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\_TsESM are not the days when the public care to listen to

the minor details of an authors life ; hut Sir H. M. Elliot's

relations and the thinned number of his personal friends wliile
confidently leamig his posthumous works to speak for them-
selves recognise the double duty of placing on record the more
prominent events of his career, and of defining under what
guarantee his writings are nom submitted, so to say, to a
new generation of readers. The former will be found in a
separate note, but to explain the origin and progressive advance
of the present publication, it may be stated that after Sir Henry
Elliot's death, at the Cape of Good Hope, his fragmentary

papers were brought to this country by his widow. And as the

introductory volume of the original work had been issued under
the auspices and at the cost of the Government of the North-
western Provinces of India, the
MSS. constituting the ma-
terials already prepared for the more comprehensive under-
taking in thirteen volumes were placed at the disposal of those
ever liberal promoters of Oriental literature, the Directors of
the East India Company, by whom they were submitted to a
Committee consisting of the late Prof. H. H. Wilson, Mr.
Edward Clive Bayley, of the Bengal Civil Service, and Mr.

W. H, Morley, of the Inner Temple, a gentleman who had

distinguished himself as an Arabic scholar, and mho was reputed
to be well versed in other branches of Oriental lore. On
the recommendation of this Committee, the Court of Directors
readily sanctioned a grant of 500 towards the purposes of
the publication, and Mr. Morley was himself entrusted with

the editorship. Mr. Morle^'s circumstances, at this critical

time, are understood to have been subject to important changes,

so that, although he entered upon his task with full alacrity

- and zeal, his devotion soon slackened, and when the MSS.
were returned four years afterwards, they were found to be in
such an imperfectly advanced state as effectually to discourage
any hasty of a new editor. For which reserve, indeed,
there mere other and more obvious reasons in the paucity of
scholars available in this country, who could alike appredate
the versatile knowledge of the author, and do justice to the
critical examination of his leading Oriental authorities, or other
abstruse texts, where references still remained imperfect.

As Lady Elliot's adviser in this matter, a once official colleague

of her husband's, and alike a free participator in his literary

tastes, I trust that I have secured the best interests of the pro-
jected undertaking in the nomination of Professor J, Dowson,
of the Staff College of Sandhurst, mho has so satisfactorily
completed the first volume, under the revised distribution of
the work, now submitted to the public. Edward Thomas.]

The foregoing note has described how, sixteen years

after Sir Henry Elliot's first volume was given to the

"world, his papers were placed in my charge for revision

and publication.

My first intention was to carry out the work on the

original plan, but as progress was made in the examina-
tion of the voluminous materials, the necessity of some
modification became more and more apparent. The
work had long been advertised under the revised title

which it now bears, as contemplated by the author

himself ; its bibliographical character having been

made subordinate to the historical. It also seemed

desirable, after the lapse of so many years, to begin

with new matter rather than with a reprint of the old

volume. Mature consideration ended with the convic-
tion that the book might open with fresh matter,

and that it might at the same time be rendered more

available as an historical record.

In the old volume, Sir H. Elliot introduced a long

note upon " India as known to the Arabs during the

first four centuries of the Hijri Era," and under this

heading he collected nearly all the materials then within

the reach of Europeans. Since that compilation was

made, it has been to a great degree superseded by
new and more satisfactory translations, and the work
of Al Istakhrf has also become available. The trans-

lation of Al Idrisi by Jaubert was not quoted by Sir

H. Elliot, but an English version of the part relating to

India seemed desirable. The subject had thus outgrown
the limits of an already lengthy note, and a remodelling

of this portion of the book became necessary. The

notices of India by the early Arab geographers form a

suitable introduction to the History of the Muhammadan

Empire in that country. They have accordingly been
placed in chronological order at the opening of the


Next in date after the Geographers, and next also as

regards the antiquity of the subjects dealt with, come

the Mujmalu-t Tawarikh and the Futuhu-l Buldan. In

the latter work, Biladuri describes in one chapter the

course of the Arab conquests in Sind. The Chach-nama

deals more fully with the same subject, and the Arabic
original of this work must have been written soon after

the events its records, though the Persian version, which


is alone known to us, is of later date. The Arab occu-

pation of Sind was but temporary, it was tbe precui-sor,

not tbe commencement, of Musulman rule in India. On

tbe retreat of tbe Arabs tbe government of tbe country

reverted to native princes, and notwithstanding tbe suc-

cesses of Mabmud of Gbazni, tbe land remained practi-

cally independent until its absorption into tbe Empire

during tbe reign of Akbar in 1692 a.d. Priority of date

and of subject tbus give tbe right of precedence to tbe

Historians of Sind, while tbe isolation of the country and

tbe individuality of its history require that all relating

to it should be kept together. Tbe " Early Arab Geo-

graphers," and "The Historians of Sind," have therefore

been taken first in order, and they are comprised in tbe

present volume.

So far as this volume is concerned. Sir H, Elliot's plan

has been followed, and tbe special histories of Sind form

a distinct book, but for tbe main portion of tbe work his

plan will be changed. In classifying his materials as

"General Histories" and "Particular Histories," Sir H.

Elliot adopted the example set by previous compilers
of catalogues and other bibliographical works, but be

sometimes found it convenient to depart from this divi-

sion. Thus the Kamilu-t Tawarikh of Ibn Asir and the

Nizamu-t Tawarikh of Baizawi, are general histories,

but they are classed among the particular histories, be-


cause they were writteii shortly after the fall of the

Ghaznivides, and their notices of India are confined
almost exclusively to that dynasty.

The great objection to this arrangement in an his-

torical work is that it separates, more than necessary,

materials relating to the same person and the same sub-
ject. Thus the Tarikh-i Badatini of 'Abdu-1 Kadir is

particularly yaluable for the details it giyes of the reign

and character of Akbar under whom the writer lived.

But this is a general history, and so would be far

removed from the Akbar-nama of Abii-l Fazl, which is

a special history comprising only the reign of Akbar.

A simple chronological succession, irrespective of the

general or special character of the different works, seems

with the single exception of the Sindian writers to be

the most convenient historical arrangement, and it will

therefore be adopted in the subsequent volumes. This

plan will not entirely obviate the objection above
noticed, but it will tend greatly to its diminution.

Upon examining the mass of materials left by Sir H.

Elliot the bibliographical notices Avere found for the most

part written or sketched out, but with many additional

notes and references to be used in a final revision. The

Extracts intended to be printed were, with some import-

ant exceptions, translated ; and where translations had

not been prepared, the passages required were generally,

though not always, indicated. The translations are in

many different hands. Some few are in Sir H. Elliot's

own handwriting, others were made by different English

officers, hut the majority of them seem to have heen the

work of munsMs. With the exception of those made by
Sir H. Elliot himself, which will be noted whenever they
occur, I have compared the whole of them with the
original texts and the errors which I have had to correct

have been innumerable and extensive. But with all my

care it is to be feared that some misreadinga may have
escaped detection, for it is very difficult for a reviser

to divest himself entirely of the colour given to a text

by the original translator. In some cases it would have

been easier to make entirely new translations, and many
might have been made more readable ; but, according to

Sir H. Elliot's desire, "the versions are inelegant, as, in

order to show the nature of the original, they keep as

close to it as possible ; and no freedom has been in-

dulged in with the object of improving the style, senti-

ments, connection, or metaphors of the several passages

which have been quoted :" the wide difference in the

tastes of Europeans and Orientals has, however, induced

me to frequently substitute plain language for the turgid

metaphors and allusions of the texts.

The notes and remarks of the Editor are enclosed in

brackets [ J,
but the Introductory chapter on the Arab

Geographers must be looked upon as being in the main

his work. Where any of Sir H. Elliot's old materials

have been used and throughout in the notes, the dis-

tinctive mark of the brackets has been maintained.

The reference made by Sir H. Elliot to the works of

other authors are very nimierous, especially in the

articles which appeared in his printed volume. Some of

these references have been checked, and the passages

referred to have been foimd to be of very little im-

portance. They would seem to have been made for

the author's rather than for general use, but still it is

difficult to determine beforehand what particular part of

an article may attract attention or excite opposition. I
have worked under the great disadvantage of living in
the country, far away from public libraries, and have
been confined in great measure to the limited resources

of my own library. It has thus been impracticable for

me to verify many of these references or to judge of their

value. I have therefore deemed it more expedient to

insert the whole than to omit any which might even-

tually prove serviceable.

With the advertisements published before the work

came into my hands, there was put forth a scheme of

spelling to be observed in the reprint of Sir H. Elliot's

Glossary and in this work, by which Sanskritic and

Semitic words were to be made distinguishable by dia-

editor's preface. xiii

critical marks attached to the Eoman equivalent letters.

Admitting the ingenuity of the scheme, I nevertheless

declined to adopt it, and so a determination was come to,

that the long vowels only should be marked. It seemed

to me that this system of spelling, while it would have
required a great deal of minute attention on the part of

the Editor and Printer, would practically have been un-

heeded by the general reader, and useless to the scholar.

In doubtful cases, the affiliation of a word without proofs

or reasons, would have been valueless; but more than all

this, the many -Turanian words must have appeared

with a Sanskritic or Semitic label upon them. Either

too much or too little was attempted, and even if the

design could be completely accomplished, a philological

work like the Glossary would be a more fitting vehicle

for its introduction than a book like the present.

To shorten the work as much as possible it has been

determined to omit the Extracts of the original texts,

but even then, it will be impossible to include the whole

of the materials in the three volumes advertised.

I have throughout been anxious never to exceed my

powers as Editor, but to place myself as far as possible in

Sir H. Elliot's place. I have not attempted to controvert

his opinions, or to advance theories of my own, but

palpable errors have been corrected, and many altera-

tions and additional notes have been introduced, which


have been rendered necessary by the advance of know-

ledge. "With the nnrevised matter, I have used greater

freedom, but it has been my constant aim to complete

the work in a manner that its designer might have


It only remains for me to express my obligations to

Mr. E. Thomas for many valuable hints and suggestions.
I am also indebted to General Cunningham for several
important notes, which I have been careful to acknow.

ledge in loco, and for placing at my disposal his yaluable

Archseological Eeports, which are too little known in

Europe, and some extracts of which appear in the


A FEW months since, tte Compiler of this Catalogue was engaged

in a correspondence with the Principal of the College at Delhi on
the subject of lithographing an uniform edition of the Native His-
torians of India. On Honour the Lieu-
referring the matter to his
tenant-Governor, North Western Provinces, was replied that the

Education Funds at the disposal of the Government were not suffi-

cient to warrant the outlay of so large a sum as the scheme required,

and without which it would have been impossible to complete so

expensive an undertaking. At the same time it was intimated, that,
as few people were acquainted vyith the particular works which
should be selected to form such a series, it would be very desirable
that an Index of them should be drawn up, in order that the manu-
scripts might be sought for, and deposited in one of our College
Libraries, to be printed or lithographed hereafter, should circum-
stances render it expedient, and should the public taste, at present
lamentably indifferent, show any inclination for greater familiarity
with the true sources of the Muhammadan History of India.
The author willingly undertook this task, as it did not appear one
of much difficulty but in endeavouring to accomplish it, the mere

Nominal Index which he was invited to compile, has iosensibly

expanded into several volumes ; for, encouraged not only by finding
that no work had ever been written specially on this matter, but also
by receiving from many distinguished Orientalists, both European
and Native, their confessions of entire ignorance on the subject of
his enquiries, he was persuaded that it would be useful to append,
as far as his knowledge would permit, a few notes to each history
as it came under consideratioii, illustrative of the matter it compre-
hends, the Style, position, and prejudices of the several authors, and
the merits or deficiencies of their execution.
Brief extracts from the several works have been given iu the


fourth, volume, in order to show the style of each author. Some of

these have been translated in the three first volumes ; of some,
where the text is of no interest, the translation has been omitted
but in most instances, the English translations exceed the Persian
text. As the translation and the printing of the Persian text occurred
at different periods, the translation wiU be found occasionally to
vary from the text, having been executed probably from a different
manuscript, and the preferable reading taken for the fourth volume.
The versions are inelegant, as, in order to show the nature of the
original, they keep as close to it as possible ; and no freedom has
been indulged in with the object of improving the style, sentiments,

connexion, or metaphors of the several passages which have been

The author has been very particular in noticing every translation
known to him, in order that students, into whose hands this Index
may fall, may be saved the useless trouble, which he in his ignorance
has more than once entailed upon himself, of undertaking a transla-
tion which had already been executed by others.

He had hoped to be able to append an account of the historians of

the independent Muhammadan monarchies, such as of Guzerat,
Bengal, Kashmir, and others ; but the work, as it is, has already
extended to a length beyond what either its name or the interest of
the subject warrants, and sufScient information is given respecting
their annals in many of the General Histories. For the same reason
he must forego an intended notice of the various collections of private
letters relating to the history of India, and the matters which chiefly
interested the generation of the writers.
The historians of the Delhi Emperors have been noticed down to
a period when new actors appear upon the stage when a more

stirring and eventful era of India's History commences and when ;

the full light of European truth and discernment begins to shed its

beams upon the obscurity of the past, and to relieve us irom the
necessity of appealing to the Native Chroniclers of the time, who
are, for the most part, dull, prejudiced, ignorant, and superficial.

If it be doubted whether it is worth while to trouble ourselves

about collecting such works as are here noticed, it is suflicient to

reply that other countries have benefited by similar labours exem-


plified in tlie Scriptores Eerum ItaHoarum, the Auotores Veteres

Historias Ecolesiasticse, the Monumenta Boica, the Eecueil des His-
toriens des Gaules, and a hundred other collections of the same kind
^but no objection is urged against them on the ground that each
chronicler, taken individually, is not of any conspicuous merit. They
are universally considered as useful depositories of knowledge, from
which the labour and dUigence of succeediug scholars may extract
materials for the erection of a better and more solid structure. This
country offers some peoidiar facilities for such a collection, which it

would be vain to look for elsewhere ; since the number of available

persons, sufficiently educated for the purpose of transcribiag, col-
lating, and indexing, is very large, and they would be content with
a small remuneration. Another urgent reason for undertaking such
a work in this country, is the incessant depredation which insects,
moths, dust, moisture, and vermia are committing upon the small
store of manuscripts which is now extant. Every day is of import-
ance in rescuing the remnant from stUl further damage, as was too
painfully evident a short time ago, from a report presented to the
Asiatic Society of Bengal, respecting the injury which has already
been sustained by their collection.

On the other hand, it must not be concealed, that in India, inder

pendent of the want of standard books of reference, great difficulties

beset the enquirer in this path of literature, arising chiefly from one
of the defects in the national character, viz. : the intense desire for
parade and ostentation, which induces authors to quote works they
have never seen, and to lay claim to an erudition which the limited
extent of their knowlege does not justify. For instance, not many
years ago there was published at Agra a useful set of chronological
tables of the Moghal dynasty, said to be founded on the authority of
several excellent works named by the author. Having been long
in search of many of these works, I requested from the author a
more particular account of them. He replied that some had been
once in his possession and had been given away ; some he had
borrowed ; and some were lost or mislaid ; but the parties to whom
he had given, and from whom he had borrowed, denied all know-
ledge of the works, or even of their titles. Indeed, most of them
contained nothing on the subject which they were intended to

VOL I. i

illustrate, and they were evidently mentioned by the author for the
mere object of acquiring credit for the accuracy and extent of his
Again, a native gentleman furnished a catalogue of the manu-
scripts said to compose the historical collection of his Highness the
Nizm ; but on close examination I found that, from beginning to
end, it was a complete fabrication, the names of the works being
taken from the prefaces of standard histories, in which it is usual to
quote the authorities, the very identical sequence of names, and
even the errors of the originals, being implicitly followed.
Against these impudent and interested frauds we must conse-
quently be on our guard, not less than against the bliuiders arising
from negligence and ignorance ; the misquoting of titles, dates, and
names the ascriptions to wrong authors the absence
; ; of beginnings
and endings the arbitrary substitution of new ones
; to complete a
mutilated manuscript ; the mistakes of copyists ; the exercise of
ingenuity in their corrections, and of fancy in their additions ; all

these, added to the ordinary sources of error attributable to the well-

known difficulty of deciphering Oriental manuscripts, present many
obstacles sufficient to damp even the ardour of an enthusiast. Be-
sides which, we have to lament the entire absence of literary history
and biography, which in India is devoted only to saints and poets.
Where fairy tales and fictions are included under the general name
of history we cannot expect to learn much respecting the character,
pursuits, motives, and actions of historians, unless they are pleased

to reveal them to us themselves, and to entrust us with their familiar

confidences ; or unless they happen to have enacted a conspicuous
part in the scenes which they describe. Even in Europe this defi-
ciency has been complained of; how much more, then, is it Kkely
to be a subject of regret, where despotism is triumphant ; where the
active elements of life are few ; and where individual character,
trammeled by so many restraining influences, has no opportunity
of development.
It must be understood, then, that this Index has not been con-
structed on account of any intrinsic value in the histories themselves.
Indeed, it is almost a misnomer to style them histories. They can
scarcely claim to rank higher than Annals. " Erat enim historia


nihil aliud, nisi annalium confectio. <*><* Hanc similitudinem

scribendi multi secuti sunt, qui, sine uUis omamentis, monimenta
solum temporum, hominum, locorum, gestarumque reram. relique-
runt. <*<* Non exomatores rerum, sed tantummodo narratores
fuerunt" ' They comprise, most part nothing but a mere
for the
dry narration of events, conducted with reference to chronological
sequence, never grouped philosophically according to their relations.
Without speculation on causes or effects ; vrithout a reflection or
suggestion which is not of the most puerile and contemptible tind
and without any observations calculated to interrupt the monotony
of successive conspiracies, revolts, intrigues, murders, and fratricides,
so common in Asiatic monarchies, and to which India unhappily
forms no exception. Ifwe are somewhat relieved from the contem-
plation of such scenes when we come to the accounts of the earlier
Moghal Emperors, we have what is little more inviting in the records
of the stately magnificence and ceremonious observances of the
Court, and the titles, jewels, swords, drums, standards, elephants,
and horses bestowed upon the dignitaries of the Empire.
If the artificial definition of Dionysius be correct, that " History
is Philosophy teaching by examples," then there is no Native Indian
Historian ; and few have even approached to so high a standard.

Of examples, and very bad ones, we have ample store, though even
in them the radical truth is obscured, by the hereditary, official, and
sectarian prepossessions of the narrator but of philosophy, which

deduces conclusions calculated to benefit us by the lessons and ex-

perience of the past, which adverts on the springs and consequences
of political transactions, and offers sage counsel for the future, we
search in vain for any sign or symptom. Of domestic history also

we have in our Indian Annalists absolutely nothing, and the same

may be remarked of nearly all Muhammadan historians, except
Ibn Khaldun. By them society is never contemplated, either in its

conventional usages or recognized privileges ; its constituent elements

or mutual relations; in its established classes or popular institutions;

in its private recesses or habitual intercourses. In notices of com-

merce, agriculture, internal police, and local judicature, they are
equally deficient. A fact, an anecdote, a speech, a remark, which
1 De Orat. II. 12.

would illustrate the condition of the common people, or of any rank

subordinate to the highest, is considered too insignificant to be suf-
fered to intrude upon a relation which concerns only grandees and
ministers, " thrones and imperial powers."
Hence it is that these works may be said to be deficient in some of
the most essential requisites of History, for " its great object," says
Dr. Arnold, "is that which most nearly touches the inner life of
civilized man, namely, the vicissitudes of institutions, social, political,

and religious. This is the reXeioTaTOV reXo? of historical enquiry."'

In Indian Histories there is little which enables us to penetrate

below the glittering surface, and observe the practical operation

of a despotic Government and rigorous and sanguinary laws, and

the effect upon the great body of the nation of these injurious in-
fluences and agencies.
If, however, we turn our eyes to the present Muhammadan king-
doms of India, and examine the character of the princes, and the
condition of the people subject to their sway, we may fairly draw a
parallel between ancient and modem times, under circumstances and
relations nearly similar. We behold kings, even of our own creation,
sunk in sloth and debauchery, and emulating the vices of a Caligula
or a Commodus. Under such rulers, we cannot wonder that the
fountaias of justice are corrupted ; that the state revenues are never
collected without violence and outrage ; that villages are burnt, and
their inhabitants mutilated or sold into slavery ; that the officials, so
far from affording protection, are themselves the chief robbers and
usurpers ; that parasites and eunuchs revel in the spoil of plundered
provinces ; and that the poor find no redress against the oppressor's
wrong and proud man's contumely. "When we witness these scenes
under our own eyes, where the supremacy of the British Govern-
ment, the benefit of its example, and the dread of its interference,
might be expected to operate as a check upon the progress of mis-
rule, can we be surprised that former princes, when free from such
restraints, should have studied even less to preserve the people com-
mitted to their charge, in wealth, peace, and prosperity ? Had
the authors whom we are compelled to consult, pourtrayed their
Ctesars with the fidelity of Suetonius, instead of the more congenial
' Zecturei on MoH. SUt., p. 123.

sycophancy of Patercnlus, we should not, as now, have to extort

from unwilling witnesses, testimony to the truth of these assertions.
From them, nevertheless, we can gather, that the common people
must have been plunged into the lowest depths of wretchedness and
despondency. The few glimpses we have, even among the short
Extracts in this single volume, of Hindus slain for disputing with
Muhammadans, of general prohibitions against processions, worship,
and ablutions, and of other intolerant measures, of idols mutilated,
of temples razed, of forcible conversions and marriages, of proscrip-
tions and confiscations, of murders and massacres, and of the sen-
suality and drunkenness of the tyrants who enjoined them, show us
that this picture is not overcharged, and it is much to be regretted
that we are left to draw it for ourselves from out the mass of
ordinary occurrences, recorded by writers who seem to sympathize
with no virtues, and to abhor no vices. Other nations exhibit the
same atrocities, but they are at least spoken of, by some, with indigna-
tion and disgust. Whenever, therefore, in the course of this Index,

a work is characterized as excellent, admirable, or valuable, it must

be remembered that these terms are used relatively to the narrative

only ; and it is but reasonable to expect that the force of these

epithets wOl be qualified by constant advertence to the deficiencies
just commented on.

These deficiencies are more to be lamented, where, as sometimes

happens, a Hindu is the author. Prom one of that nation we might
have expected to have learnt what were the feelings, hopes, faiths,

fears, and yearnings, of his subject race ; but, unfortunately, he rarely

writes unless according to order or dictation, and every phrase is

studiously and servilely turned to flatter the vanity of an imperious

Muhammadan patron. There is nothing to betray his religion or his
nation, except, perhaps, a certain stifihess and affectation of style,

which show how ill the foreign garb befits him. With him, a
Hindu is " an infidel," and a Muhammadan " one of the true faith,'

and of the holy saints of the calendar, he writes with aU the fervour
of a bigot. With him, when Hindus are killed, " their souls are des-
patched to hell," and when a Muhammadan suffers the same fate,
" he drinks the cup of martyrdom." He is so far wedded to the set

phrases and inflated language of his conquerors, that he speaks of


" the light of Islam shedding its refulgence on the world," of " the
blessed Muharram," and of "the illustrious Book." He usually
opens with a " Bismillah," and the ordinary profession of faith in
the unity of the Godhead, followed by laudations of the holy
prophet, his disciples and descendants, and indulges in aU the most
devout and orthodox attestations of Muhammadans. One of the
Hindu authors here noticed, speaks of standing in his old age, " at
the head of his bier and on the brink of his grave," though he must
have been fully aware that, before long, his remains would be burnt,
and his ashes cast into the Ganges. Even at a later period, when no
longer " Tiberii ac Neronis res ob metum falsae,"' there is not one of
this slavish crew who treats the history of his native country sub-

jectively, or presents us with the thoughts, emotions, and raptures

which a long oppressed race might be supposed to give vent to,

when freed from the tyraony of its former masters, and allowed to
express itself in the natural language of the heart, without constraint
and without adulation.
But, though the intrinsic value of these works may be small,
they will still yield much that is worth observation to any one who
will attentively examine them. They will serve to dispel the mists
of ignorance by which the knowledge of India is too much obscured,
and show that the history of the Muhammadan period remains yet
to be written. They will make our native subjects more sensible
of the immense advantages accruiag to them under the mildness and
and equity of our rule. If iastruetion were sought for from them,
we should be spared the rash declarations respecting Muhammadan
India, which are frequently made by persons not otherwise ignorant.
Characters now renowned only for the splendour of their achieve-
ments, and a succession of victories, would, when we withdraw the
veil of flattery, and divest them of rhetorical flourishes, be set forth

in a truer Ught, and probably be held up to the execration of man-

kind. We should no longer hear bombastic Babiis, enjoying under
our Government the highest degree of personal liberty, and many
more political privileges than were ever conceded to a conquered
nation, rant about patriotism, and the degradation of their present
position. If they would dive into any of the volumes mentioned

' Tacitus, Annal., 1. 1,


herein, it would take these young Brutuses and Phooions a very

short time to learn, that in the days of that dark period for whose
return they sigh, even the bare utterance of their ridiculous fantasies
would have been attended, not with silence and contempt, but
with the severer discipline of molten lead or empalement. We
should be compelled to listen no more to the clamours against
resumption of rent-free tenures, when almost every page will show
that there was no tenure, whatever its designation, which was not
open to resumption in the theory of the law, and which was not
repeatedly resumed in practice. Should any ambitious functionary
entertain the desire of emulating the "exceedingly magnifical"
structures of his Moghal predecessors,' it will check his aspirations
to learn, that beyond palaces and porticos, temples, and tombs, there
is little worthy of emulation. He will find that, if we omit only three
names in the long line of Dehli Emperors, the comfort and happi-
ness of the people were never contemplated by them ; and with the
exception of a few sarai's' and bridges, and these only on roads tra-
versed by the imperial camps ^he wiU see nothing ia which purely
selfish considerations did not prevail. The extreme beauty and ele-

gance of many of their structures it is not attempted to deny ; but

personal vanity was the main cause of their erection, and with the
small exception noted above, there is not one which subserves any
purpose of general utility. His romantic sentiments may have been
excited by the glowing imagery of LaUa Eookh, and he may have

^ This was the grandiloquent declaration of a late GoTernor-General [Lord Ellen-

borough] at a farewell banquet given to him by the Court of Directors. But when
his head became tamed by the laurels which the victories of others placed upon his
brow, these professions were forgotten ; and the only monument remaining of his
peaceful aspirations, is a tank under the palace walls of Dehli, which, as it remains
empty during one part of the year, and exhales noxious vapours during the other, has
been voted a nuisance by the inhabitants of the imperial city, who have actually pe-
titioned that it may be filled up again.
' The present dilapidation of these buildings is sometimes adduced as a proof of

our indifference to the comforts of the people. It is not considered, that where they
do exist in good repair, they are but little used, and that the present system of
Government no longer renders it necessary that travellers should seek protection
within fortified enclosures. If they are to bo considered proofs of the solicitude of
former monarchs for their subjects' welfare, they are also standing memorials of the
weakness and ioefflciency of their administration. Add to which, that many of the
extant sar&is were the offspring, not of imperial, but of private liberality.


indulged himself with -visions of Jahangir's broad highway from one

distant capital to the other, shaded throughout the whole length by
stately avenues of trees, and accommodated at short distance with
sarais and tanks ; but the scale of that Emperor's munificence will
probably be reduced in his eyes, when he sees it written, that the

same work had already been in great measure accomplished by

Sher Shah, and that the same merit is also ascribed to a still earlier

predecessor ; nor will it be an unreasonable reflection, when he

finds, except a ruined milestone here and there, no vestige extant of
this magnificent highway, and this " delectable alley of trees," that,

after aU, that can have been no very stujpendous work, which the
resources of three successive Emperors have failed to render a more
enduring monument.^ When he reads of the canals of Piroz Shah
and 'AH Mardan Khan intersecting the country, he will find on
was ever open, it was
further examination, that even if the former
used only for the palace and hunting park of that monarch; but
when he ascertains that no mention is made of it by any of the
historians of Ti'mur, who are very minute in their topographicsil de-
tMls, and that Babar exclaims in his Memoirs, that in none of the
Hindustani Provinces are there any canals (and both these con-
querors must have passed over these canals, had they been flow-
ing in their time), he may, perhaps, be disposed to doubt if anything
was proceeded with beyond the mere excavation. With respect to
'All Mardan Khan, his merits will be less extolled, when it is learnt
that his canals were made, not with any view to benefit the public,

but for an ostentatious display of his profusion, in order that the

hoards of his ill-gotten wealth might not be appropriated by the
monarch to whom he betrayed his trast. When he reads that in
Some of the reigns of these kings, security of person and property
was so great, that any traveller might go where he listed, and that
a bag of gold might be exposed on the highways, and no one dare
touch it,' he will learn to exercise a wise scepticism, on ascertaining

' Coryat speaks of the avenue, " the most incomparable I ever beheld." Kerr,
ix. 421.
' worth while to read the comment of the wayfaring European on this pet
It is
phrase. Bemier, describing his situation when he arrived at the Court of Sh&jah&n,
speaks of " le peu d'argent qui me restoit de diverses rencontres de voleurs." ifisf.
dea Estatt du Grand Mogol, p. 6.


that in one of the most vigorous reigns, in. which internal tran-

quillity was more than ever secured, a caravan was obliged to remain
six weeks at Muttra, before the parties who accompanied it thought
themselves strong enough to proceed to Dehli;^ that the walls of
Agra were too weak too save the city from frequent attacks of
marauders ; that Kanauj was a favourite beat for tiger-shooting, and
wild elephants plentiful at Karra and Kalpi ;
^ that the depopulation
of towns and cities, which many declamatory writers have ascribed
to our measures of policy, had already commenced before we entered
on possession ; and that we found, to use the words of the Prophet,
" the country desolate, the cities burnt, when the sons of strangers
came to build up the walls, and their kings to minister."
If we pay attention to more general considerations, and wish to

compare the relative merits of European and Asiatic Monarchies,

we shall find that a perusal of these books wiU convey many an
useful lesson, calculated to foster in us a love and admiration of our
country and its venerable institutions.
When we see the withering effects of the tyranny and capricious-
ness of a despot, we shall learn to estimate more fully the value of

a balanced constitution. When we see the miseries which are en-

tailed on present and future generations by disputed claims to the

crown, we shall more than ever value the principle of a regulated

succession, subject to no challenge or controversy. In no country

have these miseries been greater than in India. In no country has
the recurrence been more frequent, and the claimants more numer-
ous. From the death of Akbar to the British conquest of Dehli

period of two hundred years there has been only one undisputed
succession to the throne of the Moghal Empire, and even that ex-
ceptional instance arose from its not being worth a contest ; at that

calamitous time, when the memory of the ravages committed by

Nadir Shah was fresh in the minds of men, and the active hostility
of the Abdali seemed to threaten a new visitation. Even now, as
experience has shown, we should not be without claimants to the
pageant throne, were it not disposed of at the sovereign will and
1 Captain Coverte (1609-10) says that people, even on the high road from Surat
to Agra, dared not travel, except in caravans of 400 or 600 men. Churchill, viii,

262. See Jah^ngir's Autobiography, 117 ; Journ. M. Soo. Beng., Jan. 1850, p. 37.
2 Mlphimtone't Hist., ii. 241.


pleasure of the British Government, expressed before the question

can give rise to dispute, or encourage those hopes and expectations,

which on each occasion sacrificed the lives of so many members of

the Eoyal Family at the shrine of a vain and reckless ambition.
It is this vrant of a fixed rule of succession to the throne,
which has contributed to maintain the kingdom in a constant
ferment, and retard the progress of improvement. It was not
that the reigning monarch's choice of his successor was not pro-
mulgated; but in a pure despotism, though the will of a living
autocrat carries with it the force of law, the injunctions of a dead
one avail little against the "lang claymore'' or the "persuasive
gloss" of a gallant or an intriguing competitor. The very law of
primogeniture, which seems to carry with it the strongest sanctions
is only more calculated to excite and foment these disturbances,
where regal descent is not avowedly based on that rule, and
especially in a country where polygamy prevails; for the eldest
prince is he who has been longest absent from the Court, whose
sympathies have been earliest withdrawn from the influence of his
own home, whose position in charge of an independent government
inspires most alarm and mistrust in the reigning monarch, and
whose interests are the first to be sacrificed, to please some young
and favorite queen, ambitious of seeing the crown on the head of her
own child. In such a state of society, the princes themselves are
naturally brought up, always as rivals, sometimes as adventurers
and robbers ; the chiefs espouse the cause of one or the other pre-
tender, not for the maintenance of any principle or right, but with
the prospect of early advantage or to gratify a personal predilection
and probably end in themselves aspiring to be usurpers on their own
account ; the people, thoroughly indifferent to the success of either
candidate, await with anxiety the issue, which shall enable them to
pursue for a short time the path of industry and peace, till it shall

again be interrupted by new contests ; in short, all classes, interests,

and institutions are more or less affected by the general want of
stability, which is the necessary result of such unceasing turmoil
and agitation.

These considerations, and many more which will offer themselves

to any diligent and careful peruser of the volumes here noticed, will

serve to dissipate tte gorgeous Ulusions whicli are commonly enter-

tained regarding the dynasties -which have passed, and show him
that, notwithstanding a civil policy and an ungenial climate, which
forhid our making this country a permanent home, and deriving
personal gratification or profit from its advancement, notwithstand-
ing the many defects necessarily inherent in a system of foreign
administration, in which language, colour, religion, customs, and
laws preclude all natural sympathy between sovereign and subject,
we have already, within the half-century of our dominion, done
more for the substantial benefit of the people, than our predecessors,
in the country of their own adoption, were able to accomplish in more
than ten times that period ;^ and, drawing auguries from the past, he
vrill derive hope for the future, that, inspired by the success which
has hitherto attended our endeavours, we shall foUow them up by
continuous efforts to fulfil ova high destiny as the rulers of India.

^ I speak only with reference to my own Presidency, the North-Western Provinces.

Bengal is said to be a quarter of a century behind it in every symptom of improve-

ment, except mere English education. To the North-Western Provinces, at leasti
cannot be applied the taunt, that we have done nothing, compared with the Mu-
hammadan Emperors, with respect to roads, bridges, and canals. Even here, in the
very seat of their supremacy, we have hundreds of good district roads where one
never existed before, besides the 400 miles of trunk-road, which is better than any
maU-road of similar extent in Europe, and to which the Emperors never had anything
in the remotest degree to be compared. The bridge of Jaunpfir is the only one that
can enter into competition with our bridge over the Hindun, and wotild suffer
greatly by the comparison, to say nothing of those over the J(ia, the Khanaut,
and the K&Ji-nadi. In canak we have been fifty times more effective. In-
stead of wasting our supply of water on the frivolities of fountains, we have fertilized
whole provinces, which had been barren from time immemorial, and this even on the
lines of which much was marked out by themselves, leaving out of consideration the
magnificent works in progress in the Do^b and EohUkhand. The scientific survey
alone of the North- Western Provinces is sufficient to proclaim our superiority ; in
which every field throughout an area of 52,000 square miles is mapped, and every
man's possession recorded. It altogether eclipses the boasted measurement of Akbar,
and is as magnificent a monument of civilization as any country in the world can pro-
duce. Finally, be it remembered that six centuries more have to elapse before any
thing like a comparison can be fairly instituted. It is to be hoped we shall not be
idle during that long period.

Henkt Mibes Elliot was one of fifteen children of the late

John Elliot, Esq., of Pimlioo Lodge, Westminster, and third son of
that gentleman. He was bom in the year 1808. Winchester was
chosen as the place of his education, and he entered the venerable
College of William of Wykeham at the age of ten years. He re-
mained at Winchester eight years, and, ere he left, was one of the
senior praefects. During his residence there he devoted himself
assiduously to the studies of the institution, and shared in its dis-

tinctions, having gained both the sUver medals for speaking.

Eight years passed at Winchester prepared him worthily for ad-
mission into that further temple of learning, which may be regarded,
in fact, as an outlying portion of the Wykhamist establishment. New
College, Oxford. happened that at the very time, when his future

destination was to be determined an opportimity presented itself, which

was then of rare occurrence. From a deficiency of civil servants, con-
sequent upon the consolidation of the British power in India, it became
necessary to seek reinforcements, not alone from Haileybury, which
was designed merely to supply a fixed contingent, but from new
recruiting fields, whence volunteers might be obtained whose varied
acquirements might compete with the special training advocated at
the East India Collegeunder the pressure of necessity such an excep-

tional measure was sanctioned by Parliament. Mr. Elliot, having been

nominated as a candidate by Campbell Marjoiibanks, was the first of
the since celebrated list of Competition WaUahs to pass an examina-

tion fora civil appointment direct to India. The exhibition of classical

and mathematical knowledge might have been anticipated, but al-
though a year had not elapsed since he left Winchester, where he
had no opportunity for pursuing such studies, his proficiency in the
Oriental languages proved so remarkable, that the examiners at
the India House placed him alone in an honorary class. He had

thus the good fortune to arrive in Calcutta with a reputation that

his future career tended not only to maintain, but to exalt. After
emerging from his noviciate as a -writer (the term by which the
younger civilians were then distinguished), he was appointed
assistant to the magistrate, and collector of Bareilly, and succes-
sively assistant to the political agent and commissioner at Delhi,
assistant to the collector and magistrate of Mooradabad, Secretary to
the Sudder Board of Kevenue for the North West Provinces, and
in 1847 he became Secretary to the Government of India in the
Foreign Department. While heading this ofSce he accompanied the
Grovemor- General, Lord Hardinge, to the Punjab, upon the re-
sources of which he drew up a most elaborate and exhaustive
memoir. Later in point of time, Sir Henry Elliot filled the same
important post during the more effective portion of Lord Dalhousie's
administration; His distinguished services were freely recognized
by the Crown as well as by the Company. He received from
the former the honour of a K.C.B.-ship his reward from the

latter was hoped for by the well-wishers of India, in the Lieutenant-

Governorship of the North West Provinces, or the higher office
of the Government of Madras. Sir Henry died at the early age of
forty-five, while seeking to restore his broken health in the equable
climate of the Cape of Good Hope.
In 1846 Sir Henry EUiot printed the first volume of his " Sup-
plement to the Glossary of Indian Terms." The Glossary itself
was a pretentious work then meditated, and for which great pre-
paration had been made by the various local governments, as it-was
intended to comprise the whole series of Indian terms in official use
throughout the country, and if, in Professor Wilson's hands, it fell
short of public expectation, this was less the fault of the Editor,
than of the imperfection of the materials supplied to him while Sir ;

H. Elliot's " Glossary," on the other hand, received too humble a

title, aiming, as it did, at far higher and more important branches of

research, the history and ethnic affinities of the hereditary tribes,

with whom he, an isolated Englishman, had lived so long, in intimate
official association, settling in detail the state demand upon each
member of the Patriarchal VUlage Communities of North- Western
In 1849, Sir Henry Elliot published the first volume of his
"Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Mohammedan India," of
which the present publication is the more mature extension.

Page 33, in line 11, for "Khai&sin," read "Sind and Khurfedn," and in
line 13, insert" Vol. xxi."
Page 129, line 11, for "sixty," read "seventy."

158, 3, after " BalMr," insert "on the land of Barfizi."

214, 20, add, " This translation has been published as No. liL
New Series, Selections of the Eecords of the Govern-
ment of Bombay, 1856."
225, 20, omit "the."
508, add as a note to the article on the Jats, " See Masson's Journey
to Kelat, pp. 351-3 ; also Zeitschrift f. d. Kunde des
Morgenlandes, Vol. III. p. 209."


I. The Merchant Sulaimdn and Abti Zaid - - - - 1
II. IbnKhurd4dba 12
III. AlMas'tidi - 18
Al latakhri
Ibn Haukal (Ashk4Iu-l Bil4d)
Sliru-l Bulddn
... -
VII. BasMdu-d Din, from Al Birflni 42
VIII. Alldrisi - 74
IX. AlKazwinl 94

I. Mujmalu-t Tawdrlkh - - - - - - 100
II. FutHhu-l Bulddn, of BUdduri - - - - 113
III. Chach-ndma 131
T4rikh-i T4hirl
Beg-Lr-nima -
T4rikhu-s Sind, of Mir Ma'stiin



VII. Tarkbin-nAma or Argh1in-n4ma 300
VIII. Tohfatu-l Kirim 327

Juzr or Jurz
Tdfian - -
... - -

- -



Rabma, Ruhml - - 361
K&shbin - - - - - - - - 361

Cities and Towns.

AgbamThe Lohinas
Alor - - - ... ....
- - - , .

- - 362

Amhal, FdmhaJ, Mimhal - - 353
Arm4-bel - - - - 364
Askalanda 3g5
B&uiya, Bdtiya - 367

Bhambdr - 368
BrAhmanAbid, Manstira, Mahfdza - - - 369
Debal, Kariohl, Thatta, and Ldhori-bandar - - 374
H41a-kaudi, the Hellenes, Pindus 379
Jandrtid - 380
Kaikdndn, Kaikin, K4kars - . . - - - 381
Kajurdha - 383
Kfflari, Annari, and Ballari - - - - 384
Kanddbel, Ttikn, Budba, Baizi - - 385
Kannazbtir - . . . - . 389
Mandal, Klraj
..... ..
Narina -- 393
Ntrdn, Sikfira, Jarak - - 396
Sadusdn 401
Samlii, Tughlik&b&d, KaI&-kot
Sind^n, Subdra, Saimiir ... - -


- 401
Ttir, Mubatampur, Dirak, Vijeb-kot
Tbe EAI Dynasty . . 405
The Brdhman Dynasty 409
The Advances of the Arabs towards Sind - - - 414
The Progress of the Arabs in Sind -
Sind under the Arabs
The Slimra Dynasty
.... -


The Samma Dynasty - - 494
The ArghUn Dynasty - 497
The Tarkhin Dynasty
SUh Beg's
The Death of
Capture of Thatta
Sh4h Beg Arghtin
. -


.... ...
Native Opinions on the Aborigines of Sind 503
Buddhists in Sind
TheKerks -
.... . - - -
- - 504
TheMeds - 519
The WairsI and Sodha Tribes 531

The Terrors of the Moghal Helmet 532
Dismounting for Combat - - 535
Colligation in Fighting 537
Barge, an Arabic "Word 539






The earliest information which Europe derived from the

writings of the Arabs upon India and the lands adjacent, was
that which the Abbe Renaudot published, in the year 1718,
under the title " Anctennes JRelations des Indes et de la Chine
de deux voyageurs Mahomitans qui y allerent dans le iz^ sitcle

de noire ere." By a curious coincidence the work so translated

happened to be the earliest work extant of the A rab geographers
relating to India. So novel and unexpected was the light thus
thrown upon the farther East, that the translator was accused of
all sorts of literary crimes. Some asserted his inaccuracy, and
pointed out the discrepancies between the statements of his work
and the accounts of the Jesuit missionaries in China. He had
given no precise account of his manuscripts, hence some did not
hesitate to accuse him of downright forgery. Time has shown
the emptiness of most of these charges. From error he certainly

was not exempt, but his faults and mistakes were those of a man
who had to deal with a diflBcult subject, one which, even a century
later, long deterred M. Reinaud from grappling with it.
2 EAELY AEaB geographers.

The MS. from which Eenaudot made his translation was found
by him in the library formed by the minister Colbert. This col-
lection descended to the Oomte de Seignelay and subsequently ;

merged into the Bibliotheque Eoyale. Here in 1764 the cele-

brated scholar Deguignes found the MS., and wrote more than
one article upon it.^

In the year J 811 M. Langl^s printed the text, and pro-

mised a translation; but he had made no progress with the
latter at the time of his death in 1824. The text so printed
remained in the stores of the Imprimerie Royale until the year
1844, when M. Reinaud published it with a translation and
notes, prefacing the whole with a Preliminary Discourse on the
early Geography of the East, full of valuable information and
criticism. The following observations upon the work are con-
densed from M. Reinaud's; the translation is also taken from

The title which Renaudot gave to his book is not quite

accurate. He speaks of two travellers, while there was only one
who wrote an account of his own worktravels. The basis of the
and that which bears Book I, is the
in the text the title of

account written by a merchant named Sulaiman, who embarked

on the Persian Grulf, and made several voyages to India and
China. This bears the date 237 a,h. (861 a.d.). The second
part of the work was written by Abu Zaidu-1 Hasan, of Siraf, a
connoisseur, who, although he never travelled in India and China,
as he himself expressly states, made it his business to modify and
complete the work of Sulaiman, by reading, and by questioning
travellers to those countries. Mas'udi met this Abu Zaid at
Basra, in SOS a.h. (916 a.d.), and acknowledges to have
derived information from him, some of which he reproduced in

1 Jour, des Sav., Noyembre, 1764. Kotices et Extraits des MS8., Tome i. See
also Mem. de I'Acad. des Inscriptions, Tome xxxyii, ; Jour. Asiatique, iv sene,
T. viii., 161 ; Asiatic Journal, vol. ixjiii., p. 234.
2 " Relations des Voyages faites par les Axabes et les Persans dans I'Inde et a la
Chine." 2 Tom., 24mo., Paris, 1845.

his " Meadows of Gold,"i as a comparison of the following

extracts will show. On the other hand, Abu Zaid was indebted
to Mas'iidi for some of his statements.. He never mentions him
by name, but refers to him as a " trustworthy person." The two
works have much in Common, but Mas'udi is generally more
detailed. Abu Zaid finishes his work with these words :
" Such
is the most interesting matter that I have heard, among the many
accounts to which maritime adventure has given birth. I have
refrained from recording the false stories which sailors tell, and
which the narrators themselves do not believe. A faithful account
although short, is preferable to all. It is God who guides us in
the right way."


Observations on the Countries of India and China, and their Sovereigns.

The inhabitants of India and China agree that there are foiu: great
or principal kings in the world.. They place the king of the Arabs
(KhaJif of Baghdad) at the head of these, for it is admitted without
dispute that he is the greatest of kings. First in wealth, and in the
splendour of his Court ; but above all, as chief of that sublime reli-
gion which nothing excels. The king of China reckons himself next
after the king of the Arabs. After him comes the king of the
Greeks,' and lastly the Balhara, prince of the men who have their

ears pierced.
The Balhara' is the most eminent of the princes of India, and the
Indians acknowledge his superiority. Every prince in India is

master in his own state, but all pay homage to the supremacy of the
Btdhara. The representatives sent by the Balhara to other princes

are received with most profound respect in order to. show him
honour. He gives regular pay to his troops, as the practice is among
the Arabs. He has many horses and elephants, and immense wealth.
The eoins which pass in his coimtry are the Tatariya dirhams,* eaoh

' [See Beinaud's Mem. sur I'lnde, p. 19, and Aboulfeda, I., liii.]
' [EiJm.] ' [See note A iu Appendix.]
* [These dirhams are mentioned by almost all tiese early writers. Idrisi says they
were in use at Mansiira, and also current in the Malay Archipelago (Jaubert, p. 86

of whioh. weiglis a diitam and a talf of the coinage of the king.

They are dated from the year in which the dynasty acquired the
throne. They do not, like the Arabs, use the Hijra of the prophet,
but date their eras fr6m the beginning of their kings' reigns ; and
their kings live long, frequently reigning for fifty years. The inhabi-
tants of the Balhara's country say that if their kings reign and live

for a long time, it is solely in consequence of the favour shown to

the Arabs. In fact, among all the kings there is no one to be found
who is so partial to the Arabs as the Balhara; and his subjects follow
his example.
Balhara is the title borne "by all the kings of this dynasty. It is
similar to the Cosroes (of the Persians), and is not a proper name.
The kingdom of the Balhara commences on the sea side, at the coun-
try of Komkam [Konkan], on the tongue of land which stretches to
China. The Balhara has around him several kings with whom he is

at war, but whom he greatly excels. Among them is the king

of Jurz.' This king maintains numerous forces, and no other Indian
prince has so fine a cavalry. He is unfriendly to tlie Arabs, still he
acknowledges that the Idng of the Arabs is the greatest of kings.
Among the princes of India there is no greater foe of the Muhanuna-
dan faith than he. His territories form a tongue of land. He has
great riches, and his camels and horses are numerous. Exchanges
are carried on in his states with silver (and gold) in dust, and there
are said to be mines (of these metals) in the country. There is no
country in India more safe from robbers.
By the side of this kingdom lies that of Tafak, which is but a

and 162). Reinaud suggests that the term is intended to represent "statere," and
that the coins Tvere tetradrachmas. (Mem. sur I'lnde, p. 235 Rel. desVoy.jii., 16 ;

Thomas's Prinsep, i., 86.) In the Paris edition of Mas'iidi they are called " T6hi-
riya," and Prof. Cowell states that the same word is used in the Oxford MS. of Ibu
Khnrdkdba. This reading gives weight to a suggestion made by Mr. Thomas, that
these dirhams were coins of the Tahirides, who were reigning in hur^&n, and
exercised authority over Sistin in the time of our author SulaimSn.]
' [This agrees with Ibn KhiirdS,dba and IdrisI, but differs from Ibn Haukal ; see

P Ibn KhurdSdba concurs in this reading, but Mas'fidi has "Juzr," a near
approach to " Guzerat." Eeinaud suggests Kanauj as the seat of this monarchy (Rel.
des Voy., xcv.), but Mas'iidi places the Bauiira or Bodha there at the same period.
The question is discussed in note A in Appendii.]

small state. The women are white, and the most beautiful in
India. The king lives at peace with his- neighbours, because his
soldiers are so few. He esteems the Arabs as highly as the Balhard
These threestates border on a kingdom called Euhmi,' which is

at war with that of Jurz. The king is not held in very high estima-
tion. He is at war with the Balhara as he is with the king of Jurz.
His troops are more numerous than those of the Balhard, the king of
Jurz; or the king of Tafak. It is said that when he goes out to battle
he is followed by about 50,000 elephants. He takes the field only
in winter, because elephants cannot endure thirst, and can only go
out in the cold season. It is stated that there are from ten to fifteen
thousand men
army who are employed in fulling and washing
in his
cloths. There is a stuff made in his country which is not to be found,

elsewhere so fine and delicate is this material that a dress made of


it may be passed through a signet-ring. It is made of cotton, and we

have seen a piece of it. Trade is carried on by means of kauris,

which are the current money of the country. They have gold and
silver in the country, aloes, and the stuff called samara, of which
madahs are made. The striped hnshdn or Jcarkaddan is found in this
country. It is an animal which has a single horn in the middle of
iis forehead, and in this horn there is a figure like unto that of
a man." > o
After this kingdom there is another situated in the interior of the
country, away from the sea> It is called Kashbin. The people are
w^hite, and pierce their ears. They are handsome, and dwell in
the wilds and mountains.
Afterwards comes a sea; on the shores of which there is a kingdom
called Kiranj.* Its kiag is poor and proud.. He collects large

Cis'*^ The position of these lingdomB is discussed ia note A in Appendix.]
' few verhal alterations. The translatiou
[Mas'fldf gives these passages with a
of the Paris edition says, " They export from this country the hair called Samara,
from which fly-whisks are made, with handles of ivoiy and silver. These are hold
over the heads of princes .when they give audience. It is in this country that the
animal called an nishdn, the marked,' or vulgarly karlcaddan, is found. It has one

horn in the middle of its forehead." Ma<;oudi, vol. i., 385.]

3 [Mas'iidi writes " Eiranj," see post, page 25. Eeinaud says " the coast of Ooro-
mandel ;" perhaps it is the country of Kalinga on that coast.]

quantities of amber, and is equally well provided with elephants'

teeth. They eat pepper green in this country because it is scarce.
o <t o
"When the king of Sarandib dies, his corpse is carried on a low
carriage very near the ground, with the head so attached to the back
of the vehicle that the occiput touches the ground, and the hair drags
in the dust. A woman follows with a broom, who sweeps the dust
on to the face of the corpse, and cries out, " O men, behold ! This
man yesterday was your kiag ; he reigned over you and you obeyed
his orders. See now to what he is brought ; he has bid farewell to
the world, and the angel of death has carried off his soul. Do not
allow yourselves to be led astray by the pleasures of this life," and
such like words. The ceremony lasts for three days, after which the
body is burnt with sandal, camphor and saffron, and the ashes scat-
tered to the winds.' All the Indians bum their dead. Sarandib is

the last of the islands dependent on India. Sometimes when the

corpse of a king is burnt, his wives oast themselves upon the pUe
and bum with it ; but it is for them to choose whether they vrill do
do so or not.
In India there are persons who, in accordance with their profes-
sion, wander in the woods and mountains, and rarely communicate
with the rest of mankind. Sometimes they have nothing to eat but
iierbs and the fruits of the forest, o o e Some of them
j^o about naked. Others stand naked with the face turned to the sun,
'laving nothing on but a panther's skin. In my travels I saw a man
In the position I have described ; sixteen years afterwards I returned
o that country and found him in the same posture. "What astonished
ae was that he was not melted by the heat of the sun.
In all these kingdoms the nobility is considered to form but one
amily. Power resides in it alone. The princes name their own
-luccessors. It is the same vrith learned men and physicians. They
orm a distinct caste, and the profession never goes out of the
The princes of India do not recognise flie supremacy of any one

' [Mas'Udl and IdrJsi gave the same account. The fonner says he had witnessed
'he ceremony himself. cnstom to the kings of India. Ma90udi,
Idrisi refers the
Tome i., 69. Idrtsi, poit.J

ABir ZAID. 7

sovereign. Each one is his o-wn master. Still the Balhara has the
title of " king of kings."
The Chinese are men of pleasure but the Indians condemn plea-

sure, and abstain from it. They do not take wine, nor do they take
vinegar -which is made of wine. This does not arise from religious
scruples, but from their disdain of it. They say " The prince who
drinks wine is no true king." The Indians are surrounded by ene-
mies, who war against them, and they say "
can a How man who
inebriates himself conduct the business of a kingdom ?"
The Indians sometimes go to war for conquest, but the occasions
are rare. I have never seen the people of one country submit to the
authority of another, except in the case of that country which comes
next to the country of pepper."^ When a king subdues a neighbour-
ing state, he places over it a man belonging to the family of the
fallen prince, who carries on the government in the name of the
conqueror. The would not suffer it to be otherwise.
The principles of the religion of China were derived from India.
The Chinese say that the Indians brought buddhas into the country,
and that they have been the real masters in matters of religion. In
both countries they believe in the metempsychosis, but there are
some differences upon matters of detsdl.
The troops of the kings of India are numerous, but they do not
receive pay. The king assembles them only in case of a religious
war. They then come out, and maintain themselves without
receiving anything from the king.'

Book II. The words of Abu Zaidu-l Hasan, of Slrdf. ^I have

carefully read this book, that is to say the first book, having resolved

to examine it and to add to it such observations as I have gathered

in the course of my reading about voyages and the kings of the mari-
time countries, and their peculiarities, collecting all the information
I could upon those matters about which the author has not spoken.
O 4 #
Among the stories' which are current, in the country (of Zabaj)

> [Malabar.]
2 [It has been previously lemaiked that tbe SaUiar& paid his troops.]
3 [Mas'lidi relates this story also. Ma^oudi, Tome i., 82.]

about ancient times, there is one concerning a Icing of Kumar,' the

country -which produces the aloes called kumarf. This country is

not an island, but is situated (on the continent of India) on that side
which faces the country of the Arabs. There no kingdom which

has a more dense population than Kumar. Here every one walks on
foot. The inhabitants abstain from licentiousness, and from all
sorts of wine. Nothing indecent is to be seen in this country.
Kumar is in the direction of the kingdom of the Meiharaja, of the

island of Zabaj. There is about ten days' sailing between the two
kingdoms, e e but when the wind is light the journey

takes asmuch as twenty days. It is said that in years gone by the

country of Kumar came into the hands of a young prince of very
hasty temper. This prince was one day seated in his palace,
situated on the banks of a river, the water of which was sweet like
that of the Tigris of 'Irak. There was the distance of a day's jour-
ney between the palace and the sea. The wazir was near the king,
and the conversation turned upon the empire of the Maharaja, of its
splendour, the number of its subjects, and of the islands subordinate
to it. All at once the king said to the wazir, " I have taken a fancy
into my head which I should much like to gratify. * ** '*

I should like to see before me the head of the king of Zabaj in a

dish." ** * ** *' These words passed from mouth to mouth,
and so spread that they at length reached the ears of the Maharaja,
o o That king ordered his wazi'r to have a thousand ves-
sels of medium size prepared, with their engines of war, and to put
on board of each vessel as many arms and soldiers as it could carry.
s o When the preparations were ended, and everything
was ready, the king went on board his fleet, and proceeded with his
troops to Kumar. The king and his warriors all carried tooth-

brushes, and every man cleaned his teeth several times a day. Each
one carried his own brush on his person, and never parted from it,
unless he entrusted it to his servant. The kiag of Kumar knew
nothing of the impending danger until the fleet had entered the river
which led to his capital, and the troops of the Maharaja had landed.
The Maharaja thus took the king of Kumar tinawares, and seized

' [The country about Cape KumSiI, or Comorin.J


upon his palace, for the officers had taken flight. He then made a
proclamation assuring safety to every one, and seated himself on the
throne of Kumar. Ho had the king brought forth, > and
had his head cut off. The Maharaja then addressed the wazir,
"I know that you have borne yourself lite a true minister; receive
now the recompense of your conduct. I know that you have given
good advice to your master if he would but have heeded it. Seek
out a man fit to occupy the throne, and seat him thereon instead of
this foolish fellow." The Maharaja returned immec ately to his
country, and neither he nor any of his men touched anything
belonging to the king of Kumar. Afterwards the * * ' **

Maharaja had the head washed and embalmed, then putting it in a

vase, he sent it to the prince who then occupied the throne of
Kumar, with a letter, o o o When the news of these events
spread among the kings of India and China the Mahdraja rose
greatly in their estimation. From this time the kings of Kumar,
when they rise in the morning, always turn towards the country of
Zabaj, and bow themselves to the ground as a mark of respect to the
In the states of the Balhara, and in other provinces of India, one
may see men bum themselves on a pile. This arises from the faith
of the Indians in the metempsychosis, a faith which is rooted in their
hearts, and about which they have not the slightest doubt.
Some of the kings of India, when they ascend the throne, have a
quantity of rice cooked and served on banana leaves. Attached to
the king's person are three or four hundred companions, who have
joined him of their own free will without compulsion. When the
king has eaten some of the rice, he gives it to his companions. Each
in his turn approaches, takes a small quantity and eats it. All thos e
who so eat the rice are obliged, when the king dies, or is slain, to
bum themselves to the very last man on the very day of the king's
decease. This is a duty which admits of no delay, and not a vestige
of these men ought to be left.'
i < (t

When a person, either woman or man, becomes old, and the senses
are enfeebled, he begs some one of his family to throw him into the
[ Eeinaudot and Eeinaud refer this to the Nairs of Malabar.]

fire, or to drown him in the water; so firmly are the Indians

persuaded that they shall return to (life upon) the earth. In India
they bum the dead.
The island of Sarandib contains the mountain of precious stones,
the pearl fisheries, etc, Precious stones, red, green,
and yellow, are obtained from the mountain which rises over the
island of Sarandib. The greater part of the stones that are found
are brought up by the tide. The water carries them into caverns
and and into the places where torrents descend. There are
men appointed to watch the gathering of these stones on behalf of
the king. Sometimes precious stones are dug from the depths of the
earth, as in mines ; these stones are accompanied by earthy matter,
which has to be separated from them.
The kingdom of Sarandib has a law, and its doctors assemble from
time to time like as among us the men assemble who collect the tra-

ditions of the Prophet. The Indians go to the doctors, and write

from their dictation the lives of the prophets, and the precepts of the
law. There is in the island a great idol of pure gold, the size of
which has been exaggerated by travellers. There are also temples
which must have cost considerable sums of money. There is a
numerous colony of Jews in Sarandib, and people of other religions,

especially Hanicheans. The king allows each sect to follow its own
religion.' Great licentiousness prevails in this coimtry among the
women as well as the men. Sometimes a newly arrived merchant
will make advances to the daughter of a king, and she, with the
knowledge of her father, will go to meet him in some woody place.
The more serious of the merchants of Siraf avoid sending their ships
young men on board.
here, especially if there are
Among the Indians there are men who are devoted to religion and
men of science, whom they call Brahmans. They have also their
poets who live at the courts of their kings, astronomers, phUosophers,
diviners, and those who draw omens from the flight of crows, etc.

Among them are diviners and jugglers, who perform most astonish-
ing These observations are especially applicable to Kanauj, a

large country forming the empire of Jurz.

> [See Jaubert's Idrisi, p. 71.]

ABtr ZAID. 11

[Then follows an account of ike Baikarjis or Bairdgis, of (he inns for

travellers, and of the courtezans attached to the templesJ]

The idol called Multan is situated in the environs of Manaura, and

people come on pilgrimages to it from many months distance. They
bring thither the Indian aloes called al Jcdmruni, from Kamrun, the
name of the country in which it grows. These aloes are of the finest
quality. They are given to the ministers of the temple for use as
incense. These aloes are sometimes worth as much as two hundred
dinars a mana. The aloes are so soft that they will receive the impres-
sion of a seal. Merchants buy them of the ministers of the temple.
a it <a
The kings of India are accustomed to wear earrings of precious
stones, mounted in gold. They also wear necklaces of great value,
formed of the most precious red and green stones. Pearls, however,
are held in the highest esteem, and are greatly sought after. *<**
Formerly the dinars of Sind, each of which is worth three and a
fraction of the ordinary dinars, were brought into India. Emeralds
also were imported from Egypt, mounted as seals, and enclosed in
boxes. Coral and the stone dahnap were also imported. This trade
has now ceased.
Most of the princes of India, when they hold a court, allow their
women to be seen by the men who attend it, whether they be natives
or foreigners. No veil conceals them from the eyes of the viators.

[A stone resembling the emerald,]






Kdsim llbaidu-llah bin 'Abdu-llali bin Khurdadba is

better known as Ibn Khurdadba, a name derived from his grand-
father, who was a fire worshipper, as the name shows, but who

subsequently became a convert to the Muhammadan faith. Ibn

Khurdadba attained high office under the Khalifs, and employed
his leisure in topographical and geographical researches, the result
of which was his "Book of Roads and Kingdoms." He died in
300 AH., or 912 A.d.^ Up to a recent date the separate indi-
viduality of Ibn KhurdMba was disputed, and it was argued by
some that he was the same person as Abii Is,hdk Istakhri, and
the real author of the " Oriental Greography" translated by Sir
W. Ouseley. This question was set at rest by the publication of
Istakhri's work, and by the extracts from Ibn Khurdadba, which
appeared in Sir H. Elliot's first volume.
The text of Ibn Khurdadba has lately been published with a

translation by M. Barbier de Meynard, in the Journal Asiatique

(1865) from a copy of the MS. in the Bodleian Library, collated

with another from Constantinople. Advantage has been taken of

this publication to amend the translation which originally appeared
in the original specimen of this work. The texts differ occasion-
ally, and the leaves of one or both of the MSS. must have been

' [See Eeiuaud'B Aboulfeda I., p. 57, and Joum. Asiatique, Jan., 1866.]

misplaced. The notes marked P give the Paris readings, where

the dififerences are such as to prechide an alteration of the Indian
version. The passages in brackets have been taken from the Paris
translation in addition to those published in the first edition,


[The greatest king of India is the Balhara, or " king of kings."

The other sovereigns of this country are those of Jaba, Tafan, Juzr
[Guzerat], Ghanah, Eahmi, and Kamriin. The king of Zabaj is

called Alfikat/ and the king of the isle of the eastern

sea Maharaja * < <*],

The kings and people of Hind regard fornication as lawful, and

wine as unlawful. This opinion prevails throughout Hind, but the
king of Kumar^ holds both fornication and the use of wine as un-
lawful. The kiag of Sarandip conveys wine from 'Irak for his
The kings of Hind take great delight in maintaining elephants,
and pay largely for them in gold. The elephants are, generally,
about niuo cubits high, except those of 'Anab,^ which are ten and
eleven cubits.
The greatest king of India is the Balhara, whose name imports
" king of kings." He wears a ring in which is inscribed the follow-
ing sentence " "What is begun with resolution ends with success."

The next emiuent king is he of Tafan ; the third is king of Jaba ;

the fourth is he of Juzr : the Tatariya dirhams are in use in his

dominions. The fifth is king of 'Ana;* the sixth is the Eahmi,'

1 [In a subsequent passage he says, " The king of Z&baj is called MahS.rS.ja," and
this agrees with Mas'Adf.]
' [Kum5.r is the country about Cape Comorin, Travancore, etc. Kazwini makes
the same statement respecting Kum^
but he refers to Ibn Takiyah as his autho-
rity. He adds that wine-drinkers were punished by having a hot iron placed on
their bodies, and kept there till it' got cold. Many died under the infliction.]
" [So says Sir H. Elliot's text. The Paris translation reads, "aghbdi, yallees
spacieuses et etendues qui s'avancent dans la mer." Sulaim&n and Mas'fidi place
these Talleys near Ceylon, post, page 22. Eel. des Voy. i., 128.]
* [The Paris version here reads '"Anab," but in the first paragraph the name is

given as " Ghanah," Sir H. Elliot's text has " 'Aba."]

[ " Eahma " in the Paris translation ; altf-i ma/csura.']

and between Mm and the other kings a communication is kept up by

ships.' It is stated that he has in his possession five thousand'' ele-

phants ; that his country produces cotton cloths and aloe wood.
The seventh is the king of Kamrun, which is contiguous to China.
There is plenty of gold in this country.
[From the frontier of Kirman to Mansura, eighty parasangs ; this

route passes through the country of the Zats [Jats], who keep watch
over it. From Zaranj, capital of Sijistan, to Multan, two months'
journey. Multan is called " the farj of the house of gold," because

Muhammad, son of Kasim, lieutenant of Al Hajjaj, found forty

iakdrs of gold in one house of that city, wliich was henceforth called
" House of Gold." Farj (split) has here the sense of " frontier," A
bahdr is worth 333 mans, and each man two n'ffe.]

[CouNTEiBS OP SiND. ^Al Kairunya [Kirbun ?*], Makran, AlMand

(or rather, country of the Meds), Kandaliar, Kasran,' Nukan,* Kan-
dabil, Kinnazbun, Armabil, Kanbali, Sahban, Sadusan, Debal, Easak,
Al Daur [Alor], Vandan, Multan, Sindan, Mandal, Salman, Sa'vrasb,
Karaj, Eumla, Kuli, Kanauj, Baruh [Broach].']
There is a road through the city of Karkuz, leading to the eastern
countries from. Persia.*
The island of Kharak lies fifty parasangs from Obolla. It is a
parasang in length and breadth, and produces wheat, palm trees, and
vines. The island of Lafat is at a distance of eighty parasangs from
that of Kharak, and has cultivated lands and trees. It is two para-

i [The Fans version reads il^X.^ Sj*m^ instead of iii^Jt^ ISj^mu* and translateB
" Les Etats de ce dernier sont distants de tous les autres d'une ann^e de marche."]
2 [" Cinquante miUe." P.]
' [A ritl is one pound Troy.]
* [A large town in MakrSin. Mar&sidu-l Ittll6,'.]

' [A city in Sind. Mar&sid.]

' [A town of T6s,, near Nishapfir. MarSisid; Ab6-1 FidS.; Sprenger'a Routes,
Map 4.]
[The locality of several of these countries is discussed in a note. Appx. A.]
do not find this passage in the Paris version.
* [I Quatremere proposed to read
Hormuz for Ksikiz. Jour, des Sav. Sep. I860.]
' [Sir H. Elliot's text has "Labin," but the Paris version reads Lafet " it is the :

'Labet' of Idrisi, and the 'Lafet' of Istakhri, probably the Isle of Kenn."
Quatremfere, in Jour, des Sav. Sep. 1850. Sprenger's Routes, 79.]

sangs in length and breadth. Trom Lafat to the island of Abrdn

are seven parasangs ; it produces palm trees and wheat, and is a
parasang in length and breadth. IVom Abrun to the island of Khin'
are seven parasangs ; this island is only half a parasang in extent,
and is uninhabited. Erom Khin to the island of Kis,^ seven para-
sangs; the island is four parasangs in extent. In it are produced
wheat, palm trees, and the like ; the inhabitants dive for pearls,
which are here of excellent quality. Erom Ki's to Ibn K^wan' are
eighteen parasangs. It is three parasangs in extent. The inhabi-
tants are heretics, of the sect of thef Ibazites. From Ibn Kawdn to

Armiin,* seven parasangs. Prom Armun to Narmasfra' is seven

days' journey, and the latter is the boundary between Persia and
Sind. From Narmasira to Debal is eight days' journey, and from
Debal to the junction of the river Mihran with the sea is two
From. Sind are brought ihe oostus, oanes, and bamboos. From the
Mihran to Bakar,* which is the first place on the borders of Hind,
is foTir days' The country abounds with canes in the hUly
tr'acts, but in the plains wheat is cultivated. The people are wan-
derers and robbers. From this place to the Meds are two parasangs ;

they also are robbers. From the Meds to Kol' are two parasangs,
and from Kol to Sindan is eighteen parasangs. In the latter grow
the teak tree and canes. From Sindan to Mali [Malabar] is five days'

journey ; in the latter pepper is to be found, also the bamboo.

From Mali to Balbun,^ is two days' journey, and from Balbun to the

great sea, is two days' journey. At Balbun. the route divides; fol-

1 [Sir H. Elliofstext and translation reads ."Chin."l

* [Sir fl. ElKot's textand translation had Kasir; Quatrem6re suggested Kish, and
the Paris version gives Kis for Kish.]
s [Or " Benou KkYku." P. Sir. H. Elliot's text had " Aharkawan."]
< ["Ormuz." P.]
s [Or Narmashira, the "Nami&sir " of Sprenger's Houtes, and " Nnrmanshur " of
the Maps of Kirman.]
[Illegihle in the Paris copies.]
' This is the first indication we have of the Coles in this neighhouxhood, if we ex-
cept the KwMs of Dionysius {Ferieg : 1148), which must he looked for in another
8 [" Balin," in the Paris version.]
' ["Lajjat," middle of the sea, gulf, great deep.]
: ]


lowing the shore it takes two days to reach Bas, which is a large
place where you can take passage to Sarandip. From Bas to Saji^

and 'Askan, is two days' journey, in which latter place rice is culti-

vated. Trom 'Askan to Kura three and a half parasangs, where

several rivers discharge. Prom Kuta to Kilakan, Luar and Kanja,'
is two days' journey, in all which wheat and rice are cultivated, and
into which the wood -of aloes is imported from Kamul and other
neighbouring places, by the fresh-water route 'in fifteen days. From
Samundar to LTrasir* is twelve parasangs; this is a great country,
where are elephants, buifaloes, and other cattle, and various mer-
chantable commodities. The king of this country is very powerful.
From Ifrasir to Aina is four days' journey, where also elephants and
asses are met with. [From Hubalin(?) to Sarandip, two days.]
[After this follows the description of Pic d' Adam. In another place
the author continues his account of India in these words
There are seven classes of Hindus, viz., 1st, among
whom are men of high caste, and from among whom kings are
chosen. The people of the other six classes do the men of this class
homage, and them only. 2nd, Brahma, who totally abstain from
wine and fermented liquors. 3rd, Kataria, who drink not more than
three cups of wine ; the daughters of the class of Brahma are not
given in marriage to the sons of this class, but the Brahmas take their
daughters. 4th, Siidaria, who are by profession husbandmen. The
5th, Baisura, are artificers and domestics. The 6th, Sandalia, who
perform menial oflices. 7th, Lahiid ;* their women are fond of adom-

1 ["Sandy." P.]
' [Sir H. and translation had " Kankan, Malwa and Kanja," but
Elliot's text
IdrisI reproduces thenames as " Kilk&y4n, Lulu and Kanja." There can therefore
be no doubt that the Paris version now given is most correct. Kiira (Kaikasar iu
Idrisi) would seem to bo near the mouths of the Coleroou. KS.nchi is the old name of
s [Sprenger suggests the Godavery (Post-und Reiserouten, 80), but this cannot be
if Kanja is Kinchi.]

* [" tTrtasIr " in the Paris version, for which the editor suggests Kashmir ; but
ITr-desa [Orissa] is surely intended. The follovring name "Aina" may possibly be
meant for Andhra [Telingana]. Sprenger says " Palmiras " ?]
' [Elliot's text made the first syllable " Sfim." The Paris version says " Sabakferya
(B. les Sabiens; Ed. Sakrya)."]
[" Lee Zenpa mnsiciens ct jongleurs." P.]

ing themselves, and tlie men are fond of amuseinents and games of
skill.^ In Hind there are forty-two religious f part of them
believe in a Creator and Prophet (the blessing of Grod be upon
them !) ; part deny the mission of a Prophet, and part are atheists.

' None of the early Arabian Geographers notice this division into tribes or classes,
[but they appear to have known it, see pp. 6, 10, 19 ; and Idrisi reproduces this
passage, see post.'] The Grecian Authors, on the auihority of Megasthenes, divide
the tribes into seven, and attribute the following offices to them, which are very
different from those assigned by Ibn Khurdidba.
Straho. DiodoruB. Arrian.
1st Class. Philosophers Philosophers
2nd Husbandmen Husbandmen Husbandmen
3rd Shepherds and Cowherds and Cowherds and shepherds
hunters shepherds
4th Artificers and Artificers Artificers, merchants, and
merchants boatmen
5th "Warriors Warriors Warriors
6th Inspectors Inspectors Inspectors
7th Counsellors and Counsellors and Assessors
assessors assessors.

Vid. Strah. Geogr xv. 703-707.

: lib; XV. Arrian: Iiidiea 11. 12. Siodor : Sic :
lib : II. and Meffasthenis Fragmenta. E. A. Schwanbeck, pp. 42, 121, 127.
40, 41.
It is not easy to identify the names given by Ibn Khurd&dba. The first is unintel-

ligiblethe 2nd is evident the 3rd seems to indicate the Eshatriyas the 4th the

Sadras the 5th the Vaisya the 6th the Chand&las the 7th the Bazlgars and itin-
erant jugglers.
^ This number ascribed by the indignant Frenchman to England " Forty-
is the
two religions and only one sauce !" The Jarai'u-1 Hik^yit increases the number
! !

of religions in India to forty-eight, and the Babjatu-1 Tawiiikh, in the Paris Library,
sets them down as 948. See Kasimirski, 214, and Mem. sur I'lnde, 49.




Ab^-1 Hasan 'Abi, son of Husaiu, was a native of Baghddd,

and received the surname of Al Mas'iidi after an ancestor named
Mas'ud, whose eldest son accompanied the prophet in his flight

from Mecca to Medina.^- The greater part of Mas'udi's life was

spent in travelling, and his wanderings extended over nearly all

the countries subject to Muhamraadan sway, and others besides.

He says of himself that lie travelled so far to the west (Morocco
and Spain) that he forgot the east, and so far to the east (China)

that he forgot the west. He was an acute observer, and de-

servedly continues to he one of the most admired writers in the
Arabic language. The fruits of his travels and observations
were embodied in his work called " Muruju-1 Zahab " (Meadows
of Gold), of which Ibn Khaldiin, as quoted by Sprenger, says,
" Al Mas'iidi in his book describes the state of the nations and
countries of the east and west, as they were in his age that is to
say, in 330 (332) a.h. He gives an account of the genius and
usages of the nations ; a description of the countries, mountains,
seas, kingdoms and dynasties ; and he distinguishes the Arabian
race from the barbarians. Al Mas'udi became, through this
work, the prototype of all historians to whom they refer, and on

whose authority they rely in the critical estimate of many facts

' ["See Eeinaud'3 Aboulfeda Introd. p. Ixiv.]

AL MAS'UDr. 19

which form the subject of their labours.'"' The date of his birth
is not known, but he died in Egypt in 345 a.h. (956 a.d.)
The first part of the " Meadows of Grold " was translated into
English by Dr. Sprenger (London, 1841), and the complete text,
with a translation into French, has since been published by MM.
Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Oourteille (Paris, 1851).
Both these works have been used in the preparation of the fol-

lowing extracts :


Chapter VIL- Mas'udi begins this chapter hy stating it to he

the general that India was
amnion which
the portion, of the earth in
order and wisdom prevailed in distant ages. The Indians gave
themselves a king, Brahma the Great, who reigned 366 years, and
in whose times the booh Sindhind [^Siddhdnta^ and Arjabahad
[Arydbhattal were composed. His descendants have retained to
our days the name of Brahmans. They are honoured by Indians
as forming the most noble and illustrious caste. They do not
eat the flesh of any animal, and both men and women wear
yellow threads suspended round their necks, like a baldrick, to dis-

tinguish them from the other castes of India. Se was succeeded by

his eldest son Bahbud, who eigned 100 years. After him came Zdmdn
[Bdma?^, who reigned nearly 50 years. He was succeeded by
Por [Porus], who gave battle to Alexander, and was killed by that
prince in single combat, after leigning ,140 years. After him came
Dabshalim, the author of "Kalila wa Dimna," who reigned 110
years. Balhit, the next king, reigned 80 years, but according to

other manuscripts, 130 years. He was succeeded by Koresh

[Harsha ?], who abandoned the doctrines of the past, and introduced
into India new religious ideas more suited to the requirements of the
time, and more in consonance with the tendencies of his co-
temporaries * ^ ** He died after a reign of 120 years. At his
death discord arose among the Indians, and they broke up into

divers nations and tribes, each country having a chief of its own.
Thus were formed the kingdoms of Sind, Eanauj, and Kashmir
The city of Mankir, which was the great centre of India, submitted
^ [Sprenger's Mas'tldl, Preface.]

to a Mug called tlie Balhara, and the name of tMs prince continues
to Ms successors who reign in that capital until the present time
(332 A.H.)
India is a vast country, extending over sea, and land, and moun-
tains ; it borders on. the country of Zabaj [Java] which is the kingdom,

of the Maharaj, the king of the islands, whose dominions separate

India and China, but are considered as part of India. India
extends on the side of the mountains to Khurasan and Sind, as
far as TiBet. There prevails a great difference of lang^uage and
religion in these kingdoms, and they are frotiucntly at war with each
other. The most them believe in the metempsychosis, or the
transmigration of the soul. The Hindus are distinct from all other
black people, as the Zanjis, the Damadams, and others, in point of
intellect, government, philosophy, strength of constitution, and
purity of colour.

No king can succeed to the throne in India before he is forty years

of age ; nor does their sovereign ever appear before the public, except
at certain distant intervals, and then only for the inspection of state
affairs. In their opinion, the kings lose their dignity and bring
contempt on their privileges if the public gazes at them frequently.
Grovemment is only maintained by good feeling and by respect for
the various dignities of the state.^ st

Eoyalty is limited to the descendants of one family, and never goes

to another. The same is the case with the families of the wazirs,
kazi's, and other high oiEoers. They are all (hereditary and) never
changed or altered.

The Hindus abstsiin from drinking wine, and censure those who
consum. it ; not because their religion forbids it, but in the dread of
its clouding their reason and depriving them of its powers. If it

can be proved of one of their kings, that he has drunk (wine), he

forfeits the crown ; for he is (not considei-ed to be) able to rule and
govern (tie empire) if his mind is affected.
' [The Paris translation says, " Le pouvoir ne se maintient cliez; eux que par le
despotisme et le respect de la liierarchio politique." Sprenger'a version is "The
measures of government must te carried by mildness in India, and by degradation
from a higher rank."]


of Baghara,' in India; the bay of Zabaj, in the dominions of the

Maliaraj, and tlie gulfs of the aghyab [aghbab], which extend towards
the island of Sarandib [Ceylon]. Crocodiles live more particu-
larly in sweet water, and, as we have said, in the estuaries of India,

the water of which is for the most part sweet, because the streams
which form them are derived from the rains.

Chapter X"VI. The king of India is the Balhara; the king of

Kanauj, who is one of the kings of Sind, is Baaiira ;' this is a title

common to all kings of Kanauj. There is also a city called Bsuiir..,

after its princes, which is now in the territories of Islam, and is one
of the dependencies of Multan. town passes one of
Through this

the (five) rivers, which form together the river Mihran in Sind, which
is considered by al-Jabiz as derived from the 'Nile, and by others from

the Jaihun of Khurasan. This Bauiira, who is the king of Kanauj,

Is an enemy of the Balhara, the king of India. The king of Kan-
dahar, who is one of the kings of Sind and its mountains, is called
Hahaj ; this name is common to all sovereigns of that country.
From his dominions comes the river Eaid, one of the five rivers

which form the Mihran of Sind. Kandahar is called the country

of the Kahbut [Eajput?]. Another river of the five is called
Bahatil, it comes also from the mountains of Sind, and runs through

' [This must te intended for " Balhari," in whose kingdom SindS-hdr se'ims to have
been situated.]

[ a jttJ This name is so given in the Paris edition, but Sprenger reads it " BiSdah ;
and the reference immediately afterwards to a place of the same name among the
dependencies of MiUtin, can hardly refer to any other than the country commonly
called Budha, General Cunningham says this name "is said by Gildemeister to be
written Hovara in the original, for which he proposes to read Fmara for the weU-
Inown Famava. From the King of Oudh's Dictionary two dififerent spellings are
quoted, as Pordn and Fordn while in Ferishta the name is either Korrah, as written

by Dow, or Ktiwar, as written by Briggs. In Abu '1 Feda the name is Koda. Now
as the name, of which so numy readings have just been given, was that of the king's
family or tribe, I believe wo may almost certainly adopt Tovara as the true reading
according to one spelling, and Torah according to the other. In the Sanskrit lu-
criptions of the Gwalior dynasty the word is invariably spelt Tomara. Eharg Rai
writes Tomdr [ To'ar ?"], which is much the same as Col. Tod's Tudr, and the Tuvdr of
the Kumaon and GarhwSl MSS. Lastly, in Gladwin's Ayin Akbari, I find Tenore
and Toonoor, for which I presume the original has Tunwar and Tanwar. From a
comparison of all these various readings, I conclude that the family name of the Raja
of Kanauj in a.d. 915, when M as' tidi visited India, was, in all probability, Tovar or
Tomar." Genl. Cunningham's Archselogical Report, Journ. As. Soc, Bengal, 1864.]
AL MAS'ircr. 23

the country of the Eahbut, wHch is the country of Kandahar : the

fourth river comes from the country of Kabul, and its mountains on
the frontier of Sind towards Bust, Ghaznin, Zara'un, ar-Eukhaj, and
the country of Dawar, which is the frontier of Sijistan. The last of
the five rivers comes from the country of Kashmir. The king of
Kashmir has the name of Eai, which is a general title for all the
kings. Kashmir forms part of Sind.
The kingdom of the Bauura, king of Kanauj, extends about one
hundred and twenty square parasangs of Sind, each parasang being
equal to eight miles of this country. This king has four armies,
according to the four quarters of the wind. Each of them numbers
700,000 or 900,000 men. The army of the north wars against the
prince of Miiltdn, and with the Musulmans, his subjects, on the fron-
tier.The army of the south fights against the Balhara, king of Mankir.
The other two armies march to meet enemies in every direction.
o tt i a o
Multan is one of the strongest frontier places of the Musalmans,
and around it there are one hundred and twenty thousand towns
and villages. In it is the idol also known by the name of Multan.
The inhabitants of Sind and India perform pilgrimages to it

from the most distant places : they carry money, precious stones,
aloe-wood, and all sorts of perfumes there to fulfil their vows.
The greatest part of the revenue of the king of Multan is derived
from the rich presents brought to the idol of the pure aloe-wood of

Kumar, which is of the finest quality, and one man of which is

worth 200 dinars o e When the xmbelievers march
against Multan, and the faithful do not feel themselves strong
enough to oppose them, they threaten to break their idol, and their
enemies immediately withdraw.
"When all the rivers which we have enumerated have passed the
" boundary of the house of gold," w^hich is the meaning of the
name of Multan, they unite at about three days' jom-ney below this
city and above Mansura, at a place called Dushab,' into one stream,

which proceeds to the town of Al Eur [Alor], which lies on its western
^ [Dfi&b ? referring either to the country tetween the Ghara and the Chinah, or to

that between the Panj-nad and the Indus.]


bank and belongs to Manaura, wbere it receives the name of MiLian.

There it diYides into two branches, both of which fall at the town of
Shakira,' which belongs also to one of the districts of Mansura, into
the Indian sea, under the name of Mihran of Sind, about two days'
journey from the town of Debal.
Multan is seventy-five Sindian parasangs from Mansuia Bach
parasang is eight miles, as stated above. The estates and villages
dependent on Mansura amount to three hundred thousand. The
whole country is well cultivated, and covered with trees and
fields. It is constantly at war with a nation called the Meds, who
axe a race of Sind, and also with other races on the frontiers of Sind.
Like Multan it is on the frontier of Sind, and so are the towns and
villages belonging to name from Mansur bin
it. Mansura has its

Jamhur, governor of the 'Ummayides. The king of Mansura has

eighty war elephants, every one of which is supported by five
hundred infantry in battle, as we have already remarked ; and these
elephants oppose thousands of horses.

Let us now resume our short account of the kings of Sind and
India. The language of Sind is different from that of India. Sind
is the country which is nearer the dominions of the Moslims, India
is farther from them. The inhabitants of Mankir, which is the
capital of the Balhara, speak the Kiriya language, which has this
name from Kira, the place where it is spoken. On the coast, as in
Saimur, Subara, Tana, and other towns, a language called Lariya''
is spoken which has its name from the sea which washes these
countries ; and this is the Larawi sea, which has been described
above. On this coast there are great rivers, which run from the
soutli, whilst all other rivers of the world flow from north to south,
excepting the Nile of Egypt, and the Mihran of Sind, and a few others,
e Of all the kings of Sind and India, there is no one who pays
greater respect to theMusulmans than the Balhara. In his kingdom
Islam is honoured and protected * The money consists of
dirhams, called Tahiriya,' each weighing a dirham and a half They

' [The Sanskrit " S5gara." See Mem. sur I'lnde, p. 216.]
2 [Sanskrit " L&ta," the country about the mouth of the Nerbudda.]
* [Sprenger reads this Talatawiya, as does another Paris MS. See note page 3.]
AX MAS'UDr. 25

are impressed with the date of the reign. The Balhara possesses
many war elephants. This coxmtry is also called Kamkar. On one
side it is exposed to the attacks of the king of Juzr [Guzerat] ; a
king who is rich in horses and camels, and has a large army.
* S IS ft

Next comes the country of Tafan. The king is on friendly terms

with the neighbouring sovereigns and with the Moslims ; his military
furces are less considerable than those of the kings whom we have
c s

Beyond this kingdom is that of Eahma, which is the title for their

kings, and generally at the same time their name. His dominions
border on those of the king of Juzr [Guzerat], and, on one side, on
those of the Balhara, with both of whom he is frequently at war.
The Ealmia has more troops, elephants, and horses, than the Balhara,
the king of Juzr and of Tafan. When he takes the field, he has no less
than fifty thousand elephants. He never goes to war but in winter,
because elephants cannot bear thirst. His forces are generally
exaggerated; some assert that the number of fullers and washers
in his camp is from ten to fifteen thousand * t 'S The
kingdom of Eahma extends both along the sea and the continent.
It is bounded by an inland state called the kingdom of Kaman.

The inhabitants are fair, and have their ears pierced. They have
elephants, camels, and horses. Both sexes are generally handsome.
Afterwards comes the kingdom of Firanj,' which has power both
on land and sea. It is situated on a tongue of land which stretches
into the sea, from whence large quantities of amber are obtained.

The country produces only little pepper, but large numbers of ele-
phants are found here. The king is brave, haughty, and proud, but
to tell the truth he has more haughtiness than power, and more

pride than courage.

^ [Sulaiman irrites this Bame " Kiranj." See note ante, p. 5.]





Shaikh Abu Is,hak. received the cognomen of Istakhri from his

native city of Istakhr or Persepolis, and he is also called Al
FarsI, from the province of Pars in which that city is situated.
His travels extended through all the Muhammadan countries,
from India to the Atlantic ocean, from the Persian Gulf to the
Caspian Sea. The time of his journies and the date of his work
have not been precisely determined, but it is certain that he wrote
about the middle of the tenth century (340 ah., 961 A.D.). He
was a little anterior in point of time to Ibn Haukal, but these two
travellers met in the valley of the Indus, and exchanged observa-
tions. A comparison of the following extracts will show how Ibn
Haukal availed himself of his cotemporary's writings, and made
them the basis of his own work. The text of Istakhrl's " Book
of Climates " was published in lithography by Dr. Moeller, at
Gotha, in 1839, under the title " Liber Climatum. It is a fac-
simile of the MS. in the Gotha Library, which is the only one in
Europe; but, although the lithography has evidently been exe-
cuted with great care, the work is unsatisfactory, for the MS. is

very faulty in the spelling of proper names. A ti-anslation from

the same into German was printed at Hamburg in 1845, by Dr.
Mordtmann, Buck der Lander."' The portion relating
as ''Das

to Sijistan was translated into Italian by Signer Madini, and

published at Milan in 1842.i


The country of Sind and the bordering lands are inserted in one
map, which thus contains the country of Sind and portions of Hind,
Kirmdn, Tiiran, and Budha.
Cities of Sind. Mansura, Debal, Nirur' [Niriin], Kalwi [Kal-
lari], Annari, Balwf [Ballari], Maswahi, Nabraj, Baniya, Manha-
nari [Manjibari], Sadusan, and Al Bjuz [Alor].
Cities or Hind. Amhal,^
Kambaya, Subara, Siudan, Saimiir,
Multan, Jandrud, and Basmand.
From Kambaya to Saimiir is the land of the Balhara, and in it

there are several Indian kings. It is a land of infidels, but there are
Musalmdns in its cities, and none but Musalmans rule over them
on the part of the Balhara. There are Jama' masjids in them. The
city in which the Balhara dwells is Manki'r, which has an extensive

Mansura is about a mile long and a mile broad, and is surrounded

by a branch of the Mihran.The inhabitants are Musalmans, The
date tree and the sugar cane grow here. The land of Mansura also
produces a fruit of the size of the apple, which is called Laimun, and
is exceedingly sour. The land also produces a fruit called Ambaj
(mango), which is like the peach. The price of them is low, and
they are plentiful. The dress of the people is like that of the

people of 'Irak, but the dress of their kings resembles that of the
kings of India in respect of the hair* and the tunic.
Multan is a city about half the size of Mansura. There is an idol
there held in great veneration by the Hindus, and every year people
from the most distant parts undertake pilgrimages to it, and bring to
it vast sums of money, which they expend upon the temple and on

" [See Eeinaud's Atoulfeda, Introd. p. Ixixi., and the prefaces to Moeller and
Mordtmann's works.]

3 [" Famhal" and " K&mlial" belotr,]

* r j}Xj!u.n, for this we have ^.l-j (trowsers) in the same passage as quote<i

ty Ibn Haukal. See post, page 34.


those who lead there a life of devotion. The temple of the idol is a
strong edifice, situated in the most populous part of the city, in the
market of Multan, between the bazar of the ivory dealers and the
shops of the coppersmiths. The idol is placed under a cupola in the
midst of the building, and the ministers of the idol and those devoted
to its service dwell around the cupola. In Multan there are no men
either of Hind or Sind who worship idols except those who worship
this idol and in this temple. The idol has a human shape, and is

seated with its legs bent in a quadrangular posture on a throne made

of brick and mortar. Its whole body is covered with a red skin like
morocco leather, and nothing but its eyes are visible. Som.e believe
that the body is made of wood, some deny this ; but the body is not
allowed to be uncovered to decide the point. The eyes of the idol
are precious gems, and its head is covered with a crown of gold. It
sits in a quadrangular position on the throne, its hands resting upon

its knees, with the fingers closed, so that only four can be counted.
When the Indians make war upon them and endeavour to seize the
idol, the inhabitants bring it out, pretending that they will break it

and burn it. Upon this the Indians retire, otherwise they would destroy
Multan. Manstira is more fertile. At half a parasang from Multan there
is a large cantorunent,^ which is the abode of the chief, who never
enters Multdn except on Fridays, when he goes on the back of an
elephant, in order to join in the prayers of that day. The governor
is of the tribe of Kuraish, and is not subject to the ruler of Mansura,
but reads the khutba in the name of the khalifa.
Samand^ is a. small city situated like Multan, on the east of the
river Mihranj between each of these places and the river the
distance is two parasangs. The water is obtained from wells.
The city Al Eur approaches Multan in size.
of It has two

walls, is situated near the Mihran, and is on the borders of

Nirur^ is half way between Debal and Mansura.
From Saimur to Fdmhal, in Hind, and from Famhal to Makran

1 r S-M^x^t camp.]
2 [" Basmand" above and below.]
\_j}j^. See note A in Appi.]

and Budha, and beyond that as far as the boundaries of Multan, all
belong to Sind. Budha is there a desert.
The people of Multan wear trousers, and most of them speak
Persian and Sindf, as in Mansiira.
Makran is a large territory, for the most part desert and barren.
The largest city in Makran is Kannazbun.'
Kandabil is a great city, The palm tree does not grow there. It
is in the desert, and within the confines of Budha. The cultivated
fields are mostly irrigated. Vines grow there, and cattle are pastured.

The vicinity is fruitful. Abil is the name of the man who subdued
this town, which is named after him.

Distances. From Tiz' to Tir [Kiz] about five days. From

Kiz' to Kannaabun two days. Going Kannazbun to Tiz, in

Makran, the road passes by Kiz. From Kannazbun to Darak three

days. From Edsak
to Fahalfahiih* three days. From thence to
Asghafa'* twoFrom thenee
days. to Band one day. From Band to
Bah one day. From thence to Kasrkand' one day. From Kiz to
ArmabiP six days. From Armabil to Kambalf two days. From
thence to Debal four days. From Mstnsura to Debal six days. From
Mansura to Multan twelve days. From Mansura to Turan fifteen
days. From Mansura to the nearest frontier of Budha five days.
From Budha to Tiz about fifteen days. The length of Makran from
Tiz to Kasdan is about fifteen days. From Multan to the nearest
border of the tongue (of land) known as Biyalas'" about ten days.

Here the Mihran must be crossed to get into the land of Budha.

1 r,.,.J -kS Mordtmann reads " Firiun," but see note A in Appx.]

' [The port of that name.]

3 [" Kedge " of the maps.]
* [The other authorities agree in reading this Fahalfahara except the Mar&sidu-l
Itt., which makes it " Fahafahrat," and calls it " a well known town in Makran."
See Idrlsi.]
6 [Ibn Haukal and Idrisi have "Asfaka." The "Esfaka" of the maps north of
Geh, in Makrin.]
6 [The modem Geh.]
' [This is still a place of some note.]
8 [See note A in Appx.]
[ This must have been on the coast of Lus. See Idrisi.]

10 [jjjlo]


From KandalDil to Mansura eight days, rrom Kandabil to Multan

by the desert, about ten days. Between Mansura and Kamhal eight '

days. From Kamhal to Kambaya four days. From Kambaya to the sea
about two parasangs. From Kambaya to Surabaya about four days,
and Surabaya is about half a parasang from the sea. Between
Surabaya and Sindan about five days. From Sindan to Saimur
five days. Between Saimur and Sarandib Between
fifteen days.

Multan. Basmand about two days.

and From Basmand to
Al Euz three days. From Al Euz to Annari four days. From
Annari to Kallari two days. From thence to Mansura one day.
From Debal to Tiz four days. From thence to Manjabari two
days. From Kalwi'' [Kallari] to Maldan [Multan?] about four
days. Baband^ lies between Mansura and Kamhal at one day's
journey from Mansura.
There is a river in Sind called the Mihriin.^ It is said that it springs
from the summit of a mountain from which many affluents of the

JIhun rise.* The Mihran passes by the borders of Samand^ and

Al Eur (Alor) to the neighbourhood of Multan from thence to ;

Mansura, and onwards until it joias the sea to the east of Debal.
Its water is very sweet. It is said that there are crocodiles in it as

large as those of the NUe. It rises like as the NUe rises, and inun-
dates the land, which on the subsidence of the water issown in the
manner we have described in the land of Egypt. The Sind End is
about three stages from Multan. Its water is very sweet, even
before it joins the Mihran. Makran is mostly desert, and has very
few rivers. Their waters flow into the Mihran on both sides of

' [The text has K&hal, tut there can be no doubt that K&mhal is meant.]

^ [Jl^JU in the text, which can only be rendered by guess. Ibn Haukal and
Idrlsi have " Biniya."]
* [The Mar&sidu-l IttiU' quotes this with some Tariations in the names.]

* [Kazwini in quoting this passage calls the place " Samandiir."]







In one of the Royal Libraries of Lncknow there is a very old

Arabic manuscript, written a.h. 689 (] 1 93 a.d.). The title," Ash-
kaln-l Bilad," Diagrams of the countries (of Islam), is given in
the Postscript. It contains maps and a geographical description
of several countries. The first leaf is wanting. It contained in
folio recto in all probability the beginning of the preface, and in
folio verso the map of the world ; apparently the greater portion of
the preface is preserved. The plan of the work is thus stated
" Then (after having given a map of the world) I have devoted a
separate diagram to every country of Islam, in which I show its

frontiers, the shape of the country, the principal towns, and in fact
everything necessary to know. The diagrams are accompanied by a
text. I have divided the dominions of Islam into twenty coun-
tries. I begin with Arabia, for this peninsula contains the Kabah
and Mecca, which is unquestionably the most important city and
the centre of the peninsula. After Mecca I describe the country

of the Bedouins ; then I proceed to the description of 2. the

Persian Gfulf, which surrounds the greater part of Arabia j 3. the
Maghrib; 4. Egypt; 5. Syria; 6. Th 3 Mediterranean ; Me-

sopotamia; 8. 'Irdk; 9. Khuzistan ; 10. Fars; 11. Kirman ;



12. Mansiira, and the adjacent countries,^ which are Sind, India,
and part of the Muhammadan territory; 13. ^zarbaij4n; 14.
the district of the Jib al ; 15. Khazar
Dailam : 16, the sea of the
{i.e. the Caspian) IT. the steppes between Fars and Khurdsan

18. Sijistdn and the adjacent countries 19. Khurdsan 20. Ma ; ;

warau-n nahr." Of every one of the above countries there seems

to have been originally a map, but two have been lost (viz., Nos.
6 and 10), and some have been transposed (as well as several leaves
of the text) by the bookbinder. It was copied in a.H. 689, as it is

stated in the postscript, from a very correct copy, and with great
care. The copyist has added in a few instances marginal notes,
which prove that he took an interest in what he wrote, and that
he was acquainted with the subject. On comparing this work
with the " Book of Roads and Kingdoms " of Ibn Haukal, I
find it almost verbatim the same, so much so, as to leave no
doubt that it is a copy of Ibn HaukaPs work under an unusual
name. As there are only two copies in Europe, one of

which is very bad, this _ MS. is of considerable value.^ The

following extract is translated from the Ashkalu-1 Bilid,
followed by a passage from Ibn Haukal, in the part where
the Lucknow manuscript was deficient, or which probably the
transcriber neglected to copy. [The map is from the Ashkalu-l
BilSd, and is very similar to that of Istakhri, as published by
[The real name of Ibn Haukal was Muhammad Abu-1 Kasim,
and he was a native of Baghdjid. When he was a child the
power of the Khalifs had greatly declined, and Baghdad itself

had fallen into the hands of the Turks. On attaining manhood

he found himself despoiled of his inheritance, so he resolved to
gratify a natural taste, and to seek to mend his fortunes by tra-

velling and trading in foreign countries. He left Baghdad in 331

^ Here a space of about six inches square is left blank, and in the margin are
the words " This space is for the map of the world, but it is not large enough, there-
fore the copiKst has deyiated from the original from which he transcribed, and it

stands in the preceding page."

2 [Uri Bodl. Codd. MSS., Cat., p. 209.]

SIND pci^e 32


S^orUUrs af KtrinanSSyCstan,
W.West tofe.

Trttbnn*s.C 61) Patemosterllo-nr, London


A.H. (943 A.D.), and after passing through the various lands under
Musulmdn rule, he returned to that city in 358 a.h. (968 a.d.).
The following year he was in Africa, and he seems to have
finished his work 366 a.h. (976 a.d.). His book received the
same title as that of Ibn Khurdadba, or "Book of Roads and Kin<r-
doms, ' and he says that his predecessor's work was his constant
companion.^ His obligations to Istakhri have been already men-
tioned. M. Uylenbroek translated
part of the work in his "Iracae
and Gildemeister has given the " Descriptio
persicse descriptio,"

Sindiae" in his "Scriptorum Arabum de Rebus Indicis," etc.

Part of the Ashkalu-1 Bilad relating to Khurasan has been trans-
lated by Col. Anderson, and was published in the Journal of the
Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol, xxii.]


Prom the sea to Tibet is four months' journey, and from the sea of
Pars to the country of Kanauj is three months' journey.
I have placed the country of Sind and its dependencies in one
map, which exhibits the entire country of Sind, part of Hind, and
Turan and Budha.* On the entire east of this tract there lies the sea
of Pars, and on the west, Kirman and the desert of Sijistan,

and the countries subject to it. To the north are the countries
of Hind, and to the south is the desert lying between Makran
and Kufs,^ heyond which is the sea of Pars. This sea is to
the east of the above-mentioned territories, and to the south
of the said desert, for it extends from Saimur on the east to
Tiz,* ofMakran; it then bends round the desert, and encircles
Kirman and Pars.
The chief cities of this tract are the following In Makran, :

' [Eeiiiaud'3 Aboulffeda, Introd., p. Ixxxii.]

' Gildemeister, in his edition of Ibn Haukal, reads this Bodha. See note A in the
3 [Mountains in Erm5,n, near the coast.]
* [This name is not to be fouijd in Sir H. Elliot's text, but it was given in the
translation, and it is alsoin Ibn Haukal, so that it is right without doubt.]

vol. I. 3

34 '

Tiz,' Kabar [Kiz}, Kabryun [Kannazbun], Darak, Easak the city of

scMsmatics, Bih, Nand [Band], Kasrkand, Asfaka, Fahalfabara,

Musli, Yusli [Kambali], Aimail [Armabil]. In Turan,Ma-
hali Kanikanan, Sura and Kasdar. In Budha, Kandabil. In
Sind, Mansura, -which, in the Sind language, is called Bamiwan,*
Debal, Nirun,' Falid [Kallari], Abri [Annari], BaLzi [Ballari], Mas-
wahi, Haruj, Bania, Manjabari, Sadusan, Aldur. In Hind,
Famhal, Kambaya, Surbarah, Sindan, Saimur, Multan, Hadra-vnir
[Jadrawar, or Jandrud], and Basmat. These are the cities of these
countries which are known to me.* Prom Kambaya to Saimur is the
land of the Balhara, and in it there are several Indian kings.^ It is

a land of infidels, but there are Musulmans in its cities, and none but
Musulmans rule otct them on the part of the Balhara. There are
many mosques in these places, where Muhammadans assemble to
pray. The city in which the Balhara. resides is Mankir, which has
an extensive territory.^

Mansura is about a mile long and a mile broad, and is surrounded

by a branch of the Mihran. It is like an island, and the inhabitants
are Musulmans. The king of the country is one of the tribe of

' Haukal gives the names as follows : " In Mefcran

Gildemeister's version of Ibn
there are Taiz, Kannazb<ir, Darek, Easek, Neh, Kasrfand, Adhafa, Fahalfahara,

Mashka, Kambala, Arm&fl. In Th(ir&n, Majak, 'Kixkknkn, Shura, Kazd&r. In

Bodha, Kand4.bll. In Sind, Manslira, Daibal, Birfln, ValarS, Ayar^, BalrS, Mas-
T4hi, Fahraj, Bania, Manhatara, Sadfistan, Rliz, Jandarftz. In Hind, Ka.nmhul,
Kamb&ya, Sub&ra, As6,vil, Han&vil, Sindan, Saimur, B^ni Battan, Jandar(iz, Sanda-
{De rebus Jniicis, p. 164.) Ouseley gives them thus AUs, Kusr, Fermoun, :

Derek, Easek, Kesrbend, Kelaahereh, Meski, Meil, Armaiel, Mehali, Kibrkaman,

Sureh, Kandabil, Mansourah or Sindiah, Danbul, Meroui, Manoui, Airi, Baloui,
Mesouahi, Beherje, Maseh, Meshari, Sedousan. {Oriental Geography, p. 147.)
> [" Mamiwan " in Sir H. Elliot's text, which is very badly printed ]
' In the Ashkalu-1 BU&d this is plainly either Birlin, or Nirlin, as suggested by M.
Gildemeister. The original text which he has given of Ibn Haukal has no resem-
blance to either name.
* [Ibn Haukal adds that there are other more distant places such as Farz&n and

Kauauj in the deserts, to which only merchants go.]

' [Gildemeister's translation of Ibn Haukal here adds, " Cui fabularum liber scrip-

tus est. Nomeh habet a regno, eodem modo quo Gh&na et Kaugha et alia regionis
simul et regis nomiaa sunt." There is no mention of this in the Ashk&lu-l Bil&d.]
' There is nothing like this in Gildemeister's version, but the assertion corresponds

with the statement of Mas'ildt. [Instead of this passage Gildemeister says, "In
Us omnibus precei fiant, non omissa publica per solitas formulas indictione. Eegnum
hoc late patet."]

Kuraish, and is said to be a descendant of Hubad, the son of Aswad.

He and his ancestors ruled over tbis country, but the Kbutba is read
in the name of the Khalifa. The climate is hot, and the date tree
grows here ; but there is neither grape, nor apple, nor ripe date
(tamr), nor walnut in it. The sugar cane grows here. The land
also produces a fruit of the size of the apple, which is called Laimun,
and is exceed:ngly acid. The place also yields a fruit called Ambaj
(mangoe), resembling the peach in appearance and flavour. It is
plentiful and cheap.' Prices are low and there is an abundance of
The current coin of the country is stamped at Kandahar one of ;

the pieces is equivalent to five dirhams. The Tatari coin also is

current, each being in weight equal to a dirham and a third.' They
likewise use dinars. The dress of the people of the place is the
same as that worn by the inhabitants of 'Irak, except that the dress
of the sovereigns of the country resembles in the trousers^ and tunic
that worn by the kings of Hind.
Multan is about half the size of Mansura, and is called " the
boundary* of the house of gold." There is an idol there held in
great veneration by the Hindus, and every year people from the
most distant parts undertake pilgrimages to it, and bring vast
sums of money, which they expend upon the temple and on
those who lead there a life of devotion. Multan derives its
name from this idol. The temple of the idol is a strong edifice,
situated in the most populous part of the city, in the market
of Multan, between the bazar of the ivory dealers and the shops
of the coppersmiths. The idol is placed under a cupola in the
centre of the building, and the ministers of the idol and those
' [Here there must have been a line omitted from the text as printed by Sir H.
' [" Draoimam cum octaya parte valentes." , Gildemeisler.]
' r^SaUillj (_,V.;lr*^l Gildemeister has " in crinibus et tuniois." See Eeinaud,
Mem. sur Vl.ide, 237.]
* The AshkSilii-1 Bil4d says " burj," or bastion, which at first sight would seem a

more probable reading; but the reasons assigned for reading the word "farj " are so
strong, as set forth by M. Hamaker, in his note to the Descriptio Iraca Fersicie (p. 67),
that we are not entitled to consider "burj" as the correct reading. [Quatremere
concurs in reading "farj." Jour, cks Sav. See also Ibn Khurd-idba and the
account given in the Chach-n&ma.]

devoted to its service dwell around the cupola. In Multan there are
no men, either of Hind or of Sind, who worship idols, except those
who worship this idol and in this temple. The idol has a human
shape, and is seated with its legs bent in a quadrangular posture,*
on a throne made of brick and mortar. Its whole body is

covered with a red skin like morocco leather, and nothing but
its eyes are visible. Some believe that the body of the idol is

made of wood ; some deny this ; but the body is not allowed
to be uncovered to decide this point. The eyes of the idol are
precious gems, and its head is covered with a crown of gold. The
hands rest upon the knees, with the fingers all closed,* so that only
four can be counted.' The sums collected from the offerings of the
pilg-rims at the shriue are taken by the Amir of Multan, and distri-
buted amongst the servants of the temple. As often as the Indians
make war upon them and endeavour to seize the idol, they* bring it
out, pretending that they will break which the it and bum it. Upon
assailants retire, There
otherwise they w^ould destroy Multan.
is a strong fort in Multan. Prices are low, but Mansura is
more fertile and populous. The reason why Multan is designated
" the boundary of the house of gold " is, that tbe Muhammadans,
though poor at the time they conquered the place, enriched them-
selves by the gold which they found in it. About half a parasang from
Multan are several e.difices called Chandrawdr,^ the cantonment of
the chief, who never enters Multan, except on Fridays, and then on
the back of an elephant, in order to join in the prayers of that day.
The Governor is of the tribe of Kuraish, of the sons of Samah, the
son of Lawi, who first occupied the place. He owes no allegiance to
the chief of Mansura. He, however, always reads the Khutba in the
name of the Khalifa.

* Ibn Haukal says, " -with expanded fingers." Zakariya Kazwini, folio-wing Is-
takhii, says " closed hands." The AshkiIu-1 Bil&d concurs with IshtakhrS, as quoted by
M. Kosegarten De Mohammede Ibn Batuta, p. 27. Idrisi speaks of four hands,
instead of four fingers, and a very slight change in the original would ai thorite that
reading. See post.
' [Sir H. Elliot's printed text terminates here, and so the remainder of the trans-
lation has not been revised.]
* [According to Kazwini it is the Musdm&ns who do this.]

5 This most resembles the word in the Ashkaiu-1 Bil&J. See Note A. in Appx.

Basmad is a small city, situated like Multan and Chandrawar, on

the east of the river Mihran. This river is at the distance of a para-
sang from each of the places mentioned. The inhabitants use well
water for drink. Basmad has a fort.

The coimtry [city] of Alrur' is as extensive as Multan. It has

two walls, is situated near the Mihran, and is on the borders of
The city of Debal is to the west* of the Mihran, towards the sea.
It is a large mart, and the port not only of this but neighbouring
regions. Debal is remarkable for the richness of its grain cultiva-
tion, but it is not over-abundant in large trees or the date tree. It

is famous for the manufacture of swords.^ The inhabitants gener-

ally maintain themselves by their commerce.
The country of Nirun is between Debal and Mansura, but rather
nearer to the latter. Manjabari is to the west of the Mihran, and
there any one who proceeds from Debal to Mansura will have to
pass the river, the latter place being opposite to Manjabari.
Maswahi, Harj, and Sadusan,'' are also situated to the west of the
On the road between Mansura and Multan, and on the east of the
Mihran, but distant from it, are two places called Ibri and Labi

[Annaxi and KaJlari].'

Maildi [Ballarf] is also near the Mihran, and on the western
bank, near the branch which issues from the river and encircles
Bilha [Bania] is a small city, the residence of 'TJmar, the son of
'Abdu-1 'Aziz Habb&ri, of the tribe of Kuraish, and the ancestor of
those who reduced Mansura.

1 See Note A. in Appx.]


Ibu Haukal saya to the east. The text of the Ashkilu-1 Bilid
' is plain on -this

point, and the Map also represents Dehal to the west.

M. Gildemeister translates this "locus sterilis est," which is scarcely consistent
with the previous assertion ahout the cultiTation, in which also his copy does not
concur" Agros non hahet irriguos."
* [See Note A. in Appx.]
[ Ibn Haukal adds, " These cities are about equal to each other."]

6 [Abti-1 Fids, refers to this passage (p. 347 Text), in speaking of Annaii and

The city of Famhal ' is on the borders of Hind, towards Saimur,

and the country between those two places belongs to Hind. The
countries between Famhal and Makran, and Budha, and beyond it

as far as the borders of Multan, are all dependencies of Sind. The

infidels who inhabit Sind are called Budha'' and Mand. They reside
in the tract between Turan, Multan, and Mans4ra, to the w^est of the
Mihran. They breed camels, which are sought after in Khurasan
and elsewhere, for the purpose of having crosses from those of
Tht city where the Budhites carry on their trade is Kandabil, and
they resemble men of the desert. TTiey live in houses made of
reeds and grass. The Mands dwell on the banks of the Mihran,
from the boundary of Multan to the sea, and in the desert between
Makran and Famhal. They have many cattle sheds and pasturages,
and form a large population.
There are Jam'a Masjids at Famhal, Sindan, Saimur, and Kam-
baya, all which are strong and great cities, and the Muhammadan
precepts are openly observed. They produce mangoes, cocoa-nuts,
lemons, and rice in great abundance, also great quantities of honey,
but there are no date trees to be found in them.
The villages of Dahuk^ and Kalwan are contiguous to each other,
situated between Labi* and Armabil. Kalwan is a dependency of
Makran, and Dahuk that of Mansura. In these last mentioned
places fruit is scarce, but crops grow without irrigation, and cattle

are abundant.
Turan^ is a town.
Kasdar is a city with dependent towns and villages. The
governor is Muin bin Ahmad, but the Khutba is read in the name
' [See Note A. in Appx.]
2 The passage is 43iffictilt. Gildmeister says, " Gentiles, qui in Sindia degunt, sunt
Bodliitee, et gens quas Mnnd vocatur. Bodha uomen est Tariarum tribuum," etc.

(p. which he adduces passage from Ibu Haukal,

172), Tvliere see also tUe note in
showing that there was a class of Jats known by the name of Nodha, in the neigh-
bourhood of Mult&n, and therefore the passage may be translated "Modhites and
Mands." [See Note A. in Appx.]
' [Ibn Haukal has " Eahuk," and Idrisi " E&hfin and Kalwan."]
* [" Kli" in Ibu Haukal and Idrisi.]

The printed text says. " T&vka is a valley, with a city of the same name, in the
centre of which is a citadel."


of the Khalifa only, and ihe place of his residence is at the city of
Kaha-Kanan.' This is a cheap place, where pomegranates, grapes'
and other pleasant fruits are met with in abundance ; but there are
no date trees La this district.

[Here ends ihe extract from ihe Ashhdlu-l Bildd; that which follows is

from Ihn Haukal, as translated into Latin hy M. Gildemeister.]

There is a desert between Bania, Kamuhul, and Kambaya. From

Kambaya to Saimur the villages lie close to one another, and there
is much land under cultivation. The Moslims and infidels in this
tract wear the same dresses, and let their beards grow in the same
fashion. They use fine muslin garments on account of the extreme
heat. The men of Multan dress iu the same way. The language of
Mansura, Multan, and those parts is Arabic and Sindian. In Makrdn
they use Persian and Makranic. All wear short tunics except the
merchants, who wear shirts and cloaks of cotton, like the men of
'Irak and Persia.
o t o o >
From Mansura to Debal is six days' journey ; feom Mansura to
Multan, twelve ; from Mansura to Tur^n, about fifteen ; from
Kasdar, the chief city of Turan, to Multan, twenty ; from Mansura
to the nearest boundary of Budha, fifteen. The whole length of
the jurisdiction of Makran, from Taiz to Kasdar, is about fifteen.

From Tar4n is about ten. He who

Miiltan to the nearest border of
travels from Mansura Budha must go along the banks of the

Mihran, as far as the city of Sadustan. From Kandabil to Mansura

is about eight days' journey from Kandabil to Multan, by the

desert, ten; from Mansura to K&muhul, eight; from Kamuhul to

Kambaya, four. Kambaya is one parasang distant from the sea, and
about four from Sub^ra, which is about half a parasang from tiie sea.

From Sub&a to Sind4n, which is the same distance from the sea, is

about ten" days' journey ; from Sindan to Saimur about five ; from
Saimur to Sarandip, about fifteen ; from Multan to Basmad, two
from Basmad to Alruz [Alor], three ; from Alruz to Ayara [Annari],

1 [" KizltinSji," GUdemeister. See Note A. in Appx.]

' [So according to GUdemeister ; but " five" seems to be the right aumber. See
Tstakhrf and Idri'si.]

four; from Ayaxa [Annari] to Valara [Ballari-], two; from Valara

to Mansura, one ; from Uebal to Kaimazbur, fourteen : from Debal
to ManMtara [Manjabari] two, and that is on the road from Debal
to Kannazbur; from Vallara [Ballari] to Ayara [Annari], four para-
sangs ; Kamuhul from Mansura is two days' journey,' and Bania
intervenes at one stage distance. The Mihran is the chief river of
those parts. Its source is in a mountain, from which also some of
the feeders of the Jihun flow. Many great rivers increase its
volimie, and it appears like the sea in the neighbourhood of Multan.
It then flows by Basmad, Alruz, and Mansura, and falls into the sea,
to the east of DebaL Its water is very sweet, .and there are said to
be crocodiles in it it lite those of Egypt. It equals the Nile in

volume and strength of current. It inundates the land during the

smnmer rains, and on its subsidence the seed is sown, as in Egypt.
The river Sandaruz [Sind-riid] is about three days' distant from
Multan, Its waters are abundant and sweet. I was told that its

confluence with the Mihran is above Basmad, but below Multan.

Jandaruz [Jaud-rud] is also a great and sweet liver, on whose
bank is the city of Jandaruz.' It falls into the Mihran below the
Sandaruz [Sind-rud] towards the country of Mansura.
Makran contains chiefly pasturages and fields, which cannot be
irrigated on account of the deficiency of water. Between Mansiira
and Makrin the waters from the Mihran form lakes, and the inhabi-
tants of the country are the Indian races called Zat. Those who are
near the river dwell in houses formed of reeds, like the Berbers, and
eat fish and aquatic birds. o Another clan of
them, who live remote from the banks, are like the Kurds, and feed
on milk, cheese, and bread made of millet.

"We have now reached the extreme eastern border of the dominions
of Islam. The revenue of the kings and governors is small, and not
more than to satisfy their actual needs. Som^, no doubt, have less
thtm they wish.

' He has just said, only a few lines before, that the distance between these two
towns is eight days* journey ; and that is, doubtless, the correct distance ; otherwise,
we should have only six days' journey between Mansiira and Kamb&ya, which is

obviously incorrect. Ab\S-l Fidk, moreover, gives the distance as eight days' journey.
* [See Note in Appx.]



The " Oriental Geography" of Sir W. Ouseley is a translation

of a Persian work called Suni-l Bulddn, " Pictures of Countries,"
compiled from the works of Istakhri and Ibn Haukal. It con-
tains little or nothino; that is not to be found in these writers.
Ouseley's MS., moreover, was very faulty. The work is of small
value now that its original sources are available, and it seems
quite unnecessary to quote it here. The authorship of this work
was at one time a subject of great dispute, but a passing allusion

to the disseusion is all that is needed now that the question is set

at rest.




The extract which follows is taken from the Jatiii'u-t

Tawarikh of Rashidu-d Din, which was completed in a.h. 710,

or A.D. 1310. This date, but for another more cogent reason,
would require the insertion of the extract in a later part of the book,
or the entire omission of it, as beyond the scope of the present
work. But though appearing in the history of Rashidu-d Din, the
passage is not his own ; it is really and confessedly the work of the
celebrated Abii Rih&n al Biriini, who wrote about four centuries
earlier, his life having extended from a.h. 360 to 430, or a.d. 970
to 1039. This chapter of Al Biruni's work has been translated
and published by M. Reinaud, in his "Fragments;" and a com-
parison of the two will show how very little has been added by

Rashldu-d Din. For all practical purposes it may be considered

as presenting a picture of the Musulman knowledge of India at
the end of the 10th century.
Copies of the work of Al Biriini are exceedingly rare, for two
only are known to be extant, and the portions published were
translated from the single copy in the Imperial Library in Paris.
The reproductions by Eashidu-d Din are therefore of high value,

and the importance of the following extract for a correct appreci-

ation of the progress of the Muhammadan knowledge of India

cannot be over-rated.
EASHrDtj-D Drx, 43

Extended notices of these two authors- Abii Eihdn and

Eashidu-d Din with other extracts from their works, appeared
in the volume published by Sir H. Elliot, and will again appear
in the second volume of this work. Ifc is here only necessary to
state that the Jdmi'u-t Tawarikh was written in Persian, and
is a rare work. There is a copy in the Library of the East
India Office and another in the British Museum. Two distinct
portions of the work have been found in India, and of these
there are copies among Sir H. Elliot's MSS.i' There is also
in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society an incomplete Arabic
The following translation differs considerably from that pub-
lished in Sir H. Elliot's first edition, but every care has been

taken to make it as accurate as possible. The MS. of the East

India Library has been mainly relied upon ; this will be referred
to as MS. A. Occasional reference for doubtful passages and proper
names has been made to the British Museum MS., referred to
as MS. Bl The Arabic version will be called MS. C. and Sir ;

H. Elliot's new copy of the Lueknow MS. D. MSS. A. and B.

are not good copies. The scribes were careless and ignorant, and
the texts abound with errors, particularly in the spelling of the
names of persons and places. Nor are the errors confined to
obscure and doubtful names. MS. A. almost always represents
the name of the Ganges by J->^, with no dot to the second
letter. The Arabicversion C is well and boldly written. The
dots are more frequently, though by no means invariably, sup-
plied, and the proper names are generally more distinct. It
differs occasionally from the Persian MSS., and has often been
of service. Still it is not reliable authority for the proper names,
as these occasionally present some curious proofs of the work
having been translated from the Persian. Prepositions like td and
bof and the Persian words of number, as sih (3) and nuh (9), have
sometimes been taken as part of the names, and incorporated
with them. Some instances will be pointed out in the Notes.

' [The Calcutta copy has been mislaid, and has not been used for this article.]



Section III. On the Hills and Rivers of Hindustdn and Siiddn (sic),

which aocording to Aii, Rihdn extend twelve thousand parasangs.

Philosophers and Geometricians have divided the land of Hind

into nine unequal^ parts, giving to each part a sepaxate name, as
appears from the book called Batankal.^ Its shape resembles the
back of a crab on the surface of the water.' The mountains and
plains in these nine parts of India are extensive, and occur one after
the other in successive order. The mountains appear to stand near
each other, like the joints of the spine, and extend through the in-
habited world from the east to the midst of the west, i.e., from the
beginning of China through Tibet, and the country of the Turks, to
Kabul, Badakhshan, Tukharistan, Bamian, Ghiir, Khurasan, G-ilan,

Azarbaijan, Armenia, Eiim, to the country of the Franks and Galicia

on the west. In their course they spread out widely from the
deserts and inhabited places; of that part. Eivers flow at their base.
One which comes from* the south from India is very large and

' [The MSSi. are strangely discordant as to the division of India. The
from the Indian MS. made the division to be "three equal parts,"
original translation
and "three parts" are again mentioned at the beginning of the next section. The
E. I. first line of this section, says "three equal parts," but in
Library copy, in the
the following line "to these nine parts ;" at the beginning of the next section
it Befers

it again says; "fKree parts. The British Museum copy says, in this place, "nine
equal ^xets," and in the next section it also says "nine parts." The Arabic version
is also consistent in always giving "nine" as the number, but it differs in declaring

them to be "unequal." Nine being the number most frequently used, and unequal
being more probable than equal, 1 have used those words in the translation. Al
Bir6ni makes no mention of the division in the chapter translated by Reinaud, so that
Bashidu-d Din probably derived his knowledge of it from the translation of the hook
" B&tankal," to which he refers. The inconsistencies have most probably arisen from
a confusion of the original Sanskrit authorities. Menu makes a threefold division of
Upper India, " Brahmarsha, Brahm4vartta and Madhyadesa," and this last portion is
accurately defined by Al Birflnl and Kashidu-d Din. The ninefold division is that of
the " nava-dwipaa," or nine portions, given in the Vishnu Pur&na, p. 175.]
2 [Bitajal or B&tanjal in the Arabic version. See a note upon this in the notice
of Ab<i Bih&n, Vol. II.]

^ [The Persian versions have the following sentence here i i\,\-^\ ,.,Lu< \\

XSJii A^jMy ii LlJ\%M ,.yl J iJy^J the application of which is not clear, but
as a blank space is left in one MS. immediately after these words, they probably
refer to the difficulty of representing the appearance in a picture]

broad.' But in. other places they have their sources to the north in the
lofty mountains and in the
is suiTounded on the east by
deserts. Hind
Chin and Machin," on the west by Sind and Kabul, and on the south
by the sea.' On the north lie Kashmir, the country of the Turks,
and the mountain of Meru, which ia extremely high, and stands
opposite to the southern pole. The heavenly bodies perform their
revolutions round it, rising and setting on each side of it. A day
and a night of this place is each equal to six of our months.*
Opposite to this mountain stands another, not round in shape, and
which be composed of gold and silver. The Hima moun-
is said to

on the north of Kanauj, and on account of snow and cold

tains lie
form the extreme point of the habitation of man. This range has
Kashmir in its centre, and runs by Tibet, Turk, Khazar,^ and Sakaliba,,*
to the sea of Jurjan and Khwarasm. The rivers of the entire
country of Hind, which flow from the northern mountains, amount
to eleven. Those which flow from the eastern mountains amount to

' [The follomng passage from the A'riish-i Mahfil may perhaps throw some light
upon this :

" Between Bhakar and Scwi there is a jungle over which the Simoom
blows for three mionths in the hot season. When the river Indus, at intervals of
some years, flows from the south to the north, the villages here are laid waste." See
also ante, p. 24.}
' [This is generally written " MahSichln" in MS. C]
' In the original Arahic, Al BIrdni says " India
is hounded on all other sides by

lofty mountains," and after this follows a curious passage omitted from the J&mi'u-t
Taw^rikh. "If you examine the country of Hind, and consider well the round
stones which are found below the soil, at whatever depth you may dig, you will find
that they are large near the mountains where the current of water is impetuous, and
smaller as you depart from the mountains, the strength of th xurrent being also
diminished, and that they become like sand, where the water is stagnant and in the
vicinity of the sea. Hence you cannot but conclude that this country was once
merely a sea, and that the continent has been formed by successi<ve increments of
alluvion brought down by the rivers." Strabo and Arrian have also expressed this
opinion, and modem geologists are fond of indulging in the same speculation. A
late writer on this subject observes " Throughout the whole plain of India,

from Bengal to the bottom of the deep wells in Jesselmere, and under the mica and
hornblende schist of Ajmere, the same kind of very fine hard-grained blue granite is
found in round and rolled masses." Journal Aaiatio Society, Bengal, No. clxxxviii.
p. 140.
* Compare Strabo ii. l-lS. Plin. N. H. vi. 22, 6, and Solinns 62, 13.
" [The country of the Khazars or Khozars, a Turkish race, on the north of the
Caspian sea, about the mouths of the Itil or Volga. The Caspian iscalled Bahru-1
Khazar or Bahru-1 Jurj&n.]


the same number. These run far to the east and the south till they
fall into the ocean. Those, however, which rise in the south do not
discharge, themselves into the sea.
The northern mountains have connection with Mount Meru, which
lies south of them. Besides this there is another lofty ridge of
mountains intervening between Turkistan and Tibet and India,
which is not exceeded in height by any of the mountains of Hindu-
stan. Its ascent is eighty parasangs. From its summit India looks
black through the mists beneath, and the mountains and rugged
declivities below look like hillocks. Tibet and China appear red.
The descent from its summit to Tibet is one parasang. This moun-
tain is so high that Firdausi probably meant the following verse to
apply to it :
" It is so low and so high, so soft and so hard, that
you may see its belly from the fish (on which the earth rests), its

back from the moon."

Some other mountains are called Harmakut,' in which the Ganges
has its source. These are impassable from the side of the cold
regions, and beyond them lies Machin. To these mountains most of
the rivers which lave the cities of India owe their origin. Besides
these mountains there are others called Kalarchal.^ They resemble
crystal domes, and are always covered with snow, like those of
Damawand. They can be seen from Takas and Lahawar.' Then
there are the mountains of Billur, in the direction of Turkistan,
which are denominated Shamilan.* In two days' journey you arrive
at Turkistan, where the Bhutawaxiyas" dwell. Their king is called
Bhut Shah, and their countries (bilad) are Gilgit, Asura, Salsas,^ etc.,

' [Hemakiita, the range immediately to the north of the Himalayas.]

' [The mountains of Sirmor. See a passage in page 65. Reinaud reads the name
"Kelardjek," which agrees with the MS. J). Ibn BatiJta calls them " Karichil"
(vol iii. 325), The latter part of the name is probably the Sanskiit dchal, mountain.]
' [TaiasWr (Taxila and LflhSiwar (Lahore) in MS. C]

* [The BiUir-tigh, or " crystal mountains," running north through Badakhshin.

Shamil&n is probably the Arabic Shamil, "north," with a plural termination

" Mountains of the North."] ' [MS. A. says " Mah&romSin."]

The upper part of the Jhailam is called Bhat, and Kuniwar appears to be
called "Budh mulk" (Lond. Geog. J., iv. 64). Gilgit retains its name to the
present day; Asura is the same as the Astor, or Hasora, of om- maps, and Salsas or
Salsahf is, perhaps, Chel6s on the Indus. M. Reinaud reads Schaltas (Vigne'e
Kashmir, i.. 548, 382). [MS. C. has " Shals^s." See Mem. stir Vlnde, 279.]


and their language' is Turki. The inhabitants of Kashmir suffer

greatly from their encroachments and depredations. The mountains
here mentioned are those described in the translation of Abu Eihan-
and they are as manifest as a tortoise displaying (itself) from the
midst of the waters.
There are rivers and large streams which have their sources in

and issue from the mountains surrounding the kingdom of Kapish'

or Kabul. One, called the Gharwarand,* mixes with the stream
from the mountain of Ghurak, and passes through the country of
Barwan.^ The waters of the Sharuhat and the Shala pass by
Lamankfin/ which is Lamghan, and uniting near the fort of Diruna/
fall into the Nurokirat. The aggregate of these waters forms a large
river opposite the city of Parshawar,^ which is called " al ma'bar," or
" the ferry." This town is situated on the eastern side of these
rivers.' All these rivers fall into the Sind near to the fort of

' [The MS. C. adds, "of the majority."]

' [Al Birflni's original text of the foUowing passage is given hy M. Eeinaud, with
a translation, in the Mem. sur I'Inde, p. 276.]
' [See St. Martin, quoted in Jour. R.A.S., xvii. 186.]

* [So in MS. ^. C. has iXJjjjji. jB,inand has " Ghorband," and that river must
be the one intended.]

[i^'jy in -^- ij^if^ i"! ^-

cJ^^y ^' ^^i"*^'' ^"^ "Berv&nah." The
modem Parw&n or Ferw&n. See Jonrn. E.A.S., ix. 297, and xvii. 186.]

' [j^wLJ in ji. uli*3 in C. " Lampaga" in Eeinaud. Lamghan " in the hills
of Ghazni" (Ahii-l fid&). The "Lughman" of the Maps. Mem. sur I'Inde, 353.]
' [Eeinaud (p. 114) suggests " TJdyanapitr" or "Adinapfir," near Jel&labad, men-
tioned by Fa-hian, and in the Ayin Akbari. See his note ; also Foe-tooie-ki, p. 46 ;

Masson, i. 181, 182; Journ. As. Soc. Beng., June, 1848, p. 482.]
8 As some depend upon the mode of spelling the name of
interesting speculations
this town, it may all ancient authorities, even down to the
be as well to remart that
historians of the sixteenth century, concur in spelling it ParshSiwar. In the Zubdatu-t
Taw6.rilch it is called " Fushto." The Chinese divide the first syllable, and make
Poo-loo -sha, the capital of the kiagdom of Pu jsha. See the Me-kotie-ki, as well
as the translation of Ma-twan-Un, by M. Eeniusat. Notiv : Melanges Asiat : Tom.

I. p. 196. Mem. sur I'Inde, 106.

' [The following is the text of this passage :

MS. A. says, ^J^Z \sjMji 4.:i->-:l [-5. ijL^j] Sjl.^.i^ ijji



Biturashit,' at tlie city of Kandahar,' which is Waihind.' After

that, there comes from the west the river of Tibet, called the
Jhailam. It and the waters of the Chandra all combine about fifty

miles above Jhar^war,*' and the stream flows to the west of Multan.
The Biah joins it from the east. It also receives the waters of the
Irawa (Eavi). Then the river Kaj falls into it after separating

from the river Kuj, which flows from the hiUs of Bhatal.' They all
combine with the Satlader (Sutlej) below Multan, at a place called
Panjnad, or " the junction of the five rivers.'' They form a very
wide stream, which, at the time it attains its extreme breadth, extends
ten parasangs, submerging trees of the forest, and leaving its spoils

upon the trees like nests of bii'ds. This stream, after passing
Audar,^ in the middle of Sind bears the name of Mihran, and flows
1 Bfrfini says " BitiSr below Kandahar."
The proper name is GandhkrS., almost always converted by Musulmkn writers

into Kandahar, but we must take care not to confoimd it with the more noted Kan-
dahar of the west. The Gandh&r&s on the Indus are well known to the Sanskrit
writers, and there is a learned note on them in Troyer's Mdja Tarangini, Tom. IL

pp. 316 321. It is not improbable that we have their descendants in the Gangarias
of the Indus, one of the most turbulent tribes of the Haz4ra country. The name
given to them by Dionysius, in his Periegesis, resembles this modern name more than
the Sanskrit one. He says, AiwvixTov BipairovTes TapyapiSai valovcrtv. He places
them more hut Salmasius and M. Lassen consider that we should read
to the east,
TavSaplSat. Herodotus calls them TavSapiot. The TopiavSts of Nonnus, which M.
Troyer thinks points to the abode of the Gandhkras, is i)robably to be looked for else-
where. See also Mannert, Geographie der Crriechen und Somen, Vol. V. pp. 5, 30,
107. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XV. Be Pentap.
Ind. p. 15-17.
Lassen, Hitter, Die
Erdkunde von Asien, Vol. IV. Erseh and Gruber's Enoyc. : Art.
Pt. I. p. 453.
Indien, p. 2. Mem. sur I'Inde, 107. Cunningham, JBhilsa. Topes, Sec. X. para. 4.
3 [The modem Ohind on the right bank of the Indus fourteen miles above Attok.

Baihaki writes i-?J> and the Sikhs call it H(ind.

it '^^^ Abii-l Fida quotes Ibn
was one of the cities founded by Alexander.]
Sa'id to the effect that it

* [This must be the fort on the river in the viciuity of Mult&n, in which the

govemordwelt. The oorrectname would seem to be Jand-rud. See Note A. in Appx.]

' Theresome confusion here, which cannot be resolved by any interpretation

of the [I have modified the translation, but the passage is still

doubtful. The Arabic differs in some points. It makes no mention of the Chandra
but as it speaks of the waters being "collected from many places," it would seem that
the name Chandra has been mistaken for the word ehand, " several." It is ambiguous
about the Kaj, but it appears to say as follows :
" Then the river Laj {sic) separates
from it distinctly from the river Klit {sic), which is collected from the waters of the
mountains of Bhital, and it joins it where it joins the Satladar (Sutlej) as it descends
from Miiltku." See ante, p. 22.]
* Alor is no doubt the proper reading, though it assumes various forms [The read- .

ing in the text is from MS. A. B. has JJ(jl and C, jy- See Note A. in Appx.]


with a dower current, and widens, forming several islands, till it

reaches Mansura, which city is situated in the midst of the waters of

this river. At this place the river divides into two streams, one
empties itself into the sea in the neighbourhood of the city of Luh&-
rani,' and the other branches off to the east to the borders of Each,
and known by the name of Sind Sagar, i.e., Sea of Siiid. In the

same way as at this place they call the collected rivers Panj-nad, "five
rivers," so the rivers flowing from the northern side of these same
m.ountains, when they unite near Turmuz and form the river of Balkh,'
are called " the seven rivers," and the fire- worshippers [majus) of
Soghd make no distinction, but call them all the " Seven rivers."
The river Sarsut [Sarsuti]' falls into the sea to the east of Somnat.
The Jumna falls into the Ganga below Kanauj, which city is
situated on the west of the river. After uniting, they fall into the
sea near Ganga Sayar fSagar.] There is a river which lies between
the Sarsut and Ganges. It comes from the city of Turmuz' and the
eastern hills ; it has a south-westerly course, till it falls into the sea
near Bahriich,* about sixty yojanas to the east of Somnat. Afterwards
the waters of the Ganga,' the Eahab, the Kiihi, and the Sarju unite*

' This is the Larry Bunder of Major Rennell {Memoir, p. 285), Lahariah of M.

Kosegarten (2) Mahommede, Comment : Acad :), and the L&hari of Ibn Batuta, who
remarks of it, " It has a large harbour into which ships from Persia, Yemen, and other
places put in. At the distance of a few miles from this city are the ruins of another,
in which stones, the shapes of men and beasts almost innumerable, are to be found.
The people of this place think that there was a city formerly in this place, the greater
part of the inhabitants of which were so base, that God transformed them, their beasts,
their herbs, even to the very seeds, into stones ; and, indeed, stones in the shape of
seeds are here almost innumerable." See Ibn Batuta r Lee, p. 102. [French version
iii. 112 ; Mem. aur I'Inde, 278] = [The Jihfin orOius.]
3 [This is distinct both in the Persian and Arabic, saving only that in the former
the last letter lacks the point.]
' This is spelt by various authors Barfij, Barus, BahriSJ, BarCih and Bahrfich. It is the

Broach of the present day, the ^afiya^a eiJLitipioi> of Ptolemy and Arrian, and the
Bhrigukaehchha and Bharukachchha of the Sanskrit authorities. See Ptol. Geo^. Lib.
VII. Cap. 1, Tab. 10. Mannert, Geographie der Gr. and Horn. Vol. V. p. 127. liitter,
Ih-dkmde, Vol. IV. Pt. II. p. 626. Bohlen, das alte Indien, Vol. I. p. 18. Lassen,
AUerthumskundSfYol. I. p. 107.
' [The MS. A, does not mention the Ganges.]
M. Reinaud (p. 100) gives the first as Eahab. A river of this name, or Eahet,
is often mentioned by early Muhammadan authors, and appears generally to indicate
the ES.mgang&. The uuiou of the Siirja with the Gomati, which M. Eeinaud reads
Kiibin, is a fable. There is no oouflacnee of thj-ee rivers at BSirf, but not far off irom


near the city of Bari. The Hindus believe that the Ganga has
its source in paradise, and, descending to the earth, is divided
into seven streams, the centre one being denominated the G-ang
The three eastern streams are the Balan, the Ladafi, and Nalin.' The
three western streams are the Sit, the Jakasb, and Sind.' When the
Sit leaves the snowy mountains it flows through the countries' of
SUk, Karsib, BCir, Barbar, Hira, Sakarkalt, Mankalakur, and Sakrit
and falls into the western ocean. On the south of it is the river

it the Jamnuarl and the Kathenf unite vnth. the Gomati. The map of Onde which
isgiven in the "Agra Guide," calls these rivers the Saraeu and Perhf, names which
conform pretty well with the i_^*) and . .^ of M. Keinaud's manuscript. [General
Cunningham says, " The second of these rivers is undouhtedly the Gumti, which
in Sanskrit is the Gomati. The first is either the Sehta, or else the Rahrai which
joins the Behta; and the third is the Saratn, a good sized stream, which passes
by Sitapur. Both the Behta and the Sarain join the Gumti near Sari, which still
exists as a good sized village." Arch. Sep. for 1862-3 in Jour. As. Soe. Ben.
page xvii.]
' [A. <-J;Ij. C. ClJjli, D. e-Jjb.]

These are evidently the Sit& and Chakshu of Bh&skara AchSrya. Mr. Cole-

broolce gives us the following passage from that astronomer:

" The holy stream
which escapes from the foot of Vishnu descends on mount Mem, whence it
divides into four currents, and passing fehrotfgh' the' air it reaches the lakes on the
summit of the mountains which sustain them. Under the name of Sltk this river
joins the Bbadraswa; as the AIak&nand& it enters Bharatavarsha ; as the Chakshu
it proceeds to Ketumala, and as the Bhadra it goes to the Kuru of the north."

Siddlidnta Siromani ; Bhavana Kosha, 37 and 38. See also Vihnu Purdna, p. 171.
Professor Wilson observes, "The Hindis say that the Ganges fafla from heaven on
the summit of Meru, and thence descends in four currents the soufliern branch is the

Ganges of India; the northern branch, which flows into Turkey, i.? the Bhadrasom^;
tbo eastern branch is the Sita and the western is the Chakshu or OxvsJ' Sanskrit

Diet. Art. Meru. But the R^m&yana mentions seven streams, and from ffeat work
Biriint evidently copied his statement. The true Sanskrit names were almost identical
with those given in the text. The eastern streams are Hl^dani, Pavani and Nalinf
the western are Sita, Suchakshu, and Sindhu. In the centre flows the Bh&girathi.
The Matsya and Padma Puranas give the same account. See Sdmdpana, Lib. I.
XLIV. 14, 16. Ed. Schlegel. [The three western rivers ought to be the Sir, Slh6n,
or Jaxartes the Jihiin or Oxus and the Indus. Jakash is probably a corrupt form
; ;

of Chakahxt, and bears a suspicious resemblance to the classic Jaxartes. Of all the
countries mentioned in connection with the Sit and Jakash, Marv appears to be the
only one that can be identified with any degree of probability.]

[The names of these countries are so discrepant, that Sir H. Elliot omitted those

of the Sind and Ganges as being "illegible," but he printed the text as it is
found in the Calcutta and Lucknow copies. These, with the three copies in
England, ought to afford sufficient means for settling the names with tolerable
accuracy. To facilitate comparison, the various readings are set out below in

Jakash, whicli flows by the countries of Marw, Kalik, Dhulak, Nijar,

juxtaposition. Whore one reading only is given, the whole of the TtfSS. ate suffi-
ciently concurrent.]

1. . I. Library. 2. Brit. Mus. 3. Calcutta. 4. Ltjcknow.

5. Arabic of
R. A. S.

-> ^^


^P (two names f)

caret caret caret

j_^pJv=^ ,iJ^


VU w j^ J^
bytXi J Ijj-j^.' ^Uydj J^^




jy^ jjr^-

Barbarkaj, Bakrubar, and Anjat, and waters the farms and fields of
those places.'
The river of Sind crosses that country* in many places of its
length and breadth, and bounds it in many others. Its well-known
towns are Dard, Eandanand, Kandahar, Euras, Kariir, Siyiir,

Indar, Marw, Siyat, Sind, Kand, Bahimnir, Marmiin, and Sakurad.

The river Ganges passes over the central pUlar of the moon to

Barkandharat, Easakin, Baladar,' Aurkan, and many other cities and

towns ; it then touches the defiles of Band, where there are many
elephants, and passes on to the southern ocean.
Among the eastern streams is the Ladan which flows through
seven kingdoms, whose inhabitants have lips like inverted ears.
Thence it flows to three other countries, of which the people are
exceedingly black, and have no colour or complexion. Then it runs
through several other countries to Hast Ain, where it falls into the
eastern sea.

RIVER SIND {continued).

1. E. I. LiBKAirr.


The river Maxan' -waters the land of Kit" and flows through
deserts. It passes through several countries where the people wear
the bark of trees and grass instead of clothes, and are friendly to
the brahmans. Then it passes through th desert and flows into
the sea of Ajaj.'
The river Batan passes through Namr&i,* and through several
countries where the people have their habitations in the hills. then
it flows on to the Karans and the Barbarans,' i.e., people whose ears
bang down to their shoulders. Next it touches the country of the
Ashmuks,^ whose faces are like the faces of animals. Then it falls
into the sea.
The Lashan-baran is a river with a wide bed. It falls into the

Section IV. Belating to ike Countries of Hind, the Cities, some

Islands, and their Inhabitants.

It has been raentioned in the beginning of work that the


country of Hind is divided into nine' parts. The Indians are of

1 [go in MS. A. MS. C.has ^jjW ; and Elliot had Miwan.]

2 [I ^ in ji, L::^ in C]
3 [So in A. C. has '^^\ and EUiot had JSj.]
[So in Elliot, MS. A. may bs read as " M&mr^." 0. has '']-"
These remind us of some of the tribes enumerated in the Eam&.yana, the

Karna-privaranas " those who -ivrap themselves np in their ears," Ashta-karnakas,

" the eight-eared," or, as 'Wilson suggests, Oshtha-karnakas," " having lips extend-
ing to their ears." See Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVII. p. 466. Bobertson, Ancient
India, p. 34.
* This is evidently meant for the Sanskrit word Aswa-mukha, the " horse-faced."
They are noticed also in the sequel of the Periplus. They are the attendants of
Indra and Kuvera. The tales of those demigpds and other monsters, such as the
Cynocephali of ^lian and Ctesias are all derived from native originals. See -Slian,
Nat : Animal. IV. 46. Ctesiie Operum
Bayer, p. 320. 'Wilson, Notes
Seliguiee, ed :

en Ctesias, p. 36. Plin Sistor. Nat. VII. 2. Vincent, Comm. and Nam. nf the

Ancients, Vol. II. p. 524. Asiatic Sesearches, Vol. VIII. p. 338, and Vol. IX.
p. 68. Megasthems, 8, 64, 66, 69.

' [The Arabic again says "nine," and the MS. B. agrees. MSS. A. and
J>. say " three." See note, page 44.]

opinion that each part' is nine times larger than Iran. It is situated
in three Iklim (climes)s the western portion is in the third clime,
and the eastern in the first, but the chief portion of Hind is included
in the second climate. Its central territory is called Madades, which
means "the middle land." The Persians call it Kanauj. It is
called the Madades, because it lies between the seas and mountains,
between the hot and cold countries, and between the two extremities
of west ard east. It was the capital of the great, haughty, and
proud despots of India. Sind lies on the west of this territory. If
any one wishes to come from Nimroz, i.e. the country of Sijistan,
or Tran to this country, he will have to pass through Kabul. The
city of Kanauj stands on the western bank of the Ganges.* It was
formerly a most magnificent city, but in consequence of its being
deserted by its ruler, it has now fallen into neglect and ruin, and
Ban, which is three days' journey from it on the eastern side of the
Ganges is now the capital. Kanauj is as celebrated for the de-
scendants of the Pandavas as Mahura (Mattra) is on account of
Basdeo (Krishna.) The river Jumna lies to the easj of this city,
and there is a distance of twenty-seven parasangs between the two
rivers. The city of Thanesar is situated between the rivers, nearly

seventy parasangs north of Kanauj, and fifty parasangs from

Mahura (Mattra). The Ganges issues from its source, called Gang-
dwar, and waters many ef the cities of India.
Those who have not personally ascertained the relative distances
of the cities of Hind from each other, must be dependent on the
information derived from travellers.
In stating these distances we will begin from Kanauj. In going
towards the south, between the rivers Jumna and Ganges, you
arrive at a place called Jajmau,' at a distance of twelve parasangs,
each parasang being equal to four miles j eight parasangs from that

' [The Arabic says " each part," and the Persian has a blauk where these words
shonld come in.
' [Binikiti, who quotes jrortions of this chapter, adds " which comes from the
city of Turmuz, through the mountains of the east."]
3 M. Eeinaud reads Haddjamava. There can be little doubt that J4jmau, close tfi

Kinhpiir, (Cawnpoor) is meant. town of great antiquity.

