Hall, Manly P. - All-Seeing Eye - Vol.3 Nr.03 PDF
Hall, Manly P. - All-Seeing Eye - Vol.3 Nr.03 PDF
Hall, Manly P. - All-Seeing Eye - Vol.3 Nr.03 PDF
Edited by MANLY P. HALL
Volume 3, No.3 Los Angeles, Calif., \iVednesday, December 8th) 1926 10c a Copy
Given at Trinity Auditorium, Sunday,
THE FLOWER OF THE HOUSE. OF MING at YOll from behind the screened grat
ings? That was many months ago. Often
since that day you have seen those black
An Oriental Occult Novel eyes again and poured into guileles~ ears
By Manly P. HaIl your wooings. Those black eyes, that
trusting he-art, those little slender hands
(Continued from December 1st) "You are I'ight in all of your statements you have clasped so often,-do you not
An old and mysterious Chinaman has except the last, for I did not even know know to whom they belonged? That lit
come to the boarding house where' lives that you had a tea garden nor that you tle girl is my blossom who has come all
Pink \-Vilson of unenviable reputation. kept flowers in it." the way across the seas to comfort me.
The Chinaman studied Pink for two or Her virtues are the petals of my chrysan
He climbed the stairs, carpeted with three seconds. "My honorable friend, it themum. You have whispered to that
worn-out red plush, and stopped before does my spirit ill to contradict you, but blossom things you did not mea~. Like
the hall bedroom 'w here Pink \-Vilson lay the' last also is true. I have my garden, som e wondrou s sun-god, you have come
nursing his headache. I have my tea rOOln, and I have my blo s into the life of my pink chrysanthemum;
Pink . he'ard a low sound and, rolling soms. Ah! honorable NIr. vVil son, I have but, my honorable' f ri end, sllch things can
over in bed, he faced the door, and there, many blossoms in beautiful China; I have not be. You are of a different world,
standing before him, was the tall, hunch a mile of chrysanth emums, and amidst a different people'. Is that not enough?
backed Oriental gazing at him with slanted their flowering fragrance are the tombs of If not, then know this: that no weed
eyes narrowed to slits. A shiver went up my fathers. Indeed, my honorable friend, like y ou shall be in the garden with my
and down Pink's spine. I have many blossoms in my garde'n, but blossom. I warn you, most honorable
"Ugh!" he mutte'red; "you might as well one more beautiful than all th e others. .friend, that he who bends the stem of my
kill a man as sc'are him to death. Who All the "vay from China I brought my flower shall die."
are you?" ,"\' onderful rose chrysanthemum that its The old Chinaman looked straight into
The Chinaman's hands came out of his fragrance might re st m y soul, but you, sir, the' face of Pink \iVilson , whose eyes fell
sleeves and, with a low bow, he passed 1110st honorable friend, have sought to in spite of his attempt to return the gaze .
a fine white card towards Pink, who took steal my blossom from me and leave only "Is that frail girl your daughter?" he
it wonderingly. It was engraved with an empty place' where it has been." a sked in pretended surprise.
Chinese figures, underne'a th which ,,,,'ere "What do you mean ?" demanded \Vil The old Chinaman nodded his head.
the following words in English: son , pretending amazement. "S he is my child, and all that Ming Quong
"Quong Kee , Prince of the Hou se of "Oh, my honorable fri end , mu st I b e so ha s-his jewels, hi s gold and his palaces
Ming." crude as to say more.? You know that are for h er. In the celestial land has her
A n ervous thrill passed over Pink vVil wonderful little shop wh ere you come so mother been these many years. She went
son, lor e new- t a IS VISI or ,'vas Ie long befo re m e into the place of rest, and
great Oriental whose power in the' \Vest Do you not my laughing-eyed blossom is all that Ming
ern world was without known limit. A know that beneath that hoU'se is my Quong lives for. The world knows him
H\y"sterious man, almost a mythological palace? It is dark under the earth and a s a heartle'ss man, but, before the gods,
demigod, the yellow shadow that stood flowers do not grow well there, for they this is not true. But you, sir, must let my
behind him was the spirit of the great must have the light; but d-own under the blos som be, for it is not fitting, my hon
opium traffic long sought by federal au store, in the' cold of the earth, I have my orable friend, that the glory of youth and
thorities. Pink knew something else, too, tea room, I have Iny fountain, and there innocence should be w edded to evil and
but he' had been a crook long enough not by my fountain grow s my flower, my degeneracy. Not that i say either term
to show it. blossom, the one I brought from distant belong to you, my honorable' friend, but
"Sit down," invited Wilson . "Now that China to fill the loneliness of your bleak this I must say, that I have other plans
you are here, you might as well stay a and desolate land where love and romance for my child and must humbly beseech
while." are sacrificed upon the' altar of material you to see her no more lest some strange
The Chinese gentleman seated himself ambitions." ill befall you which would make Ming
carefully and with slow dignity. Then "Ah, talk United States! I've been ac Quong most sad."
