2010 Act No. 2: Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
2010 Act No. 2: Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
2010 Act No. 2: Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Role of will guide, monitor, coordinate and implement the provisions of this Act.
Monitoring 5. The Board shall implement the provisions of this Act with a view to
Board. ensuring a measurable and continuous growth of Nigerian content in all oil
Promotion and gas arrangements, projects, operations, activities or transactions in the
of Nigerian oil and gas industry.
growth of
Nigerian 6. Upon the commencement of this Act, all subsequent oil and gas
arrangements, agreements, contracts or memoranda of understanding relating
Conformity to any operation or transaction in the Nigerian oil and gas industry shall be in
of petroleum conformity with the provisions of this Act.
and other
agreements. 7. In the bidding for any licence, permit or interest and before carrying
out any project in the Nigerian oil and gas industry, an operator shall submit
of Nigerian a Nigerian Content Plan ("the Plan") to the Board demonstrating compliance
content plan with the Nigerian content requirements of this Act.
for all
8. The Board shall review and assess the plan and, if satisfied that the
of plan complies with the provisions of this Act, issue a Certificate of
Authorization Authorization ("the Certificate') to the operator for that project.
9. For the purposes of reviewing or assessing the plan, the Board may
conduct a public review in relation to the exercise of any of its functions
review of under this Act provided that any such review or assessment is completed and
plan. certificate issued or denied within 30 days from the date of commencement
of such review or assessment.
10.-(1) A plan shall contain provisions intended to ensure that-
Content of (a) first consideration shall be given to services provided from within
Nigeria and to goods manufactured in Nigeria; and
(b) Nigerians shall be given first consideration for training and
employment in the work programme for which the plan was submitted.
(2) Any collective agreement entered into by the operator, project
promoter or other body submitting the plan with any association of employees
respecting terms and conditions of employment in the project shall contain
provisions consistent with this section.
11. (1) As from the commencement of this Act, the minimum Nigerian
content in any project to be executed in the Nigerian oil and gas industry
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
shall be consistent with the level set in Schedule to this Act. Minimum
(2) Where a project description is not specified in the Schedule to this Specification
Act, the Board shall set the minimum content level for that project or project of Nigerian
item pending the inclusion of the minimum content level for that project or
project item through an amendment of the Schedule to this Act by the National
(3) All operators, alliance partners and contractors shall comply with
the minimum Nigerian content for particular project item, service or product
specification set out in the schedule to this Act
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section,
where there is inadequate capacity to any of the targets in the Schedule to this
Act, the Minister may authorize the continued importation of the relevant Schedule
items and such approval by the Minister shall not exceed 3 years from the
commencement of this Act.
12. Subject to section 7 of this Act, the Nigerian Content Plan submitted
to the Board by an operator shall contain a detailed plan, satisfactory to the
Board, setting out how the operator and their contractors will give first First
consideration to Nigerian goods and services, including specific examples consideration
for Nigerian
showing how first consideration is considered and assessed by the operator goods and
in its evaluation of bids for goods and services required by the project. services.
13. The Nigerian content plan submitted to the Board by any operator
or alliance partner shall contain detailed plan on how the operator or its alliance
partner intend to ensure the use of locally manufactured goods where such Contents of
goods meet the specifications of the industry. the plan to
14. All operators and project promoters shall consider Nigerian content details.
when evaluating any bid where the bids are within 1 % of each other at
commercial stage and the bid containing the highest level of Nigerian content Nigerian
shall be selected provided the Nigerian content in the selected bid is at least content in
5% higher than its closest competitor. bid
15. All operators and alliance partners shall maintain a bidding process
for acquiring goods and services which shall give full and fair opportunity to
Nigerian indigenous contractors and companies.
Full and fair
16. The award of contract shall not be solely based on the principle of for
the lowest bidder where a Nigerian indigenous company has capacity to Nigerians
execute such job and the company shall not be disqualified exclusively on
Principle of
the basis that it is not the lowest financial bidder, provided the value does not bid
exceed the lowest bid price by 10 percent. evaluation
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
21. For the purposes of compiling a bidding list for any project, the Document to
operator, project promoter or alliance partner shall submit to the Board, prior be submitted
to issuing an Invitation To Tender (ITT)- to the Board
(a) a list of bidders; bidders' list
(b) acopy of the Invitation To Tender (ITT) (the Board shall advise the
operator of its requirements in this regard on a case by case basis) ;
(c) a description of corporate ownership (main shareholders by
percentage) of bidders;
. (d) location of any Nigerian based office, plant or facility;
(e) anticipated dates for closure of bids and award of contract or purchase
order; and
(f) any other information requested by the Board.
