2.8 Calculation and Load Schedule 2.8.1 Calculation: MM AT 7.6 AT 30.9

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8 Calculation and load schedule

2.8.1 Calculation
Example 1
H1A have lighting 1 piece 0.43 A, receptacle 2 pieces 180 VA
and volt 230 V.
Soln S1 = 0.43 X 1 X 230 = 98.9 VA
S2 = 180 X 2 = 360 VA
ST2 = S1 + S2 = 458.9 VA
H2A have lighting 4 pieces 0.43 A, receptacle 4 pieces 180 VA
and volt 230 V.
S1 = 0.43 X 4 X 230 = 395.6 VA
S2 = 180 X 4 = 720 VA
ST1 = S1 + S2 = 1115.6 VA
Finding circuit-breaker
Stotal = ST1 + ST2 = 458.9 + 1115.6 = 1,574.5 VA
I = V = 230 = 6.85 A
S 1574.5

Choose the size of wiring is 4 mm2

6.85 34
AT 1.1

7.6 AT 30.9

Choose 20 AT can be durable by 16 A.

Example 2 Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop have lighting 10 pieces 0.43 A, receptacle 6 pieces
180 VA, air conditioner 2 pieces 7.5 A and volt 230 V.
S1 = 0.43 X 10 X 230 = 989 VA
S2 = 180 X 6 = 1,080 VA
S3 = 7.5 X 2 X 240 = 3,450 VA
ST2 = S1 + S2 + S3 = 5,519 VA
I = V = 230 = 24 A
S 5519

Choose the size of wiring is 6 mm2

24 44
AT 1.1

26.66 AT 40

Choose 32 AT can be durable by 25.6 A.

Example 3 Zone A
1. Calculation of wire size
Zone A Load = 22,03.6 VA ( PEA.230/400 )
3 : S = 3 VI , so I = 3XV

= X 0.75 = 24.8 A

Spare wire size by 25 % = 24.8 X 1.25

= 31 A
So Icable > 31 A
1.1 Due to the cable is outdoor wiring so using aluminium
1.2 Using the method by wiring on the insulator in air with
horizontal pillar. (Reference from E.I.T standard 2013 page 5-
From table 5-61: Wire size = 25 mm2. , Current rating = 86
Icable > 31 A 86 > 31 A

So choose wire size 25 mm2

2. Calculation of voltage drop
Zone A From table 3.15 (Reference from wire table THW- A
at temperature 80 degree)
RL= 1.465, XL= 0.106, P.F.= 1, Wire length 300 m
RL=1.465 X 300
= 0.4395
XL=0.106 X 300
= 0.0318
3I(RL cos +XL sin )
U3 =

= 400

U3 = 6.049%

3. Calculation of circuit breaker

Zone A Isource

35.318 Ibreaker 78.18

So use circuit breaker 40AT 50AF

4. Calculation of Icu
Zone A Transformer 100kVA, Po= 320 W, Pk= 1,750 W
Pk 1750
URT = = 100 = 1.75%
SN 103 100k

RT Uo 2 1.754002
R T = 100S 3 = = 0.028
N 10 100100k

= 2 2 = 62 1.752 = 5.739%

2 5.7394002
= 100 3 = = 0.0918
10 100100

3((0.028+0.26)2 +(0.0918+0.0303)2 )

= 0.738 > 0.738

= 2.406 > 2.406

So choose Icu= 6000A, Ics= 0.5 Icu

Use circuit breaker 40 AT 50 AF Icu= 6kA, Ics= 0.5 Icu

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