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*** 2006 ***

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06





Welcome .........................................................................................................................1
This Competency Unit .....................................................................................................1
Before you start ...............................................................................................................2
Planning your learning programme ..................................................................................2
Self-Assessment Checklist ...............................................................................................3
How to use this Learner Guide.........................................................................................4
Using the Computer and Other Resources........................................................................5
Method of Assessment.....................................................................................................5
Quality Assurance ...........................................................................................................6

Element 1: Follow hygiene procedures....................................................................................7

Self-Assessment Checklist .............................................................................................22

Element 2: Identify and prevent hygiene risks......................................................................23

Self-Assessment Checklist .............................................................................................30

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06





Welcome to the Learner Guide for Unit of Competency Follow Workplace Hygiene
Procedures. This is just one of a number of Learner Guides produced for the skills
stream of the Hospitality Industry, and it is designed to guide you, the learner, through a
series of learning processes and activities that will enable you to achieve the specified
learning outcomes for the competency unit.

The content of this guide was developed from the Competency Standard
THHCOR0041A, which is one of the basic building blocks for the National Vocational
Qualification of Jamaica (NVQ-J) certification within the industry. Please refer to your
Learners Handbook for a thorough explanation of standards and competencies, and how
these relate to the NVQ-J certification.

You are also advised to consult the Competency Standard and assessment instrument for
a better understanding of what is required to master the competency.

This Competency Unit

Follow workplace hygiene procedures addresses the knowledge and skills

requirements to effectively follow workplace hygiene procedures. There are two main
areas or elements:

Element 1: Follow hygiene procedures

Element 2: Identify and prevent hygiene risks

As you go through each element, you will find critical information relating to each one.
You are advised to study them carefully so that you will be able to develop the necessary
knowledge, skills and attitudes for following workplace hygiene procedures.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 1


Before you start

Before you start this Learner Guide, you need to:

a. Obtain a Learners Logbook. You will use it to record evidence of your new
skills/competence. As you demonstrate your new skills, record your activities and
have your learning facilitator sign off on them. This will allow you to provide
evidence of your competence when you are being assessed against the competency

b. Ensure that you have access to the facilities and equipment necessary for learning.

c. Ensure that your learning resources are available.

d. Ensure that you are wearing suitable clothing, that tools and equipment are safe, and
that the correct safety equipment is used.

e. Plan your learning programme (see below)

f. Understand how to use this Learner Guide (see below)

Planning your learning programme

The self-assessment checklist on the following pages will assist you in planning your
training programme and it will help you to think about the knowledge and skills needed
to demonstrate competency in this unit. As you go through each one you will be able to
find out which aspects of the elements you have already mastered and which ones you
already have and which you will need to pay more attention to as you go through the
learning process.

To complete the self-assessment checklist, simply read the statements and tick the Yes
or No box. You should do this exercise now.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 2


Self-Assessment Checklist
- Follow workplace hygiene procedures

Element 1 Follow hygiene procedures Yes No

1. I can follow workplace hygiene procedures in accordance

with enterprize standards ( ) ( )

2. I can complete handling and storage of all items in

accordance with enterprise standards and proper hygiene
practices ( ) ( )

Element 2 Identify and prevent hygiene risks Yes No

1. I can identify and deal with potential hygiene risks

appropriately ( ) ( )

2. I can take action to minimize or remove risks within the

scope of individual responsibility ( ) ( )

3. I can report hygiene risks beyond the control of individual

staff members promptly to the appropriate person for follow
up ( ) ( )

How did you do?

If you ticked all or most of the Yes boxes, then you might not need to go through the
entire guide. Ask your learning facilitator to assist you in determining the most
appropriate action you should take.

If you ticked a few of the Yes boxes or none at all then you should work through all of
the guide, even though some of the material may be familiar to you.

Plan your learning based on your answers. Be sure to involve your learning facilitator in
the planning process.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 3


How to use this Learner Guide

This Learner Guide is designed to assist you to work and learn at your own pace.

We suggest that you:

Go through the sections/elements as they are presented (starting at Section 1)

Check your progress at each checkpoint to ensure that you have understood the

Observe the icons and special graphics used throughout this guide to remind you of
what you have to do and to enhance your learning. The icons and their meanings are
as follows:

Complete Assessment Exercise

This exercise requires you to think about the knowledge
and skills that you have or will develop in this competency

Definition Box
Words/phrases are defined or explained in this box. The
words/phrases being explained are in bold print.

