Ims Iso 9001 Iso 14001 Ohsas 18001 All in One Package

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ISO 9001-14001-OHSAS 18001 All In One Certification Package


Documentation - A complete IMS Manual,*including:

o 50 Procedures in MS Word which are integrated to save duplication

between the standards

o Over 75 Forms covering the required records of all three standards

o Step by Step Workbook *and PowerPoint Presentations on how to
create an integrated IMS Solution

o ISO 9001 Implementation Training

o Gap Checklists for Quality, Environment and Health & Safety
o Initial Environmental Review

Power Points on all three management systems with quizzes and student
guides Plus Integrating PPT

o Understanding ISO 9001

o Understanding ISO 14001
o Understanding OHSAS 18001
o Integrating ISO 9001-ISO 14001-OHSAS 18001*

ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Employee Training*

o Web based training with audio, quizzes and Certificate of Completion

Internal Audit Checklists

o ISO 9001 QMS

o ISO 14001 EMS
o OHSAS 18001 OHSMS*

Internal Auditor Training Materials for all three standards

o ISO 9001 Quality Audits*

o ISO 14001 Environmental Audits
o OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Audits

Employee Newsletters to keep the organization updated on progress of

ISO 9001:2008


ISO 14001:2004


OHSAS 18001:2007




Type Your Company Name

Street Address

City, State Zip


Copyright 2010

This manual is to be used as a template in developing your Manual for the integrated
ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environmental and OHSAS 18001 Occupational health and
safety management system.
Review the text:
Replace the text to match your Quality, Environmental and OH&S system requirements.
Insert any other available information that would further enhance the company
introduction, (preferably electronically).
At a minimum, the blue text should be replaced with your information. Your Company indicates
that you should use your company name in that spot.
Use replace function enter Your Company in find space, enter your company name in
replace space system should make changes throughout the entire document.
In the header, replace the ISO store name with your Company name and logo.
In the footer of the manual, the inclusion of the Blue-Globe, the Green-Recycle and the
Yellow-Triangle Icons indicates that the document is relevant to the ISO 9001, the ISO 14001
and the OHSAS 18001 standards.

In the footer for the procedures, instructions, forms and attachments required for the integrated
Quality, Environmental and OH&S management system, a single Blue Icon indicates a
document that is specific to ISO 9001, a single Green Icon indicates a document that is
specific to ISO 14001 and a single Yellow Icon indicates a document that is specific to
OHSAS 18001.

Copyright 2010

The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

Your Company developed and implemented an integrated Quality, Environmental and
Occupational Health and Safety Management System in order to document the companys best
business practices, better satisfy the requirements and expectations of its customers,
stakeholders and improve the overall management of the company.
Quality Manual
The Quality Management System of Your Company meets the requirements of international
standard ISO 9001:2008. This system addresses the design, development, production,
installation, and servicing of the companys products.
The quality manual is divided into eight sections that correlate to the Quality Management
System sections of ISO 9001:2008. Each section begins with a policy statement expressing
Your Companys obligation to implement the basic requirements of the referenced Quality
Management System section. Each policy statement is followed by specific information
pertaining to the procedures that describe the methods used to implement the necessary
This manual describes the Quality Management System, delineates authorities, inter
relationships and responsibilities of the personnel responsible for performing within the system.
The manual also provides procedures or references for all activities comprising the Quality
Management System to ensure compliance to the necessary requirements of the standard.
This manual is used internally to guide the companys employees through the various
requirements of the ISO standard that must be met and maintained in order to ensure customer
satisfaction, continuous improvement and provide the necessary instructions that create an
empowered work force.
This manual is used externally to introduce our Quality Management System to our customers
and other external organizations or individuals. The manual is used to familiarize them with the
controls that have been implemented and to assure them that the integrity of the Quality
Management System is maintained and focused on customer satisfaction and continual
Environmental Manual
The Environmental Management System of Your Company meets the requirements of the
international standard ISO 14001:2004 and addresses the environmental issues associated with
Your Companys activities, operations, services and products.
Additional environmental manual information is provided in a separate section that follows the
Quality section of the manual.
Occupational Health and Safety Manual
The OH&S Management System of Your Company meets the requirements of the international
standard OHSAS 18001:2007 and addresses the health and safety issues associated with Your
Companys activities, operations, services and products.
Additional OH&S system and manual information is provided in a separate section that follows
the Environmental section of the manual.
President: Date: ____________

