Skies of Glass: Game Concept Setting Design
Skies of Glass: Game Concept Setting Design
Skies of Glass: Game Concept Setting Design
Special Thanks
The designers would like to give special thanks to the listeners of
Fear the Boot. Your support and insight has kept us going
through the development of this game, and without you, it would
have likely never seen press.
Characters 9
Fatigue 20
Gone Fishing 27
Linden, Tennessee 35
Welcome to Skies of Glass to imagine what they are thinking at iv. copies of the character sheet
any given moment. This mental located in the back of the book
Skies of Glass is a post-nuclear exercise of putting yourself in
roleplaying game designed by the someone else's shoes is where the v. a good imagination and several
hosts of Fear the Boot, an RPG name "roleplaying game" comes hours of free time
podcast. from; you're playing the role of
someone else. Rule Tiers
What you are holding in your hands
is a beta version we are releasing The Game Master has complete Whether you're new to RPGs or a
for the public to playtest. If you control over everything in the game veteran player, there's something
have any comments on the game, world, except the characters we're doing with Skies of Glass you
be sure to visit our website and let controlled by the players. The may not have seen before. Some
us know! Game Master should always gamers like simple rules that move
remember this limitation, allowing quickly. Others like to dig into the players freedom to choose their complex math. It's effectively
character's actions and then have impossible for a single rules system
Never Played a Roleplaying those choices meaningfully affect to accommodate both styles of play,
the game world. This setup will so what we've decided to do is
Game Before? require some quick-thinking from create multiple tiers of complexity.
the GM, since the players will come
If this is your first time playing a
up with ideas he never expected. In this rulebook, you will find the
roleplaying game (RPG), you're
But that's part of the fun, and if it's Tier 1 rules. These are the simplest
about to embark on one of the most
ever taken away, the players will no rules, designed for fast play. In
compelling hobbies in existence.
longer have any influence on the later editions, we'll release the Tier
Games like this will challenge your
game world, and therefore no 2 rules, which are much more
creativity and problem-solving skills
reason to play at all. complex. That will be accompanied
in a way few other pastimes can.
by Tier 3, a series of optional rules
If you'd like to know more about that add even more detail to Tier 2.
A roleplaying game requires at
playing a roleplaying game, there
least two people to play. One
are many places you can get help. When starting a game, the Game
person will serve as a Game Master
You'll find some information in this Master should declare which Tier
(GM). The rest will be players.
book to help you get started. There will be used. This will help the
is also a very active community of players know in advance how to
The Game Master is something like
RPG enthusiasts you can find create and play their characters.
a storyteller and referee rolled into
online or at your local gaming shop.
one. It's his job to come up with an
And be sure to check out the
adventure, describe what's going on
podcast that sponsored this game,
to the players, and serve as the final
Fear the Boot, as we do a weekly
judge of any question about the
show on roleplaying games.
Foreword in a wide variety of industrial and The Humbling of Man
their natural-born ancestors. Farm
Prior to the nuclear holocaust of fields -- rather than oil fields or In 2101, Jonas Maxwell, a retired
2109, modern civilization was mines -- could now sustain a portion Governor of New York, took the
already in decline, unraveling under of the nation's infrastructure. While oath of office and began his
its industrial weight and social this was no help to countries Presidency. He was a tireless
malaise. The lifeblood of society already squabbling over food and diplomat who had done a great deal
included too many resources that water, nations such as America with of good for the world even before
were either running perilously low or a surplus of arable land made taking federal office. To deflect
lost inside of war extensive use of these beasts. criticism of his defense credentials,
zones. Meanwhile, the soul of he had chosen Reno Haller -- an
society seemed stricken by the A Momentary Reprieve outspoken hawk -- as his Vice
cancer of apathy and nihilism, President.
resigned to a downfall that was not During the presidency of H.
yet inevitable. Lawrence Bradley, the United Throughout Maxwell's first term, he
States government unveiled Project placed great emphasis on building
The Resource Wars Armstrong. The centerpiece of the bridges with America's adversaries
project was a directive for NASA, in Asia. However, his incorrigible
Throughout the 21st century, the private corporations, and interested Vice President took every
militaries of the world found allies to begin the industrial opportunity to criticize these
themselves entangled in wars over exploration of the solar system. negotiations, suggesting that
dwindling sources of water, fuel, This directive was accompanied by America's best path to unity,
and ore. Most of these conflicts a campaign to elevate the project to security, and economic freedom
were unrelated, but historians would a matter of national pride, bringing was to revitalize its neglected
eventually lump them together the citizenship together under its military and engage in "a few good
under the common name of cause. wars". When talks with China
"Resource Wars". The Resource collapsed, it was blamed on
Wars were complicated by the rise Though the project required a mistrust created by Haller's
of military and technological power monumental investment of time, posturing. The veracity of this
in previously weak nations, money, and research, a permanent statement was widely debated, but
guaranteeing that fields once ripe colony was operating on the moon since Haller had become a political
for the picking were now brier by the end of Bradley's presidency, liability, he was dropped from
patches of the worst kind. complete with a test mine for Maxwell's 2104 ticket in favor of the
helium-3 and sufficient facilities to moderate Senator, Marsha Lorenz.
Weary populaces disinterested in house several dozen workers and Outraged, Haller disappeared from
war spurred first world nations into assemble the ships that would later public life.
the development of green colonize other parts of the solar
technologies, improved recycling, system. Throughout the decades to Near the end of Maxwell's second
new materials, and better come, the moon base was term, as Vice President Lorenz was
manufacturing efficiency. So-called significantly expanded and preparing her own presidential
"processing frames" soon dotted the eventually used as the launch campaign, Haller surprised the U.S.
landscape. These portable platform for an even larger, more by reappearing to add his name as
structures were designed to break self-sufficient colony on Mars. an independent candidate. He was
down any available waste into more laughed off as an outsider with
useful, constituent materials, and While Project Armstrong was a minimal support. However, when
then move elsewhere to repeat the success in one regard, its drive to tensions with China escalated into
process. elevate national morale backfired. full war in July of 2108, a string of
The generation that put permanent humiliating military defeats --
Perhaps the most unusual settlements beyond Earth was so culminating in the landing of
technology to come from the pleased with itself, that it grew Chinese troops on America's west
Resource Wars was the creation of prideful and complacent. coast -- transformed him into the
genetically modified animals for use nation's favorite candidate. Haller
rode that wave of support to an
easy election win. despair that they simply wandered
about like ghosts until finally falling The Last Days of
Though Haller made his best efforts dead. Those that found the will to act Atticus Green
to focus America's military on the were stricken by panic, starvation,
now-defensive war, he was fighting and disease. For each story of "Grandpa, where did you and
an uphill battle with an army that was selfless heroism, there were many granny meet?" little Jennifer
not up to the task. In despair, he more stories of crime and abuse, asked, too transfixed by the
gathered his advisors to devise a since few cared much for order when dandelion she was dissecting to
radical new plan to turn the war their very lives were on the line. look up.
around. What came next was a The remote communities of the world
string of events that would change fared better than their urban "At a restaurant called,
the world forever. cousins. They were neither targeted Mayfair's. It used to be just
by the nuclear warheads nor heavily down the road over there, right
At 2:00pm on February 24th, 2109, reliant on the now-extinct by where Mrs. Colebeck's
America launched its nuclear arsenal cities. However, even they had to house is." Even though the little
at China and her allies. According to adjust to the new order of girl wasn't looking, he pointed
the sketchy, early reports, the things. Scavengers were looking toward a thread of crumbling
missiles were not aimed at military hungrily toward their rural towns and cement just beyond the
and industrial targets, but instead at isolated farms, and neither help nor farm. He had to squint a
population centers. Stranger still, supplies would come to relieve them. little. The sun was sagging
nuclear detonations were observed beneath the apple orchard, but
over countries that had been largely Yet as the dust cleared, humanity every so often its light would
neutral in the conflict. The response found a way forward. Local slip through the branches and
from America's enemies was both governments, churches, criminal stab into his eyes. Then he
swift and predictable, destroying the gangs, vigilantes, and entirely new noticed the caravan that was
U.S. and her allies. organizations stepped forward to coming. There were twenty
take control. Even in the most men and just as many animals,
Since the world's media network chaotic places, people grouped slow and lumbering ahead of
collapsed less than an hour after the together in the interest of survival. laden carts. The group was
American launch, details on the And though humanity had a lot to moving with too much purpose
reason for and execution of the relearn about surviving off the land, to be raiders, too late in the day
attack are scarce at best. Survivors farms and workshops sprang up, and to be merchants. One of them
have only the rumors from surviving mankind limped along. carried a golden banner on a
military personnel to work from, and metal rod -- likely a flagpole in
their statements shed little light on Regarding the nuclear holocaust, its former life -- a crimson
the affair. Most spoke of an some looked longingly to the safety emblem etched into the cloth.
emotional breakdown suffered by of the pre-bomb age, while others
Haller over the loss of America's cursed it for birthing this fate. "The men from town!" Jennifer
Pacific seaboard, in which the However, the pressing question was exclaimed, leaping to her
panicked President ordered the what to do with the fallen world and feet. "Will Mr. Vincent be with
launch, causing a great deal of what sort of society to build from its them?"
confusion amongst his subordinates. ashes. This is the new trial of the
Others spoke of a more calculated human race. "I don't know," the old man
conspiracy. Unfortunately, the only replied, his voice slow and
people that knew for sure were quiet, his posture wide with
believed destroyed by the warheads. caution. "Sweetie, you should
go inside."
