Barbizon 2017 Dance Curriculum
Barbizon 2017 Dance Curriculum
Barbizon 2017 Dance Curriculum
Materials Needed:
Attire appropriate for dancing. This includes, but is not limited to:
jazz pants or shorts
tank top or form fitting t-shirt
sweat pants
Jazz shoes or sneakers
**Above all, students should choose an outfit that allows them to move freely and does
not restrict movement, while also allowing the teacher to observe and correct posture
and technique (i.e. no very baggy shirts or pants).**
Notebook and writing utensil for documenting choreography and technique notes.
Overview of Syllabus:
Class Objective: Meet and get to know one another! Lets learn about our bodies and how to
move them in fun, healthy, and technical fashion. By the end of class, students should have
begun to absorb the Warm Up, Center Floor, and Across the Floor exercises.
Class sits in a circle. Students take turns saying their name, age, hometown, and talking about
their individual dance experiences and relationships with dance. Teacher can engage with
students by asking questions such as What is your favorite type of dance? What do you hope
to gain most from this class? etc. Teacher then explains his/her goal of entire class: Here at
Barbizon, we want to help you find the confidence to be the best performer you can be. In THIS
class, you will learn how to own your body, perform to your fullest potential, and rise to the
occasion of every challenge that comes your way.
Get to Know You Exercise: Class switches spots within the circle, now standing. Teacher turns
on a song that will get students excited and energized (song is chosen at teachers own
discretion). Students take turns jumping forward, saying My name is _______, and I like to
move like this! The student then does a quick 8-count of his/her own favorite dance move. The
rest of the class responds by repeating His/her name is ________, and he/she likes to move
like this! and mimicking that students dance move. This continues until all students have taken
their turns. Teacher then transitions into the WARM UP portion of the class.
Teacher asks students to spread out in two or three lines, facing the mirror. After ensuring each
student is visible and can see the teacher through their windows, teacher can begin teaching
the Warm Up.
**NOTE** The Warm Up will be taught only on the FIRST and SIXTH classes; students whose
first classes are 201-501 or 701-1000 will follow along with the teacher and the rest of the class
until the Warm Up is taught again.
Students remain in two or three lines, but switch those lines (students in the front line move to
the back line, and vice versa). Teacher explains that the Center Floor Exercise incorporates
both technique and choreographic elements in a warm up format. While the purpose of the
exercise is to warm up our bodies, we are also engaging our brains (choreo) and muscles
(technique). Teacher then begins teaching the Center Floor routine.
**NOTE** The Center Floor routine will be taught only on the FIRST and SIXTH classes;
students whose first classes are 201-501 or 701-1000 will follow along with the teacher and the
rest of the class until the Center Floor routine is taught again.
Teacher asks students to line up in two lines on stage left, facing stage right. Teacher explains
that the Across the Floor exercises are designed to increase flexibility and proficiency of tricks.
With each cumulative week, the goal is for each student to attempt to kick a little higher, leap a
little wider, turn a little tighter, etc. Teacher demonstrates each exercise by executing it across
the floor solo, then asking students to do the same, two at a time.
The main focus of this class is getting the students comfortable with the warm up, center floor,
and across the floor exercises, as well as each other! After the Across the Floor exercises have
been completed, take the students to the center of the room and clarify the following terms that
have been used in all the previous combinations:
**NOTE: Remind the class that all of these terms will be taught in further detail during the
following class, but they should start thinking about them and familiarizing themselves with the
names. The teacher need not give an entire technique class here, as class 102 will be devoted
to technique.
Prompt: If you were to audition for So You Think You Can Dance, what song would you choose
to audition with, and why? Students write answers in their notebooks, followed by a class
The only choreography learned today is the Warm Up, Center Floor, and Across the Floor
routines. This portion of this class is open for students to ask questions about any part of those
three exercises about which they might be unclear.
Students preparing for Graduation will run and clean their solos with the Teacher.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class, and encourage each student to reveal one thing they hope to learn over the next
ten classes.
Class Objective: To deepen our understanding of the fundamental elements of jazz, and its
influence in musical theater, as well as hip hop. By the end of class, students should be able to
execute basic technique of these styles with adequate proficiency.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Todays class lesson is to review the terms given to the students last week, and put them in
motion. Students line up in two lines (with windows) and teacher demonstrates the five ballet
positions. Students mimic teacher as she shows them these positions, the five jazz positions,
plie and releve, tondu and degage, battement, hinge, and spotting.
Freeze Dance: Teacher plays music. Students free-style dance, and when the music stops,
teacher calls out one of the pertinent terms. Students have to execute the movement and hold it
until the music begins again.
Students learn a brief choreographed combination (no more than around 64 counts) to a song of
the Teachers choosing. The choreography for this combination should incorporate all of the
basic technique elements reviewed in class thus far. Teacher should remind students, as they
execute the routine, of these elements.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class.
Class Objective: To understand the importance of confidence in, as well as ownership of the
choreography while performing. Expression is just as vital to dance as technique.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Todays class lesson involves learning how to perform instead of merely executing a routine.
