Metron (August 2010)

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1st Edition


Volume 1, Issue 1 DEPARTMENT OF AEI AUGUST 2010

Here we are the Instrumentation Engineers

research projects like Cli- for your future. ISOI Stu-
mate control for Mushroom dent chapter makes a
farm using Lab VIEW, Ratio simple and smooth way
Control in mixing process for your aim.
without a control valve and
much more are on its work Rahul Antonyisoi In-
with the help of ISOI VJEC charge
Student Chapter.

Presently the ISOI stu-

Front View of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Administrative Block. The dent chapter is concen-
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Celebrating its 5th
birthday in Vimal Jyothi Engineering College. Photo by Mr. Jithin Alias.
trated to improve the qual-
ity of students by different
What is Instrumentation? Indian Institute of Science, industrial based training
Instrumentation engineering Bangalore. Vimal Jyothi programs, different techni-
is a specialized branch of Engineering college stared cal workshops, Student
electrical and electronic a student chapter of ISOI in Congress, and especially
engineering, which focuses the year 2009 and pres- the Leadership programs HAPPY
on the principle, and opera- ently has 123 student mem- On celebrating the 1st INDEPENDENCE
tion of measuring instru- bers and 1 life member. year of the chapter, its DAY
ments, which are used in The objectives of the ISOI really proud to that the
design and configuration of VJEC Student chapter is to ISOI has become one of the
automated systems. provide a forum for pool- most energetic & vibrant
ing the knowledge and group in VJEC.
These engineers work
experience of personals
for industries with auto-
from institutions and indus- After the comple-
mated processes, such as
tries. The chapter is actively tion of the Instrumentation
chemical or manufacturing
involved in promoting the based courses you could be COMING SOON
plants, with the goal of im-
goals of ISOI and act as a an On- Stream Analysis
proving system productivity,
technical knowledge ex- Specialist, Plant Mainte- PHOTOGRAPHIC CLUB
reliability, safety, optimiza- OF
change bureau for students. nance & Quality Control
tion and stability. Instrumen- VJEC
Engineer, Instrument De-
tation Engineers help in the The ISOI VJEC Student signer, PLC/ SCADA/
designing, construction and chapter is trying to provide DCS/ Lab VIEW Specialist, Inside this issue:
maintenance of instruments a base in the Instrumenta- Automation Technologist,
and entire instrumentation tion and most modern top- Industrial safety Engineer,
systems of an industrial un- ics like Space instrumenta- SENSOR TO MEASURE THE 2
Process & Instrumentation HAPPINESS OF HUMAN MIND
dertaking. An instrumenta- tion, Automotive Instrumen- Designer, or Control system
tion engineer decides the tation, Artificial Intelligence NI INTRODUCED LABVIEW 2
Specialist. Dream the ROBOTICS
type of instruments needed & Expert Systems, Process future with a branch which
for ensuring better quality Dynamics & Control, Robot- CARTOON CORNER 2
having a high job chance,
and efficiency of the end ics Engineering & Applica- high demand career and CHARACTERISTICS OF AN 3
product. tion, Identification & Adap- great salary. Expert says OUTSTANDING LEADER

Instrument Society of tive Control, Instrumentation that the coming 20 years BOOKS CORNER 3
India was registered on 1st in Petrochemical Industries, will be the world of auto-
August 1970 with the regis- Digital Instrumentation, and mation and self intelligent JOKE BOX 4
tered head quarters at the Virtual Instrumentation. The machines and be prepared

