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Local Wisdom of Indigenous Community of

Kampung Dukuh as Culture Preservation in

Ciroyom Village, Cikelet district, Garut Regency,
West Java Province
Iman Hilman1, Nandang Hendriawan2
Department of Geography Education Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Department of Geography Education Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract - Kampung Dukuh has a pattern of life that loaded by glorious values. These values of local wisdom of
Kampung Dukuh that have been examined and proved effective to control human behavior in interaction with
nature or with the other human being become strategic value in social culture which makes Kampung Dukuh has
been set as Culture Preservation Region by the Government of Garut Regency. The success of indigenous
community of Kampung Dukuh inmaintaining cultural tradition as social institution that still grow and develop in
the midst of influence today gives positive implication in their life. This research aims to identify local wisdom of
indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh which has strategic social culture value to serve as Culture Preservation
Region and how far indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh maintains the ambience of nature and tradition that
they embrace in order of preservation and cultural protection

Keywords Local Wisdom, Culture Preservation, Indigenous Community, Kampung Dukuh

Kampung Dukuh has a pattern of life, which is full of

precious values. The structure and the form of residence
Indonesia is a country that has a variety of culture and building architecture become one of its uniqueness. The
tribes as a wealth of intellectual and cultural. The different community of Kampung Dukuh lives in unpretentious stilt
cultural values contain a lot of local wisdom which still houses. The building shapes rectangular from wood and
relevant with situation nowadays. The existence must be bamboo and the roof is made from imperata leaves, which is
maintained and preserved as a part of legacy of nation culture. covered by palm fiber. All of the building in Kampung Dukuh
Each region has different local wisdom because the process of leads to the West and East. The simplicity of life and sincere
interaction between human and their environment to fulfilling values in civilization can still be witnessed in Kampung
life necessity. The experience in fulfilling life necessity Dukuh.
becomes the source of knowledge, both relate to the Kampung Dukuh is region that has natural ambience and
environment and social life. strong cultural religion. The indigenous community of
Local wisdom is one of the source of community Kampung Dukuh has a views of life that is based on the
knowledge which can be found in tradition and history, formal Sufism of the Imam Syafii Mazhab. This cultural base
and informal education, art, religion and the other creative influences regional appearance and community custom that
interpretation. Local wisdom is one of product of community very uphold the harmonization and the harmony of life.
culture that was born because of need having value, norm, and Local wisdom which becomes the object of research has
rule to become a model in doing the action. holistic character because concerning to knowledge and
In managing and use environment to fulfill the necessity of comprehension about entire life with all of its relation in
life, many of local community in Indonesia has an orientation universe. Keraf reveals that nature is net of life that wider
for cultural values. One of them is the community of than the total number of separate parts of each other. Nature is
Kampung Dukuh as an indigenous community is located in a series relation which relates each other, makes the
Garut Regency, West Java Province, which is still tenacious in knowledge and comprehension about nature must be a
managing and use living environment and culture. The thorough knowledge [1].
indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh is firmly holding The success of indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh
and practicing tradition with the supervision of undertaker in in maintaining cultural tradition as a social institution that can
obeying taboos or ancestral advice, which is must be obeyed still grow and develop in the midst of influence of the period
and believed to its existence. Consistency of being submissive nowadays gives positive implication in their life. Garut
to the law as a form of obeying the rules in custom that makes Regency Government in Local Regulation No.29 year 2011
local wisdom in Kampung Dukuh still hold out. on Garut Regency Spatial Plan year 2011-2031 sets Kampung
Dukuh in Cikelet District as Culture Preservation Region. The community of Kampung Dukuh Dalam are in the form of
realization of strategic region from the point of social cultural religious teachings, the values of ancestor teachings, custom,
interest forms Culture Preservation Region is for maintaining distinctive rules, and behavior patterns in maintaining their
natural ambience and tradition, which is based on strong surrounding environment. As according to Sirtha the forms
religion culture and preserve culture and as a place to protect of local wisdom can be as value, norm, ethic, belief, custom,
cultural inheritance. customary law, and distinctive rules [3].
