Heating & Cooling System Upgrades
Heating & Cooling System Upgrades
Heating & Cooling System Upgrades
P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774
[email protected]
Heating and cooling systems are the largest single consumers of energy in buildings.
These systems condition the air within a building so that occupants are comfortable.
Heating and cooling systems consist mainly of chillers, boilers, cooling towers, and
pumps. There are central heating and cooling systems, and unitary systems that
combine heating and cooling. Opportunities exist for improvement to both central
and unitary systems.
The heat flow diagram (Figure 1) illustrates how, you can capitalize on the heating,
cooling, and electrical load reductions you have realized through your upgrades in the
other stages of an integrated approach. The cumulative effect of these various load
reductions now allows you to install heating and cooling systems that are both more
energy efficient and properly sized to accommodate appropriate loads.
Heating and Cooling System Upgrades chapter will help you identify the
opportunities for improving the performance of your heating and cooling system
based on the type of system that you have in place. Best Ways to Save and Take
Action provide checklists for cooling and heating upgrade opportunities and benefits.
The Heating and Cooling Survey Appendix will assist you with evaluating the current
condition of your systems and opportunities for improvement.
Heat Flow In Buildings: Building Systems Interactions
Figure 2 shows the interaction of heating, cooling, and electrical loads with the HVAC
equipment. Arrows indicate heat flow pathways. Reducing heating, cooling, and
electrical loads reduces the demand on HVAC equipment, thus saving energy.
Reduce noise.
Lower first costs for equipment.
Reduce equipment footprint.
Eliminate CFCs.
Optimize equipment operation
Take Action!
1. Measure your existing heating and cooling loads. To begin, see the Heating and
Cooling Survey (Appendix). Contact an engineering services firm for the more
complex load measurement tasks.
2. Total the reduction in cooling load achieved by your efforts from the previous
Eliminating CFCs:
Headache Or Opportunity?
CFC refrigerant production was phased out by law in 1996. As existing stock of CFCs
dwindle and become more expensive, conversion to or replacement with non-CFC
chillers is becoming more cost effective.
Existing, relatively new chillers may be cost effective to retrofit for non-CFC operation.
Replacing an older chiller with a new, non-CFC chiller is an excellent opportunity to in-
vest in a high efficiency unit. First cost for the installation will be reduced by installing a
smaller chiller made possible by the implementation of all upgrade stages.
Chiller Retrofit
If the existing chiller is less than 10 years old, retrofitting the chiller to operate on
non-CFC refrigerants at the newly reduced loads will probably be your most
profitable option. This postpones investing in a new chiller. When you are replacing
refrigerant, use HCFC-123 in place of R-11 and HFC-134a in place of R-12.
Retrofitting may involve replacing orifice plates, impellers, gaskets, or even the
compressor. The specifics of the retrofit depend on the type of chiller and its
manufacturer. Many manufacturers offer retrofit kits for their chillers. Contact the
manufacturer of your chiller to determine its requirements.
Chiller Rightsizing
Depending on the upgrades implemented in the previous stages, loads on your cooling
system (see Figure 2) likely have been reduced by at least 10 percent, and perhaps by
as much as 40 percent. Even if you havent implemented upgrades, design loads and
actual building demand rarely match.
Chillers are frequently oversized, and those in poor condition suffer downtime and
significantly increased operating and maintenance costs. A new efficient and reliable
chiller may be more cost effective. Thus, you may want to consider rightsizing your
Water Cooling
Pump Tower
Circuit AHU Cooling Coil
When you decide to replace an existing chiller with an energy efficient unit, be sure
to evaluate the initial operating and maintenance costs, size, and weight of the new
unit. Keep in mind that the energy consumption of a new high efficiency chiller
could range from 15 percent to more than 50 percent less than that of the existing
While the new chiller must be sized for peak loads, be sure that it operates efficiently
at part-load conditions, because it is at part load that the chiller operates most of the
time. Many chiller manufacturers provide electronic copies of their equipment
specifications catalogs on CD-ROM. This information can be used to identify the
appropriate chiller for your facility, once you have analyzed the buildings peak load
profile. An energy services professional or consulting engineer can develop the new
peak load profile.
To analyze the profitability of chiller upgrades, you will need to identify the
relationship between outdoor air temperature and the cooling load that the chillers
must meet. Consult the chiller manufacturers specifications to prepare a load profile
for your building gathered using the Heating and Cooling survey (Appendix).
