Edible Protein Films Properties Enhancement

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International Food Research Journal 16: 1-9 (2009)

Review Article
Edible protein films: properties enhancement
Bourtoom, T.

Department of Material Product Technology, Prince of Songkla University,

Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90112, Thailand

Abstract: Edible films can be prepared from protein, polysaccharide and lipid materials. Among them, protein-
based edible films are the most attractive. These films have impressive gas barrier properties compared with
those prepared from lipids and polysaccharides. The mechanical properties of protein-based edible films are
also better than those of polysaccharide and fat-based films because proteins have a unique structure (based on
20 different monomers) which confers a wider range of functional properties, especially a high intermolecular
binding potential. However, the poor water vapor resistance of protein films and their lower mechanical strength
in comparison with synthetic polymers limit their application in food packaging. Hence, improvement of edible
protein film properties has been investigated to seek suitable applications. The objective of this review is to
provide a detailed enhancement of the properties of edible protein film through using various methods such as
modifying the properties of protein by chemical and enzymatic methods, combining them with hydrophobic
material or some polymers, or using a physical method. These methods focus primarily on improving the
mechanical strength and moisture barrier properties.

Key words: Edible protein films, properties enhancement, chemical treatment, enzymatic treatment,
hydrophobic combination, Irradiation

Introduction the interior of the food. Another possible application

for edible films could be their use in multilayer food
Currently there has been a renewed interest packaging materials together with non edible films.
in edible film made from renewable and natural In this case the edible films would be the internal
polymer such as protein, polysaccharide and lipids. layers in direct contact with food materials (Murray
Edible polymer films are not meant to totally replace and Luft, 1973; Kester and Fennema, 1986; Nelson
synthetic packaging film and limit moisture, aroma and Fennema, 1991). Natural polymers or polymers
and lipid migration between food and aroma, and lipid derived from natural products, like food protein, offer
migration between food components, where traditional the greatest opportunities since their biodegradability
packaging cannot be used. For instance, edible films and environmental compatibility are assured (Krochta
can be used for versatile food products to reduce loss and De Mulder-Johnston, 1997). In addition, films
of moisture, to restrict absorption of oxygen, to lessen made from protein can supplement the nutritional
migration of lipids, to improve mechanical handling value of the food (Gennadios and Weller, 1990). The
properties, to provide physical protection, or to offer mechanical properties of protein-based edible films
an alternative to the commercial packaging materials. are also better than those of polysaccharide and fat-
The films can enhance the organoleptic properties of based films because proteins have a unique structure
packaged foods provided that various components (based on 20 different monomers) which confers a
(such as flavorings, colorings and sweeteners) are wider range of functional properties, especially a
used. The films can be used for individual packaging high intermolecular binding potential (Cuq et al.,
of small portions of food, particularly products that 1995). Protein-based edible films can form bonds at
are currently not individually packaged for practical different positions and offer high potential for forming
reasons. These include pears, beans, nuts and numerous linkages (Ou et al., 2005). However, the
strawberries. In a similar application they also can poor water vapor resistance of protein films and
be used at the surface of food to control the diffusion their lower mechanical strength in comparison with
rate of preservative substances from the surface to synthetic polymers limit their application in food

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2 Bourtoom, T.

