6acee Program Final 15aug2016
6acee Program Final 15aug2016
6acee Program Final 15aug2016
Day THREE - 24 Sept 2016, Saturday
Technical Session I Technical Session II Technical Session III
Venue I Venue II Venue III
8:30 9:50 H TS I-5 (3 papers @ 20 min) TS II-5 (4 papers @ 20 min) TS III-5 Special Lecture 2 for
D2. Community Preparedness and D3. Seismic Rehabilitation and Students & Young Engineers
Resilience Reconstruction Topic: Seismic Retrofitting of
(D2-56, D1-68, D2-76) (C2-52, D3-10, D3-25, D3-57) Concrete Structures for
Environmental Sustainability
9:50 10:10 H Break
10:10 12:00 H TS I-6 (4 papers @ 20 min) TS II-6 (5 papers @ 20 min) TS III-6
D1. DRR Policies and Strategies A2. Seismology and Meeting of the International
(D1-38, D1-40, D1-62, D2-55) Geotechnical Engineering Advisory Committee (IAC)
(A2-27, A2-53, A2-46,
C1-72, A2-32)
12:00 13:00 H Lunch/Viewing of Exhibits/ Meeting
13:05 13:30 H Product Presentation #2
13:30 14:00 H KN5: Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment of Priority Cultural Heritage Structures in the Philippines
in the Philippines
Dina DAyala (University College London, UK)
14:00 14:30 H KN6: Seismic Performance Evaluation of Tall Buildings Using Modal Decomposition Approach
Pennung Warnitchai (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
14:30 15:00 H KN7: Anthropology of Earthquakes Towards a Simplified Performance Based
Earthquake Engineering Design
Carlos Villaraza (ASEP, Philippines)
15:00 15:25 H Product Presentation #3
15:25 15:45 H Break
15:45 16:15 H KN8: Development of BSDS Spectral Acceleration Mapping and Site-Specific Design Spectra for
Philippine Bridges
William Tanzo (Vibrametrics, Philippines)
16:15 16:45 H KN9: "Build Back Better" on Post-Disaster Recovery and its Diversity
Osamu Murao (Tohoku University, Japan)
16:45 17:15 H Product Presentation #4
17:15 17:30 H Closing Program
Session Chairs/Moderators
Day ONE - 22 Sept 2016, Thursday
PLENARY SESSION 1 (13:00 16:55) Moderators: Rannie Ison and Miriam Tamayo
Day TWO - 23 Sept 2016, Friday
Technical Session I Technical Session II Technical Session III
Venue I Venue II Venue III
8:30 9:50 H TS I-1 TS II-1 TS III-1 Special Lecture 1 for
A1. Seismic Hazards and B1. Seismic Analysis and Students & Young Engineers
Lessons from Earthquakes Design of Structures Topic: Earthquake Quick
Chair: Fumio Yamazaki Chair: Virgilio Columna Response Program
Lecturer: Wilfredo Lopez
Themes and Subthemes of Technical Sessions
A. Seismic Hazards and Engineering Seismology
A1. Seismic Hazards and Lessons Learned from Past Earthquakes in the Asian Region
A2. Seismology and Geotechnical Engineering
B. Structural Engineering and Seismic Design
B1. Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures
B2. Structural Safety and Codes, Dynamic Testing and Modeling and Performance-Based Design
B3. Retrofitting of Structures, Structural Control, Damping and Base-Isolation Systems
C. Infrastructure Engineering and Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction
C1. Technology and GIS for Earthquake Engineering
C2. Seismic Assessment of Infrastructures (Transportation and Lifelines)
C3. Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction
D. Earthquake Disaster Risk Management and Community Resilience
D1. DRR Policies and Strategies
D2. Community Preparedness and Resilience
D3. Seismic Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session I-1 8:30 9:50 H.
A1. Seismic Hazards and Lessons from Earthquakes
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
A1-12 Lessons from the M7.2 Bohol Earthquake Of Oct. 15 2013 Paul Finlay - Philippines
A1-34 Earthquake Intensity Assessment and Isoseismal Map of the Charmaine V. Villamil - Philippines
2013 Mw 7.2 Bohol Earthquake
A1-47 Numerical Modeling Of 2015 Nepal-Gorkha Earthquake using Venkata Dilip Kumar Pasupuleti -
Finite Element Method India
A1-61 Ground Shaking Hazard Mapping of Cebu Province, Philippines Rhommel Grutas Philippines
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session II-1 8:30 9:50 H.
B1. Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
B1-11 Controlled-Damage Structural Design for High Earthquake Jose Carlos Valencia II - Philippines
Resilient Buildings
B1-30 Residual Seismic Capacity and Damage Evaluation of High- Ryutaro Michisita - Japan
Rise RC Buildings
B1-45 Change in Building Behavior due to Installation of Billboards or Sairam Neridu - India
Communication Towers during Earthquakes
B1-54 Primary Seismic Deficiencies Observed in Low-Rise Residential M. Lisbeth Blaisdell - Philippines
Buildings after the October 15, 2013 Mw7.2 Bohol Earthquake
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session III-1 8:30 9:50 H.
