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Albertus tHAAapnus:

Of the veitues of Hearhs ,

fnd certain Beafts,

Whercunto is newly added a fhort
ve nlng the Nativities of

Alfo a Book ofthe fame Authonr,

Of the of the
world, and of
cauied of certaiac

Printed by R. Cates 5 and arc to be
fold by Fulke Clifton, at on
Nmfi(hftreethill ,
i 6
To the Reader.

it is manifeftly appa-
rcnt,that this Booke of Albsrtus
Magnus hath been of long time

in the Italian French and Latin

, ,

tongues t I thought ific were alfo in Eng-

lift, it would be received with like accep-
tation.Therefore I have in the tranflation
omitted nothing which therein is publi-
fhcdi but thou (halt find therein one later
addition ot the governance of the ieven
Planets in the Nativities of Children,
which is worthy noting. Whereforcufe
this Book for thy recreation ( as thou art
wont to ufe the Book ofFortune,) For a
fitredly there is nothing herein promifed,
but to further thy delight. So accept my
pain,thy pleafure.l referrethee to the trial
of feme of his fccrets which as thou

(halt find true in part, or all, I leave to

thine own report or commendation*
Albertus Magnus:
The firft book of the vertucs
of Herbs.
Riftotle, the stince offbifo.
fop&eca tatt|> in manp place#,
eberp fcience is of m
feinb of goo!) not*
bitbftsnbing, m operation
lometimeisgoobanbfomelimeebill a# ;

ite fcience ts changes unto a gooo,o| to an

ebilltenSs totbefc>hifh it IvofisUj, m the
faptng, tioo things are concludes;
2uhe is that the fcience of is
mt bp the imobiebgeof it, ebiu
tnap be efcbetoeS sanS goob bp means
of,.mapbe foUotoeo.
The vcrtue

SLhe fecon} thing is alfo ccncltibebjfo* fa

muh as the effect ts fo highip
elteeme} fo> them}, an} alfo the eno of
tohenitis not sai*
neb to good o> to terms. 3t follotoeth

then tijat eter? fcience o> faculty opera-

fern 'time goo}, fro femetime ebtll.
Eherefoie, becaufe fcience of #agicie,
is a goo} fenoMeOge(anO it is p?cfUppofeD)
mb is fametohat etrll in beholtung of cau*
fes anb natural! things, as t bate confifoe-
xsb an} perceiteo in ter? man? ancient
author* ?es an} l A lberc. mpfelfe bate
founD out the truth in man? things, an} 3
fuppofe o? imagine the truth to he in fome
part of the USoofc of ChiranOer, alfo the
hoofc of aitto^Ectn
IFirtt therefore, 3 toil! C;eto an} Declare
the natures an} tertuesof certaine herbs.
pj>econ}l?,the operation, ant eflimation of
certaine (tones, ant their terfues. Sn}
#icMp of certain bea(ts,*n} the tertues el*

fo of them.
of Herbs.

The names of the Herbs,

Elitropia. S^arigolb*
Urtica. iSettle.
Virga paftorls mtmf&sfi,
Celidonia, Celenbme.
Mepcta Gala. #int3
Lingua Canis lieimbs tongue,
Julquiantis, henbane*
Lilium. Millie.
Vilcus quercl. Weltoe.
Centaurea,] Cento#.
Salvia. >age.
Verbena. vtobiti.
Melyfophylos, >mallage,
Rofa* Bore.
Serpentina* graffe*

ail forenames fcerbs fbaltljjouffnb

in tpetr feberall places, toitbtbeir boonber-
full operations anb bookings, but pet
tfcou mull obferbe tbe times anb feafons,
toberein tbep tyoulb be mimceb anb put
in pittite.
The vertue
h*fh w caned boith me men of
Chaldea (EloB,b>tty the Greek*, Jjlpa*
tUthiol, toith t(je Latines
the Engli&men Marigold; &hefe inter*
potation is of (JShwMhatls, the
Sfropos, that is, alteration, ihange,be*
eaufe it is turned acceding to the >unne.
SLhe bertue of thisherb is marbellous; fos
if it be gathered,the Pan being in the fitgn
lleo in augu,and in the leaf of
a ILaurell,os USap freehand a TOilfes tooth
added thereto jno man Wl bee able to
habe one tood tofpeafe again!* the bearer
thereof, bat tooss of peace t if anp thing
be (loin, if the bearer ot the things before
named, lap them under his head in the
night, hee Stall fee the |Cheef,and all his
conditions, if the herb
bee put in anp Churth,tohere toomen bee,
tohi# babe tyoiien mfifcimonp on their
part: fbep (ball neber be able to goe fos>
eftheChunh, except it be put atoap. and
this la(* point hath been p*obed,and m be-
rp true.

Tlefttonhftttfi is callca of tbe men

OfChaldcalffcitij, 8f tie <Sm6s
of Herb*.
MetibUS,Of tbe Latines, o? Frenchmen
tttirtica,ofEngliftimcn a tfjat
bolbetb tbi berb in hi bsnb, kith m betb
caJUrO Milfoil, o? jftofebieeb, is
Cute from all fear, anb fantafie, t\; hifion.
J3nb if it be put toitb the mice of
anb the bearers hems bee anointeo tcitfj it,
'finb tbe reltbue put infeater, if be enter in
tbe kater kbere ft ses be, tl iep fci! garbee
together to bio bsnbe, abbtng thereto ad
pitwllum.ano if bio banb be b?ekn
tbej? kill leap again to tbeit okn places ,

kbere tbepkere before.

t\)t Cbal*
tfce Greeks, 0b-
tl\)t La tines t&erga paUois.of tbe
Englifbmen Life HLeafell. SLafce tbl
berbe, and temper it tlje juice of
gibe it to a ktit s o? to a-
np other beeft, anb it flbail be great Uutb
a poung one in the obene fei nSe, and (ball
tying tbe btrtb in the obone binOe,
of the ttbicb poung one, if tfje gum tootb
be taiien anb btppeb m tbe meat, tymft,
eberp one that safi o*mfc thereof fiball
The vertue
egin anon battalia, anb toben Hou tooulb
put it eloap gibe tobim tbo /nice of Wile*
rian, anb peace Hall bee anon among Hem
as before.
Tlke fourth bnb, is nameb ftqullariff, of
*He Chaldees becaufe it
the time, in Web the (Eagles builb their
tiefts, 3t i$ nameb of the Greeks Balias,
oftie Ladae Celtbonia,anb OfEnglishmen

Celenbine. SLbis berbe in He
time,WH alfotbe (Eagles
mahetbeirinefts. 31 f anp man Hall babe
Hebeart.of a ssle, bee Hall
overcome all bio enemies, anb ell matters
in fuit,anb Hall put aloap all^ebate.
if the before reamed be the,, bee put
upon Hebeab of a ties man, if be Houlb Die
bee Hall ting anon toiH a loub botce, if
tiot,be Hall teeep.

Of fteChaldecs
A Greeks of tfce
Shifts of tyo
Latineg o? of Eng-
glifhmen i>erfomfce, totien it ts beaten
unto pother totW toojmeo of tye earth
of Herb*.
about it, anb toitfj an herb called
temper biba, in it in-
bucethlobe between man anb U-ife, if it be
uteb in tbeir meats. snb if it Hall be put
to the mouth of the bead called tbe Bugtll,
bee tall tyeafce anon in the mibft. Bnb
thislx as of late time.
|f(he faib confection be put in tbe 6're it
ll aUteturncb anon into blue colour.
T'lpe Cijct bearb i* nameb of t\ je Chaldees
liieifh,of theGrctks !&etus, of (he
latines J&epita Of Englilhmen Cala*

mint, otherbsite SLafee this

herb anb mix it the done, founb in
the tied of the Birb called a Hapfeing, o?
black Rioter, and rub the bellp of anp
Bead, anb it (hall bee b-ith birth, anb bate
a poung one, berp black in the obone fcinb.
Snb if it be put to tbeir noftrills, thep ball
fall to tbe grounb anon as beab, but a lit-
tle fpace after tbep (ball bee bealeb, Sllfo
if the confection bee put in a
beffell of BeeSjthe Bees toill neber ftp a*
feap, but- tbep (hall gather together there,
anb if tbe Bees betyoboneb, s like as (hep
foere beab, if (hep bee put in #e afo^efaio
feflion,tfiep flmllrecober tlietr life after *

little timers bp tfie fpace of one,

it is to tfie qualitp loft and

a fare if flies bee put In

toarmaf|?es a tfiep brill recober tfieir life
after a little fpace.

febentfi fiearfi is mmeb of the

Chaldees Ugel,of tfie Greeks D|Uttl,
of the Latines ILtngua Cants, of Engliih-
men tongue, futffiou tfiisfierb
fcitfitfiefieart of a poungfcog,anbfierma-
trice,anD put them bfiere thou fcilt, anb
after a little time all the bogs of the bofiole
SCobon IfiaH fie gatfiereb together.
anbiftfiou tfialt fiabe tfie
fierbunbectfip toe, all tfiebogges
ifiall feeep filence, anb fiabe no potoer alfo
to barb- 31 f tfiou put tfie afo/efaib tfiing in
tfie neck of anp boggeCfotfiat fieemap not
tout it toitfi fits mouth) fiee Ml fie turneb
atop rounb about Ifee a turning fofieele,
until fie fal unto ffie gcounb as beab, anb
tfiisfiatfi been in our time.
nameb of tty Chal*
decs #anfela 3of tty Greeks tSentofm
of Herb.
the Mines 3ufqnianus,of the (Sfcnglfh
menhenbane. Eafee thou this herbe anb
Ulijt it cum Regalls Hermodatalis 9 put
them in the meat of a tnab bogge, anb h*
&UI bpe anon. Slnb if thou put tfje juice of
it bit| the afo?efaib t lingo in a ftfbec cup,
it Ml be broken ber? fmall. SUfoifthou
%lt mi; the thing toith an? tie
bloob of a ?oung l^are, anb keep it in the
shin of a sare, all the toill be ga-
thereb there until! it be remobeb.
ninth herb w name! of Me Chal*
beesango,of the<E?eebs a mala, of
Me Mines il&um, of the English men,
a BLUIp 3f thou kilt gather this herbfthe

fnn being in the ftgnof the 3Uon>anb mix

it kit| the juice of the Blaurel o? jierap tree,
anb afterkarbthou put that juice unoer the
bung of cattell a certain time, it Ml bee
turneb unto k Dimes, of the khich if pok*
bet be maoe, aub put about the neck ofan?
wan o? in hue clothes, he Ml neber fleep,
no? be able to Geep untill it
V ~igs rita? be bone kith he bertue
eb joke of this herb.
The vertue
and if thou puttee afo?efaid thing unber
the dung of cattell, and anomt anp man
forth the feeding thereof, he tel
he h ought anon unto a feaber. and if the
afoefaid thing bee put man? betfdl fohere
there isCofos mil fee, and me cohered forth
the sfetnof anp Colo of one colour., all the
feme tel lore their milfee.

A tenth herb is called of the Chal-

of JheGieeks atTifena,
Of theLatines tHifCUS querei, OfEnglith*
men SpifTelto, &nd it gcofoeth in trees,be-
mg holed though* SLhioherb foith a cer-
tain other herb,fohifh is named
tfet is, <gilphton o II a ferpit turn, as it is
bitten in the Surnames language, it ope*
neth all locks, Snd if the things
being put together, be put in the mouth of
anp man>that anp thing, if it tould hap*
pen, it is ret on his fymt, it: not, it leapeth
bacfe from his heart, Bif the thing
be hanged up to a tree forth the foing of a
there the Birds tel gather tc*
gether foithin theCpace of flbemiles- Sind
this laftfoas probed inmp time.
of Herbs.
eletentb herb i* nameb of Wb
Chaldees Mpiilon, Of the Greeks flDj-
Eelon, of the Latiucs Centaures, of the
Englithmen Sxbtit fatrb,tbatttio
beacb bath a martellous terme, fo* if it be
Joined tutb the blood of a ifemale 51ap
Sping;, o* Black plotersanb puttdib osl in
8 lamp, all tl;ep &bis compare it about
ftall beieete tpemfelteo to bee toittbes: fo
%t one sall beieete of another, that bio
hcab loin beaten, anb feet in the earth.
thing bee put in the
Stephen the ctarol|me9 it giall appears
that tbe ftars run one agaftift anothecanb
%ht. J3nO if the plainer bee pm
to the noltrillo of anp man, be ffail Gie a-
toap Ibarpelp, through fear that bee tall
toe3aab this hsth been p?oteb.
2Lbe tbcelftb Ijetfe is nameboftbe Chal*
decs o? of the Greeks
Calamo*, of tjjeLadncs commonly
bia, of tie Englifhmcn t tijis herb
being putrifieb unber bung of Cattell, in
8 filafen teffell, tyingetb fogtfj a certaine
bating ataileafter the fa*
swn ofabirb calleb ablacb
? sacb,o? 2Dto*
The rercue
fell, bit?; tefiofc Wood, if an?man tee
touted on tte teeft, befall lofetns fence
o feeling tte fpace of jcb. Daps anO mo?e,
&nd if tte Serpent tee burned,
an& m ate of it te put in fire,anon tee
te a raintefijjtoii an ftogifile t&unOer.
ano if tte afozefato ate tee put in a
lamjvan* ftinMeO,it mi appear* te all
tte teufe is full of t&is l;at&
teen psobe& of men of late time,

perimmte&,anO put in p?actife, but pet |

counfell ttee to go fojtoarO, ano bp muifi
reaoing tteu tet gaiter mncfi hnotoleog*
>oaobifingtteeto goe fos&arO, in tte
perufing tpefe fete ferrets*
Of Hearb,
%\)t thirteenth htafb namcb of the
Caioeee Olphavas,of the <reeKs Hiliori*
n 3ofthe ilatins Verbena,ofthe cnglftfi*
tuen tHierbin.&he hearb(as tMitchesfap)
Bathereb, the fun being in the fign of the
ftam,e put boith grain 02 co2 of of
tte pear olb, heateth them that are ftdfc of
befalling fictmetfe.&nb if it he put in a fat
&rounb,after eight ioeefcs fc>o?ms H?all bee
e j ftitfiif thep thalt tomb an?
Wan, he flball bpeanom 3ff the dfegefaft
thing he put in a s>obe 02 Culber houfe,all
the globes 02 Culbets fhall there gather
together. onb if thepolober of them be put
mafteththe fun feem bieb?,
*f thepob&fr he put in a place Cohere men
bbeji 02 lie bet&een ttoo lobeco,anon thers
i* made ftcife between them,
SLfje fourteenth heath is nanieb of thr
ChaltieesCelayos, of the Ca
finest the iUttnea Melifopholos sof Cng*
&tam Smallage. jaDfthe tohii hearhe
Floridus ma&?th mention* SLhrs
kearh being gathered green anh UMm
the juice of the tree, of one
The vertue

ttm put in smell, mafceth the gruell to

appear full of frames, and mafcsth the
Nearer to be gentle anb gracious, aub to
banquiih his abbecfuries.SJnb if
fait! hearb be bounben to an ores necfe bee
fljallfolioto thee bother foebcr thou Unit
r Te
fifteenth heath is nameb of the
Chaldees 43lerifa,of 3fa*
of tye&nttim HOfa, of cngliH*
mm a Iftofe. anb it wan heath* bsofe
ftotoec is berp boell hnobon. 2Labe $0
gram0? of it, anO tty of mu*
ftarOfees 3anh tty foot of a Westell: bang
all there in a tree, ano it toll neber beare
fruit after. SlnO if tty aftuefaio thing bee
put aboutanetjfitto hull gather together
there. Slab if pagans lhall be beab anO
pat in the afo?efaio commijtfion balfe a
Jsgp, it Ml recover the life, although
it be not f o thtott!) pet gotten. SnO if the
af&efaih pokier be put in a lamp, a0 af*
ter be Hmbleb ,all #en Hall appear blac?s
as the bebllU&lfotf the potobee
be tnijreb toif h opie ofthe SDlibe tree, anb
quiche b*7mtone, tty houfe annointeo
Of Hearts.
hoitp it, fobentbefun fyinety it ttll feem
all in a Same.

T&e fifteenth bench is called of the

Chaldees Carturlin, of the
tbe Ratines Serpentina,
in (BmUfy >nabcs graffc. %hishetttm
it>ell enough bnoton tottb us SLbis beatb

put in- the ground Wh the leaf? called

tbiee leafed graffe, tngtmieth red and
Steen Serpents, of bind) if potoder bee
made,andputina burning lamp them ,

fysll appear abundance of Serpents, snd

if it be put under tbe bead of anp man*
he ssll not of
2Lbe manner of&obmgall there
named tbmgs, that the effect map be good
in tfjeir planets, is in tl;etr boures, and
saies,and great regard bad to tbe obferba*
tlo of tpeiv due times.
The vertue

%xiexehetehm \)exhG that habe great

bertue, after the manner of Alexander the
mperour3 anb thefe habe their bertuesof
the influence of the Paneto. Si no there*
eberp one of them tafceth their bectue
from the hiflher natural! poboers.

