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Adaptiapps SBO V1.3 Sep 2016

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SmartStruxure Solution

AdaptiApps Tutorial
Creation and deployment of a four pages User App
using Schneider Electric
Electrics AdaptiApps
Version 1.3 Rev 1.2
September 2016
SmartStruxure Solution
AdaptiApps Tutorial
Creation and deployment of a four pages User App
using Schneider Electrics AdaptiApps
Version 1.3 Rev 1.2
September 2016
Copyright 2016 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.
The Schneider Electric brand and any registered trademarks of Schneider Electric Industries SAS referred to in this guide are the sole property of Schneider
Electric SA and its subsidiaries. They may not be used for any purpose without the owner's permission, given in writing. This guide and its content are
protected, within the meaning of the French intellectual property code (Code de la proprit intellectuelle franais, referred to hereafter as "the Code"), under
the laws of copyright covering texts, drawings and models, as well as by trademark law. You agree not to reproduce, other than for your own personal, non-
commercial use as defined in the Code, all or part of this guide on any medium whatsoever without Schneider Electric's permission, given in writing. You also
agree not to establish any hypertext links to this guide or its content. Schneider Electric does not grant any right or license for the personal and non-
commercial use of the guide or its content, except for a non-exclusive license to consult it on an "as is" basis, at your own risk. All other rights are reserved.
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Getting Started
1 Introduction ................................................................. 11
1.1 Requirements ............................................................................. 13
1.2 Tutorial on-line equipment ........................................................... 15

2 Controllers setup (optional) ........................................... 17

2.1 SmartStruxure Lite Server ........................................................... 19
2.2 SmartStruxure Server .................................................................. 21
2.3 Important information about Cyber Security ................................. 33

3 Licensing ..................................................................... 35
3.1 Licensing .................................................................................... 37
3.1.1 Design license .......................................................................... 37
3.1.2 Deployment license ................................................................... 37

4 User Apps .................................................................... 41
4.1 User App Design ......................................................................... 43
4.2 User App creation ....................................................................... 47
4.3 Global Variables .......................................................................... 51
4.3.1 Default Global Variables ............................................................ 52
4.4 Page settings .............................................................................. 54
4.5 Navigation settings ...................................................................... 59
4.6 Widgets settings ......................................................................... 63
4.7 Widgets binding (static configuration) .......................................... 65
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning ............................................................. 69
4.9 Widgets binding (dynamic configuration) ..................................... 77
4.10 Multimedia Widgets ..................................................................... 78
4.11 User App default configuration settings ....................................... 83
4.12 User App packaging ................................................................... 85
4.13 User App duplication ................................................................... 87

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial
5 Preparations ................................................................ 91
5.1 User App Deployment ................................................................. 93
5.2 The 3 Deployment Methods ........................................................ 97
5.2.1 Managed devices ...................................................................... 97
5.2.2 Bring Your Own Device Generic ............................................. 98
5.2.3 Bring Your Own Device Customized ....................................... 98
5.3 Manual Shell Apps installation .................................................. 100
5.4 Manual Shell Apps Installation for WinPC ................................... 101
5.5 Manual Shell Apps Installation for Mac OS ................................. 102
5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for Android (Optional) .................. 103
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only) ....... 104

6 Managed devices ....................................................... 111

6.1 Devices settings ........................................................................ 113
6.2 User App import ........................................................................ 114
6.3 Single device declaration (or few devices) .................................. 119
6.4 Fleet of devices declaration ....................................................... 121
6.5 On premise deployment (optional) ............................................. 123
6.6 User App deployment on one or few devices ............................. 124
6.7 User App deployment on a fleet of devices ................................ 127
6.8 User App management on device ............................................. 129
6.9 User App removal from devices ................................................. 132

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic) .. 135

7.1 Devices settings ........................................................................ 137
7.2 User App import ........................................................................ 139
7.3 User App deployment on device ................................................ 143
7.4 User App management on device ............................................. 145
7.5 User App removal from devices ................................................. 147

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD

Customized) .............................................................. 149
8.1 Devices settings ........................................................................ 151
8.2 User App import ........................................................................ 152
8.3 User App deployment on device ................................................ 158
8.4 User App management on device ............................................. 161
8.5 User App removal from devices ................................................. 163

9 User Apps .................................................................. 167
9.1 User App on iPad, Android, WinPC, Mac OS ............................. 169
9.2 Navigation between User Apps ................................................. 172


AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration
purpose ..................................................................... 177
10.1 Healthcare demo ...................................................................... 179
10.2 Hotel demo ............................................................................... 190

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins .................... 197

11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library ........................................... 199
11.2 Widget design ........................................................................... 205
11.3 Widget Skins ............................................................................ 206
11.3.1 Selection of Skin .................................................................... 206
11.3.2 Example of User App rendering done with Elegant Skin ........... 207

12 Specifications ............................................................ 211

12.1 Supported equipments ............................................................. 213
12.2 Limitations ................................................................................ 215

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

Getting Started
1 Introduction

Tutorial on-line equipment
1 Introduction
1.1 Requirements

1.1 Requirements
AdaptiApps Builder/AdaptiApps Manager, version 1.3:
PC or a Mac with XGA (1024x768) resolution minimum
Chrome or Firefox web browser (latest version)
Cookies and Java Script should be authorized
An Internet connection

Shell App, version 1.3:
iPad iOS7.x / iOS8.x / iOS9.x
iOS7.x / iOS8.x are the official Apple platforms used for System Validation.
Digital Airways certificates have to be trusted manually on iOS9. For more
information, see section 5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test
Purposes Only) on page 104.
Android tablet 4.2+
Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
Mac OS X (Maverick, Yosemite)
Magelis GTU
An Automation Server (AS) or an Enterprise Server (ES) running SmartStruxure,
and/or a Multi Purpose Manager (MPM) running SmartStruxure Lite with
EcoStruxure Web Services (EWS) serve capabilities, having AdaptiApps Smart
Widget installed.

Shell Apps versions

The current versions of Shell Apps are as follows:
Adapti-MSE 1.3.1b for PC
Adapti-MSE 1.3.0 for Mac OS
Adapti-[C/G/M]SE 1.3.1 for Android
Adapti-[C/G/M]SE 1.3.1 for iOS
The SE suffix means authentication process and the User Apps server are hosted
on the Schneider Electric cloud (maintained by IPO).

StruxureWare Building Operation versions

AdaptiApps has successfully been tested with the following StruxureWare Building
Operation versions:
V1.4.1 (EWS 1.1)
V1.7.1 / V1.8 (EWS 1.2 / limited scope no PULL-Eventing mechanism
Widgets are working with the above StruxureWare Building Operation versions.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

1 Introduction
1.1 Requirements

Building Expert versions

AdaptiApps has been successfully tested with the following Building Expert
V2.16.4 (EWS 1.1)

Time aspect
It should take you between 15 and 30 minutes to design and deploy your first User
App pages, depending on what you need to setup/install:
Enterprise / Automation Server
Shell App

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

1 Introduction
1.2 Tutorial on-line equipment

1.2 Tutorial on-line equipment

There are several on-line equipments available to perform this tutorial:
A pre-configured SmartStruxure Lite MPM (Multi Purpose Controller), available
on the cloud (http:// or setup your own MPM.
SSL V2.16.4:
IP address:
Port 81 must be accessible through the firewall!
URL: http://argentan.digitalairways.com:81
Hosted in Argentan, Normandy - France by Digital Airways
User: admin, Password: AdaptiApps1!
A pre-configured SmartStruxure ES (Enterprise Server), available on the cloud
(http:// or setup your own AS/ES.
AdaptiApps global variable $SERVERIP is set by default to an SBO server (ES)
located in France.
Default SBO V1.7.1:
IP address:
URL: http://argentan.digitalairways.com
Hosted in Argentan, Normandy - France by Digital Airways
User: admin, Password: AdaptiApps1!
A Sarix Pelco camera, available on the cloud (http:// or
setup your own IP Cam.
Sarix Pelco Camera:
IP address:
Port 82 must be accessible through the firewall!
URL: http://argentan.digitalairways.com:82
Hosted in Argentan, Normandy - France by Digital Airways
User: test, Password: test
Periodical updated static image available on http://
If you want to use the pre-configured server (StruxureWare Building Operation /
Building Expert not needed), go directly to the important information about Cyber
Security. For more information, see section 2.3 Important information about Cyber
Security on page 33. Otherwise, the next section explains how to configure your
own controller. For more information, see section 2 Controllers setup (optional) on
page 17.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

1 Introduction
1.2 Tutorial on-line equipment

Figure: Equipment and architecture

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)

SmartStruxure Lite Server
SmartStruxure Server
Important information about Cyber Security
2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.1 SmartStruxure Lite Server

2.1 SmartStruxure Lite Server

You must have Building Expert V2.16.4+, with an SE8300U.
1. Power MPM unit then log into it.

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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.1 SmartStruxure Lite Server

2. Declare a SE8300U over ZigBee.

The following SE83000 variables are used by default by RoomControllerSetPoint


Figure: SE8000 variables used by AdaptiApps

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

2.2 SmartStruxure Server

This tutorial can be done using servers pre-configured located on the cloud. This
section explain how to setup local server (no internet access).
You must have StruxureWare Building Operation WorkStation and Server version
1. Open your Web Browser (Chrome or Firefox) and go to the AdaptiApps
Schneider Web page:

and then select Build option.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

2. Accept the End User License Agreement.

Only Chrome and Firefox are supported.
If using Internet Explorer (or in rare occasions when network is
very slow with Chrome or Firefox), the EULA doesnt appear as a
popup, but as an horizontal pane at the bottom of the page. In
such cases, EULA cannot be accepted. The only way to move
forward and enter credentials is to reload the page, until the
EULA is displayed as a popup.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

3. Log into AdaptiApps Builder using your AdaptiApps Builder credentials.

4. Download AdaptiApps Smart Widget (AdaptiApps Smart Widget for

SmartStruxure Solution.exe).
SmartStruxure Smart Widget is available from Home page of AdaptiApps

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

5. Install AdaptiApps Smart Widget.

Default install path (on windows 7): C:\ProgramData\Schneider

Electric\StruxureWare Building Operation Generic\Smart
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

6. Launch StruxureWare Building Operation WorkStation and log on.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

7. Import AdaptiApps Smart Widget into StruxureWare Building Operation.

Click Server1 in the left pane, click on the right button of the mouse and select
the Import.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

8. Select AdaptiApps DataSet V1.1.xml and click Open.

Default install path (on windows 7): C:\ProgramData\Schneider

Electric\StruxureWare Building Operation Generic\Smart
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

9. The AdaptiApps Smart Widget will be imported into StruxureWare Building


Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

10. AdaptiApps data sets are now part of the StruxureWare Building Operation

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

11. Optional - Setup your own AdaptiApps dataset structure to match your
project architecture.

You can copy and paste each unitary dataset (e.g. Tstat folder) to create your
own dataset (see AdaptiApps Hospital / AdaptiApps Hotel structure demo for
more details).
For more information, see section 10.1 Healthcare demo on page 179.
For more information, see section 10.2 Hotel demo on page 190.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

12. Optional - Bind AdaptiApps dataset variables to your BMS variables using the
Edit Bindings menu.

Select Transfer value To the BMS variable if the AdaptiApps variable is an

Output variable.
Select Transfer value To the AdaptiApps variable if it is a Status variable.

