Design Thinking: ME 6606 Computer-Aided Product Development DR Lu Wen Feng EA-07-13 65161228 Mpelwf@nus -

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Design Thinking

ME 6606
Computer-Aided Product Development

Dr Lu Wen Feng
[email protected]
You cannot solve a problem with the same
mind that created it.
- Albert Einstein
What is Design?

Design is most often used to describe an object or end

result, Design in its most effective form is a process, an
action, a verb not a noun.

A protocol for solving problems and discovering new


That it is a powerful tool and when used effectively, can be

the foundation for driving a brand or business forward.
What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking refers to the methods and processes

for investigating ill-defined problems, acquiring
information, analyzing knowledge, and positing solutions
in the design and planning fields. (Wiki)

Design thinking is generally considered the ability to

combine empathy for the context of a problem, creativity
in the generation of insights and solutions, and rationality
to analyze and fit solutions to the context. (Wiki)
What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking - a creative process based around the

"building up" of ideas.
There are no judgments early on in design thinking. This
encourages maximum input and participation in the
ideation and prototype phases.
Outside the box thinking is encouraged in these earlier
processes since this can often lead to creative solutions.
What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking converts need into demand

Design Thinking Process
What is empathy mode?
Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are
being experienced by another person. (Wikipedia)
To feel what someone else feels.
Very first step
Sets the foundation by letting your users be your
What is empathy mode?

The objective: To help people articulate the latent needs

users may not even know they have.
WHAT is the define mode?
When you unpack and synthesize your empathy findings
into compelling needs and insights, and scope a specific
and meaningful challenge.
Two goals:
1) to develop a deep understanding of your users and the design
2) to come up with an actionable problem statement.
The statement focuses on specific users, and insights
and needs that you uncovered during the empathize
WHAT is the ideate mode?

Idea generation.
Mentally it represents a process of going wide in terms
of concepts and outcomes - it is a mode of flaring
rather than focus.
The goal is to explore a wide solution space both a
large quantity of ideas and a diversity among those
From this vast depository of ideas you can build
prototypes to test with users.
WHAT is the prototype mode?
Getting ideas and explorations into the physical world.
A prototype can be anything that takes a physical form
a wall of post-it notes, a role-playing activity, a space, an
object, an interface, or even a storyboard.
The resolution of your prototype should be
commensurate with your progress in your project.
Keep your prototypes rough and rapid to allow
investigating a lot of different possibilities quickly in early
WHAT is the test mode?
Testing is the chance to refine solutions and make them
The test mode is another iterative mode in which we
place our low-resolution artifacts in the appropriate
context of the users life.
Prototype as if you know youre right, but test as if you
know youre wrong.
Design Thinking Process
3 ways to empathize
Immerse: Be the user and live their
Observe: Seeing users actions.
Observation technique:
- What is persons doing?
- How are they doing it? (Body Language, etc.)

- Why are they doing it this way?

Engage: Getting out and talk to your users

Most effective if done right.
Engage in conversations that allow users to tell
stories of their experiences.
Empathy Mode-Observation

Watching people do and how they interact with their

environment - what they think and feel.
It helps you to learn about what they need.
By watching people you can capture physical
manifestations of their experiences, what they do and
Allow to interpret intangible meaning of those
experiences in order to uncover insights.
Observation mode
What? | How? | Why? is a tool that
can help you drive to deeper levels
of observation.
Move from concrete observations
of the happenings to the more
abstract potential emotions and
This is a particularly powerful
technique for synthesis purposes
and future areas of need finding.
The power of observation
HOW to use What? | How? | Why?
Set-up: Divide a sheet into three sections: What?,
How?, and Why?
Start with concrete observations:
What is the person youre observing doing in a
particular situation or photograph?
Use descriptive phrases packed with adjectives and
relative descriptions.
Move to understanding:
How is the person youre observing doing what they
are doing?
Does the activity appear to be impacting the users
state of being either positively or negatively?
HOW to use What? | How? | Why?

Why is the person youre observing doing
what theyre doing, and in the particular way
that they are doing it?
This step usually requires that you make
informed guesses regarding motivation and
To project meaning into the situation that you
have been observing.

Study of What?, How?, and Why?

Start with concrete observations:
What is the person youre observing doing in a particular situation?
Use descriptive phrases packed with adjectives and relative descriptions.

Move to understanding:
How is the person youre observing doing what they are doing?
Does the activity appear to be impacting the users state of being either
positively or negatively?
Make informed guesses regarding motivation and emotions.
To project meaning into the situation that you have been observing.
What is the needs in this situation?
Empathy Mode -Engage
listening to the needs of your users.
Seek Stories
Highlevel conversations - no inspiration towards a
remarkable solution.
Seek in depth stories about a users experiences.

Ask Why
Always dig deeper and ask why.
Build relationships
Talk to the users like friends
Empathy mode

Focus on Human Values

Assume a Beginners Mindset

IDENTIFY NEEDS: Needs are human emotional or

physical necessities. Needs help define your design
Design Thinking
Design Thinking Video
Design Thinking Summary
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