2Lhe flrft is the herb of the planet Satur-

nitis, to CalleO Affodilius, Slflobilp,
the mice of it is goob againft the pain of
the rein%anO lego: let all them that fuffec
pain of the blabber eat it,the roots of it be*
ins a little boileb. JLifeeboife if men potter*
feb fois ebill fpirito, oi mab men beare it
in a clean napfcin, t!;ep be belibereb from
then v>tieafe 3anb it fuffreth not abebillin
the houfe. 3lfthilb?en that b?eeb their teeth
bearett about them thep thall them
Without pain t goob that a man beare
ioith him a roote of it in the night, fo* bee
thall not fear, no? pet be hurt of other.

SD&efecom 10 Ijecb
called Poligonia 0 Corali-
giola, Mfyis fyevbe tafeetfj name of tfyt
; fo
lit engenO#s greatly am fo
of Hearbs;
tbrs b)o?betb manp toaies.
flDtbers called this bearb Alchone3 b?bis
is tbe boufe of tbe tm:2Lb?s bearb |>eal etb

tbe patfions an?) griefs of tbe heart an?) (to-

tbaCb: be that tomtetb t!?ts berfa batb a tier-
tue of {ne (tgn o? planet. Jf anp man
tbe juice of it, itmabetb bhn to doe
often tie act of generation: 2lnd if anp
tttan bear tbe root hereof, it belpetb tbe
Sfief of t|>? epes: and ifbe bear it toilbbim
before lie babe ppgrief tbere (ball come to
bim no grief ofbis epes %t belpetb them

alfo that are bereo toitb tbe

Ibepbear it ioitb tbemin tbeirbjeaft.
It belpetb them alfo that are difeafed
an impoftume in tbe lungs, an?) ma*
*etb them to babe a good b>eatb, and it
abailetfc alfo to tbe flijt of melancbolioas

2L&e tfcird is ii)B fcerbe of tfye #oone,

tofrjcb is called Chynoftates. %foe nuce
Dff it pucgetfc t&e paine of tfce (tomacfee
9nd tyeaft plates t tije bertueofit de
tw ft is tfrefreacbof ff>e spoone,
fiofoec of t()is fteacd purged great
The vertue
fpl.eenoanb bealetb them, becaufe tl;t
|>eacb encreafetl; anb becreatetb as bob be
lt t goob agatnft the (ictmdfe of
the tpm 0 anb mafeeb a harp figtit* 3lt to
goob agatnft lle bloob of U>e tpe*. If
bou put, t|?e root of it upon be
it bill make be epe marbellcuo cleer,
becaufe the light of be epe#
turn mlftton, to of the fuhftance of the
soom 3lt to alfo goob to them bat babe
anp chill ftomacfee, &htb cannot bt=
geft thctr meat,. bp batmans be mice
hereof; ttto goob to bem bat
babe be fbmepojr.
SLfjefourb heart) to calleb SfmoglotTa,
plantatne. %bz root of this heath to
mavbellouo goob agatnft the palm of be
beab, hecaufe fee figne of be Mam to fup-
pofeb to be be houfe of the planet Mar?,
lobtb to be beab ,of be fcopolc 3b
to goob alfo agatnft ebtll cuftomeo of a
mano ftoneo,snb rouennefte o> ftltbp btleo,
becaufe bto houfe to the Itgne Scorpio,
anb hecaufe part of it holbeth sbat

to be feeb fcfeb comeb agatnft be ftones t

hereof all libtng bingo Ue ingenbjeb
mb ftymeb.
of Hearbs;
Sllfo fyeimce of it is good to them fbaf
be ficfc of fbe perilloas IF lix> tmtb
tion,2 calling of tbebo&eHs 3 continual!
feme bloud iffuing fojttnand
it purged them tbat doe take end
&2ink thereof, from the ftcfcneffes of the
Rif of blood emosod 3 and of the difeafe
of tbeflomacke.

is of t\ye bearb of tfe ftoet

Mercurius, \xA)iW is nailieD Pentaphil-
Ion s inCfnglitb Cinqiiefoile, e? tfye fibs
leabeb bearfe, of Pentata&ullus, of
Others, fcpe dedinans, of certain Capedo-
lo. ro- & tJjts bearb bjspeb anS
tttat>e in a plaifter 3 bealetb teoimbs anD
#o?eobec it putted afoap quiclilp tf?e
fcifeafe called tl;e p^otnes=pojr 5 if tbe
Juice of it be d?unfcentoitb boater : Bital~
fobeaietb Wz pa&ions og griefs of tbe
tyeaft, if tbe juice of it be Sunken* 3t af*
fia puttetb aboaj? tbe tootb *acf> an?) if tbe
Juice of it be bolben in tbe mouths it bea*
fctb tbe griefs of tbe moutb; anb ifa man
fear it fottbfainut txriu be to btm a i?elp.
The vertue
lgs?eober, if anp man trsill asfee anp tying
*f airing or be gtbety abundance
ofeloquence if be babe it toitbbim,and be
baU obtaine tye thing be deluety, It is
alfo good to babe tye juice of it,for tbe grief
of tbe tbe tic bmtte btyisb iettetb
s man that t;e cannot piffe.

%he rtjtf,ts tbeberb of tbe ianet Jupi*

iter, an?)ft 10 name?) Acharon., of certaine
33ufquians, intone. El;e root ofit put
upon botdjec bealetb them, and feeepefb $e
place frommflamattonofanp blood.! fan#
bim Cball beat if before tbe griefcome upon
man be Iball neber babe bottb*
SlbecoQt ofit alfots iof liable againft
tbe <Eout in t!;e feet 5 bcben it is braped
and put upon the place (bat fufreretb iyz
pain o? grief* and it boorbetb bp bertue of
tbofe figno bobicb babe feet, and look upon
the feet, and if tbe mice of it be Sunken
boitbbonp, or bine,and bonp foddentoge*
lbcr,it is profitable sgainft tbe griefs of
the &i ber,and all tbe paflfions thereof, be*
caufe Jupiter ruletb tbe ILiber*
HifcetDife, fits profitable to them that
doe often the act of generation, and
of Hearbs.
to them that befire to tie lobeb of feometMf
the? bear ittmth them, fo* it mabeth t|?e
bearers pleafant anb Delectable.
%ty febenth, is tty of t\)c planet
Venus janD is called pfterionsOffomeHic-
robotane3i. e. herba columbaria &verbe-
na tHetben,
Slfce root of tbrs berb put upon tty necfee
ljeaXet!> the apoltumes behind
tty eares,and botches of tty necfc, and
fttch as cannot beep their boater.
It tealetbcuts alfoand fU-elltng of tty
ebiii, fundament* p2*ceedmg of an in*
fiammatisn bDfrichgrofoethm tty funda*
Went, and the dmo?hods. 3lf tty mice of
tt be frith honp and tester fodden,
it diffolbeth thofe things frhifh are about
tty lungs and lights* 3ft is alfoof great
length in beneriall paftimes, If an?
nian put it in his houfe 02 binepard, 02 in
the gtound2he tall habe great fto2eof In*
freafe; the root of it is good fo2
Sll thofe frhifh toil! plant binepardes 02
trees. If infants bear this herbe, the?
tall be berp apt to learn, and lobe lear*
ning5 and thep tall be glad and jopous s
The vertue of Hearbs.
Pet this is to he marfeeb, that thefehearha
begathecebffom the t&ee anO twentieth
bap of the#oon until! the thirtieth bap,
beginning the ttgn Metcarius,hp the fpace
of atohotehoure, anbm gathering matte
mention of the anb the
name of the thing, the tohich thou boll
gather it, anb the felf herb; ntwtnithftan*
bing, lap t|e hearh upon Wheat, Bar* *

lep,anb ufe it after&airb unto thpufes.

The fccond Booke ofthe
vcrtucs of certaine Stones.

bccaufe 31 fcafce fpcfcen lie-
toge of tfce bectueo of certaine
in sis parent Cfcap*
ter j i toill fpeafc of certaine
Atones, an& of t|)eir effects mb marbel-
toils operations.
Magnest&e "Elotropia.
Loadcftone. Calcedonias.
Opthalmus. Buggates.
Fcripendanau* Oaix.
Tbpazion. Sylonites
Memphitis la- Medoria.
pis juxta Mem- AdamaSjdianaod
in Ale&oria.
Egypto. Amariftas,
Abalton. Gclonites,
Agathcs* Criftallus.
Elmundus. Epiftrites.
Bcrillus. Celidonius,
Corail as. Bena.
The vcrtue
Iftmos Tabrlces
Chryfolitus Gerattidcs
Michomay Quirini
Radianus Loperius
Unces Lazuli
Smaragdus Iris
GalJaha Galerites
Draco nitcs Echites
Tepriftites Hiacinthus
Orithes Saphirus,
Saunus *

If thou wilt know whether thy wife bee

chafte or no*
Tafee tfje ftone &htfh is called Magnes,
in dngltCb it is of fas
bleb} colour, and to found tn the &ea of In -

de,and Comettmes tn the parts of Almain,

in the 1 Wch is calico Eaft-
France lLap this (tone under thehead of 3
totfe,and if flm chafte Qjee toil! embrace
her husband, tf the be not chafte, fbee kill
fall anon sf thebed* p^eober 2tf this
ftone bee put heaped and fcattered upon
ftones,tnfourecorners of u <mte t thep
that bee deeping dmll dee thehoufe, and
Of Stones.

If thou wilt be made invifible.

2labe the ftone bo!)t*h totalled Optfeal-
miu?,and b?gap ft in the leaf of the ILsurel
2Baptree,and it is called,Lapj opthal-
micus stohofe5tohofe colour is not named, fog it i*
of mam? colours, and it is of fuch bertue,
that it blindeth the fight of them that fiand
about. Conftantinus carrying this in hiss
hand, boas made inbifible therewith.
If thou wilt provoke forrow/car,terribl
fantafics and debate.

tf&ite the Hone tohifh is called &npr>

bahofe colour is black, and that Hind is be
that is full of black brine. Hit cometh from
Inde into Araby and if ithe hanged up-

on the neck og finger, it foon fiirreth up

togrofo and heabineife in a man, and alfa
terrours and debate, and this hath been
Pgobed bp men of late time.

If thou wilt borne a mans band*

without fire.
fhe vertiic
T'3ke the ftonebohrch is called ifefipetr
is of pellotoolour 3 and if
it be hanged uponthe nerfc of anp man it
healeth areticum alfo if this none bee

griped ftraightlp, it. brill burn the hand 3and

therefore it muft be touched lightlp anO

Ifthou wilt kindle the mind of any man

to joy, and make his wh: (harp*

the (tone &>hich is called
t es y it grotoeth in the bofome ofa fnail
to Inde, called Coicufes, and there is of
Ottos Hinds of it 0 as ionite, redde, and
purple colour, 3Dfto fap, Wat it is green
and found in Wz parts of Perfia, and
as old FiHlofoptos fap 3 if it bee tailed
it gibeth Smotoledgeof certain things to
come, Mit be put underneath Wz tongue,
fpeciallp in Wz ftcft moon, it bath a bertue
onelp fo> an houre. being
in the tenth moone3 hath this bertue in
theirft tenth houre but there is

mobtng in the becaufe tohenit is

under Wz tongue,if our thoughts be to an?
Of Stone*.
fcufineffe, tohether it ought to bee or no; if
it ought to be it is fijeD ftebfafflp to the
teart,fo that it map not be plucto afeap t
if not, tfje Jjeart leapeth bacfc from it. #lfa
31 hitofophers l?abe faiO, that it heaieth ptt
ftcos, mb toeafe men.
If thou wilt that teething water come
forth anon after thou haft put in
thy hand.

TTafee the (tone Web iscalled Eopa#-

on fo? the ople SCopafis, 02 beesufe ft
Ihebseth a umilitwOe like goiO:snb there be
t'ooo fembe of it, one is utterlp {ike (oIO,
this is more precious. %%e other feinO
is ofthe colour of faffron,of brighter colour
%n <feolO is, mb this is more profitable.
3t hath been probeb in our time, that if it
he put into fee thing filter, it mafteth it to
ttm oher; but if thou put thp hanb in it, the
boater is guicfclp OraUn out; mb this there
foas one of our brethren that bib tt at Pari*.
3t to gcob alfo againft Cmothoicam et fit*
tfiaticam, or Jimstfke paffien or grief.
The vertue

If thou wilt pluck off the skin of thinc,of

another mans hand*

SCaketheilonetehich is tailed Medom

of the region Media in the
, the peo-
ple duelling are called Medi." snd there
he tbo feints thereof 3blacfe and green. %t
is faid of old alfo of pit*
lofophersof later times,that if the black he
broken, and refolbed in hot boater, if an?
mantoalh hishands thin ofhi*
hands than bee plucked off anon. Wlofo*
phers fa? alto that it is good agate the
gout3 and hlindneflTe of the e?es and it non*

rtiheth hurt and toeak e?es.

Ifthou wilt that a man fuffer nopain nor
be tormented*

2afce the ffone &htch t called Mem*

phids, of the Cit? Memphis f t is a :

(tone of fait berfue,as Aaron and Hermes

fa?, ff it he drunken and mired toith foa*
ter,and giben to him tod2infc,fohnh thould
happen to he burned, o? fuffer an? top
mentis that d;inU mduceth fo great
Of Stones.
unableneflTe tofeele, ttiat be that fufferetb
feelett) nepther paint nor tormenting.

If thou wilt make a fire continually uq*

able to be quenched or put out

'T'Sfcetbe (tone bob*# is called &sba

fton 3and it is of the colour of pron3 and
tfiec is found berpmucb of it in SrafeSf
that (tone be kindled or inflamed, it map
neber be put out, or quenched, becsufe it
hath the natureof tlje fir ft feathers of $0
reafon of moidp fatnede
bobicb nourilbetb s>c Are kindled in iu
If thou wilt overcome thine
*Tfce $e (lone ftl;idb is called
mss,in (Bmltfb fpeacb a Diamond, 311
is ofa fining colour, and berp bard 9info*
mud; t&at it cannot be bp
bloudofa<oat, and it grotoetb in Sra*
bia, 0| in Cipjes, Sind if it be bound fa
tbe left tide, it is good againd enemies,
madnes, toild beads, benemons beads
and cruell men, and againd (biding
and baling, and againd benim, and
The vcrtue
tnhafton of fantades, an& fome call tt
If thou wilt efchew perils and terrible
things and have aftrong heart.

2Cafcethe done,tohiih israiled agathes,

an?) tt is hlacfce, an?) hath totyftt hernes.
Wbm is another of the fame feinoe, lifee
to hohtte colour. Slnh the thiro groteeth
in a certain? 3He, hahtng hlacfce heines;
an&that made# to overcome perilr,ano
giheth drengthto the heartsmafeetl; a man
might?, pteafant, Delectable, ano helpeth
agawd aOherffties.

If thou defire to obtain** any thing from

any man.

2Eafcefhe done bhis is called aiccto*

ria s anO it is a done of a coche, an?) it is
tohiteastheCh?idall, an?) it is D?atone
outofthecocfecs gifar,o? mate, after that
he hath htngeioeo mo?e than foure pears,
tvti itis of the grcatneffe ofaheane. Bit
mafeethi'the bellp pleafant anb debfaft,
ano put unfcer the tongue, it quencheth
third. this lad hath hin p?obcb in
Of Stones.
our Urn?, and 31 percetbed it quicMp*
If th oil wilt overcome beafts, and inter-
pret or expound all dreams and pro-

phefie of things to come*

todiedis called fmun*
&fmundus, it is of Dibers
puttetd ateap poifon,and
a man to ofaetcome fcis adderfaries, and
tfye gift ofp*opdecping 3and tde
tionof all dreams, and mafeetd a man to
underftand darts queftions, dard to dee
imderftood,os atfoiled*

If thou wilthave goodunderftanding of

things that may be felt, and that thou
may not be made drunk.

tde Hone Wed is called Sima-

is of
tdpftus, it
in 31nde
is found
purple colour, and
is good againtl
and gibetd good underftaiv
ding mtdingstdat map be underftood.

If thou wilt overcome thy enemies,

and flye debate;
The vertuc
fe (lone tohichts calleb Menu

lus,tt is of pale colour 3 map be feen

fiough as boater, beat it about toif thee
anb thou fait overcome all Debate, anb
Cbalt afoap fp enemies, anb ma-
Itethfp enemp meebe* 3t caufef a man
la be &ell mannereb, as toon faif,tt gt
lief alfo goob unberftanbing.
Ifthou wilt forejudge, or conje&ure of
things to come.