This denotes a brain teaser and is used to check your
understanding of the materials presented. No answers are
provided for the questions asked.

This denotes something for you to do either alone or with
the assistance of your trainer/supervisor.

Points you to the reference materials and other support
documents or resources used in compiling the unit content.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 4


Ask your learning facilitator for help if you have any problems with the interpretation
of the contents, the procedures, or the availability of resources.

Complete each activity as you come to it. If the activity requires you perform an
actual task, be sure to tell your learning facilitator when you get to that activity so that
he/she can make any arrangements, if necessary.

Get your learning facilitator to sign and date the Learner Logbook when you have
completed an activity.

Complete the self-assessment checklist at the end of each section or element.

When you have worked through all elements of the guide, and when you can tick every
Yes box, you are ready for assessment and should ask your learning facilitator to assist
you in making the arrangements to have your performance assessed.

Using the Computer and Other Resources

Where your activities refer you to the library, computer and Internet resources, ask your
learning facilitator to assist you with locating these resources. If you are getting your
training in an institution, there may be a library and a computer laboratory. If this is not
the case, visit the local library and find out what resources are available.

If you are new to the computer and the Internet, someone in the computer room should be
able to show you how to use these resources.

Please note that in many of your activities you have been referred to information on the
Internet. This is because the Internet has a vast amount of information that can help you
in acquiring the particular competencies. We would like to advise you, however, that we
cannot guarantee that all the sites will be available when you need them. If this happens,
ask your learning facilitator to assist you with locating other sites that have the
information you require.

Method of Assessment

Competency will be assessed while you are actually performing the tasks related to this
competency. This may be in a real workplace or a simulated situation that accurately
relates to the work situation. You are advised to consult the associated competency
standard for further details relating to the assessment strategies.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 5


Quality Assurance

A feedback form is included at the back of each learner guide, so all users are afforded
the opportunity to document their concerns pertinent to the various aspects of the guide.
Such concerns will assist in the review process of the learner guides. Users are
encouraged to cut out the form, complete and submit same to the address provided.

You may now start your learning. Have fun while you work!

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 6




As you go through this element, you will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitudes to follow hygiene procedures. Your learning facilitator is there to assist you with
the various activities, so that on completion you should be able to:

1. Follow workplace hygiene procedures according to enterprize standards

2. Handle and store items according to industry standards and proper hygiene


Hygiene - Practices necessary for establishing and maintaining cleanliness

thus ensuring good health and preventing the spread of diseases.

Contamination - The unintended presence of harmful substances or

organisms in food.

Microorganisms - Very small organisms, (usually with a single cell), that are
not individually visible to the naked eye. Some of them, if present in large
numbers, can cause food poisoning, unpleasant odours in linen, diseases and

Quality Assurance - A system or process that will ensure that the product or
service being offered meets the required standard

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - A series of related steps or tasks

put in chronological order and sequenced to achieve a specific purpose. (What
to do and how to do it)

It is extremely important that you are aware of and know the enterprize standards that
govern hygiene and follow them. Not following the established procedures may cause
harm to you and the environment.

Enterprize standards may be derived from any of the following documents:

Work instructions contained in job sheets, duty rosters, posted notices

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

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The Standards Act and Food Processing Act passed by the Jamaica Bureau of
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System that details quality
assurance requirements
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

What are some of the repercussions of poor workplace hygiene procedures?

Customer complaints and loss of business, reputation and goodwill

Bad media publicity resulting in the closure of business
Closure of business by order of the local health authorities
Illnesses, outbreaks of epidemics and diseases

If you said any of the above, then you are on your way to understanding the importance
of following workplace hygiene procedures.

Hygiene procedures established in the hospitality industry may be related to:

Personal Hygiene
Environmental Hygiene

Personal Hygiene

As a hospitality worker, you must maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. This is
not only attractive to your clients but it enhances the image of the establishment. For
example, in a hotel, it says it is a safe place to stay and that it has high operating
standards of hygiene established to protect its visitors.