It is a

is Karwa ; from Karwa to Brahmashk, eight ; thence to Xbhabudi,'

eight; thence to the tree* of Baragi (Prag,) twelve. This is at
the confluence of the Jumna and Ganges. From the confluence to
the embouchure of the Ganges, is twelve' parasangs. From the
above-mentioned tree, in directing your coui'se towards the south,
a road leads along the bank of the river to Arak Tirat,* whiclii is dis-

tant twelve parasangs ; to the country of ITrfhar,' forty ; to TJrda-

bishak,' on the borders of the sea, fifty ; from thence, still on the
shore of the sea, on the east, therekingdom which is at present is a
near Chun, and the beginning (mabda') of that is Dar (or Dur,)'

' [Rcinaud
and Elliot read " Abhapfiri," but our MSS. have "biidS." The Arabic
version translates " Abhi," and says "waters of Badi."]
The mention of the tree is important, as showing that at that time there was no

city on the site of Allah&bid, but mersly a tree at the coniiueiice which is described ;

in a subsequent passage as being of large dimensions, with two main boughs, one
withered, the other flourishing, and as the Indiana are represented as mounting on
the tree to enable them to precipitate themselyes into the Ganges, the river must
have then flowed under it. The trunk of the tree still exists, and is as holy as ever,
but is almost excluded- from view by being enclosed in a subterraneous dwelling,
called PatS.lpiiri, evidently of great antiquity, within the walls of the fort of Allaha-
This accords with Al BiriSni's original Arabic, but there is some unaccountable

error. [The Arabic version of Eashidu-d din says simply " from hence to the
Ganges,' but this does not mend the matter.]

Perhaps the Island of Karan Tirat, now abreviated into Kantit, near Mirzipfir.

M. Reinaud reads Oubarhar. [The inital letters Ifr are clear in all the copies,

the third letter is n, in the E. I. Library M.S., and the final r is also wanting in that
undintheB.M. MS. The true reading is probably given in the Lucknow copy
which has I/rihkr, meaning in all likelihood, Orissa.]
M. Reinaud reads Ourdabyschhau [but the final k is clear in all our copies].

See Lassen, Ind : Altertlmmshmde, I. 1 86.

' This is very obscure. [Our MSS. difi'er in several points the text given is a
literal translation of the Persian 'ii-^-=r j' J^^ / ^ ^ u' J' JJ

^ ^J^^ ^} Jnr" J'^J^

U^ *^S. S. reads tij^ for uif'' adds ^j>' after

tJJojp and forthelast^J it hasj}'^- The reading of C. is

\,J^^ ^^ k-^ }

^' ^^ii^^^d translates it thus: en

Is J " jl5 .-isT^ JI U.i.< < ^.i^r*']

suivant les bords de la mer et en so dirigeant vers I'Orient, a travers les provinces
a\ixquelles confinent maintenant les etats du roi Djour la premiere de
; ces provinces

est Dravida.


forty. From thence to K^nji,' thirty; to Malia, forty; to Kiinak,^

thirty ; which is the remotest point.
If you go from Barf, on the banks of the Ganges, in an easterly
directionj you come to Ajodh, at the distance of twenty-five para-
sangs ; thence to the great Benares,' about twenty. Then, turning,
and taking a south-easterly course from that, you come, at the
distance of thirty -five parasangs, to Sharuar ;* thence to Pataliputra,'
twenty ; thence to Mangiri, fifteen ; thence to Champa,' thirty
thence to Diikampur, fifty ; thence to the confluence of the Ganges
with the sea at Ganga Sagar, thirty.

In going from Kanauj to the east you come to MSli Ban',' at the
distance of ten parasangs ; thence to Dukam, forty -five ; thence to

1 [E&achi or Conjeveram.]
' [MSS. A. and S. apparently hare "Karand;" but C. has K<ital. Reinand
has " Kounaka," and this is supported by MS. D.

* [The first edition had Sarw&ra, but Eeinaud has " Scharouar" which is doubtless

right, MSS. A. and -B. say iL^iu \j where the ia may or may not be a prepo-

sition. The Arabic mates it part of the name ,U*J\j U.J This may, perhai)s,

mean the country beyond the SarjiS, the name by which Gorakhpiir is now locally
known to the people about Benares, and hence the name of one of the most populous
tribes of Brahmans. Sarw&r is an abbreviation of Sarj6p&r, "the other side of the
Sarjii." So Pfiradas is used in the Puranic lists to represent people ho live heyoitd
the Indus, just as used in the Periplus of the Erythrean sea to signify the
to. ire'po is

ports beyond the straits. In Plutarch [Camillus, C.

21,) an expression exactly
equivalent occurs, Trapk rbv Trorafihv " the other side of the river."

s [So in the first edition. Eeinaud has " Patalypotra." A. has s jJi-U

.B. has L-j {l\j, ^^^ ^' ..M jljlj. The last is probably intended for P&tali


[So in the first edition Eeinaud has " Djanbah ;" .4. and C- ^- ,
; .B.,.,,,-^.,
' This name by which B&ri is called in this passage. As there are several
is the
other towns of the same name in the neighbourhood, this may have been a distinc-
tive title given to the new capital. The combination is by no means improbable,
for as B4ri means " a garden," and M&ll " a gardener," the words are frequently
coupled together. The two names occur in conjunction, in a common charm for the
bite of a wasp. Reiiiaud has simply "Bary;"^. ,_f.l) Jj, -S. ^,\j r.


the kingdom of Silhet,' ten ; thence to the city of Bhut," twelve

thence tor two hundred parasangs it is called Tiliit, where the men
are very black, and flat-nosed like the Turks. It extends to the
mountains of Kamru,^ to the sea and to Nipal. Travellers in this
direction report that going to the left hand towards the east, which
is the country of Tibet, one arrives at Nipal at twenty parasangs
distance, all on the ascent.*

From Nipal to Bhiitesar ' is thirty days' journey, which iniplies

a distance of about eighty parasangs. There are many ascents
and descents. - There, on account of the steep and rugged roads,
they carry burdens on the shoulders. Bridges are built in several
places, and the rivers run in deep channels a hundred yards below
the surface of the hills. They say that in those places there are
stags with four eyes, and very beautiful.
Bhutesar is the first city on the borders of Tibet. There the
language, costume, and appearance of the people are different.

Thence to the top of the highest mountain, of which we spoke at

the beginn'ng, is a distance of twenty parasangs. From the top of
it Tibet looks red and Hind black.
From Kanauj, in travelling south-east, on the western side of the

Ganges, you come to Jajahoti, at a distance of thirty parasangs, of

which the capital is Kajuraha." In that country are the two forts

1 This may Tje the Silhet Sh&hjah&npdr of the GoraVhpfir district, near the
Gandak. In that case, Tiliit would correspond with Tirhflt.

2 [So in MS. D. ; EeiTiaud has Bbot ; A. and C. agree in reading i^^J

B. has an entirely different name t.-~.^jh-> J
3 [The MSS. C. and J), agree with Reinaud in reading Kamrd, for Ktmr(ip,

which is no douht right. A. and B. have .^ ifjS, and the first edition had
" Meru."]
* [This passage is not in A. nor in the old version from the Indian MSS. ; tut it

is given by Reinaud.]
" reads Yhontyscher the same reading occurs at p. 40.
M. Reinaud ;

no doubt the Kajwar-i of Ibn Batuta, " at which there is a late about a
This is

mile in length, and round this are temples in which there are idols
" (p. 162). Its

real name is KajrM, on the banks of the Ken, between Chatterpiir and Panna, said
to have been founded by the great parent of the Chandel race. The Kingdom of
which it is the capital, is evidently the Chi-chi-to of the Chinese travellers.

The mined temples at Kajr&S are of great antiquity and interest. They are
described in the Mahoba Sama, and there said to hive been built by Hamotl, upon
the occasion of her having held a Banda jag, or penitential sacrifice. She had com-


of Gwaliar and Kalinjar.' Thence to Dhal,' of which the capital

is Bituri to the kingdom of Kankyu* and Kankara is twenty para-

sangs. Thence to Asur; thence to Banawas* on the shore of the sea.

From Kanauj, in travelling south-west, you come to Asi,* at

the distance of eighteen parasangs ; to Sahina,^ seventeen ; to

Chandra,' eighteen; to Kajauri,' fifteen; to Narana' the capital of

mitted a iittle/auxpas with the moon in human shape, and as a self-imposed punish-
ment her indiscretion, held a Eanda jag, a part of which ceremony consists in
sculpturing indecent representations on the walls of temples, and holding up one's
foibles to the disgust and ridicule of the world. Hamoti was the daughter of
Eomr&j, spiritual adviser to Indraji, Gaharwkr E4j& of Benares.
' There have been lately some speculations hazarded about the fort of K&linjar
rol heing older that a.d. 1205. Birdni's mention of its strong fort in his time
makes it two hundred years older, and still leaves its origin indefinite. (See Journal
A. S. B. No. 188. p. 172.) 2 {A. and B. have Dh5U.]

' [Eeinaud has, " On arrive aussi a Dhal dont la capitale est Bitoura. Le prince

de ce pays est maintenant Kankyou. On oorapte de 1& au royaume de Kannakara,

twenty parasangs." There is no mention of a prince in our manuscripts, the uame
may he either personal or local: A. says \j, i_c,t^ .,,\ A ^.-^\ , llfejU
' C -. (j:.^,*;,,^ hS^ j j-^-O i::..XLv. B-. agrees, but gives the names

^_jSL^ yS^ ^jSi. 0. has iJJiy^^^ iXw .^\ ^yJ J JVaJ i^I.J
* [Eeinaud has " Oupsour" and " Banaouas," the first edition had " ris&r" and
"Bhawas." A. and B. have iuj\^ (-'Ij ^- ^^ u^^V'-' IV^^-
Banav&si was the

name of the capital of the Kadamba dynasty in the Dekhin. Wilson's Mack. Coll.
Introd. ]
* M. Eeinaud says, without doubt this is the name of the town ordinarily written
Sasi. If Hansi of Hari&na, as it appears, is meant, it neither corresponds with the
distance nor direction.The ruins of Asi, or more correctly Asni, are on the banks
of the Ganges. mentioned in the T&rikh-i Taminf, and is the place to which
It is

the E&ji of Kanauj sent his treasure for security when he was attacked by the
Ghorian General, Kutbu-d din I'bak.
8 [C has Sahalaini.] ' This is evidently meant for ChanderS.

[So in Eeinaud and the first edition, A. has ^ y, or ^,ii, B. ^\^\, C-

' [Elliot read the name "Naraya" and "Niraya". Eeinaud has "Bazana," but
he adds "le manuscrit porte en quelques endroits Narana." MS. A. is tolerably
consistent in reading Bar^na B., C, and D. are generally without points, but. C.

has Nar&na in one place, and D. Tar&na, Eeinaud's translation differs, It prO'
ceeds, " Cette ville est celle que nos compatriotes, appellent Narayana comme elle- ;

a ete detruite, les habitants se sont transportes dans un lieu plus recule'."' NarSna
is probably a contraction of N&r&yana and the right name. Sir H. Elliot considered
it " one of the most interesting places in the North-Western provinces to identify in
the pages of Birflnl, on account of its being so frequently mentioned" as a point of
departure of several Itineraries. He thought it to be represented by the modern

Guzerat,' eighteen. When the capital of Guzerat was destroyed,

the inhabitants remoYed to a town on the frontier.' The distance
between Narana and Mahura is the same as between Mahura and
Kanauj, that is twenty-eight parasang^.
In going from Mahwra to Ujain, you pass' through several neigh-
bouring villages, at no greater distances from one another than five
parasangs.' From Mahura, at the distance of thirty-five parasangs,
you come to a large town called Dudhi ; thence to Bas,hur,* seven ;

thence to Mahabalastan,^ five. This is the name of the idol of that

place. Thence to TJjain" nine, the idol of which place is Mahakdl.
Thence to Dhar,' six parasangs.

Narwar, and entered into details to support this view, but he was unable to account
for its being called the capital of Guzer6,t.General Cunningham takes another view,
and says, " In ray fourth Report I have identified Guzetkt with Bair^t, or the ancient
Matsya. Bair&.t was the capital, but it was also used for the name of the country, as
for instance by Hwen
Tsang, who calls it Fo-li-ye-to-lo. Firishta gives these two
names and Nirdin, which, he says, were two hilly tracts, overrun by
as Kari&t
Mahnitid of Ghazni. Now Guzer&t and Kari5.t are only slight corruptions of Bair&t,
when written in Persian characters ; and N&rdiu and Nar&na are still slighter altera-
tions of NS.r4yana, which is the name of a town to the north-east of Bair&t, about
twelve miles. Mathura is said to be equidistant from Kanauj and ii-om KTarina,
which agrees with this identification." General Cunningham proceeds " Asi is on :

the Jumna below the junction of the Chumbul, and therefore a favourable point for
crossing. Sahina I take to be Suhania, a very ancient town thirty miles to the north
of Gwalior, and which is said to have been the capital of the country in former days.
Its ruins cover several square miles. Chandra I take to be Hindou, and RSjiori is
still known by the same name. It will be found between Hindou and Bair&t, to the

north of the B&n Ganga river." Cunningham, MS. Note.]
\A. writes this ^~ ^\ X C. d^M.p,]
= \_A. and JB. have i j, Ji. ^Ji, 0. ifj-j^-,. i(jjj, ^'^ first edition translated it,

" a new town." The town of Hudiida. i']

s [So it stands in the first edition in accord with Al Birtini, but there is an

omission in A. and (7., the former makes the distance to Dddhi five parasangs, and
the latter, thirty parasangs.]
[So in A. Eeinaud has " Bamhour ;" the first edition had, " Bafh(ir" ;" B. and

C. have"M&hvira."]
5 [" Bhaylesan," in Eeinaud Mahabhales&n in first edition Bahibalistau in A.,
; ;

and B. has the same in the first instance, but in the second the first letter may be m ;
G. has BahSila&n here and Bah6.balasin below. It says " Balasin" is the name of

the idol ((^Lji *\^ jl .jluJj , )Mah&balastan has been selected as being

probably intended for the Sanskrit llahdbalasthdn.']

' [The first edition had Ujain, and so has MS. O. Eeinaud has " Ardyn." A.
hasy^^^j-,..^!, and .B.yj,,-^jl]

' [So in Bi'runi, in first edition, and in .B. ; A. has JSjjlj, C. has .Ut>b, the
Persian original of which was probably .Ij^J b'.]


South from Naxana at fifteen parasangs distance lies Mewar,^

which has the lofty fortress of Chitor.^ Prom the fortress to Dhar
the capital of Malwa, twenty. Ujain is to the east of Dhar, at the

distance of nine parasangs. From Ujain to Mahabalastan,' which is

in Malwa,' ten. From Dhar, going south, you come to Mahumahra,^

at the distance of twenty parasangs ; thence to Kundakl,^ twenty ;

thence to Namawar on the banks of the Nerhadda,* ten ; thence to

Biswar,' twenty; thence to Matdakar,' on the banks of the Gro-
davery, sixty parasangs.
From Dhar southwards to the river Nerbadda,' nine ; thence to
Mahrat-des (the country of the Mahrattas), eighteen ; thence to
Konkan, of which the capital is Tana, on the sea shore, twenty-five
p arasangs.
' This would appear to be the correct reading. M. Reinaud translates " Mycar :

est le nom d'un royaume o(i se trouve la fortresse de Djatraoxir." [This is a most
doubtful name. A. has jUaJj, ^. lULj, C. lUi.^, i). jUu.^. A. and B.

omit the' name of the fort, but C. ]i^jjjij;^, and J). ,J/~=--J
Perhaps Bhilsa is alluded to. There are many ruins in its neighbourhood well

worth examination, as at Udegir, Sacheh, Ktaeh Kheri, and Piplea Bijoll. There
are other places on the upper Betwa where extensiTe ruins are to be seen, as Erin
TJdipfir, Pathliri, anciently called Birnagar, Ghe&rispiir and BhojprSr.

' [This accords with Al BIrlini. There is some confnsion in the MSS. .4. reads :

a says,
.^\j jf^ IjlU iUs- \^^
1:^* L5^ J J^'^\\''. er^T.?^ ij^
' [s v^Hi-^ ^^ "^' ^^^ '" ^^^ edition.] This may have some connection with

the Matmayurpur, or Matiinagar, of the inscription found at Rannode, in which a

prince is represented as " repopulating this long desolate city." Journal Asiatic
Society Bengal, No. 183, p. 1086. " [Reinaud has " Kondouhou."]
* [So the first edition, and so Reinaud ; the latter adds, " Albyrouny a ecrit
Karmada qui est la forme Sanskrite." The Nerbadda is no doubt intended, though
our MSS. are very vague and discrepant: A. has ^,jj^ ^ B. has .
^^ . ,

C. has s^Ji, and D. Jjy ,]

' [So in first edition; Reinaud has "Albospour;" vi. and B. have ^^jjj

(Biswar), C. has^^^.]
* [This reading accords with Reinaud's, and with MS. C, MS. A. has no points,
D. has " Matdakar" or " Mandkar," and the first edition had " Mundgir."]
* [So in the first edition and probably right. Reinaud has " Nymyyah," A. and

.B. haTej^n! ^'^\j, C has A,^, ^_y jl^^ and i?. i^ i-S'^V-'

[^Here follows the description of the BMnoeeros and Sarabha, wMeh

agrees with the original Arabic of Al Birurd, and need not be trans-
lated in this place. Ute BMnoeeros is called Karhadan in the original,

and appears to he the same as the Kaprd^tovov of JElian, Hist. An.

XFJ. 20, 21. The Sarabha is called Shardawdt iu the Persian, and
Sharauddt in the Arabic M.8.'\

Abu KiMn states that from Narana, in a south-west direction, lies

Anhalwara', at a distance of sixty parasangs ; thence to Somnat, on

the sea, fifty. From Anhalwara, towards the south, to Lardes," of
which the capitals are Bahruj and Dhanjur,' forty-two. These are
on the shore of the sea, to the east of Tana.
West from Narana* is Multan, at the distan<^ of fifty parasangs ;

thence to Bhdti,* fifteen. South-east from Bhati is Arur,^ at a dis-

tance of fifteen parasangs. Bhati is situated between two arms of
the Indus. Thence to Bahmanu Mansura, twenty ; thence to Loha-
ranf, the embouchure of the river, thirty parasangs.

From Kanauj, going north, and turning a little to the west, you
come to Sharashdraha,' fifty parasangs. Thence to Pinjor, eighteen,

parasangs. That place is on a lofty hill,' and opposite to it, in the

' [So read ty Eeinaud and Elliot. A. has )ij\Xi and i^lJl, -8. JjlAjs,
C and D. g .\ ,L j , Kahalwira is only another form of the name.]

2 See Jjsssen, ZeiiscArifi, f. d. K. d. Morgenl: I. 227. [L&ta-desa in Sanskrit

and the Lm-ice of Ptolemy. "We have n, copper-grant made by the ESja of this
country in a.d. 812. See Jour. Beng. A. S., April, 1839, Jour. li. A. S. viii. 16.]

' [Eeinaud has " Eahanhonr." A. and . have ...s^^ j, and C. has ,.j^Ukj.

The letters m and h are liable to be confounded, so that Elliot's reading is probably
* See note 9, page 58.
[So read by Eeinaud and Elliot. ^. has -iiLj and ^Lj, jB. J It), O.

J'lli .0- Jvj<J. The " B&nia," of the other geographers ?]

6 lA. has^^.l, . \jj\, ^-jjjS. Alor.?]

" [Elliot reads " Sirs&wah ;" Eeinaud " Schirscharhah ;" A. has aj&.l.^, S.

i.i,,\MJi>, d- iJi>jlijZ,I>-j\j^j.^. "This is certainly Sirs&wah, an old and

famous place where both Taimfir and Baber halted." Cunningham.]

This is not correct with reference to modern Pinjore, which is in a yalley on the
southern side of the Hills.


plains, is the city Thanesar;' thence to Dakmala,^ the capital of

Jalandhax, and at the base of a mouTitain, eighteen ; thence to

Balawarda, one hundred;^ thence towards the west, to Lidda,
thirteen ; thence to the fort of Rajgiri, eight ; thence, towards the
north, to Kashmir, twenty-fiv paraaangs.
From Kanauj, towards the west, to Dyamau, is ten parasangs
thence to Gati,' ten;j thence to Ahar,' ten ; thence to Mirat, ten
thence, across the Jnmna,, to Panipat, ten ; thence to Kaithal,* ten ;

thence to Sanam, ten.

In going north-west from the latter place to Axat-hur,' nine para-

sangs ; thence to Hajnir,* six ; thence to Mandhukur,' the capital of

Lohawar,'" on the east of the river Trawa, eight ; thence to the river

' [So read by Eeinaud and Elliot. A. -uojU, -B. ^ujlj, C. Ajl;, 2). ^^ti.]
' This is doubtless Dehm4ri, wbich, as we learn from several historians, was the
ancient name was changed by Jahingir, in honour of iNdr Jah^n
of NArpilr, before it

Begam. Nirp<ir is beyond the Be^

but that would not affect the identification, for

the author says merely J&landhar, not the Doab, or Interarania, of jalandhar.
[So according to Eeinaud and EUiot. A. has LJ6J, -B. CI ^,fri>^ C. says

^L4J!>c>b JU Here the Persian preposition td has probably been incorporated

with the name as id.']

^ [The number "ten," is given by Eeinaud, Elliot, and MS. D. A. says " 100,"
B. has ji^^ probably intended for J^.^^ C. omits the number.]

* [So read by Eeinaud, and probably right. Elliot and MS. D. have Gahi.
A. has X^ B. and C. jSJ\ Perhaps Eaj Gh&t may be meant. All the other

places menioned in this paragraph are extant to this day.

[The Arabic here adds the Persian numeral of the distance (db7j = 10) to the

name, making it ifOjiaU]

[So read by Elliot. Eeinaud has " Koutayl." A. and B. have i
<r.,,.<' C.

CS^^, and J>^/-]

' [Tbe MSS. all agree in making two words, Arat-hiir. The Arabic again
adds the numeral of the distance (nwA = 9) to the name miildng it Arat-hftznah

* TEcinaud reads " Maydahoukour." The only difference in our MSS. is that A,
substitutes S. for as the first letter.] The place is mentioned in Biriini's Kani'm
and by Baihaki who calls it " Mandkaktir."
"> [So according to Elliot. Eeinaud has " Lauhaour (Labor)." A. has ,,,'\ji) J

andyj\^. i?-^j.U. ftjyU^ and^j,-!.]


Chandraha (Chinab), twelve; thence to the Jailam, on the west of

the Bayat,' eighteen ; thence to Waihind, capital of Kandahar, west
of the Sind, which the Moghals call Karajang, twenty ; thence to
Parshawar, fourteen ; thence to Dambur,* fifteen ; thence to Kabul,
twelve ; thence to Ghaznin, seventeen.
Kashmir* is a valley surrounded by lofty inaccessible hills and
broad deserts ; on the east and south it is bordered by Hind ; on
the west by kings, of whom the nearest are Takur Shah, then Shak-
nan Shah, and Wakhan' Shah, extending to the frontiers of Badakh-
sban ; on the north, and' partly on the east; by the Turks of Chin
and Tibet.
From the mountain of Bhutesar to Kashmir, across the country
of Tibet, is nearly 300 parasangs. The people of Kashmir do not
ride on quadrupeds, but are carried on men's shoulders in a Katut,
which resembles a throne. The servants of the Government are
always on the alert, and watch the passes and strongholds of the
country. They do not allo^v strangers to enter the country, except
by ones and twos. This prohibition extends even to Jews and
Hindus, how then can any one else gain admittance ? The principal
entrance is at Birahan,* half T^ay between the Sind and Jailam.
From that place to the bridge, at the confluence with the Jailam

' [This is no doubt the Beyah. Eeinaud had " Eeyut," and Elliot " Behat."
A. has either " M&.yat" or Bayiit," O. has " Miyat," and X). "Ma-oayat."
2 ["Binbonr," Reinaud. "Diuur," Elliot. ^^ in ^. and Ji. ,.J J in C
> Mention of Kashmir occurs in another part of the wori:, which contains little
that is not noticed here. The author adds that in Kashmir there is a city called
Daraharka, in which there are 3,600,000 inhabitants, and that it was built 2,000
years ago. That the Talley was formerly twelve hundred years under water when, ;

at the entreaties of Casip [Kasyapa], the waters found their way to the sea, and the
valley became habitable.
* [These names according to Reinaud and Elliot are "Bilor, Shakn&n, and^
Dfikhan." MSS. A. and . make the first distinctly " Tftkiir," but J), has " Billflr."
S. makes the second " ShakhOn." The third is ^.1=.., in -d. and B., .^U- W C,

and Us-, in See Jaub'ert's Edrisi, pp. 479, 483, 490.]

[" Berberhan," Reinaud; "Barbh&n," Elliot. A. and B. have .,llj or

\^\t. C.s&j&^Ai,^. " Babar-khina, or 'tiger's house,' the name of the

land on the north of the ancient Taxila, where Buddha gave his head to the starving
tiger. It is on the high road to Kashmir." Cunningham..]

of tlie Eusari and Mamhari,' wLiclj. flow from the mountains of

Shamildn/ is eight parasangs. Thence you arrive, at a distance of

five days' jotimey, at a defile through which the Jailam runs.

At the end of the defile lies Dawaru-1 Marsad, on both sides of
the river. There the Jailam enters the plains, and turns towards
Adashtan,' the capital of Kashmir, which it reaches at a distance of
two days' journej'. The city of Kashmir is four parasangs from
Adashtan. It is built on both banks of the Jailam, on which there
are many bridges and boats. The source of the Jailam is in the
mountains of Harmakut,* near the source of the Granges. This
mountain is impassable on account of the exceeding cold, for the
snow never melts, even when the sun is in Cancer or Leo. On the
other side of it lies Maha Chin, i.e., great Chin. After the Jailam
has left the mountains, it reaches Adashtan in two days. Four
parasangs from that, it expands into a lake, a, parasang square, on
the borders of which there is much cultivation, and a dense popula-
tion. It then leaves the lake, and enters another defile near the
city of TJshkara.''
The Sind rises in the mountains of Amak,* on the borders of the

[So read by Elliot. Reinaud has "Eosary et Kahry :" the first syllable of
M&mhari was doubtless taken as meaning " water," a reading favoured by our Arabic
MS. 0., which says ^_, j U. ^,li*u^t. The MSS. ^., ., and i). hare

^_jrt.^Lj lJj^ (lJ}^^ ^' ^J^ ^' )

'^^'^ ^ '-^' t^^i^^fore be as

Elliot reads it, unless Rashlda-d din mistook Al Birfinl's text.]

^ \&i\k\ in first edition. ^. has l1J1j.~j.]

' M. Reinaud Addashtan, and Capt, A. Cunningham identifies it with
Pandritan, the local corrupt form of Pur&n&dhisth4na, the " old chief city." Jour.
As. Soc. Seng. "So. CLxxxvii. p. 97.
* M. Reinaud has Hazmakout. Har-Mukut, meaning the cap of Har, or MahA.
Deo, a better reading. [Hema-klita
is is the correct one. See ante p. 46, and
Wilson's Vishnu Furana, p. 168.]
5 ["This must be Hushka-pura which still exists near Baiimifla Hwen Tsang's
' Hushkara." "Cunningham.]
[Umah in and Onannak according to Reinaud.
first edition, All om- MSS.
agree in reading dmnh" This is apparently the Tibetan or Oya-nag^ pro-
or amalc.
nounced Ganak, which means the Black Plains," and is the name for Chinese

Tartai y where the Indus actually rises. Arrowsmith' s map gives Guinnak, capital '

of Chinese Tartary.' " Cunningham.]


Tuikisli country. Passing hj the mountains of Bilur' and Shamllan,

it readies ia t-wo days' journey tlie country of tlie Bhiitawari^ Turks,
from whose encroachments and depredations the Kashmirians suffer
great distress. "Whoever travels along the left bank of the river
will find villages and towns which are close to one another on the
south of the capital and as far as the mountain. Larjal,' which re-
sembles Damawand, between which and Kashmir' there is a distance
of two parasangs. It can always be seen from the boundaries of
Kashmir and Lohawar. The fort of Rajgiri is to the south of it,
and Lahur, than which there is no stronger fort, is to the west. At
a distance of three parasangs is Eajawari, where merchants carry
on much traffic, and it forms one of the boundaries of Hind on the
north. On the hills to the west of it is the tribe of Afghans, who
extend to the land of Sind.
On the south of that tribe is the sea, on the shore of which the
first city is Tiz, the capital of Makran. The coast trends to the
south-east, tQl it reaches Debal, at the distance of forty parasangs.

Between these two cities lies the gulf of Turan.

After traversing the gulf you come to the small and big mouths
of the Indus ; then to the Bawarij, who are pirates, and are so called

because they commit their depredations in boats called Baira.^ Their

cities are Kach and Somnat. From Debal to Tiilishar' is fifty para-

[" Bhotyawarl" in first edition. "Bhataouryan" Eeinand. -^-^^ i^jA^,

[" L&rjik" in first edition and in MS. S. " Kelardjek" Eeinaud. All the
other MSS. read " L&rjal." The Kal&rchal of p. 46.]

* [Reinaud, Elliot, and MS. C. agree in reading Kashmir ; but A. has i_/l,a-Cj

and .8. is--^.]

lA. says " a parasang ; S. two or three parasangs. The others agree in reading
" three."]
[Barija ? see note on the word Barge in the Appendix.]
' [Reinaud has " Touallysoher," and Elliot reads "T&lishar." A. has i.:u*JJ,

sangs ; to Lohar^nf, twelve ; to Baka, twelve ; to Kach, the country

producing gum, and bardrud' (river Bhader), six; to Somnat, four-
teen ; to Kambaya, tliirty ; to Asawal,' two days' journey ; to Bahruj,

thirty ; to Sindan, fifty : to Sufara, six ; to Tana, five. There you

enter the country of Laran, where is Jaimur," then Malia,* then
Kanji, then Dariid," where there is a great gulf, in which is Sin-
kaldip, or the island of Sarandip. In its neighbourhood is Tanjawar,
which is in ruins, and the king of that conntry has built another
city on the shore, called Padmar ;' then to Umalna,' len; then to
Kameshar, opposite to Sarandip from which it is distant by water
twelve parasangs. From Tanjawar to Eameshar is forty parasangs ;

from Eameshar to Set Bandhai, which means the bridge of the sea,
is two parasangs and that band, or embankment, was made by
Earn, son of Dasrat, as a passage to the fort of Lank.' It consists of

detached rock separated by the sea.

[So translated by Elliot. Reinaud has "patrie du Mod, et k Baraoua, six

parasangs," and he adds a note upon the position of the " Chateau de Baraoua ....
qui se trouvait k une portee de fl^che seulement de SoumenSit." The text, however,
says that the distance of Somu&t is fourteen parasangs. MSS. ^., ., and -D. have

^..Ij /^|'-q\\ .iX.'v*. The word Bkwarfii must be taken with mM*? (bdelKum),
and is evidently the name of some staple production. It occurs again in the

next page in the observations on the trade of Guzer&t. MS. A. says J, ,jl>

CLJljji J^lj-jj! <UJls 4^1 jjj. varies slightly, saying, ^<A) jjj\s^.
The Arabic version of C.

or balm, is perhaps intended.]

is CuVp^ J=-L ^ ^J^\ j illJU B&dru,

2 fAhmadib&d. Bird's Guzerdt, 187.]

3 j^SaimtSr appears to be the place intended. It is noticed by all the other geo-
graphei's. See Kazwini post, p. 97, and note A in Appendix.]
[.^.and.B. Jj, a i^i,, P. ^.J
' [So in all the MSS. Eeiuaud says "Dravira," for which Darud is probably
6 [Elliot reads " Diirbas." Reinaud has "Pandnar." USS. A. and B. have
^^UJlI. C- tas^UjO, and -O-jU Jj.]
' [So according to EUiot, but " Oumalnara," according to Reinaud. Neither
give any distance, but MS. A. says, "ten." The words are ,^j \.X< \\ Ij ,

being evidently a blunder for V, The Arabic version varies a little, " Between
this {i.e. Padm&r) and the first (town) ten parasaBgs. After that is ITmaln&r."]
' \A. has A^, C. and D. ,
' C-A confounding it with the Ganges.]

Twelve parasangs from that place, in an eastern direction, lies

Kahkand, which is the mountain of monkeys.'

[Here follows an account of these monJceifs, of some of the eastern

Islands, and of the rainy season.]

Multan'' and Uch are subject to Dehli, and the son of the Sultan
of Dehli is the governor. There is a road from hence by land as
well as by the shore of the sea to G-uzerat, which is a large country,
within which are Kambaya, Somnat, Kankan, Tdna, and several other
cities and towns. It is said that Gruzerat comprises 80,000 flourishing
cities, villages, The inhabitants are rich and happy,
and hamlets.
and during the four seasons no less than seventy different sorts of
roses blow in this country. The crops which grow in the cold season
derive their vigour from the dew. When that dries, the hot season
commences, and that is succeeded by the rainy season, which makes
the earth moist and verdant. Grapes are produced twice during
the year, and the strength of the soil is such, that cotton plants
grow like willows and plane-trees, and yield produce ten years
running. The people are idolaters, and have a king of their own.
Somnat, which is the name of the idol of that place, is a temple and
place of worship for the people of all parts of Hind, and Hindu
idolaters come to it from great distances. Many of the more deluded
devotees, in performance of their vows, pass the last stage crawling
along the ground upon their sides, some approach walking upon

their ancles and never touch the ground with the soles of their feet,'
others go before the idol upon their heads. The men of Kambaya
bring tribute from the chiefs of the island of Kis. Sugar from
Malwa, badru (balm),* and baladi are exported in ships from the
coasts of Guzerat to all countries and cities. Beyond Guzerat are

' [" Kahankand" in MS. J).} This appears to he the Kanhar of Dr. Lee, and its

descriptiott as being a mountain of monkeys shows that his conjectures about the

estuary of Biizvita is correct. Ibn Satula, p. 187.

' Eashidu-d Din here evidently leaves Abd Eih4n, and writes from information
obtained independently. [The remainder of this chapter is left out of MS. J).,
which enters abruptly on another subject \ the continuation of this being lost or
3 [This sentence is found in the Arabic version only.]
* [Jidar in . See note in p. 66.]

Kankan and Tana beyond them ; the country of Malibar, which from
the boundary of Karoha' to Kiilam," is 300 parasangs in length.
The whole country produces the pan, in consequence of which
Indians find it easy to live there, for they are ready to spend their
whole wealth upon that leaf. There is much coined gold and silver
there, which is not exported to any Other place. Part of the terri-

tory is inland, and part on the sea shore. They speak a mixed
language, like the men of Khabalik,' in the direction of Eiim, whom
they resemble in many respects. The people are all Samanis
(Buddhists), and worship idols. Of the cities on the shore the fijfst
is Sindabur, then Faknur, then the country of Manjarur,* then the
country of Hili,^ then the country of Sadarsa," then Jangli, then
Kiilam. The men of all these countries are Samanis. After these
comes the country of Sawalak, which comprises 125,000 cities and
villages. After that comes Malwala,' which means 1,893,000 in
number. About forty years ago the king of Malwala died, and
between his son and the minister a contest arose, and after several

1 [So in the first edition, and so in MS. A. MSS. B. and C. have X

and so has Binakiti.]
2 " We
next came into the country of Malabar, which is the country of black
pepper. is a journey of two months along the shore from the island of
Its length
Sind&brir to Kulam. The whole of the way by land lies under the shade of trees,
and at the distance of every half mile there is a house made of wood, iu which there
are chambers fitted up for the reception of comers and goers, whether they be Moslems
or infidels." Ihn Batuta, Lee, p. 166. French version, Vol. IV p. 71.

2 [^. has, Xi\j,-^^ an evident blunder. C. i \ C :\\~^ '[

* [The French version of Ibn Batdta gives the names of SindS,biir, Fttandr,
Manjartir, Hih', Jiir-fattan, Dih-fattan, and Budd-fattan (Vol. IV. p, 109). Fattan
is evidently the Sanskrit pattanmn (town), or as now written patam or patndm.']

Abu-1 Fida notices Sindabur, Manjar&r, and Kulam. Manjarflr is the Mangalore
of the present day, and the MayyapovO of Cosmas Indieopleustes. {Topograph.
Chr. p. 337.) Casiri quotes a manuscript in which it is called Mangalore as early
as the beginning of the seventh century. See Billioth. Escurial. Tom II. p. 6.
" [This is the reading of the first edition of MSS. B. and 6'., and of Binikiti.
MS. A., however, reads jL,,.^, which may possibly refer to the MapUlas, as the

Musulmans of Malabar are called.]

' [Such is the reading of MSS. A. and B. C. has L*JiJUi, ^^ first edition

" Tadarsa," and Bin&kiti :jcJ.]

' [So in A. B. has '! JL, C. has 1 JL s it stood in the first edition, and such

appears to be the reading of Binakiti.]


battles they ended with dividing the territory between them. The
consequence is that their enemies obtained a footing, and are always
making their incursions from different parts of Hind, and carrying
off goods and viands, sugar, wine, cotton cloths, captives, and great
booty.' But through the great wealth of that country, no serious
injury is done.
M'abar,' from Kulam to the country of SLlawar,' extends 300 para-
sangs along the shore. Its length is the same. It possesses
many cities and villages, of which little is known. The king is

called Dewar which means in the M'abar language, the " lord of
wealth." Large ships, called in the language of China, " Junks,"
bring various sorts of choice merchandize and clothes from Chin and
Machin, and the countries of Hind and Sind. The merchants export
from M'abar silken stuffs, aromatic roots ; large pearls are brought up
from the The productions of this country are carried to 'Irak,

Khurasan, Syria, Rum, and Europe. The country produces rubies,

and aromatic grasses, and in the sea are plenty of pearls. M'abar is,

as it were, the key of Hind. Within the few last years Sundar
Bandi was Dewar, who, with his three brothers, obtained power in
different directions, and Malik Takiu-d din bin 'Abdu-r rahman bin
Muhammadu-t Tibi, brother of Shaikh Jamalu-d din, was his
minister and adviser, to whom he assigned the government of
Patan, Mali Patan, and Bawal ;* and because there are no horses in
M'abar, or rather those which are there are weak, it was agreed that
every year Jamalu-d din Ibrahim should send to the Dewar 1400
strong Arab horses obtained from the island of Kis, and 10,000
horses from all the islands of Fars, such as Kati'f, Lahsa, Bahrein,
Hurmuz, Kilahat, etc. Each horse is reckoned worth 220 dinars of
red gold current.
o o o
1 It is difficult to say what countries are here meant, but it is probable that allu-
sion is made to the Laokadives and Maldives, the names being derived from numerab,
and in both instances bearing a relation to these islands.
2 [The coast of Coromandel. See Ibn Batouta, Index.]
" [jB. has j.IJuj, and Bin5,kiti ..liXij.]

* [So printed in the first edition from the Indian MS. A. says L, , j
Bin^kiti reads
-B- lias

JjU _j ^j^
CS^\j J ^^
t^}^*^ iJ^-\
^ J ^. ^-
er* i^ J cr**-

In the year 692 a.h. (1293 a.d.) the Dewar died, and his wealth and
possessions fell into the hands of his adversaries and opponents,
and Shaikh Jamalu-d-din who succeeded him, obtained, it is said, an
accession of 7,000 bullock loads of jewels, gold, etc.,and Takiu-d
din, according to prcTious agreement, became his lieutenant. * *

The people of the country are very black by reason of their being
near the equator. There is a large temple called Lutar.'
Ct Ci t o
There are two courses, or roads, from this place : one leads by
sea to Chin and Machi'n, passing by the island of Silan." It is four

parasangs long, and four wide. It is parallel to the equator.

Sarandip is at the foot of the Judi' mountain, and is called in the

language of Hind Samkada-dip (Sinhaladip), i.e. the sleeping-place of

the lion, because its appearance is like a lion in repose,' and as that
etymology is not known to the common people, they call it Sarandip.
The whole of the country is exactly under the Line. Rubies and
other precious stones are found there. In the forests there are
wolves and elephants, and even the Eukh is said to be there. The
men are all Buddhists, and bow to, and worship images.
The Island of Lamuri,' which lies beyond it, is very large. It

has a separate king.

Beyond it lies the country of Sumutra [Sumatra],* and beyond

' [So in first edition. Xhas j jj^ -B. ,t)jj, C- iJy ^'"^'''t i JJ.j

' lA. ^L-c, S. ^1^, a JL^, Bin&titi, ^^L^.]

' [All the MSS. read Jfldi. Sir H. Elliot thought this mistake for JaniJbi,
" southern."]
* Lassen, /rf. Alterth. I. 201.
' According to the Shajrat Malayu and Marco Polo, Lambri is one of the districts

of Sumatra, situated in the north-east coast converted by the Arabs into

Bamry. M. Gildemeister considers it to be the same as Bamnad (tfe Iteb. Ind.,

p. 69). M. Eeinaud considers it to he Manar {Fragments, p. 123); M. Dulauiier

giTes several reasons why it can be no where else than in Sumatra {Jour. Asiatigue,
4th Ser. T. VIII. 117, 200). It may be presumed that the Limfiri of our author is

the same place as is indicated by Lambri and Bamry. There is at the present day a
large island^ callgd- Bamry, off the coast of Arracan, but that cannot well be the
place indicalsdi
' This is distinctly called a country {teiUyat) in the Persian, iaiad in the Arabic.
It is usually said that raediseval writers called the island of Sumatra by the name of
Java, and that Sumatra was one of its towns. Java itself was called MM
J&va. See
Journal Asiatigue, 4th Series, Tom. IX. pp. 119, 124, 244.


that Darband Nias,' wldeh. is a dependency of Java. In the moun-

tains of J^va scented woods grow. In those islands axe several
cities, of which the chief are Aru, Barlak, Dalmian, Java, and Bar-
kiidoz.' The mountains of Java are very high It is the custom of
the people to puncture their hands and entire body with needles,
and then rub in some black substance to colour it.

Opposite Lamurl is the island of Lakwaram,' which produces

plenty of red amber. Men and women go naked, except that the
latter cover the pudenda with cocoanut leaves. They are all sub-
ject to the Ka-an [Emperor of China.J
Passing on from this you come to a continent called Jampa, also
subject to the Ka-an. The people are red and white.
Beyond that is Haitam,* subject also to the Ka-an.
Beyond that is Maha Chin,* then the harbour of Zaitun, on
the shore of China sea,' and an officer of the Ka-an, entitled

'[The Arabic version has Darband ManSs.] This may be Pulu Nias, -which
M.M. Maury and Dulaurier, from independent observation, conceive to be the
Al-Neyan of the early Geographers. See Journal Aaiatique, 4th Series, Tom. VIII.
200, and Bulletin de la SonielS de Geog., April, 1846.
' These cities, it will be observed, are not confined to one island. Pariah is nn
doubt Tanjung Pariah, or Diamond Point, on the north-east coast of Sumatra.
Bariidoz [or Bfikfidiir, as the Arabic MS. gives it], without any violent metathesis.
may perhaps
be read Bencoolen the "Wan-Kou-Leou of the Chinese. [Nouv. J. A
XI. 54.) Towards Papua is a large island called Aru, but that is no doubt too
distant for our author. His city may be the metropolis of Java according to Ptolemy
%X^"' '^ iierp6wo\iv ?iri tois ivaiUKoXs
ipofia Apyvpriv ^pacriv. Geog., VII. 2, 29.
' As this might be read Nicobar, allusion may be made to the islands of that
name. The early Arabian Geographers and Idrisi seem to designate this group by
the term Lanjab&l(is.
< [So in the first edition, and so in MS. A. B. has ,>.. ->-, C has (5^j
and Bin^kiti .../li-^.J
' Idrisi calls this Siniatu-s Sin, situated at the extremity of the empire. " Xo
city is equal to whether we consider its greatness, the number of the edifices, the

importance of its commeree, the variety of its merchandize, or the number of mer-
chants which visit it from different parts of India." Ibn al "Wirdi says, " It is the
extreme eastern part which is inhabited, and beyond which there is nothing but the
A port in the province of Fo-Kien. See Marsden's Marco Tolo, p. 561. M.
Klaproth, Mem. nl. A V Aeie. Tom. II. p. 208, and M. Eeiaaud, Relation des
voyagee, Tom., II. pp. 25, 26.
' [This reading of the first edition is supported by the Arabic MS. C, which says,

"After this is Chfn the great" [ '^j^\ ^^A\\ after that the harbour of Zaitun

on the shore of the sea of Ohing.

The Persian MS. A, and Bin&kitI entirely omit the
first sentence.]

Shak,' resides there. Beyond tliat is Khansai, in which, the market-

place' is six parasangs broad, from which may be judged how

large the place is. It is subject to the deputies of the Ka-an, who
are Moghals, Musulmans, Khitayans, and Ghuris. Khansai' is the

Forty days journey from it lies Khanbalik/ the capital of the

Phcenix of the west ^Kaan, King of the earth.''

With respect to the other road which leads from M'abar by way
of Khitai, it commences at the city of Kabal, then proceeds to the
city of Kunju and Sunjii, then to Kin, then to Mali Patan,' then
to Kardaraya, then to Hawariun,' then to Dakli,* then to Bijalar,'

which, from of old, is subject to Dehli, and at this time one of the
cousins of the Sultan of Dehli has conquered it, and established
himself, having revolted against the Sultan. His army consists of

Turks. Beyond that is the country of Ratban, then Arman,' then

Zar-dandan,'' so called because the people cover their teeth with gold.

1 [So in first edition, and so inMS. A. MS. C. and Binikitl have " Sank.""]
' [So in the first ecKtion. MS. ^. says ,\j "a fort or tower." Bin&kiti says
A5>-b It) "a lake." The Arabic version says *j,,lj.J

' The original is JanksSi [in all the MSS.

except Binikiti, -who has KhansU], hnt
there can he no doubt the correct vrord Khansa, which Ibn Eatuta declares to be

the largest city he had seen. Marco Polo calls it Quinsai, and says it is without
exception the most noble city in the world. It was the capital of southern Chiua, or
Mahi Chin. Its present name is Hang-toheou-fou, capital of the province of Tche-
Kiang. See M. Eeinaud, Belatim des Voyages, Tom. I. pp. ex., cx.vin., and M.
Quatremere, Sistoire des Mongols, pp. lxxtii., lxxxix. Ibn Hatouia, IV. 284.
* The Canibalu of Marco Polo, and the Pekin of the Chinese. See Assemani,
Biblioth. Orient. Tom. III. p. 2, p. 612. [Jinbyik in A. and in Bin&kitl.]
* See les Oiseaux et les Fleurs, pp. 119, 220. Saiistdn, v. III. p. 250.
^ [The Arabic MS. has "from K&bal to Kin, and from thence to Mali-Katan."
Binakiti reads " from Kabal-fatan to Majli-fatan," and a marginal emendation says,
" from K&.bal (or K^mal) patan to Majli patan," i.e., Masulipatam.]
' [Haw^rmiin in A.J

8 [MS. A. has " Dakal." The Arabic and Bin6kitl both read " Dehli."]
9 [So in the first edition. A. says Sl^^ Bajal&; but C. and Binikiti have
'i\Lj Bengal.]
'" [MSS. A., C, and Bin&ldtl agree in this. The first edition and MS. S. have
" This country is again noticed in our author's account of China, and Marco Polo

speaks of it under the wrong name, Cardandon. M, Quatremfere tries to fix its
position. (^Hist. des Mongols, p. xcvi.) "This island Of Sumatra is the first island

They puncture their hands, and colour them with indigo. They
eradicate their beards, so that they have not a sign of hair on their
faces. Th&j are all subject to the Ka-an. This country is bounded
on one side by the sea, afterwards comes the country of Eahan, the
people of which eat carrion and the flesh of men, ^they likewise
are subject to the Ka-an.' Thence you arrive at the borders of Tibet,
where they eatraw meat and worship images, and have no shame
respecting their wives. The air is so impure that if they eat their
dinner after noon they would all die. They boil tea and eat win-
nowed barley.
There is another country called Deogir, adjoining M'abar inland,
the king of which is at constant enmity with the Dewar of M'abar.
Its capital is Duru Samundur [Dwara Samudra.J
Another large country is called Kandahar, which the Moghals
call Karajang. These people spring from Khitai and Hind. In
the time' of Kiibila Ka-an,' it was subdued by the Moghals. One of
its borders adjoins Tibet, another adjoins Khita, and another adjoins
Philosophers have said that there are three countries celebrated
for certain peculiarities ; Hind is celebrated for its armies, Kandahar
for its elephants, and the Turks for their horses.

wherein we knew man's flesh to be eaten by certain people which lire in the moun-
tains, called Bacas, who use to gild their teeth." Ant. Galvano's Disc, of the World
in Hakluyt, IV. 422. See also Furchas Sis Pilgrimage p. 457. Mursden's M.
Polo, p. 429, 434.]
' [This passage was not in the first edition, and it is not in the MS. ^. ; but the
other MSS. and Bin^kitl have it.]

[The Arabic says,"Towards the end of the reign.']

' This is also mentioned in the Mongol work called Bodimer. See Pallas,
Sammlungen historischer Naehrichten, T. I. p. 19.
The country of Karij4ng and its borders are again noticed by our author in his
account of China, and its position is laid domi by M. Quatremfere, Hist, des Mongols^
p. xcrv.





Abu 'Abdu-llah Muhammad was born at Ceuta, in Morocco,

towards the end of the 11th century. He was member of a
family which descended from an ancestor named Idris, and so
came to be known by the name of Al Idrisi. This family
farnislied a line of princes for Morocco in the 9th and. 10th
centuries, and the branch from which Idrisi sprung ruled over the
city of Malaga. Idrisi travelled in Europe, and eventually
settled in Sicily at the court of Roger II. It was at the instance
of this prince that he wrote his book on geography. He cites in

his preface the various authors whose works he had employed in

the compilation of the book. Further inforination was derived
from travellers, whose verbal statements he compared and tested
and M. Reinaud quotes the Biographical Dictionary of Khalilu-s
Safadi to the effect that men of intelligence were specially com-
missioned to travel and collect information for his use. The full

title of the work is, Nuzhatu-1 Musht&k fi Ikhtiraku-1 Xfak,

" The Delight of those who seek to wander through the regions
of the world." A full translation of the whole work into French
was published at Paris in 1836 and 1840 by M. Jaubert, and
from this the following Extracts have been done into English.
Idrisfs work met with very early attention. An abridgment of
the text was published at Rome in 1592, and a Latin translation
was printed at Paris in 1619, entitled " Qeographia Nubiensis, id
est accuratissima totius orbis in septem climata divisi descriptio

AL iDRrsr. 75

continens, prcesertim exactam universce Asice. et AfriccB, in

Latinum versa a Gahriele Sionita ct Joanne Hesronita." Hart-
mann in 1796 published at Gottingen, from the abridgement,
" Edrisii descriplio Africw."'' The description of Spain was
translated into Spanish by Conde in 1799, and the portions
relating to Africa and Spain have just been published with a
translation by M.M. Dozy and de G-oeje. Zenker, in his
Bibliotheca Orieutalis, mentions translations of other detached
M. Reinaud, in his Introduction to Aboulfeda, has remarked
that in M. Jaubert's translation, " Beaueoup de noms de lieux
sont alteres," and it is true that there are some variants, such as
Tubarin for Tiirau, and Bana for Tdnna ; but the old Latin
translation presented generally the same dififerenees the variants

therefore seemed to exist in the text, and not to be attributable to

the translator. A cursory examination of the two MSS. in the
Bodleian has confirmed this view, for Jaubert's translation was
found to give a generally accurate reproduction of the names as
they stand in these MSS. A careful comparison of the texts

would, no doubt, lead to some corrections, and, indeed, a few will

be noticed in the following pages ; but the more important
variants are fully supported by the Oxford MSS. The maps
contained in Graves' MS. show some differences from the text
thus Tur4n is found instead of Tubaran ; but the maps are
written in a more modern hand, quite different from the rest of
the book. The text is continued on the backs of these maps in
the ordinary hand, but it may nevertheless have been written
long before the maps were filled in. At any rate the scribes were

different men, and such differences as that noticed above leads to

the conclusion that the maps were not derived from the text vrith
which they are incorporated.


FiBST Climate. Section X. The greatest king of India is the

Balhara, which signifies "king of kings." After him comes the


Makamkam, whose country is Saj. Nest the king of Safan or

Taban, then the king of Jaba, then the king of Juzr, and then the
king of Kamrun, whose states touch China.
'The Indians are di'vdded into seven castes. The first is that of

the Sakriya, These are the naost noble ; from among them, kings
are chosen, and from no others. All the other castes pay homage to
them, but they render homage to no one. Next come the Brahmans,
who are the religious class. They dress in the skins of tigers and
other animals. Sometimes one of them, taking a staff in his hand,
will assemble a crowd around him, and will stand from mom tiU eve
speaking to his auditors of the glory and power of God, and ex-
plaining to them the events which brought destruction upon the
ancient people, thatis, upon the Brahmans. They never drink vnne
nor fermented liquors. They worship idols (whom they consider to
be) able to intercede with the Most High. The third caste is that
of the Kastariya, who may drink as much as three ratls' of wine,
but not more, lest they should lose their reason. This caste may
marry Brahman women, but Brahmans cannot take their women
to wife. Next comes the Sharduya, who are labourers and agricul-
turists ; then the Basya, who are artizans and mechanics ; then the
Sabdaliya (or Sandaliya), w^ho are singers, and vrhose women are
noted for their beauty ; and, lastly, the Zakya, who are jugglers,
tumblers, and players of various insti-uments. Among the principal
nations of India there are forty-two sects. Some recognize the
existence of a Creator, but not of prophets ; while others deny the
existence of both. Some acknowledge the intercessory powers of
graven stones, and others worship holy stones, on which butter and
oil is poured. Some pay adoration to fire, and cast themselves into
the flames. Others adore the sun, and consider it the creator and
director of the world. Some worship trees ; others pay adoration to
serpents, which they keep in stables, and feed as weU as they can,
deeming this to be a meritorious work. Lastly, there are some who
give themselves no trouble about any kind of devotion, and deny
Second Climate. Section VTI. The towns described in this

' ["What follows is mainly derived from from Ibn Khurd&.dba. See ante, page 17.]
' latl, one pound Troy.]
AL iDErsr. 77

seventh section' are Kia, Kir, Armayil, Kasr-band, Firabuz, Kliur,

Kambali, Manbabari,^ Debal, Niriin, Mansura,^ Wandan, Asfaka,
Darak, Masurjan, Fardan, Kirkayan, Kadira, Basmak, Tubaran
[Turan], Multan, Jandur, Sandur, Dui, Atri/ Kalari, Nira, Mas-
wam, Sbarusan,* Bania, Mamhal, Kambaya, Subara, Sabdan, and
Saimur.' In that part of the sea which is comprised in the present
section, there are the isle of Sara, the two rocks of Kasair and
'Awair, that of Dardur, the island of Debal, in which the town of
Kaskihdr, is situated ; the isles of Aiibkin, Mind, Kulam-mali, and
Sindan. All these countries are inhabited by people of different
religions, customs, and manners. We will state all that we have
ascertained for certain on this subject, confiding in Divine help.
The beginning of this section comprises, starting from the oast,
the shores of the Persian Gulf, and towards the south the town of
Debal. This is a populous place, but its soil is not fertile, and it

produces scarcely any trees except the date-palm. The highlands

are arid and the plains sterile. Houses are built of clay and wood,
but the place is inhabited only because it is a station for the vessels of
Sind and other countries. Trade is carried on in a great variety of
articles, and is conducted with much intelligence. Ships laden with
the productions of 'Uman, and the vessels of China and India come to
Debal. They briag stuffs and other goods from China, and the per-
fumes and aromatics of India. The inhabitants of Debal, who are
generally rich, buy these goods in the bulk, and store them until the

vessels are gone and they become Then they begin to sell, and

go trading into the country, putting their money out on interest, or

employing it as may seem best. Groitig towards the west there are

1 The Nubian Geographer's list is as follows :

Kia, Kir, Ermaiil, Band, Casr-band,
Lizabur, Haur,Cambele, Manhibere, Dabil, Nirun, Fairuza, Mansura, Eandan, Asfaca,
Darec, Masurgian, Fardan, Kircaian, Cadira, Basmao, Tuberan, Moltau, Giandur,
Sandur, Dur, Atre, C&.lere, Bascera, Mesuam, Sadusan, Bania, M&mehel, Kamb6.ia,
Sub&ra, Sandan, Saimur, Falialfahara, Rasec, Sarusan, Kusa, Kased, Sura, Nodha,
Mehyac, Falon, Caliron, and Belin. {Geographia Nubiensis, pp. 56, 57).
[" Manj&bari," Bod. MS.]
" [Generally spelt " Manstiria" by Idrisi.]
* [This is the "Annari" of the other geographers; and one of the Bod. MSS.
affords some warrant for so reading it here.]

= [" Sadds&n," Bod. MSS.]

* [Here the Bod. MSS. add the following names
"As&wal, Falkamin, E^ak,
Asnrs^n, and Losha (or Kosha)."]


six miles between the mouth of the great Mihrdn and Debal. From
Debal to Nirim, on the west of the Mihran, three days' jonmey.
Niri'm is half way between Debal and Mansura, and people going
from one town to the other here cross the river.
Nirun is a town of little importance, but it is fortified, and its

inhabitants are rich. Trees are rare. From hence to Mansura

rather more than three days.
Mansura, the city last mentioned, is surrounded by a branch of
the Mihran, although it is at a distance from the river. It is on
the west of the principal branch of the river which flows from its

source to Kalari, a town situated one days' journey from Mansura.

At Kalari it divides ^the principal branch runs towards Mansiira^

the other flows northward as far as Sharusan [Sadusan], it then turns

westwards and rejoins the chief stream, forming henceforward only
The junction
one river. takes place twelve miles below Mansura.
The Mihran passes on to Nirun, and then flows into the Sea.

Mansura occupies a space of a mile square. The climate is hot.

The country produces dates and sugar-canes in abundance. There

are hardly any other fruits, if we except one, a sort of fruit called
laimiin, as big as an apple and of a very sour taste, and another
which resembles the peach both in shape and taste. Mansura was
built at the beginniDg of the reign of Al Mansiir, of the 'Abbaside
family, This prince gave his name ("the victorious") to four
different cities, as a good augury that they might stand for ever.
The first was Baghdad in
'Irak the second, Mansura in Sind

the third,Al Masisa, on the Mediterranean the fourth, that of ;

Mesopotamia. That of which we are now speaking is great,

populous, rich, and commercial. Its environs are fertile. The
buildings are constructed of bricks, tUes, and plaster. It is a
place of recreation and of pleasure. Trade flourishes. The bazars
are fiUed with people, and well stocked with goods. The lower
classes wear the Persian costume, but the princes wear tunics, and

allow their hair to grow long like the princes of India. The money
is silver and copper. The weight of the drachma (di'ndr) is five

times that of the (ordinary) drachma. The Tdtariya coins also are
current here. Fish is plentiful, meat is cheap, and foreign and

native fruits abound. The name of this city in Indian is Mirman,

AL iDErsr. 79

It is considered one of the dependencies of Sind, like Debal, Nirun,

Bam'a, Kalari, Atri, Sharusan, Jamdaur, Manhabari [Manjabari],
Basmak and Multan.
Bania is a little town. Tlie inhabitants are of mixed blood and
are rich. Living here is cheap and agreeable. From Bania to
Mansura, three days, to Mamhal six, to Debal two. From hence to
Mamhal and Kambaya the country is nothing but a marine strand,
without habitations and almost without water; consequently, it is

impassable for travellers.

Mamhal is situated between Sind and India. Upon the confines
of the desert just mentioned there dwells a hardy race called Mand
[Med]. They graze their flocks to within a short distance of
Mamhal. These people are numerous. They have many horses and
camels, and they extend their incursions as far as Dur [Alor] upon
the banks of the Mihran, and sometimes they penetrate even as far
as the frontiers of Makran.
Dur [Alor] is situated on the banks of the Mihran, which runs to
the west of the town. It is a pleasant place, and worthy of com-
parison with Multan as I'egacrds size. From thence to Basmak, three
days; to Atri [Annari], four days ; and from thence to Kalari, two
Kalari, upon the west bank of the Mihran, is a pretty town, weU
fortified, and is a busy trading place. Near it the Mihran separates
into two branches ; the largest runs towards the west as far as the
vicinity of Mansuria, which is on the west bank ; the other runs
towards the north-west, then to the north, and then towards the west.
Both agaiu unite at the distance of about twelve miles below Mansuria.
Although this town [Kalari] is some distance out of the regular
route, still it is much frequented in consequence of the profitable
trade carried on with the inhabitants. From hence to Mansura is a
hard day's journey- of forty miles. From Kalari to Sharusan, three
Sharusan [Sadusan] is remarkable for its size and for the number of
its fountains and canals, for the abundance of its productions and
for its rich commerce. It is much resoi-ted to. From Sharusan to

Manhabari [Manjabari], a town placed in a hollow, well bmlt, of a

pleasant aspect, surrounded with gardens, fountains, and running

waters, the distance is three days. From the latter place to Firabuz/
sis days. Prom Manhabarf to Debal, two days. In going from
Debal to Firabuz the road passes by Manhabarf, and between these
two places it rmis through Khur, a small but populous town.
Firabuz ' is a town of which the inhabitants are rich. They carry
on a good trade, they are men of their word and enemies of fraud,
and they are generous and charitable. It belongs to the province of

Makran, as do the towns of Kir, Darak, Easik (inhabited by schism-

atics). Bah, Band, Kasr-band, Asfaka, Fahlafahra, Maskan, Tiz, and
Makran is a vast country, but the greater part of it is desert and
poor. The largest of its towns is Kirusi, which is nearly as large as
Multan. Palm-trees are plentiful there ; the land is cultivated, and
and a good deal of trade is carried on. On the west of it lies Tiz,
a small sea-port much frequented by the vessels of Fars, as well as
by those which come from the coiantry of 'Uman and the isle of
Kish, which is situated in the Persian Gulf at a long day's sail

distance. From Tiz to Kir [Kiz], five days. From Kir to Firabuz,
two long days' journey.
Between Kir [Kiz] and AiTQa'il there are two districts which touch
each other ; one called Eahiin depends on Mansiiria, and the other
named Kalwan is a dependency of Makran. These two districts are

tolerably fertile, and they produce a few dates, but the inhabitants

rely mainly on their iSocks. "Whoever wishes to go from Firabuz

to Makran must pass by Kir. From thence to Armail, a depen-
dency of Makran, two days' journey.
Armail is nearly as large as Firabuz. It is well peopled, and its

environs are pleasant. The inhabitants are rich. From Armail to

Kanbali, two days' journey. Kanbali competes with Armail in
respect of size, wealth, and population. It is about a mile and a
half from the sea. Both these places are situated between Debal
and Makran.
Darak is a populous trading towri, three days' journey from Fira-
buz. South-west of Darak there is a high mountain, which is called
the mountain of salt, because nearly all the water which runs from

1 [Kannaztiir. See Note A. in Appx.]

AL iDErsr. 81

it is saliae. Tliere are habitations here. From Darak to Easak,

three days' journey.
The inhabitants of Easak are schismatics. Their territory is

divided into two districts, one called Al Kharuj, the other Kir
Kayan. The sugar-cane is much cultivated, and a considerable trade
is carried on ia a sweetmeat caUed faaiz, which is made here. The
cultivation of sugar and the manufacture of this sweetmeat are
extensively pursued at Maskan and in the district of Kasran. The
people of Maskan, Jauran, and Tiibaran, are for the most part
schismatics. The territory of Maskan joins that of Kirman. The
inhabitants have a great reputation for courage. They have date
trees, camels, cereals, and the fruits of cold countries. The people
of Makran speak Persian and a dialect peculiar to the province.

They wear the tunic, the gown with sleeves, the cloak, waistcloth,
and the mantle embroidered with gold, like the inhabitants of 'Irak
and Persia.
Fahlafahra, Asfaka, Band, and Kasri-band are dependencies of
Makran, which resemble each other very much in point of size, the
nature and extent of their trade, and the state of their population.
From Fahlafahra to Easak, two days. From Fahlafahra to Asfaka,
two days. From Asfaka to Band, one day towards the west. From
Asfaka to Darak, three days. From Band to Kasri-band, one day.
From Kasri-band to Kia, four days. From Mansiiria to Tiibaran,
about fifteen days.
Tiibaran [Tiiran] is near Fahraj, which belongs to Kirman. It

is a well fortified town, and is situated on the banks of a river of the

same name (Tiibaran), which are cultivated and fertile. From hence
to Fardan, a commercial tovm, the environs of which are well popu-
lated, four days. Kfrkayan lies to the west of Parian, on the road
to Tiibaran. The country is weU populated and is very fertile. The
vine grows here and divers sorts of fruit trees, but palms are not to
be found. From Tubaran to Mustah,^ a town in the midist of the
desert, where many camels and sheep are bred, three days. From
Tubaran to Multan, on the borders of Sind, ten days.
Multan is close upon India ; some authors, indeed, place it in that
country. It equals Mansvira in size, and is called " the house of

1 ["Maska," Bod. MS.]


gold." There is an idol here, which is highly venerated by the

Indians, who come on pilgrimages to visit it from the most distant
parts of the country, and make offerings of valuables, ornaments,
and immense quantities of perfumes. This idol is surrounded by
its servants and slaves, who feed and dress upon the produce of these
rich offerings. It is in the human form with four sides,' and is
sitting upon a seat made of bricks and plaster. It is entirely covered

with a skin like red morocco, so that the eyes only are visible. Some
maintain that the interior is ma-de of wood, but others deny this.

However it may be, the body is entirely covered. The eyes are
formed of precious stones, and upon its head there is a golden crown
set with jewels. It is, as we have said, square, and its arms, below
the elbows, seem to be four in number. The temple of this idol is
situated in the middle of Multan, in the most frequented bazar. It

is a dome-shaped building. The upper part dome is gilded,

of the
and the dome and the gates are of great solidity. The columns are
very lofty and the waUs coloured. Around the dome are the dwell-
ings of the attendants of the idol, and of those who live upon the
produce of that worship of which it is the object. There is no idol

in India or in Siad which more highly venerated.

is The people
make it the object of a pious pUgrimage, and to obey it is a law. So
far is this carried, that, when neighbouring princes make war against
the country of Multan, either for the purpose of plimder or for
carrying off the idol, the priests have only to meet, threaten the
aggressors with its anger and predict their destruction, and the
assailants at once renounce their design. Without this fear the

town of Multan would be destroyed. It is not surprising, then, that

the inhabitants adore the idol, exalt its power, and maintain that its

presence seciu-es divine protectipn. Being ignorant of the name of

the man who set it up, they content themselves with saying that it

is a wonder. Multan is a large city commanded by a citadel which

has four gates and is surrounded by a moat. Provisions are abundant,
and the taxes are light, so that the people are in easy circumstances.
It bears the name of " the house of gold Tarkh," because Muham-
mad bin Yiisuf, brother of Hajjaj, found forty bahars of gold (a

' ['' Elle est de forme humaine et a quatre cfltes." Jauiert.']

AL iDErsr. 83

bahar weighs 333 minas') concealed there in a house. Farkh and

Bah& have the same signification. The environs of this city are
watered by a little river which falls into the Mihran of Sind.
At one mile from Multan is Jandiir [Jand-rud] a collection of
forts strongly built, very high, and well supplied with fresh water.
The governor passes the spring time and his holidays here. Tbn
Haukal states that in his time the governor used to go every Friday
from these castles to Multan mounted upon an. elephant, according
to an ancient usage. The greater part of the population is Musul-
man, so also is the judicial autbority and the civil administration.

Sandiir is situated three days' journey south of Multan. It is

famous for its trade, wealth, sumptuous apparel, and the abundance

which prevails on the tables of the inhabitants. It is considered to

form part of India, and is situated on the banks of a river which
falls into the Mihran above Samand. Going from Multan towards
the north there is a desert which extends as far as the eastern
boundary of Tiibaran. From MuMn to the vicinity of Mansiira

the country is occupied by a warlike race, called Nadha. It

consists of a number of tribes scattered about between Tubaran
Makran, Multan, and Mansura, The
like the Berber nomads.
Nadhas have peculiar dwellings, and marshes in which they take
refuge, on the west of the Mihran. They possess excellent
camels, and, particularly, a sort which they breed, called Karah.
This is held in high esteem in Khurasan and the rest of Persia.
It resembles the camel of Balkh and the female camel of Samar-
kand, for it is of good temper and has two humps ; not like the
camels of our countries, which have only one. From Mansura to
the confines of Nadha six days. From the confines of Nadha to
the city of Kir [Kiz] about ten days. From Nadha to Tiz, at the
extremity of Makran, sixteen days. The town which the Nadhas
most frequent for buying, selling, and other matters, is Kandail.
Kfr Kayan is a district known by the name of Ail,^ inhabited
by Musulmans and other people dependant on the Nadhas of whom
1 [" The mina is a weight of about two pounds. Our author in order to explain
the meaning of farkh, employs the term bah&,r, the yalue of which it is unfortunately-
difficult to determine." Jaubert.']
' [" Not Abil. Our two MSS. agree in the orthography of this name, which
seems to be of Turkish origin." Jauiirt.']

we have just spoken. The cotmtry produces com, raisins, fruits,

camels, oxen, and sheep. It bears the name of A'd, because a man
of that name conquered it (in ancint times), and laid the foundation
of its prosperity. Prom Kandail to Mansura about ten days.
The towns of Khiir Kakhlia, Kusa, and Kadira belong to Sind.
The last two are about equal ia size, and carry on some trade with
the Nadhas. On Tiibaran there are dependent Mahyak, Kir Kayan,
Siira, Pardan, Kashran, and Masurjan. Between Tubaran and Manr
sura there are vast deserts, and on the north, towards Sijistan, there
are countries which are equally barren, and which are difficult of

Masurjan is a well-peopled commercial town, surrounded with

villages, and built upon the banks of the river of Tubaran, from
which town it is forty -two miles distant. From Masurjan to Darak-
yamuna, 141 miles is the computed distance. P;rom Darak-yamiina
to Firabuz or Firabus, 175 miles.
The countries of India which touch upon Sind are Mamhal,
Kambaya, Siibara, Khabirun, Sin dan, Maeiiya, Saimur, and the mari-
time isles of Aubki'n, Mand, Kulam-Mali, and Sindan. The towns
of India are very numerous among them may be mentioned

Mamhal, Kambaya, Subara, Asawal, Janawal, Sindan, Saimur, Jan-

dur, Sandiir, Eiimala ; in the desert : Kalbata, Aughasht, Nahrwara,
and Lahawai'.
Mamhal is by some numbered among the cities of India; by
others among those of Sind. It is situated at the extremity of the
desert which stretches between Kambaya, Debal, and Ban{a. It
is a town of moderate importance on the route of travellers pass-
ing from Sind to India. But little trade is cdixied on here. The
environs are peopled, and produce small quantities of finiit; but
there are numerous flocks. From hence to Mansura, through Banfa,
is considered nine days. From Mamhal to Kambaya, five days.
Kambaya stands three miles from the sea, and is very pretty. It
is well laiown as a naval station. Merchandise from every country
is found here, and is sent n from hence to other countries. It is
placed at the extremity of a bay, where vessels can enter and cast anchor.
It is well supplied with water, and there is a fine fortress erected by
the govern mont of India to prevent the inroads of the inhabitants of

AL iDErsr. 85

tho island of Kfsli. From Kambaya to the isle of Aubkfn, two-and-

a-half days' sail, rrom Aubkia to Debal, two days. Kambaya
is fertile in -wheat and rice. Its moantains produce the Indian
kaoa. The inhabitants are idolaters (Buddhists). From hence to
the island of Mand, the inhabitants of which are thieves, the passage
is six miles. To Kiili on the shore, also six miles ; and to Subara,
about five days.
Subara is situated one-and-a-half mile from the sea. It is a popu-
lous, busy town, and is considered one of the entrepots of India.
They fish for pearls here. It is in the vicinity of Bara, a small
island, on which some cocoa-nut trees and the oostus grow. Prom
Subara to Siadan is considered five days.

Sindan is a mile-and-a-half from the sea. It is populous, and the

people are noted for their industry and intelligence. They are rich
and of a warlike temper. The town is large, and has an extensive
commerce both in exports and imports. East of Sindan there is an
island bearing the same name and dependent on India. It is large

and well cultivated, and the cocoa-nut palm, kana, and rattan grow
Saimur, five days from Sindan, is a large well-built town. Cocoa-
nut trees grow here in abundance ; henna also grows here, and the
mountains produce many aromatic plants, which are exported.
Five miles by sea (from Kiilam Mali) lies the island of Malf,
which is large and pretty. It is an elevated plateau, but not very
hilly, and is covered with vegetation. The pepper vine grows in
this island, as in Kandarina and Jirbatan, but it is found nowhere
else but in these three places. It is a shrub, having a trunk like
that of the vine ; the leaf is like the convolvulus, but longer ; it

bears grapes like those of the Shabuka, each bunch of which is

sheltered by a leaf which curls over when the fruit is ripe. "White
pepper is what is gathered as it begins to ripen, or even before. Ibn
Khurdadba states that the leaves curl over the bunches to protect
them from the rain, and that they return to their natural position
when the rain is over a surprising fact

Kambaya, Subara, Sindan, and Saimur form part of India.

named belongs to a country whose king is called Balhara his
last :

kingdom is vast, well-peopled, commercial, and fertile. It pays


heavy taxes, so that the king is immensely rich. Many aromatics

and perfumes are produced in this oonntry.

The name (or rather the title) of Balhar^ means king of kings.
It is hereditary here as in other parts of the country, where, when a
king ascends a throne he takes the name of his predecessor and
transmits it to his heir. This is a regular custom from which these
people never depart. There is the same rule with the kings of
Nubia, Zanj, Ghfina, Persia, and in the Eoman empire, in respect of
the hereditary descent of names. The work of 'Ubaidu-Uah Ibn
Khurdadba contains a passage concerning this which is worth quo-
tation :
" Kings," he says, " generally bear hereditary titles, ^thus

those of China have been called Baghbiigh (or Baghbun) for cen-
turies, and the title descends in regular order. Among the kings of
India there are the Balhara, Jaba, Tafir, Hazr [Juzr] 'Abat, Dumi
[Eahmi] and Kamrun. These names are taken only by the prince
who reigns over the province or country, no other has any right to
assume them, but whoever reigns takes the name. Among the
Turks, the Tibetans, and the Khazars, the king is called Khakan, but
among the KhizHj he takes the title of Khai Khuya which is here-
ditary. In the Eanah the kings are called Panjab. In the Boman
empire they take the title of Cajsar, which descends upon all those
who wield the supreme power. Among the Aghzaz they are called
Shai Sha, or king of kings, a title hereditary like the rest, rinally,
among the Persians they are called Kasra [Chosroes]. Among the
people who dwell in the Sudan the names of the kings are derived

from their countries, ^thus the ruler of Ghana is called Ghana, the
king of Kaugha is called Kaugha. But enough upon this subject."
Among the towns of India comprised in the present section are
Khabirun and Asawal, both of iiiem populous, commercial, rich,
industrious, and productive of useful articles. At the time we write,
the Musulmans have made their way into the greater part of these
countries and have conquered them. Please God we will hereafter
describe those which are on their frontiers and some others.

Eighth Sbction. The present section contains a description of

part of the coast of India, comprising Baruh [Baruch], Sindapur,
Bana [Tanna], Kandarina, Jirbatdn, Kalkayan, Luluwa, Kanja,
Samandiriin, and in the interior of the country, Dulaka, Janawal,
AL iDRrsr. 87

Nahrwara, Kandahar, Eumala, Kalbata and Aghushta, on the

borders of the deserts ; Kabnl, Khawas, Hasak, Muridas, Madiyar,
Tatta, Dadah [Darh], Manibar [Malabar], Malwa, Niyasat, Atrasa,
Nija, Kashmir the Lower, Maidara, Karmut, Kashmir the Upper,
Kanauj, East^na, and the islands of the Indian Sea, Mallan, Balbak,
Tarwaklij, Masnaha and Samandar. We shall describe all these
countries without omitting anything remarkable or curious that they
may afford.

Baruh [Baruch, Broach] is a large handsome town, well-built of

bricks and plaster. The inhabitants are rich and engaged in trade,
and they freely enter upon speculations and distant expeditions. It
is a port for the vessels coming from China, as it is also for those of
Sind. From hence to Saimur is considered two days' journey, and
to Nahrwara eight days through a flat country where they travel in
carriages on wheels. In all Nahrwara and its environs there is
no other mode of travelling except in chariots drawn by oxen under
the control of a driver. These carriages are fitted with harness and
traces, and are used for the carriage of goods.
Between Baruh and Nahrwara there are two towns, one called
Hanawal (or Janawal), the other Diilaka. They are about equal in
size, and are somewhat less than a day's journey distant from each
other. Dulaka is on the banks of a river which flows into the sea,

forming an estuary, on the west of which stands the town of Baruh,

(the name of which is also pronounced Barus), Both these towns
stand at the foot of a chain of mountains which lie to the north, and
which are called Undaran,' they are of a white colour approaching
to yellow. The kana grows here as well as a few cocoa nut trees.

In the vicihity of Hanawal (or Janawal) stands the town of Asawal,'

which is very much like the other two both in size and in the con-
dition of its population. A good trade is carried on in all three.

Nahrwara is governed by a great prince who bears the title of

Balhara. He has troops and elephants ; he worships the idol
Buddha,; wears a crown of gold upon his head, and dresses in rich
stuffs. He rides a good deal on horseback, but especially once a
week when he goes out attended only by women, one hundred in

1 [Vindhya ?]
2 "Yesekwil" is the old name of Ahmadabad. Bird's Guzerat, 1S7.


number, richly clad, -wearing rings of gold and silver upon their feet
and hands, and their hair in curls. They engage in various games
and in sham fights, while their king marches at their head. The
ministers and the commanders of the troops never accompany the
king except when he marches against rebels, or to repulse encroaoh-
ments made upon his territories by neighbouring kings. He has
numerous elephants, and these constitute the chief strength of his
army. His power is hereditary, so also is his title Balhara, which
Icing of Icings. The town of Nahrwara is frequented by
largenumbers of Musulman traders who go there on business.
They are honourably received by the king and his ministers, and
find protection and safety.
The Indians are naturally inclined to justice, and never depart
from it in their actions. Their good faith, honesty and fidelity to
their engagements are well known, and they are so famous for
these qualities that people flock to their country from every side
hence the country is flourishing and their condition prosperous.
Among other characteristic marks of tiieir love -of truth and horror
of vice, the following is related :
When a man has a right to
demand anything of another, and he happens to meet him, he has
only to draw a circular line upon the ground and to make his
debtor enter it, which the latter never fails to do, and the debtor
cannot leave this circle wititiout satisfying his creditor, or obtaining
the remission of the debt.
The inhabitants of Nahrwara live upon rice, peas, beans, haricots,
lentils, mash, fish, and animals that have died a natural death, for
they never kill winged or other animals. They have a great vene-
ration for oxen, and by a privilege confined to the species, they
inter them after death. When these animals are enfeebled by age,
and are unable to work, they free them from ail labour and provide
them w^ith food without exacting any return.
The people of India bum their dead and do not raise tombs for
them. When the king dies they construct a vehicle of an appro-
priate size, and raised about two palms above the ground. On this
they place the bier surmounted by the crown, and the corpse, clad in
all its funeral ornaments, being laid upon the bier, it is dragged by
slaves all round the city. The head is uncovered and the hair
AL iDErsr. 89

drags upon the ground. This is done that every one may see (the
corpse), and a herald goes before uttering, in the Indian language,
words of which the following is the senee, " People ! behold your
king, so and so by name, son of so and soi -He lived happily and
mightily for so many years. He is no more, and all that he pos-
sessed has escaped from his hands. Nothing now remains to him
and he will feel no more pain. Eemember, he has shown you the
way which you must follow." This being said, when all the cere-
monies are concluded, they take the corpse to the place where the
bodies of kings are burnt, and commit it to the flames. These
people do not grieve and lament very much on these occasions. In
all Hind and Sind there are Musulmans and they
the countries of
bury their dead secretly by night iu their houses, but like the
Indians they do not give way to long lamentations.
In the country of the Balhara concubinage is permitted with all
persons except married women. Thus a man may have intercourse
with his daughter, his sister, or his aunts, provided they be un-
Opposite the sea-port town of Baruh lies the island of Mullan,
which produces pepper in large quantities, and is two days' journey
from Sindan. From Sindan to Balbak is also two days. Balbak
produces cocoa nuts, figs, bananas, and rice. It is here that vessels

change their courses for the different islands of India. From

hence to the place called Great Abyss they reckon two days. From
the island of Balbak to that of Sarandib is one day or more.
From the town of Baruh, along the coast, to Sindabur four days.
Sindabur is situated on a great gulf where ships cast anchor. It

is a commercial town, and eontaias fine buildings and rich bazars.

From hence to Bana [Tanna] upon the coast four days.
Bana [Tanna] is a pretty town upon a great gulf where vessels
anchor and from whence they set sail. In the neighbouring moun-
tains the kana and tabashir grow. The roots of the kana which are
gathered here are transported to the east and to the west. The
tabashir is adulterated by mixing it with ivory cinders, but the real
article is extracted from the roots of the reed called sharM, as we
have already said. From Bana [Tanna] to Fandarina' is four days'

1 [ Kaudarina" in p. 86.]

journey. Pandarina is a town built at the mouth of a river which

comes from Manibar [Malabar] where vessels from India and Sind
cast anchor. The inhabitants are rich, the markets well supplied, and
trade flourishing. North of this town there is a very high mountain
covered with trees, villages, and flocks. The cardamom grows here,
and forms the staple of a considerable trade. It grows like the
grains of hemp, and the grains are enclosed in pods. From Fanda-
rfna to Jirbatan, a populous town on a little river, is five days. It
is fertile in rice and grain, and supplies provisions to the markets
of Sarandib. Pepper grows in the neighbouring mountains. From
Jirbatan to Sanji and Kaikasar two days. These are m.nritime
towns near to each other ; the neighbourhood produces rice and corm
From hence to From Kilkayan to Lulu and to
Kilkayan one day.
Kanja one day. The vicinity is fertile in rice and wheat, and pro-
duces sapan wood abundantly. The growth of this tree resembles
that of the oleander. Cocoa nut trees abound. From Kanja to
Samandar thirty miles.
Samandar is a large town, commercial, and rich, w^here there are
good profits to be made. It is a port dependant upon Kanauj, king
of this country. It stands upon a river w^hich comes from the
country of Kashmir. Eice and various grains, especially excellent
wheat, are to be obtained here. Aloe wood is brought hither from
the country of Karmut [Kamrup ?] 15 days' distance, by a river of
which the waters are sweet. The aloe wood which comes from
this country is of a superior quality and of a delicious perfume. It
grows in the mountains of Karan. One day's sail from this city
there is a large island well peopled and frequented by merchants of
all countries. It is four days distant from the island of Sarandib.
To the north, at seven days' distance from Samandar, is the city of
Kashmir the inner, celebrated throughout India, which is under the
rule of Kanauj. From Kashmir to Karmut four days. From
Kashmir to Kanauj about seven days. This is a fine commercial
city which gives its name to the king of the country. It is built

upon the banks of a large river which falls into the Musala."
This river Musala is called by the author of the Book of Marvels,
the Eiver of Perfumes. It rises in the mountains of Karan, washes

AL iDErsr. 91

the walls of tlie town of. Asnand, passes the foot of the mountain of
Luniya, then by the town of Kilkayan, and at length falls into the
sea. Many aromatios are produced upon its banks, as its name
indicates. Between Easnand and Kashmir the outer, there are four
days journey, Kashmir is reckoned among the number of the most
celebrated cities. Its inhabitants war with the infidel Turks, and
they often suffer injury from the Khizilji Turks. Atrasa, which
stands upon the banks of the Indian Ganges,' is four days journey
from. Kashmfr the outer. It is large, well-built, well watered, and
one of the strongest places of Kanauj, the limits of which extend as
far as Kabul and Lahawar. The Kanauj is a king who has numer-
ous armies under his command, a vast empire and a great number
of elephants ; no king ia India has so many. His power and his
wealth are great, and his armies formidable. From Atrasa to Yanasat
[Benares?], a large city, also on the bank of the Ganges, five days.

Prom thence to Madiar on the Ganges seven days. This is a rich

commercial town, populous, and surrounded by numerous villages.
From, thence to Nahrwara on the west bank of the Ganges, and of
which we have already spoken, seven days. From Madiar to the
city of Malwa five days.
Malwa is a pleasant town, and much frequented. It is sur-
rounded with many villages, buildings, and farms. Among the
number of its dependencies are Dadh (Darh) and Tata. From
Malwa to Dadh four days. From Dadh to Tata two days. Labor
is a country which joins 2 the latter. From Moridas to Tata three
Mon'das, a commercial town, is a very strong place, garrisoned by
the troops of Kabul. It is situated on the declivity of a very high
mountain, on which grow the kana and khaizuran.
Kandahar is a city built in the mountains of which we have just
spoken, eight days' journey from Moridas, and the road from one
place to the other passes over the mountaias. It is a considerable

town, and well-peopled. The inhabitants are remarkable for the

manner in which they allow their beards to grow. Their beards
are large and very thick, and hang down to their knees. This has

* [" Tranfilated conjeoturally, for the word 13 wanting." Jaubert-I


given rise to a proverbial saying. They are stout in person, and

wear the Tiu-kish costume. The country produces wheat, rice,
various grains, sheep, and oxen. They eat sheep which have died a
natural death, but not oxen, as we have already observed. From
Kandahar to Nahrwara is five days' journey in carriages. The
people of Kandahar are often at war with those of Kabul, which is

an Indian city, large and well built, bordering upon Tukharistan.

The moim.taias produce excellent aloe wood, and the neighboiirhood
supplies cocoa nuts and myrobolans, which grow in the hUls, and of
that sort which is called Kabuli, from this town. In the lowlands
saifron is largely cultivated, and is the object of a large export
trade. It is a hazardous crop, depending upon the state of the

atmosphere. The city of Kandahar is defended by a very strong

citadel built upon a scarped rock, and is accessible by one road
only. It is inhabited by Musulmans, and there is a quarter in
which the iniidel Jews dwell. No kiag can take the title of Shah
until he has been inaugurated at Kabul. According to an ancient
law, the assumption of power must be made in that city, hence it is
resorted to from foreign and veiy distant countries. In the fertile

lands of Kabul a good deal of indigo is cultivated of the very best

quality, it has a great repute, and is the object of a great trade.
Cotton cloths are also made here, and are exported to China,
Khurasan, and Sind. There are some well-known iron mines in the
mountains of Kabul. The metal is of a grey colour, and veined it

becomes very sharp.

Arzalan, Khawas, and Khibar are dependencies of Kabul, with
divers villages and fortified places. From Kabul to Kiawas four
days. From Khawas to Hasak five days. From Hasak to Kabul,
through a tolerably level country, three days. From Kabul to
Kalbata four days. Kalbata and Eumala are on the borders of
the desert which separates Multan from Sijistan, They are both
towns of middling size, inhabited by Sindians, Indians, and a few
natives of Sijistan. They produce wheat, rice, and fruits in small
quantities. The drinking water is obtained from fountains and
wells. Cotton cloths are made here, and sold in the country round.
At the east of Multan is the town of Aughasht, four days' journey
from Kandahar^ and the same from Multan. A small quantity of
AL iDErsr. 93

kana grows in the environs. The inhabitants are few but rich.
From Aughasht to Eumala ten days. From Eumala to Kalbata
three days. From Aughasht to Sandur three days.
This is the sum of what we had to say about the country com-
prised in the present Section. As to the maritime portion, what we
have akeady said about the islands seems sufficient. Nevertheless,
it is well to know that, starting from the island of Sarandfb, of
which we have spoken under the first climate, with the intention of
gaining the continent by the shortest course, Jirbatan' is the place
to land at, for this is but little more than half a day's sail. If it is

necessary to go towards the east, the landing must be made at

Kaikasar, or at the foot of the Tnountain of Umri, which is very
high, stretches towards the north, and forms a large reef in the sea.
From this reef to Sarandfb is about four days. All this well-known
mountain is covered with sapan wood, which is exported. The root
of the sapan quickly soothes the paia caused by the bite of serpents.

' [This name is written " Jirbat&n," and " Jirbatan" previously.]




Zakariya sod of Muhammad son of Mahmdd is surnamed

Kazwini, from the town of Kazwin or Kasbin in Persia, where he
was born. He was not a traveller, but compiled his works from
the writings of Istakhri, Ibn Haukal, and others, whom he re-
gularly cites as his authorities. His works were written just
after the middle of the thirteenth century, about 661 a.h. (1263'

A.D.) according to Casiri, or 674 (1275 a.D.) according to Haji

Khalfa. He has been called the Pliny of the East. He was
author of the work called 'Jjdibu-l Makklukdt wa Ghardibu-l
Maujvddt, " Wonders of things created, and marvels of things
existing," also of the Asdru-l Bildd wa Akhbdru-l ''Ibdd, " Mo-
numents of countries, and memoirs of men." A few extracts
have been taken from the last work, containing matter derived
from other sources than the books previously quoted.
M . Reinaud, in his introduction to Aboulfeda, ascribes to Kazwini
the authorship of the work called ''Ajdiburl bulddn, " Wonders of
Countries." He found the contents of this work to be in the main
identical with those of the Asaru-1 bilM, but containing more bio-
graphical notices. This opinion is confirmed by a short Persian
account of a work called " Bahru-l buldan," which is among Sir
H. Elliot's MSS., and seems to have been written expressly for
him. There is no copy of the work itself among the MSS.,

thougli Sir H. Elliot must once have had one in his possession.
The notice says, " The Bahru-1 bulddn is not a distinct work, but
is a Persian translation of the j^saru-1 Bil&d wa Akhbaru-1 'Ibad,
well known in the world by the name 'Ajaibu-1 buld4n, written
in Arabic by Zakariya bin Muhammad Kazwini.'" It is curious,

however, that the 'Aj4ibu-1 buldan^ is frequently quoted by

Kazwini in the Asaru-1 bilad, as being the work of Mis''ar
bin Muhalhil, a traveller who went to China and India
about 331 A.H. (942 a.d.). Several instances of this will be
found in the following extracts. It is hard to believe that
Kazwini thus quoted his own work, or that he would refer

the authorship of his own book to another person. If then,

Kazwini is really the author of a work called 'Ajaibu-1 buldan,

it is only reasonable to conclude that he adopted the title of his

predecessor's work. Mis'ar bin Muhalhil is quoted by Yakut
in his great Dictionary, and the fragments which he and Kaz-
wini preserved have been selected and published with a Latin
translation by M. Kurd de Schloszer.^ There is another Persian
translation of the Asaru-1 bilad among Sir H. Elliot's MSS.,
bearing the title " Sairu-1 bildd." This MS. is called an
"abstract," and was copied, and perhaps "abstracted," expressly
for Sir H. Elliot, from a copy in the possession of Mr. J.
Bardoe Elliott. The articles relating to India are given in full,

but the others are greatly abbreviated. This work is said to

be very scarce.


EtJiam. A large city in India. Mis'ar bin Muhalhil, who visited

the place, says that he did not see either a temple or an idol there.
When their king dies the people of the place choose another from.
China. There is no physician in India except in this city. The
buildings are curious, for the pillars are (covered with) shells from

' The title is a favourite one. Mas'udi cites the work of Al JS.hiz, "Kitabu-1 ams&r
wa 'Ajaibu-1 buld&n" (Book ix.) ante page 21.
* Eeinaud : Ahoulfeda, CXLIII. Mem. sur I'Inde, p. 23.

the backs of fishes. The inhabitants do not eat fish, nor do they
slaughter animals, but they eat carrion. They manufacture clay
Tessels, which are sold in our cities like those of China, but they
are not the same, because the clay of China is harder than that of
Kulam, and bears the fire better. Tlie "vessels of Kulam are

blackish, but those of China are whiter than all others. There are
places here where the teak tree grows to a very great height,
exceeding even a hundred cubits. Brazil wood, ratans, and kana
grow here in abundance. Ehubarb grows here, the leaves of

which are the Sazaju-1 Hindi, Indian leaf, and are held in high
esteem as a medicine for the eyes. They bring here various sorts
of aloe wood, camphor, and fraukiacense. Aloe wood }b also
brought hither from the islands beyond the equator, where no one
has ever gone and seen the tree. Water comes into it from the
north. There is a mine of yellow sulphur here, and a mine of
copper, the condensed smoke of which makes excellent vitriol.

Mtjltan. \_Kazwini quotes Istakhri at some length, hut gives addi-

tional particulars from other writers.] Mis'ar bin Muhalhil says that
it is the last city of India bordering on China.' It is a large
fortified and impregnable city, and is held in high esteem by the
Hindus and Chinese, for it contains a temple which is for them
a place of worship and pilgrimage, as Mecca is for the Muham-
madans. The inhabitants are Musulmans and infidels, but the
government is in the hands of the former. The infidels have a
large temple there and a great idol (budd). The chief mosque is

near this temple. Islam prevails there, and its orders and interdicts
are obeyed. All this is related by Mis'ar bin Muhalhil *
same author says that the summit of the temple is 300 cubits [zara'],
and the height of the idol is 20 cubits. The houses of the servants
and devotees are around the temple, and there are no idol worshippers
in MultSn besides those who dwell in these precincts [kasr]
The ruler of MuMn does not abolish this idol, because he takes the
large oflerings which are brought to it, and disburses certain sums

' [The translator in tho Sairu-1 bil&d very rarely depai'ts from his text, but he
observes in Hiis article that a good deal has been written in many books about
Mmltan -whicL is not accurate, and Ihat MiiltJin is not near China, unless there be
some other than the well-tnown tomi of that name.]
AX KAzwrNr. 97

to thB attendants for their maintenance. When the Indians make

an attack upon the town, the Musvihnans bring out the idol, and
when the infidels see it (about to be) broken or burnt, they retire.
Ibnu-1 Faklh says that an Indian came to this idol, and placed upon
his head a crown of cotton, daubed with pitch ; he did the same with
his fingers, and having set fire to it he staid before the idol until it
was burnt.
SAiMtJR. A city of Hind near the confines of Siad. The people
are very beautiful and handsome, from being born of Turk and
Indian parents. There are Musulmans, Christians, Jews, and Fire-
worshippers there. The merchandize of the Turks is conveyed
hither, and the aloes called Saimuri are named from this place.

The temple of Saimur is an idol temple, on the summit of a high

eminence, under the charge of keepers. There are idols in it of
turquoise and baijadak,' which are highly venerated. In the city
there are mosques, Christian churches, synagogues, and Fire
temples. The infidels do not slaughter animals, nor do they eat
flesh, fish, or eggs ; but there axe some who will eat animals that
have fallen down precipices, or that have been gored to death, but
they do not eat those that have died a natural death. This informa-
tion has been derived from Mis'ar bin Muhalhil, author of the
'Ajaibu-1 buldan, who travelled into various countries and recorded
their wonders.
SoMNiT. A celebrated city of India, situated on the shore of the
sea,and washed by its waves. Among the wonders of that place
was the temple in which was placed the idol called Somndt. This
idolwas in the middle of the temple without anything to support it
from below, or to suspend it from above. It was held in the

highest honour among the Hindus, and whoever beheld it floating

in the air was struck with amazement, whether he was a Musulman

or an iafldel. The Hindus used to go on pilgrimage to it whenever
there was an eoUpse of the moon, and would then assemble there to
the number of m.ore than a hundred thousand. They believed that the
souls of men used to meet there after separation from the body, and
that the idol used to incorporate them at its pleasure in other bodies,

in accordance with their doctrine of transmigration. The ebb and

[A stone like a ruby.]

VOL. I. ^

flow of the tide was considered to be the worship paid to the idol by
the sea. Everything of the most precious was brought there as
offerings, and the temple was endowed with more than 10,000
villages. There is a river (the Ganges) which is held sacred,
between which and Somnat the distance is 200 parasangs. They
used to bring the water of this river to Somnat every day, and
wash the temple with it. A thousand brahmans were employed in
worshipping the idol and attending on the visitors, and 500 damsels
sung and danced at the door all these were maiatained upon the
endowments of the temple. The edifice was built upon fifty-six

pillars of teak, covered with lead. The shriue of the idol was dark,
but was lighted by jewelled chandeliers of great value. Near it

was a chain of gold weighing 200 mans. When a poirtion (watch)

of the night closed, this chaia used to be shaken like bells to rouse a
fresh lot of brahmans to perform worship. When the Sultan Taminu-d
Daula Mahmud bin Subuktigin went to wage religious war against
India, he made great efforts to capture and destroy Somnat, in the hope
that the Hindus would then become Muhammadans. He arrived there
in the middle of Zi-1 k'ada, 416 a.h. (December, 1025 a.d.). The
Indians made a desperate resistance. They would go weeping and
crying for help into the temple, and then issue forth to battle and
fight tm all were kUled. The number of the slain exceeded 60,000.
The king looked upon the idol with wonder, and gave orders for the
seizing of the spoil, and the appropriation of the treasures. There
were many idols of gold and silver and vessels set with jewels, all

of which had been sent there by the greatest personages in India.

The value of the things found in the temples of the idols exceeded
twenty thousand thousand dinars.' When the king asked his com-
panions what they had to say about the marvel of the idol, and of
its staying in the air without prop or support, several maintained
that it was upheld by some hidden support. The king directed a
person to go and feel all around and above and below it with a
spear, which he did, but met with no obstacle. One of the atten-

' [The words as given in Wiistenfeld's edition atej^.^ *^' ^ji/^* t^j^\
as translated in the Sairu-1 Jiilkij]^" J J])"' '-^ " " "rT . ^ *'^ Vj> and Gildemeister's

Latin version has " vicies millena miUia." The enormous treasures found at Somnit
have been a theme of wonder for all who have written on that conquest.]

dants tlien stated his opinion that the canopy was made of loadstone,
and the idol of iron, and that the ingenious builder had skilfully-

contrived that the magnet should not exercise a greater force on

any one side Whence the idol was suspended ia the middle. Some
coincided, others differed. Permission was obtained from the
Sultin to remove some stones from the top of the canopy to settle
the point. "When two stones were removed from the summit the
idol swerved on one side, when more were taken away it iuclined

stUl further, until at last it rested on the ground.

Taifand. An impregnable fortress upon the summit of a moim-
tain in India, to which there is only one way of access. On the top
of this mountain there is water, cultivated land, and all necessary
food. Yamlnu-d daula Mahmud bin Subuktigin in the year 414
A.H. (1023 A.D.) besieged it for a long time, but at length reduced
its garrison to extremities. There were 500 elephants on the
mountain. The garrison asked quarter, and it was granted, and
the fortress was confirmed to its master on payment of tribute.

The lord of the fortress presented many gifts to the Sultan, among
which was a bird in the form of a dove. "When food containing
poison was presented to this bird, tears would fall from its eyes, and
the tear drops were converted into stone, which stone being broken
and placed upon a wound, it would heal up. This bird is found,
only in this place, and does not thrive elsewhere.



[A PORTION of this most interestiDg unique work was published

by M. Reinaud, in his Fragments Arabes et Persans inedits
relatif d I Inde, from the MS. numbered 62 in the Bibliothdque
du Koi at Paris. The MS. has been described in the Journal
Asiatique at different times, by M. Quatremere and M. Mohl,
and it had been previously drawn upon by Anquetil Duperron
and Silvestre de Sacy.]
[The chapter published by M. Reinaud, with which we are
here concerned, was not written by the author of the Mujmal
himself, but was borrowed by him from an older work, of which
he thus speaks, " I have seen an ancient book of the Hindus
which Abii Sdlih bin Shu'aib bin Jdmi' translated into Arabic
from the Hindwdni language (Sanskrit). This work was trans-
lated into Persian in 417 a.h. (1026 A.D.) by Abu-1 Hasan 'All
bin Muhammad al Jili,i keeper of the library at Jurjan for a
chief of the Dllamites. The book I saw was in the handwritiner

of the author, and bore the date above given. It is the

^ 1 [Eeinaud's prioteJ text had " alJabalti," but Quatremere, corrected itto"al
Jili," (Jour, det Sav., Jan. 1851), that is native of JU&n or Gilan, S.W., of the
Caspian. Jilrjfca is to the east of the same sea.]


custom of the Hindu writers on philoaophj to put speeches into

the mouths of beasts and birds, as in the book Kalila wa
Dimna, and accordingly many such speeches are introduced
into this book. I have here introduced the (account of the)
origin of the kings and a short history of them, and I have
copied it because it is not to be found anywhere else but Grod
[The date of the original A rabic translation does not appear
it may or may not have been written before the work of Bil^duri,
but the " extracts" relate to an ancient period, and more espe-
cially to Sind, so that they come in most appropriately here at
the beginning of the historical writings. The date of the Persian
translation, and still more that of the Mujmal-, would carry them
onward to a later and less suitable position.]

M. Eeinaud is of opinion that the translated Sanskrit work

was composed about the commencement of the Christian era,
certainly long previous to the Raja TaranginI, and probably to
the Maha-bharata ; and that the subsequent reputation of that
poem threw the translated work into the shade. If so, it would
go far to show that the Maha-bhdrata is, as Wolfe and Heyne
say of the Iliad, a collection of older poems already current ; for
there are many passages in Mujmalu-t Tawarikh which are
almost verbatim the same as they are at present preserved in
the Maha-bharata. Indeed, it might be said that the Maha-
bharata was itself the work translated by the Arab, had not
animals been represented as the speakers.
The learned Editor also thinks he has discovered in this ex-
tract indications of the Brdhmanical influence being established
over the Kshatriyas, at an epoch subsequent to the war between
the Pd,ndavas and Kauravas. The inference, however, rests upon
very questionable grounds, so questionable, indeed, that we are
tempted to exclaim, as the pious Persian translator does at the
end of each Indian fable recorded by him, " G-od only knows the
truth !"
The author of the "Mujmalu-t Tawarikh," says that his

father was the compiler of an historical work, and that he him-

self had written a history of the Barmekides from their origin to

their extinction. M. Quatremfere and M. Mohl say that his

name is unknown, and give his pedigree as grandson of Muhallib

bin Muhammad bin Shddi. He was a traveller; for he tells

us that he had visited the tombs of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Jonas,

and certain ancient buildings in Persia and Babylonia. He
informs us that he commenced his book a.h. 520 (a.d. 1126),
during the reign of Sanjar, son of Malik Shdh, Sultan of the
Saljiikis, but he must have lived long after this, for he records
an event of a.h. 689 (a.d. 1193.)
His work is a chronological abridgment of universal history to
the sixth century of the Hijri. He quotes several rare authori-
ties and makes a critical use of them. The topic on which he
appears to have exercised most of his researches is the history of
Persia, on which subject he promises to write hereafter a more
detailed account. He gives many curious and circumstantial
details on geography, derived not only from books, but from his
own personal observation.
The Persian translation, which he quotes from Abn-1 Hasan,
is badly executed, being much too literal, and without any pre-
tensions to style ; and the same neglect of the most ordinary
grace and embellishment has been observed in the author's own
composition, in the portions which are original.
The authorities he quotes are the history of Tabari, the Shah-
ndma, Garshasp-nama, Faramarz-nama, Bahman-n&ma, Kiish-
pil-dandan, Abu-1 Muayyid Balkhi, Hamza Isfahan!, and some
others. He says that he quotes these in original, although they
will be found to agree but little with one another, in order that
his readers may know all that has been said upon the subjects he
discusses ; that he abridges their prolixities, and discards their
quotations in verse ; that if ever he quotes poetry, it is on
account of its intrinsic excellence, or its peculiar adaptation to

the subject he had to illustrate.

" The transactions of the kings of Persia," he continueSj " are

the only ones which I propose to recount at length, because that

country is placed in the centre of the universe, because it forms
one quarter of the habitable globe, because it is the cradle of the
human race, because it is the residence of the kings of the fourth

climate, because other portions of the globe, such as China, India,

Zanj, Arabia, Greece, and Turkistan are not to be compared to
Tran, nor is any other country, whether east, west, north, or

south, because, moreover, in reading the history of Persia, any

one can at the same time instruct himself respecting the state,

position, peculiarities and marvels of other countries."

This work, therefore, as far as it goes, may be considered an
introduction to the History of Persia, and that the author com-
pleted the entire work cannot be doubted, because he constantly
alludes to the details which he has given in the subsequent part.
The discovery of the complete work would be a matter of con-
It was at one time the intention of M.M. Saint
Martin and J. Mohl to publish the Mujmal with a commentary,
and there is great cause to regret that the death of the former
interrupted the project.
The work, as at present preserved, consists of twenty-five
chapters, of which many comprise merely chronological tables,
such as those of the Prophets, kings of Riim, Arabs, S4manides,
Buwaihides, Ghaznivides, Saljukians, and Greeks, but enters into
more particulars respecting the Hindu, kings of India, the ancient
kings of Persia, Muhammad, and the Khalifs, celebrated tombs,
and Muhammadan cities. Without the last chapter, which is

missing, the Manuscript contains 305 folios.'^

HrsTOEY or the Jats and Meds. As an account of the Jats and
Meds is given in the first part of the original work, I shall com-
mence mine by making them the subject of it.

1 See Journal Asiatique, trois. s6r. Tom. VII. pp. 246-285. Tom. XI. pp. 136-
178, 258-301, 320-361. Le Livre des Bois, Tom. I. pp. l.-lx. Anquetil du Perron,
Zendamsta, Tom. II. pp. 352, et seq. Keinaud's Mem. sur VInde, p. 14. Quatre-
mere, in Jour, des Smants, Jan. 1851.

The Jats and Meds' are, it is said, descendants of Ham. They

dwelt in Sind and (on the banks of) the river which is called Bahar-
By the Arabs the Hindus are called Jats. The Meds held the ascen-
dancy over the Jats, and put them to great distress, which compelled
them to take refuge on the other side of the river Pahan, but being
accustomed to the use of boats, they used to cross the river and
make attacks on the Meds, who were owners of sheep. It so c*ame

to pass that the Jats enfeebled the Medp, killed many of them, and
plundered their country. The Meds then became subject to the Jats.
One of the Jat chiefs (seeing the sad state to which the Meds were
reduced) made the people of his tribe understand that success was
not constant; that there was a time when the Meds attacked the
Jats, and harassed them, and that the Jats had in their turn done
the same with the Meds. He impressed upon their minds the utiLitj''

of both tribes living in peace, and then advised the Jats and Meds to
send a few chiefs to wait on king Dajiishan [Duryodhana], son of
Dahrat [Dhritarashtra], and beg of him to appoint a king, to whose
authority both tribes might submit. The result of this was satis-

factory, and his proposition was adopted. After some discussion

they agreed to act upon it, and the emperor Dajushan nominated
his sister Dassal [Duhsala], wife of king Jandrat [Jayadratha], a
powerful prince, to rule over the Jats and Medjs. Dassal went and
took charge of the country and cities, the particulars of which and
of the wisdom of the princess, are detailed in the original work.
But for aU its greatness, and riches and dignity, there was no brah-
man or wise man in the country. She therefore wrote a long letter

to her brother for assistance, who collected 30,000 brahmans from

all Hindustan, and sent them, with all their goods and dependents,
to his sister. There are several discussions and stories about these
brahmans in the original work.
A long time passed before Sind became flourishing. The original
work gives a long description of the country, its rivers and wonders,
and mentions the foimdation of cities. The city which the queen
made the capital, is called Askaland.^ A small portion of the

' [See uote in Appendix on " the Meds."]

' This is no douht the Ashkandra of Pottinger and others. See note in Appendix.

country she made over to the Jats, and appointed one of them as
their chief ; his name was Judrat. Similar arrangements were also
made for the Meds. This government continued for twenty and
some' years, after which the Bharats lost possession of the country.

t> t # Q o
Beahmin.^ ^Injustice was the cause of tiie fall of the dynasty of the
Pandavas. Fortune had grown indifferent towards them, and they
ended by becoming tyrants. One day they carried off the cow of a
brahman, and were about to kill him, when the brahman warned them,
and said, " I have read in books that the prosperity of the Pandavas
will fall when they shall kill a brahman for the sake of a
cow do
not kill me." They did not heed him, but killed both him and the
cow. That brahman had a son named Brahmfn, a strong and taU
man, who dwelt upon a mountain. When he heard of this nefarious
business he arose, and said to himself, I will go and take away the
sovereignty from the Pandavas, foi they have kiUed a cow, (and) a
brahman : the words of the sages cannot prove false, so the time
of the fall of their dominion is come. Men laughed at him, but a
party assembled round him. He took a city, and his power in-

creased day by day, until he had a large army; and he went on

capturing cities until at length he reached the city of Hatna,^ w^hich
was the capital. Kuyahurat marched out to the battle, but was
slain,and Brahmin assumed the sovereignty. Wherever he found
any one of the race of the Pandavas he slew him. But a few
escaped, who concealed their extraction, and employed themselves as
butchers and bakrs, or in similar crafts. Brahmm acquired the
whole of Hindustan. They say that a daughter of Bol [Nakula],

son of Pandu, went to him, and gave him such counsels as induced
him to desist from slaying the Pandavas. But he put them all in
prison until a large number was collected, when as a condition of

(""/JLrf Jiil) ' " ^.i.-i." An ami is a period of 15,000 years, or any number
between three and ten.]
' [This history is explained by the legend of Parasurfema, son of Jamadagni, called
here Brahmin. Kiiy&h6rat is K&rtavirya; FSaaf, Kasyapa; Sun^h, the Muni
Sunata ; and the cow, K&.madhenu. Meinaitd.J
' [Hastinapur.]


their deliverance' he made them follow certain trades, so that no one

would give their daughters to them, or take theirs, or associate with
them. He proclaimed this throughout his dominions. Their posi-
tion was lowered to such a degree, that they took to the occupation
of musicians. It is said that the Hindu lute players belong to this

family ; but Q-od knows.

History of Sunagh. They say that Brahpiin felt remorse for
the slaughter of so many persons, and said, I substitute worship on
the smnmit of a mountain for the slaughter of 'men. One day a
brahman named Fasaf [Kasyapa] came to him and admonished him.
Brahmin said, It is even so I myseK repent, and I will now give

thiskiagdom to thee. Fasaf said. It is no business of mine but ;

Brahmin replied. Do thou receive it from me, and appoint some one
overit by thy own authority. There was a servant named Sunagh,
and him Fasaf seated on the throne. Brahmin then returned to the
scene of his devotions. Sunagh practised justice and equity, and
pursued a worthy course. The sovereignty remained in his family
until fifteen kings had sat upon the throne. Then they became
tyrants, and the sovereignty departed from them. This was in the
reign of Gustasf, king of Persia. It is said that in the life-time of

this Gustasf, Bahman led an army to Hindustan and took a portion

of it ; as to the other parts every one (that could) seized a comer.

No one of the family (of Sunagh) retained any power. Bahman

founded a city between the confines of the Hindus and the Turks, to
which he gave the name of Kandabil, and in another place, which
they call Budha, he founded a city which he called Bahman-abad.
According to one account this is Mansura ; but God knows. At this
time he returned to Persia, when he received the news of the death
of Gustasf, and assumed the crown. This account I found in this
book, but I have not read it elsewhere. The mother of Bahman is

said to have been of Turk extraction ; but God knows.

History of the Kingdom of KASHMfB and HXl. It is said that
Hal was the descendant of Sanjwara, son of Jandrat and of the

' [Ihave generally followed M. Quatremere in his ingenious and critical emenda-
tions of the version published by Eeinaud, but it hardly seems necessary to change
the Terb jastan to zistan, as he proposed in this passage. His Tersion is " II leur
assigua, pour vivre, differents metiers." Jour, des Sav., Jan. 1851.]


daughter of King Dahrat. He inherited in Hindustan the dominion

which had been occupied by Jandrat and Dassal and their descendants.
He became a very important personage, and built a fine capital and
several cities. His country was remarkable for the superior quality
of the cloth that was manufactured there. The exportation of this
fabric, without the stamp of the king, was prohibited. This stamp
was an impression of his foot with saffron.'
It happened that the wife of the king of Kashmir bought some of
that cloth, and having made up a dress of the same, she appeared
before her husband, who at the sight of the stamp got jealous, and
asked her whence she got the cloth, and what stamp was on it.
His wife replied that she had bought it from a merchant. The
merchant was sent for, and the king made enquiries about it. The
merchant said that the stamp on the cloth was an impression of king
Hal's foot.'' On hearing this the king of Kashmir swore he would
go and cut off the foot of king Hal. His Wazir observed,
" that place is the land of the brahmans, you will gain no victory
there." The king of Kashmir did not heed this advice, but marched
out with his army. When Hal heard of the king of Kashmir's in-
tentions, he was alarmed ; he sent information to the brahmans
and told them the king of Kashmir's threat, and said it behoved
them therefore to throw obstacles in his way. The brahmans
offered up their prayers, and counselled him to have an elephant
made of clay, and to have it placed in front of the battle-field. Hal
did so, and when the king of Kashmir's soldiers advanced under
their commander-in-chief, flames burst from the elephant and burnt
many of them.
The king of Kashmir was then compelled to sue for peace, (at the
conclusion of which,) Hal sent many presents to him. And the
king of Kashmir, in order to fulfil his oath, cut off the leg of an
image made of wax, and returned by the river.' He was advised

^ Vigne's Kashmir, I. 134.

* This the same legend as that of Mihirakula in the ESja TarangiBi (II. 32)

and the foot plays an important part in several other Indian stories. See Spren-
ger's Mas'itdi, p. 318. Edwarde's Fanjab, I. 394. Eeinaud's Mem. 62. Ind.
Altera. II. 853.
3 Todd, II. 239, 264. Irving's Successors of Mahomet, 61. [The word translated
"river" is darya, which Quatremere says ought to he read "sea." It bears hoth

not to proceed by -water on account of its turbulence. In com-

pliance -with, this advice be travelled along the bank (sabil) until
he reached a stage some parasangs distant from the country of
Kashmir, when the veaters siibsided.' In that place he built many
houses and villages. The sea in Hindi is called Savandar* (Samu-
dra). Hence that place was called Savandi, and it exists to this day.
He also built temples and superb cities in many places. At length,
intelligence of an enemy came to him from Kashmir, he then re-
turned to his country, and suppressed his foes. The Government
remained for a length of time in the hands of his descendants, and
all the Hindus were obedient to them. In the country of Sind there
were three kings, untU at length the territory of the Hindus came
tmder the authority of King Kafand, after he had by his valour
subdued them. A brahman had blessed him and said that the whole
sovereignty should devolve npon him.
HiSTOKT or King Kafand.' ^This Kafand was not a Hindu, but
through his kindly disposition and ec[uity all became obedient to

him. He made fine speeches and praised the Hindus and their
country. He raised their hopes by his virtues, and realised them by
his deeds. He was cotemporary*' with Alexander the Greek. He
had visions, of which he asked the interpretation jfrom a bralimauj
and he sought peace from Alexander, to whom he sent his daughter,
a skUful physician, a philosopher, and a glass vase.' In the Shah-
nama he is called Kaid the Hindu. This story will also be related

meanings, and the latter view is supported by the use of the word adhil, coast ; but it
is difficult to 'conceive that the author supposed it possible to return to Kashmir
by sea.]

1 [Sir H. Elliot introduced some slight emendations into the the text of this
passive, which seem preferable to the words printed by !Eeinaud, and have been

followed in the translation. The original worda are }'^ Jt, ji^Lj (_L>-Lj j

l^.Jj J^ l^jUx.. ElUot reads t::_.ji^^^2^ <_>7 ^ ^J^^i^,]

' This appears to be an allusion to the Sumuudur, mentioned in the 'Aj4ibu-1
Makhl6k&t, fol. 197, v. Mihr&n. [See BU^durS and Chach-n&ma, poat.^
3 [See Thomas in Jour. K.A.S., 1865. Vol. I. p. 453.]

* [Quatrem^re's emendation of i^^ for liM is essential.]

' [See Mas'udi. Chap, ixvi.]


in th life of Alexander. Wlion the information of the brahman

reached the Hindus/ Kafand sent a person to Samid, his brother;
directing him to go to Mansura with the brahman, and expel Mahra'
the Persian from those places which Bahman had conquered, and to
erect idol temples ia place of fire-temples. Samld called (to his

assistance) Hal, ting of Hindustan, and they marched against Mahra

the Persian, and warred with him until he fled into the city. Tor
three years Mahra remained in the fortress, but when no prospect of
success was left he ordered a tunnel to be dug, and they carried this

(subterraneous passage) to a place called Kiydtasa. He then ordered

posts to be fixed in the ground on the top of the fortress, and arms
and helmets to be placed upon them, so that they looked like
sentries. He then retired with the whole of his force through the
tunnel, and marched towards the Turks, whose king gave him refuge.
After some days crows perched upon the helmets, and the soldiers of
Samid perceiving this the truth was made known. The gates were
then opened, and the people of the city described the departure of
Mahra the Persian. So after the lapse of some years Samid returned
victorious to his own country. Alexander came to India after this

After Eafand had departed his son Ayand ascended the throne, and
he divided the country of Sind into four parts. One king he estab-
lished at 'Askalandusa.' Upon another he bestowed the country of
Zor to which Anj [Uch ?] is attached. Three other countries of the
kingdom of Sanid [Samid] he bestowed upon another.* Fourthly,

^^'^^ "* trahman be read Bah-

' [ju; li^^jJ^
man ? " When intelligence of (the conquests of) Bahman reached the Hindds."]

' [According to the Sh&h-nima.the name of the brahman, who interpreted Kaid's
dream, was " MShran." Semcatd.'\

^ ^^"'^ followed Eeinand in reading

[iXiliii; (S^.JcliUiJO \j i/^'
" 'Askalandlisa," but the name is generally accepted as '"Askaland," or '"Askalan-
dra," and the termination uta has not been found elsewhere. May not the passage
be read, " He established one king at 'Askaland and Sah ?" or may not even the
last word signify " and threi' (dependencies).]
[The whole of this passage is ambiguous. The word \,:^^)it ij Juj, which is

here rendered " three other countries," ia rendered as " un troisiime principaute" by


lie consigned tlie countries of Hindustan, Nadama, and Lohana

separately upon another. This was after the time of Hal.' When
the Kfe of Ayand reached its limit, his son Basal became king. He
reigned for some time, until one rose up against him and expelled
him from the kingdom. Easal (then) went southwards, and estab-
lished himself there. He had two sons, one named Eawwal, and
the younger Barkamaris.
HiSTORT OP Eawwaii and BakkamaeIs. When Easal died his
eldest son EawT^al assumed the sovereignty. It happened that a
certain king had a daughter of great Wise and learned

men had declared that the man who should marry this girl should
become king of the four climes.'' All the kings and princes of the
Hindus sought her, but no one pleased her except Barkamaris,
who was very handsome. When Barkamaris brought her home
his brother said, as she pleased you so does she please me. Then
he took the girl with her handmaids. Barkamaris said to himself
" The damsel chose me for my wisdom and there is nothing better
than wisdom." So he gave himself up to study, and associated with
the learned and the brahmans, till he reached such perfection that ha
had no equal.

When the rebel who had expelled their father (Easal) heard the
story of the damsel, he said " Can they who do such things occupy
such a position ? " So he led an army and put Eawwal to flight.

Eawwal with his brothers and nobles all moim-

went to the top of a

tain where a strong fortress had been buUt. Then they set guards
on the summit and felt secure. But the enemy got possession of the
mountain by stratagem, and besieged the fort, and was near upon
taking it. Eawwal then sent to sue for peace, and his enemy said
" Send me the girl, and let every one of your chiefs send a girl. I will
give these girls to my officers, ^then I will withdraw." Eawwal
was dejected, but he had a wazir, blind of both eyes, named Safar,
of whom he enquired what was to be done. He advised him to give

up the women and save his life. He might then take measures
against his enemy, but if he lost his life what would be the good of

[See the account of the diYision, of Sind into four kingdoms as described in the
first chapter of the Chach-n&ma, post.]
^ [The four quarters of the world.]

children and wife, and richeB. They resolved upon this course, but
just at this juncture, Barkamaris came in, and after making his
salutation, said, " I and the king are sons of the same father ; if he
will acquaint me with his opinion, it may be that I may be able to
suggest something, do not take my youth into consideration." So
they informed him of the facts. He then said, " It seems proper
that I should stake my life for the king : let an order be given for
me to be dressed like a woman, and let aU the officers dress their

sons in like manner as damsels, and let us each conceal a knife in

our hair, and carry a trumpet also concealed ; then send us to the
king. When we are brought before the king they wiU tell him that
I am the damsel, he will keep me for himself and give the others
to his officers. When the king retires with me I will rip up his
belly with the knife and sound the trumpet. When the other youths
hear this they wiH know that I have done my work, and they must
also do theirs. All the officers of the army wiU thus be slain. You
must be prepared, and when you hear the trumpet, you must sally

forth with your soldiers and we wiU extenninate the foe." Eawwal
was delighted and did as was proposed. It succeeded, not one of
the enemy's horsemen escaped, aU were slain and cast down from
the mountain. Eawwal' s power increased.

[The Wazir excites the Icing's suspicions against Barhamdris, who

feigns madness.}

One day in the hot season, Barkamaris was wandering barefoot

about the city, and came Meeting

to the gate of the king's palace.

no hindrance he entered, and found his brother and the damsel sitting
on a throne sucking sugar cane. When Eawwal saw him he observed
that there could be no porters at the gate, otherwise the poor mendi-
cant would never have got in. Taking pity on him, he gave him a
bit of sugar cane. The mendicant took it, and picked up a piece of

the shell of the cane to scrape and clean it with. When the king
saw that he wanted to clean the cane, he told the damsel to give
him a knife. She rose and gave the knife to Barkamaris, who
cleaned the sugar cane with it, and craftily watched untU the king
was off his guard. Then he sprung upon him, and plunging the
knife into his navel, ripped him up. After that he seized his feet

and dragged him from tlie throne. He next caUed the wazir and
the people, and seated himself on the throne amid the plaudits of
the people. He burnt the body of the king, took back the damsel
and married her, and restored order.
Then he called the wazir ajid said "I know that it was you who
counselled my brother in his dealings with me, but this wus no fault
nor is it was God's will that I should be king, so
blameable. It

continue to govern the kingdom as you did for my brother." Safar

replied, " You have spoken the truth, aU that I did was for the good

and advantage of your brother, not out of enmity to you. But I

have now resolved upon burning myself, and cannot do as you desire.
I was with your brother in life, and I will be with him in death."
Barkamaris told him that he wanted him to write a book on the
duties of kings, on government and justice, Safar consented, and
wrote the book, which is called " Adabu-l Muluk," " Instruction

of Kings." I have"" transcribed it in this book, for I have written

an abstract of it. When it was finished he took it to Barkamaris
and read it, and all the nobles admired and praised it. Then he
burnt himself. The pow^er of Barkamaris and his kingdom, spread,
until at length all India submitted to him. Such was Barkamaris.
I have related all the facts just as I found them.

* [Quatremere reasonably proposes to insert a negative here.]






This work is in the Leyden University Library, and has

been described by Hamaker, at pp. 7 and 239 of his " Speci-
men CatalogU Codd MSS. Orientalium" An abstract of it

is given in an appendix contained in the third volume of Dr.

Grustave Weil's Geschichte ddr Chalifen, and the entire chapter
on the conquest of Sind, has been edited by M. Reinaud in the
Journal Asiatique for February 1845, reprinted with additional
notes in his valuable "Fragments Arabes et Persans inedits
relatifsa V Inde. [There is also a copy in the British Museum.
The complete text has lately been admirably printed at Leyden,
under the editorship of M. de G-oeje.]
The author is Ahmad bin Yahya, bin Jabir, oumamed also
Abia Ja'far and Abu-l Hasan, but more usually known as BilMuri,
who lived towards the middle of the ninth century of our era, at
the court of the Khalif Al Mutawakkal, where he was engaged
as instructor to one of the princes of his family. He died a.h.
279, A.D. 892-3 This is according to Reinaud's statement
Pascual de Grayangos while he gives the same year of his death,
on the authority of Abu-l Mah^sin, says he lived at Baghdad in
the Khalifat of Al-Mu'tamad. He left a large as well as a
small edition of the Futtihu-l Buld4n.

This work contains as its name implies, an account of the first

conquests of the Arabs in Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia,

Armenia, Transoxiana, Africa, Spain and Sind. It is one of the

earliest Arabic chronicles ; for Tabari, though he wrote at Bagh-

dad, and did not compose his work till afterwards, was evidently
not acquainted with this author, since he omits much that Bila-
duri has mentioned. It brings down the histoiy of events to
the close of the reign of Mu'tasim, a.h. 227, a.d. 842. W4kidi,
who quoted by Bildduri, also wrote a book of " Conquests,"

and amongst them a " Conquest of Sind," which Dr. Sprenger

mentions that he has seen quoted by Nuwairi at folio 103 of the
large copy of Ley den. Copies of his other Futuh are very
common; and much passes under his name which was never
written by him, as in the instance of the work translated by
Ockley ; but his Futuhu-s Sind is rare. Nuwairi mentions also
another author of Indian history, folio 795, Al Husain bin
Yazid us Sirafi. We find also other authors on Sindian in-
vasions quoted as existing at the early period of the Arabian
Biladuri does not himself appear to have visited Sind, bu<-

quotes the authors on whom he relied for information. Thus we

have mention of Abu-1 Hassan 'Ali bin Muhammad Al Madalni,
with whom he had verbal communication. This author, who
died A.H. 840 (1436 a.d.), at the advanced age of ninety-
three, composed, amongst other works, Al Mugh^zi wau-s Siyar,
" Wars and Marches," which contained a detailed account of
the expeditions of the Musulmans in Khurdsan and on the
Indufl. MansurHatim is also mentioned as an author on
Sindian History, with whom, as well as with Al Maddini,
Bildduri had held personal intercourse. Another author quoted
by Biladuri is Ibnu-1 Kalbi.
Besides the Futuhu-l bulddn, our author wrote another work
on cosmography, with a description of the inhabited earth entitled
Kitdbu-l bulddn, the "Book of Countries," which is in the
Library of the British Museum. {Bihl. Rich. No. 7496). He

also wrote a work on the genealogy of the Arabian tribes, the

title of which is not known, and he translated several works from
the Persian. He also has the credit of being a good poet. He
is cited frequently by Ibn Haukal, Al-Mas'udi, and other ancient
geographers, but his history is rarely quoted. Kudama, who
wrote at Baghdad, towards the end of the ninth century, gives
an extract from it, and Ibn Asir also quotes it under the years
89 and 95 h.
He was called Biladuri or Bildzuri, from his addiction to the
use of an intoxicating electuary made from the Bal4zar, or
Malacca bean, which, from its resemblance in shape and colour
to a heart, is called anacardium.^ [The name is written option-
ally with either J or j. Goeje transcribes the name as " Beldd-
sori." The author, however, is better known as Biliduri or
Beladori, and that form has therefore been retained. The
Leyden MS., like other old MSS., prefers the J to the J, even
when the latter is manifestly correct thus it gives Brah-
manabaz for Brahmanabd^i, and Ruzbar for Riidb^r.^]


Conquests of Sind.

'All, son of Muhammad, son of 'Abdu-llah, son of Abu Saif, has

related that the Khalif 'TJmar, son of Al Khattab appointed 'TJsman,
son of Abu-1 'Asi of the tribe of Sakif to Bahrain and 'Uman in the
year 15 h. (636 a.d.) 'Usman sent his brother Hakam to Bahrain,

and he himself went to 'Uman, and despatched an army to Tana.

When the army returned he wrote to the KhaUf 'TJmar to inform

' F. R. Dietz, Analecta Medico,, p. 101. Compare "Weil, GeaehicMe der Chalifen,
Vol. III. Auhang, Vol. I. p. i-x. Journal des Savants, April, 1847. Journal
Asiatique, IV Serie, Vol. VIII. Hamaker, Specimen Catalogi, pp. 7, 12, 239. A.
Sprenger's Meadows of Gold, ppi 15, 16, Fraehu, Indicaiiom SibUographiquea, Jfo. 39.
Eeinaud, Fragments Arahes et Fersans, pp. xviii., xix. Memoire sur I'Inde, p. 16.
AboulfMa II. 57. Biographical Diet. L. IT. K., " Ahmed aI-Eel6.dhori." Uylen-
troek Iracce Fersicte Descriptio, p. 67.
2 Morley's Catalogue, p. 20. MUUer's Fssai sur la Langm FehKvi. Lumsden's
Grammar. orlum-i Kdii, p. 4. Dubeux Tabari, XXX, Spiegel, Farai Grammar.

liim of it. 'Umar wrote in reply " brother of Sakif^ thou has
placed the worm in the wood, but I swear by God, that t our men
had been killed I would have taken (slain) an equal number from your
tribe." Hakam despatched a force to Barauz; [Broach] ; he also sent
to the bay of Debal his brother Mughira, who met and defeated the
"When 'Usman, son of 'Akkan became Khalif, he appointed 'Abdu
-llai. son of 'Amar, son of Kuraiz, to (the government of) 'Irak, and
wrote to him an order to send a person to the confines of Hind in
order to acquire knowledge and bring back information. He ac-
cordingly deputed Hakim, son of Jaballa al 'Abdi. When this
man returned he was sent on to the Klialif, who questioned him
about the state of those regions. He replied that he knew them
because he had examined them. The Khalif then told him to

describe them. He said " Water is scarce, the fruits are poor, and
the robbers are bold ; if few troops are sent there they will be slain,

if many, they will starve." 'Usman asked him whether he spoke

accurately or hypfirboHcaUy [Jjt'i. in rhyme]. He said that he
spoke according to his knowlege. The Khalif abstained from
sending any expedition there.
At the end of the year 38,' r the beginning of the year 39 h.(659
A.D.) in the Khalifat of 'All son of Ab4Salib, Haras the son of Marra-l
'Abdi went with the sanction of the-Ehalif to the same frontier, as
a volunteer. He was victorious, got plunder, made captives, and
distributed in one day a thousand heads. He and those who were
with him, saving a few, were slain in the land of Kikan^ in the
year 42 h. (662 a.b.) Kikan is in Sind near the frontiers of
In the year 44 h. (664 a.d.), and in the days of the Khalif
Mu'awiya, Muhallab son of Abu made war upon the same
frontier, and advanced as far asBanna and Alahwar,' which lie
between Multaa and Kabul. The enemy opposed him and killed
him and his followers. In the land of Kikin, MuhaUab encoun-
tered eighteen Turki horsemen, riding crop-tailed horses. They
fought well but were all slain. MuhaUab said, '^How much more

^ [Lahore.]

active than we those barbarians were." So he docked the tails of

his horses, and was the first among the Musiilmans who did so.

In tbe reign of Mu'awiya, son of Abn Sufain, the Amir 'Abdu-Uah,

son of 'Amir, or according to some, Mu'awiya himself sent 'Abdu-llah,
son of Suar al 'Abdi, to the frontier, of Hind. He fought in Kikan
and captured booty. Then.he came to Mu'awiya and presented to
him some Kikaii horses. H6 staid'near the Khalif some time and
then rettmed to Eikan, when; the 'Ktrks;;caUed their forces together
and slew him.

In the reign of the same Mu'awiya, the Chief ZiyM, son of Abii
Sufian, appointed Sinan, son of Salama, son of al Muhabbik the
Huzaili (to the command). He was a good and godly man, and
was the first who made his troops take an oath of diyorce. He
proceeded to the frontier and having subdued Makran and its cities

by force, he staid there and established his power in the country.

According to Ibn al Kalbi, it was Hakim bin JabaJa al 'Abdi who
conquered Makran.
Ziyad then appointed Eashid son of 'Umrii-l Judaidi of the tribe
of Azd, to the frontier. He proceeded to Makran and was victorious
in warring against Kikan, but he was slain fighting against the

Meds. Sinan, son of Salama, then succeeded to the command and

was confirmed by Ziyad. He remained there two years.
'Abbad, son of Ziyad, tlien made war on the frontier of Hind by
way of Sijistan, He went to Sanaruz, from whence he proceeded
by way of Khiz to Euzbar' in Sijistan on the banks of the Hind-
mand. Then he descended to Kish, and crossing the desert came
to Kandahar.' He fought the inhabitants, routed them, put them
to flight and subdued the country ; but many Musulmans perished.
'AbbSd observed the high caps of the people of that country, and
had some made like them, which he called 'Abbadfya,
ZiySd next appointed Al Manzar, son of Al Jarudial 'Abdi, to the
frontiers of India. He was known by the name of Abu-lAsh'as.
He attacked and conquered Nukdn' and Kikati. The Musulmans

1 [RMbar on the Helmamd.] 2 [ Eunduk&r" in the text.]

' [The origiaal has simply ij^}^-J


obtained great plunder, and their forces spread over all the country.
He captured Kusdar and took prisoners there. Sinan had previously
taken it, but its inhabitants had been guilty of defection. He died
there (in Kuzdar).
The governor 'Ubaidu-llah, son of Ziyad, then appointed Ibn
Harri al Bahali. by his hands, subdued these countries, for he

waged fierce war in them and conquered and plundered them.

Some writers say that it was Sinan, son of Salama, who was ap-
pointed to the (chief) command by 'Ubaidu-llah and that Harri led

the forces.
The people of Nukan are now Muhammadans. 'Amran, son of
Musa, son of Yahya, son of Khalid the Barmakide, built a city there
in the Khalifat of M'utasim bi-llah which he called Al Baiza (the
white). When al Hajjaj, son of Yusuf, son of al Hakim, son of
Abu 'Akail al Sakifi, was governor of Irak, Sa'Id, son of Aslam,
sou of Zura'a al Kalabi was appointed to Makrdn and its frontiers.

He was opposed and slain there by Mu'awiya and Muhammad, sons

of al Haras al 'Alafi. o e
Hajjaj then appointed Mujja', son of S'ir al Tamimi to the frontier.

He made war upon, plundered and defeated the tribes about Kanda-
bil, and this conquest was subsequently completed by Muhammad,
son of al Kasim. Mujja' died in Makran after being there a year.
After the death of Mujja', Hajjaj appointed in his place Muham-
mad, son of Harun, son of Zara' al Namari. Under the government
of Muhammad, the king of the Isle of Kubies' sent as a present
to Hajjaj, certain Muhammadan girls who had been born in his
country, the orphan daughters of merchants who had died there.
The king hoped by this measure to ingratiate himself with Hajjaj ;

but the ship in which he had embarked these girls was attacked and
taken by some barks (hawdrij) belonging to the Meds of Debal.
One of the women of the tribe of Yarbu' exclaimed, " Oh Hajjaj !"
When this news reached Hajjaj, he replied, "I am here."^ He
1 [Ceylon.]
2 Mir M^'Btim differs from tlie Fuiuhu-l buJddn and the Chsei-ndma and Firiahta.
He Bays that the Khalif 'Abdu-1 malik sent some people to buy female slaves and
other things of Hindustan, and were joined on the road by some Syrian merchants.
Having completed their purchases, they were preparing to return by the sea route,
when they were assailed by robbers at Debal, plundered, and slain, with the excep-
tion of a few who escaped to tell the Khalif of tho outrage. Tarikh-i Smd, p. 5-.

then sent an ambassador to Dahir to demand their release, but

Dahir replied, " They are pirates who have captured thesR women,
and over them I have no authority." Then Hajjdj. sent 'Ubaidu-
llah, son of Nabhan, against Debal. 'Ubaidu-llah being killed,
Hajjaj wrote to Budail, son of Tahfa, of the tribe of Bajali, who
was at 'Uman, directing him to proceed to Debal. When he arrived
there his horse took fright (and threw him), and the enemy sur-
rounded him and killed him. Some authors say he was killed by
the Jats of Budha.
The Isle of Kubies is so denominated because of the beauty of the
Afterwards, Hajjaj, during the Khilafat of Walid, son of 'Abdu-I
malik, appointed Muhammad, son of Kasim, son of Muhammad, son
of Hakim, son of Abu 'Ukail to command on the Sindian frontier.
Muhammad was in Fars when the order arrived, and had previously
received instructions to go to Eai.' Abu-1 Aswad Jahm, son of
Zahru-1 Ju'fi, was at the head of the advanced guard, and he was
ordered to return to Muhammad, and he joined him on the borders
of Sind. Hajjaj ordered six thousand Syrian warriors to attend
Muhammad, and others besides. He was provided with all he could
require, without omitting even thread and needles. He had leave to
remain at Shiraz until all the men who were to accompany him had
assembled, and all the preparations had beeai duly made. Hajjaj
had some dressed cotton saturated with strong vinegar, and then
dried it in the shade, and said, " When you arrive in Sind, if you
find the vinegar scarce, soak the cotton in water, and with the
water you can cook your food and season your dishes as you wish."
Some authors say, that when Muhammad arrived on the frontiers,
he wrote to complain of the scarcity of vinegar, and this was the
reason which induced Hajjaj to send cotton soaked in vinegar.
Then Muhammad, son of Kiisim went to Makran, and remained
there some time. He then went to Kannazbur and took it, and then
to Armail, which he also took. Muhammad, son of Harun, son of
Zara', went to meet him, and joined him, but he died near Armail
at Kasim's side, and was buried at Kambal.^

1 [South of the Caspian sea.] ' [Kamball (?)

J,..< .]

Conquest of Bebal.

.Mnliamiiaad, son of Kasim, left Armdfl, accompanied by Jabm,

the son of Zahru-1 .Tu'fl, and arrived at Debal on Friday, where
ships brought to him a supply of men, anns, and warlike machines.
He dug an entrenchment which he defended with spearmen, and
unfurlfid his standards ; each body of warriors was arrayed under its

own banner, and which was called "the

he fixed the manjanik,
bride," and required five hundred men to work it. There was at
Debal a lofty temple (hudd) surmounted by a long pole, and
on the pole was fixed a red flag, which when the breeze blew
was unfurled over the city. The budd is a high steeple, below
which the idol or idols are deposited, as ia this instance. The
Indians give in general the name of budd to anything connected
with their worship or which forms the object of their veneration.
So, an idol is called budd.

In the correspondence which ensued, Muhammad informed Hajjaj

of what he had done, and solicited advice respecting the future.
Letters were written every three days. One day a reply was re-

ceived to this effect-:

" Fix the manjanik and shorten its foot, and
place it on the east .;
you will then call the manjanik-master, and
tell him to aim at the flag^stafE, of which you have given a descrip-
tion." So he brought down the flagstaff, and it was broken; at
which the infidels were sore afflicted. The idolaters advanced to the
combat, but were put to flight; ladders -were then brought and the
Musulmans escaladed the waU. The first who gained the summit
was a man of Kufa, of the tribe of Murad. The town was thus
taken by assault, and the carnage endured for three days. The
governor of the town, appointed by Dahir, fied, and the priests of the
temple were massacred. Muhammad marked out a place for the
Musulmans to dwell in, buUt a mosque, and left four thousand
Musulmans to garrison the place.
Muhammad, son of Yahya, says that Mansur, the son of Hatim,
the grammarian, a freeman of the famUy of Khdlid, son of Assaid,
relates that he had seen the pole broken into fragments which had
been placed on the steeple of the temple. 'Ambissa son of Ishak
Az Zabbf, the governor of Sind, in the Khalifat of Mu'tasim biUah,

knocked down the upper part of the minaret of the temple and
converted itinto a prison. At the same time he began to repair
the ruined town with the stones of the minaret but before he had ;

completed his labours, he was deprived of his employment, and was

succeeded by HarAn, son of Abi Khalid-al Maruruzi, and he was

slain there.

Muhammad, son of Kasim then went to Nirun,' the inhabitants of

which place had already sent two Samanis, or priests, of their town
to Hajjaj to tareat for peace. They furnished Muhammad with supplies,
and admitting him to enter the town, they were aJLtowed' to> capitulate.
Muhammad conquered all the towns successively which he met on.'

his route, until he had crossed a river which runs on this side of the
Mihran [Indus]. He then saw approaching towards him Sarbidas,
the Samanf, who came to demand peace in the name of the inhabi-
tants. Muhammad imposed tribute upon them, and then went
towards Sahban, and took it. Then he went to the banks of the
Mihrin, and there remained. When this news reached Dahir, he
prepared for battle. Muhammad, son of Kasim, had sent Muham-
mad, son of Mus'ab, son of 'Abdu-r Eahman as Sakifi, to Sadusan,

with men mounted on horses and asses, at whose approach the

inhabitants solicited quarter and peace, the terms of which were
negociated by the Samani. Muhammad granted them peace, but he
imposed tribute on the place, and, took pledges from them, and then
returned to his master. He brought with him four thousand Jats,
and left at Sadusan an officer in comiq,and.

Muhammad sought the means of crossing the Mihran, and effected

the passage in a place which adjoined the dominions of Basil, chief
of Kassa, in Hind, upon a bridge which he had caused to be con-
structed.Dahir had neglected every precaution, not believing that
theMusulmans would dare to advance so far. Muhammad and his
Musulmans encountered Dahir mounted on his elephant,, and sur-
rounded by many of these animals, and his Takakaras [Thakurs]
were near his person. A dreadful conflict ensued, such as had never
been heard Dahir dismounted and fought valiantly, but he

was killed towards the evening, when the idolaters fled, and the

1 {Groeje's text has " Birlin," but he says the MSi had ,.. -J.l

Musnlmans glutted themselves with massacre. According to Al

Madainf, the slayer of Dahir was a man of the tribe of Kalab, who
composed some verses upon the occasion.
Various authors concur in saying that Mxihammad took the village
of Eawar' by assault, in which city there was a wife of Dahir, who,
afraid of being captured, burned herself along with her handmaids
and all that she possessed.
Then Muhammad, son of Kasim, went to old Erahmanabad, two
parasangs from Mansura, which town indeed did not then exist, its

site being a The remnant of the army of Dahir rallied at


Brahmanabad and resistance being made, Muhammad was obliged

to resort to force, when eight, or as some say, twenty-six thousand
men were put to the sword. He left a prefect there. The place
is now in ruins.

Muhammad then marched towards Alrur' and Baghrur. The

people of Sawandari came out to meet him and sued for peace, which
was granted them, on the condition that they should entertain the
Muhammadans and furnish guides. At this time they profess the
Muhammadan creed. After that he went to Basmad, where tho
inhabitants obtained peace on the same terms as those accorded to the
Sawandrians. At last he reached Alriir, one of the cities of Sind.
It is situated on a hill. Muhammad besieged it for several months,
and compelled it to surrender promising to spare the lives of the
inhabitants and not touch the temples (biidd). "The temples," he
said, " shall be unto us, like as the churches of the Christians, the
synagogues of the Jews, and the fire temples of the Magians." He
imposed, however, the tribute upon the iohabitants, and built a
mosque in the city.
Miihamraad advanced to Alsaka,* a town on this side of the Biyds,

which was captured by him, and is now in ruins. He then crossed

the Biyas, and went towards Multan, where, in the action which
ensued, Zaida, the son of 'Umur, of the tribe of Tai, covered himself
with glory. The infidels retreated in disorder into the town, and
Muhammad commenced the siege, but the provisions being ex-
hausted, the Musulmans were reduced to eat asses. Then came there

1 [See Elphinstone, I. p. 506.]

' [AlrCid ill one MS. Alor is the place intended.] '

forward a man who sued for quarter, and pointed out to them aa
aqueduct, by which the inhabitants were supplied with drinking
water from the river of Basmad. It flowed within the city iato a
reservoir like a well, which they call talah} Muhammad destroyed
the water-course ; upon which the inhabitants, oppressed with thirst,
surrendered at discretion. He massacred the men capable of
bearing arms, but the children were taken captive, as well as the
ministers of the temple, to the number of six thousand. The
Musulmans found there much gold in a chamber ten cubits long by
eight broad, and there was an aperture above, through which the
gold was poured into the chamber. Hence they call Multan " the
Frontier of the House of Gold," for farj means "a frontier."'* The
temple (hudd) of Multan received rich presents and offerings, and to
it the people of Sind resorted as a place of pilgrimage. They cir-
cumambulated it, and shaved their heads and beards. They con-
ceived that the image was that of the prophet Job, God's peace be
on him !

