Progress Lighting Catalog 1990

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Thls Progress L ghting ldeos Book otfers Tosk lighting is whot you need for specific
you o full rcnge of se ect ons to suil your oc liv|res sJc l^ os ( ool. 19. 'eod no.
decorotlng sly e ond your budget You ore schoo work, hobbies, shov ng ond opp ying
'J ly qLO i"ed to more T'loqe cFoices mokeup lt prevents eye stroin ond
you rself occ dents Position the lights so you don'1
cost shodows on the work and so the lght
When i1 comes io I ght ng equ pment ond doesn't sh ne direcily inlo your eyes or
iechniques to moke the most of your refleci off the work surfoce nto your eyes
nvestment n furnishings to eose your
iosks to contribute 10 your comfort ond When you plon your I ght nq, cons der
sofeiy you moy woni some ossislonce. everyone n your home ond where their
Suggestons ond ideos ore lhroughoul th s oct v ties wi loke ploce.
book Storl with the three types of I ght ng.
Here ore some suggest ons for speciflc losks
Generol lighling s the overoll il uminotion ond oreos.
vou need for cosucl seeing, for comfod ond Bedrooms For reod ng in bed, cons der
home so{ely lt soflens controsls belrleen "honging lomps" ( n ihe Dinelle, Holl & Foyer
br ghiy Llghied losk oreos ond the or Pendont seclions) to sove spoce on
su(ound ngs Suggeslions for genero tob es for rodios or phones. A so consider
light ng ore on poge 87. trock ighis or wo I ights wilh ndivlduol
Accenl lighling enhonces the colors of your swiiches. You w ll wont good lighting for
dress ng, for see ng inio drowers ond closets
furnishings, h ghllghts ortwork, plcnts, woll
(see poges '105 & 180). Youngsters often ploy
honglngs ond the texture of wolls. You con
ochieve superior occent ighting with ond study ot o desk or on the bed. They
Progress low voltoge trock ond recessed
need h gh leve ighting in these creos.


Kitchens Avoid shodows on the work surfoce

e by mouniing fixlures os necrly os posslb e
over the cenier of ihe sink or counters. lf
using recessed ncondescenis wih a 100w CHANDELIERS ............... .2
"A" or o 75w refleclor flood. insto I on Selecting o chondelier ............ 21
centers equol to holf the distonce from the HALL & FOYER. ..............50
ce i^9 to 'f e worl s-rfoce 41 e^e gV sovi.,g DTNETTES. ........64
olternotve is o 20w to 40w fluorescent
f xlure. For work oreos under cobinets. nsto
PENDANIS ........70
low volioge "H de-A-L tes" (poge 92) or
DIMMERS. .......76
f uorescenl undercobinet ights (poge 101) WALL LtGHlS. ...............77
o ong the front edge of cob nets For see ng MULTT-PURPOSE. .............82
into cob nets, insloll ceil ng fixtures 18" lo 24" KICHEN HrDE-A-LtTES"', . . . . . . . ..........92
from the cobinets. For the k lchen toble. FLUORESCENTS ............. .94
you' probobly want o decorolive honging Undercobinet. ........,10,1
f x1u re BATH &VANrry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,106

Reoding For chcirs, instoll o wall or o

"Broodwoy" strips.................,1,16
hong ng fjxture so thot the boilom of the ouTDooR .......119
shode is neor eye evel, obout 48" obove HPS & MV. . .. .. .. .. ....147
the fioor. For beds, poslt on the f xture oi Posts & mountings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
shoulder he ght, Locale il s lghtly beh nd system
Ovollo'd ........154
ond 20" 1o ihe lefl or right of the reod ng Londscope. . .. ........ 159
moter ol, l00w or 150w recommended. Cylinders & squores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
(conlinued an poge 84 Hord-Nox'" ............17O
RECESSED. .......172
Step & corridor .... ...490
EXIT & EMERGENCY ... .., . , .194
TRACK. . .. .. .. . . .'t92
|NDEX.... .. ..... 208

Pub shed by Progress, the noUon's orgest

monufocturer of resldenliol ond cornmerc ol
lghl nq fixlures

V An selection of
extensive loshions ond linishes

Progress Lighting's eiTens ve

chondel er co lect on offers select ons
for virtuo ]y every decor f rom
Amer cono to outhent c Vlclorion
reproduct ons, f rom Trcd tionol
through Tronsit onol 10 Contemporory
The blend of texiures cnd
moter o s rcnge from sol d bross
io scovo gloss, f rom ccry ics 1o
o obosler, from ceromics to fine ieod
crysto Fin shes vory f rom po ishecl or
oni que bross io verde or b eoched
ook, ond the precious r chness of
siver or 24k gold
A I ore fitl ng centerpieces for the
dln ng room ond olhef orecs such os
bedrooms, fom y rooms ond foyers.

lvlemories of grond bcr lrooms ond

ovsh crysio eegonce ore ref ected
in the gloss coscodes of these stotely
chonde ers Vorying lengths of c ear
beve ed ond po ished ponels drope
from po ished so d bross coronos. The
oyered beveled g oss creoles
{osc not ng prismcic dlspoys of
'Or-OOw t6ftO( - O Ot O S. -^ e irg
ref ect ons

TC403l-10 (rgD A short crown oi beveled

g oss rises obove three efglhs of oyered, cieor
beveled gl0ss p0rels F ery spork es fiom four
nlernol levels of bulbs. Po ished solrd brOss
coronos 22 d0. 33%" hl. Over0l frl: chorn
60"; w re l0'. Twelve cl bulbs, e0ch 60w mox

TC363l-l0 DFta,4 C"tt1q r'r'o ,to

lenglhs of loyered, c eOr beve ed g oss Po shed
so id brOss crowf I 4" d o . I 5,/, hl. Four c
b!lbs eoch 60w mox

TC4030-10 (/efi) Three engths of t0yered. c e0. beveted g oss

pofels suspended lrom o crown of po ished sold bross 22' d 0,
22r,/i' nl Ouera ) hl: ch0in 60 ; w re l 0 N ne al br bs. eOch
60w mox

TC4029-10 .boto,A.it1,.ov6 gr, p r 't .pq.. a ^

0i,rroot6rrHqdo'ol,lt!6 lo^q.. O.too hoparql
l00oa 1ot ,.O A r 'tq.o p ."p,t.Ol 0o I /- On .a
hl Overo ht cho n 60"; wire l0 Nine lc bu bs, eoclt 60w mcx

TC7l34-10 Woll scorce of c eor beveled glOss Gl0ss n iffor on fc- Candelbro bose bulb
lhe nir guing rei eclions Po ished sOlrd bross
bockplote mu t pl es
0rch 14"W,9 hl. Extends 7". Two [0] buibs, e0ch60wmox Progress choin hung f xlures come wilh enOuqh w re ior I 0' ov-"r0 I hl


Crystol dignily Elegance. Allure Al

ore embod ed n these exqulsite
formo foshions The intricote
pollerns of cul cryslo ore
reproduced wiih lhe odditiono
oppeo of groy-cui florol
decorot ons. Deeply curved solid
bross orms ore resp endent wiih
cosl flourishes. The ornomeniol
orms. column occents, fin ol ond
cond es oll ore polshed n your
cho ce of bross or siver

1C2982-10 Po ished soid bross. Wo I

sconce. Cle0r cryslol bobeches w th elched
for0 occenls 133/i V'/..qff' ht
6%"Two lel bu bs. eoch 60w mox
TC2982-18 Polished silver on so d brOss

TC4082-'l8 Pollshed silvel on so id bross

Regol cryslo ch0ndelier. Crysi0 column
ond bobeches feoture eiched f orol
decoroflors 26 ata 20 il Oveoll':
cnan 42")wie l0'. Five [Q] bulbs, eoch
60w mox.
TC4082-10 Polished sold bross

Progress choln hung f xlures come wilh

enough w re for l0' overoll hl

The rhy,thmic symmelry of mporled
eod crysto swirls oround scu pted
pol shed solid bross D stinclive y
scro lecl orms omp ify ihe bold
contours of th s honclsome
T'or ,'or o d^c O' . /r\.

TC3356 Wo I brocket Polshed solid bruss.

Sw r W . B i/3 ' hl. Exlends
ed eod crvslo . 6"
I /,' One c eor M bulb. 60w mox

TC4557 S x Orm chOnde er w lft lwo odd I ono ghls n the 0corn cerler llowl
P0 sled sohd brOss Sw red eod Iryslo 3 woy swilch for shodes, cefler iqhl or bolh
28 do 22 hl overolhi rhOrn 60 wrel0 Eght cle0r M butbs. eoch 60w mox

TC2958 Wo I brockel Polshed so d br0ss

Sw rled le0d cryslo 7rli" wide, 8/," hl
Exlefds l0fi'
ore cieor Tl bu b. l00w mox

-7 F S\,,/ rted eod cr\ist0l 23 diO
ve llghl chOnde ier Po slred so d br0ss f,4olchifg cei ng bow s shown or poge 82
'tOroroI r '0t1.
,l" 0 Eve e0 [vbtO<"OI 00^ mo^
n [4ed um bOse bu]lt lc Condel0bro bose bulb
(hrpon on l xture of poge ndrcoied

Rich 24 korot gold over sol d
bross comp ements the spork ing
2loo tr,r leod c'ystol , o 1/ of th ,
^lagotr \eO( ossCO COle( lon
Superb y forrTred orms, decoroled
wiih groceful scrolls ond
orncmenls. reoch oul to hand-
blown cleor crystoL shodes Ihese
toll, clossicollV flored shcdes
feoture cui diomond ond groy
cul floro designs which decorote
ecch crystcl piece ln the
co lect on.
Becouse hand blown crystol
hos chorocler stic voriotions n
lh ckness ond we ght, o noiched
cho n loop s provided for
convenient bc onc ng ond
level ng of the chonde iers

TC4524 Generously scoled Neoc oss col

chcfde er for 0Tger 0re0s 24k gold over
sol d bross. D omond cul lu I leod cryst0 .

29" dto..2)'/i'hl overol hl cho n 42";

wire l0' E ght cleor E bulbs, eoch 60w

lvlolch ng ce rng bows ore shown on

page 82

1C2922 wo.tgr \.^,ot' ,coTca 24, qs.6 6'" . s TC292l Wol sconce. 24k
b 0,.) D 0-rro'r0 cJt l. I p00 ct /\l tl .Fooe\ | 1 , '. gold over sol d bross D omond
wide l9" ht Exlends 6%". Two cleor iclbu bs. e0ch cul lul leod cryslol shode 5'
60w mox wde 19" hl Exlerds 9" One
cieor ic bulb. 60w mox

TC3726 Ihree I qht crvsl0 urnwihsmoke

bel 24k gold over solld bross Domofd cul
fu I eod cryslol l5rl" do.25" ht.Over0l
hl: chcin 60'; w re l 0 Three cle0r c bu bs.
eoch 60w mox

TC4523 Six ighl neoclossicOl ch0ndet er 24k gold over solidbross D 0mond cul iut eod
cryslol 27"da,211' hl.Overolhl: chorn 42"; wre l0' Sx ceorplbubs. eoch 60w

:tl0onde 0br0 bose bulb Progress cho n hung Jx tures come wtlh enoltqh w re lor lO overO l hl.

The theme of this Contemporory Art Deco

design is poim fronds, the c oss c symbo
of lriumph ond excellence The f uted,
sotin etched polm leoves ore hond
pressed g oss, fo thfu ly shoped ond
deio ed. Eoch crches from o rich sett ng
of 24k go d over so icl brass The f uied
column hos forged eof ho ders wh ch
repeot the polm frond pollern t r ses to
o stv ized crown which echos the gentle
orch of the g oss shodes


TC298l Two liglrl w0l sconce 24k go d over

so id brOss Hond pressed 0nd elched g oss
shOdes l 5/,
wide. 9" ht Exlefds 9" Two c-l bu bs,
eocfr 60w mox

TC3786 Disiinclive p0lm frond cel ng llghl 24k

ooro o\et ,o r0 Dr0>, I o'd D d\ ad Ord e" pd
qa\,.l odpq 25 oo 0 t r' o-oq
eoch 60w mox.

TC4081 Six-lighl po m lrond ch0ndellet 24k god

over so d bross Hord pressed Ond elched g Oss
shodes. 251l." dlo, I3l/. hl Overol ht chO n 42 ;
l,r.-0 . -oLrb "0. Io0I-no'

TC4083 Two l ered polm leof chordel er in lhe

llnest Arl Deco trodLlion 24k god over so d bross
Hond'pressed 0nd elched glOss shodes. 251" d 0,
2l, hi overoll ht chO|42"; wre lO NireEl
bu bs. eoch 60w mox


TC298l TC3 786


Progress presents o contemporory
grouping rich in sclnl llol ng leod
cryslo ond 24k gold p ating over
so d bross
Here is delicocy of ne n s im,
ir m bobeches ond fine y drown,
f ow ng orms
Tr ongulor shofts of leod crysiol
offer soflly stoted elegonce. Eoch
pr sm is hond cut ond polished to
jewe - ike br lionce which iniens fies
ts chorocter stic, colorful dlspioy of
roinbow ref roctions.

TC4256 Relined elegonce. Two iiered,

iwe ve c0ndle conlemporory chordel e[ 24k
gold over so d bross. Tri0ngu 0r ecd cryslol
p,5n: 26' do 20 I olprol -rl .l-or
42"; w re )O' . Twelve lcl bu bs. eoch 60w

1C2955 (above) Two lighl wol scofce 24k

0o d ov" qold b 0.. -'0, gr t0.eodu,y5lo
p rs. II wde-- i f eros 6 I',!o
bu bs, eoch 60w mox

1C4255 (leff) Two tier, nine I ghi

conlemporory clronde er 24k qo d over so ld
br0ss Triongulor leOd crysio V)sms.22/,
d o , 20" ht Overo I hl: cho n 42"; wre 10'.
nr Nine [c bulbs. eoch 60w mox

Progress ch0in hufg f xiures come w th enough w re

lor l0' overo hl c Cond obro bose bulb

Ang es cnd spheres drow ihe
dominont dimensions of th s s ngulor
series Aloboster, verde ond po ished
brcss g ve it substonce ond color for
your se ection.
I oLl- o'oboster corrponen'.
ofler be ng shoped cnd smoothly
po ished, disploys its chorocterstc,
trons ucenl whiteness often wilh o
un quely nd viduo potlern of ferriie
morb ing.
Consider them w1h or wthout
optionol shodes,

TC5003-25 (below) Contempor0ry

lorchiere pend0ni of sold bross wilh 0n
impressive lrcns ucenl 0l0bOsier bow. 22%"
da ,32' hl Overoll ht: ch0in 56"; wire l0'
One M bu b. l00wmox
TC5003-,l0 Polished sol d bross

TC4000-10 wlh lc870l-10 oplonO shodes.
Pol shed solid bross Al0bosJer s x I gh1
chondelier 26" diO, IBZ ht.0ver0Iht choin 42"; i
wireI0' mox
Six El bulbs, eoch 60w I
TC4000-25 Verde on solid bross
h' lll lrll
\- ,F
TC2900-10 Polished so d bross. Wo I brocket 5%' W.
6r"hl. Extends 9%" one [0] bulb, 60w rnox.
TC2900-25 Verde on solid bross

0ptionol metol shodes

TC870l -10 Pol shed brOss C p on meiol shOdes, wh le
r e ljl"d'0 0eole
releulivi'y 7 do 4 hl
TC870l -25

El C0fdel0br0 bose bulb M l\y'edium bose bu f)

Progress choin-hung lixiures come w th enough wire for I0' overo I hl

The deep, wh te tronslucenl beouly

of oloboster ond the gleoming
r chness of 24k. Aald ore blended
here n un que v suc hormony
Soor ng scu plures of 24k gold
p oied so d brass reoch upword
trom the sweep ng flow of squorecl
orms. The smooth shope ond pur jy
of o oboster ore counlerpo nts of
co umn ond bobeches. Tcstefu
quo ily s ev dent ln the t ered
deto ling crnd golden condles.

TC2990-09 Two.lght wo I sconce Whrle

0 ollOslr 0rd 24k 0old over so id bross
1311," W , 9r" hl iwo Lc llu bs. och,
60w mox.

TC426l -09 Dslrclvey scutptured
d"," o, \at ! o obO\..I 0 r0 po t\teo
71. qodo." oooo 2b, dto. lB r'
Overol hl: cho n 42')w rc lA' S x clbu bs,
eocfr 60w mox

TC870l -10 oplionol shodes. Order

seporole y i0 Odd bo dness Ond body 10
TC2903-10 or TC4l03 l0
Po shed
bross, wh le nner ined lor greoler
reflectiv ty 7" dio , 4

shown w lh
TC870l -r 0
optionol shodes
Shown wllhout
shodes on poge l3

1C4223 (obove) Iwa |et

Coflemporory chofde ier To I white
cord es reoch upword from bolh ends
ol deep y curved po ished bross orms
22" dto.,20" hi Overol hi choln 42";
wre l0'Twelve qbulbs, eoch 60w

1C4224 t tnht) Ihrce liet

Coniempororr/ chonde er of cleOn I ned
beouty. T0ll while c0ndles slOnd ir
splendid symmelry on deeply curved
po jshed bross orms 26" dio., 22'/2"
ht Overol-alhl cho n 42"r w re l0'
Eighteen bu bs, eoch 60w mox.

An oiry composition of ongles

ond fiow ng curves. Sllvered
meto I c condles sil otop pol shed
solid bross orms. A s lvered
column rod ond mlnioture
sivered spheres complete lhe

TC2903-10 l\4Olching w0 Ibrockel.

Pol shed sold br0ss wilh polshed s lver
0ccenls B/
5'W., ht Extends 9" One
c bu b. 60w mox

TC4t03_10 D-.i.r, I,v"\ ("ypo \\tq I

chonde rer Pol shed sold tlross w lh

po lshed si ver c0fd es ond 0ccenls 30"
dia , 22 /^" hl Six E-l bulbs. eoch 60w mox.
ql o{r l' Op'ior 0 TC8l0- r0 cSodp-
olr pOge^ l 2
i ,,t
, ;,,:.' ' ::;


P Cofde obro bose bulb

Progress choin hung fixlures come w lh
enough wire for l0' overol hl

A Cosmopoliion b end of d st nctive

des gn, texlure ond co or
Europeons cc old g oss,
somelimes uneorihed from
orcheologico d gs, "scovo" or
excovoled gloss. Th s often refers to
onl que Elruscon gloss which wos
shoped bV cost ng ii in sond molds
As the g oss cooled, ts surfcce
usuo ly held some o{ the sond, so
eoch piece of this o d g oss hod the
look ond feel of rondom texture

Progress hos recoptured ihe

look of "scovo" gloss in this series
wh ch o so boosts unique, distinciive
designs ond f n shes.
The vercle fin sh offers sol d bross
with o trod tionolly rich blue green
pot na os if noturo ly oged. The terro
siucco finish offers o ghte[ br ghle[
more conlempoTory sun-country
oppeo Boh o e decoroto'(I oicos

TC4l6l-25 Verde This scovo goss

chonde er ollers the unique oppeo of 0
conlemporory onlqle So d bross wilh
etched g oss shodes ond bowl 26" di0
-0 ,
7/ l- ov"'o | 1l Llo - 42 o
Fve ii;il tlulbs, eoch l00w mox ^l
ofe M buJb, 40w mox in cenler bow
TC4l 6l -48 Terr0 slucco on solid bross


TC3660-25 Verde. Sc0vo cerlng bow ol elched

gloss I
d bross I8'
sol d0 , 13./," hl Two lr'1
bu bs eoch 60w mox
TC3660-48 Terro slucco 0n sold bross
TC5r 60-48
TC5l60-25 TC5l60-48 Terro slucco Chorn hung lorchiere oi
so id bross wilh "sc0vo" elchd qloss bowl lB"
da,29'/', hl 0ver0 lhl: chon 42'; wre l0'. Two
14 bulbs. eoch l00w mox
TC5l60-25 Verd on sold bross
TC7l59-25 Verde Woll sconce of so id bross ond
"scovo" etched gloss l8/:'W, 7r" hi Exlnds
9% one r.r brlb l00w mox
TC7l59-48 Tero slucco on so d brcss

llll [/edium bose bu b

TCT r 59-25 Progrss cho n hung f xlures come wilh enolglt w re

TCT r 59-48 for l0'
overol hi

TC2902-47 Foux gronite cnd polished

sold bross. Wol sconce motches
TC4l02. Po ished bross orm wilh cOst
scro I supports c0ndle with c ip on melol
shode. 6" W. l0%" ht Extends 10" One
g bulb, 60w mox.
1C2902-14 Satjn nickel ond polished
solid bross


TC4l02-47 Foux gronite ond polished

solld bross. one of o kind beouly.
Polished bross orms w th sweep ng cosl
scrolls suppori bross 0ccenled bobeches.
lncluded clip-on metOl shOdes ore while
innerlined for moximum reflectiv ty 27"
dio., l5" ht overoll hl choin 42"; wire
l0'. Five lel bulbs. eoch 60w rnox
TC4l02-14 S0tln nickel ond polished
solid bross


E Condelobro bose blrlb

Progrss ch0 n-hung fixlures come wiih
enough w re for l0' overoll ht.

TC4l05-'10 A clossic blend of pollerrecl

bl0ck n'r0rble ond polished solid bross
give lhis ch0ndelier o singul0r gr0ce 0nd
chorm. Scrolled, polshed br0ss orms 0nd
0ccenls comp emenl ihe deep rich be0uty
of the po ished block morb e. 25" dlo .
lB rl 0!"ol h'cnor 48-w e l0
Five O bulbs, eoch 60w mox.

TC4l04-25 Velde ord bleoched pine.
The f ne gr0ined richness of provinci0l
bleoched p ne ond verde esl0b ish lhe
forno coL'r'I! cloroc'or o[ 'h. , ioloe r"
D stinctively scrol ed orms sweep oulword
lo reol wood bobeches 25" dio.. l9%" ht.
OverQ I hl: cho n 42", w re l0' Five el
bulbs, eoch 60w mox
TC4l04-10 Potished bross ond
bieoched p re

Progr,.ss L ghl ng combines the
emento beouJy of
,.orthy, e te rro
collo with the nforrno ]y of
vcrde f n shed meto work or the
more formcr compl-oment of
po ish-od so d bross
Eoch eorlhenwore
componenl exh b ts the
chcrccter st c ung ozed texture
crnd noturo redd sh brown
con'p ex on of terro collo
I :.o ,_ lh. 9, I . og_
ihcsc new b endrngs wilh verde
ond c,o ished bra]ss ote tellc]
collc losh ons w th c f resh look
p Lrs endur ng crppeo

P4]46-25 ."
re Lr er r o CIt
Lrh0rlr !r \',/ I
sft ovel so d
,/erCe I
b oss 0r'fs. scro s arfd a0fa e covets
)P 0 '. 't 4t
,!ire l0 S xc bLl bs each 60\,\' rf(ix

P5146-10 Po slred so d bross

Srnqrior V Lflque three c0fdle pend0nt
w lh lellL] collo sfrOde 0rd lorrl Sh0de s
wh le ffer fed 1or rox mum ref ect v ly
16.'' ae, 2A,'. hl 0ver0 hl cho n 42";
[' re l0 Three .c br] bs, e0ch 60w mox
P5146-25 Verde or so d bross

P4 1 46- 10 Po ished so id bross prov des

briqhl occenls lor the lerro collo eorlh
tones of this hondsome chOndeler 28"
dio., 2A'/2" hl Overo I ht cha | 42": w re
l0'. Sx c br.rlbs. eoch 60w mox.

P2937 -25 Verde. Wol br0ckei ol ierro

collo ord sold bross. 5%" W.. 9%" hl.
Exlends B%". one q blrlb, 60w nrox.
P2937-10 Po ished sol d bross
El Condelobro bose bLrlb
Progress cho I hung lixlures come wiltt
enough wire for l0' overol hi


Two designs which disploy the open-gr d

influence of noted orch tect, Chorles Rennie
P3604-10 (obove) C ose to cei ing des gn. The po ished
edge of ils cleor gloss dlsk glows wilh light from lis etched
cenier cone. The some source upliqhls ils block cosl
column gr d
I 5%" dio., I I " ht One M bulb, l00w mox.

P5001-'10 (ighl) Cotd hurg rendillon lLrminclon irom

the etched glOss cenleT core dromoticolly lighls the
polshed edge of ls c eOr gloss disk Ond Lrplghts the block
cosl colfmn grid. 21" do,18" hl Over0l ht 54". one,!l
bLrlb. l50w rnox.


P3608- I 0(obove) Airy ce I nO mounled Conlemporory.

Thp elc.l"d q 0SS Celle OOW lL'l'l'10 e5 t. gl0SS COlJrrr
pona s 0'r0 -l^e polsled eoqe ot 15 c eor q oss d sk. 15 .
dro. 10" hl one M bub. l00w mor

P5002-10 aief)
q o5c d
Cord hung Coniemporory The cleOr
sl, s edoe iqt lodordtlecollr"rporalsof
,io"/ ro ^oorts 6re rlurrnoted by rql- rot -fe elcled
qloss ienle: bowl 2' dio I I I l. 0ver0 I l' 51 01p M
bulb. l50w mox

Se ecl the Progress chonde ier thot su ts your
(t decor from Contemporory to Trod tionol, from
Eorly Amer con to autheniic Viclorion
reproduct ons.
A chondelier wil be the centerpiece of o
d n nO room. A chondelier olso wi I do much to
dress up the decor of oiher oreos such os
bedrooms, fom ly rooms ond ihe foyer
Progress chonde iers ore scoled f rom
compocl s zes for int mote oreos up to 60"
diometer for spoc ous rooms Whoi size is besl
for you?
Whol size chondelier?
ln the dining oreo, your chondelier should be
12" norrower lhon the d ning tob e so peop e
won'1 bump nto the chcnde ier when they st
down cnd stond up lf ihe room s ess ihon 10
feei wide, look for o chondel er aboul 24" ot P4341-'l0 Poished brOss White gloss qlobes 20" do., 12V" hi 0ver0 lhl:
ess in dlomeler The sccle of the chondel er s choin 42'; w re I0'
Flve M bu bs. eoch l00w mox
mportont too. lf t s on open, o ry des gn (such
os the TC4'103 10 on poge .13, is 30" diometer
con fit in smoler rooms. lf ii is more full bodied
(such os P4331 14 on poge 441, its 30"
diomeler w ll scole to lorger rooms.
How high should it hong?
The botlom of ihe chondel er should hong
obout 30" obove o d ning toble for proper
fi ghting ond to be out of ihe lne of sght of
those seaied ol the toble lf the ce ling is more
thon B feet hlgh, you moy wont to ro se the
chonde ier o few inches
lf there's no ceiling oullel box?
The swog kit (poge 73) lets you hong the
chondeiier from o ce ing hook where you
wonl ii Aso, you con hong o chondel er from
Trok-1!' sections (poge 203)
P4340 Smot<e gloss g obes of po ished bioss chondelier with squored so id
A chondelier wilh o downlighl 00k wood orms. 23" da, l2t/)'hl Over0l h| choin 36"; wire l0'. Fve M
bu bs, eocl] l00w rnox.
Progress offers chondeliers with downiights for
losks such os homework, toble gomes ond 10
occent toble setlings. These chonde iers hove
o swtch so you con turn on the cond es cnd
ihe downl ghl seporotely.
f you wcnt oss sionce n se ecting your
chonde iers, tolk wilh the experts oi your
Progress Lighting showroom.

c Conde obro bose bulb
lMl [/]edium bose bu b
P4339 Po ished bross conlemporory chOfdelier wilh smoke g oss g obes.
Progress ch0in hung fixtures come wilh 23" d|o., l2t/," ht Overol ht chojn 36"; wire l0'. Five Fl buibs, e0cir
enouoh w re for l0'
overoll h1. I00w mox.

lnspired by ihe \4 ssion slyl ng of ihe
eorly 1900's, this conlemporory
Progress rendii on dlsploys the
d st nclive ine ond form of the
per od
The soft contours of the sot n
etched gloss shodes mirror the
gentle orch of the polshed bross
The distinctve pollern of
co^cen'ric 'i^gs or ^och shode is
repeoted on ihe column crown, font
ond on eoch shode holder
Miss on slyl ng o populor
design in Progress quallly.

g Cofde obro bose bulb

Ll,rl Medium bose bulb
Progress ch0rn-hufg frxlules come wlth
enouoh w re tor l0' overoLl hi

P4 1 88- 1 0
A [.4 ss on s]yle rerdilion in
po lshed brOss. F Ored solin elched g oss
shodes le0lure r bbed deto I ng. 27" dio ,
I87" hl Overol hi cho n 42": w re l0'.
Five M bulbs, eoch l00w mox

P2987-10 Polished br0ss w0l brockel

Sotin elched glOss shOde with flbbed r ngs.
8'/i'W .1ff' hl Extends 10". 0n
rv4 bu b, I00w mox

t$l t
P4187-10 Three lght l\,,lission siyle
chonde ier n pollshed so id brOss. S0lln
elc"ed qlo\s "l odes l'ove abbed decor0 or -.
23 oro. 18 . rl Overol 1 cnar t2
wire l0'. Three M bulbs, eoch I00w mox

TC40l6-10 Trodltionol beouly wiih o French Provinciol floir. lrorn l'lree bross words.2/ doi,29 . hl. Ove.oll l-: ctotl 42
P0lished solld bross, scrolled orms ond eloborole f ni0ls. Deeply wire I0' Six lal bulbs eoch 60vJ rnox
f uted while cerom c tureen body ond bobeches. All suspended


TC29l6-10 Polshed soid bross brockel

with fluied whlle cerOm c bobeches i\/lu I -
scrolled orms. l6t/i'W .lfi'ht Extends
6%". Two E bulbs, eoch 60w mox

P4057-30 While ceromic od word lnery

Its lormol lluted cerom cs ore Troced w lh hond
opplled gold slripes 0long e0ch delcolely
shoped segmerl. Po ished brOss Orms hold 0
cosl f ower ol one end ord o ceromlc
"blossom" 01 ihe alnet.251/," da.20'/," ht
Overol hl cho l,l 42") wie lA'. Six Plbulbs,
eoch 60w mox
Authenlic Reproduclions
The \4ctor on erc took its nome one ofter the other cnd often
from Queen \4c1oriab long reign were mixed in the American AIJTHENTICATION
(1837-190jl n Englond, home. BY DR. ROGER MOSS
t wos the beginnjng of the Thls mixture, this eclecticism, The demond for outheniic'lgth century
mochine oge, Furnilure, floor wos port of the distinctive chor lighting lixtures hos exceeded the supply
coverings, woll cover ngs ond octer of Americon homes, of originols. Those originol fixlures thot
Americons furnished ond deco hove survived often ore domoged or
other home furnishings begon missing ports. lncreosingly, orchiiects,
to be moss-produced in the roted their houses for hominess interior designers, curotors, ond old-house
ond livobility for comfort, owners hove turned to reproduclions,
Americons olso decoroted to Progress hos produced o colleclion
be different, os cn expression designed oround five outhentic Victorion
of ihemselves-for individuolity. reproduclions. Ihese "docurnentEl tonging
Often it wos enjoyed n the in dole from 1840 to 1900, hove been
United Slotes ot prices "the more populor imoge of Victo- corefully reseorched qnd monufoclured to
millions" could otford. New rion lovishness-o loyered the highesl stondords, ln oddition, eoch
mogozines populor zed foshions, fullness of comfortobly uphol- hos inspired motching fiKture odoptotions.
stered furniture, rlchly colored Minor modificclions were necessory to
New railroods ond steomships
wolls, potierned rugs ond cor meel modern electricol codes ond
helped deljver the goods. monufocluring lechniques. However, the
Our notion's lighting fixture pets, houseplants, droperles,
overoll scole, the costing detoils, ond the
monufoclurers were "d'oyleys; personol
blown gloss shodes conform so closely to
seeking cheoper mementos, flowers the originols that lhose who soughi
more efficient in gloss domes, ontiques in voin con use these Progress
lighting fuels . ond ornctely reproductions with confidence.
Whole ond fromed ,.J
lord oils gove pointings ,/) ,1 ,4// '/L
. .
./ // / Hl4tl
woy to gos ond prints -.' ltv./ '/
ond kero o.^ everf,,/here {fo?^
// //
sene, After -/\.\' on TLlrntTU
furniture U/
Edison devel QJ ond wolls. Dr.Roger Moss is o notionolly
oped lhe first ., Progress hos recognized outhorw on Americon
orchitecture ond decorotive orts. He is
proct col reccptured
Executive Director af the Athenoeum of
I ght bulb in the ero ln its Philodelphio, on independenl reseorch
1879, electricity outhentic Victorion librory
entered the new cen- colleclion, Here is o
tury on its woy to becoming the significonily representotive selec
mojor energy source lor home ion of outhenticolly reproduced
I ghting Vctorion lighting foshions. lhey
As lechnology odvonced, ore suitoble for historicolly occu-
the eros home furnishings siyles rote museum house reslorotions,
pr morily were lnsplred by the superb for \lctor on "old house"
post: Greek ond Romon clossi enthusiosts, ond splendid for ony
clsm, curvoceous Rococo home os outhentic reproduc-
eloborolion, more lineor Renois 'iions of yeslerdoy's grandeur
sonce Revivol, exolic Orientol
desgns, ond on Americon Colo
niol Revival. By the end of the
'1gth century, Art Nouveou
designers turned owcy from
the post ond borrowed from
noture-especiolly f lowers ond
plonts, All these Wles followed

TC2933 Woll lighl 0doptoiion. Polished solid bross. 7"

wide, 12t/," hi. Extends 13". one cle0r medlum bose
bulb. l00w mox.

See Amerlcon Vciorion outdoor onlerns on

p(lge 127

The Clossicol Revivol of Greek ond

Romon forms wos o populor style
os the Vlctorion ero begon. High
style inieriors were dressed w th
closslc ploster ond woodwork dec
orotions, Closslcol f urnishings, whlle
often of substontiol scale, hod o
subllety ond restroint of Ine. All
hod refined elegonce-os typified
in these clossic lighting designs.

This fourtier chondelier repro-

duces o documented gosolier of
the'1840's The orig nol wos monu-
foctured by Cornel us ond Co. of
Ph lodelphio, the counlrys most
imporiont lighting fixture mcnufoc-
lurer ln thot ero.
The clossicol symmetry of the
four orms ond the tiered column
ore drown with imporled crysto
prisms, outhentlcolly shoped ond
meticulously def ned by tioro like
golleries, The cioss c theme is
agoin stoted in hond-blown, round
gloss shodes (sized 10 the originols'
2Yr" Iifierc) eiched ond shorply cut
with the Greek key design.
Finely iooled, solid bross detoil
ing, o unique cryslol I n ol. sLipe.'or
polishing ond finish ng oll lestify
to the high quolity of the originol
ond of Progress lighiing's oulheniic

inslo loiion of
higher ceilings.

TC8738 Honging
pipe 4Jooi exlerder
occessorV. lncludes
po ished bross
sleeve, runn ng
ihreoded p pe, 60"
wire ond coupl ngs.

TC4048 Four light ch0ndelier. Polished solid

bross 29' dro. 32 oodv hr Ove0Iletg-f
35 o 48 .* lorr cleor -fieorur oose 0L Ds
eoch l00w mox
Authenlic Vicloriqn Reproductions
Thisbeouiiful Rococo Revivol
chondelier, wth ts florid decorotion,
embodies the most populor imoge
of Amer con Vctorion.
By the 1850's, rooms decoroied
wth Rococo eloborat on hod
become o recognized slotus

symbol. Furniiure ond ighling f xtures

were d stinguished by r ch,
curvi lneor des gns of fruits ond
f owers, The or ginol of thls outheniic
reproduci on wos monufoclured in
Ph ode phio ofter '1845,
Flowing eofy vines ond grope
clusters ore cosl in sol d bross,
burnished ond hond-polished to o
gleom ng ustre. Chorocteristic
honging "cho ns'; s muloting grope
v nes,cdd o soften ng drape 1o iis
lines. Opu entdecoroton flows over
the orms, the eloboroie column ond
repeots in cleor cutiings on the
l'o^o-b own. elcreo g css shcdes.
These gloss shodes hove the
elipt col shape ond 2/2" fitters of the
antique orig nols

TC2953 Wo I brockel odopioiion Po shed

sol d bross. 7" wide, 10" hi. Exiends I2".
One med um bose bulb, l00w rnox.

TC4063 Four- ght chondelier Polshed so d

orOss 29 0i0 3 / body l^ . 0ver0 I lergl''l
40 lo 5l - lo-J med Lm bose oulb5 eoch
I OOw mox.

*For higher ceillngs,

see TCB73B on poge 25

Gos & Electrie

As tl"re 19th c,.nlury wonec,
gos arnc e ecir c lv "vere
acnpet nll for t re l'on e
ghl nE 'r] crket Conv-ori rg to
electr c ly wos expers ve ond,
once rslo l,-a, e ccir c ly
"blocko!t( u/,.r,- .r()t

unccmmat ,lo, ntcnu

fl]cl!r,-rs prodr,ccd ghl ng
fXtuies lhot Jsed ECrs c-cl
c cctr c 1.y'

Th s han.lsorre ProEiess
clon.le e cuiheli coiy
reprod.]cs cr circl
dcslgf by Orbson F xlure
\'',crks Cos reql rec ihe
hcng ng rod, tl'e lo|ger crms,
'.d ac bLraers alf d \," der
sh.rdes The e ectr. gll bL, b
leoc: w th Cr"r nd ,./ dt]o
s\,, lchl serm lied nrcre
fEedom o" des gr. cnd
cos i on ng.
The Co onio Rev vc ook
s Oeta ec n pc shed brcss
wlh beod cnd ne cn
Cecorot ons cs w--l as omp e TC4067 S x iqfrl clrorde rer Po shed bross 34' d 0 . l6r':" lrody hl Overo engll'r 23 to 49" * S x
reeded ond scto e.1 ctms. med,rm b0se bLrlbs eoch l00w mox
Th. I ne honc too ng of the
cosl r bbon goscocks s
r-otob e
Most d rcl ve ore
-re opc ascenl, ho|d b owr
g css shocles w th opt c sw rls
I're r chcrrm ng do!D e
p eoied .rrd hoircl rilft'ed
ecrges reac lre fonay fri s
so ryp cc of thor i rre

r +- -i
-1 I
t,! i1

TC3668 C""lng moufl odoplolion Po

shed br0ss TC2954 Wol light odoptOtiof Polshed brOss
r bOd."t 0."0 o1I o On-off sw 1ch. 12' w de, 15z ht Exiends l4f:'
. ^d"-J
.i, ^aaL O0 o.O\.0. 00.\,0.
Two medium bose bu bs, eoch l00w mox
Authentic Reproduclions
Arl Nouveou is enjoying o rev vo n
home furnish ngs, The originol Art
Nouvecu flourished from 1895 to
'1905 when the "New Ar1" movement

turned to noture for new themes

espec olly the flowing beouJy of
flowers and plonts.
Progress Art Nouveou fixtures
folthf ully reproduce the f lowering
dogwood design of o chondelier
monufoctured circo 1900, by Glbson
Fjxture Works of Ph lodelph c. All
ore exquisitely detailed in highly
burnished solid bross, The goscocks
indicote the originols were designed
before most homes hod electric ly
The shollow f ower shodes ore
un que They ore hond blown, wth
cleor optc ribs in the etched gloss,
ond hove sharply cut tops os
onoiher quolily dislinction.

TC404l roL'lqfl ch0nde e|eprodLcl'or Dols'eo sold oross 26 dro 13" body ht
Overoll lenoih l9 IO44 * roLr me0ru.Il bose bJ05 eocl l00w rOn

TC3606 Ceiling mounl 0d0pt0tion. Polished solid

bross. /.
x 12 wde lb body l-i. Overo I l'.
lrom 19 ro 28 ' One ned Jn bose ollb I 00w

TC2g04 W0ll brocket 0d0plolion. Polished solid TC3607 Two- qrl clo roelier
toelier rep oou.-01 /
odu.'01 rDo sl ed so'10 b 05s. ) 26" wide l3
bross. 7%" wide, 9" ht Exlends 15". One med um ooov rl
Overo I tenq 'ron
ienq l' 'ro n 19 lo 44 * lwo
" lw( ned Jr bOse bJ 0s eoci l00w mOx
bose bulb, l00w mox
higher ceillngs, see TC8738 on pOge 25
P4lciREss' cHANDEuERsr 29

n Progress preber's "t,s

oold c reor-
ned polished solid bross ser es
wth pr smotic qloss shodes.

The elongoled sol d bross

column ond orms extend from
o sphere which repeals otop
eoch fitter. The dome shoped,
r bbed prismotic g oss shodes
complement the sphericol


lvolching one- lwo ond three-

Lghi wq brockets on pqge 109.
All Bross Ro I chqndel ers
qnd wol fxtures con be
nslo led w th g oss shodes in
Lp or oowr' --l-=

TC4476-68 F ve llghl po ished solid

bross ch0irdelier Cleot ribbed prism0tc
gloss shodes 29" da,24,/a" hl ]uerc I TC4476-68
ht: choin 50"; wire l0'. Five M buibs,
eoch 60w mox

1C4477-68 Six-lighl potished sold

bross chonde ier C eor, I bbed prism0llc
gloss shodes. 32" da,24t/'" hi. Ouercll
hli choin 50 ; wire l0'. Six ['r- l]ulbs. eOch

TC4478-68 Generously scoled ei0ht

lighl chondelier for lorge oreos
Po shed solid bross Cleot rlbbed
pr srnol c q oss shodes 40 4 do,
29 '' hl Overol ht cho n 55 w re
l0'. Eghl &l bulbs, eoch 60w mox *
*Cleor bulbs recommended

[t Med um bose bulb

Progress ch0in hurg f xlures come wilh
enough w re lor l0' overol ht


These d stinctive cost sol d bross
chondeliers ore Trodit onol ln
des gn ond eLegonce Strong,
s ender columns ore turned for
fine y fin shed detoil ng. Lovishly
cost orms, scrolled ond formed,
support tiered bobeches with
condles slonding in toll holders,

TC4259 Two tlered Troditionol ch0ndeller. Polished solid bross coslings 23" dio,24 hI
Overoll hlr choin 42": wie 10' . Twelve O bulbs, e0ch 60w mox

TC2959 Twolighl componion woll sconce

o'poished orOss. l2r. W. 9r. hr.
txlends 6 -' Two lcl bLrbs eoch 60w nOx

TC4258 Eight-llghi Tr0diiion0l ch0ndelier.

Polished solid bross cosiings. 23" dio.,
I5%" ht. overoll hi: choin 42"; wire l0'
E bulbs, eoch 60w mox

O Condelobro bose bulb

M fty'edium l]ose bulb

Progress choin-hung fixiures come wilh enough w re for l0' overoll ht


P29l 3-10 Poiished so id bross woll

brockel Opo goss shode 8;,/:" W,
II l/: hlExlefds 9t1'. One N' bulb.
l00w m.lx

P4014-10 Hondsome polished so id

bross Counlry Trcd I ono chofdel er
,t1 Opo gloss shodes. 25" dio, 21" hl
overoll hl: choin 42"; w re l0'Four
bulbs eoch l00w mox

P4013-10 L ght o horvesl tobl, 0 kilchen lslond or 0 g0me iob e w lh lh s

hlndsome Counlry Trodiionol po shed sold brcss chOnde ier. 0p0 0l0ss shodes
33' W , 12" hl. Overol hl: choin io 42" Three lM bu bs. eoch I00w mOx

1C4539 (ight') H0nd embossed fine light

Trodionol chondelier of polished solld br0ss
Hos Lrrn shoped column wilh swlrled {luiing.
Three scroll ch0lns ond c0sl 0Tm olromenls
32" dto,26'/2" ht Overoll h1.: choLn 42"t wire
l0' Nlfe g bulbs, eoch 60w mox.

TC2938 Wo I brockei ol pollshed solid

bross. Cosl orm scTo ls 5" W, 8%" ht
Exlends 9". One lclbu b. 60w mox.

TC2939 Three-lght Trod liono wol brocket

o 0o'rs]eo so'i0 btoss C0sl 0"n sc o ls
12 w | 4- nl Lxlends / 'ree
eoch 60w mox

l],Fl Cordelobro bose bulb TC4538 Hcnd embossed polshed solid bross chOnde ler hOs 0n rrn shoped co trmn wlih
Progress choin hung flxlures come wilh i*ifeo rrring Giocetuity cost crm oTn0merls. 26" d 0 , I B" hl Overol hl : cho ll 42"i wire
enough wlre for l0' overoll hi. l0' Slx lelbu bs. eoch 60w rnox


TC406l-18 The ofiislry Ond hr10ge of

lire sl versm th's cr01l s evidenl n lhis
r clr ook fg Trod I ofo chonde er
Pol shed si ver on sol d bross prolecled
w lh l0rr sh resrsl0nJ ucouer LoOln0
V, o oo p."pO 6-100 -g. to,Or0a I,
c0 umn ord bobNrles Cosl Tourshes
e|harfce ls flowng orms 21'do,ll hl
OveroIhl cho|42;wre l0' SxE
bu bs coch 60w mox

TC296l-'18 Two ighl compcrion sconce

Pol shed sj ver of sol d bross protecled
wllh l0rfish reslslOnl l0cq!er cooJifg
Embossed meon pofierr bobeches 12,L"
W, BL/: hl Extends B Two E- bLrlbs.
eoch 60w mox



"a ,: .:i r :| , .," :.'--t

' :
\\d I


TC4051-18 Sx
rrthl Reqercy cnofdeler ol

hl clO | '12". !/irc l0 S r E bllDs e00h

1," I
60!\' rnoi


\: ,,.,,

1C2974 Pc sirer so d closs \!o scofce b
n'irt0lrs TC427B Hord b o!,r c ear q Oss
shOdc w lh l,irrd cLtt v\rhe0i des -cf 6rr. \"rj
l2 hl Exlefds 10" Ore lr bub 60\,

q 0ofdelobro bose b! b
IQ4278 A s1010y chOrdeler ol aOsl po she ! I b 0's T rlr rF I fe oqor'r "lL[l 0nr:1
P irfless rho I i lr c lures Lorr e '.! lfl b;be;hNs CL,lved'0fd lule.l rrrns sLlppud llcrC blo!\'t L e0 gL0ss 5hL]l'r! $ f hnnd 'rll \!iecl
erollh ,r re Tor l0 u\ he qhl ,l.ign ZS'iou,IB hl Over0l hi ahO| 42" v,lre l0 SLX bJlrs e'rch 60''v tfOx '

Precious melo s ond the silversm th's

o/ o e co'ror-ed lo cr-ole th -
regoly d st nclve Regency series of
polshed silver occented wih 24k
gold oppoinlments and prolected
w th o tornish resislont locquer

The hexcgonol vose shoped co umn

ond deep bobeches dlsploy o
sly istic formoiily ihot repeots n the
sculpteci column boll Deeply swepl
orms ore decoroied wlh grocefui
cost scrol s ond 24k goid flnished
ornoments Al ore united in th s
heriloge ser es of he rloom quo lly
thot wil be enjoyed through the

TC2952-18 W0l brocket Pol shed siver

over so d bToss 24k qold Occerls. 15" W,
7%" h1. Extends 7" Trlio blbrrlbs eoch
60w mox.