Some guidelines for personal hygiene are as follows:


Practise good dental hygiene

Practise good personal hygiene

- Keep your nails clean and short
- Bathe or shower regularly
- Keep your hair clean and cover it if you are in the kitchen

Take care of your health

- Cover your burns, boils and bruises with a waterproof dressing
- Cough and sneeze into a disposable towel, dispose of immediately then -
wash and sanitize your hands
- Report all illnesses to your supervisor

Wash your hands frequently

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- After touching high touch surfaces e.g. counters, pens, door knobs,
- Before preparing or serving food
- After using the restroom
- After shaking hands or other physical contact with peers and guests
- After sneezing
- After touching your face
- After blowing your nose
- After rubbing your hands on clothing and similar activities
- After handling raw foods
- After handling dirty kitchen utensils and kitchenware
- After cleaning, sweeping, or mopping
- After a break
- After smoking, eating or drinking
- After handling money (tips)
- After handling waste and garbage

Be attentive to your appearance

- Wear the correct uniform and protective clothing
- Wear a clean uniform
- Ensure that all loose items of clothing are secure (buttons, hooks etc.)

A Practical Example:

Workers in the hospitality industry may wear the same type of clothing to work; it is so
that you can all maintain the same high standard of hygiene. For example, you are
expected to wear the correct uniform in the kitchen at all times.

That includes:

A chefs hat or hair net, worn to contain your hair to prevent strands from falling
into the food. It is designed to allow air to circulate around your head so that you
do not get too hot
A neckerchief, worn to absorb perspiration while a long-sleeved jacket protects
your arms and torso from heat and spills
An apron and pants worn to give your legs extra protection against spills
Shoes made of leather with a rubber sole are comfortable as well as protective.
They protect your feet from injury if something hot is spilled, or something heavy
or sharp is dropped


Bite your nails

Wear nail polish or false nails
Smoke in food preparation areas
Eat sweets or chew gum

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Wear strong perfumes

Handle your body parts and make contact with the guest
Wear jewelry in food preparation, housekeeping, maintenance and food and
beverage service areas
Handle foods or shake hands if you are sick
Wear street clothes in food presentation areas


What are the factors that contribute to hygiene problems?

Which harmful bacteria are most likely transferred by a
person who bites his/her nails?
The common cold usually causes you to touch your nose and
mouth, thus passing a particular bacterium onto your hands.
What is the name of this bacterium? Using the references
provided at the end of this element, what are the six steps of
hygienic hand washing?


Use the URL to make short notes

on the requirements of HACCP system, OHS or Bureau of Standards in
your area of work. Discuss with your colleagues how these
requirements affect the way you work in the Hospitality industry.


Research, document and present on the following using an appropriate


The hand-washing facilities, which must by law, be provided in

the hospitality industry.
The advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of
hand drying.
The occasions when hands must be washed.

Seek assistance from your facilitator.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 10


Environmental Hygiene

In a hospitality setting, it is the responsibility of all employees to maintain hygiene



Maintain a clean work environment

- Keep equipment and surfaces clean

- Sanitize all surfaces, linen and re-useable containers
- Clean walls, doors and ceilings according to manufacturers instructions
- Launder linen and towels according to the established standard and the
manufacturers specifications
- Dispose of all waste in the appropriately lined bins
- Remove garbage bins from the respective areas regularly and wash, rinse
and sanitize properly
- Clean contaminated carpets with carpet detergent and hot water, then
disinfect and then steam clean
- Dispose of used cloths as bio-hazardous waste
- Launder non-disposable mop heads in hot water

Handle and store items correctly

- Store in a well-ventilated area

- Label correctly and clearly
- Do not mix chemicals
- Wear protective clothing when handling chemicals
- Store non-food items away from foods and beverages
- Use warning signs
- Use correct chemical for the task assigned
- Heavy items should be placed on lower shelves, lighter items higher

The core product in the hospitality industry can include guestrooms, meals and/or
recreation. Therefore, the following departments maintain the control procedures for
hygiene in the hospitality industry:


Adhering to the procedures that govern environmental hygiene is very important. The
impact of poor environmental hygiene is far reaching and can result in the spread of
diseases and the outbreak of epidemics. Hygiene procedures governing the environment
may include:

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Preparing food and beverage

Serving food and beverage
Disposing of garbage
Managing pests

Most hospitality establishments will have policies and procedures for each department.
These policies make your job, as a hospitality worker, easier to do because they set the
standard for you to follow. The following is an example of a procedure:

Disposing of Garbage

Garbage encourages the growth of microorganisms; it emits an unpleasant odour and it

attracts pests. You must:

Remove garbage regularly and with more frequency in peak trading times
Wash your hands after handling garbage
Ensure that the lids on garbage containers, are tight fitting and closed to prevent
insect or rodent infestation
Small garbage containers are to be lined with plastic liners, and replaced each
time that they are emptied
Report any signs of pest activity to your supervisor


Outline a range of typical control procedures in the Tourism and

Hospitality industries and identify the legislative support for them?
Use the text The prevention of Food Poisoning that is referenced to
assist you.


Role-play to demonstrate environmental hygiene practices for one

task in your area of work. Explain the importance of each step to
your classmates. Seek assistance from your facilitator.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 12


Managing Pests

Pests are animals and insects, which can contaminate surfaces and spoil food. Some of
the most common pests found in the hospitality industry are shown below in Figures 1- 4:

Fig. 1 Rat Fig. 2 Beetle

Fig. 3 Fly Fig. 4 Cockroach

Pests are a health hazard because they can carry bacteria on their bodies and in their
droppings, which can contaminate food and surfaces. If a pest infestation is suspected,
expert advice must be sought.


Cleaning - is a process of removing dirt, soils and deposits from surfaces

Sanitation - is the second step in the cleaning process. It is the use of solutions
and deodorizers to kill or reduce microorganisms. A clean surface is necessary for
sanitizing because soil can inactivate the sanitizer

Sanitizers - are used to kill micro-organisms or to reduce them to a safe level

Detergents - are chemicals designed to lift dirt, soils and deposits

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The six basic steps in cleaning and sanitation are:

1. Pre-clean to remove excess dirt and food scraps by sweeping, wiping, or scraping
and pre-rinsing with water.
2. Wash to remove surface grease and dirt, using hot water and a detergent.
3. Rinse to remove loose dirt and detergent.
4. Sanitize using sanitizing methods to reduce the numbers of microorganisms to a
safe level.
5. Final rinse to remove sanitizer. This step will be dependent on the type of
sanitizer used. Check manufacturer's directions.
6. Dry by evaporation or drip dry. Equipment and surfaces should be dry before re-

NOTE: All sanitizers need time, called Contact Time, to kill microorganisms. The
manufacturer's instructions and product brochures will tell you how to use them.

Here are some cleaning tips that you can follow:

Use disposable cleaning cloths

Use one cloth for cleaning and a new cloth for disinfecting surfaces
Use separate coloured cloths in toilet areas
Use a new set of cloths for each guests room
Clean and sanitize high touch areas such as taps, faucets, door and drawer
handles, door latches, toilet or bath rails, telephones, rails on balconies, light and
lamp switches, thermostats, remote controls, curtain pulls and wands, covers on
guest information books, alarm clock buttons, hair dryers, irons, and pens

NOTE: Scouring cloths, scrubbing brushes, dishcloths, mops and dusters should be
washed, sanitized and dried after use each day; clean gear help prevent the
multiplication and spread of microorganisms.

Refer to: Trickett, J. (1978).The Prevention of Food Poisoning, 3rd Edition

(Revised). Thornes (Publishers) Ltd
HEART Trust/NTA, (1999). Student Manual - Food and Beverage Service,
Level 1.
Heath, D.C, (1978). Applied Food Service Sanitation, pg. 17- 26;
McSwane, David, Essentials of Food Safety, pg. 28-35
Retrieved May 9, 2006

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 14



What are the signs of infestation of the different kinds of pests?

Name the specialist organizations for pest management in
What are the hygiene risks involved in cleaning a restroom
compared to your area of work?
Describe the different functions of detergents and disinfectants
and their importance in cleaning and sanitizing the environment.


Write a Standard Operating Procedure for Pest Management. Present

it to your classmates using an appropriate method. Seek assistance
from your facilitator.

Hygiene Regulation

Currently, hygiene regulations are developed and enforced by requirements set out by

Jamaica Bureau of Standards (JBS). JBS has the responsibility to license

companies under the Processing and Factories Act. It monitors product labelling
and ensures that products are manufactured and sold to specific standards

Trade Acts regulated by the relevant Ministries of Government

Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour (i.e. policies, procedures and

programmes for health and safety in the Hospitality Industry)

NOTE: Companies that do not adhere to the standards set by these organizations could
face serious legal action or closure.