packaging. Many approaches exist to improve the with less air bubbles) and elongation at breaking
barrier properties of edible protein films, such as points. The presence of reactive functional groups in
by modifying properties of protein by chemical and the amino acid side chain of protein makes this cross-
enzymatic methods, combining with hydrophobic linking process possible through chemical, enzymatic
material or some polymers, or by using a physical or physical treatments. Chemical agents used for
method. The methods primarily focus on improving covalent cross-linking of protein have included
the mechanical strength and moisture barrier formaldehyde, glyceraldehyde, glyoxal and others
properties. (Orliac, et al., 2002; Hernandez-Munoz et al., 2004).
Formaldehyde is the simplest of cross-linking agents
Modification of edible protein films by chemical and has the broadest reaction specificity. Although
method formaldehyde contains a single functional group, it
Chemical treatments with acid, alkali or cross- can react bi-functionally and can therefore crosslink.
linking agents have been extensively used to improve Glutaraldehyde is more specific than formaldehyde; it
the properties of films. Hydrolyzed protein results in can react with lysine, cysteine, histidine and tyrosine
greater solubility at high pH and high temperature (Tae, 1983). Protein cross-linking by glyoxal involves
(Bain et al., 1961). Guilbert (1986) reported that lysine and arginine side chain groups (Marquie,
denatured protein forms less flexible and transparent 2001) at alkaline pH. The expected reaction scheme
but more moisture-resistant films. Theoretically, the (Gueguen et al., 1998) was according to Figure 1.
more protein interaction from chemical treatment The reaction between formaldehyde and protein is
such as alkaline or acid modification would occur a two step process: the first step corresponds to the
with extended chain structures; less permeability and formation of the methylol compound and the second
greater tensile strength should be obtained. However, one corresponds to the formation of methylene
Brandenburg et al. (1993) found that alkaline bridges that is cross-links between protein chains.
treatment on soy protein isolate did not affect water Hernandez-Munoz et al. (2004) reported that
vapor permeability, oxygen permeability and tensile addition of cross-linking agents to the film-forming
strength. However, alkaline treatment improved a solution of glutenin-rich films with glutaraldehyde
films appearance (making it clearer, more uniform, (GTA), glyoxal (GLY) and formaldehyde (FA)

Figure 1. Scheme of cross-linking between formaldehyde and

-amino groups of protein (Source: Gueguen et al., 1998)

International Food Research Journal 16: 1-9

Edible protein films: properties enhancement 3

Table 1. Tensile strength (TS) and percentage of elongation at break (%E) for glutenin-rich
films plasticized with 33% glycerol (w/w) at different concentrations of cross-linker

Treatment TS (MPa) %E
Control 5.9 + 0.8 260 + 17
Formaldehyde (%)
2 13.8 + 1.8 100 + 27
4 13.4 + 0.9 96 + 22
8 13.1 + 1.5 96 + 18
Glutaraldehyde (%)
2 8.6 + 1.1 131 + 32
4 9.6 + 2.3 165 + 22
8 9.1 + 0.8 164 + 24
Glyoxal (%)
2 7.2 + 0.9 206+39
4 7.7 + 1.3 209 + 33
8 7.9 + 0.9 199 + 37
Source: Adapted from Hernandez-Munoz et al. (2004)

enhances the water barrier properties of the films, an Modification of edible protein films by enzymatic
increase in the resistance to breakage, and decreased treatment
film deformability (Table 1). The formation of Many studies have been carried out in an attempt
more resistant films suggests the occurrence of to improve the performance of protein films. The
new covalent bonds between glutenin proteins via alternative to improving protein film functionality
chemical reaction through FA, GTA and GLY and is to modify the polymer network through the
amino acid side chain reactive groups. The FA is cross-linking of the polymer chains. An enzyme
the most effective cross-linker in terms of these that has received extensive recent attention for its
properties. Formaldehyde is a low molecular weight capacity to cross-link protein is transglutaminase.
molecule and could easily migrate between the Transglutaminase (Tgse, protein-glutamine
protein chains and establish new covalent bonds with -glutamyl transferase, E.C. catalyzes acyl-
the Lys, Cys and His groups of the proteins (Gallieta transfer reactions between -carboxyamide groups
et al., 1998). IN addition, the higher TS values for of glutamine residues (acyl donor) and -amino
films treated with formaldehyde can be due to the groups of lysine residues (acyl acceptor), resulting
lack of specificity of this chemical with respect to the in the formation of -(-glutaminyl) lysine intra
different amino acid side chain groups. In addition and intermolecular cross-linked proteins (De Jong
to amines, formaldehyde reacts with sulphydryl, and Koppelman, 2002). The reaction catalyzed of
phenolic, imidazolyl, indolyl and guanidinyl groups glutamyltransferases is shown in Figure 2 (Lee et al.,
(Fraenkel-Conrat and Olcott, 1948a, b). Blass et al. 1994). The formation of the cross-linking does not
(1965) also reported the formation of methylene reduce the nutritional quality of the food as the lysine
bridges between lysine and tyrosine in formaldehyde- residue remains available for digestion (Seguro et
treated tetanus and diptheria. Nevertheless, due to the al., 1996; Yokoyama et al., 2004). In the past, the
toxicity of the chemicals used as cross-link glutenins, limited availability and high cost of transglutaminase
future research should take place in order to analyze limited its application. Nowadays, transglutaminase
the aldehyde residues remaining in the film and their from a microbial source that is significantly lower in
migration in the event of these materials being used in price is commercially available from Ajinomoto Inc.
direct contact with foods. Additional rigorous studies (Kawasaki, Japan). This makes its potential use as a
into the use of non-toxic alternative cross-linkers cross-linker in films feasible.
need to be undertaken.