facing the recumbent figure on the' bed cused of everything under the light of the Pink Wilson did not reply at once, for
he spoke in a high sibilant voice, care sun, but the bird ain't alive who ever said in his mind a plan was slowly formulating.
fully choosing his words: Pink \iVilson went around swiping bouCjuets. When at last he turned to the' Chinaman
"You are my honorable friend, Mr. Your flowers are' perfectly safe, Ming a smile masked his hidden intent.
Wilson ?-Yes?" Quong; but don't leave any loose chang e "] ust as you say. If you don 't want me
Pink nodded his head. "That's my lying around, because even a gentleman to see the girl any more, well, I'm through
nanle." has his failings." -get me? I'm through."
The Chinaman arched hi s brows and The Chinaman's eyes became mere slits Pink Wilson lay back on the bed. "Oh,
continued: . al~d the lines around his mouth harde'ned , this whisky is killing me!"
"Are you not the honorable Mr. \iVil bi.lt he leaned back in his chair and drew The Chinaman rose slowly to his feet
son who recently served five years in the from his sleeve a beauhful hand-carved and, crossing his hands in his sleeves,
state prison? Are you not the honorable ivory fan with which he sought to brush bowed very low.
}.i[r. Wilson who has three' times ' -been in away some of the fumes of th e cheap to (To Be Continue'd)
the dope addicts' ward of this city ?" The bacco that filled the room .
Chinaman brought his finger tips together "My honorable friend smoke's such an Typographical errors such as "Shape
and gazed at the shining sheath s. "Are uncultured weed," he murmured; "but if speare" and "1812" for "1912" as in the
you not also th e honorable 1{r, Wilson M ing Quong had not come here to you Tolstoy prophecy of last week will creep
'vvho has tried to creep into Ill y t ea garden this day his blossom would SOOI1 be as in, but the proofreader has a perfe'ct alibi
and steal my blossom s? '" The Chinaman dead as that weed. Do you remember, as he says he is only emulating the illustri
gaze'd long and earne stly at V\Tilson , who honorable sir, that clay in the rice shop ous Sir Francis Bacon who used similar
was becoming decidedly uncomfortable. whe'll two laughing black eyes looked out methods for his bi-literal cipher.
December 8) 1926 THE ALL-SEEING EYE
Page 3
Rosicrucians, and the' Freemasons. self. Among the Masonic brothers we find PRINTING CO.
It is well to under also what is called the Symbol of Commercial Printing and
are the cube altar upon a ,coffin, and an open grave, while 443 S. San Pedro Street
V Andike 7213
which and 111 which upon the coffin has been laid a
burns the altar fire. For sprig of acacia, or evergre'en. In Hippocrates, "Father of Medicine,"
r'----..:..---=--.:::..many centuries the Ini the picture we see the spade of the described the brain as a sort of a gland
-- . ~ tiate of fire has be'en grave-digger, which has been con whose purpose was to ke'ep the head free
./ / 1\"'" nourishing and guarding sidered the symbol of death for from humidity. The wonder is that we
th e Spiritual Flame centuries. know what little we do about the brain.
'within himself, as day
and night the ancient
priests tended the altar
' - - - - - - - - - ' fir es of Vesta's Temple.
