Characteristics of Secondary Flow Induced by 90° Elbow in Turbulent Pipe Flow
Characteristics of Secondary Flow Induced by 90° Elbow in Turbulent Pipe Flow
Characteristics of Secondary Flow Induced by 90° Elbow in Turbulent Pipe Flow
To cite this article: Jongtae Kim, Mohan Yadav & Seungjin Kim (2014) Characteristics of
Secondary Flow Induced by 90-Degree Elbow in Turbulent Pipe Flow, Engineering Applications of
Computational Fluid Mechanics, 8:2, 229-239, DOI: 10.1080/19942060.2014.11015509
^Severe Accident and PHWR Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,
Republic of Korea
# Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
*E-Mail: [email protected] (Corresponding Author)
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to characterize the swirling secondary flow in the downstream of a
pipe bend using a numerical simulation of the flow. The CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software
OpenFOAM is used to simulate the turbulent flow in pipes with elbow. Various turbulence models are benchmarked
with the existing experimental data and a comparative study is performed to select an appropriate turbulence model
for the analysis. Predictions made by the selected turbulence model are compared with the LDA (Laser Doppler
anemometer) measurements from the experiments currently conducted to find the dependency of the flows on the
Reynolds number. It is found that the swirl intensity of the secondary flow is a strong function of the radius of
curvature of the bend and a weak function of the Reynolds number. Additionally, it is found that the dissipation of
the swirl intensity is exponential in nature.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 106 turbulence model among the available turbulence
for the design of an aircraft duct. models in OpenFOAM CFD code.
Sudo et al. (1998) performed the experiments for
turbulent flow in a 90-degree-bent pipe with Rc/D 2. EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY AND
= 2. The study used a hot-wire anemometer to MEASUREMENT
measure streamwise velocity (Us) and
circumferential velocity (Uc) for a turbulent flow As mentioned above, the flow structure after an
with Reynolds number of 60,000. Al-Rafai et al. elbow depends on the Reynolds number and bend
(1990) performed an experimental and numerical curvature. An experiment is conducted to evaluate
study of a turbulent air flow in circular pipe bends its dependency on the Reynolds number.
to investigate the influence of Rc/D on the flow.
During the experiments, two bends with Rc/D =
3.49 and Rc/D = 6.975 were used, and the flow
had the Reynolds number of 34,132. Homicz
(2004) performed numerical simulations of the
flow through a 90-degree elbow with a Rc/D =1.4
at a Reynolds number of 5.4105 to validate the
Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) test
conducted by Korea Atomic Energy Research
Institute (KAERI). These simulations and FAC
tests are used to better characterize the flow-
accelerated corrosion/erosion in the pipe elbows. Fig. 1 Experimental facility and locations of LDA
More recently, Tanaka et al. (2009) applied a measurement.
large eddy simulation (LES) approach using a
standard Smagorinsky model with a wall function A schematic diagram of the experimental setup,
law for flows in elbows with various Rc/D at as well as the co-ordinate system used for the
several Reynolds number conditions. current study, is shown in Fig. 1. The detailed
Most of the above-mentioned studies focused description of the test facility is presented in
only on the flow structure in the immediate previous studies (Yadav, 2013) and only
vicinity of the elbow and only a limited number characteristic features of the test facility are
of studies investigated the flow in the downstream presented here. The experimental facility consists
region of the elbows (Sudo et al., 1998; Al-Rafai of both upstream and downstream sections
et Al., 1990). The knowledge of the flow structure constructed from 50.8mm inner diameter (D)
in the downstream region of the elbow is of acrylic pipes and interconnected by a 90 glass
significant importance to understand the elbow. The elbow has a radius of curvature of
dissipation characteristics of the secondary flow 152.4mm (3D), and the lengths of the upstream
and to accurately assess the development of the and downstream sections are 3.35m (L/D = 66)
flow structure. Additionally, an understanding of and 9.1m (L/D = 180), respectively. A laser
the dissipation characteristics is important in leveling system and a digital level are employed
evaluating the length required for the elbow to ensure the alignment of both the upstream and
effects to be dissipated and in modeling the downstream sections within 0.1. The flow rate
effects associated with flow restrictions. for the experiments is measured by an
In view of the above, the objectives of the current electromagnetic flow meter, with an accuracy of
study are to perform experimental and numerical 0.5% of the full-scale reading.
