Topic 7 LC Refining Text
Topic 7 LC Refining Text
Topic 7 LC Refining Text
Paper is a tangled web of fibers. The fibers are more or less lying in a
flat plane, and they are attached to one another at the many points of
contact that occur wherever one fiber lies across another fiber. The
strength of paper is largely determined by the strength of the
attachments at these fiber crossing points. While it is true that
strength of the individual fibers can also be a factor in determining the
strength of the resulting paper, it is often the case that paper fails
when the fiber-fiber bonds fail.
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Anything that can increase the number of hydrogen bonds engaged
at a crossing point will increase the strength of the linkage and, thus,
the strength of the paper.
For simplicity, consider just two fibers and a single crossing of one
over the other. If the cell wall of these fibers is very rigid, as with a
glass tube for example, the area of contact at the crossing point will
be small. On the other hand, if the fiber walls are very flexible, as with
a bicycle inner tube, the contact area at the crossing point will be
much larger. It is important to recognize that as fibers become mo re
flexible and collapse to ribbon-like structures, the contact area
increases dramatically as does the potential number of hydrogen
bonds that can be formed. The thickness of the cell wall has a
dominant influence on the collapsibility of the fiber. For this reason,
the type of wood used largely determines the potential for achieving
critical paper properties. However, for any given fiber source and
pulping process, it is the process of refining which essentially
determines the extent to which the fibers collapse.
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increase the flexibility of the cell wall to promote increased contact
area, and 2) to fibrillate the external surface of the fiber to further
promote the formation of hydrogen bonds and increase the total
surface area available for bonding. From the figure below, we see
that the cell wall is weakened through delamination of the cell wall
and the outer wall of the fibre is fibrillated.
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porosity), an increase in tensile strength, and often a reduction in tear
strength. Whether or not a reduction in tear strength occurs, refining
almost always increases the fracture toughness of the sheet. It is
easy to imagine that surface smoothness will be better when ribbons
are used in place of rigid cylinders, so long as the ribbons lie flat in
the plane of the sheet. Figure below shows a typical cross section of
paper, illustrating quite clearly how fiber collapse might affect several
paper properties.
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on paper properties. Pressing increases the density of the wet mat
and of the finished paper as well. In the drying section of the
machine, conditions will again affect final sheet properties. Hydrogen
bonds form when intervening water is removed, after which a
significant amount of shrinkage takes place both in the individual
fibers and in the paper sheet. Fibers shrink mostly in the cross-wise
direction rather than along their length. However, the cross-wise
shrinking of one fiber can cause a length-wise compression of a fiber
that is bonded to it in a perpendicular orientation. The resulting
internal stresses can dramatically affect paper properties (e.g.
dimensional stability, curl). The extent to which the sheet is restrained
during drying can play a large role in determining paper performance.
2. Refining Equipment
Laboratory refiners
PFI Mill
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Bedplate Roll
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Hollander Beater
This is one of the first refiners used. It uses a bar and groove rotor to
impose cyclic compression into the fibres as they flow through an
open trough. These are not used commercially but are used in some
laboratories and used in making hand-made papers.
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Modern refining equipment
A disc refiner is very similar to the conical refiner. The pulp travels
between two discs with bars and grooves. There are essentially
three categories of disc refiner:
1. Single disc refiners, where the pulp goes between a rotating rotor
and a stationary stator.
2. Twin refiner where the rotor and stator both rotate.
3. Double disc refiner where the pulp moves between a rotating rotor
that has bars and grooves on both sides and it moves against two
stationary stators.
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4. Theory of Refining
i) Qualitative Analysis
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The nature of the cell wall modification is dependent on the
magnitude of the compressive stresses (or strains) that occur during
the deformation of the fiber flocs. The extent of the cell wall
modification depends on how frequently fiber flocs are collected and
subsequently deformed for a given mass of fiber. In pulp refining, we
are interested in both the magnitude and the frequency of these
Within each fiber floc, the average cell wall deformation of individual
fibers is directly related to the deformation of the floc itself: e.g. if the
floc is only slightly deformed, then the average fiber cell wall
deformation will also be slight. On the other hand, if the floc is greatly
deformed, then the stresses and subsequent deformation of
individual cell walls will be much greater. If the deformation of the
fiber floc is so extreme as to cut it into two, a portion of the fibers
within the floc are also likely to be cut.