T'&ke the Rone fohif is calleb Cela-

1* nites, it is purple anb bibets other
colours, anb it isfounb in the heab of fe
Cnaile. Sffanpman toill beare fis ftsne
imbei bis tongue,he fal fo?eiubge anb tell
af things to ceme. I&ut nottoifftanbing
it hath no hertue but fining.
3Prhna cum fkerit aecerijd
, , crejceffs ntonoy
us in Vltir&aJefendenie.
po meanef &aron,tn the boobe of hertue*
ofheatbsanb (tones.

If thou wilt pacific tempefts and goc over

Mtetyefton* to Cojarf,
of Scones.
tome he reb anb feme fehite. &nb it hath
beene p?oheb that it (lemmeth anon hioob
thatputtethatoap the foolifimetfe cf him
that heareth it, anb gitjetfi torfOome. ab
tyi hath fyeen pgoobeCi of cerfaine men
in out time: anb it to goo?) againft tem
perils offioubo.

If thou wilt kindle fire.

#afcethe Cattail (tone, anb puffed
nigh imber the circle of the fim 3 that is to
tap, againfi the funne, anb put it nigh a*
up thing that map he hurneb, anh incotv
tinentlp the heat of thefunne finning tnilf
fet it a fire: anb if it he tnith hong
it increafeth milfce.
If thou wilt that the iunne appeare of
'bloody colour.

3Ufce i%t (tone tofrdfj is called (BlittSs

pia. 3(t is greenc lifee to pietwus fton*
called tfjc CmecauO anfc it is

&itb&louOp bjops, Mi)c Necromancers

call it Gemma Babilonica, tf?e precious
(tone pf (ip the proper name*
.The vertue
i3ut if it bee anointed foitb tbe juice ofan
bearbe of tbe Came name, and bee put in a
beflTell full of toer, it mafeetp tbe >unne
to feem ofbloodp colour; as if tbe CBdipfe
toere feen. &be Caufe of this is, fo? it ma
fcetb a!! the foater to bubble up unto a lit*
tie cloud, Web malting tbe aire tbiefee,
btnderetb tbe pmne that bee cannot bee
feen, but as it toece red in a tbiefe colour,
a little after tbe cloud goetb atoap bp d?op=
pingdobmlifeedebo, as it boere
rain* %Walfo bone about a man, make#
a man of good fame, bole,and oflong life,
3it is faid of old , tbaf a man
anointed ioitb an bearb of this name, as
boee babe faid before, ejccelletb boitb ber*
tue sand CElitcopta is found manp times in
Cip?es,and in Unde.

If thou wilt make water cold, that fee*-

deth on the fire.

Tafcetbettone&bifb is called
tes, M)ii) put in boater againft $e
epe of the pan, puttetf? fo?tb fierp beams
of the Pm and it is raid of old and neb)

Priloropbers if it bee put in feeding toa

of Stones.
ter,tbe bubbling up, feeding toill foone
ceafe,anb a little after3it bill loar coIb 3a ub
tt is a IblmnSjSnb rubbp Hone.
If thou wilt efchew illufions 8c fantafies,
and overcome all caufcs or matters.

Eafee tbe done bobicb is called dalcebo*

nius, anb it is of a pale tyoton colour, anb
fometobatbarft:iftbis bee pierceb, anb
bangeb about tbe necfr,bottb tbe Hone
iscalleb t it isgoob agamft all
fanfafticall tllufions9anb it matte# to ober*
come all caufeso? matters in juice, anb
beepe&t&e bob? agalnft abbeefaries.
If thou wilt bee pleafant.

ICafeef&effonetolricfrte called Celibo*

mus, of tobicb tee is fome that is
blacbe, anb feme fometrfcat red, anb it is
cut of tbe bellies of Hoallotos, ff
that tobicb is fomebte reb be in
a Unnen in a calbes &ibe,anb l)o?n
unber tbe left arm-bole sit is goob againft
mabneffe,anb old fiebne(fes sanb bifeafes,
anb deeping o? forgetful! nmlacies,
The vertue
?.nb Contra epidimiam, Whitt) is a fcabbe
thatrunnetb though tye indole botip.
ba,r this donemafeetb a man
eloquent, acceptable anb pleafant. 2Lbe
blacftedone is goob agamft fcilbe beads
and &|atb, anb bjingetb the bufmede be*
guntoanenb. &nb if it be trapped in
the leabes of Celtbon, it is faib that it ma*
feetbtbe light bull; anb fbep Iboutbe bee
batons out in tf?e month of augud, anb
t&o dones are found oftentimes in one
If thou wilt be vi&orioas againft thy ad-
the Cone &hts is called Bagates
anOttte of others cotours* &he anct*
cut fap, that it hath heene
probed in the Vetoes, hoto
SonghehtOhearett,he had altoates bicto*
ip-, and it is a Cone of others colours 3 Ithe
If thou wilt know any thing to come*

0 calledandBem,
tea BeaCsi too%
TSlfee thei Cone put
of Stones.
if Uhbertb? tongue. #nbas Steron ant* tbe
olbe pbilofopbers fa?tb s as long as t!;ou
tjoefl: bio it, tbou ma?(lconieaure ano tell
of things to come, ano ttou (bait not ene
m an? tee fo?e moging.
If thou wilt that thy garment cannot be
tyz (lone fcirid; iscalled i(lmos
febicb as lftDo?us fais, is hire to faf*
fron,audit is found in a part of
Slhis (lone blotretb liise a paire of ilfreb
tees, b? reafon of the boindmefTe in it.
It is found nigb the >ades of Hercules,
that is ttoo3lless b? the further parts of
>paine be? ond if this (tone
be fet in a garment, >it cannot bee burned
in an? fcife, but inetb lifee fire* #nd
Come men affirme that the&bite carbun=
Ifthou wilt have favour and honour.

*T*&feetbe none &bici; is called

ces,and it is like to the Cbgiftan none,
We ancient pbilofoptes, asdbajtand
saronfa? ofit, sat it gibeth eloquence.
The vcrtue
fabour, and honour, and it is raid
ber, that it healetheberj? twite.
If thou wilt drive away fanaficB,and foo-
SLafee the Clone bljicb iscalled
litus, and it is of the fame bertue toith
att.emicus sas SUron and dbax fap, in the
bock of t!;e natures of and Atones;
M&ib Clone fet in gold, and ,
atoa? (Mlflmeffe, and erpelletbfantafiesJ
3it is affirmed to gibe toifdome, and it is
good again!* fear.

Ifthou wikjudge the opinions, and

thoughts of others.

SLafee theHone bhich is called (Baratr-

des,itis of hlacfc colour: llet one hold it in
his moufMnb it maketh him that heareth
it, metrp and in fabour,anD bell CHeemed
bid; all men.

If thou wilt have vi&ory,and amity.

SEakefbeftonebobicb is called i&cho*

m&and it is ibe fame that is called 3la*
of Stones.
&laftec,and it is of a fcind of#arhle s and it
is bohite ant) fhirang and ointments are

blade hereof to the burping of the dead.

If thou wilt that a man deeping tell thee
what hee hath done.
Mte the done bhich is called SUuritm
bis (lone is found in the ned of (he Hap*
hang o; )islacfc*plobee.
Ifthou wilt obtain any thing of a man.

SLafee the done htyth is called Kadianus,

audit is hlacfe, lining though \xfyi6>

fohen the head of a cecfcis giben to cmots

o? pfnures to eat, it is found a long time
after in the head of the cocfe. Snd the fame
(lone is alfo called SLonatides.

Ifthou wilt make that neither dogs, nor

hunters may hurt any beaft which they

fnt before (hem the done &hich is

called Hupectus,and it toil! rutwefoon to
the done.
The vertue
Etnsffoners founts inllpftra, 9 all beaff*
run to itas to ti)m Defendant $t letted)
t|)3t neither dogs punters map hurt
If thou wilt burns any mans hand with#
out fire.
%t.U> ti)B (tone hohwh ts MnceB,
Wd) ttsee catleo before
iolncl; Is fifre,and it Is asfire. 3(f anpman
ftrame bard tfjis ftone,tt burned faonsbffl
bands, hhe as if it &ece burned bitM
mafettall fire, feijifb is V marvellous
Sfthouwiltcure melancholy, ora fever
qaartaine in any man.

SC&fee the (tone t' is called 51 apis

fafalt. Bltistihe tothe colour of the htn?
:anb there is it little hotjpes
of golO 3 ano it is fare and pjobeb, that it
cureth melancholy ahO the feber ouartaim
If thou wilt make any mans wit fharpe &

qulckc,and augment his riches, and alfo

prophetic thing to come.

Cake il)e {lone boi;is is called ma*

*agdus,m an cmeraud: anti it
clears, lining though and plain,
but sat of peileto colour is letter. 3\m
taken out of t&e mails of grppesoi <Srif*
it doth comfort end- fabe 5 and
it msUti) a man to under-
hand been, and gibetb to him a good ms*
{Uo?p3 augments# #e riches of him #at
bears# it, and if anp man Witold it un*
bfe ln tongue W jwbeiie anon.
Ifthou wilt aiake a rainsbow to appeal e.

TgUetbe done &bi# is called Bills,

and it is bejjite life to
fquai'e o? Imbms ho?ne% 3|f this Clone be
put in the beanies of *6e funne, bp tur-
ning bacbe it mafcetba laimbocofconeto
appears in tfe ball.
if thou wilt make a ftone which may
neverbe made hot.
is called <a!le~
TSlfec t!je ftone
fia 3it fcat!) t|je ftgure of tfteftaile anfc
% colour anCk

fcarbnefie of tije gDiaimntj,

tyi* acme fte tut ina fter? great ffre, it
The vertue
fc>ill neber be bot anb the caufe is fo?
barf; rbe bole fo ftraigbt together, tfa !
ttc beat map not enter into tbe bobp of
tbe ftone. aifo SLaron anb CBbaj fap,tbaf
f biClone bo?ne, mitigate# to?atb, lecbH
rp anb other fat paifion.

If thou wile know whether thy wife ly *

cth with any other married man.

x tbe (lone calleb >aleriti, tobitb
ro tbe fame that is calleb
it t found in iLpbia and Britannia, tbe
moll noble lie of tbe j.bobemn to
contained both countries, Cngjanb, anb
Gotland. 3t to of bouble colour, blacfee,
anb of tbe colour of fatfron,anb it to founb
grap coloured, turning to paleneffe. if
bealetb tbe it binbetb tbe bel*
lie that areloofe.Slnb a ftbicenna faitb
that if tbe ftone be gotten, anb toaCbeb,*
bee gibento a booman to be boalbeb, if#e
bee not a birgin, tbe toill Ibeb ber toater, if

tbe bee a birgin, then tbe contrarp.

If thou wilt overcome thine enemies.

Tsibefbetone f) is calico Styaco*

mtes, from tbe bead. Snd
if tbe tone be out from bimalibe,
it is good againft all popfons, anO be that
bearetb it inbis left arme, Hall overcome
all bis enemies,
If thou wilt engender love betweene any
Eafee tbe tone febicbls called
tes, and it is called of fome squileus, be*
caufe tbe CBagles put tbefein tbeir neto,
It is of purple colour, and it is found nigb
tbe banbs of tbe SXean fea, and femetime
in Serbia, and it contained altcaps ano*
tber (lone in it, &biH foundetb in it,bobeti
it is named* It is raid of auncient pbtlo*
Pbcrs that His (lone banged
, \%t
left (boulder, gatbecetp lobe bet&eene
tl;e l;ufband and tbe teife, It is piofita*
ble to tromen great toitbcbilde, it lettetb
untimelpbirrb, it mitigateH tbe peril*
of mating afraid, and it is faid to be good
to them Hat babeHe falling ficKnes. snd
as tbe men of Cbaldea fap and affirm,
Hat if Here be anp potion in tbp meate.
The vertue
if the ffone be put in, it lettetfi
that meat map be f&alloboed dotane; and
if it be taben out, the meate to fconefboal-
lotoeddobme, and I did fee that fbio tail
toas examined fcnflibleof one of our b?e*

If thou wilt, a roan fure.

T&fre tye (tone txpitb 10 catleb Ktpi*

Hite#, 3tie foimb in the
lining anb mbbp: anb it isfaib in
it is
tveloW of slc|)o?atb stbat if it bee
feefoge the beast, it m?.Setb a roan
Cure, anb refrained anb mitigatetb all
febitions, anti Blt is faibe alfo,
that it mitigatetf? tpe flies it# long bin*
bee legges>tobhi burned be ip ton*
of its(fbebouretb the refibue; foaleo,
cloubes, baile, anb fucb as babe pofeeref
tpe feuites of the earth* &nb it batb beene
of pbilofopbers oflate time anb of
certain? of out b?etb?en that it being put
again the beam of the puttetb
fierp beams, Sllfo if this (tonebe put
in feeding boater, tbe feetbing bill foone
ceafe3 the boater fcill be colb a little after*
Of Stones.
If thou wilt that Grangers
walk iure

'JTtilhe theftoneb&hhh is called Hyacin-

th us in Cnglilh a 3lacmct It is of ma-
tip colours: the green is beft 3 and it haf|>
ted herns, and it thould he fet in ftlber,
and it is fatd in certaine lectures that
there is ttoo bindes of it, of the hater3 and
ofthe>aphire. Ehe Blacinct of the toater
is pelloto tohite. %\)t 31acinct of the a*
Phires, is berpftrining pellob), habingna
bratriftmeffe, and this is better 9 and H
is batten of this, in lectures of Fhilofo*
Phere, that it being bo*ne on the finger,
neck, maheth ftratigers fare and accep*
table to their guefts. Sind it
fteep ty the coldnefte of it, and the la-*
cinctof pgoperlp this.

If thou wilt be faved from divers chances

and peftilent bits.
tbeflone tofmt w called
of sere be fcmbe, one
The vertue
black, green 3 and the thftb of the
tohfch one part is tough, s the other plain5
anD the colour of it is like the colour of the
plate of iron, hut the green hath tohite
hers fhances 3ano pertlls of Death-
If thou wilt make peace *

TSlke the done bchi&is calleD a >a-

W$ cometh from
dia, that
anb i>elloto
of colour is
the bed,

tohtih to not ber? tsght it maketh peace


anD conco^ s alfo it makes the minD pure3

anD Debout to oD|further,tt ftrengthneth
the mmb in goob things, anb keepeth a
man from too much intoatb heat*
If thou wilt cure a virgin.
Tp&fce t(je (fone bbtcb is call#) San*
nus from tfye He Sanna 3 it ootJ; make

firm o?confol&ate t|je mmo of t!;e bea-

rer of it: anb being fcoimb to tbe ban* of
atooman labelling toitfj cbilbe sit bmbe-
ret!; tl)eblctl; 3 aHCs fceepetb it ftillin tbe
foombe* Ifymkio man? to# occafion it
Of Stories,
tofo|bft&en 3 that a &oman in that (fcati
%oulb not tourh this ftone*
&hflu Wt fmb man? other li&e thing*
in the boob of #iness of Aaron anO Evas,

2Lhe manner of being thefe things con*

Efteth in this,that the bearer ofan? of theft
tegs be a clean perfon, but efpeciall? in
The vertuCj&c.

ISibatbdorusin tfiebeaba
feemetb to
fcectue, auO of M)ite
>tone of
that Licania
colour, bobifb
eb,giben to them that fcatb tf?e ftrangulion,
to loofetb perfectly tfre urine, anb
tbortlp bealetb> it putted aboap tbe ifeabee
quartaine.&lfoit tabetb abcap a beetle fpot
or peacle in ti;e epe* aifo if a booman toitb
cbilb bear it on freeze lofetb not berbictb'
sporeober (be fletb of them fobben anb
eaten, it is goob to them that babe an ex*
ulceration, orforein tbe lungs, boitba
confumpf ion of all tbe bobp, anb fpitting
ofbloob. aifo (be pobober of (be beaftes,
toitb rinbe, or barfc of trees, boitb tome
grainesof pepper, is profitable againft
(be cEmerobes anb groining out of flelb a-
tauttbe buttoefees* Hiltetnife tbep being
rabo,b?atebbDitb rinbesor barfcs of trees,
taeafe ripe 3mpofiumes
The third Booke of AU ,

bermAgnus of the ver,


tues of ccrtaine Beads.

m it \)$A) &eeij fpo*

8 IlltfVsS a n fcoofc
** n *
before of pec*
1 flrlS * * wuteb &P We het-
tue ofcertaine atones, anS
fcertue o$
opecationmofo toe tptU fpeals tn sto
fee of certain 25ea(fo *

rAquila, '3n (agle,

Fiibo. a Dble.
Hircus. a (Boat 30ucfte*
Camclus* a Camelf.
Lepus. a l^are.
Foca. &3o?paire.
Anguilla# an le f
The yertue
Muftela, #

llpapa. blach plotei
Pellicanus. 2t;Mican,
Corvus. &
Milvus* amite,o> Cfcpsu
Turtur. a 2Luctle*
Talpa. 21 me.
Mcrula. , %
dlacbe 3 o?

r A Qn^ a the CBagle feet a bird bell


ix enough fcnobnt of the men of Chal-

dea it is called Vorax, and of the Greeks
Rimbicus, Aaron and Eyax fa?, that it
hath a marbellous nature o$ bertue. if o? if
the of it be turned inf o poboder, and
be mixed bith the mice of
the? that eat of it thall take themfelbes b?
the haire, and the? lhall not leabe their
boldjfo long as the? bear that the? habe re*
cetbed. Che caufeof this effect is, fo? that
thebiaineisber? cold, infomurh that it
a fantafticall bertue, putting
the pobers b? fmofce.