Hygiene regulations, in Jamaica, are contained within the Processed Food Act 1959; this
Act details specific guidelines governing hospitality operators.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 15


The Basic Principles of the Processed Food Act 1959 are:

Any food sold from the premises must be fit for human consumption
Any food sold from the premises must not be contaminated, damaged,
deteriorated or decomposed
The premises and appliances must be kept clean and sanitary
Prepared food must be kept or stored under safe conditions
Prescribed food must be correctly labelled

The following areas of concern are checked and maintained regularly by Health Officers
who are empowered to enforce the following standards:

Design of food premises, ensuring that work surfaces, floors, and walls are easy to
clean and made out of non-toxic, smooth and resistant material and that the
premises have adequate exposure to air
Rules governing cleaning and maintenance programmes, garbage removal and
pest control
Responsibilities of workers, including personal cleanliness
Rules for the packing, displaying, serving, selling and storing of food, and
guidelines on temperature control in order to minimize an outbreak of food
Regulations governing the transportation of food
Rights of inspection
Rights to remove samples

General Powers of Environmental Health Officers under the various food acts include:

Power of entry to any food business during hours of operation. It is an offence not
to render assistance or to obstruct an officer in his duties
Power to seize, detain or remove food or articles seized
Power to take photograph or audio or visual recordings
Power to obtain samples for analysis


What are the legislations that govern hygiene in your area of

work? State the legal ramifications of not following the
What action can an Environmental Health Officer take if he/she
found premises that are so dirty as to be a risk to public health?

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 16



Create a handbook called Hygiene Regulations that details the

applicable laws for your area of work. Include a glossary of terms
specific to your area for Following Hygiene Procedures. This
requires research, data collection and creativity. Seek assistance
from your facilitator.


Approve means acceptable to the

department based on compliance with
established standards and public health

Handling and storage of items according to approved standards and hygiene practices are
very important responsibilities.

In this competency you will look at handling and storage of the following items:

- Garbage
- Chemicals
- Linen
- Food & Beverage

NOTE: Always wear protective clothing such as gloves, goggles, facial masks, overalls
and proper shoes.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 17



Store garbage in containers that are:

Rodent -proof
Non-liquid absorbing
Easily cleaned
Have tight-fitting lids or covers

Unless it is properly handled and stored, it can quickly become a public health hazard. It
is therefore important for you to:

Maintain all garbage containers in good repair, clean and sanitize

Garbage storage area should be located away from the building
Keep garbage storage area clean
Clean garbage containers in garbage storage area; not in the guest service areas
Dispose of all water used for cleaning garbage container and garbage storage area
Sort garbage into categories i.e. glass, cans, paper and cardboard for easy
recycling and organic matter used for compost


It is necessary to carefully read the labels of pesticides, detergents,

polishes, and stripping compounds used in the hospitality industry for
information on product safety. Some labels do not list ingredients of the
product. In general when handling chemical:
Fig. 5 Closed
Never leave the container open when not in use Cupboard Doors
Make sure that lids and caps are tightly sealed
Keep containers dry to prevent corrosion. If a product container is corroding, put
it into a plastic bucket with a lid and clearly label the outside with contents and
appropriate warnings
Store volatile chemicals or products which warn of vapors or fumes in a well-
ventilated area. Store rags used with flammable products (furniture stripper, paint
remover, gasoline, etc.) in a sealed marked container
Never store chemicals or waste in food or beverage containers
Store all chemicals on high shelves or in locked cabinets, away from food items
Ensure that stored chemicals are clearly labelled
Keep flammable products away from heat, sparks, flames or sources of ignition.
Store gasoline only in safety approved containers, away from all source of heat,
flame, or sparks, in a well-ventilated area

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 18


Dispose of any excess material properly, use all of it, or give it away in its
original container

