The 3 Keys of Seduction

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The document discusses some of the challenges modern men face in attracting women compared to past generations, and provides strategies to overcome fear of rejection and improve one's 'Male Display'.

The document states that it is now more difficult for men to attract women compared to past generations, as women now have higher standards influenced by media and are quicker to judge men's behaviors. Traditional courting behaviors no longer work as well.

The 'Male Display' refers to a man's attitude, appearance and behavior which communicates his suitability for reproduction. Getting this display right can help attract romantic opportunities without needing extreme courage.


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Flirt Mastery

Table of Contents
Key #1... Fear Management
Why Do You Fear Being Rejected By a Woman?

Toxic Shame: The Invisible Psychic Monster

The Prison of Self-Defeating Behaviors
Dealing With Severe Shyness

Key #2... Knowing How to Act Around Women

The Hidden Psychology Underlying All Attraction

Developing An Edge For Yourself

Dont Let Her Turn You into Her New Girlfriend!
Dont Be a Problem solver, Be a Problem Creator

Key #3... Projecting a Dominant Male Attitude

Your Male Display is Your Calling Card

The Seven Attributes of High Male Status that Women Seek

Manage Your Horniness Instead of Letting it Manage You

Copyright 2009 by Kipling Kat Publishers & Mike Pilinski

All Rights Reserved

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Why Do You Fear Being Rejected By a Woman?

Lets face it, it isnt easy being a single guy on the prowl any more. Not like
it was in our dads day, thats for sure. The days of being able to mechanically
reproduce a few basic signaling behaviors by simple rote and impress women
with your romantic intentions are long gone. Things like bringing roses or candies
along to a first date or sending letters of undying love wont get you very far these
days. It can even paint you as an unsophisticated loser in many ways. Women
are far too cynical, far too pickled in Oprah-fied psychobabble and tabloid
psychotherapy (much of it about men), and therefore far more difficult to
impress than they ever used to be. They are quick to lay down harsh
judgements of male courting behavior and to hold a guy to a higher performance
standard... much like those modeled by Hollywood celebrities and others with
mucho natural game.

So today more than ever before you need to be plugged into whats
happening in your culture and at the top of your game if you want to make it with
the better class of women!

But all is not lost, things change and people adapt. Thats what makes us
human after all. Part of any adaptation is new information, and lots of it. There
are so many facets to romantic issues today things have evolved to higher and
higher levels of complexity and continue to do so. Social issues and relationships
are no different, its just that problems in this area cut deep and can make us feel
even more isolated than our modern, disconnected lifestyles already tend to do.

One of the big problems in the field of love and romance is the fact that
due to elements of shame and the male code of silence about all subjects
emotional very little formal training actually occurs for men. Guys are still
mostly left to their own devices to figure out whats going on in their own heads
and hearts when it comes to women. Trail-and-error remains the favored

approach to learning. This is okay unless you happen to be highly sensitive to
error, and most of your early trails resulted in a pile of errors! This combination
can be deadly because when that happens, you can pull back and withdraw into
a protective internal universe... and then all learning stops, and social stagnation
takes hold.

Twenty-first century foxes are a changing breed, and changes made

throughout society to support their growth have made things even more
bewildering for a lot of guys. Despite whatever confusion that you yourself may
personally have about women though, theres one very important thing to
understand... the fact that you may possess little or no game or social skill is not
something that women have done to you it is something that you have done
to yourself. By this I mean that whatever it is thats been stopping you from
making romantic progress in your life is mostly due to internal ideas and
misinformation within your own head than it is to external forces and factors, no
matter how real they may seem to you.

Good news / bad news here... bad news because now you must assume
responsibility for your current misfortune and quit playing the role of victim good
news though, because it also means that you actually have some control over
things. And that means you can take positive action to change whatevers wrong
in your life and make it better you are no longer condemned to the role of
helpless pawn. Low status males are free to crawl up the ladder a few more
rungs if they decide to! This one cosmic shift in your outlook when it comes to
your own free reign in the tapestry of life can act as a major fork in the road for
you. It can finally give you an option, another chance.

And goddammit, when you get that chance, know enough to take it!

Toxic Shame: The Invisible Psychic Monster

m going to clue you in on something that you may or may not believe
when you first hear it, but in your heart of hearts I know you will understand it to
be the God's honest truth. It' s simply this: your problem with whatever fear you
might be experiencing when it comes to having your advances rejected by a
woman can be traced to a deeply conditioned form of shame that has been
linked'to your normal, natural human need for affection.

s right, on some level you are profoundly
ashamed to meet and seduce women!

Due to some manner of association that was created in your head,

probably during the earliest years of your life, you cannot act upon a normal
desire for love and affection without the emotion of shame getting in the way. It
works like this: whenever you encounter a situation in your life where you have an
opportunity to reveal'that you would like to experience some affection from a
woman, you are overwhelmed by a suffocating sense of humiliation which
paralyzes you to act in your own best interest.

Two completely dissimilar and unrelated emotions affection and shame

have become 'joined at the hip'in the unconscious recesses of your mind.