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Date printed 10/18/10 2:01 PM

The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

4.2 Documentation Requirements

4.2.1 General
The QMS documentation includes:
A documented Quality Policy and Quality Objectives
This integrated Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual
Documented Procedures
Documents identified as needed for the effective planning, operation and control
of our processes, and
Quality Records
The EMS documentation includes:
A documented Environmental Policy and Objectives
This integrated Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual
Documented Procedures
Documents identified as needed for the effective planning, operation and control
of our processes, and
Environmental Records
The OH&S documentation includes:
A documented OH&S Policy and Objectives
This integrated Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual
Documented Procedures
Documents identified as needed for the effective planning, operation and control
of our processes, and
OH&S Records
4.2.2 Quality, Environmental and OH&S manual
This Manual has been prepared to describe Your Companys integrated Quality,
Environmental and OH&S management system. Each section of the manual references
documented procedures and instructions relating to the requirements outlined in that
4.2.3 Control of documents
All of the QMS, EMS and OH&S documents are controlled according to the procedure,
QEH-AP-423 for document control.
The procedure defines the process for:
Approving documents for adequacy prior to issue
Reviewing and updating as necessary and re-approving documents
Ensuring that changes and current revision status of documents are identified

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The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
Your Company continually improves the effectiveness of the integrated quality,
environmental and OH&S management system through the use of the quality,
environmental and OH&S policies, relevant objectives, audit results, analysis of data,
corrective and preventive actions and management review.
8.5.2 Corrective action
Your Company takes action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities in order to prevent
recurrence. Corrective actions are appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities
encountered. A documented procedure QEH-QP-852 defines requirements for
Reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints),
Determining the causes of nonconformities,
Evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur,
Determining and implementing action needed,
Records of the results of action taken, and
Reviewing corrective action taken.
8.5.3 Preventive action
Your Company determines action to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities in
order to prevent their occurrence. Preventive actions are appropriate to the effects of the
potential problems. A documented procedure QEH-QP-853 defines requirements for:
Determining potential nonconformities and their causes
Evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrence of nonconformities
Determining and implementing action needed
Records of results of action taken
Reviewing preventive action taken
QMS Section 8 - Related Documents
QEH-AP-500, Management Responsibility
9SP-720, Customer Related Processes
9AP-821, Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Customer Satisfaction
QEH-QP-822, Internal Audits
9MP-824, Monitoring and Measuring of Product and Realization Processes
QEH-WI-824-001, Incoming inspection
9QP-830, Control of Nonconforming Product
QEH-QP-852, Corrective Action
QEH-QP-853, Preventive Action

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The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

This section of the

Integrated Quality, Environmental and
Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Covers the
ISO 14001:2004
Management System

This section incorporates the requirements that are specific to

ISO 14001:2004 and the common requirements of
OHSAS 18001:2007 that are integrated in the
ISO 14001:2004 EMS.

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The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