Clothing and Linen

Clothing and linen contaminated with pesticides, solvents and organic material
must be handled carefully
Always read the directions on the product label regarding the handling of
pesticide-contaminated clothing and solvent-covered clothing and rags
Place soiled linens, uniforms, and other garments into separate laundry bags to
prevent cross-contamination
Wash soiled linen in hot water
Replace soiled linen with clean sheets and pillowcases for the bed, bunk, or cot
occupied by the guest
Cover mattress completely with sheets
Wash and dry all bath, linen, sheets, and pillowcases used by one guest before
making it available for another guest
Never store contaminated clothing or rags indoors because they can
spontaneously start a fire
Store all clean bedding, including mattresses, mattress pads, quilts, blankets,
pillows, sheets, and bedspreads, and all bath linen in a sanitary manner on
smooth, non-absorbent, cleanable surfaces located above the floor


Each stage of food handling presents its own risk of contamination. However most come
from transferring microorganisms onto food from dirty hands or utensils and by coughing
and sneezing. Cross contamination is the transfer of microorganisms from raw or
contaminated food and equipment, to cooked or prepared food.

To store food, you must use packaging that is:

Appropriate to the food to be packed and stored

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 19


Correct food storage is as follows:

Dry Storage

Keep storage area clean

Keep foods off the floor
Use old stock before using new stock
Store opened packets of dry ingredients in containers with lids
Do not store food near chemicals

Cold Storage

Keep fridge clean

Must have fixed temperature measurement device
Store food at or below 5C
Monitor temperature regularly
Use up old stock before using new stock
Keep raw and ready-to-eat food separate
Cover food

Freezer Storage

Keep freezer clean

Must have fixed temperature measurement device
Store food at or below -15C
Use up old stock before using new stock

Hot Food Storage

Preheat food to at least 75C

Check temperature regularly, to ensure that it does not fall below 60C
Keep food for a maximum time of one hour
Do not stack food above the level of tray


These are foods that have been prepared, cooked in bulk, packaged, heated to
pasteurization temperatures, rapidly chilled and refrigerated. Cook chilled foods must be
reheated above 65C. Recommended storage time is 1-5 days at 3-4C.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 20



What are the handling and storage procedures for beverage?

What are microorganisms?
What is cross-contamination?
How would you respond to a situation where a customer is
complaining about the unsanitary appearance of your work
Why is it important to accurately measure chemicals that are
used in the hospitality industry? Give examples.


If your work involves preparing and serving food from a stand at an

attraction, with the help of your facilitator write the procedure for
handling food (thawing, defrosting, cooking, reheating and
displaying). State the health hazards and legal issues associated
with not following the procedures for this type of food service
operation. How can good organization in the workplace contribute
to good hygiene?


List some examples of organic soils/contaminants encountered in

your area of work and discuss with your classmates and facilitator
how you handle and store the items on which they may be found.

Refer to: Loken, J., (1995).The HACCAP Food Safety Manual. John Wiley
and Sons Inc.NY. pp 4-9
Missouri Household Hazardous Waste Telephone Advice Manual, April 1994,
Household Hazardous Waste Project

An excellent resource on types of contamination is the book Quality Sanitation

Management by Ronald F. Cichy.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 21



Now that you have completed this element, check whether you have fully grasped all the
components by doing the following Self-Assessment:

Checklist 1 Yes No

1. I know how to follow workplace hygiene procedures in

accordance with enterprise standards ( ) ( )

2. I understand how to handle and store items in accordance

with enterprize standards and proper hygiene practices ( ) ( )

Checklist 2 Yes No

1. Workplace hygiene procedures are strictly followed in

accordance with enterprize standards ( ) ( )

2. Items are handled and stored in accordance with enterprize

standards and proper hygiene practices
( ) ( )

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 22




As you go through this element, you will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitudes to identify and prevent hygiene risks. Your learning facilitator is there to assist
you with the various activities, so that on completion you should be able to:

1. Identify and deal with potential hygiene risks.

2. Take action to minimize or remove the risk within the scope of individual
3. Report hygiene risks beyond the control of individual staff members, to the
appropriate person to follow up.


Communicable disease means any disease that can be directly or

indirectly transmitted from person to person.

Food Poisoning Intoxication or infection caused by consumption of

contaminated foods.

Foodbourne Illness A disease caused by the consumption of

contaminated food.

Hygiene Risks Hazards associated with poor hygiene practices.

Having completed Following Hygiene Procedures, you should now have an idea of the
hygiene risks that the procedures were designed to prevent in the Hospitality Industry. In
this element, the hygiene risks will be identified accordingly. There are three categories
of hazards in the Hospitality Industry, which you must note:


Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 23


Biological Hazards include bacteria, parasites and viruses.