The ever-burning lamp of the alchemist,
Ube <tburcb of tbe ~eople
Trinity Auditorium-:-Ninth at Grand
which burned for thousa nds of years with MANLY P. HALL, Pastor.
out fuel in the catacombs of Rome, is but MAUD F. GALIGHER, Associate Pastor.
turned upward) provide fuel for the' ever Emma C. Heatherington, Organist.
burning lamp ,;v ithin himself. Preludes: Every Sunday morning, Mr. Hall will give consideration, in a pre
Upon the altars of the ancients were of lude to his sermon, to some item of human interest or problem in our daily life.
fered sacrifices to their gods. The ancient Come and bring your friends-Silver offering.
hierophant offered . up sacrifices of spices
Page 4 THE ALL~SEEING EYE December 8, 1926
nal truths.
THE ALL-SEEING EYE At the EbelI Club on the afternoon and
Dr. William A, Mayo in an address in eve'ning of November 30th, the Church of
Published ev ery week by th e Hall Pub
lishing Company, at 301 Trinity Auditor Montreal predicts that the ultra-micro the People held a reception for the pur
ium Bldg., 9th at Grand Ave" Los An g eles. scope will raise the span of life to seventy pose of sho\;v ing to the members of the
California, or more. He also laid great stress upon organization the paintings recently fin
the value of religion in healing. ished by J. Augustu s Knapp to illustrate
Phone TUcker 2603 M an~y P. Hall's forthcoming book on
Maso~ic, Hermetic, and Rosicrucian Sym-
Subscription rates, 10c per copy, (Continued fr o m Page 1, Col. 2) holical Philosophy. A large and enthusi
$2.25 per year, $1.00 for 20 wee~s. Fo~ to n stuff, made like his n'eighbors; but on b h
eign rates $3.00 per year, $1.2J for ...0 astic group attended the reception ot in
weeks. high and festive occasions he wore gar-
the afternoon and evening. The exhibit
ments of fine linen, striped or dyed in red.
was of great interest to students of occult-
We reserve the right to edit all advertising. all
His abode \vas to easy of acce'ss
ism, philosophy, and art. The paintings
" even as the river's bank to him that
were grouped around the walls according
MANLY P. HALL .... . ................. . .... ........... Editor
_ _ _ _=-..!~...
,f""'J''''''!NL 'r
fte re ce-ivc :;, t""\Jrti g not known ever to refuse an invitation to struction of the Emerald Table of Hermes
creatures are seeking the power of inde- the house even of the meanest, nor to (a copy of which appears in Mr. Hall's
pendent expression and creeds are often decline' a proffered present however small. Lost Kdys of Masonry), and an unusual
walls that shut out light in st ead of cen- He possessed the rare faculty of making conception of Isis surrounded by appro
ters of illumination , as the)' wer e intended each individual in a company think that he priate Egyptian sympols. The' Greek sec
to be. was the favoured guest. tion included a portrait of Pythagoras re-
Questions have been selected from our \Nhen he met anyone rejoicing he constructed from early documents and
l)revious works and from the questions would seize him eagerly and cordially by jewels; also part of the initiation cere-
asked at our various meetings during the the hand. With the bereaved and affiicted 1110ny of the Eleusinian Mysteries and a
past. They are of a very general na- he sympathized tenderly. Gentle and marvelous painting of the Orade of Del
ture and the answers to them have not bending towards little children, he would phi . The section devoted to the Hebrew
been taken from anyone phase of the not disdain to accost a group of them at Qabbalah contained a magnificent con-
Vlisdom Teaching. In them the student play with the' salutation of peace. He ception of the Grand Man of the Zohar-
'will find pbints taken from all of the shared his food,even in times of scarcity, the Great Universal Being, \Nho carries
schools of Deep Mystic Thoug ht. with others; and was sedulously solicitous the Zodiac in His hands with the solar
The answers given here are lwither final for the personal c~mfort of everyone system revolving about His body. The
nor complet e, but are in line with common about him. He believed in a special and Jewish section also included the Tabe'r
s,ense and nature, As the student advances all-pervading Providence. The conviction nacle in the vVilderness and Jehovah
he will find new light on all of these prob- moulded his thoughts , and designs, fr0111 seated on tl1e firament surrounded by the
!ems, but the author feel s certain that the the minutest actions in private and social beasts of Ezekiel's Vision. With the pic-
true seeker will never find anything that life to the grand conception that he was ture of J e'hovah was framed a four-color
will deny them , becaus e th e an swers are destined to be the Reformer of his people' process reproduction which will appear in
based on natural law. ~nel of the worlel. He never entered a the large book when it is finished. The re-
They who know God's laws know God. company but he sat down and rose up production was so close to the original
They who keep God's laws keep their with the mention of the name' of the Lord. that many of those who examined the 1\\TO
covenant with Him. M.P.H. vVhen the first fruits of the season were pictures could not tell them apart. There
Question 1. \i\fhat is the meaning of brought to him, he would kiss them, place were in all 25 paintings presented, but to
the word "occult" and how is it to be used them up to his eyes, and say "Lord a s describe them all would take from the joy
in connection with spiritual sciences? Thou' hast shown us the first, show unto of seeing them for the first time in the
Answer. The word "occult" means us like wise the last," He' used to stand large book when it is delivered. These
hidden. An occultist is one' who through for such a length of time at prayer that paintings-each of them a rnasterpicce
the powers of reason is trying to lift the his legs would swell. When remonstrated constitute but part of the series of 46
veil of allegory from science and religion with. he said "what, shall I not behave as paintings which will illustrate Mr. Hall's
and find the germ ~f truth and unity con- a thankful servant should? "-Muir's Life new book.