Students and Teacher stand in a circle and discuss how we can achieve this.
Teacher splits the students up into groups of two or three. Each group is assigned a small
portion (i.e. one verse) of a song that they have to act out. Teacher may print out lyrics pages
for the students to refer to throughout the exercise. There can be some choreographed
movement involved, but this choreography must stem from a character motive (i.e. pointing to
get the other students to look at something). The main purpose of the exercise is to perform with
confidence and emotion, allowing the choreography and technique to be an extension of inner
Students learn a brief choreographed combination (no more than around 64 counts) to a
Broadway-style song of the Teachers choosing. The choreography for this combination should
incorporate character work and require the students to act, emote, and perform, instead of
merely executing. Teacher should remind students, as they execute the routine, to focus on
their characters relationship with the audience while they are performing.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class.
Class Objective: To get the students out of their heads and into their bodies. Students will
learn how to trust their impulses through exercises that sharpen their improvisational skills.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Todays class lesson is a discussion on the importance of improvisation. What is the definition of
improvisation? Class stands in a circle and brainstorms elements of improv:
awareness of space
awareness of tempo
awareness of direction
Teacher gives the class five terms completely unrelated to dance. These terms might be
lollipop or cloud bicycle or shuffleboard on rollerskates. Each student goes off on his/her
own and creates one move to represent each term. Once this task is completed, the Teacher
will divide the class into groups of three or four. The students familiarize themselves with each
of the other members of their groups moves. Each group will then improvise a dance to a song
chosen by the Teacher, using moves from their group. The teacher should remind the students
that they dont have to be executing the same steps at the same time, but should be more
focused on moving around the space in ways that complement the other dancers in the space.
Work together to create something new and different.
Students learn a brief choreographed combination (no more than around 64 counts) to a song of
the Teachers choosing. The choreography for this combination should include an improvised
section during which the students free-style. Teacher should remind students, as they execute
the routine, to get out of their heads and into their bodies.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class.
Class Objective: To prepare students for real dance calls and auditions and have them build
upon and understand the importance of muscle memory, when learning a combination in a
fast-paced, high-stress environment.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
The class stands in a circle and discusses their relationship with auditioning. Teacher might
recall the day the students auditioned for Barbizon, inviting them to contribute to the discussion
feelings that came up/have come up during this and previous auditions. The class should also
discuss the different purposes for auditioning, and the different elements of an audition, as well
as basic audition etiquette. Questions raised during this discussion might include, but are not
limited to:
Why do we audition?
How can we trick our brain into walking into an audition with
What are some basic etiquette rules for behaving during an audition?
Lets talk through the different parts of an audition from start to finish
(i.e. arriving, signing in, warming up body/voice, freshening up, getting in the zone, entering
the room, introducing yourself, doing your thang, exiting with grace, etc.).
How can we utilize everything weve learned in previous classes to
help us succeed in an audition?
After discussing the different elements and etiquette of an audition, the Teacher sends the
students out of the classroom to count to 20, and then re-enter the classroom as if it were an
audition holding area. The students are to then treat the next ten or so minutes as a mock
audition, emulating their preparation for a real audition. The teacher observes and might side
coach with comments such as How do you get into the zone? have you warmed up your body
Once the Class Challenge activity is drawing to a close, the Teacher announces to the class
that they will be participating in a mock audition. If the Teacher chooses, she/he can hand out
numbers to pin to the students clothing, as in a real dance call. The students will line up in two
lines with windows, facing the mirror, and learn a brief audition combination that might be used
at a real dance call. The students have ten minutes to learn the combination before they are
split up into groups to audition and perform. Teacher should remind the students before
auditioning to remember everything theyve learned in class thus far (i.e. technique, owning
it, etc.), and utilize it to succeed. Once every student has auditioned, the class sits in a circle
and discusses the experience.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class.
Class Objective: Students preparing for graduation discuss and prepare their solos with the
Teacher. As such, the solo choreography learned and cleaned for graduation will be groomed
for proficient technique.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Teacher asks students to spread out in two or three lines, facing the mirror. After ensuring each
student is visible and can see the teacher through their windows, teacher can begin teaching
the Warm Up.
**NOTE** The Warm Up will be taught only on the FIRST and SIXTH classes; students whose
first classes are 201-501 or 701-1000 will follow along with the teacher and the rest of the class
until the Warm Up is taught again.
Students remain in two or three lines, but switch those lines (students in the front line move to
the back line, and vice versa). Teacher explains that the Center Floor Exercise incorporates
both technique and choreographic elements in a warm up format. While the purpose of the
exercise is to warm up our bodies, we are also engaging our brains (choreo) and muscles
(technique). Teacher then begins teaching the Center Floor routine.
**NOTE** The Center Floor routine will be taught only on the FIRST and SIXTH classes;
students whose first classes are 201-501 or 701-1000 will follow along with the teacher and the
rest of the class until the Center Floor routine is taught again.