Section 4.3 Planning

4.3.1 Identification of Environmental Aspects
Your Company establishes, implements, documents and maintains a system to identify
environmental aspects and related impacts that the company can control or have
influence over, and determine those which are significant to the company. A consistent
risk analysis process is used to determine the significance of the impacts.
The EMS procedure 14AP-431 is used to assist the company identify how its activities,
products, and services affects the environment by identifying the aspects, setting the
priorities for them, using the EMS to manage, control, improve upon the impacts and
continually improve the system.
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements
Your Company establishes, implements, documents and maintains a system to explain
how the information regarding its legal and other requirements is obtained, and how it
makes that information known to relevant functions within the company and incorporated
into the integrated EMS and OH&S system.
The EMS-OHS procedure EHAP-432 is used to identify the legal and other
requirements, and to determine if these requirements have significant environmental and
health and safety impacts.
It follows that high significance impacts and high risk items identified (with the above
4.3.1 and 4.3.2) become candidates for environmental and OH&S programs (4.3.3
below) and OH&S and environmental programs are candidates for operational controls
(4.4.6 below).
4.3.3 Objectives, Targets, and Programs
Your Company establishes, implements, documents and maintains a system to ensure
that the objectives and targets are incorporated into the integrated EMS and OH&S
system. The objectives and targets are consistent with the management system policies,
which includes the commitments to compliance with legal and other requirements,
continual improvement, prevention of pollution, and prevention of injuries and ill health.
The EMS-OHS procedure EHAP-433 is used to describe the process of setting the
objectives and targets to achieve the commitments in Your Company Environmental and
OH&S policies. In addition, consideration is given to significant environmental aspects,
OH&S risks, legal and other requirements, views of interested parties, technological,
financial, and business issues when deciding what is to be accomplished as an
objective. The objectives and targets exist at relevant functions and levels of the
company, and where practical are measurable.
The EMS procedure 14MP-434 describes the development of the environmental
programs required to achieve the objectives and targets, and provides for the process of
developing action plans for those identified environmental programs.
Environmental programs that result focus on the three basic pollution prevention needs
associated with:
The Water we drink, the Air we breathe, and the Earth we inhabit

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Date printed 10/18/10 2:01 PM

The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

This section of the

Integrated Environmental and OH&S Manual
Covers the
OHSAS 18001:2007
Occupational Health and Safety
Management System

This section incorporates the requirements that are specific to the

OHSAS 18001:2007 OH&S standard.

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The 9000 Store ( QMS-EMS-OHS-001
Quality, Environmental and OH&S Manual

Section 4.3 Planning

4.3.1 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls
Your Company establishes, implements, documents and maintains a system to identify
health and safety hazards, assess risks associated with them and determine the
necessary controls. A consistent risk analysis process is used to identify hazards,
assess risks, determine controls, implement controls, monitor & review and manage
As introduced in this OH&S section 4.3.1, the OHS procedure 18AP-431 is used to
assist the company identify how its activities, products, and services affect health and
safety by identifying the hazards, setting the priorities for them, using the OH&S system
to manage, control, improve upon the performance and continually improve the system.
It follows that high priority hazards identified become candidates for OH&S programs
(4.3.3 below) and these are candidates for operational controls (4.4.6 below).
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements
Your Company establishes, implements, documents and maintains a system for
identifying and accessing the legal and other requirements that are applicable and to
explain how the information regarding its legal and other requirements is obtained.
As introduced in the EMS section 4.3.2, the EMS-OHS procedure EHAP-432 is used to
identify the legal and other non legal requirements to which the company subscribes,
and describes how the information is made known to relevant functions within the
company and incorporated into the integrated EMS and OH&S management system.
4.3.3 Objectives and Programs
Your Company establishes, implements, documents and maintains a system to ensure
that the objectives and targets are incorporated into the integrated EMS and OH&S
system. The objectives and targets are consistent with the management system policies,
which includes the commitments to compliance with legal and other requirements,
continual improvement, and prevention of pollution, and prevention of injuries and ill
As introduced in the EMS section 4.3.3, the EMS-OHS procedure EHAP-433 is used to
describe the process of setting the objectives and targets to achieve Your Companys
environmental and health and safety commitments and objectives.
As introduced in this section of the OH&S manual, the OHS procedure 18MP-434
provides for the development of the OH&S programs required to achieve the objectives
and targets, and provides for the process of developing action plans for those identified
OH&S programs.
Programs that result focus on the fundamental health and safety needs to control OH&S
risks and improve OH&S performance. The implementation of OH&S programs is
effected with the use of typical action plans and instructions where the responsible
personnel, benchmarks, milestones and dates, and measurements of success are
identified for:
18WI-434-010 prevention of injury,
18WI-434-020 prevention of ill health and

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The 3-in-1

Implementation Workbook


ISO 9001

ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001

Management Systems

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 1

The Three-in-One Implementation Workbook Integrating
the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management


Workbook cover page

Workbook contents page

Section 1

The Preparation Phase

Section 2

The Development Phase

Section 3

The Implementation and Registration Phase


This 3-in-1 implementation workbook is suitable for use with the ISO 9001:2008
Quality, the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental and the OHSAS 18001:2007
Occupational Health and Safety standards for management systems.