CAflb iff a bead that is Hnofone betp

toeli, it is called Rapa among f&e
haldees anO of 3 X\)t Grecians, Orgalo;
of Beads.
Aaron faith of this, Sftbe feet of ft be bo?ti
of anp man, be flbeU neber be bejted sbut be
CmU deffre allies to goe &lfo bee
that bearetb the feet of it, than altoaies a*
bercome, and (ball bee feareb of i;is ene-
mies. and be faici that bis tight epe gap-
ped in a ctolbes skin, mabetb a man plea*
fant>acceptable and gentle. and meat be
made of tbe
be nto anp man in meat,tbe giber JJaallbee
fiteatlp lobed ofbim tb at receibetb it.Ebi*
laft boas probed in our time.

BUbo, a Me, is a Bird toell

enough fenob}n,bss is called Magis
Of Of\\)t Greeks*
SLbere bemarbellous bertues of this fob?!,
fos if the Ibcart and right foot of it bee put
upon a man deeping, bee fijall fa? anon to
thee brijatfoeber tbou Hialt aeke of him:
Sind this batb been probed a late time of
out tyetb?cn, and if an? man put this
under fjte armbole,no dog ball bark at him,
but keep ftlence.and if tbefe things afoje*
taidjjoined together britb a bring, if it bee
banged up to a tree, birds brill gather to*
Better to that tree.
The rertae

Hlrais, the <l>oat jl&ucke is a head feell

enough tmoton, it is called of the
Chaldees Erbichi, of the Greeks Maflai.
If the blood of it he taken toarme &ith
Mnegar and themice of ifenill,ad fodden
together loith a glafe, it mafeeth the glafife
toft as Dopant) if map hee caft againft a
Mall, and not tyofcen, and if the
confection he put in a bedell, and the face
of anp manhee anointed iotth it, marbel*
ious and horrible things fall appeare, and
it fall feem to him that hee mutt hie: and
if the things he put in the five :

and there be anp man that hath the falling

ftfenelfe, hp putting to the loaddone,he fal*
lethanon to the ground as dead, and 1 if the
loafer of dles he gthen to him to d?ink,hee
fall he cured anon.

eAmdus, the CameUs a head Inoftn

tJsdlenoug|).3ltlo caUeD Of tyz Chal-
dees Ciboi, oftf;e Iphim. ff
Moob of it he put into the ohm of the head
eatleb Ssellio 3 ( anb then fet on an? mans
feacfc fpots lifte flare, it Cball feem that hee
is a giant,anD (tat his heaD is in
SnD itis faiD in the hcofc of Alcorath, of
%rcurp anD if a Hanthorne anointed

foith the hlooD of it,lighteneD,it fljall feem

that men flanDing about babe Camells

heaDs,fo that there he no out&arh light of

another eanDle.

LEpuSjtte l^areis a beaft inell enough

fenobon, <of the Chaldees it is calleD
Veterellium, anD Of the Greeks Gnollo-
fa the bectue of it is theboeD to he marbel*
tous,fO| Evax and Aaron faiD that the feet
of it joineD boith a flone or boith the heaD of
a hlacfe ofofell, moobeth a man to harDt*
nefle fo that he fears no Death.
#nD if it he hoimD to his left arme hee
fltap goe blether he boill, anD hee fljall re*
turn fafe boithput perill. #nD if it hee gi
Bibento a Deg to eat, boith the heart of a
befell, from thenceforth Wl he not crp
out, although he (houlD hefeilleD.

EXperiolus is a heafl boell enough

fcnobon, if the clobe of it hee hurneD
anh confoliOateD, ano heegiben inmeate
The vertue
loanpho2fe s|>eeMl nptesf fo| the fpace
of th?ee dapes,and ifthe afo?efatd thins he
put Mh a little amrpemine, it than hee
clear; and fecondlp it Wl hee made as a
cldud in hlood3and if it he cad into a little
feiateca U>hiles an horrible thunder sall he

LE ), a SLfast te a head Mil enough

knoM.hee is called of the Chaldees
BaUnms, of the Greekes Bemth. 3ff
thongs of leather he made of the sfeinne of
him, and a man gird himfelfe Mhall, hee
need not fear \m enemies and if anp*

man Ml eat of the fletp of him,and d*mfee

J;f s loater fn; th?ee dapes,he ihall he cured
from the ifeahec quartaimand if anp part
of his epes he put under a mans armehole,
and ho?ne, all heads sall ftp a&ap,holomg
hoM their heads to their bellies*
i>o?poife a toell fctioton of
the Chaldees, it
called Daulanbur,
Of ti)t Grecians ILaboj; this fify is of 3 bi-
ters nature. |f the tongue of it be taken 9
he put loith a little of the heart of it in loa-
fer, fcg a Caret? toill gather thereto-
ef Beads#
gethec.Stobtfthou foilt beat it unber tbp
armhole, no man fall tie able to babe bt*
cojpagainft thee,thoa iball babe a gentle
an?) pleafant ju^ge.

Cfle, it i$ a fif fufficient*

Ip fcnobon. Hl;e bertueo of it ace
ttiatbellOUSj as Evax mb Aaron if
it Die fo? fault of boater, the heart remain*
ning hole sanb (irons bincger to be tefeen,
anO If itbe mijeo to the bloub ofthe fofele,
calico in Latin VuJtur, Sul M) fomecall in
Engliib a <Espe,anb fome a K&brn 3anO it
be put unbec bung in anp place, fep fall
allatjoto manp foeber fep their
life,a* fep Dab before. Stub if tbe boo?me
of this CBIe be out, anb 'put in tbe
confection tbe fpace of one
month, tbe bourne (ball be changes into a
beep falacfc cle, of&htf if anp man fall
eat, befall oie*
MUftela,tbe tSSefellie a bead ftifficu
entlphnobom If tbe heart of this
bead bee eaten petquafeing, it mafcefa
man to fenoto things to come, anb if anp
bogge eate of the heart baf theepeo am
tongue of it,he fall foone lofe hi* boice*
The vertue

V pupa, the llapboing 0? black plober,

is a bird fufticientlp kneton: of the
Chaldees it is Called Boridifta, of the
Greeks Ifon t Eheepes of it bo*n,make a
man grolfe great: and if the epes of it
be bo?n before a mans b|eaft,all his ene*
mies fball be pacified and if thou fljalt

babe the bead of it in tbp purfe, thou cans

not be deceibed ofaup #er(bant. %\)is
hath been probed of our biethien. m
the fellican is a bird &ell
knobm: it is called of the Chaldees
Voltri, anl of t(je Greeks Iphalari, JChe
bettue of it is marbellous.lf poung birds
be billed, and their heart be not broken, 9
if a part of her bloud be taken, and be put
boacm in tbe mouth of the poung bits a,
thep bill receibc foon again life, as be*
3f it be banged upon the neck of
anp bird, it tjmll flie abates, untill it fall
dead. &nd the right foot of it under an
hot thing, after th?ee mcneths than bee
engendjed quick, and Ml mobe it felfe
of tbe bumour and heat, fohich the bird
hath, and Hermes in the book of Alcbo-
rath, and Pimiusdoth l&itneflb this*

others a
called of fome a
Croto bertue of te
Evax e Aaron rebearfe.
Uf |jer eggcs tie anb tie put againe
in tbencft, tbe&abengoatb fooneto tte
red a certain 3lle &toe Aldoncus
o$ Alodriusio se tyinguM
{tone feoiieretioitl) H?e touched; !;er egges,
an?) tier egges tie as rate as tbcp fcere be*
fo^e; it is amarbellous thing to dirre up
fobben egges. 3f this done bee put in a
tingsanb die leafe of tl;e tree tm*
tier it, anb if a man lie bounb in tbaines,
o$ a Oo?e ftut, tiee tourfeb tbere&itb, to
tfcat isbounb QaH bee loofeO, anb the bote
Jjball be openeb: anb if tfjf s done be put in
a mans mou% ftgibeti;bint unberdanbing
of all birbs.S&ie done is of India, becaufe
it is founb in Indians feme men fap, anb
Tome Cap in the reb fea. 31 is of bibers co-
lours, anb mafeetb a man to forget all
S?atb> as toe babe faib sbobe in die fame

l&pfe o?
among 3
of $e Chal-
The vertiie
dee s it is called Bificus, Of t\)Z Greek*

Melos. 31 f the of it be taken, mb bo?n

before a mans bread,it gibetb to bim lobe,

mb fabour of all men mb boomen

3lf it be bangeb to the neck ofan tyenfye

toillneberceafetorun, untill it bee pul
atap tanb ifa cocks combe bee anointeb.
fc&': -M bloob of it 9 i;ee toill crote from
4inceforfb. Ebece is a cectatne done I
founb in the knees of this birb,if it bee loo-
feet) craftilp, tobtfh if itbee put in the meat
of tfoo enemies, tbep iball bee make
frienbs,anb there iball bemabe berp great
lobe among them*

TUrtur,a Eurtleis s bicb bell enough

fenobn it calleb Merlon of the
5 10
Chaldees, of the Greeks Pilax* 3?f the
heart this fotole tee borne in a ttsaolfaea
shinne, he that bearetl; it H?all nebec habe
an appetite to commit letherp from thence*
forth* 3fthe heart of it be but neb, anb put
abobetheeggea of an? foble, there can
neber young bicbo be engenbreb of them
from thenceforth anb if the feet of this

fotoie beehangeb toa tree3it ijjall not bcac

from thenceforthr
SCnt) if an hairp p!ace,anb an an*
btcteb MW the fclooO of it, and forth foater
herein that #ole foas fobbgn, the blacfep
tars toll fall off.
TAlpa,a to a heaff ton em&gb
fcnotoi: the hertue of this beaft is
ntarbelloup, as itis rehearfeb of 3hilofo-
Phers, Bif of it bee toappeb mWe
tafe ofa llaurell tree, anb bee put in the
tuouth of bee toll ftp fo? feare;
anbif it bee put in tbe neft of anp fob!',
there nefcer come poung birbs of
tbefe egges s anb if thou tolt b?ibe atop
%les,put it in a pot, anb quick
fclnbleb s all tbe other come to*
Ssetberthere:anbtbetoter of that beco-
ction maKeth a fehite*

MEruU a blacfc fipacfcjO* SDtofeli, fa 3

fofofe &ell enough fenofcm, and the
of it is matbellous. ifo? if the fea*
%cs of risbf being of it bee banged up
in tbe mibft of an boufe, toitb a redde
teafc bobiib teas nefeer occupied, ho man
*fcail be able to oeep in that boufe untiil it
toeputafc>ap peart of it
The vcrtue
be put imDer the beaD of a man ffeepfn&tf
pouasfcebim anp thing,be Wl tell all
bath Done toitb a high boice.
2U;e manner of Doing thefe afo?efaiD
things-Jhat the effect map be gooD anD pso*
Stable is that it be Done imDer a fabou*

table planet, as Jupiter anD Venus, anD>

this is in their Ospes, anD houres. Jfanp
man f toill Doe tbefe things frulp,
boitbout Doubt bee than find truth anD>

berp great effect anD bertue, in the

fat D 3l 3l babe anD feen of*
tentfmestogether, trith our b?etb?en tn
our time. let a man confiDer
here trhifb fball finD plentp of tbofe
f&D things, that be poffefTetb a
of bertues. if tbep be Done in tbeir
rontraries, as a gooD effect ina malicious f
(ign,bis bertue anD effect ffioulD bee bin*
bp bis contrarp, anD tberebp gooD anD
true things grots to be DefpifeD. Me fee 1
bp Dailp experience, berp manp people
*re DeceibeD in true things, tofcicb if tbep
baDhnotrme, snD fcept (be qualities of'
ftgnes, o the right meafure of times anD

feafons/ <ep tbouio babe gaineD tbeir trill

and effect in the things.
3fftdo?us feemeth to fa? that ttie a#es of

great Ifrog 9 tped to a tooman* girdle,

greatlp the commlng of a too*
mans natural! purgation,
Bnd in probation, if it bee bound about
a bens neck no blood Ml come out of her,

aifo if it be tempered toith toater3 and it
the head o? an? other place bee anointed
thereto!#* hatre toill no mo?e groto there,
jf an? man bear a dogs heart on his left
Rde,all Dogs MI hold their pern, and not
hardest him*
3{fanp man toill bind the right epe of

right fleehe, neither men o?

bogs map hurt him.

ettdeth the fecrefs of Albertus Mag*

nus ofColone,of the Matures and tfifer*
tues of certaine 5 atones, \

and Beads.
The order

t|jat al tbiW tf;at batb

been fait before, ant alfo
Hall be fait after, map be
eafilp to tbe
effects tbetrbeflre.foW
no jtno|D je{s ge t|je
tes. jftrltybou salt note, that an bout is
ta&en ttoo Wes, tfjat is, equal!, antune*
iquall/Cbe equallbour is tbe boure of tbe
trail 02 clock, Wits altoaies equall.SCbe
unequall bout iu confiteret, after that tbe

taps be longer o? o>tcr. Jfo? tbe Slftrola*
gians counter altoaies tbe time in tbe
tbe ffantetb upon bis balfe
fpbere,ant tfnp call it tbe tap 02 tbe bob? of
$e tap, ant, bp tbe contrarp tbe night.
SCbep otbitet that time Web tbep call tbe
trip, infeaben equall parts Web bee tbe
Inures of tbe fame tap, ant tobatfoeber is
fait of tlje tap, tbou mud unterffant con*
traritoife of tbe mgbt- snt that tbou maid
Uitei'ftant motecleetlrjet us put tbe cafe*
tbe cometb ou* rvom bis half fpbere,at
?igbt of $e trail, debate unto tbe going
ton of the hours of fS$
&>iaU, Web ioeemap multiply bp lx* as
there minutes of eberp boure of the
>iaU,and boeijaU babe nmefcunDgttb and
ib?eefco?e minutes, tobtti; tree map DibiDe
bp tb3elbe,as there bet&elbe boures of the
bap, applptng to eberp hour bis
and count foarfco?e minutes in an houfe,
2Lberefo?e eberp boure of aDap (ball babe
minutes, Web Ml contain one
bouc,anbone tbicb ofan boure of tbe gDialL
&nd in all.tbat time the Dominion of tbe
planet of that boure Wl be
tbe 2Lable here following tail mafce mo?e
nianifea, eberp benre of bis night Q?aU
babe minutes, boljitb tbou 4ait
undecftand lifceioife of others, acceding
to tbe rifing of tbe upon tbe ground,
becaufe that boure Web is tbe midft he*
ttoeen night and Dap, Web is called tbe
toning of' the dap,is not called tbe Dap,
fcut tbe Dapis &operlp to bee underload,
ben as tbe p>unmap be fern.
thou touting to conftder and
noio tbe Domination anD rule of eberp
ftoef, then here map pou fee bobs inebe-
i ne oraer
cpbonreeberp panet bail; ffa Dominion?
tfjou salt conliDec tye hours tbemfelbe*
m 3 babe before faiD5 anD fo tbou maid
come to t|>e enD of tbp purin/fe. SUfo tfce
beginning of tt>e Dap to confiDereD from
one of tbe clocfee of tbe Dap, going before
afternoon.^oDibtDe tbe >unDap into tbw
equal! parto> auD eaib in ttoelbe bouro, fo
Ibattbe firft hour of #unDap, beginneib
after tfoelbe on , anD one to tbe
fbe beginning of S^unDap.
tbou art to confer that >un*
bap batb bio fign unDer tbe >un.
#unDap batb bio ftgn unDer tbe s9oone.
SLuenjapbatbbioitgn unDer #ar,
HeDnefDap btb bio itgn unDer
atburtDapbiotfgn unDer Jupiter.
5friDap bio fign unDer tiHenus.
bta itgnunDer Saturn.
Bit io to be nefeD that eberp true act muff
fee Done unDer bio jpanet.SlnD tbe Deft to,
that it be Done in tbe proper Dap of tbe pla-
net,anD in bio obon proper jjoure 9 ao fo?
alife 3 butlDin&Dotfrtne,
Jupiter honos, deCred thing#
ticfceo, apparel!.
tinder Mars, boar, matrimon?,
tinder the Sun, hope, lucres fortune,
tinder Vcnus,fried fellQto>fbipJx>Wi
lober, ftranger.
tinder Mercury, toife, debt, fear.
Of the hours of the day and nights.

