Minerva Whitepaper
Minerva Whitepaper
Minerva Whitepaper
S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 6
Technology 6
D I S T R I B U T I O N & S U P P LY M O D E L 7
Advanced Methods 7
Equation Details 8
Distribution & Supply Math Model 8
Minerva Volatility Protocol 9
The Voting System 9
I N T E G R AT I O N 11
Platform Incentives 11
Risk Mitigation 11
User Benefits 11
I M M E D I AT E U S E C A S E 12
M I N E R VA S M A R T M O N E Y A L L I A N C E 12
Basic Information 13
Pre-Sale 13
Primary Crowdsale 13
Reserve Minerva 13
M I N E R VA B U G B O U N T Y 14
Minervas Aggresive Bug Bounty Program 14
Social Engineering & Phishing 14
Security Vulnerabilities 15
In-scope 15
Bounty Award Process 15
Funded Internally 16
A D V I S O RY B O A R D 17
Minerva is a platform which provides an additional revenue stream to
businesses accepting its Owl token as a method of payment. Currently,
many businesses struggle with accepting cryptocurrencies due to the
substantial risk of volatility. Minerva is expressly designed to combat this
volatility through Proof-of-Transaction, a set of properties to mitigate risk
while rewarding approved companies for every Minerva transaction. It is
not our goal to tether the Owl to a specific price, but rather to allow for
steady increases and decreases in price, reducing risk and averting short-
term violent price swings.
Todays cryptocurrencies have a serious problem. They are manipulated
by markets and used as speculative investments instead of their actual
purpose: currency. The problem is compounded by violent price swings
which creates substantial risk for businesses to accept cryptocurrency.
These thick, heavy, silver coins minted more than 2,500 years ago were
arguably the most influential of all coins. Through careful control, Owls
became known due to great quality and consistent weight, resulting in
merchants using them for their portability and global acceptance. They
were produced for over four hundred years, and remain the most widely
recognized ancient coin among the general public today.
New cryptocurrencies are introduced almost daily and their values can
grow exponentially from inception. At the same time, many are abandoned
after their novelty and market honeymoon period, thereafter quickly
falling out of meaningful use. Despite these nascent cryptocurrency
market features, it is clear that several statistical properties of the
cryptocurrency market have been stable for years. The number of active
cryptocurrencies, the market share distribution, and the turnover of
cryptocurrencies remain fairly predictable.
Minerva is presently an ERC20 token and smart contract platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.
Following this standard, Minerva tokens are easily transferable between users and platforms using
ERC20-compatible wallets, and can be smoothly integrated into exchanges.
This is in addition to bonus Minerva Owl tokens issued to partnered businesses via Proof-of-Transaction
at a variable rate designed to ease inflation and combat violent price swings. With this model, Owl
tokens can be exchanged for services on Minerva-approved platforms and then sold back on the
market by partenered businesses, thereby creating the added monetary value. Owl tokens cannot be
generated by any other method.
This fundamental revenue-generating aspect of Minerva allows approved and integrated businesses
to increase their revenue immediately upon implementation, and grants more flexibility in partenered
platforms to reward customers with bonuses and discounts.
The Minerva team commits to subjecting its platform to comprehensive security audits. We will implement
multiple strategies to provide maximum transparency in our funds management. The goal is to prove the
For each platform that accepts the Minerva Owl as a payment method, we will create a view-only API key
which will allow anyone to verify the balance and trade history of its account. To prevent abuse, monitoring
and resource tracking will limit users from the exploitation of reward rate loops.
Minerva uses two advanced methods to increase and decrease the Owl token supply.
The first method mints new Minerva Owl tokens and inserts them into the economy when a partner platform
accepts the token as the payment method. The rate at which Owls are currently entering the economy is
called the reward rate. The reward rate is directly proportional to the price of Owl: as the price rises, the
reward rate rises. The reward rate will rise until it increases the total supply enough to prevent violent price
swings. When the reward rate is greater than zero (0), a small portion of the rewards are sent to a contract
where they can be exchanged for MVP tokens (Minerva Volatility Protocol tokens) and voting tokens. The
inherently inflationary reward rate used to reward platforms is hard capped at 10%. This hard cap means
supply will not dramatically change during episodes of significant growth, enabling the market price to
naturally stabilize when artificial steadying is inadequate.
