing secondary tumors such as lymphoma or thyroid cancer.
He further reports that last week he again had dreams of falling. That was before the outbreak of the
disease almost daily for months. Dreams of falling are often an indication Thuja and they indicate that the
patient moves in a plane sycosis.
Regulation: Thuja XM
The Dreams of falling are no longer occurred since the Thuja.
The patient is happy and we're very pleased that we made the sycosis. He dreamed that one has put it a
bird under the covers and he was scared in a dream that he is bitten.
Will reappear on the symptom of the cold side foot. But I do not want to go away from the same Thuja and
leave it to further work and give
Regulation: Saccharum lactis
He has a brownish discharge in the morning and increased flatulence. The foot is one-sided weider cold.
Now I dare again the Lycopodium, because I feel that we have finally arrived at the level of the basic
means. Phosphorus, X-Ray and Radiumbromatum have eliminated the irradiation effects. Conium
managed to make the primary tumor could be eliminated and Thuja stilled the Sycotic Miasma.
Lycopodium C200
It went very well with the Lycopodium and the cold side foot was gone, but is the last day again.
The last Lycopodium's been two months and now when the old symptoms reappear, then you have to
repeat the remedy. I decide to give the same Lycopodium M, without the second time repeat the C200
because I want to so act the same even deeper.
Regulation: Lycopodium M
It was quite good, but now he gets a sore throat, which has started on the right side and rberzog left. In this
way he had earlier often had angina.
Page No. 159
Lyc Bell Bar- Gels Lac-
c c
Total 6 5 4 4 4
Rubrics 4 2 2 2 2
neck; INFLAMMATION; Tonsils (162) 2 3 3 2 3
neck; INFLAMMATION; tonsils; right (16) 1 2 2 1
neck; INFLAMMATION; tonsils; on the right; left, according to 1
extremities; COLD; foot; right (11) 2 1
Regulation: Lycopodium M
The Lycopodium angina passed very quickly. The last few days he had been drinking coffee again and
then it started again, tingling in the neck and the foot was again cold side. I think the agent was antidotes
through the coffee and give again the Lycopodium M, although the 35 days minimum duration of action are
not yet over.
For a week come back increasingly on stabbing pains in Lymphkoten. It is always a stinging like
with a fine needle.
Regulation: Conium C200
He was the CT control in the hospital and it was all right.
The patient visited me and bring me a candle with Lourdes.
He is doing quite well, but he complains of numbness in the fingertips. But was particularly numb the thumb.
Then he feel an increased stitches in wrist. The stomach also bother him again, he felt a burning sensation
in the stomach, which pull up to the neck. The nose is always clogged in the morning.
Suppose quiet on the symptoms and repertorise then. We must always adhere to the symptoms and the
numbness on the thumb can not be argued and one that is not covered by Lycopodium.
The irradiation remains a long time in the body and so it may be that he is often still need phosphorus.
Since he is a few days in Locarno, I give him the Q7 phosphorus.
After a few days the nose in the morning was no longer clogged and the numbness on the thumb was
But he got a twitch at the knee as brand new symptom and the foot were noticeably colder. Phosphorus
helps partially, but show the newly released symptoms that phosphorus is no longer displayed. He now has
a little more heartburn.
There was aching pain on testes and it stung the neck lymph nodes again.
Also ser foot was one-sided cold again.
This requires again after Conium. It is interesting that his organism always produces symptoms that require
the means Conium. This shows me that even if no tumor is detected, the body and the immune system is
working increasingly at these locations.
Regulation: Conium M
The new PET examination is again very good. Furthermore, no detectable tumor tissue. The patient is very
He has an acute cold, and dreams in the night of wolves.
Regulation: Bella Donna C200
He complains of increased stinging in the lymph nodes in the neck and increased shooting in the bar. I give
him again the Q potency to act very deeply.
Regulation: Conium Q9 (Knzli / Stanga)
The stitches in the bar are quickly passed with Conium and stinging in the throat area was also better.
Regulation: Conium M
Does he not feel a pressure liver. The ultrasound shows that everything is in the liver in order. To stimulate
the detoxification of the liver, I give Carduus-marianus in the mother tincture 5 drops in half a glass of water.
I used to often Carduus- marianus used in the D3, but after Dr. Pareek was from India tells us of the good
results with the tincture, I already can also achieve good results with it in some patients. Just be aware that
you are not too long, the mother tincture, because otherwise sometimes can occur gastrointestinal
and all felt it was a good sign, since the sycosis gelange outward. But if, in J. H. Allen in the chronic
miasms,, reads "come a the doubt. There he writes that the occurrence of red sycosis nevi a sign of sycosis
III and a sign of no or inadequate treatment is. Who is right?
I think all, because there are individual differences and you really have to look at the patient how he was
doing. For example, my teacher Dr. Spinedli had a patient who had about 20 seizures a day and he gave
her because of specific mental symptoms Lachesis. After three days, this patient had no more seizures, but
the belly and torso appeared hundreds of sycosis nevi. In the case of sycosis was brought out, that was a
good healing process. It can also move in the other direction and therefore one must always be on guard.
For example, if a rash with Sulfur was treated and the rash goes away, then you must be satisfied?
No, you have to look at the whole person. Is it the patient's overall better, then Sulphur was right, but
occurs eg a Increased restlessness, and it occurs frequently Sycotic nevi, we have suppressed the rash with
the sulfur and the patient made sicker than before. Now the disease from a Psoric level has placed on the
Sycotic level and this is not the right course of healing.
But we now consider again exactly the patient's symptoms.
Sycosis is still very strong and would like to be treated and, therefore, the body produces these good Thuja
symptoms. We also have to keep in mind that these warts and condylomas are caused by Paillomaviren
and that they have a strong promoter role in cancer (see chapter: Papillomaviruses and cancer).
Regulation: Thuja C200
The Thuja had worked very well.
"The agent was wonderful, the warts on the neck have ceased to itch and then have all fallen off. The red
nevi have also become less. Before, it was also engraved and drawn still in the neck, which is also
completely gone. I have no complaints at the moment. "
We bring the Thuja not just warts disappear, but there are many immunological processes take place, why
then ultimately fall off the wart. We help with the homeopathic remedies the immune system to return to full
With a fully intact immune system cancer will never show up in my opinion.
I let the Thuja further act and give: Saccharum lactis.
If he has the liver pressure and then takes the Carduus-marianus, liver pressure is within two days away.
He is very overworked lately and also irritated easily. Because of the stress in the office and the irritability I
give him
Nux Vomica-C200
It generates small petechiae on the body and the larynx tingles all the time as bie irradiation. Add to that a
slight cough.
Because of bleeding into the skin, which is a very important Phosphorus - Note, irritable cough and tingling
in the larynx as the irradiation bie I give back:
Phosphorus 200
We have seen some cases in which, after years of symptoms of radiation have come to the surface again
and again. Then one has to give to this time, a means, which covers the irradiation results.
The petechiae have become less and the cough and the tingling sensation in the larynx have ceased. He
has just a little afraid of the next PET scan.
The PET scan revealed: still no detectable cancer.
Our patient is very happy.
There are however again vermhrt stitches in the neck area and on the right leg is colder.
There are however again more stitches in the neck area and on the right leg is colder.
Regulation: Conium C200
The stitches in the neck area has disappeared and the right foot is
not colder. overall it is very good and the patient is satisfied.
Consideration to this case
We see that is not so gleichmid in a complicated case of the healing process. If you had stayed with the
phosphorus, which initially did so well, then the case would be lost. Phosphorus was shown as a means for
the irradiation results.It is very important to recognize when an agent, even if it initially has done very well,
NOT more is displayed, because it can cause massive exacerbations otherwise. Especially with
Phosphorus, which has an incredible power to intervene in the tumor events, this is very important to note,
because otherwise it is as if you pour gasoline on the fire. One must be guided by the symptoms, a show
the way to the middle. In this case, we needed
Thuja to meet and Conium, which has actively intervened in the tumor events sycosis. Under the Conium
5 cm large tumor from the nasopharynx was excreted. Since this primary tumor is no longer detectable in
the PET studies. Then he finally was able to help his basic means Lycopodium for a while, until again
ceased symptoms of radiation.
I treat the patient now for three years and all investigations are in order, there is no evidence for any more
tumor events.
Nevertheless, it is important to follow up the patient continuously, since the immune system always needs
good homeopathic support, that's not even a tumor occurs.
The homeopathy is these nice people continue to protect so well that he can not long continue to live
Chapter 7
tumor recurrence of adenocarcinoma of the ovary with metastases in the abdominal space
a june 35 jahrige nice female patient was raised in August 2001 due to a re-encountered second relapse in
the right ovarian tumors in our clinic before.
after only a recurrence of tumor in the year 2000 is now the second recurrence, is which but now can not be
removed by a simple operation because tumor cell verbande located histologically in the belly space of
several haben.Gleichzeitig rose for the ovaralkarzinom typical tumor marker CA 125 continuously to 75
(Standard value <35).
You Wolte remove in April 2000 and the right adnexa, patient refused surgery, further they do not have
children have wollte.Im doctor's letter is deshlb as peculiarity noted that the is patientin cleared up about it
that when organerhalung a erhoohte recurrence risk and the risk of invasive carcinoma there.
The primary tumor occurred in 1993 and it was then a ovaretomie left and right because of a teilovarktomie
kinderwunsch. It was a 5 cm from gross tumor gross tumor and on the left a 5 cm gross tumor and on the
left side right 10 cm. In the year 2000, a re-recurrence on andit occurred was a adnexectomy left and
omentectomy (peritoneum distance) made.
But a year in May 2001 shows a re-recurrence in several punk did, there are now several papillary tumor
cell verbande of serous borderleintumors in douglasspulat. Simultaneous increase of the tumor marker CA-
125 to 75 (Norwert: <35)
The coarse grown , blonde female patient came in August 2001 entirely resolved in the clinic and had wine
cramps, because there was actually bicht again in a clinic wanted and all the traumatic memories and the
Klinikkzeiten suddenly came up again. But because of the re- recurrence , the many tumor cell verbande in
the belly space and rising . Tumor marker they wanted a different way than request the now proposed
chemotherapy and irradiation . This tumor , which has been classified as aggerssivst the ovarian tumor is in
metastases and metastases usually only with chemotherapy and irradiation- treated .
Just because the healing opportunities in ovarian tumors are not as promising with the chemotherapy (
Moss) , wanted the female patient for alternative healing methods tested and tried , the cure away mithilf to
tread homeopathy
It is important to first collect the thorough Anamnesezu and analyze all emotional and abuses accurate.
when a patient is so resolved and vond wine krampfen
is shaken, then it certainly has bad may be that hardly had for another man suffered the
same injury or the same erhatlenen pretreatments of meaning, but our patientin is it shows more than
betroffen.Das the inviolability of this people, and we must inquire on this level much, which makes them
suffer just as ... resolved crying and tells them completely: the new tu morzellverbande machan me so
anxious and the thought of the chemotherapy makes me totally fertig.Ich have the fear, no more long to
life.If I must to the doctor, I have standing, the fear that one could still discover something schlimmerers.
The last months always pain in bauchran auf.Gleichzeiting with an anxiety-vo m stomach ache aufwarts
increases. consolation by the husband is pantientin in this situation as being very enehm empfunden.Die
has many fears, eg before dark, before cancer order that the family something passiert.Sie errotet in order
excitation nervousness and gets red spots on dekollet. after...
You had a dream just before the occur desersttumors 1993, that it has been snake bitten and gewurgt of
one. In the dream she then had the feeling that she was a tumor bekomm. She is very feinfuhlig and wife
already at loud most of phone who is calling.
In 1998 there were several phases of intense not heard twenty minutes on to
bluten.Dunkelrotes blut.seit the year 2000 occur always resist fading elan fall auf.Der space to felt in the
back of the head and is associated with nausea. ES then the dizziness also rotates repeatedly vor.schon
earlier as now they will hurt by strong stomach pain geplagt.Bei submit them to put the hand on the affected
and then massaged what you do well.
In 1998 there were meh.rere periods of intensive nosebleeds. It heard twenty minutes on
to bleed n Dnnkelrotes blood. Since 2000 occur come back to vertigo trap. The dizziness is in mind felt and
is coupled to nausea. It then turns the space around them.
The dizziness came after the first Rezidiy amplified after surgery in the hospital.
Lately, the dizziness comes again and again vor.schon earlier as now is
plagued oF severe stomach pain. In pain she puts her hand on the affected area and then massaged what
you do very well.
Lately repeatedly kornrnen cough attack. It is a Hustemeiz extending from the throat hole. The cough is at
night, so sic must sit flush and the hand on the
Breast halt. The FuBe are cold and she needs a Warmftasche to the FUBen, otherwise it will not konne
Food and Getrtinke: ice like them very much geme. The drinks are supposed to be rather lukewarm. Cold
drinks free of hiccups.
In 1995, a coarse lipoma was removed on jerking. She had warts on the hands that you cut out as a child
wurden.Auch for a year was an operation scar noeh very red, it has formed a pronounced Keloids. On the
fingernails she has ofters wife spots. On the chin she had ofters pimples and it often formed rough wife
dander in the front area of hair.
Menses and abdomen: you spurt before menstruation that she is no longer as patient and Ieichter can be
irritable. In prehistory to multiple unterleibsentziindungen and Vaginalpilzinfektionen elicit love. She had
sometimes a fishy smelling
milky discharge
Already at the age of 21 she suffered from hattc Hamorrhoiclen and have them veroden. In pregnancy, but
the Hamonhoiden came again. Now and then she noticed blood in the stool.
During pregnancy she was very good, that was of course before the first tumor in 1993
Only when breastfeeding she had gotten quite strong Brustentzundungen with high fever. She was bleeding
while also from the nipples.
The tongue has distinct red rims that are very pronounced
We see again a very complicated case, cler us through all levels of Materia Medica
drives. There emerge from various homeopathic means clear symptoms, but
We are dealing with a very malignant tumor and we must also find one or more agents-with which we can
control tumor happening to our patient
save them from the death to be able to. That's why it is very important durchzufiihren a good analysis of the
signs and symptoms of the patient.
As with your normal schedule all the symptoms first be collected from the case.
The course will tell. The aim is to stop the spread of Turnorzellverbande and restore the health of the
patient. In the strongly counseling chemotherapy
is omitted.
Now you have to once again work out the good symptoms to be a good means to finden.Was for symptoms
in this case are conspicuous and can us were going to the middle?
We must also enlist the Sympt0me in particular, which are harmful to the patient at the moment.
Therefore, it is important to create a course parameter list of currently distressing symptoms together with
the patient.
anxiety state
stomach ache
When selecting the now existing symptoms is again phosphorus at the top, but closely followed by Sepia
But if we then take to the lipoma, then Sepia was completely fall out. Fortunately the patient so that we have
the means in Q-potencies remain a few days in our hospital,
test can, and then assessed on the basis of the reactions, which means comes into question.
The patient is very warm and is fraught with anxieties so rough that I start with a good feeling on 28.8.2001
with phosphorus Q3 (Schmidt-Nagel).
Phosphor it comes to a significant reduction of anxiety, dizziness and cough. This is very encouraging.
But the psyche is very chipped and the patient cries in almost every consultation. She also complains tibet a
strong restlessness in the legs at night in bed.
We were able with the Phosphor take away some of the symptoms, but if the mind is passive, then
something is wrong with the means not.
cold; Fub; the evening; Bed, in, and when Zubetlgehen; agg. (38) * Hustan; HANDE; hold; Form with chest,
coughing (19) dizziness; nausea; with (147) Exlremitaten; WARTS; Hand (46) Exlremilaten; restlessness;
Lower Gliedmaben; evening (26) Feminine; LEUKORRHO; Obelriechend (99) Ferminin: LEUkORRHO;
ubelriechend; Fish Lake, as (8)
If the stan-ended crying, restlessness in the legs and the center of complaints
depends on the abdomen, then you lcann Sepia worth serious consideration. We will see
what happens. But I've seen miracles all the time when women only wept have and then after a few doses
of Sepia, the world was suddenly looking brighter. often
it really comes down to how we see the world. I often tell my patients that
to or the other people can not change. But you can help yourself and the
and for years just with him in the dispute Iiegt, class she should imagine, this class
Man noticed class her only daughter drowned in the lake straight and her daughter in heroic way saves. Can
you still be angry that people then? No, falls at once
the image that one has made by another people together and there are instead of hate love and gratitude at
this point. This example everyone should apply once
if he has an anger or a grudge against another human being, In our patient, it is about a desperate
steigertes wines because they are going to die
looks. If man is but gestarkt internally with a good homeopathic agents, then this should be less despair.