fifrft $e hoursof ,
firft hourthe Sun, thefecono Vem**,
Mercuriug, the fourth tty Moon,
*be fift Saturnus, tty UXt Jupiter, the fZ*
fcetUh Mars, the eighth the San, tty ninth
"enus,detent!)Mercurms, t^eeleventh
Ufc. Moon, tty ttoelftl; Saturnus.
ttfttt m tty fittttyut of tty night Jupiter,
tty fecond Mar*, tty third tty Sun h tty
Venus, the fift Mcrcurius, tty fijtt
Moon,thefebenth Saturnus, tty biir.
Jupiter, the ninth Mars, tty tenth tty
sUnhe, tty tu Venus, the jrii. Mejrcuriuso
The order
tfie Moone,
U)t feCOJ& Saturne, tfie Jupiter, tfie
fourtfi MarSjtJje fift SoJ,tfie fijrt Venus,tfie
febentfi Mercurius, tfie etgfit Luna, tfie.
ninfll Saturnus,tfietentfi Jupiter, tfieele-
feentb Mars 3tfie tfoelftfi Sol.
Usut m tfie fir ft fiour of nfgfit,
Venus, tfie feconO Mercurius, tfie tfiufr
Luna, t|je fourty Saturne, tfie fift Jupiter,
tfie fijrt Mars,tfie feabentfi tfie Auntie, the
etgfit Venus, tfie ninth Mercuric, the tenth
hum, the eleventh Saturnus, the ttoelfe
Blnffiefirftfioureof SCuefbap Mars, rti
tfie feconb Sol, tfietfitrb Venus, the fourty !
Mercuric, tfie fift Luna, tfie fijrt Saturne,
tfie febentfi Jupiter, the etgfit Mars, the
wtntfi Sol,ffie tenth Venus, the elebeutfi
Mercurius, tfie tfioelftfi Lana,
fi llut on ffiuefbaj? it ntgfit in the firft
fiour Saturne,tfie feconb Jupiter, tfie tfiteD
Mars, tfie fouttfi Sol, (fie fift Venus, ffie
fijrt Mercuriejtfie febentfi Luna, tfie etgfitfi
Saturne,tfiemutfi Jupiter,tfie tentfi Mars,
tfie elebentfi Sol,tfietb)elfffi Venus.
furius, attfto Luna, at ffi?ee Saturnus, at
fbue Jupiter, at ft fee Mars, at it}r Sol at

fefee Venus, at eigfet Mercuries, at nine

Luna, at ten Saturnius,at elefeen Jupiter,
at ttoelfee Mars*

Baton OTtfmeffeap mgfet at one of ffee

clods Sol, at fino Venus, at Mercu-
rius, at four Luna, at fifee Saturnus, at ftjC
Jupiter, at feafeen Mars, at eigfet Sol, at
nine Venus, at ten Mercurius, at elefeen
Luna, at tfeoetfee Saturnus*
ADn Cfeucffea? at one of ffee clods Jupl-
ter,at tfe3o Mars,attfe?ee Sol, at four Ve-
nus, at fffee Mercurius, at tit Luna, at fea*
feen Saturne, at eigfet Jupiter, at nine
Mars, at ten Sol, at elefeen Venus, at
ttoelbe Mercurius*
But on flCftucftap ntgfet at one of ffte
Clodt tfee Moone,at tfe)o Saturnus, at
Jupiter,at four Mars,at ftfee Sol, at it)f Ve-
nus, at feafeen Mercurius, at eigfet tfee
Moon, at nine Saturne, at Jupiter, at ele-
feen Mars, at tfoelfee Sol.
The order
Iftibap at oneot the clocfce Vsnuss nt
ttoo Mercurius, at fours
Saturnus,at fibe Jupiter, at fix Mars, at
feben Sol, at eight Venus, at nine Mer*
curius, at fen Luna,at eleben Saturnus,at
tboelbe Jupiter.
But on iftiba# night at one of the clocft
Mars, at ttoo Sol, at tij&e Venus, at foure
Mercurius, at fibe Luna, at fix Saturnus,
at feaben Jupiter, at eight Mars, at nine
Sol, at ten Venus, at eleben Mercudus,at
tboelbe JLuna.
the clocfc Satur.
piss,at ttDO Jupiter, at t\)iee Mars, at four
Sol, at fibe Venus, at fix Mcrcurius,at fe*
sjenLuna,at eight Saturmis,atnme Jupi-
ten at eleben Sol, at ttoeibe
But on saturbap night at one of the
plocfi Mercurius,af tbootjje es*oon,at
Sammus,ac four Jupiter, at fibe Mars, at
jfiX Sol,at feben Venus, at eight Mercuri-
us, at nine the at ten Saturne, at
eleben Jupiter,at tboelbe Mars.
snb note that Jupiter anb Venus bee
getf), Saturne anb Mars ebilLhuf the pm
anb in a mean,anb eihercurpiogoob
Soob 3anb ebill fciith ebill, a

A [hort Vifcour/e of the nature

and qualities of the feven
Planets; and firft of Saturnus.

is ti# bigbefl
planet, tobofe nature is cola
ana a?p, to&ofe completti-
on melancboUcfee, an ene*
nwetomanMna, mafculine,
oftbeaap ebiiiaifpofea., ana countea tfce
Steater misfortune. is of flotomotion s
|jee performed bis courfe but in tfcir*
ip pears. lee gobernetl; in a mans bo*
&Ptbe right eare, tljemiltj tjje blabber*
%ee hatiy Dominion ober the gtittcbe.
Catarrh faille, SDropfte, 91*
fine, confumption,<oout 3 Hep2ofte 5
Pheto, Canfeerj Jflup, ana briefs of the
fpleen. friena to the retentibe
faculty anb bee hath tiro Routes, as Ca*
P?icornius 3 ana Aquarius, ffhebe
bf the natibitp, bee mafeeth t|ie chiiaren of
P?oua beartSjloftp in honors faa 3 beeping
The order
anger, upright in counfell, bifagreeinS
toitb theirbribes, malicious* HDf
lean, pale,flenber,anbbarb faboureb,tbic&
lips, bribe noftnlis, and colb of nature
%bis planet gibetb benominatton to P&
turbap,tsecawfe be ruletb ti;e firft hour of tW

isnert beneath Sv
SSEjR turniiSj bsofe nature is
% foarm and moift3b)|)ore com*
nature sto mankmd,tnaflcu'
line sof tfa dap 0 9 called ityt
greater fortune, be is meetlp tiofo of moti*
on, performing bis circuit but in tboelbe
peers.lpe gobernetf} in a mans bodp, tty
SLiber, tlje slungs,fbe !fribo,#idriffe,<lsrr tf

files, Blood and feed. fatty dominion

obertbe infection of
tfa 3lungs, apoplerp preceding of blood,
Crampe,great bead acbe, heart burning,
and other rifing of Blood* pe
belpetb tfa s>igeftibe and
faculties, and fat bath lifcetoife tbeo
feoufes. Sagittarius and Pifces* 3f bee
t|je natibitp, Ijee maltefb tl?e
torenborne? to bee of notable courage,
truftp, atrfjtebmg great ejploitis, merrp,
gloriouo, bone(t 3 of ftature faire,anb lobe-
Ip coloured,gentle epes, (l;icb baire, ftatelp
both oftoife anb djtU
name to 2Lburfbap sbecaufe
be ruletbtbe firftbourof that bap.

Mars folloboetl;
nature ie immoderate botand
| completion is Cbo*
l3lllll lencfes#afc uUne sof $e nigbt,
ebtu difpofed, and termed tbe
letter miofoitune. is indifferent quicfe
of motion, performing Us courfein ttoo
pears* gobernetbina spam bodp tbe
left care,tbe <Sall,ti;e 3ems,and Coddes.
influence in tbe SLertian ifea-
ber, , and continual! Bgue
fting-bcorme, Spegrim, rottenneffe, urn
timelp delibecsnce, breaking of
and all difeafeo caufed bp colour, and
batbtfoo manHons, Aries and Scorpius,
Blfbebe &ord of tl;e maliety tbe
The order
sild?en rough, boild, fierce, inbm*
etble,bold, contentious, obfcure, eatfeto
fee deceibed. M fiature inDifferent-leane,
hard faced, red headed,fmall eped,delight-
ing to burn and defirop, fub;ect to bsea*
feing their Urns and biolent death, o> elfe
to fall dobm from an high place: SLhis
panel gtbef denomination to SCuefdap,
becaufe hee ruleth the firfi home of tpat

Sm-, next
oi f 0 >unne enfueth
bohofe nature iss
f>ot anbbzpwoberatel?, the
life anb If gtjt of all the other
flaneto, mafculme, of the
bapgoob fortune bpafpectj but ebill fa?-
tune bp conjunction, e is quicfc
of motion, finding hr courfe in
fixip ftbe baps, anb almoft ft'x
hours, mans bob?, the
tyaine, marroto, finetos, the right epe of
a man,anb tbe left epe of a booman, !e
hath rule of all hurts in the mouth sin
biftillatrons to threw anb m all hot ani>
b?p bifeafes lohifh pzoeeeb not of cbolar.
mbe batbbut onlp one manfion; to text
&eo, 3lfbebe3lo?D tbe
of natibitpbetna-
fcetb $e
iunr3 obeDrent un-
to tjleir parents, M perfon corpulent,
tyeicfcairenelmefc to pelloto, tall:, large
limmcD, Doing all things &i$ a grace ;

dud iftfjis planet be bc-ell placeD, be cau*

fetb long life, % flanet gibetb Deno-
mination to >mtDap 3 becaufe beruletb $e
labour of tbe Dap.
setms runnel after ol,
fcsofe nature is colo anS
t moift temperately: fcfcofe
tiKEm completion flegmatf cfee,fe-
mmine, offbe nifibt;anO is
tTeapeb tljeXetCer but of Inclina*
tion teell btfpofcfc to mankmO. is
ofa ftoift abfolbing ber refc-
lutionin one yeare. P%tt sobernet|> in
mansbo&y, tfjeiloynes,moneys, But*
toefce, JBelly, am mitrijt, ssee
bearetb rule ober all coID malaxes t
anbmoift intl;e lUber, ano to
mack, anbefpcsaUF temm about tbeir
The order
p&Uites anb fee loaf ttoo manRons o?

hsufes"; Taums anb Libra. 35f f e he La-

bp of the mtMtp, He makef the filbert
to pleafures,
lobelp,letcherou3, juft, inbiolable Keepers
of faith anb frienblinetTe, flDf nature talk
comelp, bohite anb faire, habing boanton
mti amiable epes,gentle looks, thick anb
toft hair,fometime curie b, bauncers anb
belighteb m muftcke. %\)is gentle planet
gtbetb nomination to dftibap,becaufe fee
ruleth the tirll hour in that bap.

immediafelp follofo*
etfy Venus, Sxjfjofe nature in
all refpects is common and
convertible,maftulin toitfc ms-
fculmes feminine toitfj femi*
bit!) bot,co!d foitfr cold s moift fois
toitd fortune good
ft^fiine5tjett fcirl; a good afpect o? confunai*
onsets of ftoift motion going &s coucfe
gobernetij in mans dodp
in a pear.
\%z tonguesmemo?p,cogitations &ands and
tfoigfas. ebatbdominion Oder $e iP*en*
of Planet*.
mab nelfe, melancboll? s idling tftfc*
be(re 3 Cougb 3 mbeum 3anb tbe abundance of
fpittle t anb general!? all tings
are rubiect to him; and be batb ttro manft=
anb Virgo. be 5lO?b of
tbenatibit?3 be mafcetb fbe(bilb?en flout,
toife anb apt to ferret, anb
Eloquent. flDf perftnfmalla leane,pale of
bifage: fmootb baiteb: fair e?ebt barb anb
bone? banbeb. 2Lbis planet g ibetb name
to Miebnetba?: becaufebee ruletb tbe fird
bourem tb tba?.
Luna, 0| the ssoone com*
meth I aft anO lots eft of
wm a Im all the panels, tohofena-
a I|3 ture is coXD anbmcift: fe*
mitiine an& of the night,
conbeper of the bertue of
all other panels camming nejct from her
to us. p)>he is of a beef patng f&ift mo-
tion, Sniffing l;er coutfe in feben anO
tbaentp Daps, bin Iwes, ano iliiii. min.
N>e gobecneth in a mans hohp, the h?ain,
the left epeof a wan 3an the right tie ofa
toman, the pabp parts of a fcoman.
The order
the ftoimcfee both in man an 5 tooman3 0

bellp,and generallp all tbe left parts of $0

ruletb tbepalfte and toothing of
the bodps difplacins of members, obftructi'

enofimetos tvittj infirmities proceeding
of coldmoifture, and see bath but one
feoufe onlp, to MU Cancer. 3fse be fobe*
raigne oftbe mafeetb tbe tyiU
brenborne,boe(t, honorable, inconftant*
lobtng toet and moift places and gibento

fee ft range countrps.SDf ftature tayobite,

and gibefb name to spun*
dap,becaufe ruletb tbe firft bone in that
Here beginheth the book oftfie
marvclls of the world let forth by
Albert us Magnus*
irteritfcasfcnibm ef Wto*
fopbe&Mbatall limb of things
mabe anb incline to ibem*
felbes, becsufe an actibe anb
w rationale bertue 10 in them,
ibbicb thep guibe,anb mobe astoell to them*
feibeo ao to others, as fire mobetp to
Slfo ftbi'eenna a thing dsn*
betfc long in fait, it is fait, anb if anp thing
ftanb in a ftinbing place, it is mabe ftin-
&ng anb if anp man ftanbeth tout a feolb

man, it is mabe blb,tf it ftanb boith 9 fear*

full man, it is mabe fearful!*
flnbif abeaft companies toitb men, it
is mabe tractable anb familiar; anb gene-
rally it is becifieb of them bp reafon, anb
fibers experience, that ebery nature ma-
Jetbtobtfi Mnb, anb their berifying is
nobm in the firft qualities, anb lifte&ife
intbefeconb, anb tfie fame chanced in
the tbicb. &nb there is nothing in all bif*
motions anb quality &bich njoobeth to it
felfe, according to \)is tobole potoee. #nd
this to the root and |)e fecond beginning

of teems, and turn tbou not

atoaptbe epesof tbp mind,
#fter that tbi teas grated in t|e mind
oftbe sen tfiep found tbe
difpolttion of natural! thing. ifo? tbep
kneto llirelp that great cold is grated in'
(bme 3 m other tome great botoneffe,mfome
greatto<k3 in feme great feare, in feme
barrennete is in Tome fer*
bentnete of lode is tngend?ed 5 in fome i
one bertue older either af*
ter the one kind a doldnete and hicto-
tp is naturall to a illOtl, 0 1 fecundum in-
dividuum,ae boldnetfe is in a barlot 3not dp
a mans kind, but Per indmduum, there
tame of this great marbells, and fecret
able to be brought- J3nd tbep (bat under-
Good not the marbelloufneffMndbob? that
might be,did defpife n cat ab?ap all thing
in o?bis tfc toil of boa
b?bofe intent to tbeir
intbeir poteritpj that tbep might bp tbeit
baiting, make thing called falfe be hot*
ken in great etrmation. 3lti net bidden
to the people. that eberp like belpetb and
of the World;
Grengl&enetb b&lifej anb lobetb:. mobefb
t imb?acetb it, &nb babe
anb beritieb that,
faib tbatdJeaUberbelpefb to t\)t iliber,

bis like, Sind


eberp member
$e turners of one Retail into another
| c sliet ai#mt(ts bnobo that bp menifePt
'tilth, bobo lifce nature Cecretlp cntreft,and
ty'oicetbofbisilifce. and eberp fcience
wtb nob? berifiied that in bio life. &nb
jjote tfii biligentlp,f 0? great marbellous
(ball be feen upon this.
soto it is berifteb, and put in all mens
Jindeo, that eberp natural! bind, ants
Jat eberp particular 0? general! nature
natural! amitp at enmitp to fome
anb eberp bind batb fome fe?ri-
Jk enemp, anb beftroping thing to bee
fe areb* ILifebotfe fomefbing rejoicing
*tceebinglp sm3fcing g!ab,anb agreeing bp
feture, as &e tfjeep both feare the toplfe,
it bnotoetb not onlp btm aUbe, but
po beab, not onlp bp jfigbt, butalfo bp
**fe, and the feared* the *C>ogge,and
Jk #oufethe Cat, anb all route footed
jfcaftsfeare the 3Uon, anb an Aping bicbfi
feetje (Bglea anball beans fear man* anb
this is gcaffed to eberp one bp nature.3 nd
fome babe this. Secundum Individuum,
and at a certain time.
and it Is the cectifping of all
stfrs,that t&p bobich heare others in their
life, hate parents and altogether af'
tec thep die. a sfet'n ofa ileep is con-
fumed of the sbin of the boolfe, and a fim**
tyell, labour o? d?umUade,made of the sfein
of a boolfe, caufetb that fcbith to made of a
Jheeps sfcin, not to be beard, and it is fo in
all others.and note tbou this ft; a great
and it ts manifeft to all Ssen, that *

