The Secrets of Albertus Magnus PDF
The Secrets of Albertus Magnus PDF
The Secrets of Albertus Magnus PDF
Albertus tHAAapnus:
Printed by R. Cates 5 and arc to be
fold by Fulke Clifton, at on
Nmfi(hftreethill ,
i 6
To the Reader.
it is manifeftly appa-
rcnt,that this Booke of Albsrtus
Magnus hath been of long time
fo of them.
of Herbs.
t\)t Cbal*
tfce Greeks, 0b-
tl\)t La tines t&erga paUois.of tbe
Englifbmen Life HLeafell. SLafce tbl
berbe, and temper it tlje juice of
gibe it to a ktit s o? to a-
np other beeft, anb it flbail be great Uutb
a poung one in the obene fei nSe, and (ball
tying tbe btrtb in the obone binOe,
of the ttbicb poung one, if tfje gum tootb
be taiien anb btppeb m tbe meat, tymft,
eberp one that safi o*mfc thereof fiball
The vertue
egin anon battalia, anb toben Hou tooulb
put it eloap gibe tobim tbo /nice of Wile*
rian, anb peace Hall bee anon among Hem
as before.
Tlke fourth bnb, is nameb ftqullariff, of
*He Chaldees becaufe it
the time, in Web the (Eagles builb their
tiefts, 3t i$ nameb of the Greeks Balias,
oftie Ladae Celtbonia,anb OfEnglishmen
Celenbine. SLbis berbe in He
time,WH alfotbe (Eagles
mahetbeirinefts. 31 f anp man Hall babe
Hebeart.of a ssle, bee Hall
overcome all bio enemies, anb ell matters
in fuit,anb Hall put aloap all^ebate.
if the before reamed be the,, bee put
upon Hebeab of a ties man, if be Houlb Die
bee Hall ting anon toiH a loub botce, if
tiot,be Hall teeep.
Of fteChaldecs
A Greeks of tfce
Shifts of tyo
Latineg o? of Eng-
glifhmen i>erfomfce, totien it ts beaten
unto pother totW toojmeo of tye earth
of Herb*.
about it, anb toitfj an herb called
temper biba, in it in-
bucethlobe between man anb U-ife, if it be
uteb in tbeir meats. snb if it Hall be put
to the mouth of the bead called tbe Bugtll,
bee tall tyeafce anon in the mibft. Bnb
thislx as of late time.
|f(he faib confection be put in tbe 6're it
ll aUteturncb anon into blue colour.
T'lpe Cijct bearb i* nameb of t\ je Chaldees
liieifh,of theGrctks !&etus, of (he
latines J&epita Of Englilhmen Cala*
SD&efecom 10 Ijecb
called Poligonia 0 Corali-
giola, Mfyis fyevbe tafeetfj name of tfyt
; fo
lit engenO#s greatly am fo
of Hearbs;
tbrs b)o?betb manp toaies.
flDtbers called this bearb Alchone3 b?bis
is tbe boufe of tbe tm:2Lb?s bearb |>eal etb
bccaufe 31 fcafce fpcfcen lie-
toge of tfce bectueo of certaine
in sis parent Cfcap*
ter j i toill fpeafc of certaine
Atones, an& of t|)eir effects mb marbel-
toils operations.
Magnest&e "Elotropia.
Loadcftone. Calcedonias.
Opthalmus. Buggates.
Fcripendanau* Oaix.
Tbpazion. Sylonites
Memphitis la- Medoria.
pis juxta Mem- AdamaSjdianaod
in Ale&oria.
Egypto. Amariftas,
Abalton. Gclonites,
Agathcs* Criftallus.
Elmundus. Epiftrites.
Bcrillus. Celidonius,
Corail as. Bena.
The vcrtue
Iftmos Tabrlces
Chryfolitus Gerattidcs
Michomay Quirini
Radianus Loperius
Unces Lazuli
Smaragdus Iris
GalJaha Galerites
Draco nitcs Echites
Tepriftites Hiacinthus
Orithes Saphirus,
Saunus *
the (tone &>hich is called
t es y it grotoeth in the bofome ofa fnail
to Inde, called Coicufes, and there is of
Ottos Hinds of it 0 as ionite, redde, and
purple colour, 3Dfto fap, Wat it is green
and found in Wz parts of Perfia, and
as old FiHlofoptos fap 3 if it bee tailed
it gibeth Smotoledgeof certain things to
come, Mit be put underneath Wz tongue,
fpeciallp in Wz ftcft moon, it bath a bertue
onelp fo> an houre. being
in the tenth moone3 hath this bertue in
theirft tenth houre but there is
todiedis called fmun*
&fmundus, it is of Dibers
puttetd ateap poifon,and
a man to ofaetcome fcis adderfaries, and
tfye gift ofp*opdecping 3and tde
tionof all dreams, and mafeetd a man to
underftand darts queftions, dard to dee
imderftood,os atfoiled*
Tafcetbettone&bifb is called
tes, M)ii) put in boater againft $e
epe of the pan, puttetf? fo?tb fierp beams
of the Pm and it is raid of old and neb)
0 calledandBem,
tea BeaCsi too%
TSlfee thei Cone put
of Stones.