Under the effect of sepia heard the stan-ended weeping, and the restlessness of the FuBe disappeared
The agent appears to act at a very deep level, because otherwise had good reactions not possible.
With good feeling leave the patient with sepia-Q4 and Q5 on 08.09.01 the clinic.
She writes that everything is wonderful, there was nothing that was not going well, she was very satisfied.
We seem to have a very good means found so you can pass it safely.
Sepia Q6
It's so good that I think to myself, class you can now About Walking on the C potencies.
Ovarian typical tumor markers CA-125 has risen further to 64. Now we milssen
pay attention to every little symptom., which could give us clues to another agent.
Off sprint and iu a drawing) ~ lower abdomen and in the groins and she had a sore throat
get. The sore throat she had earlier Ofters and that pulling the strips is auchein old symptom.
The rising tumor markers makes it increasingly fear. The doctors speak of a Progression of the disease.
If not, everything is going so well and she is otherwise very happy and balanced and I repeat
Sepia C200
The tumor marker rises to 75, otherwise she has no complaints. Increasing the tumor marker indicates that
the event is not yet under control.
Nevertheless, I give again the sepia M because I'm making a further clinical stabilization
and hope that for the tumor marker finally goes down. However, I am
Often it is good, only then to start chemotherapy when you have a good agent, because then the immune
system can work more effectively against the tumor. But if we
have not the right way, then maybe we will get down to the tumor marker again with chemotherapy, but
that's why the patient is far from healed. a
to go the other way, the urn Ubel using homeopathy to tackle the root.
She gets a lot of pain in the lower abdomen. She says she sprint grow tumors. The strips are swollen. She
has spasmodic pain in the groin and extreme
drawing pains in the kidney area, which radiate upwards. Cramping pain
in the lower abdomen, so that it can not get up. You can still be our on your back, to endure the pain. The
abdomen is distended.
The patient is completely desperate again and is sure that the WOBL the beginning of the end. You have
dreamed also of factors people what you are preparing even more afraid.
In the neck a few pimples have occurred and the Gesa13 is eczema. In the jerks they sprint at the point
where the lipoma was surgically removed, a pressure pain.
How can it be that an agent; which initially has done so well, now you no longer want to work?.
This curve shows that PhQsphor and sepia can as a possible constitutional remedy, the patient stabilized in
the Gesatmten, but the increase of the tumor marker and now extreme deterioration forcing me to
reconsider the case again.
We also must always ask whether a miasmatic blockage could be behind it.
The heibt, we now mtissen the Ahalyse the now current symptoms mid then some.
I had the feeling that this case could be miasmatically complicated at the beginning
and then the so-called constitution means can no longer operate, as long as the
Current symptoms:
Now the symptoms of the first anamnesis again bezliglich Thuja Thuja and calcium are analysiert.Die
chronic symptoms such as hiccups when drinking cold water
and the lipoma in the history gave us already significant miasmatic indications of Thuja.
The important conspicuous symptom of vertigo, which is felt in the back of the head is covered neither by
Sepia nor of phosphorus or calcium. But Thuja has the
Schwinclel in mind.
Page -170
jerking; HAUTAUSSCHL.AGE; Cervical region (51) general; Tumors, benign; Lipoma, fatty tumor (19)
Thuja C30 resolved in water three days in succession, each one teaspoonful of the water glass.
It's a miracle happened, after the middle it was significantly better. Pulling in the bar has disappeared. The
bar is still swollen, but it does not hurt anymore. the
Cramps in the abdomen have passed, and the convulsions in the kidney area are no longer there. "
At last some light seems to be on the horizon. For the first time, the tumor marker goes down a bit.
The abdominal pain is completely gone. Only the back pain are not yet vergangen.Tumormarker CA-125
decreases further to 50
It's coming. Inner unrest within her and the fears because of the tumor proliferate
again. She complains about: an amplify brown discharge. You have dreamed of rats that threaten it. You
must cry again increased when they tells of her illness. How to proceed now?
Page 172
In what power level you have to give the sepia now? As C potency or as Q-potency? Or not at all? For now
you have to liberlegen following well:
This case is complicated miasmatic 'and so are repeatedly when the miasma is calmed down a bit, show
symptoms of the fundamental means. But it would be a serious mistake if you now wlirde again give sepia.
Although Sepia has the brownish Austluss, but it can be a elimination reaction Uncl if we prevent this
precipitation reaction, then the tumor is possibly more active again. Now we must us of the words of JC
Burnett erinnem, who said that the disease does not necessarily have to print in the symptoms. We must
still continue the underlying miasm treat and consider
class is dropped only under the administration of Thuja of the tumor markers.
All fears are gone, inside she is very calm .. She has no more abdominal problems. The Tumorrnarker CA-
125 decreases further to 34
As long as the Tumorrnarker further declines and the patient is doing so well, icb give further:
Thuja C200
They observed that the dizziness irn mind was amplified itself. It came back stitches on irn lower abdomen.
She had the feeling that: develop more moles.
The Thuja C200's been several months now and ask yourself again more complaints that are covered by
Thuja. Now may ma n repeat with any goods feeling Thuja.
The patient was very excited because now pending a Big checkup.
The excitement was unfounded, as the computer tomography and the Ultraschalluntersucbungen do not
indicate more on a Thtnorgeschehen. The Thmormarker is back in Normbereicb.
Page 172
Thuja XM
The Thuja works extraordinarily well with her and she has produced no new symptoms.
You now get now already one and a half years Thuja and cler tumor marker is at 0
They developed a numbness of the tongue tip and complains about many Niesanfalle. That is, we
auffallig.Betrachten the rubrics in the repertory, whether we like new clues to an agent Iiefert (
mouth; numbness; tongue; Tip (10):.... Acon, Adren, bell, HYDROG, ign, laughing, nat-m, phos, Stel tab.....
If you then crosses this section with the heading ae s paroxysmal sneezing, one obtains fo lgende mlittel in
Elimination: barking, laughing, nat-m, phos:..., Tab.
It could be that returns phosphorus to the series, but since I'm not quite sure, and the Thuja was so good, I
liked to wait with a prescription still until the symptoms
clearly are unci give her therefore a placebo. It is better to lift times to gebcn a placebo,
She is doing quite well unci I think. nachwirkt class with her for a long time the Thuja XM from 29/09/03.
Regulation: Saccharum lactis
It pulls in the chest and cleswegen come with her qie cancer fears again massively up. you
then wtinscht to hub UNCD consolation. It defines the Hanel on the painful breast, what do you all
good for you. It occurred again on the Niesanfalle and the tip of the tongue is numb again.
Now I'm sure that you can now enter the phosphorus with a clear conscience. The pulling in of the chest is
not covered by phosphorus, but these are a urn
Local symptom and the other symptoms are much more important. If the agent takes, then that pulling in the
chest will also pass away.
The pulling in of the chest is gone Completely restructured and all the cancer fears have also disappeared
The numbness of the tongue tip and the Niesanfalle are no longer occurred.
It went so well and she complained about not a single complaint , so I can not spoiling anything with the "
The worst thing is when we repeat in a healing reaction in which a central too early
because then we tinterbrechen this healing reaction and possibly can thereby impede the healing process.
She calls me on acute that it going her very bad and they have a strong nausea with vertigo. You must be
during our telephone conversation vomit. "When she moves her head, a fraud is already drawn., If they but
then the eyes of the vertigo is schlieBt improved immediately.,
Because of the vomiting they should be equal to taking Nux C200. After an hour called
they mkh again, the class had Nux Llberhaupt brought no relief.
I tell her that I needed time to study all Symptorne again accurate and that they
should call again in an hour. The Nux I had recommended, because it is a FREQUENT
to prescribe, we must just leave us in the acute cases very well derive from the symptoms.
So done, the new analysis of Symptomc:
That the vertigo relieved by eye Schlieben, 1st very noticeable and that. Moving the head dizziness auslOst,
is also very noticeable. The nausea is to evaluate vertigo still erklarlich and not so high in the. If you
repertorised these symptoms, then
What do we do now? We must in the first anamnesis again study all evidence of Conium.
So I take the now existing symptoms and all Conium "symptoms o rder of symptom collection from the
To give phosphorus, because I think it is for her Similimum and the totality of all symptoms in
her for phosphorus speaks and it had her already as good help. I admit, it was a rather intuitive decision to
give again now phosphorus, because had on the symptoms
I have to give Conium. It is sometimes not easy when you studie1t the symptoms
and has come to a different drug yet intuitive female, class of other specified
But I say to myself internally, urn to calm my conscience when the Zustancl with the
It is important that you accurately irnmer the patient's symptoms repertorised and analyzed
so you always have funds in your head that you could give as Closest.
The next day she calls me back and says joyfully, class shortly after ingestion of phosphorus, the nausea
and dizziness were completely gone.
I was lucky with the phosphorus-prescribing. If we, the patient's primary means
know, then the agent will also help in many acute situations can.
Phosphorus M.
Saccharum lactis.
Page- 175
The doctor at the hospital wants the tumor marker no longer even control because he cannot fall deeper.
phosphorus M
Regulation: phosphorus XM
Stable situation
It goes well. Saccharum- lactis
Saccharum- lactis
phosphorus CM
Use of Phosphorus, Sepia and Thuja, the patient was asymptomatic and the malignant effusion and the
tumor cell groups in Douglas' rule space and malignant metastases in the abdominal area are gone. To
date, no tumor recurrence occurred more and the tumor markers are within the normal range.
The case was complicated miasmatically and it was important to give the antimiasmatische means Thuja
long time before you could return to the basic means of phosphorus again.
Page- 176
Case study: 8
A Patient (70 years) with malignant melanoma in the head and also has multiple melanomas equivalent to
the legs (PT2, Clarke Level II and cutaneous melanoma metastasis).
In December 1998, Mr. K. discovered on the scalp wash a dark spot that itched sometimes, He also noticed
the increase of brownish raised areas of skin on the body. A little worried he introduced himself to a
dermatology clinic. After a thorough investigation first a partial removal of the lesions on the head was
made. Histological examination showed beyond doubt that it was a malignant melanoma. Due to ongoing
multiple lesions on the body of the patient immediate surgery for melanoma in the head and a
Chemotheraphie was advised. His wife persuaded him to start a trial of homeopathy, as she herself had
only good experiences with it. The patient chooses to not to have surgery melanoma on head and also to
subject any Chemotheraphie. The patient comes in January 1999 for outpatient medical history to me in
The patient is a vigorous, tall man with distinctive facial features, the look with a watch, lively eyes, frowning
and willingly tells his symptoms. He had always been his whole life relatively healthy. The last few years
with increasingly made him his joint and hip problems. He complains of severe pain in the right hip, which
makes it difficult to walk. The fingers are always a little stiff in the morning. He laughed and said that one
consequence of aging them, but he was by nature an optimist and will pass again. His memory for names
have subsided somewhat. The digestion was not so good and it gets very easily bloating of onions or beans.
Bloating foods he avoids sympathy with its surroundings from quite some time now. The drinks he preferred
room warm because it does not do cold drinks in the stomach as well. Narrow belt he cannot stand. The last
few years, there is an increased dribbling during urination and in 1993 a hypertrophy of the prostate was
found. He has many skin lesions all over the body and many brown spots, whose number has increased
lately. On the legs and back, poorly defined, raised and discolored dark melanomas are more visible. As a
child he had often middle ear infections, so it can withstand even now no cold ears. He has some warts on
the legs and a long pedunculated wart on the face, which had grown until the last few weeks. He has
multiple lipomas on the body. If lipomas and warts are present, you must expect the same for other sycosis
instructions. He had a history of gonorrhea, which was treated with antibiotics.
The urine stream is divided over again. He has a horn-like, burnt smell the sweat of the genitals. He has
sweating increased in buttocks, groin and genitals.
The history is represented in a very shortened, but you can already recognize the essential elements
necessary for the remedy. How to proceed in such a case? We first take the totality of the symptoms and
want to find the basic resources of the patient. Consider the symptoms we can see from this combined
Page- 177
Total 37 35 34 27 26 21
Rubrics 20 20 18 16 12 12
mind; OPTIMISM (21) 1 2 2
Of his nature and his chronic symptoms ago I just had to think of Lycopodium. A vigorous man who laughs
about his symptoms and he wants to downplay the symptoms is often Lycopodium.
It seems to be the basic means of the patient. For most chronic and past symptoms are covered by
Lycopodium. May we now give a good feeling Lycopodium?
It is not enough idiots in this case, unfortunately, easy to take all the symptoms, because there were some
symptoms that did not fit Lycopodium, and then you have to ask yourself if the case is not complicated
miasmatic or whether other blockages are present.
In complicated cases, it has been shown that the first active miasma, ie now at the moment predominant
symptoms constellation must use to remedy selection. Hahnemann writes that first you must treat the psora
and JH Allen writes that we must first deal with the active miasm. Who is right? Actually, both because there
are cases that are more complicated by Psora, and others that are more complicated by the Sycosis or by
Symphilis. In my experience, it is important to identify and treat the now active miasm.
Page- 178
Therefore, let us consider again the now active distressing symptoms and make us think about whether
there might be blockages or breakpoints in this case.
Thuj. Med. Sep. Calc. Caust. Sulph. Canth. Nit- Aur. Rhus- Psor. Mert. Nat- Nat- Bell. Lyc
ac t m s
otal 23 12 11 11 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5
ubrics 12 7 7 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 3 4
adder; 3 2 2 2 2
plit beam
UMORS, 2 1 2 1 3
poma, fatty
mor (19)
asculine; 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1
WEAT (76)
asculine; 1 1 2 3 1 2
asculine; 1
mell (1)
ctum; 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
ound the
nus and
bdomen; 1 1 1
gion (6)
ce; 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1
ARTS (30)
kin; 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 2
eneral; 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3
ENERAL; 3 3 1 1 1
xtremities; 1 2 2
nger; am
If you have now made the symptoms of the active miasm, suddenly Lycopodium disappears from the
Thuja is an important Sycotic means, but it sure is not the so-called constitutional remedy of the patient.
Ultimately told me Dr. Spinedi on our visit meeting that his teacher Dr. Knzli once told him; "As Thuja one
is not born to Thuja is one." There is so much truth to it. In our case, the patient had a history of
gonorrhea, which was treated with antibiotics. He had, as it were "brought" sycosis. His joint pain could be a
consequence of a state of suppressed gonorrhea and now increasingly noticeable symptoms Thuja show
the active miasma of. In addition, you should know that a gonorrhea, which was treated with antibiotics,
although in the conventional medical sense be regarded as cured, because you have removed all
gonococci, but in the homeopathic sense means the beginning of the spread of sycosis miasm. Only the
right homeopathic treatment can make a real cure. In our patient occurred typosche Sycotic sequelae, such
as the prostate, the warts that lipomas and the fetid sweat. Melanoma is only the final link in a long chain of
increasingly slowly progressive chronic disease.
Due to the now dominant active sycotic symptoms and gonorrhea in the history I gave him in
January 1999 Thuja XM.
After the first dose of Thuja XM the wart grows in the face to the double, but it falls a few warts on the legs
from. The patient was horrified that the wart had become the face longer, but I called him down and told him
that it would certainly be better for the next dose. After the next dose of Thuja XM the wart grows a little,
and the patient is angry in practice and shows me reproachfully his long fleshy wart on the face. I explain to
him then the importance of warts and tell him all my theories about papillomaviruses and cancer
development (see Chapter papillomaviruses and cancer). I told him also that it is an important outcome
measures, because if the wart disappears, then we know that we are working on a very deep immunological
level. After another four weeks, he comes back to the office and reported sorrowful that the wart has
become longer and had even split, to his horror at the ends.