We are told that Hajjaj caused a calculation to be made of the

sums expended in fitting out this expedition of Muhammad Kasim,
and the riches which resulted from it. He had spent sixty millions
(of du'hams) and that which had been sent to him amounted to one
hundred and twenty millions. He said .^-" We have appeased our
anger, and avenged our injuries, and we have gained sixty millions of
dirhams, as well as the head of Dahir. Hajjaj then died.^ Upon
learning this, Muhammad left Multan and returned to Alrur and
Baghrur, which had been previously captured. He made donations
to his men, and sent an army towards al-Bailaman, the inhabitants
of which place suiTendered without any resistance. He made peace
with the inhabitants of Surast, with whom the men of Basea* are

' M. Eeinaud observes that the pronoun does not indicate whether this native
word applies to the canal or the reservoir. He conjectures, with some probability,
that the word may be ndld, " stream," but that word is not so pronounced at
Mult&n. I prefer, therefore, tdldb, tdldo, " a tank, or reservoir." [In Goeje'a edition

the word is JU .J
' When the Musulmans ai-ms extended to the mountains parallel with the course
of thfi Indus, the kingdoms of Kibul and Sind were called Farjkn " the two frontiers"
Uylenbroek, IraC(S Fersica Descriptio, p. 67..
3 [In the year 95 h., 7U a.d.] [BudhaJ


now at war. They are Meds, seafarers, and pirates. Then he went
against the town of Kiraj. Duhar advanced to oppose him, but the

enemy was put to flight. Diihat fled, but some say he was killed.
The inhabitants surrendered. Muhammad slew (all those capable of
bearing arms) and reduced the rest to slavery. * * **

Meanwhile, Walid, son of 'Abdu-1 maUk, died, and was succeeded

by- (his brother) Sulaiman, who appointed SaUh, son of 'Abdu-r-
Eahman, to collect the tribute of 'Irak. Tazid, son of Abu kabsha
as-Saksaki, was made governor of Sind, and Muhammad, son of
Kasim, was sent back a prisoner with Mu'awiya, son of Muhallab.
The people of Hind wept for Muhammad, and preserved his like-
ness at Kiraj. Ho was imprisoned by Salih at Wasit. S41ih put
him to torture, together with other persons of the family of Abu
'Ukail, until they expired: for Hajjaj' (Muhammad's cousin) had

put to death Adam, Salih's brother, who professed the creed of the
Kharijis. Hamza, the son of Baiz Hanafi, says :

" Verily, courage, and generosity, and liberality.

Belonged to Muhammad, son of E&sim, son of Muhammad,
He led armies at the age of seventeen years,
He seemed destined for command from the day of his birth."

Yazi'd, son of Abu Kabsha, died eighteen days after hia arrival in
Sind. Sulaiman then appointed Habib, son of al Muhallab, to carry
on the war in Sind, and he departed for that purpose. Meanwhile
the princes of Hind had returned to their states, and Jaishiya,^ son
of Dahir, had come back to Brahmanabad. Habib proceeded to the
banks of the Mihran, where the people of Alrur made their submis-
sion ; but he warred against a certain tribe and reduced them.
When the Khalif Sulaiman, son of 'Abdu-1 Malik, died, he was
succeeded by 'TJmar son of 'Abdu-1 'Aziz. " He wrote to the princes
(of Hind) inviting them to become Musulmans and submit to his

authority, upon which they would be treated like all other Musul-

' That sanguinary wretch is said to have slaughtered by his arbitrary mandates
120,000 pensons, and after his death there were found in his different prisons, 30,000
men and 20,000 women. This is drawn from Persian sources. The Snimi writers
represent him as just and impartial, notvpithstandiug his unflinching severity.
Pascual de Gayangos, Biographical Dictionary, Art. " Al Hajjij."
2 from Kud&ma, and is confirmed by the Chach-n&ma. Our text
[This reading is

is Eeinaud gives "HuUysah" M$m, aur Finder. 191. The true

doubtful iLuik*-
name was Jai Sinha. See Chach-ndma, post.} 3 [717 A.D.]


mans. These princes h.ad already heard of his promises, character,

and creed, so Jaishiya and other princes turned Musulmans, and
took Arab names. 'Amru, son of Musliia al Bahali -was lieutenant
of 'Umar on this frontier. He invaded several places in Hind and
subdued them.
In the days of Tazid, son of 'Abdn-1 Malik,^ the sons of Al Mu-
hallib fled to Sind, and Hilal, son of Ahwaz al Tamimi was sent
after them^ He fell in with them and killed Mndrak, son of
Muhallab, at Kandabil. He also slew Mufazzal, 'Abdu-1 Malik,
Ziyad, Marun, and Mu'awiya, sons of MuhaUab ; last of all he
killed Mu'awiya, son of Yazid.
Junaid, son of 'Abdu-r Eahman al Marri was appointed to the
frontier of Sind, under the authority of 'Umar, son of Hiibaira
al Fazari, and was confirmed in the government by (the .'Ehalif
Hasham, son of 'Abdu-1 Malik.'' "When Khalid, son of 'Abdu-llah
Al Kasrf was sent to 'Irak (as governor) Hasham wrote to Junaid
directing him to keep up a correspondence with Khalid. Junaid went
to Debal and from thence to the banks of the Mihran, but Jaishiya
(son of Dahir) forbadehim to cross, and sent to him, saying, "I
have become a Musulman, and an excellent man confirmed me in
my states, but I have no faith in thee." But (Junaid) gave him
pledges and took pledges from him, together with the tribute due
from his territories. They thus exchanged guarantees, but Jaishiya
acted like an infidel and took up arms. But some say, on the
contrary, ^that he did not begin the attack, but that Junaid dealt
unjustly with him. Jaishiya assembled his troops, fiited out ships
and prepared for war. Junaid proceeded against him in ships afad
they fought in the lake of Ash Sharki. Jaishiya's ship was destroyed,
and he himself was taken prisoner and slain. Sasa' son of Dahir fled
and proceeded towards 'Irdk to complain of the the treachery of Junaid,
but the latter did not cease to conciliate him until they had shaken
hands,, and then he slew him. Junaid made war against Kiraj, the
people of which had rebelled. He made use of battering-ramB, and
battered the walls of the town with them until they were breached,
and then he stormed the place, slaying, plundering, and TtiaViTig

> [Tazid II. reigned 720 to 724 a.d.]

2 [Begiin to xeign 724 a.b.] " ['C aicj

captives. He then sent his o5cers to Mannad Mandal, Dahnaj,

and Barus [Broach]. Junaid used to say, "It is better to die with
bravado than with resignation," He sent a force against Uzain'
and he also sent Habid, son of Marra, with an army against
the country of Maliba." They made iQcursions against Uzain, and
they attacked Baharimad' and burnt its suburbs. Junaid conquered
al Bailaman and Jurz,* and he received at his abode, in addition to
what his visitors presented to him, forty millions, and he himself
carried off a similar sum.
The successor of Junaid was Tamim, son of Zaid al 'TJtbi. He
was feeble and imbecile, and died near Debal in a water called the
" Buffalo-water." This water was so called because buffalos took
refuge there from the bears which infested the banks of the Mihran.
Tamim was one of the most generous of Arabs, he found in the
treasury of Sind eighteen million Tatariya dirhams, which he soon
spent. * * * * * In the days of Tamim, the Musuhnans
retired from several parts of India and left some of their positions,

nor have they up to the present time advanced so far as in days

gone by.
Hakim, son of 'Awana al Kalbi, succeeded Tamfm. The people
of India had returned to idolatry excepting those of Kassa, and the
Musulmans had no place of security in which they could take refuge,
so he built a town on the other side of the lake facing India, and
called it Al Mahfuza, " the seciire," and this he made a place of refuge
and security for them, and their chief town. He asked the elders of
the tribe of Kalb, who were
of Syrian descent, what name he should
give the town. Some said Dimashk [Damascus], others, Hims
[Emessa], and others Tadmur [Palmyra]. Hakim said (to the
latter), " May God destroy" you, fool." He gave it the name of
Al Mahfuza, and dwelt there.

'Amru, son of Muhammad son of Kasim was vsdth Hakim, and the
latter advised with him, trusted him with many important matters,
and sent him out of Al Mahfuza on a warlike expedition. He was
victorious hx his commission, and was made an amir. He founded

' [^jj*i-] ' [Milwa or Malabar.] * fjUJ^fi.]

* [Gnzerat. See Note A in Appendix.]
' [There is a pun here on the root of the word Tadmur.]
AL BILi^DURr. 127

a city on this side of the lake, which he called Mansura, in which

city the governors now dwell. Hakim recoTered from the hands of
the enemy those places which they had subjugated, and gave satis-
faction to the people in his country. Khdlid said, " It is very sur-
prising, ^I gave the charge of the country to the most generous of
Arabs, that is, to Tamlm, and they were disgusted. I gave it to the
most niggardly of men and they were satisfied." Hakim was killed

The governors who succeeded continued to kiU the enemy, taking

whatever they could acquire aUd subduing the people who rebelled.
When the fortunate dynasty (that of the 'Abbasides) was estab-
lished, Abu Muslim appointed 'Abdu-r Eahman, son of Abu Muslim
Mughallisa-1 'Abdi, to the frontier of Sind. 'Abdu-r Eahman went
by way of Tukharistan, and proceeded against Mansiir, son of
Jamhur al Kalbi, who was in Sind. But he was met by Mansur
and slain, and his forces were put to flight. When Muslim heard
this he appointed Miisa, son of Ka'bu-t Tamimi, and sent him to
Siud. When he arrived, the river Mihran lay between him and
Mansur, son of Jamhur.^ Still he came up with Mansur, put him
and his forces to flight, and slew his brother Manzur. Mansur fled

in wretched plight to the sands, where he died of thirst. Miisa

ruled in Sind, repdred the city of Mansiira, and enlarged its

mosque. He was victorious in his campaigns.

The Khalif al Mansur sent to Sind Hasham, son of 'Amrii al
Taghlabi, and he reduced those places which still held out. He
sent 'Amru, son of Jamal, in boats to Narand.' He also sent (a

force) to the territories of Hind, subdued Kashmir, and took many

prisoners and slaves. Multan was reduced, and he overpowered a
body of Arabs who were in Kandabil, and drove them out. He
then went to Kandahar in boats, and conquered it. He destroyed
the hudd there, and buUt in its place a mosque. There was abund-
ance in the country under bis rule, and the ijeople blessed him he
extended the frontier, and enforced his decrees.
'Umar, son of Hafs, sou of 'Usman Hazarmard, was then appointed

' [Coins of this Manstlr and of other Sind rulers have been found in the ruins of
a city supposed to he BrahmanSh&d. Thomas' Frinsep, II., 119.]

governor of Sind, and after him Daud, son of Yazfd, son of Hatim.
There was with him Abu-1 Samma, who had been a slave of the
tribe of Kanda, and who is now governor. The affairs of the
frontier went on prosperously until Bashar, son of Daud, was
appointed under the Kialifat of Mamun.^ He rebelled, and set up

in opposition. Ghassan, son of 'Abbad, who was a native of the

neighbourhood of Kiifa, was sent against him. Bashar proceeded
to meet Ghassan under a safe conduct, and they both proceeded to
the Muhammadan capital (Baghdad). Ghassan deputed Musa, son
of Yahya, son of Khalid, son of Barmak, to the charge of the fron-

tier. Musa killed Bala, king of Ash-sharki, although the latter had
given him five hundred thousand dirhams to preserve his life. Bala
was faithful to Ghassan, and wrote to him in the presence of his army,
through the princes whs were with him, but his request was rejected.
Musa died in 221* a.h. (836 a.d.), leaving a high reputation, and
he appointed his son 'Amran as his successor. The Khalif M'utasim
bi-llah wrote to him confirming him in the government of the
frontier. He marchefl to Kikan against the Jats, whom he defeated
and subjugated. He built a city there, which he called Al Baiza,
"the white," and he posted a military force there. Then he pro-
ceeded to Multan, and from thence to Eandabil, winch city stands
upon a hUl. Muhammad, son of Khalil, was reigning there, but
'Amran slew him, (conquered the town, and carried away its inhabi-
tants to Kusdar. Then he made war upon the Meds, and killed
three thousand of them. There he constructed a band, which is

called " Sakru-1 Med," Baiid of the Meds. He encamped en the river
at Alrur.* There he summoned the iJats, who came to his presence,
when he sealed"^ their them the jizya (capitation
hands, took from
tax), and he ordered that every man of them should bring a dog
with hi-m when he came to wait upon him, hence the price of a
dog rose to fifty dirhams. He again attacked the Meds, haviiog -with
him the chief men of the Jats. He dug a canal from the eea to their
tank, so their water became salt ; and he sent out several marauding
expeditions against them.

1 [Began to reign in 813 a.d.]

" [The text says 21, tut this is a manifest error.] > [See ante, p. 118.]
\j}J\jii ^ ''* "On the river of Edr.]
[j^^'V.^ (*^^-]

Dissensions then arose between the Nizarians' and Yamanians,

and 'Amran joined with the latter. 'Umar, son of 'Abu-1 Aziz al
Hahbari, consequently went to him and kUled him unawares. The
ancestor of this 'Umar had come into Siad with Hakim, son of
'Awana al Kalbf.'

Mansur, son of Hatim, related to me that Fazl, son of Mahan,

formerly a slave of the sons of Sama, got into Sindan and subdued
it. He then sent an elephant to the Khalif Mamiiu, and wrote to
him and offered up prayers him in the Jami' masjid, which he
buUt there. "When he died he was succeeded by Muhammad son of
Fazl son of Mahan. He proceeded with sixty vessels against the
Meds of Hind. He killed a great number of them, captured
Kalian' (?) and then returned towards Sindan. But his brother,
named Mahan, had made himself master of Sindan, and wrote to the
Khalif Mu'tasim bi-llah, and had sent to him as a present the
largest and longest sdj,^ that had been seen. But the Indians were
under the control of his brother whom they liked, so they slew
Mahan and crucified him. The Indians afterwards made themselves
masters of Sindan, but they spared the mosque, and the Muhammadans
used to meet in it on the Friday and pray for the Khalif.
Abii Bakr, who had been a slave of the Karizis, related to me that
the country called Al 'Usaifan between Kashmir and Multan and
Kabul, was governed by a wise king. The people of this country
worshipped an idol for which they had built a temple. The son of the
king fell sick, and he desired the ministers of the temple to pray to

the idol for the recovery of his son. They retired for a short time,

and then returned and said, " We have prayed and our supplications
have been accepted." But no long time passed before the youth
died. Then the king attacked the temple, destroyed and broke in
pieces the idol, and slew its ministers. He afterwards invited a

' [The Niz&rians are the descendants of Niz^r, an ancestor of Muhammad, and the
Tam&niane are the trihes of Taman (Yemen). See note in Eeinaud's Fragments,
also his Invasions des Sarrasins en France, p. 72, et seg.l
2 See a note upon the Amirs Mdsa and Amran, in Eeinaud's Fragments, p. 215.]

3 [The text has ij^^.]

* [Sdj, a green or black sash rolled round the head and hanging down behind.
It is also the name of the teak tree.]

VOL. I. 9

party of Muhammadan traders who made known to him the unity of

Grod. Hereupon he believed in the xujity and became a Musulman.
This happened in the Khalifat of Mu'taeim bi-llah, may God have
mercy on him.




Chach-nama is the name now universally given to the work

which details the usurpation of the Brahman Ohach and the Arab
conquest of Sind ; but the history itself gives us no authority for
this name, on the contrary it is spoken of in the preface and
conclusion merely as Fath-naraa, "a despatch announcing victory."
It is sometimes styled, as by Elphinstone, Tdrikh-i Hind o Sind.
quoted by Niiru-l Hakk in the Zubdatu-t Tawarikh, and by
It is

Nizamu-d din Ahmad in the Tabakat-i Akbari, as the Minhdju-1

Mas&lik, which the latter tells us is more commonly known as
the Chach-nama^
This work was translated from the Ajabic by Muhammad 'All
bin Haraid bin Abu Bakr Kiifl, in the time of Nasiru-d din
Kabacha, who is styled, amongst many other titles, Amiru-1
Muminin Abii-l Fath Kabachau-s Salatin,^ " the tents of whose

glory were pitched with the ropes of his authority, and with the
mallet of the strictness of his commands." He is said to adorn

the throne lately occupied by the blessed martyr Abii-l Muzaffar

Muhammad bin Sam Nasir Arairu-l Muminin.
The translator informs us that, after having spent much of his
life in the enjoyment of great comfort and happiness, he was re-

duced to distress, and compelled by the vicissitudes of the time to

leave his native land and take up his abode in U'ch. He says that

' This is a new mode show that some

of using the tena ia combination, and would
meaning must be ascribed Kabicha. The dictionaries translate it only as a " small
tunic." [It is frequently written " JKabija," but the I^Sgari legends on the coins
make it " Kubichahi." See Thomas' Prinsep., I. 305. 'Wilson's Ariana Antiqua,
Plate XX., Ko. 19.]


in the 58th year of his age, and the 613th of the Hijri (1216 a.d.),

he withdrew his hand from all the concerns which had previously
occupied his mind, and made a few delightful books his sole com-
panions. He considered within himself that learned persons of
every age had, by the assistance of their masters and patrons,
compiled histories and books, and established a reputation for
themselves by their literary attainments ; that, for instance, the
conquests of Khurasan, 'Irak, Persia, Rum, and Sham had been
by authors of past ages
celebrated at large in poetry and prose
and that a victory had been achieved, and the country of
Hindustan conquered, by Muhammad Kasim and other nobles
of Arabia and Syria, and mosques and pulpits had been raised
throughout the country, from the sea-shore to the boundaries of
Kashmir and Kanauj, and Rai Dahir, son of Chach, the king of
Alor, had been slain by the great noble, the best man of the
State and Religion, Muhammad bin Kdsim bin 'Akil Sakifi,
may God's mercy be on him ! and the Rai's territory with all

its dependencies had been taken possession of by that conqueror.

The translator, therefore, wished to be acquainted with an ac-
count of the country and its inhabitants, and also with the
history of D4hir's defeat and death, in order that he might be
able to compile a book upon that interesting subject.
In the endeavour to obtain this information, he left the sacred
city of U'ch, and went to Alor and Bhakar, the Imams of which
places were the descendants of the Arab conquerors. On his
arrival there, he met with the Maulana Kazi, Isma'il bin 'Ali
bin Muhammad bin Miisd bin Tdi bin Ya'kiib bin Tai bin Miisi
bin Muhammad bin Shaib^n bin 'Usm4n Sakifi. He was a
mine of learning and the soul of wisdom, and there was no one
equal to him in science, piety, and eloquence. On being consulted
on the subject of the Arabian conquest, he informed the trans-
lator that an account of it was written by one of his ancestors, in
a book composed in the Arabic language, which had descended
from one generation to the other, till it reached his hands by
course of inheritance. But as it was dressed in the language of

Hijaz, it had obtained no currency among the people, to whom

that language was foreign.
When the translator read the book, he found it adorned with
jewels of wisdom and pearls of precepts. It related various feats
of chivalry and heroism on the part of the Arabs and Syrians.
It treated of the capture of those forts which had never before
been taken, and showed the morning of the night of infidelity
and barbarism. It recounted what places in those days were
honoured by the arrival of the Muhammadans, and having been
conquered by them, were adorned by religious edifices, and
exalted by being the residence of devotees and saints. Up to
this day, the translator continues, the country is improving in
Isldm faith and knowledge, and at all periods since the conquest
the throne of royalty has been occupied by one of the slaves of
the house of Muhammad, who removed the rust of Paganism
from the face of Isl4m.

He proceeds to tell us that he dedicates his translation to the

minister of Nasiru-d din Kabacha, whom he designates among
other titles, the Defender of the State and Religion, the greatest
of all Wazirs, the master of the sword and pen, Sadr-i Jahan
Dastiir-i Sahib-Kir^n 'Ainu-1 Mulk Husain bin Abi Bakr bin
Muhammad al Asha'ri.
He states as his reason for the dedication, that not only might
he advance his own interests by the minister's favour and influence,
but that the selection was peculiarly appropriate in consequence
of the minister's ancestors, Abu Musa al AshaYi, having ob-
tained many victories in Khurasdn and 'A jam. To him there-
fore might be most fitly dedicated an account of the early con-
quest of Sind.
At the close of the work, he again says that as thework was
written in the Hijazi (Arabic) language, and was not clothed in
a Pehlvi garb, it was little known to the inhabitants of 'Ajam
(foreign countries or Persia), and repeats the name of the person
to whom it was dedicated, as 'Ainu-l Mulk.

There can, therefore, be little doubt that this is the same

minister to whom Muhammad Aufi has dedicated his Lubbu-1
Lubab, respecting whose identity some doubt has been enter-
tained, in consequence of the title 'Ainu-l Mulk not being com-
monly ascribed to any minister of that period. The repetition

of the name by the translator of the Ohach-nama leaves no doubt

that Husain bin Abi Bakr bin Muhammad al Asha'ri is the

person indicated.
As this translation was made at so early a period of the
Atuhammadan dominion in India, it is greatly to be regretted
that the translator did not attempt to identify the many un-
known places of which mention is made in the course of the
narrative. As he had himself visited l/ch, Alor, and Bhakar,
and probably other places lower down the Indus, he might have
cleared up the many doubts which our ignorance of the localities

entails upon us.

It is difficult to fix the precise period of the composition of the

original Arabic. It is not said to have been composed by an

ancestor of the person from whom the translator obtained it at
Bhakar, but merely to have been written in the handwriting
(MaJ) of 'one of his ancestors. This may be applied either to
composition or transcription, but the use of the term renders
the precise meaning doubtful most probably composition is

referred to. In either case, we have a guarantee for the authen-

ticity of the narrative, in the fact that the ancestor of Isma'il,
the possessor of the manuscript, was himself a participator in the
scenes and the advantages of the conquest we find it dis-
; for

tinctly mentioned, that the K4zi appointed by Muhammad

Kasim, after the conquest of Alor, was Mus4 bin Ya'lciib bin
Tai bin Muhammad bin Shaiban bin 'Usman. Now if we look
at the name of the person from whom the translator obtained
the Arabic original, we shall find it mentioned as Isma'il bin
'Ali bin Muhammad bin Musd bin T4i bin Ya'kub bin T&i bin
Miisd bin Muhammad bin Shaib&n bin 'Usman. In both in-

stances 'Usman is mentioned as Sakifi, that is, of the same tribe

as the conqueror himself.^ The genealogies do not tally in
every respect, and it is evident that in the later one some inter-
mediate generations, as is frequently the case, are omitted ; but
still there is quite sufficient similarity to show descent from the
same ancestor. The titles also of ancestor and descendant re-
semble each other most closely. The first Kdzi appointed to Alor
is called Sadr alImdmia al Ajall al 'Alim Burhanu-1 Millat
wau-d din. The contemporary of the translation is called
Maulana Kazi al Imam al Ajall al 'Alim al B4ri' Kamdlu-1
Millat Tvau-d din. It is very strange that the translator takes
no notice of this identity of pedigree, by which the value and
authenticity of the work are so much increased ; but it is pro-
bable that it did not occur to him, or such a circumstance could
scarcely have escaped mention.
Notwithstanding that Elphinstone uses the expression "pro-
fesses to be a translation," which would imply a suspicion of the
fact, there is no reason to doubt that the work is a translation of
a genuine Arab history, written not very long after the conquest.
There appears in it very little modern interpolation, and it is

probable that those passages which contain anachronisms were

the work of the original writer, and not of the translator. The
placing a sentence of the Kuran in Ladi's mouththe Bismillah
at the beginning of the letters of Sindian princes, the praises
of Islam ascribed to Hindds, the use of the foreign names of
Brahmandbad, which is explained to be a version of the native
Bdmanwah, are all evidently the work of the original author.
It is to be regretted that there is no hope of recovering the
Arabic work ; for although the very meagre accounts of this
important conquest by Abu-1 Fida, Abu-1 Faraj, Ibn Kutaiba, and
Almakin lead us to expect little information from Arabic author-
ities ; yet it might possibly contain other interesting matter

' The Sakif tribes (Thakif) were of great importance. They had their head
quarters at Tayif, and were the guardians of the upper road to
Yemen. Sprenger's
Life of Muhammad, p. 7.

respecting the communication between Arabia and Sind, which

the translator did not think worthy of special notice.
An air of truth pervades the whole, and though it reads more
like a romance than a history, yet this is occasioned more by
the intrinsic interest of the subject, than by any fictions pro-
ceeding from the imagination of the author. The two stories

which appear the most fictitious, are the accusation of Jaisiya by

the sister of Darohar, and the revenge of the two daughters of
D4hir upon Muhammad Kdsim. The former is evidently manu-
factured on the model of Joseph and Potiphar's wife, a story
familiar throughout the East ; but the latter is novel, and not
beyond the bounds of probability, when we consider the blind
obedience which at that time was paid to the mandates of the
Prophet's successor, of which, at a later period, we have so many
instances in the history of the Assassins, all inspired by the
same feeling, and executed in the same hope.
The narrative is unambitious, and tropes and figures are rarely
indulged in, except in describing the approach of night and
morning ;
[but the construction is often involved, and the lan-
guage is occasionally ungrammatical. Besides these defects, the
events recorded do not always appear to follow in their proper
chronological sequence.]
The antiquity of the original Arabic work is manifest, not
only from the internal evidence of the narrative, but from some
omissions which are remarkable, such as the name of Mansura,
which must have been mentioned had it been in existence at
that time. Now Mansura was built in the beginning of the

reign of the Khalif Al Mansur, who succeeded in 136 A.h.

(a.D. 753). It is evident that the work must have been written
before that time. Then, again, we have nowhere any mention of
Maswahi, Manjabari, Annari, or Al-Baiza, all important towns
noticed by Biladuri and Ibn Haukal, and other early writers on
Sind, and the work must therefore have been composed before
their time. Again, it is plain that the mass of the people were
Buddhists, which no author, especially a foreign one, would have

described them as beina:, bad he lived after the extinction of that

religion in India. We read of Samanis, monks, and a royal
white elephant, which are no longer heard of at the later invasion
of Mahmiid of Ghazni. Again, some portions of the history are
derived from oral testimony received at second, third, or fourth
hand, from those who were participators in the transactions
recorded, just in the same way as Tabari, who wrote in the third

century of the Hijri, probably later than our author, traces all

his traditions to eye or ear-witnesses.

Elphinstone's estimate of the work is that, "though loaded
with tedious speeches, and letters ascribed to the principal actors,

it contains a minute and consistent account of the transactions

during Muhammad Kasim's invasion, and some of the preceding
Hindu reigns. It is full of names of places, and would throw
much light on the geography of that period, if examined by any
person capable of ascertaining the ancient Sanskrit names, so as
to remove the corruptions of the original Arab writer and the
translator, besides the innumerable errors of the copyist." He
states that he did not see this work until his narrative of Kdsim's
military transactions had been completed.
The Chach-nama is the original from which Nizamu-d din
Ahmad, Nuru-1 Hakk, Firishta, Mir Ma'sum, and others, have
drawn their account of the conquest of Sind. They have, how-
ever, left much interesting matter unnoticed, and even the later

professed translations by Lieutenant Postans, in the Journal of

the Asiatic Society of Bengal (No. lxxiv., J 838, and No. cxi.,
1841) give merely an abridged account of the transactions, which
is moreover unfortunately disfigured by many misprints.
The headings of the sections throughout the work have been
translated, in order to show the connection of the whole; those only

being omitted which are inappropriate or evidently misplaced : and

nearly every passage has been translated which can be useful for
the illustration of the geography, religion, and manners of the time.
The Ohach-nama is common in India. There is a copy in the
E. I. Library, and the Bibliothfeque Imperiale has two.


[The MS. referred to as ^. is Sir H. M. Elliot's copy. B. is that belonging to the

East India Library, which has been referred to in obscure passages and for
doubtful names.]

Commencement of the hook upon the history of Bai Ddhir, son of

Cfhach, son of Sildij, and of Ms death at the hands of Muhammad
Kdsim Saiifi.

Chroniclers and historians have related that the city of Alor,

the capital of Hind and Sind, was a large city adorned with
all kinds of palaces and villas, gardens and groves, reservoirs
and streams, parterres and flowers. It was situated on the banis
of the Sihun, which they call Mihran. This deKghtful city had
a king, whose name was Siharas, son of Sahasf Eai Shahi.' He
possessed great wealth and treasures. His justice was diffused
over the earth, and his generosity was renowned in the world. The
boimdaries of his dominionu extended on the east to Kashmfr, on
the west to Makran, on the south to the shores of the ocean and to
Debal, and on the north to the mountains of Kardan' and to
Kaikanan.' He had established four maliks, or governors, in his
territories. The first at Brahmanabfid and the forts of Nirun,
Debal, Lohana, Lakha, and Sam.ma, down to the sea (darya), were
placed in his charge. The second at the town of Siwistan : under
him were placed Budhpiir,* Jankan, and the skirts of the hills of
Eujhan to the borders of Makran.^ The third at the fort of Aska-
landa and Pabiya,' which are called Talwara and Chachpiir ; under
him were placed their dependencies to the frontier of Budhpur.

' [This is an error S5.hasi was sou of Siharas his father was called Diw&ij. See
^os< page 140.] 2 [Qr "Karw&n."]

etc., etc.]

* [This
is the reading of MS. A., but S. generally has " Bddhiya :" two different
forms of the same name.]
[This is a doubtful passage,

MS. A.

B tas
JJ^ '^ J^^jj Ju}o if/j
j Ji^^^yIj-
As- b (jl^jii
^J^ */ J J^*r V'V^ -sjIj

[-jL ill -^- and (UjU in B. This name is written P&ya and B&ya, B4biya
and P&biya : the last seems the preferable form.]

The fourtli at the great city of Multan and Sikka, and Brahmapiir'
and Kariir, and Ashahar and Kumba, as far as the borders of
Kashmir, weTe under his government. He (the king) himself
dwelt at the capital, Alor, and kept under his own rule Kardan,'
and Kaikanan and Banarhas.^ He enjoined upon every one of
his princes the necessity of being prepared for war, by keeping
the implements of warfare, arms, and horses ready. He also

ordered them to attend to the security of the country, the con-

ciliation of the subjects, and the reparation of the buildings, so
that they might keep their districts and dependencies safe. Through-
out his dominions there was no disaffected person who could make
any pretensions against the specification of his frontiers. Suddenly,
by the decree of God, the army of the king of Nimroz marched from
Ears to Makran.* When Siharas heard this he went forth from the
fort of Alor,^ haughty in mind and careless in heart, with the main
part of his army to encounter him. They joined battle, and when
many brave men and tried warriors, on both sides, had been slain,

the Persian army, placing their whole trust in the Almighty, made an
assault, and broke and put to flight the army of Eai Siharas. He
himself stood firm, fighting for his name and honour, until he was
killed. The king of Tars then returned to Nimroz, and Eai Sahasf,
son of Siharas, sat upon the throne of his father. He established
his authority in the country, and the folxr princes who had been
appointed by his father submitted and assented to him, exhibiting
every mark of obedience, placing their wealth at his disposal, and
supporting him with honesty and energy. The whole country was
thus safely secured ia the power of Eai Sahasi ; and the people
lived happily under his just and equitable rule. He had a chamber-
lain named Earn, son of Abi (?), a man of science and wisdom.'
This man had . full and general authority over all parts of the

dominions of Eai Sahasi ; no person could enter or leave the king's

service but through him. The duties of chief secretary were en-
trusted to". him, and Eai Sahasi had faith in his eloquent pen, and
never doubted his rectitude.
1 [So in MS. 5, but Budhpfir in ^.] [Or Karw&n.]
3 [Or Barh&s.] * [The Text adda ^jb' CJ.SIu *,.j J in Arab fashion ?]

6 [MS. :B. says " Eawar."]

XSome words including the name are omitted in MS. A.'\

Chach, son of Sildij, goes to the Chamberlain Ram.

The vffice of Chamberlain is conferred on Chach, son of Sildij.
The Rani falls in love mth Chach, and Chach refuses compliance.
Sdhasi Rdi dies and ^oes to hell.

Chaeh ascends the throne of Malik Sdhasi Rdi.

Chach fights with Mahrat (Chief of Jaipiir^) and Mils him by
Chach marries Rani S'ubhan Deo.
Chach sends/or his brother Chandar and establishes him in Alor.
Chach issues orders appointing Chandar his deputy.

Chach asks JBudlilman, the minister, qmstions concerning the

i> (t m t> a
Budhiman, the minister, bowed Ms head to the ground, and said,
" May Eai Chach live for ever, and may it he known to him, that

this government was under the domiaion of a sole king, and his
chiefs were always ohedient to him. When the country was ruled
by Siharas, son of Diwaij, and when he was conquered by the army of
Tars, Sdhasi succeeded to the empire. He similarly appointed all the
four rulers to their territories, expecting them to exert themselves
in the collection of the revenue and the protection of the country.
o s o e

Chach proceeds to visit and mark the boundaries of Alor.

When Chach heard these words from Budhiman, the minister,

they made an impression upon him. He was very happy. He praised
the minister very lauch, and took it as a good omen. He sent far-
mans to the authorities in all parts of the kingdom and called (for

aid &om) the governors of the different divisions. He then prepared

an army declaring that he would go to the boundary of Hindustan
which adjoined the (kingdom of the) Turk. The astrologers fixed an
auspicious time, at which he departed, and after he had gone many
marches he reached the fort of Pabiya, on the southern bank of
the Bias. Th Chief of the place gave battle, but after great fighting

^ [Both MSS, here agree in reading Jitur, but the explanation in page 169 shows
that the name must he Jaipur. Mir Ma'siim couples it with Jodhpur and writes the
name " Ghitier," or "Japiur." The Tuhfatu-1 Kiram has " ChHur."'\

and bloodsLed, the king of Pdbiya fled and entered the fort. Eai
Chach was victorious, and encamped in the field of battle for a time.
When the store of provisions was exhausted, and grass, and wood,
and fuel, were all consumed, the enemy being in distress left the
fort at the time when the world had covered itself with the blanket
of darkness, and the king of the stars concealed himself in the
gloom of night. He fled towards the fort of Askalanda and en-
camped in the vicinity of that city. This fort was stronger than the
first, and when he reached the fields of this city he sent his spies to
obtain information, and when they came back they reported that
Chach had entered the fort of Pabiya, and was staying there.

Chach proceeds to the fort of Askalanda.^

When Chach was informed that the enemy had gone to Askalanda,
he placed one of his officers in charge of the fort (of Pabiya) and
proceeded to that He pitched his tents in its vicinity. There

wae a great and brave man in the fort of Askalanda, who was in
the interest of Chach, and had influence over the people in the fort.

All the chief inhabitants always took his advice and never acted
eoutrary to his opinion. Chach sent a man to him and promised to
make him governor of that fort. He also ordered a farman to be
prepared, granting him the governorship of the fort, on the condition
that he would kUl Chatera,^ the chief (mahk) of Pabiya, or take him
prisoner. Pabiya was also to be made over to him. He agreed to
these terms and conditions. He sent his son to Chach, and by occa-
sionally visiting Chatera, gained his confidence, so that he was
never prevented from going into his Court either by day or by night.
When he found an opportunity, he suddenly killed Chatera and
sent his head to Chach. Eai Chach showed him great favour and
honour, granted him a reward in token of his pleasure, an.dmade
him the independent chief of that The great and noble men

of the city attended on him, and made him presents. He treated

them aU with honour and respect, and kept them faithful to their

' [MS. S. -writes the name " Asal-Kanda."]

^ [Thisname is -written thus, and also as " Chatar," in MS. A. MS. B, makes it


allegiance. Cliaoh gave Mm some prohibitions and admonitions, so

tliat lie continued faithful in obedience and never disobeyed his orders.

Chaeh marches towards Sikka and Multdn.

Having completed the expedition to Askalanda, Chaoh proceeded

towards Sikka and Multan.. In Multan there was a chief (malik)
whose name was Bajhra. He was a relation of Sahasi. When he
received the news of the arrival of Chach, he came to the banks of
the Ravi. He had large dominions and possessed great abilities.

Suhewal, his nephew, governed the fort of Sikka opposite Multan,

towards the east, and along with Ajin, the cousin of Bajhra came with
a large force to meet him' (Chach), and he' (Chaoh) encamped at a
ford on the Bias^ for three months. When the water decreased, they
selected a place at a village a little above the encampment, where the
water did not prevent a passage, and he (Chach) crossed over. He
came to Sikka, and fought a battle with Suhewal. He besieged the
fort for some days, and the enemy was much pressed. Some men
were slain on Chach's side, and on the side of the infidels many
were despatched to hell. Suhewal then fled, and went to the fort

of Multan. They entered the fort, and stood on the banks of the
Eavi' prepared with all the implements of war. Chach then took
possession of the fort of Sikka, and killed five thousand soldiers,
and made the inhabitants slaves and prisoners of war. Chach
placed Amfr 'AHu-d Daula in the fort of Sikka, and himself passed
over to Multan. Both armies confronted each other. Malik Bajhra,
with a formidable army, fighting elephants, and men of war, came
out and opposed Chach. Sharp encounters ensued, with great
slaughter on both sides. Bajhra took refuge in the fort, and wrote
letters to the ruler of Kashmir stating that Chach, son of Silaij, a

Brahman, had become chief of Alor, the capital. He had come with
1 [The text is ambiguous ; and the appropriation of the personal pronoim is a
matter of inference.]
* \_\r -....'.-I (jugLj I jo J " Bi&s" may possibly here he the name of the ford,

but the old bed of the Bias is still traceable between Mult&n and the Ghira. to where
it joined the Chin&b thirty miles S.W. of Multkn.]
3 ["The E^vl formerly surrounded the fortress of Mult&n, and
its bed is still

traceable. In seasons of heavy rain the waters flow to Multin. This agrees with
the statement that Alexander circumnayigated the fortress." Cunningham.]

a numerous army, and had conquered all the strongholds, great and
small, and fortified them. That he (Bajhra) was not able to cope
with him, and no chief was victorious over him iu battle. He had
reached Multan, and it was expedient that the Chief of Elashmir
should assist him (Bajhra) and send reinforcements.

The unsuccessful return oftJie messenger from Kashmir.

Before the messenger reached Kashmir, the Eai of that place had
died, and his son, who was only a boy, had succeeded him. The
ministers, coimsellors, attendants, and guards, as well as the nobles
and chief men of the state, consulted with each other and answered
the letter in a proper manner. They stated that the Eai of Kashmir
had departed to the next world, and his son was a mere boy of
tender age. The different divisions of the army had raised their
heads in rebellion and revolt. was necessaiy that the affairs of

these parts should be set straight, and therefore it was not at this

time in their power to provide the means of assistance, and that

Bajhra must rely upon his own resources. When the messengers
came back and communicated this, Bajhr4, despairing of assistance
from the king of Kashmir, sued Eai Chtich for peace, and made
promises and assurances. He said he would leave the fort if assured
of his safety, in writing, and that nobody should molest him until

he reached a place of security with all his followers and dependants.

Chach agreed to these terms, and promised him protection. He
came out of the fort, and, with his people, went towards the moun-
tains of Kashmir. Chach entered the fort, and the province was
brought under his dominion.

Chach leaves his deputy in the fort of Multan and proceeds onward.

"When he took the fort of Multan he appointed there a thakur as

his deputy. He went into the temple, prostrated himself before the

idols, and offered sacrifices. He then prepared to march forward.

The rulers of Brahmap6r, Kanir and Ashahar, acknowledged sub-
mission to him. From these places he proceeded to the boundaries
of Kumba' and Kashmir. No king offered any resistance.

1 [In page 139, both MSS. write this name Kumha. In MS. A. has
this place,

Mdkir or Mdhslr, and a few lines farther on, Kina or Kmiya. MS. B. has Kisa
here, and Kmnia afterwards.]

" Wteii the Almighty makes a man great he renders all his

enterprises easy and gives him all his desires."

Every place to which he went fell into his possession. At last he

reached the fort of Shakalha, an elevated- place which is called

Kumba' on the borders of Kashmir, and stopped there for one

month. He punished some of the chiefs of the surrounding places,
and collected an army under his command. Then he made firm
treaties with the chiefs and rulers of that part of the country, and
securely established his dominion. He sent for two trees, one of
which was a maisir, tliat is white poplar, and the other a deoddr,
that is a fir.' He planted them both on the the boundary of
Kashmir, upon the banks of a stream, which is called the five

waters,' and near the Kashmir hills, from which numerous foun-
tains flow. He stayed there till the branches of each of the trees
Then he marked them, and said it was
ran into those of the other.
the boundary mark between him and the Eai of Kashmir, and
beyond it he would not go.

Return of Chach after fixing his boundary with Kashmir.

The narrator of this conquest has thus said, that when the
boundary towards Kashmir was defined, Chach returned to the
capital city Alor. He stopped there a year to take rest from the
fatigues of the journey ; and his chiefs got ready the provisions

and materials of war. He then said, " minister 1 I have no fear

from the east, now I must take care of the west and the south."
The minister replied, " Indeed, it is most praiseworthy for kings to
be acquainted with the afl'airs of their countries. It is also to be
apprehended that from your absence in the upper provinces the
nobles and the governors of the different parts may have presumed

' This implies considerable altitude.

2 The -word in the original is Arabic (cyljbL* ^i) not the Persian Panj&b.

The npper course of the Jailam, just debouches into the plains, seems to be
after it

alluded to here. A curious coincidence of expression is used by a late traveller

with reference to the same locality. " We
passed five branches of this beautiful
riverJelam which at this place forms a little Panjib of its own." Serjeant-Major
Brixham'B Raid to the Khyber, p. 43.
' .


that since Eai Sahasi there is nobody to demand from them the revenue
of the country. Truly mismanagement and disorder have taken place.
On this, Chach, in an auspicious hour, marched towards the forts
of Budapur' and Siwistan. There was a chief in Siwistan, called
Matta, and Chach crossed the Mihran at a -village called Dihayat,
which formed the boundary between Samma and Alor. From this
place he proceeded to Budhiya, the chief of which was the son of
Kotal bin Bhandargii Bhagu. His capital was Nanaraj," and the
inhabitants of the place called it Sawis. Chach attacked and took
the fort of Sawf s. Kaba, son of Kaka, came forth to ask quarter for
the prince and his followers. They laid upon themselves a tribute
to pay him, and made their submission.

The army marches to Siwistan.

From that place he went to Siwistan, and when he approached it,

Matta, its chief, came forth with great alarm and a large retinue to
meet him. A battle was fought, Chach was victorious, and Matta, with
his army, fled and took refuge in the fort. Chach besieged it, and
after a week the garrison was obliged to sue for peace. The terms
being agreed to, they came out the fort, and surrendered the keys to
the officers of Chach, who gave them protection and showed them
much kindness. He gave the chiefship of the place to Matta, and
also placed one of his confidential officers there. He stopped there
for a few days, during which time the affairs of the territory and the
city were put iu order.

Chach sends a messenger to Akham Lohdna, chief of Brahmandbdd.

"When the invasion of Siwistan was over, Chach sent a letter to

Akham Lohana, the governor of Brahmanabad, who was Chief also
of Lakha, Samma and Sihta, and called upon him to acknow-
ledge submission. When h& was a few days' journey from Makran,
the footmen whom he had placed on the roads, caught a person with
letters from Akham, which he had written to Matta, the governor

of Siwistfin, to the following effect. " I have always behaved

towards you with great cordiality and friendship, and have never

1 [Bddliiya in MS. \B. No doubt the Bndbpur or Biidhiya of p. IfiO, where it

is also connected Tvitli SiwistS,n.]

2 [ Kakar&j " in MS. B.'\

VOL. I 10

shown you opposition or quaiTelled witli you. The letter which

you sent by way of friendship was received, and I was much exalted
by it. Our friendship shall remain confirmed for ever, and no
animosity shall arise. I will comply with all your orders. Tou
are a king, and the son of a king. Unity exists between you and me.

Circumstances like this have occurred to many persons, and have

obliged them to seek protection. Tou are at liberty to reside at any
place you like within the territory of Brahmanabad, that is to say,

up to the sea of Debal. T you have resolved to go in any other

direction, there is nobody to prevent or molest you. Wherever you
like to go I will assist you. I possess such power and influence
that I can render you aid." Matta found it expedient to repair to
the country of Hind, to Malik Kamal, who was also called Bhatti.

Chach sends a Ahham Lohdna.

letter to

Eal Chach sent a letter to Akham Lohana, saying, "Tou from

your power, and pomp, and family descent, consider yourself the
ruler of the time. Although this kingdom apd sovereignty, wealth,
riches, dignity, and power have not descended to me by inheritance,
yet these distinguished favours and this exalted position have been
given to me by God; It was not by my army that I gained
them ; but God, the single, the incomparable, the creator of the
world, in favour to Silaij, has given me this dominion, and this

most glorious position. In all circumstances I obtain assistance

from him, and I have no hope of aid from any other. He enables
me to accomplish all my undertakings, and assists me in all my acts.

He has given me victory in all battles, and over all my enemies.

He has bestowed on me the blessings of both worlds. Although
you think you have possessed yourself of all this power and circum-
stance by your courage and audacity, promptitude, and glory, you
shall surely lose it, and to take your life is lawful."

Chach arrives at Brahmanabad, and fights with Akham Lohdna.

Chach then marched against Akham Lohana, who had gone from
Brahmanabad into the interior of the country. Wlien he received
the intelligence of the arrival of Chach, he came to the capital, and
made preparation for war. When Eai Chach arrived at the city of
Brahmanabad, Alcham stood ready to oppose him. After a great

slaugliter of warriors on Ibotli sides, the army of AMiam took to

flight, and he entered his fort. Chaoh laid siege to it, and the siege
lasted for the period of one year.
In those days the king of Hindustan, that is, Kanauj, was Satban,'
son of Easal, and Akham sent letters to him. asking for assistance.
But Akham died before the answer Was returned, and his son suc-

succeeded him. Akham had a friend, an infidel Samani, named

Buddh-rakii,' i.e, " Protected by the idol." He had a temple which
was called Budh Nau-vihdr,' and the idol DUha (?)* He was
a devotee thereof, and famous for his piety, and all the people of the
surrounding places were obedient to him. Akham was his disciple,
and he regarded the Samani as his pole-star. When Akham had
taken refuge in the fort, the Samani assisted him ; he did not fight,

but he read his books in his chamber of worship. "When Akham

died, and his son^ succeeded him in the government, the Sam^ani was
disaffectedand troubled, for he did not think it right that the king-
doms and the property and estates should depart from his hands.
In his perplexity he looked about, and he arrived at the conclu-
sion that the country must fall to Chaoh, whether he would be
friendly to him or not. Then the (late king's) son being sore
pressed, his army and his forces gave up fighting, and the fort
was surrendered to Chach, who firmly established his power in it.
When Chach heard of the Samani, and knew that he had made
a compEict with Akham and his son, and that the war had lasted for
one year through his enchantments and magical power, he swore
that if he ever captured the fort, he would seize him and flay
him, and order drums to be covered with his skin, and have
his body torn to pieces. This oath -Was reported to the Samani,
who laughed and said, " Chach will not have the power to kill me."
When after a time, the people of the fort, after much fighting

> [" Siy&r" in MS. B."]

["BuddhflgiSi" inMS. A.: raku or raTthu means "protected," from the
Sanskrit rakshita. Gui probably represents the Sanskrit gu^ta, which also signifies
" protected."]
3 [See note in the next page.]

* [jjJ jl l-^Jb]; *A (^l^J E- I- I^i'') '\^<i ^^ij Aiuif^UjjJ \jj\']

[MS. -4. leares out the word "son," and so makes the passage unintelligible.]

and great slaughter, gave up the contest, and solicited protection,

by the intervention of nobles and chiefs, a treaty was made be-
tween both parties, and the fort was surrendered. Chach entered
it, and told them that if they liked they might go away there was ;

no one to interfere with them, and if they wished to remain they

might. The son 'a,hd the dependants of Akham seeing him kindly
disposed towards them, chose to remain. Chach stayed for a time
ia that city, and made himself acquainted with their disposition.

Chach takes the wife of Ahham to himself, and gives the daughter

of his nephexc to Ahham' s son Sarband.

Chach sent a man to the mother of Sarband and requested her

hand. The son brought her. Chach gave Dharsiya, the daughter of
his nephew to the son, and decked him in apparel of many colours.
He stopped there for a year, and appointed officers on his part to
collect the revenues. He subjugated the other surrounding chiefs.
At last, he enquired where the enchanter Samani was, that he might
see him. He was told that he was a great devotee, and that he
would be found with the devotees, and that he was one of the philo-
sophers of Hind- He was the keeper of the temple of Kan-vihar,^
and amongst the other devotees he was the greatest, and had reached
to perfection. He was so skilled ia magic and enchantments, that
he had made a world obedient and submissive to him. He had pro-
vided himself with all the requisites by nleans of his talismans,
and for some time he had become friendly to Sarband because he
had been friendly with his father. Through his power ajid protec-
tion the army of Brahmanabad had protracted the war for so long

Chach visits the Samani, and enquires about his circumstances.

Chach ordered his body guards and soldiers to mount their horses,

and went towards the temples of Budh and Kan-vihar^ with the

[ iLiijiS in both copies.]

[ iU.i.^ i Jo ^- iL,-^^ I JAj -S.] This seems to be called indiscriminately

Ntih&r, and Kantihir, and Ki'utihar. The copulative conjunction in the text is

incomprehensible. It occurs again a little below. [These names may be, as Sir H.
Elliot conceived', mere varieties in spelling of the same name, or they may be two
different names of the same establishment or collection of buildings. There can be

intention of killing the Samanf, He called his armed men and

instructed them that when during the interview he should stand up
and look towards them, they should draw their swords and sever
the Samani's head from his body. When he reached the temple,
he saw the Samani sitting on a chair, engaged in worship, and
having some clay in his hand' with which he was making idols,

he had something like a stamp with which the figirre of the buddh
was made on the clay, and when it was finished he placed it on one
side.^ Chach stood by him, but received no attention from him.
After a short time, when he had finished his idols, he raised his head
and said, " Is the son of the monk Silaij come ? " Chach replied,
" Yes, devotee." The Samani said, " For what purpose have you
come ?"Chach answered that he wished to see him, and therefore
he had come. The devotee bid him to sit down. Chach sat. The
devotee spread a fine cloth, and made him sit on it. He asked, " O
Chach! what do you want?" Chach replied, "I wish you would
become my friend and return to Brahmanabad, that I might turn
your thoiights to secular pursuits, and entrust you with great offices.

You may live with Sarband, and give him advice and assistance."
The devotee said, " I have nothing to do with your country, and

have no wish to engage in public business. I do not like

worldly concerns." Chach asked him, " Why did you side with
the people of the fort of Brahmanabad ? " He replied, " When
Akham Lohana died, and his son was grieved, I admonished him to
cease lamenting for the departure of his father, and prayed the
Almighty God to cause peace and friendship between the contending
parties. It is better for me to serve Budh, and seek salvation in
the next world, than all the offices and greatness of this. . But as

thou art the king of this country, at thy supreme command I will
go with my family to the neighbourhood of the fort, although I fear

no doubt that the last word of the compound represents vihdr. Nau, or in Sanstrit
Nova, signifies " New," and Kan may be the Hindi Kdnh, from the Sanskrit Krishna,
a word which is found in the names K6.nhpur and K^nhari. These names would
therefore signify " New monastery," and " Black monastery."]
1 [About a page of matter is here omitted from B.'\

2 [This process of stamping the clay figures of Buddha is still practised. General
Cunningham, possesses several old Indian as well as recent Indian and Burmese

that the people of the fort will do despite to the cultivation of Budh,
You are to-day a fortunate and a great man." Ohaoh said, " The
worship of Budh is most righteous, and ever to hold it in honour is

most proper. But if you are in want of anything, tell me, for I
shall consider it a privilege and a duty to provide for it." The
devotee answered, " I do not want anything of this world from you.
May God incline you to the affairs of the next." Chach said,

" I also wish that my salvation may be the result. Direct me bo

that I may see where assistance is required, and I will help you."
He exclaimed, "As you seem to be desirous of performing charitable
and virtuous deeds, there is an old temple (called) Budh and
Nau-vihar (at) Sawandasi' which has suffered much injury from
the hand of timeit requires repair. You should spend some
money in renewing its foundation, and I shall be thus benefited by
you." Chach said, " By all means ; I thank you, farewell."

Chach returns to Brahmandhdd.

Chach rode back from that place. The minister asked Hm, "
king, I have seen a wonder." " What is it ? " said Chach. He
remarked, " When you started you had resolved that I should order
the soldiers to kill the devotee ; but when you went before him you
showed every wish to please him, and accepted all his prayers."
Chach said, " Very true ; I saw something which, was no magic or
charm, for when I looked at him, something came before my vision,
and as I sat before him, I beheld a dreadful and horrible phantom
standing at his head. Its eyes blazed like fire, and were full of

anger, and its lips were long and thick, and its teeth resembled
pikes. He had a spear in his hand, which shone like diamonds, and
it appeared as if he was going to strike some one with it. When I
saw him I was much afraid, and could not utter a word to him
which you might hear. I wished to save my own life, so I ob-
served him carefully and departed."

Chach stays at Brahmanahdd, and determines the amount of the

Chach stopped in the fort of Brahmanabad till all ministerial

5. says i,\^ isX^ 1^ JkJjL jUj|_^ JOo]


affairs were settled, taxes were fixed, and the subjects re-assured.
He humiliated the Jats and the Lohanas, and punished their chiefs.
He took a hostage from these chiefs, and kept him in the fort of
Brahmanabad. He obliged them to agree to the following terms ;

That they should never wear any swords but sham ones That they :

should never wear under-garments of shawl, velvet, or silk, but they

might wear their outer-garments of silk, provided they were of a red
or black colour : That they should put no saddles on their horses,
and should keep their heads and feet uncovered : That when they
went out they should take their dogs with them : That they should
carry firewood for the kitchen of the chief of Brahmanabad. They
were to furnish guides and spies, and were to be faithful when em-
ployed in such offices. They were to live in amity with Sarband,
son of Akham, and if any enemy came to invade the territory, or fight
with Sarband, they were to consider it incumbent on them to assist
him, and steadily adhere to his cause. He thus finished his labours^
and established his rule. If any person showed rebellion or hostility,
he took a hostage and exacted penalties until he should amend his

Chach marches to Kirmdn and defines the boundary of Makrdn.

When Chach had settled these matters, he made up his mind to
determine the boundary of Kirman, which was adjacent to the pos-
sessions of the chiefs of Hind. At this time two years had elapsed
since the Hijra of the Prophet of God, may peace be to him.
After the death of Kisra bin Hurmaz bin Fars, and the disniption
of his dominions, the management of the affairs of the kingdom
devolved upon a woman. When Chach was informed of this, he
determined to go to Kirman with a considerable force. At an
auspicious time, which was fixed by the astrologers, he marched
towards Armab61, and when he arrived there the chief of the place
came to receive him. He was a Buddhist priest, and had descended
from the representatives of Eai Siharas, king of Hind, whom the Eai
had raised up with great kindness and favour. From change of
time he had become refractory, and had revolted from his allegiance.
He came forth to meet Chach, when a treaty was made, and cor-

diality and friendship was established between them. Chach pro-

ceeded from thence to Makran. Every chief that was met offered

his submission. Wlieii he had crossed thfe proTuice of Makran and

the hills, he entered another district. There was an old fort here

called Kanarpur.' He ordered it to be rebuilt ; and according to

the Hindu custom a naubat of five musical instruments, was

ordered to be played every evening and morning in the fort.

He collected all the people of the surrounding villages, and completed

the building. He marched frqm this place towards Kirman; and
halted on the banks of a river which runs between that country and
Makran. There he fixed the eastern boundary, that is, the boundary
between Makran and Kirman, and planted numerous date trees
there upon the banks of the stream, and he set up a mark, saying,
" this was the boundary of Hind in the time of Chach bin Silavj bin
Basabas."^ Now that boundary has come into our possession.

Chach proceeds to ArmdheP ani fixes the revenue.

From that place he returned to Armabel, and having passed

through the country of Turan, he came out in the desert. No body
arose to fight with him. He arrived in the country of Kandhabel,
that is, Kandahr;* and having traversed that desert also, he ad-
vanced to the fort. The people took refuge in it. "When he arrived
at the banks of the Sini,' he pitched his tents there. The people of
the place being much pressed agreed to pay him an annual tribute
of one hundred thousand dirams, and one hundred hill horses. A
treatywas made, and Chach returned to his capital Alor, and re-
mained there till he died and went to hell. He reigned forty years.

Chandar son of SildiJ succeeds to the Oomrnment of Alor.

After the death of Chach, his brother Chandar,^ son of Silaij, sat

upon the the throne of Alor. He patronized the religion of the

l-^- j) ^. ]^ r"-^-
K''azt'ir; see Note A. in Appendix.]

* [This explanation is not in MS. .]

^ [Mir Ma'sum takes no notice of Chandar, but the Tuhfatu-1 Kir&m says that he
succeeded as Kdim-makdm and occupied the thi'one eight years. According to the
former, Chach left two sons, D&hir and Dhar-sen, and a daughter Bii E&ni. The
Tuhfatu-1 KirEim agrees in writiag the name " Dhar-sen," but both MSS. of the
Chach-nima haye " Dharsiya."]

nasiks (BuddMsts) and monks and promulgated their doctrines. He

brought many people together with the sword, and made them
return to his religion. He received several letters from the Chiefs
of Hind.

Journey of Matta, Chief of Simstdn.

When Matta, chief of Siwistan, went to the king of Kanauj, the
country of Hindustan was in a flourishing condition. Kanauj was
under the rule of Slharas, son of Easal.' Matta went to him and
represented thus : " Chach, son of Silaij, is dead, and his brother
Ohandar, a monk (rdhili)., has succeeded him. He is a devotee
(ndsik), and his whole day is occupied in the study of liis faith

with other religious persons in the temple. It is easy to wrest

the kingdom from him. If you take Ms territories and place them
under my charge, I will pay a tribute, and send it to your treasury."

The answer of Siharas.

Slharas said to Matta, " Chach was a great king, and had an exten-
sive territory under his sway. As he. is dead, I will bring his
possessions under my own rule, if I take them. They will form a
great addition to my kingdom, and I will appoint you over one of
their divisions." Siharas then sent his brother Barhas, son of Kasais.
The son of the daughter of the great Chach, who ruled over Kash-
mir and Eamal, also agreed to join him, and they proceeded with
their armies till they reached the banks of the Hasi,^ where they
encamped. The agents and offices of Chandar, who were still in the
fort of Deo, fled. The invaders took the place, and advanced on
their journey till they arrived at Band Kahuya, where they halted
for one month, and performed the worship of Budh. They sent a
messenger with a letter to Chandar to induce him to come, make his
submission, and sue for protection.

[There are no names corresponding with these in the Genealogical tables of the
Kanauj dynasty (Thomas' Prinsep II. 258.) General Cunningham is of opinion
" that Siharas is prohahly the same as the Bhim Sen mentioned hy the Chinese as
Ti-mo-si-no, King of Central India, in a.d. 692, and that the two names Siharas and
Bhim Sen might easily he confounded when written in Persian letters." This, how-
ever, is very hypothetical. It is not unlikely that the prince of some other and nearer
place than the great Kanauj is really intended, especially as his army is represented
as joining those of Kashmir and Eamal.]
2 ["Hasbi"in.B.]

Chandar refuses, strengthens himself in the fort, and prepares to


Sikaras sends an embassy/ to Ddhvr, son of Chach.

Chandar sits on the throne of Chach.

Chandar succeeded to the goYemment, and his subjects enjoyed
comfort, and the country was govetned firmly during his reign,
which lasted for seven years. He died in the eighth year, and Dfihir
sat on the throne of Alor. E4j, son of Chandar, established himself
at Brahmanabad, but did not maintain his government for more than
one year. After that, Dharsiya, son of Chach, took possession of
Brahmanabad and his sister Bai' was friendly and obedient to

him. Dharsiya asked the daughter of Akham in marriage. He

remained at Brahmanabad five years, and issued his orders to the

neighbouring chiefs, who acknowledged his authority. Dharsiya

resided for some time at the fort of Kawar,* of which Chach had
laid the foundation, but did not live to see completed. When
Dharsiya had finished the works, and collected inhabitants for the
the town from the places in the neighbourhood, and when it was
well populated, he called it Eawar, and returned to Brsihmanabad,
and firmly established himself in the Government.

di (Main) is sent to Alor for the purpose of being given in

marriage to the king of Bdtia.
When Dharsiya was reflecting one day that his sister had arrived
at a marriageable age, messengers arrived from Siiban,' king of
Batia, ia the country of Eamal, to demand her in marriage. Dharsiya
although he* was the elder brother, gave her a princely dowry, and
sent her with seven hundred horse and five hundred foot to Dahir,
recommending him by letter to marry her to the king of Bhatia,'
who had stipulated that he should receive a fort as her marriage
portion. The messengers went to Alor, and remained there one
month. {Sere follows an aecowimt of DdMr marrying Ais sister because

it teas prognosticated that her husband would be king of Hind and

Sind, and the contests between the brothers in consequence.)

' {Mdin in MS. A., Sdi signifies "lady," and is rauei used as a reapectftil
term instead of the name. " Miin" is probably an error lor " Ski," but it may
possibly have betn the real name of the princess.]
2 [Alor in A., but Eiwar in JB.] ' [S6rin in B.]

* [Dkhir .'] ' So written here, but elsewhere B&tia.


Hdi Ddhir receives information.

Hal JDdhir goes to an astrologer to ascertain the fate of his sister.
The predictions of the astrologers.
Consultation of Budhiman, the minister, with Rdi Ddhir.
Ingenuity of Budhiman, the minister.
Ddhir sends a letter to Dharsiya.
Dharsiya receives the letter.

Ddhir sends another letter to Dharsiya.

Dharsiya marches to Alor to seize Ddhir.
Endeavours of Dharsiya to take Ddhir prisoner.
Ddhir asks addcefrom his minister.

Dharsiya enters the fort of Alor on an elephant

Ddhir is informed of the death of Dharsiya.
The burning of Dharsiya's hody.
Ddhir goes to Brdhmandhdd.
Dahir remained one year in Brakmanabad, in order to reduce the
neigKboTiring chiefs. He sent for the son of Dharsiya, and treated

him kindly. He then went to Siwistan, and thence to the fort

Eawar/ of which his father Chach had laid the foundations, but

the works were not completed when he died. He remained there

for some time, and ordered that the fort should be finished. He
remained there during the four hot months, for it is a pleasant place
and has an agreeable climate, and he used to remain during the four
cold and dark months at Brahmanabad. He passed his time in this
manner for eight years, during which time he became confirmed and
generally recognized in his dominions in Sind and Hind. The chiefs

of Eamal became aware of his wealth both in treasure and elephants.

The chiefs of Ramal come to fight with Rdi Ddhir.

The chiefs advanced with a large and powerful army of horse and
foot and war-elephants. They came, by way of Biidhiya, to the

town {rosta) of Eawar, and conquered it, and passed on from thence
to Alor.
4 e

Here, again, it is
' doubtful if Alor or B,a.war be meant, nor does
it appear how
Dharsiya and Da.hir could both at different times be said to have completed the fort.

\_A. says Alor, but B. has Ha,war.]


Muhammad 'Alldfi ^ (an Arab mercenary,) goes against the chiefs

of Ramdl.
Muhammad 'Allafi, aa Arab of tlie Bani Asamat, who had
killed 'Ahdu-r Eahman son of Ash'ab, for having run away from
battle, came to join Dahir with five hundred Arabs.
* Hi

The 'AUafi made Eamal troopa with his five

a night attack on the
hundred Arabs and warriors of Hind, and fell upon them on all four

sides with a great shout, and killed and captured 80,000 warriors
and fifty elephants, besides horses and arms innumerable fell into
their hands.
o o o

Dahir then told his good and judicious minister to ask a favour.
The minister replied " I have no son who vdll carry down my

name to posterity. I request, therefore, that orders may be given

to have my name stamped on the silver coin of the realm, so that
my name being on one face, and the king's on the other, it will not
then be forgotten in Hind and Sind." Dahir ordered that the
minister's wish should be complied with.

The history of the four first Khalifas.

Mu'ckda bin Abu Sufidn.
Sanndn bin Sahna bin Ghuru-l SindL
Rttshid bin '
Umaru-l Khizri.
Sanndn bin Salmu recovers the Government.

Munzir bin Mdrud bin Bdshar.

Sakkam bin Munzir.

'Abdu-l Malik bin Marivdn.

The 'Alldfis, etc.

Mujd'a bin Safar bin Yazid bin Huzaika.

Walid bin 'Abdu-l Malik bin Marwdn
Account of the presents sent to the Khalifa from Sarandip.
Sajjdj sends a messenger to Bdhir, the Infidel.
JSajjdj obtains permission to leave the Capital.
jBudail suffers martyrdom.
1 [This is the spelling of . MS. ^. always has 'V-Allani."]

'Imddu-d din Muhammad Kdsim bin AM 'AMI Sakifi.

Hajjdj writes letters to the Capital and Syria.
Sajjdj reads the Khutha on Friday.
Departure of Muhammad Kdsim.
The army arrives at Shirdz.
Muhammad Kdsim arrives at Makrdn.
MdrvM proceeds with Muhammad Kdsim.
The army marches from Armdhel.
The orders of Hajjdj reach Muhammad Kdsim^
The Arab army makes preparations, and Sajjdfs orders arrive.

The flag-staff of the temple ofDebal is knocked down by a mangonel.

Budhiman comes to Muhammad Kdsim, and receives a promise of

A fifth portion of the booty in slaves and coins is set aside.

The capture of Debal is reported to Rdi Ddhir.

The letter of Rdi Dahir.
The reply of Muhammad Kdsim to Rdi Ddhir.

Muhammad Kdsim proceeds to Niriin after the conquest of Debal.

Historians have related, upon the authority of Banana bin Han-
zala Kalabi, that after the conquest of Debal, where great plunder
was taken, Muhammad Kasim ordered the mangonels to be placed
on boats, and went towards the foit of Niriin. The boats went up
the stream which they call Sindh Sagar but he himself took the

road of Sisam, and when he arrived there, he received Hajjaj's

answer to the announcement of the victory.

The answer of Hajjdj to Muhammad Kdsim.

An account of the inhabitants of Niriin obtaining a passport
from Hajjdj.
Historians relate that Abii Lais Tamimi says, on the authority of
- Ja'iiba bin 'Akaba Salami, who accompanied Muhammad Kasim, that
after the capture of Debal, Muhammad Kasim proceeded to the fort
of Nirun, the inhabitants of which had provided themselves with an
order of security from Hajjaj at the time that the army of the Arabs
had been defeated, and Budail had been killed, and they had agreed
1 [So in B. MS. A. has " Wahind sagara."]


to pay a tribute. He arrived at Niriin, -which is twenty-five para-

sangs from Dehal, in sit days. On the seventh day he encamped
on a meadow near Nfrun, which is called Balhar,' and the waters of
the Sihun'' Mihran had not yet reached it. The army was parched
with thirst, and Muhammad prayed to heaven for rain, and it fell,

and filled all the streams and lakes near the city.
O t IS o
Muhammad Kddm sends confidential messengers to Niriin.

The Samani, the Governor of Niriin, comes to pay his respects to

Muhammad Kdsim, and brings presents.

o SJ o o
Muhammad Kasim built at Nirun a mosque on the site of the
temple of Budh, and ordered prayers to be proclaimed in the
Muhammadan fashion, and appointed an Imam. After remaining
there some days, he prepared to go to Siwistan, which is situated on
an eminence to the west of the Mihran. He determined to conquer
the whole coiintry, and after the capture of Siwistan, to recross the

river, and proceed against Dahir. God grant that his resolution
may be fulfilled

The expedition to Siwistan.

After Muhammad Kasim had settled affairs at Niriin, he equipped

his army, and under the guidance of the Samanf took it towards
Siwistan. He arrived by regular stages at a place called Bahraj,^

thirty parasangs from Nirun. There also was a Samani, who was
chief of the rest of the inhabitants. In the fort the nephew of
Dahir was governor ; his name was Bajhra, the son of Chandar.
AU the Samanis assembled and sent a message to Bajhra, sayiug,
we are ndsih devotees. Our religion is one of peace and quiet, and
fighting and slaying is prohibited, as well as all kinds of shedding
of blood. You axe secure ia a lofty place, while we are open to the

1 ["Bal4hir"
in ^.]
from the root sih, to flow is the proper name of the Jaiartes. It is used
' [Sihiin

here and in page 138 as a common noun for rwer. The early Muhammadan writers
frequently apply the term to the Indus, that river heing to them the river of India.]

3 [So in A., hut MS. M. has Mauj _j^.]


invasions of tte enemy, and liable to be slain and plundered as your

subjects. We know that Muhammad Kasim holds a farman from
Hajjaj, to grant protection to every one who demands it. We trust,

therefore, that you will consider it fit and reasonable that we make
terms with him, for the Arabs are faithful, and keep their agree-
ments. Bajhra refused to listen to them. Muhammad Kasim sent
spies to ascertain whether the citizens were unanimous or inimical.

They reported that some armed men were outside the fort, and
prepared to fight. Muhammad Kasim encamped opposite the gate
leading to the sandy desert, because there was no opportunity to
attack him there, as the inundation had risen on account of the
rains, and the river Sindhu Eawal' flowed to the north of the
selected ground.

JBattle fought at Siwistdn.

Muhammad Kasim ordered the mangonels to be prepared, and the

fight was commenced. The Samanfs prevented their chief from
fighting,and told him that the Muhammadan army was not to be
overcome by him, and he would not be able to oppose it. He would
be merely placing his life and property in danger. When he would
not listen to the advice of his subjects, the Samanis sent this message
to Muhammad Kasim :
" AU the subjects, farmers, and tradesmen,
merchants, and the low'er classes hate Bajhra, and do not yield him
allegiance. He does not possess any force with which he can oppose
you, or give battle." The Muhammadan army were inspired with
great courage on receiving the message, and fought day and night
on the side of Muhammad Kasim. About a week after, the besieged
stopped fighting, and when Bajhra knew that the fort was about to

fall, he came out from the northern gate, at the time when the world
was veiled in darkness, crossed the river, and fled. He continued
his flight till he reached the boundary of Budhiya. In those days
the ruler of the Budhiya territory was Kaka son of Kotal, a Samani.

His stronghold was Sisam, on the banks of the Kumbh. The

people of Budhiya and the chiefs of the surrounding places came
to receive Bajhra, and allowed him to encamp under the fort.

> [A. sayg j^ ^\jj Jjij J JbiXi-.- Ljy>-- ^-

Jj|^"^ 'i'^ S^^'J

Siwistdn is taken and Bajhrd flies.

Wien Bajhra went away, and the Samanfs made submission,

Muhammad Kasim entered the fort of Siwistan and gave quarter.
He appointed his functionaries to discharge the civil duties of the
territory, and brought the neighbouring places under his rule.

He toot the gold and silver wherever he found it, and appropriated
all the silver, jewels, and cash. But he did not take anything
from the Samanfs, who had made terms with him. He gave the
army their due, and having deducted a fifth part of the whole, de-
livered it to the treasurer of Hajjaj, and wrote a report of the
victory to Hajjaj. He appointed Eawats there. He also sent the
plunder and the slaves to him, and he himself stopped at Siwistan.
Two or three days after he had separated the fifth part, and dis-

tributed to the army their shares, he proceeded to the fort of Slsam,

and the people of Budhiya and the chief of Siwistan rose up to fight.
Muhammad Kasim marched with all his force, except the garrison,
which was placed under the officer left in Siwistan, and alighted at
a place called Nflhan,' on the banks of the Kumbh.. The inhabitants
of the vicinity were all infidels, who assembled together as soon as
they saw the Muhammadan army, and determined to make a night
attack on it, and disperse it.

The interview of the chiefs mfh Kdka.

The chiefs of to Kaka KotaL
Budh went The ranas of Budhiya
are descended from Kix. They had originally come from the banks
of the Granges, from a place called ^undhar.^ They consulted with
him, and said that they had determined to make a night attack on
the army.
The reply of Kaka.
Kaka said " K you can accomplish it, well and good ; but the bah-
[" Nidhan" in MS. B.
2 Possibly Audhia on the Gh5,gra may be alluded to. \J.. says jiij A .la Ju J.l ^
. has iX.} A ,laijJt>l ^ '^^^ .1 is probably the pronoun, and the name

DandhSj or Dandah&r, is possibly Dand-yih&r. General Cunningham suggests that

"Daundiakera or Daundh&ra may perhaps be the place intended. It is on the
Ganges, and wag the capital of the Bais ESjputs. Trilok Chand was the founder of
this branch of the family, and the fourth in descent from him is Audhara Chand, who
may be the Au mentioned in the text." See also Thomas' rrinaep, Table xiiii,]

liks and monks have told me, according to their astrological books,
that this country will he conquered by the Muhammadan army." He
placed a chief, whose name was Pahan, at their head, and made
gifts to the soldiers. There were one thousand brave fighting men
under the command of this chief. They were all armed with swords,
shields, javelins, spears, and daggers. "When the army of the day
fled for fear of the black legions of the night, they marched with
the intention of making their night attack. As they approached the
army of the Arabs, they missed the road, and were wandering about
perplexed all the night from evening till daybreak. They were
divided into four bodies, the one most advanced did not keep up a
communication with that which was in the rear, nor did the left

wing come in sight of the right, but they kept roving about in the
desert. When they lifted up their heads they found themselves
round the fort of Sisam.' When the darkness of night was expelled by
the light of the king of the stars, they entered the fort, and told the
whole to Kaka Kotal, saying that this their treacherous plan had not
proved successful. Kaka said, " Ton know full well that I am famous
for my determination and courage. I have achieved many enter-
prises at your head ; biit in the books of the Budhs it is predicted,
upon astrological calculations, that Hindustan shall be taken by the
Muhammadans, and I also believe that this will come to pass."

Kdka Kotal goes to Muhammad Kdsim with Banana, son of

Sanzala, and submits to him.

Kaka with his followers and friends went to the army of the
Arabs. When he had gone a little distance. Banana, son of Hanzala,
whom Muhammad Kasim had sent to reconnoitre the enemy, met
him and took him to Muhammad Kasim. When he obtained the
honour of coming before Muhammad Kasim, this general expressed
his satisfaction, and gave him some good counsel. Kaka told him
all about the Jats coming against him with the intention of making
a night attack^ and of their treacherous schemes. He also said that

the Almighty Grod misled them in their way, so that they were
wandering about the whole night in darkness and chagrin ; and that
' [Probably tbe Tillage now called "Seisan" on Lake Manchar. May not the
latterbe the "Kumb" of p. 160? The word signifies "a waterpot," but its
analogue Kimd means " a lake."]

VOL. I. 11

the astrologers and credible persons of his country had found out by
their calculations of the stars that this country would be taken by
the Muhammadan army. He had already seen this miracle, and he
was sure that it was the wiU of God, and that no device or fraud
would enable them to withstand the Muhammadans. " Be firm
under all circumstances," said he, " and s jt your mind at ease. You
will overcome them, I make my submission to you, and I will
be your counsellor, and assist you to the extent of my power. I
will be your guide in overpowering and subduing your enemies."
When Muhammad Kasim had heard all he had to say, he praised
the great God, and in giving thanks placed his head upon the earth.
He comforted Kaka and his dependants and followers, and promised
him protection. He then osked him, " chief of Hind, what is
your mode of bestowing honour ? " Kdka said, " Grantiag a seat,

and investing with a garment of silk, and tying a turban round the
head. It is the custom of our ancestors, and of the Jat Samanis."
When Kaka had invested him with the dress, all the chiefs and head
men of the surrounding places wished to submit to him. He dis-

pelled the fear of the Arab army from the minds of those who offered
allegiance, and brought those to submiission who were inimically dis-
posed. 'Abdu-1 Malik, son of Kaisu-d Dammani,^ was appointed his
lieutenant to punish all enemies and revolters. Eaka plundered a
people who were wealthy, and took much booty in cash, cloths,
cattle, slaves, and grain, so that cow's flesh was plentiful in the
camp. Muhammad Kasim, having marched from that place, came to
the fort of Sisam. There he fought for two days, and God granted
him victory. The infidels fled, and Bajhra bin Chandar, unde of Dahir,'
and many of the officers and nobles who were under his command
lost their precious lives. Of the rest some ran away far beyond the
territory of Budhiya, and some to the fort of Bahitliir, between
Saluj and Kandhabel, and from that place solicited a written
promise of protection. Those chiefs were enemies of Dahir, and
some of them had been slaLu hence they revolted from him, nd
sent ambassadors, and agreed to pay a tribute of one thousand
dirams weight of silver, and also sent hostages to Siwistan.

' [This name is doubtful in A., and quite unintelligible in 5.]

2 {,A. says " Chandar bin D&hir." B. has "son of the uncle of Dihir."]

Orders are received from Sajjaj son of Yusuf to cross the Mihrdn,
and a battle is fought with Bdhir.

When Muhammad Kasim had fiied the several tributes of those

chiefs, he gave them fresh written agreements for their satisfaction.

He appointed there HamM, son of Wida'u-n^ajdi and 'Abdu-1 Kais,

of the fanuly of Jarud, and as they were confidential persons ho
entrusted tothem all the business of that place.
When he had settled the affairs of Sfsam, he received orders from
Hajjaj to proceed to some other place to return to Nirun, take

measures to cross the Mihran, and fight with Dahir. He was

directed to ask Almighty God for' assistance in obtaining success sind

conquest ; and after having obtained the objects of his expedition,

he was to strengthen all the forts and places throughout the country,
and leave none m an unprovided state. When Muhammad Kasim
read the farman, and understood its contents, he came to Nirun
and transmitted bis despatches.

Arrival of the Army of the Arabs at Ifiriin.

After travelliag over many stages, he halted at a fort which

stands on the hUl of Nirun. In the vicinity of it there is a reservoir,
the water of which is purer than the eyes of loyers, and the meadows
of it are more delightful than the gardeesroirlram. He alighted
there, and wrote a letter to Hajjaj, son .of:yusijf.

Muhammad Kasim' s letter to S6fdj,. sonticf Yusuf, stating


In the name of the most merciful God, to the most exalted court
of the noblest of the world, the crown of religion, and protector of
'Ajam and Hind, Hajjaj, son of Yiisuf ^from the humble servant

Muhammad Kasim greeting. After compliments, he represents tbat

this friend, with all his officers, equipage, servants, and dfedsions of

the Musulman army, is quite well, affairs are going on well, and a
continuance of happiness is attained. Be it known to your bright

wisdom that, after traversing deserts and making dangerous marches,

I arrived in the territory of Sind, on the banks of the Sfhun, which
is called Mihran. That part of the territory which is around
Biidhiya, and is opposite thfr fort ofBaghrur (Nirun), on the Mihran,

ia taken. This fort is in the country of Alor, which belonged to

Dahir Eai. Some of the people who resisted have been taken pri-

soners, and the rest through fear have fled away. As the imperative
orders of Amir Hajjaj were received, directing me to return, we
have returned to the fort on the hill of Nirun, which is very near
to the capital. It is hoped that with the Divine assistance, the royal

favour, and the good fortune of the exalted prince, the strongest forts
of the infidels will be conquered, the cities taken, and our treasuries
replenished. The forts of Siwistan and Sisam have been already
taken. The nephew of Dahir, his warriors, and principal officers
have been despatched, and the infidels converted to Islam or de-
stroyed. Instead of idol temples, mosques and other places of wor-
ship have been buUt, pulpits have been erected, the Khutba is read,

the call to prayers is raised, so that devotions are performed at the

stated hours. The takbi'r and praise to the Almighty God are
offered every morning and evening.
e ts o

The reply of Hajjdj is received hy Muhammad Kdsim.

Muhammad Kdsim hears that Dahir Rdi had proceeded to Nirun.
Muhammad Kdsim does honour to the Nirun Samani.
Muhammad Kdsim fights on the hanks of the Mihrdn.
Moka bin Bisdya enters into terms toith Muhammad Kdsim.

Banana bin Hanzala is sent to Moka bin Bisdya, and seizes

him and his attendants.

Then Banana bin Hanzala went with his tribe and an interpreter
to the place indicated, and seizedMoka bin Bisaya,' together vrith
his family and twenty well-known Takars.'' When Banana brought
him before Muhammad Kasim, he was treated with kindness and
respect, and the country of Bait was made over to him, and a grant

' [Chief of a large district, from the Sanskrit Vishaya. The term is still used in
Orissa and N&gplir.]
' I am douhtful if this is meant for Thdkurs, or for takra, a word used in the
"West for a strong man. A little ahove, where Dharsiya sends his sister to Alor, the
word is used apparently as a foot soldier, in opposition to a horseman. In other
places it is used in conjunction with governors and nohles [and so corresponds exactly
with ihdkur.']

was written to that effect, and a hundred thousand dirams were

given to him as a reward. A green umbrella surmounted by a
peacock, a chair, and a robe of honour were bestowed upon him.
All his Takars were favoured with robes and saddled horses.
Historians relate that the first umbrella of Bdnagi, or chiefship,
which he gave, was this to Moka. At Moka's request, he gave the
land and all the towns, fields, and dependencies within the borders
of Bait, to him and his descendants ; and having entered into a firm
treaty with him, directed him to collect boats.

Muhammad Kdsim sends a Syrian Ambassador and Mauldnd

Isldmi to Ddhir.

The ambassadors reach Ddhir,

When itot bow

they came to Dahir, Maulana Islami, of Debal, did
his head, or make any signs of reverence. Dahir recognized him,
and asked him why he failed in the usual respectful salutation, and

enquired if any one had thrown obstacles in his way. The Maulana
of Debal replied, " When I was your subject it was right of me to
observe the rules of obedience ; but now that I am converted, and
am subject to the king of Islam, it cannot be expected that I should
bow my head to an infidel." Dahir said, " If you were not an
ambassador, I would punish you with death." The Maulana replied,
" If you kill me it wUl be no great loss to the Arabs ; but they will
avenge my death, and exact the penalty from you."

The Syrian declares the object of his mission^

Ddhir consults with Sisdkar,^ the minister.

'Alldfi offers advice to Dahir.

The ambassadors return to Muhammad Kdsim with the answer
of Ddhir Rdi.
Muhammad Kdsim receives an order from Hajjdj.
Muhammad Kdsim informs his friends of Sajjdj's orders.
Mdi Ddhir arrives at the banks of the Mihrdn.
A Syrian is slain.

1 [Sih&kar, or Siyftkar in B.']


Mus*ab goes to Sitoistdn.

Jaisiya son of Daihw arrives at the fort of Bait.

Mai Ddhif the infidel sends a message to Muhammad Sakifi.
Tiydr returns to Sajjdj from Muhammad Kdsim.
Sajjdj sends two thousand horses to Muhammad Xdsim.
Muhammad Kdsim reads the orders of Majjdj.
Sajjdj sends some vinegar to Muhammad Kdsim.
The orders of Sajjdj reach Muhammad Kdsim on the western

lank of the Mihrdn.

JRdi Ddhir confers with the Samani, Ms minister, on Muham-
mad Kdsim's preparations for crossing the river.

Muhammad Kdsim prepares to cross to the eastern hank with his

Muhammad Kasim iiad determined to cross, and was appre-
hensive lest EaiDaMr might come to the banks of the Mihran
with his army, and oppose the transit. He ordered Snlaiman bin
Tihan Kuraishi to advance boldly with his troops against the fort,' in
order that !Fufi '^
son of Dahir, should not be able to join his -fether.

Sulaiman accordingly went with. 600 horsemen. He ordered also

the son <}f 'Atiya Tifli to watch the road with 500 men, by which
Akham might be expected to advance, in order to cover Gandava'
and he ordered the Samani, who was chief of Nirun, to keep open
the road for the supply of food and fodder to the camp. Mus'ab
bra 'Abu-r rahman was ordered tocommand the advance guard, and
keep the roads clear. He placed Namama* bin Hanzala Kalabi in
the centre with a thousand maa and ordered Zakwan bin 'Ulwdn al

Bikri with 1500 men to attend on Moka Bisaya, chief of Bait and ;

> [MS. .4. fefeulty, tut seems to say " the fort of Aror,"

.B.'a verBion ia
LU-^^^^ub JjijLi jO j jj
Ji^y ^La-^ j^
t>j:>. _<A! U j]

2 [MS. A. writes the name " Kdfi," but S.'has" Fdfi," and so has the. Tuhfatu-1
Sii&m. In this, as generally in other variants, each MS. maintains its own spelling
throughout. See Mem. eur I'lnde, 191.]

' [iUa>t)ljC^ ^ -4. Jill Ju^ in -S.] * [So in both MSS.]


the Bhett Thakurs and the Jats of Ghazni, who had made submission
and entered the Arah service, were told to remain at Sagara and the
island of Bait.
o o i c
Muhammad Kdsim examines the fords,
Ddhir hears that Moka Bisdya had collected boats.

Ddhir gives the government of Bait to Basil.

(i Cf O O

When Muhammad Kasim had collected his boats and began to

join them together, EasU with his officers and chiefs came to the

opposite bank and prevented the completion of the bridge and the
passage of the river. Muhammad Kasim thereupon ordered that
the boats should all be brought to the western bank, and be there
joined together, to a distance equal to the estimated breadth of the
Mihran. He then placed his warriors fully armed upon the boats
and let the head of the bridge, which was fuU of archers, down

to the eastern bank. The archers drove off the iufidels who were
posted to guard the passage. So the Arabs passed over to the other
side, and driving pegs into the earth, made the bridge fast. The
horse and foot then crossed and, giving battle, put the infidels to
flight, and pursued them as far as the gates of Jham.

Ddhir awakes and kills his chamberlain for bringing him news
of the flight of the infidels and the victory of Jsldm.

The Arab army advances.

The Arab army marched on till it reached the fort of Bait, and all

the horsemen were clad iu iron armour. Pickets were posted in

all directions, and orders were given to dig an entrenchment round
the camp, and to deposit the baggage there. Muhammad Kasim
then advanced from the fort of Bait towards Eawar, till he arrived
at a place called Jewar' (Jaipur). Between Eawar and Jewar
(Jaipur) there was a lake,' on which Dahir had stationed a select

body of troops to reconnoitre.

' [In MS. A. this is written i.5>- in the first instance, and in the second ,,-. ^.^

Chitflr. B. has Jit~T in toth oases.

See page 169.]
2 [" Khuluj." It is subsequently called an " db-gir."']
. ,


Bdhir makes a request of Muhammad 'Alldfi}

The answer of 'Allafi, and his dismissal by Ddhir.
Muhammad Kdsini grants 'Alldfi a safe passage.
Ddhir confers with 'Alldfi.
Letters pass hettoeen Muhammad Kdsim and Hajjdj.
Bdhir sends Jaisiya to reconnoitre.

First fight with the accursed Ddhir.

Treaty of Rdsil with Muhammad Kdsim.

Kasil, after ghowing marks of respect and offering promisee of

fidelity, said, " No one can oppose the will of the Almighty God.
As you have bound me by your obligations, I shall after this be at
your service, and will never contravene your wishes. I shall obey
whatever may he your orders." After a short time Basil lost his
position, and the management of the country devolved upon Moka.
Easil and Moka agreed in opinion, and advised Muhammad Kasim
to march. He accordingly set out from that place and reached a
village which is called Naranf, Dahir was at Kajijat.' They saw
that between them and Dahir's camp there was a large lake,
which was very difficult to cross. Basil said, " May the most just
and religious noble live long. It is necessary to cross this lake."

Basil obtained a boat, and sent three men across at a time, till the
whole army crossed over, and took post on a bay. Basil said, " If
you will advance one stage more, you will arrive at Jewar (Jaipur)
on the banks of the Wadhawah.' This is a village suitable for yom-
encampment and is the same distance from the camp of Ddhir as it

is from here. There you may attack him both in front and rear,

and successfully enter into his position and occupy it." Muhammad
Kasim approved of the advice, and reached Jewar (Jaipur) and the

Arrival of Muhammad Kdsim at Jewar (Jaipur)

Intelligence was brought to Baf Dahir that Muhammad Kasim

with the Arab army had reached Jewar (Jaipur), and when his
minister Sisakar* heard of it, he said, "Alas! we are lost. That

> [This name is always Trritten " 'AllSjii" in MS. A^

' [. "Kajijak."j 3 ["Dadh&wkli"^.] ["Siyfekar" ^.-i

place is called Jaipur,' or the town of Yictory, and as the army has
reached that place, it will be succefesful and victorious." Dahir Eai
took offence at these words. The fire of indignation blazed out in
his mind, and he said with anger, " He has arrived at Hindbari,"
for it is a place where his bones shall lie." Dahir left the place,
and with precipitation went into the fort of Eawar, He placed his
dependants and baggage in the fort, and himself went out to a place
which was a parasang's distance from the Arabs. Dahir then said to
an astrologer, " I must fight to-day ; tell me in what part of the
heavens the planet Venus is, and calculate which of the two armies
shall be successful, and what will be the result."

Prediction of the Astrologer.

After the computation, the astrologer replied, " According to the

calculation, the victory shall be to the Arab army, because Venus is

behind him and in front of you.'' Eai Dahir was angry on hearing
this. The astrologer then said, "Be not angered, but order an
image of Venus to be prepared of gold." It was made, and fastened
to his saddle-straps, in order that Venus might be behind him, and

he be victorious. Muhammad Kasim drew nearer, and the interval

between both armies was only half a parasang.

Fight of the second day.

Dahir fights the third day with the Arab army.
Fight of the fourth day.
Fight of the fifth day.
The array of the army of Islam.
Muhammad Kdsim Sakifl reads the KJiutba.
Muhammad Kdsim exhorts his soldiers.

The Arab army charges the Infidels.

Shujd' Sabshi becomes a martyr.

Muhammad Kdsim charges in the name of God.

' It is generally Jewar ;

[but here we have JJ^**" Chitfir in A.'\ This explanation
shows it must be JaipiSr.

* \_Hadbdri from haddi, a bone ? MS. B. leaves a blank for the first syllable.!

The accursed Ddhir is slain.

Historians have delated that Dahir was slain at the fort of Eawar at

sunset, on Thursday, the 10th of Eamazan, in the year 93 (June, 712

A.D.). Ahu-1 Hasan relates upon the authority Ahu-1 Lais Hindi, who
heard it from his father, that when the army of Islam made the attack,
and most Of the infidels were slain, a noise arose upon the left, and
Dahir thought it own forces. He cried out, " Come
came from his

hither I am here."
; The women then raised their voices, and said,
" king, we are your women, who have fallen into the hands of
the Arabs, and are captives." Dahir said, " I live as yet, who cap-
tured you ?"^ So saying, he urged his elephant against the Musul-
man army. Muhammad Kasim told the naphtha throwers that the
opportunity was theirs, and a powerful man, in obedience to this
direction, shot his naphtha arrow into Dahir's howda, and set it on
fire. Dahir ordered his elephant driver to turn back, for the elephant

was thirsty, and the howda was on fire. The elephant heeded not
his driver, but dashed into the water, and in spite of all the efforts

of the man, refused to turn back. Dahir and the driver were carried
into the rolling waves. Some of the infidels went into the water

with them, and some stood upon the banks ; but when the Arab
horsemen came up, they fled. After the elephant had drunk water,
he wanted to return to the fort. The Muhammadan archers plied
their weapons, and a rain of arrows fell around. A skilful bowman
aimed an arrow, which struck Dahir in the breast (bar dil), and he
fell down howda upon his face. The elephant then came out
in the
of the water and charged. Some of the iafidels who remaiaed were
trampled under foot, and the others were dispersed. Dahir got off

his elephant, and confronted an Arab ; but this brave fellow struck
him with a sword on the very centre of his head, and cleft it to

his neck. The Muhammadans and infidels closed and maintained a

deadly fight, until they reached the fort of Eiwar. When the Brah-
mans who had gone into the water found the place of Dahir's fall

deserted, theycame out and hid the body of DShir under the bank.
The white elephant turned towards the army of the infidels, and no
trace was left.

1 [Such is the reading of JB. \^i^ ii l^Uwi ^- says, i.s^jLl i^ UAj]


Proclcanation issued by Muhammad Kdsim.

Sow Lddi the wife of Ddhir was taken.
Muhammad Kdsim writes an account of the death of BdMr to


The head of Ddhir is sent to 'Irak.

Sa^jdj gives his daughter in marriage to Muhammad Kdsim.
Hajjdj reads the Khutba in the Masj'id Jdmi' ofKAfa.
Sajjdj sends an answer to Muhammad Kdsim's account of his

The relatives of Ddhir Sdi who were carried away captives.

Jaisiya enters the fort ofMdwar and prepares to fight.

The historians concur in the narration that when Dahir was

killed, his son and Eani Bdi' (who was Dahir's sister, but whom
he had made his wife,) went into the fort of Eawar with his army,
relations, and nohles, and took refuge in it. Jaisiya, who was proud
of his courage, power, and dignity, prepared to fight. Muhammad
'Allafi was also with him. When
news of the death of DStiir
arrived, and that the white elephant was hamstrung, Jaisiya son of
Dahir said that he would go to oppose the enemy, and strike a blow
to save his honour and name, for it would be no loss if he were to

be slain. Sisakar, the minister, observed that the resolve of the

prince was not good, the king had been killed, the army defeated
and dispersed, and their hearts were averse to battle through fear of
the enemy's sword. How could he go to fight with the Arabs?
His dominions stUl existed, and the strongest forts were garrisoned
with brave warriors and subjects. It wag, therefore, advisable that

they should go to the fort of Brahmanabad, which was the inherit-

ance of his father and ancestors. It was the chief residence of
Dahir. The treasuries and stores were full, and the inhabitants

of the place were friendR and well wishers of the family of Chach,
and would all assist in fighting against the enemy. Then the
'Allafi was also asked what he considered proper. He rfpKed that
he.-concurred in this opinion. So Jaisiya assented, and with all their

dependants and trusty servants, they went to Brahmanafead. Bkl

[MS. A. stfll reads Main.]

(Main), the wife of Dalur,togetlier with some of the generals, prepared

for battle. She reviewed the army in the fort, and fifteen thousand
warriors were eoimted. They had all resolved to die. Next
morning, when it was learnt that Dahi'r had been killed between
the Mihran and the stream called Wadhdwah,' all the chiefs

(Eawats) and officers who were attached to the Earn' entered the
fort. Muhammad Kasim, on receiving the intelligence, marched in
that direction, and encamped under the walls. The garrison began
to beat drums and sound clarions, and threw down from the ram-
parts and bastions stones from mangonels and balistas as well as
arrows and javelins.

The fort is taken andBdl (Main), the sister o/Ddhir, burns herself.

Muhammad Kasim disposed his army, and ordered the miners to

dig and undermine the walls. He divided his army into two
divisions ; one was to fight during the day with mangonels, arrows,
and javelins, and the other to throw naphtha, fardaj (?), and stones
during the night. Thus the bastions were thrown down. Bai (Main),
the sister of Dahir, assembled all her women, and said, " Jaisiya is
separated from us, and Muhammad Kasim is come. God forbid

that we should owe our liberty to these outcast cow-eaters '.

honour would be lost ! Our respite is at an end,' and there is

nowhere any hope of escape ; let us collect wood, cotton, and oil, for

I think that we should bum ourselves and go to meet our husbands.

If any wish to save herself she may." So they went into a house,
set it on fire, and burnt themselves. Muhammad took the fort, and
stayed there for two or three days. He put six thousand fighting
men, who were in the fort, to the sword, and shot some with
arrows. The other dependants and servants were taken prisoners,

with their wives and children.

Detail of the slaves, cash, and stuffs, which were taken.

It is said that when the fort was captured, all the treasures,
property, and arms, except those which were taken away by Jaisiya,

fell into the hands of the victors, and they were all brought before
Muhammad Kasim. When the number of the prisoners was calcu-

> ["Dadha.w6ili".B.]
2 [This passage is taken from B. MS. A. is unintelligible.]

lated, it was found to amount to thirty thousand persons, amongst

whom thirty were the daughters of chiefs, and one of them was K4i
Dahir's sister's daughter, whose name was Jaisiya.' They were sent
to Hajjaj. The head of Dahir and the fifth part of the prisoners
were forwarded in charge of K'ab, son of Maharat. When the head
of Dahir, the women, and the property all reached Hajjaj, he pros-
trated himself before God, offered thanksgi-vings and praises, for, he
said, he had in reality obtained all the wealth and treasures and
dominions of the world.

Hajjaj sends the head of Bdhir, and some of his standards, to the


Hajjaj then forwarded the head, the umbrellas, and wealth, and
the prisoners to "Walid the Khalifa. When the Khalifa of the time
had read the letter, he praised Almighty God. He sold some of
those daughters of the chiefs, and some he granted as rewards.
When he saw the daughter of Eai Dahir's sister, he was much
struck with her beauty and charms, and began to bite his finger
with astonishment. 'Abdu-Uah bin 'Abbas desired to take her, but

the Khalifa said, " O my nephew ! I exceedingly admire this girl,

and am so enamoured of her, that I wish to keep her for myself.
Nevertheless, it is better that you should take her to be the mother
of your children." By his permission, therefore, 'Abdu-Uah took her.
She lived a long time with him, but no child was bom from her. After-
wards, another letter was received about the capture of the fort of
Kawar. It is said that after the conquest was efiected, and the affairs

of the country were settled and the report of the conquest had reached
Hajjaj, he sent a reply to the following effect. "0 my cousin; I
received your life-inspiring letter. I was much pleased and over-
joyed when it reached me. The events were recounted in an ex-

cellent and beautiful and I learnt that the ways and rules you

follow are conformable to the Law. Except that you give protec-
tion to all, great and small alike, and make no difference between
enemy and friend. God says, Give no quarter to Infidels, but cut
their throats." " Then know that this is the command of the great
God. You should not be too ready to grant protection, because it

1 [MS. B. has " Hasna."]



will prolong your -work. After this, give iw quarter to any enemy
except to those who are of rank. This is a worthy resolve, and want
of dignity wUl not be itnpiited to you.' Peace he with you!"
Written at Nafa', a.h. 73.

Jaisiya sends letters from Brahmandhdd to Ahr? Bdtiya, and other


Some historians from amongst the religious Brahmans have nar-

rated respecting the death of Dahir and adventures of Muhammad
Kasim, that when the accursed Eai Dahir went to hell, Jaisiya took
refuge in the fort of Brahmanabad, and E4war was taken, Jaisiya
made preparations for war and sent letters in all directions viz. ;

One to his brother Fufi,' son of Dahir, who was in. the fort of the
capital of Aror the other to his nephew Chach, son of Dharsiya, in

the fort of Batiya; and the third to his cousia, Dhawal, son of
Chandar, who was in the direction of Budhiya and Kaikanan. He
informed them of Dahir's death and consoled them. He himself
was ia Brahmanabdd with his warriors ready to fight.

Battle of Bahriir and Dhalila.

Muhammad Kasim now determined to march to Brahmanabad.
Between Eawar and that city there were two fortresses called
Bahrur* and Dhalila which contained about sixteen thousand fighting
men. When Muhammad Kasim reached Bahrur he besieged it for
two months. After the war had been protracted so long, Muhammad
Kasim ordered that part of his army should fight by day and part by'
night. They threw naphtha and plied their mangonels so that all
the warriors of the adverse party were slaia, and the walls of the
fort thrown down. Many slaves and great plunder were taken. They
put the public treasury. When the news of
filth part of if into the

the capture of Eawar and Bahrur reached Dhalila, the inhabitants

knew that Muhammad Kasim possessed great perseverance, and that
they should be on their guard against him. The merchants fled to

JCJ,^ (Ji*a>- '

r - ^t A -^ negative seems to be required.]

2 5 [" K-afi" always in A.'] * [See p. 122;]


Hind, and the men of war prepared to defend their country. At

Muhammad Kasim came to Dhalila, and encamped there for

two months, more or less. When the besieged were much dis-
tressed, and they knew that from no quarter could they receive
reinforcements, they put on the garments of death, and anointed
themselves with perfumes. They sent out their families into the
fort which and they crossed over the stream of the
faces the bridge,
Naljak,' without the Musulmans being aware of it.

The flight of the chief of Dhalila.

When the day dawned through the veil of darkness Muhammad

Kasim learnt that they had fled, so he sent some men of his army
after them, who overtook part of them as they were passing
over the river and put them to the edge of the sword. Those who
had crossed previously fled to Hindustan through the country of
Eamal and the sandy desert to the country (bildd) of Sir, the chief
of which country was named Deoraj. He was the son of the uncle
of Dahir Eaf.

Dhalila conquered, and a fifth part of its booty sent to the capital

of the Klialifa.
When Muhammad Kasim had fought the battle of Dhalila and
conquered, the fifth part of the plunder was deposited ia the treasury
to be sent to the capital, and he sent a report of the conquest of
Bahrur and Dhalila to Hajjaj, with all the particulars.

Arrival of Sisdkar, the minister, to seek protection.

Muhammad Kasim sent letters to the chiefs of the different parts

of Hind, and invited them to make submission, and embrace Islam.
When Sfsakar, minister of Dahir, heard of this, he sent some confi-

dential servants, and sued for protection. He brought the Muham--

madan women who were in his possession, and said that they were
those women who cried out for help to Hajjaj.'

Sisdkar appointed Minister.

Muhammad Kasim showed him much respect, and sent his chief
him. He paid him great honour, and treated him
officers to receive

1 [" Manjhal" in B.] [See p. 118.]


with much kindness, and conferred upon him the office of Wazir.
Sisakar now became the counsellor of the Muhammadans. Mu-
hammad Kasim told him all his secrets, always took his advice,
and consulted him on all the civil affairs of the government, his
political measures, and the means of prolonging his success. He
used to say to Muhammad Kasim that the regulations and ordinances
which the just Amir had introduced would confirm his authority in
all the countries of Hind. They would enable him to punish and
overcome all his enemies ; for he comforts all the subjects and
malguzars, takes the revenue according to the old laws and regula-
tions, never burthens any one with new and additional exactions,
and instructs all his functionaries and officers.

The government of Dhalila conferred on Niiba, son of Dhdran

son of Bhalila}
It is said by some people that when Dhalila was conquered,
Muhammad Kasim called Nuba, son of Dharan, and having made a
compact with him, invested him with honours, and conferred on
him the entire governorship of the fort, and its dependencies from
the eastern to the western boundaries. Trom that place to Brah-
manabad there was distance of one parasang. Jaisiya, son of Dahir,

received intelligence that the Muhammadan army was coming.

The Arab army arrives at the banks of the lake of Jalwdli, and an
ambassador is sent to invite the people to embrace Islam.

Muhammad Kasim marched from Dhalila, and encamped on the

banks of the stream of the Jalwali' to the east of Brahmanabad. He
sent some confidential messengers to BrahmanaMd to invite its

people to submission and to the Muhammadan faith, to preach to

them Islam, to demand the Jizya, or poll-tax, and also to inform
them that if they would not submit, they must prepare to fight.

Jaisiya, son of Dahu', before the arrival of the messengers, had gone
to Chanir.' He had chosen sixteen men from among the chiefs
of that city, and had placed four of these men as wardens at each of

' [This last name is not in MS. A."] ''

[Tlie " Falaill" ?]
' [" Janlr" in jB.] He
appears ubiquitous, and his proceedings do not appear to
be related in chronological cider. This place may be also read Chansir, and it
seems to be the same as the Ohauesar -which follows in page 179.

the four gates of the city, with a part of his army. One of these
gates was and four men were
called Jawetari, One of stationed at it.

them was Bharand, the other Satiya, the third Mdliya,^ and the
fourth SSha.

Muhammad Kdsim, arrives there in the beginning of the month of


When Muhammad Kdsim reached there, he ordered entrenchments

to be dug. The battle commenced on Saturday, the first of Kajab.
The infidels came out every day, and engaged and beat their drums.*

There were about forty thousand fi|fkting men. I'rom the dawn of
day till sunset the battle was fought with great fury on both sides.
"When the king of the stars disappeared they also returned. The
Muhammadans entered their entrenchments, and the infidels went
into their fort. Six months passed in this manner. Kasim despaired
of taking the fort, and became very pensive. On Sunday, in the
end of the Zi-1 Hijja, a.h. 93 (October, 712 a.d.), Jaisiya, who had
fled to the country of Eamal, which is called Batiya, came back
from that place, infested the roads, and distressed the Muhammadan
A messenger sent to Moha.
Muhammad Kasim despatched one of his confidential servants

to Moka Bisaya, and informed him that he was perpetually

harassed by Jaisiya, who prevented the supply of fodder, and put
him to great trouble. He enquired the remedy. Moka said that as

Jaisiya was very near, there was no alternative but that he should

be made to depart. So he sent from his own force a large body of

trusty men to drive him off.

Jaisiya goes to Jaipur?

Banana, son of Hanzala Kalabi, 'Ati'ya Sa'lbi, Saram son of

Abii Saram Hamadani, and 'Abdu-1 Malik Madanni, with their horse-
men, and Moka Bisaya at their head, aud also Jazim, son of 'TJmar
Waladihi were sent with aji army and supplies of provisions.

1 ["Manlira"in5.]
[Both MSS. here have " Jatrfir." A few
s lines further on A. has " Chitor," but
B. keeps to " Jatrdr." See note in p. 169,]

VOL. 1. 12


Jaisiya was informed of the march of the Arab army. He therefore

left his place with all his property and family, and went by way of
the sandy desert to the places called Jankan, 'Awara, and Kaya, in
the territory of Jaipur. The 'Allafi deserted him. He thence
proceeded to the territory of Takiya, and went away and deter-
mined to do homage to the king of Kashmir, which is towards Eosta
on the boundary of Eoyam. This territory is all waste and desert.
From that place he wrote to the Eai, whose capital lay amidst the
hiUs. He stated that of his own free will, and with a sincere heart,
he had come to wait upon him.

Jaisiya son of Ddhir goes to the Rand.

The was read before the Eai of Kashmir, who issued orders

that, from among the dependencies of Kashmir, a place called Sha-

kalha ' should be assigned to Jaisiya.

The Mai of Kashmir gives presents to Jaisiya son of Ddhir.

The day on which they met, the Eai of Kashmir gave fifty horses
with saddles, and two hundred valuable suits of apparel to his
officers. Hamim, son of Sama the Syrian, was sent to the fief of
Shakalha. "When he went a second time to see the Eai of Kashmir,
he was again received with great respect and honour, and an
umbrella, a chair, and other presents were given to him. These are
honours which are bestowed upon great kings. With great respect
and ostentation he was re-conducted to his tenure in the plains.
After staying there some time he expired in Shakalha, and was
succeeded by Hamim, son of Sama, whose descendants remain there
to this day. He founded masjids there, and obtaiaed great honour
and regard. He was much respected by the king of Kashmir.
When Jaisiya" went to Jaipur, and stayed there, he wrote letters to

Fuf, son of Ddhir, at Alor. He informed him of the cause of his

1 [See also p. 144. Gen. Cunningham thinks that this may possibly be "Knller-
Kabar," in the Salt range which at this time belonged to Kashmir.]
2 [It is difficult to say who is meant in the preceding passages. Jaisiya is men-
tioned by name in the heading of the chapter, but his name does not occur again
until this place. This passage begins

leaving the country, and advised him to hold out in that part.
Fufi, son of Dahir, received much encouragement on reading the
letter, and on learning that he had gone away to Jaipur.
When Muhammad Kasim had fought for six months at Brahman-
abad, and war was protracted for a long time, and the news of
Jaisiya was received from Chanesar,' four of the chief merchants of
the city consulted together at the gate of the fort, which is called
Jawetari.' They said the Arabs have conquered the whole terri-

tory, Dahir has been killed, Jaigiya is king, and the fort tas been
besieged for a space of six months ; we have power nor
wealth to enable us to fight with the enemy, nor can we make
peace with him. If he stay a few days more, he will at last be
victorious, and we have no ground on which to ask protection from
him. We are not able to stand any more before that army ; we
should, therefore, now join together, and sallying out attack Kasim,
or be slain in the attempt ; for if peace be made, all those found in
arms will be slain, but all the rest of the people, the merchants, the
handicraftsmen, and the cultivators, will find protection. And if

they could get any assurance, it was better, they said, to make terms
and surrender the fort to him. He would
them under his take
protection, and they would find him their supporter if they would
follow rules of allegiance. To this opinion they all agreed. They
sent their messengers, and craved for themselves and their families
exemption from death and captivity.

Protection granted to them on their faithful promises of allegiance.

Muhammad Kasim granted them protection on their faithful

promises, but put the soldiers to death, and took all their followers
and dependants prisoners. All the captives, up to about thirty
years of age, who were able to work, he made slaves, and put a
price upon them.' Muhammad Kasim called all the chief officers

of Hajjaj together, and related the message to them, saying that

Lw-ji::^ A. u..;-"7- -B-] ' [" Jaretari" 5.]

liCuA Jit \_j Juji jii JLj ^ i^Ji \j (.::^-Atfi j\ S xJj) J jl

ambassadors liad come from Bralimanabad, and it stould be heard

what they had to say, and a proper answer should be carefully
prepared and given to them.

Opinion of Moka Bisdya.

Moka Bisaya said, " noble man ! this fort is the chief of all the
cities of Hind. It is the seat of the sovereign. If this be taken,
the whole of Sind will come into your possession. The strongest
forts will fall, and the dread of our power will increase. The
people will sever themselves from the descendants of Dahir, some
will i-un away, and others submit to your rule."

Muhammad Kdsim's communication to Sajjdj.

Muhammad Kdsim informed Hajjaj of all the circumstaiices, and

furnished those people with his written Orders. He fixed the time
with them, and they said that on the day named he should come to

the Jawetetri ' gate, from which they would sally out to fight ; but
when they should come near him, and the Arab army should attack
them, they would fly away in the midst of the battle, go into the
fort, and leave the gate open.After an answer was received from
Hajjaj, to the effect that Kasim should give them protectioii, and
fiiithfully execute the compact made with them, the people of the

fort fought for a short time, and when the Arabs attacked them, and

engaged, they fled and entered the fort, leaving the gate open.^ The
Arabs thus got possession of it, and the whole army followed and
mounted the walls. The Muhammadans then loudly shouted " Allah
Akbar," and the people of the fort, seeing the Musulmans victorious,
opened the eastern gate, and fled with precipitation. The Muham-
madans thus gained the victory, but Muhammad KSsim ordered them
to kUl none but those who showed fight. They seized all who had
arms, and brought them prisoners before Muhammad Kasim, with
aU their arms and property, dependants, and families. Everyone
who bowed down his head and sued for protection was released,
and allowed to occupy his own house.

1 [" Jaretari," B.'\

* This is not clear, but it appears that the citizens betrayed the garrison.

Resistance made hy Jaisiya^ and the wife of Bdhir.

on the authority of the old men of Brahmanabad, that

It is said,

when the fort of Bralimanabad was taken, Ladi, the wife of Dahir
Eai, who since Dahir's death had staid in the fort with his son,' rose
up and said, " How can I lea-ve this strong fort and my family. It
is necessary that we should stop here, overcome the enemy, and
preserve our homes and dwellings. If the army of the Arabs
should be successful, I must pursue some other course. She then
brought out all her wealth and treasures, and distributing them
among the warriors of the army, she thus encouraged her brave
soldiers while the fight was carried on at one of the gates. She had
determined that if the fort should be lost, she would bum herself
alive with all her relations and children. Suddenly the fort was
taken, and the nobles came to the gate of Dahir's palace and brought
out his dependants. Ladi was taken prisoner.

Lddi, the wife of Ddhir is taken, loith his two maiden daughters.
When war were brought before
the plunder and the prisoners of
Kasim, and enquiries were made about every captive, it was found

that Ladi, the wife of Dahir, was in the fort with two daughters of
his by his other wives. VeUs were put on their faces, and they
were delivered to a servant to keep them apart. One-fifth of all
the prisoners were chosen and set aside ; they were counted as
amounting to twenty thousand in number, and the rest were given
to the soldiers.

Protection is gi:een to the artificers.

Protection was given to the artificers, the merchants, and the

common people, and those who had been seized from those classes

were all liberated. But he (Kasim) sat on the seat of cruelty, and
put all-those who had fought to the sword. It is said that about six
thousand fighting men were slain, but, according to some, sixteen
thousand were killed, and the rest were pardoned.

The relations of Ddhir are betrayed by the Brahmans.

It is related that when none of the relations of D&hir were found

[Sic in both MSS.] "
[i^\j^ b "bod of the BM."]

among the prisoners, the inhabitants of the city were questioned

respecting them, but no one gave any information or hint about
them. But the next day nearly one thousand Brahmans, Andth

shaven heads and beards, were brought before Kasim.

The Brahmans come to Muhammad Kdsim.

"When Muhammad Kasim saw them, he asked to what army they
belonged, and why they had come in that manner. They replied, "0
faithful noble ! our king was a Brahman. Ton have killed him,

and have taken his country ; but some of us have faithfully adhered
to hi^ cause, and have laid down our lives for him and the rest, ;

mourning for him, have dressed themselves in yellow clothes, and

have shaved their heads and beards. As now the Almighty God has
given this country into your possession, we have come submissively
to you, just Lord, to know what may be your orders for us."
Muhammad Kasim began-to think, and said, " By my soul and head,
they are good, faithful people. I give them protection, but on this
condition, that they bring hither the dependents of Dahir, wherever
they may be." Thereupon they brought out Ladi. Muhammad Kasim
fixed a tax upon all the subjects, according to the laws of the Prophet.
Those who embraced the Muhammadan faith were exempted from
slavery, the tribute, and the poll-tax ;' and from those who did not
change their creed a tax was exacted according to three grades. The
first grade was of great men, and each of these was to pay silver, equal
to forty-eight dirams in weight, the second grade twenty-four dirams,

and the lowest grade twelve dirams. It was ordered that all who
shoidd become Musulmans at once should be exempted from the
payment, but those who were desirous of adhering to their old
persuasion must pay the tribute and poll-tax. Some showed an
inclination to abide by their creed, and some having resolved upon
paying tribute, held by the faith of their forefathers,' but their lands
and property were not taken from them.

^ [" B<mdagi wa m&l wa gazid;" or " gazand" as A. has it.]

ij.^ (_i^4 '^''^ ^""^ mu'dwadat is found only in 3.]

ijS>-^ y 5 JJ'iU-'

Brahmandhdd is given into the charge of the prefects of the country.

Muhammad Kasim then allotted to each of the prefects an amount

of revenue suited to his ability and claims. He stationed a force at
each of the four gates of the fort, and gave the charge of them (to

the prefects). He also gave them as tokens of his satisfaction

saddled horses, and ornaments for their hands and feet, according to
the custom of the kings of Hind. And he assigned to each of them
a seat in the great public assemblies.

Division of the people into three classes artisans, merchants, and


All people, the merchants, artists, and agriculturists were divided

separately into their respective classes, and ten thousand men, high
and low, were counted. Muhammad Kasim then ordered twelve
diram's weight of silver to be assigned to each man, because all
their property had been plundered. He appointed people from
among the villagers and the chief citizens to collect the fixed
taxes from the cities and villages, that there might be a feeling of
strength and protection. When the Brahmans saw this, they
represented their case, and the nobles and principal inhabitants
of the city gave evidence as to the superiority of the Brahmans.
Muhammad Kasim maintained their dignity, and passed orders
confirming their pre-eminence. They were protected againsb opposi-
tion and violence. Each of them was entrusted with an office, for
Kasim was confident that they would not be inclined to dishonesty.
Like Eai Chach, he also appointed each one to a duty. He
ordered all the Brahmans to be brought before him, and reminded
them that they had held great of&ces in the time of Dahir, and that
they must be well acquainted with the city and the suburbs. If

they knew any excellent character worthy of his consideration and

kindness they should bring him to notice, that favours and rewards
might be bestowed on him. As he had entire confidence in their
honesty and virtue, he had entrusted them with these offices, and all
the affairs of the country would be placed under their charge.
These offices were granted to them and their descendants, and would
never be resumed or transferred.

The Brahmans go with great confidence into the villages.

Then the Brahmans and the government officers went into the
districts, and said, " Oh chiefs and leaders of the people, you know
for certain that Dahir is slain, and that the power of infidels is at an
end. In all parts of Sind and Hind the rule of the Arabs is firmly
established, and all the people of this country, great and small, have
become as equals, both in town and country. The great Sultan has
shown favour to us humble individuals, and ye mu.st know that
he has sent us to you, to hold out great inducements. If we do
not obey the Arabs we shall neither have property nor means
of living. But we have made our submission in hope that the
favour and kindness of our masters may be increased to us. At
present we are not driven from our homes ; but if you cannot
endure this tribute which is fixed on you, nor submit to the heavy
burden, then let us retire at a suitable opportunity to some other
place of Hind or Sind, with all your families and children, where
you may find your lives secure. Life is the greatest of all blessings.
But if we can escape from this dreadful whirlpool, and can save our
lives from the power of this army, our property and children will be

Taxes are fixed upon the inhabitants of the city.

Then all the inhabitants of the city attended and agreed to pay
the taxes. They ascertained the amount from Muhammad "Kasim.
And in respect of the Brahmans whom he had appointed revenue
managers over them, he said, "Deal honestly between, the people
and the Sultan, and if distribution is required make it with equity,
and fix the revenue according to the abUity to pay. Be in concord
among yourselves, and oppose not each other, so that the country
may not be distressed."

Muhammad Kdsim admonishes the people.

Muhammad Kasim admonished every man separately, and said,

"Be happy in every respect, and have no anxiety, for you will not
be blamed for anything. I do not take any agreement or bond from
you. Whatever sum is fixed and we have settled you must pay.
Moreover, care and leniency shall be shown you. And whatever

may be you* requests, they should be represented to me so that

they may be heaard, a proper reply be given, and the wishes of each
man be satisfied."

Muhammad Kdsim gives an order in favour of the people of

The Brahmons did not receive the alms -which were given to them
according to the old custom, by the merchants, the infidels, and
thakurs, who took delight in worshipping the idols. The attend-
ants of the temples were likewise in distress. For fear of the
army, the alms and bread were not regularly given to them, and
therefore they were reduced They came to the gate of
to poverty.
his palace, and lifted up their They said, " May
hands in prayer.
you live long, oh just lord We people obtain our livelihood and

maintenance by keeping the temple of Budh. You showed mercy

upon the merchants and the infidelSj confirmed them in their pro-
perty, and made them zimmis (tolerated subjects). Hence we, your
slaves, relying upon yoiu* bounty, hope permission may be given for

them to worship their gods, and repair the temple of Budh."

Muhammad Kasim replied, " The seat of government is Alor, and
all these other places are dependencies of it." The Hindus said,
" The edifice (temple) of this city is under the Brahmans. They are
our sages and physicians, and our nuptial and funeral ceremonies
are performed by them. We have agreed to pay the taxes in the
expectation that every one would be left to follow his own persua-
sion. This our temple of Budh is ruined, and we cannot worship
our idols. If our just lord will permit us, we will repair it, and
worship our gods. Our Brahmans will then receive the means of
living from us."

Muhammad Kdsim writes to Sajjdj, and receives an answer.

Muhammad Kasim ivrote to Hajjaj, and after some days received
a reply to the following efiect. The letter of my dear nephew
Muhammad Kasim has been received, and the facts understood. It

appears that the chief inhabitants of Brahmanabad had petitioned

to be allowed to repair the temple of Budh and pursue their religion.
As they have made submission, and have agreed to pay taxes to the
Khalifa, nothing more can be properly required from them. They

have been taken under our protection, and we cannot in any way
stretch, out our hands upon their lives or property. Permission is

given them to worship their gods. Nobody must be forbidden or

prevented from following his own religion. They may live in their
hotises in whatever manner they like.'

Arrival of Hajjdj's orders.

When the orders of Hajjaj reached Muhammad Kasim, he had

left the city, and had gone a march. He directed the nobles, the
principal inhabitants, and the Brahmans to build their temple,
trafSc with the Muhammadans, live without any fear, and strive to

better themselves. He also enjoined them to maintain the indigent

Brahmans with kindness and consideration, observe the rites and

customs of their ancestors, and give oblations and alms to the
Brahmans, according to former practice. They were to allot three
dirams out of every hundred dirams capital, and to give them as
much of this as should be necessary the remainder was to be paid
into the treasury and accounted for ; it would be safe in the keeping
of Government,^ They were also to settle allowances upon the
officers and the nobles. They all fully agreed to these conditions
before Tamim bin Zaidu-1 Kaisi and Hukm bin 'Awana Kalbi. It

was ordained that the Brahmans should, like beggars, take a copper

basin in their hands, go to the doors of the houses, and take what-
ever grain or other thing that might be offered to them, so that they
might not remain unprovided for. This practice has got a peculiar
name among the infidels.

Muhammad Kdsim grants the request of the people of Brahmandhdd.

Muhammad Kasim granted the request which the people of Brah-

manabad had made to him, and permitted them to retain their posi-

tion like the Jews, tlie Christians,' and fire worshippers of 'Irak

' [joi^ iS^^j 'iy>- ^\ji Jyi- 'lifjLsT b]


and SMm. He then, dismissed them, and gave to their head men
the appellation of Eana.^

Muhammad Kdsim calls for Sisdkar, the minister.

He then called the minister Sisakar and Moka Bisaya, and asked
them what was the position of the Jats of Lohana' in the time of
Chach and Dahir, and how were they dealt with ? Sisakar, the
minister, replied in the presence of Moka Bisaya that in the reign
of Eai Chach, the Lohanas, viz. Lakha and Samma, were not allowed
to wear soft clothes, or cover their heads with velvet; but they
used to wear a black blanket beneath, and throw a sheet of coarse
cloth over their shoulders. They kept their heads and feet naked.
"Whenever they put on soft clothes They used
they were fined.
to take their dogs with them when they went out of doors, so
that they might by this means be recognized. No chief was per-
mitted to ride on a horse. Wherever guides were required by the
kings they had to perform the duty, and it was their business to
supply escorts and conduct parties from one tribe to another. If
any of upon a horse, he had no saddle or
their chiefs or ranas rode
bridle, but threw a blanket on its back, and then mounted. If an
injury befel a person on the road, these tribes had to answer for it ;
and if any person of their tribe committed a theft, it was the duty of
their head men to burn him and his family and children. The
caravans used to travel day and night under their guidance. There
is no distinction among them of great and small. They have the
disposition of savages, and always rebelled against their sovereign.
They plunder on the roads, and within the territory of Debal aU
join with them in their highway robberies. It is their duty to send
fire-wood for the kitchen of the kings, and to serve them as menials
and guards." On hearing this, Muhammad Kasim said, " What
disgusting people they are. They are just like the savages of
Persia and the mountains."' Muhammad Kasim maintained the
same rules regarding them. As the Commander of the faithful,
'TJmar, son of Khitab, had ordered respecting the people of Sham,

' [MS. .B.] 2 [<UUjl i^li^r

' [jc-ib j_^j ij^^_/* [^- ^j^. ^/] ^^i */ J ut)^ '^h w^^^

60 did Muhammad Kasim also make a rule that every guest should
be entertained for one day and night, but if he fell sick then for
three days and nights.

Muhammad Kdsim sends a letter to Hajjdj bin Yiisuf.

When Muhammad Kasim had settled the affairs of Brahmanabad

and the Lohana^ territory, and had fixed the tribute of the Jats, he
sent a report of all these particulars to Hajjaj. It was written at a
place on the river Jalwali,^ above Brahmanabad. The account of
taking the territory of Sind was, communicated and stated in full
Bephj ofEajjdj.
Hajjaj wrote in reply, " My nephew Muhammad Kasim, you
deserve praise and commendation for your military conduct, and for
the pains you have taken in protecting the people, ameliorating
their condition, and managing the affairs of the Government. The
fixing of the revenue upon each village, and the encouragement you
have giveij. to all classes of people to observe the laws, and' their agree-
ments, have brought much vigour to the Government, and have tended
to the good administration of the country. Now you should not
stay any longer La this city. The pillars of the countries of Hind
and Sind are Alor and Multan. They are the capitals and royal
residences. There must be great riches and treasures of kings hidden
in these two places. If you stop anywhere, you should choose the
most delightful place, so that your authority may be confirmed in
the whole country of Hind and Sind. If any one refuses to submit
to Muhammadan power slay him. May you
be victorious under
the decree of the Almighty God, so that you may subdue the
country of Hind to the boundary of China. Amir Kutaiba, son of
Muslimu-1 Kuraishf is sent ;
you should make over all the hostages
to him, and an army i also placed under him. Ton should act in
such a manner, son of your uncle, and son of the mother of
Jaisiya,' that the name of Kasim may become celebrated through you,
and your' enemies be humbled and confounded. May it please God."

' \_A. has JalwS.ni. See page 176.]

' Alluding probably to her being destined for Hajjlj. A few pages before we find
L&di was taken by Muhammad Kasim.

The arrival of the letter of Sajjdj.

When the letter of Hajjaj reached Muhammad Kasim, he read

it. It was also written in it, " You, Muhammad, consult me
in your letters, for it is prudent. The excessive distance is an
obstacle. But show kindness that your enemies may desire to be
submissive ; comfort them."

Appointment of four of the chief men of the city as officers for the

management of the country.

Muhammad Kasim then called Wida', son of Hamidu-n Najdi, for
the management of the city of Brahmanab^d, that is, Baln-wah,' and
appointed overseers and assistants. He entrusted four persons from
among the merchants of the city with all matters concerning pro -
perty. He strictly ordered that they should inform him fully and
particularly of all matters, and that nothing should be decided
without consulting him. He placed Nuba, son of Daras, in the
fort of Eawar, knd directed him and keep the
to hold the place fast,

boats ready. If any boat coming up or down the stream was

loaded with m^en or arms of war, he was to take them and bring
them to the fort of Eawar. He placfed the boats on the upper part
of the river under the charge of the son of Ziyadu-1 'Abdi, and
appointed Handil, son of Sulaimnu-1 Azdi, to the districts which
belonged to the territory of Kiraj,' Hanzala, son of Akhl Banana
Kalbi, was made governor of Dahlfla^ and they were all ordered
t6 inquire into and investigate the affairs of the surrounding. places,
aad report to him thereon every month. He also directed them
to assist each other so that they might be secure from attacks of
the enemy's forces, and from the opposition of rebellious subjects,
arid they were to punish disturbers of the peace. He stationed two
thousand foot soldiers with Kais bin 'Abdu-1 Malik bin Kaisu-d
Damani and Khalid-Ansari in Siwist^n, and sent Mas'ud Tamimi
son of Shitaba Jadidi, Firasati 'Atki, Sabir Lashkari, and 'Abdu-1
Malik son of 'Abdullah, Al Khazd'i, Mahram son of 'Akka, and

1 [This is the spelling of MS. A. The name is not given in B. The real name
wis Bahmanu or Baftmamed. See ante pp. 34 and 61. Birrini'a Kanlin quoted in
Thomas' Prinsep, Vol. II. p. 120 Beinaud's Fragments, pp. 41, 113.]

2 [So in MS. A. MS. B. has "Etiraj." See ante, p. 124.]


Alufa son of 'Abdu-r Babman, to Debal and Nirun, in order to

maintain possession of tbose places. Amongst tbe companions of
bis exploits tbere was a man named Maiikb, wbo was a Maula ;

bim be appointed ruler of Karwail. 'Alwan Bakkari and Kais,

son of S'aliba, witb tbree bnndred men, also remained in tbat
place, and tbere tbey bad tbeir wives and families. Tbns tbe wbole
territory of tbe Jats was kept under subjection.

Muhammad Kdsim proceeds to Sdwandi Samma.

It is related tbat wben Mubammad Kasim bad attended to tbe
affairs of tbe district of Brabmanabad, and of tbe eastern and western
parts of tbe territory, be marcbed from tbat place on Tbursday, tbe
tbird of Mubarram a.h. 94 (9 Oct., 712 a.d.) He stopped at a
village called Manbal,' in tbe vincinity of Sawandi.^ Tbere was
a beautiful lake and a deligbtful meadow tbere, wbicb were called
Danda and Karbaba. He pitcbed bis tents on tbe banks of tbe
Danda. Tbe inbabitants of tbe country were Samanis. Tbe cbiefs
and mercbants all came and made submission to Mubammad Kasim,
and be gave tbem protection, according to tbe orders of Hajjaj.

He said tbat tbey migbt live in tbeir country witb comfort and con-
tent, and pay tbe revenue at tbe proper season. He fixed revenue
upon tbem and appointed a person from eaob tribe as tbe bead of bis
tribe. One was a Samani, wbose name was Bawadu, and tbe otber,
Budebi Bamman Dbawal. Tbe agriculturists in tbis part of tbe
country were Jats, and tbey made tbeir submission and were granted
protection. Wben all tbese circumstances were communicated to
Hajjaj, be sent an empbatic answer, ordering tbat tbose wbo sbowed
figbt sbould be destroyed, or tbat tbeir sons and daugbters sbould
be taken as bostages and kept. Tbose wbo cbose to submit, and in
wbose tbroats tbe water of sincerity flowed, were to be treated witb
mercy, and tbeir property secured to tbem. Tbe artizans and mer-
cbants were not to be beavily taxed. "Wbosoever took great pains
in bis work or cultivation was to be encouraged and supported.
From tbose wbo espoused tbe dignity of Islam, only a tentb part of
tbeir wealtb and tbe produce of tbe land was to be required ; but tbose
wbo followed tbeir own religion were to pay from tbe produce of tbeir
' [Mathal ia MS. .B.] ' See ante pp. 122 and 160.

manual industry, or from -the land, the usual sums, according to the
established custom of the country, and bring it to the Government col-
lectors. Muhammad Kasim then marched from that place and arrived
at Bahrawar. There he called Sulaiman son of Pathan and Aba
Fazzatu-1 Kasha'ri and made them swear by the Omnipotent, He
gave them strict orders, and sent them with a body of men belong-
ing to Haidar son of 'Amru and Bani Tamim towards the territory
of the people of Bahraj.' They took up their residence there ; and
'Umar son of Hajjazu-l Akbaii Hanafi was appointed their chief,
and a body of famous warriors were placed imder him.

The Sammas come to receive him.

Muhammad Kasim then moved towards the tribes of the Samma.
When he came near, they advanced to receive him, ringing
bells, and beating drums and dancing. Muhammad Kasim said,
" What noise is this ?" The people told him that it was with them
a customary ceremony, that when a new king comes among them
they rejoice and receive him with frolics and merriment. Then
Kharim, son of 'Umar, came to Muhammad Kasim and said, "It
is proper for us to adore and praise the Almighty God, because
He has made these people submissive and obedient to us, and our
injunctions and inhibitions are obeyed in this country. Kharim was
an intelligent and ingenious man, faithful and honest. Muhammad
Kasim laughed at his words, and said, " You shall be made their
chief," and he ordered them to dance and play before him. Kiiarim
rewarded them with twenty dinars of African gold, and said ^It is

a regal privilege that joyful demonstrations should be made by them

on the arrival of their prince, and gratitude thus be shown to the
Almighty may this blessing be long preserved to them.

Muhammad Kasim marches towards Lohdna a,nd 8ihta.

The historians say, upon the authority of 'Al bin Muhammad bin

' These passages are doubtful and have no meaning as they stand. [The following
istheteit: j^j;^^^ ^^JxJL^\ iti^ blj j^l^ ^ ^^U-L.
Jj KsT}
Ju^l^^ Jci Si^Z J^j Jc ij'j=C '^^'^ Ujii^j-. \j^j\jijj\j >ij\ysr \jj\

jliyj J _. jA> iL&l MS. S. omits the second eahdnrd^


Abdu-r EaLman bin 'Abdu-llab. us Saliti, that when Muhammad KSsim

had settled the affairs of Lohana, he came to Sihta. The chiefs and
peasants advanced bare-headed ai&d bare-footed to receive him, and
sued for mercy. He granted them all protection, fixed the revenue
they were to pay, and tooTt hostages. He asked them to guide him
through the various stages to Alor. Theiir guides were sent forward
to Alor, which was the capital of Hind and the greatest city in all
Sind. The inhabitants were chiefly merchants, artisanS, and agri-
culturists. The governor of its fort was Fufi, son of Rai Dahir,
and before him nobody dared say that Dahir was slain. He main-
tained that Rai Dahir was yet alive, and had gone to bring an army
from Hind, that with its support and assistance he might fight with
the Arabs. Muhammad Kasim encamped for one month before the
fort, at the distance of one mile. He built there a mosque, in which
he read the Khutba every Friday.

Battle with the peopk o/Alot^.

War was then waged with the people of Alor, who believed that
Dahir was bringing men to their aid. They cried aloud from the
ramparts to the besiegers, " You must abandon all hope of life, for
Dahir, with a formidable army of numberless elephants, horse and
foot, is advancing in your rear, and we shall sally out from the fort

and defeat your army. Abandon your wealth and baggage, take
care of your Kves, and run away, that you may not be killed. Hear
this advice."

Muhammad Kd&im purchases Lddi, the wife of Bdhir, from a

"When Muhammad Kasim saw their resolution and perseverance
in maintaining hostilities, and found that lliey persisted in denying
that Dahir was slain, he put Ladi, the wife of Dahir, whom he had
purchased from <a woman and made his wife, on the black camel on
which the wife of Dahir used to ride, and sent her with trusty
persons to thefort. She cried out, " people of the fort, I have
some matters of importance to tell you ; come near that I may
speak." A body of the principal men ascended the ramparts. Ladf

1 [Such, are the words of the text. See however, page 181.]

then Tincovered her face, and said, " I am Ladi, the wife of Dahir.
Our king is killed, and his head has been sent to 'Irak ; the royal
flags and umbrella have also been forwarded to the capital of the
Khalifa. Do not you' destroy yourselves. God says (in the Kurfc)
' Seek not destruction by your own hands,' " She then shrieked out,
wept bitterly, and sang a funeral song. They replied from the fort,^
" Tou are false ; you have joined these Chanddls and Cow-eaters, and
have become one of them. Our king is aliv6, and is coming with
a mighty army and war elephants to repel the enemy. Thou hast
polluted thyself with these Arabs, and prefer their government
to our kings." Thus and still more did they abuse her. "When
Muhammad Kasim heard this, he called Ladi back, and said,
" Fortune has turned away her face from the family of Silaij."

A sorceress tries to ascertain the death of Ddhir.

It is related by the historians that in the fort of Alor there was a

sorceress, which in Hindi is called Jogini. Fiifi, son of Dahir, and
the nobles of the city, went to her and said, " It is expected that

you by your science where Dahir is." She replied that

will tell us
she would give them information, after makiag experiments, if they
would allow her one day for the purpose. She then went to her
house, and after three watches of the day she brought a branch of the
pepper and the nutmeg tree from Sarandip (Ceylou), with their
blossoms and berries all green and perfect in her hand, and said,
" I have traversed the whole world from Kaf to Kaf, but have found
no trace of him anywhere in Hind or Sind, nor have I heard anything
of him. Now settle your plans, for if he were alive he could not
remain hidden and concealed from me. To verify my words, I have
brought these green branches from Sarandip that you may have no
delusions. I am sure that your king is not alive on the face of the
Capitulation of the fort of Alor.

When this became known, the people of the city, great and small,
said they had heard of the honesty, prudence, justice, equity, and

rjc.:;i^ -^ 'ill) )1 U,.iLJjj1 This is an instance of the frequent misuse of

in MS. A. The other MS. S. omits it ]

TOl. I. 13

generosity of Muhammad Kasim, and Ms faitliful observance of Ms

words and promises, and they had witnessed the same. They would
send him a message by some trustworthy person, pray for mercy, and
surrender the fort. When Tufi was assured of Dahir's death, and
of the wavering of the people, he came out of the fort with aU
his relations and dependants, at the time when the king of the stars

had passed behind the black curtain of night, and went towards Chitor
(Jaipur).' His brother Jaisiya and other sons of Dahir were there,
and had taken up their residence at a village called Nuzul-Sandal.'
There was a man of the tribe of 'Allafi in Alor, who had made
friendship with Pufi ; he wrote information of Fufi's retirement
and flight, and having fastened the paper to an arrow shot it (into

the camp, informing the Arabs) that Fufi, son of Dahir had abdi-
cated the chiefship of Alor, and had departed. Muhammad Kasim
then sent his brave warriors to fight, and they ascended the ram-
parts of the fort and made the assault.

The citizens crave protection.

All the merchants, artizans, and tradesmen, sent a message

saying, " We have cast off our allegiance to the Brahmans. We
have lost Eai Dahir, our chief, and his son Fufi has deserted us.

We w^ere not satisfied until to-day ; but as it was destined by God

that all this should happen, no creature can oppose His will and
power, nor can anything be done against him by force or fraud.
The dominion of this world is no one's property. When the army
of God's destiny comes forth from behind the veil of secrecy, it

deprives some kings of their thrones and crowns, and drives others
to despair and flight, by change of circumstances and the occurrence
of No dependance can be placed upon either old

sovereignty or new authority, which are fleeting possessions. We

now come submissively to you, confiding in your just equity, we
put ourselves under your yoke. We surrender the fort to the
officers of the just Amir. Grant us protection and remove the fear

1 [ Jatrljr," in 5.]

[jjj^ iAi' ^U U- ^ J>ij/ (-B. JaA -Ulj) J^i-e JjJJ 1/T ^


of your army from our minds. This ancient dominion and extensive
territory were entrusted to us by Eai Dahir, and as long as he was
alive we observed our allegiance to him. But as he is slain, and
his son Pufi has run away, it is now better for us to obey you."
Muhammad Kasim replied, "I sent you no message, nor ambassa-
dor of your own accord you sue for peace, and make promises and

engagements. If you are truly inclined to obey me, stop fighting,

and with sincerity and confidence come down if not, I will hear ;

no excuses after this, nor make any promises. I will not spare you,
nor can you be saved from my army."

The Garrison capitulates.

Then they came down from the ramparts and agreed with each
other that on these terms they would open the gate and stand at it

till Muhammad Kasim should come. They said that if he would

act according to his promise, and would treat them generously, they
would submit to him and serve him, without any excuse. Then
they took the keys of the fort in their hands and stood before tiie

gate, and the officers of Hajjaj, who had been selected, came forward;
the garrison opened the gate and made their submission.

Muhammad Kasim enters the fort.

Muhammad Kasim then entered the gate. All the citizens had
come to the temple of Nau-vihar,' and were prostrating themselves
and worshipping the Muhammad Kasim asked what house it

was, that allmen and the nobles were kneeling before it,
the great
and making prostrations. He was told that it was a temple called
Nau-vihar. Muhammad Kasim ordered the door of the temple to be
opened, and he saw an image mounted on a horse. He went in
with his ofiicers, and found that it was made of hard stone, and that
golden bracelets, ornamented with rubies and other precious stones,
were on its hands. Muhammad Kasim stretched out his hand and
took off one of the bracelets. He then called the keeper of the
temple of Budh Nau-vihar, and said, " Is that your idol ?" He
replied, " Yes ; but it had two bracelets, and now it has only one."

' [The title would appear to have heen a common one, for there was a temple of
the same name at Brahman&b-^d, see p. 149.]

Muhammad Kasim said, " Does not your god know who has got his
bracelet ?" The keeper hung down his head. Muhammad Kasim
laughed, and gave back the bracelet to him, and they replaced it on
the hand of the idoL

Muhammad Kasim orders the soldiers to he hilled}

Muhammad Kasim ordered that if the military bowed their heads

in submission they should not be kUled. Ladi said " the people
of this country are chiefly workmen, but some are merchants.
The city is inhabited and its land cultivated by them, and the
amount of the taxes will be realized from their earnings and tillage
if the tribute is fixed on each person." Muhammad Kasim said,
" Bani Lad has ordered this," and he gave protection to all.

A person comes forward and craves mercy.

It is related by the historians, that from amongst the people who
were given up to the executioners to be put to death, a person came
forward and said, "I have a wonderful thing to show."The execu-
tioner said, " Let me see it." He said, " No, I will not show it to

you, but to the commander." This was reported to Muhammad Kasim,

and he ordered him to be brought before him. When he came, he
asked him what wonder he had to show. The man said it was a
thing which nobody had yet seen. Muhammad Kasim said, " Bring
it." The Brahman replied, " If you grant my life, and that of all

and every of my relations, family, and children." Muhammad

Kasim said, " I grant it." He then asked him for a written and
express promise under his gracious signature. Muhammad Kasim
ttiought that he woidd produce some precious gem or ornament.
When a strict promise was made; and the written order was in
his hand, he pulled his beard and whiskers, and spread out the
hairs ; then he placed his toes at the back of his head and
began to dance, repeating this Nobody has seen this
saying, "

wonder of mine. The hairs of my beard serve me for curls."

Muhammad Kasim was surprised at this. The people who were
present said, "What wonder is this for which he wishes to be

The contents of the chapter do not agree with the heading, nor with the execution
which appears to have been ordered in the next chapter.

pardoned ? He has deceived us." Muhammad Kdsim replied, " '

word is a word, and a promise is a promise.' '
To belie oneseK
is not the act of a great man.' '
Know that he who retracts is a
treacherous man.' '
See how a (true) man observes his promise.'
' If a person fulfil his words, he is more exalted than you can
conceive.' We must not kill him, but we will send him to prison,
and report the case to Hajjaj for his decision." Accordiagly the
e^recution of that man and of twenty-two of his relations and de-
pendants was postponed, and a report of the case was written to
Hajjaj, who asked the learned men of Kufa and Basra to pronounce
their opinions. A report was also sent to 'Abdu-1 Malik, the
Khalifa of the time. The answer which came from the Khalifa and
the learned men was, that such a case had already occurred among the

friends of the Prophet ^may peace be to him. God says, " He is a
true man who fulfils his promise in God's name." When the
answer to this effect came, the man was liberated with all his
dependants and relations.

Jaisiya goes io Kiiraj.

It is related by the great and principal men, that when Jaisiya,

with seven hundred men, foot and horse, reached the fort of Kuraj,'

the chief of that place came forth to receive him. He showed him
much attention, and inspired his hopes by great promises. He told
him that he would assist him against the Muhammadans. It was
customary with Darohar' Eai to take one day's holiday in every six

months, drink wine with women, hear songs, and see dancing. No
stranger was admitted to be one of the company. It happened that
on the day Jaisiya arrived Darohax Eai w^as celebrating this festival.

He sent a person to Jaisiya to say that on that day he was in

privacy, and no stranger could come to his chamber; but as he
(Jaisiya) was a very dear guest, and was regarded by him as his
son, he might attend. Jaisiya bent down his head, and drawing
lines on the earth did not look at the women. Darohar told
him that they might be regarded as his (Jaisiya's) mother and
sisters ; he might lift up his head and look. Jaisiya said, "I

am originally a monk, and I do not look at any woman who is

1 [See pp. 124 and ) 89.] ' [The " Ddhar" of " Biladurf, p. 124.]

a stranger. Daroliar then excused him from looking, and praised his
self-restraint and modesty. It is narrated, that when the women
came roimd him, there was among them the sister of Darohar,
whose name was Janki, that is, beautiful, and she was lovely.
She was a woman of royal descent, and possessed of great charms.
She was elegant in stature as the juniper tree, generous in disposi-
tion, her words were like a string of pearls, her eyes handsome, and
her cheeks like tulips or rubies. When she saw him, love for Jaisiya
took hold of her heart. She looked at him every moment, and made
love to him by her gestures. When Jaisiya went away, Janki, the
sister of Darohar, arose and went to her house. She had a litter

prepared, in which she seated herself, and ordering her maid-servants

to carry it, she proceeded to Jaisiya's dwelliag. There she alighted
from the litter and went in. Jaisiya had gone to sleep, but when the
smell of wine, which proceeded from Janki, penetrated his brain, he
awoke, and saw Janki sitting beside him. He rose up and said,
Princess, what has brought you here ? What time is this for you
to come here ? " She replied, "Foolish fellow ; there is no necessity
to ask me about this. Would a young and beautiful woman come
in the very dark of the night to visit a prince like you ; would she
rouse him from sweet slumber, and wish to sleep with him, but for
one purpose ;
particularly a beauty like me, who has seduced a
world with her blandishments and coquetry, and made princes mad
with desire ? You must know well and fully my object, for how
can it remain concealed from you ? Take advantage of this success
till morning." Jaisiya said, "Princess, I cannot consort with any
other woman than my own lawful and wedded wife ; nor ought such
a thing to be done by me, because I am a Brahman, a monk, and
a continent person, and this act is not worthy of gi-eat, learned,
and pious men. Beware lest you deiile me with so great a crime.'
Although she importuned him much, he would not accede to her
wishes, and struck the hand of denial on the tablet of her breast.

Janki is disappointed by Jaisiya.

When Janki was disappointed, she said, " Jaisiya, you have
deprived me of the delights and raptures I anticipated. Now have
I determined to destroy you, and to make myself the food of fire."

She then retired to her house, and covered herself with her clothes.
Having closed the door, she tossed ahout on her bed till day-break,
and vs-as uttering these couplets :
" Your love and your charms have
burnt my heart." " The light of your beauty has illumined my soul."
" Give me justice or I will weep." " I will burn myself, you, and
the city together." The next day, although the king of the stars
had raised his head from the bastions of the heavens, and tore up
the coverlid of darkness, Janki was still asleep. The fumes of wine
and the effects of separation mingled together, and she remained
lying till late, with her head covered with her bedclothes. King
Darohar would take no breakfast, and drink no wine, till his sister
Janki showed her face. He always paid her much honour and respect.

So he rose and went to his sister's apartments, and found her over-
whelmed with care and melancholy. He said, " O, sister !

what has come over thee, that thy

princess, tulip-coloured face is

changed and turned pale ?" Janki replied, " Prince, what stronger
reason can there be than thisThat fool of Sind surely saw me in

the gay assembly. Last night he came to my house, and called me

to him. He wanted to stain the skirt of my continence and purity,
which has never been polluted with the dirt of vice, and to con-
taminate my pious mind and pure person with the foulness of his
debauchery, and so bring my virgin modesty to shame. The king
must exact justice for me from him, so that no reckless fellow may
hereafter attempt such perfidy and violence." The fire of anger
blazed out in Darohar, but he told his sister that Jaisiya was their
guest, and moreover a monk and a Brahman, who was connected
with them. He had come to ask assistance and was accompanied ;

by one thousand warriors. He could not be kiUed. He was not to

be destroyed by force; "but," said he, "I will contrive some plot

to slay him. Arise and take your morning meal. As no crime has
been committed no open threats can be made."

Darohar contemplates treacherous measures against Jaisiya.

