Metron (August 2010)
Metron (August 2010)
Metron (August 2010)
Instrument Society of tive Control, Instrumentation that the coming 20 years BOOKS CORNER 3
India was registered on 1st in Petrochemical Industries, will be the world of auto-
August 1970 with the regis- Digital Instrumentation, and mation and self intelligent JOKE BOX 4
tered head quarters at the Virtual Instrumentation. The machines and be prepared
Page 1
Mr. Vind A. S ( HOD, AE&I dept.) attended a short term program on LabVIEW and its practical applications at
Thrissur Government Engineering College on 5, 6, and 7 of August 2010.
Mr. Rahul Antony (Lr, AE&I dept.) attended a one week AICTE approved STTP on Image Processing and its
Practical Applications at Mar Baselious College of Engineering & Technology, Trivandrum, conducted by the
Electronics & communication Department.
The engineer's first problem in any September 3rd, 4th, and 5th
design situation is to discover what the IEEE ALL KERALA STUDENTS CONFERENCE
Venue: VJEC Chemperi
Page 3
ISOI Awareness Session for 2nd year Students
Instrument Society of India VJEC Student Chapter conducted an awareness program for the
3rd semester students on 19th of July 2010. Shone Jose and Jithin M. Alias of S5 AEI handled
the session. It was a one hour session detailed about the possibilities and benefits of the ISOI
Membership. Information about the upcoming technical fests across the country and the par-
ticipation tips was also included in the session. The session was attended by Mr. Rahul Antony
and Mr. Sreeraj P. V. faculties of AeID.
The department of AEI in association with ISOI conducted the final
year project presentation on 16th and 17th of March 2010 at the
Process Control Instrumentation Laboratory. Different innovative pro-
jects were displayed. Vibration Monitoring using Lab VIEW, Chemical
Process Control using GE Fanuc PLC were some of the interesting pro-
ISOI VJEC Student Chapter celebrating its 1 year on Septem-
ber 2010.
On September 25, 26
Interesting Statistics by 1. Mr. Rahul Antony, Staff In charge
2. Mr. Nabeel Abdul Rehman, President
1. 67% of people who buy a book NEVER even open it.
2. 62% of people who buy hardware NEVER use it. 3. Mr. Jithin M. Alias, Vice President
3. 42% of people who buy music only listen to it ONCE. 4. Mr. Jojo K Thankachan, Secretary
4. 83% of people who start to read a book NEVER fin- 5. Ms. Meenu George, Joint Secretary
ish it. 6. Ms. Sneha S., Treasurer
5. 86% of people who start to use new hardware 7. Ms. Sruthi P. P, Joint Treasurer
NEVER use it again (the main reason being insufficient
knowledge about and training on the application). (This Committee is upto September 20th. The new
6. 6. 93% of people NEVER read the software users committee will take charges from September 21st
manual (no surprise there). on wards)
Page 4
Volume 1, Issue 1
Books Corner
1. Inauguration of ISOI
The text book mainly cover chapter 4 is devoted for ac- on last week of Au-
the type of instruments for the celeration, vibration and den- gust.
measurements and control of sity measurements. While 2. Quiz Competition by
process variables in various chapter 5 dealing with com- ISOI. Screening test
industries. plete range of flow meters. on September 15th.
The book is an outcome Chapter 6 covers all types of Quiz on Desk on
of one of the authors' vast level measurements. The last September 23rd.
industrial experience and his chapter 7 describes the basic 3. C o m i n g
academic eminence. The book concepts with reference to Soon.Treasure Hunt
contains 7 chapters in all. measurements of viscosity, by ISOI In associa-
Chapter 1 describes the basic humidity and moisture. The tion with ISDC.
concepts of temperature and book would serve as an ex- 4. Congratulations to
temperature measuring instru- tremely useful text for Elec- Neena K., Prasanth
ments. Chapter 2 covers all tronics and Instrumentation Kumar N. K and
possible types of pressure students and as a reference Prabhitha Balakrish-
Industrial Instrumentation: By detectors. Chapter 3 gives for the students of other nan of S3 AeID, who
Krishnaswamy & S Vijayachitra. fundamentals of force, torque branches. The book is pub- scored high score in
New Age Publications and velocity whereas the lished by New Age Publica- the July comprehen-
tions. sive tests.
Page 5
Send your response
about the ISOI VJEC SC
News letter METRON
to our mail. Please re-
port the mistakes in the
Newsletter. Those who
are reporting the mis-
takes in the METRON
will have a chance for a
A typical engineering gift for each mistake.
student grabbed a coin, Find the grammatical or
flipped it in the air and spelling mistakes hap-
said pened in the news let-
For heads i go 2 sleep, ter, and submit it to
tails i watch a movie, News letter in charge.
If it stands on the edge After the valuation we
Ill study . will inform you by no-
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