Following the Bomb
The TASK System intimidation. With this test, everyone
1d6, 2d6, 1d3...? (Two d6, Attribute, SKill) involved in the action rolls their test
and the player who gets the highest
If you're new to roleplaying Skies of Glass is powered by the result wins. For every two points that
games, you may be a little TASK system. When checking to see result is over their opponent's, the
confused by the use of notation if an action is successful, a player will winning player earns a Click.
like 1d6 or 2d6. Those funny- roll two six-sided dice and add that
looking combinations of letters result to the rank of an Attribute and Example: Keith and Scott are racing
and numbers are shorthand rank of a skill. The GM will then apply across the room to reach the gun that
explanations of what kind of any modifiers to that number and was Scott just knocked from Keiths
dice you should roll at a determine if the action was a success hand. They both roll Physical +
particular point in the game. of failure. The final, modified number Athletics. Keiths result is a 14 while
is called the result. Occasionally, Scott only has a result of 7. Keith
The first number is how many there may not be an applicable skill, beats Scott to the gun by several
dice you should roll. The "d" in so the player adds the Attribute being steps.
the middle is short for "dice." used twice.
The last number is how many The last type of test is called a
sides those dice should have. There are three different types of continuing test. This is a simple test
You can read the whole thing tests in Skies of Glass: simple, which occurs over a span of time that
from left-to-right like a contested, and continuing. could be hours, days, week, or even
sentence. So 2d6 would be With a simple test, you need a result months. These tests most often arise
read as: two dice with six sides. of 11 or higher to succeed. For every when the players are trying to build
two points above 11 the result is you something. The first step of this test
Skies of Glass only requires earn a Click. The more Clicks you is for the GM to assign a difficulty
six-sided dice to play. These earn, the more successful you were value to the task. The difficultly
are the same dice you would at the task. Clicks can sometimes be represents the number of successes
find in most board games. used to enhance results, such as in a player must accumulate in order to
However, at some points in the combat and trading which will be succeed. The player then rolls a
game you may be asked to roll covered later. simple test as above and uses every
things like 1d2 or 1d3. So how success and Click to lower the target
the heck can you find dice with Example: Keith is trying to figure out difficulty by 1. The player continues
two or three sides? how to make nitroglycerine from an making simple tests (each counting
old chemistry book. The GM says for a span of time) until the difficulty
The short answer is: you don't that Keith needs to roll a Mental + value has been reduced to 0.
need to. If you need to roll d2's Academics test. Keith has a Mental
(two-sided dice), simply roll a rank of 3 and an Academics rank of Example: Scott decides he is going
d6 and count sides 1 - 3 as if it 2. Keith rolls 2d6 and gets a 5 giving to build a small barn. The GM
was a result of 1 and sides 4 - 6 Keith a total of 10 on his roll. This decides this is a complex task and
as a 2. d3's are handled very would ordinarily fail, but the GM sets the goal to 10. He also states
similarly, except sides 1 - 2 are decides the book hes using is very that each roll represents a full week
counted as 1, sides 3 - 4 are well written and gives a +2 modifier of work on the barn. Scott rolls his
counted as 2, and sides 5 - 6 to the roll. The result is a 12, which Physical + Industrial and gets a 15.
are counted as 3. succeeds. Keith can now blow stuff Thats a success and two Clicks for
up real good. Had he rolled a point one weeks work. Scott rolls again
Sometimes dice notation will be higher and reached a result of 13 he and gets a 16 this time, which is
followed by addition or would have succeeded and earned another success and two Clicks. With
subtraction. So if you see one Click. two weeks of work Scott has lowered
something like 2d6+2 or 1d6-1, the difficulty from 10 to 4.
simply add or subtract the The second type of test is called a
appropriate amount from the opposed test. In this type of test, two Modifiers
total of your dice roll. parties are actively opposing each
other. Examples of this include The GM should apply modifiers to the
attempts at persuasion, stealth, and roll as he sees fit to either make a
task easier or more difficult. The friends to help him though. Daryl and
standard difficulty of 11 is set at a Roy come over to assist in the barn The Last Days of
level that represents a challenge. raising activities as they have been Atticus Green
Therefore, simple and everyday promised frosty beverages. Keith is
tasks should have bonuses applied to the leader for this task. The GM sets Grandpa did not move until his
them. In general, those everyday the goal to 10. All three players roll granddaughter had disappeared
tasks dont need to be rolled unless Physical + Industrial. Keiths result is into the house. He prayed his
there is some factor that makes them a 9, a failure. Daryl's result is a 13 (1 wife had the proper paranoia to
decidedly more challenging. success and 1 Click) and Roy gets load a gun. These men should
whopping 17 (1 success and 3 not be here. Taking a deep
Below are some recommended clicks.) Scott adds five to his total breath, he walked to meet
bonuses and penalties: from Daryl and Roys, leaving him them. "Good evening!"
with a result of 14 which gives him
+4: Simple (riding a horse across an two points towards his goal. The "And to you," a burly man in
open field) target from the barn has now gone baggy clothes replied.
from 10 down to 8.
+2: Easy (fishing in a well-stocked "You already took this year's
pond) Pick Your Pair harvest tax, Tom."
-2: Difficult (repairing a motor in a Every character also gets to pick a "We have come for a gift, not a
downpour) pair. This pair, when rolled on the tax. A band of raiders is
dice allows the player to roll the dice moving east of here. With food
-4: Challenging (picking a high- again and add them to his initial we can travel another few days
quality lock) score. If the player rolls his pair and stop them from reaching
again, he may continue rolling your town. Without it, we will
Help a Brother Out additional dice until he does not roll have to return home to avoid
his pair. Every character may only starving."
Smart players will rarely set out to choose one pair, and that is recorded
accomplish grand feats alone, as its on his character sheet for posterity.
always good to have someone along The only pair that may not be chosen
to either do the thinking or the heavy are ones. This choice allows the
lifting for you (or both if youre lucky). player to either buffer the bad rolls by
In each of the three types of tests, picking low pairs or to succeed wildly
characters may help each other by picking high pairs.
Example: Roy has chosen fives as
In order to help you must first his pair. Roy is currently trying to pick
designate a leader. The leader is the the lock on Scotts barn to leave a
character that makes the test. Each not-so pleasant surprise inside. The
character who wishes to help must GM is modifying the roll with a 4
first describe to the GM how he is penalty due to the high quality of the
going to go about helping. He may lock. Roy has a Mental rank of 2 and
just lend his strength to pushing over a Illicit rank of 2. He rolls 2d6 for his
a boulder or could perform the duties Mental + Illicit test and gets a pair of
of a lab assistant. The GM will also fives. Since he has chosen fives as
determine the maximum number of his pair, he rolls the dice again and
people that are allowed to help the gets an 11. Roys total for this roll is
leader. Each helper then makes a 21, calculated from 10 (his first roll) +
simple test. Each success and Click 11 (his bonus roll) + 2 (his Mental) +
adds +1 to the leaders result. 2 (his Illicit) - 4 (the difficulty modifier
from the GM), giving him a total.
Example: Keith wants a barn to rival Thats five Clicks. Roy easily gets
Scotts. He decides to enlist some into the barn.
Unskilled Tests
A Little Bit of History
If a character does not have the
Robert J. Oppenheimer, father appropriate skill, he just makes the
of the atom bomb, described test using his attribute. A character
the first detonation of a nuclear may succeed but may not earn and
weapon this way: Clicks on an unskilled test.
What Makes a Man? iv. Determine Defense (5 + Mental +
Martial) and Hit Points (multiply The Last Days of
Characters in Skies of Glass are Physical by 3 and then add 5 points Atticus Green
defined by a variety of values. While to the total).
these are important and are the tools Grandpa pushed the last of the
by which your character manipulates v. Record Speed (1), Luck (3) and burlap sacks onto the
the world, the most important part of Fatigue (5) cart. "That should be
the character is the concept. All the enough." Damn their hungry
values on the sheet should reflect the vi. Create two Qualities and one Flaw animals. Men were easy to
image in your head of who your feed, but beasts were not.
character is. Who is he? Where was vii. Buy Equipment
he born? What has his life been One of the caravan masters
like? What are his hopes, dreams, Attributes thanked the old man, mounted
motivations, and fears? When a gray horse, and led the
creating a character, never forget Attributes represent the qualities that rugged band away,
about the big picture. each and every one of us is born disappearing up the same
with. While some people are naturally broken path they had arrived
Starting characters are quite strong and tough, others may be down.
competent and generally represent quicker studies or have a strong will
some years of experience and skill. that is nigh unbreakable. Some It wasn't long before Jennifer
Those that specialize can even max people may represent all of these. came scampering from the
out certain skills at character Attributes are important because they house, her grandmother
creation. This is acceptable and even form the foundation through which watching her from the
encouraged. Tier 1 rules are we learn and used skills. A person door. "Are they gone,
intended for short-term play, so its who is naturally quick is going to grandpa?"
better that most characters fill a naturally be more stealthy than a
distinct niche than be a jack-of-all- bumbling oaf, while a smart person is He let out a long, slow
trades. going to be able to grasp difficult sigh. "Yes."
concepts from scattered books.
Character Creation "Why are you sad?"
In Tier 1, there are three Attributes
Character creation is done by we concern ourselves with, and they "Because we're going to have
following these sequential steps. are ranked from one to five. The less to eat this winter."
higher the attribute, the better it is.
i. Concept Think about what kind of Every character starts with rank 1 in
character you want to play and what every Attribute.
makes your character who he is.
i. Physical Physical represents how
ii. Buy Attributes All Attributes strong, graceful, and downright tough
begin at rank 1. You have four points a character is. It represents a general
to raise your ranks. Each point raises level of fitness and health that comes
the rank of an Attribute by 1. The from either an active lifestyle or
maximum rank, at which you can inborn characteristics. Characters
begin play is 5. with Rank 1 are bumbling weaklings
who cough and wheeze at the
iii. Buy Skills- Skills being at rank 0. easiest activity. Characters with Rank
You have ten points to spend on 2 are slightly more capable and
skills. As long as the rank is under probably wont be blown over by a
three, each point raises the rank of a stiff wind. Characters with Rank 3
skill by 1. Rank 4 requires 3 points, represent someone slightly above
and Rank 5 requires 4 points. You average who leads and active
may begin play with a skill at rank 5. lifestyle and is relatively healthy.