Page- 179
All his friends laughed at him already, because he looked like, as if he had a shaving brush in the face. He
gives it clear to me now that he is now immediately torn out this wart. I cannot keep it straight away and
refer again to the importance of the wart as outcome measures. Frankly, the patient already felt very sorry,
because it looked really terrible. But luckily some warts are dropped on the legs and a melanoma lesion on
the legs was a little paler.
After four months, and a total of three doses of Thuja the wart falls off the face, the divided stream of urine
is less and the smell of sweat decreases. The melanoma on the legs and head are paler. The patient and I
breathe clearly.
The split steel urine is an important symptom of Thuja and if sycosis is very active, we will split this stream
of urine can watch more often. In addition, you should know that you almost never a patient, this symptom is
spontaneously tell. My teacher Dr. Spinedi always wondered in the early days of our clinic, why so many of
my patients had this split urine stream. You have to ask directly then at patient in which you already have
the idea of Thuja. It is then no leading question, as you want a clear answer on an objective condition.
Normally, the spontaneous reporting of the patient is very important, but when you see a few symptoms of a
particular agent, then you have to like Sherlock Holmes investigate all tracks and needs to query this
medicine exactly.
After eight months, to the chagrin of the patient appears scaly rash on the buttocks. The patient was not
happy about it, but tells him how important it is that the body could produce a rash and that therefore an
inner affliction be appeased.
J. T. Kent said, that one should not hope for a cure, if not a rash appears during chronic treatment.
The pain in the right hip was unbearable and there were increased flatulence. He complains of a damp
feeling behind the ears and on an increased dribbling during urination. These symptoms are already known
him all of the past.
Normally you drive with the same means further, which translates old symptoms to the surface. But if the
old symptoms are distressing or flashy, these symptoms should be covered by newly appointed agents.
The moist feeling behind the ears is a very striking symptom and is covered by Lycopodium, but not that of
Thuja. The increase in flatulence has also indicative of hepatic colorectal towards disorder, which belongs
to well into the active region of Lycopodium. It can also withstand momentum no narrow belt along the
belly. The joint symptoms are getting worse. At the beginning of the movement, the body aches are the
worst, if he's gone a little bit, it gets better.
Page- 180
Total 8 8 8
Rubrics 4 4 3
We find Graphites and Lycopodium forward, but if we go back to the first consultation and the large
collection symptoms, then Lycopodium moves to the top.
Important: Now you have the means antimiasmatischen Thuja calms the active Miasma and now
appear the symptoms of the basic means of Lycopodium.
In September 1999 he received after I now had treated him for eight months Thuja, Lycopodium XM.
The response has been very positive, the moisture behind the ears was better and dribbling during urination
was less. The bloating decreased significantly and the hip pain was bearable.
Regulation Lycopodium XM
It goes very well with the Lycopodium it fall even some warts with it. He feels that he would always younger
and his hip is much better.
I have a good feeling with Lycopodium and give it to him to continue for the next six months.
But in June 2000, he reported that again warts on the neck and temples have occurred and that the sweat
smells striking again. There are horn-like warts appeared behind the ear, who separated a fetid moisture.
It show again Sycotic characters and I think that the miasma is not yet complete peace of mind and give
back Thuja XM.
The warts on the temples have fallen, but the lipomas on the back are a bit bigger. Since I was a little
puzzled, how can you Hide out that some Sycotic characters are better and others not?
The response has been very positive on the sycosis level, since all warts that had newly formed stagnated
recently fell off.
Page 181
Unfortunately, the hip pain was much worse again. It's a problem because the joints are often worse when
treating the sycosis, but I try it again Lycopodium M.
It was isch that while I could improve hip pain with Lycopodium, but it is more like a shift or a suppression.
For the miasma is thus apparently not yet assured. I hope that the reader may here learn from my mistakes
and considered in Yukunft gany critical if improve certain symptoms and appear in another deeper level
symptoms (see the chapter on seeking the Q-potencies).
It will reappear large pedunculated warts on neck, itchy and secrete moisture. The lipoma seems greater to
me. The urine stream is again often divided.
Rubrics 7 5 4 4 4 4 2 3
This really seems to be Thuja, the active miasm is screaming for Thuja.
I give him again the Thuja XM, because I had the feeling that the XM strikes him very well with him.
It was the last five months very good, Thuja has done it quite well. He just got a dizziness and increased
instability in walking. He used to be a bit uncertain transition and he knew the dizziness already. It would be
a whole new symptoms, then it could mean a shift of pathology at a deeper level, since it is the sting
symptoms with the central nervous system in combination.
I repeat the Thuja XM, this time dissolved in water to alter the potency something.
The vertigo was better and unsteadiness as well. It's pretty good.
I dare now to go to the CM. Often can only be seen under the CM whether the agent is really true. Thuja
Page 182
In homeopathy, it is difficult to treat lipomas, as they usually grow slowly and therefore just as slowly
disappear. If they disappear altogether. I have patients in whom the lipomas do not move or years were only
slightly smaller. But we'll see what happens here.
The point about the lipoma begins to ache and inflamed. Then our patient leans while driving back and then
he realizes that something runs down the back. The lipoma was opened and drained.
After that, the point at which the lipoma was ulcerated and wetted for two weeks and then completely healed
from. It's amazing what the body can do when he gets the right impulses through homeopathy.
He developed the symptom that his right leg is colder than the left.
This is of course again a clear indication of his basic means Lycopodium and so I give him immediately
Lycopodium M.
The Lycopodium has done well, but it comes back behind the right ear a horn-like plant. He has a polyp in
the nose, which has grown. The nose is clogged ever since.
Of course you have to be very careful, because these lesions or neoplasia constantly occur in this patient.
Finally, we must reserve the melanoma under control. That's why I give again Thuja XM in water.
"The nose was bleeding suddenly blowing the nose and then a 2-cm polyp has come out of your nose! I was
quite surprised when I looked into the handkerchief and then lays a bloody greenhouse." Since the nose is
released and the nasal breathing is not restricted.
But the wart-like growth will slow again slightly larger behind the ear. Of course that was again a clear
indication for me to repeat the Thuja.
Thuja XM in water.
The reactions have'm not so impressed, because this time the Thuja has done nothing. The wart has
continued to grow and it occurred new warts.
The welding of the genitals smell again intense. The urine stream is again often divided. There were very
severe stomach pain and general discomfort. The pain in my hips were so strong that he could barely walk
and had to take painkillers. For him it is generally very poor. What do you do now?
Should we return to Lycopodium because of the hip, but at the same time growing so the warts and the
Sykosezeichen are very active. Had I not so often the XM to repeat the C200 would have been better?
There was some good advice, what do we do now?
Luckily I was studying the writings of JC Burnett and he writes when Thuja has done very well, but then
ceases to act, then you have a similar means of this family type and that will continue the healing. Burnett
was then often Cupressus-lawsoniana or Sabina.
Page 183
Burnett considered Cupressus-lawsoniana firsthand and could not continue the test because he had
gotten extreme stomach pain away. Thuja is very similar in effect to Cupressus or Sabina and he was
once asked why he would not just stick with the tried and tested Thuja and he replied: "Practical experience
has taught me that the gift of a very similar effect means healing causes faster than if you are always the
same means. "
As Burnett was a man of action, who has treated very many tumors successfully, I thought, but I must try.
Many throw Burnett, he would choose his agent or indiscriminately now vermenden center rows, but this is
not so. One should, before J. C. Have criticized Burnett read all his books and studied all his cases, and
then you will discover treasures that you did not even know before.
So I give our patients, although with a slightly sick feeling in the stomach, on 28.5.02 Cupressus-
lawsoniana C30.
The terrible stomach pain went away. The hip pain improved, three days after the Cupressus so he
could settle all painkillers.
The greenhouse behind the ear has shrunk and dropped after fourteen days. The urine stream was less
often divided and the odor was not so offensive.
This experience has shown me that Burnett was right and that I did it well, his little notes to study them to
understand why he sometimes used such means sequences.
I have lost in another case with metastatic gastric cancer after phosphorus had worked only palliative, and
the patient was actually dying and the tumor marker CA 19-9 was increased to 1800, used a different
approach and then, as the case seemed only given Bacillus gardeners and tumor markers decreased
significantly and then Thuja, Cupressus-lawsoniana and Sabina in a center turn Burnett and tumor
markers fell to 600 within two months. Thereafter, the patient was still alive two years.
Thuja C200
He's got a strong weakness of memory for names. The right hip doing more hurt again and he complains of
increased flatulence.
Lycopodium M
Page 184
The memory is better, but it starts again behind the right ear to grow something. This change is very
Lycopodium M
The nose is always a bad smell. I seem to really slow to realize now that after the Lycopodium re-grow the
warts and I have to give Thuja. Only when the miasma is finally eradicated, Lycopodium will act alone.
Thuja M
The patient had at the beginning of homeopathic therapy have a rash on the buttocks and the rash is still
there. But now this rash starts to itch very much on, especially at night in bed heat.
Every time he comes into the kitchen and his wife standing at the sink, he gets a sudden urge to urinate. As
soon as he heard running water or sees, he must enced to the toilet, otherwise some urine goes wrong.
Lately, he has developed an insane craving for meat. The hands tremble more recently. What is happening?
We must repertorise and analyze the new onset symptoms exactly. These are all symptoms Psoric. That
would be a good sign when we were coming back from the sycosis level on the Psoric level. That would
mean our patient would return to a "healthier" level, as the healing direction should always go by Syphilinie
about sycosis by psora.
Total 11 6 6 6 5 5 5
Rubrics 7 4 3 2 3 3 2
Page 185
Sulfur is anyway my favorite resources for melanoma and so I think when we meet now psora at the root,
then we will be able to heal on a very deep level. We must try to escape the cancer soil for growth. Now
have J. H. Allen and Hahnemann right now that we simultaneously treat the active miasma and psora.
Sulfur C200
The trembling hand was better. The urge to urinate was better, the rash itches not more so.
The belly is a new lipoma seems to form. At the back of the head a cauliflower-like wart grows. From the
nose ensures more often resent rich liquid. On the left ear, a horn-like plant, a horn-like wart boldet.
We have the Psoric symptoms can eliminate some of the sulfur, but the sycosis seems to be very active, so
I do not dare to continue to treat the psora. He gets back Thuja C200, as it always did this power level very
The patient had a small accident and the injured knee ligaments. They wanted to operate on him the same.
The response has been encouraging, the pain disappeared very quickly and you could avoid surgery.
He complains of a brownish discharge and tighter hip pain and the increase of warts. Bloating occur again
It is difficult for me to understand how the change in the patient's symptoms and now I decide to again give
a high potency of the basic agent and then give intermittently every seven days Thuja.
It's not quite the classic homeopathic way, but I wanted to try to split the miasma and take the psora and
sycosis. Burnett also had very often given the Thuja C30 as an interim administration and so I wanted to try
it too, because Thuja has helped our patients so often.
The ejection was better, the hip pain too, but there was an increase in lipomas. A new lipoma on the
abdomen and one showed up on the thigh. What happens now? Thuja alone is probably not all that I think,
or it did not make sense to give the Thuja C30 so often?
I'm trying to be honest here representing my prescriptions, so that you can learn from my mistakes. There
are not many doctors who treat cancer with homeopathy, and therefore needs to be a lot of research to find
the optimal path. I have a feeling half much remains to be investigated in order to find the optimal path. I
have a feeling that Thuja, even if it is indicated, in frequent doses can fuel a tumor or sycosis more.
Nowadays I'm much more careful with the Regulation of Thuja.
Page 186
He developed a cough which forces him to sit up in bed. He has stabbing pain when inhaling. He holds his
chest when coughing. He has a great thirst and drinking a lot more often.
Total 13 8 7 7 6
Rubrics 5 3 3 3 4
After the cold symptoms were entirely subsided, the washing lipomas made me worry again. The horn-like
growth on the ear also increases in size. From the nose makes a foul-smelling secretion and he constantly
has a foul smell in the nose. What do you do now?
The frequent administration of Thuja C30 was not good, but I still believe in Thuja and I wages to go back
to the Thuja XM.
The Thuja XM was very good, the lipomas were again somewhat smaller and the horn-like growth at the ear
is dropped. The putrid smell from the nose was gone after three weeks. You can see how important it is that
you not only prescribe the right remedy, but also uses an appropriate dose and can affect the agent.
If you too soon repeated a means and we give the means to an improvement in, then we will reverse the
direction of cure again.
The lipomas are smaller by 50%. Normally lipomas do not respond as quickly to the center, but as these
have emerged only recently, they can probably go away faster.
Thuja XM in water.
Thuja XM in water.
Page 187
The rash on the buttocks itchy unbearable. The urge to urinate is again increased when listening to or view
of the water and he again developed a large meat demand. Because of these Sulfursymptomen I give
again Sulfur M.
He starts up after four months with the words: Ill surgery next week. His hernia, he has been around for
several years, has become something bigger and pressed something. In 1993 they had already diagnosed
with prostatic hypertrophy, and he method should then already operated on. Now we want the hernia and
that would be his constant urination and dribbling at urinating explain. He must go ten times in the night to
the toilet.
I advise against surgery of the prostate and draw only a hernia from the outside to the method of
Schultheiss into consideration when it should not be better. To act on the prostate, he should occupy Sabal
serrulata D3 daily.
Sabal serrulata, saw palmetto, has a special reference to the prostate and is indicated in many cases of
prostatic hypertrophy and prostate problems. When Permanent Night urination Licher there and it still gave
a history of gonorrhea, such as think in our case, then you have to Sabal serrulata.
I give it three times a day organotropic in the D3 to specifically act on the prostate and in order to prevent
the operation of the prostate.
H. Voisin it is recommended in the mother tincture or until D3. Boericke recommends 10 to 30 drops of the
mother tincture or C3. For me, the D3 has proven quite well.
The night-time urination decreased with the Sabal serrulata of 10x to 2x at night. The urine is also strong
He is very happy with it. The prostate surgery is therefore not carried out!
Arnica C200 he receives before and after the operation. Arnica prevent excessive bleeding during surgery
and results in faster wound healing.
After they had pulled the urethral catheter, he could not even urinate constantly and got a lot of pain.
Staphisagria C200 has helped quickly. I've been in some patients who have had problems with urination
after catheterization, can help with Staphisagria well.
By the operation of his equilibrium was very disturbed and it took time before everything came back fine.
That's why I advise against even the most cancer patients from extensive surgery, of course only insofar as
it can also be avoided.
Our patient complains now has an increasing cough and a pressure in the prostate area. The cough starts
as soon as he laid himself down and then he has to sit up again. The urinary stream is interrupted, and he
has to wait until the urine begins to flow at all.
Page 188
I studied these symptoms and came up with a good medium, which is taken into account, the enlarged
We sometimes have to deal with a complicated case, multiple levels and now it is important to get prostate
problems under control.
The cough is gone quickly and urinating now works. He just needs to get up once during the night to urinate.
The urine flows well. Use of Conium Sabal serrulata and could well affect the prostate.
It will reappear more warts and the rash on the buttocks is reddened intensive and is surrounded by about
20 stalked, small pointed condyloma. It grows on the temple and at the same time a wart warts appeared on
the chest.
Thuja C200
The wart on the temple and the warts on the chest are dropped. The rash on the buttocks is less and the
warts on buttocks by 50% become smaller. It goes very well.
It was all the time very well, but due to a bereavement in the family, he is very depressed. If you lose a loved
one and at great sadness often Natrum muriaticum or Ignatia can ease the grief something.
Ignatia C200
He comes again to outpatient medical history and we take stock of the previous treatment. He is concerned
so far, so good. He has no urination problems, the hip pain are also fine.
The warts and lipomas are actually unterworen a constant growth and disappearance. The melanomas are
all gone. The energy is very good. The patient is very happy.
I meet the patients randomly on the bus and see how good he is. He seems happy and he makes a
comfortable impression.
Page 189
Summary viewing:
The patient is very happy and he says: "I am now almost eight years with you in treatment and I have not
made the suggested chemotherapy for melanoma neither of the surgery and is doing very well to me."
May I also find the subtle note that the cost of homeopathic treatment for almost eight years, a total of less
than a week chemotherapy would have cost.
The patient was given over almost eight years now mainly Thuja and again some months his basic means
Lycopodium. Use of Conium Sabal serrulata and D3 was the massive prostate removed with the
discomfort when urinating.