cealed 111 their diverse , complex, and of :Mahomet. (Continued on Page 6, Col. 1)
December 8, 1926 , THE ALL-SEEING EYE PageS
BACON-SHAKESPEARE limes indicates, in all probability, the pres and moved to Germany, where he pub~
ence of a Baconian ciphe'r in whichever lished, under the name of Johann Valentin
(Continued from Page 1, Col. 3)
book the faulty pagination appears. Andreae', the "Chemical Marriage of
correct in the first folio of Shakespeare.
Francis Bacon has long been considered Christian Rosencreutz," one of the first
In Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy,"
as a Rosicrucian initiate. His remark and most famous of the Rosicrucjan mani
long suspected of being Francis Bacon's
able work, "The New Atlantis," is a Rosi festos. While it is difficult to ~)rove such
scrapbook, page 189 is entirely missing.
crucian enigma. There is a story afloat a theory, there are many things that po:nt
In the first edition of Bacon's "Advance
(concerning which certain Masonic to the probability of the story.
ment and Proficience of Learning," Lon
brethren are supposed to have informa Bacon was one of the ' most briliicillt
don, 1605, leaf 87 is followed by leaf 79
tion) to the effe'ct that the supposed death minds that Europe ever produce!l and is
instead of 89. This peculiar chain of mis
and burial of Francis Bacon were a mock considered by many to be the father of
takes appearing in literally dozens of vol ceremony and that he changed his name all modern science. He remod{' led the
British law, establishing systems of jur;~'
prudence which remain active' to this clay.
The cryptograms in his various doc~m~'!\ts
point to the fact that he was actually the
son of Queen Elizabeth and the Ea~'l (1f
Leicester. The original marriage contract
is said to be in existence' at the preser,t
time, but the unhappy and sudden death
of the Earl caused Queen Elizabeth to
conceal the marriage. This being the case,
Francis Bacon was the true he'ir to the
throne of England, but he was never able
to claim his title. The secret which he
possessed to the effect that he was the
legitimate' heir to the throne is now be
lieved by Baconian experts to be the
prime cause of the unwarranted perse
cution heaped upon him by his contem
Apparently realizing that he could not
hope' for justice during his own lifetime,
acon left to posten y- the abor of vin-
dicating him and accrediting him with that
knowledge and power which was his legit
imate right. He therefore went to infinite
pains to conceal within his documents the
secrets of his own unhappy life'. He was
a king who could never claim his throne,
persecuted for the fact that he knew his
own birthright. He dared not reveal it,
for it would have cost him his life, so he
wrote it into his books, concealing it in
ciphe'rs and veiling it in enigmatic state
ments, which are meaningless unless the
reader is acquainted with the tragedy of
the author. In order to protect his po
sition and divert suspicion from himself,
he assumed various names, writing his
books and accrediting them to either act
ual or imaginary personages. It seems to
have been at this point that \Nilliam
Shakespeare, the obscure actor, appears
upon the scene. Was Shakespeare a
member of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood,
selected to be the left hand of Francis
O(J)!TcCffCtTcrE!l( 7)O~g ~g!? O(!Jl"E!f(g~ Bacon, that through him this monumental
V.C. Y!l?:!!/P i)E 7) E~'{:!!:YVC!TO !?li1.!7'-f09!li o(!!JBE~Yf.J genius might leave to posterity a vast
fffJ ~O~Jtll[J):J{X, J C!TEff!T.!7j[!/(J! fJ<.!A~g-O~ffBcfl!3: store of occult information and secret
Rosicru.cian mysticism, within which was
a('l).r-Y'JD' $( EK!T.:7Je .fC/I/jffV.f .5f!l(ff}!7q~ !!V'cg!I5J also concealed the true identity of the
!l(,(J{X q-!I<.~ff(!!?C O~!l.f .!/lc(/{m: OX Off C.?{ffgJf!/3:~!f01!;Y se'cret author?
