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Engine lubrication system 18

18 Engine lubrication system

Job No.

Oil circuit, oil pressure, overpressure and bypass valve ................... ....... 18 - 005
Measuring oil consumption ....................................... ....... 1 8 - 0 2 5
Removal and installation of oil filter ................................. ........ - 110
Removal and installation of oil pump ................................ ........ - 210
Removal and installation of oil overpressure valve ...................... ........ - 215
Checking oil level indicator ....................................... ........ - 220
Function of low engine oil level indicator ............................. ........ - 225

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18-005 Oil circuit, oil pressure, overpressure and bypass valve, oil filter

Oil circuit

190 160

pl6 - 0 0 7 2 - 5 6



14 011 overpressure valve 60 011 pipe

16 011 pump 160 Camshaft
51 Oil filter 190 Idler gear shaft
52 011 pressure gauge


Viscosity grades for engine oils according to SAE

Adhering to the SAE grades in accordance with ambient temperatures would result in frequent orl
changes. Consequently, the temperature ranges are merely guidelines, which can be exceeded in the
upper or lower limrts for brief periods.
In moderate climatic zones SAE 30 may be used from the spring on for all engine models. SAE low-40
or SAE IOW-50 may be used as an all-seasons 011 for all gasoline engines.


Oil capacity in liters (approved engine oils see Service Product Specifications).
Engine (total capacity when refilling) 5,s
Engine capacity when changing oil and filter 5,o
Oil sump, max.!min. 4,8i2,8

Opening pressures of oil overpressure and oil filter element bypass valve bar gauge pressure
Oil overpressure valve in timing case cover 4,5-0,8
Oil filter element bypass valve in oil filter (difference pressure) 35

Function of oil circuit

The oil is drawn off at the lowest point of the oil

sump through the strainer basket and the oil
suction pipe (7) to the suction chamber (B) and
pumped into the tooth gaps, which produce
pressure chamber (A) as a result of the
eccentric arrangement of the oil pump gears (1
and 2).

To ensure that the oil remains in the tooth gaps

on its way from the suction to the pressure
chamber, a sickle (a) is attached between both
gears in this area.

1 Inner 011 pump gear
2 Outer 011 pump gear v lla
3 Oil pump cover
7 Suction pipe
11 M6 x30 bolt (9 off) 0
lla Ton: bolt - _ -i--44
14 Overpressure valve
15 Compression spnng
16 Screw plug
\ 1
17 Seal
22 Dnve sleeve
44 Timing case cover

Pressure chamber
Suction chamber
Damplng chamber
To 011 filter

16.09-005 3

The teeth mesh again at the end of the Oil filter

pressure chamber and force the oil out of the The oil coming from the feed passage (A) flows
tooth gaps. through the feed and discharge hose in the
contact-pressure plate (16) into the replaceable
The oil flows from the pressure chamber (A) cartridge.
along the feed passage (d) in the timing case
cover and crankcase to the oil filter. As a result of the oil pressure, the rubber
diaphragm (15) is raised and the oil flows
Pressure chamber (A) and vacuum chamber (6) through the filter element (8) from the outside to
are linked by the oil overpressure valve. the inside (arrows).

From an oil overpressure of approx. 4 bar, the On the inside, the valve plate (9) is opened as a
piston (14) of the oil overpressure valve is result of the pressure of the filtered oil. The oil
pushed against the force of the compression flows through the connection fitting (3) to the
spring (15) and opens the relief cross-section, gallery (C) and on to the main oil gallery in the
through which part of the oil flows back to the crankcase.
suction chamber (B), depending on oil pressure.

As the piston (14) is moved, the oil in chamber

(C) is displaced and flows through the relief
grooves on the outside of the piston to the
suction chamber (B).