Bacteria are the primary contaminant in the Hospitality Industry. They are
microorganisms and they are on everything we touch and on everything we see. For
example: food, linen, machines, tools, door handles, toilet seats, floor and walls. Like
humans, bacteria are living things. They reproduce by dividing and splitting in two.
They spread very quickly and contaminate the environment in less than a few hours.

Bacteria can grow on most foods, but thrive where there is high protein, high cooked
starch and moisture foods - referred to as the High Risk Foods or Potentially Hazardous
Foods. They do not grow as quickly in fatty or acidic foods. This explains why milk,
eggs, custard, soft cheeses, cooked rice, pasta and foods with gelatine in them spoil
quickly. Alternatively you can keep margarine or butter, or a bottle of olive oil for a very
long time. High Risk Foods should therefore always be stored under refrigeration and
handled as quickly and as little as possible.

NOTE: All bacteria are not harmful. Bacteria are used in the food industry in the
production of yogurt, soy sauce, sausages and trade waste treatment!

The four requirements for bacterial growth are warmth, food, moisture and time, and is
facilitated by:

Temperatures 4.4C - 60C (40F - 140F)

Improper storage for at least 4 hours
The presence of oxygen
Acidity/alkalinity of pH 4.6 or higher

Since microorganisms like the above conditions, then reduce the conditions to eliminate

Chemical Hazards may include agricultural chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers,
cleaning chemicals, heavy metals and food additives.

Physical Hazards are foreign objects like hair, glass, fingernails and jewelry. Refer to
the section on personal hygiene to familiarize yourself with what is acceptable and what
is not in the Hospitality Industry.

Physical Hazards Chemical Hazards Biological Hazards


Table 1 Examples of Hygiene Hazards

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 24

Food poisoning and foodborne illnesses are two such hazards of poor hygiene practices.

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating harmful vegetables and food contaminated


Foodborne Illnesses

Food borne diseases are frequently transmitted by contaminated drinking water and
everything that it touches thereafter.

Foodborne illness outbreaks, according to Food Safety the HACCAP Way, are caused by:

Improper cooking, cooling and reheating procedures of food

Poor personal hygiene by staff members
Contaminated raw foods or ingredients
Cross-contamination and mishandling of cooked food with raw food
Use of food from unapproved sources
Improper cleaning of equipment and utensils

NOTE: Viruses cannot grow in food. Food serves as a 'transport' for the viruses. The
level of contamination is the main factor, which causes food poisoning.

Refer to: Trickett, J. The Prevention of Food Poisoning, 3rd Edition

(Revised).1978.Thornes (Publishers) Ltd
For a complete description of Communicable Diseases visit Retrieved April 2006.
For information on common health conditions that cause food poisoning go to Retrieved April

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 25



Provided food is hot, it is safe to eat. What does this mean?

What are the symptoms of food poisoning?
How do viral, chemical and vegetable food poisoning differ?
How do bacterial foodborne diseases differ from food poisoning?
Of the four types of food poisoning, which one is the most

The text referenced i.e. The Prevention of Food Poisoning can help


Using the appropriate computer software, reproduce Table 1 on

pg 24 and complete it with other examples of hygiene risks found
in the Hospitality Industry. Consider and state the risks of
chemical and physical hazards to you and the guests if there were
no procedures to follow? Ask your facilitator to help you.


Define and discuss the effects of each of the following bacteria:

Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens,
Bacillus cereus.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 26



Within your scope of responsibility, a preventive approach looks at what might go wrong,
and how you can make sure it doesn't happen. It ensures a thorough check of important
procedures for identifying and controlling hygiene risks.

One such way is to maintain excellent sanitation practices, where you not only follow the
established procedures, but also cooperate with your colleagues to eliminate all
conditions that may contribute to hygiene risks. An effective sanitation programme
should include:

Rodent, insect and pest elimination

Inspection of products - including raw materials
Cleaning and sanitizing equipment, walls, floors, doors and partitions
Footwear cleansing at all entrances to the establishment - anyone entering should
wash the heel of his or her shoe before entering to prevent possible infiltration
of bacteria
Protective gear worn at all times, including overalls, gloves, head gear and apron
Regular washing of hands, especially when handling more than one type of
product or raw material to:
- Prevent food from being contaminated with microorganisms
- Prevent the multiplication of microorganisms
- Destroy microorganisms that may be present
Adequate water supply, proper waste disposal and cleaning of restrooms

Another way to prevent hygiene risks is to manage illness.