International Food Research Journal 16: 1-9

4 Bourtoom, T.

Figure 2. The reaction catalyzed of glutamyltransferases (Source: Yee et al., 1994)

Polymerization using transglutaminase has been (Table 1). Babin and Dickinson (2001) observed that
investigated with various protein sources including treatment with transglutaminase could present both
a-casein, soy proteins and gelatin, where different positive and negative effects on the strength of gelatin
responses in gel strength were dependant on the Types A and B. This depended on the order in which
reaction conditions and on the different protein the cross-linkages were formed, and whether before
sources (Sakamoto et al., 1994). The increase in or after the formation of junction zones induced by the
gel strength of proteins submitted to the action of cooling of the solution to temperatures below 35oC.
transglutaminase depended on the order and intensity Oh et al. (2004) used transglutaminase to produce
by which the enzyme produced cross-links, and the whey protein or casein films by incorporating zein
extent to which these new covalent linkages could hydrolysate. These films exhibited higher elongation
impede the physical cross-linkages occurring during values but lower tensile strength without any
renaturation and formation of the triple helix during significant effects on the water vapor permeability of
gel formation (Babin and Dickinson, 2001). Mahmoud the protein films. Transglutaminase catalysed cross-
and Savello (1993) investigated the production of link reactions between casein and zein molecules
whey protein films using transglutaminase as the which resulted in improving the flexibility of the
catalytic cross-linking enzyme. Transglutaminase films. The heterologous cross-linking between two
could catalyze the covalent polymerization of whey proteins by transglutaminase probably depends on
protein. However, the effect of using transglutaminase the thermodynamic compatibility of mixing of the
on a films permeability was not available. Stuchell substrate proteins at the enzymes active site (Han
and Krochta (1994) studied enzymatic treatments and Damodaran, 1996).
on edible soy protein films. The results showed that
treatment with horseradish peroxidase provided no Modification of edible protein films by combination
further improvement in water vapor permeability, but with hydrophobic materials
increased tensile strength and protein solubility and The barrier properties of bio-polymeric films are
decreased elongation. Yildirim et al. (1996) prepared important parameters when considering a suitable
biopolymer from crosslinking whey protein isolate barrier for use in foods and food packaging. Protein
and soybean by transglutaminase. The biopolymer films are generally good barriers against oxygen
showed excellent stability, thus using polymers at low and intermediate relative humidity (RH)
should result in the formation of better water and have good mechanical properties, but they are
moisture barrier films. Larre et al. (2000) showed poor barriers against water vapor. Being a poor
that transglutaminase was effective in introducing barrier is due to their hydrophilic character. In many
covalent bonds into films obtained from slightly applications, a better barrier against water vapor is
deamidated gluten. The establishment of these preferable since low levels of water activity must be
covalent bonds induced the formation of polymers of maintained in low-moisture foods to prevent texture
high molecular weight that were responsible for the degradation and to minimize deteriorative chemical
greater insolubility of the treated films but a reduced and enzymatic reactions (Kester and Fennema,
surface hydrophobicity. Mechanical properties 1986). Therefore, the hydrophobic properties of
showed that the addition of covalent bonds by the use lipids are exploited for their great water barrier
of transglutaminase increased the films integrity and properties, and especially high melting point lipids,
heavy-duty capacity as well as its capacity to stretch such as beeswax or carnauba wax (Shellhammer and

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Edible protein films: properties enhancement 5