The melanomas on the head and legs have completely disappeared. The patient is satisfied. This case
shows how important it is always active to meet Miasma and the complexity can be the tumor events.
In this case, probably led the suppressed gonorrhea to a profound weakening of the immune system, so
then at this human melanoma could arise. The statistical median survival in cutaneous metastasis of
melanoma type is only eleven months.
Chapter 9
Page 190
A lady of 53 years from Finland stood in August 2004 in my practice at the Clinica St. Croce ago. She noted
in March 2003, already a lump in the right breast, which has grown slowly. In the spring of 2004, these
nodes began to grow faster and he also began to ache. There was a constant pull on the node, which
greatly alarmed the patient, so she decided to mammography. The Mammographic reinforced the suspicion
of a tumor and to have a certainty, a biopsy of the tumor was performed. This phenomenon is not clear but it
was there for many years.
The histological examination of the biopsy material was undoubtedly malignant carcinoma in the right
breast.She was advised to have first performed chemotherapy, so that the tumor could be reduced in order
to subsequently operate it better. Following chemotherapy and surgery five weeks of radiation treatment
should be done then. Five-week radiotherapy with 45 Gray roughly corresponds to a radiation dose of
45,000 radiographs (forty-five). This is the current gold standard in the conventional medical treatment of
From a scientific point of view, we know that the incidence of second tumors is increased after radiation
treatments several times. The mitochondrial respiratory chain are partially destroyed after radiotherapy, and
so damaged that cellular respiration is disturbed for years and thus the ground for a new tumor formation is
However, the patient did not want chemotherapy, no surgery and no irradiation. She wanted to try to be
healthy by using homeopathy. As in Finland, homeopathy is even less recognized than in Germany or
Switzerland, they only told her best friend that she goes to a homeopathic clinic in order not to have to
expose the scorn and derision.
The female patient was crying when admission interview almost all the time because she and her husband
who has to suffer for retirement at an alcohol problem and severe depression, can no longer endure the
stressful situation.
The last few months she almost cried only and cannot imagine a way out of this situation. She cried for
several hours a day.
On examination the samples about 3 cm tumor in the right breast. The tumor is hard and can be displaced
and not yet grown to happiness on the chest wall.
In the left breast has long is a lipoma. The tongue has many dental impressions, which is usually a sign of a
spleen chi deficiency. That is, the organism is quite some time now in a strong state of exhaustion.
It indicates that their hands are rough and cracked quickly in winter.
Sleep is massively disrupted as they constantly have to think of the cancer and constantly worries about her
husband. At night, she wakes up often and has the strange feeling that someone else is in bed with her. It
makes the eyes and vision with his eyes open again different people next to him in bed, after about five
minutes these people disappear. She could not explain this phenomenon, but there was for years.
Page 191
She also dreamed repeatedly that it falls from a height. She likes to eat raw onions, but which always cause
bloating. The vaccinations she has endured well. The abdomen is very sensitive to touch and they cannot
wear tight belt. The cold wind in Finland it is hard to bear, as it it always gets a toothache. After the birth of
her child she'd get a lot of hair loss and mastitis. At the age of 30 years, a dermoid cyst on the right ovary
was removed. With 40 years, we have sterilization.
After menopause, she was given because of their hot flashes, accompanied by heavy sweating, hormones.
That was in 2000. Now, as the tumor was found and secured, of course, all hormones were immediately
removed because it is known that estrogens promote the growth of tumors in most cases. The hormone
therapy after menopause has grown many tumors and really should be avoided. Fortunately, an American
study of over 30,000 women, the dangers of hormone therapy demonstrated and hopefully helps to a more
responsible use of hormones.
Now they view themselves versus no easy task to treat a man who does not want to go the traditional
medical route.
If you want to treat cancer patients with homeopathy only way to get the nowadays unfortunately still do
almost secretly, to avoid being called irresponsible for love medical colleagues or fearing for his license.
Just recently I was told by a colleague politely that I do not need it to fancy me to treat a particular patient
because of a stomach tumor with homeopathy. Should I try it, then it may be conformed report it to the
Canton doctor so you can immediately start proceedings against me. These patients then I was not allowed
to treat and now do not know anything about his fate. But I know the fate of another patient of mine, the
better the surgeon said as he met the patients in the hospital on the floor: "So Mr. X, you make before an
appointment for next week, the stomach has to go."
The patient had already received more chemotherapy and radiation for an extended MALT lymphoma of the
stomach, but what the disease could not stop. Now would be a last resort remove the entire stomach.
Terrible pain was his constant companion. In his despair, and hope to be able to keep his stomach, he came
to me and I treated him only with homeopathy. After a few weeks passed the terrible stomach pain and
gradually all other complaints decreased. The patient enjoys to this day still his stomach and is free of
If the root cause of cancer is not even in the diseased organ, but a failure of the whole people, we can cure
the tumor, if you heal the whole person.
This is also the reason why in many patients after tumor resection and chemotherapy frequently relapse
occurs because one has indeed removed the tumor, but the entertaining cause that led to tumor
development, was not adjusted.
Now we come back to our case. How can we help this desperate patient now?
Page 192
The analysis of the case is not easy, since mixing several levels.
We have on the one hand, the Constitutional symptoms that have direct us to the basic resources, and on
the other hand, we have in this case many miasmatic characters (dermoid cysts, warts, lipomas, etc.), which
suggest us a Sycotic load.
I have found it very striking that the lady is dreaming that there are people in the room, or that someone is
next to her in bed. That's weird.
Then I found it striking that someone has a strong craving for raw onions, but they do not tolerate.
If we find these noticeable symptoms for Thuja, we must examine the case on Thuja more detail.
Not so fast, because if we go back to the first consultation and consider the repertorisation again, and we
note that sepia very well covers the totality of the symptoms and the symptoms that are not covered by
Sepia, are covered by Thuja. Now you can get hints that this is a complicated case miasmatically quite
possible that will probably require multiple agents.
When in doubt, by any means you want to start, then you start with the best resources, which covers the
totality of the symptoms most. This is in our case sepia. For Sepia not to mention its light wines while talking
about their disease or its symptoms. We also now find the hot flashes with sweat and dental impressions on
the tongue. These are symptoms which at the moment are now available and which are covered by Sepia,
but not that of Thuja. As a further differential diagnosis we have phosphorus because of mastitis during
lactation, the lipoma and a certain tendency to bleed. Then had had a fall times in the chest, but we still
think of Conium nuts as background means, if the impact to the chest could have been a possible tumor-
timer. I've often found that, for example, the totality of the symptoms clearly spoke for Sepia, but the agent
did not help, because another plane was not taken into account. If a woman has to get a shock or an injury
to the chest and at this point a tumor arose a year or two later, then we must question whether there has
been since this impact changes in mood or on the physical level exactly. Often, vertigo or ecchymosis,
which then led up to me Conium developed.
Page 194
We must always make it clear that our so-called constitutional medium our Similimum speak only may still
be subordinate importance when the organism was transferred to another state. For example, one can see
the impact on the breast and when that has been eliminated then the constitutional medium works. Conium
and the Bellis-Perennis are the best medicines with the violations of the Breast or when tumors arose after
contusion. Or we take another example of Phosphorous for an open-hearted and extrovert woman. All the
symptoms were showing towards Phosphorous and suddenly crashes, the only child of this woman.
A world-breaking for the woman together, she pulls herself back, wants to be left in peace and denied any
consolation and developed a herpes below the under lip. Then this woman is indeed still constitutional
phosphorus but now it has come in a sodium-muriaticum state. She needs sodium-muriaticum in order to
overcome this situation. Blockades and psychological existence can represent and must be overcome by
using special mediums which can act only to the basic.
Here in this case, continuous crying is a salient symptom of this case and thats why I chose Sepia, I want
to give her this on the next morning only because I wanted to study this case further. When one looks at the
symptoms, the symptoms becomes the core-Objectives for example, the impression of teeth and then one
look at various symptoms from sepia.
When one directly looks at the totality of the symptoms, finds one very good Sepia symptoms.
We have got a list with parameters, the ones who are making the tumor bigger, the pain from the tumor, the
continuous crying, sleep disorders, decreasing energy. On the day after the Anamnesis, patient cried a lot
during the treatment. When there was something better and we could see that in the patient. We started a
On the next day patient was stabilized, he had a good feeling about it. The tears were completely off. He
could sleep better and the pain reduced.
Page 195
After 7 days the patient was very much better and after 14 days the patient was sent home and tumor was
reduced 50% in size.
The same the homeopathy is helpful; we are helping the organisms to cure by themselves. After 2 months
and the continuous intake of Q potential, the tumor has reduced by 80%. After 2 months there were even no
heat strokes with sweats. That means, we are working on our sepia on our hormonal plane. The medium
works to maintain the hormonal balance.
After 6 months has the tumor completely disappeared and it is no more palpable.
I am surprised that as a patient, she came to me along with her depressed husband who had bad headache
and was getting feeling of insane, he had already had CT of the head because the doctor has got a hint of
tumor. I have treated that patient with Nux-vomica for many years and now he had no pain or depression
either and he has also left drinking.
The treatment of his wife was cured by June 2005 from sepia Q-potential till Q13. The medicine was firstly
given daily and then once in 1 or 2 days.
It went very well, so I give the other drug and gave the full documentation here.
19.09.05 Sepia M
27.10.05 Sepia M
They felt a slight pull on the spot where there was Tumor once. For precaution I gave again Sepia Q14.
The sign in the breast has disappeared but I am still giving the Q-potential. When the organisms and the
immune system have approbated that the Tumor can arise, then one is under concern that one can cure the
immune system only with homeopathy and doesnt risk with the radiations.
Sepia Q15
Page 196
She gets a buttermilk-like flow-out of the vagina, as it had 20 years ago. She calls much and searched for a
Homeopathy Medicine for it. I told her the theory of Brunet, that lot of Tumors is sitting in the abdomen and
they can lead to disturbances in the abdomen. Brunet has also told a case, where the lady has chronic
Leuchorrhea with medical coiling and after some time she has a not in the breast. I have also treated these
patients and cured them.
This patient has in the past a lot of Abdomen inflammations and complaints. Now there is also a flaw that if
we give homeopathy for the flow that can react in the clearance or that can stop the natural process of
When old chronic symptoms return over the course of a homeopathic therapy, which is a very good sign.
And when the Cancer tumor disappears and the old flow starts again then that is a right healing process.
Luckily in this case, when the patient had come to us and when also the centre for Biology of Tumor in
Fribourg gave up for this case and when in the starting the doctors had also no hope in that. Fortunately,
this case, just after the female patient came to the clinic, were enrolled in the study the clinic for tumor
biology in Fribourg, so that this case was controlled from the beginning of completely independent
physicians and documented. The investigator was also impressed about the running, especially since
pathological surveys and histological findings-firmed the cancer so the diagnosis cannot be questioned in
The female patient observed a light brown flow-and it seems a growing vaginal fungus again which creates
nuisance and terrible itching. This can be treated with yoghurt and 2-3 spoons in the vagina can maintain
the vaginal flora.
Still the last three fingers of the right hand falls sleep.
The three fingers of the right hand are dumb and she thought as if it is dead.
Her complaints about a pain on the tip on the tongue. Especially in non contact, it is very painful.
What are we doing with these symptoms? What should that reflect?
The pain of the tip of the tongue is a symptom shown from sepia. It could show us that it is a late
aggravation? No, because we can only speak of a late aggravation when appearing after several bottles of
Q-potency, the patient has at the beginning put forward as symptom.
The pain at the tip of the tongue is a new symptom, it can be either a symptom from Sepia after examining
or it can be hint for a new medicine. We can quickly find it, as we look at other symptoms of rubrics cube.
Eventually the Thuja symptoms had to come in light. It had come up from the first analysis, but now the
Thuja symptoms are clearly shown. Now one should give something, such that the Sycotic miasma calms
down and after that Sepia makes it more better.
The sleepiness of finger has disappeared and the pain in the tongue has not come up again. The outflow is
smooth. The symptoms shown from Thuja have disappeared and I Think Thuja as an important medium
with Sepia for this case.
The patient was informed of several pages, that they could not be treated with homeopathy breast cancer.
For this reason, the health insurance companies refused to assume the cost of homeopathic treatment. Only
surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy could enhance tumor to disappear. The patient had not
chosen fortunately for homeopathy.
The patient is happy that she was only treated with homeopathy and had to make no operation, no
Chemotherapy and no radiotherapy.
Use of sepia and a small intermediate dose of Thuja disappeared this historically confirmed breast cancer.
The tumor had regressed after six months of homeopathic treatment and is no longer recurred in two years.
Low differentiated metaplastic breast cancer left (pT2, PN0, GIII, Mo)
ER / PR borderline positive
Only diagnose in September 1998
Reduktionsmastektomie both sides (10.09.98)
Radiotherapy of the left breast with a total of 50 Gray (9/98)
Recurrent Tumor left (January 01)
Ablatio Mom links (06.02.01)
Start of adjuvant Chemotherapy. Tumor growth below and the scar (5cm * 10 cm) (20.02.01)
Discontinuation of chemotherapy (April 2001).
A 42 Year patient presented end of February 2001 for a Breast Cancer recurrence in our clinic. After surgery
in 1998 at a breast cancer left and was then irradiated with 50 Gray over several weeks, she developed a
new tumor nodule in September 2000. The re-recurrence was verified only in January then histological. This
time the entire left breast was removed. The tumor, a GIII tumor was so aggressive that he immediately
began to proliferate weirder after surgery and showed a scar under the breast tumor plate of 5 cm * 10 cm,
which broke to the outside and a crust was formed.
In February 2001, we began a course of chemotherapy with Epirubicin and cyclophosphamide before she
came to us in the clinic. They wanted to try to make curb the tumour. If recurrence of tumours induced at the
irradiated breast, these are usually more aggressive and usually respond less well to chemotherapy.
Breast cancer is unfortunately a type of tumour that is increasingly on the rise and more and younger
women affects. New cases per year are registered in Germany to 50,000.
Today, almost all women are operated on immediately and it follows chemotherapy and radiation. But if the
CAUSE of the tumour is not removed, then the tumour usually comes back. We see it in the clinic very often
that were with tumours that have a high grading or where already positive lymph nodes striking, despite all
orthodox medicine therapy shear recurrences. If a tumour once relapsed after chemotherapy and irradiation
have already been made, then the prognosis is usually very poor. By the irradiation of lymphocytic defence
wall is then additionally damaged and tumour cells can spread unhindered (see Chapter irradiation).
If you then additionally realize that the cause of tumour formation is only based on the disturbed
immunological functions, then any hope it is clear that the future of cancer treatment can only be to restore
these immunologic functions. This is called true healing. Of course, an operation of a breast tumour is also
necessary in many cases, in order to free the organism of the tumour load. However, it should be
concomitantly treated with homeopathy in stopping the recurrence risk can be reduced.
The immune system can be stimulated in its function most effectively through the properly applied
homeopathy according to the everlasting laws of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. I want to lead the ensuing case in
great detail the procedure in homeopathy between cancer treatment and the homeopathic way of thinking in
mind. This case like many readers, although may seem a bit lengthy, but if you want to treat cancer with
homeopathy, it's not that you just have a good means of the so-called Similimum find, and the patient is
cured as if by magic. No, it requires constant contact with the patient , to always bring out the optional
indicating symptoms for the next agent. Who wants to treat cancer with homeopathy should do very
conscientious about it and be aware that you have to accompany on his way through all the ups and downs
of a cancer patient and help him tried as best we can . It is much confronted with death and human suffering
, because nothin ' anyone can be cured. Many patients are accompanied overthe years up to his death and
attempts to alleviate their suffering by using homeopathy. It is a beautiful but difficult task that you can
perform for a long time only with joy and the Zeil to help the people . ( Incidentally, the original sick die layer
this patient now comprises about 300 pages and with and the abstract on 25 pages I was quite happy . ) A
homeopathic cancer treatment is like a detective work to find out the good symptoms for a good agent can
help the patient
The patient was very excited and anxious at the first consultation. The patient was very excited and anxious
at the first consultation. She said she was terrified of death and of dying. You have the feeling that this
chemotherapy she would poison even more and they've barely had hope that she would survive this tumor.
