History of India PDF
History of India PDF
History of India PDF
Cornell University.
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Cornell University
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\_TsESM are not the days when the public care to listen to
a distinct book, but for tbe main portion of tbe work his
brackets [ J,
but the Introductory chapter on the Arab
the full light of European truth and discernment begins to shed its
beams upon the obscurity of the past, and to relieve us irom the
necessity of appealing to the Native Chroniclers of the time, who
are, for the most part, dull, prejudiced, ignorant, and superficial.
beset the enquirer in this path of literature, arising chiefly from one
of the defects in the national character, viz. : the intense desire for
parade and ostentation, which induces authors to quote works they
have never seen, and to lay claim to an erudition which the limited
extent of their knowlege does not justify. For instance, not many
years ago there was published at Agra a useful set of chronological
tables of the Moghal dynasty, said to be founded on the authority of
several excellent works named by the author. Having been long
in search of many of these works, I requested from the author a
more particular account of them. He replied that some had been
once in his possession and had been given away ; some he had
borrowed ; and some were lost or mislaid ; but the parties to whom
he had given, and from whom he had borrowed, denied all know-
ledge of the works, or even of their titles. Indeed, most of them
contained nothing on the subject which they were intended to
VOL I. i
illustrate, and they were evidently mentioned by the author for the
mere object of acquiring credit for the accuracy and extent of his
Again, a native gentleman furnished a catalogue of the manu-
scripts said to compose the historical collection of his Highness the
Nizm ; but on close examination I found that, from beginning to
end, it was a complete fabrication, the names of the works being
taken from the prefaces of standard histories, in which it is usual to
quote the authorities, the very identical sequence of names, and
even the errors of the originals, being implicitly followed.
Against these impudent and interested frauds we must conse-
quently be on our guard, not less than against the bliuiders arising
from negligence and ignorance ; the misquoting of titles, dates, and
names the ascriptions to wrong authors the absence
; ; of beginnings
and endings the arbitrary substitution of new ones
; to complete a
mutilated manuscript ; the mistakes of copyists ; the exercise of
ingenuity in their corrections, and of fancy in their additions ; all
Of examples, and very bad ones, we have ample store, though even
in them the radical truth is obscured, by the hereditary, official, and
sectarian prepossessions of the narrator but of philosophy, which
which show how ill the foreign garb befits him. With him, a
Hindu is " an infidel," and a Muhammadan " one of the true faith,'
and of the holy saints of the calendar, he writes with aU the fervour
of a bigot. With him, when Hindus are killed, " their souls are des-
patched to hell," and when a Muhammadan suffers the same fate,
" he drinks the cup of martyrdom." He is so far wedded to the set
" the light of Islam shedding its refulgence on the world," of " the
blessed Muharram," and of "the illustrious Book." He usually
opens with a " Bismillah," and the ordinary profession of faith in
the unity of the Godhead, followed by laudations of the holy
prophet, his disciples and descendants, and indulges in aU the most
devout and orthodox attestations of Muhammadans. One of the
Hindu authors here noticed, speaks of standing in his old age, " at
the head of his bier and on the brink of his grave," though he must
have been fully aware that, before long, his remains would be burnt,
and his ashes cast into the Ganges. Even at a later period, when no
longer " Tiberii ac Neronis res ob metum falsae,"' there is not one of
this slavish crew who treats the history of his native country sub-
when freed from the tyraony of its former masters, and allowed to
express itself in the natural language of the heart, without constraint
and without adulation.
But, though the intrinsic value of these works may be small,
they will still yield much that is worth observation to any one who
will attentively examine them. They will serve to dispel the mists
of ignorance by which the knowledge of India is too much obscured,
and show that the history of the Muhammadan period remains yet
to be written. They will make our native subjects more sensible
of the immense advantages accruiag to them under the mildness and
and equity of our rule. If iastruetion were sought for from them,
we should be spared the rash declarations respecting Muhammadan
India, which are frequently made by persons not otherwise ignorant.
Characters now renowned only for the splendour of their achieve-
ments, and a succession of victories, would, when we withdraw the
veil of flattery, and divest them of rhetorical flourishes, be set forth
borough] at a farewell banquet given to him by the Court of Directors. But when
his head became tamed by the laurels which the victories of others placed upon his
brow, these professions were forgotten ; and the only monument remaining of his
peaceful aspirations, is a tank under the palace walls of Dehli, which, as it remains
empty during one part of the year, and exhales noxious vapours during the other, has
been voted a nuisance by the inhabitants of the imperial city, who have actually pe-
titioned that it may be filled up again.
' The present dilapidation of these buildings is sometimes adduced as a proof of
our indifference to the comforts of the people. It is not considered, that where they
do exist in good repair, they are but little used, and that the present system of
Government no longer renders it necessary that travellers should seek protection
within fortified enclosures. If they are to bo considered proofs of the solicitude of
former monarchs for their subjects' welfare, they are also standing memorials of the
weakness and ioefflciency of their administration. Add to which, that many of the
extant sar&is were the offspring, not of imperial, but of private liberality.
after aU, that can have been no very stujpendous work, which the
resources of three successive Emperors have failed to render a more
enduring monument.^ When he reads of the canals of Piroz Shah
and 'AH Mardan Khan intersecting the country, he will find on
was ever open, it was
further examination, that even if the former
used only for the palace and hunting park of that monarch; but
when he ascertains that no mention is made of it by any of the
historians of Ti'mur, who are very minute in their topographicsil de-
tMls, and that Babar exclaims in his Memoirs, that in none of the
Hindustani Provinces are there any canals (and both these con-
querors must have passed over these canals, had they been flow-
ing in their time), he may, perhaps, be disposed to doubt if anything
was proceeded with beyond the mere excavation. With respect to
'All Mardan Khan, his merits will be less extolled, when it is learnt
that his canals were made, not with any view to benefit the public,
' Coryat speaks of the avenue, " the most incomparable I ever beheld." Kerr,
ix. 421.
' worth while to read the comment of the wayfaring European on this pet
It is
phrase. Bemier, describing his situation when he arrived at the Court of Sh&jah&n,
speaks of " le peu d'argent qui me restoit de diverses rencontres de voleurs." ifisf.
dea Estatt du Grand Mogol, p. 6.
that in one of the most vigorous reigns, in. which internal tran-
quillity was more than ever secured, a caravan was obliged to remain
six weeks at Muttra, before the parties who accompanied it thought
themselves strong enough to proceed to Dehli;^ that the walls of
Agra were too weak too save the city from frequent attacks of
marauders ; that Kanauj was a favourite beat for tiger-shooting, and
wild elephants plentiful at Karra and Kalpi ;
^ that the depopulation
of towns and cities, which many declamatory writers have ascribed
to our measures of policy, had already commenced before we entered
on possession ; and that we found, to use the words of the Prophet,
" the country desolate, the cities burnt, when the sons of strangers
came to build up the walls, and their kings to minister."
If we pay attention to more general considerations, and wish to
262. See Jah^ngir's Autobiography, 117 ; Journ. M. Soo. Beng., Jan. 1850, p. 37.
2 Mlphimtone't Hist., ii. 241.
Page 33, in line 11, for "Khai&sin," read "Sind and Khurfedn," and in
line 13, insert" Vol. xxi."
Page 129, line 11, for "sixty," read "seventy."
214, 20, add, " This translation has been published as No. liL
New Series, Selections of the Eecords of the Govern-
ment of Bombay, 1856."
225, 20, omit "the."
508, add as a note to the article on the Jats, " See Masson's Journey
to Kelat, pp. 351-3 ; also Zeitschrift f. d. Kunde des
Morgenlandes, Vol. III. p. 209."
I. Mujmalu-t Tawdrlkh - - - - - - 100
II. FutHhu-l Bulddn, of BUdduri - - - - 113
III. Chach-ndma 131
T4rikh-i T4hirl
Beg-Lr-nima -
T4rikhu-s Sind, of Mir Ma'stiin
VII. Tarkbin-nAma or Argh1in-n4ma 300
VIII. Tohfatu-l Kirim 327
Juzr or Jurz
Tdfian - -
... - -
- -
Rabma, Ruhml - - 361
K&shbin - - - - - - - - 361
- - 362
Amhal, FdmhaJ, Mimhal - - 353
Arm4-bel - - - - 364
Askalanda 3g5
B&uiya, Bdtiya - 367
Bhambdr - 368
BrAhmanAbid, Manstira, Mahfdza - - - 369
Debal, Kariohl, Thatta, and Ldhori-bandar - - 374
H41a-kaudi, the Hellenes, Pindus 379
Jandrtid - 380
Kaikdndn, Kaikin, K4kars - . . - - - 381
Kajurdha - 383
Kfflari, Annari, and Ballari - - - - 384
Kanddbel, Ttikn, Budba, Baizi - - 385
Kannazbtir - . . . - . 389
Mandal, Klraj
..... ..
Narina -- 393
Ntrdn, Sikfira, Jarak - - 396
Sadusdn 401
Samlii, Tughlik&b&d, KaI&-kot
Sind^n, Subdra, Saimiir ... - -
- 401
Ttir, Mubatampur, Dirak, Vijeb-kot
Tbe EAI Dynasty . . 405
The Brdhman Dynasty 409
The Advances of the Arabs towards Sind - - - 414
The Progress of the Arabs in Sind -
Sind under the Arabs
The Slimra Dynasty
.... -
The Samma Dynasty - - 494
The ArghUn Dynasty - 497
The Tarkhin Dynasty
SUh Beg's
The Death of
Capture of Thatta
Sh4h Beg Arghtin
. -
.... ...
Native Opinions on the Aborigines of Sind 503
Buddhists in Sind
TheKerks -
.... . - - -
- - 504
TheMeds - 519
The WairsI and Sodha Tribes 531
The Terrors of the Moghal Helmet 532
Dismounting for Combat - - 535
Colligation in Fighting 537
Barge, an Arabic "Word 539
was not exempt, but his faults and mistakes were those of a man
who had to deal with a diflBcult subject, one which, even a century
later, long deterred M. Reinaud from grappling with it.
2 EAELY AEaB geographers.
The MS. from which Eenaudot made his translation was found
by him in the library formed by the minister Colbert. This col-
lection descended to the Oomte de Seignelay and subsequently ;
brated scholar Deguignes found the MS., and wrote more than
one article upon it.^
1 Jour, des Sav., Noyembre, 1764. Kotices et Extraits des MS8., Tome i. See
also Mem. de I'Acad. des Inscriptions, Tome xxxyii, ; Jour. Asiatique, iv sene,
T. viii., 161 ; Asiatic Journal, vol. ixjiii., p. 234.
2 " Relations des Voyages faites par les Axabes et les Persans dans I'Inde et a la
Chine." 2 Tom., 24mo., Paris, 1845.
The inhabitants of India and China agree that there are foiu: great
or principal kings in the world.. They place the king of the Arabs
(KhaJif of Baghdad) at the head of these, for it is admitted without
dispute that he is the greatest of kings. First in wealth, and in the
splendour of his Court ; but above all, as chief of that sublime reli-
gion which nothing excels. The king of China reckons himself next
after the king of the Arabs. After him comes the king of the
Greeks,' and lastly the Balhara, prince of the men who have their
ears pierced.
The Balhara' is the most eminent of the princes of India, and the
Indians acknowledge his superiority. Every prince in India is
master in his own state, but all pay homage to the supremacy of the
Btdhara. The representatives sent by the Balhara to other princes
are received with most profound respect in order to. show him
honour. He gives regular pay to his troops, as the practice is among
the Arabs. He has many horses and elephants, and immense wealth.
The eoins which pass in his coimtry are the Tatariya dirhams,* eaoh
' [See Beinaud's Mem. sur I'lnde, p. 19, and Aboulfeda, I., liii.]
' [EiJm.] ' [See note A iu Appendix.]
* [These dirhams are mentioned by almost all tiese early writers. Idrisi says they
were in use at Mansiira, and also current in the Malay Archipelago (Jaubert, p. 86
and 162). Reinaud suggests that the term is intended to represent "statere," and
that the coins Tvere tetradrachmas. (Mem. sur I'lnde, p. 235 Rel. desVoy.jii., 16 ;
Thomas's Prinsep, i., 86.) In the Paris edition of Mas'iidi they are called " T6hi-
riya," and Prof. Cowell states that the same word is used in the Oxford MS. of Ibu
Khnrdkdba. This reading gives weight to a suggestion made by Mr. Thomas, that
these dirhams were coins of the Tahirides, who were reigning in hur^&n, and
exercised authority over Sistin in the time of our author SulaimSn.]
' [This agrees with Ibn KhiirdS,dba and IdrisI, but differs from Ibn Haukal ; see
P Ibn KhurdSdba concurs in this reading, but Mas'fidi has "Juzr," a near
approach to " Guzerat." Eeinaud suggests Kanauj as the seat of this monarchy (Rel.
des Voy., xcv.), but Mas'iidi places the Bauiira or Bodha there at the same period.
The question is discussed in note A in Appendii.]
small state. The women are white, and the most beautiful in
India. The king lives at peace with his- neighbours, because his
soldiers are so few. He esteems the Arabs as highly as the Balhard
These threestates border on a kingdom called Euhmi,' which is
at war with that of Jurz. The king is not held in very high estima-
tion. He is at war with the Balhara as he is with the king of Jurz.
His troops are more numerous than those of the Balhard, the king of
Jurz; or the king of Tafak. It is said that when he goes out to battle
he is followed by about 50,000 elephants. He takes the field only
in winter, because elephants cannot endure thirst, and can only go
out in the cold season. It is stated that there are from ten to fifteen
thousand men
army who are employed in fulling and washing
in his
cloths. There is a stuff made in his country which is not to be found,
Cis'*^ The position of these lingdomB is discussed ia note A in Appendix.]
' few verhal alterations. The translatiou
[Mas'fldf gives these passages with a
of the Paris edition says, " They export from this country the hair called Samara,
from which fly-whisks are made, with handles of ivoiy and silver. These are hold
over the heads of princes .when they give audience. It is in this country that the
animal called an nishdn, the marked,' or vulgarly karlcaddan, is found. It has one
' [Mas'Udl and IdrJsi gave the same account. The fonner says he had witnessed
'he ceremony himself. cnstom to the kings of India. Ma90udi,
Idrisi refers the
Tome i., 69. Idrtsi, poit.J
ABir ZAID. 7
sovereign. Each one is his o-wn master. Still the Balhara has the
title of " king of kings."
The Chinese are men of pleasure but the Indians condemn plea-
sure, and abstain from it. They do not take wine, nor do they take
vinegar -which is made of wine. This does not arise from religious
scruples, but from their disdain of it. They say " The prince who
drinks wine is no true king." The Indians are surrounded by ene-
mies, who war against them, and they say "
can a How man who
inebriates himself conduct the business of a kingdom ?"
The Indians sometimes go to war for conquest, but the occasions
are rare. I have never seen the people of one country submit to the
authority of another, except in the case of that country which comes
next to the country of pepper."^ When a king subdues a neighbour-
ing state, he places over it a man belonging to the family of the
fallen prince, who carries on the government in the name of the
conqueror. The would not suffer it to be otherwise.
The principles of the religion of China were derived from India.
The Chinese say that the Indians brought buddhas into the country,
and that they have been the real masters in matters of religion. In
both countries they believe in the metempsychosis, but there are
some differences upon matters of detsdl.
The troops of the kings of India are numerous, but they do not
receive pay. The king assembles them only in case of a religious
war. They then come out, and maintain themselves without
receiving anything from the king.'
> [Malabar.]
2 [It has been previously lemaiked that tbe SaUiar& paid his troops.]
3 [Mas'lidi relates this story also. Ma^oudi, Tome i., 82.]
not an island, but is situated (on the continent of India) on that side
which faces the country of the Arabs. There no kingdom which
has a more dense population than Kumar. Here every one walks on
foot. The inhabitants abstain from licentiousness, and from all
sorts of wine. Nothing indecent is to be seen in this country.
Kumar is in the direction of the kingdom of the Meiharaja, of the
island of Zabaj. There is about ten days' sailing between the two
kingdoms, e e but when the wind is light the journey
brushes, and every man cleaned his teeth several times a day. Each
one carried his own brush on his person, and never parted from it,
unless he entrusted it to his servant. The kiag of Kumar knew
nothing of the impending danger until the fleet had entered the river
which led to his capital, and the troops of the Maharaja had landed.
The Maharaja thus took the king of Kumar tinawares, and seized
upon his palace, for the officers had taken flight. He then made a
proclamation assuring safety to every one, and seated himself on the
throne of Kumar. Ho had the king brought forth, > and
had his head cut off. The Maharaja then addressed the wazir,
"I know that you have borne yourself lite a true minister; receive
now the recompense of your conduct. I know that you have given
good advice to your master if he would but have heeded it. Seek
out a man fit to occupy the throne, and seat him thereon instead of
this foolish fellow." The Maharaja returned immec ately to his
country, and neither he nor any of his men touched anything
belonging to the king of Kumar. Afterwards the * * ' **
When a person, either woman or man, becomes old, and the senses
are enfeebled, he begs some one of his family to throw him into the
[ Eeinaudot and Eeinaud refer this to the Nairs of Malabar.]
especially Hanicheans. The king allows each sect to follow its own
religion.' Great licentiousness prevails in this coimtry among the
women as well as the men. Sometimes a newly arrived merchant
will make advances to the daughter of a king, and she, with the
knowledge of her father, will go to meet him in some woody place.
The more serious of the merchants of Siraf avoid sending their ships
young men on board.
here, especially if there are
Among the Indians there are men who are devoted to religion and
men of science, whom they call Brahmans. They have also their
poets who live at the courts of their kings, astronomers, phUosophers,
diviners, and those who draw omens from the flight of crows, etc.
Among them are diviners and jugglers, who perform most astonish-
ing These observations are especially applicable to Kanauj, a
' [See Eeiuaud'B Aboulfeda I., p. 57, and Joum. Asiatique, Jan., 1866.]
1 [In a subsequent passage he says, " The king of Z&baj is called MahS.rS.ja," and
this agrees with Mas'Adf.]
' [Kum5.r is the country about Cape Comorin, Travancore, etc. Kazwini makes
the same statement respecting Kum^
but he refers to Ibn Takiyah as his autho-
rity. He adds that wine-drinkers were punished by having a hot iron placed on
their bodies, and kept there till it' got cold. Many died under the infliction.]
" [So says Sir H. Elliot's text. The Paris translation reads, "aghbdi, yallees
spacieuses et etendues qui s'avancent dans la mer." Sulaim&n and Mas'fidi place
these Talleys near Ceylon, post, page 22. Eel. des Voy. i., 128.]
* [The Paris version here reads '"Anab," but in the first paragraph the name is
phants ; that his country produces cotton cloths and aloe wood.
The seventh is the king of Kamrun, which is contiguous to China.
There is plenty of gold in this country.
[From the frontier of Kirman to Mansura, eighty parasangs ; this
route passes through the country of the Zats [Jats], who keep watch
over it. From Zaranj, capital of Sijistan, to Multan, two months'
journey. Multan is called " the farj of the house of gold," because
i [The Fans version reads il^X.^ Sj*m^ instead of iii^Jt^ ISj^mu* and translateB
" Les Etats de ce dernier sont distants de tous les autres d'une ann^e de marche."]
2 [" Cinquante miUe." P.]
' [A ritl is one pound Troy.]
* [A large town in MakrSin. Mar&sidu-l Ittll6,'.]
'Labet' of Idrisi, and the 'Lafet' of Istakhri, probably the Isle of Kenn."
Quatremfere, in Jour, des Sav. Sep. 1850. Sprenger's Routes, 79.]
they also are robbers. From the Meds to Kol' are two parasangs,
and from Kol to Sindan is eighteen parasangs. In the latter grow
the teak tree and canes. From Sindan to Mali [Malabar] is five days'
great sea, is two days' journey. At Balbun. the route divides; fol-
lowing the shore it takes two days to reach Bas, which is a large
place where you can take passage to Sarandip. From Bas to Saji^
and 'Askan, is two days' journey, in which latter place rice is culti-
1 ["Sandy." P.]
' [Sir H. and translation had " Kankan, Malwa and Kanja," but
Elliot's text
IdrisI reproduces thenames as " Kilk&y4n, Lulu and Kanja." There can therefore
be no doubt that the Paris version now given is most correct. Kiira (Kaikasar iu
Idrisi) would seem to bo near the mouths of the Coleroou. KS.nchi is the old name of
s [Sprenger suggests the Godavery (Post-und Reiserouten, 80), but this cannot be
if Kanja is Kinchi.]
* [" tTrtasIr " in the Paris version, for which the editor suggests Kashmir ; but
ITr-desa [Orissa] is surely intended. The follovring name "Aina" may possibly be
meant for Andhra [Telingana]. Sprenger says " Palmiras " ?]
' [Elliot's text made the first syllable " Sfim." The Paris version says " Sabakferya
(B. les Sabiens; Ed. Sakrya)."]
[" Lee Zenpa mnsiciens ct jongleurs." P.]
ing themselves, and tlie men are fond of amuseinents and games of
skill.^ In Hind there are forty-two religious f part of them
believe in a Creator and Prophet (the blessing of Grod be upon
them !) ; part deny the mission of a Prophet, and part are atheists.
' None of the early Arabian Geographers notice this division into tribes or classes,
[but they appear to have known it, see pp. 6, 10, 19 ; and Idrisi reproduces this
passage, see post.'] The Grecian Authors, on the auihority of Megasthenes, divide
the tribes into seven, and attribute the following offices to them, which are very
different from those assigned by Ibn Khurdidba.
Straho. DiodoruB. Arrian.
1st Class. Philosophers Philosophers
2nd Husbandmen Husbandmen Husbandmen
3rd Shepherds and Cowherds and Cowherds and shepherds
hunters shepherds
4th Artificers and Artificers Artificers, merchants, and
merchants boatmen
5th "Warriors Warriors Warriors
6th Inspectors Inspectors Inspectors
7th Counsellors and Counsellors and Assessors
assessors assessors.
of religions in India to forty-eight, and the Babjatu-1 Tawiiikh, in the Paris Library,
sets them down as 948. See Kasimirski, 214, and Mem. sur I'lnde, 49.
AL MAS'UDr. 19
which form the subject of their labours.'"' The date of his birth
is not known, but he died in Egypt in 345 a.h. (956 a.d.)
The first part of the " Meadows of Grold " was translated into
English by Dr. Sprenger (London, 1841), and the complete text,
with a translation into French, has since been published by MM.
Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Oourteille (Paris, 1851).
Both these works have been used in the preparation of the fol-
lowing extracts :
his eldest son Bahbud, who eigned 100 years. After him came Zdmdn
[Bdma?^, who reigned nearly 50 years. He was succeeded by
Por [Porus], who gave battle to Alexander, and was killed by that
prince in single combat, after leigning ,140 years. After him came
Dabshalim, the author of "Kalila wa Dimna," who reigned 110
years. Balhit, the next king, reigned 80 years, but according to
divers nations and tribes, each country having a chief of its own.
Thus were formed the kingdoms of Sind, Eanauj, and Kashmir
The city of Mankir, which was the great centre of India, submitted
^ [Sprenger's Mas'tldl, Preface.]
to a Mug called tlie Balhara, and the name of tMs prince continues
to Ms successors who reign in that capital until the present time
(332 A.H.)
India is a vast country, extending over sea, and land, and moun-
tains ; it borders on. the country of Zabaj [Java] which is the kingdom,
The Hindus abstsiin from drinking wine, and censure those who
consum. it ; not because their religion forbids it, but in the dread of
its clouding their reason and depriving them of its powers. If it
the water of which is for the most part sweet, because the streams
which form them are derived from the rains.
the (five) rivers, which form together the river Mihran in Sind, which
is considered by al-Jabiz as derived from the 'Nile, and by others from
' [This must te intended for " Balhari," in whose kingdom SindS-hdr se'ims to have
been situated.]
[ a jttJ This name is so given in the Paris edition, but Sprenger reads it " BiSdah ;
and the reference immediately afterwards to a place of the same name among the
dependencies of MiUtin, can hardly refer to any other than the country commonly
called Budha, General Cunningham says this name "is said by Gildemeister to be
written Hovara in the original, for which he proposes to read Fmara for the weU-
Inown Famava. From the King of Oudh's Dictionary two dififerent spellings are
quoted, as Pordn and Fordn while in Ferishta the name is either Korrah, as written
by Dow, or Ktiwar, as written by Briggs. In Abu '1 Feda the name is Koda. Now
as the name, of which so numy readings have just been given, was that of the king's
family or tribe, I believe wo may almost certainly adopt Tovara as the true reading
according to one spelling, and Torah according to the other. In the Sanskrit lu-
criptions of the Gwalior dynasty the word is invariably spelt Tomara. Eharg Rai
writes Tomdr [ To'ar ?"], which is much the same as Col. Tod's Tudr, and the Tuvdr of
the Kumaon and GarhwSl MSS. Lastly, in Gladwin's Ayin Akbari, I find Tenore
and Toonoor, for which I presume the original has Tunwar and Tanwar. From a
comparison of all these various readings, I conclude that the family name of the Raja
of Kanauj in a.d. 915, when M as' tidi visited India, was, in all probability, Tovar or
Tomar." Genl. Cunningham's Archselogical Report, Journ. As. Soc, Bengal, 1864.]
AL MAS'ircr. 23
from the most distant places : they carry money, precious stones,
aloe-wood, and all sorts of perfumes there to fulfil their vows.
The greatest part of the revenue of the king of Multan is derived
from the rich presents brought to the idol of the pure aloe-wood of
which proceeds to the town of Al Eur [Alor], which lies on its western
^ [Dfi&b ? referring either to the country tetween the Ghara and the Chinah, or to
Let us now resume our short account of the kings of Sind and
India. The language of Sind is different from that of India. Sind
is the country which is nearer the dominions of the Moslims, India
is farther from them. The inhabitants of Mankir, which is the
capital of the Balhara, speak the Kiriya language, which has this
name from Kira, the place where it is spoken. On the coast, as in
Saimur, Subara, Tana, and other towns, a language called Lariya''
is spoken which has its name from the sea which washes these
countries ; and this is the Larawi sea, which has been described
above. On this coast there are great rivers, which run from the
soutli, whilst all other rivers of the world flow from north to south,
excepting the Nile of Egypt, and the Mihran of Sind, and a few others,
e Of all the kings of Sind and India, there is no one who pays
greater respect to theMusulmans than the Balhara. In his kingdom
Islam is honoured and protected * The money consists of
dirhams, called Tahiriya,' each weighing a dirham and a half They
' [The Sanskrit " S5gara." See Mem. sur I'lnde, p. 216.]
2 [Sanskrit " L&ta," the country about the mouth of the Nerbudda.]
* [Sprenger reads this Talatawiya, as does another Paris MS. See note page 3.]
AX MAS'UDr. 25
are impressed with the date of the reign. The Balhara possesses
many war elephants. This coxmtry is also called Kamkar. On one
side it is exposed to the attacks of the king of Juzr [Guzerat] ; a
king who is rich in horses and camels, and has a large army.
* S IS ft
Beyond this kingdom is that of Eahma, which is the title for their
kings, and generally at the same time their name. His dominions
border on those of the king of Juzr [Guzerat], and, on one side, on
those of the Balhara, with both of whom he is frequently at war.
The Ealmia has more troops, elephants, and horses, than the Balhara,
the king of Juzr and of Tafan. When he takes the field, he has no less
than fifty thousand elephants. He never goes to war but in winter,
because elephants cannot bear thirst. His forces are generally
exaggerated; some assert that the number of fullers and washers
in his camp is from ten to fifteen thousand * t 'S The
kingdom of Eahma extends both along the sea and the continent.
It is bounded by an inland state called the kingdom of Kaman.
The inhabitants are fair, and have their ears pierced. They have
elephants, camels, and horses. Both sexes are generally handsome.
Afterwards comes the kingdom of Firanj,' which has power both
on land and sea. It is situated on a tongue of land which stretches
into the sea, from whence large quantities of amber are obtained.
The country produces only little pepper, but large numbers of ele-
phants are found here. The king is brave, haughty, and proud, but
to tell the truth he has more haughtiness than power, and more
^ [Sulaiman irrites this Bame " Kiranj." See note ante, p. 5.]
The country of Sind and the bordering lands are inserted in one
map, which thus contains the country of Sind and portions of Hind,
Kirmdn, Tiiran, and Budha.
Cities of Sind. Mansura, Debal, Nirur' [Niriin], Kalwi [Kal-
lari], Annari, Balwf [Ballari], Maswahi, Nabraj, Baniya, Manha-
nari [Manjibari], Sadusan, and Al Bjuz [Alor].
Cities or Hind. Amhal,^
Kambaya, Subara, Siudan, Saimiir,
Multan, Jandrud, and Basmand.
From Kambaya to Saimiir is the land of the Balhara, and in it
there are several Indian kings. It is a land of infidels, but there are
Musalmdns in its cities, and none but Musalmans rule over them
on the part of the Balhara. There are Jama' masjids in them. The
city in which the Balhara dwells is Manki'r, which has an extensive
people of 'Irak, but the dress of their kings resembles that of the
kings of India in respect of the hair* and the tunic.
Multan is a city about half the size of Mansura. There is an idol
there held in great veneration by the Hindus, and every year people
from the most distant parts undertake pilgrimages to it, and bring to
it vast sums of money, which they expend upon the temple and on
" [See Eeinaud's Atoulfeda, Introd. p. Ixixi., and the prefaces to Moeller and
Mordtmann's works.]
* r j}Xj!u.n, for this we have ^.l-j (trowsers) in the same passage as quote<i
those who lead there a life of devotion. The temple of the idol is a
strong edifice, situated in the most populous part of the city, in the
market of Multan, between the bazar of the ivory dealers and the
shops of the coppersmiths. The idol is placed under a cupola in the
midst of the building, and the ministers of the idol and those devoted
to its service dwell around the cupola. In Multan there are no men
either of Hind or Sind who worship idols except those who worship
this idol and in this temple. The idol has a human shape, and is
its knees, with the fingers closed, so that only four can be counted.
When the Indians make war upon them and endeavour to seize the
idol, the inhabitants bring it out, pretending that they will break it
and burn it. Upon this the Indians retire, otherwise they would destroy
Multan. Manstira is more fertile. At half a parasang from Multan there
is a large cantorunent,^ which is the abode of the chief, who never
enters Multdn except on Fridays, when he goes on the back of an
elephant, in order to join in the prayers of that day. The governor
is of the tribe of Kuraish, and is not subject to the ruler of Mansura,
but reads the khutba in the name of the khalifa.
Samand^ is a. small city situated like Multan, on the east of the
river Mihranj between each of these places and the river the
distance is two parasangs. The water is obtained from wells.
The city Al Eur approaches Multan in size.
of It has two
1 r S-M^x^t camp.]
2 [" Basmand" above and below.]
\_j}j^. See note A in Appi.]
and Budha, and beyond that as far as the boundaries of Multan, all
belong to Sind. Budha is there a desert.
The people of Multan wear trousers, and most of them speak
Persian and Sindf, as in Mansiira.
Makran is a large territory, for the most part desert and barren.
The largest city in Makran is Kannazbun.'
Kandabil is a great city, The palm tree does not grow there. It
is in the desert, and within the confines of Budha. The cultivated
fields are mostly irrigated. Vines grow there, and cattle are pastured.
The vicinity is fruitful. Abil is the name of the man who subdued
this town, which is named after him.
Here the Mihran must be crossed to get into the land of Budha.
1 r,.,.J -kS Mordtmann reads " Firiun," but see note A in Appx.]
10 [jjjlo]
days. From Kamhal to Kambaya four days. From Kambaya to the sea
about two parasangs. From Kambaya to Surabaya about four days,
and Surabaya is about half a parasang from the sea. Between
Surabaya and Sindan about five days. From Sindan to Saimur
five days. Between Saimur and Sarandib Between
fifteen days.
Mansura, and onwards until it joias the sea to the east of Debal.
Its water is very sweet. It is said that there are crocodiles in it as
large as those of the NUe. It rises like as the NUe rises, and inun-
dates the land, which on the subsidence of the water issown in the
manner we have described in the land of Egypt. The Sind End is
about three stages from Multan. Its water is very sweet, even
before it joins the Mihran. Makran is mostly desert, and has very
few rivers. Their waters flow into the Mihran on both sides of
' [The text has K&hal, tut there can be no doubt that K&mhal is meant.]
^ [Jl^JU in the text, which can only be rendered by guess. Ibn Haukal and
Idrlsi have " Biniya."]
* [The Mar&sidu-l IttiU' quotes this with some Tariations in the names.]
frontiers, the shape of the country, the principal towns, and in fact
everything necessary to know. The diagrams are accompanied by a
text. I have divided the dominions of Islam into twenty coun-
tries. I begin with Arabia, for this peninsula contains the Kabah
and Mecca, which is unquestionably the most important city and
the centre of the peninsula. After Mecca I describe the country
12. Mansiira, and the adjacent countries,^ which are Sind, India,
and part of the Muhammadan territory; 13. ^zarbaij4n; 14.
the district of the Jib al ; 15. Khazar
Dailam : 16, the sea of the
{i.e. the Caspian) IT. the steppes between Fars and Khurdsan
stated in the postscript, from a very correct copy, and with great
care. The copyist has added in a few instances marginal notes,
which prove that he took an interest in what he wrote, and that
he was acquainted with the subject. On comparing this work
with the " Book of Roads and Kingdoms " of Ibn Haukal, I
find it almost verbatim the same, so much so, as to leave no
doubt that it is a copy of Ibn HaukaPs work under an unusual
name. As there are only two copies in Europe, one of
SIND pci^e 32
S^orUUrs af KtrinanSSyCstan,
W.West tofe.
A.H. (943 A.D.), and after passing through the various lands under
Musulmdn rule, he returned to that city in 358 a.h. (968 a.d.).
The following year he was in Africa, and he seems to have
finished his work 366 a.h. (976 a.d.). His book received the
same title as that of Ibn Khurdadba, or "Book of Roads and Kin<r-
doms, ' and he says that his predecessor's work was his constant
companion.^ His obligations to Istakhri have been already men-
tioned. M. Uylenbroek translated
part of the work in his "Iracae
and Gildemeister has given the " Descriptio
persicse descriptio,"
Prom the sea to Tibet is four months' journey, and from the sea of
Pars to the country of Kanauj is three months' journey.
I have placed the country of Sind and its dependencies in one
map, which exhibits the entire country of Sind, part of Hind, and
Turan and Budha.* On the entire east of this tract there lies the sea
of Pars, and on the west, Kirman and the desert of Sijistan,
and the countries subject to it. To the north are the countries
of Hind, and to the south is the desert lying between Makran
and Kufs,^ heyond which is the sea of Pars. This sea is to
the east of the above-mentioned territories, and to the south
of the said desert, for it extends from Saimur on the east to
Tiz,* ofMakran; it then bends round the desert, and encircles
Kirman and Pars.
The chief cities of this tract are the following In Makran, :
vol. I. 3
34 '
a land of infidels, but there are Musulmans in its cities, and none but
Musulmans rule otct them on the part of the Balhara. There are
many mosques in these places, where Muhammadans assemble to
pray. The city in which the Balhara. resides is Mankir, which has
an extensive territory.^
tus est. Nomeh habet a regno, eodem modo quo Gh&na et Kaugha et alia regionis
simul et regis nomiaa sunt." There is no mention of this in the Ashk&lu-l Bil&d.]
' There is nothing like this in Gildemeister's version, but the assertion corresponds
with the statement of Mas'ildt. [Instead of this passage Gildemeister says, "In
Us omnibus precei fiant, non omissa publica per solitas formulas indictione. Eegnum
hoc late patet."]
He and his ancestors ruled over tbis country, but the Kbutba is read
in the name of the Khalifa. The climate is hot, and the date tree
grows here ; but there is neither grape, nor apple, nor ripe date
(tamr), nor walnut in it. The sugar cane grows here. The land
also produces a fruit of the size of the apple, which is called Laimun,
and is exceed:ngly acid. The place also yields a fruit called Ambaj
(mangoe), resembling the peach in appearance and flavour. It is
plentiful and cheap.' Prices are low and there is an abundance of
The current coin of the country is stamped at Kandahar one of ;
more probable reading; but the reasons assigned for reading the word "farj " are so
strong, as set forth by M. Hamaker, in his note to the Descriptio Iraca Fersicie (p. 67),
that we are not entitled to consider "burj" as the correct reading. [Quatremere
concurs in reading "farj." Jour, cks Sav. See also Ibn Khurd-idba and the
account given in the Chach-n&ma.]
devoted to its service dwell around the cupola. In Multan there are
no men, either of Hind or of Sind, who worship idols, except those
who worship this idol and in this temple. The idol has a human
shape, and is seated with its legs bent in a quadrangular posture,*
on a throne made of brick and mortar. Its whole body is
covered with a red skin like morocco leather, and nothing but
its eyes are visible. Some believe that the body of the idol is
made of wood ; some deny this ; but the body is not allowed
to be uncovered to decide this point. The eyes of the idol are
precious gems, and its head is covered with a crown of gold. The
hands rest upon the knees, with the fingers all closed,* so that only
four can be counted.' The sums collected from the offerings of the
pilg-rims at the shriue are taken by the Amir of Multan, and distri-
buted amongst the servants of the temple. As often as the Indians
make war upon them and endeavour to seize the idol, they* bring it
out, pretending that they will break which the it and bum it. Upon
assailants retire, There
otherwise they w^ould destroy Multan.
is a strong fort in Multan. Prices are low, but Mansura is
more fertile and populous. The reason why Multan is designated
" the boundary of the house of gold " is, that tbe Muhammadans,
though poor at the time they conquered the place, enriched them-
selves by the gold which they found in it. About half a parasang from
Multan are several e.difices called Chandrawdr,^ the cantonment of
the chief, who never enters Multan, except on Fridays, and then on
the back of an elephant, in order to join in the prayers of that day.
The Governor is of the tribe of Kuraish, of the sons of Samah, the
son of Lawi, who first occupied the place. He owes no allegiance to
the chief of Mansura. He, however, always reads the Khutba in the
name of the Khalifa.
* Ibn Haukal says, " -with expanded fingers." Zakariya Kazwini, folio-wing Is-
takhii, says " closed hands." The AshkiIu-1 Bil&d concurs with IshtakhrS, as quoted by
M. Kosegarten De Mohammede Ibn Batuta, p. 27. Idrisi speaks of four hands,
instead of four fingers, and a very slight change in the original would ai thorite that
reading. See post.
' [Sir H. Elliot's printed text terminates here, and so the remainder of the trans-
lation has not been revised.]
* [According to Kazwini it is the Musdm&ns who do this.]
5 This most resembles the word in the Ashkaiu-1 Bil&J. See Note A. in Appx.
Ibu Haukal saya to the east. The text of the Ashkilu-1 Bilid
' is plain on -this
6 [Abti-1 Fids, refers to this passage (p. 347 Text), in speaking of Annaii and
are abundant.
Turan^ is a town.
Kasdar is a city with dependent towns and villages. The
governor is Muin bin Ahmad, but the Khutba is read in the name
' [See Note A. in Appx.]
2 The passage is 43iffictilt. Gildmeister says, " Gentiles, qui in Sindia degunt, sunt
Bodliitee, et gens quas Mnnd vocatur. Bodha uomen est Tariarum tribuum," etc.
The printed text says. " T&vka is a valley, with a city of the same name, in the
centre of which is a citadel."
of the Khalifa only, and ihe place of his residence is at the city of
Kaha-Kanan.' This is a cheap place, where pomegranates, grapes'
and other pleasant fruits are met with in abundance ; but there are
no date trees La this district.
[Here ends ihe extract from ihe Ashhdlu-l Bildd; that which follows is
From Sub&a to Sind4n, which is the same distance from the sea, is
about ten" days' journey ; from Sindan to Saimur about five ; from
Saimur to Sarandip, about fifteen ; from Multan to Basmad, two
from Basmad to Alruz [Alor], three ; from Alruz to Ayara [Annari],
"We have now reached the extreme eastern border of the dominions
of Islam. The revenue of the kings and governors is small, and not
more than to satisfy their actual needs. Som^, no doubt, have less
thtm they wish.
' He has just said, only a few lines before, that the distance between these two
towns is eight days* journey ; and that is, doubtless, the correct distance ; otherwise,
we should have only six days' journey between Mansiira and Kamb&ya, which is
obviously incorrect. Ab\S-l Fidk, moreover, gives the distance as eight days' journey.
* [See Note in Appx.]
to the disseusion is all that is needed now that the question is set
at rest.
' [The Calcutta copy has been mislaid, and has not been used for this article.]
Section III. On the Hills and Rivers of Hindustdn and Siiddn (sic),
' [The MSSi. are strangely discordant as to the division of India. The
from the Indian MS. made the division to be "three equal parts,"
original translation
and "three parts" are again mentioned at the beginning of the next section. The
E. I. first line of this section, says "three equal parts," but in
Library copy, in the
the following line "to these nine parts ;" at the beginning of the next section
it Befers
it again says; "fKree parts. The British Museum copy says, in this place, "nine
equal ^xets," and in the next section it also says "nine parts." The Arabic version
is also consistent in always giving "nine" as the number, but it differs in declaring
them to be "unequal." Nine being the number most frequently used, and unequal
being more probable than equal, 1 have used those words in the translation. Al
Bir6ni makes no mention of the division in the chapter translated by Reinaud, so that
Bashidu-d Din probably derived his knowledge of it from the translation of the hook
" B&tankal," to which he refers. The inconsistencies have most probably arisen from
a confusion of the original Sanskrit authorities. Menu makes a threefold division of
Upper India, " Brahmarsha, Brahm4vartta and Madhyadesa," and this last portion is
accurately defined by Al Birflnl and Kashidu-d Din. The ninefold division is that of
the " nava-dwipaa," or nine portions, given in the Vishnu Pur&na, p. 175.]
2 [Bitajal or B&tanjal in the Arabic version. See a note upon this in the notice
of Ab<i Bih&n, Vol. II.]
^ [The Persian versions have the following sentence here i i\,\-^\ ,.,Lu< \\
XSJii A^jMy ii LlJ\%M ,.yl J iJy^J the application of which is not clear, but
as a blank space is left in one MS. immediately after these words, they probably
refer to the difficulty of representing the appearance in a picture]
broad.' But in. other places they have their sources to the north in the
lofty mountains and in the
is suiTounded on the east by
deserts. Hind
Chin and Machin," on the west by Sind and Kabul, and on the south
by the sea.' On the north lie Kashmir, the country of the Turks,
and the mountain of Meru, which ia extremely high, and stands
opposite to the southern pole. The heavenly bodies perform their
revolutions round it, rising and setting on each side of it. A day
and a night of this place is each equal to six of our months.*
Opposite to this mountain stands another, not round in shape, and
which be composed of gold and silver. The Hima moun-
is said to
' [The follomng passage from the A'riish-i Mahfil may perhaps throw some light
upon this :
" Between Bhakar and Scwi there is a jungle over which the Simoom
blows for three mionths in the hot season. When the river Indus, at intervals of
some years, flows from the south to the north, the villages here are laid waste." See
also ante, p. 24.}
' [This is generally written " MahSichln" in MS. C]
' In the original Arahic, Al BIrdni says " India
is hounded on all other sides by
lofty mountains," and after this follows a curious passage omitted from the J&mi'u-t
Taw^rikh. "If you examine the country of Hind, and consider well the round
stones which are found below the soil, at whatever depth you may dig, you will find
that they are large near the mountains where the current of water is impetuous, and
smaller as you depart from the mountains, the strength of th xurrent being also
diminished, and that they become like sand, where the water is stagnant and in the
vicinity of the sea. Hence you cannot but conclude that this country was once
merely a sea, and that the continent has been formed by successi<ve increments of
alluvion brought down by the rivers." Strabo and Arrian have also expressed this
opinion, and modem geologists are fond of indulging in the same speculation. A
late writer on this subject observes " Throughout the whole plain of India,
from Bengal to the bottom of the deep wells in Jesselmere, and under the mica and
hornblende schist of Ajmere, the same kind of very fine hard-grained blue granite is
found in round and rolled masses." Journal Aaiatio Society, Bengal, No. clxxxviii.
p. 140.
* Compare Strabo ii. l-lS. Plin. N. H. vi. 22, 6, and Solinns 62, 13.
" [The country of the Khazars or Khozars, a Turkish race, on the north of the
Caspian sea, about the mouths of the Itil or Volga. The Caspian iscalled Bahru-1
Khazar or Bahru-1 Jurj&n.]
the same number. These run far to the east and the south till they
fall into the ocean. Those, however, which rise in the south do not
discharge, themselves into the sea.
The northern mountains have connection with Mount Meru, which
lies south of them. Besides this there is another lofty ridge of
mountains intervening between Turkistan and Tibet and India,
which is not exceeded in height by any of the mountains of Hindu-
stan. Its ascent is eighty parasangs. From its summit India looks
black through the mists beneath, and the mountains and rugged
declivities below look like hillocks. Tibet and China appear red.
The descent from its summit to Tibet is one parasang. This moun-
tain is so high that Firdausi probably meant the following verse to
apply to it :
" It is so low and so high, so soft and so hard, that
you may see its belly from the fish (on which the earth rests), its
The upper part of the Jhailam is called Bhat, and Kuniwar appears to be
called "Budh mulk" (Lond. Geog. J., iv. 64). Gilgit retains its name to the
present day; Asura is the same as the Astor, or Hasora, of om- maps, and Salsas or
Salsahf is, perhaps, Chel6s on the Indus. M. Reinaud reads Schaltas (Vigne'e
Kashmir, i.. 548, 382). [MS. C. has " Shals^s." See Mem. stir Vlnde, 279.]
* [So in MS. ^. C. has iXJjjjji. jB,inand has " Ghorband," and that river must
be the one intended.]
' [j^wLJ in ji. uli*3 in C. " Lampaga" in Eeinaud. Lamghan " in the hills
of Ghazni" (Ahii-l fid&). The "Lughman" of the Maps. Mem. sur I'Inde, 353.]
' [Eeinaud (p. 114) suggests " TJdyanapitr" or "Adinapfir," near Jel&labad, men-
tioned by Fa-hian, and in the Ayin Akbari. See his note ; also Foe-tooie-ki, p. 46 ;
Masson, i. 181, 182; Journ. As. Soc. Beng., June, 1848, p. 482.]
8 As some depend upon the mode of spelling the name of
interesting speculations
this town, it may all ancient authorities, even down to the
be as well to remart that
historians of the sixteenth century, concur in spelling it ParshSiwar. In the Zubdatu-t
Taw6.rilch it is called " Fushto." The Chinese divide the first syllable, and make
Poo-loo -sha, the capital of the kiagdom of Pu jsha. See the Me-kotie-ki, as well
as the translation of Ma-twan-Un, by M. Eeniusat. Notiv : Melanges Asiat : Tom.
miles above Jhar^war,*' and the stream flows to the west of Multan.
The Biah joins it from the east. It also receives the waters of the
Irawa (Eavi). Then the river Kaj falls into it after separating
from the river Kuj, which flows from the hiUs of Bhatal.' They all
combine with the Satlader (Sutlej) below Multan, at a place called
Panjnad, or " the junction of the five rivers.'' They form a very
wide stream, which, at the time it attains its extreme breadth, extends
ten parasangs, submerging trees of the forest, and leaving its spoils
upon the trees like nests of bii'ds. This stream, after passing
Audar,^ in the middle of Sind bears the name of Mihran, and flows
1 Bfrfini says " BitiSr below Kandahar."
The proper name is GandhkrS., almost always converted by Musulmkn writers
into Kandahar, but we must take care not to confoimd it with the more noted Kan-
dahar of the west. The Gandh&r&s on the Indus are well known to the Sanskrit
writers, and there is a learned note on them in Troyer's Mdja Tarangini, Tom. IL
pp. 316 321. It is not improbable that we have their descendants in the Gangarias
of the Indus, one of the most turbulent tribes of the Haz4ra country. The name
given to them by Dionysius, in his Periegesis, resembles this modern name more than
the Sanskrit one. He says, AiwvixTov BipairovTes TapyapiSai valovcrtv. He places
them more hut Salmasius and M. Lassen consider that we should read
to the east,
TavSaplSat. Herodotus calls them TavSapiot. The TopiavSts of Nonnus, which M.
Troyer thinks points to the abode of the Gandhkras, is i)robably to be looked for else-
where. See also Mannert, Geographie der Crriechen und Somen, Vol. V. pp. 5, 30,
107. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XV. Be Pentap.
Ind. p. 15-17.
Lassen, Hitter, Die
Erdkunde von Asien, Vol. IV. Erseh and Gruber's Enoyc. : Art.
Pt. I. p. 453.
Indien, p. 2. Mem. sur I'Inde, 107. Cunningham, JBhilsa. Topes, Sec. X. para. 4.
3 [The modem Ohind on the right bank of the Indus fourteen miles above Attok.
* [This must be the fort on the river in the viciuity of Mult&n, in which the
ing in the text is from MS. A. B. has JJ(jl and C, jy- See Note A. in Appx.]
same way as at this place they call the collected rivers Panj-nad, "five
rivers," so the rivers flowing from the northern side of these same
m.ountains, when they unite near Turmuz and form the river of Balkh,'
are called " the seven rivers," and the fire- worshippers [majus) of
Soghd make no distinction, but call them all the " Seven rivers."
The river Sarsut [Sarsuti]' falls into the sea to the east of Somnat.
The Jumna falls into the Ganga below Kanauj, which city is
situated on the west of the river. After uniting, they fall into the
sea near Ganga Sayar fSagar.] There is a river which lies between
the Sarsut and Ganges. It comes from the city of Turmuz' and the
eastern hills ; it has a south-westerly course, till it falls into the sea
near Bahriich,* about sixty yojanas to the east of Somnat. Afterwards
the waters of the Ganga,' the Eahab, the Kiihi, and the Sarju unite*
' This is the Larry Bunder of Major Rennell {Memoir, p. 285), Lahariah of M.
Kosegarten (2) Mahommede, Comment : Acad :), and the L&hari of Ibn Batuta, who
remarks of it, " It has a large harbour into which ships from Persia, Yemen, and other
places put in. At the distance of a few miles from this city are the ruins of another,
in which stones, the shapes of men and beasts almost innumerable, are to be found.
The people of this place think that there was a city formerly in this place, the greater
part of the inhabitants of which were so base, that God transformed them, their beasts,
their herbs, even to the very seeds, into stones ; and, indeed, stones in the shape of
seeds are here almost innumerable." See Ibn Batuta r Lee, p. 102. [French version
iii. 112 ; Mem. aur I'Inde, 278] = [The Jihfin orOius.]
3 [This is distinct both in the Persian and Arabic, saving only that in the former
the last letter lacks the point.]
' This is spelt by various authors Barfij, Barus, BahriSJ, BarCih and Bahrfich. It is the
Broach of the present day, the ^afiya^a eiJLitipioi> of Ptolemy and Arrian, and the
Bhrigukaehchha and Bharukachchha of the Sanskrit authorities. See Ptol. Geo^. Lib.
VII. Cap. 1, Tab. 10. Mannert, Geographie der Gr. and Horn. Vol. V. p. 127. liitter,
Ih-dkmde, Vol. IV. Pt. II. p. 626. Bohlen, das alte Indien, Vol. I. p. 18. Lassen,
AUerthumskundSfYol. I. p. 107.
' [The MS. A, does not mention the Ganges.]
M. Reinaud (p. 100) gives the first as Eahab. A river of this name, or Eahet,
is often mentioned by early Muhammadan authors, and appears generally to indicate
the ES.mgang&. The uuiou of the Siirja with the Gomati, which M. Eeinaud reads
Kiibin, is a fable. There is no oouflacnee of thj-ee rivers at BSirf, but not far off irom
near the city of Bari. The Hindus believe that the Ganga has
its source in paradise, and, descending to the earth, is divided
into seven streams, the centre one being denominated the G-ang
The three eastern streams are the Balan, the Ladafi, and Nalin.' The
three western streams are the Sit, the Jakasb, and Sind.' When the
Sit leaves the snowy mountains it flows through the countries' of
SUk, Karsib, BCir, Barbar, Hira, Sakarkalt, Mankalakur, and Sakrit
and falls into the western ocean. On the south of it is the river
it the Jamnuarl and the Kathenf unite vnth. the Gomati. The map of Onde which
isgiven in the "Agra Guide," calls these rivers the Saraeu and Perhf, names which
conform pretty well with the i_^*) and . .^ of M. Keinaud's manuscript. [General
Cunningham says, " The second of these rivers is undouhtedly the Gumti, which
in Sanskrit is the Gomati. The first is either the Sehta, or else the Rahrai which
joins the Behta; and the third is the Saratn, a good sized stream, which passes
by Sitapur. Both the Behta and the Sarain join the Gumti near Sari, which still
exists as a good sized village." Arch. Sep. for 1862-3 in Jour. As. Soe. Ben.
page xvii.]
' [A. <-J;Ij. C. ClJjli, D. e-Jjb.]
These are evidently the Sit& and Chakshu of Bh&skara AchSrya. Mr. Cole-
Siddlidnta Siromani ; Bhavana Kosha, 37 and 38. See also Vihnu Purdna, p. 171.
Professor Wilson observes, "The Hindis say that the Ganges fafla from heaven on
the summit of Meru, and thence descends in four currents the soufliern branch is the
Ganges of India; the northern branch, which flows into Turkey, i.? the Bhadrasom^;
tbo eastern branch is the Sita and the western is the Chakshu or OxvsJ' Sanskrit
Diet. Art. Meru. But the R^m&yana mentions seven streams, and from ffeat work
Biriint evidently copied his statement. The true Sanskrit names were almost identical
with those given in the text. The eastern streams are Hl^dani, Pavani and Nalinf
the western are Sita, Suchakshu, and Sindhu. In the centre flows the Bh&girathi.
The Matsya and Padma Puranas give the same account. See Sdmdpana, Lib. I.
XLIV. 14, 16. Ed. Schlegel. [The three western rivers ought to be the Sir, Slh6n,
or Jaxartes the Jihiin or Oxus and the Indus. Jakash is probably a corrupt form
; ;
of Chakahxt, and bears a suspicious resemblance to the classic Jaxartes. Of all the
countries mentioned in connection with the Sit and Jakash, Marv appears to be the
only one that can be identified with any degree of probability.]
[The names of these countries are so discrepant, that Sir H. Elliot omitted those
of the Sind and Ganges as being "illegible," but he printed the text as it is
found in the Calcutta and Lucknow copies. These, with the three copies in
England, ought to afford sufficient means for settling the names with tolerable
accuracy. To facilitate comparison, the various readings are set out below in
juxtaposition. Whore one reading only is given, the whole of the TtfSS. ate suffi-
ciently concurrent.]
-> ^^
^P (two names f)
j_^pJv=^ ,iJ^
VU w j^ J^
bytXi J Ijj-j^.' ^Uydj J^^
jy^ jjr^-
Barbarkaj, Bakrubar, and Anjat, and waters the farms and fields of
those places.'
The river of Sind crosses that country* in many places of its
length and breadth, and bounds it in many others. Its well-known
towns are Dard, Eandanand, Kandahar, Euras, Kariir, Siyiir,
1. E. I. LiBKAirr.
The river Maxan' -waters the land of Kit" and flows through
deserts. It passes through several countries where the people wear
the bark of trees and grass instead of clothes, and are friendly to
the brahmans. Then it passes through th desert and flows into
the sea of Ajaj.'
The river Batan passes through Namr&i,* and through several
countries where the people have their habitations in the hills. then
it flows on to the Karans and the Barbarans,' i.e., people whose ears
bang down to their shoulders. Next it touches the country of the
Ashmuks,^ whose faces are like the faces of animals. Then it falls
into the sea.
The Lashan-baran is a river with a wide bed. It falls into the
en Ctesias, p. 36. Plin Sistor. Nat. VII. 2. Vincent, Comm. and Nam. nf the
Ancients, Vol. II. p. 524. Asiatic Sesearches, Vol. VIII. p. 338, and Vol. IX.
p. 68. Megasthems, 8, 64, 66, 69.
' [The Arabic again says "nine," and the MS. B. agrees. MSS. A. and
J>. say " three." See note, page 44.]
opinion that each part' is nine times larger than Iran. It is situated
in three Iklim (climes)s the western portion is in the third clime,
and the eastern in the first, but the chief portion of Hind is included
in the second climate. Its central territory is called Madades, which
means "the middle land." The Persians call it Kanauj. It is
called the Madades, because it lies between the seas and mountains,
between the hot and cold countries, and between the two extremities
of west ard east. It was the capital of the great, haughty, and
proud despots of India. Sind lies on the west of this territory. If
any one wishes to come from Nimroz, i.e. the country of Sijistan,
or Tran to this country, he will have to pass through Kabul. The
city of Kanauj stands on the western bank of the Ganges.* It was
formerly a most magnificent city, but in consequence of its being
deserted by its ruler, it has now fallen into neglect and ruin, and
Ban, which is three days' journey from it on the eastern side of the
Ganges is now the capital. Kanauj is as celebrated for the de-
scendants of the Pandavas as Mahura (Mattra) is on account of
Basdeo (Krishna.) The river Jumna lies to the easj of this city,
and there is a distance of twenty-seven parasangs between the two
rivers. The city of Thanesar is situated between the rivers, nearly
' [The Arabic says " each part," and the Persian has a blauk where these words
shonld come in.
' [Binikiti, who quotes jrortions of this chapter, adds " which comes from the
city of Turmuz, through the mountains of the east."]
3 M. Eeinaud reads Haddjamava. There can be little doubt that J4jmau, close tfi
' [Rcinaud
and Elliot read " Abhapfiri," but our MSS. have "biidS." The Arabic
version translates " Abhi," and says "waters of Badi."]
The mention of the tree is important, as showing that at that time there was no
city on the site of Allah&bid, but mersly a tree at the coniiueiice which is described ;
in a subsequent passage as being of large dimensions, with two main boughs, one
withered, the other flourishing, and as the Indiana are represented as mounting on
the tree to enable them to precipitate themselyes into the Ganges, the river must
have then flowed under it. The trunk of the tree still exists, and is as holy as ever,
but is almost excluded- from view by being enclosed in a subterraneous dwelling,
called PatS.lpiiri, evidently of great antiquity, within the walls of the fort of Allaha-
This accords with Al BiriSni's original Arabic, but there is some unaccountable
error. [The Arabic version of Eashidu-d din says simply " from hence to the
Ganges,' but this does not mend the matter.]