1 011 filter bottom section

2 Replaceable cartrrdge
3 Connectron fitting
4 Valve cone
5 Compressron spring
6 Spring plate
7 Locking nng
6 Falter element
9 Valve plate
10 Valve plate carrrer
11 Compressron spring
12 Valve holder
13 Compressron spring
14 Spring plate
15 Rubber diaphragm
16 Contact-pressure plate
17 Seal
A Feed from 011 pump
0 Unfiltered 011 to mam oil
C Faltered oil to mam 011
D Connectron for electrical oil
pressure sensor

18 09.005,4

The two check valves (9-12 and 13-16) prevent

the filter cartridge from running empty when the
engine is switched off and when changing the

The bypass valve (4-7) opens when the

difference pressure between dirty and clean oil
side exceeds 3 bar. This is the case if the filter
element is severely fouled. The oil then flows
through the gallery (B) unfiltered to the main oil

When changing the filter, a slight quantity of oil

flows out of the replaceable cartridge despite the
check valves, which flows together with oil from
the bottom of the oil filter along the galleries (A
and C) to the engine.

Oil supply of chain tensioner

The oil flows through a passage which branches
off vertically up the way at the front of the main
oil gallery, to the cylinder head, flows in a cross
groove (arrow) to a vertical feed passage in
crankcase and on to the chain tensioner.

1 Crankcase
36 Chain tensioner housing
37 Thrust pin 39
38 Detent spnng 38
39 Compresston spnng
40 Cap nut 37
41 Seal 36
a Feed passage 1 .l mm dia.
b Restnction passage 1.2 mm

Lubrication of valve timing

The oil coming from the main oil gallery in the
crankcase, flows through a 4.5 mm dia. jet (A) I
installed in the cylinder head, and through the
annular gap (arrows) direct to the longitudinal
gallery (a) in the cylinder head (pressure-
oriented oil feed). This oil supply system ensures
that the oil pressure prevailing downstream of
the oil filter depending on the operating state,
always exists at the hydraulic valve clearance
compensating elements. In addition, the nozzle
(A) serves as an oil return flow stop which
prevents the longitudinal passage (a) and the
valve clearance compensating elements running

Part of the oil flows through the restriction

passage (g) with dia. of 2.5 mm and the two
grooves (arrows) in the rear rocker arm bearing
bracket to the rear camshaft bearing and there
into the hollow-drilled camshaft. The oil flows
through the camshaft to the other camshaft
bearings (flow-oriented oil feed).

The rocker arm bearing points are lubricated

from the longitudinal passage (a) in the cylinder
head and the hydraulic valve clearance
compensating elements supplied with oil (b) from
there through a passage in the rocker arm.

The cam lubrication is provided through the oil

pipe (d) bolted to the rear camshaft bearing.



Lubrication of idler gear shaft and ignition

distributor drive

The oil flows from the front camshaft bearing

through a cross passage to the left front cylinder
head bolt bore and from there along a cross
groove (e) to the feed passage in the crankcase.

The oil flows on to the rear bearing bush (17) of

the idler gear shaft and through the hollow-drilled
idler gear shaft (18b) to the front bearing bush
(6) in the timing case cover (44).

The ignition distributor drive (18) is lubricated by

splash oil.

The cam (18d) which is press-fitted to the rear

end of the idler shaft gear on engines
102.9221924 (non-U.S.) and drives the fuel
pump, is lubricated by the oil splash jet (13).

i 17 18d

Oil return

Four return passages (arrows) are provided on

the righthand side of the cylinder head (looking
in direction of travel) for the oil return to the
sump; part of the oil flows back through the
chain box.



In the crankcase, the oil flowing back is passed

along an oil collecting gallery (arrows) to the cast
return passage.
From here, it flows into the oil pan.

Oil pressure and oil pressure gauge

At normal operating temperature, the oil pressure
at idling speed must drop to 0.3 bar gauge

When the accelerator is depressed, the oil

pressure must immediately rise again and be at
least 3 bar gauge pressure at 3000 rpm.

The oil pressure gauge in the instrument cluster

is actuated electrically by an oil pressure sensor
which is bolted onto the oil filter housing (arrow).

When the ignition is switched on, the gauge in
the instrument cluster is constantly energized.
Ground is applied in the gauge through the
pressure sensor. As the pressure increases, the
ohm resistance of the pressure sensor increases
and thus alters the gauge reading.

Resistances of pressure sensor as a function

of oil pressure.

