Blackest Night Reading Order
Blackest Night Reading Order
Blackest Night Reading Order
This Reading Order is only for those who like single issues sequenced. Got it? This
is not about Trades, but about issue-to-issue continuity. Some events, like the
hunt for the Anti-Monitor's body, smoothly flow back and forth between both Green
Lantern and Green Lantern Corps. I think it makes very interesting reading to see
the progress made by the two Lanterns on their quest. Also, Scar's plans are
revealed better in this sequencing, in the order they actually happen, not by TPB
title or anything like that.
Blackest Night:
Green Lantern #43 - Prologue
Blackest Night #0
Blackest Night #1 - Power Levels 0.01% to 0.02%
Green Lantern Corps #39 - Issue happens side-by-side with BN #1.
Green Lantern #44 - Power Levels 0.75% to 1.20%
Blackest Night #2 - Power Levels 2.63% to 3.43%
Blackest Night: Batman #1 - No power levels but the Bat Symbol is destroyed.
Blackest Night: Superman #1 - Power Levels 3.44% to 3.82%
Blackest Night: Titans #1 - No power level's but Hawk is out of his grave.
Green Lantern #45 - Power Levels 45.43%
Green Lantern Corps #40 - Power Levels 45.96% to 46.31%
Blackest Night: Batman #2 - Power Levels 46.65% to 47.01%
Blackest Night #3 - Power Levels 50.32% to 56.59%
Adventure Comics #4
Adventure Comics #5
Justice League of America #38
Blackest Night: Superman #2
Suicide Squad #67 - Power Level's 57.01%
Blackest Night: Titans #2 - Power Level's 57.03%
Green Lantern #46 - Power Level's 75.25%
Blackest Night: Batman #3
The Phantom Stranger #42 - Takes place after BN: Batman #3 due to Deadman's
Catwoman #83 - The blackout in Gotham is mentioned.
Green Lantern Corps #41 - Power Level's 85.26%
Blackest Night: Superman #3 - Power Levels 93.01%
Blackest Night: Titans #3
Outsiders #23
Outsiders #24
Outsiders #25
Solomon Grundy #7 - After BN: Batman.
Superman/Batman #66 - The blackout may be a BN: Batman reference.
Superman/Batman #67
R.E.B.E.L.S. #10 - Occurs before GL #47.
Green Lantern #47 - Sinestro calls his Corps to Korugar.
R.E.B.E.L.S. #11 - Vril Dox ignores Sinestro's call to the Yellow Lanterns. Adam
Strange suggests combing ring power to defeat the Black Lanterns, as done in GL
R.E.B.E.L.S. #12 - Final scenes of the R.E.B.E.L.S. and Starro fighting the Black
Blackest Night #4 100% - Nekron Rises. BL Ronnie kills Gehenna.
Blackest Night: Flash #1
Justice League of America #39 - The Hall of Justice is still full of Black Lantern
JLAers in BN#4, so this must come afterwards. Dr. Light is licking Gehenna's dead
head of salt. Perhaps when magically transporting from Happy Harbor to the Hall of
Justice, Zatanna & Co. missed Barry's update broadcast to the rest of the heroes.
Justice League of America #40
Doom Patrol #4 - The Chief gets Barry's alert from BN #4/BN:Flash #1.
Doom Patrol #5
Booster Gold #26 - Rip & Skeets get Barry's alert from BN #4/BN:Flash #1.
Booster Gold #27
Teen Titans #77
Teen Titans #78
Secret Six #17 - Continuing from Suicide Squad #67
Secret Six #18
Weird Western Tales #71
Starman #81 - The Darkness overtaking Opal City is probably due to Nekron rising or
BL David Knight's power; does not need to be so early in the list.
The Power of Shazam #48 - Osiris' BL connection being severed was way too early in
Brik's list. A book released so far into the storyline should not retroactively be
the first severed connection.
The Question #37 - Vic's body grew from the hairs in Tot's possession. Plus, the
heroes learn about how to evade the Black Lanterns because of Barry's broadcast in
BN #4/BN:Flash #1.
Blackest Night: JSA #1 - Damage has been killed by BL Jean Loring, causing Nekron
to rise, but Liberty Belle is looking for Grant and he's not seen immediately after
becoming a Black Lantern, so there is time for the above interlude issues with the
other heroes dealing with the Black Lanterns in their lives.
Green Lantern Corps #42 - Power Levels 100%, and "100% Power Level Exceeded."
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #1
Green Lantern #48
Blackest Night #5
Green Lantern Corps #43
Green Lantern #49
Blackest Night #6
Green Arrow #30 - After BN #6 but before Adventure Comics #7.
Adventure Comics #7 - BL Wonder Woman is shown several times. This is before Diana
becomes a Star Sapphire.
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #2
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #3 - Takes place in-between pages at the end of BN #6.
Blackest Night: Flash #2
Green Lantern Corps #44
Blackest Night: Flash #3 - At the end everyone races toward the Spectre.
Green Lantern #50 - Parallax Rebirth. The Spectre is fought.
Blackest Night: JSA #2
Blackest Night: JSA #3 - Dr. Mid-Nite refers to "The main battle front in Coast
City" and Mr. Terrific says, "The rest is up to the Green Lantern Corps." These
references move this issue after BN #5 because all of the Lanterns are off in space
before this. "The main battle front" doesn't start until the end of BN #5.
The Atom and Hawkman #46 - The other Corps' are fighting the Spectre as seen in GL
Green Lantern #51 - The Spectre is defeated and Parallax is taken away.
Green Lantern Corps #45 - The GLC appear to transport to Earth.
Blackest Night #7 - Sinestro as White Lantern.
Green Lantern Corps #46
Green Lantern #52
Green Lantern Corps #47 - Listed as a Brightest Day tie-in, but it's truly a
Blackest Night Aftermath.