TC4052-l8 Eorro,epqor, e o,\p o,po

hao e s of po rsipo 5 rlp ovo .o'd o,oss
24k oold embel ishmenls on 0Tms 0|d
coL'r1 2r. oio l9, F OvdoIh
I0' N ne al bu bs. eoch
choin 42"; w re
60w mox


These stoie y Amer cono
chonde iers ore scoled for the
orge oreos n tes clences or
commeTciol esioblishments ln
oddil on lo be ng grond in scole,
these c ass c chondel ers ond
I sconces feoture trodit ono Progress
quolty detail ng.
I Eoch is crcfted of Po ished
so d bross with crms thct d sP oY

i n^ ) do o, Fo co oe.o o'io'5
ond superbly scrolled clrm ends
Eoch sweeps oulword from on
eloborate centrcl co umn io
support a solitory white cond e or
opt onol Oloss shode.

1C4424-10 Three lier (16+8+4

cond es) Americ0n0 chondeler. Pol shed
so id br0ss 6l " d 0 , 60' hl 0ver0 I hl to
I 59". Twenty-e ght Lc,llu bs, eoch 60w


Qu ck-mount gloss shodes require
no rewlr ng Jusi ,V sl off condle
holders ond t\t st on gloss holders
TC86l9-68 4 aoss shodes
TC8620-68 6 dloss shodes
IC862l -68 B q oss shodes Two ter wol scofc.
TC29l9-10 Three I ghl wo I sconce. TC2920-10
Polished solid bross 28" W., l8" ht Polrshed solid bross 28" W , I B" hl
Exlends 16" Three O bulbs, eoch 60w Fxtencls 16" Flve lc bulbs, eoch 60w mox

TC4423-10 l6 8 cor d" arer0r,6

r "bl do ci ^ 0\eolF o I,/ l,{ei l-
Do h.0 o d 0^0 TC442l-10 ao r- 2 o ota, /ar",orc 0,0"tp
0'po .'"d \o o 0 0 50 oro c9 r' 0.".01 -l iO r ,B
lour c bu bs. eoch 60w mox E ghteen !lbu bs, eoch 60w mox

1C4422-10 loge. .i"e- lq IAr-s s6 0 c^ordptar. Do,sreo 1C4420-10 Slotely t\.ve ve qht Anrer c0n0 chondel er
roid b 0)) 6- a'a t) - O!e'o I - .o 4I S ,.epr ,- b"to> Poished sold brOss. 50" diO. 34" hl Overoll hj io 133'
eocl'r 60w mox Twelve clbu bs, eoch 60w mox.

Amp e choin ond wire for mounting -aF I"rqT O- ts"\" Orqp to oe e .o,.6pd, \ot 010 rt" t,o,
Progiess Grond ScO e chondel ers come w lh B-fl of cho
\r re for nslo lolion
| ond j 2 il ooo 1 \'o ot qrq0,ac,tof 0 o |," bo, L0n>Ll
nslrucliofs 0nd 0 prolessionOl eleclr c 0n lor proper inslol Olion

c Conde obro bose bu b



Tlese slo'ely Georg'on chonde-
liers were selected bY Americo's
eorly leode s'o'll^eir c'1V 'ror--
sions ond country monor houses
They conlinue os fovorltes of
Americons iodoy.
All ore solid bross chonde-
ljers, authenticolly crofted wiih
omple column, one-Piece bo l,
loops, ornomento orms ond cost
orm scrolls, A I exennpllry the
oiienlion to quolilY ond detoil ng
which dist nguishes the chonde
llers in our notion's f nesi Colon ol

TC4388 Monor-house grondeLtr for lorge

rooms-or commerciol use. Eighleen
condles on lwo iiers Polshed so id bross
Ccsl orm orn0menis ond scrolled orm
ends. 42" dio . 32" hi. 0ver0l ht choin
58"; w re l0' Elghteen El bu bs, eoch
60w mox.


TC4387 Generously sc0led len lighl

chondelreT For lotoe rooms ot fol
commercio insl0 lihons Pnl Shed So id
bross. Cosl orm ornomenls ond
scrolLed orm ends. 32" dio, 26" ht
overoll h| choin 52"; wirel0' Ten
E buLbs, eoch 60w mox.


ii xrdn
w [*/\

H P | ' ^. " r 'r l
' l:EL
o r ,

sar0lld rrm efds 25' d | . 22 hi llveri hl th! ir a|m ! rils 2ii t:,,.: 22' | (l\rerir I ll ahr | 48
48 \i re l0 F ve li bu bs e,:1.1. 60\,", ll !r ltr re 0' S \ C bLl o-c irati:i, 60,1i m(it


IC4386 IwO iNred. po sfred s0 d

brirss ATercono Clsl 0tn o:fQmenls
tl]| oTrr erd s a s 2J d (.8' lrl
O,,err l'l cltr r 54 !,r re l0 l!,/e !e
il bu bs ecch 60w rfor

t Conde rbro bose bu ll

Pr0!lrcss clr0 | tultg i rlLtr0s come ir"' tr
af|LEf w re lor l0 ovttll ll

P4393-10 (//Qnr) Porrsted sord b'0ss

i\,,lor-osrc three-lre,ed A-nel c0n0 (h0ndelFr 'ol
.oroe rooms Ono lorl lovers 28 d0 30 hl
ov;rol hr cno|r 54 wtre l0. l -een a
bulbs. eoch 60w mox



P2949-l l @bave, bft) Antique soLld brOss

scorcp Ceo qoss slode 4 W l4- 5l
Extends 9 ,' One E-l bu b, 60w rnor.
P2949- 10 Pol shed solld bross
P2950- 10 (1bove, tighl) Po ished sol
-5d "
oross lwo lronl Cleor 0'0!s elo0es
w l4 hl l;lends 7 .l= lwo oLlb" aocr
60w mox
P2950- l I Aniique solid bross

? \.
r -
tlrf. iIl .ffir"*
T' tl. 1"

P3821-lI @bove teft) ANqLe solrd bross

sr.nnce 4 W 14 ht Lxlerds 9 onen
bulb. 6Ow mox
P3821-'10 Polished solid bross
P3822-lO (obove, right) Polished solid
o'oss lworioh- sconcF 13 .' W. 14" h+.

Lxlends 7 . Two lc-l bu Ds eoch 60w m0{.

?3822-11 Anllque solid bross
P4390-'10 {//onl) Poltshed solid bross.
lwo lrered Geor6,o1 chordelter. 26 d o .

221 " hr. Over0ii hl chor 42 r wire 10. len

E bulbs, eoch 60w mox.
P4390-l 1 Anlique solid bross

E Cofdelobro bose bulb

P4375-l l A^ rqLF C,o,0 oto.- AT Aret coT0 pp t.o 2a do I P4373-l Antiquel sold bross. An Americoro ctossc 24,,
"0\Aoll..Lt 42 wre 0Iqr- bJ,os pour 60$ -rlo) dio., llt/i'
Over0 ht lhl: ch0if 42"; w re l0' F ve lc- bu bs.
P4375-10 Po rshed so id bross eoch 60w mox.
P4375-17 PeMer or sold bross P4373-10 Polshed sotd bross

P4376-10 Pol shed so id llross H0ndsome Amer cooo wilh cleor g oss P4374-17 Pewler or sold bross. Colon o arondetr 24'
sh0des 25" do,11 /,' hl Over0l hl choin42"; wire l0'
Sixlc:bubs, da , llt/'i' hl. Over0l ht ch0ln 42"; wire tO: Six a butbs
eoch 60w mox eOch 60w mox
P4376-11 Antque so d bross P4374-10 Po ished solid bross
P4376-17 PeMer on solrd bross P4374-11 Afl que solid bross


P2935-10 Polished bross woll sconce

4Vi'W., 63/i' ht Exlends 6%" One Plbulb,
60w mox.
P2935-'l I Anlique bross

P2936- 1 0
Polished bross. TwO ighl w0l P4192-10 Po ished brOss Two tier Americ0|0 chOrdelier.
sconce. l0%" W., 5%" ht. Extends Two5r" 24'/,'da, )41/!'hl. Over0ll ht choin 36"; wlre l0'. Ten E
E bulbs, eoch 60w mox. bulbs. eoch 60w mox.
P2936-l'l Anllque bross P4192-l I
Anlique bross

P3805 Polrshed bross wOl sconce cleor P4569 Altrccllve Americ0f0 five ighl
gloss shode. l3'ht
5'W., Exlends 8" chofdelier. Polished solid bross. l77r'dio.,
ore !vr-' bulb. l00w mox
I I b" hl Overo I hl: chO n 36"i wire l0'. Five
lc-lbulbs. eoch 60w mox.

g Condelobro bose bulb
Fl Mediurn bose bu b
Progress choin hung fixiures come wlh erlough wire for l0' overOll llt

P4190- t0
P4190- t I

P3090-10 Po shed brOss \,!o br0ckel 4 "',rri ll hi

Extefds 6l, .
Ofe b! b 60,"! rnrx
P3091-10 Po shed br0ss vr'c brOrkel M. II hl
Eriefds 4l Two c bu bs. e.rch 60w rfcx
P3092-10 Poished br0ss w0 brOckel Ce0rgrss
slirre I \li . l2 ' h- Exlerds 6: Ofe c bL b
P3093"10 Poished Dross w! brockel Ce0r g.rss
sl-aaas I I ', W l2'.1, hl Fxlends 5r,' T!\'o c hLrbs
:ach 60r/ mcx
'I Arlrque brcss Amerc0r0 thoroe er 2l ,l
' ' 0.oo rr.r /. e 0
r! bs eoch 60v"' riox
P4l9l -l0 Po sfreC bross
P4190-10 P0 shed brcss Am6rc0n.r ch.rnde er 2l
dn 14.,, h] Overc hl cf,0n36rwre l0 Eve.
b! bs eoch 60\,\' mOr
P4190- l I Anr que oross
P4193-10 P0 shed br0ss Eor y' Amer can chOfdcl rr
C efr shodes 23 d 0 I 4 .', hi 0ver0
g Oss lt chO r P4193-r0
36 w re l0 F ve c bu bs, eorh 60!/ mu)i P4r 93-t I
P4193-l I Afl que lross

t',l 6,'l

P3090- r 0 P3092- r 0 P3093- r 0 P309r - r0




Two lier chOndelier wilh solln
olo)s lJti0 snodes Do'shed bloss
occenls 30 dio l7 -" ht
n c"ke
overol hl: choln 42"; w re l0' Nlne EL
bulbs. eoch 60w mox

P2930-14 Woll brOcket Solin etched

gl0ss tullp shodes. Po ished bross wlh
nicke occenls. )6'/2" tN . BV!' ht. Exlends
I I %". Two M bu bs, eoch 60w mox

Sotin etched gloss iuL ps bow

grocefu ly from these Po ished
bross fcsh ons. Polished ribbed
njckel detoi ing is hondsomely
disp oyed on the column
ond otop eoch flower cup.

P4330- 14 Polshed bross sjx'lghl chOndelier wjlh sotln etched g Oss lu ip shodes
Polished brOss wlth n ckel occnls. 30" d 0., 15" hl overol hl cho | 42"; wire l0' S x
Progress chQ n hung flxlures come M bulbs. eoch 60w mox
wilh enough wlre lor l0' overo I hl.

P2941 (1bave) Comp0n of w0l br0ckel of

pol shed sol d br0ss. Oplic swir ed opO scenl
9lo\' 5iod" 6 W o, "' r,lelo5 0 O'le
M bulb l00w mor

P4097 @n) Sp rd d symmelry w th gold lired
porce o I on ils po ished brOss co umn Bold
flour sfres m0rk ils curved orms The opolescenl
qloss sh0des 0re oplic sw rled 24r/i' do., )9"
hl Overo frl chOin 42"r w re l0' S x [t
-ooch l00w mox

P4085 Po lshed bross chOnde ier w lh downl ghl Cle0r g Oss

sfrOdes 3 wOV swtch. 20'd0, 14" hl Overolhl: cltOn 42"; wre
l0 Fve[1 bubs. e0ch l00w mox,Ond or]e 50w R 20 downlqht
P4086 A fu i bodied 10sh on of g e0m ng polished brOss. The grocelu
Orms supporl gold bonded opO gOss shodes. 22i/'' da, 19" hl
hl [4ed L]m bose bu b
0ver0 I h1: chOin 42';w re 1A' F ve M bllbs. eoch l00w mOx
on fixlure on poge ind coled


P2968-l l Anlque bross Double w0 Ibrocket

wlh oce- ke ruffed opolescenl gloss shOdes.
)2fi, \N , Bt/i, ht Exlnds 81" Two [,r- bu bs,
eoch I00w mox
P2968- 10 Po shed bross

P4l l9-10 Poiished br0ss Loce I ke de icocv of opo escenl lll pgossshodes
on 0 reeded co umn wilh lureer lon1. 23" d o , )1" ht 0ver0 I hl cfl0in 42 '; w r P3819-10 P0 ished bross S ngie wol brOckel
l0' Srx M bulbs. eoch 60w mox Rufiled opo escent glOss 6"W,B% hl Exlefds
P4l l9-1 Anilque bross B% One [4 bu]b, l00w mox
P3819-l 1 Anl que bross


P4579 H0ndsome pollshed bross chOndeler. Elched Ocrylc shodes wilh cle0r
60w mox
l6"hl Overoll ht: ch0in 42":wrc10' Four&l bulbs, eoch
P5079 Po shed bross pendoni. Elched Ocryrc
shode w ih cieor design 14" d 0 , l4'1" ht
Overol hl cho n 36"i wlre l0' one M buib,
eoch l00w mox.

Comp0n of lixiure on pooe ind coled



P4196-10 Hordsome po ished bross chonde ier w lh prismolic
frllled gloss surrounding 0 trumpel down ight. 3 woy swilch 24"
dlO, 12" hl. Overoll hlr chOin 42")wie lA' FiveMbubs, eOch
l00w mox. One R-20 downl ghi, 50w mox

P3325-10 Wol brockel moiches

P4I 96 I 0. Pol shed bross wilh
prismol c lrilled gloss 7%" W ,
9%" hlExlends 8%" One lq bulb
l00w mox.

P4343-10 Chonde ier of while ceromic colurfn ord bobeches

wlh hond-oppied gold stripes. Polished bross orms, crowr ond
fni0l. l9%" d10.. l3%" hf. 0ver0 I hf: cho n 36"i wire l0' Fve ElCondelobro bose bu b
Lc bllbs. eoch 60w mox. Ul [,4ed um bose bu]b
Progress chO n hufg flxlures come w lh nougir wire lor l0' overo I hl

P4490-10 (beiovv, Polished bross

Cleor, rutfled aloss lB%" dio 15" ht
Overoll ht choin 36"; wire
El bulbs, eoch 60w mox.
Five (rt
P4490- l Anllque bross

P3830-10 Polished P4010-]0 Po ished bross.

bross Wol brocket Etched Chondelier w lh elched gloss. Sw rled
gloss. Swilch 4Vz'\t,1 ,8t/2" hl qloss column 19" dio., l6%" hi.
Extends 4%" One M bu b, l00w mox Overol hl: cho n 36"; wire l0'
P3830- l I Antlque bross M bulbs, eoch l00w mox.
P4010-l'l Antique bross

P2940 Pollshed P4497 Cleor gloss on o po ished

bross woll brocket bross chondelier 2l" dio.. 12" ll. P4009-10 Po ished brcss I7%" diO.. 15" hl.
C eor gloss. 4%" l0'
overoll ht: choin 36"i wire Five overol hl ch0in 36"i wire l0'. F ve P-l bulbs.
W. 9'hi. Exlends
B%". One O bulb,
60w mox.
lel bllbs, eoch 60w mox. eoch 60w mox.
P4009-l IAnlique bross
Progress choin hung fixlures come wilh enough wire lor l0' overo I hl. FlCondelobro bcse bulb iUl Nledium bose bLllb

,: --

D^ lrlllclr fg pr srnol c q oss

ce rq bows showf orl
poqe 83

.l ll , P4036- I 0 Po sred br|ss 1."^,'o I er chOnde e,

23 d | . 14 ht 0ver0 hl clr n 12" 'Nte )A'
Tef . blibs eoclr 60\r'r mLrr
P4036-1 I Ari qLre bross

P4035- I 0 Po rsled brOss cfO|de ier I 9 ,, rt 0

I 1 ' hl 0ver0 hr tfo I 12' w re l0' F !e lc
b! bs eooh 60!,,, raroN
P4035- I I AnlqJe bross
P4194-,]0 Po sfed brlss clrrfar er Prsmrlc qrss:hirLlEs 20 il ! I

Olerf hr i'rol- 42":\\trclA F:v-" ! bLrbs ecr| 100,"'r rrr

P2935-10 Gbove, leil) Po shed biLrss

Coflrprr]lof scofce 4 ', W 6r',' ft txlerds 6r,,"

..r: One c bLr b. 60\4/ m|r

P2935- I I AnlaNe bross
P2936-10 (aborc. riQhl) Pol shed bross Two ght
P3094-10 ((iDo|t: ic[i) POl sl]ra brOss tlr0rkrl Pr snrlr ! irs:r :l |i. t hl scorcr l0 . V"r 5r','hl Exiends 5,,' T!!o c
:rrrnls T Ore \1 hLrh 100v"' nror b! lls erah 60w mox
P2936- I I ArlqLre bross
P3095-10 (obav-" tigltl) Po sred brOss hiro ,:llrl sron.e Prs[r]li.qrss ll
frr -q hi Exl0fds 6':' llvo M bllbs eccf 100, r'r!x

IlJoll & fover

I Good lighling ev6n fot speciol
spacious oreos.

Progress olfers o aomp ete selecl on

of fosh ons 1o su t your decor ond
sizes to f t evef spoa ous
entroncewcys, sicr twel s cncl icl ,
mu I eve open picn oreos

n th,- entroncewoy, Progress

I ghi ng helps Vou b d friends ond
fom y o cheery "he 1.)' oncl c fofcl
"forewe 1". On sic mcys and n ho ls,
good lghiinq s on important sofeiy
You L recogn ze ihot ihc lghtng
fosh cns I
ih s sectlon hove
opp icct ons beyoncl hol s and
foyers vou moy f nd o pedecl place
for them in bedroonrs. fomi y rooms
or d netie orecs Nor ore th,ose
fixtures ihe on y ones su tob,- tor
foyers ond ho ways You l flnd
olhers n the Wo Lighls" section on
poge 77
ln every orecr, Progress h,- ps
vou ight the woy with c c]ecorotve
tl.] t

TC3768-10 I'lolesllcolly scOled, lcn sded
po ished sold bross lover l0hl Beveled cleOr
gloss bound in sol d brcss Two i ers ol
condles H nged side pOnel lor conven enl
relomprr.q. 20" 0 0 , 46" h1. overo I hl: cho n
82"; wire l0'
Fifieen lar bulbs eoch 60w nox
PFI+GRESS irr ,...,....-:. :,.:i.:.:. ,.::.. ... .r...r,._--.-,:--i,.,=::.:'*j::;:"w-ffi4 HAU. & FOYERI 5l

P3766-10 Po shed so id bross S x s ded.

Beveled cleor g oss gri" d o, 23 hl Over0l hl
cho | 42 w re l0' lhree c bLrlbs. e0ch 60w flr0x

r -l;,,
:: .

' : ll
\-.\ . .


P3767-10 Pol shedsoid bross Eglrlslded Beveled c e0r g {rss 16..." d0

3l 'ht 0ver0 | htcho | 60"r wlre l0' Eiahl c bllbs, "oOch 60w mOx

@ .ou'o r' 1 " o Doop L

P5895-]0 Po shed so d bross Wo

oflern. Beveledeol g oss 9,1. W,
22'l hl Exlends 5 HICTR 13". Three
clbu bs ecch 60w mox

c Corde obro bose b! b

Progruss chO I hufg f xlures come w llr enolgh w re 1or I 0' overu I hl

-],'CTR Helllhl from cerler oi J box lo iop of lrxlLrc

Coordinoied g ass crealions C ear floro cut ponels
ond shorpy beveled diomonds wlh o border of
gossomer g oss Bound n po ished so ld bross

TC5089 mpressLve d 0n lV 1 2" d 0., 23' ht
overol hl: choin 60"r w re l0' Four lal bu bs. eoch
60w mox.

TC509l -10 Dist nclive beOuty scoled lor the gr0nd hol or foyer
16'da. 42" ht Overoll hl ch0in 60"; wire l0' Twelve lc bllbs,
eoch 60w mox

TC3789 ce lng .
mounled compofron
12" dlo., 6' ht Three
fl bu bs, eoch 40w
TC5090 Polshed br0ss 0rms ond downlghi 3'w0y swrlch 1or
col0lpq 0o\^/r or
'qh oof 20 Oio lB ll OJe0l I c\a t a2
wir-a l0 Sx ' bros eocn 60w rro, oro 0^e 50w P 20
P-l Condelobro bose bulb Progress cho n hung lxlurs come wllh nOugh wire for l0' oveloll ht
pR4+6RESS' HAtt & FoyER:

TC43g2-69 ThreeIers of ete.once. Ig drc,2t',/i ht. LlveroIhi: ctron 72"; Contemporory fosh ons of bev-o ed cleor
rrb 0 -wal\6 . 10_ bq 60.l o0"\ r o,
wrrel0'Tweiveqbubs,eoch60wmox. g oss pcne s ond cleol g oss rods suspended
from poished bross rngs. Beoutfu


il' TC378l -68 Corlemporory pendorl l2./, d 0 )2"

't0v"o ^ ,lo Al ,

60w mox ^t" 0 O. 0.,0 eocll

TC3780-68 Ce lng mounted comp0fiof l2:./," dro,

8,/) ht Forr c bu bs. eoch 25w mox


-+r-\ -_.
6I I liL) | -' l

TC4380-68 a{rbove) chorde ier w th dowfl ght 0f

olf swlch l6'd0.13f..'hi 0ver01 ht clron42"r wire
l0' Sx c bubs, eOch 60w frox, ofd ore 50w R 20
TC4381 -68 aief) Two ier chOrde er Dowr grrl w lh
or oll swrich 19 d 0, 19" hl 0ver0 hl: cho n 42 ,
wre l0' Ten c bulf)s, eoch 60w mOx, Ofd ofe 50w
i'i R 20 dowf qhl.

Decorote wilh dimens ons in glass
thot ore e oborote ond formo ,
yet open ond spocious Beve ed
cJeor gloss ponels ore set nto
dimensionol fromes of cognoc
gloss, bound n po ished solid
bross. Polshed bross columns
ond condle cups. Su toble for
'i trodit onol os wel os
contemporory sellinos

TC3795 Beveled cledr g oss pofels lromd in cognoc g oss.

Poiq"ed 0.0s5 uOrd p crLsre. Ocloqorol d'sql I5 diO IB l.1.
Overoll nl c^On 42 wrro l0 S^ Foulbc aOcl^ 60w ro..

IC3796 (obave) Ioll spendor Beve ed cleor gl0ss ponels ffomed

i1 coqroc q,oss. lwo lrer\ o'cordles I pol(F"0 b0ss l")olo'lo
oe.rgn 15.d0 29 h.0ve'0 Irr clo160 wel0 T"r []
bu bs, eoch 60w mox.

1C3794 (left) Beveled cle0r gloss pone s fromed in cogn0c gloss

Polshed br0ss conde c usleL Hexogono design. l2" dio, 15" h1.
Overol hi choin 42";wne l0' Three Elbulbs, eoch 60w mox


LclConde obro bose bulb Progress choin-hung fixlures come wih enough wire for l0'Overol ht

P3619 (left) S x-pOnl chO n-hung l xlure Pol shed so id

brOss Beveled ond c!ryed ceOr 0Oss 12 do,2O1 h1
Overoll hi cho | 42"; w re l0S x lc bllbs. eOch 60w mOx

-.--_.*-....- -:,'. '*'

P3675 Four-pone cho I hung lxlure

Po ished so rd brOss Curyed cle0r gloss
I 0' d o . I 3/. ' hl Overo hl: chorir" 42 ;
w re I0' Three c bu bs, eoch 60w mox
P3678 Sx pone choin-hurg fxlure P3677 Four porel choin hung iQhl.
Po shcd sol d bross Beve ed ord crryed Pol shed so d bross. C!rved cle0r glOss. 10"
ceorgl0ss I2"d0,1611"ht 0ver0 Ihl chon dio, l1'A" hl Overo hl: chOin 42'; wire l0
42'; wre l0' Four c bu bs, eoch 60w mox Three c bu bs, eoch 60w mox
56trHAtt&FoYERffi t:':,;j':r:qi:iii.t;l{ef,{-ffi EPR+GRESS

TC3602-10 l'lighl,l A !t .f.] s.r e des !tr

v,'h ch mo rl0lfs ltrc ool r]' ale circi lfd at ')'
sp{]0 oLrsfess The 're'/ ljrOur po :rlrra !o rl
btoss itome suiroLlras leted cort| ls lrd
suppods s x Jc I a ear itlitss prlrt r: 2b il al
46 lrt Ori)llr i hl ahr I U4 \\'le 0
T',r"'-" ve a bir bs eoclr 60,,i/ rn0i

TC360l -'l0 aireiow) A t. s r pLrfe lo'y'rr

ghi Po shed :r! ,l brirss c!r\,'es !p flo le s
!i crrd ]]s C efr q arss pore s ,/ it I
2B lir a)'.i{r(r hl 0lr | 48'r w ru I0 Sx
a b hs e..h f'lorr rnnr



Cho in -h ung


P3646-l O Po ished brOss Six s dd w llr c e0r g Oss pOfels

S x ccnd es or h,vo l crs l 5
tlio . 291', ' hl 0ver0 hl chOr|
42;wre l0' Six c brlbs, eoch 60w mox

P3645-10 Po ished lross. S x sided w lh

s 9 d 0. Ch0lf Ond cei ng
cleor g Oss pOne
-o.rl ,'l r lLdol0.o lL or
4) lA alrgno,'6dL'--
c bu bs, eoch 60w mox
c Conde obro bose b!lb
Progress choin hufg I xlures come w th enough w re for I 0'
ovro hl.


P3714-10 Po shed so d bross

9l/, -;if ',
ded Beveledceorgoss
Six s
dta.22 hl Overol hl chLl | 60';
wre l0'. Four c bubs, "aoch
60vr' rfox
P3714-l I Anttquc
solld b.oss



.. -,*'a
po shed bross s x lllhl S r beve ctl cleOr
0veru lrl f]hOrr 60 , \{/ re Iu . Srx c

P37'l5-l I aief,r Aflqlte so d irross Sixsrded lleve 0d 0le0r gl0ss

l ? f:, d 0 . 25" hi Ovtiol nt chO r ti0"; wrre l0' Srx c bu bs c(r0h
60w nux
P37'15-10 Pol stred soid bross

P3730-l I Anlque solid bross.
ded Beveled cleor g oss
Six s
l0' dro. 6r ht Thiee c bulbs
eoclr 40w mox
P3730-10 Po shed sold

j '\t''. ,- l'. 'I

.i-jt: ..
II' o '\lirt ,n?rl*
!= 'l)>= ti
' :1,
-/ lll
1- Ila t,:

P3713-'10 Po ish-"d solid bross P3731-10 Po shed soid bross Sx sded Beveed c0r
g oss 9%" d o , I 731' ht Overol g Oss I3'd0.,6:i hl FourLc bubs. e0cl'r 40w mLrx
Four bs, eoch 60w rnox. P3731-'l I Afl que so id bross
P3713-l I Antque soid bross

' l' '...--

ixil i

';"4 d=i
j P3729-10 Poished sold bross Sx-
ll sided. Beve ed c eor g oss 8 d 0.,

ri I
6r" hl Two c bulbs. eoch 40w mox
P3729-l l Arlque sol d bross

P3744-10 Pol slred so d brOss. Fo!r s ded. P3712-ll Arllque solid br0ss Six sided
Dt' Beveled cle0r g
ht cho n 42";
oss 6r" sq , l3%" hl Overo
wire l0'. Two c bullrs, eoch
I Beveled ceor gloss 9%" d0., 12" ht Overol ht
cho 42"; wire l0' Three Lc bu bs, Och
60w mox 60w mox
P3744-l I Anique sol d bross P371 2-10 Pol shed solrd bross
O Condelobro bose bu b

Progress choin hurg flxlures come wlh enough wire for l0' Overol hl

Grocefuly orched ond beve ecl

gloss pone s dist ngu sh ihese
I'od r o-ro, de) g^' ot o. o b o\s
Petite conclle c usters wlth mlni
po'o'eo oobFc'r's l'r. ol ( hoi
hung {oshions ot ful length or close
lo the-ceil ng on fewer I nks.


,r----- li

P3740-10 Pol shed so id bross. P3762- 1 0 Po ished so d bIOSS S x-s ded

Beve ed c eoT gloss sq ,7 5l'
hl Beveled 0rched cleor gl0ss I 6ilr" tli0 . l7'
One Lclbu b. 60w mox. hl S x Lclb{rlbs, eoch 60w mox
P3762-l I Anlrque so id brass



-10 Pol shed so id bross

P3742-10 Pol shed so id bross P3741
Beve ed c eor qloss I I sq 5 ht Beveled c eor gLoss. 9' sq . 511 hl
Three al bulbs- eoch 40w fftor Two E b!lbs, eoch 40w mox.


c []onalelrbro llose nLrlb

Cho I hung f xlLfes of these pOges l]ove
chc I lor over0 hl 10 42" wlie fOr ovefOi
hl lo l0'
P3760-10 Po shed so d brrss Sx P3761-10 Pol shed so d brlss Sx
sacC tseve ed orched clecr q oss 9,L : l. 8.. oor red .. I -lo I

do 12 hl Three c bu bs, elcil tl o. l4. lrl Sjr c bu bs. ioch

1i0\r mox ti0w nrx


lt' '


', :,/

P3712-10 Pol shed sol d llross Four P3773-10 Pol slrcd so d bross Four P3774-10 Poished solid bross Four
s dd Beve ed orched c eor gloss sided Beve ed orched Q oss 7,, sq , s ded Beveied orched cleor gloss
6 . ' sq , I 3 tr" hl Two (i bu bs. eocfr I lt hl FOlr lc bLr bs. cOclt 60w rfox 7,',' sq , l5,,:," hl l-oLtr c bu bs. och
il0w m.x 60w mox
62 I HALt & FOYER mw.*=;:i=:,:.r.i:lli::,. :.: ::,. . ..-: ., .,'.PR()GRESS'

P3680-68 C eor beve ea g oss w ih h0rrd

.Lrt slorbursls Pol shed br0ss 7,r" sq Lli0
0nd ce lrfq rn0uitl nqs nc uded 0ver0l lll
clro n 36 r wire I0' Ce ng mouried lll I 3l',

Two c bulbs, eoch tj0w mox

P3681-68 c eOr Devc ed g oss wlh h0fd ctrl

slorbursls Polshed br0ss 9" sq Cho | ond
- q O,''q.1.4 0.4 rl , Il
36"; w re lO Ce ling molfled hi 14" Four
E bulbs. eoch 60w mox . -t*.
P3684-68 Cle0r beveled gl0ss wiih lr0nd cll / ..r-i:
sl0rbufsls Po Lshed btoss I 6,',' dio . 1 5./, hl i-i

Over0 hlr chon 42. wrre l0' Slx c bu[]s. - 6t

rtaw !,
eoch ti(\,v frox

P3686-68 Cle0r beveled gl0ss wil'r h0nd cll

slobursls Po slred bross 23 '', d o ,
lB hl 0ver0 ht: choin 42 . wLre l0'
lc bulbs, eoch 60w mox
..iI ( l
: -iir Et
(z ir-!17
lnsloll on
chcln or
\:t I i
close lo-
l' ceiling

t q-,

P3680-68 P3686-68

lnstoll on
choin or
close-to- 'i

I i:n -!..'t
!* jt
{', ,] tr
I ." l lt"r" '
; l$ l:
I :i:
t. I
{ !
j i.
ii t- :::r-rr- :

i .'a
a6 F t' ,t ...:l

-'i -'1= j

P3681-68 P3684-68



P3665 Polshed brQss Choin huno P3765 Polished bross. Ce tno

Decoroled cle0r gloss. 7" sq 12" ht mounteci DecorOleci c eor olossl 7 so .

Overol hi
choin 36"; w re l0' Two lcl I 2 ht Two cl bulbs -"ocli 60w mo\
bulbs eoch 60w rnox

-' -LEF+.-
I -lP

B {rI:' P3737 (eft) Poished br0ss ceiting ighl
wilh cleor oloss. 1xA" sq.,lt/," hI One
!41 bJ b 60\.r, ro\. C 25 re(ommcndeo

jlllf - '"
'HK- - -- t[.:rtr:
l| '!
",1 {1[g

i4&g# F- lr\
\C Eft-IHII''$H
._r- -. :
;, F-- ]E I . rTi ,f E+

P3738 Poiished bross ho|g ng lixlure with cteor gloss. P3739 Six-sided po ishecl br0ss ho|gtng ftxture w lh cleOr
l3/i"sq., llt'ht Overoll ht chon 36"; wire t0' Three gloss l7%"dia,I1,,t,' hj Over0ll hl chon 36"r wre l0'
c bulbs, eoch 60w mox. Four c bulbs eoch 60w max

c Condelobr0 bose bu b &l l,4ediunr bOse bulb Progress choin hung I xlures come w lh enough w re for I 0' overOll hl

Versotile cho n hung foshlons for intimole
d n ng oreos, kitchen tob es ond breoKost
nooks. They serve equclly weil over s de
tobles n lving rooms, fomi y rooms ond
bedrooms. Those with downl ghls ore
ldeol for tosk I ghting over desks, gome
tobles ond other work or p oy oreos

P3663-68 Beveled cleor gloss pone s with groy

cL oLro -l 'oe por cf6d b 05)
uer te sl'pps >L --
condle.. ll i O,c rt 0\p o l f lo r 30
wre I0' Three la bubs, eoch 60w mox

P3662-68 Ce irg mounled polished bross condles

cenlered in cleor beve ed g Oss ponels w th groy cul
siripes ll%" d0, 107." hl. Three gbulbs, eoch
60w mox

P4363-68 Two l ered creol on of c eor beve ed

q Oss porels w-r qroy L rl relte's'oe- Two lpvels
or oo .heo oToss Lonoles I / 0ro. 15 , 1l
Overoll ht: chO n 36"; w re I O Elohi q bu bs, eoch
60w mox

'ljil'I *","-*= . '

TC3700-68 (1bave) Ce ng mounied compOn 0n
Corficed, pollshed br0ss hexogo| Beveled c eor glOss
pone s l4l, d 0 , B.,r" hl Three lc bulbs, eoch 40w mOx

TC5072-68 a/ell) Af elegont g Oss over g oss oclOgorl

The po shed br0ss c0rn cd crown hods lronl Ond 0iger
reOr ponels of beve ed cleOr glOss Eghl cofdecusler
o r',g. ge.t"ro\ 2 d0 2t l'0."0
.10" ,12 Iqrr 0L0 "0 o0^ -r0

\r,{J i,/
TC370l -68 EOch side of lh s hexOgon0 p0lshed brOss
-68 crowf holds {r beve ed c eOr g Oss pOne Three cOnd e
IC507l Beveled cleor gloss p0ne s h0fg lrom the corr ced crowf
clusler 14.,r" dio l6'hl Overol fri clroln 42 wre l0'
0J th s pol shed br0ss hexoljon Sp end dly lLrm noled by 0 s x c0ndle
Tl]lee c bu I]s, eoch 60w mox
r lsler lB" dlO 20 ht Overo I hl chO 42' 'N[e l0
S x c bt]lbs
eoch tiow mox

Progress ch0 | hurg lixlures come w Jh enough wire lor l0' overo hl c Condelobro bose bulb

Bevelecl and cleor gloss bound in solid bross
offers the light ond oiry Iook for lntimote d ning
creos. kitchens ond other oreos,

P5009-10 Polished
bross. Cleor gloss Ponels ,I
I B" dro I 5" hl. Overoll
hi: choin 36"r wire lO'.
F ve Oibulbs, eoch
60w mox.

"*q P5010-10 Polished bloss cleor

/;fl oloss porels 3 woy sw ich fol
aofd es, downllqhl or bolh l B'
.r i:#ffi da l5'hl Overoll hl: chorr 36
:i ] ;r.; wrre l0'. Five El bulbs, eoch 60w
:: r-
.i.11: mox One 50w R-20 dowrlrghi
: .. a-. ,1!..:!11j :
:;,. :: P5010-25 Vetde
P501 0-30 Whiie
. -, ,t : P5010-32 Sond

P5040-'10 Polished bross Hond cut florol desgns on ceor P5025 H0nd'cul f orol designs on c eoT ond honey wh le gloss
beveled gl0ss. Bound in solid brOss. B" etched gloss globe Bound n onlque sold brOss B" etched gOss globe. I5'1," dio,
I 8" dia . I 2" ht Overo I hi: choin 42"; wrre l0'
Ofe L\al bulb, |%'hl Overoll hl chon 42'r wre l0'. oneiMl bulb. l5Cw
I 50w mox mox
P5040-l I Ant que bross
P5041 -'l0 Po ished brOss Beve ed c e0T g Oss 0r0und 0n e qhl c0fd e P5064- 1 0 Po sfed brOss Beve ed c err !ll0ss, bolnd I
cusler Boufd willr soldbross 23'da
I4'/i' hl Overolirl thoiir 42 so d brOss. 0IOL,fd s x c0fdies lB' d 0 I 6" hl Overo
wr l0'
Erghl c bulbs, eoch 60w mox hl cho n 42 ; w rc l0 S x c bL bs. eOch tio$/ nax
P5041-l I
Ant que brcss P5064- I 1 Arl que bross

,ffi .5

P5141'll Anlque bross Beveled ce0r(:]loss bound rsoirl brOss Eahi P5164-10 Po slred b.0ss Sx c0ndes uroufcl lrulrpel
.101".r. o.0 -4-roet .o -r' lil1.0-^o0ld0 Oo'Lql 0 d '.\ , co urnr w th conceoled downl ghl 0nd 3 w0y sw 1ch
,.a'.' 23 d0 I 0\"0 I c') 4/ - 0 lrq' o.b. Beve ed c eor g Oss bourd fso dbross lB"d0,16 fl
?ccf 60!r r.n0x , ofd one 50w R 20 downl ghl ^ 42:wrclA
0ver0 l hl: chOn S x lc bulbs. eOch 60w
P5l4l -10 Po ished bross mox, ond one 50w R 20 dowf ghl
P5164- l I Anl que bross
c Ocfde obrc Dosc bu b
r"l Nled !m bose bLilb
Pi0gress cha n hrng f xlures come w lh ef ouqh w re for l0'over0l hl
The Tiffony trodit on lives on in these colorful des gns.
Eoch piece of gloss is corefully selecled for color ond

cut by hond to the desired

shope ond size. Then
crofismen hondjo I and
solder eoch individuol
piece into plcce. These
unique ort stic composi
lions ore equolly ot home
ln trodit onol or


r ouvp o'ld cleor q 0s5

P5122 Wr le opo,e5cerl po're s 0rsp 0y --
oeso's Po rsreo bross lr,r 20r dto "11 0ver0ll' cl 0i1 P5128-10
42"; wie l0' One lrvl bulb, l50w mOx. G 40 recommerded
P5123 a pr^ blusl'rosp rf0 wrl revpr -0d" Drsp'oyed ortd
qreer leovps 0rd srole pOr p c or o wnr-e opo e-cel ' bockg 0,"1d
por sheo b'Oss c010les wrlt lrJrpe Oowrrtgll 3wqswrl-l 20
do l3 ". Ove'ol 'rl chon 42 wre'0 . bLlb- "0.'.r
20 down ghi.
60w mox., ond one 50w R

P5124 A booulllJlly eooo olp oesigr ol cleor lexlJrad Ond boLt

swir ql0ss frg^ rgl rs l'r,s op0 pscen wirlp sh0da. Po sl^ed blo$
condre c Lsler wrlh rJnpel dowrltgl or d .r wOy swllcl' l9 d 0.
I3 nl Over0l, nl cno n 42 w r"e , O . 'orr [-l br-tbs eocl 60'^
mox., ond one 50w R-20 downloht
P5'125 Swirls ol co or grodu0l y chonge lrom opolescent whlte
throuqh v0rious lores ol mouve The bonded skirl hOs o scOlloped
edoe. Pol eheo b'Osslfln o,o -3 f- Over0l l:Ll0l'l 42
wri" l0 Onp lrv oLlb l5Ow ro\
G-40 reco-nn-ande0

P5l 28-10 Beouliful colors ploy 0cross this opo escenl wh le

shOde Po ished bross c0ndle c usler wilh lrumpet downlighl Ord
3 woy \wrlch. 2 d I 0 13 ove o I h': c'10,T 12 wl'p 10 foJr
a bJrbs eOch 60w ord orp 50w ? 20 dowr ligl'
P5r 23

P5125 P5122

P3782-68 Ce rfg mounled ook wooC

hexogor ed c eor g oss w th frofd
cul l orol decorolon Polshed bross
occenls 16.:.'d0 6/, lrl Three 0
tl b! bs. eoch 40w rnox

P5081-68 Conlo!red ook wood

hexOgur Brve ed w lf] h0nd
c ea]l glOss
cul 1or0 decor0l on Po rshed br0ss
oround ar lr!mpel co umr Corceo ed
dowflighl w th 3 woy sw lch l8ll d o .

l5 rlll lo l, nr, l0

'or ' O-D p' bOI r. tOt o

50w R 20 downlght

n^ P5082-68 oofloure.l ook wood

o. oq, B".ead e ,J0 10r d
c!l f or0l decor0l of Po shed^"
br0ss 0llfs
0roufd 0 lrLrmpel colLrrrn Conce0led
down ghl w th 3 woy swilch 24 d o ,

l5 hl Overo I hl chorf 42 . w re l0
Sx c bu bs, eoolt 60w rfox, ofd ofe
50w R 20 dowr ighl

ic Cofde obro bose bu i)

M lvlcd um bose bu b
Progress chO n hufg f xlures come w th
efoLrgh w re for l0
overo hl




P5081-68 P3 7 82- 68
70 Plr+GRESS,

pendonts (a
The oncestrol goslight
of this lotter18003
re creotion illuminoted
picturesque roilrood
stotions. Progress LighiingS
brovuro renditions cre

ovailoble in occent colors

ond gleomlng polished
bross, equolly ot home
in troditionol or
contemporory environs,
The polished bross crown
is outhenticolly detoi{ed
with o gos flow regulotor
ond ventilotion holes.
Metol shodes, white
innerlined for maximum
reflectivity ore finished
wilh o step formed edge.
The ribbed prismotic gloss
softens ond diffuses lighl,
P5l l7-39

P5l I7-10 Polished bross

shode, crown ond choin 17"
dio.. l6" ht. Overoll hl: choin
42")wie 10' . one M bulb,
l00w mox.
P5l l7-39 Red shode.
oolrshed bross crown
P5l l7-45 Green shode,
pollshed bross crown

M Medlum bose bulb
P51 I 7-10 P5l l7-45
Progress choin-hung f ixiures
come wilh enough wlre for
l0' overoll hl.

Heritoge form, simplified
cnd smoolhed lo
contemporory lines, s
dressed in selecl finishes of
chrome ond olmond,
Po ished bross cop ond
"hotbond" on the meto
shode thots white innerlined
ond slep-edged
Cord hung 'Ponoche" pendonls
lB" dio.. 10" ht overoll hf. 10 48".
One !!41 bulb, l50w max., G 40
P5108-15 Chrome
P5108-59 Almond

P5108-i 5 P5108-59

From workshop to boutique,
ond other designer
opplicol ons, is the success
story of thls functionol
foshion. Metol shode, with o
rolied rim, ls offered in four
occent colors. Wh 1e
innerl ned

Cord hufg RLM pendonls. 16" d 0.,

B%" h|. overol ht to 48". one M
bub. I50w mox.
P5094- 10 Po ished bross
P5094-30 Wh te
P5094-45 Dork qreen
P5094-59 Almond

P8625 l5 t white cord wilh

sockel lor replocemenl on cord

hunC pendonls.
P5094-59 P5094-45 P5094-30 P5094-10


Glistening ribbed gloss
prismotic shodes
enhonce the illuminotion
of the light source. Se ect
from three des gns, eoch P5100 Ribbed Oloss prismolic "bell". 12" dto , P5l0l R,boea 0Oss D rc-"roiic 0eL l5 dio
n iwo sizes, All ore hung B%" hl. Overollhl choin 42"; wlre l0' one cleor l0 nr Overol hl'cnoll42rwre O. Olecleo
from o polished bross M bulb, l00w mox M bulb. I50w mox.

chain ond cop.


P5102 Ribbeo qtoss prrsnoiic Oorre wtl^ P5103 Ribbed glOss prismotlc dorne with
po,rsheo b'Oss raa. 12, dio. L l'. Ove'oll polished br0ss t rg. lst/i' djo., I I %" hl. ovelol
h : cho r12 l0 ore cleor Lt'4 bLlb htr choin 42"; w re I0'
one cleOr M bu b, l50w
I OOw mox. m0x.