JV.!J(!lfC .!7"!hJ!I.t;[V~VOgO .J'ZJ;fCE.!PaO ([JJTVV:f (])tC~!J{(l For centuries there seems to have been
a concerted effort to conceal the true au
OBff5!T V.{'OUC .(g~<:!J D - ~~~ I thorship of the Shakespearean plays. This
P P ~...a7/y: c I J r~ c XXVI -?Vif.(~'1("rJ"r::..r(IJrJJ<t J b 4o.
would lead one' to believe that Bacon was
connected with some secret organization
THE ALL-SEEING EYE Decentber 8, 1926 .
or group which even after hi s death con chemy, chemistry, and symbolism; first LOS ANGELES OPENS CHRIST..
tinued to consistently maintain the subter editions, incunabula, privately published MAS FESTIVITIES T HIS
fuge. A good exampl e of this is to be works, volumes specially bound, etc. In YEAR AT SHRINE
found in the inscription upon the grave of all, the exhibit numbered nearly 200 vol AUDITORIUM
\Villiam Shakespeare, ,vhich originally Viasumes and occupied three large shov\' cases.
written in peculiar cryptogrammatic char The volumes provoked deep interest , espe On December 19th, the Los An
acters and which was lat er replaced by cially the manuscripts on magic and sym geles Oratorio Society, one of the
another stone containing thc same words bolism . Several first editions of volumes three outstanding organizations of
but recut so as .to destroy the cipher in conce'rned with the Baconian controversy. its kind in the United States, \"rill
the original writing. An invc'stigation of including a rare ,"vork on cryptograms present Handel's MESSIAH at the
this cryptogram , according to there from the library of King L eopold of Bel Shrine Auditorium. This is the
searches of Ignatius "Donnelly, reveals the gium, were of interest to Baconian stu opening of Christmas week and will
name of Francis Bacon as being secretly dents. be the event of the season.
wrinen upon the tomb of Shakespeare. Mr . Hall gave three short talks, ex Under the direction of John
Whiie newspaper t)rpe makes it impossible plaining the exhibits. In the last of these Smallman, such soloists as Riccardo
to reproduce exactly the lines of the old he showed several drawings of the Navajo :Martin, tenor; Blythe Taylor, so
insc'ription,we believe you would be in Indian sand paintings, which had been prano; Julia Claussen, contralto and
terested in reading Shakespeare's epitaph. specially prepared for him by a leading Fred Patton, bass, will appear sup
,vhich is as follows: Navajo exponent of this rapidly vanishing ported by a chorus of over four hun
"Good Frend for) esus SAKE forbeare art. The chapter on the American In dred trained voices.
To diGG T -E Dust Enclo-Ased dians in "The Big Book" will include a The MESSIAH is perhaps the
HE.Re. full page reproduction in color of one of greatest of all Christmas music and
Blese be T -E NIan TY (that) spares these sacred paintings. its presentation has been one of the
T -Es Stones There were m2lny splendid musical nUI11 historic events of the season in the
And curst ue He TY (that) move's bers interspersed throughout the pro famous European centers of music.
my Bones.." gram. Mme. Marie Gerdes, an eminent Tickets can be procured at any of
From these four lines Ignatius Donnelly European concert pianist and instructor the larger music stores.
extr:acts the following words: according to the Liszt school, who has re The work of this society is doing
FRANCIS BACON WROTE THE cently come to Los Angeles , favored with much to make Los Angeles the fore
GREENE, MARLO\\' E AND SHAKES two splendid piano numbers. Miss Anita most Music Center in America and
PEARE PLAYES. Holt, English violinist, delighted with her lovers of good music wait eagerly
.(N ext week's article will be The Ba sweet toned instrument and admirab]e for the presentation on December
conian Scrapbook.) technique. Amado Fernandez, popular 19th, of "THE MESSIAH."