Krochta, 1997; Morillon et al., 2002). A composite and canauba wax. These films showed good water
film made of a protein and a lipid can be divided into barrier properties, but poor mechanical properties
laminates (in which the lipid is a distinct layer within and residual waxy taste. McHugh and Krochta
or atop the biopoly-meric films) and emulsions (in (1994a) developed whey protein-lipid emulsion
which the lipid is uniformly dispersed throughout films and found that the water vapor permeability of
the biopolymeric film). Both the laminate and films was reduced through lipid incorporation. Fatty
emulsion films offer advantages. The laminate films acid and beeswax emulsion films exhibited very low
are easier to apply with regard to the temperature, water vapor permeability. Gontard et al. (1994)
due to the distinct natures of the support matrix and reported that beeswax was the most effective lipid
lipid (Koelsch, 1994). During the casting of the lipid to improve moisture barrier of films prepared from
onto the protein film, the temperatures of the film wheat gluten. Combining wheat gluten protein with
and lipid can easily be controlled separately. When diacetyl tartaric ester monoglycerides reduced water
producing the emulsion films, the temperature of the vapor permeability, increasing tensile strength and
emulsion must be above the lipid-melt temperature maintained transparency. Park et al. (1994) reduced
but below the temperature for solvent volatilization water vapor permeability of corn zein by lamination
of the structural network. The main disadvantage of with methylcellulose and zein-fatty acid (lauric
the laminated films, however, is that the preparation acid, plamitic or blended of stearic acid and palmitic
technique requires four stages; two casting and two acid). Shih (1994) found that alkylated complexes
drying stages. This is why the laminated films are less (protein-propylene glycol alginate) showed better
popular in the food industry despite their being good film making properties and good stability in water
barriers against water vapor (De-beaufort and Voilley, but the non-edibility of the specific reducing agent
1995). The preparation of the emulsion films requires sodium cyanoborohydride may limit its use with
only one casting and one drying stage, but the finished food. Anker et al. (2002) produced composite whey
films are still rather poor barriers against water vapor, protein isolated-lipid films (laminate and emulsion
since the water molecules still permeate through films) to improve the barrier against water vapor. The
the non-lipid phase. The reason for this is the non- laminated whey protein-lipid film decreased the water
homogeneous distribution of lipids. However, they vapor permeability 70 times compared with the WPI
have the advantages of exhibiting good mechanical film. The water vapor permeability of the emulsion
resistance, and to require a single step during the films was half the value of the whey protein isolated
manufacture and application process, against one step film. Regarding the mechanical properties, the results
per layer for multilayer films. It has been shown that showed that the lipid functioned as an apparent
for emulsion-based films the smaller the lipid globule plasticizer by enhancing the fracture properties of
size is, and the more homogeneously distributed they the emulsion films. Bertan et al. (2005) incorporated
are, the lower the water vapor permeability (McHugh the Brazilian elemi (highly hydrophobic resinous
and Krochta, 1994; Debeaufort and Voilley, 1995; oil) into a gelatin film using a blend of palmitic and
Perez-Gago and Krochta, 2001). Many researchers stearic acids, and evaluated the physicochemical
have examined the water vapor permeability and characteristics of the resulting films, all of which
mechanical properties of composite films made from contained triacetin as the plasticizer. For films with
proteins with added lipids. For example, composite added acids, the blend and the elemi presented
protein-lipid films had lower water vapor permeability better water vapor barrier properties as compared to
values than control protein films from caseinates the gelatin/triacetin film. However, the mechanical
(Avena-Bustillos and Krochta, 1993), whey protein resistance decreased with the addition of the lipids
(McHugh and Krochta, 1994a,b; Banerjee and Chen, and the opacity and soluble matter increased.
1995; Perez-Gago and Krochta, 1999; Berntsen,
2000), zein (Weller et al., 1998), and wheat gluten Modification of edible protein films by irradiation
(Gennadios et al, 1993; Gontard et al., 1994). The Although proteins are known for having good film
reduced migration of moisture in bicomponent foods forming abilities, protein films have rather moderate
has also been studied. Ukai et al. (1976) patented barrier properties. It is therefore necessary to search
the use of protein-lipid emulsion (caseinate-based for new compositions and processes in order to obtain
emulsion) for coating agricultural products. Guilbert better products. To improve the functional properties
(1986) developed bilayer emulsion protein based of protein films, cross-linking agents or ionizing
films using casein or gelatin, and stearic-palmitic acid radiation have been tried (Yamada et al., 1995; Rhim

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6 Bourtoom, T.