Since its impossible to hit on to a woman without implying some kind of

longing for love and affection being at the root of your motivation, the only way to
keep the shame you feel at bay is to avoid expressing any desire towards women
at all. In other words, if there was a way to court a woman without somehow
expressing this need for affection you would do it but of course there isn' t, so
you can' t. This single, monstrous psychological handicap takes you completely
out of the game of romance and seduction and makes it impossible for you to
compete for available females with the other men in your world. This is the
structural basis of your problem.

Whenever feelings of internal shame become so powerful and

controlling that they begin to adversely affect your ability to fully
experience some important aspect of Life, they are considered to
have become toxic.

Here' s the important thing to understand about this so-called toxic shame
as it applies to meeting women... this painful emotion has the power to
completely re-define the issue within your head to the point where its not really
the possibility of being rejected that provokes your fear anymore, but rather the
release of an emotion that you have come to associate with severe
embarrassment. And that emotion is the natural human need for affection.

A shame-free desire to be loved becomes completely incomprehensible to

your deep unconscious mind once this poison has taken root in your soul. In your
convoluted way of thinking, exhibiting any desire for affection unmasks the

shameful fact that you' re a needy weakling or otherwise threatens to reveal
some similar humiliating aspect of your character. While this is a subjective mis-
interpretation on your part and totally untrue, if you believe that its true then the
damage it can create is very real. It sets off a cycle of painful self-loathing that
must be cut off quickly at all costs. And after a while, you find that the best way
to do this is by learning to never provoke the slumbering beast anymore and
thus begins your gradual slide into social isolation... a place where you may find
yourself now. As a man, you simply cant operate with a core element of your
mind and soul crippled in this way.

So if you find yourself paralyzed by a fear of rejection to the point where it

has destroyed your social life, take heed... your problem is not intractable. And
you are certainly not hopeless. I will show you tangible steps that you can take to
unravel your confusion. Self-understanding is half the battle. The other half
involves a gradual increase in your confidence that occurs as a side-effect of
obtaining the specific knowledge of just what it is that makes men attractive to
women. Both my books address this later issue, especially Shes Yours For The

And my first book Without Embarrassment devotes an entire chapter to the

topic of toxic shame providing you with an understanding which in itself is
clarifying along with some effective strategies to defeat it. Between the two you
will become well armed to venture out into the world of love and romance with the
pride and confidence befitting the High Status Male that guy most women find

The Prison of Self Defeating Behaviors

While toxic shame may form the basic theory of the Minds sickness, the
practical application is expressed by a psychological phenomenon known as Self
Defeating Behaviors. SDBs can range from something as mundane as stuffing
your face with chocolate in response to ordinary stress, all the way up to making
such major life mistakes as proposing marriage while youre still starry-eyed in
love and then ending up in divorce court a few years later. Then doing the same
thing again sometimes 2 or 3 times in your life until theres barely enough money
remaining in your bank account to buy a noose for yourself!

I once read a great book on SDBs that was rather complicated and filled
with all sorts of diagrams and charts, but the key principle can be stated quite
simply: an SDB runs as a loop of specific actions that begin with some triggering
stimulus and end up with the actual self-defeating behavior, whatever that may
be. Then it repeats whenever that triggering stimulus appears again. The
repetition is the killer. Certain situations cause the same unthinking behaviors to
occur over and over again. However, the beginning of that process always
includes a hidden choice point that would allow the person to select a different
behavior and break this loop... if only they were aware that such an option
existed. Its their lack of awareness of this choice point which keeps them
running the same loop over and over again. There doesnt even have to be
anything all that compelling about the behavior itself, the problem is in the damn
unconscious re-looping.

Heres how a Self Defeating Behavior operates:


As an example, lets take a look at the #1 fear-producing event that most of

you guys reading this book know all about, hitting on women. Maybe the first
time that you tried to pick up a girl things didnt go so well for whatever reason
and so you learned to be a little bit afraid of it. This is the seminal event that will
now act as a template for all subsequent triggering of this particular stimulus.
The next time a similar opportunity occurred, you mayve turtled-up and remained
silent in order to protect your ego from having to endure the same kind of
embarrassment that you suffered once before (safe but dis-empowering
behavior). But this inaction leads to failure... and so then you spend the rest of
the day mentally berating yourself (sadness, rage, regret) eventually to the
point of having to slug booze or pop pills in order to free yourself from the
seemingly endless loop of pain. An SDB is born.