~~s..olo.i " _ oLtb _ "_ ~~-t~- Re ople, a
companied on the piano by Agnes Buis
BIG BOOK NEWS seret, sang several solos in his inimitable
(Continued from Page 4, Col. 3)
The artist, Mr. Knapp, spoke twice dur
manner. Another unusual treat were the
songs of Haske-Nas-vVood, Navajo Indian
tenor. Carol Atkins rendered a beautiful
insuring absolutely accurate and complet e tifically known fact that the' color, size, Good Service Guaranteed
(Continued from Page 6, Col. 2) (2) Astrology is of great value in assist You may wonder how it is possible to ' cast
through such environments. thus estab ing parents in the analysis of the traits a horoscope for a nation . The answer is
lishing a natural, scientific, material proof and characteristics of small children, that the nation must be considered as an
of astrology. Furthermore, the' spectro whose future lives depend very largely individual. It would be ve'ry valuable to
scope demonstrates that light carries with upon a wise and inte'lligent directionalizing the peace and harmony of the world if
it the vib'ratory rates of metals, gases, of their forces while the child is in a people could be taught to think of the
minerals, and various chemical elements. plastic and receptive condition. (3) The planet as an individual; that continents
If a ray of light is capable of being ana close relationship existing between celes are his parts and members; and that Ii'l
lyzed to a degree' that it reveals the con tied influence and terre's trial atmospheric ing creatures are tiny cells in his gigantic
stituents of the celestial body from which condition results in astrology being a body. We would then realize that the
it was reflected, this same light contains powerful aid in forecasting the weather. earth has a temperament of its own and
sufficient power to influence any body Long before the coming of modern that it is subject to all the irascibilities of
which it may strike. While this influence weather bureaus , the European peasant temperament found in the ordinary human
may not be apparent or tangible to the through a conside'ration of the sun, moon being. Diseases of the human body be
physical faculties of man, there is no and stars kept himself well posted con come plagues and pe'stilences. wars and
doubt that it influences his subtle, emo cerning coming storms, etc, For centuries international disturbances in the body of
tional, mental, and spiritual organism s . :'llccessful farmers have planted in certain this great Earth Man. Not only is there
In a rare work on the talismanic mag ic phases of the moon, having demonstratej the Earth Man, but each continent can be
of the Persians, James Gaffariel, the as the effect of this luminary upon the'ir considered as an individual; each race may
trologer to Cardinal Richelieu, appends crops. (4) By mean.s of astrology it is be considered as an individual; , each re'
two remarkable maps of the heavens. possible to keep in constant touch with ligion, each great enterprise, each state,
showing the origin of the celestial He the temperament and idiosyncrasy of the county, city and town may be consider~d
brew alphabet in the stars. It is our in International Man, and some day the as an individual, possessing individual
tention to republish these charts in a fu value of astrology as a means of prevent characteristics and certain peculiarities of
ture number of this magazine. According ing international misunderstanding will be temperament and outlook. A recognition
to Gaffariel, the famous allusions to the appreciated. of this great cosmic fact will ultimately
handwriting on the wall found in the Old It is concerning the international horo assist in promulgating the doctrin.e of co
Te'stament refer, in reality, to the celestial scope that we wish to write at this time. operation, for as sickness is the result of
Hebrew alphabef in the heavens. Gaf
fariel points out that the fixed stars con
stitute the consonants of this celestial
language and the m.ovable planets the ~
7l.!nnkl% ~.lJ
~nr 'fJl1rt atwttl%
~ ~ "~
vovvels. The ince'ssant motion of the latt er
re'sult in ever-chang ing words appe~ril;g~-H~':--7~r#fl~~--!t~.--.=.~"""--'-:''----- ttlng an acceptable
upon the vault of the heavens. These
words can be translated into intelligible some of these books by
sentence's and pa'ragraphs, concealing Manly P. Hall?