22. Prior to the award of contract, subcontract or purchase order to the Document to
be submitted
selected bidder, the operator shall submit to the Board-
to the Board
(a) the name of the selected contractor or vendor; during
award stage.
(b) a list of designated sub-contractors or sub-vendors;
(c) where applicable, a list of proposed sub-suppliers;
(d) for construction or service contracts ; the estimated Nigerian
employment (in person-hours) ;
(e) contractor purchase order commencement and completion dates;
(f) award Notification Form signed by an appropriate official of the
operator ; and
(g) statement of award rationale (evaluation of bids) showing-
(i) percentage difference in price between selected bidder and each
(ii) a primary location of work associated with each bidder,
(iii) estimates of Nigerian content associated with the bid of each
bidder calculated in accordance with the definition of Nigerian content
to be provided by the Board, and
(iv) other information relevant to the evaluation of bidders including
where applicable, a summary of the technical, commercial! and Nigerian
content aspects of the bid evaluations.
23. Upon assessment of the documentation received in compliance with Designation
section 19 of this Act, the Board shall advise the operator, within 10 days, and review
which contracts, subcontracts and purchase orders have been designated by of contracts.
the Board for review, and the designated contracts, subcontracts and purchase
orders shall be reviewed to the satisfaction of the Board.
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
24.-(1) The operator shall submit to the Board, within 30 days at the
end of each quarter, a listing of all contracts, subcontracts and purchase orders
exceeding $1,000,000 (USD) or such other limit as the Board may determine,
awarded in the previous quarter.
(2) This listing shall provide-
(a) a list of all items and services;
(b) value of contract or purchase order;
(c) name of successful contractor or vendor;
(d) a primary location of work;
(e) estimates of Nigerian content;
(f) commencement and completion date; and
(g) any other information required by the Board for the purposes of
implementing the provisions of this Act.
25. Where applicable, before carrying out any work or activity in Nigeria,
of project the operator or other body submitting a plan shall establish in the Catchment
office. Area where the project is to be located, a project office where project
management and procurement decision making are to take place, to the
satisfaction of the board
Personnel 26. The operator shall locate, within the project office, personnel with
For Local
decision- making authority in accordance with a list of personnel to be approved
by the Board.
Office in 27. Subject to section 25 of this Act, the Board shall have powers to
community require any operator to maintain an office in a Community where the operator
of operation. has significant operations.
First 28.-(1) Subject to section 10(1)(b) of this Act, Nigerians shall be given
consideration the first consideration for employment and training in any project executed
by any operator or project promoter in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.
and training (2) The Board shall ensure that the operator or project promoter
maintains a reasonable number of personnel from areas it has significant
Submission 29. The plan submitted by any operator or project promoter for any
of project shall contain an Employment and Training Plan (E and T Plan) which
employment shall include-
and training
(a) an outline of the-
(i) hiring and training needs of the operator or project promoter and
operator's major contractors with a breakdown of the skills needed,
(ii) anticipated skill shortages in the Nigerian labour force,
(iii) project specific training requirements, and
(iv) anticipated expenditures that will be made directly by the operator in
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
32. For each of its operations, an operator or project promoter may retain Allowance
a maximum of five per cent of management positions as may be approved by for
the Board as expatriate positions to take care of investor interests. expatriate
33. (1) Upon the commencement of this Act, the operators shall make
Approval of
application to, and receive the approval of, the Board before making any Board for
application for expatriate quota to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or any application
other agency or Ministry of the Federal Government. for
(2) The application shall be detailed and shall include- Expatriates.
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
Compliance 36. The Minister shall make regulations with requirements and targets
by the for the growth of research and development in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.
37. For every project for which a plan is submitted, an operator shall
Research and carry out a programme and make expenditure, to the satisfaction of the Board,
for the promotion of education, attachments, training, research and
development in Nigeria in relation to its work programme and activities.