if Uhbertb? tongue. #nbas Steron ant* tbe
olbe pbilofopbers fa?tb s as long as t!;ou
tjoefl: bio it, tbou ma?(lconieaure ano tell
of things to come, ano ttou (bait not ene
m an? tee fo?e moging.
If thou wilt that thy garment cannot be
tyz (lone fcirid; iscalled i(lmos
febicb as lftDo?us fais, is hire to faf*
fron,audit is found in a part of
Slhis (lone blotretb liise a paire of ilfreb
tees, b? reafon of the boindmefTe in it.
It is found nigb the >ades of Hercules,
that is ttoo3lless b? the further parts of
>paine be? ond if this (tone
be fet in a garment, >it cannot bee burned
in an? fcife, but inetb lifee fire* #nd
Come men affirme that the&bite carbun=
Ifthou wilt have favour and honour.
ISibatbdorusin tfiebeaba
feemetb to
fcectue, auO of M)ite
>tone of
that Licania
colour, bobifb
eb,giben to them that fcatb tf?e ftrangulion,
to loofetb perfectly tfre urine, anb
tbortlp bealetb> it putted aboap tbe ifeabee
quartaine.&lfoit tabetb abcap a beetle fpot
or peacle in ti;e epe* aifo if a booman toitb
cbilb bear it on freeze lofetb not berbictb'
sporeober (be fletb of them fobben anb
eaten, it is goob to them that babe an ex*
ulceration, orforein tbe lungs, boitba
confumpf ion of all tbe bobp, anb fpitting
ofbloob. aifo (be pobober of (be beaftes,
toitb rinbe, or barfc of trees, boitb tome
grainesof pepper, is profitable againft
(be cEmerobes anb groining out of flelb a-
tauttbe buttoefees* Hiltetnife tbep being
rabo,b?atebbDitb rinbesor barfcs of trees,
taeafe ripe 3mpofiumes
The third Booke of AU ,
llpapa. blach plotei
Pellicanus. 2t;Mican,
Corvus. &
Milvus* amite,o> Cfcpsu
Turtur. a 2Luctle*
Talpa. 21 me.
Mcrula. , %
dlacbe 3 o?
others a
called of fome a
Croto bertue of te
Evax e Aaron rebearfe.
Uf |jer eggcs tie anb tie put againe
in tbencft, tbe&abengoatb fooneto tte
red a certain 3lle &toe Aldoncus
o$ Alodriusio se tyinguM
{tone feoiieretioitl) H?e touched; !;er egges,
an?) tier egges tie as rate as tbcp fcere be*
fo^e; it is amarbellous thing to dirre up
fobben egges. 3f this done bee put in a
tingsanb die leafe of tl;e tree tm*
tier it, anb if a man lie bounb in tbaines,
o$ a Oo?e ftut, tiee tourfeb tbere&itb, to
tfcat isbounb QaH bee loofeO, anb the bote
Jjball be openeb: anb if tfjf s done be put in
a mans mou% ftgibeti;bint unberdanbing
of all birbs.S&ie done is of India, becaufe
it is founb in Indians feme men fap, anb
Tome Cap in the reb fea. 31 is of bibers co-
lours, anb mafeetb a man to forget all
S?atb> as toe babe faib sbobe in die fame
l&pfe o?
among 3
of $e Chal-
The vertiie
dee s it is called Bificus, Of t\)Z Greek*
Melos. 31 f the of it be taken, mb bo?n
before a mans bread,it gibetb to bim lobe,
mb fabour of all men mb boomen
aifo if it be tempered toith toater3 and it
the head o? an? other place bee anointed
thereto!#* hatre toill no mo?e groto there,
jf an? man bear a dogs heart on his left
Rde,all Dogs MI hold their pern, and not
hardest him*
3{fanp man toill bind the right epe of
and Beads.
