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Multiranks For Partitions Into Multi-Colors: 1 Introduction and Motivation

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Multiranks for partitions into Multi-Colors

Roberta R. Zhou
School of Mathematical Sciences
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian 116024, P. R. China
[email protected]

Submitted: Apr 1, 2012; Accepted: Apr 8, 2012; Published: Apr 16, 2012
Mathematics Subject Classifications: Primary 11P83 and
Secondary 05A17, 05A19, 11F03, 11P81

We generalize Hammond-Lewis birank to multiranks for partitions into colors
and give combinatorial interpretations for multipartitions such as b(n) defined by
H. Zhao and Z. Zhong and Qp1 ,p2 (n) defined by Toh congruences modulo 3, 5, 7.

Keywords: Partition congruences; multirank; Jacobis triple product identity;

Quintuple product identity

1 Introduction and Motivation

For the two indeterminates q and z with |q| < 1, the q-shifted factorial of infinite order
and the modified Jacobi theta function are defined respectively by

(z; q) = (1 zq n ) and hz; qi = (z; q) (q/z; q)

where the multi-parameter expression for the former will be abbreviated as

[, , , ; q] = (; q) (; q) (; q) .
For brevity we denote Em = (q m ; q m ) .
Let p(n) be the number of unrestricted partitions of n, where n is nonnegative integer.
In 1921 Ramanujan [27] discovered the following congruences
p(5n + 4) 0 (mod 5)
p(7n + 5) 0 (mod 7).

Partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11001036)

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 1

There exist many proofs in mathematical literature, for which one can be found, for
example, in [6, 7, 12, 17, 26, 30].
In 1944 F. J. Dyson [15] defined the rank of a partition as the largest part minus the
number of parts. Let N (m, n) denote the number of partitions of n with rank m and let
N (m, t, n) denote the number of partitions of n with rank congruent to m modulo t. In
1953 A. O. L. Atkin and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer [3] proved
p(5n + 4)
N (0, 5, 5n + 4) = N (1, 5, 5n + 4) = = N (4, 5, 5n + 4) =
p(7n + 5)
N (0, 7, 7n + 5) = N (1, 7, 7n + 5) = = N (6, 7, 7n + 5) = .
Following from the fact that the operation of conjugation reverses the sign of the rank,
the trivial consequences are

N (m, n) = N (m, n) and N (m, t, n) = N (t m, t, n).

In 2010 Chan [9] introduced the partition function a(n) by n 1

n=0 a(n)q := (q;q)(q 2 ;q 2 ) ,
and obtained the following congruence

a(3n + 2) 0 (mod 3).

Another proof has been given by B. Kim [24]. He defined a crank analog M 0 (m, N, n) for
a(n) and proved that

M 0 (0, 3, 3n + 2) M 0 (1, 3, 3n + 2) M 0 (2, 3, 3n + 2) (mod 3),

for all nonnegative integers n, where M 0 (m, N, n) is the number of partition of n with
crank congruent to m modulo N .
Hammond and Lewis [21] investigated some elementary results for 2-colored partitions
mod 5. They defined
birank(1 , 2 ) = #(1 ) #(2 ),
where #() is the number of parts in the partition . They explained that the residue of
the birank mod 5 divided the bipattitions of n into 5 equal classes provided n 2, 3 or 4
(mod 5). F. G. Garvan [19] found two other analogs the Dyson-birank and the 5-core-
H. Zhao and Z. ZhongP [31] have also investigated the arithmetic properties of a certain
function b(n) given by n=0 b(n)q n = (q; q)2 2 2 2
(q ; q ) . They have found b(5n + 4) 0
(mod 5) and b(7n + 2) b(7n + 3) b(7n + 4) b(7n + 6) 0 (mod 7) for any n > 0.
Toh [28] has also given lots of partition congruences such as Q(p1 ,p2 ) (n) 0 (mod `)
for prime number `, which is defined in section 3.
The main purpose of this paper is to define multirank for partition into colors and
prove multipartitions congruences applying the method of [18], which uses roots of unity.
It also has used the modified Jacobi triple product identity and quintuple product identity
as follows:

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 2

Jacobi triple product identity [23]:
(1)n q ( 2 ) xn = [q, x, q/x; q] .