Programme 38.-(1) The operator shall submit to the Board and update, every six
for research
months, the operator's Research and Development Plan (R and D Plan).
development. (2) The Rand D Plan shall-
Submission (a) outline a revolving three to five year plan for oil and gas related
and content research and development initiatives to be undertaken in Nigeria, together
of R and D with a breakdown of the expected expenditures that will be made in
plan. implementing the Rand D Plan; and
(b) provide for public calls for proposals for research and development
initiatives associated with the operator's activities.
39. The operator shall report to the Board, on quarterly basis, with respect
to its Rand D activities and the Board shall compare these activities to the
operators Rand D Plan.
Report on R 40.-(1) The Minister shall make regulations establishing the minimum
and D plan. standards, facilities, personnel and technology for training in the oil and gas
for training. (2) The regulations shall specify modalities for involving operators as
partners in training and development.
41.-(1) The Minister shall make regulations setting out targets to
(a) full utilization and steady growth of indigenous companies engaged
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
in exploration; Regulations
(b) seismic data processing; for further
(c) engineering design; growth of
(d) reservoir studies; indigenous
(e) manufacturing and fabrication of equipment; and capacity.
(f) other facilities as well as the provisions of other support services for
the Nigeria oil and gas industry.
(2) International or multinational companies working through their
Nigerian subsidiaries shall demonstrate that a minimum of 50% of the
equipment deployed for execution of work are owned by the Nigerian
42. The Minister shall make regulations which shall require any operator
or company or its professional employees engaged in the provision of
engineering or other professional services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry
to be registered with the relevant professional bodies in Nigeria. Regulations
43. Each operator shall carry out a programme in accordance with the Nigerian
country's own plans and priorities, to the satisfaction of the Board, for the
promotion of technology transfer to Nigeria in relation to its oil and gas
activities. Programme
44. The operator shall submit to the Board annually a plan, satisfactory technology
to the Board, setting out a programme of planned initiatives aimed at promoting transfer
the effective transfer of technologies from the operator and alliance partners plan.
to Nigerian individuals and companies.
45. The operator shall give full and effective support to technology of
transfer by encouraging and facilitating the formation of joint ventures, technology
partnering and the development of licensing agreements between Nigerian transfer
and foreign contractors and service or supplier companies agreements for all
Support of
such joint ventures or alliances shall meet the requirements of Nigerian content technology
development to the satisfaction of the Board. transfer.
46. The operator or project promoter shall submit a report to the Board
annually describing its technology transfer initiatives and their results and
the Minister shall make regulations setting targets on the number and type of
such joint venture or alliances to be achieved for each project.
47. The Minister shall make regulations which shall require any operator Technology
to invest in or set up a facility, factory, production units or other operations
within Nigeria for the purposes of carrying out any production, manufacturing
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
(2) All operators shall submit to the Board, every six months, its Legal
Services Plan (LSP).
(3) The LSP shall include-
(a) comprehensive report on;-
(i) legal services utilized in the past six months by expenditure,
(ii) a forecast of legal services required during the next six months,
(iii) the projected expenditure for the services;
(b) a list of-
(i) external solicitors utilized for legal services in the past six months,
(ii) the nature of work done, and
(iii) the expenditure made by the operator; and
(c) the
annual legal services budget for the past one year in Naira and
foreign currencies.
52.-(1) All operators, contractors and any other entity engaged in any
operation, business or transaction in the Nigerian oil and gas industry
requiring financial services shall retain only the services of Nigerian
financial institutions or organizations, except where, to the satisfaction of Financial
the Board, this is impracticable. Services
(2) All operators shall submit to the Board, every six months it's Financial
Services Plan (FSP).
(3) The FSP shall include-
(a) financial services utilized in the past six months by expenditure;
(b) a forecast of financial services required during the next six months;
(c) the projected expenditure for the services;
(d) A list of -
(i) financial services utilized in past six months,
(ii) the nature of financial services provided, and
(iii) the expenditure for financial services;
(e) a list of-
(i) financial services utilized in the past six months,
(ii) the nature of financial services provided, and
(iii) the expenditure for financial services made by the operator or
its main contractors;
(f) all operators, contractors and sub-contractors shall maintain a bank
account in Nigeria in which it shall retain a minimum of 10 per cent of its
total revenue accruing from its Nigerian operations.
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
53. As from the commencement of this Act, all operators, project
promoters, contractors and any other entity engaged in the Nigerian oil and
gas industry shall carry out all fabrication and welding activities in the country.