Now when future chances appear, you learn to fire off the same ego-
protective loop over and over again because its become comfortable and
familiar. The problem is that you will run this pattern without even thinking about

it and thats when the SDB has completed the illusion that a different choice is no
longer available to you. Again, its this illusion that is the source of the SDBs
long term deadly power. Even years later you may find yourself running that
same old turtling-up routine whenever you see any available-looking cute girl...
without even considering that any other available course of action is possible!
Once an SDB has masked all your options, you will begin to feel helpless and can
quickly sink into despair. At this point you will often give up and just accept your

There is a way out of this trap. The key moment of any SDB happens with
the appearance of the triggering stimulus (stressor), announcing the start of
another loop. Its here that you need to be aware that a choice is available to
you that youre looking at a fork in the road and not a closed track. All the
power to break the SDB lies in your awareness that this choice point exists.
The different path may turn out to be an improvement, or maybe not. Not
important. It is the act of selecting a new option that will finally begin to destroy
this repeating behavior. Its like a movie on DVD where you can select an
alternate ending if you dont like the one you saw at the theater. The presentation
of an option gets the wheels inside your head turning in a new fashion and this
can quickly defeat an intractable fear that youve always been living with. Its
simply time to select a new ending for yourself!

You dont have to tackle a major phobia right off the bat either... start small,
get the hang of becoming aware of some minor SDB thats been troubling you.
The main thing is developing your awareness. In the heat of the moment, when
youre all frazzled at work and thoughtlessly reaching for that cream donut for
instance, you have to recognize that a moment of choice is at hand... stop and
contemplate a different choice. Chew a stick of gum instead. Go splash cold
water on your face. The replacement behavior is unimportant as long as it leads
to a different sort of result than the usual donut chomping (although switching
from cream to jelly wasnt exactly what I had in mind...)

This is how you massage an SDB into submission... a little at a time using
awareness and an open mind. And since most SDBs have some component of
fear working at their core, learning this technique is an effective way to wrestle
down every one of your worst fears one by one.

Dealing With Severe Shyness

I used to be painfully shy at one point early in my life so I know what a

crushing burden it can be. Its perfectly natural and normal to sometimes feel a
little bit unsure of how your actions are being observed and possibly judged by
others, but true shyness is a painfully self-focused sensation where you feel as if
you are being exposed to the critical scrutiny and judgement of everyone else
all of the time, relentlessly. Shyness is a cautionary mode we retreat into
whenever we have insufficient data about the individuals surrounding us and are
overly concerned about how we are appearing to them. This is especially true of
course when men find themselves in the presence of beautiful, intimidating
women. You should understand why you need to make every effort to avoid
acting shy whenever you can. The reason why shyness is destructive to your
ability to pursue social opportunities may seem obvious, but the true reason may
actually surprise you...

Most people simply dont like shy people.

Why? Because people will begin to empathize with a shy persons visible
discomfort... and then they will begin to unconsciously mirror it!

You mayve thought that shyness was strictly your own personal problem,
but this unintentional ability to broadcast your shyness to others makes it really
more like a case of emotional bad breath. When you act shy in front of another
person, your behavior has the effect of drawing up that persons own innate
shyness and bringing it to the forefront of their consciousness. In effect, you are
a walking, talking shyness trigger for other people! And because they get
such an unpleasant feeling whenever theyre around someone who seems so
painfully shy, they would simply rather avoid such individuals entirely.

Possibly because of your intense inward focus you never noticed this
phenomenon before, but it is very real. Heres an experiment to prove it: next
time you catch a persons eye, immediately do something such as smile, wink,
point at them, salute... whatever. Nine times out of ten they will instantly
without even thinking about it do the exact same thing right back at you!

Thats mirroring in action!

Its possible to use this effect to distract yourself from your own shyness
like this: whenever you encounter someone that makes you a little nervous,
instead of being self-conscious simply focus all your thoughts on control not on
controlling yourself however, but on controlling them. Remember the mirroring
trick... you can compel someones mood to become bright and outgoing just as
easily as shy and uncomfortable by modeling that type of behavior for them. Its
all up to you you are in control! So rather than focusing on your own
discomfort, concentrate on becoming the puppetmaster instead!

Look, you dont need years of therapy to uncover all the terrible causes of
your shyness. Who cares about the reasons anyway? Its just a repeating SDB
behavior that youve somehow learned to re-loop endlessly in social
circumstances, and all you really need to do is replace it with something better!

Whenever you meet a super-foxy girl who would normally intimidate you for
instance, repeatedly think to yourself ...dont let her go shy, dont let her go
shy... keep her mood upbeat and extroverted... Concern yourself with whats
going on in her head, not yours. Model the emotional states that you want
reflected back at you. Concentrate your energies and actions on deliberately
demonstrating the kind of easy-going behavior that you would like your puppet to
display. Remember, one of the big obstacles to dealing naturally with others is
focusing too much attention on how they are making you feel instead of worrying
about how you are making them feel.

Flip the equation around, do it today!

This ability this capacity to make others feel good about themselves is
the exact definition of charisma. Loved, powerful, important, smart, respected,
valued... people are starved to feel in these ways. I talk about this in my books.
Be aware of the influence that you can have on others by promising them scoops
of these good vibes which they desperately crave... and they will soon be
following you around like lost puppies!

The Hidden Psychology Underlying All Attraction

For women, the formula for attracting men is pretty straightforward and
completely understood by them. A hot look. Show some leg, a bit of cleavage, a
nice tight booty poured into a pair of low rider jeans... add some cool jewelry,
piercings and cosmetics and you' re perking up the interest of males left and right.