Perhaps the Island of Karan Tirat, now abreviated into Kantit, near Mirzipfir.
M. Reinaud reads Oubarhar. [The inital letters Ifr are clear in all the copies,
the third letter is n, in the E. I. Library M.S., and the final r is also wanting in that
undintheB.M. MS. The true reading is probably given in the Lucknow copy
which has I/rihkr, meaning in all likelihood, Orissa.]
M. Reinaud reads Ourdabyschhau [but the final k is clear in all our copies].
suivant les bords de la mer et en so dirigeant vers I'Orient, a travers les provinces
a\ixquelles confinent maintenant les etats du roi Djour la premiere de
; ces provinces
est Dravida.
In going from Kanauj to the east you come to MSli Ban',' at the
distance of ten parasangs ; thence to Dukam, forty -five ; thence to
1 [E&achi or Conjeveram.]
' [MSS. A. and S. apparently hare "Karand;" but C. has K<ital. Reinand
has " Kounaka," and this is supported by MS. D.
* [The first edition had Sarw&ra, but Eeinaud has " Scharouar" which is doubtless
right, MSS. A. and -B. say iL^iu \j where the ia may or may not be a prepo-
sition. The Arabic mates it part of the name ,U*J\j U.J This may, perhai)s,
mean the country beyond the SarjiS, the name by which Gorakhpiir is now locally
known to the people about Benares, and hence the name of one of the most populous
tribes of Brahmans. Sarw&r is an abbreviation of Sarj6p&r, "the other side of the
Sarjii." So Pfiradas is used in the Puranic lists to represent people ho live heyoitd
the Indus, just as used in the Periplus of the Erythrean sea to signify the
to. ire'po is
s [So in the first edition. Eeinaud has " Patalypotra." A. has s jJi-U
.B. has L-j {l\j, ^^^ ^' ..M jljlj. The last is probably intended for P&tali
[So in the first edition Eeinaud has " Djanbah ;" .4. and C- ^- ,
; .B.,.,,,-^.,
' This name by which B&ri is called in this passage. As there are several
is the
other towns of the same name in the neighbourhood, this may have been a distinc-
tive title given to the new capital. The combination is by no means improbable,
for as B4ri means " a garden," and M&ll " a gardener," the words are frequently
coupled together. The two names occur in conjunction, in a common charm for the
bite of a wasp. Reiiiaud has simply "Bary;"^. ,_f.l) Jj, -S. ^,\j r.
1 This may Tje the Silhet Sh&hjah&npdr of the GoraVhpfir district, near the
Gandak. In that case, Tiliit would correspond with Tirhflt.
which is no douht right. A. and B. have .^ ifjS, and the first edition had
" Meru."]
* [This passage is not in A. nor in the old version from the Indian MSS. ; tut it
is given by Reinaud.]
" reads Yhontyscher the same reading occurs at p. 40.
M. Reinaud ;
no doubt the Kajwar-i of Ibn Batuta, " at which there is a late about a
This is
mile in length, and round this are temples in which there are idols
" (p. 162). Its
real name is KajrM, on the banks of the Ken, between Chatterpiir and Panna, said
to have been founded by the great parent of the Chandel race. The Kingdom of
which it is the capital, is evidently the Chi-chi-to of the Chinese travellers.
The mined temples at Kajr&S are of great antiquity and interest. They are
described in the Mahoba Sama, and there said to hive been built by Hamotl, upon
the occasion of her having held a Banda jag, or penitential sacrifice. She had com-
mitted a iittle/auxpas with the moon in human shape, and as a self-imposed punish-
ment her indiscretion, held a Eanda jag, a part of which ceremony consists in
sculpturing indecent representations on the walls of temples, and holding up one's
foibles to the disgust and ridicule of the world. Hamoti was the daughter of
Eomr&j, spiritual adviser to Indraji, Gaharwkr E4j& of Benares.
' There have been lately some speculations hazarded about the fort of K&linjar
rol heing older that a.d. 1205. Birdni's mention of its strong fort in his time
makes it two hundred years older, and still leaves its origin indefinite. (See Journal
A. S. B. No. 188. p. 172.) 2 {A. and B. have Dh5U.]
' [Eeinaud has, " On arrive aussi a Dhal dont la capitale est Bitoura. Le prince
^_jSL^ yS^ ^jSi. 0. has iJJiy^^^ iXw .^\ ^yJ J JVaJ i^I.J
* [Eeinaud has " Oupsour" and " Banaouas," the first edition had " ris&r" and
"Bhawas." A. and B. have iuj\^ (-'Ij ^- ^^ u^^V'-' IV^^-
Banav&si was the
name of the capital of the Kadamba dynasty in the Dekhin. Wilson's Mack. Coll.
Introd. ]
* M. Eeinaud says, without doubt this is the name of the town ordinarily written
Sasi. If Hansi of Hari&na, as it appears, is meant, it neither corresponds with the
distance nor direction.The ruins of Asi, or more correctly Asni, are on the banks
of the Ganges. mentioned in the T&rikh-i Taminf, and is the place to which
It is
the E&ji of Kanauj sent his treasure for security when he was attacked by the
Ghorian General, Kutbu-d din I'bak.
8 [C has Sahalaini.] ' This is evidently meant for ChanderS.
' [Elliot read the name "Naraya" and "Niraya". Eeinaud has "Bazana," but
he adds "le manuscrit porte en quelques endroits Narana." MS. A. is tolerably
consistent in reading Bar^na B., C, and D. are generally without points, but. C.
has Nar&na in one place, and D. Tar&na, Eeinaud's translation differs, It prO'
ceeds, " Cette ville est celle que nos compatriotes, appellent Narayana comme elle- ;
a ete detruite, les habitants se sont transportes dans un lieu plus recule'."' NarSna
is probably a contraction of N&r&yana and the right name. Sir H. Elliot considered
it " one of the most interesting places in the North-Western provinces to identify in
the pages of Birflnl, on account of its being so frequently mentioned" as a point of
departure of several Itineraries. He thought it to be represented by the modern
Narwar, and entered into details to support this view, but he was unable to account
for its being called the capital of Guzer6,t.General Cunningham takes another view,
and says, " In ray fourth Report I have identified Guzetkt with Bair^t, or the ancient
Matsya. Bair&.t was the capital, but it was also used for the name of the country, as
for instance by Hwen
Tsang, who calls it Fo-li-ye-to-lo. Firishta gives these two
names and Nirdin, which, he says, were two hilly tracts, overrun by
as Kari&t
Mahnitid of Ghazni. Now Guzer&t and Kari5.t are only slight corruptions of Bair&t,
when written in Persian characters ; and N&rdiu and Nar&na are still slighter altera-
tions of NS.r4yana, which is the name of a town to the north-east of Bair&t, about
twelve miles. Mathura is said to be equidistant from Kanauj and ii-om KTarina,
which agrees with this identification." General Cunningham proceeds " Asi is on :
the Jumna below the junction of the Chumbul, and therefore a favourable point for
crossing. Sahina I take to be Suhania, a very ancient town thirty miles to the north
of Gwalior, and which is said to have been the capital of the country in former days.
Its ruins cover several square miles. Chandra I take to be Hindou, and RSjiori is
still known by the same name. It will be found between Hindou and Bair&t, to the
north of the B&n Ganga river." Cunningham, MS. Note.]
\A. writes this ^~ ^\ X C. d^M.p,]
= \_A. and JB. have i j, Ji. ^Ji, 0. ifj-j^-,. i(jjj, ^'^ first edition translated it,
omission in A. and (7., the former makes the distance to Dddhi five parasangs, and
the latter, thirty parasangs.]
[So in A. Eeinaud has " Bamhour ;" the first edition had, " Bafh(ir" ;" B. and
C. have"M&hvira."]
5 [" Bhaylesan," in Eeinaud Mahabhales&n in first edition Bahibalistau in A.,
; ;
and B. has the same in the first instance, but in the second the first letter may be m ;
G. has BahSila&n here and Bah6.balasin below. It says " Balasin" is the name of
the idol ((^Lji *\^ jl .jluJj , )Mah&balastan has been selected as being
' [So in Bi'runi, in first edition, and in .B. ; A. has JSjjlj, C. has .Ut>b, the
Persian original of which was probably .Ij^J b'.]
est le nom d'un royaume o(i se trouve la fortresse de Djatraoxir." [This is a most
doubtful name. A. has jUaJj, ^. lULj, C. lUi.^, i). jUu.^. A. and B.
omit the' name of the fort, but C. ]i^jjjij;^, and J). ,J/~=--J
Perhaps Bhilsa is alluded to. There are many ruins in its neighbourhood well
worth examination, as at Udegir, Sacheh, Ktaeh Kheri, and Piplea Bijoll. There
are other places on the upper Betwa where extensiTe ruins are to be seen, as Erin
TJdipfir, Pathliri, anciently called Birnagar, Ghe&rispiir and BhojprSr.
' [This accords with Al BIrlini. There is some confnsion in the MSS. .4. reads :
a says,
.^\j jf^ IjlU iUs- \^^
1:^* L5^ J J^'^\\''. er^T.?^ ij^
' [s v^Hi-^ ^^ "^' ^^^ '" ^^^ edition.] This may have some connection with
(Biswar), C. has^^^.]
* [This reading accords with Reinaud's, and with MS. C, MS. A. has no points,
D. has " Matdakar" or " Mandkar," and the first edition had " Mundgir."]
* [So in the first edition and probably right. Reinaud has " Nymyyah," A. and
.B. haTej^n! ^'^\j, C has A,^, ^_y jl^^ and i?. i^ i-S'^V-'
From Kanauj, going north, and turning a little to the west, you
come to Sharashdraha,' fifty parasangs. Thence to Pinjor, eighteen,
' [So read ty Eeinaud and Elliot. A. has )ij\Xi and i^lJl, -8. JjlAjs,
C and D. g .\ ,L j , Kahalwira is only another form of the name.]
' [Eeinaud has " Eahanhonr." A. and . have ...s^^ j, and C. has ,.j^Ukj.
The letters m and h are liable to be confounded, so that Elliot's reading is probably
* See note 9, page 58.
[So read by Eeinaud and Elliot. ^. has -iiLj and ^Lj, jB. J It), O.
" [Elliot reads " Sirs&wah ;" Eeinaud " Schirscharhah ;" A. has aj&.l.^, S.
' [So read by Eeinaud and Elliot. A. -uojU, -B. ^ujlj, C. Ajl;, 2). ^^ti.]
' This is doubtless Dehm4ri, wbich, as we learn from several historians, was the
ancient name was changed by Jahingir, in honour of iNdr Jah^n
of NArpilr, before it
the author says merely J&landhar, not the Doab, or Interarania, of jalandhar.
[So according to Eeinaud and EUiot. A. has LJ6J, -B. CI ^,fri>^ C. says
^ [The number "ten," is given by Eeinaud, Elliot, and MS. D. A. says " 100,"
B. has ji^^ probably intended for J^.^^ C. omits the number.]
* [So read by Eeinaud, and probably right. Elliot and MS. D. have Gahi.
A. has X^ B. and C. jSJ\ Perhaps Eaj Gh&t may be meant. All the other
[The Arabic here adds the Persian numeral of the distance (db7j = 10) to the
' [Tbe MSS. all agree in making two words, Arat-hiir. The Arabic again
adds the numeral of the distance (nwA = 9) to the name miildng it Arat-hftznah
* TEcinaud reads " Maydahoukour." The only difference in our MSS. is that A,
substitutes S. for as the first letter.] The place is mentioned in Biriini's Kani'm
and by Baihaki who calls it " Mandkaktir."
"> [So according to Elliot. Eeinaud has " Lauhaour (Labor)." A. has ,,,'\ji) J
' [This is no doubt the Beyah. Eeinaud had " Eeyut," and Elliot " Behat."
A. has either " M&.yat" or Bayiit," O. has " Miyat," and X). "Ma-oayat."
2 ["Binbonr," Reinaud. "Diuur," Elliot. ^^ in ^. and Ji. ,.J J in C
> Mention of Kashmir occurs in another part of the wori:, which contains little
that is not noticed here. The author adds that in Kashmir there is a city called
Daraharka, in which there are 3,600,000 inhabitants, and that it was built 2,000
years ago. That the Talley was formerly twelve hundred years under water when, ;
at the entreaties of Casip [Kasyapa], the waters found their way to the sea, and the
valley became habitable.
* [These names according to Reinaud and Elliot are "Bilor, Shakn&n, and^
Dfikhan." MSS. A. and . make the first distinctly " Tftkiir," but J), has " Billflr."
S. makes the second " ShakhOn." The third is ^.1=.., in -d. and B., .^U- W C,
land on the north of the ancient Taxila, where Buddha gave his head to the starving
tiger. It is on the high road to Kashmir." Cunningham..]
[So read by Elliot. Reinaud has "Eosary et Kahry :" the first syllable of
M&mhari was doubtless taken as meaning " water," a reading favoured by our Arabic
MS. 0., which says ^_, j U. ^,li*u^t. The MSS. ^., ., and i). hare
Tartai y where the Indus actually rises. Arrowsmith' s map gives Guinnak, capital '
After traversing the gulf you come to the small and big mouths
of the Indus ; then to the Bawarij, who are pirates, and are so called
[" L&rjik" in first edition and in MS. S. " Kelardjek" Eeinaud. All the
other MSS. read " L&rjal." The Kal&rchal of p. 46.]
* [Reinaud, Elliot, and MS. C. agree in reading Kashmir ; but A. has i_/l,a-Cj
from Eameshar to Set Bandhai, which means the bridge of the sea,
is two parasangs and that band, or embankment, was made by
Earn, son of Dasrat, as a passage to the fort of Lank.' It consists of
^..Ij /^|'-q\\ .iX.'v*. The word Bkwarfii must be taken with mM*? (bdelKum),
and is evidently the name of some staple production. It occurs again in the
next page in the observations on the trade of Guzer&t. MS. A. says J, ,jl>
CLJljji J^lj-jj! <UJls 4^1 jjj. varies slightly, saying, ^<A) jjj\s^.
The Arabic version of C.
being evidently a blunder for V, The Arabic version varies a little, " Between
this {i.e. Padm&r) and the first (town) ten parasaBgs. After that is ITmaln&r."]
' \A. has A^, C. and D. ,
' C-A confounding it with the Ganges.]
Multan'' and Uch are subject to Dehli, and the son of the Sultan
of Dehli is the governor. There is a road from hence by land as
well as by the shore of the sea to G-uzerat, which is a large country,
within which are Kambaya, Somnat, Kankan, Tdna, and several other
cities and towns. It is said that Gruzerat comprises 80,000 flourishing
cities, villages, The inhabitants are rich and happy,
and hamlets.
and during the four seasons no less than seventy different sorts of
roses blow in this country. The crops which grow in the cold season
derive their vigour from the dew. When that dries, the hot season
commences, and that is succeeded by the rainy season, which makes
the earth moist and verdant. Grapes are produced twice during
the year, and the strength of the soil is such, that cotton plants
grow like willows and plane-trees, and yield produce ten years
running. The people are idolaters, and have a king of their own.
Somnat, which is the name of the idol of that place, is a temple and
place of worship for the people of all parts of Hind, and Hindu
idolaters come to it from great distances. Many of the more deluded
devotees, in performance of their vows, pass the last stage crawling
along the ground upon their sides, some approach walking upon
their ancles and never touch the ground with the soles of their feet,'
others go before the idol upon their heads. The men of Kambaya
bring tribute from the chiefs of the island of Kis. Sugar from
Malwa, badru (balm),* and baladi are exported in ships from the
coasts of Guzerat to all countries and cities. Beyond Guzerat are
' [" Kahankand" in MS. J).} This appears to he the Kanhar of Dr. Lee, and its
descriptiott as being a mountain of monkeys shows that his conjectures about the
Kankan and Tana beyond them ; the country of Malibar, which from
the boundary of Karoha' to Kiilam," is 300 parasangs in length.
The whole country produces the pan, in consequence of which
Indians find it easy to live there, for they are ready to spend their
whole wealth upon that leaf. There is much coined gold and silver
there, which is not exported to any Other place. Part of the terri-
tory is inland, and part on the sea shore. They speak a mixed
language, like the men of Khabalik,' in the direction of Eiim, whom
they resemble in many respects. The people are all Samanis
(Buddhists), and worship idols. Of the cities on the shore the fijfst
is Sindabur, then Faknur, then the country of Manjarur,* then the
country of Hili,^ then the country of Sadarsa," then Jangli, then
Kiilam. The men of all these countries are Samanis. After these
comes the country of Sawalak, which comprises 125,000 cities and
villages. After that comes Malwala,' which means 1,893,000 in
number. About forty years ago the king of Malwala died, and
between his son and the minister a contest arose, and after several
* [The French version of Ibn Batdta gives the names of SindS,biir, Fttandr,
Manjartir, Hih', Jiir-fattan, Dih-fattan, and Budd-fattan (Vol. IV. p, 109). Fattan
is evidently the Sanskrit pattanmn (town), or as now written patam or patndm.']
Abu-1 Fida notices Sindabur, Manjar&r, and Kulam. Manjarflr is the Mangalore
of the present day, and the MayyapovO of Cosmas Indieopleustes. {Topograph.
Chr. p. 337.) Casiri quotes a manuscript in which it is called Mangalore as early
as the beginning of the seventh century. See Billioth. Escurial. Tom II. p. 6.
" [This is the reading of the first edition of MSS. B. and 6'., and of Binikiti.
MS. A., however, reads jL,,.^, which may possibly refer to the MapUlas, as the
' [So in A. B. has '! JL, C. has 1 JL s it stood in the first edition, and such
battles they ended with dividing the territory between them. The
consequence is that their enemies obtained a footing, and are always
making their incursions from different parts of Hind, and carrying
off goods and viands, sugar, wine, cotton cloths, captives, and great
booty.' But through the great wealth of that country, no serious
injury is done.
M'abar,' from Kulam to the country of SLlawar,' extends 300 para-
sangs along the shore. Its length is the same. It possesses
many cities and villages, of which little is known. The king is
called Dewar which means in the M'abar language, the " lord of
wealth." Large ships, called in the language of China, " Junks,"
bring various sorts of choice merchandize and clothes from Chin and
Machin, and the countries of Hind and Sind. The merchants export
from M'abar silken stuffs, aromatic roots ; large pearls are brought up
from the The productions of this country are carried to 'Irak,
as it were, the key of Hind. Within the few last years Sundar
Bandi was Dewar, who, with his three brothers, obtained power in
different directions, and Malik Takiu-d din bin 'Abdu-r rahman bin
Muhammadu-t Tibi, brother of Shaikh Jamalu-d din, was his
minister and adviser, to whom he assigned the government of
Patan, Mali Patan, and Bawal ;* and because there are no horses in
M'abar, or rather those which are there are weak, it was agreed that
every year Jamalu-d din Ibrahim should send to the Dewar 1400
strong Arab horses obtained from the island of Kis, and 10,000
horses from all the islands of Fars, such as Kati'f, Lahsa, Bahrein,
Hurmuz, Kilahat, etc. Each horse is reckoned worth 220 dinars of
red gold current.
o o o
1 It is difficult to say what countries are here meant, but it is probable that allu-
sion is made to the Laokadives and Maldives, the names being derived from numerab,
and in both instances bearing a relation to these islands.
2 [The coast of Coromandel. See Ibn Batouta, Index.]
" [jB. has j.IJuj, and Bin5,kiti ..liXij.]
* [So printed in the first edition from the Indian MS. A. says L, , j
Bin^kiti reads
-B- lias
JjU _j ^j^
CS^\j J ^^
t^}^*^ iJ^-\
^ J ^. ^-
er* i^ J cr**-
In the year 692 a.h. (1293 a.d.) the Dewar died, and his wealth and
possessions fell into the hands of his adversaries and opponents,
and Shaikh Jamalu-d-din who succeeded him, obtained, it is said, an
accession of 7,000 bullock loads of jewels, gold, etc.,and Takiu-d
din, according to prcTious agreement, became his lieutenant. * *
The people of the country are very black by reason of their being
near the equator. There is a large temple called Lutar.'
Ct Ci t o
There are two courses, or roads, from this place : one leads by
sea to Chin and Machi'n, passing by the island of Silan." It is four
' [So in first edition. Xhas j jj^ -B. ,t)jj, C- iJy ^'"^'''t i JJ.j
the same place as is indicated by Lambri and Bamry. There is at the present day a
large island^ callgd- Bamry, off the coast of Arracan, but that cannot well be the
place indicalsdi
' This is distinctly called a country {teiUyat) in the Persian, iaiad in the Arabic.
It is usually said that raediseval writers called the island of Sumatra by the name of
Java, and that Sumatra was one of its towns. Java itself was called MM
J&va. See
Journal Asiatigue, 4th Series, Tom. IX. pp. 119, 124, 244.
'[The Arabic version has Darband ManSs.] This may be Pulu Nias, -which
M.M. Maury and Dulaurier, from independent observation, conceive to be the
Al-Neyan of the early Geographers. See Journal Aaiatique, 4th Series, Tom. VIII.
200, and Bulletin de la SonielS de Geog., April, 1846.
' These cities, it will be observed, are not confined to one island. Pariah is nn
doubt Tanjung Pariah, or Diamond Point, on the north-east coast of Sumatra.
Bariidoz [or Bfikfidiir, as the Arabic MS. gives it], without any violent metathesis.
may perhaps
be read Bencoolen the "Wan-Kou-Leou of the Chinese. [Nouv. J. A
XI. 54.) Towards Papua is a large island called Aru, but that is no doubt too
distant for our author. His city may be the metropolis of Java according to Ptolemy
%X^"' '^ iierp6wo\iv ?iri tois ivaiUKoXs
ipofia Apyvpriv ^pacriv. Geog., VII. 2, 29.
' As this might be read Nicobar, allusion may be made to the islands of that
name. The early Arabian Geographers and Idrisi seem to designate this group by
the term Lanjab&l(is.
< [So in the first edition, and so in MS. A. B. has ,>.. ->-, C has (5^j
and Bin^kiti .../li-^.J
' Idrisi calls this Siniatu-s Sin, situated at the extremity of the empire. " Xo
city is equal to whether we consider its greatness, the number of the edifices, the
importance of its commeree, the variety of its merchandize, or the number of mer-
chants which visit it from different parts of India." Ibn al "Wirdi says, " It is the
extreme eastern part which is inhabited, and beyond which there is nothing but the
A port in the province of Fo-Kien. See Marsden's Marco Tolo, p. 561. M.
Klaproth, Mem. nl. A V Aeie. Tom. II. p. 208, and M. Eeiaaud, Relation des
voyagee, Tom., II. pp. 25, 26.
' [This reading of the first edition is supported by the Arabic MS. C, which says,
"After this is Chfn the great" [ '^j^\ ^^A\\ after that the harbour of Zaitun
large the place is. It is subject to the deputies of the Ka-an, who
are Moghals, Musulmans, Khitayans, and Ghuris. Khansai' is the
With respect to the other road which leads from M'abar by way
of Khitai, it commences at the city of Kabal, then proceeds to the
city of Kunju and Sunjii, then to Kin, then to Mali Patan,' then
to Kardaraya, then to Hawariun,' then to Dakli,* then to Bijalar,'
which, from of old, is subject to Dehli, and at this time one of the
cousins of the Sultan of Dehli has conquered it, and established
himself, having revolted against the Sultan. His army consists of
1 [So in first edition, and so inMS. A. MS. C. and Binikitl have " Sank.""]
' [So in the first ecKtion. MS. ^. says ,\j "a fort or tower." Bin&kiti says
A5>-b It) "a lake." The Arabic version says *j,,lj.J
the largest city he had seen. Marco Polo calls it Quinsai, and says it is without
exception the most noble city in the world. It was the capital of southern Chiua, or
Mahi Chin. Its present name is Hang-toheou-fou, capital of the province of Tche-
Kiang. See M. Eeinaud, Belatim des Voyages, Tom. I. pp. ex., cx.vin., and M.
Quatremere, Sistoire des Mongols, pp. lxxtii., lxxxix. Ibn Hatouia, IV. 284.
* The Canibalu of Marco Polo, and the Pekin of the Chinese. See Assemani,
Biblioth. Orient. Tom. III. p. 2, p. 612. [Jinbyik in A. and in Bin&kitl.]
* See les Oiseaux et les Fleurs, pp. 119, 220. Saiistdn, v. III. p. 250.
^ [The Arabic MS. has "from K&bal to Kin, and from thence to Mali-Katan."
Binakiti reads " from Kabal-fatan to Majli-fatan," and a marginal emendation says,
" from K&.bal (or K^mal) patan to Majli patan," i.e., Masulipatam.]
' [Haw^rmiin in A.J
8 [MS. A. has " Dakal." The Arabic and Bin6kitl both read " Dehli."]
9 [So in the first edition. A. says Sl^^ Bajal&; but C. and Binikiti have
'i\Lj Bengal.]
'" [MSS. A., C, and Bin&ldtl agree in this. The first edition and MS. S. have
" This country is again noticed in our author's account of China, and Marco Polo
speaks of it under the wrong name, Cardandon. M, Quatremfere tries to fix its
position. (^Hist. des Mongols, p. xcvi.) "This island Of Sumatra is the first island
They puncture their hands, and colour them with indigo. They
eradicate their beards, so that they have not a sign of hair on their
faces. Th&j are all subject to the Ka-an. This country is bounded
on one side by the sea, afterwards comes the country of Eahan, the
people of which eat carrion and the flesh of men, ^they likewise
are subject to the Ka-an.' Thence you arrive at the borders of Tibet,
where they eatraw meat and worship images, and have no shame
respecting their wives. The air is so impure that if they eat their
dinner after noon they would all die. They boil tea and eat win-
nowed barley.
There is another country called Deogir, adjoining M'abar inland,
the king of which is at constant enmity with the Dewar of M'abar.
Its capital is Duru Samundur [Dwara Samudra.J
Another large country is called Kandahar, which the Moghals
call Karajang. These people spring from Khitai and Hind. In
the time' of Kiibila Ka-an,' it was subdued by the Moghals. One of
its borders adjoins Tibet, another adjoins Khita, and another adjoins
Philosophers have said that there are three countries celebrated
for certain peculiarities ; Hind is celebrated for its armies, Kandahar
for its elephants, and the Turks for their horses.
wherein we knew man's flesh to be eaten by certain people which lire in the moun-
tains, called Bacas, who use to gild their teeth." Ant. Galvano's Disc, of the World
in Hakluyt, IV. 422. See also Furchas Sis Pilgrimage p. 457. Mursden's M.
Polo, p. 429, 434.]
' [This passage was not in the first edition, and it is not in the MS. ^. ; but the
other MSS. and Bin^kitl have it.]
AL iDRrsr. 75
the Sakriya, These are the naost noble ; from among them, kings
are chosen, and from no others. All the other castes pay homage to
them, but they render homage to no one. Next come the Brahmans,
who are the religious class. They dress in the skins of tigers and
other animals. Sometimes one of them, taking a staff in his hand,
will assemble a crowd around him, and will stand from mom tiU eve
speaking to his auditors of the glory and power of God, and ex-
plaining to them the events which brought destruction upon the
ancient people, thatis, upon the Brahmans. They never drink vnne
nor fermented liquors. They worship idols (whom they consider to
be) able to intercede with the Most High. The third caste is that
of the Kastariya, who may drink as much as three ratls' of wine,
but not more, lest they should lose their reason. This caste may
marry Brahman women, but Brahmans cannot take their women
to wife. Next comes the Sharduya, who are labourers and agricul-
turists ; then the Basya, who are artizans and mechanics ; then the
Sabdaliya (or Sandaliya), w^ho are singers, and vrhose women are
noted for their beauty ; and, lastly, the Zakya, who are jugglers,
tumblers, and players of various insti-uments. Among the principal
nations of India there are forty-two sects. Some recognize the
existence of a Creator, but not of prophets ; while others deny the
existence of both. Some acknowledge the intercessory powers of
graven stones, and others worship holy stones, on which butter and
oil is poured. Some pay adoration to fire, and cast themselves into
the flames. Others adore the sun, and consider it the creator and
director of the world. Some worship trees ; others pay adoration to
serpents, which they keep in stables, and feed as weU as they can,
deeming this to be a meritorious work. Lastly, there are some who
give themselves no trouble about any kind of devotion, and deny
Second Climate. Section VTI. The towns described in this
' ["What follows is mainly derived from from Ibn Khurd&.dba. See ante, page 17.]
' latl, one pound Troy.]
AL iDErsr. 77
vessels are gone and they become Then they begin to sell, and
six miles between the mouth of the great Mihrdn and Debal. From
Debal to Nirim, on the west of the Mihran, three days' jonmey.
Niri'm is half way between Debal and Mansura, and people going
from one town to the other here cross the river.
Nirun is a town of little importance, but it is fortified, and its
allow their hair to grow long like the princes of India. The money
is silver and copper. The weight of the drachma (di'ndr) is five
times that of the (ordinary) drachma. The Tdtariya coins also are
current here. Fish is plentiful, meat is cheap, and foreign and
waters, the distance is three days. From the latter place to Firabuz/
sis days. Prom Manhabarf to Debal, two days. In going from
Debal to Firabuz the road passes by Manhabarf, and between these
two places it rmis through Khur, a small but populous town.
Firabuz ' is a town of which the inhabitants are rich. They carry
on a good trade, they are men of their word and enemies of fraud,
and they are generous and charitable. It belongs to the province of
distance. From Tiz to Kir [Kiz], five days. From Kir to Firabuz,
two long days' journey.
Between Kir [Kiz] and AiTQa'il there are two districts which touch
each other ; one called Eahiin depends on Mansiiria, and the other
named Kalwan is a dependency of Makran. These two districts are
tolerably fertile, and they produce a few dates, but the inhabitants
divided into two districts, one called Al Kharuj, the other Kir
Kayan. The sugar-cane is much cultivated, and a considerable trade
is carried on ia a sweetmeat caUed faaiz, which is made here. The
cultivation of sugar and the manufacture of this sweetmeat are
extensively pursued at Maskan and in the district of Kasran. The
people of Maskan, Jauran, and Tiibaran, are for the most part
schismatics. The territory of Maskan joins that of Kirman. The
inhabitants have a great reputation for courage. They have date
trees, camels, cereals, and the fruits of cold countries. The people
of Makran speak Persian and a dialect peculiar to the province.
They wear the tunic, the gown with sleeves, the cloak, waistcloth,
and the mantle embroidered with gold, like the inhabitants of 'Irak
and Persia.
Fahlafahra, Asfaka, Band, and Kasri-band are dependencies of
Makran, which resemble each other very much in point of size, the
nature and extent of their trade, and the state of their population.
From Fahlafahra to Easak, two days. From Fahlafahra to Asfaka,
two days. From Asfaka to Band, one day towards the west. From
Asfaka to Darak, three days. From Band to Kasri-band, one day.
From Kasri-band to Kia, four days. From Mansiiria to Tiibaran,
about fifteen days.
Tiibaran [Tiiran] is near Fahraj, which belongs to Kirman. It
with a skin like red morocco, so that the eyes only are visible. Some
maintain that the interior is ma-de of wood, but others deny this.
However it may be, the body is entirely covered. The eyes are
formed of precious stones, and upon its head there is a golden crown
set with jewels. It is, as we have said, square, and its arms, below
the elbows, seem to be four in number. The temple of this idol is
situated in the middle of Multan, in the most frequented bazar. It
the inhabitants adore the idol, exalt its power, and maintain that its
AL iDErsr. 83
AL iDErsr. 85
and well cultivated, and the cocoa-nut palm, kana, and rattan grow
Saimur, five days from Sindan, is a large well-built town. Cocoa-
nut trees grow here in abundance ; henna also grows here, and the
mountains produce many aromatic plants, which are exported.
Five miles by sea (from Kiilam Mali) lies the island of Malf,
which is large and pretty. It is an elevated plateau, but not very
hilly, and is covered with vegetation. The pepper vine grows in
this island, as in Kandarina and Jirbatan, but it is found nowhere
else but in these three places. It is a shrub, having a trunk like
that of the vine ; the leaf is like the convolvulus, but longer ; it
sheltered by a leaf which curls over when the fruit is ripe. "White
pepper is what is gathered as it begins to ripen, or even before. Ibn
Khurdadba states that the leaves curl over the bunches to protect
them from the rain, and that they return to their natural position
when the rain is over a surprising fact
The name (or rather the title) of Balhar^ means king of kings.
It is hereditary here as in other parts of the country, where, when a
king ascends a throne he takes the name of his predecessor and
transmits it to his heir. This is a regular custom from which these
people never depart. There is the same rule with the kings of
Nubia, Zanj, Ghfina, Persia, and in the Eoman empire, in respect of
the hereditary descent of names. The work of 'Ubaidu-Uah Ibn
Khurdadba contains a passage concerning this which is worth quo-
tation :
" Kings," he says, " generally bear hereditary titles, ^thus
those of China have been called Baghbiigh (or Baghbun) for cen-
turies, and the title descends in regular order. Among the kings of
India there are the Balhara, Jaba, Tafir, Hazr [Juzr] 'Abat, Dumi
[Eahmi] and Kamrun. These names are taken only by the prince
who reigns over the province or country, no other has any right to
assume them, but whoever reigns takes the name. Among the
Turks, the Tibetans, and the Khazars, the king is called Khakan, but
among the KhizHj he takes the title of Khai Khuya which is here-
ditary. In the Eanah the kings are called Panjab. In the Boman
empire they take the title of Cajsar, which descends upon all those
who wield the supreme power. Among the Aghzaz they are called
Shai Sha, or king of kings, a title hereditary like the rest, rinally,
among the Persians they are called Kasra [Chosroes]. Among the
people who dwell in the Sudan the names of the kings are derived
from their countries, ^thus the ruler of Ghana is called Ghana, the
king of Kaugha is called Kaugha. But enough upon this subject."
Among the towns of India comprised in the present section are
Khabirun and Asawal, both of iiiem populous, commercial, rich,
industrious, and productive of useful articles. At the time we write,
the Musulmans have made their way into the greater part of these
countries and have conquered them. Please God we will hereafter
describe those which are on their frontiers and some others.
1 [Vindhya ?]
2 "Yesekwil" is the old name of Ahmadabad. Bird's Guzerat, 1S7.
number, richly clad, -wearing rings of gold and silver upon their feet
and hands, and their hair in curls. They engage in various games
and in sham fights, while their king marches at their head. The
ministers and the commanders of the troops never accompany the
king except when he marches against rebels, or to repulse encroaoh-
ments made upon his territories by neighbouring kings. He has
numerous elephants, and these constitute the chief strength of his
army. His power is hereditary, so also is his title Balhara, which
Icing of Icings. The town of Nahrwara is frequented by
largenumbers of Musulman traders who go there on business.
They are honourably received by the king and his ministers, and
find protection and safety.
The Indians are naturally inclined to justice, and never depart
from it in their actions. Their good faith, honesty and fidelity to
their engagements are well known, and they are so famous for
these qualities that people flock to their country from every side
hence the country is flourishing and their condition prosperous.
Among other characteristic marks of tiieir love -of truth and horror
of vice, the following is related :
When a man has a right to
demand anything of another, and he happens to meet him, he has
only to draw a circular line upon the ground and to make his
debtor enter it, which the latter never fails to do, and the debtor
cannot leave this circle wititiout satisfying his creditor, or obtaining
the remission of the debt.
The inhabitants of Nahrwara live upon rice, peas, beans, haricots,
lentils, mash, fish, and animals that have died a natural death, for
they never kill winged or other animals. They have a great vene-
ration for oxen, and by a privilege confined to the species, they
inter them after death. When these animals are enfeebled by age,
and are unable to work, they free them from ail labour and provide
them w^ith food without exacting any return.
The people of India bum their dead and do not raise tombs for
them. When the king dies they construct a vehicle of an appro-
priate size, and raised about two palms above the ground. On this
they place the bier surmounted by the crown, and the corpse, clad in
all its funeral ornaments, being laid upon the bier, it is dragged by
slaves all round the city. The head is uncovered and the hair
AL iDErsr. 89
drags upon the ground. This is done that every one may see (the
corpse), and a herald goes before uttering, in the Indian language,
words of which the following is the senee, " People ! behold your
king, so and so by name, son of so and soi -He lived happily and
mightily for so many years. He is no more, and all that he pos-
sessed has escaped from his hands. Nothing now remains to him
and he will feel no more pain. Eemember, he has shown you the
way which you must follow." This being said, when all the cere-
monies are concluded, they take the corpse to the place where the
bodies of kings are burnt, and commit it to the flames. These
people do not grieve and lament very much on these occasions. In
all Hind and Sind there are Musulmans and they
the countries of
bury their dead secretly by night iu their houses, but like the
Indians they do not give way to long lamentations.
In the country of the Balhara concubinage is permitted with all
persons except married women. Thus a man may have intercourse
with his daughter, his sister, or his aunts, provided they be un-
Opposite the sea-port town of Baruh lies the island of Mullan,
which produces pepper in large quantities, and is two days' journey
from Sindan. From Sindan to Balbak is also two days. Balbak
produces cocoa nuts, figs, bananas, and rice. It is here that vessels
1 [ Kaudarina" in p. 86.]
upon the banks of a large river which falls into the Musala."
This river Musala is called by the author of the Book of Marvels,
the Eiver of Perfumes. It rises in the mountains of Karan, washes
AL iDErsr. 91
the walls of tlie town of. Asnand, passes the foot of the mountain of
Luniya, then by the town of Kilkayan, and at length falls into the
sea. Many aromatios are produced upon its banks, as its name
indicates. Between Easnand and Kashmir the outer, there are four
days journey, Kashmir is reckoned among the number of the most
celebrated cities. Its inhabitants war with the infidel Turks, and
they often suffer injury from the Khizilji Turks. Atrasa, which
stands upon the banks of the Indian Ganges,' is four days journey
from. Kashmfr the outer. It is large, well-built, well watered, and
one of the strongest places of Kanauj, the limits of which extend as
far as Kabul and Lahawar. The Kanauj is a king who has numer-
ous armies under his command, a vast empire and a great number
of elephants ; no king ia India has so many. His power and his
wealth are great, and his armies formidable. From Atrasa to Yanasat
[Benares?], a large city, also on the bank of the Ganges, five days.
kana grows in the environs. The inhabitants are few but rich.
From Aughasht to Eumala ten days. From Eumala to Kalbata
three days. From Aughasht to Sandur three days.
This is the sum of what we had to say about the country com-
prised in the present Section. As to the maritime portion, what we
have akeady said about the islands seems sufficient. Nevertheless,
it is well to know that, starting from the island of Sarandfb, of
which we have spoken under the first climate, with the intention of
gaining the continent by the shortest course, Jirbatan' is the place
to land at, for this is but little more than half a day's sail. If it is
' [This name is written " Jirbat&n," and " Jirbatan" previously.]
thougli Sir H. Elliot must once have had one in his possession.
The notice says, " The Bahru-1 bulddn is not a distinct work, but
is a Persian translation of the j^saru-1 Bil&d wa Akhbaru-1 'Ibad,
well known in the world by the name 'Ajaibu-1 buld4n, written
in Arabic by Zakariya bin Muhammad Kazwini.'" It is curious,
be very scarce.
the place, says that he did not see either a temple or an idol there.
When their king dies the people of the place choose another from.
China. There is no physician in India except in this city. The
buildings are curious, for the pillars are (covered with) shells from
' The title is a favourite one. Mas'udi cites the work of Al JS.hiz, "Kitabu-1 ams&r
wa 'Ajaibu-1 buld&n" (Book ix.) ante page 21.
* Eeinaud : Ahoulfeda, CXLIII. Mem. sur I'Inde, p. 23.
the backs of fishes. The inhabitants do not eat fish, nor do they
slaughter animals, but they eat carrion. They manufacture clay
Tessels, which are sold in our cities like those of China, but they
are not the same, because the clay of China is harder than that of
Kulam, and bears the fire better. Tlie "vessels of Kulam are
blackish, but those of China are whiter than all others. There are
places here where the teak tree grows to a very great height,
exceeding even a hundred cubits. Brazil wood, ratans, and kana
grow here in abundance. Ehubarb grows here, the leaves of
which are the Sazaju-1 Hindi, Indian leaf, and are held in high
esteem as a medicine for the eyes. They bring here various sorts
of aloe wood, camphor, and fraukiacense. Aloe wood }b also
brought hither from the islands beyond the equator, where no one
has ever gone and seen the tree. Water comes into it from the
north. There is a mine of yellow sulphur here, and a mine of
copper, the condensed smoke of which makes excellent vitriol.
near this temple. Islam prevails there, and its orders and interdicts
are obeyed. All this is related by Mis'ar bin Muhalhil *
same author says that the summit of the temple is 300 cubits [zara'],
and the height of the idol is 20 cubits. The houses of the servants
and devotees are around the temple, and there are no idol worshippers
in MultSn besides those who dwell in these precincts [kasr]
The ruler of MuMn does not abolish this idol, because he takes the
large oflerings which are brought to it, and disburses certain sums
' [The translator in tho Sairu-1 bil&d very rarely depai'ts from his text, but he
observes in Hiis article that a good deal has been written in many books about
Mmltan -whicL is not accurate, and Ihat MiiltJin is not near China, unless there be
some other than the well-tnown tomi of that name.]
AX KAzwrNr. 97
VOL. I. ^
flow of the tide was considered to be the worship paid to the idol by
the sea. Everything of the most precious was brought there as
offerings, and the temple was endowed with more than 10,000
villages. There is a river (the Ganges) which is held sacred,
between which and Somnat the distance is 200 parasangs. They
used to bring the water of this river to Somnat every day, and
wash the temple with it. A thousand brahmans were employed in
worshipping the idol and attending on the visitors, and 500 damsels
sung and danced at the door all these were maiatained upon the
endowments of the temple. The edifice was built upon fifty-six
pillars of teak, covered with lead. The shriue of the idol was dark,
but was lighted by jewelled chandeliers of great value. Near it
' [The words as given in Wiistenfeld's edition atej^.^ *^' ^ji/^* t^j^\
as translated in the Sairu-1 Jiilkij]^" J J])"' '-^ " " "rT . ^ *'^ Vj> and Gildemeister's
Latin version has " vicies millena miUia." The enormous treasures found at Somnit
have been a theme of wonder for all who have written on that conquest.]
dants tlien stated his opinion that the canopy was made of loadstone,
and the idol of iron, and that the ingenious builder had skilfully-
The lord of the fortress presented many gifts to the Sultan, among
which was a bird in the form of a dove. "When food containing
poison was presented to this bird, tears would fall from its eyes, and
the tear drops were converted into stone, which stone being broken
and placed upon a wound, it would heal up. This bird is found,
only in this place, and does not thrive elsewhere.
^ 1 [Eeinaud's prioteJ text had " alJabalti," but Quatremere, corrected itto"al
Jili," (Jour, det Sav., Jan. 1851), that is native of JU&n or Gilan, S.W., of the
Caspian. Jilrjfca is to the east of the same sea.]
HrsTOEY or the Jats and Meds. As an account of the Jats and
Meds is given in the first part of the original work, I shall com-
mence mine by making them the subject of it.
1 See Journal Asiatique, trois. s6r. Tom. VII. pp. 246-285. Tom. XI. pp. 136-
178, 258-301, 320-361. Le Livre des Bois, Tom. I. pp. l.-lx. Anquetil du Perron,
Zendamsta, Tom. II. pp. 352, et seq. Keinaud's Mem. sur VInde, p. 14. Quatre-
mere, in Jour, des Smants, Jan. 1851.
to pass that the Jats enfeebled the Medp, killed many of them, and
plundered their country. The Meds then became subject to the Jats.
One of the Jat chiefs (seeing the sad state to which the Meds were
reduced) made the people of his tribe understand that success was
not constant; that there was a time when the Meds attacked the
Jats, and harassed them, and that the Jats had in their turn done
the same with the Meds. He impressed upon their minds the utiLitj''
of both tribes living in peace, and then advised the Jats and Meds to
send a few chiefs to wait on king Dajiishan [Duryodhana], son of
Dahrat [Dhritarashtra], and beg of him to appoint a king, to whose
authority both tribes might submit. The result of this was satis-
country she made over to the Jats, and appointed one of them as
their chief ; his name was Judrat. Similar arrangements were also
made for the Meds. This government continued for twenty and
some' years, after which the Bharats lost possession of the country.
t> t # Q o
Beahmin.^ ^Injustice was the cause of tiie fall of the dynasty of the
Pandavas. Fortune had grown indifferent towards them, and they
ended by becoming tyrants. One day they carried off the cow of a
brahman, and were about to kill him, when the brahman warned them,
and said, " I have read in books that the prosperity of the Pandavas
will fall when they shall kill a brahman for the sake of a
cow do
not kill me." They did not heed him, but killed both him and the
cow. That brahman had a son named Brahmfn, a strong and taU
man, who dwelt upon a mountain. When he heard of this nefarious
business he arose, and said to himself, I will go and take away the
sovereignty from the Pandavas, foi they have kiUed a cow, (and) a
brahman : the words of the sages cannot prove false, so the time
of the fall of their dominion is come. Men laughed at him, but a
party assembled round him. He took a city, and his power in-
son of Pandu, went to him, and gave him such counsels as induced
him to desist from slaying the Pandavas. But he put them all in
prison until a large number was collected, when as a condition of
(""/JLrf Jiil) ' " ^.i.-i." An ami is a period of 15,000 years, or any number
between three and ten.]
' [This history is explained by the legend of Parasurfema, son of Jamadagni, called
here Brahmin. Kiiy&h6rat is K&rtavirya; FSaaf, Kasyapa; Sun^h, the Muni
Sunata ; and the cow, K&.madhenu. Meinaitd.J
' [Hastinapur.]
Brahmin replied. Do thou receive it from me, and appoint some one
overit by thy own authority. There was a servant named Sunagh,
and him Fasaf seated on the throne. Brahmin then returned to the
scene of his devotions. Sunagh practised justice and equity, and
pursued a worthy course. The sovereignty remained in his family
until fifteen kings had sat upon the throne. Then they became
tyrants, and the sovereignty departed from them. This was in the
reign of Gustasf, king of Persia. It is said that in the life-time of
' [Ihave generally followed M. Quatremere in his ingenious and critical emenda-
tions of the version published by Eeinaud, but it hardly seems necessary to change
the Terb jastan to zistan, as he proposed in this passage. His Tersion is " II leur
assigua, pour vivre, differents metiers." Jour, des Sav., Jan. 1851.]
and the foot plays an important part in several other Indian stories. See Spren-
ger's Mas'itdi, p. 318. Edwarde's Fanjab, I. 394. Eeinaud's Mem. 62. Ind.
Altera. II. 853.
3 Todd, II. 239, 264. Irving's Successors of Mahomet, 61. [The word translated
"river" is darya, which Quatremere says ought to he read "sea." It bears hoth
him. He made fine speeches and praised the Hindus and their
country. He raised their hopes by his virtues, and realised them by
his deeds. He was cotemporary*' with Alexander the Greek. He
had visions, of which he asked the interpretation jfrom a bralimauj
and he sought peace from Alexander, to whom he sent his daughter,
a skUful physician, a philosopher, and a glass vase.' In the Shah-
nama he is called Kaid the Hindu. This story will also be related
meanings, and the latter view is supported by the use of the word adhil, coast ; but it
is difficult to 'conceive that the author supposed it possible to return to Kashmir
by sea.]
1 [Sir H. Elliot introduced some slight emendations into the the text of this
passive, which seem preferable to the words printed by !Eeinaud, and have been
followed in the translation. The original worda are }'^ Jt, ji^Lj (_L>-Lj j
After Eafand had departed his son Ayand ascended the throne, and
he divided the country of Sind into four parts. One king he estab-
lished at 'Askalandusa.' Upon another he bestowed the country of
Zor to which Anj [Uch ?] is attached. Three other countries of the
kingdom of Sanid [Samid] he bestowed upon another.* Fourthly,
' [According to the Sh&h-nima.the name of the brahman, who interpreted Kaid's
dream, was " MShran." Semcatd.'\
here rendered " three other countries," ia rendered as " un troisiime principaute" by
men had declared that the man who should marry this girl should
become king of the four climes.'' All the kings and princes of the
Hindus sought her, but no one pleased her except Barkamaris,
who was very handsome. When Barkamaris brought her home
his brother said, as she pleased you so does she please me. Then
he took the girl with her handmaids. Barkamaris said to himself
" The damsel chose me for my wisdom and there is nothing better
than wisdom." So he gave himself up to study, and associated with
the learned and the brahmans, till he reached such perfection that ha
had no equal.
When the rebel who had expelled their father (Easal) heard the
story of the damsel, he said " Can they who do such things occupy
such a position ? " So he led an army and put Eawwal to flight.
tain where a strong fortress had been buUt. Then they set guards
on the summit and felt secure. But the enemy got possession of the
mountain by stratagem, and besieged the fort, and was near upon
taking it. Eawwal then sent to sue for peace, and his enemy said
" Send me the girl, and let every one of your chiefs send a girl. I will
give these girls to my officers, ^then I will withdraw." Eawwal
was dejected, but he had a wazir, blind of both eyes, named Safar,
of whom he enquired what was to be done. He advised him to give
up the women and save his life. He might then take measures
against his enemy, but if he lost his life what would be the good of
[See the account of the diYision, of Sind into four kingdoms as described in the
first chapter of the Chach-n&ma, post.]
^ [The four quarters of the world.]
children and wife, and richeB. They resolved upon this course, but
just at this juncture, Barkamaris came in, and after making his
salutation, said, " I and the king are sons of the same father ; if he
will acquaint me with his opinion, it may be that I may be able to
suggest something, do not take my youth into consideration." So
they informed him of the facts. He then said, " It seems proper
that I should stake my life for the king : let an order be given for
me to be dressed like a woman, and let aU the officers dress their
forth with your soldiers and we wiU extenninate the foe." Eawwal
was delighted and did as was proposed. It succeeded, not one of
the enemy's horsemen escaped, aU were slain and cast down from
the mountain. Eawwal' s power increased.
no hindrance he entered, and found his brother and the damsel sitting
on a throne sucking sugar cane. When Eawwal saw him he observed
that there could be no porters at the gate, otherwise the poor mendi-
cant would never have got in. Taking pity on him, he gave him a
bit of sugar cane. The mendicant took it, and picked up a piece of
the shell of the cane to scrape and clean it with. When the king
saw that he wanted to clean the cane, he told the damsel to give
him a knife. She rose and gave the knife to Barkamaris, who
cleaned the sugar cane with it, and craftily watched untU the king
was off his guard. Then he sprung upon him, and plunging the
knife into his navel, ripped him up. After that he seized his feet
and dragged him from tlie throne. He next caUed the wazir and
the people, and seated himself on the throne amid the plaudits of
the people. He burnt the body of the king, took back the damsel
and married her, and restored order.
Then he called the wazir ajid said "I know that it was you who
counselled my brother in his dealings with me, but this wus no fault
nor is it was God's will that I should be king, so
blameable. It
Conquests of Sind.
' F. R. Dietz, Analecta Medico,, p. 101. Compare "Weil, GeaehicMe der Chalifen,
Vol. III. Auhang, Vol. I. p. i-x. Journal des Savants, April, 1847. Journal
Asiatique, IV Serie, Vol. VIII. Hamaker, Specimen Catalogi, pp. 7, 12, 239. A.
Sprenger's Meadows of Gold, ppi 15, 16, Fraehu, Indicaiiom SibUographiquea, Jfo. 39.
Eeinaud, Fragments Arahes et Fersans, pp. xviii., xix. Memoire sur I'Inde, p. 16.
AboulfMa II. 57. Biographical Diet. L. IT. K., " Ahmed aI-Eel6.dhori." Uylen-
troek Iracce Fersicte Descriptio, p. 67.
2 Morley's Catalogue, p. 20. MUUer's Fssai sur la Langm FehKvi. Lumsden's
Grammar. orlum-i Kdii, p. 4. Dubeux Tabari, XXX, Spiegel, Farai Grammar.
liim of it. 'Umar wrote in reply " brother of Sakif^ thou has
placed the worm in the wood, but I swear by God, that t our men
had been killed I would have taken (slain) an equal number from your
tribe." Hakam despatched a force to Barauz; [Broach] ; he also sent
to the bay of Debal his brother Mughira, who met and defeated the
"When 'Usman, son of 'Akkan became Khalif, he appointed 'Abdu
-llai. son of 'Amar, son of Kuraiz, to (the government of) 'Irak, and
wrote to him an order to send a person to the confines of Hind in
order to acquire knowledge and bring back information. He ac-
cordingly deputed Hakim, son of Jaballa al 'Abdi. When this
man returned he was sent on to the Klialif, who questioned him
about the state of those regions. He replied that he knew them
because he had examined them. The Khalif then told him to
describe them. He said " Water is scarce, the fruits are poor, and
the robbers are bold ; if few troops are sent there they will be slain,
^ [Lahore.]
In the reign of the same Mu'awiya, the Chief ZiyM, son of Abii
Sufian, appointed Sinan, son of Salama, son of al Muhabbik the
Huzaili (to the command). He was a good and godly man, and
was the first who made his troops take an oath of diyorce. He
proceeded to the frontier and having subdued Makran and its cities
obtained great plunder, and their forces spread over all the country.
He captured Kusdar and took prisoners there. Sinan had previously
taken it, but its inhabitants had been guilty of defection. He died
there (in Kuzdar).
The governor 'Ubaidu-llah, son of Ziyad, then appointed Ibn
Harri al Bahali. by his hands, subdued these countries, for he
the forces.
The people of Nukan are now Muhammadans. 'Amran, son of
Musa, son of Yahya, son of Khalid the Barmakide, built a city there
in the Khalifat of M'utasim bi-llah which he called Al Baiza (the
white). When al Hajjaj, son of Yusuf, son of al Hakim, son of
Abu 'Akail al Sakifi, was governor of Irak, Sa'Id, son of Aslam,
sou of Zura'a al Kalabi was appointed to Makrdn and its frontiers.
He made war upon, plundered and defeated the tribes about Kanda-
bil, and this conquest was subsequently completed by Muhammad,
son of al Kasim. Mujja' died in Makran after being there a year.
After the death of Mujja', Hajjaj appointed in his place Muham-
mad, son of Harun, son of Zara' al Namari. Under the government
of Muhammad, the king of the Isle of Kubies' sent as a present
to Hajjaj, certain Muhammadan girls who had been born in his
country, the orphan daughters of merchants who had died there.
The king hoped by this measure to ingratiate himself with Hajjaj ;
but the ship in which he had embarked these girls was attacked and
taken by some barks (hawdrij) belonging to the Meds of Debal.
One of the women of the tribe of Yarbu' exclaimed, " Oh Hajjaj !"
When this news reached Hajjaj, he replied, "I am here."^ He
1 [Ceylon.]
2 Mir M^'Btim differs from tlie Fuiuhu-l buJddn and the Chsei-ndma and Firiahta.
He Bays that the Khalif 'Abdu-1 malik sent some people to buy female slaves and
other things of Hindustan, and were joined on the road by some Syrian merchants.
Having completed their purchases, they were preparing to return by the sea route,
when they were assailed by robbers at Debal, plundered, and slain, with the excep-
tion of a few who escaped to tell the Khalif of tho outrage. Tarikh-i Smd, p. 5-.
Conquest of Bebal.
knocked down the upper part of the minaret of the temple and
converted itinto a prison. At the same time he began to repair
the ruined town with the stones of the minaret but before he had ;
slain there.
his route, until he had crossed a river which runs on this side of the
Mihran [Indus]. He then saw approaching towards him Sarbidas,
the Samanf, who came to demand peace in the name of the inhabi-
tants. Muhammad imposed tribute upon them, and then went
towards Sahban, and took it. Then he went to the banks of the
Mihrin, and there remained. When this news reached Dahir, he
prepared for battle. Muhammad, son of Kasim, had sent Muham-
mad, son of Mus'ab, son of 'Abdu-r Eahman as Sakifi, to Sadusan,
was killed towards the evening, when the idolaters fled, and the
1 {Groeje's text has " Birlin," but he says the MSi had ,.. -J.l
forward a man who sued for quarter, and pointed out to them aa
aqueduct, by which the inhabitants were supplied with drinking
water from the river of Basmad. It flowed within the city iato a
reservoir like a well, which they call talah} Muhammad destroyed
the water-course ; upon which the inhabitants, oppressed with thirst,
surrendered at discretion. He massacred the men capable of
bearing arms, but the children were taken captive, as well as the
ministers of the temple, to the number of six thousand. The
Musulmans found there much gold in a chamber ten cubits long by
eight broad, and there was an aperture above, through which the
gold was poured into the chamber. Hence they call Multan " the
Frontier of the House of Gold," for farj means "a frontier."'* The
temple (hudd) of Multan received rich presents and offerings, and to
it the people of Sind resorted as a place of pilgrimage. They cir-
cumambulated it, and shaved their heads and beards. They con-
ceived that the image was that of the prophet Job, God's peace be
on him !
' M. Eeinaud observes that the pronoun does not indicate whether this native
word applies to the canal or the reservoir. He conjectures, with some probability,
that the word may be ndld, " stream," but that word is not so pronounced at
Mult&n. I prefer, therefore, tdldb, tdldo, " a tank, or reservoir." [In Goeje'a edition
the word is JU .J
' When the Musulmans ai-ms extended to the mountains parallel with the course
of thfi Indus, the kingdoms of Kibul and Sind were called Farjkn " the two frontiers"
Uylenbroek, IraC(S Fersica Descriptio, p. 67..
3 [In the year 95 h., 7U a.d.] [BudhaJ
now at war. They are Meds, seafarers, and pirates. Then he went
against the town of Kiraj. Duhar advanced to oppose him, but the
enemy was put to flight. Diihat fled, but some say he was killed.