(See also [1, 4, 5, 11, 20, 22, 16, 25].)

Modified Jacobi triple product identity [21]:
(1)n (z n + z n1 + + z n )q ( 2 ) .
[q, zq, q/z; q] = (2)

Quintuple product identity [8, 13, 29]:

+ n o n
q 3( 2 ) q 2/z 3
 2 2 2
[q, z, q/z; q] qz , q/z ; q = 1z (3a)
+ n o n
1 (q/z 2 )1+3n q 3( 2 ) qz 3 .
X n
= (3b)

Modified quintuple product identity

+ n o n
z 3n + z 3n1 + + z 3n q 3( 2 )+2n
 2 X
2 2

[q, zq, q/z; q] qz , q/z ; q = (4a)
+ n o n
q 6( 2 )+5n . (4b)
q 2, zq, q/z; q 2
   4 2 4 2 4 3n 3n2

q z ,q /z ; q
= z + z + + z

2 Multiranks and multipartition congruences of b(n)

In this section, we give combinatorial interpretations for congruences properties of parti-
tion into 4-colors b(n) given by H. Zhao and Z. Zhong [31].
After Andrews and Garvan [2], for a partition , we define #() is the number of
parts in and () is the sum of the parts of with the convention #() = () = 0
for the empty partition . Let P be the set of all ordinary partitions, D be the set of all
partitions into distinct parts, O be the set of all partitions into odd parts, DO be the set
of all partitions into distinct odd parts.
We denote
C12 22 = {(1 , 2 , 23 , 24 )|1 , 2 , 3 , 4 P}.
For C1222, we define the sum of parts s, two multiranks R1222() and R12222() by
s() = (1 ) + (2 ) + 2(3 ) + 2(4 )
R12 22 () = #(1 ) #(2 ) + #(3 ) #(4 )
R122 22 () = #(1 ) #(2 ) + 3#(3 ) 3#(4 ).

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 3

The number of 4-colored partitions of n if s() = n having R1222() = m will be written
as NC1222(m, n), and NC1222(m, t, n) is the number of such 4-colored partitions of n having
multirank R1222 congruent to m (mod t). The number of 4-colored partitions of n if s() = n
having R12222() = m is denoted by NC21222(m, n), and NC21222(m, t, n) is the number of such
4-colored partitions of n having multirank R12222() m (mod t). Now, summing over all
4-colored partitions C1222 gives
NC1222(m, n) = 1, NC21222(m, n) = 1.
C12 22 ,s()=n, C12 22 ,s()=n,
R12 22 ()=m R22 2 ()=m
1 2

Let T (z, q) and T 2 (z, q) denote the two variable generating functions for NC1222(m, n)
and NC21222(m, n),

XX 1
T (z, q) := NC1222(m, n)z m q n = (5a)
mZ n=0
[zq, q/z; q] [zq 2 , q 2 /z; q 2 ]

XX 1
T 2 (z, q) := NC21222(m, n)z m q n = . (5b)
mZ n=0
[zq, q/z; q] [z 3q 2 , q 2 /z 3 ; q 2 ]

By setting z = 1 in the identity (5a) and (5b) we get

NC12 22 (m, n) = b(n), NC2 12 22 (m, n) = b(n).
m= m=

By interchanging 3 and 4 , we can easily obtain

NC12 22 (m, n) = NC12 22 (m, n) and NC12 22 (m, t, n) = NC12 22 (tm, t, n);
NC2 12 22 (m, n) = NC2 12 22 (m, n) and NC2 12 22 (m, t, n) = NC2 12 22 (tm, t, n).