The order
taps be longer o? o>tcr. Jfo? tbe Slftrola*
gians counter altoaies tbe time in tbe
tbe ffantetb upon bis balfe
fpbere,ant tfnp call it tbe tap 02 tbe bob? of
$e tap, ant, bp tbe contrarp tbe night.
SCbep otbitet that time Web tbep call tbe
trip, infeaben equall parts Web bee tbe
Inures of tbe fame tap, ant tobatfoeber is
fait of tlje tap, tbou mud unterffant con*
traritoife of tbe mgbt- snt that tbou maid
Uitei'ftant motecleetlrjet us put tbe cafe*
tbe cometb ou* rvom bis half fpbere,at
?igbt of $e trail, debate unto tbe going
ton of the hours of fS$
&>iaU, Web ioeemap multiply bp lx* as
there minutes of eberp boure of the
>iaU,and boeijaU babe nmefcunDgttb and
ib?eefco?e minutes, tobtti; tree map DibiDe
bp tb3elbe,as there bet&elbe boures of the
bap, applptng to eberp hour bis
and count foarfco?e minutes in an houfe,
2Lberefo?e eberp boure of aDap (ball babe
minutes, Web Ml contain one
bouc,anbone tbicb ofan boure of tbe gDialL
&nd in all.tbat time the Dominion of tbe
planet of that boure Wl be
tbe 2Lable here following tail mafce mo?e
nianifea, eberp benre of bis night Q?aU
babe minutes, boljitb tbou 4ait
undecftand lifceioife of others, acceding
to tbe rifing of tbe upon tbe ground,
becaufe that boure Web is tbe midft he*
ttoeen night and Dap, Web is called tbe
toning of' the dap,is not called tbe Dap,
fcut tbe Dapis &operlp to bee underload,
ben as tbe p>unmap be fern.
thou touting to conftder and
noio tbe Domination anD rule of eberp
ftoef, then here map pou fee bobs inebe-
i ne oraer
cpbonreeberp panet bail; ffa Dominion?
tfjou salt conliDec tye hours tbemfelbe*
m 3 babe before faiD5 anD fo tbou maid
come to t|>e enD of tbp purin/fe. SUfo tfce
beginning of tt>e Dap to confiDereD from
one of tbe clocfee of tbe Dap, going before
afternoon.^oDibtDe tbe >unDap into tbw
equal! parto> auD eaib in ttoelbe bouro, fo
Ibattbe firft hour of #unDap, beginneib
after tfoelbe on , anD one to tbe
fbe beginning of S^unDap.
tbou art to confer that >un*
bap batb bio fign unDer tbe >un.
#unDap batb bio ftgn unDer tbe s9oone.
SLuenjapbatbbioitgn unDer #ar,
HeDnefDap btb bio itgn unDer
atburtDapbiotfgn unDer Jupiter.
5friDap bio fign unDer tiHenus.
bta itgnunDer Saturn.
Bit io to be nefeD that eberp true act muff
fee Done unDer bio jpanet.SlnD tbe Deft to,
that it be Done in tbe proper Dap of tbe pla-
net,anD in bio obon proper jjoure 9 ao fo?
alife 3 butlDin&Dotfrtne,
Jupiter honos, deCred thing#
ticfceo, apparel!.
tinder Mars, boar, matrimon?,
tinder the Sun, hope, lucres fortune,
tinder Vcnus,fried fellQto>fbipJx>Wi
lober, ftranger.
tinder Mercury, toife, debt, fear.
Of the hours of the day and nights.
fifrft $e hoursof ,
firft hourthe Sun, thefecono Vem**,
Mercuriug, the fourth tty Moon,
*be fift Saturnus, tty UXt Jupiter, the fZ*
fcetUh Mars, the eighth the San, tty ninth
"enus,detent!)Mercurms, t^eeleventh
Ufc. Moon, tty ttoelftl; Saturnus.
ttfttt m tty fittttyut of tty night Jupiter,
tty fecond Mar*, tty third tty Sun h tty
Venus, the fift Mcrcurius, tty fijtt
Moon,thefebenth Saturnus, tty biir.
Jupiter, the ninth Mars, tty tenth tty
sUnhe, tty tu Venus, the jrii. Mejrcuriuso
The order
tfie Moone,
U)t feCOJ& Saturne, tfie Jupiter, tfie
fourtfi MarSjtJje fift SoJ,tfie fijrt Venus,tfie
febentfi Mercurius, tfie etgfit Luna, tfie.
ninfll Saturnus,tfietentfi Jupiter, tfieele-
feentb Mars 3tfie tfoelftfi Sol.