The prognosis is nothin very cheap, but if you can find the good homeopathic remedies. are the khans
better. We'll see.
On her character she would want to change their nature and anxiously'd want, that they could be a little
selfish for once. With great tension they get diarrhea. She had a breast infection while breastfeeding. At
other injuries or blows to the chest she can not remember. It is always very important to ask in history after
injuries of the chest, as this may be a possible cause of a tumor and then you often have with agents such
as Conium or Bellis perennis-start.
You always have a dry mouth at night and a sticky taste in the mouth.
As a teenager she was 15 years old already a myocardial inflammation, which was accompanied by intense
anxiety. At that time she was treated with a lot of cortisone and you gave her a sedative because of fear.
The blood pressure had always been low.
Skin, brown wart on neck right
The hands are very red
The feet are always in the evening very cold, they can only sleep with warm feet.
Food and Beverages: Beverages prefer from the refrigerator. Very happy fish. Fat hate.
Often you can hear her muttering and grumbling in a belly, sometimes it bubbles correctly, so you can hear
it throughout the room.
Sometimes cravings for chips and chocolate. Everything is salty, she likes.
Lately she has even become a couple of times awake by hunger in the night and then had to eat something.
Recently there is a strong sensitivity to odors.
Vaccines: Without reactions
Family history: Mother ovarian cancer.
Once again, not such a mild case because it is a G3 tumor that is relapsed after surgery and radiation. This
is usually a very poor prognosis, since in these cases has also to be treated with chemotherapy only a small
response and a very low survival rate.
Therefore, it is particularly important to make an accurate and thorough analysis of all the symptoms in
order to find good homeopathic remedies for the tumor to disappear and life of the patient can be saved.
1 We first create a course parameter list of the loaded tended symptoms of the patient.
History parameters:
1 Anxiety (which seems to me at the moment the most important parameters to be)
2 uncertainty
3 Hardening of chest
4 Clamping the chest
5 Pain of the scars
6 Size of the tumor nodule
7 Pressure in the lower abdomen on the left
8 Dry mouth at night
9 weakness
10 sleep
But if someone is always at pains hand hangs up, that's a very symptom.
It is very important to always ask for the consistency, the color, the taste of vomit.
One can then find, for example, with few symptoms good means that you can give concomitant, if symptoms
such as a subsequent state of chemotherapy would.
In breast ignitions you always think as the main agent usually only Belladonna, Bryonia and Phytolacca and
we will often find a short relief. The most important and most proven means seems to me now to be
phosphorus. This important experience I was able to take over from my teacher Dr. Spinedi thankfully, or of
me, my wife has ever helped it.
It is sometimes a good phosphorus Note , if you from afar a loud gurgling when
Patient hears .
Stomach; APPETITE ; increased, hunger in general; night
Sleep; AWAKENING ; hunger, by
There are the old homeopaths joke that always at night meet phosphorus and Lycopodium on the fridge ...
Both agents have the night hunger to a great degree .
the symptoms in the Gesamtrepertorisation showed phosphorus in the first place.
I. $- 153- Symptom
Man can see that total phosphorus is always found on the front places in the repertorisation and then one
considers the whole case again and when you consider the anxiety this cute patient, then you can start with
a good feeling with phosphorus.
It is important to have a close follow-up study with the means to obtain any evidence of the following means
(see course assessment under Q-potency dose).
The sleep was significantly better in the night. There was no dizziness and no night hunger. She had the
feeling to be calmer.
On the second day, she complained of a massive headache as they know it from before. They also had
some heart palpitations when lying down, but to her great delight, she had the feeling that the tension in the
chest was less.
The reappearance of old symptoms is a good sign if the symptoms occur for a short time and then
disappear again. If headache occur in the clinic at the next or the next day, it can also be a coffee
withdrawal symptom, since the coffee is banned so as not to interfere with the action of homeopathic
remedies. After two days, then stops the headache usually on by itself.
She reports that she had the feeling that once the ground wobbled beneath her feet. The palpitations had
occurred in the evening in bed, lying down, but it has become stronger.
It is important to ask whether it is an old, already known symptom, or whether they are completely new
symptoms, then you do with the means further (see assessment of the responses to the Q-potencies).
It occurred stitches in the left bar. The scar has also stung a little. There was a pimple on the chin. She
knew from before. All other symptoms are much better.
The tumour nodule is almost half become smaller, the pain is diminished. The hardening and the tensioning
of the chest are much better.
With such a wonderful course you can continue to do well with the phosphorus, which seems to be the
But you have to be on guard always, as in a tumour disease of the healing process often does not run very
That is, we must always analyse the symptoms exactly which occur in the course, particularly those that are
not covered by phosphorus. We will be able to experience the still fresh in this course.
They wanted a total of seven cycles to perform chemotherapy for the patient, but after only two cycles, the
patient stopped chemotherapy because the side effects were too onerous and I had the feeling that
chemotherapy could specifically put the immune system to a complete halt in this patient and then a
metastasis all routes could be opened. The patient is a very smart woman and she wants to continue only
with homeopathy.
I would like to once again hear their honest opinion whether I should continue this or not chemotherapy? I
do not want really. Regardless of the torture. My thoughts are as follows: The poisons attack but cells, which
are identified as sick as cancer cells at the moment. Should it anyway! Cancer cells, which are in any
preliminary or perhaps currently resting, but are not recognized or destroyed under circumstances. Right?
These cells can indeed after some time become active again and cause cancer. From chemotherapy that is
made at the present time, I have then nothing more. What I then helps but is only a well-functioning immune
system, which is alone cope with the daily abnormal cells. Right?
The doctors have told me that it was better to get too much than too little chemo, I would blame me if I break
chemotherapy. After I but lately have been thinking so much and also the positive development was seen
through homeopathy, I do not think I would maybe make me in a few years allegations. On the contrary, if I
should get a chance to survive, then only on the strengthening of my own body, my immune system, which
might re-emerge with the diseased cells alone, is finished then. It would be nice if you could still say
something about me from your sight. "
How intelligent or how wise is this lady. She is not a doctor, not a biologist or else a scientist, but her
common sense and her inner sense have known the truth:
1. Chemotherapy always kills only a fraction of tumour cells. It will never be all tumour cells are killed in
chemotherapy, and even if you could kill more than 90%, the remaining 10% would still be tens of
millions of tumour cells!
2. Tumour cells that are in the resting phase, cannot be caught by the chemotherapy.
3. The immune system has to deal with the degenerated cells alone.
4. The tumour cells, which are still present after chemotherapy, are usually much more aggressive.
5. Following chemotherapy, the immune system is very weak for a long time, so increasingly
recurrences or second tumours may occur.
6. There is a massive damage to the mitochondria and an extreme formation of free radicals, so that all
detoxification systems are overwhelmed and can new mutations arise.
How often patients come with breast cancer with a tumour recurrence to us in the clinic, in whom the tumour
has recurred despite surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Most whose tumour had an unfavourable
histological grading or lymph nodes were already infested. The benign tumours which one operates,
irradiated and chemically treated, have a better prognosis, but only because they were benign. If every
fourth woman takes a breast tumour to the grave without that this tumour has become ever aggressive, then
you have to ask yourself if you use the early detection and subsequent maximum therapy in 25% of cases
treated tumours that would never have come to the outbreak?
However, the tumour node is only fallen a part, but then he is stagnating. One must be very critical of
course, since they had received chemotherapy for two cycles and that could have also contributed to the
tumour has initially reacted so well. We have often seen that a patient does not respond to chemotherapy or
tumour grows even more, and if you then while you continue making the chemotherapy begin with
homeopathy, the tumour becomes smaller at a time. A special stimulus is probably excited with homeopathy
the immune system to fight tumour cells even better. However, it is important if you already make
chemotherapy, these run at the minimum dose, so as not to put the immune system lame. I already heard
from many patients in whom four or five cycles of chemotherapy were still well tolerated and there was
tumour shrinkage. But then came the sixth cycle of the complete collapse of the patient and the therapy was
no longer tolerated. The immune system is extremely weak at this time and so the most important
mechanism of tumour cell control is turned off and then the tumours can spread again. Not infrequently one
sees then a complete metastasis.
That is why it is so important, the terms response rate, remission rate and effective survival time to perform
again and again before his eyes, so that one is not subject to an illusion (see Chapter chemotherapy). The
future of cancer therapy will go towards immunotherapy, at some point you will no longer perform these
aggressive chemotherapy regimens. The time will come, I'm sure.
In our patient the re-recurrent tumour was still clearly palpable in the breast and it was her strongly advised
to continue the chemotherapy, so as not to put their lives on the game. Man you could not guarantee the
disappearing of the Tumour with chemotherapy but if they break off the chemotherapy now, then they'll
surely regret and make very serious allegations, if then the cancer spreading inexorably in their bodies
even. What happens now?
To the dismay of the medical profession she aborts the chemotherapy and would now only be cured using
May 2011
After three months of homeopathic treatment with phosphorus reported the patient:
June 2001
Pain in the right wrist as before. Old symptom. Slightly salty taste in the mouth.
Twenty-five years ago she had an inflammation of the optic nerve of the left eye and since then was the
vision somewhat limited. Now the eye and vision will be better again. When seen under the homeopathic
therapy is better, then that is a very good sign that we have a very deep with the agent.
The tumour nodules may have become less initially, but he is now still there and no longer changed. Since
we are dealing with a very malignant tumour, it's a good sign that we have reached at least stability in
tumour occurrence, but the risk is still great that the tumour continues to grow.
It is overall very good, but occurs from time to time to stabbing pain in the chest and it appears increasingly
pimples on chin. The scars on his chest hurt sometimes, especially when the weather is damp or the
weather changes. She has often palpitations on waking.
Recently, since it reports on a blurred vision, which looks like a half circle.
Now you have to be very careful, as new symptoms appear, especially because the tumour node has not
yet disappeared.
We have virtually still a powder keg in treatment because the cancer may grow back at any time if we do not
manage it, it mimics the homeopathic remedies to get a grip. These recurring stabbing pains in the chest
show us that this area is not quite in order.
Now you have to be very careful, as new symptoms appear, especially because the tumour node has not
yet disappeared.
We have virtually still a powder keg in treatment because the cancer may grow back at any time, if we do
not manage to get him with homeopathic remedies in the handle. These recurring stabbing pains in the
chest show us that this area is not quite in order.
Now the new-onset symptoms need to be carefully analysed so that we can get clues to the newly
prescribing remedies.
Total 18 14 14 13 12 11 10
Rubrics 7 8 7 7 6 6 7
BREAST, CANCER; breasts (88) 3 2 2 3 2 2 2
BREAST; nodules; breasts, in the (65) 3 2 3 3 1 1 1
Skin; SCARS, Painful (37) 3 2 2 1 2 2 1
Chest; PAIN; stinging; breasts (131) 3 2 3 3 2 2 2
Chest; HEARTBEATS; awakening; while 2 1 2 1 3 3 2
Face, skin rashes, pimples, chin (34) 1 1 1 1
Skin; SCARS; painful; weather changes, 2 1
by (2)
General; WEATHER; cold, damp, agg. 3 2 1 1 2 2 1
It is important that we now look exactly repertorization to get hints of possible remedies.
Now we have high quality Silicea and Acidum-nitricum at the top of repertorisation. Nit-ac covers
everything, but I cannot inspire Nit-ac at this friendly woman. Nit-ac-patients can also be very friendly, but is
often a profound resentment or anger felt. Silica Could very fit, as the patient had a mild nature, and never
could say no. In addition, Silica also has the high-quality symptom of night hunger if we remember back to
the first consultation and it would also cover the breast inflammation during lactation. Silica is also a very
important breast cancer drug.
Carbo-animalis is another important breast cancer drug and has the scars of pain when the weather
changes as a typical symptom. Maybe we left the constitutional level already and we need Carbo-animalis
now as a special cancer agent?
Then we have Conium fourth repertorisation. Conium is a very common and proven remedy for breast
cancer. There were no injuries in the prehistory, the Show us Conium as eventual injury means the chest. A
real CAUSA could not elicit one also.
Lachesis I think not being able to use in the patient, because it does not fit to its essence. Lachesis is
hurtful and often has a sarcastic sense of humour, as we sometimes can find it in sepia. At Sepia course is
always to think, because it is sometimes not easy to distinguish sepia of phosphorus. Maybe you
phosphorous have only done so well because they had received so many radiation treatments and now we
leave this plane again? Or maybe I already produce phosphorus symptoms in the poor woman, as many
symptoms are now covered by phosphorus.
All these considerations one should make at each and every repertorisation agent administration in order to
increase the probability of giving a good remedy. But as you can see, it is not easy to find a good medium.
Now we have the analysis of several means being considered, but what shall we do exactly? Which means
you should be now?
Since I could not clearly assess the situation and was unsure b I have induced phosphorus symptoms and
were still very high quality front for me except Silica Carbo animalis because of the discomfort when the
weather changes and still stands as a differential diagnosis Conium in space, giving I have a bottle of
phosphorus (Q14), to make sure that a change is really necessary. I hope that clarifying symptoms will
show. The organism is wise, he shows a mostly, which means he needs, you just have to recognize the
I often say to my patient: the symptoms are our friends who will show us the way. For most patients, this is
very helpful, because then the symptoms are also not as considered as disturbing evil, but as a hint of the
organism, that one must be aware of these symptoms especially.
I have summarized the past few weeks here again exactly: The prints in the chest were again a little more
and went into the armpit.
In the left eye, I feel more pressure again. Outside, the wind tears me all to the eyes. Then I had a blurred
vision. It began as a small dot and then back to a C-shaped semi-circle with jagged edge. I have paid
attention to the colour and it was slightly yellow with blue. The last few days I woke up with numb arms.
Then I spent the last days an unpleasant sensation in the neck. Despite turtleneck sweater and scarf I have
the feeling of a "burning" cold in the neck.
At the tumour node is a feeling of pressure and I cannot lie on the left side. The left hand fingers are numb
and swollen in the morning often. The pimples on the chin are still there.
The scar hurts again at the hardened body in these tight knots. Unfortunately, the weather has again
become very poor, wet and cold.
This history report clearly shows that the phosphorus has impacted.
This means that we need to make a re-analysis of the current symptoms. We must give the symptoms that
are NOT covered by phosphorus, special consideration.
You have to analyse again exactly the whole medical history and any and all new-onset symptoms since
starting treatment with phosphorus. This requires a very large amount of time, but it is absolutely necessary,
since it is very important to determine whether a media change is displayed. If one continues with an agent
that has indeed done well once, but now no longer appears, so you will not be able to heal and on the other
you can see the complaints to the patient so even increase.
New Analysis:
Now you can see that far ahead are available in the current symptoms Silicea, Conium and phosphorus in
the repertorisation. All very good, deep-acting breast cancer agents.
But since phosphorus cannot go on well and the pressure on the chest has gotten bigger and stinging
pains in the node, we accept all the symptoms of NICT phosphorus are covered, and look at this in more
detail. That is, we need to think carefully what symptoms may be after effects of phosphorus and provide
the new symptoms that are not covered by phosphorus, in the foreground.
1. Persistent long time keep the pimples on chin. No phosphorus, but Silicea and Conium
2. The pains are increasing in the chest, so help not more phosphorus.
3. The swelling and numbness of the fingers may already be phosphorus-audit symptoms.
4. There comes a cold sensation in the neck, which is a -153-symptom. It can either be a proving
symptom of phosphorus or a reference to the new agent. This symptom Silica and Conium have
5. Then the colored semi-circles appear before the eyes, which is decisive for Conium.
It is seen that Conium covers any new symptoms. Conium is a wonderful tool in breast tumours.
It is important that you now the new distressing symptoms defined as outcome measures in order to
examine the responses to Conium can.
1. Chest pain
2. Shooting in the scars
3. Pain in the armpit
4. tumor size
5. Visual disturbances with flickering semicircles
6. Cold sensation in the neck
7. Pimples on the chin
8. Numb hands in the morning
9. Swollen fingers in the morning
Now we will see if all the work and analysis has been worth the symptoms, because the Conium must of
course first of all act. But if it does not help, then we need to make a re-analysis.
