Executive: 2 Year Guarantee
Executive: 2 Year Guarantee
Executive: 2 Year Guarantee
SABS Model:
3V Lithium 20502
2 year guarantee
SPECIFICATIONS Getting Accurate Readings:
Big LCD display 1. If the scale has not been used for a long time,
Minimum capacity: 2.5kg proceed as follows:
Maximum Capacity: 150 kg a) First, step lightly on the front corner (right or
Division: 100g (0.2 lb) left) of the scale first to activate the scale.
Auto Zero-Auto off b) Second, wait for the scale to turn off. Then you
Low Battery / Overload Indication may use the scale normally.
Power: 1 Lithium battery (CR2032) 2. If the scale is moved, proceed as follows:
Equipped with High Precision Strain Gauge a) remove the battery from the scale for 5
Sensor System (4 Sensors) seconds
b) replace the battery
Preparations Before Use c) follow Scale Setup instruction (listed in
1. Insert the Lithium battery (included). See figure Preparations Before Use point 2 above)
1 (Note: Make sure battery is pushed all the 3. Place scale on flat hard surface. Do not use
way into its slot. Also make sure + side of scale on carpet because the reading will be
battery is facing out) inaccurate.
4. If the reading appears inaccurate, please
check if the battery and the contact point are
well connected. If scale has been in use for
a long time, replace the battery and try again.
If necessary, contact the local franchisers or
contact our company.
Handling Tips:
1. Store the scale horizontally.
2. Do not overload the scale.
3. The scale is for home use only.
4. Do not submerge scale in water. Use glass
cleaner to clean glass platform of scale.
2. Scale Setup: Place the scale on a hard flat 5. Do not leave any objects on top of scale if the
surface. Tap the front corner (right or left) of product is not to be used during a prolonged
the scale with your foot. The digit 0 will scroll period of time. Also remove the battery to
across the display. Then the display will show prevent it from being depleted or leaking.
0.0This indicates that the scale has been 6. To avoid possible injury, do not stand on the
setup correctly. edge of the platform.
a) Note: This Scale Setup procedure applies 7. Place the scale in an area free from direct
only after installing a battery. After completing sunlight, heating equipment, high humidity, or
Scale Setup, it does not need to be extreme temperature change.
performed again unless battery is removed 8. To avoid slipping, make sure your feet and
and replaced. the glass platform of the scale are dry before
b) Note: If you step on the platform before 0.0 standing on the scale.
appears, you will not obtain a reading. If this 9. Please do not strike, hit or drop objects onto
happens, step off the scale, then wait for the glass platform, otherwise, the glass may
display to turn off, follow above steps to setup break and cause serious injury.
scale. 10. Strong magnetic fields may interfere with the
operation of the scale. Avoid operating the
Scale Operation: scale in such areas.
To measure weight, simply stand with both feet
in the center of the scales glass platform. Be Usage Notes:
sure to stand erect and remain still. After 3 1. When the display shows Err, it means that
seconds the display will flash your weight and the scale is overloaded.
then display it steady. 2. When the display shows Lo, it means that
the battery is low. Please replace the battery as
Note: If a weight less than 10kg is placed on the soon as possible.
scale, the scale will not activate. To weigh 3. If scale display shows random digits or scale
something less than 10kg, activate the scale first does not automatically shut off, proceed as
by tapping the front corner (right or left) of the follows:
scale with your foot. a. remove the battery for 10 seconds
1. When no weight is on the scale for 10 seconds, b. replace battery
the scale will turn off automatically. c. follow Scale Setup instruction (listed in
Preparations Before Use point 2 above)
Service Centre Share Call: 086 111 5006
w e b : w w w. c r e a t i v e h o u s e w a r e s . c o . z a