Rank 4 is for the people who actively
pursue fitness or lead a lifestyle that Skills
The Combat Wombat requires constant exercise. Some
folks are just born big and healthy While Attributes represent our
Keen readers will note that you though, too. Characters with Rank 5 inherent potential, skills are those
can max out your combat skill are on par with professional athletes traits we learn through practice and
at character creation, so much and represent a near pinnacle of experience. Skills are how characters
so that unless the human fitness. funnel their Attributes into play. A
circumstances are horrible, very intelligent character has little
you'll most likely never miss a ii. Mental This Attribute reflects how use if he hasn't applied his smarts to
shot. This is fine. First, such a smart and quick-witted a character is. any specific task or area of study.
character better be able to Mental represents intelligence and
defend himself, because his the ability to learn and adapt. It also Skills, like Attributes, are ranked from
lack of social skills is going to represents willpower and perception. one to five and are defined in very
rub a lot of people the wrong Characters with Rank 1 are dim broad groups. Unlike Attributes, Skills
way. On top of that, he's going bulbs who barely grasp what is all start at Rank 0. If you arent
to lack the skills needed for happening around them. Characters trained in a skill group, youll have to
basic survival and will only be with Rank 2 are of slightly below rely on just your Attributes to get you
able to make money by the way average intellect who may crack a by.
of the gun. Lastly, combat is joke now and again but arent going
deadly. He may kill the first to win any science fairs. Rank 3 Characters with Rank 1 skills are
person he shoots at, but if that characters are of average dabblers. They know enough to get
guy has friends, our Combat intelligence and are fairly good at by and perhaps ask the right
Wombat is dead meat. Also, learning new things and relatively questions, but only have a basic
remember that this isn't a game aware of their surroundings. Rank 4 understanding of the area in
about blowing things up, but characters are sharp and were question. Rank 2 in a skill represents
there's nothing stopping you usually the folks taking the advanced a more focused knowledge base with
from doing so. The combat- classes in high school. Rank 5 a grasp of the basic techniques.
oriented character is a niche characters are so smart that theyre Rank 3 skills are possessed by
that a lot of folks like to almost scary. characters who are accomplished in
play. There's no reason not to the area in question and have a
let someone have their fun just iii. Social- Social represents the broad enough knowledge base to
as long as they realize there's natural charisma a person has and teach about it. Rank 3 represents a
likely going to be an enemy who their ease at working through social college or technical school education.
can shoot just as straight as he situations. It represents general Rank 4 are the true experts who not
can. social adeptness and any gravitas only understand the skill but are
that a person may possess. actively pursuing new concepts .
Characters with Rank 1 are tactless Characters with Rank 5 in a skills
and constantly making people feel have honed that skill though years of
awkward. Hes That Guy. practice and study to the point where
Characters with Rank 2 are savvy few could challenge their experience
enough to not stick their foot in their and knowledge.
mouths often but arent going to be
leading anyone on a suicide charge. i. Academics Characters that invest
Rank 3 is for those people who in this skill have either spent a lot of
others generally like to spend time time digging through books or been a
with. Theyre not the life of the party, very apt student. Academics includes
but theyll do until he arrives. Rank 4 knowledge about sciences, art,
characters are suave and sassy, history and all manner topics one can
always making jests and jeers at the learn through education. Think about
right time. Characters with Rank 5 the possible majors at your local
can command a room with their very college. Anything involving those
presence, and their words seem to topics is probably going to fall under
carry great weight. Academics.
ii. Agriculture Characters who circumstances. Hunting, fishing,
invest in Agriculture have most likely foraging, tracking, first aid, and Bribing the Reaper
spent time on a farm or ranch. This medicine all fall under this skill.
skill includes the planting, tending, Game Masters looking to run a
and harvesting of crops, and handling Secondary Traits less lethal game may allow their
animals or livestock. This also covers players to "Bribe the Reaper."
the use and general maintenance Secondary Traits are static and This rule allows characters to
(though not construction or massive derived values. The only way to escape an otherwise inevitable
repair) of farm equipment modify these at character creation is death, though it does not mean
by using Qualities. they have escaped all harm.
iii. Athletics Characters who invest The 30 men shooting at you
in this skill have trained to push their i. Luck Sometimes lady luck is a may have blasted you into a
bodies to the limit. Acrobatics, fickle friend and nothing seems to be bloody mess, but somehow you
sprinting, climbing, swimming, and going a characters way. On days survived, and they walked
most physical activities are covered when nothing is going right a little away, leaving you for dead. Or
by Athletics. luck can go a long way. A character a fall from a high building may
may spend a point of Luck to reroll have broken every limb, but
iv. Communication Characters who any roll, but he must keep the new somehow you're still alive. Any
invest in this skill have honed their result unless he has another Luck character Bribing the Reaper
people skills. While some folks rely point to spend. Characters begin the instantly has their Hit Points
on natural charisma alone, game with three points of Luck, reduced to 1, and the GM is
characters who train in though this can be modified with encouraged to give them a
communication know how to talk to Qualities. Each new session, a lasting Flaw to reflect their
people to get what they want. characters pool of Luck is brush with death, but the
Haggling, seduction, persuasion, and replenished and any unspent points character must be allowed to
intimidation all fall under the auspice are lost. Luck points may also be live on. No hostile forces may
of this skill. spent to force an enemy to reroll their suddenly circle back for the
dice, which is a nice way of making pure purpose of making another
v. Illicit Characters who invest in the bad guy try again before he can killing blow against this fallen
this skills are good at doing those celebrate that lucky head shot or man.
thing your mother told you not to do. exceptionally high damage roll.
Sneaking around, stealing, picking When Bribing the Reaper, a
locks, and gambling are examples of ii. Defense The best way to survive character permanently reduces
activities that involve this skill. an attack is not to get hit. Defense their total Luck by 1. A point of
represents your characters efforts to temporary Luck should also be
vi. Industrial Characters who invest avoid being hit in melee combat. taken from the pool, if there's
in this skill know how to keep the Your Defense is equal to 5 + Mental one left to take. Even if the
money flowing. Activities that involve + Martial. This is the difficulty that the Luck pool is empty, the Reaper
this skill are trading, operating attacking character must roll to hit can still be swayed by the
machines, construction, scavenging, you. Defense may not be modified by expenditure of the permanent
leather-working, smithing, and repair. Qualities, nor does it apply to ranged point. Characters who have
combat. already reduced their total Luck
vii. Martial Characters who invest in stat to 0 by Bribing the Reaper
this skill know how to hurt people. iii. Speed This represents the repeatedly have no hope left.
Brawling, sword-fighting, gunplay, natural quickness of a character and He will wait no longer to collect
and wrestling all fall under this skill. If equals the number of Zones he can their souls.
it involves making mincemeat out of move in a round. Every character
someone, the activity likely involves begins with a Speed of 1. This may As this is an optional rule,
this skill. be modified by Qualities. Game Masters should declare
whether they will be using it
viii. Survival Characters who invest iv. Hit Points- These represent how before the first game begins.
in this skill know how to keep tough your character is. Whenever
themselves alive in the worst your take damage you subtract the
total from your hit points. If your Hit Sample Qualities
PCs and NPCs Points reach zero you character drop
to the ground unconscious. A Broad Back : +2 to Physical rolls
If you're new to roleplaying characters Hit Points begin at 5 + involving lifting heavy objects.
games, you may not be familiar (3x Physical). This may be modified
with the abbreviations PC and with Qualities. Bruiser: +2 to all Martial rolls
NPC. involving unarmed combat
v. Fatigue This is a measure of the
PC is short for "player weariness that comes from facing the Deadeye: +2 to all Martial rolls
character." It refers to the hazards of everyday life. Fatigue involving pistols
individual character each player accumulates from not treating your
is controlling. If you're creating body well, whether by pushing Green Thumb: +2 to Agriculture rolls
a character right now, that oneself to exhaustion by lack of involving growing crops.
person will soon be a PC. sleep, hunger, thirst, or exposure to
elements and radiation. Every Like the Wind: +1 to Speed 4
NPC is short for "non-player character starts with five fatigue
character." These represent points. As these points are Lucky Bastard: +1 to Luck
everyone in the gaming world accumulated, it gets harder and
that is controlled by the Game harder for a character to accomplish Mechanically Inclined: +2 to
Master instead of a player. The even simple tasks. The specifics for Industrial Rolls involving repair.
bartender you meet in town, Fatigue are discussed later. This may
recluse living on a nearby hill, not be modified by Qualities. Perfect Ten: +2 to Communication
and dozen bandits shooting at rolls involving seduction
you are all NPCs. Qualities and Flaws
Steadfast: +2 to rolls to resist gaining
Qualities and Flaws are player- fatigue
defined descriptors which help
customize and specialize the Tough: +2 Hit Points
character. Instead of coming up with
an either incomplete or exhaustive Two-Gun Kid: Removes the off-hand
list of perks and weaknesses for the penalty for wielding a gun in each
player to choose from, the player is hand
free to create his own. These can be
quotes, adjectives, or other Sample Flaws
All Thumbs: -2 to Industrial when
Whatever you choose as a operating machinery
descriptor, all Qualities will give a +2
bonus to a specific type or roll or will Cursed: critical failures occur on a
modify a Secondary Trait by +1. All roll of 2 or 3, instead of just 2
Flaws will give a 2 to a specific type
of roll. No skill can be modified by Irradiated: whenever a critical failure
more than one Quality. is rolled, the character will become
overwhelmed by the symptoms of
Each character begins play with two their sickness, losing all actions for
Qualities and one Flaw. the next 1d6 rounds
Qualities must be fairly specific and it Sickly: -3 to your maximum hit points.
is up to the GM to allow or disallow a
Quality of Flaw depending on its Socially Inept: -2 to Communication
scope. What follows below are some rolls when meeting new people
example Qualities and Flaws to get
the creative juices flowing. Unlucky: -1 to Luck
Making the System Work For You This philosophy applies to all
pairings. Remember, dont just think Pairs and Luck for NPCs
You should have noticed by now that of the what the action is, ask how the
theres a lot of abstraction in the Tier player intends to accomplish it. The NPCs don't have Pairs or Luck
1 rules. Attributes and skills are system is meant to be flexible, points. That's the man keeping
painted in very broad strokes. Youll allowing players to approach them down while your PCs
also notice that there is some overlap problems (and pick thereby pick the flourish. However, the GM is
between skills. This may leave some Attributes and Skills they're using) in given 2 Luck points, plus one
of you scratching your head when a variety of ways. for each player, for use each
determining what to roll. Those session. We can't let the
people used to playing more granular What about skill overlap? There are players have all the fun, right?
systems may find this a bit odd and some skills that could potentially
possibly intimidating. Fear not, this cover identical areas. For example,
chapter is to show you how to make when examining a plant to determine
this system run like a cyborg if its poisonous which skill would you
cheetah. use? Academics, Agriculture, and
Survival could all possibly apply.