The inhabitants surrendered. Muhammad slew (all those capable of
bearing arms) and reduced the rest to slavery. * * **
put to death Adam, Salih's brother, who professed the creed of the
Kharijis. Hamza, the son of Baiz Hanafi, says :
Yazi'd, son of Abu Kabsha, died eighteen days after hia arrival in
Sind. Sulaiman then appointed Habib, son of al Muhallab, to carry
on the war in Sind, and he departed for that purpose. Meanwhile
the princes of Hind had returned to their states, and Jaishiya,^ son
of Dahir, had come back to Brahmanabad. Habib proceeded to the
banks of the Mihran, where the people of Alrur made their submis-
sion ; but he warred against a certain tribe and reduced them.
When the Khalif Sulaiman, son of 'Abdu-1 Malik, died, he was
succeeded by 'TJmar son of 'Abdu-1 'Aziz. " He wrote to the princes
(of Hind) inviting them to become Musulmans and submit to his
authority, upon which they would be treated like all other Musul-
' That sanguinary wretch is said to have slaughtered by his arbitrary mandates
120,000 pensons, and after his death there were found in his different prisons, 30,000
men and 20,000 women. This is drawn from Persian sources. The Snimi writers
represent him as just and impartial, notvpithstandiug his unflinching severity.
Pascual de Gayangos, Biographical Dictionary, Art. " Al Hajjij."
2 from Kud&ma, and is confirmed by the Chach-n&ma. Our text
[This reading is
'Amru, son of Muhammad son of Kasim was vsdth Hakim, and the
latter advised with him, trusted him with many important matters,
and sent him out of Al Mahfuza on a warlike expedition. He was
victorious hx his commission, and was made an amir. He founded
' [Coins of this Manstlr and of other Sind rulers have been found in the ruins of
a city supposed to he BrahmanSh&d. Thomas' Frinsep, II., 119.]
governor of Sind, and after him Daud, son of Yazfd, son of Hatim.
There was with him Abu-1 Samma, who had been a slave of the
tribe of Kanda, and who is now governor. The affairs of the
frontier went on prosperously until Bashar, son of Daud, was
appointed under the Kialifat of Mamun.^ He rebelled, and set up
tier. Musa killed Bala, king of Ash-sharki, although the latter had
given him five hundred thousand dirhams to preserve his life. Bala
was faithful to Ghassan, and wrote to him in the presence of his army,
through the princes whs were with him, but his request was rejected.
Musa died in 221* a.h. (836 a.d.), leaving a high reputation, and
he appointed his son 'Amran as his successor. The Khalif M'utasim
bi-llah wrote to him confirming him in the government of the
frontier. He marchefl to Kikan against the Jats, whom he defeated
and subjugated. He built a city there, which he called Al Baiza,
"the white," and he posted a military force there. Then he pro-
ceeded to Multan, and from thence to Eandabil, winch city stands
upon a hUl. Muhammad, son of Khalil, was reigning there, but
'Amran slew him, (conquered the town, and carried away its inhabi-
tants to Kusdar. Then he made war upon the Meds, and killed
three thousand of them. There he constructed a band, which is
called " Sakru-1 Med," Baiid of the Meds. He encamped en the river
at Alrur.* There he summoned the iJats, who came to his presence,
when he sealed"^ their them the jizya (capitation
hands, took from
tax), and he ordered that every man of them should bring a dog
with hi-m when he came to wait upon him, hence the price of a
dog rose to fifty dirhams. He again attacked the Meds, haviiog -with
him the chief men of the Jats. He dug a canal from the eea to their
tank, so their water became salt ; and he sent out several marauding
expeditions against them.
the idol for the recovery of his son. They retired for a short time,
and then returned and said, " We have prayed and our supplications
have been accepted." But no long time passed before the youth
died. Then the king attacked the temple, destroyed and broke in
pieces the idol, and slew its ministers. He afterwards invited a
' [The Niz&rians are the descendants of Niz^r, an ancestor of Muhammad, and the
Tam&niane are the trihes of Taman (Yemen). See note in Eeinaud's Fragments,
also his Invasions des Sarrasins en France, p. 72, et seg.l
2 See a note upon the Amirs Mdsa and Amran, in Eeinaud's Fragments, p. 215.]
VOL. I. 9
glory were pitched with the ropes of his authority, and with the
mallet of the strictness of his commands." He is said to adorn
leave his native land and take up his abode in U'ch. He says that
in the 58th year of his age, and the 613th of the Hijri (1216 a.d.),
he withdrew his hand from all the concerns which had previously
occupied his mind, and made a few delightful books his sole com-
panions. He considered within himself that learned persons of
every age had, by the assistance of their masters and patrons,
compiled histories and books, and established a reputation for
themselves by their literary attainments ; that, for instance, the
conquests of Khurasan, 'Irak, Persia, Rum, and Sham had been
by authors of past ages
celebrated at large in poetry and prose
and that a victory had been achieved, and the country of
Hindustan conquered, by Muhammad Kasim and other nobles
of Arabia and Syria, and mosques and pulpits had been raised
throughout the country, from the sea-shore to the boundaries of
Kashmir and Kanauj, and Rai Dahir, son of Chach, the king of
Alor, had been slain by the great noble, the best man of the
State and Religion, Muhammad bin Kdsim bin 'Akil Sakifi,
may God's mercy be on him ! and the Rai's territory with all
person indicated.
As this translation was made at so early a period of the
Atuhammadan dominion in India, it is greatly to be regretted
that the translator did not attempt to identify the many un-
known places of which mention is made in the course of the
narrative. As he had himself visited l/ch, Alor, and Bhakar,
and probably other places lower down the Indus, he might have
cleared up the many doubts which our ignorance of the localities
' The Sakif tribes (Thakif) were of great importance. They had their head
quarters at Tayif, and were the guardians of the upper road to
Yemen. Sprenger's
Life of Muhammad, p. 7.
century of the Hijri, probably later than our author, traces all
the Asiatic Society of Bengal (No. lxxiv., J 838, and No. cxi.,
1841) give merely an abridged account of the transactions, which
is moreover unfortunately disfigured by many misprints.
The headings of the sections throughout the work have been
translated, in order to show the connection of the whole; those only
' [This is an error S5.hasi was sou of Siharas his father was called Diw&ij. See
^os< page 140.] 2 [Qr "Karw&n."]
etc., etc.]
* [This
is the reading of MS. A., but S. generally has " Bddhiya :" two different
forms of the same name.]
[This is a doubtful passage,
MS. A.
B tas
JJ^ '^ J^^jj Ju}o if/j
j Ji^^^yIj-
As- b (jl^jii
^J^ */ J J^*r V'V^ -sjIj
[-jL ill -^- and (UjU in B. This name is written P&ya and B&ya, B4biya
and P&biya : the last seems the preferable form.]
The fourtli at the great city of Multan and Sikka, and Brahmapiir'
and Kariir, and Ashahar and Kumba, as far as the borders of
Kashmir, weTe under his government. He (the king) himself
dwelt at the capital, Alor, and kept under his own rule Kardan,'
and Kaikanan and Banarhas.^ He enjoined upon every one of
his princes the necessity of being prepared for war, by keeping
the implements of warfare, arms, and horses ready. He also
the Persian army, placing their whole trust in the Almighty, made an
assault, and broke and put to flight the army of Eai Siharas. He
himself stood firm, fighting for his name and honour, until he was
killed. The king of Tars then returned to Nimroz, and Eai Sahasf,
son of Siharas, sat upon the throne of his father. He established
his authority in the country, and the folxr princes who had been
appointed by his father submitted and assented to him, exhibiting
every mark of obedience, placing their wealth at his disposal, and
supporting him with honesty and energy. The whole country was
thus safely secured ia the power of Eai Sahasi ; and the people
lived happily under his just and equitable rule. He had a chamber-
lain named Earn, son of Abi (?), a man of science and wisdom.'
This man had . full and general authority over all parts of the
this government was under the domiaion of a sole king, and his
chiefs were always ohedient to him. When the country was ruled
by Siharas, son of Diwaij, and when he was conquered by the army of
Tars, Sdhasi succeeded to the empire. He similarly appointed all the
four rulers to their territories, expecting them to exert themselves
in the collection of the revenue and the protection of the country.
o s o e
^ [Both MSS, here agree in reading Jitur, but the explanation in page 169 shows
that the name must he Jaipur. Mir Ma'siim couples it with Jodhpur and writes the
name " Ghitier," or "Japiur." The Tuhfatu-1 Kiram has " ChHur."'\
and bloodsLed, the king of Pdbiya fled and entered the fort. Eai
Chach was victorious, and encamped in the field of battle for a time.
When the store of provisions was exhausted, and grass, and wood,
and fuel, were all consumed, the enemy being in distress left the
fort at the time when the world had covered itself with the blanket
of darkness, and the king of the stars concealed himself in the
gloom of night. He fled towards the fort of Askalanda and en-
camped in the vicinity of that city. This fort was stronger than the
first, and when he reached the fields of this city he sent his spies to
obtain information, and when they came back they reported that
Chach had entered the fort of Pabiya, and was staying there.
When Chach was informed that the enemy had gone to Askalanda,
he placed one of his officers in charge of the fort (of Pabiya) and
proceeded to that He pitched his tents in its vicinity. There
wae a great and brave man in the fort of Askalanda, who was in
the interest of Chach, and had influence over the people in the fort.
All the chief inhabitants always took his advice and never acted
eoutrary to his opinion. Chach sent a man to him and promised to
make him governor of that fort. He also ordered a farman to be
prepared, granting him the governorship of the fort, on the condition
that he would kUl Chatera,^ the chief (mahk) of Pabiya, or take him
prisoner. Pabiya was also to be made over to him. He agreed to
these terms and conditions. He sent his son to Chach, and by occa-
sionally visiting Chatera, gained his confidence, so that he was
never prevented from going into his Court either by day or by night.
When he found an opportunity, he suddenly killed Chatera and
sent his head to Chach. Eai Chach showed him great favour and
honour, granted him a reward in token of his pleasure, an.dmade
him the independent chief of that The great and noble men
of Multan. They entered the fort, and stood on the banks of the
Eavi' prepared with all the implements of war. Chach then took
possession of the fort of Sikka, and killed five thousand soldiers,
and made the inhabitants slaves and prisoners of war. Chach
placed Amfr 'AHu-d Daula in the fort of Sikka, and himself passed
over to Multan. Both armies confronted each other. Malik Bajhra,
with a formidable army, fighting elephants, and men of war, came
out and opposed Chach. Sharp encounters ensued, with great
slaughter on both sides. Bajhra took refuge in the fort, and wrote
letters to the ruler of Kashmir stating that Chach, son of Silaij, a
Brahman, had become chief of Alor, the capital. He had come with
1 [The text is ambiguous ; and the appropriation of the personal pronoim is a
matter of inference.]
* \_\r -....'.-I (jugLj I jo J " Bi&s" may possibly here he the name of the ford,
but the old bed of the Bias is still traceable between Mult&n and the Ghira. to where
it joined the Chin&b thirty miles S.W. of Multkn.]
3 ["The E^vl formerly surrounded the fortress of Mult&n, and
its bed is still
traceable. In seasons of heavy rain the waters flow to Multin. This agrees with
the statement that Alexander circumnayigated the fortress." Cunningham.]
a numerous army, and had conquered all the strongholds, great and
small, and fortified them. That he (Bajhra) was not able to cope
with him, and no chief was victorious over him iu battle. He had
reached Multan, and it was expedient that the Chief of Elashmir
should assist him (Bajhra) and send reinforcements.
these parts should be set straight, and therefore it was not at this
Chach leaves his deputy in the fort of Multan and proceeds onward.
1 [In page 139, both MSS. write this name Kumha. In MS. A. has
this place,
Mdkir or Mdhslr, and a few lines farther on, Kina or Kmiya. MS. B. has Kisa
here, and Kmnia afterwards.]
" Wteii the Almighty makes a man great he renders all his
waters,' and near the Kashmir hills, from which numerous foun-
tains flow. He stayed there till the branches of each of the trees
Then he marked them, and said it was
ran into those of the other.
the boundary mark between him and the Eai of Kashmir, and
beyond it he would not go.
The narrator of this conquest has thus said, that when the
boundary towards Kashmir was defined, Chach returned to the
capital city Alor. He stopped there a year to take rest from the
fatigues of the journey ; and his chiefs got ready the provisions
The npper course of the Jailam, just debouches into the plains, seems to be
after it
that since Eai Sahasi there is nobody to demand from them the revenue
of the country. Truly mismanagement and disorder have taken place.
On this, Chach, in an auspicious hour, marched towards the forts
of Budapur' and Siwistan. There was a chief in Siwistan, called
Matta, and Chach crossed the Mihran at a -village called Dihayat,
which formed the boundary between Samma and Alor. From this
place he proceeded to Budhiya, the chief of which was the son of
Kotal bin Bhandargii Bhagu. His capital was Nanaraj," and the
inhabitants of the place called it Sawis. Chach attacked and took
the fort of Sawf s. Kaba, son of Kaka, came forth to ask quarter for
the prince and his followers. They laid upon themselves a tribute
to pay him, and made their submission.
Matta, its chief, came forth with great alarm and a large retinue to
meet him. A battle was fought, Chach was victorious, and Matta, with
his army, fled and took refuge in the fort. Chach besieged it, and
after a week the garrison was obliged to sue for peace. The terms
being agreed to, they came out the fort, and surrendered the keys to
the officers of Chach, who gave them protection and showed them
much kindness. He gave the chiefship of the place to Matta, and
also placed one of his confidential officers there. He stopped there
for a few days, during which time the affairs of the territory and the
city were put iu order.
VOL. I 10
["BuddhflgiSi" inMS. A.: raku or raTthu means "protected," from the
Sanskrit rakshita. Gui probably represents the Sanskrit gu^ta, which also signifies
" protected."]
3 [See note in the next page.]
[MS. -4. leares out the word "son," and so makes the passage unintelligible.]
Chach takes the wife of Ahham to himself, and gives the daughter
Chach ordered his body guards and soldiers to mount their horses,
and went towards the temples of Budh and Kan-vihar^ with the
[ iLiijiS in both copies.]
[ iU.i.^ i Jo ^- iL,-^^ I JAj -S.] This seems to be called indiscriminately
Ntih&r, and Kantihir, and Ki'utihar. The copulative conjunction in the text is
incomprehensible. It occurs again a little below. [These names may be, as Sir H.
Elliot conceived', mere varieties in spelling of the same name, or they may be two
different names of the same establishment or collection of buildings. There can be
he had something like a stamp with which the figirre of the buddh
was made on the clay, and when it was finished he placed it on one
side.^ Chach stood by him, but received no attention from him.
After a short time, when he had finished his idols, he raised his head
and said, " Is the son of the monk Silaij come ? " Chach replied,
" Yes, devotee." The Samani said, " For what purpose have you
come ?"Chach answered that he wished to see him, and therefore
he had come. The devotee bid him to sit down. Chach sat. The
devotee spread a fine cloth, and made him sit on it. He asked, " O
Chach! what do you want?" Chach replied, "I wish you would
become my friend and return to Brahmanabad, that I might turn
your thoiights to secular pursuits, and entrust you with great offices.
You may live with Sarband, and give him advice and assistance."
The devotee said, " I have nothing to do with your country, and
thou art the king of this country, at thy supreme command I will
go with my family to the neighbourhood of the fort, although I fear
no doubt that the last word of the compound represents vihdr. Nau, or in Sanstrit
Nova, signifies " New," and Kan may be the Hindi Kdnh, from the Sanskrit Krishna,
a word which is found in the names K6.nhpur and K^nhari. These names would
therefore signify " New monastery," and " Black monastery."]
1 [About a page of matter is here omitted from B.'\
2 [This process of stamping the clay figures of Buddha is still practised. General
Cunningham, possesses several old Indian as well as recent Indian and Burmese
that the people of the fort will do despite to the cultivation of Budh,
You are to-day a fortunate and a great man." Ohaoh said, " The
worship of Budh is most righteous, and ever to hold it in honour is
most proper. But if you are in want of anything, tell me, for I
shall consider it a privilege and a duty to provide for it." The
devotee answered, " I do not want anything of this world from you.
May God incline you to the affairs of the next." Chach said,
anger, and its lips were long and thick, and its teeth resembled
pikes. He had a spear in his hand, which shone like diamonds, and
it appeared as if he was going to strike some one with it. When I
saw him I was much afraid, and could not utter a word to him
which you might hear. I wished to save my own life, so I ob-
served him carefully and departed."
affairs were settled, taxes were fixed, and the subjects re-assured.
He humiliated the Jats and the Lohanas, and punished their chiefs.
He took a hostage from these chiefs, and kept him in the fort of
Brahmanabad. He obliged them to agree to the following terms ;
That they should never wear any swords but sham ones That they :
l-^- j) ^. ]^ r"-^-
K''azt'ir; see Note A. in Appendix.]
^ [Mir Ma'sum takes no notice of Chandar, but the Tuhfatu-1 Kir&m says that he
succeeded as Kdim-makdm and occupied the thi'one eight years. According to the
former, Chach left two sons, D&hir and Dhar-sen, and a daughter Bii E&ni. The
Tuhfatu-1 KirEim agrees in writiag the name " Dhar-sen," but both MSS. of the
Chach-nima haye " Dharsiya."]
[There are no names corresponding with these in the Genealogical tables of the
Kanauj dynasty (Thomas' Prinsep II. 258.) General Cunningham is of opinion
" that Siharas is prohahly the same as the Bhim Sen mentioned hy the Chinese as
Ti-mo-si-no, King of Central India, in a.d. 692, and that the two names Siharas and
Bhim Sen might easily he confounded when written in Persian letters." This, how-
ever, is very hypothetical. It is not unlikely that the prince of some other and nearer
place than the great Kanauj is really intended, especially as his army is represented
as joining those of Kashmir and Eamal.]
2 ["Hasbi"in.B.]
' {Mdin in MS. A., Sdi signifies "lady," and is rauei used as a reapectftil
term instead of the name. " Miin" is probably an error lor " Ski," but it may
possibly have betn the real name of the princess.]
2 [Alor in A., but Eiwar in JB.] ' [S6rin in B.]
town {rosta) of Eawar, and conquered it, and passed on from thence
to Alor.
4 e
Here, again, it is
' doubtful if Alor or B,a.war be meant, nor does
it appear how
Dharsiya and Da.hir could both at different times be said to have completed the fort.
of Ramdl.
Muhammad 'Allafi, aa Arab of tlie Bani Asamat, who had
killed 'Ahdu-r Eahman son of Ash'ab, for having run away from
battle, came to join Dahir with five hundred Arabs.
* Hi
sides with a great shout, and killed and captured 80,000 warriors
and fifty elephants, besides horses and arms innumerable fell into
their hands.
o o o
Dahir then told his good and judicious minister to ask a favour.
The minister replied " I have no son who vdll carry down my
and filled all the streams and lakes near the city.
O t IS o
Muhammad Kddm sends confidential messengers to Niriin.
river, and proceed against Dahir. God grant that his resolution
may be fulfilled
thirty parasangs from Nirun. There also was a Samani, who was
chief of the rest of the inhabitants. In the fort the nephew of
Dahir was governor ; his name was Bajhra, the son of Chandar.
AU the Samanis assembled and sent a message to Bajhra, sayiug,
we are ndsih devotees. Our religion is one of peace and quiet, and
fighting and slaying is prohibited, as well as all kinds of shedding
of blood. You axe secure ia a lofty place, while we are open to the
1 ["Bal4hir"
in ^.]
from the root sih, to flow is the proper name of the Jaiartes. It is used
' [Sihiin
here and in page 138 as a common noun for rwer. The early Muhammadan writers
frequently apply the term to the Indus, that river heing to them the river of India.]
therefore, that you will consider it fit and reasonable that we make
terms with him, for the Arabs are faithful, and keep their agree-
ments. Bajhra refused to listen to them. Muhammad Kasim sent
spies to ascertain whether the citizens were unanimous or inimical.
They reported that some armed men were outside the fort, and
prepared to fight. Muhammad Kasim encamped opposite the gate
leading to the sandy desert, because there was no opportunity to
attack him there, as the inundation had risen on account of the
rains, and the river Sindhu Eawal' flowed to the north of the
selected ground.
fall, he came out from the northern gate, at the time when the world
was veiled in darkness, crossed the river, and fled. He continued
his flight till he reached the boundary of Budhiya. In those days
the ruler of the Budhiya territory was Kaka son of Kotal, a Samani.
He toot the gold and silver wherever he found it, and appropriated
all the silver, jewels, and cash. But he did not take anything
from the Samanfs, who had made terms with him. He gave the
army their due, and having deducted a fifth part of the whole, de-
livered it to the treasurer of Hajjaj, and wrote a report of the
victory to Hajjaj. He appointed Eawats there. He also sent the
plunder and the slaves to him, and he himself stopped at Siwistan.
Two or three days after he had separated the fifth part, and dis-
and the people of Budhiya and the chief of Siwistan rose up to fight.
Muhammad Kasim marched with all his force, except the garrison,
which was placed under the officer left in Siwistan, and alighted at
a place called Nflhan,' on the banks of the Kumbh.. The inhabitants
of the vicinity were all infidels, who assembled together as soon as
they saw the Muhammadan army, and determined to make a night
attack on it, and disperse it.
liks and monks have told me, according to their astrological books,
that this country will he conquered by the Muhammadan army." He
placed a chief, whose name was Pahan, at their head, and made
gifts to the soldiers. There were one thousand brave fighting men
under the command of this chief. They were all armed with swords,
shields, javelins, spears, and daggers. "When the army of the day
fled for fear of the black legions of the night, they marched with
the intention of making their night attack. As they approached the
army of the Arabs, they missed the road, and were wandering about
perplexed all the night from evening till daybreak. They were
divided into four bodies, the one most advanced did not keep up a
communication with that which was in the rear, nor did the left
wing come in sight of the right, but they kept roving about in the
desert. When they lifted up their heads they found themselves
round the fort of Sisam.' When the darkness of night was expelled by
the light of the king of the stars, they entered the fort, and told the
whole to Kaka Kotal, saying that this their treacherous plan had not
proved successful. Kaka said, " Ton know full well that I am famous
for my determination and courage. I have achieved many enter-
prises at your head ; biit in the books of the Budhs it is predicted,
upon astrological calculations, that Hindustan shall be taken by the
Muhammadans, and I also believe that this will come to pass."
Kaka with his followers and friends went to the army of the
Arabs. When he had gone a little distance. Banana, son of Hanzala,
whom Muhammad Kasim had sent to reconnoitre the enemy, met
him and took him to Muhammad Kasim. When he obtained the
honour of coming before Muhammad Kasim, this general expressed
his satisfaction, and gave him some good counsel. Kaka told him
all about the Jats coming against him with the intention of making
a night attack^ and of their treacherous schemes. He also said that
the Almighty Grod misled them in their way, so that they were
wandering about the whole night in darkness and chagrin ; and that
' [Probably tbe Tillage now called "Seisan" on Lake Manchar. May not the
latterbe the "Kumb" of p. 160? The word signifies "a waterpot," but its
analogue Kimd means " a lake."]
VOL. I. 11
the astrologers and credible persons of his country had found out by
their calculations of the stars that this country would be taken by
the Muhammadan army. He had already seen this miracle, and he
was sure that it was the wiU of God, and that no device or fraud
would enable them to withstand the Muhammadans. " Be firm
under all circumstances," said he, " and s jt your mind at ease. You
will overcome them, I make my submission to you, and I will
be your counsellor, and assist you to the extent of my power. I
will be your guide in overpowering and subduing your enemies."
When Muhammad Kasim had heard all he had to say, he praised
the great God, and in giving thanks placed his head upon the earth.
He comforted Kaka and his dependants and followers, and promised
him protection. He then osked him, " chief of Hind, what is
your mode of bestowing honour ? " Kdka said, " Grantiag a seat,
and investing with a garment of silk, and tying a turban round the
head. It is the custom of our ancestors, and of the Jat Samanis."
When Kaka had invested him with the dress, all the chiefs and head
men of the surrounding places wished to submit to him. He dis-
pelled the fear of the Arab army from the minds of those who offered
allegiance, and brought those to submiission who were inimically dis-
posed. 'Abdu-1 Malik, son of Kaisu-d Dammani,^ was appointed his
lieutenant to punish all enemies and revolters. Eaka plundered a
people who were wealthy, and took much booty in cash, cloths,
cattle, slaves, and grain, so that cow's flesh was plentiful in the
camp. Muhammad Kasim, having marched from that place, came to
the fort of Sisam. There he fought for two days, and God granted
him victory. The infidels fled, and Bajhra bin Chandar, unde of Dahir,'
and many of the officers and nobles who were under his command
lost their precious lives. Of the rest some ran away far beyond the
territory of Budhiya, and some to the fort of Bahitliir, between
Saluj and Kandhabel, and from that place solicited a written
promise of protection. Those chiefs were enemies of Dahir, and
some of them had been slaLu hence they revolted from him, nd
sent ambassadors, and agreed to pay a tribute of one thousand
dirams weight of silver, and also sent hostages to Siwistan.
Orders are received from Sajjaj son of Yusuf to cross the Mihrdn,
and a battle is fought with Bdhir.
In the name of the most merciful God, to the most exalted court
of the noblest of the world, the crown of religion, and protector of
'Ajam and Hind, Hajjaj, son of Yiisuf ^from the humble servant
the Musulman army, is quite well, affairs are going on well, and a
continuance of happiness is attained. Be it known to your bright
soners, and the rest through fear have fled away. As the imperative
orders of Amir Hajjaj were received, directing me to return, we
have returned to the fort on the hill of Nirun, which is very near
to the capital. It is hoped that with the Divine assistance, the royal
favour, and the good fortune of the exalted prince, the strongest forts
of the infidels will be conquered, the cities taken, and our treasuries
replenished. The forts of Siwistan and Sisam have been already
taken. The nephew of Dahir, his warriors, and principal officers
have been despatched, and the infidels converted to Islam or de-
stroyed. Instead of idol temples, mosques and other places of wor-
ship have been buUt, pulpits have been erected, the Khutba is read,
Then Banana bin Hanzala went with his tribe and an interpreter
to the place indicated, and seizedMoka bin Bisaya,' together vrith
his family and twenty well-known Takars.'' When Banana brought
him before Muhammad Kasim, he was treated with kindness and
respect, and the country of Bait was made over to him, and a grant
' [Chief of a large district, from the Sanskrit Vishaya. The term is still used in
Orissa and N&gplir.]
' I am douhtful if this is meant for Thdkurs, or for takra, a word used in the
"West for a strong man. A little ahove, where Dharsiya sends his sister to Alor, the
word is used apparently as a foot soldier, in opposition to a horseman. In other
places it is used in conjunction with governors and nohles [and so corresponds exactly
with ihdkur.']
enquired if any one had thrown obstacles in his way. The Maulana
of Debal replied, " When I was your subject it was right of me to
observe the rules of obedience ; but now that I am converted, and
am subject to the king of Islam, it cannot be expected that I should
bow my head to an infidel." Dahir said, " If you were not an
ambassador, I would punish you with death." The Maulana replied,
" If you kill me it wUl be no great loss to the Arabs ; but they will
avenge my death, and exact the penalty from you."
Bikri with 1500 men to attend on Moka Bisaya, chief of Bait and ;
> [MS. .4. fefeulty, tut seems to say " the fort of Aror,"
.B.'a verBion ia
LU-^^^^ub JjijLi jO j jj
Ji^y ^La-^ j^
t>j:>. _<A! U j]
2 [MS. A. writes the name " Kdfi," but S.'has" Fdfi," and so has the. Tuhfatu-1
Sii&m. In this, as generally in other variants, each MS. maintains its own spelling
throughout. See Mem. eur I'lnde, 191.]
the Bhett Thakurs and the Jats of Ghazni, who had made submission
and entered the Arah service, were told to remain at Sagara and the
island of Bait.
o o i c
Muhammad Kdsim examines the fords,
Ddhir hears that Moka Bisdya had collected boats.
(i Cf O O
opposite bank and prevented the completion of the bridge and the
passage of the river. Muhammad Kasim thereupon ordered that
the boats should all be brought to the western bank, and be there
joined together, to a distance equal to the estimated breadth of the
Mihran. He then placed his warriors fully armed upon the boats
and let the head of the bridge, which was fuU of archers, down
to the eastern bank. The archers drove off the iufidels who were
posted to guard the passage. So the Arabs passed over to the other
side, and driving pegs into the earth, made the bridge fast. The
horse and foot then crossed and, giving battle, put the infidels to
flight, and pursued them as far as the gates of Jham.
Ddhir awakes and kills his chamberlain for bringing him news
of the flight of the infidels and the victory of Jsldm.
' [In MS. A. this is written i.5>- in the first instance, and in the second ,,-. ^.^
fidelity, said, " No one can oppose the will of the Almighty God.
As you have bound me by your obligations, I shall after this be at
your service, and will never contravene your wishes. I shall obey
whatever may he your orders." After a short time Basil lost his
position, and the management of the country devolved upon Moka.
Easil and Moka agreed in opinion, and advised Muhammad Kasim
to march. He accordingly set out from that place and reached a
village which is called Naranf, Dahir was at Kajijat.' They saw
that between them and Dahir's camp there was a large lake,
which was very difficult to cross. Basil said, " May the most just
and religious noble live long. It is necessary to cross this lake."
Basil obtained a boat, and sent three men across at a time, till the
whole army crossed over, and took post on a bay. Basil said, " If
you will advance one stage more, you will arrive at Jewar (Jaipur)
on the banks of the Wadhawah.' This is a village suitable for yom-
encampment and is the same distance from the camp of Ddhir as it
is from here. There you may attack him both in front and rear,
and successfully enter into his position and occupy it." Muhammad
Kasim approved of the advice, and reached Jewar (Jaipur) and the
place is called Jaipur,' or the town of Yictory, and as the army has
reached that place, it will be succefesful and victorious." Dahir Eai
took offence at these words. The fire of indignation blazed out in
his mind, and he said with anger, " He has arrived at Hindbari,"
for it is a place where his bones shall lie." Dahir left the place,
and with precipitation went into the fort of Eawar, He placed his
dependants and baggage in the fort, and himself went out to a place
which was a parasang's distance from the Arabs. Dahir then said to
an astrologer, " I must fight to-day ; tell me in what part of the
heavens the planet Venus is, and calculate which of the two armies
shall be successful, and what will be the result."
* \_Hadbdri from haddi, a bone ? MS. B. leaves a blank for the first syllable.!
Historians have delated that Dahir was slain at the fort of Eawar at
hither I am here."
; The women then raised their voices, and said,
" king, we are your women, who have fallen into the hands of
the Arabs, and are captives." Dahir said, " I live as yet, who cap-
tured you ?"^ So saying, he urged his elephant against the Musul-
man army. Muhammad Kasim told the naphtha throwers that the
opportunity was theirs, and a powerful man, in obedience to this
direction, shot his naphtha arrow into Dahir's howda, and set it on
fire. Dahir ordered his elephant driver to turn back, for the elephant
was thirsty, and the howda was on fire. The elephant heeded not
his driver, but dashed into the water, and in spite of all the efforts
of the man, refused to turn back. Dahir and the driver were carried
into the rolling waves. Some of the infidels went into the water
with them, and some stood upon the banks ; but when the Arab
horsemen came up, they fled. After the elephant had drunk water,
he wanted to return to the fort. The Muhammadan archers plied
their weapons, and a rain of arrows fell around. A skilful bowman
aimed an arrow, which struck Dahir in the breast (bar dil), and he
fell down howda upon his face. The elephant then came out
in the
of the water and charged. Some of the iafidels who remaiaed were
trampled under foot, and the others were dispersed. Dahir got off
his elephant, and confronted an Arab ; but this brave fellow struck
him with a sword on the very centre of his head, and cleft it to
deserted, theycame out and hid the body of DShir under the bank.
The white elephant turned towards the army of the infidels, and no
trace was left.
of the place were friendR and well wishers of the family of Chach,
and would all assist in fighting against the enemy. Then the
'Allafi was also asked what he considered proper. He rfpKed that
he.-concurred in this opinion. So Jaisiya assented, and with all their
[MS. A. stfll reads Main.]
(Eawats) and officers who were attached to the Earn' entered the
fort. Muhammad Kasim, on receiving the intelligence, marched in
that direction, and encamped under the walls. The garrison began
to beat drums and sound clarions, and threw down from the ram-
parts and bastions stones from mangonels and balistas as well as
arrows and javelins.
The fort is taken andBdl (Main), the sister o/Ddhir, burns herself.
nowhere any hope of escape ; let us collect wood, cotton, and oil, for
It is said that when the fort was captured, all the treasures,
property, and arms, except those which were taken away by Jaisiya,
fell into the hands of the victors, and they were all brought before
Muhammad Kasim. When the number of the prisoners was calcu-
> ["Dadha.w6ili".B.]
2 [This passage is taken from B. MS. A. is unintelligible.]
Hajjaj sends the head of Bdhir, and some of his standards, to the
Hajjaj then forwarded the head, the umbrellas, and wealth, and
the prisoners to "Walid the Khalifa. When the Khalifa of the time
had read the letter, he praised Almighty God. He sold some of
those daughters of the chiefs, and some he granted as rewards.
When he saw the daughter of Eai Dahir's sister, he was much
struck with her beauty and charms, and began to bite his finger
with astonishment. 'Abdu-Uah bin 'Abbas desired to take her, but
of the country were settled and the report of the conquest had reached
Hajjaj, he sent a reply to the following effect. "0 my cousin; I
received your life-inspiring letter. I was much pleased and over-
joyed when it reached me. The events were recounted in an ex-
cellent and beautiful and I learnt that the ways and rules you
follow are conformable to the Law. Except that you give protec-
tion to all, great and small alike, and make no difference between
enemy and friend. God says, Give no quarter to Infidels, but cut
their throats." " Then know that this is the command of the great
God. You should not be too ready to grant protection, because it
will prolong your -work. After this, give iw quarter to any enemy
except to those who are of rank. This is a worthy resolve, and want
of dignity wUl not be itnpiited to you.' Peace he with you!"
Written at Nafa', a.h. 73.
One to his brother Fufi,' son of Dahir, who was in. the fort of the
capital of Aror the other to his nephew Chach, son of Dharsiya, in
the fort of Batiya; and the third to his cousia, Dhawal, son of
Chandar, who was in the direction of Budhiya and Kaikanan. He
informed them of Dahir's death and consoled them. He himself
was ia Brahmanabdd with his warriors ready to fight.
two months, more or less. When the besieged were much dis-
tressed, and they knew that from no quarter could they receive
reinforcements, they put on the garments of death, and anointed
themselves with perfumes. They sent out their families into the
fort which and they crossed over the stream of the
faces the bridge,
Naljak,' without the Musulmans being aware of it.
Dhalila conquered, and a fifth part of its booty sent to the capital
of the Klialifa.
When Muhammad Kasim had fought the battle of Dhalila and
conquered, the fifth part of the plunder was deposited ia the treasury
to be sent to the capital, and he sent a report of the conquest of
Bahrur and Dhalila to Hajjaj, with all the particulars.
Muhammad Kasim showed him much respect, and sent his chief
him. He paid him great honour, and treated him
officers to receive
with much kindness, and conferred upon him the office of Wazir.
Sisakar now became the counsellor of the Muhammadans. Mu-
hammad Kasim told him all his secrets, always took his advice,
and consulted him on all the civil affairs of the government, his
political measures, and the means of prolonging his success. He
used to say to Muhammad Kasim that the regulations and ordinances
which the just Amir had introduced would confirm his authority in
all the countries of Hind. They would enable him to punish and
overcome all his enemies ; for he comforts all the subjects and
malguzars, takes the revenue according to the old laws and regula-
tions, never burthens any one with new and additional exactions,
and instructs all his functionaries and officers.
The Arab army arrives at the banks of the lake of Jalwdli, and an
ambassador is sent to invite the people to embrace Islam.
Jaisiya, son of Dahu', before the arrival of the messengers, had gone
to Chanir.' He had chosen sixteen men from among the chiefs
of that city, and had placed four of these men as wardens at each of
the four gates of the city, with a part of his army. One of these
gates was and four men were
called Jawetari, One of stationed at it.
them was Bharand, the other Satiya, the third Mdliya,^ and the
fourth SSha.
There were about forty thousand fi|fkting men. I'rom the dawn of
day till sunset the battle was fought with great fury on both sides.
"When the king of the stars disappeared they also returned. The
Muhammadans entered their entrenchments, and the infidels went
into their fort. Six months passed in this manner. Kasim despaired
of taking the fort, and became very pensive. On Sunday, in the
end of the Zi-1 Hijja, a.h. 93 (October, 712 a.d.), Jaisiya, who had
fled to the country of Eamal, which is called Batiya, came back
from that place, infested the roads, and distressed the Muhammadan
A messenger sent to Moha.
Muhammad Kasim despatched one of his confidential servants
Jaisiya was very near, there was no alternative but that he should
1 ["Manlira"in5.]
[Both MSS. here have " Jatrfir." A few
s lines further on A. has " Chitor," but
B. keeps to " Jatrdr." See note in p. 169,]
VOL. 1. 12
The was read before the Eai of Kashmir, who issued orders
1 [See also p. 144. Gen. Cunningham thinks that this may possibly be "Knller-
Kabar," in the Salt range which at this time belonged to Kashmir.]
2 [It is difficult to say who is meant in the preceding passages. Jaisiya is men-
tioned by name in the heading of the chapter, but his name does not occur again
until this place. This passage begins
leaving the country, and advised him to hold out in that part.
Fufi, son of Dahir, received much encouragement on reading the
letter, and on learning that he had gone away to Jaipur.
When Muhammad Kasim had fought for six months at Brahman-
abad, and war was protracted for a long time, and the news of
Jaisiya was received from Chanesar,' four of the chief merchants of
the city consulted together at the gate of the fort, which is called
Jawetari.' They said the Arabs have conquered the whole terri-
tory, Dahir has been killed, Jaigiya is king, and the fort tas been
besieged for a space of six months ; we have power nor
wealth to enable us to fight with the enemy, nor can we make
peace with him. If he stay a few days more, he will at last be
victorious, and we have no ground on which to ask protection from
him. We are not able to stand any more before that army ; we
should, therefore, now join together, and sallying out attack Kasim,
or be slain in the attempt ; for if peace be made, all those found in
arms will be slain, but all the rest of the people, the merchants, the
handicraftsmen, and the cultivators, will find protection. And if
they could get any assurance, it was better, they said, to make terms
and surrender the fort to him. He would
them under his take
protection, and they would find him their supporter if they would
follow rules of allegiance. To this opinion they all agreed. They
sent their messengers, and craved for themselves and their families
exemption from death and captivity.
Lw-ji::^ A. u..;-"7- -B-] ' [" Jaretari" 5.]
liCuA Jit \_j Juji jii JLj ^ i^Ji \j (.::^-Atfi j\ S xJj) J jl
Moka Bisaya said, " noble man ! this fort is the chief of all the
cities of Hind. It is the seat of the sovereign. If this be taken,
the whole of Sind will come into your possession. The strongest
forts will fall, and the dread of our power will increase. The
people will sever themselves from the descendants of Dahir, some
will i-un away, and others submit to your rule."
the Jawetetri ' gate, from which they would sally out to fight ; but
when they should come near him, and the Arab army should attack
them, they would fly away in the midst of the battle, go into the
fort, and leave the gate open.After an answer was received from
Hajjaj, to the effect that Kasim should give them protectioii, and
fiiithfully execute the compact made with them, the people of the
fort fought for a short time, and when the Arabs attacked them, and
engaged, they fled and entered the fort, leaving the gate open.^ The
Arabs thus got possession of it, and the whole army followed and
mounted the walls. The Muhammadans then loudly shouted " Allah
Akbar," and the people of the fort, seeing the Musulmans victorious,
opened the eastern gate, and fled with precipitation. The Muham-
madans thus gained the victory, but Muhammad KSsim ordered them
to kUl none but those who showed fight. They seized all who had
arms, and brought them prisoners before Muhammad Kasim, with
aU their arms and property, dependants, and families. Everyone
who bowed down his head and sued for protection was released,
and allowed to occupy his own house.
when the fort of Bralimanabad was taken, Ladi, the wife of Dahir
Eai, who since Dahir's death had staid in the fort with his son,' rose
up and said, " How can I lea-ve this strong fort and my family. It
is necessary that we should stop here, overcome the enemy, and
preserve our homes and dwellings. If the army of the Arabs
should be successful, I must pursue some other course. She then
brought out all her wealth and treasures, and distributing them
among the warriors of the army, she thus encouraged her brave
soldiers while the fight was carried on at one of the gates. She had
determined that if the fort should be lost, she would bum herself
alive with all her relations and children. Suddenly the fort was
taken, and the nobles came to the gate of Dahir's palace and brought
out his dependants. Ladi was taken prisoner.
Lddi, the wife of Ddhir is taken, loith his two maiden daughters.
When war were brought before
the plunder and the prisoners of
Kasim, and enquiries were made about every captive, it was found
that Ladi, the wife of Dahir, was in the fort with two daughters of
his by his other wives. VeUs were put on their faces, and they
were delivered to a servant to keep them apart. One-fifth of all
the prisoners were chosen and set aside ; they were counted as
amounting to twenty thousand in number, and the rest were given
to the soldiers.
were all liberated. But he (Kasim) sat on the seat of cruelty, and
put all-those who had fought to the sword. It is said that about six
thousand fighting men were slain, but, according to some, sixteen
thousand were killed, and the rest were pardoned.
[Sic in both MSS.] "
[i^\j^ b "bod of the BM."]
and have taken his country ; but some of us have faithfully adhered
to hi^ cause, and have laid down our lives for him and the rest, ;
and the lowest grade twelve dirams. It was ordered that all who
shoidd become Musulmans at once should be exempted from the
payment, but those who were desirous of adhering to their old
persuasion must pay the tribute and poll-tax. Some showed an
inclination to abide by their creed, and some having resolved upon
paying tribute, held by the faith of their forefathers,' but their lands
and property were not taken from them.
saddled horses, and ornaments for their hands and feet, according to
the custom of the kings of Hind. And he assigned to each of them
a seat in the great public assemblies.
Then the Brahmans and the government officers went into the
districts, and said, " Oh chiefs and leaders of the people, you know
for certain that Dahir is slain, and that the power of infidels is at an
end. In all parts of Sind and Hind the rule of the Arabs is firmly
established, and all the people of this country, great and small, have
become as equals, both in town and country. The great Sultan has
shown favour to us humble individuals, and ye mu.st know that
he has sent us to you, to hold out great inducements. If we do
not obey the Arabs we shall neither have property nor means
of living. But we have made our submission in hope that the
favour and kindness of our masters may be increased to us. At
present we are not driven from our homes ; but if you cannot
endure this tribute which is fixed on you, nor submit to the heavy
burden, then let us retire at a suitable opportunity to some other
place of Hind or Sind, with all your families and children, where
you may find your lives secure. Life is the greatest of all blessings.
But if we can escape from this dreadful whirlpool, and can save our
lives from the power of this army, our property and children will be
Then all the inhabitants of the city attended and agreed to pay
the taxes. They ascertained the amount from Muhammad "Kasim.
And in respect of the Brahmans whom he had appointed revenue
managers over them, he said, "Deal honestly between, the people
and the Sultan, and if distribution is required make it with equity,
and fix the revenue according to the abUity to pay. Be in concord
among yourselves, and oppose not each other, so that the country
may not be distressed."
have been taken under our protection, and we cannot in any way
stretch, out our hands upon their lives or property. Permission is
was ordained that the Brahmans should, like beggars, take a copper
basin in their hands, go to the doors of the houses, and take what-
ever grain or other thing that might be offered to them, so that they
might not remain unprovided for. This practice has got a peculiar
name among the infidels.
tion like the Jews, tlie Christians,' and fire worshippers of 'Irak
and SMm. He then, dismissed them, and gave to their head men
the appellation of Eana.^
60 did Muhammad Kasim also make a rule that every guest should
be entertained for one day and night, but if he fell sick then for
three days and nights.
Appointment of four of the chief men of the city as officers for the
1 [This is the spelling of MS. A. The name is not given in B. The real name
wis Bahmanu or Baftmamed. See ante pp. 34 and 61. Birrini'a Kanlin quoted in
Thomas' Prinsep, Vol. II. p. 120 Beinaud's Fragments, pp. 41, 113.]
He said tbat tbey migbt live in tbeir country witb comfort and con-
tent, and pay tbe revenue at tbe proper season. He fixed revenue
upon tbem and appointed a person from eaob tribe as tbe bead of bis
tribe. One was a Samani, wbose name was Bawadu, and tbe otber,
Budebi Bamman Dbawal. Tbe agriculturists in tbis part of tbe
country were Jats, and tbey made tbeir submission and were granted
protection. Wben all tbese circumstances were communicated to
Hajjaj, be sent an empbatic answer, ordering tbat tbose wbo sbowed
figbt sbould be destroyed, or tbat tbeir sons and daugbters sbould
be taken as bostages and kept. Tbose wbo cbose to submit, and in
wbose tbroats tbe water of sincerity flowed, were to be treated witb
mercy, and tbeir property secured to tbem. Tbe artizans and mer-
cbants were not to be beavily taxed. "Wbosoever took great pains
in bis work or cultivation was to be encouraged and supported.
From tbose wbo espoused tbe dignity of Islam, only a tentb part of
tbeir wealtb and tbe produce of tbe land was to be required ; but tbose
wbo followed tbeir own religion were to pay from tbe produce of tbeir
' [Mathal ia MS. .B.] ' See ante pp. 122 and 160.
manual industry, or from -the land, the usual sums, according to the
established custom of the country, and bring it to the Government col-
lectors. Muhammad Kasim then marched from that place and arrived
at Bahrawar. There he called Sulaiman son of Pathan and Aba
Fazzatu-1 Kasha'ri and made them swear by the Omnipotent, He
gave them strict orders, and sent them with a body of men belong-
ing to Haidar son of 'Amru and Bani Tamim towards the territory
of the people of Bahraj.' They took up their residence there ; and
'Umar son of Hajjazu-l Akbaii Hanafi was appointed their chief,
and a body of famous warriors were placed imder him.
' These passages are doubtful and have no meaning as they stand. [The following
istheteit: j^j;^^^ ^^JxJL^\ iti^ blj j^l^ ^ ^^U-L.
Jj KsT}
Ju^l^^ Jci Si^Z J^j Jc ij'j=C '^^'^ Ujii^j-. \j^j\jijj\j >ij\ysr \jj\
and defeat your army. Abandon your wealth and baggage, take
care of your Kves, and run away, that you may not be killed. Hear
this advice."
1 [Such, are the words of the text. See however, page 181.]
then Tincovered her face, and said, " I am Ladi, the wife of Dahir.
Our king is killed, and his head has been sent to 'Irak ; the royal
flags and umbrella have also been forwarded to the capital of the
Khalifa. Do not you' destroy yourselves. God says (in the Kurfc)
' Seek not destruction by your own hands,' " She then shrieked out,
wept bitterly, and sang a funeral song. They replied from the fort,^
" Tou are false ; you have joined these Chanddls and Cow-eaters, and
have become one of them. Our king is aliv6, and is coming with
a mighty army and war elephants to repel the enemy. Thou hast
polluted thyself with these Arabs, and prefer their government
to our kings." Thus and still more did they abuse her. "When
Muhammad Kasim heard this, he called Ladi back, and said,
" Fortune has turned away her face from the family of Silaij."
When this became known, the people of the city, great and small,
said they had heard of the honesty, prudence, justice, equity, and
rjc.:;i^ -^ 'ill) )1 U,.iLJjj1 This is an instance of the frequent misuse of
TOl. I. 13
had passed behind the black curtain of night, and went towards Chitor
(Jaipur).' His brother Jaisiya and other sons of Dahir were there,
and had taken up their residence at a village called Nuzul-Sandal.'
There was a man of the tribe of 'Allafi in Alor, who had made
friendship with Pufi ; he wrote information of Fufi's retirement
and flight, and having fastened the paper to an arrow shot it (into
the camp, informing the Arabs) that Fufi, son of Dahir had abdi-
cated the chiefship of Alor, and had departed. Muhammad Kasim
then sent his brave warriors to fight, and they ascended the ram-
parts of the fort and made the assault.
deprives some kings of their thrones and crowns, and drives others
to despair and flight, by change of circumstances and the occurrence
of No dependance can be placed upon either old
1 [ Jatrljr," in 5.]
of your army from our minds. This ancient dominion and extensive
territory were entrusted to us by Eai Dahir, and as long as he was
alive we observed our allegiance to him. But as he is slain, and
his son Pufi has run away, it is now better for us to obey you."
Muhammad Kasim replied, "I sent you no message, nor ambassa-
dor of your own accord you sue for peace, and make promises and
no excuses after this, nor make any promises. I will not spare you,
nor can you be saved from my army."
Then they came down from the ramparts and agreed with each
other that on these terms they would open the gate and stand at it
gate, and the officers of Hajjaj, who had been selected, came forward;
the garrison opened the gate and made their submission.
Muhammad Kasim then entered the gate. All the citizens had
come to the temple of Nau-vihar,' and were prostrating themselves
and worshipping the Muhammad Kasim asked what house it
was, that allmen and the nobles were kneeling before it,
the great
and making prostrations. He was told that it was a temple called
Nau-vihar. Muhammad Kasim ordered the door of the temple to be
opened, and he saw an image mounted on a horse. He went in
with his ofiicers, and found that it was made of hard stone, and that
golden bracelets, ornamented with rubies and other precious stones,
were on its hands. Muhammad Kasim stretched out his hand and
took off one of the bracelets. He then called the keeper of the
temple of Budh Nau-vihar, and said, " Is that your idol ?" He
replied, " Yes ; but it had two bracelets, and now it has only one."
' [The title would appear to have heen a common one, for there was a temple of
the same name at Brahman&b-^d, see p. 149.]
Muhammad Kasim said, " Does not your god know who has got his
bracelet ?" The keeper hung down his head. Muhammad Kasim
laughed, and gave back the bracelet to him, and they replaced it on
the hand of the idoL
The contents of the chapter do not agree with the heading, nor with the execution
which appears to have been ordered in the next chapter.
the chief of that place came forth to receive him. He showed him
much attention, and inspired his hopes by great promises. He told
him that he would assist him against the Muhammadans. It was
customary with Darohar' Eai to take one day's holiday in every six
months, drink wine with women, hear songs, and see dancing. No
stranger was admitted to be one of the company. It happened that
on the day Jaisiya arrived Darohax Eai w^as celebrating this festival.
1 [See pp. 124 and ) 89.] ' [The " Ddhar" of " Biladurf, p. 124.]
a stranger. Daroliar then excused him from looking, and praised his
self-restraint and modesty. It is narrated, that when the women
came roimd him, there was among them the sister of Darohar,
whose name was Janki, that is, beautiful, and she was lovely.
She was a woman of royal descent, and possessed of great charms.
She was elegant in stature as the juniper tree, generous in disposi-
tion, her words were like a string of pearls, her eyes handsome, and
her cheeks like tulips or rubies. When she saw him, love for Jaisiya
took hold of her heart. She looked at him every moment, and made
love to him by her gestures. When Jaisiya went away, Janki, the
sister of Darohar, arose and went to her house. She had a litter
When Janki was disappointed, she said, " Jaisiya, you have
deprived me of the delights and raptures I anticipated. Now have
I determined to destroy you, and to make myself the food of fire."
She then retired to her house, and covered herself with her clothes.
Having closed the door, she tossed ahout on her bed till day-break,
and vs-as uttering these couplets :
" Your love and your charms have
burnt my heart." " The light of your beauty has illumined my soul."
" Give me justice or I will weep." " I will burn myself, you, and
the city together." The next day, although the king of the stars
had raised his head from the bastions of the heavens, and tore up
the coverlid of darkness, Janki was still asleep. The fumes of wine
and the effects of separation mingled together, and she remained
lying till late, with her head covered with her bedclothes. King
Darohar would take no breakfast, and drink no wine, till his sister
Janki showed her face. He always paid her much honour and respect.
So he rose and went to his sister's apartments, and found her over-
whelmed with care and melancholy. He said, " O, sister !
changed and turned pale ?" Janki replied, " Prince, what stronger
reason can there be than thisThat fool of Sind surely saw me in
to slay him. Arise and take your morning meal. As no crime has
been committed no open threats can be made."
addressed them, " I will invite Jaisiya to-day after breakfast, and
entertain him ; after taking dinner, I will drink wine in a private
apartment, and play chess with him. Tou must both be ready with
your arms. When I say sJiah mdt (check-mate), do you draw your
swords and kill him." A man of Sind, who had been one of the
servants of Dahir and was on terms of friendship with an attendant
of Darohar, became acquainted with this scheme, and informed Jaisiya
of it. "When at the time of dinner, an officer of Darohar came to
he arose and went to his house and ordered his horses to be pre-
pared. He bathed, put on his arms, got his troops ready, and
ordered them to mount. Darohar sent an officer to see what Jaisiya
was doing. He returned, and said, " May God's blessing be upon
that man. His nature is adorned with the ornaments of temperance.
He is of noble extraction, and his works are not evil. He always
strives to preserve his purity and holiness in the fear of God."
It is narrated that when Jaisiya had bathed, taken food, and
put on his arms, he loaded the baggage on camels, and passing
under the palace of Darohar, left him without paying him a visit
and saying farewell ; but he sent to inform him of his departure,
and marched away with all his relations and dependants. He
' ["Tdrsiya," MS. S."]
and alarm broke out among the people and the hunters. Dahir
alighted from his horse, and went on foot to oppose the lion, which
also prepared for fight. Dahir wrapped a sheet rotmd his hand which
he put into the beast's mouth, then raised his sword, and cut off
two of his legs. He then drew out his hand and thrust his sword
into the belly and ripped up the animal so that it fell down. Those
men who had fled for fear came home, and told the Eani that Dahir
Eai was fighting with a lion. The wife of Dahir was big with
child when she heard this news, ajid from the great love she
bore her husband she fell and swooned away. Before Dahir had
returned, the soul of his wife had departed from her body through
fright. Dahir came and found her dead, but the child was moving
in the womb, so he ordered her to be cut open, and the child was
taken out alive, and given over to the charge of a nurse. The child
was therefore called Jaisiya, that is, "al muzaffar hi-l asad," or in
Persian, sTier-firoz, "lion-conqueror."'
[MS. ^. Baysi suji^ iLii ^JcJ\ iZj^ i^] ti^i (*^ j-^. ]jCJ^ yTj
MS. JB. says, ^^J^iii^ j(Li (?) Ji^S ^\ ,1' \^i^ IjujX. ^Jj]
' The real name therefore would seem to be Jai Sing.
chief had gone awaj', all the people, the artizans, and merchants
sent a message to say that they were subjects, and now that
their chief had fled, they solicited protection from Muhammad
Kfisim. He granted this request of the merchants, artizans, and
agriculturists ; but he went into the fort, kUled four thousand fighting
men with his bloody sword, and sent their families into slaveiy,
[It is here invariaWy called j^liL iL^ in toth MSS. The Alsaka of Biliduri,
page 122.]
That day the battle raged from morning till sun-set, and when the
world, like a day labourer, covered itself with the blanket of dark-
ness, and the king of the heavenly host covered himself with the
veil of concealment, all retired to their tents. The next day, when
the morning dawned from the horizon, and the earth was illumined,
fighting again commenced, and many men were slain on both
sides ; but the victory remained still undecided. For a space of two
months mangonels and ghazraks* were used, and stones and arrows
were thrown from the walls of the fort. At last provisions became
exceedingly scarce in the camp, and the price even of an ass's head
was raised to five hundred dirams. "When the chief G-ursiya, son of
Chandar, nephew of Dahir, saw that the Arabs were noway dis-
menced, no place was found suitable for digging a mine until a person
came out of the fort, and sued for mercy. Muhammad Kasim gave
him protection, and ho pointed out a place towards the north on the
banks of a river.' A mine was dug, and in two or three days the
walls fell down, and the fort was taken. Six thousand warriors
were put to death, and all their relations and dependants were
taken as slaves. Protection was given to the merchants, artizans,
and the agriculturists. Muhammad Kasim said the booty ought
to be sent to the treasury of the Khalifa ; but as the soldiers
have taken so much pains, have suffered so many hardships, have
hazarded their lives, and have been so long a time employed in
digging the mine and carrying on the war, and as the fort is now
taken, it is proper that the booty should be divided, and their dues
given to the soldiers.
Division of Plunder.
Then all the great and principal inhabitants of the city assembled
' [,^p- in MS. ^. and .j,x>- in MS. . The second letter may be *,
a temple in which there is an idol made of red gold, and trees are
effect :
" My nephew, I had agreed and pledged myself, at the time
you marched with the army, to repay the whole expense incurred by
the public treasury in fitting out the expedition, to the Khalifa Walid
bin 'Abdu-1 Malik bin Marwan, and it is incumbent on me to do so.
Now the accounts of the money due have been examined and checked,
and it is found that sixty thousand dirams in pure silver have been
expended for Muhammad Kasim, and up to this date there has been
received in cash, goods, and stuffs, altogether one hundred and
twenty thousand dirams weight.^, Wherever there is an ancient
[Thi3 passage
MS. A. j^ in MS. JB.]
not clear in the original, nor do the MSS. qiute agree, but see
page 123.]
He then sent Abii Hakim Shaibani at the head of ten thousand
horse towards Kanauj, to convey a letter from the Khalifa, and with
instructions to invite the Chief to embrace Muhammadanism, to send
tribute, and make his submission. He himself went with the army
to the boundary of Kashmir, which was called the five rivers,* where
Chach, son of Silaij, the father of Dahir, had planted the fir and the
poplar trees, and had marked the boundary. When he arrived there
he renewed the mark of the boundary.
* [See p. X44.]
proper to send an envoy to prison, otherwise, for this speech and for
this impossible claim you would deserve such treatment. Other
enemies and princes may listen to you, but not 1? Now go back to
your master, and tell him that we must fight against each other in
order that our strength and might may be tried, and that either I may
conquer or be conquered by you. When the superiority of one side
or the other in warfare and courage shall be seen, then peace or
war shall be determined on." When the message and letter of Eai
Har Chandar was delivered to Muhammad Kasim, he took the advice
of all the chiefs, nobles, commanders, and warriors, and said, " Up
to this time, by the favour of God, and the assistance of the heavens,
the Eais of Hiud have been defeated and frustrated, and victory has
declared in favour of Islam. To day we have come to encounter
this cursed infidel who is puffed up with hisarmy and elephants
With the power and assistance of God, it behoves you to exert youi-
selves that -we may subdue him, and be victorious and successful
over him." All were ready to fight against Eaf Har Chandar,'
and united together, and urged Muhammad Kasim to declare war.