NC12 22 (, 5, n)q n .
Denote NC12 22 [] by NC12 22 [] := n>0

Theorem 1. For n > 0,

b(5n + 4)
NC12 22 (0, 5, 5n + 4) = NC12 22 (1, 5, 5n + 4) = NC12 22 (2, 5, 5n + 4) = .
Proof. Putting z = in (5a), where = exp 2i
, gives

T (, q) =
(q; q) ( 1 q; q) 2 2
(q ; q ) (
1 q 2 ; q 2 )

[q, 2 q, 2 q; q] [q 2 , 2 q 2 , 2 q 2 ; q 2 ]
= .
(q 5 ; q 5 ) (q 10 ; q 10 )

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 4

Using the modified Jacobi triple product identity (2), and the method of Hammond
and Lewis [21], we have
( + 1 )q ( + 1 )q 2
1 1
T (, q) = + + 20 50
hq 5 ; q 25 i hq 10 ; q 25 i hq 10 ; q 50 i hq ; q i
1 q
= 5 25 + 10 25
hq ; q i hq ; q i hq ; q i hq 20 ; q 50 i
10 50

q2 q3
1 q
+( + ) + .
hq 10 ; q 25 i hq 10 ; q 50 i hq 5 ; q 25 i hq 20 ; q 50 i hq 10 ; q 25 i hq 20 ; q 50 i
While the 5-dissection of T (, q) is
T (, q) = NC12 22 [0] NC12 22 [2] + ( + 1 )(NC12 22 [1] NC12 22 [2]).
It follows that
X 1 q3
{NC12 22 (0, 5, n) NC12 22 (2, 5, n)}q n = +
hq 5 ; q 25 i hq 10 ; q 50 i hq 10 ; q 25 i hq 20 ; q 50 i
X q q2
{NC12 22 (1, 5, n) NC12 22 (2, 5, n)}q n = +
hq 10 ; q 25 i hq 10 ; q 50 i hq 5 ; q 25 i hq 20 ; q 50 i
hq 10 ; q 25 i hq 20 ; q 50 i
No term involving q 5n+4 appears on the right side of the last identity, we finish the
proof of Theorem 1.
Theorem 2. For n > 0,
NC2 12 22 (0, 7, 7n + k) = NC2 12 22 (1, 7, 7n + k) = NC2 12 22 (2, 7, 7n + k)
b(7n + k)
= NC2 12 22 (3, 7, 7n + k) = for k = 2, 3, 4, 6.
Proof. Replacing z by $ in (5b), where $ = exp 2i
, gives
T 2 ($, q) =
($q; q) ($1 q; q) 3 2 2 3 2 2
($ q ; q ) ($ q ; q )
[q, $2 q, $2 q; q] [$4 q, $4 q; q 2 ]
= .
(q 7 ; q 7 )
Using the modified quintuple product identity (4a), we have
6n 3n 2+n
P 6n 6n2
($ + $ + + $ )q
T 2 ($, q) = .
(q 7 ; q 7 )
Since 3n 2+n 0, 1, 2, 5 (mod 7), and $6n + $6n2 + + $6n = 0 only when n 7 1,
hence the coefficient of q n on the right side of the last identity is zero when n 2 (mod 7),
n 3 (mod 7), n 4 (mod 7), and n 6 (mod 7). The Theorem 2 is completed.