A complete description of the AdaptiApps variable is available in the Excel

sheet located in the same directory as the AdaptiApps DataSet V1.1.xml file.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.2 SmartStruxure Server

13. Optional - Define the right units to display in AdaptiApps Widgets.

Some AdaptiApps Widgets, such as Flow Rate, Flow Switch, Humidity,

Pressure, and Temperature, which are available in the Facility
Manager/General/Sensors section of the Widget library, allow displaying a
value and its unit. The unit used is the one defined in StruxureWare Building
Operation, at the variable level.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.3 Important information about Cyber Security

2.3 Important information about Cyber

Cyber Security is an important topic, which has to be in mind of all AdaptiApps User
App Designers to ensure production of a fully secure customized User App solution.
In this tutorial, you will have the opportunities to connect to Schneider Electric
AdaptiApps Servers (Builder/Manager)
AdaptiApps has been audited by and fulfilled the Cyber Secure
recommendations since V1.2.2.
SmartStruxure Enterprise/Automation Server
StruxureWare Building Operation has been audited and is considered as cyber
secure since V1.7.1.
SmartStruxure Lite Server
Building Expert has been audited and is considered as cyber secure since
Each of these offers has been designed to create Cyber Secured solutions, as far
as the simple rules below are followed:
All communications between AdaptiApps User App and Servers must be done
using HTTPS protocols (Digest Authentication).
Default credential must be changed on each server during commissioning to
ensure fully secure communication.
Each Schneider Electric products have their own password policy:
AdaptiApps V1.2.2+:
At least 8 characters
At least 1 upper case character
At least 1 lower case character
At least 1 special character
StruxureWare Building Operation V1.7.1+, default policy (can be
At least 8 characters
At least 1 lower case character
At least 1 numeric character
At least 1 special character
Please refer to SBO 1.7.1 - Password policy
Building Expert V2.5+:
At least 10 characters
At least 1 upper case character
At least 1 lower case character
At least 1 numeric character

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

2 Controllers setup (optional)
2.3 Important information about Cyber Security

As AdaptiApps also supports controllers with firmware which were not supporting
HTTPS with Digest Authentication, this tutorial refers to HTTP communication to
avoid any confusion.

In real life User Apps, always use HTTPS communication whenever its possible.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

3 Licensing

3 Licensing
3.1 Licensing

3.1 Licensing
Licenses are required to design an AdaptiApps User App. Two types of licenses are
needed to deliver a User App to an End User:
Design license
Deployment license

3.1.1 Design license

The design license allows you to create a new User App in AdaptiApps Builder and
duplicating it (same name).
Part Number Description

SXWADPACC10001 AdaptiApps Design License

3.1.2 Deployment license

The deployment license allows you to deploy a User App to a set of devices from
AdaptiApps Manager.
Each AdaptiApps Manager account includes a TRIAL deployment license allowing
Managed / Customized deployment on 3 devices.
Part Number Description Supported deployment

SXWADPDEP10010 App deployment (up to 10 Managed / Customized


SXWADPDEP10050 App deployment (up to 50 Managed / Customized


SXWADPDEP10100 App deployment (up to 100 Managed / Customized


SXWADPDEP10500 App deployment (up to 500 Managed / Customized


SXWADPDEP10999 App deployment (unlimited Managed / Customized /

devices) Generic

a) Only supported by Managed Device / BYOD Customized deployment method. BYOD Generic
requires an unlimited devices deployment license.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

3 Licensing
3.1 Licensing

Figure: List of Managed Licenses

There are simple rules linked to deployment licenses:
A deployment license is linked to a User App.
Several deployment licenses can be linked to a single User App.
A deployment license can be unlinked from a User App to be used on another
User App if:
No deployment is currently active (Managed / Customized).
No deployment has ever been done (Generic).

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps

User App Design
User App creation
Global Variables
Page settings
Navigation settings
Widgets settings
Widgets binding (static configuration)
Widgets graphical tuning
Widgets binding (dynamic configuration)
Multimedia Widgets
User App default configuration settings
User App packaging
User App duplication
4 User Apps
4.1 User App Design

4.1 User App Design

When designing a new User App, you must be connected to the Internet, because
AdaptiApps Builder is a cloud based solution. To design the User App, you do not
need a network connection to the controllers and other devices, which the User
App should be used to monitor and control.
1. Open your Web Browser (Chrome or Firefox) and go to the AdaptiApps
Schneider Web page and then select Build option. AdaptiApps Builder:

Cookies and JavaScript must be authorized in the Browser.

AdaptiApps welcome page allows navigation between several modules:

Learn: The Official Building Web Community AdaptiApps page, which
requires Buildings Exchange credentials.
Build: The Apps Designer
Manage: The Apps Manager
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.1 User App Design

2. Accept the End User License Agreement.

Only Chrome and Firefox are supported.
If using Internet Explorer (or in rare occasions when network is
very slow with Chrome or Firefox), the EULA doesnt appear as a
popup, but as a horizontal pane at the bottom of the page. In
such cases, EULA cannot be accepted. The only way to move
forward and enter credentials is to reloaded the page, until the
EULA is displayed as a popup.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.1 User App Design

3. Log into AdaptiApps Builder using your AdaptiApps Builder credentials.

The AdaptiApps Builder is a Web application, which allows you to design

AdaptiApps User Apps.
AdaptiApps credentials allow you to use 3 deployment methods at the same
time, as described in this tutorial.
Demo accounts dedicated for each deployment method are available for
evaluation purposes (Design and Deployment).
Demo User Apps are deleted each Saturday at 10:00 AM EDT.
Follow the AdaptiApps tutorial and select the credentials you need depending
on the deployment method you want to evaluate.
Managed devices deployment
Use the following demo account to access AdaptiApps Builder / Manager
from the AdaptiApps portal:
Login: Demo.Managed
Password: AdaptiDemo!
BYOD Generic deployment
Get turnkey demo app on your Apple or Android device using the QR-
code included in this tutorial.
BYOD Customized deployment
Use the following demo account to access AdaptiApps Builder / Manager
from the AdaptiApps portal:
Login: Demo.Custom
Password: AdaptiDemo!

The time zone for BYOD Customized deployment is set to UTC.
Email addresses are visible until the next Saturday at 10:00 AM EDT,
but can be removed manually for confidentiality reasons.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.1 User App Design

4. The home page provides links to the latest AdaptiApps resources available on
the Web:
Tutorial (This document)
Apps Widgets and Artwork to customize User Apps
Artworks consists of a set of existing pictures / icons provided by the End
User or designed by Artwork designers. Aesthetic and consistency are
key factors of success of AdaptiApps. It is highly recommended to work
with Artwork designers (internal or external).
SmartStruxure AdaptiApps Smart Widgets

Twitter account #AdaptiAppsNews allows getting the latest AdaptiApps info

in real time.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.2 User App creation

4.2 User App creation

1. Select the Design User Apps icon.

AdaptiApps Builder allows you to Design User Apps and to manage Widgets
library (which will be used for design) for several accounts.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.2 User App creation

2. Go to User Apps on the left tab, and then push the Add new User App button.
A valid design license is needed to create a new User App.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.2 User App creation

3. Enter the name of your User App (e.g. Hello World) and define User App
The default logout is 15 minutes (no logout = 0)
Public Kiosk applications don't require credentials and never log out.
The User App icon can be changed by clicking the Choose File button.
Supported format: 90x90, PNG 8

Package name is derived from User App name and doesn't support non-
ASCII characters. If special characters are used in the App name, AdaptiApps
Builder will automatically remove them to create the Package name. It is better
not to use non-ASCII characters in any AdaptiApps field content.
Target: Future use
Tablet is the only format available within AdaptiApps V1.2.x
Skin: Selection of the Widget set skin (when available)
Widgets may support different skins. Skins are just a different graphical
representation of a widget (shape, color, fonts). A demo of the skinning
feature is available by entering Elegant in this field. Some widget
renderings will change to fulfill the Bed Side Panel demo used during the
AdaptiApps Proof of Concept. Skinning, if implemented at the widget
level, is a simple String Field allowing you to use a different set of
graphical assets when drawing the widget on the final device. For more
information, see section 11.3 Widget Skins on page 206.
Version: must be an integer
When creating a new User App, the User App template file is copied (it
contains default icons, Utils functions (access to SBO), Manifest file) and
customized with defined parameters. In order to ease demo, the template
includes a pre-defined global variable SERVERIP set to
http://argentan.digitalairways.com which is one of the AdaptiApps SBO demo
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.2 User App creation

4. User App properties can always be changed by clicking on Properties icon .

Once created, some properties like package, name, version cannot be

updated. To rename a User App or change version number, the right method
is to duplicate the User App, set the right name / version number and then
delete the original User App.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.3 Global Variables

4.3 Global Variables

Global variables allow you to use variables in any AdaptiApps Widget configuration
field instead of static values.
Each User App includes some default global variables, such as SERVERIP. For
more information, see section below. The default global variables can be configured
or deleted. You can also create new global variables, which can be used in any
widget configuration field.
Global variables can be added in any widget configuration field, including for login or
password, by using the 'Add new variable' button.