When he had made the former sit down, and she uncovered her face,
theKhalifa of the time looked at her, and was enamoured of her sur-
passing beauty and charms. Her powerful glances robbed his heart
of patience. He laid his hand upon Suryadeo and drew her towards
him. But Suryadeo stood up, and said, " Long live the king I am !
not worthy the king's bed, because the just Commander 'Imadu-d-Din
Muhammad Kasim kept us three days near himself before he sent us
to the royal residence. Perhaps it is a custom among you but ;
VOL. I. 14
The Khalifa then opened the chest and called the girls into his
presence. He had a green bunch of myrtle in his hand, and point-
ing with it towards the face of the corpse, said, " See, my daughters,
how my commands which are sent to my agents are observed and
obeyed by all. When these my orders reached Kanauj, he sacrificed
his precious life at my command."
Then the virtuous Janki put off the veil from her face, placed
her head on the ground, and said, " May the king live long, may his
prosperity and glory increase for many years ; and may he be
1 [This is the reading of MS. A. in this passage ; the other MS. stiU keeps to its
reading " ITdhEibar." Mir M'asdm says "Udhapiir" and the Tuhfatu-1 Kir&m
writes it with points " TJdaipur." There is a place of this name in the desert north
of Bikanlr.]
2 This is a different name from that which she gave herself, when first asked.
us, and he never touched us, your slaves, with a licentious hand.
But he had killed the king of Hind and Sind, he had destroyed the
dominion of our forfefathers, and he had degraded us from the dignity
of royalty to a state of slavery, therefore, to retaliate and to revenge
these injuries, we uttered a falsehood before the Khalifa, and our
object has-been fulfilled. Through this fabrication and deceit have
we taken our revenge. Had the Khalifa not passed such peremptory
orders; had he not lost his reason through the violence of his
passion, and had he considered it proper to investigate the matter,
he would not have subjected himself to this repentance and reproach ;
right and wrong ; between that which is useM and the reverse,
and might learn to follow the paths of virtuous men."
The only work quoted by him as an authority is the Chach-
nama, which he abridges in his first chapter, relating to the
Arab conquest of Sind. He is credulous and delights in recount-
' Journal As. Soc. Beng. Feb. 1838, Sprenger's Bibliog. p. 37. De Tassy's
Bibl. I. 356. Morley's Catalogue p. 72. See also Bird's Guzerat.
Library which was written for hira in 1852. This copy and that
of the R. As. Soc. have been used for the following translations,
and are referred to as MSS. A. and .']
This work has been translated by Capt. Gr. Malet, late British
Resident at Khairptir, but so literally, as not to be fit for pub-
lication in its present shape. [There is a copy of this trans-
lation in Sir H. Elliot's library, which, on examination, is
1 [Wilson refers to the -work in his Catalogue of the Mackenzie Collection (II.
p. 129),and Capt. Mao Murdo iu hia Paper on Sind (Journal E. A. S Vol. I. ,
p. 223.)]
TARfKH-I M-ASlTMr. 215
Book II.
of Sind under his authority, and sent his officers to govern it. After
the death of Mahmud, the sovereignty passed to his offspring, and
the government (of Sind) devolved upon 'Abdu-r Eashid Sultan
Mas'ud. This prince gave himself up to the pursuit of pleasure,
and heeded not the duties of government; so the people on the
distant borders began, to reject his authority and throw off the yoke
of obedience. At that time the men of Sumra assembled in the
vicinity of Thari ' and raised a man named Sumra^ to the throne. He
had passed a long time as the head of the trite of Siimra, and he
cleared the country of disaffection. This man formed a connection
with Sad, a powerful Zamindar in those parts, and married his
daughter. She bore him a son named Bhungar, who on the death
of his father succeeded to the hereditary states, and died after an
active reign.
His son named Dilda then inherited the throne, and reigned for
some years. He extended his authority to Nasrpur, hut died in the
flower of his age. He left an infant son name Singhar and a
daughter named Tari, who on the government
for a time carried
and kept the people imder her control. When Singhar came of age
he himself assumed the government, and looked after the affairs of
the revenue and the State, punishing all men who were disaffected
and rebellious. He directed his efforts against the country of Kachh
and extended his sway as far as Manik Bai.' Some years after this
he died, leaving no son ; but his wife, named Hamun, carried on the
ments for the country in his hands; he with heart at ease went and
remained at Thatta. During his government the ryots and all
the other people of Sind were relieved from thieves and disturbers
of the peace ; all were happy and contented. By chance it one
day came into his mind that it was not proper for him to be
always merely sitting on the throne, that it was better to spend
some time in the shikdrgdjis, the jungles, and plains, which had
become green from rain, and where the animals were grazing
happily. After this, having collected many men, he marched
against the Bulnchis, the Sodhas, and the Jharejas. On reaching
their borders, Ean Mai Sodha, Eam Eai Jhareja, and Mihran
Bulueh, being introduced by the Amirs and other men of weight,
came and made great offerings. Khafif, presenting them with
handsome presents in return, made them very happy. He then
gave them their dismissal.
" He proposed returning to Thatta the following morning, but
at that time a Bulueh came complaining that the tiueves of the
tribe of Samma had plundered his tribe, taking everything they
possessed. On hearing this Khafif was much astonished, and at
the instant mounting with those who were with him he started
and quickly came against this tribe. He took all the property
which had been robbed from the Buliichis, and those men who
had disobeyed orders and acted in this manner he punished with
severity. His arrangements were such in all the country under
him, from Kachh to Nasrpiir, that in the whole of that space no
one during his reign disobeyed his orders ; if they did so, he
gave them to the sword. When he found that there were none
to give trouble, he was at ease and came to Thatta. In his time
all the people, the soldiers, the Amirs, the ryots, etc., were very
happy. He lived a long while at Thatta, till from this world he
journeyed to the next world.
"After the death of Khafif, the people, the men of weight
under government, and those out of employ, agreeing that it was
proper, raised Duda, the son of Umar, and grandson of Pitthu, to
the throne of the saltanat in his place. When all the affairs of
the State were firm in his hands, Singhar, a zamindar, came to
pay his yearly taxes. He became acquainted with Duda. This
had lasted some time, when one day he spoke of Kachh in the
following terms, in his presence, saying that he had heard that
the Samma trihe had determined to come to Thatta to take it,
having great confidence, have sent only two of their tribe, and
these have come to make their salam ;
you told me another
stoiy.' Duda for some time detained Ean Mai on the plea of its
being the rainy season ; but in Ean Mai's breast that thorn
pricked him, so one day with great earnestness he insisted upon
being allowed to depart, when Duda gave him leave, and he
went to his tribe. On getting there he became rebellious.
Seeing this, Eam Eai Jhareja and Mihran Buluch, quickly going
to Duda, told him of this circumstance. It came into Diida's
mind that probably these men were doing what Ean Mai had
done ; therefore he determined in the first place to send two
men to Ean Mai, who, ascertaining all the facts, might come and
tell him. He despatched two men, at the time of whose arrival
at the tribe Ean Mai was absent, he haviag gone to the jungle,
to collect troops. His brethren did not pay the messengers any
attention, speaking improperly before them. Ean Mai hearing
of the arrival of these, came and sat down with them in a
friendly manner, but he shortly after spoke in an unbecoming
way. When Duda's men said it was not right to talk in that
way, that he had better cease collecting men, and go to Duda,
when if he had anything to complain of he might do so to him.
But however much they advised, it had no effect upon him ; so
Duda's people rising, left him, and returning told all the circum-
stances to Diida. this, collected many troops, and
He, hearing of
went against this people. Ean Mai, having also got together a
large force, came out into the plain. The two parties met and
fought for six hours, at which time the men of both sides stood
resolute. Many had fallen in that time of either party. Being
exhausted, and night comiug on, all the men sat down where
they stood, spendiag the time iu planning operations for the
morrow. In the morning the two forces recommenced fighting
when by chance an arrow struck Ean Mai in the throat, and his
life went to hell. Great fear then took possession of his troops,
because an army without a sarddr is like a man without a head ;
he. had brought him there. Duda then summoned all the tribe,
telling them to agree to have Sahiba as their chief with all their
> [This name is always spelt with " m" in this extract.]
(who had quitted his brethren in anger and had come to Kachh),
as their mediator, came to Umar, making their salam and bring-
ing presents. Umar returning from thence quickly went against
the Sodhas, Jats, and Buluchis ; all of whom fearing the con-
sequences, made their salam. He then with confidence in his
heart went to Than', where he died.
" At this time his son Duda was small ; therefore the men of
consequence put Chanar, the son of TJmar's brother, in his
place. Chanar went out to make his arrangements in his
country. Having done this and placed the troublesome on the
edge of the sword, his heart beiag at ease he sat down. At that
time Duda attained puberty, so Chanar wished, by some strata-
gem, to get him into his hands and to confine him. But hearing
of this Diida turned his face towards G-hazni, and crossing the
river he came to a place Daryacha Nan Sang, close under Fath-
pur, where he saw a man coming along with a bundle of sticks
for hukha snakes, on his head. As this man drew near all his
entrails became visible to Duda. At this he was much astonished ;
so calling the man to him, he lifted the bundle of pipes off his
he put the sticks one by one into the water. All went down
with the stream ; but one from amongst them went upwards
against it. So taking this one, he divided it at all the knots
he then put each knot into the water. All of them went- down
the stream, except one, in which the device was, and this one
went up against the current. So takiag this one he kept it, and
went to Grhazni. At that time the king of that place. Sultan
Maudud Shah, was iU from severe sickness^ which was without
cure. So on his arrival there, Duda gave out that he was a
doctor. Historians write that Sultan Maudud's sickness was
the foot of the liills. Having no cup or basiu with him, being
helpless, he put his mouth into the water and drank, when in
doing so he swallowed two small young snakes, which went
down into and remained in his stomach. In two years these had
grown large, and began causing him much pain. All the doctors
of the country had physicked him, but none of them could make
him well. The Sultan was approachiag to death, when at that
time Ddda arrived, saying, he was a doctor, and that he had come
from Sind to cure the king with his physic. The royal physi-
cians hearing this, laughed, saying, What wisdom has this '
saying, he had suffered from this sickness for a long time, that
many doctors had given him medicine, but all without effect : but
now that he (the Sindian) had come, he was ia hopes that he
might get well by his physic. Then Diida, stripping the Sultan,
placed that stick on his head, when he saw that two snakes were
in his stomach. Then removing the stick, he told the Sultan
he understood what was the matter with him, and that it was a
very bad disease. He added that if the Sultan would give him a
written document to the effect that if he died while under his
care no blame should attach to him, that he would give him
medicine. The Sultdn at once wrote such a document, and
putting his seal to it, gave it to Duda. Then Duda did not give
the Sultan anything to eat for two days. On the third day,
tying up his eyes, he placed the stick on his head, and having
got two small fine iron hooks he tied a silken line to them, and
wrapping them up in bread, he gave one to the Sulban, who,
TA'KrKK-I M-AStTMr. 223
having swallowed it, lie (Duda) saw a snake take it. When he
saw that it was well in the mouth of one of the snakes, he pulled
it up and brought it out. Then again he did the same, and in
like manner he took the other from out of the royal stomach.
In about an hour the Sultan felt much relieved, so untying his
eyes, Duda showed him when being very happy
the two snakes,
the Sultan said, 'Ask from me what you wish.' Then Dudd
said, '
I am a chief, but by his superior strength Chanar has
taken away my father's country, and on this account I have
come here. If the king will give me a force, I will take my
revenge on him.' On hearing this the Sultan gave orders to
and when it was ready he gave it to him. When
collect a force,
The chief men of the country brought him secretly into the city, and
in the morning a party of them entered into the house of Armil,
slew him, and placed Ms head over the gate of the city. The
assemhled people then placed Unar on the throne.
Jam Unar with the assent of the nobles thus became King, and
the great body of the people supported him. He led an expedition
against Siwistan, then governed by Malik, the representative of the
Turk kings.'' Eeaching the vicinity of Siwistan he drew up his
army in battle array ; Malik Eatan also came out of the fort vwth
his force, and the battle began. In the first contest Jam Unar was
defeated, but his brothers came up to his assistance, and he renewed
the fight. Malik Eatan, in galloping his horse, was thrown to the
ground, and Jam Unar cut off his head. The fort of Siwistan then
fell into Unar's power. Malik Firoz and 'Ali Shah Turk were at
this time in the vicinity of Bhakkar, and they wrote a letter to Jam
Unar to the following effect. "This boldness is unbecoming, so
now prepare to meet the royal army, and make a brave stand."
These words took effect upon him, and he proceeded to Thari.' He
then fell ill and died after reigning three years and six months.
Some writers relate that after Jam Unar returned from: the conquest
of Siwistan, he was one night engaged drinking vnne in a convivial
party, when news was brought of a party of rebels having risen
against him. He instantly sent against them Gahar, son of Tamachi,
who was his vakil. Gahar was drunk when he encountered them
and was made prisoner. The enemy held him captive, and Jam
Unar kept up his carouse without heeding the captivity of his officer.
This rankled in the breast of G-ahar, and when he escaped, by a
weU-oontrived stratagem, from the clutches of his captors, he
turned away from Jam Unar and went to the fort of Bhakkar.
There he had an interview with 'Ali Shah Turk, who in concert
with Malik Piroz, raised a force and slew Jam Unar in the fort of
Bahrampiir. Malik Firoz was left in command of the fort, and 'Ali
Shah returned home. Three days afterwards Jdm Unar's followers
' [Morley has a note upon the varied spelling of this name, but Sir H. Elliot's MS.
specifies how the name is pointed, making it " Unar," -which is the spelling most
generally accepted.]
i^y C^^ J^-*- J^
[t//V^ in A. ^j^ in .B.]
TARfKH-I M'ASinir, 225
This prince ascended his hereditary throne with the assent of the
nobles. The army of 'Alau-d din after some fighting, took him
prisoner, and carried him with his family prisoners to Dehli. There
he had children.' But the Samma tribe brought them to Thari, and
keeping them prisoners took the business of government into their
own hands, and exerted themselves in carrying on the affairs of the
State. After the lapse of some time and the death of Jam Tamachi,
his son Malik Khairu-d din, who, in infancy, had gone to Dehli with
his father, returned to Sind and assumed the government. Shortly
afterwards. Sultan Muhammad Shah proceeded to Guzerat by way
of Sind, and summoned Jam Khairu-d din to his presence. But
iXi iXw . ^- omits the word ord, but agrees in other respects. Malet's translation says,
" where he remained in confinement." The copyists have perhaps confounded the
and zinddn. prison.]
yfoxAs, farzandun, children,
VOL. I. 15
the Jam had endured the hardships of prison, and resolutely refused
to comply. Sultan Muhammad Shah, son of Tughlik Shah, died in
the neighbourhood of Bhakkar. After his death, Sultan Firoz Shah
succeeded under the will of the late king, and hy hereditary right.'
years ago, a caravan which had come from Cruzerat, was plundered
and the travellers killed by such and such a tribe, who still hold
a good deal of the spoil." As soon as he heard this theJam directed
the property to be gathered together ; and when this was done he
sent it to the ruler of G-uzerat requesting that it might be distributed
among the heirs of the slaia. He then inflicted punishment on the
murderers. Some years after this he died.
Jam Bdhaniya.
Jam Bdbaniya succeeded after the death of his father, and as-
cended the throne with the assent of the nobles and chiefs. At this
time Sultan Ffroz Shah having set his mind at rest about Hindustan
and Guzerat, turned his attention to the conquest of Sind. Jam
Babaniya drew up his forces to resist him, but when the Sultan had
been in the eountiy three months, inundation, adverse winds, and
swarms of mosquitos, compelled him, at the beginning of the rains,
to retire to Pattan in Guzerat. After the rains he returned to
Jdm Tamdchi
Succeeded to the thrdne on the death of his brother,' and carried on
the government. He was fond of ease and enjoyment, and passed
his days in indulgence and pleasure. After reigning thirteen years
he died of the plague.
After the death of Jam Tamachi, Salahu-d din carried on the busi-
ness of government. His. first act was a rectification of the frontier,
which had been encroached upon by refractory subjects. He ac-
affairs of the kingdom in the hands of the officials, and gave himself
up night and day to pleasure and enjoyment. This neglect of his
duty induced his uncles to raise a force, and to enter the city with
the intention of seizing him. But he received information of this
design, and left the city at midnight with some troops, and
went off towards Guzerat. In the morning, when the fact be-
' [MS. A. says, he "succeeded on the death of his father, -with the consent of his
^^- ^- "'weyer, says, .K ,1]
came known, the uncles started in pursuit ; but at this juncture, the
chief men of the city, seeing the strife and commotion, brought forth
Jam 'All Sher from his concealment, and raised him to the throne.
Jam Nizamu-d din died about this time, and his uncles turned back
with shame and loss, and passed into the desert.
Jam 'All Sher mounted the throne with the consent of the great
men and nobles, and opened wide the gates of justice and kindness.
He was wise and brave, and he immediately devoted himself to the
duties of government. The country of Sind was brought into a due
state of order, all the people passed their days in security and ease
under his rule. After a time he devoted himself more to pleasure,
and he used roam about in moonlight nights. Sikandar, Karan,
and Fath Khan, sons of Tamachi, who were living in sorry plight in
the desert, became acquainted with Jam 'Ali Sher's mode of recrea-
tion. So they set forth, and travelling by night and hiding
themselves by day, they reached the outskirts of the city. Here
they won over a party of the people of the city. On the night of
Friday, the 13th day of the month, 'Ali Sher, according to his
custom, went out with a party of companions and followers, and
embarked in a boat for an excursion on the
river. At midnight hg
was about when a party of men with drawn
to return into his house,
swords made an attack on him. The people who were with him
strove without avail to divert them from their purpose, and the Jam
was instantly despatched. The murderers then entered the palace,
when a noise and outcry arose, and the fact became known. The
people assembled, but they perceived that matters were beyond their
control, and accordingly they submitted. Jam 'All Sher had reigned
seven years.
Jdm Karan.
After the murder of Jam 'Al Sher, the brethren assented to the
elevation of Jam Karan. He was displeased with the nobles and
great men of the city, and in his aversion to them he sought to
take them prisoners, and then to slay some and confine the rest.
On the very day that he ascended the throne, or the day after, he
held a public court, and summoned all men great and small to
TXRrKH-I M'AStTMr. 229
one night the Chief of the prophets appeared to Mirza Pir Muham-
mad dream and spoke to him of Saiyid Abu-1 L'afs, saying,
in a
" This is my son, show him honour and respect, and abstain from
molesting him." The Mirza awoke, and remained for eleven days
in expectation of seeing the friend of his dream. The Saiyid then
arrived while the Mirza was seated in his court with the nobles
around him. When his eye fell upon the Saiyid he recognized him,
and arose to give him a proper reception. He embraced him and
seated him by his side with great honour and reverence. The nobles
then made enquiry about the Saiyid, and the Mfrza related to them
his dream. On that day he gave the Saiyid a horse and some pre-
Bents, and allowed him to depart. He also conferred upon him the
pargana of Alor in m'dm. After Timur had captured Dehli, Mfrza
Pir Muhammad departed thither. In the days of the succeeding
kings of Dehli, Multan came under the authority of the Langahs
and the whole of Sind remained subject to its own kings. Jam
Path Khan w^as celebrated for his courage and generosity. He
reigned for fifteen years and some months up to the time of his
Jam Tughlik, son of Sikandar.
"When Jam Fath Khan was on the bed of sickness, and saw his
end approaching, three days before his decease he placed his brother
Tughlik Shah upon the throne, delivering over to him the reins of
government, and giving to him the title of Jam Tughlik. Soon
afterwards Tughlik appointed his brothers governors of Siwistan and
the fort of Bhakkar. He spent most of his time in hunting and
exercise. When the Buluchis raised disturbances in the neighbour-
hood of Bhakkar, he led an army there and inflicted punishment on
their chiefs. He reigned twenty-eight years.
Jam Sikandar.
Jam Sikandar succeeded his father, but he was young in years
and the rulers 'of Siwistan and Bhakkar, attending only to their own
interests, refused obedience to him, and quarrelled with each other.
Jam Sikandar left Thatta and proceeded towards Bhakkar but ;
' [Tlie name appears to be written optionally as ^^sA, or <iG Ja 1 ,, in both MSS.]
TAErKH-I M'ASlTMl'. 231
thereof he died.^
^ [So in MS. A. gives the first name as " Kijar," and omits the second-
MS. B.
Malet's translation reads " Kajnr MuUee and Khoondee."]
2 [Both our MSS. finish thus, bat Mglet's translation adds the following: " It is
also written by some that a man, a fakir, one of judgment, who was considered in
those days as a saint at Thatta, was in the habit of constantly coming to the Jim,
who always treated him with great respect, seating him on his own seat, and what-
ever this fakir said the J4m agreed to it. One day, at an assembly, the wazirs and
nobles said to the Jim, Ask that fakir whom you give so much honour what God
is like, and what is His description ? When the J4m heard this, he placed it in his
heart. Four days afterwards, when- the darwesh came to the assembly, the Jim did
not pay him the usual attention. TTa.^ fakir understood that there was something in
this ? The Jim then asked him, What is God like, and what description does He
bear ? The fahir replied, ' The description of God is this, that three days hence He
will destroy you by means of a horse, sixteen kos from this, and He will place Jam
Sanjar on your seat.' The third day after this the Jim went to hunt, not bearing in
mind what the fakir had said. By chance he galloped his horse, when he fell, and
his foot remaining in the stirrup, at the distance of sixteen kos from Thatta, his life
was given to God."]
Jam Sanjar.
Jam Sanjar was a handsome yomig man, and many persons being
fascinated by his beauty, served him without stipend. It is related
prosperity and splendour than it had ever attained before, and the
soldiers and the people Hved in great comfort and satisfaction. He
was a great patron of learned and pious men and of darweshes.
Every IViday he dispensed large sums in charity among the poor
and needy, and settled pensions and stipends upon meritorious
persons. It is related that before his time the rulers of Sind used to
pay their judicial officers badly. "When Sanjar became ruler, there
and said he should like to get something from the witnesses also,
to say their prayers, and were not satisfied with saying them in
private. If a person omitted to attend a service, he was very sorry
for it afterwards, and would occupy himself two or three days in
prayer for forgiveness. Towards the end of the reign of Jam
Nizamu-d dfn, the army of Shdh. Beg came from Kandaliar and
attacked the villages of Lakri, Chanduka and Sindicha. The Jam
sent a large force to repel this attack of the Moghals, and it adTanced
as fax as Dara-karib, commonly known by the name of Jalugar. A
battle ensued in which the brother of Shah Beg was slain, and
his army The remnant fled towards Kandahar, and no
was made upon Sind during the life of Nizamu-d din.
further attack
The Jam spent much of his time in discoursing and arguing upon
matters of science with the learned men of the day. Maulana
Jaldlu-d din Muhammad Diwani formed the project of leaving Shiraz
and going to Sind ; so he sent Shamshu-d din and Mir Mu'in, two
of his disciples, to Thatta, in order to get permission for taking up
his residence there. The Jam accordingly allotted some suitable
houses, and provided the means for his maintenance he further
Jam Firoz.
associates of the Jdm treated the people of the city -with violence,
and when Daiya Khan forbade them they treated him with scorn.
The Khan, therefore, retired to his jagir in the village of Kahan.
In those days Makhdum 'Abdu-1'Aziz Abhari and his two sons,
Maulana Asilu-d din and Maulana Muhammad, all of them learned
men, came to that village of Kahan and spent some years there
teaching and diffusing knowledge. The cause of their coming from
Hirat was the rebellion of Shah Isma'fl in the year 918 a.h. (1512
A.D.). The above-named Maulana was well read in all the sciences,
and he had excellent books upon every branch of learning. He
compiled a commentary on the Mishkat (traditions) but did not
complete it. Some portions are still extant in the library of Masud'
and passages are commonly written as marginal notes in books. He
died in this village of Kahan, and his tomb there is still a place of
pilgrimage. Jam Firoz continued to give himself up to pleasure and
dissipation, and the nobles being on the verge of ruin, a messenger
was sent to Jam Salahu-d dfn to inform him how matters stood
that Firoz was generally drunk ; that Darya Khan, the great sup-
porter of the government, had retired to Kahdn, and that fche moment
was opportune for his returning immediately. Salahu-d din showed
the letter of the men of Thatta to Sultan Muzaffar, and he sent him
off with an army to that place. Making forced marches he soon
arrived there, and crossing the river entered the city. Jam Firoz's
followers were dismayed, and led him out of the city on the other
side. Salahu-d din then ascended the throne. He fined and
punished the associates of Jam Firoz, and demanded their wealth.
The mother of Jam Firoz ' took him to Darya Khan, at Kahan,
where he asked forgiveness for his errors ; and the Khdn remember-
ing only old obligations, began to collect forces, and when the armies
' [MS. 3. and Malet's translation agree that the Jkm was taken by his mother.
MS. A. however, says that he took his mother to Darya Khin.]
Jdm should stay in the city while he led the war-elephants against
the enemy ; so the Jam stayed at home and the wazir went to the
fray. When the armies met, the fire of battle raged furiously, and
many were slain on both sides, but at length the troops of Darya
Khan were defeated and put to flight. Hajl wazir then sat down
to write a despatch to Salahu-d din informing him that victory had
favoured his colours, and that he might deem himself secure. Night
came on and the wazir was unable to pursue the routed army, so it
happened that his messenger fell into the hands of some of Darya
Khan's men. As soon as Darya Khan had read the letter he destroyed
it, and substituted another in the name of Haji wazir, to this eflPect
" Tour army has been defeated, and the enemy is overpowering ;
you must leave Thatta with your family, and make no delay,we
will meet again in the village of Chachgan." As soon as this letter
up their prayers. After this, Jam Firoz reigned securely for some
years, until the end of the year 916' a.h. (1511 a.d.), when Shah
Beg Arghun invaded Sind.
The battles which followed are described in their proper places.
I have never met with any written account of the history of the
Sumxas and Sammas, so I have composed this smnmary. If any
one is better acquainted with the subject, he should make additions
to this.
|_So in both MSS., but Malefs translation has "926" (1620 a.d.). which is
Book m.
sick. Many men bave died from that cause, but it does not affect
the inhabitants who are accustomed to it. Notwithstanding that
the garrison was changed every year by Sultan Mahmud, most of
the soldiers died from and only a few escaped. In
its bad effects,
the time of Akbar, a flood came and purged the sources of the river
from the sulphur, since which time the sickness has been less.
This river runs fifty Icos beyond Siwi, collecting at Sarwah, where
it is used in irrigation, and the water which is not expended for that
purpose flows into the lake of Manchhur, which is near Siwistan.
On that lake also there are many snakes', very long and thin, the
bites of which few survive. The men in that neighbourhood wear
Amongst the hUls of Ganjava there is a lofty one from which hangs
an iron cage, in which they say there is something placed, but it
O O t o
At the hUl called Sibuda' the rock was scarped, and a lofty arched
' [This name is so written by Malet. One MS. writes it " Mastdr," the other is
[The MSS. differ here and the meaning is somewhat doubtful.]
3 [So in MS. ^. The other MS. has " Sarmflr," and Malet " Sfpfiza."]
Kandaliar was the only place mentioned.' When I visited the spot
it came into my head that I would inscribe his name there, as well
as that of his august son (Akbar) with their thousands of tributary
cities and kingdoms, like Kandahar and Kabul. I therefore sent for
some stone-ctitters and engravers from Bhakkar, and had the names
of these kings engraved, with those of their dependent cities and pro-
vinces, from Bengal
Bandar Lahari, from Kabul and Ghaznl to
the Dekhin, without any omission. It took nearly four years to com-
plete this work, which indeed excited great admiration. Below
the hills there is a cavern not far off. It was from the other
extremity of this, that Baba Hasan Abdal brought out the golden
brick. The distance between these two ends is seven or eight kos.
On the same hill, near Kandahar, mukhlisa is found, which is an
antidote against snake bites and other poisons, and it is found no-
where else in that country. On that hill also there is a fire temple
of a very ancient date. It is built of unburat bricks, each two
yards long and broad, and one span thick. The temple exists to
nor is there any trade in clothes and shoes of this kind. Among
the saints buried near Kandahar may be mentioned '* ** ** *
' [A negative seems to be required here. If supplied, the sentence will read,
" KandahSir was not even mentioned as forming part of his dominions."]
* [" Wahd" ; also used to designate Cholera.]
and travellers say they have seen few spots to compare with it.
Book IV.
meet him there. But before he arrived Kfsu Kh&n sought to clear
out the fort of Sakhar.^ Mujahid Khan's men procrastinated, but
Kisu Khan disapproving of this, sent off a force to Sakhar. Wakil
Khan who was the representative of Mujahid Khan, fought upon
the wall which Mujahid Khan had built round Sakhar, and several
persons on both sides were killed, and more were wounded. Three
days after the fight, Mujahid Khan arrived and took away his men
to Lohari. Sakhar then reverted entirely into the power of Kisu
Khan, but towards Lohari the pargana of Bhakkar was in the pos-
session of Muhib 'Ali Khan and Mujahid Khan.^ The men who
had assembled (to support them) were broken-hearted. At this
juncture, some of the Arghun people deserted them and came to
Bhakkar, where Kfeu Khan had them put to death upon the malevo-
lent suggestion of Shah Baba, son of Jan Baba Turkhan. Kisu
1 [MS. B. saya Bhakkar."]
' [So according to MS. A. a whole line is omitted from S. by mistake of the
copyist. Malet says " Muhib 'Ali^nd MnjSihid Kh&n held Rori and Tiggar."]
TA'RrKH-I M-ASlTMr. 241
Khan, was a severe harsli-teinpered man, and one day Barji Tawaji
having been guilty of some fault, he had irons placed upon his feet
back and went towards their homes. At this time Kisu Khan's
horsemen came up and threw rockets into the ' city and set it on fire
in several places. Muhib 'Ali Khan then mounted his horse and
fled. The men of Bhakkar now entered the city and pillaged until
evening, capturing the standard and kettle drum of Muhib 'Ali Khan
which they bore off with them to the fort. When the intelligence
reached Mujahid 'All Khan he returned by forced marches to Lohari,
but he was greatly dispirited, and in consideration of the royal
power he refrained from molesting Kisu Khan.'' The latter estab-
lished himself in the fort of Bhakkar and practiced great injustice.
VOL. I. , 16
saiyids, who sent some priests and a party of men to the tliree
sarddrs to give them counseL The sarddrs detained them all, and
desired them to write a true statement of affairs and send it to
Kisu Khan heard this he was alarmed, for he saw that matters were
going wrong, and that the forthcoming memorial would be ruinous
to him. He therefore sent to say that he would give up the fort,
and that they need not write. The Khans sent word back that the
the fort.
An order had been issued by the Emperor that Kisu Khan, in
concert with the brethren of Tarsun Muhammad Khan, the saiyids,
and the chief men, should make enquiry about the treasure, houses,
and effects of Sultan Mahmud Khan, and send a detailed account
thereof to the Court, In obedience to the Eoyal orders, the people
of Sultan Mahmud's harem were sent to the presence, and his chief
wife, sister of Jahan Khan, was sent to Lahore. At the same time,
Khwaja Sarai, Eai Singh Darbari, and Banwali Das Navisinda
arrived for the purpose of settling the affairs of the treasure and
of the people of the harem of Sultan Mahmud. Having afterwards
looked into the matter of the treasure at Lohari, they proposed to
return by way of Nagor in the beginning of Eajab of the year above-
"When Tarsun Muhammad Khan received permission to depart
from the Court, some of the nobles objected that it was impolitic to
place the children of Saifu-1 Mulk on the borders of the country,, so
he was appointed governor of A'gra and a change was made in
respect of Bhakkar, for Banwali Das was sent there to take charge
After his death, the Emperor appointed his son, Abii-l Fazl, to
succeed him in the government of Bhakkar. In the following year
Abu-1 Fazl seized and confined the head men of Gragri, and after-
wards caused two or three of them to be trampled to death by
elephants. On the 9th of Zi'-l hijja 985 a.h. (Feb. 1678) I'timad
Khan, an eunuch, and one of the emperor's trusty servants, came as
governor to Bhakkar. He was a man of passionate temper and did
not deal kindly with the soldiers, peasants, or nobles. Some of the
ministers of religion were troubled by his conduct, and resolved to
sent a person to them with excuses, but they would not be satisfied,
The Emperor replied that if he had oppressed the people in the way
represented, he would be killed. And it turned out exactly as^ the
royal tongue predicted, after this manner. He was an habitual
jester and scoffer, and would utter vile and filthy expressions before
good men ; he also dealt niggardly with the troops ; so on the 10th
Eabi'u-1awwal 986 a.h. (May, 1578) a party of soldiers conspired
and slew him in his hall of audience.
After the death of I'timad Khan the Emperor granted the country
of Bhakkar in jcigir to I'ath Khan Bahadur, Eaja Parmanand and
Eaja Todar Mai.' In the month of Eajab of the same year, the
Khan and the other two grantees came to Bhakkar and took posses-
sion of their respective portions. Two years afterwards Parmdnand
proceeded to the Court in obedience to orders. The Darijas after-
wards quarrelled with his brother Madhu Das, and assembled in the
town of Alor with hostile latent. Two or three fights followed, and
men were slain on both sides. At length some turbulent fellows
joined in the attack, so Fath Khan sent his own men to put them
down. The iasurgents were then beaten and dispersed. Eath
Khan then went to Court, where he was received with great favour.
His mansab was increased, and the jdgir of Parmanand was assigned
to him. Eath Khan was a simple-minded msin, fond of money, who
paid his thanks with his tongue, but he dealt kindly with the people
and provided for their subsistence. He had a vak'd named Shahab
Khan, a zaminddr of Samana, an inexperienced man, who knew
nothing of business. At the instigation of one Earid he attacked the
people of Khan Nahar, and led a force against the fort of Kin-kot,
which was in the hands of Ibrahim Nahar. A great battle followed,
in which Fath Khan's fine men were slain. Shahab Khan also fell
with all his brothers. When intelligence of Has reached the
Emperor, he instantly resumed Eath Khan's jdgir and assigned it
out to meet him, and he received them all with honour and respect.
For some time he stayed in Bhakkar setting its affairs in order, but
in Zi-1 hijja of the same year, he marched against Siwistan. Before
[MS. JB. makes ao mention of the last, and spoata of " the two" grantees.]
going on this expedition lie fought with the men of Mirza Jani
Beg, many of whom were killed. The breeze of victory thus
began to blow on the banners of Muhammad Sadik. He then pro-
ceeded on his expedition. Meanwhile Subhan 'Ali Arghun, who
was in command of the enemy, had constructed a fort on the batiks
of the river, and had furnished it with munitions of war. He had
also collected many ghrdbs and boats there. When Muhammad
Sadik advanced, the Arghun came out in his glirdbs and gave battle
but he was defeated and taken prisoner alive, and many of his men
were killed and wounded. Twelve ghrdbs also fell into the hands
of the victors. Greatly elated with these victories he laid siege to
Siwistan. His operations occupied some time, but he at length sunk
a large mine which carried away the gate in front of the fort. In-
structions had been given that no man was to enter the fort without
orders, so when the smoke and dust cleared off, the besieged set to
work, closing up the breach, and maintaining a fire from their cannons
and guns {top o tufang). The party on the top of the gateway which
had been blown into the air fell to the ground uninjured. Mirza Jani
Beg had now advanced with a force as far as Mihran, which is six
When Isma'il Kuli Khan left Multan and went to the Court, the
jdgir waa taken from him and granted to Shiroya Snltan. In the
beginning of Muharram 997 a.h. (Nov. 1588), he came to Bhakkar.
He was addicted to wine, and left the management of his affairs in
the hands of his purchased slaves. Night and day he was engaged
in riot and debauchery, and but seldom sat in public court, or
allowed any one to have access to him. The pensions and allow-
ances to the fakirs were stopped. At one period Shaikh Sangi
received charge of the revenue and State business, and for a time he
visited the shops and took possession of their money and business.'
He sent his son Muhammad Husain Beg to subdue Siwi, but the
Afghans assembled and fiercely opposed him. His advanced guard
was composed of Buluchis' who fled at the first attack. The main
body was then assaulted. Many were slain and many taken pri-
soners. The rest were broken and put to flight, but the weather
was hot, and large numbers died of thirst in the mirage. Those who
escaped alive were a long time before they recovered. The wails
occasioned by the violence and tyranny of Shiroya at length ascended
to heaven, from whence the glad tidings of his removal came to the
[A doubtful passage. The two MSS. do not agree.]
where the Khan-i Kbanan had arrived before me. Tbe weather was
hot and the river high, so be stayed some days there ; but when the
star Canopus appeared be dismissed me with Bahadur Khan, MuUa
Mahmudf, and some others. We went to Sihwan, and tbe Khan-i
Khanan followed and overtook us there. Tbe people of Sihwan
closed tbe gates of their fort. Tbe Kban-i Khanan then consulted
came that Nawwab Jam Beg had left Thatta with a powerful force
and was advancing against us. So the siege was raised and our
forces turned to oppose him. Jdni Beg then threw up a sort of fort"
Our instructions were, that when the ghrdbs came up they must
necessarily pass in front of our fortified position, because just in
front of it there was a large sand-bank from which they must cross
over to reach our camp,* In fact, when Muhammad Mukim was sent
there he was told that his business was to prevent any danger to the
camp on that side. In the afternoon the ghrdbs came up, when
they perceived that on one side there was water with a sandbank,
and on the other side water with a fort, so they arrested their pro-
gress, and guns from both sides announced the opening of the fight.
In the course of the night the Khan-i Khanan sent a party over to
the opposite side. The force which Jani Beg had appointed for the
purpose assaulted our gate, but it had been well secured, and their
efforts "were vain. In the morning, the gJirdhs came up in front of
the camp. The guns in our fortification -were pointed too high, so
that the balls passed over the ghrdbs and fellamong our friends on
the other side, killing several of them. The muzzles of the guns
were then depressed, so that the balls passed lihrough the glirdhs on
our side of the river, and then touching the water rose again and
crushed eight or nine boats (kisht'i) killing a number of men.' But
they were prepared for this for in each ghrdb there were carpenters
who quickly repaired the damages. The fight was carried on and
the firing continued in this way for that day. On one side was the
fort and army of the Khan-i Khanan, on the other the sandbank, and
the ghrdbs must pass between them against a strong current. The
battle continued till after mid-day, and the enemy had many men
killed by the guns. They then saw that they could not pass the
fort, and that they were losing many men, so they were compelled
to retreat.The Khan-i Khanan's boats followed in pursuit and the
army harassed them from the shore. Khusrii Khan acted judi-
ciously : keeping his own ghrdbs in the rear he sent others in pur-
suit, and several of the enemy's vessels with soldiers and Firingi
fighting men on board fell into his hands. The royal ghrdb had
accompanied the ghrdb of Khusrii Khan and unfortunately some fire
from the latter reached the magazine of the royal vessel, and all it
contained was burnt. Some of the crew escaped into other vessels
which happened to be near, but a large proportion was killed. Still
2 [This is the same word, variously written, i^,s>-, <d-.,,j5-, and i^,s>- In a
previous passage it has been rendered " sand-bank." It is perhaps allied to the
Hindiistini chihld, " mud."]
with reinforcements for us. We were near the Lakki hills when they
joined us, and our united force then amounted to 1200 horse. Jani Beg
was advancing through the hills with 10,000 horse, together with a
numerous body of infantry and archers, and he had ghrdbs and
cannon coming up the river. When he was six or seven Icos distant,
our leaders perceived that if we remained where we were, we might
be attacked on every side. Jani Beg might attack us from the hills,
the ghrdhs from the river, and the men of Sihwan from the rear, so
coming up with our main body the battle became general. Three
or four fierce charges were made, but at length the enemy were
defeated. Jani Beg stood his ground and fought desperately, but
seeing that all was over, he also fled. The enemy lost many men in
TAEIKH-I M'ASl/Mr. 251
' [It is at this point in MS. . that there comes in ahniptly the passage relating
to Dfida, upon wbioh some remarks have been made in page 215.]
TAErKH-I TAHlEr. 253
1 See pages 63, 73, 86, 1B9, 167, 224, 228, of the MS.
1 Nasydni, the forgetful ? or Nashydni, -whicli signifies the drunken, or, a seeker
of news ?
Dirak. Not I alone but many others have beheld these ruins with as-
tonishment. Numbers of the natives of that city, after its destruction,
settled in the pargana of Sakiira, which was peopled in the time of
the Jams of Samma, and there they founded a village to which they
also gave the name of Muhammad Tur. In this village resided
many great men and zaminddrs, disciples of the Shaikh of Shaikhs
and defender of the world, Makhdum Shaikh Bahau-d din (Zaka-
riya) Mulld Khalifa Sindi, so well known in Hind, who sprang from
them and that village. The cause of the ruin of the above-named
city, and of its dependencies, which had flourished between nine
^ <^t^ri J\J-^.j^
^ Note
^ '^^i ^. ^^ vT
A in Appendix upon
' Captain MoMurdo places Dal(i or Dillti Eii early in the second century of the
Hijra.JoMCK. M. A. S., Vol I. p. 28.
< The Tuhfatu-l Icirdm (p. 35), calls him Saifu-l-muWt, and says he was on his
way to Mecca, and that when he returned thence, he lived and died somewhere ahout
reached the place with a vast amount of goods, and was much
astonished at this tyrant's proceedings. When the customs' officers
perceived the valuable nature of his merchandise, and found him to
be a traveller from distant parts, they resolved to exceed their
usual demands. The merchant had also with him a handmaiden,
young, and beautiful as the full-moon. When the impious tyrant
was informed of this, he determined, according to his odious habit,
to get her into his possession. The traveller, who was a
wise and Grod-fearing man, said to himself that it was impos-
sible to escape from
the tyrant with honour and without
distress, would be better to make some bold effort in
and hence it ;
which, by God's help, he might succeed, and which would stand re-
corded on the page of destiny untU the day of judgment. He prayed
for and obtained three day's grace to forward the amount of duties
along with his beautiful damsel. During this time he collected a
number- of skilful and expert artizans, men who excelled Farhad in
piercing mountains, and could close a breach with a rampart like
Alexander's. To these men he gave whatever they desired, and
rewarded their labour with gold, jewels, and stuffs.His intention
was to erect a strong embankment above' the town of Alor, and turn
the course of the waters towards Bhakkar. Night after night these
Dera Gh&zJ KliS.ii and Sitpur. It is added, that his handmaiden Jamil or Badi'u-1-
Jam&l, bore him two sons, Ratta and Chhatta, whose tombs, with that of the father,
stand near Ratta, which in olden times was a large city in Dalii Rkfs territory, of
which the vestiges still remain.
[The text says .M <U^ J J, but this is an obvious blunder.]
VOL. I. 17
where. The Eaja's regret and repentance were all too late. " When
the evil is done, oh fool ! what avaQs your regret ? Stuff not cotton
in your ears, but be alert sleep not at the hour of action." In
short the scarcity of water soon caused the grass and the fields to
wither, and death laid its grasp on men and cattle, but the tyrant
paused not in his evil career, untU his crimes destroyed both him-
self and his people.
Destruction of Brdhmandbdd.
home, his friends urged him much to marry ; but he was displeased
with their wicked ways, and therefore refused. His relatives
repudiated and derided him, exclaiming that he had turned Turk,
that is to say, Musulman, and would next be going to Mecca to
marry the daughter of some great man there. Amrani's star was in
the ascendant, and his heart inclined to God, so their taunts took
effect on him, and he resolved to proceed to the Kaa'ba. When he
reached the place of his destination, he beheld a woman standing
with a loaf in her hand. After he had looked at her several times
the maiden perceived him and asked him what he sought in that
town. He replied that by her means, he hoped to be able to read
the Kuran. She told him. that the daughter of a certain venerable
man was much better acquainted than herself with the holy book,
and was in the habit of teaching many young girls, and that if he
changed his dress and attended upon her with the girls, he might
obtain the wish of his heart. Amrdni answered that all would be
accomplished through her kindness. He made her a small present,
and joined the scholars. After a time he became again perfect
in the Kuran, when, one day, a woman came to see the teacher, who
' [The word hero and in a few other places written Jhata, but as frequently
Ghhata, and this nearer the Tuhfatu-1 Kir&m, which has " Chhoia."
is It is proba-
bly the Hindi word, and signifies that he was the younger brother.]
""Where is he?" "In this house," was the reply, "and you are
he." Chhata left off questioning and began to read.
The girl informed her mother of these events. The relatives gave
their consent, and the two were united. Amranf dwelt there some
time, after which he returned to his own country to Pain-wah
where his brother ruled.^ Between Chhata and his wife Patima, in
their devotion to God, nothing was concealed, and they looked upon
each other with fond affection. One day Chhata's brother sent him
away on some business, with the intention of getting a look at his
wife in his absence. This virtuous woman was in her bath, and
there the wicked man saw her. At the same moment, Fatima and
Chhata, who was far away, became cognizant of this fact. Chhata
immediately returned, and, abandoning his relatives, left the country
with his wife, and proclaimed that whoever remained in the city
would ignominiously perish. The very night they left, destruction
hovered over the city, but was kept off by the watching of an old
widow, who was spinning. The second night they were saved by
the watching of Gunigir,' but on the third night, which was the
time appointed for the destruction of those wicked people, the whole
1 Or, more probably, " Babraanwi ;" in the Tuhfaiu-l Kirdm tbe place is named
Bha.mhara, or Brahman&bad. See note, supra, p. 189.
LJ-k In tlie Tuhfatu-l Kirdm ^jjj^'\
not known over how long a period his reign extended, but irv all
from her again." This speech of that dweller in the desert induced
the chieftain to change his dress, and to moimt an active camel,*
fleet as the wind, on which he repaired to the woman's residence.
He was captivated at first sight, and remained thare some days. At
^ j'^^ Alluding of course to the Khalif 'Umar.
* Wanderers of the desert.
' [The text has ul/j--J "Nahabfik," but Sir H. Elliot has substituted "Phog"
in the translation. His authority for this change is not cited.]
* [The text has i.l), but immediately afterwards the animal is called zJit^
to the virtue and chastity of Marui, for though gold and jewels,
robes and apparel were offered her, and though she was made to
taste of severity and anger, nothing could induce her to listen to his
comforted the women of her family, and, strong in her own virtue,
her through jealousy. The redress were worse than the fault itself,
should you punish the oppressed family. Consider your own errors,
be just, and say at whose door lies the blame." This was said with
so much earnestness that it took effect. 'Umar, ashamed of his mis-
deeds, recalled his army, and caused the husband to be brought ^to
his presence, when he sought by an oath, according to the Hindu
custom, to remove all doubt from his mind. But that pattern of
excellence anticipated him, and urged that she was the proper
person to take the oath, for thus the foul stain would be washed
away from herself and from her whole family. So it was settled
woman raised it, and came out pure from the trial, and in the eyes
of the Hindus all stain on her honour was removed. The thought
now entered 'Umax's mind that it was not easy to clear himself of the
guilt of the abduction. God is just j injustice pleaseth him not, and
never has he, nor will he ever, disgi-ace any but the guilty. This
craeL obstinate husband, thought he, has abased me in the eyes of
the world; is it not better that I should pass through the fiery
ordeal and truth be brought to the light of day 1 He did as resolved.
Glory to God who maketh truth to triumph I Not a hair of his
1 This popular legend is given in a different form by Lt. Burton, from the metrical
Tersion current in the country. (SmrfA, pp. 107-113.
fectly informed of all the circumstances, but lie wished to bring the
poet to the notice of his majesty. The bard was introduced, but he
knew so little of the case, that, contrary to the fact, he said the
heroine had a childby that tyrant, misnamed 'Umar.' His Highness
was much displeased at this misrepresentation, and the bard with-
drew crestfallen. Jam Beg then related the story correctly, and some
of the auditors repeated rerses in the Sindi language in praise of the
Marui. The late Mir Saiyid Ma'sum Bhakkari, of blessed memory, has
recorded in verse the story of Sassai and Pannii and called his work
" Husn Mir Abii-1 Kasim, (son of
o Naz," (beaufey and coquetry) ;
One day, wlien the washerman had put out her clothes to dry near
the road, the chief happened to pass hy the scented garments.
Such perfume hung in the breeze that for miles it entered the brains
of the wayfarers. The scent of the musk caused blood to flow from
his nostrils, and he wondered whose garments these could be. He
enquired of the washerman, and ascertained, after a good deed of
trouble, as the man had been ordered not to mention the owner's
name, that they belonged to a certain woman married to 'Umar
Tamim, and whom his highness had formerly rejected. Longing
and regret now took possession of his soul, and so great was hie
fascination that he proceeded to the woman's house, intending, if
the master should not be within, to delight his eyes and heart with
a glimpse of that heart-enthralling creature. The husband was not
at home. Deceivers employ many stratagems, so 'Umar found
nothing better than to pretend that he had discharged an arrow at
some pigeons, and only entered the house to pick one up. The fair
lady, who knew nothing of all this, being suddenly disturbed, rose
to screen herself from view, and enquired what the intruder sought,
but the latter obtained what he had come for and departed. A
dart of love from the bow of her eyebrows had pierced his heart
and he writhed like a wounded snake. The love which had sud-
denly been implanted in the innermost recesses of his heart dis-
turbed him so much that he threw^ himself madly on his couch,
abandoned food, drink, and sleep, and spoke to no one. His ministers
w^ere much astonished at this conduct, but having learned the cause
of it, they respectfully informed him that the difficulty could very
easily be overcome ; that he should be of good cheer and not grieve.
The ministers agreed that it was necessary, by some means, to sepa-
rate the woman from her husband, and bring her to their master's
palace. To further this scheme, it was settled by these godless men
that 'Umar shotdd make a show of more than usual cordiality and
affection to that young man. The husband was astonished at these
unwonted demonstrations, and one day asked his confidential friends
what could be the object of them. Being all in the plot, they
answered that a wish seemed to have entered the chieftain's mind -to
give him his sister in marriage, and by this connection, bind him
more closely to himself in the bonds of fraternity and love, for he
was highly pleased with his services, and placed great reliance on
him. 'Umar Tamim heedlessly believed this falsehood he was ;
Old story tellers relate that when God resolved to destroy the
people of Siiinra (who occupied the city of Muhammad Tur and its
vicinity, where ruin had followed the erection of the hand of Alor)
80 utterly that not a sign of them should be left in the land, he
decreed that their lives should be passed in the commisBion of un-
worthy acts and of crimes.Young and old became intent on
violence and mischiefl They belonged to the Hindu faith, yet they
ate the flesh of buffalos, although eating the flesh of the cow is held
in abhorrence according to that religion. The labouring classes and
landholders of the Sammas also held the same belief, yet never drank
wine without partaking of a young buffalo calf. One of these
animals was taken openly and forcibly by the Sumras from the
house of a Samma at a time when the latter had gone out, and the
wine cup passed freely. When the owner returned, his wife
taunted him with what had occurred " To-day," said she, " they
have seized a young buffalo to roast, and to-morrow they will take
away your women in the same disgraceful way. Either give us,
your wives, freely to these men or quit the place." This person
was a man of rank and honour ; so collecting his friends and re-
two armed men should be concealed and sent into the fortress.
Five hundred loads formed the yearly contribution. This hay was
now conveyed in that number of carts in each were concealed two
armed men, "fend a third sat on the top so that about fifteen hundred
men were all sent off together, and those who remained outside
held themselves in readiness and listened for the shouts of the others.
At the fort gate was always kept a learned astrologer, whose duty
with loud cries. The guardians of the gate jumped up and drove
their spears into the hay in such a manner that the points entered
the breasts of the enterprising youths within. But, oh, the heroism
they displayed ! As the spears were withdi-awn they wiped the
bloody points with their clothes, so that not a speck of blood ap-
peared upon them ; and all the day that truthful soothsayer was
disbelieved, no further search was made, and all the carts entered
the fort. "When night came on, these resolute men, both within and
without the walls prepared for action as had been previously con-
certed.Sword in hand, those who were inside fell upon the com-
mandant of the fort and slew him. They then beat the drums to
announce their triumph. Their friends without, hearing the signal,
and knowing was right, rushed at the gate and smote every one
of its defenders who had the bravery to resist them. So great was
the carnage, that words cannot describe it.^
Thus the oomitry which lies along the sea became subject to the
people of the Samma,' and their descendants are dominant there to
this day. Baf Bhara and Jam Sihta, the Eajas of both Great and
Little Kaoh, are descended from the Samma tribe. Among these
people the tika is conferred upon the Eaf. When one of the Jams
of Little Kach dies, another is appointed in his place, but the
sovereignty and the tfka are not bestowed upon Mm until such times
as the Eai of Great Kach dies. "When a successor has been ap-
pointed he is obeyed by all ; and all those who assemble to appoint
the Eai present to him horses, honorary dresses, and many other
things, according to ancient custom. "Whenever a well or a tank is
' The Bcene of this stratagem was GvSntri, in Kachh, of which the remarkahle
ruins are well worthy of a visit. See Journal Asiatic Society of Sengal, Feb. 1838,
p. 102.
' Respecting the Samma migration to this province, sceZ)r. Muma' Mist. ofCutch,
Introduction, pp. xi , liv.
such distress, that they lost all recollection for a time. A sensible
man one day enquired why they inflicted such tortures on them-
selves. They was this wide difference between
replied, that there
them and other people, that they did what others could not.' The
clothes which they had once worn were never again put on. To
wear them a second time would have been held highly improper. A
woman who had brought forth a child was no longer allowed to shara
her husband's bed. At length, one of them, a fond and clever wife,
becoming pregnant, revolved in her mind that, after the birth of
the chUd, she would lose the society of her husband, and that she
must therefore think of some means to convince him that childbirth
did not render a female impure, and to banish all such ideas from his
miad. This was her plan : whatever clothes her husband took off
she gave to the washerman, with orders to wash them most care-
fully. One day the husband took a bath, and asked for cloths
wherewith to dry his limbs. He was supplied with some of those
which had been washed and put aside. These appeared to him so
unusually soft, that he enquired what kind of fresh cloth it was.
His wife told him, and he so niuch approved of what she had done,
that he declared his intention of wearing washed clothes for the
future. The wife, on hearing this, exclaimed that such also was the
condition of women ; why, then, should men cast them off ? The
husband abandoned both of these foolish practices, and aU the tribe
followed his example.
The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 36) ascribes to them a more probable answer, viz.,
that the chiefs alone did it to distinguish them from their inferiors, It is curiouj
that Blrdni ascribes to Indian chiefs the Chinese practice of allowing their nails to
grow so that it might be understood they had the means of living without manual
labour. M. Seinaud, Memoirs sur V Inde, p. 288.
All that remain of them at the present day are good Muham-
madans and God-fearing men so much so, that Darwesh Daud,
Mian Hamul and Mian Ismail Sumra, who were among the chief men
of the town of Akham, in the Pargana of Samawfitf, entertained five
hundred students of the Kuran, in the college, feeding and clothing
them all, for the love of God, at their own expense. The late Mirzd
Muhammad Baki Tarkhan, notwithstanding his parsimony and
economy,' which will be described when I speak of him, gave
away, in charity, the produce of his husbandry. His collectors once
plate with your majesty." " Oh, what happiness," exclaimed the
latter. "When evening came, he bid his guest to come and share with
him the barley-loaf ^that being all his meal. " Oh," said the man,
" I thought your own meal would have been better than what you
gave your guests ; this was the cause of my indiscretion, but pray
pardon me ; I am satisfied to partake of the former repast" The
host replied :
" Yes, the dainty repast is best suited to your taste, the
mere loaf is plenty for mine ; for it is no light task to conquer the
flesh and abjure the world the world, that faithless creature, that
slays her husband and devours her aons-in-law. No true man will
give her a place in his heart. To do so is the act of the mean-spirited.
"When through the tyranny of Dalu Kai, the river of the town of Alor
became dry, the passage of the river of the Panjab came to be made
near Siwan, and that town, which is still flourishiag, became populated.
The want of water ruined the lands of the tribe of Sumra, and the
tyranny of Duda Siimra drove many complaining to the Sultan
'Alau-d dn, at Delhi. This monarch sent back with them a powerful
army, under the command of the royal general named Salar. The men
of Siimra prepared themselves to die, and sent off their children in
charge of a minstrel, to be placed .nder the protection of Ibra Ibrani-
This Ibra was one of the very Sammas who had fled from the persecu-
tions of the men of Sumra, and hadmade themselves masters of
Kach in the manner which has been related above. It is a custom of
these people to hold in high respect their minstrels, such as the
Katriyas, the Charans, the Doms and the Marats (?). After the
departure of their families, numerous engagements took place between
the men ofSumra and the Sultan's army. Sahar Sultani, the
Sumra commander, was slain in the field of battle, and the remainder
sought safety in flight. The royal army advanced in pursuit of the
women and children. From the capital, Muhammad Tur, to Kach
they proceeded march by march, digging every night a deep trench
round their camp, through fear of their foes.' Such was the extent
of these trenches, that, to this day, great pools still remain. When
they reached the confines of Kach, Ibra Samma, the ruler of the
country, fought stoutly in defence of the children and fugitives, but
and that there was no refuge for them but in God's mercy ; then,
raising their hands in supplication, they exclaimed : " We have no
other help, oh God I but in thee. Cause this mountain to protect us,
poor helpless creatures, and save us from the hands of our cruel enemies."