Report on 27.12.01
They reported that the agent was wonderful, the scars are almost impossible to feel the arms and hands no
longer asleep. The eyes flicker and colour semi-circles before the eyes have disappeared. The pain at the
tumour has become less and the tumour has changed as well:
"The agent has done me very well, the pain became much less and the tumour nodules has become
smoother on the nature and not so uneven and knotty"
After these positive reactions one can only breathe once again and finds a confirmation that it is mostly due
to us, whether a case is going well or not. It is not that homeopathy does not work when we reach no
improvement, but that we have not yet found the right medium.
Conium is here in this case, certainly not her constitutional remedy, but the organism has then requested
and helped us with the displayed symptoms, to find the means. Conium is a very strong, deep-acting
tumour agent and has proven to me in many cases of breast cancer good services.
In tumour nodules burning pain came for a day and then no more pain have emerged.
"The knot seems downwardly dismantle. Anyway, I mean, if I abtaste him. He's nice and flat, but still being
No more falling asleep of arms. The eyes no longer tear as strong in the wind. Continue with Conium Q5
We had observed in many patients in the clinic, the act means of Schmidt-Nagel very strong and that it is
sometimes better to dilute them in three cups, as not to cause any overreaction or proving symptoms.
After nearly five months of Q-power of Conium she reported that she had an ecchymosis, a circumscribed
haemorrhage, get in the eye.
She had earlier been here before, but it is striking that the coming. It may already old symptoms, but I'm
considering that the Conium of Schmidt-Nagel possibly still is too strong and turn now to the powers of our
friendly pharmacists in Ticino, the old Q-potencies of Dr. Knzli has taken as the basis for its newly
manufactured Q-potencies.
In the first time in clinic, we used only the Q-potencies of Schmidt-Nagel and experienced but very often
strong aggravations by these agents. Very often we are then strayed from the good means until then Dr.
Spinedi in some patients simply could not conceive that there was an aggravation, as he was with respect to
the given compound are very safe. At the time, thought Dr. Spinedi exactly why that could be analyzed and
all the possibilities and then came up with the simple but ingenious idea that the drug dose is too strong,
since the funds could not be optimally prepared.
Hahnemann speaks during the preparation of Q-potencies of poppy seed-grain-sized globules and was 1.6
mm in size by Schmidt-Nagel. That is, normally, a drop of 500 poppy seed-grain-sized globules should be
soaked up so that the division of a drop of the drug substance by 500 parts was possible.
There must be another distribution ratio in the large globules. We therefore attempted in the clinic according
to the idea of Dr. Spinedi, now take the Q-potencies from the third cup. That was the key and the strong
aggravations were no longer on (now represents Schmidt-Nagel) in Geneva the proper globules in poppy
seed size and forth this cause any more aggravation).
It is important that we always keep track of all new symptoms occurring in mind that these often give
important clues to tracking means, or indicate when the agent is overdosed, etc. (see assessment of
responses to Q-potencies)
The knot is getting smaller, the tumour board was on top 10 cm and now he is safely away to 80%. From
time to time still prints in the groin.
It now appears a strong greenish-brown discharge. Previously they had a lot of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Already JC Burnett watched with his unprecedented ingenuity, that the seat of breast cancer lies mostly
hidden in the abdomen. If the basic fault lies in the abdomen and now an old outflow appears again and the
breast tumour is small, then this is a very good sign.
This is a good running. But then again appear the phenomena of light before the eyes and some Conium
symptoms and she has again clairvoyant dreams.
It also stood out again in the chest. I think after 16 bottles Conium it may be a late exacerbation, i.e it, the
symptoms occur again reinforced on who pointed us in the beginning of Conium.
It is important to recognize when the patient is satisfied with the agent because then often come back to the
initial complaints, which is why the patient has come to us.
So you have to stop the Q-potency. Then, when symptoms persist without the agent, after some time, then
you know that it has really been a late aggravation. Offense the symptoms but does not, then you need to
choose a new agent because of the existing symptoms.
Because of a possible late aggravation I tell her se should stop and wait for the Conium.
After stopping the Coniums the sting disappeared in the chest, which could possibly confirm the late
exacerbation theory, and but there were a lot of dreams to the surface that do not belong in the effective
range of Conium and again to add another level.
It came twice a dream of blood and even a clairvoyant dream, which again provides evidence of
I'm considering that the Conium was necessary to shrink the tumour and now shows her body using this
phosphor symptoms that they again needed her constitutional remedy.
With good sense I give her phosphorus Q15 (Knzli / Stanga) every three days.
Up to 17.02.03
She receives phosphorus to Q17 and had then felt an improvement in overall vitality and nearly three
months of the node was free of pain in the chest with phosphorus. Now the tumour node starts to hurt again,
it is a constant pressure in the chest. It develops under the administration of phosphorus an increased
contraction in the chest and a cold feeling in the neck. The cold feeling in the neck has phosphorus and
conium. It can be a proving symptom, a sign of overdose, or the reference to a new agent in this category.
Since the cold feeling has come under phosphorus and it is no better in aggregate, I go back to Conium Q17
(Knzli / Stanga) every two days.
Pulling in the chest and the feeling of cold in the neck are using disappeared from Conium.
Up to 06.05.03
Takes the patient Conium and all the pain in the chest and also the drawing under the armpit, what you
worried prepared, disappeared.
The tumour node has now completely disappeared. This is a great success and shows how wonderful the
Homeopathy is.
Can we now stop therapy No, you still have to be very wary so we optimally continue the case.
Because what happens after some time: she is anxious and restless inside. It develops cravings for ice
cream and suddenly had blood in the stool.
Finally, I seem to understand how it behaves in this case: phosphorus seems to be the basic means of this
patient, but the constitutional remedy alone is apparently not sufficient to fight the tumour, so that the
organism repeatedly after Conium, a true breast cancer specific, demands.
When the tumour symptoms have calmed down, then the constitutional symptoms come more to the fore.
So I know at last that I must again give phosphorus to treat the fears and strengthen the immune system
and if the tumour is not completely eradicated, then he will present me again Coniumsymptome.
The fears are much better, no more Eisverlangen, no blood in the stool, the chest in order. She gets more
phosphorus to Q20.
"It was another ultrasound of the liver and abdominal cavity and blood. Course I was a bit excited, but not
nearly as bad as before. Therefore I have not had a bad night or have had stomach pain. It was then all right
at the ultrasound examination. I just think sometimes back to the time when everything started. I am rather
amazed at what all happened in those five years, what has changed, as I've changed, I've had a stroke of
luck, how good it is to me today. It seems to me then sometimes, as if I'm standing next to me, I watch
myself, I can it sometimes hard to believe, certainly hope that it stays that way. "
Then she goes on vacation and I think that now is the optimum opportunity to move on to the C potencies
that she is so good.
One should not take you on trips, the Q-potencies, as the bottle is otherwise very shaken by and then could
possibly strong reactions occur, or we pass through the frequent shaking already in the next higher power
That would mean for us, that we may then at the next power transfer at the beginning of the bottle more
often than 5 times (10 - to 20-fold) would suggest, or equal to should skip a potency level. However, since
this, as we see, is a therapeutic uncertainty, it is best if the patient is already doing so well that you can pass
to the C potencies.
I give the C potencies ascending by KENT. That is, a C30, C200, M or XM each have a duration of at least
35 days. After at least 35 days, the same potency level is repeated, and only then you go to a higher power
level above. When the XM was given twice, one pass to the CM, but which has a minimum duration of three
31. 03.04
She had another dream of blood, which made her much anxiety.
The unrest has become more and again she makes increasingly worried about the family.
Phosphorus did well in long Q-potencies, it also did well in C potencies and now it is no longer good and we
have a phosphor screen.
I imagine that the patient needs more phosphorus and phosphorus do I play in Q-potencies.
Phosphorus Q25 (actually the Q24 to the series would have been, but it was swallowed by the earth and
unfortunately despite painstaking search simply untraceable. Three days later I had rediscovered by chance
and vowed to mine order structures (to reconsider).
The fears have vanished quickly under phosphorus and unrest as well, but it stings often in the groin. The
neck was cold again and the voice is increasingly hoarse then it stands also at the ankle.
The Conium was good, that was cold feeling in the neck away and the stabbing pain in the groin are almost
gone and the stitches in the ankle was also much less. At the thumb, a wart is in the vicinity of the nail. The
wart is growing very quickly. She is horny and sublime and sometimes itchy. She had a little greenish
discharge again.
Now the whole thing is really interesting, because now we get to a Sycotic level. Previously, the patient had
a lot of vaginal discharge and pelvic inflammatory disease and now suddenly begin to sprout in the course
of the cure warts, which is very important (see Chapter papillomaviruses and carcinogenesis).
Now everything you need to analyse and investigate whether there is a Sycotic blockade that prevents the
healing progress that we have fallen into a Sycotic level from which we come out with antimiasmatischen
means exactly once.
Consider the symptoms that have surfaced from time to time despite Conium and phosphorus, and the
symptoms that have arisen in recent times.
Total 8 7 5 5 7 7 6 6
Rubrics 7 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
abdomen; PAIN; stinging; inguinal region (96) 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
Back, REFRIGERANT; Frost feeling; cervical 1 1 1 1 1 2
region (34)
Body aches; pungent; ankle (103) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Feminine; leucorrhoea; greenish (40) 1 3 3 3
See; CIRCLES; rings (34) 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
See; CIRCLES; rings; colored (12) 1 1 1 1 1
Extremities; WARTS; finger; thumb (7) 1
When the wart on the thumb is larger, which is an important sign that we now have to make ACTIVE
MIASM sycosis, respectively.
The wart has not changed. Once, for an hour a violent pain in the chest at the point where the tumour was,
and is then passed and did not occur again. The sting in the groin and the ankle is gone. It's interesting how
the agent works on all levels.
Now I go on with a good feeling on their basic means of phosphorus, as I hope that the Thuja now
somewhat calmed sycosis and the dam is broken, so the phosphorus can act in the whole extent.
It went well with the phosphorus until she gets an acute flu at 17:09:04. She is very weak, has strong pain in
the limbs, but no fever. She has stabbing pain when breathing in the lungs. The back hurts when coughing.
You shiver all over my body and if it is so cold that it rattles the teeth. The nasal discharge is yellow.
Total 15 11 11 11 9 9 Ars.
Rubrics 6 5 5 5 5 5 4
Body aches; GENERAL; influenza; 3 2
case (8)
Chest; PAIN; stinging; inspiration (62) 3 3 2 3 2 1 2
Back; PAIN; General; coughing, when 3 2 2 1 1 1
Teeth, rattle, cackle; Frost feeling at 1 1 2 2 1 1
Eye; PHOTO PHOBIA (213) 2 3 3 3 2 3 3
Nose; SECRETIONS, yellow (151) 3 1 3 2 2 3 2
In this acute flu, the good Bryonia proven. Bryonia is the natural complement of phosphorus. In acute
diseases phosphorus and sodium muriaticum often acute need Bryonia. Sulfur needs more acute aconite.
Calcium usually needs Belladona as acute remedy.
Bryonia C200 helped the patient quickly to get back on your feet.
Blood test: The Platelets are at 86,000! (Normal value 150,000-300,000). She had always been low values,
but now the platelets have dropped even more. She also gets very fast blue. Stains and it is a lot lately
The breast is symptom-free.
This of course is weird, why now go platelet so down, but the blood collection was also the time of this flu.
But it worries me very much and so I give back phosphorus in Q-potencies, as some blood values were put
in order with phosphorus already so and the patient had always responded well to phosphorus.
She gets three months phosphorus to Q28 and including platelet rise of 86,000 to 175,000 This is
Then come back old phosphorus symptoms, such as increased hoarseness and a hacking cough, as she
had often and I think that it is a late exacerbation, as again these symptoms, which were already passed
under phosphorus.
That's why I stop using the Q-potency and give Saccharum lactis.
It went very well three months after discontinuation of phosphorus. This is an indication that the body was
already quite saturated with phosphorus.
But now show up again significant phosphorus symptoms in her. The voice is hoarse when talking, the
bruises to take back. It is again anxious. This means their bodies are requested again after phosphorus.
The phosphorus C200 has worked for nearly three months, as the voice immediately got better, which
disappeared hoarseness and otherwise no complaints were noticeable. That's a good sign. The hoarseness
is now somewhat.
There was another light appearance to the eye on, so a jagged semicircle in front of the eyes was created.
The bar had stung again.
That's interesting, that show again Coniumsymptome. Even if the tumour is not already present, we must
always be on guard that we immediately recognize all the warning signs.
To make sure that the tumour stays away and is no longer a relapse, I give again Conium C200.
Follow-up appointment at the hospital. The chest is perfectly fine. No tumour visible. It however occurs
ecchymosis in the left eye and the fears were again more. That should not be under Conium and so I go
back to:
Phosphorus M
She has the feeling that the wart is stirring again on the thumb and it has the strange feeling that something
was moving in the abdomen. She said it felt like fetal movements. She feels something stinging in the groin.
She came again for consultation to Locarno and thanked him very much for treatment; she said here is that
they have never looked to have gone this homeopathic way the last five years.
The peculiar sensations in the abdomen disappeared with Thuja again. I think it's important that you treat
the burgeoning Sycotic characters. There are many homeopathy schools, which propagate to prescribe only
the totality of symptoms or nuch according to the mental and emotional symptoms. In my opinion it is very
important to capture all levels and especially in the complicated tumour cases, you should always try to
consider the miasmatic level, because there can be healing obstacles otherwise. For it may be that we give
the constitutional remedy because of the totality of the symptoms, but it has no effect, because we have not
yet eliminated the miasmatic blockage.
She has had some bad dreams again and makes itself increasingly worried about the family.
Regulation: Phosphor XM
She gets back an ecchymosis in the left eye. That bothers me very much it was the ecchymosis also ever
occurred under Conium, but now also from the phosphorus.
There was a nosebleed on the tongs and the voice was again slightly hoarse when talking.
Phosphorus XM
"I had happened to study in the hospital: Ultrasound of the chest and abdomen were without pathological
findings, the blood values are all fine I'm so glad that it is so good to me..."
Summary :
This complicated case teaches us how important it is to work out the constitutional remedy of the patient
(phosphorus) and the indicated tumor agents for the breast tumor ( Conium ) . It is also very important (here
with Thuja ) to treat the active miasm in order to remove blockages in the healing process can be .
Use of phosphorus, Conium and Thuja a malignant breast cancer could be made to disappear in this patient
. The blood values are within the normal range and the patient is completely symptom-free. If it is a chronic
case, one must always continue to be addressed in order to strengthen the immune system so that there
can be no repeat recurrence of the tumour.
Despite the very poor prognosis, it is already concerned a recurrent tumour with a heights grading (G3), and
although the patient , despite advice against the doctors who received chemotherapy had broken off , could
use an intensive homeopathic therapy of breast cancer in this patient healed.
PAGE 225
The next two cases are very complicated and thats why I have decided to write about the treatment of
Organ tropism. Normally we try to take the help of symptoms as a suitable remedy and then we have
success from an uncomplicated tumor case. But when there is no success from these means, and when
also the main remedy doesnt have any effect on the Tumor, then it is possible, that the means, which has
been chosen based on the symptoms, indeed helps the patient and it may help him getting better, but still
the Tumor keeps on going.
When we also have observed the active Miasma and Anti-Miasmatic means doesnt show any effect and
also when all other Obstacles have been removed and still there is no success in approaching the Tumor in
the right way, then it is only possible to treat the Tumor in specification to organs. We must use the means,
the ones that have specific relation with the Tumor, and try to control the Tumor. When it is possible to
control the Tumor with Organ tropic means, then in some time, no matter the symptoms are, the disease will
be cured.
With this Diagnosis of this patient, I would like to show the reader, that the strength Homeopathy has, which
makes it Successful always, when it is used as a right means. This consists of a very critical case, but the
Homeopathy has treated this disease.
Metastasized Follicular Thyroid Cancer with spinal metastasis and pathologic Fractures in LKW1 and
metastatic Lungs. (pT3, Nx, M1, R0)
Condition after Percutaneous Radio Therapy BWK 12 and LWK 2 (18 Radio Therapy).
Condition after replacement of vertebral body LWK 1 and Ventral Spondylosis BWK 12.