The formula for men to attract women, however, is far different. It'
s subtle,
complex and widely misunderstood by the average guy.

In all species of animals that reproduce via sexual copulation, the male
presents himself in the context of some type of display which he uses to gain the
interest of, and ultimately the sexual submission of, the female. Humans are
really no different in principle, but a lot of guys don't seem to grasp this fact.
What the human female looks for when being approached by a man in a mating
context is the quality of his display. But men don' t have peacock feathers or sing
beautiful fluttering birdsongs. So just what is it that the human male is supposed
to be displaying about himself? Sure, we all know about the importance of
appearance, signs that we have a few bucks in the bank, etc. But much of this
magic is exposed via an attitude that speaks to our level of competitiveness with
other men. But is there something else, some other secret ingredient? Indeed I
believe there is. The answer might surprise you, although if you' ve been around
for a while, it really shouldn't...

Developing An Edge For Yourself

In order to effectively come across as a man that a woman might want to

take a romantic interest in, I believe that a guy needs to have a little bit of an
edge for himself. An edge derives from having some collection of emotions
working you over... maybe some kind of subtle anxiety about some aspect of your
current life situation or whatever. It doesnt really matter what exactly causes you

to possess this emotional edge, only that it exists and is visible in some way
just beneath the surface of your character.

The opposite of having an edge is being over-controlled and seeming to

have every little aspect of your world in absolute perfect order. Kind of like the
nuns in grammar school who used to have everything so neatly and perfectly
lined up on their desk. All Ts crossed and is dotted. People this together are
more than a little bit unnerving... just how exactly are you supposed to fit into their
neat and tidy life? Will you ever be able to match up to their frighteningly high
standards? Yikes! As a guy, you dont ever want to come across as this much of
a poindexter stiff. You want to seem much looser, and a bit unpredictable to
some degree. This is intriguing to women.

A guys edge is an announcement that he doesnt live in a safe and secure

little bubble of his own careful design... it says that hes out there living life,
taking chances, and taking his lumps along the way. This kind of restless energy
is sexy to women because they are all about emotions and they love to see
emotions at play in the men who fascinate them! Of course, they dont expect
you to act like a woman and express your emotions all silly-nilly like they do.
Women want to see you stoically bearing up under whatever pressures life has
created for you. They love it! Thats why bikers and snowboarders and stage
performers are more enticing to them than geeks who sit around wrapped up in
their safe little (boring) nerd-worlds.

Having an edge creates an interest in you as an unknown entity

whenever you first meet a woman. She can connect with a guy whos bristling
with barely-controlled emotional energy identify with his pain-anxiety-fear-
discomfort or whatever. This is where that first spark of chemistry is also likely
to occur... and for many women, chemical connection is everything! If they dont
catch this spark right away, youll have little chance getting onto their radar.

A perfect example of what Im talking about is how recently divorced guys

seem to do better at scoring a new girlfriend than a lot of single guys can
manage, even though theyre only just re-introducing themselves to the dating
game again. Thats because the emotional turmoil resulting from a guys recent
breakup gives him that sexy, vulnerable edge. It also works to overcome the very
same network of fears that usually stops the fretful, overthinking single guy dead
in his tracks. Men in this agitated frame of mind have an emotional pressure on
them that forces them to take chances with women, because they find

themselves suddenly free to experience first and think second. A greater desire
to fill an empty void in their life overwhelms any fear of rejection which they
may have. So dont be ashamed to let some of your own emotional edge show
off to women as well. Its what theyre looking for!

Dont Let Her Turn You into Her New Girlfriend

If you' re a classic "nice guy"-type who maintains a stable of women friends

but never actually gets laid by any of them, I' ll bet it'
s because your well-meaning
but misguided mom taught you to respect women and treat them like emotionally-
fragile little soap bubbles. So you became the impeccable gentleman who
learned to bring flowers on a first date, place women on a pedestal like Greek
goddesses, and generally just kiss their asses to high heaven.

And now you'

re paying the price with a barren social life.

You see, the one thing mama forgot to tell you was that women LOVE to
have their emotions pricked, poked, prodded, and provoked... and that in fact it's
what they live for! Its also why the despised jerk does so much better than you
at this game. Hes a natural at creating conflict.

No feral woman of breeding age desires the sweet friendship of a lovable

nice guy as the one-and-only male companion in her life... at least not when it
comes to love, sex, dating and mating. When women prattle on with their
high-minded bullshit about wanting to find "nice guys", what they're really saying
is that they want a guy who makes them feel safe, but not in a way that robs him
of his sexual juice. And that means you need to draw a line in the sand, like so...