This research aims to identify local wisdom of indigenous Local Wisdom substantively can be in the form of
community of Kampung Dukuh which has strategic social institutional and social sanctions; provision about spatial use
culture value to serve as Culture Preservation Region and how and seasonal estimates for cultivation; conservation and
far indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh maintains the protection of sensitive areas; adaptation and mitigation of
ambience of nature and tradition that they embrace in order of shelter on climate, disaster or other threats [2]. Based on that,
preservation and cultural protection. local wisdom values of indigenous community of Kampung
By acquiring description about local wisdom values of Dukuh which substantially relate to the preservation and
indigenous community of kampung dukuh that have strategic protection of sensitive areas and have strategic social cultural
social culture value to be set as Culture Preservation Region, values to serve as culture preservation region are :
it will acquire picture about how far indigenous community of 1. Local Wisdom Values Based on Religious Teachings
kampung dukuh maintains the ambience of nature and All of the indigenous community of Kampung
tradition that they embrace in order of preservation and Dukuh embraces Islam religion, so that the teaching of
cultural protection. Islam religion are used as a guidance in living all
activities of life. The forms of local wisdom of
II. METHOD indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh, which is
This research uses qualitative method with descriptive based on Islam religion teaching are Muludan, Rajaban,
analysis. Subject in this research is indigenous community of and Shalawatan.
Kampung Dukuh in Ciroyom Village, Cikelet District, Garut Muludan is an event which commemorates the
Regency. Data collection technique uses participant birthday of Prophed Muhammad peace be upon Him
observation, semi-structured interview and documentation. (PBUH) which is held every 12th of Rabiul Awwal
(Mulud) with the reading of Prophet Muhammads
III.FINDING AND DISCUSSION history from birth to death accompanied by recitation
of the prophets prayer or shalawat and prayers of
1. Local Wisdom Values of Kampung Dukuh
praise to Allah. Rajaban is an event to commemorate
Community which Has Strategic social cultural value
Isra and Miraj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and
to be Set as Culture Preservation Region
filled with recitation of holy verses of the Quran and
Kampung Dukuh community is an indigenous community religious themed speech. Shalawatan is an activity of
that still holds firmly the ancestors culture in the midst of this reading the Shalawat Nariyah as many as 4.444 times
developed era. The real form of Kampung Dukuh conducted every Saturday night in order to facilitate in
communitys firmness in preserving its ancestors culture is all affairs that would be achieved.
reflected in its cultural social life. In the daily life, they live 2. Local Wisdom Values Based on Ancestor Teachings
with full of the local wisdom, it can be seen from how they The ancestor of Kampung Dukuh community is
behave, both to human being and nature. The indigenous believed as waliyullah (the guardian of Allah) and
community of Kampung Dukuh is always obedient to the became a key figure in the history of ancestor teaching
custom rules that exist in Kampung Dukuh. In addition, in named Sheikh Abdul Jalil bequeathed Sufi teaching to
facing modernization that has negative impact, they try to his community. The teachings of their ancestor
maintain the culture. suggested community to live in simplicity and worship
The social cultural life that exists in the indigenous to Allah. Sufi life that is still maintained by indigenous
community of Kampung Dukuh is a form of local wisdom community is an ikhtiar (endeavor) in keikhtiatan
which derives from the teachings of Islamic religion, the (sincerity) which strives with caution in living life with
teachings of ancestors, and customs that they make as a the aim to maximize the quality of worship to Allah.
guidance in living live. As according to Ernawi that local The community believes that the happiness would be
wisdom is a positive human behavior in dealing with nature achieved only by the worship. They are grateful for all
and surrounding environment, which can derive from values, the blessing that God has given by improving the
religion, custom, ancestor advice or local culture that is quality of worship. Sufi life form of indigenous
naturally formed in community to adapt the surrounding community of Kampung Dukuh is a local wisdom that
environment [2]. is based on the teaching of their ancestor
The forms of local wisdom that exist in indigenous 3. Local Wisdom Values Based on Customs
community of Kampung Dukuh are an implementation of the Kampung Dukuh has customs which are still carried
value of the teachings that have been living and have been out by the community. That customs are inheritances
believed by the indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh. from the ancestors which contains a good behavior that
The forms of local wisdom that exist in indigenous
also had been done by their ancestors. The community water that they have. The source of water in
obeys and practices the customs by imitating, Kampung Dukuh comes from Mount Dukuh,
preserving and implementing it as a form of love and which is located in the North. The source of water
respect for the teachings of goodness that had been is never dry even in the dry season. In maintaining
inherited by the ancestors of Kampung Dukuh. Here that source of water, community always carries
are the customs of indigenous community of Kampung out ritual nanam cai, which is held once a year.