The workbook is best utilized with implementation training tools as provided in a

series of ppt presentations covering the three sections.
Visit for the presentation package that matches the
workbook sections.

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 2

The Three-in-One Implementation Workbook Integrating
the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management
Comments and Instructions:

Congratulations on the management decision to implement the integrated

ISO 9001:2008 quality, ISO 14001:2004 environmental and OHSAS 18001:2007
occupational health and safety management systems. This commitment and your
participation say a lot about you and show that you are interested in learning, in
growing, and in improving your business.

This ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 implementation workbook becomes a
project management tool and is intended to make your project as organized as
possible when executing a set of tasks in the sequence that they are normally
required on the journey to multiple certifications.

An important first activity or prerequisite as the integrated Quality, Environmental

and Health and Safety program is launched, is for the QMS-EMS-OHS Management
Representative to become as familiar as possible with the workbook format and

The Workbook:

The workbook is presented in three sections where the Tasks and Exercises are
introduced, initiated and completed. You will find that your workbook can be used
and marked up to develop and detail the information required for each task and

The Workbook Forms:

However, since more than one person will be involved in the project, the workbook
forms that represent tasks and exercises are provided in word format for distribution
to the staff that will be participating and providing inputs.

The Workbook Presentations:

The workbook is best utilized with the implementation training tools as provided in a
series of ppt presentations that match the workbook sections.
The presentations become very effective tools that the Management Representative,
as the project manager, can use to keep the momentum moving toward a target
registration date.

Good Luck with this important initiative.

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 3

Building the Integrated

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001

Management System

Section 1

The Preparation Phase

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 4

Section 1 The Preparation Phase
Responsibility: Management
QMS- EMS-OHS Steering Team
QMS-EMS-OHS Support Team
(Quality/Environmental/OH&S Team)
Top management must identify the QMS-EMS-OHS steering team for the integration
of the quality, environmental and health and safety project.
It should be made up of managers from the different areas of the organization.
The purpose of this team will be to allocate resources and assign responsibilities for
the project tasks as well as providing leadership for the program. Members of the top
management should be included on the team.

In support of the QMS-EMS-OHS steering team, the QMS-EMS-OHS Support Team

is selected to function as a combined Quality/Environmental/Health & Safety Team
Once the QMS-EMS-OHS steering team and the QMS-EMS-OHS support team are
in place, the teams can work together to complete the assigned tasks for the
workbook section 1. This section helps you prepare for the project and put together
the project plan and timeline.

Task 1: Management Describe your company

Task 2: Management Choose the Management Systems

Task 3: Management Obtain the latest Standards

Task 4: Management a. Select the Management Representative

b. Select the QMS-EMS-OHS Steering


Task 5: Steering Team Prepare an Organizational Chart

Task 6: Steering Team Establish the QMS-EMS-OHS Support


Task 7: Steering Team Conduct First Team Meeting

Task 8: Support Team a. Formulate the Quality Policy & Objectives

b. Formulate the Environmental Policy

c. Formulate the OH&S Policy

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 5

Task 12.d Perform the Initial OH&S Review Plant Workplace
The current position with regard to health and safety as related to the plant-
manufacturing workplace is established by means of an initial review and
recorded from the review areas / questions tabled below.

Refer to the flow diagrams (ref Task 11) showing your plant operations to assist with
the location and identification of areas that need attention.
The examples outlined below do not list all the possible items for assessing
manufacturing facilities. A better checklist is one that covers your specific needs.

Reviewed by: Date:

Comments / OK = X=
Observations Under Needs
Control Attention


Is training provided for each person newly

assigned to a job?

Does initial training include a thorough review of

hazards and accidents associated with the job?

Is adequate instruction in the use of personal

protective equipment provided?

Is training for the use of emergency equipment


Are workers knowledgeable in the "Right to

Refuse" procedures?


Are resources available to deal with very hot or

very cold conditions (drinking water, lined gloves,
insulated boots)?

Is the rain gear that is provided comfortable, and

light enough so as not to constitute a hazard?

Are work surfaces and grip surfaces safe when


Do workers know the symptoms of heat cramps,



Are repetitive motion tasks properly paced and

kept to a minimum?