Figure: Custom Global Variable settings

Password field is always hidden, so it is not possible to check if the password (the
single one or the global one) is the right one.

Global variables are defined per project and available on each page. Its a way to
create a generic project, which can be configured during the deployment, without
any need of redesign.
A project can have as many global variable values as needed.
Any Widget free format configuration field can use a global variable.
The use of global variables in Widget configuration fields requires a $ character
in front of the global variable name, e.g. $SERVERIP.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.3 Global Variables

$ is a reserved character in the widget configuration panel. It should only be used
along with a global variable. The framework cannot warn about any misuse of the
global variable feature, as global variables are resolved at runtime when the user
application runs on the end user device.

An example, the following configuration will display Room #17 as Widget Text.

Figure: Widget Text configuration using custom Global Variable

Another example, the following configuration will connect to the controller located
on the URL http://argentan.digitalairways.com.

Figure: Widget Data Source configuration using Default Global Variable

Another powerful use of the global variables is about addressing equipment for
public kiosk user application.
In a hotel case, where each user application should have a specific configuration.
The designer should only have to take care about referencing Data Source (EWS)
items with global variables:
Equipment Type: $EQT_TYPE
Equipment Number: $EQT_NUMBER

4.3.1 Default Global Variables

Each User App includes some pre-defined global variables used by the project and
all Widgets. Changing the global variable values allows changing all Widget
configurations used in a project at one time instead of having to modify each Widget

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.3 Global Variables

Figure: AdaptiApps Default User App Global Variables

Global variables linked to data access (and used by all official Widgets) are:
$SERVERIP (default value, AdaptiApps ES demo server)
Default value of Data Source (EWS)/URL (EWS) field
$EWS_LOGIN (default value admin, AdaptiApps ES/MPM demo server login)
Default value of Data Access (EWS)/Login (EWS) field
$EWS_PWD (default value AdaptiApps1!, AdaptiApps ES/MPM demo server
Default value of Data Access (EWS)/Password (EWS) field
Global variables linked to project:
$ISENCRYPTED (default value True)
Encrypt or not the content of each User Apps .screen files during the deploy
$ISENCRYPTED might be set to false only during de User App design phase
for debug purposes.
When using https connections ($SERVERIP), avoid to display warning icon
when set to True, if data source is using self signed certificate.
Europe Demo server (http://argentan.digitalairways.com) ( is
using self signed certificate.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.4 Page settings

4.4 Page settings

1. Select the List of Pages icon to add pages within the User Apps.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.4 Page settings

2. Create the first (and main) page:

Push the Add new Screen button.
Create a Landscape page called Home.
Few words are reserved and cannot be used as page name: main,
action, EWSclient, popup, SetWidgetPath, utils. AdaptiApps
Builder informs the user if he tries to use a reserved word.
Select page orientation: Portrait, Landscape, or Both.
Both means that User Apps will support both Landscape and Portrait
orientation. Two pages with the same name (but different orientation) will
be created. The Both option is only for devices which support rotation
(not PC or MAC). Rotation of the device must be unlocked, otherwise
graphic representation and widgets contents will be misaligned. Refer to
the device user manual for information on how to set rotation behavior on
your device.
If Landscape or Portrait is selected, a single page will be created.
The page rotation is handled by the Shell App. In order to have pages
adapted to the screen orientation, regardless of the orientation of the
devices, landscape and portrait designs need to be done. Rotation of the
device must be locked, otherwise graphic representation and widgets
contents will be misaligned. Refer to the device user manual for
information on how to set rotation behavior on your device.

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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.4 Page settings

3. Select the Design icon to design the content of the Home page.

4. Entering in the editor.

The displayed size of the page being designed can be changed using the
zoom button located on the lower left portion of the screen.
Editor is another URL, using different technologies. Editor is a HTML5 canvas
allowing the user to position and configure widgets accurately on the page.
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AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.4 Page settings

5. Optional Enable scrolling option in order to allow swipe gestures for


Scrolling allows you to display more Widgets within a page, by defining a wider
design area. In this case, the User App page is a 1280x768 pixels window,
which can be moved on a wider area up to 3000x2000 pixels.
Scrolling option is a convenient way to display options reserved for advanced
users. For example, a lighting page may propose a standard page with
switches and dimmers, and then as an option, brightness and color selection
of bulbs.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.4 Page settings

6. Select the background image by selecting a background file.

Push Choose File button
Editor accepts any background image size, but native 1280x768 provides
best rendering.
Supported file format: JPEG
Preferred size: 1280x768

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.5 Navigation settings

4.5 Navigation settings

1. Add a Menu by selecting the Navigation Widget.

In case of multi-page User App, each page must contain a Navigation Widget,
as it is the only way to navigate through pages (the other possibility is to ask
for development of a specific Navigation Widget).
When adding a new Widget in a page, the Template of the Widget is copied in
the project file and referenced into the page. The Widget Template contains:
Description File (JSON)
This template becomes an instance of the widget (in analogy with the Object
Oriented Programming language). Its properties may be configured by the
User App Designer.
As User App includes a copy of each Widget, if the Widget Library has been
updated with a new version of a Widget, each instance of the previous version
of the Widget used in a User App must be deleted and replaced by the new
one. In such case, the Widget version used within the App is grayed out (not
relevant anymore).
When the Widget library is updated with a new version of a Widget present in a
User App, the Widget will continue to run as expected, but it will appear
grayed out in the AdaptiApps Builder editor to inform developers that a new
version is available. It is recommended to always use latest version of a
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.5 Navigation settings

2. Select the Bind option on the left tab, and look at the Information menu on the
right pane.

The logo and menu appearance can be changed:

You can import your image (to use as navigation icons).
Supported format: PNG 8
Size: 150x150
You can use pre-selected images.
The items section allows you to define text and navigation schemes:
Navigation between pages within the User App
Navigation to another User App
Exit from the User App to manually select another User App
The configuration of the navigation Widget is global to the User App, so it can
be configured from any page of the User App. This configuration can be
updated each time a new page is created, or updated at one time while all the
pages of the User App are designed.
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AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.5 Navigation settings

3. Select Logo (it also works for the Items sections of the menu - see below) in
the information list and configure the menu for all pages by entering the
following information:
If you want to let the User App user go back to the Shell App home page,
to let him select another App, then select exit in the Navigate to control.
This will allow exiting the User App by touching the logo during at least 4
If you want to redirect the User App user directly to another User App,
then set <packageID> in the Navigate to App control (where
<packageID> is the ID of the End User package, e.g. com.se.MyApp.)
This will allow moving to another User App by touching the logo during at
least 4 seconds.
All User Apps parts of the Navigate to App configuration must be
deployed on Shell App.
User App identified by <packageID> must be installed on the final device.
If it is not installed, then the icon allowing navigation from one User App to
another User App is grayed out on the final device and the indicated
action cannot be performed.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.5 Navigation settings

4. Select Items in the information list and configure the menu for all pages by
entering the following information:
items: Page 0
Navigate to: Home (name of the Page)
Text: Comfort
Icon menu can also be changed. There are 2 icons per menu item (selected /
Off icon: Temperature_Unselected_150x150.png
On icon: Temperature_Selected_150x150.png
The selected state of an item corresponds to the touch action.

Items are the different navigation icons (after logo) of the navigation bar, sorted
from Top to Bottom is landscape mode, and from Left to Right in Portrait
By default there are 2 items available:
Page 0 - the first
Page 1 - the second
Page 2 -
The user needs to manually add as many items as there are pages in the User
App, by using the Add icon.
While adding item, the number is incremented. With 2 Pages, the last item is
Page 1. With 10 Pages, the last item is Page 9.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.6 Widgets settings

4.6 Widgets settings

1. Select Design option on the left tab and compose the Home page using
Occupant Widgets.
Choose ClockController to display date and hours.
Choose RoomControllerSetPoint to change setting of a SE7000/SE8000
Room Controller.

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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.6 Widgets settings

2. Select the RoomControllerSetPoint Widget and select the Bind option on the
left tab.
In the Information list, you should find 2 menus (Data Sources / Data Access)
to describe how to connect to Automation Server / Enterprise Server:
Data Sources includes URL and path to the data set.
Data Access includes EWS End Point and credentials.

Each widget interfacing with an AS (Automation Server) or an ES (Enterprise

Server) has the following attributes:
Data Source (EWS)
Data Access (EWS)
The bind menu allows customizing the instance of a Widget.
Widgets are composed of:
JSON for presentation description
JavaScript for presentation behavior
The AdaptiApps Builder allows you to customize the Bitmaps and JSON
description files (set default template file). Once a widget is selected to be part
of a page, both these files are copied in the User App.
Bitmaps and JavaScript files are simply copied. JSON file is renamed to have
unique ID.
If the same widget is used once again in the same User App, only JSON file is
copied. JavaScript and Bitmaps are reused.
The right pane of AdaptiApps editor is a front end to customize the JSON
configuration file.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.7 Widgets binding (static configuration)

4.7 Widgets binding (static configuration)

1. Update the Data Source (EWS), using direct addressing.
SmartStruxure Lite (MPM):
URL (EWS): http:// (address of Demo MPM)
Equipment Type (EWS): N00779B
Equipment number (EWS): DEV101
SmartStruxure (ES/AS):
URL (EWS): http:// (address of Demo ES)
Equipment Type (EWS): AdaptiApps Occupant Smart
Equipment number (EWS): Tstat

Both IP addresses and DNS names are supported.