Dukuh : This ritual has considerable benefits in protecting
a. The Custom Ngahaturan Tuang the environment. Ritual nanam cai is ritual to
The custom ngahaturan tuang is an activity to planting the water in the source of water uses
give some food to undertaker to be prayed by the bamboo as a media, and that bamboo must grow.
undertaker with hope to get blessing and given Along with the growth of the bamboo, the source
convenience to achieve all the goals. Foodstuffs of water which dries or small will be abundant
that are given to undertaker consist of rice, side again. The meaning of the ritual nanam cai means
dishes and enough spices to be used for cooking water is a main source for the living, it becomes
and then the foods are served for guests. the obligation for the human being to conserve the
The custom ngahaturan tuang is done if someone source of water in order it can fulfill the necessity
has a certain purpose and specific aim, such as of life in the present and the need of future
want their business running smoothly, want to get generation.
sustenance easily, want to get spouse easily (for Bamboo plant has a very strong fibrous root
those who dont have a spouse), et cetera. The system. As according to Widyana that the
custom contains a meaning that relevant to the characteristic of bamboos root allows this plant to
teaching of Islam that when we have an intention keep the hydrological system as a binder of soil
and desire, one of the ways to make our wishes and water, so that it can be used as conservation
easily granted is by giving alms. plant [4]. Bamboo has so many function, they are:
b. The Ritual Cebor Opat Puluh increase the volume of underground water; land
The ritual cebor opat puluh is a bath activities conservation; environmental improvement; and
with forty times of kucuran ( pouring the water the characteristics of bamboo as earthquake
into the body) which is led by lawang or vice resistant building materials.
undertaker. The water that is used for bath in ritual d. The Ritual Jaroh
cebor opat puluh is water that has been given The ritual jaroh is the activity of visiting the tomb
prayer by undertaker and the water must come of Sheikh Abdul Jalil which has the special terms
from Karomah (glorious) water of Sheikh Abdul and must be obeyed by people who will do the
Jalil, which is believed to have merit. The purpose jaroh. The special terms that must be obeyed are:
of this ritual is to cleanse the soul from all must bathe first; must have wudhu (ablution) and
sickness both spiritual and physical. The should not void ablution during the activity of
implementation of cebor opat puluh is carried out jaroh; banned from spitting; dont be careless in
in the public toilet of Kampung Dukuh on dressing. Rules in dressing are: do not wear batik
Saturday night after completion of the Shalawatan clothes; koko embroidered shirt and collared shirt
event. There is also ritual cebor opat puluh that is with button shirt (in the part of arms), t-shirt,
only held once a year in the night of 14th of trouser, batik sarong and flower motif, forbidden
Mulud. This annual ritual is a promise of Sheikh to wear sandals, forbidden to wear underwear,
Abdul Jalil who wants to bathe all the community prohibited from wearing gold and prohibited to
or people who visit Kampung Dukuh. bring mobile phone and camera. The meaning of
Ritual cebor opat puluh uses cold water for bath. not wearing batik or floral clothes is that human
In the teaching of Islam and even in the health has to have a pure heart in order our prayer can be
sciences, bath has a very good benefit for the body. granted by Allah.
Bathing can cleanse the body from the impurities Ritual jaroh to the tomb of Sheikh Abdul Jalil,
that mix with sweat, so the body becomes clean which is implemented by each person has a
and protected from disease. Bathing with cold diverse purpose. By the implementation of the
water has many benefit for the body that are: ritual jaroh, every person expects karomah
strengthen immunity, increase alertness, prevent (glorious) from Sheikh Abdul Jalil, so every
the flu, increase metabolism, prevent hair loss. desired can be granted by Allah.
c. The Ritual Nanam Cai 4. Local Wisdom Values Based on the Values of Life
The community of Kampung Dukuh has a high The values of the teaching of the indigenous
concern for water resources. The location of community of Kampung Dukuh are to believe to the
Kamoung Dukuh is located in the hilly area causes karomah (glorious) of the auliya or the beloved of
them to be consistent to maintain the source of Allah. The community of Kampung Dukuh really
believes in the glory of the auliya by always it will trigger the emergence of the wishes of the
implementing custom rituals and rules in Kampung community to have electronic goods such as
Dukuh. The ritual that shows respect for the auliya is television, refrigerator, radio, washing machine,
ritual munjangan, which is to provide some ready-to- etc. Electronic appliances have benefits, but in the
eat food in containers that are arranged on a tray and other side also has negative impact and can
then brought to bumi alit. This munjangan carries out interfere worship activity. In addition, the
as a form of gratitude for the favors and the available community considers that television broadcasts
sustenance. many inappropriate things that can cause sin to
Furthermore, which shows respect for auliya is those who see it.