#an to the end ofall natural! things,an

that all naturall things are bp btm, and
obercometh all thinges. #nd natural
things babe uaturall obedience graffed it*
them to man,and that man is full of mar'
belloufnetre,fothat in him are all conditi'
ons, that is miftemperance in hot and cold?
temperate in eberp thing that it boil,and in
him be the bertues ofall things, and allfe-
cret acts in mans bddp it felfe, and
eberp marbellous thing cometh fotfb *

him, but a man hath not all thofe things at

of the World.
one time but in bibers times, anb in Dl-
V erfislndivkiuis, anbinfum ififoimbthe
Effect af all (Jungs.
SLJjeu (halt note hofo much Heaton map
fee snb compzehenb ano boto rnuuh thou

mailt p?obe bp experience, anb fo unbec*

ftanb that tobifh is tgainlt man.
SLfrete te no man but both knofc (bat
berp thing is full of marbellous .ope*
Nations, anb thou knoboeft not bobich is
Sreateftoperfton, till thou baft p?obeb
ft. loat el p man befpifeth the thing
thereof be fcnoboetb nothing, ano (bat
bath bone no pleafure to him. anbeberp
tying hath of hot anb colb, that is
fee tothenbim, anb fire is not marbel-
teus boater, but tbep are Others anb
after another manner, anb pepper is not
moje marbelloua then henbane, but af-
ter another faftnon. 9nO bee %at belee-
that marbelloufneffe ofthings, com*
jjjeth from hot anb colb, cannot but Cap
tyat there is a thing to bee marbelleb in
thing, feeing that eberp thing
bath hothof hot anb colb that is conbe*
ftient to it. anb he that beleebeth that the
macbelloufneflfe of things bee in ftarres.
ofbohtfh alt things tabetic tnarbellous
anD i)to properties, map fenobo that eberp
thing hath his proper figure celeftial agree-
ing tothcm, of b#fch alfo cometh marbel*
loufnefle in tooling,ifeberp thingtohith
beginneth under a Determinate afcenDent
anD ceielttall influence, anD gettetha pro*
per effects bertue offuffering or footing
$ matbellous thing. anfifie t|at beleebeth

$e marbeltottfnelfeof things tft comehF

amitp anD enmitp, as buping anD felling
cannot be DenieD fo fo? to come: anD tpuo
uniberfallp ebetp thing is full of marbel-
lous things, after ebetp toap of feacrfjing
the natures of them. anD after that thf
bneto this fhep began to

probe anD tap bohat is in things.

Plato in Libro tcgimenti, ffcat fftf
that ft not expert milogtcfe, offtftch w
undemanding is made read?, lifted up?
nimble o; light and fpeedp; and he thati*
sunning in naturallfcicnce, in tablet) are
declared matbellous thing* both hot attf
coldj and in toft & the properties of eberf
thing in it felf he (hefted, and ftftft i* net
lunnim intbefcience ofattrologp, and in
ofthe World.
% fight* anb figures of toe, of
berp one of them fob* 4? bee high, hath a
bertue,anb cannot unberdanb
no> tertfp all things, iohiit
babe batten, no* can certifie all things,
tohifh iball appear to mans fenfes, anb bee
fbalt goe toith beebineffe of minb, fo* in
tbofe things is rnarbellouTnefie of all
things bohiih are feen.
4 pure aftrologian heleebeth that all
marbelloufnefie of things, ano that the
toote of of all things tchich
be apparent hohmthepheeput together,
boerefromaceleftiall figure fchifh eberp
thing gettethinthe of hie hilling
a* generation. Stnb U hath berifiebitin
oberp thing that he hath p*obeb, hee fin-
beth that the cencourfe of things, isac*
toeing to the courfe of the flare. anb bi*
heabineffc,bepenbeth thereof,
anb is jubgeb hp it. 4nb therefore he com*
manbeb all things to he bone in certaine
haps, in certaine hours,in certain conmn-
ttions, anb reparation ,tn certain afcenli-
ons,anb theirboit eoulb not attaine to all
tbthnobolebge of J^ilofophers,
SI great part ofibflofopbers and W*
Iftians, babe beleebedthat all marbellouf-
nes 02 experience 9 marbells, came from
things, toben thepbe to
light, bp hot and cold, d?p anti moift,and
tbep Ihetoed tbcfe four qualities and
put them to tbe rootes of all marbellous
things, and therm jetton of them is requi-
red to eberp marbellous tbms>tbep bert*
fiedthat in their
found experiences of thep
might notbmfle thofe things bp bot and
cold, but ratbcr bp bis contrarp. 3t cau*
fetb them to marbell continuallp, and to be
Cfc?p and to denp that oftentimes, although
thep fee it.
Plato faid fe? a good caufe
that bee tohich is not berp cunning in Ho*
gicfe,and totfe tn in the bertues of natural!
tbingsjliftetoifetbealpects of the ftarres,
than not fee tbe caufes of marbellous
things, fcnotothem, no? participate of
tbe treafure of tbe J&htlofophecs.
SEberefo?e H fcnoto that eberp thing
bath that bibitb is bisobme, of beate and
cold 9 of Wty it mafceib another thing
of the* World.
tffectuall bp accident directlp and indirect*
lp,and it all fiis bertues of tfie ffars,
*nd tfie figure of fiis generation, bfiicfi it
toojfcctfim mojtalitp, conftiucticn, and
Sreeing toitfictfier*
and nottottfiftanding cberp tfiing fiatfi
bio otone naturall bertues, bp fcfiicfi e-
beep t fii ng is a beginning of a marbellous
effect. teeing tfiat Mature mo*
betfi to bio oton map fie imagined of
tfie marbelloufneffe effects, to
berp tfiing tfiat tfiou toilt, and tfiou Halt
berifie it to all tilings tofiirfi tfiou Halt
fiear,fiotfi of gfipficfe and all otfiec natural
fciencec.after a diberfe toap oftfip tfiougfit
and toit*and % Hall He to tfiee msnifeftlp,
that tfiou maid fielptfipfelfe, and prepare
tfiee to teceibe tfiofe tfiings tofiitfi 31 tell to
tfiee,gatfieredand collected ofpfiilofopfiers
and dibers ancient autfio?s.
fiabe tfiou tfiis tfiing in tfip mind, f fiat an
is bp it MS fielpetfi
in cold paffions, and it is an experience in
tfiem, and agreetfi not to fiot tfiings, but
bp accident o? indirectlp, sjid againe tfisf
tofiicfi falletfi out 01 comes bp accident
Of the marvells
mapbefeibe full qualities far
oftentimesa hot thins health hot!tckneffe>
that isbp accident or inbireaip^
JLherefore,if $tt j frilt habe experience*
JFirfl it becommeth thee to Knob of ttiofr
things, frhether fhep be hot or cold. &nd
after that note bsat to the bifpolitton and
natural! properties of It, frhether Is it
boldne(fc,or fearfulneffe,or honeftp,or bar-
renneffe, for frhat nature eberp thing bath
heislifee tofuth in tbefe things in frhi#
he is aftbciate: as the Utoti is a bead utv
fearful!, and hath a natural! holdnelfe,
chieflpin bis forehead,and heart and tjjer-
fore he that tabeth in his fellofrthip the
ape or heart ofa &ion3 or the sbirnte frhiti
isbettoeenhis ttoo apes, goeth bold and
not fearful!, and bringeth fearfulnetfe to
allbeafts.and generallp there ism a lliou
bertue to gibe holdneflteand magnanimity*
SLtfcefrifeinaharlot boldneffe is ejttermi"
nate* and therefore fapif a*
np man put on a common harlots fmock,or
loots in the glaffe, or babe it frith him, in
frhissebebo!de(h her felf, be goeth bold
and unfeacfUl. Sakefrife there in great
of the World*
bolbneffe in a cecfc, in fcmurb f|>at ffjilofe-
Plnma fap,tbat tbe llton is sflouieD fcbcn
be feetb bw Si nb therefore tbep fap, if
any man bear any thing of bio bea goetb
gift generallyeberpbead, fobitb bafb
bolbnede exterminate bp nature o? ibance.
Si ex eo conftrucmr hujufmodi, It tbm
gtbetb to it bolbnede. lUfcefctfe if it be a
barren bead, bp nature * bp feme acci*
bent following to it, that it mobetb fome to
barrenneffe. #nb therefore
babe te?itten, that tbe Ssule
as bee is utterly barrain of bio pjopertp,
anb b&batfoeber it be mafcetb nien anb
tauenbarren, tofcen tome part of bfm
is adociate totoomen. &nb lifcefeife both
bee that toao bom afoje tbe natural! time,
anb a gelbeb man, becaufe barrenneffe to
graffeb in all tbefe, anb tbep are Ufce to a
man in tbio, febitb both adociate to btm
felfe tbefe infcarb tbingo, itifcefcife tbep
bobitb brill mobe lobe, loobe bbat bead
lobetb mod greatly, anb fpeciallpin fbaf
hour, in febtib ft to mod dirreb up in lobe,
becaufe there io then greater drengtb in it
in mobmgtolobe> tbep tabe apart of tbe
Of the marvelli
car nail appetite is'ftronger,
are the heart* the (tones, anb the mothec
ty matrice.
&nb becaufe the ftoalloto Isbctb great!?,
as fa?, therefore tbs? ehofe
her greatl? to (ttr up lobe-
&ifeebife the s>obe anb the
holben to he of this femb, fpeciall? bhen
the? arebelighteo in lobe w carnall appe*
tijep p?obofte anb tying in
Jobe bithout refinance.
&ifcebtfe bhen the? bill malie a man
tobeahabler,o?ofmufh fpeeth, the? put
nigh to him a part of a bogs tongue o{
heart; hut bhen the? bill make a man t*
loquent o delectable, tbe? affociate to bim
ai&ghtingale: and to fpeafc uniberfall?,
bhatfoebec bectueo? naturall proper!?,
the? fee in an? natural* thing after anej*
ceSTe, tbe? tbougbt to make litre to mobe
o? incline an? thing bitpofeb to that fame;
fojthe? fcnob furel? that it might
help then hurt, infomub as it hath graffeb
in if of their nature. 3nb all bertue mo*
beth to futh as it is, according to the pobec
ofit. ab fo mutt thou unberftanb it to be*
wimacbellou* things, of bhich thsuihait
of the World.
km* 8 tib israid to introduce thp
2Ll;e ail(t)o Libri rcgimenti faith, t|?at
there be certain things manifeft to the fen-
fee, in fcc&irf; he knoh no reafon. ond cer-
tain be manifeft bp reafon, in Wet? toee
perceibe Nullum fenfcim nec lenfationcni*
3nd in the fieft Hind of things he muft be*
leebe no men, but experience and reafon is
to bepjobed bp experience not to be denied.
Sines in the fecond Kind of tbingofeelingis
not to be loofced fo*, becaute rt map not bee
felt Eberefo*e certain things muft bee be-
Jcebed snip bp experience, boitheut reafon,
fo* thepbebidfrom men.
Certain are to bee beleebed onlp bp rea*
fon, end becawfetheplacfc fenfes, al-
tboufib hee tmofo not a manifeft reafon
toberefo*e t|je iloadftone d*ab?s to it (ion,
nottoithftanding experience both mani-
feft it fo, that no man map denp it. &nd
fcfee as this is marbcllous, &bitf> onlp ex*
perience doth certifie, fo ftould a man
(Uppofe in other things, and bee fteuld
not denp anp macbelleus thing although
hce Wno reafon, but that pee rather
Of the marvells
ought to p?obe bp experienced the caufe*
of marbellous things are hib. and offobi'
berscaufes going before, that mans un-
betaanbing after Pkto,map not append
2Lherefoje the ILoabOone iron
to it# a certmnotherftonebjatoeth glaflfe.
marbellous things are beclateb of
Wlofophers to bee in things bp experi-
ence, tohnbno man ought to benp. anb
that is not after the faibion
lofophers tohi* founb that, fo? the
fopbers tap, that the is a
it hath the male anb the female* therefore
tohen the female is nigb the male, thou
feed that the female both bob? boton to tbe
male, anb the leafe anb the branches of it
are mabefofoft, anb boto bobme to tbe
fhat,thep binb
ropes from tbe male to tbe female. Reddit
crgoere&a,(upetTe ipfam quail adepta fie
Mafculo percontinuationem fumis virtu-
tem manp of tbe
ancient authors babe fbefoeb marbeHous
things,recetbeb nob) of common people,anb
taken a truth.
ofthe World.
SL&erefoje 3ftbalUbetofo tf>ee certain*
firings that tboumaift ItafcliQ) tbp mind up*
to tbem,and to Knob it fo? u certain truth
Hitb reafon cannot ftablift tip feeling, be*
saute l|ie tielp in tbetn.ond tber-
r o?e it i*>U)st tbe fon of raid in the
ofttbe JBeafts. Hf a &oman great Mb
on the apparell of a man, and u
put it on affec,befot>e be tcaft it, if be
jabe'tpefeaber quartam it Suit depart from
Sind it to faid in tbe boos of beafite, that
tye llbard fieetb ft je pjibp members of a
dian,and in another place it is raid, Si ear-
ocum, ifan old man be buried in a ?Dobe o$
Cuiberfiboufe9 put febere SDobeooj
Cuibero inhabit reft, there tbep are
diultiplped untill it be full of them.
Sind the bcofc De thcrlaca Of Galcn,if is
fstd, that the Serpent bobicb is called
Kegulus iniatine, a Cocfcatrrce in Eng*
iifli3 is fomefthat tebite 3 upon tobofe
there bee tb?ee hairs, and&bcn anp
btan feelb them be dpetb raon. ond bsen
Jnpman o?anp other Jibing thing heareth
Jjis tobiftling, bee dpetl). ond eberp
eatetb of if being dead, dpeftj
Of the marvell*
alfo. Bnb Ariftot le tatb, fchere secet*
fummerrijtmon&s, and tomterothertit
there is a floud herein aOOecs ace found,
tohofe is that the? neber fee them*
felbcc but fbep Die, but usen tfcep be beat?
thep bull not. to Ariftotle put craftily
in the mind of Alexander* that bee thoulb
tafteagreat glalfe anb goe towards them
fheretoith,andtohen thtp bib bebolb them*
tribes in the glaffetbepbieb.bis taping
of Sltmotle boas not hcleebeb of feme
faid agarnft Sriftotle, if
anp man bib fee it be bped:foherefo?e there
is no truth in bis fpeeib. &ndthep faid, if
anp man fooulb taKe tbe milk of a tooman
gibing Hick to her obon daughter, of tteo
pears old, anb let it be put in a glaftenbef*
fell, o> hanged up in a ?Dobe o$ Culbec
haute tobere thep goe in anb out,Dobes toil
abide anb lie multiplied there untill thep
he innumerable.and faid>hen the mouth
of a bead man is put upon him tohich
cbmplainethofhisbellp, hie belli is hea-
&nb Alexander faid, bohen anp thing is
taken out of the nabell of an infant, Wdb
of the World;
sommetb of it bring cut, anb be put
Uubec tbe (tone ofa ring of filter o; golb e
then t&epafflimo' griefe of tte colics
fommethnot in anp btfe to him that tea*
&nb <alen faith, bben tbe bates of
Soared be eaten, tbep loofe tbe bellp.anb
fcben tbe feeb of it to bjunfcen, it loofetb
*be bellp.
&nb ittofaib that the rooteof
(jangeo upon btni that batbtbe
#nb toben thou torlt
that a bead returne to bio lobgiug, anoint
Ua fogebeab boitb anb it MM
&nb ariftotle Catb tntbe toofce of teafte*
3ff anp man put brought boat upon tbe
bonnes ofa Cotoeocalfe* it toill goetteh
tomtoberefoetetbeetoill toitbom labour*
&nb tf anp man anoint tte bonnes of.mine
toith toajr anb ople,o? pitch,the pain of their
feategoetb atoap.
anb if anp Iball anoint the tongue# of
oxen frith anp tailofr,tbepneither tafte
eat meat,but thep frail bpe fo? bunger,ejc
it be fripeb afrap frith fait 9 binegar*
Of the mamiles
SUrtif anp man anoint the nether pact*
ofaCocfeetothople, he neither ton noj
maptreab anlpem
If thou befire that a Cocfce gtoto not, &