Secure EWS connections using HTTPS are also supported. Please refer to
StruxureWare Building Operation documentation to set up the EWS Server.
The https stack automatically accepts certificates, even if the certificate is not
trusted by a valid authority. Therefore, User Apps don't have to ask the user to
accept non-trusted certificates.
Widgets are configured with the data model available on the demo server. In
order to be able to display and change values hosted on the demo ES server,
Data Source and Data Access parameters need to be set to the relevant
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.7 Widgets binding (static configuration)

2. Change refresh rate to 2 seconds to get a good reactivity (eyes driven control).

Refresh rate corresponds to EWS pooling time. Default value for Widgets is set
to 30s in order to avoid decreasing the overall performance of the
SmartStruxure solution system.
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AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.7 Widgets binding (static configuration)

3. Update Data Access (EWS) with EWS End Point / Credentials defined on the
MPM or ES/AS side.
SmartStruxure Lite (MPM):
End Point (EWS): ews
Login (EWS): admin ($EWS_LOGIN should be OK.)
Password (EWS): AdaptiApps1! ($EWS_PWD value should be
SmartStruxure (ES/AS):
End Point (EWS): EcoStruxure/DataExchange
Login (EWS): admin ($EWS_LOGIN should be OK using default value.)
Password (EWS): AdaptiApps1! ($EWS_PWD value should be

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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.7 Widgets binding (static configuration)

4. Select the Design option on the left tab, rearrange the page, in order to add a
Toggle Button.

Widgets must not overlap on a page. However, it is possible to manage the Z-

Order of the Widgets. By default, the Z-Order of the Widget is the one defined
during the design, the first dropped Widget is underneath, and the last
dropped Widget in the canvas is above all the others.
The only exception is the navigation Widget, which is always above all the
others. The tool allowing you to manage the Z-Order of the Widgets is
available on the Design Menu / Used Widgets button. Widgets available on the
pages are listed on the right panel. The designer can manage the Z-Order of
the Widgets by re-ordering this list, if needed. This menu also permits you to
know the name of a Widget. The selected Widget is displayed in Bold.
Return to Widget's library by clicking on the Widget library button.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

1. Select the Bind option on the left tab.
Graphics, text, font, and color of the Toggle Button Widget can be updated:
You can use pre-selected images for background or icon or use your own
Size / format are Widget-specific and defined in the pre-selected image
Fonts are available through a drop-down list, which contains fonts
included within the Widget (the official one) and fonts included in other
Widgets and used in the User App.
Widgets can use their own fonts. If the user needs/wants to use another font,
he can manually import it, but the font needs to be packaged in a specific
format. It should be handled as a special request using the
[email protected] email address. To keep
graphical consistency, it is recommended to keep the existing font
configuration of the Widgets.
Each Widget can be configured at several levels:
Text contains all the readable information, and how they are displayed
(font and color)
Graphics contains all icons and bitmaps
Communication contains pooling rate
Data Source contains IP address and end point of the controller
Data Access contains Credentials to access the controller using
EcoStruxure Web Services
For a specific Widget, the font list may be different. If a User App includes a lot
of Widgets, the font list might become large. It is up to the User App designer
to keep the number of fonts at a minimum, to make the fonts remain
consistent within a page and between pages.
Arial fonts support the Cyrillic alphabet.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

2. Select the Graphics item in the Information menu on the right pane.
The format and the size of the graphics can be customized:
Off icon (ic_serv_makeup_118x116.png) is a graphic of 118 pixels width,
116 pixels height, and PNG 8 format.
You can replace it by any customized graphic with same properties.

Most bitmaps of the Widgets can be updated. It is mandatory, while

performing the update, to respect the expected width and height of each
graphics field, otherwise the widget will be misaligned on the fix/mobile device.
Default values of each graphics field are self-explanatory (image size and
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AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

3. Optional - Import the Widget Image on the right pane.

Demo Widget artworks and icons are available on the Home page of
AdaptiApps Builder.
Download icon available under Widgets artworks\Toggle Button or design
your own artwork.

Select a 118 pixels width, 116 pixels height, PNG 8 format image located
on your PC.

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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

4. Optional - Select the Widget Image you just imported, using the drop-down list
of the On/Off icon.

5. Select the Text item on the Information menu on the right pane.
Enter Room Service (or Taxi optional) in the Name field of the Text item.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

6. Select the Data Access (EWS) item on the Information menu on the right pane.
Login (EWS): admin ($EWS_LOGIN should be OK using default value.)
Password (EWS): AdaptiApps1! ($EWS_PWD value should be

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

7. Select the Exit option on the left tab to go back on the User App Designer.
Create a second page:
Push add new Screen button.
Create a Landscape page called FM.

8. Select the Design icon to design the contents of the FM page.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

9. Entering in the editor:

Size of the designed page adapted to the screen.
Select background image
Preferred size: 1280x768
Format: JPEG
Add a Menu by selecting Navigation Widget for Page 1.
Navigate to: FM
Text: Plant Room

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.8 Widgets graphical tuning

10. Compose the Home page using Facility Manager Widgets:

Boiler to display main Boiler parameters
Chiller to display main Chiller parameters

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.9 Widgets binding (dynamic configuration)

4.9 Widgets binding (dynamic

1. Select the Boiler Widget and then select the Bind option on the left tab.
On the Information list, you find information on how to connect to the
StruxureWare Building Operation server.
Text section should be updated:
Name: Replace ### Name ### by Boston ONE Boiler.
Location: Replace ### Location ### by Boston ONE Campus.
Widgets can only be configured by using the AdaptiApps Builder tool. All
Widgets share a set of identical properties. For example, almost all Widgets
can display their name ### Name ###. Chiller and Boiler can display
additional information like ### Location ###. This behavior is not available in
other widgets. To support this kind of features, other widgets need to be
updated (redesigned). This should be handled as a special request, using the
[email protected] email address.
Data Source (EWS) section, using indirect addressing, will remain unchanged:
Equipment Type: AdaptiApps FM Smart Widgets/Main
Equipment number: Boiler_01/
Indirect addressing is using the Global Variable concept.
Data Access (EWS) section should be updated:
Login (EWS): admin ($EWS_LOGIN should be OK using default value.)
Password (EWS): AdaptiApps1! ($EWS_PWD value should be
2. Select the Chiller Widget and Select the Design option on the left tab.
Enter the following information in the Text section:
Name: replace ### Name ### by Prudential Center Chiller
Location: Replace ### Location ### by Boylston street
Data Access (EWS) should be updated:
Login (EWS): admin ($EWS_LOGIN should be OK using default value.)
Password (EWS): AdaptiApps1! ($EWS_PWD value should be

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.10 Multimedia Widgets

4.10 Multimedia Widgets

1. To display Pelco SARIX IP Camera, add a new page called Video.

2. Set the background and include menu, and then configure the Navigation
scheme, Icon, and Name.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.10 Multimedia Widgets

3. Select WebCam widget.

4. Set the right parameters to access Pelco SARIX IP Camera (Pelco Network
Camera: https://www.pelco.com/fixedip).
Select Data Source and enter:
URL: http://

Port 82 must be accessible through firewall.

To check if a webcam is compatible with the camera widget, put the address
of the IP Camera in a Web Browser on the page displaying the current (static)
image (JPEG image, not streaming flow). If the authentication dialog is the
native browser authenticate form, or if there is no authentication, the camera
widget should work.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.10 Multimedia Widgets

5. Select Data Access and enter:

Login: test
Password: test

6. To display Schneider Electric Web site, add a new page called Web.

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AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.10 Multimedia Widgets

7. Add a menu and configure it, and then add the Navigation scheme, Icon, and

Background is not needed as the Web Browser will take all the available
8. Select HTML widget.

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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.10 Multimedia Widgets

9. Set the following parameters:

URL: www.schneider-electric.com
Width: 1130
Height: 768
Goal is to display Web pages in full screen (and keep the menu for navigation
purposes). Screen size is 1280x768. Width of HTML widget should be 1280-
150 (150 is the size of the icon menu) = 1130.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.11 User App default configuration settings

4.11 User App default configuration settings

1. Select the Exit option on the left tab to go back to the User App Designer.

2. Select List of Variables icon to define the variable used for indirect
addressing ($SERVERIP).

SERVERIP is a default global variable. For more information, see section 4.3
Global Variables on page 51.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.11 User App default configuration settings

3. In the List of Variables section, select Property icon for SERVERIP

Replace http://argentan.digitalairways.com by
http:// (address of Demo ES).

AdaptiApps configuration field can be:

Static: It contains a static content, e.g. http://myserver.com
Dynamic: It contains a global variable, e.g. $MY_SERVER
Global variables do not support concatenation. It is not possible to build
something like: http://$MY_IP or http:// + $MY_IP

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.12 User App packaging

4.12 User App packaging

1. Select the User Apps option on the left tab and then click on Package icon
on the Hello World User App line.

Package is a simple archive (zip) of all components of a User App:

Javascript files
JSON configuration files
Utils javascript files
User App bitmaps and files, files that contain information such as the
name of the application, global variables, and so on.
User App is now finished and fully configured. It needs to be sent to the
AdaptiApps Manager.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.12 User App packaging

2. Click on OK to Package the App.

The URL displayed can be pasted into AdaptiApps Manager to import a User

To avoid wasting disk place, the archive previously created has a limited life
time of 3 days. After this delay, the archive must be packaged again, if needed
(e.g. if the archive needs to be imported into another AdaptiApps Manager
The summary of the User App is displayed in a popup window. It contains the
list of widgets composing the user application. It can be used for
administrative purposes. More important, for debug purposes, it contains a
link (http link) to the archive of the created package. This link is used to import
the User App into the AdaptiApps Manager
You have now finished designing your User App's first pages using AdaptiApps

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

4 User Apps
4.13 User App duplication

4.13 User App duplication

1. Select the User Apps option on the left tab and then click on Duplicate icon
on the Hello World User App line.

This feature should be used to archive a project. Project enhancement can be

done on the same version number without any problem, but duplication allows
you to keep trace of a previous version. Versioning is a common way to
archive an existing user application.
Each User App contains one or several pages. Each page contains one or
several widgets. The AdaptiApps Builder allows you to precisely configure
each of the elements described above. User App, once created, can be
imported into dedicated management tool.
In this tutorial we only see how to add new items (Project, Pages and
Widgets), but it is of course possible to update or delete each of the items
during the user application life cycle process.
Regarding updating Page names: AdaptiApps Builder tool does not offer
refactoring features. This means that if the name of a page is updated, the
name used in the navigation widget must be updated manually. This applies
also to the delete process.
Regarding concurrent usage of AdaptiApps Builder using a unique account:
Each object (User App, Page, Widget, Global variable) created by a user can
also be modified and deleted by the same user. As many people can connect
concurrently using the same credentials, you should be very careful while
updating objects. Generally, two User App developers can safely work with
the same credentials, on the same project but *NOT* on the same page. You
should also be careful while using global variables, because they are shared
from different pages. Anything else can be done in a safe way by different
designers sharing the same credentials.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