Usut m tfie fir ft fiour of nfgfit,
Venus, tfie feconO Mercurius, tfie tfiufr
Luna, t|je fourty Saturne, tfie fift Jupiter,
tfie fijrt Mars,tfie feabentfi tfie Auntie, the
etgfit Venus, tfie ninth Mercuric, the tenth
hum, the eleventh Saturnus, the ttoelfe
Blnffiefirftfioureof SCuefbap Mars, rti
tfie feconb Sol, tfietfitrb Venus, the fourty !
Mercuric, tfie fift Luna, tfie fijrt Saturne,
tfie febentfi Jupiter, the etgfit Mars, the
wtntfi Sol,ffie tenth Venus, the elebeutfi
Mercurius, tfie tfioelftfi Lana,
fi llut on ffiuefbaj? it ntgfit in the firft
fiour Saturne,tfie feconb Jupiter, tfie tfiteD
Mars, tfie fouttfi Sol, (fie fift Venus, ffie
fijrt Mercuriejtfie febentfi Luna, tfie etgfitfi
Saturne,tfiemutfi Jupiter,tfie tentfi Mars,
tfie elebentfi Sol,tfietb)elfffi Venus.
furius, attfto Luna, at ffi?ee Saturnus, at
fbue Jupiter, at ft fee Mars, at it}r Sol at
is ti# bigbefl
planet, tobofe nature is cola
ana a?p, to&ofe completti-
on melancboUcfee, an ene*
nwetomanMna, mafculine,
oftbeaap ebiiiaifpofea., ana countea tfce
Steater misfortune. is of flotomotion s
|jee performed bis courfe but in tfcir*
ip pears. lee gobernetl; in a mans bo*
&Ptbe right eare, tljemiltj tjje blabber*
%ee hatiy Dominion ober the gtittcbe.
Catarrh faille, SDropfte, 91*
fine, confumption,<oout 3 Hep2ofte 5
Pheto, Canfeerj Jflup, ana briefs of the
fpleen. friena to the retentibe
faculty anb bee hath tiro Routes, as Ca*
P?icornius 3 ana Aquarius, ffhebe
bf the natibitp, bee mafeeth t|ie chiiaren of
P?oua beartSjloftp in honors faa 3 beeping
The order
anger, upright in counfell, bifagreeinS
toitb theirbribes, malicious* HDf
lean, pale,flenber,anbbarb faboureb,tbic&
lips, bribe noftnlis, and colb of nature
%bis planet gibetb benominatton to P&
turbap,tsecawfe be ruletb ti;e firft hour of tW
isnert beneath Sv
SSEjR turniiSj bsofe nature is
% foarm and moift3b)|)ore com*
nature sto mankmd,tnaflcu'
line sof tfa dap 0 9 called ityt
greater fortune, be is meetlp tiofo of moti*
on, performing bis circuit but in tboelbe
peers.lpe gobernetf} in a mans bodp, tty
SLiber, tlje slungs,fbe !fribo,#idriffe,<lsrr tf
Mars folloboetl;
nature ie immoderate botand
| completion is Cbo*
l3lllll lencfes#afc uUne sof $e nigbt,
ebtu difpofed, and termed tbe
letter miofoitune. is indifferent quicfe
of motion, performing Us courfein ttoo
pears* gobernetbina spam bodp tbe
left care,tbe <Sall,ti;e 3ems,and Coddes.
influence in tbe SLertian ifea-
ber, , and continual! Bgue
fting-bcorme, Spegrim, rottenneffe, urn
timelp delibecsnce, breaking of
and all difeafeo caufed bp colour, and
batbtfoo manHons, Aries and Scorpius,
Blfbebe &ord of tl;e maliety tbe
The order
sild?en rough, boild, fierce, inbm*
etble,bold, contentious, obfcure, eatfeto
fee deceibed. M fiature inDifferent-leane,
hard faced, red headed,fmall eped,delight-
ing to burn and defirop, fub;ect to bsea*
feing their Urns and biolent death, o> elfe
to fall dobm from an high place: SLhis
panel gtbef denomination to SCuefdap,
becaufe hee ruleth the firfi home of tpat
Sm-, next
oi f 0 >unne enfueth
bohofe nature iss
f>ot anbbzpwoberatel?, the
life anb If gtjt of all the other
flaneto, mafculme, of the
bapgoob fortune bpafpectj but ebill fa?-
tune bp conjunction, e is quicfc
of motion, finding hr courfe in
fixip ftbe baps, anb almoft ft'x
hours, mans bob?, the
tyaine, marroto, finetos, the right epe of
a man,anb tbe left epe of a booman, !e
hath rule of all hurts in the mouth sin
biftillatrons to threw anb m all hot ani>
b?p bifeafes lohifh pzoeeeb not of cbolar.