ngahaturan tuang, which provides food such as rice d. Prohibition on Building Luxury Homes Exceed
and side dishes in accordance with the ability and then the Neighbors
does tawasulan with the hope of getting karomah from People in Kampung Dukuh still maintain good
Sheikh Abdul Jalil. Beside ritual, there are rules as a relations among their neighbors. This is evident by
form of homage to the auliya such as: do not stretch still holding the rules of custom such as
the feet toward the tomb; do build house toward the prohibiting build luxury homes exceeding
grave; and the strict rules in pilgrimage to the tomb of neighbors. Every house in Kampung Dukuh has
Sheikh Abdul Jalil. the same physical form, such as the shape of a
5. Local Wisdom Values Based on Distinctive Rules. house on stilts with a roof made of fibers,
Kampung Dukuh is traditional village which has windows do not wear glass, and walls are made
customary rules that must be obeyed by the while from awi cubicle (bamboo).
community, especially by those who live in the The uniformity of house form in Kampung Dukuh
prohibited land area. These customary rules have been has a purpose to avoid competition among fellow
inherent in the daily life of the community. All villagers of Kampung Dukuh so the mutual
customary rules in Kampung Dukuh is local wisdom cooperation among fellow villagers of Kampung
that is still maintained and implemented by the Dukuh is maintained. The prohibition to build
community until now. The custom rules include : more luxury homes than neighbors is a local
a. Trade Prohibition wisdom of Kampung Dukuh community that is
The ban on trading in Kampung Dukuh closely related to the orientation of human cultural
community is a form of local wisdom that has a values system in terms of the true relationship
function to prevent the emergence of disharmony between human beings and others and it keeps the
between neighbors in Kampung Dukuh character of mutual cooperation, in this case is
neighborhood. In religion, there is no information community of Kampung Dukuh.
about the prohibition in trade, as long as the e. Forbid to Build Homes Facing the North
trading activities are in accordance with the Prohibition to build a house facing north because
provision that has been set by Allah. However, in the north is the location of the grave of karomah
specifically in Kampung Dukuh neighborhood the Sheikh Abdul Jalil. Tomb karomah Sheikh Abdul
ban applies. The evidence of the ban om trading is Jalil is a place that must be respected so that the
the absence of a shop, there is no one that does the direction of the house should only longways from
activity of buying and selling. The term of sale is the east to the west. The rule is still obeyed by the
not known by Kampung Dukuh, which there is a community of Kampung Dukuh.
term ngagentosan (replace). trading the cooked f. Prohibit to Stretch the Legs to the North
food is considered a serious offense. Prohibition of stretching the feet to the north in
b. Prohibition to Become a Civil Servant (PNS) Kampung Dukuh is a form of homage to the
The prohibition of becoming a Civil Servant (PNS) glorified people because in the north there is the
applies to community who is settled, in Kampung grave of karomah Sheikh Abdul Jalil. So the
Dukuh. Kampung Dukuh people may become civil community while is sleeping or sitting, the
servants (PNS) but must live outside Kampung direction of the feet should not be stretched to the
Dukuh. This prohibition exists due to their north
disillusioned ancestors for being cheated by their g. Prohibit to Urinate facing to the North
superiors (Regent Rangga Gempol) that they The prohibition of urinate facing to the north
considered ambtenaar (civil servant). Since it exists because in that direction, there is the tomb
happened, Sheikh Abdul Jalil swore off his of Sheikh Abdul Jalil that must be respected
offspring should not be a civil servant. h. Prohibit Eating and Drinking while Standing
c. Prohibition of Electricity Entered into The prohibition of eating and drinking while
Kampung Dukuh Area standing is a reflection of manner or courtesy that
The community of Kampung Dukuh believes that must be exercised in everyday life.