studies on turbulent pipe flows after 90-degree
elbows and to characterize the secondary flows Table 1 Specifications of LDA employed for
induced by the 90-degree elbows including the experiments.
dissipation characteristics. In order for that, it is
necessary to choose an appropriate turbulence Measurement Length 300 mm
model specifically for the turbulent flow in a pipe
with an elbow. Unexpectedly, there are few Beam width 2.0 mm
papers which are devoted to a numerical study of Measurement Volume 0.1 (mm)0.1 (mm)1.0 (mm)
the turbulent pipe flow through an elbow. In this
study, a quantitative assessment method based on Maximum Velocity 27 m/s
hit rate using the experimental data of Sudo et al.
Measurable Velocity Fluctuation From 0.7 m/s to 4.6 mm/s.
(1998) is applied to choose an appropriate
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
An integrated Laser Doppler anemometer (LDA), and curvature radius of the bend. To evaluate the
which is capable of one-dimensional velocity dependencies, the experiment of Sudo et al.
measurements, is used to measure the axial water (1998) was referenced. In their experiment, a
velocity. The light beam in the LDA is generated bend with a curvature radius of 2D was used, and
by 35 mW laser with a wavelength of 600 nm. the flow velocity was measured at a Reynolds
The principal characteristics of the LDA are listed number of 60000 based on the pipe diameter and
in Table 1. It should be noted that due to the bulk velocity. The experimental facility used in
difference in the refractive index of air, acrylic, this study is equipped with an elbow of 3D
and water, the LDA measurement volume inside curvature radius. The test condition of Run1 is
the pipe is shifted by a finite amount. This shift is chosen with a bulk velocity of 1 m/s to obtain a
accounted for by employing Snells law. The similar Reynolds number. The experiment of
tracking/seeding particles consist of Polyamide Sudo et al. (1998) and Run1 in the present
particles with a size distribution of around 20m experiments were conducted at a similar Reynolds
and specific gravity of 1.04. To ensure the number with different curvature radii of 2D and
statistical reliability of the measurements, a 3D, respectively. The conditions of other tests,
minimum of 5000 samples are measured at each Run 2 and Run 3, are chosen by doubling the bulk
local point and the validation of the burst signals velocity to scrutinize the effect of the Reynolds
was above 98%. number.
As indicated in Fig. 1, the measurements are
performed at 13D upstream of the elbow (53D 3. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF
from inlet) to figure out a fully-developed TURBULENT FLOWS IN 90-DEGREE-
velocity profile and 3.5D, 10D, and 50D BENT PIPE
downstream of the elbow in the downstream
section. The LDA is mounted on a two- The turbulent flow in a 90-degree-bent pipe is
dimensional traversing system, which has a complicated by the secondary flow, which is
resolution of 1m in both traversing directions. generated by an imbalance of the centrifugal force
This traversing system is further attached to a and pressure gradient in the radial direction of the
plate, which is designed with mounting holes at bend curvature. Additionally, the streamwise flow
every 22.5 in the azimuthal direction. As such, is distorted by the existence of adverse pressure
the LDA along with the traversing system can be gradient along the convex wall of the pipe bend.
attached to the mounting plate to measure the These make an accurate numerical simulation of
velocity across entire pipe cross-section. Along the flow difficult, especially for turbulent flows
each azimuthal direction, the LDA is traversed to with high Reynolds number. To select an
obtain measurements at 23 radial positions. These appropriate turbulence model for the numerical
radial positions are selected such that a finer simulation of a turbulent flow in a pipe with an
measurement mesh is obtained in the near wall elbow, validation of the numerical results from
region, where a higher velocity gradient is turbulence models is very important. In the
expected. current study, the experiments conducted by Sudo
et al. (1998) on the turbulent flows in a bent pipe
Table 2 List of flow conditions investigated in current are used to validate the turbulence models. In
study. addition, the selection criteria which involve a
quantitative assessment are used to perform a
Test No. Ub [m/s] Re comparative study among the tested turbulence
models. The selected turbulence model is then
Run1 1.00 50800 used for evaluation of swirl characteristics in the
Run2 2.00 101600
downstream of an elbow.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
of the bend to provide a fully developed turbulent pipe cross-section is constructed with
flow to the bend. The experiments were quadrilateral cells. The constructed mesh of the
performed with air as the working fluid and flow bent pipe is shown in Fig. 3 where the surface
Reynolds number Re = 60000. The study used a mesh near the pipe exit is magnified to visualize
hot-wire anemometer to measure the streamwise the orthogonality of the mesh. The value of the
velocity (US) and circumferential velocity (UC) at non-dimensional distance from the pipe wall
several locations along the pipe. based on the friction velocity , Y+, for a near-wall
The open source CFD code OpenFOAM cell is strictly controlled to be in the range of 20 ~
(OpenCFD, 2012) is used to simulate Sudo et al.s 50, when a wall-function is used. However, the
experiments. OpenFOAM solves the Y+ value for a near-wall cell is set below 1 in the
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations case without a wall-function. The distribution of
discretized in the context of the cell-centered mesh cells along the streamwise direction is
finite volume method (FVM). Numerical selected based on iterative grid-dependency tests.