For instance, there are certain topics that a woman may try to bring up
which you must immediately stonewall and simply refuse to engage her in.
Thats because these subjects are best discussed with a non-intimate friend
rather than a potential lover. Whatever else you do, resist the temptation to allow
her to start making chick chat with you like she would attempt with one of her

One thing thats certainly off limits is you listening to her bitch about her ex-
(or worse, current! ) boyfriend or husband. This is not something that you, as her
possible new boyfriend, want to know anything about. Let her go ahead and gab
on the phone all she wants about that asshole to one of her girlfriends, but not to

you. You are not her new gay buddy! Also make sure that she understands
she is not free to confide in you things that paint her in a bad light as well, things
such as gross personal habits, failed relationships, mundane medical problems
and the like. These are things that she wouldnt discuss with a person with
whom she was thinking of becoming intimate with and trying to impress.
So why do it to you? How disrespectful is that? The fact that you wont indulge in
this bald attempt to be lured into the buddy-boy zone makes a statement about
the direction that you intend to take things. It also demonstrates the kind of self-
respect that separates the dominant male from his lesser counterparts...
something that her primal instincts will pick up on immediately and file away in
your PLUS column.

Theres no need to get nasty about this sort of thing either, just tell her
something like, Id rather we didnt discuss this particular topic if you dont mind.
If she asks why not, tell her the truth that its something she can hash out with her
girlfriends and that youre not interested in hearing about old boyfriends and
relationships, that youd rather look ahead to the future. Then just gently change
the subject and act like it never came up. If this was another one of her chick
tests, then youve passed it by gently establishing some boundaries with her and
this should be enough. Shell get the hint. If she doesnt, then you need to
consider what type of numbskull you might be dealing with. In effect you are
saying to her, hey, lets at least give this thing a chance and not start dropping
depth charges into the water already!

Other out-of-bounds topics would include things like chronic poor health or
elaborate family feuds, anything that you would normally NOT want to talk about
to anyone that you were trying to look good in front of. Force her to play on a
guy-girl plane and keep everything in romance mode. By this I mean the
pretense of proper presentation that two potential lovers put on for each other.
Also known as courting behavior. Any attempt on her part to break this pretense
and steer things inappropriately towards buddy-buddy type talk must be nipped
in the bud! Act swiftly with some cleverness to guide the conversation off in a
new direction without making a big stink about it. This is a finesse play not
some hammer-headed undertaking designed to scold her or make a big scene
that will only do worse damage.

Finesse... where you try to keep your emotions out of the way and your
larger goals in mind!

The Final Verdict: any time you reach the end of the evening and are
uncertain whether or not it feels appropriate to kiss her goodnight, then youve
probably allowed whatever romantic pretense there mayve been to slip away.
Youve fucked up because everything is all about first impressions. Best to just
shake hands now, say goodbye and throw her number out when you get home.

Dont Be a Problem solver, Be a Problem Creator

This is one fact of life that I myself learned the hard way and not until
after having fucked the duck not once but several times. This particular land
mine is actually easy to avoid however because its all about knowing what not to
do. The seemingly backwards idea of being a source of problems to some chick
you dig rather than a problem fixer for her illustrates another one of the key
differences that separates friends from lovers, and the male thought process from
female. For the most part, we trust our friends to be a mainspring of comfort and
aid to us, whereas the intimates in our lives are as likely to be a source of
aggravation as they are great joy and possibly even ecstacy. The difference is
especially profound in the womans case however because the potential to create
static or not is part of the basic criteria that she uses to decide into which
category any particular guy in her life fits.

Heres how it works: problem solvers get slotted into the friends category
(a valuable asset coming moving time or when the kitchen sink clogs up), while
problem creators... well, they may piss her off, but hey... is it getting hot in here or
what? See whats happening? The White Knight is nice but he creates no
passion, no buzz. That dirty bastard Black Knight on the other hand, the one who
stiffed her on that concert date she had her heart set on last Sunday, well...

How many times have you listened to this ponderous horseshit through
gritted teeth as you played the role of thoughtful, sympathetic friend to some
chick you really wanted to fuck the daylights out of? Mr. nasty dude treats her
like shit but she sticks with him anyway and for no logical reason. By now I
hope you realize that logic plays little or no role in a womans thinking when it
comes to matters of the heart.

Therefore I am telling you to avoid the urge to become her White Knight
with a Toolbelt by offering to assist with whatever everyday sort of problems she
might be having, from fixing her car to helping her paint the living room (man did I
ever screw up in this regard on several occasions, sheesh...). Instead, you

should consider creating what I call courting stress. Forget to return a call every
now and then, be late for a date, etc. Just little stuff, no need to start a nuclear
war or anything. Just remember that things rarely run smoothly when men and
women are going through the process of negotiating a courtship. There are
always some bumps along the way, some hurt feelings, misunderstandings or
whatever. Especially at the beginning. And you know what?... women love it!
She recognizes this for what it is, and all of it helps to define your role as a male
in display rather than a sexless eunuch.

This is one of the absurdities of the female mentality that many men just
cant seem to fathom. We would like everything to work smooth and happily from
hi, howya doin all the way to the bedroom, but women seem to thrive on
relationship tumult and insanity. It must be some kind of signal to them that
meaningful emotions are crackling through the air. Maybe it somehow satisfies
their need to spar with a dude before allowing herself to be conquered by him?
That son-of-a-bitch did this and that to me, I cant believe what a prick he is...
yada-yada. Next Saturday night shes smoking his bone... while her nice guy
buddy whos been such a helpful and comforting friend to her is home polishing
his meat puppet with the leftover plumbers putty from the new faucet he installed
for her (God, how these memories continue to torture me...)