4 User Apps
4.13 User App duplication

2. Enter the version number of this new version (it must be a number).

3. Modify the new version (and keep the previous one).

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations

User App Deployment
The 3 Deployment Methods
Manual Shell Apps installation
Manual Shell Apps Installation for WinPC
Manual Shell Apps Installation for Mac OS
Manual Shell Apps Installation for Android (Optional)
Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)
5 Preparations
5.1 User App Deployment

5.1 User App Deployment

1. In your Web Browser (Chrome or Firefox), go to the AdaptiApps Schneider
Web page:

and then select Manage option. AdaptiApps Manager:


Cookies and JavaScript must be authorized in the Browser.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.1 User App Deployment

2. Accept the End User License Agreement.

Only Chrome and Firefox are supported.
If using Internet Explorer (or in rare occasions when network is
very slow with Chrome or Firefox), the EULA doesnt appear as a
popup, but as a horizontal pane at the bottom of the page. In
such cases, EULA cannot be accepted. The only way to move
forward and enter credentials is to reloaded the page, until the
EULA is displayed as a popup.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.1 User App Deployment

3. Log into AdaptiApps Manager using your AdaptiApps Manager credentials.

The AdaptiApps Manager tool is a Web application running on an Apache

Web server. The AdaptiApps Manager tool allows you to deploy AdaptiApps
User Apps on Fix/Mobile devices.
For evaluation/demo purposes, the following demo credentials can be used:
Login: demo
Password: AdaptiDemo!
User Apps designed under demo credentials are erased after 15 days.
To get permanent credentials, Users must fill in the AdaptiApps Request form
(available on the AdaptiApps Web Community Page) and send it to
[email protected].
AdaptiApps Manager authentication mechanism is not the same as for
AdaptiApps Builder, and therefore the credentials might be different. However,
for convenience reasons, credentials may also be the same for Builder and
Manager, as it is usually the same team that handles the Design and the
Management of the User Apps.
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Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.1 User App Deployment

4. The home page provides links to the latest AdaptiApps resources available on
the Web:
Tutorial (This document)
Shell Apps for all supported platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS)

You have to select the deployment method you want to use:

Managed devices
For more information, see section 6 Managed devices on page 111.
BYOD Generic
For more information, see section 7 Bring Your Own Device Generic
(BYOD Generic) on page 135.
BYOD Customized
For more information, see section 8 Bring Your Own Device
Customized (BYOD Customized) on page 149.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.2 The 3 Deployment Methods

5.2 The 3 Deployment Methods

AdaptiApps allows deploying User Apps in 3 different manners to support various
use cases:
Managed devices
Bring Your Own Device Generic
Bring Your Own Device Customized
Whatever deployment method selected, once you import your project, you can
deploy it using the method(s) you like.

5.2.1 Managed devices

Figure: Managed devices

Devices belong to the properties and are dedicated to a specific task.
Device is expected to stay in a specific location:
Bed Side Panel in a Hotel Guest Room
Wall Mounted SmartX Controller AD in a meeting room
A specific App (Adapti-M) must be downloaded by the End User from one of the
following places:
App Store:

Google Play:

The Exchange:

Devices are managed by System Integrators / Facility Manager who install Shell
App and deploy User App.
Platforms supported:
MS Windows
Mac OS
Magelis GTU

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.2 The 3 Deployment Methods

5.2.2 Bring Your Own Device Generic

Figure: Bring Your Own Device Generic

Device belongs to the End User:
Personal or Corporate Mobile phone or tablet
A specific App (Adapti-G) must be downloaded by the End User from one of the
following places:
App Store:

Google Play:

User App is pushed to the device thanks to a specific code, linked to the User App.
Differentiation between users is done at the logging time and is managed by local
Platforms supported:

5.2.3 Bring Your Own Device Customized

Figure: Bring Your Own Device Customized

Device belongs to the End User:
Personal or Corporate Mobile phone or tablet
The Shell App (Adapti-C) and the User App (customized for a specific user) are
available through links received by email.
The Shell App (Adapti-C) is downloaded from one of the following places:
App Store:

Google Play:

Platforms supported:

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.2 The 3 Deployment Methods


Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.3 Manual Shell Apps installation

5.3 Manual Shell Apps installation

Shell Apps are available at the following places:
App Store for iOS devices:

Google Play for Android devices:


From App Store / Google Play, Shell Apps can be installed on iOS / Android devices
using the standard methods.
In case of WinPC / Mac OS devices (no store available), or for engineering efficiency
reason or test purposes, installation can be done manually. For that reason, Shell
Apps are also available at the following place:
The Home page of AdaptiApps Manager for all supported platforms.
The procedure for manual installation of Shell Apps differs depending on the
For more information, see section 5.4 Manual Shell Apps Installation for
WinPC on page 101.
Mac OS
For more information, see section 5.5 Manual Shell Apps Installation for Mac
OS on page 102.
Android (optional)
For more information, see section 5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for
Android (Optional) on page 103.
iOS (for test purposes only)
For more information, see section 5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS
(Test Purposes Only) on page 104.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.4 Manual Shell Apps Installation for WinPC

5.4 Manual Shell Apps Installation for

For WinPC devices, the Shell Apps installation is done manually. The Shell App is
downloaded from the Home page of AdaptiApps Manager.
1. Select Shell App menu in the Home Page to download the latest version of the
Shell App you want to install manually.

2. Download the Shell App from the on-line resources links (Adapti-M-1.3.1.zip).
3. Unzip this App under your PC account (e.g. C:\Users\Joelde\AdaptiApps-M-
By unzipping the App under your own directory, you will avoid possible
permission issues.
4. You can now launch the Shell App thanks to Adapti-M.bat file.
If a firewall is configured on the PC, a popup may appear, asking for
confirmation to run this software.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.5 Manual Shell Apps Installation for Mac OS

5.5 Manual Shell Apps Installation for Mac

For Mac OS devices, the Shell Apps installation is done manually. The Shell App is
downloaded from the Home page of AdaptiApps Manager.
1. Select Shell App menu in the Home Page to download the latest version of the
Shell App you want to install manually.

2. Download the Shell App from the on-line resources links (Adapti-M-1.3.1.app).
3. Unzip this App on your Mac.
4. Check that the AdaptiApps icon appears on the Mac workspace.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for Android (Optional)

5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for

Android (Optional)
For Android devices, installation from Google Play is the preferred method.
However, for engineering efficiency reason, installation can be done manually by
downloading the Shell Apps from the Home page of AdaptiApps Manager.
1. Select Shell App menu in the Home Page to download the latest version of the
Shell App you want to install manually.

2. Download the Shell Apps you need (depending on the deployment method
selected) from the on-line resources links (e.g. Adapti-G-1.3.0 for the BYOD
Customized deployment method).
3. Open this apk on your Android device and install it. You can get it as an email
attachment, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
4. Check that the AdaptiApps icon appears on your Android Tablet / Phone

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)

5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS

(Test Purposes Only)
For iOS devices, installation from App Store is the preferred method. However, for
test purposes, installation can be done manually by downloading the Shell Apps
from the Home page of AdaptiApps Manager to a PC or a Mac.

We do not recommend to use manual installation of iOS Shell App using iFunBox.
APIs available on The Exchange are for demo purposes only and should not be
used in Production. They have a limited life time, and will stop one year after they
have been built. The preferred installation method for iOS Shell App is to
download from App Store.

1. Select Shell App menu in the Home Page to download the latest version of the
Shell App you want to install manually.

2. Download the Shell App you need (depending of the deployment method
selected) from the on-line resources links (e.g. Adapti-C-1.3.1.ipa for the
BYOD Customized deployment method).
3. Download and Install iFunBox Classic (http://www.i-funbox.com) for Windows
or Mac.
4. Install iFunBox (iTune must be installed on PC).
5. Connect your iPad to your PC/Mac using a USB cable.
6. Launch iFunBox on your PC/Mac.
7. Select Managing Data App / Install App.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)

8. Select the Shell App ipa file (e.g. Adapti-C-1.3.1.ipa).

9. Check that the AdaptiApps icon appears on your iPad or iPhone.

As the App does not come from an official Apple repository (e.g. App Store),
iOS may warn that the AdaptiApps Shell App is not a trusted App, but this
does not prevent the App to run.
10. When installing the Shell App using iFunBox for the 1st time on an Apple
device running iOS9, proceed with the following steps to trust the Digital
Airways certificate.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)

11. Under iOSs Settings / General / Device Management, tap Digital Airways.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)

12. Tap Trust Digital Airways.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

5 Preparations
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)

13. Tap Trust.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

5 Preparations
5.7 Manual Shell Apps Installation for iOS (Test Purposes Only)

14. The Digital Airways certificate is now trusted on the iOS9 device.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices

Devices settings
User App import
Single device declaration (or few devices)
Fleet of devices declaration
On premise deployment (optional)
User App deployment on one or few devices
User App deployment on a fleet of devices
User App management on device
User App removal from devices
6 Managed devices
6.1 Devices settings

6.1 Devices settings

1. Install Managed Shell App on the appropriate device.
Managed Shell Apps, called Adapti-M, are available at the following places:
App Store:

Google Play:

The Home page of AdaptiApps Manager.

For more information, see section 5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for
Android (Optional) on page 103.
Shell App can host several User Apps. It is limited to 10 per fix/mobile device
and the memory space available on the fix/mobile device (1st limit reached).
2. Launch Managed Shell App on the appropriate device.
You should have the following page. The User Interface ID is unique for each
device and will be used to declare devices (Shell App).

Shell App can be configured on request (name, icon, background).

User Interface ID is generated by the Shell App and is unique for each device.
It's a mix of several device dependant parameters such as MAC address.
Independent of OS (iOS / Android / WinPC / Mac OS) and version of the Shell
App, the User Interface ID will never change.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.2 User App import

6.2 User App import

1. Select Managed Device deployment method in the banner.

2. Select the Manage Roles icon.

Roles are used to manage permissions between End Users and User
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.2 User App import

3. Select the Add a new Role button.

Defining at least 1 role is mandatory for managing Non Public Kiosk User
Public Kiosk User Apps doesn't require any Role.
4. Define your role name and description.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.2 User App import

5. Select the User option on the left tab then click the Add new User button.
Add a new record:
User belong to Demo Role
Login: joel
Password: joel

A user can only belong to 1 profile.

