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Player Pets:

Rearing Wild Animals and Training Domesticated Animals

Jensen Toperzer

W hat do you do when a player decides they want their character to own a pet? The simple
solution is to have them play a Beastmaster ranger or an arcane spellcaster who can cast find familiar,
but what if a character of a different class finds an animal they wish to keep as a pet? Perhaps they dont
want the hassle of dipping into a class with a built-in pet, but still want some mechanical benefit to
having an animal around. Maybe your player hasnt found such an animal, but theyve expressed interest
in their character having some sort of animal companion. These rules allow player characters of all
classes to adopt pets of their very own, while ensuring that rangers animal companions and spellcasters
familiars remain more potent options.

EN World EN5IDER| Player Pets

Eligible Animals can be found semi-domesticated by monsters, such
as wolves with goblins, or hyenas with gnolls.
Pets must be beasts of 1/4 challenge rating or These animals can be re-trained as adults to be loyal
lower and an intelligence of 3 or lower, with the to a party member.
exception of the warhorse. A creature must be Domesticating a wild animal uses a variant of
trained before it can be effective in combat. A wild the optional loyalty rules for NPCs. An animals
creature must be domesticated before it is trained. loyalty score is on a scale from 0 to 20. An animals
Finding the right place and person to purchase an maximum loyalty is equal to the Wisdom score of
animal from can be difficult; while the average its owner. Wild animals start at loyalty 0. Animals
human or elven city will have horses, cats, and trained by monsters start at loyalty 5.
dogs for sale, finding a pre-trained giant lizard or To domesticate an animal, a player must make
flying snake may be difficult in some campaign one Animal Handling check. The Animal Handling
settings. That said, a town in a deep jungle or check has a DC of 10 + the animals HD. Success
swamp may well have such creatures for sale, while means that the animals loyalty increases by one
an underground city may sell giant fire beetles to point. Failure means that loyalty does not increase;
dungeon delvers. Similarly, in some far northern failure by more than five means that the animals
climates, there might be domesticated elk for sale, loyalty decreases by one point. Dealing damage
but this is rare. to an animal, pushing an animal beyond its limits,
frightening an animal, or failing to feed or care for
an animal lowers an animals loyalty by 1 point per
Care and Feeding day.
An animal that reaches loyalty 10 is domesticated
Each pet adds 1 sp/day per size category to and loyal to its trainer. The animal will now follow
lifestyle expenses. For example, a Tiny rat only its owner to the best of its ability. It will not obey
costs 1 sp/day, while a Large warhorse requires 4 commands more complex than follow, nor will
sp/day. An owner can hunt food for their animal, or it enter a dangerous situation of its own volition.
the animal can be trained to hunt for itself, halving If an animal is forced into a dangerous situation,
the cost. The remaining cost represents other types it will cower until the danger passes. If the owner
of care, such as medicine, shelter, and toys. When was the one who deliberately led the animal into
training a domesticated animal to perform actions the situation in question, the pets loyalty score
on command, the base lifestyle cost doubles. Thus, decreases by 1 point.
if you were teaching your Tiny rat to take the
Perform action (described below in the Non-Combat
Actions section), it would cost and additional 1 sp/ Training an Animal
day as long as you were teaching your rat. This
A pet owner can continue to build loyalty with
cost represents things like extra treats and supplies.
Domesticating a wild animal increases the cost an animal after it has been domesticated; this allows
to 1 gp/day per size category. A Medium wolf, the animal to be trained. A trained animal can take
actions when commanded. Most commands must
for instance, costs a full 3 gp/day to domesticate.
be verbal, though hand signals can be used if the
This cost reflects the increased price of keeping
animal has line of sight to its owner.
the animal safely contained, and the comparatively
Every point of loyalty beyond 10 allows you
larger amounts and more exotic types of food a wild
animal requires. to teach an animal one additional action that it is
physically capable of performing. If an animal
becomes owned by someone with a Wisdom score
Domesticating an Animal lower than 10 + the number of skills the animal
knows, the animal does not forget any of its known
A wild animal must be reared from infancy to actions.
become domesticated. Sometimes, wild animals

EN World EN5IDER | Player Pets

Non-Combat Actions Investigation check to find secret doors,
traps, corpses, unusual features (a strange
These are some examples of actions and tricks sound, smell, etc.) or food.
a pet can learn. A pet cannot be commanded to Track. The pet makes a DC 10 Wisdom
act in combat unless it has been trained in combat (Survival) check. On a success, it grants
actions. advantage to its owners Survival check to
Guard. The pet watches an area and track an individual or creature.
performs an action specified by their A Rangers animal companion, Paladins
owner if someone enters the area, such mount, or spellcasters familiar can automatically
as alerting its owner or attacking. If the do anything on this list that it is physically capable
intruder attempts to sneak in, compare of doing.
their Dexterity (Stealth) check against the
animals passive Wisdom (Perception) Combat Actions
score to determine if they are detected.
Harness. This pet can be harnessed to a Pets with combat training obey your
cart or plow, allowing it to carry larger commands as best they can. They take their turns
objects or work on a farm. on your initiative. A pet can be commanded
Hide. The pet takes the Hide action. to move without using an action, but all other
Hunt. The pet makes a DC 10 Wisdom commands require an action on your part. You may
(Survival) check. If it succeeds, it finds use your action to command your pet to Attack,
small game native to the region, and brings Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help, if it has learned
its prey back to its owner. those combat actions. Each combat action learned
Intimidate. The animal makes a DC counts towards the maximum actions a pet can
10 Charisma (Intimidation) check. If it learn. Pets without combat training will cower
succeeds, the pets owner gains advantage or hide until combat is over. If a player character
on all Intimidation checks they make this is riding their pet, the pet cannot take the Attack
round. action.
Light Source. The pet carries a light
source for the party. The pet can be
commanded to walk 10 feet in ahead of
or behind its owner. If the pet is naturally
bioluminescent, it does not need to carry a
light source.
Messenger. The pet can carry a message or
object to a destination or recipient. The pet
must be familiar with either the recipient
or the destination in order to deliver the
Mount. The pet can be ridden if it is at
least one size category larger than its rider.
Perform. The pet may aid an owners
Performance check by making a DC 10
Charisma check. If the pet succeeds, the
owner gains advantage on that Performance
Search. If the pet succeeds at a DC 10
Wisdom (Perception) check, the pets
owner gains advantage on a Perception or