First, note that there are some skills Which one is correct? All of them
that are almost always going to be could be, depending on the players
paired with certain Attributes. background and the specificity of the
Physical and Athletics. Mental and task at hand. For example, say some
Academics. Social and players are trying to identify what the
Communication. While the majority of GM knows is an extremely rare plant
the time these will be paired, there thats not native to the region.
will be situations where they will best Players could roll any of the above
be matched with other traits. The key skills with their Mental score to
to deciding which Attribute to pair determine what they know of the
with each Skills lies not only in what plant.
a character is doing but how they are
doing it. Ultimately, the call of what Attribute
and Skill combinations are
For example, lets say a player wants reasonable is up to the GM, and he
to intimidate someone. How are they alone can make the final call. The
going to go about that task? If GM may also offer bonuses or
theyre looking to stare someone penalties based on the combination
down Eastwood-style with looks that the players choose. In the example
are going to strike fear into the target, above, if the plant is not native to this
thats Social + Communication. If the area, the person using Academics
character wants to use his vast might get a +2 bonus for having read
intellect to make the target feel about it in textbooks, while the
especially stupid, thats Mental + survivalist gets a -2 for having never
Communication. If the character is seen it before.
intimidating by size and prowess
alone, thats Physical + Lets take a look at another overlap.
Communication. Say you wanted to drive a tractor.
Would that fall under Agriculture or
In a debate or a lecture thats relying Industrial? Again, either could be
on facts youd be using Mental + used as one could learn such things
Communication. If youre just trying from experience on the farm or just
to get by on personality alone in a from experience with machines in
similar situation that would use Social general. Since those raised on a farm
+ Communication. are more likely to have practical
experience, you may want to give a
+2 bonus for using Agriculture, but Examples:
A Little Bit of History thats entirely up to the GM. As a
general rule, Academics applies to Picking a Lock
Six-sided dice have been used general knowledge and theories, Mental + Illicit
in gaming and fortunetelling for while an actual skill shows practical
thousands of years, appearing experience with a subject. An Lifting something heavy
in societies as diverse as the ecologist may know all about how to Physical + Athletics
Greeks, Chinese, and grow and care for corn, but if he
Egyptians. In ancient times, doesn't have an Agriculture skill. he's Designing a barn
dice were made from the not going to be good at actually Mental + Industrial
anklebones of hoofed animals. growing it himself. (or Mental + Agriculture)
This is how the phrase, "roll the
bones," came to be used to How about what to use for opposed Building a barn
refer to shooting dice. Modern tests? Again, it all depends on how Physical + Industrial
dice are typically made from the participants are going about their
molded plastic, though bones tasks. Keith may be trying to Driving a truck
are still used in some cultures persuade Scott by using Social + Mental + Industrial
up to this day. Communication, while Scott is using
his strong willpower to resist with Hiding from a guard
Mental + Communication. Scott may Physical + Illicit vs. Mental
then try to intimidate using his buff
physique by rolling Physical + Trying to notice things
Communication, while Scott again Mental + Mental
uses his mental fortitude by rolling
Mental + Communication. Its also
feasible that Scott could resist by
flexing his own muscles using
Physical + Communication. Go with
whatever makes the most sense
based on the players intent.
The Combat Turn Path, Steep Hill, and Log Fall. Zones
can easily be written out on a The Last Days of
The combat turn is five seconds long. battlemap or whiteboard and players Atticus Green
During this time your character may can place minis or chits to indicate
move and perform one action. Once which zone they are in.
Tom crept up the hill on his
your turn is over, you proceed down belly, his men spread out in a
the initiative order until your turn Zones can have Qualities all their
long arc to his left and right.
comes up again. own. One zone may be filled with fire
The banners, animals, and
such that all in the zone take damage
lanterns had all been left two
Initiative from burns, while another may be
miles away. Equipped only with
coated in thick ice that hinders the
their rifles and makeshift armor,
At the start of combat, each characters' movement. Another zone
Tom's forced moved slowly,
participant rolls for initiative. Initiative may be filled with crates that make
careful not to make a sound.
is a Mental + Athletics roll. The cover easy to find. The best zones
Time was on their side, but a
character with the highest total have a character all their own which
single snapping twig could alert
activates first, and the turns continue makes them an interesting place for
the raiders to their presence,
down the list from highest roll to the battle to occur.
turning his certain victory into
lowest. This entire sequence is called humiliating defeat.
one round. Once a round is over, you ii. Speed and Running Every
move to the highest initiative again. character has a Speed value. This is
Finally he reached the crest of
Players keep their initiative for the the number of zones you can move
the hill. Looking down, he could
entire combat. each round. A character with a
see the campfires and tents of
Speed of 1 may move from one zone
the raiders below. Their
On an initiative tie, the player with the into an adjacent zone each round.
animals were tied to nearby
highest Athletics goes first. If a tie Characters with higher Speed values
trees. The criminals
still remains, then the player with the can move further in a round.
themselves were stumbling
highest Physical goes first. If a tie about in raucous celebration,
still remains after that, those who are Characters may also choose to run. If
clearly drunk on whatever liquor
tied roll an opposed Metal + Athletics a character runs he moves his Speed
they'd taken from their most
test to see who goes first. value plus his Athletics rank that turn.
recent assault.
His turn then immediately ends once
movement stops.
Movement Tom raised his rifle and took
careful aim at the closest one.
iii. Obstacles Sometimes there are
i. Zones When combat breaks out, Glancing left and right to make
hazards in the way that make it more
its important to know the relative sure his men were ready, he
difficult to move between zones.
positions of all those involved. We do gave the yell that signaled for
These are called obstacles. Each
this by the use of zones that them to open fire. Within
obstacle is rated with a value
determine both position and range. minutes, the bloodbath was
between one and five. The higher the
Zones are the arenas in which all the over. In their drunken state,
number, the more difficult the
action takes place. Zone creation is their defense was laughable,
obstacle is to bypass. A slick spot of
largely arbitrary but should be guided and only a few managed to
oil may be a rank 1 obstacle, but a
by common sense breakdowns escape into the night. Never
reinforced barrier wrapped in barbed
considering natural barriers and again would these bastards
wire and set on fire would be a rank 5
distances. For instance, if combat threaten the villages and farms
broke out in a house, possible zones of southern Missouri.
include The Living Room, The
When a character encounters an
Backyard, The Basement, and
obstacle between the zones he is
Upstairs. A sailing ship may have
moving through, he makes a simple
the zones of Main Deck, Forecastle,
Physical + Athletics roll and applies
Poopdeck, and Crow's Nest. A battle
the obstacles rank as a penalty. This
in a wooded area may include such
is a free action. If he succeeds he
zones as Copse of Trees, Overgrown
may continue moving without
penalty. If he fails, the character fighting with weapons. To make a
A Little Bit of Science remains stuck on the obstacle and melee attack, the player makes a
his turn ends. The next turn he treats Physical + Martial test. If the result is
Contrary to popular belief, the obstacle as a normal zone and equal to or higher than the
bullets from even large firearms may move off of it without a roll. opponents Defense, the attack hits.
do not hit with sufficient force to If the attack was successful, the
throw around human targets. Example: Scotts goons have setup a attacker now rolls damage. The
For example, the slug from a barricade using shipping crates that attack gains a point of damage for
.45 caliber handgun will strike they're hiding behind. When the fight each Click earned. Unarmed attacks
with about the same power as a turns against them, they flee into the deal an amount of damage equal to
one pound weight dropped from hallway behind them and into the the character's Physical attribute.
just over 11 feet. If firearms next zone. Roy wants to chase them
struck with enough kinetic down. He has a Speed of 1 and Certain modifiers do apply to the
energy to throw a human adult, wants to save his action, so he melee attack roll:
the recoil would be devastating chooses not to run. He has Rank 2
to the firer. Physical and Rank 2 Athletics. The Attacker has higher ground /
barricade has a rating of 2 so Ryan mounted : +2
For more information, see rolls 2d6+2+2 and gets an 11. The
Handgun Wounding Factors Obstacle Rating reduces that by 2 to Defender is engaged with multiple
and Effectiveness by Urey a 9, making his total less than an 11, opponents: +2 for each additional
Patrick of the FBI Academy's so Ryan fails and must stop on the opponent
Firearm Training Unit. obstacle losing any other action. The
next turn he uses his Speed of 1 to Defender is prone: +4
follow the thugs into the hallway.