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 5

We illustrate Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 for the case n = 4.
41 32 + 12 22 + 24 22 + 11 + 11 24 + 11 + 12
R12 22() 1 2 2 1 1
R122 22() 1 2 4 1 3
42 21 + 21 23 + 23 22 + 11 + 12 24 + 12 + 12
R12 22() 1 2 2 1 3
R122 22() 1 2 6 1 5
43 21 + 22 23 + 24 22 + 12 + 12 11 +11 +11 +11
R12 22() 1 0 0 3 4
R122 22() 3 0 0 3 4
44 21 + 23 24 + 24 23 + 11 + 11 11 +11 +11 +12
R12 22() 1 2 2 3 2
R122 22() 3 4 6 5 2
31 + 11 21 + 24 21 + 11 + 11 23 + 11 + 12 11 +11 +12 +12
R12 22() 2 0 3 1 0
R122 22() 2 2 3 3 0
31 + 12 22 + 22 21 + 11 + 12 23 + 12 + 12 11 +12 +12 +12
R12 22() 0 2 1 1 2
R122 22() 0 2 1 1 2
32 + 11 22 + 23 21 + 12 + 12 24 + 11 + 11 12 +12 +12 +12
R12 22() 0 0 1 1 4
R122 22() 0 2 1 1 4

We have
NC12 22 (0, 5, 4) = NC12 22 (1, 5, 4) = NC12 22 (2, 5, 4) = 7
NC2 12 22 (0, 7, 4) = NC2 12 22 (1, 7, 4) = NC2 12 22 (2, 7, 4) = NC2 12 22 (3, 7, 4) = 5.

3 Multiranks and multipartitions congruences mod-

ulo 3
In this section, we give some statistics that divide the relevant partitions into equinumer-
ous classes and present the combinatorial interpretation for multipartition congruences
modulo 3.
Before defining the multiranks, we need to introduce some natation. In Corteel and
Lovejoy [14], an overpartition of n is a non-increasing sequence of natural numbers whose
sum is n in which the first occurrence (equivalently, the final occurrence) of a number
may be overlined. Just as Toh [28]: let

po(n) denote the number of partitions of n into odd parts;

pe(n) denote the number of partitions of n into even parts;

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 6

p(n) denote the number of overpartitions of n;

po(n) denote the number of overpartitions of n into odd parts;

pe(n) denote the number of overpartitions of n into even parts;

pod(n) denote the number of partitions of n where the odd parts are distinct;

ped(n) denote the number of partitions of n where the even parts are distinct.

The corresponding generating functions are

X E2 X 1 X E2 X E3
po(n)q =n
; n
pe(n)q = ; n
p(n)q = 2 ; po(n)q n = 2 2 ;
E1 n=0 E2 n=0 E1 n=0 E1 E4

X E4 X E2 X E4
pe(n)q n = 2
; pod(n)q n
= ; ped(n)q n = .
E2 n=0 E1 E4 n=0 E1

And let Q(p1 ,p2) (n) denote the number of partitions of n into two colors (say, red and blue),
where the parts colored red satisfy restrictions of partitions counted by p1(n), while the
parts colored blue satisfy restrictions of partitions counted by p2(n).
If we denote

C13 41 22 = {(1 , 22 , 3 , 4 )|1 D, 2 DO, 3 , 4 P},

then we can say them as partitions into 4-colors. For C134122, we define the sum of
parts s, a weight w13 41 22 and a multirank R13 41 22 (), by

s() = (1 ) + 2(2 ) + (3 ) + (4 )
w13 41 22 () = (1)#(2 )
R13 41 22 () = #(3 ) #(4 ).

Let NC134122(m, n) denote the number of 4-colored partitions of n if s() = n (counted

according to the weight w134122 ) with multirank m, and NC134122(m, t, n) denote the number
of 4-colored partitions of n with multirank congruent to m (mod t), so that
NC13 41 22 (m, n) = w13 41 22 ().
C134122 ,s()=n,
R13 41 22 ()=m

R13 41 22 (1 , 22 , 3 , 4 ) = R13 41 22 (1 , 22 , 4 , 3 ),

NC13 41 22(m, n) = NC13 41 22(m, n) and NC13 41 22(m, t, n) = NC13 41 22(tm, t, n).

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 7

Then we have
XX (q; q) (q 2 ; q 4 )
NC13 41 22 (m, n)z m q n = . (6)
mZ n=0
(zq; q) (z 1 q; q)
By putting z = 1 in the identity (6) we find

NC13 41 22 (m, n) = Q(p,pod) (n).