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effects on fibers. Second, it underscores the importance fiber flocs.
How many and how large are the flocs that support the refining load
at any instant? What effect does a change in the refiner filling design
have on the size and number of fiber flocs?
The more refining that is done, the greater the increase in both fiber
flexibility and surface fibrillation. Yet for a given amount of refining,
there is no direct evidence linking the nature of the cell wall
deformation with the resulting fiber characteristics. This would require
a mechanism for precisely deforming a large number of individual
fibers and then applying some sort of quantitative inspection criteria
on those fibers after deformation. Nonetheless, there is some indirect
evidence from measured pulp and paper properties which suggests
that high magnitudes of cell wall deformation tend to cause surface
fibrillation and internal swelling and, in the extreme, fiber cutting.
Lower magnitudes of cell wall deformation tend to promote surface
fibrillation without much cell wall swelling, along with a greatly
reduced likelihood of fiber cutting. Recognizing the probabilistic
nature of the refining process, it is quite certain that all of these
effects take place to some degree under any given refining condition.
However, it is possible to control the emphasis of one effect relative
to the others by controlling the intensity of refining.
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In the following section, the idea of refining intensity and its
relationship to cell wall deformation will be discussed. Quantitative
methods for calculating intensity will be described, and the practical
application of these analytical methods to papermaking problems will
be reviewed. Before discussing the effects of refining intensity, it is
worthwhile looking at the general behavior of paper properties as the
amount of refining is increased. Figures below illustrate typical
refining trends for mill refined softwood and hardwood kraft pulps.
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ii) Quantitative Analysis
Specific Energy
P PNo Load
Where Q is the volumetric flow rate through the refiner and C is the
consistency. It is usually given in kW hr/tonne. The table below
gives the typical specific energy input for the major grades (ref:
Table: Specific Energy input for the major pulp grades (ref: FineBar)
Grade Pulp hpd/t kWh/t
LC Refining Page 14
Table: Typical Freeness drop for a given Specific Energy (ref: FineBar)
Specific Edge Load Theory At the microscopic level of fibers and fiber
flocs, refining effects are dependent on the magnitude and frequency
of deformations. In the macroscopic world of commercial
papermaking, we cannot directly control these factors. However, we
can control them indirectly by making two broad assumptions.
We can first assume that the greater the number of bar edges
available in the refining zone, the greater will be the number of fibers
able to absorb a given refining load because fiber flocs are collected
on bar edges. The average number of crossing points where flocs
can be caught between opposing edges of the rotor and stator plates
can be calculated based on the inner and outer diameter of the
plates, bar and groove widths, and the average radial angle of the
rotor and stator bars. While the term bar edge length is generally
used to describe this factor, it is mathematically proportional to the
average number of crossing points.
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With these two assumptions, it is possible to conclude that the
average magnitude of fiber deformation is directly related to the
applied power divided by the product of rotating speed and edge
length. This is the basis of the Specific Edge Load Theory which
was first introduced back in the 1960s. The calculated variable is
referred to as refining intensity or specific edge load (SEL), and is
typically expressed in units of watt-seconds per meter (Ws/m).
P PNo Load
( BarEdgeLength )
LC Refining Page 16
N n n
nr ns
BarEdgeLength = dr i i r
r s
cos i =1 cos
(Note: Bar edge length is sometimes called the cutting edge length)
Where is the angle the bar makes with the radial direction and n is
the number of bars at the radius, r.
Bar edge length is the total length of bar edges that the fibres will see
in one revolution. Note that for a double
LC Refining Page 17
To define the refining process, it is not enough to know the magnitude
or intensity of deformations. It is also necessary to know the
frequency or, more accurately, the average number of deformations
per unit mass. Computing the average number of deformations
requires the assumptions that the deformation at any crossing point
occurs over a finite time interval, and that the number of deformations
per unit time is directly proportional to the rotating speed. Thus, the
number of deformations per unit mass (N) is calculated according to
the following equation:
( BarEdgeLength )
Note: TPD is the mass flow rate of pulp through the refiner
P= I N
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High Intensity
Low Intensity
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It is appropriate to use both Specific Edge Load and C-Factor
methods when analyzing a refiner filling application. It is important
to recognize that SEL does not take into account fiber
characteristics but does provide a benchmark value for which there
exists a great deal of historical information.