if electricity goes into the area of Kampung Dukuh,
6. Local Wisdom Values in Maintaining the prohibited land of makom, there are special
Environment rules that must be obeyed by everyone. The
Indigenous community of Kampung Dukuh has local location of the prohibited land of makom is
wisdom in terms of how to maintain the condition of located in the North of the community
the natural environment in their territory. Customary settlement and adjacent to the prohibited land
rules have a function to set the nature which applies of forest, which causes similarities in the
universally, it has meaning it applies to everyone. The management to the environment.
function of custom in regulating nature relates to the On the prohibited land of makom is forbidden
distribution and use of soil type in Kampung Dukuh, as to cut trees indiscriminately and does not
follows: allow to plant the production trees. When it is
a. Tutupan Land or The Covered Land planted with a production trees, it is worried
The covered land is a mountain area where there is that one day it will damage the forest
a closed forest that can be utilized, but in ways environment in the prohibited land of makom
that do not damage the forest. The covered land area due to the logging of the production trees.
serves as a place of growth of natural spikes (trees) 3) The Prohibited Land of Forest
that support environmental stability. Trees that In the prohibited land of forest, there are
grow in the mountain environment should not be custom rules that must be obeyed not only by
cut down only to fulfill the short-term needs. indigenous people of Kampung Dukuh only
The community of kampung Dukuh realizes that but also by people outside Kampung Dukuh.
the mountain is the main source for life because Customary rules state that prohibited land of
the mountain is the source of the water that is forest is not allowed to cut trees
needed by everyone. Water is a natural resource indiscriminately, it is also forbidden to plant
that serves for agriculture, to be consumed in production trees, such as Teak and Alba trees.
everyday life, for worship, and useful to support The indigenous community of Kampung
daily activities. Dukuh believes that if the prohibited land of
b. Titipan Land or Boarded out Land forest is planted with production trees such as
Titipan land is the land that is boarded out by Teak and Alba trees, could cause the forest to
ancestors of Kampung Dukuh for the life of future be damaged because many trees will be cut
generations in the future. Titipan land in Kampung down by irresponsible parties.
Dukuh consists of several parts of land area that is The prohibited land of forest must grow and
not known yet for certain. Land titipan in develop naturally without any interference
Kampung Dukuh is commonly called awisan land. from humans to ensure the authenticity of the
The awisan land includes: Arabic awisan land; forest environment is maintained. The
Dukuh awisan land; Bangkelung awisan land; prohibited land of forest in the area of
Sukapura awisan land; and Sumedang awisan land. Kampung Dukuh is the location for the source
c. Prohibited Land of water, for the life of Kampung Dukuh
Prohibited land is an area where there are custom community, if the forest is destroyed it is
rules that must be obeyed. There are three lands feared will cause disaster to the community,
restrictions in Kampung Dukuh, namely the such as the loss of springs and can cause
prohibited land of village, the prohibited land of landslides. Therefore, the community of
makom (tomb) and the prohibited land of forest Kampung Dukuh are very consistent in
that have certain restrictions in acting on the maintaining the prohibited land of forest
environment they occupy. condition in their area.
1) The Prohibited Land of Village d. The Utilized Land
The prohibited land of village the location The utilized land is a part of nature that can be
where the settlement of community of utilized and managed by the community of
Kampung Dukuh is located. In the prohibited Kampung Dukuh. In accordance with the function,
land of village there are custom rules that the utilized land has an important role in
exist, it makes every person who settles must supporting the needs of people in meeting the
obey to the rules. The prohibited land of needs of food. Sources of food needs are generated
village is a special place to be used as a from cultivated land managed by the community,
settlement location for the community. such as rice fields, gardens and fields
e. Reserve Land
2) The Prohibited Land of Makom (Tomb) Reserve land is a land that serves for the
The prohibited land of makom is the location continuity of Kampung Dukuh in the future. This
of the tomb of the ancestor of Kampung reserve land is the inheritance land of the
Dukuh, Sheikh Abdul Jalil. To enter the ancestors of Kampung Dukuh covering all the
preserved forest areas in order to be utilized by The real form of this Sufi life principle is visible in
future generations of Kampung Dukuh in the communitys life. In daily life, community lives in a
future. simple way that can be seen from the traditional
house form and the absence of electricity and
2. Culture Preservation and Protection of Kampung electronic devices. The community of Kampung
Dukuh Community in Maintaining the Natural Dukuh thinks that electronic devices can disrupt their
Ambience and Tradition activities in worship. These conditions show that
The community of Kampung Dukuh are firm in community prefer to worship to Allah with the aim to
maintaining their own culture. They consider that the current get the real happiness.