Page 1

Sensor to Measure the Happiness of Human Mind

Reporter: Nikhin Cyril Just imagine that what if cal programming environment
you had a remote-sensing is making these things possi-
Washington: Scientists in the mechanism that could record ble.
united states have created a how millions of people
sensor that is capable of around the world feels on a Last week NI introduces a
measuring the happiness of particular day - without their new software package for
Main Gate of Vimal Jyothi : A the people. knowing? designing sophisticated
long view from the fourth floor
of VJEC photo by Mr. Sreeraj autonomous systems. Lab-
P. V., Lr The research in this field NI Introduced LabVIEW VIEW Robotics is built on the
had already started in the Robotics: LabVIEW programming lan-
"SCIENTISTS time of 1980s. In 1881, the guage, taking advantage of
Collected by, Own Reporter
optimistic Irish economist more than 20 years of
INVESTIGATE Francis Edgeworth imagined U.S: Not long ago, robots proven development and
a strange device called a were little more than science unmatched productivity.
THAT WHICH "hedonimeter" that would be fiction and highlights in Holly-
capable of "continually regis- wood.
ALREADY IS; tering the height of pleasure
ENGINEERS experienced by an individ- Now they assist in sur-
ual." In other words, a happi- gery, navigate Mars, and
CREATE THAT ness sensor. help the blind drive vehicles.
And the NI LabVIEW graphi-

With out us how they can measure

ISDC Without us how they can calibrate.
To join in the AeID Without us how they can control
Design Club (ISDC)
please contact, Without us there is no quality.
Mr. Sreeraj P. V, Proud to be an Instrumentation Engineer
Lr, AeID

CARTOON CORNER Social Networking on Move


Reporter: Shone Jose

interesting places and are awarded
In the social networking space, the points. The more place one visits, the
latest craze is the creation of social more points one earns and these points
are then converted into badges. While
networks on mobile phones, pushed
the sites main focus is to help visitors
by a rapid proliferation of smart
locate their friends at a particular
phones and a new avatar called
point in time, it real value is offering
location based networking. Visit to dig deeper. tips and recommendations on places of
Created by Dennis Crowley and interest literally on the move. The
Naveen Selvadurai, it is a web and moment a registered user opens up the
application on his or her mobile, the
mobile application that allows regis-
site locates them and provides about
tered was to connect with friends
the location. The site, which has al-
and update their locations. Users can
ready clocked one million users since it
check in online on their mobiles to
was launched in March 2009, is said to
visit bars, restaurants, discos, muse-
be pursued by Yahoo! In., which has
ums, galleries and hordes of other
reportedly offered $123 million!!
Page 2
LabVIEW fall 2009
ISOI organized a Faculty Development Program on March 11th of
2010 and is handled by Experts from Cranes Software Ltd., Banga-
lore. The program was conducted at the Process Control Instrumenta-
tion Laboratory, 18 staffs from different departments attended the
programme. The workshop covered different operating tools in Lab
VIEW, scope of the virtual instrumentation, and different applications
of Lab VIEW. The session covered the real time demo of data acquir-
ing using the Lab VIEW data Acquisition System.


Mr. Vind A. S ( HOD, AE&I dept.) attended a short term program on LabVIEW and its practical applications at
Thrissur Government Engineering College on 5, 6, and 7 of August 2010.

Mr. Rahul Antony (Lr, AE&I dept.) attended a one week AICTE approved STTP on Image Processing and its
Practical Applications at Mar Baselious College of Engineering & Technology, Trivandrum, conducted by the
Electronics & communication Department.

Seminar On VLSI Design on 26th of March

Instrument Society of India, VJEC students chapter conducted a 3 hrs

seminar on VLSI design and its chances on 26th of March 2010. The
seminar was preceeded by Mr. Abraham C. G, A.P, from St. Josephs
College of Engineering & Technology Palai. He is a maestro in the
field of VLSI design. The program included the basics of VLSI design,
how we can use VLSI in Instrumentation, and its state. The program was
attended by all the final year students of AEI Department. The pro-
gram was conducted as a part of MATRIX 10 of ISOI VJEC Student
Chapter& it was co_ordinated by the 3rd year students of AeID.
Mr. Abraham C. G delivering a talk on VLSI

5th Birthday of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Department of AE&I is celebrating its 5th birthday in this academic year. The
course was started in 2005 with 58 students and 6 faculties under the Electronics
& Communication Department. As a part of the celebration, Instrument Society
of India is planning to conduct a 6 days training program on PLC/ SCADA/ DCS
from Yokogawa and a Robotic Workshop. The ISOI in hand with the ISDC
(Design club of AeID) is also planning to conduct a MEGA TREASURE HUNT pro-
gram for the students (members of the ISOI) starting from September 1st week,
the technical treasure hunt consists of 7 hint places and finally the TREASURE at
the end. It also plans to conduct its 2nd technical quiz on September second