P5093 Ribbed gl0ss pr smolic cone. I 5" diO ,

P5092 RLbbed g oss prismotc cone. 12" clo.,
8%" ht. Over0ll ht: choin 42", wire l0' One
cleor M bulb, l00w mox
l07" ht. Overo I hti choin 42"; wire l0'. One
cleor [,r-] bu b. I 50w mox. (a
M Medium bose bulb

Progress chojn-hung fixtures

come wjth enough wire for
l0' overoll hl


P5104-30 While cord huf g nre10 dome s wh le P51 26-30 Wh le cord hun0 pol\/prop\/lene dome
ffr fed lor greoler reflecliv ly l6"d0,8l'lrl )5" dia ,1r,/i hl Overo I ht to 48" Ofe lNr- bulb.
Overoi hl 10 48" One Ul bulb, l50w mOx . G 40 l50w mox, G 40 recomme|ded


P5079 Po ished brOss pendonl Elched Ocrv c shode wilh P5ll2 Tr0nsucenl whlleOcrycdome. Pollshed bross1rm l6%'
ceOrdesgn. )4" dio., )4'1" lr1. Overoll ht chOil'r 36"; wire da,llli' hi 0ver01l hl chor 42"r wre l0' OnelM b!lb. lSOwmox
l0' One &l bulb, l00w mox G 30 recommefded G 40 recommended

ffilr Use ihe swog kit to hang
g v rtuolly ony choin hung
i: Progress ighting fixlure where
r1' ihere's no occessible ceiling
outlet box. lt just plugs inio o
wo I outet. Kt ncludes 12 ft.
cho n, 15 ft. w re w th plug, on-
off switch, hordwore ond eosy
insiallotion lnslructions.
P4213-10 Polished bross
P4213-l I Anlique bross

P5127-10 Prism0lic ocrylic cone. Po shed

brOss occerls 14" d 0 . th" hi Overol h| cho lixture on poge indiccled
') 36'; wire I 0'. One M bu b. l00w mox

':l rf
l--' .rl '

c I
rl ]I\

P5l2l Hcnd blowf Dcco Dertd0nl w th lh-" r:les !lrrr's f LlI P4211-3O \A/h le Conlemponr',, D r ilo\,1,ir \r4ih lit .' isi
S0l I c e0r gluss Whlle coral Dccollliv0 slll f
wh lil or Co cd rord Ond pu lOy cOnopy :l wry :r/r lrh l7 1l I I lll
0 Lrrr nLrm cOp ond co.ropy I 4 1. di0 , I 2 , lt Ovl rr hl kr 0!ero hl 22 lo 54' Three r''r bLrlbs. tIalr [i(]!f m(lr
48" One r"tl brlb l50w mrrr P4217-11 Anl qlre brrss

Opc ccrs,-d glass globes
provide .venlv d flused qht
Wh te conopy ond cop
P44Ol "29 S dio ov-"ro I hj Io
48 Orlt) I'l tltl b. 60\,/ tl.{ll
P4402-29 l0 do Overr hl 1o
50 Onc r'r tl! b, l00w rr.r
P44O3-29 12 d o Overo lrl 10
52' Ofc M bLr b, larow tfox
P4406 14" do Overol hl 10 b4
One r.r bLrlb, l50w mox

' ,'" P4406 ' . '

Prov des odcl tlon.rl enlllh
to cord hlng f rlures, for
lrrslol otions on h gh
ce ngs .rnd n slcirwe ls
P8625 5 I1 vrh le cord !4/ th
sockei ior teplocemefl ou cord
h!fg pr)ralonls


P5035-35 Noturo smuoled wcker Polsfrec P5035-30 Wh le s mu 0led wlcker Polshed bross
[ir0ss L]ccenls Whlte 8 goss gobe l8/i diO,l5 hl occenls Whle gOssgiob)e IB/:'d0 I5 hl
O,rer0ll hl cfroin 36 ; wire l0'. One I'r bu b. I 50w mOx 0ver0 hl chOr 36"; wre l0' Ofe M bub, l50w mOx


P4295- l I
l0 P4295-59

P4107-59 Almond Wh te gloss d fflser 3 wOy P4295-]0 Po shed bross Wh te g Oss g obe 12 d o , g hl
s,,vrlch lB do ,101,," hl Overo hl chOrn 36", hi ch0in 36"r w re l0 One I'r bu b, l00w m0x.
r.! rel0' Folr lM bulbs. eoch 60w mox P4295-l I Anlique bross
P4295-59 Almond

P4520- l I Arlique bross Frosled

c eorlop g oss ch mney 12" dro ,
l3'hl Overol hl choin 36 wlr-"
l0 One M bub. l00w mox

P4522-11 Arlique bross

lrosled gioss chimfey 3 woy
swllch l5" do. l7' ht overol
h]: cho | 36'; wire l 0' One
3-woy !l bu b, 50/100i l50w mox

M N4ed um bos blr b Progress ch0in hung lixlures come w lh nolgh w re 1or l0 overo I hl

pesigner dimmers

Progress d mmers comb ne

odvcnced soft'touch electron c
operoi on ond hondsome, sleek
appeoronce thol blends w ih the
popu or designer wol plotes.
All hove quolity feolures including:
n lndlcotor I gh1 so you con f nd il
n o dcrk room
[l Fitered to m nim ze rocl o ond
iniercom inierference
fl Eosily gcngoble n off the shelf wollp oies
E Swlich for sofe fixlure servicing
fl UL L sted
E Cho ce o{ des gner finlshes in whlte or ivory
Pre-set Touch-on dimmers le1 you s de the conlro io Dimensions
ony des red lghiing level, then just touch the pad to
iurn lghts off or on ogoin ot your pre set leve Olher 600 wotl
feotures of Pre-sei models inc ude
['l Posit ve response circuitry ovo ds "occidento "
sw tching
il 4t/;'
n 2 coLor on off ndicotor lighl 3%r'
ft Universol ood copocily for d mm ng ncondescent, j
incondescent low-voltoge, fluorescenl ond neon
lights -)
n 3 woy sw tch ng so you con inslol one Progress -)','
Shoded oreos
e ecironic dimmer ond turn it on or otf wiih offJhe breok off
shelf mechon co swltches from up to 10 seporote for gcnqing
locot ons.
\,tr lplotes nol inc uded wlth dimmers
Order designer wo lp otes from others.


App icotiof Number FLn sh Type Copoc 1y+* Appi col on Numbei Finish Type Copoc 1y**

P8500-30 P8505-30
P8500-49 Ylf slde to orr
3 WQy P8505-49
Wh le
lncondescenl P8501-30 While
lncondescenl P8506-30 Whil
Pre'sel 1000w
Single Pole P8501 -49 lvoIy P8506-49 lvory

P8502-30 While P8507-30 While Pre'sel

P8502-49 Pre-sel r 000w 3 Woy P8507-49 lvory
lvory lJn versol
p,6_car P8508-30 Whrte
?gqq9-qS w'rile b00vA P8508-49 lvorV
r 000vA
Un verso P8503-49 lvory *Us0b
e w th mognei c ow volioge frO|sformers on y, nol so d
Lood* P8504-30 Wn re \o', .o00vA
b5;6i-i6 ;;;
ProgTess d mmers ore l20V 60Hz
P," slole eleclronlc ironsformers
**Recommendecl m n rnum ood is 10"/o ol r01ed c0p0c iy Consull
nslrLrcl on sheei for complele instoll0t on deloils
- PR+GRESS' 77

l//ott tights
, 1,,
lnree lgnl sources

n oddition to o w de se ection of
ollroctve wo mounled frxlures
[more ore n the chonde ier ond
both sectons), Progress odds the
vorylng benef ts of three different
lght sources
The generol serv ce A-bulb rodiotes
o soft, worm g ow n ol directions.
The R 20 or R 30 ref ecior omps ( n
swivel I ghts on poge 811 d rect I gh1
where Vou wcnl i1
Lower energy consumption cnd the
reduced mointenonce ong-life of
compoci PL lamps add to the
oppeol of fluorescenl wol fosh ons.
Tungslen Hologen
Creoie dramotic lighting effects with
h gh ntens ly llum nol on f rom o
smoll I ght source w th good color
r-ond t on

E P7109 Tungslen Ho ooen

['10!nl 'up" for ndireci lighl fg or "down" for
wo down ghling 12" W, 6'hl. Exifds 6r"
NCANDESCENT M bulb. l00w mox
P7100-10 Polished lrross
P7',I00-30 whii
P7l0l -l0 Polished bross
P7l0l -30 Wh ie
TUNGSTEN HALoGEN T 4 m n con250w
mor l",lounl up on V
P7102-10 Po rshed bross
P7102-30 Wh 1e

RIEBED OPTIC GLASS P7l00- l0 lnccndescefl P7108 lncondesceni

Strtf etched g Oss sollly diffuses ighl P7l0l - l0 Fiuorescenl
Po rshed bross occenl 16" W, 8'1" hl
P7,l02-10 Tunqslen HoioQen
Fxlends B"
P7106 FLUORESCENTTwo l3w PL l3

ll0ndsome polished bross up ighi with
sporkling bose of cleor 0crylc )6
ht Extends 8"
P7108 NCANDESCENT [,r- l]!tb. t00w mox
The mosl ll!m nolior lronr lhe smOlesl
sconce. While scoop s oniy 9" W, hl 4r" G
D Exlerds B' @ ff
P7109 TUNGSTEN HALOGEN T4 mini.con.
250w mox.
P7100-30 lncofdescenl P7105 lncondescenl
f Comocn on f xhre on ocoe inal aolp.l P7l0l-30 Fluorescent P7l 06 F uorescenl
\' P7l 02-30 Tungslef Hologen

TCTl59-25 Verde. incondescenl

TC7l59-48 Tero. ncondescenl
TC7l34-r 0 lncandescefl

P7l 03-l2 lfcondescerl P7103-30 rcondesceni
P7104-12 Fluorescenl P7104-30 FlLrorescenl

Decorolive lum nolon from ihe lop, bollom 0nd beiween lhe
louvers 14" W. 7" ht Extends 7'
M bu b, l00w mox
P7103-12 Soi n bross
P71 03- 1 5 Chrome & solin bross
P7103-30 wh te
Two l 3w PL 13
P7104-12 Solin bross
P7104-15 Chrome & soln bross
P7l 04-30 wh le
Arl Deco I0n ol three goss Oyers in poished brOss flOme
15% \ 1 . )2' ht Extends 5"
P7 1 07 TNCANDESCENT One M bu1b, l00w mOx
Sporkl ng beveled cleor g oss pend0nls ref ecl in g oss milrol or
bockpote Polshed so d bross orch 14" W, 9
ht Exlends 7"
TC7l34-10 NCANDESCENT Two O bu bs, eoch 60w rn0x
he 0Lo lool ol 0 OJr'! r " i,d <' 0!o Qio s ol d\ord
oro., -B W 8 'rL.",o\o N.r\DF'Cl\T 0rd v bLb
59-25 Verde
59-48 TeIo
P7l 07 ncondesceft

sphere 12 W.6"h1 Exlends 6" One lM bub, l00w


P7',I36-r 0 P0lished br0ss 1rim. Eiched ql0ss sh0de 101.1," W, 5'hl

Exlerds 5 /', One iMl bulb, I00w mox

t.|lt il I I

P7125-10 Pol shed bioss. Etched gloss P71 l2-30 Wh le trim Whrte gloss I L.r" P7126-10 Poished bross Plsmoic glOss
ca./.t l2',ti W. 7rl'hl Exlefds 6" One Lr,.r W, 5" ht Exiends 5i;" One lMl bu b, l00w baw l2t,/i W. 711'" ht Exlends 6" one M

bLr b, l00w mox mox bu b. l00w mox

P7l l2-10 Pollshed lloss lr m

Lc Cofde bro bose bulb
M [,4edium bose bulb

@ iixlure on poge ind coled

Dn P7137-10 Poished brOss lrm Elched P7l l3-10 Pol shed bross lr m Whrle

g0ss shode 10,1" W, 5" hl txlends 5ll: g oss. I lrr" W, 5" hl. Extends 511". Lomp
lomp: one l3w PL 13 ore l3w PL 13.
P7'l l3-30 White trim

Allroctive, compocl fluorescenl wol
'/',a p olida rad I od o 6g/
costs w lh longer omp fe.

P7l'10-10 Poishd brOssf f slred irome

WhLle sh011er res sl0nl 0cry c d ll!ser 4.'
W. I 2.,',' ht Exlends 4
Lon"p One
l3w PL 13
P7ll0-15 cl]rorne I n sh
P7l 1 0-30 Wh te

P7l I I -30 Wh te 1 | slred frome Wh Te

'' ''i.i! Jl0r,,d".'P W P7l I0- t0 P7l I -30
l2r,:'hl Exlends 4 Lomps Two l3w P7r l0-15 P7t l-10
PL.I3 P7l r 0-30 P7l l-15
PTl lI-10 Po shed bross
P71II-15 chrome i n sh

P7 | 42-30 Wh ie sholler res slorl ocry c

6"W, t2" ht Exlerds 4 Lomp 0fe
l3w PL 13
P7 r 43-30 Wh le sholler res slofl ocry c
6"W, t2" hl Exlends 4 Lomps Two
l3w PL 13


P7142-30 P7 r 43-30

These inconclescent wol f xtrrres
offeT woTm co or rend tion ond the
convenience of generol servrce "A"
bu bs.

P3892 Wh te sholler res slonl 0crylc.

Horzor10 or verlicol mo!rl 6" W, B" ht
Exlends 5/4 . One rv bu b. 60w mox
P3893 Whrle sholler res s10nl 0crylc.
Hor zorlo or veri co moufl. 6" W, 16" ht.
Exlnds 5%' Two r'1 bu bs. eoch 60w nrox

M N4edium bose bllb

P3892 P3893


Adjustoble swlvel lighls rotcie 10 o m
n ony direction Use for work, ploy or
reoding, ond to occeni p onts,
piclures or pr zed possessions.

P3232-30 P2956-30 Whlte AdlustOb e w0 I sw vel
light 5'l'' di0., 6%" ht Exlerds 71". H0s
swilch One tul bulb, 50w R'20 mox.
P2957-30 Whiie Two odjusiob e wo I

swvel ghls. 12'W,6t/i' hl Exlends 71"

fd viduO sw tches. Two LM bulbs. eOch 50w
R 20 mox
P323'I-30 Wh le OdjLrsiob e sw vel for w0 I
or ce irg 5" dlo., Il/,'ht Exlends 9'.,':' Ore
Ml bu b. 50w R 20, 50w PAR 20 or 75w
P2957-30 A 19 mox
P3232-30 TwO wh 1e odjustolrl-" swivel
lights for wo or ceiling I 41." d 0 , 8'1" hi.
Exlends 8%'. Two !'41 bu bs, 50w R 20, 50w
PAR 20 or 75w A'l I

P3233-30 Three wh le odjustObie swive

ighls for w0 I or ce ling. l4%" dio , 9r" ht.
Exterds 9%". Three L]!l bu bs. 50w R 20,
Dh 50w PAR-20 or 75w A l9 mox.
P3941-30 wh le Adjusiob e wo l sw ve
P3941-30 P3942-30 lghl. 5%" W, 7%" ht Exlends 10" oire Fl
bu b. 75w R 30 or l00w A-19 mox.

P3942-30 White Two odjusJob e wo I

swive ighls. 18'W, 77; hl Exlends 10"

Two M bu bs. eoch 75w R-30 or l00w
A- l9 mox.
P6268-10 Polished bross AdjustOble w0 I

or c"rl.1q spfep. 5 \4. , 7 rl

O.p V
bulb. 50w R 20 mox
P6268-30 While
P6269-30 While AdjuslOble w0 I or ceiling
sphere. 7" W, B%" hl. one [4- b!lb, 75w
R 30 mox
P6269-'I0 Polished bross
P6398- 1 0 Po ished brOss Adjrstoble w0l
or ce ing cyl nder B ock boff e 5" W, B%"
h1. Extends to 12". one Fl bulb, 75w R-30
P6398-30 Wh te
P6399-30 White adjustoble woli 0r ceiling
cylinder. BOck b0ffle. 5%" W, 9%" hi.
Exiends 10 I2%". one M blrlb, 250w Q or
300w R-40 mox.
P6399-10 Polshed bross

f xlure on poge nd coled


[\/lutti-purpose (C
Funclionol ond
loshiondble incondescents
ond fluorescenE
Progress olfers multi purpose
lights to complement ony
decor-in the fomily room,
recreoUon room, bedroom,
kitchen, or onlavhere in the


TC3724 Diornond-poiiern leod

cryslol w th groy cui llor0l molil 24k
gold ploled conopy. 12" d o , B" ht
Two M bulbs, eoch 60w max.

TC3725 Diomof d pollern eod

cryst0l wih groy cui florol mol f. 24k
gold ploted conopy. 15" dio., 9" h1.

Three li.i buibs. eoch 60w mox

TC3757 Swirled cleor leod cryslol.

Polshed sold bross conopy. 77" dio , TC3757 rc3725
7" hl one cLeor Fl bulb, 75w mox

TC3758 Swirled cleor eod cryslol.

Po shed solid brass conopy. l2" djo.,
7%" ht Two f,4 bLrlbs. eoch 60w mox

TC3759 Swirled cleor eod cryslol

Po ished so id bross conopy. 15" dio,
8,/, " hl. Three &l bu bs, eoch
60w mox

P3770 Domond pollern leod crysio.

Polished bross linish. l2" dto. 7'/?" hl
Two lM bulbs. eoch 60w mox.

P3771 Di0mond-p0tterf e0d cryslol TC3759 TC3758

bowl. Polished bross fln sh. I 5' dio .
7" hl Three M bulbs, eoch 60w nrox.

I xtures on poges 5 to 7
lM l\,4edlum b0se bulb
P3771 P3770


P3658 R bbed, elched g oss bowl P3659 Rbbed. elched gloss bow. Po shed bross P7359 FLUORESCENT R bbed, etched g oss bow
Po shed bross conopy l2fr" dlo., cofopy 16 d 0, Bl" hl. Thre !!l bu bs, och Polshed bross cofopy l6" d 0 , B.r" lr1. L0mps lwO
7 ,, hl Two lMlbu bs. eoch 60w mox 60w mox l:lw PL- l3

P3652-l I Ant que bross conopy. P3653- 10 Po shed bross cOr'ropy Wh 1e P3654-30 Wh le coropy Wh le gloss
Whle gloss l0r:" dio, 6ll" hl Two b4 goss. l2l" da,1'/'' hl Two Fl bulbs, )4.,'do.,71/'' hl Three I'r llu lls, eoch
bLr bs. eoch 60w mox eoch 75w mox 60w mox
P3652-10 Polshed bross P3653-l'l Anl oue bross P3654-10 Pollshed bross
P3652-30 Whiie P3653-30 wh 1; P3654-l I Ani q!e bross

P7353-10 FLUORESCENI Som os

P3653. Lomps two l3w PL l3

P3655-'10 Po ished bross conopy. P3656- 1 0 Po shed bross conopy P3657-10 Polshed bross conopy Cleoi
Cleorrbbed gloss bowl. )O'/i' dto., 6t/'' Cleor rbbed g oss bow. 12./:' dio., ribbed gloss bowl 141,)" do, 11/i'hl
hl Two M bu bs. 60w mox 7rr" ht. Two M bu bs, eoch 75w mox Tlree lM'bu bs, eoch 60w mox

@ nl

P3200-10 Polished bross Squored, rbbed gloss shOdes. P3259-l l Afllque llross. Etched l!l p g oss shodes.
l5li dtc..1" hl. Thre r'4 bulbs. eOch 60w mox 14" d 0, 6/.," hl. Three !!l bulbs, e0ch 60w mOx.
P3200-15 Chrome P3259-10 Polished bross

@^ @'

P3238 Three wh le g oss shodes Anlique brOss

)5" do.73i,' hl Three [M bu bs, eoch 60w m,]x
Decor0live sOln-etched g oss shOdes
60w mox
l4l;dto,1 /;
hi Three M bulbs, ,t

P3226-t0 P3226-35



P3226 I P3226-30

P3226-10 Polshed bross colropy Wh le g Oss P3226 -l I Aflrque bross

globes. I5' !l
d 0 , 7ri" hl. Three bulbs, eoch P3226'30 Wh ie
60w mox P3226-35 Ook on po ished bross

M N4edium bose bulb Crpon on I xlure of poge indlcoled


P3222-35 ook finished metol. Drop
while gloss Conopy mounied. Torsior
springs for eosy relomping. 8%" sq., 5"
hl. Two [4- bulbs, eoch 60w mox

P3223-35 12" sq. version of P3222

5"hi Three lM bulbs, eoch 60W mox.

P3236 00k finish frOme. White glass.

.'/ \--
Polshed bross conopy 14" sq , 73/i' nl
Three iMl bulbs, eoch 60w mox.

P3264 Ook flnjsh oclogon White P3239-15

iexlured gloss. Poiished brOss conopy. 18"
sq, 7%" hl. Four M bulbs, eoch 60w mox P3239-10 Poished bross. Fuled. cleor
gloss 15" dio., 7t/2" Ifiee M bulbs, eoch
P4590-35 Ook wood frome White 60w mox
lexlured Ol0ss. Polished bross coropy P3239- 15 Chrome
)61/," sq., 1t/4" hi Four lE bulbs, eoch
60w rnox

P4630-35 Ook wood frome. While

gl0ss. Polished bross c0nopv. 15"
sq, 7%'ht. Four El bulbs, eoch 60w mox


P3222-35 P3223-35

P4944 P4667

II 4^ '.-) *

{ \



P4607 P4801 P4942 ,! 4a


l' './ 'i,

P4962 P4971


P4605 Lo que look Sotln elched foro P4801 Iflofy ook, honey opoescenl P4961 Wh le gloss 1 2" sq Two M bu bs,
gloss Cosl liniOl 147,"d0, Bn"hi Three g oss Anlique bross llound I I Z dio , eoclr 60w mox
M bulbs, eoch 60w mox Bl hl Three LNr bllbs, eOch 60w mox
P4962 Pollerned whrle gl0ss l2'sq Two
P4607 Pofdo p0rlv on while o oss Whlte P4855 Solin while gl0ss Po shed bross l!1 b!lbs, eoch 60w mox
conopy l3r" sq., 67r' ht Three M bu bs, tr m 15" d o Three M bulbs, eoch 60w
eoch 60w mcrx m0x. P4963 Polleined whlle gl0ss Pu ch0Lf
swlch 12 sq Two [t bLr l]s, ecch 60w
P4667 Scolloped, sOl n whlle glOss w 1l.r P4942 Decorolive sol n wh le gloss l?" m0x.
f orol design. Anl que brOss tr m. I 6" d 0 , o Two [,a- bl]lbs. each 60w mox

6r" hl Three lll bu bs, eoch 60w mox P4964 14" version ol P4962 Two u d
P4944 Decorolive sol n wrrle gloss t5" bu bs, eoch 60w mox
P4672 Iaal po e o- " -pd qto d o Three r',1 bu bs, eoclr 60w mox
12" d o Two LM bu bs, eoch 60w mox. P4971 Wh le g oss I 4" sq Two F bu bs,
eoch 60w mox

lM Medium bose bLrlb

LIGHTING SUGGESTIONS Gontinued from pose 1)

\ For lqble gomes, such os ping pong, use o 150w incondescen'

D recessed squore or o 2 40w lube fluorescent fixture over eoch holf of
the toble. For cord tobles or b ll ord tobles, use '100w hong ng f t'rures
mounted 36" obove the toble. [The P4013 10 on pcge 3'1 s especioly
P3503-l 'l Anl que bross Potlerned cleor
g oss 7.!' d 0., 4%" ht Ore M llu b. 60w
usefu over bi I ord lobles.) lV ond compulers requ re ower evel
ighting, noi o med ot the screen, io ovoid "wosh ng out" the image or
P3503-10 Polished bross reflect ng nlo the viewer's eyes.

Sewing ond other need ework require h gh leve ighting, o lolo of

'150w to 300w nsto I the I xlurc 12" 1o the lefi ond opproximote y 6"
beh nd ihe work. Aim the lighl d recily on the work.
Pionos ond music slonds Use o recessed eyeboll or o trock ighl wih
ol leost o 75w R or PAR FL bu b'12" 10 the lefl ond 24" behind the
music. For beller llum noUon, use ro fixlures 30" opod, oimed ot the
P3504-10 Poislred bross P0lJerned cleor
g oss 9r/:" d 0., 5%" hl Two r,r bulbs. eoch Bulbs, lqmps & lubes Bcsic
60w mox nformot on obout
P3504-1 1 Ant qr.le bross
ncondescenls, f uorescents
ond tungsten hologen ighl
sources ore on poges 77, 94
ond 193

More ideos Use outdoor

lonterns ndoors Swog lighls
(poge 73) wherever you
wont them Hong decorclve
f xlures from o lrock or use
P3756- l I Ant que bross. Decorcitve the we ghted bose ond
Dr" elched gloss 7rr" dio, 4%" ht one M cmpho ders 10 up ighi
p cnts ond woll oreos
bu b, 60w mox.
P3756-10 Po ished bross (poge 203).
You'1| get more deos, cnd onswers to your lighting queslons from the
experts of your Progress Lighting showroom


Livinq, bed,
fomily or w0tl0ge
Suspended or surf0ce fixlure Recessed/Tr0ck
recreotion rooms lncondescent Fluorescenl lncondescenl
Smol 3io5bubs, 40 60w 475wR30or
(Under 150 sq fl ) iolol 150 200w 6 50w R 20*
P3787-10 Polished bross Decorol ve Averoge 4106bubs, 60 Bow 4 I00w "A" or
elched o oss. 9r" d o . 5r" ht Two lM (l85 250 sq. 11 ) lolol 200 300w 675wR30or
bLrlbs. eoch 60w mox 2 oT moTe f xllrres 4 l50w R 40*
P3787-I 1 Anl que bross
Lorge lw per sq. 11. l,w Per sq fi I l00w A" per
40 sq ft
(Over 250 sq. fl.) I I xlure per I 75w R 30FL
125 sq fi per 40 sq fl *
Kilchen, loundry,
Smo l I to 3 bulbs. l50w 55 70w 2 I50w 'A" or
(Ufder 75 sq. 11.) 4 75w R 30Ft*
Averoge Ito4bubs, 60 80w 4 I00w "A" or
(75 120 sq. fl ) 150 200w 4 75w R 30FL *

Lorge 2w per sq. ll 'y'w per sq I I00w "A"

(Over 120 sq. fl ) ft m f imum per 30 sq ft
Arnounl of lghl from f xlures depends o| whelher bu b is sh0ded 0nd lype of bulb
*R 20, R 30 0nd R-40 concerlrole heOi Shou d nol be o med direclly 0t heod ol se0led
person Use R" or PAR bu bs of 75w or less where ceillngs 0re B feel high or ess The
"A" bu b o so is o good chorce for lower cei ngs.


P3203-30 Whlte Wh 1e g oss g obe

6" dio. 7" hl. one b4r bulb, 60w mox.
-* iF't
P3237-10 Polished bross Fluted, -r.!}:ir
gloss. 51" d o , B%"
c eor hi Ore ?: .'?
M bulb, l00w mox.
P3237-15 Chrome

P3251 Ani que bross. Decoroled
elched gloss glob. 6" dio, 9%" hl.
One Fl bu b. 60w mox
P3237-10 P3237-15
P3599-10 Pollshed bross c eor,
r bbed g oss g obe K.0. for sw lch P325',I
6" dto. l'/^" ht one li,l bu b. 60w

P3600-10 Polished bross c eor,

r bbed g oss globe B" dlo., 9" hi one
!L bulb, l00w mox

P3605-30 Wh le conopy wh le
goss globe K.O. for switch, 6" dio ,
7%" hl. One Nl bulb, 60w mox
P3605-10 Po shed bross
P3605- l Anijque brossI
P3667- 10 Polished bross Smoke
Oloss 6" d o , 7'1" hl. one Ml bulb,
60w rnox P3600-10
P3667-l I Anl que bross

P3687-60 Whlte gloss globe. Ook

wood, cnlique bross. 6" dlo, 7" hl 't-
one lM bulb. 60w mox

P3705-10 Po shed bross While

gloss g obe 8" d o , 9%" hi. One
Fl bu b. l00w mox
P3705- l l Anlque bross
P3705-30 While

P3752-l I Anijque bross Sot n while

gloss K 0. lor sw 1ch. 5%" d o , 6" hl
One L\,11 bu b. 60w mox. P3605-30
P3752-10 Polshed bross P3687-60
P3705-I0 P3605-10
P3753-l 'l
Ant que bross. cleOr fluted P3705-',I I P3605-l I
goss. K.0 ior swilch 4%" do,6'/i' hl P3705-30
one lM bulb. 60w mox.
P3753- 10 Po shed bross

{ . -r'}

Grponion fixlure on poge ndicoted
P3667- 1 0
P3667-l I
P3753- t I
lE Conde obro bose bulb
M l'/ed um bose bulb

lnstoll on choin
D or close-to- ceiling P3648-10 Polished
brcss. Cleor gloss 6%"
sq., 9%'ht. one Nl bulb.
60w mox

P3624-10 Dorrsl'ed bross. Ceo grs5' 1r Chgi'l 0r d cet t19 roL-lltnq\ goln
lncuded. 8'dro overoll ht: chor 36" wire l0'. Ceilin0 mounted ht 123/i' Iwo
Elbu bs, eoch 60w mox
P3624-l I Ant que bross

P3718 Poiished br0ss Simuloled cut P3717 Polished bross Simuloled cul P3649-10 Por51e0 0r0cs. Cleor 0o5s r0nie'n.
gloss 6%" sq, 8" ht one M bu b, 75w gloss 6%" sq , B" hl. Overo I hl: choin I sq Cho r 010 ce lirq ro,rlrnq-5 00lr irclud"o
m0x. 36"r wire l0'. one M bu b. I 00w mox. 0ver0 I f : clon 36 w l0 Ce-tno moJnreo hT.
lB Four lar bulbs eoch 60w mox -

P5785-10 Polished bross Cle0r gloss P5783-l I Anl que bross Cleor g oss P3769 Po ished bross f I sh Cle0r gl0ss ponels
bound in solid bross. l2" dio. 7" ht Four bound in solid bross. 9" d 0., 7" ht 7' sq.. 5" ht Two Lclbulbs, eoch 40w mox
clbllbs. eoch 25w max G 16rl Three lclbulbs. eoch 25w mox
recommended. G l6% recommefded.
P5785-l i Anl que bross P5783- 10 Polshed bross

P3637 Polished br0ss. While g oss. 9%" sq ,
5'ht Two &l bulbs, eoch 60w mox
Progress ch0in-hung fixlures come
wilh enough wire for l0' overoll hl.

UilLIry UGHTS P3408-I0 -=- -

A complele seleciion for the kitchen, both,

loundr)4 holl ond other oreos in lhe home.
F - It
P3652-l l

.{F P3412-l I
P34r 2- 10
P3412-30 P3410-30
P3653-10 P34r 0- l0
P3653-l',l P34 t 0-I t
P3408-10 Po ished brOss Whiie g Oss 1" do , 4%" ht One Fl bulb,
60w mox
f P3408-l I
P3408-30 wh le
Anllque bross

P3410-30 Wh le Wh te g oss 9%" dio., 5'1" hi Two lMl bulbs, eOch

60w mox
P3410-10 Polished bross
P3410-l I Anl que bross

P3654-30 P34i 2- l I Anl que bross White g oss. I l%" dio , 5%" h1. Two &l
P3654-',I0 bulbs. each 75w mox
P3654- r I P3412- 10 Po shed bross
P3412-30 Whiie

P3652-l I Anl que br0ss. whlle g Oss. l0.l" d10.,6%" ht Two l-ul
bullls, eoch 60w mox P4239-30
P3652-10 Polished bross
P3652-30 White

P3653-10 Po rshed bross Wh le gloss 127." dio , 7rl" lr1. Two LI4

buibs. eoch 75w mox

P3653-l I
Anl que tlross
P3653-30 While

P3654-30 white White gloss l4'1" da , 111' li Three M bulbs,

eoch 60w mox P4238-30
P3654-10 Polished bross
P3654-l I Anliqre bross
P4238-30 wl e colooy Wrl" g os- 12" d o . 5,1" ht Two lM
bulbs, eoch 60w mox
.: P4239-30 vvl p .or opy Wrle g os, 14" do , 6" hl Tlrree lr'4-

bulbs eoch 60w mox

P3755-30 (/e/r) Whire.

cyllnder. 5tr." d c . 6 hl
Ofe Ml bLrlb. 60w A 19 or
75w R-30


Wh te c0nopy Drop white g oss Tors on spr ngs lor eosy
sq, 4r" hi Two [4 bulbs, eOch 60w mox.
P3720-30 P3721-30 Wh le c0nopy Drop white gloss Tors on springs l0r e0sy
relompirg. l2'sq. 4r" ht. Three ul bLrlbs. eOch 60w mox
lr'41 Med um bose bulb

UTIl|ry LIGHTS P3415-10
fi ^ A compleie selection for the kitchen. both,
)) loundry holl ond other oreos in lhe home.


P34l4-r 0 P3416-10
ffi"" Sotin etched gloss
Conopy Dio. Hi. tul bu b(s)
P34]4-]0 Pol bross I 60w
P3415-10 Po bross 8t/" 4 /i' 2 60w
P3416- 10 Po bross l0% 5% 2 .15w


Prismoljc ond while gloss

Conopy Do lM bulb(s)
P3346-30 6:'/i 4fi I 60w
P3348-30 White Bt/i' 4%" 2 60w
P3350-30 Wh 1e l0r : 5r ," 2 75w

,'z: ,t
DA P3516-15
P3516-10 Round gloss
P35 r 6-l I Solin opOl cosed g oss. Tors on spr ng mounled lor eOsy relomp ng
Number Conopy Dio Hl. l!4 buib(s)
P3524 Whrle At,/i 5/1 I 60w
P3526 Wh te lat/i' 5t/," I-l00w
P3528 Wh le 12t/i' 6', ? I5\,,,r


P35r8-l',l P3520-30
P3518-r 5 P3520-10
P3518-30 P3520-r r
White gloss
Nun'rber Conopy DO HI l!4 bulb(s)
P3516-15 Chrome P3529
P35]6-10 Pol. bross
63/i 4r' I
P35'16-11 Ani. bross -60w
P3516-30 Wh ie P3527
P3518-]0 Pol bross
Squore gloss
P3518-1I Ant bross
ali' 2 S0lin opo cOsed glOss Torsion spring mounled for eosy relomping
P3518- l 5 Chrorfe
5" 60w
P35,I8-30 While Number C0nopy Squ0re Hl it4l bulb(s)
D) P3520-30 Wh le P3525 White BVi' 51,/," I -60w
P3520-10 Pol. bross 2
P3520-l I Anl. bross
l0%" 5% 7 5\\t P3527 t O'/2" sth" I t00w
P3520- 15 chrome P3529 Wh le 12 t/."', 6" 2 15\t

Littrc tights moke
The Progress 12 volt Hide-A-LiterM system provides worm, indirect,
incondescent il uminolion to enhonce ihe mood ond oppeor
a big difference once of specioL oreos, lt olso s pleosont, tosk lightng for work
ln kilchens srrrfoces under cobinets cnd shelves.


Hide A Ltes enhonce kitchens ond other oreos you Avolloble in s x engths. Eoch oluminum socket slr p
see the light wihout seeing the light source. Only %" ond cover is just %" deep, 13/a" wide. The cover re
deep, they instoll in smoll spoces where other lights moves eosily, if not conceoled, it presents o smooth,
w ll no1 fit. They illum note strolghi or contoured runs, cleon foce. Boked wh te enome f nish moximizes
oround ongles or curved corners, light output, All come complele with 5 wolt, wedge
Hide-A-Lites offer design creotviiy for ktchens, bose lomps on 2%" centers
boths, corr dors, offices ond other commerclo Wolloge No. of Toto
insto lolions, Number Length Lomp L0mps
Per Wotloge
Covered H de-A-L 1etu str ps ore designed for insiollo- t5'
tion under fromed or fromeless cob nets ond under
shelves. These inslollotions ut lize f exib e, openjoce P75O2WB 21',
str ps for curved or ongled oreos. P7503WB 24" t0


Openjoce H de-A-Litetu slrips illuminote from con-
ceoled locotions The r coniinuous, low-level, indirect
ombient lighting sofrens the mood of oreos,
For complete informotion, see the Progress
Hide-A-Llte coiolog.


Designed for conceoled slroight run insiollotions in TRANSFORMERS
volonces, coves, cobinet interiors ond toe spoces. Hide-A Llte l2-volt trons
The 48" long oluminum slrip meosures jusl %" wide, formers cre po11ed to m ni
%" h gh, lt con be cut, Comes complete w lh mize noise ond vibroiion. A I
wedge bose lomps Two-lomp sockets ore on ore Ul listed ond fecture
6" centers, duol thermol cnd overlood
Woltoge No. ol Totol
Number Lenglh Per Lomp Lomps
The 50, '150 ond 250
P7506WB 48', r6 4Bw woit s ngle-circuit trons-
P75O9WB 48 5w t6 80w formers come with two
2ojooi lengths oI #12 wie. The 500-woit duol c rcu 1
tronsformer comes with four 2ojoot lengths of #12
FLEXI-STRIPS wire ond con power 1wo 20 fool runs on ts two 250-
Flexible open-foce Hide-A Liie sirips corry the run of wott secondones.
ights through tght inside or oulsde curves down to D mels ons Reselloble
o rod us of 6" ond ong es os smo I os 23' Three Number Copocity W L Ht Circuil Breoke|
moveob e sections pvot ndependently ond con be P8652 I00w 5 omp
cut f shorter lenglhs are required, Complete with
wedge bose lomps, Two omp sockels ore on 6"
P8653 I 50w 4t/a" x 3%" x BV" l5 omp

centeTs. P8654 2 50w 4t/s,1 x3\A x gthlt 25 omp

Wotioge No. of Toto
NLrnb-ar Lengih Per Lomp Lomps Wolloge
P8655 500w 41/l' x3%" x )0" (2)25 anp
P75O7WB 1gyi 3w l8w
P7508WB l Syi' 5w

M nioture low voltoge lomps [shown
ocluol s ze) produce the worm oppeol
ond supelor colo. 'endil on of .ncon- P8657 Wire rocewoy
Whle plos rc cove col.eolsw.rg 12 lengtlc con be ou -e0
descence, Wired in porolle . lf one cJl lo 'cquled ,ergll^s W , ll
-. A0hesive ooch 19 o

goes out, the rest stoy it. Replocemenl

lomps ore ovoiloble in electricol or outo supply
stores Lomp No. Avg. Lrfe
3w wedoe bose t6t
5w wedge bose t68 P8656 Cover exlenders
6,000 Two whiie cl p on melol covers Closes gop belween covered
slr ps ond cobinel side fromes Covers bulted run conneciions
L l)/i" w lyi" %'.

P8658 Ports bog

P0rts bog is included wllh eoch sockel slrip. Order on y if
odditionol ports ore needed

O lne lrde-AI e sysen sU L lsteo


Hide A Lite strips (eft lo ghD openj0ce, covered ond flexi strip.


Fluorescenls cre exce lent for h gh

level, even y distributed ighting
over wide oreos n ihe kitchen,
fomiy room, boih, aundrY ond
workshop Generol fluorescent
llghting suggestions for these oreos
ore chorted on Poge 87
ll \oJ ore Js nq 'lLoresce^ls
in oreos where the colors of
furn sh ngs ond flesh iones ore
impodont, use fluorescents w th
improved color rendiiion TheY
come very close to the color
fldelily of incondescenis.

The populor fluorescent lighi

sources ore the stroight tube,
c rcl ne, U tube, ond compoct PL
tw n-iubes
Cul energy expenses
A big benefit of fluorescents s thol
they deliver more I ght Per wo11 of
electricily thon incondescent bulbs
Wjth f uorescents, vou con get the
Fluorescenls losl longer ln oddit on to the se ect on
some I ghl while using uP to 60% in th s secllon, Progress offers
less eLecir city. Here cre some Fluorescenl iubes cost more, but
losl up io 20 t mes longer thon fluorescents n wol sconces (Poges
incondescent bulbs So, in ihe ong 77 79), Nctd Nox'' f xtures (POge
Averoge run, fluorescenls cost less ond You 170J,recessed (poge 1881 ond trock
lncon- Fluorescenl Wolls lile don'l hcve the cost of chonging ights lpoge 203)
descenl leplocemenl soved* (hrs. ) them so often. lf you wcnt oss stcnce n
2l00w 2-40w lubes 112 20.000 F uorescenls con be dimmed, plonning your lighting, consult the
215w I40wUlube
2 60w 2 20w lubes
I 75w I -32w cirflne
bui speciol djmmers ond bollost
ore requ red (poge 76)
lncondescents generollY ore more
expeirs ot your Progress L ghting
showroom. tl
I -60w I I3w tw n iube 45 I 0,000
oppropr ote for dimming clown to
*Ihe fluorescenl boll0st uses o few w1lls. "mood" lighting ond for light ng
smol er oreos or occent ng specific



The chcssis is ncluded with solt Progress meets new federol ond Trims seem to "floot" off the ce ling
sded clouds shown beow ond stote requiremenis for energy from ihe regressed chossis pon Al
ordered seporotely for al other sovrng on 40w fit'rures (units with ES ift on ond off eosiy for cleoning
decorotive fluorescents on poges suffxJ Al hove more effcienl ond relomping.
95-99. All hcve thermo proiected, bo losts wh ch enoble the f xture to
P roled rop d slod HPF bo losls operoie on 22% less energy.
[except P7278-60 cs noledj.

Conioured, shollow clouds of while
ocrylic. All ertend 5Y2" from the

Frxture number includes
chossis ond trim.

number P7280-60ES
Dimenstons Lomps

P7278-60* 18" x 28' 4-20\\ I 12

P7279-60ES 12" x 52" 2 4O,N I-12

P7280-60ES 18" x 52" 4 4Ow I-12

*Bolosl is iriooer

Squored, shollow clouds of white
ocrylic, All extend 3%" from the
ceilinq. P7219
Order the chossis you
wont ond the moich ng
lr m.

Trm Chossis Dimensions Lomp(s)

P7218 P72I2ES t3,/;'x26" I 40w U/6

P7219 P7213ES 25t/i'x26" 2-40w U/6

P7220 P7214ES l3%'x 50' 2-40w I-12

P7222 P7216ES 25t/z" x 5a" 4 40w T-t2


Wh te ocrv c d ffuser. Reqressed pon.
A3/t" hl

Trm Choss s Drmens ons LomPS

P1213-36 P7213ES 26" x26.' 2 40w U/6
P7214-36 P7214ES 15" x 50,'.' 2 4aw I t2 P7276-36
P1215-36 P72]5ES lB'x 50rr' 4 40wI )2
P1216-36 P7216ES 26'/l' x 50/:.' 4 40w I t2
P7277-36 P7217 t1t/,'x 11" 22is2w cnc

Number shown is irim only. Order molching chossis sep0rolely


While ocrylic diffuser Regressed pon.
A:'/^" fii
m Clrossis D mefsions Lomps

P1243 P1213ES 25'/," x26' 2 40w U/6

P1244 P7214ES l4%" x 50" 240wIl2
P7245 P72lsES t1'/.' x 5a" 4 4Aw I l2
P7247 P7217 I6'x I611' 22132w crc

Number shown is irim only. order molching chossis sep0rolely.


While ocrylic d ffuser. Regressed pon
Ch0ssls Dimensions Lomps
P7225 P7213ES 25" x 25'/." 2 40w

P7226 P7214ES t4" x 49'r" 2 40\N I 12

P7227 P72I5ES t1'/'" x 49'li 4 AOw I t2
P7228 P7216ES 25:/." t.491." 4 4Aw I t2
P1229 P7217 l5r"x l6rr" 22132w ctc

Number shown is kim only. Order molchlng chossis sep0rolely
While vinyl ('30) or oak viny | 351 on
metol. While ocry c diffuser Regressed
Pcn. 47':" ht.
tm Cho ssrs Dimefsrons Lomp(s)

i1313-22 PI212ES t2,/:' x 25" I 40w


pizt3Es 24,1;' x 24'/:' 2 4aw t)t6 P725t -35

i4i|33g P7251,30

pi214Es )2,/i' x 4s" 2-4ow r )2
,6"x 4e' 44AwIl2
3133]_33 P72r5ES P7250-35

illllr.llnut ,5"x,5" 22132w ctc. Number shown is lrim only order molching ch0ssis seporolely


P7277 -36 -'-'--


il3l333 -- #e
@ Fffi3B
tor complele unii. order choss s plus molch ng llluslrOted trim



Wh te ocrylic diffuser Regressed pan.
3%', ht.
Trlm Choss s Dimensions Lomp(s)
P7236 P7212ES l+t/i'x26" I 40w U/6
P7237 P7213ES 26' x 25V" 2 40w U/6
P7238 P7?\4ES ) 4',A" x 5A" 24OwI12
P7239 P72l5ES 17'/?" x SAti' 4 40w I'12
l6" x l6L" P7238
P7241 P7217 22132w ctc.
Number shown is trlrn only Older molching chOssls seporoiely.


While ocrylic d ffuser Regressed pon
A'. 6t.

Trim Choss s Dimensions Lomp(s)

P7230-30 P7212ES 15" x 26'/;' I 40w U/6
P7231-30 P7213ES 26" x 26'/," 2 40w U/6
P7232-30 P72l4ES l5" x 50%" 2'40w I )2
P7233-30 P72l sES lB" x 50r" 4 AAw I t2
P7234-30 P7216ES 26V! x sAv" 4-40w I )2
11" ctc.
P7235-30 P7217 l6h" x 22132w P7233-30
Number shown is trlm only order molching chOssis sepOr0tely.
Whiie ocryl c diffuser Regressed pon.
Trim Choss s Dimensions Lomp(s)
P7230-31 P7212ES 15" x 26'/,' I 40w U/6
P7231-31 P7213ES 26" x 26'1," 2 40w U/6 P7234-31
P7232-31 P72l4ES I5" x 50t:"
I')2 2 40w
P7233-31 P72l5ES 18" x 50r" 4 4ow I t2
P7234-31 P7216ES 26'1," x sar/;' 4 4Aw I t2
P7235-31 P7217 )6/," x tt 22l32w ctc P7233-31
Number shown ls trim onl\/. order motch ng chossis seporolely.