solutions are iteratively sought by pressure So, the mesh size used in this study is depending
correction method named SIMPLE algorithm. on the use of a wall function. The mesh used for a
The standard k- turbulence model is applied to high-Re turbulence model is composed of
choose a suitable convective scheme and under- 152,150 hexahedral cells. But for a low-Re
relaxation parameters of the discretized equations. turbulence model, the number of cells is 562,080.
The computational domain is composed of an Fig. 4 shows the numerical results of the Sudo et
upstream pipe with 20D length and a downstream al.s experiment by using the standard k-
pipe with 50D length connected to an elbow as turbulence model. Fig. 4a is streamwise velocity
shown in Fig. 2. The boundary conditions at pipe profiles on cut-planes near the elbow, and Fig. 4b
inlet are set as follows: Velocity is fixed with a is streamlines to show the swirling flow. From the
fully developed power-law profile which is from figures, it can be expected that the primary
the experimental data of Zagarola and Smits streamwise flow and secondary swirling flow are
(1999) for fully developed turbulence pipe flow. correlated in the elbow pipe flow.
The values of the turbulent kinetic energy and its
dissipation rate are calculated from the inlet
turbulence intensity (5% of inlet bulk velocity in
this study) and pipe diameter.
(a) (b)
The mesh for the bent pipe is generated by Fig. 5 Comparisons of streamwise velocity
stacking a two-dimensional unstructured mesh of components along symmetric lines at x/D=0,
pipe cross-section along the streamwise direction x/D=0.5, x/D=1, x/D=2, and x/D=5. Solid
to minimize the non-orthogonality of the mesh. line: standard k- turbulence model, +:
The two-dimensional unstructured mesh of the Experimental data of Sudo et al. (1998).
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
A comparison between the calculated and Figs. 6 and 7 show the streamwise and
measured streamwise velocity profiles along the circumferential velocity components, respectively,
symmetric lines (i.e. =90) in the downstream along the cross lines (i.e. =0) in the downstream
region of the elbow are shown in Fig. 5. In the region of the bend pipe. The circumferential
figure, the positive and negative r/D indicates the velocity component means secondary or swirling
outer and inner part from the center of the circular velocity component. The velocity profiles along
pipe section, respectively. It should be noted that the cross lines are predicted well at different
the horizontal length of the legend + used for locations in the downstream region of the elbow.
the measured data in Fig. 5 indicates a 10% error
range normalized by the bulk velocity. It is found 3.1.2 Assessment of turbulence models
that the streamwise velocity components from the
standard k- turbulence model agree very well The main objective of the present study is to
with the measured data in the outer region with characterize the secondary flow in the
positive radii. On the contrary, some downstream of the elbow through numerical
discrepancies between the numerical and simulations. As such, after selection of mesh size,
measured data in the inner region with negative suitable convective scheme and under-relaxation
radii are observed. These discrepancies may arise parameters, it is of great importance to select
due to the adverse pressure gradient near the inner appropriate turbulence model that can simulate
wall of the pipe bend. the flow across the elbow accurately.
In view of this, OpenFOAM contains various
turbulence models, which include one-equation
and two-equation models based on Boussinesq
assumption, Reynolds stress transport model
(RSTM), and large eddy simulation (LES). It is
still challenging to apply LES for a high Reynolds
number turbulent flow in a very long pipe. In this
study, the RSTM turbulence models are excluded
from the assessment because of numerical and
turbulence model problems in obtaining an
acceptable solution, and remain as future work.
