Sbar Mini Case Studies

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NAME OF LEARNING Who are you going to call? What are your going to
ACTIVITY say? SBAR Communication Mini Case studies
Learning Activity Students will read off the class screen or slide a mini case
Summary study. The mini case study will introduce a problem with the
patient that needs attention. They will then write in SBAR
format who they will call and what they will say in the call or
in a web page. Some of the students will share what they
wrote and there will be a class discussion identifying what
information is essential when speaking or web paging a
provider or other interdisciplinary team member.
Cognitive: Understand, Apply, Analyze

Domain of Learning Affective: Respond, Value, Organize

(Blooms Taxonomy
Revised) Psychomotor: Perfect, Articulate

Student-Centered At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:

Learning Objective(s)
Distinguish who to report to and what information to reveal
to the provider by speaking or documentation when a patient
presents an issue
Demonstrate an effective SBAR report to another caretaker
or provider

Preparation Required Several mini case studies will need to be developed by the
by Teacher/Facilitator teacher and placed on a slide for the whole class to see. Paper
and Materials Needed for the students to write SBAR calls

Time Allotted 3 minutes to read mini case study and 5 minutes to write
SBAR. Recommend at least 4 to 5 mini case studies so 30 to
40 minutes
Learning Styles Information Presentation X sight __ sound X text
Addressed by Activity
Modality: X visual X verbal

Approach: X active __reflective

Understanding: X sequential X holistic

How is content connected This is connected to students health and assessment class
to prior learning? they previously have taken when looking at abnormal labs or
diagnostic tests to key into what is concerning with the
patient. The students can draw from prior learning in
anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to gather
information related to sign and symptoms in the case studies.
The students will also have taken fundamentals of nursing
and can draw from junior year IDT classes and activities.
Reflective Debriefing After each mini case study, some students will read their
with Learners (post- SBARs and a discussion in class will take place student lead
learning activity) How on what information they feel is most critical in the phone call
will it be accomplished? or web text. The facilitator can provide some good examples
of a SBAR related to the case study.
Evaluation of Evaluation will take place listening to students SBARs and
Learning (How will it the feedback the class gives about the SBARs reviewed. The
be accomplished?) teacher can collect the students work during class and
although no grade will be given can read them and see if the
class was grasping the concept.
Teacher Reflection SBAR is a communication tool used frequently in health care.
It is important tool for students to break down information
(justify choice of learning and prioritize relevant assessment findings. Breaking up
activity and good fit for teaching with this active strategy and having students practice
the identified learning SBAR will assist in them understanding its importance. This
objectives) strategy will develop communication skills and offer a student
increased self-confidence so in practice they will be
comfortable talking to a provider and be able to advocate for
their patient.

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