Tutorials 1 To 4 (Solution)
Tutorials 1 To 4 (Solution)
Tutorials 1 To 4 (Solution)
1. A petroleum reservoir has an areal extent of 20000 sq. ft and a pay zone
thickness of 100 ft. The reservoir rock has a uniform porosity of 35%.
What is the pore volume of the reservoir?
Bulk volume of the reservoir = 20,000 X 100 ft3 = 2 X 106 ft3
Pore volume of the reservoir = 2 X 106 x 0.35 ft3 = 7 X 105 ft3
2. Assuming unit formation thickness, determine the average porosity for
following system when a = 0.20, b = 0.11, c = 0.29, L1 = 0.35L and
ha = hb = 0.5hc.
From the given figure,
iAi = a (ha X L) + a (hb X .35L) + b (hb X .65L) + c (hc X L)
Thickness-weighted average
(1) (10) + (1.5) (12) + (1) (11) + (2) (13) + (2.1) (14) + (1.1) (10)
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1+1.5 +1+ 2 + 2.1+1.1
= 12.11%
2. A. Calculate the oil content of one acre-foot of reservoir rock which has a
connate water saturation of 25 percent and an effective porosity of 10 percent
B. Calculate the oil content if the effective porosity is increased to 30 percent.
------------------- X 1ft = 7758 bbls/acre-feet
5.62 ft3/bbl
A = areal extent of reservoir, acres
A. Oil content (bbls/acre-feet)
h = average thickness of reservoir, feet
= 7758Ah(1-Swi)
= effective porosity, fraction
= 7758X1X1X0.1X (1-0.25)
Swi = connate water saturation, fraction
= 582 bbls/acre-feet
rv e a
o = ------------------- = 0.8156
42 + 131.5
Step 2. Calculate the initial oil formation volume factor by applying
Standings equation
o = 0.9759 + 0.000120 [600(----------)0.5 + 1.25(160) ] 1/2
=1.306 bbl /STB
Standings Correlation
Standing (1947) presented a graphical correlation for estimating the oil
formation volume factor with the gas solubility, gas gravity, oil gravity,
and reservoir temperature as the correlating parameters. This graphical
correlation originated from examining a total of 105 experimental data
points on 22 different California hydrocarbon systems. An average error
of 1.2% was reported for the correlation.
Standing (1981) showed that the oil formation volume factor can be
expressed more conveniently in a mathematical form by the following
o = 0.9759 + 0.000120 [Rs(-----)0.5 + 1.25(T-460) ] 1/2
where T = temperature, R
o = specific gravity of the stock-tank oil
g = specific gravity of the solution gas
Step 3. Calculate the pore volume from Equation
kA P kA hwg kA P kA hog
Qw = - ----------- = - -------------- Qo = - ---------- = - -----------------
wL wL oL oL
Qw wo Qw ow
------ = ----------- Qo = ----------------- = 1.3594 cm3/min
Qo ow wo
2. Brine flood in a 1.9 in-long and 1.5 in-diameter core plug from the North Sea
resulted in a stabilized pressure drop of 46.05 psi. The flood was carried out
at 0.05 mL/min with brine viscosity of 0.443 cP. Determine the absolute
permeability of this plug in millidarcies.
kA P
Q = - -----------
QL 0.05 X 0.443 X 4.826
K = -------- = -------------------------------- = 4.99 X 10-5 Darcy = 0.0499 md
AP 60 X 11.395 X 3.1327
3. Three beds of equal cross section have permeabilities of 100, 200 and 300 mD
and lengths of 50, 15 and 85 ft, respectively. What is the absolute permeability
of the beds placed in series?
Kavg = --------- i= 1 to n
50 + 15 + 85 150
Kavg = ------------------------------------- = ------------ = 175.4385 md
( 50/100 + 15/200 + 85/300) 0.855
4. The beds of 50, 110 and 795 mD, and 7, 7 and 15 ft thick respectively, are
conducting fluid in parallel flow. If all are of equal length and width, what is
the average permeability?
Kavg = --------- i= 1 to n
2 18.15 2.45
3 35.61 3.11
4 62.31 3.55
Bulk Volume = 55000 X 100 ft3 = 55 X 105 ft3
Initial oil in place = V X x ( 1 Sw)
= 55 x 105 X 0.25 X 0.7 ft3
= 962500 ft3
= 962500 X Conversion factor for bbl
2. A chalk core plug having a pore volume of 17.0307 cm3 is fully saturated
with reservoir brine. A synthetic oil (Isopar-L) flood is conducted on this plug.
It is found that 12.25 cm3 of reservoir brine was displaced from this plug by
the Isopar-L. After reaching this value, no further reservoir brine could be
displaced from the core plug. What is the connate water or irreducible water
saturation of this core plug?
Pore Volume = 17.0307 cm3
Volume of brine displaced = 12.25 cm3
3. For the following core plugs, gas floods were carried out using nitrogen.
The oil produced from plug 1 and 2 for the gas flood was 9.0 and 6.9 cm3,
respectively. What is the residual oil saturation (Sor) in these two plugs?
Plug 2
Volume of the oil produced = 6.9 cm3
4. A dean-stark extraction is performed on the North Sea chalk core plug sample,
which extracted 5.77 cm3 of water. The core plug has a porosity of 36.1 % and
bulk volume of 24.5 cm3. The wet and dry weights of the sample are 50.64 and
42.33 g, respectively. The gas, oil and water densities are 0.001, 0.85 and
1.035 g/cm3, respectively. Calculate the gas, oil, and water saturations in the
core plug sample.
Pore Volume (PV) = Bulk Volume (BV) X Porosity () = 24.5 X 36.1 cm3 = 8.8445 cm3
Now , WW DW = Mo + Mg + Mw
50.64 42.33 = Soo + Sgg + Sww = 0.85Vo + 0.001Vg + 1.035 X 5.77
Now, PV = Vo + Vg + Vw
8.8445 = Vo + Vg + 5.77
Or Vo + Vg = 3.0745 -----------------------------------2
Vo = 2.742, Vg = 0.3325
Additional data include gas, oil and water densities 0.001, 0.8532 and 1.0351 g/cm3.
The bulk volume of the core plug sample (in a preserved state), from which the end trim
was taken, is 65.91 cm3, and its measured weight (trimless) is 133.0 g. No additional
data are are available for the core plug sample. Perform an assessment check to evaluate
if the end trim data is also valid for the core plug, so that the core plug sample can either
be used or discarded for SCAL test.
Sg = 5%, So = 48%, Sw = 47 %
grain = 2.731, = 38.31 %, Bulk volume = 65.91 cm3,
Measured weight = 133.0 g
g = 0.001g/cm3, o = 0.8532 g/cm3, w = 1.0351 g/cm3
We know that
Weight of the Core = weight of the grain + weight of fluids
Hence the core plug sample can be used for SCAL test