A 56-years old Patient recognized thyroid Cancer, which got operated in May 2003. Keeping all the things
aside, the Tumor was metastasized. Metasises in the Lungs and in the Spine got detected. It started with
the Radiotherapy (Irradiation), which could not check the Tumor, and it came to pathological Fracture of the
Vertebral body through the Metastasis in the Spine. The Patient shouted in pain day and night. It was the
Spine that got irradiated again and then used the Vertebral. The patient was in very bad condition, that he
could not appear anamnestic. Due to its further removal, I asked for the telephonic Anamnesis (History).
Page 226:
The patient complaint about the pain in Back, which never let him Sleep in night. Due to which he was
unable to rest and was afraid in the Nights. Due to this risk, that his Spine might breaks, he was asked to
wear a corset. It was possible for him to sit in Corset. Despite of the intensive Therapy of pain, including
Morphine ( Durogestic, Novalgin, Tramal, Diclofenac, Kortison), the patient used to shout in every 5 minutes
due to pain, he was worried for the future and was afraid of dying. It was very desperate state, and the
Doctor was not giving good hopes, that the situation will be better.
Naturally the patient also had the same feeling that the case is not showing good results, but no one can do
anything except easing the Suffering of the Patient. May be I was having some faith in Homeopathy, which
will minimize his pains or his anxiety.
Firstly we look at the Symptoms, the ones that give hints to take up right means to cure and then we look at
the whole Medical History.
The Suffer Story started in the Year 2002, when he felt a pain in his left Shoulder. Also in Pelvis- and Hip
Area there was a pain in Winter Months. They have adopted a treatment with Cortisone for the Joints, but
the pain was there and it developed a bacterial inflammation in the Left shoulder. The joints of the shoulder
were three times washed but the pain in the hips and spine remained. Then that resulted subsequent Biopsy
that it is about Metastasis of the Thyroid Cancer. Then Thyroid glands were operated and then there was
metastasis in the Lungs. The Pain in the Spine was getting worse and thats why the patient was not
allowed to go home from the Hospital. He has been given 18 Radiotherapy (Irradiation) in the Spine.
It was been given Therapies or Pain Relief continually, but where the dosage was increasing there the pain
was also increasing. While he was being given the pain relievers, he discovered psycho delirious condition,
which was treated with Haldol. With Haldol, he discovered symptoms of extra pyramidal motor Symptoms
and disturbance in co-ordination.
The pain in the Spine was pricking and fulgurant. The pain was while sitting in Displacement and was fir
approx 5 Minutes. Every time the Patient used to shout in Pain. What should anyone so when there was no
improvement, even after giving Morphine. It was completely exasperated and didnt knew, how to withstand
with the pain. The Patient was completely anxious and restless and was afraid to die.
He was restless whole night and due to pain, he could hardly sleep. Many times he felt similar condition of
he being Jamming, Shouting or fighting in Sleep.
His Wife tells, that he doesnt have control over his organs and when he wakes up, there was Brown Watery
farces from Anus.
So, not more discussion over the sufferings but one must try to help this exasperated soul. The homeopathy
is the right medium and we are trying to look at the Symptoms, where the patient is given the best medicine
to cure. Firstly, we focus on the problems like Pain, Anxiety and Exasperation.
Page 227:
The patient finds himself in a typical arsenic situation and I hope that one can do something to do for his
Anxiety, Restlessness, and Pain.
For Arses are the restlessness, Anxiety and strong exasperation very typical. The natural medicine for this is
The therapy was started in August 2003 with Arsenicum-album Q3 (kunzli/stanga) and Radium-
bromatum C30 once in a week.
Radium-bromatum C30 was given, because the patient was given many irradiations and because this is
taken as a means in his case, which starts constructing the Bone again. The Radium is used to make the
porous bones faster. It can be when the homeopathy has potential to fuel the bone construction faster.
October 2003
Two months later: The mind is much feeling better which has reduced the Anxiety condition and
restlessness. But there is still some pain in the Vertebrae and in the ischium. He stayed 6 months in the bed
and wanted everything to get over as early as possible.
Due to strong pain in ischium doctor gave him Hypericum. Hypericum has strong relation with all the pains
relating to tailbones and is also the best medicine, when there is longer pain relating to the tailbone.
Therapy: Hypericum C 200 is given in between, and the Arsen is given after wards.
November 2003
The Hypericum has worked very well and the pain has really reduced in the tailbone. In between he could
easily go alone to the toilet. The mind is very better now but there was little cough. We can see what
wonders homeopathy has come up with and even to rescue the person from exasperating situation. Is
Arsen only similimum, because it has really helped? Of course not, because it is a means which has
covered all the symptoms adequately but one must know what treatment must be done next when there is
such a complicated case to handle.
Page 228
Because we are observing in the patient no trace of arses more and it shows the completion of the effect of
Arses and now there are many other symptoms visible which cannot be covered through arsen.
The patient complaints about dry cough and huskiness. The antitussive appears to emanate from the throat
pit. The cough bothers him in the night and the voice gets harsh when he speaks. The doctor believes that
the cough is due to metastasis of lungs and therefore he cannot do anything about it. The patient is very sad
about it and wants to talk to other people normally.
One thinks about good times now and there comes a positive energy within him: Now he is not only a
person with exasperation or restlessness or an Arsen-patient but now he is a friendly person who is
searching for the hopeless situation to be reversed.
Due to tussis and the huskiness while speaking, the desire for consolation and given the irradiations and the
metastases I gave him Phosphor Q3 (Kunzli/stanga) on 12.11.03.
Phosphor is not only a means for Radiotherapies but it is the best medium in order to have good cure for
the Tumor. In Cancer the phosphorous metabolism activates and we experience that the patient is in the
situation to have a phosphorous-state in the cancer.
January 2004
After 2 months of frequent Q-potential dose of Phosphorous has finally able to discontinue the patches. How
good for the patient is that he is trying to get away from the Morphine. However there is always a strong
pressure in the lumbar vertebrae. The cough is little better. The temper is lot better.
It seems that we can stabilize the patient with phosphorous. But unfortunately it discovered little problem
with respiration and slow growth of lung metastases. The Tumor marker rises to 800.
The breathlessness starts reducing, and then he discovered pain in chest and in throat. There is a problem
in breathlessness and problem of restlessness. He used to wake up in the night due to anxiety,
breathlessness and palpitation. There was a pain in the throat. It is very exasperating.
The worst he is getting the air, the greater is the fear. He used to wake up in the nights due to loss of
breathe or due to breathlessness and pain in the throat.
That all was again Arsen. Whenever we think of Anxiety and Palpitation. But it is important to analyze all
the symptoms.
In the beginning, Arsen has really worked very well and so as the symptoms indicate. But the progress of
pathology could not also stop it. Thats why we have undertaken following considerations.
Page 230:
Arsen alleviates the anxiety and exasperations of the patient. Phosphor stabilizes the patient further and is
a important medium during the radio therapy and works good for the bone metastases. It helps in extending
the time for more considerations and alternatives. Due to Phosphorous the quality of life of the patient
increases. Morphium can be disposed off and the bone metastases has no problems.
It has reached 8 months of the patient with good quality of living conditions, but now there are increasing
chances of lung metastases and of Tumor marker and now the case is incurable.
Despite of the hopeless situation, when a person wants to cure this situation, it is important to know the
reason of the Tumor.
J.C. Brunett knew that he has reached the reason of the symptoms being shown and indeed it has shown
the progress in the case but for the right cure, it should have a relation with Organic- Pathology.
I still dont want to surrender this case and also not satisfied that I can help him totally. I want to give him
another way out for all the symptoms and it must be noted that it should have relation with the organic
Due to this a new analysis of this case has come up and I have discovered a new medium which shows a
lot of similar symptoms which Arsen also shows but to show a relation with Thyroid glands and with me
already, in some cases Thyroid cancer has preserved. Spongia tosta, the marine sponge which is the
second spot in the arsen repertorisation. The Marine sponge is used as a reason for his high iodine content
as craw powder.
But when a person gets an idea of organ tropism as a medium, a person is not allowed to give it blindly, it
must be used as a medium for his symptoms. When a person looks at following analysis and weight age to
the symptoms , determines a person, that spongia covers a lot of psychic symptoms in our cases.
The totality of the symptoms indicate that the spongia takes into account the thyroid pathology.
Page 231:
I am considering that the lungs metastases and the spine metastases are the resettlement of the thyroid
carcinoma and Spongia C30 has been given all 7 days.
Spongia has proved and helped in many cases in Thyroid Cancer. The reactions after Spongia were
gratifying and helps him to be better.
August 2004
An year after the first anamneses and for all 7 days over 3 months with Spongia C30. The patient has not
complaint as for a while he was going good and he only complains about it that since a week he was having
a kidney colic. He had blood in urine and stabbing and pulling pain in the bladder area. The kidney region is
very sensitive region to touch. As a peculiar symptom, he experiences a blubber or bubble in the kidney
region. The breathing and the thyroid cancer gets better.
What does the kidney colic really means, should a person use any new medium for that?
For that a person should know that while the tumor is cured the kidney is used because a lot of toxic
substances are discharged.
For this kind of case I use my standard prescription Berberis C200 and Chamomilla C200 dissolved in
water. It is important that a person should not prescribe just by looking at the indication but a person should
use the appearing symptoms which give hints to the right mediums to be used.
Page 232:
When the precipitation falls through crises, sweats or an increased flow occur, then one may not prescribe
any medium for it because by doing so, one can stop precipitation and the cure can run in reverse direction.
But when there is extreme pain arises in the course of precipitation then one should handle it with correct
displayed medium.
Berberis stimulates the functional ability of kidney and I give comomilla in order to handle a stong pain in
the colic kidney.
The thyroid is not making any problem and the problem while breathing is also better.
October 2004
After 6 months of Spongia C30 (7 days): The tumor marker has reduced from 800ug/L to 15ug/L. The pain
in spine has disappeared and there are no respiratory problems available. The patient, who has reduced 6
kgs earlier, has now gained approx 10 kgs. The Oncologist was confused that it is not possible that this
patient who was visibly deteriorating and had lung and bone metastases is now free from all these
Is there anything available under Homeopathy?
That will cure it automatically, but it prompts a CT and a Bone Scan. The result makes all the doctors
There are no metastases in the lungs and as well back formation of the Bone metastases. This case can be
a wonder or a spontaneous cure because without homeopathy it is not possible to have good results.
There was a strong bronchitis which can be cured with Bryonia C200. Otherwise, the energy is very good.
New therapies:
The Spine Metastases has completely improved. One can try one again with radio therapy but the doctor
says that it is not very much useful.
Further there is a therapy going on with Spongia C30 for all 7 Days.
It is an year with Spongia C30 for all 7 days. We should also keep in mind that we should not use any drug
for so long. One can stop Spongia and wait, if the symptoms have vanished. Or one can change the
Potential Stuff.
I am only giving him Spongia C200 for all 7 days. The reactions were all good and the pain in the throat has
January 2006
The patient is still given Spongia C200. Somewhere when the plain of cancer really exits, he again shows
some of the basic symptoms. I think that he needs Lycopodium as a basic medicine but as long as spongia
is working, he should be taking it for future. Lung Metastases and the vertebral metastases have
completely disappeared with the help of Homeopathy. But when there is no cancer symptoms being
visible but anti-cancer medicines must go on in order to finish it from the roots.
August 2006
The patient is now free from all problems and complaints in almost three and a half year observation.
This case shows that it is in the treatment of metastatic tumors and which has arrived at multiple levels and
it is always important to look at various occurring constellations of symptoms while handling this complicated
case of Tumor until and stabilization occurs. In this case the treatment with the Organ tropism important In
order to cure it completely. Nevertheless, it is important to carry out a purely organo tropic prescription
because of the use of Simile, and no medium is prescribed until and unless there is a proof to significant
7)for 40 years because of severe constipation laxatives you take.
8)The patient may seit irradiations only drink small sips. must zeWaithn minutes until they can drink
the next sip.
10) If it succeeds, something to eat, then she has after eating bloating and stomach pain.
11 ) Since it is already in a cancer cachexia, of course, there is an extreme weakness and lack of
strength, when climbing stairs she is immediately in dyspnea,
12) It has strong edema of the lower leg. Even with diuretics, it was not possible, the water from the
13) is very blassim face. Here would be the expression "DeadPale" describe the complexion most
The father had tuberculosis. The patient had a strong reaction to smallpox vaccination. She has been
treated by colleagues inaccessible long time. Rage and anger she eats purely in itself.
So we see a whole host of troublesome symptoms. It is now important that we
try to stop the cancer cachexia and alleviate stomach pain. The pain in the stomach burning and-printing
and warden relieved by warm drinks wetwas. If they drink something cold, burning in the stomach gets
worse She is so weak that they can barely walk. Climbing stairs is almost impossible and causes severe
Shortness of breath.
Once again, not so easy case, particularly because the patient so many chemotherapy and radiation
erhaltenhat and the tumor was characterized Done unstoppable now have we. One patient in the terminal
stage cancer cachexia in an absolute woruns What can we expect danoch?
Conventional medicine has already given up the patient. In such a case, one can possibly forge paced with
homeopathy also give just a little relief, but the
Most important thing is that despite this seemingly hopeless situation, the patient does not give up, but tries
to complaints each to find a good homtopathisches agent.
Subsequent course;
Radium-bromatum is an important tool when patients were irradiated (see Chapter radiation), it has
hmliche modalities of Rhus-toxikodendron: improve movement and heat.
The stomach is no problem. It show up but the same symptoms as the time during the irradiations. Among
other things, strong Hfibesch and a weakness with desire for tranquility.
Because I still need a irradiating means, but have changed the rules and now movement is bad and peace
repaired, I appoint X-Ray. X-Ray is also a strong anticancer agent.
Regulation: X-Ray C30 once a week and continue with the arsenic Q-potency (now Q8)
The pain in the hips has disappeared with X-Ray C30, but she complains of severe pain of the right
shoulder. You cannot move his right arm now.
The stomach seems fine, because they can eat everything again.
It developed very severe pain in the coccyx. She's like 30 years ago on the coccyx and was therefore then
x-rayed there. Now the same pain was present as ever.
With injuries of the coccyx must always immediately think of Hypericum who will be a wonderful means.
Incidentally, it is also a good way to learn Materia Medica on the specific site of action of an agent. For
example Carduss-marianus for the liver, Symphytum for bone etc.
Regulation: Hypericum C200
The shoulder pain is getting worse Ichkann not be correctly classified, these extreme shoulder pain and
make weitermit arsenic Q (always autsteigende of magnitude).
The coccyx pain is completely gone. Severe swelling of the lower legs, total loss of appetite, sweating again,
taking aufsteigenbis to the head, the patient again lost weight. Now we are at a delicate point, because the
patient no I empfehleihreine special design food (oil-protein diet according to Johanna Budwigund further
therapy with arsenic in ascending powers.
In the right shoulder has insupportable, very severe stabbing pain. In the spine and thighs are so severe
stabbing pain that she cannot get up. This is difficult to understand, otherwise things will get better and
shoulder getting worse. Because another process in progress needs to be.
You will continue to receive arsenic to Q16.
It is taken from a biopsy of the right shoulder and is diagnosed with bone tuberculosis. In bone, you see a lot
of greenish-yellow pus. The patient's father was bitten as a child won a tuberculous calf and he had then
probably hereditar transmit the tubercular-miasmatic load.
At the same time Adomen CT and additional Lich an NMR is made.
The tumor marker CA-125 was initially increased to 48 and is now in the normal range.
What happens to now?
We managed to cure the tumor in the stomach with homeopathic remedies and an old bone tuberculosis
comes back to the surface. It may be that these long hidden, latent tuberculosis was a Mitauslser for
cancer development. In overt cancer we find very ofteine mixing of miasms. Now takes sichein
Miasmenwechsel that requires Munein new specific agent which can meet the now active tubercular miasm.
She had been given antituberculosis (later turned out that she had always worried, but never taken the
funds Although. A magnetic resonance imaging showed two abscesses in the spine. They want to operate
the abscess in the spine immediately. I advise from the recommended surgery and biopsy from.