Suppose is primitive 3th root of unity. By letting z = in (6) and using Jacobi
triple product identity (1), we have

XX (q; q) (q 2 ; q 4 )
NC13 41 22 (m, n) m q n =
mZ n=0
(q; q) ( 1 q; q)
P n 2n2
(q 2 ; q 2 ) (q 2 ; q 4 ) n= (1) q
= = .
(q 3 ; q 3 ) (q 3 ; q 3 )

Since the coefficient of q n on the right side of the last identity is zero when n 1 (mod 3),
and 1 + + 2 is a minimal polynomial in Z[], we must have the result following as

Theorem 3. For n > 0,

Q(p,pod) (3n+1)
NC13 41 22(0, 3, 3n + 1) = NC13 41 22(1, 3, 3n + 1) = NC13 41 22(2, 3, 3n + 1) = .
It can also prove the identity in Toh [28]: Q(p,pod) (3n + 1) 0 (mod 3).
Next we define
C13 23 = {(1 , 2 , 3 )|1 , 2 , 3 O}.
We can say them as partitions into 3-colors. For = (1 , 2 , 3 ), we still define the sum
of parts s and a multirank R13 23 (), by

s() = (1 ) + (2 ) + (3 )
R13 23 () = #(2 ) #(3 ).

Let NC13 23 (m, n) denote the number of 3-colored partitions of n if s() = n with multi-
rank m, and NC13 23 (m, t, n) denote the number of 3-colored partitions of n with multirank
congruent to m (mod t), so that
NC13 23 (m, n) = 1.
C13 23 ,s()=n,
R13 23 ()=m


NC13 23 (m, n) = NC13 23 (m, n) and NC13 23 (m, t, n) = NC13 23 (t m, t, n)

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 8

due to
R13 23 (1 , 2 , 3 ) = R13 23 (1 , 3 , 2 ).
Then we have

XX 1
NC13 23 (m, n)z m q n = . (7)
mZ n=0
(q; q 2 ) (zq; q 2 ) (z 1 q; q 2 )

By putting z = 1 in the identity (7) we obtain

NC13 23 (m, n) = Q(po,ped) (n).

By setting z = in (7), we get

XX 1
NC13 23 (m, n) m q n = .
mZ n=0
(q 3 ; q 6 )

Since the coefficient of q n in the q-expansion of (q 3 ;q 6 )
is zero when n 1 (mod 3), we
have the following Theorem.

Theorem 4. For n > 0,

Q(po,ped) (3n+1)
NC13 23(0, 3, 3n + 1) = NC13 23(1, 3, 3n + 1) = NC13 23(2, 3, 3n + 1) = .
We define

C12 42 22 = {(1 , 2 , 23 , 24 )|1 , 2 DO, 3 , 4 P}.

For = (1 ,2 ,23 ,24 ), we denote the sum of parts s, and a multirank R124222(), by

s() = (1 ) + (2 ) + 2(3 ) + 2(4 )

R12 42 22 () = #(3 ) #(4 ).

Let NC124222(m, n) denote the number of 4-colored partitions of n if s() = n with multirank
m, and NC124222(m, t, n) denote the number of 4-colored partitions of n with multirank
congruent to m (mod t), so that
NC124222(m, n) = 1.
C12 42 22 ,s()=n,
R12 42 22 ()=m


NC12 42 22(m, n) = NC12 42 22(m, n) and NC12 42 22(m, t, n) = NC12 42 22(tm, t, n).

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 9

Then we have

XX (q; q 2 )2
NC12 42 22 (m, n)z m q n = . (8)
mZ n=0
(zq 2 ; q 2 ) (z 1 q 2 ; q 2 )

By replacing z by 1 in the identity (8) we discover

NC12 42 22 (m, n) = Q(pod,pod) (n).