So please observe whats going on around you and strive to understand

the bizarre connection between turmoil, passion and niceness in the female
noggin. Always do your best to stay on the correct side of this line at least if
you have any desire to end up between her legs rather than tucked away in her

Your Male Display is Your Calling Card

There is a single monumental question that lies at the heart of every man'
life... what exactly is it that women consider attractive in a man? And how do I
come into possession of this mysterious quality?

I believe that it all boils down to this one basic idea: women are attracted to
men whom they sense hold a relatively impressive ranking on an invisible scale of
Male Status. Perhaps more crudely it could be called dominance. But
dominance over what? Over some slice of the other men in their world. This
scale reflects how a guy has fared in competition with his fellow males in terms of
strength, wealth, accomplishment, notoriety, etc. And the higher up this scale
you appear to be, the more likely you are to show up on the radar of the
women around you!

Male peacocks impress with their huge feathery plumes, male moose with
their grand rack of antlers... and human males? Wealth, authority, fame and/or
athletic strength usually do the trick of attracting the mating interest of
surrounding females. But the important thing to remember if youre a guy who
possesses little or none of these qualities is that, when it comes to humans,
perception is reality. This means that if you can wear the attitude of the HSM,
or even demonstrate that you are on your way up the career - school - business
ladder (if youre still a younger guy in your 20' s for instance), you can pull as
many opportunities out of the female population as youll ever need to create an
active social life for yourself. If you havent been doing so, its more likely due
more to the attitude of failure that you project about yourself than any actual
repellant personal or physical characteristics. The perception of yourself that you
broadcast to women is everything! The combination of these factors, and how
they express themselves via your attitude about yourself and the world around
you, form your own unique male display.

Look, sexual attraction is primal, it occurs on a profoundly subconscious
level in both sexes. Hell, it'
s mostly unconscious if you get right down to it.
Attraction may be supported by the rational part of the mind, but rarely overridden
by it. On a purely instinctual level men are attracted to women who exhibit visual
signs of youthfulness. Big eyes and small chin, 70% hip-to-waist ratio, smooth
skin, etc.etc. All of these are signals of youthfulness, and thus a healthy
child-bearing potential for the female.

This mating calculus is much different for women because male virility is
not so closely linked to youth as female fertility is. Men can sire children with
ease far into middle age, and even advanced age. So women perform a quick,
subconscious appraisal of a man that grades him for his potential to help her
raise his offspring. She must consider if a man is likely to remain loyal to his
family, so trustworthiness is a big issue. This is why married men are so
attractive to some women because they' ve demonstrated a willingness to team
up with a woman by making a legally binding commitment to her (even if it' sa
misguided one).

Anyway, women view most men pretty much like this in a mating context:

1) Their Apparent Ranking on the Male Dominance Scale

2) Attractiveness and Style
3) Interesting and Compatible Personality
4) Character

Character comes last? Character becomes an important factor later on in

a relationship but I believe the problem with character is that although its a nice
quality to have, it doesn't really get those primal-sexual juices flowing. This is
the problem with nice guys, theyre all character and no juice! In fact, you
can look at the list above and pretty much read it from top to bottom as a roll call
of what gets women all hot and bothered about any guy. Number One (male
status) gets the most compelling reaction from her, while the effect on her
instinctual mating triggers diminishes as you work you way down the list.

Now do you see what you may' ve been doing wrong all this time? Nice
guys specialize in polishing their #3 and #4 qualities, while the "jerks" who get the
girl are heavily into working categories #1 and #2 (sometimes without even
understanding what they' re doing correctly!)

During the thought process that goes on when first meeting a man, a
s thoughts might run through a progression something like this:

1) Observe high status male behavior or attitude

2) Determine if he seems safe and interesting
3) Listen for the first stirrings of chemistry
4) Submit to the males advances

Notice the first thing that a woman "scans" for? This grading process tends
to occur in mere seconds, which is why you have no time to waste making a great
first impression. Undesirable men are weeded out by personality quirks which
signal low status. These kind of guys are almost always found engaged in some
kind of compensatory behavior in an attempt offset that low status (i.e., control
freaks, loudmouths, know-it-alls, rage-heads, critics, etc.) that sets them up for
immediate rejection.

I talk about all this extensively in my books because there'

s a lot to know
about handling this pivotal moment of first encounter.