Pressure (bar) 0 1 2 3
Resistance approx. Sz 10 69 129 184


Checking oil level

The oil level depends, among other factors, on
the oil temperature and on the time for the oil to
flow back after the engine is switched off. For
this reason, do not measure oil level until approx.
5 minutes after switching off the engine from
normal operating temperature (approx. 80 C oil
The dipstick must always be withdrawn and
wiped off before checking the oil level.

To properly assess the oil level, the dipstick

must be viewed from both sides. The
determining factor is always the clear horizontal
indication of the dipstick (arrow).


18 09-0059

18-025 Measuring oil consumption

Special tools

Oil consumption should be calculated with the
dipstick with millimeter graduations and the
related test sheet. It should not exceed 1.0
Ii1000 km.

The procedure for measuring oil consumption is

described on the front of the test sheet. It is
essential to properly observe this procedure.

Oil consumption indicated in mm on the dipstick

should be read off on the basis of the diagram
on the rear of the test sheet in ems.

r Caution
To avoid any incorrect measurements, check
whether the engine oil has been diluted with fuel
before measuring oil consumption.



18-110 Removal and installation of oil filter

Preceding work:
Air filter removed (09-400 and 09-410).

J P18-0050-35A

Replaceable cartridge (1) ................. unbolt, bolt on, special tool

103 589 02 09 00.

Tighten replaceable cartridge by hand, then
tighten a further l/4 turns (90) (step 2).
Plug (54) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for oil pressure sensor, detach, plug in.
Oil filter base (2) ........................ unbolt, bolt on, tightening torque 25 Nm (step
Gasket (59) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . replace.
Sealing surfaces ........................ clean, seal main oil gallery for this step, open
(step 5).
Run engine ........................... check for leaks.


Special tools

5897221 I

M 102 engines are equipped with an oil filter with
replaceable cartridge (disposable filter).
When changing the filter, the replaceable
cartridge is unscrewed and replaced with a new

The initial operation and continuous operation

cartridges were of different sizes up to 5188.

A lnltlal operation replaceable cartridge

B Continuous operation replaceable cartndge

The housing of oil pressure sensor has been

modified to provide adequate clearance for the
speedometer shaft.

A Previous version
B Present version

18.09-I 1012

Standard implementation: December 1984

Model Engine Engine end No. Vehicle ident end No.
Man. trm. Autom. trm.
Non-U.S. version vehicles 102.924 005181 001370 A 170601 F 063039
102.962 016655 007928 F 063008

201.024 @ 102.985 000782 006991 F 066585

The initial operation oil filter replaceable cartridge

has been modified (same size as continuous
operation filter) to achieve standardization with
engine 103.

Removal and installation

1 Remove and install air filter

(09-400 and 09-410).

2 Remove and install oil filter replaceable

cartridge, special tool 103 589 02 09 00.

Apply a light coating of oil to gasket (arrows)
before installing the replaceable cartridge.

Screw on replaceable cartridge and tighten by


Then tighten a further l/4 turns (90) with the

wrench socket.

18 09-11013

3 Disconnect plug (arrow) for oil pressure

sensor, plug in.

4 Unscrew oil filter base section, screw on,

tightening torque 25 Nm.

5 Clean sealing surfaces on oil filter and


For this purpose, seal the bores on the

crankcase, open (arrows).

6 Run engine, check for leaks.


18-210 Removal and installation of oil pump

Preceding work:
Timing case cover removed (01210).


Oil pickup (7) with strainer basket . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt, bolt on, tightening torque 10 Nm (step
Gasket (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . replace.
Oil pump cover (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unbolt, bolt on, tightening torque 10 Nm (step

Re-install Torx bolt at the same point (for space
O-ring (10) . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . replace.
Oil pump gears (1 and 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove, insert, oil.
Driver sleeve (22) ,.................,.,.. if removed, install before fitting timing case

18 09-.210/l

Special tool

The two oil pump gears (1 and 2) are arranged
eccentrically in the timing case cover (44).

The oil pump gears (1 and 2) are driven by the

drive sleeve (22) which has two faces on the
outer surface for this purpose and is attached by
the central bolt to the crankshaft, which also
holds the vibration damper or the hub with belt
pulley and the crankshaft gear on the crankshaft.

The bore of the driven, externally toothed gear

(1) has the identical contour as the outer surface
of the drive sleeve.