54. The Board shall establish an oil and gas e-marketplace which shall-
of welded
products. (a) provide a virtual platform to facilitate the transactions required for
Petroleum e-
efficient delivery of goods and services in the industry;
(b) provide functional interface with the Joint Qualification System and
provide a universal and transparent governance structure drawn from
industry stakeholder ;
(c) perform all other functions, roles and responsibilities to be set out in
the regulations to be made by the Minister in accordance with the provisions
of this Act.
(d) track and monitor the Nigerian content performance of operators,
project promoters as well as suppliers and service providers with the
provision of relevant feedback.
55. The Board shall establish, maintain and operate a Joint Qualification
System (JQS) in consultation with industry stakeholders which shall be
administered in accordance with provisions set out in the Regulations to be
Establishment made by the Minister in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
of Joint
Qualification 56. The Joint Qualification System shall constitute an industry databank
System. of available capabilities and shall be used for -
(a) sole system for Nigerian content registration and pre-qualification
of contractors in the industry ;
Functions of
(b) verification of contractors' capacities and capabilities;
the Joint
Qualification (c) evaluation of application of Nigerian content in the operations of oil
System. companies and contractors;
(d) data base for national skills development pool; and
(e) ranking and categorization of old service companies based on
capabilities and Nigerian content.
57. The Board shall set up a consultative body to be known as the
Nigerian Content Consultative Forum (NCCF) which shall provide a platform
for information sharing and collaboration in the Nigerian oil and gas industry
with respect to-
Setting up of
(a) upcoming projects in the oil and gas industry;
Content (b) information on available local capabilities; and
Consultative (c) other policy proposals that may be relevant to Nigerian content
Forum development.
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
Powers of
60. Within sixty days of the beginning of each year, each operator shall implementa-
submit to the Board their annual Nigerian Content Performance Report tion of this
covering all its projects and activities for the year under review.
of Nigerian
61. Subject to section 60, the report shall specify by category of
expenditure the Nigerian content on both a current and cumulative cost basis Performance
and shall set out- Report.
Directives to 64. For the purposes of assessment and verification, all operators and
facilitate contractors shall provide the Board or its designated agent with access to
reporting. their facilities and all documentation and information required for
substantiating the Nigerian content reported.
Access to
facilities for
assessment 65. The operator shall ensure that its partners, contractors and
and subcontractors are contractually bound to report Nigerian content information
verification to the operator and, if so requested by the Board, directly to the Board, and to
allow the Board or its designated agent access to their records for the purposes
of assessment and verification of Nigerian content information reported to
for third
the operator or the Board.
party access 66. The operators shall effectively communicate its Nigerian content
policies and procedures to its contractors and subcontractors and to monitor
and enforce their compliance.
content 67. The Board shall conduct workshops, conferences, seminars, symposia
policies to and any other public forum considered as appropriate for the benefit of
contractors. operators, contractors, the public and other stake holders to enhance the
implementation of the provisions of this Act.
of Board
68. An operator, contractor or sub-contractor who carries out any project
on Nigerian contrary to the provisions of this Act, commits an offence and is liable upon
content. conviction to a fine of five per cent of the project sum for each project in
which the offence is committed or cancellation of the project.
69.-(1) There is established the Nigerian Content Monitoring Board
(in this Act referred to as "the Board") which shall have the functions and
powers conferred on it by this Act.
(2) The Board-
of the (a) shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common
Nigerian seal; and
(b) may sue and be sued in its corporate name.
Board. 70. The functions of the Board shall be to-
(a) implement the provisions of this Act;
(b) implement the regulations made by the Minister in relation to any
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
Establishment (2) The Head Office of the Council and the Board shall be located in
of the any of the oil or gas producing States of the Federation.
Council of (3) The Council may establish branch offices of the Board in any of the
the Board.
gas or oil producing States of the Federation.
Composition 72. The Council shall consist of-
of the
Council. (a) a Chairman who shall be the Minister of Petroleum Resources;
(b) a representative of-
(i) Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,
(ii) the agency in charge of technical regulation of the industry,
(iii) Ministry of Petroleum Resources,
(iv) Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria,
(v) Nigerian Content Consultative Forum,
(vi) Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria,
(vii) National Insurance Commission; and
(c) Executive Secretary who shall be the Secretary of the Council.
73.-(1) The Chairman and members of the Council shall be appointed
of Chairman
and by the President and shall be persons of proven integrity and ability.
of the (2) The membership of the Council shall be on part time basis.