Special Lecture 1 for Students and Young Engineers
SL-1 Earthquake Quick Response Program Wilfredo S. Lopez - Philippines
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session I-2 10:10 12:00 H.
B3. Retrofitting of Structures and Structural Control, Damping and Base-Isolation Systems
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
B3-37 Seismic Performance of Super High-Rise Wall-Frame Hiroyuki Takenaka - Japan
Reinforced Concrete Structure with Hybrid Beams using Low
Yield Point Steel Damper by the Different Setting Method
B3-59 Development of New Oil Damper for Architectural Atsuki Yokohama - Japan
Vibration Control and Experimental Research on
Structural Characterization
B3-75 Seismic Retrofitting of the Marmara Baibyk University Stepahne Marrec - Philippines
Hospital in Istanbul
B3-73 Structural Investigation and Seismic Retrofit Design of a Eduardo C. Arrojado - Philippines
UNESCO Heritage Building using CFRP, A Case Study
B1-71 Seismic Instrumentation of Buildings w/ a 3 Aligned Strong Reynaldo Flordeliza - Philippines
Motion Recorder Accelerograph at the Center of Mass
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session II-2 10:10 12:00 H.
B2. Dynamic Testing and Modeling and Performance-Based Design
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
B2-15 Mitigating Earthquake Risks through the Application of Jose A. Sy - Philippines
Performance-Based Design approach 30-storey Tapering Nova
Manila Tower: A Case Study
B2-31 Case Study: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Naveed Anwar Thailand
Concrete Dual System Building
B2-50 Experimental Research on Dynamic Characteristic of Structural Yuki Sato - Japan
Members Made of CFRP or AFRP
B2-77 Steel Fibres Combined with Conventional Reinforcing: Amazing Alan Ross New Zealand
Synergies Using Available Design Guidelines.
C2-63 Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Piled Wharf to Nguyen Van Duyet - Vietnam
Eurocode A Study on the Effect of Steel Pile Class to the
Behavior of Pile Foundation
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session III-2 10:10 12:00 H.
C2. Seismic Assessment of Infrastructures
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
C2-14 Evaluation of the Damage Ratios of Regional Roads after the Osamu Itagaki - Japan
2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami
C2-18 Evaluation of Seismic Vulnerability of Gas Distribution Pipeline Yohei Kogo - Japan
in Tokyo Metropolitan Area after the 2011 Great East Japan
C2-41 Seismic Performance Evaluation Of Yokohama-Bay Bridge Tomoaki Takeda - Japan
Using Multi-Scale Model
C2-36 Real-Time Damage Detection of RC Bridge Pier Based on Tsukasa Mizutani - Japan
Sparse Representation of Acceleration Response Waveform
C2-78 Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Buried Pipelines in Surigao Lessandro Garciano - Philippines
Del Norte
C2-41 Seismic Performance Evaluation Of Yokohama-Bay Bridge
Using Multi-Scale Model
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session I-3 13:30 15:10 H.
A2. Seismology and Geotechnical Engineering
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
A2-19 Evaluation of Site Response Characteristics Based on Ground Shinya Higashino - Japan
Motion Simulation during the 2005 Chiba Northwestern
A2-74 Geotechnical and Seismic Considerations in the Design of Roy Anthony Luna - Philippines
Highway Embankments
A2-65 Model Experiments on the Dynamic Response of Embankments Jun Itoh - Japan
with Various Protection Measures
A2-66 Dynamic Response of Embankments on Liquefiable Ground Omer Aydan - Japan
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session II-3 13:30 15:10 H.
NCREE Organized Session on
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Buildings in Taiwan
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
SS1 Buckling-Restrained Brace Researches and Applications for An-Chien Wu - Taiwan
New Construction and Retrofit of Buildings in Taiwan
SS3 Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings using Chao-Hsun Huang - Taiwan
Combination of Column-Jacketing and Supplemental Beams
SS5 Seismic Behavior of Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures Fu-Pei Hsiao Taiwan
Retrofitting by Steel-Braced Frame
SS6 Real-Valued Modal Response History Analysis for Asymmetric- Jui-Liang Lin - Taiwan
Plan Buildings with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers
SS7 Accomplishments on seismic upgrading of school buildings in Lap-Loi Chung - Taiwan
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session III-3 13:30 15:10 H.