Attacker is armed and Defender is
Actions unarmed: +2
Each character may perform one Example: Scott has finally had it and
action as well as movement during approaches Keith intent on teaching
their turn. Actions can be just about him a lesson. Scott wins the initiative
anything you can do within five roll and sees that both characters are
seconds. Actions include, but are not in the Dancefloor zone. Scott
limited to: attacking, drawing a attempts to punch Keith. Keith rolls
weapon, searching for an item in a his Physical + Martial and gets a
bag, reloading, going prone, picking a result of a 10. Keiths defense is only
lock, and applying first aid. 7. The attack hits and earns one
Free actions are those activities that
are not distracting enough to Ranged Attacks
constitute an action. Speaking a
sentence or passing along hand Ranged combat has a few more
signals are both free actions, for steps than melee combat.
instance. Characters may perform
as many free actions as the GM feels i. Check Range - Range is
should be reasonably allowed during determined by how many zones the
a 5 second period. characters are apart. Characters in
the same zone are at Point Blank
Melee Attacks Range. Every weapon has an
optimal range which is the number of
Characters in the same zone may zones away it can fire without
engage in melee combat. This penalty. Once outside the optimal
includes brawling, wrestling, and zone the attacker takes a -6 penalty
to his shots. If the situation is such
that zones are not being used or Scott which puts him at optimal range
drawn out, then the GM will tell you for a pistol. Scott has moderate cover Short Lives in the Waste
what the range is to your target. (-3) from the table and the lighting in
the bar is dim (-2). Keith rolls his Youll notice that combat is a
Ranged Attacks Physical + Martial and gets a 15 brutal affair. Most characters
which results in a 10 after modifiers. are going to be dropped by one
Ranged combat has a few more The shot goes wide. or two solid hits. This is
steps than melee combat. intentional. Combat is brutal,
Puttin' the Hurt On deadly, and should not be
i. Check Range - Range is undertaken unless you can
determined by how many zones the Every weapon has a damage rating. stack the advantages to your
characters are apart. Characters in This rating is rolled after a successful side. That said, if you like more
the same zone are at Point Blank attack, and a bonus point is added for cinematic combat you can
Range. Every weapon has an each Click from the attack roll. The always just increase the
optimal range which is the number of target may reduce the damage by the number of hit points a character
zones away it can fire without Damage Reduction of the single best gets. Do what you feel is right
penalty. Once outside the optimal piece of armor he's wearing. His hit for your game.
zone the attacker takes a -6 penalty points are then reduced by any
to his shots. If the situation is such damage that gets through. If the
that zones are not being used or targets hit points reach zero, he is
drawn out, then the GM will tell you incapacitated. An incapacitated
what the range is to your target. target is unable to do little more than
lie in a ball and groan. He is
ii. Open Fire effectively out of the combat.
he attacker makes a simple test
using Physical + Martial and applies The only way to kill someone is
the modifiers below. Note that this is through choice. This happens in one
a simple test, not a test versus of two ways. The first is that anyone
Defense (like melee combat). can mercilessly and instantly kill a
target that is incapacitated, as long
Range: Optimal 0 / Long -6 as he has the means to do so. The
second way is to announce at the
Cover: Light (a large bush) -1 to start of an attack that youre going for
Heavy (a concrete barricade) -4 the kill. If you do this, your target is
dead when their hit points reach
Target Prone: -4 zero, not incapacitated.
iii. Grapple- Attacker and defender x. Full Defense - +4 defense but may
A Little Bit of History make an opposed Physical + Martial not move nor take any actions.
test. If attacker wins, defender is
As of the writing of this grappled and may take no other xi. Full Attack - +2 to hit, -2 Defense
document, the most powerful, action than trying to break the hold.
non-nuclear weapon in To break the hold the defender must Explosives
America's arsenal is the GBU- pass an opposed Physical + Martial
43/B "MOAB" bomb. Its blast is Test. If the attacker loses the grapple Who doesn't like explosions?
roughly 450 feet in radius, test, the defender may immediately There's really no better way of taking
carrying the force of 11 tons of roll damage for any weapon he had down a tightly packed group.
TNT. Russia claims to have out as free action. Explosives such as grenades and
developed a conventional bomb TNT all have a damage rating. When
four times more powerful than iv. Disarm - Attacker and defender the explosive device detonates it rolls
the MOAB, though there is make an opposed Physical + Martial its damage and applies that to
some controversy over whether test. The attacker is at -2. If the everyone in the same zone as the
this weapon works as claimed. attacker wins, the defender is explosion. Some explosives are big
disarmed. If the defender wins, he enough that they effect multiple
In case you're curious, the gets a +2 to hit the attacker on his zones. In situations such as this,
nuclear weapon dropped on next attack. cover is invaluable. If a character is
Hiroshima (small and outdated behind cover, double that cover's
by today's standards) was over v. Tricks - An attacker may attempt to rating and apply it as armor to the
1,000 times more powerful than trick or otherwise distract an character behind it. If someone
the MOAB. and more than 250 opponent (throw sand in his eyes, jumps on top of a grenade or other
times more powerful than etc). The attacker makes a simple explosive it automatically halves the
Russia's similar weapon . Mental + Martial test. If he wins, the damage. Throwing any device falls
target is at -2 to his next action with under the Martial skill as a ranged
an additional -1 penalty for each attack with a +4 bonus to hit. Clicks
Click. earned on this attack do not translate
into extra damage. If the attack
vi. Aim - Sacrifice movement to gain misses, randomly determine which
a +2 to hit at range. adjacent zone the explosive lands in.
vii. Called Shot - -2 for Arms (if Example: Scott tosses a stick of
attack causes damage anything that dynamite into a room with Keith and
arm is holding is dropped), Legs (if Roy. Roy quickly dives behind a box
attack causes damage speed is that has a cover rating for 2. The
reduced by 1),. -5 for Head - +4 dynamite explodes doing 12 damage.
Damage Keith is severely wounded in the
blast as he takes the full 12 points.
viii. Two Weapons - A character Roy applies twice the cover rating as
wielding two weapons may attack armor and so reduces that 12
twice around. The first attack is at -2 damage to 8. He's still hurt, but he's
and the second attack is at -4 (-2 for in good enough shape to draw a gun
action + -2 offhand). on Scott.
ratings range from 1 to 5. Use the be lost as slowly as one every few
following as guidelines: hours or as quickly as one per round. A Little Bit of Science
Intensity 1 = flaming brand If a character accumulates three Radiation sickness is caused by
Intensity 2 = campfire points of Fatigue damage from a alpha, beta, or gamma particles
Intensity 3 = bonfire single exposure to radiation, he will entering the human body.
Intensity 4 = house fire forever bear the Irradiated flaw. These particles can disrupt cell
Intensity 5 = raging inferno division, break down DNA, or
Healing Hit Points outright kill cells.
Healing is a slow process in a world Gamma radiation can penetrate
50 years after the nuclear war, where medicine is typically the body, doing massive
radiation caused directly by the unavailable. If left to heal naturally, a amounts of damage in a short
warheads has long since faded character regains one hit point back period of time. Beta radiation
away. However, it is quite possible per week. If a character has a can burn sensitive areas such
for characters to become exposed to background in medicine or first aid, as your eyes. Alpha radiation
radiation by contact with abandoned he may make a simple Mental + can be stopped by your skin,
industrial sites or unused weaponry. Survival test. Each success and Click meaning radioactive material
gives the character back an must be inhaled or ingested for
As radiation ravages a character's additional hit point that week. This the particles to do you any
body, it will manifest in the form of medical intervention may only occur harm.
Fatigue (the rules for Fatigue are once after a combat. Additional
described in detail in the next attempts to treat the same injuries Nuclear blasts yield all three
section). Depending on the severity accomplish nothing. forms of radiation. Gamma
of the radiation, Fatigue points could radiation will occur in the initial
blast, while alpha and beta
radiation will be carried in the
dust created by the detonation.
This dust is commonly known
as "fallout."
Fatigue hours) it forces a fatigue test that
The Last Days of morning. A character who gets less
Atticus Green The human body is made to endure. than 8 hours of sleep each night but
A man can survive under great more than 4 makes a fatigue test
duress as long as he can keep his every 5 days. Interrupted or poor
Grandpa paused to lean against sleep due to conditions can also
an oak tree. He had walked far mind focused and his body moving.
Unfortunately, even the strongest- induce a test. This is not something
too many miles for a man his that's terribly important to keep track
age. His lungs, legs, and head willed and most able-bodied man
gets tired. Fatigue is the track on of, but comes into play if a character
all hurt from it. His horse didn't wants to work long days to get a task
seem to be holding up much which we monitor how exhausted a
body is. Every character has a done faster he can cut down on his
better. The old girl was sleep time or is being kept awake for
stamping next to him, a heavy fatigue track which has five
numbered boxes. As he some reason.
bag of salt slung across her
back -- the only thing left he accumulates fatigue those boxes are
checked off. The number of boxes ii. Hunger - Each character needs 1
could trade for food. serving of food each day. Each day
check counts as a penalty on all tests
until that fatigue is removed. A that he does eat one ration he must
"How're you holding up, make a fatigue test. For each
Sarah?" he asked. "Yeah, me character with three fatigue boxes
marked off takes a -3 penalty to consecutive day that he has to make
too. Well, it's just a few more this test he takes a -2 penalty on
miles." every roll, for instance.
further fatigue rolls (this is in addition
All tests for fatigue are a simple to any fatigue penalty). A character
He looked to the north, trying to may either hunt for food or forage.