By committing to ENERGY STAR, Mobil was able to rightsize the three chillers with chillers
that were smaller than originally planned. Mobil thus saved money on the first cost of
the chillers and is reaping significant energy savings over the life of the chillers. The
total cost of the chiller plant upgrades was $641,000. This investment resulted in an
annual cost savings of $110,000, an annual energy savings of 10.4 percent, with an
internal rate of return of 16.5 percent.
Mobil purchased the chillers before the tune-up and conversion of the return air system
for lab spaces. In hindsight, had it waited to purchase the chillers last, as prescribed
by the ENERGY STAR Approach, the lab return air conversion and tune-up would have
reduced the peak cooling load by up to 120 tons and 250 tons respectively.
Mobils experience in upgrading its R&D facility confirmed one of the basic premises of
ENERGY STAR: systematically reducing cooling loads where profitable from tune-ups
through fan systems generates opportunities to profitably install rightsized, high effi-
ciency chillers.
Source: ENERGY STAR Showcase Building Project: Demonstrating Profitable Energy Savings,
EPA 430-R-96-006.
A more common type of tower, the induced-draft tower, utilizes a propeller fan at the
top of the tower to pull air up through the tower. The induced-draft tower offers
better aerodynamics and is generally more efficient than a forced-draft tower. The
forced-draft tower is generally quieter and requires less space than an induced-draft
tower, but operates at a lower efficiency. Both forced-draft and induced-draft cooling
towers (Figure 3) employ a surface contact medium or fill to increase contact surface
and improve the transfer of heat between hot water from the chiller and the outside
Air Air
Scaling, corrosion, and biological growth all impede tower efficiency and increase
maintenance costs from the resultant condenser fouling and loss of heat transfer.
Chemical treatment is generally used to mitigate these problems. However, new, non-
chemical water treatment technologies, such as ozone generators, magnetic systems,
and ultraviolet irradiation, are available. Ozone is a powerful oxidant and biocide that
can replace chemicals completely in some cases. Magnetic systems are designed to
cause scale-forming minerals to precipitate in a low-temperature area away from heat
exchanger surfaces, thus producing non-adherent particles. The precipitated particles
can then be removed by blowdown, mechanical means or physical flushing. The
effectiveness of a magnetic system can be diminished by a low ratio of dissolved
calcium to silica, by the presence of excessive iron in the water, or if it is installed in
close proximity to high-voltage power lines.
Several methods of free cooling are available. The most common method is a type of
indirect free cooling that uses a separate heat exchanger, typically of the plate-and-
frame type. It allows for a total bypass of the chiller, transferring heat directly from the
chilled water circuit to the condenser water loop (see Figure 4).
A less common method is direct free cooling, in which the condenser and chilled
water circuits are linked directly without the use of a separate heat exchanger. A
disadvantage of using direct free cooling is that bacteria present in the cooling tower
water system (described above) may contaminate your chilled water circuit. You can,
however, install filtration systems or strainers to minimize this risk.
Facilities that require year-round cooling from high sensible heat gains would most
likely benefit from direct free cooling. A large computer room or data center cooled
with a central chilled water system would be a promising application.
When ambient outdoor conditions are ideal (that is, when the wet-bulb temperature is
low enough), the chiller can be shut off and the cooling load may be served exclusively
by the cooling tower without the energy-intensive mechanical refrigeration. The
resulting reduction in energy consumption can be dramatic.
Condenser Cooling
Water Tower
Chilled Water
AHU Cooling Coil
Replacing oversized impellers, pumps, and motors with rightsized pumps and
smaller, energy-efficient motors.
Installing VSDs on pump motors.
Converting single-loop configurations to primary-secondary loop configurations.
Rightsizing pumps to accommodate lower maximum loads can result in energy savings
of up to 70 percent. The most cost-effective method is often trimming or replacing an
oversized impeller in an existing centrifugal pump. When pump rightsizing, maximum
design capacity of the new impeller or pump must be greater than the measured
maximum load for the system. Be certain that the new motor is an energy-efficient
model, sized to meet the maximum load, and recognize that pump motors, like fan
motors, come in incremental sizes (5 hp, 7.5 hp, 10 hp, etc.).