The second method sterilizes Minerva Owl tokens when their price is decreasing. Instead of a negative
reward rate, we enact a system that incentivizes users to temporarily take their Minerva Owls out of the
economy. Users will exchange Owl tokens for MVP tokens representing a certain amount of Owls which may
(or may not) appreciate over a set period of time. In any instance of a price decrease MVP tokens will be
sold, but the more drastic the price decrease at the time of purchase, the higher the potential appreciation
value of these tokens. These MVP tokens will be able to be exchanged at a later date for the original Owl
tokens paid in addition to a certain percent extra. In the event of a prolonged decline in which MVP vault
funds are exhausted, the Owl token will have to naturally regain price stability.
The equations in the next section explain the circulation of assets in the economy; we use these to adjust
the reward rate in order to mitigate price volatility. Price, which is determined through a Schelling points-
based voting system to be explained in granularity later in this document, will be our known variable. Using
price, we can adjust the reward rate to increase the supply or, in the case where the reward rate would be
negative, take actions to sterilize assets. Rewards increase exponentially as the price increases according
to a largely linear model, thereby guaranteeing that the rewards will increase the supply enough to catch up
to rising expected demand.
The Minerva economy uses Owl tokens, MVP (Minerva Volatility Protocol) tokens and voting tokens.
Minerva is the underlying platform and protocol on which its economy is based. Rewards for platforms are
directly introduced to the economy as Minerva Owl tokens. MVP tokens are sold during episodes of price
decrease in order to temporarily decrease effective supply. Voting tokens are exchanged for users voting
on the current OWL/USD (United States dollar) conversion rate. These are necessary because votes are
still required during periods when the price is decreasing and we therefore cannot guarantee immediate
rewards. MVP token issuance may, at times, halt as the vault is temporarily exhausted. The MVP vault is
funded by a small tax collected against Minerva bonus reward tokens, and may also be partially funded by a
portion of special Reserve Tokens, though this is an unlikely scenario or intentional strategy. If the economy
grows and remains stable for longer periods of time, the MVP vault grows and provides more resources for
tackling exceedingly violent rapid price swings.
Voting is based on a Schelling point method inspired by Vitalik Buterins SchellingCoin, yet modified to
be more resilient against manipulation (explained further below), in order to determine the approximate
Minerva/USD conversion rate. In addition to the normal transfer of Minerva Owls, users will be able to use
a function that allows for the transferring of tokens and voting within a single transaction. Because of this
piggybacking, voting will have minimal gas (transaction fee) costs. In exchange for voting, voters will be
awarded a specific number of voting tokens correlated to their Minerva stake deposited for the vote.
1. A deposit is required to vote; the deposit corresponds to the influence the participants
vote has on Minervas contract price and the deposit decides the reward received for
voting. This deposit will be lost if the vote is found to be illegitimate.
3. If the amount of votes is sufficient, all cast votes are rewarded, while at the same time
only a certain percent are permitted to influence the contract price of Minerva.
4. Open-source exchange polling and voting automation with real-time log output as a
failsafe mechanism. This safeguard is only activated if presented with evidence of a
sophisticated attack occurring on the Minerva Volatility Protocol.
In addition to these aforementioned voter manipulation checks, Minerva employs the following methods to
avoid manipulation of MVP (Minerva Volatility Protocol) token prices:
1. The time at which the new contract price comes into effect is randomized so as to
avoid a level of predictability that would allow manipulators to know the optimal
times to buy MVP tokens.
2. A small fee is enacted when distributing MVP tokens or a required holding time is
set to discourage market activity that resembles speculative trading.
3. An MVP Door is enacted in which the price must decrease for a certain period of
time before the ability to buy MVP tokens is available.
The biggest reasons cryptocurrencies arent more widely used are: the amount of
money saved by using it is often less than the costs of using it, and the price of
cryptocurrencies often change dramatically over short periods of time, making it
difficult for both buyers and sellers to feel comfortable using them.
Why would people spend Minerva instead of Fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies?
The Minerva Owl is preferable to Fiat currency for users because of the incentives
partner websites will be enabled based on the rewards system. Websites get a
reward when Minerva is used so they will want to take full advantage of this extra
revenue by offering users discounts, freebies, and exclusive content for paying with
the Owl token.
Does the reward rate invariably have to hit zero and stay there permanently?
The reward rate doesnt have to hit zero. If the Owl tokens market price is rising for
any reason, the reward rate will not be zero. Since supply rising decreases the price
of the Owl token, we can increase supply as the price increases in order to decrease
the price and prevent short-term violent rises and decreases in price. We will be able
to use various methods to decrease the amount of Minerva Owl tokens in circulation,
one notable method being the MVP (Minerva Volatility Protocol) system described in
the Distribution & Supply Model section of this document.