Darohar came to his palace, called two armed blacks, one of

whom was named Kabir Bhadr,' and the other Bhaiii, and thus

1 [" Sahal" in 3.]


addressed them, " I will invite Jaisiya to-day after breakfast, and
entertain him ; after taking dinner, I will drink wine in a private
apartment, and play chess with him. Tou must both be ready with
your arms. When I say sJiah mdt (check-mate), do you draw your
swords and kill him." A man of Sind, who had been one of the
servants of Dahir and was on terms of friendship with an attendant
of Darohar, became acquainted with this scheme, and informed Jaisiya
of it. "When at the time of dinner, an officer of Darohar came to

call Jaisiya, he said to his thakurs who were in command of his

soldiers, " Oh G-iirsia ' and Sursia, I am goiug to 'dine with King
Darohar. So you prepare your arms and go in with me. When
I am playing chess with Darohar do you stand close behind him,
and be careful that no evil eye may fall on me, or any treacherous
act be done or contrived.

Jaisiya comes with his two armed men.

Accordingly they went to the court, and as Darohar had omitted
to order that no other person except Jaisiya should be allowed to
come in, both the attendants went in and stood behind Darohar
without his observing them. When they had finished the game
of chess, Darohar raised his head, in order to make the signal to
his men, but he saw that two armed men were standing ready near
him. He was disappointed, and said, "It is not checkmate, that
sheep must not be slain." Jaisiya knew that this was the signal, so

he arose and went to his house and ordered his horses to be pre-
pared. He bathed, put on his arms, got his troops ready, and
ordered them to mount. Darohar sent an officer to see what Jaisiya
was doing. He returned, and said, " May God's blessing be upon
that man. His nature is adorned with the ornaments of temperance.
He is of noble extraction, and his works are not evil. He always
strives to preserve his purity and holiness in the fear of God."
It is narrated that when Jaisiya had bathed, taken food, and
put on his arms, he loaded the baggage on camels, and passing
under the palace of Darohar, left him without paying him a visit
and saying farewell ; but he sent to inform him of his departure,
and marched away with all his relations and dependants. He
' ["Tdrsiya," MS. S."]

travelled till he reached the land of Kassa,' on the borders of

Jalandhar. The Chief of it was named Balhara, and the women of
the comitry called him iiistan Shah.* He remained there till the
succession of the Khilafat devolved upon 'Umar 'Abdu-1 Aziz, when
'Amru, son of Musallam, by the orders of the government, went to
that country and subjugated it.

An account of the courage of Jaisiya, and the reason why he was

so called.

It was related by some Brahmans of Alor that Jaisiya, son of

Dahir, was unequalled in bravery and wisdom. The story of his birth
nms, that one day Dahir Rai went hunting with all the animals and
all the equipments of the chase. When the dogs and leopards and
lynxes were set free to chase the deer, and the falcons and hawks
were flying in theair, a roaring lion [slier) came forth, and terror

and alarm broke out among the people and the hunters. Dahir
alighted from his horse, and went on foot to oppose the lion, which
also prepared for fight. Dahir wrapped a sheet rotmd his hand which
he put into the beast's mouth, then raised his sword, and cut off
two of his legs. He then drew out his hand and thrust his sword
into the belly and ripped up the animal so that it fell down. Those
men who had fled for fear came home, and told the Eani that Dahir
Eai was fighting with a lion. The wife of Dahir was big with
child when she heard this news, ajid from the great love she
bore her husband she fell and swooned away. Before Dahir had
returned, the soul of his wife had departed from her body through
fright. Dahir came and found her dead, but the child was moving
in the womb, so he ordered her to be cut open, and the child was
taken out alive, and given over to the charge of a nurse. The child
was therefore called Jaisiya, that is, "al muzaffar hi-l asad," or in
Persian, sTier-firoz, "lion-conqueror."'

' [So in MS. A. " Kasar" in S. See BilMuri, p. 121.]

[MS. ^. Baysi suji^ iLii ^JcJ\ iZj^ i^] ti^i (*^ j-^. ]jCJ^ yTj
MS. JB. says, ^^J^iii^ j(Li (?) Ji^S ^\ ,1' \^i^ IjujX. ^Jj]
' The real name therefore would seem to be Jai Sing.


Appointment of Rawdh, son of Asad, who was the issue of the

daughter of Ahnak, son of Kais.

The dressers of this bride, and the embellishers of this garden
have thus heard from 'Ali bin Muhammad bin Salma bin Muharib
and 'Abdu-r Bahman, son of 'Abdariu-s Saliti, that when Muhammad
Kasim had subjugated the proud people of Alor, the seat of govern-
ment, and all the people had submitted to him and obeyed his rule, he
appointed Eawah, son of Asad, who on his mother's side was one of
the grandsons of Ahnak, son of Kais, to the chiefship of Alor and
entrusted the matters connected with the law and religion to Sadru-1
Imam al Ajall al 'Alim Burhanu-1 Millat wau-d Din Saifu-s Sunnat
wa Najmu-sh Shari'at, that is, to Musa bin Ya'kub bin Tai bin
Muhammad bin Shaiban bin 'Usman Sakifi. He ordered them to
comfort the subjects, and leave not the words "Inculcate good works
and prohibit bad ones," to become a dead letter. He gave them both
advice as to their treatment of the people, and leaving them entire
power, he then marched from that place and journeyed till he arrived
at the fort of Tabiba,' on the south bank of the Bias. It was an
old fort, and the chief of it was Kaksa.

Kalcsa is vanquished and comes to Muhammad Kdsim}

Kaksa, son of Chandar, son of Silaij, was cousin of Dahir,
son of Chach, and was present in the battle which Dahir fought
but having fled he had come to this fort in wretched plight,
and had taken up his abode in it When the Muhammadan
army arrived, a contribution and hostages were sent, and the
chiefs and nobles went forth and made submission. Muhammad
Kasim showed them kindness, and granted them suitable rich
khil'ats, and asked them whether Kaksa belonged to the family
{aU) of Alor, " for they are all wise, learned, trustworthy, and honest.
They are famous for their integrity and honesty.'' He added,
" Protection is given him, so that he may come with hearty confi-
dence and hopes of future favour : for he shaU be made counsellor

1 [MS. ^. has Ju-jU B. has ^.L]

^ [This heading is not given in MS. B. The full reading of MS. A. is " Subftiga-
iion of Xalcsa and the coming of Silaij to M. Kdsim." The genealogy which follows
is taken from MS. B. The other MS. hegins " Siliij, cousin of D&hir," which is an
evident blunder, the heading and the text having probably been jumbled together.]

wUl entrust Mm with the duties of the Wazarat."

in all affairs, and I
The Kaksa was a learned man and a philosopher of Hind.
When he came to transact business, Muhammad Kasim used to make
him sit before the throne and then consulted him, and Kaksa took
precedence in the army before all the nobles and commanders. He
collected the revenue of the coimtry, and the treasure was placed
under his seal. He assisted Muhammad Kasim in all his under-
takings, and was called by the title of Mubarak Mushir, "prosperous

Conquest of Sikka Multdn^ hy Muhammad Kasim.

When he had settled affairs with Kaksa, he left the fort, crossed
the Bias, and reached the stronghold of Askalanda,^ the people of
which, being informed of the arrival of the Arab army, came out to
fight. Eawa,' son of 'Amiratu-t Tafi, and Kaksa headed the advanced
army and commenced battle. Very obstinate engagements ensued,
so that on both sides streams of blood flowed. The Arabs at the
time of their prayers repeated " Glorious God" with a loud voice,
and renewed the The idolaters were defeated, and threw
themselves into the fort. They began to shoot arrows and fling
stones from the mangonels on the walls. The battle continued for
seven days, and the nephew of the chief of Multan, who was in the
fort of that city, made such attacks that the army began to be

distressed for provisions; but at last the chief of Askalanda* came

out in the night time, and threw himself into the fort of Sikka,
which is a large fort on the south bank of the Kavi. When their

chief had gone awaj', all the people, the artizans, and merchants
sent a message to say that they were subjects, and now that
their chief had fled, they solicited protection from Muhammad
Kfisim. He granted this request of the merchants, artizans, and
agriculturists ; but he went into the fort, kUled four thousand fighting
men with his bloody sword, and sent their families into slaveiy,

[It is here invariaWy called j^liL iL^ in toth MSS. The Alsaka of Biliduri,
page 122.]

He appointed as governor of the fort 'Atba son of Salma Tammf

and himself army proceeded towards Sikka Multan.
"with the
It was a fort on the south bank of the Eavi, and Bajhra Takf,

grandson of Bajhra (daughter's son), was in it.' When he received

the intelligence he commenced operations. Every day, when the
army of the Arabs advanced towards the fort, the enemy came out
and fought, and for seventeen days they maintained a fierce conflict.
From among the most distinguished officers (of Muhammad Kasim)
twenty- five were killed, and two hundred and fifteen other warriors
of Islam were slain. Bajhra passed over the Eavi and "went into
Multan. In consequence of the death of his friends, Muhammad
Kasim had sworn to destroy the fort, so he ordered his men
to pillage ' the whole city. He then crossed over towards Multan,
at the ferry below the city,' and Bajhra came out to take the field.

Muhammad Kasim fights with the ferry-men.

That day the battle raged from morning till sun-set, and when the
world, like a day labourer, covered itself with the blanket of dark-
ness, and the king of the heavenly host covered himself with the
veil of concealment, all retired to their tents. The next day, when
the morning dawned from the horizon, and the earth was illumined,
fighting again commenced, and many men were slain on both
sides ; but the victory remained still undecided. For a space of two
months mangonels and ghazraks* were used, and stones and arrows
were thrown from the walls of the fort. At last provisions became
exceedingly scarce in the camp, and the price even of an ass's head
was raised to five hundred dirams. "When the chief G-ursiya, son of

Chandar, nephew of Dahir, saw that the Arabs were noway dis-

heartened, but on the contrary were confident, and that he had

no prospect of relief, he went to wait on the king of Kashmir.
The next day, when the Arabs reached the fort, and the fight com-

< Translated " a breastplate," "warlike instrument," in fiichardson's Dictionary.

The Haft Kulzum says it also bears the meaning of ofiFensive weapons, as " javelins,"
" daggers."

menced, no place was found suitable for digging a mine until a person
came out of the fort, and sued for mercy. Muhammad Kasim gave
him protection, and ho pointed out a place towards the north on the
banks of a river.' A mine was dug, and in two or three days the
walls fell down, and the fort was taken. Six thousand warriors
were put to death, and all their relations and dependants were
taken as slaves. Protection was given to the merchants, artizans,
and the agriculturists. Muhammad Kasim said the booty ought
to be sent to the treasury of the Khalifa ; but as the soldiers
have taken so much pains, have suffered so many hardships, have
hazarded their lives, and have been so long a time employed in
digging the mine and carrying on the war, and as the fort is now
taken, it is proper that the booty should be divided, and their dues
given to the soldiers.

Division of Plunder.

Then all the great and principal inhabitants of the city assembled

together, and silver to the weight of sixty thousand dirams was

distributed, and every horseman got a share of four hundred dirams
weight. After this, Muhammad Kasim said that some plan should be
devised for realizing the money to be sent to the Khalifa. He was pon-
dering upon this, and was discoursing on the subject, when suddenly a
Brahman came and said, " Heathenism is now at an end, the temples
are thrown down, the world has received the light of Islam, and
mosques are built instead of idol temples. I have heard from the
Multan that in ancient times there was a chief in this city
elders of
whose name was Jibawin,* and who was a descendant of the Eai of
Kashmir. He was a Brahman and a monk, he strictly followed his
religion, and always occupied his time in worshipping idols. When
his treasure exceeded all limit and computation, he made a reservoir

on the eastern side of Multan, which was a hundred yards square.

In the middle of it he built a temple fifty yards square, and he made
there a chamber in which he concealed forty copper jars each of

1 r^tp- / ) | This can hardly mean the main river.]

' [,^p- in MS. ^. and .j,x>- in MS. . The second letter may be *,

making the name Jaaia or Jaswin.]


whicli was filled with African gold dust. A treasure of three

hundred and thirty mans of gold was buried there. Over it there is

a temple in which there is an idol made of red gold, and trees are

planted round the reservoir." It is related by historians, on the

authority of 'Ali bin Muhammad who had heard it from Abii Mu-
hammad Hindu that Muhammad Kasim arose and with his counsel-
lors, guards and attendants, went to the temple. He saw there an
idol made of gold, and its two eyes were bright red rubies.

.Reflection of Muhammad Kdsim.

Muhammad Kasim thought it might perhaps be a man, so he

drew his sword to strike it ; but the Brahman said, " just com-
mander, this is the image which was made by Jibawin,' king of
Multan, who concealed the treasure here and departed. Muhammad
Kasim ordered the idol to be taken up. Two hundred and thirty
mans of gold were obtained, and forty jars filled with gold dust.
They were weighed and the sum of thirteen thousand and two
hundred mans weight of gold was taken out. This gold and the
image were brought to the treasury together with the gems and
pearls and treasure which were obtained from the plunder of the
city of Multan.

It is said by Abii-l Hasan Hamadani, who had heard it from Kharim

son of 'Umax, that the same day on which the temple was dug up
and the treasure taken out, a letter came from Hajjaj Yiisuf to this

effect :
" My nephew, I had agreed and pledged myself, at the time

you marched with the army, to repay the whole expense incurred by
the public treasury in fitting out the expedition, to the Khalifa Walid
bin 'Abdu-1 Malik bin Marwan, and it is incumbent on me to do so.

Now the accounts of the money due have been examined and checked,
and it is found that sixty thousand dirams in pure silver have been
expended for Muhammad Kasim, and up to this date there has been
received in cash, goods, and stuffs, altogether one hundred and
twenty thousand dirams weight.^, Wherever there is an ancient

[Thi3 passage

MS. A. j^ in MS. JB.]

not clear in the original, nor do the MSS. qiute agree, but see
page 123.]

place or famous town or city, mosques and pulpits should be erected

there ; and the khutba should be read, and the coin struck in the
name of this gOYernment. And as you have accomplished so much
with this army by your good fortune, and by seizing fitting oppor-
tunities, so be asf.ured that to whatever place* of the infidels you
proceed it shall be conquered."

Muhammad Kdsim makes terms with the people of Multdn.

When Muhammad Kasim had settled terms with the principal

inhabitants of the city of Multan he erected a Jama' masjid and
minarets, and he appointed Amir Daiid Nasr son of Walid 'Ummani
its governor. He left Kharfm son of 'Abdu-1 Malik Tamim in the
fort of Bramhapiir, on the baiiks of the Jhailam, which was called
Sobiir (Shore?).' Akrama, son of Eihan Shami was appointed gover-
nor of the territory around Multan, and Ahmad son of Harima son
of 'Atba Madani was appointed governor of the forts of Ajtahad
and Karur.'' He despatched the treasure in boats to be carried to
DebaP and paid into the treasury of the capital. He himself stayed
in Multan, and about fifty thousand horsemen, with munitions of
war, were under his command.

Abu Haldm is sent at the head of ten thousand horse towards

He then sent Abii Hakim Shaibani at the head of ten thousand
horse towards Kanauj, to convey a letter from the Khalifa, and with
instructions to invite the Chief to embrace Muhammadanism, to send

tribute, and make his submission. He himself went with the army
to the boundary of Kashmir, which was called the five rivers,* where
Chach, son of Silaij, the father of Dahir, had planted the fir and the
poplar trees, and had marked the boundary. When he arrived there
he renewed the mark of the boundary.

1 [MS. ^ has .jj .^ -Blias.jui^] ' [Kardd in J!.]

* [See p. X44.]

The army and Abu Sakim arrive at Udhdfar}

At this time the chief of Kanauj was the son of Jahtal Kai.
When the army reached as far as l/dhafar, Ahu Hakim Shaihani
ordered Zaid, son of 'Amrii Kallahi, to be brought before him.
He said, " Zaid, y6u must go on a mission to Eai Har Chandar,
son of Jahtal, and deliver the mandate for his submission to
Islam, and say that from the ocean to the boundary of Kashmir
all kings and chiefs have acknowledged the power and authority of
the Muhammadans, and have made their submission to Amir
'Imadu-d Din, general of the Arab army, and persecutor of the
infidels. That some have embraced Islam, and others have agreed to

send tribute to the treasury of the Khalifa." ^

Answer of Bdl Har Chandar of Kanauj.

Eai Har Chandar replied, " This country for about one thousand
six; hundred years has been under our rule and governance. During
our sovereignty no enemy has ever dared to encroach upon our
boundary, nor has any one ventured to oppose us, or to lay hands
upon our territory. What fear have I of you that you should
revolve such propositions and absurdities in your mind. It is not

proper to send an envoy to prison, otherwise, for this speech and for
this impossible claim you would deserve such treatment. Other
enemies and princes may listen to you, but not 1? Now go back to
your master, and tell him that we must fight against each other in
order that our strength and might may be tried, and that either I may
conquer or be conquered by you. When the superiority of one side
or the other in warfare and courage shall be seen, then peace or
war shall be determined on." When the message and letter of Eai
Har Chandar was delivered to Muhammad Kasim, he took the advice
of all the chiefs, nobles, commanders, and warriors, and said, " Up
to this time, by the favour of God, and the assistance of the heavens,

the Eais of Hiud have been defeated and frustrated, and victory has
declared in favour of Islam. To day we have come to encounter
this cursed infidel who is puffed up with hisarmy and elephants

s [Such is Sir H. Elliot's own rendering of wliat seems to be an imperfect sentence

in tte original.]

With the power and assistance of God, it behoves you to exert youi-
selves that -we may subdue him, and be victorious and successful
over him." All were ready to fight against Eaf Har Chandar,'
and united together, and urged Muhammad Kasim to declare war.

Orders from the Capital to Muhammad Kdsim.

The next day, when the king of the heavenly host showed his
face to the world from behind the veil of night, a dromedary rider
with orders from the seat of government arrived. Muhammad, son
of 'All Abu-1 Hasan Hamadanf says, that when Eai Dahir was
killed, his two virgin daughters were seized in his palace, and
Muhammad Kasiin had sent them to Baghdad under the care of his
negro slaves. The Khalifa of the time sent them into his harem to be
taken care of for a few days till they were fit to be presented to him.
After some time, the remembrance of them recurred to the noble
mind of the Khalifa, and he ordered them both to be brought before
him at night. Walid 'Abdu-1 Malik told the interpreter to inquire
from them which of thenj was the eldest, that he might retain her
by him, and call the other sister at another time. The interpreter
first asked their names. The eldest said, "My name is Suryadeo,"
and the youngest replied, " my name is Parmaldeo." He called the
eldest to him, and the youngest he sent back to be taken care of.

When he had made the former sit down, and she uncovered her face,

theKhalifa of the time looked at her, and was enamoured of her sur-
passing beauty and charms. Her powerful glances robbed his heart
of patience. He laid his hand upon Suryadeo and drew her towards
him. But Suryadeo stood up, and said, " Long live the king I am !

not worthy the king's bed, because the just Commander 'Imadu-d-Din
Muhammad Kasim kept us three days near himself before he sent us
to the royal residence. Perhaps it is a custom among you but ;

such ignominy should not be suffered by kings." The Khalifa was

overwhelmed with love, and the reins of patience had fallen from
his hand. Through indignation he could not stop to scrutinize the

matter. He asked for ink and paper, and commenced to write a

letter with his own hand, commanding that at whatever place Mu-

hammad Kasim had arrived, he should sufier himself to be sewed

up in a hide and sent to the capital.
1 [See Ayin Aktari II. 219. Abii-1 Fazl gives tlio same name.]

VOL. I. 14

Muhammad Kddm reaches Udhdfar, and receives the order from

the Khalifa's capital.

When Muhammad Kasim received the letter at XJdhafar, he gave

the order to his people and they sewed him up in a hide, put him in
a chest, and sent him back. Muhammad Kasim thus delivered his
soul to God. The officers who were appointed to the different
places remained at their stations, while he was taken in the chest
to the Khalifa of the time. The private chamberlain reported to
Walid 'Abdu-1-Malik, son of Marwan, that Muhammad Kasim Sakifi
had been brought to the capital. The Khalifa asked whether he was
alive or dead. It was replied, " May the Khalifa's life, prosperity,

and honour be prolonged to eternity. When the royal mandates

were received in the city of tfdhapur,' Muhammad Kasim imme-
diately, according to the orders, had himself sewed up in a raw hide,
and after two days delivered his soul to God and went to the eternal

world. The authorities whom he had placed at different stations

maintain the country ia their possession, the Khutba continues to
be read in the name of the Khalifa, and they use their best endeavours
to establish their supremacy."

The Khalifa opens the chest.

The Khalifa then opened the chest and called the girls into his
presence. He had a green bunch of myrtle in his hand, and point-
ing with it towards the face of the corpse, said, " See, my daughters,
how my commands which are sent to my agents are observed and
obeyed by all. When these my orders reached Kanauj, he sacrificed
his precious life at my command."

The address of Janki,^ daughter of Ddhir, to K/ialifa 'Abdu^l

Malik, son of Marwan.

Then the virtuous Janki put off the veil from her face, placed
her head on the ground, and said, " May the king live long, may his
prosperity and glory increase for many years ; and may he be

1 [This is the reading of MS. A. in this passage ; the other MS. stiU keeps to its
reading " ITdhEibar." Mir M'asdm says "Udhapiir" and the Tuhfatu-1 Kir&m
writes it with points " TJdaipur." There is a place of this name in the desert north
of Bikanlr.]
2 This is a different name from that which she gave herself, when first asked.

adorned with perfect wisdom. It is proper that a king should

test with the touchstone of reason and weigh in his mind whatever
he hears from friend or foe, and when it is found to be true and in-
dubitable, then orders compatible with justice should be given. By
so doing he wUl not fall under the wrath of God, nor be contemned
by the tongue of man. Tour order's have been obeyed, but your
gracious mind is wanting in reason and judgment. Muhammad
Kasim respected our honour, and behaved like a brother or son to

us, and he never touched us, your slaves, with a licentious hand.
But he had killed the king of Hind and Sind, he had destroyed the
dominion of our forfefathers, and he had degraded us from the dignity
of royalty to a state of slavery, therefore, to retaliate and to revenge
these injuries, we uttered a falsehood before the Khalifa, and our
object has-been fulfilled. Through this fabrication and deceit have
we taken our revenge. Had the Khalifa not passed such peremptory
orders; had he not lost his reason through the violence of his
passion, and had he considered it proper to investigate the matter,
he would not have subjected himself to this repentance and reproach ;

and had Muhammad Kasim, assisted by his wisdom, come to within

one day's journey from this place, and then have put himself into
a hide, he would have been liberated after inquiry, and not have
died." The Khalifa was very sorry at this explanation, and from

excess of regret he bit the back of his hand.

Janki again addresses the Khalifa.

Jankf again opened her lips and looked at the Khalifa. She per-
ceived that his anger was much excited, and she said, " The king has

committed a very grievous mistake, for he ought not, on account of

two slave girls, to have destroyed a person who had taken captive
a hundred thousand modest women like us, who had brought down
seventy chiefs who ruled over Hind and Sind from their thrones to
their coffins; and who instead of temples had erected mosques,

pulpits, and minarets. If Muhammad Kasim had been guilty of

any little neglect or impropriety, he ought not to have been destroyed
on the mere word of a designing person." The Khalifa ordered both
the sisters to be enclosed between walls. Prom that time to this
day the flags of Islam have been more and more exalted every
day, and are still advancing.




This is the most copious history of Sind which we possess,

inasmuch, as besides containiDg an account of the Arabian con-

quest, it brings the annals of this country down to the time of

its incorporation into the Moghul empire in the time of Akbar.

The work, which is sometimes called T4rikh-i M'asiimi, is

divided into four chapters.

The first chapter contains an account of the events which led
to the conquest of Sind by the Arabs, and closes with the death

of R^j& Dahir, though it professes to carry the history down to

the Khalifa Hdriin.
The second chapter, after omitting all notice of the two
centuries which elapsed between Hariin and Mahmiid of Grhazni,
gives an account of Sind under the Emperors of Dehli, and of
the Siimra and Samma dynasties, after the invasion of Timur.
The author mentions at the close of the chapter that he was in-
duced to give an account of the Siimras and Sammas in detail,

because it was to be found nowhere else. But his own is much

confused from his inattention to dates.
The third chapter is devoted to the history of the Arghunia
dynasty, including an account of Siwi, Kandahar, &c. ; of some
celebrated holy men, judges, and Saiyids, and of the kings of

Multdn. It also contains an account, in more than usual detail,

of the Emperor Humdyiin's operations in Sind and the desert,
after his flis;ht from i^gra.
The fourth chapter contains a tedious relation of the mode in
which Sind fell under the power of Akbar upon the capitulation
of Mirzd Jd,ni Beg of Thatta, in a.d. ]592. We have also oc-
casional notices of the interference of the Firingis in the affairs

of Thatta. As the author was contemporary with this event,

he enters into very minute particulars, which are, however, for
the most part, uninteresting. Amongst his own personal ex-
periences, he describes an interview he had with the Emperor
Akbar, who bestowed on him three villages in Jaglr, in the
district of Bhakkar.
Muhammad M'asum, who gave himself the poetical title of
N^mi, was born at Bhakkar, in Sind, and was the son of Safayi
Husaini, an inhabitant of Kirmdn. [He was a man of consider-
able attainments, and he rose to some distinction in the service

of Akbar and .Jahangir. His knowledge of history was highly

esteemed in his own day. He was also a poet of some repute,
and an excellent caligraphist.^] His history of Sind was written
in A.D. 1600, for the instruction and improvement of his son,
named Mir Buzurg, in order that, " by reading it he might learn
what good men of old did that he might discriminate between

right and wrong ; between that which is useM and the reverse,
and might learn to follow the paths of virtuous men."
The only work quoted by him as an authority is the Chach-
nama, which he abridges in his first chapter, relating to the
Arab conquest of Sind. He is credulous and delights in recount-

ing miracles of saints, but he gives no legendary lore like the

Tuhfatu-1 Kirdm. Mir M'asum and his work have been noticed
by several writers: by Badduni (under article "Nami") by
Haidar Edzi, the Ma-dsiru-1 Umra, the Tuhfatu-1 Kiram,
and Mirat-i Daulat 'Abbdsi.*

' Journal As. Soc. Beng. Feb. 1838, Sprenger's Bibliog. p. 37. De Tassy's
Bibl. I. 356. Morley's Catalogue p. 72. See also Bird's Guzerat.

[Copies of this history are common.' There are two in the

BritishMuseum, one of which was transcribed from a copy made
from the author's own autograph. There is another in the
Library of the Royal Asiatic Society, which has been fully
described by Morley in his Catalogue ; a fourth in the Library
of the East India Office, and there is a copy in Sir H. Elliot's

Library which was written for hira in 1852. This copy and that
of the R. As. Soc. have been used for the following translations,
and are referred to as MSS. A. and .']

[At the end of Sir H. Elliot's copy, there is a brief history of

Sind in "three distinct chapters." It is written in the same

hand and bears the same date as the rest of the MS. Though
occupying only nineteen pages, it gives a summary of the history
of Sind, to the end of the last century from Rdi Siharas,
down to Ahmad Shdh Durdni. The author's name is not
given, but the contents are generally in accordance with the
history of M'asiim.J

This work has been translated by Capt. Gr. Malet, late British
Resident at Khairptir, but so literally, as not to be fit for pub-
lication in its present shape. [There is a copy of this trans-
lation in Sir H. Elliot's library, which, on examination, is

found to contain matter that is entirely absent from all

the five MSS. above specified. One long passage quoted

hereafter, relates to the Sumra dynasty, the history of
which is involved in considerable obscurity. The additional
names it supplies, receive some support from the " Tuhfatu-1
Kiram," but nothing corroborative has been found in the other

Sindian histories. There is some apparent similarity between the

general style of the history and that of the additional matter.
Like Mir M'asiim, the writer always employs some figurative
expression for the death of a prince, but this is a practice
very common among historians, and the style may have been

1 [Wilson refers to the -work in his Catalogue of the Mackenzie Collection (II.
p. 129),and Capt. Mao Murdo iu hia Paper on Sind (Journal E. A. S Vol. I. ,

p. 223.)]
TARfKH-I M-ASlTMr. 215

designedly imitated, so that the resemblance affords no evidence of

authenticity. The general concurrence of the MSS. and the
authority of the British Museum MS. ia suflScient to stamp the
passage as an interpolation though there appears to be some
authority for its statements. Morley, in his Catalogue, notices an
interpolation in the MS. of the Royal Asiatic Society, which comes
in abruptly within a few lines of the end of the history. He says,
" After this, in the present MS. there is an account of Duda, who
was ruler of Thattha in the time of N4siru-d din Mahmud, King of
Dehli, occupying six pages. In the East India House MS.
(No. 43) this is omitted ; the history ending immediately after
the capitulation of Jdni Beg, and stating in four lines that he
died in A.h. 10X1 (a.d. 1602), and was succeeded in his govern-
ment by his son Mirza 'Asi. The MS. in the British Museum
(Addit. No. 16,700), agrees with that of the East India House
in this respect," and with Sir H. Elliot's. Diida is the name
of one of the princes given in Malet's additional passage, but
the matter of these pages differs from his.]
Sir H. Elliot's copy contains 290 folios of fourteen lines each,

and of these about forty-five have been translated.

Book II.

Account of the Samma dynasty.

It has been already related how Sultan Mahmud came from

Ghazni, and after capturing the fort of Multan, brought the country

of Sind under his authority, and sent his officers to govern it. After
the death of Mahmud, the sovereignty passed to his offspring, and
the government (of Sind) devolved upon 'Abdu-r Eashid Sultan
Mas'ud. This prince gave himself up to the pursuit of pleasure,
and heeded not the duties of government; so the people on the
distant borders began, to reject his authority and throw off the yoke
of obedience. At that time the men of Sumra assembled in the

vicinity of Thari ' and raised a man named Sumra^ to the throne. He
had passed a long time as the head of the trite of Siimra, and he
cleared the country of disaffection. This man formed a connection
with Sad, a powerful Zamindar in those parts, and married his

daughter. She bore him a son named Bhungar, who on the death
of his father succeeded to the hereditary states, and died after an
active reign.
His son named Dilda then inherited the throne, and reigned for
some years. He extended his authority to Nasrpur, hut died in the
flower of his age. He left an infant son name Singhar and a
daughter named Tari, who on the government
for a time carried

and kept the people imder her control. When Singhar came of age
he himself assumed the government, and looked after the affairs of
the revenue and the State, punishing all men who were disaffected
and rebellious. He directed his efforts against the country of Kachh
and extended his sway as far as Manik Bai.' Some years after this
he died, leaving no son ; but his wife, named Hamun, carried on the

government in the fort of Dahak, and she deputed her brothers to

govern Muhammad Tur and Thari. A short time after this the
brethren of Duda, who were hidden came
in that neighbourhood,
forth and opposed the brethren of On of them, named
Pitthu,* a descendant of Diida, was supported by a body of followers.

He overthrew all those who set up pretensions to the throne, and

established himself in the sovereignty. After reigning some years,
he died, when a man named Khaira carried on the business of the
State, and made himself remarkable for his virtues. He reigned
for some years to the time of his death.

[Malet's MS- translation proceeds as follows for seven pages, inter-

polating matter not to he found in any of the five MSS. examined, as

previously stated in page 214. j
" With the occurrence of the Ami'rs, Khafi'f succeeded him, and
sat on the throne of the kingdom. Having made good arrange-
^ [The " Little
Desert" separating Sind from Kachh.]
' [Malet's translation adds " son of Chandar," but this is in neither of our MSS.]
' [So in MS. . The other MS. omits the name. Malet calls it " Manik Kai."
Manj&hari ?]
* ["Pitthdu'-inMS. v^.]

ments for the country in his hands; he with heart at ease went and
remained at Thatta. During his government the ryots and all

the other people of Sind were relieved from thieves and disturbers
of the peace ; all were happy and contented. By chance it one
day came into his mind that it was not proper for him to be
always merely sitting on the throne, that it was better to spend
some time in the shikdrgdjis, the jungles, and plains, which had
become green from rain, and where the animals were grazing
happily. After this, having collected many men, he marched
against the Bulnchis, the Sodhas, and the Jharejas. On reaching
their borders, Ean Mai Sodha, Eam Eai Jhareja, and Mihran
Bulueh, being introduced by the Amirs and other men of weight,
came and made great offerings. Khafif, presenting them with
handsome presents in return, made them very happy. He then
gave them their dismissal.
" He proposed returning to Thatta the following morning, but
at that time a Bulueh came complaining that the tiueves of the
tribe of Samma had plundered his tribe, taking everything they
possessed. On hearing this Khafif was much astonished, and at
the instant mounting with those who were with him he started
and quickly came against this tribe. He took all the property
which had been robbed from the Buliichis, and those men who
had disobeyed orders and acted in this manner he punished with
severity. His arrangements were such in all the country under
him, from Kachh to Nasrpiir, that in the whole of that space no
one during his reign disobeyed his orders ; if they did so, he
gave them to the sword. When he found that there were none
to give trouble, he was at ease and came to Thatta. In his time
all the people, the soldiers, the Amirs, the ryots, etc., were very
happy. He lived a long while at Thatta, till from this world he
journeyed to the next world.
"After the death of Khafif, the people, the men of weight
under government, and those out of employ, agreeing that it was
proper, raised Duda, the son of Umar, and grandson of Pitthu, to
the throne of the saltanat in his place. When all the affairs of
the State were firm in his hands, Singhar, a zamindar, came to
pay his yearly taxes. He became acquainted with Duda. This

had lasted some time, when one day he spoke of Kachh in the
following terms, in his presence, saying that he had heard that
the Samma trihe had determined to come to Thatta to take it,

and that he should be prepared for this. On hearing this, Diida,

collecting forces out of numher, marched to Kachh, and he

severely twisted the ears of those people. Then a man of the
Samma tribe named Lakha came as ambassador, bringing presents,
and a Kachhi horse, making offering of these, and asking pardon
for their sins. Duda, with great kindness, gave him presents
in money, a horse, and a khil'at, allowing him then to depart.
From thence, with heart at rest, he came to Thari, where he
spent a long time. All the people and ryots were so completely
under his hands, that without orders from him they did nothing.
When at Thari, Ean Mai Sodha came, and making his salam,
urged as a petition, that in the time of Khafif the Jat Buluchis
paid tribute, but that now it seemed that they, through ignorance,
had taken their heads from out of the noose of submission. He
added, that having heard of this he made him (Duda) acquainted
with it, and that it seemed advisable that a force should be put
under him, which he would take against them, and thus, making
them pay up their arrears of tribute from the days of Khafif to
the present time, he would bring it to him. The reason of his
speaking ip. this way was, that formerly a feud existed between
him (Ean Mai) and the Jharejas, when a fight had taken place
between the parties, in which great numbers of Ean Mai's men
had been killed and wounded, so he told as above to Duda to
enable him to have his revenge upon them. Diida being of a
good heart, gave him encouragement, keeping him near him.
He also sent to call the men of Jhareja. When his messengers
got there, and told what Ean Mai had said, they came before
them with their swords suspended from round their necks,
making their saldm, and declaring that they and all their families

were the slaves of Duda, and if he ordered them all to be con-

fined they would not ask the reason why. Then taking presents
for Duda they came to him in one week. The messengers who
accompanied them having received good treatment at their hands,
spoke in their favour. Diida said to Ean Mai, '
These men
TAErKH-I M'SlSlTMr. 219

having great confidence, have sent only two of their tribe, and
these have come to make their salam ;
you told me another
stoiy.' Duda for some time detained Ean Mai on the plea of its
being the rainy season ; but in Ean Mai's breast that thorn
pricked him, so one day with great earnestness he insisted upon
being allowed to depart, when Duda gave him leave, and he
went to his tribe. On getting there he became rebellious.
Seeing this, Eam Eai Jhareja and Mihran Buluch, quickly going
to Duda, told him of this circumstance. It came into Diida's
mind that probably these men were doing what Ean Mai had
done ; therefore he determined in the first place to send two
men to Ean Mai, who, ascertaining all the facts, might come and
tell him. He despatched two men, at the time of whose arrival
at the tribe Ean Mai was absent, he haviag gone to the jungle,
to collect troops. His brethren did not pay the messengers any
attention, speaking improperly before them. Ean Mai hearing
of the arrival of these, came and sat down with them in a
friendly manner, but he shortly after spoke in an unbecoming
way. When Duda's men said it was not right to talk in that
way, that he had better cease collecting men, and go to Duda,
when if he had anything to complain of he might do so to him.
But however much they advised, it had no effect upon him ; so
Duda's people rising, left him, and returning told all the circum-
stances to Diida. this, collected many troops, and
He, hearing of
went against this people. Ean Mai, having also got together a
large force, came out into the plain. The two parties met and
fought for six hours, at which time the men of both sides stood
resolute. Many had fallen in that time of either party. Being
exhausted, and night comiug on, all the men sat down where
they stood, spendiag the time iu planning operations for the
morrow. In the morning the two forces recommenced fighting
when by chance an arrow struck Ean Mai in the throat, and his

life went to hell. Great fear then took possession of his troops,
because an army without a sarddr is like a man without a head ;

so they turned their faces in the direction of flight, when Duda's

men, pursuing them, slew great numbers, and plundered exten-
sively. The force being put to flight, Eai Sing and Jag Mai

came as ambassadors, bringing presents to Diida, and they

obtained forgiveness of their faults.
" Diida after this went to Nasrpur, the Zaminddrs, chief men and
]cdzis of which place brought him presents, and Duda, accepting
these, remained there some time, during which period Sahiba,
the son of Ean Mai Sodha, brought two fine Kachhi horses as
an offering and paid his respects to him. He declared that his
brethren had induced Ean Mai to turn his heart from and become
rebellious against him (Duda), so much so that these men were
even now disobedient, and that if a force went from the Sarkdr
and punished them they would not do so again, but would always
bring presents. Diida upon this left Nasrpur and by forced
marches came there, but after doing so he discovered that the
brethren of Ean Mai and others would not agree to have Sahiba
as their sarddr, so he understood that it was on this account that

he. had brought him there. Duda then summoned all the tribe,
telling them to agree to have Sahiba as their chief with all their

hearts. By this order they agreed to do so when Sahiba pre-

sented Es.20,000 as nazrdnd. Duda marching thence came to

Thatta, remaining there. From thence he travelled to that other

" On the death of Diida his son TJmar ' with the aid of the
nobles and other men of courage sat on the throne. When
his father's country came into his hands he took to drinking
wine, paying no attention to the country. On hearing this the
Sammas, the Sodhas, the Jats and Buliichis left off obeying his
orders, becoming rebellious. When Mulla Hamid heard of this
he told TJmar of it, who collecting a large force went towards
Kachh. On his approach the Sammas having collected many
men, went out into the plain to meet him. There was fighting
in which the men of Samma were the strongest. Seeing this, and
that his affairs would be ruined, Mulla Hamid called the sarddrs,
to whom he gave presents, saying, "Thatta is far distant, money
is scarce, if you fight welland defeat the enemy, much property
will come into our possession, which will be enough to enable
us to return to Thatta." Heariag this the spirits of his force

> [This name is always spelt with " m" in this extract.]


were raised, and making an attack on the enemy they defeated

them, when much plunder of every kind came into their hands.
After this the men of Samma bringing Eaja Jagannath Sodha

(who had quitted his brethren in anger and had come to Kachh),
as their mediator, came to Umar, making their salam and bring-
ing presents. Umar returning from thence quickly went against
the Sodhas, Jats, and Buluchis ; all of whom fearing the con-
sequences, made their salam. He then with confidence in his
heart went to Than', where he died.
" At this time his son Duda was small ; therefore the men of
consequence put Chanar, the son of TJmar's brother, in his
place. Chanar went out to make his arrangements in his
country. Having done this and placed the troublesome on the
edge of the sword, his heart beiag at ease he sat down. At that
time Duda attained puberty, so Chanar wished, by some strata-

gem, to get him into his hands and to confine him. But hearing
of this Diida turned his face towards G-hazni, and crossing the
river he came to a place Daryacha Nan Sang, close under Fath-
pur, where he saw a man coming along with a bundle of sticks

for hukha snakes, on his head. As this man drew near all his
entrails became visible to Duda. At this he was much astonished ;

so calling the man to him, he lifted the bundle of pipes off his

head, when nothing of the kind was to be seen. So being

greatly amazed he put the bundle on the man's head again, when
he beheld as before. He then knew that there must be some
device in these sticks, and he purchased them, giving the man
some money for them. Then sitting down at the river's edge,

he put the sticks one by one into the water. All went down
with the stream ; but one from amongst them went upwards
against it. So taking this one, he divided it at all the knots

he then put each knot into the water. All of them went- down
the stream, except one, in which the device was, and this one
went up against the current. So takiag this one he kept it, and
went to Grhazni. At that time the king of that place. Sultan
Maudud Shah, was iU from severe sickness^ which was without
cure. So on his arrival there, Duda gave out that he was a
doctor. Historians write that Sultan Maudud's sickness was

caused in this manner. One day he went to see a sMMrgdh

under some hUls, when by chance an animal started from before
him. It was then the custom that whoever an animal started ia
front of he alone pursued it. So iu accordance with this custom,
the Sultan rode after this animal alone for a long distance, but
did not kill it. From this exertion great thirst and hunger came
upon him ; so searchiag about he found a stream of water near

the foot of the liills. Having no cup or basiu with him, being
helpless, he put his mouth into the water and drank, when in
doing so he swallowed two small young snakes, which went
down into and remained in his stomach. In two years these had
grown large, and began causing him much pain. All the doctors
of the country had physicked him, but none of them could make
him well. The Sultan was approachiag to death, when at that
time Ddda arrived, saying, he was a doctor, and that he had come
from Sind to cure the king with his physic. The royal physi-
cians hearing this, laughed, saying, What wisdom has this '

Sindian, that he should say he was able to give mediciue to the

king ? ' One of the. attendants told the king of the arrival of
this Sindian, and how the royal doctors laughed at him. The
Sultan hearing of this, called and received him with distinction,

saying, he had suffered from this sickness for a long time, that
many doctors had given him medicine, but all without effect : but
now that he (the Sindian) had come, he was ia hopes that he
might get well by his physic. Then Diida, stripping the Sultan,

placed that stick on his head, when he saw that two snakes were
in his stomach. Then removing the stick, he told the Sultan
he understood what was the matter with him, and that it was a
very bad disease. He added that if the Sultan would give him a
written document to the effect that if he died while under his
care no blame should attach to him, that he would give him
medicine. The Sultdn at once wrote such a document, and
putting his seal to it, gave it to Duda. Then Duda did not give
the Sultan anything to eat for two days. On the third day,
tying up his eyes, he placed the stick on his head, and having
got two small fine iron hooks he tied a silken line to them, and
wrapping them up in bread, he gave one to the Sulban, who,
TA'KrKK-I M-AStTMr. 223

having swallowed it, lie (Duda) saw a snake take it. When he
saw that it was well in the mouth of one of the snakes, he pulled
it up and brought it out. Then again he did the same, and in
like manner he took the other from out of the royal stomach.
In about an hour the Sultan felt much relieved, so untying his
eyes, Duda showed him when being very happy
the two snakes,
the Sultan said, 'Ask from me what you wish.' Then Dudd
said, '
I am a chief, but by his superior strength Chanar has
taken away my father's country, and on this account I have
come here. If the king will give me a force, I will take my
revenge on him.' On hearing this the Sultan gave orders to
and when it was ready he gave it to him. When
collect a force,

army approached Thatta, being unable to meet it, Chanar sat


down in the fort, which being surrounded on all sides by the

royal troops, they took into their hands the implements for
breaking down forts, and fighting commenced. For twelve days
they fought together in this manner, after which the wind of
victory struck the standards of the royal troops, and Chanar and
many of his men were given to the sword. Those who escaped
the sword ran away and dispersed. By taking this fort much
wealth and property fell iato the hands of those people.
"When Duda, the son of Umar, sat on the throne of his
father, this force returned to Grhazni. He reigned many years
with strength and wisdom. Afterwards, by this order, '
life will drink the sherbet of death,' Duda drank the sherbet of
mortality at the hands of the cup-bearer of Death. He took the
apparatus of his life to the living world."

[End of the interpolated passages.]

After him a person named Armil ascended the throne. He was a

tyrant and an oppressor, and the people, disgusted with his violence,
resolved to dethrone and slay him. Some men of the tribe of
Samma had previously come from Kachh and had settled in Sind,
where they formed alliances with the people of the country. In
this tribe there was a man named Unar distinguished for intelligence.

The chief men of the country brought him secretly into the city, and
in the morning a party of them entered into the house of Armil,

slew him, and placed Ms head over the gate of the city. The
assemhled people then placed Unar on the throne.

Jam Unar} son of Bdbiniya.

Jam Unar with the assent of the nobles thus became King, and
the great body of the people supported him. He led an expedition
against Siwistan, then governed by Malik, the representative of the
Turk kings.'' Eeaching the vicinity of Siwistan he drew up his
army in battle array ; Malik Eatan also came out of the fort vwth
his force, and the battle began. In the first contest Jam Unar was
defeated, but his brothers came up to his assistance, and he renewed
the fight. Malik Eatan, in galloping his horse, was thrown to the
ground, and Jam Unar cut off his head. The fort of Siwistan then
fell into Unar's power. Malik Firoz and 'Ali Shah Turk were at
this time in the vicinity of Bhakkar, and they wrote a letter to Jam
Unar to the following effect. "This boldness is unbecoming, so
now prepare to meet the royal army, and make a brave stand."
These words took effect upon him, and he proceeded to Thari.' He
then fell ill and died after reigning three years and six months.
Some writers relate that after Jam Unar returned from: the conquest
of Siwistan, he was one night engaged drinking vnne in a convivial
party, when news was brought of a party of rebels having risen
against him. He instantly sent against them Gahar, son of Tamachi,
who was his vakil. Gahar was drunk when he encountered them
and was made prisoner. The enemy held him captive, and Jam
Unar kept up his carouse without heeding the captivity of his officer.
This rankled in the breast of G-ahar, and when he escaped, by a
weU-oontrived stratagem, from the clutches of his captors, he
turned away from Jam Unar and went to the fort of Bhakkar.
There he had an interview with 'Ali Shah Turk, who in concert
with Malik Piroz, raised a force and slew Jam Unar in the fort of
Bahrampiir. Malik Firoz was left in command of the fort, and 'Ali
Shah returned home. Three days afterwards Jdm Unar's followers

' [Morley has a note upon the varied spelling of this name, but Sir H. Elliot's MS.
specifies how the name is pointed, making it " Unar," -which is the spelling most
generally accepted.]

i^y C^^ J^-*- J^
[t//V^ in A. ^j^ in .B.]
TARfKH-I M'ASinir, 225

managed by craft and stratagem to kill botli Gahar son of TamacW

and Malik Firoz.

JAm Jiina son of Bdhiniya.

Aft( r the death of JW Unar, Jiina, of the tribe of Samma, received
the title of Jam. He conceived the design of subduing all Sind.

Showing great kindness and attention to his brethren and other

relatives, he appointed them to further his designs upon the country.
These men crossed (the river) at the village of Talahti, and began
to kill the people and lay waste the villages and towns of Bhakkar.
Two or three desperate fights ensued between the Sammas and the
chiefs of Bhakkar, but as the Turks were unable to withstand the
Sammas they withdrew from the fort of Bhakkar and retired to Uch.
When Jam Juna heard of their retreat, he proceeded to Bhakkar,
and for some years reigned supreme over Sind. But at length
Sultan 'Alau-d din appointed his brother, Ulugh Khan to the district
of Multan. Ulugh Khan then sent Taj Kafuri and Tatar Khan to
oppose Jam Juna in Sind, but before their arrival the Jam died of
quinsey. He had reigned thirteen years. The forces of 'Alau-d din
took possession of the Bhakkar and then directed their efforts against

Jam TamucM (and Jam Khairu-d din) .

This prince ascended his hereditary throne with the assent of the
nobles. The army of 'Alau-d din after some fighting, took him
prisoner, and carried him with his family prisoners to Dehli. There
he had children.' But the Samma tribe brought them to Thari, and
keeping them prisoners took the business of government into their
own hands, and exerted themselves in carrying on the affairs of the
State. After the lapse of some time and the death of Jam Tamachi,
his son Malik Khairu-d din, who, in infancy, had gone to Dehli with
his father, returned to Sind and assumed the government. Shortly
afterwards. Sultan Muhammad Shah proceeded to Guzerat by way
of Sind, and summoned Jam Khairu-d din to his presence. But

1 [There appears to be some confusion here : MS. A. says, ^\ Jj j J \ss^\ J 1 ,.1 .

iXi iXw . ^- omits the word ord, but agrees in other respects. Malet's translation says,
" where he remained in confinement." The copyists have perhaps confounded the
and zinddn. prison.]
yfoxAs, farzandun, children,

VOL. I. 15


the Jam had endured the hardships of prison, and resolutely refused
to comply. Sultan Muhammad Shah, son of Tughlik Shah, died in
the neighbourhood of Bhakkar. After his death, Sultan Firoz Shah
succeeded under the will of the late king, and hy hereditary right.'

He departed from Sin; a dependency of Siwistan, for his capital, Dehli

and JamKhairu-d din, after following him some stages from that place,
turned back. The Sultan kept this fact in mind. After the depar-
ture of the Sultan, Khairu-d dm exerted himself in administering
justice and in improving the condition of the people. The following
story is told of one of the remarkable incidents in the life of this
benevolent prince. One day he went out for exercise with a party
of attendants and servants, and by chance discovered a quantity of
human bones in a hole. He drew rein, and looking at those decay-
ing relics, asked his followers if they knew what the bones told him.
On their hanging their heads and keeping silence, he said, " These
are the remains of injured men, and they cry for justice.," He im-
mediately directed his attention to an investigation of the facts. So
he called to his presence an old man to whom the land belonged,
and questioned him about the bones. The old man said, "Seven

years ago, a caravan which had come from Cruzerat, was plundered
and the travellers killed by such and such a tribe, who still hold
a good deal of the spoil." As soon as he heard this theJam directed
the property to be gathered together ; and when this was done he
sent it to the ruler of G-uzerat requesting that it might be distributed
among the heirs of the slaia. He then inflicted punishment on the
murderers. Some years after this he died.

Jam Bdhaniya.
Jam Bdbaniya succeeded after the death of his father, and as-
cended the throne with the assent of the nobles and chiefs. At this
time Sultan Ffroz Shah having set his mind at rest about Hindustan
and Guzerat, turned his attention to the conquest of Sind. Jam
Babaniya drew up his forces to resist him, but when the Sultan had
been in the eountiy three months, inundation, adverse winds, and
swarms of mosquitos, compelled him, at the beginning of the rains,
to retire to Pattan in Guzerat. After the rains he returned to

1 [tj; .\\ , There is no mention of this in MS. B. nor in Malet's translation.]

TA'RrKH-I M'AStTMr. 227

Sind with a numerous army. A battle ensued, in wbich. Jam

Babaniya was taken prisoner, and the whole country of Sind became
subject to Sultan Firoz. The Jam was carried off in the retinue of
the Sultdn, and after remaining for some time in attendance, he
became the object of the royal favour, a royal robe was given to him
and he was reinstated in the government of Sind. There he reigned
ia peace for fifteen years and then departed this life.

Jdm Tamdchi
Succeeded to the thrdne on the death of his brother,' and carried on
the government. He was fond of ease and enjoyment, and passed
his days in indulgence and pleasure. After reigning thirteen years
he died of the plague.

Jdm 8aldhu-d din.

After the death of Jam Tamachi, Salahu-d din carried on the busi-
ness of government. His. first act was a rectification of the frontier,
which had been encroached upon by refractory subjects. He ac-

cordingly sent a force to punish them, and after inflicting salutary

chastisement, he marched against Kachh. Some obstinate fighting

ensued, but in every encounter he was victorious, and he returned
home in triumph with the spoils, to look after the afiairs of his
army and people. He died after reigning eleven years and some
Jdm Nizdmu-d din.
Nizamu-d din succeeded his father Salahu-d din, with the con-

currence of the nobles. He relfiased his uncles^ Malik Sikandar,

Karan, Bahau-d dm, and Amar, who were in confinement for reasons
of State policy, and sent each one to his district. He then left the

affairs of the kingdom in the hands of the officials, and gave himself
up night and day to pleasure and enjoyment. This neglect of his
duty induced his uncles to raise a force, and to enter the city with
the intention of seizing him. But he received information of this
design, and left the city at midnight with some troops, and
went off towards Guzerat. In the morning, when the fact be-

' [MS. A. says, he "succeeded on the death of his father, -with the consent of his

^^- ^- "'weyer, says, .K ,1]

came known, the uncles started in pursuit ; but at this juncture, the
chief men of the city, seeing the strife and commotion, brought forth
Jam 'All Sher from his concealment, and raised him to the throne.
Jam Nizamu-d din died about this time, and his uncles turned back
with shame and loss, and passed into the desert.

Jdm 'All Sher.

Jam 'All Sher mounted the throne with the consent of the great
men and nobles, and opened wide the gates of justice and kindness.
He was wise and brave, and he immediately devoted himself to the
duties of government. The country of Sind was brought into a due

state of order, all the people passed their days in security and ease
under his rule. After a time he devoted himself more to pleasure,
and he used roam about in moonlight nights. Sikandar, Karan,
and Fath Khan, sons of Tamachi, who were living in sorry plight in
the desert, became acquainted with Jam 'Ali Sher's mode of recrea-
tion. So they set forth, and travelling by night and hiding
themselves by day, they reached the outskirts of the city. Here
they won over a party of the people of the city. On the night of
Friday, the 13th day of the month, 'Ali Sher, according to his
custom, went out with a party of companions and followers, and
embarked in a boat for an excursion on the
river. At midnight hg
was about when a party of men with drawn
to return into his house,

swords made an attack on him. The people who were with him
strove without avail to divert them from their purpose, and the Jam
was instantly despatched. The murderers then entered the palace,
when a noise and outcry arose, and the fact became known. The
people assembled, but they perceived that matters were beyond their
control, and accordingly they submitted. Jam 'All Sher had reigned
seven years.
Jdm Karan.
After the murder of Jam 'Al Sher, the brethren assented to the
elevation of Jam Karan. He was displeased with the nobles and
great men of the city, and in his aversion to them he sought to

take them prisoners, and then to slay some and confine the rest.
On the very day that he ascended the throne, or the day after, he
held a public court, and summoned all men great and small to
TXRrKH-I M'AStTMr. 229

attend. He addressed them in conciliatory terms. Dinner was

served, and after its conclusion he arose to retire to his chamber
when a party of men, who had been employed for the purpose, met
him at the door of his room and cut him in pieces. Fath Khan, son
of Sikandar, had been the prime mover in this murder, and so, with
the assent of the soldiers and people, he ascended the throne.

Jam Fath Khan.

Jam Fath Khan, on his accession to the throne, confirmed all the
rules and orders of government, and was very attentive and watch-
ful over all affairs of State.At that time Mi'rza Pir Muhammad,
grandson of Sahib-kiran Amfr Ti'mur Gurgan, had been sent to
Multan and had taken that town and the town of Uch also. He
stayed there for awhUe and many of his horses died. The Mirza's
soldiers were thus dismounted and in distress. When Timur heard
of this, he sent 3000 horses from the royal stables for the service of
the Mirza. Being thus reinforced, he made an attack upon the
people of Bhattl and Ahan,^ who had rebelled, and gave them and
their families to the winds of destruction. He then sent a person
to Bhakkar and summoned all the chief men to his presence. The
officers of the king of Dehli being unable to withstand him, fled by
way of Jesalm(r. One of the inhabitants of Bhakkar, Saiyid Abu-1
L'afs by name, a man of piety and purity, hastened to meet the
Mirza, and offering his devotions to the Chief of the prophets, he
besought his intercession in his midnight prayers. It is said that

one night the Chief of the prophets appeared to Mirza Pir Muham-
mad dream and spoke to him of Saiyid Abu-1 L'afs, saying,
in a
" This is my son, show him honour and respect, and abstain from
molesting him." The Mirza awoke, and remained for eleven days
in expectation of seeing the friend of his dream. The Saiyid then
arrived while the Mirza was seated in his court with the nobles
around him. When his eye fell upon the Saiyid he recognized him,
and arose to give him a proper reception. He embraced him and
seated him by his side with great honour and reverence. The nobles
then made enquiry about the Saiyid, and the Mfrza related to them
his dream. On that day he gave the Saiyid a horse and some pre-

1 [" Aman" in 5.]



Bents, and allowed him to depart. He also conferred upon him the
pargana of Alor in m'dm. After Timur had captured Dehli, Mfrza
Pir Muhammad departed thither. In the days of the succeeding
kings of Dehli, Multan came under the authority of the Langahs
and the whole of Sind remained subject to its own kings. Jam
Path Khan w^as celebrated for his courage and generosity. He
reigned for fifteen years and some months up to the time of his
Jam Tughlik, son of Sikandar.

"When Jam Fath Khan was on the bed of sickness, and saw his

end approaching, three days before his decease he placed his brother
Tughlik Shah upon the throne, delivering over to him the reins of
government, and giving to him the title of Jam Tughlik. Soon
afterwards Tughlik appointed his brothers governors of Siwistan and
the fort of Bhakkar. He spent most of his time in hunting and
exercise. When the Buluchis raised disturbances in the neighbour-
hood of Bhakkar, he led an army there and inflicted punishment on
their chiefs. He reigned twenty-eight years.

Jam Sikandar.
Jam Sikandar succeeded his father, but he was young in years
and the rulers 'of Siwistan and Bhakkar, attending only to their own
interests, refused obedience to him, and quarrelled with each other.
Jam Sikandar left Thatta and proceeded towards Bhakkar but ;

when he reached Nasrpur, a person named Mubarak, who had been

chamberlain in the time of Jam Tughlik, suddenly came into Thatta,
and calling himself Jam Mubarak, seized upon the throne. But the
people did not support him, and his authority lasted only three
days ; for the nobles drove him out of the city, and sent for Sikandar.
"When the news reached Sikandar he made terms with his opponents,
and returned to Thatta. After a year and a-half he died.

Jam Mai Dan?-

On the sixth of Jumada-1 aw^val, in the year 858 a.h., (May

1454: A.D.), Jam Ea Dan cameDuring the reign of the

Jam Tughlik he had lived in Kachh, and had formed connec-

' [Tlie name appears to be written optionally as ^^sA, or <iG Ja 1 ,, in both MSS.]
TAErKH-I M'ASlTMl'. 231

tions with the people of that country. He had maintained a

considerable body of tried men, to whom he paid great atten-
tion, and to whom he used to give fine horses and other suitable
presents. These men looked upon him as a wise and superior
man, and devoted themselves to him with great sincerity. "When
he heard of the death of Sikandar, he proceeded with his entire
force to Thatta, and there assembling the people, he addressed
them to the effect, that he had not come to take the kingdom, but
that he wanted to secure the property of the Musulm4ns, and to
accomplish their wishes. He did not consider himself worthy of
the throne, but they shovild raise some fi^tting person to that dignity,
when he would be the first to give him support. As they could
find no one among them who had ability for the high office, they
unanimously chose him and raised him to the throne. In the course
of one year and a-half he brought the whole of Sind under his rule
from the sea to the village of Kajariki and Kandharak,^ which are
on the boundaries of Mathila and Ubawar. When he had reigned
eight years and a half the idea of sovereignty entered the head of
Jam Sanjar, one of his attendants. He induced other of the attend-
dants and followers to join him in his plot ; and one day when Jam
Eai Dan was drinking wine in private, poison was put into the
bottle which a servant handed to him. Three days after drinking

thereof he died.^

^ [So in MS. A. gives the first name as " Kijar," and omits the second-
MS. B.
Malet's translation reads " Kajnr MuUee and Khoondee."]
2 [Both our MSS. finish thus, bat Mglet's translation adds the following: " It is
also written by some that a man, a fakir, one of judgment, who was considered in
those days as a saint at Thatta, was in the habit of constantly coming to the Jim,
who always treated him with great respect, seating him on his own seat, and what-
ever this fakir said the J4m agreed to it. One day, at an assembly, the wazirs and
nobles said to the Jim, Ask that fakir whom you give so much honour what God

is like, and what is His description ? When the J4m heard this, he placed it in his
heart. Four days afterwards, when- the darwesh came to the assembly, the Jim did
not pay him the usual attention. TTa.^ fakir understood that there was something in
this ? The Jim then asked him, What is God like, and what description does He
bear ? The fahir replied, ' The description of God is this, that three days hence He
will destroy you by means of a horse, sixteen kos from this, and He will place Jam
Sanjar on your seat.' The third day after this the Jim went to hunt, not bearing in
mind what the fakir had said. By chance he galloped his horse, when he fell, and
his foot remaining in the stirrup, at the distance of sixteen kos from Thatta, his life
was given to God."]

Jam Sanjar.

Jam Sanjar was a handsome yomig man, and many persons being
fascinated by his beauty, served him without stipend. It is related

that before he came to the throne he was on friendly terms with an

excellent darwesh. One night Sanjar went to visit the darwesli,
and after the usual greeting told him that he wished to become ruler
of Thatta, even if it were for only eight days. The darwesli
replied, " Thou shalt be king for eight yeai-s." When Jam Eai Dan
died, the nobles agreed in raising Jam Sanjar to the throne, and
in delivering over to him the reins of government. Through the
prayers of the darwesh he thus became king without any strife or
opposition, and the people on every side submitted to his authority

with willing obedience. In his reign Sind rose to a greater pitch of

prosperity and splendour than it had ever attained before, and the
soldiers and the people Hved in great comfort and satisfaction. He
was a great patron of learned and pious men and of darweshes.
Every IViday he dispensed large sums in charity among the poor
and needy, and settled pensions and stipends upon meritorious
persons. It is related that before his time the rulers of Sind used to
pay their judicial officers badly. "When Sanjar became ruler, there

was a kdzi in Bhakkar, who had been appointed to the office by a

former king, upon an insufficient salary. Finding himself under-
paid, he used to exact something from the suitors in his courts.
When this reached the ears of Jam Sanjar he summoned the hdzi to
his presence, and told him that he had heard of his taking money by
force, both from plaintiffs and defendants. He acknowledged it,

and said he should like to get something from the witnesses also,

but that they always went away before he had an opportunity.

The Jam could not help smiling at this, so the kdzi went on to say
that he sat aU day in his court while his children at home went
without breakfast and supper. The Jdm made the kdzi some hand-
some presents, and settled a suitable stipend upon him. He further
directed that proper salaries should be appointed for aU officers

throughout the country, so that they might be able to maintain

themselves in comfort. When he had reigned eight years he
departed from this world of trouble.

Jam Nizdmu-d din, also called Jam Nanda.

Nizamu-d din succeeded Jam Sanjar on the 25th Eabiu-1 awwal,
in the year 866 (December, 1461 a.d.). All men the learned and

the good, the soldiers and the peasants agreed in Ms elevation, so
that he raised firmly the standard of sovereignty. It is recorded
that at the outset of his career he was a student, and spent much of
his time in colleges and monasteries. He was modest and gentle,
and had many excellent and pleasing qualities. His life was pure
and religious to a high degree. It is impossible to enumerate all
his virtues. In the early part of his reign, he proceeded with a
force to Bhaktar and staid there for a year engaged in suppressing
the highway robbers. He stored the fort of Bhakkar with all kinds
of provisions, and appointed as governor one of his dependants,
Dilshad by name, who had served him while at college. The
frontiers were so well secured that travellers could pass along the
roads in perfect safety. Having satisfied himself in respect of
Bhakkar, at the end of a year he returned to Thatta. There he
reigned supreme for forty-eight years, and during this period, learned
men and pious men and /a^rs passed a happy time, and the soldiery
and the peasantry were in easy circumstances. Jam Nizamu-d din
was cotemporary with Sultan Husain Langah, the ruler of Multan.
They were on the most friendly terms, and were in the constant
habit of sending presents to each other. Jam Nizamu-d din used
to visit his stables every week, and used to stroke the heads of his
horses, and say to them,. " My dear and happy steeds, I have no
desire to ride you, for within my four boundaries all the rulers are
Musulmans do you also pray that I may not go out against any
one without a lawful cause, and that no one may come up against
me, lest the blood of innocent Musulmdns should be spilled, and
I should stand abashed in the presence of God." In his days
Musulman discipline was widely spread. Large congregations used
to assemble in the mosques, for small and great used to resort thither

to say their prayers, and were not satisfied with saying them in
private. If a person omitted to attend a service, he was very sorry
for it afterwards, and would occupy himself two or three days in
prayer for forgiveness. Towards the end of the reign of Jam

Nizamu-d dfn, the army of Shdh. Beg came from Kandaliar and
attacked the villages of Lakri, Chanduka and Sindicha. The Jam
sent a large force to repel this attack of the Moghals, and it adTanced
as fax as Dara-karib, commonly known by the name of Jalugar. A
battle ensued in which the brother of Shah Beg was slain, and
his army The remnant fled towards Kandahar, and no
was made upon Sind during the life of Nizamu-d din.
further attack
The Jam spent much of his time in discoursing and arguing upon
matters of science with the learned men of the day. Maulana
Jaldlu-d din Muhammad Diwani formed the project of leaving Shiraz
and going to Sind ; so he sent Shamshu-d din and Mir Mu'in, two
of his disciples, to Thatta, in order to get permission for taking up
his residence there. The Jam accordingly allotted some suitable
houses, and provided the means for his maintenance he further

supplied the messengers with money to pay the expences of the

journey, but the Maulana died before they returned. Mir Shamshu-d
din and Mir Mu'in were so well satisfied with the attention they
had received, that they came back to Thatta and settled there.
Some time after this Jam Ni'zamu-d din died, and after his death
all the afiairs of Sind fell into disorder.

Jam Firoz.

Upon Jam Firoz was of tender

the death of Nizamu-d din, his son
age. So Jam Salahu-d din, one of the late Jam's relatives and the

son of Jam Sanjax's daughter, advanced pretensions to the crown;

but Darya Khan and Sarang Khan, the confidential slaves of
Nizamu-d din who were high in dignity and power, refused to sup-
port him, and with the consent of the nobles and head men of Thatta
they placed Jam Firoz on the throne in succession to his father.
Salahu-d din finding that he could only succeed by fighting, lost
heart,and went to Guzerat to lay his case before Sultan Muzctffar.
The Sultan had married a daughter of Salahu-d din's uncle, and was
consequently well inclined towards him. Jam Firoz gave way to

the impulses of youth, and devoted himself to the pursuit of pleasure.

He spent most of his time in the harem, but went out ftx)m time to
time accompanied by slaves and jesters, who practised all sorts of
tricks and buffoonery. The people of the Samma tribe, and the


associates of the Jdm treated the people of the city -with violence,
and when Daiya Khan forbade them they treated him with scorn.
The Khan, therefore, retired to his jagir in the village of Kahan.
In those days Makhdum 'Abdu-1'Aziz Abhari and his two sons,
Maulana Asilu-d din and Maulana Muhammad, all of them learned
men, came to that village of Kahan and spent some years there
teaching and diffusing knowledge. The cause of their coming from
Hirat was the rebellion of Shah Isma'fl in the year 918 a.h. (1512
A.D.). The above-named Maulana was well read in all the sciences,
and he had excellent books upon every branch of learning. He
compiled a commentary on the Mishkat (traditions) but did not
complete it. Some portions are still extant in the library of Masud'
and passages are commonly written as marginal notes in books. He
died in this village of Kahan, and his tomb there is still a place of
pilgrimage. Jam Firoz continued to give himself up to pleasure and
dissipation, and the nobles being on the verge of ruin, a messenger
was sent to Jam Salahu-d dfn to inform him how matters stood
that Firoz was generally drunk ; that Darya Khan, the great sup-
porter of the government, had retired to Kahdn, and that fche moment
was opportune for his returning immediately. Salahu-d din showed
the letter of the men of Thatta to Sultan Muzaffar, and he sent him
off with an army to that place. Making forced marches he soon
arrived there, and crossing the river entered the city. Jam Firoz's
followers were dismayed, and led him out of the city on the other
side. Salahu-d din then ascended the throne. He fined and
punished the associates of Jam Firoz, and demanded their wealth.

The mother of Jam Firoz ' took him to Darya Khan, at Kahan,
where he asked forgiveness for his errors ; and the Khdn remember-
ing only old obligations, began to collect forces, and when the armies

of Bhakkar and Siwistan were assembled, they met under the

banners ofJam Firoz. The Buluchis and other tribes also mustered.
Darya Klian placed himself at the head of these forces, and marched
against Salahu-d din. This prince wished to go out himself to the
sanguiaary meeting, but his wazir Haji deemed it advisable that the

' [MS. 3. and Malet's translation agree that the Jkm was taken by his mother.
MS. A. however, says that he took his mother to Darya Khin.]


Jdm should stay in the city while he led the war-elephants against
the enemy ; so the Jam stayed at home and the wazir went to the
fray. When the armies met, the fire of battle raged furiously, and
many were slain on both sides, but at length the troops of Darya
Khan were defeated and put to flight. Hajl wazir then sat down
to write a despatch to Salahu-d din informing him that victory had
favoured his colours, and that he might deem himself secure. Night
came on and the wazir was unable to pursue the routed army, so it

happened that his messenger fell into the hands of some of Darya
Khan's men. As soon as Darya Khan had read the letter he destroyed
it, and substituted another in the name of Haji wazir, to this eflPect
" Tour army has been defeated, and the enemy is overpowering ;

you must leave Thatta with your family, and make no delay,we
will meet again in the village of Chachgan." As soon as this letter

arrived, on the night of the 9th Eamzan, Salahu-d din departed

without breaking his fast, and crossed the river. Defeat had indeed
reached him. He had he met his
reigned eight months. When
wazir, the latter reproached him for running away, and asked him
why he had come there. The false despatch was then produced,
upon which the Haji exclaimed that he had not written it. At
length they discovered that it was the crafty work of Darya Khan,

and were sorely annoyed, ^but when a matter is completed repentance
is useless. Daryd Khan pursued them some stages. He then
brought back Jam Firoz and entered Thatta on the day of the 'Idu-l
fitr (at the close of the Eamzan) and going to the 'idgdh they offered

up their prayers. After this, Jam Firoz reigned securely for some
years, until the end of the year 916' a.h. (1511 a.d.), when Shah
Beg Arghun invaded Sind.
The battles which followed are described in their proper places.
I have never met with any written account of the history of the
Sumxas and Sammas, so I have composed this smnmary. If any
one is better acquainted with the subject, he should make additions
to this.

|_So in both MSS., but Malefs translation has "926" (1620 a.d.). which is


Book m.

The Wonders of SiwL

The fort of Siwi, -whioli is situated on a small hill, is built of

round stones, of a kind which is found wherever the earth is dug in
that neighbourhood.
In Kor-zamin and Chhatur, which are districts of Si'wi, cotton
plants grow as large as trees, insomuch that men pick the cotton
mounted. On each cotton plant there are one or two hundred snakes,
of a span long, so that men are obliged to brush them off with sticks
and drive them away before they can pluck the boles. If any one
is bitten by a snake, they immediately open the wound with a razor
and suck out the poison, otherwise death would supervene.
The little river which runs by Siwi rises apparently from a
sulphureous source, and any one who drinks the water of it falls

sick. Many men bave died from that cause, but it does not affect
the inhabitants who are accustomed to it. Notwithstanding that
the garrison was changed every year by Sultan Mahmud, most of
the soldiers died from and only a few escaped. In
its bad effects,

the time of Akbar, a flood came and purged the sources of the river
from the sulphur, since which time the sickness has been less.
This river runs fifty Icos beyond Siwi, collecting at Sarwah, where
it is used in irrigation, and the water which is not expended for that
purpose flows into the lake of Manchhur, which is near Siwistan.
On that lake also there are many snakes', very long and thin, the
bites of which few survive. The men in that neighbourhood wear

long drawers to protect themselves against their bites. I myself,

when I was there looking at the men irrigating their fields, saw
several at every step my horse took. As it was hot, I wished to
dismount on the shore of the lake, but for fear of the snakes, I was
compelled to do so at a distance on the plain beyond.
In the plain of Siwi there were formerly many forts and much
cultivation, but all is now waste; the hot wind (simoom) blows

1 [" Mdr." The description seems perhaps more applicable to leeehee.']


there. Between Siwi, Dehra, and Kasmur,' there is a tract of land

called Blrgan, which breeds horses not inferior to those of 'Irdk.
'The young colts are made to walk upon gravel for a year, by which
their hoofs become as hard as a stone, and there is no occasion to
shoe them, for they can go unshod even amongst the hills.

At Chhatur there is a tribe called Kaharf, bo called from the tree

named Kahar, on which one of their ancestors mounted, and when
struck with a whip, it moved on like a horse.
Near Ganjava, which is a district of Siwi, water springs from a
hill, and covers a large extent of ground. Fishes are found in it.

Amongst the hUls of Ganjava there is a lofty one from which hangs
an iron cage, in which they say there is something placed, but it

cannot be got at. If any one descends to it from above, by a rope,

itmoves away, and if they attempt to reach it from beneath, the
summit rises to the stars, and the earth recedes.
The hills of Situr and the river Abkashida run in a sort of semi-

circle from Siwi to Ganjava.' Between these places there is a waste,

through which the road to Kandahir runs. Its length from the
river to Siwi is a hundred Jcos, and its breadth sixty. In summer
the hot wind blows over this track for four months.

The Wonders of Kandahar.

O O t o

At the hUl called Sibuda' the rock was scarped, and a lofty arched

recess called Peshtak was cut by order of the Emperor Babar.

Eighty stone-masons were employed nine years in its completion.
It is indeed a very pleasant place, overlooking the waters of the
Arghand, gardens and cultivated fields. In spring many people
resort there, but it is difficult to reach on account of its steep ascent.
Within names of Babar Badshah, and of
this recess are inscribed the

his trusty adherents, Mirza Kamran, Mirza 'Askari, and Mirza

Hindal. As his majesty Humayun had never visited the spot, his
name was not included ia that inscription. Of all his dominions

' [This name is so written by Malet. One MS. writes it " Mastdr," the other is

[The MSS. differ here and the meaning is somewhat doubtful.]
3 [So in MS. ^. The other MS. has " Sarmflr," and Malet " Sfpfiza."]

Kandaliar was the only place mentioned.' When I visited the spot
it came into my head that I would inscribe his name there, as well
as that of his august son (Akbar) with their thousands of tributary
cities and kingdoms, like Kandahar and Kabul. I therefore sent for
some stone-ctitters and engravers from Bhakkar, and had the names
of these kings engraved, with those of their dependent cities and pro-
vinces, from Bengal
Bandar Lahari, from Kabul and Ghaznl to
the Dekhin, without any omission. It took nearly four years to com-
plete this work, which indeed excited great admiration. Below
the hills there is a cavern not far off. It was from the other

extremity of this, that Baba Hasan Abdal brought out the golden
brick. The distance between these two ends is seven or eight kos.
On the same hill, near Kandahar, mukhlisa is found, which is an
antidote against snake bites and other poisons, and it is found no-
where else in that country. On that hill also there is a fire temple
of a very ancient date. It is built of unburat bricks, each two
yards long and broad, and one span thick. The temple exists to

this day, and has sustained no injury.

In Kandahar there used to be plague* and sickness every year,

till Shah Tahmasp directed Sultan Husain Mfrza, governor of that
province, to plant canes on the stream which flows near the town,
and the water of which the people use for drinking. Since that, the
sickness has abated, but even now in some seasons plague and disease
break out with great intensity ; blood being passed from the belly,
nostrils, ears, and mouth. When I went there, in the reign of his
late majesty, Akbar, to render assistance, it was at its height, and
in the year 1007 h. (1598 a.d.) nearly two hundred soldiers died of
this disease.

With the Hazai'a tribes near Kandahar, it is not the practice to

wear coloured clothes such as white, red and black, * * '* **

nor is there any trade in clothes and shoes of this kind. Among
the saints buried near Kandahar may be mentioned '* ** ** *

Baba Hasan Abdal, a descendant of the Saiyids of Sabzawar. After a

pilgrimage to the holy cities, he accompanied Mirza Shah Eukh, son

' [A negative seems to be required here. If supplied, the sentence will read,
" KandahSir was not even mentioned as forming part of his dominions."]
* [" Wahd" ; also used to designate Cholera.]

of Sahib-Kiran (Ti'mur) to Hindustan. On his return he spent some

years in Langar Kandahar, and died there. His tomb is on an
elevated spot surroimded by villages, and overlooking the Arghandab,
and to it, as to a place of pilgrimage, men and women, little and
big, low and high-born, resort on Fridays in great crowds, so that
the city is sometimes empty. It is certainly a charming retreat,

and travellers say they have seen few spots to compare with it.

Book IV.

Account of the country of Bind passing into the hands of the

officers of the Emperor Akhar after the death of Sultan Mahmud
I have before related how Kisu Khan oame to Bhakkar on th*
12th Jumada-1 awwal 982 Hijri (August 1574) bringing with him
an imperial farman, in which he
was directed to divide Bhakkar
equally between Muhib 'All Khan and Mujahid Khan, and then to
proceed to Thatta and make Muhammad Bak{ Tarkhan prisoner.
At that time Mujahid Khan was in the country of Ganjava, but
when he heard of Kisii Khan's arrival at Bhakkar, he hastened to

meet him there. But before he arrived Kfsu Kh&n sought to clear
out the fort of Sakhar.^ Mujahid Khan's men procrastinated, but
Kisu Khan disapproving of this, sent off a force to Sakhar. Wakil
Khan who was the representative of Mujahid Khan, fought upon
the wall which Mujahid Khan had built round Sakhar, and several
persons on both sides were killed, and more were wounded. Three
days after the fight, Mujahid Khan arrived and took away his men
to Lohari. Sakhar then reverted entirely into the power of Kisu
Khan, but towards Lohari the pargana of Bhakkar was in the pos-
session of Muhib 'Ali Khan and Mujahid Khan.^ The men who
had assembled (to support them) were broken-hearted. At this
juncture, some of the Arghun people deserted them and came to
Bhakkar, where Kfeu Khan had them put to death upon the malevo-
lent suggestion of Shah Baba, son of Jan Baba Turkhan. Kisu
1 [MS. B. saya Bhakkar."]
' [So according to MS. A. a whole line is omitted from S. by mistake of the

copyist. Malet says " Muhib 'Ali^nd MnjSihid Kh&n held Rori and Tiggar."]
TA'RrKH-I M-ASlTMr. 241

Khan, was a severe harsli-teinpered man, and one day Barji Tawaji
having been guilty of some fault, he had irons placed upon his feet

in the presence of his court.

Two months afterwards, Mnjahid Khan went up against Thatta,
leaving Muhib 'Ali Khan in charge of their families. He halted for
a few days at the town of Ranipur in order to outfit his force. Kisu
Khan, at the instigation of the men of Bhakkar, sent an army against
Lohari. On Friday, the 2nd of Bamzan 982 a.h. (December 1574),
having divided his army into two parts he crossed over the river.

One division he directed by way of the gardens of the city towards

Lohari, and the other he embarked in gJirdbs and boats and sent
them filing and fighting towards the shrine of Khwaja Khizr. Muhib
'All Khan's men mounted and went towards the "id-gah. Ki'su
Khan's followers arrived in their ghrdbs and set fir to Mujahid
Khan's boats, and when the flames rose high, the horsemen fell

back and went towards their homes. At this time Kisu Khan's
horsemen came up and threw rockets into the ' city and set it on fire

in several places. Muhib 'Ali Khan then mounted his horse and
fled. The men of Bhakkar now entered the city and pillaged until
evening, capturing the standard and kettle drum of Muhib 'Ali Khan
which they bore off with them to the fort. When the intelligence
reached Mujahid 'All Khan he returned by forced marches to Lohari,
but he was greatly dispirited, and in consideration of the royal
power he refrained from molesting Kisu Khan.'' The latter estab-
lished himself in the fort of Bhakkar and practiced great injustice.

"When the Emperor Akbar became acquainted with these facts he

placed the country under the charge of Tarsun Khan, and iu the
beginning of Muharram 983 a.h. (April 1575) Muhammad Tahir
Khan, son of Shah Muhammad Saifu-1 Mulk, and Muhammad
Kasim Khan and Mirza Muhammad Sultan arrived at the town
of Lohari, and sent to Kisii Khan a copy of the farmdn con-
ferring the jdg'ir of Bhakkar (on Tarsun Khan). Kisu Khan was
at first incluied to resist and to set these men at defiance, but
when the matter came to be talked over, he went to the chief of the

' [Muhhakde dtish."]

= [The MSS. differ slightly here, and the text is not clear, but the meaning appears
to he as rendered.]

VOL. I. , 16

saiyids, who sent some priests and a party of men to the tliree
sarddrs to give them counseL The sarddrs detained them all, and
desired them to write a true statement of affairs and send it to

the Emperor. The priests begged to be excused, but said they

would write if both parties were present. The sarddrs replied that
Kisu Khan's agents were present, and that if the priests would
write the truth in their presence, no further trouble would be given
them. The priests then entered upon the business. As soon as

Kisu Khan heard this he was alarmed, for he saw that matters were
going wrong, and that the forthcoming memorial would be ruinous
to him. He therefore sent to say that he would give up the fort,

and that they need not write. The Khans sent word back that the

memorial was written, and that they would keep it ready. If he

did not surrender the fort the letter should be sent to the Emperor
so Kisu Khan having no other remedy, conducted the Khans into

the fort.
An order had been issued by the Emperor that Kisu Khan, in
concert with the brethren of Tarsun Muhammad Khan, the saiyids,
and the chief men, should make enquiry about the treasure, houses,
and effects of Sultan Mahmud Khan, and send a detailed account
thereof to the Court, In obedience to the Eoyal orders, the people
of Sultan Mahmud's harem were sent to the presence, and his chief
wife, sister of Jahan Khan, was sent to Lahore. At the same time,
Khwaja Sarai, Eai Singh Darbari, and Banwali Das Navisinda
arrived for the purpose of settling the affairs of the treasure and
of the people of the harem of Sultan Mahmud. Having afterwards
looked into the matter of the treasure at Lohari, they proposed to
return by way of Nagor in the beginning of Eajab of the year above-
"When Tarsun Muhammad Khan received permission to depart
from the Court, some of the nobles objected that it was impolitic to
place the children of Saifu-1 Mulk on the borders of the country,, so
he was appointed governor of A'gra and a change was made in
respect of Bhakkar, for Banwali Das was sent there to take charge

of the revenues and general affairs. Afterwards, for better security,

Mir Saiyid Muhammad was dignified with the office of Mir-i 'adl

(Chief Justice), with a mansab of 1000, and appointed governor of

TARrKH-1 M'AStTMr. 243

Bhakkar. On the llth of Eatnzan of the year above-mentioned,

he arrived at Bhakkar, and the ministers of religion and the
chief men waited upon him to show due honour and respect. He
then gave 50,000 highas of land to the saiyids, learned men and
others in portions suited to the position of each one. The ministers
of religion enjoyed a happy time during his administration. In
the early part of his rule he sent a force against the Mankinjas.
of the district of Gagri who were rebellious, and had opposed his
officers. He acted oppressively towards the ryots in revenue
matters, for he fixed by measurement a payment of five mans per
higha upon all lands alike, and the revenue officers, whom he ap-
pointed, dealt harshly with the The troops of the
Mir-i 'adl arrived at a small fort between Gambaz and Bajran. The
Mankinjas showing no respect, shot arrows^ at them, and several
of the soldiers were killed. There was a well in the fort into which
the graceless wretches threw the bodies both of Musulmans and
infidels, and filled it up with earth. The Mir-i 'adl was enraged at
this, and sent for reinforcements from Siwi, to take vengeance.
After a short opposition, the Mankinjas left their home and took
to flight. Saiyid Abu-l Fazl, the Mir-i 'adl's son, who commanded
the troops, pursued them for some distance, and then returned to
Bhakkar. Some time after this the Mir-i 'adl fell ill, he lost much
blood and his weakness increased tUl he died on the 8th of Sh'aban,
984 A.H. (October 1576).

After his death, the Emperor appointed his son, Abii-l Fazl, to
succeed him in the government of Bhakkar. In the following year
Abu-1 Fazl seized and confined the head men of Gragri, and after-
wards caused two or three of them to be trampled to death by
elephants. On the 9th of Zi'-l hijja 985 a.h. (Feb. 1678) I'timad
Khan, an eunuch, and one of the emperor's trusty servants, came as
governor to Bhakkar. He was a man of passionate temper and did
not deal kindly with the soldiers, peasants, or nobles. Some of the
ministers of religion were troubled by his conduct, and resolved to

carry their complaints to the Emperor. Tlie governor thereupon

sent a person to them with excuses, but they would not be satisfied,

and resolutely determined to proceed. When they reached the

royal presence they stated their grievances against that cmel man.

The Emperor replied that if he had oppressed the people in the way
represented, he would be killed. And it turned out exactly as^ the
royal tongue predicted, after this manner. He was an habitual
jester and scoffer, and would utter vile and filthy expressions before
good men ; he also dealt niggardly with the troops ; so on the 10th
Eabi'u-1awwal 986 a.h. (May, 1578) a party of soldiers conspired
and slew him in his hall of audience.
After the death of I'timad Khan the Emperor granted the country
of Bhakkar in jcigir to I'ath Khan Bahadur, Eaja Parmanand and
Eaja Todar Mai.' In the month of Eajab of the same year, the
Khan and the other two grantees came to Bhakkar and took posses-
sion of their respective portions. Two years afterwards Parmdnand
proceeded to the Court in obedience to orders. The Darijas after-
wards quarrelled with his brother Madhu Das, and assembled in the
town of Alor with hostile latent. Two or three fights followed, and
men were slain on both sides. At length some turbulent fellows
joined in the attack, so Fath Khan sent his own men to put them
down. The iasurgents were then beaten and dispersed. Eath
Khan then went to Court, where he was received with great favour.
His mansab was increased, and the jdgir of Parmanand was assigned
to him. Eath Khan was a simple-minded msin, fond of money, who
paid his thanks with his tongue, but he dealt kindly with the people
and provided for their subsistence. He had a vak'd named Shahab
Khan, a zaminddr of Samana, an inexperienced man, who knew
nothing of business. At the instigation of one Earid he attacked the
people of Khan Nahar, and led a force against the fort of Kin-kot,
which was in the hands of Ibrahim Nahar. A great battle followed,
in which Fath Khan's fine men were slain. Shahab Khan also fell
with all his brothers. When intelligence of Has reached the
Emperor, he instantly resumed Eath Khan's jdgir and assigned it

to Nawwab Muhammad Sadik Khan together with the duty of

capturing Thatta. He arrived at Bhakkar on Tuesday the 12th
Eabi'u-1 awwal 994 The priests and others went
a.h. (Eeb. 1586).

out to meet him, and he received them all with honour and respect.
For some time he stayed in Bhakkar setting its affairs in order, but
in Zi-1 hijja of the same year, he marched against Siwistan. Before
[MS. JB. makes ao mention of the last, and spoata of " the two" grantees.]

TAEfKH-I M'ASlTMr. 245

going on this expedition lie fought with the men of Mirza Jani
Beg, many of whom were killed. The breeze of victory thus
began to blow on the banners of Muhammad Sadik. He then pro-
ceeded on his expedition. Meanwhile Subhan 'Ali Arghun, who
was in command of the enemy, had constructed a fort on the batiks
of the river, and had furnished it with munitions of war. He had
also collected many ghrdbs and boats there. When Muhammad
Sadik advanced, the Arghun came out in his glirdbs and gave battle
but he was defeated and taken prisoner alive, and many of his men
were killed and wounded. Twelve ghrdbs also fell into the hands
of the victors. Greatly elated with these victories he laid siege to
Siwistan. His operations occupied some time, but he at length sunk
a large mine which carried away the gate in front of the fort. In-
structions had been given that no man was to enter the fort without
orders, so when the smoke and dust cleared off, the besieged set to
work, closing up the breach, and maintaining a fire from their cannons
and guns {top o tufang). The party on the top of the gateway which
had been blown into the air fell to the ground uninjured. Mirza Jani
Beg had now advanced with a force as far as Mihran, which is six

kos from Siwan. In consequence of this, Muhammad Sadik raised

the siege and went to oppose his progress. When he came opposite
the Lakki hills, the ghrdbs of Mirza Jani opened fire upon him.
They continued fighiing for several days, till an imperial fdrman
arrived stating that Mirza Jani Beg had sent suitable tribute to the
Court, and had made humble and dutiful submission. Muhammad
Sadik therefore returned to Bhakkar, and after a short interval he
repaired to Court. One year afterward his jdgir was taken from
him. In the two Icharif harvests that passed while Muhammad
Sadik held Bhakkar, locusts attacked the crops and famine ensued.
Many men emigrated in various directions. The Samijas and
Buldchis plundered both sides of the river and left nothing standing.
At the end of Eabf u-s sani, 996 a.h. (Feb. 1588), the jdgir of
Bhakkar was granted to Isma'il Khan, and his son Rahman Kuli Beg
came to the place. This young nobleman was wise, and treated the
people with great kindness and consideration, so that through his
gentle management they betook themselves once more to cultivation,
and by their efforts the wasted land again became fruitful.

When Isma'il Kuli Khan left Multan and went to the Court, the
jdgir waa taken from him and granted to Shiroya Snltan. In the
beginning of Muharram 997 a.h. (Nov. 1588), he came to Bhakkar.
He was addicted to wine, and left the management of his affairs in
the hands of his purchased slaves. Night and day he was engaged
in riot and debauchery, and but seldom sat in public court, or
allowed any one to have access to him. The pensions and allow-
ances to the fakirs were stopped. At one period Shaikh Sangi
received charge of the revenue and State business, and for a time he
visited the shops and took possession of their money and business.'

He sent his son Muhammad Husain Beg to subdue Siwi, but the
Afghans assembled and fiercely opposed him. His advanced guard
was composed of Buluchis' who fled at the first attack. The main
body was then assaulted. Many were slain and many taken pri-
soners. The rest were broken and put to flight, but the weather
was hot, and large numbers died of thirst in the mirage. Those who
escaped alive were a long time before they recovered. The wails
occasioned by the violence and tyranny of Shiroya at length ascended
to heaven, from whence the glad tidings of his removal came to the

people of Bhakkar. They escaped from his malignity and once

more lived in peace, for Muhammad Sadik Khan again received the

On the second of Eabi'u-1 awwal '998 a.h. (December, 1589)

Mirza Muhammad Zahid, son of Muhammad Sadik, came to Bhakkar.
He treated the people with kindness and poured the bahn of justice
upon hearts wounded by tyranny. He was good-looking and good-
natured, and he associated with learned and excellent men. He
restored the pensions and allowances in accordance with the grants
made by his father, and put a stop to oppression. Khwaja Muham-
mad Ma'sum was Muhammad Sadik's vaMl. He was a man of
excellent qualities, and competent in all business. The people were
re-assured and went about their cultivation and building. But a
heavenly visitation fell upon the spring crop of that year ; not-with-
standing the care of the government, evil days ensued, and it was

[A doubtful passage. The two MSS. do not agree.]

TARrKH-I M'ASlTMr. 247

impossible to collect tte taxes. A scarcity of food again occurred.

About tbis time His Majesty tbe Emperor bad to make a public ex-
ample. Wben tbe Royal Court was removed to Labore, Mirza Jani
Beg, in imitation of Mirza Sbab Husain, renounced bis obedience,
and pretended to independence. Tbe Kban-i Kbanan was accord-
ingly sent to take Tbatta and bring tbe Buliicbis under control. He
reacbed tbe place in tbe montb of Shawwal of tbe year aforesaid,
between tbe autumnal and vernal harvests, and proceeded to set all
tbings in order. At that time, I, tbe author of this history, pro-
ceeded from Ahmadabad in Guzerat to the Imperial Court. By
good fortune my mother bad sent some little curiosities, which I
presented to his Majesty. Thereupon be enquired with great con-
descension bow many years I bad been absent from my mother. I
replied that it was twenty years. He was graciously pleased to
direct that I should go to visit my mother, and afterwards return to
my duty.He further ordered the grant of a jdgir to me. There-
upon, Muhammad Sadik came to my aid, and said that as I was
going to Bhakkar, it would be very pleasant to have my jdgir
there. His Majesty said that Bhakkar bad been granted in jdgir to

tbe Nawwab Khan-i Kbanan. Tbe

was present at the time

and said that if His Majesty pleased to make me a grant in Bhakkar

be would assign it over to me, but if so he hoped to receive an
equivalent elsewhere. The Eoyal command was then given for a
grant in Bhakkar, and tbe officials assigned to me tbe parganas of
Durbela, Gagri and Chanduka. After this was arranged, His Majesty
in his great kindness and consideration gave me a boat and one of
his own fur coats, and as he dismissed me he quoted tbe line
" Sit not down, but travel, for it is very sweet."

On the 14tb' Safar, 999 a.h. (Nov., 1590), I reached Bhakkar,

where the Khan-i Kbanan had arrived before me. Tbe weather was
hot and the river high, so be stayed some days there ; but when the
star Canopus appeared be dismissed me with Bahadur Khan, MuUa
Mahmudf, and some others. We went to Sihwan, and tbe Khan-i
Khanan followed and overtook us there. Tbe people of Sihwan
closed tbe gates of their fort. Tbe Kban-i Khanan then consulted

1 [12tli in MS. A.]


witli his nobles as to wLetheT it was better to march, against Mfrza

Jani Beg in Thatta at once, or to stop and take Sihwan before pro-
ceeding. They all agreed that as Sihwan was in the direct road,
and their men and boats must pass that way, it was desirable to

secure it before going further. Having so determined, the river

w^as crossed, batteries {morcha) were raised, and we began to take
measures for securing a passage over the river.' But intelligence

came that Nawwab Jam Beg had left Thatta with a powerful force
and was advancing against us. So the siege was raised and our
forces turned to oppose him. Jdni Beg then threw up a sort of fort"

on the bank of the river at the village of Lohari above Nasrpur,

and there strengthened his position. When the Kh4n-i Khanan
came within about six kos from this fortified post Jani Beg sent 120
armed ghrdbs and many boats under the command of Khusru Khan
and other officers, and also two armies, one on each bank of the
river, to make a simultaneous attack on the camp of the Khan-i

Khanan. To meet them our forces advanced a little on the bank

of the river, where we raised some sand- works covering five or six

jaribs of ground. Muhammad Mukim Khan Bakhshi, 'Ali Mardan

Khan, Murid Khan Sarmadi, and the writer of this history, with
several other noblemen, were appointed to that humble fortification.'

Our instructions were, that when the ghrdbs came up they must
necessarily pass in front of our fortified position, because just in
front of it there was a large sand-bank from which they must cross
over to reach our camp,* In fact, when Muhammad Mukim was sent

there he was told that his business was to prevent any danger to the
camp on that side. In the afternoon the ghrdbs came up, when
they perceived that on one side there was water with a sandbank,
and on the other side water with a fort, so they arrested their pro-
gress, and guns from both sides announced the opening of the fight.

In the course of the night the Khan-i Khanan sent a party over to
the opposite side. The force which Jani Beg had appointed for the

' [The text says

Jjji^ (__>b'o j:ji.L) aUL iJ The word jw'y-d* commonly
means " a ford."]

' [juj-Jj jJib ISiit^ jy^ <dy>-jl ^JXmJU jU^l)]

TARrKH-I M'ASlTMr. 249

purpose assaulted our gate, but it had been well secured, and their
efforts "were vain. In the morning, the gJirdhs came up in front of
the camp. The guns in our fortification -were pointed too high, so
that the balls passed over the ghrdbs and fellamong our friends on
the other side, killing several of them. The muzzles of the guns
were then depressed, so that the balls passed lihrough the glirdhs on
our side of the river, and then touching the water rose again and
crushed eight or nine boats (kisht'i) killing a number of men.' But
they were prepared for this for in each ghrdb there were carpenters
who quickly repaired the damages. The fight was carried on and
the firing continued in this way for that day. On one side was the
fort and army of the Khan-i Khanan, on the other the sandbank, and
the ghrdbs must pass between them against a strong current. The
battle continued till after mid-day, and the enemy had many men
killed by the guns. They then saw that they could not pass the
fort, and that they were losing many men, so they were compelled
to retreat.The Khan-i Khanan's boats followed in pursuit and the
army harassed them from the shore. Khusrii Khan acted judi-
ciously : keeping his own ghrdbs in the rear he sent others in pur-
suit, and several of the enemy's vessels with soldiers and Firingi
fighting men on board fell into his hands. The royal ghrdb had
accompanied the ghrdb of Khusrii Khan and unfortunately some fire

from the latter reached the magazine of the royal vessel, and all it

contained was burnt. Some of the crew escaped into other vessels
which happened to be near, but a large proportion was killed. Still

a great victory w^as w^on.

Next day we marched against the fort of Jani Beg in which he
had fortified himself. There were some little sand-hills (ehihla^)
around, and the place seemed difficult to take. "When we tried to
Khanan and his officers found the work
invest the place, the Khan-i
impracticable. One night we made a general assault upon the place
on every side, but it was too strong and we gained nothing. It
was then determined by the Khan-i Khanan that he would pro-
1 [The MSS. differ, and the whole passage is not very intelligible.]

2 [This is the same word, variously written, i^,s>-, <d-.,,j5-, and i^,s>- In a
previous passage it has been rendered " sand-bank." It is perhaps allied to the
Hindiistini chihld, " mud."]

ceed witii a force to Sihwan and take possession of the country of

Thatta, ^that another force should go to Badin and Fath-bagh, and
that Shah Beg Khan should inarch to besiege Shah-garh, a place that
had been built by Shah Kasim Arghun. The Khan-i Khanan accord-
ingly proceeded to Thatta, another force went a,gainst Badin, Fath
Khan and Jiin, and Shah Beg besieged Shah-garh. Saiyid Bahau-d
din, the author, and several other attendants of the Khan-i Khanan,
went to Siwan, where many of the defenders were killed. When
the garrison found that matters were going hard with them they
wrote to Jani Beg that unless he came to their aid, the place must
be lost. Upon learning this the Mirza marched with great
alacrity to Siwan. When he had reached a point about twenty
kos from us, we received intelligence of his advance. We held a
council, and determined to fight him ; so we raised the siege and
marched to oppose his advance. When the Khan-i Khanan heard
this he sent Muhammad Khan Niyazi and some other of his officers

with reinforcements for us. We were near the Lakki hills when they
joined us, and our united force then amounted to 1200 horse. Jani Beg
was advancing through the hills with 10,000 horse, together with a
numerous body of infantry and archers, and he had ghrdbs and
cannon coming up the river. When he was six or seven Icos distant,
our leaders perceived that if we remained where we were, we might
be attacked on every side. Jani Beg might attack us from the hills,
the ghrdhs from the river, and the men of Sihwan from the rear, so

that we should be in a critical position. We therefore resolved to

march on and meet him, and our forces were accordingly set in

motion. Jani Beg received intelligence of our movement through

his spies, but could not credit it, for he asked what our numbers
could be, and what must be our presumption to venture on such a
step. But the dust of our march then became visible to him,and
he instantly proceeded to set his army in array. It was noon when
the contending forces met. When our van-guard became engaged,
some of the men took The enemy pursued, and
flight and fled.

coming up with our main body the battle became general. Three
or four fierce charges were made, but at length the enemy were
defeated. Jani Beg stood his ground and fought desperately, but
seeing that all was over, he also fled. The enemy lost many men in
TAEIKH-I M'ASl/Mr. 251

killed and prisoners. Jani Beg retreated to TJnarpur,' twenty kos

from tlie battle-field, where he raised a small fort and strengthened
his position. We besieged the place, and after some days the
Khan-i Khanan arrived in person. The batteries were pushed for-
ward, and fighting went on every day, in which many on both sides
were killed. Digging approaches to the fort, we reached the edge
of the ditch, and raised there a mound of earth. Jani Beg was then
reduced to despair, and ofiered terms. His proposal was to give
over to us thirty ghrdhs and the fort of Sihwan. He himself would
return to Thatta but would meet us again afterwards. The Elan-i
Khanan consulted with his officers, and they all agreed that Jani
Beg was reduced to extremities, and that no terms should be made

with him it was a mere question of a day or two and if he were
allowed to return to Thatta he would probably change his mind.
The Khan-i Khanan observed that if we assaulted the fort, many
men on both sides would be slain, and that the wives and families
of the garrison would fall into our hands and might be treated with
indignity, for these reasons he would accept the terms, and would
further obtain a mansab of 5000 from the Emperor for Jani Beg.
No doubt his decision was sound. The representatives of Jam' Beg
then came into our lines, the terms were settled, the ghrabs were
given up, a person was sent to Sihwan to secure the surrender of
the fort, and Jani Beg himself set out for Thatta. The Khan-i
Khanan stayed in the village of Sann during the inimdationa, but in
the winter he departed for Thatta. "When we approached Fath-bagh
Jani Beg came forward to meet us, and there was an interview and
friendly intercourse between the two chiefs. Leaving Jani Beg at
this place the Khan-i Khanan proceeded to Thatta, and there he
distributed among his officers and soldiers all the effects (baadt) he
had with him. He next went to Lahori-bandar, where he gazed
upon the sea (ddryde shor). When he departed from this place he
left Daulat Khan and Khwaja Mukim in charge. A royal mandate
had arrived directing him to bring Jani Beg to Court, ^ia conse-
quence of this he started off, taking Jani Beg with him, and hastened
by forced marches to the Imperial presence. Every kindness and
consideration was bestowed upon Jani Beg through the friendly
' ["Amarpur" in MS. B-l

statements of th.e Khan-i Khanan. The country of Thatta was

graciously restored to him, and he was received into the royal ser-
vice with a mansab of 5000. Still further favour was shown him,

and Khusru Khan was named to be his son-in-law.

When His Majesty set out for the Dekhin,' intent upon the con-
quest of Ahmadnagar and the fort of Kasim, on the 25th Bajab
Mirza Jani Beg died of brain, fever, and upon the solicitation of

Nawwab AUani, the country of Thatta was granted to MirzS Grhazi

Beg, son of the deceased Mirza.

' [It is at this point in MS. . that there comes in ahniptly the passage relating
to Dfida, upon wbioh some remarks have been made in page 215.]
TAErKH-I TAHlEr. 253



This work is named after the author, Mir Tahlr Muhammad

Nasydni, son of Saiyid Hasan, of Thatta. The author, his
father, and grandfather, were intimately acquainted with the
affairs of the Arghuna and Tarkhans, and were dependants of
the members of the former family. Tahir Muhammad, indeed,
dedicates his work to, and writes it Shah
at the instigation of,

Muhammad Beg 'Adil Khan, son of Shkh B6g 'Adil Khan

Arghiin, governor of Kandahar. The Tuhfatu-l Mrdm (p. 74),

stylesShdh Beg a Tarkhan, not an Arghun, and states that it

was to him that the Tdrihh-i Tdkiri was dedicated.
The author, independent of what he says in his rambling pre-
face of twenty pages, which is replete with the most fulsome adula-
tion, gives us several incidental notices of himself and' family in

the course of his work.i We learn that in 1015 h. (1606 a.d.),

when Kandahar was beleaguered by the Persians, he went to

Thatta to complete his education, and that he was then twenty-

five years old. He placed himself under Maul4na Ishak, a
celebrated teacher, who was well instructed in Sufyism by an
attentive perusal of Shaikh Sa'di, Jami, Khakdni, and Anwari.
His maternal grandfather, 'Umar Shah, and his son Daiid
Sehta, Chief of the Pargana of Durbela, afforded such effective
aid to Humdyun, in his flight from Shir Shah, that the Emperor
wrote a document expressive of his satisfaction, and of his deter-
mination to reward their fidelity with a grant of their native
district of Durbela, should he succeed in his enterprises and be

1 See pages 63, 73, 86, 1B9, 167, 224, 228, of the MS.

restored to his throne. At the instigation of Mahrndd Khdn,

the governor of Bhakkar, they were both put to death for this
injudicious zeal ; one being sewn up in a hide and thrown into
the river from the battlements of Bhakkar; the other flayed
alive, and his skin sent, stuifed with straw, to Mirz4 Shah Hasan
Arghiin. The family fled to Ahmadabad in Guzer4t. The
document above alluded to was unfortunately destroyed, when
Mirza Jani Beg ordered Thatta to be fired on the approach of
the imperial army. The author, nevertheless, hoped to meet
with his reward, should it ever be his good fortune to be pre-
sented to the reigning Emperor Jahangir. In one part of his
work he calls 'Uraar Shah by the title of Jam, from which we
may presume that he was a Samma. Datid, 'Umar's son, is also
styled Sehta, and, from a passage in the Extracts, it will be seen

that J4m Sehta, one of the descendants of the Samma refugees,

is spoken of as one of the Chiefs of Kach.

Tahir Muhammad informs us that, notwithstanding all the
enquiries he made, he was not able to procure any work which
dealt with the periods of history which he had undertaken to
write. There might, perhaps, have been some written in the
Hindi character, but on that point he was ignorant. This is

disingenuous, for his early history must be derived from some

written source, though he does not choose to declare what it was.
He quotes a poem by Mir Ma'sum Bhakkari, and is, perhaps,
indebted to his prose also, but to no great extent, for in describ-
ing the same events, our author is fuller, and his credulity induces

him to indulge in strange anecdotes, which the other rejects.

His later history, in which he is very copious, is derived not
only from his father, who was himself an actor in some of the
scenes which he describes, but from other eye-witnesses, as well
as his own observations. His residence seems to have been
chiefly at Durbela, but we hear of his being, not only at Kanda-
h&r and Thatta, as previously mentioned, but at Mult4n and
Lahore ; so that, for a Sindian, we may consider him what
Froissart calls a " well-travelled knight."

The Tdrihh-i Tdkiri was completed in 1030 h. (1621 a.d.), in

the fortieth year of the author's age. Its style is bad and confused,
and occasionally ambitious. We are told that it is divided into
ten chapters {tabka), but they are not
numbered beyond the fourth,
and only seven can be traced altogether. The first, consisting
of sixteen pages, is devoted to the Surara dynasty. The second,
of ten pages, to the Samma dynasty. The third, of 30 pages, to
the Arghiins. The fourth and all the others, comprising 172
pages, to the Tarkhdns so that it is evident that to them he
directs his chief attention, bringing their affairs down to the
latest period, when Mirza Ghazi Beg was poisoned at Kandahar,
in 1021 H. (1612 a.d.), and the power of the Tarkhans was brought
to a close even as Jdgirdars a title they were suffered to retain
after their entire loss of independance under Mirza Jdni Beg. We
have nothing on the subject of the Arab dominion in Sind, and
the chapters upon the Sumras and Samma form no continuous
narrative of their transactions. Even the later chapters are very
deficient in dates, though there is no break in the history of the
Arghuns and Tarkhans. Where dates are inserted they are not
always correct.
Besides the present history, it would appear from one of the
Extracts given below, that the author composed another work
upon some of the Legends of Sind. The name of " Nasyani^" is.

not a patronymic, but, as we are informed in the Tuhfatu-l

kirdm (p. 192), a mere poetical designation, assumed by the
author. The same passage gives us also some information re-
specting his descendants.
This work is rare out of Sind, where it is procurable without
much difiiculty. The Amir of Khairpur and the Saiyids of
Thatta have a copy, I have not met with it anywhere else in

India, and I believe there is no copy in Europe. Size, quarto

(12 X 9 inches) containing 254 pages, each of 17 lines.

1 Nasydni, the forgetful ? or Nashydni, -whicli signifies the drunken, or, a seeker
of news ?



The Destruction of Alor.

From the year of the Hijri 700 (1300 a.d.), until 843 (1439 a.d.),
that is to say, for a period of 143 years, the Hindu tribe of Sumra were
the rulers of Sind; and that portion which is now flourishing was then
a mere waste, owing to the scarcity of water in the Sind or Panjab
river, which is known by the above name below Bhatkar. ' No water

flowed towards those regions, and water is the very foundation of

all prosperity. The capital of this people city of Muham-
was the
mad Tur, which now depopulated and is included in the parjana of

Dirak. Not I alone but many others have beheld these ruins with as-
tonishment. Numbers of the natives of that city, after its destruction,
settled in the pargana of Sakiira, which was peopled in the time of
the Jams of Samma, and there they founded a village to which they
also gave the name of Muhammad Tur. In this village resided
many great men and zaminddrs, disciples of the Shaikh of Shaikhs
and defender of the world, Makhdum Shaikh Bahau-d din (Zaka-
riya) Mulld Khalifa Sindi, so well known in Hind, who sprang from
them and that village. The cause of the ruin of the above-named
city, and of its dependencies, which had flourished between nine

hundred and a thousand years, was as follows Below the town of :

Alor flowed the river of the Panjab, which was indefinitely called

by the three names of Hakra, Wdhind, and Dahan, and by others

for its name changes at every village by which it flows. After
fertilizing the land, the river pours its waters into the ocean.
Dalu Rai governed the country between the two above-mentioned
cities (Muhammad Tur and Alor). He was a tyrant and an adul-
terer : every night he possessed himself of a maiden. From the
merchants who brought their goods that way in boats from Hind to
the port of Dewal,' he levied a toll of half their property ; traders

thus suffered incalculable injury. At length, a certain merchant*


^ <^t^ri J\J-^.j^

^ Note
^ '^^i ^. ^^ vT
A in Appendix upon

' Captain MoMurdo places Dal(i or Dillti Eii early in the second century of the
Hijra.JoMCK. M. A. S., Vol I. p. 28.
< The Tuhfatu-l Icirdm (p. 35), calls him Saifu-l-muWt, and says he was on his

way to Mecca, and that when he returned thence, he lived and died somewhere ahout

reached the place with a vast amount of goods, and was much
astonished at this tyrant's proceedings. When the customs' officers
perceived the valuable nature of his merchandise, and found him to
be a traveller from distant parts, they resolved to exceed their
usual demands. The merchant had also with him a handmaiden,
young, and beautiful as the full-moon. When the impious tyrant
was informed of this, he determined, according to his odious habit,
to get her into his possession. The traveller, who was a
wise and Grod-fearing man, said to himself that it was impos-
sible to escape from
the tyrant with honour and without
distress, would be better to make some bold effort in
and hence it ;

which, by God's help, he might succeed, and which would stand re-
corded on the page of destiny untU the day of judgment. He prayed
for and obtained three day's grace to forward the amount of duties
along with his beautiful damsel. During this time he collected a
number- of skilful and expert artizans, men who excelled Farhad in
piercing mountains, and could close a breach with a rampart like
Alexander's. To these men he gave whatever they desired, and
rewarded their labour with gold, jewels, and stuffs.His intention
was to erect a strong embankment above' the town of Alor, and turn
the course of the waters towards Bhakkar. Night after night these

workmen laboured to dig a new channel and erect

strong and able
an embankment. The river was thus turned from its old course
and flowed towards Siwan and the Lakkf Hills, with such force that
the merchant was, by God's mercy, quickly carried with his ships
and goods far away beyond the oppressor's reach. When the people
of the tyrant's country awoke in the morning, instead of several
fathoms of water, they found nothing but mud and muddy water.
All were amazed, and informed their master of the mode of the
merchant's escape, and of the ruin that had come on the country.
He ordered them to turn the river into its old channel, but they all
replied that it could not be done now the water had flowed else-

Dera Gh&zJ KliS.ii and Sitpur. It is added, that his handmaiden Jamil or Badi'u-1-
Jam&l, bore him two sons, Ratta and Chhatta, whose tombs, with that of the father,
stand near Ratta, which in olden times was a large city in Dalii Rkfs territory, of
which the vestiges still remain.
[The text says .M <U^ J J, but this is an obvious blunder.]

VOL. I. 17

where. The Eaja's regret and repentance were all too late. " When
the evil is done, oh fool ! what avaQs your regret ? Stuff not cotton
in your ears, but be alert sleep not at the hour of action." In
short the scarcity of water soon caused the grass and the fields to
wither, and death laid its grasp on men and cattle, but the tyrant
paused not in his evil career, untU his crimes destroyed both him-
self and his people.

Destruction of Brdhmandbdd.

It is related by old historians that this Dalu Eai had a brother

called Chhata' Amrani, whom it had pleased God to dispose, from
his youth upwards, to virtue. Amrani often remonstrated with his
brother against his evil ways, but without success ; he, therefore,
left his country and applied himself to the study of the Kuran.
When, having learned the holy book by heart, he returned to his

home, his friends urged him much to marry ; but he was displeased
with their wicked ways, and therefore refused. His relatives
repudiated and derided him, exclaiming that he had turned Turk,
that is to say, Musulman, and would next be going to Mecca to
marry the daughter of some great man there. Amrani's star was in
the ascendant, and his heart inclined to God, so their taunts took
effect on him, and he resolved to proceed to the Kaa'ba. When he
reached the place of his destination, he beheld a woman standing
with a loaf in her hand. After he had looked at her several times
the maiden perceived him and asked him what he sought in that
town. He replied that by her means, he hoped to be able to read
the Kuran. She told him. that the daughter of a certain venerable
man was much better acquainted than herself with the holy book,
and was in the habit of teaching many young girls, and that if he
changed his dress and attended upon her with the girls, he might
obtain the wish of his heart. Amrdni answered that all would be
accomplished through her kindness. He made her a small present,
and joined the scholars. After a time he became again perfect
in the Kuran, when, one day, a woman came to see the teacher, who

' [The word hero and in a few other places written Jhata, but as frequently

Ghhata, and this nearer the Tuhfatu-1 Kir&m, which has " Chhoia."
is It is proba-
bly the Hindi word, and signifies that he was the younger brother.]

was also skilled in astrology. The visitor said :

" I have a young
daughter whom I wish to marry to a certain person ;
pray see if the
match will prove a happy one for if not, I will wed my daughter

elsewhere." The fates were consulted, a favourable answer was

returned, and the woman departed. Chhata who, in woman's dis-
guise, had been taught by the fair sage, without her knowing his
sex, now said that, as she could ascertain other people's destiny,
he begged she would also consult the stars on her own account, and
find out who should be her husband. " This enquiry," she replied,
" will be very pleasing to me up ; to this moment I have never
thought of what concerns myself." The fates were again consulted,
and the answer which she delivered was :
" a person called Chhata
will come from Sind, and I shall be given unto him." Amrani
asked if the person had as yet left Sind, and proceeded towards
Mecca or not. She answered, that he had arrived in the city.

""Where is he?" "In this house," was the reply, "and you are
he." Chhata left off questioning and began to read.
The girl informed her mother of these events. The relatives gave
their consent, and the two were united. Amranf dwelt there some
time, after which he returned to his own country to Pain-wah
where his brother ruled.^ Between Chhata and his wife Patima, in
their devotion to God, nothing was concealed, and they looked upon
each other with fond affection. One day Chhata's brother sent him
away on some business, with the intention of getting a look at his

wife in his absence. This virtuous woman was in her bath, and
there the wicked man saw her. At the same moment, Fatima and
Chhata, who was far away, became cognizant of this fact. Chhata
immediately returned, and, abandoning his relatives, left the country
with his wife, and proclaimed that whoever remained in the city
would ignominiously perish. The very night they left, destruction
hovered over the city, but was kept off by the watching of an old
widow, who was spinning. The second night they were saved by
the watching of Gunigir,' but on the third night, which was the
time appointed for the destruction of those wicked people, the whole

1 Or, more probably, " Babraanwi ;" in the Tuhfaiu-l Kirdm tbe place is named
Bha.mhara, or Brahman&bad. See note, supra, p. 189.
LJ-k In tlie Tuhfatu-l Kirdm ^jjj^'\


place was swallowed up by the earth., men, buildings and all,

the only sign of them left was a minaret, which stands there to this
day. Chhata Amrani and his wife Tatima reached in safety the
town of Siwistan, which is now known as Slwan. There he passed
his days in prayer and worship. When he left this transitory
dwelling-place to seek a wished-for and eternal home beyond the
chambers of death, as during his life-time, he had performed
miracles, and his prayers had been granted, so was it still after his

decease. Whoever approached his shrine obtained the wish of his

heart. His tomb is to be found in the city of Siwan ; many people
flock to it on Fridays, and place full belief in its powers.

The Dynasty of Siimra.

Be it known to wise and intelligent men who can solve knotty
Hindu tribe has been related
points, that the history of this ignorant

by old chroniclers as follows :

" Every man of them considered
himself a chief and leader, but [Jmar Sumra was their ruler. It is

not known over how long a period his reign extended, but irv all

his years this chieftain, imworthy of his sacred name,' practiced

unworthy acts. He was in the habit of laying violent hands on the
females of his subjects. Among
women he seized a other married
beautiful woman named Marui, who belonged to the tribe of the
Maruis,^ who resided near the forts of 'Umar-kot. She had been
betrothed to a person named Phog,' but was, by her parents, when
her beauty had developed itself, united to another of her relatives.
Phog laid a complaint before 'TJmar, "I have given up all hope,"
said he, "of obtaining her, but she is well fitted for your own
harem. If you could but once see her, you would never wish to part

from her again." This speech of that dweller in the desert induced
the chieftain to change his dress, and to moimt an active camel,*
fleet as the wind, on which he repaired to the woman's residence.
He was captivated at first sight, and remained thare some days. At
^ j'^^ Alluding of course to the Khalif 'Umar.
* Wanderers of the desert.

' [The text has ul/j--J "Nahabfik," but Sir H. Elliot has substituted "Phog"
in the translation. His authority for this change is not cited.]
* [The text has i.l), but immediately afterwards the animal is called zJit^

to that a camel, not a horse, must be intended by the word.]


length, finding an opportunity, he placed the woman on his own

camel, and returned to the Beat of his government. But all praise

to the virtue and chastity of Marui, for though gold and jewels,
robes and apparel were offered her, and though she was made to

taste of severity and anger, nothing could induce her to listen to his

proposals. "In what creed," said she, "is it considered lawful

that we should, for the sake of a little brief authority and worldly
riches, which avaU. us not- when all is over, put aside the duty
owing to a husband, and thus at last, heap infamy on our heads.
The tenderness of her language took effect on the abductor : for a
year he detained her and beheld her fidelity. He then sent for her
husband and returned her to him, with as much gold and jewels as
he could give, and told him of his wife's chastity. Doubt, however,
remained in the husband's mind ; he kept aloof from hex, and con-

stantly addressed reproaches to her. 'Umar was one day informed

of this conduct, of the doubts which the husband retained of Marui's
chastity, and the disgrace which was thus reflected on himself. An
army was ordered to attack and plunder the tribe, but they fled on
receipt of the news. When the fact became known, he ('Umar) said
" Why does the husband of this chaste woman seek to distress her,
and in suspicion of a wrong which has not been committed, why
does he injure both her and his ruler, causing a personal and general
scandal instigating all this disturbance." That paragon of fidelity,

comforted the women of her family, and, strong in her own virtue,

went to 'Umar and spoke as follows :

You are the lord of this
country. If before this you had not conceived such designs, you
would not have entailed such disgrace on yourself and on me but, ;

you have kept a mad's wife confined for a twelvemonth in your

own house, and after exposing her to suspicion, have sent her away.
What wonder is there then that people, who know not right from
vTrong, should entertain doubts, and what wonder if her husband kill

her through jealousy. The redress were worse than the fault itself,

should you punish the oppressed family. Consider your own errors,

be just, and say at whose door lies the blame." This was said with
so much earnestness that it took effect. 'Umar, ashamed of his mis-
deeds, recalled his army, and caused the husband to be brought ^to
his presence, when he sought by an oath, according to the Hindu

custom, to remove all doubt from his mind. But that pattern of
excellence anticipated him, and urged that she was the proper
person to take the oath, for thus the foul stain would be washed
away from herself and from her whole family. So it was settled

that a fire should be kindled and an iron heated therein. As soon

as the fire burned and flames like lightning issued from the iron, the

woman raised it, and came out pure from the trial, and in the eyes
of the Hindus all stain on her honour was removed. The thought
now entered 'Umax's mind that it was not easy to clear himself of the
guilt of the abduction. God is just j injustice pleaseth him not, and
never has he, nor will he ever, disgi-ace any but the guilty. This
craeL obstinate husband, thought he, has abased me in the eyes of
the world; is it not better that I should pass through the fiery
ordeal and truth be brought to the light of day 1 He did as resolved.
Glory to God who maketh truth to triumph I Not a hair of his

head or a thread of his garments was singed, and he issued scathless

from the raging flames ^whioh consume alike friend and foe. 'TJmar
and the relatives of the virtuous wife, whom idle talkers had calum-
niated and reviled, were now raised in public opinion ; the doubts,
which day and night had tormented the husband, vanished, and his
unkind treatment ceased.'

Account of this event as related in the presence of the Emperor

When the powerful Nawab Mirza Khan-i Khanan had made him-
seK master of Tatta, he summoned to his presence the great men of
the country, and amongst others selected the most noble of them,
Mirza Jani Beg Tarkhan, 'i^riz of the Tarkhania, to be presented at
the court of his majesty, and he proceeded thither with a party of
Sindi friends. At an interview the conversation happened to turn
upon Marui, which induced the Emperor to enquire of Jani Beg the
particulars of this story.The latter replied that he had with hipi
a poet named Mukim, conversant with both Persian and Sindi,
who was well acquainted with the whole story, and whom he would
send for if permitted to do so. Mirza Jani Beg himself was per-

1 This popular legend is given in a different form by Lt. Burton, from the metrical
Tersion current in the country. (SmrfA, pp. 107-113.


fectly informed of all the circumstances, but lie wished to bring the
poet to the notice of his majesty. The bard was introduced, but he
knew so little of the case, that, contrary to the fact, he said the
heroine had a childby that tyrant, misnamed 'Umar.' His Highness
was much displeased at this misrepresentation, and the bard with-
drew crestfallen. Jam Beg then related the story correctly, and some
of the auditors repeated rerses in the Sindi language in praise of the
Marui. The late Mir Saiyid Ma'sum Bhakkari, of blessed memory, has
recorded in verse the story of Sassai and Pannii and called his work
" Husn Mir Abii-1 Kasim, (son of
o Naz," (beaufey and coquetry) ;

Shah Shah Kasim Arghun) has likewise versi-

Abil-l 'KSsixu, son of
fied the story of Chanesar and Lila and called it "Chanesar;"'

I also have written (these legends) in prose and named my work

" Naz o Niyaz" (coquetry and supplication). May men of genius
view it favourably !

Sistory of Qangd and '

Umar S&mra.
I write for the information of men of enlightened minds, friends
to literature, and delighting in the sweets of learning. A maiden
named Ganga, of the tribe of Tamim, had been betrothed to 'Umar.
The latter happened to see her at a time when the spring of youth
had not filled the cup of her beauty, and the imopened bud of her
cheeks was as yet without fragrance. She did not please him, and
his heart was averse to her, so he relinquished all thought of making
her his wife, and gave permission that she should be united to any
one they chose. 'Umar Tamim, a relative of the gid's, and a com-
panion of 'Umar Sumra, without whom the latter never drank (or
eat), became her husband. After a few years, this unopened bud>
fanned by the zephyr of youth, became a very stem of blooming
roses. She imported such fragrance to the breeze, that fascination
penetrated the core of every heart.
' In allusion to the Khalifa 'TJmar, better known to us as Omar. It is to be
observed that the author throughout spells the Hindti's name with an ain ^ts-.
[Amarkot is also generallj written 'Umarkot.]
' The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 74) says that Mir Tahir is here in error, the real
author being IdrSihf B6g.
' The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 31) says that Muhammad T&hir's JTa'is o iftyo'z is in
verse and relates to the story of M&rili. Zamiri has written a poem of the same

One day, wlien the washerman had put out her clothes to dry near
the road, the chief happened to pass hy the scented garments.
Such perfume hung in the breeze that for miles it entered the brains
of the wayfarers. The scent of the musk caused blood to flow from
his nostrils, and he wondered whose garments these could be. He
enquired of the washerman, and ascertained, after a good deed of
trouble, as the man had been ordered not to mention the owner's
name, that they belonged to a certain woman married to 'Umar
Tamim, and whom his highness had formerly rejected. Longing
and regret now took possession of his soul, and so great was hie
fascination that he proceeded to the woman's house, intending, if

the master should not be within, to delight his eyes and heart with
a glimpse of that heart-enthralling creature. The husband was not
at home. Deceivers employ many stratagems, so 'Umar found
nothing better than to pretend that he had discharged an arrow at
some pigeons, and only entered the house to pick one up. The fair

lady, who knew nothing of all this, being suddenly disturbed, rose
to screen herself from view, and enquired what the intruder sought,
but the latter obtained what he had come for and departed. A
dart of love from the bow of her eyebrows had pierced his heart
and he writhed like a wounded snake. The love which had sud-
denly been implanted in the innermost recesses of his heart dis-
turbed him so much that he threw^ himself madly on his couch,
abandoned food, drink, and sleep, and spoke to no one. His ministers
w^ere much astonished at this conduct, but having learned the cause
of it, they respectfully informed him that the difficulty could very
easily be overcome ; that he should be of good cheer and not grieve.
The ministers agreed that it was necessary, by some means, to sepa-

rate the woman from her husband, and bring her to their master's
palace. To further this scheme, it was settled by these godless men
that 'Umar shotdd make a show of more than usual cordiality and
affection to that young man. The husband was astonished at these
unwonted demonstrations, and one day asked his confidential friends
what could be the object of them. Being all in the plot, they
answered that a wish seemed to have entered the chieftain's mind -to
give him his sister in marriage, and by this connection, bind him
more closely to himself in the bonds of fraternity and love, for he

was highly pleased with his services, and placed great reliance on
him. 'Umar Tamim heedlessly believed this falsehood he was ;

transported with delight by these tidings, which ought to have

saddened him, and he expanded like a rose, so that his robe
could scarcely contain him. The simpleton dreamed not that
his friends were foully conspiring to deprive him of his wife.
One day the friends met. Wine, that source of so much evU,
was administered in such quantities to the unhappy husband, who
had not strength to bear it, that he quite lost aU mastery over
himself. The associates perceived that they would never find an
opportunity naore favourable for the execution of their designs,
so in furtherance of their scheme, they spoke to this foolish and
helpless being of that impossible marriage. At length, he agreed
that he would divorce his present wife, in order to obtaia that
higher object of his wishes ; and he did so. The plotters having
so far succeeded, now told him that this divorce alone was not suffi-

cient, that he must offer the woman as tribute to 'Umar. The

drunkard hesitated not to give away his cast-off wife. Then, as a
finish to the business, he himself was turned out of the assembly, and
his wife conveyed to the house of him who had instigated this vile
proceeding. On the morrow, when the husband shook off the sleep of
intoxication, he thought of his spouse, and remembered the sad events
of the past day. Then, uttering cries of grief, he rent his garments,
and proceeded to Dehli to lay a complaint before 'Alau-d din Sultan.
The people of this country relate, that when the husband laid his
complaint before the Sultan, this guardian of justice sent that very
night an order to 'Umar to appear before him, stating that if he came
and satisfied the complainant, he might escape punishment, other-
wise, an avenging force should be sent to plunder and overrun the
country, and his wives and children should fall a prey to the

soldiery. 'Umar prepared to depart the moment the messenger

arrived. After a journey of some days, he reached the royal pre-

sence, and made numerous offerings. "When the complainant and
defendant were confronted, the Sultan's anger rose to such a pitdh
that he caused the guilty man to be thrown into a prison to end
his days, in order that his fate might be a salutary warning to all

wicked doers. For a long time he suffered in prison, but at length


obtained Ms liberty through, the intercessiou of his friends, on the

payment of a heavy fine, and by binding himself to pay an annual
tribute. He now returned to Sind, and from that time the rulers
of this country have been tributary to the kings of Hind. 'Umax
soon forgot his imprisonment and sufferings, and stretched forth the
hand of tyranny over the people of Samma, the ancient tenants
of thesoil. Many families were driven by his exactions to abandon
the land of their birth and seek refuge in Kach,' which lies between
Guzerat and Sind, and this land by God's mercy they have occupied
to the present day.

The dynasty of Samma.

Old story tellers relate that when God resolved to destroy the
people of Siiinra (who occupied the city of Muhammad Tur and its

vicinity, where ruin had followed the erection of the hand of Alor)
80 utterly that not a sign of them should be left in the land, he
decreed that their lives should be passed in the commisBion of un-
worthy acts and of crimes.Young and old became intent on
violence and mischiefl They belonged to the Hindu faith, yet they
ate the flesh of buffalos, although eating the flesh of the cow is held
in abhorrence according to that religion. The labouring classes and
landholders of the Sammas also held the same belief, yet never drank
wine without partaking of a young buffalo calf. One of these
animals was taken openly and forcibly by the Sumras from the
house of a Samma at a time when the latter had gone out, and the
wine cup passed freely. When the owner returned, his wife
taunted him with what had occurred " To-day," said she, " they

have seized a young buffalo to roast, and to-morrow they will take
away your women in the same disgraceful way. Either give us,
your wives, freely to these men or quit the place." This person
was a man of rank and honour ; so collecting his friends and re-

latives, he raised a great cry and sallied forth. A number of the

people of Siimra were assembled at the time ; he fell on this body
and killed several of them ; then, packing up all his valuables, he
set out for Kach with as many of his relatives as could accompany
1 [Theteithas "Kanj."]
T&B.XKH.-I TAHIRr, 267

They had haardly reached the Eann, or desert, which extends

from the ocean between the countries of Sind and Guzerat, when a
powerful army of Sumras OYertook them and tried to pacify them,
but the fugitives dreaded them too much to have any wish to return.
Fighting commenced, and many fell on both sides. The fugitives
nevertheless reached the land of Kach, which was occupied by the
tribe of Chawara, and they settled there in the desert with their
property. After a time, when they had ascertained who were the
chiefs in those parts, they represented to them that they were
numerous and had come there for protection, that they craved a
portion of land to cultivate, the produce of which would suffice for
their wants, and
commnnity from aU expense on their
free the
account. A small was given to them by
tract of uncultivated land
the Chawaras under the conditions that whatever grain they grew
thereon should be theirs, but that aU the grass should be sent into
the government forts, as the former would suffice for them. The
agreement was entered into, and the land was brought into culti-
It appears that finally the settlers became masters of the soil by
the following stratagem. For some years after their immigration,
they went on settling and cultivating the land faithfully, according
to treaty ; they sending the grass grown on their lands to the forts
of the chiefs of this country of desert and hills.' "When they had
got a firm footing and become thoroughly acquainted with the state
of the country and th^ resources of its chiefs, it appeared to them
that, if, with one accord, they managed their afifairs with discretion,

they might succeed in getting the upper hand. They therefore

resolved to put into execution some carefully matured stratagem for
this purpose. This was the plan that in every cart-load of hay

two armed men should be concealed and sent into the fortress.
Five hundred loads formed the yearly contribution. This hay was
now conveyed in that number of carts in each were concealed two

armed men, "fend a third sat on the top so that about fifteen hundred

men were all sent off together, and those who remained outside
held themselves in readiness and listened for the shouts of the others.
At the fort gate was always kept a learned astrologer, whose duty

it was, from time to time, to warn the guards of coming events. As

soon as the leading carts reached the entrance, the astrologer dis-

covered that raw meat was concealed in them and proclaimed it

with loud cries. The guardians of the gate jumped up and drove
their spears into the hay in such a manner that the points entered
the breasts of the enterprising youths within. But, oh, the heroism
they displayed ! As the spears were withdi-awn they wiped the
bloody points with their clothes, so that not a speck of blood ap-
peared upon them ; and all the day that truthful soothsayer was
disbelieved, no further search was made, and all the carts entered
the fort. "When night came on, these resolute men, both within and
without the walls prepared for action as had been previously con-
certed.Sword in hand, those who were inside fell upon the com-
mandant of the fort and slew him. They then beat the drums to
announce their triumph. Their friends without, hearing the signal,
and knowing was right, rushed at the gate and smote every one

of its defenders who had the bravery to resist them. So great was
the carnage, that words cannot describe it.^

Thus the oomitry which lies along the sea became subject to the
people of the Samma,' and their descendants are dominant there to
this day. Baf Bhara and Jam Sihta, the Eajas of both Great and
Little Kaoh, are descended from the Samma tribe. Among these
people the tika is conferred upon the Eaf. When one of the Jams
of Little Kach dies, another is appointed in his place, but the
sovereignty and the tfka are not bestowed upon Mm until such times
as the Eai of Great Kach dies. "When a successor has been ap-
pointed he is obeyed by all ; and all those who assemble to appoint
the Eai present to him horses, honorary dresses, and many other
things, according to ancient custom. "Whenever a well or a tank is

dug in either of the divisions of Kach, the Chawaras formerly the

masters of the soil, now the ryots are consulted and brought to
approve of the project before it is carried into execution.

' The Bcene of this stratagem was GvSntri, in Kachh, of which the remarkahle
ruins are well worthy of a visit. See Journal Asiatic Society of Sengal, Feb. 1838,

p. 102.
' Respecting the Samma migration to this province, sceZ)r. Muma' Mist. ofCutch,
Introduction, pp. xi , liv.

Strange customs of the Tribes.

Be it known to men of enlightened minds ttat these people had
many strange customs, such as the strong branding the stamp of
slavery upon the shoulders of the weak. As an instance of this, a
man named Diida Sumra attempted to enslave his own brothers,
and when any one of them resisted, sought means to kill him. Such
was the prevailing stupidity of these people, that whenever they
placed themselves in the barber's hands, they had the nails of their
hands and feet extracted by the roots, and this violent process caused

such distress, that they lost all recollection for a time. A sensible
man one day enquired why they inflicted such tortures on them-
selves. They was this wide difference between
replied, that there

them and other people, that they did what others could not.' The
clothes which they had once worn were never again put on. To
wear them a second time would have been held highly improper. A
woman who had brought forth a child was no longer allowed to shara
her husband's bed. At length, one of them, a fond and clever wife,
becoming pregnant, revolved in her mind that, after the birth of
the chUd, she would lose the society of her husband, and that she
must therefore think of some means to convince him that childbirth
did not render a female impure, and to banish all such ideas from his
miad. This was her plan : whatever clothes her husband took off

she gave to the washerman, with orders to wash them most care-
fully. One day the husband took a bath, and asked for cloths
wherewith to dry his limbs. He was supplied with some of those
which had been washed and put aside. These appeared to him so
unusually soft, that he enquired what kind of fresh cloth it was.
His wife told him, and he so niuch approved of what she had done,
that he declared his intention of wearing washed clothes for the
future. The wife, on hearing this, exclaimed that such also was the
condition of women ; why, then, should men cast them off ? The
husband abandoned both of these foolish practices, and aU the tribe
followed his example.
The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 36) ascribes to them a more probable answer, viz.,
that the chiefs alone did it to distinguish them from their inferiors, It is curiouj
that Blrdni ascribes to Indian chiefs the Chinese practice of allowing their nails to
grow so that it might be understood they had the means of living without manual
labour. M. Seinaud, Memoirs sur V Inde, p. 288.

All that remain of them at the present day are good Muham-
madans and God-fearing men so much so, that Darwesh Daud,

Mian Hamul and Mian Ismail Sumra, who were among the chief men
of the town of Akham, in the Pargana of Samawfitf, entertained five
hundred students of the Kuran, in the college, feeding and clothing
them all, for the love of God, at their own expense. The late Mirzd
Muhammad Baki Tarkhan, notwithstanding his parsimony and
economy,' which will be described when I speak of him, gave
away, in charity, the produce of his husbandry. His collectors once

complained to him, that a certain darwesh, not content with having

tilled every bit of land in the district, sought to appropriate all
their lord's possessions to his own use. Find therefore, said they,

some other employment for the present cultivators. The Mirza

replied :
" that he should tiU my lands is but little, were he to
drive a plough over my head, I should deem it a favour." Fakirs,
widows, and the poor were the recipients of his bounty. A well-
provided table was at all hours spread for his guests, ^but he himself
constantly fasted. "When the hour came to break the fast, a barley-
loaf, without salt, constituted his only food. A guest coming to him
one day, a sumptuous meal was ordered for him, but the guest did
not partake of it. "Why," asked the Mirza, " do you not like the
food ? " "I wish," replied the stranger, " to eat off the same

plate with your majesty." " Oh, what happiness," exclaimed the

latter. "When evening came, he bid his guest to come and share with
him the barley-loaf ^that being all his meal. " Oh," said the man,
" I thought your own meal would have been better than what you
gave your guests ; this was the cause of my indiscretion, but pray
pardon me ; I am satisfied to partake of the former repast" The
host replied :
" Yes, the dainty repast is best suited to your taste, the
mere loaf is plenty for mine ; for it is no light task to conquer the

flesh and abjure the world the world, that faithless creature, that

slays her husband and devours her aons-in-law. No true man will
give her a place in his heart. To do so is the act of the mean-spirited.

Renounce the faithless harlot in the four extremities of the universe,

and cleanse the skirt of your robe from aU desire of her."


TARriCH-l TAIIIRr. 271

Religious men love not the world,

For they seek not women.
If you are bound in the chains of a woman,
Boast not again of your manliness.
Hare you not read in the ancient book,
What befel Hueain and Hasan, owing to a woman ?
A woman, be she good or had, should be thus treated
Press your foot upon her neck.

Depopulation of the country of the Sitmras.

"When through the tyranny of Dalu Kai, the river of the town of Alor
became dry, the passage of the river of the Panjab came to be made
near Siwan, and that town, which is still flourishiag, became populated.
The want of water ruined the lands of the tribe of Sumra, and the
tyranny of Duda Siimra drove many complaining to the Sultan
'Alau-d dn, at Delhi. This monarch sent back with them a powerful
army, under the command of the royal general named Salar. The men
of Siimra prepared themselves to die, and sent off their children in
charge of a minstrel, to be placed .nder the protection of Ibra Ibrani-
This Ibra was one of the very Sammas who had fled from the persecu-
tions of the men of Sumra, and hadmade themselves masters of
Kach in the manner which has been related above. It is a custom of
these people to hold in high respect their minstrels, such as the
Katriyas, the Charans, the Doms and the Marats (?). After the
departure of their families, numerous engagements took place between
the men ofSumra and the Sultan's army. Sahar Sultani, the
Sumra commander, was slain in the field of battle, and the remainder
sought safety in flight. The royal army advanced in pursuit of the
women and children. From the capital, Muhammad Tur, to Kach
they proceeded march by march, digging every night a deep trench
round their camp, through fear of their foes.' Such was the extent
of these trenches, that, to this day, great pools still remain. When
they reached the confines of Kach, Ibra Samma, the ruler of the
country, fought stoutly in defence of the children and fugitives, but

fell at last in the field. The women, whose countenances no stranger

had ever beheld, were now surrounded on all sides. These virtuous
women saw that the royal army had come to carry them into captivity,

' [jb ,^^j JT j-Jjl]


and that there was no refuge for them but in God's mercy ; then,
raising their hands in supplication, they exclaimed : " We have no
other help, oh God I but in thee. Cause this mountain to protect us,

poor helpless creatures, and save us from the hands of our cruel enemies."
The prayer of these women was heard by Him, the nearest and
dearest friend : the rock burst asunder, and showed openings, through
which they all entered, and before the enemy could reach the spot
they were all hidden ; but fragments of their garments remained
without, showing where they had passed. The pursuers were struck
with awe, and retraced their steps. That mountain, and traces (of
this event) may be seen to this day, in the land of Kach. In short,

as no man was left in Sind, among the Sumras, of sufficient power

to govern the country, the Samma people set to work to cultivate

new territories on another part of the river.

The Sammas, after the expulsion of the tribe of Sumra, found

the town of Sdmui-dbdd.

After the destruction of the power of the above-named tribe the

dynasty of the Samma ruled from the beginning of the year 843 h.
(1439 A.D.) until the date of the total ruin of Sind.' The Samma
people, who had been subject to the Sumras in the days of their rule,

founded a town and fort below the Makali mountain. The former
they called Samui,' and the latter Taghurabad, of which Jam Taghur
had laid the foundation, but had left unfinished.' Other towns
and villages, still flourishing, were also built by them, but the
spots cultivated during the domiuion of the former masters of the
soil soon ran to waste for want of water. Lands hitherto barren,
were now carefully cultivated ; was hardly a span of ground
untilled. The divisions into suhas and parganas, which are main-
tained to the present day iu the province of Tatta, were made by

' The text eays 849 h.(U45 A.D.),but it was stated above that the SiSmra dynasty
closed in 843 h. And again at p. 61 of the original, it is stated that the Samma dynasty
lasted 84 years, closing with the establishment of Shih Husain Arghdn's power in
927 H. (1521 A.D.), the invasion of his father in 921 h. counting for nothing. We must,
therefore, necessarily assume 843 H. to be the correct reading, incorrect as it is in fact.
2 [The name is here written " SM."]
See Appendix respecting these places. Taghur&bkd is in other works called

these people. When the labour and skill of each individual had
brought the land to this state of prosperity, Jam Nanda bin Babiniya
was acknowledged by all, great and smaU., as their chief, and re-
ceived the title of Jam, which is the name of honour among these
people. Such splendour spread over what had been but dreary
solitudes, that it seemed as if a new world had sprung into'existence.
Before his time, there was nothing worthy of being recorded,
but his reign was remarkable for its justice and an increase of
Muhammadanism. I have omitted none of the events which oc-
curred in his reign and in after years, as they have been related
to me by old residents of those parts. This chieftain passed
his days and nights in devotion. He permitted no one man to
tyrannise over another ; the poor were so happy that all the day long
his name was on their lips. Peace and security prevailed to such an
extent, that never was this prince called upon to ride forth to battle,
and never did a foe take the field against him. When, in the
morning, he went, as was his custom, to his stables to look at his
horses, he would caress them, kiss their feet, and exclaim :
" Heaven
forbid that an invader approach my dominions, or that it ever be my
fate to saddle these animals, and engage in war ! May God keep
every one happy in his place " !

The foundation of Tatta.

After he had dwelt some time in the city of Sal, the thought
entered his mind to build, at some auspicious moment, a new town,
where happiness might remain for ever. Brahmans and astrologers
having settled a lucky day, and having sought a spot in the neighbour-
hood of Samui, they selected an eligible place, where now stands the
city of Tatta, and there, with the assent of the Jam. the foundation
was laid. A division of the land having been made, mansions and
houses were constructed. la truth, at such a fortunate moment was
the foundation of this place laid, that trouble and affliction have
never visited its inhabitants. Contented with what they possess,
they carry on their affairs in luxury and ease. The cheerfulness and
happiness which reigns among these people has never yet been, nor
ever will be found elsewhere. Each month has several 'Tds for

VOL. I. 18


tliem ; the first Friday after the new moon, they call in their Sindi
language, Mdh-pahra JwaCa. Such a crowd of men and women
flock, on this day, to the Makali monntain, that there is scarce room
to stand. heoome a custom, among many classes, to consider
It has

the similar festival of Mah-pahra Somdr or the first Monday in
each month a great day for making pilgrimages. The pleasure of
visiting each other, induces them to go in large parties, taking with
them abundance of sweet river water and food such as they can
afford. The day is spent in amusements, and visits to the shrines.
The reason why they take water with them is, thai the rain-water
found in the tanks contiguous to the tombs is brackish, owing to the
nitrous nature of the soil, and consequently, though fit for oblations, is
not fit to drink. When evening puts a close to these pleasures, they
seek their own abode. Besides the shrine of the Shaikh of Shaikhs,
Shaikh Patta, there are some ten or twelve other places, where
dar\7eshes perform their dance. These excitable men often work
themselves into such a state of holy ecstaoy, that they cast themselves
on the rocks of the mountain of Makali ; but by the blessing of their
learned doctors and teachers, no harm befalls them. This custom,
however much opposed to the laws of Islam, has been transmitted
from generation to generation, and all the attempts of wise teachers
and just governors have never succeeded in putting a stop to it.

More wonderful still, is the fact that, during the rainy months, only
a few showers fall on the mountain. At its summit is a pond, which
they call " Kira tal," or sweet tank; so long as the water of the
heavens fills it, men and women of all classes, Hindus and Musul-
mans, cro.wd there from morning till night; there they cook their
meals, and feast. What what wedding can ever boast of so

numerous an attendance ? He alone, who has seen and tasted of

these pleasures, can understand this ! The custom has long prevailed
among these people, and what time has sanctioned they never
relinquish. Other nations possess greater wealth, and greater skill

but such light-heartedness and contentment, as to labour for one day

and repose for the rest of the week, to have but moderate desires
and enjoy boundless ease, this has been reserved for the people of
Tatta alone.

Elevation of Darya Khan by Jam Nanda, who had purchased him

from Lakzhtr.
When Jam Nanda, son of Babiniya had to the gratification of his
become the occupant of the throne of Tatta, he embellished

the new city and ruled with so much justice and moderation that
every citizen found happiness at his own hearth.
" That spot is Elysium where oppression comes not
Where no one interferes with another."
One day he went out to hunt, taking with him his minister Lakzhir.'
The latter had with him a young slave named Kabiila, to whom was
entrusted the care of his master's drinking-water. This boy was in
reality the son of a Saiyid, but having fallen into captivity, he had
been purchased by the minister. The Jam, becoming thirsty during
the chase, called for water. His own water-carrier not being on the
spot, the miaister ordered his boy to fill a cup for the king. The
lad, young in years but old in wisdom, filled the cup and threw in

it some small blades of grass. The Jam put down the cup, and
asked him what grass had to do in drinking water. The slave
replied " I saw your highness was very thirsty, and I feared lest

you should drink too large a quantity and suffer from it in riding ;

I therefore put in the water these small obstacles, that you might
drink in moderation." There was nothing so wonderful in this, but
the boy's destiny befriended him, and the Jam was much pleased.

He took Kabiila from the minister and made him one of his personal
attendants. Day by day his affection for the youth increased, and
finding him possessed of sufficient abilities to administer the affairs
of the kingdom, or even to govern one, he soon conferred upon him
the title of Mubarak Khan and employed him ia all difficult matters.

He loved him better than his own children and relatives. The Jam
had many good men around him, such as Wazir Dilshad, who in the
year 912 h. (1506 A.U.) carried his victorious arms from Tatta as far as
the city of Uch, yet Mubarak carried off from all of them the ball of
good fortune, and was honoured by the king with the management of
the affairs of the State in preference to bis own son, Jam Fi'roz. He
brought the country, from Multan to the borders of Kandahar and

The Tuhfaturl Kirdm (p. 40) is doubtful about the real name, saying it is

" Lahakdir," or " Lahgir."



from Kaoli to Makran, into such subjection, that if at midnight one

of his officers carried an order to any of the Zaminddrs and Biimiyas
of these territories, it was instantly and gratefully obeyed. Such
was the terror of his name in these turbulent provinces, that a
pregnant woman miscarried if she heard of his approach. So far
had spread the fame and dread of his incursions, that the words
" Silence, the terrible chieftain is coming," were enough to stop the

crying of a wayward child.