culture is the inheritance of the ancestors of Kampung Dukuh 2. Form of Rejection Against Electricity
so it should be preserved and implemented as a form of love The form of rejection against electricity is one of the
and respect for the ancestors. The community of Kampung efforts of Kampung Dukuh community in
Dukuh are trying in order the modernization which has maintaining local wisdom. Although the government
negative impact does not make their culture become faded. had ever provided assistance for the installation of
Effort to preserve the culture they have, it certainly does free electricity, but because they strongly uphold the
not always go well. As time passes, intervention from the customary rules then the offer was rejected by the
outside of Kampung Dukuh always exists. Examination of community. They believe that the existence of
cultural existence of indigenous community of Kampung electricity can lead to the desire to buy electronic
Dukuh is a real existence such as modernization and devices such as television, radio, refrigerator, gas
technological progress. If there is no mental and strong self- stove and others that feared the electronic devices
awareness, then the flow of modernization and technological will interfere with their lives in worship.
progress can slowly erode the culture that exists in society. Community does not completely reject the
Local culture that exists in the indigenous community of advantages of technology or modernization. The
Kampung Dukuh is a local wisdom because it can survive in principle of function and benefit becomes a major
the midst of today's progress. As according to Soerjanto the consideration in facing the development of the era.
cultural elements that now exist in local culture can One attitude that shows the absence of rejection to
potentially be regarded as local genius that have proven their the modernization is the use of mobile phones by
ability to survive until the present [5]. A positive point of some society. The use of mobile phones is based on
view can explain that the local genius features are as follows : the principle of function and benefit and not used for
a. Able to survive against the outside culture negative things. The presence of modernization such
b. Have the ability to accommodate the elements of as electricity in the outer areas around Kampung
outside culture Dukuh does not make the community of Kampung
c. Have the ability to integrate elements of external Dukuh interested to install electricity, they remain
culture to their own culture obedient to the principle of life in simplicity and
d. Have the ability to control away from the luxury.
e. Able to give direction to the development of culture 3. Cultural Inheritance
Local wisdom of indigenous community of Kampung Community in a region basically wants to pass down
Dukuh that still exists today is the result of efforts made by the culture to the next generation. In reality, the
the community in maintaining the local wisdom they have. inheritance of culture in community can be both
The various efforts which are carried out by the community of vertical and horizontal. This is in accordance with the
Kampung Dukuh in maintaining local wisdom are as follows : point by Poerwanto that the cultural inheritance of
1. Holding the Teachings of the Ancestors human beings, not always occur vertically or to their
In maintaining local wisdom in Kampung Dukuh is grandchildren, but can also be horizontal for example
generally influenced by the strong values of the is human being can learn the culture from the other
teachings of ancestors in life. The Sufi life inherited human being [6].
by the ancestors of Kampung Dukuh Sheikh Abdul The local wisdom of Kampung Dukuh community
Jalil is still preserved as an ikhtiar (effort) in has been living and developing for a very long time.
keikhtiyatan (sincerity), meaning be careful in acting All the customs that exist are the inheritance of the
for the purpose of maximizing quality and perfection ancestors of Kampung Dukuh as a guide in living the
in performing worship. daily life. The existence of protected customs are the
The principle of Sufi life of indigenous community result of a process of cultural inheritance from one
of Kampung Dukuh is a form of choice from various generation to the next generation. This form of
life choices that aim to worship. The condition of life cultural inheritance is one of the efforts in
in Kampung Dukuh community seems so peaceful maintaining the existence of local wisdom in the
with the life they live, they voluntarily follow the community of Kampung Dukuh.
principle of life according to the inherited custom by In maintaining its local wisdom, indigenous
the ancestors of Kampung Dukuh. community of Kampung Dukuh Dalam tries to
inherit the present culture to their children in their managing natural resources and environmental conservation.
own families. Customs are taught by parents with The local wisdom of indigenous community that is closely
direct practice technique. When a child breaks the linked to efforts to preserve the natural ambience and tradition
rules, the parents remind their children that what is needs to get support from various parties to be preserved. All
done is pamali or something that is prohibited by that is done in order to preserve and protect the culture of
custom and if the rule is violated, they will get a local wisdom is not only for personal interest but also
certain accident. With this cultural inheritance way, everybodys interest.
the local wisdom of Kampung Dukuh community
can still be implemented by the next generation. REFERENSI
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