The Seven Attributes of High Male Status that Women Seek

One of the major fears that you undoubtedly have when it comes to
approaching women arises from your uncertainty as to exactly how you should
act so that a great looking woman will find you charming, clever and intriguing, as
opposed to laughable or a loser. So I would take a moment to burn the following
seven ideas into your permanent memory as these will help to give you a clear
advantage. Women almost go into a trance in the presence of men exhibiting the
following types of behaviors, often no matter what he looks like or no matter what
her current relationship status happens to be. Each of these "male displays" is
examined in greater detail in Without Embarrassment. This is merely an

One Stylish and Appropriate Look. The look that you present to
the world is super important when it comes to attracting women. I know it sounds
totally perverse, but women go crazy to see men with their clothes on just as us
guys crave seeing them with their clothes off! And just as we are likely grossed-
out at the thought of staring at fat, ugly or old women naked neither are women
all that thrilled about seeing men dressed like slobs or in ways that are

inappropriate to the situation. Clothing is a marker of male status in the same
way that clear skin and a shapely figure are a signal of female fertility. Get this
right and get yourself on their radar.

Two A Seemingly Normal and Harmless Personality. One of the

major concerns that women have when being advanced upon by a man they' ve
never met before is determining whether or not he could be a physical threat to
them. Signs of a possibly dangerous personality include things like a complete
lack of any sense of humor (never smiling), a disheveled appearance... or any
sort of incoherent mumblings or senseless blathering. If you say something
bewildering that elicits a huh? sort of look, you wont get very far with most
women. Don' t worry about a little nervous fumbling for words at first, that'
normal and expected in an anxiety-producing situation like a first meet. Just
make a light and friendly joke of everything to diffuse the tension (but never at her
expense!). In my new book Shes Yours For The Taking I introduce a very simple
technique for casually meeting women anywhere called Pull-Tabbing which
takes much of the anxiety out of this task by giving you a way to step things up
gradually and play off her signals, thus protecting your ego to a certain degree.

Three A Cool, Relaxed Flirt. The high status male is calm and in
control around women. Advertise your delight in meeting her with crisp eye
contact and a gentle smile, and try to keep all flirting subtle and mysterious.
Show that youre intrigued by her feminine charm, but communicate this
non-verbally as much as possible through the use of open body language and a
mischievous gleam in your eye. A womans romantic universe is defined by the
eye contact that she receives from the men around her, so this is one skill that
you must cultivate for yourself in order to become adept at gaming women.

Four A Guy that can Listen as well as Talk. One of the basic
emotional needs woman have is a need to be heard by men. They find this
validating in some way probably since it's still a man's world to a large degree
and being taken seriously by a man is very empowering and endearing to them.
Listening is also a powerful and effective way to build critical rapport with
someone. Plus, when you first begin dating, youll need to customize some
elements of what youre doing in order to hit her particular hot buttons, and so
you must listen in for clues as to what those may be in order to give you a
romantic edge.

Five A Man who Speaks with a Relaxed, Mysterious Voice.
Your voice is your primary instrument of seduction, so you must be certain to use
it wisely. I concentrate a lot on the content of what to say in my two books, but
never forget that the delivery in terms of timing and inflection is important as well
and communicates far more deeply than words alone. This is especially so
during those surprise moments when the two of you can share a flirtatious
exchange without interference from cock-blocking friends and co-workers.

Six A Guy who can Sync-up with a Womans Mood. One of the
cleverest ways to effect rapport with anyone is to mirror their mood right back at
them. Whenever you observe someone doing something familiar the exact same
matching brainwaves are triggered in your own head (the urge to yawn is a
common example). Its called a sympathetic neural reflex. For instance, if you
meet a girl who's in an "up" mood, your own temperament should become
similarly upbeat in order to sync-up and support hers. Same with a pensive or
quiet mood. This creates a sense of subconscious closeness... this idea that
youve stumbled across another teammate on the gameboard of Life and theres
a natural comradery. (Of course, you can also coerce someone into a different
direction by subtly modeling a different sort of disposition for them so theres
also an element of control involved).

Seven A Man who Flatters with His Focus. One sure way to make
an impact on a womans romantic consciousness is to keep your attention
absolutely and utterly focused on her, as if she were the only person in the
room. Theres something about the unwavering attention of a man that can really
melt a woman down... its intoxicating to them in some very primal way. This is
where its possible to make her respond to you even somewhat against her own
better judgement. But remember that focus must be done with class and charm
never with the desperate glare of the obsessed.

Master these seven magical attributes of elevated male status

and youll keep placing yourself onto the radar scopes of dozens of
exciting new women every week... not to mention how youll stay
light-years ahead of your other male competition!

Manage Your Horniness Instead of Letting it Manage You

s face it, if you'
re the kind of guy who' s been taking care of his own
business for most of his life, then you' ve probably got the "art" of self-love down
to a science by now. This is all fine and dandy to an extent, but unfortunately,
sex drive happens to be Nature' s great motivator for inspiring the species to
perpetuate! Without sex drive, men and women really wouldn' t give a shit about
each other, would they? So as much as you probably hate to hear it,
short-circuiting this urge will only lead to social withdrawal and eventual
awkwardness around women. Sound familiar?

One of the drawbacks to the single life is that it' s easily embraced as a
lifestyle if you'
re not careful. It's takes little effort to backslide into self-indulgence
to the point where you no longer feel the responsibility to care about anyone else,
ever. This becomes especially easy to pull off (pardon my choice of words...) if
you' ve become proficient at tending to your own sexual needs like a one-armed
champion. Can' t say that I blame you... after all, if you've got zero prospect of
having any real sex then what' s the sense of torturing yourself with blue balls,
right? So you' ve formed the habit of keeping yourself in a comfortable state of
low horniness as part of your single guy lifestyle.