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8. Refiner Plate Selection: i) The Correct Amount of Refining
(Specific Energy Input)
Example calculations:
c) If the motor load is 575 hp and the no-load power is 115 hp, then
the net applied power is: 575 115 = 460 hp
and the specific energy input is: 460 hp / 135 t/d = 3.4 hpd/t
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specific energy will increase.
Table 4
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Table 5
Note that this represents a rough guideline only. It is often the case
that specific energy requirements are best determined based on
paper quality checks during mill processing. It is therefore advisable
that the available power for refining be around 25% greater than the
expected nominal level.
LC Refining Page 23
place to make the difference discernable. An exception to this is the
refining of unbleached kraft for sack paper applications for which the
initial increase in tear with refining can only be assured if the
intensity is sufficiently low (i.e. 1.5-2.0 Ws/m).
The benefits of low intensity refining for hardwood pulps and for
mechanical pulp post-refining are quite widely acknowledged by
papermakers. In the past, the lower limit of intensity had been
established at 0.6-0.8 Ws/m due to the limitations of plate
manufacturing technology. However, recent developments in this
area have enabled intensities of 0.2-0.6 Ws/m to be achieved while
maintaining efficiency and hydraulic capacity.
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Figure 8
The data points clearly show a trend of increased freeness drop per
net hpd/t applied as the refining intensity is reduced from 2.0 to 0.2
Ws/m. In other words, less energy is needed to achieve a given
freeness. This can be taken as an operating cost reduction, or as an
increase in power available for quality enhancement or to
accommodate a higher throughput.
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Table 6
Refining Intensity
Fiber Type
SWD Kraft 1.0-2.5
HWD Kraft 0.3-0.8
Recycle 0.2-0.8
TMP/GWD 0.2-0.5
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Table 7
LC Refining Page 27
order of 0.075.
Groove Width. The minimum practical groove width is usually
determined by the tendency for plugging of the groove, either by fiber
or by a common contaminant. For post-refining of groundwood in a
contaminant free system, a groove width of 0.050 would be possible.
For hardwood pulps the groove width should be at least 0.075. For
softwood pulps the groove width should be at least 0.090 or 0.125,
depending on the average fiber length of the species being refined.
Another factor to consider is that no-load power varies directly with
the hydraulic section or open area of the cross section of the pattern.
A plate with 1/8 grooves and 1/4 bars will have a higher no-load
power than a plate with 1/4 grooves and 1/8 bars.
Minimum bar and groove widths create the lower limit of refining
intensity for any given refiner size operating at a fixed speed. If there
is a strong quality incentive to reduce intensity further, it can only be
done be adding additional equipment.
All stock preparation refiners are hydraulic machines with high speed
rotating elements. That means that they operate in an
incompressible medium (no appreciable air or other vapor present)
and are subject to the considerable influence of fluid friction and
centrifugal forces. They act much like centrifugal pumps, albeit with
very leaky wear plates.
LC Refining Page 28
is also limited by its ability to pass a volumetric flow. The flow
capacity of a refiner is determined by its disk diameter, its operating
speed, and the hydraulic section and pumping angle of the installed
refiner plates. Table 8 contains the recommended flow ranges for
different sizes of double disk refiners. In most instances, the high end
of these ranges is very optimistic and will result in poor refining with
very short useful plate life. High flows are primarily encountered with
tickler refiners where the entire flow of the paper machine stock must
pass through the refiner.