When at length, after a reign of seventy-three years. Jam Nanda

passed from this perishable world to the abodes of immortality, he
confided the care of the kingdom, of his treasures, his family, and
his son Jam Firoz, to Darya Khan. "The management of the
affairs of this kingdom," said the dying ruler, " devolves on thee.

Discharge thy duty to Jam Firoz with zeal and self devotion."'

8ack and burning of Thatta^ hy the Firingis.

In the year 973 h. (1565 a.d.,) near the end of his life, Mirza 'Tea

Tarkhan, proceeded with his son, Mirza Muhammad Baki, in the

direction of Bhakkar. As they drew near the town of Durbela, a
dependency of Bhakkar, Mahmud Khan, having strengthened his
stronghold, sent forth his army to meet them, for, thought he, what
breach of contract is this ? They bring an army into my territory I

What can be their object? It was the intention of Muhammad

Baki, to detach the Parganah of Durbela, from the province of
Bhakkar, and to incorporate it in that of Siwan ; but he was
frustrated in this design by the army of Mahmud Khan, which was
powerful, and was everywhere prepared for fight. Blood had not
yet been spilled, when, suddenly, news came from Thatta, that the
Piringi's had passed Lhori Bandar, and attacked the city. The gates

^ See Appendix.
* The author does not distinctly inform us that DaryS. Kh&n was the same person
as Mubferat Khiu, but the heading of the section implies that he was, and we are
Kirdm. Mir M'dsum and the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm
explicitly told so in the Tuhfatu-l
say that DarySi JQi4n was the J&m's adopted son. Firishta calls him a relation of
the J4m's, and speaks of Mub&rak Khan and DaryS. Kh&u as two individuals.
' [The author has hitherto used the Persian form " Tatta."]

TAErKH-I TAHlRr. 277

were closed, said the despatcli ; if the army returned without delay,
the place would be delivered ; otherwise, the enemy was strong, and
would effect his object. This intelligence caused the Mirza to desist
from prosecuting the quarrel any further. Leaving the country under
the rule of the Kh&i, he speedily embarked in his boats, and departed.
Before he could arrive, the Firingf s had sacked the city, and filled it

with fire and slaughter. Many of the inhabitants had found an

asylum in the Jama' Masjid of Mir Farrukh Arghun, which they
quitted, on hearing of the Mirzd's approach. The mode of the
Firingis coming was as follows Between the town of Thatta

and Lahori Bandar is a distance of two days journey both by land
and by water beyond this, it is another day's march to the sea.

There is a small channel, (called ndr in the language of Thatta),

eommimicating with the port ; it is in some places about ten tandhs
wide, in others, something more. It is unfordable. Between the
port and the ocean there is but one inhabited spot, called Sui Miani.
Here a guard belonging to the Mir Bandar, or port-master, with a
loaded piece of ordnance, is always stationed. Whenever a ship
enters the creek, it intimates its approach by firing a gun, which is

responded to by the guard-house, in order, by that signal, to inform

the people at the port, of the arrival of a strange vessel. These,
again, instantly send word of its arrival to the merchants of Thatta,

and then embarking on boats, repair to the place where the guard is
posted. Ere they reach it, those on the look-out have already
enquired into the nature of the ship. Every vessel and trader must
undergo this questioning. All concerned in the business, now go in
their boats, [ghrdbs) to the mouth of the creek. If the ship belong to
the port it is allowed to move up and anchor under Lahori Bandar
if it belong to some other port, it can go no further, its cargo is

transferred into boats, and forwarded to the city. To be brief, when

these Firingi traders had got so far, and learned that the king of the
country was away on a distant expedition, they felt that no serious

obstacle could be made to their advance. The Mir Bandar wished to

enforce the regulations, but he was plainly told by the foreigners

that they had no intention of staying at the Bandar, but that they
intended to proceed on to Thatta, in the small boats (ghrdbs) in
which they had come. There they would take some relaxation, sell

tlieir goods, buy others, and then return. The ill-provided governor,
unable to them by force, for their plans had been well laid, was

fain to give in so, passing beyond the Bandar, the riringis moved

in boats, up the river Sind towards Thatta, plundering as they

went all the habitations on the banks. The ruler of the country
being away, no one had sufiScient power to arrest the progress of the

invaders. They reached the city unmolested; but here the gamson,
leftby the Mirza, defended the place with the greatest gallantry. A
spirited contestwith artilleiy took place on th banks of the river.
In the end the defenders were overpowered the enemy penetrated ;

the ciiy, and had made themselves fully masters of it, when the
Mirza arrived in all haste. As soon as they heard of his being near,
with a powerful army, they loaded their boats with as much spoil as

they could contain, and withdrew.'

The Mirza, who had previously laid the foundation of a citadel

for protection against the Arghuns, now deemed it necessary to

encircle his palace and the whole city, with fortifications.

His reign ended with his life in the year 984 h. (1576 a.d.) His
wealth and kingdom passed into the hands of his son Muhammad
O iS o o

Extermination of the principal Inhabitants of Thatta.

Mirza Muhammad Baki ruled with a strong hand, and ruin fell
upon the houses and property of the people. No one dared to oppose
his improper proceedings. He did not consider it expedient, that
any one with pretensions to eminence, learning, or genius, should be
left in undisturbed tranquillity. Nobles and plebeians, men of rank,
and men without rank, Saiyids, Shaiklis, Kdzis and Judges, were all

driven from their time-honoured abodes, and ordered to dwell without

the city, as the Mirza was of opinion that they were disaffected.
To the eldest son of Miyan Saiyid 'Ali, although married to the
daughter of Muhammad's brother, Mirza SaHh, no more leniency was
shown he experienced the same treatment
; as the rest. Tyranny
became the rule. Of the travellers from all parts who passed
through the country, those whom he deemed worthy of notice were

See further in the Appendix on the subject of the Portuguese proceedings.
TsnrKH-i TAHiRr. 279

summoned to his presence. So affably were they received, and such

the apparent kindness shown to them, that it served as a balm to the
weariness of travel. The beguiled stranger was deluded into the
belief, that, in the wide world, there could not exist so benevolent
a patron to travellers. When the visitors were preparing to depart,
the Mirza would say to his Mir Bohr, or superintendent of his
Boat Department, that, as the breezes of his kingdom were soft and
balmy, and river-excursions tended to cheerfulness, he must place a
handsome boat at their disposal. As soon as they had been thus
politely enticed into the middle of the stream, a plank was taken out
of the bottom of the boat, and the unhappy travellers were drowned-
This was done to prevent the chance of anyone talking of this
favoured land elsewhere, so that the country, which had required
such labour and pains to subdue, should find another conqueror.
Any poor traveller, not considered fit to appear in the presence, was
simply put to death.' Such was the meanness of this prince, that,

only once a week, on Thursdays, was a meal prepared in the Biwdn

-Tchdna; beyond this, he gave away nothing. If he heard of any
person living generously in his own house, it mattered not whether
he were a relative or otherwise, a citizen or a soldier, he' laid the
hand of tyranny on his possessions, nor withdrew it so long as a
thing was left to take. Cunning showed itself iu every word he
spoke. Seated in the audience-tent, hardly a moment passed, but he
said to his nobles : "Bring me gold, bring me grain ; let this be your
sole occupation, for these form the basis of power." The privations
which he had formerly endured led him to heap treasure upon
treasure, and grain upon grain. Not a corner of the citadel of

Thatta but was filled with rice. Often the giain got clotted, and the
heat arising therefrom occasioned spontaneous combustion, but the
Mirza would not have it removed from the fort, nor allow it to be
given away. At harvest-time he held a revenue audit, and collecting
aU his dependents, he paid them, according to their dues, by assign-
ments, partly in grain and partly in money. At length, one day his

' Several other instances of this wretch's cruelty are recorded in the Tdrikh-i
Tdhiri. He delighted in eradicating beards, slitting ears, cutting ofif women's
breasts,and trampling men to death under elephants until at length both Musul-

maus and Hiudds prayed to be delivered from his tyranny. [According to this author
he died by his own hand.]


officers respectfully informed Mm that the fort was so full of old and
new grain, that no room could be found for the produce of the coming
harvest. The grain was getting clotted and humt, so that it was
it, for, by this
best to assist the people with means, something would
be saved The Mirza replied, that they should have his
at all events.

answer on the morrow. During the night, he ordered some loaves to

be made of clay. When the nobles came in the morning to pay
their respects, the Mirza ordered the cloth to be spread, and, contrary
them to eat. They screwed up their courage, and
to custom, invited
wondered what was impending.evil For any officer of the state
who incurred the ruler's displeasure was usually cut into pieces,
which were placed in dishes, and carefully sent to his officers' houses,
as a warning, to keep up a perpetual dread of his punishment. As
the wondering and terrified nobles removed the dish covers, and
beheld the strange-looking loaves laid out for the woeful meal,
they cast glances from one to another, as if to say, what can this

mean ? Their host asked why they did not partake of the food before
them. " You have aU I can give you," said he ; " perchance you are
wealthy men, and do not like my simple fare." Impelled by fear,

some of the ministers took iiie burnt rice-loaves. The Mirza angrily
enquired why they did not also partake of the other loaves. They
replied :
" Sire, your prosperity and wisdom are great but to eat clay :

is difficult. In his fierce anger he became abusive, and exclaimed,

" Oh ye ! simpletons, how long will your wisdom ensure the welfare
of my kingdom ? Useless grain may at times render good service,

for is it not better than clay ? It may serve as food for the
maintenance of life. Of what good are you, since the mere sight of
clay-bread has half killed you 1 and you give me unsuitable advice
Have you not when Himiayun came into this country
heard, how,
and Mirza Shah Husain Arghun laid waste the whole land, and gave
orders for the sowing of grain,' what hunger and misery were
endured ; how raw hides and old skins were cooked in hot water
and eaten?'"
These are facts :
It is indeed related that, at the time of the

* The auttor has previously given an account of this famine at page 61 of the
original, where he deals with this particular period of Sind history.


Emperor's flight and the devastation of the country by the Mirza,

extreme misery drove the men of Sind to eat their own kind. A
man, having lost a cow, went with some friends to seek for it.

They reached a plain where some youths, who had just come there,
had placed a pot on a fire and were cookiag meat. The owner of
the cow and his friends took these people for thieves, and felt con-
vinced that they were cooking some portion of the lost animal, which
they had stolen. So they seized and bound them, asking what meat
they were preparing, and whence they had procured it. These
youths could not answer for fear, but, when the whip was applied,
they found power to say that they were brothers and once had a
mother. They had been dreadfully pinched with hunger. The
mother, in her love, said that death was preferable to such an exist-
ence. She could not bear to see her children perish before her
eyes, and besought them to kill her and satisfy the cravings of their
hunger. They refrained as long as they could from such a cruel
expedient, but at length, unable to contain themselves, they killed
their mother, and this was her flesh in the pot. The story was not
believed. The villagers said, that before they would credit it, their
own eyes must have some proof. The unhappy brothers took their
captors to the spot entrails had been thrown
where the this ;

sight caused them more flrmly bound, for the villagers main-
to be
tained that some other person must have been sacrificed to their
cravings, and that this was not their mother. The wretched lads sup-
plicated and swore in vain their punishment began, and the blows

they received drew forth screams and lamentations. Then suddenly

those entraUs moved rapidly from the spot where they lay, and
curled themselves around the feet of their tormentors. This was a
warning. Suspicion at once fled before this miracle. What could
it portend ? An old man of the party spoke " These youths
us the truth. How great is the tender love of a mother, since even
after death her remains come and cling to your feet pleading for the
deliverance of her ofispring


The Mirzd sends his daughter, Sindi Begam, to the Emperor.

When the possession of the province of Bhakkar had been secured
to the Emperor, by the valour of Mujahid Ghazi, the relatives of
Mahmud Khan became favourites with him. Mirza Muhammad
Baki ^who had, even before event, entertained most extravagant

fears for his own dominions resolved strengthen the alliance by


giving his daughter in marriage to the monarch. The Mulla, whom 1

have previously mentioned, related to me, that he was one day
secretly sent forby the Mirza, who addressed binn as follows: "T
have often thought, and still think, that Hazrat Jalalu-d din Akbar
Shah is a mighty monarch. The pettiest of his officers Mujahid
with only fifty horsemen, has overcome Mahmud Khan Kokaltash, a
man who can boast of an iron frame, and of strength equal to that of
Isfandyar, who possesses, moreover, a strong fortress, situate between
two wide rivers. What if the Emperor should send an army in this
direction ? desolation would spread over this peaceful land ! The
province of Bhakkar has been, to this time, a solid barrier against
his encroachments, but it is so no longer. It will be wise, ere an
army march hither, to send the Begam, accompanied by some of the
chief men of this country, to wait upon the Emperor. Such an union
may perhaps preserve us from the grasp of these fierce fire-eating

warriors. What think you of this plan ? " Being entirely and sin-

cerely devoted to the Mirza, the Mulla replied, that this vain proposal
would certainly be attributed to want of courage and manliness.
This speech proving anything but agreeable, the chieftain drew his
sword, and advanced angrily towards the speaker, asking, how he
dared to use such disrespectful language to him? The Mulla replied,
with sincere was at liberty to kill him, but
feeling, that the Mirza,

that he had spoken advisedly. " Did his lord suppose the Emperor

had any thought of him ? What if the maiden were so little liked,
as to be excluded from the royal harem, and sent back again What !

shame, what dishonour would be the result Would the prince, for

the sake of a kingdom, briug disgrace upon his whole family." At

these words, the Mirza's anger flashed like lightning ; he grew rest-

less as quicksilver, and foaming at the mouth, he exclaimed : Kemove

this vnretch from before my eyes, lest I shed his blood this very day,"

As the Mulla withdrew from his presence, he unburdened his mind

TA'RrKH-I TA'HIRr. 283

of what still remained there. " To represent the true state of a case
was," he said, " the duty of a loyal servant. He had incurred his
master's anger by so doing, but, even in this he felt himself happy
and honoured. What imported it to him, if the Emperor sent back
the princess What recked he, if he gave her away to one of his

favourites, better men than the Mirza himself You, he exclaimed, 1

are a prince. Tou know no law but your own will do that which :

shall be most pleasing to you." This advice, bitter withal, was

heard, but not heeded. The opinion of other friends, and his own
prevailed. That light of the eyes was sent to the Imperial court,

escorted by Saiyid Jalal, son of 'All Shirazi, and son-in-law of

Mirza Salih, Muhammad own brother, and by Khwaja Mir
Beg Diwan, provided with rich presents, and a suitable dowry.
Having reached the Emperor's presence, the messengers kissed his
feet, and displayed to view what they had brought. The valuables
were then made over to the treasurer, but that most precious gem of
all, that paragon of virtue, was introduced into the seraglio. There,
the powerful monarch, prince of all things, cast but once a momen-
tary glance on the countenance of this fair and nobly -bom maiden,
after which he would not see her again. He said to himself, that
the daughter of Muhammad Baki was not' of a good disposition,
and that he would send her to some other person's hai-em. Some
Arghuns, of the same descent as the Begam, and who had sought
to escape from death at the emperor's court, endeavoured, notwith-

standing her father and brothers' enmity, to avert an event which

would, they thought, lower the dignity of their family. In defence
of the honour and good name of their kinswoman, they represented to
the Emperor, that never, to that day, had any member of their house
experienced such unkind treatment from former rulers. Let the
monarch of the world honour them with his universal benevolence,

and send back the maiden to that wretch athirst for the blood of his
who, if the monarch acceded to their wishes, would be
iinder an obKgation to them. The order of the Emperor, irresistible

as the decree of fate, went forth, that Sindi Begam should be sent
back to her father at Thatta.

* [The negative is wanting iu Sir H. Elliot's MS. i

^^ <__>i. y^ii-j]


Sow Sindi Begam returned from the Envperor^s court to her

At the time Emperor was taking leave of the Begam, he

ordered an elephant for her use, and bid her return to her father,
whose ancestors, from father to son, had been vassals of the crown.
He also added, that a small tract of land had been assigned to the

princess ; who, he hoped, would, at the appointed hour of prayer,

pray for his welfare and the increase of his prosperity. The party
left. A despatch had already been forwarded to the Mirza,
in which all these events had been detailed. was He might, it

said, consider them

as They had
arrived. been placed in most
critical circumstances, but providence had vouchsafed to preserve

his name from disgrace. The Mulla relates that he was sent
for by the Mirza, who threw him the document itself, saying
" Bead this sad news what you foretold has come true."
; He
perused the despatch of the nobles escorting the Begam, and found it
was even so. He said, " Peace be with you, oh mighty lord bow !

down your head humbly before the One incomparable Being ;

render thanks unto God, who has vouchsafed to maintain your honour,
and be grateful to your blood-thirsty brethren, the Arghuns, as long
as you live. Be kind to those of them still left here, and thus dispel
the old enmity subsisting between you. The Mirza, rendered wise
and devout at length, was pleased with this speech, and said a few

words which he deemed appropriate in thanksgiving. He also sent

epistles to the Arghuns, wherever they could be heard of, calling
upon them to lose no time in returning ; and promising that com-
pensation for their foimer sufferings should be afforded them to the
utmost of their wishes. Some of them were slow to return, being

doubtful of the chief's intentions ; others, in whose hearts stUl lived

the recollections of their fatherland, were content to brave even death.
The excessive kindness they experienced proved a balm to the
wounds of past persecutions, and surpassed their expectations.
About this time the Jdgirddrs of the province of Bhakkar, owing
to the Emperor's approach, resolved to send their army into the
province of Siwan. This territory often suffered from their depre-
dations, but they now sought to take it from the Mirza. Eat'h
Khan, a slave, ruled that province, but he had made a Hindu called

Juna his agent ; and to any person wishing to address him on affairs
of the state, he stupidly said go to
"I know nothing of this :

Juna." His son Abu-1 Fat'h led a most dissipated life. He clothed
his companions in female apparel, with bracelets on their arms, and
kept them hidden in his own abode. He would not eat of food on
which a fly had lighted. His associates were usually made to bring
many kinds of dishes, and by this means, he plundered them. From
the 13th to the 16th of every month his friends were called together,
and the time was spent in debauchery. Whole nights passed in the
enjoyment of sweetmeats, fruit, and wine ; he gave presents to his
guests and attendants. But of all his absurdities this was the
greatest : if a flight of birds happened to be pointed out to him, he
commenced counting them, throwing in the air either a lari^ or a
Firingi gold coin as each passed by. In short, as this miserable
state of things prevailed, the Mirza resolved, in order to put a stop
to it, to remain himself at the head of affairs in the capital, and send
away his children to the frontier and the provinces.

Arrival of Nawwdb Mirzd Khan, in Siwdn, and his wonder at the

Lakki mountain.
When the illustrious Khan, leaving Bhakkar behind him, arrived
in Siwan, his first though was to invest and capture the fort before

proceeding any further ; but, after-consideratiori showed him that no

substantial benefit conld accrue from the possession of a few mud
walls, until both the capital Thatta and the ruler of the coimtry
were in his hands. The root is the support, not the branches. The
Nawwdb thought it best to leave a detachment behind and move
onwards in person with the remainder. This plan was carried into
execution. Leaving under his officers some ships which he con-
sidered equal to the destruction of the fort, the Khan marched
against Mirza Jant Beg.
When he drew near the Lakki mountain, which wise men hold to
be the key of the country, what a sight opened upon him. From the
river Sind, stretching away towards the setting sun, rose the above-

A silrer coin.

named mountain, its summits high as the star Aiyuk, and along the
face of it ran a path narrower than a hair. Those who pass over
climb like a string of ants. If ten resolute men defended this
passage, not the world combined could dislodge them, without
suffering severely from the stones they could throw down. Adjoining
these mountains are many others, on which dwell the tribes of the

Buluch and Nahmrui, of the Jokiya and Jat, extending as far as Klch
(Kz ?) and Makran. To the eastward of the river are the Mawas and
the Samija tribes, spread as far as the sand-hills of Amarkot and ;

these are men who have never acknowledged a master. For an

army to pass in either of these directions is impracticable. The
Nawwab made enquiries about the country and was greatly

troubled with what he heard, for if an ambuscade w^ere laid in the

valley would be exceedingly difficult for him to proceed, this

being the key of the whole country. Just as orders had been
issued for this post to be fortified (as by this means, and by well-
laid plans, a secure advance might be made) it was discovered that

the enemy had taken no measures to defend the pass. The Khan
was delighted, and exclaimed that the star of the monarch of the
world had iudeed outshone that of these people, since they neglected
to make a stand in so formidable a position ; of a certainty now
the country had passed away from their hands. When this saying
reached the ears of the Mirza ( Jam' Beg) keen indeed was his regret

for the neglect he and his counsellors had been guilty of. " Truly,"

said he, " have we committed a great fault of generalship. In short,

the Khan advanced without meeting with any obstacle, and, in presence
of the Mirza, threw up an iatrenchment and constructed batteries.
Momiug and evening, valiant, lion-hearted youths, worthy descend-

ants of Mars, came forth from both sides. With such activity did

destiny send forth death to do its work in the field, that no symptom
of backwardness appeared there ; energy filled every breast, as the
warriors strove their utmost. The happy star of the Emperor, and
his own genius, inspired the Nawwab to send detachments against
various places in the same way that he had encompassed Mirza Jani

Beg and the fort of Si'wan. Shah Beg Khan was selected to act
against the fort of Shahgar, in the province of Nasrpur, where

resided Abu-1 Kasim. Another party of veterans was told off to


march into the Jdgir country, against the fort of Nirankot. In this

war, for every province of the country a force -was appointed,

although it was not despatched.
Mirza Jani Beg Sultan made this agreement with his soldiers,
that every one of them who should bring in an enemy's head shotild
receive 600 gahars, every one of them worth twelve miri's,

called in the Mirza's time, postanis, of which seventy-two went to

one tanha. The poor people of Sind, already prepared to give their
lives for their lord, were pleased with this show of kindness, and
went out daily to bring in heads or lose their own. This style of
warfare continued for several months. Giriya, the Hindu, w^ho
well knew how matters stood, and the state of the treasury, and had
a regard to futui'e exigencies, gradually reduced the reward from
500 to fifty gahars. Even for this small sum, the starving people
were content to throw themselves without hesitation against the
scimitars of the foe. The greater number fell in these contests, and
the treasury became empty, so that day by day, the state of the
people and of the country grew worse. Mirza Jani Beg found liis

only safety in protracting the struggle, and sent forth his yoxmg
men on all sides to distract the enemy. Hearing that treasure was
on its way by land to the Nawwab Khan's camp, he sent Abii-l
Kasimj son of Shah Kasim Arghun, with a body of spirited youths,

Moghals. and Sindis, to attack it. This chieftain, when he drew near
the convoy, about the middle of the night, hid himself with his men,
and sent a small party to fall upon the enemy's rear with a great
clamour. The enemy all turned against these men, but Abu-1
Kasim, with the remainder, entered their camp, carried oiF the

treasure, and slew the foremost of the foe. Sultan Khusru Charkas
likewise attacked them with his boats, according to a previously

concocted scheme, by which a body of picked men was to remain on

board, whilst another advanced by land, The Nawwab also had
made suitable dispositions. The Mirza's chieftains, who were
anxious for Kiusru's defeat, sent the armed force in the boats, but
kept back the party which had been selected for the land attack.
The hostile fleets drew up in the opposite lines, and a discharge of
cannons and muskets, shells, and rockets, wheels, and every kind
of fire missiles commenced on both sides. The scattering flames and

sparks shone on the water like a fiery mountain, and such clouds of
smoke ascended, that the vaulted heavens became as it were the roof
of a furnace. The sun sheltered itself in the smoke from the fierce-
ness of the heat, and was eclipsed. Sight could not pierce the thick
clouds, and breath failed from the density of the atmosphere. At
length the boats ran foul of each other. The rings and grapnels,
which were made in order to drag away the enemy's boats, now
began to be used. So violent a struggle ensued, that the waves
were crimsoned with the blood of those whom the guns had
destroyed. By the help of their friends on shore the Khan's party
triumphed, and their adversaries fled. Khusru Charkas was taken
in his boat along with several other vessels, when, at that moment,
Charkas Daftir, the chief of the merchants of Firang, who repaired
yearly to Thatta from Hurmuz, came fluttering like a moth around
this furnace, and rrmning his boat into the midst of the fray, suc-
ceeded in rescuing Khusru from his captors ; but the attempt cost
both of them their lives. When both sides were satiated with blood
they withdrew to their tents, and applied balm to their wounds.
It was at length resolved to abandon stratagem and fight in the
open plain, where victory would fall to the brave.'

' The Tdriih-i Sind (p. 294), and the 3aj-AAd-a' (p. 112), concur in repre-
senting that there were Portuguese mercenaries in this action, which closed the
independence of Sind in a.d 1691. They attrihute the escape of Khusrti Kh&n to the
fact of a powder magazine exploding in the royal fleet.



This work derives its name from the person to whom it was
dedicated, and by whose advice it was undertaken : Shah Kdsim
Khan, son of Amir Saiyid Kasim Beg-Lar. We learn nothing of

the author not even his name either from the preface or the
body of the history. We can only tell, from the tone in which
he speaks of his patron, that he must have been a most abject
The name of Beg-L4r, we are told, belonged to his patron's
family by hereditary descent, and is not therefore to be confounded
with the Beglerbegs of Turkey and Persia, who are the Ticeroys

or governors of the Provinces.'- The Beg-Lir family after

residing for some generations at Turmuz, came to reside at

Samarkand, whence we had them emigrating to Sind. They

pretend to derive their origin from 'Ali, the son-in-law and
cousin-german of the Prophet. The genealogy is given in the
Beg-Ldr-ndma and Tuhfatu-l Kirdm. Their intimate con-
nection with the Arghuns is attributed to one of their remote

ancestors having taken up his abode in Khita, where he and

his descendants continued in friendly communication with the
Turks. This connection, indeed, frequently gives rise to the

1 This title is not, as is generally supposed, nsed in Turkey alone. Ever since the
in Persia also. Cornelius le Bruyu's
time of the Ilkhinians, it has been adopted
to Persia, pp. 336, 350 j Sir H. Bridges'
Travels, Vol. I. p. 206 ; Franklin's Tour
Dynasty of the Eajars, p. 449 ; Pottinger's Belochistan, p. 222. Their position,
privile''es and duties are shown in Von
Hammer's Staata mrfassung des Osmamehen
Meichs^Yol. I. p. 370 ; II. 273 ; and Paul Eycaut's /State of the Ottoman Mnpire,

pp. 61-57. J3em. Cantemir, Eist. of the Ottoman Empire, p^ 85.


Beg-Lkr family's being called Arghun, as at pp. 263, 287, in the

extract from the Tdrikh-i Tdhiri, where the patron of our author
is styled an Arghun.
Amir Shah Kasim came from Samarkand to Sind in the time
of Shah Husain Arghun, and was received with distinction. He
married the niece of the Wairsi 'Rkak of 'Umarkot, and as her
father was a Bhatti Rajput, Shah Kasira, the produce of this

marriage, was half a Bhatti, and amongst that tribe he was

brought up. It is to him, under the title of Khan-i Zaman, that
this book is chiefly devoted, and as he acted an important part in
the affairs of the kingdom, we are treated with tedious reports of
the most trifling exploits performed by him and his sons, con-
sisting chiefly of provincial contests, border feuds and cattle raids.

This minute history, however, compels the author to mention the

names of streams, forts, villages and tribes, which in themselves
sometimes possess considerable interest. Even the local hostili-

ties and intermarriages of clans afford matter of speculation to

the curious enquirer, and on all these points some information is

to be gleaned from the Beg-Ldr-ndma}

As the little that there is of general interest centres in the
connection which Kh4n-i Zaman had with public characters, it

may as well be mentioned that he first rose to some distinction

under Shdh Husain, the Arghlan ruler of Sind. He then served
successively Mirza tsk Tarkhan, Jan Babd, Mirz4 Muhammad
Baki, and Mirza J4ni Beg. When this chief went to render his
submission to the Emperor Alcbar, Khan-i Zamdn accompanied
him, and was received with favour. He was afterwards nominated
to an appointment in Sind under Mirza GhS.zi Beg, and lived to

an old age in that country, surrounded by a large and thriving

family. His son, Mir Abii-l Kdsim Sultan, was celebrated for

his gallant conduct in the field, as well as for his literary talents.
After rebelling against the constituted authorities, he was par-

' Tod says, that the present RinS. of the Sodhas has set the example of these inter-
marriages, but the following extracts will show the practice to have been prevalent
nearly three centuries ago. Annals of Sajasthan, Vol. II. p. 317.


doned through the intercession of his father; but was sub-

sequently blinded to prevent his exciting further disturbances.
The exact date of the composition of this work cannot be fixed
with precision within twenty years 1017 and 1036 h. because
the intimations we have on that point are altogether contradictory
and irreconcilable. We are told (p. 256) that the author's
patron has " at this period, (aknun)" that is lOJ 7 " reached the
age of seventy." About this there can be no doubt, because we
have already been informed (p. 36) that he was born in 947
moreover the date is given not only in numerals but in text. But
we are informed (p. 27) of Mirza Gh4zi Beg's death, which
occurred in 1021 ; about which, also, there can be no doubt, as it

is substantiated by a chronogram in. the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 72).

Again, in enumerating the children of his patron, (pp. 260, 261)
we have the dates of 1032 and 1033, both in text and numerals.
It could not have been composed at any period more than three
years beyond this, because Jahangir is mentioned as the reigning
monarch. Taking all these points into consideration, we may
consider, either that the rough draft was written in 1017, and
that a second was made about 1035, when the subsequent dates
gained admission ; or that ahnim, as at p. 41, is used with reference
to the event which the author is describing, not with reference ta

the period at which he is writing in short, in the sense of " at

that time," not " at this present." If so, the date of 1017 relates
only to the time when Khan-i Zam^n had completely peopled and
settled the country round the fort of Saiyid-garh, of which he
finished the building in 101 1 ; and we can fix with tolerable
certainty upon the year 1034, or 1035 say 1625 a.d. as that

in which the Beg-La/r-nama was brought to a conclusion ; but I

have no great confidence in this interpretation, and it must be
confessed that the matter is not worth further enquiry.
The Beg-Ldr-ndma, after the preface, opens with a general
abstract history of Sind and the Arab invasion, in twenty-two

pages : we then have a very slight notice of the Arghiins, with a

biography of Amir Kdsim Beg, xtending altogether to eighteen


pages : and from that to the end we have detailed accounts of the
squabbles atnougst the various members of the Tarkhdn family,
with the insertion of every expedition of robbery and plunder in
which the noble Khan-i Ziiraan himself was in the remotest degree
This work is not found in India, except in the provinces of
Sind, where I know of three copies. There is one in the Imperial
Library at Paris. Fonds Gentil, No, 17.' Size Quarto, (12x9
inches). 275 pages of 17 lines each.


Aboriginal Inhabitants of Sind.

Sind derives its name from Sind, the son of Ham the son of Nuh
(God's peace be with him !) and the province remained in possession of
his descendants ; but their names cannot be found in any books of
history, nor have I heard them in legendary stories, and I am there-

fore compelled to omit them. That which I have heard from common
report is this, that in olden time the Province of Sind was held by
the tribes of Bina, Tak, and Nabilmiya ; but the period of their govern-
ment is not known. After a tim,e, Sahasi Eai reigned in the fort of
Alor,' and all Sind and Hind was under his rule. When he died, Chach
Brahman became master of Sind and Hind. His capital was the
fort of Brahmanabad, and his dominions extended to the confines of
Kashmir. His son Dahir succeeded him and became master of the
whole kingdom. In his days the armies of Islam arrived under the
command, of Muhammad Kasim, and after many battles Dahir was

Mir Kdsim Beg-Ldr marries the daughter of Rand Kimiba.

It appears that in those days when Mir Kasim Beg-Lar deceased
held the governorship of 'Umarkot,' Eana* Kumba Wairsi repre-
sented to him that an inveterate and deep- rooted enmity existed
between his people and the Eathors of the fort of Nllma,' and he
' Eeinaud, Fragmotita Araies, p. xxvii. ' See Appendix,

" This place is half-way between 'Umarkot and Jesalmir.


was therefore solicited to march agaiast them, that ample revenge

might be taken. The Mi'r complied with his request, and he accord-
ingly marched with the people of the Sodha tribe' in that direction.
When the warlike and fierce Kathors were informed of the coming
of the ever-successful army, they armed themselves and advanced
boldly to the field of battle. Both armies stood in powerful array
against each other. The Band intimated to the Mir that it was an
old-established custom amongst their tribes that both parties should
alight from their horses and engage on foot." The most noble Amir
agreed to this ajid issued orders to his army, which consisted of
Sodhas, that they should dismount while they opposed the enemy.
The Amir took his bow from the easel and began to shoot his arrows.
. Every arrow told, piercing through the armour and bodies of the
enemy, and each time sending a soul to the world of annihilation.
Twenty of the enemy having been slain, the remnant took to flight,
confessing the Mir's bravery, and lauding him with a hundred
thousand tongues. When the Sodhas witnessed such bravery and
intrepidity, they resolved to honour themselves by seeking a matri-
monial alliance with the Mfr. The great and noble Mir, according
to the will of God, accepted their prayers, and Eajia the daughter
of Edna Kumba Wairsi's sister, a most modest chaste girl, whose
father was the Bhatti chief of the fort of Jesalmir, was .betrothed to

Deputation of KJidn-i Zamdn on a mission to Mai Dhar Raj of


Khan-i Zaman, with the aid of the Almighty, proceeded, with his
Mends and suite, after taking leave of Mirza Jan Baba, towards
Jesalmfr. When he anived, he halted outside the fort on the
margin of the tank,* and despatched a messenger to E.ai Dhar Kaj

1 [See Tod's AnnaU of RajaatJim, Vol. I, 93, and II. 210, 319.]
2 See Appendix.
The text says simply ti^. i^>-lc, but at page ii, we are' told that she was

and this is confirmed by the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm.

his sister's son,
^ The spacious tank of Jesalmir lies to the south-east, and the magnificent foit

crowns a rocky hUl on the south-western angle of the town.


Mirza Jan Babd had sent a robe of honour for him. The
to say that
Eaf with much politeness, requested him to stay where he was
encamped, and intimated that he would come to him on an
auspicious day and hour to be invested with the robe. In those
days the periodical rains, by the will of God, had not fallen, and
the land all round was parched up. A single vessel of water was
to be had only at a very heavy price, for there was no water in the
lake. But, when the prosperous feet of this nobleman touched that
ground, suddenly, by the will of God, rain fell : the dry land
became saturated and green herbs sprung up in every place. In
the morning, the Eai came to visit him and had the honour of
meeting him. He said that the rain had fallen only on accomat
of his prosperous presence. He accompanied the Khan with great
honour and respect into the fort, and then performed the rites of

hospitality. Each day he showed him greater honour. The great

Khan stayed there for the period of five months, after which he
took leave and turned his reins towards Nasrpur. Ha^dng reached
the banks of the tank of Sdnkra, he learnt that Jaish Khan and
'Alau-d din, having pursued their course along the eastern bank of
the river, were proceeding towards Thatta to meet Jan Baba. "When
they had reached the stream of the Eain, they were informed that
Mirza Jan Baba, accompanied by Saiyid 'All Shirazi, had gone to
Mirza Muhammad Bdki, and according to the will of God had
been slain. On hearing this, they returned and reached Nasrpur
plimdering the country on their road.Khan-i Zaman also went
met them. The exigencies of the time were such that
thither and
he owed money, and as none of these people showed him any
humanity and favouT; he was much disuessed in mind. He said
he had placed all his reliance on Mirza Jan Baba, on whom the
decree of God had now passed. He observed to his companions,
" At present it is urgently necessary for mo to pay some money in
liquidation of my debt, what is your advice." They replied
" These people possess much wealth and are proud of their riches.
Now we are at your service and ready to accompany you wherever
you desire." On this, he proceeded towards the Sodhas, at the
village of Tarangchi.

The Plunder of Tarangchi.

Khan-i Zaman, by the advice of his companions, set out and
crossed the waters of Sankra. When Duda and Grhazi learnt that he
had gone in that direction with only a few men, they rode after him.
As soon as 'Alau-d din and Mian were informed that their sons
Ghazi and Duda had gone to join Khan-i Zaman, they also
marched in the same direction with the intention of bringing them
back. They reached the banks of the Sankra at the time that
Khan-i Zaman had crossed it, while Ddda and Ghazi were only then
preparing to pass the stream.When they saw that their fathers
had come to take them back, they immediately threw themselves
into the stream, swam their horses over, and joined Khan-i Zaman.
They would not return, for they reflected that, if at this time they
did not accompany him, the reward of their past services would be
forfeited. In the afternoon, Khan-i ZamSn, having watered his
horses, left the village of Eahu Madh, and that renowned lion, with
only twelve horsemen, travelled through a large jungle the whole
night. On arriving near the village of Tarangchi, he found the
camels of the Sodhas there, and determined to carry them off with-
out delay ; but it occurred to him that he had better first let his
horses quench their thirst. With this intent he proceeded towards
the village, and there found the tracks of five hundred horses that
had just passed over the ground. He was alarmed, and thought
how impossible it was to save himself with so few men against such
a host. He, however, advanced and asked the driver of the camels
what army had passed by that road. The man replied that Mirza
Muhammad Baki and Mirza Jan Baba had quarrelled with each
other, and that the former had asked the Sodhas to reinforce him.
Hence a force of about five hundred men of the Waisa tribe had
passed that way. The Khan's companions were much alarmed at

this intelligence, and brought back their horses without watering

them ; but they bravely and gallantly carried off the camels ; many
of these animals died on account of the severe marches they had to
make. The next day, in the afternoon, the dauntless heroes reached
the village of Eahu Madh,' where they stayed only suf&cient time

' [The name is here written Eihd-dhar.]


to drink water. At nightfall they halted at the village of Pariyari.

Early next morning they pursued their journey, and reached the
village of Sitara, which belonged to the Anran tribe. There they
rested themselves without fear or danger. They divided the camels

amongst themselves. One was given to Jaish Khan, another to

Birlas, another to 'Alau-d din, and another to Mian Sodha.

Proceedings of Khdn-i Zamdn.

Khan-i Zaman had his liead-quarters at Nasrpur, and comforted

the people under his rule by his kindness and justice.

O *t t> Cs <S

As ties of relationship existed between him and the Bhattfs,

he sent Arab horses laden with all kinds of valuable articles to the
Eanas of the Sodha, Kara, and Bhatt( tribes, the Edwats and the
Eathors, and the Eais and Jams of the Jhdrejas ; insomuch that the
chiefs of 'Umarkot, Jesalmir, Bikanfa-, Nirohf, Mahwa (MfwaT?),
Kotara, Bahalmir, Nilma, Bdrkar, Kach, Naktl, Bamdinpiir,
Chaudiiwar, and the like, were gained by his bounty. No demand
of service was made from them. These chiefs engraved the
words of friendship and fidelity on their hearts, and considering
themselves greatly honoured, were ready to exclaim :
" We are
under great obligations to the Shah ! We can think of nothing
else but of serviug him. For we are favoured by his generosity,

and will never turn our faces against his commands." Being
grateful they were always ready to obey his orders. If any
service was required of them, they performed it with the greatest
fidelity and submission, and whenever they were summoned they
came willingly. As the Bhats and Charans were dependents of
these chiefs he used to reward these family bards whenever they
came to him, with a lakh (of rupees ?) or more. As Hewanda was
the bard of the Bhattls, he presented him with a donation of one
crore and a quarter, or one hundred and twenty-five lakhs (?), besides
horses, camels, etc., which he likewise generously granted. In
short, by the wise conduct of this great and enlightened noble, all

men, great and small, bad and good, were as obedient to him as

slaves. The renown of the excellent qualities of this second Hatim

or Ma'n, was not only on the tongues of all the nobles and plebeians
of his own land, but also spread over every part of the world.

The Sacking of 'Umarhot.

The appointment of the governorship of 'Umartot depended upon
the wiU of the kings of Sind, who removed the incumbent whenever
they thought proper. About the time when Khan-i Khdnan came to
Sind, the governorship of that fort was held by Eana Megraj.
Khan-i Khanan expressed a desire to be connected by marriage with
the Bana, who having no daughter fit to be given in marriage to
him, he was obliged to offer the hand of his brother Man Sing's
daughter. After the death of Eana Megraj, Nawwab Mirza Janf
Beg conferred the governorship of 'Umarkot on his son JKishau Das.
Animosity sprang up between this chief and Man Sing, and he,
having turned out MSn Sing from the fort, assumed the surname him-
self. Man Sing, being related to Khan-i Khanan, sent his son to repre-
sent the matter to him. In those days Khan-i Klianau and Nawwab
Mirza Jani Beg were both in attendance on the Emperor Akbar at
Burhanpur. Khan-i Khanan therefore recommended Man Sing to the
favour of Mirza Janl Beg, who wrote to Mirza Abu-] Kasim Sultan
directing him to place Man Sing in the governorship of the fort of
'Umarkot, and make Kishan Das understand that he was not to oppose
and thwart him, but that the same rule with regard to their respec-
tive positions should be observed now, as had been established from
of old in the family. Mir Abu-1 Kasim Sultan, in obedience to this
mandate, proceeded from the fort of Shdhgarh' towards 'Umarkoi
Having reached the village of Samara he alighted there, Man Sing
being also with him. Eana Kishan' Das being informed of this,
collected his forces, and having encamped opposite the same village,
drew up Lis army in hostile array. The Eana Kishan Das was in
many ways related to the noble Khan-i Zaman, one of his sisters being
married to Mir Abu-1 Kasim, another to Shah Mukim Sultan,* and he
himself was son-in-law of Banoha Bhatti, the maternal nephew of

' Shdhgarh was built by Kh&u-i Zara4n on the banks of the S&nkra, " and nothing
now remains of it exoept the Jiam^." -Tuhfattt-l Kirdm, MS. p. 72.
2 These two were sons of Khan-i Zam&n,

the Khan. Some friendly people who were with the Amfr were
anxious that no fighting should take place between the parties.
When they expressed their intention to the Ean^ he said he con-
sidered himself a servant of Mfr Abu-1 Kasim, and would not rebel
against him : still Man Sing must not be allowed any interference,
because he was the originator of these quarrels and disturbances.
Mir Abu-1 KSsim, however, adhered to the orders he had received to
place Man Sing in the governorship. At length, upon the instigation
of his weU-meaning friends, the Kana resolved to go to Mfr Abu-1
Kasim Sultan. So when he arrived, he alighted from his horse, and
having changed his vanity and pride for humility and suppKcation,
he advanced on foot for a long distance with his whole army, officers,

dependants, and servants. He kissed the feet of the Sultan, and pre-
sented him the horse on which he had himself ridden. The Sultan
mounted and gave him his hand. He then pitched his tent near' the
The Eana also encamped
pool of Samara and passed the night there.
on the margin of the At daybreak, some of the people of the
Mir's camp, who belonged to the Sameja tribe, went into the fields
of the Sbdhas and began to injure them. As hostilities had pre-
viously existed between these tribes, the Sodhas abused the Same-
jas, and a quarreli ensued. Intelligence being brought to Mir Abu-1
Kasim, he immediately hastened off ; and Kana Kishan Das also set
his army in array, and advanced with intent to fight, but his heart
failing him, he took to flight, and proceeded towards Kaurhar. Mir
Abii-l Kasim with his followers and companions, hastened to 'Umarkot.
When he approached the fort, a son of the Kana Kishan Das who
was in it, not being able to oppose him, took some money with him
and fled. Upon this, the Mi'r entered the fort and the whole family
of the Kana were captured. But as they were related to him, they,
together with his treasures,* were of course protected. All other
things, however, were taken possession of by the army. Temples
were demolished, cows were directed to be butchered, and the
houses of the vile infidels were made to resound with the soimd
of trumpets and horns, and their filthy idols were polluted. In
the idolatrous places of worship Muhammadan tenets were pro-
' [The text aaya / I'^X .,,U.< .J "in tie middle of the pool."]
* [" Mahzdd" = zdd-i rdh, " proTisions for the way."]

mulgated, and prayers were read for one entire week. He remained
in the fort passing Ms time in festivity and pleasure. As the killing
of cows and the breaking of idols is considered by the Sodhas to be
the highest possible insult, the Eand felt highly indignant, and
having returned from the village of Kam-har, he summoned the
Sodhas from all sides and quarters to meet him at Gaddf. There
they crowded ready to advance on 'Umarkot. They had been sub-
jected to great ignominy, and so they were aU ready to sacrifice
their lives in revenge. When this news reached Khan-i Zaman, he,
reflecting that both parties were enrolled in his army, was most
anxious that no contest should take place between them, and con-
sequently hurried away with the intention of eifeoting a reconcilia-
tion between them. He set out in the evening from Nasrpur, and
having travelled the whole night arrived early the next morning at
the village of Gaddi, where the Eana and the Sodhas had encamped.
He sent his son Mir Shah Mukfm Sultan, M(r Fathi Beg Sultan, and
Kana Bhatti, brother of Eam Bhatti, to the Eana, in order to appease
and comfort him. They accordingly went to him, and so far appeased
him was induced to accompany them, and had the honour of
that he
kissing the Khan's feet. The Khan exalted him by the grant of a
horse and robe of honour, and spoke words of sympathy and con-
*'* *
solation. ** '*
In the end, some of the
plundered property was restored, but the Eana obtained only poor




These two are different names of the same work, of which the
author is Saiyid Jamal, son of Mir Jal41u-d din Husaini Shir^zi,

who composed his work in the year h. 1065 (1654-5 a.d.), as we

learn from a casual notice in the genealogical tree, to be hereafter
mentioned. The work is named after the Moghal families of

Arghiin and Tarkh&n respectively, whose origin will be further

noticed in the Appendix, The Arghknr-ndma is mentioned in the

Tuhfatu-l Kirdm as if it were a separate work, but there ia nothing

on the Arghuns in the latter history which is not derived from
sources at present extant and available. I could find no trace of
such a history in Sind, and I was told by several people in that
province, that the work under consideration was the only one known
as the ArgMn-ndma. As it treats with sufficient copiousness

upon the Arghiin history, as will be seen in the translated

extract, there is no impropriety in giving it this assumed name,
but it is obvious that the author himself styled it Tarkhdn-namd
oulyj in compliment to his patron Mirza Muhammad Salih, who
was of the Tarkhan family.
There appears to have been at one time a history of that
family of older date than this, because Saiyid Jam&l informs us,

that the Mirz^, being most anxious to acquaint himself with the
genealogy and history of the Moghal tribes, and especially of
his own ancestors, in order that he might learn precisely from
what particular chief he was descended, commissioned our author
to send him the book called Tarkhan -ndma. This zealous indi-

vidaal, not being able, notwithstanding all his enquiries, to find

any book of this name, determined to compose one himself to

supply the deficiency, and for this purpose examined and ex-
tracted from Tabari, the Saumiu-s Sqfd, the Zafar-ndma, the
Tarikh-i JIumdi/imi, the Akbar-ndma, the Nigdristdn, the
Tdrikh-i Tdhiri, the Muntakhab-i be-badal Tusufi, tlie Tdrikh^i
Guzida, the Maj'ma'u-l Ansdb, and others. And so having traced
the progenitorship of the Tarkh&ns up to the Patriarch Noah,
he completed what he styles his Tarkhdn-ndma.
In this enumeration of authorities we have another flagrant
instance of that offensive suppression of the truth which so often
excites our indignation in the Indian historians. The work to which
Saiyid Janial is most indebted is Mir M^asiim's Tdrikh-i Sind, from
which he has extracted and abridged, but with many omissions,*
the whole history of the Arghuns and Tarkhans, from the rise
of Shah Beg, to the close of the independence of Sind under J4ni
Beg, and to which he is indebted even for the selection of whole
sentences, as well as the frame of the narrative ; and yet Mir
M'asiim's name is nowhere mentioned, except where his grand-

father Saiyid Mir Kalan (p. 96) is incidentally brought upon

the stage. From some of the works quoted he has of course
borrowed his Turkish genealogy, but even there his obligations
seem to have been confined to the liauzata-s Safd, the Zafar-

ndma, and the Majmdu-l Ansdb, which three works would have
been sufficient to afford him all the information with which we
are favoured on that subject. The Tdrikh-i Tdhiri, which is the
only local history which he quotes, is, with strange inconsistency,
not followed either for facts or dates.
Mirza Muhammad Sdlih, who is represented to have been
endowed with every excellence, personal and intellectual, was the
son of Mirza 'Is4 Tarkhan, grandson of the more celebrated
holder of the same name, who founded the Tarkhan dynasty of
1Amongst these may be noticed the transactions of the Arghflns with the Dh&rejas,
M&ghis, Dahars, and E&i Khanhar of Each Shah Husain's proceedings at the fort

of Diliwar, and at Pattan. in Guzerit ; the attack of Bakhshii Lang^h on Bhakkar,

in 959 H. etc., etc.

Sind. Mii'z4 ''tsi, the younger, was introduced to Akbar in

1012 H., and was treated by him and his successor, Jahangir,

with distinguished consideration. As his independence of all

favour and pati'onage, except that bestowed by the Emperor

himself, rendered him obnoxious to the nobles about the Court,

they managed that he should receive only those jagirs in which

the turbulence of the inhabitants made the collection of revenue
but his bravery and good conduct defeated all these
machiaations, and he triumphed over the jealous opposition of
of his enemies.
By an early acknowledgement of Shah Jahan as Emperor,
and his proclamation of him in the 'Idgah of Ahmadabad, in

which he anticipated the other more tardy nobles of Guzerat,

where his jagir was then situated, he met with a distinguished
reception from the new monarch, to whom he went to pay his
respects on the banks of the Mahi. He was shortly afterwards

preferred to the Subadari of Thatta, where he was directed to

seize the person of Shariru-1 Mulk at all hazards. Having suc-

ceeded in sending this gallant but obnoxious individual a prisoner

to the Imperial Court, he received the honour of a Nmthat, a lac

of rupees in cash, and the increase of 1000 to his personal rank.

He obtained subsequently the Siibad^ri of Guzerdt, and died full

of years and titles at the advanced age of ninety-five, in the year

1061 H. (1651 A.U.), four years previous to the composition of

this work.
Mirza Muhammad Salih succeeded to some portion of the
honours of his father, and the other members of the family had
each a separate provision assigned to them by the royal mu-

The Tarkhdn-ndma, after a preface of three pages, opens with

a genealogical tree from Noah to Muhammad Salih, extending

through twenty-eight pages. We then have an abstract history

of the Kh3,ns of Turkistan, and of Changiz Khdn, and his de-
1 At time we find an Englishman complaining of the same treatment, by
this very

which, through the intrigues of the ministers, the king's kind intentions were ren-
dered of none effect.

scendants who ruled in trin, in forty pages ; the 'History of the

Arghiins in twenty-three pages ; of the Tarkhans in thirty-three
pages ; concluding with the death of Mirza 'rsa Tarkhdn above-
mentioned. Altogether, 127 pages 4to. (12x9 inches) of 17
lines each. The style is elegant, but, from a comparison with
the original authorities, it will appear that its best graces are
borrowed. Like other local histories of Sind, it is rare out of that


The Arghun Dynasty of Kandahar and Sind}

It is related by historians that Amir Zu-n. Nun, son of Am(r
Basri, one of the descendants of Arghun Khan Tarthan, son of
Abaka Khan, son of Hulaku KhSn, eon of Tuli Khan, son of Changiz
Khan, a soldier distinguished for courage and bravery among the
warriors of his tribe,' was employed by Abu Sa'id Mirzd, and on all

occasions acted up to his former character. By this conduct he

became a great favourite of Sultdn Abu Sa'id. The honours and re-

wards he received subjected him to the envy and jealousy of his

fellows, for his rank was elevated above that of all his relations.

When Sultan Abii Sa'id was slain in the battle of Karabagh,

Amir Zu-n Nun retired to his father in Hirat. He served for a short
time under Yadgar Mirza. when Sultan Husain
succeeded to the throne of Khurasan, Mirza Amir Misri' died, Amir
Zu-n Niin his son was regarded with favour by Sultin Husain Mirz,
who assigned him the chiefship of Grhor, Zamindawar and Kandahar,
In these countries the warlike tribes of Hazira and Takdari had
complete power.* Amir Zu-n NAn, in the year 884 h. (1479-80 a.d.),
proceeded in that direction with a small body of his tribesfolk (aZAs)
For some time he was engaged in hostilities with these people, and,
being in all battles victorious and successful, he brought the countries
into subjection to his rule. The Hazara, Takdari, and aU the other

> [Page 71 to 99 of the text].

2 The word rendered ''tribe" is ulus. SeeErskine's BaJer, Yol. I, 19, 24.

[Frequently written " Basrl."]

< The reading is doubtful Takdari or Nakdari.
: If the latter, they are probably
the same as the If akodari.

tribes having seen this, quietly submitted to his authority and made
no further opposition. The services of Amir Zu-n Nun were so
highly approved of, that Sultan Husain Karar made him abso-

lute governor of Kandahar, Ghor, and other countries. After some

time Amfr Zu-n Nun Misri obtained independent power in those
pro\'inces, and he also encroached upon the territories of Shal,
Mustung, and their dependpQcies. In the course of four more
years he was in command of a large force and had entirely attached
to his interest the people of Hazara, Takdari, Kipchak, and the
Moghals of Kandahar. On hearing this, Sultan Husain sent an
imperative order, requiring him to present himself without delay
at the imperial court. The Amfr acted accordingly, and on his
arrival at court made the usual presents. The people were all

loud in their praises of his loyalty and fidelity, and consequently the
Sultan presented him with a vest of honour, a richly caparisoned
horse, kettle drums, and banner, and also granted him a royal patent
of investiture. He then ordered him to leave his son and suite at
the court, and himself proceed to Kandahar. Immediately on
receipt of this order, the Amir seized the first opportunity of
secretly taking his son and the nobles who had attended him, and
marched with great rapidity to Kandahar, leaving, however, his

property, arms, etc., behind him in his residence. In the course

of two or three days the Sultan ordered that the Amir should
not leave the court for Kandahar until after the festival of Nauroz.
The royal messengers, on arriving at the Amir's residence, discovered
the flight, and reported to the Sultan the state of afiairs. The
Sultan, on hearing of it, remarked that the Amir had evidently
departed without any intention of returning. But the prince and
the nobles argued that his having left horses, camels, carpets, and
other property behind him was a proof that his absence would
not be of long diiration. The Sultan then said that his flight was
only another proof of his ready wit and sagacity. However, regrets
were now unavailing, 911 (1505
a.d.) Sultan Husain died, and

kingdom of Khurasan fell into complete disorder.

the affairs of the
Affairs were thus situated when in the Muhaxram of the year
913 H. (May, 1607) Muhammad Khan Shaibani Uzbek crossed the
Jfhun with an enormous army, like a swarm of ants or locusts,

which he had collected for the purpose of conquering Khurasin.

Badi'u-2 Zamau MirzS, son of the late Sultan Husain, was in great
alarm and consternation at the approach of this army, and instantly-
sent information of the fact to Amfr Zu-n Nun.' The Amir con'
suited with and nobles, who aU entertained different
his sons
opinions on the subject, but the Amir declared that he considered
it incumbent on him to march to the support of the Sultan, and
that courage and humanity alike forbade him to remain inactive
during this crisis. He was not to be hoped
said that his return
for, as army was powerful and
the tTzbek numerous in the extreme,
and the fortunes of the house of Sultan. Husain were in their decline.
Accordingly, he assembled a friendly body of Arghun and Tarkhan
troops, and marched to the succour of the Prince Badi'u-z Zaman.
Having arrived at the camp, he Was received with every honour.
The same day the army of the Uzbeks and of Ma-warau-n nahr
crossed the liver. Numerous signs of the approach of Muhammad
Khan Shaibani's overwhelming force were evident. Upon reaching
the field of the approaching contest, the Prince having reviewed his
troops, formed up in order of battle, and from both armies the shouts
of the warriors and the roll of the kettle-drums resounded to the
vault of heaven.
The Amir, with a body of his bold well-mounted horsemen, com-
menced the attack, and by an impetuous charge, completely routed
a body of the enemy, and threw thein into utter confusion. In
vain : for as wave follows wave, column after column of the Uzbeks
came on in endless succession to the attack, till at last the Khura-
sanfs, unable to contend any longer with such disproportionate

numbers, turned rein' and fled. A scene of the wildest and most
hopeless confusion ensued. The Amir, however, with a small band
of his trusty and indomitable warriors, maintained his ground, now
standing on the defensive, now charging one wing of the enemy, and
now the other. The field was dyed with blood. Thus they fought
bravely and desperately until the Uzbeks closing in on every side,

the Amir was woundedt and thrown from bis horse. Disdaining

1 Prince Badi'u-z Zamka was married ts a daughter of Amir Zd-n Niin. See HIr
M'asfim's Tdrikh-i Siitd, p. 103.

VOL. I. 20

the quarter offered him by the Uzbeks, who hoped to take him a
prisoner in triumph to Muhammad Khan, he fell, covered with

8Mh Beg Arghiin.

Shah Beg Arghiin son of Zu-n Nun, was, on the death of the
Amir, placed by the unanimous voice of the chiefs on the, vacant
throne. He confirmed all his father's appointments, and gave the
holders of them robes of honour. He displayed an unparalleled
example of equity and justice, by which conduct he so won the
hearts of his soldiery, that they became his most devoted and
obedient subjects. Shah Beg always consorted with the most dis-
tinguished and scientific men in his kingdom.
At this time Muhammad Khan, having subdued the whole of
Khurasan, approached Kara with the determination of adding
Kandahar also to his dominions. On his arrival at Garmsir, Shah
Beg him offering his allegiance and submission.
sent messengers to
He promised that he would express the same at a personal inter-
view. Muhammad Khan was satisfied with this concession and
went back.
In the year 915 h. (1509 a.d.). Shah Isma'il the second,
having overcome and killed Muhammad Khan in battle, took
possession of Khurasan. The Shah attained to the greatest power,
so much so that the surrounding nations dreaded his might and
At this juncture Warash Khan marched upon Kara, and set up
his standard. Shah Beg in alarm at this threatened invasion, con-

sulted with his ministers, showingthem the imminent danger his

country was in ^threatened on one
side by Shah Isma'il, the con-
queror of Khurasan, and on the other by Babar Badshah, who had
already reached Kabul, both with avowed warlike intentions. He
pointed out to them the necessity of providing a retreat iu case
of their losing Kandahdr. It was at length resolved to seize the

Siwi territory, and in the year 917 h. (1511 a.d.), he set out from

Kandahar, and having reached Shal, there made preparations for

the ensuing campaign. On his arrival at Siwi he invested the fort.

The descendants of Sultan Purdili Birlas, who ruled in Siwi,


advanced to oppose him with three thousand men of the Buluch

tribe as well as other forces. The army of Shah Beg proved com-
pletely victorious. The enemy was utterly overthrown, many were
killed in action, and the survivors fled towards Sind. Shah Beg
entered Siwf in triumph, and made a short stay there, during which
time he built houses, laid out gardens, and raised a fort which he
strongly garrisoned, and, having appointed Mirza Tsa Tarkhan, one
of the most distinguished of his nobles, to be governor, he returned
to Kandahar.
Ann. Hij. 919 (a.d. 1513), the Emperor Zahiru-d din Muhammad
Babar having determined upon the conquest of Kandahar, marched
upon it with a powerful and numerous army. Shah Beg collected his
forces, Tsdth sufficient provisions and munitions of war to enable him.

to sustain a siege, shut himself up in the fort and posted his men on
the walls and bastions. On the arrival of the Emperor in the vicinity
of the city, hewas attacked by disease, and became very feeble.
His ministers and nobles on this became disaffected and mutinous.
Shah Beg, having learnt the state of affairs, sent the leading men of
Kandahdr with instructions to negociate a peace. The Emperor,
consenting to the terms, despatched Khwaja Jalalu-d din with suit-
able presents, and returned to Kabul. Shah Beg then withdrew
after a short time to Siwi, and made a stay there. Having assem-
bled a general council, he pointed out to them that the Emperor
Babar having once found his way to Kandahar, would not rest

contented imtil he had conquered and brought it under his own

rule ; that it behoved them to consult their own and the country's
safety. In pursuance of this idea, he, at the beginning of the winter
season, raised a force of 1000 horse, and despatched them from Siwf
to Sind. This force, on the 7th of Zi-1 Ka'da h. 920 (Dec. 1514),
attacked and took the villages of Kakan and Baghban. These
villages were so densely populated, that, in the sack, 1000 camels,
employed on the garden- wells merely, were taken ; from this, some
idea may be formed of the wealth of the two places.' After re-
maining there a week, they returned with their spoil to Siwi.

' Both these places were in the Sarkar of Siwi. The former has since become
famous for its gallant defence by our troops. Tdrihh-i Tdhiri, MS. p. 48 Tarkhan- ;

ndma, MS. p. 48 Tuhfatu-l kirdm, p, 124.


A.H. 921 (1515 A.D.). The Emperor Babar put into execution
the design Shah Beg had foreseen, and having marched upon Kanda-
har, laid siege to the fort and commenced mining it. The siege was
carried on with vigour, and all supplies being cut off, a great dearth
of grain ensued in the oity. At this crisis, however, the Emperor's
army was so weakened by fever, that a peace was again agreed
upon. Whereupon, the Emperor returned to Kabul.
In this same year. Shah Hasan Mirza having quarrelled with his
father, left him, and went to the Court of the Emperor Babar, and
being by him received with hospitality and distinction, he remained
there two years. The Emperor observed that his visit was not from
any affection entertained towards himself by Shah Hasan, but in
order that he might learn the art of governing rightly, and at the
same time perfect himself in the ceremonies of the Court. At length.
Shah Hasan, with the Emperor's permission, returned to Kandahar.
A.H. 922 (1516 The Emperor Babar again assembled an

army, and marched upon Kandahar, and he was yet in the jungle
when the fort was invested. Shah Beg, wearied and harassed by
these repeated invasions, sent Shaikh Abii Sa'id Purani to negotiate
a peace ; tlie terms agreed upon were that in the ensuing year
the government of Kandahar should be made over to the officers of
the Emperor Babar. Having ratified this treaty, the Emperor re-

turned to Kabul. In pursuance of this arrangement. Shah Beg,

A.H. 923 (1517 A.D.), sent the keys of the fort of Kandahar to the
Imperial Court, by the hands of Mir Ghlasu-d din, grandson of
Khondamir, author of the Sabibu-s Siyar, and father of Mir Abu-1
Makaxim, and grandfather of 'Abdu-Uah Sultan. This ratification
of the cession was approved of by his majesty.^

After the subjugation of his country, Shah Beg remained two

years in Shal and Siwi, reduced to penury and distress. In such
straits was he, that his army was compelled during this period to

upon nothing but -carrots, turnips, and other such vegetables.

Towards the end of the year 924 A.H. (1518 a.d.), he made warlike
preparations for the conquest of Sind. In consequence of the re-
moval of Mirza Tsa, he left Sultan 'Alf Arghun and Zibak Tarkh^,
' An incorrect parentage is ascribed in the text to this learned envoy. See the
articles Khdlasatu-l Akhbar and Habbu-s SnAR, in VoL II.

with a number of men for the protection of the forts of Siwi and
and Ganjawa. He despatched a-head of his army a force of 200
horse under Mir Fazil Kokaltfish, and himself followed at the head
of 300 more. On entering the Sind territory, he soon reached Bagh-
ban, he learnt that an army of Samejas, under the command of
Mahmud Khdn, son of Darya Khan, was encamped at Thatta, four
kos from Siwistan, and prepared to do battle. Shah Beg halted at
Baghban, where he was well received by the principal inhabitants.
He then resumed his march through the Lakki hills towards
Thatta, and at last reached that river which in those days ran
to the north of Thatta.' Being unprovided with means of transit,
he stopped for some days on the bank, revolving in his mind how
to effect a passage. At this juncture, the men on guard perceived
that a man driving a laden ass was fording the river from the
opposite bank. He was seized and compelled by menaces to show
the way through the ford." 'Abdu-r Eahman Daulat Shahi then
plunged on horseback into the river, reached the other bank and
then returned and reported the fact to Shah Beg, who availing
himself of this information, on the 15th day of Muharram a.h.
927 (December, 1520), crossed the river with his force, and marched
towards the city of Thatta, On which, Darya Khan, the adopted'
son of Jam Nanda, having left Jam Firoz in garrison at Thatta,
hastened at the head of his army to give the Amir battle.

After a long, bloody, and well-contested action, in which Darya

Khan, with a host of Sammas, was killed, victory declared itself in

favour of Shah Beg. On receipt of this disastrous intelligence,

Jam Firoz left Thatta and fled without stopping untU he reached
the village of Pirar" with a heavy heart. Thatta was given up
to plunder till the 20th of the month, in the course of which
the inhabitants were treated with merciless severity,, and many of
them were carried into captivity. The holy text, " Surely when
> See Appendix,
" life of Antony, tells ns that a costermonger^ Eutychus, who per-
Plutarch in his
formed a somewhat similar service for Augustus, hefore the hattle of Actium, was
rewarded by the grateful Emperor with a statue of himself and of his ass, with an
equally auspicious name, Nikon. This beautiful work of art was destroyed, with toe
many others, by the barbarous Franks on their capture of Constantinople,
* This place is in the hilly tract north of Thatta.

kings enter a village tkey destroy it," was fully exemplified in

this instance. At last, by the strenuous exertions of Kazi Kazin
a most distinguished scholar, these outrages were put an end to, and
proclamation was made to the effect that the people of the city were
to remain undisturbed.' The fugitive Jam Firoz remained, with a
few men who had accompanied him, at Pirar, his family being still

at Thatta. At length, finding that nothing was left for him

but submission, he despatched a messenger to Shah Beg, humbly
intreating forgiveness, and expressing his willingness to submit
himself unconditionally to the wiU and pleasure of his conqueror,
with most solemn promises of future good conduct.
Shah Beg moved by that generosity which distinguished him, and
having pity on the miserable condition of his vanquished enemy,
received the messenger most graciously, and granted him a robe
of honour, at the same time sending a friendly answer to Jam
Firoz,' who on the receipt of it came with a number of his friends,

towards the end of the month Safar, to Thatta, dressed in most

humble guise, a sword hanging from his neck to express his com-
plete subjection. He was permitted the honour of kissing the
hands of Shah Beg. He then repeated his expressions of sorrow
and Shah Beg, having assured him of his forgiveness,

investedhim with the robe of honour which Sultan Husain Mirzd

had before bestowed on Mir Zu-n Nun, and conferred on him
the governorship of Thatta. He then held a conference with his
nobles and ministers. The Sind territory, he declared, was too
extensive for his own immediate government and control. It was
therefore advisable to divide it, assigning one half to Jam Firoz,
and keeping the other under his own management. They all

concurred, and it was arranged that the territory extending from

the Lakki hills, near Siwistan, to Thatta, should be assigned to
Jam Firoz, while the upper part from the same hills should
remain in his own possession. Having settled this. Shah Beg
marched in the direction of Siwistan. The inhabitants of this
place, dreading the arrival of the victorious army fled to Thati, and

' The Tdrikh-i Sind (p. 139), mates Mm, in true Oriental fashion, take an arrow
from his quiTCr, which he gives to Kkzi K&ziu, to show that he was really accredited
by the Moghal plunderer.


having joined themselTes with the Sa'ta and Stimra tribes,' formed
themselYes in order of tattle and advanced to give fight. An
obstinate battle ensued, in which Shah Beg proved again victorious
his adversaries fled, and he took possession of the fort of Siwistan.
Having put it in complete repair, he placed in it some of his most
distinguished- nobles, among
Mir 'Alaika Arghun, Sultan
Mukim Beg-Lar, Kaibuk Arghun, and Ahmad Tarkhan; all these
he ordered to erect houses in the fort for themselves. He then took
his departure for Bhakkar, and after several days marchiag arrived
at the plain surrounding Sakhar. A few days after he reached
Bhakkar, where he was much gratified with the fort and town.
Having visited and inspected these, he laid out the town, assigning
various quarters to his officers and soldiers. He caused a plan to be
made of the fort, and placed it in the care of his principal officers, in
order that, each one doing his part, they might put it into complete
repair. The hard bricks for this purpose were provided by the
destruction of the fort of Alor (anciently the seat of government)
and of the houses of the Turk and Samma people in the suburbs of
Bhakkar.* In a short space of time the works were finished. He
fixed on the citadel of the fort as a residence for himself, and
Mirza Shah Husain; he also permitted Mir Fazil Kokaltash, Sultan
Muhammad, keeper of the seal, and one or two others to reside
in it. He employed a whole year in finishing the buildings
in the fort and settling the afi'airs of his subjects.
928 (1522 A.D.) Shah Beg left Payinda Muhammad Tarkhan

in charge of Bhakkar, and advanced with a considerable army to the

conquest of Gruzerat. During his progress down the river, he
swept the country on both banks from the foul inhabitants. On
the arrival of the army at Chainduka, Mir FazU Kokaltash was
taken dangerously iU, and after lingering a few days died. This
incident so affected Shah Beg that an idea took possession of his

mind that the death of his friend was a warning of the near approach

[ *7 in the text.] Mir M'aslim (p. 141) has, Talahti, instead of That! and

Samma instead of Sa'ta. " Sihta" is probably the correct reading, which we find
sometimes applied to the Sammas. Another copy reads Sodha instead of Sfimra.
2 Mir M'as<im adds that the Saiyids were turned out of Bhakkar, and allowed a
space of ground in Rori, whereon to build new houses. Tdrikhi-i Sind, 150.

of his own. Shortly after, intelligence was received of the Emperor

Babar's arrival in the vicinity of Bhara and Khushib, with the
avowed intention of conquering the country of Hindust^. On
hearing this, Shah Beg observed that Babar had no intention of

leaving him at peace, but that he would ultimately seize Sind, either
from him or his descendants. It was needful therefore to seek out
some other asylum. Having said this, he complained of a violent
pain in his bowels. Every remedy was tried to alleviate it, but in
vain, for in the month Sha'ban, 928 h. (June, 1522), after a reign
of fifteen years. Shah Beg died, without having been able to effect
his intention of entering Guzerat. " Shahr Sha'ban" is the chrono-
gram of his death.

Mirzd Shah Husain Arghun.

On the death of Shah Beg, in a.h. 28 (1522 a.d.), Shah Husain
Arghun succeeded to the throne.' He conferred dresses of honour
and marks of his favour on those chiefs, judges, nobles, and
ministers who had assembled to congratulate him on his accession.
As this event took place at the end of the Eamazan, when the
great festival was about to be celebrated, the nobles about his
person represented that on this great and memorable occasion it

were well that the Khutba were read in his name. This he refused
to permit, saying that as long as any descendant of the Sahib-kiran
(Timiir) existed, no other man could assume this privilege. Accord-
mgly Khutba was read in the name of the Emperor Zahiru-d
dfn Muhammad Babar. During the celebration of the festival, the
Shah remained in the same place. In the meantime he received
intelKgence how that Jam Firoz and the people of Thatta had heard
with delight of the demise of Shah Beg, and had beaten their drums
in token of joy and gratification. Incensed at these proceedings,
Mirza Shah Husaia having consulted with his minister, and having
come to the conclusion that the prosecution of his father's designs
on Guzerat was not advisable, ordered his army to march on
Thatta in order to destroy Jam Ffroz. News of this determination
soon reached Thatta, and Jam Firoz, being utterlj' unable to oppose

' Some authorities give the name as Hasan, as in page 308 supra ; but the other is

the best authenticated. Eespeoting Shkh Beg's death, see the Appendix.

the army maxohiag against him, hastily fled from the city, and
crossing the river in despair took his way towards Kach. When he
reached Chaohkan and Eahman, he collected an army of about
50,000 horse and foot. With this formidable force, consisting
of the people of Sind and the Samma tribe, he returned with the
intention of coming to an engagement with Mirza Shah Husain, who
at the head of his ever victorious troops, had already arrived at the

city of Thatta. On hearing of the force which Jam Firoz was

bringing against him, the Shah having left a body of men for the

protection of the city, the inhabitants being in a state of the greatest

alarm, marched out with the view of bringing the enemy to an
engagement. On nearing the Sindian army, he formed his troops in
order of battle, and advanced. Suddenly he came in view of the
enemy, who, greatly alarmed at the sight of the Moghals, dis-
mounted, left their horses, doffed their turbans, tied the comers of
each other's clothes together, and thus engaged in the conflict.

Mirza Shah Husain knew it to be the custom of the people of Sind

and Hind, when resolved upon fighting to the death, to leave their
horses, and bare-headed and bare-footed, tie themselves together by
each other's clothes and waistbands, so he saw these preparations
with delight, and congratulating his nobles and officers on the
evident despair of the enemy, and the consequent assurance of
victory to themselves, gave the order for the attack. On this, his

troops armed with their bows and arrows, and sword in hand,
rushed vehemently to the charge, spreading consternation and
dismay in the ranks of the enemy. Prom morning to evening the
battle was bloodily contested. Nearly 20,000 men feU on the field,
till at last, Jam Firoz, being defeated, fled, covered with shame and
disgrace, to Guzerat, where he remained until his death. Mirza
Shah Husain remained for tiiree days on the field of battle, distri-
buting the horses and all other booty amongst hia people, and
showering rewards upon his officers ; he then returned in triumph
to Thatta. Thence he went tb Tughlikabad, where he remained
six months, when he proceeded towards Bhakkar. On his arrival
within thirty kos of the city, all the leading men came out to meet
and congratulate him, and were received with every honour. In
this year also, Shaikh Bulaki came from Kandahar to Sind to visit



After the lapse of two years, a.h. 930 (1524 a.d.), Mirza Shah.
Husain came to the determination to invade Multan, in pursuance
of which design he ordered his nobles and generals to make the
necessary arrangements. At the commencement of the year a.h. 931
(1525 A.D.), he started on this expedition. On reaching the city of

ITch he found the Buluchis and Langahs prepared to fight. The

Multan army in those days was a hundred-fold greater than the
Mirza's, yet he, trusting in Divine assistance, drew up his army
with great care and circumspection, and with his Moghal troops
began the battle. "When these two brave armies confronted each
other, the Moghals employed their deadly fire, and the Langahs and
Buluchis plied their bows and arrows. The contest was sharp, but
victory at length declared itself in favour of Mirza Shah Husain.
Many of the Langahs were slain, the rest fled. The fort was
captured, and orders were given to demolish the buildings in .the
city of Uch.
The news of the Shah's success soon reached the ears of Sultan
Muhammad Langah, the ruler of Multan.' Whereupon he des-
patched parties in all directions, with instructions to levy forces with
the greatest celerity. In accordance with these orders, within the
course of a month, an army consisting of 80,000 horse and foot,
composed of men of the Buluoh, Jat, Eind, Dadi, and other tribes,

was raised.'* At the head of his large and powerful force, the Sultan

set out from Multan. The Mirza on hearing of these numbers being
brought against him, took up a position on the banks of the Ghara
and there awaited the attack of the enemy. Sultan Mahmiid re-
mained for a month in the suburbs of Multan for the purpose of

constructing such engines as might be required, and of amply pro-

viding hisarmy with the necessary munitions and stores. Having
he resumed his march. The Sultan, inflated with pride
effected this

and puffed up with a certainty of victory, at last arrived at Beg.

Here it happened that Shaikh Shujd' Bakhari, the son-in-law of the
1 The original says Sultin Husain, but he had died more than twenty years before
this event.
2 The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 46), Eind is a Buliich tribe. They are
says that the
still a very influential and powerful clan.
See Masson's Journey to Keldt, p. 322.
Mir M'asiStn adds to these tribes by naming also the KanrM and Chindya. Tdrikh-i
Sind, p. 185,

Sultan, a man possessed of great influence in the political and fiscal

affairs of the State, was detected in an intrigue in the royal harem.

This having come to the knowledge of the Sultan, he was so
enraged, that the Shaikh saw his only safety lay in the death of
the Sultan. Having obtained from the treasury the deadly poison
there deposited for the destruction of those obnoxious to the State,
he administered it to Sultan Mahmiid. The army, which consisted
chiefly of Buluchis, being thus deprived of its head, the greatest con-
fusion reigned.
The Langahs placed Sultan Husaiu, son of the late Sultan Mah-
mtid, upon the vacant throne, and finding it necessary to make peace,
they sent the holy Shaikh Bahau-d-din to negociate a treaty. The
Shaikh submitted his terms to Mirza Shah Husain, who approved
and ratified them. The Mirza then returned, and on his arrival at

Uoh, ordered another fort to be erected there. In the mean time,

Langer Ehan, one of the late Sultan Mahmud's nobles, came to the

Mirza and informed him that, owing to the youth of Sultan Husain,
he was unfit to conduct the Government of Multan, that the duties
of the State were neglected, and that in consequence of the tyranny
and oppression, rebellions and insurrections had broken out in the
city; that all the greatest and best disposed of the inhabitants
were desirous of another ruler. He ended by imploring the Mirza
to march again upon Multan. Mirza Shah Husain complied with
this request, and on reaching the city laid close siege to the fort,
which was garrisoned by the Langah army. Desultory fighting
took place daily between the two forces. At length a great scarcity
of provisions took place in the city. This increased to such an
extent that even the head of a cow was valued at ten tankas, while
the price of grain rose to 100 tankas per maund. After some time
had elapsed, a party of soldiers one morning forced the gate of the
city. The troops rushed in and captured the place. All the in-
habitants of the city, from seven years of age up to seventy, were
taken prisoners, the city was given up to plunder, and very many
of the Langah tribe were slain. On this, Mirza Shah gave orders
that no further hurt should be done to the survivors.
Sultan Husain and his sisters were brought before the Mirza by
the venerable Shaikh Bahau-d din ; and Mirza Shah, for the sake of


tteir reverend protector, received them kindly, and abstained from

doing them any injury.
After a stay of two months in the city, the Mirza left Khw^ja
Shamsu-d dfn, with a force of 200 horse, 100 foot, and 100 gunners
under him in charge of Multan, and having sent a message to the
Court of the Emperor, Zahiru-d din Babar, offering Multan to him,

he returned to Bhatkar ; and thence went to Thatta, where, having

inspected and satisfied himself as to the proper management of the
surrounding country, he fixed his abode, and passed fifteen years in
the enjoyment of peace and tranquility.
In the Eamazan a.h. 949 (Dec. 1542, a.d.), the Emperor Nasiru-d
din Hamuyun on Khan Afgh&i
account of the rebellion of Shir
came from Lahore towards Sind. Having taken up his quarters
in the town of Lahari (Eori), he established his own residence
within the walls of the delightful garden of Babarliika. Sultan
MahmAd desolated the country, and himself took refuge in the fort
of Bhakkar. The Emperor sent Amfr Tahir Sadar and Samandar
Beg to Mirza Shah Husain in Thatta, reminding him of the ties of

amity and friendship which had existed between the Tarkhans and
the late Emperor Babar. Mirza Shah Husain paid much honour to

the royal messengers, and said that if the Emperor intended to

invade Gnzerat, he, the Mirza, attMided by his whole army, woiild
accompany him on the expedition, and not return till the conquest
had been effected. He also made over to him the tract extending
from Hala Kandi to Bitura on the other side of the river, to defray

the expenses of the royal household. He sent Shaikh Mirak Purani

and Mirza Kasim Tafaf to the Emperor, bearing similar terms and
suitable presents. On their amval there, they expressed the Mirzd's

loyalty and presented the petition of which they were the bearers.
After a few days, the Emperor dismissed the ambassadors, and wrote
with hisown hand a lettar to their master, to the following effect
"To Shah Husain, greeting (after the usual compliments), I comply
with your request on this condition, namely, that you serve me
with fidelity. Farewell I"

Mirza Shah Husain had formed his determination to present him-

seK to the Emperor at a personal interview. The Arghun nobles

' [To^cA/ musketeers?]

were, however, of a different opinion, and altogether adverse to sub-

mitting themselves, and by their cunning and designing arts raised

a quarrel, by which means they prevented Shah Husain from fol-

lowing the dictates of his own judgment. The Emperor remained

at Babarluka for five months in the full expectation that Shah
Husain woxild come to meet him, and having sworn allegiance
would become a faithful ally. Having been informed as to the
intentions of the Arghiins, he marched with his army on the
first of Jumada-1 Awwal a.h. 948 (Aug.-SeJ)t., 1541), towards
Siwistan; on his arrival at which place, he laid siege to the
fort. Mirza Husain having received intelligence of this move-
ment, came from Thatta and formed an entrenched camp. The
Emperor ordered mines to be dug under the fort, by means
of which he succeeded in destroying one basti-on. The garrison
however, speedily remedied the injury done to their defences by
raising another wall. The Emperor saw that the Arghuns had
strengthened the work, and was aware that he was altogether
unprovided with the engines necessary for the successful termina-
tion of the siege. Seven months had now elapsed since he first laid

siege to the fort. Mirza Shah Husain succeeded in stopping the

conveyance of supplies to the besieguig army, which moreover were
impeded by contrary winds and the rising of the river. Owing to
these unfortunate circumstances, the army was greatly distressed.
At this juncture the Emperor received a petition from Eaja Maldep
of Jodpur, intimating that during his majesty's absence, the Eaja
had continued his faithful servant, and hoped for his arrival.
Should the Emperor deem it fit to bring his ever prosperous army,
the Eajawas at his service with 20,000 Eajptits, and would accom-
pany the Imperial army to whatever place it may be directed to
In consequence of Awwal, a.h. 949
this invitation, in Eabi'u-1

(May- June, 1542), the Emperor marched towards the territories

of Eaja Maldeo. After some marches, he approached near them, but
was there informed by some irdiabitants of the surrounding coimtry

of the sinister views entertained by Mdldeo, who, they said, had

invited him only because Sher Khdn Afghan had placed a force in

ambuscade for the purpose of attacking and plijadering the army.



On hearing tUs, the Emperor became alarmed, and was much down-
cast, and after consultation he left the Jodpur territory, and marched
with great speed to Satalmir. Thence he rapidly proceeded to

Jesalmir, and from thence he continued his journey to 'Umaxkot.

During his march hither his army suffered much from drought. On
his arrival, Dair Sal the chief, accompanied by his people, came out
to meet him, and kissed his stirrup.^ He cleared the fort of its

occupants and assigned it to the use of the Emperor, who remained

in it for some days.
The people of Thatta sent the great Saiyid 'Ali Shirazi, who was
Shaikhu-1 Islam at that time, with presents of fruits and perfumes
the star of his prosperity again arose from the horizon of greatness.
On Sunday, the 5th of Eajab, a.h. 949 (15th October, 1542), was
bom the great Emperor Jalalu-d din Muhammad Akbar. His father
rejoiced greatly at the birth of a son. The first clothes of the child
were, for the sake of superior sanctity, made out of the garments of
the aforesaid Saiyid. As there was in 'Umarkot no place fitted for

the residence of a king, the Court was compelled to remove to Sind.

Having set out they reached the town of Jun, situated on the banks
of the Eain. This place is celebrated amongst the cities of Sind for
the number and beauty of its gardens, abounding in rivulets which
present fresh and delightful scenes. In these gardens, the Emperor
remained for some days, within sight of the tovni. Mirza Husain
also came with his forces into its vicinity, and there encamped.
Daily skirmishes took place in the environs of the town between the
followers of the two camps. One day, Ti'mur Sultan, Shaikh 'AU
Beg, and Tardi Beg Khan, with a body of men, made preparations
to attack a fort which was filled with grain. Mirza Shah Husain's
officer. Sultan Mahmud Khan Bhakkari, being apprized of their
design, took a large force, and in the morning attacked them.
Shaikh 'Ali Beg with his sons, stood his ground until he was slain
others of his force were also kiUed in this engagement. Their
adversaries also suffered heavy loss. The Emperor, grieved at the
occurrence, contracted a disgust for Sind, and determined upon going
to Kandahar.
^ The Tuhfatu-l Eirdm (p. 60) gives this name " ESina Wair S&l." Mir ACtmcm
(p. 213) has " Rkn.k Bair SM."

In the meantime, on tlie 7th of Muharram a.h. 950, (12th

April, 1543, a.d.), Bairam Khan came, unattended, from Guzerat,
and having met the Emperor attempted to console him. He en-
deavoured with success to negociate a peace between the contending
parties. Shah Husain, delighted with the prospect of peace, readily-
agreed to the proposal, and sent the Emperor 100,000 miskals in
cash, all the equipage required for travelling (which he caused
to be prepared), with 300 horse and an equal number of camels. A
bridge also was built near the town, on which the Emperor observed
that the Arabic words Sirdt mustaMm, signifying " a strong bridge,"
formed the chronogram of the date of the treaty and the construction
of the bridge, i.e. a.h. 950, (a.d. 1543-4). On the 7th of Eabi'-ul
Akhir of the same year, the Emperor marched towards Kandahar
and Mirza Shah Husain returned to Thatta. It is said that the
Mirza became, towards the end of his life, afflicted with palsy. He
chose as his companions men of loose character and mean extrac-
tion. The Moghals, Tarfchans, and others, being unable to obtain
an audience at the Court, remained in their own houses. Daily, men
of notoriously bad character were raised to preferment ; for instance,
early in the year 960 (1553 a.d.), the Arhdhi, or prefecture of the
city, was conferred upon 'Arabi Kahi, while the premiership was
entrusted to Isma'il, an innkeeper.Towards the close of the same
year, Mirza Shah Husain made 'Arabi Kahl his viceregent in the
fort of Tughlikabad, and installed Shaibah and Eafik, two slaves

whom he had purchased and made his most confidential advisers,

as superintendents of the city. Having thus placed all the Moghals,
Arghuns, Tarkhans, etc., under the control of 'Arabi Kahi, he him-
selfwent to Bhakkar.
It happened that the sons of 'Arabi Kahi, being rapacious and
greedy, oppressed the Moghals. Seeing this, the Arghuns and Tar-
khans in Thatta became alarmed and much grieved. On this, 'Arabi
Kahi, with the concurrence of his friends, sent information to Mirza
Shah Husain, that the Arghun and Tarkhan inhabitants of the city

had thrown off their allegiance, and were filled with visionary
schemes against him. This, he said, jeopardized the safety of the
country, and therefore he had deemed it inciunbent on him to report

the circumstance. Infuriated by this intelligence, Shah Husain wrote


ordei'S that 'Arabi Kihi should

invite into the fort the most seditious
of the Arghiin tribe, such asMfr Taixukh, Mir Kabaik, Mi'r Timur,
Mir Fazil, Mir Khalla, etc., and there put them to death. He said
that this example would intimidate the others, who would then
return to their allegiance. He at the same time treacherously sent
a letter to the Moghals, couched in kind terms, stating that they,
were his brothers and of the same tribe with himself, and that
('Arabi Kahi) and such fellows, were in reality only their servants

and slaves, that to the disgust of the Sammas he had raised these
men of low degree to elevated ranks, and that if in conformity to
his orders they were obeyed and respected, then, considering them-
selves highly honoured, they would the more readily devote them-
selves to the duties assigned them. It happened, that these two
contradictory letters both fell into the hands of the Moghals, who
thus becoming aware of the Shah's duplicity and treacherous designs,
revolted, and having seized 'Arabi Kahi, Eafik, Shaibah, and Isma'il,

put them to death in the beginning of Muharram a.h. 961 (Dec.

1653). Having taken Mah Begam, consort of the Mirza, together
with his other concubiues, prisoners, they consulted amongst them-
selves and agreed to the necessity of choosing a leader for the better
prosecution of their business. They aU offered themselves as can-
didates, each man declaring that he would not consent to anyone
being preferred before himself. This being the state of the case,
it was at last agreed that, as the Arghuns could not choose one among
themselves, in preference to another, who might have honours and
obeisances paid him, it was advisable, therefore, to select as their

chief, one from out the Tarkhan tribe. That Mirza Tsa Tarkhan,
governor of Fath Bagh, being wise, prudent, and of noble descent,
was best qualified for the office and likely to accede to their request.
They then invited the Mirza from Fath Bagh and informed him of
their wishes. On his arrival, they showed him great hospitality, and,
persisting in their request, obtained his consent. They then nomi-
nated him their chief, and placed him at the head of the government
of Thatta. They paid him royal respect and homage, and having
sworn allegiance, placed themselves under his authority, and made
proclamation of his supremacy by beat of drums. The Mirza took
possession of the treasure, and having lavished large sums amongst

the army, established his- power over the several districts and tribes
of Sind.
Enraged at these occurrences, Mirza Shah Husain seized the
Arghiins and Tarkhans -who vyere in Bhakkar, such as Mir Jani Beg
Tarkhan, Mir Ahmad Tarkhan, Mir Hamza Beg-Lar, Mir Murad
Husain Beg-Lar, and others, and then marched at the head of a
considerable army Arghuns and Tar-
to Thatta to give battle to the
khans. On his arrival within two kos of the city, the two armies
came into collision on the banks of the stream of Shah Panah. Two
or three engagements took place in which both armies suffered con-
siderable loss. In the midst of this campaign, Mirza Shah Husain
was attacked by a fatal sickness.

Sultan Mahmud Khan, of Bhakkar, the greatest noble under Shah

Husain, was commander-in-chief of his forces. He was the son of
Mir Fazil Kokaltash, son of 'Akil Khwaja, son of Ahmad Khwaja,
one of the greatest chiefs of Ispahan. At the time when Sahib-
Kiran Amir Timiir Gurgan marched for the conquest of I'rak, the
chiefs of Ispahan having revolted, threw off their allegiance to him.
The Sahib-Kiran on this gave orders that they should be plundered
and destroyed, and sent a formidable army to enforce his commands.
During this invasion, Ahmad Khwaja father of 'Akil Khwaja fell

into the hands of Mi'r Hasan Basri, father of Mirza Zu-n Niin, and
he having adopted him as his son, bestowed great pains on his educa-
tion. Ahmad Khwaja flourished three generations before Malik Mah-
mud Khan, a man famous for his generosity, and nineteen genera-
tions after 'Iddi, son of Hatim Tai. Sultan Mahmud Khan, of
Bhakkar, was chiefly characterized by his liberality and courage,
in which latter he was unequalled. During his service with Mirza
Shah Husain, he had given repeated proofs of his valour. On seeing
that the Mirza' s days were numbered, and that he had but a short
time to live, he reflected that daily Musulmans were losing their
lives in the strife, and that shortly he would be involved in inex-
tricable difSculties. He therefore sent privately a message to Mirza

Tsa Tarkhan, to the effect that Mirza Shah Husain was on the point
of death, that when that occurred, there would be no one to inter-
fere between them, and that it would be advis9,ble to enter into a
mutual engagement. He refused to revolt against his master
VOL. I. 21

during Ms lifetime, but on his rleatk he proposed an equal diyision

of the country, ^from the Lakki hills down to the sea should belong
to Mirza Tsa, and from the same hills to Bhakkar should belong
to himself. The next morning, Mahmud,
at the suggestion of Sultan
the great Shaikh 'Abdu-1 Wahab Kasim Beg-Lar
Purani, and Mirza
brought the apologies of Mirza Tsa, expressing his sorrow and
shame for the disrespectful conduct of the Arghuns towards the
Mirza. He sent word that if the Mirza would pardon him, and
release such of the Arghuns and Tarkhans as were imprisoned,
he would himself come in the hope of getting forgiveness for
the past. Mirza Shah Husain, actuated by merciful motives, li-
berated the prisoners, and sent them to Mirza Tsa, who in return
ordered that Mah Begam and all the other captive concubines
should be taken to the camp of the Mirzii. Next day, Mirza
Kasim Beg brought a letter to Mirza Tsa to this effect " Tou :
should not have chosen this line of conduct, which can only tend
to bring a bad name on both parties. "Well ! let bygones be
bygones. In expectation of my mercy, you must either come
yourself or send your son, that I may, through my own spon-
taneous kindness, confer on him the governorship of Thatta, while
I myself return to Bhakkar." As the Arghuns, Tarkhans, and
soldiers, in their foresight, advised Mirza Tsa not to go himself,
he turned to his eldest son, Mirza Baki, and told him that he
should go. The son refused, and said, " If you are anxious for
my death, kill me with your own hand, but do not deliver me
over to the hand of the enemy." On this, the Mirza looked at
his second son, Mirza Salih, who, having arisen, rose and said,
"Be satisfied ; I will go. Either he wiU keep his word, or he
wiU not. If he does, it will fulfil our hopes; if he does not,
your safety must be secured. I am prepared to sacrifice myself,

and obtain the honour of martyrdom " 1

Mirza Tsa Tarkhan, see-

ing his spirit, embraced him with paternal affection, and gave him
permission to proceed on the mission. Mirza Salih with a few
brave men went on Awwal, a.h. 961 (Feb.
the fourth of Eabi'u-1
1554), accompanied by Mirza Muhammad Kasim Beg-Lar, to meet
Mirza Shah Husain, and offer his presents. The Mirza with
great kindness praised his fidelity and courage, and calling him

his dear son, invested him with, a rich robe, a girdle, and sword
adorned with precious stones, together with a horse, and saddle
and bridle set with gems, a necklace, and a kettledrum. He
furthermore conferred on him the governorship of Thatta,, and
then gave him permission to retire. Eetumiag in safety to Thatta,
he caused the kettledrum to be sounded before him, and presenting
to his father all he had received, he remained under his protection,
obedient to his orders.
About the same time Mirza Shah Husain marched back towards
Bhakkar, and n the 12th of the same month, died at the village
of 'Aliputra, twenty kos from Thatta, after a reign of thirty-two
years. Mah Begam and Shaikli 'Abdu-1 Wahab carried his remains
to Thatta, where they were temporarily deposited in the MakaJi
Hills. After two years, they were sent in charge of Saiyid^ 'All
Shirazf and Mah Begam to the holy city of Mecca, and were re-
interred there by the side of the tomb of his father, Shah Beg.

Mirzd 'Isd Tarkhdn.

Mirza Tsd Tarkhan, son of Mirza 'Abdu-1 'All, son of Mirzd 'Abdu-1
Khalik, son' of Arghun Khan, son of Abaka Khan, son of Hulaku
Khan, son of Changiz Khto, succeeded to the throne of Thatta, after
the death of Mirza Husaia Arghun. Mirza Tsa made Mirza Salih Tar-
khan his heir apparent, and placed the reins of government in his
hands, reserving to himself only the name of king.^ When Mirza
Salih had made himself secure of Thatta and its dependencies, he
left his brother, Mirza Jan Baba, who was greatly attached to him,
to attend his father while he himself marched against Si-
wistan. He commenced his march on the 14th of Shawwal, a.h. 961

(Sep. 1554), and on the 21st of the same month he wrested the fort
of Siwistan from the the hands Mahmud Khan Bhakkari. When
Sultan Mahmud heard of this loss, he collected an army to oppose
Mirza Salih. This was reported to Mirza Ts^ Tarkhan, and he
thereupon led a large force from Thatta to attempt the conquest of

1 This " son " comprises several generations, as sliown in the genealogical table at
the beginning of this work.
2 [Long eulogies of Mirz4 'I'&i. and Mirzi S&Iib are omitted from the translation.]
J ;


Bhakkar. He reached Bhakkar in the month of Muharram, a.h.

962 (Nov. 1554), where Sultan Mahmud had drawn np his army
to resist him. Two or three engagements followed, and many
were killed on both sides. Sultan Mahmud was at length com-
pelled to take refuge in the fort, where he was so hardly pressed
that he sent Saiyid Mir Kalan, grandfather of Mir M'asiim Bhak-
kari, to treat with Mirza Tsa, making professions of friendship,

and offering to give up Siwistan and its appurtenances, if Bhakkar

were secured to him ; urging also that Bhakkar was on the
frontier of Hindustan, and acted as a barrier on that side. At
this juncture, intelligence arrived that the Firingis, who were
coming from Lahori-bandar to the assistance of Mirza Tsa Tar-
khan, finding the city of Thatta unprotected, had plundered it, set

fire to it, and made, the inhabitants prisoners. The Mirza therefore
accepted the proposal of Sultan Mahmud, and peace being con-
cluded, he hastened back to Thatta, and resumed the government.
In the beginning of the year 964 h. (November, 1556), Mirza
Muhammad Baki rebelled against his father, asserting his rights as
eldest son, and objecting to the sele tion of MirzaMuhammad Salih
as heir to the throne. In the fighting which ensued, Muhammad
Baki was worsted, and he fled to Wanka., which was the abode of
the Siimras. There he formed a connection with sundry Arghuns,
and returned with them by way of 'Umarkot and Jesalmir to
Bhakkar. On his arriving there, Sultan Mahmud Khdn laudably
exerted himself to effect a reconciliation between him and his father
but Mirza Tsa Tarkhan, out of regard for Mirza Salih, exiled
Muhammad Baki from Thatta, and sent him to Bhakkar. Here he
endeavoured to procure assistance from Hindustan,' but Sultan
Mahmud opposed him. The Sultan foresaw that if an army came
from Hindustan must necessarily pass by Bhakkar, which would

be the first place to suffer. So he kindly but firmly opposed the


In the year 970 h-. (1562 a.b.) the brave Muhammad Sahh, who

had won so many victories, drank the sherbet of martyrdom from

the hands of a Buluch named Murid. The family and tribe of this

' [^J4^ I^Gu:)iXiJS A "lie,

taekhan-nAma. 325

man had been put to death by Muhammad Salih in punishment of

their robberies ; so holding a petition in his hand he placed himself
in the way of the Mirza. The prince called him to his side and
stooped down to receive the petition, when the caitiff plunged a
dagger into his breast, and killed him.
After the death of his favourite son, Mirza Tsa Tarkhan nominated
Mirza Jan Baba as heir apparent. After some time Sultdn Mahmud
begged Mirza Tsa to forgive his son Muhammad Baki, but failed
in his object. Several nobles who inclined to the side of that prince
then interested themselves on his behalf, and roused the father's pride
by urging that the prince ought not to be a dependant on Sultan
Mahmud. Being thus induced to pardon his son, Mirza Tsa sent
Shaikh 'Abdu-1 Wahab Purani and Mir Yar Muhammad, his nephew,
to bring him. home. When Muhammad Baki arrived, he waited on
his father, and, receiving the town of Siwistan as his jagir, departed

Mirza Tsa was of a gentle and patient disposition, and showed

great kindness to the people of his tribe (uliis) ; but the Arghuns
were disaffected, and breaking out in open rebellion crossed the river.
The guns of Mirza Tsa opened upon them. Many were killed,

and the remnant fled for succour to Sultan Mahmud at Bhakkar.

This prince gave a horse and a robe to each of them, and uniting

them with a party of his own dependents sent them against Siwistan,
They besieged the fort, and once or twice succeeded in scaling the
ramparts, but could accomplish nothing more. Mirza Tsa marched
from Thatta with a numerous force, and sent a detachment on in
advance to raise the siege and pursue the assailants. The opposing
forces met at the village of Eakban, when victory declared in favour
of Mirza Tsa, and many of Sultan Mahmud's men were slain. The
Mirzd advanced as far as the town of Durbela. The Sultan also,
coming out of Bhakkar, arrived near the same place, and throwing
up a fort, prepared far the conflict. In the end peace was made
through the medium of Mah Begam and Shaikh 'Abdu-1 Wah4b
Purani, and the rivals retired to Thatta and Bhakkar respectively.
In the year a.h. 974 (1566 a.d.) Mirza Tsa Tarkhan was seized
with mortal sickness, so he called together the Arghuns and the
> Atash-bizi.

Tarkhans, the ministers and nobles, and all the chief men of the
country, iu order once more to name Mirza Jan Baba as his suc-
cessor. But Mah Begam strenuously opposed this, maintaining the
right of Muhammad Bakf, the eldest son. The dying monarch
declared that Muhammad Baki was tyrannical and cruel, that the
people would suffer under his rule, and that she herself would
perish by his hand. The end of it all was that Mah Begam sent to

hasten the coming of Muhammad Baki, and kept the death of his
father secret until his arrival. Mirza Tsa Tarkhan, who had reigned
fourteen years, was then biiried in a tomb, which he had constructed
in his garden, and Muhammad Baki ascended the thrOTie.




[This is a work in three volumes by 'All Sher Kani\ The

first two volumes are of considerable length, but all the matter of
special historical interest is comprised in the third. A succinct
synopsis of the contents of the work is prefixed to the first

volume. According to this the work commences with

Vol. I. A Preface in two parts and three books. Book I.

contains three sections, On the (1) Prophets ; (2) Kings ; (3)

Philosophers, saints, poets, and great men before the time of
Muhammad. Book II. is divided into five sections, (1) Ancestors
of the Prophet ; (2) Memoirs of the Prophet ; (3) the Four
Khalifs ; (4) the Four Imams ; (5) Celebrated Descendants of
the Four Imams, Book III., in three sections, (1) The Um-
raayide Khalifs and their representatives in 'Irak and Khurasan,
with notices of the chiefs and great men of the times ; (2) The
'Abbaside Khalifs, including those who set up the Khalifat in
Egypt, and also the great men and warriors of the period ; (3)
Kings cotemporary with the 'Abbasides.
Vol. II. General History, with notices of philosophers, nobles,
ministers, and other great men.
Vol. III. Special History of Bind, including descriptions of its

cities and villages, histories of its rulers, and memoirs of its

great, learned, and distinguished men.

This third volume, as it is the latest, so it is the most compre-
hensive and consistent of all the histories of Sind. In the
portion relating to the early history of the province, it is not
quite so copious as the Tdrikh-i Sind of Mir M'asum ; but even
in that part it presents us with more miscellaneous information.

and introduces subjects not treated of in that work, such as the

legendary tales which are familiar in the country, the origin of
some of the tribes, and the separate biographies of the principal

officersand nobles who acquired distinction under the later

dynasties. The authors are both equally credulous in recording
the miracles of saints, but the extent to which the hagiography
runs in the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm is much greater than in the Tdrikh-i
Sind; there being scarcely a village in that priest-ridden country
which has not its tombs of holy men, whose lives and powers are
here recorded with implicit faith.
The work opens with the dynasties of the Eais and Brah-
mans, followed by the history of the Arab conquest, well
abridged from the Chach-ndma. This comprises twenty pages.
In thirty more we have the legends, the governors appointed by
the kings of Dehli, the Stimras and Saramas ; then the history of
the Arghuns and Tarkhans, with their nobles, in thirty-six
pages ; the imperial governors under the Timiirians in twenty-
four pages, and an account of the Kalhora dynasty to the time of
MI4n Sar-faraz, Khan in twelve pages. All this is comprised in
a little less than half the volume. The rest is entirely devoted

to the saints, seers, saiyids, shaikhs, and devotees, with a notice

of the poets and caligraphists of Sind.
There are two chronograms at the end of the volume, repre-
senting that it was completed in a.h. 1181 (1767-8 a.d.) ; but
near the middle, at the close of the account of the Kalhoras, we
have later dates several times mentioned, extending to the year
A.H. 1188.
The author quotes as his authorities all the native histories

noticed in the preceding articles ; and in the accounts of the

saints we find incidentally mentioned the Jawdhiru-l Aulyd, the

Sadikatu-l Aulyd, the Ma'ldmdtu-l Afdk, and the Taghiratu-l

Murdd. Some other authors quoted in the body of the work are
obtained at second hand.
Extracts from the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm have been given by Lt.
Postans in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Numbers

Ixxiv., 1838, and clviii., 1845. In the latter we have the por-
tion relating to the Arab conquest of Sind, which, as before
mentioned, is abstracted from the Chach-ndma.
The Tvhfatu-l Kirdm is the title of one of the works of the
celebrated Jalalu-d din Soyiiti, according to the Parisian catalogue
of his writings given in G. Fluegel's edition of Hdji Khalfa's
Lexicon Bibliographicum, Vol. vi. pp. 665-679.
[Sir H. Elliot's copy consists of three volumes quarto. Vol.
I., measuring 11 in. by 8 in., contains 746 pages. Vol. II.,
889 pages, of 17 Hues each. Vol. III. is a little larger (12 in.
by 8| in.), and contains 242 pages, of 25 lines each, in a much
smaller hand There is also a new copy of Vol. III.]


The Sindiati Ordeal of Fire.

Some customs have obtained from of old among the inhabitants

of Sind,' which, although they spring from, ignorance, their practice
is specially observed by them.
When a person is suspected of any grave offence, and desires to
purge himself of the charge, he offers to pass through ihe flam.es of

a large fire, like a salamander, and come out of it unharmed, like

Khali'l. In the story of Sassi and Marui we shall have an instance
of this ordeal.
Another ordeal, still practiced among the most ig-norant, is that
of taking up a red-hot spade, and this will also be noticed in the
story of Marui. Green leaves of a tree are tied on to the hand of
the suspected person with raw thread, and an iron spade, heated
to redness, being then placed on his palm, he must carry it for several
paces quickly ; and it has often been seen that neither the thread nor
the leaves have been in the slightest degree affected by the heat of
the red-hot iron, although when cast to the groimd it scorched it

1 Bumia is the term used for inhabitants, literally " occupiers of the land" the
hhumia of Hindlist&n. The term is of frequent occurrence in the Sindian histories,
but rare in other works.


like tke sand in the oven of a parcher of grain.. Verily this is by

the Tirtue of Truth, for if otherwise, how is it that such fire does not
bum the hand ?
A modem story runs thus :
^A woman stole a pair of shoes
belonging to the wife of a certain horseman, but denied the theft.

When the time approached for undergoing the ordeal of the hot
iron, she artfully concealed the shoes in a basket filled with cotton
and making it seem as if the carrying that were her business at the
moment, entered the assembly, and handing it to the horseman's

wife, asked her to take charge of it during the ordeal. She then
said, "The truth is, I did find a pair of shoes belonging to so and
so, and I have made them over to the owner ! By the same token I
now take up this red-hot spade." She took it up unharmed, and
was then purged of the charge. The complainant then angrily
threw the basket on the ground, and, as Truth is sure to prevail, the
trick of this artful woman was exposed.

The Ordeal of Water.

A stout post is fixed in deep water, the accused is then told to

dive to the bottom, and stay by the post. One of the company
shoots an arrow to a long distance, and another person goes and
brings this arrow back. The post is then shaken ; if the accused be
innocent, he will, up to that time, by holding his breath, have been
able to remain at the bottom, and on this signal he will come up to
the surface. But if guilty, he cannot any how stay so long under


Furthermore, several of the people of this coimtry practise magic

and incantations. For instance, they can roguishly transfer their
neighbour's curds to their own stock, as the following instance will

show. A respectable man relates that he was the guest of a woman

residing in a village, and that she had but the curds of the milk of
one cow. However, about the time she was going to make the
butter, she stepped over to a neighbour's house on pretence of
fetching fire, and there the woman of the house had a large dish of
curds before her, which she was preparing to make into butter ; the


witoh wroTigM lier spells, and retraced her steps, and from tlie

curds of th.e milk of her one cow she made about ten times the
usual quantity of butter

The science called SMna^ isknown to some of the hill-people,
who are called " Mdnsing." From certain indications on a fresh
shoulder-blade, they learn what they wish to know, and it comes to
pass accordiagly. A party of hill men, driven from their homes by
fear of their enemy, were pursuing their way. Having yet gone
but a little distance, the Mdnsing said that he saw from his Shdna
that they were hotly pursued by troops, and that there was no
escape except by The party were ordered to empty all

the leathern water-bags on the ground, and then to pass over the
spot. It so chanced that a Mdnsing was also among the enemy's

forces ; he, too, consulted his Shdna for intelligence of the fugitives.
It showed him that they had crossed over a stream. This dis-
heartened .the pursuers, who turned back, and thus the former were
saved. This is but a slight illustration of what this tribe can do by
the use of the Shdna.
Another Custom. Several ropes, confusedly entangled, are thrown
on to the ground, and their xmravelment reveals secret things.

Other Sindian Customs :

Liver-eaters Trackers Ornithocritics.

There are also women who feed on liver,'' and foretell things to

come, as will be shown in the history of Mirza Muhammad Baki.'

Again, there is the science of Jogni ; this is chiefly in vogue with
women. An example of it will be Bhown in the history of Eai
There is a tribe entitled Bawaratiya, who go about in the guise of

beggars, professing to explain mysteries and past events, and thereby

deceive men. They also make predictions of the future, which
seldom come true.

Some men are so skilful in the art of tracking footprints, that

> The common people call it Phanni. It is the 'Hmu-l Aktdf of the Arabs, and

in great repute with the Mongols,

s Abvi-1 Fazl, in the Ay'm-i Alchmi, notices the celebrity of the Sindians in this art.

they can tell whether they belong to men or women, strangers or

acquaintances, old or young ; so also they can distinguish the prints
of horses, camels, oxen, and buffaloes. They can pursue the
tracks of thieves over hills and through deserts, and possibly they
can even follow them through water.
Again, there is a tribe in the Kach district, who can prognosticate
good or evil from the call of the partridge, and they can likewise
predict the good or bad fortune of travellers from the cries and calls
of other birds and beasts. A person relates "I was journeying with
a party, one of whom said, '
I must hurry on ; do you follow at your
convenience, for I find, from the cry of a bird, that guests have
arrived at my house, and also that such and such a friend has just
died '
and, indeed, so it proved."
Some of the marvels of this country will be found described under
their proper heads ; and the wonders of the hills wUl be mentioned
towards the end of the narrative.

The story of Sassi and Pannun.

A Brahman named Naniya, and his w^ife Mundhar, people of
consideration, who dwelt at Bhdmbarawah, subject to the authority of
Dalu Bai, were desirous of having a child bom to them. After a
while they were blessed with a daughter, the envy of the full moon.
It was revealed to her pai-ents that she was destined to be married
to a Musulman. Dreading this family disgrace, the parents, with
wounded hearts, enclosed that unique pearl in a box her shell, as it

were and cast it into the river. The current chanced to carry it
to the city of Bhambur, where there lived a washerman named

Nahiya, who was also styled Lala he had 600 apprentices, but not

one child. When the box came into some of the apprentices'
possession, they took it to their master, who opened it, and this

moon' of God's power shone out therefrom. He called her Sassi,'

which signifies "moon," and adopted her as his own. As she grew
up, the lancet of her love pierced the hearts of beauty's flower-

' [Here is an equivoqiie on the word make or md/ii, " moon" and " fish."]
2 [Sans. Sasi.']

cullers. Every one who saw her wished she was his own, and all

people surrendered their hearts to her ; wherever she seated her-

self men crowded round her like the cluster of the Pleiades, and
hovered around her like the constellation of the Eagle. At that
time the caravans of Kich and Makran arrived in those parts with a
variety of merchandize, and the praises of this " piece of the moon "
were conveyed Pannun, son of the Chief of Ki'ch. He
to the ears of

and repaired to Bhambur in the guise of a merchant,

lost his heart,

where he saw Sassi, and was much enamoured. By good fortune

the seeker found a place in the heart of the sought ; then in the
hope of meeting her, he became one of her father's apprentices, and
dressed himself as a washerman. I leave out many incidents to
avoid prolixity ; but the short of it is, that Sassi returned his love
with more than equal ardour.
A goldsmith's wife, who longed to gratify her amorous inclina-
tions, sought to bring about the separation of these two lovers,
by exciting Pannun's jealousy. The devoted Sassi came out of it
unsullied, like gold from the raging fire, and became an example

to the world. After a whUe these two lovers were married.

Pannun's father on learning this, desired his other sons to bring
back the infatuated one by some means or other. They went
and had an interview with Pannun, and became his guests. At
night-fall, without his waking, they bound him on a camel, and set

off towards their own country. Towards morning Sassi awoke,

and found that she had been robbed of her living treasure. No
longer mistress of herself she tore her garments in despair, and set
off alone in quest of her lost one. With the feet of affection she
traversed the rugged hills, and after accomplishing a distance of

about forty kos, she fell exhausted from thirst, and was convulsed,
striking her feet on the ground in the agonj- of death. By the
power of Grod a pool full of water was produced, of which she
drank, and found fresh strength. Persons say that the pool remains
full of water to this day, and is never dry, even though no rain

should fall for years. It is said, that Sassi had seen these things
in a dream, on the night on which she was presented with henna,
(at her marriage). The branch of henna which she had slept
with in her hand according to custom, and which she retained

after she awoke, and which she carried with her, she now planted
on this hill ; by the power of God the branch grew to be a tree,

and still remains a monument of that bleeding heart.

Not to be tedious, after being thus refreshed, Sassf hurried for-

ward, and accomplished six or seven kos further through the same
hills, when she was again distressed by thirst. A shepherd acci-
dentally espied her from a distance, and cast longing eyes on her,
and approaching, desired to carry her off. Thereupon she up-
braided him with injustice, and requested that he would, at least,
procure some refreshment for her, thirsty and tired as she then
was, before taking her The shepherd hastened to his flock

to get some milk. While was going on, Sassf, who despaired

of finding any trace of her lover, and finding herself thus fallen
into evU, vented the anguish of her heart before the Almighty
(who is the comforter of the helpless), and put up a petition for
protection against that demon of the desert. Instantly, by the
divine power, the hill was rent asunder, and gave a place to
that half dead and stricken lover, like a ruby lying in the matrix ;

and, as a warning and memorial, a comer of her scarf was left

visible. When the shepherd returned with the mUk, and saw
this instance of Divine power, he repented himself, and raised a
tomb of stones over her, according to custom.
The tellers of love stories, which cut the heart like sharp diamonds,
relate that when Pannun, all in chains, was carried before his father,

his restlessness began to shew itself to such a degree that his father
was alarmed for his life, and, there being no help for it, he desired
his brothers to go with him, and in any way that could be
managed, restore his beloved As they were travelling
to him.
back, Pannun arrived at the place where
Sassi was entombed,

and seeing the fresh traces, stood amazed. The mutual attraction
of hearts revealed this to him. For -outward evidence he set about
inquiring into the circumstances. The> shepherd before spoken of
happened to arrive just then, and related everything as it had
occurred. Panniin instantly dismounted from his camel, and begged
his brothers to wait- one moment, as he wished to pay a pilgrim's
visit to this tomb. Then, having thrown himself upon it, he cried
aloud to the Almighty, beseeching that he might be joined to his


love. As no petitioner before God is ever left without hope, so by

His power the hill at once opened and admitted Panniin. He and his
mistress were thus encased, as it were, like twin almonds in one shell.
The loves of these two, both lovers and both beloved, are stUl
chanted in verses by the Sindians, at a place called Husaini, and
people thus seek and find a mode by which they may soar from
wordly affection to spiritual love.' In truth, this narrative has a
wonderful effect on the hearers and narrators, and Mir M'asiim,
of Bhakkar, has wrought it into a poem, entitled " Husn o Naz "
(or beauty and blandishment) ; and Kazi Murtaza Sorthi, a resi-
dent of the village of Katiana, composed a poem, of a pecuKar
rhythm, on it in the reign of Muhammad Shih Badshah. He re-
lates this story :~M Darwesh named Ism'ail, an inhabitant of
Multan, came on a. pilgrimage to see these two wonderful persons
of the world of love and affection, and having left his camel at
a distance, sat down and fasted three days, in the hope of seeing
the two lovers. At the end of that time an old woman appeared to

him, bringing some bread and- water, but he flatly refused to eat
or drink till he had seen Sassi and Panniin. She replied that
she was Sassi, and desired him not to expect to see Panniin, for
there was no dependance to be placed on things of this world,
and that she was harassed by her kindred, who had reduced her
to that condition. The Darwesh said -'How can I believe this,
for Sassi was young and beautiful, and thou art an old crone."
On- these words, she was transfigured to her pristine beauty and
youth, and she bade him eat something. The Darwesh said, " I

will rather die of hunger than eat before I have seen both of you
thus have I vowed." After repeated adjurations, Sassi descended
into the grave, and showed Panniin as far as his waist, but she

him all the while with both arms, for fear some
herself encircled
one should carry him off. In short, many elders of pure heart
have thus seen them. That road is not passable for any one riding
a camel ; but whosoever keeps awake by night at the tomb, is

1 This story, as -well as many others connected -with the legendary lore of Sind, is-

very hy Lt. Burton. He calls the hero and heroine Panhu and Sassui^
-well told

See the Unhappy Valley, vol. I, pp. 81-88 and Sindh, pp. 57, 92-106. Mrs. Postans-

also gives it as a legend of Kach'h.


feasted by an unseen hand, notwithstanding that the place is an

utter desert.

The Genealogy of the Jats and BulucMs.

Muhammad, son of Harun Makrani, who will he noticed in the
series of governors of Makran, and who, at the time; of the conquest
of Sind, accompanied Muhammad Kasim as far as Armanbela, where
he died and was buried, was, as appears from the genealogical
table of the family, a grandson of Muhammad, son of Aban, son
of 'Abdu-r Eahim, son of Hamza, son of 'Abdu-1 Matlab. Once
on a time, the pursuit of some beast of the chase, carried the Amir
Hamza (may the favour of God restore him !) a long distance into
a desert, where he found himself in solitude. As the Almighty
watches with a special providence over his chosen ones, a fairy
appeared in that desert for Hamza's company, and by the divine
permission, he consorted with her, and this dissipated his sense
of loneliness and dreariness. The fairy afterwards, by the divine
power, became invisible, and the Amir reached his own country.
The fairy bore a son by him, viz., 'Abdu-r Eahim. To be brief,
Muhammad, son of Hariin, had fifty sons bom to him from seven
women, as follows : I. The first wife, Hamfri, bore 1. Tsa ; 2.

Mihran ; 3. Hajjaz ; 4. Sahtak ; 5. Bahram ; 6. Eustam ; 7. Jalal.

11. 1. Mazld;; 2. Jamal

His second wife bore
3. Eada 4. ; ;

Buhlol ; 5. Nizam 7. Jalal 8. Murid. m. Miriam

Sbahab ; 6i. ; ;

bore 1. Eodin; 2. Musa; 3. Noti 4. Niih; 5. Mandah; 6. ;

Kaziu-d din. TV. 'Aisha bore Jalal. V. Muddi bore I.Adam; 2.

Kamal Si Ahmad 4. Humad ; 5. Hamid 6. Sa'id 7. Mas'ud.
; ; ; ;

VI. Fatima- bore 1. Sher; 2. Koh; 3. Buland; 4. Gurg; 5. Nuru-d

d& 6. Hasan 7. Husain 8. Sulaiman 9. Ibrahim. VII. Eve
; ; ; ;

bore 1. 'Alam; 2. 'Ali; 3. Sarkash; 4. Bahadur; 5. Teghzan; 6.

Mubarak 7. Turk 8. Zalha; 9. 'Arabi 10. Shiraz 11. Taju-d din;
; ; ; ;

12. Gulistan-Barg.
After Hajjaj had subdued all opposition in Makran, as is recorded,

he died, and that principality was divided between the children of

Jalal, who took one-half, and the other half was shared by all
his brothers. After a short time contentions sprang up among

the brothers ; the greater part of their descendants mixed with

the people of the country and dwelt there, but the descendants
or Jalalu-d din, having been worsted, repaired to Sind and Kach,
and their descendants are spread in numberless divisions throughout
that country.

The Tribe of Lodh, also called Loli.

Their origin is this, that king Sulaiman (the prophet, peace be

to him !) sent a party of Genii to Bum to purchase female slaves.
On their return back, one of the Genii foi"med a connection with a
girl named Lolia, who became pregnant by him. On king Sulai-
man hearing of this, he gave him the girl. The child was named
Lodh, and his descendants, generation after generation, inter-

mingled with the Arabs; and at the time of the conquest of

Sind, came to dwell there, or perhaps they may have come there
before that period.

Genealogy of the Samma Tribe.

Sam, as some affirm, was the son of 'Umar, son of Hasham, son
of Abi Lahib ; and according to others, he was the son of 'Umar,
son of 'Akarma, son of Abl Jahl. The title of Jam renders it
probable that he was descended from Jamshid. He is commonly
considered to be the son of Nuh. Jam, the son of Nuh (peace
be to him !), had four sons : 1. Budha, who had sixteen sons,
among whom were Budh, Sura, Sahta, Akhil, Autar, Amra, Handir,
and others, they were styled Eathor ; 3. Hamhar
2. Sanka ;

4i Bhagirat, who had one son named Dera, whose son was Ajipar,
whose son was Dasrat.

Dasrat had three wives, viz., Kasila, Kailiya, and Bimiya by the ;

first of these he had two sons, Eam and Lakhman the second bore ;

Barat, and Simia had Chatargun. Sanka, son of Sam, also left

descendants; and Hamhar, sou of Sam, had a son named Todar,

and Barat, son of Dasrat, had four sons, named Parihar, Jansupa,
Kuricha, and Nahiya. Chatargun, son of Dasrat, also had a son
named Chaira. Lakhman, son of Dasrat, left no posterity. Bam,
son of Dasrat, a son named Tawakas he had a son named Atat,
left ;

whose son was named Tattat ; he had a son named Narkaut, ^his

VOL. I. 22


son was Kan, and tlie city of Kan was so called from him ; and the
son of Kan was styled Sambut Kaja, who had four sons 1. Sam ;

2. Barkarara, also called Shah ; 3. Hanrat, also called Dakan ; 4*

Sam, the son of Sambut Eaja, had a son namad Jadam. Jadam
had four sons :
1. Haibat, whose son was Sind Samma ; 2. Gajpat,

whose son was Chughda ; 3. Bhupat, from whom the tribe of

Bhattis sprung; 4. Chura Samma. His son was Kai Daiyach,
who became chief of Gimal, a fort in the district of Sorath, and
famous for the pomp of his retinue. He sacrificed his head as a
religious offering. His wife Sorath was devotedly attached to him.
The strong affection of this couple, together with the story of the
sacrifice, is the subject of a most affecting tale, still sung at Sorath.
Haibat, son of Jadam, son of Sdm, son of Sambut, had a son named
Ridari, whose sou was Nit, who had a son Niitiar, whose son was
Audhar, whose son was Audh, whose son was Lakhiya, whose son
was Lakha.
Lakha founded a kingdom, and having allied himself in marriage
to Pothi Chada, she broughthim four sons. Of these one was Audh,
who died without issue, and whose place of residence was called
Audh another was Mahir, he had four sons, viz., 1. Satya
2. Ditar Patharl 3. Darha, who had no children
; 4. Sand, he :

also had no issue. Lakha took to himself another wife in his old
age, by whom he had also four sons, viz., 1. Unar; 2. Chhatta,
who had three sons, Babra, Dankara, and KaUa ; 3. Fahal, the
father of the celebratedLakha Taslani 4. Manahia. Unar, son of ;

Lakha, had a son also called Lakha, whose son was called Samma.

This Samma had two sons, 1. Kaka 2. Jhakra. The former be- ;

came a ruler, and the district of Kaka takes its name from him.

He had two sons 1. Pallf 2. Raldan- Masrak Samma one of Palll's

sons, became a chief.

Raidan had nine sons1. Samma, from whom all the Samejas
descend; 2. Nutiar, from whom sprang all the Nuts; 3. Lakha,

father of Lanjar ; 4. Abra, who had a son called Dahir; 5. Na-

hfya ; 6. Chanesar, who was a noted man of his time 7. Manahia 8.; ;

Koria the descendants of these three form the tribe of Mindra;

9. Palli, who became a chief. PaUf had two sons 1. Audli, whose
;; ;


sons were Bahrfa and Adeja, who was called Gudaria Pdtra (or
the son of a shepherd) ; 2. Sand,who became the head of a tribe
of that name. Sand had seven sons 1. Kaka, whose descendants
are called Kakeja Putra; 2. Jara; 3. Dera; 4. Janeja; 6. Han-
kiira, who had sons, Audheja, Jakia, Diirha, and Hankiija ; 6. Dera,
whose descendants are the Dera Samma, of Kach; 7. Jam Hothi,
who had five sons
1. Hala, whose descendants are well known

2.Hankdra, whose descendants are bumiyas of Dhuri, Hankura,

Char Hankura, and Bam Deh, which places were founded by them ;
3. Sahir, whose descendants founded Sahir Samma, and live there
4. Chilaria, whose descendants are the tribe of Nahria; 5. Jam
Hapar, who had two sons, viz., Eahuja and Jam Juna ; the latter
had a son named Kar Rahii, who had three sons 1. Sand, whose
sons Biihuma, Lakhaita, and Jhakra ; 2. Sumra, who left no issue ; 3.

Lakha Jam, who had a son called Kaha, whose son was called
Lakha. Kaha had also a posthumous son, who was also called
Kaha, after his father.

Lakha, son of Kaha, brother of Kaha before mentioned (sic) had

twelve sons 1. Jam Jiina, whose descendants are the Samma kiags
of Sind, who dwelt at Samui, and who will be mentioned in their
proper places ; 2. Unar, who ruled in Bahria, and died without issue ;

3. Palli, from whom Sammas descend ; 4. Kaha, from him

the Pallf
are the Sudiari Sammas 5. Auth, the Auth Sammas, Sahil Sammas,
and Sikhawat Sammas, spring from him 6. Jaisur, whose son was ;

Bahia Piria ; 7. Mankar, who had no son ; 8. Abra, the tribe of

Abreja, are his descendants 9. Hankura Kunwar 10. Sultan Aut
; ;

11. Eaidan 12. Lakha.

; Hankura Kunwar had three sons 1.
Disar; 2. Manahia; 3. Muradia. Dfsar had five sons 1. Kaha;
2. Mala 3. Bakan
; 4. Hankdra 5. Juna, who had also five sons
; ;

1. Khoria; 2. Tajia; 3. Abra; 4. Buluch; 5. Pambiya.' Such of

the descendants of the latter as rested in Sind, will be mentioned
in the histbry of the Samma kings.
Be it observed, that the Sammas are the owners of the land through-
out Sind, as far as Gruzerat, including also the greater part of Bajpu-
tana, and they form the majority of the population of Sind. The
tribes of Buluch and Jat, and some others already spoken of, are also
[Or "Pkmljamya."]

the ancient inhabitants of the land. Other tribes might be men-

tioned who succeeeded, or even preceded these, but for the sake of
brevity, the writer of this book contents himself with specifying
only what is actually necessary. Should any one desire a more
minute narrative, let Tii^n pursue the investigation himself.

The Governors of Sind under the Ghaznivides and their Successors.

The officers of Sultan Mas'ud possessed themselves of the country

of Sind, in succession to those of Mahmud. Then followed the
officers of Maudiid, then the officers of Majdud next the officers of

Sultan Kutbu-d Din, and lastly, the officers of Aram Shah, who are
all severally described in the first and second volum.es. During the
reign of the latter king, his dominions were parcelled into four
divisions : one of which comprising Multan, the whole of Sind, and
ITch, became subject to Nasiru-d din Eabacha. At that time the
following seven Eanas in Sind were tributary to Multan : 1. E4na
Buhnar Sa'ta Eathor, of Dabra, in the district of Durbela ; 2. Eana
Sanir, son of Dhamaj, of the tribe of Kureja Samma, residing in
Tung, lying within the district of Eupah; 3. Jaisar, son of Jajji
Machhi Solankf, of Maniktara 4. Wakia, son of I'annuii Channun,

who was established in the valley of Siwi; 5. Channun, son of

Dfta, of the tribe of Channa, resident of Bhag-nai ; 6. Jiya, son of
Waridh, of Jham, or Hemakot ; 7. Jasodhan Akra, of Min-nagar
district of BambarwS,
Further, when Lahore was taken by the officers of Taju-d din
Talduz, Malik Nasiru-d dm Kabacha took refuge in the city of

Multan ; and towards the end of the year 626 h. (1229 a.d.) Malik
Khan Khilji and his people, became masters of the country of
Siwistan. Sultan Shamsur-d dn Iltamsh, having deputed his minister
Nizamu-1 Mulk Muhammad, son of Asa'd, to besiege TJch, set out

for Dehli. Ifch surrendered quietly to Nizamu-1 Mulk in a.h. 625

(1228 A.D.), and he then hastened to Bhakkar. Nasiru-d d{n fled,

and the vessel of was swallowed in up the whirlpool of

his life

death. Sultan Sha,msu-d din became lord of Sind. Nuru-d din

Muhammad succeeded to the government in a.h. 630 (1233 a.d.)
The Sultan Tltamsh died in a.h. 633 (1236 a.d.), and was succeeded
1 There is a T4ra or Tarra, an old site ten miles south-'west from Thatta.

by Sultan Mas'iid Shab; During tbe disturbed state of the country

in his reign the army of the Moghals passed the Indus, and laid
siege to Uch, but owing to the -vigilance of Sultan Mas'ud they
were repulsed and retired on Khurasan. Sultan Mas'ud left Malik
Jalalu-d din Muhammad as governor of Sind, in the room of Nuru-d
din Muhammad. During his goTemment, Ndsiru-d din. Mahmud,
uncle of Sultan Mas'ud, inherited the throne and crown.
In A.H. 662 (1264 a.d.). Sultan Ghiasu-d din ascended the throne
of Dehli, and gave over the provinces of Lahore, Multan and Sind
to his son, Sultan Muhammad, who used to go every third year to
pay his respects to his father, and stay one year. In a.h. 682
(1283 a.d), Sultan Muhammad was slain in battle against the army
of Changiz Khan, and his son Kai Khusrii was confirmed as suc-
cessor to his father. Sultan Jalalu-d din Khilji on his arrival at
Lahore in a.h. 692 (1293 a.d.), assigned the government of Multan
and Uch to his son Arkali Elian, and he appointed Nasrat Khan to
the government of Sind. In a.h. 695 (1296 a.d.). Sultan 'Alau-d
din, despatched his brother tJlugh Khan to expel Arkali Khan from
his government, but, as usual, Nasrat Khan with 10,000 men re-
tained possession of Multan, Uch, Bhakkar, Siwistan, and Thatta.
In the beginning of 697 a.d. (1297 a.h.), the Saldai Moghals from

Sistan, arrived and possessed themselves of Siwistan, but Nasrat

Khan vigorously attacked them and freed it. Towards the close of
his reign, Sultan 'Alau-d din despatched Ghazi Malik at the head
of 10,000 horse to expel Changiz Khan's Moghals from Debalpur
and gave him Multan, Uch, and Sind in jagir.
Khusru Khan, having watched his opportunity, deposed 'Alau-d
din, and became master of the throne.' Grhazi Malik, marching up
at the head of the Sind and Multan forces, expelled Khusru E^an
and seated himself in his place under the style and title of Sultan
Ghiasu-d din. At this interval, a number of the tribe of Siimra
rose and possessed themselves of Thatta. Sultan Ghiasu-d din
deputed Malik Taju-d din to Multan, and Khwaja Khatir to Bhak-
kar, and Malik 'Ali Sher to Sivdstan. Sometime after, when
Kashkii Khan revolted in Multan, Sultan Muhammad Shah, son of

' I do not attempt to correct the errors in the Dehli history, as given here. They
do not occur in Mir M'asdm's history, from which this chapter is abridged.

Sultan Gliiasu-d din, arrived at Multan in a.h. 728 (1328 a.d.) and
put him down. Then having deputed trusty persons to Bhatkar
and Siwistan, he returned. In a.h. 751 (1350 a.d.), while in pur-
suit of the slave Taghi,' having traversed Guzerat and Kaeh, he
arrived in the district of Thatta, and encamped at the village of
Thari on the banks of a river. From thence he removed in conse-
quence of an attack of fever, to Gandat," where he got well. He
then returned and encamped about fcrur kos rom Thatta, where he
had a relapse of fever and died.
Sultan Firoz Shah succeeded him. Taghi, who was at Thatta, on
learning this, hastened to give battle at the head of the tribes of
Sumra, Jareja, and Samma, but was defeated. The Sultan quitted
the environs of Thatta on the first day of the month of Safar of the
above year, and ordered a fort to be built on the Tiver S&okra ; and
Amir Nasr was left there with 1000 horse. He founded a city
called Nasrpur, and Malik Bahiam was made ruler of it, and the
surrounding districts. Bahrampur was named after him. MaUk
'All Sher,and Malik Taj Kafuri were left in Siwistan, and the
Sultan went to Bhakkar. He appointed Malik Euknu-d din his
vicegerent, and Malik 'Abdu-1 Aziz as minister of finance, and
garrisoned the fort with a body of chosen troops. He conferred
the title of Ikhlas Khan on Malik Euknu-d din, and entrusted
him with the affairs of all Sind. He ihen went to DehU- In a,h.
772 (1370 A.D.), after the conquest of Nagarkot he proceeded to
Thatta, whose chief. Jam Khairu-d din retired to a fort upon the
water, and there collected troops.
Scarcity of provisions, and
superabundance of mosquitos, forced the Sultan to return to Thatta.
Jam Khairu-d din submitted, came in, and paid his respects. The
Sultan carried him towards Dehli with all the other Zamindars, and
when near Sihwan, upon learning that the Jam intended to flee, he
had him put in chains. Sometime after this, he invested Jam Juna,
son of Khairu-d din with a hhil'at, and appointed him to his father's
In A.H. 790 (1388 a.d.), Piroz Shah died, and was succeeded on

the throne of Dehli by Sultan Tughlik Shah. Then followed Sultan

1 [" Rebel."]
' This place is about thirty miles from GimStr or Jdnagarh.

Abii Bakr, Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan Sikandar Shah, and then
Sultan Nasiru-d din, who sent Sarang Khan to take possession of
Debalpur, Multan, and Sind.^
In A.H. 800 (1397 a.d.), Mirza Pir Muhammad, grandson of Amir
Timur, crossed the river (Indus) and laid siege to the fort of Uoh.
Malik 'Alf, who was there on behalf of Sarang Khan, kept him in
check for a month, and Sarang Khan despatched Malik Taju-d
din to his aid with 4000 men. Mirza Pfr Muhammad then raised
the siege, marched from ITch, and defeated him. He then com-
menced the siege of Multan. After a siege of six months, Sarang
Khan yielded and surrendered Multan. About this time, a.h. 801
(1398 A.D.), Ti'mur himself arrived at Multan. Prom this time

dates the dowofaU. and cessation of the authority of the Sultans of

Dehli over the governors of Sind, who raised the standard of inde-
pendence, as will be now related.

The Tribe of Sumra.

A portion of this tribe had got possession of parts of Sind before
the time above-mentioned, so that the whole term of their authority
may be reckoned at 550 years. Historians observing their first

appearance after the Al-i Tamfm, who were the last governors on the
part of the 'Abbasides date the rule of the tribe from that time.
When, as we have related, the administration of the greater part of
Sind was held by the officers of the Ghaznivide and Ghori kings,
this tribe enjoyed full and undivided power. They sprang from
the Arabs of Samra, as has been mentioned before, who arrived in
Sind in the fourth century of the Hijra.
It is said that Chhota Amrani, brother of Dalu Eai Amrani, was
so much grieved at his brother's injustice which occasioned the ruin
of the city of Alor, and clouded the prosperity of the city of Bham-
bara, that he repaired to Baghdad and obtained from the Khahf 100
Arabs of Samra whom, with the 'Ulamal Musawi, he brought to

Sind, of whom more hereafter. At last, Dalii Eaf submitted to the

Saiyid and gave him his daughter in marriage. The Saiyid settled
in Sind, and left descendants, and the town of Mut'alwi is their

abiding place.
' Here is a farther error in the Dehli annals, which is not to be attributed to
Mir H'astim.

In short, as we have before said, in A.H. 720 (1320 a.d.) Ghizi

Malik march on Dehli, with an army collected from Multan and
Sind, and overthrew Khusru Khan. Then, ascending the throne, he
assumed the style and title of Grhiasu-d din Tughlik Shah, and
devoted himself to the government of his new dominions.
The Sumras then collected a force from the neighbora-hood of
Thari, and placed a man named Sumra on the throne. He settled

the frontier of his country, and married the daughter of a zamindar

named who had set up a claim to independence. To him was
bom a son named Bhiingar, who on his death succeeded him in the
government. After him, his son Dudd brought the country as far
as Nasrpur into his possession. Diida died, leaving a son of tender
age, named Singhar, so Tari, daughter of Duda, took the govern-
ment into her hands, but made it over to her brother when he
arrived at years of discretion. Singhar pushed his way in the
direction of Kach, and subjected the country as far as Bang-nai.

He left no son, so his wife Hemu appointed her brothers to the

government of the cities of Tur and Thari. After a brief interval,
a Siimra named Duda, who was ruling in the fort of Dhak, as-
sembled his brethren from all sides, and extirpated the brethren of
Hemu. At this juncture Dadu Phatu, a descendant of Duda, re-
belled, and collecting a foreign force, he for some time carried
on the government. After him, llhaira became ruler. Then
Armil became the master of the state. So the Sammas rebelled
and slew him. This happened in the year 752 Hijra (1351
A.D.). The history of this family, from its rise to its fall, the
number of its princes, and the causes of its decline, are very discor-
dantly narrated. Thus the Muntakhabu-t Tawarikh says that when
the sovereignty was inherited by 'Abdu-r Eashid, son of Mahmudj
of Ghazni, it was soon perceived that he was lethargic and weak-
minded. The men of Sind were therefore refractory and rebellious,
and in the year 445 Hijra (1053 a.d.), the men of Sumra collected
in the vicinity of Thari, and raised a man named Sumra to the seat of
government. This man reigned independently for a long period,
and, marrying the daughter of a zaminddr named Sad, he died
leaving a son named Bhungar as his successor. Bhiingar, son of
Sumra, reigned fifteen years, and died in the year 461 Hijra (1069


A.D.) His son Duda succeeded, and reigned twenty-four years, dying
in 485 Hijra (1092 a.d). After him Singhar reigned fifteen years ;

Khafif, thirty -six years; 'Umar, forty years; Duda, the second,
fourteen years ; Phatu, thirty-three years ; Genhra,* sixteen years ;

Muhammad Tur, fifteen years; Genhra," several years; Duda,"

fourteen years ; Taf,'' twenty-four years ; Chanesar, eighteen years
Bhungar, fifteen years ; Khafif, eighteen years ; Duda, twenty -five
years ; 'Umar Sumra, thirty -five years ; Bhungar, ten years. Hamfr
then succeeded, but he was a tyrant, and the Samma tribe overthrew
him. The rise of this family is related in various ways, and several
rulers are mentioned beside those above enumerated ; their fall, also, is

described in many incongruous ways. 'Umar Sumra gave his name

to the fort of 'Umarkot.

The Story of Mumal and Mendra.

One of the most remarkable events of his (Hamir Sumra' s) timei
is the story of Mumal and Mendra, which is told thus : A woman
named Mumal, of the family of the Gujar chiefs, on the death of
her father, ruled over his lands, and built a lofty palace on the
outskirts of the city, outside which she, by magic art, conducted a
stone canal like a river across the entrance of the palace ; and she
planted two life-like lions of tenible aspect, cut in stone, at the
doorway, and within the ordinary sitting-room seven sofas were
placed, covered with stuff of one design, six of which coverings
were made of imspun thread, and underneath each sofa a deep well

was dug. She then caused it to be given out that she would
choose for her husband him who should pass the river and the
Hens, and sagaciously seat himself on the right seat. Many men
were tempted to a trial, but none attained their object ; nay, they
stepped into the well of annihilation.
One day, Hamir Sumra went out hunting with three of his
suite, one of whom was Eana Mendra, his minister's wife's brother.
He happened to meet a travelling Jogf, who so extolled the beauty

of Mumal, that Hamir Sumra felt a great desire to see her. Taking
his attendants with him, they turned their heads to the direc-

1 ["Ghenra" in one MS.]

' [These three names are found only in the best of the two MSS.]

tion indicated, and on reaching its vicinity put up witliin view

of the palace. Mumal, on learning of their arrival, despatched a
sharp slave girl to ascertain their quality, and bring the most
important person of the party to be hospitably entertained.
First Hamir -went with the girl, but she outstripped him ; and
he, on beholding that deep imaginary river, returned without at-

taining his object, and for very shame said nothing. The next night
the girl came again, and bade one of the other strangers accompany
her, but he also returned as Hamir had done. On the third night,
the same thing happened to the third man. On the fourth night,
Eana Mendra set out with the girl, and when she wished to precede
him, according to her custom, he seized the skirt of her garment,
and put her behind, saying that it was not proper for slave girls
to precede their masters. When he reached the visionary river he
was puzzled moment. On sounding the depth of the water
for a
with the lance which he had in his hand, he found it had no real
existence. He at once passed over, and saw the Hons at the gate,
but throwing his spear at them, he found they were not really

He then pursued his object, entered the palace, and went into the
sofa room ; there he saw seven same
sofas or thrones, all of the
kind, and thought to himself that one of them must be especially
intended to sit on, and that perhaps there was some deception about
them. He then probed each with his spear, found out the sub-
stantial one, and sat down cross-legged upon it. The girl informed
Mumal of the circumstances, and of his sagacity. She instantly
came out, thoy were mutually pleased with each other, and the
marriage knot was firmly tied. Mendra passed the night in rap-
turous enjoyment, and repaired early in the momiag to the presence

of Hamir and his friends, to whom he related his adventures.

Hamir said, " As the woman has now become your own, you must
be pleased to let me see her once." Accordingly, at night,
Mendra took Hamir with him, dressed as a shepherd. Hamir
bore the Eana some ill-will for having set aside the respect due
to him he therefore carried him off to his own city, and placed

him under arrest. As Mendra had given his heart to Mumal, he,
with the privity of his guards, every night secretly mounted a

very swift she-dromedary, who could perform five ordinary day's

jotimey and back again ia a single night, and having seen his
beloved, and enjoyed the charms of her company, returned to
his prison.
It chanced that one night Mumal had gone to see her sister.

Mendra returned, and suspecting something wrong, became dis-

pleased, and gave up going any more. The innocent Mvimal was
greatly distressed at Mendra's displeasure, and quitted her own
residence and country. Having arrived at the city where Mendra
dwelt, she built a palace adjoining his, and had windows placed
opposite to his windows that she might sometimes see him. Mendra,
shrouded in displeasure, closed his windows on that side, and Mumal
then built a palace opposite another face of Mendra's, and so on,
opposite to each of its four faces, but did not succeed in seeing her
beloved. At last, when Mumal saw that Mendra had entirely

averted the face of regard from her, she breathed a sigh of anguish,
and, wounded by despair, gave up her life. Intelligence of this
was conveyed to Mendra, and since a lover powerfully affects the
heart of the beloved, and as the attraction of hearts in the world of
unity tends to one and the same object, he instantly, on hearing
these lamentable tidings, sighed and expired. This story is sung in
Sindf verse at certain established places, and religious devotees are
transported to raptures and heavenly visions of Divine love, on
hearing it. A certain MuUa Mukim has written this story in
Persian verse, and called it " Tarannum-i 'Ishk," or the song of


Story of Chanesar and Laild.

A named Kaimrii, daughter of the powerful and renowned


Eana Khangar was betrothed to her cousin. Being incomparably

beautiful, the young lady gave herself great airs among her asso-

ciates. At that time no one could be compared to Chanesar, of

Dewal, for beauty of person, siere of wealth, extent of territory,

or force of authority, and an alliance with him was earnestly

desired by many beauties. One day a girl named Jamni, one of

> Lt. Sutton has given this tale in a more atttactire form, in his Sindh,
pp. 114-123.

Kaunru's companions, said to her, tauntingly, " Perhaps you en-

tertain thoughts of being married to Chanesar, since you practice

so many fine airs, and are so affected." This taunt pierced

Kaunru's heart, and without even having seen Chanesar's face, she
became desperately in love with him, and almost beside herself.

When Marghin, her mother, found this out, she apprised Eana
Khangar of it. As a matrimonial alliance with Chanesar was the
greatest honour of the day, and there seemed no way of accom-
plishing that except by stratagem, the Eana advised Marghin to

take their daughter in the garb of a merchant to Chanesar's town,

without letting any one know of her so doing, and before Kaunrii
should become the victim of despair, and thus perhaps Chanesar
himself might become ensnared in the net of good contrivance.
Agreeably to this recommendation, Marghin set out with her
daughter and some merchandize, crossed the river Parpat, and
leaving her own country of Dhat, soon entered the Dewal territory,
and arrived at the city where Chanesar lived. She sent a message
through a gardener's wife, to Jhakra, Chanesar's Wazir, intimating
her desire for a union. Chanesar devoted to Laila, whose beauty
and charms might excite the jealousy of the celebrated Iiaila re-
turned for answer that he wished for none but Laila, bade the
gardener's wife beware of bringing more such messages to him,
and directed the new comers to be sent away, lest Laila should hear
of them, and be annoyed. On being informed of this, Marghin sold
her merchandise, and went one day into the presence of Laild, in
the garb of a poor stranger beggar woman, saying :
" Adverse cir-

cumstances have driven me and my daughter far from our own

country ; in spinning thread we have no equals, if you will kindly
take us as your slaves, we will so serve you as to merit general
approval." Laila took them both, and was pleased with their
work. After some time, the arrangements of Chanesar's bed-
chamber became Kaunru's special charge. Kaunru one liight

thought of her own country, and of her splendid position there,

and her eyes filled with tears. Chanesar, seeing this, asked her
what was the matter. She answered that she had raised the wick
of the lamp, and then scratched her eye with the hand with which
she did it, which brought the tears into her eye. On hearing this,

Laila was very pressing to learn the truth, and Kaunrii, after much,
pressing, said, "The truth is, I am the daughter of a sovereign,
of such wealth, that the lustre of his jewels serves him for night-
Hghts ; hence the smoke of the lamp confused my brain, and the
recollection of past days entered my head, and I wept that they
were no more." Laila asked her for proof of the truth of this pre-
tension ; she instantly produced a most delicate dress, such as Laila
had never seen, with a necklace worth nine lakhs of rupees. Laila
was charmed with such precious rareties, and desired to have
them. Kaunru and Marghin said, " We will give them on condition
that you give us Chanesar for one night." As most women are
wanting in understanding, she agreed to the terms, and one night,
when Chanesar was drunk, she made him over to Kaunru. Chane-
sar passed the entire night in unconsciousness, and when he awoke
in the morning, was astonished at finding who it was he had in his
bosom. Kaunru's mother was all night on the alert as to what
should happen. Finding in the morning that her daughter's object
was not accomplished, she began muttering from behind the curtain,
" how strange it is that Laila should sell such a husband as Chane-
sar for a mere necklace ! and that he should be ignorant of this ; it

is not fitting that a man should again consort with such a wife."
Chanesar hearing this, looked lovingly on Kaunru ; she told him
the whole particulars of her story from beginning to end. He then
" Since the case is thus, be of good heart, for' I am no more
Laila's, and I will love you with my whole heart."
On Laila hearing of what had taken place, all her stratagems
were futile, her constant union was changed to utter separation
After the lapse of a long time, she returned to her paternal village,
and passed her time in solitude. Before this affair, a girl from the
family of Laila had been betrothed to the minister Jhakra ; but after
what had happened to Laila her relations would not give the girl

to him. As he was bent on the match, he tried many devices to

bring about the marriage, but aU in vain. Laila sent word to him
that if he could by any means contrive to bring Chanesar with him,
she would pledge herself his desired marriage should take place.
On receiving this message, Jhakra, with much ado, persuaded
Chanesar to accompany him to Laila's village. Laila changed her

di-ess, and putting on tlie garb of a woman wlio tears the message
of assignation, veiled her face, and entered the presence of Chanesar,
when she spoke reproachfully of the relation in which he stood to
Laila. During the conversation, she played oif some coquettish

airs, and captivated Chanesar without his knowing who she was.
As all Chanesar's abandonment of Laila, and unkindness too, arose
from jealousy, and he was in reality as much attached to her as ever,
on the remembrance of the joys of the time of his union with her
he became beside himself, and said, " sweet-tongued girl ! thou
thyself art the rarest of beauties 1 How long wilt thou talk of
Laila ? Speak to me of thyself, for my heart yearns to thee !" She
replied: "How can the heart love one faithless as thou?" On
hearing her speech, Chanesar wished to tear her veil off ; but LaiM,
who was herself her own messenger, at the very height of his ardom-,
unveiled herself with her own hand. When Chanesar saw that she
was indeed Laila, he suddenly drew a cold sigh from his sorrowful
heart and expired. On seeing this, Laila, too, uttered one groan and
fell down lifeless. The pair were burned according to custom, and
liieir strange story is well remembered by the people, and is the
theme of a popular and moving song in tbe Sindi tongue. Idra'H
Beg-Lar composed a Persian poem on this story ; the present writer,
for fear of prolixity, has satisfied himself with relating thus much
of it.