Theorem 5. For n > 0,

Q(pod,pod) (3n+2)
NC12 42 22(0, 3, 3n+2) = NC12 42 22(1, 3, 3n+2) = NC12 42 22(2, 3, 3n+2) = .
Chen and Lin [10] has proved Q(pod,pod) (3n+2) 0 (mod 3).
Proof. Putting z = in (8) and utilizing Jacobi triple product identity (1), gives
P n2
m n (q; q 2 )2 n= q
NC12 42 22 (m, n) q = = .
mZ n=0
(q 2 ; q 2 ) ( 1 q 2 ; q 2 ) (q 6 ; q 6 )

Since the coefficient of q n on the right side of the last identity is zero when n 2 (mod 3),
we complete the theorem.

4 Multiranks and multipartitions congruences mod-

ulo 5
In this section, we define statistics that divide the relevant partitions into equinumer-
ous classes and provide the combinatorial interpretation for multipartitions congruences
modulo 5 given in Toh [28].
First we denote

C12 41 = {(41 , 2 , 3 )|1 D, 2 , 3 P}.

It can be said as partitions into 3-colors. For = (41 , 2 , 3 ) C12 41 , we define the
sum of parts s, a weight w12 41 and a multirank R12 41 (), by

s() = 4(1 ) + (2 ) + (3 )
w12 41 () = (1)#(1 )
R12 41 () = #(2 ) #(3 ).

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 10

Let NC1241(m, n) denote the number of 3-colored partitions of n if s() = n (counted
according to the weight w1241) with multirank m, and NC1241(m, t, n) denote the number
of 3-colored partitions of n with multirank congruent to m (mod t), hence
NC12 41 (m, n) = w12 41 ().
C12 41 ,s()=n,
R12 41 ()=m

By considering the transformation that interchanges 2 and 3 we get

NC12 41 (m, n) = NC12 41 (m, n), NC12 41 (m, t, n) = NC12 41 (t m, t, n).

Then we have
XX (q 4 ; q 4 )
NC12 41 (m, n)z m q n = . (9)
mZ n=0
(zq; q) (z 1 q; q)

By putting z = 1 in the identity (9) we check

NC12 41 (m, n) = Q(p,ped) (n).

Suppose is primitive 5th root of unity. Substituting z = into (9), we have

XX (q 4 ; q 4 ) (q 4 ; q 4 ) [q, 2 q, q/ 2 ; q]
NC1241(m, n) m q n = =
mZ n=0
[q, q/; q] (q 5 ; q 5 )
m n+1
m 12( 2 )+4m
+ 2n2 + 2n )q ( )
P P n 2n
m= (1) q n>0 (1) (
= .
(q 5 ; q 5 )

The last line depends only on classical identities of Jacobi (1) and (2).
If and only if n 5 2, we have 2n + 2n2 + + 2n = 0. Obviously

  0, m 5 0, 2;   0, n 5 0, 4;

m n+1
12 + 4m 5 4, m 5 1; and 5 1, n 5 1, 3; (10)
2 2
3, m 5 3, 4; 3, n 5 2.

The power of q is congruent to 2 modulo 5 only when 12 m2 + 4m 5 4 and n+1

5 3
in which case m 5 1 and n 5 2 and the coefficient of q in the last identity is zero.
Since 1 + + 2 + 3 + 4 is a minimal polynomial in Z[], our main result is as follows.

Theorem 6. For n > 0,

Q(p,ped) (5n+2)
NC1241 (0, 5, 5n+2) = NC1241 (1, 5, 5n+2) = NC1241 (2, 5, 5n+2) = .

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 11


C13 41 23 = {(1 , 2 , 3 , 44 , 45 , 46 )|1 , 2 , 3 O, 4 D, 5 , 6 P}.

We call the elements of C134123 6-colored partitions. For C13 41 23 , we define the sum
of parts s, a weight w13 41 23 and a multirank R134123(), by

s() = (1 ) + (2 ) + (3 ) + 4(4 ) + 4(5 ) + 4(6 )

w13 41 23 () = (1)#(4 )
R13 41 23 () = #(2 ) #(3 ) + 2#(5 ) 2#(6 ).

