Self-Medical Analysis Using Internet-Based Computing Upon Big Data
Self-Medical Analysis Using Internet-Based Computing Upon Big Data
Self-Medical Analysis Using Internet-Based Computing Upon Big Data
Today it has become a necessary thing for the people to stage. And it is also easy to produce self-attend service
analyze their health themselves under urgent situations of due to huge and daily increase of medical and diagnosis
the modern world. The people can have self medical data. A big data issue arises here due to increased
analysis by themselves by comparing the similar patients amount of large amount of data in various formats. Due to
record. This can be done through big data where similar the vast features available in internet-based computing
past records of patients history are available. Self-attend over big data area.
service using big data paves way to challenges including
highly stable and flexible medical record retrieval, data 2. Preliminary definitions
study as well as the protection of confidential information
of the patient. Here in this paper, we propose an Internet- 2.1 Medical Record
based computing structure for implementing a self-attend
service named Self-Medical Analysis to address the above Basically, a medical record which is produced
mentioned challenges. To support highly stable and electronically, has three tuple (i.e.,) EMR (Electronic
flexible medical record retrieval, data study and privacy Medical Record)[6][7] which is patient record, patient
protection a Lucene based distributed search array is profile and clinical data.
implemented. Moreover, to increase medical record
retrieval a hadoop array is implemented for the storage of 2.1.1 Patient record
data in offline and index building. The implementation of
self medical analysis is discussed, where similar data of It generally contains the general information about
previous medical records and the structure of symptoms of the person like name, age, gender, etc.
the disease are obtained, so that it will be useful for the
user to identify the exact type of disease they are affected 2.1.2 Patient profile
with. At last a structure is implemented to illustrate the
flexibility and effectiveness of our proposal. It contains the previous medical history of the
patient about the medical data of previous surgery,
Keywords: DCN, Hadoop, Internetbased computing, disease, transfusion and as well as allergic history.
Lucene, self-attend service;
2.1.3 Clinical data
1. Introduction
It contains detailed information symptom,
Why Internet-based computing is used upon big data? patient complaint, present history, analysis result,
treatments and so on which are related with a
A strategy taken by World Health Organization patients each visit to a health-care analyzer.
addresses that there are 75% of people[1] among world
population who are in Suboptimal Health Status (SHS), 2.2 Hadoop
also known as the third state (i.e.,) neither sick nor
healthy. Among them an extensive part of people would Hadoop[8][9] is an open source software framework
take notice of preventing the disease and civilize which is an Internet-based computing is used for
themselves about the disease with the data in the previous operating applications on commodity hardware. It finds a
medical records of the patient[2][3][4]. To fulfill the demands creative way of storing and processing information. It
of SHS groups, self-attend service should be designed to consists of two main components:
create knowledge on precautions of diseases at the earlier
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Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2017, ISSN No.: 2348 8190
3. Related Articles
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 15
Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2017, ISSN No.: 2348 8190
concurrent and flexible online retrieval of previous The therapeutic records are mostly stored in XML file
medical records, data analysis and privacy protection systems and mostly in related records of database
functions. To increase the retrieval of medical record, a management system. By lucene structure, the therapeutic
Hadoop cluster is adopted for offline data storage and records are transferred into the lucene data files. On
index building. applying the operations such as join and dump the
structured therapeutic records are transformed into the
Particularly, the implementation of the Self- Lucene records.
analysis service consists of four steps. Firstly, a user
submits a query associated to their disease information. 5.3 Online distributed search array
Then medical records which matched the users disease
symptoms, gender and age are retrieved in Step 2. With The major components of this online distributed
retrieved medical records, data analysis is processed in search array are load balancer, messenger array and search
Step 3, to compute a disease-symptom structure, which node array, data study array and access control array.
matches the relations among diseases with common
symptoms. At last, private information in the medical 5.3.1 Load balancer
records is filtered according to an access control policy.
Therefore, the disease-symptom structure, as well as The load balancer is a hardware interface for self
medical records with private information about the user is attending service. Receiving the query from the user the
returned to users, which provide a detailed analysis basis load balancer transfers the query to the messenger by
for users to have a primary analysis by themselves. selecting its rules. The selecting rule is usually dependent
on the user hardware.