Calculate your energy savings from rightsizing by comparing rated energy curves at
various loads for old and new pump and motor sizes. Contact the pump manufacturer
or an engineering consultant for further assistance.
Variable-Speed Drives
Installation of VSDs will ensure that your pumps are performing at maximum
efficiency at part-load conditions. (See page 10 for an example of VSD savings
potential.) Similar to the fan systems, the power required to operate a pump motor is
proportional to the cube of the speed. For example, in a pump system with a VSD, a
load reduction that results in a 10-percent reduction in motor speed reduces energy
consumption by 27 percent [1 (0.9)3 = 0.27].
Simple payback =
$7,175 $3,720 = 1.9 years.
Single-Loop Conversions
The rated minimum flow for chilled water through the chiller is typically 70 percent
of maximum, which also applies to VSD flow reductions. However, a primary-
secondary loop configuration, also known as a production-distribution configuration,
can allow for greater energy savings without compromising your chiller performance.
With the primary-secondary loop configuration (see Figure 5), chillers are equipped
with smaller chilled-water pumps, or primary pumps. These are constant-flow pumps
that operate with a lower pressure drop than in a single-loop configuration. Variable-
flow secondary pumps then distribute the chilled water through your buildings end-
use air-handling devices and have the capability of reducing their speed at part-load
Pipe the lower velocity chiller bypass water on the production side to flow into
the higher velocity chilled water return on the distribution side and not vice versa.
Secondary Loop
Combustion Gas
Flue Fire
Replacing your existing boiler system with a new, rightsized, more energy-efficient
boiler system.
Retrofitting your boiler so that it can perform more efficiently.
Boiler Rightsizing
The best opportunities for energy savings come with replacing an old or inefficient
boiler with a more efficient boiler system. Energy-efficient boilers have increased
heating surface areas and improved controls for fuel and airflow over the range of load
conditions. Before replacing your boiler:
Boiler Retrofit
Retrofitting existing boilers can dramatically improve the peak- and part-load
efficiency of your boiler and extend the useful life of your heating systems. Your best
options include:
Fuel Energy Savings (%) 800 F
700 F
600 F
10 500 F
5 400 F
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Excess Air (%)
Furnace Upgrades
Furnaces are heating plants that produce heat for the purpose of providing thermal
comfort for your building. The heat source can be fuel oil, natural gas, electricity, coal,
or wood. The main components of a warm-air furnace are the heat exchanger, fuel
burner, blower or fan, controls, and housing.
An integrated system approach can reduce your furnace energy consumption 5 percent
to 25 percent. You can make your furnace energy-efficient by:
Furnace Retrofit
Retrofitting existing furnaces can significantly increase your energy savings. Your best
options are to:
Typical unitary systems are single-packaged units, split-system packaged units, heat
pump systems, and water-source heat pump systems. Compared to central chiller
plants, unitary systems do not last as long (only 12 to 15 years) and are less efficient.
Unitary systems are generally used in one-, two-, or three-story buildings that have
small cooling loads, such as retail spaces, small office buildings, and classrooms.
As with chillers, existing unitary systems are, in many cases, oversized. Likewise,
unitary systems that are in poor condition suffer downtime and significantly increased
operating and maintenance costs. A new and more reliable unitary system may be
more cost effective. If your unitary systems are 10 years old or older, you can realize
energy savings by replacing unitary systems with rightsized, energy-efficient models.
Rightsizing your unitary systems to maximize the benefits of the cooling and heating
load reductions can result in significant energy savings. When determining the
rightsizing potential of your unitary system, be sure to measure your cooling and
heating loads first. By knowing what your cooling and heating loads are, you will be
better able to rightsize your new unitary system to meet maximum loads.
To estimate your energy savings from rightsizing, first measure your cooling and
heating loads. Then, using the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for your old
and new systems, compare their respective energy consumption. Contact your
equipment manufacturer or an engineering consultant for further assistance.