Wh te ocryl c diffuser Regressed pon.
A" hI,
Trm Chossis DLmens ons Lomp(s)
P7230-59 P7212ES )5" x 26't" I 40w U/6 P7234-59
P7231-59 P72I3ES 26" x 261: 2'44\u l)16
P7232-59 P72'l4ES 15" x 50'1" 2 40w I'12
P7233-59 P72l5ES 18" x 50r" I 12
P7234-59 P7216ES 26'/i x 5o'/)' 4 40w I t2
P7235-59 P7217 t6'L" x 17" 22132\|t cttc. Number shown is irim only. 0rder motching chossis sep0r0lely

-"-...-\ ---\
> P7241




Progress offers regulor ond energy sov ng [indicoted by the ES suftix] ce lng fluorescents The energy
scvmg models hove o more effic ent bo lost wh ch enob es them to operote on up to 22"L ess
e ectric ly The 40w "ES" bo losl conforms to new federo ond slote requ remenls for energy conservcltion 1t o

Noiurol ook wood ends on exlruded
cleor prismotic ocrylic d fFuser U L. sted
for use on Low density ce lings. Diffuser
removes eosiy for re omp ng. Bolh f xtures
exlend iusi 3/e" from ceil ng.
P7r 84-35
Number Dimens ons Bo losl* LomPS

P7 r 84-35 25"xB TrggerNPF 2 20wTI2

P7l85-35ES 49 x 8" Ropid NPF 2 40w T I 2
P7l87-35ES 49"x I6


xlure number rnd coles lhe cornp ele uIil,

P7l 85-35ES
P7 r 87-35ES
nclud fg choss s ord irim

Functonol f[]orescents for ndivduc or
conl nuous ceil ng mounting U.L isted for
use on low dens lv cei inqs. Cleor,
extruded, pr smotic ocry ic diffuser
Squored wh te ends. Diffuser removes
eosily for relomp ng. A I exlend just 3"
from ce ling
Number Dimensiofs Bol osl* Lomps

P7l83-30 24' x Ttfi' Ingeet NPt 220\,\tI )2

P7]86-30ES 48" x 7%" Rop d HPF 2 4Aw I l2
P7196-30ES 48" x 15%" Ropid HPF 4 40w T l2

P7r 83-30

*All hove ihermOl prolected P roled bo l0sls

P7r 86-30ES


Slm, energy-efflc eni f uorescefts mouni eos y under cob nels ond shelves, over o desk, n kitchens or

o'l ony work oreo

All have o wh te d ffuser ond o wh ie, boked enomel cose. Mode s w1h storter switch. or cord ctnd
plug ore ncl coted. Knockouls (K O.J
. d.O'o at^ g OL O-O O-].^t a e
,1"-{l-.."-----------..-.- out et [G.C^r O ond other feolures ccn be
f. s' --.] odded Modes of the scme depth con be
inslcllecl n cont nuous TUns.
For nstolotons wred io o wcrl swtch.
select models without o sloder switch
H de'A L tes ,' (page 92) ore onother
opton for undercob nel ighting
Acrylic ditfuser Storier cord
Nlrmber Lenglh Boll0st swltch G.C.o & plug Lomp(s)
P7000 12" Preheol NPF YES K.0 BwT5
P7004 )2" Prcneal NPF K.O.* K.0. 8w T'5
P7010 2I Pr"1ao' NPr YIS l3wT5
P70r'l 2l Preheol NPF KO* K.O. l3wT5
P7014-30 24Y8 Prcheol NPF K.O.x KO 2BwT5
P70]5-30 33%" Preheol NPF K.O x KO Bw+l3wT5
P7016-30 42%" Prcheal NPF K.O.'F K.O. 2l3wT5
& P7004 depth is 4L"

r "Jf-------1,

White dilfuser
P7002 18" Preheot NPF YES K 0 l5w TB
P7005 lB" Preheol NPF KO* KO l5wTB
P7012-30 lB" Preheot NPt YES l5wTB

* av,"--4
Grounded convenience outlet.
irslolollon or models
w lh knockouls

Acrylic ditfuser
P7006 lB" Trigger NPF K0* K0 l5wTl2
n P7007 24" T gg4.l NPF K.O.* K.O. 2Ow I')2
P7008 36" Ropid NPF K.O.* K.O 30wTl2
P7009 4S Ropid NPF K.O.* K.0. 40w I )2
*Knockoui lor on-off sw lch

Allractive holf round trims acceni wh le
ocrylic diffusers Open c1 1op for nd rect
lightlng. All ore 5%" ht. ond exlend 4%"

Number Length Bollosi+ Lomps

P7149-r oES 50t/i' Ropid HPF 2 40w

P7148-10 38 /s" Ropid HPF 2'30w
P7 | 47 -10 Trigger NPF 2-20w


hr 1t
Nrrrnber Lenglh Bollosit Lomps

P7149-',lsES Rop HPF

d 2-40vt
P7148-15 3Ath"' Roprd HPF 2 30\.'v

P7147 -',|5 26'/a" Trlgger NPF 2-20w


Number Length Bollosl+ Lomps

NPF 2-40,
P7 r 49-30ES sAt/;' Ropid

P7148-30 Ropid HPF 2 30w

P7147 -30 26'/'i' Trigger NPF 2-20,N

*A, rove -rerro p olecled P ro'eo b0 lr)'s




Ook wood ends on squored, extruded ocrylic diffusers.
Exlend 43/a" .

.\--.-\) Finish Dimensions Bollosl* Lomps
.t-JL: 1l \4bll rnount, P7156-35 ook 25t/2" x 5t/2" Trtgger NPF 2 2)vt
I '\ ) il-i horizontol -t 1u',ns P7157-35ES 00k 49%" x 5t/2" RoDid HPF
.i or veriico N1

Extruded ccrylic diffusers. Exiend jusl 4",
D' Number Finish Dimensions Bollost8 Lomp(s)

P7t28-30 While 24% x 45/s" Trigger NPF 1,20w

P7129-30 Whjte 24%" x 4%" Trigger NPF 2-2ov.t
.-\ P7l 30-30 White 363h" x 45/a" RoDid NPF I -30w
oE- \\trl motnt. ;--: P7',l3l -30 White 367e r 4r" Rop'd HPF 2 30w
] ' '\ horrzoniol !1 I ce rino
P7132-30ES While 483/a" x 4%" Ropid NPF I -40w
il L,l or verfcol mounied
P7133-30ES White 48%" x 4%" Ropid HPF 2 40w
*All hove lherm0l proiecled P roied boll0sts.

Choose the bosic P7124 or modeis decorated wilh
holf-round irlms. All mount on walls or ceillngs. Eoch
hos preheot NPF bollosi.

P7'l24-68 Cleor P71',ll-15 P7l l0 ri
prismotic diffuser. Polished chrome Polished bross
White conopy. 4%" Whrte ocrylic finish. White ocr\/lic
w., 12r/s" ht. diffuser T%" W. diffuser. 4%" W,
Exlends 4%". l22" ht. Exlends l2%" ht Exlends
Lompi 4%''. Lomps: 4t/8". LomD:
one l3w PL-]3. lwo l3w PL l3 one l3w PL 13.
P7',I24-60 whire P7l I t -10 P7t I0-l5
ribbed diffuser Polished bross Polished chrorne
P7l II-30 While P7l l0-30 While


A selecuon of decorotive
ond funct onol
fluorescenls for ktchens,
corridors, bedrooms,
closeis, util ty rooms ond
work creos
P7312-30 While conopy
Wh le oloss Preheol NPF
hollost- I I l. cjio 5r," ht
I omos: lwo I 3w PL I 3.
P73]2-10 Polished bross

P7316- 10 Polshed bross t.T-

conopy Sotin elched g oss
Preheoi NPF boliost l0%" d 0.,
5iZ" ht Lomps: two l3w PL 13
P7353-10 Pollshed bross P7353-10 P7359
conop\/ Wh le qloss Preheol
NPF bollosl l) " dio 1 ; h|.
Lomps: lwo l3w PL-13.

P7359 Efched, ribbed g oss

cer 1no bow covers whlle
conoiy Preheol NPF bo losl
16' dro , B fr1 Lomps: lwo
l3w PL 13

P7372 Wh te conopy Acrylc

diJfuser. l3%" dio . 4% hl.
P roled ropid slod bollosl
Lomps: 22w ond 32w cjrcllnes.

P7373 wh ie cofopy.
dillusei l9'da.4%"h|.
Acryl c
'l o
P7316-l 0
P roted rop d slort bol osl P73r 2- 1 0
Lomps 32w afd 40w cilc jnes
P7375-30 Whlte conopy
Trons ucenl while ocry ic diffuser.
A umLnum conopy. B%" d o ,
4ti" ht Ropd stQd bolosl *,,."*t"o \,bllmounted
Lomps: two 7w PL 7.
P7375-31 Bloch conopv
( _,D a)
P7376-31 Block conopy
Tronslucenl wh le ocryl c dilfuser
Aluminum conopy I2" dlo.,
4%" hl. Rop d stod bol osi
Lomos lwo l3w Pt I 3.
P7376-30 while conopy

P7375-30 P7372


P7376-31 P7373


P7364-10 Polished bross conopy R bbed cleor gloss P7367 O0kfnsh ocl0gon While texlured gloss l8%"
bowl wlh nside "rcing". Prehe0l NPF b0li0s1. l2r" di0., , 5%" hi P roted ropid slorl bo losl Lomps: 32w Ond
7 .i" ht Lomps 1wo l 3w PL 13. 40w circl nes

Low profile P7181 ond P7182 compocts mount flush to the ceiling or wall
Shollow 2" depth mokes them the iighling soluton for ow ceiling oreos, closets
or under cobinets ond shelves.

P7l8l Wh le mpoct resrstont

COMPACTS lrome. Wh le difluset Preheol
9r" sq.
NPF bo los1.
2"hl Lomp: one 9w PL-g
P7i8lSW Some os P7l8l
w th pu lcho n sw 1ch.

P7l 82 Whiie impoct resrslont

frome. White d ffuser Preheol
NPF bo lost. 9%" sq,
2" ht Lomps: lwo 9w PL 9.
P7181 P7l 8] SW
DN P7182

P7329-15 Cftome. l2'/i'

da , 4'/';' hL P-roled ropid siorl
bollosl Lomps: 22\\ and 32w
1- circ ines
P7329-30 Wh le
P7333-'l5 Chrome I2,/1
dio., 3%" hl. P roled rop d slorl
bollost Lomp 32w circlrne
P7333-30 Whrle
P7370 Wh le lextured gioss
diffuser While conopy l5%"
dio. 4%" hl. P'roied ropid siorl
boilost. Lomp 32w circl ne
P7397 Wh te lexlured gloss
P7370 P7397 dilluser Wh le conopy l5:2"
dto., 4tL" fi P roted rQp d slorl
bollasl. Lamps: 22w and 32w
c rc1 nes

P7333-15 P7333-30 P7329-15 P7329-30

106 PRi+GRESS'

Rolh & vonilv fC

uLighting fot your heotth
ond beauly cote.

Beoutifully detailed, sotin etched

gloss sco lop shels. Polished bross
woll ponels with eof decoroiions

P3304 Ore lgnl 6 W. 6' l^l t\lends

7" One rv bulb, 75w mo{
P3305 Two lighi. 13" W , 6%" ht Exiends
7" Two M bulbs. eoch 75w mox.
P3306 Four light. 27" W., 6%" ht Exiends
7". Four M bulbs. eoch 75w mox
P3307 Six-ighl. 41" w ,6Yi'hi. Exlends
7". Six M bulbs. eoch 75w mox.


-7 PffiRES'S. BATH & VANITY I ']O7


Some of the most demonding

oreos requ r ng proper lighting
ore bothrooms, vonit es ond Sotn etched Deco gloss shodes
m rrorswherever they m ghl be. lt on polished bross woll brockets.
rs importoni for your heolth ond Decorotive cost ornomentotion,
personol beouty core You need Mount in "up" or "down" pos tion.
the right omount of illuminolion P299I
on both sides of your foce to
eliminole shodows wh le opply ng P2991 wolt brockel. 5%" w., 9%" ht
Exlefds 6" One M bulb, l00w mox.
moke-up, grooming or shoving
tighi fron' obove ne,ps in ooing P2992 Two-lohl. 12" W.,qt/i' hL
your hoir. Exiends 6". Two M bulbs. eoch 60w mox.
lf you use wall brockels or P2993 Three-lrghl l9' W. I a" hl
swogs, locote the lighls on eoch t{ie rds 6 . -tree v oJlbs eoch 60w mox
s de of the mirror, ot leost 30"
oport. lf your mirror s more thon P2994 Four lghl 26" W 9 4" hl.
36" wide, you con light bolh sides
txterd< 6 FoJr v bJlo< eoch 60w mOx

of the foce with o long fixture P2995 Six light 40" W., 9%" hl.

mounied obove the m rror o Exlends 6" S x lM- bu bs. eoch 60w mox
four light ncondescent, 24" wde P2952
min mum; or o fluorescent (poge
1021 36" wde minimum. You con
surround the mi(or with Broodwoy
t ghting (page '1'16),
Progress offers motching
ce llng lighis for lorger rooms or
over the toilet comportment lf
)fl you wcnt o heoter iight or shower
light, severol ore shown on poges
17 4-188.
Pomper yourseli with the
beouty of Progress Lighting

[Ml Medium bose bl]lb

Grponion f xlure on poge ind coled


Hondsome sotin elched

gloss shodes with o d stincl
Deco f oir. N,4ounted on
beveled gloss mirrors
occenled by pol shed
TC334l -l5 TC3342-15

TC334l -15 Single wol brockel.

B" W., 5'hl Exlends 6%" One
M bulb. l00w mox.

TC3342-15 Two- ight. 16" W.,

5" ht Extends 6%". Two [4 bu]bs,
eoch l00w mox.
TC3343-15 Three-ighl 24" W ,

5' ht. Extends 6rc" Three Na bu bs,

eoch I00w mox

TC3344- 15 Fourlrght 32" W

5' ht Exlends 6h". Four M bulbs.
eoch l00w mox


Swirled leod crys1ol shodes
and bold, cost flourishes of
polished solid bross
disiingulsh these handsome
woll brockets. Mount them
"up" or "down". TC3357

TC3356 Single woll brockel 6" W,

8%" ht. Exlends 9%". one cleor [!]
bulb, 60w mox

TC3357 Two lrght. 16" W 8"s'

ht Fxtends 9%"
Two cleor lMl
bu bs, eoch 6Ow mox.

TC3358 Three- ighl. 24' w., B1/{'

ht Exlends 9%"
Three cleorLMl TC3358
bulbs, eoch 60w mox

TC3359 Fourlrght 32" W, B%'

h1. Exiends 9ra'
Four cleor NI

bulbs, eoch 60w mox.



TC2976-68 S fgle wo I brockel.

Po ished soid bross Ptismotic g oss

Di 81" W . 9" hl. Exlerds I 0" One cleor

rv bulb. 60w mQx

1C2977 -68 Two lghl brockel.

Pol shed sol d bross. Pr smoi c gloss
2A \ I hr L^leno l0 T^o cl-"or
Nl bu bs. eoch 60w mox

TC2976-68 rc2977 -68

TC2978-68 Three lghl brockei
Po shed so d bross. Prsmotc gloss
2gr/i W ,9" h1. Exlerds 10" Three cleor
M bu bs. eoch 60w mox

M Niled um bose bu b

C.ponion f xtures on poge ndicoled


P3325- 1 0 P3326-r 0

l-- P3329-r O
P3325-'10 Pol shed so id bross w0| brockei
Dr snO't 'r lpd glo:s / , W. 9
"- I Lylerds 8 .

one M bulb 60w rnox

P3326-10 Two I ght br0ckel. Pol shed sol d bross.
Prlsmotic fri led gloss. l6%" W ,1!/,'hl Exiends 8%'
Two M bulbs, eoch 60w mox
P3327-10 Three ight br0ckel Poished solld bross.
Prlsmotic fri led gloss. 24%" W., 1r" hl Exiends 8,/r"
P3327-r 0 Three iMl bulbs, eoch 60w mox
P3328-10 Four-l ghl brockel.
Po ished solid bross Prsmolic
fl led g oss 32Y," W 7"'
Ertends Br i"
Four r.i bulbs.
eoch 60w mox
P3329- 10
Doub e swog.
Pr smolic friiled g oss. Polished
solid bross. lncludes coropy
I, and 6 ft. of choin for eoch
lighl Eoch 7r;" dio. 6r{ hl.
Two t\,r bu bs. eoch 60w mo|.

,ll o

TC33l3- i0

P3308- 10 Pol shed bross woll brockel

Etched g Oss florOl design. 6 W , 7% hL
Exierds 8". one M bulb. l00w mox.
P3309-'I0 Pol shed bross h,vo ighl brocket
Elched g oss florol design. 13'W.,7lihl.
Exlends 7%" Two M bulbs. eOch l00w mox.

P3310-]0 Polished bross lhree I ghi

brocket Elched g oss flor0 des gn. l8%" W.,
B" hi Exiends 8". Three Fl bulbs. eoch
l00w mox.

TC33l I-l0 Three-light brOcket Polished

brOss. Elched g Oss shodes. 203/i W ,9%'
ht Extends 7". Three Fl bulbs. eoch
I 00w mox
TC33l I -10
TC33l2-10 Four lighl brockel. Polished
bross. Eiched glOss shodes. 2B'/," W.,9%'
ht. Extends 7" Four M bu bs. eoch
l00w mox
TC33l 3-10 Five I ghl brockel. Polished
bross. Elched g oss shodes 35%' W ,gyi'
ht. Extefds 7" Five lul bulbs, eoch
I 00w mox.

P33l 4-10 Polished bross wo I brockel

Wh te gl0ss.6' W., lyi' hl. Extends B" One
Fl bulb. l00w mox.
P3315-10 Po ished bross lvr'o ight brockel.
While gl0ss. )3" W., 1% ht Extends 7". Two
M bulbs. eoch l00w mox
P33'16-'l0 Polished bross three jghl
brockel. Whlte gloss. lB%" W , B" ht. Exlends
8". Three M bulbs. eoch l00w mox.

f, I
P33 r 0-10


P3324-10 P3324-t 5 P3320-r 5


P332',I-15 P332t -10 P3322-10 P3322-15

TC33l7-10 Sing e woll brockel. Polshed

bross S0l r ptcied gloss shode. 7 W. 8 ,'l"l.
Exlends 9%" One M bub l00wmox

, TC33'18-10 Two llghl brocket.

bross Soin etched oloss shodes. l5%" W.

P3323-15 P3323-10
8 'rl l\tend< I '. rwo Fl oLlbs eocl^
I 00w rnox.

TC33l9-10 Three ighl br0ckel. Pollshed

bross Solir elched oloss shodes 23%" W
8 , 'rl t-xlerOs g .Y lrree E bulos eocn
l00w mox
P3320-15 Polished chrome. W0ll brockel
Squored pr smolrc gloss 41" W , 8" hl.
Exlends 7rl, . one r'.1 bulb. I00w mox.
P3320-10 Polished bross
P3321-15 Poriste0 cl^ one Two l ghl
brocke . SqJoreo p isroric a oss. 13 W
B" ht. Extends lt/i'. Ivn lq bulbs. e0ch
I 00w mox.
P332'l -'10 Polished bross
P3322-10 Polshed brOss. Three ight
brocket Squored prism0tic gloss. 24" W , B
TC33l 7- I 0 TC33l8- 10 hl. Exiends 7%". Three Lll bulbs, eoch
I00w mox
P3322-15 Po ished chrome

P3323-15'leo rl-rore. loLr Lghr

brocke,. SqL0red pris.nOlc qloss 30- W B
hl Extefds th" . Fout ld bulbs. eoch
I 00w mox.
P3323- 10 Polished bross
P3324-10 Polished br0ss. Fve, ight
Squored pflsmoic gloss 36" W, 8'hi.
txle'rds 7,/. . Ftve M bllbs eoch l00w mox
) P3324-15 Potished chrorne

TC33r 9- r 0 M [.ledium bose bulb


P2968-l I Arlique bross. Doube

wol brockei w1h ruffled opolescenl
gloss 127" W, Bll" ht Exiends B.,/.'
Two [Ml bu bs. eoch l00w mox.
P2968-10 Po shed bross

P3259-l I Aflique bross Ceillng

fxture Ruffed opoescent gloss l4'
dro , 7'. hl Three M bu bs eoch
60w mox
P3259-10 Polshed bross

P38l8-l I Anlque bross Three-lghl

brockel Ruffled opo escenl g oss
l9 .'W 8'hl Exlends 8 ,' Three M
bulbs, eoch I00w mox
P3818-'l0 Polished bross
P3819- 10 Polished bross. Wol
brockei Ruffed opolescenl e]loss 6"
W. 8%" hl Extends 8%" One [!1 bu b.
l00w mox
P3819-l I Ant que bross

P3820-10 Polished bross. Four lighl

brocket Ruffled opolescenl Oloss 26'
W. l0%" ht Exlends 8%' Four M
bulbs. eoch l00w mox.
P3820- l Anllque bross

s f ,_

i ii-
.r iI " a;:-

P2942 Iwo light polished solid bross

brockei Opolescenl gl0ss
ht Extends 9r
l00w mox.
,'. Two v
l7' W
bulbs eoch
9i ,"
P2941 Polished solid bross
Opoe.cer lgosss'loda 6, W 9.-ll
Extends 10 . one M bu b l00w mox
brockel P2943 Three- ighl polshed so d bross
brockei opo escenl g oss 20" W. l2r"
hl ExJends ll" Three i,r bulbs, och
l00w mox
PR+GRESS' l. r,r:::-,.$ii:iiWW,1iF5lllr- . - BATH & VANIIY I t3

f ..i.ff
(l 't" :-"/

P3237- 1 5 P3336- r 5 P3239- r 0

P3237-t 0 P3336-10 P3239-15

I \ii i ._:\

:Jt. ! . l'--!
.F}i: - 'tn!-"
."*.. ',.
:j ..-1..'."
l;i /
s.-: .. -- .... '. ." -*-=;:-'
P3339-r 5

l ;

(. -.
'- '.! .'
I --1 .
,l P3338-',r 5

Po shed bross seectons hove P3336- 1 5

Po slred chrorne Wo I P3338-']5 Po slred chrotne Tlree ghl
me on pcllerned decorot ons brOckel mounls'up 0r "down" Ceol brockel Cleor 1 uled g oss l9:1, W 9"
which echo the f uied c eor gloss 1lled g Oss sLi" W, 9" hl Exierds 8;ir" hl Extends 8,,1,' Three r,r b!lbs cOch
desgn. The pol shed chrome ook Ofe M bu b, l00w mox l00w mox
P3336-10 Polshed bross P3338-10 Po shed bross
s cleon ined conlemporory.
P3337-10 Polshed bross Two ighlwo P3339-10 Polshed bross lour glrl
P3237-15 Po shed chrorne Cellng brOckel CLeor f uled g Oss 12.a" \l'1., B'/".' 00,t" c, r, ,"0 J0 ,6 \'.
ght C 0r fllted gloss 5,1 d o , 9',1" hl
One [4 bu b l00w mox
hl Exlends Sfi
Two [a br]lbs eoch hl Exlnds 8r/," Four M bu trs, eccl
P3237-l0 Po shed bross l00w mox l00w mox
P3337-15 Po slred crrorfe P3339-']5 Po shed chrome
P3239-']0 Po shed trrcss Thrcc ighl
ceiirgcusler CeOr flLrted glOss I4 d0,
7i,', hl Three I'r bulbs, eocfr 60w rn0x
P3239-15 Po slred cl-rorne

Lqlconde obro bose bu b

M ['led um bose bu b

lixlurc on poge fd coled

P3005-15 Chrome Single brocket
While gloss globe. K 0 for: switch 6"
W.,1fi'hl Exlends 7%" One &l bulb,

I 00w mox.
P3005- 1 0 Pol shed bross
P301 7- 10 Po ished bross Two l ghl i:
While gloss g
obes. l3:/," W.,
7l ht. Extends 7%" Two lM bulbs. t
eoch I 00w mox
P3017-15 Chrome [ffi I

P3005-15 P3005-10 P30l 7-10 P30r 7-r 5

P3018-10 Polished bross TlTee lighl
brockei. While q oss g obes. 2l " W ,
7r,/4" ht Exlends 7r4'. Three lM bulbs.
eoch l00w mox
P3018-15 Chrome ,ml
P3018- t0 P30t8-15
P3037 Wo I brockel. While g oss
Anlique bross lrim. 5%" W., 9" hf.
Extends B/," One I'rl bu ll. l00w mox

'l t
P3038 Two lghl onljque bross
brochel Wh le gloss I 5' W. I ht
E.\iends 7r Two M bulbs eoch
l00w n'rox

P3037 P3038
P3030 Chrome While ond cleor
oss K.0's for G C.0 ond
ribbed g
switch ll,/," W. 4%" h1. Exlerds
4%" Two M llulbs. eoch l00w mox
P3065 Pebbled while gloss
5t/' hl
K.O for swilch 14f.!' \t]..
GC 0
Exlends 4L" Two [4- bulbs. eoch
75w mox. P3030 .,,.j . ?
-*;,:t P308r
P3080 Chrome Whlle ond c eor
flbbed gloss G.C.O. ond K 0 for
swilch 4r" W . 4%" ht Exlends 6./."
One Fl bulb. l00w mox o n
P3081 Some os P3080 less G C.0
I P3813-30
P3083 Some os P3080 wilh
pu lchoin sw lch. P38l 3-t 0
P3065 P3083
P3813-30 Wh te
Cleor- ind wh te
Class Swiich K 0
lor G.C 0
4,/." W..
7%" ht Exiends 41" One lE bu b,
75w mox
P38t 3-10 Polished bross

Er Medlum bose bulb

I^\t (iomo0n on lxlLrre on oooe rnd c0lecl

The fomilior worm color rendition of
D^ incondescent bulbs is the populor
choice for most oreos of the home,
This selection o{ gloss chonnels
ofFers decorotive designs in 13", 24"
or 36" lengths.
P3012 13" long
P30'12 cleor ribbed design on lexlured
gl0ss K.O.'s for switch ond G C.0 Whiie
wollploie. 13" W. 4 ;' hi txlerds 4r"
Two Ui bulbs, eoch 75w mox.

P3015 Whiie texlured gloss. K.0.'s lor

switch ond G C.0 While wollplole. 13" W.,
P3024 24" tong 4%" hi. Exlends 4%". Two M bulbs. eoch
75w mox.
P3060 Some os P3015, wilh G.C.o.

'{# P3024 24" lexlwed gloss wilh cle0r ribbed

des,gn. K.0. s tor swich Ond C C.0 Whrle
w0lrp{ore. 4" 1"1 txrends 4'." Fou }4 bulb5
eoch 75w rnox.
P30'l5 P3060 13" long
P30l I 24" white textured glOss K.o.'s for
swiich ond G C 0. 4 hr txrends 4% FoLr
M bulbs. eoch 75w mox
P3061 Some os P30l I wiih G.c.0.
P3062 White lexiured gloss white
wollplote K.0's for switch ond G.C.0.
P30l I P3061 24" long 36" W.. 4 ," nl F.rrends 5 . Six M oulbs
eoch 75w mox.

P3062 36" long

Fluorescents ore populor for both
ond vonity use. They reduce energy
costs by using less electricity. Also,
fluorescent tubes lost longer so you
don't hove to chonge them so
The sompling of woll
Polished bross fluorescents on lhis poge is holl-
round trims in polished bross,
chrome or while oround o whiie
ocrylic diffuser, The full selection
includesi 26%" long models with
2-20w tubesi 38le" units wlth 2-30w;
ond 507s" long models with 2-40w

See the complele fluorescent

seleclion on poges 102-'!03.


Polished bross

Anlique bross


0ok finish fl o

24" lone 30" long

' /.-t - ..
[(,0 ,-,, i"' .."

36" long 4B" ong

Broodwoy Llghilng sirlps in 0 wide selectlon of szes ond finishes 42" hl. Exlends 2".
Sockeis dre 5n6'tceniers G-bu bs recommended, eoch 6Ow mox x

Lenglh t8' 24" 30' 36" 48

M bulbs Eight

Corner occessory Polshed p3333-10 p3298-10 P3335-]0 P3299-10 P3300-10

For right ongle bross
insiolloi on
of strips on
P3333-l I P3298-l l t
P3335-l I P3299-l P3300-l r
ihis poge 4%" sq
P8706-10 Polshed bross
P3333-15 P3298-15 P3335-r 5 P3299-r 5 P3300-15
P8706-l I AntiqLre bross P3333-30 P3298-30 P3335-30 P3299-30 P3300-30
P8706- r 5 Chrome
P3333-35 P3298-35 P3335-35
UL I sted tor ceilinq mounl ng with 25w bulbs mOx
P3299-35 P3300-35


Broodwoy Lighting is onolher one
of the mony woys Progress offers
to beoulify your bath or vonity,
You'll be

the stor with lhese
versotile Broodwoy Lighting strips.
them individuolly
horizontolly obove mirrors or
verlicolly o ong both sides of
mirrors-or joined together
oround o mirror so you hove the
some good lighting for makeup
os the stors in their Broodwoy
dressing rooms. You clso con

mount these strips over o
breoKost counter, frcme a bor or
decorcte wolls n ony room. lvlore
suggesiions for bolh ond vonity
lghting ore on poge 106.
Attroctive Broodwoy Lighiing
slrips ore designed with knockouts
con connect them
H so You
continuous runs or, with motching
corner occessories, in right ongle

instollotions, For continuous run

inslollotions, the moximum
number of sockets ore: '12 sockels
with 60w bulbs, 18 sockets with
40w bulbs; 30 sockets with 25w
bulbsj 50 sockeis with 15w bulbs. @ D;ffi 'o'W
H' IB" lonq 24" long 30 1ong

o wir@ 6 36" long

o_ @g 5,$

60" lorg

Boslc Bro0dwoy Lighllng slrips otfer fewer bulbs, lower w011oge per strip. 4 ," ht., extends 2". Sockeis
ore on 7',
cenle s
C bJlos .econnended. aocl^ 60w TloI '
Lengih I8' 24', 30' 36', 44', 60'
M bulbs Eight
Corner occessory
4 /4" squore ior P3103 ihrouoh
P3103- 10 P3] l4-10 P3l15-10 P3l l6-10 P3l l7-10 P3I l8-10
P3l l8 strips.
P8706-10 Polished bross
P8706-l I Anlroue bross
P3103-l P3l l4-l I P3lI5-] I P3lI6-l I I
P3l 17-l P3l l8-l ',l

P8706-15 chrohe
P3103-15 P3I l4-15 P3l l5- 15 P3l16-15 P3l l7-15 P3] l8-15
*LlL isted for ceiling mounling wiih 25w bulbs mox.


Fl lvedium bose bulb

I 18 IBATH & PffiRESS"



Edged with onlque bross.4%" ht Exlends 2" Sockets
on 6" centers. G bulbs recommended. 60w mox UL P3290 24" ong Corner occessory
isted, with 25w bulbs mox., for ce ling mounting Folrr M bulbs 4%" sq. for P3290, P3291 1rd P3292
P8706-l I Anique bross

P3291 36 lofg SxFl bulbs. P3292 48' ons E ohl Et bu bs

SIIM CONTEMPORARY BROADWAY IIGHTS 25" ong Four Elbu bs Corner occessory
For woll or cei ing mount ng Approved for domp P3l23- l0 Polished bross 2t/1)" sq. Iot P3123, P3)24 ond P3125
ocotions 2/a' hl. Extends'17r". Sockets on 6%" P3123-l I Arlque bross P8735-10 Po ished bross
centers. G-bulbs recommended, eoch 40w rrrox P3123-15 Po ished chrome l
P8735-l Anl que bross
P3123-30 Wh te P8735-15 Po lshed chrome
P8735-30 While

37%" ong. Six C bu bs 50" ong Eighi c-lbulbs.

,i ft t
P3l 24-10 Pol shed bross 10 Pol shed bross
P3124-l'l Anlique bross P3125-lI Anlique bross
P3124-15 Po lshed chron]e P3125- l 5 Pol shed chrome
P3124-30 Wh te P3125-30 While

Beveled squores of mlrrored gloss on chrome strips.
For wo I mounting ony 6" ht Exlends 2" Sockets on
6" centers. G-bu bs recommended, eoch 60w mox.

,t1't .kr, \t,

, " tt'- .t -r' '.1

P2983 lB" ong P2984 24" tang P2985 30" ong

Three LMI bulbs Four M bu bs Flve Fl bulbs.

"", ;,[{[o O Condelobro bose bu b

P2986 36'long. Sx M b!lbs. M l,4ed um bose bulb
FFf\ aJFTE=t=t t9

D \ Ouldoor lighting
Lighl lhe nighl for sofely, securily
- ond beauliful landscope disploys.

There ore mony reosons for ouidoor

lqhiing oround your home ond
grounds sofely, securily, londscope
disploys ond evenlng outdoor ociivlties in
worm weother
One bosic nighllime lighting need s
io welcome guests ond dentfy vlsitors ot
your enlronces. The ouldoor lonlerns
should be centered 66" obove the level
where o person stonds ot the door. lf on y
one fixture is used, mounl t on the
keyho e side of lhe door
You'll find the fixtures for th s ond
other outdoor lighling functions in this
Select from hcndsome designs
of solid bross, cost oluminum or plostic.
l,4onyore electrosloticolly powder-
polnted for superior resistonce to
chipping, color foding ond ihe effects of
seos de solt oir,
Asyou look through ihis selecton,
you'll f nd mony f xtures os oltroclive for
]," ndoor, os we I os ouldoor use

New rend tions of o clossic style. Pol shed
solid bross with cleor ond fluted ccrylic
ponels. Gloss top so I ght occents orched
IC5442-10 Po ished solid llross.
Acrylc porels Posl ontern l is 3"
post (order seporotely). I0%" sq.,
2I%" ht Four c bulbs. eocl]
60w mox

1C5742-10 Polshed sold bross

Acry lc pone s. Wol onlern l0%"
W.. l6'/," ht Exlends 5%" H/CTR
l0% ' Three lcl bulbs,
60w mox.

H/CTR: He ght from cenler ol J-box 10 lop of fixlure.

Posls ond olher mounting occessories on pooe 153.


Here ore lonterns wh ch will be "at

home" in Americos Southwesl the
Costo de Sol or on sunny
Mediterroneon s es. lhey embody

h nts of trodiiionol Southwesi

heritoge together with o new
contemporcry oppeol,
Jhey ore otfered in hond
opp jed, iexl'ured finishes of terro
sfucco or white sfucco which hove
been Te d scovered by iodoy's
creotive des gners.
D sinctve seeded gloss pone s
recoll the beouly ond indviduo
quolily found in eorly exomples of
o^l qJe st'ee- gloss S g1ofure oir
bubbles ond uneven surfoce
chorocter stcs odd io the "one of o
..-d' persono ! of eocl' onltr'n.
Decorote your home with
them outdoors or ndoors.

TC5723-30 (0bove) Wh le slucco. Three

lglrl wo loflern Go vonjzed sleel
conslruclon w lh polshed br0ss Occenls
Seeded, o d stvle gloss ll" W, 16 hl
Exlerds 5r.,r" !,ICIR 22 /:'* Three lc bLr bs,
eoch 60w rnox
TC5723-48 (ighl) Ierc ofd whlle slucco

1C5722-48 (/e/, Terro slLrcco W0 lonlern G0vorlzed sleel conslruclonwlfr

00.n.0 Or0\\0.C6r. \peded OO 5 /oqoc o W o llL.er055 -C)
18 " Two E br bs ecch 60w mox
1C5722-30 ?r,rght Wh te slucco

Neo-Clossicol d stinct on of shope

ond line is the dominonl theme of
th s orchitecturo lontern A smortly
styled Podrhenon roof supporled
by meto lic spheres estob ish its
clos5icol ct'o ocre' o^d d n'e1sior.
Frosted gloss disk in roof giows with
lighi from the candles Foux gronile
ond wh te slucco finishes odd
teKture to the lo iored des qn.

Souihwesl 0nd Neo clossico l0nlerfs offer

unique conven ence fol bulb repl0cemenl
Jr.rsl slide the onlern up off ils bockplole
= Height from cenler of J'box 10
cleoronce requ red obove lop of f xlure lor
lnslollOlion 0nd bulb replOcernenl.
TC5724-30 (/e/, Wh le slucco ond po ished bross. Neo-cl0sslc0l w0l onlern.
G0 vonzed sleel construcliof wilh cleor gloss p0ne s. 9" W, I 6r" hl. Exlends 5%"
HiCIR 23'/?" Two O bulbs, eoch 6Ow mox
1C5724-47 (ighf) Faux grOnile ond po shed n ckel

lq Cofdelobro bose bu b
I22;-:,,OI,TDOORai.r::,:+::3it+"*i.*f,*i*{frffGi6c,l#&::i..rr,'.... -. - - ,- ,:-.-'c---,ayg.-e-r,:.;2,*ffi]PrcGRESS'


tsea.rt tu y Dcund beve ed g oss creot ons
of po shed so r.l bross ond vcrde olfet
ihe oppe.r ng ook of honCcroftsmcrn-
ship The verde f n sh on sol d bross. ooks
ars f 1\4.'er,a nott]lc] y cged ond

P5498-10 Polshea s! d E ghl s dcd DOSI

o .0. L ... I lr. 00,. , . pO I

od".'pr'r' ,) I V ' i." b

eo.h aiO m.]r
P5498-25 \.,Erde.rr sir d brijss

P5895-10 Po shed so ri brlss WOl oflerrl

Ll Oir lrl\/c ed g Oss p{rre s tJ. , \!l . 22|', ftl
Exleircs 5 H/CTR l3 Tl[re c b! bs. eorh
60,,\' nlirx
P5895-25 Verde cr s! d brirss

P5898-25 Vlrde over s. d bross L0rge s x s ded

v!'r:r oflern C ea]l l]eve ed q rss pO|l s 3W
r . o . D ,0
elirl 60\,v rfc x
P5898-10 Po shed s0 | Drlss


P5498- 1 0 '16{

P 5898 -25 P5895- 1 0

P5898-10 P5895-2 5
H,CTR He ghl frol cefler ol .l NOx 10 lop ol I xlure
(l,llofCe obr. brse D! b [i fuled um bose bu b

P5897-10 cl-d qo 0 Do\ . orqe . \ood

Do 0'116 1
!l"0 g0\ p0.6 q N )
bevpl"d I ,t"^0'
o. I
D HC-P 12 I'ee DLlb eo n b0$ mo^.
P5897-25 Verde over so d brcss
P5497 -25 (obove) Vetde over solid br0ss Six sided posl
Onlern. Cle0r bveled g oss parels Fils 3" posl (order
P5896-l 0 (belaw) Po shed so d brOss W0i l0nlern C eor
epoo'pll) o "W 26, l'. Tts "p r br,O- eocl 60\^ r0' beveled qloss p0nes.9r"
c bu bs, eoch 60w mox
W, 16" hl Exlends 5" HICTR 9" Two
P5497-10 Pot sh-Ad so d bross
P5896-25 Verde over so d bross

I P5496-25 (left)Ue'de over so d bross Six-sided post i0nlerf

Cle0r beve ed glOss p0nels F ls 3" post (order scp0rolelv)
9:,','W, l9l,;" hl One M bulb l00w mox
P5496-10 Po shed so d bross
Posls 0nd olher mo!fl fg occessor es of p0ge I 53


Arched ontelns feoture the porticulor

oppeol of Pc lodion
heodings. Hond
crofled of beveled
gloss, both c eor
ond peoch-t nted,
bound n
weolhered so id
bross Lorge wo I

ond post lonterns

hove peoch-
t nted "sunrise"
ond boilom
border TC5717
hos peoch tinled
center ond TC54l7
"sunr se".
TC57 t7

TC54l 7 Post onlerf So id brOss F ls 3' posl which

musl be ordered seporole y. l0r" sq.. 24l" hl Flve E
bulbs. eoch 60w mox

TC57l7 Wo I loniern Sol d bross. 9" W.. 1 5" ht

Exlends 41" H/CTR 91" TlTee Elbulbs, eoch 60w

TC5718 Lorge wol lOrlerr So id bross I0r" W ,

20" hl. Exlends 5%" H/CTR l0%". Three lclbu bs. e0ch
60w mox
P5713 Weothered soid bross woll P5714 Weolhered sold bross wo I
ontern. Cjeor g oss ponels. 5 10 lontern. 7"W,ll"
eor gloss ponels
hl Fxtends 4r,/," H/CTR 6' One c ht. Extends 4V!' HICIR 6%' Two O
bulb. 6Ow mox. blrlbs, eoch 60w mox.
C ossic weothered bross lonterns of
solor bronze gloss bound by hond in
solid bross Alhove polished bross
reflectors Equolly su ioble for
troditionol or contemporory


TC5483 Posl lonierf of solid bross A ufique

llo po po rs^ed 0 0\c relldc -g ! OlLTrnL I p p . t-!
iTooeco"d lLr r0l o-l o"oL co oe, r,,J po<l
wtsrl nLs oe oOered repooey I :q 20 l'
Four c bulbs eoch 60ur mo,\

TC5683 C ossic sol d br0ss wo I onlern 7rt'W..

15" hl
Exlends 5/i" H/CTR I Two q bu bs,
eoch 60w mox

TC5684 torge so id brOss w0l onterf l0%" W.,

I 7%" hl
Exlends 6./,' H/CTRl0%". Three c bu bs.
eoch 60w mox.

El Candelobro bose bulb

H/CTR = Heighl lrom cenler of J box to 1op of lixlure
Posls afd olher mounl ng occessores on pOge 153.


The chorm of ant que
Americono is yours wilh these
1t o
mognificent lonlerns, All ore ol
weothered sol d bross, hond
soldered ond beoutiful, All hove
shotter-resistont ocrylic ponels,



TC5454 lo qe pos- lorerr weo'l'erPd

so id nross Cosl bross oosr nolder fils 3'
post (order seporoie V). 1 I %" sq., 30%"
ht. Three O bulbs, eoch 60w mox.
TC5554 Choin hung oniern.
Weotrered solo bross I I sq 29 ,
" l0'
hi Overo I ht choin 42"; w re Three TC5454
g bulbs, eoch 60w mox
TC5639 Wcl
bross B%"
40w mox
oniern. Weolhered soid
W.. l5%' ht Extends 7%"
Two O bulbs, eoch
H/CTR: Height irom center of J box to top of
TC5654 o" wol o'rierr. fixlure.
We0lhered solid bross. I I %" W., 26' ht E Condelobro bose bu b
Extends I I %". H/CTR 9%". Three E Posls 0nd other mounting occessories on
bulbs, eoch 60w mox. poge 153.
irl-:i<Fcitr]ESS OUTDOOR 121

a-]O F? t,A,h: i5T RE i:T LAil/n Ps
J' I r\ -r
1.Pl r
a r-laptatrcns ci .r ote 1.,)t't c--ntJr! gils
a|tarr Tirl]sa s r s cJec, weolteteaj so c @'w*e.
lrrir,ss ltrterls l-o,,,e p umec gar et as cf d
p +rced croro,,rs l.(-rv,. a A eor E css, w ih ve bardet:



6' t-.e6

r' :.n


-. li


'ii,l:rt:)1 Po:1 iirle r ',,reilire ea !r ar i]irss I ls :l

,,ril: :ep]irT-" i, I ! i,'ill :12 ft ll,,.e
.,1 ,
trLl tjli ir|f I 6(ll,!' .Jrar
',:.-il:l.t ill-it I l.!r q at a I il,i.titl t: lil s! ll [] Ltss I
.l !'i i1,,. ill h ar,i:r,J r ir | | ,18 ,t' t," lll
Irjir i it Ih:r aira! alf,l.rr n it! t"":
l-i-t:ili:il ,iiir fnlri I \r',reailr til 5! i.l lrrss lar
';:ttr, )t) ll arl:rir!] ll H il l :i l i
iLl tr:: i,ilL h til),nr rna:.' TC 562 4

Inspired by elegont turn of ihe-
century ccrroge ights, ihese
imposino lonterns drow on o
iime ess design A I feoture
curyed cnd beveled cleor
gloss ponels fromed in
chonneLs of so id bross.
Choose f rom black
chrome, po lshed so d bross,
weothered so id bross ond the
rich look of verde (poqe '130)-
or the powder po nted b ock
ond white lonterns which ofler
superior res sionce to ch PP ng,
color fod ng ond even ihe
corrosive effecls of solt oir, The
cho ce s yours

See poge 130

P5425-10 Pol shed sold bross Posl P5929- 10 Polished so ld bloss wo i

P5928-26 B ock chrome on so ld bross
Woll l0nlern. CLrrved, beveled c eor gl0ss
lorlern Curved, beve ed clO1 gl0ss 8r" lontern. Curved, beve ed ceor gloss.
dio., 2l " ht F is 3" posi (order seporOlely) dto,23t/a" hl. Exierds 91/i' NI]IR 121/i' 8'/'' da.l1'/x hl Exlends 9t" H/CTR
Three [d bulbs, eoch 60w mox Three El bulbs, eoch 60w mox. 51" Three E bu bs, eoch 60w mox
P5425-l 1 Weolhered sol d bloss P5929-1 I Weolhered solld bross P5928-10 Polshed so|d bross
P5425-26 Bl0ck chrome on sold bross P5929-26 Bock chrome on solrd bloss P5928-l I Weolhered so d bross



P5930-26 B ock chrome o| so id

bross Curved, beveled c eor o oss
BL" dio,3orl hi. Exlends gii"H/CTR
l2t/," Ihree Olbulbs. eoch 60w mox
P5930-10 Potshed sotict bross
P5930-l 1 Weolhered solid bross

. P5526-26 Bocf cfJone or .010 b05S CLrved beveled clFor

] t,
LT; .f ;,'.%,'r:f;s f6 '-d,lldl].;gl,3l'-,,T0'e0,n.".
Obulbs, eoch 6Ow mox
P5526-'l0 Potished so|d bross
P5526-l I Weothered sotd bross

P5925-l I Weothered soltd

bross. Wol lonlerr Curved,
beveied cleor qloss 6 dro ,
7 " H/CTR

12. ht Extelrds
4)/b" ofe M bulb. l00w mox
P5925- 10 Pot shed soiid
bross P5926-10
Polished sOtid bross. Wolt P5927-l l We0thered sotd brass Wotl
P5925-26 B ock chrome on lonle CJrved beve,eO c eOr qloss 6 . 'o'cf CL.vpo beve ao c eor q oss b d'o
D solid bross dro 16 l-i. Flrerds 7 H CTR I One 2l" hl. Exlends 7 HiCTR 8'o. On-.
M bulb, l00w mox. ". M bu b. l00w mox'"
Condelobro bose bulb
P5926-l I Weothered solid bross P5927-10 Polished sot d bross
Fl Medlum bose buib
H/CTR: Height from center of J box io iop of fixiure.
Posls ond Olher mounl rg occessor es on poge I 53 Progress chotn-hung fixlures come wlh enough wire lor lO, overol hl.

Verde-the new "old" look. A rlch-looking green

poiino os if noturolly oged ond weoihered

P5990-31 Block. Woll lonleln 8

P5991-25 Verde. Woll lontern
Curved, beveled cleor gloss 8%" P5588-25 verde CJryFd beve e0 clpor glo" o'0 Cho-
wrth llombovOnllv cLrrved brocket ond ce lno moJTI'nqc boll lr clL,ded. 0vp'01 5l cl'O r d2 w

Curued, bevbled bleor gloss B'" d\o.. 2lt/i' hi. Extends 9%' H/CTR
lO Ceir rio -nourte6 l-. 16,.lhree-bulbs eocl 60wn0'
dto. 24'^ hl Exiends 107". l2%" If,tee Obulbs, eoch 60w
mox P5588-30 whrle
H/CTR l0%". Three lq bulbs, eoch P5588-31 B ock
60w mox. P5990-25 Verde
P5991 -30 Wh te P5990-30 White
P5991-31 Block

P5988-30 Whlte Woll loniern

Curved. beveled cleor gloss. 6%"
dio., l2" ht. Extends 7%". H/CTR
4%''. One M bulb, l00w mox
P5988-25 Vetde
P5988-31 Blcck

P5989-30 Whiie. Woll lontern.