Understand that your depressed horniness works against you in many

different and subtle ways though, mostly by obliterating your motivation to
game real women. Sure, you ogle and fantasize about bunches of them every
day, but since shame is the primary controller of your actions it remains difficult
to break through the barricade that its placed around you. The valuable thing
about horniness is that it's one of the few emotions that can be powerful enough
to overcome the fears that are blocking you and actually compel you to take
some action that might change your luck. With the lions share of your horniness
tamed, it's easy to find yourself interacting with women as friends instead of
pursing them as potential lovers. Horniness furnishes you with that all-important
male aggression and remember, in almost no known species of animal will the
females mate with NON-aggressive males.

In other words, wimps don' t stand a chance in Nature... even in the world
of dogs, cats and gophers! People aren' t much different either because the game
of seduction and mating while seemingly civilized and very intellectual in the
human animal -- is still extraordinarily primal at its essence. Mating is propelled
by instincts older than Time itself which lie barely hidden beneath our more

tempered facades. So aggression (exhibited in the human male by persistence
and focused interest ) is rated highly by women everywhere. Dominant males
are aggressive in the sense that they go after what they want!

So if you feel that you might currently be lurking somewhere around 80%
fear and 20% horniness in your dealings with women, why not try getting that
down to 60-40 or even 50-50 and see for yourself what an effortless improvement
it can make in your natural ability to relate to women as a Man... rather than some
non-aggressive, creampuff "buddy-buddy". Aspire to recover some of your
suppressed horniness instead of letting it lead you around by your limp dick! Hey,
just try it as an experiment for a month you can always go back to your good old
wackin'ways if your energy and sexiness around women doesn' t seem to
improve... but I'll bet that it will!

* * *
I hope you enjoyed The Three Keys to Seducing Any Woman and found
some of my advice useful. But you know what they say... a little knowledge can
be dangerous! So why not reach for the brass ring today and check out my
highly-acclaimed new seduction e-books and take your game to the next level?
Read about each of them below in more detail, and Thanks for Your Support!

s Yours For The Taking:
A Man' s Guide to the Seduction and
Sexual Enchantment of Women
by Michael Pilinski

Capturing a woman' s heart can be a highly

hit-or-miss proposition, even in the best
circumstances. It requires a blend of the man making
all the correct signal moves and the woman allowing
events to unfold without throwing up roadblocks at
every turn. Despite the fact that many of us have
come to dread it, some type of male-signaling
performance is always necessary somewhere along
the line because everything is still ultimately the woman' s choice and she needs
information in order to make that choice.

For men then, it'

s all about getting that perfect combination of attitude and
appearance our so-called Male Display working just right for us. It is within
this display that we advertise the suitability of our genetic heritage for the creation
of new life. This is the information women are compelled to seek about us!

Make this display work for yourself and you can create a steady stream of
romantic opportunities coming your way that will NOT require a massive display
of courage to take advantage of. And that' s the central focus of She'
s Yours For
The Taking... it'
s a collection of strategies designed to lure women into your
world by feeding them all the proper romantic signals they crave at every step
along the way. Once women begin to get the idea that you understand the game
on their terms, worlds of possibly will begin to open up for you.

Best of all, the romantic skills outlined in She'

s Yours For The Taking will
become ever more refined as you use them continuing to serve you for a
lifetime. These are not just short-term tricks to be used like stunts during your
"clubbing" years when you have a supporting network of like-minded friends and
easy access to single women helping you along. This is a collection of classy
seduction skills, challenging you to take your game to the next level beyond mere

You' ll find that it'

s a better way a REAL way to bring beautiful women
tumbling like delightful little snowflakes into your life!

Visit Mikes Site to Learn More...

Without Embarrassment:
The Social Coward'
s Totally Fearless
Seduction System
by Michael Pilinski

What' s the one thing that stops most men dead in

their tracks from meeting, dating and hooking up with all
the women they can possibly handle?

Fear of Rejection!

That's right, fear of rejection is a social killer that can

mess up even the most otherwise highly confident and
accomplished man, and absolutely devastate a guy' s
love life. Well there'
s a new e-book available which addresses this problem with
a variety of new techniques designed to get you over this c-blocking hump and
into the arms of the hot chick of your dreams!

Without Embarrassment focuses on that one major area of dealing with

women that gives men the most trouble... rejection sensitivity. It' s time for you
to get a handle on this problem once and for all. Get ready to learn...

How the root of all shyness lies buried in deeply held feelings of
shame that have become subtly linked to your natural and very
human desire to be loved...

How your behavior affects your attractiveness towards women

more than any aspect of your look or body type ever will...

Strategies to manage the self-destructive aspects of your ego that

are holding you back from having a full and active social life...

Go to Mikes site For Complete Details...

Please share this e-book with all your interested friends!


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