If the economy is ever-expanding we can keep reward rates forever, but if the reward
rate does hit zero it is a good thing. It would likely imply that Minerva Owls are very
widely used, and at that point, if the Minerva Owl stays stable for a long time, we
could abolish reward rates altogether. It is important to note that bonus Minerva
Owl tokens will never be issued to partnered platforms unless the bonuses can be
accounted for.
Minerva provides a generous reward system for businesses that accept it as payment. Upon receiving
Minerva Owl tokens, each business is issued a bonus that resembles a credit cards cash back
incentive. When Minerva Owls are received from their customers, they are automatically liquidated.
4. Reverse transaction fees. We pay them, not the other way around
The reward system is designed so Minerva Owl tokens enter the economy at variable rates, making efforts
to ensure that demand does not cause short-term violent price swings. As is evident below with our first
and immediate use case, we will be integrating with a large company at launch, and future businesses
requesting integration will require vetting with a rigorous security-forward process, including anti-money-
laundering and anti-fraud audits.
The founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, has said, There would then be multiple separate classes of
cryptoassets: stable assets for trading, speculative assets for investment, and Bitcoin itself may well serve
as a unique Schelling point for a universal fallback asset, similar to the current and historical functioning of
gold. While Bitcoin itself is not the unique Schelling point, our aim is for Owl to become a comparatively
stable cryptocurrency which allows businesses to benefit by simply accepting it as a method of payment.
Speculation, exchange scams, drug markets and the common negative publicity of cryptocurrencies will all
have little-to-no impact on our partnered platforms. Minerva tokens have utility beyond speculative value
as they represent an applicable purpose of value between platforms and customers, as well as agents,
contractors, vendors, content creators and more.
When a customer pays using the Minerva Owl token, businesses can offer discounts and/or bonuses. This is
because, rather than paying transaction fees, Minerva platforms are rewarded with new tokens at a variable
rate designed to combat inflation. Users are able to purchase Minerva from any exchange or market where
they are traded, transfer them to one of many ERC20-compatible wallets, and then spend them on Minerva-
integrated platforms.
The first business to integrate into the Minerva platform is a live-streaming service with $20M in revenue
and over 10 million users. We will show a clean and concise before-and-after revenue impact of integrating
with Minerva. At this time, Minerva has been advised to temporarily withhold the name of our first partnered
business. We aim to integrate across a wide spectrum of large niche and mainstream businesses spanning
several industries by recruiting platforms into the Minerva Smart Money Alliance (MSMA).
$2 0 M
Minerva will allow content creators to receive payments and exchange funds indiscriminately while enabling
the business to provide more value to both customers and content creators alike.
The MSMA is a proposed consortium of organizations that either accept the Minerva Owl as payment or are
strategically partnered with the Minerva team. The aim is to work with various groups through partnerships,
acquisitions, and vision-aligning joint ventures in the research and development of blockchain technologies
and to further their mainstream adoption.
Early adopter participation takes place through a crowdsale dashboard accessible via Minerva.com.
75,000,000 of 100,000,000 total initial Minerva Owls will be distributed in two crowdsales. A pre-sale is
followed by a primary Minerva crowdsale, and each are accessible to parties outside of the United States.
The crowdsales will be held in an auction format in that all distributed Minerva will be priced by the amount
of contributions received, and then distributed accordingly. 25,000,000 Minerva will be excluded from the
crowdsales which is described below in the Reserve Minerva section. After the initial 100,000,000 Owl
tokens are created, new token creation, apart from bonuses associated with platform utility, will be halted
permanently. Within 1 year (365 days) of the crowdsale, an announcement will be made regarding any
potential 1:1 token exchanges relating to any proposed private blockchain migration.
The initial Minerva Owl token distribution will be in the form of a pre-sale token distribution with a hard cap
of $5,000,000. Participants will be able to stake Minerva at a 20% discount rate by pledging BTC and ETH
roughly 2 weeks before the primary crowdsale begins. This period will last for approximately 1 week or until
the hard cap is reached.
At the end of the crowdsales the founding team will receive a 10% allocation of Minerva Owls, subject to a
twelve-month (12-month) holding period. These tokens will serve as a long-term performance incentive for
the founding team. An additional 10% will be allocated for long-term operating costs, 2.5% will be allocated
for partnerships and another 2.5% for the bug bounty program. All Minerva Owl token transfers will be
restricted for two (2) months after the crowdsale ends.