EN World EN5IDER| Player Pets

Example Pets & Abilities
This is a table of example pets. Many other type. Not all trained animals know all the actions
animals could exist in your campaign that fit these in their action lists when purchased. For example,
requirements, such as small monkeys, dinosaurs, a riding dog would probably know how to act as
ostriches, and the like. You may also choose to a mount, but might not know how to perform.
make exceptions for more powerful animals such Known actions can be determined by where the
as elephants, griffons, hippogriffs, pegasi, or animal is purchased, or randomly generated. A
dragon wyrmlings. GM can determine that a given animal can learn
Each animal is listed with their size and an action not listed.
challenge rating. Animals that can be purchased Animals that cant be trained simply cannot
have prices. Each animal has a list of suggested learn instructions, by their very nature. They can
actions that animal can learn, based on the animal still be successfully domesticated.

Can Be Purchased Trained

Animal Size CR Average Price Possible Known Actions
Hunt, Perform, Messenger
Hawk Tiny 0 25 gp
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge,
Mount, Harness, Perform, Intimidate, Light
Camel Large 1/8 50 gp Source (must be tied to the animal somehow)
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Guard, Hunt, Perform, Search, Track, Light
Source, Harness, Mount, Messenger, Hide,
Mastiff Medium 1/8 25 gp Intimidate, Light Source (can be carried in
mouth or tied to the body)
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help
Harness, Mount, Perform, Light Source
Mule Medium 1/8 8 gp (must be tied to the animal)
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Harness, Mount, Perform, Light Source
Pony Medium 1/8 30 gp (must be tied to the animal)
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Flying Snake Tiny 1/8 25 gp Messenger, Perform, Hunt, Hide
Harness, Mount, Perform, Light Source
Draft Horse Large 1/4 50 gp (must be tied to the animal)
Attack, Disengage, Dodge, Dash
Harness, Mount, Hunt
Giant Lizard Large 1/4 75 gp
Attack, Disengage, Dodge, Dash
Harness, Mount, Perform
Riding Horse Large 1/4 75 gp
Attack, Disengage, Dodge, Dash
Harness Mount, Perform, Intimidate
Warhorse Large 1/2 400 gp Attack (can attack while mounted),
Disengage, Dodge, Dash

EN World EN5IDER | Player Pets

Can Be Purchased Domesticated (generally do not have training when purchased)
Name Size CR Average Price Can Be Trained?
Frog Tiny 0 1 cp No
Giant Fire Beetle Small 0 1 gp Light Source
Goat Medium 0 1 gp Perform, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Lizard Tiny 0 1 cp No
Rat Tiny 0 0 (Free!) Messenger, Guard, Hide, Perform, Search, Track
Weasel Tiny 0 1 sp Messenger, Hide, Perform
Messenger (can speak simple phrases of one
Raven Tiny 0 1 sp language), Perform
1/8 Hide, Perform, Hunt, Attack, Dash, Disengage,
Cat Tiny 1 sp
Messenger, Guard, Hide, Perform, Search,
Giant Rat Small 1/8 2 cp
Track, Hunt, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Perform, Guard, Hunt, Mount
Giant Weasel Medium 1/8 1 gp
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Giant Frog Medium 1/4 1 gp Perform, Guard, Harness, Intimidate

EN World EN5IDER| Player Pets

Never Found Domesticated
Name CR Can be trained?
Badger 0 Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Bat 0 Messenger
Constrictor Snake 0 Intimidate
Crab 0 No
Deer 0 Hide, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Hunt, Perform, Messenger, Intimidate
Eagle 0
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Hyena 0 Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Jackal 0 Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Perform, Hide, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Octopus 0
Owner must be able to issue commands underwater
Owl 0 Hunt, Messenger, Hide, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Sea Horse 0 No
Scorpion 0 No
Spider 0 No
Vulture 0 Hunt, Messenger, Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Poisonous Snake (1/8) Intimidate
Blood Hawk (1/8) Hunt, Messenger, Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Axe Beak (1/4) Harness, Mount, Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Giant Badger (1/4) Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Giant Bat (1/4) Mount, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Boar (1/4) Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Elk (1/4) Harness, Mount, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Giant Centipede (1/4) Intimidate
Giant Crab (1/4) Intimidate
Giant Poisonous Snake (1/4) Intimidate
Giant Wolf Spider (1/4) Mount, Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge
Hide, Hunt, Perform, Track, Intimidate, Attack, Dash, Disengage,
Panther (1/4)
Hunt, Perform, Track, Search, Messenger, Intimidate
Wolf (1/4)
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge

Author - Jensen Toperzer

Editor - James Haeck

Artists - Jen Tracy, Savage Mojo

Layout - Justin Buell

EN World EN5IDER | Player Pets

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