see the smoke that would be Physical + Mental test. If you fail the
test you get a point of fatigue. On top Attempting either takes 6 hours. If
rising above the town. It was you go hunting you must have the
late enough, so surely they'd be of any penalty from gaining fatigue,
many of the situations that force proper equipment (guns, bow and
lighting the hearths soon. arrow, fishing tackle) and may make
Unfortunately, he saw nothing fatigue tests penalize the character
for each cumulative test. Each a Physical + Survival test. If
at all. That meant the town was successful you manage to kill an
much further than he'd thought. fatigue-causing situation will explain
how often as test needs to be made. animal worth 1d6 servings plus 1
If the character ever takes a sixth ration for every Click. If you choose
Struggling to fend off the to forage you make a Mental +
frustration rising in his gut, he point of fatigue he passes out. If the
sixth point of fatigue was caused by Survival test and gain 1 serving plus
snatched Sarah's reins and one for every Click. Both hunting
plodded on. hunger, thirst, or radiation the
character will die within 24 hours and foraging are inherently difficult
without some sort of first aid. If the tasks and start out at a -2 penalty.
sixth point is from any other source This can be further modified by
then the character will remain environmental factors such as
unconscious for 24 hours. That rest scarcity of food and overhunting.
heals the sixth point of fatigue and
the character awakes with five points Unpreserved food spoils quickly.
filled. Meat rots, insects get into fruit, and
bears maul your character to get
Gaining Fatigue tasty fish. For each serving of food
that is saved instead of eaten
The following are common events immediately, roll a die every day. If
that cause fatigue: that die comes up odd, that serving
has spoiled and may no longer be
i. Poor Sleep - The average person eaten.
needs about 8 hours of sleep a night
to awake fully rested. If the character If you eat servings in excess of the
gets very little sleep (less than four one required ration you gain back
one point of fatigue. Note that his is
not one per point you eat, but one Character are comfortable between
total. the temperatures of 35 and 95 Seeing Tomorrow
degrees Fahrenheit. Exposures to
iii. Thirst - The other daily need the temperatures outside of this range Survival should be a major part
body has is for water. A character provoke a fatigue test every hour. of most Skies of Glass games.
needs two servings of water a day to Each additional five degrees outside After all, the characters are
stave off dehydration. A fatigue test of this range penalize the test by -2. living in a world that has lost our
is made each day that both servings Cold temperatures can be protected present infrastructure. The
are not consumed. For each against by use of multiple layers of food, clothing, and medicine we
consecutive day a fatigue test is clothing. As long as the character is take for granted are now
made the character suffers a -2 appropriately dressed for the cold (by precious commodities. It
penalty to the test (this is in addition our modern standards) they get a +4 should never be simply
to any fatigue penalty). If the to the fatigue test. assumed that any character has
character can consume at least one everything they need to live.
serving of water each day (half vii. Radiation - For every three hours
rations) then he gets no penalty to spend in a zone that has green level
the fatigue test. A character may radiation the character must take a
search for water by making a Mental fatigue test. Each consecutive test is
+ Survival test. This test takes 6 at -2 penalty in addition to any fatigue
hours. If the test is successful the penalty.
character finds a source of water
such as a pond, creek, spring, or Healing Fatigue
lake. If the test fails, the character
takes 2 fatigue. While he may drink Certain activities also remove fatigue:
freely, keep in mind that many such
water sources may be contaminated i. Rest - A full night's sleep can
by pollution or disease and the water remove one point of fatigue every
may need to be boiled. If the night. If the character also rests the
character is in a dry environment entire day, which involves doing little
such as a desert he will only find 1d6 buy lying around, they remove an
servings plus 1 serving for every additional point of fatigue. For ease
Click. of play, there's no reason to track the
source of each point of fatigue, but
iv. Wounds: - Make a fatigue test if the way the system works a
your character was wounded during character could sleep off fatigue
combat. If the character ended penalties from starving to death and
combat with less than half his starting dehydrating. This is allowable if a
hit points he makes the test at -2 and character goes without the necessary
gains two points of fatigue on a food and drink in the short term. If
failure. Again, combat sucks. the character is making these tests
for multiple days the GM should not
v. Strenuous Activity - Really allow the player to allow rest to feed
strenuous activity that pushes the and water his character.
body to its limits will cause a fatigue
test. This is left up to the GM. Long ii. Excess Food - Eating servings of
combats, intense manual labor, food in addition to the daily
hiking through really rough terrain, requirement removes one point of
and casual labor without breaks are fatigue. Note, that only one point is
examples of this trigger. removed per day no matter how
many additional servings are
vi. Extreme Conditions - Heat and consumed.
cold can sap a body's strength very
quickly if precautions are not taken. iii. Indulgences - Some people enjoy
drinking and gambling. Others enjoy
A Little Bit of History sitting quietly with a book. Whatever
your character enjoys doing, he
As of this writing, the world removes one point of fatigue when he
record for running a marathon is indulges himself. This can only be
2:04:26, held by Haile done once per week.
Gebrselassie. This is probably
due in no small part to the fact
that he would run 10km to and
from school every day, books in
hand. In fact, even as an adult,
he runs with a crick in his left
arm as if he was still holding his
Barter Value Click adjusts the value by another
10%. The BV of the item is raised if The Last Days of
When society collapsed after the the winner is selling and lowered if Atticus Green
nuclear war, so did its economic the winner is buying. Here's the
system. Paper money is difficult to catch: If the characters haggle
Grandpa hefted the sack of salt
find and generally regarded as during a transaction they MUST
onto the counter of the general
worthless. Similarly, electronic complete that transaction. The PCs
store. The old boards creaked
accounts have been lost completely. can't just walk away if they get
beneath its weight.
Local money has been developed for convinced that they need to pay a
some communities, but most have higher price than an item cost
The proprietor gave it a long,
reverted to a system of barter. originally. The only exception is if the
slow look-over. He said nothing
PCs cannot pay the higher price. In
for a painfully long time. "How
A Barter Value chart will be that case, the transaction doesn't
much is it?" he finally asked.
developed for each locality in Skies take place but the character's
of Glass, offering a measure of how reputations with that merchant are
Grandpa shrugged, mustering
valuable certain items are in that soured.
the best smile he could.
area. For example, corn may be "Couldn't tell ya for sure, but it's
relatively worthless in a community Example: Scott decides his watch is
hard for me to lift."
rich with grain farmers while being more valuable than the 175 BV the
highly prized in the famine-stricken merchant was offering him. He
"And you want food for it? I
urban center nearby. decides to take a chance and
see. Unfortunately, the most I
haggle. Scott's result is a 7. The
can give you is a few pounds of
It would be impossible to write a merchant's result is 13. That's a
corn. Maybe a few more of
chart showing the value of every success and 3 Clicks for the
item. However, charts will be merchant. He manages to drop the
provided for each region of the game BV of watch by 40%. Scott, as he
The old man was stunned. This
world, showing values for items that decided to haggle, is committed to
much salt was worth far more in
are either common or of likely this transaction and gets only 105 BV
trade than a meager amount of
interest to players. for the watch.
grain. "That's it? That's all you
can give me? Felix, we've
You'll inevitably need to set barter Scavenging known your family for years
values for items not on this chart. and"
When doing so, try to look at a The bones of the old world are ripe
couple of things: what natural for the picking, though most places "Listen, I don't mean you any
resources are abundant in this area, have been scavenged rather harm. But you have to
what pre-bomb remains (if any) are thoroughly. You never know when understand that your farm
nearby for salvage, how difficult is an you may come across an wasn't the only one hit. I've had
item to create, and what undiscovered pile of old people coming in here all day,
manufacturing means does this technology. Scavenging is a 6 hour trading me anything they have
location have? Just like in today's endeavor that requires a simple for food. It's not that I don't
world, an item may be cheap and Mental + Industrial test. This test is want to help you -- I just can't.
common in one place, yet rare and modified by how well-traveled the I've got nothing to give you."
expensive somewhere else. area is. If the character is searching
a scrap pile off of a well-used "But without more food, my
Haggling roadway the roll would be modified family will starve."
by -4. However, if the characters
Half the fun of buying stuff is arguing discovered a long-lost mining camp, "And so will mine. We live off
about what it costs. Haggling is an they would get +4 to the roll. If the what comes through this store,
opposed Social + Communication test is successful, roll 2d6. Double and I don't think we can eat
test between the two parties the result of that roll for each click on bowls of salt all winter long."
involved. A success modifies the the scavenging test to find the base
final BV of the item by10%. Each BV. Then roll (d6-2) for rarity and
(d6-2) for complexity and multiply the Machine Pistol
BV and Roleplaying base BV by those two Damage: 2d6
numbers. That final result is how Optimal Range: 2 zones
Barter Value (BV) should be much the scavenged item(s) is worth. Rate of Fire: 6
handled carefully while Ammunition: 18 shots
roleplaying. The phrase will be Alternatively, the GM can create
used as slang by those living in scavenging charts which detail just Submachine Gun
the post-nuclear world. For what is found on each attempt. If the Damage: 2d6
example, someone might say, character is looking for something Optimal Range: 3 zones
"This gold bar has a high BV," specific, the GM should modify the Rate of Fire: 6
recognizing it would carry a test by the rarity of the item being Ammunition: 30 shots
high value in trade. However, searched for. This penalty is in
BV is an abstract concept addition to the above modifier for Rifle
representing how much an item how well-used the location is. Damage: 3d6
is worth to an individual. It's not Optimal Range: 6 zones
as if you would walk into a store Weapons Rate of Fire: 2
and find a tag on an item, Ammunition: 8 shots
stating it costs 100 BV. Nor will Club
BV values be consist between Damage: Physical + 1d6 Muzzle-Loaded Rifle
individuals or regions. Water Damage: 3d6
might carry a high BV in the Knife Optimal Range: 3 zones
desert while being nearly Damage: 2d6 Rate of Fire: 1
worthless in a river town. Special rules: May be thrown. Ammunition: 1 shot
Special Rules: This weapon requires
The numeric values we provide Sword two rounds to reload.
in the rules are only meant to Damage: 3d6
give players a starting point for Assault Rile
understanding what objects are Spear Damage: 3d6
worth. Consider these values Damage: 2d6 Optimal Range: 6 zones
meta-game information that Special rules: May be thrown. When Rate of Fire: 6
should never come up in actual in melee, the attacker gains a +2 Ammunition: 30 shots
roleplaying. A person might bonus to hit against even armed
trade you several pounds of opponents because of the weapon's Shotgun, Pump
food for a blanket, but they reach (this bonus does not apply if Damage: 4d6
would never give you a numeric the weapon is being thrown). Optimal Range: 4 zones
quote in BV. Rate of Fire: 1
Bow Ammunition: 7 shot
Damage: 2d6 Special Rules: If the weapon is
Optimal Range: 3 zones loaded with shot (instead of a slug),
Rate of Fire: 1 the following special rules apply. The
Ammunition: 1 attacker gains +2 bonus to
hit. Damage decreases by 1d6 per
Revolver zone. Attacks may be directed at
Damage: 2d6 targets within a few feet of each other
Optimal Range: 2 zones at no penalty (provided they are at
Rate of Fire: 1 least one zone away from the
Ammunition: 6 shooter) dealing full damage to both
targets. The protection of any armor
Semi-Automatic Pistol worn is doubled.