B3. Retrofitting of Structures, Structural Control, Damping and Base-Isolation Systems
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
B3-13 Innovative Features of Adaptive Rubber Bearings Chong Shien Tsai - Taiwan
B3-16 Seismic Response Control of Wooden Buildings using Yuji Miyazu - Japan
Mechanical Linkage with Steel Dampers
B3-28 The Development, and Experiment of Cam-grip Type, Punchet Thammarak - Thailand
Compression-Free Energy Dissipative Brace
B3-29 Seismic Response of High-Rise RC Wall Frame Structure using Tamma Aditya - Japan
Energy Dissipation Brace Between Coupled Shear Wall
B3-35 Study on Construction of Analytical Model of Seismic Isolation Go Yamamoto - Japan
Structure Based on Seismic Records
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session I-4 15:40 17:00 H.
C1. Technology and GIS for Earthquake Engineering
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
C1-42 Study on Response Control Technology for Aerogenerator Osamu Furuya - Japan
against Seismic Motion and Wind Load
C1-67 Research and Development on Brace Members using High- Kaidoh-Yamaguchi - Japan
Performance Fibers
C1-51 New Provisions on Seismic Design of Anchors using the 7th Joanna Marie M. Solomon -
Edition of the National Structural Code of the Philippines Philippines
A1-22 Estimation of Coseismic Displacement in the 2016 Kumamoto Luis Moya - Japan
Earthquake from Lidar Data
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session II-4 15:40 17:00 H.
NCREE Organized Session on Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Buildings in Taiwan
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
SS8 Seismic Preliminary Evaluation of Low-Rise Residential Tsung-Chih Chiou - Taiwan
Buildings In Taiwan
SS9 Influence of Plan-Asymmetric Properties on Seismic Fragilities Te-Kuang Chow - Taiwan
of Buildings
SS10 Case Study on Seismic Evaluation of an Existing Apartment in Wen-Cheng Shen - Taiwan
SS11 Seismic Behavior of RC Wall Simulated by Equivalent Column Yaw-Shen Tu - Taiwan
Model and Equivalent Diagonal Brace Model
Day 2 (September 23, 2016, Friday) Technical Session III-4 15:40 17:00 H.
C3. Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
C3-23 Study on Prevention of Furniture Fall During Earthquake Yuki Maeda - Japan
C3-24 Study on Seismic Response of Escalator Kenta Shirai - Japan
C3-33 Study on Vibration Reduction of Excavators Installing Multiple Yusuke Hirata Japan
Tuned Mass Damper
C3-39 Industrial Equipment Vibration Severity Analysis under OBE Reynaldo Velasco - Philippines
(Operating Basis Earthquake) and SSE (Safe Shut Down
Day 3 (September 24, 2016, Saturday) Technical Session I-5 8:30 9:50 H.
D2. Community Preparedness and Resilience
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
D2-56 Engaging the Community to Improve School Construction Tyrone Angel A. Teves Jr. III -
Quality through Increased Awareness and Accountability Philippines
D1-68 The Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient: The Case of Andres Winston C. Oreta -
Quezon City Philippines
D2-76 Seismic Risk Evaluation of the Nine Central Schools in the Dexter Lo - Philippines
Division of Cagayan De Oro City
Day 3 (September 24, 2016, Saturday) Technical Session I-6 10:10 12:00 H.
D1. DRR Policies and Strategies
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
D1-38 Microtremor H/V Analysis as a Basic Tool In Community Land Richelle Zafra - Philippines
Use and Safety Planning UPLB Campus Case Study
D1-40 Strategies for the Development and Dissemination of Tools for Joan L. Cruz-Salcedo - Philippines
Earthquake Safety of Houses: A Collaborative Effort among
Experts and Stakeholders
D1-62 Earthquake and Tsunami Events from the Eyes of Witnesses: Ma. Mylene Martinez-Villegas -
Extracting Valuable Descriptions of Geologic Phenomena from Philippines
Narratives Analysis
D2-55 Increasing Safety in Residential Construction through Simplified Linnel Ballesteros - Philippines
Earthquake- and Typhoon Resistant Guidelines
Day 3 (September 24, 2016, Saturday) Technical Session II-6 10:10 12:00 H.
A2. Seismology and Geotechnical Engineering
Paper # Title Presentor - Country
A2-27 Strong Motion Attenuation Relationship: Regression Modeling of Charity Hope A. Gayatin -
Peak Ground Acceleration in Luzon, Philippines Philippines
A2-53 Earthquake Generation Potential along the Different Segments Jeffrey S. Perez - Philippines
of the Philippine Fault in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines
A2-46 Duration Spectra for Long-Period Earthquake Ground Motion Nobuoto Nojima - Japan
C1-72 Integration of Site Effects to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Joshua Macaraeg Philippines
Analysis for Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration
A2-32 Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (Mcer) Ground
Motions Maps Through Probabilistic And Deterministic Seismic Tim Mote - Philippines
Hazard Analysis For Southern Luzon To Support Design To
Day 3 (September 24, 2016, Saturday) Technical Session III-6 10:10 12:00 H.
IAC Meeting
M-1 Meeting of International Advisory Committee (Proposal for the Andres Winston C. Oreta - Chair
7ACEE Host and Venue)