Skills Tested: Grade 12 Athena
Skills Tested: Grade 12 Athena
Skills Tested: Grade 12 Athena
Item of Rank
No. Skills Tested Error
1 1
Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
2 0
3 Recognize human activities that emanated from deliberate reflection 0
4 Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life 1
5 1
6 Distinguish opinion from truth 7
7 3
8 Evaluate opinions 0
9 Recognize own limitations and possibilities 0
10 0
Distinguish the limitations and possibilities for transcendence
11 2
12 Notice disorder in an environment 1
13 Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view 2
14 Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective 1
15 Distinguish opinion from truth 1
16 3
Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth
17 8
18 Evaluate opinions 0
19 1
Recognize own limitations and possibilities
20 3
21 Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence 5
22 Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence 0
23 Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life 1
24 Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective 1
25 Analyze situations that show the difference between opinion and truth 15
26 Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth 3
27 1
Notice disorder in an environment
28 3
29 Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way
30 Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life 0
31 Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective 0
32 Analyze situations that show the difference between opinion and truth 4
33 Evaluate opinions 9
34 Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence
35 Distinguish the limitations and possibilities for transcendence
Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way 0
37 6
38 5
Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence
39 6
40 Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence
42 Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable 0
43 0
44 0
45 0
46 0
47 0
48 Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environments 0
49 0
50 0