The prayer of these women was heard by Him, the nearest and
dearest friend : the rock burst asunder, and showed openings, through
which they all entered, and before the enemy could reach the spot
they were all hidden ; but fragments of their garments remained
without, showing where they had passed. The pursuers were struck
with awe, and retraced their steps. That mountain, and traces (of
this event) may be seen to this day, in the land of Kach. In short,
founded a town and fort below the Makali mountain. The former
they called Samui,' and the latter Taghurabad, of which Jam Taghur
had laid the foundation, but had left unfinished.' Other towns
and villages, still flourishing, were also built by them, but the
spots cultivated during the domiuion of the former masters of the
soil soon ran to waste for want of water. Lands hitherto barren,
were now carefully cultivated ; was hardly a span of ground
untilled. The divisions into suhas and parganas, which are main-
tained to the present day iu the province of Tatta, were made by
' The text eays 849 h.(U45 A.D.),but it was stated above that the SiSmra dynasty
closed in 843 h. And again at p. 61 of the original, it is stated that the Samma dynasty
lasted 84 years, closing with the establishment of Shih Husain Arghdn's power in
927 H. (1521 A.D.), the invasion of his father in 921 h. counting for nothing. We must,
therefore, necessarily assume 843 H. to be the correct reading, incorrect as it is in fact.
2 [The name is here written " SM."]
See Appendix respecting these places. Taghur&bkd is in other works called
these people. When the labour and skill of each individual had
brought the land to this state of prosperity, Jam Nanda bin Babiniya
was acknowledged by all, great and smaU., as their chief, and re-
ceived the title of Jam, which is the name of honour among these
people. Such splendour spread over what had been but dreary
solitudes, that it seemed as if a new world had sprung into'existence.
Before his time, there was nothing worthy of being recorded,
but his reign was remarkable for its justice and an increase of
Muhammadanism. I have omitted none of the events which oc-
curred in his reign and in after years, as they have been related
to me by old residents of those parts. This chieftain passed
his days and nights in devotion. He permitted no one man to
tyrannise over another ; the poor were so happy that all the day long
his name was on their lips. Peace and security prevailed to such an
extent, that never was this prince called upon to ride forth to battle,
and never did a foe take the field against him. When, in the
morning, he went, as was his custom, to his stables to look at his
horses, he would caress them, kiss their feet, and exclaim :
" Heaven
forbid that an invader approach my dominions, or that it ever be my
fate to saddle these animals, and engage in war ! May God keep
every one happy in his place " !
After he had dwelt some time in the city of Sal, the thought
entered his mind to build, at some auspicious moment, a new town,
where happiness might remain for ever. Brahmans and astrologers
having settled a lucky day, and having sought a spot in the neighbour-
hood of Samui, they selected an eligible place, where now stands the
city of Tatta, and there, with the assent of the Jam. the foundation
was laid. A division of the land having been made, mansions and
houses were constructed. la truth, at such a fortunate moment was
the foundation of this place laid, that trouble and affliction have
never visited its inhabitants. Contented with what they possess,
they carry on their affairs in luxury and ease. The cheerfulness and
happiness which reigns among these people has never yet been, nor
ever will be found elsewhere. Each month has several 'Tds for
VOL. I. 18
tliem ; the first Friday after the new moon, they call in their Sindi
language, Mdh-pahra JwaCa. Such a crowd of men and women
flock, on this day, to the Makali monntain, that there is scarce room
to stand. heoome a custom, among many classes, to consider
It has
the similar festival of Mah-pahra Somdr or the first Monday in
each month a great day for making pilgrimages. The pleasure of
visiting each other, induces them to go in large parties, taking with
them abundance of sweet river water and food such as they can
afford. The day is spent in amusements, and visits to the shrines.
The reason why they take water with them is, thai the rain-water
found in the tanks contiguous to the tombs is brackish, owing to the
nitrous nature of the soil, and consequently, though fit for oblations, is
not fit to drink. When evening puts a close to these pleasures, they
seek their own abode. Besides the shrine of the Shaikh of Shaikhs,
Shaikh Patta, there are some ten or twelve other places, where
dar\7eshes perform their dance. These excitable men often work
themselves into such a state of holy ecstaoy, that they cast themselves
on the rocks of the mountain of Makali ; but by the blessing of their
learned doctors and teachers, no harm befalls them. This custom,
however much opposed to the laws of Islam, has been transmitted
from generation to generation, and all the attempts of wise teachers
and just governors have never succeeded in putting a stop to it.
More wonderful still, is the fact that, during the rainy months, only
a few showers fall on the mountain. At its summit is a pond, which
they call " Kira tal," or sweet tank; so long as the water of the
heavens fills it, men and women of all classes, Hindus and Musul-
mans, cro.wd there from morning till night; there they cook their
meals, and feast. What what wedding can ever boast of so
the new city and ruled with so much justice and moderation that
every citizen found happiness at his own hearth.
" That spot is Elysium where oppression comes not
Where no one interferes with another."
One day he went out to hunt, taking with him his minister Lakzhir.'
The latter had with him a young slave named Kabiila, to whom was
entrusted the care of his master's drinking-water. This boy was in
reality the son of a Saiyid, but having fallen into captivity, he had
been purchased by the minister. The Jam, becoming thirsty during
the chase, called for water. His own water-carrier not being on the
spot, the miaister ordered his boy to fill a cup for the king. The
lad, young in years but old in wisdom, filled the cup and threw in
it some small blades of grass. The Jam put down the cup, and
asked him what grass had to do in drinking water. The slave
replied " I saw your highness was very thirsty, and I feared lest
you should drink too large a quantity and suffer from it in riding ;
I therefore put in the water these small obstacles, that you might
drink in moderation." There was nothing so wonderful in this, but
the boy's destiny befriended him, and the Jam was much pleased.
He took Kabiila from the minister and made him one of his personal
attendants. Day by day his affection for the youth increased, and
finding him possessed of sufficient abilities to administer the affairs
of the kingdom, or even to govern one, he soon conferred upon him
the title of Mubarak Khan and employed him ia all difficult matters.
He loved him better than his own children and relatives. The Jam
had many good men around him, such as Wazir Dilshad, who in the
year 912 h. (1506 A.U.) carried his victorious arms from Tatta as far as
the city of Uch, yet Mubarak carried off from all of them the ball of
good fortune, and was honoured by the king with the management of
the affairs of the State in preference to bis own son, Jam Fi'roz. He
brought the country, from Multan to the borders of Kandahar and
The Tuhfaturl Kirdm (p. 40) is doubtful about the real name, saying it is
Discharge thy duty to Jam Firoz with zeal and self devotion."'
^ See Appendix.
* The author does not distinctly inform us that DaryS. Kh&n was the same person
as Mubferat Khiu, but the heading of the section implies that he was, and we are
Kirdm. Mir M'dsum and the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm
explicitly told so in the Tuhfatu-l
say that DarySi JQi4n was the J&m's adopted son. Firishta calls him a relation of
the J4m's, and speaks of Mub&rak Khan and DaryS. Kh&u as two individuals.
' [The author has hitherto used the Persian form " Tatta."]
were closed, said the despatcli ; if the army returned without delay,
the place would be delivered ; otherwise, the enemy was strong, and
would effect his object. This intelligence caused the Mirza to desist
from prosecuting the quarrel any further. Leaving the country under
the rule of the Kh&i, he speedily embarked in his boats, and departed.
Before he could arrive, the Firingf s had sacked the city, and filled it
and then embarking on boats, repair to the place where the guard is
posted. Ere they reach it, those on the look-out have already
enquired into the nature of the ship. Every vessel and trader must
undergo this questioning. All concerned in the business, now go in
their boats, [ghrdbs) to the mouth of the creek. If the ship belong to
the port it is allowed to move up and anchor under Lahori Bandar
if it belong to some other port, it can go no further, its cargo is
that they had no intention of staying at the Bandar, but that they
intended to proceed on to Thatta, in the small boats (ghrdbs) in
which they had come. There they would take some relaxation, sell
tlieir goods, buy others, and then return. The ill-provided governor,
unable to them by force, for their plans had been well laid, was
fain to give in so, passing beyond the Bandar, the riringis moved
went all the habitations on the banks. The ruler of the country
being away, no one had sufiScient power to arrest the progress of the
invaders. They reached the city unmolested; but here the gamson,
leftby the Mirza, defended the place with the greatest gallantry. A
spirited contestwith artilleiy took place on th banks of the river.
In the end the defenders were overpowered the enemy penetrated ;
the ciiy, and had made themselves fully masters of it, when the
Mirza arrived in all haste. As soon as they heard of his being near,
with a powerful army, they loaded their boats with as much spoil as
His reign ended with his life in the year 984 h. (1576 a.d.) His
wealth and kingdom passed into the hands of his son Muhammad
O iS o o
Mirza Muhammad Baki ruled with a strong hand, and ruin fell
upon the houses and property of the people. No one dared to oppose
his improper proceedings. He did not consider it expedient, that
any one with pretensions to eminence, learning, or genius, should be
left in undisturbed tranquillity. Nobles and plebeians, men of rank,
and men without rank, Saiyids, Shaiklis, Kdzis and Judges, were all
See further in the Appendix on the subject of the Portuguese proceedings.
TsnrKH-i TAHiRr. 279
Thatta but was filled with rice. Often the giain got clotted, and the
heat arising therefrom occasioned spontaneous combustion, but the
Mirza would not have it removed from the fort, nor allow it to be
given away. At harvest-time he held a revenue audit, and collecting
aU his dependents, he paid them, according to their dues, by assign-
ments, partly in grain and partly in money. At length, one day his
' Several other instances of this wretch's cruelty are recorded in the Tdrikh-i
Tdhiri. He delighted in eradicating beards, slitting ears, cutting ofif women's
breasts,and trampling men to death under elephants until at length both Musul-
maus and Hiudds prayed to be delivered from his tyranny. [According to this author
he died by his own hand.]
officers respectfully informed Mm that the fort was so full of old and
new grain, that no room could be found for the produce of the coming
harvest. The grain was getting clotted and humt, so that it was
it, for, by this
best to assist the people with means, something would
be saved The Mirza replied, that they should have his
at all events.
mean ? Their host asked why they did not partake of the food before
them. " You have aU I can give you," said he ; " perchance you are
wealthy men, and do not like my simple fare." Impelled by fear,
some of the ministers took iiie burnt rice-loaves. The Mirza angrily
enquired why they did not also partake of the other loaves. They
replied :
" Sire, your prosperity and wisdom are great but to eat clay :
for is it not better than clay ? It may serve as food for the
maintenance of life. Of what good are you, since the mere sight of
clay-bread has half killed you 1 and you give me unsuitable advice
Have you not when Himiayun came into this country
heard, how,
and Mirza Shah Husain Arghun laid waste the whole land, and gave
orders for the sowing of grain,' what hunger and misery were
endured ; how raw hides and old skins were cooked in hot water
and eaten?'"
These are facts :
It is indeed related that, at the time of the
* The auttor has previously given an account of this famine at page 61 of the
original, where he deals with this particular period of Sind history.
They reached a plain where some youths, who had just come there,
had placed a pot on a fire and were cookiag meat. The owner of
the cow and his friends took these people for thieves, and felt con-
vinced that they were cooking some portion of the lost animal, which
they had stolen. So they seized and bound them, asking what meat
they were preparing, and whence they had procured it. These
youths could not answer for fear, but, when the whip was applied,
they found power to say that they were brothers and once had a
mother. They had been dreadfully pinched with hunger. The
mother, in her love, said that death was preferable to such an exist-
ence. She could not bear to see her children perish before her
eyes, and besought them to kill her and satisfy the cravings of their
hunger. They refrained as long as they could from such a cruel
expedient, but at length, unable to contain themselves, they killed
their mother, and this was her flesh in the pot. The story was not
believed. The villagers said, that before they would credit it, their
own eyes must have some proof. The unhappy brothers took their
captors to the spot entrails had been thrown
where the this ;
sight caused them more flrmly bound, for the villagers main-
to be
tained that some other person must have been sacrificed to their
cravings, and that this was not their mother. The wretched lads sup-
plicated and swore in vain their punishment began, and the blows
warriors. What think you of this plan ? " Being entirely and sin-
cerely devoted to the Mirza, the Mulla replied, that this vain proposal
would certainly be attributed to want of courage and manliness.
This speech proving anything but agreeable, the chieftain drew his
sword, and advanced angrily towards the speaker, asking, how he
dared to use such disrespectful language to him? The Mulla replied,
with sincere was at liberty to kill him, but
feeling, that the Mirza,
that he had spoken advisedly. " Did his lord suppose the Emperor
had any thought of him ? What if the maiden were so little liked,
as to be excluded from the royal harem, and sent back again What !
shame, what dishonour would be the result Would the prince, for
of what still remained there. " To represent the true state of a case
was," he said, " the duty of a loyal servant. He had incurred his
master's anger by so doing, but, even in this he felt himself happy
and honoured. What imported it to him, if the Emperor sent back
the princess What recked he, if he gave her away to one of his
are a prince. Tou know no law but your own will do that which :
and send back the maiden to that wretch athirst for the blood of his
who, if the monarch acceded to their wishes, would be
iinder an obKgation to them. The order of the Emperor, irresistible
as the decree of fate, went forth, that Sindi Begam should be sent
back to her father at Thatta.
ordered an elephant for her use, and bid her return to her father,
whose ancestors, from father to son, had been vassals of the crown.
He also added, that a small tract of land had been assigned to the
his name from disgrace. The Mulla relates that he was sent
for by the Mirza, who threw him the document itself, saying
" Bead this sad news what you foretold has come true."
; He
perused the despatch of the nobles escorting the Begam, and found it
was even so. He said, " Peace be with you, oh mighty lord bow !
render thanks unto God, who has vouchsafed to maintain your honour,
and be grateful to your blood-thirsty brethren, the Arghuns, as long
as you live. Be kind to those of them still left here, and thus dispel
the old enmity subsisting between you. The Mirza, rendered wise
and devout at length, was pleased with this speech, and said a few
Juna his agent ; and to any person wishing to address him on affairs
of the state, he stupidly said go to
"I know nothing of this :
Juna." His son Abu-1 Fat'h led a most dissipated life. He clothed
his companions in female apparel, with bracelets on their arms, and
kept them hidden in his own abode. He would not eat of food on
which a fly had lighted. His associates were usually made to bring
many kinds of dishes, and by this means, he plundered them. From
the 13th to the 16th of every month his friends were called together,
and the time was spent in debauchery. Whole nights passed in the
enjoyment of sweetmeats, fruit, and wine ; he gave presents to his
guests and attendants. But of all his absurdities this was the
greatest : if a flight of birds happened to be pointed out to him, he
commenced counting them, throwing in the air either a lari^ or a
Firingi gold coin as each passed by. In short, as this miserable
state of things prevailed, the Mirza resolved, in order to put a stop
to it, to remain himself at the head of affairs in the capital, and send
away his children to the frontier and the provinces.
A silrer coin.
named mountain, its summits high as the star Aiyuk, and along the
face of it ran a path narrower than a hair. Those who pass over
climb like a string of ants. If ten resolute men defended this
passage, not the world combined could dislodge them, without
suffering severely from the stones they could throw down. Adjoining
these mountains are many others, on which dwell the tribes of the
Buluch and Nahmrui, of the Jokiya and Jat, extending as far as Klch
(Kz ?) and Makran. To the eastward of the river are the Mawas and
the Samija tribes, spread as far as the sand-hills of Amarkot and ;
being the key of the whole country. Just as orders had been
issued for this post to be fortified (as by this means, and by well-
laid plans, a secure advance might be made) it was discovered that
the enemy had taken no measures to defend the pass. The Khan
was delighted, and exclaimed that the star of the monarch of the
world had iudeed outshone that of these people, since they neglected
to make a stand in so formidable a position ; of a certainty now
the country had passed away from their hands. When this saying
reached the ears of the Mirza ( Jam' Beg) keen indeed was his regret
for the neglect he and his counsellors had been guilty of. " Truly,"
the Khan advanced without meeting with any obstacle, and, in presence
of the Mirza, threw up an iatrenchment and constructed batteries.
Momiug and evening, valiant, lion-hearted youths, worthy descend-
ants of Mars, came forth from both sides. With such activity did
destiny send forth death to do its work in the field, that no symptom
of backwardness appeared there ; energy filled every breast, as the
warriors strove their utmost. The happy star of the Emperor, and
his own genius, inspired the Nawwab to send detachments against
various places in the same way that he had encompassed Mirza Jani
Beg and the fort of Si'wan. Shah Beg Khan was selected to act
against the fort of Shahgar, in the province of Nasrpur, where
march into the Jdgir country, against the fort of Nirankot. In this
only safety in protracting the struggle, and sent forth his yoxmg
men on all sides to distract the enemy. Hearing that treasure was
on its way by land to the Nawwab Khan's camp, he sent Abii-l
Kasimj son of Shah Kasim Arghun, with a body of spirited youths,
Moghals. and Sindis, to attack it. This chieftain, when he drew near
the convoy, about the middle of the night, hid himself with his men,
and sent a small party to fall upon the enemy's rear with a great
clamour. The enemy all turned against these men, but Abu-1
Kasim, with the remainder, entered their camp, carried oiF the
treasure, and slew the foremost of the foe. Sultan Khusru Charkas
likewise attacked them with his boats, according to a previously
sparks shone on the water like a fiery mountain, and such clouds of
smoke ascended, that the vaulted heavens became as it were the roof
of a furnace. The sun sheltered itself in the smoke from the fierce-
ness of the heat, and was eclipsed. Sight could not pierce the thick
clouds, and breath failed from the density of the atmosphere. At
length the boats ran foul of each other. The rings and grapnels,
which were made in order to drag away the enemy's boats, now
began to be used. So violent a struggle ensued, that the waves
were crimsoned with the blood of those whom the guns had
destroyed. By the help of their friends on shore the Khan's party
triumphed, and their adversaries fled. Khusru Charkas was taken
in his boat along with several other vessels, when, at that moment,
Charkas Daftir, the chief of the merchants of Firang, who repaired
yearly to Thatta from Hurmuz, came fluttering like a moth around
this furnace, and rrmning his boat into the midst of the fray, suc-
ceeded in rescuing Khusru from his captors ; but the attempt cost
both of them their lives. When both sides were satiated with blood
they withdrew to their tents, and applied balm to their wounds.
It was at length resolved to abandon stratagem and fight in the
open plain, where victory would fall to the brave.'
' The Tdriih-i Sind (p. 294), and the 3aj-AAd-a' (p. 112), concur in repre-
senting that there were Portuguese mercenaries in this action, which closed the
independence of Sind in a.d 1691. They attrihute the escape of Khusrti Kh&n to the
fact of a powder magazine exploding in the royal fleet.
This work derives its name from the person to whom it was
dedicated, and by whose advice it was undertaken : Shah Kdsim
Khan, son of Amir Saiyid Kasim Beg-Lar. We learn nothing of
the author not even his name either from the preface or the
body of the history. We can only tell, from the tone in which
he speaks of his patron, that he must have been a most abject
The name of Beg-L4r, we are told, belonged to his patron's
family by hereditary descent, and is not therefore to be confounded
with the Beglerbegs of Turkey and Persia, who are the Ticeroys
1 This title is not, as is generally supposed, nsed in Turkey alone. Ever since the
in Persia also. Cornelius le Bruyu's
time of the Ilkhinians, it has been adopted
to Persia, pp. 336, 350 j Sir H. Bridges'
Travels, Vol. I. p. 206 ; Franklin's Tour
Dynasty of the Eajars, p. 449 ; Pottinger's Belochistan, p. 222. Their position,
privile''es and duties are shown in Von
Hammer's Staata mrfassung des Osmamehen
Meichs^Yol. I. p. 370 ; II. 273 ; and Paul Eycaut's /State of the Ottoman Mnpire,
his gallant conduct in the field, as well as for his literary talents.
After rebelling against the constituted authorities, he was par-
' Tod says, that the present RinS. of the Sodhas has set the example of these inter-
marriages, but the following extracts will show the practice to have been prevalent
nearly three centuries ago. Annals of Sajasthan, Vol. II. p. 317.
that time," not " at this present." If so, the date of 1017 relates
only to the time when Khan-i Zam^n had completely peopled and
settled the country round the fort of Saiyid-garh, of which he
finished the building in 101 1 ; and we can fix with tolerable
certainty upon the year 1034, or 1035 say 1625 a.d. as that
pages : and from that to the end we have detailed accounts of the
squabbles atnougst the various members of the Tarkhdn family,
with the insertion of every expedition of robbery and plunder in
which the noble Khan-i Ziiraan himself was in the remotest degree
This work is not found in India, except in the provinces of
Sind, where I know of three copies. There is one in the Imperial
Library at Paris. Fonds Gentil, No, 17.' Size Quarto, (12x9
inches). 275 pages of 17 lines each.
fore compelled to omit them. That which I have heard from common
report is this, that in olden time the Province of Sind was held by
the tribes of Bina, Tak, and Nabilmiya ; but the period of their govern-
ment is not known. After a tim,e, Sahasi Eai reigned in the fort of
Alor,' and all Sind and Hind was under his rule. When he died, Chach
Brahman became master of Sind and Hind. His capital was the
fort of Brahmanabad, and his dominions extended to the confines of
Kashmir. His son Dahir succeeded him and became master of the
whole kingdom. In his days the armies of Islam arrived under the
command, of Muhammad Kasim, and after many battles Dahir was
Khan-i Zaman, with the aid of the Almighty, proceeded, with his
Mends and suite, after taking leave of Mirza Jan Baba, towards
Jesalmfr. When he anived, he halted outside the fort on the
margin of the tank,* and despatched a messenger to E.ai Dhar Kaj
1 [See Tod's AnnaU of RajaatJim, Vol. I, 93, and II. 210, 319.]
2 See Appendix.
The text says simply ti^. i^>-lc, but at page ii, we are' told that she was
Mirza Jan Babd had sent a robe of honour for him. The
to say that
Eaf with much politeness, requested him to stay where he was
encamped, and intimated that he would come to him on an
auspicious day and hour to be invested with the robe. In those
days the periodical rains, by the will of God, had not fallen, and
the land all round was parched up. A single vessel of water was
to be had only at a very heavy price, for there was no water in the
lake. But, when the prosperous feet of this nobleman touched that
ground, suddenly, by the will of God, rain fell : the dry land
became saturated and green herbs sprung up in every place. In
the morning, the Eai came to visit him and had the honour of
meeting him. He said that the rain had fallen only on accomat
of his prosperous presence. He accompanied the Khan with great
honour and respect into the fort, and then performed the rites of
them ; but they bravely and gallantly carried off the camels ; many
of these animals died on account of the severe marches they had to
make. The next day, in the afternoon, the dauntless heroes reached
the village of Eahu Madh,' where they stayed only suf&cient time
O *t t> Cs <S
and will never turn our faces against his commands." Being
grateful they were always ready to obey his orders. If any
service was required of them, they performed it with the greatest
fidelity and submission, and whenever they were summoned they
came willingly. As the Bhats and Charans were dependents of
these chiefs he used to reward these family bards whenever they
came to him, with a lakh (of rupees ?) or more. As Hewanda was
the bard of the Bhattls, he presented him with a donation of one
crore and a quarter, or one hundred and twenty-five lakhs (?), besides
horses, camels, etc., which he likewise generously granted. In
short, by the wise conduct of this great and enlightened noble, all
men, great and small, bad and good, were as obedient to him as
' Shdhgarh was built by Kh&u-i Zara4n on the banks of the S&nkra, " and nothing
now remains of it exoept the Jiam^." -Tuhfattt-l Kirdm, MS. p. 72.
2 These two were sons of Khan-i Zam&n,
the Khan. Some friendly people who were with the Amfr were
anxious that no fighting should take place between the parties.
When they expressed their intention to the Ean^ he said he con-
sidered himself a servant of Mfr Abu-1 Kasim, and would not rebel
against him : still Man Sing must not be allowed any interference,
because he was the originator of these quarrels and disturbances.
Mir Abu-1 KSsim, however, adhered to the orders he had received to
place Man Sing in the governorship. At length, upon the instigation
of his weU-meaning friends, the Kana resolved to go to Mfr Abu-1
Kasim Sultan. So when he arrived, he alighted from his horse, and
having changed his vanity and pride for humility and suppKcation,
he advanced on foot for a long distance with his whole army, officers,
dependants, and servants. He kissed the feet of the Sultan, and pre-
sented him the horse on which he had himself ridden. The Sultan
mounted and gave him his hand. He then pitched his tent near' the
The Eana also encamped
pool of Samara and passed the night there.
on the margin of the At daybreak, some of the people of the
Mir's camp, who belonged to the Sameja tribe, went into the fields
of the Sbdhas and began to injure them. As hostilities had pre-
viously existed between these tribes, the Sodhas abused the Same-
jas, and a quarreli ensued. Intelligence being brought to Mir Abu-1
Kasim, he immediately hastened off ; and Kana Kishan Das also set
his army in array, and advanced with intent to fight, but his heart
failing him, he took to flight, and proceeded towards Kaurhar. Mir
Abii-l Kasim with his followers and companions, hastened to 'Umarkot.
When he approached the fort, a son of the Kana Kishan Das who
was in it, not being able to oppose him, took some money with him
and fled. Upon this, the Mi'r entered the fort and the whole family
of the Kana were captured. But as they were related to him, they,
together with his treasures,* were of course protected. All other
things, however, were taken possession of by the army. Temples
were demolished, cows were directed to be butchered, and the
houses of the vile infidels were made to resound with the soimd
of trumpets and horns, and their filthy idols were polluted. In
the idolatrous places of worship Muhammadan tenets were pro-
' [The text aaya / I'^X .,,U.< .J "in tie middle of the pool."]
* [" Mahzdd" = zdd-i rdh, " proTisions for the way."]
mulgated, and prayers were read for one entire week. He remained
in the fort passing Ms time in festivity and pleasure. As the killing
of cows and the breaking of idols is considered by the Sodhas to be
the highest possible insult, the Eand felt highly indignant, and
having returned from the village of Kam-har, he summoned the
Sodhas from all sides and quarters to meet him at Gaddf. There
they crowded ready to advance on 'Umarkot. They had been sub-
jected to great ignominy, and so they were aU ready to sacrifice
their lives in revenge. When this news reached Khan-i Zaman, he,
reflecting that both parties were enrolled in his army, was most
anxious that no contest should take place between them, and con-
sequently hurried away with the intention of eifeoting a reconcilia-
tion between them. He set out in the evening from Nasrpur, and
having travelled the whole night arrived early the next morning at
the village of Gaddi, where the Eana and the Sodhas had encamped.
He sent his son Mir Shah Mukfm Sultan, M(r Fathi Beg Sultan, and
Kana Bhatti, brother of Eam Bhatti, to the Eana, in order to appease
and comfort him. They accordingly went to him, and so far appeased
him was induced to accompany them, and had the honour of
that he
kissing the Khan's feet. The Khan exalted him by the grant of a
horse and robe of honour, and spoke words of sympathy and con-
*'* *
solation. ** '*
In the end, some of the
plundered property was restored, but the Eana obtained only poor
These two are different names of the same work, of which the
author is Saiyid Jamal, son of Mir Jal41u-d din Husaini Shir^zi,
that the Mirz^, being most anxious to acquaint himself with the
genealogy and history of the Moghal tribes, and especially of
his own ancestors, in order that he might learn precisely from
what particular chief he was descended, commissioned our author
to send him the book called Tarkhan -ndma. This zealous indi-
ndma, and the Majmdu-l Ansdb, which three works would have
been sufficient to afford him all the information with which we
are favoured on that subject. The Tdrikh-i Tdhiri, which is the
only local history which he quotes, is, with strange inconsistency,
not followed either for facts or dates.
Mirza Muhammad Sdlih, who is represented to have been
endowed with every excellence, personal and intellectual, was the
son of Mirza 'Is4 Tarkhan, grandson of the more celebrated
holder of the same name, who founded the Tarkhan dynasty of
1Amongst these may be noticed the transactions of the Arghflns with the Dh&rejas,
M&ghis, Dahars, and E&i Khanhar of Each Shah Husain's proceedings at the fort
1012 H., and was treated by him and his successor, Jahangir,
this work.
Mirza Muhammad Salih succeeded to some portion of the
honours of his father, and the other members of the family had
each a separate provision assigned to them by the royal mu-
which, through the intrigues of the ministers, the king's kind intentions were ren-
dered of none effect.
fellows, for his rank was elevated above that of all his relations.
tribes having seen this, quietly submitted to his authority and made
no further opposition. The services of Amir Zu-n Nun were so
highly approved of, that Sultan Husain Karar made him abso-
loud in their praises of his loyalty and fidelity, and consequently the
Sultan presented him with a vest of honour, a richly caparisoned
horse, kettle drums, and banner, and also granted him a royal patent
of investiture. He then ordered him to leave his son and suite at
the court, and himself proceed to Kandahar. Immediately on
receipt of this order, the Amir seized the first opportunity of
secretly taking his son and the nobles who had attended him, and
marched with great rapidity to Kandahar, leaving, however, his
numbers, turned rein' and fled. A scene of the wildest and most
hopeless confusion ensued. The Amir, however, with a small band
of his trusty and indomitable warriors, maintained his ground, now
standing on the defensive, now charging one wing of the enemy, and
now the other. The field was dyed with blood. Thus they fought
bravely and desperately until the Uzbeks closing in on every side,
the Amir was woundedt and thrown from bis horse. Disdaining
1 Prince Badi'u-z Zamka was married ts a daughter of Amir Zd-n Niin. See HIr
M'asfim's Tdrikh-i Siitd, p. 103.
VOL. I. 20
the quarter offered him by the Uzbeks, who hoped to take him a
prisoner in triumph to Muhammad Khan, he fell, covered with
Siwi territory, and in the year 917 h. (1511 a.d.), he set out from
to sustain a siege, shut himself up in the fort and posted his men on
the walls and bastions. On the arrival of the Emperor in the vicinity
of the city, hewas attacked by disease, and became very feeble.
His ministers and nobles on this became disaffected and mutinous.
Shah Beg, having learnt the state of affairs, sent the leading men of
Kandahdr with instructions to negociate a peace. The Emperor,
consenting to the terms, despatched Khwaja Jalalu-d din with suit-
able presents, and returned to Kabul. Shah Beg then withdrew
after a short time to Siwi, and made a stay there. Having assem-
bled a general council, he pointed out to them that the Emperor
Babar having once found his way to Kandahar, would not rest
' Both these places were in the Sarkar of Siwi. The former has since become
famous for its gallant defence by our troops. Tdrihh-i Tdhiri, MS. p. 48 Tarkhan- ;
A.H. 921 (1515 A.D.). The Emperor Babar put into execution
the design Shah Beg had foreseen, and having marched upon Kanda-
har, laid siege to the fort and commenced mining it. The siege was
carried on with vigour, and all supplies being cut off, a great dearth
of grain ensued in the oity. At this crisis, however, the Emperor's
army was so weakened by fever, that a peace was again agreed
upon. Whereupon, the Emperor returned to Kabul.
In this same year. Shah Hasan Mirza having quarrelled with his
father, left him, and went to the Court of the Emperor Babar, and
being by him received with hospitality and distinction, he remained
there two years. The Emperor observed that his visit was not from
any affection entertained towards himself by Shah Hasan, but in
order that he might learn the art of governing rightly, and at the
same time perfect himself in the ceremonies of the Court. At length.
Shah Hasan, with the Emperor's permission, returned to Kandahar.
A.H. 922 (1516 The Emperor Babar again assembled an
army, and marched upon Kandahar, and he was yet in the jungle
when the fort was invested. Shah Beg, wearied and harassed by
these repeated invasions, sent Shaikh Abii Sa'id Purani to negotiate
a peace ; tlie terms agreed upon were that in the ensuing year
the government of Kandahar should be made over to the officers of
the Emperor Babar. Having ratified this treaty, the Emperor re-
with a number of men for the protection of the forts of Siwi and
and Ganjawa. He despatched a-head of his army a force of 200
horse under Mir Fazil Kokaltfish, and himself followed at the head
of 300 more. On entering the Sind territory, he soon reached Bagh-
ban, he learnt that an army of Samejas, under the command of
Mahmud Khdn, son of Darya Khan, was encamped at Thatta, four
kos from Siwistan, and prepared to do battle. Shah Beg halted at
Baghban, where he was well received by the principal inhabitants.
He then resumed his march through the Lakki hills towards
Thatta, and at last reached that river which in those days ran
to the north of Thatta.' Being unprovided with means of transit,
he stopped for some days on the bank, revolving in his mind how
to effect a passage. At this juncture, the men on guard perceived
that a man driving a laden ass was fording the river from the
opposite bank. He was seized and compelled by menaces to show
the way through the ford." 'Abdu-r Eahman Daulat Shahi then
plunged on horseback into the river, reached the other bank and
then returned and reported the fact to Shah Beg, who availing
himself of this information, on the 15th day of Muharram a.h.
927 (December, 1520), crossed the river with his force, and marched
towards the city of Thatta, On which, Darya Khan, the adopted'
son of Jam Nanda, having left Jam Firoz in garrison at Thatta,
hastened at the head of his army to give the Amir battle.
Jam Firoz left Thatta and fled without stopping untU he reached
the village of Pirar" with a heavy heart. Thatta was given up
to plunder till the 20th of the month, in the course of which
the inhabitants were treated with merciless severity,, and many of
them were carried into captivity. The holy text, " Surely when
> See Appendix,
" life of Antony, tells ns that a costermonger^ Eutychus, who per-
Plutarch in his
formed a somewhat similar service for Augustus, hefore the hattle of Actium, was
rewarded by the grateful Emperor with a statue of himself and of his ass, with an
equally auspicious name, Nikon. This beautiful work of art was destroyed, with toe
many others, by the barbarous Franks on their capture of Constantinople,
* This place is in the hilly tract north of Thatta.
' The Tdrikh-i Sind (p. 139), mates Mm, in true Oriental fashion, take an arrow
from his quiTCr, which he gives to Kkzi K&ziu, to show that he was really accredited
by the Moghal plunderer.
having joined themselTes with the Sa'ta and Stimra tribes,' formed
themselYes in order of tattle and advanced to give fight. An
obstinate battle ensued, in which Shah Beg proved again victorious
his adversaries fled, and he took possession of the fort of Siwistan.
Having put it in complete repair, he placed in it some of his most
distinguished- nobles, among
Mir 'Alaika Arghun, Sultan
Mukim Beg-Lar, Kaibuk Arghun, and Ahmad Tarkhan; all these
he ordered to erect houses in the fort for themselves. He then took
his departure for Bhakkar, and after several days marchiag arrived
at the plain surrounding Sakhar. A few days after he reached
Bhakkar, where he was much gratified with the fort and town.
Having visited and inspected these, he laid out the town, assigning
various quarters to his officers and soldiers. He caused a plan to be
made of the fort, and placed it in the care of his principal officers, in
order that, each one doing his part, they might put it into complete
repair. The hard bricks for this purpose were provided by the
destruction of the fort of Alor (anciently the seat of government)
and of the houses of the Turk and Samma people in the suburbs of
Bhakkar.* In a short space of time the works were finished. He
fixed on the citadel of the fort as a residence for himself, and
Mirza Shah Husain; he also permitted Mir Fazil Kokaltash, Sultan
Muhammad, keeper of the seal, and one or two others to reside
in it. He employed a whole year in finishing the buildings
in the fort and settling the afi'airs of his subjects.
928 (1522 A.D.) Shah Beg left Payinda Muhammad Tarkhan
mind that the death of his friend was a warning of the near approach
[ *7 in the text.] Mir M'aslim (p. 141) has, Talahti, instead of That! and
Samma instead of Sa'ta. " Sihta" is probably the correct reading, which we find
sometimes applied to the Sammas. Another copy reads Sodha instead of Sfimra.
2 Mir M'as<im adds that the Saiyids were turned out of Bhakkar, and allowed a
space of ground in Rori, whereon to build new houses. Tdrikhi-i Sind, 150.
leaving him at peace, but that he would ultimately seize Sind, either
from him or his descendants. It was needful therefore to seek out
some other asylum. Having said this, he complained of a violent
pain in his bowels. Every remedy was tried to alleviate it, but in
vain, for in the month Sha'ban, 928 h. (June, 1522), after a reign
of fifteen years. Shah Beg died, without having been able to effect
his intention of entering Guzerat. " Shahr Sha'ban" is the chrono-
gram of his death.
were well that the Khutba were read in his name. This he refused
to permit, saying that as long as any descendant of the Sahib-kiran
(Timiir) existed, no other man could assume this privilege. Accord-
mgly Khutba was read in the name of the Emperor Zahiru-d
dfn Muhammad Babar. During the celebration of the festival, the
Shah remained in the same place. In the meantime he received
intelKgence how that Jam Firoz and the people of Thatta had heard
with delight of the demise of Shah Beg, and had beaten their drums
in token of joy and gratification. Incensed at these proceedings,
Mirza Shah Husaia having consulted with his minister, and having
come to the conclusion that the prosecution of his father's designs
on Guzerat was not advisable, ordered his army to march on
Thatta in order to destroy Jam Ffroz. News of this determination
soon reached Thatta, and Jam Firoz, being utterlj' unable to oppose
' Some authorities give the name as Hasan, as in page 308 supra ; but the other is
the best authenticated. Eespeoting Shkh Beg's death, see the Appendix.
the army maxohiag against him, hastily fled from the city, and
crossing the river in despair took his way towards Kach. When he
reached Chaohkan and Eahman, he collected an army of about
50,000 horse and foot. With this formidable force, consisting
of the people of Sind and the Samma tribe, he returned with the
intention of coming to an engagement with Mirza Shah Husain, who
at the head of his ever victorious troops, had already arrived at the
troops armed with their bows and arrows, and sword in hand,
rushed vehemently to the charge, spreading consternation and
dismay in the ranks of the enemy. Prom morning to evening the
battle was bloodily contested. Nearly 20,000 men feU on the field,
till at last, Jam Firoz, being defeated, fled, covered with shame and
disgrace, to Guzerat, where he remained until his death. Mirza
Shah Husain remained for tiiree days on the field of battle, distri-
buting the horses and all other booty amongst hia people, and
showering rewards upon his officers ; he then returned in triumph
to Thatta. Thence he went tb Tughlikabad, where he remained
six months, when he proceeded towards Bhakkar. On his arrival
within thirty kos of the city, all the leading men came out to meet
and congratulate him, and were received with every honour. In
this year also, Shaikh Bulaki came from Kandahar to Sind to visit
After the lapse of two years, a.h. 930 (1524 a.d.), Mirza Shah.
Husain came to the determination to invade Multan, in pursuance
of which design he ordered his nobles and generals to make the
necessary arrangements. At the commencement of the year a.h. 931
(1525 A.D.), he started on this expedition. On reaching the city of
was raised.'* At the head of his large and powerful force, the Sultan
set out from Multan. The Mirza on hearing of these numbers being
brought against him, took up a position on the banks of the Ghara
and there awaited the attack of the enemy. Sultan Mahmiid re-
mained for a month in the suburbs of Multan for the purpose of
Mirza and informed him that, owing to the youth of Sultan Husain,
he was unfit to conduct the Government of Multan, that the duties
of the State were neglected, and that in consequence of the tyranny
and oppression, rebellions and insurrections had broken out in the
city; that all the greatest and best disposed of the inhabitants
were desirous of another ruler. He ended by imploring the Mirza
to march again upon Multan. Mirza Shah Husain complied with
this request, and on reaching the city laid close siege to the fort,
which was garrisoned by the Langah army. Desultory fighting
took place daily between the two forces. At length a great scarcity
of provisions took place in the city. This increased to such an
extent that even the head of a cow was valued at ten tankas, while
the price of grain rose to 100 tankas per maund. After some time
had elapsed, a party of soldiers one morning forced the gate of the
city. The troops rushed in and captured the place. All the in-
habitants of the city, from seven years of age up to seventy, were
taken prisoners, the city was given up to plunder, and very many
of the Langah tribe were slain. On this, Mirza Shah gave orders
that no further hurt should be done to the survivors.
Sultan Husain and his sisters were brought before the Mirza by
the venerable Shaikh Bahau-d din ; and Mirza Shah, for the sake of
amity and friendship which had existed between the Tarkhans and
the late Emperor Babar. Mirza Shah Husain paid much honour to
invade Gnzerat, he, the Mirza, attMided by his whole army, woiild
accompany him on the expedition, and not return till the conquest
had been effected. He also made over to him the tract extending
from Hala Kandi to Bitura on the other side of the river, to defray
loyalty and presented the petition of which they were the bearers.
After a few days, the Emperor dismissed the ambassadors, and wrote
with hisown hand a lettar to their master, to the following effect
"To Shah Husain, greeting (after the usual compliments), I comply
with your request on this condition, namely, that you serve me
with fidelity. Farewell I"
On hearing tUs, the Emperor became alarmed, and was much down-
cast, and after consultation he left the Jodpur territory, and marched
with great speed to Satalmir. Thence he rapidly proceeded to
had thrown off their allegiance, and were filled with visionary
schemes against him. This, he said, jeopardized the safety of the
country, and therefore he had deemed it inciunbent on him to report
and slaves, that to the disgust of the Sammas he had raised these
men of low degree to elevated ranks, and that if in conformity to
his orders they were obeyed and respected, then, considering them-
selves highly honoured, they would the more readily devote them-
selves to the duties assigned them. It happened, that these two
contradictory letters both fell into the hands of the Moghals, who
thus becoming aware of the Shah's duplicity and treacherous designs,
revolted, and having seized 'Arabi Kahi, Eafik, Shaibah, and Isma'il,
chief, one from out the Tarkhan tribe. That Mirza Tsa Tarkhan,
governor of Fath Bagh, being wise, prudent, and of noble descent,
was best qualified for the office and likely to accede to their request.
They then invited the Mirza from Fath Bagh and informed him of
their wishes. On his arrival, they showed him great hospitality, and,
persisting in their request, obtained his consent. They then nomi-
nated him their chief, and placed him at the head of the government
of Thatta. They paid him royal respect and homage, and having
sworn allegiance, placed themselves under his authority, and made
proclamation of his supremacy by beat of drums. The Mirza took
possession of the treasure, and having lavished large sums amongst
the army, established his- power over the several districts and tribes
of Sind.
Enraged at these occurrences, Mirza Shah Husain seized the
Arghiins and Tarkhans -who vyere in Bhakkar, such as Mir Jani Beg
Tarkhan, Mir Ahmad Tarkhan, Mir Hamza Beg-Lar, Mir Murad
Husain Beg-Lar, and others, and then marched at the head of a
considerable army Arghuns and Tar-
to Thatta to give battle to the
khans. On his arrival within two kos of the city, the two armies
came into collision on the banks of the stream of Shah Panah. Two
or three engagements took place in which both armies suffered con-
siderable loss. In the midst of this campaign, Mirza Shah Husain
was attacked by a fatal sickness.
into the hands of Mi'r Hasan Basri, father of Mirza Zu-n Niin, and
he having adopted him as his son, bestowed great pains on his educa-
tion. Ahmad Khwaja flourished three generations before Malik Mah-
mud Khan, a man famous for his generosity, and nineteen genera-
tions after 'Iddi, son of Hatim Tai. Sultan Mahmud Khan, of
Bhakkar, was chiefly characterized by his liberality and courage,
in which latter he was unequalled. During his service with Mirza
Shah Husain, he had given repeated proofs of his valour. On seeing
that the Mirza' s days were numbered, and that he had but a short
time to live, he reflected that daily Musulmans were losing their
lives in the strife, and that shortly he would be involved in inex-
tricable difSculties. He therefore sent privately a message to Mirza
Tsa Tarkhan, to the effect that Mirza Shah Husain was on the point
of death, that when that occurred, there would be no one to inter-
fere between them, and that it would be advis9,ble to enter into a
mutual engagement. He refused to revolt against his master
VOL. I. 21
ing his spirit, embraced him with paternal affection, and gave him
permission to proceed on the mission. Mirza Salih with a few
brave men went on Awwal, a.h. 961 (Feb.
the fourth of Eabi'u-1
1554), accompanied by Mirza Muhammad Kasim Beg-Lar, to meet
Mirza Shah Husain, and offer his presents. The Mirza with
great kindness praised his fidelity and courage, and calling him
his dear son, invested him with, a rich robe, a girdle, and sword
adorned with precious stones, together with a horse, and saddle
and bridle set with gems, a necklace, and a kettledrum. He
furthermore conferred on him the governorship of Thatta,, and
then gave him permission to retire. Eetumiag in safety to Thatta,
he caused the kettledrum to be sounded before him, and presenting
to his father all he had received, he remained under his protection,
obedient to his orders.
About the same time Mirza Shah Husain marched back towards
Bhakkar, and n the 12th of the same month, died at the village
of 'Aliputra, twenty kos from Thatta, after a reign of thirty-two
years. Mah Begam and Shaikli 'Abdu-1 Wahab carried his remains
to Thatta, where they were temporarily deposited in the MakaJi
Hills. After two years, they were sent in charge of Saiyid^ 'All
Shirazf and Mah Begam to the holy city of Mecca, and were re-
interred there by the side of the tomb of his father, Shah Beg.
Mirza Tsd Tarkhan, son of Mirza 'Abdu-1 'All, son of Mirzd 'Abdu-1
Khalik, son' of Arghun Khan, son of Abaka Khan, son of Hulaku
Khan, son of Changiz Khto, succeeded to the throne of Thatta, after
the death of Mirza Husaia Arghun. Mirza Tsa made Mirza Salih Tar-
khan his heir apparent, and placed the reins of government in his
hands, reserving to himself only the name of king.^ When Mirza
Salih had made himself secure of Thatta and its dependencies, he
left his brother, Mirza Jan Baba, who was greatly attached to him,
to attend his father while he himself marched against Si-
wistan. He commenced his march on the 14th of Shawwal, a.h. 961
(Sep. 1554), and on the 21st of the same month he wrested the fort
of Siwistan from the the hands Mahmud Khan Bhakkari. When
Sultan Mahmud heard of this loss, he collected an army to oppose
Mirza Salih. This was reported to Mirza Ts^ Tarkhan, and he
thereupon led a large force from Thatta to attempt the conquest of
1 This " son " comprises several generations, as sliown in the genealogical table at
the beginning of this work.
2 [Long eulogies of Mirz4 'I'&i. and Mirzi S&Iib are omitted from the translation.]
J ;
fire to it, and made, the inhabitants prisoners. The Mirza therefore
accepted the proposal of Sultan Mahmud, and peace being con-
cluded, he hastened back to Thatta, and resumed the government.
In the beginning of the year 964 h. (November, 1556), Mirza
Muhammad Baki rebelled against his father, asserting his rights as
eldest son, and objecting to the sele tion of MirzaMuhammad Salih
as heir to the throne. In the fighting which ensued, Muhammad
Baki was worsted, and he fled to Wanka., which was the abode of
the Siimras. There he formed a connection with sundry Arghuns,
and returned with them by way of 'Umarkot and Jesalmir to
Bhakkar. On his arriving there, Sultan Mahmud Khdn laudably
exerted himself to effect a reconciliation between him and his father
but Mirza Tsa Tarkhan, out of regard for Mirza Salih, exiled
Muhammad Baki from Thatta, and sent him to Bhakkar. Here he
endeavoured to procure assistance from Hindustan,' but Sultan
Mahmud opposed him. The Sultan foresaw that if an army came
from Hindustan must necessarily pass by Bhakkar, which would
In the year 970 h-. (1562 a.b.) the brave Muhammad Sahh, who
them with a party of his own dependents sent them against Siwistan,
They besieged the fort, and once or twice succeeded in scaling the
ramparts, but could accomplish nothing more. Mirza Tsa marched
from Thatta with a numerous force, and sent a detachment on in
advance to raise the siege and pursue the assailants. The opposing
forces met at the village of Eakban, when victory declared in favour
of Mirza Tsa, and many of Sultan Mahmud's men were slain. The
Mirzd advanced as far as the town of Durbela. The Sultan also,
coming out of Bhakkar, arrived near the same place, and throwing
up a fort, prepared far the conflict. In the end peace was made
through the medium of Mah Begam and Shaikh 'Abdu-1 Wah4b
Purani, and the rivals retired to Thatta and Bhakkar respectively.
In the year a.h. 974 (1566 a.d.) Mirza Tsa Tarkhan was seized
with mortal sickness, so he called together the Arghuns and the
> Atash-bizi.
Tarkhans, the ministers and nobles, and all the chief men of the
country, iu order once more to name Mirza Jan Baba as his suc-
cessor. But Mah Begam strenuously opposed this, maintaining the
right of Muhammad Bakf, the eldest son. The dying monarch
declared that Muhammad Baki was tyrannical and cruel, that the
people would suffer under his rule, and that she herself would
perish by his hand. The end of it all was that Mah Begam sent to
hasten the coming of Muhammad Baki, and kept the death of his
father secret until his arrival. Mirza Tsa Tarkhan, who had reigned
fourteen years, was then biiried in a tomb, which he had constructed
in his garden, and Muhammad Baki ascended the thrOTie.
Ixxiv., 1838, and clviii., 1845. In the latter we have the por-
tion relating to the Arab conquest of Sind, which, as before
mentioned, is abstracted from the Chach-ndma.
The Tvhfatu-l Kirdm is the title of one of the works of the
celebrated Jalalu-d din Soyiiti, according to the Parisian catalogue
of his writings given in G. Fluegel's edition of Hdji Khalfa's
Lexicon Bibliographicum, Vol. vi. pp. 665-679.
[Sir H. Elliot's copy consists of three volumes quarto. Vol.
I., measuring 11 in. by 8 in., contains 746 pages. Vol. II.,
889 pages, of 17 Hues each. Vol. III. is a little larger (12 in.
by 8| in.), and contains 242 pages, of 25 lines each, in a much
smaller hand There is also a new copy of Vol. III.]
1 Bumia is the term used for inhabitants, literally " occupiers of the land" the
hhumia of Hindlist&n. The term is of frequent occurrence in the Sindian histories,
but rare in other works.
When the time approached for undergoing the ordeal of the hot
iron, she artfully concealed the shoes in a basket filled with cotton
and making it seem as if the carrying that were her business at the
moment, entered the assembly, and handing it to the horseman's
wife, asked her to take charge of it during the ordeal. She then
said, "The truth is, I did find a pair of shoes belonging to so and
so, and I have made them over to the owner ! By the same token I
now take up this red-hot spade." She took it up unharmed, and
was then purged of the charge. The complainant then angrily
threw the basket on the ground, and, as Truth is sure to prevail, the
trick of this artful woman was exposed.
dive to the bottom, and stay by the post. One of the company
shoots an arrow to a long distance, and another person goes and
brings this arrow back. The post is then shaken ; if the accused be
innocent, he will, up to that time, by holding his breath, have been
able to remain at the bottom, and on this signal he will come up to
the surface. But if guilty, he cannot any how stay so long under
witoh wroTigM lier spells, and retraced her steps, and from tlie
curds of th.e milk of her one cow she made about ten times the
usual quantity of butter
The science called SMna^ isknown to some of the hill-people,
who are called " Mdnsing." From certain indications on a fresh
shoulder-blade, they learn what they wish to know, and it comes to
pass accordiagly. A party of hill men, driven from their homes by
fear of their enemy, were pursuing their way. Having yet gone
but a little distance, the Mdnsing said that he saw from his Shdna
that they were hotly pursued by troops, and that there was no
escape except by The party were ordered to empty all
the leathern water-bags on the ground, and then to pass over the
spot. It so chanced that a Mdnsing was also among the enemy's
forces ; he, too, consulted his Shdna for intelligence of the fugitives.
It showed him that they had crossed over a stream. This dis-
heartened .the pursuers, who turned back, and thus the former were
saved. This is but a slight illustration of what this tribe can do by
the use of the Shdna.
Another Custom. Several ropes, confusedly entangled, are thrown
on to the ground, and their xmravelment reveals secret things.
There are also women who feed on liver,'' and foretell things to
> The common people call it Phanni. It is the 'Hmu-l Aktdf of the Arabs, and
s Abvi-1 Fazl, in the Ay'm-i Alchmi, notices the celebrity of the Sindians in this art.
Nahiya, who was also styled Lala he had 600 apprentices, but not
one child. When the box came into some of the apprentices'
possession, they took it to their master, who opened it, and this
' [Here is an equivoqiie on the word make or md/ii, " moon" and " fish."]
2 [Sans. Sasi.']
cullers. Every one who saw her wished she was his own, and all
and found that she had been robbed of her living treasure. No
longer mistress of herself she tore her garments in despair, and set
off alone in quest of her lost one. With the feet of affection she
traversed the rugged hills, and after accomplishing a distance of
about forty kos, she fell exhausted from thirst, and was convulsed,
striking her feet on the ground in the agonj- of death. By the
power of Grod a pool full of water was produced, of which she
drank, and found fresh strength. Persons say that the pool remains
full of water to this day, and is never dry, even though no rain
should fall for years. It is said, that Sassi had seen these things
in a dream, on the night on which she was presented with henna,
(at her marriage). The branch of henna which she had slept
with in her hand according to custom, and which she retained
after she awoke, and which she carried with her, she now planted
on this hill ; by the power of God the branch grew to be a tree,
ward, and accomplished six or seven kos further through the same
hills, when she was again distressed by thirst. A shepherd acci-
dentally espied her from a distance, and cast longing eyes on her,
and approaching, desired to carry her off. Thereupon she up-
braided him with injustice, and requested that he would, at least,
procure some refreshment for her, thirsty and tired as she then
was, before taking her The shepherd hastened to his flock
to get some milk. While was going on, Sassf, who despaired
of finding any trace of her lover, and finding herself thus fallen
into evU, vented the anguish of her heart before the Almighty
(who is the comforter of the helpless), and put up a petition for
protection against that demon of the desert. Instantly, by the
divine power, the hill was rent asunder, and gave a place to
that half dead and stricken lover, like a ruby lying in the matrix ;
visible. When the shepherd returned with the mUk, and saw
this instance of Divine power, he repented himself, and raised a
tomb of stones over her, according to custom.
The tellers of love stories, which cut the heart like sharp diamonds,
relate that when Pannun, all in chains, was carried before his father,
his restlessness began to shew itself to such a degree that his father
was alarmed for his life, and, there being no help for it, he desired
his brothers to go with him, and in any way that could be
managed, restore his beloved As they were travelling
to him.
back, Pannun arrived at the place where
Sassi was entombed,
and seeing the fresh traces, stood amazed. The mutual attraction
of hearts revealed this to him. For -outward evidence he set about
inquiring into the circumstances. The> shepherd before spoken of
happened to arrive just then, and related everything as it had
occurred. Panniin instantly dismounted from his camel, and begged
his brothers to wait- one moment, as he wished to pay a pilgrim's
visit to this tomb. Then, having thrown himself upon it, he cried
aloud to the Almighty, beseeching that he might be joined to his
him, bringing some bread and- water, but he flatly refused to eat
or drink till he had seen Sassi and Panniin. She replied that
she was Sassi, and desired him not to expect to see Panniin, for
there was no dependance to be placed on things of this world,
and that she was harassed by her kindred, who had reduced her
to that condition. The Darwesh said -'How can I believe this,
for Sassi was young and beautiful, and thou art an old crone."
On- these words, she was transfigured to her pristine beauty and
youth, and she bade him eat something. The Darwesh said, " I
will rather die of hunger than eat before I have seen both of you
thus have I vowed." After repeated adjurations, Sassi descended
into the grave, and showed Panniin as far as his waist, but she
him all the while with both arms, for fear some
herself encircled
one should carry him off. In short, many elders of pure heart
have thus seen them. That road is not passable for any one riding
a camel ; but whosoever keeps awake by night at the tomb, is
1 This story, as -well as many others connected -with the legendary lore of Sind, is-
very hy Lt. Burton. He calls the hero and heroine Panhu and Sassui^
-well told
See the Unhappy Valley, vol. I, pp. 81-88 and Sindh, pp. 57, 92-106. Mrs. Postans-
bore 1. Eodin; 2. Musa; 3. Noti 4. Niih; 5. Mandah; 6. ;
12. Gulistan-Barg.
After Hajjaj had subdued all opposition in Makran, as is recorded,
Sam, as some affirm, was the son of 'Umar, son of Hasham, son
of Abi Lahib ; and according to others, he was the son of 'Umar,
son of 'Akarma, son of Abl Jahl. The title of Jam renders it
probable that he was descended from Jamshid. He is commonly
considered to be the son of Nuh. Jam, the son of Nuh (peace
be to him !), had four sons : 1. Budha, who had sixteen sons,
among whom were Budh, Sura, Sahta, Akhil, Autar, Amra, Handir,
and others, they were styled Eathor ; 3. Hamhar
2. Sanka ;
4i Bhagirat, who had one son named Dera, whose son was Ajipar,
whose son was Dasrat.
Dasrat had three wives, viz., Kasila, Kailiya, and Bimiya by the ;
first of these he had two sons, Eam and Lakhman the second bore ;
Barat, and Simia had Chatargun. Sanka, son of Sam, also left
whose son was named Tattat ; he had a son named Narkaut, ^his
VOL. I. 22
son was Kan, and tlie city of Kan was so called from him ; and the
son of Kan was styled Sambut Kaja, who had four sons 1. Sam ;
also had no issue. Lakha took to himself another wife in his old
age, by whom he had also four sons, viz., 1. Unar; 2. Chhatta,
who had three sons, Babra, Dankara, and KaUa ; 3. Fahal, the
father of the celebratedLakha Taslani 4. Manahia. Unar, son of ;
Lakha, had a son also called Lakha, whose son was called Samma.
This Samma had two sons, 1. Kaka 2. Jhakra. The former be- ;
came a ruler, and the district of Kaka takes its name from him.