Password is not visible. There is no way to read the password, because its
value is stored in a encrypted format in the database.
Properties like Phone and Address are used for administrative purposes, if
Public Kiosk User Apps do not require any Users.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.2 User App import

6. Select the User Apps option on the left tab then click the Add new User Apps

The last designed User App (for the identical credentials) is proposed.
However it is possible to import any User App (from any account), only by
copying the address of the User App as defined during the packaging
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.2 User App import

7. Select Role(s) and license linked to this User App:

Public Kiosk User Apps can't be link to Role (as they don't use
Non Public Kiosk User Apps can be linked to one or several Roles.
For Non Public Kiosk User Apps, only users that log on Shell App with
right credentials will have access to this User App.
A valid deployment license is needed to import User App in the Manager.
For more information, see section 3.1 Licensing on page 37.

If the User App is a Public Kiosk App, the Role field is grayed.
Toggle Public Kiosk property on a User App can only be done on the
AdaptiApps Builder tool.
AdaptiApps Manager tool manages User Apps, Users, and fleet of Fix/Mobile
Any update on the User App side should be performed by the AdaptiApps
You have now imported your first User App in the AdaptiApps Manager for
Managed environment.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.3 Single device declaration (or few devices)

6.3 Single device declaration (or few

1. Select the Shell Apps option on the left tab then click the Add new Shell Apps

User Interface ID must be read from the device. It is available on the Welcome
Page of the Shell App.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.3 Single device declaration (or few devices)

2. Enter all of your devices using the Add new Shell Apps button.

Each User Interface ID must be unique in the AdaptiApps database. It means

that the same device cannot be shared between different AdaptiApps
For debug purposes, it may be useful to have the same Fix/Mobile device in
different accounts.
The current AdaptiApps version doesn't allow sharing devices among several
accounts, but the following simple process can be used if device duplication is
Unregister the device in the current team, by changing the Device ID.
Create the device in the new account.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.4 Fleet of devices declaration

6.4 Fleet of devices declaration

1. Select the Shell Apps option on the left tab then select the Import Shell App
List button.

There is no consistency checking during the import process. It is therefore up

to the AdaptiApps designer to validate the file content before importing it.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.4 Fleet of devices declaration

2. Select the CSV file (Comma Separated Value) that includes the list of devices
you want to declare.

The CSV file must have the following format:

User Interface Id,Device name,Name,Shell AppVersion,OS
For example:
0220-715-48267,Galaxy Tab 10,1.2.0, Android
3460-565-73231,Galaxy Tab II 7,1.2.0,Android
8217-819-55597,Galaxy S3,1.2.0,Android
0277-778-88266,iMac Mini,1.2.0,MacOs
5662-398-52563,iPad Mini,1.2.0,iOS
2972-129-00215,iPad 3,1.2.0,iOS
9248-135-98672,iPhone 5,1.2.0,iOS
3219-157-78419,Nexus 7,1.2.0,Android
In case of large fleet of devices running User App in Kiosk Mode, it might be
complicated to map a physical device with User Interface ID. A simple method
to get User Interface ID of a device is to import and deploy the following User
App on the entire fleet:

This User App will display User Interface ID on each device where it has been
deployed and then it will automatically be removed from the Shell App to run
previous User App.
This User App is a good example for a developer who wants to implement the
remove option in a User App (BYOD Generic deployment method).

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.5 On premise deployment (optional)

6.5 On premise deployment (optional)

By default, Managed Shell App is configured to target the AdaptiApps Manager
hosted on the Schneider Electric secured cloud.
AdaptiApps Manager is available for Linux platform (Linux administration skill
required, validated on Debian V7.8 distribution) permitting on-site deployment when
facility cannot be connected to the cloud for security reasons.
Device configuration is displayed on the landing page of the Managed Shell App.

Figure: Adapti-M landing page

Version 1.3.0 MSE where:
1.3.0 is the version of the Shell App.
M is the deployment method (M as Managed).
SE is the network used (Schneider Electric).
A simple and fully secure method exists to change Managed Shell App
configuration and allows on-site deployment / authentication.
On-premise deployment is handled as a special service, which can be requested
using the [email protected] email address.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.6 User App deployment on one or few devices

6.6 User App deployment on one or few

User App deployment requires an Internet connection because AdaptiApps
Manager is a cloud based solution. User App deployment does not require a
network connection to the controllers and other equipment that the User App is
designed to monitor and control.
1. Select the Shell Apps option on the left tab.
2. Select the device on which you want to deploy your App and click on the
Deploy button.
All devices must be listed on a single page. You can either enlarge the page
size by increasing the number of row, or use search option to limit size of the

Multiple User Apps can be selected but only those selected on the current
page will be deployed when Deploy is pressed.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.6 User App deployment on one or few devices

3. Select the User App you want to Deploy and click the Deploy button.

4. Optional - Change the variable value of User App before deployment by first
selecting the Setting icon of the selected User App.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.6 User App deployment on one or few devices

5. Optional - Change value(s) of variable(s) defined for the User App before

If the User App contains several global variables, all of them can be updated
during deployment (Late configuration), to get a customized User App.
In this tutorial we only see how to add new items (User Apps, Profiles,
Devices), but it is of course possible to update or delete each of the items
during the User Application life cycle process.
From a technical point of view, AdaptiApps Manager stores all information in a
database: User, Profile, Shell Apps, User Apps information.
Updated values of User Apps global variables are stored in the AdaptiApps
Manager server database.
You have now deployed your first User App pages using the Managed Deployment

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.7 User App deployment on a fleet of devices

6.7 User App deployment on a fleet of

User App deployment requires an Internet connection because AdaptiApps
Manager is a cloud based solution. User App deployment does not require a
network connection to the controllers and other equipment that the User App is
designed to monitor and control.
1. Select the Shell Apps option on the left tab and then click Import Deploy List

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.7 User App deployment on a fleet of devices

2. Select the CSV file (Comma Separated Value) that includes the list of devices
you want to declare and the specific values for each global variable you want
to customize.
Header must be part of the CSV file
Order of global variables are set in the CSV file header
Global variables not included in the header will use default value
CSV file can contain up to 5000 lines (+ header) to deploy to 5000
The CSV file must have the following format:
DeviceID,ApplicationPackage,ApplicationVersion,<1st Global Variable
name>,<2nd ...>
For example:
This example will deploy the User App myUserApp to:
Galaxy Tab 10 device (UIID=0220-715-48267) with:
Nexus 7 (UIID=0216-189-43427) with:
We recommend creating one CSV file per User App.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.8 User App management on device

6.8 User App management on device

1. Launch the Manager Shell App on your device (iPad, Android tablet, PC, MAC)
for the first time.
Managed Shell App behavior after launch may vary depending on Managed
Shell App content. For more information, see below.
2. To access User Apps:
Ensure that port 1883 is open on the network used by the Shell App for
the Authentication Server and User App deployment. Port 1883 is used
for MQTT messaging between Deployment / Authentication Server and
Shell App.
Non Public Kiosk User App (Credentials required): Log on to your favorite
device using credentials defined in the Users tab.
User: joel
Password: joel
Authentication server can be located in the cloud or on premise. When
using the deployment from cloud method, fix/mobile devices hosting Non
Public Kiosk User Apps must be connected to the Internet.
Public Kiosk User App: Log on is not needed for Public Kiosk User App.
The authentication process verifies that the following inputs are valid:
User and Password match the ones defined in the user credentials
User Interface is registered in the AdaptiApps Manager Database.
It is not possible to connect with an unregistered device, even if credentials are
Managed Shell App behavior after launch may vary depending on Managed Shell
App content:

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.8 User App management on device

Figure: Managed Shell App landing page is displayed without App. No User App is hosted
by the Managed Shell App.

Figure: Managed Shell App landing page is displayed with Apps. Several User Apps in
Kiosk mode are hosted by the Managed Shell App. The user has to select the App to use.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.8 User App management on device

Figure: User App starts automatically. A single User App in Kiosk mode is present in the
Managed Shell App.

Figure: Authentication Window is displayed. At least one User App is present in the
Managed Shell App and requires credentials to run. Note that the User Interface ID is
unique for each device.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

6 Managed devices
6.9 User App removal from devices

6.9 User App removal from devices

User Apps deployed using Managed Device Deployment method can be removed
using AdaptiApps Manager.
1. Select the Shell App for which you want to remove the User App and then
click on List of User Apps icon .

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

6 Managed devices
6.9 User App removal from devices

2. Click on the Trash icon to remotely remove the User App installed on the
Shell App.

If the Shell App is started, the User App is removed. If the Shell App is not
started, the User App will be removed at the next Shell App launch.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

7 Bring Your Own Device
Generic (BYOD Generic)

Devices settings
User App import
User App deployment on device
User App management on device
User App removal from devices
7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.1 Devices settings

7.1 Devices settings

A valid unlimited deployment license is required to use the Generic Deployment
method. For more information, see section 3.1 Licensing on page 37.
1. Install the Generic Shell App on the appropriate device.
Generic Shell Apps, called Adapti-G, are available at the following places:
App Store:

Google Play:

The Home page of AdaptiApps Manager.

For more information, see section 5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for
Android (Optional) on page 103.
Shell App can host several User Apps. It is limited to 10 per fix/mobile device
and the memory space available on the fix/mobile device (first limit reached).
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.1 Devices settings

2. Launch Generic Shell App on the appropriate device.

Shell App can be configured on request (name, icon, background). User App
ID will be used to get the right User App on device. User App ID is generated
by the manager and is unique for User App. You should have one of the
following pages to enter User App ID:
User QR-Code (default): Select keyboard icon to use keyboard.