within them the future destiny of the
Astrology at the present time has many
uses assigned to it, most of which are Nothing like it ever published
against the finer and higher developnH>11t
of the science' and they stand between it "An Essay on the Fundamental Principles of
and scientific recognition. Four uses of as
trology are of real value to the commuity, Operative Occultism"
if the interpretation of the chart be given
by a qualified student of the subject. (1) Including 3 bea~tiful and instructive plates in full color:
Astrology is of inestimable value in the A SYNTHETIC EMBLEMATIC CROSS
diagnosis of disease. Medical science at THE OPENING OF THE THIRD EYE
the present time finds great difficulty in
attempting to analyze the invisible, and THE SEVEN SPINAL CHAKRAS
often superphysical, causes of disease. An Complete _._.....__....__ ....._. ___ ....._.. __...__..__ .__ .. __ $4.00
intelligent use of the horoscope will go far Plates separately mounted, each... _...__ ... 1.00
toward revealing the latent causes of dis Lost Keys of Masonry ___ .___ ... ____ ..............._.... _.................._._...................... $2.00
ease within the nature of every individual. The Ways of the Lonely Ol)es ................................................................ 2.00
Shadow Forms (Occult Stories) ........._.. ~ ............................................... 2.00
A Service Appealing to All Peo Thirty-eight Thousand Miles of Impressions................... ................. 1.~0
ple in Those Matters of Individual Sacred Magic of the Qabbalah................................................................ .50
Preference as to the Right Care of Talks to Students ...................................................................................... .50
the Body. The Noble Eight-Fold Path .......... ... ............................ ......... .............. .50
Evolution _................................................ .................................................... .50
Death and After ........................................................................... -............ .50
THE REED BROTHERS Unseen Forces (just reprinted) ............................................................ .50
COMPANY, Inc. Occult Anatomy (just reprinted) ...................................................... .... .50
Funeral Directors
inharmonious adjustment of body parts, temperaments; Cancer, the middle west English financial conditions will not be of
so wars and plagues are the result of the with its fecundity, grain and crops; and the best. The United State s may also
inharmonious adjustment of the body Leo, the western states with their pioneer have difficulty in the Philippines or
'p arts of this great man. Let us now turn ing and aspiring temperaments. These Hawaii, with probability of volcanic dis
to a consideration of the National Men three signs control, to a certain degree, turbances in the latte'r place. Serious ill
and what their temperaments bid fair to those diseases fr0111 which the American nes s comes to the royal house of England,
produce during the coming year. 'vVe people suffer the most: Gemini contributes with the probable death 01 one of its
would add at this point that there is one the tendency toward nervousness and members.
thing over which astrology is powerless: tuberculosis; Cancer, the tendency India will make ne"v political endeavors
that is the individual will power and mind towards stomach trouble; and Leo, the towards freedom, and these 'v'ill be rather
of the individual. The less pe'ople think, tendency towards heart trouble. In spite quiet and unpretentious, but considerable
the more accurate their horoscope will be. of several distressing aspects, the coming undermining will take place. A new leader
The less they exert themselves, the more ye'ar promises an improvement in financial will arise in India. He will g ather a large
they are influenced by things about them . conditions throughout the country, with a following, ,;v hich will greatly inlue'nce the
So predictions cannot be issued dog release of currency and circulation of future of the Indian people,
matically, for every man is master of his money. The trend of progress in Amer Italy also has an unsettled year, with
stars, and every nation is capable of rising ica is westward; therefore the'vVest con financial complications. There is danger
above its good and evil planetary con tinues to suffer from "grO\,ving pains." of division in the government and pos
figurations. The population will increase' faster than sibly civil war. M ussolini is afflicted and
The Great Man of the United States the industries can support it, thus result will either pass through a serious illness or
was born on July 4th, 1776, at the time ing in considerable sorrow for the less meet with his death.
whe'n it cut the umbilical cord which con monied classes. There is promise, how Australia will be struck 'with a cattle
nected it to the mother country. At the ever, of considerable increase in industrie's epidemic or something of that nature,
time of signing the Declaration of Inde in the 'vVest the coming year. The prob v,;hich will in some way injure the flocks
pendence. the 19th degree of the Sign of lem of the ingress from the East is a dif and herds.
