Ims Iso 9001 Iso 14001 Ohsas 18001 All in One Package
Ims Iso 9001 Iso 14001 Ohsas 18001 All in One Package
Ims Iso 9001 Iso 14001 Ohsas 18001 All in One Package
o Step by Step Workbook *and PowerPoint Presentations on how to
create an integrated IMS Solution
Power Points on all three management systems with quizzes and student
guides Plus Integrating PPT
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001:2007
Street Address
In the footer for the procedures, instructions, forms and attachments required for the integrated
Quality, Environmental and OH&S management system, a single Blue Icon indicates a
document that is specific to ISO 9001, a single Green Icon indicates a document that is
specific to ISO 14001 and a single Yellow Icon indicates a document that is specific to
OHSAS 18001.
Your Company developed and implemented an integrated Quality, Environmental and
Occupational Health and Safety Management System in order to document the companys best
business practices, better satisfy the requirements and expectations of its customers,
stakeholders and improve the overall management of the company.
Quality Manual
The Quality Management System of Your Company meets the requirements of international
standard ISO 9001:2008. This system addresses the design, development, production,
installation, and servicing of the companys products.
The quality manual is divided into eight sections that correlate to the Quality Management
System sections of ISO 9001:2008. Each section begins with a policy statement expressing
Your Companys obligation to implement the basic requirements of the referenced Quality
Management System section. Each policy statement is followed by specific information
pertaining to the procedures that describe the methods used to implement the necessary
This manual describes the Quality Management System, delineates authorities, inter
relationships and responsibilities of the personnel responsible for performing within the system.
The manual also provides procedures or references for all activities comprising the Quality
Management System to ensure compliance to the necessary requirements of the standard.
This manual is used internally to guide the companys employees through the various
requirements of the ISO standard that must be met and maintained in order to ensure customer
satisfaction, continuous improvement and provide the necessary instructions that create an
empowered work force.
This manual is used externally to introduce our Quality Management System to our customers
and other external organizations or individuals. The manual is used to familiarize them with the
controls that have been implemented and to assure them that the integrity of the Quality
Management System is maintained and focused on customer satisfaction and continual
Environmental Manual
The Environmental Management System of Your Company meets the requirements of the
international standard ISO 14001:2004 and addresses the environmental issues associated with
Your Companys activities, operations, services and products.
Additional environmental manual information is provided in a separate section that follows the
Quality section of the manual.
Occupational Health and Safety Manual
The OH&S Management System of Your Company meets the requirements of the international
standard OHSAS 18001:2007 and addresses the health and safety issues associated with Your
Companys activities, operations, services and products.
Additional OH&S system and manual information is provided in a separate section that follows
the Environmental section of the manual.
President: Date: ____________
8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
Your Company continually improves the effectiveness of the integrated quality,
environmental and OH&S management system through the use of the quality,
environmental and OH&S policies, relevant objectives, audit results, analysis of data,
corrective and preventive actions and management review.
8.5.2 Corrective action
Your Company takes action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities in order to prevent
recurrence. Corrective actions are appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities
encountered. A documented procedure QEH-QP-852 defines requirements for
Reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints),
Determining the causes of nonconformities,
Evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur,
Determining and implementing action needed,
Records of the results of action taken, and
Reviewing corrective action taken.
8.5.3 Preventive action
Your Company determines action to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities in
order to prevent their occurrence. Preventive actions are appropriate to the effects of the
potential problems. A documented procedure QEH-QP-853 defines requirements for:
Determining potential nonconformities and their causes
Evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrence of nonconformities
Determining and implementing action needed
Records of results of action taken
Reviewing preventive action taken
QMS Section 8 - Related Documents
QEH-AP-500, Management Responsibility
9SP-720, Customer Related Processes
9AP-821, Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Customer Satisfaction
QEH-QP-822, Internal Audits
9MP-824, Monitoring and Measuring of Product and Realization Processes
QEH-WI-824-001, Incoming inspection
9QP-830, Control of Nonconforming Product
QEH-QP-852, Corrective Action
QEH-QP-853, Preventive Action
Implementation Workbook
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001
Management Systems
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
This 3-in-1 implementation workbook is suitable for use with the ISO 9001:2008
Quality, the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental and the OHSAS 18001:2007
Occupational Health and Safety standards for management systems.
This ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 implementation workbook becomes a
project management tool and is intended to make your project as organized as
possible when executing a set of tasks in the sequence that they are normally
required on the journey to multiple certifications.
The Workbook:
The workbook is presented in three sections where the Tasks and Exercises are
introduced, initiated and completed. You will find that your workbook can be used
and marked up to develop and detail the information required for each task and
However, since more than one person will be involved in the project, the workbook
forms that represent tasks and exercises are provided in word format for distribution
to the staff that will be participating and providing inputs.
The workbook is best utilized with the implementation training tools as provided in a
series of ppt presentations that match the workbook sections.
The presentations become very effective tools that the Management Representative,
as the project manager, can use to keep the momentum moving toward a target
registration date.
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001
Management System
Section 1
Refer to the flow diagrams (ref Task 11) showing your plant operations to assist with
the location and identification of areas that need attention.
The examples outlined below do not list all the possible items for assessing
manufacturing facilities. A better checklist is one that covers your specific needs.
Comments / OK = X=
Observations Under Needs
Control Attention
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001
Management System
Section 2
Responsibility: Management
QMS-EMS-OHS Steering Team
QMS-EMS-OHS Support Team
For the preparation phase in Section 1, management identified the QMS-EMS-OHS
steering team. For the development phase this Section 2, the Steering Team and the
Support Team work together to complete the assigned tasks for workbook section 2.
This section helps you prepare for the project and continue to put together the
project plan and timeline.
Task 15: Steering Team a. Manage the EMS aspects and impacts
Training Options are available, where for example and under the direction of the
Management Representative:
2. Use the workbook over several workshop sessions and have your personnel
identified as members of the Steering Team and the Support Team go
through the Task 14.a exercises as a group and have questions and concerns
3. The above 2 options are more suited for small and medium size companies.
In larger companies, the Management Representative schedules the training
over a longer period of time where one exercise at a time is completed.
Training can be spread over a period of 4 to 6 weeks where one topic /
requirement of ISO 9001 is examined at a time.
A typical schedule can be confirmed as:
Oct 1 Clauses 4.1 4.2 Exercise B Date confirmed: _________ by: _______
Assessment of Impacts
Additional questions
To prove that the organization Does what it says it
does, what records are completed for this section?
Observation/Comments Results
4.2 OH&S policy
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