Curved, beveled cleor gloss. B%"
dio.. l6%" ht. Extends 9%". H/CTR P5488-25 Verde Posl l0niern Curved, beveled
4%". Three g bulbs, eoch 60w cleor oloss 8t/i' dio.,2O3/^" ht Fits 3" post (order
m0x. seoorri'te'vt firee c bul0q e0ch bow rrox
P5989-25 Verde P5488-30 Whiie
P5989-31 Block P5488-31 Block
P&cREss' ourDooRr l3t
P5842-10 potshed sotd bross. Woll
q' Bevpeo cpol qlos(. / W r6
fllerds 7 iCTR id 01e M 0Ltb
D1 l00w mox
P5842-l l Weothered sotd bross

P5732-10 Polshed
so rd bross. Wo I
ontern. C eor gloss.
7" di1.. 15" hi. Extends
6%". H/CTR 5%". One
lM bulb. l00w mox
P5732-l I Weothered
so rd bross

P5733-'l I Weothered sotd bross Wol

l0r lo ^ Beve po cleor qlOss / oio I 9 ltl
E\1pros 6 . H Ct? l5 . Ore rr' ol.o
'00w mor
P5733-10 Potished sotid bross

P5843-l I Weothered sotid br0ss W0 i P5433-10 Polished solid bross

lorct Bevepo cpor Ooss lW ?a \t posl O'lle. Beve eo cleo' qlOss. I l\ 3
txlends 7" H,CTR 14 -" One trr bulb 0o-l (o de "eporol"r\r I dro 20 . f-.
l00w mox Three c bulbs eoch 60w mar
P5843-10 Potshed sotid bross P5433-1 I Weolhered sotd bross P5734-'l0 Potshed sotid br0ss. W0t lorch
Beveled cleor ql0ss. 7" dro. 25 ht. {
) [rreros6 .LC'R b. Onc v p;5
l00w mox
OCorde0br0 bose bulb M Medium bose bulb
P5734-l I Weolhered sotid bross
H/CTR - ghi from center of J box to iop ol f xture.
Posls ond oiher mourllng occessories on poge 153
'r32 PFI'+GRESS'



f*t -t'

p5g32-lo ,,DAtp te1) Dot\.rpO <0.d 0ro. l" 0ao:0'^q:_ P5830-10 \ooata 1D1) Pol lpd oo 0ro'' l" ooor 0r
Cleor oerpla0 qro' 7W
^ B hr L'ldrd / trl/
jsf l" 6 ir"6 oplepdqoc\ 1 I 4 \l L l''r4\ tsUl/ torre
5 ti One r.'1 bulb. I 00w mox lsli'
one lq bu b, l00w mox
P5832-l I (obave. righf) We0lherd so id brOss P5830-11 (obove flghl) We0therd so id br0ss
,.. P5834-10 _fF*
- a*F
i.. P5834- l I

P5430-l I Weothered solrd bross

Hexooonol oosl loniem Cleor beveled
o oss" Ftls 3" posl (older seporolely)
j w Il" ht one M buLb. I00r^r
P5430- 10 Pol shed solld bross

P5831-l I
Weolhered solrd bross
Hexooono woll lorch. Cleor, beved
oloss" 7" W 29" ht E\lends 7
tr/cTR t5 , OneMbub l00wmo\
P5831-10 Pollshed sol d bross

P5833-10 Pollshed solid bross

P5430-'l I
HexoQono cel lnq I qhi C eor beveled P5833-10
o oss" 7" l0i.'-lrl OneFl bulb P5833-l I P5430-10
loow mox. :
P5833-1 I Weolhered solid bross

P5834-10 Po ished solid bloss

Chorn huno hexoqono lonlelr Ceol
-W. 12"
beveled oldss 7 hl Overoll
hl chol 36"j wlre l0'
ore M bulb, I

l00w mox
P5834-l I Weolhered soLid bross
:l P5831-',I I
P583r -10
lM l\,1edium bose bulb
ouTDooRr 133

P5730-10 Poiished sotid bross.

Hexcgon0l wo I onlern. Cleor. bevelecj
gloss 92" W, 26" hi Exlends 9%,,.
H/CIR 2At/i'. Three p- bulbs. eoch
60w mox.
P5730-'l I Weothered sotd bross

P5432- 10 potished so|d bruss.

Hexogonol post ionlem Cleor, beveled
P573.I-l I Weothered so|d bross.
leloqonor wOlr iorcl Cleor Oeva p0
0 Oss
g Oss. Frls oos' r.ordet seporO.e,y) 9 . -
I W 35- l^r l.('enos 9 rl CT?)0 -- P. Condelobro bose bu b
W 2l ht Tlree O or, bs rioch 60w mox Three Fl bulbs. eoch 60w mox
\ \ I
P5432-l Weotnereo sotd orcss P5731-10 Polished solid bross
Posts 0nd olher mounlln0 0ccessor es
on poge 153.
H/CTR: Herqhl from cenler of J-bor to
loo of firfi rrp:

Progress chOin hung fixlures come w lh

enough wire for l0' overo I heqhl


P5613 Weolhered solld bross wol

lonlern CeoT oloss. 9" W., 17" ht
Exlends I0%': H/CTR 1%" Iwo'o
bulbs eoch 60w mox.


P5614 Weothered solrd bross Wol oniern

CLeor o 0ss. C0ndles on hOrlq slrolghl sw vel
1t t,""w zs'hl. Extends l4'l'," HicTR 10"
Three cr bulbs. eoch 60w mox.

P5413 We0thered solid bross posl l0ntern.

Scrolled oost ho der Cle0r g oss Frts 3" posl
\ordp qopo orel\ r '2 , sq 25 1l lle"
brrlbs eoch 60w mor

H/CTR: Height irorn cenler ol J box lo top of lixlure

Posls Ond oiher mounling occessories on poge 153
ouTDooR I t35


P5605 Weothered sotid bross

componion woll iorch. Cleor
gloss ponels. 7t/i' W., 30, hl.
Exlends 7%" H/CTR 12". One l!1l
bulb, l00w mox.

P5620 Weolhered sotd bross

woli loniern. Cleor oloss
Pollshed bross rcfl;cto(. 4%. W..
ll %" ht. Exiefds 3t/a'. HTCIR
8%". one lq bulb. 60w mox

P5880-l I Weothered sotid

bross Ceor gloss. Cosl eoqle
4 4'W ,9/" hl Extends 5-"
HICIR 6fB'.one [M] butb. l00w

P5881-l I Weothered sotid P5608 Weollered sol,0 b.os\ col]Dorio t woll P5447 Weo l"rpd sol d bross 0o5t ,0
bross. Cleor qloss. 5,W., l312, lonlprn Cleorqossponers 7, W I/ { nl eor q Oss p0nels Fils 3' post iorder

lr'plds7, 'lClR 2'

hi Exlends 5%" Hlcra R\h" vJbJ,o
One Fl bLrlb. 60w mox. mox
Onp tOOw :eoolo,ey, I ; \q. 2A i ll ee u ou'bs
eoch 60w mox.
Itl Medium bose bulb
lal Condelobro bose bu f)
136 i*6i OUTDOOR



P5879- l O Por,saoo so t0 o l 6,ogo.0 lofrerf

0).. w0 ,1 0.p*OL1l
Cl-"or oe\eled 0lo\\ / ,
.ho'] ord."llq lg'bo'f
nr,r.cjed Overi | ,r , ^o,r Jo '4tra 0 Ce, I q roL"'ed *l
I I r.4" 0f e
M bulb, l00w mox
P5879-'l l Weoihered so d bross

P5876-l l


wolr0lrp' Cleo P5476-lO Doislo0 ol o oro\\ -l" 00or 0l 0o'l or'ol

P5876-lO oolsl ed.o'r0bross H" 0gorol orpl' I
b - !l CT? 9 Or" rv L P0 Oevereo q 0\\ ls r nos- o d'
-? .- - L\lo]os p00
beve"o gl0s5 7 W w 20 ,' ht. 0n lM bu b l50w mor
bulb, l00w mox.
P5876-l I Wcoihered so ld bross
P5476-1,l Weothere[i so d bross

P5877-l O Po"slec sol 0 brO\\ -le'ogo-o '^/0-l-

o cl
C^eO .
bpveeO g'0s5 1 $ )O 1r f ands 6 '- H Clr) u'lp v
bulb. I00w mox
P5877-l l Weolhered so d bross

P5803-10 Po ished sold bross P5802-10 Po shecl sold bross

wol lorclr Ceor oloss. 5" W wol onlern C eor g oss 5" W . 10"
t6 t., ' ht Extendist:" H/CTR 6i:" hl Exlends 5,.i" HICTR 6r" One
one r,4 bulb. loow mox M bu b. l00w mox
P5803-l l Weolhered sold bross P5802-l I Weottrered so id bross

P5402-10 Do' .t "o o d oro po. o te po I

q0 - o 6 | .. oOIO0o .pO00o, I
Urp !r bulb l50w mo\ !
P5402-l I Weothered sold bross Ceiling mounted


E N4ed um bose bulb P5805-i 0 Do s6"d \ot 0 0 o.r C p0 0 o)5 D6nel5 c :0

Posls ond olher mounling Occessories 0n poge 153.
C^o ^ oro
"" c
1"0 To L lrqo 0o'l r, , ro""d Ovp rt choin
36"; w re I 0' Ce I ng mornled ht 9r/." One [4 bu b, l00w
l'l/CTR: He ghl irom cenler ot J-box to iop of fixiure
Progess chOin-hung fxtures come wlh enough wlre for l 0'overoll hl I
P5805-l Weotrered so id bross

Quolily ond oilroctive slyling
solid bross lanterns.

P5825 Weothered solid bross woll P5824 Six-sided woll lonlern We0thered P5875-1 I Weothered bross Acrylic
refleclot Cleor solid br0SS. Cleor Ol0sS ponels 6 ." W oonels. 572" W.. l2%" hi. Extends 6"
loniern. Po ished brOss
oloss 6'W. l0lz'ht. Exlends 6r/," i1 nt Ertenos 6" H/clR 5 ," one &l
. hlctn 8'. one IE bulb, 60w mox.
Hlcrn zl; One M bulb, l00w mox. bulb, I00w mox. P5875-31 Block


P5784 gvi squole weolhered solid P5782 lli squore weoihered solid P5823 Weothered solid bross woll -
q h'
bross celling lighl. Textured g Oss 5" hl br0ss ceilin0 rqht. Texlured gl0ss. 5" ht. lonlern Cle0r oloss ooners. 6" W.
Two M bu bs. eoch 60w mox one Fl bulb, 60w mox. Extends 8". H/-CTR 3/,". One M bulb,
I 00w mox.

P5735-l I Weothered solld bross. P5962-11 Weoihered solid bross. cleor

Textured ooss47s" W.. 9'hl Exlends
5- il clli 5 one trl DLlb lOOw ro".
oloss 7 ' W.. 8'.- hl fulends 9 . F/CIR
3 zu". one M bulb. l00w mox
P5735-31 Solln block P5962-31 Block
P5735-42 Ani que brossJone finlsh

P5490-11 Weolhered solid bross Post loniern.

l-rosteo 0l0ss chimnev Iils 3" posi (ordel
seporolel"y,. 8 ,
sq. I 4 hl ore rM bu D l00w
P5490-3'l Block
ouTDooRI 139


P5846-r 0
P5846-r r

P5846-'10 Polshed solid br0ss. Woll torch. Beveteci cteor

poles.5 -W 5 rl l{e-ds6, lCl?8 O^p rv 010
60w mox
P5846-l I Weothered sotd bross
P5448-l I Weothered solid bross Posi lorlern P5846-31 Block ond potished bross
Be\"ed creOr -rosled O0\s clrr"tov. E S 3
pos'lorder sep0'olply) B 5q l/ nl 0r" M 0Llb
l00w mnr
P5448-10 Po ished sotid bross
P5448-31 B ock ond pot shed bross

P5847-10 Polished solid bross. Cei ing I ghl.
C,eo' beve eo porels 5 . sq. 8 rt ora v
bulb 60w
P5847-11 Weothered so id bross

P5606-l r

P5606-r 0
tl P5606-l ',l

P5606-10 Polished solid bross Wolt loniern

Cl"or bpveeo poners 5 W rO, nr Laer d:
b ;" P CTR 8', . ore M bLtb 60w mo^.
P5606-l I Weothered sotrd bross
P5606-31 Block ond Dolrshed bross
P5845-10 \oDate tc ) polsted sot,0 br0ss.
Wo,l to cl
Clpor gl0ss pore s 1 . W. l3 nl. tile.los 5
H/CTR 7,4". One Fl butb 60w mox
P5845-l Weothered sotid bross
Dl [,4edium bose bulb P5845-31 (obave, right) B ack
H/CTR : Heighi from center 0f J-box io top of f xture.
Posls ond olher mouritng occessor es on poge I 53.
140 ll OUTDOOR


ceiling mounled

-- P5550- t 0
P55s0-1 I


P5651-10 P5650-']0
Ps65 t-t I P5650- I I

P5450-10 Pot sned so tl Dfoss Smokr

iioss rcbe l0 aLr l3 'll Fls:l posl
oj. l I , n o 0I
P5450-l l \rF!.lhE r.l 5r lC Li r!5
P5550-10 P0 sle.i so tl brOss Srlroke
olcss clobe 8 d.t Cfr | lral c-' tlg
ornlinqs bo;h rc.tJra ove'al hi 0ll0 tl

5 I50!,' lrllr
P5550-ll .."
o . r
i ni :- 1i
P5450- r 0
P5450- I l
P5687 I
P5650-10 Po st'ir.l so Ll brrss Smoke :
0 rss g Obc 6 \l'/. l0 ,' !1 txle lls 7 ,
n,(lTl? 8 Ore r,, !! b 00!\' tf0l
P5650-l l !'irolle eit s.r a brlss $
P5651-10 P0 sheii 50 a Drtss Smok! #
I to. " Inriir8 4
HrllTR l0 0rr !r b! b I 50vr
P565.l l - 1 !!ro'lrefel so .l Dross
P5680- 1 0 Po lshed so d trross Wc
oflerf STroke qcss qobe 6' do, II r'," P5822^11
hl Extcrds 7 .," HI0TR 6/. One f'1 bu b
I 00w' mox
P5680-1 1 Weoliered so ld bross

P5681-10 Pol shed so lC bross Wo

lOnlerf Srr-roke 0Oss tt obe 8 dLO,l5r' Exief Cs g .,, HiCTR 7'ri." Ofc r,,r bu b,
150\,! [rox
P568'l-1'l Weolhered so d bross L._i

P5687 q 0ss g obe on weOlhered

so irl bross orleln 6" W. hl l3
Exlefds 6'.''r'ulliclR 6.'" Ore 1.4 bLrlb.
l00w tf ox Elfr*-==..

P5822-lI Weolirored so d bross Smoke

Qoss qlotre 6' ' Bi, hl ExL"fds 6,':"
H]OTR 2.'j" Ore V frllb. l00w tfox
P568r -r 0 P5680- 1 0
P5827 6 smoke q oss o obe. Weolhered
ot00 I
Two Nr brLDS, one A l9
100v,, mox !f d orre 50\,! R 20 dowr ghl

P5828 8" smoke ! oss 0 obe Weolhered
so irl bross w0 orlerr l4 ',' hl Fxterds
8 1" HICTR 9', lr'o r'1 bulbs, one A 2
l SOw rrox 0rd ofe 75w R 30 dowfi ghl

Chorm ond elegonce ore the
hal morks of these c oss c cercm c
onterns Eoch cerom c cornponent
s ki n f red oncl g ozed for o
ifel me of color slobi Jy ts c eor
ceromc goss w nol ose ts usler
Appointments ore pol shed so d


P55r 5-30


P54l 5-30 (oboye) White ceromrc

Scu plured posl 0niern Beveled cleOr gloss.
POl. "d .O 0 0r I \ 01, pr'\ r t. J pO.
/o d6 600 oler, l0 q 22 I l. "p
t bu bs eoch 60w mor
P54l5-3] B ock
P5515-31 B oc[ crom c T,,^]o worl
lot la 1 Be..t6d.e I qo.) , po .tpO o 0
I i. btor -60 'otOrd e,'0tOr'rq.
| .i DoI pI, o"d O\ptol I .0 r -d2 I lr
'0 rg t 0,rl"d t 20 r"e.
bu bs. eorh 60w m.]x
aj P551 5-30 whil
ir P57l 5-30 Wh le cerOmic. W0l 0rlerr
lr Beve ed c eOr0l0ss n po ished so d bross
l0" sq, 2l hl Exlends l0/i.
H/CTR 13"
Three c bu bs. eoch 60w mox
P57 r 5-30 P5715-31 Block
P571 5-31 P571 6-31 B ock cerom c Wol lorch
Beveed cleor gloss I pollshed so d bross
c Cofde obro bose b!lb l0 sq, 30'ht Exiends 101r,". H/,CTR 13"
um bose bu b
,1.! l\4ed Three Lc bu lls. eoch 60w mox

I Progross choin ltuto f xl!res come

wlir erough wfe for l0 overo ] ltl
P57l 6-30 wh le

HICTR - Hcrght from cefier ot J box to PosJs 0nd olher mounlln0 Occessot es
lop ol f xlure. of poge I 53
P57 t 6-30


P5426-62 P5436-60 P5446-62

P5426-60 P5436-62 P5446-60

P5426-62 Smoke 12" sphere posl 0nlern ol

.1olFr'resr5o1l o.r\, c Blork-i1e Flc3'posl
(order seporoJely) l3'ht One M bulb
I00w mox (4
P5426-60 while
P5436-60 Whlte with while filter I4' d 0. P5478-60 Posl onlern. Sholrer'rs sionl 10"
verson of P5426. l5" ht One M b!lb, ,^^ re Ocry r, cp.raraBou'lfor. ls1 po"
l50w mox 0l) (o der ceporor"! 11 0re p] 6-
l5 I
P5436-62 Smoke mox
P5446-62 Smoke. 16" diO verson of P5426
17" ht One M bu b, 200w rnox t&
P5446-60 Whte

P5645 6' wh ie gloss globe lns de 8" P5646 8" whle gloss globe inside p5445 Brou, poq. 01te B ,,vhi,e gto.c
cJoe o' s-io[a o ry]
po5 odarsopoolaTl '
l0%" cube of smoke Ocryl c. Cosl fifier Qlobe rls oe
l-r '0
cube of smoke Ocrylic. 17" hl. Exlends -ler
9%". H/CTR I I %" one M bulb. 22%" ht. Exlends l3%". H/CTR 14". One eos .J
I00w mox f,rr bulb, l50w mox. 16" hl ofe &L bu b, I 50w mox.


D\ W-]e-q'ry:" Olobp Blocl cOc vr'o' iorcr One

P5626-60 B arob" t5 rr l\' tO tuTRB
v 0- o I 00w mox. 0 P5633-30 Wr I" Po yL0roonotp w0 I 0r0.."
S"ofle' rp\ .ton' wnt p ocrv tc s0here l0 o o
P5636-60 'o-qlobp ,/ rl l.r ,I tuT? 0. - , l f^lelos ll HCtR o $ 2
Smoke g oss alobe Biock cost w0l lorch one M bulb. I 50w mox 0.4
do\,'vf One lM brlb l00w mox
P5626-62 8 qooe'5 rrt.l tO tCT?B P5633-31 B ock
P5636-62 r0'qoop. I/ t't, t' HLTptOI

P5277 -20 Brofze hir'o s ded light for P5678-20 Bronze h.vo-s ded w0l fixture. P5627-3i B0'I cost vvo| .1" Opot
w01hs, drives. or sleDs po vc0rbonOle
drflusers Threoded ,'I P ifirno
Po ycorborote d flusers 5," x 5,'W, qloq., qlobe I W g l l,l"'ld- 6
l2 , l^. f.end(B dClR2, On-o M H/CTR 4%". One Nl bulb, l00w mox 4
5r/1" x 5t/'\,1\l , t2%" hl Over0i ht. to 36,, bu b. l00w mox
One Ll4l bulb. l00w n]ox.

Q4 Cosl 0luminum gu0tonleed rusl lree Posis ond oiher mourllng

LM [/ed um bose bu b Other ground ghls on poges 155 ond 166 occessoTies on poge 153


P5720-31 C0st 0 uffrinum w0 I brocket TC54O4-3I HIGH PRESSURE SODIUI'

Cleor qOSS. 1l ;
oto. 24 ht. txerds'2.
H CIR-19-. One v bulb l00w mo,. U!
rqPS) vers on of P5403-31. Vore'ighl pe'
woh bow l-.os DUlb eqJols lqhl oL pJI ot
0 I50w lncondescenl Fits 3" post (order
seporoielv).ll"dto., 231/2" hl. one 50w
HPS E 17 Fl bulb. 0D

P5403-31 Block cost oiuminum posi

lontern. Whiie nbbed 0l0ss dome. Ceor
lopered qloss sh0de iiosleo q'oss ch,mney
Hinoed loo for eosv lelonpng Fi's 3 posl
(ord-er sedoroiely). I I
d 0. 23 ." ll. Ore M
bulb, l00w mox Q4

P5719-31 Cosl oluminum woll br0ckel. P5648 Cost oluminum woll torch. Cleor
Cleor gloss. 73/a" dta, 151/r" ht. Extends 8".
H|CIR 9t/z'. One M bulb. l00w mox. CD

M lvedium bose bulb

oloss 7%" drc.22 hl Exlends 10".
F/oTR I I %" One Fl bulb. l00w mox.
@ t
@ Cosl 0luminum guoronteed rusl-f[ee
Posts ond oiher rnounling occessories on poge 153

Di [?:li::i]T:iff :5:?i'lw
Hondsomely cosl olum num, these
lonlerns I ght o hospitoble welcome,
for friends ond fomily, o ong your
wo ks ond ol yoLr door.

P5408-31 Bock posl l0nlerr. Frosled
gloss chimney Sholler res slorl
colhedrol ocryl c pone s lfi oul for eosy
reomping Fits 3" posl (order
seporote y) l0r, ' sq 22 ht One lMl
hLr h l00w mox [A]

P5661 Wo I loflern. Cothedroi Ocry ic

pones. B%" sq, l9%" hi. Exlefds
I0%". H/CTR I4t4 ' one M bulb,
l00w mox 04
P5662 Wo I lorch. Colhedrol ocrylc
ponels. B'/," sq., 26%" h1. Extends l0%".
H/CIR 14Vz'.One M bulb, l00w mox q4

P5663 open botrom woll lonlern.

Colhedro ocrylc ponels B'1" sq,
I4%" hl. Exlends l0t/1 I1/CIR 5h'.
one M bulb. l00w mox 0A

H/CTR = He ghl from cenler of J box lo lop of f xlure.
A clossic trodit onol lonlern fomi y n
your cho ce of verde, b ock or whlte.
Sculptured ond cosi in cluminum.
The mosoic pollernecl ocry ic pone s
ore sholter resistont

P5659-25 Verde. W0 1 lorch l'4os0ic

ocryl c pofels 6" W., I B' hl Extends 7 r"
H/CTR 8'/," One Ml buLb, 60w mox !4
P5659-30 While
P5659-31 Block

P5665-31 Block Top lrung cosl wo I

lorr" ' Voso , or ryt po'lpl\ B , ,V I 6

TR 0ro lv bJ o
posl ontern ShOtier lesisloni while ocrylc
l00w mox (l oonels I ls 3 oos orde{ seDololel! , l2
P5665-25 Verde
P5665-30 Wh re w 2J rr or e cow -D5 l-l'vbrlo (t
P5826-31 B ock cosl o uminum wo I
l0nlern. Beveled cleor sholler-reslslonl
pOnels 7" W, 15" hi Exiends Il."
10" One M bulb l00w mox Q4
P5826-30 Whtle

P5658-25 Verde. Lorger wo I lorch

N4osoc ocrylc pones 8 W 25'ht
F "1o I0 CtR 2 0t a P] ot,o
l00w mox !
P5658-30 wh te
P5658-31 Block
0.rV iC po.p c
While post onlern Mosolc

po\. o'opr sepo

6a 91 1o 61p rq t'< 3
' oel), /
bulb l00w mox I c
W. 2' I 0"
P5409-25 Vetde
P5409-31 Block



H gh pressure sod um (HPS) ls o
ght source whlch reduces
energy costs by produclng
more light for every wott of
e eclr c 1y used You'd hove 10
use o 150 wotl ncondescent
bulb 10 equol the I ght outpul
of one 50 wott HPS bulb.
Whcl's more, you'd use oboui
30 ncondescent bu bs during
the 24.000 hour roied ife of
one 50 wotl HPS bulb HPS
produces I ght w th o
chorocteristic qolden color.

other HPS posl lOnterns ore TC5404 3l

on poge 144 ond TC54l0 3l or
poge 146.
l0nlern. Bl0ck c0st 0lun'r num. Cosl e0gle
Whiie ocrylic ponels Fils 3" posl (order
sepOrOle y). lo'/f' sq , 23" ht One 50w HPS
Dh E l7
butb. 0a

Mercury vopor (MV s onother
h ghly efFicient I ght source
which reduces energy costs by
producing more ighi per wott
of electricity used, t would
toke c 200 wo11 incondescent
bulb to equol the I ght ouiput
of these lcnterns with o 100
wotl mercury vopor bu b. Also,
you'd use obout 30
incondescent bulbs dur ng the
24,000 hour roted ife of one
100w H 38 MV bu b, MV
produces o chorccierist c cool
white color

P5455 INCANDESCENT. B ock cosi

olum fum posl 0nlern. Frosted 0l0ss
cl.Tle\ Cpo gl0). 00'te s rl oL- ol posy
re0TOi10 rt'<
'O sq 22 rl3 00sl\Ot0p
Orp t bLlb
00',\, TO '

For in ine inslOllotions of n]ore lhon 9 FIPS

)r lonlerns or 3l\4V l0nlerns, copocitors must

be used ond ore Ovoll0ble on speciol order.
TC5438 MERCURY VAPoR. Posl l0ntern Block
cosl olumirum C0st eogle Wh te Ocry ic
Posls ond oiher mounting
occessor es on poge I 53.
ponels. Fils 3" posl (order sep0r0ley). 10,/?" M l\y'edium bose bulb
sq, 23" ht. ore l00w H 38 MV bu b 04 Q4 Cosl o uminum, gu0r0nteed rusl free

Polypropylene onterns stond
up 1o the weother.
Polypropylene won't corrode
or rust ond ls UV stob lized io
prevent color from foding
You'll never hove 1o po n1
them. All hove po ished bross
occents ond feoture hinged
rools for quick, eosy reLomp ng.

P5437-30 Wh te Polypropylere posi

lonlern Cle0r beveled ocryl c p0fels
Fils 3" post (order sepor0lely) B" di0.,
24'/,' hl. Arc M bulb. 60w mox
l P5437-31 B ock

P5737-30 Whiie Polvpropylene wo I

lonle 'r Cleor Develed Ocrvlc porels 8 fe
W l4r,'ht Fxlends 9t." H/CTR 13"
One M bulb 60w mox
P5737-31 Block

P5738-30 Wh te Polvpropvlene woll

iorch. Cleor beveled ocry ic pone s B"
W., 2l" ht. Exlends 9%" H/CTR I3"
one llal bu b, 60w mcx
P5738-31 B ock

P5437-31 P5437-30





11 1




P5465 Polshed bioss occenis on

block po ypropylene posl lorlerrl
Beveled c eor ocrylic porels. F ls 3"
post (order seporolely).7%" sA, 13,/,"
hi Ore M bulb. 60w mox.

P581 4-30 Wh te Polvpropvlene woil

onlern with ribbed monsord roof
Beveled cleor ocry rc ponels B" sq .
l3r' ht Extends Bt,'
H/cTR l0!,"
One M bulb. 6Ow mox
P58'14-31 B ock

P5815-30 Whiie. PolvproDvtene wot n-t

lorch wth rbbed monsord rool Beveled
cleor ocrylic ponels B' sq , I 7 /," hl
Exlends B%". H/CTR l0%i'. One M I

bulb. 60w mox

P5815-31 B ock
P5865 Po ished bross occents on
block po ypropylene woll lonlern.
Beveled cleor ocry ic pane s. 7f;" sq ,
16" hi Extends 9" H/CTR ll%"
Fl bulb 60w mox

P5866 Polshed bross occents or

bl0ck polypropy ene wol lorch. Beveled
cleor ocryl c pone s. 7%' sq., 22r"' hl.
Exlerds 9". H/CTR I l%" one nl bulb.
60w mox


P5414-30 White. Po ypropylere post

lonlern wilh ribbed monsord rool.
Beveled cleor ocrylic p0nels. Fils 3"
post (order seporolely, B sq 12" hi.
Ore bulb 60w mox
P5414-31 Block P5414-31

Fa- l\y'edium bose bulb

Do\ s ord olt"r -no"rlTq orceseo re: or poqe 153.
Ll C'R He qrl on ceile o , bo. o top o- -i^-L p P5414-30


P5745-31 P5745-30

P5744-30 Whrte. Polypropylene

ceiling ight Cleor lextured gloss. 8r4" P57 44-30 P5744-31
sq, 4il!'ht One Ul bulb, 60w mor
P5744-31 Block

P5745-30 White Po Vpropylene

ceiling lighf. Cle0r lexlured gloss. l0%"
sq., 5%" hi. Two lE bu bs, eoch 60w
P5745-31 Block
P5818-30 While. Po vpropvlene woll
lontern Texiured ocrylic pones. 7%"
W , 13/4' hI. Extends 5%". !,ICIR 2)/i'
one El bulb, 60w mox P5818-31 P58r 8-30
P58i8-31 Block

P5819-60 Whrte g oss globe B oc[

polVpropVlene woll iorch 6" dr0. l3'/4"
ht. Exfends 1t/{'. H1CIRl". Ot'e
Fl bu b. 60w mox.
P5819-62 Smoke gloss globe
P5820-30 While gloss globe. White
pol!/corbonole wol brockei 6" dio.,
7%" hi. Exiends 6lu H/CTR 2'4" One
M bulb, 60w mox
P5820-31 Blcck
P5820-30 P5820-31
P5821-60 Whlte gloss g obe. Block
polvpropvlene woll brocket 6" dio.,

l3%" ht. Extends 1'/a". H1CIR7". orc
M bulb, 60w mox.
P5821-62 Smoke gloss globe

M l/edium bose bulb

H/CTR = Heighf from cenler of J box lo
iop ol flxture
P581 9-60 P58r 9-62
ouTDooRI l5t

lD I

P57 27 -31
P5962-l I

P5590-r r P5960-31
P5490-3'l Block. l\4et0 posl lonlern.
Cleor gloss ponels F'osed gr0ss rf,nrey
Frts 3" post (order seporolelt) 8" sq ,
I 4)/," hl One ru bulb l00w mOx
P5490-l I Weolhered solid brass
P5729-42 P5589 Block melol. Swlred g oss
globe 5%" W., l23l'h|. Exlends 6".
H/CIR 11/a". one lr,4 buib l00w max.
P5590-31 Block. Cho n huno melo
lorlern. Texlured gl0ss. B sq'12,-
ht. overoll hl: choin 36"; wlre l0' One
M bulb, l00w mox.
P5590-1 I Weothered sold bross
P5670-31 Block cost lOnlern. Cleor
texiured ocrylic ponels 6" W., l3%"
hf. Extends 6%". H/CTR 8%". One M
bulb. 60w mox.04
Di P5727 -31
Black. [,4ei0l ceiling liQhl.
Texlured gloss. 7%" sq., 5" ht. One E
bulb, 60w mox
P5727 -42 Antique br0ss lone linish
P5845-3r P5729-31 Block. Mel0l ceilino lioht
P5875-31 P5845-10 Textured gloss. 9%" sq., 5" hl. Two Nl
P5875-l I P5845-r 'r bulbs. eoch 60w mox
P5729-42 Aniique brossJone fin sh
P5845-31 Block [,4ei0l woll lortern.
Cleor gloss ponels 4 /d" W, l3t " ht
Ertends 57i' H1CIRlli' One lM bulb
6Ow mox.
'l Pollshed solid bross
P5845-l Weolhered solid bross
P5875-31 Block. l\retol w0ll l0nlern.
Beve ed ocryllc porcls.'th" W., 123/i'
ht Ex1. 6' H/CTR 7%' One Li/l bulb,
60w mox.
P5875-l I Weolhered bross
P5960-31 Block melol w0ll lonlern.
Texlured gloss. 7V," W ,9" hl., Exlends
5,/2'.. HICIR 3". One lM-l butb, I 00w mox.
P5962-31 Block. l\,4elol woll lonlem.
1% W., at/i'ht. Exiends 9". H/CTR
37s" One M bulb. l00w mox.
P5962-1 I Weolhered solid bross

P5966-31 Block. Beveled cleor

gloss. 5" W, 16" hl. Exiends 6"
H/CTR l0%". One Nl bulb, I 00w mox.
)', P5490-31
P5490-l I
Posls ond olher mounling occessories on
poge 153.
0& Cosi 0luminum, guor0nleed rustfree
r52 I OUTDOOR PffiREstS'

P5604-l l


P5602-31 Block. Cleor morine . P5603-l l Weolheled bross

gloss 4%" W, 7%" ht Exiends Cleor mor ne gLoss 4,{' d o ,

5r". H/CTR 2./'" one M bu b. 75w 6./. " ht One [4 bu b, 60w mox
mox P5603-10 Po ished llross
P5602- 10 Pollshed bross P5603-30 White

P5602-l I Weolhered bross P5603-31 Block
P5602-30 Whrle

P5598 Sotn block Wh te gloss 4%"

WB hl. Exlends 3l/. H/CTR 4" One
Lr'4 bu b, l00w mox
P5604-10 Po shed bross. Whlle g oss
6 W. 8lr" ht
globe. Extends 6./:
H/CTR 2 /',," One r,.r bu b. l00w mox
P5604- I I Weolhered bross
P5604-30 While
P5604-31 B ock

P5735-1I Weollrered so d bross

Texl!red qloss 4 l-,r.' yy , n" ht Exlerds
5 H/CTR 5 Ore lM bulb. l00w mox.
P5735-31 'fB ock
P5735-42 Aflque br0ss'io|e 1 n sh

P5735-l l P5735-31 P5598 ql

Al hove screw rype opol gloss
Al hove voporproof qoskets ond
porce o n sockels
P5510-']6 Solin olum fum celng

I xiute Opo g oss
4 ,i," d o , 6fii hi
One rv bulll, 60w mox
P5510-31 Block
P551 l -3'l Block. Wo I llxture. Opol
g oss. 5" W, 6/," hl Extends 5r"
HtcrR 2t/i'.One [4 bulb, l00wmox t'
P55l I -'|6 P5512

Sotin o umifurl
P5512 Sotn ormnLrm Two ghlwol
I xlure. 0p0 goss Mounls horzonioly l or verl c0

or vefirco lV 5 W l3' hl E\tends P55r 0-16 P55l I -3r

5 H CTP 6 Two ra bulbs eoch P5510-31 P55l',l-16
100\,,! mox

P5616-16 Solin olum num Cel|g [4otching 'Hord Nox" modes on pOge ]7l
fxiure OpoL gl0ss 6" drO, 7/: ht One
-ql bulb, 60w mox
P56'l6-31 Block
P5617-16 Sol n olumnum Wol
fxlure Opo qloss 6" do, BL h1. \":
Exlerds 7". HICTR 2/," One tvl bu b,
I 00w mox
P56l7-31 B cck
P5698-31 Block
dLo I 'ht Fxt-"nds
Wh le po ycorbon0ie glotle 6

--{ dr1
Two PL 7 omps eoch 7w P5616-16 P56 'r 7-16 P56t 7-31 P5698-31
P56r 6-31
Ml l\,,ledrum bose bLr b
H/CTR = Heghl frorr cenler of J box lo lop ol lrxlure


I Lf i - ' DOs. OaCPD 0i ) .l 'g,.
0l'o ,I'ti. ' l\ 0 ? poq. Ll,0 lo tro
0r thrc ighl posl lop brOckels descrbed
D below. Surfoce moufl on y "J" bo ls ond
temp ole rcl!ded
S crder decoroi ve posl I 0" bose,
15.':" ht.
IC5330-30 while
TC5330-31 Block
Fu I bod ed decorolive posi I l-1" bose,
84 /:" hr TC5330-31
TC533l -30 Wh te TC5330-30
TC5331-31 B ock Showf
P5403 3r
C0sl Olum fum posl lops fil ony 3" posl
iOr [4/O Or 1l]ree ighlmouiti|gS* rc8732-31
loD on
Two-light post lop 29" W. lB" ht Tc533r -31
TC873l -30 Wh 1e posl.
lC873l -31 B ock Three P5409
Three-light posl top 25' W , 18" hl lonlerns
TC8732-30 wh te
TC8732-31 Biock

lor ony s ngle ofiern wh cft lls o 3"
d Omeler posl. Use lltl 7 fool he ghi or cut
lo desired lenglll
P5390-31 B ock olum num posl
P5390-31PC Som os P5390 3t p us
which 0ulomolic0l y lurfs
photoe eclr c ce I
6 onlern of 01 dusk ofl ol down

P5391-31 B ock Aiuminum post wilh

ardder resl
P5391-30 While
P5392-30PC Wh 1e Aumnrrn posl
wlh odder resl Hcs weolherprool
!rourded conven ence oullel ofd
pholoeleclr c ce I which oulom0l c0l V lurns
lonlerr on ol dusk off ol down
P5392-31 PC Block TC533l -31 TC873l -31
posl wilh loo on
P5393-31 Bock siee oost P5409 lonlern Tcs33r -3r
P5393-30 Wh te slee post posl.
Two P5403-31
Surfoce mount
post odopter lonlerns

P8748 F ofged cosl

o um nuTr bose for
surfoce mourling round,
3" boltom 0.D, posts
Afchor bo ls ond sej
screws inc uded B"do,

Pedeslol mount
FOr moufl nQ posl onierns on pedeslO s ot
vio s 6'W 4tl: ht
P8726-3'l Block cosl o[]mif um
P8726- l0 Polished sold tloss
P8726-25 Verde cosl o um n{rm

I P8726-30
P8648 J
While cosl oium rum
bols for P8726

'Foi mull p e HID onter|s, coflOcl loclory

for pioper bol osl iIslo lol on

Qvollo'system ftc
Th sexclusive Progress Ovolool
system builds wiih components to
ofier you on exceptionol
ossortnenl ol oes g'rs for i^doo
ond ouldoor lighting.
Creoie your own designs or
selecl from the suggestions on
poges 156-157. Light your outdoors
for so'ety. secJr ty ond beoutv
lowns, gordens, drivewoys, wolks,
steps ond potios.
Light your ndoors wiih o
dromoiic difference throughout
your home or bus ness.

lncondescent or f luorescent
Eoch Oval o light pod is ovoilob e
either os o 75w incondescent or a
t\ro-lomp (PL 13) fluorescent All ore
the some cleon ined cosl
oluminum design wilh o formed
while polycorbonote diff user,

Mounling options
One Liohl pod (P5240/P5250) is o
complete unit with its own conopy
for one light instollolions The three
olher light pods offer mounting
optlons for o vorely of horizontol,
verticol or ongled insiollotions

Single or double mount

on wolls or ceilings
Versoiile light pods mounl on wolls
or ceil ngs n one light or two llght
conf igurotions.

bollord or
pedestol heights
Extruded olum num uprights offer
use outdoors ond indoors os posts,
bollords ond pedesto s in one-
ljght or two- ight conf gurotions,

All in three f inishes

Customize your own des gn in
block. bronze or while. A I ore
electrostoticolly finished by the
powoer poin' process tor suoe'io'
chip-resistont durabil 1y ond
resistonce to seoside solt o r. The
system s UL listed for wet locotions.
ill 1
tlGt{T PODS 13%" tons, 'h" toce O INCANDESCENT FLUORESCiNT
u 7sw M butb
! - Two I3w Pl-13
,r" 45' END MOUNT
White White
P5241-30 09" Posi
4%" wide, I %" thick. For
Block Block direct burlol
P524 t -31 P5251-31 Bronze P5g42-20
Requires oddilionol componenls White P5342-30
Block P5342-31
90" & ADJUSTABLE M0UNT Horizonlol or vedicol 49" Bollord
4%" wlde, l%" ihick. For
Bronze Bronze direct buriol
P5242-20 ?5252-20 Bronze P5341-20
While P5341-30

'L"- While White Block P5341-31

P5242-30 P5252-30
I l " Pedestol
Block Block 4%" wide I %" th ck. For
P5242-31 P5252,31 sudoce mounl no. Useful on
Adjusloble for slroight or righl pedeslols or oiop wolls
ongle end mounling Requires oddilionol componenls Bronze P5340-20
While P5340-30
MIDDLE MoUNT Horizoniot or verticot Bronze Bronze Block P5340-31
P5243-20 P5253-20
While White "J" bolis ond hex nuls for
P5243-30 P5253-30 P5340
Block Black
P5243-31 P5253-31
Mid-side collor for cuslomized
)l configuroiions Requires odditionol componenls


l'clU0es TrOdre rrOL.lted c0noOv.or W0ll

or cei rnq rnslollolons
BIOnze Bronze 3" round
INCANDESCENT OR P5240-20 ?5250-20 post
Llse the lghl source oi your White Whrle
cho ce
P5240-30 P5250-30 Adopts stondord 3" di0meler round post
r,1l [,led um bose bu b Block glock lor Ovoilo inslolioiions wilh P8644
P5240-3',r P5250-31 or P8645 post cops.

WALL & CEILING CANOPIES A conopy is required for woll ond POST CAPS Required for ott
ceiling inst0ll0tion of 0li lighl pods insiollolions on on uprighl
except the compleie unit.
0ne light 0ne lighl
P8646 I Bronze P8646-20 Bronze P8644-20
Whiie P8646-30 [. While P8644-30
Block P8646-31 l
Block P8644-31

)'r ,ruor|B whfie

Bronze P8647-20
n Bronze
For complete unil, older:
A. Lighl pod(s), incondescenl or
B. Wollceiling conopy oI Posl cop,
one-liqht or ito-lighl.
C Posi bollord or pedeslol

\hr ir
'-I Y!

The lhree lioht pods below go

together wilh the indicoted ONE-LIGHT CANOPY
occessories to moke the INSTALLATIONS
configuroiions shown ot the righl. P8646 P8647

P5251 fluorescenl
P5241 incondescenJ
ond conop es.

90'& 180'
P5242 incondescenl
P5252 fluorescent
PR+cREss' ourDooR/tNDooR w I57




on pedeslol, bo lord or post. on pedeslol, bol ord or post
P8644 P8645

P5340 I l" pedestol

P534r 49" bo ord
P5342 I 09" posl



Be crolve w lh Progress 0v010 lghl ng

Des gn unique h^io rqht un ls by
combin ng d flererl lght pods on one
mounl ng

componnis w lh
suffix of desired f n sh
-20 broirzer -30 wh le; -31 b ock
I 5 8K OUTDOOR/I N DOOR @:{:l:;i:@ PR>GRESS'


l'4ouni on
or ceiiings






For woil
P5705-30 Woll moufl onlv P5704-31
P5705-31 P5704-30
P7305-30 on
l\,4ouni wolls P7304-31 P5706-3 r
P7305-31 or cell ngs P7304'30 P7306-31

Paoqress offers ow rato ntenonce ncondescent ond f uolescent wc I alnd ce I ng ghls

POLYCARBONATE for-both ncloor ond outdoor areas. Tough poycorbonotc constrrlcton stcncls up to
INCANDESCENTS the e ements ond s UV siob zecl for colorfostness Co ors w I not f'de ano pcds w I

AND not rusl Shatter res stoni ens s seo ed w th o rubber gcskel to Keep out mo slLl re
M A lomp PL lomps fnsll WD
P5702-30 75w P7302 -30 2lwu WhTe
l0 x l0' x 4,,"
P5702-31 P7302-31 2 9w Bock

P5 7 03-30 75w P7 303-30 2-l,N ot Whlle

l0' x l0' x 5
P57 03-31 P7303-31 2 9w Block

P5704-30 60w P7304-30 l-7w or Wh le

P5704-31 P7304-3 r l9w B ock

60w P7305-30
Wh le
Bla. k
l0:.'x 51, x 4 I
P5706-30 60w P7306-30 I '7w oi Whrle 10,, x 5r. x 4
P5 7 06-31 P7 306-3 r 9w R ock

- lighting

Enjoy ond disploy the beouly of your

grounds, not only by doy ight, bul
olso by Progress n ght ghi ng
n oddlt on io enhancing the
noturol beouty of your andscope,
n ghllight na gives Vou more use of
outdoor spoce your deck oncl your
grounds ofler dork 1 prov des o
good trons tion belween indoor ond
outdoor I ving for n ghilime
recreot on ond enierloin ng. lt olso
serves os the sofely lighiing 10 he p
ovoid occidents cnd securily ighting
that discouroges prowlers

',l20 volt system

The power suppy n most homes s
120 volt (or "l ne
voltoge") lt w tl
throw more light over o w der oreo
from c onger dislonce t needs to
be nslolled os required by not onol
ond ocol e ecirico codes
'12 voll syslem
The ow votoge syslem requires c
tronsformer which sleps 120 volt
down to 12 volfs. lnstollotion
generolly is eosie[ Iess expensive
ond with I Jlle risk of shock F xlures
ccn be relocoled eosily f des red
There ore lmiiotons to the numoer
of fixlures powered by one
Plon your londscope lighting
w lh the procedures cnd f xlures
shown on the following poges The
expeJ-ls n your loco Progress
Light ng showroom wi I be hoppy io
oss st you.


in rl



First,dec de whot you wont to il uminote-flowers,
shrubs, trees, sculpture, wolls, o deck or genero
oreos, etc Se ect the techniques, shown on these
poges, which you wont to use Choose lhe power
supply, ihe fxtures ond the bulbs you'Ll need
Consider the different co or rendiuons of differenl
light sources
Remember lhot, oi n ght, o liltle lght does o b g
job so don't over ight Generaly, you wont io see
the light, nol the fixlures so you'I conceol the
fixtures beh nd plonis ond shrubs. Consider your
neighbors when o ming the lighls don'1 sh ne into
their windows
Io conserve energy, instol o phoiocell or a
iimer for turning lights on ond off outomoticol y
Now select the equ pment,

ProCress offers specific lixlures for lhe funclionol
iohiing of poths, decks, steps ond driveways. These
ore ollered on poges 164 167

A m lghts up lrom grou|d mouninos N4ounl ghts h gh obove lo creole
lo dromolze shrubs lrees 0nd lexlLtred efch0nl ng "moorliQhl n0" effecls if
surfoces suclr os slofe or br ck wol s. folioge ond f owers lluminol open
Creole flrigu ng dispOys ol shOpes, recreolion oreos, woiks, drves ofd
shodows ofd colors olher oreos for sec!rjly
Use 0bove ground spols or lloods 0nd Use spols.

t' l
n groufd wel ghls

t.r _

Spol ght stutuory or t0volte pl0nl nqs. L ght wolls behind speciol p onts or
Prolecl lhe I inttiguing sh0dows onlo slolu0rV lo s houetle lhe /nlereslIQ
)1 w0lls Cross liohtinq the obecl from
1wo or more dfecli0ns enhor]ces ls
dimens onol shQpe ond deplh.
shopes ogo nsl lohled surlocs
tooor ond |-groufd wet
Use spols, floods ond I giound weil

fl, C
Spots provide controlled lighting 1o
occent objecis ond dromolicolly
delineote plontlngs, Progress offers
spols, in 12-volt or 120-volt versions,
to suit the size of the lighiing job.
Conslructed of sturdy cost
oluminum, Black powder coot
pointed to resist chipping, foding
ond even seoside oir All swivel for
up or down oiming. Stem has Y2" lP
'lhreod for permonent instollotion or,
in low voltoge instollotions, movoble P5234-31
buriol on PB6l6 3l occessory ground
sto ke.