Aquarius was rising. Therefore the' ficult one to solve. It 'will take many South America is progressive cIuring the
United States Man is an Aquarian. He years to thoroughly adjust conditions. year. Great numbers of people will emi
pours the water of life-a stream of stars There' will be llIany difficulties in the grate to Northern South America, where
-from his great water urn. It is signifi political world, including serious factional there is a sucIden boom, The South and
cant that at the dawn of the Aquarian Age clashes. It will be a difficult year for Central American republics ,,,ill be quiet
_ _......._"'""""_"=t~h~~~~~=jJ..;!tat
e Unit ed ~ ~hould he an AQuarian
scL~qr.c ~ n _ :nv ~~ i~:L, Bu t ne lew a A'd - la .S. Q-ui,t f r: tJ~~n"",,. __.--
-the sign of a coming race' and a coming great invention will be added to the al There is a ,vat in Asia, possibly in
age. Aquarius, while a waterbearer, is an ready long list of achievements. The in volving Japan. China does not seem to
air sign. So this nation will coriquer the ve'ntion will be of an entertaining rather have a particularly good year.
air with its airplanes, its radios, its en than of an essential nature. Literature, Considering everything in general, sev
gines, and similar inventions. The Sign the theatre, and the arts will not have a eral points stand out above the rest: (1)
'of Aquarius contributes to the United particularly prosperous year; nor will the The ever-growing clouds of international
States its love of independence, its self 111otion picture industry. America's art war do not seem to break during the C0111
sufficiency, and its unconventianality. The sense is still but partly matured; the finer ing year, but unless humanity becomes
present generation is Aquarian in its lack se'ntiments come with age and the United less selfish and takes a greater interest in
of dignity, lack of sense of propriety, and States is still a young country, Occultism the well-being of the' various parts of it
its ridicule of ancient and accepted stand and philosophy will have a steady, but self a great international cataclysm will
ards. The' result is that every day the slow, growth during the year, They will most certainly come within the compara
number of the older and conventionalized suffer considerable adversity. Free tively near future, (2) A generally im
generation becomes :fewer. They do not masonry will be very active , Orthodox proved religious and financial condition,
die of old age; they are frightened or religion will have a good year; as a result with the orthodox creeds of the world
mortified to death by the habits and tem of broadening out its platform and taking broadening out and becoming more inclu
peraments of the generation rising up up affairs of ~orld inte'rest, it will stage a sive. They will not do this, however, un
about them. Aquarius is always in a "comeback." The evolutionists are likely til they have made one last stand upon
hurry; speed is its motto. The Aquarian to have an unpleasant :year, with a blow the foundation of the olel, (3) The Oriental
man, both human and national, is con to their fondest hop~s. There will be a religions and philosophies are becoming
trolled by Uranus, the planet of sudden steady advance along sociological lines. ever more important as factors in West
and unexpected things. Uranus is a nerv Severe storms will occur in the Eastern e'rn civilization. This is a very good year
ous, mystical, excitable' sign, and those states and out upon the Atlantic. These for them.
controlled by it are seldom self-controlling. will probably cause the sinking of two or We must realize that the so-called
It is this nervous haste, this bohemian three large vessels in the Atlantic. There "evil" aspects of a horoscope are merely
temperament, that marks the present gen is a likelihood of severe' storms off the expressions of unfinished labor and those
eration in America. The United States coast of Southern California. lines of activity in which we lack profi
Man is coming into his majority, demon The British Man is an Aries; that is, he ciency. 'vVe spe'ak of them as "evil," but
strating beyond doubt the influence of the was born under the Sign of the Ram in reality they are merely reminders of
celestial bodies which culminated at his the House of Mars. The Ram is the sym problems unmastered, accomplishments
nativity! bol of courage, tenacity, and an unwiiling yet to be made. Do not become astrologi
The land surface of the United States is ness to give up. Great Britain ",.rill not cal fatalists; remember the stars impel
under three great constellations-Gemini. have an exceptionally good year. There but they do not compel. Man is the mas
Cancer and Leo. Gemini covers the east will be further difficulties with strikes and ter of his destiny and the captain of his
ern coast with its .intellectual and cultural _ the , colonial possessions will cause worry. soul.