The oil pump gears are supplied as

replacement parts only together (rotor set).

The oil pump cover (3) is attached to the rear of

the timing case cover (44). It is fixed in place on
the timing case cover (44) with a centering

18 09-21012

The sealing ring (12) seals the connection fitting

at the oil pump cover (oil feed) to the oil passage
in the crankcase.

The jump overlock for the timing chain is also

cast onto the oil pump cover.

Oil suction pipe together with oil strainer basket

is bolted to the oil pump cover (13) with a gasket

The oil suction pipe with oil strainer basket is

additionally attached by means of a bracket (8)
to the main bearing cover (arrows).

The timing case cover has been modified with

the installation of the double roller timing chain
(as of November 1987).
The contours on the rear have been lowered.

A Previous version
I3 Present version

In addition, it has a different rib pattern on the

top. The jump overlock (i) is wider and the
connection fitting (K) longer.


The drive sleeve for oil pump is manufactured

from sintered metal, previously from steel.

Implementation: August through December 1985

Model Engine Engine end Nos. Engine end Nos. Vehicle ident end No.
Man. trm. Autom. trm.

201.024 @ 102.985 002517-003158 002505028724 F 137963- ;F 182815

. End of implementation not recorded.

2 mm wider pump gears (1, 2) are installed to

improve the delivery of the oil pump.

Sue B previously 7.5 mm

now 9.5 mm

18 09-210.4

Removal and installation

1 Timing case cover removed (01-210).

2 Unbolt oil pickup together with strainer

basket (7) bolt on. Replace gasket.

Tightening torque: 10 Nm

3 Unbolt oil pump cover, bolt on, replace O-

ring (10).

Tightening torque: 10 Nm

As of implementation of the flatter oil pump
cover, a Torx bolt (15) is installed for space

Tightening torque: 10 Nm

4 Remove oil pump gears, insert, oil with

engine oil for this purpose.

The oil pump gears may only be replaced as a

If the driver sleeve (22) has been removed, this

can be inserted after installing the timing case


5 Check oil level, adjust to correct level if


6 Run engine, check oil pressure and oil leaks.


18-215 Removal and installation of oil overpressure (bypass) valve

Preceding work:
Removal and installation of V-belt (13-342).
Removal and installation of V-belt tensioning device (13-345).

Screw plug (16) ........................ unscrew, screw on, special tool

103 589 01 09 00. Tightening torque 30 Nm.

Screw plug is pressurized by compression
spring. Replace seal (17).
Oil overpressure valve (14) .....,........,. remove, insert.

Check that oil overpressure valve is in proper
condition and moves easily in timing case cover,
clean bore if necessary and replace oil
overpressure valve.
With engine running . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . check for leaks.


Special tools

001 589 72 21 00 103 58901 0900

The oil overpressure valve is installed at the side
(on the left looking in direction of travel) in the
timing case cover and connects pressure
chamber (A), and suction chamber (B) of the oil


14 P1storl
15 Compression spring
16 Screw plug
17 Seal

A Pressure chamber
B Suction c h a m b e r


From an oil overpressure of approx. 4 bar, the

piston (14) is pushed against the force of the
compression spring (15) and opens the relief
cross-section along which part of the oil flows
back to the suction chamber (B), depending on

When the piston (14) is moved, the oil which is

on the rear of the piston in chamber (C) is
displaced and flows through the relief grooves on
the outside of piston likewise to the suction
chamber (B).


18-220 Checking oil level indicator

Model 201


O.Sbr/vs -
0 .75br/gn
;;iX5/2 - I - - -

- 0,5br/ws

B5 S42

Wiring diagram engine oil level indicator, engine coolant level indicator, windshield washer level
Al Instrument cluster Pt Engine coolant temperature gauge
el Left turn-signal indicator P2 Fuel gauge
e2 Right turn-signal indicator P9 Oil pressure gauge
e3 High beam indicator P7 Electronrc clock/tachometer
64 Fuel reserve warning lamp B5 011 pressure gauge sensor
e5 Battery charge Indicator S41 Engine coolant level Indicator lamp swatch
e6 Brake pad wear indicator lamp 542 Windsshield washer level indicator lamp swatch
87 Brake fluid and parking brake indicator lamp S43 011 level Indicator lamp swatch
e6 Instrument lightrng W1 Main ground (behind instrument cluster)
811 Engrne coolant level indicator lamp X5/2 Connector, Intenor/starter 4-pin
e12 Oil level Indicator lamp
el3 Windscreen washer indicator lamp


Test data
Resistance at max. oil level
Resistance at min. oil level
Battery voltage approx. 12 V

Commercial tool
Multimeter e.g. Sun, DMM-5

If problems occur as for example:

A. Indicator lights up constantly when

engine running and oil at correct level.