Let NC134123(m, n) denote the number of 6-colored partitions of n if s() = n (counted

according to the weight w134123) with multirank m, and NC134123(m, t, n) denote the number
of 6-colored partitions of n with multirank t (mod m), so that
NC13 41 23 (m, n) = w13 41 23 ().
C13 41 23 ,s()=n,
R13 41 23 ()=m

By considering the transformation that interchanges 2 and 3 , 5 and 6 we obtain

NC13 41 23 (m, n) = NC13 41 23 (m, n); NC13 41 23 (m, t, n) = NC13 41 23 (t m, t, n).

Then the generating function is

XX (q 4 ; q 4 )
NC13 41 23 (m, n)z m q n = . (11)
mZ n=0
[q, zq, z 1 q; q 2 ] [z 2 q 4 , q 4 /z 2 ; q 4 ]

By putting z = 1 in the identity (11) we find

NC13 41 23 (m, n) = Q(p,po) (n).

Theorem 7. For n > 0,

Q(p,po) (5n+4)
NC134123(0, 5, 5n+4) = NC134123(1, 5, 5n+4) = NC134123(2, 5, 5n+4) = .
Proof. By replacing z by in (11), we write

XX (q 4 ; q 4 )
NC13 41 23 (m, n) m q n =
mZ n=0
[q, q, 1 q; q 2 ] [ 2 q 4 , 2 q 4 ; q 4 ]
1  2 2 2 2   4 4 4 4 4  (q 4 ; q 4 )2
= q , q, q; q
q , q ; q
(q 5 ; q 10 ) (q 20 ; q 20 ) (q 2 ; q 2 )

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 12

Using modified quintuple product identity (4b) and Jacobi (1), the last two infinite
products have the following series representation

q 8( 2 )+2m .
+5n 6n 6n4 6n
q { + + }
n= m=

If and only if n 5 3, we have 6n + 6n4 + + 6n = 0. Obviously

  0, n 5 0, 1;   0, m 5 0, 3;

n m
6 + 5n 5 1, n 5 2, 4; and 8 + 2m 5 2, m 5 1, 2; (12)
2 2
3, n 5 3; 1, m 5 4.

We see that in the q-expansion on the right side of the last equation the coefficient of q n
is zero when n 4 (mod 5). The proof of Theorem 7 has been finished.
We define
C13 42 24 = {(1 , 2 , 3 , 24 , 45 , 46 )|1 , 2 , 3 O, 4 D, 5 , 6 P}.
We can say them as partitions into 6-colors. For C13 42 24 , we denote the sum of parts
s, a weight w13 42 24 and a multirank R13 42 24 (), by
s() = (1 ) + (2 ) + (3 ) + 2(4 ) + 4(5 ) + 4(6 )
w13 42 24 () = (1)#(4 )
R13 42 24 () = #(2 ) #(3 ) + #(5 ) #(6 ).
The number of 6-colored partitions of n if s() = n (counted according to the weight
w134224) with multirank m is denoted by NC134224(m, n), so that
NC13 42 24 (m, n) = w13 42 24 ().
C13 42 24 ,s()=n,
R13 42 24 ()=m

The number of 6-colored partitions of n with multirank congruent to m (mod t) is denoted

by NC13 42 24 (m, t, n). We have
NC134224(m, n) = NC134224(m, n), NC134224(m, t, n) = NC134224(tm, t, n).
The following generating function for NC13 42 24 (m, n):

XX (q 2 ; q 2 )
NC13 42 24 (m, n)z m q n = . (13)
mZ n=0
[q, zq, z 1 q; q 2 ] [zq 4 , q 4 /z; q 4 ]

By setting z = 1 in the identity (13) we find

NC13 42 24 (m, n) = Q(po,pod) (n).