He had two sons 1. Pallf 2. Raldan- Masrak Samma one of Palll's
Raidan had nine sons1. Samma, from whom all the Samejas
descend; 2. Nutiar, from whom sprang all the Nuts; 3. Lakha,
sons were Bahrfa and Adeja, who was called Gudaria Pdtra (or
the son of a shepherd) ; 2. Sand,who became the head of a tribe
of that name. Sand had seven sons 1. Kaka, whose descendants
are called Kakeja Putra; 2. Jara; 3. Dera; 4. Janeja; 6. Han-
kiira, who had sons, Audheja, Jakia, Diirha, and Hankiija ; 6. Dera,
whose descendants are the Dera Samma, of Kach; 7. Jam Hothi,
who had five sons
1. Hala, whose descendants are well known
Lakha Jam, who had a son called Kaha, whose son was called
Lakha. Kaha had also a posthumous son, who was also called
Kaha, after his father.
twelve sons 1. Jam Jiina, whose descendants are the Samma kiags
of Sind, who dwelt at Samui, and who will be mentioned in their
proper places ; 2. Unar, who ruled in Bahria, and died without issue ;
Sultan Kutbu-d Din, and lastly, the officers of Aram Shah, who are
all severally described in the first and second volum.es. During the
reign of the latter king, his dominions were parcelled into four
divisions : one of which comprising Multan, the whole of Sind, and
ITch, became subject to Nasiru-d din Eabacha. At that time the
following seven Eanas in Sind were tributary to Multan : 1. E4na
Buhnar Sa'ta Eathor, of Dabra, in the district of Durbela ; 2. Eana
Sanir, son of Dhamaj, of the tribe of Kureja Samma, residing in
Tung, lying within the district of Eupah; 3. Jaisar, son of Jajji
Machhi Solankf, of Maniktara 4. Wakia, son of I'annuii Channun,
Multan ; and towards the end of the year 626 h. (1229 a.d.) Malik
Khan Khilji and his people, became masters of the country of
Siwistan. Sultan Shamsur-d dn Iltamsh, having deputed his minister
Nizamu-1 Mulk Muhammad, son of Asa'd, to besiege TJch, set out
' I do not attempt to correct the errors in the Dehli history, as given here. They
do not occur in Mir M'asdm's history, from which this chapter is abridged.
Sultan Gliiasu-d din, arrived at Multan in a.h. 728 (1328 a.d.) and
put him down. Then having deputed trusty persons to Bhatkar
and Siwistan, he returned. In a.h. 751 (1350 a.d.), while in pur-
suit of the slave Taghi,' having traversed Guzerat and Kaeh, he
arrived in the district of Thatta, and encamped at the village of
Thari on the banks of a river. From thence he removed in conse-
quence of an attack of fever, to Gandat," where he got well. He
then returned and encamped about fcrur kos rom Thatta, where he
had a relapse of fever and died.
Sultan Firoz Shah succeeded him. Taghi, who was at Thatta, on
learning this, hastened to give battle at the head of the tribes of
Sumra, Jareja, and Samma, but was defeated. The Sultan quitted
the environs of Thatta on the first day of the month of Safar of the
above year, and ordered a fort to be built on the Tiver S&okra ; and
Amir Nasr was left there with 1000 horse. He founded a city
called Nasrpur, and Malik Bahiam was made ruler of it, and the
surrounding districts. Bahrampur was named after him. MaUk
'All Sher,and Malik Taj Kafuri were left in Siwistan, and the
Sultan went to Bhakkar. He appointed Malik Euknu-d din his
vicegerent, and Malik 'Abdu-1 Aziz as minister of finance, and
garrisoned the fort with a body of chosen troops. He conferred
the title of Ikhlas Khan on Malik Euknu-d din, and entrusted
him with the affairs of all Sind. He ihen went to DehU- In a,h.
772 (1370 A.D.), after the conquest of Nagarkot he proceeded to
Thatta, whose chief. Jam Khairu-d din retired to a fort upon the
water, and there collected troops.
Scarcity of provisions, and
superabundance of mosquitos, forced the Sultan to return to Thatta.
Jam Khairu-d din submitted, came in, and paid his respects. The
Sultan carried him towards Dehli with all the other Zamindars, and
when near Sihwan, upon learning that the Jam intended to flee, he
had him put in chains. Sometime after this, he invested Jam Juna,
son of Khairu-d din with a hhil'at, and appointed him to his father's
In A.H. 790 (1388 a.d.), Piroz Shah died, and was succeeded on
Abii Bakr, Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan Sikandar Shah, and then
Sultan Nasiru-d din, who sent Sarang Khan to take possession of
Debalpur, Multan, and Sind.^
In A.H. 800 (1397 a.d.), Mirza Pir Muhammad, grandson of Amir
Timur, crossed the river (Indus) and laid siege to the fort of Uoh.
Malik 'Alf, who was there on behalf of Sarang Khan, kept him in
check for a month, and Sarang Khan despatched Malik Taju-d
din to his aid with 4000 men. Mirza Pfr Muhammad then raised
the siege, marched from ITch, and defeated him. He then com-
menced the siege of Multan. After a siege of six months, Sarang
Khan yielded and surrendered Multan. About this time, a.h. 801
(1398 A.D.), Ti'mur himself arrived at Multan. Prom this time
appearance after the Al-i Tamfm, who were the last governors on the
part of the 'Abbasides date the rule of the tribe from that time.
When, as we have related, the administration of the greater part of
Sind was held by the officers of the Ghaznivide and Ghori kings,
this tribe enjoyed full and undivided power. They sprang from
the Arabs of Samra, as has been mentioned before, who arrived in
Sind in the fourth century of the Hijra.
It is said that Chhota Amrani, brother of Dalu Eai Amrani, was
so much grieved at his brother's injustice which occasioned the ruin
of the city of Alor, and clouded the prosperity of the city of Bham-
bara, that he repaired to Baghdad and obtained from the Khahf 100
Arabs of Samra whom, with the 'Ulamal Musawi, he brought to
abiding place.
' Here is a farther error in the Dehli annals, which is not to be attributed to
Mir H'astim.
A.D.) His son Duda succeeded, and reigned twenty-four years, dying
in 485 Hijra (1092 a.d). After him Singhar reigned fifteen years ;
Khafif, thirty -six years; 'Umar, forty years; Duda, the second,
fourteen years ; Phatu, thirty-three years ; Genhra,* sixteen years ;
was dug. She then caused it to be given out that she would
choose for her husband him who should pass the river and the
Hens, and sagaciously seat himself on the right seat. Many men
were tempted to a trial, but none attained their object ; nay, they
stepped into the well of annihilation.
One day, Hamir Sumra went out hunting with three of his
suite, one of whom was Eana Mendra, his minister's wife's brother.
He happened to meet a travelling Jogf, who so extolled the beauty
of Mumal, that Hamir Sumra felt a great desire to see her. Taking
his attendants with him, they turned their heads to the direc-
taining his object, and for very shame said nothing. The next night
the girl came again, and bade one of the other strangers accompany
her, but he also returned as Hamir had done. On the third night,
the same thing happened to the third man. On the fourth night,
Eana Mendra set out with the girl, and when she wished to precede
him, according to her custom, he seized the skirt of her garment,
and put her behind, saying that it was not proper for slave girls
to precede their masters. When he reached the visionary river he
was puzzled moment. On sounding the depth of the water
for a
with the lance which he had in his hand, he found it had no real
existence. He at once passed over, and saw the Hons at the gate,
but throwing his spear at them, he found they were not really
He then pursued his object, entered the palace, and went into the
sofa room ; there he saw seven same
sofas or thrones, all of the
kind, and thought to himself that one of them must be especially
intended to sit on, and that perhaps there was some deception about
them. He then probed each with his spear, found out the sub-
stantial one, and sat down cross-legged upon it. The girl informed
Mumal of the circumstances, and of his sagacity. She instantly
came out, thoy were mutually pleased with each other, and the
marriage knot was firmly tied. Mendra passed the night in rap-
turous enjoyment, and repaired early in the momiag to the presence
him under arrest. As Mendra had given his heart to Mumal, he,
with the privity of his guards, every night secretly mounted a
averted the face of regard from her, she breathed a sigh of anguish,
and, wounded by despair, gave up her life. Intelligence of this
was conveyed to Mendra, and since a lover powerfully affects the
heart of the beloved, and as the attraction of hearts in the world of
unity tends to one and the same object, he instantly, on hearing
these lamentable tidings, sighed and expired. This story is sung in
Sindf verse at certain established places, and religious devotees are
transported to raptures and heavenly visions of Divine love, on
hearing it. A certain MuUa Mukim has written this story in
Persian verse, and called it " Tarannum-i 'Ishk," or the song of
> Lt. Sutton has given this tale in a more atttactire form, in his Sindh,
pp. 114-123.
When Marghin, her mother, found this out, she apprised Eana
Khangar of it. As a matrimonial alliance with Chanesar was the
greatest honour of the day, and there seemed no way of accom-
plishing that except by stratagem, the Eana advised Marghin to
Laila was very pressing to learn the truth, and Kaunrii, after much,
pressing, said, "The truth is, I am the daughter of a sovereign,
of such wealth, that the lustre of his jewels serves him for night-
Hghts ; hence the smoke of the lamp confused my brain, and the
recollection of past days entered my head, and I wept that they
were no more." Laila asked her for proof of the truth of this pre-
tension ; she instantly produced a most delicate dress, such as Laila
had never seen, with a necklace worth nine lakhs of rupees. Laila
was charmed with such precious rareties, and desired to have
them. Kaunru and Marghin said, " We will give them on condition
that you give us Chanesar for one night." As most women are
wanting in understanding, she agreed to the terms, and one night,
when Chanesar was drunk, she made him over to Kaunru. Chane-
sar passed the entire night in unconsciousness, and when he awoke
in the morning, was astonished at finding who it was he had in his
bosom. Kaunru's mother was all night on the alert as to what
should happen. Finding in the morning that her daughter's object
was not accomplished, she began muttering from behind the curtain,
" how strange it is that Laila should sell such a husband as Chane-
sar for a mere necklace ! and that he should be ignorant of this ; it
is not fitting that a man should again consort with such a wife."
Chanesar hearing this, looked lovingly on Kaunru ; she told him
the whole particulars of her story from beginning to end. He then
" Since the case is thus, be of good heart, for' I am no more
Laila's, and I will love you with my whole heart."
On Laila hearing of what had taken place, all her stratagems
were futile, her constant union was changed to utter separation
After the lapse of a long time, she returned to her paternal village,
and passed her time in solitude. Before this affair, a girl from the
family of Laila had been betrothed to the minister Jhakra ; but after
what had happened to Laila her relations would not give the girl
di-ess, and putting on tlie garb of a woman wlio tears the message
of assignation, veiled her face, and entered the presence of Chanesar,
when she spoke reproachfully of the relation in which he stood to
Laila. During the conversation, she played oif some coquettish
airs, and captivated Chanesar without his knowing who she was.
As all Chanesar's abandonment of Laila, and unkindness too, arose
from jealousy, and he was in reality as much attached to her as ever,
on the remembrance of the joys of the time of his union with her
he became beside himself, and said, " sweet-tongued girl ! thou
thyself art the rarest of beauties 1 How long wilt thou talk of
Laila ? Speak to me of thyself, for my heart yearns to thee !" She
replied: "How can the heart love one faithless as thou?" On
hearing her speech, Chanesar wished to tear her veil off ; but LaiM,
who was herself her own messenger, at the very height of his ardom-,
unveiled herself with her own hand. When Chanesar saw that she
was indeed Laila, he suddenly drew a cold sigh from his sorrowful
heart and expired. On seeing this, Laila, too, uttered one groan and
fell down lifeless. The pair were burned according to custom, and
liieir strange story is well remembered by the people, and is the
theme of a popular and moving song in tbe Sindi tongue. Idra'H
Beg-Lar composed a Persian poem on this story ; the present writer,
for fear of prolixity, has satisfied himself with relating thus much
of it.
bazar, lest they should give oflfence to bis followers, and some dis-
tion from the works of his predecessors, with some additional matter
from sources now lost to us, but he does not appear to have used
the writings of Birtinf, and his work is blemished by many false
' [He cannot be absolved from the blunder of having placed Thanesar in the
So&b, but the further error of locating Muttra on the east of the Jumna is due to his
translators. All the versions of Sashidu-d dfo say that the river lies on the east of
the city, (^jl^iJl See first edition pp. 73, 97. Seinaud'a
liJj?" jif-" LsV^V^j)*
Fragment; 82, lOOi]
VOL. I. 23
The Balhara . 354 Eahma, Euhmi 361
Juzr or Jurz . 358 Kashbin 361
Tafan .. . 360
Cities and Towns.
Agham^The Lohtoas
. Kajur&ha 383
Alor 363 and Ballarf .
KliUaTi, Annaii, 384
Amhal, P&mhal, etc. 363 ... Sand&bel, T^&n, Budha, Baiz^ 385
Annabel 364 Kannazbiir 389
A^kalanda 365 Mandal, Kiraj 390
Biniya, Bitiya 367 Manjabari 391
Bhambdr 368 Mionagara 392
Br^hman&bl.d,Maiistira,Ma1if&za 369 Nara.na 393
Debal, KarSjjhl, Thatta, and Nirrin, Sakiira, Jarak . . . 396
L&borl-bandar 374 SadusSn . 401
Hala-kandi, the Hellenes, Pindus 379 SamiSi, Tughlikibid, Kali-kot 401
Jandrdd 380 Sind&n, Sub&ra, SaiinOr . . 402
Kaik&n&n, Kaik^, KUiiaTS . 381 . Ttir, Muhatampur, Dirak, etc. 403
[The early Arab Geographers are unanimous in their spelling of
and the name survives in that of the modem town of Wallay, which
stands near them.'2
[Hindu authorities thus record the removal of the seat of govern-
ment to the country of Larike or Lata, which country Mas'udi names
as being subject to the Balhara, and which the other writers describe
as forming part of his dominions.]
[The capital of the Balhara is stated by Mas'udi to be " Manki'r
(or Manakir) the great centre of India," and to be situated " eighty
Sindi parasangs (640 miles) from the sea," a palpable exaggeration.
Istakhri and Ibn Haukal say that " Mankfr is the city in which the
Balhara dwells, but they do not name it in their lists of the cities of
Hind. Biruni and Idrisl make no mention of it. The unavoidable
inference is that the place had fallen to decay, and was known only
by tradition in the days of these Arab writers.]
[The name Mankir or Manakir bears a suggestive resemblance
to "Minagara," a city which Ptolemy places on the Nerbadda,
Minagara 115 x 19 SV
Barygaza Emporium (Broach) 113 15 X 17 20
Siripalla 116 30 X 21 30
Xeragere 116 20 X 19 50
Ozene (Ujjain) 117 00 x 20 00
Tiatura 115 60 X 18 50
Nasica (Nasik) 114 00 x 17 00
Namadiflnviifontes a,monteVindio 127 00 X 26 30
Eluvii flexio juxta Siripalla 116 30 X 22 00
There is a palpable error in these statements of Ptolemy, for he
places Ujjain to the south of Nerbadda, and two degrees south of the
bend of the river near Siripalla. But Ujjain lies to the north of the
Nerbadda, and the river has no noticeable bend in this quarter.
The river Mahi, however, has a very great bend ; Ujjain lies to the
south of it, and the respective bearings are more in agreement, so
that the two rivers would here seem to have been confounded.]
[Tiatura may be Talner, and Xeragere may be Dhar, as Lassen
supposes, for these are situated on well-known roads, and as General
Cunningham must have been
forcibly observes, Ptolemy's geography
compiled from routes of merchants. Comparing the bearings of the
various places, Minagara would seem to have been situated some-
where between Dhar and Broach. Lassens identifies Minagara with
Balabhi-pura, but this city was situated too far west.]
[The neighbourhood of Dhar is exactly the locality in which
visited the kingdom of " Fa,-la-pi" (VaUabhi), but his account does
not help to settle the locality of the capital, for he only says that it
Martin does not adhere to his "correction capitale," for Hwen Tsang
states that he went north from Vallabhi to Giirjjara and his expositor,
places Ourjjara to the north, while according to his own canon it
ought to be south^2
[Sulaiman writes the name "Tafak;" Ibn Khurdadba and
Mas'iidi have "Tafan." Keinaud cites also the variations "Takan"
and " Taban." Founding his opinion on the statement as to the
beauty of the women, whom he supposes to be Mahrattas, Eeinaud
places this country in the neighbourhood of Aurangabad.' His
argument is amusing, but is untenable, for it is inconsistent with the
account given of the country by the Arab writers. Mas'udi says,
" Some kings have their territory in the mountains away from the
sea, like the king of Kashmir, the king of Tafan, and others ;" and
again, " the
Mihran (Indus) comes from well-known sources in the
highlands of Sind, from the coimtry belonging to Kanauj in the
kingdom of Bauiira, and from Kashmfr, Kandahar and Tafan."
Sulaiman says that "Tafak" lies by the side of the kingdom of
Rahma or JRuhmi.
cult to fix the locality of this kingdom. The name is probably the
Sanskrit Bama. The use of kauris for money, the extremely fine
cotton fabrics,and the existence of the rhinoceros in the country,
would point to a locality on the Bay of Bengal about Dacca and
Arracan. If the neighbouring kingdom, which Mas'udi calls Kaman,
is Khurdadba calls Kamrun and places
the same as that which Ibn
on the borders of Chioa, there can be no doubt that Kamnip or
Assam is intended, and this identification, which is exceedingly
probable, will confirm the locality of Dacca as the probable site of
the kingdom of Bahma. The accounts of this kingdom and of
Kamrup were probably gathered by the Arab writers from mariners
who had visited the ports in the Bay of Bengal, and their ignorance
of the interior of the country, led them to iafer that the territories
[Tod identifies Kashbfn with Kach Bhuj, while Beinaud Supposes
it to be Mysore.* All the description given of it is that it is an
inland country, so that in the absence of any closely resembling
Indian name, its locality is a mere matter of guess.]
' [EeL des Voy. cii.]
not mentioned tiU long after the Arab conquest. Its position may
be indicated at present as Ijdng between the Gunf and the Eain
but it does not follow that it will answer to that description next
year, as the course of these streams is constantly shifting.
It is also called Agham Lohana. In the Chacli-ndma, we find
frequent mention of a chief under that name, who was governor of
Brahmanabad in the time of Chach. Lohana is the designation of
tribe, which at that period, under an apparent confusion
a powerful
of terms, is Samma and Lakha clans.
said to have included both the
It can merely mean that they were then in a position of comparative
subordiuation. Under all the vicissitudes the Lohanas have under-
gone, they still retain their credit, as weU as their religion, and
constitute the most influential tribe in Siad, whether regarded as
merchants or officials. But, not confined within that narrow pro-
vince, they have spread their ramifications beyond the western
borders of India, and are found dispersed throughout Afghanistan,
Buluohistan, and Arabia, exposed to inconveniences, insults, and
dangers of no ordinary kind, in pursuit of their darling object of
wealth, and final return to their native soil to enjoy the fruits of
their industry.
The Lohanas derive their name and origin from Lohanpur in
Multan. The date of their emigration must have been very early,
and even their own traditions do not attempt to fix it. Their sub-
divisions are said to amount at least to fifty, the chief of them being
the Khudabadi and Sihwani. They all of them wear the Janeo, or
Brahmanieal thread. Though, for the most part, they worship the
Hindu deities, a few have adopted the faith of Baba Nanak. They
are described, by an accurate observer, as eating meat, addicted to
spirituous liquors, not objecting to fish and onions, drinking water
from the hand of their inferiors as well as superiors in caste, and
being neither frequent nor regular in their deTotions.
As the town of Agham is mentioned as early as the time of
Muhammad Kdsim, we may presume that it derived its name from
the Lohana chieftain above-mentioned, wlio was the contemporary
and opponent of Chach.^
[This name is found in various forms Mas'udi (p. 23) calls it
Al Euz (p. 27), and Al Eur (p. 28). The AsKkalu-l BUdd has Aldur
(p. 34), and Alriir (p- 37) Gildemeister makes Ibn Haukal's
nifying "field."'
The name of this place frequently occurs during the early period
of Arab connection with Sind; but neither its orthography nor
position can be establisihed with certainty. The Chach-ndma, in
dififerent passages, calls it Armael, Armana-bfl, ArmapiUa, and
Axmdbel (p. 157). The Futi,hu-l bulddn has Armafl; which M.
Keinaud reads Armayl, but considers the true reading to be Arma-
byl, for the reason given in the note.' Ibn Khurdddba and Istakhri
write Annabil (pp. 14, 29) ; Ibn Haukal according to the AskMlu-l
Bildd has Armail (p. 34), and Armdbfl (p. 38), GUdemeister, his
translator, reads it as Arml,il, and suggests ArmabU. as preferable.'
The Nvhian Geographer has Armfyael and Armayfl, which his trans-
lator gives as Ermaiil (p. 77 note). The translator of Idrisi has the
same (pp. 77 and 80). Abu-1 Fida, with his usual pretensions to
accuracy, pronounces it Armabil. The Mardsidu-l Ittild' has Arma-fl.
Ouseley prefers Armaiel. An old and rare Persian lexicon writes
it as Armabal.* The I\chfaiu-l Kirdm has Armanbila, Armanpela,
or some similar name. It is not entered in any modem map which
I have seen, except that in Eees' Gyelbpcedia, where it receives the
name of Ermajil, evidently derived from the m,ap in the French or
Dutch editicai of Abbe Prevost's Histoire Ginirale des Foyages, Vol.
XV., where it bears the same name, and is apparently set down from
the statement of the Nubian Geographer. It is not in Ouseley's
designer un pensonnage qui jadis regna sur le pays et lui donna son non. Fragmenta,
p. 192.
Gildemeister, de rebmlndicit, pp. 177 and 178. * Fai-hang-i Ibruhimshdkl.
Ashalanda. Uchh.Alexandria.
which the third (v. stepra, p. 138) comprised the fort of Askalanda
and Maibar," " which are also called Talwara and Chachpur." It is
evident, from the description of the other Satrapies, that this one
contained the whole tract north-east of Alor, and south-east of the
Panjnad and Ghara ; almost precisely the same, in short, as the pre-
sent Daudputra country. Now Mafbar and Chachpur still exist,
* [It is Tery doubtful if XTsa is reaUy part of the name. See note in p. 109.]
derived from this old town of TJchh, but their position, according to
Strabo and Arrian, appears rather to have been on the western side
of the Acesines ; and it is a curious coincidence that, in that direc-
tion also, there is another ancient ITchh, now in ruins, near the
junction of the Hydaspes with that river, which offers a far more
probable identification, and allows us, moreover, to assign to the
Ossadii, instead of the Oxydraoas, the ITchh, or Askaland-Usa, near
the junction of the Hyphasis with the Acesines. The name of the
Oxydrac* assumes various forms in different authors. Sydracce in
Strabo, Syracousie in Diodorus, Scydroi, Scothroi, and Scythroi in
Dionysius, Sydraci in Pliny, Sygambri in Justin, and Oxydracx in
Strabo, Arrian, Curtius, Stephanus, and others; but ia no author
are they confounded with the Ossadii, which constituted a separate
tribe, acting entirely independent of the OxydraccB.
It is certain that neither the upper nor lower Alexandria was
built near the present ITchh. So cursorily, indeed, does Arrian
notice the confluence near that spot, that Major Eennell and Dr.
Vincent carry the Hyphasis direct into the Indus, without bringing
it first into the Acesines. Nevertheless, although Alexander may
himself have raised no city there, we might still be disposed to
admit that the celebrity of his power and conquests may have given
rise to the name of Askaland, or Askandra, did we not reflect that,
if we are to put any trust in the chronology of the Mujmalu-t Ta-
wdr'ikh, the name must have preceded the invasion of the Grecian
conqueror, and cannot therefore, independent of the other reasons
above mentioned, be connected with it.^
[This name occurs ia the list of the cities of Sind as given by
' Diod. Sic. Biblioth Sist. xvii. 102. ; Arrian, Anab. vi. 14, 15 ; Strabo, Geog.,
IV. Tauchnitz, III. 252, 273; Q. Curtius, De gest.Al, ix. 16, 31. Fragments
Arabes et Tersans, pp. 27, 47 ; Tuhfatn-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 16, 17 ; Journ. S. As.
Soc, Tol. I. p. 31 ; Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus, pp. 133-135 ; Droysen, Geschiohte
Alex., p. 446 ; Eitter, Askn, Vol. IV. pt. 1, p. 471 ; Mannert, Geog. der Griechen
und SStner, Yol. Y. Lassen, Zeitschrift f. d. Kmide d. Morgenl.,yol.Jll.-p.l^%,
and Ind. Alterth., Vol. I. Miiller, Fragmenta Sist. Orcec, Vol. II.p. 416 ; Schwan-
beck, Megasthenis Fragmenta, p. 33.
Istakhrf (p. 27), and tho Ashkalu^l BUdd of Ibn Haukal (p. 34), but
no description is given of the place. Idrisi says that it is a small
but pleasant place, about three days' journey from Mansura on the
road to Mamhal, and so it is laid down in the maps of Istakhri and
the Ashkdlu-l Bildd. It is not mentioned by Abu-1 Fida, nor in the
Marasidu-l Ittild'. The BMti mentioned by Biruni at page 61, and
the Bdtiya in the Chach-ndma (p. 174), are probably variant spel-
lings of the same name.J
Bhambur. Barharike.
Bhambura, or Bhambur, is not named in our oldest works on
Sind ; but it is mentioned in a modem native historian as having
been captured during the EhaUfat of Hariiau-r Bashid. It is the
scene of many legendary stories of Sind ; and, according to one of
them, owes its destruction in a single night to the divine wrath
which drew down upon it. Its ruins skirt the water's
its ruler's sins
edge for about a quarter of a mile, and cover a low hill almost sur-
rounded by a plain of sand, a little to the right of the road from
Karachi to Ghdra, and about two miles from the latter place. There
are evident marks of its having been at one time flourishing and
populous; and even now, after heavy rains, coins, ornaments, and
broken vessels are found among the debris of the fort.
Coupling these manifest signs of antiquity, with the fact that the
natives commonly considered Bhambur as the oldest port in Sind,
and that the legend at page 332) proves its connection with the
main stream of the Indus, it may possibly represent the Barbarik
Emporium of the Periplus, and the Barbari of Ptolemy ; the easy
conversion from the native Bhambur into the more familiar Barbari
being a highly probable result of the wanton mispronunciation to
which the Greeks were so mudi
But opposed to this is
the statement of Arrian, that Barbarike was on the centre stream of
the Delta, which would make L^horf-bandar its more likely repre-
sentative. Perhaps in Arrian's time there may have been direct
communication between the main channel and Bhambur.'
' Arrian, Feriplta maris Eryth., pp. 22, 24 ; Ptolemy, Oeogr. lib. viu c. ; Capt.
McMurdo, Journ. E. A. S., Vol. I. p. 25 ; Lt. Buitou, Sindh, p. 389 ; Tuhfatu-f
Zirdm, MS. pp. 19, 166, 231.
Brdhmandbdd. Mansura.Mahfuza.
In the time of the native dynaistles which preceded the Arabs, the
capital ofLower Siiid was BrahmanaMd.
[The old name of the place, according to Biruni, was Bahmanu or
Bahmanwa. The Ashkdlu-l Bildd calls it Bamiwan (p. 34), but
Ibn Haukal gives the name as " Tamframan" according to Gilde-
meister, and " Mamiwan" according to Major Anderson. Idrisl has
p. 120; Eeinaud, Fragments, pp. 41, 113; Mem. aur I'Inde, p. 61; Jour. It. A. S.
I. 27 Fii'ishta, It. 406
; Gildemeister, de reius Ind. 1 64 ; J. A. S. Beng. xxi. p. fiO.]
TOL. I. 24
but the mere fact that all the geogi'aphers agree m representing a
branch of the Indus as flowing by Mansura, is quite sufficient to
dislodge Nasrpur, which is twelve miles from the nearest point of
the river.
Biladurf tells us that, after Hakim had built Mahfuza on the
Indian side of the lake,
body f water, whatever it may have
^his successor 'Amru built Mansura on this (the western)
worthy of remark, that the meaning of the two names is the same
both signifying " the protected, the abode of refuge." The identity,
or resemblance of name, therefore, would be as much in favour of
Mahfuza as Mansura.
Nasrpur, which modern authorities universally spell as Nasirpur,
was built, or rather re-constructed, on the river Sankra, by Amir
Nasr, who V7as detached by SultAn JPi'roz Shah for that purpose, with
a thousand cavalry, in 751 a.h., 1350 a.d. Nasrpur was sub-
sequently the favourite residence of the Tarkhans, and was greatly
embellished by them during their brief rule.'
The distances laid down also by Ibn Haukal are, -with one excep-
tion sufficiently correct. Thus, from Mansura to Debal is six days'
journey, which is exact, on the supposition that Debal, as elsewhere
shown, is Karachi, From. Mansura to Turan is fifteen days' journey,
which, also agrees well enough with Haidardbad. From Maaasura to
Kandabel (Ganddva) is eight days' journey, which also agrees very
well. " He who travels from Mansura to Bndha must go along the
banks of the Indus as far as Sihwan," which shows Mansura to be
close on the Indus, as, indeed, it is elsewhere expressly declared to
be, and not so far removed as Nasrpiir, From Mansura to Oambay
is twelve days' joiirney. Here the distances are long, but the desert
must have made continuous travelling indispensable, as the halting
five parasangs between Multan and Mansiira, and his statement may
be considered a sufficient corrective of the other geographers (p. 24).
It may be proper to add, that none of these ancient places,
mentioned in this and other Notes, have sites assigned to them
in any modern maps. Bumes, Wieland, Vivien de St. Martin,
Berghaus, Zimmermann, all reject them. D'Avezac enters some, but
all erroneously, except Debal, at least, according to the principles
above enunciated. Even Kiepert, in his valuable Kwrte von AU-
Indien, Berlin, 1853, drawn up for the illustration of Professor
Lassen's Indisohe AUerthumskunde, enters only Brahmanabad; and
that he places on the right bank of the presumed ancient course of
the Sindhu, which he has laid down as flowing fax to the eastward
of the present Indus. As he has admitted other names more modem
than these, he should not have ignored them all.
[Since the death of Sir H. Elliot the remains of a buried city,
supposed to be the ancient Brahmanabad, have been discovered and
explored by Mr. A. P. BeUasis, of the Bombay Civil Service. The
exact position of the riiins is stated to be forty-seven miles north-
east of Haidarabad, and if their investigator is right in believing
them to be the ruins of Brahmanabad, the question of the position
favour, though it has not yet been satisfactorily proved; and one
circumstance is strongly against it :
Large numbers of coins were
discovered the ruins; but the great bulk of these were
Muhammadan, and the few Hindu coins that were brought to light
" seem to be casual contributions from other provinces, of no very
have been found. The coins discovered were those of Mansur bin
Jamhur, Abdu-r Bahman, Muhammad 'Abdu-ll^h and Umar (see
ivjara, p. 127).']
Modern authors have also for the most part inclined to Thatta,
including De la Eochette and EenneU. McMurdo, while he
says that Thatta is still known to the Arabs by the name of Debal
alone, shows that the latter must have been a seaport.* Sir A.
Bumes says, also, that Thatta is called by the Arabs Dewal Sindy,'
and himself assigns Kalankot as its position.' Lieut. Burton says,
we are certain that the modem Thatta occupies the ground of the
ancient Dewal, as the Arabs and Persians know it by no other
name, Shal-i Debali stUl being used to mean a shawl of Thatta
D'Anville more correctly establishes it on one of the mouths of
the Indus ;
and some others, resigning Thatta, have assigned other
localities to Debal. M. Eeinaud inclines to the neighbourhood of
Karachi ;
" and so does Elphinstone."" Dr. Burnes says it occupied a
site between Karachi and Thatta, in which he foUows Mr. Nathaniel
Crow," one of the first of our modem enquirers in Sind, who
combined much discrimination with ample opportunities of local
But there can be no question that Debal was on, or close to, the
Briggs, Eistory, etc., Vol. IV. p. 404. ' Tdrii)i-i Sintl, MS. pp. 2, 8.
Ayeen AhUree, Vol. II. p. 116. * Journ. li. A. Soc, Vol. I. pp. 29, 234,
Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. p. 31.
CMool, p. 17. ' Sindh, p. Sid. Unhappy Valley, Vol. I. p. 128.
Antiq. de VInde, p. 34. Mimoire tur I'Inde, p. 170.
Debal, or rather Dewal, " the temple," was doubtless aequired from
the conspicuous position which that object must have occupied from
the sea ; where it was calcidated to attract the gaze and reverence of
the passing mariner, like its fellow shrines of Dwaraka and Somnat
and as there is no other so eligible and commanding a spot along the
whole coast of Sind, from Cape Monze to Kotesar, it is highly
probable that the promontory on which fort Manora now stands is
the identical site occupied by the celebrated temple which gave name
to the port of Debal,' and which, as being the Palladium of its
security, was the chief object of attack to the catapults which had
been brought round by the sea to effect its destruction.'
The Sarandi'p vessels were, in their distress, driven to " the shore
Kdna 'Ubaid, who lived even as late as the year 1000 a.h.
(1591 A.D.).*
BUadurf also speaks of "the Bay of Debal" (p. 116), and of the
shipswhich had been despatched from the Persian Gulf, arriving at
Debal with soldiers and mangonels (p. 120). Elphinstone considers
this latter fact as decisive against Thatta ;
* but too much may be
built on this argument, for, subsequently, we find these same
mangonels carried by watr even to Nairun.
Ibn Haukal says, Debal is a " large port on the shore of the sea,
' The budd, or temple, was contiguous to the town of Debal, not within it, (see
p. 120).
> It ia worthy of remark that Manora ia the name of one of the celebrated Bud-
dhist patriarchs. Abel-Remusat writes it "Manura." M. Stanislas Julien "Manorata;"
[or Sanskrit Manoratha.']
Milanget Asiatiquei, Tom. I p. 1 15. Indiache A Iterthum-
> Gildemeister reads " east," but the Ashkdlu-l Sildd and Istakliri must b^ correct
in giring "west." De rebus Indicts, pp. 170, 178, 179. See Mimoire sur I'Inde,
p. 170. ' Juynboll, Lexicon ffeographicum, Vol. I. p. 421.
' T. Kirdm, MS. p. 234. This may mean merely "the port connected with Debal,"
ecause at p. 1 we read, " Debal isnow called Thatta."
points slightly in favour of its being Debal, there are others which
are decisive against it. It is itself fifteen miles from the shore of
the sea : it has no bay: and a passage in Bfruni is very conclusive :
where, after saying that the gulf of Turan (the present bay of Sun-
miani) lies between Tiz and Debal, he adds, that beyond the gulf of
Tiiran are the small and great mouths (of the Lidus), the one near
the town of Loharani, the other to the east, on the borders of
Kachh. The country (between them) bears the name of Sind
Sagara, or the sea of Sind (pp. 49. 65).^ Loharanf (Lahori) is here
mentioned as quite distinct from Debal, and was then evidently only
just rising into importance,
Ibn Batuta calls the place "Lahiriya" or "Lahari"' ^but it
generally goes now by the name of Lahorf, probably from its pre-
sumed connection with Lahore. Its ruin and abandonment have
now given a greater prominence to the port of Dharaja, which lies
Mas'udi says, that " at Saimur, Subara, Tana and other towns a
language called Lariya is spoken," so that, it seems not unreason-
able to suppose that Lari Bandar was the original form under which
this port was first known.
' Fragments Arahes, pp. 113, 119.
' Kosegarten, de Mohammede ebn Batuta, p. 17. Defr^mery, Paris, 1866.
" Lassen, Zeitschrift f. d. h. d. Morgml. Vol, I. p. 227.
D'Auville, Eclaireitae-
menta aur la Carte de I'Jnde, pp. 69, 75. Tod, Western India, pp. 187-9, 266.
* Fragments Arabea, p.
H2. Gildemeister, De rebus Indicia, pp. 186, 188.
Mem.sur PInde, pp. 200, 298.
' [The Ldta-desa of Sanskrit geography, and the Larice of Ptolemy and the
Periplus, is the country about the gulf of Cambay and the mouth of the Kerbudda.
The Arab geographers agree, also, upon this locality. It is Tery questionable if that
term is susceptible of the extension which Sir H. Elliot here seeks to give it. The
Lar of Sind would rather seem to be a distinct name. See McMurdo, Jour. E, A. S.
I. 224. ; Hwen Tsang III. 409.]
Hellenic race :
" The land of Hellas, a name so dear to civilization and the arts, was so called
from the magnificent range of heights situated in Beloochistan, styled the Hela '
mountains. * The chiefs of this country were called ' Helaines,' or the
'chiefs of the Hela.' "
' Travels in Western India, p. 474. Hal&r in Guzer&t is called after a Jhareja
prince of the same name.
' E. Pococke, India in Greece, p. 48: This is an unfair contortion, in order to suit
the etymology: the real spelling being Bdla, or, more correctly, Sdra; so that wa
have, unfortunately, nothing but the simple initial aspirate to support the grand
Hellenic hypothesis. See the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., pp. 130, 164.
remarkable feature in Greece. It is not a little reniarliablc, that in the latter country
the true Pindue * * * should give nearly the corresponding length of the
Pind in Afghanistan, viz., a distance of about sixty miles."
[About a mile, or half a parasang, from Multan was the castle or
derive its first syllable from the Arabic word Jand, a cantonmeBt or
military colofiy, in which case the name would signify the " can-
tonment on the river." But Hafiz Abru, in an extract which will
appear in Vol. IT., informs us that the river Chinab was called
" Jamd ; " the name of the placCj therefore, may have been Jamd-
rud. Multan itself is situated about three miles from the Chinab,
so that Jandrud, or Jamdriid, must have been, its port on that river.]
The Ghaeh-ndma tells us that, under the Eaf dynasty, the Sindian
territory extended " as far to the north as the mountains of Kirdan'
country lying between Multan and Kabul, in a.h. 44, " Turks are
encountered in the country of Kaikan." In another, 'Abd-ulla
sends to Mua'wiya the "horses of Kaikan " (p. 117), which he had
' [This name may be read "Katwau," and the initial may be optionally G.I
2 MS. pp. 72-78.
except that the district of Atal is said to lie between Kaikanan and
Kandabel, ^which, of itself, attributes to it a much greater extension
to the north, than if it were a mere portion of Turan.*
The later Arab geographers follow these authorities, and add
nothing further to our information.
Abu-1 Fazl Baihaki mentions Kaikahan amongst the other pro-vinces
imder the authority of Mas'ud, the Ghaznivide ; and as Hind, Sind,
Nfmroz, Zabulistan, Kasdar, Makran, and Danistan are noticed
separately, it shows that Kaikahan was then considered a distinct
1 Gildemeister, <fo reim Indicia, pp. 164, 174, 177. ' Tdrikh-iMafiidi, MS.
3 Foe-tcoue-ki, p. 395 ; Hwen Tsang III. 18S, 414 Him.sur Flnde, p. 176.
prised the Sulaimanf range to the south of the Gumal; and the
celebrity of its horses would appear to point to a tract further to the
west, including Saharawan and .Mushkf, where horses, especially
those used on the plain of iMangachar, are still in great demand,
and whence they are often. sent for shipment to the coast.
and Balra ; Idrisi has Atri and Kalari ; Abti-l Fida has Kallarf,
Auaari, and Ballari, and these agree with the names as they appear
in the map of the Aslikdlu-l Bildd. They were three neighbouring
Kallari two days from Annarf, and Mansura only one day from
Kallari. Ibn Haukal places Annari and KaUari on the east of
the Mihran, but Idrisi says, that it stands on the western bank (p.
79) ; and enters into details which show pretty clearly its relative
being very few. The final syllable is occaBionally nil, ial, and t/al; but iel is most
probably the correct form. "We find the same termination in Arm5.-bel, or the modern
Bela. It may possibly be connected with the Mongol balu, " a city," as in Khdn-
ialu, the city of the Kh&u. See Joum. S. A. Soc, Yol. XV. p. 200.
VOL, I. 25
and the Turks " ' (p. 106). Biladuri frequently mentions it, and
speaks of Kandahar as entirely separate and distinct (pp. 117, 118,
125, 127). He tells us it was situated on a hill or elevated site, and
that 'Amran, after taking the town, transferred the principal inhabit-
ants to Kusdar (p. 128), from which place it was situated at the
distance of five parasangs."
According to Ibn Haukal, and the corresponding passages in
Istakhrf (p. 29), Ouseley's Oriental Geography, and the Ashkdlu-l
Bildd, Kandabel was the Budha, and a large place of
capital of
commercial traffic, deficient in the produce of the date-palm, and
situated in a desert, eight stages from Mansiira, and ten through the
desert from Midtan.'
All these descriptions make Kandabel correspond sufficiently with
the modem Gandava, to leave no doubt of their identity. Later
historians speak of it as being on the borders of Kirman,* but their
notions of that province were very indefinite, and any place on the
eastern confines of Sind would equally answer their loose mode of
eighty miles north-east of Kusd&r. Has not " parasangs " been entered instead of
3 GUdemeister, 172, 177, 178. * Elmacin, Sistoria Saracmiea, ann. 101.
Sihw&u on the Indus is here alluded to ; but the town of SeW, or Sibi, and the
proyince of SSwistin, are the constant source of confusion and mistake, whenever the
name occurs ; insomuch, that it is sometimes difficult, as in the passages here quoted,
to determine positively which place is indicated. This perplexity is not diminished
by the fact of the large province of Sist^n, or Sijistin, being not very remote.
and Jaakan (Jangar), and the skirts of the hills of Eujhdn, as far
as the borders of Makrdn (p. 138)." Again, " Chach marched
towards the fortress of Budapur and Siwistan." After crossing the
Indus " he went to Budhiya, the capital of which tract was Nanaraj
Kakaraj), and the inhabitants of the place called it Sawfs."
"After taking the fort of the Sawis, he moved towards Siwistan ''
(p. 145).
When Siwistan was attacked by Muhammad Kasim, the governor
fled to Budhiya, where was " a fortress called Si'sam,' on the banks
of the Kumbh," whither he was pursued by the Arab general, who
encamped with a portion of his army at " Nilhan on the Kumbh."
Here, the chiefs of Budhiya determined to make a night attack upon
his camp. These chiefs of Budhiya, who were of the same family
as the ruler of Sisam, are subsequently shown to be Jats ' whose
origin was derived from a place on the banks of the Gang, which
they call Aundhar." ^ After failing in this expedition, they volun-
tarily surrendered themselves, as they had " found from the books of
the Buddhists that Hindustan was destined to be conquered by the
army of Islam," and then turned their arms vigorously against their
former comrades. On Muhammad's advancing to.. Sisam, " some of
the idolaters fled to Budhya, higher up: some to the fort of Ba-
hftliir,* between Saluj and Kandhabel " (p. 162) ; and there sued for
peace, and after agreeiug to pay tribute, sent their hostages to
In the Mufmalu-t Tawdrikk we read that Bahman, the Persian
king, "built in the country of Budh a town called Bahmanabad,
which according to some is Mansura " (p. 106).
Basea in p. 12S.]
In Istakhri (p. 29), and in Ibn Haukal, it assumes the form of
Budh, or Budha. " The infidel inhabitants within the borders of
Sind are called Budha and Mand. They reside in the tract between
1 the proTince of Sebi (Sfwistin), according to the Tuhfatu-l Kirdtn.
III [It is
Mansura to the first borders of Budha is fifteen stages' (p. 39), and
any one who travels that road must go along the banks of the
Mihran until he reaches Sadustan (Sihwan)."
" Nadha," or " Nudha," seems to be the reading preferred by Idrisi
(p. 83), and the Nubian geographer. Kazwini describes the ciountry as
1 See also Gildemeister, de teb. Ind., pp. 164, 171, 172, 177.
' This, if the right i must be understood in the sence of remotest, because
the capital Kand&bel is declared to be only eight stages, and Tfir&n, which is conter-
minous with Budh on the west, is only set down at fifteen stages. The Ashkdlu-l
JBildd gives the distance from Mansura to the nearest point of Budh as only five
marches. This is probably the correct reading. See Journal A. S. ., 1852, No. 1,
p. 73.
De rei. Jndicis, p. 216.
3 ' Ed. Juynboll, Vol. ll. p.
If Nudha could be supposed the correct reading,
5 it would lend an interest to a
passage in Dionysius, who says in his Periegesis
lyShv ndp irorafiiiv vSriot SKudai evyitovffivY. 1088.
NoTioi might be meant for " the Nodhites," instead of " southern," as usually
translated ; or the Arabs might have converted the " southern" into a separate class
with a distinctive name.
Afghan province of
part of the Siwistan.' In the Ayin-i Akhari. the
town of Budhyan is mentioned as being on the northern frontier of
Sirkar Thatta, one hundred kos fron? Bandar Lahori.
It is impossible to assent to an hypothesis Ifitely started in the
Journal of the Asiatic Society, quoted above, that this tract was desig-
nated after the present Burohees, or Brahufs. Their name itself is
if the name had any significant origin at all, it was derived from the
Mandal. -Kiraj.
It is difficult to fix the position of Mandal, one of the places to
which Junaid despatched an expedition.
The name of Mandal, or Mandalam, being applied generally to
upon this occasion.
signify "aregion," in Sanskrit, adds to our doubts
Thus we have Tonda-Mandalam, Pandu-Mandalam, Chola-Man-
dalam, and -many others. [Almost, or entirely, aU of them being
situated in the South.] The most noted Mandal of the Arab geo-
graphers was that whence Mandal! aloe- wood w^as derived; hence
agallochum was frequently called "Mandal;" but no one seems to
have known where it was situated. Kazwinf says no one can
penetrate to it, because it lies beyond the equinoctial line; but he
calls it a city of India, taking that word in its enlarged sense of
East Indies. [The Mardsidu-l Ittila' calls it a city of Hind, but
gives no indication of its locality. Abu-1 Fida has no notice of it.]
by another name, Eaen. Altogether, Mandal in Gruzerat, better
known as Oka-Mandal, offers, from its antiquity and its position as
the western district of that peninsula, the most probable site for the
Mandal of Junaid.
From the expression of the historian Tabari, that the Arabs never
recovered possession of Kiraj and Mandal, there would seem to be
an implication that these places lay beyond the province of Sind,
and that they were at no great distance from one another. They
are also m.entioned together in the passage under consideration.
The " Kfraj " of Tabari and the Futuhu-l Buldan seems to be the
same place as the " Kaj " of Biruni. The name occurs again as
"Kiraj" and "Kiaraj" in the Chach-ndma (pp. 189, 197), and was
probably situate in, if not named from, Kachh, though the exact
site of the town cannot now be established.
[Such appears to be the preferable mode of spelling the name
which appears in Istakhri as Manhanari (p. 27), in Ibn Haukal as
Manhatara, and' in Idrisi as Manabari (p. 77). It is described as
being on the west of the river, three days' journey south from
Sadusan (Sihwan), and two days short of Debal, the two maps
agree with this account. The route from Mansura to Debal crosses
the river at this place. It has been supposed to be the Mionagara
of the ancients. See the next article " Minnagara."]
which the Periplus represents Broach to be the port]. The one on,
or near, the Indus was the capital of Indo-Scythia, and. the Bina-
gara, or Agrinagara, of Ptolemy. We learn from the Tuhfatu-1
Kirdm that in the twelfth century Minagar was one of the cities
dependent on Multan, and was in the possession of a chief, by
caste an Agri, descended from Alexander. "When we remember
that Arrian informs us that Alexander left some of his troops,
(including, no doubt, Agrians), as a garrison for the town at the
junction of the' Indus and Acesines, this affords a highly curious
coincidence, which cannot, howcTer, be further dilated upon in this
[Ijxtract of General Ounningham's ArchoBologlcal Beport for
1864-5,Pa^e 1.]
Sir H. Elliot, who says, however, that with one exception " Narwar
satisfies all the requisite conditions." But this position is quite
untenable, as will be seen by the proofs which I am now about to
bring forward in support of its identification with Ndrdyan, the
capital of Sairdt, or Matsya.
According to the Chinese pilgrim, Hwen Tsang, the capital of
the kingdom of Po-U-ye-to-lo, which M. Eeinaud has identified with
Pdrydtra, or Bairdt, was situated at 500 or 83f miles, to the west
' Compare Eitter, Die Erdkundevon Alien, Vol. IV. part 1, p. 475, and Vol. V.
p. 181. Ptol. Geogr. Lib. VII. Vincent, Feriplus of the Erythra.an
c. I, tab. 10.
Sea, p. 349. D'Anville Antiq, de P Inde, p. 34. Manner*, Geog. der Oriechen and
JKmer, Vol. V. pp. 107, 130, 136. Hudson, Geog. Vet. Seripioi-ea Gr<Bei Min. Vol.
I. Bumes' Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. p. 79. Journal E. A. 8. Vol. I. p. 31.
C. Lassen, Be Pentapotamia Ind. p. 57. AUgemeine Encycl(^. : Art. Indien, p, 91
Arriani, Ss Mxpedit : Alex : Lib. VL 15.
Hwen Tsang's narrative ; and this being fixed, we may identify the
capital of Satadru, or the Sutlej Provinces, with the famous Fort of
Hansi, which successfully resisted the arms of Mahmud of Grhazni.
According to the Tabakdt-i Ndsiri, Hansi was the ancient capital of
about seventy miles. The fourth stage, named Bajori, still exists
under the same name, twelve miles to the south of Mdcheri, and about
fifty miles to the north-west of Hindon. From thence to Narainpur
and Bairdt, the road lies altogether through the hiUs of Alwar or
Macheri, which makes it difficult to ascertain the exact distance.
By measurements on the lithographed map of eight miles to the
inch, I make the distance to be about sixty mUes, which is sufficiently
near the twenty parasangs, or seventy miles of Abii Eihan's account.
According to the other itineraries of Abu Eihan, Nardna was
twenty-five parasangs to the north of Chitor in Mewdr, fifty para^
sangs to the east of MuUdn, and sixty parasangs to the north-east of
Anhaltvdra. The bearings of these places from Bairdt are all
sufficiently exact, but the measurements are more than one-half too
short. For the first distance of twenty-five parasangs to Chitor, I
would propose to read sixty-five parasangs, or 227 miles, the actual
distance by the measured routes of the Quarter-Master General
being 217^. As the distance of Chitor is omitted in the extract from
Abu Eihan, which is given by Eashidu-d Din,^ it is probable that
there may have been some omission or confusion in the original of
the Tdrikh-i Hind from which he copied. The erroneous measure-
ment of fifty parasangs to Multan is, perhaps, excusable on the
ground that the direct route through the desert being quite impass-
able for an army, the distance must have been estimated. The error
in the distance of Anhalwara I would explain by referring the
measurement of sixty parasangs to Chitor, which lies about midway
s [See the variant readings in p. 59 to which may be added ^-^J^, from Sii
H. EUiof s MS.]
form than with the initial N, followed by yd, which leaves us still
in doubt whether the word be Nairun, Niriin, or Nerun ; but it is
Under tlie dynasty of tke Kais, Nirun was included within the
gdvennnent of Brahmanabad (p. 158). The inhabitants of Nfrun
solicited from the Arabs a cartel of protection, as their city was " on
the very road of the Arabs to Sind" (p. 157). After the conquest
of Debal, " Md. Kasim directed that the catapults should be sent by
boat towards the fort of Nirun (p. 47), and the boats went up the
stream called Sindh Sagara,' while he himself advanced by way of
Sisam"" (p. 157). "When Md. Kasim went from Debal "to the
fortress of Nfrun, which is twenty-five parasangs distant, he marched
for six days, and on the seventh arrived at Nfnin, where there is a
meadow which they call BaUiar, situated on the land of Baniizf,''
which the inundations of the Indus had not yet reached (p. 158),
and the army consequently complained of being oppressed by thiist.
This drought was seasonably relieved through the efficacy of the
general's prayers, " when all the pools and lakes which were round
that city were replenished with water." He then "moved towards
Siwistan (Sihwan) by several marches, until he reached Bahraj or
Mauj,* thirty parasangs from Nirun" (p. 158). After his expedition to
Siwistan and Biidhiya, he was directed by Hajjaj to return to Nirdn,
and make preparations for crossing the Indus (p. 163) . He accordingly
' [Sir H. Elliot read this name as ; bot the MS. of the E. I. Lib.
Dhand S&gara
gives it distinctly as " Sind-sagar," and been adopted in the text. Sir
this has
H. Elliot's copy seems rather to read Wahand, or "Wahind-sigar, a name whioh is
also admissible, see p. 266. It is called in the text an di, or " water," which has
been rendered by "stream," as it is manifest that the only water communication be-
tween Debal and Nirfin must have been by one of the channels of the Indus. Accord-
ing to Capt. McMurdo, Debal was situated on the most wiestem branch of the Indus,
called " S&g6.ra," up which Muhammad KSiim conveyed his engines. Joum. . A.
Soc, Vol. I. pp. 29, 32.]
2 [Both MSS, agree in reading " Sfsam " as the name of the place by which Muham-
mad K&sim proceeded, but it Ban hardly be the place of that name to which he
advanced after the capture of Sfwist^u (pp. 160, 161).] Bil^duri merely mentions
the advance to Niriin (p. 121).
' [This sentence has unfortunately slipped out of the translation as printed at
p. 168.] The word again occurs" from the camp of Barfizi," and must be the
name of a place. If the reading had not been plain in both instances, I should have
preferred " Nirfini."
* [Sir H. Elliot's MS. of the Oheush-ndma gives this name as " Bahraj," but the
E. I. Library copy has " Mauj," and this reading is confirmed by the MS. of the
Tuhfaiu-l Kirdm (p. 7). On the other hand, Istakhri's map as given by Moeller
lays down "Bahraj " in the locality
indicated by the Chaoh-n&ma, conflict of au- A
thority leaving the true reading doubtful, though " Bahraj " seems preferable.]
moved back by several difficult marches " to the fort which is on the
hill of Nirun;"' vsrhere there was a beautiful lake and charming
grove (p. 163). This fort was the nearest point to the capital of
the Khalif. After crossing the Indus, a garrison was left at Nfrdn,
to keep open the communications in the rear and protect the con-
voys (p. 144).
Istakhri (p. 28) and Ibn Haukal tell us that " Niriin lies between
Debal and Mansura, but nearer to the latter, and that any traveller
who wishes to go to Mansura, must cross the river Indus at Manja-
bari, which is on the western bank, and stands opposite to Man-
sura" (p. 37). The subsequent geographers copy these authors, as
usual, adding little further information. Idrisi places it distinctly
on the western bank (p. 78). Abu-1 Fida says it is fifteen para-
sangs from Mansura, and fixes it in latitude 26 40', on the autho-
Kanun of Biriini'.'
rity of the
sent them to the fort of Nirun, by way of the water of Sakura, while
he himseK marched by land."' Elsewhere, we are informed in the
same work, that "Debal, now called Thatta, was in the land of
Sakura." * Again, Tharra, which was a strong fort near Thatta, was
"in the land of Sakura."* Again, Dewal, Bhambur, Bagar, and
Tharra were each " excellent cities in the land of Sakura."
In the A'yin-i Akhari Sakura is entered as a Pergana in Sirkar
Thatta ; and in the TdriXh-i Tdhir'i it is also spoken of as a Per-
gana, lying under the Makali hills, in which Thatta itself was in-
two days' journey from the town of Debal ; and it is added that both
branches of the Indus disembogue into the sea at that place. It
does not seem improbable that we have the same word in the Sagapa
p. 240.
2 Qeographie d' Abou-l Fe'da, Teite Arabe, p. 348. D'AnTille, Eclairoissemmts sur
la Carte de I'Inde, p. 37, et seq.
3 MS. p. 6. * Ibid., p. 1. Ibid., p. 11. 6 Ms. pp. 20, 48.
tingly from the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, down to the latest English tourist.'
Even if it could be accounted for by supposing that the Falaill then
constituted the main stream of the Indus, we should nevertheless
find that the distances assigned to Nirun from various places named
would not make it correspond in position with Haidarabad.
Geoff., Lib. vii. Periplus, p. 32, in Hudson's Geograph, Greed Minores, Vol. I.
2 Dr. Burnes, Visit to the Court of Sinde, p. 162 See also Capt. McMurdo,
Journ. E. A. Soe., Vol. I. p. 25.
' T. Kirdm, MS. Tod, Annalt of Sajasthan, VoL I.
p. 218. McMurdo,
Journ. E. A. Soe., Vol. 1. pp. 30, 234. Burnes, Travels into Sokhara, Vol. III.
p. 31. Elphinstone, History of India, Vol. I. p. 604. Burton, Sindh, pp. 131. 376.
The latter says its ancient name is not only Nerun's Port, but PatalpiSr. If so, we
can be at no loss for Pattala.
locality depends chiefly upon the sites which are assigned to other
disputed cities, more especially to Debal and Mansura. I have else-
where stated my reasons for considering Debal to be represented by
Karachi, and Mansura by Haidarabad. Much also depends on the
real value of the farsang,' which greatly varied in different places,
the Khilafat.
Lakes abound in the neighbourhood, and are large enough, espe-
cially the Kinjar, to have admitted Muliammad Kasim's fleet.
^ On
the Persian farsang, the Greek parasang, or Arabic farsakh, see the Metrop.
and Penny Cyclop., v. " Parasang."
Ainsworth's Preface to Travels in the Track of
the Ten Thousand.
Grote's Sist. of Greece, Vol. SI. pp. 19-22. Ouseley's Orient.
Qeog., p. xxii.
Eennell's Oeog.of Western Asia, I. xlL Eeinaud, Gdog.d'Abou-t
Fida, Tom. I. Freytag, Lex. Arab., s.t. Forbiger, Sundbuch der alt. Geog..
Vol. I. p. 555. In KhlSzistkn
reckoned at three miles and three quarters,
it is
Journ. R. Qeog. Soc, Vol. IX. p. 31. This is also the length assigned by Ouseley
and Kinneir. On the Tigris we have it given as only two miles and a half. Trans.
Eombay Geog. Soc, Vol. X. p. 119.
2 Mas'fidi (p. 21) is represented as laying down the Sindian parasang at eight
miles. The same passage is rendered by Reinaud as " yodjanas," which would also
imply a long parasang. Mimoire, p 69. .
twelve miles from Helai, and therefore the distances already laid
down, with no great profession of exactness, would answer nearly
equally well. Its commanding position, on a ledge of rock over-
hanging the Indus, necessarily denotes it to have been always a site
The Tdrlkh-i Alfi, in a passage relating to Sultan Jalalu-d din's
proceedings on the Indus, mentions that Sadusan was subsequently
called Sistan. Though the writer here commits the common error
Sdmui. Tughlikabdd.
Samui deserves notice from the attempt which has been made to
establish it as the celebrated Minnagara of the ancient geographers.
It was the capital of the Jams of the Samma dynasty, and, according
VOL. I. 26
Bumes. Travels, Yol. III. pp. 31, 79 ; and Caiool, pp. 16-18. Lt. Burton, Sindi
p. 388; and Unhappy Valley, Vol. I. p. 106. T. Kirdm, MS. pp. 19, 20, 82, 84.