B. Indicator lamp does not light up when

key in position 2.

C. Indicator lamp does not light up when

engine running, oil temperature ~60 C
and oil level below min.


A. Indicator lamp lights up constantly

when engine running and oil at correct

Test oil level sensor. Detach connector. Test

connector to ground with multimeter.

Reading: < 1 s1

Yes No

Replace oil level sensor.




Test cable. Remove instrument cluster for this Modul 102 Format 1 ,O (77x58 mm)
purpose. Test resistance with ohmmeter
between contact 5 of 15pin connector and
contact of oil level sensor.

Reading: < 1 Q


Yes I No
Bild-Nr. P18-0076-13

Replace indicating instrument.

B. Indicator lamp does not light up when

key in position 2 (check function).

Check operation of bulb.

Yes No

Remove instrument cluster. Measure voltage

with multimeter at contacts 6 and 9 of the 15-
pin connector.

Reading: approx. 12 V

Yes No


Replace indicating instrument.


C. Indicator lamp does not light up when

engine running, oil temperature ~60 C
and oil level below min, check
function section B in order.

I Test oil level sensor. Detach connector for this
purpose. Test connector to ground with

Reading: 00 Q I
Yes No

Replace indicating instrument.

I End of test I


18-225 Function of low engine oil level indicator

1 instrument cluster
5 lgnhon lock
351 Oil level sensor

a Electronics
b 8A fuse

Oil level sensor in oil sump (351).

Indicator lamp in instrument cluster. Symbol:

dripping oil can (1).

Electronics at instrument cluster (a).

The dynamic low engine oil level indicator
monitors the oil level in the sump when the
engine is running and at an oil temperature
above 60 C.

No indication is given below 60 C.

The low engine oil level indicator lights up when

the ignition is switched on (check function) and
goes out as soon as the engine is running.

The low engine oil level indicator shows a weak

light for the check function and a bright light in
the event of a fault.


The oil level in the sump is detected by a float

(358) with permanent magnet (359) installed in
the oil level sensor. Within the minimum range of
the dipstick, the float opens the Reed contact
(360) and a signal from the electronics in the
instrument cluster is interrupted. The indicator
lamp lights up.

27 011 sump
351 Oil level sensor 360
352 &metal snap disk 361
356 Float 352
359 Permanent magnet
360 Reed contact
365 0-nng
a Air admIssIon passage 8 mm
b Dscharge passage 4 mm dia.

The same also occurs in the event of a cable


When the oil level drops, the indicator lamp

lights up first of all briefly and later shows a
steady light, depending on the driving style.

To avoid unnecessary warnings in various driving

situations, e.g. a sharp lefthand curve, the
electronics is equipped with a delay circuit. It
prevents the indicator lamp from lighting up until
an oil shortage has been signaled for 60

To avoid incorrect indications when the engine is

cold (viscous oil flows back only slowly to the
sump), the oil level sensor is equipped with a
bimetal snap disk (352). This prevents the float
chamber above the discharge passage (b)
running empty at low temperatures.


Switching points of bimetal snap disk

Opens at approx. 60 C oil temperature.

Closes at approx. 30 C oil temperature.

When changing the oil, the float chamber above

the air admission passage (1) is filled with oil.
Any subsequent faulty indications are thus not

The oil level indicator is designed so that the

indicator lamp lights up just before the min
marking on the dipstick (safety margin).

Maintenance and repair instructions

The oil level indicator does not eliminate the
need for checking the oil level with the dipstick
when changing the oil.

The oil level sensor (351) can be removed when

the oil sump is installed. Drain approx. 2 liters of
engine oil for this purpose.


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