Ncumwdb Murid Klidn.

He was by birth the son of a Eaja, and newly converted to the

Muhammadan faith. In the year 1099 h. (1688 a.d.) corresponding
with the 31st of the reign, he was appointed to the government of
Thatta. It is said, that several thousand Eajputs accompanied him.
When he arrived at the ferry, he learnt that it was necessary to
pass through the butcher's shambles where cows were slaughtered,
before he could reach the citadel. So he despatched a message to
Kazi Muhammad Husain, the Kazi of the
city, saying that he had

with him a large body of Hindu Eajputs, and requesting him to

remove the shops of the cow-slaying butchers from the passage of the

bazar, lest they should give oflfence to bis followers, and some dis-

turbance should arise. As the institutions of the king, the defender

of the law, were not tolerant of the threats and menaces of such
persons, the most worshipful Kdzf, that very night, directed the
butchers to double the number of their usual stalls, and place them
on both sides of the roads. When the governor heard of this, seeing
it would be useless to act in opposition to His Majesty, the defender
of the faith, he was compelled to pass accordiag to the fashion ob-
served by his predecessors. He remained two years in Thatta, during
which his army gave much trouble to the Musulmans. Upon a
representation made by the chief residents, a royal order was
received directing him to abandon his ridiculous crotchets and
consider himself removed from the government of Musulmans.
"When he was dismissed, he remained for some time at the fort

of Tughlikabad, better known as Kalankot, as he found the air

suited to the complaint under which he was suffering, of weakness

of sight. The king, out of regard to him, did not oppose this
arrangement, but when his successor arrived at Thatta, he was
summoned to the court. Some of the present defences and build-
ings of the fort of Tughlikabad are of his constniction.


[Sir H. Elliot in his iatroductory remarks on Al Birunf's
geographical chapter, observed that before the time of that writer
" the whole of Upper India was a perfect terra incognita, and the
Arabians knew much less of it than Pliny and Ptolemy." The
geographical extracts at the beginning of this volnme, fully prove
the justice of this observation. Multan, Mansdra, Alor, and other
were visited by their early
places of note in the valley of the Indus,
travellers,and the ports upon the coast, especially those about the
Gulf of Cambay, were also known from the reports of their mariners.
All beyond this was vague, and evidently drawn from hearsay inform-
ation. Their scanty knowledge is farther shown by the identity
of much that was written on the subject. Sulaiman and Ma'sudi
drew their information from the same or very similar sources ; and a
great part of Istakhri's and Ibn Haukal's description is verbatim the
same, so that there can be no doubt that one copied from the other.
In Biruni we have ample evidence of a much wider knowledge, not
always accurate, not always intelligible at the present time, but stUl
showing that he had acquired, by personal travel or by dili-

gent investigation, a fair general knowledge of the topography of

Hindustan, and even of parts beyond.' Idrfsi gives a full compiLa-

tion from the works of his predecessors, with some additional matter
from sources now lost to us, but he does not appear to have used
the writings of Birtinf, and his work is blemished by many false

' [He cannot be absolved from the blunder of having placed Thanesar in the
So&b, but the further error of locating Muttra on the east of the Jumna is due to his
translators. All the versions of Sashidu-d dfo say that the river lies on the east of

the city, (^jl^iJl See first edition pp. 73, 97. Seinaud'a
liJj?" jif-" LsV^V^j)*
Fragment; 82, lOOi]

VOL. I. 23


I^Sir H. Elliot endeavoured to identify and fix the position of

several of the most important and interesting of the places men-

tioned by the early geographers and historians, and some additions
have since been made, chiefly from sources unpublished at the time
when his original volume appeared. The following is an index of
the notes :

The Balhara . 354 Eahma, Euhmi 361
Juzr or Jurz . 358 Kashbin 361
Tafan .. . 360
Cities and Towns.
Agham^The Lohtoas
. Kajur&ha 383
Alor 363 and Ballarf .
KliUaTi, Annaii, 384
Amhal, P&mhal, etc. 363 ... Sand&bel, T^&n, Budha, Baiz^ 385
Annabel 364 Kannazbiir 389
A^kalanda 365 Mandal, Kiraj 390
Biniya, Bitiya 367 Manjabari 391
Bhambdr 368 Mionagara 392
Br^hman&bl.d,Maiistira,Ma1if&za 369 Nara.na 393
Debal, KarSjjhl, Thatta, and Nirrin, Sakiira, Jarak . . . 396
L&borl-bandar 374 SadusSn . 401
Hala-kandi, the Hellenes, Pindus 379 SamiSi, Tughlikibid, Kali-kot 401
Jandrdd 380 Sind&n, Sub&ra, SaiinOr . . 402
Kaik&n&n, Kaik^, KUiiaTS . 381 . Ttir, Muhatampur, Dirak, etc. 403

[The early Arab Geographers are unanimous in their spelling of

the title " Balhara." The merchant Sulaiman says it is a title

similar to the Chosroes of the Persians, and not a proper name.
Ibn Khurdadba says that it signifies " King of Kings." According
to Mas'udi it is a title borne by all the kings of the country, while
Ibu Haukal states that it is a name derived from that of the country.
Idrisi follows Ibn Khurdadba in giving to it the signification of
" King of Kings," but, he adds, that thehereditary. Thus title was
it was the general title of a dynasty, and that it
seems clear that it

must have borne some such signification as that assigned to it by

Ibn Khurdadba.]
[Taking the accounts of the Arab writers, and comparing them
with the Indian annals, there can be no great hesitation in identify-
ing the "Balhara" with the dynasty settled at Ballabhi-pura, the
princes of which were the founders of the BaUabhi era, and were


probably known as the Ballabbi or Ballabb Eai's. This identifica-

tion, originally proposed by Colonel Tod, has met with tacit acqui-
escence, except from M. Beinaud, who considered the term " Balhara
to represent Malwa Eai or " King of Malwa."]
[BaUabhi-pura was, according to Tod, "destroyed in the fiftb

century, by an irruption of the Parthians, Getes, Huns or Catti, or

a mixture of these tribes,'" In another place he gives the date
of this event from Jain records as a,d. 524.' And in a further pas-

sage he says, that after the destruction of BaUabhi-pura, its princes

" fled eastward, eventually obtaining Chitor, when the Islands of
Deo and Somnath-pattan, ia the division termed Larika, became the
seat of government. On its destruction, in the middle of tbe eighth
century, Anhalwara became the m.etropolis, and this, as recorded,

endured until the fourteenth century."* Hwen Tsang visited Balabhi

in the seventh century, and Thomas gives the date of its destruction
as 802 Sam vat (745 a.b.)* The ruias of the city are well known,
beiag situate about twenty miles west of Bhownuggur, in Kattiwar ;

and the name survives in that of the modem town of Wallay, which
stands near them.'2
[Hindu authorities thus record the removal of the seat of govern-
ment to the country of Larike or Lata, which country Mas'udi names
as being subject to the Balhara, and which the other writers describe
as forming part of his dominions.]
[The capital of the Balhara is stated by Mas'udi to be " Manki'r

(or Manakir) the great centre of India," and to be situated " eighty
Sindi parasangs (640 miles) from the sea," a palpable exaggeration.
Istakhri and Ibn Haukal say that " Mankfr is the city in which the
Balhara dwells, but they do not name it in their lists of the cities of
Hind. Biruni and Idrisl make no mention of it. The unavoidable
inference is that the place had fallen to decay, and was known only
by tradition in the days of these Arab writers.]
[The name Mankir or Manakir bears a suggestive resemblance
to "Minagara," a city which Ptolemy places on the Nerbadda,

1 [Rel. des Voyages, xciv. Mem. mr VTnde, 138, 144.]

ITraveU I. 23.] [Annals I. 217.]

* [Xod, Travels I. 213,] [Thomas' Prinsep Useful Tables, p. 158.]

" [Journal Boyal Asiatic Society, xiii. p. 146.]


among the cities of Larike. Both are probably representatives of

the Sanskrit mahd-nagara, " great city." Mankir is said to mean
"great centre," so that the word mahd (great) mnst be represented
by the first syllable md and tiie other syllables naUr or ndUr are

by no means a bad Arabic transcription of " Nagara," for the alpha-

bet would not allow of a closer version than nofeor. In Minagara,
the word nagara, " city" is unquestionable. Ptolemy mentions another
Minagara on the East coast, somewhere near the Mahanadf river,
and Axrian, in the Periplus, has another Minagara in the valley of
the Indus. The syllable mi would therefore seem to be a common
appellative, having no local or ethnological import, but correspond-
ing with mahd or some similar word.]
[The bearings of Minagara and of some of the neighbouring places
by Ptolemy
are thus stated

Minagara 115 x 19 SV
Barygaza Emporium (Broach) 113 15 X 17 20
Siripalla 116 30 X 21 30
Xeragere 116 20 X 19 50
Ozene (Ujjain) 117 00 x 20 00
Tiatura 115 60 X 18 50
Nasica (Nasik) 114 00 x 17 00
Namadiflnviifontes a,monteVindio 127 00 X 26 30
Eluvii flexio juxta Siripalla 116 30 X 22 00
There is a palpable error in these statements of Ptolemy, for he
places Ujjain to the south of Nerbadda, and two degrees south of the
bend of the river near Siripalla. But Ujjain lies to the north of the
Nerbadda, and the river has no noticeable bend in this quarter.
The river Mahi, however, has a very great bend ; Ujjain lies to the
south of it, and the respective bearings are more in agreement, so
that the two rivers would here seem to have been confounded.]
[Tiatura may be Talner, and Xeragere may be Dhar, as Lassen
supposes, for these are situated on well-known roads, and as General
Cunningham must have been
forcibly observes, Ptolemy's geography
compiled from routes of merchants. Comparing the bearings of the
various places, Minagara would seem to have been situated some-
where between Dhar and Broach. Lassens identifies Minagara with
Balabhi-pura, but this city was situated too far west.]
[The neighbourhood of Dhar is exactly the locality in which

Idxlslwould at first sight seem to place Nahrw5r4 or Nahlwdra,

which he leads us to infer was the capital of the Balhara in his time.
This city, he tells us, was situated eight days' journey inland from

Broach through a flat country. The towns of Hanawal (or Janawal)

and Dulka lie between them, and Didka is situated on the river
(Nerbadda) which forms the estuary on which Broach stands, and
at the foot of a chain of mountains called TJndaran, lying to the
north. Near Hanawal there is another town called Asawal. This
description is inconsistent, for Asdwal is an old name of Ahmaddbad,
and that city lies to the north far away from the Nerbadda. Abu-1
Fida seems to rectify this, for he declares Cambay to be the port of
Nahrwara, which city he says is three days' journey from a port.
He refers to Abu Eihan as spelling the name Nahlw&ra, and on
turning back to page 61, it will be seen that this is his orthography.
The city described by Abu Bihan and Abu-1 Fida is undoubtedly
Anhalwara Pattan, and if Cambay be substituted for Broach in
Idrfei's description, the account, so far as we understand it, will be
conastent with itself and with the other writers. Cambay stands
at the head of the bay which bears its name, between the mouths of
the Sabarmatf on thfe west, and the Mahi on the east. Asawal
or Ahmadabad is on the left bank of the former, and the Aravalli
chain of mountains lies to the north of Anhalwdra. Idrf si specially
mentions the bullock carriages of Nahrwara, and those of Guzerat
are stiU. Lastly, no Nahrwara is known near the river
Nerbadda. Thus Ptolemy and Idrisi would both seem to have con-
founded the river of Broach (the Nerbadda) with those of Cambay
(Sabarmati and Mahf).]
[Hwen Tsang, who travelled in India between 629 and 646 a.d.,

visited the kingdom of " Fa,-la-pi" (VaUabhi), but his account does

not help to settle the locality of the capital, for he only says that it

was a journey of 1000 li (166^ miles) north from Malwi. The

kings were of Kshatriya race, and were connected with the
sovereigns of Kanya-kiibja, the reigning monarch, Dhruva Bhatta,
being son-in-law either of King SUaditya or of that king's son.]
[The " Balhara" would thus seem to represent, as Tod affirmed, the
Ballabh Eais of Ballabhi-pura who were succeeded by the Bala
Eais of Anhalwara Pattan. Their territories included the ports in
the country of Lata (Larike) on the gulf of Cambay. These ports

were frequented by Arab trading vessels, and so the accounts given

of the Balhaxa by their geographers, vague and meagre as they are,
exceed all that is recorded by them of the other cotemporary king-
doms. The extent of the Ealhara's territory can only be surmised,
and no doubt it underwent continual change. Mas'udi, by impli-
cation, places Tanna within his dominions, but this is farther south
than would seem to be warranted. The Tapti on the south, and the
Aravalli mountains on the north may perhaps represent an approxi-
mation to the real extent of the kingdom. This may appear a
limited dominion for a monarch of such renown as the Arabs repre-
sent the Balhara to have been but it must be remembered that

these writers were accustomed to a simple patriarchal form of

government, free from the pomp and splendour of the further east.]
[There are copper records extant showing that in the first half of
the fourth century grants of land in the neighbourhood of Jambusir
were made by the Gurjjara rajas and by the Chalukyas. The latter
were of a Rajput tribe, and would then appear to have been making

their way southwards to the scene of their subsequent power. In

812 A.D., just before the time of the merchant Sulaiman, a grant was
made by the " Lateswara," that is, " King of Lata," but the names
therein recorded have not been identified with those in any of the

dynastic lists. Allowing for the omissions not unusual in such

grants, there is a Dhruva who may correspond with the Dhruva
Bhatta of Hwen Tsang.]
Juzr or Jurz.
[Sulaiman and Ibn Khurdadba write the name "Jurz" but the-
Paris edition of Mas'udi has Juzr, which the editors understand as
signifying Guzerat. Abu Zaid says incidentally that Kanauj is "a
large country forming the empire of Jurz ;" ' and relying upon this
statement M. Eeinaud identifies Jurz with Kanauj.'' But Mas'udi
locates the Bauura at Kanauj, and speaks of Juzr as quite a distinct
kingdom. Sulaiman and Mas'udi concur in making the country
border on the kingdoms of the Eahma and the Balhara, and the
former says that the country is situated on a tongue of land, and is
rich in camels and horses. " Juzr" closely resembles the name
" Guzerat," especially in its Arabic form " Juzarat" and the other
' [Ante p. 10, The Arabic text gives the name as " Juz."]
' [Eel. des Voyages, xcT. Mem. sur VInde, 206.]


known conditions are satisfied by this identification. Guzerat is a

peninsula, it bordered on the dominions of the Balhara, and the
horses of Kattiwar are still famous.]
[Hwen Tsang visited the " kingdoms of Su-la-cha or Surashtra,
and Kiu-che-lo or Grurjjara, after that of Vallabhi, but, according to his
expositor, M. Vivien de St. Martin, Su-la-cha (SurdsUra) represents
the modem Guzerat, and Kiu-che-lo (Gurjjara) "the country of the
Gujars " between Anhalwara and the Indus. This location of the two
territorial names differs from the generally received acceptation of

their meaning, and rests entirely upon the expositor's interpretation

of Hwen Tsang's confused statements the only arguments adduced
in its favour, being a proposed identification of Pi-lo-mo-lo, which
Hwen Tsang gives as the name of the capital of Kiu-che-lo, with the
modem Bdlmer; and an ethnological theory that the Gujars mj^Ai
have given their name to this country in the course of their migrations.

But no example of such an application of the name is adduced, and

Hwen Tsang himself in another passage (p. 169) accurately describes
this very country as being north of Kiu-che-lo, and stretchiag " 1900 li

(316^ miles), atravers desplaines sauvages et des deserts dangereux"

io the river Indus. The Sanskrit Surdshtra and Gurjjara survive in
the modem names Sural and Ouzerdt, and, however the territories
embraced by the old terms may have varied, it is hard to conceive that
Surat was not in Surdshtra nor Guzerdt in Gurjjara. All evidence
goes to prove that the old and modem names applied to the same places.
Thus, Ptolemy's Surastrene comprises Surat, and the grants of the
" Eajas of Gurjjara" dated in the early part of the fourth century,
conveyed land in the vicinity of Jamhusara or " Jumbooseer."
Biruni (supra p. 67), shows what the Muhammadans imderstood by
Guzerat in his day, and while Guzerdt answers to the " Juzr," of his
predecessors, the supposed "country of the Gujars" does not, for
that cannot be said to be " a tongue of land."]
[The fact is that there is great confusion in this part of Hwen
Tsang's itinerary, and his bearings are altogether untrustworthy. In
the first volume he says, " Du cote de 1' ouest ce royaume (Surdshtra)
touche a la riviere MaM ;" but in vol. ii. p. 165, he says " La capitale
touche du cote de I'ouest a la riviere Mo-hi (MaM)." A very material
difference, The first statement is quite in agreement with the true


position of SmdsJitra. Hwen Tsang represents lais route to have pro-

ceeded north from Koch to Vallabhi. This error, M. Vivien de Saint-
Martin observes, renders it necessary to reverse the direction, and he
adds, " Ceci est une cortection oapitale qui affecte et rectifie toute la
suite de I'itin^raire." If it is thus necessary to reverse the north and
south, may it not be also necessary to do the same with the east and
virest ? No such general correction, however, will set matters right
for Hwen Tsang gays correctly that he proceeded south-east from
Grurjjara to TJjjain. It is curious, moreover, that M. V. de Saint-

Martin does not adhere to his "correction capitale," for Hwen Tsang
states that he went north from Vallabhi to Giirjjara and his expositor,
places Ourjjara to the north, while according to his own canon it

ought to be south^2

[Sulaiman writes the name "Tafak;" Ibn Khurdadba and
Mas'iidi have "Tafan." Keinaud cites also the variations "Takan"
and " Taban." Founding his opinion on the statement as to the
beauty of the women, whom he supposes to be Mahrattas, Eeinaud
places this country in the neighbourhood of Aurangabad.' His
argument is amusing, but is untenable, for it is inconsistent with the
account given of the country by the Arab writers. Mas'udi says,
" Some kings have their territory in the mountains away from the
sea, like the king of Kashmir, the king of Tafan, and others ;" and
again, " the
Mihran (Indus) comes from well-known sources in the
highlands of Sind, from the coimtry belonging to Kanauj in the
kingdom of Bauiira, and from Kashmfr, Kandahar and Tafan."
Sulaiman says that "Tafak" lies by the side of the kingdom of

Juzr, and this is inconsistent with Eeinaud's view of Juzr

being Kanauj and Tafak being Aurangabad ; for if Juzr be
Gruzerfit, Tfak must be placed to the north of it, as the dominions
of the Balhara were on the south-east. The mountains in this
direction are, first, the Aravali mountains ; next, the Salt-range,
and lastly, the Himalayas. In Kazwfni there is a notice of the fort
of " Taifand," subdued by MahmM of Ghazni, in the year 1023 a.d.'
< [Stanislas JuUen's " Hiouen Thsang," Map and M^moiie Analytiqne. Thomas'
Prinsep 260 ; Vishnu Pur&aa, p. 177
I. ; Journal E. A. S, Vol.I. p. 247, N.S.]
[ReL des Voy. cl.] [Ante, p. 99,]

This fort lie represents as being on the summit of a mountain, to

which there was only one way of access, and when taken, there
were 500 elephants in the place. The names are sufficiently
similar, and the descriptions point to the same locality. In the
absence of more definite information, the Salt-range seems to com-
ply most closely with what we are told about the position <rf

Rahma or JRuhmi.

[According to Sulaim^, this State is bordered by those of Balhara,

Jurz and Tafand, and is constantly at war with the two former.
Mas'udi says it stretches along the sea and continent, and is bounded
raland by a kingdom called Kaman. He adds that Bahma is the
title of their kings, and generally their name also. They had great
strength in troops, elephants, and horses. Eeinaud says it " appears
to correspond with the ancient kingdom of Visapour," ' but it is diflS-

cult to fix the locality of this kingdom. The name is probably the
Sanskrit Bama. The use of kauris for money, the extremely fine
cotton fabrics,and the existence of the rhinoceros in the country,
would point to a locality on the Bay of Bengal about Dacca and
Arracan. If the neighbouring kingdom, which Mas'udi calls Kaman,
is Khurdadba calls Kamrun and places
the same as that which Ibn
on the borders of Chioa, there can be no doubt that Kamnip or
Assam is intended, and this identification, which is exceedingly
probable, will confirm the locality of Dacca as the probable site of
the kingdom of Bahma. The accounts of this kingdom and of
Kamrup were probably gathered by the Arab writers from mariners
who had visited the ports in the Bay of Bengal, and their ignorance
of the interior of the country, led them to iafer that the territories

of the Balhara on the western coast were conterminous with those

of Bahma on the eastern side.]

[Tod identifies Kashbfn with Kach Bhuj, while Beinaud Supposes
it to be Mysore.* All the description given of it is that it is an
inland country, so that in the absence of any closely resembling
Indian name, its locality is a mere matter of guess.]
' [EeL des Voy. cii.]


Agham. The Lohdnas.

Agham, or Agham-kot, lies about thirty miles south-east from
Haidarabad, and though now almost forgotten, it was formerly a
place of some consequence. Its position is not very easily identi-
fied, and the name is rarely introduced into the maps. In Lt. Bur-
ton's it seems to be entered under the name of " Angoomanoo,"
and in the Quartermaster-G-eneral's map of 1850, under that of
" Aghamama."
The Beg-Lar Ndma says it is on the Eain. The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm
mentions it among the towns on the Sankra. Capt. McMurdo says
it is on the Lohana Darya but he strangely fixes its site at Kalakot,

seven miles to the west of Thatta, observing erroneously that it is

not mentioned tiU long after the Arab conquest. Its position may
be indicated at present as Ijdng between the Gunf and the Eain
but it does not follow that it will answer to that description next
year, as the course of these streams is constantly shifting.
It is also called Agham Lohana. In the Chacli-ndma, we find
frequent mention of a chief under that name, who was governor of
Brahmanabad in the time of Chach. Lohana is the designation of
tribe, which at that period, under an apparent confusion
a powerful
of terms, is Samma and Lakha clans.
said to have included both the
It can merely mean that they were then in a position of comparative
subordiuation. Under all the vicissitudes the Lohanas have under-
gone, they still retain their credit, as weU as their religion, and
constitute the most influential tribe in Siad, whether regarded as
merchants or officials. But, not confined within that narrow pro-
vince, they have spread their ramifications beyond the western
borders of India, and are found dispersed throughout Afghanistan,
Buluohistan, and Arabia, exposed to inconveniences, insults, and
dangers of no ordinary kind, in pursuit of their darling object of
wealth, and final return to their native soil to enjoy the fruits of
their industry.
The Lohanas derive their name and origin from Lohanpur in
Multan. The date of their emigration must have been very early,
and even their own traditions do not attempt to fix it. Their sub-
divisions are said to amount at least to fifty, the chief of them being
the Khudabadi and Sihwani. They all of them wear the Janeo, or


Brahmanieal thread. Though, for the most part, they worship the
Hindu deities, a few have adopted the faith of Baba Nanak. They
are described, by an accurate observer, as eating meat, addicted to
spirituous liquors, not objecting to fish and onions, drinking water
from the hand of their inferiors as well as superiors in caste, and
being neither frequent nor regular in their deTotions.
As the town of Agham is mentioned as early as the time of
Muhammad Kdsim, we may presume that it derived its name from
the Lohana chieftain above-mentioned, wlio was the contemporary
and opponent of Chach.^
[This name is found in various forms Mas'udi (p. 23) calls it

AI Eiir Ibn Khurdadba writes Al Daur (p. 14) Istakhri has

; ;

Al Euz (p. 27), and Al Eur (p. 28). The AsKkalu-l BUdd has Aldur
(p. 34), and Alriir (p- 37) Gildemeister makes Ibn Haukal's

version to be Euz and Alruz Biruni's spelling is ambiguous (see


p. 48) Idrisi has Dur (p. 79).

; The Mardsidu-l Ittild' has Al Eur. J
The ruins of the town lie between Bhakkar and Khairpur, and are
known, by the name of Alor. Lieut. Maclagan says that it is also
called Aror and that the hand spoken of by Bumes is really an
arched bridge. [There can be little doubt of the first syllable being
the Arabic al, and the real name Eur, as it survives in the modem
town of Eori, which stands close by the ruins of Alor.]

Amhai, Fdmhal, Kdmhal, or Mdmhal.

[The name of the border town between Sind and Hind appears in
many forms. Istakhri has Amhal, Pambal, and Kamhal ; the
AsMlvrl BUdd has Famhal in the text, but Kamhal in the map.
Havkal has Kamuhul.
Gildemeister's Ibn Idrisi has Mambal

Abii-l states that a MS. of Ibn Haukal

Fida has Eamhal, but a note
gives thename as PamhaL The Mardsidu-l TttiW has both Eamhal
and Mamhal, giving Biladurf as authority for the latter. Careless
writing and the omission of sometimes of one, sometimes of two
points, will account for the various readings of Famhal, Kdmhal,
and Mamhal, and taking this view of the question, Kamhal would
1 Compare, Chaoh-ndma, MS. pp. 39, 41, 49, 66, 144, 195, 200. Beg-Zar-ndma
MS. p. 73. Tiihfatit-l Kirdm, MS. p. 143. Captain McMurdo, Journal of the
Boyal As. Soc, Vol. I. p. 24, 30, 247. Lient. Burton, Sindh, pp. 314-317, 338-342.


appear to be the best reading. Looking, however, at its reported

position, at two -thirds of the distance between Mansura and Kam-
bajya, it would appear to answer to Anhalwara, and, if so, Istakhrf's
solitary reading " Amhal" is right. Wara is a common noim, sig-

nifying "field."'


The name of this place frequently occurs during the early period
of Arab connection with Sind; but neither its orthography nor
position can be establisihed with certainty. The Chach-ndma, in
dififerent passages, calls it Armael, Armana-bfl, ArmapiUa, and
Axmdbel (p. 157). The Futi,hu-l bulddn has Armafl; which M.
Keinaud reads Armayl, but considers the true reading to be Arma-
byl, for the reason given in the note.' Ibn Khurdddba and Istakhri
write Annabil (pp. 14, 29) ; Ibn Haukal according to the AskMlu-l
Bildd has Armail (p. 34), and Armdbfl (p. 38), GUdemeister, his
translator, reads it as Arml,il, and suggests ArmabU. as preferable.'
The Nvhian Geographer has Armfyael and Armayfl, which his trans-
lator gives as Ermaiil (p. 77 note). The translator of Idrisi has the
same (pp. 77 and 80). Abu-1 Fida, with his usual pretensions to
accuracy, pronounces it Armabil. The Mardsidu-l Ittild' has Arma-fl.
Ouseley prefers Armaiel. An old and rare Persian lexicon writes
it as Armabal.* The I\chfaiu-l Kirdm has Armanbila, Armanpela,
or some similar name. It is not entered in any modem map which
I have seen, except that in Eees' Gyelbpcedia, where it receives the
name of Ermajil, evidently derived from the m,ap in the French or
Dutch editicai of Abbe Prevost's Histoire Ginirale des Foyages, Vol.
XV., where it bears the same name, and is apparently set down from
the statement of the Nubian Geographer. It is not in Ouseley's

small map, prefixed to his Epiiorm of the Aneient Misiory of Persia,

which, however, includes some other names given only by the Arab
> [Eitter, v. 660.]
' ArmiHyl sont peut-ltre I'^quivalent de Ccmd de Abyl, Arm de Abyl.
Cand&byl et
Dans Atyt serait le nom primitif de la province. En effet, Ales-
cette hypothfese
takhry et Ibn-Haucal s'accordent dire que Abyl, ou un mot approohant, sert k

designer un pensonnage qui jadis regna sur le pays et lui donna son non. Fragmenta,
p. 192.
Gildemeister, de rebmlndicit, pp. 177 and 178. * Fai-hang-i Ibruhimshdkl.

With respect to its locality, we read of Chacli's going to it on his

way from the Indus to Makran, and his finding there a governor on
the part of the late ruler of Sind ; and -we also read of Muhammad
Kasim capturing it on his way from Makrdn to Debal (pp. 119, 161
and 157). Istakhri and Ibn Haukal speak of it as being in the pro-
vince of Makran, and six; days' journey from Kfz, our modem Kedge.
The other Arab geographers, as usual, follow these authorities.
Combining all these several names and statements together, I am
disposed to consider that Arm^-bel is the ancient and correct read-
ing ; and that its name is partly preserved in, while its position cor-
responds with, the modern Bela, the capital of the province of Las.
It is placed on a considerable eminience a strong and rocky site on
the northern bank of the Puralf (the Arabis of the ancients) j and,
though it is now partly surrounded by a sorry mud wall, and con-
tains only about 300 houses, there are old Muhammadan sepulchres
and other vestages of antiquity in its neighbourhood, especially about
five miles to the westward, which seem to indicate its greater im-
portance at some former period. Coins, trinkets, and fanereal jars
are occasionally found there ; and in the nearest point of the con-
tiguous hills, separating the province of Las from the old town of
Jhow, numerous caves and rock-temples exist, ascribed by tradition
to Faxhad and the fairies, but which have been considered by an
observant traveller to be the earthly resting abodes of the former
chiefs, or governors, of the province.'
What adds mudi to the probability of this identification is, that
Bela is mentioned in the native histories, not simply as Bela,, but as
Kdra-Bela ; showing that it has been usual to prefix another name,
which is now dropped in ordinary converse.

Ashalanda. Uchh.Alexandria.

The Askalanda, Asal-kanda, and Askalandra of the Chaoh-nama

is the same as the Askaland and 'Askaland-Usa of the Mujmalu-t
TawdriM, and the Askandra and Askanda of the Ikih/atii-l JSwdm.
The close correspondence of name, especially in the last instance,
induces us at once to recognise it as identical with the Alexandria
built at the confluence of the Aoesines with the Indus ; but a Httle
^ Massan'g Journey to KaUt, p. 305 ; see also his Travels in Balochistan, etc.,
Vol, II, p. 28,


examination will show this resemblajice to be more specious than


The ancient kingdom of Sind was divided in four Satrapies, of

which the third (v. stepra, p. 138) comprised the fort of Askalanda
and Maibar," " which are also called Talwara and Chachpur." It is

evident, from the description of the other Satrapies, that this one
contained the whole tract north-east of Alor, and south-east of the
Panjnad and Ghara ; almost precisely the same, in short, as the pre-
sent Daudputra country. Now Mafbar and Chachpur still exist,

under the modernised names of Mirbar and Chachar, close together

at the very junction of the Acesines and Indus, on the eastern side
of the river, opposite to Mittankot ; and in them, therefore, we
should have to look for Alexandria, if, which is not probable, it was
on the left bank of the Indus. Consequently, Askalanda must have
been higher up the river, as subsequent passages will show.
In the time of Chach (p. 141), the governor of Pabiya " south of
the river Bias," fled to Askalanda, which, therefore, was not likely
to have been far from, or across, that river. Again, some years
after, (pp. 202, 203), we find Muhammad Kasim breaking up his
camp at Pabiya,' " on the southern bank of the Bias," to go to Aska-
landa. It is not expressly mentioned that he crossed that river, and
we may presume, therefore, that he did not. Nowhere else do we
find any iadication of its position ; but, as will be seen in the note
upon the Meds, it was the capital when Jayadratha and Dassal
ruled in Sind.
Its proximity to the Bias and its name of Askaland-lTsfl* lead us
to regard it as the IJchh of more modem times. That place bears
marks of the most undoubted antiquity, and the absence of all men-
tion of it in the Chach-ndma where we are, both in the time of Chach
and Muhammad Kasim, introduced to many transactions in its

That Askaland is a corruption of Alexandria, seems probable, from the

Balkh and Tulhkrist5,n assigned to the Askalkand, Sikilkand,
peculiar position in

and Saklakand of the Arabian geographers. Abu-1 Fida, Geog., p. 473. Juynboll,
Mardsidu-l IttiUH, Vol. II. p. 40.
[" Maibar" is the reading of Sir H. Elliot's MS. in this passage, but " P&biya"

is the more general spelling. See supra, p. 138, 140.]

3 [The text has " Y&biba," hut P&biya must be meant.]

* [It is Tery doubtful if XTsa is reaUy part of the name. See note in p. 109.]


neighbottrhood, can only be accounted for on the supposition that it

is disguised under some other appellation.

It has been supposed, indeed, that the name of the Oxydraose is

derived from this old town of TJchh, but their position, according to
Strabo and Arrian, appears rather to have been on the western side
of the Acesines ; and it is a curious coincidence that, in that direc-

tion also, there is another ancient ITchh, now in ruins, near the
junction of the Hydaspes with that river, which offers a far more
probable identification, and allows us, moreover, to assign to the
Ossadii, instead of the Oxydraoas, the ITchh, or Askaland-Usa, near
the junction of the Hyphasis with the Acesines. The name of the
Oxydrac* assumes various forms in different authors. Sydracce in
Strabo, Syracousie in Diodorus, Scydroi, Scothroi, and Scythroi in
Dionysius, Sydraci in Pliny, Sygambri in Justin, and Oxydracx in
Strabo, Arrian, Curtius, Stephanus, and others; but ia no author
are they confounded with the Ossadii, which constituted a separate
tribe, acting entirely independent of the OxydraccB.
It is certain that neither the upper nor lower Alexandria was
built near the present ITchh. So cursorily, indeed, does Arrian
notice the confluence near that spot, that Major Eennell and Dr.
Vincent carry the Hyphasis direct into the Indus, without bringing
it first into the Acesines. Nevertheless, although Alexander may
himself have raised no city there, we might still be disposed to
admit that the celebrity of his power and conquests may have given
rise to the name of Askaland, or Askandra, did we not reflect that,
if we are to put any trust in the chronology of the Mujmalu-t Ta-
wdr'ikh, the name must have preceded the invasion of the Grecian
conqueror, and cannot therefore, independent of the other reasons
above mentioned, be connected with it.^

[This name occurs ia the list of the cities of Sind as given by
' Diod. Sic. Biblioth Sist. xvii. 102. ; Arrian, Anab. vi. 14, 15 ; Strabo, Geog.,
IV. Tauchnitz, III. 252, 273; Q. Curtius, De gest.Al, ix. 16, 31. Fragments
Arabes et Tersans, pp. 27, 47 ; Tuhfatn-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 16, 17 ; Journ. S. As.
Soc, Tol. I. p. 31 ; Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus, pp. 133-135 ; Droysen, Geschiohte
Alex., p. 446 ; Eitter, Askn, Vol. IV. pt. 1, p. 471 ; Mannert, Geog. der Griechen
und SStner, Yol. Y. Lassen, Zeitschrift f. d. Kmide d. Morgenl.,yol.Jll.-p.l^%,
and Ind. Alterth., Vol. I. Miiller, Fragmenta Sist. Orcec, Vol. II.p. 416 ; Schwan-
beck, Megasthenis Fragmenta, p. 33.

Istakhrf (p. 27), and tho Ashkalu^l BUdd of Ibn Haukal (p. 34), but
no description is given of the place. Idrisi says that it is a small
but pleasant place, about three days' journey from Mansura on the
road to Mamhal, and so it is laid down in the maps of Istakhri and
the Ashkdlu-l Bildd. It is not mentioned by Abu-1 Fida, nor in the
Marasidu-l Ittild'. The BMti mentioned by Biruni at page 61, and
the Bdtiya in the Chach-ndma (p. 174), are probably variant spel-
lings of the same name.J

Bhambur. Barharike.
Bhambura, or Bhambur, is not named in our oldest works on
Sind ; but it is mentioned in a modem native historian as having
been captured during the EhaUfat of Hariiau-r Bashid. It is the
scene of many legendary stories of Sind ; and, according to one of
them, owes its destruction in a single night to the divine wrath
which drew down upon it. Its ruins skirt the water's
its ruler's sins

edge for about a quarter of a mile, and cover a low hill almost sur-
rounded by a plain of sand, a little to the right of the road from
Karachi to Ghdra, and about two miles from the latter place. There
are evident marks of its having been at one time flourishing and
populous; and even now, after heavy rains, coins, ornaments, and
broken vessels are found among the debris of the fort.

Coupling these manifest signs of antiquity, with the fact that the
natives commonly considered Bhambur as the oldest port in Sind,
and that the legend at page 332) proves its connection with the
main stream of the Indus, it may possibly represent the Barbarik
Emporium of the Periplus, and the Barbari of Ptolemy ; the easy
conversion from the native Bhambur into the more familiar Barbari
being a highly probable result of the wanton mispronunciation to
which the Greeks were so mudi
But opposed to this is
the statement of Arrian, that Barbarike was on the centre stream of
the Delta, which would make L^horf-bandar its more likely repre-
sentative. Perhaps in Arrian's time there may have been direct
communication between the main channel and Bhambur.'

' Arrian, Feriplta maris Eryth., pp. 22, 24 ; Ptolemy, Oeogr. lib. viu c. ; Capt.
McMurdo, Journ. E. A. S., Vol. I. p. 25 ; Lt. Buitou, Sindh, p. 389 ; Tuhfatu-f
Zirdm, MS. pp. 19, 166, 231.

Brdhmandbdd. Mansura.Mahfuza.
In the time of the native dynaistles which preceded the Arabs, the
capital ofLower Siiid was BrahmanaMd.
[The old name of the place, according to Biruni, was Bahmanu or
Bahmanwa. The Ashkdlu-l Bildd calls it Bamiwan (p. 34), but
Ibn Haukal gives the name as " Tamframan" according to Gilde-
meister, and " Mamiwan" according to Major Anderson. Idrisl has

Mirman (p. 78), but this is obviously a blunder. In the Chaeh-nama,

the name is written Baln-wah, and in the TdriM-i Tdhiri, Pain-wah.
It is probably the Bhambarawah of the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 332).

Captain McMurdo writes it Bdhtnana, and Briggs Bamunwasy." '] '

Under its immediate government were included Nirun, Debal,

the country of the Lohanas, the Lakhas, and the Sammas, and the
whole southern coast. Its position, therefore, was one of great im-
poTtance, and as its ruin is comparatively modem, it is surprising
that so much doubt should exist with respect to its locality.

Various positions have been assigned to Brahman5,bad. The

Aifin-i Ahha/ri says the fort had 1400 bastions, and that "to this day
there are considerable vestiges of this fortification;"' but it is not
said in what direction, or on which side of the river, it lay ; but the
mention of th bastions would seem to point out that Kalakot was
probably indicated. In a passage in the Beg-Ldr-ndma, mention is

made of " a place called Matahila, near^the fortress of Brahmanabad,

twenty hoi distant from Nasrpur" (MS. p. 80). Dr. Vincent says it

was within four miles of Thatta, and corresponded with Pattala,'

concurring in this with D'Anville and Eennell.

Capt. McMurdo fixes it on the Puran, afterwards called Loh^na
Dary^, but it is not quite plain what he means by the Lohana Daryd.*
He, alt any rate, altogether repudiates Thatta and Kalakot, and we
must look for his Brahmanabdd near Nasrpfir. " It was situated on

the Lohdna Darya, at a short distance from where it from

the Puran." Again, " On or near tiie Puran river, in what was sab-
' [Ante p. 34, 61, 189 Biriini's Kdnim, quoted by Thomas in Prinsep, Vol. II.

p. 120; Eeinaud, Fragments, pp. 41, 113; Mem. aur I'Inde, p. 61; Jour. It. A. S.
I. 27 Fii'ishta, It. 406
; Gildemeister, de reius Ind. 1 64 ; J. A. S. Beng. xxi. p. fiO.]

' Gladwin's Ayeen Akberee, Vol. H. p. IIS,

' Commerce and Naviffatien cf the Ancient'., Vol. I. p. 168,
* [Tie Falaill river in all probability.]

TOL. I. 24

sequently called tlie Shahdadpur Pergana. Bahmana -was afterwards

called Dlbal Kangara." ' Dr. Bumes fixes it at Kalakot," and so does
Sir A. Bumes.' Capt. Postans says Bhambura, mentioning at the same
time native tradition in favour of Khudabad, a little above Haidarabad.*
There seems no reason to conclude that the Brahmanabad, or
Bahmanabdd, of which we are treating, was founded by the Persian
king, Bahman, upon his invasion of Sind. His city is expressly
said to have been built in the province of Budha,' which never
extended so far as the Indus. Nor is it probable that, had he built
a city on the Indus, he would have done so on the eastern, rather
than on the western, bank of that river. The fact is, that Bahmand-
bad is a mere abbreviated form of Brahmanabad ; and is still a very
common mode of elision throughout Western India and the Dekhin,
where Brdhman, in common parlance, is usually converted into
Though the Chack-ndma does not anywhere expressly point out
where Brahmanabad was situated, we are at any rate assured, from
several passages, that it was on the eastern side of the Indus, and
this alone is sufficient to show that the speculations which have
been raised, respecting the identity of Kalakot and Thatta with that
old capital, rest upon no solid foundation.
We may fairly consider, in general terms, that Bralunandbad,
after being intermediately i^succeeded by the Arab capital Mansura,
is now represented by the modern Haidarabad ; and although it may
not have been upon the identical spot occupied by the modem
capital, it was at least within the island, or peninsula, formed by
the Falaili and the main stream of the Indus, from which the former
seems to have diverged in old days at a point higher than at pre-
sent. Matarf, indeed, would seem to be the most probable site
of the city, with reference to the quotation given above from the
Beg-Lar-ndma. To fix it higher up, as at Khudabad or Hdia, would
take it too far from Mansura, which we have next to consider.
Biladuri tells us that old Brahmanabad was about two paxasangs
distant from Mansura, which, in the time of Muhammad Kasim, waa
> Journal R. A. Soc, Vol. I, pp. 23-8, 30, 38, 232.
' Visit to the Court of Sinde, p. 133.
Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. p. Z\.rJournal JR. A. Soc, Vol. I. p, 210.
^Personal Observations on Sindh, p. 161 and 163. Svpra, p. 106.


occupied by a foresti (p. 122). When we consider the space which

is always coYered by the sites of old Indian towns, from the strag-
gling mode of their erection, we are authorized to conclude- that a
large portion of Brahmanabad was included in Mansura, and that,
in point of fact, the two sites are identical. The position of Haida-
rabad, upon a ridge of Hmestone hills about eighty feet high, must,
from the first, have pointed out that site as a commanding one for a
capital, and it has probably ever been thus occupied, by suc-
cessive towns, from the first dawn of Sindian civilization. It is,

indeed, on the site of Brahmanabad that D'AnviUe would place the

earlier Minagara, in which he is followed by Eeinaud.'
The 'Ajdibu-l MakhliiMt says that Nasrpur was built on the site

of Mansura, and the same opinion is expressed by D'AnviUe,^ and

accredited by the local information of Capt. McMurdo. Tieflen-
thaler,* Vincent,' Eennell," Tod,' and G-ildemeister,' misled by the
mistake of Abu-1 Fazl,' fix Mansura at Bhakkar. M. Eeinaud con-
siders the testimony of Bil4duri, Mas'udi, Istakhri, Ibn Haukal, and
Al Biriinf to bear out D'Anville entirely in his position of Nasrpur .

but the mere fact that all the geogi'aphers agree m representing a
branch of the Indus as flowing by Mansura, is quite sufficient to
dislodge Nasrpur, which is twelve miles from the nearest point of
the river.
Biladurf tells us that, after Hakim had built Mahfuza on the
Indian side of the lake,
body f water, whatever it may have
^his successor 'Amru built Mansura on this (the western)

side, and established it as the capital. M. Eeinaud says, " Mahfuza

was built in the neighbourhood of the capital (Brahmanabad), on
the other side of a lake fed by the waters of the Indus." I do not
find on what authority this is stated. Mansura was, indeed, two

' De Gnigncs, Notices et Extr., Tom.. I. p. 10 Golius ad Alfragan., p. 93.

' Eclairciaaemtnts &eographiques, p. 37 ; Antiquiti Qiogr., p. 35. Mim. sur
rinde, p. 61.
' Antiq, de VInde. ' Qeogr. Sesohr, von Sindotian, Vol. I. p. 81.
' Gomm. andNav. of the Aneimts, Vol. I. p. 145. Memoir, p. 185.
' AnnaU of Rajasthm, Vol. II. pp. 310, 338. o De reb. Ind., p. 21.
Gladwia's Ayeen Akieree, Vol. H. p. 112.
' [Supra, p. 126.] AUusion seems to be made to the Phitto, now dry, tlie Falaili,
and other streams, which, during the inundation, leaye the main stream between
Hftla and Haidar&b&.d,


parasangs from Brahmanabad, and M. Eeinaud is right ia stating

that these two latter names were often used the one for the other,'
for they are so combined and converted both by Ibn Hankal and
Biruni ;
' but beyond the announcement that Mahfuza was on the
eastern side of the hahaira (lake, marsh, or inimdation of the Indus),
and Mansura on the western, we have nothing which indicates the

true position of Mahfuza.

It appears to me that Mahfuza, and not Mansura, is represented
by Nasrpur. Indeed, independent of the position with reference to
the eastern and western side of the stream above mentioned, it is

worthy of remark, that the meaning of the two names is the same
both signifying " the protected, the abode of refuge." The identity,
or resemblance of name, therefore, would be as much in favour of
Mahfuza as Mansura.
Nasrpur, which modern authorities universally spell as Nasirpur,
was built, or rather re-constructed, on the river Sankra, by Amir
Nasr, who V7as detached by SultAn JPi'roz Shah for that purpose, with
a thousand cavalry, in 751 a.h., 1350 a.d. Nasrpur was sub-
sequently the favourite residence of the Tarkhans, and was greatly
embellished by them during their brief rule.'

It being shown above that Mansura is nearly identical with

Brahmanabad, it remains to prove that both are not far distant from
the modem capital of Haidarabad.
Among the reasons for considering Mansura to be identical with
Haidardbdd, is the position assigned to it by Istakhri and Ibn
Haukal, who describe it as being " a mile long and a mile broad,
and surrounded by a branch of the Indus." This is the mode in
which it is also described by Kazwini. Notwithstanding this, it

is laid down in the map of the Ashkdlu-l Bildd} as being situated on

the main stream. Istakhri's map rightly locates it on the branch, but
Ibn Haukals' map, as printed by Major Anderson,' places it about
midway between the two. The island, to be sure, is out of all pro-
' Mas'iidi ascribes Mans6ra to Mansvjr, son of Jamhdr; Al Birfiul, to Muhammad
K^im ; but Biladuri is the best authority, and he ascribes it to 'Amri3, the son of
Md. 'Kima.Memoire sur VInde, pp. 193, 298.
\Supra, p. 34-61 i)e)-*. Ind^ pp. 18, 19, 164.] See also Goliusad .^//ra^oH.,
ei Hamza, p. 93. ' Tuhjaiu-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 27, 139.
* [Supra, p. 33.]i) reim Ltd. pp. 166, 215. J. A. S. Beng. xxi. p. 49.

portion large, but its position necessarily identifies it -with, that

which is formed by the Fajailf and the Indus, and the space
which the town is represented to have occupied is exactly that
which constitutes the limestone ridge on which Haidarabad is built

The distances laid down also by Ibn Haukal are, -with one excep-
tion sufficiently correct. Thus, from Mansura to Debal is six days'
journey, which is exact, on the supposition that Debal, as elsewhere
shown, is Karachi, From. Mansura to Turan is fifteen days' journey,
which, also agrees well enough with Haidardbad. From Maaasura to
Kandabel (Ganddva) is eight days' journey, which also agrees very
well. " He who travels from Mansura to Bndha must go along the
banks of the Indus as far as Sihwan," which shows Mansura to be
close on the Indus, as, indeed, it is elsewhere expressly declared to
be, and not so far removed as Nasrpiir, From Mansura to Oambay
is twelve days' joiirney. Here the distances are long, but the desert
must have made continuous travelling indispensable, as the halting

places were necessarily reduced to the smallest possible number.

The widest departure from the ordinary distance is that between
Mansura and Multan, which is set down by Ibn Haukal at only
twelve days' journey. This is very rapid, considering that about
four hundred miles separate them, requiring an average of thirty-
three miles a day. Biifc though the average be high, it is certainly
not beyond the means of conveyance wherfe camels are abundant, as
in Sind.
Biruni lays down the distance at fifteen parasangs from Multan to
Bhati, another fifteen from Bhati to Alor, and twenty from Alor to
Mansura making the entire distance only fifty parasangs from

Multan to Mansura j while, ai the same time, he gives it as thirty

parasangs from Mansura to Loharani Bandar (p. 61). There is here

also a surprising abridgTnent of the former distance, which, may
perhaps be accounted for by considering the frontier to be' reckoned
from in one instance, and the capital in the other. StiU, such an
error or inconsistency in a space so frequently traversed, is not
easily accounted for, occurring as it does in two sueh trustworthy
authorities as Ibn Haukal and Biruni ; and it would have been
satisfactory to find some more plausible solution. Mas'udi, with a
much nearer approach to correctness, gives the distance as seventy-


five parasangs between Multan and Mansiira, and his statement may
be considered a sufficient corrective of the other geographers (p. 24).
It may be proper to add, that none of these ancient places,
mentioned in this and other Notes, have sites assigned to them
in any modern maps. Bumes, Wieland, Vivien de St. Martin,
Berghaus, Zimmermann, all reject them. D'Avezac enters some, but
all erroneously, except Debal, at least, according to the principles
above enunciated. Even Kiepert, in his valuable Kwrte von AU-
Indien, Berlin, 1853, drawn up for the illustration of Professor
Lassen's Indisohe AUerthumskunde, enters only Brahmanabad; and
that he places on the right bank of the presumed ancient course of
the Sindhu, which he has laid down as flowing fax to the eastward
of the present Indus. As he has admitted other names more modem
than these, he should not have ignored them all.
[Since the death of Sir H. Elliot the remains of a buried city,
supposed to be the ancient Brahmanabad, have been discovered and
explored by Mr. A. P. BeUasis, of the Bombay Civil Service. The
exact position of the riiins is stated to be forty-seven miles north-
east of Haidarabad, and if their investigator is right in believing
them to be the ruins of Brahmanabad, the question of the position

of that city is put at .rest. The identification has presumption in its

favour, though it has not yet been satisfactorily proved; and one
circumstance is strongly against it :
Large numbers of coins were
discovered the ruins; but the great bulk of these were
Muhammadan, and the few Hindu coins that were brought to light
" seem to be casual contributions from other provinces, of no very

marked uniformity or striking age.'' Were the ruins those of an

old Hindu Hindu coins of a distinct character would probably

have been found. The coins discovered were those of Mansur bin
Jamhur, Abdu-r Bahman, Muhammad 'Abdu-ll^h and Umar (see
ivjara, p. 127).']

Debal. Karachi Thatta.Ldhori Bandar.

It is strange that the site of a port once so noted as Debsd should
now be left to vague conjecture ; but amongst the fluctuating channela
of the Sindian Delta we must rest content with mere surmises.
' {lUustraUd London Newi, Feb. 21, 28, 1867.-Thomas' Prinsep, II. 119.]


Some of the various opinions entertained upon the question of its

locality may be here noticed. Native authorities seem decidedly in

favour of considering Thatta to represent Debal, following generally
the text of Firishta.' Mir Ma'siim ignorantly obsez-ves that Debal
is Thatta and, Lahorf Bandar.^ Abii-l Tazl is equally inexact, or
rather more so.' Idrisi {supra, p. 77) and the Arabian geographers
having determined that Debal was six stations from the mouth of
the Indus, Thatta was necessarily the only site which could be

Modern authors have also for the most part inclined to Thatta,
including De la Eochette and EenneU. McMurdo, while he
says that Thatta is still known to the Arabs by the name of Debal
alone, shows that the latter must have been a seaport.* Sir A.
Bumes says, also, that Thatta is called by the Arabs Dewal Sindy,'
and himself assigns Kalankot as its position.' Lieut. Burton says,
we are certain that the modem Thatta occupies the ground of the
ancient Dewal, as the Arabs and Persians know it by no other
name, Shal-i Debali stUl being used to mean a shawl of Thatta
D'Anville more correctly establishes it on one of the mouths of
the Indus ;
and some others, resigning Thatta, have assigned other
localities to Debal. M. Eeinaud inclines to the neighbourhood of

Karachi ;
" and so does Elphinstone."" Dr. Burnes says it occupied a
site between Karachi and Thatta, in which he foUows Mr. Nathaniel
Crow," one of the first of our modem enquirers in Sind, who
combined much discrimination with ample opportunities of local
But there can be no question that Debal was on, or close to, the

sea-coast ; with which the distant inland position of Thatta is by no

means correspondent. Tor my own part, I entertain little doubt
that Karachi itself represents the site of Debal. The very name of

Briggs, Eistory, etc., Vol. IV. p. 404. ' Tdrii)i-i Sintl, MS. pp. 2, 8.
Ayeen AhUree, Vol. II. p. 116. * Journ. li. A. Soc, Vol. I. pp. 29, 234,
Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. p. 31.
CMool, p. 17. ' Sindh, p. Sid. Unhappy Valley, Vol. I. p. 128.
Antiq. de VInde, p. 34. Mimoire tur I'Inde, p. 170.

10 Dewal iraa probably somewhere near Kar&cM." Uistmy of India, Vol. I.

p. fi07.
" Visit to the Court of Sinde, p. 133 and 162.


Debal, or rather Dewal, " the temple," was doubtless aequired from
the conspicuous position which that object must have occupied from
the sea ; where it was calcidated to attract the gaze and reverence of
the passing mariner, like its fellow shrines of Dwaraka and Somnat
and as there is no other so eligible and commanding a spot along the
whole coast of Sind, from Cape Monze to Kotesar, it is highly
probable that the promontory on which fort Manora now stands is
the identical site occupied by the celebrated temple which gave name
to the port of Debal,' and which, as being the Palladium of its

security, was the chief object of attack to the catapults which had
been brought round by the sea to effect its destruction.'

The following may be mentioned amongst the reasons why Debal

cannot possibly have been Thatta, and which incline us to view
Karachi with favour :

The Sarandi'p vessels were, in their distress, driven to " the shore

of Debal" (p. 118).' It could not, therefore, have been an inland

town like Thatta, fifty miles from the nearest point of the sea, and
one hmidred miles by any of the tortuous channels of the Delta.
The pirates who attacked them were " dwellers at Debal, of the
tribe which they call Tangamara." Now, these Tangamaras we
know to have occupied the sea-coast from Karachi to Lahori Bandar,
and to be the popular heroes of several local tales especially their

Kdna 'Ubaid, who lived even as late as the year 1000 a.h.
(1591 A.D.).*

BUadurf also speaks of "the Bay of Debal" (p. 116), and of the
shipswhich had been despatched from the Persian Gulf, arriving at
Debal with soldiers and mangonels (p. 120). Elphinstone considers
this latter fact as decisive against Thatta ;
* but too much may be
built on this argument, for, subsequently, we find these same
mangonels carried by watr even to Nairun.
Ibn Haukal says, Debal is a " large port on the shore of the sea,

' The budd, or temple, was contiguous to the town of Debal, not within it, (see

p. 120).
> It ia worthy of remark that Manora ia the name of one of the celebrated Bud-
dhist patriarchs. Abel-Remusat writes it "Manura." M. Stanislas Julien "Manorata;"
[or Sanskrit Manoratha.']
Milanget Asiatiquei, Tom. I p. 1 15. Indiache A Iterthum-

ikunde, Vol. 11. Beil ii. 2. Chach-ndma, MS. p. 83.

* Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 134. BUtoryof India, Vol. I. p. 607.


ihe emporium of this and the neighbouring regions. It lies to the

west of the Mihran,' and has no large trees or date-palms" (p. 37).
It is indeed a place of great sterility, and only occupied on account
of its trade. Nothing can be more decisive against the fertile
Thatta., and in favour of the barren Karachi.
Again, from Debal to Mansura is six stages, which, on the sup-
position that the latter, as elsewhere shown, is Haidarabad, would
not suit Thatta in any respect, but exactly suits Karachi.
The Mardsidu-l Ittild says Debal [or Daihul, as it writes the name
in Arabic fashion] is a celebrated city " on the shore of the sea of
Hind, an emporium where the rivers of Lahore and Multan dis-

charge themselves into the salt sea.''

Further quotations need not be added to show that Debal was on

the sea-coast, and could not have been so far inland as Thatta, or
even Lahori Bandar, which, however, is the next most probable site
after Karachi.

L4hori Bandar, or Larf Bandar, succeeded Debal as the sea-port of

the Indus, and is first named by Birunf but Debal had ; evidently
maintained its position down to the time of Jalalu-d din's incursion
into Sind, in 1221 a.d. It will appear, afterwards, from the
extracts taken from the JaMn-kushdi, that the Sultan conducted
himself with the greatest severity towards the people of that port,
for he plundered the country, and as he erected a mosque opposite
to a Hindu temple, during his short stay there, it is evident that the
place wns considered then to be of sufficient consequence to be'
insulted in the wantonness of his fanaticism.
In Tbn Batuta's time, about a century latter (1333 a.d.), we have
no mention of Debal, which seems then to have been superseded
entirely by Lahori Bandar.
Ldhori has itself been taken to be Debal. The Tuh/atu-i kirdm,
indeed, distinctly asserts that " what is now Bandar Ldhon' was in
former times called Bandar Debal "
but its^authority is not to be
rated high in such matters,' and while, confessedly, there are some

> Gildemeister reads " east," but the Ashkdlu-l Sildd and Istakliri must b^ correct
in giring "west." De rebus Indicts, pp. 170, 178, 179. See Mimoire sur I'Inde,
p. 170. ' Juynboll, Lexicon ffeographicum, Vol. I. p. 421.
' T. Kirdm, MS. p. 234. This may mean merely "the port connected with Debal,"
ecause at p. 1 we read, " Debal isnow called Thatta."


points slightly in favour of its being Debal, there are others which
are decisive against it. It is itself fifteen miles from the shore of
the sea : it has no bay: and a passage in Bfruni is very conclusive :

where, after saying that the gulf of Turan (the present bay of Sun-
miani) lies between Tiz and Debal, he adds, that beyond the gulf of
Tiiran are the small and great mouths (of the Lidus), the one near
the town of Loharani, the other to the east, on the borders of
Kachh. The country (between them) bears the name of Sind
Sagara, or the sea of Sind (pp. 49. 65).^ Loharanf (Lahori) is here
mentioned as quite distinct from Debal, and was then evidently only
just rising into importance,
Ibn Batuta calls the place "Lahiriya" or "Lahari"' ^but it

generally goes now by the name of Lahorf, probably from its pre-
sumed connection with Lahore. Its ruin and abandonment have
now given a greater prominence to the port of Dharaja, which lies

a little to the east of Lahorf.

The original name was most likely Lari, being so called after Lar,
the local name of the southern portion of the province of Sind.
The najne of Lar had once a very great extension on these southern
coasts, ^for Ptolemy and the Periplus both mention Guzerat under
the name of Larioe ;
' and Birunf and Abu-1 Fida place Somnat, and
even Tana, in or on the borders of the province of Lar (sM^ro,
p. 61).*The merchant Sulaiman, also, calls the gulf of Cambay and
the waters which wash the Malabar coast " the seas of Lar " ' and :

Mas'udi says, that " at Saimur, Subara, Tana and other towns a
language called Lariya is spoken," so that, it seems not unreason-
able to suppose that Lari Bandar was the original form under which
this port was first known.
' Fragments Arahes, pp. 113, 119.
' Kosegarten, de Mohammede ebn Batuta, p. 17. Defr^mery, Paris, 1866.
" Lassen, Zeitschrift f. d. h. d. Morgml. Vol, I. p. 227.
D'Auville, Eclaireitae-

menta aur la Carte de I'Jnde, pp. 69, 75. Tod, Western India, pp. 187-9, 266.
* Fragments Arabea, p.
H2. Gildemeister, De rebus Indicia, pp. 186, 188.
Mem.sur PInde, pp. 200, 298.
' [The Ldta-desa of Sanskrit geography, and the Larice of Ptolemy and the

Periplus, is the country about the gulf of Cambay and the mouth of the Kerbudda.
The Arab geographers agree, also, upon this locality. It is Tery questionable if that
term is susceptible of the extension which Sir H. Elliot here seeks to give it. The
Lar of Sind would rather seem to be a distinct name. See McMurdo, Jour. E, A. S.
I. 224. ; Hwen Tsang III. 409.]


Hdla-kandi. The Hellenes. Pindus,

The ruins of old Hala, or Hala-kandi, on the Indus, thirty miles
above Haidarabad, lie to the south-east of the present site. Had its

name appeared in the CJiaoh-ndma, we might have ascribed its foun-

dation to the Eaja Hal, mentioned in p. 106. Tod names a later
prince of the Samma family as the founder.'
It is probable that the designation of the Hala range of mountains
has a similar origin, for we nowhere
them mentioned in any find
early work; but such a very modem attribution would scarcely
satisfy a late writer, who sees in them the cradle of the great

Hellenic race :

" The land of Hellas, a name so dear to civilization and the arts, was so called
from the magnificent range of heights situated in Beloochistan, styled the Hela '

mountains. * The chiefs of this country were called ' Helaines,' or the
'chiefs of the Hela.' "

He gives as a motto to this fanciful chapter on the Hellenes, the

following lines from the fragments of Hesiod :

*'EAA7J'0s S' 'eyevoyro defutTr6iro\oi Ba(ri\7jes

Aup6^ T6, UovOSs T, kSi Aio\os *ivTrioxdpft7js.
Chiefs of the war-car, guards of holy Eight,
Dorus and ^olus, and Zuthus' might
From Hellen sprang.

As he conceives ^olus to represent the Haiya tribe of Eajptits, it is

surprising that he disregards the more obvious resemblance of Dorua
and Zuthus to the mighty Dors and the energetic Zats ;
^the former
now nearly extinct, the latter now better known as the wide-spread

Another mountain range in the same neighbourhood is even stiU

more tinduly exalted, in a mode which sets all true relations of

time, space, position, and language, at complete defiance.

" I would now direct the reader's attention to the most salient feature in the land
of Hellas. The mountain chain of Pindus, traversing a considerable portion of
Greece, and forming the boundary between Thessaly and Epirus, takes its name from
the PiND. Its present name is Pind Dadun Ehan * * * whence the Pind
or "Salt JRange" of Afghanistan was naturally transferred to a corresponding

' Travels in Western India, p. 474. Hal&r in Guzer&t is called after a Jhareja
prince of the same name.
' E. Pococke, India in Greece, p. 48: This is an unfair contortion, in order to suit
the etymology: the real spelling being Bdla, or, more correctly, Sdra; so that wa
have, unfortunately, nothing but the simple initial aspirate to support the grand
Hellenic hypothesis. See the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., pp. 130, 164.


remarkable feature in Greece. It is not a little reniarliablc, that in the latter country
the true Pindue * * * should give nearly the corresponding length of the
Pind in Afghanistan, viz., a distance of about sixty miles."

This elaborate super-structure is based on an utterly false assump-

tion. The salt range is not, and never was, called the Pind. Pind
is a common word Upper Panjab, signifying simply "a
in the
village," and recurs a hundred times over in that locality as Pind
Bhattiyan, Pind Malik Auly^, Pindi Ghaib, Edwal Pindi, etc., etc.
and so, Pind Dadan Khan merely means the "village of Dadan
Khan," and one, moreover, of modem erection. The word "Piad,"
indeed, has only lately been introduced into the Panjab long even
after the name of the celebrated Grecian mountain was itself con-
verted into the modern Agrapha.
The whole of this arrogant and dogmatical work is replete with
similar absurdities ; and yet the only notices it has received from
our Eeviewers are of a laudatory character. It is to be feared that
no English publication of late years will go so far as this to damage
our literary reputation in the eyes of continental scholars ; and it is

therefore to be regretted that it has not yet received the castigation

due to its ignorance and presumption.'

[About a mile, or half a parasang, from Multan was the castle or

fortified residence of the governor, which Istakhri calls Jandriad.

The AsKkalu-l Bilad, according to Sir H. Elliot, reads Chandrawar,
but the initial eh is at best suspicious in an Arabic work ; the map
has Jandriid. Gildemeister's Ibn Haukal has Jandrar, Jandar, and
Jandaruz ; and Idrvsi says Jandur. Ibn Haukal helps us to the
right reading when he says, the Jandaruz is a river, and the city of
Jandaruz stands on its banks. Immediately before this he had been
speaking of the river Sandaniz, which is evidently the Sind-nid, so
that we may at once conclude that the final syllable is the Persian
rkd (river). Sir H. Elliot, in a subsequent passage, supposes it to

' India in Greece, p. 82,

The author's credit stands on a false eminence, as being one of the Editors of the
reprint of the Encychpadia Metropolilana j and we find one of his really able colla-
horateurs lamenting, in his preface to the Sist. of Mom. Literature, that " the JSarly
History of Rome, promised by the author of that remartable work, India in Gi-teet)
should not have been available for these pages." [It must be remembered that these
animadrersions were written in 1853.]

derive its first syllable from the Arabic word Jand, a cantonmeBt or
military colofiy, in which case the name would signify the " can-
tonment on the river." But Hafiz Abru, in an extract which will
appear in Vol. IT., informs us that the river Chinab was called
" Jamd ; " the name of the placCj therefore, may have been Jamd-
rud. Multan itself is situated about three miles from the Chinab,
so that Jandrud, or Jamdriid, must have been, its port on that river.]

Kaikdndn. Kaikdn. Kdkars.

This name appears under the various aspects of Kaikanan, Kikan,
Kaikan, Eizkanan, Kabarkaaan and Kirkayan, the first being of
most frequent occurrence. Though so often mentioned, we can form
but a very general idea of its position.

The Ghaeh-ndma tells us that, under the Eaf dynasty, the Sindian
territory extended " as far to the north as the mountains of Kirdan'

and Kaikanan " 138). Again, the Arabs ^'marched in a.h. 38 to


Kaikanan, by way of Bahraj and Koh-paya," where, after some

partial successes, their progress was intercepted by the mountaineers
in their diffioiilt defiles, and in the end the Arabs sustained a com:-

plete defeat. One of the objects of these expedition* ?to Kaikanan,

which lasted for about twenty years, was to obtain hoi>seB from that
province, as they are represented to have been celeibrated for their
strength and proportions. The tract of Budh was .reacShed during
one of these incursions, and we find one of the Arab armies
returning from another incursion by way of Si'wistatj.^

Biladuri also mentions these expeditions, with some slight varia-

tions in the details ; and is the only author who adopts the spelling
of the Arabic Mf, and omits the last syllable, representing the
name as " Kikan," or " Kaikan " (p. 116), whereas the Ghach-ndma
prefers Kaikanan (p. 138). He says "it forms a portion of Sind in

the direction of Khurasan," and he speaks of " Turks " as its

inhabitants. In an important expedition directed against a tract of

country lying between Multan and Kabul, in a.h. 44, " Turks are
encountered in the country of Kaikan." In another, 'Abd-ulla
sends to Mua'wiya the "horses of Kaikan " (p. 117), which he had

' [This name may be read "Katwau," and the initial may be optionally G.I
2 MS. pp. 72-78.


taken amongst other spoil. In another, Asad attacks the Med8>

after -warring against Kaikdn (p. 117). In the year 221 h. BUadur^
speaks of a portion of Kaikan as occupied by Jats, whom 'Amran
defeated, and then established within their country the military
colony of Baiza (p. 128). On this occasion, the country was attacked
from the r5de of Sind, not from Makran, which will account for the
mention of the " Jats," instead of " Turks."
It may also be doubted if the Kabakanan (p. 39) or Kfzkanin of
Ibn Haukal refers to this tract, and yet it would be more difficult

to account for its total omission, if it do not. According- to them,

KaLkanin was in the district of Turan, and a city in which the
governor of Kusdar resided. This apparent discrepancy can only
be reconciled by supposing that there was both a province and town
of that name. They give us no further indication of its position,

except that the district of Atal is said to lie between Kaikanan and
Kandabel, ^which, of itself, attributes to it a much greater extension
to the north, than if it were a mere portion of Turan.*
The later Arab geographers follow these authorities, and add
nothing further to our information.
Abu-1 Fazl Baihaki mentions Kaikahan amongst the other pro-vinces
imder the authority of Mas'ud, the Ghaznivide ; and as Hind, Sind,
Nfmroz, Zabulistan, Kasdar, Makran, and Danistan are noticed
separately, it shows that Kaikahan was then considered a distinct

In Hwen Tsang's travels we have mention of the country of

Kikan, situated to the south of Kabul, which is evidently no other
than the province of which we are treating.'
Prom this time forward, we lose sight of the name, and are left to

conjecture where Kaikdnan was. Under all the circumstances of

the case, we may be justified in considering it so far to the east as to
include the Sulaimani range, which had not, up to a comparatively
late period, been dignified -with that name. As with respect to Asia,
and many other names of countries, so with respect to Kaikan&i,
the boundaries seem to have receded with the progress of discovery
and though, on its first mention, it does not appear to have extended

1 Gildemeister, <fo reim Indicia, pp. 164, 174, 177. ' Tdrikh-iMafiidi, MS.
3 Foe-tcoue-ki, p. 395 ; Hwen Tsang III. 18S, 414 Him.sur Flnde, p. 176.


beyond Shal and Mustung, yet, by the time of the Ghaznivides, we

are authorised to conclude that it reached, on the east, to the frontier
of Multan, and, on the south, to the hilly tract of Siwist&ti, above
the plains of Sind.
Under the present condition di Afghanistan it may be considered,
in general terms, as including the whole of the country occupied by
the Kakars. The 44 to the country between
expedition of a.h.
Multan and Kabul certaiinly shows that Kaikanan must have com-

prised the Sulaimanf range to the south of the Gumal; and the
celebrity of its horses would appear to point to a tract further to the
west, including Saharawan and .Mushkf, where horses, especially
those used on the plain of iMangachar, are still in great demand,
and whence they are often. sent for shipment to the coast.

There is no place extant which recalls the name of the old

province, except it be Kahan, which was perhaps included within
its south-eastern frontier. It is barely possible, also, that there may
be some connection between the name of the Kfikars and that of the
ancient province which they occupy. It will be observed above,
that Baihaki mentions a district of Danist&i, and the order in which
it occurs is "Kusdar, and Makran, and Danistan, and Kaikahan."
This implies contiguity between the several places thus named, and
it is, therefore, worthy of remark, that Dani is entered in all the
genealogical lists of the Afghans as the eldest son of Gharghasht,
the son of their great progenitor, Kais 'Abdu-r Eashid Pathan ; and
that Kakar, from whom the powerful tribe of that name is descended,
was himself the eldest son of Dani. Names change in the course of

ages, especially among people in a low stage of civilization ; and

it may perhaps be conceded that " Kakaran " and " Kaikah&i
would, under such circumstances, be no very violent and improbable

Kaj'urdha, Capital of Jajdhoti.

[_JS!ctract of General punningham's Archaologieal Report for

\&M-5,Page 68.]

["The ancient city of Khajuraho, the capital of the Chandel

Rajputs, is situated thirty -four miles to the south of Mahoba, twenty-
seven miles to the east of Chhatrpur, and twenty-five miles to the

north-west of Panna .... The earliest mention of this capital is

by Abd Eihan, who accompanied Mahrndd in his campaign against

Kalinjar in a.d. 1022. He calls it Kajnrdha, the capital of Jajahoti,
and places it at thirty parasangs, or about ninety miles, to the south-

east of Kanauj. The true direction, howeTer, is almost due south,

and the distance about twice thirty parasangs, or one hundred and
eighty miles. The next anention of Khajuraho by Ibn Batuta,

who tisited it about a.d. 1336. He calls it Kajura .... The

earliest mention of the province is by Hwen Tsang, in a.d. 641. He
calls it Chi-chi-to, or Jajhoti . . . From the accounts of Hwen
Tsang, and Abu Eihan, it is evident that the Province of Jajahoti
corresponded with the modem district of Bandelthand in its widest

Kdllari. Annari. and BalktH.

[Such seems to be the correct spelling of three names, which
appear in a great variety of forms. Istakhri has Kalwf, .Annari,
and Balwi, but the first takes the form of Kaladi or Kalari in hie

map. In the printed extract of the AsJiMlu-l Bildd the names

appear as Falid, Abri, and Balzi ; also, as Abri, Labi, and Maildi,

some of which divergences may be credited to bad copy and mis-

prints. Gildemeister's Ibn Hautal gives them as Ayara, Valara,

and Balra ; Idrisi has Atri and Kalari ; Abti-l Fida has Kallarf,
Auaari, and Ballari, and these agree with the names as they appear
in the map of the Aslikdlu-l Bildd. They were three neighbouring

towns on the road from AIot io Mansura, Annari standing first,

Kallari next, and Ballari last in Istakhri's map, and in that of
the Ashhdlu-l Blind. The termination ri or ari would seem to

be a common noun, and the Tuhfatw-l Kirdm writes it with the

Hindi Idrisi says Annan' is four days journey from Alor, and

Kallari two days from Annarf, and Mansura only one day from
Kallari. Ibn Haukal places Annari and KaUari on the east of
the Mihran, but Idrisi says, that it stands on the western bank (p.

79) ; and enters into details which show pretty clearly its relative

position to Mansura. There is a "Bulrey," marked in Allen's map

of Sind, about thirty miles south of Haidarabad, but this position
does not correspond with the above description.]


Kanddbel. Turdn. BudJia. Baizd.

It is essential to a right understanding of ancient Siudian geo-
graphy to ascertain where Kandabel, of which there is such frequent
mention, was situated. We can only do this by implication, and by
comparison of the various passages in which the name occurs.
The Ghach-ndma^ mentions it in three different passages, at least,
if Kandhala in the last reference be meant, as seems probable, for
that place. If we are to put faith in the first passage (p. 152), there
would be no need for further enquiry, as it is distinctly mentioned
thus :
" Kandabel, that is, Kandahar." But it may be shown that
this identification cannot possibly be admitted, for Chach reaches the
place through the desert of Turan (a province of which Kusdar was
the capital),* on his return from Arm&-bel to Alor. He straitened
the garrison by encamping on the river Sinf, or Sibi, and compelled
them to agree to the payment of one hundred horses from the hUl
country, and a tribute of 100,000 dirhams. Here the name of the
river, and the position, put Kandahar out of the question, and we
can only regard the passage as the conjecture of some transcriber,
interpolated by mistake from the margin into the text.
The real fact is, that Kandabel' can scarcely be any other place
than the modem Gandava, and we shall find, with this single excep-
tion, that all the other passages where its name occurs sufficiently
indicate that as the position. Indeed, it is probable that this very
instance lends confirmation to this view, for the Sfnf river seems to
be no other than the Sibi, now called the Nari, but flowing under
the town of Sibi, and, duriag the floods, joining the Bolan river,
into which the hill-streams, which surround and insulate Gandava,
disembogue themselves. The river which runs nearest to Gandava
is now called the Badra.
The Mujmdlu-t Tawdrihh tells us that Kandabel was founded by
the Persian king, Bahman, "between the confines of the Hindus
1 MS. pp. 48, 71, 115. ISupra, 162, 162.]

Mordtmann, das Such der Lander. Mardsidu-l IttiUt, Ed. Jnynboll, Vol. II.

p. 214. M^moire sur I'Inde, pp. 176, 278.

3 It ia almost uniformly spelt in this mode, with the Arabic Kdf, the variations

being very few. The final syllable is occaBionally nil, ial, and t/al; but iel is most
probably the correct form. "We find the same termination in Arm5.-bel, or the modern
Bela. It may possibly be connected with the Mongol balu, " a city," as in Khdn-
ialu, the city of the Kh&u. See Joum. S. A. Soc, Yol. XV. p. 200.

VOL, I. 25

and the Turks " ' (p. 106). Biladuri frequently mentions it, and
speaks of Kandahar as entirely separate and distinct (pp. 117, 118,
125, 127). He tells us it was situated on a hill or elevated site, and
that 'Amran, after taking the town, transferred the principal inhabit-
ants to Kusdar (p. 128), from which place it was situated at the
distance of five parasangs."
According to Ibn Haukal, and the corresponding passages in
Istakhrf (p. 29), Ouseley's Oriental Geography, and the Ashkdlu-l
Bildd, Kandabel was the Budha, and a large place of
capital of
commercial traffic, deficient in the produce of the date-palm, and
situated in a desert, eight stages from Mansiira, and ten through the
desert from Midtan.'
All these descriptions make Kandabel correspond sufficiently with
the modem Gandava, to leave no doubt of their identity. Later
historians speak of it as being on the borders of Kirman,* but their
notions of that province were very indefinite, and any place on the
eastern confines of Sind would equally answer their loose mode of

G-andava, which is the capital of the province of Kachh Gandava,

is surrounded by a wall, and is still one of the most important
places between Kelat and Shikarpur, though greatly declined from
its former state. Indeed, Bagh is a much larger, as well as more
commercial town, but the credit of antiquity cleaves to Gandava.
Kandabel, it wiU be observed, is represented as the capital of
Budha, which, therefore, next demands our attention. This is

evidently the same province as the Biidhpur, Budhiya, and Budapur

(p. 145) of the Ghaoh-ndma.
Under the Ral dynasty, the second satrapy of Sind comprised,
besides the town of Siwistan, which was the capital,^ "Budhpiir,

' MSm. sur VInde, p. 67.

M<!m. sur VInde, p. 176. The distance is too short to suit GandS-ya, which is

eighty miles north-east of Kusd&r. Has not " parasangs " been entered instead of
3 GUdemeister, 172, 177, 178. * Elmacin, Sistoria Saracmiea, ann. 101.

Sihw&u on the Indus is here alluded to ; but the town of SeW, or Sibi, and the
proyince of SSwistin, are the constant source of confusion and mistake, whenever the
name occurs ; insomuch, that it is sometimes difficult, as in the passages here quoted,
to determine positively which place is indicated. This perplexity is not diminished
by the fact of the large province of Sist^n, or Sijistin, being not very remote.


and Jaakan (Jangar), and the skirts of the hills of Eujhdn, as far
as the borders of Makrdn (p. 138)." Again, " Chach marched
towards the fortress of Budapur and Siwistan." After crossing the
Indus " he went to Budhiya, the capital of which tract was Nanaraj
Kakaraj), and the inhabitants of the place called it Sawfs."
"After taking the fort of the Sawis, he moved towards Siwistan ''
(p. 145).
When Siwistan was attacked by Muhammad Kasim, the governor
fled to Budhiya, where was " a fortress called Si'sam,' on the banks
of the Kumbh," whither he was pursued by the Arab general, who
encamped with a portion of his army at " Nilhan on the Kumbh."
Here, the chiefs of Budhiya determined to make a night attack upon
his camp. These chiefs of Budhiya, who were of the same family
as the ruler of Sisam, are subsequently shown to be Jats ' whose
origin was derived from a place on the banks of the Gang, which
they call Aundhar." ^ After failing in this expedition, they volun-
tarily surrendered themselves, as they had " found from the books of
the Buddhists that Hindustan was destined to be conquered by the
army of Islam," and then turned their arms vigorously against their
former comrades. On Muhammad's advancing to.. Sisam, " some of
the idolaters fled to Budhya, higher up: some to the fort of Ba-
hftliir,* between Saluj and Kandhabel " (p. 162) ; and there sued for
peace, and after agreeiug to pay tribute, sent their hostages to
In the Mufmalu-t Tawdrikk we read that Bahman, the Persian
king, "built in the country of Budh a town called Bahmanabad,
which according to some is Mansura " (p. 106).

[Biladuri mentions this tract as the scene of the slaughter of

Budail (p. 119), and it is, perhaps, disguised under the name of

Basea in p. 12S.]
In Istakhri (p. 29), and in Ibn Haukal, it assumes the form of
Budh, or Budha. " The infidel inhabitants within the borders of

Sind are called Budha and Mand. They reside in the tract between
1 the proTince of Sebi (Sfwistin), according to the Tuhfatu-l Kirdtn.
III [It is

prohably " Seisan," on the Manchhar lake. See p. 161.]

* Or Channaa, according to the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 12.
3 [See Note, p. 160.]
* Bahaltdr and Bahla, in, the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm.


Tiiran, Multan, and Mansura, on the western bank of the MihrSn.

They made of reeds and grass (p. 38). Again, " Atal
live in huts ''

is by Musvdmans and infidel Budhas."

inhabited " From ' . . . .

Mansura to the first borders of Budha is fifteen stages' (p. 39), and
any one who travels that road must go along the banks of the
Mihran until he reaches Sadustan (Sihwan)."
" Nadha," or " Nudha," seems to be the reading preferred by Idrisi

(p. 83), and the Nubian geographer. Kazwini describes the ciountry as

having a population resembling the Zat, and yielding plenty of rice

and cocoa-nuts. It also produces camels with double humps, which

being rarely found elsewhere, were in great demand in Khurasan
and Persia.' Ibn Haukal also remarks upon the excellence of its

breed of camels. The Mardsidu-l Ittild'* likewise approves of the

initial N, instead of B ; but these later authorities are of no value,
when arrayed against the repeated instances to the contrary from the
Chach-ndma, and the great majority of the readings in Ibn Haukal
and Istakhri.^
From a comparison of all these statements, it would appear that
the old tract of Budh, or Budhiya, very closely corresponds with the
modem province of Kachh Gandava, on all four sides except the
northern, where it seems to have acquired a greater extension, of
which it is impossible to define the precise limits. It is worthy of
remark that, in the very centre of Kachh Gandava, there is still a
place called Budha on the Nari river, and it is possible that the
name is also preserved in the Kakar tract of Bori, or Biira, forming

1 See also Gildemeister, de teb. Ind., pp. 164, 171, 172, 177.
' This, if the right i must be understood in the sence of remotest, because
the capital Kand&bel is declared to be only eight stages, and Tfir&n, which is conter-
minous with Budh on the west, is only set down at fifteen stages. The Ashkdlu-l
JBildd gives the distance from Mansura to the nearest point of Budh as only five
marches. This is probably the correct reading. See Journal A. S. ., 1852, No. 1,

p. 73.
De rei. Jndicis, p. 216.
3 ' Ed. Juynboll, Vol. ll. p.
If Nudha could be supposed the correct reading,
5 it would lend an interest to a
passage in Dionysius, who says in his Periegesis
lyShv ndp irorafiiiv vSriot SKudai evyitovffivY. 1088.

NoTioi might be meant for " the Nodhites," instead of " southern," as usually
translated ; or the Arabs might have converted the " southern" into a separate class
with a distinctive name.

Afghan province of
part of the Siwistan.' In the Ayin-i Akhari. the
town of Budhyan is mentioned as being on the northern frontier of
Sirkar Thatta, one hundred kos fron? Bandar Lahori.
It is impossible to assent to an hypothesis Ifitely started in the
Journal of the Asiatic Society, quoted above, that this tract was desig-
nated after the present Burohees, or Brahufs. Their name itself is

too modern, ^besides being belied by the usual meaning ascribed to

it, of " mountaineer ; " and even their partial occupation of this
low eastern tract is not yet a century old. From time immemorial
it has been held by the Jats, who still constitute the majority of the
population, and the Brahiiis are a mere intrusive stock from the
provinces of Mushki and Jhow, and the rugged highlands of Saha-
rawan, which abut Kaohh Gandava on the westward. It has been
surmised, also, tha,t these Budhiyas were the Bhodya and Bhoja of
the Puranio legends, and even the Bhotyas of Tibet. This is tread-
ing ixpon more dangerous ground.^ It is far more probable that,

if the name had any significant origin at all, it was derived from the

possession of the Buddhist religion ia its purity by the inhabitants

of that remote tract, at the time when Brahmanism was making its
quiet but steady inroads by the more open and accessible course of
the river Indus. [See post. Note on the Meds.J

[Omission and misplaciag of the dots have caused this name to

assume a very varying form in Koman characters. Ibn Khurdadba
(p. ^4) calls it
" Kinnazbun," and Istakhrf's version (p. 29) may be
so read. The AshMlu-l Bilad (p. 34) has " Kabryun ; " Gilde-
meister's version of Ibn Haukal makes it " Kannazbiir ; " Idrfsi
writes " Tlrabuz,'' but " Kfrbizz " sometimes occurs. The Mardsidu-l
Ittild' has " Kirbun," but JuynboU, the editor, says this is a false
reading for Kannazbur. Biladuri (p. 119) agrees in this last spelling,
and the Ghach-ndma has "Kannazpur," and "Kinarbur." The
position of the place appears to correspond with that of the modem
Punjgoor in Makran.J
In the passage quoted above from the Mujmalu-t Tawdrllch, Bahman
' is said to
have founded a city called Bahinaii&bS,d in the country of Budh. There is a place
entered as Brahlman in Burnes' map, between Sh&l andBori.
* V. de Saint-Martin, Etudes de Giog, ancienne, Tom. I. pp. 328-331. Lassen
Ind. Alterth., Vol. I. pp. 559, 611, 727.


Mandal. -Kiraj.
It is difficult to fix the position of Mandal, one of the places to
which Junaid despatched an expedition.
The name of Mandal, or Mandalam, being applied generally to
upon this occasion.
signify "aregion," in Sanskrit, adds to our doubts
Thus we have Tonda-Mandalam, Pandu-Mandalam, Chola-Man-
dalam, and -many others. [Almost, or entirely, aU of them being
situated in the South.] The most noted Mandal of the Arab geo-
graphers was that whence Mandal! aloe- wood w^as derived; hence
agallochum was frequently called "Mandal;" but no one seems to
have known where it was situated. Kazwinf says no one can
penetrate to it, because it lies beyond the equinoctial line; but he
calls it a city of India, taking that word in its enlarged sense of
East Indies. [The Mardsidu-l Ittila' calls it a city of Hind, but
gives no indication of its locality. Abu-1 Fida has no notice of it.]

Avicenna, in his Kdnun, says that, according to some, it is in the

middle of lite land of Hind. The place here alluded to, is probably
the coast of Coromandel, whence the agallochum, brought from the
eastern islands, was distributed to the marts and countries of the
Avicenna's description might be made to apply to Mandala upon
the Nerbadda. which in the second century of our era was the seat of
the HaJhaya dynasty of Gondwana;' but this is, of course, too far
for any Arab expedition, notwithstanding that M. Eeinaud considers
Ujjain and Malwa' to have been attacked at the same period, under
the orders of Junaid (p. 126). But Malabar would have been a
more probable object of attack than Malwa, in the heart of India.
As we proceed, we shall find other expeditions almost all directed to
different points in the Guzerat peninsula, as, indeed, was the case,
even from the time of the conquest of Sind, when the inhabitants of
Basra were engaged in a warfare with the Meds of Stirdshtra.
Langloie, Sarivama, Vol. I. p. 6.
' As. Ses., Tol. IX. pp. 100, 106, 112.
J. A.S. Bengal, August, 1837. 7. A. S. Bomhay, Vol. IV. p. 179.Mod. Traveller,
" India," Vol. I. p. 141.
Schlegel's Samayana, Vol. I. pt. ii. p. 208. As. Ann. Beg.,
Vol. VIII. Misc. Tracts, p. 19.
Baudry, Eneycl. Moderne, Tom. XVIII. col. 151.
Lassen, Ind. AUherth., Vol. I. Beil. IV. 4.
' [These two names were left blank in his " Fragments," tut were restored in the
Memoire sur I'Inde, p. 192. In Goejes' most careful edition of the text of Biliduri
the names are distinctly written " Uzain" and " Mdlabat."'\

It is evident that we must seek, also, no very distant site for

Mandal. Even Mandal-eswara (Mandlaisar), on the Nerbadda, would

be too remote. Mandor in Eajputana, the ancient capital of the
Parihars, or Mandra in Kaohh, or Mandal in Jhalawar, would be
famous Mandavi, had not its ancient site been known
better, or the

by another name, Eaen. Altogether, Mandal in Gruzerat, better
known as Oka-Mandal, offers, from its antiquity and its position as
the western district of that peninsula, the most probable site for the
Mandal of Junaid.
From the expression of the historian Tabari, that the Arabs never
recovered possession of Kiraj and Mandal, there would seem to be
an implication that these places lay beyond the province of Sind,
and that they were at no great distance from one another. They
are also m.entioned together in the passage under consideration.
The " Kfraj " of Tabari and the Futuhu-l Buldan seems to be the

same place as the " Kaj " of Biruni. The name occurs again as
"Kiraj" and "Kiaraj" in the Chach-ndma (pp. 189, 197), and was
probably situate in, if not named from, Kachh, though the exact
site of the town cannot now be established.

The position of Oka-Mandal on the opposite coast is a sufficient

reason why it should be mentioned in connection with Kiraj, sup-
posing that place to have been in Kachh ; and, in the absence of
more certain information, I should, for this, as well as the other
reasons above given, feel disposed to consider it as the Mandal
noticed by the Arab historians of the Sindian conquest.'

[Such appears to be the preferable mode of spelling the name
which appears in Istakhri as Manhanari (p. 27), in Ibn Haukal as
Manhatara, and' in Idrisi as Manabari (p. 77). It is described as

being on the west of the river, three days' journey south from
Sadusan (Sihwan), and two days short of Debal, the two maps
agree with this account. The route from Mansura to Debal crosses
the river at this place. It has been supposed to be the Mionagara
of the ancients. See the next article " Minnagara."]

Gildemeister, Script Arab, de rebus Indicts, pp. 69, 71, 214.

Tod, Majasthan,
Vol. I. pp. 39, 100, 725. Hamilton's Gazetteer, 4to. Vol. I. pp. 651, 656, 661.

Hudson, Geoff. Vet. Script. Min., Vol. I.Periplus, p. 23.



Vincent thinks that the Minnagara of Ptolemy, and of the Periplus

usually ascribed to Arrian, is the Manjabart of the Arab geographers.
D'Anville supposes Minnagara to be the same as Mansura. C. Eitter

says it is Tatta, so does Alex. Burnes, because Tatta is now called

Sa-Minagur, and Mannert says, Binagara should be read for Minna-

gara. These high authorities place it on the Indus. But although
goods were landed at Barbarice, the port of the Indus, and conveyed
to Minnagara " by the river," there is no reason why Minnagara
should have been on that river.
The Periplus merely says, " Miunagara is inland." pneatr/eio'; ^
/AerpoTToXi'; avTr]<; ri;? '!$icv9ia<i Miwcvydp. Again, the Periplus
says, the " Metropolis of the whole country, is Minnagara, whence
great quantities of cotton goods are carried down to Barygaza," or

Broach, which could scarcely haA'e been the place of export, if

Minnagara had been on the Indus. But even allowing it to have

been on the Indus, there is every reason to suppose it was on the
eastern bank, whereas Manjabari is plainly stated to be on the
Lassen derives the name of this capital of Indo-Scythia from the
Sanskrit Nagara, a town, and Min, which he shows from Isidoms
Characenus to be the name of a Scythian city. The Sindomana of
Arrian may, therefore, owe its origin to this source. C. Eitter says
Min is a name of the Sacas ; if so, there can be little doubt that we
have their representatives in the wild Minas of Eajputana, who have
been driven but little to the eastward of their former haunts.
Minnagara is, according to Ptolemy, in Long. 115. 15. Lat. 19. 30,
and he places it on the Nerbadda, so that his Minnagara, as well as
that of the second quotation from the Periplus, may possibly be the
famous Mandugarh (not far from the river), and the Manki'r which
the early Arab Geographers represent as the capital of the Balhara,
[See the article " Balhara."]
The fact appears to be that there were two Minnagaras one on,
or near, the Indus; another on the Nerbadda (Narmada). Ptolemy's
assertion cannot be gainsaid, and establishes the existence of the
latter on the Nerbadda, [and thismust have been the Minnagara of


which the Periplus represents Broach to be the port]. The one on,
or near, the Indus was the capital of Indo-Scythia, and. the Bina-
gara, or Agrinagara, of Ptolemy. We learn from the Tuhfatu-1
Kirdm that in the twelfth century Minagar was one of the cities
dependent on Multan, and was in the possession of a chief, by
caste an Agri, descended from Alexander. "When we remember
that Arrian informs us that Alexander left some of his troops,
(including, no doubt, Agrians), as a garrison for the town at the
junction of the' Indus and Acesines, this affords a highly curious
coincidence, which cannot, howcTer, be further dilated upon in this

[Ijxtract of General Ounningham's ArchoBologlcal Beport for
1864-5,Pa^e 1.]

"In his account of the geography of Northern India, the celebrated

Abu Eihan makes the city of Narain the starting point of three
different itineraries to the south, the south-west, and the west.

This place has not been identified by M. Eeinaud, the learned

historian of ancient India, but its true locality has been accurately
assigned to the neighbourhood of Jaypur. Its position also puzzled

Sir H. Elliot, who says, however, that with one exception " Narwar
satisfies all the requisite conditions." But this position is quite
untenable, as will be seen by the proofs which I am now about to
bring forward in support of its identification with Ndrdyan, the
capital of Sairdt, or Matsya.
According to the Chinese pilgrim, Hwen Tsang, the capital of
the kingdom of Po-U-ye-to-lo, which M. Eeinaud has identified with
Pdrydtra, or Bairdt, was situated at 500 or 83f miles, to the west

of Mathura, and about 800 li, or 133|- miles, to the south-west

(read south-east) of the kingdom of She-to-tu-lo, that is, of Satadru,
on the Sutlej The bearing and distance from Mathura point un-
equiTOcally to Bairdt, the ancient capital of Matsya, as the city of

' Compare Eitter, Die Erdkundevon Alien, Vol. IV. part 1, p. 475, and Vol. V.
p. 181. Ptol. Geogr. Lib. VII. Vincent, Feriplus of the Erythra.an
c. I, tab. 10.
Sea, p. 349. D'Anville Antiq, de P Inde, p. 34. Manner*, Geog. der Oriechen and
JKmer, Vol. V. pp. 107, 130, 136. Hudson, Geog. Vet. Seripioi-ea Gr<Bei Min. Vol.
I. Bumes' Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. p. 79. Journal E. A. 8. Vol. I. p. 31.
C. Lassen, Be Pentapotamia Ind. p. 57. AUgemeine Encycl(^. : Art. Indien, p, 91
Arriani, Ss Mxpedit : Alex : Lib. VL 15.

Hwen Tsang's narrative ; and this being fixed, we may identify the
capital of Satadru, or the Sutlej Provinces, with the famous Fort of
Hansi, which successfully resisted the arms of Mahmud of Grhazni.
According to the Tabakdt-i Ndsiri, Hansi was the ancient capital of

the Province of Siwalik, and up to the time of its capture by Mas'ud

had been considered by the Hindus as impregnable.
Abii Eihan, the contemporary of Mahmud, places Nardna, the
capital of Karzdt, at twenty-eight parasangs to the west of Mathura,
which, taking the parasang at three and a half miles, would make
the distance ninety-eight miles, or fourteen miles iu excess of the
measurement of Hwen Tsang. But as the narratives of the different
Muhammadan historians leave no doubt of the identity of Nardna,
the capital of Karzdt, with Narayana, the capital of Bairdt, this
difference in the recorded distance from Mathura is of little moment.
According to Abu Eihan, Nardna, or Sazdna,^ was called Narayan
(jJ^jUby the Musulmans, a name which still exists in Ndrdyanpur,
a town situated at ten miles to the north-east of Bairat itself.
From Kanauj to Narana, Abii Eihan gives two distinct routes the :

first direct, via Mathura, being fifty-six parasangs, or 196 miles, and
the other to the south of the Jumna being eighty -eight parasangs, or
308 miles. The iutermediate stages of the latter route are, 1st., Ait,
18 parasangs, or 63 miles ; 2nd., Sahina, 17 parasangs, or 59^ miles ;

3rd., Jandara (Chandra), 18 parasangs, or 63 miles ; 4th., Rajauri,

either 15 or 17 parasangs, 54 or 59^ miles ; and 6th., Bazdna, or

Nardna, 20 parasangs, or 70 miles. As the direction of the first

stage is especially recorded to have been to the south-west of Kanauj,

it may be at once identified with the Assai Qhdt on the Jumna, six
miles to the south of Etawa, and about sixty miles to the south-west
of Kanauj. The name of the second stage is written Saldna, Wif-'j
for which,by the simple shifting of the diacritical points, I propose
to read Sahania, Wh^j which is the name of a very large and
famous ruined town, situated twenty-five mUes to the north of
Gwalior, of which some account wiU be given in the present
report. Its distance from the Asmi Qhdt is about fifty-six miles.

The third stage named Jandara by M. Eeiaaud, and Chandra by Sir

Henry Elliot, I take to be Sindon, reading ^^}Sus^ for l^Jc*-. Its

distance from Sahaniya by the Khetri Ghat on the Chambal river is

' [Eeinaud's reading.]

about seventy miles. The fourth stage, named Bajori, still exists
under the same name, twelve miles to the south of Mdcheri, and about
fifty miles to the north-west of Hindon. From thence to Narainpur
and Bairdt, the road lies altogether through the hiUs of Alwar or
Macheri, which makes it difficult to ascertain the exact distance.
By measurements on the lithographed map of eight miles to the
inch, I make the distance to be about sixty mUes, which is sufficiently
near the twenty parasangs, or seventy miles of Abii Eihan's account.
According to the other itineraries of Abu Eihan, Nardna was
twenty-five parasangs to the north of Chitor in Mewdr, fifty para^
sangs to the east of MuUdn, and sixty parasangs to the north-east of
Anhaltvdra. The bearings of these places from Bairdt are all
sufficiently exact, but the measurements are more than one-half too
short. For the first distance of twenty-five parasangs to Chitor, I
would propose to read sixty-five parasangs, or 227 miles, the actual
distance by the measured routes of the Quarter-Master General
being 217^. As the distance of Chitor is omitted in the extract from
Abu Eihan, which is given by Eashidu-d Din,^ it is probable that
there may have been some omission or confusion in the original of
the Tdrikh-i Hind from which he copied. The erroneous measure-
ment of fifty parasangs to Multan is, perhaps, excusable on the
ground that the direct route through the desert being quite impass-

able for an army, the distance must have been estimated. The error
in the distance of Anhalwara I would explain by referring the
measurement of sixty parasangs to Chitor, which lies about midway

between Bairat and Anhalwara. From a comparison of all these

different itineraries, I have no hesitation whatever in identifying

Ba%dna or Nardna, the capital of Kar&dt or Guzrdt," with Ndrdyanpur,

the capital of Bairdt or Vairdt. In Firishta the name is written

either Kibrdt, '^ly*' as in Dow, or Kairdt, i-^^j^ as in Briggs,

both of which names are an easy misreading of '^|/!j Wairdt or

Virdt, as it would have been written by the Muhammadans.
< o o
According to Abu Bihan the town was (destroyed, and the people
' [Eashldu-d Din gives the distance as fifteen parasangs, see p. 60.]

s [See the variant readings in p. 59 to which may be added ^-^J^, from Sii
H. EUiof s MS.]

retired far into the interior. By Tirishta this invasion is assigned

to the year a.h. 413, or a.d. 1022, when the king (Mahmud), hearing
that the inhabitants of two hilly tracts named Kairdt and Ndrdin
(or Bairdt and Nardyan) stiU continued the worship of idols (or
lions in some manuscripts), resolved to compel them to embrace the
Muhammadan faith. Tlie place was taken and plundered by Amir
Nirim.Sakiira. Jarak.
Amongst the many places of which it is difficult to establish the
true position in ancient Sind, Nirun or Nairun is one of the most
perplexing, for several reasons. Its first syllable, even, is a con-
troverted point, and while all the Trench authors uniformly write it

Byroun, after Abii-l Fida,* the English equally persist in following

Idrfsf ' (p. 78), and writing it Niruii and Nerun. What imparts a
presumptive correctness to the French reading is, that it is set down
as the birthplace of the celebrated Abii Efhan al Biruiti. But here,
in limine, several strong objections may be raised, ^that Abu Eihan
was a Khwarizmiaai, and is so called by the best authorities, that
throughout his descriptive geography of India, he is more deficient
in his account of Sind than in any other part, that he nowhere
mentions it as his birthplace, and that no one ever heard of any
Birun in Sind, though many local traditions speak of a Nirun, and
concur in fixing its locality. Abu-1 Fida certainly writes it Biriin,
but there is often an assumption of accuracy about him which has
been far too readily conceded by the modems ; for he was merely
a distant foreigner, who never left Syria except to go to Mecca
and Egypt, and he was therefore compelled to copy and rely on
the defective information of others. Istakhri, Ibn Hautal, and
the Ashhdlw-l Bildd are not quite determinate in their reading, but
the Chach-ndma and the Tuhfatu-l Kir dm never write it in any other

form than with the initial N, followed by yd, which leaves us still
in doubt whether the word be Nairun, Niriin, or Nerun ; but it is

certainly neither Birun, nor Biriin, nor Bairiin, nor Byroun.

Other considerations with respect to the name of Abii Eihan, will
be found in the Note devoted to that philosopher, in the second
volume of this work.
1 Giographie d'Ahou-l Feda, p. 348. ' Geographie cPEdrisi, Tom. I. p. 16.

Under tlie dynasty of tke Kais, Nirun was included within the
gdvennnent of Brahmanabad (p. 158). The inhabitants of Nfrun
solicited from the Arabs a cartel of protection, as their city was " on
the very road of the Arabs to Sind" (p. 157). After the conquest
of Debal, " Md. Kasim directed that the catapults should be sent by
boat towards the fort of Nirun (p. 47), and the boats went up the
stream called Sindh Sagara,' while he himself advanced by way of
Sisam"" (p. 157). "When Md. Kasim went from Debal "to the
fortress of Nfrun, which is twenty-five parasangs distant, he marched
for six days, and on the seventh arrived at Nfnin, where there is a
meadow which they call BaUiar, situated on the land of Baniizf,''

which the inundations of the Indus had not yet reached (p. 158),
and the army consequently complained of being oppressed by thiist.
This drought was seasonably relieved through the efficacy of the

general's prayers, " when all the pools and lakes which were round
that city were replenished with water." He then "moved towards
Siwistan (Sihwan) by several marches, until he reached Bahraj or
Mauj,* thirty parasangs from Nirun" (p. 158). After his expedition to
Siwistan and Biidhiya, he was directed by Hajjaj to return to Nirdn,
and make preparations for crossing the Indus (p. 163) . He accordingly
' [Sir H. Elliot read this name as ; bot the MS. of the E. I. Lib.
Dhand S&gara
gives it distinctly as " Sind-sagar," and been adopted in the text. Sir
this has
H. Elliot's copy seems rather to read Wahand, or "Wahind-sigar, a name whioh is
also admissible, see p. 266. It is called in the text an di, or " water," which has
been rendered by "stream," as it is manifest that the only water communication be-
tween Debal and Nirfin must have been by one of the channels of the Indus. Accord-
ing to Capt. McMurdo, Debal was situated on the most wiestem branch of the Indus,
called " S&g6.ra," up which Muhammad KSiim conveyed his engines. Joum. . A.
Soc, Vol. I. pp. 29, 32.]
2 [Both MSS, agree in reading " Sfsam " as the name of the place by which Muham-

mad K&sim proceeded, but it Ban hardly be the place of that name to which he
advanced after the capture of Sfwist^u (pp. 160, 161).] Bil^duri merely mentions
the advance to Niriin (p. 121).
' [This sentence has unfortunately slipped out of the translation as printed at
p. 168.] The word again occurs" from the camp of Barfizi," and must be the
name of a place. If the reading had not been plain in both instances, I should have
preferred " Nirfini."
* [Sir H. Elliot's MS. of the Oheush-ndma gives this name as " Bahraj," but the
E. I. Library copy has " Mauj," and this reading is confirmed by the MS. of the
Tuhfaiu-l Kirdm (p. 7). On the other hand, Istakhri's map as given by Moeller
lays down "Bahraj " in the locality
indicated by the Chaoh-n&ma, conflict of au- A
thority leaving the true reading doubtful, though " Bahraj " seems preferable.]


moved back by several difficult marches " to the fort which is on the
hill of Nirun;"' vsrhere there was a beautiful lake and charming
grove (p. 163). This fort was the nearest point to the capital of
the Khalif. After crossing the Indus, a garrison was left at Nfrdn,
to keep open the communications in the rear and protect the con-
voys (p. 144).
Istakhri (p. 28) and Ibn Haukal tell us that " Niriin lies between
Debal and Mansura, but nearer to the latter, and that any traveller
who wishes to go to Mansura, must cross the river Indus at Manja-
bari, which is on the western bank, and stands opposite to Man-
sura" (p. 37). The subsequent geographers copy these authors, as
usual, adding little further information. Idrisi places it distinctly

on the western bank (p. 78). Abu-1 Fida says it is fifteen para-
sangs from Mansura, and fixes it in latitude 26 40', on the autho-
Kanun of Biriini'.'
rity of the

The name of Sakara or Sagara, which is mentioned above, requires

a few words of notice. The Chach-ndma merely mentions that " the
fleet of Md.Kasim came to anchor in the lake of Sagara ;" but the
Tuhfatu-l Kirdm says, "having placed his manjaniks on boats, he

sent them to the fort of Nirun, by way of the water of Sakura, while
he himseK marched by land."' Elsewhere, we are informed in the
same work, that "Debal, now called Thatta, was in the land of
Sakura." * Again, Tharra, which was a strong fort near Thatta, was
"in the land of Sakura."* Again, Dewal, Bhambur, Bagar, and
Tharra were each " excellent cities in the land of Sakura."
In the A'yin-i Akhari Sakura is entered as a Pergana in Sirkar
Thatta ; and in the TdriXh-i Tdhir'i it is also spoken of as a Per-
gana, lying under the Makali hills, in which Thatta itself was in-

cluded* (p. 257). Mas'udi speaks of a Sagara or Shakira (p. 24),

two days' journey from the town of Debal ; and it is added that both
branches of the Indus disembogue into the sea at that place. It
does not seem improbable that we have the same word in the Sagapa

' Gildemeister, de reiua Indicts, p. 179. He insists upon reading Btriin. M.

Eeinaud considers the original to be ambiguous in this passage. Mem. stir I'Inde,

p. 240.
2 Qeographie d' Abou-l Fe'da, Teite Arabe, p. 348. D'AnTille, Eclairoissemmts sur
la Carte de I'Inde, p. 37, et seq.
3 MS. p. 6. * Ibid., p. 1. Ibid., p. 11. 6 Ms. pp. 20, 48.


of Ptolemy and Maroianus Heracleotes, for they call it "the first

and most westerly mouth of the river Indus."

We may consider the stream of Sakura to correspond with the
prolongation of the Gisrf or Ghara creek, which at no very distant
time must have communicated with the Indus above Thatta. . Indeed,
Mr. N. Crow, writing in the year 1800, says, " By a strange turn
that the river has taken within these five and twenty years, just
above Tatta, that city is flung out of the angle of the inferior Delta,
in which it formerly stood, on the main land towards the hiUs of
The position here assigned to the Sakura, points out the direction
where we are to look for Nlriin, to which, by means of that stream,
there seems to have been a water communication at least approxi-

mate, if not direct.

Nirun was on the- western bank of the
It is quite evident that
Indus. Not only do we find Muhammad Kasim going there in
order to make due preparations for " crossing" that river, not only
do we find Dahir, on receiving the intelligence of the capture of
Debal, directing Jaisiya to " cross over" from Nirun to Brahmand-
bad without delay (MS. p. 102), but it is also so represented both
in the text, and on the maps, of iBtakhri and the AsKkdlu-l Bildd.
Nevertheless, in the map prefixed to the Memoire sur
M. D'Avezac,
I'Inde, places it on the eastern bank. His authority stands deservedly
high, but can be of no value against the positive testimony here
adduced to the contrary.
How then it came in modern times to be considered identical with
Haidarabad it is impossible to say, but so it is laid down unhesita-

tingly from the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, down to the latest English tourist.'
Even if it could be accounted for by supposing that the Falaill then
constituted the main stream of the Indus, we should nevertheless
find that the distances assigned to Nirun from various places named
would not make it correspond in position with Haidarabad.
Geoff., Lib. vii. Periplus, p. 32, in Hudson's Geograph, Greed Minores, Vol. I.
2 Dr. Burnes, Visit to the Court of Sinde, p. 162 See also Capt. McMurdo,
Journ. E. A. Soe., Vol. I. p. 25.
' T. Kirdm, MS. Tod, Annalt of Sajasthan, VoL I.
p. 218. McMurdo,
Journ. E. A. Soe., Vol. 1. pp. 30, 234. Burnes, Travels into Sokhara, Vol. III.
p. 31. Elphinstone, History of India, Vol. I. p. 604. Burton, Sindh, pp. 131. 376.
The latter says its ancient name is not only Nerun's Port, but PatalpiSr. If so, we
can be at no loss for Pattala.


And here it is obvious to remark, that the establishment of its

locality depends chiefly upon the sites which are assigned to other
disputed cities, more especially to Debal and Mansura. I have else-
where stated my reasons for considering Debal to be represented by
Karachi, and Mansura by Haidarabad. Much also depends on the
real value of the farsang,' which greatly varied in different places,

even in neighbouring provinces. As it was probably modified in

Sind by the local kos, we may ascribe to it the small standard of two
miles and a half, which we know it to have had upon the Tigris,
according to the latest and most accurate investigations. Or, with-
out assigning to these roughly estimated distances an accuracy which
they were never intended to bear, we may consider the Sindian
parasang to vary from two to three miles, so as in no instance to be
less than the one, or more than the other. It is usual, and doubtless
more correct, to fix the standard at a higher value than even three
English miles ; but this is evidently quite inapplicable in Sind, and
would be even more decisive against the identity of Debal and
Thatta, than the present hypothesis.^
Guided by all these considerations, I am disposed to place Nirun
at Helai, or Helaya, a little below Jarak, on the high road from
Thatta to Haidarabad. The correspondences in other respects appear

exact, in every instance of comparison.

It has a direct communication by a road over the hills with Beia
and would be the first place in the valley of the Indus which the
Arabs could reach by land, and therefore nearest to the capital of

the Khilafat.
Lakes abound in the neighbourhood, and are large enough, espe-
cially the Kinjar, to have admitted Muliammad Kasim's fleet.
^ On
the Persian farsang, the Greek parasang, or Arabic farsakh, see the Metrop.
and Penny Cyclop., v. " Parasang."
Ainsworth's Preface to Travels in the Track of
the Ten Thousand.
Grote's Sist. of Greece, Vol. SI. pp. 19-22. Ouseley's Orient.
Qeog., p. xxii.
Eennell's Oeog.of Western Asia, I. xlL Eeinaud, Gdog.d'Abou-t
Fida, Tom. I. Freytag, Lex. Arab., s.t. Forbiger, Sundbuch der alt. Geog..
Vol. I. p. 555. In KhlSzistkn
reckoned at three miles and three quarters,
it is

Journ. R. Qeog. Soc, Vol. IX. p. 31. This is also the length assigned by Ouseley
and Kinneir. On the Tigris we have it given as only two miles and a half. Trans.
Eombay Geog. Soc, Vol. X. p. 119.
2 Mas'fidi (p. 21) is represented as laying down the Sindian parasang at eight
miles. The same passage is rendered by Reinaud as " yodjanas," which would also
imply a long parasang. Mimoire, p 69. .

Nirun. is represented as twenty-five parasangs from Debal. (The real

distance is seventy British statute miles between Helaf and Karachi.)
Nfrun was situated on a hill, which would admit of its being
identified with very few other places of note near the Indus. It
lay between Debal and Mansiira, but was nearer to the latter.
(This position also corresponds with that of Helaf). It was fifteen

parasangs from Mansura. (Thirty-five miles is the distance between

Helai and Haidarabad.)
We need scarcely pursue the comparison farther. We may rest

assured that Ni'run was, if not at Heidi, at least at no great distance

from it, and was certainly not Haidarabad. It is worthy of remark
that Helai itself is a place of undoubted antiquity, and there are two
remarkable hills in its neighbourhood covered with ruins, repre-
senting perhaps the Hyala of Diodoms.'
Next to Helai, Jarak ofiers many points of probability. It is only

twelve miles from Helai, and therefore the distances already laid
down, with no great profession of exactness, would answer nearly
equally well. Its commanding position, on a ledge of rock over-
hanging the Indus, necessarily denotes it to have been always a site

of importance, and this is confirmed by the evidence afforded by

several substantial remains of masonry on the banks of the river,
which stUl arrest the observation of the traveller at that place.

The Tdrlkh-i Alfi, in a passage relating to Sultan Jalalu-d din's
proceedings on the Indus, mentions that Sadusan was subsequently
called Sistan. Though the writer here commits the common error

of confounding Sistan with Sihwan, or Siwistan, on the Indus, yet

he leaves us in no doubt what correction to apply, and we thus
derive from him an interesting piece of information for the position ;

of Sadusan, which is so frequently mentioned in the Arab accounts

of Sind, has not hitJiexto been ascertained.

Sdmui. Tughlikabdd.
Samui deserves notice from the attempt which has been made to
establish it as the celebrated Minnagara of the ancient geographers.
It was the capital of the Jams of the Samma dynasty, and, according

1 Biblioth. Sislor., Lib. xyii. cap. 104.

VOL. I. 26


to the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, it -was founded by Jam Paniya,' under the

Makali hills, about three miles north-west of Thatta.
Subsequently, the fort of Tughlikabad was built by Jam Taghur
or Tnghlik, on the site of the older Kala-kot, about two miles south
of Thatta ; but that, as well as its predecessor, was left imfinished
by its founder (p. 272). By a strange vicissitude, the name of
Tughlikabad is now comparatively forgotten, and that of Kala-kot
erroneously called Kalan-kot (the great fort), though for a time
superseded, has restored the just claims of Eaja Kala, and still

attracts the attention of the traveller. . Lt. Burton calls it Kallian-

kot. I fear to differ from so good a local authority, but believe
Kala-kot to be more strictly correct.
The ruins of Samui, Samuiya, or Samma-nagar, " the city of the
Sammas," are to be traced near Thatta ; and, under the wrong and
deceptive spelling of Sa-minagar, have induced Col. Tod, Sir A.
Bumes, and many who have too readily followed them including
even Eitter, who considers the question settled " incontestably,"
to recognise in that name the more ancient and more famous Minna-
gara. The easy, but totally unwarrantable, elision of the first and
only important syllable has led to this fanciful identification.'

Sinddn, Subdra or Surabaya, and Saimur.

[These three towns were all south of Kambaya, and the first two
were ports. Saimur, though a place of trade, is not distinctly said to
be a port, but it is laid down on the sea-shore in. the map. Abu-1
Pida says that Sindan was also called Sindabiir, but this is hardly
in accordance with Al Biruni and Eashidu-d din (pp. 66, 68). He
also notices the variant forms of Silfara and Sufala for Subara. The
route as given by Istakhrf, Ibn Haukal and Idrisi is

Kambaya to Surabaya, four days ;

Surabaya to Sindan, five

Sindan to Saimur five
And the first two add, Saimur
to Sarandib, 15 days.

Idrisi also states Broach to be two days from Saimur. Al Biruni

' [This is the "Ja.m Jtina, son of Babiniya," of Mir Ma'silm.]
' Tod, Srljasthdn, Vol. 86; II. 220, 256, 312; and W. India,^^. 466, 481.
I. p.

Bumes. Travels, Yol. III. pp. 31, 79 ; and Caiool, pp. 16-18. Lt. Burton, Sindi
p. 388; and Unhappy Valley, Vol. I. p. 106. T. Kirdm, MS. pp. 19, 20, 82, 84.
Kitter, Jsien, Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 476.
McMurdo, Jeurn. JR. A. Soc, I. 30, 232.

makes the distance from Broacli to Sindan fifty parasangs, and from
Sinddu to Sufara six parasangs. Abu-1 Fida says that Sindan was
the last city of Guzerat, and the first of Manfbar (Malabar), three
days' journey from Tana. It is hardly possible to reconcUe all these
statements, but' there seems to be sufficient evidence for making
Siadin the most southerly. It was on a bay or estuary a mile and
a-half fram the sea, and the modem Daman is probably its present
representative. Subara was similarly situated at the same distance
from the sea, and finds a likely successor in Surat. Istakhrf's state-
ment would make Saimiir the most southerly, but this is at variance
with Mas'iidi and Al Bfruni, who say that it was in Lar (the
country round Broach), and with Idrisi's statement of its being at
only two days' journey from Broach. But it is not easy to see how it

could have been only two days from Broach and yet five from Sindan.
Notwithstanding the incongruity of these statements, it must have
been a place of considerable size and importance. It is the only one
of these three towns that has received notice by Kazwinf. His
account of the place is given in page 97 supra, but it supplies no
data on which to fix the locality. Abu-1 Pida does not mention it,

and the Mardsidu-i BUM' affords no help, for it merely describes it

as a city of Hind, bordering on Sind near to Debal.]

Tur, Muhatampur. Birak. Vijeh-kot.

Tur was the ancient capital oi the Sumra dynasty, called also by
the name of Mehmetiir, and written by the local historians as Muha-
tampur and Muhammad-Tur. It was situated in the Pargana of
Dirak, and its destruction has been mentioned in the Extracts from
the Tdrikh-i TdMr't (p. 256). But its real ruin dates only from
'Alau-d din's invasion of Sind.
The ancient Pargana of Dirak is represented by the modem

divisions ofChachagam and Badban on the borders of the Tharr, or

sandy desert between Parkar and Wanga Bazar. There is a Par-
gana of Dirak still included in Thatta, which may be a portion of
the older district of that name.
Another capital of the" Sumras is said to have been Vijeh-kot,
Wageh-kot, or Vigo-gad (for it is spelt in these various forms), five

miles to the east of the Piiran river, above the Allah-band.

The site of Tur has been considered to be occupied by the modem


Tharri, near Budina, on the GWngru river. There are, to be sure,

the remains of an old town to the west of that place ; nevertheless,
the real position of Tur is not to be looked for there, but at Shaka-
pur, a populous village about ten miles south of Mlrpur. Near that
and palace of the last of the Sumras is
village, the fort pointed out,
whence bricks are still extracted of very large dimensions, measur-
ing no less than twenty inches by eight.' Other fine ruins are
scattered about the neighbourhood, and carved tomb-stones are very
numerous. Fragments of pearls and other precious stones are occa-
sionally picked up, which have all apparently been exposed to the
action of fire. The people themseves call this ruined site by the
name of Mehmetur, so that both the name and position serve to
verify it, beyond all doubt, as the ancient capital of the Sumras.
The Muhammad-Tur, is an infallible indi-
curious combination of
cation that " Mehmet" and " Muhatam" are merely corruptions of
" Muhammad," for this name is wretchedly pronounced in Sind.

The present mode is Mammet our own old English word for an
image, or puppet, when in our ignorance we believed Mawmetrie, or
the religion of the false prophet, to be synonymous with idolatry, and
Mdhouud with the Devil. So Shakespere, in Borneo and Juliet, says
" A whining mammet, in her fortune 's tender."
And Spenser, in his Faerie Queene
"And oftentimes by Termagant and Mahound swore."
The still grosser corruption of Muhammad into " Baphomet," or
" Baffomet," is not to be laid to the charge of our nation. This
was the name of the idol, or head, which the Templars are falsely
alleged to have worshipped, quoddam caput cum harbd quod adorant
et vacant salvatorem suum. Eaynouard argues that this word ori-
ginates from a misprint, or mispronunciation, of Muhammad ; but
Yon Hammer and Michelet lean to a Gnostic origin, which we need
not stay to consider, being satisfied that " Bafibmet" is only another,
and stiU more extravagant disguise, under which Europeans have
exhibited the name of Muhammad.'
' Seg-Ldr-ndma, MS. p. .Tuhfattt-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 162, 166.Dr. Bnrne3,
ritit to the Court of Sitid, p. 134. Capt. McMnrdo, Journ. R. A. Soe., Vol. I. pp.
2i, 226, 233.
' Eaynouard, Monuments hist. rel. d la condamnulion
de Templiers, pp. 261-302 ;

and in Michaud's Bist. des Croisadea, Tom, V. p. 672 and in J. des Savants, for

March and April, 1819.Von Hammer, Mysterium Baphomeii revelatum in Fufid-

gruien da Or., Vol YI. pt. i. Michelet, Sisioire de France, Tom. III.
p. 145.



The Sdi Dynasty.

Tlie ChacJi-ndma (p. 138) mentions only the three immediate pre-
decessors of the usurper Chach, and in this it is followed by the
Tdrikli-i Sind. It states that "Eaf Siharas, the son of Diwaij
(called also Shahi-Shahi) was defeated and slain hy the army of
king Nfmroz,' which entered Kirman from the direction of Pars
and that he was succeeded by his son Eai Sahasi." It will be ob-
served from the annexed extract, that the Tuhfdtu-l Kirdm gives two
additional reigns, which are not, however, referred to any specific
authority of ancient date.
" Dynasty of the Bdis. Their capital was the city of Alor, and the
boundaries of their country were on the east, Kashmir and Kanauj ;

on the west, Makran and the shore of the sea of 'Uman, that is, the
port of Debal ; on the south, the port of Siirat (Surashtra) ; and
on the north, Kandahar, Sfstan, the hills of Sulaiman and Kaikanan.
As the commencement of this dynasty has not been ascertained, I
content myself with mentioning some of the names which are
"Bdi D'lwdij. He was a powerful chief, whose absolute rule
extended to the limits above mentioned. He formed alliances with
most of the rulers of Hind, and throughout all his territories
caravans travelled in perfect security. On his death, he was suc-
ceeded by his son,
" Bdi Siharas, who followed the steps of his father in maintaining
his position in happiness, comfort, and splendour, during a long
reign. His celebrated son was
" Bdi Sdhasi, who also swayed the sceptre with great pomp and
power. He followed the institutions of his ancestors, and accom-
plished all his desires.
"Bdi Siharas II. was his son and successor. Kiag Nimroz raised
an army for the purpose of attacking him, and the Eai, having

' [Sir H. Nimroz to be the name of the ting, but it is quite open
Elliot considers
to read the words " B&.dshlih Nimroz" as "king of Nimroz." This reading seems
preferable, and has been adopted iu the translation of the Chach-n&ma, p. 139.]


advanced to the borders of Kf ch to meet it, selected a field of battle.

The flame of war blazed from mom to midday, when an arrow
pierced the neck of the Ea, so that he died. King Nimroz, after
plundering the camp, returned to his own country. The army of
Siharas assembled in a body, and seated his son Sahasi upon the
" Bdi Sahasi II. excelled his ancestors in estimable qualities.

Having, within a short time, settled affairs within the borders of

his kingdom, he enjoyed rest and peace in his capital. He remitted
the taxes of his subjects, on condition that they should raise (or
repair) the earthwork of six forts : viz., ITchh, Matela, Seoraf, Mad
(or Mau), Alor, and Siwistan. He had a chamberlain named Bam,
and a minister mamed Budhiman. One day, Chaoh, son of Silaij, a
Brahman of high caste, came to Earn, the chamberlain, who was so
pleased with his society, that he introduced him to the miaister."
The names of these rulers are thus given by Capt. Postans, in two
different papers in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and
on the authority of the same work, the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm
No. cxi, 1841, p. 185. " Rahee Dewahey, Eahee Siheersin, Eahee
Sahursee, Eahee Siheersin the 2nd, Eahee Sahee."
No. clviii. 1845, p. 79. "Eahi Dawahij, Sahiras, Eahi Sahasi,
Eahi Sahiras the 2rLd, Eahi Sahasi the 2nd."
In an earlier number of the same Journal (No. Ixxiv. Feb., 1838,

p. 93), James Prinsep observed, " Biwaij seems a corruption of

dwija '
the Brahman ;' and Sahurs resembles much the genitive
tdhasa of our Saurashtra coias, of whom the first is a swdmijautra, or
son of a Brahman ; but the date seems too recent. See Vol. VI. p.
385." But it appears from the passage just quoted, that it was a
Brahman dynasty which superseded the family of Diwdij, and there
is no reason to suppose that Diwaij was himself a member of that

The same Persian work, from which the above extract is taken,
states that the reigns of these five Eais lasted for the long period of
one hundred and thirty-seven years, and that Chach, by his victory
over Mahi-at, Eana of Chitor, established himself on the throne about
he first year of the Hijra. It will be seen from the following Note,
hat as this date must of necessity have been placed too early.


the year 10 h. has been preferred, as the era of Chach's accession,

and the extinction of the Edi dynasty.
Pottinger, on the authority of a native work called the Majma'-i
Wdriddt, states that the dynasty had endured for two thousand
years ; which, as we know from Ptolemy and the Periplus that the
country was subject to frequent revolutions at the early period of
our era, and at the time of Alexander was under no single ruler,
must be regarded as pure fiction. If we allow that there were
really five reigns, there is no great improbability in assuming 137
years, as above mentioned, for the correct period of their duration

and thus we should obtain the Christian year 495 as that in which
the dynasty commenced.
assumed that Khusru Naushirwan was the king of
It is generally

Persia by whom Siharas IT. was slain but as Naushirwan died in


479 A.D., it would leave, at the very least, 53 years necessary for the
reign of Sahasi 11. even supposing that his predecessor was kUled
in the very last year of Naushirwan, which we know cannot have
been the case, as that potentate had been, for some time previous,
employed in the western portion of his large empire. It is therefore
quite evident, that king Nimroz' has been wrongly interpreted to
mean that great Persian monarch ; and we must therefore use
Nfmroz in its usual application of Sijistan, and allow the opponent
of Siharas to be no more formidable a personage than the governor,
or ruler, of that province ; or, if we must necessarily have a Persian
king notwithstanding that no one of the name of Nimroz ever sat
on the thrcmethen KiuBru Parviz (591-628 an equally a.d.)

great conqueror, would answer all the requirements better ; for we

know that the eastern provinces towards the Indus revolted in the
reign of Hormuz, his father and predecessor, and his recovery of
them seems indicated by his having 960 elephants in his train

which could only have been procured from India.

Doubtless, Nanshirwan did invade Sind or its borders, because
the fact is vouched for by unquestionable authority in the best

' In one passage he is styled " B&dsh&h Nimroz," and a few lines afterwards
" Shih r&rs Nimroz." It will be seen from a passage quoted in the succeeding
note, thatHormuz is represented as " the son of Fars" in the Chaeh-ndma ; it would
appear therefore that in that work " F&rs" is identical with " Naushirwin."

Persian annalists, and is shown by the relations, political, com-

mercial, and literary, which appear then to have arisen between
Persia and India ; but it must have been during one of the earlier

reigns of this dynasty ; or if during the reign of Siharas II., it must

have preceded the attack which resulted in that mouaroh's death.
That he and Naushfrwan were contemporary, during some portion
by no means improbable for the latter reigned
of their reigns, is
48 years ; if we
allow 40 for the reign of Sahasi II., and 40
likewise for the reign of Siharas 11. the same period which
Chaoh enjoyed, though his first years were signalized by internal
rebellions and foreign invasions we shall then find the 20 first

years of Siharas's correspond with the 20 last years of Naushirwan's


It would detain us too long to enter upon any speculations

respecting the country and race whence this dynasty derived its

origin. I will merely remark, that the Scythian barbarians from

Sind, who expelled the Gehlotes from Balabhipura in the beginning
of the sixth century, the Yue-tchi, who re-established themselves
on the Indus about the same time, the Ephthalites, or white Huns,
whom Cosmas declares at that period to have ruled upon the banks
of that river, and the Sah dynasty of Surashtra, all offer points of
relation, comparison, and contact, to which a separate dissertation
might be devoted.^

' Compare Firdiisi, Shdh-ndma, ed. Macan, p. 1632 ; Pottdnger, I^meli in

Belochistan, p. 386 ; Schlegel, Indische Siblioth., Vol. I. p. 203 ; De Guignes,
Silt, des Mum, Tom. II. p. 469 Malcolm, Sist. of Persia, Vol. I. p. 141
; Tod, ;

Annals of SajastMn, Vol. I. pp. 232-9 ; C. P. Eichter, iibsr die Arsac. tmd
Sassan. Byn. ap. ErdJc. v. Aaien, Vol. IV. part i., p. 624 Gladwin, Ayeen Akiery, ;

Vol. II. p. 118 ; As. Res., Vol. IX. Journal S. A. Soc, Vol. III. p. 385;

Elphinstone, Hist, of India, Vol. I. p". 400 Bohlen, daa alte Indien. Vol. II. ;

Ancient Univ. Hist. Vol. IX. pp. 305-9, 312, 318 L. Bubeux, I'Univert Fittoret-

gue, " La Perse," pp. 327, 328.

' Melch. Thevenot, Sec. d. Voyage) eurieux. Part i. pp. 21, 22 ; Montfancon,
Coll. nova Patrum,Yo\. II. pp. 132, 179, 837-9 ; As. Ses., Vol. IX. p. 113 ; Tod,
Ann. of Raj., Vol. I. pp. 216-9; II. 311-2; Wettem India, pp, 83, 147-9, 214,
268, 271 ; Wilsoii, Ariana Antiqua, p. 407 ; T. Benfey, Indien ; Lassen, Indisehe
Alterthums., Vol. II. ; F. Baudry, Emycl. Mbdeme, Tom. XVIII., col. 153

Eeinaud, li'agments Arabes, p. xxx. ; Mim. eur.l'Inde, pp. 104, 124-7; Journal
A. S. ., Vol. IV. pp. 480, 684 ; VI. 338 ; 1837, pp. 377, et seq. ; Joumat R A. S.,
Vol. IV. p. 398; VL 351, 439 ; B. Nicholson, i*.. Vol. XIII. pp. 146-163 ; V.
de St. Martin, Etudes de Bioyraphie ancienne, Tom. I., p. 245 ; Thomas' Prinsep.

The Brahman Dynasty.

Though we have no reason to complain of any want of detail
respecting the political transactions of this dynasty, yet we are left
in considerable doubt respecting the chronological adjustment of the
few reigns which it comprises, and even the very name of Chach is

a subject of some uncertainty. Gladwin has "Juj;"' Brxggs has

" Huj ;
" ' the two Manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Eoyale have
"Hoj;"' Eeinaud spells the name "Tchotch;"* Eenouard leans
to "Jaj," as he considers it a corruption of Tajnya;' S. de Sacy
gives reasons for considering it to be "Hijaj; "' Pottinger writes
"Chaoh;"' and he is followed by all English authors. This is

certainly in conformity with native usage, and we have several

existing instances of the same combination as Chachpiir, Chachar,
Chachagam, Chachi, Chachar, and similar names of places in the
valley of Indus.
It is to this usurper I am disposed to attribute the introduction of
the game of chess to the western world ; and this question invites
us to some further considerations respecting the correct mode of
writing his name. Although Firdusi informs us, that itwas an
ambassador of the king of Kanauj who introduced this game at the
court of Naushirwan,* the statement of Ibn Khallikan seems more to

be relied on, when he says that Sassa, son of Ddhir,' invented the
game during the reign of the Persian king Shahram. It is true that

we have to notice here an error in the parentage, as well as a

contradiction with himself ; for, in another place, he assigns the
invention to Balhit, whom he makes a contemporary of Ardashfr,
son of Babak, who reigned four centuries before Shahram^" ^but the

main statement seems to be upheld by independent testimony, and it

1 Ayeen Akhery, Vol. II. p. 119. ' Ferishta, Vol. IV. p. 401.
' Fragnunta Arahes, p. xxvii. * Ibid, and Mim. sur I'Inde, pp. 126-1S3,
' Encyclopiedia Metropolitana, v. " Scind."
Journal des Savanta, 1840, p. 225. ' Travels in Beloehistan, pp. 317-9.
iS^a'A-Mo'ma, ed. Macan ; Vol. IV. pp. 1719-1734.
Hyde, Sisioria Shahiludii,
pp. 69-92, reprinted in the Syntagma ditsertaiionum, Vol. II. Freret, Mem. de
I' Acad., Tom V. p. 260. GBrres, Seldenhtoh von Iran, Vol. II., p. 452. BoMen,
dot alie Tndien, Vol. II. p. 67, et eeq.
According to the Chaoh-n^ma (p. 152) Chach was the son of Sil&lj, son of Bas&bap.
1" De Slane, Biographical Dictionary,'^o\. III. p. 71, et seq. ; Gildemeister, de reb.
Indicia, p. 141 ; Hyde, ut supra N. Bland, Journal R. A. 8
; , Vol. XIII. pp. 18,
14, 20, 26, 62. [D. Forbes, History of Chess.}


will be seen, from Tabari's sequence of these Persian reigns, that

Chach must necessarily have been contemporary with. Shahram, or
Shahr Tran, or Shahriyar, as he is otherwise called.
The name of " Sassa " assumes the various forms of " Sissa,"

"Sahsaha," "Susa," "Sisa," and "Sa'sa'." Mr. Bland, in his

learned article quoted below, says they are aU obviously corruptions
of Xerxes, or of a name which has served as its origin
^not the
Persian king, but a philosopher so named, who is said by Polydore
Virgil and others to have flourished in the reign of Evil-Merodach
at Babylon. I look upon this as too recondite, and consider that the
transposition of the parentage above alluded to, as given by Ibn
Khallikan [and Biladurf], is more than countervailed by the superior
authority of Tabarl ; who, while he omits all notice of Chach, under
that identical name, yet mentions Sassa, (who cannot possibly be
meant for any other person than Chach), and speaks of Dahir, his
son, as being his successor.' Mrishta also speaks of Dahir as the
son of Sa'sa', so that are fully entitled to consider " Sassa," as
the Arabic mode of representing " Chach " just as we have " Sha-

nak " for the Hindi "Chank," " Shatranj " for "Chatur-anga, " Sin"
for " Chm," " Shash " for " Chach," a town on the Jihtin,^ and many
other similar conversions in the Arabic since, there being no palatine
letter corresponding with cTi in that language, recom-se can only be
had to the sibilants; as may frequently be observed even in the
Persian also, where no such necessity exists.*

Another preliminary question to settle respecting Chach, relates

to his tribe and descent. There could have been no hesitation on
this point, had it not been for the Chinese traveller, Hwen Tsang,
who states that, at the time of his visit to Sind, the king was- of the
" Shu-to-lo " race.' This has been variously interpreted to mean
a " Kshattriya," ^ a "Sudra,"' and a Eajput of the " Chatur," or
' [Bil-iduri mentions " Sasa," "son of Dahir," ante, p. 125.]
2 Tabari, in Mem.
sur I'lnde, pp. 176, 179.
3 Shdh-ndma, ed. Macan, pp. 982, 16fl9 ; Geogr. d'Abou-l Fdda, texte Arabe, p. 494

* See J. A. Vullers, XnstUut. Lingute Persica cum Sansc. et Zend, comparatce,

18, 26, 47. ' Foe-koue-lei, ed. Eemusat, p. 393.
' " Eex e stirpe Xatrorura ;" Gilderaeister, de reh Ind., p. 14.
' "Leroi, qui, sans doute, etait Tchotoh, appartenait et la caste des Soudra;"
Eeinaud, Mem. sur I'Inde, p. 153. [See Stanislas Julien, Hwuen Thsang, Tome
II., 170.]


" Chitor," tribe.' This latter is on the supposition that it refers to

the king who was succeeded by Chach, and who was related to the
ruler of Chitor but this is not admissible, for the Chinese Buddhist
did not commence his travels till 628 a-d.," and after traversing the

whole of Chinese Tartary, Turkistan, Northern Afghanistan, Kash-

mir, the valley of the Ganges, the Eastern and Western Coasts of
the Peninsula, and Guzerat, could not have reached Sind mUch
before 640, when Chach Vvas fully established upon the throne. If
we could introduce the traveller into Sind before Chaoh's accession,
I should prefer "Kshatriya," or the modernized "Chattri," to any
other interpretation of " Shu-to-lo," ^but, seeing that not a single
Chinese name within, or on the borders of Sind, admits of any
positive identification, we need not trouble ourselves about the
meaning of this doubtful word. Our Arab and Persian authorities

leave us no room to doubt that Chach was a Brahman at least by

descent, if not also religious persuasion ; and the present Sarsut
(Saraswata) Brahmans of Sind claim him as one of their progenitors.
[According to the GJiach-ndma^ Chach was a Brahman who was
introduced to S^asi Eai by his Chamberlain. Being taken into
service, he won the confidence of the Eai, and the more tender
regards of the Eani, his wife. He became Chamberlain, and, on the
death of the Eai, he ascended the vacant throne, and married the
widow, whose love he had previously rejected. The irregular suc-

cession provoked the resentment of Mahrat, chief of Jaipur (or

Chitor), a relation of the deceased Eai, who marched with his army
to destroy the usurper and recover " his inheritance." In great
perplexity Chach conferred with the Eani, who shamed him into

resistance by proposing to change garments, and herself to lead the

army against the foe. Chach then went forth to battle, and when
the forces met, Mahrat came forward and proposed, as the matter
was purely a personal one, to settle the dispute by single combat.
Chach represented that he was a Brahman, and unaccustomed to
fight on horseback. His magnanimous foe then alighted to meet
Lt. Burton, Sindh, p. 380.
' Klaproth says he travelled between 630 and 660. Seise des Chinesischen
Bttddhapriesters H. T. etc. Eeinand says, between 628 and 645 ifem. mr I'Inde,
p. 149. M. Stan. Julien, in his valuable translation just published (1853), fixes the
period more accurately between 629 and 645.


him on equal terms, when Chach treacherously sprung upon his

horse and slew his adversary before he could recover from the sur-
prise. After this Chach appears to have felt no Brahmanical repug-
nance to war and bloodshed.]
With respect to the period of his reign, we learn from the Chach-
ndma (p. 151) that Chach in or about the year 2 h. and about
the fourth year after his accession' ^advanced to Kirman, being
instigated to that measure by the fact of the Persian throne being
then occupied by a woman.
Again, we learn (MS. p. 70) that Chach had been ruler of Sind
for thirty-five years, when Mughaira attacked Debal, some time
between the years 13 and 16 h.
After Chach had reigned forty years, he was succeeded by his
brother Chandar, who died in the eighth year of his reign (p. 152-4).
Chandar was succeeded by his nephew Dahir, who was slain in

themonth of Eamazan, 93 h. (p. 170).

The Tdrihh-i Sind (MS. pp. 14-30) has briefly abstracted the

account in the Chach-ndma,, biit has given no date throughout, and

has carelessly omitted all notice of Chandar.
The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm gives a far better abstract of the Chach-ndma.

It represents (^MS. p. 6) that Chach, after killing Mahrat, the prince

of Chitor, established himselfon the throne in the year 1 h. ^that

he reigned forty years that Chandar, who succeeded him, died


in the eighth year of his reign that Dahir was killed in the

year 93 h., after having reigned thirty-three years (MS. p. 15)and

that the whole period of the Brahman dynasty lasted ninety-two
years (fe.) which, however, is a manifest inconsistency, because ia
the detail, no more than eighty-one years, at the most, are assigned

to the three reigns.

There seems reason to believe that these discrepancies can be
reconciled by two very slight corrections in the reading of the

Instead of "thirty -five years,'' in the first quotation, we should
It may be proper in this place to remark, that Al Birfint mentions the establish-
ment of a Sindian era, which commences with the winter solstice of 625 a.d. 3 a.h.
As M. Reinaud justly remarks, that the commencement of a new era generally
indicates a change of dynasty, he is disposed to attribute the establishment of the
Brihman dynasty to this year. Mdm. sur I'lnde, p. 147.


read "three or five years," as tlie period that Chach had reigned
when Mughaira attacked Debal. The form of expression is very
common in denoting an indefinite period; and, as the disjunctive
particle or is, in such uses of distributive numerals, always omitted,
the difference in the reading becomes scarcely perceptible.
And in the first quotation, instead of " about the year 2 h.," I
would read " about the year 10 h." dah for do. The reading of do
is quite out of the question, for there certainly was no female reign
at so early a period as the second year of the Hijra, and none even
before the tenth, if indeed so early. The confusion respecting these
ephemeral reigns of the later Sassanians is notorious, and especially
respecting the order of the three queens, Tiirdn-dukht, Aznxmi-dukht,
and Dukht-zandn the last of whom is generally altogether omitted,
and is perhaps identical with Azurmi-dukht ; ^but no author at-

tempts to place either of them before 10 Now, since the


Chach-ndma represents that the queen mentioned by him was one of

the successors of Kisra-bin-Hormuz-bin-Fdrs, who had been mur-
dered alluding, of course, to Khusrii Parvi'z and since we learn
from a passage in Tabari that one of Kisr^'s daughters was Dukht-
zanan, who sueceeded to the Persian throne for a short time in the
year 13 h. ; and since the Bauzatu-s Safd assigns the reign of
Turan-dukht, another of his daughters, to the year 14: h. ; we may
assume as certain that the expedition of Chach towards Kirman
occurred in one or other of those years.^
These simple emendations bring us close enough to the truth, to

satisfy us with resjiect to the general accuracy- of the Chach-ndma,.

Where there is so much room for doubt, and where even Tabari is

not quite consistent with himself, or in conformity witti others,

even if the Chach-ndma should be in error three or four years and
we have no right to assume that such is the case there would still

be no ground for impeaching the veracity of that valuable chronicle

and we are thus enabled with considerable confidence to assign to
each event of the Brahman dynasty of Stttd its proper date, according
to the Hijra computation.*
1 As all three queens if, indeed, there were three were daughters of Khusrd
Parviz, and as all their reigna are comprised within two, or, at most, three yearsj'it
matters little which we select.
' For the doubts which preTail respecting the proper period, sequence, and names


The accession of Chacli to the throne of Sind 10
His expedition to Kirman, in the fourth year 14
Mughaira's attack, in the fifth year 15
Chach's death, after a reign of forty entire years 51
Chandar's death, in the eighth year of his reign 59
Dahir's death, after a reign of thirty-three entire years 93

The advances of the Arabs towards Bind}

Scarcely had Muhammad expired, when his followers and dis-

ciples, issuing from their naked deserts, where they had hitherto
robbed their neighbours and quarrelled amongst themselves, hastened
to convert their hereditary feuds into the spirit of unanimity and
brotherly love. Their energies, at all times impetuous, were now
solely concentrated upon executing the injunctions of the " king of
fierce countenance, understanding dark sentences,"'' that they should
enforce belief at the point of the sword, which was emphatically
declared to be " the key of heaven and of hell." ' Terror and
devastation, murder and rapine, accompanied their progress, in ful-
filment of the prophetic denunciation of Daniel, that this descendant

of the Sassanian princes between Siroes and Yazdijird, see besides Mirkhond,
Khiondamlr, and the Persian authorities J. S. Assemanni, Sibliotheca Orient.
Glement.-Vat., Tom. III., p. 419 ; EutyeWi Annates, Vol. II. pp. 253, 357, 408 ;
Malcolm, History of Persia ; Dubeux, L' Univers Pitioresqm, " La Perse," pp.
333-6; "Weil, Gesch. der Chalifen, Vol. I. pp. 63-65, and the Tables in the Ancient
Univ. Hist., Vol. IX. pp. 211-277; Dr. Smith's i)sc!!. o/ 5io^., t. " Sassanides " ;

Moreri, Grand Diction. Historique, Tom. IV., p. 136, t. "Perse;" D'Herbelot,

Siilioth. Or., v. " Sassanian," and Eno. Metrop. " Early Or. Hist.," p. 414.
[Mordtmann in Zeitschrift. D. M. G., Vols. VIII. and 511.; M. K. Patkanian in
Jour. Anatique, 1866, p. 220.]
1 [A notein Sir H. Elliot's private copy shows that he intended to revise this
article, afteran examination of Tabari, and, in fact, to make Tabari's account the
basis of his own. The editor was at first disposed to realize as far as possible this
intention, but as the whole of Tabari's history is now in course of translation, and
will ere long be published, under the auspices of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, it has
seemed preferable to let Sir H. Elliot's work stand as he himself penned it. There
is in the library of the Royal Asiatic Society a MS. History of Sind, from the com-

mencement of the Arab conquest. It enters into full details drawn, like Sir H.
Elliot's, from Sindian authorities.] 2 Daniel, ch. viii. 23.
3 Compare Chapters ii., iv., viii., ix., xxii., xlvii., Ixi., etc., of the Kordn. See
also Sale,Kurdn, Prelim. Disc, p. 194; Lane, Selections from the Kurdn, -p. 70
Eeland, He Jure Militari Moham., p. 5, el seq.
' ;


of IskmaeP " shall destroy wonderfully, and shaU prosper, and

practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people ; and
through his policy, also, he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand
and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and stand up against the
Prince of Princes."
And BO it was, that, within twenty years, they made themselves
masters of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and Persia. The conquest of
Persia was a mere prelude to further extension in the east ; and
though a more difficult and inhospitable country, as well as internal
dissensions, checked their progress for some years afterwards, yet it

was not in the nature of things to be expected that they should

long delay their attacks upon the rich and idolatrous country of
India, which offered so tempting a bait to their cupidity and zeal.