For the assessment, only the linear and non-linear
eddy-viscosity turbulence models are considered.
In Table 3, the turbulence models to be used for
Fig. 6 Comparisons of streamwise velocity
the assessment are listed.
components along cross lines at x/D=1, x/D=3,
x/D=5, x/D=7, and x/D=10. Solid line: standard
k- turbulence model, +: Experimental data of Table 3 Turbulence models used for simulation of
Sudo et al.s experiment.
Sudo et al. (1998).
No Abbr. Turbulence model
1 SKE Standard k- with wall function
2 EKE Extended k- with wall function (Chen and
Kim, 1987)
3 RNGKE RNG k- with wall function (Yakhot and
Orszag, 1986)
4 RKE Realizable k- with wall function (Shih et al.,
5 KMSST k- SST with wall function (Menter, 1994))
6 SNKE Shihs nonlinear k- with wall function (Shih
and Zhu, 1993)
7 LCKE Lien cubic k- with wall function (Lien et al.,
8 LSLOW Launder-sharma low-Re k- (Launder and
Sharma, 1974)
Fig. 7 Comparisons of circumferential velocity 9 LBLOW Lam-Bremhorst low-Re k- (Lam and
components along cross lines at x/D=0, Bremhorst, 1981)
x/D=0.5, x/D=1, x/D=2, and x/D=5. Solid line: 10 LCLOW Lien cubic low-Re k- (Lien et al., 1996)
standard k- turbulence model, +: Experimental 11 LLLOW Lien-Leschziner low-Re k- (Lien and
Leschziner, 1993)
data of Sudo et al. (1998).
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
x xi
k = i=1
where xi, xmax, and N represent the hit rate for the
ith turbulence model, maximum hit rate and the
number of turbulence models used in the
assessment, respectively
It is found that RNGKE has consistently greater
than average hit rates for the assessment of all the
Fig. 13 Comparisons of streamwise velocity three velocity profiles. Although SNKE has
components for Run1 case (Ub=1m/s) along highest number of hits for the streamwise velocity
cross (=0) lines at x/D=3.5, 10, and 50. along the symmetric lines, it does not predict
other velocity profiles satisfactorily. Therefore,
SNKE is not considered for the final calculations.
Four turbulence models namely, EKE, RNGKE,
RKE, and KMSST satisfy the criterion based on
the deviation from the maximum hit rate. In order
to select a single turbulence model out of these
four, the selection criterion is changed to reduce
the range of deviation by 2/3 of . Based on this
quantitative assessment RNGKE turbulence
model is selected for investigating the flow in the
elbow. This is consistent with the previous study
(Homicz, 2004), which has shown that RNGKE
turbulence model performs better than SKE for
Fig. 14 Dependency of streamwise velocity flow in bends. Also in the simulation of
components on Reynolds number along cross Rahimzadeh et al. (2012) of a turbulent flow over
lines (=0) at x/D=3.5, 10, and 50, : Exp. circular spillways, it is seen that RNGKE
Run1 (Ub=1m/s, Re=50,800), : Exp. Run 2
turbulence model gives very similar results to
(Ub=2m/s, Re=101,600), +: Exp. Run 3
(Ub=4m/s, Re=203,200). experiment and RSTM model.
lines, the streamwise velocity is predicted well by 3.2 Analysis of current experiment
most of the turbulence models except SNKE and The experiment on a turbulent flow in a pipe with
LCKE. The low-Re number turbulence models a 90-degree-bent elbow conducted in this study is
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)
very similar trend of decay even with different The swirl intensities at the exit of the elbows for
Reynolds numbers. However, in the case of Al- the five cases (one for Sudo et al.s study, three
Rafai et al.s larger bend (6.975D), it decays very for the current experiments, and two for Al-Rafai
quickly compared to the other cases. et al.s study) are compared in Figs. 20 and 21. It
is observed that the swirl intensity at the exit of
the elbows has a weak dependence on the flow
Reynolds number and a higher dependence on the
radius of curvature of the bend. However,
additional studies are necessary to provide a
correlation between swirl intensity and the elbow
radius of curvature.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 2 (2014)