Allied Bank
Allied Bank
Allied Bank
I /we request issuance of form-7 (under Emigration Rules 1979) as per appended details:
A. Depositor Details
B. Intending Emigrant(s) Details (List attached for more than one intending Emigrant)
D. Deposit Details
Account # Cheque #
All claims against any Form-7 will only be processed after endorsement by the concerned Protector of
Emigrant, Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment (BE&OE) Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis &
Signature of the depositor)
I refer to the deposit Rs, 6000/= rupees six thousand only) is case
Made by me with you to be held by you in margin account and hereby irrevocably authorizes
Rs, 6000/=
N.B (i) even if depositor is himself the intending emigrant they should still write his name and
full address in the appropriate column.
(ii) While writing down the name of the promoters, the full name and complete address of
the office which is processing will process the application would be given in the
appropriate column.