Accordingly, attention was early directed to this quarter, and it will

be our business now, in collecting some of the incidental and scat-

tered notices which betray the settled purpose of the Arabs to

obtain a footing in India, to trace the slow but certain progress of
their arms, until it issued in the conquest of Sind by Muhammed
Ahit Bakr, a.h. 11-13. a.d. 632-634
'Umar, a.h. 13-23. a.d. 634:-643.

Under the Eiilafat of 'Umar,a.h. 16 or 16, a military ex-

pedition set out from 'Uman, to pUlage the coasts of India. It
appears to have proceeded as far as Tana, in Bombay. As ',Umar
had not been consulted on the expedition, he forbad that any more
should be undertaken to such distant parts ; and to 'Usman Bin Asi
Sakifi, governor of Bahrain and 'Uman, under whose orders the
piratical vessels nad been despatched, he signified his displeasure in
very marked terms :
" Had our party," he wrote, " been defeated,

1 Gibbon's gratuitous scepticism respecting the Ishmaelitish origin of the Arabians

has been well exposed in App. I. to Forster's Mahometanism Unveiled. See also
Faber's Calendar of Prophecy, and Fry's Second Advent of Christ. Ocoasionally, how-
eTer, these authors carry the argument too far. Brucker has also arraigned the Bible
genealogy of the Arabs, Siat. Crit. Fhilosph., Vol. I. p. 214. Muhammad's own
Ishmaelitish descent may admit of doubt; but that does not affect the question
respecting the Arabs in the northern part of the peninsula. See Sprenger, Life of
Muhammed, p. 18 ; Sale, ubi supr. p. 11 ; Eeinaud's Sarrazins, 231.
2 Daniel, ch. viii. 24, 25.


be assured that I would have taken from your own tribe as many-

men as had been killed and put them all to death " {swpra p. 116).
About the same time, Hakam, the brother of 'Usman, who had
been placed in charge of Bahrain, sent an expedition against Broach,
and despatched his brother, Mughaira Abfu-1 'A's, to the bay of
Debal, where he encountered and defeated his opponents, according
to the Futlihu-l Bulddn {supra, p. 116) ; but the Chach-ndma repre-
sents that he was slain. That work also mentions that the naval
squadron was accompanied by troops, that Debal was occupied by
merchants, and that the governor, Samba, son of Diwaij, had been
nominated to that post by Chach, who at that time had ruled
thirty-five' years in Sind (MS. p. 70)

Shortly after, Abu Musa Asha'rf, who had been one of the com-
panions of the prophet, and was otherwise conspicuous in the history
of that period, was appointed governor of 'Irak (Basra), when Eabi,
bin Ziyad Harisf, one of his oiEcers, was sent to Makran and Kir-
man. Orders were also despatched to Abu Musa, from the capital
of the empire, directing him to afford all the information in his
pow^er respecting Hind, and the -'countries leading to it. As he had
lately learnt the disastrous result of Mughaira's expedition, he -wrote

in reply to say, that " the king of Hind and Sind was powerful and
contumacious, following the path of unrighteousness, and that sin
dwelt in his heart." Upon which, he received peremptory orders
not by any means to enter upon a holy war with that country.'
It IS notorious that 'TJmar had always a particular horror of naval
expeditions, and it is probable that it arose from this untoward
defeat. This repugnance is usually attributed to a later period,
when, upon the conquest of Egypt by 'Amru bin 'Asi, the KhaUf
wrote to his lieutenant for a description of the sea ; who replied :

" ITie sea is a great pool, which some senseless people furrow,
looking like worms upon logs of wood." On receipt of this an-
swer, it is said, 'Umar forbad all navigation amongst the Musulmans,
and transgressors were severely punished. Mu'a-mya was the first

' Tvhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 9 ; Gladwin's Ayem Aklery, Vol. II. p. 118;
Memoirs sur I'lnde, p. 170.
' [This is the statement of the MS., but in page 412 reasons are given for pro-

posing to read " 3 or S " instead of 35.] ' Chach-ndma, MS.

p. 70.


Khalif under whom this prohibition was relaxed, and who despatched
maritime expeditions against the enemies of his empire. The original
cause of the restriction was probably that which has been already
indicated, and its continuance may perhaps be ascribed to the un-
skilfolness of the Arabs upon the element to which the subjects of
the Greek empire were accustomed from their birth. Had the
Musuhnans along the shores of the Mediterranean been as expert as
the Arab navigators of the Indian ocean, there would have been no
need to feel alarm at the result of actions upon the high seas.'
In the year 22 h., 'Abdu-Ua bin 'Amar bin Eabi' invaded Kirman,
and took the capital, Kuwashir," so that the aid of " the men of Kuj
and Baluj "' was solicited in vain by the Kirmanis. He then pene-
trated to Sistan, or Sijistan, and besieged the governor in his capital,
who sued for peace when he found that " his city was as a tent

without ropes." After this he advanced towards Makran. In vain,

also, did the chief of that coimtry obtain the aid of the ruler of

Bind, for their united armies were surprised and defeated in a night
attack. With an ardour augmented by his success, 'Abdu-lla re-

quested leave to cross the Indus ; but the Khalif, true to his cautious
policy, which restrained his lieutenants both on the northern and
western frontiers, opposed this still more distant adventure.*

The invasions of this year are confirmed by Hasan bin Muhammad

Shiraz(, who is a careful writer ; but the names of the generals are
differently represented. " In the year 22 h. Sijistan was conquered

by 'Amru bin al Tamfmi and 'Abdu-lla bin 'Umar Khattab. In this

year also, Makran was conquered by 'Abdu-Ua bin 'Abdu-Ua bin
'Unan, who had moved against that place from Kirman, The ruler,
who in the native language was styled Zanbil, and was also king of
Sind, was kUled."
A passage in Prooopius, Bell Pers., i. 19, 20, Beems to show that, in the time of

Justinian, the Homeritea of the Erythrsean sea were no great navigators. The
question has been examined in another note.
See Vuller'8 Geschichte der Seldsehuken, p. 75.
' The Arabic and Persian Lexicons say, they were barbarous tribes, inhabiting

the mountainous borders of Makr&n, and descended from the Arabs of Eijj^. In
the latter are of course to be recognized the modern Buldch.
* Tdrikh-i Guzlda, quoted in Memoirs mr I'Inde, p. 171.
5 Muntahhahu-t Tawdrihh, under the KhiUfat of Umar. The name of Zanbil
will be treated of under the History of the

VOL. I. 27

The names are otherwise given in the Sabibu-s Siyar. Kirman

was conquered by Siihail bin Udi and 'Abdu-lla bin Autiban,
Sijistan by 'A'sim bin 'Amru Tamimi, and Makran by Hakkam bin

'Amar Saulbf. The conquests are also ascribed to a year later.

Shohrug, the lieutenant of Fars, was forced to yield his province to
the victorious Musulmans; upon which, Mujashia bin Mas'ud took
possession of the cities of Sirjan and Jiruft, while 'Usman bin
Abiu-1 'Asi advanced to Istakhar. In the same quarter, Sauria bra
Zannfm, employed with a separate division on the route from
Istakhar to Kirman, experienced a more determined resistance. In
besieging one of the strongholds into which the natives had thrown
themselves, he was suddenly attacked by a sally from the garrison,
as well as by a numerous body of Kurds who had advanced to their
relief, and was only saved through the aid of a miracle. In the
end, however, the Musulmans were victorious. These are evidently
all the same transactions, disguised by change of names, the
" Kurds" of the Sabibu-s Siyar being the " Kuj " of the Cruzida.
Dr. Weil, foIlowLng Tabari, gives other variations, and remarks
upon Abu-1 Fida's and Elmacin's (Al Makln's) omission of the
conquest of the Persian provinces in the south. The general's name
is 'Abdu-lla bin Attab. " Kufej," or " Kufess," is given instead of
" Kiij." The invasion of Makran is ascribed to 23 h., in which
same year, it is said, the conquest of Fars was brought to a conclu-
sion. The capture of Shiraz is also mentioned, although it is

ordinarily supposed not to have been built till seventy years after-
wards by Muhammad Kasim.'

'Usmdn, a.h. 23-35. a.d. 643-655.

'Usman bin Abiu-1 'Asi was not very rapid in his conquest of the
province of Fars, for he was repulsed before Istakhar, and it is not
till the year 26 h., that we find him taking Kazerun and the stUl
famous Kila'-i sufed, or white fort, between Istakhar and the Persian
Gulph.' The whole province does not seem to have been reduced
till 28 H.

In A.H. 30, a formidable iasurrection took place at Istakhar, when

' GescMchte der Chalifen, Vol. I. pp. 96-98.
' Ferishta, Vol. I. p. 2 ; Price, 139, 166. Jiauzaturs Safd

the Musulman goTemor fell a Arictim to the fury of the people.

The fugitive king of Persia, Yazdijird, hastened to the scene, in. the
hope of retrieving his miserable fortunes ; but after being nearly
surprised among the ruined columns of the ancient palace, he was
defeated with great loss by 'Abdu-lla bin 'Umar and 'Usman, near
that capital, and compelled to fly to Kirman, and afterwards to
Sijistan and KhurSsan. The citadel of Istakhar was carried by
assault, and many of the ancient Persian nobility, who had sought
an asylum within that fortress, were put to the sword,'

During the next year, the pursuit of Yazdijird was followed up into
Khurasan xmder 'Abdu-lla bin 'Amar, then governor of Basra, after
obtaining the permission of the Khalif to advance into that country.
The southern provinces of the Caspian not having yet been finally
conquered, it was considered the more feasible route to march by
way of Pars and the borders of Kirman, and so advance through the
desert. A rebellion which then existed in the latter province was
quelled by a detachment of one thousand horse imder Mujashia.
Eabi' bin Ziyad Harisi was, at the same time, despatched to secure
the obedience of Sijistan, in which province he received the sub-
mission of the metropolis, Zaranj ; and 'Abdu-lla himself, having
compelled the city of Tabbas to surrender on capitulation, entered
the Kohistan, where he met with a sturdy resistance ; but ultimately,
with the assistance of Ahnaf bin Kais, he took Hirat, Sarakhs,
Talikan, Balkh, Tukharistan, and Naishapur, and brought the whole
province of Khurasan under subjection.*
Pirishta attributes to the following year a proselyting expedition
to the eastward, which is said to have been despatched from Bagh-
dad ; but as that town was not built for more than, a century after-

wards, no great value can attach to his sources of information.

Baghdad did not become the seat of the Khilafat till the time of

Abu Ja'far Al Mansiir, in 148 a,h. 765 a.d. The three first Khalifs
established themselves at Medina. 'Ali, Kufa as his
in 36 h., chose
metropolis ; and^ in 41 h., the Ummayides constituted Damascus

' Abulpharagii Dynast, t^. 116; Hahibu-s Siyar; "Weil, Geschic/ite der Clialifen,

Vol. I. p. 163; tut compare also the Appendix, p. vii., in Vol. III., where the
circumstances are stated differently, after Biliduri.
' Ferishta, Vol. I. p. 3 ; Price, Retrospect of Mahommedan Sistorp, Vol. I. p.
161 ; Biladuri, in Geschickte der OhaUfen, Vol. I., Anhang, pp. Lx., x.


their capital : and so it continued during the whole period of their

dynasty, which expired in 132 h., when Abd-1 Abbas seated himself
at Anbar, on the Euphrates ;' and his successor, Al Mansur, after

remaining a few years at Hashimiya, in the same neighbourhood,

finally established himself at Baghdad, where the seat of the Khila-
fat continued, with occasional transfers to Samarra, till its extinction
by Hulaku in 656 h.1258 a.d.
The same kind of error frequently occurs in Persian authors
respecting the government of 'Irak, or of the two 'leaks, 'Arabi
and 'Ajami, in writing of the period treated of in this note. It was
seldom that the government of the two 'Iraks, and rarely that the
whole of even 'Irak-i 'Arabi, was centred in the same individual.
This province, which may be considered to correspond vnth Baby-
lonia, contained the two chief military cantonments of Kufa and
Basra. The former town was of some antiquity, and the seat of an
Arabian prince before the time of Muhammad ; but the latter was
founded in a.h. 15, chiefly with the view of interrupting the com-
munication with the Persian Gulph, and preventing the flight of the
royal family of Persia by the sea route to India."
It was not till the time of Mu'awiya, that these two important
places were entrusted to the charge of one person. By him their
government was bestowed upon his bastard brother, Ziyad, of whom
we shaU find frequent mention in the following paragraphs. By the
succeeding Khalif they were, after some interval, conferred upon
'Ubaidu-lla bin Ziyad.' The two governments were once more
combined in the person of Hajjaj, who was invested with greater
power than any of his predecessors. *

* This was tlie original capital of the kings of Hira, before they removed to the
latter town. It was destroyed by the soldiers of Julian. Eespeeting its position, see
Dr. Gustav. "Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, YoL I. p. 35. Its successive ruins at
various periods are to be seen the Castle of Felugia. See also D'AnviUo, L'Euphrale
et U Tigre, p. 71 ; D'Herhelot, Bibl. Orient., v. " Coufah."
' Compare Weil, Gesch. der CJial., Vol. I. pp. 39, 72, 75, 84, and Anhang, p. is..
Kitter, Erdkunde mn Asien, Vol. X. Benouard, Art. " Persia," in Eneychp.

Metropolitana ; Preston, Makdmdt of Al Sariri, p. 37.

' Supra, p. 117 Ookley, Bistory of the Saractns, pp. 369, 387, 391.

* The succession to these governments may be traced in the following passages of

the first volume of Price's Mohammedan History ; Kufa, pp. 128, 137, 162, 153,

168, 184, 191, 192, 262, 379, 383-9, 392, 426, 445, 524, 536, 543 ; Basra, pp. 123,
146, 159, 164, 184, 191, 192, 230, 349, 379, 381, 385, 389, 392, 429, 439, 446, 461,
; .


To revert to the eastern conquests ^Ddrdbgard, wliich together

with Fasa was taken in 23 h., subsequently revolted, and was again
taken in 28 h.'

Abdu-Ua 'A'niar, who was a cousin of the Khalif, and had suc-
ceeded the popular Abu Musa Asha'ri in the government of Basra,
thinking the opportunity favourable for extending the Muhammadan
conquests in tlie oast, obtained permission to detach Hakim bin
Jaballa al 'Abdi to explore Sijistan and Makrn, as well as the
countries bordering on the valley of the Indus ; but it appears
that Hakim reported so unfavourably of the vast regions which
he examined, that all idea of conquest in that direction was aban-
doned. " Water is scarce, the fruits are poor, and the robbers are
bold. K few troops are sent there they will be slain if many,

they will starve" {supra, p. 116). The discord which prevailed

among the Musulmans after the death of 'Usman, was an additional
reason for not prosecuting any adventures in so remote a region
but private adventure does not seem to have been debarred, and was,
no doubt, prosecuted under the tacit consent of the Khalif.

'AU, A.H. 35-40. A.D. 655-ff60.

Hasan, a.h. 40-41. a.d. 660-661.

Under the succeeding reign of 'All, it is related, on the authority
of 'Amar bin Haris bin 'Abdu-1 Kais, that Taghar bin Da'ir was
appointed to the charge of the frontier of Hind, and an army was
placed under his command, comprising a select body of nobles and
chiefs. Towards the close of the year 38 h., they marched by way
of Bahraj and Koh-Paya, obtaining on the road great booty and
many slaves, until they reached the mountains of Kaikan, or Kai-
kandn, where they met with a stout resistance from the inhabitants,
of whom no less than twenty thousand had assembled to intercept
their progress through the passes. But when the Arabs shouted out
" AUahu akbar," and their voices re-echoed from the hUls to the
right and left, the infidels, hearing these shouts of triimiph, were

460 629, 543, 548. And in the first volume of Weil's OeschicMe der Chalifen ;
Kiifa, pp. 85, 135, 171-2, 176, 195, 369, 411, 428, Anh. p. vi. Basra, pp. 72, 173,

195, 269, 277, 353, 366, 411, 611.

1 Biliduri, ap. 'Weil, Gesch. der dial,, Vol. I. Anhang, p. ix.
2 Memoireswl'IndSj^.l'll; Cfiach-n<linii,'MS.-p.12; Ttihfaiu^l Kirdm,MS.^.9.

confounded and alarmed. Some came forward and embraced IsMm'

and tke rest took precipitately to flight. From that time to the
present, says the credulous author, voices proclaiming that God is

great, "Allahu akbar," are heard at the same season throughout

these mountains. It was upon this occasion that Haris bin Marra,
distinguished himself by his bravery. " They were engaged in this
victory when they were informed of the martyrdom of 'Ali; and
on their return, when they arrived at Makran, they learnt that
Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan, was Khalif.'
This is, no doubt, the same expedition which Biladurf (p. 116)
attributes to Harab bin Marra Al 'Abdi,
^that is, a man of the

ancient and powerful tribe of 'Abdu-l Kais (the Aiucad of Ptolemy),

which was established in Bahrain, a,nd devoted itself chiefly to
piracies on the high seas. The same country has always been pro-
lific of such enterprises, until they were effectually repressed by the
British Government in India. The name of Al 'Abdi shows that
the preceding narrative is founded on the authority of a member of

that tribe, and 'Amar, being perhaps a son of the very Haris, the
hero of the story, family pride may have suppressed all notice of

the defeat. Harab's adventure commenced and ended at the same

times which are mentioned in the preceding paragraph, but the
result is represented very differently. At the opening of the cam-
paign, he was so successful, that in a single day he divided one
thousand captives amongst his adherents. Nevertheless, he was in
the end completely defeated in the country of Kaikan, and only a
few Arabs survived to tell the tale of their disasters.

Col. Tod mentions that the generals of 'Ali made conquests within
the kingdom of Sind itself, which were abandoned at that Khalif s
death; but he does not give his authority for this improbable


A.H. 41-132. A.D. 661-750.
1. Mu'dwiya, a.h. 41-60. a.d. 661-679.
Under the Khilafat of Mu'awiya, the first of the Ummayides, we
' Chach-ndma, US., -p. 7S; TuAfatu-lXirdm,M.S.,p,9.
2 Annals of Edjasthdn, Vol, I., p. 242.

are informed by a respectable authority, that 'Abdu-r Eahman con-

quered Sind in the year 42 h.' It seems, however, probable that the
expedition here alluded to is the one which occurred two years later,

under Muhallab, one of 'Abdu-r Eahman's officers, and which is more

fully recorded in a subsequent Note upon the advances of the Arabs
on the Kabul frontier.

In A.H. 46, 'Abdu-Ua bin Suar, who was about that time entrusted
with the command of the Indian frontier on the side of Kaikan, and
" who was so generous and hospitable that no other fire but his own
was ever lighted in his camp," enriched himself with the spoil taken
from the eastern borders ; and when he returned to Mu'awiya, pre-
sented that KhaUf with some of the horses of Kaikan. He remained
some time with Mu'awiya, and then returned to Kaikan, where,
being attacked by the Turks with all their forces, he was slain in
the conflict (p. 117).=
The GhacJi-ndma adds, amongst other details of this expedition,
which need not be here given, that Mu'awiya appointed 'Abdu-lla
bin Sawariya, at the head of four thousand cavalry, " to the govern-
ment of Siud," and said, " in the country of Sind there is a mountain
which they call Kaikanan. There the horses stand very high, and
are well made in aU their proportions. They have before this time
been received among the spoUs taken from that tract. The inhabit-
ants are treacherous, and are protected by their mountain fastnesses
from the effects of their rebellion and enmity." He sent also 'A'mar
bin 'Abdu-lla bin 'Amar to conquer Armael. After sustaining a
complete defeat from the Kaikanis (called Turks by Biladuri), who
swarmed around, and closed their egress by the passes, the remnant
of the Arab army returned to Makran.
This is related on the authority of " Muhlat, who heard it from
Hindali, who reported it on the authority of Kasim, who said, 'I
heard it from Nasr bin Sufyan.' " This Hindali is frequently men-
tioned in the CTiach-ndma as a transmitter of these traditions.'
The statement of the next incursion is somewhat confused.
Upon the death of 'Abdu-lla, Sinan bin Salma was appointed to

^ Tdrikh-i Yafi'l, sub ann. 42 h.

2 "Weil, GescMchte der Ohalifen, Vol. I. p. 291.
s Chath-numa, MS., pp. 74, 75; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 9.

succeed him ; but Mu'awiya wrote to Ziyad, the powerful governor

of 'Irak, who also held the lieutenancy of Khurasan, Sijistan,

Bahrain, and 'Umin, besides Kufa and Basra, directing him to select
a man better suited to command on the marches of India. Accord-
ingly, Sinan was superseded by Ahnaf Kais, " the ablest among the
true believers," who went to Makran, but was removed after a

period of two years and one month. Hindalf is again one of the
authorities for this account.'

By Biladurf (p. 117) this is otherwise represented. Ziyad bin

Abu Sufyan raised Sina bin Salama to the command of the Indian
frontier. He was a man of merit, and feared God, and was the first
who obliged soldiers to affix to their oath the penalty of divorce
from their wives. On proceeding to assume charge of his functions,
he reduced Makran, and founded cities in that country. He es-
tablished his residence there, and exacted a ligorous accoimt of
the revenues of the province. By Ibn Al Kalbi this conquest is

attributed to Hakim, above mentioned.

Ziyad then raised Eashid bin 'Amru, of the tribe of Azd, to the

command. Eashid went to Makran, and thence made a successful

inroad upon Kaikan ; but was subsequently slain in an attack upon
the Meds. He is said to have been succeeded by the Sinan, before
noticed, who two years (p. 117).'
exercised his functions for
"Abu-1 Hasan heard from Hindali, who had heard from Bin-i
Aswad," that when Ziyad had suspended the son of Salama from
his functions, Eashid bin 'Umar Al Khizrf, a man of good birth and

of noted courage, was summoned to the presence of Mu'awiya, who

seated him by the side of his throne, and entered into long and
familiar discourse with him. He pointed out to his officers tliat
Eashid was an excellent man, to whom their obedience was due, and
that they should aid him in the battle, and not leave him alone m
the field.

When Eashid arrived at Makran, he had an interview with Sinan,

respecting whom he asseverated with an oath that he was a great
man, well worthy to head an army in the day of battle. Sinan had
received orders from Mu'awiya to meet Eashid on the road, and to

1 Chtich-ndma, MS., p. 76.

Weil, Gesch. der ChaU, Vol. I. p. 291.


communicate to him full information respecting the state of Hind

and Sind. When Eashid had duly learnt this, he determined
on prosecuting his route towards the frontier ; and having received
the revenue which had been assessed upon Koh-Paya, he went on to
Kaikanan, where he collected the tribute due for the cuixent and
precediag years, and brought away much plunder and many slaves.
After a stay of one year, he returned by way of Siwistan, and
reached the hills of Mandar and Baliraj, where the inhabitants had
assembled to the number of fifty thousand to obstruct his passage.
The contest raged from morning till evening, when Eashid was
Ziyad appointed Sinan to take his place, and bestowed great
honours upon him, notwithstanding he had so lately been disgraced,
because, as our author says, he had been blessed at the time of his
birth by the prophet, who had himself bestowed the name of Sinan
upon him. After advancing to Kaikanan, he met with great success,
and established his rule in several countries, and at last reached

Budha, where he was by some treachery put to death.'

Ziydd then conferred the command of the Indian frontier upon

Al Manzar bin al Jardd al 'Abdi, who was sumamed Al Asha'as. He
invaded Nukdn (Biidha ?) and Kaikan ; and the Arabs were enriched
with booty, ^for the whole country became a prey to their devasta-
tions. They seized upon Kusdar, where they made many captives.
Al Manzar died in that town (p. 117).'
2. Yazid I., a.h. 60-64. a.d. 679-683.

3. Mti'dwiya U., a.h. 64. a.d. 683.

In the year 61 h., we find mention of another governor of the

Indian frontier, of the name of Al Manzar, or Al Munzir ; but as the
one before mentioned had been appointed by Ziyad, who died in
53 H., and as the second Al Manzar, or Al Munzir, was appointed
by 'Ubaidu-Ua bin Ziyad, who succeeded his father, after a short
interval, in the government of 'Irak, including both Kufa and Basra,
and as, moreover, the parentage is represented as entirely different,
we must needs conclude that they are different personages. The
one with whom we now have to deal was son of Har, son of Bashar,

1 Chaeh-ndma, MS., pp. 77, 78 Tuhfatu-l kirdm, MS., p.

; 9.
' Weil, Gesehichte dsr CUal.,Yol I., p. 292.

who " put on the vesture of government under evil auspices," for, as

he was journeying, his mantle was caught in a splinter of wood, and

was rent ; and 'Ubaidu-Ua bin Ziyad, who had nominated him,
predicted, tiiat he would not return alive from the
on that account,
journey he had undertaken;^ but he had selected him, as no one
was his equal in constancy and courage. And true it v/as, that no
sooner had Al Munzar arrived within the borders of Burani, than
he fell sick and died.^

His son, Hakkam, was in Kirman, when his father died. He

was treated with kindness by 'Ubaidu-Ua, who presented him with
three hundred thousand dirhams, and appointed him to succeed his
father for six months, during which period he is represented to have
conducted himself with energy and boldness.'
One of the commanders appointed to the Indian fiontier by
'Ubaidu-Ua, was Harri al Bahali. He engaged with great fervour
and success in the border warfare, and acquired immense booty
(p. 118).^
4. Marwdn L, a.h. 64-65. A.d. 683-684.

5. 'Abdu-l MaWc, A.H. 65-86. a.d. 684-705.

To the year 65 h. Colonel Tod attributes a Muhammadan invasion

of Eajputana, by way of Sind, in which Manik Eai, the prince of
Ajmir, and his only son were kiUed. But the whole story is
puerile aad fictitious ; independent of which, the Arabs had quite
enough to do nearer home.'
When 'Abdu-l Malik, the son of Marwan, ascended the throne,
his dominions were circumscribed within the limits of Syria and
Palestine, rebellion being rife in the various provinces. The east
was especiaUy affected by these internal commotions. Kufa was in
the hands of Muktar and the Shf ites, who had taken up arms to
avenge the death of Husain, the son of 'All. The AzarikauB, or
foUowers of Nafi' ibn Azrak, had established themselves in the
provinces of Pars, Kirman, and Ahwaz , and Arabia and Khurasan

' And Samuel turned atout to go away, Saul laid hold upon the skirt of his
mantle, and it rent. And Samuel said unto him, " The Lord hath rent the kingdom
of Israel from thee this day."
1 Sam. xy. 27, 28.
Ghach-ndma, MS., p. 72 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 9.

3 CJiaeh-ndma, MS., p. 80. 'Weil, loc.eitt.

' Annals of Mdjasthan, Vol. II. p. 444.


obeyed 'Abdu-lla ibn Zubair, tbo rival claimant of tbe Kbilafat,

who -was in possession of Mecca. Within eight years after ascending
the throne, 'Abdu-1 Malik tritimphed successively over aJl his
enemies, re-estabUshod the authority of the TJmmayides over the
Muhammadan empire, and began to restore the foreign relations of
Islam, which had greatly declined during the early vicissitudes of
his reign.
'Ubaidu-lla bin Ziyad, one of the ablest of his generals, invaded
the territory of Kufa, butwas defeated and slain, in 67 h., by the
army which advanced against him under Muktar. This disaster
was not retrieved till four years afterwards, by 'Abdu-1 Malik's
obtaining possession of Kufa, Meanwhile, Muhallab had defeated
the Azarikans, whom he had pursued into the very heart of
Eirman, and deprived them of their conquests in Tars and Ahwaz.
He then deserted 'Abdu-Ua's cause, and submitted to 'Abdu-1 Malik.
Khurasan was obtained by similar corruption and treachery, and
'Abdu-lla was slain atMecca by the army commanded by Hajjaj bin
Tiisuf Sakifi. Thenceforward, 'Abdu-1 Malik had leisure to attend
to the extension of the empire towards the east.

To this especial object was directed his nomination of his success-

ful general, Hajjaj, to be governor of 'Irak, who commenced his rule
by conferring the charge of Makran upon Sa'id bin Aslam Kalabi.
Sa'id, however, had unfortunately to encounter the rivalry of
Mu'awiya and Muhammad, the sons of Haras, sumamed the 'Allaff,

from the title of 'Allaf, which was borne by one of their ancestors

(p. 118).
As the 'Allafis, or 'Allanis as they are styled in the Chach-ndma'
are conspicuous in the subsequent history of Sind, that work dwells
more particularly upon their history. It appears that upon Sa'id's

arrival at Makran, he put to death a man of the name of Saf huf bin
Lam al Hamami. This man was claimed as a relative and fellow-
countrymen of the 'Allafis,who came from 'Umdn, and they deter-
mined to seek satisfaction for his death. Accordingly, they attacked
Sa'id, who was then on his return from coUeoting the revenues of
his jurisdiction, killed him in the fray, and took possession of
Makran. Hajjaj then ordered Sulaiman 'Allafi, one of the leading
men of that tribe, to be seized, and sent his head to the family of

Sa'id. At the same time, more vigorous measures were taken to

assert the authority of the government, and Mujaa' was directed to

proceed to Kirman. He sent forward 'Abdu-r Kahman bin Asha's

to lead the advance, but he was waylaid by the 'AUafis, and slain.

They did not, however, think proper to engage in further collisions

with the government, but fled to Sind in 85 h., where they sought

the protection of Dahir, who received them kindly, and entertained

them in his service.'
The 'AUaffs remained in Sind till the arrival of Muhammad
Kasim, when they came forward and sued for forgiveness, which
was accorded to them, as will be seen in the translated Extracts
from the Chach-ndma (p. 168).
was succeeded by Mujja', the son of the Si'r Tamimf, most
probably the same Mujja' above mentioned, who is called in the
CJiacJi-numa and the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, the son of Sa'id, as well as
the son of Safar in the former, apparently by error of the transcriber.
He despoiled the border districts, and took many prisoners &om the
territory of Kandabel, the entire conquest of which was not effected

till some years afterwards by Mahammad Kasim. Mujja', after

holding his office for the period of only one year, died in Makran,
about the same time as the Khalif 'Abdu-1 Malik (p. 118).'

6. WaUd I. A.H. 86-96. a.d. 705-715.

Under this powerful prince the Khilafat attained the greatest
extent of dominion to which it ever reached. A little previous to
the accession of Wali'd, Muhammad, son of Harun, was appointed
to the Indian frontier, where he was invested -with, full powers to

conduct operations as he thought best.^

He was directed to search out the 'Allafis, and to seize them by

every means within his power, in order that the blood of Sa'id
might be avenged by their death and destruction. Accordingly, in
the beginning of the year 86,* he secured one of the 'AUafis, who
was put to death by direct orders of the Khalif, and his head was
despatched to Hajjaj, with a letter, in which the governor promised,

' OMch-ndma, MS., pp. 80, 81 ; and Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., pp. 7, 9.
2 Ch'ich-ndma, MS., p. 82 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., pp. 7, 9
; Weil, Geschichte der

Chalifen, Vol. I. p. 604. s Chach-ndma, MS.,

p. 82.
* ririslita says he was not appointed till 87 h.
Sislory of Sind.


" if his life were spared to Mm, and his fortune propitious, he would
seize all the rest of that obnoxious tribe." He was engaged, accord-
ing to one author, for five years, according to another, for five
months, in the important occupation of " conquering the rivers and

Under the auspices of the cruel tyrant, Hajjaj, who, though

nominally governor only of 'Irak, was in fact ruler over all the
countries which, constituted the former Persian kingdom, the spirit
of more extended conquest arose, which had hitherto, during the
civil wars, and before the re-establishment of political unity under
'Abdu-1 Malik and his son "Wali'd, confined itself to mere partial
efforts on the eastern frontiers of the empire. By his orders, one
army under Kutaiba, after the complete subjugation of Khawarazm,
crossed the Oxus, and reduced, but not without great difBcuIty, Buk-
hara, Khojand, Shash, Samarkand, and Farghana^some of which
places had been visited, though not thoroughly subjected, at previous
periods, by the Muhammadan arms. Kutaiba penetrated even to
Kashgar, at which place Chinese ambassadors entered into a compact
with the marauders.' Another army had, by Hajjaj's directions,

already operated against tJie king of Kabul, and a third advanced

towards the lower course of the Indus, through Makran.
The cause of this latter expedition was the exaction of vengeance
for the plunder, by some pirates of Debal, of eight vessels, which
the ruler of Ceylon had despatched, filled with presents, pilgrims,
Muhammadan orphans, and Abyssinian slaves, to propitiate the

good-will of Hajjaj and the Khalif. The pirates are differently

named by the authorities whom we

have to follow. The Futiihu-l
Bulddn says they were "Med." The CJiach-ndma says they were
" Tankamara." The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm says they were " Nankamara;

but in a subseqent passage gives the name more distinctly as " Naga-
mara." 'Abdu-lla bin Tsa, who wrote a commentary upon the
Diwan of the poet Jarir, towards the close of the fourth century of
the Hijra, says they were " Kurk," for which a marginal reading
' Chach-ndma, MS., pp. 82. 83 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, p, 10.
Hammer, QemaUesaal, Vol. II. pp. 123, 124; Abel Eemiisat, sur la, Geog. do
I'Asie centrale, pp. 94-106. Compare also, respecting the relations between the
Persians and Chinese, De Guignes, Sisioire des Suns, Tom. I., pp. 54-59 ; Freret,
Mdmoires de I 'Acad., Tom. ivl, pp. 245-255 ; Chine in Univ. Pittoresque, Asie I. 297


substitutes " Kurd." Eeiske states his inability to comprehend what

tribe is meant by this name. Eeinaud says, " Kurds " are out of
the question;' but that "Kurks" by Ibn Al Asir,
are m^entioned
imder the annals of 151 h., made a descent upon Jidda,
as having
and that two years afterwards a flotilla was despatched from Basra
to make an attack upon the "Kurks," whom he surmises to be
probably natives of Coorg, to the east of Mangalore.' But these
are an inland nation, and cannot possibly have been engaged in
maritime expeditions. "Whoever they were, they must have been
inhabitants of Debal, or its immediate neighbourhood, and though
the name be extinct now, the Kurk, Kerk, or Kruk, may possibly
represent a tribe which flourished at one time near the mouth of the
The Meds are familiar to us, as being frequently mentioned by Ibn
H[aukal and the early writers on Sind.* The name of Tangamara
presents great difficulties ; but as there is a variation about the first

letter, and as the omission of diacritical points would admit of the

word being read Sangamara, it may be proper to point out, if that
should be the correct reading, the identity of the two first syllables

with those of Sangada, which Arrian tells us was the name of the
mainland in the neighbourhood of Krokala.' How far the name
extended does not, appear, but it is curious that, to our time, it seems
to be preserved beyond the eastern mouth of the river, in the
celebrated pirate-coast of the Sanganians, or Sangars, who for cen-
turies have committed their ravages on the shores of Sind and
Gruzerat, until their total suppression under our government.' It

' They are, however, a very migratory race. "We find them in Khur&s&n, K&bul,
Firs, Kirm&n, the Dasht-i he-daulat, and even in Sind, in the province of Kachh
Gand&.va, where they are classed as Brihtiis. It is also worthy of remark, that Ibn
Haukal speaks of some of the inland Jats as being " like unto the Kurds." Gilde-
meister, Soriptor. Arab, de rebus Indicis, p. 181,
2 Mimoire sur I'Inde, p. 181. ^ gg^ separate note respecting the Kerks.
* The Meds are also treated of in a separate note.
^ 'Ek 5e KpwK6.hu>v 4y 5$i^ fihv ix'^^'^^^ ^P**^ ^ir\woy . . . ^ fi^

X^pos Siras Si^TyoSa. Nmrchi Paraplus, p, 6, in Hudson's Oeograph, Minores,

Vol. I.

The principal station of the Sangirs is Juckow, in Kachh.

Al. Hamilton says
" The next province to Catchnaggen (Cach-nagar) is Sangania. Their seaport is
called Baet, very commodious and secure. They admit of no trade, but practice
piracy." Pinkerton, Collection of Voyages, Yol. VIII. p. 310. See also Oyington

may be remarked, also, that there is a tribe called Sangur still

dwelling on the coast of Makran, at MaMn and Batt.

It is probable, therefore, that the several authorities may be right
in paxt, and that the different piratical tribes of the mouths of the
Indus may have joined in the expedition which gave Hajjaj grounds
for demanding reparation from Dahir, the ruler of Sind.
Upon bis declaring his inability to restrain their excesses, Hajjaj
earnestly solicited from the Khalif permission to exact due vengeance
from Dahir and his subjects, offering to pay, from his own resources,
double what would be exhausted from the public treasury. But the
Khalif replied: "The distance is great, the requisite expenditure
will be enormous, and I do not wish to expose the lives of Musul-
mdns to peril." In the same spirit of caution, or forbearance, Musa

was checked in his career of conquest in Spain and when the ;

remonstanoe was disregarded, a second envoy, despatched with more

peremptory orders, seized the bridle of his horse in the presence of
the whole army, and led him away to Damascus to answer for his
When, at last, the repugnance of the Khalif had been overcome
by the urgent remonstrances of Hajjaj, and by his generous offer of
double payment, which was at a subsequent period rigorously
demanded, Ubaidu-lla bin Nabhan, was sent against the sea-port of
Debal, where he met with defeat and death (p. 119).'

Hajjaj then wrote to Budail, of the Bajali tribe, directing him to

advance against Debal. As Budail was at 'Uman, M. Eeinaud
considers it probable that he proceeded by sea to his destination ;

but the Chach^ndma, though somewhat confused, is fuUer than the

Futiihu-l Bulddn, and tells us that Budail was ordered to proceed to
Makran, that Muhammad Harun was directed to place three thou-

and D'Anville. Tod says the name was not that of any particular nation, but simply
" Sangamdharians," the pirates of the " Sangams," or sacred emhouchures of rivers.
West. India, p. 442, " Sankha," or " SankhadwEir," the old name of Bet, offers
an equally probable origin. Mac Pherson, {Ann. of Comm, I., 172) suggests
Sangara, the joined canoes mentioned in the Periplus.
1 Abii-1 Fid&, Jnnal Mosl., Vol. I. p. 107 Chaoh-ndma, MS. p. 85 Tuhfatu-l
; ;

Kirdm, MS. p. 10.

* Coude, Sist. de la Dom. de los Arabea en Map., ap. De Marl&s; Eeinaud,

Sarrazins, iviii. ; Crichton, 336.

' Bil&duri, fragments Arabet, p. 190.

sand men at his disposal, for the purpose of proceeding to Sind, and
that 'Abdu-lla bin Kahtan Aslamf was ordered to join him from
'Uman, which he accordingly did at Nairun. Budail advanced at
the head of three hundred men from Makran, and was joined on the
way y^ the reinforcements from Muhammad Harun. In the battle
which ensued, Budail, was thrown from his
after fighting gallantly,

horse, surrounded by the enemy, and killed, and many Musulmans

were taken captive. The Futuhu-l BvMdn and the Tukfatu-l Kirdm
represents the action as having taken place at Debal, but the Ohach-
ndma is not clear upon this point.'
Hajjaj was sorely afflicted at this disastrous result of his expedition,
and TOwed that he would take ample vengeance for the various
indignities which had been heaped upon him. As the people of
Nairun dreaded the consequences of Hajjaj's anger, and reflected

that their city stood on the very road by which the Arabs would
enter Sind, their governor, who was a Samani, or Buddhist, sent
privily some confidential messengers to Hajjdj, promising to remit

tribute regularly, and soliciting from him some writing, under which
Nairun might be secured from further annoyance at the hand of the
Musulmans. This bond was readily granted, and the Samani was
enjoined to obtain the freedom of the prisoners taken in the late
action, with the threat of " putting to the sword of IsUm the lives
of all infidels as far as the borders of China, if this demand was not
complied with."
After this, 'Umar bin 'Abdu-lla requested that the government of
Hind might be confided to him, but he was rebuked by Hajjaj, and
told that the astrologers, after being consulted, had pronounced that
the conquest of that country coxild be effected only by the hand of
Muhammad Kasim.
Muhammad Kasim, as he is universally styled by the Persians,
but by Biladurf, "Muhammad bin Kasim Sakifi," and by Abu-1
1 Brigga gives the leader's name as " Bndmeen." Reinaud as " Bodayl." Lt.
Postans as " Bazil." The Chaeh-ndma as " Baail," or " Buzail." [Biliduri giyes
it distinctly " Budail."] As " Budail " is an old Arabic name, it is probably the
correct reading in this passage. Compare Ferishta, Vol. IV. p. 403 ; Fragments
Arahes, p. 190 Journal A.S.JB., No. clviii., p. 85 ; Chaeh-ndma, MS., pp, 85, 86

Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 8; Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, Vol. I., p. 604; Sale,
JTofan, Vol..!. p. 138.
2 Chach-ndma, MS., p. 86 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 8.


Fida, "Muhammad bin Al Kasim," was in the bloom of youth,

being only seventeen years of age, when this important command
was conferred upon him. It is probable that, although he is repre-
sented to have already administered the province of Fars with abUity,
he obtained his appointment less from personal merit, than from
family interest, for he was cousin and son-in-law of Hajjdj ; but the
result showed the wisdom of the selection. His rapid career of con-
quest along the whole valley of the Indus, from the sea to the moun-
tains, has been fully narrated in the translations from the Futuhvr-l
Bulddn and Chach-ndma. From them it is evident, that his suc-
cesses, like those of his contemporary, Tarik, in Spain, were as much
attributable to his temper and policy as to his courage and strategy.
There was, though by no means little as Debal and Multan bear
witness ^yet much less, wanton sacrifice of life than was freely
indulged in by most of the ruthless bigots who have propagated the
the same faith elsewhere. The conquest of Sind took place at the
very time in which, at the opposite extremes of the known world,
the Muhammadan arms were subjugating Spain, and pressing on the
southern frontier of France, while they were adding Khwarazm to
their already mighty empire. In Sind, as in Spain, where submis-
sion was proffered, quarter was readily given ; the people of the
country were permitted the exercise of their own creeds and laws
and natives were sometimes placed in responsible situations of the
government. Much of this unwonted toleration may, in both in-
stances, have arisen from the small number of the invading force, as
well as from ignorance of civil institutions ; but we must still allow

the leaders credit for taking the best means of supplying these
deficiencies, and seeking assistance from the quarters most able to
afford it.'

The two authorities above-mentioned differ from each other in

some particulars, and the Chach-ndma, which is the source of the

Persian accounts, furnishes a few details, wearing, especially towards

1 Eespecting Spain, see De Marlls Siitoire des Arabes en Eapagne, Tom. I. p. 14

III. 401 ; Lockhart'B Spanish Ballaels,
xvli. Talk's moderation -was \yj no means
imitated by his early successors. The soldiery plundered the towns, devastated the
country, and profaned the churches. A
native historian has remarked that the
miseries of the vanquished constituted the happiness of the victors.Mariana, Be
rehut Siefani<e, Lib. vi., c. 19.

VOL. I. 28

the close, the appearance of embellishment ; but there isno stariiing

discrepancy in the general history of the conquest, of which the
broad features are preserved with fidelity ia both naratives.
The Persian authorities, following the CfeacA-mdmo, mention tliat
Muhammad Kdsim penetrated to Kanauj, which, as the borders of
that country then extended nearly to Ajmfr, is no improbable cir-
cumstance, if we do not construe the expression to signify literally
that the city of Kanauj was conquered.
But even the possession of
would not haTe satisfied the ambitious aspirations
that great capital
of Hajjaj; for he had ordered Muhammad to penetrate to China;
and with the view of exciting emulation between him and Kutaiba,
had promised, that whichever of them arrived there first should be
invested with the government of the celestial empire : a fair chal-
lenge and a fair start, for in the self- same year, one was on the
Indus, the other on the Jaxartes, in the same longitude, and at the
same distance from the eastern goal, which fanaticism and avarice,

as well as the desire to secure a safe and remote asylum upon

the death of Walid, had designated to these rival generals as Hhe
guerdon of success and victory.'

The Progress of the Arabs in Sind.

From faith in Firishta, who has been followed exclusively by
our modem historians, it has been usual to consider that the con-
quest of Sind was effected by only six thousand men, who, by some
misapprehension of the original, are wrongly stated to be Assyrians.
The more correct statement, given by our Arab authorities, shows
that, independent of an advanced guard under Abu-1 Aswad Jaham,
which was ordered to join Muhammad Kasim on the borders of
Sind, there were six thousand picked cavalry from Syria and 'Irak,
six thousand armed camel- riders, thoroughly equipped for military
operations, with a baggage train of three thousand Bactrian camels,
which, however, Mir Ma'sum converts into three thousand infantry.
In Makran,Muhammad Kasim was joined by the governor, Muham-
mad Harun, with other reinforcements and five catapults, together

with the necessai-y ammunition, were transported by sea to Debal.

The number of men conveyed by the naval squadron may be esti-
' Mdm. star I'Inde, p. 186 ; L'Unwen. Pitt. Aiie, t. 327.


iKiatod by the fact, that we find one catapult alone requiring no less
than five hundred men work
These heavy machines had been
to it.

used by the Prophet in the siege of Taif, and had done efiective
service only a few years before at Damascus and Mecca, as well
as in the re-conquest of northern Africa; but they were so pon-
derous that they could be tafely used, except where the means
of transport by water existed, or but a short distance by land had t6
be traversed. Hence Kutaiba, ia his campaign beyond the Oxub,
was often compelled to regret that a long and tedious land-carriage
deprived him of the advantage of these implements, which were
nearly indispensable in the operations in which he was engaged.
Besides these Arab troops, we find the Jats and Meds enlisting
under Muhammad Kasim's banners, which, independent of its moral
effect in dividing national sympathies, and relaxing the unanimity
of defence against foreign aggression, must have been of incalculable
benefit to him, in his disproportionate excess of cavalry, which could
be of but little service in a country intersected by rivers, swamps,
and canals.
This desertion of the native princes was doubtless occasioned by
the severity with which they had treated the Jats and Lohanas upon
the capture of Brahmanabad. The inhibition of riding on saddles
and wearing fine clothes, the baring the head, the accompaniment
of a dog, the drawing of and hewing wood for the royal kitchen,
were more suited to Musulman intolerance than the mild sway of
Hinduism ; and accordingly, after the conqueror's first acquisitiona,

we find him so indifferent about retaining the good will of his allies,

that he imposed the same conditions upon them, which he enforced

with even greater stringency than his predecessors.
After thenews of Muhammad Kasim's success reached Damascus,
he was joined by other troops and adventurers eager for plunder
and proselytism ; insomuch that when he left Multan, for the pur-
pose of proceeding to Dipalpiir and the north, we find it stated in the

Tdrikh-i Sind and Tithfatu4 Kirdim, that he had no less than 50,000
men marching under his standard, besides those whom he had left

in the forts and garrisons of Sind. Hence we may see, that paucity

of numbers was by no means so much against the chance of Muham-

mad Kasim's success as has hitherto been supposed.
I Elphinstone'i Miatory of India, Vol. I. p. SIO.

There is no occaBion here to follow this conqueror through all

the rapid stages of his successful career. These will be found fully
set forth in the translations from the Chach-ndma and Futuhu-l
Bulddn, which furnish details hitherto wanting in the authorities
accessible to us. Abii-l Fida and Abu-1 Taraj tell us merely that
Hind was conquered by Muhammad Kasim in the year 94 h. Ibn
Kutaiba, ascribes the conquest to 93 h., but gives no particulars.
Elmacin ( Al Makin) only tells us that Hind and Siad were conquered,
and that King Dahir was slain by the Musulmans, and had his head
cut off and Weil gives the following as the sum of all that the great

historian Tabari has to say upon this theme : " In the year 90 (?)

Muhammad ibn Kasim, whom Hajjaj had appelated to command an

army, slew the king of Sind, named Dass ibn Sassa. In the year
94, Muhammad ibn Kasim conquered India. In the year 95, the
farthest India was conquered, with exception of Kiraj and Alman-
dal."^ A like complaint has been made of the meagreness of our
modern writers with respect to this interesting period of Indian
history, but without just cause, for they reaUy had no documents to

appeal to.

Though Muhammad left Shiraz in the year 92 h., he does not

.appear to have reached Debal till the beginning of the following
year. The precise date is not mentioned, yet Hajjaj replies to the
:announcement of its capture, on the 20th Bajab, 93 (1st May,
712 A.D.) ; so, as news between Sind and the capital is said to have

heen conveyed in seven days, the faU. of Debal may be dated in the
beginning of that month."
After the conquest of the capital Alor, in Bamazan of the same
year, the Futuhu-l Bulddn carries him no further than Multan, from
whii^ place he returns on hearing of Hajjaj 's death; but the Chach-
ndma takes him to the very foot of the Kashmfr hills, to the part
where the Jhelam debouches from the mountains, and forms the
streams and islands which cannot faU to strike the traveller with
the minute correctness of Quintus Curtius, in describing (viii. 45)

the scene of Alexander's decisive victory over Porus, after passing

the Hydaspes. In the Chach-ndma, the place is called Panj-mdhidt,

1 Geeehichte der Chalifm, Vol. I. pp. 161, 184, 188, 606 ; Antmlea Moslepiici,
Vol, I. p. 148 ; Eittoria Dynaatiarum, J). 201 ; Eistoria Saracenica, p. 84.
' Xuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 1.


or "
The Five Waters," a miniature Panjab, in short {supra, p. 144).
It was here that Chach fixed the boundary of Sind and Kashmir
and the planting of fir-trees, to mark the site, shows how elevated a
spot these conquerors had reached in their northern progress.
The balance of authority is perhaps in favour of Jalalpur, as the
place of Alexander's crossing the Hydaspes : argument and ocular
demonstration conclusively decide in favour of the upper passage ;

but we need not discuss the point further. The literature of the
question may be ascertained by consulting the references in the note.'
The Khalif Walid died six months after Hajjaj, in Jamada I.

A.H. 96 A.D. January, 715 ; and as Muhammad Kasim's recal was

immediately consequent upon that event, he must have remained
altogether about three years and a quarter in Sind and the Panjab.
Our authorities differ respecting the mode of Muhammad Kasim's
death ; but it must be admitted that there is much more probability
in the statement of the Futuhu-l Bulddn than in that of the Ghaeh-
ndma, which is followed by all the later writers. The former states
that h was seized, fettered, imprisoned, and tortured to death with
the Khalif Sulaiman's sanction ; the latter, that the two daughters
of Dahir, who had been sent to the capital for the Khalif s haram,
complaiaed that they had already been violated by their father's
conquerwr, ^upon which, Wali'd, in a fit of wrath, ordered that he
should be sewn up in a raw cow-hide, and so transmitted to Damas-
cus. When his body was exhibited to the girls, they declared: thait

their assertioii was untrue, and that they had uttered it merely to be
avenged on the destroyer of their family and country. The tale

goes on. to say, that the capricious tyrant, in an agony of remorse for
his hasty conduct, ordered them to be immured alive. Others say
they were tied to horses' tails, and so dragged about th& city.' The

Droysen, Geschichte Alex's, p. 389; Burncs, Travels to Bolchara, Vol. 1. p. 67;


Eitter,Erd&unde von Asien, Yo\. IV. pt. i. pp. 452-4; vii. p. 93 ; Elphinstbne,
Caubul, p. 80 ; 'Williains, life of Alex., p. 267 ; Tram. S. A. Soo., Vol. I. pp.
148-199; H. T. Prinsep, Journal A. S. Bengal, 1843, p. 628; J. Abbott, ibid.;

Vol.XVII. p. 1 XVIII. and 1852, pp. 219-231.


' The account given in the Chaeh-ndma has been already printed. The following
is from Mir Ma'sfini. It will be seen that both these authorities represent the Ehalif
Walid as the destroyer of Muhammad K4sim. " At that time a letter came from the
KhalifWalid, to this effect ;
'After taking Alor, you sent to the. capital, among the
prisoners, two daughters of E.6.ja DS.hir, in charge of Muhammad, the son of 'All

wtole story certainly savours more of romance than reality, but

the reason which has been advanced against it namely, that the

Tuhm&n Hamad^ni, accompanied by Abyssinian servants. One night tie Kbalif

had the two girls brought into his harani, and he then gave them into the charge of
the bedchamber attendants, with orders to pay them eyery attention, and present
them when they had recovered from the fatigues of their journey. Two months after-
wards the Khalif remembered these two Hindi slaves, and ordered them to be brought
into his presence. An interpreter accordingly summoned them. "When their veils
were thrown back, the Khalif, on seeing them, became distracted with admiration of
their great beauty. He then asked them their names one said her name was ;

Parmal-Devi, the other said her name was Sflraj-Devi. The Khalif ordered the
attendants to leave one of them there. She then rose and said I am not fit for the :

bedchamber of the Khalif, because Muhammad bin KSsim dishonoured us both

before he sent us to the Khalif.' When the interpreter explained this, the fire of
anger and jealousy was kindled in the Khalif, and he gave orders that as a punish-
ment for this want of respect, Muhammad bin K&sim should be wrapped up in the
raw hide of an ox, and be sent to the capital. To enforce this order, the Khalif
wrote some words of menace in the margin of the letter in his own hand, * Wherever
Muhammad bin JC&sim may be, when this reaches him, he is to come to the capital,
and make no fail in obeying this order.' Muhammad bin K&sim was at Tfdh&piir,
when the Khalif's chamberlain brought this mandate. When he had read it he
directed that officer to carry the order into effect. He accordiiigly wrapped
Muhammad bin K&sim in a Three days afterwards the bird of life left his
raw hide.
body and flew to heaven. The chamberlain put
the body into a box, and carried
it to the capital. When he arrived in Syria, he brought the box before the Khalif
on a day of public audience. The Khalif enquired if Muhammad were alive? the
chamberlain replied that he had been enclosed in a raw skin, and that he died three
days afterwards. The Khalif then directed the box to be taken into the female apart-
ments, and ordered that it should be opened there in his presence. He then
called for the daughters of E4ja D&hir, and said, ' Come and see how supreme are
my commands ; behold, Muhammad bin K&sim !
' They both came forward to look
at him and recognized him, and, raising their hands, they blessed and praised the
Khalif. They then said, ' Kings of great justice should not proceed hastily in
perilous matters, nor act precipitately upon the information of friends or enemies in
the most important of all concerns.' When the Khalif enquired what was the
meaning of their address, they replied ; ' We raised this charge against Muhammad
bin K&sim out of enmity to him, because he slew our father, and through him dominion
and wealth have departed from our house , we have come as prisoners into a foreign
land ; the king in his anger did not weigh our words, nor distinguish between our
truth and our falsehood, but issued his fatal order. The truth is, this man was to us
as a father, or a brother; his hands never touched the skirts of our purity; our
object was to revenge our father, and so we made this accusation. Our wishes have
been fulfilled, but there has been a serious failure in the king's justice.' When the
Khalif heard this, he was overwhelmed with remorse for a whole hour ; but the fire
of anger then burst from the furnace of his bosom, and he gave orders for the two
girls to be tied to the tails of horses, and, after being dragged round the city, to be
thrown into the Tigris {Dajla). Muhammad bin K&sim was buried at Damascus.
Two years after his death the people of India rebelled, and threw off their yoke, and
only from Debalpur to the Salt Sea remained under the dominions of the Khalif."

sewing up in a hide was a T4tar mode of punishment, and not

Arab constitutes no valid objection for, though it undoubtedly;

was practised by the Tatars as when the savage Hulakii murdered
the last Khalif of Baghdad yet an earlier example might have
been discovered in the Arab annals. Even before the time of the
Sind conquest, we find the adherents of the first Mu'awiya enclosing
the body of the governor of Egypt in the carcass of an ass, and
burning both to ashes.' And as for the general tone of romance
which runs through this version of Muhammad Kdsim's death, we
find a case somewhat parallel in contemporary history ; when

Musa, the conqueror of Spain, was treated with similar indignity by

Sulaiman the same Khalif who persecuted the conqueror
of Sind, and was lingering in misery and Mecca, the head exile at

of his son, who had been murdered at Cordova, was thrown down at
his father's feet, while the tyrant's messenger taunted him in the
midst of his agony and despair.*


7. Sulaimdn, a.h. 96-99. a.d. 715-717.

Yazid, who was appointed to succeed Muhammad Kasim, died

eighteen days after his arrival in Sind. Habib, the son of Muhallab,
was then appointed to pursue the war in that country ; for, in the

interval, the princes in India had revolted, and Jaisiya, the son of

Dhir, had regained possession of Brahmanabad. The local his-

two years after the departure of
torians, indeed, tell us that, for

Muhammad Kasim, the natives recovered and maintained possession

of the countries which had been conquered from them. Habib
encamped on the banks of the Indus, and the inhabitants of Alor
submitted to him, after he had defeated a tribe which opposed him
in arms (p. 124:).
'Amar bin 'Abdu-Ila is also mentioned as one of the Sindian
governors during this reign.'

1 "Weil, Oeschiehte der Chalifen, Vol. I. p. 242.

Gardoime, Hialoire ite I'Afriqw et de VMspagne sous la Domin. dta Arabes.

Tom. I., p. 98. Gfibbon, Chap. li.

' Tarikh-i Sind, MS., p. 37; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 18; GtaMehU dtr

Chalifen, Vol. I. p. 571.



8. 'Umar II., a.h. 90-101. a.d. 717-720.

The Khalif Sulaiman, who died a.h. 99 a.d. 717, was succeeded
by 'Umar bin 'Abdu-1 Aziz. 'Umar addressed letters to the native
princes, inviting them to embrace Islam, and to swear allegiance

proposing, as the reward of their acquiescence, that they should be

allowed participation in the rights and privileges of other Musul-
mans. The son of Dahir, and many princes, assented to these pro-

posals, and took Arab names. 'Amrii bin Muslim al Bahali was the
Khalif's lieutenant on this frontier, and he was successful in the
invasion of several Indian provinces (p. 124).'

9. Tazid II., A.H. 101-105. a.d. 720-724.

Under the reign of Tazid bin 'Abdu-1 Malik, the sons of Muhallab
fled to Sittd with their families. 'Amru sent Halal al Tamimi in
pursuit of them, and on his encountering the fugitives at Kandabel,
he slew Mudrak, Mufazzal, Ziyad, and all the sons of Muhallab,
including Mu'awiya, who had placed Muhammad Kasim in chains.
This happened in the year 101 or 102 h., and forms an episode of
some interest in the civil warfare of the Ummayides, which is fully
recounted by the Arabic historians of that dynasty.
When Yazid, the son of Muhallab, had fairly committed himself
to a contest with his namesake, the reigning Khalif, he had, in
order to extend his power, and procure an asylum in the event of
defeat, despatched his agents to obtain possession of the several
provinces of Ahwaz, Pars, Kirmdn, and Makran, as far as the banks
of the Indus. Kandabel, " on the remotest frontiers of the empire,"
he had especially consigned to the charge of Wadda ibn Hamid al

Azdi, in order that he might ensure a safe refuge for his family in
case ofany disaster. His defeat and death shortly ensued;
upon which, Mufazzal and his other brothers, having equipped
at Basra a sufficient number of vessels for the conveysknce of
themselves and the surviving members of the Muhallabi family,
embarked for the coast of Kirman, whence they proceeded, as
originally designed, to Kandabel. There Wadda proved treacherous
to his charge, and the whole family, it is commonly said, were
extirpated in the action which took place under its walls ; but some
^ Mimoire sur I'Inde, p. 191 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS., p. 18.

members, at least, must have survived; for, besides others of the

same family, we read of one Yazid Muhallabi, fifty years afterwards,

as governor of Africa, and his son, Daud, as governor of Sind.'
The women and children were sold into slavery, from which they
were only redeemed by the humanity of a generous individual,
named Jarrah, the son of 'Abdu-Ua.'
10. Hashdm, a.h. 105-125. a.d. 72i-743.
14. Marwdn IT., a.h. 127-13i]. a.d. 744-750.
'Amru was succeeded ia the command of the Indian frontier by
Junaid, son of 'Abdu-r Eahman al Marri, in which appointment,
originally made by 'Umar, the governor of 'Irak, he was confirmed
by the Khalif Hasham, son of 'Abdu-1 Malik.
From the mention of the " Sindian frontier," it would appear that
the Arabs were stUl excluded from the province itself; and it is

indeed, said in the passage from the native historian quoted above,
that the new converts again apostatized, and revolted against the
government. Junaid proceeded to Debal, but upon his reaching the
banks of the Indus, the son of Dahir opposed his passage, on the
ground that he himself had been invested by the Khalif 'Umar
with the government of his own country, in consequence of having
become a Muhammadan. A contest took place between them on the
lake of As-sharki, when, the vessel of the son of Dahir bemg quite
disabled, he was made prisoner, and subsequently put to death.
Sasa, his brother, fled towards 'Irak, to complain of Junaid's con-
duct ; but he also, having been cajoled by the perfidious promises of
Junaid, was killed by- that Amir.
Junaid sent an expedition against Ki'raj, which had revolted.
The waUs having been demolished by battering rams, the town was
taken by assault, and pillaged. He despatched his officers also to
various other places, of which it is difficult to determine the names.
They may be mentioned as Marmad,' Mandal,* Dalmaj, Barus, Uzain,
Ibn Khaldlin, in Sisi. de VAfrique, by M. Noel Desmrgers, quoted in Mem., p. 194.

' Ann. Mos., Vol. I. p. 442, and note 207; Erpenii Elmacin, Sist.
Ab(i-1 Fid4,
Sarac., p. 78; Price, Muham. Mist., Vol. I. pp. 631-643; Weil, Genchichte der
Chal, Vol. I. p. 603.
s Had
not Broach been subseqaenfly mentioned, I Bhould have conceived this word
to be meant for the river Nerbudda (Narmada), It may be a mere repetition of the
syllable which forms the root of Marusthali, " or great ^andy desert," itself the origin
of Marw4r. * See Note A, page 390.

Maliba, Baharimad, Al Bailaiman,' and Jurz ; but in most instances,

it is almost impossible to identify them, with any approach to
certainty (p. 126).' It is sufficient to observe, that these several
expeditions are represented to have been rewarded -with immense
booty, and that about this period the extension of the Arab con-
quests, both by sea and land, seems to be confirmed by passages in
the Hindu, as well as the Chinese, chronicles.'
Junaid was succeeded, about 107 a.h., by Tamfm bin. Zaid al
'Utbi, who had been previously sent to Sind by Hajjaj. He was
found to be feeble and incompetent, but generous and profuse
withal, having lavished no less than eighteen millions of tdtariya*
dirhams, which he found in the public treasury of Sind. He died
near Debal, "at a place called Buffalo Water, because herdsmen
drove their cattle into it, to protect them against the bears (dahdb),
which infested the banks of the Mihran." Under his government
the Musulmans evacuated some Indian provinces, and, " up to this
period," says Biladuri, " they have not recovered them all, and their
settlements are not so far in advance as they had been previously."
After Tamfm, the government was entrusted by Khalad, governor
of 'Irak, to Hakim al Kalabi. The inhabitants of Hind had relapsed
into idolatry, except those of Kassa. Had they also followed the
pernicious example, the Arabs would have been deprived of all

retreat in case of danger. Hakim built a city on the eastern

borders of a lake, which he named Mahfiiza, " the guarded." ' He
made this a place of refuge for the Musulmdns, established it as the
capital, and resided in it. Hakim entrusted 'Amrii bin Muhammad
bin Kasim' with an expedition beyond Mahfuza, from which he
returned victorious ; and when 'Amru was, in his turn, nominated

' There is a " Nilh&n" mentioned in the Chach-ndma (p.

" Nilmkn" probably.
160),and a "Nflma" in the Sdg Zdr-ndma (p. 292). The latter is midway between
'Umarkot and Jesalmir. XSm. sur I'lnde,
p. 192.
Tod, Annals of Sajasthm,Yol. I. pp. 231, 242-260, 781; Ma-twan-Un, in

Xomeaux Melanges Asiatiqttes, Tom. I. p. 196; Z'Univert. Pitt., Asi$ I. p. 300,

et teq.
* This word is supposed to be corrupted from the " Stater" of the Greela [but eee
note, supra, p. 3.]
" The province of Las, above Sunmi&nl Bay, answers well to this safe position of
retreat, in the event of Arab discomfiture.
From this parentage we may consider him to be a son of the conqueror of Sind.



governor, he founded a city " on tliis side the lake, which he called
Mansura, 'the victorious,' and which is now," adds Biladurf, "the
capital, where the governors reside."
Hakim recovered from the enemy some of the territories which
had been lost ; but, though the people were content with his govern-
ment, he was murdered during his administration. The governors
who succeeded continued the war against the enemy, and reduced to
obedience many of the provinces which had revolted. The names
of these governors are not mentioned by Biladuri; but the Tuh-
fatu-l Kirdm says, respecting this period, " Sulaiman, the son of the

Khalif Hasham, on being put to flight in his action with Marwan,

was appointed to Sind, which he ruled well, and remained there tUl
the accession of the 'Abbasides, when he hastened to pay his respects
to Saffah. Abii-l Khattab also was appointed to Sind by Marwan.''
The TdriTch-i Sind also mentions this latter appointment.'


1. Ahii-l 'Ahbds as Sdffdh. a.h. 132-136. a.d. 750-754.
When the 'Abbasides Abu Muslim
succeeded to the Khilafat,
Eahman, who went to
entrusted the government of Sind to 'Abdu-r
Sind by way of Tukharistan, and met on the frontier Mansur bin
Jamhur, the governor on the part of the late Ummayide Khalif:'
Abdu-r Eahman was totally defeated, his army put to flight, and he
himself slain (supra, p. 127).*
Abii Muslim then conferred the governorship upon Musa bin K'ab
ut Tamfmf, who, on his arrival in Sind, found the Indus placed
between him and Mansur. The rivals, however, managed to en-

counter each other, and Mansur and all his troops, though far
superior to their opponents in numbers, were compelled to fly ; his
brother was slain, and he himself perished of thirst in the saaidy

1 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 18.
'This may have been the same Ab<i-1 Khatt&b who was governor of Spain in
Marw&n's time. There was also a contemporary Zendio leader of this name.^ M.
Quatremere, Journal Asiatique, Aug. 1836, p. 131.
' Ibn Khaldlin and Elmacin wrongly assert that he was appointed by Saff4h.

See Weil, Geschichte der Chal., Vol. II. p 16.

* [See note upon the coins of 'Abdu-r Rahman and others, supra, p. 374]

5 Hammer, Oemdldesaal der Lebensbeichreibungen, Vol. II, p. 168. Weil, 6e-

ichiehU der Chal., uU suprd.


Miisa, when lie became master of Sind, repaired Mansura, enlarged

the mosque, and directed several successful expeditions against the
infidels. According to the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, it was Daiid bin 'Al

who expelled the, Ummayide governor.

2. Ab{t Ja'/ar al Mans&r. a.h. 136-158. a.d. 754-775.

About the year 140 h., Mansur appointed Hasham

the Khalif Al
to Sind, who conquered countries which had hitherto resisted the
progress of the Muhammadan arms. He despatched 'Amni bin
Jamal with a fleet of barks to the coast of Barada,* against which
point, we are informed by Tabari and Ibn Asir, another expedition

was despatched in 160 h., in which, though the Arabs succeeded in

taking the town, sickness swept away a great portion of the troops,
while they were stationed in an Indian port, and the rest, on their
return, were shipwrecked on the coast of Persia ; so that the Khalif
Mahdi was deterred from any- further attempts upon India.'
A body of troops, at the time when 'Amrii was employed against
Barada, penetrated into " the kingdom of Hind, conquered the coun-
try of Kashmir, and took many women and children captive."' The
whole province of Multan was also reduced. At Kandabel, there
was a party of Arabs, whom Hasham expelled the country. They
are suspected, with some reason, to have been adherents of 'All.*

^ [This name ha been rendered "Nirand," in page 127, after Goeje, but as the

MS. has no points, the word may be Bdrand, Bm-id, etc.] MM. Eeinaud and Weil
despair about identifying this name. I believe it to be Barada, or Jetwir, on the
coast of Guzer&t, and the B4r6d, or Barfla, of Bir6ni. Perhaps, also, it may havB
some connection with tlje Bar-ace of Ptolemy, and the Periplus. Barada stretches
along th3 south-western shore of the Peninsula of Guzerat, between the divisions of
Hal&r and Sorath. The port of Pvirbandar, in Barada, is the great emporium of
this and the neighbouring coasts, on account of its favourable position. The town,
which was captured in 160 5., and which is represented to have been a large one, was
probably Ghiimti, of which the ruins attract the curiosity of the traveller, and still
continue to excite the devotion of the Hindfis. Tradition says it stood a siege of
seven or eight years, but the precise era of its destruction is not known.
2 Frag. Arabes, pp. 3, 120, 212. (?scA. der Chal., Vol. II. p. 115.
3 This does not mean the present province of Kashmir. Hwen Tsang speaks of
the Panj5,b, about a.d. 640, as being a dependency of Kashmir, and the upper portion
of the plain-country was frequently attached to that kingdom. The Kashmirian
annals ignore these Sindian victories, and even interpose the glorious reign of Lalit^-
ditya. See Gildemeister, de rebus Indicit, pp. 10-14. Mem. sur I'Inde, pp. 162-4,
188-191. Stan. Julien, Hiouen Thsang, 1. 162.
Corrig. ex Tabari, ap. Kosegarten, Chrestomathia, pp. 98-104. Conf. Frag-
ments, 212 ; Mem., 193 Gildemeister, 23 ; Weil, II. 56 Abd-l Fida, II. 28.
; ;

About this time, the Sindian Arabs engaged in a naval expedition

against Kandahar/which place the idol-temple was destroyed,

and a mosque raised upon its ruins. Here, again, we have greatly
to reduce the distance within which these operations are supposed to
have been conducted. M. Beiuaud, ia his earlier publication,' in
which he is followed by Dx. Weil,' considered the place here in-
dicated to be Kandhdr, near the Gfulf of Cambay but, in his sub- ;

sequent one,* he inclines to the opinion that Gandhara, on the Upper

Indus, is meant of which Waihind was the capital. There is little

probability of either being correct, and we need not look any further
than the peninsula of Kathlwar, on the north-west angle of which
is situated Khandadar, one of the objects of our attack in 1809,
when, unlike its neighbour, Malia, it surrendered to Col. "Walker's
detachment without resistance.
Under Hasham, the supreme authority was enforced with vigour
throughout the whole country, and the people are represented to
have lived in abundance and content.
The government of Sind was then bestowed upon 'Umax bin Hafs
bin 'Ueman, a Sufrian, commonly called Hazarmard." This must
have been previous to 151 h., for in that year we find him transferred
to the government of Africa, where he was killed in the year 154 h.
He was succeeded in the African government by Tazid bin Hatim,
or bin Mazid MuhaUabi, while Euh, the brother of Yazid, became
governor of Sind in 154 and 155 H. (771 a.i>.). At the time of
Biih's departure for the valley of the Indus, some one observed to
the Khalif Mansur, that the two brothers had little chance of being
enclosed in the same tomb. Nevertheless, upon the death of Yazi'd,
he was succeeded in Africa by his brother Euh, and the two brothers
were actually interred by the side of one another at Kairoan."

5. Hdrimu-r Bashid, a.h. 170-19S. a.d. 786-809.

We have, during this prosperous period, another instance of

transfer between Africa and Sindj for Daud bin Yazid MuhaUabi,
I [Goeje's text gives "Kandahir."] * FragmenU Araies et Persans, p. 212.
' Geschichte der Chalifm, Vol. II. p. 56. * Memoire sur VInde, p. 196.
Tatiari and Ab(i-1 FidS, place the government of Hash&m subsequent to that of

Ibn Aslr, Kdmilu-t Ttmdrikh, anno. 171, ap. M^m., p. 194. The years of
B.fik'a Sindian administration are differejitly given in Fragments, p. 213.

who had provisionally Buceeeded his fathet in the former province,

was appointed to the latter about the year 184 h. (800 a.d.), and
died there while holding the ofSce of governor.' These transfers,

no doubt, were designed to prevent governors becoming too power-

ful and independent, by maturing intrigues, and courting popularity
with the inhabitants of any particular province ; but t];iey must have
also been attended with the salutary effect upon the governors
themselves, of removing prejudices, suggesting comparisons, im-
parting knowledge, and enlarging the general sphere of their ob-

The native historians mention other governors during this reign.
One, a celebrated Shaikh, called Abii Turab, or Haji Turabi. He
took the strong fort of Tharra, in the district of Sakvira, the city of
Bagar, Bhambur, and some other places in western Sind. His tomb,
which bears on its dome the early date of 171 h. (787 a.d.), is to be
seen about eight miles south-west of Thatta, between Giija and Kori,
and is visited by pilgrims.'
Abu-1 'Abbas was also a governor of Sind during Harun's Khila-
fat, and remained in that post for a long time. This is all the in-
formation which we derive from Mir Ma' sum respecting the Arab
governors, though he professes to give us a chapter specially devoted
to this subject.^
The vigour which marked ^this period of the Sindian government
may, perhaps, be judged of by the impression which the advances of
the Arabs were making upon the native princes on the northern
frontier of India. Even the Khakan of Tibet was inspired with
alarm at the steady progress of their dominion.*
One interesting synchronism connected with the reign of Harun
should not be omitted in this place. Tabari mentions that this
Khalif despatched, by the Arabian sea, an envoy, accompanied with
numerous presents, to some king of India, representing that he was
sore afflicted with a cruel malady, and requesting, as he was on the
point of travelling on a distant journey into Khurasan, that the
famous Indian physician, Kanka or Manikba, might be sent to attend
' Abd-l Fid&, Annates Moslem, Vol. II. p. 78.
2 Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 19, 234.
' Tdirkh-t Sind, MS. p. 38, and Tuhfatu-l Kiram, MS. p. 19.
* "Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, Vol. II., pp. 163, 180.

him on "his tour in that province promising, on the honour

; of a prince,
that he should be pertnitted to return to his country immediately
on the Khalif s aarival at Balkh. The physician, who was sent in
compliance with this request, was so successful in his treatment,
that his imperial patient was in a short time sufficiently recovered
to proceed to his destination, through the passes of Hal wan. Never-
theless, the Khalif died at Tus, before he had accomplished all the
purposes of his journey; but, in due time, the Indian physician,
according to promise, was allowed to proceed to Balkh, whence he
returned in safety to his native country ; which, if not Sind itself,

was probably no great distance from it, as the embassy of invitation

had proceeded by sea. Some authorities; however, represent that
the physician, in the first instance, crossed over the Hindu-kush, and
returned home by the Persian Gulf.'

7. Al Mdmim, a.h. 198-218. a.d. 813-833.

During this Khilafat, Bashar bin Daud, who was invested with
the chief authority in Sind, raised the standard of revolt, with-
held payment of the revenues, and prepared to resist the Khalif
with open force. Ghassan bin Abbad, an inhabitant of Kufa, and a
near relative of the Khalif, who had about ten years previous been
governor of Khurasan, Sijistdn, and Kirman, was sent, in 213 h.,

against the insurgent, who surrendered himself to Ghassan under

promise of safe conduct, and accompanied him to Baghdad, where
he obtained pardon from the Khalif.'
Ghassan then appointed " to the government of the frontier,"

Mijsa, son of the famous Yahya, the Barmekide, and younger brother
of Fazl and Ja'far, the ministers of Harunu-r Baahid. Musa cap-
tured and slew Bala, king of As-Sharki (the east), though five
hundred thousand dirhams were offered as a ransom (p. 128).
In another work, Musa's appointment is ascribed to Hariin's reign.

He was removed, because he squandered the revenues. He was suc-

ceeded by 'All bin 'Isa bin Haman.'

There appears some difficulty about this period, with respect to

Ibn Abfi Usaibiah, in Journal R. A. Soc, Vol. VI. p. 110. Price, Mohammedan
Hiitory, Vol. II. p. 88.
A. Sprenger, Biographical Diet. h. U. K., Vol. II., p. 300.
2 AbCi-1 Fidi, Annales Moslem., Vol. II. p. 150.
' Tahfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 18.


the succession to the govenrment of Sind. It is asserted that, pre-

Tious to the arrival of Ghassan, Tahir bin Husain, who had been the
main cause of the elevation of Mamun to the Khilafat, received
Sind as a portion of his eastern government, when he was appointed
toKhurasan in 205 a.h. (820 a.d.), in which province he died before
he had held it two years. Others, agalin, say that 'Abdu-Ua bin
Tahir (the Obaid-uUa of Eutychius)' received the province of Sind,
when he succeeded to his father's government in Khurasan. Pirishta
also tells us, that the Samanfs extended their incui'sions to Sind and
Thatta ; but it may reasonably be doubted if either they, or the
Tahiris,' exercised any power in the valley of Indus, any more than
did the Suffarides (except perhaps Ta'kub), or the Buwaihides, whose
seats of government were much nearer, and who had many more
facilities for establishing their power in that direction. There is a
confusion, also, respecting the precise date of the Barmekide governor
above alluded to.'

8. Al-MuHasim-U-llah, a.h. 218-227. a.d. 833-841.

Musa, the Barmekide, after acquiring a good reputation, died in

the year 221 h., leaving a son, named 'Amran, who was nominated
governor of Sind by Mu'tasim-bi-Uah, then Khalif. 'Amran betook
himself to the country of Kaikan, which was in the occupation of the
Jats, vanquished them, and founded a city, which he called Al Baiza,
" the white," where he established a military colony. He then re-
turned to Mansura, and thence went to Kandabel, which was in the
possession of Muhammad bin Khalil. The town was taken, and the
principal inhabitants were transferred to Kusdar. After that, he
ent an expedition against the Meds, killed three thousand of them,
and constructed a causeway, which bore the name of "the Med's cause-
way." Upon encamping near the river Alrur,* he summoned the
' Eutychii Annales, Vol. II. p. 430.
' [See note on the 'I&tariya dirhams, siipra, p. 3 ; Thomas' Prinsep Vol II
p. 118.]
* Compare M. de Sacy, Chrestomathie Arahe, Tom. III. p. 496. M. de Slane
Diet, d' Ibn-KhaUiMn, Tom. I. p. 642. Mim. sur r'inde, p. 198. Fragm. Arabes,
p. 215. Gildemeiflter, de reb. Indicia, p. 24. ^Weil, Geschichte der Chalifen, Vol. II.
p. 228.
* [This is the reading of Goeje's text (see supra, p. 128), but Sir H. Elliot read
" Aral," respecting which he says] This riyer, by some considered an artificial canal,
runs from the lake Manchhar, and falls into the Indus, near Sihw&n.


Jats, who were dependent on his government. " When they obeyed
the call, he stamped a seal upon their hands,' and received from them
the capitation tax, directing that when they presented themselves to
him, they should each be accompanied by a dog, so that the price of
a dog rose as high as fifty dirhams."
The meaning of this strange .provision is not very evident, but we
have seen above, that it originated with the Brahman dynasty, and
was approved by Muhammad Kasim. It does not appear whether
the tribute-dogs were taken away by the Arabs, or whether it was
intended to encourage the breed, by making it necessary that every
man should have his dog. It is only for one of these two reasons
that the price could have been enhanced.
In the former case, they
must have been taken, either for the purpose of being slaughtered*
by the Arabs, in order to diminish their number, which might have
amounted to a nuisance, or they Were taken and kept to be used by
themselves, as by the Talpur princes of later times, in hunting or
in watching flocks, as we see them employed to this day in the Delta,
where they allow no stranger to approach a village. For the same
reasons they are held in high repute in Buluohistan.
Had any people but Saracens been rulers in Syria and Mesopo-
tamia, we might have even surmised that these animals were an
article of export, for the celebrity of Indian dogs was great among
the ancient occupants of the same country, and by them they were
largely imported, as they were considered the best for hunting
wild beasts, and even lions were readily attacked by them.' Xerxes,
as Herodotus tells us, was followed in his expedition to Greece by
Indian dogs, of which " none could mention the number, they were
so many " (vii. 187) ; and Tritaschmes, the satrap of Babylon, kept
' This means, most probaWy, a permanent brand, wbich at that time was a favourite
mode of marking a distinction between Christians, or Jews and Muhammadans.
J/<K?. Universal Hist., Vol. XI. p. 16.
' This is improbable, because, however unclean they maybe in the eyes of the faith-
ful, the tilling of them is considered unlawful, " since they have souls !" This de-
cision was gravely pronounced by a Turkish mufti, on the occasion of a plague in
Constantinople, when they were transported to a desert isle. Hid. Vol. X. p. 196.
These were perhaps from the countries of the upper, rather than the lower, Indus.
The Sind hound is described by Vigne, in his Travels in Kashmir, Vol. II., p. 411.

Eespecting the ancient estimation of these Indian dogs, see the passages from Strabo,
Diodorus, ^lian, Plutarch, and Gratius, cited by U. Geier, Alexandri M. Mist. Scrip-
tores, p. 378 Ctesias, Indica, c. 26
Arlst. Sist. Animal. VII. 23.

vol, I. 29

such a nranber of Indian dogs, that four considerable toTvns in the

plains were exempted from all other taxes, and demoted to their
maintenance" (i. 192). But, as dogs are held in abomination by
Muhammadans, we cannot conceive that these tribute-dogs were dis-

posed of in this fashion. Whatever may have been th& cause of this

article of the engagement, it is a curious fact, that the effect seems

to have survived in the very scene of these operations ; for it is

notorious, that the rare crime of dog-stealing is practised to the

west of Aral and Manchhar, and travellers are obliged to adopt
especial precautions in passing through that district.^
After this triumphant affair with the Jats, 'Amran again attacked
the Meds at several different points, having many Jat chiefs under his
banners ; by which the sea-water flowed into their
and he dug a canal,

lake, so that the only water which they had to drink became salt.

The spirit of faction which prevailed between the Nizarian and

Tamanian Arabs, was the cause of 'Amrn's death, he having been
appointed by 'Umax bin 'Abdu-1 'Aziz al Habbari, who espoused the
Nizarian cause, and whose family, in Ibn Haukal's time, was
supreme in Mansura. It was during 'Amran's government, that
the Indians of Sindan' declared themselves independent ; but they
respected the mosque, which the Musulmans of the town visited

every- Friday, for the purpose of reading the usual offices and
praying for the Khalif. Sindan had been originally captured by
Fazl bin Mahan, once a slave of the family of Sanaa, -^the same
probably that afterwards made itself master of Multan. He sent
an elephant to the Khalif Mamun, and prayed for him in the Jaml'
Masjid, which he erected in Sindan. At his death, he was suc-
ceeded by his son Muhammad, who fitted out a flbtiUa of seventy
barks against the Meds of Hind, put many of them to the sword,
and took Malia.' In his absence, one of his brothers, named Mahan,
treacherously usurped the government of Sindan, and wrote to pro-
pitiate the goodwill of Mu'tasim; but the Indians declared against

' Masson's Travels in Afghanistan, eU., Vol.11, p. 141.

' There -was a Sindin fifty parasangs south of Broach, and eleven north of
T&na, which is spoken of hy the old Arah geographers (see p. 402). But the town
here spoken of is more probaWy the Sind&n, or Sand&n, in Abrisa, the southern dis-
trict of Eachh. See Gildemeister, de rebus Indicia, pp. 46, 47.
3 [This name is imintellig:ible in the text, it may be Mill, K&li, or F&U].

him, and crucified him, and subsequently, as before stated, pro-

claimed their independence, by renouncing allegiance to the
Muhammadans (p. 129).
It was in 'Amran's time, also, that the country of Al 'Usaifan,'
situated between Kaslimi'r, Kabul, and Multan, was governed by a
certain prince of good understanding. His son falling ill, the prince
asked the priests of one of the idols worshipped by the inhabitants,
to beseech the idol to heal his son. The priests, after absenting
themselves a short time, returned, and said the idol had heard their
prayers, yet the son died notwithstanding. The prince, exasperated
at their fraudulent pretensions, demolished the temple, broke the
idol in pieces, and massacred the ministers. He then called before
him some Musulman merchants, who developed to him the proofs of
the unity of God, upon which he readily became a convert to the
faith (p. 129).

Among the notices of Mu'tasim's reign, we find it mentioned that,

in order to reward Ikshi'n, the Turk, for his seizure of the notorious
fanatic Babek, who had spread great consternation by the effects of
his first successes, the Khalif bestowed upon him twenty millions of
dirhams from the province of Sind which was equal to two years'
revenue ; but it does not appear that Ikshin ever went there to collect
it, and it was probably a mere assignment upon the general revenues,
which might be paid when convenient, or altogether repudiated.
The mention of a particular province is strange, under the circum-
stances of the time, and would seem to show that but little was
received into the general treasury from that source. Ikshin, in
short, was entitled to collect that amount, if lie could, by rigid

extortions in the province itself; just as, at a later period of Indian

history, the miserable jdg'irddr was put off by assignments upon
turbulent and rebellious provinces." The value of such drafts, even

' If the Yflsufziis had not been declared to have occupied their present tracts at a
much later period, -we might hare conceived them to be here alluded to. might We
even trace the earlier and extinct Assacani in this name, as written in Arabic charac-
ters. See Miitzell's note to Quintus Curtius, Yiii. 37.
Arrian, Indiea, i. C. Miiller,
rerum Akju., p. 102. X' JJnivera Pitt, ix. Babylonie, 306.
' " I represented to Abdul Hasan, that it was His Majesty's (JahS-ngfr's) pleasure

and none of my request, and being His Majesty's gift, I saw no reason for being
deprived of mj right." * * * "I could not get a living that would yield me

upon the genera! treasury, may be estimated by an amusing anecdote

related of the KhalLf Al Hadi. An eminent
Arab poet having once
presented to him some of his lucubrations, the prince, who was a
good judge of such performances, discovered such beauties in them
that he was extremely pleased, and said to him :
" Choose for your

recompense, either to receive 30,000 dirhams immediately, or 100,000

after you have gone through the delays and formalities of the Ex-
chequer." The poet replied with great readiness :
" Give me, I
pray, the 30,000 now, and the 100,000 hereafter " which repartee, ;

we are told, was so pleasing to the Khalif, that he ordered the

entire sum of 130,000 dirhams to be paid down to him on the spot,

without any deduction.'

15. Al Mu'tamad-'ala-llaJi, a.h. 256-279. a.d. 870-892.

18. Al Muktadar-li-ll all , a.h. 295-320. a.b. 908-932.

During the nine reigns which occupied the period between Al

Mu'tasim and Al Muktadar, the power of the Khalifs had been
gradually on the decline. The Turkish guard had become more
and more outrageous and arbitrary ; independent dynasties, such as
the Tahirides and Suffarides, after having shorn the kingdom of
some of its fairest provinces, had themselves expired ; eunuchs, and
even women,^ had sat upon the judgment seat and dispensed
patronage, while corruption and venality openly prevailed ; and
now, at a later period notwithstanding that literature flourished,
and the personal dignity of the Khalif was maintained in the
highest splendour yet, not only had the Samanis conquered
the whole of Mavfarau-n nahr and Khurasan, not only had the
Dailamites penetrated to the borders of 'Irak, and all northern
Africa, except Egypt, had been lost for ever to the Khilafat,

anythiag, the Vizier giving me always assignments on places that were in the hands
of outlaws or insurgents ; except once that I had an assignment on Lahor by special
command of the king, but of whicli I was soon deprived." * " The nobles
had their assignments either upon barren places or such as were in rebellion; Abul
Hasan having retained all the good districts to himself."
Capt. Hawkins' Narrative,
in Kerr's Collection of Voyages. "5(cc the writer, according to a compatriot who
visited Agra in 1610, was " in great credit with the king, entitled by the name of
can, whicli is a knight, and keepcth company with the greatest noblemen." Capt.
It. Covcrtc, in Churchill's Collection of Voyages, Vol. VIII. p. 256.
' Modern Unitieraal History, Vol. II. p. 162. Elmacin, 345.

but, as if to crown tbe measure of its misfortunes, the Karmatian

heretics, having plundered Kdfa, Basra, and Samarra, had possessed
themselves of Mecca during the very time of pilgrimage, had mas-
sacred the pUgrims, and even can-ied off the sacred black stone
itself, the principal and universal object of Muhammadan veneration.
Under such circumstances, the most distant provinces necessarily
partook of the decline from which the heart of the empire "wap
suffering and Sind, neglected by the imperial government, came to

be divided among several petty princes, who, though they trans-

mitted no revenue and rendered no political allegiance to the KhalLf,
were, like other more powerful chiefs, who had assumed indepen-
dence, glad to fortify their position by acknowledging his spiritual
supremacy, and flattering him by the occasional presentation of
some rarity from the kingdoms which they had usurped. Among
these ostentatious displays of empty fealty in which revolted
governors were wont to indulge, comprising, in the words of
Gibbon, " an elephant, a cast of hawks, a suit of silk-hangings, or
some pounds of musk and amber," ^ we may specially mention two
loyal and characteristic offerings from India, " a cart-load of four-
armed idols,"* and "the largest and longest teak-tree which had
ever been seen"' (p. 129).

The virtual renunciation of political control in Sind may be dated

from the year 257 h., when the Khalif Mu'tamad, in order to divert
the Suffarides from their hostile designs against 'Irak, conferred
upon Ya'kub ibn Lais the government of Sind, as well as of Balkh
and Tukharistan, in addition to that of Sijistan and Kirman, with
which he had been already invested. *
1 Decline and Fall, Chap. li.

" Biographical Dictionary, L.XT.K., Vol. II. p. 287; Mem. aur I'Inde, 289.
' Fragment! Ar. et Pers., p. 216. M. Eeinaud contends tliat the word idj here
means a species of dress, which had belonged to some man of extraordinary stature.
This is by no means probable,-^whereas a teak-tree from Sind, where so many were
imported from Malabar, would have been natural and appropriate. Teak is the {liXo
<raya\iva of Arrian's Pcriplus, which Vincent conceives to be an error for rravSaKiva.
He wrongly attributes another error to the reading of o-ija-oftfj/o which has proved
equally puzzling to Salmasius, as well as to Heeren and his Oxfor'' translator. Both
words are perfectly correct, and are derived from two native terms, sdj and tisam, in.
use at the present day.
Vincent, Commerce and Nao. of the A'-tcient, Vol. II. pp.
378, 379 Heeren, Asiatic Nations, Talboys, Vol. III. pp. 4;!9
S. de Sacy,

Chrestomuthie Arahe, Tom. III. pp. 473, 474 ; Gildemeiater, 39 Kafinam. V.


* Weil, Qeschichte der ChaUfen, Vol. II. p. 438.

Sanlalino and Sasem,

The two principal kingdoms which were established in Sind a

few years after this event, were those of Multan and Mansura, both
of which attained a high degree of power and prosperity. It is

probable that the independence of those states commenced upon

Ya'kub ibn Lais' death in 265 h. (879 a.d.), for his successors were
comparatively powerless, and the Samanis, at the commencement of
their rule, had little leisure to attend to so remote a province as
Mas'iidi, who visited the valley of the Indus in the year 303-4 h.
915-6 A.D., and completed his. "Meadows of Gold" in 332 h.
943-4 A.D., furnishes a brilliant account of the state of Islam in that
country. The Amir of Multan was an Arab of the noble tribe of
Kuraish,' named Abu-1 Dalhat al Munabba, son of Assad as Sami,
and the kingdom of Multan is represented to have been hereditary
in his family for a long time, " nearly from the beginning of Islam,"
moaning, probably, its introduction into Sind and Kanauj, he ;

asserts, was then a province of Multan, "the greatest of the countries

which form a frontier against unbelieving nations."

He was descended from Sama, son of Law!, son of Ghalib, who
had established himself on the shores of 'TJman before the birth of
Muhammad. The Amir had an army in his pay, and there were
reckoned to be 120,000 hamlets around the capital. His dominion
extended to the frontier of Khurasan. The temple of the Sun was
still an object of native pilgrimage, to which people resorted from

the most distant parts of the continent, to make their offerings of

money, pearls, aloe-wood and other perfumes. It was from this
source that the greater part of the revenue of the Ami'r was derived.
Mas'udi remarks, as does Ibn Haukal, that the threat of injuring
or mutilating the idol was sufficient to deter the native princes from
engaging in hostilities with the Amir.
Mansura was governed by another Kuraishf, whose name was
Abu-1 Mundar 'Umar bin 'Abdu-lla. He was descended from Habbar
bin Aswad, who was celebrated for his opposition to Muhammad,
and on the return of the prophet to Mecca in triumph, was among
the few who were excepted from the terms of the amnesty which
was at that time proelaimed. He subsequently became a convert,
and towards the year 111 a.h., one of his descendants came to the
1 The Kuraisbls still muster very strong in the neighbouihood of Multfcn.

valley of the Indus to seek his fortune. Some time after, his family,

taking advantage of the anarchy vrhich prevailed in the country,

made themselves masters of the lower Indus, and established them-
selves at Mansura. Our voyager states, that he was kindly received
by the Amir, as well as his minister. While he was there, he found
some descendants of the Khalif 'Ali, whom persecution had com-
pelled to seek a refuge in that distant country.
The Mansura extended from the sea to Alor, where
principality of
that of Multan commenced. It was said to contain 300,000 villages,
which is, of course, a ridiculous exaggeration; but the whole conn-
try was well cultivated, and covered with trees and fields. Never-
theless, the inhabitants were obliged continually to protect themselves
against the aggressions of the Meds and other savage tribes of the


The chief of Mansura had eighty elephants of war. Their trunks

were armed with a kind of curved sword, called hartal, and were
covered with armour to protect them in fight.'The entire body of
the animal was similarly protected, and each was attended by a
detachment of five hundred infantry. Other elephants, not used in
war service, were employed to carry burdens and draw chariots.'

23. Al Mutr-li-llah, i.H. 334-363. a.d. 945-974.

25. Al Kddir-hi-llah, a.h. 381-422. a.d. 991-1031.

A few years after Mas'udi, the vaUey of the Indus was visited by
Istakhrf, and by Ibn Haukal, who has included nearly the whole of
Istakhrf's relation in his own, and has entered into some further

The account of Sind by Ibn Haukal, who wrote his work after
the year 366 h. (976 a.d,), when he was for a second time in India,
has been given in the preceding pages, and need not be repeated here.
With respect to the condition of the country at the time of his visit,
he observes that Multan was not so large as Mansura, and was
defended by a citadel ; that the territory was fertUe and produce
cheap, but that its fertility was inferior to that of Mansura, and its

Kazwfni mentions a ridiculous story of a man, named Hariin, who wrote a poem,

in whioh he hoasted of having contended with an elephant so armed, and having put
it and its attendant host to flight, hj eradicating its tusks. 'Ajdibu-l MakMukdt, t,
" Mult&n." ' Supra, p. 18 Mimoire sur I'JnOe, pp. 213-217.


soil was not cullivated with the same care. The Amfr' lived outside

the town, and never entered it, except for the pui-pose of going to
the mosque, on Fridays, mounted on an elephant. There appears to

have been no native coinage, but the money in circulation was

chiefly Kandaharian and Tdtarfyan dirhams. The dress of the

Sindians was like that of the people of 'Irfik, but the Amirs habited
themselves like the native princes. Some persons wore their hair

long, and their dresses loose, with waistbands, on account of the

heat, and there was no difference between the garb of the faithful

and idolaters.

The Amirs of Multan and Mansiira were independent of one

another; but both deferred to the spiritual authority of the Khalif
of Baghdad. The former was still a descendant of Sama bin Lawf,
and the latter a descendant of the Habbarf family.
Alor, the ancient Hindu capital, was nearly as large as Multan,

surrounded by a double wall, and was a dependency of Mansura.

Its territorywas fertile and rich, and it was the seat of considerable
commerce. Eahuk (or Dahuk) also, on the borders of Makran, and
to the west of the Hala range, was included in Mansura.
There were other principalities to the west, besides these two in
the valley of the Indus :

such as Turan which was under the ;

authority of a native of Basra, named Abu-1 Kassam, " tax-gatherer,

administrator, judge, and general, who could not distinguish be-
tween three and ten;" and Kusdar ; which was governed by an
Arab, residing in Kaikanan, named Mu'fn bin Ahmad, who admitted
thename of the 'Abbaside Khalif into the public prayers :
Makran the ruler of which was Tsa bin Ma' dan, who had
; estab-
lished his residence in the city of Kiz, about the size of half of
Multan :and Mushkl, on the borders of Kirman ; which was pre-
sided over by Matahar bin Eija, who had an independent jurisdic-
tion extending through three days' journey, but used the Khalif'
name in the public services of religion.'
Ibn Haukal observes, that at Mansura and Multan, and in the rest

' Istaihri Epeats of him as MaltJt. Ibn Haukal calls him Amir but the chief of

Mansiira he designates as Malik ; b6 that it is evident he uses the terms in the same
Gildemeister de reim Ind. p, 173.


of the proYince, the people spoke tlie Arabic and Sindian languages
in Makran, Makranian and Persian.
With respect to those other parts of India to which the Musul-
mans resorted, such as the maritime towns in the jurisdiction of the
Balhara, between Cambay and Saimur, Ibn Haiikal obsei-ves that
they were covered with towns and villages. The inhabitants were

idolaters, but the Musulmans were treated with great consideration

by the native princes. They were governed by men of their own

faith, as the traveller informs us was the case with Musulmans in

other infidel dominions, as among the Kbazars of the Volga, the

Alans of the Cauoa,sus, and iu Ghana and Kaugha in Central Africa.
They had the pi-ivilege of liwig under their own laws, and no one
could give testimony against them, unless he professed the Muham-
madan faith. " I have seen," says Ibn Hatikal, " Musulmans of this
country invoke against other Musulmans the testimony of natives of
probity who did not profess the Muhammadan creed ; but it was
necessary that the adverse party should first give his consent."
They had erected their mosques in these infidel cities, and were

allowed to summon their congregations by the usual mode of pro-

claiming the times of prayer.
Such privileges could only have been conceded to men whose
favour was worth gaining, and it is to be regretted that they were
indisposed to show to others in similar circumstances the indulgences
so readily allowed to themselves. In the Middle Ages^ it was only
the power and political influence of the AmalfitanS, Venetians,
Pisans, and Genoese, that were sometimes able to extort from the
reluctant Musulmans those immunities, which were willingly granted
by the more easy and indifferent Crusaders and Greeks, comprising
the security of their changes, magazines, and churches, the recogni-
tion of their Bailos, the privilege of being tried hy their own laws,

and by judges of their own appointment. These republics must

then have occupied in Egypt and Constantinople the same kind of
position as theArabs on the coast of India, excepting that the tenure
of the former was more precarious, and more subject to the caprices
of despotism, the fluctuations of trade, and the ascending or waning
influence of the principal carriers.
The commercial establishments in the peninsula of India do not


seem to have excited any religious scruples in the minds of the

Khalifs, or even of those casuistical divines who guided the con-
sciences of these " Vicars of Grod " and their subjects. Trade was
openly prosecuted in that land of infidels by Arab merchants, with-
out any fulminations from these spiritual authorities, and probably
with their encouragement. In this respect, there was a singular
contrast between the sentiments that animated Muhammadans and
Christians : for to Christians, on the contrary, whether merchants or
princes, the permission of their " Yicar of God " was necessary,
before they could traffic with infidels ; as only he, in his infalli-
bility, could authorize a departure from, the most sacred injunctions
of Holy Writ. Even as late as the year 1454:, the dispensing power
to trade with Muhammadans was exercised in favour of Prince
Henry of Portugal by Pope Nicholas V., in a famous Bull, which
refers to similar concessions from his immediate predecessors,
Martin V. and Eugenius IV., to Kings of that country.
This intercourse with the Saracens was not merely subject to these
formal, and perhaps interested, restrictions, but was strongly and
honestly reprobated by many sincere believers : and not without
reason, when we reflect, that some of these traders, especially the
Venetians, disgraced their honour and their faith by supplying the
Egyptian market with Circassian slaves, and even rendered their
mercenary assistance in driving the Crusaders from Acre, the last

and only stronghold left to them in Palestine :

E Hon con Saracin, nfe con Giudei,

Cbc ciascun suo nemico era Crietiano,
E nessuno era stato a vincere Acri,
N^ mercantante in terra di Soldano.'
The revenues, which the Arab princes of Bind derived from their
several provinces, are pronounced to have been very small, ^barely
more than sufficient to provide food and clothing and the means
of maintaining their position with credit and decency ; and, as a
' Dante, Inferno, Cant, xxrii. See also Farad. Cant. ix. xt. The sentiment was
common, and Petrarcli exclaims against this Tcnality,with equal indignation, in bis
Trionfo delta Fama. On the general subject, compare Muratori, Antiquit Ittd, med.
am, Vol. II. col. 905-16 ; Gesta Dei per Francos, p. 934 ; Robertson, Disquis. on
Ancient India, Notes xlv. and xWi. ; Heeren, Essai stir Vlnfiuence des Croisades,
Pt.ii. sec. 1 ; Eeinaud, Sarraains, 238; Brencman dejtepuil. Ama^., 6 ; McPherson,
Annals of Commerce, I. 370, 396, 435 Muratori, erum
; Ital. Scrip., Vol. VI.
col. 186, XII. 322, 330 ; XVII. 1088, 1092.

necessary consequence, onlj a few years elapsed before they -nvere

driven from their kingdoms, and compelled to yield their power to

more enterprising and energetic assailants.
The Karmatians of India are nowhere alluded to by Ibn Haulcal ;^

but it could not have been long after his visit, that these heretics,
who probably contained within their rauks many converted natives
and foreig-ners as well as Arabs, began to spread in the valley of the
Indus. Abu-1 Pida dates the commencement of their decline from
326 H. (938 A.D.). This was accelerated by two ignominious defeats
in Egypt in 360 and 363, and their overflow was completed in 'Irak
in 375 (985 a.d.). It must have been about this latter year that,
finding their power expiring in the orignal seat of their conquests,
they sought new settlements in a distant land, and tried their suc-
cess in Sind. There the weakness of the petty local governments
favoured their progress, and led to their early occupation both of
Mansura and Multan, from which latter place history records their

expulsion by the overwhelming power of Mahmud the Ghaznivide.

It appears from local histories, as well as the Kdmilu-t Tawdrikli,

that Mahmud also effected conquests in Sind. Though this matter

is not commonly recorded by his historiaus, there is every likelihood

of its truth ; for, being in possession of Kusdar and Multan, the
country was at all times open to his invasions. As it is well
established that, after the fall of Somnat, he marched for some
days along the course of the Indus, we can readily concur with the
Kdmilu-t Tawdrtkh in ascribing his capture of Mansura to the year
il6 H., on his return from that expedition : and, as it is expressly
stated that he then placed a Muhammadan prince on the throne, we
may safely infer that the previous occupant had rejected ihat faith,
and was therefore a Karmatian, who, having usurped the govern-
ment from the Habbari dynasty, had thus, after a duration of three

centuries, effected the extinction of the Arab dominion in Sind.*

' Unless they were the inhabitants of " Easak, the city of schismatics."]
' Compare Mordtmann, das Such der Lander ; Gildemeister, de rebus Indicis, pp.
163-182 ; Ouseley, Oriental Geography ; Modern TTniversal Sist , VoL II. pp. 383,

387, 398, 416 ; Mem. mr I'Inde, pp. 233-242 ; Fragm. Arahes, p. xxiv. ; D'Herhe-
lot, iblioih. Orientale,v. "Carmath;" 'Weil, Oeaekiehte der Chalifen, Vol. II. p.
675; III. 11, 33, 65 ; De Guignes, Sist. dee Buns.; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 21.
Hamza Iafah&n, ed. Gottiraldt, Vol. 11. p, 166, U req. ; Abii-l Fid&, Annal. Moal.,
Vol. II. p. 406.


Sind under the Araht.

Having in the previous Note exhausted all the scanty materials

which history has left ue respecting the political progress of the
Arabs in Sind, -we may now proceed to consider some of the questions
connected with the maintenance of their power in that province.
The internal administration of the country was necessarily left in

the hand of the natives ; as the Arabs, upon their first acquisition of
territory, had brought with them no men (japable of exercising civil

functions. Indeed, wherever we follow the steps of these fanatics,

we find them ignorant of the first principles of public economy, and
compelled, by the exigencies of their position, to rely upon native
assistance in the management of the finances and accounts of thejr
subject provinces. So, indeed, in a certain measure, do the English
in India ; but with this essential difierence, that they direct and con-
trol the ministerial officers, both of collection and record, introduce
their own systems, modify or abrogate the ojd ones as occasion arises,
and initiate aU. proceedings connected with the several departments
of the exchequer : but the Arabs, either through indolence, pride,
or ignorance, left themselves at the mercy of their subordinates, and
were unable to fathom the depths of the chaotic accounts kept by
their native financiers, who practised the most ingenious devices of
flattery, falsehood, cajolery, and self-interest rendered more acute
by religious hatred ^in order to blind their credulous dupes as to the
actual resources of the countries which they governed. The rack
and the threat of circumcision would sometimes extort the illicit ac-

cumulations of past years ; but, in the long run, the pliant and
plausible officials were the gainers ; and compi:omises, in a little

ready cash, were gladly accepted, in lieu of closer scrutiny and

more accurately balanced ledgers.

Hence those charges so readily brought, and so eagerly listened to,

by Khalifs as well as Amirs, of defalcations and embezzlements
hence those demands for indefinite sums from refractory servants
hence those extortionatefines, levied according to mere surmises and

conjectures, since no means existed of ascertaining the real amount

of revenue and expenditure. Brought up in their native deserts,
with no greater knowledge of schemes of administration than was t

be obtained by studying the phylarchies of the Bedouins, and in-

vested suddenly with dominions which they were not competent to
manage, however easily they might overrun and subdue them, the
Arabs were compelled to seek in the political; institutions of their
subjects the means of realizing the exactions which, as victors, they
felt it their right to demand. The maintenance, therefore, of native
ofiicials (who were styled Brahmans in the case of Sind) was a
matter of necessity rather than choice, at least at this early period of
their sway for the guide-books mentioned by Ibn Haukal, which

indicate some knowledge of statistics and finance, were the products

of a much later age.

The show <>f independence of such aid, even at the capital


was not exhibited till the reign of 'Abdu-1 Malik, when he


adopted an Arab currency, in supersession of the Greek and Persian

money, with which trade had been hitherto carried on though the :

old denominations of dena7:ius and drachma were still retained, under

the slight metamorphoses of dinar and dirJiam. Walid next abolished
the Greek language and character from the public offices of finance,
and substituted the Arabic, thus still further freeing the Arabs
from the trammels which these foreign systems had interposed. The
land-tenures and personal taxes, being based upon principles intro-
duced by the victorious Moslems, retained their Arab nomenclature.'
The original conquerors of Sind received there, as elsewhere under
similar circumstances, large possessions in land (iktd'dt or Icatdya'),
which, as beneficiary grants for public services, were exempt from
all taxes, except the alms {sadaka) defined by law. They were, of

course, hold on the condition of continued military service, and as

long as this was rendered, they never reverted to the fiso. Accord-
ing to the regulations promulgated by 'Umar, soldiers were not
allowe'd to devote themselves to agriculture or any other profession,
and therefore the lands of these grantees continued to be cultivated
by the former possessors, now reduced to the condition of villeina
and Other soldiers, not so beneficed, received stipends from

the public revenue, to which they themselves contributed nothing in

the shape of taxes. Four-fifths of the prize-money was invariably

1 Elmacin, Eistoria Saraceniea, p. 77 X' Vniv. Fitt. Asie, Y.

Arabic, 40S-6.
Reinaud, Sarrasins, 279, 2S0.-lacas, I. 316.

distributed among them, and, indeed, at first, formed their sole re-
muneration, insomuch that a man who received pay "was entitled
neither to plunder nor the honour of martyrdom. One-fifth of the
spoil was reserved to the Khalif for religious and charitable purposes,
according to the injunctions of the Kuran. The man " who went
down to the battle, and he who tarried by the stufi'," received equal
shares, and the horseman was entitled to a double portion. Had the
Khalif attempted to augment his share, the hardy warriors would
have resisted his claim, with the same freedom as the fierce and
sturdy Gaul, when he raised his battle-axe, and reminded Clovis that
the famous vase of Soissons was public spoil.'

Much also of the conquered land was, during the whole course of
Arab occupation, liberally bestowed upon sacred edifices and insti-

tutions, as loakf, or mortmain ; of which some remnant, dating from

that early period, is to be found even to this day in Sind,^ which
notoriously swarms with sanctified beggars and similar impostors,
and contains, according to the current saying, no less than 100,000
tombs of saints and martyrs, besides ecclesiastical establishments,

which, under the Talpiirs, absorbed one-third of the entire revenue

of the State.
That the whole valley, however, was not occupied or assigned
by the victors is evident, not only from the large amount of the
land-tax which, had that been the case, would have yielded no
revenue to the government but from the fact of many native chiefs
being able to maintain their independence, amidst all the wars and
turmoils which raged around them. This is manifest from the story
of 'Abdu-Ua bin Muhammad, the 'Alite, which has been related in
the preceding note. There we find a native potentate, " only one
amongst other Sindian kings," possessing much land and many
subjects, to whom 'Abdu-Ua was recommended to fly for protection,

and who was represented as holding the name of the prophet in

respect, though he continued to worship his own idols.

1 Gregory of Tours, Sistoria Ecclesiasiica Franeorum, Lib. ii. u. 27. On the sub-
ject of tbe Muhammadan law of booty, compare Eeddya, B. ix. c. 2, 4 Mishodt ul ;

Musdbih, Vol. II. p. 244 Defremery, Hist, des Samanides, 226

; Sale, Koran, ;

Prel. JUisc, pp. 198-201 and Vol. I. pp. 200, 207

; II. 424 ;Eeland, J)e Jure

Militari Muhammedorum, Sect. 19-27 Eeinaud, Sarrazins, 254.


2 [Kosegarten, Ibn Mtuta, 22.]



Tbe conquerors, taking up their abode chiefly in cities of their

own construction, cultivated no friendly intercourse with the natives,
whom they contemned as a subject race, and abhorred as idolaters.
They remained, therefore, Isolated from their neighbours, and when
their turn came to be driven out from their possessions, they left a
void which was soon filled up, and their expulsion, or extermina-
tion, was easily accomplished, and nowhere regretted.
In no place do we find any allusion to Arab women accompanying
Sindian camps, or as often occurred in other fields stimulating
the soldiers to action, when they evinced any disposition to yield to
their enemy,' The battle of the Term.ouk, which decided the fate of

Syria, was gained as much by the exhortations, reproaches, and even

blows of the'women, as by the valour of the men ; for thrice were
the faithful repulsed by the steady advance of the Grecian phalanx
thrice were they checked in their retreat, and driven back to battle

by the women, Abu Sufyan himself being struck over the face
with a tent-pole by one of those viragos, as he fled before the
enemy. In the remotest east, again, we find, as early as the time
of 'Ubaidu-Ua, his brother's wife mentioned as the first Arabian
woman who crossed the Oxus, on which occasion, unfortunately,

she disgraced the credit of her sex, no less than her exalted rank, by
stealing the jewels and crown of the queen of the Sogdiang. Not
many years after, the sanguinary battle of Bukhara, fought in the
year 90 between Ibn Kutaiba and the Tatars, was, in like

manner with that of the Yermouk, restored by the tears and re-
proaches of the women who accompanied the Arab camp.* These,
soldiers therefore, were prepared for immediate colonization and
settlement, and must have consisted of the surplus emigrant popu-
lation already settled in Khurasan. Accordingly, we find in this

instance, that Baikajad was converted into a fortress, and that part
of the army was located in its neighbourhood, and composed several
hundred military stations.
Sind, on the contrary, on account of the distance and difficulty of

^ Reinaud, Sarrazins, 18.

* So, -with respect to the Germans, Tacitus says :
Memoriae proditur quasdem
acies inclinatas jam et labantes a feminis restitutas, constautia preoum, et objeotu
peotorum, et monstrata cominus oaptivitate, quam longS impatieutius feminarum
Buanim nomine timent. Germania, o. 3.


coramunioation, and the absence of intermediate Arab colonies, was

invaded by men prejjared for militaiy operations alone ; and who
coiild not possess the means of carrying their families with them,
when only one baggage-camel was allowed to every four men, for
the transport of their food, tents, and other necessary equipments,
and when supplies ran short even before the Indus was crossed.
Subsequently, when the road was more open and free, these
agreeable additions to their society may have poured in, along with
the later adventurers who flocked to the new conquest; but we
nowhere meet with even any incidental allusion to the circumstance,

bat with much that militates against its probability: so that there
was, perhaps, among the descendants of the Sindian colonists, less
infusion of the real blood of Arabs than in any other province
subjected to their dominion.
When Mohammad Kasim, upon passing the Indus, gave to any
of his soldiers so disposed leave to retire to their homes, only three
came forward to claim their discharge ; and of these, two did so,

because they had to provide for the female members of their family,
who had, with the rest, been left behind in tlieir native countiy
with no one to protect them. Nor were the consolations of a speedy
restoration to their deserted homes held out to the first conquerors.
To them the return was even more difficult than the advance, as we
may learn from a passage in Tabari, where he tells that, on the
accession of the Khalif Sulaiman, he wrote to those ill-used men
the companions of the gallant hero whom he had tortured to death
in these harsh and cruel terms :
" Sow and sweat, wherever you
may find yourselves on receipt of this mandate, for there is no more
Syria for you." Here, then, these exiles must have remained
during the ten years of his reign at least ; and as they were not
likely to have returned in any numbers after his death, we may
conceive them congregated into several military colonies, seeking
solace for their lost homes in the arms of the native women of the
country, and leaving their lands and plunder to be inherited by their
Sindo-Arab descendants.
These military colonies, which formed a peculiar feature of Arab
settlement were styled junid and amsdr, " armies" and "cities,"
the latter appellation implying settled abodes, contrasted with the

previous migrations to wliicli the tribes had been habituated. In

many instances they rose into important cities, as in the case of
Basra, Kufa, and Damascus, and early became the principal centres
of Arab learning, law, grammar, and theology, as well as of tumult,
violence, perfidy, and intrigue. The principal seats of these canton-
ments in Sind appear to have been Mansura, Kuzdar, Kandabel.
Baiza, Mahfuza, and Multan; and indeed, the military camp near
the latter town, whether the real name be "Jandaram" or
" Jundruz" (Gildemeister) ,
" Jundrawar" {AsTiMlu-l Bildd), "Jun-
dawar" {Ab{i-l Fidd) or "Jandur" (Nubian Geographer), seems to
derive its first syllable from jand, the singular number oi juniid,
above mentioned.'
The local troops, which were enlisted in the country, dispersed
to their own homes as soon as the necessity was satisfied for which
they were raised ; but there were some which assumed a more
permanent character, and were employed on foreign service, with
little chance of return.
That Sindian troops were levied, and sent to fight the battles of

the Arabs in distant quarters, we have undoubted proof. I speak

not here of the numerous Jats of 'Irak, Syria, and Mesopotamia,
who as I hope to be able to show in another place were, ere long,
transformed into the Jatano, or Gitano, the Gypsies of modem
Europe. These had been too long in their settlements to be called
" Sindians " by a contemporary historian, like Dionysius Telmarensis,
to whom the terms " Jat," " Asawira," and " Sababija," were more
famUiar. This author, in his Syrian Ghronicle, distinctly mentions
" Sindian " cohorts as forming a portion of the motley army of
Alans, Khaz.ars, Medes, Persians, Turks, Arabs, etc., which made an
irruption into the Byzantine territory in 150 a.h. 767 \.d.^ Four
years afterwards, we find a body of Sindians and Khazars said to
be slaves attempting to seize upon the imperial treasiuy ia Harran.
Most probably, they composed part of these foreign levies.

In admitting these provincials into their armies, the Arabs merely

1 Possibly the Jandiwal, or Chandoul, of K&.bul the separate quarter occupied

by the military colony of the Kazalb&sh may have a similar origin. [See Kote on
the name Jandrud, page 380, supra.']
2 Jos. Sim. Assemauni, Biblioth. Orient. Clementim-Vat., Vol. II. p. 103; Eam-
poldi, Annali Muiulmani, Tom. lY. p. 89 ; Univ. Sitt. II. 126 ; Gild., 17.

imitated the policy of the Bomans, who did the same from motiTCB
of expediency hoping to find employment for turbulent spirits, and
to neutralize the elements of rebellion, by sending foreign mer-
cenaries into provinces remote from their native soil.' Thus we find
Slavones and Berbers, Syrians and Copts, Babylonians and Persians,
and even Christians and Jews, Magians and Idolaters, in the early

period of the Khilafat, extending the Arab conquests among distant

nations ;
just as, in the days of its decline, the Khalifs had

Africans, Farghanians, Turts, Alans, etc., acting as their PrEetorian

guards, both in protecting them against their own subjects, and
deposing their employers at their own will and pleasure :' the
difference only consisted in this, that the former constituted auxiliary
corps, into which, when any foreigner was enlisted, he was adopted
by some Arab member, and being called maidd, or client,
tribe as a

of that tribe, he had the same rights and privileges as if he had been
bom in it ; whereas, Mu'tasim, when he enrolled his foreign body-
guard, made the Arabian troops subordinate to his mercenaries,
whom, in order to elude the law, he called his own clients an
evasive practice which was continued by his successors.^

"When the profession of faith in God and his Prophet was no

longer the symbol which united these furious zealots ; when litera-

ture, science, philosophy, poetry, and other objects of intellectual

culture, ceased to be regarded as criminal pursuits ;
* when opulence,
luxury, and the arts which refine and embellish social life, had
converted roaming and rugged soldiers into indolent and effeminate
voluptuaries, the necessity of recniiting their ranks from extraneous
and to the
sources, led to a modification of their military institutions,
abandonment of those exclusive sentiments, which had once bound
the Arabs by a common tie of fraternity in rapine and propa-
gandism. Some of these foreign recruits were, no doubt, obtained
by the hopes of ready participation in the spoils which were the
invariable concomitant of Arab conquests ; but most of them were

In the Soman occupation of Britain, we find eyen Indian cavalry stationed at
Wright, Celt, Soman, and Saxon, p. 262.
' " Firmamentum imperii et postea pestem."
' Biographical Dictionary, L. U.K., Vol. II. pp. 294, 3T2.
' G. 0. Fluegelii, Dissert, ds Arab. Script. Or, Interpret, p. 5 ; Keinaud, Sar-
razins, i. 74, 243.

very unwilling soldiers, raised by an arbitrary conscription, and

only reconciled to their fate, after long experience of their new
profession, and when their distant homes had been forgotten. That
the power of levying troops for foreign service was generally felt
as a sore grievance by the unfortunate provincials, is evidenced by
the terms for which the people of Tabaristan held out, when they
capitulated lo their victors; for while they agreed to become tributary
in the annual sum of five hundred thousand dirhams, they stipulated
that the Moslims should at no time levy any troops in their country.'
Commercial activity, also, succeeded to the zeal for war, which
offeredno longer the same inducements of honour and profit that
had been realized by the early conquerors. A new stimulus was
thus found for the spirit of adventure which still survived, in the
perils and excitements of trading speculations, both by land and
sea, prosecuted at a distance and duration, which at that time it is
surprising to contemplate. Sind Was not backward in this season of
enterprise, for she appears to have kept up a regular commercial
communication with the rest of the Muhammadan empire. Caravans
were often passing and repassing between that country and Khura-
san, most commonly by the route of Kabul and Bamian. She also
held communication with Zabulistan and Sijistan, by way of Ghazni
and Kandahar. Zabulistan was, at the period of Mas'udi's visit, a
large country, known by the name of the kingdom of Firoz, and
contained fortresses of great strength. The people were of divers
languages and races, and different opinions were even then enter-
tained respecting their origin. In Sijistan, which has greatly dete-
riorated since that period, the banks of the Hendmand were studded
with gardens and cultivated fields; its stream was covered with
boats ; and irrigation , was carried on extensively by means of

* Washington Irving's Successors of Mafiomet, pp. 141 and 265 from Hammer- ;

Purgstall's Gemdldesaal. It is worthy of remark, that the Tapyri, whose name is

preserved in Tabaristta, are not included, in the copious catalogue of Herodotus,
among those joining in the armament of Xerxes.
' This is nearly the earliest mention -vre have of them, even in the east. Our
knowledge of these contrivances in Europe ascends no higher than 1105 of our era.
In Muhammadan countries we have allusions to them as early as 646 Price, ;

Retrospect of Muh. Sistory, Vol. I. p. 140 Du Cange, Ghssarium mci. et inf.


LatinitcitiSy v.

With, respect to th.e routes from the North to India, Birunf ob-
serves: "We reach Sind from our country (Turkistfin) by going
through the country of Nimroz, that is to say, Sijistan, and we
reach Hind through Kabul. I do not mean to say that is the only
route, for one can arrive there from all directions when the passes
are open." (See p. 64.)
We learn from notices in other autbors, that there was commercial
traf&c by sea-board also. Much of the merchandize which was
carried through Sind to Turkistanand Khurasan, and thence even so
by the resumption of a route which had been
far as Constantinople,'
much frequented at an earlier period' was the product of China and
the ports of Ceylon, 'Uman, and Malabar from which latter pro- ;

vince was derived, as at the present day, all the timber used in the
construction of the boats which jjlied on the river. From Arabia,
horses were frequently imported into Sind ; and armies and munitions
of war were sent up the mouths of the Indus, as we have already
noticed with respect to the expeditions of Muhammad Kasim and
some of his predecessors.' The whole coast of Kirman and Makran
was, doubtless, studded with Arab settlements of the Azdis, who
were the chief mercantile carriers from Obolla and 'Uman, and who
bad many brethren settled in Sind ; and so it has remaiued, indeed,
from the time of Alexander to the present Imam of Maskat, for the
names of Arabis, Arabius, Arabitse, etc., of Nearchus and the ancient
geographers, were most probably derived from the opposite penin-
sula in the west, and are still represented by the Arabu of the
coast of Makran, like as the neighbouring Oritse, or Horitas, seem to
survive in the modern Hor-mara and Haur.'
The toleration which the native Sindians enjoyed in the practice

' Ramusio, SaccoUa di Nav., Tom. I. p. 374, B. ; Robertson, India, pp. 42, 77,
106, 121 MacPherson, Annah of Commerce, Vol.
; I. pp. 141, 194, 370; Beinaud's
Bel. dea Toy., 42 Weil, II. 306.

2 Strato, Geo(/., lib. xi. c. 7, "Vol. II. p. 427, ed. Taucbnitz ; Pliny, Nat. Hist.
lib. fi, c. 17, 23 ; Heeren, Asiatic Nations, Vol. I. p. 38 ; Idod. Trav. India, I. 148

Ind. AUerthum., II. 631, 603 Eakluyt, IV. 409. ;

5 Cosmos Indicopl. ap. Montfaucon, Coll. nov. Patrum, Tom. II.

p. 334 ; Elmacin
Hist. Sarac. , Ann. 101; Kosegarten, Chresiomathie Arahe, p. 99.
See Geier, Alexandri M. Mist. Scriptores, p. 128 ; Miitzell's Notes to
Q. Curtiua
pp. 873, 874 ; Droysen, Geschichte Alex's, pp. 467-9 ; Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus,
pp. 181-211; Barros, Decadas da Asia, Dec. iv. p. 290; Heeren, Asiatic Nations'
Vol. I. pp. 279, 297.

of their religion, was greater than what was usually conceded in

other countries ; but it was dictated less hy any principle of justice
or humanity, than the impossibility of suppressiag the native religion
by the small number of Arab invaders.' When time had fully
shown the necessity of some relaxation in stem code of Moslim
conquest, it was directed, that the natives might rebuild their tem-
ples and perform their worship, and that tiie three per cent., which
had been aUcwed to the priests under the former government,
should not be withheld by the laity for whom they officiated.

Dahir's prime miuister was also retained in office, in order to pro-

tect the rights of the people, and to maintain the native institutions ;

while Brahmans were distributed throughout the provinces to collect

the taxes which had been fixed. But, where power had, for a short
time, enabled the MosHms to usurp the mastery, the usual bigotry
and cruelty were displayed. At Debal, the temples were demolished,
and mosques founded ; a general massacre endured for three whole
days ; prisoners were taken captive ; plunder was amassed ; and an
apostate was left in charge of the government, exercising co-ordinate
jurisdiction with an Arab chief. At Nairun, the idols were broken,
and mosques founded, notwithstanding its voluntary surrender. At
Alor, though the lives of the inhabitants were spared, a heavy tribute
was imposed ; and though the temples were treated like " churches
of the Christians, or synagogues of the Jews," yet that was no great
indulgence, if we may judge from the proceedings at Jerusalem and
Damascus where the ringing of
bells and building of chapels were

prohibitedwhere the free admission of Musulmans was at all times


compulsory where the forcible conversion of chiu-ches into mosques


was insisted on, without the offer of compensation ; and where they
yrere sometimes devoted to the meaner uses of cow-houses and
stables. At Eawar, and 'Askalanda, all the men in arms were put

to the sword, and the women and children carried away captive. At
Multan, all men capable of bearing arms were massacred six ;

thousand ministers of the temple were made captive, besides all the
women and children ; and a mosque was erected in the town.
Among the chief objects of idolatry at Multan, the Bhavishya
Piurdna and Hwen-Tsang mention a golden statue of the Sun ; but
Eeinaud. Sarrazins, 36.

470 APPE.\DIX.

the Arabic writers speak of the principal idol as being composed of

no other more valuable substance than wood, representing that it
was covered with a red skin, and adorned with two rubies for eyes.
Muhammad Kasim, ascertaining that large offerings were made tO
this idol, and wishing to add to his resources by those means, left it

nniajured ; but in order to show his horror of Indian superstition,

he attached a piece of cow's flesh to its neck, by which he was able
to gratify his avarice and malignity at the same time. Biladuti
says was considered to represent the prophet Job, which appears

an Arab misreading of Aditya, as it is correctly styled by Bi'runi, for

without the vowel points, there is no great difference in the original.

This idol was allowed to maintain its position during the whole
period of the supremacy of the Khalifs ; but Bironi informs us, that

when the Karmatians became masters of Multan, they did not show
themselves equally tolerant or provident respecting the valuable
resources of the shrine ; for their leader, Jalam, the son of Shaiban,
had the idol broken in pieces, and the attendant priests massacred
and the temple, which was situated on an eminence, was converted
into the Jami' Masjid, in lieu of the one which existed before. That
was closed in order to evince their hatred of the Ummayide Khalifs,
under whom it had been constructed j but when Sultan Mahmud
took Multan, and subdued the Karmatians, he re-opened the ancient
mosque, upon which the new one was abandoned, and became " as
a plain destined to vulgar uses."
The same idol waa subsequently set up, and received the oflferings

of the people. How long it maintained its ancient credit is not

known for certain ; but at Multan, the Sun is no longer the object of
worship, having yielded to the temple of Prahladpurl, now itself in
ruins, but occupying, doubtless, the same lofty eminence in the
citadel which was formerly consecrated to Aditya.
On counting up the cost of the Sindian expedition, Hajjaj found
that he had expended 60,000,000, and had received 120,000,000
dirhams.' As that could only have been the Khalifs usual share of
' is from the Futiihu-l Bulddn, and is taken as being the most exact state-
ment. That in the Chach-nima differs considerably, and affords no means of com-
parison between actual receipt and expenditure. There is no reason to apprehend
error in the transcription of these numbers, because the Arabic original does not
express them in ciphers, but words.


one-fifth, the total value of the plunder obtained must have been
600,000,000 dirhams. Now, as one million of dirhams, at fivepence-
halfpenny each, is equivalent to about 23,000 of our money, and as
the relative value of money was ten times greater then than novr, we
may conceive the amount to be largely exaggerated ; since the country
could not by any possibility have yielded such a booty, even with, the
exercise of the utmost Arab violence and extortion to enforce its
collection. Even if we take Hajjaj's calculation to represent the
whole sum, and not merely one-fifth, we should still find it difficult
to believe, either that Sind and Multan together could at that time
have yielded two millions and three-quarters sterling, or that one-
half of that sum could have been expended in their conquest by such
a frugal and abstemious race as the Arabs, who had no need of a
modem commissariat, at once extravagant and cumbersome, to follow
their agUe movements.*
The consideration of this question naturally introduces the subject
of the public revenue of Sind. From the statements of Ibn Khur-
dadba, Ibn Khaldiin, and Ibn Haukal, we derive some valuable
notices of the revenue of the 'Abbasides, with more especial reference
to the period of Mamun's reign. Ibn Khaldiin's table has been
given by Von Hammer, in his Landerverwaltung, and to this additions
have been made by Dr. Sprenger, from the very laxe manuscripts of
the other authors, both preserved in the Bodleian library. From
these authorities combined, we are able to deduce some useful in-
ferences respecting the comparative revenue of the different provinces
of the Khilafat. Thus, we find that the province of Sind yielded
annually a sum of 11,500,000 dirhams, and 150 pounds of aloe-wood,
Multan being, most probably, included, as it is not mentioned among
the other provinces. Of the neighbouring provinces, Makran is s t

down at 400,000 dirhams; Sijistan at 4,600,000 dirhams, 300

variegated robes, and 20,000 pounds of sweetmeats f Kirman at

' All the calculations of Saracen booty in Egypt and Syria are even more extrava-
gant, and justify the suspicions of Gibbon ; though he had no right to arraign the
accuracy of Elmacin's translator, Erpenins "felicissimus ille AraHcarum literarum
instaurator," as he by Hottinger. I conceire that we have not yet got the
is styled

proper equivalent of the early dinar and dirham. Eeinaud, Sarrazim, 104, 192
XTniv. Fitt. Asie, V. Arabic, 317.
Ibn Khurdiidba says 6,776,000 dirhams.


4,200,000 dirhams, 500 precious garments, 20,000 pounds of dates,

and 1,000 pounds of caraway seeds;' TukMristan at 106,000
dirhams; Kabul at 1,600,000 dirhams, and 1,000 head of cattle,
amounting to 700,000 dirhams more ; Tars at 27,000,000 dirhams,
30,000 bottles of rose-water, and 20,000 bottles of black currants ;'

Khutlan, in Hyatila, bordering on Balkh, at 1,733,000 dirhams

Bamian at 5,000 dirhams ; and Bust at 90,000 dirhams.

These amounts are to be considered merely approximate, because

the revenues, unless where they were assessed at a fixed sum, varied
every year according to the abundance, or scarcity, of the crop.
It may, ac first, admit of doubt, whether these sums represent
land-tax merely, or all the taxes in the aggregate. Ibn Khurdadba
and Ibn Haukal specially say "land-tax." Ibn Khaldun uses the
term "revenue." This is the more remarkable, as it will be ob-
served from the notes, that his statements contain the lowest sums.
The two and frequently
accounts, of course, refer to different epochs,
which were arbitrary and fluctuating, just as our
to different limits,
Domesday Book, having been compiled by different sets of com-
missioners, represents a different status in different passages,
though the names of persons, classes, and tenures may be in every
other respect identical. As an instance, in our Arabic record of these
variations, we find it -stated, under Fars, that "Amran bin Miisa, the
Barmekide, added Sind to this province, so the revenue amounted,
after defraying all expenses, to 10,000,000 dirhams." The re-
mark in itself is not particularly intelligible, but its very obscurity
makes it serve the better as an illustration. It is probable that, in
so large an empire, the limits of the provinces were frequently
subject to alteration, to suit the views and interest of favoured
governors ; and that they were also, without any such personal bias,
sometimes fixed on an ethnical, sometimes on a geographical, basis.
Another cause of variation has been suggested namely, that the
greatest part of what had been delivered in kind in the time of
MarwSn, to which Ibn Khaldun refers, was paid in inoney in the

1 Ibn Khurdidba says 5,000,000 dirhams, and under the Khusrus 60,000,000 the
limits of the province being, of course, different. The amounts entered in the
text rest on the authority of Ibn Khaldfin,
' Ibn Khurd&dba says 30,000 dirhams, but I suspect error.


time of rbn Khtirdacn:)a. This is probable, and is the natural course

of fiscal transition all over the world.
But, after giving due weight to all these considerations, the sums
set down against some of the provinces are so large whether we
take the higher or lower amount, or the earlier or later date that
we must conceive them to embrace the entire collections of every
kind, and must be allowed the liberty of construing TchardJ in its
enlarged sense of 'tribute,' rather than its limited one of 'land-tax,
just, indeed, as it is so considered at the present day in Turkey.'
The assessment upon Sind and Multan, ^being 11,500,000 dirhams,
or about i270,000, must be considered moderate, if it is intended
to comprise the land-tax, the poll -tax, the customs duties, and all

miscellaneous items into the bargain ; but it is not an improbable

amount, when we contemplate the liberal alienations and reserves,
which have been alluded to at the commencement of this Note, as
well as the change in the value of money. Under the Talpurs,
notwithstanding that many large and productive tracts were
afforested by them, Sind is said to have occasionally yielded
400,000 and under the Kalhoras, tradition represents the revenue

at the exaggerated amount of 800,000. At present, with security

on all its borders, and tranquillity within them, it does not pay to
the British Government more than 300,000, and the expenses have
been hitherto more than double that sum. This deficiency, how-
ever, cannot last long, for its cultivation and commerce are rapidly
on the increase.
The Arab governors may be considered in the light of farmers
bound themselves to pay to the Khalif the
general, for they usually
sums at which the various provinces, after allowance made for

ordinary expenses, were set down in the public register. Where
the disbursements were left to their discretion, and where the
revenues were not fixed, but dependant upon the seasons, we may
presume that, on the plea of frontier wars, local services, and internal
tumults, veiy Mttle was ever remitted to the capital from the remote
provinces of the empire ; for the governors themselves were the
judges of these necessities ^the declaration of peace or war being
left to their arbitrary determination and pleasure.

1 Del Oamanischen Seichs Staatsverfasmng. Cantemir, Sist. of the Othman

Empire, p. 366.

The ordinary revenue, which they were entitled to collect from

the provinces committed to them, was derived from the land-tax, and
from -the capitation-tax upon those who had not embraced the
Muhammadan religion ; but there were many miscellaneous cesses
besides, which, in the aggregate, yielded 'large returns, and con-
tributed to swell their profits.
The land-tax was usually rated at two-fifths of the produce of
wheat and barley, were watered by public canals ; three-
if the fields

tenths, if irrigated by wheels or other artificial means and one- ;

fourth, if altogether unirrigated. If arable land were left uncul-

tivated, it seems to have paid one dirham per jar'ib, and one-tenth of
the probable produce, but the statement is not clear upon this point.
Of dates, grapes, and garden produce, one-third was taken, either in

kind or money ; and one-fifth (kiiums) of the yield of wines, fishing,

pearls, and generally of any product not derived from cultivation,

was to be delivered in kind, or paid iu value, even before the ex-

penses had been defrayed. One-fifth of the value of slaves and
booty was reserved for the Khalif. The customs and transit dues,

for which unbelievers had to pay a double rate, and the taxes on
trades and manufactures, and handicrafts, were also important
sources of public revenue.'
These taxes were according to the original institutes of 'Umar,

when he assessed the Sawad, or cultivated lands of 'Irak; but, in

course of time, they were everywhere greatly enhanced, even to
one-half of the produce of the land, or rather according to the ability
of the people to pay. In short, the rates above-mentioned were
merely a nominal value put upon the land : for the collection of the

revenues was, in many instances, left to rapacious farmers, who

covered their contracts and benefitted themselves besides, at the
expense of the cultivators. The same course of proceeding was
observed by the agents of the Talpurs to the latest period of their

See J5io^. Diet., Z. V.K. v. " Al M&.mfin," where the revenue table is given at
length. It is Fundgruhen des Orients, Vol. VI. p. 362, et seq.
also in the ;

and in Hammer-PurgataU's, die tanderverwaltung unter dein Chalifate, 39 ; and in

the Fenny Cychpadia, v. " Caliph." The Asiatic Journal, Vol. XXX. p. S2,
contains the most comprehensive of all these tables, with very useful remarks
appended, to Vfhich the foregoing paragraphs are indebted. See also VXJniwrs
Pitl. Asie, T. ; Arabie, 403, 404.

rule in Sind, and was one of the chief causes which contributed to
the impoYerishment of the country,'
Moreover, the absence of an accurate measurement must have
rendered all such assessments nugatory and fictitious; for it was only
in the Sawad, above referred tO) which was the small tract lying imme-
diately around the future capital of the Khalifs, that there was any-
thing like a detailed survey ; and of that the merits were more due
to their predecessors than themselves. Gibbon says, " the adminis-

tration of Persia was regtdated by an actual survey of the people,

the cattle, and the fruits of the earth ; and this monument, which
attests the vigour of the caliphs, might have instructed the philoso-
phers of every age," In this, he is by no means borne out by the
passage which he quotes as his authority from the Chorographia of
Theophanes ; and, moreover, an extended sense has been given to
" Persia," which really applies only to a remote comer of that large
Besides this ordinary land-tax, we read, in the Chach-ndma, of
other burdens laid upon Siudian cultivators, which seem to have
been independent of the former : such as the hdj, and the 'ushar'i?

Other extraordinary conditions were occasionally imposed on some

* The Uttle confidence to be placed in the apparent moderation of recorded rates,

may be exemplified by modern practice in Sind, where we are told that " it was not
uncommon for the government to collect vast quantities of grain for the supply of
troops, when any military expedition was on foot in which case, the rulers made no

scruple of seizing a half of the produce of the whole country, leaTing the farmer to
with the cultivator the best way he could." Capt, McMurdo, Journal S. As.
Soc, Vol. I. p. 240.
' Decline and Fall, chOi^Ai note 32. On the Saw^d of 'Ir6.t and Baghdad, see
AbiS-1 Fid&, Geogr., pp. 52, 307 Mar&aidu-l Ittild', ed. JuynboU, Vol. II., p. 63.

3 Literally, " tithe-lands," Decumates Agri of the Romans ; see Tacitus,

like the
Germania, cap. 29. Respecting the law ot'ushari, see Hamilton's Jsrfo^a ; Haring-
ton's Analysis, Vol. I. ; Galloway's Law and Consiii. of India ; N, B, E. BaUlie's
Land-tax of India accordi-ng to Muh. Lum.
Legally, no land was subject both to Tchordj and uthari but it may be questioned

whether the Sindian 'mhari, though it was confessedly considered as an indulgence,

is to be construed in its strict legal application. The parties from whom it was taken
were the people of Nairtin and the Channas west of the Indus, of whom we still
find a remnant not far from Manchhar lake, and from whom the Kalhoras are in
reality descended, notwithstanding their various attempts to disguise the humiliating
fact. Mr. Eenouard conceives that the Kalhoras are Kurds, because the Jahdn-numd
mentions that name among the Kurdish clans. There may possibly have been some
connection between them and the converted Channas, for we know that Kurds are to
be found as far eastward as Gandiva.

of the tribes. We have seen above, under Mu'tasim, that the Jats
dwelling beyond the river Aral were compelled to bring' a dog on
each occasion of paying their respects, besides being branded upon
the hand. The Bhatia, Lohana, Sihta, Jandar, Machf, and Groreja

tribes had also peculiar duties devolving upon them.

Sumptuary laws, moreover, were established, and enforced with
great stringency. Certain tribes were prohibited from wearing fine
linen, from riding on horses, and from covering their heads and
feet. If they committed theft, their women and childi-en were
burnt to death. Others had to protect caravans, and to furnish
guides to Muhammadans.'
The natives were also enjoined, in conformity with an old law of
'TJmar's, to feed every Muhammadan traveller for three days and
nights. It must be confessed, however, that many of these laws
were already established under the Brahman rulers ; unless, as

seems not improbable, the Muhammadan aspect about these ancient

institutions derives its hue from the prejudices of the historian who
records them.
But whatever were the peculiar features of some of the local

imposts, aU the unconverted tribes were, without exception, liable

to the capitation-tax (Jizya), which, as it was a religious as well as
a political duty to collect, was always exacted with rigour and
punctuality, and frequently with insult'
The levy of this impost in Sind from those who had not embraced
Islam, was considered so important at the very earliest period, that
we find Hajjaj sending another person into the province to coUeot
it, even during Muhammad Xasim's government. "Abu Khnfas
Kutaiba bin Muslim came on the part of Hajjdj, arid returned to
Khurasan, after leaving his agents to collect the poll-tax from the
infidels ; and, after a time, Tamim bin Zaid came from Hajjaj on the
same errand."'
1 So Aba 'XTbaida, on the conquest of Emesa, imposed upon such ss chose to

remain in infidelity a ransom of five gold-pieces a head, besides an annual tribute ;

and caused their names to be registered in a book, giving them back their wives and
children, on condition that they should act as guides and interpreters to the MosHms
in case of need. W. Irving, Suecetmra of Mahomet, pp. 60, 261; see Kemble's
Saxons in England, I. 294.
Price, Setrosp. of Muhamm, Bktory, vol. i. pp. 109.
3 Tuhftttu-l Eirdm, MS. pp. 18.
APPKNtolX. 477

According to the original ordinance of 'Umar, those persons who were

of any persuasion non-Mnhanimadan, were called Zimmis, or those
vrnder protection, and were assessed with a toleration, or poll-tax, at
the following rates. A person in easy circumstances had to pay 48
dirhams a year, one of moderate means 24 dirhams, and one in an
inferior station, or who derived his subsistence from manual labour,
12 dirhams. "Women, children, and persons unable to work paid
nothing. But a century had not elapsed, when 'Umar the Second,
considering these rates too moderate, calculated what a man could
gaia during the year, and what he could subsist on, and claimed
all the rest, amounting to four or five dinars, about two pounds,
a year.
As the tax ceased upon any becoming a Moslim when he
was enfranchised from his dependence, and was invested with the
privileges of a citizen
and companion its severe enforcement was
often found more efi&cacious than argument or persuasion, in in-
ducing the victims to offer themselves as converts to the faith. For
the professing Muhammadan had but to pay the tithe for alms, and
the import and export duties of one in forty, or two and a-half per
cent.,^ and he was free from all other imposts ; but, when the
original principles of the government began to be departed from,
when the once vigorous administration became feeble and degenerate,
and the Khalifs appropriated to themselves a large proportion of the

revenues which the Kuran had assigned to God, the Prophet, and
his relations, then the Muhammadans themselves also became sub-
ject, as
. well as the protected people, to new tallages and cesses ;

ioBomuch that the severity of the pressure occasioned general dis-

content, and often resulted in revolution and bloodshed.
Hence we find Ibn Khaldun, the most philosophic of all the

Arabian writers upon history and social economy, thus speaking of

the effect of these exactions upon the government which introduced
them :
" With the progress of luxury the wants of government and
its servants rucreased, and their zeal dimuiished ; so that it became
requisite toemploy more people, and to give them higher pay.
Consequently, the taxes were gradually increased, till the pro-

* In Muhammadan Spain this duty was as high as twelve and a-half per cent, on
email commodities. See Keinaad's Sarraiim, 280.


prietors and working classee were unable to pay them, which led
to continual changes in the government."
This increased employment of officials had no reference to those
maintained for the distribution of justice to the people. In a
country like Sind, where the mass of the nation professed their
were no tribunals for the purpose of adjudi-
ancient religion, there
cating suits between members of that despised and depressed race.
The power of life and death was exercised by every chief who could
maintain the slightest show of independence, as well as by the
Amirs but, under the latter, legal formalities were more rigorously,

if not justly observed. The Kazf, who was appointed to the

judgment-seat by their orders, professed, in controversies between
Muhammadans, to decide according to the precepts of the Kuran;
while even between Hindus and Muhammadans the same unerring
guide was appealed to, under which, of course, the former obtained
a very small modicum of justice. Public and political offences,
whether by one party or the other, were tried by the same standard
but in all suits for debts, contracts, adultery, inheritance, the rights
of property, and the like, the Hindus ^being left without any form
of law or any established judicatory to appeal to ^had to aoconuno-

date their own differences, and, therefore, maintained their pan-

cMyats, or arbitration committees, in full efficiency. It was for-

tunate, under these circumstances, that the public opinion of the

caste, as expressed in these domestic and self-constituted fora,
operated more strongly upon their minds, sentiments, and actions,
than rewards and punishments derived from higher and holier

To the Hindus, indeed, the public tribunals were only the means
of extortion and forcible conversion, as they have proved themselves
to be to the very latest period of Muhammadan dominion in Sind,
under which, there were judicial penalties for riding on horseback,
especially with a saddle under which, the wearing of beards, and

the adoption of Muhammadan costume were compulsory ; and under

which, religious processions, and even music, were altogether pro-
hibited.' Hence there was, and could be, no sympathy between the

1 Dr. Burnes, Vmt to the Court of Sinde, pp. 72-75 ; Captain MoMurdo, Journal
; ;


conquerors and tlie conquered, arising from confidence in the purity

of justice, ^for the primary obligations, inseparably connected with
the institutions of political society, were utterly ignored by the
Arab rulers of Sind, and no regard was had to that, which
MUton calls
The Bolid rule of ciril goTemment
In which is plainest taught, and earliest learnt
What makes a nation happy and keeps it so,
What ruins kingdoms, and lajs cities flat.
It is expedient that these matters should be often brought back
to remembrance and pondered on; for the inhabitants of modem
India, as well as our clamorous demagogues at home, are very apt to

forget the very depth of degradation from which the great mass of
the people have been raised, under the protection of British
In reflecting on the causes which, accelerated the downfall of the
Khalif 's dominion in Sind, one of the most obvious and powerful
accessories which offers itself to our view, as conspiring towards
that end, is the diversity of interests and feelings among the several
tribes which achieved and confirmed ttie conquest. No long time
elapsed, after the first glow of enthusiasm had died away, and given
place to more sober sentiments, when the Arabs showed themselves
as utterly incapable, as the shifting sands of their own desert, of

coalescing into a system of concord and subordination. The passions

which agitated these hordes in their ancient abodes, the hereditary
feuds and blood-revenges, which had even formed the dates of eras
amoung their Bedouin ancestors, and which could be revived in all

their bitterness by the recital of a ballad, a lampoon, or a proverb,

were not allayed, but fostered, by transplantation from their original

soil.^ And so it was in Spain ; crowds of adventurers poured in

who preferred a distant fortune to poverty at home. Emigrants
from Damascus occupied Granada and Cordova Seville and Malaga ;

were planted by settlers from Emesa and Palestine the natives of ;

H. As. Soc, Vol. I. pp. 249-262 ; Lieut. Burton, Sind/t, p. 358, and Vnhappy Valley,
Vol. I. pp. 225-229 ; Capt. Postans' Personal Observations on Sindh, pp. 159, 258 ;
Sir A. Bumes, Caiool, p. 15.
1 Pocock, Specimen Sistor. Arab. pp. 43, 178 ; Sale, Koran, Vol. I, p. 233
Foster, Mahom. Unveiled, Vol. I. p. 6.