P5234-31 I20V 3%" dio.. 6%" long.

[/ox. omp: 50w Q PAR-20
P5235-31 l20V 5%" dio., B%" long.
lvlox lomp: l50w Q PAR-38
P5236-31 I2V 3%" dlo., 6%" long.
lncludes lomp cover Mox. lOmp: 75w DC
boyonet hOlogen reflecior (by Osrom or
P5237-31 l2V 5%" d0., 5%" long.
l\,4ox lomp: 75w PAR 36

Q! Listed lor wel locoiions.

P5236-31 with P8612-31 P5237-31

Accessories cover lens. Cleor

Louver. Fiis under lens
Lighi shield. Adjustoble 0ccessory. tempered gloss prolecls
length Rotoie bios-cui -31 3%" hex cell lomp
P86l I
end to odlust culoff ongle. lor P5324 3l & P8677-68 3%"dio. lot
P8612-31 5" long. For P5236 3l P5234,31 O
P5234 3t & P5236-31 P8613-31 43l^" cube P8684-68 4r%i' dio.
P8614-31 7" long. For cell lor P5235-31 & lor P5235-31 &
P5235 3t & P5237-31 P5237 3l P5231,3)

P8616-31 Ground stoke
For ow vo loge insto lofions.
l2 volt tronsfomer P8669-3'l Aulomotic timer I0" iolL o uminum movoble
Required ior l2V inslo lolion 24-hour clock con be sel on sloke for d recl mounting of
systems. Woter tlghl holf hour incremenfs. Hos l2V ondscope liohls
conslruclion Reseiloblefused overr de swilch I250w
proleciion 3Jl. cord ond plug. coooLtv. AC oL'le o i'0nslotne'. 3' cotd
K 0 for phofocell. 4'h" x 10" x crb plub. Front cover provoed. lurrs ltqhis
43/s" deep. 0n ond off 0l pre sei ilmes-for convenlence
P8638-31 l00w one-clrcult. ond "01 home" look whie you ore 0w0y.
Slem kil
P8639-3r 250w Two Wlth f" lP lhreoded conneciion.
l25w circuiis. P8676-31 Pholocell B%" ioll wlth coupllng
P8640-3r 500w. Two Convenlent pug I unii, P8667-31 B ock
250w circuils 1200w copocily. 3 fl cord ond P8667-38 Green
W, plug. Front cover prov ded.
Aulomolic0Lly iurns lights on ol dusk Ofd off
P8670 h-ground l2V 0l d0wn 0r use wilh llmer so photocell
iJrrs I qrls or 0l Oush ond i mer lJrfs rrghis
Cosi oluminum housing oll ot ore set iime dunna ihe niqhl 'I
2V Coble
occepls %" lP siems for l2 gouge.
UL listed. Block.
direci mounling of lighls P8673-31 Connectot P8628-3'l lwo conduclor I00 fl.
B" x 5'/a" x 3t/a" Connecls low voliooe cob es, lhree P8629-31 three condLtclor. I 00 fl
75w copociiy. conduclor to two conduclor. P8630-31 lhree conducfor. 200 ft.


tl Three light sources For lighting

orge, open oreos for generol
lluminotion, sofely ond security,
High pressure sodium (P5220 31J
produces o golden lght
oppropr ote for worm colors such
os red brck. HPS reduces energy
costs by producing more lighi per
wol1 of electricity used, One 50w
HPS bulb equols the I qht output
of o 150w incondescent bulb
l\4ercury vopor (P5222 31) P5220-31 oround moltnled P5222-31w th ballosl box
produces o cool, blue-white color
especiolly oppropr ote for
greenery N4V olso reduces energy
cosis One 50w MV bu b equols
ihe light oulput of o 100w
ncondescent bu b.
Quorlz hologen (P522a 31) otrers
on lntense, whiter illum not on for
strong occent I ght ng ond more
foithful color fidelity of florol
These 120V I ghls are die cost
oluminum, block powder-coot
poinled to res si chipping, foding P5220-31 with P86l 5-31 conopy P5221-31wilh P86l 0-31 vlsor
,!'| ond seoslde solt oir All swivel for
up or down oiming. Swvel stem
hos %" threod for permonenl
instollation. Accessory vlsor
provides glore ond beom conirol
N!n'!gL __
P5220-31 SowHPSE l7lt4j
Accesso es
v sor. F is
B ock melol
oll lhree flood

Block. WoI
ond under eoves conopv
Fot P522O & P52)l
P5221-31 O3OOW T 2)l, RSC
P5222-31 50w [/V E 17
.1r! Lisled for wel locoiions


The inconspicu0us 'up lioht" 0lso is
0d u.'oole Lp ro 90 I or tts beow oroLn0
.^slOlol 01 Wel sleeve is ot ,t ci pvc
p pe UL listed for wel locoi ofs
Lomp: l2V 75w PAR 36

cor woll\ w0 hs oto 7 \2 Accessories

I fi : " Acryrrc d'-use sleos.
Corro,elp delo 15 on
^ P8613-3'l Cube cel louver lor 0lore
I I pooe 190 conlrol.
P6800-60 Ftuorescenl. One 7w pL-7 tomp P8684-68 Tempered oloss cover ior
P680]-60 lncondescent. 120u I6Vf,
o" odded omp protechof Dio 4 r ,

25w mox.
P8668-31 BOck melOl louver foce plote o 9ci oOooo' Q! Listed lor wel locolions


Enhonce the volue of your
properly ond ensure ts sofely wlh
these sleek, ond ottroctive ights.
Use them olong steps, poths,
drvewoys, ot entronces ond on
oeLrs. MooJlo posl sec'io-]s Le'
you build the 972'1o I lights to 171l:',
2512" ar 3312" tol bolords Provdes
dromclic light ng effects or subi e
occents on p onts ond shrubs.
Con be permonenlly mounted
on most surfoces. Stake-mouni ng
orlows repositonirg lhe igl'ts o'
the gorden grows ond molures
Choose and mix I ght sources 1o
occommodote your requ rements
Use stondord voltoge
incondescenl or fluoresceni for
long distonce runs wilh 6 or more


. Low voltoge, cho ce of 12 voll
omps in un 1s wh ch offer low
operoting cosis ond eos er
inslol ot on.
. lncondescenl, stondord
vo toge 120 volt un ts for extro CI
. Fluorescent, compoct 7w or 9w
PL lomps for long I fe ond low
operoting costs
o Injection molded Lexon"'
polycorbonoie components
hove weotherllght seols Keeps
out woler ond dirl.
o Flush fit sections provide o
smooth, cleon ine profile wiih no
vislble fcsteners
. "Hord-Nox" durobilty rust proof
wlth molded-in motle block
color Stonds up to normol
bumps ond bongs.
lnternol con col reflector
provides o c rculor pollern of
light from the conceoled ighi
UI listed for wet locot ons.

tt Number

40w R 14




P5246-31 l2w #93 l2 4t/,' 9V.i',

llw #1141
24w #1156
P5247.31 lw Pll )20 Frosied 4'/2" 9t/.1',


P5245-31 P5246,31 on One Pg6g0_31
P5246,3r P5247 -31 on h.vo P8690-31

INSTALIATION ACCESSORIES (other I2V occessories on pose 162)

P8690-31 lvlodulor post section P8685-31 Direcllonol reJlector/

0dds B" 10 fixlure heighi. Moximum of ght sh eld. Block ouler finish,
three recommended. B ock speculor 0luminum ref eclor. Mounls
polycorbofoie 3" dio. rside diffuser

P8693-31 l2 volt tronsformer

w lh remoie pholo-eleclr c controi lo
0ulomotico ly lurl,l lighis on 0t dusk,
off ol down. 72w copocily. 6 fi
cord ond plug
P8691-31 Ground stoke for movoble
fslo l0lions. Accepls lixlure or posl
seclion Block polycorbonote 3" d o.
P8694-31 50' of t2V cobte
l6/2 conductor. UL I sied.
P8692-31 Flonged bose 1or P8695-31 75'ol l2V coble.
l6/2 conduclor lll Lisled
)1 moLrnting lo surfOce of cemenl, wood
decks or direclly to "J" box. use wth
fixlure or posl seclion. Block
po ycorbonole 3" d a
P8696-31 Replocemenl con|eclor
for sp icing l6/2 tronsformer coble
lo I xlure w re s included with
a)Lexon s o lrodemork ol GE
P5246 3r


Lighting ihe woy to preveni
occidents olong poths, wolks, stePs
ond drivewoys generolly is done
with ground lights or ow areo
fixtures which spreod symmelricol
lluminofion. The symmetricol g ow
of low creo lighis olso disploys the
beouty of flower beds, low shrubs
ond ground cover N,4odels ore
offered in siondord ond low

l2V inslolloiion
occessoTies on
poges 162 ond 165
Dome FunclonOl coniempolory design 9" Mushroom Clossic slyle. 9" d 0 , 23" hl.
dio.,263/a" ht. Bl0ck 0luminum. Thre0ded B Ock clumlrum Thleoded l"
golvon zed
t-' qolvonized fifiino fittino
P5264-31 l2v. Two 24w S.C. oovonel P52b6-31 l 2v. one 24w S C. boyonel
bubs{#1156) bulb t# ll56)
p5265-31 l2ov Oro v A'9 loow rox P5267-31 I 20V one M A 19 I 00\,,, mar

Mount the specified ground lights
oiop o bollord occessory to
sprecd wider clrcles of light ond to
coordinote ground I ghts wth
bo lord slyles. A uminum
construction wth pedestol ond "J"
bo ts for surfoce mounling on
poved oreos or otop wolls. For
complete unil, order bollord
occessory ond I ght.

P5312-31 occessory wiih P5210-31 P5313-31 occessory wlih P5205-31

p55r't3l boloid oic'essorv ri sz; oio, Fb3l3--3l borb;a-;;c'esso,y i +L; o,o ,

2B%" h|. Accepls P5210 3l lighi for 28%" ht Accepls P5205'31 ighttor
complele un I complele unif.

P5204-38 Greef. Cosl 0luminum. Cle0r glOss

liner. Threoded %" flflino for permonent or P5233
instollolion 6" dio . 7" ht One Fl bulb. l00w
mox. 04
P5204-31 Block
P5205-31 Boch. flcre0 gloss. ThreooedI.
fit|nq lor perrroren- or P5233 ,rs-o loion 5
dia., 1tA" hl.One M bulb, 60w mox.
P8636-21 Direclionol
oium num refleclor occessorv
for P5205-31. Surrounds ' .r'

P5205-3r bulb lo dlrect lighl on one

des red direciion.
P5209-38 Green. PolVpropylene Cle0r ribbed
liner. Threoded %" filling for perrnonent or P5233
inst0liotion. 6t/i' dio..83/i'hi. One 7w PL 7
f uoresceni lomn
P5209-31 B'ock
P5210-31 Bl0ck C0st olum num poih ond
drivewoy llght. Cle0r g oss liner Threoded %",l0"
filling for permofent or P5233 instollolion.
dio 9 . ll One q bLlb 00w ror. C{
P5210-38 Green
P5204-38 P5209-38 P52r9-31 P52 1 9-31 Block Cost 0lum num. Cleor gloss
P5204-31 P5209-31 P5219-38 l ner Tl^ eodpd ' .' frll rq tor P866/ or P86'6
rnslolloron 6 dio. 7""h1. Ore l2V 21wsC.
boyorel Oulb (/ ll56) See poqes 162 ond 165
for I2V nsiol oiion occessofles
P52I9-38 Green
P5233 1' cosl oluminum
spike for portobie inslollotion.

rubber covered cord
Accommodoles %" fifiing. @

P521 0-3',| P5210-38

P5202 Adlusioble swivel floodlghi. Biock
0iL'r'r:nun reflec'o 5 & dt0. C0si oluminJrn
bOckplote. 4r%6" diO. 9" hi. one bulb, PAR 38 or
R 40, I 50w mox.
P5203 Two odjusloble swivel floodlighis. Block
oluminLT refleclors. 5% dt0. C0sl olum num
bockplole 4 li' dio.,9" ht. TwO bulbs, PAR-38
or R 40. eoch l50w mox.
P5206 Block. Ore.lighr od_Lsroble swivel
'oodlrgl-r. 4 ' .' do 5 , 11. one bulb pAR-38
l50w mox.
P5202 P5207 B10ck. Two odjusloble swivel lloodlighls.
4t3/a" dto,5%" hi Two bulbs, PAR 38, e0ch
I 50w mox.
P5208 Block Ad.LSlobte swive Lptighl
rrour'od on 7
cOsl 0lum sp,ke. 5 p d,o.
l2r/i'hl. 15' rubber covered cord. One bulb.
PAR 38. l50w mox

M l\,ledium bose bulb

Q& Cost oluminum guoronleed rusl-free



Creote dramotic ighl pctterns on
wolls, indoors ond outdoors, with
squores ond cyinders. Use n
stoirwoys, bolcon es ond lobb es of
residentiol and commerciol
bu ld ngs, Extruded 6- nch models
feoture heovy duly, seom ess .125
inch oluminum. 5- nch models ore
deep drown, seomless olum num
D e-cosl o uminum wol plotes. Al
hcve porceloin sockels wth nickel
ploied copper screw shells.
F nished by the powder point
process for superior res siance to
ch pping, color foding ond the
effects of seos de salt oir.


ll -"cls Jron oboveold b"ow Adoo's -o oJdoor d0 lp lo'0lol s p0c1 PB797roo Lov"
orce."o"l. O sq B ll. l.lelds8 B rtT?8 l.^/o I/ 0J0\ 'rt-r )50$ Q DA) 38
I 50w PAR 38 or l50w R-40 mor.
P5644-20 Bronze
P5644-30 Wlrle
P5644-31 B ock
tfl 1


Wo I moLrrPo 6 \q.12 1l I \lelds 8
-. One M b ro 250rtu 0 PAa 38"
l50w PAR-38 or l50w R 40 mox
P5643-31 Block
P5643-20 Btonze
P5643-30 Whiie


l\,lount f ush on celllnc or hong with 0ccessory D[ecls , oht coove 0n0 oelow Aoopl\ 'o
peroori I I6dro. 1l Ore v oLlb
i2 ouldoor d-omp ocolons wrih PB79B lop
6" EXTRUDED CYL NDER 250w Q PAR 38 50w PAR 38 o l50w .over 6 d,o l8 nl txle'ld5B. IC) ft "l
6" dio.. 12" hl. Exlends 8%" H/CrR 4,ti. R 40 mox B" Two lM bulbs. eoch 250w O PAR 38,
ofe &l bulb, 250w 0 PAR 3B, I 50w PAR 38 l50w PAR 38 or l50w R-40 mox
or I 50w R 40 mox. P5741-30 Whlie
P5741-20 Bronze P5642-20 Bronze
P5641-31 Block P5741-3'l Block P5642-30 White
P564I -20 Bronze P5642-31 Block
P5641 -30 White
ouTDooR/rNDooR I i69


Deep drown oluminum. 5" dio., 7l^" Mounts flush on ceiling. Deep ACCESS0RTES
hl. Exlends B" H/CTR 2%" Ore LM drown oluminum 5" dio., 6%" ht For squorcs 0nd cylinders, 0s specified.
bu b, 75w R-30. 50w PAR 20 or 50w One li/l bulb, 75w R 30, 50w
PAR-30. PAR 20 or 50w PAR 30 Gold Alzok relleclor cone
P8703 For use wth
Block P5774-30 While P5641. P5642 ond P5741.
P5674-20 Bronze P577 4-20 Bronze 4" high.
P5674-30 Wh ie P5774-31 Block

)f'' Deep groove slep botfles

Block onodized lo minimize
I glore. 4" high.
I P8710 For P5641, P5642
ond P5741 cy rnders.

rui I

P87l For P5643 ond

P5644 squores.

QlrQ; ir I
Top cover lenses
Adopls up/down lighls for
outdoor use Heoi ond
iir sholler-resislonl cleor
ri I
tl I tempered lens. Biock lrim.
Jt I P8797 for P5644 souore
P8798 for P56aZ cvlinder
P8799 for P5675 cylinder

Pendont kil
Adopls P5741 ceilino modei
rL lo 6", 12" or 18" stem
-- r i mouniing. lncludes conopy,
f-: -
hong-siroighl swivel, 6" ond
12" seclions wiih coupling.
5" EXTRUDED UP/DOWN CYLINDER -.,] P8741-20 Bronze
Lights above 0nd below. Exlruded .050 P8741 -30 Whiie
0lumrnum Use n ouldoor domp ocolions P8741-31 Block
with P8799 lop cover. 5" dio , 14" hl.
Exterds 8". H/CTR 7" Two M bu bs, eoch

)T 75w R 30, 50w PAR'20 or 50w PAR 30.

P5675-20 gronze
P5675-30 While
P5675-31 Block

M Medium bose bulb H/CTR = Heighi from cefler ol J-box to lop ol I xlure.


Progress Hord Nox mpoci-resistont fixlures

ore engineered ond monufoctured to
siond up to the bumps, bongs ond other
hord knocks of rough usoqe, ndoors ond
ouidoors. For goroges, workrooms ond
outdoor secur ty lighl ng. For homes,
oporiment bu ldings ond commerc ol

Four 10mper prool sponner screws ond lns10 l0lon
(A) P8767
Co ors for cordu lmounlinq
181 P8600 Lct P8601 (D) P8602
G ore shie ds e iminoie slde o ore
(E) P8623-16 (D P8624:r 6

offers excellent performonce, energy
cost reduciions ond long-losting lomps,
Polycorbonole or ocrylic DR (P7124) lens P7399-68

r f: f*
or diffuser, NPF bollost will slori lomp P7399-60 d
within 4 seconds ot 23'F, within 60
seconds ot 5'F,


lVetol Dimensions Acces- UL Life

Number Lens/Diffuser Finish H D sories Listing (hrs) Lomp(s)

P7124-60 P5694-60 White ribbed 8v{' 5v{' 4vi' A,B 7,500 9w PL-g
P5694-68 Cleorprismotic

P5698-31 Wlrile globe 8% 1"- 10.000 Two 7w PL-7

P7124-60 White ribbed 12vi', 4r/i' 4V4'' A Domp 10,000 l3w Pt-13
P7124-68 Cleorprismolic

P7I9I Cleor prismolic Block 6/i' 4)/2" 51/{', 10,000 Two 7w PL-7

P7192 Cleor prismolic Block ltA 10,000 Two l3w PL-]3

P7383-60 White ribbed Wlrite 10" t0' 43/i', A,C 12,000 22w circline fl 1
P7383-68 cleorprismotic
P7399-60 White ribbed While 121/te" 12'la A,D 10,000 Two l3w PL-]3
P5694-68 P7399-68 Cleorprismolic


For oreos requiring high illuminolion
levels, energy cost reductions ond
long iife lomps. Al' hove p'is.noli.
polycorbonote refrocior or ens,
. Porcelcin medium bose socket
4KV pulse roted, 600W600V
. Allen heod or Phill ps heod screws
. Bollosts roled io minus 20'F P7 401
. UL Listed for wet locotions
P7 410-20 P7 400
Dimefsions Acces HPS LAl,/lP
Number Finish H W D Bollosl sories (hrs) Wolls
P7400 6" 6'/;' NPF I2OV* E I6,000 35w E l7

P740r lAt/i' 11t/i' 6'/,,i' HPF l2A/ F 24,OO0 50w E 17
P7 402 Block 9t/i' Dia 4%" NPF l20V- 24,000 50w E l7
P7408 Block 9" 4t/.i' 5f1i' NPF l20V- 24.00A 50w E 17
P7408PC Block P7408PC photocel lurns lghl on 01 dusk, off ot down.
P7 410-20 Bronze t),i^" |of! 6%6,, HPF t20l F 24,000 7G,v E 17
P7408 *N4oximum un is per
' P74o8PC *+l\,40x
mum unlls per
20 omp circuil 9
20 omp circuil 16 on 120V, 36 on 211U

For use where initiol cost is o prime
considerolion, All hove polycorbonote
lens or diffuser ond porceloin medium

il bose sockeis.

3{, P5691-68

P5791 -68
'l P5791-60


s&, P57l I
on wolls
or ceilings P57r 0
For vedicol
mounling Dimensions Acces UL
--.-\ Number Lens/Ditfuser Flnish H W D sories Llst ng Lomp(s)
P5691-60 Whlte ribbed Whiie 8% s%', 4vi', A.B Wel 75w A'19
P5697 P5691 -68 Cleor prismoiic
P5695 Whiie Cosl olum. 6%6" 43Att 4tt/r6t' 60w A-19
P5696 White Cost olum. 137" 43/4tt 4)t46tt Two 6Ow A-19
P5697 White Cosi olum 6" 6t/i' 60w A-l I
P57 t0 While Block svi' Dio 8%" 75wA-lI
P57r r Wh ite Block 5)/i' Drc. 12" Two 6cnv A-19
)o P5791-60
P579'l -68
White ribbed
Cleor prismotic
White 10" I0" 4li A,c I50w A'21
P5795 Whiie Cosi olum. Dio.4'%o 60w A l9
P5797 P5797 Whiie Cost olum. 7%" Dio.6" 60w A-19
112 PFl+GRESS'

\A complele seteclion
fot lhe complele ronge
of lighting jobs

.14 I
Recessed I ght ng mo n1o ns the
cleon ines of conlemporory
ce lings ond is especio ly usefu n
ow ce lng oreos You oiso ccrn
supp ement the genercl ighllng of
o decorotive chandelier w th
dromot c. functionol recessed
down ight ng over dlning oncl
serving oreos ffi
Yo . t or ghl wol . lo -rol i:r'
smcr I Tooms seem lorger, to
enhonce wo i texlures, to I ghl
bookshe ves, to occent odwork ,I
ond plonls. Mosi Progress recessed
fixlures crre UL lsled for domp
locol ons such os bothrooms ond
outdoors under ecrves
When you ore selecting
recessed fixlures, keep n mind thot
open downl ghts give more
c I
lluminolion thon those w th o
diffuser or lens A fresne lens
contro s oncl sprecds the I ght w th
mlnimum glare. Wh le g oss
diffusers distribuie ghl even y
Drop opol d ffusers exlend be ow
ihe cei ing ne 10 spreod ght
Generol lighting. Suggest ons for
generol I ght ng are on poge 87
Spoce recessed f riures even y so
the d stonce bet\reen ihem s not
more thcn the r d stonce to the
floor (or the d slonce 10 lab e tops
or work surfocesJ. D mmer coniro s
(see poge 76) wi I et you odjust
ighling leve s for vorious occcsions
Tosk lighting. Don'1 work in your
own shcdowl nstal lghts direct y
over work, ploy ond sludy oreos.
Use downl ghts that toke 100w
A omps. lf ceil ng height perm ts,
you con use o 75w "R" or PAR bu b.
nstol f xtures over the s des or
bock edge of work surfoces 10
Lighl sources nccndescent ond ncondescents, you'l find energv q
ovoid glar ng reflections
fluorescent Choroclerist cs of the sov ng recessed fluorescents on 1
Accenl lighting. Bolh Progress vorlous bulbs [people in the poges 188 ond 189. For lorge
recessed cnd lrock fixlures ore I ghi ng business usuolly coll them commerclo I ghi ng jobs, recessed
exce lent for occent ighling "Lomps"l ore described on poge H D units ore on poEe 187
espec o y the low vo toge un ts 193 ln oddit on io recessed


How to lighl o woll. Light ng wolls

con moke o room seem lorger
ond improve ihe generol lighiing
leveL Choose Progress woll
woshers or eyebo ls occording to
the wolloge you wont. A reflector
f ood lomp (R 20, R 30 or on R-401
concentrotes moie of ihe ighi on
your woll. An R 30 (75 wotisl lights o
orger oreo ihon cn R-20 (30 or 50
wotis) T\e followir g sLgges'io'rs
ore bosed on the usuol 8 foot
cei ing heighl of most homes ond
meosurements [4 are from the
center of fixture diomefers.
ln mosl rooms, especio ly
those with ceil ngs over 8' high,
instoll woll woshers 36" f rom ihe -il
wol ond 36" oport on centers. You
orso co'r obloi- good r^sLl's bV
installing fixlures 24" from the woll
ond spaced 24" ap(li on centers.
Eyebolls with R 20 lomps
generally insloll 24" from the wo I

ond 24" opart. R-30 eyebal s

usuolly go 36" from ihe wo I on 36"
centers. Eyebolls tend to give o
scoilop lighting effect oi the
ce ling line This con be reduced
by plocing the eyebolls c oser
togelher. Goid Alzok"r refleciors wil from the ortwork. nstoll the
To drcmotize texlured wol s
enhonce the wcrm lones of red odjustoble unit s ighlly to the side
br ck wolls. Groystone, or oiher of the ort
ond droper es, inslo I your recessed
fixlures closer to the wol Here ore cool colors, cre enhonced by Adjustoble f xtures olso ore
olum num Alzok reflectors. excellent for sculpture ond
some guidel nes.
plonts with bock, s de or front
For dropery use o downlight with o Artwork ond olher objects. For o lighling rother thon d rect
50w R 20 lomp. Fixlure centers
orge picture or group ng use o overheod lighting
should be 9" from the drapery ond fixture w ih o 75w R 30 flood lamp,
18" oport. lf even ighting s not
such os the P67'16 woll wosher. Slope Ceilings. For nstoll ng
preferred, locote fixlures 24" apai Locole wol wash fxtures 3-feet recessed fxtures sc thoi the lght
on centers. from the woll, 3 feel oport on is directed stroighl down from
h' centers. slope cei ings, see the P8674 ond
D Brick or sione wolls con be lt the Aso very usefu for th s P8675 odapters on pcges 175, 178,
some os drcperies. Or you con use purpose ore the odjustob e IVR 16 '179, 183, 185. ond 186
50w R-20 recessed fixtures ploced un ts cnd the odlustob e PAR 36 The experls n your Progress
6" from the wol ond 9" oporl on P6903 on poges 185 ond 186 showroom con help you seleci
cenlers. To minimize reflected glore f xlures ond plan your lighi ng


These houslngs conform with lhe
Notiono Elecirical Code ond ore
UL lisled for dlrect conioct with
opproved insuloting moterial only
when used with the listed Progress
reflector tr ms They contrlbute to
energy sovings becouse they con
be covered wlth on unbroken oyer
o' cei ng i.)surot on. Also Jsoble r
suspended ceil ngs.
'1. Porceloin sockel. Adjusloble

2. Bor hongers included. Adlust0ble to 30"

r (t
Position housing 0nywhere wilhin joisls,
even llush lo jolsi. Locklng s oi prevenls
reposilioning. P2O-TG P2I -TG
AdjuslOb e sockel occommodoles R 20, Socket odjusls to 0ccomm0d01e 'R", 'PAR"
3. Molching trims in o wide seleclion. R 30 or "A" Lomps. Squore olum num ot oA o-tpc qquOre 0llrr'tL-n io c -q
4. "Eosy-in" trims push lnlo plOce wlh houslng s pemonenly mounted lo lhe is permonenlly 0110ched to lhe ploslel frome.
spring clips or lors on springs. p oster frome Hos occess io junction box Hos occess lo junction box ofler inslol0iron
ofler insloll0llon. Five smcll 0perlure lrlm Foudeen m0ich ng trims n mony slyles
5. Pl0ster trome. P8-TG ond P6976-TG* stv es includino o shower ighl inc Lrd ng eyeb0 ls ond shower lighis
hove breokowoy plosier frcme lor
instolloi on jn exisilng ceilings
6. Prewired l0r convenient inslollolion.
7. Universol junction box. Grounded pigtoil
plus grounding lug for green ground
screw. Nine pry out K 0.'s Snop-oui
(, I
s,- t:
,l |*B*!
8. Thermo-G0rd'" ouiomolic0lly turns off
fixlure f temperolure rises ioo high due io
over lomping. Afler coollng, fixlure lurns P8-TG PI OS-TG
on 0g0rn. All the feolures of Progress round houslngs Some 0s lhe P8-TG wllhoul lhe plosier
plus UL listed for direct coni0cl wllh frome. lncludes fl0nged housing with
insuloiion. Remov0ble lrim, houslng ond lhermol proieciion, lunction box, sockel,
*P3l-TG on poge 185 ond P6976 TG on breok0w0v frome 0llows insiollolion in wi'e 0rd rnou'rlrrg cllps. fconomic0l 'ol
pOge 180 0 so UL lisled for direcl contoct exisllng cellings. A seleclion of seven lrlrn reirofitling in existing ceilings. A selection
w lh insulotion slyles ol seven lrim slyles.


Al ows the mounl ng fr0me lo be instolLed in sl0nled ceillngs.
Pos lions ihe l0mp perpendiculor lo lhe floor so the lighi is direcied
slroight down where il's needed. Eyeboil irims con be used with or
wihoulihe odOpler Use with P8'TG housing ond lrims, n new
l; r{
conslruction of lV.

P8-TG & P'108-TG HoustNcs FoR DtpEcr coNrAcT wtrH rNsutAtroN

QD Both lsteo for direcl conlocl with
nsulolion. Conform wth Notionol
E ectrico Code. llL lisled for domp
locol ons. PB TG listed for TITU Br0nch
wiring, 4 in, 4 oul.
Bolh hove Thermo Gcrd'" oulomolc
resetr ng thermol prolecllon

P8-TG cei ing opening 6%" dio. PI OS-TG F0R CoIVPLETE FIXTIJRE: SpecifrT
Plosier frome: 7%" x 10" Celing open ng: 6%" housing p us lrim
Recessed deplh 7%" Recessed deplh: 7%" Exomple: P8 TG ond P6666


50w 75W 75W 75W
Slep bofile Step botlle Cone 0pen lrim

a.D 1,)/i' o.D 1,1,"

e lf'
o D. 1.'/,"
0 D. 7.'4"

Bock step boflle Lomp 75w R 30 Alzok", rel eclor Lomo: 75w R 30
Lomp: 50w R'20 P6666 Block rrofl e Lomp: 75w R 30 P6672-10 Polsheil bross
P6663 P6666-30 Wlrile bofile P6668-21 Soeculor cleor P6672-29 While
P6668-22 Sfecu or gold
75W 50w 40w
Eyeboll Eyeboll Drop opol gloss shower lighl
.Z) Usoble wilh sloped
{-. ceiling ossessories
I P8674 lB" (10" beom
l,l rr'',0D7, sE
min. )
P8675 26' (12" beom
Roioies 358', I ils 30" Rototes 358", t lls 30" min )
Lomp: 75w R 30 Lomp: 50w R 20 aD. 1% See poges 174 ond 179
P6676-10 Po ished bross P6678-29 Whrte Su iob e for shower lrohl for specificolions
P6676-12 Sol n bross I nish Lomp 4o\ry A- 19
P6676-29 wh ie P6664-30 While oluminLrm

P20-TG HoustNc-DtREcT coNTAcT wtTH tNsurATtoN

Hos The[mo-Gord'" ouiomol c (!!) Lrsted for d recl conloct
resefiing thermol proteclion. willr rsu olion. Conforms
Ceiling open ng: 5%" dio. wilh NoUono Electricol Code
Plosler frome: 8%" x 13" IOR COI\4PLETE FIXTURE IJL I sted foi domp locol ons,
Recessed deplh: 7%" Speclly housing p us tfim Thru Bronch wirifg, 4 n,
Exomple: P20-TG ond P6673 4 oul.


50w 75W 50w 50w
Step boflle Open lrim Cone Eyeboll

.,i I li ,.
' 'w

a D 5t/;' 0 D. 5%', 0D 5%" 0D 5%"

Block step boffle Lomp: 75w R 30 Alzok refleclor Roioles 358", lilts 30'
Lomp: 50w R 20 P6620-29 Lomo: 50w R-20 Lomp 50w R 20
P6673 P6674-21 snecrlnr.lcor P66l g Whrlc
P667 4-22 Sfecu or goto

l I 3nS.,,'n'
Accesso es
P8607 Tl'ree prosler 10 ne cl,os 'or ttnisneo cerltngs. Lomp wolloges shown ore
a.D 1" P8719 lwo 26 one piece bor nonoers m0xrmum.
Lomp 40w A 19 P8773 lou'clips lor suspended ceil ngs.
P6618 Scln A umlnum
P2'f -TG HousrNG-'DtRECT coNTAcT wtTH tNsutATIoN

Hos Thermo
Gord" outomollc
ing lhermol proleciion.
Ceiling open ng 6%" dio.
Qt L sted for direcl corlocl wilh
nsulol on Conforms wilh
Nolionol Eleclricol Code.
(!! lisled for domp locol ons,
Ploster fromer B%' x 1 3" Specify hous ng p us kim
Recessed deplh: 7%" Thru Bronch wiring,4 in, 4 Exompler P2l TG ond P6666


50w 50w 75W 75l I 00W
Scoop woll wosher Step boffle Slep bofile Step bofile

o.D l% a D. ],%', a.D. 1J/1 O D. 1)/'"

Azok" nner refleclor Block oluminlrm slep bofile Block olum num step bofile Alum num step bolfle
Aperlure rotoJes 360' Lomp: 50w R 20 Lomp 75w R-30 75w A'19 Lomp: l00w R 40,
Lomp: 50w R-30 P6663 P6666 B ock boffle 75w PAR 38. 75w A l9
P6652 Whlle P6666-30 Wh le boffle P6682-29 Bock bolfle
P6682-30 While bofile

30/50w 40w 75W 75/ r 00w

Eyeboll Floi gloss Cone Cone

\--<:' 'd I l-. ,sl f'
oD 13/i a.D. 1%', o.D lfi aD ]%',
Rotoles 358', lilts 30" Lomp: 40w A Azok" reileclor Alzok" rel eclor
Lomp 30w R-20, 50w R 20 P6660-10 Pol shed bross Lomo 75w R 30 75w A l9 Lomo l00w R 40 in
P6678-29 Whrte P6660-16 Solin oluminum P6668-21 Speculor c eor 7 5\'! PAR 38, 75w A-19 'l
(su loble for shower ighl) P6668-22 Specuior gold P6669-21 Specu or c eor
P6660-29 Whrte P6669-22 Specu or gold

75W 40w I 00w 75W

Eyeboll Shower llghl 0pen lrim 0pen lrim

o.D. 1'f." o D. 1%', 0D tli oD ],',h"

Rolotes 358'. li ls 30' Shotrer resislonl wh le drfluser Lornpi l00w R-40. l00w Lomp 75w R'30,
Lomp: 75w R-30 Lornp: 40w A l9 A l9* P6672-10 Po ished bross
P6676-10 Po lshed bross P6624 P667 r -29 lnsh
finish P6672-29 wh re
P6676-12 Solin bross
f nish
P6676-29 Whte

75W 40w 75W ''A" LA]\4P REFTECTOR

Regressed eyeboll Cleor Fresnel gloss Drop opol g oss shower ight ASSEIVBLY

a.D. 7,% a.D 7 r/1
Roloies 358', lilts 30' l omo 40w A 19 a.D. 1
,/4" -P8791 A lows l00w A-lg
Lomp: 75w R-30 P6662-29 [omp 75w A ]9
P6664-30 Wh l-o o rmlnlm
amp lo be used in P6671
P8607 Three p Osler lr0me cllps for Jinished ceilings.
P8719 lwo 26 ore-preLe bo honqe s Lomp wofioges slrown ore
P8773 Four cl ps for suspended cejlings. m0xtmu m.


D1 l Breolowoy plosler frome, Con be inseded

inlo finished ceilings from below, ihrough ihe
usuol ceiling opening.
2. Junclion box soves instollOlion iime ond
monev Golvonrled sleer Rrveled oigloil
grounilplus grounding ,ug for grebriground
5 screw. Pry-oui K.0's for Romex, Greenfield
0nd conduii. Snop-0ul sides Thru-Br0nch
wiflng 4 in. 4out #12 wrre (excepl
Pl 07 TG ond Pl35-TG)
3. Housing renovobre for eosv occess lo
junctron box
4. "Eosy-ln" lrims. l\.4osl push inlo ploce wilh
supplied spring clips or lorsi0n springs.
5. B0r hongels included. Ad Lsiobre io 30
Posilion hoLsrng 0nwheie wiilin 24 rotier
spocing, even flLsh io ioist Bots con be
inslolted on ends or sldes. BorS S'0y ir ptoce
A norl in lle locktrl0 slot prevents Oicioellol
6. Prewired for convenient lnstollolion.
7. Porceloin socket. Adjusfoble.
Hous ngs wth thermol protection ore for ceillngs where insu oion must 8. Thermo-Gotd proiecls ogOinst ovFr lorping
be kept 3" owoy {rom housing, ond for ce lings wiih no insulclion. ono ,mproper 0pplicoloi of nsulol.on.
The Thermo-Gard oulomoticolly turns of{ ihe f xture I internol
lemperotures rise too high, Afler coo ing, the fixiure turns on ogo n
outomot cally Provides proiection cgoinst improper opplicotion of @ LISTED ONLY WHEN USED WITH LISTED
nsulotion ond overlomping. PROGRESS REFLECTOR,TRI[,4S


Recessed depth onlv 5 Recessed depth. 71," Choose
Choose lrom B irrns lrom o selecl on ol I 5 lt m
Accommodoles R 20 or R 30 styles Accommodoies'A"
relleclor omps ond A' lomps R'20, R 30, R 40 ond

omp up to 60w Adoplers perm t PAR 38 lomps Adopters
'y2 use in s oped ce lngs. . permil use in sloped
d*- cei inqs


An economico pre wired Some os ihe P7 TG ond P35 TG
compoci hoLtsing Recessed w thout the plosler lrome.
deplh only 5%". Choose from 5 &Er ncl!des the Jlonged housing
lrlms. Aperture is onlv 5lr" Uses wilh trermol ptolectron luncllor
r'V2 R 20 ond R 30 refleclor lomos
box sochel wire, ond mounlrno
or omps up to 60w. cl Ds. Economicol tor rekoffi no
lt*-, I ellst rg cer inqs A selecl on-of
l5 lr m slyles for Pl07 TG ond
5 lrims lor Pl35-TG


Ailow. I e ro,Jr'-g ' ore to op tr s,Otp0 ,r -ror e0 cei r-lqq
oOcltor5 ltp lOrrp-pg'p"16,.11g. tO.l-" I'OO. O lte,,q1r.< 0 p, led
:'roiql dowl ,4rroto I S nppoeo. f,/e00 | ll ms co| oe- l,ecj \\ h ot

)r wiihout the Od0pler Use w th PG T0 Ond P7 TG housings ond lrims,

in new conslruclion only

,.. '.'1


P6-TG s1/z'suALLow HoustNc & REFLECToR-TPIMS

H0s Thermo Gord'" 0uiomolic resefilng

thermol prolecton
Cer rng open ng: 6's ' d o
Ploster ffome. 7%" x 10"
0 I
Recessed deplh 5%" FOR COI/PLETE FIXTURE Specify
Q! sted lor domp locotlons, Thru-
L hous no olus lrlm.
Bronch wirng, 4 in, 4 oul. exompiei Po-tG ond P6663

75W 50w 50w 75W

Eyeboll Eyeboll Step boffle open lrim

sg 59 59

O D. 1't/^' oD. 1% oD 13/i o D. lyi'

Rolotes 358". tills 30' Rototes 358', lilts 30' Block slep boffle I omD 75w R 30
Lomp 75w R 30 Lompr 50w R 20 50w
Lorno: R 20 P6672-10 Potished bross
P6676-'l0 Pol shed bross P6678-29 White P6663 P6672-29 Whle
P6676- 12 Solln bross
P6676-29 Wh le

60w 60w 60w 60w

Flot gloss Drop opol gloss Cleor iresnel gloss Shower lighl

@,ry rd6
s9 59
a.D. lyi' a.D. 1%', t9
o D. 13/i',
LomDr 60w A 19
P6660-10 Polishecl bross
Lomp 60w A 19
P6661-29 Whrle
LomD 60w A 19
P6662-29 whrie
o D. 1
Sholler resislonl diffuser
P6660-16 S0l n 0 uminum P6664-30 White olum nunr lomDr 60w A- l9
(suitobie for shower lighl) (suiloble for shower lighl) P6624 i
P6660-29 Whrle I
)9 usoOte wllh Sloped Cei inq Adoplers P8674 ond P8675 I

See poges, I77 ond 179 for sloped ceiling 0dopler specificolions For use with lorger woiloge
lomps ond odditionol lrims, consuli Progress represenloiive

P35-TG & P'135-TG s1/z'sHALLow HoustNe & REFLEcToP'tRtMs

Boih hove Thermo-Gord ''
oulomolic reselting thermol
@ Lisled lor domp locofions.
P3s'TG listed for Thru-Bronch

P35-TG PI3s.TG 5f;'

Ce lnq oper rO: 5 t" dlo. Ceiling opening 5%" dio FOR COMPLETE FIXTURE: Block slep boflle
Plosiei lrQme. 7./a' x I 0" Recessed deplh: 5%"
Specily hoLrsing p us trim Lomo 50w R 20
Recessed deplh: 5%" Exomple: P35-TG ord P6674 P6673

75W 50w 50w 60w

0pen trim Cone Eyeboll Shower lighl

0 D. 5%', O.D 51/e' 0.D. 7',
Lomor 75w R 30 Alzok@ refleclor Rololes 358'. liLis 30' Whlie gloss ditfuser
P6620-29 Sotin whiJe I omO: 50w R 20 Lom0: 50w R 20 lomo 60w A-l I
POejT 4-21 speculor cleor P661 9
white P6618 SotLn olumrnum
P667 4-22 Speculor gold
for PO TG. P35 TG ond P7-TG
P8607 Three p oster lrome cl PS for finished ce lngs.
P8773 Four cl PS lor suspended ceillngs Lomp wolloges shown 0re m0xlmum.
ii P7.TG &
openingr 6%" dio
frorne: 7%" x 10"

Bolh hove Thermo-Gord" FOR COMPLETE FIXTURE:

outomolic resell rg ihermol Specify housing plus lrim.
proleclion Exompler P7 TG ond P6666
@ Both tisied for domp PI OT.TG
locofions. P7-TG listed for Thru Cell ng opening 6%' dro
Bronch wir ng, 4 in, 4 oui Recessed deplh 7%"


50W 75W l
\150W 50w
Step bofile Slep bofite 6lep botlle Eyeboll

aD 13/i',
Block step boffle
o.D.73/i', ."
o.D 7V4"
) 59

Lomor 75w R 30 Lomp: l50w R-40, 358', tilts 30'

Lomp 50w R 20 P6666 Block boftle l50w PAR-38 Lomp 50w R-20
P6663 P6682-29 Block boffle P6678-29 White
P6682-30 White botfle
75W I 50W 75W
Regressed eyeboll open lrim 0pen lrim

,59 s9 ,9
o.D 73/i', oD 13/i', o.D. 7/i' o.D. 7%
Rotoles 358', iilis 30' Rolotes 358', tills 30' Lomp l50w R-40, LomD: 75w R-30
) ill1
LomD: 75w R 30
LomD. 75w R-30
Po|shed bross
Soiin bross finish
I 50w PAR-38
P6671-29 White
Polshed bross

P6676-29 White
60/75W 75W t 50w 75W
Flol gloss Cone Cone Scoop woll wosher

. **' ss
,61 f* ,s
o.D.73/i' o.D. lvi o.D. 1%', o.D. 13/i',
Lomp 60w A 19, 75w A-19* Alzok reflector Alzok rellector Alzok inner reflecior, operlure
P6660-10 Po|shed bross Lomp. 75w A-19, 75w R 30 Lomp: l50w R,40, rolotes 360'
P6660-l 6 Solin oluminum P6668-21 Soeculorcleor I 50w PAR-38 Lomo: 75w R-30
(sufoble for shower liohl) P6668-22 Sbeculor gold P6669-21 Soeculor cleor P6652
P6660-29 Whrte - White
P6669-22 Sfeculor gold
60/100w 60/75W 60/75W
Drop opol gloss Cleor fresnel gloss Shower lighl ASSEMBI.Y FOR P7-TG

59 (c4

0 D. 7/," ExDosed ht I t.' o.D. 13/i' 0 D. 7%" Exposed ht I %"
P5661-29 Whrtp Lomp: 60w A 19, 75w A t 9+ Sholler-resistonl white diffuser Allows 75w A-19 lomp io be
[omp: 60w A-19. 75w A-]9+ P6662-29 wnrte Lomp 60w A-19, 75w A 19+ used wilh P6624, P6660,
P6664-30 Whrle oluminum P6624 P666i-29 ond P6662 29
(su toble lor shower lght)
Lomo l00w A l9
)Z lolprrns P8674 l8'Slope Averooe 4' P8675 26' Slope. Averoge 6'
Usoble with P6-TG, P7-TG in
rise in l2' run (con vory liom 3' rise in 12' run (con vory lrom 5'
new conslruclion only to 5'rise). lo7' rise).
Mrnimum vedicol recessed deplh Minimum verlicol recessed deplh:
Permils slroight down lighling P6 TG: 8" (8" beorn mtn.) P6-TG| 8" (8" beom min.)
from sloped ceilinos. P7 TG l0%" (10" beom min ) P1 IG 103/i' (l0" beom min.)

pre'wired 0 I
o ew ed Jnis. pt"oqserOeo while ll r
*I-*-l*[,,,,' Open tr m
hoLs rg
p Oslel 'lore ond lJl Ll 01 box.
tlnw red un while lrlm, hOusing, p Osler Recess Cejllng
frome, clips ofd 4% feet of w re. Descrlplion Finish depth opef ng LomP

@ llsled lor d0mp locOllons. Thermo Gord'" P69l 7-TG Open lrlm, un wired Wh ie trim 5.,A,
0ulom0l c reselling thermol proieclon.
P osier frome slze: P692 r -TG 0per trim, pre-wired White lrim 5li 4t/' 50w R 30
P6917 TG 6%" squore P6922-TG Louver pre wrrcd Whit lrlrn
P6921 TG ond P6922 IC
6 .- ' B


-*** ffi''' rji Shower I ghl

Recess Cei ing

Number Descriplion depth openjng LomP

Complele with housinQ, rn ond 26" f Shollow eyeboll P 0sler frome size 7%" x 10" (rl) Listed for direcl conlocl w th nsulOlion.
odiust0ble bor h0noers. Therm0-Gard '' P6976-TG Rolotes 358", iilts 30' Whiie \t/i' 6'/i' 75w R 30
oulom0lic reselling therrnol prolecl on.
B e0l.0w0v slol
-o' ilsl0 lol,o-l ln ;" sl ed
He0ler lighl Ploster frome size: 8%" x 13"
cer r'lqs ,Jr. ior oo^ hos tvpied gloLlo
I P6952-TG 250w R 40
K.0.'s. LIL
Thru Bronch wiring,
lsted lor domp locolons,
4 in, 4 out
Heoler lght
Shower lighl POsrer tome sile /''r x
Solin oluminum 6r/d"
,9 I
P691 6-TG While glOss, pre wired S0lln 0 uminum st/i' 60w A 19