Kitter, Jsien, Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 476.
McMurdo, Jeurn. JR. A. Soc, I. 30, 232.
makes the distance from Broacli to Sindan fifty parasangs, and from
Sinddu to Sufara six parasangs. Abu-1 Fida says that Sindan was
the last city of Guzerat, and the first of Manfbar (Malabar), three
days' journey from Tana. It is hardly possible to reconcUe all these
statements, but' there seems to be sufficient evidence for making
Siadin the most southerly. It was on a bay or estuary a mile and
a-half fram the sea, and the modem Daman is probably its present
representative. Subara was similarly situated at the same distance
from the sea, and finds a likely successor in Surat. Istakhrf's state-
ment would make Saimiir the most southerly, but this is at variance
with Mas'iidi and Al Bfruni, who say that it was in Lar (the
country round Broach), and with Idrisi's statement of its being at
only two days' journey from Broach. But it is not easy to see how it
could have been only two days from Broach and yet five from Sindan.
Notwithstanding the incongruity of these statements, it must have
been a place of considerable size and importance. It is the only one
of these three towns that has received notice by Kazwinf. His
account of the place is given in page 97 supra, but it supplies no
data on which to fix the locality. Abu-1 Pida does not mention it,
Tur was the ancient capital oi the Sumra dynasty, called also by
the name of Mehmetiir, and written by the local historians as Muha-
tampur and Muhammad-Tur. It was situated in the Pargana of
Dirak, and its destruction has been mentioned in the Extracts from
the Tdrikh-i TdMr't (p. 256). But its real ruin dates only from
'Alau-d din's invasion of Sind.
The ancient Pargana of Dirak is represented by the modem
The present mode is Mammet our own old English word for an
image, or puppet, when in our ignorance we believed Mawmetrie, or
the religion of the false prophet, to be synonymous with idolatry, and
Mdhouud with the Devil. So Shakespere, in Borneo and Juliet, says
" A whining mammet, in her fortune 's tender."
And Spenser, in his Faerie Queene
"And oftentimes by Termagant and Mahound swore."
The still grosser corruption of Muhammad into " Baphomet," or
" Baffomet," is not to be laid to the charge of our nation. This
was the name of the idol, or head, which the Templars are falsely
alleged to have worshipped, quoddam caput cum harbd quod adorant
et vacant salvatorem suum. Eaynouard argues that this word ori-
ginates from a misprint, or mispronunciation, of Muhammad ; but
Yon Hammer and Michelet lean to a Gnostic origin, which we need
not stay to consider, being satisfied that " Bafibmet" is only another,
and stiU more extravagant disguise, under which Europeans have
exhibited the name of Muhammad.'
' Seg-Ldr-ndma, MS. p. .Tuhfattt-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 162, 166.Dr. Bnrne3,
ritit to the Court of Sitid, p. 134. Capt. McMnrdo, Journ. R. A. Soe., Vol. I. pp.
2i, 226, 233.
' Eaynouard, Monuments hist. rel. d la condamnulion
de Templiers, pp. 261-302 ;
and in Michaud's Bist. des Croisadea, Tom, V. p. 672 and in J. des Savants, for
on the west, Makran and the shore of the sea of 'Uman, that is, the
port of Debal ; on the south, the port of Siirat (Surashtra) ; and
on the north, Kandahar, Sfstan, the hills of Sulaiman and Kaikanan.
As the commencement of this dynasty has not been ascertained, I
content myself with mentioning some of the names which are
"Bdi D'lwdij. He was a powerful chief, whose absolute rule
extended to the limits above mentioned. He formed alliances with
most of the rulers of Hind, and throughout all his territories
caravans travelled in perfect security. On his death, he was suc-
ceeded by his son,
" Bdi Siharas, who followed the steps of his father in maintaining
his position in happiness, comfort, and splendour, during a long
reign. His celebrated son was
" Bdi Sdhasi, who also swayed the sceptre with great pomp and
power. He followed the institutions of his ancestors, and accom-
plished all his desires.
"Bdi Siharas II. was his son and successor. Kiag Nimroz raised
an army for the purpose of attacking him, and the Eai, having
' [Sir H. Nimroz to be the name of the ting, but it is quite open
Elliot considers
to read the words " B&.dshlih Nimroz" as "king of Nimroz." This reading seems
preferable, and has been adopted iu the translation of the Chach-n&ma, p. 139.]
The same Persian work, from which the above extract is taken,
states that the reigns of these five Eais lasted for the long period of
one hundred and thirty-seven years, and that Chach, by his victory
over Mahi-at, Eana of Chitor, established himself on the throne about
he first year of the Hijra. It will be seen from the following Note,
hat as this date must of necessity have been placed too early.
and thus we should obtain the Christian year 495 as that in which
the dynasty commenced.
assumed that Khusru Naushirwan was the king of
It is generally
479 A.D., it would leave, at the very least, 53 years necessary for the
reign of Sahasi 11. even supposing that his predecessor was kUled
in the very last year of Naushirwan, which we know cannot have
been the case, as that potentate had been, for some time previous,
employed in the western portion of his large empire. It is therefore
quite evident, that king Nimroz' has been wrongly interpreted to
mean that great Persian monarch ; and we must therefore use
Nfmroz in its usual application of Sijistan, and allow the opponent
of Siharas to be no more formidable a personage than the governor,
or ruler, of that province ; or, if we must necessarily have a Persian
king notwithstanding that no one of the name of Nimroz ever sat
on the thrcmethen KiuBru Parviz (591-628 an equally a.d.)
' In one passage he is styled " B&dsh&h Nimroz," and a few lines afterwards
" Shih r&rs Nimroz." It will be seen from a passage quoted in the succeeding
note, thatHormuz is represented as " the son of Fars" in the Chaeh-ndma ; it would
appear therefore that in that work " F&rs" is identical with " Naushirwin."
Annals of SajastMn, Vol. I. pp. 232-9 ; C. P. Eichter, iibsr die Arsac. tmd
Sassan. Byn. ap. ErdJc. v. Aaien, Vol. IV. part i., p. 624 Gladwin, Ayeen Akiery, ;
Vol. II. p. 118 ; As. Res., Vol. IX. Journal S. A. Soc, Vol. III. p. 385;
Elphinstone, Hist, of India, Vol. I. p". 400 Bohlen, daa alte Indien. Vol. II. ;
Ancient Univ. Hist. Vol. IX. pp. 305-9, 312, 318 L. Bubeux, I'Univert Fittoret-
Eeinaud, li'agments Arabes, p. xxx. ; Mim. eur.l'Inde, pp. 104, 124-7; Journal
A. S. ., Vol. IV. pp. 480, 684 ; VI. 338 ; 1837, pp. 377, et seq. ; Joumat R A. S.,
Vol. IV. p. 398; VL 351, 439 ; B. Nicholson, i*.. Vol. XIII. pp. 146-163 ; V.
de St. Martin, Etudes de Bioyraphie ancienne, Tom. I., p. 245 ; Thomas' Prinsep.
be relied on, when he says that Sassa, son of Ddhir,' invented the
game during the reign of the Persian king Shahram. It is true that
1 Ayeen Akhery, Vol. II. p. 119. ' Ferishta, Vol. IV. p. 401.
' Fragnunta Arahes, p. xxvii. * Ibid, and Mim. sur I'Inde, pp. 126-1S3,
' Encyclopiedia Metropolitana, v. " Scind."
Journal des Savanta, 1840, p. 225. ' Travels in Beloehistan, pp. 317-9.
iS^a'A-Mo'ma, ed. Macan ; Vol. IV. pp. 1719-1734.
Hyde, Sisioria Shahiludii,
pp. 69-92, reprinted in the Syntagma ditsertaiionum, Vol. II. Freret, Mem. de
I' Acad., Tom V. p. 260. GBrres, Seldenhtoh von Iran, Vol. II., p. 452. BoMen,
dot alie Tndien, Vol. II. p. 67, et eeq.
According to the Chaoh-n^ma (p. 152) Chach was the son of Sil&lj, son of Bas&bap.
1" De Slane, Biographical Dictionary,'^o\. III. p. 71, et seq. ; Gildemeister, de reb.
Indicia, p. 141 ; Hyde, ut supra N. Bland, Journal R. A. 8
; , Vol. XIII. pp. 18,
14, 20, 26, 62. [D. Forbes, History of Chess.}
army against the foe. Chach then went forth to battle, and when
the forces met, Mahrat came forward and proposed, as the matter
was purely a personal one, to settle the dispute by single combat.
Chach represented that he was a Brahman, and unaccustomed to
fight on horseback. His magnanimous foe then alighted to meet
Lt. Burton, Sindh, p. 380.
' Klaproth says he travelled between 630 and 660. Seise des Chinesischen
Bttddhapriesters H. T. etc. Eeinand says, between 628 and 645 ifem. mr I'Inde,
p. 149. M. Stan. Julien, in his valuable translation just published (1853), fixes the
period more accurately between 629 and 645.
in the eighth year of his reign that Dahir was killed in the
Instead of "thirty -five years,'' in the first quotation, we should
It may be proper in this place to remark, that Al Birfint mentions the establish-
ment of a Sindian era, which commences with the winter solstice of 625 a.d. 3 a.h.
As M. Reinaud justly remarks, that the commencement of a new era generally
indicates a change of dynasty, he is disposed to attribute the establishment of the
Brihman dynasty to this year. Mdm. sur I'lnde, p. 147.
read "three or five years," as tlie period that Chach had reigned
when Mughaira attacked Debal. The form of expression is very
common in denoting an indefinite period; and, as the disjunctive
particle or is, in such uses of distributive numerals, always omitted,
the difference in the reading becomes scarcely perceptible.
And in the first quotation, instead of " about the year 2 h.," I
would read " about the year 10 h." dah for do. The reading of do
is quite out of the question, for there certainly was no female reign
at so early a period as the second year of the Hijra, and none even
before the tenth, if indeed so early. The confusion respecting these
ephemeral reigns of the later Sassanians is notorious, and especially
respecting the order of the three queens, Tiirdn-dukht, Aznxmi-dukht,
and Dukht-zandn the last of whom is generally altogether omitted,
and is perhaps identical with Azurmi-dukht ; ^but no author at-
Where there is so much room for doubt, and where even Tabari is
The accession of Chacli to the throne of Sind 10
His expedition to Kirman, in the fourth year 14
Mughaira's attack, in the fifth year 15
Chach's death, after a reign of forty entire years 51
Chandar's death, in the eighth year of his reign 59
Dahir's death, after a reign of thirty-three entire years 93
ciples, issuing from their naked deserts, where they had hitherto
robbed their neighbours and quarrelled amongst themselves, hastened
to convert their hereditary feuds into the spirit of unanimity and
brotherly love. Their energies, at all times impetuous, were now
solely concentrated upon executing the injunctions of the " king of
fierce countenance, understanding dark sentences,"'' that they should
enforce belief at the point of the sword, which was emphatically
declared to be " the key of heaven and of hell." ' Terror and
devastation, murder and rapine, accompanied their progress, in ful-
filment of the prophetic denunciation of Daniel, that this descendant
of the Sassanian princes between Siroes and Yazdijird, see besides Mirkhond,
Khiondamlr, and the Persian authorities J. S. Assemanni, Sibliotheca Orient.
Glement.-Vat., Tom. III., p. 419 ; EutyeWi Annates, Vol. II. pp. 253, 357, 408 ;
Malcolm, History of Persia ; Dubeux, L' Univers Pitioresqm, " La Perse," pp.
333-6; "Weil, Gesch. der Chalifen, Vol. I. pp. 63-65, and the Tables in the Ancient
Univ. Hist., Vol. IX. pp. 211-277; Dr. Smith's i)sc!!. o/ 5io^., t. " Sassanides " ;
mencement of the Arab conquest. It enters into full details drawn, like Sir H.
Elliot's, from Sindian authorities.] 2 Daniel, ch. viii. 23.
3 Compare Chapters ii., iv., viii., ix., xxii., xlvii., Ixi., etc., of the Kordn. See
also Sale,Kurdn, Prelim. Disc, p. 194; Lane, Selections from the Kurdn, -p. 70
Eeland, He Jure Militari Moham., p. 5, el seq.
' ;
be assured that I would have taken from your own tribe as many-
men as had been killed and put them all to death " {swpra p. 116).
About the same time, Hakam, the brother of 'Usman, who had
been placed in charge of Bahrain, sent an expedition against Broach,
and despatched his brother, Mughaira Abfu-1 'A's, to the bay of
Debal, where he encountered and defeated his opponents, according
to the Futlihu-l Bulddn {supra, p. 116) ; but the Chach-ndma repre-
sents that he was slain. That work also mentions that the naval
squadron was accompanied by troops, that Debal was occupied by
merchants, and that the governor, Samba, son of Diwaij, had been
nominated to that post by Chach, who at that time had ruled
thirty-five' years in Sind (MS. p. 70)
Shortly after, Abu Musa Asha'rf, who had been one of the com-
panions of the prophet, and was otherwise conspicuous in the history
of that period, was appointed governor of 'Irak (Basra), when Eabi,
bin Ziyad Harisf, one of his oiEcers, was sent to Makran and Kir-
man. Orders were also despatched to Abu Musa, from the capital
of the empire, directing him to afford all the information in his
pow^er respecting Hind, and the -'countries leading to it. As he had
lately learnt the disastrous result of Mughaira's expedition, he -wrote
in reply to say, that " the king of Hind and Sind was powerful and
contumacious, following the path of unrighteousness, and that sin
dwelt in his heart." Upon which, he received peremptory orders
not by any means to enter upon a holy war with that country.'
It IS notorious that 'TJmar had always a particular horror of naval
expeditions, and it is probable that it arose from this untoward
defeat. This repugnance is usually attributed to a later period,
when, upon the conquest of Egypt by 'Amru bin 'Asi, the KhaUf
wrote to his lieutenant for a description of the sea ; who replied :
" ITie sea is a great pool, which some senseless people furrow,
looking like worms upon logs of wood." On receipt of this an-
swer, it is said, 'Umar forbad all navigation amongst the Musulmans,
and transgressors were severely punished. Mu'a-mya was the first
' Tvhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 9 ; Gladwin's Ayem Aklery, Vol. II. p. 118;
Memoirs sur I'lnde, p. 170.
' [This is the statement of the MS., but in page 412 reasons are given for pro-
Khalif under whom this prohibition was relaxed, and who despatched
maritime expeditions against the enemies of his empire. The original
cause of the restriction was probably that which has been already
indicated, and its continuance may perhaps be ascribed to the un-
skilfolness of the Arabs upon the element to which the subjects of
the Greek empire were accustomed from their birth. Had the
Musuhnans along the shores of the Mediterranean been as expert as
the Arab navigators of the Indian ocean, there would have been no
need to feel alarm at the result of actions upon the high seas.'
In the year 22 h., 'Abdu-Ua bin 'Amar bin Eabi' invaded Kirman,
and took the capital, Kuwashir," so that the aid of " the men of Kuj
and Baluj "' was solicited in vain by the Kirmanis. He then pene-
trated to Sistan, or Sijistan, and besieged the governor in his capital,
who sued for peace when he found that " his city was as a tent
Bind, for their united armies were surprised and defeated in a night
attack. With an ardour augmented by his success, 'Abdu-lla re-
quested leave to cross the Indus ; but the Khalif, true to his cautious
policy, which restrained his lieutenants both on the northern and
western frontiers, opposed this still more distant adventure.*
Justinian, the Homeritea of the Erythrsean sea were no great navigators. The
question has been examined in another note.
See Vuller'8 Geschichte der Seldsehuken, p. 75.
' The Arabic and Persian Lexicons say, they were barbarous tribes, inhabiting
the mountainous borders of Makr&n, and descended from the Arabs of Eijj^. In
the latter are of course to be recognized the modern Buldch.
* Tdrikh-i Guzlda, quoted in Memoirs mr I'Inde, p. 171.
5 Muntahhahu-t Tawdrihh, under the KhiUfat of Umar. The name of Zanbil
will be treated of under the History of the
VOL. I. 27
ordinarily supposed not to have been built till seventy years after-
wards by Muhammad Kasim.'
During the next year, the pursuit of Yazdijird was followed up into
Khurasan xmder 'Abdu-lla bin 'Amar, then governor of Basra, after
obtaining the permission of the Khalif to advance into that country.
The southern provinces of the Caspian not having yet been finally
conquered, it was considered the more feasible route to march by
way of Pars and the borders of Kirman, and so advance through the
desert. A rebellion which then existed in the latter province was
quelled by a detachment of one thousand horse imder Mujashia.
Eabi' bin Ziyad Harisi was, at the same time, despatched to secure
the obedience of Sijistan, in which province he received the sub-
mission of the metropolis, Zaranj ; and 'Abdu-lla himself, having
compelled the city of Tabbas to surrender on capitulation, entered
the Kohistan, where he met with a sturdy resistance ; but ultimately,
with the assistance of Ahnaf bin Kais, he took Hirat, Sarakhs,
Talikan, Balkh, Tukharistan, and Naishapur, and brought the whole
province of Khurasan under subjection.*
Pirishta attributes to the following year a proselyting expedition
to the eastward, which is said to have been despatched from Bagh-
dad ; but as that town was not built for more than, a century after-
Abu Ja'far Al Mansiir, in 148 a,h. 765 a.d. The three first Khalifs
established themselves at Medina. 'Ali, Kufa as his
in 36 h., chose
metropolis ; and^ in 41 h., the Ummayides constituted Damascus
' Abulpharagii Dynast, t^. 116; Hahibu-s Siyar; "Weil, Geschic/ite der Clialifen,
Vol. I. p. 163; tut compare also the Appendix, p. vii., in Vol. III., where the
circumstances are stated differently, after Biliduri.
' Ferishta, Vol. I. p. 3 ; Price, Retrospect of Mahommedan Sistorp, Vol. I. p.
161 ; Biladuri, in Geschickte der OhaUfen, Vol. I., Anhang, pp. Lx., x.
* This was tlie original capital of the kings of Hira, before they removed to the
latter town. It was destroyed by the soldiers of Julian. Eespeeting its position, see
Dr. Gustav. "Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, YoL I. p. 35. Its successive ruins at
various periods are to be seen the Castle of Felugia. See also D'AnviUo, L'Euphrale
et U Tigre, p. 71 ; D'Herhelot, Bibl. Orient., v. " Coufah."
' Compare Weil, Gesch. der CJial., Vol. I. pp. 39, 72, 75, 84, and Anhang, p. is..
Kitter, Erdkunde mn Asien, Vol. X. Benouard, Art. " Persia," in Eneychp.
168, 184, 191, 192, 262, 379, 383-9, 392, 426, 445, 524, 536, 543 ; Basra, pp. 123,
146, 159, 164, 184, 191, 192, 230, 349, 379, 381, 385, 389, 392, 429, 439, 446, 461,
; .
Abdu-Ua 'A'niar, who was a cousin of the Khalif, and had suc-
ceeded the popular Abu Musa Asha'ri in the government of Basra,
thinking the opportunity favourable for extending the Muhammadan
conquests in tlie oast, obtained permission to detach Hakim bin
Jaballa al 'Abdi to explore Sijistan and Makrn, as well as the
countries bordering on the valley of the Indus ; but it appears
that Hakim reported so unfavourably of the vast regions which
he examined, that all idea of conquest in that direction was aban-
doned. " Water is scarce, the fruits are poor, and the robbers are
bold. K few troops are sent there they will be slain if many,
460 629, 543, 548. And in the first volume of Weil's OeschicMe der Chalifen ;
Kiifa, pp. 85, 135, 171-2, 176, 195, 369, 411, 428, Anh. p. vi. Basra, pp. 72, 173,
that tribe, and 'Amar, being perhaps a son of the very Haris, the
hero of the story, family pride may have suppressed all notice of
Col. Tod mentions that the generals of 'Ali made conquests within
the kingdom of Sind itself, which were abandoned at that Khalif s
death; but he does not give his authority for this improbable
In A.H. 46, 'Abdu-Ua bin Suar, who was about that time entrusted
with the command of the Indian frontier on the side of Kaikan, and
" who was so generous and hospitable that no other fire but his own
was ever lighted in his camp," enriched himself with the spoil taken
from the eastern borders ; and when he returned to Mu'awiya, pre-
sented that KhaUf with some of the horses of Kaikan. He remained
some time with Mu'awiya, and then returned to Kaikan, where,
being attacked by the Turks with all their forces, he was slain in
the conflict (p. 117).=
The GhacJi-ndma adds, amongst other details of this expedition,
which need not be here given, that Mu'awiya appointed 'Abdu-lla
bin Sawariya, at the head of four thousand cavalry, " to the govern-
ment of Siud," and said, " in the country of Sind there is a mountain
which they call Kaikanan. There the horses stand very high, and
are well made in aU their proportions. They have before this time
been received among the spoUs taken from that tract. The inhabit-
ants are treacherous, and are protected by their mountain fastnesses
from the effects of their rebellion and enmity." He sent also 'A'mar
bin 'Abdu-lla bin 'Amar to conquer Armael. After sustaining a
complete defeat from the Kaikanis (called Turks by Biladuri), who
swarmed around, and closed their egress by the passes, the remnant
of the Arab army returned to Makran.
This is related on the authority of " Muhlat, who heard it from
Hindali, who reported it on the authority of Kasim, who said, 'I
heard it from Nasr bin Sufyan.' " This Hindali is frequently men-
tioned in the CTiach-ndma as a transmitter of these traditions.'
The statement of the next incursion is somewhat confused.
Upon the death of 'Abdu-lla, Sinan bin Salma was appointed to
Bahrain, and 'Umin, besides Kufa and Basra, directing him to select
a man better suited to command on the marches of India. Accord-
ingly, Sinan was superseded by Ahnaf Kais, " the ablest among the
true believers," who went to Makran, but was removed after a
period of two years and one month. Hindalf is again one of the
authorities for this account.'
who " put on the vesture of government under evil auspices," for, as
' And Samuel turned atout to go away, Saul laid hold upon the skirt of his
mantle, and it rent. And Samuel said unto him, " The Lord hath rent the kingdom
of Israel from thee this day."
1 Sam. xy. 27, 28.
Ghach-ndma, MS., p. 72 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 9.
from the title of 'Allaf, which was borne by one of their ancestors
(p. 118).
As the 'Allafis, or 'Allanis as they are styled in the Chach-ndma'
are conspicuous in the subsequent history of Sind, that work dwells
more particularly upon their history. It appears that upon Sa'id's
arrival at Makran, he put to death a man of the name of Saf huf bin
Lam al Hamami. This man was claimed as a relative and fellow-
countrymen of the 'Allafis,who came from 'Umdn, and they deter-
mined to seek satisfaction for his death. Accordingly, they attacked
Sa'id, who was then on his return from coUeoting the revenues of
his jurisdiction, killed him in the fray, and took possession of
Makran. Hajjaj then ordered Sulaiman 'Allafi, one of the leading
men of that tribe, to be seized, and sent his head to the family of
' OMch-ndma, MS., pp. 80, 81 ; and Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., pp. 7, 9.
2 Ch'ich-ndma, MS., p. 82 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., pp. 7, 9
; Weil, Geschichte der
" if his life were spared to Mm, and his fortune propitious, he would
seize all the rest of that obnoxious tribe." He was engaged, accord-
ing to one author, for five years, according to another, for five
months, in the important occupation of " conquering the rivers and
but in a subseqent passage gives the name more distinctly as " Naga-
mara." 'Abdu-lla bin Tsa, who wrote a commentary upon the
Diwan of the poet Jarir, towards the close of the fourth century of
the Hijra, says they were " Kurk," for which a marginal reading
' Chach-ndma, MS., pp. 82. 83 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, p, 10.
Hammer, QemaUesaal, Vol. II. pp. 123, 124; Abel Eemiisat, sur la, Geog. do
I'Asie centrale, pp. 94-106. Compare also, respecting the relations between the
Persians and Chinese, De Guignes, Sisioire des Suns, Tom. I., pp. 54-59 ; Freret,
Mdmoires de I 'Acad., Tom. ivl, pp. 245-255 ; Chine in Univ. Pittoresque, Asie I. 297
with those of Sangada, which Arrian tells us was the name of the
mainland in the neighbourhood of Krokala.' How far the name
extended does not, appear, but it is curious that, to our time, it seems
to be preserved beyond the eastern mouth of the river, in the
celebrated pirate-coast of the Sanganians, or Sangars, who for cen-
turies have committed their ravages on the shores of Sind and
Gruzerat, until their total suppression under our government.' It
' They are, however, a very migratory race. "We find them in Khur&s&n, K&bul,
Firs, Kirm&n, the Dasht-i he-daulat, and even in Sind, in the province of Kachh
Gand&.va, where they are classed as Brihtiis. It is also worthy of remark, that Ibn
Haukal speaks of some of the inland Jats as being " like unto the Kurds." Gilde-
meister, Soriptor. Arab, de rebus Indicis, p. 181,
2 Mimoire sur I'Inde, p. 181. ^ gg^ separate note respecting the Kerks.
* The Meds are also treated of in a separate note.
^ 'Ek 5e KpwK6.hu>v 4y 5$i^ fihv ix'^^'^^^ ^P**^ ^ir\woy . . . ^ fi^
and D'Anville. Tod says the name was not that of any particular nation, but simply
" Sangamdharians," the pirates of the " Sangams," or sacred emhouchures of rivers.
West. India, p. 442, " Sankha," or " SankhadwEir," the old name of Bet, offers
an equally probable origin. Mac Pherson, {Ann. of Comm, I., 172) suggests
Sangara, the joined canoes mentioned in the Periplus.
1 Abii-1 Fid&, Jnnal Mosl., Vol. I. p. 107 Chaoh-ndma, MS. p. 85 Tuhfatu-l
; ;
sand men at his disposal, for the purpose of proceeding to Sind, and
that 'Abdu-lla bin Kahtan Aslamf was ordered to join him from
'Uman, which he accordingly did at Nairun. Budail advanced at
the head of three hundred men from Makran, and was joined on the
way y^ the reinforcements from Muhammad Harun. In the battle
which ensued, Budail, was thrown from his
after fighting gallantly,
that their city stood on the very road by which the Arabs would
enter Sind, their governor, who was a Samani, or Buddhist, sent
privily some confidential messengers to Hajjdj, promising to remit
tribute regularly, and soliciting from him some writing, under which
Nairun might be secured from further annoyance at the hand of the
Musulmans. This bond was readily granted, and the Samani was
enjoined to obtain the freedom of the prisoners taken in the late
action, with the threat of " putting to the sword of IsUm the lives
of all infidels as far as the borders of China, if this demand was not
complied with."
After this, 'Umar bin 'Abdu-lla requested that the government of
Hind might be confided to him, but he was rebuked by Hajjaj, and
told that the astrologers, after being consulted, had pronounced that
the conquest of that country coxild be effected only by the hand of
Muhammad Kasim.
Muhammad Kasim, as he is universally styled by the Persians,
but by Biladurf, "Muhammad bin Kasim Sakifi," and by Abu-1
1 Brigga gives the leader's name as " Bndmeen." Reinaud as " Bodayl." Lt.
Postans as " Bazil." The Chaeh-ndma as " Baail," or " Buzail." [Biliduri giyes
it distinctly " Budail."] As " Budail " is an old Arabic name, it is probably the
correct reading in this passage. Compare Ferishta, Vol. IV. p. 403 ; Fragments
Arahes, p. 190 Journal A.S.JB., No. clviii., p. 85 ; Chaeh-ndma, MS., pp, 85, 86
Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 8; Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, Vol. I., p. 604; Sale,
JTofan, Vol..!. p. 138.
2 Chach-ndma, MS., p. 86 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 8.
the leaders credit for taking the best means of supplying these
deficiencies, and seeking assistance from the quarters most able to
afford it.'
VOL. I. 28
iKiatod by the fact, that we find one catapult alone requiring no less
than five hundred men work
These heavy machines had been
to it.
used by the Prophet in the siege of Taif, and had done efiective
service only a few years before at Damascus and Mecca, as well
as in the re-conquest of northern Africa; but they were so pon-
derous that they could be tafely used, except where the means
of transport by water existed, or but a short distance by land had t6
be traversed. Hence Kutaiba, ia his campaign beyond the Oxub,
was often compelled to regret that a long and tedious land-carriage
deprived him of the advantage of these implements, which were
nearly indispensable in the operations in which he was engaged.
Besides these Arab troops, we find the Jats and Meds enlisting
under Muhammad Kasim's banners, which, independent of its moral
effect in dividing national sympathies, and relaxing the unanimity
of defence against foreign aggression, must have been of incalculable
benefit to him, in his disproportionate excess of cavalry, which could
be of but little service in a country intersected by rivers, swamps,
and canals.
This desertion of the native princes was doubtless occasioned by
the severity with which they had treated the Jats and Lohanas upon
the capture of Brahmanabad. The inhibition of riding on saddles
and wearing fine clothes, the baring the head, the accompaniment
of a dog, the drawing of and hewing wood for the royal kitchen,
were more suited to Musulman intolerance than the mild sway of
Hinduism ; and accordingly, after the conqueror's first acquisitiona,
we find him so indifferent about retaining the good will of his allies,
Tdrikh-i Sind and Tithfatu4 Kirdim, that he had no less than 50,000
men marching under his standard, besides those whom he had left
in the forts and garrisons of Sind. Hence we may see, that paucity
the rapid stages of his successful career. These will be found fully
set forth in the translations from the Chach-ndma and Futuhu-l
Bulddn, which furnish details hitherto wanting in the authorities
accessible to us. Abii-l Fida and Abu-1 Taraj tell us merely that
Hind was conquered by Muhammad Kasim in the year 94 h. Ibn
Kutaiba, ascribes the conquest to 93 h., but gives no particulars.
Elmacin ( Al Makin) only tells us that Hind and Siad were conquered,
and that King Dahir was slain by the Musulmans, and had his head
cut off and Weil gives the following as the sum of all that the great
historian Tabari has to say upon this theme : " In the year 90 (?)
appeal to.
heen conveyed in seven days, the faU. of Debal may be dated in the
beginning of that month."
After the conquest of the capital Alor, in Bamazan of the same
year, the Futuhu-l Bulddn carries him no further than Multan, from
whii^ place he returns on hearing of Hajjaj 's death; but the Chach-
ndma takes him to the very foot of the Kashmfr hills, to the part
where the Jhelam debouches from the mountains, and forms the
streams and islands which cannot faU to strike the traveller with
the minute correctness of Quintus Curtius, in describing (viii. 45)
1 Geeehichte der Chalifm, Vol. I. pp. 161, 184, 188, 606 ; Antmlea Moslepiici,
Vol, I. p. 148 ; Eittoria Dynaatiarum, J). 201 ; Eistoria Saracenica, p. 84.
' Xuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 1.
or "
The Five Waters," a miniature Panjab, in short {supra, p. 144).
It was here that Chach fixed the boundary of Sind and Kashmir
and the planting of fir-trees, to mark the site, shows how elevated a
spot these conquerors had reached in their northern progress.
The balance of authority is perhaps in favour of Jalalpur, as the
place of Alexander's crossing the Hydaspes : argument and ocular
demonstration conclusively decide in favour of the upper passage ;
but we need not discuss the point further. The literature of the
question may be ascertained by consulting the references in the note.'
The Khalif Walid died six months after Hajjaj, in Jamada I.
their assertioii was untrue, and that they had uttered it merely to be
avenged on the destroyer of their family and country. The tale
goes on. to say, that the capricious tyrant, in an agony of remorse for
his hasty conduct, ordered them to be immured alive. Others say
they were tied to horses' tails, and so dragged about th& city.' The
Eitter,Erd&unde von Asien, Yo\. IV. pt. i. pp. 452-4; vii. p. 93 ; Elphinstbne,
Caubul, p. 80 ; 'Williains, life of Alex., p. 267 ; Tram. S. A. Soo., Vol. I. pp.
148-199; H. T. Prinsep, Journal A. S. Bengal, 1843, p. 628; J. Abbott, ibid.;
' The account given in the Chaeh-ndma has been already printed. The following
is from Mir Ma'sfini. It will be seen that both these authorities represent the Ehalif
Walid as the destroyer of Muhammad K4sim. " At that time a letter came from the
KhalifWalid, to this effect ;
'After taking Alor, you sent to the. capital, among the
prisoners, two daughters of E.6.ja DS.hir, in charge of Muhammad, the son of 'All
Parmal-Devi, the other said her name was Sflraj-Devi. The Khalif ordered the
attendants to leave one of them there. She then rose and said I am not fit for the :
was practised by the Tatars as when the savage Hulakii murdered
the last Khalif of Baghdad yet an earlier example might have
been discovered in the Arab annals. Even before the time of the
Sind conquest, we find the adherents of the first Mu'awiya enclosing
the body of the governor of Egypt in the carcass of an ass, and
burning both to ashes.' And as for the general tone of romance
which runs through this version of Muhammad Kdsim's death, we
find a case somewhat parallel in contemporary history ; when
of his son, who had been murdered at Cordova, was thrown down at
his father's feet, while the tyrant's messenger taunted him in the
midst of his agony and despair.*
interval, the princes in India had revolted, and Jaisiya, the son of
' Tarikh-i Sind, MS., p. 37; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 18; GtaMehU dtr
The Khalif Sulaiman, who died a.h. 99 a.d. 717, was succeeded
by 'Umar bin 'Abdu-1 Aziz. 'Umar addressed letters to the native
princes, inviting them to embrace Islam, and to swear allegiance
posals, and took Arab names. 'Amrii bin Muslim al Bahali was the
Khalif's lieutenant on this frontier, and he was successful in the
invasion of several Indian provinces (p. 124).'
Under the reign of Tazid bin 'Abdu-1 Malik, the sons of Muhallab
fled to Sittd with their families. 'Amru sent Halal al Tamimi in
pursuit of them, and on his encountering the fugitives at Kandabel,
he slew Mudrak, Mufazzal, Ziyad, and all the sons of Muhallab,
including Mu'awiya, who had placed Muhammad Kasim in chains.
This happened in the year 101 or 102 h., and forms an episode of
some interest in the civil warfare of the Ummayides, which is fully
recounted by the Arabic historians of that dynasty.
When Yazid, the son of Muhallab, had fairly committed himself
to a contest with his namesake, the reigning Khalif, he had, in
order to extend his power, and procure an asylum in the event of
defeat, despatched his agents to obtain possession of the several
provinces of Ahwaz, Pars, Kirmdn, and Makran, as far as the banks
of the Indus. Kandabel, " on the remotest frontiers of the empire,"
he had especially consigned to the charge of Wadda ibn Hamid al
Azdi, in order that he might ensure a safe refuge for his family in
case ofany disaster. His defeat and death shortly ensued;
upon which, Mufazzal and his other brothers, having equipped
at Basra a sufficient number of vessels for the conveysknce of
themselves and the surviving members of the Muhallabi family,
embarked for the coast of Kirman, whence they proceeded, as
originally designed, to Kandabel. There Wadda proved treacherous
to his charge, and the whole family, it is commonly said, were
extirpated in the action which took place under its walls ; but some
^ Mimoire sur I'Inde, p. 191 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 18.
indeed, said in the passage from the native historian quoted above,
that the new converts again apostatized, and revolted against the
government. Junaid proceeded to Debal, but upon his reaching the
banks of the Indus, the son of Dahir opposed his passage, on the
ground that he himself had been invested by the Khalif 'Umar
with the government of his own country, in consequence of having
become a Muhammadan. A contest took place between them on the
lake of As-sharki, when, the vessel of the son of Dahir bemg quite
disabled, he was made prisoner, and subsequently put to death.
Sasa, his brother, fled towards 'Irak, to complain of Junaid's con-
duct ; but he also, having been cajoled by the perfidious promises of
Junaid, was killed by- that Amir.
Junaid sent an expedition against Ki'raj, which had revolted.
The waUs having been demolished by battering rams, the town was
taken by assault, and pillaged. He despatched his officers also to
various other places, of which it is difficult to determine the names.
They may be mentioned as Marmad,' Mandal,* Dalmaj, Barus, Uzain,
Ibn Khaldlin, in Sisi. de VAfrique, by M. Noel Desmrgers, quoted in Mem., p. 194.
' Ann. Mos., Vol. I. p. 442, and note 207; Erpenii Elmacin, Sist.
Ab(i-1 Fid4,
Sarac., p. 78; Price, Muham. Mist., Vol. I. pp. 631-643; Weil, Genchichte der
Chal, Vol. I. p. 603.
s Had
not Broach been subseqaenfly mentioned, I Bhould have conceived this word
to be meant for the river Nerbudda (Narmada), It may be a mere repetition of the
syllable which forms the root of Marusthali, " or great ^andy desert," itself the origin
of Marw4r. * See Note A, page 390.
governor, he founded a city " on tliis side the lake, which he called
Mansura, 'the victorious,' and which is now," adds Biladurf, "the
capital, where the governors reside."
Hakim recovered from the enemy some of the territories which
had been lost ; but, though the people were content with his govern-
ment, he was murdered during his administration. The governors
who succeeded continued the war against the enemy, and reduced to
obedience many of the provinces which had revolted. The names
of these governors are not mentioned by Biladuri; but the Tuh-
fatu-l Kirdm says, respecting this period, " Sulaiman, the son of the
counter each other, and Mansur and all his troops, though far
superior to their opponents in numbers, were compelled to fly ; his
brother was slain, and he himself perished of thirst in the saaidy
1 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 18.
'This may have been the same Ab<i-1 Khatt&b who was governor of Spain in
Marw&n's time. There was also a contemporary Zendio leader of this name.^ M.
Quatremere, Journal Asiatique, Aug. 1836, p. 131.
' Ibn Khaldlin and Elmacin wrongly assert that he was appointed by Saff4h.
^ [This name ha been rendered "Nirand," in page 127, after Goeje, but as the
MS. has no points, the word may be Bdrand, Bm-id, etc.] MM. Eeinaud and Weil
despair about identifying this name. I believe it to be Barada, or Jetwir, on the
coast of Guzer&t, and the B4r6d, or Barfla, of Bir6ni. Perhaps, also, it may havB
some connection with tlje Bar-ace of Ptolemy, and the Periplus. Barada stretches
along th3 south-western shore of the Peninsula of Guzerat, between the divisions of
Hal&r and Sorath. The port of Pvirbandar, in Barada, is the great emporium of
this and the neighbouring coasts, on account of its favourable position. The town,
which was captured in 160 5., and which is represented to have been a large one, was
probably Ghiimti, of which the ruins attract the curiosity of the traveller, and still
continue to excite the devotion of the Hindfis. Tradition says it stood a siege of
seven or eight years, but the precise era of its destruction is not known.
2 Frag. Arabes, pp. 3, 120, 212. (?scA. der Chal., Vol. II. p. 115.
3 This does not mean the present province of Kashmir. Hwen Tsang speaks of
the Panj5,b, about a.d. 640, as being a dependency of Kashmir, and the upper portion
of the plain-country was frequently attached to that kingdom. The Kashmirian
annals ignore these Sindian victories, and even interpose the glorious reign of Lalit^-
ditya. See Gildemeister, de rebus Indicit, pp. 10-14. Mem. sur I'Inde, pp. 162-4,
188-191. Stan. Julien, Hiouen Thsang, 1. 162.
Corrig. ex Tabari, ap. Kosegarten, Chrestomathia, pp. 98-104. Conf. Frag-
ments, 212 ; Mem., 193 Gildemeister, 23 ; Weil, II. 56 Abd-l Fida, II. 28.
; ;
and a mosque raised upon its ruins. Here, again, we have greatly
to reduce the distance within which these operations are supposed to
have been conducted. M. Beiuaud, ia his earlier publication,' in
which he is followed by Dx. Weil,' considered the place here in-
dicated to be Kandhdr, near the Gfulf of Cambay but, in his sub- ;
probability of either being correct, and we need not look any further
than the peninsula of Kathlwar, on the north-west angle of which
is situated Khandadar, one of the objects of our attack in 1809,
when, unlike its neighbour, Malia, it surrendered to Col. "Walker's
detachment without resistance.
Under Hasham, the supreme authority was enforced with vigour
throughout the whole country, and the people are represented to
have lived in abundance and content.
The government of Sind was then bestowed upon 'Umax bin Hafs
bin 'Ueman, a Sufrian, commonly called Hazarmard." This must
have been previous to 151 h., for in that year we find him transferred
to the government of Africa, where he was killed in the year 154 h.
He was succeeded in the African government by Tazid bin Hatim,
or bin Mazid MuhaUabi, while Euh, the brother of Yazid, became
governor of Sind in 154 and 155 H. (771 a.i>.). At the time of
Biih's departure for the valley of the Indus, some one observed to
the Khalif Mansur, that the two brothers had little chance of being
enclosed in the same tomb. Nevertheless, upon the death of Yazi'd,
he was succeeded in Africa by his brother Euh, and the two brothers
were actually interred by the side of one another at Kairoan."
transfer between Africa and Sindj for Daud bin Yazid MuhaUabi,
I [Goeje's text gives "Kandahir."] * FragmenU Araies et Persans, p. 212.
' Geschichte der Chalifm, Vol. II. p. 56. * Memoire sur VInde, p. 196.
Tatiari and Ab(i-1 FidS, place the government of Hash&m subsequent to that of
Ibn Aslr, Kdmilu-t Ttmdrikh, anno. 171, ap. M^m., p. 194. The years of
B.fik'a Sindian administration are differejitly given in Fragments, p. 213.
The native historians mention other governors during this reign.
One, a celebrated Shaikh, called Abii Turab, or Haji Turabi. He
took the strong fort of Tharra, in the district of Sakvira, the city of
Bagar, Bhambur, and some other places in western Sind. His tomb,
which bears on its dome the early date of 171 h. (787 a.d.), is to be
seen about eight miles south-west of Thatta, between Giija and Kori,
and is visited by pilgrims.'
Abu-1 'Abbas was also a governor of Sind during Harun's Khila-
fat, and remained in that post for a long time. This is all the in-
formation which we derive from Mir Ma' sum respecting the Arab
governors, though he professes to give us a chapter specially devoted
to this subject.^
The vigour which marked ^this period of the Sindian government
may, perhaps, be judged of by the impression which the advances of
the Arabs were making upon the native princes on the northern
frontier of India. Even the Khakan of Tibet was inspired with
alarm at the steady progress of their dominion.*
One interesting synchronism connected with the reign of Harun
should not be omitted in this place. Tabari mentions that this
Khalif despatched, by the Arabian sea, an envoy, accompanied with
numerous presents, to some king of India, representing that he was
sore afflicted with a cruel malady, and requesting, as he was on the
point of travelling on a distant journey into Khurasan, that the
famous Indian physician, Kanka or Manikba, might be sent to attend
' Abd-l Fid&, Annates Moslem, Vol. II. p. 78.
2 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 19, 234.
' Tdirkh-t Sind, MS. p. 38, and Tuhfatu-l Kiram, MS. p. 19.
* "Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, Vol. II., pp. 163, 180.
During this Khilafat, Bashar bin Daud, who was invested with
the chief authority in Sind, raised the standard of revolt, with-
held payment of the revenues, and prepared to resist the Khalif
with open force. Ghassan bin Abbad, an inhabitant of Kufa, and a
near relative of the Khalif, who had about ten years previous been
governor of Khurasan, Sijistdn, and Kirman, was sent, in 213 h.,
Mijsa, son of the famous Yahya, the Barmekide, and younger brother
of Fazl and Ja'far, the ministers of Harunu-r Baahid. Musa cap-
tured and slew Bala, king of As-Sharki (the east), though five
hundred thousand dirhams were offered as a ransom (p. 128).
In another work, Musa's appointment is ascribed to Hariin's reign.
Ibn Abfi Usaibiah, in Journal R. A. Soc, Vol. VI. p. 110. Price, Mohammedan
Hiitory, Vol. II. p. 88.
A. Sprenger, Biographical Diet. h. U. K., Vol. II., p. 300.
2 AbCi-1 Fidi, Annales Moslem., Vol. II. p. 150.
' Tahfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 18.
Jats, who were dependent on his government. " When they obeyed
the call, he stamped a seal upon their hands,' and received from them
the capitation tax, directing that when they presented themselves to
him, they should each be accompanied by a dog, so that the price of
a dog rose as high as fifty dirhams."
The meaning of this strange .provision is not very evident, but we
have seen above, that it originated with the Brahman dynasty, and
was approved by Muhammad Kasim. It does not appear whether
the tribute-dogs were taken away by the Arabs, or whether it was
intended to encourage the breed, by making it necessary that every
man should have his dog. It is only for one of these two reasons
that the price could have been enhanced.
In the former case, they
must have been taken, either for the purpose of being slaughtered*
by the Arabs, in order to diminish their number, which might have
amounted to a nuisance, or they Were taken and kept to be used by
themselves, as by the Talpur princes of later times, in hunting or
in watching flocks, as we see them employed to this day in the Delta,
where they allow no stranger to approach a village. For the same
reasons they are held in high repute in Buluohistan.
Had any people but Saracens been rulers in Syria and Mesopo-
tamia, we might have even surmised that these animals were an
article of export, for the celebrity of Indian dogs was great among
the ancient occupants of the same country, and by them they were
largely imported, as they were considered the best for hunting
wild beasts, and even lions were readily attacked by them.' Xerxes,
as Herodotus tells us, was followed in his expedition to Greece by
Indian dogs, of which " none could mention the number, they were
so many " (vii. 187) ; and Tritaschmes, the satrap of Babylon, kept
' This means, most probaWy, a permanent brand, wbich at that time was a favourite
mode of marking a distinction between Christians, or Jews and Muhammadans.
J/<K?. Universal Hist., Vol. XI. p. 16.
' This is improbable, because, however unclean they maybe in the eyes of the faith-
ful, the tilling of them is considered unlawful, " since they have souls !" This de-
cision was gravely pronounced by a Turkish mufti, on the occasion of a plague in
Constantinople, when they were transported to a desert isle. Hid. Vol. X. p. 196.
These were perhaps from the countries of the upper, rather than the lower, Indus.
The Sind hound is described by Vigne, in his Travels in Kashmir, Vol. II., p. 411.
Eespecting the ancient estimation of these Indian dogs, see the passages from Strabo,
Diodorus, ^lian, Plutarch, and Gratius, cited by U. Geier, Alexandri M. Mist. Scrip-
tores, p. 378 Ctesias, Indica, c. 26
Arlst. Sist. Animal. VII. 23.
vol, I. 29
posed of in this fashion. Whatever may have been th& cause of this
lake, so that the only water which they had to drink became salt.
every- Friday, for the purpose of reading the usual offices and
praying for the Khalif. Sindan had been originally captured by
Fazl bin Mahan, once a slave of the family of Sanaa, -^the same
probably that afterwards made itself master of Multan. He sent
an elephant to the Khalif Mamun, and prayed for him in the Jaml'
Masjid, which he erected in Sindan. At his death, he was suc-
ceeded by his son Muhammad, who fitted out a flbtiUa of seventy
barks against the Meds of Hind, put many of them to the sword,
and took Malia.' In his absence, one of his brothers, named Mahan,
treacherously usurped the government of Sindan, and wrote to pro-
pitiate the goodwill of Mu'tasim; but the Indians declared against
' If the Yflsufziis had not been declared to have occupied their present tracts at a
much later period, -we might hare conceived them to be here alluded to. might We
even trace the earlier and extinct Assacani in this name, as written in Arabic charac-
ters. See Miitzell's note to Quintus Curtius, Yiii. 37.
Arrian, Indiea, i. C. Miiller,
rerum Akju., p. 102. X' JJnivera Pitt, ix. Babylonie, 306.
' " I represented to Abdul Hasan, that it was His Majesty's (JahS-ngfr's) pleasure
and none of my request, and being His Majesty's gift, I saw no reason for being
deprived of mj right." * * * "I could not get a living that would yield me
anythiag, the Vizier giving me always assignments on places that were in the hands
of outlaws or insurgents ; except once that I had an assignment on Lahor by special
command of the king, but of whicli I was soon deprived." * " The nobles
had their assignments either upon barren places or such as were in rebellion; Abul
Hasan having retained all the good districts to himself."
Capt. Hawkins' Narrative,
in Kerr's Collection of Voyages. "5(cc the writer, according to a compatriot who
visited Agra in 1610, was " in great credit with the king, entitled by the name of
can, whicli is a knight, and keepcth company with the greatest noblemen." Capt.
It. Covcrtc, in Churchill's Collection of Voyages, Vol. VIII. p. 256.
' Modern Unitieraal History, Vol. II. p. 162. Elmacin, 345.
" Biographical Dictionary, L.XT.K., Vol. II. p. 287; Mem. aur I'Inde, 289.
' Fragment! Ar. et Pers., p. 216. M. Eeinaud contends tliat the word idj here
means a species of dress, which had belonged to some man of extraordinary stature.
This is by no means probable,-^whereas a teak-tree from Sind, where so many were
imported from Malabar, would have been natural and appropriate. Teak is the {liXo
<raya\iva of Arrian's Pcriplus, which Vincent conceives to be an error for rravSaKiva.
He wrongly attributes another error to the reading of o-ija-oftfj/o which has proved
equally puzzling to Salmasius, as well as to Heeren and his Oxfor'' translator. Both
words are perfectly correct, and are derived from two native terms, sdj and tisam, in.
use at the present day.
Vincent, Commerce and Nao. of the A'-tcient, Vol. II. pp.
378, 379 Heeren, Asiatic Nations, Talboys, Vol. III. pp. 4;!9
S. de Sacy,
valley of the Indus to seek his fortune. Some time after, his family,
A few years after Mas'udi, the vaUey of the Indus was visited by
Istakhrf, and by Ibn Haukal, who has included nearly the whole of
Istakhrf's relation in his own, and has entered into some further
The account of Sind by Ibn Haukal, who wrote his work after
the year 366 h. (976 a.d,), when he was for a second time in India,
has been given in the preceding pages, and need not be repeated here.
With respect to the condition of the country at the time of his visit,
he observes that Multan was not so large as Mansura, and was
defended by a citadel ; that the territory was fertUe and produce
cheap, but that its fertility was inferior to that of Mansura, and its
Kazwfni mentions a ridiculous story of a man, named Hariin, who wrote a poem,
in whioh he hoasted of having contended with an elephant so armed, and having put
it and its attendant host to flight, hj eradicating its tusks. 'Ajdibu-l MakMukdt, t,
" Mult&n." ' Supra, p. 18 Mimoire sur I'JnOe, pp. 213-217.
soil was not cullivated with the same care. The Amfr' lived outside
the town, and never entered it, except for the pui-pose of going to
the mosque, on Fridays, mounted on an elephant. There appears to
Sindians was like that of the people of 'Irfik, but the Amirs habited
themselves like the native princes. Some persons wore their hair
and idolaters.
' Istaihri Epeats of him as MaltJt. Ibn Haukal calls him Amir but the chief of
Mansiira he designates as Malik ; b6 that it is evident he uses the terms in the same
Gildemeister de reim Ind. p, 173.
of the proYince, the people spoke tlie Arabic and Sindian languages
in Makran, Makranian and Persian.
With respect to those other parts of India to which the Musul-
mans resorted, such as the maritime towns in the jurisdiction of the
Balhara, between Cambay and Saimur, Ibn Haiikal obsei-ves that
they were covered with towns and villages. The inhabitants were
but it could not have been long after his visit, that these heretics,
who probably contained within their rauks many converted natives
and foreig-ners as well as Arabs, began to spread in the valley of the
Indus. Abu-1 Pida dates the commencement of their decline from
326 H. (938 A.D.). This was accelerated by two ignominious defeats
in Egypt in 360 and 363, and their overflow was completed in 'Irak
in 375 (985 a.d.). It must have been about this latter year that,
finding their power expiring in the orignal seat of their conquests,
they sought new settlements in a distant land, and tried their suc-
cess in Sind. There the weakness of the petty local governments
favoured their progress, and led to their early occupation both of
Mansura and Multan, from which latter place history records their
' Unless they were the inhabitants of " Easak, the city of schismatics."]
' Compare Mordtmann, das Such der Lander ; Gildemeister, de rebus Indicis, pp.
163-182 ; Ouseley, Oriental Geography ; Modern TTniversal Sist , VoL II. pp. 383,
387, 398, 416 ; Mem. mr I'Inde, pp. 233-242 ; Fragm. Arahes, p. xxiv. ; D'Herhe-
lot, iblioih. Orientale,v. "Carmath;" 'Weil, Oeaekiehte der Chalifen, Vol. II. p.
675; III. 11, 33, 65 ; De Guignes, Sist. dee Buns.; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 21.
Hamza Iafah&n, ed. Gottiraldt, Vol. 11. p, 166, U req. ; Abii-l Fid&, Annal. Moal.,
Vol. II. p. 406.
the hand of the natives ; as the Arabs, upon their first acquisition of
territory, had brought with them no men (japable of exercising civil
cumulations of past years ; but, in the long run, the pliant and
plausible officials were the gainers ; and compi:omises, in a little
distributed among them, and, indeed, at first, formed their sole re-
muneration, insomuch that a man who received pay "was entitled
neither to plunder nor the honour of martyrdom. One-fifth of the
spoil was reserved to the Khalif for religious and charitable purposes,
according to the injunctions of the Kuran. The man " who went
down to the battle, and he who tarried by the stufi'," received equal
shares, and the horseman was entitled to a double portion. Had the
Khalif attempted to augment his share, the hardy warriors would
have resisted his claim, with the same freedom as the fierce and
sturdy Gaul, when he raised his battle-axe, and reminded Clovis that
the famous vase of Soissons was public spoil.'
Much also of the conquered land was, during the whole course of
Arab occupation, liberally bestowed upon sacred edifices and insti-
1 Gregory of Tours, Sistoria Ecclesiasiica Franeorum, Lib. ii. u. 27. On the sub-
ject of tbe Muhammadan law of booty, compare Eeddya, B. ix. c. 2, 4 Mishodt ul ;
by the women, Abu Sufyan himself being struck over the face
with a tent-pole by one of those viragos, as he fled before the
enemy. In the remotest east, again, we find, as early as the time
of 'Ubaidu-Ua, his brother's wife mentioned as the first Arabian
woman who crossed the Oxus, on which occasion, unfortunately,
she disgraced the credit of her sex, no less than her exalted rank, by
stealing the jewels and crown of the queen of the Sogdiang. Not
many years after, the sanguinary battle of Bukhara, fought in the
year 90 between Ibn Kutaiba and the Tatars, was, in like
manner with that of the Yermouk, restored by the tears and re-
proaches of the women who accompanied the Arab camp.* These,
soldiers therefore, were prepared for immediate colonization and
settlement, and must have consisted of the surplus emigrant popu-
lation already settled in Khurasan. Accordingly, we find in this
instance, that Baikajad was converted into a fortress, and that part
of the army was located in its neighbourhood, and composed several
hundred military stations.
Sind, on the contrary, on account of the distance and difficulty of
bat with much that militates against its probability: so that there
was, perhaps, among the descendants of the Sindian colonists, less
infusion of the real blood of Arabs than in any other province
subjected to their dominion.
When Mohammad Kasim, upon passing the Indus, gave to any
of his soldiers so disposed leave to retire to their homes, only three
came forward to claim their discharge ; and of these, two did so,
because they had to provide for the female members of their family,
who had, with the rest, been left behind in tlieir native countiy
with no one to protect them. Nor were the consolations of a speedy
restoration to their deserted homes held out to the first conquerors.
To them the return was even more difficult than the advance, as we
may learn from a passage in Tabari, where he tells that, on the
accession of the Khalif Sulaiman, he wrote to those ill-used men
the companions of the gallant hero whom he had tortured to death
in these harsh and cruel terms :
" Sow and sweat, wherever you
may find yourselves on receipt of this mandate, for there is no more
Syria for you." Here, then, these exiles must have remained
during the ten years of his reign at least ; and as they were not
likely to have returned in any numbers after his death, we may
conceive them congregated into several military colonies, seeking
solace for their lost homes in the arms of the native women of the
country, and leaving their lands and plunder to be inherited by their
Sindo-Arab descendants.
These military colonies, which formed a peculiar feature of Arab
settlement were styled junid and amsdr, " armies" and "cities,"
the latter appellation implying settled abodes, contrasted with the
by the military colony of the Kazalb&sh may have a similar origin. [See Kote on
the name Jandrud, page 380, supra.']
2 Jos. Sim. Assemauni, Biblioth. Orient. Clementim-Vat., Vol. II. p. 103; Eam-
poldi, Annali Muiulmani, Tom. lY. p. 89 ; Univ. Sitt. II. 126 ; Gild., 17.
imitated the policy of the Bomans, who did the same from motiTCB
of expediency hoping to find employment for turbulent spirits, and
to neutralize the elements of rebellion, by sending foreign mer-
cenaries into provinces remote from their native soil.' Thus we find
Slavones and Berbers, Syrians and Copts, Babylonians and Persians,
and even Christians and Jews, Magians and Idolaters, in the early
nations ;
just as, in the days of its decline, the Khalifs had
of that tribe, he had the same rights and privileges as if he had been
bom in it ; whereas, Mu'tasim, when he enrolled his foreign body-
guard, made the Arabian troops subordinate to his mercenaries,
whom, in order to elude the law, he called his own clients an
evasive practice which was continued by his successors.^
In the Soman occupation of Britain, we find eyen Indian cavalry stationed at
Wright, Celt, Soman, and Saxon, p. 262.
' " Firmamentum imperii et postea pestem."
' Biographical Dictionary, L. U.K., Vol. II. pp. 294, 3T2.
' G. 0. Fluegelii, Dissert, ds Arab. Script. Or, Interpret, p. 5 ; Keinaud, Sar-
razins, i. 74, 243.
* Washington Irving's Successors of Mafiomet, pp. 141 and 265 from Hammer- ;
LatinitcitiSy v.
With, respect to th.e routes from the North to India, Birunf ob-
serves: "We reach Sind from our country (Turkistfin) by going
through the country of Nimroz, that is to say, Sijistan, and we
reach Hind through Kabul. I do not mean to say that is the only
route, for one can arrive there from all directions when the passes
are open." (See p. 64.)