Explore the unexplored scenic beauties near to you in South India


The engineer's first problem in any September 3rd, 4th, and 5th
design situation is to discover what the IEEE ALL KERALA STUDENTS CONFERENCE
Venue: VJEC Chemperi

Page 3
ISOI Awareness Session for 2nd year Students
Instrument Society of India VJEC Student Chapter conducted an awareness program for the
3rd semester students on 19th of July 2010. Shone Jose and Jithin M. Alias of S5 AEI handled
the session. It was a one hour session detailed about the possibilities and benefits of the ISOI
Membership. Information about the upcoming technical fests across the country and the par-
ticipation tips was also included in the session. The session was attended by Mr. Rahul Antony
and Mr. Sreeraj P. V. faculties of AeID.
The department of AEI in association with ISOI conducted the final
year project presentation on 16th and 17th of March 2010 at the
Process Control Instrumentation Laboratory. Different innovative pro-
jects were displayed. Vibration Monitoring using Lab VIEW, Chemical
Process Control using GE Fanuc PLC were some of the interesting pro-
ISOI VJEC Student Chapter celebrating its 1 year on Septem-
ber 2010.

For the easy working of student chapter which is divided the

The technical expert from Cranes Software Ltd., is chapter into 4 groups and having members from all semesters
checking one of the project of our students
and branches. Elected 4 group leaders for the groups under
the General Committee.
Instrument Society of India VJEC Student Chapter As per the academic activities of Instrument Society Of
opened a Syndicate Bank Account in the name India, ISOI Student Chapter a 15 hours training pro-
ISOI Student Chapter VJEC with an account num- gram was provided for the final years (S7AE&I) stu-
ber of 24272200001782. dents in the name of MATRIX 10. The batch wise train-
Instrument Society of India VJEC Student chapter ing program started from 22ndmarch 2010 onwards.
started a collection of technical printed books, jour- One batch contains 14 students and a total of 34 stu-
nals, technical data sheets and digital books related dents registered their name for the training. A seminar
to Instrumentation to avail the student members. on VHDL was conducted on 26th march 2010 which was
Instrument Society of India VJEC Student Chapter 1st handled by Mr. Abraham C.G, (AP, SJCET, palai). The
General Committee meeting for the new year on last session of the program will be conducted from 16th
13th of August 2010. August 2010. The training program is about the topics
on Lab VIEW and Matlab. The training sessions will be
ROBOTICS WORKSHOP handled by Mr. Rahul Antony & by Mr. Shijoh V., re-
@ spectively from the AE&I dept.

On September 25, 26
Interesting Statistics by 1. Mr. Rahul Antony, Staff In charge
2. Mr. Nabeel Abdul Rehman, President
1. 67% of people who buy a book NEVER even open it.
2. 62% of people who buy hardware NEVER use it. 3. Mr. Jithin M. Alias, Vice President
3. 42% of people who buy music only listen to it ONCE. 4. Mr. Jojo K Thankachan, Secretary
4. 83% of people who start to read a book NEVER fin- 5. Ms. Meenu George, Joint Secretary
ish it. 6. Ms. Sneha S., Treasurer
5. 86% of people who start to use new hardware 7. Ms. Sruthi P. P, Joint Treasurer
NEVER use it again (the main reason being insufficient
knowledge about and training on the application). (This Committee is upto September 20th. The new
6. 6. 93% of people NEVER read the software users committee will take charges from September 21st
manual (no surprise there). on wards)
Page 4
Volume 1, Issue 1