Complete w lh hous ngs ond ir m Flot wh te Gj isled lor domp ocolions Therm0 Gord ''
t_ glos!. Torsion springtlor eosy rel0mping oulomclc resefiing lhermo proleclon
II Pre wlreo
Recess Cejl ng-
Number Descriplion F nlsh deplh openlng LomP

..t ,' t!; ,$1


A, P6412-TG
Pre-w red

6, sq.
B" sq.
P6416-30TG Pre-w red Wh le 10" sq I 50w
\ \,/ Closet I ght w th pull
P6912-TG Wh ie 6t' 60w
*Trjms ore l%' lorger overOll thor ce lng open fg.
Closet ight

SOUARE HOUSINGS AND TRIMS For complele frxture oider hous fg ond . iunclon box hOs r veled glound,9 K0.'s
moichrrg frome Exompe. Pl TG ond pie-wirecl .26" odlustoble bOr hongers
P6630 29. !,) isled tor domp locOlons, Thru Br0nch
Feolures . While porobolc reflecloF high-heOi w ring
socket, nlckel-plOled copper screw she I

Housings l00w A l9 l50w A 2l

Pl-TG Thermo-Gord P2-TG Thermo Gord
protecled protecled

Flot Oloss P6630-29 Wh*e P6640-29 Whte

9 ''r"' sq ll['sQ.
Drop gloss P6631 '29 Wh ie P6641 -29 Whtle
g%" sq. %"sq

Accessories P8700 Four clips for I nlshed or dry ceil ng lnslollolion. P8716 Two 26" Odlusl0b e bor hongers


, f'
tnese recesseo io"rrs cor-sisr of o l. Breok0woy plosler tr0me rn plo,TG, 5. Sockel cup snops eos ly on top of
nountiag fronre End o rel ecror Pll TG, Pl2-TG, Pl3-TG ond p36,Tc. relleclor hm
1r m for convenient installations. The Cor be rnslo led 1 ,r,slad (e lnos om
6. B0r hongers included. Adiusioble to 30,,
reflector-trims ore ovoiloble in o oelow IhioJgl" l-e usto cei,inq dper,rg
Pos iion houstn0 0nwheie withln 24"
brood selection of styles ond 2. Junclion box. Soves nstollotion lirne 0nd rOfler spocr|g, even lush lo lolst. 80is
.ro.rov Colvori,/ed clee Rveted pqot.
finishes, up to 300 woits. Two low con be inslolled on ends ar itdes n
ground p us ground r]o ua for qreen Pl)-TG. Pl l.rG. Pl3 rG ond P36-TG
vollage un 1s (12V MR-16 ond g'oLrd screw. Pry oL- { O. s tor PoTe' B0rs sioy n pl0ce. A |0rl in the tockinq
PAR 36) ond o new stondord Creen'erd ord .ordL I Sr0p oul stdec s of prevenls occ denlOl repos t ontng
voltoge unit IPAR 16, PAR-20 ond rl'rL Broncl^ w'r.lq 4 ir A atJ J' 2
wr e relcep Pl2 TG see poQ" l84r.
1. lnsulolion sensor. T trrs 01 'fe ft^ Lre i
R'20) provide superior occent insuolon s lmpropery inslolled Oround
I ght ng, The P13 uses the 13-wott
3. Pre-wired unils h0ve #18 SF I 200.C the lxlure When nsulOllon ls removed,
wire supplied ihrouah Greenfteld lo the I xlure lurns on 090 n oulomcltcolly.
quod fluorescent lamp for unciion box
moximum energy sovings. Retleclortrim. one-piece 0lum num
+. Porceloin socket, Nrchel p o eo coppo refleclors hove n0rrow, whrle ce lng
screw sheil lr] ms
Al Progress Trimltle fitounling fromes ore
UL listed onlv when used w lh llsted IVOUNTING
Progress refiector lrims. Meet Notionol LA]V PS FRAMES
Tlecl ico. Cooe -equ erenis p30.'b
P3l lG or d pl30 TC ore lTr ttsreo PIO TG
one mounling frome 0nd one refleclor irim. PAR 38, A 21, up lo l50w PIJ TG & PI II TG
Exomple: Pl l-[G rroLltrra ,roTe ono R-40, PAR-38 up 10 300w PI2 TG
P6715 reilecloclnm 40, 0 38 up to 300w

R 20, PAR 20, PAR 16 up to 75w P3O TG, P3I .TG &
PI 30 TG

[,1R l6 up to 75w
2V PAR 36 up to 50w
P] 6,TG

P36 TG
5c" ,,orro cErLrNG ADA'TER
A lows the mourl ng rome 1o be nstolled in slOnted cei ings lt positions lhe lomp perpendiculor lo the

lo0r so lhe lighi s direcied stro ghl down where it's needed. Eydboll trlms con be used wilh or w ihoui
me odopter Use wrth P I I,tG mounting fromes ond lnd coled trims, ior new construclion on y.
P'10-TG MouNTtNe FRAME P.t.l-TG & P.l.l.l-TG
Hos outomotic resefiing
insulollon sensor H0s 0ulomolic reselling insuloiion
Ceillng opening: 5%" dio sens0r.
Ploster frome: 7%" x 10" FOR COMPLETE FIXTURE:
Recessed depih (R D.) See Specifv mounting frome
QD Llsted lor domp locolions, Thru-
reflecior-lrims plus reflector-lrim. Bronch wir ng, 4 in, 4 out (except
@ Lisled lor dornp locolons, Exomple: Pl0 TG ond
Pt ll TG)

Thru'Bronch wir ng, 4 in, 4 out. P6601

P'|0-fG P'I,I.T G AN D P,I,I.I -TG
50/60w 75W
Step bofile Siep boflle

R.D.: 6%", O.D: 6%0"

R.D 6%", O.D.: 6ZO" RD:10%" OD.: 7%"

Lornp: 50w R 20, Lomp: 75w R-30, Alzok rellector

60w A'l
I 75w A-,l9
*P5601 Lomp: 75w R 30, l50w R-40,
I 50w PAR 38
- P6715-21 Speculol cleor
P6715-22 Specu or gold
75W P67'15-23 Specuo bocL
Open trim

Step bofile

R.D.: 6%", O.D 6lo" P6607 wilh P8617 occessory glcre

Lomp 75w R 30, shielding slep boffle which snops in
75wA-lI pl0ce
P6607 R.D.:BtA",OD 11/d'
Lomp: l00wA 19, l50w A 21,
50/r 00w I50w R-40, I50w PAR-38
Woll wosher

Alzok cone
R D.: 8%". O.D.: 6%0" P6705 wilh P8617 occessory glore-
Alzok@ refleclor
Lornpr 50w R-20,
shlelding slep bollle which snops in
ploce. -r8T l'\",n
l00w A 19
P6705-21 Speculorcleor
P6705-22 Speculor gold R.D. 8%" wlh R 40,
P6705-23 Specu or block 7%" wllh A-19 or PAR-38 ornp
50/75W 50w Lomp: l00wA 19, l50w R 40,
Alzok cone Eyeboll wilh step boftle I sOW PAR 38
*P6692-21 Soeculor cleor
*P6692-22 Sbecu cr gold
\ *P6692-23 Specular b ock

R.D.: 6%". 0 D.: 6Za" 75/100/r50w

Step bofile
Alzok qold reflector
Lomp 50w R-20 75w R 30 RDr6%",0Dr6%0"
75w A l9 358', lllts 30"
*P6603-22 Speculor gold Lomo 50w R 20
*P6603-21 *P6600-30
Speculol cleor
*P6603-23 Speculor block
R D.: 8t/i'. a.D.: l)/,a" ,l9,
Lomp 75w R-30, I 00w A
I 50w R-40, l50w PAR 38,
I 50w A-2l
lor Pl0 TG. PlITG&PlII'TG *P6625
P8607 Th'ep pl0s e|ro'r're -or ex sl,rg ce lirg
P86l 7 Srop-rn s'ep bof e tor P6/05 ord D660/
P8627 Scop ra s ep bof e lo' P6715 ord p6/'4
P8773 'or- clrps 'or sJspended cprlrngs.

Lomp wofloges shown OTe mox mum. +us0ble with Pl I l -TG



PI I I.TG mouniing frcme plus relleclor tr m.
PI I.TG Exomple: Pl I TG ond P6694
llse with indicoted
Ceilrng openrng: 67s" d o. trims for Plo TG ond Pt t-Tc
Plosler irorne 77 " x I0"
Recessed depth (R.D ):
See refleclor- lrims
100/,]20/ I 50w 100/150w
Deep step botfle A-lomp cone

P671 5 ond P8627 occessorv R.D.: 1 1r/2", O.D.: 73/i' RD.: 101/i', O.D.. 13/i' P6714 wilh P8627 occessory
glore-shieldrna step boffle whibh Lomp: l00wA 19, Alzok refleclor qlore shield ng siep boffle whtch
snops in ploce. l20w ER 40, l50w R 40, Lomp: l00w A-19, l50w A 2l snops in ploce.
l50w PAR-38 P67 1 4-21 Soeculor cleor
P6717 P6714-22 Sbeculor gold

100/150w 75W r 50w 75W

Woll wosher Scoop woll wosher Scoop woll wosher Eyeboll
with slep botfle wilh slep boflle wilh slep boffle

R.D. 9V1, O.D. lyd'

Alzok rellecior
For unlinished, suspended or
R.D.: 8%", O.D.: B%"
Alzok inner reflector
Lomo: 75w R-30
RD.: l lt/l'. O.D:
Alzok inner reflector
Lomo: I 50w R 40FL
1t/2" ,3il'
R.D.: 8t/i', O.D.: lt/rc"

'n lop-occessible ce lrngs orlV.

Lomp l00w A-19. l50w A 2l
Soeculor cieor
Sbeculor gold
*P6716 P6718 Rololes 358', tilts 25'
Lomo. 75w R 30

75/i 50W 75/r 50W 75W 100w

Adjusloble Alzok occent light Adjusloble occent light Eyeboll Scoop woll wosher

r4 lf.
R.D r 8", 0.D.: 73l"
," S,
RD 8",O.D:73/i'
I )
R.D:8t/i',OD 71Aa"
Socket swivels 30' 30'
Sockel swivels Lomo: I 00w A-19
Lomp 75w R 30. l50w pAR-38 Lomp: 75w R 30, t50w PAR-38 R.D.: 8t/i', O.D. 71/n" *P6623
P66l6-21 Soeculor oold P6615 Rototes 358', iilts 30'
P661 6-22 Sbeculor ileor Lomp 75w R-30

75/100/t 50w 75W l00w t 00w

open trim Shower light All gloss opol Fresnel lens

R D.: 8t/i', O.D.: lt/rc"
Lomp: 75w R 30, I00w A,19, RD.: Bt/i'. O.D.: 1%"
I50w R-40, l50w PAR-38, Lomo:
I 00w A-19
I50w A-21 R.D.: B|/i', O.D.: 1t/2" R.D.: 8t/r" , O.D.: 8'/r" *P6691-83
P6621 Shoiter resistoni, while diffuser LomD. l00w A 19
with goskel *P6687
i'n:giffig'u'n Lomo: 75w A-l
For new conslruction only
P8674 l B' slope P8675 26" slope
Perm ls siroiohldown liohhno irom sloped cerlings. 4' rise in
Averoge Averoge 6'rise in
Recessed de"plh vertrcoliy ot 6enierl ine P8674 odds I 7"" 12' run (con vory l2' run (con vory
lo irim; P8675 odds I7" lo trim from 3' to 5' rise). lrom 5' to 7'rise)

Hos outom0lic resefiing insul0llon sensor.

a I
@ Llsled for domp locollons, Thru
Bronch wirlng, 4 in, 4 oul.
Ceiling opening: 8%" dio F0R COI\4PLETE FIXTURE: Speclf\/
Plosler frome lOt/'" x 1st/i' mounirnq lTome plus leflector lr m
Recessed depih (R.D.): See reflector-lrims Exomple: Pl2 IG and P6721

'120l150/300w 150/250/300w 150/200w 250/300W Eyeboll

Deep step botfle Slep botfle A-lomp woll wosher wilh step bofile

R.D.: 12t/2", O.D.: 9%0" R.D.: 9%". O.D.r 9%0" R.D.: 12t/r", O.D.: 8'310"
I l " deep block oluminum siep Lomp i 50w A-21, 300w R-40. Alzok @ refleclor
boffle 250\,v O PAR-38 For unfinished, suspended
P6610 or lop-occessible ceilings onl\/ R.D.: 9%", O.D.: 9%0"
Lomp: t 20w ER-40, 150w 358', iilts 25'
Lomo: l50w A 21. 200w A 23 Roloies
PAR-38, 300w R-40
P6736-21 Speculorcleor Lomp: 300w R-40,
P6727 250w Q PAR-38
P6736-22 Speculor gold
P66l 1 -30

I 50/200/300W A-lomp reflector I 20l250/300W Multiplier Downlight

n"J{tD P6724 with P8637 occessory

6",irf7h P6725 with P8637 occessory
R.D.r 12%". O D.: 9%"
snop-in step boffle. R.D.: 121/e", O.D.: 9Ys"
snop-in slep botfle. 0
Alzok refleclor - Alzok reflector -
Lomp: I50w A-21, Lomos for commerciol use: P8607 Three plosier frome
200w A-23, 300w PS-25 120\,v ER 40 300w R-40. clips for finlshed ceilings.
P6724-21 Speculor cleor 25Ow O PAR-38 P8719 Two 26" one Piece
P6724-22 Speculor qold P6725-21 Speculor cleor
bor hongers.
P6725-22 Speculor sold
P67 25-23 Speculol block P8773 Four clips for
suspended ceilings




housing plus ref leclor-trim
Exomple: Pl9 TG ond P6699.


250/3OOW Cone L0 nphol0er pJrls dowr'rorn opedLrre 0nd ro'0'e5
Auiomotic reselling insulolion sensOL
3606 lirls 90" Accenls ord focJses Ofleflron. ul
OD Llsted for domp locofions, lis'eo lor dornp locorols TlrL-Br0ncl w rtqq 4 in
Thru Bronch wiring 4 in, 4 out. 4 oLl. ReouIes loD 0ccess 'or ls'o loliorl.
Cerlrno ooenino 7r/. " dio. ComplF-e w;th hotrst'tg o l0 l'ir
H0rge' bors bV
tttouninO from"e l5ra"
Recessed depthr l3%"
x i5t." AlTok reflecior
Trim sizer B7s" 0.D.
P6973-TG R.D 9%", cei ing opening 6%" d 0. $ 1
Aperture: 6%" Requires lop occess for Lompr 300w R-40, I omo: 50w PAR 20
inslollolion 250w I PAR'38 P6974-TG R.D 9%", ceillng opening 6%" dio.
lncludes 26" odlusloble b0r hongers. P6699-21 Speculor cleor LomDr 75w PAR-30
P6699-22 Specu or gold P6975-TG RD. 123/i', ceillng opening Bls" dlo
P6699-23 speculor b ock Lompr 250w PAR-38


jP 30-TG, P3.|-TG & P'130-TG MouNTtNe FPAMES


I inl
P30-TG ond Pl30 TG Ore equlpped wlth 0n
0ulomolic reseliing insulolion sensor.
P3l TG ls ETt lisled for direcl contoci wilh
insulolion 0nd conforms wllh Notion0l
moLrnling frorne plus refleclor-trim
ElectricOl Code. Hos Therm0-G0rd'. Exomple:. P30-TG ond P6643
0uiomolic reseliing thermol proleciion. All
ETL llsted for d0mp locoiions, Thru-Bronch
wiring, 4 in, 4 out excepi, Pl30 TG
P6644-31 P6642-30 P6643-21 P6646-30 P6647-30
Pl 30-IG P6643-23
Remodel kil P3O.IG 55w PAR-16 50w R 20 55w PAR ]6 55W PAR16 55W PAR 16
50w R 20 50w PAR-20 75W PAR 16 75W PAR]6 sOW R 20
50w PAR 20 50w R-20 50w R 20 50w PAR-20
Ce ling opering: 4%" dio 5OW PAR 20 5OW PAR 20
Plosler fromei l%" x 5t/!" P3'I -TG 50w R-20 Nol used 50w R-20 50w R-20 Not used
Recessed depth (R D.): see reflector lrims 5OW PAR 20 50w PAR'20 50w PAR-20
Pl 30-TG 50w R-20 30w R-20 50w R-20 50w R,20 50w R 20
50w PAR 20 50w PAR-20 50w PAR-20 50w PAR-20


50/55W Slep

30/50W Pinhole spol

O D.. 41/e"
55/75W Alzokre reflector

,d, 1

R D.: P30-TG, P130IG 5t/2" R.D: P30-TG, P130-IG; 5t/1': R.D.: P30-TG, Pl30 TG; 5%"
P3l-IG 7%" Lomp: see chori P3l-IG: 1%"
Block oluminum slep boffle P6642-30 rnot used p3l TG) Lompr see chori
Lomp: see chori
T P6644-3',|
Speculor cieor
Speculor gold
55,ry5W Eyebo
P6643-23 Speculor block
50/55W Woll wosher

a D 41/i', O D.: 41/d'
R D P30 TG, Pl3O IG 5,/2" R.D.: P30-TG, Pl30-TG; 5%"
P31 IG 13/,t" Lomp: see chorl
Rototes 360'. I lls 20' P6647-30 (not used wilh P3l-TG)
Lompr see chod


cro ljsoble wilh SloDed Ceilino

p. )Z occessories
P8674 18' ( I0' beom min )

See poges I77 ond 1 79 for
Superor color rendilion, lower ener0V costs with All lhe Odvont0ges of l\lR'16 lomp . .color specificolions
beom ond he0l conirol Color comes lo llle in rendilion, low energy cosls, heot conlro . l\ilu ti
lhe 3000'( beon o' l2V l\,4Q l6 ronps groove, cone shoped bl0ck bOffle. Bulll n
L0mpholder rololes with n lrlm operlure 355', irOnsformer. UL lisled for d0mp loc0fions, Thr! Accessories
tllts 30'. Built ln lronsformer UL lisled for domp Br0nch wirino, 4 in, 4 out. Complele wilh for P6996-TG ond P6995-TG

)rt locOlons, Thru Brofch wirng, 4 n, 4 oui.

Fixlure comes complete wiih housino, ir m ond
30" odjusioble hcnger bors
Cei ing openrng 6 .' dio
houslng, trim ond 30" odjusl0b e bOr h0ngers
Ceiling opening: 6%" dio.
Recessed depth: 7%"
Lo.rlp: 2Al42l5A/15w t2V MR-t 6
P8607 Tnree ploster frome ct ps
for linrshed cerlrnos
P8719 Two 26; one piece bor
Recessed depth: 7 .' P6995-TG P8t3 Four clips for suspended
Lomp 20l42l50/75w [,4R-l 6 ceilings.
P36-TG & P{6'TG Low wLTAGE MouNTtNe FRAME;

Ceiling opening:
P36-TG: 6%" dio.;
Pt 6 TG 4%" dt0.
0 I
Plosler f rome:
P36 TG: 7%" x 10";
Pl6 TG: 7" x l0%"
Recessed depth:
P36rG 13/i',;
Pr6TG 6%"

P36-TG -- %e{
!l L sied for domp locolions.

F0R C0MPLETE FIXTURE: Specify mounling

frome p us refleclor irim.
Exompler P36-TG ond P6901 or
Pl6 TG ond P6637
For dimming, use ow vo loge djmmers (See
poge 76) 20t42t50175W
REFLECTOR-TRIMS FOR P36.TG Grooved block bollle

25135/36/50W Aperiure: I%"

Alzok'ircone P36-TG USES I2V PAR-36 LAMP FOR .c 9D 51._ __
LomP: ZU lO /5W
t 2v MR-16

4T-l'\' , l\,4oxlmum beom control wlih rninlmum

slrOy light, even over longer disl0nces
P'I6.TG USES I2V MR.I6 LAMP TOR 20t42t50t75W

a D.: 1%" ACCENT LIGHTING Block slep boffle

Adjusioble lomp rototes 358', lills 45' AperlLrre: 3%"
Lomp 50w l2V PAR-36 Breok0$roy plosler frome ( P36 TC orly) co'l 0. D.r 5%"
P6900-21 Speculor cleor rslo,l n e\ sl rg ce,l rgs lhroLgh norno' Lornp: 20 to 75W
P6900-22 Speculor gold ce ling opening. t2v MR-16
Juncfion box. Soves insiollolion time ond
25l35/36/50W monev Golvonrzed steel Riveled pgtoil
prv oLI K 0 s
Slep boflle oror-ril plus grourdirg lJg 20t42t50t75W
S'r0p oLr sioes lhrL Brorcl wiring. 4 n Adjustoble occenl lighl
4 a$, #12 wie. Trim rololes 358',
B0r h0noers included. AdiJsroble l0 30'. lomp lilts 45' b\/
Posrrron-nols rq orwhe;e w rh r 24- rofter odjusling screw on
spoclng, even flush to joist Bors sloy in lrim foce.
oD 1% p'0ce. A noil in tle lock.qg s o Oreve lis A D.: St/i'
Adjusioble lomp roloies 358', iilts 45' occidentol repositioning. lomp 20 to /5w
Lomp: 50w l2V PAR 36 BuilFin tronsformer l20V inpul, l2V output.
t2v tvR-16
P6901 P36 TG occommodotes lrom 25 to 50
wolls. PI6TG occon nodoles 20 lo 75
wolls. 20t42t50t75W
25/35/36/50W Alzoko cone
Regressed odjustoble eyeboil Adjusloble l0mp br0cket P6900 0nd P6901
trims. Rototes ond lills lomp.
Housing. Removes for occess lo junction q.'l9 Apeiue
0.D 5%',

\),u box
Pre-wired wilh #18 SF-l 200'c wire
lomp: 20 lo 75w
t 2v tvR-16
P6656-21 SDeculor cleor
Thetmo-Gotd'" P36-TG h0s ouiomolic P6656-22 Sieculor gold
aD:134" reselling thermol protecilon Pl6 TG hos
Roiotes 358", t lls 30"
lomo 50w I2V PAR 36 0ulomolic reseliing insuloli0n sensor.
P6903 Eyeboll
Aperture: l%"
(Ce O D.: 5%"
Usoble wilh Sloped Ceiling
/21 occessories
P8674 l8'(l0" beom mln. )
@ Lompr 20 io 75W
t2v MR t6
P8675 26' (12" beom mln.) P6657
See poges I l7 ond 179 lor specificoliOfs


High iniensity dischorge (HlD) Iight sources provide cosls. Long lomp life rotings olso meon lower lomp
more llghl per woit thon incondescents ond replocement costs,
fluorescents, This high etficiency lighting reduces The Progress selection lncludes flxtures using high
energy ond mointenonce cosls. Use fewer fixtures to pressure sodium lomps (HPS) thot produce o golden
reduce oir conditioning loods ond initiol instollotion lightt or melol holide lomps (MH) which provide more
HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM noturol color rendition.
Rounds for indoors ond ouidoors

Low norse levels ond lhermoi proteciion.

@ L.sied tor donp loc0iions Tl-.J-Brorch
wirina, 4 in, 4 oul All bollosts roted io
- 20F.
Recessed dep'|. (R D ) see reftecior-trims FoR COI\TPLETE FIXTURE Specrfv
Celllnq openrnq: 6%' dio mounting frome plus ref leclor-trim.
Aperture: 6%" Exomple: P37 ond P6621
Plosler frome: 143/4" x 22"

P37 P38 P39 P40 P41 P42

Lompi Lomp. Lomol Lomp: Lomp: Lompr
35W HPS E ]7 50w HPS E-]7 70w HPS E,t7 l00w HPSE-r7 t50w HPS E-]7 100w l,4eiol Holide
I2OV, NPF 1201277V, HPF 120/277V, HPF 120/277U, HPF 120/277U, HPF 120/271U, HPF
OnJy use with
P6691 83 ond P6687
REFLECTOR-TRIMS FOR P37, P38, P39, P4O, P4,I & P42

Alzok cone open irim Slep boffle occessory Alzok woll wosher

(Uil!b {
t Speculor cleor.
RD 10'/i'.OD.:13/r"
While refleclor
RD.:8t/i', O.D.: 1lAa"
For P6621 ond P6114-21.
Snops in ploce.
Speculor cleor.
R.D.: 9t/2" , O.D.:
P6735-2 t

Alzok cone Fresnel lens All gloss opol

Speculor cleor.
'1%a" CJeor spreod lens
R.D.: UA", O.D : R.D.: 8t/i', O.D.: 7%"
P6692-21 P6691-83
RD Bt/i', OD.:81/t"

Squores for indoors ond Rounds for indoors ond
ouldoors ouldoors Also occommo-
doies mercury vopor
iomps of equol wolloge.

@ Listed for domp

OD LLSled for domp locolions Thermol P6985 locolions. Thermol
l proieclton. Thru Bronch wtrino, 4 in, 4 50w HPS, E-17 lomp proieclion. Thru-Bronch
out. Bollosis roled lo20.F. For 120/277U HPF wirino, 4 in, 4 oul. All
occessible ce lrrgs only. Complete wilh P6986
bollosls roled lo 20'F. For
) in housina, trim, gloss lens ond 26" bor 100w. HPS. E 17 lomp.
occessible ceilings only tixlures ore
compleie wilh housinq, reflector-trm
hongers. l75w MH, BT 28
ond 26" bor honoers -
120/271U HPF mooul
Recessed deplh 6%" lomp. 120/211U HPt
P6987 Recessed depth: i 57r'
Ceil ng open ng: I l%" sq I50w. P6984
HPS. E-l 7 lorno Ceiling openingr 8%" sq. 250w [,4H, BT 28 mooul
Lens opening I0 /4" sq. 120t277U APF Aperlure: 8%" lornp. 120/217U HPF

Hos ouiomotic resett ng lnsulol on

0 I
QD Llsied for domp locolions, Thru-
Bronch wirr0, 4 in, 4 oui. for 120
volt (Pl3) ond 211 voll (P13-211) l3W quod fluorescent. FOR COI/PLETE FIXTURE
instollolions. Exceeds I ght outpul ol o Specify mounl ng irome plus
Vedicol mounled lomp. 60w ncondescenl lomp refleclor kim
ond meels new erergy Exomple: Pl3 ofd P6694.
Ceiling openlngr 6%" dio codes. I0,000 hour omp
Plosler frome 7%' x 10"
life roling reduces
Recessed deplh (R.D ): See
moinleronce Color
refLecior-ir ms
lernoerolure blends well with
incdndescent lighting


t3w t3w t3w
M ulliplier Deep slep bofile Step bofile

'' i1

R.D.: l07a', O.D.: P6715 wlih P8627 occessory R.D.: I I %" O.D.: 7%" R.D BZ". 0.D.: 77a'
Alzok.' reflector snop-in step bofl e. lomn: l3w ouod fuorescenl* LomD: l3w ouod lllorescent
Lomp l3w quod fluorescenl* P67r 7 P6625 wh ie ref ecior
P67t 5-21 Soeculor cleor P6694 Cleor olum num
P6715-22 Sbecu or gold ref ector
P6715-23 Speculor block

13W t3w t3w r3w
Woll wosher Scoop woll wosher with step Alzok cone Scoop woll wosher

EfI r'\.
R.D 9%". 0 D.r 7%" RD,811", O D: B%" R.D B)/i"OD.]',/;', R.D.: 8%". 0.D.: 7 7,s'
Alzok refleclor All,ok rnner refJeclor Lomp l3w quod fluoresceni Lomp: l3w quod fluorescenl
For unfinished, suspended l ornp I 3v/ quod I uoresornlx P6692-2'l Soeculor cleor P6623
or lop occessible cell ngs on y. P671 6 P6692-22 Sbeculor oold
Lomp l3w quod fluoiesceni P6692-23 Specu or b ock
P6735-21 Speculor c eor
P6735-22 Speculor qo d

t3w t3w 3W t3w
Open trim Fresnel lens All gloss opol Shower light

Lomp: I3w quod lluoresceni R.D B)/i, o.D 1%',
P6621 Lomp l3w quod tluorescenl
P669',I-83 R.D:B%".0D B%" D
RD 8,/i" O 7)/i'
I omo l3w olrod illror-oscent* Shotler reslslorf, whlie d ffuser
P6fi87 w ih ooskel.
Lomp" l3w quod fluorescent+
P8607 Three plosler frome c ips for ex siing ceilings
P8627 Snop'in boflle lor P6715 *Also occepls l3w PL- 13
P8773 Four clips for suspended ceilings compocl lluorescenl

]n These Alzoko downlights use compcct
ErE uNrs 26W OUAD
9/,13W Pt

fluorescent lomps which deliver high lumens

per woil ond hove o roted life of ,10.000 hours.
Avoiloble in 120V or 277,/ units.
Complete with housing, HpF bollost,
reflector-trim, 30" bor hangers ond clips for
finished ceilings.

@ Lisled for domp locOtions, Thru-Br0nch wiring,

4 | 4ott

vorrs vorts Cei'inq Recesseo

i 20 277 F nrsh openi"ng rrome diiin'""" Aperrure Trim o. D

;ffi;" " 6a 7e'x10" 0.,' 6'' t; 26w qLoo

cieor " I
p67s8_22 p67s3_22 io'.-.uro, 8 t0 ' x 15,," 8'._ 8' e s, l[",.
P6782-22 P67g4-22 io*u'or B" l0'"'x15! Br'" 8 n'' Two r3wPL 13
Horizonto morrnt
snop in bofftes: P8627 for P6781

) fll p8607 Three,l,.lilLfl.1?lii;l,iJln';,1u.1fi'nl"'u'n'

P8719 Two 26" one-piece bor hongers.
P8773 Four clips for suspended ceitings.

FLUORESCENT WALL WASH EP P6776-21 (120 volls) Soecutor ct-oor

Alzok@ reflector system provides brood, even P6777-21 1217 yotts) Sbecu or cteor
Lomps. lwo l3w PL 13
illuminotion to ceiling line. Uses two 13w
compoct fluorescent lomps which detiver htgh Cei ing openings B%''
lumens per wofl ond hove o roled life of Recess depth: 7r%r'
10.000 hours. I ixtures ore complele with Apelue /t/s"
housing, two seporole Hpl bollosts, ond
reflector irim. For occessible ceilings only.
@ listeo for domp locotions ond Tiru-Bronch
wiring, 4 in, 4 out, Hongor bors by others,

White trim.
Lomps: lwo 20w T- l2
Bollosi: 20w trigoer slori, NpF
,t\ Ceilrng o1enng: 6,/s,, x 241/s,, I
) f Trim size: 85/s'- x 251/s,'
torslon ntnge tor e0sv 0ccess.
frxiure is complete wilh housing ond white lrrrn.


Lighting for sofety in troff c oreos, ndoors
cost 0luminum houslng with 0crylic diffuser.
Ihreet/2" 1.P. conduit entries. For brick,
mosonry ond poured concrele inslollolons. CE
llsted for wet locoilons.
P6800-60 FLUoRESCENT. One 7w PL-7
lom p
25w mox Shown w th
P8668-31 Block metol louver foceplote P8668 3r
0ccessory occessory iocep ote.


le ouver ioceplote l\,4el0l
Spr nq held wh
hous ng hos %" l.P. condu i enlry For dry
wol conslruction only
(uD listed for domp locolions.
proleclior Porceoin sockel. Lomp: 60w A l9
P6821 FLUORESCENT Lomp 9w PL 9


0t p nplo, f oL. .q wt I N.vo wf le erperpd
o oss Toces lor ooin sroe. ol 0 stld wol -
io 4'1" thick While lrlnr. Reduces cosls by
ll um nol ng lwo 0reOs w lh one fllrorescenl

For indoor Ond prolecled orldoor use.
QD isied lor domp locollons


Cos o L1'1'1LT . Ihic" hoL\l]g porcelo
-'l I r
socke- e-eco lerpepdgoss lwo Io 4, Sl-- I
lor co^d- I elll lor Oolred ro rcre'e ond |---:| _--

. | ,.
loso^ry rnslo lol o'rs ' I I ---.
rsred o oo'']p loco'onc.

P68l 6 NCAI\DFSCINI wr le gloss 'Oce
Lomp: 25wA 19 _t"t"" ---1
P6817 Louver loce over gloss.
ronp 2bwA'9 U_ e --1.:. _
P6816 P6817
P6818 I Wl Ip gl0ss
r' N 'oce.
oro ruuwA
P6819 Louverocp over gocs b" F-a
I I ._? T
| 5%"
ro-rp 00wA'9 rll,-<.
tl:- 1

4 -'/
a 4"'

P681 8
fxit & emergency
Ail UL lisled. All meet ot exceed jSHA, NEC and NF?A tequirenents.

High impoct injection molded whiie housings. Focep cte hos

knockouts for directionol orrows. pre w red ond ossembled
Downl ghi. 6" ietlers


N Lrmbei Ponel l40V omps nc uded

P6005-30w8 Sing le I r-ad Two l5w TG F
P6006-30W8 Snge lgreef Two l5w T6 I F

lqqr of rgLl]!$ if]vlllglryIh end or b0ck mounrins
Numlter Foce(s) Pofels l40V lomps ncluded
P6007-30wB Snge I red Two lsw T6 I F

P6008-30w8 S ngle lgreen Two l5w T6 F

pgoog-towg 2 red
DoLrble Two lsw TG I F
P60r o-3oivB Doub e 2 green Two lsw T6 F
l0r field
nsl0l 0l on ol obove ex I s gns

18:31.ry:"Eil,'ig:1'"1.q11''y.Tlt',.f 0\ o'i 27-\ oD" oro,

P8688 Tronsformer module for Operoton or 277V circu ls.
P8689 Two DC boyonel sockels ro rano e 'ow vo,roop opor0,o-
)a t0mps b\, olhers

F 1i *2.
L- -t
J. l_..1 .-..,t'r, -odLt.
'oC 01 , cl0. "d "1 a-qpr L, b! eOd O c ,r bofarv TOOLle S0me nchprv 2"
'eO'L p. o . D6000 30\A B .1,!e .0 - :3i'
I oL'trir g r o.'- 20V o, 2l tV op".ot 6r
Number Foce(s) Ponels Lomps included
.EX|T' i l, I

Sifg e or
Single or

2 green
Two l5w T6 l.F t40v
Twol5wTOlF t40v
'! !,
doub e &iwo37wDC

Botrery operoied

P6000-30W8 -l'0 ,gr I L- r o1rprrporgry $.1 " toL.ilq o'

I o 01 10 Oe6 l- 0- ,ip6rt p"rn9pl6 I, V0 1-pt ot Cp-l.pp pod
0 rr- ti .o I bolpt) '04 ,/otoge 0t\cot -p. ?6-ovdt5
w lhin 24 hours ofler AC^Jlorot
ls reslored Reguloled chOroe vo t00e
Thermol. reverse poi0rly ond shori circLt'il proteciion- Brown6ul
oroleclion o so
LOmpS included: Two 6V, 7.2w T 5 wedqe bose (#927)


0ulpul t5
Oulpul wofls
,lrrs 4
AC irpul

volls hrs.

t5 ll
hrs hrs Volts
192 PffiRESS'



' Lighls you con move
Ihe flexible, versatile lighting
sys/em lhol chonEtes os Your
needs chonge.

Progress trock I ghting is the ight ng

system thot you con chonge os
your neecJs chonge when You
hong new p clures, tedecorole or
move f urniiure
You con move I ghts eosiLy
onwvhere o ong the trock. Swive ,

rototecndomthem nony
d rect on
Use Progress trock ight ng to
creote dromolic nterP oYS of I ght -'l'iii
ond shodow Drow out ihe
beout fu co ors cnd texlures of
wcl s ond clroper es N,4oke o smcl
room cppeor more spcc ous bY
bathing o wol w th ighl or o
lorger room smol er ond moTe
ntimote by keep ng overo ghling
ow ond arecrting conversot on
oreos w th poo s of ght llse
Progress trock ghts to accent
poinl ngs, pr n1s, photographs or
p cnts
Progress trock ls esPec o Y
usefu when you need to
concentrote I ght direct y over
work, study, p oy or reoding oreos 1


'-Prog^ .1o-, rrJi lro, I

system s on exce lent o I oround

performer n homes ond
commerciol nsto cl ons " You con
feecl power on!'where clong Trok 1
for nsto lol on convenence You
con ochieve decorolve vorielY bY
nsloll ng chondel ers ond cord or
cho n hung penclonls f rom Trok 1
sectons The power feeds ond ol
Trok 1 occessor es ore shown on
poges 205'207.
lncondescenl lighl sources
A LocotioflB PL
A This genero serv ce bulb
rodiotes ght n oll d rect ons A
lfr good choice tor ce l ngs ot g f."t
or ess. Ihe frosted A bu b s
9) recommencled 10 reduce glcre
R The ref eclor bulb hos c cooted
back which ref ecis mosl ghi
through ts f rosted foce F ood
versions (FL) ore for qenero oreos,
spot versions (SPJ for occent
i ght ng. PAR

PAR The porobo ic clum nized A

ref ector produces exce lent beer|
contro , more prec se than R Fluorescent lighl source
Dlstonce Locotion lomps lt often s preferred over PL Low energy costs cnd reduced
to ol trock R lomps due to its beller co or
object from wo mcrinlenonce cre the primory
rendenng index Spoi ond food benef 1s of new compoct PL
{B C] {A B)
i vers ons oTe ovo oble, os wel os fiuorescenl ompho ders ofl poge
i,r Feei
stondord ond ow voltage vers ons
An especiol y good cho ce for
203 The r color temperoture
W 3
enhonc ng the sporkle of meto ,
blends wel wth ncondescenis
The r co or rendering s superior to
5 32 chrno ond glcrsswore. Lompho ders other f uorescenls
6 39 indicoted for Q PAR omps olso
7 46 cccommodote regulor PAR omps
l B 53 Dimming
9 60 within noted mox mum wcttoges Who.e .o o5 - . g. ri g or lo
r1 10 66
Tungsten Hologen
des red, Progress Des gner d mmers
(poge 761 ccrn be nslo led to
Lighling o verlicol surfoce Prov des consisteni h oh niensijv motch your ghtng source oncl
- O-tc . \OLr .,Oe
lo' OC o t^g wh te ight output throughout ts power ood Consult your e ectrco
"o. I o r'g1 ob e. l. or o
wall itsell or ony vert co surfoce.
l.rF roled I fe.
Q PAR Tungsten hologen pAR omps
controcior obout the approprlote
d mmet especio ly where
'1. Lcmpho ders should be olmed de ver nlense ight wllh more f uorescent, lungsten ho ogen ond
oi o 30' ongle to prevent the ight condlepower per woll ond ow voltoge iompho ders ore in
f rom shin ng nto someone's eyes the nsto lotion. Avoid hozorcls by
super or co or rencler ng
2. Meosure disionce (B to Cl from obtoin ng quo if ed odvice pr or
the ceil ng 10 the center of the QT lungslen ho ogen T bu bs wosh
10 nslo ing c irock system with
w de crecs wiih h gh niens ty
objeci to be I ghted F nd this dimmers, tim ng controls, energy-
"distonce" n the chori llum nol on f rom o smoll I ght
soving dev ces, security sw ich ng
3. Find correspond ng ocoion" [A cnd other dev ces
io Bl f rom wol where irock should MR Low vo toge MR 16 omps f you wont odvice ond o
be mounled on the ce linq del ver o "punch" of I ght w th demonstrotion of how trock
Exomplei D stonce 1o cenier ot excel enl color f de iV Exce lent for I ghl ng con work for you, consu t
object s 3 feet Mount lrock on occent ighi ng the experis n Vour Progress L ghi ng
! e l^g IB ' t ^o l OrIl ra,O showroom

Woll grozing
For dromot c shodows on droperies
ond br ck or stone wol s. mount *For
trock 6 to 9 nches f rom .the wcl commerciol inslallations...
Posli on the lompholders the some
d stonce aport, oimed down to
The Progress SpecTrqk'' lighting system
h gh ght the wo l's texiure For commerciol ond resldentiol Architects, engineers, deslgners,
Progress Llghl ng offers o fu opplicotions where the flexibitity lighting specifiers ond oll oihers
select on of trock I ghts, from ond increcsed copocily of lwo who wont detoiied iechnicol doto
t ny m cro-sizes io heow duly circuit lrock is importonl, setecl on SpecTrok, should ask iheir
commerc cl models. The monv Progress Speclrok SpecTrok offers Progress Lighiing Distribulor for the
}'' light nq requirements of on
i1,lol OTO LO' OA.O'S,eO,^rTh
20 ompere circuits, individuclly Progress Spec1rok cotolog.
o vcrleiy of iight sources n
( Oordi, o-oO tOrOt orcte, Oe. g, s

Low volloge lrock

lighls for superb 6
occenl lighling
Progress low voltoge trock lights
deliver superior occent lighting
with precise beom control,
minlmum stroy light ond excellent
color fidellty Dromotize woll
hongings. Disploy the sporkle of
glosswore ond jewelry Showcose
prized possesslons with o powefful
punch ol lig'rt thoi enhonces lhe r
color, form ond texlure.
You hove two bosic choices for
light sources, MR '16 or PAR 36/46
lompholders, MR.46 TAMPHOLDERS
MR-,I6 TAMPHOTDERS With buill in l2V konsformer
Moke colors come olivel The 12 volt
VR '16 tungslen hologen lomp is
roled for the highest color lidelity
of oll incondesce'll light sources.
A multi-foceted lomp refleclor
contoins the beom 1o minimize
stroy light.
Another big fealure of 12 voll
lompholders is their smoll
N,4R '16
size, os little os 2Ye" i^ diometer
Prog.ess 12 volt PAR lo'noholders
offer precise, high efficiency P6309-31 Block. 3%" dio., 6" hi. Lompi P63ll-31 Bock 5" dio, 5" hl. Lomp:
occent lighting even over long 50w N.4R 16. 50w MR-16.
distonces. They moximize beom P6309-30 Wh te P63l I -30 Wh ie
*ACC: Fl, *ACC FI, S
control ond reduce stroy light 10
the minimum, The 5,5 voli model
(P6216 on poge 196) delivers on
even more intense, ncrrower beom
pottern ond increoses lomp life
when instolled in o 6V system,
Progress offers tronsformer opUons
for stepping down from o slondord
120 volt power supply to '12 volt
operotion. You con choose the
lompholders with o built in
tronsformer or for lompholders
which require on externol
tronslormer, you con selecl o solid
stote or on electro-mognetic P631 3-30 While. 3" dio., 6%" hl. Lomp: P6378- 1 0
Polished brass. 43/8" dto., l" hL

externol tronsformer, 20165w N.4R-16. Lomp: 50w [,4R 16.

P63'l 3-10 Polished bross P6378-l I
Aniique bross
P6313-31 Block P6378-30 Whtle
*ACC: 82, E, Fl, S P6378-3'l Block
*ACC: Fl, S

'ACC: Accessoties
See lompholder occessory codes ond order by coiolog numbers shown on poge 207.

Al lompholders toke the outlet box odopler ond weighled bose shown on
poge 203.
lWith lomps up 1o 50w mox mum


)(f Low voltoge MR 16

lomps put more condlepower on
ond PAR-36/46 Becouse fewer watts generote
less heot, you con sove on oir
subjects ihon incondescent lomps conditioning too.
of comporoble wottoge ond life, Progress 12 voli lompholders Required for individual 12 volt
This increosed efficiency permits con be mounted olong with 120 lompholders which do not hove
use of lower v/ottoges which volt lompholders on the scme o built-in tronsformer Eoch
reduces energy costs signif icontly trock system, occommodotes'12V lompholders
Exomple: A 50 wott, 12 volt MR-16 within its roled copocity All mount
or PAR-36 lomp provides os mony on the trock os eosily os o
center beom fooicondles os o lompholder, Other lompholders
150 wott stondord voltoge lomp, will not operote if mounted on
o tronsformer


LAMPHOLDERS Offers cooler, more compoci,
virtuolly noiseless operolion. ond
Require 0 l2V externol lronsformer
weighs only 10.5 ounces. lts dte-
cost metol housing motches the
trocks silhouette. Conforms with
FCC requirements ogoinst rodio,ry
interference, Accommodotes ony

12V lomp from 20w to 75vr

P631 4-30 Wrtte. 2t/s" dio , t%" 6t. P6315-30 White. 2t/a" dio.,2t/2" hl
Lomp 20l75w l2V MR- to Lomp 20l50w l2V l\,1R-i6. Copocily 20-75w
P6314-10 Potshed bross P6315-10 Po rshed bross P8634-30 whiie
P63'14-15 Chrome P6315-15 Chrome P8634-31 Block
P6314-31 Block P6315-31 Block Sizet W-lt/a", H 13//', L-5t/s'.
*ACC: *ACC: E, Fl,
E, Fl. S S

Tronsformers with electro-mognetic
windings offer proven dependobility
They hove thermol protection ond
ore fully insuloted to protecl ogoinst
shorts in the power suppl\a Extruded
oluminum housing,

P6316-30 \Nhfe 2'/e" sa . 2W' fi.

Lomp: 20l50w I 2v tvR 16.
P6316-'10 Pottshed bross
P6317-30 White. 3" dio., 27,"
Lomp. 20l50w l2V tVR-16
P6317- 10 Poltshed bross
hr. ffi: k
P6316-15 Chrome P6317-15 Chrome
P6316-3'l Btock P6317-31 Block Copocityr 20 25w
E, Fl, S E P8631-30 White
P863'l -31 Block
Size \N-2t/e", H-2Vi', L-3V1' .

)? Copociiy: 20 50w
P8632-30 White
P8632-31 Block
size: w 2t/a", H-21/,', L 4)/1'
With buiLt- n
12V ironsformer
PAR-36/46 lcmpholders
dellver h gh efficiency
occent light ng over
ong distonces They
concentrote o controlled
beom of ighi on the
subiect you wont to
occent. A compor son
of beom spreods is
indicoled below

Beom spreod comPorison P6215-30 White. P6216-31 B ock P6278-15 Chrome.

I 2 volt. 5 5 volt l2 vo 1.

6t/," dta.,7" nt 1" dio., 1t/4" hl 1"da.6)/," h|.