et al., 1999; Vachon et al., 2000). Gamma-irradiation gamma-irradiation. The results clearly indicate that
affects proteins by causing conformational changes, the molecular properties of soy protein isolated
oxidation of amino acids, and the rupture of covalent film forming solutions could be altered by gamma
bonds and formation of protein free radicals (Cheftel irradiation. Therefore, gamma irradiation can be a
et al., 1985). Chemical changes in the proteins that useful tool as a cross-linking agent to improve the
are caused by gamma-irradiation are fragmentation, functional properties of soy protein isolated films. Lee
cross-linking, aggregation, and oxidation by oxygen et al. (2005) studied the effect of gamma-irradiation
radicals that are generated in the radiolysis of water on the physiocochemical properties of gluten films.
(Schuessler and Schilling, 1984; Filali-Mouhim et
al., 1997; Cho and Song, 2000). For example, the
hydroxyl and super oxide anion radicals that are Conclusion
generated by radiation of film forming solution could
modify the molecular properties of the proteins, which The properties enhancement characteristics
results in the alteration of protein films by covalent of edible protein can be applied with chemical and
cross-linkages formed in protein solutions after enzymatic methods, combining with hydrophobic
irradiation (Garrison, 1987). Cross-linking induced material or some polymers or using a physical method.
through using gamma irradiation was found to be an The resulting film properties depend on modification
effective method for the improvement of both barrier methods and conditions. The enzyme and chemical
and mechanical properties of the edible films and modifications were efficient in lowering water vapor
coatings based on protein. Indeed, the irradiation of permeability, with the former showing itself more
aqueous protein solutions generate hydroxyl radicals efficient as compared to the native film, but neither the
(*OH) that produce stable compounds like bityrosine enzyme treatment nor the glyoxal chemical treatment
(Brault et al., 1997). Lacroixa et al. (2002) reported were efficient in improving the mechanical properties,
that gamma-irradiation was efficient for inducing although treatment with formaldehyde resulted in a
cross-links in whey, casein and soya proteins significant increase in tensile strength. Nevertheless,
edible films. The cross-linking reactions affected due to the toxicity of the chemicals used to cross-link
moderately the protein structure. Modification of protein, application of chemical modification must
protein conformation could be a result of irradiation raise the issue of the aldehyde residues remaining
treatment, inducing modified structures that are more in the film and their migration in the event of these
ordered and more stable. Ouattara et al. (2002) used materials being used in direct contact with foods.
gamma irradiation cross-linking to improve the Composite edible protein films in combination with
water vapor permeability and the chemical stability lipids can result in better functionality than films
of milk protein films. The results showed that produced with only proteins, especially with respect
gamma irradiation significantly (p< 0:05) reduced to their barrier properties. Of the lipids, waxes produce
water vapor permeability and increased resistance to the best water vapor barrier properties, but produce
microbial and enzymatic biodegradation. An increase fragile and/or brittle films. Gamma-irradiation affects
in the concentration of high molecular weight proteins proteins by causing conformational changes, oxidation
in the film forming solution was also observed. of amino acids, and rupture of covalent bonds and
Two hypotheses may explain the effect on gamma- formation of protein free radicals. Chemical changes
irradiation: (i) the participation of more molecular in the proteins that are caused by gamma-irradiation
residues in intermolecular interactions when used in are fragmentation, cross-linking, aggregation, and
proteins with different physicochemical properties; oxidation by oxygen radicals that are generated in
and (ii) the formation of inter- and/or intra-molecular the radiolysis of water. For example the hydroxyl
covalent cross-links in the film-forming solutions and super oxide anion radicals that are generated by
(Ouattara et al., 2002). Lee et al. (2004) stated that the radiation of film forming solution could modify the
gamma irradiation of soy protein isolated solutions molecular properties of the proteins, which results
caused the disruption of the ordered structure of the in the alteration of protein films by covalent cross-
soy protein isolated molecules, as well as degradation, linkages formed in protein solution after irradiation.
cross-linking, and aggregation of the polypeptide Using gamma irradiation to induce cross-linking was
chains, which all results in decreased water vapor found to be an effective method for the improvement
permeability by 13%. In addition, the tensile strength of both barrier and mechanical properties of the edible
of the soy protein isolated films doubled through films and coatings based on protein.

International Food Research Journal 16: 1-9

Edible protein films: properties enhancement 7

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