Status of
74. The Executive Secretary shall be on full time status.
of Executive
76. Subject to the provisions of section 75 of this Act, the Chairman and
members of the Council shall each hold office-
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
(a) for a term of four years and may be re-appointed for a further term
of four years and no more ; and Tenure of
(b) on such terms and conditions as may be specified in their letters of
77. A person shall cease to hold office as a member of the Council if -
(a) he dies;
(b) he becomes bankrupt;
Cessation of
(c) he is convicted of a felony or any offence involving dishonesty or membership
fraud; of Council.
(a) shall be appointed for a term of four years in the first instance; and
(b) may be appointed for a further term of four years and no more.
Tenure of 82. The Executive Secretary shall be paid such remuneration as may be
Office specified in his letter of appointment or as determined by the Revenue
Mobilization, Allocation and Fiscal Commission using the scale applicable
in the Nigeria oil and gas industry.
83. The Executive Secretary shall cease to hold office if any of the
of the conditions specified in section 77 pertaining to cessation of membership of
Executive the Council applies to him.
84. The Executive Secretary may resign his appointment by a written
Cessation of notice under his hand delivered to the President.
85. The Council may appoint for the Board such number of employees
of as may in the opinion of the Council be expedient and necessary for the proper
appointment and efficient performance of the functions of the Board and shall pay them
Other staff remunerations and allowances as it determines using the scale applicable in
the Nigeria oil and gas industry.
86. The Council shall have power to appoint for the Board either directly
or on secondment from the Public Service of the Federation, such number of
employees as may, in the opinion of the Council, be required to assist the
Board in the discharge of any of its functions under this Act.
Direct 87. The person seconded under Section 85 may elect to be transferred
appointment to the service of the Board and the previous service he may have rendered in
the public service shall count as service to the Board for the purpose of any
pension subsequently payable by the Board.
Transfer of 88. There shall be established in the head office of the Board-
(a) the Directorate of Finance and Personnel Management;
(b) the Directorate of Planning, Research and Statistics;
(c) the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation;
to pension, gratuities and other retirement benefits as are enjoyed by persons Service in
holding equivalent ranks in the Civil Service of the Federation. the Board.
(3) Nothing in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall prevent the Act No. 2,
appointment of a person to any office- on terms which preclude the grant of 2004
pension and gratuity in respect of that office.
Funds of the
90.-(1) The Board shall establish and maintain a fund to which all Board
monies accruing to it shall be paid into or from which shall be defrayed all
expenditure incurred by the Board.
(2) The Fund of the Board shall consist of-
(a) all subventions and budgetary allocations provided by the Federal
(b) sums accruing to the Board by way of donations, gifts, grants,
endowment, bequest or otherwise;
(c) interest and revenue accruing from savings and investments made
by the Board;
(d) loans, which may be required from time to time for the objects of
the Board, provided that the Board shall not, without the prior approval of
the President, borrow money in compliance with the provisions of the Fiscal
Act No. 31
Responsibility Act; and of 2007.
(e) other revenues accruing to the board from any other source.
91. The Council shall, not later than 30th September of each year, submit
to the National Assembly, through the Minister, an estimate of the projected
expenditure of the Board during the next succeeding year and shall include a
copy of the audited accounts of that year and a copy of the auditor's report. Budgetary
92.-(1) The Board may accept gifts of money, land or other property and
on such terms and conditions, if any, as may be specified by the person or
organization making the gift.
Gift to the
(2) The Board shall not accept any gift if the conditions attached thereto Board
are inconsistent with the functions of the Board under this Act.
93. The Council shall approve any expenditure of the Board and shall-
(a) issue proper accounts and records of the transactions and affairs of
the Board and ensure that all expenditure is duly authorized;
(b) prepare in respect of each financial year, a statement of account in Expenditure
and account
such form as the Auditor-General may direct.
94. The audit of the council shall be in accordance with the provisions
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Legal 97. A member of the Council, the Executive Secretary, any officer or
proceeding employee of the Board shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Board
Cp P41 against any proceeding, whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is given
LFN, 2004. in his favour or in which he is acquitted, if any such proceeding is brought
against him in his capacity as a member, Executive Secretary, officer or
Indemnity of
employee of the Board.
98. A notice, summons or other document required or authorized to be
Service of served upon the Board under this Act or any other law or enactment may be
served by delivering it to the Executive Secretary or by sending it by registered
post and addressed to the Executive Secretary at the head office of the Board.