Teacher asks students to line up in two lines on stage left, facing stage right. Teacher explains
that the Across the Floor exercises are designed to increase flexibility and proficiency of tricks.
With each cumulative week, the goal is for each student to attempt to kick a little higher, leap a
little wider, turn a little tighter, etc. Teacher demonstrates each exercise by executing it across
the floor solo, then asking students to do the same, two at a time.
Class sits in a circle and discusses their graduation pieces. Those who have been working on
their solos for a few classes already can discuss their progress and what they might need to
work on. Those who have not begun to work on graduation pieces will talk to the Teacher about
what kind of solo he/she would ideally like to perform. Teacher reminds the students that this is
a technique day, and we will be concentrating on making sure each solo is executed with
technical proficiency.
Teacher advises the students already working on graduation solos to go through their dance,
step by step, cleaning it on their own for technique purposes. While this is going on, students
who have not begun to work on their graduation pieces will meet one on one with the teacher to
discuss possible solos.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher, with a particular focus
on cleaning the technique.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class. The students can also discuss any feelings coming up about nearing graduation.
Class 107: Choreography with Focus on Performance
Class Objective: Students preparing for graduation discuss and prepare their solos with the
Teacher. As such, the solo choreography learned and cleaned for graduation will be groomed
for outstanding performance and expressive quality.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Class sits in a circle and discuss their graduation pieces. Those who have been working on their
solos for a few classes already can discuss their progress and what they might still need to work
on. Those who have not yet begun to work on graduation pieces will talk to the Teacher about
what kind of solo he/she would ideally like to perform. Teacher reminds the students that this is
an Owning It day, and we will be concentrating on making sure each solo is executed with Star
performance quality.
Teacher advises the students already working on graduation solos to go through their dance,
step by step, cleaning it on their own for performance purposes. While this is going on, students
who have not begun to work on their graduation pieces will meet one on one with the teacher to
discuss possible solos.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher, with a particular focus
on performing the piece with expression and a clear narrative in mind.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class. The students can also discuss any feelings coming up about nearing graduation.
Class 108: Choreography with Focus on Improvisation and Recreation
Class Objective: Students preparing for graduation discuss and prepare their solos with the
Teacher. As such, the solo choreography learned and cleaned for graduation will be groomed
for the ability of students to make the dance their own and perform without facing the mirror, in
any direction.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Class sits in a circle and discuss their graduation pieces. Those who have been working on their
solos for a few classes already can discuss their progress and what they might still need to work
on. Those who have not yet begun to work on graduation pieces will talk to the Teacher about
what kind of solo he/she would ideally like to perform. Teacher reminds the students that this is
an Improv and Recreation day, and we will be concentrating on making sure each student is
able to make their solo choreography their own, and is able to perform it facing away from the
mirror. .
Teacher advises the students already working on graduation solos to go through their dance,
step by step, cleaning it on their own for purposes of being able to perform it while facing away
from the mirror. While this is going on, students who have not begun to work on their graduation
pieces will meet one on one with the teacher to discuss possible solos.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher, with a particular focus
on making the performance their own. Students will perform their solos facing away from the
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class. The students can also discuss any feelings coming up about nearing graduation.
Class Objective: Students will perform their graduation solos in a mock audition format. This
exercise will emulate the pressure of performing their pieces in front of an evaluating audience.
As such, the solo choreography learned and cleaned will be groomed and cleaned for all
elements worked thus far (technique, performance and confidence, making it your own).
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Class sits in a circle to discuss their graduation pieces. Those who have been working on their
solos for a few classes already can discuss their progress and what they might still need to work
on. Those who have not yet begun to work on graduation pieces will talk to the Teacher about
what kind of solo he/she would ideally like to perform. Teacher reminds the students that this is
Mock Audition day, and we will be concentrating on making sure each student is able to
perform their solo in a controlled, high pressure environment.
Teacher advises the students already working on graduation solos to go through their dance,
step by step, cleaning it on their own for purposes of being able to perform it using all elements
learned cumulatively in class thus far. While this is going on, students who have not begun to
work on their graduation pieces will meet one on one with the teacher to discuss possible solos.
Students preparing for Graduation will run their solos with the Teacher in Mock Audition format.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class. The students can also discuss any feelings coming up about nearing graduation.
Class Objective: To review cumulatively everything thats been learned throughout the past ten
weeks. Reflect on technique, performance, improvisation, and audition etiquette.
Class sits in a circle. Teacher asks the students about their weeks, ensuring that they continue
to engage with one another in a friendly manner. If there are any students for whom this is their
first class, follow this circle time with the Getting to Know You exercise dictated under Class
Students sit in a circle and discuss the different ways Dance (and the units weve covered in
class) can be useful in daily life.
Students can feel free to choose their favorite activity or dance theyve learned throughout the
past ten weeks and perform it in front of the class as well as their memories serve them!
Students preparing for graduation will run and clean their solos with the Teacher.
Students sit in a circle. The teacher prompts the class to recall some things theyve learned
during class, and throughout the past ten weeks. The students can also discuss any feelings
coming up about nearing graduation.