LC Refining Page 29
Table 8
34 800 514 135 1000 600 215 475 750 1400 550 875 1650
42 1500 450 220 1750 514 330 775 1250 2400 900 1450 2800
52 3000 400 385 3000 450 550 1300 2150 4300 1475 2425 4850
General Bibliography
LC Refining Page 30
2. Paulapuro, H.; Papermaking Science and Technology Book 8:
Papermaking Part 1, Stock Preparation and Wet End; Finnish Paper
Engineers Association and Tappi Press (2000)
3. Scott, W.E. and Abbott, J.C.; Properties of Paper: An
Introduction, 2 edition; Tappi Press (1995)
4. Smook, G.A.; Handbook for Pulp & Paper Technologists; Tappi
Press (1988)
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Appendix A
No-load power is mostly dependent on the diameter and rotational speed of the rotor, but
it can also be significantly affected by the bar and groove configuration of the refiner
plates. Factors such as flow rate, stock consistency and plate gap have a relatively minor
influence. Contrary to frequent supplier claims, no-load is not dependent on the weight or
mass of the rotating elements. The inertial mass of the rotating elements affects only the
acceleration time for the motor-refiner system at motor start, and the resulting torsional
loads on the rotating system.
Since all changes in pulp properties are determined by the effective power applied
(i.e. total motor power minus no-load power), it is important to know what is the actual
no-load power for any given refiner, installed plate pattern, and relative plate wear.
No-load can be determined by careful measurement or it may be calculated in accordance
with theoretical formulas. A precise measurement of no-load power requires that the rotor
be firmly held so as to prevent contact with the stators on either side. Because of the
radial variability in the static pressure profile acting on each side of the rotor, it is often
the case that instability exists which causes the rotor to lean against one or the other of
the stators. If only water is present, it will result in noisy contact and a slight increase in
LC Refining Page 32
the measured load. The absence of a fiber mat will also result in a slight scarring of the
bar surfaces of the refiner plates. If fiber is present, this instability can result in a
significant increase in measured load and is usually the cause of incorrect no-load
measurements. It is important to recognize that, for any given refiner with a given plate
pattern, the no-load power will vary considerably from a maximum value when the plates
are new to some much lower value (as much as 60-80% lower) when the plates are fully
Most formulas used for calculating no-load power are based loosely on the affinity laws
used in pump design. Indeed, a refiner does behave much like a pump, albeit a very
inefficient one. Every plate pattern will exhibit a characteristic curve that describes how
the total head (pressure rise) varies with capacity (flow rate). The pressure rise will be
at a maximum at zero flow, and will decrease as flow is increased, and actually become
a pressure drop at a sufficiently high flow rate.
As with a pump impeller, pumping power (or no-load) in a refiner is proportional to the
third power of rotational speed. However, unlike a homologous series in pump
impellers, the no-load power for the refiner is proportional to the active plate diameter
raised to the power of 4.3.
In addition to the effect of diameter and speed, the groove depth and hydraulic section
ratio have a dramatic effect on no-load for a particular refiner plate configuration and
wear condition. The hydraulic section ratio is the ratio of groove width to the sum of bar
and groove width, accounting for any effect of tapered groove walls. Based on these
LC Refining Page 33
relationships, a formula for the calculation of no-load power is:
3 4.3
NL = 102 x (RPM/100) x (Da/100) x Hs/0.45 x Gd/0.25
Note: that most published no-load data for refiners is based on brand new cast refiner
plate fillings with a typical section ratio of about 0.45 and an available groove depth of
about 0.25.
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Case Study and Sample Calculations
A fine paper mill is refining bleached hardwood kraft under the following operating
Use this information to calculate the no load power, net hpd/t, refining intensity and
freeness change per hpd/t applied.
No Load = 213 hp
Calculate throughput
Flow 900 gpm Consistency 0.04 Throughput = 216 t/d STEP 5 Calculate net
LC Refining Page 35
specific energy
Specific Edge Load (SEL) = Net kW /(Bar Edge Length*Motor Speed* 1 min / 60 s)
New SEL = 0.6 Ws/m - in recommended SEL range for HWD of 0.3-0.8 Ws/m
Note that additional energy savings would likely be realized from the improved
efficiency achieved when refining hardwood kraft at low intensity.
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Appendix: Sample calculation for bar edge length of a double disc refiner where the
stator and rotor have the same pattern
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