If you are suffering from an infectious disease, or you are a carrier of a disease, or have
open sores, then you must notify your employer and you must not handle food products
or be in contact with the guests, your colleagues and items used by the guest. You may
remain a carrier for a long time after you have recovered from the illness; before you
return to work, you must be cleared by a doctor.

Infectious diseases include:

Hepatitis A or E
Salmonella infection
Acute gastroenteritis, including acute diarrhoea
Tuberculosis (in the infectious state)
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) infection.

NOTE: Hepatitis A or E is a foodborne virus. Carriers of Hepatitis A or E can pass on

the virus without knowing it, through poor personal hygiene and handling.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 27



What preventive measures for hygiene maintenance are within

your control?
As a hospitality worker, how would you handle ill guests in your
area of work? Why?


Consider this scenario and then respond: A casual staff was

employed by a hospitality establishment to work as a kitchen hand.
The employee had an infected cut (see Fig. 6). In the morning, the
person was asked to slice some ham and cooked chicken. After
completing the task, the meats were left on the chopping board in the
kitchen. Late that afternoon, the same employee was asked to arrange
the same meat on platters to be served in the evening. After arranging
the meats, the person covered the platters and placed them in the
refrigerator. Early the next morning, several guests who had eaten the
food the previous day reported sick with acute stomach pains and
diarrhoea. Discuss with your classmates and/or your learning
facilitator what caused the food poisoning, the hygiene risks present,
the other hospitality areas that may be at risk in that establishment
and the preventive measures that you would take to manage the risks
in your area of work, if you also worked in that establishment.

Fig. 6: Source: Internet (Note the band aid on this persons finger)

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 28



For clarity of process performance criteria 2.2 and 2.3 have been merged.

All employees have a responsibility to the employer to:

Know workplace hygiene procedures

Follow safety directions set by supervisors/managers
Train new employees in workplace hygiene procedures
Never try to perform a work task you are not qualified/trained to do
Handle and store items properly
Report hazards and recommend changes
Report illnesses or injury as soon as possible
Use safety equipment, guards and wear protective clothing

You need to make sure that you learn the procedures for your workplace when working
in any area of the hospitality industry. There are some hazards that you can handle but
there are some beyond your control. It is important that you know the different hazards
and how they are to be reported and to whom. More often than not, it will be the
Manager or Supervisor of a department, but in some cases an officer may be employed to
the establishment to handle all Occupational Health and Safety matters.

You may report hygiene risks orally or in writing. Some establishments have standard
reporting procedures based on the levels of risks and the urgency of the situation. You
must follow them.

TIP: Before hazards occur, you must plan how to address them. There is nothing
worse than not knowing what to do when you need to respond immediately to a health


With the help of your facilitator, describe what you would do in the
following cases:

A co-worker is overcome by chemical fumes in a storeroom;

A cook has a large cut to the hand caused by broken glass (a
piece of glass is still protruding).

Write a report to your supervisor and state how these risks can be
minimized or removed.

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 29



With the assistance of your facilitator, identify and document the

hygiene risks that would be classified as being beyond your control
and cite the persons who would be responsible for ensuring that these
risks are addressed. Discuss them with your classmates.


Now that you have completed this element, check whether you have fully grasped all the
components by doing the following Self-Assessment:

Checklist 1 Yes No

1. I understand how to identify and deal with potential hygiene

risks promptly and appropriately ( ) ( )

2. I know how to take action to minimise or remove risks

identified within the scope of individual responsibility ( ) ( )

3. I know how to report hygiene risks beyond the control of

individual staff member promptly to the appropriate person
for follow up ( ) ( )

Checklist 2 Yes No

1. Potential hygiene risks are promptly identified and dealt

with appropriately ( ) ( )

2. Action is taken to minimise or remove risks identified

within the scope of individual responsibility ( ) ( )

3. Hygiene risks beyond the control of individual staff

members are promptly reported to the appropriate person
for follow up ( ) ( )

Version 2 LRDU JUL. 06 30

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