noint hi* J;eaD an?) foseheab toth opte,

in tto Boobe of SUctogeni*
4EUtanbo cum ilia, of the Waites hangeD
upon him that ruffereth tl;e collicfee 3 it
Sin?) ariffotlefaiO, meraubes goeth
atoip from him, bctocl; fitteth upon
oftm ofa 31 ton.
a no if the bung of an tore to h >ofeen m
to pobberanb caft abroad upon a place of
Cgmoto, o? i'ifmireo, tton tto
Jeabethe other place.
J&hilofopher# fatOjif tto heab of a goat to
hangeb upon tom torich ftiffereth ftone'
po;, hetotoalebbpit* if thou tolt that
atowian be not tocrate no? befire men,
tafce the p?rbp member of aboolfe, and tto
toires totocb Ooegroto on tto cbeebes o?
epeb?otoes oftom, anb tto haireo tohicO
beunbertoobeatb, anb burne tt at, ano
gibe it to ber in a b-?mfce baton $e Imoto
etb not? anb the ttoll befire no other man*
SnO tijep faib, tohen a fcoman Defiretb
of the Wofld,
tt ot i)d &uobanb,t&en let free bus&anb tale
a little of tfre of a bucfee goat>mean
betbeene little atiO great, let tm anoint
bio member bitb it* anb Doe tbeart
of generation, $e Hall lobe bim ano sall
not Doe tbe act of generation afterbarO*
to t&ep fat?) that bsen tfce fnsile w
popfoneb, ic eates tbeberbecallebo&a*
np,anb is bealcb, anb serefox fyep feneb*
tljat tf?e &etbe called o?ganp, bat& lien un*
ber popfon.&lfo it is faib btfxn tlx beefell
is popfoneb of a ferpenMt eateti? Ifrue, mb
tbep knob? bp this that t\)t Hue is
to fye benime of (Vrpents,
ond amoufe put under be packing of
>c onions* delibereb a man* becaufe be
is contr arp and feareth not him,
#nd 3Pbilcifopl;ersf;abe inbented 3fat if
anp boman is barraine bhen there is put
toherathrngthsttmketha boman bar*
raine be can in no bife be fmitfull.
And it is fab bat bhen a fponge i can
Into bine mixed bith bater, and after
fob and (trained and banged,
the bafer cometh fogtfe of it, and the bine
Of the mamilcs
Eaberencea faib, if a (tone bp bangeb
uponafponge, on ti;e necfceof a cbiioe,
telbement great
ugb is mitigated anb reftrai*
neb, &nb being put on tbebeab of an affe
o? into bis fundament, that is
aflpeboitb ablacfe fljell, that tyeedetb in
cobolbarbes anb is blacfce, called a beetle,
euttet|> |>tm be futnetb untill it bee
tyatone from bin?,
3(t is falb alfo,tbat if anp Hone be boun-
ben to tbe taile ofan affe, be to not b?ap
mi me,
31 f tbe bakes ofan atfe be taben5 fcbicb
arenigbbtopjibpwember, anb be giben
toanpman tyofcen in fc>itb anp binbe of
tobe in atyinlie, bee beginnef b anon to
fart* ilUbetoife if an? man take tbeegges
them anb cafttbem
into boater, anbgtbetbemto anp man in
a be ceafetb not anon to fart 3 tbep
Stob it to faib, if tbou mafce a ring ofa
rob ofa frcfb mirre tree anb put it on tbp
ring finger, it mitigatetb o? ejtmtfetb tl;e
impoftumc unber tbe arme boles*
of the World.
Bfntheboofceof Strilfotle it is fa id that
the roote of tobite henbane, fohen it is
Ranged upon a man fufFering the collicMt
is profitable to him.Sind fohen faltpeter is
putinabeflfcll,and binegar upon it5 it bill
boile o$ feeth mightitp foithout anp fire.
3t is faid alfo in the boofeeof formes
fohen leebefeede is caften upon fcinegar,
the eagevnetfe o? fofo*enefie of it goeth a*
Belbinus raid, fohen thoutafeeft th?
fohite of an egge and alomeand anointelt
a cloath toitf? it and foalheft it off foitfr

boater of the fea; firing dsp, it letteth the

fire to burn?.
another Caid>fien red arfenicumsand
alometafcenand gotten, and confected, o$
made forth Juice oftheherbe called houfe=
foefce, and the gallof a dull, and a man a*
Uomtethhishandsfoith it, and after ta*
beth dot iron, it burneth not them. ILifee*
foifeif there be tafcen (Cr magnetalom
SamentiJ anCiftcong binegar, and great
mallofos o? holihocfce, if tfiep them
foell together and anoint thp hands there-
foith,fire hurteth net them.
SKKhen thou foilt that tfiep fofiith bee
Of the marvailc*
*na palace, feeme fcit|)out beabw, take
fmect tyimftone, tottb otle, anb put it in
a lampe anti mabe light Mty it,anb put it in
ibe mibtf of men, anb tbou Qialt fee a mar*
betlous thing,
gnb USelbmus faib agarne, bee that
fball put an berbe calleb purflane upon
bis beb, Ml not bition ut*
terlp* -

ortb aritfoflefaitbfbst toben

i\yzf ftn?U the fmo a tie ofa lampe put out,
fbep fo?tb their birth, before it be
penfit: artb Itkebife this chancetbto cer*
taineIromen forth chflb.
aciftotfe faib that if anp man canfefb bp
biofoitaCamcll to boe the an of genera*
mnlmujbisofone mother, if be pereeibe
it before, be tptll pccfuetbe man untill be
bill pim anb if be caufe bp bis bolt an

bo?fe to leap on bis mother, anb heetmofo

ft I*efo2e,be fotll Mllhimfelfe anbbim that
p?obcfeeb him to that,
Stub Dp, ifthou
fiieo in the loafer, tbep fee me beab, anb
iffoep be burieb in athes, thep rife up a*
fane* Snb fohen tbou b?ofonefi amber?
it bpetb, anbletbinegarbebjoppebbofone
of the World.
lifee beb) upon it .it is quicfcneb. Sfnb bhen
thou turieS the flp called the beetle among
ftofes, it bieth, if thou burp ft in bung, it
anb that fchen the
feathers of Eagles be put frith the fea*
there of other
title them, foj as he obereometh in bis life
all birbes, anb rules ober them/o the fea*
there ofeagles arebeablp toall feathers.
2nb J&htlofophers fap3 if therbinne of a
tyeepe be put In anp place foith the tfcinne
ofabtfMt gnaloeth anb confumeth it Sfnb
he that putteth on him cloth of the frooll of
a tyeep fohich hath eaten &bib s itching cea-
feth not from him untill he put it off.
9nb if thou perfume an houfe o? place
fritb the lungs o? lights of an atfe, thou
clenfeft it from ebetp Serpent aub >co?*
Pion. anb ofthis bnofo that
it is goob againft popfon.
SCabariencea faith: if the tongue of the
tlapfoing o? blacfc Richer behangeb up=
on a toall 5 blibionem rebbit eum memo*
nbit is faib in the Bo?Ke of Cleopa*
tra sif a fromnn babe not anp belertation
Of the marvailes
toitb husband, tabe tbe mscrofoe of a
Wolfe, ofbis left foote, and beare It, and
$e toiU lobe no man but him.
Sin?) ttisfaide, toljcn tfye leftbrppeoj
bauncb of A male OTricb is (alien am)
bopled, o? fectbed toitb ple,and after tbe
beginning of Zaires ate anoin*
ted rtitb tMbep groto neber againe.
Sfrcbitaa faid, if tbebear* of a Serpent
S)eta!ten, 535i)en6eIibei,anJ) bee banged
uponaman,beingficfeoftbe ifeber quar*
tamest plucfeetb it utterly atoap. SI no tbe
adders sfcin,tobenit is ftrait bound upon
tbe anfcell ofa fjaftetti tb e bictb,
but after tbe birti; it mult bee remoled a*
SSbetectbof Perpentobaben tbou pluc-
belt them fo?tb bp tbe rootes sas long 00 #e
Serpent libetb,if tbep be banged upon a
man Itcbe of tbe ifeber quartame, #ep
take aboap tbe quartame from Dim,
and if tbe Serpent be banged upon a too#
a!ung,it if a Serpent meete
titb a&omantDitb cbtlde, fljee tytngefb
forth per child before it be perfect. 3?f it
meete toi# bet bsen #e trabelletb of
of the World.
Stodtbepfap, if tbou toilttahe tfceepe
tootb of a bead called Crocodilus in ila-
tin, m<2ngltih a Ccocodrle,out of the up-
permoft place of tl;e left Itbe of Iris mouth,
and hang it on a man being ficfce of the
IFebers, it bwletb him and the ifebers
bill not retw me againe to him. &nd tfiep
babe faid, that tbe Upon is afraid of a
b)l;ife Cocke; and again, that hefearetb
the tire, and be that is anointed toitb the
tallobof theretries ofa Slpon fearetb not
to goe among beads, and all beads are a*
fraid of tbe Upon. Sind be that annotntetb
bis bodp forth dung, lbes be a-
fraid ofbim-
m ft teritur arfenicum citrinum,and be
mired forth milfce s tf aflp fall upon it, it
Uf tbou bilt take foe right foot of s fueil
and bang it upon the right foot of a drlea-
fed man forth the goutstt profited) it: life
foife if tbou bang up tbe left foot of a Tnarlc
to tbe left foot dtfeafed "poitf? foe gout. Sind
fo tbe band of it is profitable to foe bead;
and tbe finger,totbe finger.
Sltidifa fire bee kindled before a man
that isbmten,of green foood of fig trees.
Ofthe marvailee
I(tones toil! malte a noire oj bobn-
nb it is faib in tbe boofce of !l?ermes,
&ben both tbe epee of tbe Bern be boun-
ben in linnen clotb, upon >iniftrum ab*
tbep put afoap tbe feber quar*
fatne: anb it is faib, if the Wolfe feea
man anb tbe man fee not bim, tbe man to
atlomebanb feacetb, anb isboarfe, onb
therefore, ifanp manbeared tbe epe of a
boolfe, it belpctt) to bictozp, tobolbneCTe,
anb banquilling feareof abberfarp;
#nOitisfa&: if arms be mabe oftbe
tobiteboofe ofan 3R?,anb be that batb tbe
falling ficltnefle putted no
longer tl;e falling ficfcnelfe.
&nb it is further faib, toben thou boilt
that flies come not nigh tip bottfe then
put conbicimgoppiumintoOite lime, anb
after ma&e tbp boufe barite Iritb it, then
flies sall inno 'mire enter.
Wjen tbou toilt that tbp foife oe
boencb, t|eb) tbee all $e batb bene: tafce
tfje heart of a gDobe,anb tbebeab ofa frog,
anb brp them both, anb b?ap them into
pobober, anb lap them on tbe b?ea(l of ber
fyeHllfy? to tl;ee all that
of the World,
fjatfj Done, but tobenfbe H?all aba fee,
bipett aboapfr ember brelMbat it be not
bfteD up.
&nD tfiep fap, ifanp man put a 3Dia*
monD unDer tbe beaDofaipomanfleeping
% manifefietb, if tbebe an aDufterefs,ftr
if it be fo3 lbe leapetb bacfte out pf tbe beD
afraiD, anD if not, be embracetb W
banD bitb great lobe.
#nD tbep fap,tbat an affe sfeinne toben it
ifibangeDuponcbilD?en,itletteb them to
Srcbptas faitb,if be fcsajr oftbe left ear
of abogge betafeen anDbangeD upon men
ficfee in be feabers that come bp courfe or
fits, it isberpprofitable, anD fpectallpto
SnD fap, tbbat Come feinD
0? angular, sbicb neberbaD ficfee neCTe, is
profitable to eberp ft cfinefs,anD be that baD
ticber paine, belpetb anD beatetb a man
from if.
3nD b: ben tbe boufe is perfumeD fault*
tbe left boofe ofa mule,flies remain not in
it. tboubcilt fenoto bben a fcoman tel=
letb to tbee a lie;tafee tbe tongue ofa Cepi 9
conbep it cunninglpjnto tbe bofome ofher.
Of the marvaile*
Qnd if tl)e heart, tpt or braine ofa lap-
sing btacbeplober, be banged upon a
mans necfee, it is profitable agamtt for*
getfulnes, and topetb mans underftan*
if a lonian map not conceive, take an
tracts borne turned into pobder, and let
it be mired tmtfy a Cobes gall, let a bo*
man fceepe it about bcr,andlet berdoetbe
act of generation, and We fimltconceibe a*
Si grotfe and ftiffe baire of a spares
taile3put unto a dore fufferetb not satiates
SLfre toot!) of a foie or colt of one pern
old, put in the nerK of a cbilde, mafcetb \tm
teetbto breed bitbout paine.
x SLbe toot?) of a fsare put upon the bead
of a man being mad deliberetb bim anon
from bis furp.
if aboman map notconceibe let amareo
milfee be giben ber not hnotone, letbet doe
ri;e act of generation in that boure and $e
tbauconceibe anon. ,
%bz boofe of an tsorfe perfumed in a
boufedrtbetljaboapmire; the fame cpan*
cetf?alfo bp tbe boofe of a mute.
of the W oild
2[battbe tot foster come fotb df a cal-
&ake o? Wane!) that is terra fran*
eifea, boitl; pitch caft it in boater, end it
Hjall come fogtt? all. SLbat fire map come
of toater,tafce tpe fljel of an esse and
Put it and lime, and
ibuttbebole and put it into boater and it
b&iii kindle.
ond it is raid, ifthe berbecampbire?be
tut under tea(er3it ie kindled and buineth
in befeater.
2L|)at ti;ou map take bit do kiifj tpp
bands, take anp berp bcell Seeped in
H)ed?egsof anp brine, and in the mice of
bemlocke and caft it to the birds, eberp
bird tbattafletb of It, is made drunken,
&nd ti;ep fap if anp man be anointed
toitb the milke of an #ffe, all the fipes in
*beboufe frill gather to Dim.
SLo f?ite letters o$ fetus, b&hich be not
*ead but in the night. &ake the gall of a
fyatleo* milke ofa fob?, and put it to the
bte 5 o? frith frater of s became l|m?ng

,3f pee mingle together msnp fthites

month after thrp are
Of the ilia miles
made gla(re sand as (tone, anti of
being after sis fallen is made a >opbi-
flieall precious Hone, railed SLopactou* ;
if it be conjoined before Mb faffton o l
red earlfj*
JLtfteioife,iftbe foame M)i& in found a* j
bout tbe ftoues ofa
being b)earp,be mijted Mb Mte, and tbe
Miebe.giberi to arip man to dsmfcr3 \)Z
sallabbosreMte fo^amonetb.
lnd ifanp man iballbabe manp CBeleo
in a tome beffell, and tf;ep be fuffered to ,
Dpeinit, if anpdginfceofit, bo flballab*
bo?re tome a peace,and bp cbance eber'
and it is fafd, ifa rope be taken, Mb
tobitb a tbeefe is o$ batb beene banged up
Mb, and a little cbae, tobitb a Mirle<
toinde lifted up to tbe aire,and let them be
put in a pot,andfet among other pots,that
pot Qjail fye?M all tbe other pots*
Stlfotafee tbou a little of tbe
rope, and put it on tb? inftrument, toitb
tobicb tbe b?ead is pat in tbe oben, Men;(
be that tbould put it in tlje oben, ibould
put it in, be Ibould not be able to put it in,
but it tball leap out againe immediately.
of the World.

That men may iccmc with*

out heads.