Characteristics Of An Outstanding Leader

-U. A. important source of learning nal newsletter.
and reflection. Many great
Become a listener. You can
books are available to inspire,
Wisdom is one of the pri- guide, and instruct your im-
provement effort.
get hundreds of hours a year
of education, inspiration, in-
mary characteristics of an formation, and instruction by
outstanding leader - leaders Become a speaker. I find that listening. Try listening to au-
have an insatiable curiosity some of my best insights diotapes in your car.
for discovering and learning come from trying to articulate
Keep your commitments.
n e w t h i n g s . (or write) my thoughts.
Call back when you promised STUDIES WHAT
Leadership and learning go
Become a student. Attend (or before). Meet your dead-
together. If you have deter- IS, AN ENGINEER
workshops, seminars, and lines. Show up on time. Under
mined that your learning is
training sessions. Take col- promise and over deliver. STUDIES WHAT
behind the curve, then recom-
lege courses.
mit yourself to seeking it out Put quotes, goals, remind-
Become a teacher. Give in- ers, and vision statements
at every opportunity,
in every conversation, around ternal and external presenta- where you will see them
every corner. Do you have a tions on your area of exper- throughout your day. Keep
process for continual self- tise. Volunteer to present at changing them and moving D
esign a low cost auto-
improvement? Get hooked on the next professional confer- them around so you don't start matic Bell System for
ence you were just going to to look past them. VJEC and Win Prizes
the improvement habit. Here
attend. from ISOI. Students of
are some tips: Develop a personal im- VJEC from any branch
Spend your time with opti- Become a writer. Do you provement plan. Schedule can participate in this
mistic, growing people. write in a journal for your- time for personal and profes- contest.
self? You can write articles sional improvement as if your For more details
Become a reader. If you are for associations you belong career depended on it. It does. C o n t a c t Jojo K
not one already, this is an to, your local paper, or inter- Thankachan, S5 AeID




Students those who are interested in instrumentation, from any department can join in this Professional Society.

For more details contact: Mr. Tinu Thomas, S7 AeID

Books Corner
1. Inauguration of ISOI
The text book mainly cover chapter 4 is devoted for ac- on last week of Au-
the type of instruments for the celeration, vibration and den- gust.
measurements and control of sity measurements. While 2. Quiz Competition by
process variables in various chapter 5 dealing with com- ISOI. Screening test
industries. plete range of flow meters. on September 15th.
The book is an outcome Chapter 6 covers all types of Quiz on Desk on
of one of the authors' vast level measurements. The last September 23rd.
industrial experience and his chapter 7 describes the basic 3. C o m i n g
academic eminence. The book concepts with reference to Soon.Treasure Hunt
contains 7 chapters in all. measurements of viscosity, by ISOI In associa-
Chapter 1 describes the basic humidity and moisture. The tion with ISDC.
concepts of temperature and book would serve as an ex- 4. Congratulations to
temperature measuring instru- tremely useful text for Elec- Neena K., Prasanth
ments. Chapter 2 covers all tronics and Instrumentation Kumar N. K and
possible types of pressure students and as a reference Prabhitha Balakrish-
Industrial Instrumentation: By detectors. Chapter 3 gives for the students of other nan of S3 AeID, who
Krishnaswamy & S Vijayachitra. fundamentals of force, torque branches. The book is pub- scored high score in
New Age Publications and velocity whereas the lished by New Age Publica- the July comprehen-
tions. sive tests.
Page 5

Contact: Private Circulation Only

ISOI VJEC SC In Charge : Mr. Rahul Antony Student In charge: Shone Jose
Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Editor : Ms. Amrutha T. P Student Editor: Tinu Thomas
Chemperi, Layout : Mr. Rahul Antony
Kannur 670 632 Printed at : VJEC Chemperi



Department of Instrumentation
Indian Institute of Science
The Society of Instrumentation professionals was established in the year 1970, with head quarters
at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Today it has six chapters at Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, De-
hradun and Pune. It strives to act as a link between academic institutions and the instrumentation industry,
by organising several programs. It also conducts programs for students and working professionals in the
form of short term courses, symposia and topical reviews.

Contact us: [email protected]

Seeking Student News
Reporters for
letter of Student chap-
ter, Vimal Jyothi Engi-
neering College. Inter-
ested students please
contact Mr. Rahul An-
tony, Staff In Charge.


Send your response
about the ISOI VJEC SC
News letter METRON
to our mail. Please re-
port the mistakes in the
Newsletter. Those who
are reporting the mis-

takes in the METRON
will have a chance for a
A typical engineering gift for each mistake.
student grabbed a coin, Find the grammatical or
flipped it in the air and spelling mistakes hap-
said pened in the news let-
For heads i go 2 sleep, ter, and submit it to
tails i watch a movie, News letter in charge.
If it stands on the edge After the valuation we
Ill study . will inform you by no-
Page 6

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