We learn from notices in other autbors, that there was commercial
traf&c by sea-board also. Much of the merchandize which was
carried through Sind to Turkistanand Khurasan, and thence even so
by the resumption of a route which had been
far as Constantinople,'
much frequented at an earlier period' was the product of China and
the ports of Ceylon, 'Uman, and Malabar from which latter pro- ;
vince was derived, as at the present day, all the timber used in the
construction of the boats which jjlied on the river. From Arabia,
horses were frequently imported into Sind ; and armies and munitions
of war were sent up the mouths of the Indus, as we have already
noticed with respect to the expeditions of Muhammad Kasim and
some of his predecessors.' The whole coast of Kirman and Makran
was, doubtless, studded with Arab settlements of the Azdis, who
were the chief mercantile carriers from Obolla and 'Uman, and who
bad many brethren settled in Sind ; and so it has remaiued, indeed,
from the time of Alexander to the present Imam of Maskat, for the
names of Arabis, Arabius, Arabitse, etc., of Nearchus and the ancient
geographers, were most probably derived from the opposite penin-
sula in the west, and are still represented by the Arabu of the
coast of Makran, like as the neighbouring Oritse, or Horitas, seem to
survive in the modern Hor-mara and Haur.'
The toleration which the native Sindians enjoyed in the practice
' Ramusio, SaccoUa di Nav., Tom. I. p. 374, B. ; Robertson, India, pp. 42, 77,
106, 121 MacPherson, Annah of Commerce, Vol.
; I. pp. 141, 194, 370; Beinaud's
Bel. dea Toy., 42 Weil, II. 306.
2 Strato, Geo(/., lib. xi. c. 7, "Vol. II. p. 427, ed. Taucbnitz ; Pliny, Nat. Hist.
lib. fi, c. 17, 23 ; Heeren, Asiatic Nations, Vol. I. p. 38 ; Idod. Trav. India, I. 148
was insisted on, without the offer of compensation ; and where they
yrere sometimes devoted to the meaner uses of cow-houses and
stables. At Eawar, and 'Askalanda, all the men in arms were put
to the sword, and the women and children carried away captive. At
Multan, all men capable of bearing arms were massacred six ;
thousand ministers of the temple were made captive, besides all the
women and children ; and a mosque was erected in the town.
Among the chief objects of idolatry at Multan, the Bhavishya
Piurdna and Hwen-Tsang mention a golden statue of the Sun ; but
Eeinaud. Sarrazins, 36.
470 APPE.\DIX.
This idol was allowed to maintain its position during the whole
period of the supremacy of the Khalifs ; but Bironi informs us, that
when the Karmatians became masters of Multan, they did not show
themselves equally tolerant or provident respecting the valuable
resources of the shrine ; for their leader, Jalam, the son of Shaiban,
had the idol broken in pieces, and the attendant priests massacred
and the temple, which was situated on an eminence, was converted
into the Jami' Masjid, in lieu of the one which existed before. That
was closed in order to evince their hatred of the Ummayide Khalifs,
under whom it had been constructed j but when Sultan Mahmud
took Multan, and subdued the Karmatians, he re-opened the ancient
mosque, upon which the new one was abandoned, and became " as
a plain destined to vulgar uses."
The same idol waa subsequently set up, and received the oflferings
one-fifth, the total value of the plunder obtained must have been
600,000,000 dirhams. Now, as one million of dirhams, at fivepence-
halfpenny each, is equivalent to about 23,000 of our money, and as
the relative value of money was ten times greater then than novr, we
may conceive the amount to be largely exaggerated ; since the country
could not by any possibility have yielded such a booty, even with, the
exercise of the utmost Arab violence and extortion to enforce its
collection. Even if we take Hajjaj's calculation to represent the
whole sum, and not merely one-fifth, we should still find it difficult
to believe, either that Sind and Multan together could at that time
have yielded two millions and three-quarters sterling, or that one-
half of that sum could have been expended in their conquest by such
a frugal and abstemious race as the Arabs, who had no need of a
modem commissariat, at once extravagant and cumbersome, to follow
their agUe movements.*
The consideration of this question naturally introduces the subject
of the public revenue of Sind. From the statements of Ibn Khur-
dadba, Ibn Khaldiin, and Ibn Haukal, we derive some valuable
notices of the revenue of the 'Abbasides, with more especial reference
to the period of Mamun's reign. Ibn Khaldiin's table has been
given by Von Hammer, in his Landerverwaltung, and to this additions
have been made by Dr. Sprenger, from the very laxe manuscripts of
the other authors, both preserved in the Bodleian library. From
these authorities combined, we are able to deduce some useful in-
ferences respecting the comparative revenue of the different provinces
of the Khilafat. Thus, we find that the province of Sind yielded
annually a sum of 11,500,000 dirhams, and 150 pounds of aloe-wood,
Multan being, most probably, included, as it is not mentioned among
the other provinces. Of the neighbouring provinces, Makran is s t
' All the calculations of Saracen booty in Egypt and Syria are even more extrava-
gant, and justify the suspicions of Gibbon ; though he had no right to arraign the
accuracy of Elmacin's translator, Erpenins "felicissimus ille AraHcarum literarum
instaurator," as he by Hottinger. I conceire that we have not yet got the
is styled
proper equivalent of the early dinar and dirham. Eeinaud, Sarrazim, 104, 192
XTniv. Fitt. Asie, V. Arabic, 317.
Ibn Khurdiidba says 6,776,000 dirhams.
1 Ibn Khurdidba says 5,000,000 dirhams, and under the Khusrus 60,000,000 the
limits of the province being, of course, different. The amounts entered in the
text rest on the authority of Ibn Khaldfin,
' Ibn Khurd&dba says 30,000 dirhams, but I suspect error.
for which unbelievers had to pay a double rate, and the taxes on
trades and manufactures, and handicrafts, were also important
sources of public revenue.'
These taxes were according to the original institutes of 'Umar,
See J5io^. Diet., Z. V.K. v. " Al M&.mfin," where the revenue table is given at
length. It is Fundgruhen des Orients, Vol. VI. p. 362, et seq.
also in the ;
rule in Sind, and was one of the chief causes which contributed to
the impoYerishment of the country,'
Moreover, the absence of an accurate measurement must have
rendered all such assessments nugatory and fictitious; for it was only
in the Sawad, above referred tO) which was the small tract lying imme-
diately around the future capital of the Khalifs, that there was any-
thing like a detailed survey ; and of that the merits were more due
to their predecessors than themselves. Gibbon says, " the adminis-
may be exemplified by modern practice in Sind, where we are told that " it was not
uncommon for the government to collect vast quantities of grain for the supply of
troops, when any military expedition was on foot in which case, the rulers made no
scruple of seizing a half of the produce of the whole country, leaTing the farmer to
with the cultivator the best way he could." Capt, McMurdo, Journal S. As.
Soc, Vol. I. p. 240.
' Decline and Fall, chOi^Ai note 32. On the Saw^d of 'Ir6.t and Baghdad, see
AbiS-1 Fid&, Geogr., pp. 52, 307 Mar&aidu-l Ittild', ed. JuynboU, Vol. II., p. 63.
of the tribes. We have seen above, under Mu'tasim, that the Jats
dwelling beyond the river Aral were compelled to bring' a dog on
each occasion of paying their respects, besides being branded upon
the hand. The Bhatia, Lohana, Sihta, Jandar, Machf, and Groreja
and caused their names to be registered in a book, giving them back their wives and
children, on condition that they should act as guides and interpreters to the MosHms
in case of need. W. Irving, Suecetmra of Mahomet, pp. 60, 261; see Kemble's
Saxons in England, I. 294.
Price, Setrosp. of Muhamm, Bktory, vol. i. pp. 109.
3 Tuhftttu-l Eirdm, MS. pp. 18.
APPKNtolX. 477
revenues which the Kuran had assigned to God, the Prophet, and
his relations, then the Muhammadans themselves also became sub-
ject, as
. well as the protected people, to new tallages and cesses ;
* In Muhammadan Spain this duty was as high as twelve and a-half per cent, on
email commodities. See Keinaad's Sarraiim, 280.
prietors and working classee were unable to pay them, which led
to continual changes in the government."
This increased employment of officials had no reference to those
maintained for the distribution of justice to the people. In a
country like Sind, where the mass of the nation professed their
were no tribunals for the purpose of adjudi-
ancient religion, there
cating suits between members of that despised and depressed race.
The power of life and death was exercised by every chief who could
maintain the slightest show of independence, as well as by the
Amirs but, under the latter, legal formalities were more rigorously,
To the Hindus, indeed, the public tribunals were only the means
of extortion and forcible conversion, as they have proved themselves
to be to the very latest period of Muhammadan dominion in Sind,
under which, there were judicial penalties for riding on horseback,
especially with a saddle under which, the wearing of beards, and
1 Dr. Burnes, Vmt to the Court of Sinde, pp. 72-75 ; Captain MoMurdo, Journal
; ;
forget the very depth of degradation from which the great mass of
the people have been raised, under the protection of British
In reflecting on the causes which, accelerated the downfall of the
Khalif 's dominion in Sind, one of the most obvious and powerful
accessories which offers itself to our view, as conspiring towards
that end, is the diversity of interests and feelings among the several
tribes which achieved and confirmed ttie conquest. No long time
elapsed, after the first glow of enthusiasm had died away, and given
place to more sober sentiments, when the Arabs showed themselves
as utterly incapable, as the shifting sands of their own desert, of
H. As. Soc, Vol. I. pp. 249-262 ; Lieut. Burton, Sind/t, p. 358, and Vnhappy Valley,
Vol. I. pp. 225-229 ; Capt. Postans' Personal Observations on Sindh, pp. 159, 258 ;
Sir A. Bumes, Caiool, p. 15.
1 Pocock, Specimen Sistor. Arab. pp. 43, 178 ; Sale, Koran, Vol. I, p. 233
Foster, Mahom. Unveiled, Vol. I. p. 6.
Yemen and Persia were scattered about Toledo ; and the feiidle
the persecution of the adherents of 'All, which, though with some in-
termissions, especially about Mamiin's time, was maintained with
considerably rigour during the period of Arab occupation. We
have in the preceding note seen some instances of these religious
quarrels, and they must have been of frequent occurrence in Sind
for its position on the remote eastern frontier of the Empire, and the
difficulty of access to it over mountains and barren sands, must have
offered a promising asylum to political refugees, of which we have
ample evidence that they readily availed themselves. Hence hetero-
doxy, during the period of the KhUafat, flourished with unusual
vigour in Sind and Makran and hence such
; schismatics as Khariji's,
Zindiksi Khwajas, Sharfites, and the Hke, as well as MuMhida, or
atheists of various denominations, throve, and propagated ;' more
especially the Karmatians, who, after being first introduced through
this kingdom, maintained their hold in Western and Northern India
long after they were suppressed in other provinces of the Empire.
The 'Alite refugees have preserved many traces of their resort to
Sind, to which we may refer the unusual proportion of Saiyid
families to this day resident in that country, the names of such
places as Lakk-'alavi and Mut-'aJavf,* founded and stUl inhabited by
*Alites, and the many Saiyids of even Eastern India, who trace their
first settlements to Thatta, Bhakkar, and other places in the valley
of the Indus.
These vague reminiscences, indeed, may be considered to com-
prise one of the most enduring monuments of Arab dominion in
Sind. They were almost the only legacy the Arabs left be-
hind them affording a peculiar contrast in
; this respect to the
Romans, after they had held Britain for the same period of three
centuries. Notwithstanding that their possession was partial and
unstable, our native soil teems with their buildings, camps, roads,
coins, and utensils, in a manner to show how completely they were
the master-spirits of that remote province.' But with regard to the
Arab dominion in Sind, it is impossible for the traveller to wander
VOL. I. 31
through that land, -without being struck with the absence of all
ditions, customs, and manners, they have left but little impress upon
the country or the people. We trace them, like the savage Sikhs,
only in the ruins of their predecessors ; and while Mahfiiza, Baiza,
and Mansura have so utterly vanished, that "etiam periere ruinse,"
the older sites of Bhambur, Alor, Multan, and Sihwan still survive
to proclaim the barbarism and cruelty of their destroyers. It has,
Bin-i Abl Sufy^n/ Bajaride," and tile Bin-i Jarfma Aas&ri, wlio were
the progenitors of the tribe of Sapya, the lords of Siwistan. To
these are to be added the Jats and BuMohls, descendants of Harun
Makrani. It will be observed that, although the families are said
to be eighteen, the emimeration extends to only seventeen, unless the
Sapya and the descendants of Jarfma Ans4ri are reckoned as two.
The same authority mentions, that some of the tribes now in Sind,
and who appear from their n^mes and occupations to have been
originally Hindu, are in reality descendants of the Arabs. Thus,
the Thim were originally Tamim ; theMorya are pronounced to be
descendants from Mughaira ; and the Sumra are likewise held to be
the offspring of adventurers from Samarra, who accompanied the
Tamim in great numbers. All these affiliations are gratuitous
guesses, and about as probable as the one mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, of the descent of the Jats and BulucWs from Harun
Makrani. But that some of the inferior tribes are descendants of
the Arabs is by no means opposed to reason or probability, and this
more especially among those now classed as Buldchis. The Eind,
for instance, when they assert that they came originally from Aleppo
and Damascus, may have truth on their side; but we should be
cautious in admitting nominal resemblances or ambitious genealo-
gies ; especially where, as in the case of the Sumras, Sammas,
Daudputras, and Kalhoras, there has been a political purpose to
serve, and sycophants ready at all times to pander to a despot's
215,) that in the time of 'Ahdu-r Eashid, Sultan Mas'iid, 443 A.H.,
1051 A.D., the men of the Sdmra tribe revolted from the rule of
Ghazni, and placed on the throne of Sind a man of the name of
Siimra. He closes his unsatisfactory account by saying :
" If any
of my friends know more on this subject, let them publish it ; I have
1 The Kanzu-l Mahfut, on the authority of the Tdrlkh-i Bahddw-shdhi says the
Sflmras lasted for 500 years after the auldd Tamim Ansiri,
' [The -words of this sentence as given hy Gen. Brigga, are " the dynasty of
Soomnra subverted the country of another chief called Soomima, whose chief," etc.
Sir E. Elliot's emendation is obviously necessary,]
' [See the passage from Malet's translation of Mir Ma'siim, supra, p. 216.]
2 [This passage is quoted in the Tukfdtu-l Kirdm, and another translation of it
have adopted from his family being descended from the celebrated
Jamshed, king of Persia."^
Dr. Bird, relying on some Persian authorities, including the
Tdrihh-i Sind, tells us that the Sumras, who became first known in
the Indian history in the reign of Mahmud of Ghaznf, were
originally Muhammadans descended from Aboulahil, an uncle of the
Prophet, and that one of the tribe who, in the beginning of the
eleventh century of our era, obtained power in Sind, married into
the family of Samma, and had a son named Bhaonagar. The chief
who had been thus placed at the head of the tribe was named
Hallah, the son of Chotah, a descendant of Omar Sumra, first of the
family mentioned in their history. Contemporary with Chotah was
Deva Eaf, sometimes called Dilu Eai, the ruler of Alore. " The son
born to Hallah had for his descendants Dodar, Singhar, Hanif, and
Arabs descended from Hamzah, the uncle of the prophet, and Ali,
his cousin, were then subject (to the chief of Mansiira.). To these
ancestors we may trace the Saiyids of Sinde, and the family of
the Sumrahs."
The difficulty of solving this question is shown by so confused a
statement written by a well-informed author.
Elphinstone observes that, " Kasim's conqiiests were made over to
his successor Temim, whose family they remained
in the hands of
for thirty-six years, till the downfall of the Ummayides, when, by
some insurrection, of which we do not know the particulars, they
were expelled by the Siimras, and all their Indian conqaests were
restored to the Hindus ;
part of the expelled Arabs, according to
Firishta, having found a settlement among the Afghans." And,
again, that " after the expulsion of the Arabs in 750 a.d., Sind, from
Bhakkar to the sea, was ruled by the Sumra Eajputs, until the end
of the twelfth century ; that it is uncertain when they first paid
tribute to the Muhammadans, probably, the beginning of that century,
under Shahabu-d dm, or his immediate successor." Here, the whole
period of the 'Abbaside governors, and of the independent rulers of
Multan and Mansura and the Karmatians, is entirely neglected.
So important an omission by such a writer teaches us, as in the pre-
ceding paragraph, how obscure are the annals with which we have
to deal.''
' Sketch of the Bislory of Gutch, Appendix yi. ; Visit to the Court of SincU, p. 10 ;
the majority of the tiibe were converted to Islam ; and that, as the
with one, or at most two, doubtful exceptions, they are all of native
Indian origin. The fact of their being called " Hamfr," in Sindian
ballads (a probable corruption of " Amir ") scarcely militates against
this, as it was, both in ancient and modem times, a distinctive appel-
lation of the rulers of Sind, and was only superseded where, as in the
<5ise of the Jams, there was a more familiar title of local origin.
The ascription of so honourable an address and so high a lineage, is
might be admitted that, in the present day, they had forgotten their
Arab origin, and lapsed into Hinduism from their former creed;
StUl, that could not have oceurred at the very earliest period of their
history, within a century or two of their emigration, and before their
' The various modes of writing and pronouncing the name of this town are given
in the Mardsidu-l Itlild', cd. JuynboU, II. 6, 27, but not one admits of a in the
first syllable.
and embarked on a boat, leaving the Sultan to enter the place with-
out a contest, and erect mosques on the sites of the Hindu temples
which he destroyed. This Hasrar is, same
in Eirishta's account of the
expedition, named Jaisi, which, if it be correctly written, is more
probably a titular than a personal designation for we learn it was ;
the name borne by the son of Dahir, who ruled in the same province,
and was so called from the Sindi word jai, "victory." It seems,
however, not improbable that the name is neither Hasrar, nor
Jaief, nor Jaisar, but Ohanesar, the popular hero of some of the
Sindian legends respecting the Sumra family. Neither of the three
other names is to be found amongst those of the Sumra rulers, and
written without the diacritical points, they all vary but little from
one another. Admitting this to be the case. We obtain an useful
synchronism in the Siimra dynasty, notwithstanding that the local
ballad of Dodo and Ohanesar makes them contemporaries of 'Alau-d
din, a name more familiar to native ears than ShamsU-d din, the
1 loi., Annah of Rdjasthdn, Yol. I. pp. 92, 93; II. 310-12; Snoye. Metropol.
Vol. XXIII. p. 780; Journ. JR. Geog. Stic, Vol. VII. p. li; Masson, /ourncy to
Keldt, pp. 298, 356.
many othermembers of his family, some of whom have Arab, and others Indian
names, eulogising their faith and virtuea. " Oh, illustrious Eaj& Bal, arouse your
family, the Unitarians, and bring back Difid the younger into the true religion for ;
Mas'ud only delivered him from prison and bondage, that you might accomplish, the
ministry with which you were charged, against 'Ahd-uUa, his nephew, and against
all the inhabitants of Mult&n, so that the disciples of the doctrines of holiness, and of
the unity, might be distinguished from the party of bewilderment, contradiction, in-
genuity, and rebellion." ' Memoire mr I'Inde, p. 256.
and most probably even before Mahmiid's death, in the lower course
of the Indus ; for it has already been observed, on the authority of
Ibn Asir, that Mahmud on his return from Sommat, in 416 h., (1025
A.D.), placed a Muhammadan chief in possession of Mansura ; for
that the incumbent had abjured Islamism. So that the expelled
ruler must necessarily have been a Karmatian, or a Hindu; and, in
either case, doubtless a Sumra, who, in the distractions of the
Ghaznivide Empire, would have allowed no long time to elapse
before he recovered the dominions from which he had been expelled.
This re-establishment might have been delayed during the reign
of Mas'ud, who is expressly mentioned by Baihaki as comprising all
Sind within his domioions. The Sumras, indeed, may possibly have
allowed a titular sovereignty to the Ghaznivides, even down to the
time of 'Abdu-r Eashid in 443 h. (1051 a.d.) ; or paid tribute as
the Ghorian, KMljf, and Tughlik dynasties of DeWi and the Panjab,
as well as the still more ruinous devastations of the Moghals. The
retreats in their native deserts offered temporary asylums to the
the Sumras could have enjoyed little freedom and independence, and
can only claim to rank as a dynasty, from the absence of any other
predominant tribe, or power, to assert better pretensions to that
dea Orients, Vol. TI. ; Siog. Vtiweraelle, v. " Carmath ;" Eenouard, Encyc. Metro-
poUtma, Vol. XVIII. pp. 301, 308; M.Jules DaTid, iSyne Jl/"o(fe, pp. 195-7
M. Silvestre de Sacy, Eicposd de la religion des J)ruzes, Tom. I. p. cajxci, II. 341
and Jouinal des Savants, ana. 1818 the entire work of De Sacy has been copiously
abstracted in the &st and second Volumes of Col. Churchill's Mount Lebanon, 1863 ;
Weil, Ges. da- Chalifen, Vol. II. p. 2U, III. 65 Koran, Prel. Disc, VoL I.
; Sale,
p. 262 ; Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, pp. 37-44 BoMen, ;alte Indien,Dm
Vol. I. p. 206.
at bay for two years and Ten years previous, we also know
from contemporary history upon Muhammad Tughlik's in-
vasion, the chief of Thatta was a Sumra, and not a Samma. We
may, therefore, safely concur with the TuJifaitu-l Kir dm in taking the
year 752 h. as that of the accession of the Sammas, which was,
indeed, coincident with that of Sultan Ffroz, for his reign com-
menced while he was yet in Sind, and this ciiange of dynasty was
probably in some measure contingent upon his success in that pro-
vince, before he advanced upon Dehli,
All these authors concur in fixing the extinction of the Samma
dynasty in 927 h. (1521 a.d.).
Native writers have done their best to render the origin of this
tiibe obscure, in their endeavours to disguise and embellish the
truth. The extracts from the TuJifatu-l Kirdm will show the pro-
pensity of the Sindian mind to wander into the region of fable and
romance. Nothing can be made out of such arrant nonsense. In
another passage the author throws discredit on the Arab descent, and
inclines to that of Jamshid. The Arabic origin from Ab Jahl has
been assigned, in order to do honour to the converts from Hinduism,
The Jharejas of Kachh, who are of Samma extraction, prefer claim-
ing the distant connection of Sham, or Syria. The descent from
Sam, the son of the prophet Nuh, has been assigned, partly for the
same reason of nobHitation, partly that a fit eponymos might be
found for Samma ; and Jamshid, or Jam (for he is known under
both forms indiscriminately), has been hit upon, in order that a
suitable etymology might be obtained for the titular designation
of Jam.
Tod word Jam from Samma, but the correctness of
derives the
this etymology may be doubted, for it was not the designation of the
family generally, but merely of the chiefs. Indeed, Jam is a title
They were then either Buddhists or Hindus, and were received into
favour in consideration of their prompt and early submission. They
form a branch of the great stock of the Yadavas, and their pedigree
is derived from Samba,, the son of Krishna, who is himself known
by the epithet of " Syama," indicative of his dark complexion.
Sammanagar, on the Indus, was their original capital, which has
been supposed by some to be the Minagara of the Greek geographers,
and is probably represented by the modem Sihwan. Sihwan itself,
' Schnitzler, Encylc. des Qem da Monde, Tom. I. pp. 144 ; WaU, Allgcmeint
Seschreibung des Fers. Reiehs, pp. 209; Zendavesta, I, 14; Heeren, Asiatic Nations,
Vol. I. pp. 377.
2 Chach-ndma, MS. pp. 70, 109.
with the closer variation of Samus in some copies,' and may fairly
MS. pp. 42, 51 ; Tuhfaturl Kirdm, MS. pp. IS, 37, 166; Shams-i SirSj, T. Firoi-
shdJii, MS. ; Zia Bami, T. Fironshdhi, MS. \ Tod, Annals of Sdjasthdn, Vol. I. p^
Bistortj of Guteh, lutrod. pp. xi. xiv, 1, 73; Vincent, Comm. and Nmj. of the
Ancients, Vol. I. pp. 151, 155 Droysen, QeeehichU Alexanders des Orossen, pp.
446-9 Bitter, Erdkwnde von As., Vol. I. pt. i. pp. 473-4 ; Diod. Sieulus, Biblioth
Uistor., Lib. xvii, cap. 102, 103 Arrian, Anab., Lib. vi. cap, 16; Q. Curt. Eufos,
De Gest. Alex., Lib. ix. cap. 32 C. Miiller, Seripiores Serzm Alex. M., p. 71 E.
; ;
VOL I. 32
Lower, as well as Upper Siud was not effected from the Sammas
tiU 927 H. (1621 A.D.), it is more correct to assume 36 years as tho
All authorities concur in representing that the Arghun dynasty
Shah Husaia having died childless closed in. 962 a.h. (1664-5 a.d.)'
1 The TarMUn-ndma, following the chronology of the Tdrikh-i Sind, says that
forwamed, lie was able to defeat the sdieine, and after defending
himself against great disparity of numbers, escaped the danger which
impended over him. Upon proceeding to reward his gallant com-
panions in the conflict, Changiz Khan conferred upon the two
youths, to whose information he was indebted for his life, the title
Arghtin Khan, and who was the member of the Imperial family
from whom the Arghuns also were descended, yet the Tarkhans
of Khurdsdn and Turkistan cannot all be descended from the family
of Ba'ta and Kashlak, because Arghun Khfin was himself a Tar-
khdn, and we find the title borne by others who could have had no
connection with those favoured youths. Thus, Tarkhan, prince of
thus, among the events of 105 h. (723 a.d.), Tabari makes frequent
mention of tke Tarkhans as officers under the Khakan of the Kha-
zars. to the west of the Caspian sea. Babu-1 Abwab was garrisoned
by a thousand Tarkhanis, the flower of the Tatdr tribes. One chief's
name was Hazar-Tarkhani and other instances might easily be ;
1 Compare Moilern Universal Sistpry, Vol. III. p. 250 ; D'Oisson, Sistoire dea
Mongols, Tom. I. p. 44 ; Shajrat ul Atrdk, p. 71 ; Journal B. A. S. Vol. XI. p.
123, XII. p. 344 ; Price, Betroapect of Muham. Mist., Vol. I. p, 470, II. 483, III.
117 ; D'Herbelot, Siilioth. Orientale, v. " Tarkhan;" Zafar-ndma, MS. ; Eattmtu-s
Safd, MS. ; SaUbu-s Siyar, MS. ; Tdrikh-% Tdhiri, MS. pp. 14, 76; Tarkkdn-ndma,
MS. pp. 4, 23, 61, 69, 118 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 52, 62 ; "WeE, Geschiehte der
C/ialifen, Vol. I. p. m.
traces of its having been met by a stream from the river at no very
remote period, and, during the inundations, the city is even now
sometiiaes insulated from this cause. In the absence of any more
precise identification, we may safely look to this deserted bed as
corresponding with the ancient 'Alijan, and suiting best the position
ShAh Beg's crossing this river,
Authorities differ about the date of
and capturing Thatta,by which an end was put to the dynasty of
the J^ms, or Sammas. The Tdrikh-i Sind says it occurred in the
month of Muharram, 926. The Tdrikh-i Tdhiri is silent. The
TarTchdn-ndma says Muharram, 927 (corresponding with December,
1520) differing only in the day of the month from the Tuhfatu-l
this month represents the date of his death. The author gives satis-
factory reasons why the reports just quoted from the Tarikh-i Tdhiri
must necessarily be both incorrect.
" Tak," about which there can be no doubt. " Bina " may possibly
represent "Mma," the probable founders of the celebrated Minagara,
and the present occupants of the upper Aravali range. Or if " Baniya
be the correct reading, then the designation may have been applied
to them, as being foresters. In " Mumid " we may perhaps have
the " Med " of the Arabs ; and in the " Mahmfr," we may chance to
have the representatives of the " Mhairs," or " Mairs " of Eajputana,
if, indeed, they differ from the Med. We can venture upon nothing
beyond these dubious conjectures.
That we should find the " Tak " in Sind at an early period, is
by no means improbable, and if the statement rested on somewhat
better, or more ancient, authority than the Beg-Ldr-ndma, it might
be assumed some degree of confidence.
as an undoubted fact, with
Tod exalts the Taks to a high and important rank amongst the
tribes which emigrated from Scythia to India, making them the same
as the Takshak, Nagabansi, or serpent-race, who acted a conspicuous
some of which, are fanciful, and some probable, may be found in the
passages noted below.' One thing is certain that the Taks were pro-
genitors of the Musulmdn kings of Guzerat, before that province was
absorbed into the empire of Akbar.
Tod observes, that with the apostacy of the Tak, when Wajihu-l
Mulk was converted, and became the founder of the Muhammadan
dynasty of Guzerat, the name appears to have been obliterated from
the tribes of Eajasthan, and that his search had not discovered one
now existing but there are Taks amongst the Bhangis,
of that race ;
Buddhists in Sind.
Annals ofSdjasthdn, Vol. I. pp. 53, 92, 95, 99,. 103-6, 536, 673, 738, 739, 796,
800 and Vol II. pp. 226, 227, 445, 678, 735. Hia ardent admirer, Mr. E.
The race was the Taga-des (Toga-tns), that is, Tagland. . . The Gena Tagata,
or Gens Togata, that is, the T&g Eace !" India in Greece, p. 172.
' On this interesting and muoh-Texed question, consult Manuert, Oeographie det
Or. und Eomer, Vol. V. Eitter, Asien, V A. IV. pt. i. p. 451 Asiatic Ses., Vol. VIII.
; ;
pp. 346, 348 Modem Trmeller, "India," Vol. I. p. 119 Annals of RdJ., Vol. I. pp.
; ;
92, 104, 693; II. p. 227; Journal E. A. Soc, Vol. V. p. 118; XI. 157; Mem. sur
I' Lassen, Indische Alterth., Vol. II. p. 145 M. Stan. Julien, Mist,
Inde, pp. 64, 107 ; ;
d' Biouen Thsang, p. 143 and, above all, J. Abbott, Journal A. S. Bengal, 1852,
pp. 216-218, 254-263; in which wort, Taxila has frequently formed the subject of
discussion. [/oMm/Jt. A. S., Vol. XX. p. 221.].
The temple of Debal is described as being one hundred and twenty feet high,
surmounted by a dome also of equal height. Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 10.
* The origin of our English " tope." It ie curious that, in Icelandic also, stupa
signifies " a tower." See farther, respecting this word, HSmmer-Purgstall, in Wien
Jalwbiicher, No. cvii. p. 17 Burnouf, Budd. Lid., Vol. I. p. 349 Fergusson, II-
; ;
at that period in tlie valley of the Indus, not only from the specific
1 Vide, translations of tte Futiihu-l Suldan (p. 121) and the Chach-ndma, passim.
These are the Sarmanes, Sarmanse, Garmanae, Samansei, and Semnoi, of Clemens of
Alexandria, Straho, and other Greek writers. The name is derived from the Sanskrit,
Sramana, " a religious mendicant, an ascetic, especially one of the Buddhist faith."
More information can he had respecting the Tarious disguises and applications of this
word, hy consulting Schwanteck, Megasthenis Fragmmta, pp. 45-50 C. Miiller, ;
Fragm. Siator. Grcec, \ol. II. pp. 435-7; Lassen, JSAetn. Jfs., Vol. I. pp. 171-
190; Ind. AUerih.; Gildemeister, (fe rii. Humholdt, Cosmos,Yo\.
Ind., p. 114;
II. pp. 69; Thirlwall, Eiat. Oreeee, Vol. VII. p. 15; Journal A. 8. Bombay,
No. Tiii. p.91; Dr. Wilson, Antiq. of Western /*', p. 63 ; Journal S. A. S.,
No. xii. 378-402 Burnouf, Budd. Ind., Vol. I. p. 276 ; Hitter, Aaien, Vol. IV.
this Note, that the temple of the Sun at Multan is, by BUaduri, styled
a bvdd (p. 123). ETen in the time of Mas'udi, the kings' of Kanauj,
which he asserts to have then been under Multan, are all styled
Biidh, Biiddh or Bauura, doubtless from the worship which the Arabs
had heard to prevail in that capital (p. 22) ; and in this he is fol-
lowed by Idrisf (p. 81), who wrote as late as the middle of the
twelfth century : bo that the use of hvM, is very radefinite ; and
whether applied to man, temple, or statue, it by no means deter-
mines the application to anjrthing positively and necessarily con-
nected with Buddhism, anymore than the absence of that word
denotes the contrary, when incidental notices and negative testi-
monies, such as those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, can be
adduced to support the probability of its prevalence.
The Jats.
T/ie Kerks.
next to these wild Kertetiki, we are struck with finding the very
Sindians themselves.
1 Orphei Argonautiea, Cribelli Tersio, T. 1049 see also Herod., iv. 28 Apollon.
; ;
Bb.od., Argonaut., iv. 322; Strato, Qeogr.,ii. 2; j4. p. 403; Val. Flacc, .4>yo.,
vi. 86.
Scylai Caryand., Periplus, p. 31 ; Strabo, Geog., ii., p. 406 ; Ptol., Oeogr. t.
Nat. Mist., ii. 67. Compare PompoE. Mel., de aii. Orb., iii. 6. The
original authority is Cornelius Nepos, iVai/mentct, p. 731 ed. A. van Staveren, Lugd.
Bat., 1734,where the Notes should be consulted. See also Eamusio, Navigat, et
Maritime and Inland Biatovery, Vol. I. pp. 82-87; Mim. de PAcad. des Inserip,,
Tom. VI. p. 263 ; XLVI. p. 403 M. ViT. de St. Martin, Mudes de Giographie an-
against piratical attacks, the Persians made the Tigris entirely in-
accessible for navigation. The course of the stream was obstruoted
by masses of stone, which Alexander, on his return from India,
caused to be removed for the furtherance of commercial intercourse.
Inspired by the same dread, and not from religious motives, (as has
been supposed), the Persians built no city of any note upon the sea-
not lengthen this Note by pursuing the enquiry; but will merely
remark that this Egyptian relationship probably arises from soma
confusion (observable in several other passages of Herodotus), re-
specting the connection between the continents of India and
Ethiopia, which pervaded the minds of poets and geographers
' Strabo, Geograph., ivi. 1 ; *., Vol. iii. p. 338 ; Arrian, Bxpedit. Alex., vii.
7 Amm. Marcellinus, -xxiii. 6 ; Robertson, Anoimt Zrfi, Note x.; Eitter, ^sm,
Vol. X. pp. 2 1-32 Itid, AUerthum, ii. 601.
Heeren and others have questioned
whether these dykes were not rather maintained for the purposes of irrigation.
* KeXaivtiwfirin K.iXxoi(iiv.~Pyth., iv. 378. The Scholiast dwells on the subject.
3 nUl., See also Eustathius ad Dionys., Perieg., 689.
II. 104.
* Bibl. Hist., .ApoUou. Ehod., Argon., iv. 259-271 Strabo. Oeogr., x\.
i. 28, 55 , ;
2, *., p. 409 Val Place, ^)yo., v. 421; Fest Avieu., iJescr. Ot^iis, 871
Amm.. ;
Marc, xxii. 8; Ukcrt, alU Oe.ogr.,Yol lU. pt. ii. p. 609; St. Mai-tin, loc. ei!.,
pp. 255-270.
TOL. 1. 33
Valentyn, Beschryving van Oost Ind., Vol. I. p..62 ; Eobertsou's India, Note xxxii;
CtesisB Operum Eeliquiie, ed. Baehr, pp. 309, 454. These quotations do not refer to
the large and interesting question of their civil, religious, and ethnographical aflinities,
Phasis,' Caucasus, and such like, being found in both one country and
the otherand while the resemblance between the worship of Odin
A river of Scythia, as well as of Kolchis and of Taprobane. ^Plin., Nat. Mist.,
X. 48; Val. Flac., Argon., ii. 596; Pausan., iv. 44; Staph. Byz., v. iitrn. Ee-
specting the Kolohis of Southern India, see Dr. Smith's Hiet. of Geography, v.
" Colchis" and " Colchi Indise."
This Odin- Buddha-Hypothesis, as the Germans call it, has been, perhaps, some-
what too readily condemned by Remusat, Klaproth, A. W. Schlegel, TJkert, and
others. Compare Asiatic Researches; Fundgruben des 0/., Vol. IV., p. 201; Asia
Polyglotta, p. 144; Introd. Univ. Hist, ut sup., pp. 275-8;
to Finn Magnusen,
Mythologies Lexicon, Copenhagen, 1848.
Compare on this subject, Strabo, Geogr., vii. 35, xi. 2, Vol. II. p. 77, 408 the ;
Scholiast upon ApoUon. Rhod., Argon., ii. 397, 417 Ukert, alte Geographic, Vol.
xi. 14, p. 456, XV. 1, Vol. III. p. 253, xvi. 4, p. 412 Arrian, Indica, ii
; Exped.
Alex., V. 3.
when we also find the Maidi next to the Sindi and Kerketae,* a tribe
^aySapo<payos ; ScUegel, Ind. Siiliotheic, Vol. II. p. 297 ; Droysen, Geschichte Alex.'s,
p. 405 ; Wesseling, ad Diod. Sic, ivii. 83 ; Bemhardy, ad Dionys, Perieg. 714.
' (Pseudo-) Arist., d Mirald Auscultat., u. 123. Tbe Sindi were by some
authors considered to be a remnant of tbe Maiotsa ; Stepb. Byz., t. Sii-Sol ; Strabo,
(?eo/7r., li. 2, ti. Vol. II. p. 404. This extraordinary juitaposition of Sindi and
Maidi again oecurs in Thrace See Thucyd., Bell. Pelop., ii. 98. Respecting the
Sindi, SinduB, Sintica, and similar names in Tbrace and Macedonia, see Herod., yii.
123 CiTBsar, Sell Oiv., iii. 79
Liv., Sist. Horn., xxvi. 25, rl. 22, xliv. 46, x1t.;29
Polybiiw, Excerpt., x. 37; Plin., Nat. Hist., it. 10 Steph. Byz., v. 'S.ivTia.; Ency ;
Metrop. v. " Thrace." Homer tells us also of Sintians on Lemnos, who spoke a '
strange language ;' II. i. 694 Od. viii. 294 and they had before his time been
; ;
noticed by HcUanicus of Lesbos ; J^WiymeHte, 113, 113. From these, the Scholiast
on Thucydides says, that the Thraciun Sindians were derived. More Indian families
might be mentioned in Ljcia and other iiiterniediate countries, but enough has been
adduced on the subject to suit our present dcsi-n.
' Pompon. Mel., de sit Orl., i. 2. Ptol., Geogr., v. 8. ^ Ptol., Geogr., vi. 7.
'" Orphei Argonaut., 824, 1009 ; Apollon. Ehod., Argonattt., ii. 399, 403, iv. 611.
" Jjycophron, Cassandra, 174; Steph. Byz., v. Kiira; Euatath., ad. II., iv. 103.
" Tal. Fhicous, Argon., 428, 693; Btymol. Mag., p. 77.
" Herod., ii. 104 ; Died. Sic, i. 28 ; Pindar, Pyth.^ iv. 378.
" Straho, xi. 2, ib. p. 408 ; Ptol., v. 10 ; Pomp Mala, i. 19.
" Strabo, ib. p. 399. " Scyl. Car., Periptta, p. 31 ; Steph. Byz., v. KSXoi.
>' A portion of the Caucasus; Hecatseus, Fragm., 161, 186 ; Steph. Byz., ib.
space scarcely larger than the province of lower Sind, and when
again we reflect upon the curious coincidence, that Pliny' calls the
former province " Scythia Sendica," while Ptolemy'' calls the latter
" Indo-Scythia ;" that even as late as the fifth century, the judicious
ecclesiastical historian, Socrates,^ as well as the accurate geographer,
Stephanus,* continued to call the former by the name of " India," it
never sent out of their country any armies or colonies ; ' but migra-
tions might
easily have arisen from other causes, and a hint has
been thrown out above, that in this particular instance, the expatria-
tion might perhaps not have been altogether voluntary.
In another part of this work I have traced, step by step, the pro-
gress of one Indian family from the banks of the Indus to the
remotest shores of Europe ; and in the foUowiag Note upon the
Meds, I have shown several instances of compulsory transportations
to countries nearly as remote ; so that this branch of the enquiry
need not engage our attention further in this place, the object of
showing the probable existence of a tribe of Kerks, both on the
Indus and Euxine, having, it is hoped, already been sufficiently
proved to the satisfaction of every candid and unprejudiced mind.'
The Meds.
We find the Meds frequently mentioned by the Arab authors on
Sind, and, together with their rivals the Jats, they may be con-
sidered the oldest occupants of that province, who, in their names
as well as persons, have survived to our own times.
The first account we have of them is in the Mujmalu-t Tawdrilch'
That work mentions that the Jats and the Meds are reputed to be
descendants of Ham, the son of Noah, and that they occupied the
banks of the Indus, in the province of Sind. The Meds, who
devoted themselves to a pastoral life, used to invade the territories
of the Jats, putting them to great distress, and compelling them to
take up their abode on the opposite side of the river ; but, sub-
sequently, the Jats, being accustomed to the use of boats, crossed
over and defeated the Meds, taking several prisoners and plundering
their country.
' Strabo, Geogr., xT. 1 ; ii. Vol. III. p. 251 ; Diod. Sic, BiUioth. Sistor., ii. 38.
' Compare Malte Brun, Vniveraal Geo-
also "Wahl, Asien, Vol. I. pp. 793, et. seg. ;
graphy, Vol. II. pp. 27-52 Liineraann, Descriptio Caucasi, Getting., 1803
Bominel, Cauccis. rsgiomtm et gentimn Slrahoniana descr.. Lips. 1804 Hitter, Asien, ;
Vol. II. p. 622 ; and die Vorhalk der EuropHischer Volker-geschichien, pp. SI, To,
300 Eichwald, Geogr. d. Kaap, Meeres, p. 303, et seq. Boeokh, Corpus Inscrip-
; ;
tionum, Vol. II. pp. 100-110 M. V. de St. Martin, M^m. histor. sur la Giog. one.
gu Owucase, Sect, ii, iii, in Etudes de Giog., Vol. I XJkcrt, Alle Geographic, Vol.
III. pt. ii. pp. 282-288; Christoph. Cellarius, Notitiee orbii antiqui, Vol. II. pp.
1 Lassen, de Tentapotamid Ind,, p. 20, and Indisehe AUerth. Vol, I. pjp. 97, 397,
821 ;"Wilson, Vishnu Purdna, Index ; As. Heaearches, Vol. VIII. p. 346 j M.
Vivien de St. Martin, E'tudes de Qiograplm aneimne, Tom. i. p. 337.
^ Sakar, or Sakhar, as it is noT pronounced, is better known to the natives as
" Chipribandar," wbich would imply that it was, in part at least, artificial.
river and Famhal, the frontier town of Hind. They had many stations
which they occupied as pasture grounds, and formed a very large
population, imconverted to the faith. What Abu-1 Fida says of
them is taken from this passage, and we do not read of them in any
subsequent author.'
Hence we might suppose that the tribe is entirely extinct, and
have left no memorial of their existence, except the passages above
quoted. M. Eeinaud, indeed, observes that he finds it impossible
to apply the name of Med or Mand, to any known population, and
therefore conceives that the denomination is disfigured. But he is
mistaken in this supposition, for the tribe of Med still exists, both
to the east and the west of the Indus ;
' and those on the coast, being
' Bdrija in the original. Supra, p. 124, 128. See Note on the word " Barge."
2 Memoirs sur VJnch, pp. 43, 60, 188, 215, 234.
3 Gildemeister, Script. Arab, de rebus Indicia, p. 172.
* In tlie Ayin-i Akbari also we have a tract called after their name within the
SirkSir of H&ji Khin.
Mahr of Ifbaro, and other "tracts in the Upper Sind, where they
are reckoned by their neighbours as the aboriginal inhabitants of the
To them may perhaps he ascrihed the distinction of giving name to the Mihrin,
or Indus.
The old town of Mhar in K:ichh, where there is a temple of great antiquity and
celebrity, dedicated to the goddess Asapura, may probably trace its origin to a similar
conspicuous for their lawless and predatory habits, from the time
when four thousand Mer archers defended their passes against
PLrthi-Eaj,i down to a.d. 1821, when their excesses compelled the
British government to attack them in their fastnesses, and reduce
them to complete obedience. Since which period, it is gratifying to
observe that they have emerged from their barbarism, and, under the
judicious management of European officers, have learnt to cultivate
the arts of peace, and set a notable example of industry to the sur-
rounding tribes.
' "With reference to the concluding paragraphs of this Note, the celehrity of
Median archery
the Medi pharetrd focori should be borne in mind. Herat.,
Carm. ii. Od. 16 Propert., Lib. iii. Eleg. 11.
' Compare Chr. Lassen, Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 1840, Tom. iii.
that Meris is a Grecised form for the " chief of the Mers."
We may even extend our views to a still more remote period, and
indulge in speculations whether this tribe may not originally have
been a colony of Medes. There is nothing in the distance of the
migration which would militate against this supposition, for Heror
dotus mentions the Sigynnas, as a colony of the Medes settled
beyond the Danube :
" How they can have been a colony of the
Medes," he observes, "I cannot comprehend; but anything may
happen in course of time."' The Medians are also said to have
accompanied the expedition of Hercules, when he crossed over from
Spain into Africa.* The Sauromatae were Median colonists beyond
the Tanais, or Don.= The Matienoi, or Matienes,^ the Kharimatai,'
ajad possibly the Mares,^ were Caucasian colonists from Media, pre-
17 ; Vie Erdkunde von As., Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 474 Bohlen, das Alte Indien,
Kitter, ;
140, 144.
' Herodotus, v. 9.
* Sallust. Jugurtha, 14 ; JS'ouv. Memoires de VAoademie des Inscriptions, Tom. xii.
p. 181, tt seq.
Diod. Sic, Bibl. Hist., ii. 43 ; Plin., Hist. Nat., vi. 7. See on this subject,
Zeuss, die Deutschen und die Nachbarstiimme, p. 298.
Dionysii. Ferieg, 1002 ; Herod., i. 189 ;
iii. 94 ; r. 49, 52.
' Stephan. Byzant., s.t. Xapi/iuiTai.
They may either have been transplanted to the banks of the Indus
"when the Medo-Persian empire extended so far to the eastward ; or
they may have migrated thither at some indefinitely early period
or they may have sought an asylum there upon the occupation of
their country by the Scythians ; or during the persecution of the
Magi, who consituted one of the six tribes of Medes, just as the
ParsiB did in Guzerat, at a later period and on similar occasion. It
able ;" hence a portion of Upper India is called Aryavarta, " the
holy lajid," or " country of the Aryas." The Medes being also of
the same original stock, were universally called Arii. The Aryas of
Manu, therefore, are not necessarily, as some interpret, only de-
generate natives, but may likewise have been Medes occupying the
399, 419, 422; Tacitus, Annal, xiii. 16; Ptol., Geogr., \. 9; Boeckh, Corpus In-
seript., Vol. II. p. 1009. = VuUer's Institut, p. 32.
Sir A. Burnes, Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. pp. 64, 268 ; Dr. Burnes, Visit
to the Court of Sinde, pp. liv. 107 Journ. H. As. Soc., Vol. I. p. 224 ; Journ. R.
Geogr. Soc., Vol. III. 128,130; Niebuhr, Lectures on Ancient Sistorg., Vol. I. 96;
Herodotus, i. 110; Report of British Association, 1851, p. 145; Tuhfatii-l Kirdm,
MS. p. 166 ; Gatterer, Comment. Soc. S:ient. Gott, Vol. xii. pp. 160, 161.
Sorani" of Stephanus, a tribe
The name of Sar is probably at least as old as the
which must have been on, or near, the Indus, because an Alexandria, enumerated by
him as the fourteenth, was built within their territory. If the people of Sar are not
meant, allusion is perhaps made to the Sodhas, who once occupied that country.
'AAf^dpSpeta. ' [Cf. Pehlavi].
See Elhnica, r.
has merely been to show that we have the Meds of the Arabs retain-
ing their own name to this day, as well as probably under a slightly
varied form, in and around the original seats of their occupation.
That object has, it is hoped, been accomplished satisfactorily, and
with regard to all extraneous matter, to use the words of Cicero,
sequtmur probabilia, nee ultra quam id, quod verisimile occiirrerit, pro-
gredi possumus, et refcllere sine pertinacid et refelli sine iracundid
parati sumus.^
[General Cunningham, in his Report for 1863-64, says :
" The
Meds or Mands are almost certainly the representatives of the Man-
drueni, who lived on the Mandrus river, to the south of the Oxus
and as their name is found in the Panjab from the beginning of the
Christian era downwards, and in none before that time, I conclude
that they must have accompajiied their neighbours, the latii, or
sical writers, the name is found as Medi and Mandueni, and in the
Muhammadan writes, as Med and Mand." To show that these
Herodotus, vii. 62; Inatitides' of Manu., ii. 22, 36, 45, 48; Heeren, Historical
Sesearclies; Aaiatic Nations, Talboys, Vol. III. p, 322; Lassen, /W. Alter Ihums.,
Vol. pp. 615, et seq. Ind. BiUioiJieh, Vol. III. p.. 71 ; Ersch and Gruber, Ency-
I. ;
elopiidie, tt. " Indo-Germanischer Spraclistamm," p. 1, 46, and " Indien," pp. 4, 15,
II. p.83; Schafarik, SlawiscJie AUerthiimer, Vol. I. pp. 302, 333, et seq. ; TJkert,
Geographie der Griechen und Homer, Vol. III. Abth. ii. pp. 119, 269, 273, 279, 284,
333, 337, 346.
called Media. Here then we have evidence that the Medi, or Meds,
were in the Panjab as early at least as the time of Virgil, in b.o. 40
to 30, and as we know that they were not one of the five tribes of
Yuchi, or Tochari, whose names are given by the Chinese writers, it
may be inferred, with tolerable certainty, that they must have be-
longed to the great horde of Sus, or Ahars, who entered India about
B.C. 126, and gave their name to the province of Indo-Scythia."
[As the date of the Peutingerian Table is not later than a.d. 250,
we have a break of upwards of four centuries before we reach the
earliest notices of the Muhammadan writers. In thesewe find the
Meds or Mands firmly established in Sindh, along with their ancient
rivals the Ja is, bo th of whom are said to be the descendants of Ham, the
son of Noah. Eashid-ud din further states that they were in Sindh at
the time of the Maha-bharata, but this is amply refuted by the native
histories of the province, which omit both names from the list of
aborigines of Sindh. Ibn Haukal describes the Mands of his time
(about A..D. 977), as occupying the banks of the Indus from Multan
to the sea, and to the desert between Makran and Famhal. Masudi,
who visited India in a.d. 915-16, calls them Mind, and states that
they were a race of Sindh, who were at constant war with the
people of Mansura. These notices are sufficient to show, that at
some time previous to the first appearance of the Muhammadans, the
Meds must have been forced to migrate from the Upper Panjab to
Sindh. There they have since remained, as there can be no doubt
that they are now represented by the Mers of the A'ravali Bange to
Mera, Mandra, and Meriali, of the Sindh Sagar Doab, and in Med-
hukur or Mandhukur, the capital of Lohawar, offers the strongest
confirmation of the concJ nsion which I have already derived from the
notices of the classical authors, that the Meds or Mers were once the
dominant race in the Panjab. The special location of theMedi on
the Hydaspes by classical writers of the first century of the Christian
era, the evident antiquity of Mera, Meriali, and other places which
still bear the name, and the admitted foreign origin of their modern
representatives,, the Mers, all point to the same conclusion, that the
Medi, or Meds, were the first Indo-Scythian conquerors of the
[- o o o About this time (30 to 20 b.c.) the Meds may be
supposed to have retired towards the south, nntU they finally es-
cause I would also refer the statement of the Erythrsean Periplus, that
about A.D. 100, the rulers of Minnagara were rival Parthians, who
were mutually expelling each other."]
'' Le roy Eichard fist tant d'armes outremer a celle foys que il
fu, que quant les chevaus aus Sarrasins avoient pouour d'aucun
bisson, leur mestres leur disoient :
' Ouides tu,' fesoient ils a leurs
chevaus, 'que e soil le roy Michart d'Angleterre?' Et quant les
1 Mannert, Geographic der Orieehen und Homer, Vol. Y. Eitter, Die Erdltunde ;
von As., Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 471 Tod, Annals of Rijasthdn, Vol. I. p. 93 II. p.
; ;
310-319 Eneye. Metrop., Vol. XXIII. p. 781 Journ. S. As. Soc., Vol. I. p. 33
; ;
Mitford, Sitt. of Greece, Vol. X. pp. 231, 232, notes 15 to 17 Dr. Bumes, Visit to ;
the Court of Sinde, p. .105 Journ. S. Geog. Soe., Vol. IV. p. 93 Vincent, Chmm.
and Nav. of the Ancients, Vol. I. pp. 137-145; Arrian, Anab., vi. 16
; Diod. Sic,
Sihlioth. Milt., XTii. 102; Mrs. Postans, Culch, pp. 62, 136.
but had this been the case, we shoiild have most probably had more
frequent mention of the circumstance, especially by Khusru, who
was their prisoner, and delighted to record their hideous faces and
But neither in Khusru, nor in any other author, do we find notice
of such an helmet, or chapelle de fer, as would give rise to the fears
here depicted. A good European observer of their manners merely
remarks that the upper part of their casque was of iron or steel.'
1 Sist. du roy St. Loys, ix. p. 116; see also Matt. Westm,, p. 304.
2 Virg. ^J8., vii. 666
' Galea autem est superius ferrea vel de chalybe, sed ille quod protegil in cirouitu
coUnm gulam de corio est." J. de Plano-Carpini, in
et ec%teil de Voyages et (?
' " A Mongol is amenable to punishment if he pluck another by his tuft of hair,
not on account of the assault, but because the tuft is declared to be the property of
the Emperor." Pallas, Mongotischen Volker, Vol. I. p. 194.
' M. J. de Klaproth, Voyage au Gauease, Tom. I. p. 83.
' Mistoria Arctma, p. 31, Lugd. 1623. He says the Massagetse adopt the same
Bxcerpta de Legaiionibus, 2.
Eubruquis, cap. 8, ap, Hakluyt, Voyages and Discoveries, Yol. I. p. 108. The
If this was not the Alpine chapeau which spread such dismay in
Sind, it may have been the lofty dark sheepskin Tilpah,'' which
the Turkmans now wear, about a foot high. An exaggerated form
of this would have been alarming enough to produce the effect
I. cb. 42 ; Bayle, Diet. Mistor., t. " Andromaque," rem. G. and v. " Coneote."
* I presume this is the same as the Kalpak, oa which see Z' JJnivera. Pitt., vi. 67.
We have seen above (p. 411) that Eai Chach and Mahrat of
Chitor contend against each other on foot ; the former representing
that, being a Brahman, he was unable to fight on horseback ; then
again mounting hie horse unexpectedly, he slays his antagonist
with the most deliberate treadhery.
It is probable that the Ean^ of Ohitor would not have so readily
been deceived by this insidious challenge, had it been at all opposed
to the military practice of those times. Indeed, to the present day,
we find Siudians, unlike most Asiatic nations, still somewhat repug-
nant to fighting on horseback, and priding themselves more on
being foot soldiers than cavalry.
I allude in a subsequent note to the dismounting being followed
by binding those fighting on the same side, one to the other, by
their waistbands : but this seems to have been resorted to only in
desperate circumstances, when there was no chance, or intention, of
escape. The mere dismounting appears not to have been attended
with any vow of self-sacrifice.
In Persian history we meet with similar instances of this dis-
mounting to engage in single combat. Thus, after the fatal battle
of Kadisi'ya, the Persian general, Takharjan, dismounts to fight with
the Arab champion, Zahir.
The practice was very common in the Middle Ages in Europe,
being introduced chiefly for the purpose of obviating the incon-
venience of the cumbersome armour of that period. The cavalry
dismounted, leaving their horses at some distance, and combated
with their lances on foot. WQliam of Tyre (xvii. 4) says of the
Emperor Conrad's cavalry, in the second Crusade: "De equis
descendentes, et facti pedites ; sicut mos est Teutonicis in Summis
necessitatibus bellica tractare negotia." The English did the same
in their engagement with the Scotch, in 1138, near North Allerton,
commonly called the Battle of the Standard. Comines also (i. 3)
observes upon it as a Burgundian fashion :
" Entre les Bourgig-
nons, lors estoient les plus honorez ceux que desoendoient aveo les
In the wars of Edward III. dismounting was not uncommon ; and
Sir John Hawkwood, one of his knights, the famous partizan leader,
disguised by contemporary writers under the name of Aucud or
Agutus, introduced it into Italy. And it was, as we learn from Mon-
strelet (ii. 10, 20), practised by the English in their second wars
with France, especially at the battles of Crevant and Verneuil.'
Colligation in Fighting.
dismounted from their horses, loclced their shields together, seized their
According to a stanza familiarly quoted in Guzer^t, there have been no less than
seven Jh^reja chieftains of this name. We need not here show Trhioh was the oppo-
nent of Mirz& Shah Husain.
See what the heroic king of Bohemia, together with his faithful and
devoted companions did at the glorious battle of Cregy :
that they shulde not lese hym in the prease, they iyed all their raynes
of their bridelles eehe to other, and sette the kynge before to accom-
plysshe his desyre, and so they went on their ennemyes. The lord
Charles of Behaygne, his sonne, who vrrote hymselfe Kynge of Be-
haygne, and bare the armes, he cam in good order to the batayle
but whan he sawe that the matter went awrie on their partie, he de-
parted, I can nat tell you whiche waye. The kynge, his father, was
so farre forewarde, that he strake a stroke with his swerde, ye and
mo than foure, and fought valyantly, and so dyde his company ; and
p. 65).' This is a native word still in use for a boat, but the origin
of the term Bawdrij must be sought, not in the Indian Bera, but
rather in the Arabic Barija, which Golius, on the authority of the
Kdmks, tells us to mean a large vessel of war.*
From the same source our English Barge seems to be derived,
which, though at first view it may appear rather a startling asser-
tion, will perhaps be admitted, when we see how our best ety-
mologists have failed in their endeavours to trace its real origin.
Coupling this early and distinctive use of the term with the
fact of its being first used during the Holy Wars, and with the