Use Keyboard: Select QR-Code icon to use camera to snapshot QR-


AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.2 User App import

7.2 User App import

A valid unlimited deployment license is required to use the Generic Deployment
method. For more information, see section 3.1 Licensing on page 37.
1. Select BYOD - Generic deployment method in the banner.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.2 User App import

2. Select the User Apps option on the left tab and then click the Add new User
Apps button.

The last designed User App (for the identical credential) is proposed. However,
it is possible to import any User Apps (from any account), by copying the
address of the User App as defined during the packaging process.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.2 User App import

3. User App ID is associated to a User App during the initial import in the
AdaptiApps Manager.
User App ID (for example, 2q6-qwo-230) is used to get the User App from
the Generic Shell App.

Once the User App has been imported, it can be re-imported in the
AdaptiApps Manager (to take in account modifications done in the Builder)
without changing the User App ID. If the User App is deleted from the
AdaptiApps Manager, then, in case of new import in the AdaptiApps Manager,
a new User App ID will be generated (different from the previous one).
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.2 User App import

4. User App Settings allow you to change the Global Variable linked to the User
App ID.

User App is now available for deployment on BYOD Generic Devices.

You have now published your first User App in the AdaptiApps Manager for BYOD
Generic environment.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.3 User App deployment on device

7.3 User App deployment on device

1. Launch the Generic Shell App on your device.
2. Enter the User App ID of the User App you want to get on your device (for
example, 2q6-qwo-230).
Generic Shell App allows getting the User App ID either using a QR-Code or
using the keyboard. User App ID is not case sensitive.
There are several sites available on the Web to create a QR-Code (some
providing customized QR-Code with logo) which can be printed as a sticker to
put on the wall:
To create a QR-Code, custom text needs to be selected and the text to code
is the complete User App ID (for example, 2q6-qwo-230).

If you have removed a User App from the AdaptiApps Manager, and you have
already setup all your QR-Codes, contact support using
[email protected] to link new imported User App to
previous User App ID.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.3 User App deployment on device

3. User App will be deployed on Generic Shell App.

You have now deployed your first User App pages using BYOD Generic

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.4 User App management on device

7.4 User App management on device

1. Launch the Generic Shell App on your device (iPad, Android tablet) for the first
Generic Shell App behavior after launch may vary depending on Generic Shell
App content. For more information, see below.
2. To change, add, or update a User App, Generic Shell App must be closed and
restarted in a 1 minute timeframe.
When Generic Shell App is restarted just after being terminated, the landing
page is displayed with the last User App ID, and can be modified to host
another Use App.
Generic Shell App behavior after launch may vary depending on Generic Shell App

Figure: Generic Shell App landing page is displayed. No User App is hosted by the
Generic Shell App. A User App ID must be entered to get a User App.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.4 User App management on device

Figure: List of User Apps is displayed. Several User Apps are hosted by the Generic Shell
App. Users select the one they want to use.

Figure: User App starts automatically. A single User App is present in Generic Shell App.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

7 Bring Your Own Device Generic (BYOD Generic)
7.5 User App removal from devices

7.5 User App removal from devices

User Apps deployed using BYOD Generic Deployment cannot be removed using
AdaptiApps Manager. User App removal must be managed by the User App
developer during design. The easiest method is to configure the remove User App
function of the Menu with relevant parameters to fit the expected User Experience.
When the Adapti-G landing page contains more than one User App, User Apps
might be removed manually. User must hit the User App icon for more than 4
seconds. A waste bin will appear in the middle bottom of the landing page and the
selected User App can be dropped in this bin. Once there is only one User App on
the landing page, this User App is launched automatically.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device
Customized (BYOD

Devices settings
User App import
User App deployment on device
User App management on device
User App removal from devices
8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.1 Devices settings

8.1 Devices settings

1. Install Customized Shell App on the appropriate device.
Customized Shell Apps, called Adapti-C, are available at the following places:
App Store:

Google Play:

The Home page of AdaptiApps Manager.

For more information, see section 5.6 Manual Shell Apps Installation for
Android (Optional) on page 103.
Shell App can host several User Apps. It is limited to 10 per fix/mobile device
and the memory space available on the fix/mobile device (1st limit reached).
2. Launch Customized Shell App on the device by clicking on the customized
application received in the email.
If the user tries to launch Customized Shell App by clicking on the App icon
from iOS / Android workspace, the following error message will be displayed:

Shell App can be configured on request (name, icon, background).

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.2 User App import

8.2 User App import

1. Select BYOD - Customized deployment method in the banner.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.2 User App import

2. Select the User Apps option on the left tab and then click the Add new User
Apps button.

The last designed User App (for the identical credentials) is proposed.
However, it is possible to import any User Apps (from any account), only by
copying the address of the User App as defined during the packaging
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.2 User App import

3. Select license linked to this User App.

A valid deployment license is needed to import the User App in the Manager.
For more information, see section 3.1 Licensing on page 37.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.2 User App import

4. Select the Guest option on the left tab then click the Add new Guest button.
Add a new record:
Name: Joel Desire
eMail: [email protected]
Date In / Date Out (24h format): 2016/03/07 12:00 / 2016/03/08
This is the period of time when User App will be available from the Shell

When using the Customized method during test deployment, it may be that
you deploy a unique User App (e.g. Hello World), whatever the version, from
several AdaptiApps accounts using a single email address (e.g.
[email protected]). In that case, you may observe
some unexpected behaviors:
User App deployment is not performed
User App removal is not performed
These issues might be related to inconsistencies with regards to the Date In /
Date Out parameters of the different accounts using the same email address.
You can deploy the same application using the same email address from 2
different accounts, provided that the Date In / Date Out parameters do not
overlap. But a Guest is not expected to be in 2 different places at the same
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.2 User App import

5. Click on Next and then select the User App to deploy.

6. Modify Global Variables to match Guest configuration.

7. Hit Deploy button.

An email including a link to <Hello World> User App, using Global Variable as
defined in the previous screen, is sent to <joel.desire@schneider-
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.2 User App import

8. Once Guest is set in the system, email can be sent by selecting the Letter icon
The user will be prompted to select User App and Global Variables.

You have now deployed your first User App in the AdaptiApps Manager for BYOD
Customized environment.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.3 User App deployment on device

8.3 User App deployment on device

1. Get Customized User App from email.
The user needs to access email on his mobile device (iOS / Android).
The user will get an email similar to this one:

The email content can be customized on request. Send an email

customization request to [email protected].
The link in the email is only available for one download. If the end user wants
the same User App on several devices or re-deploy the App (as he removes
the Shell App), the user needs to have one email per deployment.
To ensure delivery, add [email protected] to your
address book.

If no email arrives, check that it has not been considered as a spam
email by your email server.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.3 User App deployment on device

2. Get the Customized User App by clicking on the URL link embedded in the
An intermediate page containing the link of the Customized App will open for a
few seconds and automatically launch Adapti-C Shell App with the
Customized User App. (For iOS, users are asked to confirm the action.)

The email allows deployment of one User App. Once the User App is
deployed, the deployment token expires. If the user wants the App on several
devices, he needs to get one email per device.
The Customized User App link is valid only within the allowed time interval for
this User App and it is customized for the user (due to the use of Global
Variables). For example, between Date In (2016/03/03 12:00) and Date Out
(2016/03/06 12:00).
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.3 User App deployment on device

3. Start the deployment of the Customized User App.

Through email, you have now retrieved your first User App using the AdaptiApps
BYOD Customized environment.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.4 User App management on device

8.4 User App management on device

Customized Shell App behavior may vary depending on Customized Shell App

Figure: List of User Apps are displayed. Several User Apps are hosted by the Customized
Shell App. Users select the one they want to use.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.4 User App management on device

Figure: User App starts automatically. A single User App is present in Customized Shell

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

8 Bring Your Own Device Customized (BYOD Customized)
8.5 User App removal from devices

8.5 User App removal from devices

User Apps deployed using BYOD Customized Deployment method can be
removed in 2 ways:
Automatic removal
Manual removal
1. To automatically remove User Apps, set the Date In / Date Out deployment
parameters at the Guest level:
Set before Date In (e.g. 2016/03/07 12:00) if you do not want the User
App to be deployed in the Shell App.
Set after Date Out (e.g. 2016/03/08 12:00) if you want the User App to
be automatically removed from the Shell App.
2. To manually remove User Apps:
Select the Guest option on the left tab.
Select the Guest for which you want to remove User App.
Select the List of User App linked to this Guest.
Click on Trash icon to remove the User App.

It may take up to 30 minutes for the User App to be removed from Shell App. If
you want to remove it as soon as it has been removed from the AdaptiApps
Manager, you have to close and restart the Shell App.
From a User point of view, 30 minutes (or more) should be OK. This long
pooling aims to avoid overloading Manager Server when a large amount of
devices are managed.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

9 User Apps

User App on iPad, Android, WinPC, Mac OS
Navigation between User Apps
9 User Apps
9.1 User App on iPad, Android, WinPC, Mac OS

9.1 User App on iPad, Android, WinPC, Mac

After a few seconds, (depending of the number of pages / size of the background
images), the User App will appear on iPad / PC (or on any other selected devices).
If the User app does not appear after several minutes, try to deploy the User App
once again.
If it still not working, perform the following checks:
Verify that you are connected on Internet. Try to open the AdaptiApps Web
Portal on the device:
Verify the User Interface ID. Double-check that the User Interface ID declared in
AdaptiApps Builder matches the one displayed in the Welcome page of the
Shell App running on the Fix/Mobile device.
Verify the User Credentials. If User App is not kiosked, the credentials used to
log on to the device must belong to one of the profiles associated with the User
App in the AdaptiApps Manager.
Values displayed on Widget are the ones coming from controllers (ES, AS, MPM, or
any supported connected devices) and they can be changed from User Apps. User
App will behave exactly the same on all devices.

Figure: Hello World User Apps Home page on Android smartphone

Figure: Hello World User Apps Home page on iPhone

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

9 User Apps
9.1 User App on iPad, Android, WinPC, Mac OS

Figure: Hello World User Apps Home page on WinPC / Mac OS device

Figure: Hello World User Apps Video page on iPad

Figure: Hello World User Apps FM page on iPad

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

9 User Apps
9.1 User App on iPad, Android, WinPC, Mac OS

Figure: Hello World User Apps Web page on iPad

Once the User App is deployed, if it is a Public Kiosk User App (no credentials
needed), it doesn't have to be connected to Internet. The User App can
communicate safely with controllers and other devices available on the secured
network of the building. This equipment can be disconnected from Internet for
Cybersecurity reasons.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

9 User Apps
9.2 Navigation between User Apps

9.2 Navigation between User Apps

This procedure describes navigation between User Apps:
Launch a User App
Switch from one User App to another User App (Exit the running User App and
return to the Shell App)
Configure navigation between User Apps
A Shell App is able to host several User Apps. All Non Public Kiosk User Apps can
be launched from the Shell App.
1. To launch a User App, select the icon of the User App you want to run.