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 49

Building the Integrated

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001

Management System

Section 2

The Development Phase

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 60

Section 2 The Development Phase

Responsibility: Management
QMS-EMS-OHS Steering Team
QMS-EMS-OHS Support Team
For the preparation phase in Section 1, management identified the QMS-EMS-OHS
steering team. For the development phase this Section 2, the Steering Team and the
Support Team work together to complete the assigned tasks for workbook section 2.

This section helps you prepare for the project and continue to put together the
project plan and timeline.

Task 14: Steering Team a. Provide ISO 9001 training -

Exercises A thru F

b. Provide ISO 14001 training -

Exercises A thru E

c. Provide OHSAS 18001 training -

Exercises A thru E

Task 15: Steering Team a. Manage the EMS aspects and impacts

b. Manage the OH&S risks Office

c. Manage the OH&S risks Plant

Task 16: Steering Team a. Identify applicable QMS regulations

b. Identify the EMS legal and other


c. Identify the OH&S legal and other


Task 17: Steering Team a. Maintain a register of regulations - Quality

b. Maintain a register of legal and other

requirements - Environmental

c. Maintain a register of legal and other

requirements Health and Safety

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 61

Task 14.a Plan the training and review Clauses 4 thru 8 of
ISO 9001:2008
You will have to become familiar with the requirements of ISO 9001.
This means that you will have to read and perhaps re-read the different
sections of the publication and get some training to help you understand the

Training Options are available, where for example and under the direction of the
Management Representative:

1. Use this QMS-EMS-OHS workbook and have your personnel identified as

members of the Steering Team and the Support Team go through the
Exercises B through F at Task 14.a on their own and bring questions and
concerns to the weekly Team meetings.

2. Use the workbook over several workshop sessions and have your personnel
identified as members of the Steering Team and the Support Team go
through the Task 14.a exercises as a group and have questions and concerns

3. The above 2 options are more suited for small and medium size companies.
In larger companies, the Management Representative schedules the training
over a longer period of time where one exercise at a time is completed.
Training can be spread over a period of 4 to 6 weeks where one topic /
requirement of ISO 9001 is examined at a time.
A typical schedule can be confirmed as:

Oct 1 Clauses 4.1 4.2 Exercise B Date confirmed: _________ by: _______

Oct 8 Clauses 5.1 5.6 Exercise C _________ by: _______

Oct 15 Clauses 6.1 6.4 Exercise D _________ by: _______

Oct 22 Clauses 7.1 7.6 Exercise E _________ by: _______

Oct 29 Clauses 8.1 8.5 Exercise F _________ by: _______


Prepared by: ___________________________ Date: _____________

Rev. 0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 64

Task 15.a Option 2 Manage the Environmental Risks

Risk Analysis Guide


Identification of Environmental Aspects,

Assessment of Impacts

And Determination of Controls

For Clause 4.3.1 of ISO 14001

Rev-0 Copyright2010 Lorne Duquette Distributed by 105

OH&S Internal Audit Checklist

4 Occupational Health and Safety

Management System

4.1 General requirements Observation/Comments Results

Has the organization established and maintained an
Occupational Health and Safety Management
System in order to fulfill the requirements of clause 4
of the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard?

Has the organization defined and documented the

scope of the OH&S system?

Are the boundaries to which the OH&S system

applies clearly defined?

Are all activities, products and services within the

scope addressed by the OH&S system?

Additional questions
To prove that the organization Does what it says it
does, what records are completed for this section?

Observation/Comments Results
4.2 OH&S policy

Has top management defined, documented,

authorized and implemented the OH&S policy?

Is the OH&S policy aligned with the defined scope of

the OH&S system?

Does the policy express commitment to comply with

legal and other requirements which relate to the
health and safety matters/risks?

Does the policy include the commitment to the

prevention of injury and ill health and the continual
improvement in OH&S performance?

Does the policy provide for a framework to set &

review objectives, targets and OH&S programs?

Has the policy been communicated to persons

working for or on behalf of the organization?

Is it available to the public?

Is the policy reviewed periodically?


OH&S Audit Conducted by: ____________________________________ Date: _________ Page 2



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