99. The Executive Secretary may with the approval of the Council engage
persons with knowledge or experience in Nigerian content development or in
Engagement of
professionals matters relevant to the functions of the Board to assist the Board in the
and other performance of its functions.
100. The Minister may issue to the Board directives in relation to
Power of the Nigerian content development with respect to the application, administration
Minister to and implementation of this Act.
directive to
the Board.
101.-(1) The Minister shall make regulations generally for the purpose
of carrying out or giving effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2) The Minister shall conduct a review of the Schedule to this Act
every two years with a view to ensuring a measurable and continuous growth
in Nigerian content in all projects, operations, activities and transactions in
the Nigerian oil and gas industry.
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
(3) The Council shall make standing orders regulating its proceedings Schedule.
or those of its standing committees in consultation with the Minister.
102. Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Board shall conduct a
review of the Schedule to this Act at such intervals as it may determine but
not later than every two years with a view to ensuring a measurable and
continuous growth in Nigerian content in all projects, operations, activities
and transactions in the Nigerian oil and gas industry for onward transmission
to the National Assembly. Review of
103. Upon the commencement of this Act, all functions and powers Schedule.
conferred on any agency or department of the Federal Government of Nigeria
to carry out the implementation of Nigerian content development or policy in
the Nigerian oil and gas industry by any law or enactment is hereby transferred
to the Nigerian Content Monitoring Board established under this Act.
Savings and
104.-(1) A Fund to be known as the Nigerian Content Development transitional
Fund (the "Fund") is established for purposes of funding the implementation
of Nigerian content development in the Nigeria oil and gas industry.
(2) The sum of one per cent of every contract awarded to any operator,
contractor, subcontractor, alliance partner or any other entity involved in any Establishment
project, operation, activity or transaction in the upstream sector of the Nigeria of Nigerian
oil and gas industry shall be deducted at source and paid into the Fund. Development
(3) The Fund shall be managed by the Nigerian Content Development
Board and employed for projects, programmes, and activities directed at
increasing Nigerian content in the oil and gas industry.
105. The Nigerian Content Monitoring Board in conjunction with
NIMASA shall have powers to enforce compliance with relevant sections of
Coastal and Inland Shipping (Cabotage) Act in relation to matters pertaining
to Nigerian content development.
106. In this Act-
"Joint Qualification System" means the industry databank of available of
capacities and capabilities in the Nigerian oil and gas industry; compliance Act
No 5,2003
"Labour Clause" means a clause mandating the use of a minimum
percentage of Nigerian Labour in professional cadres in all contracts awarded
in the Nigerian petroleum industry above a threshold value as stipulated by Interpreta-
the Minister from time to time; tion
"Minister" means the Minister of Petroleum Resources;
"Nigerian Company" means a company formed and registered in Nigeria
in accordance with the provision of Companies and Allied Matters Act with
not less than 51 % equity shares by Nigerians;
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Description NC% Unit
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Drilling Rigs (Semi submersibles/Jack ups/Others) 55% Man-hour
Drilling Rigs (Land) 70% Man-Hour
Work-over Rigs (Swamp) 70% Spend
Snubbing Services 80% Spend
Liner Float, Hangers and Running Equipment
Services 55% Spend
Field Development Plan 100% Spend
2D Seismic Data Interpretation Services 100% Spend
3D Seismic Data Interpretation Services 100% Spend
4D Seismic Data Interpretation Services 55% Spend
Drilling rigs (Land) 70% Man-Hour
Description Measured
Tugs/Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
support/diving support vessels 65% Spend
Barges 95% Spend
Accommodation platforms/Vessels 90% Spend
Disposal/Distribution and Waste Transport
Services 100% Spend
Rental of Cranes and Special Vehicles 75% Spend
Freight Forwarding/Logistics Management
Services 65% Spend
Supply Base/Warehouse/Storage Services 70% Spend
Truck Package/Product Transportation Services 100% Spend
Description NC% Measured
Site Clean-up Service 100% Man-Hour
Pollution Control 45% Spend
Waste Water Treatment Services 65% Man-Hour
Fire and Gas Protection System Services 50% Man-Hour
Ventilation/Heating/Sanitary Services 85% Man-Hours
Waste Disposal/Drainage Services 100% Man-Hours
Industrial Cleaning Services 100% Man-Hours
Disposal/Distribution and Waste Transport
Services etc. 100% Spend
Safety/Protection/Security/fire fighting System
Services 90% Man-Hours
Preservation of Mechanical and Electrical
Components Services 95% Man-Hours
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Call tent Development Act
Supply of crew men for domestic coastal services 80% Number
Diving/RO'v/Submersible Operations 70% Man-Hour
Hook-up and Commissioning including Marine
Installation Services 75% Man-Hour
Dredging Service 55% Man-Hour!