Yemen and Persia were scattered about Toledo ; and the feiidle

valleys of the South were partitioned among 10,000 horsemen from

Sjrria and 'Irak. These, as in Sind, all became so many rival
factions eager in the pursuit of power, mutually rancorous and
hostile, and cherishing, in the pride and petulance of their hearts,

the most invidious distinctions of races and precedence.'

Even as early as the deposition and recall of Muhammad Kasim,
we find him alluding to the clannish feud between the Sakifis and
Sakasaks. " Had he chosen to appeal to the sword," he exclaims,
" no cavaliers of the tribes of Sakasak or 'Akk could have wrested
from him the country he had conquered, or laid violent hands upon
his person." These were both Yamanfan tribes ; the first was de-
scended from Saksak bin Ashrab, and the second was an offshoot of
the great tribe of Azd, which, under Muhallab, was the first to carry
the Arab arms into India, and which rendered itself so conspicuous
in the conquest of Khurasan.' The Sakifi tribe, to which Muhammad
Kasim belonged, was originally from Taif, about fifty miles south-

east of Mecca. It continues a powerful people to this day, pos-

sessing the some fertile region on the eastern declivity of the Hijjaz
chain of mountains. In the wars of the Wahabis, they defended
their ancient stronghold of Tiif with a spirit worthy of their
We have seen above, under the Khilafat of Mu'tasim, that the
rancour, which prevailed between the Yamanian and Nizarian
tribes, again broke out into open hostility
in Sind. It was not,

however, in Sind only, but wherever the Muhammadan standard

was displayed, that these two great divisions were arrayed against
each other ; and as this feeling operated as one of the main causes
of the success of the 'Abbasides against the Ummayides, its original
malignity could not fail to be aggravated in every Moslim country,
as long as the remembrance of that change of djrnasty survived.
What imparted additional acerbity to these feuds in Sind, was
I Crichton, Arabia and its People, p. 339; Dunliam, History of Spain, Vol. IV.
p. 2 ; Procter, Eneyclopiedia Metrop,, Vol. XI. p. 294. All of whom are iudebted,
more or less, originally to Gibbon, Decline and Fall, chap. li. adjinem; and he, with
his usual honesty of acknowledgment, to Casiri, Siblioth ArabSispan., Tom. II.
pp. 32, 262.
' The Im&m of Muscat is an AzdS. Enc. Metr. t. Oman.


the persecution of the adherents of 'All, which, though with some in-
termissions, especially about Mamiin's time, was maintained with
considerably rigour during the period of Arab occupation. We
have in the preceding note seen some instances of these religious
quarrels, and they must have been of frequent occurrence in Sind
for its position on the remote eastern frontier of the Empire, and the
difficulty of access to it over mountains and barren sands, must have
offered a promising asylum to political refugees, of which we have
ample evidence that they readily availed themselves. Hence hetero-
doxy, during the period of the KhUafat, flourished with unusual
vigour in Sind and Makran and hence such
; schismatics as Khariji's,
Zindiksi Khwajas, Sharfites, and the Hke, as well as MuMhida, or
atheists of various denominations, throve, and propagated ;' more
especially the Karmatians, who, after being first introduced through
this kingdom, maintained their hold in Western and Northern India
long after they were suppressed in other provinces of the Empire.
The 'Alite refugees have preserved many traces of their resort to
Sind, to which we may refer the unusual proportion of Saiyid
families to this day resident in that country, the names of such
places as Lakk-'alavi and Mut-'aJavf,* founded and stUl inhabited by
*Alites, and the many Saiyids of even Eastern India, who trace their
first settlements to Thatta, Bhakkar, and other places in the valley
of the Indus.
These vague reminiscences, indeed, may be considered to com-
prise one of the most enduring monuments of Arab dominion in
Sind. They were almost the only legacy the Arabs left be-
hind them affording a peculiar contrast in
; this respect to the
Romans, after they had held Britain for the same period of three
centuries. Notwithstanding that their possession was partial and
unstable, our native soil teems with their buildings, camps, roads,
coins, and utensils, in a manner to show how completely they were
the master-spirits of that remote province.' But with regard to the
Arab dominion in Sind, it is impossible for the traveller to wander

See "Weil, II. 16 ; Burton, 249.

2 The latter is now known as Matiri. The two great families of Latkyiri
and Mat&ri Saiyids constitute the Maj&wars, or attendants at the shrine of the cele-
brated saint, La'l Sh&h-b&z of Sihw&n.
' See William of Malmesbury, Qest. Reg. Lib. 1. cap. i.

VOL. I. 31


through that land, -without being struck with the absence of all

record of their occupation. In language, architecture, arts, tra-

ditions, customs, and manners, they have left but little impress upon
the country or the people. We trace them, like the savage Sikhs,
only in the ruins of their predecessors ; and while Mahfiiza, Baiza,
and Mansura have so utterly vanished, that "etiam periere ruinse,"
the older sites of Bhambur, Alor, Multan, and Sihwan still survive
to proclaim the barbarism and cruelty of their destroyers. It has,

indeed, been observed, as a circumstance worthy of remark, that no

people ever constructed so many edifices as the Arabs, who extracted
fewer materials from the quarry : the buildings of their first settlers

being everywhere raised from the wrecks of cities, castles, and

fortresses which they had themselves destroyed.^
With respect to the descendants of the early Arab conquerors, we
find it stated, by two local historians, that when 'Abdu-r Eazzak,
Wazir of Sultan Mahmud, and the first Ghaznivide governor of
Sind, was in the year 415 h. (1024 a.d.) directed to proceed to that
country from Multan,' and that when, after having captured Bhakkar,
and established his power upon a firm basis, he proceeded in 417 to
Siwista 1 and Thatta, he found in those places, among the descendants
of old Arab settlers, " only a very few, who had remained bound, as
it were, to the country by family ties and encumbrances ; and who,
being men of learning and ability, were at that time holding posts
of honour, and ia the enjoyment of certain religious endowments."'
Eighteen Sindian families, or tribes, are said to have sprung from
these ancestors: the Sakifi,* Tamfm, Miighairide, 'Abbasf, Sadiki,
Faruki, 'Usmani, Pahanwar," Manki,* Chabria, Bin-i Asad, 'Utba,

' Cricliton's Arabia and Hi People, p. 426.

' The period of his departure from MultSin not clearly stated by either authority.

One seems to say 414, the other 416. Now,

Mahmtid was, dming Eamazin 416,
in Mult&n, on hia way to Somn&t, that appears to be a more probable year than
either of the other two.
3 Tuhfalu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 21. Mir Ma'sflm says that the Vazir turned the Arabs
out of these places ; but that " some who had families, and were respectable and
learned men, had high situations conferred upon them according to law " i.e. they

were appointed to judicial offices. TdriTch-i Sind, MS, p. 38.

* The original KSizis of Alor and Bhakkar. From this family was descended the
author of the Chach-ndma.
The descendants of HSiis. A branch of the Tamim.


Bin-i Abl Sufy^n/ Bajaride," and tile Bin-i Jarfma Aas&ri, wlio were
the progenitors of the tribe of Sapya, the lords of Siwistan. To
these are to be added the Jats and BuMohls, descendants of Harun
Makrani. It will be observed that, although the families are said
to be eighteen, the emimeration extends to only seventeen, unless the
Sapya and the descendants of Jarfma Ans4ri are reckoned as two.
The same authority mentions, that some of the tribes now in Sind,
and who appear from their n^mes and occupations to have been
originally Hindu, are in reality descendants of the Arabs. Thus,
the Thim were originally Tamim ; theMorya are pronounced to be
descendants from Mughaira ; and the Sumra are likewise held to be
the offspring of adventurers from Samarra, who accompanied the
Tamim in great numbers. All these affiliations are gratuitous
guesses, and about as probable as the one mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, of the descent of the Jats and BulucWs from Harun
Makrani. But that some of the inferior tribes are descendants of
the Arabs is by no means opposed to reason or probability, and this
more especially among those now classed as Buldchis. The Eind,
for instance, when they assert that they came originally from Aleppo
and Damascus, may have truth on their side; but we should be
cautious in admitting nominal resemblances or ambitious genealo-
gies ; especially where, as in the case of the Sumras, Sammas,
Daudputras, and Kalhoras, there has been a political purpose to
serve, and sycophants ready at all times to pander to a despot's

The Sumra Dynmty.

The assignment of this dynasty to its veritable lineage and proper
period among the rulers of Sind, is one of the most difficult problems
with which we have to deal in the history of Muhammadan India
and the obscurities and inconsistencies of the native accounts have
by no means been cleared by the European comments which have
been made upon them.
Our first informant is Mfr Ma'sum, whose account has been given
1 Of this many of the darweshes of Eail, on the right bank of the Indus,
tribe are
opposite Haidar&b&d. Among these celebrated saints are to be included the
ancestors of Shaikh Abii-1 FewI, as shown in his work, styled the KaohW.
2 Occupants of Jang&.r, about ten miles west from Sihw&,n,

at length in the Extracts from Ms history. He tells us (supra, p.

215,) that in the time of 'Ahdu-r Eashid, Sultan Mas'iid, 443 A.H.,
1051 A.D., the men of the Sdmra tribe revolted from the rule of
Ghazni, and placed on the throne of Sind a man of the name of
Siimra. He closes his unsatisfactory account by saying :
" If any
of my friends know more on this subject, let them publish it ; I have

said all Upon the matter."

I can
Abu-1 Fazl gives us no information in the Ay'in-i AJcbari (Vol. 11.
p. 120), beyond the announcement that there were thirty-six Sumra
pjrinces, w^ho reigned 600 years.

Pirishta seems afraid of venturing on this difficult and doubtful

ground. He merely observes (Yol. IV. p. 411,) that, on the death
of Muhammad Kasim, a tribe, tracing their origin from the Aasdrfs,
established their government in Sind; after which, the Sumra
Zamfndars reigned for 500 years ;
' but he adds, " neither the names
nor the history of, these princes are at present extant, since I have
faUed in my endeavour to procure them. In the course of years
(although we have no account of the precise period) the dynasty was
subverted by that of the Sammas,^ whose chief assumed the title of

Jam. During the reigns of these dynasties, the Muhammadan kijigs

of Ghaznf, Ghor, and Dehli invaded Sind, and seizing many of the
towns, appointed Muhammadan governors over them."
The Tarikh-i Tahiri (MS. p. 25,) says their dominion lasted for
only 143 years, from 700 to 843 h., that they were Hindus, that
Alor was within their dominions, and that their capital was Mu-
hammad-Tur, in the Pargana of Dirak. Duda is made contem-
porary of 'Alau-d Dfn, and the popular stories relating to Dalu Eai
and 'Umar Sumra are given at length.

The Beg-Ldr-ndma (MS. p. 8) merely observes that, after the Mu-

hammadan conquest, men of the Tamim tribe governed Sind, and
after some time, the Siimras succeeded them, occupying the seat

of government for 505 years ; their capital being Muhatampur.

1 The Kanzu-l Mahfut, on the authority of the Tdrlkh-i Bahddw-shdhi says the
Sflmras lasted for 500 years after the auldd Tamim Ansiri,
' [The -words of this sentence as given hy Gen. Brigga, are " the dynasty of

Soomnra subverted the country of another chief called Soomima, whose chief," etc.
Sir E. Elliot's emendation is obviously necessary,]

Muhammad Tusuf says in his MmtaMabu-t Tawdrikh that when

Sultan 'Abdu-r EasWd, son of Sultan Mahmud, inherited the
dom of Ghaznf, the people of Sind, finding him an indolent and
weak-minded monarch, began to be refractory and contumacious, and
445 (1053 a.d.), the men of the tribe of Svimra, having assem-
in A.H.
bled around Tharri, seated a man named Siimra on the cushion of
government. He ruled independently for a length of time, and left
as successor a son, Bhungar, bom to him by a daughter of a Zamfn-
dar named Sad. Bhungar, after ruling 15 years, departed to the
world of eternity in a.h. 461, and left a son named Diida, who after
a rule of 24 years, died a.h. 485 ;
' then Sanghar reigned for 16
years; Hafif, 33 years; 'Umar, 40 years; Dudd 11. 14 years; Pahtu,
33 years ; Genhra, 16 years ; Muhammad Tur, 15 years ; Genhra 11.
several years ; Diida m. 14 years ; Tai, 24 years ; Chanesar, 18
years;Bhungar IE. 15 years; Hafif H. 18 years; Duda IV. 25
years 'Umar Sumra, 35 years Bhungar HI. 10 years. Then the
; ;

government fell to Hamir, who was deposed by the tribe of Samma,

on account of his tyranny.'
The latest native authority is the Tiihfatu-l Kirdm (MS. pp. 21, 26,
126), which, in one passage, says that the Siimra tribe sprang from
the Arabs of Samira, who arrived in Sind in the second century of
the Hijra, accompanying the Tamlm family, who became governors
. of Sind im.der the 'Abbasides ; that the whole term of their sway
may be reckoned at 550 years, as they were mere nominal tribu-
taries during the last two centuries of the 'Abbdside government,
and enjoyed full independence when the greater part of Sind was
held by the officers of the Ghaznivide and Ghori kings.
In another passage we are informed that they were invited to
Sind by Chhota Amrani, who being grieved at the injustice of his
brother, the famous Dalti Eaf, repaired to Baghdad, and obtained
from the Khalif one hundred Arabs of Samira, whom he brought to
Sind, together with Saiyid 'Ali Musavi, who married Dalii Eai's
daughter, and left descendants, now mhabitiag the town of Mut'alavi.
When Ghazi Malik, itt the year 720 h. (1320 a.d.), marched towards

' [See the passage from Malet's translation of Mir Ma'siim, supra, p. 216.]
2 [This passage is quoted in the Tukfdtu-l Kirdm, and another translation of it

will be found at page 344.]


Dehli with an army collected from Multan and Sind, oyertkrew

Khusru Khan, and assumed the title of Gh(asu-d din Tughlik Shah,
the tribe of Sumra took advantage of his being occupied with the
affairs of those distant parts, and collecting together from the neigh-

bourhood of Tharri, chose a person namt'd Sumra as their ruler. He

established perfect tranquillity throughout the country, and married
a daughter of a Zamindar, named Sad, who made pretensions to
independence. His wife bore him a son named Bhungar by whom
he was succeeded. His son Duda succeeded him, and acquired
possession of the country as fax as Nasrpiir. H^ left an infant son,
named Singhar. Tari, daughter of Diida, assumed the reins of
government till Singhar became of age. He, when installed in power,
marched towards Kachh, and extended his territory as far as Nang-
nai. As he died childless, his wife Himu appointed her own
brothers to the governorship of the cities of Tur and Tharri. A
short time after this, another Diida, a Sumra, governor of the Tort
of Dhak, assembled his kinsmen from the neighbourhood, and
destroyed Hfmii's brothers. While this was going on, Pahtu, a
son of Duda, raised an insurrection, and held authority for a short
time ; after which, a man named Khaira obtained the principality.
Then Armil undertook the burden of government, but as he proved
to be a tyrant, the tribe of Samma rose against him, and slew him
in A.H. 752 (1351 A.D.). So far the "confusion worse confoimded"
of the Tuh/atu-l Kirdm}
The attempts of European authors to explain these discrepancies

are not successful.

Pottinger informs us that "Hakims were regularly sent from
court (Ghazni) to this province, untU the reign of Musaood, the
son of Muhmood, when a great tribe, called Soomruh, appeared in
arms and expelled aU the partizans of the king; but their chief,
whose name was Sunghar, immediately making an apology for this
outrage, and offering to pay tribute to the amount of the revenues
before collected, he was pardoned, and appointed governor, in the
the stead of the person he had deposed. The tribute was paid with
great regularity for one hundred smd fifty years after this arrange-
ment, when the Empire of Ghuznee was overturned by the Ghoorian
1 Su^oi,.T^. 343.

dynasty ; on which the Soomruhs, in whose tribe the government of

Sinde had gradually been allowed to become hereditary, declared them-
selves in a state of independence, and although they were repeatedly
worsted in the wars that followed this declaration, yet they managed
to preserve their liberty tUl the final extinction of the race, or at
least the princes of it, in the person of Duhooda, who died without
children, in the year of the Hijree, 694, about 335 years from the
time his ancestors had first made themselves so conspicuous.
" On the demise of Duhooda, numerous candidates for the vacant
government started up, and it was a contintial struggle for nearly a

century who should succeed to Among the last of them, two


brothers, called Kheeramull and UrukmuU successively held it for a

time, but at length the tyranny of the latter became insupportable,
and the head of the tribe of Sumuh went to his palace, accompanied
by the ministers of the country, and put him to death. The populace
with one accord elected this chief, who had relieved them from so
dreadful a scourge, their king, and he was accordingly placed on
their throne, with the title of Jam, or leader, which he was said to

have adopted from his family being descended from the celebrated
Jamshed, king of Persia."^
Dr. Bird, relying on some Persian authorities, including the
Tdrihh-i Sind, tells us that the Sumras, who became first known in
the Indian history in the reign of Mahmud of Ghaznf, were
originally Muhammadans descended from Aboulahil, an uncle of the
Prophet, and that one of the tribe who, in the beginning of the
eleventh century of our era, obtained power in Sind, married into
the family of Samma, and had a son named Bhaonagar. The chief
who had been thus placed at the head of the tribe was named
Hallah, the son of Chotah, a descendant of Omar Sumra, first of the
family mentioned in their history. Contemporary with Chotah was
Deva Eaf, sometimes called Dilu Eai, the ruler of Alore. " The son
born to Hallah had for his descendants Dodar, Singhar, Hanif, and

others, who appear to have originally possessed the Dangah per-

gunnah in the Eegistan, or sandy desert, from whence they extended
themselves into the pergunnahs of Thurr, Sammawati, Eupah, and

^ Travels in Bcloochislan, pp. 391.



Nasirpur." Dr. Bird adds, that nothing satisfactory regarding them

is to be found in any Indian author, except the statement of their
descent from the family of the Prophet, in -which, therefore, he seems
to concur. " They derive their name," he continues, " from the city
of Saumrah, on the Tigris; and appear to have sprung from the
followers of Tamim Ansari, mixed with the Arab tribes of Tamim
and Kureish." o o < Jxi Masudi's time, many chiefs of the

Arabs descended from Hamzah, the uncle of the prophet, and Ali,

his cousin, were then subject (to the chief of Mansiira.). To these
ancestors we may trace the Saiyids of Sinde, and the family of
the Sumrahs."
The difficulty of solving this question is shown by so confused a
statement written by a well-informed author.
Elphinstone observes that, " Kasim's conqiiests were made over to
his successor Temim, whose family they remained
in the hands of
for thirty-six years, till the downfall of the Ummayides, when, by
some insurrection, of which we do not know the particulars, they
were expelled by the Siimras, and all their Indian conqaests were
restored to the Hindus ;
part of the expelled Arabs, according to
Firishta, having found a settlement among the Afghans." And,
again, that " after the expulsion of the Arabs in 750 a.d., Sind, from
Bhakkar to the sea, was ruled by the Sumra Eajputs, until the end
of the twelfth century ; that it is uncertain when they first paid
tribute to the Muhammadans, probably, the beginning of that century,
under Shahabu-d dm, or his immediate successor." Here, the whole
period of the 'Abbaside governors, and of the independent rulers of
Multan and Mansura and the Karmatians, is entirely neglected.
So important an omission by such a writer teaches us, as in the pre-
ceding paragraph, how obscure are the annals with which we have
to deal.''

In calling the Sumras Eajputs, Elphinstone is without doubt

correct, for notwithstanding the assertions of the local writers, the
real fact must be admitted, that the Sumras are not of Arab descent
at all, and that this fictitious genealogy was assumed by them, when

' Sketch of the Bislory of Gutch, Appendix yi. ; Visit to the Court of SincU, p. 10 ;

and again, Journ. B. As, Soc.^ Vol. I. pp. 126.

2 SistQry of India, Vol. I, pp. 228, 511.

the majority of the tiibe were converted to Islam ; and that, as the

name of Saman-a offered a sufficiently specious resemhlance, that

town was adopted as the probable seat of their origin, though it was
not built till after the supposed period of their emigration.'
That the Sumras were not Moslims during at least the early period
of their sway, seems to be proved by their names, though this argu-
ment is down to modem times in Sindj Mu-
not quite decisive, for
hammadan converts have been occasionally allowed to retain their
Hindu names. StUl, reasoning generally, the retention of Hindu
names points, prima, facie, to the probability of the retention of the

native religion. Now, when we come to examine the Bhungars and

Dudas among the Sumras, we find that even to the latest period,

with one, or at most two, doubtful exceptions, they are all of native
Indian origin. The fact of their being called " Hamfr," in Sindian
ballads (a probable corruption of " Amir ") scarcely militates against
this, as it was, both in ancient and modem times, a distinctive appel-
lation of the rulers of Sind, and was only superseded where, as in the
<5ise of the Jams, there was a more familiar title of local origin.
The ascription of so honourable an address and so high a lineage, is

easily accounted for by the natural tendency to aggrandisement

which has actuated all bards and minstrels, from Demodocus and
Tyrtffius to the last prizeman of the Cambrian Eisteddfodd. That
many of the tribe still continue Hindus, roaming as shepherds
through the ihals of Jesalmfr and the Upper Dhat country to the
east of Sind, we know from personal communication. Even if it

might be admitted that, in the present day, they had forgotten their
Arab origin, and lapsed into Hinduism from their former creed;
StUl, that could not have oceurred at the very earliest period of their
history, within a century or two of their emigration, and before their

high and holy origin could possible have been forgotten.

The Sumras of the desert are one of the subdivisions of the
Pramara Eajputs, and from frequently combining with their brethren

the 'Umars, gave name to a large tract of country, which is even

still recognized as 'Umra-Sumra, and within which Alor is situated.

' The various modes of writing and pronouncing the name of this town are given
in the Mardsidu-l Itlild', cd. JuynboU, II. 6, 27, but not one admits of a in the
first syllable.

Eenouard surmises tliat they may be "Som-Eaf," that is, of the

Lunar race, but, being without question of the Pramara stock, they
are necessarily Agni-kulas. Their successors and opponents, the
Sammas, were of the Lunar race.
It is not improbable that the Lumris, or Numaris, of Buliichistan
may be of the same stock, who, when they derive their lineage from
Samar, the founder of Samarkand, may have been originally nothing
but Siimras. This, however, would not be admissible, if they
really have that consanguinity with the Bhatis which they profess^
and which would throw them also into the Lunar family.^
It is not only from passages which professedly treat of the Sumras
that we know them to be Hindus, but from an incidental notice in
foreign historians, such as the authors of the Jahdn-kushd and the
Jdmi'u-t TawdriTch ; where, in writing of the expedition of Jalalu-d
din to Sind, in 621 a.h. (1221 a.d.), they mention that, when he was
approaching Debal, the ruler of that country, Hasrar, took to flight,

and embarked on a boat, leaving the Sultan to enter the place with-

out a contest, and erect mosques on the sites of the Hindu temples
which he destroyed. This Hasrar is, same
in Eirishta's account of the
expedition, named Jaisi, which, if it be correctly written, is more
probably a titular than a personal designation for we learn it was ;

the name borne by the son of Dahir, who ruled in the same province,
and was so called from the Sindi word jai, "victory." It seems,
however, not improbable that the name is neither Hasrar, nor
Jaief, nor Jaisar, but Ohanesar, the popular hero of some of the
Sindian legends respecting the Sumra family. Neither of the three
other names is to be found amongst those of the Sumra rulers, and
written without the diacritical points, they all vary but little from
one another. Admitting this to be the case. We obtain an useful
synchronism in the Siimra dynasty, notwithstanding that the local
ballad of Dodo and Ohanesar makes them contemporaries of 'Alau-d
din, a name more familiar to native ears than ShamsU-d din, the

actual ruler of Dehli at that period, and his predecessor by nearly a

whole century.

1 loi., Annah of Rdjasthdn, Yol. I. pp. 92, 93; II. 310-12; Snoye. Metropol.

Vol. XXIII. p. 780; Journ. JR. Geog. Stic, Vol. VII. p. li; Masson, /ourncy to
Keldt, pp. 298, 356.

There is, however, one very curious passage ia an author, -whom

we should have little expected to afford any illustration to the
history of Sind, which would seem to prove that, before they apos-
tatized from their ancestral faith to Islam, the Siimras had inter-
mediately adopted the tenets of the Karmatian heresy. In the
sacred books of the Druses, we find an epistle of Muktana Bahau-d
din, the chief apostle of Hamza, and the principal compiler of the
Druse writings, addressed in the year 423 h. (1032 a.d.), to the
Unitarians of Multdn and Hindustan in general, and to Shaikh Ibn
S-kmar Sdjd Bal in particular^ Here the name is purely Indian,
and the patronymic can be no other than our Sumra. That some of
that tribe, including the chiefs, had affiliated themselves to the
Karmatians is more probable than the other alternative, suggested

by M. Eeinaud,^ that certain Arabs had adopted indigenous denomi-

nations. It seems quite evident from this curious coincidence of
names, that the party particularly addressed was a Siimra ; that this
Sumra was a Karmatian, successor of a member of the same schism,
who bore in the time of Mahmdd a Muhammadan name (Abu-1
Fath Daiid), and whose son was probably the younger Daiid men-
tioned in the letter ; and that the Karmatians of the valley of the
Indus were in relation and correspondence, not only with those of
Persia and Arabia, but with the Druses, who adored Hakim, the
Fatimide Khahf of Egypt, as a God.
That the Karmatians obtained many converts to their infidel

opinions is rendered highly probable by the difficulty of accounting

for their rapid conquest of Sind by any other supposition. Being
merely refugees from Bahrein and Al Hassa after their successive
defeats, mentioned in another note, and their subsequent persecution
in Arabia, they could scarcely have traversed an inhospitable country,
or undertaken a long sea voyage, in sufficient numbers, to appear
' He E&j^ Bal the true desceudant of Botbro and Hondelhela, and mentions

many othermembers of his family, some of whom have Arab, and others Indian
names, eulogising their faith and virtuea. " Oh, illustrious Eaj& Bal, arouse your
family, the Unitarians, and bring back Difid the younger into the true religion for ;

Mas'ud only delivered him from prison and bondage, that you might accomplish, the
ministry with which you were charged, against 'Ahd-uUa, his nephew, and against
all the inhabitants of Mult&n, so that the disciples of the doctrines of holiness, and of

the unity, might be distinguished from the party of bewilderment, contradiction, in-
genuity, and rebellion." ' Memoire mr I'Inde, p. 256.


suddenly with renovated power in Sind. Many Hindd converts doubt-

less readily joined them, both ia the hope of expelling their present
masters, and in the expectation of receiving a portion of their ancient
patrimony for themselves, after the long exclusion under which they
had groaned. One of the Buluch clans, indeed, stiU preserves the
memory of its heresy, or that of its progenitor, in retaining its pre-
sent title of Karmati.
Independent of the general dissemination of Shia' sentiments
in the valley of the Indus, which favoured notions of the incorpo-
ration of the Godhead in Man, the old occupants of the soil must,
from other causes, have been ready to acquiesce in the wild doc-
trines of the heretics, who now offered themselves for spiritual
teachers, as well as political leaders. Their cursing of Muhammad
their incarnations of the deity ; their types and allegories ; their
pliilosophy divided into exoteric and esoteric; their religious re-
ticence ; their regard for particular numbers, particularly seven
and twelve ; the various stages of initiation ; their abstruse
allusions ; their mystical interpretations ; their pantheistic theo-
sophy, were so much in conformity with sentiments already
prevalent amongst these willing disciples, that little persuasion
could have been required to induce them to embrace so con-
genial a system of metaphysical divinity, of which the final de-
gree of initiation, however cautiously and gradually the development
was concealed, undoubtedly introduced the disciple into the regions
of the most xmalloyed atheism. So susceptible, indeed, must the
native mind have been of these insidious doctrines, that Hammer-
Purgstall and others, who have devoted much attention to these
topics, have very reasonably concluded that the doctrines of these
secret societies, such as the Karmatians, Isma'ilians or Assas-
sins, Druses, Batinfs, and sundry others, which at various periods
have devastated the Muhammadan world, and frequently threat-
ened the extinction of that faith, ^though originally based upon
the errors of the Gnostics, were yet largely indebted to the mystical
philosophy and theology of Eastern nations, and especially of India,
where the tenets of transmigration and of absorption into the Deity
were even more familiar both to Buddhists and Brahmans than they
were to these miserable schismatics.


The Hindu population, therefore, though they had much to dread

from them, if it continued obstinately in the path of idolatry, was
likely to offer a rich field of proselytism to such zealous fanatics as
the Karmatians, or "people of ihe veil," whose creed could not have
been less attractive to an ignorant and superstitious multitude, from
its eluding in many instances the grasp of human apprehension, and
from its founder being announced, in profane and incomprehensible
jargon, to be " the Guide ! the Director ! the Invitation 1 the Word
the Holy Ghost ! the Demonstration ! Camel !"
the Herald ! the
Assuming, then, that this Ibn Sumar, the ruler of Multan in
4:23 H. (1032 A.D.), was in reality a Sumra, we must date the com-
mencement of the Sumra dynasty at least as early as that period,

and most probably even before Mahmiid's death, in the lower course
of the Indus ; for it has already been observed, on the authority of
Ibn Asir, that Mahmud on his return from Sommat, in 416 h., (1025
A.D.), placed a Muhammadan chief in possession of Mansura ; for
that the incumbent had abjured Islamism. So that the expelled
ruler must necessarily have been a Karmatian, or a Hindu; and, in
either case, doubtless a Sumra, who, in the distractions of the
Ghaznivide Empire, would have allowed no long time to elapse
before he recovered the dominions from which he had been expelled.
This re-establishment might have been delayed during the reign
of Mas'ud, who is expressly mentioned by Baihaki as comprising all
Sind within his domioions. The Sumras, indeed, may possibly have
allowed a titular sovereignty to the Ghaznivides, even down to the
time of 'Abdu-r Eashid in 443 h. (1051 a.d.) ; or paid tribute as

an acknowledgment of fealty ; but after that time, the advance of

the Saljuks on the northern frontier of the empire, and the internal
disorders of the government, must have offered too favourable a

conjuncture for them to profess any longer an even nominal sub-

ordination to distant monarchs imable to enforce it.

The Sumra power could at no time have been extensive and

absolute in Sind ; and the passage translated above at p. 340, from
the Tuhfatu-l Eirdm, showing seven tributary chiefs in Sind in the
time of Nasiru-d din, represents perhaps the true state of the country
during a great portion of the so-called Sumra period. Moreover,
this unfortunate province was subject to perpetual incursions from


the Ghorian, KMljf, and Tughlik dynasties of DeWi and the Panjab,
as well as the still more ruinous devastations of the Moghals. The
retreats in their native deserts offered temporary asylums to the

Sindians during these visitations, till it pleased the stronger power

to retire, after ravaging the crops and securing their plunder : but,
beyond the personal security which such inhospitable tracts offered,

the Sumras could have enjoyed little freedom and independence, and
can only claim to rank as a dynasty, from the absence of any other
predominant tribe, or power, to assert better pretensions to that

The Samma Dynasty.

In considering the annals of this race, we are relieved from many

of the perplexities which attend us during the preceding period.
After expelling the Sumras in 752 a.h. (1351 a.d.), the Sammas
retained their power, till they were themselves displaced by the
Arghuns iu 927 a.h. (1521 a.d.). Some aiithorities assign an earlier,
as well as later, date for the commencement of their rule. The Beg
Ldr-ndma says 734 a.h. (1334 a.d.), making the dynasty last 193
years. The TdriMi-i TdMri says 843 a.h. (1439 a.d.), giving it no
more than 84 years. The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm says 927 h., which gives
176 years.
The Tdrihh-i Tdhiri is obviously wrong, because when Sultan
Firoz Tughlik invaded Sind in 762 a.h. (1361 a.d.), he was opposed
by a Prince whose title was Jam, one borne by Sammas only, not by
Sumras, and this we learn from a contemporary author, Shams-i
Siraj, whose father himself commanded a fleet of 1000, out of 5000,
boats employed upon the expedition. The power of the Jam may
be judged of by his being able to bring a force of 40,000 infantry
and 20,000 cavalry to oppose the Sultan of Dehli, whom he kept

Compare Hammer-Pnrgstall, Gesehichte der Assassinen, Book i., and Fundgrubm


dea Orients, Vol. TI. ; Siog. Vtiweraelle, v. " Carmath ;" Eenouard, Encyc. Metro-
poUtma, Vol. XVIII. pp. 301, 308; M.Jules DaTid, iSyne Jl/"o(fe, pp. 195-7
M. Silvestre de Sacy, Eicposd de la religion des J)ruzes, Tom. I. p. cajxci, II. 341
and Jouinal des Savants, ana. 1818 the entire work of De Sacy has been copiously

abstracted in the &st and second Volumes of Col. Churchill's Mount Lebanon, 1863 ;

Weil, Ges. da- Chalifen, Vol. II. p. 2U, III. 65 Koran, Prel. Disc, VoL I.
; Sale,

p. 262 ; Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, pp. 37-44 BoMen, ;alte Indien,Dm
Vol. I. p. 206.

at bay for two years and Ten years previous, we also know
from contemporary history upon Muhammad Tughlik's in-
vasion, the chief of Thatta was a Sumra, and not a Samma. We
may, therefore, safely concur with the TuJifaitu-l Kir dm in taking the
year 752 h. as that of the accession of the Sammas, which was,
indeed, coincident with that of Sultan Ffroz, for his reign com-
menced while he was yet in Sind, and this ciiange of dynasty was
probably in some measure contingent upon his success in that pro-
vince, before he advanced upon Dehli,
All these authors concur in fixing the extinction of the Samma
dynasty in 927 h. (1521 a.d.).

Native writers have done their best to render the origin of this
tiibe obscure, in their endeavours to disguise and embellish the
truth. The extracts from the TuJifatu-l Kirdm will show the pro-
pensity of the Sindian mind to wander into the region of fable and
romance. Nothing can be made out of such arrant nonsense. In
another passage the author throws discredit on the Arab descent, and
inclines to that of Jamshid. The Arabic origin from Ab Jahl has
been assigned, in order to do honour to the converts from Hinduism,
The Jharejas of Kachh, who are of Samma extraction, prefer claim-
ing the distant connection of Sham, or Syria. The descent from
Sam, the son of the prophet Nuh, has been assigned, partly for the
same reason of nobHitation, partly that a fit eponymos might be
found for Samma ; and Jamshid, or Jam (for he is known under
both forms indiscriminately), has been hit upon, in order that a
suitable etymology might be obtained for the titular designation

of Jam.
Tod word Jam from Samma, but the correctness of
derives the
this etymology may be doubted, for it was not the designation of the
family generally, but merely of the chiefs. Indeed, Jam is a title

still borne by many native rulers in these parts such as theJdm of

Bela, the Jam of Nawanagar, in Surashtra, the Jam of Kej, the Jha
of the Jokyas, a Samma tribe, and othersand has no necessary
connection with Persian descent, much less with such a fabulous
monarch and legislator as Jamshid. In the same manner, it has
been attempted to engraft the genealogy of Cyrus on the ancient
Median stock, by detecting the identity between Achmenes and


Jamshfd ;' but here, again, notwithstanding that the hypothesis is

supported by the respectable name of Heeren, we are compelled to

withhold our assent, and are sorely tempted to exclaim

Alfana vient d'equus, sans doute ;

Maia il faut avoiier aussi,

Qu'en Tenant de la jusqu' ici

II a Men changfi sur la route.

What the Sammas really were is shown in an interesting passage

of the Cliach-ndma, where we find them, on the banks of the lower
Indus, coming out with trumpets and shawms to proffer their alle-

giance to Muhammad Kasim. Samba, the governor of Debal, on the

part of Chach, may be considered the representative of the famUy at
an earlier period.''

They were then either Buddhists or Hindus, and were received into
favour in consideration of their prompt and early submission. They
form a branch of the great stock of the Yadavas, and their pedigree
is derived from Samba,, the son of Krishna, who is himself known
by the epithet of " Syama," indicative of his dark complexion.
Sammanagar, on the Indus, was their original capital, which has
been supposed by some to be the Minagara of the Greek geographers,
and is probably represented by the modem Sihwan. Sihwan itself,

which has been subject to various changes of name, may, perhaps,

derive that particular designation (if it be not a corruption of Sindo-
mana), from the Sihta, themselves a branch of the Sammas, men-
tioned in the Ghach-ndma, and also noticed at a later period of
Sindian history, as will appear from some of the preceding Extracts.
The name is also still preserved amongst the JhSrejas of Kachh.
The more modern capital of the Sammas, during part of the period
under review, and before its transfer to Thatta, was Samiii, mentioned
in another Note. Since the Sammas became proselytes to Islam,
which occurred not earlier than 793 H. (1391 a.d.), their name,
though it still comprises several large erratic and pastoral com-
munities, is less known than that of their brethren, or descendants,
the Samejas, and the demi-Hindu Jharejas, of Kachh, who do

' Schnitzler, Encylc. des Qem da Monde, Tom. I. pp. 144 ; WaU, Allgcmeint
Seschreibung des Fers. Reiehs, pp. 209; Zendavesta, I, 14; Heeren, Asiatic Nations,
Vol. I. pp. 377.
2 Chach-ndma, MS. pp. 70, 109.


honour to their extraction by their martial qualities, however no-

toriously they may be deficient in other virtues.
It being admitted that the Sammas are unquestionably Eajputs of
the great Tadava stock, and that they have occupied the banks of
the lower Indus within known historical periods, there seems
nothing fanciful in the supposition that their ancestors may be
traced in the Sambastas and Sambus of Alexander's historians.

The name of Sambastse, who are represented as a republican con-

federacy, is doubtful, being read Abastani in Axrian, and Sabarcae
in Quintus Curtius; but Sambus, of whose subjects no less than
80,000' (let us hope Diodorus was more correct in saying 8,000)
were wantonly slain by that mighty destroyer
" That made such waste in brief mortality."

and whose capital was the Siadonalia, Sindimona, or Sindomana

above named, appears under the same aspect in all three authors,

with the closer variation of Samus in some copies,' and may fairly

claim to have represented an earlier Samma dynasty in Sind than

that which forms the subject of this Note."

The Arghun Dynasty.

The family of the Arghuns derive their name, as stated at p. 303,
from Arghun Khan Tarkhan, the grandson of Hulaku, the grandson
of Changiz Khan. Amir Basri> is there said, in general terms, to be
one of the descendants of Arghun E^an. The descent more ac-

curately traced, is as follows :

Arghiin Khan. Amir Elchf.

Uljaitu Sultan Muhammad Amir Eki Tfmur.
Khudabanda. Amir Shakal Beg.

He is Salhas in Plutarch, Sahoutas in Straho ; and under the further disguises of

Ambigarm in Justin, and Ambiras in Orosius.
' Compare TdriJch-i Sind, MS. Seg-Ldr-ndma, MS. p. 9 TdriM-iTdhiri,
p. 31 ; ,

MS. pp. 42, 51 ; Tuhfaturl Kirdm, MS. pp. IS, 37, 166; Shams-i SirSj, T. Firoi-
shdJii, MS. ; Zia Bami, T. Fironshdhi, MS. \ Tod, Annals of Sdjasthdn, Vol. I. p^

86 ; II. pp. 220, 226, 312 ; and Tratieis m

W. India, pp. 464, 474 Dr. Burnes, ;

Bistortj of Guteh, lutrod. pp. xi. xiv, 1, 73; Vincent, Comm. and Nmj. of the
Ancients, Vol. I. pp. 151, 155 Droysen, QeeehichU Alexanders des Orossen, pp.

446-9 Bitter, Erdkwnde von As., Vol. I. pt. i. pp. 473-4 ; Diod. Sieulus, Biblioth

Uistor., Lib. xvii, cap. 102, 103 Arrian, Anab., Lib. vi. cap, 16; Q. Curt. Eufos,

De Gest. Alex., Lib. ix. cap. 32 C. Miiller, Seripiores Serzm Alex. M., p. 71 E.
; ;

Geier, Alex. M. Sisior. Scriptorea, p. 174.

VOL I. 32


Bartak Beg. Mfram Beg.

Mir ShekM Beg. Ahmad Waif,
Mahmud Beg. Earrukli Beg.
Yar Beg. Amfr Basi-.

M(r Farrukli Beg.

The Arghiin dynasty of Sind consisted of only two mdividualB
Shuja', or Shah, Beg, and his son Mirza Shah Husain, with whom
the family became extinct. The relations of the former with the
Emperor Babar, when possession of the province of Kandahar was
contested between them, and of the latter with the Emperor Huma-
yun, when that unfortmiate monarch took refuge in Sind for nearly

three years, constitute their reigns as of some importance in the

general history of India, especially when we consider that the
memoirs of Babar are defective in the period alluded to.

The duration of their rule is variously stated at 35, 36, and 41

years. The last period is correct only if we date from 921 h. (1515
A.D.), when, according to the TdrikTi-i Tdhiri,^ Shah Beg invaded

and occupied a portion of Upper Sind but as the final conquest of


Lower, as well as Upper Siud was not effected from the Sammas
tiU 927 H. (1621 A.D.), it is more correct to assume 36 years as tho

All authorities concur in representing that the Arghun dynasty
Shah Husaia having died childless closed in. 962 a.h. (1664-5 a.d.)'

T/ie Tarkhdn Dynasty.

Wben A6ng, Khan of the Keraite Mongols, and celebrated in
Europe under the name of Prester John, had, at the instigation of
the jealous enemies of Changfz Khan, at last resolved to destroy
that obnoxious favourite ; two youths, named Ba'ta and Kashlak,
who had overheard the discussion of the measures which were de-
termined upon for execution on the following day, instantly flew to
the camp of Changiz Khan, and disclosed to him the circumstances
of the premeditated attack and his critical position. Being thus

1 The TarMUn-ndma, following the chronology of the Tdrikh-i Sind, says that

this first inTasion occurred in 924 H.

2 Compare Tdrikh-i Sind, MS. p. 136; Jej'-Jfly-Brfms, MS. p. 30 ; Tarhhdn-
ndma, MS. p. 24 ; Tdrikh-i Tdhiri, MS. pp. 14, 61, 76, 81 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS.
pp. 42, 62.


forwamed, lie was able to defeat the sdieine, and after defending
himself against great disparity of numbers, escaped the danger which
impended over him. Upon proceeding to reward his gallant com-
panions in the conflict, Changiz Khan conferred upon the two
youths, to whose information he was indebted for his life, the title

of Tarkhan, expressly ordaining that their posterity for nine gene-

rations should be exempted from all question for their offences, that
they should be free from taxes and imposts, and permitted to enjoy
all the plunder they should acquire in war, without being obliged to
resign, any part of it to the Khan. From these are said to be de-

scended the Tarkhans of Khurasan and Turkistan.

Another set of Tarkhans were so denominated by Timur. When
Tuktamish Khan was advancing against that potentate, he was
gallantly opposed by Eku Timur, who fell in the unequal conflict
but his surviving relatives, whose gallantry and devotion had been
witnessed by Tfm.ur, were honoured by him with the title of Tar-
khan, and it was enjoined, amongst other privileges, that the royal

servitors should at no time prohibit their access to his presence, and

that no criminal offence committed by them should be subject to
punishment, untU nine times repeated. Prom these are said to be
descended the Tarkhans of Sind.
Others say, Timur bestowed the title upon a set of men who gave
him shelter in his youth, when he lost his way in a hunting ex-

Another origin is ascribed to this name, which is evidently fanci-

ful, namely, that it is a corrupt mode of pronouncing " tar-khun,"
quasi, " wet with the blood (of enemies)."
Though it is probable that the Tarkhans of Sind may, as the local

histories assert., be able to trace their origin to Eku Timur, who, as

we have seen in the preceduig Note, was the great grandson of

Arghtin Khan, and who was the member of the Imperial family

from whom the Arghuns also were descended, yet the Tarkhans
of Khurdsdn and Turkistan cannot all be descended from the family
of Ba'ta and Kashlak, because Arghun Khfin was himself a Tar-
khdn, and we find the title borne by others who could have had no
connection with those favoured youths. Thus, Tarkhan, prince of

Tatghana, hospitably entertained the last monarch of Persia ; and


thus, among the events of 105 h. (723 a.d.), Tabari makes frequent
mention of tke Tarkhans as officers under the Khakan of the Kha-
zars. to the west of the Caspian sea. Babu-1 Abwab was garrisoned
by a thousand Tarkhanis, the flower of the Tatdr tribes. One chief's
name was Hazar-Tarkhani and other instances might easily be ;

adduced of the antiquity of the title.

We find the name descending to a late period of the annals of

India, and scions of this family stUl reside at Nasrpiir and Thatta ;

but the dynasty of the Tarkhans of Sind may be considered to have

expired in the year 1000 h., when Mirza Jani Beg resigned his in-
dependence iato the hands of Akbar's general, the Khan-i Khanan,
after the kingdom had remained with the Tarkhans for a period of
38 years.
Tlie TdnMi-i Tdhiri extends their rule even to 1022 n., or rather,
it should have been 1021 h., when GhazJ Beg Tarkhan died at
Kaadahar but he was only an imperial
; officer, having no independ-
ent jurisdiction, and entitled merely a Jagirdar. Even then, it is

impossible to make, as that authority does, the Tarkhan period reach

to 53 years ; so that, as before mentioned, we must date the ex-
tinction of Sind as an independent kingdom, from 1000 a.h. (1591-2

A.H.), and thenceforward the consideration of its affairs merges in

the general history of the Timurian empire.'

Shah Beg^s Capture of Thatta.

The Tarhhdn-ndma, states, that when Shah Beg advanced to the

capture of Thatta, the river, n^eaning the main stream of the Indus,
ran to the north of that city. If this statement be correct, it shows
that a most important deviation must have occurred since that period
in the course of the river. But I believe that the assertion, arises

from a mere mis-translation of the Tdrikh-i Sind, of Mir Ma'sum,

which is generally followed verbatim in the TarTcMn-ndma.

1 Compare Moilern Universal Sistpry, Vol. III. p. 250 ; D'Oisson, Sistoire dea
Mongols, Tom. I. p. 44 ; Shajrat ul Atrdk, p. 71 ; Journal B. A. S. Vol. XI. p.
123, XII. p. 344 ; Price, Betroapect of Muham. Mist., Vol. I. p, 470, II. 483, III.
117 ; D'Herbelot, Siilioth. Orientale, v. " Tarkhan;" Zafar-ndma, MS. ; Eattmtu-s
Safd, MS. ; SaUbu-s Siyar, MS. ; Tdrikh-% Tdhiri, MS. pp. 14, 76; Tarkkdn-ndma,
MS. pp. 4, 23, 61, 69, 118 ; Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. pp. 52, 62 ; "WeE, Geschiehte der
C/ialifen, Vol. I. p. m.


Mir Ma'sum says (p. 138), that " Shall

Beg advanced by daily
inarches towards Thatta,by way of the Lakhi pass, and encamped
on the banks ef the Khanwah, from which Thatta lies three kos to
the south. At that time the river generally flowed by Thatta
therefore he was in doubt how ho should cross." Now this is
not very plain, and we should even more correctly interpret the
original, if we were to say that, "Thatta lies three kos to the
north, of the Khanwah." We know that this could not have not been
meant, but the statement, as it stands, is puzzling, and the author of
the Tarkhdn-ndma, in the endeavour to be exact, has complicated
matters still fui-ther. The Tiihfatu-l Kirdm, (p. 41) says that the
subsequent action took place " on the stream called 'Alijan, which
flows below Thatta," but does not mention whether this was the
same stream near which Shah Beg encamped, though from the con-
text we may be allowed to presume that it was. The Tdrikh-i Tdhiri
is more speciiic, and States (p. 48) that " he encamped on the bank
of the Khanwah, that is, the canal of water which Darya Khan had
dug, for the purpose of populating the Pargana of Samktira and
other lands at the foot of the hills, and the environs of the city."
It is evident, therefore, that Shah Beg pitched his camp, not on
the main stream, but on one of the canals, or little effluents, from
the Indus. The Ghizrf, or Ghara creek, is too far to the westward,
though it is represented in some maps as running up as far as the
Indus itself, and joining it above Thatta. Indeed, there still exist

traces of its having been met by a stream from the river at no very
remote period, and, during the inundations, the city is even now
sometiiaes insulated from this cause. In the absence of any more
precise identification, we may safely look to this deserted bed as
corresponding with the ancient 'Alijan, and suiting best the position
ShAh Beg's crossing this river,
Authorities differ about the date of
and capturing Thatta,by which an end was put to the dynasty of
the J^ms, or Sammas. The Tdrikh-i Sind says it occurred in the
month of Muharram, 926. The Tdrikh-i Tdhiri is silent. The
TarTchdn-ndma says Muharram, 927 (corresponding with December,
1520) differing only in the day of the month from the Tuhfatu-l


Kirdm, where tke correctness of tb.is latter date is established by an

appropriate chronogram :

" Kharabi Sind.The Downfall of Sind."

The TdriM-i Tdihiri (p. 51) refers this chronogram to the period
when Shah Husaia plundered Thatta, on the ground of extravagant
joy having been evinced fey its inhabitants upon the death of his
father, Shah Beg; but this is evidently a mistake, and is adopted
merely to accommodate his false chronology.

The Death of Shah Beg Arghun.

Authorities dififer greatly respecting the time and place of Shah
Beg's death. The Tarhhdn-ndma states that it occurred La Sha'ban,
926 H., not far from Chanduka, said in the Tdrihh-i Sind (MS. p.
196) to be thirty kos west of Bhakkar, and that the accession of
Mirza Shah Husain was celebrated where Shah Beg died.

Firishta says he died in 930 h., but mentions no place.

Mir Ma' sum (MS. p. 154) says, he died after leaviug Bhakkar, on
his way to Guzerat, in the same page Agham is the particular spot
implied and that the words Shahr-Slia'ldn (" month of Sha'ban ")
represent the date of his death, i.e., 928 h. (1522 a.d.). That very
night, he adds. Shah Husain was proclaimed his successor, and,
three years afterwards. Shah Beg's coffin was conveyed to Mecca,
where a lofty tomb was erected over it. He mentions (MS. p. 171)
that Sh4h Husain's succession took place at Nasrpur, though he has
previously led us to suppose it was Agham.
The Tdrikh-i TaMri (MS. p. 49) says that his death took place in
924 H. " some say it occurred in Multan, some in Kandahar."
The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (MS. p. 42) states that he died at Agham on
the 23rd of Sha'ban, 928 h. It is mentioned in tiiat work also, that

this month represents the date of his death. The author gives satis-

factory reasons why the reports just quoted from the Tarikh-i Tdhiri
must necessarily be both incorrect.

Under these conflicting evidences, we may rest assurred that the

chronogram is correct,and that Shah Beg Arghun, the conqueror of
Sind, died at Agham, on the 23rd of the month Sha'ban, 928 a.h.
(18th July, 1522 a.d.).



Native Opinions on the Aborigines of Sind.

The names, whicli are given in tlie Beg-Ldr-ndma (p. 292) as

" Blna, Tak, Nabumiya," amount
-tbree : to four iu tte Tuhfatu-l
Kirdm (MS. 4) "Banya, Tank, Mumid,
p. and Mahmfr." TLey
are given from Siadian authorities by Lieut. Postans, in the Journal

of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (No. cxi. 1841, p. 184), as "Nubeteh,

Tak, and Moomeed ;" and again, by the same author (No. clviii.

1845, p. 78), as " Nubuja, Jak, and Momid."

It would be a matter of great interest to restore these tribes
correctly, and ascertain the course of their migrations. I can trace
the mention of them to no earlier authority than the Beg-Ldr-ndma.
All their names, except one, defy positive identification, and we may
put the list of the Vishnu Purdna and the Asiatic Besearches through
all kinds of contortions, without meeting any race that will yield a
sufficient resemblance for our adoption. That single exception is

" Tak," about which there can be no doubt. " Bina " may possibly
represent "Mma," the probable founders of the celebrated Minagara,
and the present occupants of the upper Aravali range. Or if " Baniya

be the correct reading, then the designation may have been applied
to them, as being foresters. In " Mumid " we may perhaps have
the " Med " of the Arabs ; and in the " Mahmfr," we may chance to
have the representatives of the " Mhairs," or " Mairs " of Eajputana,
if, indeed, they differ from the Med. We can venture upon nothing
beyond these dubious conjectures.
That we should find the " Tak " in Sind at an early period, is
by no means improbable, and if the statement rested on somewhat
better, or more ancient, authority than the Beg-Ldr-ndma, it might
be assumed some degree of confidence.
as an undoubted fact, with
Tod exalts the Taks to a high and important rank amongst the
tribes which emigrated from Scythia to India, making them the same
as the Takshak, Nagabansi, or serpent-race, who acted a conspicuous

part in the legendary annals of ancient India. His speculations.



some of which, are fanciful, and some probable, may be found in the
passages noted below.' One thing is certain that the Taks were pro-
genitors of the Musulmdn kings of Guzerat, before that province was
absorbed into the empire of Akbar.
Tod observes, that with the apostacy of the Tak, when Wajihu-l
Mulk was converted, and became the founder of the Muhammadan
dynasty of Guzerat, the name appears to have been obliterated from
the tribes of Eajasthan, and that his search had not discovered one
now existing but there are Taks amongst the Bhangis,
of that race ;

who, though of spurious descent, have evidently preserved the name.

There are also Tank Eajputs in the central Doab and lower EohU.-
khand, whose privileges of intermarriage show them to be of high
lineage ; and there is a tribe of nearly similar name existing near
Jambhii, not far from their ancient capital Taksha-sila, or Taxi! a
of which the position is most probably to be sought between Manik-
ydla and the Suan Eiver, notwithstanding some plausible and in-
genious objections which have been raised against that opinion.'

Buddhists in Sind.

Biladuri calls the temple of the sun at Multan by the name of

hudd, and he informs us, that not only temples, but idols, were called
by the same name. As the Buddhist religion was evidently the
prevalent one in Sind when the Musalmans first came in contact
with Indian superstitions, it follows that to Buddha must be at-
tributed the origin of this name, and not to tbe Persian hut, " an
idol," which is itself most probably derived from the same source.

Annals ofSdjasthdn, Vol. I. pp. 53, 92, 95, 99,. 103-6, 536, 673, 738, 739, 796,

800 and Vol II. pp. 226, 227, 445, 678, 735. Hia ardent admirer, Mr. E.

Pooocke, exalts them still higher, by mis-spelling their name :

" The TSg is a
renowned Eajpoot tribe ! The Toga of the E6.mas was the dress worn by this tribe !

The race was the Taga-des (Toga-tns), that is, Tagland. . . The Gena Tagata,
or Gens Togata, that is, the T&g Eace !" India in Greece, p. 172.
' On this interesting and muoh-Texed question, consult Manuert, Oeographie det

Or. und Eomer, Vol. V. Eitter, Asien, V A. IV. pt. i. p. 451 Asiatic Ses., Vol. VIII.
; ;

pp. 346, 348 Modem Trmeller, "India," Vol. I. p. 119 Annals of RdJ., Vol. I. pp.
; ;

92, 104, 693; II. p. 227; Journal E. A. Soc, Vol. V. p. 118; XI. 157; Mem. sur
I' Lassen, Indische Alterth., Vol. II. p. 145 M. Stan. Julien, Mist,
Inde, pp. 64, 107 ; ;

d' Biouen Thsang, p. 143 and, above all, J. Abbott, Journal A. S. Bengal, 1852,

pp. 216-218, 254-263; in which wort, Taxila has frequently formed the subject of
discussion. [/oMm/Jt. A. S., Vol. XX. p. 221.].


With regard to the budd of Debal,' M. Eeinaud has observed that

the word not only is made applicable to a Buddhist -temple, but
seems also to indicate a Buddhist stupa,^ or tower, which was fre-
quently the companion of the temple and he traces the word hvdd

in the feouthau, or rather foih, which we find mentioned in the

Chinese relations, as serving at the same time to designate a Buddha,
and the edifice which contains his image. "Feou-ihou " says Klap-
roth, " is the name vyhich they give to pyramids, or obeHsks, con-
taining the relics of Sakya, or other holy personages. Chapels, like-
wise, are so called, in which these images are placed.'
Although Chach, who usm-ped the throne about the beginning of
the Hijri era, was a Brdhman, there is no reason to suppose that he
attempted to interfere with the then popular religion of Buddhism.
Brahmanism is, indeed, so accommodating to anything that partakes
of idol- worship, that Chach and Dahir might have made their ofierings
in a Buddhist temple, without any greater sacrifice of consistency

than a Eoman was guilty of in worshipping Isis and Osiris, or than

we witness every day in a Hindu presenting his butter and flowers
at the shrine of Shaikh Saddu, Ghazi Mian, Shah Maddr, or any
other of the apotheosized Muhammadan impostors of Hindustan.
There is even no incompatibility in supposing that Chach, though a
Brahman by birth, etill continued a Buddhist in his persuasion;*
for the divisions of caste were at that time secular, not religious,-

the four classes existing, in former times, equally amongst the

Buddhists and amongst the Hindus of continental India, as they do

at thisday amongst the Buddhists of Ceylon, and amongst the Jains
of the Peninsula, where even Brahman priests may be found officiat-
ing in their temples.
There are several indications of the Buddhist religion prevailing

The temple of Debal is described as being one hundred and twenty feet high,
surmounted by a dome also of equal height. Tuhfatu-l Kirdm, MS. p. 10.
* The origin of our English " tope." It ie curious that, in Icelandic also, stupa

signifies " a tower." See farther, respecting this word, HSmmer-Purgstall, in Wien
Jalwbiicher, No. cvii. p. 17 Burnouf, Budd. Lid., Vol. I. p. 349 Fergusson, II-
; ;

lustr. to Anc. Archil, of Hindustan, p. 14. [Jottm. S. A. 8., I. (N.S.) p. 481.]

s Fragments Arabes,
pp. 103, 200; Ibe-koM-ki, pp. 19, 41, 50, 91, 365;
Mimoire sur I'Inde, pp. 90, 177, 290.
* There seems, indeed, reason to believe that his brother and successor, Chandar,
was actually a Buddhbt aacetio. y, sup., p.l63.


at that period in tlie valley of the Indus, not only from the specific

announcement of the Chinese travellers, and the declaration of Ibn

Khurdadba to that effect, but from certain incidental allusions of the
Arabic writers, made without any particular reference to the oppo-
site factions of Brahmans and Buddhists ^between which the dis-
tinctions, especially of worship, oblations, mythology, and cosmo-
graphy, were generally too nice to attract the observations, or
excite the enquiries of such ignorant and supercilious foreigners.
Thus, when priests are mentioned, they are usually called Samani
the state elephant is white, a very significant fact {swpra, p. 170) ;

the thousand Brahmans, as they are styled, who wished to be

allowed to retain the practices of their ancient faith, were ordered
by Muhammad Kasim, with the permission of the KhaHf, to carry

in their hands a small vessel as mendicants, and beg their bread

from door to door every morning a prominent ceremony observied

by the Buddhist priesthood (p. 186) ; and, finally, the sculpturing,
or otherwise perpetuating, the personal representations of their
conquerors (p. 124) ; all these indicate Buddhist rather than
Brahmanical habits. To this may be added the negative evidence
afforded by the absence of any mention of priestcraft, or other
pontifical assumption, of widow-burning, of sacerdotal threads, of
burnt-sacrifices, of cow-worship, of ablutions, of penances, or of
other observances and ceremonies peculiar to the tenets of the
Brahmanical faith.

The manifest confusion which prevailed amongst the Arabs re-

garding the respective objects of Brahman and Buddhist worship,
prepares us, therefore, to find, as remarked at the commencement of

1 Vide, translations of tte Futiihu-l Suldan (p. 121) and the Chach-ndma, passim.

These are the Sarmanes, Sarmanse, Garmanae, Samansei, and Semnoi, of Clemens of
Alexandria, Straho, and other Greek writers. The name is derived from the Sanskrit,
Sramana, " a religious mendicant, an ascetic, especially one of the Buddhist faith."
More information can he had respecting the Tarious disguises and applications of this
word, hy consulting Schwanteck, Megasthenis Fragmmta, pp. 45-50 C. Miiller, ;

Fragm. Siator. Grcec, \ol. II. pp. 435-7; Lassen, JSAetn. Jfs., Vol. I. pp. 171-
190; Ind. AUerih.; Gildemeister, (fe rii. Humholdt, Cosmos,Yo\.
Ind., p. 114;

II. pp. 69; Thirlwall, Eiat. Oreeee, Vol. VII. p. 15; Journal A. 8. Bombay,
No. Tiii. p.91; Dr. Wilson, Antiq. of Western /*', p. 63 ; Journal S. A. S.,
No. xii. 378-402 Burnouf, Budd. Ind., Vol. I. p. 276 ; Hitter, Aaien, Vol. IV.

pt. i. p. 491 ; Bohlen, das alte Indien, Vol. I. pp. 319-322.


this Note, that the temple of the Sun at Multan is, by BUaduri, styled
a bvdd (p. 123). ETen in the time of Mas'udi, the kings' of Kanauj,
which he asserts to have then been under Multan, are all styled
Biidh, Biiddh or Bauura, doubtless from the worship which the Arabs
had heard to prevail in that capital (p. 22) ; and in this he is fol-

lowed by Idrisf (p. 81), who wrote as late as the middle of the
twelfth century : bo that the use of hvM, is very radefinite ; and
whether applied to man, temple, or statue, it by no means deter-
mines the application to anjrthing positively and necessarily con-
nected with Buddhism, anymore than the absence of that word
denotes the contrary, when incidental notices and negative testi-
monies, such as those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, can be
adduced to support the probability of its prevalence.

The Jats.

[General Cunningham in his Archselogical Eeport for 1863-4, says,

" The traditions of the Hindu Jats of Biana and Bharatpur point to
Kandahar as their parent country, while those of the Muhammadan
Jats generally refer to Gajni or Garh-G-ajni, which may be either
the celebrated fort of Ghaizni in Afghanistan or the old city of
GajnipuT on the site of Eawul-Pindi. But if I am right in my
identification of the Jats with the Xanthii of Strabo, and the latii
of Pliny and Ptolemy, their parent country must have be6n on the
banks of the Oxus, between Bactria, Hyrkania, and Khorasmia.
Now in this very position there was a fertile district, irrigated from
the Margus river, which Pliny calls Zotale or Zothale, and which, I
believe to have been the original seat of the latii or Jats. Their
course from the Oxus may perhaps be dimly traced in
to the Indus
the Xuihi of Dionysius of Samos, who are coupled with the Arieni,
and in the Zuthi of Ptolemy who occupied the Karmanian desert on
the frontier of Drangiana. As I can find no other traces of their

name in the classical writers, I am inclined to believe, as before

suggested, that they may have been best known

by in early times,
the general name by their tribal
of their horde, as Ahars, instead of
name as Jdts. According to this view, the main body of the latii
would have occupied the district of Abiria and the towns of Parda-
bathra and Bardaxema in Sindh, or Southern Indo-Soythia, while

the Panjab or Northern Indo-Scythia was chiefly colonized by their

brethren the Meds.

[When the Muhainmadans first appeared in Sindh, towards the end
of the seventh century, the Zaths and Meds were the chief popula-
tion of the country. But as I have already shown that the original
seat of the Med or Medi colony was in the Panjab proper, I conclude
that the original seat of the latii or Jdt colony, must have been in
Sindh. '* ** ** ** At the present day the Jdts are found in every
part of the Panjab, where they form about two-fifths of the
population. They are chiefly Musulmans, and are divided into not
less than a hundred different tribes. * To the east of the
Panjab, the Hindu Jats are found in considerable numbers in the
frontier states of Bikaner, Jesalmer, and Jodhpur, where, in Col.
Tod's opinion, th^y are as numerous as all the Eajput races put
together. They are found also in great numbers along the upper
course of the Ganges and Jumna, as far eastward as Bareli, Farak-
habad, and Gwalior, where they are divided into two distinct clans,
tt tt To the south of the Panjab, the Musulman Jats are said by
PottiQger to form the entire population of the fruitful district of
Haraud-Dajel) on the right bank of the Indus, and the bulk of the
population in the neighbouring district of Kach-Gandava. In Sindh,
where they have intermarried largely With Buluchis and Musulmans
of Hindu descent, it is no longer possible to estimate their numbers,
although it is certain that a very large proportion of the population
must be of Jat descent.]

T/ie Kerks.

The pirates, whose insolence led to the final subjugation of

Sind, are stated, by a very good authority, to be of the tribe
of Kerk, Kruk, Kiu^k, Karak, or some name of nearly similar
pronunciation. The reading is too clear to be discarded La favour
of 'Kurd,' or 'Coorg,' as has been proposed; and M. Eeinaud,
while he suggests the latter reading, which has been shown to be
highly improbable, on the ground of Coorg being not a maaitime,
but an inland hilly country nevertheless informs us that, in
the annals of the Arabs, the Kurk are more than once spoken of
as desperate pirates, carrying their expeditions even as far as Jidda,


in the Eed Sea.' We must, therefore, necessarily be content to

consider them, as of Sindian origin, otherwise Eai Dahir would not
have been called to account for their proceedings.
Though the name of Kerk be now extinct, and declared to be
entirely incapable of present identification, we must enquire whether
we cannot find any trace of their having occupied the banks of the
Indus at some remote period. And, first of all the resemblance of
the name of Krokala, which has conspicuous mention in the voyage
of Nearchus, is sufficiently striking to attract our obsei-vation. Dr.
Vincent and Heeren consider Krokala to be the modern KaracW.
A later authority says Chalna, a small rocky island, about iowp miles
from Cape Monze.^ Neither of these authorities knew that there is
at present a large insular tract, which bears the name of Kakrala,
at the mouth of the Indus, answering exactly all the requirements
of Arrian's description " a sandy island, subject to the influence of
the tides." ^ It is situated between the Wanyanf and Pjttf mouths
of the river; but modem travellers differ about its precise limits.
Captain Postans places it further to the west, and makes it include
Karachi.* This is no shifting, or modem name. We can see from
the Ayin-i AM>ari, and from some of the works quoted in this
volume, that it has been known, and similarly appli,ed, for the last

three centuries at least ; and it may, without question, be regarded

as the Krokala of Arrian. Its origin is easily accounted for, by
conceiving it to njean the " abode of the Krok," or whatever their
real designation may have been before its perversion by the Greeks.
The only other vestige of the name is in Karaka, a place three, miles
below Haidarabad.
In pointing out another possible remnant of this ancient name, I
am awajre I shall be treading on dangerous and very disputable
ground. Nevertheless, let us at once, vfithout further preliminary,
transfer ourselves to the north-eastern shores of the Euxine sea,

* Mdmoire aur I'lnde, p. 1.81,.

2 Commerce and Na/vigation of the Ancients, Vol. I. p. 194 ; Asiatic Nations,
Vol. II. p. 246 ; Journal of the B. Geographical Society, Vol. V. p. 264 ; Bitter,
Asiett, Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 479.
3Nearohi Paraplus, p. 4; Plin. Nal. Hist, vi. 21.
* Personal Oht. on Sindh, p. 24; McMurdo, Journ. S. As. Soc., Vol. I. p. 212
Bumes, lyavels to Bokhara, Vol. III. p. 12; L'JJnivera Fittoresjue, "Inde,." p. 68.


where we shall find, alnong other peoples and places recalling

Indian associations, the tribe of Kerketaei or Kerketse' the bay of
Kerketis' the river of Korax' the mountaias of Korax* the
town of Korok-ondame" the river and peninsula of Korok-ondame'
the sea, or lake, of Korok-ondametis' the tribe of Kerketiki*
the city of KarMnitis 'the city of Karkine" ^the bay of Karki-
nitis " the city of Kirkuni " the river of Karkenites " the
region of Kerketos" the tribe of
K6raxi" the ^aU of Korax"
and other similar names, all within so narrow a compass as to
show, even allowing many to be identical, that they can have but
one origin, derived from the same fundamental root Kerk, Kurk,
Karak, Korak, Kark ^retaining immutably the same consonants,
but admitting arbitrary transpositions, or perhaps unsettled pro-
nunciations of unimportant vowels.
It may be asked what connection these names can possibly have
with our Sindian stock. Let us, then, carry the enquiry a little

further, and many more Indian resemblances may be traced :


' Hellanicns, Fragm. 91 ; Scylai Caryand., Ptriplm; ed. Hudson, p. 31 ; Strabo,

Oeograph., li. 2 ; pp. 399, 406 ; Dionys., Perieg. V, 682.
ed. Tauchnitz, Vol. II.
Pallas and Beineggs consider that the Charkas, or Circassians, derive their name from
the Kerketse. They certainly occupy the same sites.
Ptol., Oeogr., T. 8. ' Ptol., Geogr., \. 9.
* Ptol., Geogf., ib. and iii. 6 ; Plin., Nat. Mist., Ti. 9, 12 ; Pompon, Mela, de titu
Oriis, i, 19 ; iii. 6.
s Straho, Geogr. iS. p. 403; Ptol., Geogr., v. 9; Stephanus Byzant., Ethnica, s.y.
s Straho, Geogr., ib. ; Pompon, Mel., i. 19 ; Dionys., JPerieg., 550.
' Strabo, Geogr., ib. ; Steph. Byz., s.t.
' Pompon. Mela, i. 19 ; Priscian, Ferieg., 663.
' Steph. Byz., v. KapKtvTris ; Herod., iv. 99.
> Plin., Nat. Sist., iv. 26 ; Ptol., Geogr. iii. 5.
' Strabo, Geogr., yii. 3 ; ib. p. 90 ; Pompon. Mel., ii, 1 ; Artemidori, Fragm. p. 87.
'2 Plin., Nat. Sist., vi. 4 ; Ftymolog. Magnum, T. KipKtuov; ApoH. Ehod., Argon.,
ii. 400 ; iii. 200.
13 Ptol., Geogr., iii. 5. " Eustathius, ad Dionys., PeWey., 682.
i" Hecatseus, Fragm., 185; Soylai Cayand, Periplm,^. 31 ; Steph. Byz., s.t.
Bayer, de Mwro Cauo ; Eeineggs, Sistor,- Topograph,. Beschreibung d. Kaukasuc,
Tom. I. p. 16 ; Steph. Byz., v. KSpa^oi. The common names of Charai, and its
compounds, Characene, Characoma, etc., in Syria, Asia Minor, and along the course
of the Euphrates and Tigris, offer an inviting resemblance, but have no connection
with these. The origin of these names is, curiously enough, both Hebrew and
Greek ; the Hebrew signifying a " wall," or " fortress ;" x'^Pfi * " fosse." The
Kerak, or Karac, *hich we so often read of in the his'ory of the Crusades, is derived
from the former.


next to these wild Kertetiki, we are struck with finding the very
Sindians themselves.

Ki!RKi!TiKige, f&rox ea gens, SiNDigwe superhi.^

We have also a Sindikus portus" a town of Siada'the of tribe

Siadiani' the town the
of Sindica" of Sindike*^he town tract

of Sindis' the tribe of Sindones*the town of the tribe SLiidos'

of Sinti" Here, again, it may be admitted, that some of these may

be different names for the same tribes and the same places.
The old reading of the passage in. Herodotus, where the Sindi are
mentioned (iv. 28), was originally Indi, but commentators were so
struck with the anomaly of finding Indians on the frontiers of
Europe, and they considered it so necessary to reconcile the historian
with geographers, that they have now unanimously agreed to read
Sindi, though the reading is not authorized by any ancient manu-
scripts. It is impossible to say what is gained by the substitution
for Sindi must be themselves Indians, and the difficulty is in no way
removed by this arbitrary conversion. Hesychius, moreover, no
mean authority says that the Sindi of the Euxine were, in reality,
Indians ; nay, more, though writing two centuries before our Kerks
are even named or alluded to, he expressly calls the Kerketas also
" an Indian nation." "
It has been remarked, that even if no such direct testimony had
been given, the hints that remain to us concerning the character and
manners of these Sindi, the peculiar object of their worship, and
their dissolute religious lites and sorceries, would leave no doubt as
to the country from which they were derived.
It is from this region that the Indian merchants must have sailed

1 Orphei Argonautiea, Cribelli Tersio, T. 1049 see also Herod., iv. 28 Apollon.
; ;

Bb.od., Argonaut., iv. 322; Strato, Qeogr.,ii. 2; j4. p. 403; Val. Flacc, .4>yo.,
vi. 86.
Scylai Caryand., Periplus, p. 31 ; Strabo, Geog., ii., p. 406 ; Ptol., Oeogr. t.

9 Steph. Byz., v. SiJvSwoj. This is

still called Sindjak, a harea near Anapa.
Eennell's map makes it correspond iritli Anapa itself.

' Ptol., Geogr., y. 9. * Lncian, Toxaris, c. 55.

Herod., iv. 86. Plin., Nat, Sist., vi. 5. Strabo, ib. pp. 399, 403, 404.
' Hesychius, Lex., s.v. ^ Pompon. Mela, i. 19. Pompon. Mela, i. 19.
10 Scylax Car., Peripl., ib. Hesychius, Lex., s.v. Polysenus, Stratagem., viii. 55,
" 'SiiVToi, 'teiros 'lpStK6v. KspKirii, 'eSyos 'lySmiy. Conf. Interprett. Hesych.,
Vol. II. p. 234.


who were sHp-wxeoked in the Baltic and presented by the king of

the Suevi, or of the Batavi, to L. Metollus Celer, the pro-consul, of
Gaul ; for they could not have been carried round from the continent
of India to the north of Europe by the ocean. Various solutions of
this difficulty have been attempted. It has been surmised that they
might have been Greenlanders, or mariners from North America, or
even painted Britons : but the fact cannot be disputed, that they are
called plainly " Indians," by all the authors who have recorded the
fact, however improbable their appearance in those regions might
have been.'
Their nautical habits were no doubt acquired originally in the
Indian Ocean, and were inherited by generations of descendants. It

is even highly probable that their inveterate addiction to piracies,

which led to the Muhammadan conquest, and has only now been
eradicated by the power of the British, may have been the cause of this
national dislocation, which no sophistry, no contortion of reading, no
difficulty of solution, can legitimately invalidate. The very term
of ignobiles, applied to them by Ammianus Marcellinus (xxii. 8),
and the curious expressions used by Valerius Flaccus (vi. 86),

Degemresqae ruunt Sindi, glomerantque, paterno

Crimine nunc etiam metuentes verlera, turmas,

imply a punishment and degradation, which are by no means suf-

ficiently explained by reference to the anecdotes related by Hero-
dotus (iv. 1-4), and Justin (ii. 5).*

"Whether this degradation adheres to any of their descendants at

the present time will form the subject of a future essay ; but before
closing the subject of these early Indian piracies, we should not
omit to notice the evident alarm with which they always inspired
the Persian monarchy, even in the days of its most absolute power.
Strabo and Aman inform us, that in order to protect their cities

Qni ex Indi^ commercii causa navigantes, tempestate essent in Germanic abrepti,


Nat. Mist., ii. 67. Compare PompoE. Mel., de aii. Orb., iii. 6. The
original authority is Cornelius Nepos, iVai/mentct, p. 731 ed. A. van Staveren, Lugd.

Bat., 1734,where the Notes should be consulted. See also Eamusio, Navigat, et

Viaggi, Tom. I. p. 373 D.

a TJkert, alte Gmgrajihie, Vol. III. pt. ii. pp. 494-496, 510 ; "W. D. Cooley,

Maritime and Inland Biatovery, Vol. I. pp. 82-87; Mim. de PAcad. des Inserip,,
Tom. VI. p. 263 ; XLVI. p. 403 M. ViT. de St. Martin, Mudes de Giographie an-

cimne, Tom. I. p. 273.


against piratical attacks, the Persians made the Tigris entirely in-
accessible for navigation. The course of the stream was obstruoted
by masses of stone, which Alexander, on his return from India,
caused to be removed for the furtherance of commercial intercourse.
Inspired by the same dread, and not from religious motives, (as has
been supposed), the Persians built no city of any note upon the sea-

We may here make a passing allusion to another memorial of Indian

connexion with these parts. The southern neighbours of these
Euxine Sindi were the Kolchians. 0. Hitter, in his Vorhalle, quoted
at the end of this Note, asserts that they came originally from the
west of India. Pindar' and Herodotus^ both remark upon the
darkness of their complexion. The latter also mentions that they
were curly-headed. He states that he had satisfied himself, not

only from the accounts of others, but from personal examination,

that they were Egyptians, descended from a portion of the invading
army of Sesostris, which had either been detached by that conqueror,
or, being wearied with his wandering expedition, had remained, of
their own accord, near the river Phasis. He also mentions the

practice of circumcision, the fabrication of fine linen, the mode of

living, and resemblance of language, as confirmatory of his view of
an affinity between these nations. He has been followed by Diodorus
and other ancient writers, as well as many modern scholars, who
have endeavoured to account for this presumed connection.* I will

not lengthen this Note by pursuing the enquiry; but will merely
remark that this Egyptian relationship probably arises from soma
confusion (observable in several other passages of Herodotus), re-
specting the connection between the continents of India and
Ethiopia, which pervaded the minds of poets and geographers

' Strabo, Geograph., ivi. 1 ; *., Vol. iii. p. 338 ; Arrian, Bxpedit. Alex., vii.

7 Amm. Marcellinus, -xxiii. 6 ; Robertson, Anoimt Zrfi, Note x.; Eitter, ^sm,
Vol. X. pp. 2 1-32 Itid, AUerthum, ii. 601.
Heeren and others have questioned
whether these dykes were not rather maintained for the purposes of irrigation.
* KeXaivtiwfirin K.iXxoi(iiv.~Pyth., iv. 378. The Scholiast dwells on the subject.
3 nUl., See also Eustathius ad Dionys., Perieg., 689.
II. 104.
* Bibl. Hist., .ApoUou. Ehod., Argon., iv. 259-271 Strabo. Oeogr., x\.
i. 28, 55 , ;

2, *., p. 409 Val Place, ^)yo., v. 421; Fest Avieu., iJescr. Ot^iis, 871
Amm.. ;

Marc, xxii. 8; Ukcrt, alU Oe.ogr.,Yol lU. pt. ii. p. 609; St. Mai-tin, loc. ei!.,
pp. 255-270.

TOL. 1. 33


from Horner^ down to Ptolemy,' or rather down to Idrisi and

Marino Sanuto;' and which induced even Alexander, when he saw
crocodiles in the Indus, although their existence therein had already
been remarked by Herodotus, to conceive that that river was con-
nected with the Nile, and that its navigation downwards would
conduct into Egypt.*
It is admitted that gi-ave objections may be raised, and have been
urged with some force, against carrying these presumed analogies
too far ; and sceptics are ready to exclaim with Muellen, " there is a
river in Macedon, and there is also, moreover, a river at Monmouth
o ft
there is salmons in both." But, while some have endea-
voured to trace the indications of a direct Indian connection between
the inhabitants of the Buxine shores and India, on the ground of
such names as Acesines,' Hypanis,* Kophes, or Kobus,'' Typhaonia,'

' 77., xxiii. 205 ; Odyss., i. 23.

' Geograph., vii. 3, 6. There had heen a decided retrogressioD in the system of
Ptolemy; for Herodotus, Strabo, and some others had a far correcter knowledge of
the Southern Ocean.
' Vincent, Feriplus of the Erythrtean Sea, pp. 668, 664-8 ; M. Jaubert, Geog.
cCEdrisi; Gesta Dei per Francos, Vol. II. p.
* Strabo, Geograph., xv. 1, Vol. III. p. 266 ; Arrian, Ezpedit. Alex., vi. 1 ; Geier.
Alex. M. Jlistoriarum Scriptores, p. 118.
It is fair to remark, that such ignorance is not reconcilable, either Tritli the
general arrangement of Alexander's plans, or "with the real geographical knowledge
which his inquisitive mind must have imbibed. Eespecting the supposed geographical
connection of these two countries ; see Schauifelberger, Corpus Script. Vet. qui de
India scripseruni, 1845, 1, 12; Sir J. Stoddart, Introd. to the Study of Vn. Hist.,
pp. 112, 218; Schwanbect, Mcgaathenis Fragmenta, pp. 1-6, 64; Dr. Smith's Diet,
of Geogr., v. "Arabicus Sinus" and "Asia;" Gildemeister, Script. Arab de rebus
Indicis, pp. 27, 145 ; Humboldt, Cosmos (Sabine), Vol. II. Note 419 ; D'Anyille,
Antiq. de I'lnde, p. 187 Cooley, Mar. and Inland Discov., Vol. I., pp. 113, 128, 150

Valentyn, Beschryving van Oost Ind., Vol. I. p..62 ; Eobertsou's India, Note xxxii;
CtesisB Operum Eeliquiie, ed. Baehr, pp. 309, 454. These quotations do not refer to
the large and interesting question of their civil, religious, and ethnographical aflinities,

which Heeren, Bohlen, and others have treated of in learned disquisitions.

' A rirer of Sicily. Thucyd., Bell Felop., iv. 25.
A western tributary of the Dneiper, according to Herodotus. Also, the name of
another river which fell into the Pontus Euxinus. Herod., iv. 17, 62 ; Ovid., Pont.,
iv. 10, 47 ; Metamorph., xv. 285.
A river on the eastern shore of the Euxine. Plin., H'at. Hist., vi. 4 ; Arrian,
Ferip., p. 10.
' Eoeky mountains in the Caucasus and India. Etymol, Magn^ s.v. Tvipaivm.


Phasis,' Caucasus, and such like, being found in both one country and
the otherand while the resemblance between the worship of Odin

and Buddha has been strongly urged by similar advocates f it may,

on the other hand, and with great reason, be asserted that these names
are not local in India, and that they have generally been grafted on
some Indian stock, offering a mere partial likeness, either through
the ignorance of the Greeks, or with the view of flattering the
vanity of Alexander, by shifting further to the eastward the names
and attributes of distant places, already removed almost beyond
mortal ken and approach, and lying far away
" Extra flammantia moenia mundi." '

In the grossness of their indiscriminate adulation, they were at

all times ready to ascribe to that conqueror the obscure achieve-

ments of mythical heroes, whose glory was inseparably connected
with certain streams and mountains, which even they, in the pleni-
tude of their power, had found it no easy matter to traverse and
surmount. Strabo, indeed, informs us that the Argonautic monu-
ments were industriously destroyed by Alexander's generals, from
a ridiculous alarm lest the fame of Jason might surpass that of their
master. Parmenio is especially mentioned both by him and Justin,

as one whose jealousy was prompted to destroy several temples

erected in honour of Jason, " in order that no man's name in the
east might be more venerable than that of Alexander." *
Hence, it has been justly remarked, even by early writers, open
to the influence of reason and philosophy, and guided by the results

A river of Scythia, as well as of Kolchis and of Taprobane. ^Plin., Nat. Mist.,

X. 48; Val. Flac., Argon., ii. 596; Pausan., iv. 44; Staph. Byz., v. iitrn. Ee-
specting the Kolohis of Southern India, see Dr. Smith's Hiet. of Geography, v.
" Colchis" and " Colchi Indise."
This Odin- Buddha-Hypothesis, as the Germans call it, has been, perhaps, some-
what too readily condemned by Remusat, Klaproth, A. W. Schlegel, TJkert, and
others. Compare Asiatic Researches; Fundgruben des 0/., Vol. IV., p. 201; Asia
Polyglotta, p. 144; Introd. Univ. Hist, ut sup., pp. 275-8;
to Finn Magnusen,
Mythologies Lexicon, Copenhagen, 1848.
Compare on this subject, Strabo, Geogr., vii. 35, xi. 2, Vol. II. p. 77, 408 the ;

Scholiast upon ApoUon. Rhod., Argon., ii. 397, 417 Ukert, alte Geographic, Vol.

III. pt. 2, pp. 205, 505.

Justin, Sist. Phil., xMi. 3; Strabo. Geogr., xi. S,Vol. II. p. 421, li. 11, p, 441,

xi. 14, p. 456, XV. 1, Vol. III. p. 253, xvi. 4, p. 412 Arrian, Indica, ii
; Exped.

Alex., V. 3.

of an extended observation, that the Greeks have transposed these

localities upon very, slender foundations, and that many of the bar-
baric names have been SeUenised." '

We find frequent instances of the same tendency to corruption in

our own Oriental nomenclature, but with even greater perversions.
Thus, we have heard our ignorant European soldiery convert Shekh-
awati into '
sherry and water ;' Siraju-d Daula into a belted knight,
Sir Eoger Dowler ;' Dali'p into '
Tulip ;'
Shah Shuja'u-1 Mulk into
Cha isugar and mUk,' and other similar absurdities ; under which,
in like manner, "many of the barbaric names have been Anglicised,"
But when we apply the same argument to the caises under con-
sideration, we shall see it has no force ; for here there has been no
room for the corruptions and flatteries to which allusions have been
made ; nor did it ever occur to the Greeks to enter upon the same
comparisons which are engaging our attention. When we carry
these identifications yet further, we shall find names with which
the Greeks were not even acquainted ; and it is not between streams,
towns, and mountains, that the similitudes exist, but between peoples
in the one country and places in the other, the latter known, the
former unknown, to ancient historians and geographers, who have,
therefore, left the field open for moderns alone to speculate in.

Now, it is not merely in the two instances already adduced that

these striking monuments of connection attract our observation; but,

when we also find the Maidi next to the Sindi and Kerketae,* a tribe

Nikanor, in Steph, Byz., Ethnioa, t. Tovais. Compare Hesycli., Lex. t.

^aySapo<payos ; ScUegel, Ind. Siiliotheic, Vol. II. p. 297 ; Droysen, Geschichte Alex.'s,
p. 405 ; Wesseling, ad Diod. Sic, ivii. 83 ; Bemhardy, ad Dionys, Perieg. 714.
' (Pseudo-) Arist., d Mirald Auscultat., u. 123. Tbe Sindi were by some
authors considered to be a remnant of tbe Maiotsa ; Stepb. Byz., t. Sii-Sol ; Strabo,
(?eo/7r., li. 2, ti. Vol. II. p. 404. This extraordinary juitaposition of Sindi and
Maidi again oecurs in Thrace See Thucyd., Bell. Pelop., ii. 98. Respecting the

Sindi, SinduB, Sintica, and similar names in Tbrace and Macedonia, see Herod., yii.
123 CiTBsar, Sell Oiv., iii. 79
Liv., Sist. Horn., xxvi. 25, rl. 22, xliv. 46, x1t.;29

Polybiiw, Excerpt., x. 37; Plin., Nat. Hist., it. 10 Steph. Byz., v. 'S.ivTia.; Ency ;

Metrop. v. " Thrace." Homer tells us also of Sintians on Lemnos, who spoke a '

strange language ;' II. i. 694 Od. viii. 294 and they had before his time been
; ;

noticed by HcUanicus of Lesbos ; J^WiymeHte, 113, 113. From these, the Scholiast
on Thucydides says, that the Thraciun Sindians were derived. More Indian families
might be mentioned in Ljcia and other iiiterniediate countries, but enough has been

adduced on the subject to suit our present dcsi-n.

of Arii or Arichi,' an island of Aria or Aretias,' a river Arius,^ a

tribe of Maetes or Mseotai/ a town of Madia,'* a town of Matium," a
tribe of Matiani,' a town of Mateta,' a tribe of Kottse,' a country of
Kutais,'" a city of Kuta," a city of Kutaia," a tribe of Kolchi," a dis-
trict of Kolcbis," a Kolchian sea," a tribe of Koli,'" the mountains of
Koli," a district of Koli,'* a province of Iberia," a tribe of Iberes,*""

a tribe of Bounoniai,^' a district of Minyas,^ a city of Male,'' a tribe

of Batemas,"* a river of Batbys," a port and town of Bata ;
we find all tbese names in close juxtaposition, reminding us in their
various forms of our own Meds, Kathis, Koles, Abhirs, Minas,
MaUinas, and Bhatis, tribes familiar to us as being, at one time, in
and near the valley of the Indus ; and when we consider, moreover,
that all these different names, including the Sindi and Kerketse,
were congregated about the western region of the Caucasus, within a

' Strabo, Geogr. ibid. ; Steph. Byz. v. A^jirixol ; Ptol., Geogr., v. 9.

^ Apollon. Ehod., Argon., ii. 103; Plin., Nat. Hist., v. 13.
3 Scyl. Caryand., p. 32. The connection of the Arii and Maidi will be deT.eloped
in the following Note.
* Scymnns Chins, 870; Strabo, ii. 6, xi. 2; Prieoian. Terieg., 644. As for the
lake Maeotis being so called, as Herodotus (iv. 86) says, beoaiise it is the mother of
the Pontus, it is surprising that so frivolous a reason has met favour vrith modern
geographers. See, on this name, Zeuss, die Deulschen und die NaehbarstUmme, p. 296.
Ptol., Geogr. v. 9. " Plin., Nat. Sist., vi. 4.

' Pompon. Mel., de sit Orl., i. 2. Ptol., Geogr., v. 8. ^ Ptol., Geogr., vi. 7.
'" Orphei Argonaut., 824, 1009 ; Apollon. Ehod., Argonattt., ii. 399, 403, iv. 611.
" Jjycophron, Cassandra, 174; Steph. Byz., v. Kiira; Euatath., ad. II., iv. 103.
" Tal. Fhicous, Argon., 428, 693; Btymol. Mag., p. 77.

" Herod., ii. 104 ; Died. Sic, i. 28 ; Pindar, Pyth.^ iv. 378.
" Straho, xi. 2, ib. p. 408 ; Ptol., v. 10 ; Pomp Mala, i. 19.
" Strabo, ib. p. 399. " Scyl. Car., Periptta, p. 31 ; Steph. Byz., v. KSXoi.
>' A portion of the Caucasus; Hecatseus, Fragm., 161, 186 ; Steph. Byz., ib.

18 Steph. Byz., ib. ; Ptol., Geogr., vi. 5.

" Ptol. Geogr., v. 9 ; Val. Place, Argott., vi. 120; Pliny, Plutarch, Pomponius
Mela, etc.
^n Strabo, Geog., xi. 2, p. 406 ; 3, p. 412; Appian, Mithridates, 101, 116.
-' Orphei, Argonautieii, v. 1036. Their relation to the bucolic Abhirs, or Ahirs
as we now call them, will be obvious to any one who has resided in India Ind.
Alterthum. II. S47, 953, 956. '2 Servius ad Virgil, JEclog., iv. 34.

* Scylax Caryand., Periplus, p. 32, and the ntfte of Vossius, p, 42.

" Valer. Mace, Argon., vi. 70.

'5 Plin., Nat. Mist., vi. 4 ; Peutinger, Tab,, Segm. vii. This may be derived, as
is usually supposed, from 0a6bs ' deep.' ; Dr. Falconer's translation of the Periplus of
the JE-uXine Sea, p. 44.
2 Scyl. Garland., Peripl., p. 31 ; Strabo, Geogr., it. p. 406 ; Ptol., Geogr., v. 9.


space scarcely larger than the province of lower Sind, and when
again we reflect upon the curious coincidence, that Pliny' calls the

former province " Scythia Sendica," while Ptolemy'' calls the latter
" Indo-Scythia ;" that even as late as the fifth century, the judicious
ecclesiastical historian, Socrates,^ as well as the accurate geographer,
Stephanus,* continued to call the former by the name of " India," it

is very difficult to resist the conviction, that these cumulative in-

stances of combinations and affinities cannot be altogether acci-
dental, or the mere result of diligent and ingenious exploration.
But, even allowing that all these miscellaneous instances of re-
semblance, brought forward in the preceding paragraph, are indeed
purely fortuitous, and it is willingly acknowledged that there is
" ample room and verge enough " for a sharp eye, a nice ear, and a
playful fancy, in the selection of such alliterative illustrations,
even if we reject them altogether as the products of a wild and
dreamy imagination, and since they add little to the cogency of our
argument, they may be resigned as such without a murmur, still it

is impossible to yield the Sindi, the Kerketm, or even the Maidi, to

the cavils of such an illiberal and hostile spirit of criticism, for, with
respect to them, it must be confessed by aU but the most obstinately
sceptical, that they, at least, stand boldly and prominently forth, as

undoubted evidences of actual Indian occupancy on the shores of the

It is not the purport of this Note to show how these coincidences
could possibly have arisen ; how nations, separat-ed by so many
mountains, seas, forests, and wastes, could have preserved any signs
whatever of original Identity, much less of such close approximation
in names, as has been here adduced. Ukert, the strongest opponent
of this supposed connection between th;e Caucasus and India, men-
tions that the ancients are express in asserting that the Indians

' Plin., Nat Mist.., it. 26.

' Geogr., vii. ; EustatUius ad Dionys., Ferieg., 1088; ilannert, Geog. der Griechm
und Homer, Vol. V. p. 220 ; Ersch and Gruber, Encyel. der Wissenschafien, s.v.
" Indo-scj thia;" Kouv. J'ourn. Asiatiqtie, 3rd series, Tom. VIII. p. 264.
' Ecelcs. Mist.,\. \&. See also the note by Isaac Vossius to Scylax Caryand., p
40, ap. Hudson, Geog. Gr. Min., Vol, I. and Fr^ret, Mem. de I' Acad, des Inscript.,
Tom. IV. p. 603.
* Mthnica, vv. Vopyiinna et 'XvvSmos. See also Is. Tzelzes ad Lycopliron, Cas-
sandra, 174, where be calls the Kolobiaiis lySwol 'S.niOai.


never sent out of their country any armies or colonies ; ' but migra-
tions might
easily have arisen from other causes, and a hint has
been thrown out above, that in this particular instance, the expatria-
tion might perhaps not have been altogether voluntary.
In another part of this work I have traced, step by step, the pro-
gress of one Indian family from the banks of the Indus to the
remotest shores of Europe ; and in the foUowiag Note upon the
Meds, I have shown several instances of compulsory transportations
to countries nearly as remote ; so that this branch of the enquiry
need not engage our attention further in this place, the object of
showing the probable existence of a tribe of Kerks, both on the
Indus and Euxine, having, it is hoped, already been sufficiently
proved to the satisfaction of every candid and unprejudiced mind.'

The Meds.
We find the Meds frequently mentioned by the Arab authors on
Sind, and, together with their rivals the Jats, they may be con-
sidered the oldest occupants of that province, who, in their names
as well as persons, have survived to our own times.
The first account we have of them is in the Mujmalu-t Tawdrilch'
That work mentions that the Jats and the Meds are reputed to be
descendants of Ham, the son of Noah, and that they occupied the
banks of the Indus, in the province of Sind. The Meds, who
devoted themselves to a pastoral life, used to invade the territories
of the Jats, putting them to great distress, and compelling them to
take up their abode on the opposite side of the river ; but, sub-
sequently, the Jats, being accustomed to the use of boats, crossed
over and defeated the Meds, taking several prisoners and plundering
their country.

' Strabo, Geogr., xT. 1 ; ii. Vol. III. p. 251 ; Diod. Sic, BiUioth. Sistor., ii. 38.
' Compare Malte Brun, Vniveraal Geo-
also "Wahl, Asien, Vol. I. pp. 793, et. seg. ;

graphy, Vol. II. pp. 27-52 Liineraann, Descriptio Caucasi, Getting., 1803

Bominel, Cauccis. rsgiomtm et gentimn Slrahoniana descr.. Lips. 1804 Hitter, Asien, ;

Vol. II. p. 622 ; and die Vorhalk der EuropHischer Volker-geschichien, pp. SI, To,
300 Eichwald, Geogr. d. Kaap, Meeres, p. 303, et seq. Boeokh, Corpus Inscrip-
; ;

tionum, Vol. II. pp. 100-110 M. V. de St. Martin, M^m. histor. sur la Giog. one.

gu Owucase, Sect, ii, iii, in Etudes de Giog., Vol. I XJkcrt, Alle Geographic, Vol.

III. pt. ii. pp. 282-288; Christoph. Cellarius, Notitiee orbii antiqui, Vol. II. pp.


At last these two tribes, seeing the inutility of protracting their

contests any longei:, agreed to send a deputation to Duryodhana, the
king of Hastinapur, begging him to nominate a king to rule over
them. Duryodhana accordingly nominated his sister Dassal (Duh-
sala), the wife of Jayadratha, who exercised the functions of goyern-
ment with great wisdom and moderation. The families and
adherents of 30,000 Brahmans, who were collected from all parts

of Hindustan, were sent by Duryodhana to her court, and from

that time Sind became flourishing and populous, and many cities
were founded. TheMeds had separate tracts of land
Jats and the
assigned to them, and were governed by chiefs of their own election.
The queen and Jayadratha made the city of 'Askaland their
capital ; the same place, apparently, which is called in a subsequent
passage 'Askaland-usa, perhaps the Uchh of later times, as has been
shown in another Note of this Appendix (p. 365).
Jayadratha was killed in the fatal field of Thanesar, and his faith-
ful wife ascended the funeral pile, after their reign had continued for
more than twenty yeai's. On the same field was extinguished the
dynasty called after the name of Bharata, he being the most cele-
brated ancestor of Dhritarashtra, the father of Duryodhana and the
Kurus. On the transfer of the empire to the Pandavas, Yudhish-
thira conferred Sind upon Sanjwara, the son of Jayadratha and
Dassal (Duhsala), and from him Ha] was descended {supra, p. 103).
As the Great War, in which these heroes enacted a conspicuous part,

has been supposed, on astronomical grounds, to have taken place

during the twelfth century b.o.,^ we must assign an equal antiquity
to their contemporaries the Meds of Sind, if we put faith in this
narrative ; but as this early settlement is not, in Lassen's opinion,
opposed to probability in the case of the Jats, we need not withhold
our faith in its correctness with respect to the Meds. Indeed,
admitting that the '
Jartikas' of the Mahd-hhdrata and the Purdnas
represent the Jats, we cannot but consider the ' Madras' as repre-

' Sir W. ; VII. T7. Some fix it earlier. See

Jones, IVor^s, Vol. III. p. 213
Viich&icd, Sesearches into Fhys. Mist, of Mankind, Vol. IV. p. W\, et ssq.

Lassen, Indische Alterthumsiunde, Vol. I. p. 199, et. seq.; Prof. Wilson, J. A. S.

Bengal, Vol. XIII. p. 81.

senting the Meds confirming thereby the antiquity and synchron-

ism of these two races on the bants of the Indus.^
During the period of Arab occupation, Muhammad KSsim is re-
presented as making peace with the Meds of Surashtra, " seafarers
and pirates, with whom the men of Basra were then at war." This
gives a great extent to their dominion at that period towards the
In the time of Mu'tasim Bi-Uah, 'Amran, the Earmeldde, gover-
nor of Sind, directed an expedition against the Meds, in which he
killed three thousand of them, and constructed an embankment,
which he called the Meds' embankment, probably for the puipose of
depriving them of the means of irrigation, as was done so effectually
in 1762 and 1802 Mora and Ali Bandar, when the Sindiana
ruined the prosperity of north-western Kachh. The word SaJcar,
embankment,' is preserved in the town of that name opposite to
Eori, where, however, the mound is a natural limestone formation
of about one hundred feet high, and not an artificial causeway.'
Nevertheless, we might, if we could be sure that any Meds were
then on the western side of the Indus, pronounce this to be the iden-
tical locality ; for certainly, in Biladuri {supra p. 128), the whole
transaction seems to be closely connected with 'Amran's proceedings
against Kandabel and the Jats on the Aral river, not far from Sakar,
insomuch that, immediately after settling affairs with them ha
returns to attack the Meds, having the chief of the Jats in his com-
pany. But, as on the occasion of this second attack, he dug a canal
from the sea to their lake, rendering their water salt and nauseous,
tliere can be no question of this scene, at least, being in the south-
eastern portion of the province, where they were settled in the
greatestnumbers and here, therefore, we must also look for the

embankment raised in the first incursion. They are said to have

been attacked by 'Amran from several different directions, and were
thus doubtless reduced to great extremities.

1 Lassen, de Tentapotamid Ind,, p. 20, and Indisehe AUerth. Vol, I. pjp. 97, 397,
821 ;"Wilson, Vishnu Purdna, Index ; As. Heaearches, Vol. VIII. p. 346 j M.
Vivien de St. Martin, E'tudes de Qiograplm aneimne, Tom. i. p. 337.
^ Sakar, or Sakhar, as it is noT pronounced, is better known to the natives as

" Chipribandar," wbich would imply that it was, in part at least, artificial.


During tlie reign of the same Khalif, we find an Arab chieftain,

Muhammad bin Fazl, who had taken possession of Sindan, in the

Abrasa district of Kachh, attacking the Meds with a squadron of
seventy vessels;' on which occasion he took Mali, of which the
position may be identified with Malia on the Machu. This powerful
armament seems to have been directed against the sea-board of
the tract invadedby 'Amr^n, now occupied by the Ean of Kachh
where Vigogad, Vingar, and Ballyarf, on the northern, and Phang-
warri, Nerona, Bitaro, etc., on the southern shore, are all known,
both by concurrent native tradition, as well as by independent
European observation, to have been once washed by the sea.
All these various expeditions, however, had but little permanent
effect in reducing the power of the Meds, for Mas'udi informs us
that, when he visited Sind, the inhabitants of Mansura were obliged
continually to protect themselves against their aggressions.'
Ibn Haukal notices them under the name of Mand (p. 38), and
though, without the diacritical point, the word might be read Med,
yet as all the MSS., few as they are, concur in this reading, it must be
retained. He describes them as dwelling on the bank of the Indus
from the borders of Multan to the sea, and in the desert between that

river and Famhal, the frontier town of Hind. They had many stations
which they occupied as pasture grounds, and formed a very large
population, imconverted to the faith. What Abu-1 Fida says of
them is taken from this passage, and we do not read of them in any
subsequent author.'
Hence we might suppose that the tribe is entirely extinct, and
have left no memorial of their existence, except the passages above
quoted. M. Eeinaud, indeed, observes that he finds it impossible
to apply the name of Med or Mand, to any known population, and
therefore conceives that the denomination is disfigured. But he is

mistaken in this supposition, for the tribe of Med still exists, both
to the east and the west of the Indus ;
' and those on the coast, being

' Bdrija in the original. Supra, p. 124, 128. See Note on the word " Barge."
2 Memoirs sur VJnch, pp. 43, 60, 188, 215, 234.
3 Gildemeister, Script. Arab, de rebus Indicia, p. 172.
* In tlie Ayin-i Akbari also we have a tract called after their name within the
SirkSir of H&ji Khin.

unable now to practice piracy after the mode of their ancestors,

devote themselves to the more tranquil pursuit of fishing. To the
east, we find them roving on the borders of Sind and Jodhpur, the
site of their occupation during the Arab period and to the west, ;

they are found in the little ports of Makran, from SiinmjBni to

Charbar, divided into the clans of Gazbur, Hormari, Jellar-zai, and
It is possible that the Meds, or some offshoot of that stock, may
have been designated as Mand, for that syllable enters into the
name of several native tribes and places existing to this day : as the
Mand-ar, the Mand-hor, the Mind-hro, besides the Buluch tribe of
Mond-rani, as well as the ancient towns of Mand-ra and Mand-ropat,
in Chachagam, to the east of the Guni, Mand-rasa to the north of
the Makali hills, andMund-ra and other similar names in Kachh.
That the Mers of the Aravalf mountains and Kaihiwar are de-
scendants of the same family, is also not beyond the bounds of pro-
bability. The native pronunciation, especially in the western and
north-western provinces of Hindustan, tends so much to an inter-

mixture of the cerebral letters r and d, the written character, indeed,

being the same in both, and the diacritical marks being a mere modem
innovation that Mer and Med may be identical : and the addition of
the aspirate, which sometimes makes the former into Mher, or, as we
commonly write it Mhair, offers still no argument against identity,

for that also is an optional excrescence, especially in the names of

peoples and families. For the same reason, the connection of the

Mahr of Ifbaro, and other "tracts in the Upper Sind, where they
are reckoned by their neighbours as the aboriginal inhabitants of the

country between Bhakkar and Bahawalpur, is equally plausible.'

Tod pronounces the Mers to be of Bhatti origin, and derives their
name from Meru, " a mountain." But at the same time that he pro-
nounces them to be Bhattis, he says they are a branch of the Mi'na,
or Maina, one of the aboriginal races of India. These statements are
obviously incompatible, and the Bhatti hypothesis must be rejected.

To them may perhaps he ascrihed the distinction of giving name to the Mihrin,
or Indus.
The old town of Mhar in K:ichh, where there is a temple of great antiquity and
celebrity, dedicated to the goddess Asapura, may probably trace its origin to a similar


During whole period of their known history, they have been


conspicuous for their lawless and predatory habits, from the time
when four thousand Mer archers defended their passes against
PLrthi-Eaj,i down to a.d. 1821, when their excesses compelled the
British government to attack them in their fastnesses, and reduce
them to complete obedience. Since which period, it is gratifying to
observe that they have emerged from their barbarism, and, under the
judicious management of European officers, have learnt to cultivate
the arts of peace, and set a notable example of industry to the sur-
rounding tribes.

Taking into consideration, therefore, the fact that the Mers of

the A'rivali are but little advanced beyond the tract where the Meds
are known, a thousand years ago, to have formed a numerous and
thriving population; that their brethren, the Minas, can themselves
be traced in their original seats to the banks of the Indus ; that

Kathiwiir, or the Saurashtran peninsula, was the very nursery of

the piractical expeditions for which the Mods were about the same
period celeberated and feared, and where Mers stUl reside, we may
conclude that to declare them identical, is doing no great force to
reason and probability.*
The simple permutation of a letter not unnaturally forced, but

based upon a law of common observance introduces us to a new

connexion of considerable interest ; for we may make bold to claim,
as an ancient representative of this race, Mens, or Moeris, the king
of Pattala, who, on the approach of Alexander, deserted his capital,
and ilod to the mountains. The site of this town, at the head of the
Delta of the Indus, answers well to the position which we may pre-
sume the chief of the Meds to have occupied at that period ; and,
that the name was not personal, but derived from his tribe, we may
be satisfied, from the common practice of Alexander's historians, as

' "With reference to the concluding paragraphs of this Note, the celehrity of
Median archery
the Medi pharetrd focori should be borne in mind. Herat.,
Carm. ii. Od. 16 Propert., Lib. iii. Eleg. 11.

' Compare Chr. Lassen, Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 1840, Tom. iii.

p. 189, 3,Tt(!iIndUckeJlterthuinskunde,Yd\. I. p. 369; Tod, Annals of Sdjaaihdn Vol.

I. pp. 680-686 II. 323; Eenonard, Encyclop. Metrop., Vol. XX. pp. 40-42
; Col. ;

Diion, Report on Mhairwdra; M. Vivien de Saint-Martin, itudcs de Giographie

ancienne, Tom. I. p. 339.

exemplified in the instances of Abisares, Porus, Sambus, Musicanus,

Assacanus, and Taxiles, who have these names severally attributed
to them from the nations, countries, or towns over which they ruled.
Dr. Vincent, in admitting, as the etymon of Moeris, the Arabic
words Mir Bais, "the ruling chief," has suffered his too easy
credulity to be played upon by an ambitious young orientalist.

Bohlen has attempted to trace in the name of Moeris a corruption of

Mahdrdjd, "the great king," in which he is followed by Eitter; but,
independent of the fact that his kingdom was circumscribed within
very narrow limits, he is expressly noticed by Arrian, under the
humble title of VTrapxo'}, which invariably implies subordination,
and not supremacy.' A
more probable, but still unlikely, origin
has been suggested, from the tribe of Maurya f but they were far
away in the east, remote from Sind, so that altogether locality and
veAal resemblance are most favourable to the present hypothesis,

that Meris is a Grecised form for the " chief of the Mers."
We may even extend our views to a still more remote period, and
indulge in speculations whether this tribe may not originally have
been a colony of Medes. There is nothing in the distance of the
migration which would militate against this supposition, for Heror
dotus mentions the Sigynnas, as a colony of the Medes settled
beyond the Danube :
" How they can have been a colony of the
Medes," he observes, "I cannot comprehend; but anything may
happen in course of time."' The Medians are also said to have
accompanied the expedition of Hercules, when he crossed over from
Spain into Africa.* The Sauromatae were Median colonists beyond
the Tanais, or Don.= The Matienoi, or Matienes,^ the Kharimatai,'
ajad possibly the Mares,^ were Caucasian colonists from Media, pre-

serving in their names the national appellation of Mata or Madia.

1 Oe gesUs Mex. Mag., Lib. ix. ch. 34 Arrian, Anab., Lib. yi. ch.
Q. Curt. Enf., ;

17 ; Vie Erdkunde von As., Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 474 Bohlen, das Alte Indien,
Kitter, ;

Vol. I. p. 9 1 ; Vincent, Oomm. and Nav. of the Ancients, Vol. I. p. 157.

2 Theod. Benfey, Indien M. F. Baudry, Uncyclopidie Moderne, Tom. xviii. coll.

140, 144.
' Herodotus, v. 9.
* Sallust. Jugurtha, 14 ; JS'ouv. Memoires de VAoademie des Inscriptions, Tom. xii.

p. 181, tt seq.
Diod. Sic, Bibl. Hist., ii. 43 ; Plin., Hist. Nat., vi. 7. See on this subject,
Zeuss, die Deutschen und die Nachbarstiimme, p. 298.
Dionysii. Ferieg, 1002 ; Herod., i. 189 ;
iii. 94 ; r. 49, 52.
' Stephan. Byzant., s.t. Xapi/iuiTai.

8 Herod., iii. 94; vii. 97 ; Steph. Byzant., s.v.



They may either have been transplanted to the banks of the Indus
"when the Medo-Persian empire extended so far to the eastward ; or
they may have migrated thither at some indefinitely early period
or they may have sought an asylum there upon the occupation of
their country by the Scythians ; or during the persecution of the
Magi, who consituted one of the six tribes of Medes, just as the
ParsiB did in Guzerat, at a later period and on similar occasion. It

is worthy of remark that Ibn Haukal places the Budhas, or Budhyas,

in the same category with the Mand, representing them as com-
prising several tribes to the west of the Indus. Now, the Budii
were also one of the six Median tribes, and the juxtaposition of
these two names in the province of Sind should not escape notice,
for they Eilso may have formed a body of similar emigrants.^
All arguments against the probability of such dispersions stand
self-confuted, when we consider that Siudians were on the Buxine ;'

and that, besides the familiar instances of Samaritans and Jews

under the Assyrians, we read over and over again in Persian
history, of the deportations of entire tribes, expressly termed
'avaavrdcrroi by Herodotus.' Thus we have the removal of Paeo-
nians to Phrygia,* of Barcseana from Africa to Bactria,^ of Milesians
to Ampe, near the Tigris," of Egyptians to Susa,' of Eretrians from
Euboea to Ardericca,^ and to Gordyene,' of Antiochians to Mahuza,"
and others which it would be tedious to specify.
There is another curious coincidence worthy of notice. It is well
known, that from below the junction of the Panjab rivers down to
Sihwan, the Indus takes the name of Sar, Siro, or Sira, and from
below Haidarabad to the sea, that of Ldr. It is more correct, but
unusual, to add an intermediate division, called Wicholo, " central,"
representing the district lying immediately around Haidarabad. just

' Herodotus, i. 101 ; Gildemeister, de rehua Indiois, p. 172.

' I haTe entered on this subject in another Note ; and will here merely again ru-
mark upon the singular fact of Sindi and Maidi occupying the same tract on the
Euiine, and again, the Sinti and Maidi being found in close proximity with each
other, even in Thrace.
' Herodotus, iv. 204. Herodotus, 80.
v. 98 ; vii.
' Herodotus, iv, 204. Herodotus, vi. 20. ' Ctesias, Persioa, c. 9.
" Herodotus, vi. 119;. Philostrati, Vila ApoUon., i. 24-30.
Strabo, Geogr., xvi. 1; ed. Tauchnitz, Vol. III. p. 351.
" Ancient Universal Sistory, Vol. IX. p. 306.


as on the Nile, the Wustani, " midlands," of the Arabs represented

the tract between Upper and Lower Egypt.^ Sir A. Burnes says
that Sir and Ldr are two Buluch words for " north " and " south."
But the first is a Slavonic word also, which Gatterer and Niebuhr
tell us is retained in Sawro-niatse, signifying "northern" Medes.
There were also a province of Siracene, and a tribe of Siraceni, and
other similar names north of the Caucasus.' The Slavonic and
Persian show a great similarity : thus, spaco signifies " a bitch
in both, and the same with the first syllable of Sauromatas, or Sar-
matas.'Hence Sar for the " northern " Indus, was more probably a
remnant of Median than Buluch emigration, though the Persian
element could be accounted for, even on the latter supposition, see-

ing what a strong tincture the Buluohf language retains of its

original Iranian connection.*

Moreover, amongst the several tribes of Kshatriyas, who, having
neglected to observe the holy customs, and to visit the Brahmans,
became so degenerate that they were expelled their caste, and re-

garded as "Dasyus," or robber tribes, Manu

enumerates the "Pah-
lavas."' "They are," continues the holy legislator, " Dasyus,

whether they speak the language of Mlechchhas, or that of Aryas."

A'rya in Sanskrit, airya in Zend, means " noble," " sacred," " vener-

able ;" hence a portion of Upper India is called Aryavarta, " the
holy lajid," or " country of the Aryas." The Medes being also of
the same original stock, were universally called Arii. The Aryas of
Manu, therefore, are not necessarily, as some interpret, only de-
generate natives, but may likewise have been Medes occupying the

' Dr. Eadie, ^arlij Or. SUiory, p. 13 ; Lt. Burton, Sindh, p. 4.

' Plin., Nat,.Sist., iv. 26 ; Strabo, Geogr., xi. 2, 5 ; ed. Tauchnitz, Vol. II. pp.

399, 419, 422; Tacitus, Annal, xiii. 16; Ptol., Geogr., \. 9; Boeckh, Corpus In-
seript., Vol. II. p. 1009. = VuUer's Institut, p. 32.
Sir A. Burnes, Travels into Bokhara, Vol. III. pp. 64, 268 ; Dr. Burnes, Visit
to the Court of Sinde, pp. liv. 107 Journ. H. As. Soc., Vol. I. p. 224 ; Journ. R.

Geogr. Soc., Vol. III. 128,130; Niebuhr, Lectures on Ancient Sistorg., Vol. I. 96;
Herodotus, i. 110; Report of British Association, 1851, p. 145; Tuhfatii-l Kirdm,
MS. p. 166 ; Gatterer, Comment. Soc. S:ient. Gott, Vol. xii. pp. 160, 161.
Sorani" of Stephanus, a tribe
The name of Sar is probably at least as old as the
which must have been on, or near, the Indus, because an Alexandria, enumerated by
him as the fourteenth, was built within their territory. If the people of Sar are not
meant, allusion is perhaps made to the Sodhas, who once occupied that country.
'AAf^dpSpeta. ' [Cf. Pehlavi].
See Elhnica, r.


valley of the Indus. It is probable that a still earlier, and more

degenerate branch of the same family may be spoken of under the
name of " Meda," in the code of Manu, " who must live without the
town, "and maintain themselves by slaying beasts of the forest."
Allusion seems here to be made to the Mers of the A'ravali.'

These indications need not be enlarged on further in this place.

Many upon them as fanciful and extravagant.

will, of course, look

Others, who must pursue the investigation for

feel so disposed,
themselves for it is foreign to the main design of this Note} which

has merely been to show that we have the Meds of the Arabs retain-
ing their own name to this day, as well as probably under a slightly
varied form, in and around the original seats of their occupation.
That object has, it is hoped, been accomplished satisfactorily, and
with regard to all extraneous matter, to use the words of Cicero,
sequtmur probabilia, nee ultra quam id, quod verisimile occiirrerit, pro-
gredi possumus, et refcllere sine pertinacid et refelli sine iracundid

parati sumus.^
[General Cunningham, in his Report for 1863-64, says :
" The
Meds or Mands are almost certainly the representatives of the Man-
drueni, who lived on the Mandrus river, to the south of the Oxus
and as their name is found in the Panjab from the beginning of the
Christian era downwards, and in none before that time, I conclude
that they must have accompajiied their neighbours, the latii, or

Jdts, on their forced migrations to Ariana and India. In the clas-

sical writers, the name is found as Medi and Mandueni, and in the
Muhammadan writes, as Med and Mand." To show that these

Herodotus, vii. 62; Inatitides' of Manu., ii. 22, 36, 45, 48; Heeren, Historical
Sesearclies; Aaiatic Nations, Talboys, Vol. III. p, 322; Lassen, /W. Alter Ihums.,
Vol. pp. 615, et seq. Ind. BiUioiJieh, Vol. III. p.. 71 ; Ersch and Gruber, Ency-
I. ;

elopiidie, tt. " Indo-Germanischer Spraclistamm," p. 1, 46, and " Indien," pp. 4, 15,

Abhandlungen der Kuenig. Sayer. Acad, der Wissenschaften, 1829, p. 146;

et seq ;
Wilson, Ariana Atitiqua, pp. 119-124 ; Pott, FAym. Forschungen, pp. Ixxii. ; Bor-
nouf, Comm. sur le Yagna, Note p. cv. ; M. F. Baudry, Encyel. Moderrte, Tom.
XVIII. col. 122-130.
* Besides the special references given above, compare M. Vivien de Saint Martin,
Mem. Hist, stir la Geogr. du Caucase, pp. 242, 248, in E'tudes de Giographie,
Vol. I. ; and Htsi. de V Asie Min. Ancienne, p. 218 Boeckh, Corpus Inscripl., Vol.

II. p.83; Schafarik, SlawiscJie AUerthiimer, Vol. I. pp. 302, 333, et seq. ; TJkert,
Geographie der Griechen und Homer, Vol. III. Abth. ii. pp. 119, 269, 273, 279, 284,
333, 337, 346.


two spellings are but natural modes of pronunciation of the same

name, the General notices the various ways in which the name
of a village on the Jhelam is spelt in different maps and books
Meriala, Mandiali, Mdmridla, Mandydla, Maridla, and Merali.']
["The earliest notice of the Meds is by Virgil, who calls the
Jhelam Medus Hydaspes. The epithet is explained by the statement
of Vibius Sequester, which makes the Hydaspes flow "past the city
of Media." Now this is clearly the same place as Ptolemy's Eufhy-
media, or Sagala, which was either on or near the same river, and
above Bukephala. Lastly, in the Peutingerian Tables, the country
on the Hydaspes, for some distance below Alexandria Bucefalos, is

called Media. Here then we have evidence that the Medi, or Meds,
were in the Panjab as early at least as the time of Virgil, in b.o. 40
to 30, and as we know that they were not one of the five tribes of
Yuchi, or Tochari, whose names are given by the Chinese writers, it

may be inferred, with tolerable certainty, that they must have be-
longed to the great horde of Sus, or Ahars, who entered India about
B.C. 126, and gave their name to the province of Indo-Scythia."
[As the date of the Peutingerian Table is not later than a.d. 250,
we have a break of upwards of four centuries before we reach the
earliest notices of the Muhammadan writers. In thesewe find the
Meds or Mands firmly established in Sindh, along with their ancient
rivals the Ja is, bo th of whom are said to be the descendants of Ham, the

son of Noah. Eashid-ud din further states that they were in Sindh at
the time of the Maha-bharata, but this is amply refuted by the native
histories of the province, which omit both names from the list of
aborigines of Sindh. Ibn Haukal describes the Mands of his time
(about A..D. 977), as occupying the banks of the Indus from Multan
to the sea, and to the desert between Makran and Famhal. Masudi,
who visited India in a.d. 915-16, calls them Mind, and states that
they were a race of Sindh, who were at constant war with the
people of Mansura. These notices are sufficient to show, that at
some time previous to the first appearance of the Muhammadans, the
Meds must have been forced to migrate from the Upper Panjab to
Sindh. There they have since remained, as there can be no doubt
that they are now represented by the Mers of the A'ravali Bange to

the east of the Indus, of Kathiawar to the south, and of Biluchistan

to the west."
VOL. I. 34

["The name of Mer, or Mand, is still found in many parts of

the Punjab, as in Meror of the Bail and Eeohna Doabs, in Mera,
Mandra, and Mandanpur of the Sind Sagar Doab, and in Mandali, of
Multan. Mera, which is ten miles to the west of Kalar Kahar, is
certainly as old as the beginning of the Christian era, as it possesses
an Arian Pali inscription, fixed in the side of a square well. The
Mers would seem also to have occupied Lahore, as Abu Eihan states

that the capital of Lohawar was named Medhukur or Mandhukur}

This place is said to have been on the east bank of the Eavi, and, if
so, it was most probably Lahore itself, under a new name. There
is an old place called Mandhyawala, on the west bank of the Eavi,
and only twelve miles to the south-west of Lahore, which may
possibly be the Mandhukw of Abu Efhan. But the old mound of
Miraihira, in the Gugera district, in which figures of Buddha and
moulded bricks have been discovered by the railway cuttings, is a

more likely place. This frequent occurrence of the name in so

many parts of the Panjab, and always attached to old places, as in

Mera, Mandra, and Meriali, of the Sindh Sagar Doab, and in Med-
hukur or Mandhukur, the capital of Lohawar, offers the strongest
confirmation of the concJ nsion which I have already derived from the
notices of the classical authors, that the Meds or Mers were once the
dominant race in the Panjab. The special location of theMedi on
the Hydaspes by classical writers of the first century of the Christian
era, the evident antiquity of Mera, Meriali, and other places which
still bear the name, and the admitted foreign origin of their modern
representatives,, the Mers, all point to the same conclusion, that the
Medi, or Meds, were the first Indo-Scythian conquerors of the
[- o o o About this time (30 to 20 b.c.) the Meds may be
supposed to have retired towards the south, nntU they finally es-

tablished themselves in Upper Sindh, and gave their name to their

new capital of Minnagara. As this could scarcely have been effected
with the consent of the former occupants of Upper Sindh, whom I
suppose to have been the latii, or Jats, I would refer to this period
as the beginning of that continued rivalry, which the historian
Eash(du-d dfn attributes to the Jats and Meds.'' To this same
' [See supra, p. 62.]
- [See the Mujmalu-t Tatedrikh, supra, p. 103,]

cause I would also refer the statement of the Erythrsean Periplus, that
about A.D. 100, the rulers of Minnagara were rival Parthians, who
were mutually expelling each other."]

The Wairsi and Sodha Tribes.

Wairsf, we are told in the Beg-Lar-ndma (MS. p. 55), was a chief

among the Sodhas. It would have been more correct to say that
Wairsi was the chief clan among the Sodhas
' ; for Wairsi was not
a personal designation, as is evident from many passages of that
work. It is written indiscriminately Wairsi and Wairsa, and a
cognate, but then hostile, clan bore the closely similar name of
Waisa (MS. pp. 190, 191). The Sameja tribe, often mentioned in
the same work, is also a branch of the Sodhas.
An exact translation of the text to which this note refers would re-
present Eajia as the daughter of the Eana (which, by the way, is spelt
throughout in the original as Ea'na) ; but at p. 61 we learn tliat she
was his sister's son, and so she is also styled in the Tuhfatu-l Kirdm
(MS. p. 73). Indeed, had she been his own daughter, we should
not have found Abu-1 Kasim Khan-i Zaman, who was the issue of
the marriage with Mir Kasim Beg-Lar, passing his childhood
among the Bhattis of Jesalmir after his father's death, but rather
among the Sodhas of 'TJmarkot.
The Soda or Sodha tribe (spelt Soda by Col.. Tod, and Soda by
the Eev. Mr. Eenouard) is an offshoot of the Pramara, and has been
for many centuries an occupant of the desert tracts of Western India,
intowhich they have receded, Kke their predecessors, when driven
forward by more powerful neighbours from the banks of the Indus.
Col. Tod contends that they are the descendants of the Sogdi of
Alexander's time, in which there is greater probability than in most

of his speculations. Sogdi may be a corruption, derived ftom the

greater familiarity of historians with the northern nation of that
name. The Sodrse of Diodorus offers an equal resemblance of name
and position. It is not plain which bank of the river the Sodra or
Sogdi then occupied. They are not mentioned by Q. Curtius, and
Arrian's use of "right" and "left," as applied to the banks of the
Indus, is so opposed to the modem practice of tracing a river from
its source downwards, that it adds to the confusion.


The transaction mentioned in the text shows the early period at

which the Hindus began to disgrace themselves by their inter-

marriages with Muhammadans and the high repute of the beauty


of the Sodha women has served to maintain that practice in full

vigour to the present time.
At the period treated of, we find the Sodhas in possession of
'TJmarkot, of which the name and consequence have been subse-
quently much increased, independant of its importance as a border
fortress, by being the birth place of the renowned Akbar.

The Kana of the Sodhas was expelled from 'Umarkot by the

Talpurs of Sind; and the present representative of the family, who
stUl retains his title of Kana, resides at Chor, a few miles north-east
of his former capital, shorn of all power, and hard pressed for the
means of subsistence.'


The Terrors of the Moghal Selmet.

(Paoe 276).

The reader of the history of the Crusades will recognize a similar

anecdote, relating to a hero more familiar to him than Darya
Khan. The chivalrous Sire de Joinville tells us, that Eichard's
name acted as a powerful sedative upon the children of the Saracens,
and that even their very horses were presumed to start at his
shadow :

'' Le roy Eichard fist tant d'armes outremer a celle foys que il
fu, que quant les chevaus aus Sarrasins avoient pouour d'aucun
bisson, leur mestres leur disoient :
' Ouides tu,' fesoient ils a leurs
chevaus, 'que e soil le roy Michart d'Angleterre?' Et quant les

1 Mannert, Geographic der Orieehen und Homer, Vol. Y. Eitter, Die Erdltunde ;

von As., Vol. IV. pt. i. p. 471 Tod, Annals of Rijasthdn, Vol. I. p. 93 II. p.
; ;

310-319 Eneye. Metrop., Vol. XXIII. p. 781 Journ. S. As. Soc., Vol. I. p. 33
; ;

Mitford, Sitt. of Greece, Vol. X. pp. 231, 232, notes 15 to 17 Dr. Bumes, Visit to ;

the Court of Sinde, p. .105 Journ. S. Geog. Soe., Vol. IV. p. 93 Vincent, Chmm.

and Nav. of the Ancients, Vol. I. pp. 137-145; Arrian, Anab., vi. 16
; Diod. Sic,
Sihlioth. Milt., XTii. 102; Mrs. Postans, Culch, pp. 62, 136.


enfans aus Sarrasins breoieut, elles leur disoient: 'Tay-toy! tay-

toyl ouje irai querre le roy BicTiart qid te tmra.'"^
It is curious that we sliould learn this from a Frenchman only.
Our English-chroniclers, who exhaust
the language of panegyric in
speaking of Eichard, omit this anecdote, which appears to be de-
rived from a mere eastern mode of expressing terror.
In the passage taken from the Tdrihh-i Tdhir'i we have not only chil-
dren taking fright, but women even bringing forth prematurely, at
the name of Darya EHian.
The same effect is ascribed in that work
(pp. 48, 52) to theMoghal cap : " Such fear of the Moghals fell
upon both men and women, that the men lost all courage, and the
women miscarried at the very sight of the Moghals with their terrific
head-pieces." But the shape and feature of this alarming helmet, or
Tdki, are not described. The Tuhfatu-l Kirdm (p. 42) tells us that
even horses started at it,^ as those of the Saracens at Eichard of
We might, from the expressions used, conceive that their helmets,
like those of Ulysses and some of the barbarous nations of antiquity,
were covered with alarming devices of open jaws and fiery dragons,
and that the Moghals in-Sind stalked about,

tegmen torquens immane leonis,

Terribili impexum set., cum dentibus albis,


but had this been the case, we shoiild have most probably had more
frequent mention of the circumstance, especially by Khusru, who
was their prisoner, and delighted to record their hideous faces and
But neither in Khusru, nor in any other author, do we find notice
of such an helmet, or chapelle de fer, as would give rise to the fears
here depicted. A good European observer of their manners merely
remarks that the upper part of their casque was of iron or steel.'

The tail of hair, if it was worn according to its present dimensions,

1 Sist. du roy St. Loys, ix. p. 116; see also Matt. Westm,, p. 304.
2 Virg. ^J8., vii. 666
' Galea autem est superius ferrea vel de chalybe, sed ille quod protegil in cirouitu
coUnm gulam de corio est." J. de Plano-Carpini, in
et ec%teil de Voyages et (?

Mdmoires, Tom. IV. p. 687.


might, notwithstanding its being honoured as a royalty,' have excited

surprise, and perhaps ridicule, but no alarm. From an early period,
ever siace the Moghal tribes were known to Europe, this appendage
has naturally excited observation, just as it does now, where they
border on European nations." Procopius' and Prisons' remark upon
it as a peculiarity of the Hxms.
It is probable that these Moghals in Sind may, in their day, have
worn a head-dress, such as Kubruquis, more than two centuries
before, had attributed to their women. Even at present, the Turk-
man female cap is no pigmy, being higher them a military chako,
over which a scarf is thrown, reaching down to the waist. But this

is nothing to what it was in the time of our adventurous traveller.

That was indeed calculated to inspire terror, and produce the results

attributed to the TdkL must have been more formidable than


European courts ever produced, even in the horned and steeple

coiffure of the fifteenth century.
" Their women have an ornament for their heads, which they call

Botla, being made of the barke of a tree. ** *' * It hath a square

sharp spire lising from the toppe thereof, being more than a cubite
in length, and fashioned like unto a pinacle.- < Upon the
midst of the sayd spire, or square toppe, they put a bunch of quills
or of slender canes, another cubite long, or more. ****** Hereupon,
when such gentlewomen ride together, and are beheld afar off, they
seem to be souldiers with helmets on their heads, carrying their
lances upright ; for the sayd Botta appeareth like a helmet with a
lance over it."

This is like the fantastic fontange of Europe, raised an ell above

the head, and pointed like steeples, which caused our pious preachers

' " A Mongol is amenable to punishment if he pluck another by his tuft of hair,
not on account of the assault, but because the tuft is declared to be the property of
the Emperor." Pallas, Mongotischen Volker, Vol. I. p. 194.
' M. J. de Klaproth, Voyage au Gauease, Tom. I. p. 83.
' Mistoria Arctma, p. 31, Lugd. 1623. He says the Massagetse adopt the same
Bxcerpta de Legaiionibus, 2.

Eubruquis, cap. 8, ap, Hakluyt, Voyages and Discoveries, Yol. I. p. 108. The

original Latin is given at p. 232, and a similar description by Jean de Plan-Carpin,

at p. 615 of the Sectteil de Voyages et de Memoires, above quoted. Quatremere, Hist.
Mong., p. 102, note 30.


infinite trouble, as well as missionary perambulations, for its sup-

pression. So like, indeed, that it would really seem to be derived
direct from the eastern model, but that these comical fashions are
the product of no particular age or country ; for even before the
decline of the Empire, the Eoman lady
" Tot premit ordinibua, tot adhuc compagibus altum
^dificat caput ; Andromacheii a fronte videbis."'
Nevertheless, when we consider that, about the time of the capture
of Constantinople, Turkish turbans were all the rage in Western
Europe, we may perhaps admit, that, had we not become acquainted
with Tartar costume, the marvellous absurdity of the steeple-cap
never could have been introduced amongst us. Paradin describes
it as " Made of certain rolls of linen pointed like steeples, about
an ell in height. These were called by some, great butterflies, from
having two large wings on each side, resembling those of that insect.
The high cap was covered with a fine piece of lawn, hanging down
to the ground, the greater part of which was tucked under the arm."
This must evidently be the same as the Tartar Botta, and the
illuminations of that period make the dimensions still more por-
tentous, and the resemblance to the eastern original still more
striking. The paysannes of Normandy have to this day preserved
this monstrous extravagance for the gratification of modem eyes.'

If this was not the Alpine chapeau which spread such dismay in
Sind, it may have been the lofty dark sheepskin Tilpah,'' which
the Turkmans now wear, about a foot high. An exaggerated form
of this would have been alarming enough to produce the effect

Dismounting for Comhat.

We find that the practice of dismounting, previous to coming to
close combat, is frequently alluded to in these local histories, as
being of common observance among many of the border tribes
between Sind and Eajputana.
JuTenal, Sat., yi. 601. Euperti's note gives other instances.
' Paradin, Annalet de Bourgogne, p. 700.
' Wright, Achaologieal Journal, No. i. ; Addison, Spectator, No. 98 ; Planche,
Mist, of British Costume, pp. 146-149, 236-263; Argentre, Mitt, de Bretagne, lirr.,

I. cb. 42 ; Bayle, Diet. Mistor., t. " Andromaque," rem. G. and v. " Coneote."
* I presume this is the same as the Kalpak, oa which see Z' JJnivera. Pitt., vi. 67.

Here in the Extract from the Beg-Lar-ndma, at p. 293, it is the

Sodhas and Eathors who adopt it. A few pages before, we find the
Jharejas of Guzerat, who accompanied Jam Fi'roz against Mirza
Shah Husain, appealing to that custom, as established among them-
selves declaring that they always fought with the enemy on foot.

We have seen above (p. 411) that Eai Chach and Mahrat of
Chitor contend against each other on foot ; the former representing
that, being a Brahman, he was unable to fight on horseback ; then
again mounting hie horse unexpectedly, he slays his antagonist
with the most deliberate treadhery.
It is probable that the Ean^ of Ohitor would not have so readily
been deceived by this insidious challenge, had it been at all opposed
to the military practice of those times. Indeed, to the present day,
we find Siudians, unlike most Asiatic nations, still somewhat repug-
nant to fighting on horseback, and priding themselves more on
being foot soldiers than cavalry.
I allude in a subsequent note to the dismounting being followed
by binding those fighting on the same side, one to the other, by
their waistbands : but this seems to have been resorted to only in
desperate circumstances, when there was no chance, or intention, of
escape. The mere dismounting appears not to have been attended
with any vow of self-sacrifice.
In Persian history we meet with similar instances of this dis-
mounting to engage in single combat. Thus, after the fatal battle
of Kadisi'ya, the Persian general, Takharjan, dismounts to fight with
the Arab champion, Zahir.
The practice was very common in the Middle Ages in Europe,
being introduced chiefly for the purpose of obviating the incon-
venience of the cumbersome armour of that period. The cavalry
dismounted, leaving their horses at some distance, and combated
with their lances on foot. WQliam of Tyre (xvii. 4) says of the
Emperor Conrad's cavalry, in the second Crusade: "De equis
descendentes, et facti pedites ; sicut mos est Teutonicis in Summis
necessitatibus bellica tractare negotia." The English did the same
in their engagement with the Scotch, in 1138, near North Allerton,
commonly called the Battle of the Standard. Comines also (i. 3)
observes upon it as a Burgundian fashion :
" Entre les Bourgig-

nons, lors estoient les plus honorez ceux que desoendoient aveo les
In the wars of Edward III. dismounting was not uncommon ; and
Sir John Hawkwood, one of his knights, the famous partizan leader,
disguised by contemporary writers under the name of Aucud or
Agutus, introduced it into Italy. And it was, as we learn from Mon-
strelet (ii. 10, 20), practised by the English in their second wars
with France, especially at the battles of Crevant and Verneuil.'

Colligation in Fighting.

The extraordinary custom alluded to in the Beg Ldr-ndma, of a

devoted band tying themselves together by their waistbands, before
fighting d tout outrance, is mentioned in the same terms in the
Tdrikli-i Sind (MS. p. 173).
" When they saw the army of the Moghals, they dismounted from
their Tiorses, took their turhans from off their heads, and binding the

corners of their mantles, or outer garments, to one another, they en-

gaged in battle ; for it is the custom of the people of Hind and
Sind, whenever they devote themselves to death, to descend from
their horses, to make Fare their heads and feet, and to hind themselves
to each other by their mantles and waistbands."
These people appear most of them to have been Sammas ; and it

is among their descendants in Kachh that we find this curious

custom again aUuded to {Tdrikh-i Sind, MS. p. 194), when Mirza

Shdh Husain attacked Eai Khangar. Here we have a new feature
added, of serrying shields together like a compact phalanx.
" The men under Khangar, having set themselves in battle array,

dismounted from their horses, loclced their shields together, seized their

spears in their hands, and hound the corners of their waistbands."

The TarJfcfedji-wdma omits aU mention of the proceedings between
Ea{ Khangar^ and Mirza Shah Husain, but they are noticed in the
Tuhfatu-l Kir dm (MS. p. 194) and the observance of this strange

practice is also there alluded to, in words similar to those quoted

from the Tdrikh-i Sind.

Hallam's Europe in the Middle Ages, Vol. I. p. 508.

According to a stanza familiarly quoted in Guzer^t, there have been no less than

seven Jh^reja chieftains of this name. We need not here show Trhioh was the oppo-
nent of Mirz& Shah Husain.


The dismounting from horseback, prior to actual contact in the

field of battle, is mentioned in a previous note of this Appendix,
and appears to have been a more common occurrence ; but the colli-

gation evidently implies desperation, even unto death.

Some barbarous nations of antiquity seem to have adopted the
same practice, but more with the object, apparently, of keeping their
ranks unbroken, than symbolizing any vow of self-destruction. So,
at the battle of Campi Eaudii, we read of the Cimbri binding them-
selves together by long chains run through their belts, avowedly for
the purpose of maintaining an unbroken line.' There is good reason
to suppose that the Soldurii of Gaul and the Comites of Germany
showed their devotion occasionally in a similar fashion.^
Even as late as the days of chivalry, we find a resort to the same
singular mode of showing a desperate resolve to die in the field.

See what the heroic king of Bohemia, together with his faithful and
devoted companions did at the glorious battle of Cregy :

"The valyant kynge of Behaygne (Bohemia), called Charles of

Luzenbourge, sonne to the noble Emperour Henry of Luzenbourge,
for all that he was nyghe blynde, whan he- vnderstode the order of
the batayle, he sayde to them about hym, ""Where is the lorde
Charles, my sonne." His men sayde, " Sir, we can nat tell ; we
thynke he be fightynge." Than he sayde, " Sirs, ye ar my men, my
companyons, and frendes in this ioumey I requyre you bring me

so farre forwarde, that I may stryke one stroke with my swerde."

They sayde they wolde do his commaundement ; and to the intent

that they shulde not lese hym in the prease, they iyed all their raynes

of their bridelles eehe to other, and sette the kynge before to accom-
plysshe his desyre, and so they went on their ennemyes. The lord
Charles of Behaygne, his sonne, who vrrote hymselfe Kynge of Be-
haygne, and bare the armes, he cam in good order to the batayle
but whan he sawe that the matter went awrie on their partie, he de-
parted, I can nat tell you whiche waye. The kynge, his father, was
so farre forewarde, that he strake a stroke with his swerde, ye and
mo than foure, and fought valyantly, and so dyde his company ; and

' Plutaroh, Marius, cap. 27.

' Caesar, Bell. Gall., Lib. iii. Cap. 22, vii. 40 ; Tacitus, Germania, Cap, 14
J. Schiller, Thesaw. Antiq. Teutonicarum, iii. pp. 38, 749.


they adventured themselfe so forewarde, that they were ther all

slayne and the next day they were founde in the place about the

kynge, and all their horses tyed eche to other "^

A cuiious instance occurred even lately, when Muhammad 'Ali
gained his victory over the Wahabis at Bissel. Several bodies of
the Azir Arabs, who had sworn by the oath of divorce, not to turn
their backs on the Turks, were found by the victors tied together by
the legs, with the intent of preventing each other from running
away, and in that unbroken and desperate line of battle were
literally cut to pieces.'

Barge, an Arabic word.

The term used by Biladuri to represent a vessel of war is Barija.

He uses the same word, in the plui-al, in speaking of the vessels
which were captured by the Meds, on their voyage from Ceylon to
to the Persian Gulf, an act of piracy which led to the Arab conquest
of Sind {supra, p. 118).
Biruni says also, a century later, that the Bawdrij are established
at Kachh and Somnat, and are so called because they devote them-
selves to the pursuit of piracy, in ships which are called Bera (svpra,

p. 65).' This is a native word still in use for a boat, but the origin
of the term Bawdrij must be sought, not in the Indian Bera, but
rather in the Arabic Barija, which Golius, on the authority of the
Kdmks, tells us to mean a large vessel of war.*
From the same source our English Barge seems to be derived,
which, though at first view it may appear rather a startling asser-
tion, will perhaps be admitted, when we see how our best ety-
mologists have failed in their endeavours to trace its real origin.

Johnson (Todd) says it is derived from old French Barje, or Barge,

and Low-Latin Barga. He should hare ascertained whence the
French Boirje is itself derived. Tooke says, Barge is a strong boat,
and Baric is a stout vessel, derived from the past participle of

1 Froissart's Chronicles, translated iy Lord Serners, Cap. 30, Vol. I. p. 157.

' Sir H. Brydges, Sistory of the Wahauiy, p. 91; Dr. Crichton, Riatory of
Arabia, p. 602.
See also Gildemeister, derei. Ind., p. 185.
i Nayis magna bellica. Lexicon Arabicd-Latimtm, s.r.


heorgan, "to protect," "to strengthen.'" Crabb says from Barea.'

Eicbardson, from the Gothic bairgan, " to fortify." Webster, from
Dutch Bargie. Palgraye tells us that the piratical boats of the
Danes were called Barga and Barha;^ and Barca is used by the
Monk Abbo, in his unpolished poem (a.d. 891) on the siege of Paris
by the Normans.
Barcas per flumina raptant.*
But we have no occasion to look for any connection between our
words Barh and Barge. The former is confessedly an old word,
the latter comparatively modem. The former is, indeed, much older
than even the Danish or Norman piracies. Paulinus, Bishop cf
Nola, who died a.d. 431, applies it thus :

TJt mea salubri Barca perfugio foret

Puppis superstes obnitse.'

In consequence of its use by Byzantine authors, altered into

BaKKa by Nicetas,^ Salmasius and J. C. Scaliger have sought for a
Grecian origin of the word, and the latter finds it in Bdpo';, quasi,
" a ship of burden." ' Others, again, say from " Barca, a city of
Africa;" and Eoderic of Toledo, from " Barco, a city of Spain."*
Our more immediate concern, however, is with Barge, respecting
which it is obvious to remark, that, though its present use is con-
fined to fluviatile transits and pageantries whether for the con-

veyance of coals or cockneys, merchandize or Lord Mayors it was,

on its first introduction, designed for higher purposes. Our oldest

writers apply it solely to sea-going- craft. Thus Chaucer :

He knew wel alle the havens, as they were,

Fro' Gotland to the Cape de Finistere,
And every creke ia Bretagne and in Spaine
His iarge ycleped was the Magdelaine.^

1 Diversions of Purley, Vol. II. p. 181.

2 Technological Dictionary, s.v.
' Quoting Hincmar " quas nostrates Sargas vocant." Sistory of Normandy and
England, Vol. I. p. 510.
* De bello Paris, Lib. ii. This poem was published in Latin and French, with
notes, by M. Taranne, in 1834.
' Fo'emata, 13. * Alex., Lib. i. Num. 7. ' Sxercitat., 71.
s De rebus Sispan., Lib. i. Cap. 5. These quotations are from Hofmann, Lexicon
Universale, Vol. I. p. 476. See also Ducange, Glossar. Med. et Inf. Latinitatis, vv.
' Prologue to the Canterbury Talts, v. 412.


Even as late as the fifteenth century, the great Swedish ship of

1000 tons burden was called the King's barge ' and the largest
vessel hitherto built in Scotland was called the Bishop's harge? But
what is more to the purpose is, that we do not find mention of the
word till the Crusades had introduced it, through the Arabic
lauguagCj into our vocabulary,^ and then only as a large ship, used
chiefly on military expeditions. So, in the very old Eomance of
Eichard Coeur de Lion :

Among you partes* every charge.

I brought in shippes and in barge,
More gold and silver with me,
Than has your lord and swilke^ three.

Again, a little further on :

Against hem comen her navey,

Cogges,' and dromounds,' many galley,

Barges, schoutes, and trayeres fele,'

That were charged with all weal,

With armoiu-, and with other vitail,

That nothing in the host should fail.'

Coupling this early and distinctive use of the term with the
fact of its being first used during the Holy Wars, and with the

unsatisfactory guesses of our lexicographers, we may safely conclude

that the English Barge is no other than the Arabic Bdrija, however
much it may now be diverted from the original design of its


> Rymer's JPcedera, Vol. 'SI. p. 364.

2 Mao Pherson's Annals of Commerce, Vol. I. p. 689.
3 Admitting that the g in the Low-Latin Sarga may have had the soft pronuncia-
tion of j, and that Barge is thence derived, we can still refer its origin to the Arabs
iu Spain. * Divide. * Such, * Cock-hoats.
' Large vessels of burthen. This word, though a Greek etymology is assigned to
it, is probably itself Arabic. MacPherson, Annals of Commerce, Vol. I. p. 352.
' Many long-boats.
^ EUis, jEarly English Metrical Eomanees, pp. 316, 324.


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