2. To exit a running User App and return to the Shell App home page, push the
menu's logo during 4s or more (if exit keyword was entered in Navigate to
field Logo of Navigation Widget or any other Navigate to Widget menu item
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

9 User Apps
9.2 Navigation between User Apps

3. You can navigate directly from a User App to another User App using
Navigation Widget (logo or items) if Navigate to App control of the Logo
menu or any item of the Navigation Widget has been properly configured.
Navigate to control must be configured with the package name of the User

All User Apps part of the Navigate to App configuration must be deployed on
Shell App.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project
for demonstration purpose

Healthcare demo
Hotel demo
10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

10.1 Healthcare demo

This User App provides an overview of services which can be aggregated for a
Patient App. It is an iconic design and includes:
Room temperature/ outdoor temperature
Service calls (Catering/Nurse/Cleaning)
Lighting (including Scenarios and dedicated page for Philips HueTM)
Room Controller customized with room status
Blind control
Clock and alarm
TV remote control
IP cameras
Noise sensors
Healthcare demo is a Kiosked App which requires login (handle by external
SmartStruxure Solution server) to access services. It includes some optimized
communication between User App and Automation Server to limit the CPU usage
on the AS side. In StruxureWare Building Operation, a script program is used to
serialize data into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, save the data into a
string, and send the JSON string as dataset to User App. The JavaScript in the user
app can choose how to make use of the JSON string. To read more about this
concept, please visit:

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

1. Option 1: Deploy the App on your device by importing ready to use Healthcare
User App in Manager and then deploy.
In the AdaptiApps Manager, select the deployment method, then under User
Apps tab, select Add new User App, and replace the proposed URL User App
(the last designed one) by one of the following:

Then deploy it using one of the deployment methods: Managed, BYOD -

Generic, BYOD - Customized.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

2. Option 2: Deploy the App on your device using Adapti-G with QR-Code (User
App ID: rlo-0fl-24f).

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

3. Run Healthcare User App.

Select login button on the menu.

4. Make sure to cross the WiFi sign. Your app should be in offline mode, by
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

5. Type Username: 100, password se. Click SUBMIT button.

App is using configuration of room 100. You will be directed to Home page,
ready to go.
Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

6. Edit Outdoor Temperature (optional):

Shutdown the app completely: Kill the process, re-open the app, click on
OUTDOOR temperature.
Outdoor temperature can only be edited before login in offline mode. It
only allows one successful edit.
The standard keyboard will pop up. Only numbers are accepted.

The three steps above provide a unique scenario for you to adjust
outdoor temperature, and also prevent users' accidental click. To
edit it again: completely shutting down the app, you'll be able to click
and edit.

Description of Healthcare Demo User App pages:

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

Figure: Assistance

Figure: Light (with scenarios)

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

Figure: Light (Philips Hue)

Figure: Room Controller

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

Figure: Blind control

Figure: Alarm setting

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

Figure: TV remote control

Figure: IP Camera

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.1 Healthcare demo

Figure: Noise sensor

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.2 Hotel demo

10.2 Hotel demo

This User App gives an idea of what can be a bedside panel App for luxury hotel
guest. It is a photorealistic design and includes:
Home page with customized message, date and time, room temperature
settings, simple lighting scenarios, and room services
Lighting control
TV remote control
Hotel presentation
Excursion presentation
1. Option 1: Deploy the App on your device by importing ready to use Hotel User
App in Manager and then deploy.
In the AdaptiApps Manager, select the deployment method, then under User
Apps tab, select Add new User App, and replace the proposed URL User App
(the last designed one) by one of the following:

Then deploy it using one of the deployment methods: Managed, BYOD -

Generic, BYOD - Customized.
Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.2 Hotel demo

2. Option 2: Deploy the App on your device using Adapti-G with QR-Code (User
App ID: tq5-cdg-248).

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.2 Hotel demo

3. Run Hotel User App.

Hotel demo is a Kiosked App. This demo works off-line (no need to be
connected on Internet). Services are simulated.

Description of the Hotel Demo User App pages:

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.2 Hotel demo

Figure: Comfort

Figure: Light

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.2 Hotel demo

Figure: TV remote control

Figure: Restaurant menu

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

10 Ready to use User App project for demonstration purpose
10.2 Hotel demo

Figure: Tourism

Figure: Alarm setting

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

11 Widget Library, Design Notes,
and Skins

Widget import in the Widget Library
Widget design
Widget Skins
11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

1. On your Web Browser (Chrome or Firefox), go to the AdaptiApps Schneider
Web page and then select Build option (AdaptiApps Builder).

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

2. Accept the End User License Agreement.

Only Chrome and Firefox are supported.
If using Internet Explorer (or in rare occasions when network is
very slow with Chrome or Firefox), the EULA doesn't appear as a
popup, but as a horizontal pane at the bottom of the page. In
such cases, EULA cannot be accepted. The only way to move
forward and enter credentials is to reload the page, until the
EULA is displayed as a popup.

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

3. Log in to AdaptiApps Builder using your AdaptiApps Builder credential.

4. Widgets are available from the Home page of AdaptiApps Builder.

Download Deco widget (com.daw.se.deco.zip), which belongs to the Demo
category Widget, and allows displaying a graphic on a page.

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

5. Select the Manage Widgets icon.

Each account is delivered with the last version of each widget. Maintaining the
widgets library is done by AdaptiApps R&D.
As User App includes a copy of each Widget, if the Widget Library has been
updated with a new version of a Widget, each instance of the previous version
of the Widget used in a User App must be deleted and replaced by the new

Continued on next page

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

6. Import a new Widget button.

7. Select the Widget file you want to add (zip file).

Continued on next page

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.1 Widget import in the Widget Library

8. Once the Widget is imported in your environment, it becomes available for all
projects, under Demo category.

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.2 Widget design

11.2 Widget design

A software developer's note provides good tips to anybody who wants to modify
existing AdaptiApps Widgets or design new ones from scratch. Its targeting
software engineers and requires a good level in JavaScript knowledge.
AdaptiApps software developer's note can be obtained by sending a request using
[email protected] email address.
The Shell App Adapti-M for Windows includes a Doc directory, which contains
useful resources to design Widgets.
Documentation about all available functions to design Widgets
Documentation explaining how to declare Widgets using JavaScript
Documentation describing Widget configuration and how to expose/present
Widget parameters
Condensed support of AdaptiApps Widgets training (with links to exercises)

When designing (or upgrading) Widgets, its important to change their names, for
maintenance reasons, because Schneider Electric may update the official
AdaptiApps Widgets, and specific changes may be lost.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.3 Widget Skins

11.3 Widget Skins

11.3.1 Selection of Skin

Widgets may support different skins. Occupant and Occupant Environment
Widgets are available in 2 skins. Skins are easy to implement (bitmap design) and
dont require JavaScript skills.
The choice of skin is done during the creation of the User App.

Figure: Add New User App dialog with Elegant skin selected

Schneider Electric Skin (Default) Elegant Skin

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.3 Widget Skins

Schneider Electric Skin (Default) Elegant Skin

11.3.2 Example of User App rendering done with

Elegant Skin
This design doesnt require any Widget development, just use Elegant Skin with
standard Occupant and Occupant Environment Widgets.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.3 Widget Skins

Figure: Comfort

Figure: Light

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

11 Widget Library, Design Notes, and Skins
11.3 Widget Skins

Figure: Services

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

12 Specifications

Supported equipments
12 Specifications
12.1 Supported equipments

12.1 Supported equipments

Theoretically, any IP connected devices that have a REST or SOAP API can be
managed by AdaptiApps through a dedicated Widget.
All BACnet or LON equipment might be supported as far as they are connected to
an AS or MPM.
Feel free to send an email to [email protected] if you
want to support a specific device not already supported.

BMS Controllers
Controller Company Version

Automation Server AS Schneider Electric StruxureWare Building

(Legacy) Operation 1.4.1+

Automation Server Premium Schneider Electric StruxureWare Building

AS-P Operation 1.7.1+

Enterprise Server ES Schneider Electric StruxureWare Building

Operation 1.4.1+

Multi Purpose Controller Schneider Electric SmartStruxure Lite 2.13.3+

Room Controllers
Controller Company Version

SE7xxx/SE8xxx Schneider Electric BACnet MSTP or Zigbee

Lighting Company Website

Plug Load Control WattStopper -

WattStopper for Control light

Philips Hue LED bulbs Philips http://www.developers.meet


TV Company

Sony 32W706B Sony

Set Top Box

Set Top Box Company Website

Free Freebox V5+ Free http://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

12 Specifications
12.1 Supported equipments

InterCom Company WebSite

Link Slim IP Vandal resistant Linkcom https://www.antisip.com/am


WebCam Company

Pelco SARIX IP IL10 Schneider Electric

AdaptiApps Tutorial Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016

12 Specifications
12.2 Limitations

12.2 Limitations
The following limitations apply to AdaptiApps V1.3.
AdaptiApps Builder limitation:
Number of User Apps per credential: 100
Number of pages per User App: 100
Number of Widgets per page: 10
AdaptiApps Manager Limitation:
Number of User Apps per credential: 100
Number of Shell Apps per credential: 100
Number of User Apps per Shell App: 10
EWS data access:
Number of simultaneous device connections to an Automation Server (AS): 10
Number of simultaneous device connections to an Enterprise Server (ES): 15
Maximum number of variable handles per AS using EWS: 300
Maximum number of variable handles per ES using EWS: 1000
These limitations may vary depending on the refresh rate of Widgets.
Only EWS variables linked to a displayed Widget must be counted.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2, September 2016 AdaptiApps Tutorial

Schneider Electric | Buildings Division

2016 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

Version 1.3 Rev 1.2

September 2016

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