5. Self-attend service with structured array
5.3.2 Messenger array
In this paper, a arrayed structure is put to
appliance for self-attend service. The disease is The messenger array is responsible for both data study
determined by the users through a sign of illness. The array and the access control array. Receiving the user
references for self-attend service are provided with related query form the load balancer the messenger will set a node
medical records. In our daily life self-attend services has to search the data from therapeutic records. When the
become more and more substantial, particularly under the therapeutic records are returned then it gets merged with
urgent situation of global ageing. the data study node from the data study array to build a
sign of illness disease lattice. Before returning the records
5.1 Outline of self-attend service with structured array the sign of illness disease lattice and the therapeutic
records are accessed to get the filtered results of secured
The structured array consists of two main array they data of therapeutic records.
are online distributed search array and offline Hadoop
array. 5.3.3 Search node array
The online distributed search array is designed to
transform the end users query in a highly coexisting and The search node array is generally elastic and scalable.
scalable order. The load balancer are included from the
online distributed search array to search the nodes that are 5.3.4 Data study array
used for obtaining therapeutic records. The data study
array is designed to create a sign of illness lattice. An From the given end-users query, the set of sign of
access control array is used to filter the results of secrecy illness is incomplete due to the end-user imperfection
data that are obtained from the user. The load balancer and knowledge on therapeutic data. Relating to the therapeutic
the messenger balance the end-users query. records, the disease category and the sign of illness is
An offline Hadoop array is used for storing the data extracted.
that are retrieved from the user and the index building is
also used. The HDFS is used for storing the data and the 5.3.5 Access control array
MapReduce is used for index building.
The end-user uses the access control array to filter the
5.2 Shared data storage illustrative secured data from the therapeutic records that are given by
the user.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 16
Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2017, ISSN No.: 2348 8190
The end user submits the user query that blend with
his or her illness data. Receiving the query related with the
set of sign of illness, the server will forward the query to a
secured messenger from the end user.
The messenger selects a set of searched nodes that Fig.2. Framework of the prototype design
are similar to the therapeutic records submitted by the
In the above mentioned diagram, the hadoop array
consists of eighteen nodes. Each node is built with two
Intel(R) Quad Core E5620 Xeon(R) processor each at 2.4
6.3 Data study
GHs and 24 GB RAM. A 2TB disk is seated. The array is
From each search node on receiving the related processed under Redhat Enterprise Linux Server 6.0, Java
therapeutic records the messenger will match the searched 1.6.0 and Hadoop-[15]. At the same time, 21 PCs
results and forward the results to the cloud data study for operating under Ubuntu 9.0, Java 1.6.0 and Lucene-4.5.1
data analyzing[12][13][14]. The node on data study will are constructed for query inquiry dealing of users in
generate a sign of illness for disease lattice related with the online, in search array. A 3*6 search matrix can be
therapeutic records that are retrieved. performed by search node array consisting of 18 PCs. The
6.4 Filtering the results of secrecy data other 3 PCs implements the performance of a messenger
array, a data analysis array and a access control array. A 2
The secured data of the patient in the therapeutic Intel E5400 2.69 GHz processors, and 2GB RAM is
records are filtered according to the control of the target built inside each P .All performance are made using Java
user. and for index building and for query processing of the
online user, standard Hadoop MapReduce API and Lucene
7. Estimation API is implemented, accordingly.
Here, to explain the flexibility and adaptability of our 7.2 A real-time example of self-attend service
scenario, a prototype system is modeled and the real-time
example is presented. The flexibility of the Lucene-based A real-time example is shown to example how a
distributed search array is estimated with some self-attend service is provided for the user. Consider Jack
experiments, explicitly. An example is explained for a is ill and he has the symptoms of hyperpnea and tickle
clear understanding about how can a self-attend service in throat. So, he tries to get some knowledge about his
can be done effectively. disease to know in which department of the hospital he
should make an appointment in advance. Specifically, the
7.1 Prototype Model self-attend service falls under the following steps:
At present, for self-attend service we have used internet- Step-1 Compliance of query
based structure. For offline storage of data and index building, a
separate and intimate Hadoop array is adopted and twenty-one
First and foremost, he visits the homepage of the
PCs are built into a Lucene-based distributed search array in the
Internet-based structure, for introducing the performance of the
service to produce all the information of his disease. To
query processing made by the online users. provide necessary information for the users to access the
self-attend service, the list of normal disease-symptoms
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