Typically, commercial buildings use unitary systems with cooling capacities greater
than 5 tons. In some cases, however, due to space requirements, physical limitations,
or small additions, residential-sized unitary systems are used. In these cases, be sure to
look for the ENERGY STAR label. The ENERGY STAR label is found on various high
efficiency heating, cooling, and control products and can help you differentiate
between these and standard efficiency products. To determine what products may
meet your needs, visit the ENERGY STAR Web site at http://www.energystar.gov/
The information about the technologies listed below will help you better understand
your unitary system and recent technological advances that may increase its rightsizing
Heating is accomplished using either natural gas or electricity; however, natural gas is
generally less expensive, depending on the region. Heat pump systems can be used in
situations where electricity is the only source of energy. Unitary heat pump units
typically range in size from 1.5 to 20 tons. Heat pump systems are discussed further
As packaged units age and deteriorate, their efficiency often decreases while the need
for maintenance increases. Upgrading your packaged units to high efficiency models
will result in substantial long-term energy savings.
Compressor Condenser
Air Out
Condenser Air In Condenser
All newer packaged rooftop units are equipped with factory-installed microprocessor
controls. These controls make maintaining equipment easier and improve the energy
efficiency of both the unit and the overall HVAC system. Control features include
temperature setback and on/off scheduling. Large systems have variable air volume
capability, as discussed in Fan System Upgrades. Also, most units have an optional
communication interface for connection to an EMS system.
Evaporator Section
Compressor Section
Compressor Condensor
Refrigerant Lines
Heat pump applications are best suited to relatively warm climates, such as the
Southeastern United States, and to areas where the availability of natural gas for
heating is low. . When temperatures are low, the coefficient of performance (COP) of
the heat pump falls dramatically. A 7.5-ton rooftop heat pump unit that has a high-
temperature COP of 3.0 can have a low-temperature COP of 2.0 or less. Moreover,
when the temperature drops further, heat pumps require supplemental heat, typically
electric resistance; thus, effective heating efficiencies become even lower. More
recently, dual-fuel heat pumps have become available in areas where natural gas can be
used as the supplemental heating source.
Split-package heat pumps are designed with an air-handling unit located inside the
conditioned space, and both the condenser and compressor are packaged in units for
outdoor installation on a pad or on the roof.
Due to their improved annual efficiency, air-source heat pumps are good candidates
for replacing packaged cooling units with electric-resistance heating coils.
In hot weather, a cooling tower removes heat from the water loop; in cooler weather, a
central boiler heats the water.
As shown in Figure 11, water-loop heat pump systems allow for simultaneous heating
and cooling by multiple separate and distinct units, and thus increase individual
comfort. Furthermore, recovering heat from cooled areas and recycling it into other
areas adds to the systems efficiency.
The size of water-source heat pumps ranges from approximately 0.5 tons to 25 tons.
Efficiencies of water-source units are generally higher than their air-to-air
counterparts, where a SEER of 11.0 and COP of 3.8 to 4.0 are not uncommon. High
Cooling Cooling
WSHP Tower
WSHP Cooling Season
Pump Heating
Cooling Cooling
Cool storage
High temperature difference distribution
Due to the relative stability of ground temperature, geothermal heat pump systems
are inherently more efficient than air-source heat pumps, which rely on outside air as
the medium which receives heat from the heat pump or from which heat is extracted
by the heat pump. Geothermal heat pump systems provide the highest efficiencies in
both cooling and heating seasons, as well as in heating water.
Information on geothermal heat pump systems is available from the ENERGY STAR
Web site at http://www.energystar.gov/products/, under the Heating and Cooling for
your home. For additional information, visit the Geothermal Heat Pump
Consortium Web site at http://www.ghpc.org/home.htm.
Most district cooling plants are modern facilities that use energy-efficient
generation methods.
The need for buildings to own and use refrigerants is eliminated along with
refrigerant compliance responsibilities, handling regulations, rising replacement
costs, and capacity-loss issues.
Ice can be generated at off-peak hours (when utility demand and rates are
lowest) and used at peak cooling periods to supplement chilled-water
In a radiant cooling system, cold water is pumped through special panels or grids of
tubing mounted in the walls, ceilings, or floors. These panels absorb heat from the
building and bring it back to the HVAC plant to be removed from the building.
As discussed in load reductions and fan systems, the amount of outdoor air required
to ventilate your building is actually much smaller than the amount of air that must
be circulated through cooling coils to handle cooling load. Radiant systems cool the
space directly, reducing your ventilation system to the size required to bring in
outside air. This requirement is about 20 percent of the total air recirculation
capacity of the average building. As water has a much higher capacity to store heat or
cold than air, a much smaller volume of water can be circulated, further reducing
costs. Radiant cooling can supply the same cooling capacity as other systems but at
levels of energy consumption that are typically about 75 percent of those for air-
based systems.