Lomp: 50w PAR'36 Lomp 25w PAR-46 Lomo: 50w PAR-36
P62'l5-3'l Block P6216-30 whiie P6278-10 Po shed bross
+Acc: c4. F4
*Accr c4, F4 P6278-30 Wh te
+Acc, c4. F4

I 2V 50w l20V I50w


The P6216 5.5 volt

lompho de[ wh ch
delivers the norrowest,
most intense beom, is tf'^ |
recommended for "long
throw" residentiol ond
commercio cccent
lighting jobs
P6292-30 While. P6324-31 Block. P6379-30 Whlle
l2 volt I2 volt I 2 voli.
5"d0.6"lr1. 5)/? do.. 3%" hI. 5'/4" dto.. 1'/i'nI
Lomo 50w PAR-36 Lomp 75w PAR-36 Iomo: 50w PAR,36
P6292-10 Po ished bross P6324-30 Wh te P6379-10 Po ished bross
*Acc: c4.
B ock
*Acc c4. F4 P6379-l I Anlrque bross
F4 P6379-3i B ock
+Accr 84, c4, F4, H4


Requ res 12V exlernol
tronsformer (shown on *ACC: Accessories
page 195J Refer io Occessory codes Ond order by
colo oq ruroe \ showl or poge 207. Al
'ompl'0ldersro^e -l-e oJlle OoJ. oo0per o'rd
weighted bose shown on poge 203

L0mp wolioges shown Ore mox mum for e0ch

lompho der.

Complete specilic0tiors in Trock Lighting


P6318-30 wh le.
I 2 volt.
,Yi' dio.. 3%" ft.
Lomp: 75w PAR 36
P6318-31 Block
*ACC, c4. F4


A wide selecton of lomps,
occessor es ond uses.

P6260-30 Wh te. Lornohoider

2" dia . 6" h|.
Lornp: ony medtum bose excepl
P6260-10 poiished bross
P6260-15 Chrome
P6260-31 B ock
P8792 Accessory P6280-30 White. Lomohotder
block flex collor 2'dto. 3r; ht Lomp onv
shown on P6280. medium bose -arcent c
P6280-10 Polislied bross
P6280-15 Chrome
P6280-31 Block

)ft, P8754 on P6260. P87 7 2 on P626A . P8793 on P6280. P8794 on P6280.

P8754-30 Whiie Shietd for P8772-31 Block. Sh eld for up P8793- 10 Potshed bross P8794-'15 Chrome Shietd for
75w R 30 lomo. 4ri' dto 4'ht lo 300w R-40 or 250w Q Shield for 50w R 20 or l00w 75w R 30, 250w Q PAR-38 or
P8754-'l0 pblished bross PAR 3B omp 5 /' dro, 5 r' hl. AI9lornps 4t,l'dio 2t,i ht I 00w A l9 lomps. 5%" dio ,
P8754-31 Block P8772-10 Po slred bross P8793-15 Chrome 3%" hl
P8772-30 White P8793-30 White P8794-10 Polished bross
*ACc c4. F4 P8793-31 Btock P8794-30 Whlte
P8794-31 Block

P8779 on P6260 P87B0 on P6260. P8779 on P6280 P8780 on P6280

P8779-30 Wh re. 2b" spot P8780-31 Btock. 80" ftood P8779-31 ock 25' P8780-30 Wh te 80" ftood
'e"ec,or ond cop .o nol l00w
B spot
refleclor ond cop for mox. l00w reflector ond cop lor mo{ l00w reflector ond cop lor mox. l00w
A l9 cleor orp. (60w A-ro-np I
A-l cleor omp. (60w A-lomp I
A I cleor omp. (60w A omp A l9 cleor lomp. (60w A-lomp
eqJols cer'erbeon .otoleoowet equols cenlerbeom coIdlepower equols certerbeom cond epoweT equols cenlerbeom cordlepower
of 75wR30 lomp.)7 do, of 75w R 30 lomp.) 7' dio lompI7'do,
) t !1.1TR-30romp)7"drd
P8779-31 Btock
ht 2t/i hI
ol 75w R 30
2t/i' nl
White P8779-30 While P8780-31 Block

ROUNDBACKS Fosh onoble ond functionol SPRITES Smart styling

P6265-30 White 3" do, 5%" P6242-10 Polished bross. P6253-30 while 5" dlo.. 6%" P62'17-30 whle. 1" dio , 1'A"
hl. Lomp: 50w R 20, Block bollle. 3%" dio., 5%" ht ht. Lomp 75w R-30, ht Lomp 75w R-30,
50w Q PAR 20 or 60w A 19 Lomp. 50w R-20 50w I PAR 30 or l00w A l 9 I 50w R 40 or 250w Q PAR-38
P6265-10 Polished bross 50w I PAR-20 or l00w A-l I P6253-31 Block
+Acc: 84, c4, F4, H4
+Acc, c4, F4
P6265-31 Block P6242-30 Wh te
P6242-31 Block

P6266-30 wh le. Block boff e. P6267-31 Block. Block boffle. P6215-30 Whiie Buiit in l2V P6216-31 Block Built-in 5.5V
4'/;' d o., 6'/," hl. Liln?: 5%"dio, 8%" h|. Lomp: ironsformer. 6'/'" da .1" hl lronsformer 1" dio.. 7'/i' ft.
75w R 30 or l 00w A 19. 300w R 40 or 250w Q PAR-38. Lomor 50w PAR-36. LomD 2 5\t PAR 46
P6266-10 Poished bross P6267-10 Pollshed bross P6215-3'l Brock P6216-30 whrte
*Acc c4. F4 +Acc c4,
P6266-31 Block P6267-30 Whiie F4
*Acc: 84, c4, F4, H4 +Acc Bb, c5, F6, H5

P6273 While. Woll wosher. P6219-3'l Block. Lomp

Auminlm refleclor. 5%" dio .
rololes lor beom odjusiment
9%" ht Lomp l50w R-40 FL. 9%" dio., 8" ht. Lomp
300w PAR 56, 300w PAR 56/2
(cool beom) or 500r,v PAR 64
*ncc cs 16

CYLINDERS The mosi poputar tomphotder styte


P6360-'l0 Polished bross. P6361-30 White. B ock botfe. P6362-31 Block. Btock
Block boffle. 3%" dio., 53/i' hl. boffte. P6288-30 While. 5" dio, 7" ht.
do. 6./s' hl Lomp
4ta" 5% dio., B" hf. Lomp: Lomp: 75w R-30 or
Lomp: 50w R-20, 50w o 75wR30orl00wAt9 300w R 40 or 250w I pAR-38 250w I PAR-38
PAR'20 or l00w A l9 P6361-10 Potished bross P6362-30
P6360-30 Whrre P6288-10 Polished bross
White P6361-31 Blcck +ACC.
85, C5. F6 H5 P6288-31 etocr
P6360-31 Block * ACC 84, C4, F4, H4 *Acc c4, F4 (gow mox

*ACC: Accessories
Reler lo occesso,y- codes 0nd o'der bV cotorog numbe's
shown on page 207. All 'omphorde.s toke rne"oullet oox
0d0pter Ond weigFred bose shown on poge 203
)m Lomp woltoges shown ore m0ximum for eoch lompholder

Complete specificotions in Tr0ck Llghiing cotolog

P6292-30 white. Built in t 2v P6363 Whiie Woll\F- wosher
lronsformer. 5" dio., 6,, ht. Aluminum reflector 5%" dio .
Lomp 50w PAR 36 9%" ht. Lomp: l50w R 40 FL.
P6292-10 Po|shed bross
P6292-31 Btock
*ACc, c4, F4

P6241-l I Ar-iqLe o,oss On o,- P6364-10 Polished bross. 3%,, P6365-30 White. 4%" dio P6366-31 Block. s%" dio.. a,,
swiich. 3" dro 5%,'hi. Lomo: dio. 5rl4" ht Lomp 50w R-20. 6%" ht. Lompr 75w R-30, hl. Lomp: 300w R-40,
50w R 20. 50w a PAR-20 oi 50w O PAR-20 or l00w A-t I 50w Q PAR 30 or I00w A t9 250w O PAR-38 or l 00w A 19.
60w A 19.
P6241-10 potished bross
P6364-l I Antioue bross P6365-10 Potished bross P6366-30 While
.1 P6241-30 White
Whiie P6365-l I Antioue bross *Accr 85, c5, F6, Hb
Block P6365-31 Btocr
*Acc, 84, c4, 14, Hq

The continentol look

P6370-l I Anlique bross 3" P6371-10 Polished bross. P6372-30 White Block boffle
4t/;' dta., 1%" nl Lamp.
dio., 6" ht. LomP: 50w R 20 or Block boffle 3%" dio. 6%" hl.
l00wAl9 I omo: 50w R-20 or I00w A l9 75w R-30 or l00w A 19.
P6370-10 Pollshed bross P6371-30 whrle P6372-10 Polished bross
P6370-30 Whlie P637'|-31 Block P6372-31 Block
*Accr 84, c4, F4, H4
P6370-31 Block

P6373-31 Block. Block boffle P6374-30 White Adjusloble

5%" dio., 9%" ht LomPl socket 5%" dlo., 9%" hi. LomP
., I 50w R'40 or 250w 0 PAR-38
l50w R 40 or l50w PAR 38.
P6373-10 Pollshed bross
' P6374-10 Polished bross
P6373-30 White P6374-31 Block
*Accr *Acc, 85, c5, F6, H5
85, c5, F6, H5

Bare essentiols

P6325-30 White. 2%" d o . P6326-30 Whlte. 2%" dio., P6327-31 B|ock 4" dio,
5%" ht LOmD: 55/75w PAR-16 5 r" hi Lomp 50w PAR 20. 6' ht. Lonp: 50w PAR 30
P6325-31 Block P6326-31 Block P6327-30 Wh te

P6314-30 Whlte. Requires P6318-30 While. Requires P6324-31 Block Buili in l2V P6369-30 whlte. 5" dio.. 7%"
l 2V exlernol lronsformer. 2 /s" exlerrol l2V tronsformer 5%" lronsformer. 5'h" dta., 3%" nl hl Lom0: 250w I PAR 38
dio., I %" hi. Lomp: dio., 3%" hl. Lomp: Lomo 75w PAR 36 P6369:31 B ock
20175w l/R-16. 75w PAR-36 P6324-30 Whire
P6318-31 *Accr c4,
P6314-10 Pollshed bross Block F4
*ACC c4. F4
P6314-15 Chrome
P6314-31 Block
*Accr E, Ft, s

Appealing design


P6375-10 Polished bross P6376-l'l Anl que bross.

Block boffle 4%" dia,6t/2" hl. Block boffle. 5)/i' dia,7t/i' hl. 6%" dio., B%" ht Lompl
Lompr 50w R 20, Ldmp. 75w R 30 or I00w A-l9. I50w R 40, 250w Q PAR 38 or
50w PAR 20 or l00w A-19 P6376-'10 Po shed bross l00w A l9
P6375-'l I Aftrque bross P6376-30 Wh ie P6377-10 Polished bross
P6375-30 Whrte P6376-31 Block
* Acc: 84, c4, F4, H4
P6377-l I Anlroue bross
P6375-31 Block P6377-31 Block
*Accr Bb, c5, F6, H5, R

P6378-l I Aniique bross P6379-31 Block. Bu l-ln l2V

Block boffle Bullt n l2V ironsformer. ock bollle. 5%"
lronsformer 4%" d|o., 7" hl. d0., 7%" hl. Lomp:
Lomp: 50w lllR 16 50w PAR'36.
P6378-10 Polished bross P6379-10 Polshed bross
P6378-30 White P6379-l l Ant oue bross
P6378-31 Block P6379-30 whirb
xAcc: Fl *Acc, 84, c4, F4, H4

Soft, cleon shopes

P6229-10 Polished bross P6230-15 Chrome. 7" dio.. P6231-30 While. 8%" dio .
5%" dlo., 5" hl. Lompl 6%" hi. Lomp 75w R-30 or 7%" hi. Lompr 300w R 40,
50w R 20. l00w A-19. 250w Q PAR 38 or I 00w A I 9.
P6229-'15 Chrome P6230-'10 Polished bross P623'l-15 Chrome
P6229-30 While P6230-30 While *Acc R
*Aoo, R

*ACC: Accessories
Refer lo occessory codes ond order by cotolog numbers
shown on poge 201. All lompholders toke lhe outlel box P6278-15 Chrome Bullt,in
l2V lronsformer. Block boffle. 7"
odopler ond weighted bose shown on poge 203. dio,6%" hl. Lomp:
50w PAR-36.
Lomp wotloges shown ore moximum for eoch lompho der P6278-10 Potished bross
P6278-30 While
Complete specificotions in Trock Lighting c0t0log. *ACC, c4, F4
For troditionol
or contemporory
sett ngs
fl I

P6254-10 Po ished bross P6255-13 B ock chrome. P6256-33 Groy suede, chrome
chrome occenis 21/a' dia, 6t/?' chrome occenis 31/'r" dia .7t/," occenls 4%" d o, 9" hl Lomp
ht Lomp 55 75w PAR 16 hl. Lomp: 50w PAR 20, 50w R 20 75w PAR 30 or 75w R 30.
P6254-i 3Block chrome or 55/75w PAR 16. P6256-10 Po ished bross,
chrome occenfs P6255-10 Polished bross. chrome occenls
P6254-33 Groy suede, chrome chrome occenls P6256- 13 Block chrome.
occenls P6255-33 Groy suede, chrome chrome occents

P6261-10 Polished llross. 4%" P6270 Ook wood lrome on P6290-l IAntque bross 0n olf
do , 6%" hl. Lomp 50w R 20, polished bross. 4" sq., 6r" ht swilch. 3l," d 0., 5%" h1. Lompr
50w O PAR-20 or 60w
P6261-l I
Anl que bross
Lompr 50w R-20 or
50w I PAR'20
50w R 20 or 50w O PAR 20
P6290-10 Potished bross
P6290-30 Wh le

-30 White On off switch P6271-l1 Crystol goss. P627 4 Hand bown green goss. P6276 Hond-blown while g oss
3" dto.,5%" hl. Lomp: 50w R-20, Anllque bross. 6" d 0., 8" hl. Anlique bross trim l0t1 W, " 5 Pol shed bross lr m l0%" W.
50w Q PAR 20 or 60w A-19 Lomp: l00w A 19. hl Lomp: 60w T l0 or 5%" ht. Lomp: 60w T-10 or
P6291-10 Potshed bross P6271-10 Polished bross l00w A l9 l00w A I 9.
P629'l -'l Anlrque bross
P629'l -31 B nck

Lomp wolloges shown ore

mox mum for eoch lornpholder

Comp ele specjflcotions in Trock

Lighling cololog it']|

P6235 Hond blown white P6272 Pollshed bross. 5%"

oloss.Polished bross holder 9" dio. gloss Anique bross holder 9" dio., d o , 9" ht. Lomp 75w R 30 or
9" ht Lomp l00w A 19 9" ht Lomp: l00w A 19. l00w A-19


)o Opticolly engineered

P6358-30 white Froming Froming projeclors shorp y form

projector. Four odjuslob e shu1lers. lhe beom 10 the exoci size ol
Focus ng lens. Requires exlernol orlwork or other 4-sided shopes
l2V lronsformer 3%" sq., 9" hl.
Lomp 75w MR 16.
P6358-31 Btock

P6368 prov des h gh level
uniform light ng of wide
surfoces Fluorescents ofier
woll ldentificot on plus
genero illuminotion,
Other woll woshers, P6273
ond P6363, shown on
poge 198 ond '199.

P6368-31 Block. Tungsten P6385-30 While Fluorescenl P6386-31 Block. Fluorescenl

ho ogen woll woshel 6%" W, 4" with refleclor 9'/;' W., 33/i' sq. w th reflector gh " W, 3%" sq.
sq Lompi 250w T 4 quorlz minj Lornos: Two l3w PL 13. Lomp One l3w PL 13
con, frosled P6385-31 Brock P6386-30 Whrte
P6368-30 Whtte

Addi.liono flexibilty for
I ghting design

P6249 Whiie.
P6248 Whlte. Mini swivel. use G-bu b ho der
os woll wosher in lrough or Use singly or in rows.
behind volonce. 3r/i' dia . 2t/i' hl. Does nol tl I or lofole
Lomp: Any medlum bose A, R, 2" d 0., 3%" hl. Lomp:
PAR or T-10. AnV med um bose G

Accessory odopters
P8734 outlel box odopter.
1\.4ounls ony lompho der nol
requiring on exiern0l lr0nslormer
on woll or ceiling outlet box
White. 5" dio., I %" ht.
P8733 'l2V lronsformer outlet box odoplel. Accomrnod0ies P8747 Weighted bose. P8727 tixlute odoplet. Adopls
0 lomp up to 75w Mounts ony l2V omphoider wlihoui 0 buill-in
lronsformel on w0 | or celling oullei box. Whiie. 5" diO, 2" ht
Adopts onV l20V ompholder, or
l2V omphoLder wilh bu ll n
cord (rnox M. l0
bs ) or cho n-
hung (mox. wl. 25 lbs.) flxlures
lronsformer. For up ghiing from to Trok']. Wh fe. 1t/i' dio. 4'/i'
floor or tob e. 6' cord, plug ond ht.
swiich Wh te. 6t/^" dto., l3/^" hl.

Progress lrock is ovo loble in exocl 2jool, 4 foot
ond 8 foot lengths to slmplifl/ job plonning Track q
con be cu1 on the job if shoirer lengths ore
needed. Trock secilons ore constructed of
extruded olum num wilh f ot, copper conductors
thot provide firm, sure lompholder contocts. The
Polished bross
po ority s of on the trock's foce provides on eosy
gu de for molching connectors ond irock
sect ons in cont nuous runs.
Just'/e" high ond 1/B" wide, Trok-1 is ovailobe
ln four finishes lt s o single circull system
designed lat 120 voI supply wth 20 ompere
copoc ty Su toble for ihe usuol oppl coiions ln Antique bross
resideniio ond commerc o instollotions. Trok 1
ccn be surfoce mounled, recessed or hung from
pendont stems (poge 206).
Progress lrock, lompholders ond occessorjes
ore listed by Underwriters' Loborotor es, ossuring
thot Progress meels or exceeds these notionol
Order power feed seporotey os requ red
Ffsh NLrmber

2Joot lrock. Polished bross P6243-10

24" long Anlique bross P6243-l l
lncludes deod Wh te P6243-30
ond mounling B ock P6243-31
4-foot trock.
48" long
Polished bross
Anlique bross
lncludes deod end Wh te P6244-30
ond moLrnt ng B ock P6244-31
Sjool lrock. PoLished bross P6245- 1 0
96" long Artique bross P6245- t I
lncludes deod end Wh le P6245-30
ond moufling Block P6245-31

Polority guide slot

For commerciol instollotions.. .

PROGRESS SpecTrok" System

For commerciol ond residentiol opplicotions
where the flexibility ond increosed copociiy of
two circuit lrock is importont, select Progress
SpecTrok, SpecTrok offers 20 ompere circuits,
individuolly controlloble. Progress lompholders
Architects, engineers, designers, lighting Progress trock lompholders hove die-cost metol
specifiers ond others who wont technicol dolo on we ght beoring ports which turn only one woy
SpecTrok should osk their Progress Lighting into the trocks metol supports. Lompholders o so
Disiribulor for the Progress Trock cotolog. con be hung os pendonts from Progress
lompholder wonds (see poge 206).


con be nslo
Progress Trok-1 sections led n stroight
':ns ol wh 'e recessod hoLsings.
LenQlh Number
4 F Qnged hous rg P6213
8'Flonged housing 91" P62 t4


)'l Progress plug n connectors el minote onJhe lob w r ng

befreen trock sect ons n stro ght runs, "fl "T'l cross,
squore oncJ "crny ong e" pollerns The conneclors p ug
nto track on y one woy to nsure pos tve po or lol orl

Slroight connectot OTHER ACCESSORIES

P8720-30 whit-"
P8720-31 B ock Deod end closes open ""nd ol lrock
P87l 7- l 0
Polshed brrss
P87l 7-30 wr le
P87l 7-31 B ock

"L" connector Oullet b0x covet lor lecessed lr0ck

P8721 9l gefero y used To fsh 11 ofs
ideft ly pol0rily, orienl conreclor lo P8744
''I shope ond polor 1y grooves
nlersecl where nd coled
A. lns de po or lV
P8721-9130 Whlle
P8721-91 31 B ock
Conopy kil. na !ces mourl ng
B. 0uts de po ority p cle
P8721-8930 wh te Clip mount Flush mounl
P8721-893'l BLcck P8752-30 wh le P8753-30
P8752-31 B ock P8753-3'l

,) 4 slolted outlet box lor susperoed

ce fgs
"T" conneclor P817 0
P8722 9l genero y used To
deft ly po 0rily, 0riefl conneclor lo
T" shope ofd po or ly grooves
rtersect wher rd coled
A. ns de righl po or ty
Suspended ceiling clips. llse lwc
P8722-9130 Wh te
lat 2 at 4' lrock seclio|s Ti]lee lor
P8722-9131 B ock
B' lrrck
B. ns de elt po orily - \{.*
.'-./ P8171
P8722-8930 whle
P8722-8931 B ock

Trock pliers. For 1r rfn ng boik

ooppei cordLrclors wfrer lrock s

.r'. P8789
jS ' cross conneclor
.d P8723-30 ,"
^ l
P8723-31 Bro
lVounting clips. Cofver efl for
urever sL[Ioces Sel ol 3 c]ps
Flex connector. FoT confecl of ol
''ofy ofg e , lrom ce ifg 10 wo I or
of colhedro ce fg Usei!l on 0utlet odopter. Grounaed
ufeven sutloces tofvet eNa{t {iirlel rrornts
P8736-30 WIrite or lrocl 1,,10x 20 onps
P8736-31 B ock P8751-30
206 N TRrcK PffiRESS'


Progress trock occessories provide the Pefdonl k ls 10 hong lrock
lrom higher cel rgs
design versotll 1y requlred to meet the N4oxrmum spocing btweerl
vory ng needs of indiv duol pendonls, 4 feel
insio otions
Cord & plug sel lor lrock where
there s ro oul et box I sjool
cord lnc udes l0 omp swllch
P8724-30 White
P8724-31 Block

"Anywhere" power leed. Snops

rnlo p oce ot ony po ni o ong lhe
irocli Conop!/ h I rqu red Hos B'

I leods lnc udes one P8717 deod

P8730-10 Polshed
P8730-30 whle

P8730-3'l Block wew:'''4_-* P87 r 4-30

K ls lo hong trock 6 , I 2" or lB'
"Anywhere" power leed with %" lrom ce ling
Greenlield conneclor. E rn notes
J box ond conopy Hos 72" of
_t w re. lnc Lrdes one PBT l 7 deod
at Pendonl kil (obovq with Power
end feed ord 24" w re
P8742 Whiie P871 4-30 Wh le
P8714-31 B ock f
Top ond end leed for Romex, %" Pendont kil. aobove) Power leed
Greeniield or l:" ElrlT foi lnc uded
P8746-30 Wh te
P871 3-30 Wh le
P8746-31 B ock
P8713-3'l B ock

Lompholder wonds (ielt for

suspend rq ompholders lrom
T-Bor end feed wllh conopy lrock Wlril
P8760 Wh le P8680-30 tB"
P8681-30 24"
P8682-30 36"
P8683-30 48"

T-Bor power leg converls P8760

io "L' (!se l), 'T" (use 2), cross

\ ttTfJ *nn, P8680-30

,\ Provide your own slem lenglh
tor lrock Conopy ond threoded
corneclor. P8742 w prov de
;::iirii:.iir_: ..-- 72' power leed ('/i AD t|
I PS tubing, 66" mox,
suppld bV others )
P8762 Whrtc


Add color and becm control with
)n occessor es thot fit ndividuol
lompholders os spec fied by code
lellers on the ompholder poges, ond
For P6280 on poge 197.
P8793-10 Poished
P8793- 15 Chi'ome

P8793-30 While
in color on ihis poge. P8793.31 B ock
H4 4%" occessory holder. For R-30, PAR 38 & A 19
Accepts P8660 cube ce I louver P8794- 10 Polrshed bross
ond PB7B3 coior fillers P8794-15 Chrome
P8650 Block P8794'30 While
H5 5%" occessory holder. P8794-31 B ock
Accepts P8661 cube cell louver
ond P8795 color fillers
P8651 Blcck R "A" lomp refleclor. 4" dlo.
lmployes A-lomp perlormonce
C4 4t/;' cube cell louver. un ts specified on lompholder
P8660 Block oooes
FB)07 Polished olum,num
C5 5%" cube cell louver.
P8661 B ock

84 4\/," bon doors. F ts spec f ed
4%" d o. lompho ders. Accepls
P8783 color I llers ond P8660 S Spreod lens for wider
beom Fils
cube cell ouver l2V iompholders os ndicoled
P8678 Block 50w omD moximum

85 5%" born doors. F 1s specif ed
5%" dio lompholders. Accepls
P8795 color fillers ond PB66l E Exlension botfle lor l2V
cube cell louver.

)n os ndicoled 50w
P8679 B ock omo moximlJm
P8777 Brock
82 2" botn doors lor P63l3.
P8778 Block
Color filters.
Lomp shields.
1%" dio. lu MR I6 lompho ders
For P6260. R 30
I2V 50w lomp mox os ind coled
P8754-10 Polshed bross
on ompholder poges
P8754-30 Wh 1e 4%" dio. lot 4r/," dio
P8754-31 Biock lompholders
6" dio. for P6219 ord 5%" d o.
For R-40 & PAR 38
P8772-10 Polshed bross
P8772-30 Wh te
P8772-31 B cck

A-lomp retlectots.
lncludes srlvered lomp cop For Co or Ft I,"" F4Ui' rbo
P6260 ond P6280 on poge 197
Amber P8776-61 P8783-61 P8795-61
Spot 25'
Bue P8776-67 P8783-67 P8795-67
P8779-30 Wh te
P8779-31 BIock
Ruby P817 6-72 P8783-72 P8795-72
Pink P8776-17 P87 83-77 P8195-71
Doy ght Blue P8776-78 P8783-78 P8795-78
Flood 80'
P8780-30 wh Je Green P8776-79 P8783-7S P8795-79
P8780-31 Biock

208 I TNDEX PR)}GREss"
umber Poge rc2977. . 109 P3646. . . 57P3772. . . 6l 1C4223. . . t2 P5002. . . 20 P5267. . r66 rc5624. . 121
TC2978.. r09 P3648. . . 89 P3773. . . 6l rc4224. . . 12 TC5003. . . t0. 143 P5626.. t43
P5217 .
Pt...... t80 TC298r. . . .B P3649. . . 89 P3774. . . 61 P4238. . . 90 P5009... 66 P53t2.. I66 P5627. . 143
P2...... t8o 1C2Sa2. . . .4 P3652. . .83, P3776. . . 87 P4239. . . 90 P50r0... 66 P53r3.. r66 P5633. . 143
P6...... 178 P2983.. 8 . 53
90 TC3780. . TC4255. . .. I P5025... 66 TC5330. . 153 P5636. . r43
P7...... 179 P2984. . 8 P3653. . .83. TC378r... 53 TC4256. . .. I P5035... 75 TC533t.. 153 TC5639. . 126
P8.. .... 175 P2985.. ll8 90 P3782. . . 69 TC4258. . . 30 P5040. . . 66 P5340. . r 55 P5641.. 168
Pro.. .. . 182 P2986.. 8 P3654. . .83. TC3786. . .. 8 TC4259. . . 30 P5041. . . 67 P5341. . 155 P5642. . r68
PI1.....182 P2987. . . 22 90 P3781. . . 81 TC426 t. . . II P5064. . . 67 P5342.. 155 P5643. . 168
P12.. .. . 184 P2988.. l]8 P3655. . . 83 TC3789. . . 52 1C4218. . . 34 TC507t... 65 P5390.. r53 P5644.. 168
Pr3.. .. . tBB TC2990. . . lt P3656. . . 83 TC3794. . . 54 P4295. . . 75 TC5072. . . 65 P539r. . 153 P5645.. 142
P13-277. 188 P2991. . 107 P3657... 83 TC3795. . . 54 P4330. . . 44 P5079. . .46, P5392.. 153 P5646.. r42
P16.. .. . 186 P2992. . 107 P3658. . . 83 TC3796. . . 54 P433 t. . . 44 13 P5648. . 144
P19. . .. . tB4 P2993.. 107 P3659. . . 83 P3805. . . 42 P4339. . . 2t P508r. . . 69 P5402. . 137 P5650. . 140
P20..... 115 P2994. 107
. TC3660... 15 P3813.. I t4 P4340. . . 21 P5082. . . 69 P5403.. 144 P565 t. . 140
P21..... 116 P2995.. 107 P3662. . . 64 P38t8.. |2 P4341...21 TC5089. . . 52 TC5404.. 144 TC5654. . 126
P30. . .. . rB5 P3663. . . 64 P3819. . .46, P4343. . . 47 TC5090. . . 52 P5408.. 145 P5658. . 146
P3r.. .. . 185 P3665. . . 63 112 P4363. .. 64 TC509l. . . 52 P5409.. 146 P5659. . 146
P35..... 178 P3000 P3666. . . 63 P3820. . 2 | P4313. .. 41 P5092. . . 12 TC5410. . 146 P5661.. 145
P36..... 186 l4 P3667. . . 88 P382r... 40 P4314. .. 4l P5093. . . 72 P5413.. r34 P5662. . 145
P37. ... . rB7 l5 TC3668. .. 27 P3822. . . 40 P4375. .. 4t P5094.. . 7l P54i4.. 149 P5663. . 145
P38. . ... 187 t5 P3673. . . 55 P3830. . . 48 P4376. .. 4t Pst 00. . . 72 P5415. . t4l P5665. . 146
P39. ... . 187 t5 P3674. .. 55 P3892... 80 TC4380. .
. 53 P5101. . . 12 1C5417 . . 124 P5670.. t5l
P40. .... tB7 14 P3675. .. 55 P3893. . . 80 TC438l... 53 P5102. . . 12 1C5424..121 P5674. . 169
P4t..... 187 14 P3677. . . 55 P3941. .. 8t TC4382. . . 53 P5103. . . 12 P5425. . 128 P5675. . 169
P42.....181 t5 P3678. .. 55 P3942. . . 8t P4384. . . 39 P5104. . . 73 P5426. . 142 P5678. . 143
Pr07.... r79 14 P3679. . . 55 P4385. .. 39 P5108. . . 7t P5430. . 132 . P5680. 140
P]08. . . . t75 14 P3680. .. 62 TC4386. .. 39 P5 2... 73 P5432. . 133 . P5681. 140
P| 1. .. . 183 l4 P368r. . . 62 P4000 TC4387. . . 38 P51 r 7. . . 70 P5433.. I3r rc5683. . r 25
P130. . . . t8s t5 P3684. .. 62 TC4000. . . t0 TC4388. . . 38 P5121. . . 14 P5436. . 142 TC5684. . 125
Pr35.... l7B l5 P3686. .. 62 P4009. .. 48 P4390. .. 40 P5122. . . 68 P5437. . 148 P5687.. 140
t5 P3687. . . 88 P4010. . . 48 P4393. .. 40 Psr 23. . . 68 TC5438. . r47 P5691. . l7t
14 TC3700. . . 65 P4013. . . 3l P4401. . . 74 P5124. . . 68 TC5442. . l] 9 P5694. . 170
P2000 14 TC370 r. . . 65 P4014. . . 3t P4402. . . 14 Psr 25. . . 68 P5445. . 142 P5695. . I7t
1C2900. .. r0 l4 P3705. . . 88 TC40r6... 23 P4403. . . 14 Psr 26. . . 73
P5446. . 142 P5696.. t7t
rc2902. . . t6 14 P3712... 59 TC4029.... 3 P4406...14 P5121 . . .P5447. . 135
13 P5697. . t 7t
TC2903. .. t3 43 P37i3... 59 TC4030. . . . 3 rc4420. . . 31 P5128. . 68 P5448. . 139
. P5698. .152,
1C2904. . . 28 43 P37t4. . . 58 rc4031.... 2 rc4421 . . . 31 Psr 4r. . 67 P5450. . 140
. 170
P29r3. . . 3l 43 P3715. . . 58 P4035. . . 49 rc4422. . . 31 P5146.. . t8 TC5454. . 126 P5702. . r58
TC29t6... 23 43 P3717. . . 89 P4036. .. 49 rc4423. . . 37 TCsl60.. . t5 P5455. . t47 P5703. . 158
TC29t 9. . . 36 49 P3718... 89 TC4041. . . 28 rc4424. . . 36 P5164. . . 67 TC5460.. 147 P5704. . 158
TC2920. .. 36 49 P3719... 58 rc4048. . . 25 rc4476. . . 29 P5202. . 161 P5465. . 149 P5705. . 158
rc2921.... 7 11 P3720. . . 90 TC405 r. . . 34 rc4477 . . . 29 P5203. . 167 P5476. . 136 P5706. . 158
rc2922....1 17 P372r. . . 90 TC4052... 35 1c4478. . . 29 P5204. . 167 P5478. . 142 P5710. . t7t
P2930. . . 44 l1 rc3724. . . A2 P4057. . . 23 P4490. . . 48 P5205. . 167 TC5483. . 125 P57|.. 171
17 rc3725. . . 82 TC4061. . . 33 P4497 . . . 48 P5206. . 167 P5488. . 130 P5713..124
P2935. . .42, 11 1C3726....7 TC4063. . . 26 P4520. . . 75 P5207. . 167 P5490. . r38. P5114..124
49 l1 P3729. . . 59 rc4067 . . . 2l P4522. . . l5 P5208. . I67 t 5t P57 t5. . t4t
P2936. . .42, t8 P3730. . . 53 TC4081.... 8 rc4523....7 P5209. . 167 P5496. . I23 P57r 6. . t4t
49 l8 P373t. . . 59 rc4082....4 TC4524.... 6 P5210.. 167 P5497. . 123 rc5717. . 124
P2937. . . t9 ]B P3737. . . 63 TC4083. . . . I TC4538. . . 32 P5219.. 167 P5498. . 122 TC57i8.. 124
TC2938. . . 32 84 P3738. . . 63 P4085. . . 45 TC4539... 32 P5220. . 163 P5510.. 152 P57t9. .
88 P3739... 63 P4086. . . 45 TC4557.... 5 P522r. . r63 P55l l. . 152 P5720. . 144
P2940. . . 48 85 P3740.. . 60 P4097. . . 45 TC4558. ... 5 P5222. . t63 P5512. . 152 rc5722. . 121
P2941 . . .45, 85 P3741. . . 60 tc4102... t6 P4569. . . 42 P5229. . 163 P5515.. t4l 1C5723. . 120
12 84 P3742. . . 60 TC4t03.. . l3 P4579. . . 46 P5233. . 167 rc5524. . 121 1C5724. . 121
P2942. . 12 8l P3744. . . 59 TC4104... t7 P4590. . . 85 P5234. . 162 P5526. . 129 P5727. . 151
P2943. . t2 BI P3752. . . 88 TC4r05... t7 P4605... 86 P5235. . I62 P5550.. 140 P5729.. t5t
P2949... 40 8l P3753. . . 88 P4107. . . 15 P4607. . . 86 P5236. . 162 TC5554. . 126 P5730. . 133
P2950... 40 85 P3755.. . 90 P41 i 9. . . 46 P4630. . . 85 P5237..162 P5588. . r 30 P5731. . 133
rc2952. . 35 . t3 P3756. . . 87 P4146...18, P4667. . . 86 P5240. . 155 P5589.. tst P5732.. t3t
TC2953... 26 84 rc3757. . . 82 l9 P4672. . . 86 P5241.. 155 P5590.. lst P5733.. t3t
TC2954. . . 21 t3 TC3758. . . 82 TC4t6l... t4 P480t. . . 86 P5242. . 155 P5598. . r 52 P5734.. l3t
TC2955... .9 88 TC3759. . . 82 P4187. . . 22 .P4855. . . 86 P5243. . I55 P5602. . 152 P5735. .r 38.
P2956... BI l2 P3760. . . 6l P41a8. . . 22 P4942. . . 86 P5245.. 165 P5603. . I52 t52
P2957. . . 8l 85 P3761. . . 6t P4190. . . 43 P4944. . . 86 P5246.. 165 P5604. . 152 P5737.. 148
TC2958. . . .5 t8 P3762. . . 60 P4t9l... 43 P496r. . . 86 P5241..165 P5605. . r 35 P5738.. 148
TC2959... 30 IB P3765. . . 63 P4192. . . 42 P4962. . . 86 P5250. . 155 P5606. . 139 P574r. . r 68
TC296r . . . 33 t8 P3766. . . 5t P4193. . . 43 P4963. . . 86 P5251.. 155 P5608.. 135 TC5742. . r t9
P2968. . . 46, 84 P3767. . . 5r P4194. . . 49 P4964. . . 86 P5252. . t55 P56r3.. r34 P5744. . 150
t6 TC3768. . . 50 P4 t95. . . 49 P497r. . . 86 P5253. . I55 P5614.. 134 P5745. . 150
t6 P3769. . . 89 P4r 96. . . 47 P5264.. 166 P5616. . 152 P5774. . 169
t6 P3770. . . a2 P4213. . . 13 P5000 P5265.. 166 P5617. . 152 P5782. . 138
P3771 ...82 P4217 ...14 P5001 . ..20 P5266 . . 166 P5620 . .135 P5783 . . .89

P5784.. 138 P6215. .196, P6375. . 201 P6612. .17 5, P6983. . r 87 P7214...95 P8675. .r 75. P8730.206
P5785. . . 89 r98 P6376. . 20r 116,178,119 P6984. . I87 P7215. . . 96 179. r 83 TC873r. . 153
P579i. . t7t P6216..t96, P6377. . 20t P6673. .175, P6985. . 187 P7216. . . 95 P8676. . t62 TC8732. 153
P5795.. I7t t98 P6378. . I 94, 178 P6986.. tB7 P1217. . . 96 P8677 . . 162 P8733.. 203
P5797.. I7t P6217.. r98 201 P6674. . 175, P6987.. 187 P7218. . . 95 P8678. . 201 P8734.. 203
P5802. . 137 P6219.. l98 P6379. .I96, 178 P6995. . t85 P72r9... 95 P8679.. 207 P8735. . I tB
P5803. . r 37 P6229. . 201 201 P6676. . r75. P6996. . r85 P7220. . . 95 P8680.. 206 P8736.. 205
P5805. . 137 P6230. . 201 P6385. . 203 176, 118, P7222. . 95 . P8681 . 206 TC8738... 25
P5814. . 149 P6231. . 201 P6386.. 203 179 P7225. . 96 . P8682. . 206 P8741. . t69
P58r5.. 149 P6235. . 202 P6398.. . Bt P6678. . 175, P7000 P1226. . 96 . P8683. . 206 P8142. . 206
P5818. . 150 P6237. . 202 P6399. . . 8l 176, 178, P7000.. 101 P1221. . . 96 P8684. . t62 P8744..205
P5819. . 150 P6241. . 199 P6412. . 180 179 P7002.. t0t P7228. . . 96 P8685.. r 65 P8146..206
P5820.. I50 P6242. . 198 P6414. . t8o P6679. . 176, . t0t
P7004. P7229. . . 96 P8687.. t9l P8141..203
P582r.. r50 P6243. . 204 P64t6.. t80 179 . t0t
P7005. P7230.. . 98 P8688 . rgt P8748. . 153
P5822. . 140 P6244. . 204 P6600. . r 82 P6682. . I76, . tot
P7006. P7231. . . 98 P8689.. r9r P8751. . 205
P5823.. r38 P6245. . 204 P660r. . 182 179 P7007.. l0t P1232. . . 98 P8690. . t65 P8752 . 205
P5824. . t38 P6248.. 203 P6603.. 182 P6687. . r83, P7008. . t0t P7233. .. 98 P8691. . 165 P8753..205
P5825. . r 38 P6249. . 203 P6607.. 182 187, 188 P7009. . t0l P7234. . . 98 P8692. . 165 P8154.207
P5826.. 146 P6253.. r98 P66r 0. . r84 P6690. . 183 P7010.. t0t P7235.. . 98 P8693. . r 65 P8760.. 206
P5827.. 140 P6254. . 202 P661 i. . 184 P669i. . 183, P70l l. . t0't P7236.. . 98 P8694.. 165 P8162. . 206
P5828.. 140 P6255. . 202 P6614.. 182 187, 188 P70t2.. tot P1231. . . 98 P8695. . 165 P8767.. t70
P5830. .
132 P6256. . 202 P6615.. t83 P6692. . 182, P7014. . l0l P7238. . . 98 P8696. . 165 P8769..206
P5831.. 132 P6260. . r 97 P66r6. . r83 r87. t88 P7015. . t0t P7239. .. 98 P8700. . r 80 P8110..205
P5832. . 132 .
P6261 . 202 P6618. . I 75, P6693. . r83 P7016. . t0l P7241. . . 98 TC870r...r0. P8111. . 205
P5833. . 132 P6265.. r98 178 P6694. . I 82, P7 t00. . . 77 P7243. . . 96 12 P8172..207
P5834.. 132 P6266.. 198 P66t 9. . 175, 188 P7101. . . 11 P7244. . . 96 P8703. . 169 P8173. . )15
P5842.. t3t P6267.. 198 178 P6699.. 184 P1102...77 P1245.. 96 P8706. .I t6. P8775..207
P5843. . t3t P6268. .. 8r P6620. .175, P6705.. tB2 P7103. .. 78 P7241. . . 96 lt8 P8716..201
P5845. .139. P6269. . . 8r 178 P6714. .183, P7104. . . 78 P7248. . . 96 P8707. . 201 P8117. . 201
t5l P6270. . 202 P662i..183, 187 P7105.. . 11 P7249.. . 96 P8710. . I 69 P8178..2A7
P5846. . 139 P6271. . 202 t87, 188 P6715. . 182, P7106...17 P7250 .. 96 P87l L . 169 P8179 .247
P5847. . 139 P6212. . 202 P6622. . r 83, t88 P7101. . . 18 P1251. . . 96 P8713. . 206 P8780..207
P5865.. r49 P6273. . r 98 188 P6716. . 183, P7108. . . 77 P7253. .. 96 P8114..206 P8783. . 201
P5866.. 149 P6214..202 P6623. . 183, r88 P1109...l1 P7273. .96 P8716.. t80 P8789. 205
P5875. . 138, P6216. . 202 IBB P6717. . 183, P7110. 103 P7274. . . 96 P8717. . 205 P8791. .176,

)to P5876. . 136

P5877. . 136
t5t P6278. . I96.
P6280. . 197
178, t79
P6625. . 182, P6124.
P67r8. . 183
P7| 1. . 103
. )A4 P7t 13. . 79
P1216. . . 96
P1211. . . 96
P8719.. 175
. 2A5
. 205
P5879. . r 36 P6288. . r99 r88 P6125. 184 P7123. . . 79 P7278. . . 95 P8122. . 205 P8794. . 247
P5880. . 135 P6290. . 202 P6630.. 180 P6127. . 184 P7124..103, P7279...95 P8123. . 205 P8195. . 241
P5881. . 135 P6291. . 202 P6631. . 180 P6735. . 183. 170 P7280.. . 95 P8724. . 206 P8797. . 169
P5895. . . 5r. P6292. . I96. P6636.. 186 187. 188 P1125. . . 19 P7302. . r 58 P8726. t53 P8798. . 169
122 199 P6637. . r86 P6736.. t84 P7126...19 P7303. . r 58 P8127 . .203 P8799. 169
P5896. . r 23 P6309.. 194 P6639. . r86 P6776.. t89 P7128.. 103 P7304. . 158
P5897. . 123 P631 1. . 194 P6640. . 180 P6777. . r89 P7129 . 103 P7305. . I58 "TC" coto og numbers ore
P5898. . t22 P6313.. r94 P6641.. tB0 P6781. . 189 P7t30. . 103 P7306. . 158 irom the Progress Town &
P5925. . r 29 P63t 4. . I95. P6642.. 185 P6782. . t89 P7l3t. . 103 P7312.. 104 Counlry Co lecllon
P5926.. 129 200 P6643.. 185 P6793.. 189 P7t32.. t03 P7316.. r04
P5921. . 129 P63r 5. . 195 P6644. . t8s P6794.. 189 P7133.. 103 P7329. . 105 Bulbs nol included wilh
P5928. . r 28 P63t6.. 195 P6646. . 185 P6798. . t8g TC7t 34. 3, 78 P7333. . I05 fixlures !nless spec I ed.
P5929. . 128 P6317.. 195 P6647. . 185 P6800. . 163. P7r36.. . 79 P7353. . .83, Spec ficol ons subjecl 10
P5930. . 129 P63r 8. . I96. P6652. .176, 190 P7131. . . 79 104 chonge w lhoul notice
P5960.. t5l 200 179 P680r. . r 63, P7',t42. . . 80 P7359. . .83,
P5962. .138, P6656. . 186 lllustrotions moy vory
P6324. .I 96, ts0 P7t43. . . 80 104 slighily from ocluol coiors
t5l 200 P6657. . 186 P6816.. 190 P7147 . . 102 P7364. . 105
P5966.. tsl P6325. . 200 P6660. . r 76, P6817. . 190 P7148. . 102 P7367. . 105 Meiol I xtures not specified
P5988.. r30 P6326. . 200 118, t19 P68r8.. 190 P7149..lO2 P7370.. 105 os "solid" hove quo ily
Ps989. . 130 P6327. . 200 P6661. . t78, P68r9. . r90 P7156. . 103 P7372..104 po nled or ploted fin shes
P5990.. r 30 P6358. . 203 179 P6820.. 190 P7157.. 103 P7373.. 104
P599r.. r30 P6359. . 203 P6662. 76,
.r P6821.. t90 TC7159...r5. P7375. t04
P6360.. 199 178, 179 P6824. . r90 1B P7376. t04
P6361. . 199 P6663. .175, P6900. . 186 P7181.. r05 P7383. . 170
P6000 P6362. . r 99 116, 118, P690t. . 186 P7t82. . 105 P7397. . I05
P6000.. tct P6363.. 199 179 P6903.. 186 P7183. . 100 P7399.. 170
P6005. . tgt P6364.. 199 P6664. .I75, P6912. . 180 P7184. . 100 P7400.. t7l
P6006. . r9r P6365.. 199 176,118,119 P6916. . 180 P7185. . t00 P7401.. t7t
P6007. tgt
. P6366.. 199 P6666. . I 75, P6917.. tB0 P7186.. 100 P7402. . 171
P6008. tgt
. P6368.. 203 176, 179 P692r. . 180 P7t87.. 100 P7408. . 111
P6009. tgt
. P6369. . 200 P6668. . I 75, P6922.. P7t9l..
180 170 P7410.. t7l
P6010. t9t
. P6370. . 200 r76. 179 P6952.. tB0 P7192..170 P7500 .. 92
P6018.. t9t P6371. . 200 P6669. . r 76, P6973.. 184 P7 t96. . 100 P7501. . . 92
P6019.. t9t P6312. . 200 179 P6974.. t84 P72|. . 189 P1502. . . 92
P6213. . 204 P6373. . 200 P6671..176, P6975.. 184 P7212. .95 P7503. .. 92 Tmk(s) G)
P6214 . .204 P637 4 . .200 179 P6976..t80 P7213 .. 95 P7504 . . .92 Pr nled n ll S A.

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