She complained of severe pain in the coccyx cross over to the back; which aggravate the evening. If the
pain comes, they must move to something better endure the condition. She had been prescribed Lasix
because of the strong lower leg edema without a discharge has occurred. The lower legs were swollen to
the knee and very painful. Again and again she falls over a dizzy when standing up. At night she is
sleepless and must go around. She has developed a great thirst for cold drinks.
consideration: The
The dizziness and the increase in edema and pain may be an indication that phosphorus has now affected,
That is, we must repertorise the new distressing symptoms again:
She confided in a woman doctor that they do not use them had the tuberculostatic, after which the patient
was "reported" by this woman doctor at the health department. It is therefore compulsory examinations in
their conduct, because it could not be that a tuberculosis without medication heals. Chest x-ray, CT, blood
tests and gastroscopy were no findings the doctors tubercle bacilli must lie hidden in the gastric mucosa is
why ten (10) were taken biopsies from the stomach histological examination of the biopsy results.. no
evidence of a tumor events and no evidence of tubercle bacilli!
After the compulsory examinations and biopsies, there was a two-week degradation and weight loss won 4
kg, the patient had fear that the cancer comes back Then she took Silica C200, increased weight again
undes went steadily better. The doctors at the hospital were all very surprised that the tumor is gone. She
now has no more complaints. Regulation: Silicea M
Silica M, Weight 58 kg esgeht very good. In January 2001, she came in at 41 kg tumor cachexia us to the
clinic and book now did it again in two years increased 17 kg.
It was made in her investigation of the thyroid with iodine-containing contrast agents. Since then, she has
lost 2 kg and is plagued won stan-ended Husteln and Carry morning awakening is the voice 6fters away,
this is a clear indication for phosphorus. Phosphorus (Stanga)
They did not contact almost four months and then calls that they had not even taken the phosphorus
because the doctor told her that homeopathy was mur Place Bound could not help when the thyroid gland
does not operate normally. Gave her drugs for Schilddrtise. Now bekamsie still strong dizziness case, a
cough, and they had no more energy now starts but after detailed discussions on homeopathy with
The responses to the Lycopodium were good. The Vollegeuhl and bloating are gone and calf cramps are no
longer occurred. Then she said that she had heard a roar in the right ear for years. The ENT doctor told her
years ago that they'll last a lifetime. The roar is now completely gone! As you can see again that one must
be careful with predictions when a homeopath is close by. Growth of recently I had a patient were with
prostate cancer and had 17 years of tinnitus and the patient refused to put his ear noises in our history Save
Parameter List, because he said he was in all specialist and he made nothing what After two weeks using
Lycopodium many of its symptoms is better and the tinnitus decreased by 80%. So much for predictions.
It goes very well, you will feel completely symptom-free at the moment, It's so good to me, I can do anything,
I have no complaints at heart and no pressure in the stomach. I have no complaints more in the arms or
shoulders. I was even throughout the day shoveling snow and I had again force the Artisagre I have so
much energy. "More with Lycopodium (Stanga,
Even if it's as good istes important to continuously treated.
However, if as is in life, the patient reported only six months later and told me that they had therefore not
reported because she was so good and she thought she needed thus no longer homeopathy, as it damn
was worse again. We had reached a stabilization in tumor events, but Itis always very important that the
treatment is continuously performed, even if the cancer is gone, When an organism once was so disturbed
that he has allowed that a cancer could occur, then it must be treated homeopathically very long to restore
constitutional order. Both homeopathic treatment of tumors we reach of egg
that her cancer had returned in the stomach. It started again with some pressure pain in the stomach. The
investigations were initiated and were rediscovered again tumors and then immediately started
chemotherapy and there were her four cycles administered. We also found a lymphoma in the neck region,
which narrowed the trachea. She was told that this type lymphomas can occur frequently several years after
the radiation therapy (especially EBVassozierte lymphomas). During chemotherapy, the pain in the stomach
increased even more, the tumors did not respond to chemotherapy and she lost 10 kg in weight, so they are
now at a residual weight of 38 kg, the chemotherapy broke off. We explained to her thatit no hope for will
siegebe and they die now. If, however, the chemotherapy does not further do, then the lymphoma will
squeeze the trachea and they'll suffocate "jammerlich" (quote). When she said damn, that they'll call back
their homeopaths, it was only laughed at. Chemotherapy is canceled. I had worgeschlagen her then that
victory facilitated after Locarno indie Klinikk but she replied that she was too weak to be so again a trip'm
afraid that they would not arrive here alive. Then it must go phone again. You never can simply enter aut,
even or especially if the case appears hopeless. The eye doctors have to give this patient again, a sorry so
many chemotherapies administered worher that we are now standardized the Green and treat have the side
effects of chemotherapy. Screens Is the following symptoms: You've oppressive, almost un from durable
pain in the stomach, improves heat one who gets strong painkillers, but which have little influence on the
pain, but paralyze the intestine and lead to a hard mckigen constipation. She freezes inside all day. She
was totally desperate and I hope to H abandoned, now nothing could help more. She has a strong
restlessness indians night - is accompanied by internal freezing. You think of death and has already
resigned mitihrem approaching. You've helped me a lot, but now it's au end of the pline, I due. I can not help
anymore and everyone said that I'm going to die. " You think because of constipation after the painkillers
and the bad're on the chemotherapy of Nux-vomica. Aberweilihr arsenic always so good and getanhat.
Reported it full of joy that the interior was unrest disappeared and they have some hope. The Appetitit back
turned and the strong freezing has become less. How beautiful is the homeopathy and how poor are the
doctors who do not know homeopathy and applying to. But maybe I can move one or the other doctor to
study homeopathy, so that more people can be helped,
She gained 3 kg in weight. The stomach pain is gone, "I'm doing very well. Now you have me twice already
rescued with her life homeopathy, I'm very grateful."
It's getting better every day. It has increased from 38kg to 45kg again.
Breathing is very good. Sometimes come back tailbone pain while lying in bed.
Hypericum C200 and then continue with arsenic Q19, Q20.
It calls on all sad because their dog is dying. He had a malignant melanoma on the back leg, which has
been surgically removed three years ago. but now it has returned and have probably already metastasized.
The dog could hardly walk and he just lie still apathetic around. For two weeks he eats hardly, The vet said
they konne do nothing for the dog, it was necessary to euthanize them.
Although I have a couple of dogs in treatment, but am not really a specialist in the homeopathic treatment of
dogs. But I try to just the symptoms he has eaten everything, particularly fond of meat, and was always fun.
It seemed to me that it was a typical dog without such great specifications for an agent. Too good German: I
had no idea what the dog for an agent needs But since I have had good experiences with Sulfur in
melanoma, I asked a few leading questions (which you should avoid normally, to confirm the funds after the
cleanliness interviewed. said my patient that her dog had always rolled with joy in the dirt. So you could ever
think of Sulfur, I thought. But how istes with Lachesis, another large melanoma means?
Behold, Lachesis has no flesh and desire seems not so optimistic dogs Journeyman
Back to study, to search for Hinsweisen for a good mitttel. Fortunately, I get the idea of Spongia to mind.
Spongia, the marine sponge, also works very well antiviral and also acts on the neck lymphomas.
Spongia 30 every seven days and continue with the arsenic.
The doctors believe that the tumors are forge fallen in the stomach too and it was therefore s seven biopsies
taken from the stomach, but you could not see any more tumor in the stomach. All doctors are surprised.
However, the lymphomas on the neck are just as available
Arsenic Q22 and Spongia 30 every seven days.
She was informed that the lymphoma was EBVassoziert sure the neck and you told her that this type of
lymphoma often occurs after irradiation. The T-cell activity, which is essential to keep the EBVVirus under
control, after chemotherapy for months and sometimes years after radiotherapy limited (K.Takada, Epstein-
Barr virus and human cancer) !!
She is told once again that it would "stifle jammerlich" (quote) when she makes now no chemotherapy or
radiotherapy for it. Although the lymphoma was thus not curable and will come back despite chemotherapy
immediately, but it will give her another postponement and could you eventuellum extend life a few months.
In the MRT you can see the shell of the trachea with the tumors.
The professor wants to once again persuaded to chemotherapy. But you do not want any chemotherapy or
radiation therapy more and says, scheduled from the chemotherapy. The professor complains about these
disobedient patient in the hospital and explained to her that this was her last chance and they otherwise
musse die soon.
"They told me that you play with your life if you do not chemotherapy, but if I had always done what they've
advised me, then I wire long since dead"
Once again, a coarse problem. But, sadly, that all cases run as smoothly and you can not cure everything
not with an agent. In tumor treatment, there are so many facets and one must be on guard always what
comes next in the series.
Is already able to help the patient but so good and now it seems to be very critical once again. But problems
are there to be solved and we can never give up a patient, but must think through all the possible solutions.
So you have to sit down and once again study the case closely and consider all possible factors new in
order to but can still help.
I wonder what is the meaning of this lymphoma and whether other blockades are still there, which could
hinder the healing process.
I still think a miasmatic blockage. Furthermore, we find n53 accumulation of mutations of tumor suppressor
genes in lymphomas. From my research on the
give arsenic Q23 and additionally Thuja C30 every seven days alternating with Spongia 30 every seven
days and Scrophularia nodosa D3 also because of the EBV-associated lymphoma. Scrophularia nodosa is a
organotropes specific for it. Lymphoma and nodular swellings in the neck you have to think of Scrophularia.
Hard knot at the neck or perlschnurartige nodes are very Conium, soft nodes are on the recommendation of
Dr. Pareek from India rather Cistus Canadensis.
Now Itis not quite classical homeopathy, which I here present to, but if it will help at all corner Burns, then
you just have to not only water delete, but also with blankets, foam, fire extinguishers, etc. Out of necessity
and the desire of the patient, arise such prescriptions.
Two months later.
MRT: All tumors disappeared, the neck is nothing more to see of the tumors.
The doctors are faced with a riddle. For they had made no chemotherapy.
The breathing and swallowing go.
The enjoy how beautiful homeopathy. Tra la la.
She has since taken arsenic to Q26 and continues Thuja C30 and C30 Spongia alternating every seven
days. Scrophularia nodosa as organotropes specific I will set them in a while. The family doctor calls you
and says it was a miracle happened, all thyroid levels are normal again. You can omit the tablets for thyroid
now. The thyroid medications they had anyway omitted for almost two years. The patient was very happy
and was glad that she had stopped taking the thyroid medication for a long time, but it did not the doctor.
She gained weight reinvestment and now weighs 51 kg again.
It makes a re-examination in the hospital because it was assumed that the lymphoma have infiltrated the
bone s could. That would make the many chemotherapies which they have already received in the course of
the disease, not unublich, she was told. Therefore now they made a bone marrow biopsy, CT and
ultrasound, arsenic, she received now to Q29 and Spongia 30 every seven days.
Thuja Scrophularia nodosa and I have since stopped.
The dog is doing quite well.
Bone marrow biopsies were normal. No more cancer throughout the body! The doctor told her that it will
never again something with her and also that the thyroid is destroyed, wondering via the completely normal
thyroid values and their development.
Five months spatter breathing was suddenly ill and she came to the hospital notfallmabig and you thought it
was from the lymphoma and had surgery swelling in the trachea. And they had immediately ordered her
chemotherapy, because it was thought the lymphoma has spread again!
But it was just inflamed tissue. It was a laryngitis, which make a cold came !!
I'll stop Spongia, as the sudden worsening of breathing may also be due to a too frequent repetition of
Spongia. The body seems to be satisfied with it. After this re senseless chemotherapy, the patient loses a
lot of weight and loses weight rapidly from 33 kg. But you should get incomprehensible to me, for
prophylactic reasons yet another cycle of chemotherapy. I advise the patient of chemotherapy, as those
would like to persuade a person with 33 kg yet to chemotherapy, may not be clear in your mind, it amounts
to a euthanasia DC, The patient is then accused of being disobedient patient by the professor and you will
once again said that they would now die anyway. We also wanted to irradiate the neck of the patient again
what the patient refused for good reason, then it was again suggested that they play with their lives.
The patient said to Miram phone: "If I had done all the therapies that would have suggested to me, then I
would have long since dead, I will continue to homeopathy." Regulation:
In addition, Carduus marianus in the mother tincture 2 x 5 drops to stimulate the liver detoxification and
ALFALFA 2 x 10 drops a day, so it increases again more weight. After the arsenic Q30 you start over from
scratch in Q3.
Arsenic Q3 to Q6 won in the meantime.
It goes well, the breathing is good.
"My spirits are reawakened, I have a good appetite and have no complaints vo, stomach. I am well. "
Arsenic Q6 on.
It goes very well, no breathing, no more difficulty swallowing, appetite is very good.
Weight of 33kg to 41 kilogram !!
"I'm actually completely well, I just have some back pain, but that is because I have so much power again
and I've been working all day in the garden ..."
Arsenic Q6 on.
In mid-July 2006 she moves to another woman doctor because I was on vacation, and complains of a
feeling of pressure on the neck. The woman doctor gave her then three mistletoe injections and told her that
it was a kind of homeopathic chemotherapy. The patient told me it was worse with the neck than before. I
called the woman doctor and explained to her why lymphoma
be indicated. Lymphoma or EBV-associated tumors we heat with the mistletoe the tumor events but is only
there to cytokine activation and a change of interleukin 2, which then leads to increased Lymphyozyten
stimulation and proliferation of lymphoid cells accelerates. This has a more rapid tumor growth resulted.
Therefore, it is strongly discouraged in Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas of the mistletoe (Tumor
Center Munich).
We'll see how the development is going on, so far I could get the patient repeatedly from crisis situations
using homeopathy again. She gets back further grants arsenic and especially for the lymphoma
Scrophularia nodosa neck again and Spongia.
"... If you can prove that the metastases in the twei weeks in which women in the clinic in Orselina was using
homeopathy have disappeared, damn it was the 2,000 - possibly get fully refunded euro."
As sad as it is, I really had to laugh, of course I can not prove it, that precisely in these two weeks, the
metastases are gone, because it seems to look forward to a long Heilder patient that the patient is cured
and their metastases are gone.
I had another patient with a fist-sized lymphoma indians bar. He had the appointment to chemotherapy, but
before that came to our clinic. the patient did not need chemotherapy.
The health insurance company refused to pay 2000 euros forthe hospital stay. Then, and this patient no
longer needs chemotherapy and should the poor people report their 2000 Euro yet. Then I was told that all
fixed cally not recognized.
If we continue to so narrow-minded adhere to certain rules, our health care system will eventually collapse
because despite increasingly advanced, cost-intensive and scientifically recognized methods of therapy, the
cure rates for cancer are very low and we have every year to see an increase in cancers.
I hope I was able to demonstrate the theory of homeopathy and the cases presented in this book is a
healing method which beige except application of homeopathic basics is able to cure cancer in some cases.
Would not it be worth the homeopathy to study in more detail, instead of criticizing them and condemn?
We must understand that cancer heilbarist when the immune system is restored to the position to recognize
the tumor as a tumor. Because an intact immune system can also back form a tumor. Contemporary
medicine sees cancer as a local event and unfortunately so is the usual therapeutic approach to treat the
tumor locally with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. If, however, is not the root cause of the tumor in the
diseased organ itself, then the cancer will recur and usually worse than before. Cancer is a systemic
disease and as a sign that the whole body is sick, can eventually develop to a genetically determined
vulnerability to a tumor. When analyzing the medical history of times we recognize that the patient goes
through its phases disease that manifest themselves after many years, ultimately as cancer.
Since I could let some of my patients with the correct homeopathic remedies tumors disappear, I can
assume that these patients if they had been treated worher adquat homeopathic ten years never had a
cancer develops. Because of times the cancer patients need no specific tumor agent, but mur their
constitutional means, which can hold their chronic symptoms under control. If But these chronic diseases
are not adequately treated or even suppressed, then at some point manifest a tumor.
This means you can run a targeted cancer prevention by chronic diseases treated in time with homeopathy.
My greatest wish wire to prevent tumors preventively if we start doctors to treat the children and coming
generations Right homeopathy. Would succeed Wennes that homeopathy is taught again at the universities
and we erreichenknnten a good interaction with conventional medicine, it would be a great asset to
people's health.
Unfortunately accept the tumors despite intensive scientific research in recent years more and more and I
think now is the perfect time to rethink and new homeopathic ways to go.
I finish this book with the words of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and quote the 1 his Organon of Medicine:
The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health,
what is called healing.