Cool Storage
Cool storage is a means of using less expensive off-peak power to produce cooling for
the building. Cool storage is based upon the principle that a storage medium can be
cooled while chiller operating cost is low, and the storage can be discharged when
chiller operating cost is high. Furthermore, chillers tend to be most economical to
operate at night, when building cooling loads are low, electric rates may be lower,
and lower outdoor temperatures allow the chiller to reject heat more efficiently.
Cooling energy is stored in tanks of water, ice and water, or water circulating around
chemical modules that freeze and thaw. This last system, as well as an ice-based
Generally, the most cost effective type of cool-storage design and operating strategy is
the partial-storage system shown in Figure 12. A partial storage system reduces a
buildings maximum electrical demand by shifting a portion of the cooling load from
daytime to nighttime. The total chiller capacity required for the building is also less
than that of a standard system.
Chiller Capacity
Chiller Charging Storage
Chiller Meets Load Directly
Storage Meets Load
24-Hour Period
Because a chiller operates less efficiently as it supplies colder chilled water, high
temperature-difference distribution systems are most appropriate when combined with
High temperature difference distribution systems are most cost effective in new
construction, because reduced chilled water flow requirements reduce the capital cost
of pumps, piping, and heat exchangers.
Evaporative Cooling
The process of evaporating water or another fluid absorbs heat, just as a kettle must be
heated before the water must boil. This is the basis for many types of mechanical
cooling. A much simpler and more economical variation can be used in some climates.
Cooling is produced by passing a flow of dry air over a wet surface. As the water
evaporates from the surface, the air stream is cooled. Although evaporative cooling
systems are most effective in dry climates, where the air has a large capacity to absorb
evaporating water, they can also be used elsewhere to reduce the annual cooling load
on mechanical refrigeration equipment.
There are both direct and indirect types of evaporative coolers and systems used in
conjunction with mechanical refrigeration. Direct evaporation systems evaporate water
directly into the supply air stream, whereas indirect systems cool one air stream that in
turn cools the supply air stream through a heat exchanger. Although indirect systems
are more costly, they avoid increasing the humidity of supply air. Evaporative cooling
can also be used to precool air to reduce the load on a mechanical refrigeration system.
Mechanical refrigeration can be used to increase the evaporative cooling capacity by
cooling the water used for evaporation.
Nonelectric Cooling
While the most common cooling plants use an electric motor to drive a refrigerant
compressor, there are nonelectric alternatives, such as engine-driven, steam turbine-
driven, and absorption chillers. While nonelectric cooling systems are often less
expensive to operate, their first cost is higher than that of electric systems, and they
come with increased equipment size and maintenance costs.
Gas engine-driven chillers are a cost-effective option for producing chilled water in
areas where gas rates are lower than electric rates. Gas engine-driven chillers are much
like electric chillers, except that they contain an engine rather than a motor. Where
there is a need for heating during the cooling season, heat recovery from both the
Absorption chillers do not use the vapor compression cycle that most mechanical
refrigeration uses; instead, they are driven by heat, not by a mechanical drive input.
Moreover, they use water as a refrigerant in conjunction with lithium bromide as the
absorption chemical (or ammonia and water) such that there is no ozone-depletion
potential from the system. Although the system has fewer moving parts than a
centrifugal chiller, it is technically complex.
There are single- and double-effect absorption systems, and they may be fired directly
with a gas burner or indirectly with steam generated by separate equipment. Single-
effect systems have a COP of 0.5 to 0.7. Double-effect systems are more efficient, with
a COP of 1.0 to 1.1. Triple-effect absorbers are also under development and promise
still better efficiency. In addition, chiller-heaters, which use absorption technology to
provide cooling, heating, or both cooling and heating as required, are available.
Steam turbines can be used to drive centrifugal compressors. The chilled medium is
usually water or brine, with a halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerant. Other refrigerants
such as ammonia, butane, or propane are also used in industrial processes.
This section has described numerous opportunities for optimizing both the size and
efficiency of your buildings heating and cooling systems. Before undertaking any of
these strategies, you should measure your buildings heating and cooling loads. Having
done so, retrofit or rightsize your heating and cooling equipment based on the load
reductions implemented in tune-ups through fan systems.