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 13

Theorem 8. For n > 0,

NC134224(0, 5, 5n+2) = NC134224(1, 5, 5n+2) = NC134224(2, 5, 5n+2) = .
Proof. The proof of Theorem 8 is similar to Theorem 7. By letting z = in (13), we get

XX (q 2 ; q 2 )
NC13 42 24 (m, n) m q n =
mZ n=0
[q, q, 1 q; q 2 ] [q 4 , 1 q 4 ; q 4 ]
[q , q, 2 q; q 2 ] [q 4 , 2 q 4 , 2 q 4 ; q 4 ]
2 2
= .
(q 5 ; q 10 ) (q 20 ; q 20 )

Using Jacobi triple product identity (1) and (2), the numerator infinite products have
the following series expression

(1)n q 4( 2 ) { 2n + 2n2 + + 2n }.
(1)m q m 2m
m= n>0

Since m2 0, 1, 4 (mod 5), and 4 n+1

0, 2, 4 (mod 5), the power of q is congruent
to 2 modulo 5 only when m 5 0 and n 5 2, and if and only if n 5 2, we have
2n + 2n2 + + 2n = 0. Therefore no term involving q 5n+2 appears on the right-hand
side of the last equation, we finish the proof of Theorem 8.
We consider

C11 22 42 = {(1 , 2 , 3 , 44 , 45 , 26 , 27 )|1 , 4 , 5 D, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 P, }.

We call them as partitions into 7-colors. For C112242, we define the sum of parts s, a
weight w112242 and a multirank R11 22 42 (), by

s() = (1 ) + (2 ) + (3 ) + 4(4 ) + 4(5 ) + 2(6 ) + 2(7 )

w112242() = (1)#(1 )+#(4 )+#(5 )
R112242() = #(2 ) #(3 ) + 2#(6 ) 2#(7 ).

Let NC112242(m, n) denote the number of 7-colored partitions of n if s() = n (counted

according to the weight w112242) with multirank m, so that
NC11 22 42 (m, n) = w11 22 42 ().
C11 22 42 ,s()=n,
R11 22 42 ()=m

The number of 7-colored partitions of n with multirank m (mod t) is denoted by

NC112242(m, t, n). By interchanging 2 and 3 , 6 and 7 , we also have

NC112242(m, n) = NC112242(m, n); NC112242(m, t, n) = NC112242(tm, t, n).

the electronic journal of combinatorics 19(2) (2012), #P8 14

Then the two variable generating function for NC112242(m, n) is

XX (q; q) (q 4 ; q 4 )2
NC11 22 42 (m, n)z m q n = . (14)
mZ n=0
[zq, z 1 q; q] [z 2 q 2 , q 2 /z 2 ; q 2 ]

If we simply put z = 1 in the identity (14), and read off the coefficients of like powers of
q, we find

NC11 22 42 (m, n) = Q(pe,ped) (n).

Putting z = in (14) gives

XX (q; q) (q 4 ; q 4 )2
NC11 22 42 (m, n) m q n =
mZ n=0
[q, 1 q; q] [ 2 q 2 , 2 q 2 ; q 2 ]
[q , q, 2 q; q 2 ] [q 2 , q, q; q 2 ] [q 4 , q 4 ; q 4 ]
2 2
= .
(q 5 ; q 5 )

Using Jacobi triple product identity (1) and Entry 8(x) of [5] P.114, the numerator
infinite products have the following series expression

(1 + 3n)q 6( 2 )+5n .
(1)m q m 2m
m= n=

If and only if n 5 3, we have 1 + 3n 5 0. Since the coefficient of q n on the right side

of the last identity is 5N when n 5 3, and 1 + + 2 + 3 + 4 is a minimal polynomial
in Z[], our main result follows:

Theorem 9. For n > 0,

NC11 22 42 (0, 5, 5n + 3) 5 NC11 22 42 (1, 5, 5n + 3) 5 5 NC11 22 42 (4, 5, 5n + 3).

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