Damage: 2d6
Optimal Range: 2 zones
Rate of Fire: 2
Ammunition: 8 shots
Shotgun, Sawed-Off Molotov Cocktail (aka Shinebomb)
Damage: 4d6 Damage: 3d6 Recovering Technology
Optimal Range: 1 zone Optimal Range: 1 zone
Rate of Fire: 1 Special Rules: Affects 1 zone as if it Post-nuclear civilization rests
Ammunition: 2 shots were an explosive. At the GMs upon the ashes of its pre-war
Special Rules: If the weapon is discretion, the Molotov may ignite ancestors. The remnants of
loaded with shot (instead of a slug), flammable objects in the zone. If the high tech items are quite
the following special rules apply. The zone is set ablaze, it will continue to common. However, simply
attacker gains a +4 bonus to deal 2d6 damage per turn to anyone finding something sophisticated
hit. Damage decreases by 2d6 per within (dealt on each subsequent turn doesn't mean you can use it.
zone. Attacks may be directed at two of the person that threw the Molotov)
targets within a few feet of each other and create smoke that obscures the First, you'll need to understand
at no penalty, dealing full damage to sight of any firing across or within the its operation. No one is born
both targets. The protection of any zone (-2 penalty to hit). knowing how to drive a car or
armor worn is doubled. prime a particle rifle.
Dead Man's Gun Damage: 4d6 Second, you must be able to
Damage: 4d6 Optimal Range: 2 zones sustain it. Without power or
Optimal Range: 1 zone Special Rules: Treated as an spare parts, most high-tech
Rate of Fire: 1 explosive that affects 1 zone. gear is utterly worthless. And
Ammunition: 1 shot with the pre-bomb infrastructure
Special Rules: The attacker gains a Armor in ruins, it's hard to come by
+4 bonus to hit. Damage decreases either.
by 2d6 per zone. Attacks may be Thick Cloth, Hide, or Quilted
directed at two targets within a few Damage Reduction: 1 These two factors make
feet of each other at no penalty, functioning electronics, cars,
dealing full damage to both Boiled Leather energy weapons, etc, very rare
targets. The protection of any armor Damage Reduction: 2 outside of the small enclaves
worn by the attacker is doubled. A that have managed to preserve
critical failure on the attack roll Scrap their pre-bomb society.
means the gun has backfired, dealing Damage Reduction: 4
2d6 damage to the user and
destroying the weapon (its remains Metal
will trade for only 1/10th of its normal Damage Reduction: 5
BV). This weapon requires two
rounds to reload. Kevlar
Damage Reduction: 10
Particle Pistol
Damage: 2d6 Ceramic
Optimal Range: 2 zones Damage Reduction: 15
Rate of Fire: 2
Ammunition: 12 shots Powered Armor
Special Rules: Ignores 10 points Damage Reduction: 20
of armor. Special Rules: Wearing this armor
adds 5 to your Physical attribute.
Particle Rifle
Damage: 3d6
Optimal Range: 6 zones
Rate of Fire: 2
Ammunition: 24 shots
Special Rules: Ignores 10 points of
Advancement Points Spending AP
Another Consideration
Part of the fun of a roleplaying game Players may spend AP to improve
Just as you can modify the is watching your character improve. their characters before or after game
number of AP a player gets for This can come through their sessions. Without special approval
their participation in the game, advancement in the world, as played from the Game Master, points should
you may also want to adjust it out in the game, or in improvements never be spent mid-game.
based on the intended length of to their numerical stats.
your gaming campaign. If you Points may be spent as follows...
will keep these characters for a At the end of each game session,
long time, it's better to slow Game Masters should award i. A single attribute may be raised by
down advancement. Otherwise Advancement Points (AP) to each spending 4 AP. Attributes may only
you'll hit the top and have character. AP represent your be increased to a maximum of 5. Be
nowhere else to go. character's growth in mind and body sure to increase any secondary stats
Conversely, if this will be a as a result of his adventuring. (such as hit points) that are tied to
short campaign, let the points that attribute.
flow since the characters won't Players should be awarded at least
be around long enough to grow one AP for every game they attend. ii. A single skill may be raised by
any other way. The GM can optionally give more spending 3 AP. Skills may only be
points for participation, humor, major increased to a maximum of 5. Be
accomplishments, good roleplaying, sure to increase any secondary stats
or anything else that represented (such as Defense) that are tied to
progress in the game or added value that skill.
to the experience of playing.
iii. A new Quality may be purchased
We recommend awarding between for 5 points. No single Quality may
one and five AP per game, adjusted be taken more than once.
based on how much that player (or
his character) did during that game.
Deciding to Fish optionally choose to have the non-
fisherman play multiple fish. For each Mini-Games in
Anyone may play the fishing game, fish, roll 1d6 and note the Skies of Glass
provided a character has access to result. The number rolled
fishable waters and a fishing line, represents how many servings of
When writing Skies of Glass,
spear, net, or some similar tool that food can be extracted from each fish.
we wanted to offer entertaining
would enable fishing. If multiple rules for more tasks than just
characters are fishing, the game A skilled fisherman may realize no
combat. To that end, we're
should be played for one person at a desirable fish are in a certain area,
developing optional mini-games
time. Pick one fisherman to go first. so he might migrate to a new location
to represent activities such as
Everyone except the fisherman will and fish there instead. For each
hunting, farming, or operating a
play the role of fish. It is level of skill the fisherman has in
trade caravan. These mini-
recommended there be three to six Survival, the fish may be asked to re-
games are designed so that
fish present. Feel free to have people roll their size dice once. There are
everyone can play, whether
play multiple fish if there are not two important limitations on these
their character is involved in the
enough players available. rolls. First, all fish must re-roll; the
task or not. As a sample, we're
fisherman cannot request that only
releasing rules for fishing in this
Each fishing attempt will take one some fish roll again. Second, the
version of the game. Expect
hour of game time. The fisherman new roll must be kept in place of the
more mini-games in future
may fish as many times as he old one, even if it is worse.
wishes. If the Game Master is
concerned about the game being Example: Since Luke, Dan, John,
slowed down, he may ask that and Chris are all playing fish, each
individual fishing attempts be rolls a 1d6 to determine their
multiplied. For example, if the size. They roll as follows: Luke (4),
fisherman wants to fish for six hours, Dan (3), John (2), Chris (3). Matt has
the Game Master could inform him a level two Survival skill, so he could
the group will only be playing the ask them all to re-roll their dice up to
fishing game once. Whatever two times. However, he is satisfied
happens during each fishing attempt with the rolls and declines to do so.
will then be multiplied by six to keep
the results fair. Baiting the Hook
Example: Matt, Luke, Dan, John, and The fisherman must now put bait on
Chris are playing Skies of Glass. Dan his hook and lower it into the water.
is the Game Master while the others The fish should all roll 2d6. The result
are players. During their travels, the represents the kind of bait they are
group stops to rest by a stream for interested in.
two hours. Matt declares his intention
to fish, making him the fisherman. The fisherman should now take one
The players are in a hurry to continue six-sided die. For each skill level he
the game, so Dan declares that the has in Survival, he may take an
game will only be played once, the additional six-sided die. All of these
results being doubled to represent dice should be rolled together. The
the two hours spent fishing. fisherman may now take as many or
as few of the dice as desired, trying
Settling Near the Water to create a total that puts him as
close as possible to the fish he's
Each player other than Matt will be most interested in. Each fish whose
playing a fish, and we must roll is no more than 1 number away
determine the side of each fish. If from the fisherman's total is attracted
you're playing with an unusually to the bait, nosing and nipping
small group, the Game Master may around it.
If the fisherman cannot possibly the fisherman has remaining skill
The Last Days of interest any fish -- no matter how he levels to pay for it. Upon returning,
Atticus Green totals the dice -- they all swim away the fish should roll a new 1d6,
and the game ends in failure for the concealing the results.