To find the most efficient equipment for your buildings cooling and heating systems,
consult the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economys (ACEEEs) Guide To
Energy-Efficient Commercial Equipment, 2nd edition.
Next Steps
Measure your cooling and heating loads and complete the Heating and Cooling
Survey at the end of this document.
Heating Systems
Replace older boilers and furnaces or upgrade components and controls of
existing units.
Unitary Systems
Replace older unitary equipment with high efficiency equivalents or heat pumps.
Additional Strategies
When evaluating your upgrade options, assess whether your buildings specific
characteristics lend themselves to:
Geothermal heat pumps
District heating and cooling
Radiant heating and cooling
Cool storage
High temperature-difference distribution
Evaporative cooling
Nonelectric cooling
To prepare to rightsize your heating and cooling systems, compile basic information
and measurements about the systems and your facility. Next, calculate the required
cooling and heating loads for your building.
To get started, recruit a survey team including a building engineer, HVAC technician,
boiler operator, and electrician. You will need to evaluate your available staff resources
and staff capabilities. If you do not have the means of taking these measurements, you
may want to contact an independent testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) firm or
seek outside engineering services.
The latest specifications for the heating and cooling equipment in your building.
The TAB report for your buildings pumping systems.
As built mechanical drawings.
Operations and maintenance manuals for the boiler, chiller, or unitary system
The system logs showing hot and chilled water supply and chilled-water return
temperatures and flow rates (if you have an energy management system).
A data logger (note: for unitary systems only).
A calculator.
Chiller Type
(choose one) Air-cooled centrifugal
Water-cooled centrifugal
Helical rotary/screw
Steam absorption
Hot-water absorption
Direct-fired absorption
Manufacturer ________________________________________
Type of Refrigerant __________________________________
Age _________________________________________________
Efficiency (kW/ton) ___________________________________
Size or Capacity (in tons) _____________________________
(12,000 Btu/hr = 1 ton)
Calculate the maximum cooling load for your building using the following proce-
What is the maximum cooling load for the building (in tons)? This load will be
compared with the chiller capacity recorded above. To determine maximum cooling
load, take the following measurements in the afternoon on a typical hot summer day
to capture peak load effects on your system. Note: An energy management system may
also log these measurements.
How much of your existing chiller capacity does your building currently need? To
answer this, do the following calculation:
If the required capacity of the chiller is 30 percent less than the installed capacity of
your existing chiller, you should seriously consider replacing the chiller. The efficiency
of the chiller decreases sharply below 70 percent loading. Also, remember that the
chiller is operating most of the time at part-load conditions with your newly reduced
loads, which increases your rightsizing potential even further.
Calculate the maximum heating load for your building using the following
What is the maximum heating load for the building (in MBtu/hr)? This load will be
compared with the heating system capacity recorded above. To determine maximum
heating load, take the following measurements in the morning on a typical cold winter
day to capture peak load effects on your system. Note: An energy management system
may also log these measurements. The following procedure is tailored to typical central
hot water boiler systems.
How much of your existing boiler capacity does your building currently need?
For other types of heating systems, there are other ways of measuring maximum
heating load.
For systems such as forced-air furnaces and heat pumps that respond to
thermostats by cycling on and off, a simple runtime meter will show how much of
the time the unit cycles on. Supply-temperature data logged every few minutes by
an EMCS or other data logger can also be analyzed to determine how much of the
time the unit is cycled on. The percentage of heating capacity needed is the time
the unit operates divided by the total time during a high heating load period.
Measuring steam boiler loading is similar, but more complicated than for a hot
water boiler. Instead of the water flow rate, the steam flow rate must be measured.
Instead of multiplying a temperature difference by a factor accounting for the
heat content of each GPM, the temperature and pressure properties of the supply
steam must be recorded from gauges on the supply line and used to determine the
heat content of each pound of steam using a steam table.
Collect the following information for each type of unit installed in your building:
Calculate the maximum cooling and heating loads for your building using the
following steps:
What are the maximum heating and cooling loads for the building (in MBtu/hr)?
These loads will be compared with the cooling and heating capacities recorded above.
To determine maximum heating or cooling load use the procedure described in the
heating section for small systems that cycle on and off.
A data logger can be used to determine how much of the time the unit is cycled on.