mbe batbbut onlp one manfion; to text
&eo, 3lfbebe3lo?D tbe
of natibitpbetna-
fcetb $e
iunr3 obeDrent un-
to tjleir parents, M perfon corpulent,
tyeicfcairenelmefc to pelloto, tall:, large
limmcD, Doing all things &i$ a grace ;
immediafelp follofo*
etfy Venus, Sxjfjofe nature in
all refpects is common and
convertible,maftulin toitfc ms-
fculmes feminine toitfj femi*
bit!) bot,co!d foitfr cold s moift fois
toitd fortune good
ft^fiine5tjett fcirl; a good afpect o? confunai*
onsets of ftoift motion going &s coucfe
gobernetij in mans dodp
in a pear.
\%z tonguesmemo?p,cogitations &ands and
tfoigfas. ebatbdominion Oder $e iP*en*
of Planet*.
mab nelfe, melancboll? s idling tftfc*
be(re 3 Cougb 3 mbeum 3anb tbe abundance of
fpittle t anb general!? all tings
are rubiect to him; and be batb ttro manft=
anb Virgo. be 5lO?b of
tbenatibit?3 be mafcetb fbe(bilb?en flout,
toife anb apt to ferret, anb
Eloquent. flDf perftnfmalla leane,pale of
bifage: fmootb baiteb: fair e?ebt barb anb
bone? banbeb. 2Lbis planet g ibetb name
to Miebnetba?: becaufebee ruletb tbe fird
bourem tb tba?.
Luna, 0| the ssoone com*
meth I aft anO lots eft of
wm a Im all the panels, tohofena-
a I|3 ture is coXD anbmcift: fe*
mitiine an& of the night,
conbeper of the bertue of
all other panels camming nejct from her
to us. p)>he is of a beef patng f&ift mo-
tion, Sniffing l;er coutfe in feben anO
tbaentp Daps, bin Iwes, ano iliiii. min.
N>e gobecneth in a mans hohp, the h?ain,
the left epeof a wan 3an the right tie ofa
toman, the pabp parts of a fcoman.
The order
the ftoimcfee both in man an 5 tooman3 0
enofimetos tvittj infirmities proceeding
of coldmoifture, and see bath but one
feoufe onlp, to MU Cancer. 3fse be fobe*
raigne oftbe mafeetb tbe tyiU
brenborne,boe(t, honorable, inconftant*
lobtng toet and moift places and gibento
eberp member
$e turners of one Retail into another
| c sliet ai#mt(ts bnobo that bp menifePt
'tilth, bobo lifce nature Cecretlp cntreft,and
ty'oicetbofbisilifce. and eberp fcience
wtb nob? berifiied that in bio life. &nb
jjote tfii biligentlp,f 0? great marbellous
(ball be feen upon this.
soto it is berifteb, and put in all mens
Jindeo, that eberp natural! bind, ants
Jat eberp particular 0? general! nature
natural! amitp at enmitp to fome
anb eberp bind batb fome fe?ri-
Jk enemp, anb beftroping thing to bee
fe areb* ILifebotfe fomefbing rejoicing
*tceebinglp sm3fcing g!ab,anb agreeing bp
feture, as &e tfjeep both feare the toplfe,
it bnotoetb not onlp btm aUbe, but
po beab, not onlp bp jfigbt, butalfo bp
**fe, and the feared* the *C>ogge,and
Jk #oufethe Cat, anb all route footed
jfcaftsfeare the 3Uon, anb an Aping bicbfi
feetje (Bglea anball beans fear man* anb
this is gcaffed to eberp one bp nature.3 nd
fome babe this. Secundum Individuum,
and at a certain time.
and it Is the cectifping of all
stfrs,that t&p bobich heare others in their
life, hate parents and altogether af'
tec thep die. a sfet'n ofa ileep is con-
fumed of the sbin of the boolfe, and a fim**
tyell, labour o? d?umUade,made of the sfein
of a boolfe, caufetb that fcbith to made of a
Jheeps sfcin, not to be beard, and it is fo in
all others.and note tbou this ft; a great
and it ts manifeft to all Ssen, that *
sou maid pu
foon at tbppleafure in a coot of paper, fip*
trig o canting dmnber.
a coot toffip ftoulb he long3 fmall, an&
full ofthat bed pobober: but a coot to mafee
tbtmoec ftoilio be $o& geode, anb palfe