In line with our security-forward approach, we are issuing an open letter to all hackers. We do not care if
you are a ruthless blackhat behind seven (7) proxies, an ethical whitehat who follows the rules, or anything
in between. We do not care if you are the evil hacker who drained $30M from an ICO contract running
Parity or a stand-up guy who teaches the elderly how to use anti-virus software and ad-blockers. If there
are critical security vulnerabilities present in Minerva, and you find them, you will be significantly rewarded
with Minerva. The tech world, and the world itself, would not look the way it does today without hackers.
Critical Security Vulnerabilities - Smart Contracts
Vault contract error: exploit in the MVP/voting vault which may result in significant loss of funds
Voting contract error: direct exploit in voting contract that results in significant loss of funds
Voting Token ERC20 error: any error critical to the operation of the token
MVP ERC20 error: any error critical to the operation of the token
Minerva Owl ERC20 error: any error critical to the operation of the token
Not Vulnerabilities
Bounties will be awarded from the 2,500,000 (2.5% equivalent) reserved-token pot set aside for this bug
bounty program. This pot will be used to issue bounties to qualifying hackers and will be subjected to a slow-
time-release algorithm and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at a rate of 1% of the reserved pot
for critical vulnerabilities, and at a rate of 0.1% for not-so-critical vulnerabilities until a point where the pot
becomes nearly exhausted and a 0.1% to 1% bounty is fiscally inconsequential. At such a point, the Minerva
parent entity would compensate you for your efforts.
Base Platform Development
Internal Market Simulations
Integration Testing / Compliance
Content Translation
Exchange Listings
Legal Counsel
Initial Security Auditing
$ 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
Advanced Internal Security Audit
Bug Bounty Program (Tier 1)
Advanced Simulations and Modifications $5, 000, 000
Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Tier-1)
MVP (Minerva Volatility Protocol) Beta
Team Expansion (Tier-1)
Bug Bounty Program (Tier-2)
Cross Platform Minerva Wallet
$ 10 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Voting Dashboard
Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Tier-2) MVP Dashboard and Management
Team Expansion (Tier-2) Platform Integration Automation
Advanced Platform Automation New Platform Developer Documentation
Advanced Revenue Reporting Interface Improved Revenue Reporting Interface
Resource Tracking
Continuous Audit Implementation
Cross Platform Minerva, Ethereum & $1 5, 000, 000
General Purpose ERC20 Wallet Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Tier-3)
Team Expansion (Tier-4)
Private Blockchain Research
$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Debit Card Partnership(s) Research
Minerva Smart Money Alliance (Final Tier) Market Research Stability Advancements
Team Expansion (Tier-5)
Private Blockchain Research
$3 5, 000, 000
Team Expansion (Final Tier)
Private Blockchain Test Network
Bug Bounty Program (Final Tier)
Minerva is a platform and its token is designed to be used as a currency; employing methods to influence
the supply of the Owl token, we aim to combat extreme short-term price swings that plague other
We employ a smart money cycle powered by real economic activity and business incentives. A positive
feedback loop occurs that expands the Minerva market: The more incentives we provide for businesses to
accept the Minerva Owl, the more purchases will occur. The more purchases that occur, the less impact
speculation will have on Minervas market price. The less impact speculation has, the more stable the
market price will be. The more stable the market price, the more purchases occur.
If the value of the Owl token increases, more incentives are provided to businesses to accept it as payment,
therefore increasing the supply and stabilizing the market price. If the value of the Minerva Owl decreases,
more incentives are provided to exchange Minerva Owl tokens for MVP tokens, effectively decreasing the
supply and stabilizing the market price.
In our quest to stabilize the Minerva Owl we have spent considerable time ensuring that our volatility
model is both viable as well as the most optimal decentralized cryptocurrency stabilization solution to date
(outside of fiat tethering, a system reliant on cash reserves that presents non-trivial risks of frozen assets
via the direct and indirect affiliations to traditional bank accounts). Additionally, fiat tethering prohibits
cryptocurrencies from appreciating or depreciating in value in a volatility-tolerable manner and is limited in
its flexibility and application in comparison to Minerva.
As an endeavor in smart money and reverse merchant processing, we assert no claims regarding any
initial high volatility in market behavior or outcomes for an unspecified period of time as Minerva becomes
institutionalized through community participation, platform integration, and the utilization of MVP (Minerva
Volatility Protocol).
Market simulations aside, we use real-world field testing to produce critical data with our immediate large-
scale use case. We expect to encounter challenges, and we expect to overcome them. We will continue to
work with accredited economists, mathematicians and programmers with the goal of producing the most
optimal Minerva-compatible stabilization model achievable.Though concerted time and effort will be needed,
it is a realistic expectation that Minerva and its Owl token will become one of the most enterprise-friendly
platforms and cryptocurrencies available.