Gravel and Rock Dumping Service 65% Man-Hour
Floating Storage Units (FSU) 45% Man-Hour
Subsea Pipeline Protection Services 55% Man-Hour
Installation of Subsea Package 60% Man-Hour
Mooring System Services 50% Man-Hour
Ship Chandler Service 90% Spend
Moving Services 100% Man-hours/
Supply Vessels 45% Man-hours/
Stand-by Vessels 55% Spend
Domestic Clearing of Cargos 30% Spend
Bunkering Services 60% Spend
Marine Insurance 40% Spend
Marine Consulting 40% Spend
Marine Logistic 30% Spend
Description NC% Measured
General Banking Services 100% Usage
Monetary Intermediation Services 70% Usage
Credit Granting Services 50% Loan Amount
Security Braking and Fund Management Services 100% Spend
Financial Management Consultancy Services 70% Spend
Accounting Services 70% Man-hours
Auditing Services 100% Spend
Life Insurance Services lOO Spend
Pension Funding Services %
100% Spend
Non-Life Insurance Services 70% Spend
Insurance Broking Services 100% Spend
Description NC% Measured
Surface Treatment, Sandblasting, Painting,
Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 No. 2
Coating and Fire proofing Services 80% Man-Hour
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Description NC% Measured
Construction Management and Supervision
Services 80% Man-Hour
Project Administration Services/Project
Management 80% Man-Hour
Quality Assurance QA/QC Consultancy 45% Man-Hour
Safety, Health and Environment Consultancy 45% Man-Hour
Risk Analysis Consultancy 45% Man-Hour
Personnel/Training System Consultancy
(for Training Courses select 3.99.13) 45% Man-Hour
Legal Consultancy 50% Contracts
Cost and Planning Consultancy 75% Man-Hour
Material Administration Consultancy 75% Man-Hour
Technical Documentation/Document Control
Consultancy 85% Man-Hour
Advertising/Public Affairs/Public Relations
Consultancy 80% Man-Hour
Marketing and Market Research Consultancy 75% Man-Hour
Translation and Manual Writing Consultancy 45% Man-Hour
Welding and Jointing Consultancy 45% Man-Hour
Warranty Surveyors 45% Man-Hour
Third Party Evaluation/Verification Consultancy 50% Spend
Energy Conservation Consultancy 65% Spend
Decommissioning and Abandonment Consultancy 90% Spend
Meteorological Consultancy 55% Spend
Staff Search/Selection Consultancy 80% Spend
Sub-surface Consultancy (Geological,
Geophysical, Reservoir) 90% Spend
Design Consultancy (Industrial Design, Web
Design etc.) 85% Man-Hour
Marine Consultancy 50% Spend
Subsea Consultancy 45% Spend
2010 No. 2 Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act
Description NC% Measured
Domestic coastal carriage of petroleum products 60% Spend
Tow of oil and gas infrastructure and vessels
conveying Oil and Gas products from or to any
Port or point in Nigerian waters 90% Spend
Supply of very large crude carriers (VLCC) 90% Spend
Clerk to the National Assembly
29th Day of March. 2010
Nigerian Oil and A Act to provide for the This B ill seeks to provide for the 10th March, 2010 3rd March, 2010
Gas Industry development of Nigerian content development of Nigerian content in
Content in
the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry, the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry,
Development Nigerian content plan, supervision, Nigerian content plan, supervision,
Bill, 2010 co-ordination, monitoring and co-ordination, monitoring and
implementation of Nigerian implementation of Nigerian content.
and for related matters.
I certify that this Bill has been carefully compared by me with the decision reached by the National Assembly and found by me to be
true and correct decision of the Houses and is in accordance with the provisions of the Acts Authentication Act Cap. A2, Laws of the
Federation of Nigeria, 2004.
Clerk to the National Assembly
29th Day of March, 2010
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
22nd Day of April, 2010