'TaheanSthOersfihinneanh Suer pig*

1 pitch of Ifrcupon*
mentum s an&
ticum, anO the hoax of neb? Bees, anO the
fat o? greace ofan Sflfe, anO tyeafee them
all 3ano put them in a Oull feething pot full
of mafee it tofeeth at a flob? fire,
and after let it boax cold, anO maheata*
per, and eberp man that tall fee light of
it tallfeemeheableCTe.
2Lhat men map feeme to habe the bifage
o* countenance of a Dcgge. 2Ufce the
fat out of the eare of a Cogge, and anoint
boith a little neb? it I he, put it in a neb?
lampe o? greene glaffe, anO put the lampa
among men, anO thep tall fee the bifage
That men may feeme to have
three heads.*
SLafce the fjaire ofa dead Stfe, and mafee
a rope,anO b*p it, en& tafce the marrob?
of the principal! bone ofpis right toul&ec
enO mix it &ith birgineo tea;, anO ?noint
the co^o, en& put it SLhsetolO*
Of the mamilcs
oftibeboufe, ep that come intotbeboufe
all feeme to babe zee beaks, anb tbep
that be in ll;e boufe ail feeme #(Tee to
them at enter in*
Ifchou wilt that a mans headteemean
Ade head*
Cake up the cohering of an affe anti an*
noint the man on bio beak.
If thou wilt that a Chicken or other
thing leap in the difli*
Stake quicMlber ank tbe pofrker of
Calaminte, ank put it in a bottle of glade
frell fpottek,ank put it frit bin a bot thing*
iFo? feeing quicMtlber isbot, it mobetbit
felfe,ank make it to leap o$ kaunce.
Ifyou will fee that other men cannot,
Me egall of amale cat, ank tbe fat
frbite,ank mtjr them together,
anti anoint p epee, ank tbou ait fee
it at other cannot fee.
If thou wilt underftand the voices
of birds.
0 liberate frith tl;ee tfro fellofres in tbe
jtjtbiii* Dap of October, anO goe intoa cer-
taine toooO frith Doggee as to bunt, ano
carrp borne frith at bead, frbicb thou
of the World;
smlt finh firft, anb prepare if hath the
heart of a ifoj, anb thou fl?aXt unbertfanb
anon the hoice of btrbsojbeafts. snb if
thou tDtlt atfo that anp other Ufce&ife uri*
oerftan0 3 biCe him sanb he ihal unberftanb*
Ifthoti wilt Icofe bonds.
<5 intofbe feoob, ant) look frhere fe

VJT $p hath her neft frith her birbs, ants

tohen thou Halt he there, clime up the tree
anb bint) about the hole of it fcherefoeber
thou foilt. ifo; lohen the feeth thee,the go
eth fo? a certain herb fohieh the toill put to
the binbing, anb it is bsofccn anon,anb that
herbfallethtothe grounb upon the cloth,
hohith thou toulbft hahe put unber the tree*
, anb be thou p?efent,snb take it.
. 3(n the neft of the ilaptorngo? btacSpto=
! her, there is a certain ftone,fchtth is of bt*
hers colours,bear it frith thee, anb then
That a man may be alwaies as
gelded men.
(TSke of fc fbimfy in
JL Rummer, eno to Ojmfce.
Thai a woman may confelTe what
fhe hath done, x
Eafeea fcaterifrog quicfe a tabe aheap
bertongue 3anb put it again into the tester,
anb put the tongue unto apart of the heart
of the fcjomati fleeping, Web tsm thee w
asbeb He Hall fap the troth*
Ifthou wilt put any man in fear in
his fkcp.
gut unber biobeab the shin ofan ape,
9!f tbou toilt tabe a put in bio bole
an oniony leeb o? ople, anb He bill come
& Serpent goetb
not nigb garlicfce, anb
abogge taftetb not anp thing bippeb sith
garlicbe, although be be hungup.

A perfunie,whertby every man ffeal fee m

to other that be in the houfe, in the form
of ElephantSjOr great Horfes.
SCabe a fpice Web w called aicfcacen-
gi, anb it, mix it hutb a little fat o?
aMpbme fllb, anbmabe thereof grained
as be ef Sifter perfume fqme
of ttcm upona ftrenferodes bung, Web-
tsmulbeb. Sublet not a place bee in the
of the World;
soufe, from Weft fmoafte map come
kit let pate, anh the milfee hee unhec the
esrth tofthm, alltohich he in the JoDging,
ftAl fmnasthep ioeregmst men in the
sape of anh Elephants, anO it w a
berp 1 macbellous things

Another pcrfume3 which when thou la-

ke ft* thou feeft outwardly green men, and
men of many Shapes,and Infinite marvells 8
which are not difeerned for their multi-
tudes. .

Cafee ECmar,that 10 tlernulion anh the

floneHa?ulus, ariO pentcyall of the maun*
fames, anO heat frail to pritoher 3 an& (ift it,
mil it fctth the fat of dolphin O2
<lephant s anO make grains 02 tonnes after
the falhion ofrtfe sano themin a JhaOoto3
perfume in it token thou &ilt> anO it ihall
heOone 9 that is faih.
A perfume to fee in our deep what
good or what ill.
Eake the Moot) of an&CTe congealed sr#,
tlie.fat Lupi cenvi, ans a ftoret incenfe
o? gumme cate >to?ajr 5 ano a!fo oto*
t*U of feme calico ptiux gather it up
altogether bp equal! heights, and let them
hemifcd, and graines o? co*ws he made/
thereof, and let the houfe he perfumed bit
them,that thouHalt fee him in thp lieef/e,
that 4all Heb to thee all things.
The manner of making a match or can-
dle wdk, which being kindled, thou, (halt
fee pien in what (hape thou wilt.
SEake theepeo ofa H?iek ble, khe ejm
ofa kH, ic called Sttfureo and the

cpeo o a ffih, bh*H to called 'iUhinitb,

and the gall of bolbes, treats them bith
thp hands, and mi* them all together, and
put them m a beflell of glalfe, then bihen
thou bilt bojk it, take the fat of anp heaffc
thou bill, that this map heemade in the
Hape of it, melt it, and mn it perfectly
bith that medicine, and anoint the matH,
candle be k, bhatfoeber thou bilt bith
it. after Kindle it in the midft of the houfe,
and the men Hall feem in the Hape of that
beak, bhqfe fat thou didk take.
Another match or candle wick,thatmert
may appear in the (hape of Angells.
EaketheepesofaftH, and the epes of
Jriloe, that is ofa tweaker of hones, and
of the World.
fyeab them forth thp hanbs anb make

them foft,anb pat them in a Veffell ofglafa

y.oates. after put tome oile in them, anb
listen it in a green lamp, anb put It be-
thep fall
fore men,tohtto be in thehoufe,Bngells
fee tbemfelbes in the f ape of bp
the tight of the fire-
Another match or weik of candle ma*
king men appear with black faces,
SCafee a black lamp,and pour in it oile of
the elder o> alder tree D.uicfeftlber, a
part of the blood of them that be in letting
blood, and in thatblood oile of the CBlder
aider tree ( fome fap of the Bur tree ) o$
A marvellous Lampe, in which appea-
red a thing of tsrrible quantity, having
in the hand a rod,and feareth a mz

Hake a green frog, arid ftrihe off tie

head of it upon a green cloth, make it feet
foith theopleof Bur tree og elder tree,and
put it in the toeeb, and lighten it in the
green lampe, then Mtthouperceihea
black man landing, between tohofe hands
there than bee a lampe and a marbellous
<)fthe marvells
Another weik which being kmdlcd 3 aFid
Water pat thereon 3waxcth ftrong, and if
oile, it goeth out,
SDahe lime tehis tester hath not tomheb,
anbput itteithan teeifiht equall to it of
tea* anb fye halfe of it of the oile of balmc
citrina teith equal! to it of

jb?imtonesanb matte a toetfe of it, and baop

boten life? beta) upon the tester anb it teall
be feinbleb,anb Doten oile upon it, ans
it Qjall be put out.
Another weik winch being kindled all
things teem white as irlvcr;
Eafeea JMjacb, anb cut ateap the tail of
it3 anb tafce that tehnt cometh out, fo? it is
lifee quiefeffluer. Sifter take a teeth anb
mafeeit teet teUh oile,anb put it in anete
lamp anb feinbie it>anb the boufe fiballfeem
btgbttanb tehttej gilbeb teith iilber.

A marvellous operation of a Lamp?

which any man (Jialj bold, hee never cea
feth farting till he Jet goehis hold.
telle the blood ofa fnaile, it up in a
Imnen cloth, mabe it ofa Mifc, gibe it to
an? man thou MU,and fap light tpis fjee ,

than not ceafe to fart, untill bee let it be-

of the World.
A weik which being lighted, women
ceafe not to dance and play as if they were
mad for joy.
2fake t|e blood ofan pare, and the blood
of a certain* fob)l tohith is called 5
and i like a Shuttle dobe, and of the Wood
of the SLurtle male, equal! to the halfe of
it. SLfjen put it in a toeek3 anb lighten it in
the midt* of the houfe, in fohi& ace fingers
and ntheos and a marbellous thing fl;al
he probed.
I f thou wilt make that Lice may appear
running in a mans bed thac he cannot red.

Caft into his bed the freight and quanta

fyofan ounce halfan ounce of 81-
cafeengiand ifthou ihalf take Pilos afturis,
thereof lhall be made a freife3 frhich frhm
it is lightned eberp tick man feeth other
b|> the behemencp offhe fickneffe3and mi=
nixing o^ejtenuation.

When thou wilt feem all inflamed/rom

thy head to thy feet,and yet not hurt.
SLahetohite great malloter, o$ hollp*
Dcke, tm;e them tmth the pr
egges, arto anoint tyj? hasp foith it , ano
ofthe marveUf
let it be untill it be b?peb up, anb after an-
tioint tbee broth alome, anb aftertoarb call
on tt fmall b?imfione beaten unto poteber,
tbe fire iinflameb on it, anb burtetb
not, anbiftbou mafee upon tbe palme of
iW banb>tbou Q?alt be able tpbolb tbe fire
Mtbput butt*
If thou wilt cad any thing In the lire,
and it (hall not burn*
one part of fifbgleb?,anb afmuib
TSfke alome 3let it perfectly mtjreb, anb let
hinder be poureb upon it 3 let bfiat thing
foeber tbou toilt be confecteb broth it anb

caft it in tbefire then anoint it brotb this


btntment3 anb it flball not be burneb.

I f thou wilt make a contrary,that is any
Image or other thing, and when it is put
in water it is kindkd,and take it out,and
|t is quenched,
SLafce lime not auemheD, anb mix it pec*
fectlp kiiW a little majr,anO tpe oil of ppe*
fanum, anhnapia, that is tohite earth anD
a make of it an thou
tfalt put it in toater3the fire fiml hefeinOleO*
I If thou wilt make that when thou ope-
of the World.
neft thy hands upon alamp,the light of it
Is pa t out, & when thou deleft them upon
lts ickindleth.
Eake a fpice,bhich is called af-
ter b?a? it 3anO after make It frith toater of
Campl)tre5 9 anoint th? hands frith it3after
open them in the mouth of a lamp 3the light
of it Ml be put out, an?) clofe them, and
it Ijball be kindled again. '
If thou wilt fee a thing drowned* or fee
deep into the water in the night,and that
It fhall feera as pcrfeft as in the day 5 and
read bookes in a dark night*
Anoint thP face the hlouh of the
iftaremoufe o? Bat, ano thou Halt Doe
as 31 fap. Blf thou trtlt make an? thing
tohttejperfume it brith b^mttone*
3f thou brilt kill foon a Serpent, take as
much as thou brilt ofan herh called Kotun*
haSUiftologia, fmerb>o& e? meek gating*
gale,anO fa?ap it toelhalfo take a frog ofthe
baooO o? fielMnO h?eakit tod, anD nujt it
brith Slriftologia, anb put thereto fome
3tnk,anh b??tte brithm paper o? in anp other
thing bririfh thou lobeft better, and call it to
Of the marvells
Ifdiou wilt bear fire in thy hand3 that ie
naay not hurt thee,
Cake JUme diffolbed bith hot boater of
sBeans3 and a little of great mallobs, o$
fjolpohe, and mir tt bell bith it, after a*
noint the palm of thp hand bith it, and let
Ittie ; put tt m fire, and itfimllnct
pjilofopherofap that fuch itime burns
not in the fire. t eober fts gleb fabetfi
from fire, alfo unpleafant Blome, and
the blood of the head called a Salamander,
and the fmosfeof an caidjon.Eher-
fo?e bben ointment is made of all thefe
02 of certain of them, the fire hurteth not,
Che bhite ofan egge, and the great mal-
lobs hdllJ?ofce3habe bectue touting this*
A wik which being lighted in the
houfe3 thou (halt fee green things flying as
Sparrows and other birds,

TBfce a neb cloth 9 put m it thetrains

ofa hied and the feathers of her taife
and lap them in 3 making thereof a beife,
and put it m a neb green tlampe fem- ,

ale it in the heufe bith the otle >ltbe,

wd \m things bhi# are thereahouts bill
of the World.
rppeare herr green,anti fetolo kill feem to
Hr of green and hlacb colour.
Jf thou wilt make a candle to be thakcd,
and yet maift walk when it is lighted.
<Set tfjesfein ofa lf,and alfo a
and make of them both a eefe,and fcindle it

oile Uhe and it trill foon he mobed.

When thou wilt light a lanthorne, of
which he that holdeth it fhall be afraid.
<et tohite lirtnon cloth, and tmfee there-
pfah3eefe,aud put in the hollofoneife of
if,the flough ofa Serpent, and gioflfe fait,
and fill it totth the oile of Clibe, and gibe
it to bcl;o thou icilt, hut as foon as he ligh-
ted it,he all tremble and he afraid.
A marvellous experience, which make*
men go Into the fire without hurt, or to
beare fire or red hot iron in their hand,
without hurt,
Stake the mice of Biffmalba, and the
tohite of an egge, and the fees of an herb
called Pfillium 0| Pulicarias herba, and
figure it intopob&der, and mU thereof a
confection* md thereto put the juice
Of the niarvclls
ofHabiibimtb tbe Mute of tbe eggs.
anoint tbou'tbp bobp o? banb tittit tbi#
confection, anb let it be fet to afte*c
anointitagain, after tpat tbou map fufjP#
bolblp tbe fire bottboutanp hurt. JBut if
tbou Ml* that tl;e thing anointed feem to
burn Scatter upon it qutcfe fyimftone&eU
beaten into polxoer,anb it iball feem t.o bee
burneb, fcmb-
leb, anbitWl not butt btm. 3ff tlj ou ibalt
bloto tbe berb calico Colopbonia, <steeke
pittb beaten berpfmall, upon tbe flame of
tbe canble,lobicb a manbolbetb in bio i;anb,
itaugm^ntetl;marbellouflptbe, fire, anb
liftetbuptbefcameunto the Ijoufe roofe.
%%m tbou map bear fire unbmt 3 let lime
bebtffolbeb tmtbbot ioater of Beans, anb
put thereto a little of reb ea itb of ,

after put to a little great maliotnes o? bolp

bocts toitb fobtib conioineb mtreb toge-
tber,anoint tbe palm of tbp banb, anb let it
up, anb fo map tbou bear anp fire un-
If thou wilt make burning water in this
SUfte black, thick* mfg!;tp anb olb kine.
of the World.
ahb in one quart ofit thou lhalt temper si
little quick lime anO bgimftone beaten into
pofcJOer berp fmall, ano lees of goob bane*
ano common fait 3 bahite anb grotte, after
thoulhalt put it in a ground toell clapeb*
anb Defuperpoiito alembico, t|}oU fijalt
bidillburningtoater, lx>hicf? Thou Ihoulb
keep in a glade.
Thou maift make a great fire in
thh manner.
Stafce qutcfe hgimftone slees of .feme
ceciUam piotem, foftOen fait, oile of dene
anti common them feeth fc)eil,sn&
if anp thing be put in it, it is femhieo, *me*
therithetreeog iron,anoinot put out b?
3tf thou tout that cberp thing ceafe to
bemarbelleb, loch the fuffictent caufes
ofOomg, anb aifo of fufFecing a fog tf thou
loch both,thou ftalt not macbel, fog thou
Ihalt fee that there is fo great aptnetfe in
one fufficience of another that it tnafceth
thee nottomarbell, fog thou feed
thatcolhioaterhmbletsthe fire, anbput-
fefh it not out, if thou ftoulb behoio the
hoeing caufe, thou booulbett marbell
fehat toere tty efficient caufe: conbenienf
Of the marvells
fjjf&Hnng but bben bou loosed to tye
matter of that effect 5 t|iat to beeaufe ttts
lime anb tyrmftone, bbicb are berp triffa-
matle, fo sat a berp little tying flamed
i>em,tbou fee ft that there is nothing to be
lU&ebtfetttsainacbell that s smgin
burneb bp ffre, bben one of tye caufeota
bebolhen onlp* JJsut bben the nature of
tyt fuffecer o| beatmeffe of tye boer ib loo-
to on tbett in no marbell.
If thou wilt make a Carbunkleftone 3 or
a thing Chining in the night.
SDafce berp manp of tyt little beafto M*
ning bp nigbfeanb put them beaten fmall
in a bottle of glaffe, anb clofe tt anb burp
it tn hot boffeo bung, anb let tt tarrp fif-
teen baps, afteebarb tbou ffjalt difttll ba-
ler Of them per alembicnm,bblfb tbou Ibalf
put tn a beffell of crpftall o? glaffe 3 Bft gr-
%tty fo great elearneffe 3 that eberpman
mspreab anb in a bar It place b&ere
tt is. men mafcetb tyis batet of tyt
gall of a >naile3 tyt gall of the tstmeafell,
ci tye gall of fteiFerret, anb of a mztet
bogge 9 then burp them mbung 3 anb btatll
baterout eftbenv
of the World .

Make flying fire after this manner.

Hrafee one pounb of jl#mftone, t&o
vj pounb of tbe coals of Milled e| M-
tbie, fijr pounb of donp fait, tfjefe tfyec
smss mud bee btapeb beep fmall on a
garble done *

sou maid pu
foon at tbppleafure in a coot of paper, fip*
trig o canting dmnber.
a coot toffip ftoulb he long3 fmall, an&
full ofthat bed pobober: but a coot to mafee
tbtmoec ftoilio be $o& geode, anb palfe

ere enbeth the pemU of Alberta*


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