A cold wind whipped across the Optionally, a fisherman can choose
river, stirring up the trees. to let a fish escape in favor of
Example: Luke, Dan, John, and Chris
Grandpa settled on his favorite focusing on the larger ones that
roll 3, 4, 7, and 12 respectively. Since
rock and put the fishing pole remain. However, if all available fish
Matt has a level two Survival skill, he
between his knees. He'd get away and cannot be lured back,
gets a total of three dice to roll. He
always had good luck catching the game ends here.
rolls a 2, 2, and 6. Looking over his
fish here, and as strange as it
dice, Matt decides to combine the 2
sounded, the abandoned town Example: Luke and Dan both roll one
and 2 (discarding the 6). His total of
across the water always made die each, getting a 4 (Luke) and 6
4 will interest two of the fish (Luke
for agreeable company, quiet (Dan). Matt's rolls go as follow...
and Dan), while the other two (Chris
and full of stories the observant
and John) swim away.
eye could ferret out. #1 - Matt rolls a 5 and 6. Dan
Getting a Bite declares the line is being tugged,
Grandpa put a night crawler on while Luke says nothing. Matt
the bone hook and tossed it into guesses Dan has a 5. Since he is
the water. Then he waited, The remaining fish will now begin to
bite at the bait. The fisherman must wrong, Dan's fish escapes. Matt has
studied the town for some detail a level two Survival skill, which will
he'd missing on his previous hope that one will actually bite down
on the hook properly, rather than allow him to call back fish on two
trips, and waited some more. occasions. He uses one of those
He would never catch enough grabbing the bait and slipping away
unharmed. The fish should each roll points now and calls Dan back. Dan
fish to solve his current rolls a new 1d6, rolling a 1 this time.
dilemma, but a few good one six-sided die in secret. The fish
catches would make an should see their own result, but not
show it to the fisherman or anyone #2 - Matt rolls a 3 and 2. Luke and
excellent dinner tonight. And Dan both remain silent.
the river would help him forget else at the table.
his troubles for a spell. #3 - Matt rolls a 4 and 6. Luke
The fisherman will then roll both of
his six-sided dice. If either of his dice declares the line is being tugged.
All at once, something tugged Since Luke was silent during the first
on the line. The old man was individually matches the one a fish
has rolled, the fish should indicate round when a 6 was also rolled, Matt
so lost in his thoughts he nearly deduces he has a 4. He is correct, so
lost his grip on the pole, but he there is a tug on the line. If not, the
fish should remain silent. During Luke's fish is now on the hook.
quickly recovered and pulled
back. When the hook finally each round, it is quite possible that
broke the waterline, a silvery more than one fish may tug on the Reeling it In
fish was dangling from it. It line.
wasn't the biggest he'd ever With a fish on the hook, the
seen, but there was certainly a The fisherman must guess the value fisherman should roll Physical +
meal in it. of the die hidden by the tugging fish. Survival + 2d6 to represent his
If he is correct, the fish has bit the attempt to reel it in.
hook. If he is wrong, that fish got the
bait and slipped away. The fish might get lucky and slip the
hook, break the line, or even yank the
Each time a fish escapes, the pole from the fisherman's hand.
fisherman may be able to lure it back. However, he's at quite a
For each level of the Survival skill, a disadvantage for obvious reasons.
character may call a fish back He should roll 1d6 and add his size
once. Any fish may be called back to the roll.
as many times as desired, so long as
If the fisherman matches or beats the
fish's roll, he has won and hauled in
his prize. If the fish beats the A Little Bit of History
fisherman's roll, it gets away. If the
fish beats the fisherman's roll by 5 The American author, Ernest
points, he has also broken the line, Hemingway, would often go
rendering the fishing pole, net, or fishing with a Thompson
spear destroyed or drug off such that submachine gun.
it cannot be retrieved. The fisherman
will have to buy or construct a new During World War II, he used
one. his fishing boat to hunt for Nazi
submarines operating in the
Example: Matt rolls 2d6, getting a Caribbean, raiding civilian ships
5. Adding his Physical (2) and for supplies. Machine guns and
Survival skill (3), his total is 10 Luke explosives were hidden on the
rolls 1d6 (result of 3) and adds his boat to fire upon any Nazis that
size (4) to the roll, getting a total of would attempt to board his
7. Fortunately for Matt, he has vessel. However, of all the big
beaten Luke's roll and reeled in a game he hunted, a U-Boat was
fish. the only beast he never actually
caught. Given the audacity of
Weighing the Prize his ambush plans, that may
have been fortunate for him.
The fish is caught! It will yield the
number of food servings rolled earlier
in the game. However, if the GM
declared this fishing check would
represent multiple hours of work,
don't forget to multiply the servings
Other Survivors
The Last Days of
Atticus Green Obviously your characters are not the only ones still thriving on Earth after the
nuclear war. Nomads, city dwellers, wild beasts, and domestic animals are all
Salt. That stupid, worthless bag out there to be encountered. The following sections are meant to provide sample
of salt. He had dumped it just stats as a quick reference for Game Masters that need stats on the humans or
inside of the barn to keep it out animals that come up during the course of their game. Modify these templates
of the rain. It was the only thing as needed to make them fit your game's plot or setting.
he could afford to trade, and no
one wanted it. But maybe it NPC Archetypes
could still help his family see
the spring.
Physical: 2, Mental: 2, Social: 3
Grandpa tore open the wax-
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 0, Communication: 4,
coated paper with his nearly
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 2, Survival: 2
rotten teeth, tipping the bag so
Speed: 1, Defense: 9
the powder sprinkled down the
Hit Points: 11, Fatigue: 5
muzzle of his gun. A couple of
Gear: The possessions of a barkeep will vary widely depending on the location of
lead balls dropped on top of
his establishment and the nature of those that frequent it. He has the food and
that, and then the bag itself was
drink travelers want, and he'll have a wide assortment of goods people have
crumpled up to serve as the
used to trade with him. It's also likely he'll have a sawed-off shotgun and a few
wadding. He hefted the gun,
extra shells handy, just in case the clientele gets unruly.
cocked the hammer, placed the
cap, and then aimed it at the
head of his only horse.
Physical: 3, Mental: 3, Social: 1
Academics: 2, Agriculture: 1, Athletics: 0, Communication: 0,
"I'm sorry, Sarah," he
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 4, Martial: 0, Survival: 1
whispered. She'd served him
Speed: 1, Defense: 8
well for more than a decade,
Hit Points: 14, Fatigue: 5
and harvesting next year would
Gear: In addition to the tools of his trade, a carpenter will likely have a stockpile
be harder without her. But
of raw wood and the ax handles, furniture, looms, and other objects he's
without her meat to supplement
crafted. His leather apron will offer the limited protection of hide clothing, and a
their meager stores of
Dead Man's Gun is probably stashed somewhere nearby to protect his wares
vegetable and grain, his family
from theft.
wouldn't survive to see that
difficult time.
Physical: 1, Mental: 4, Social: 2
Academics: 4, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 0, Communication: 1,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 0, Survival: 3
Speed: 1, Defense: 9
Hit Points: 8, Fatigue: 5
Gear: A doctor will rarely be without his bag of medical tools, including knives,
salves, and an assortment of natural and synthetic medicines. He will also be in
possession of 1d6 GC glands (see the Creatures section for more information on
the medical use of these glands). There's also a chance he's carrying whatever
people have traded him for his invaluable services.
Physical: 3, Mental: 2, Social: 2 Parasites of Mankind
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 4, Athletics: 0, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 2, Martial: 1, Survival: 1 "Ist" is slang for raiders that lurk
Speed: 1, Defense: 8 around the wilderness, making
Hit Points: 14, Fatigue: 5 no profitable living of their
Gear: The tools of a farmer's trade will depend on the sort of farm he own. They survive on the
keeps. Livestock and crops require very different care. But no matter what his things they can gain through
land produces, he's sure to have a horse or two for helping him work, and theft or murder. Their slang
perhaps a muzzle-loading rifle and faithful dog to keep pests away from his fields name is derived from the latter
and herds. part of words such as sadist,
masochist, and rapist. Ists can
Hoodlum be lone individuals, families,
Physical: 3, Mental: 2, Social: 2 groups of friends, or even large,
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 2, Communication: 0, well-organized gangs. In some
Illicit: 3, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 2 parts of the world, Ists are a
Speed: 1, Defense: 10 major problem, requiring
Hit Points: 14, Fatigue: 5 organized militias to protect
Gear: Searching the possessions of a thug like this, you're likely to find an settlements from their savage
assortment of items he's swiped from his victims, mixed in with some drugs and attacks.
alcohol. Better equipped hoodlums will have specialized lockpicks, while the less
fortunate ones may have nothing more than a crowbar for prying open locked
doors. Their weapons typically consist of clubs, knives, or other weapons that
are simple to craft and conceal.
Physical: 3, Mental: 3, Social: 1
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 1, Athletics: 2, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 1, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 3
Speed: 1, Defense: 11
Hit Points: 14, Fatigue: 5
Gear: Used to living in the wild for long periods of time, the trapper will likely
have a thick blanket, a sharp knife, and some way of starting campfires. Since
bullets are in short supply, a bow and arrow may be his weapon of choice. And
carried across his back will be the meat and skins he's caught on his most recent
Physical: 4, Mental: 1, Social: 2
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 2, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 3, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 2
Speed: 1, Defense: 9
Hit Points: 17, Fatigue: 5
Gear: Unlike other foragers, they're unwilling to content themselves with the
unclaimed treasures of the world. They will threaten, maim, and kill for what they
need. Ists prefer armament that is easy to build and maintain, such as spears,
bows, molotovs, scrap armor, and the occasional Dead Man's Gun. In very rare
cases, they may have more sophisticated weapons they've stolen. They also
carry the less deadly spoils of their raids, including a wide variety of tools,
textiles, food items, and anything else they've deemed worth taking.
Creature Attributes Physical: 2, Mental: 4, Social: 1
Academics: 2, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 0, Communication: 1,
Most animals have a Mental Illicit: 0, Industrial: 4, Martial: 0, Survival: 1
score of 0, since they have very Speed: 1, Defense: 9
limited intellect. However, while Hit Points: 11, Fatigue: 5
animals may not be able to Gear: The center of any good mechanic's inventory will be a collection of tools,
solve mathematical equations, specially crafted or salvaged from pre-bomb stores. Without these, he has no
this does not mean they are way of making a living. If they've gathered a stockpile of working equipment, you
stupid. Whenever making can also expect them to wield shotguns or similar weapons in defense of their
Mental checks that are related assets. Or, at the very least, a heavy wrench or hammer can serve as a decent
to survival, spotting prey, or club.
similar tasks that animals are
generally good at, add 3 points Politician
to the base Mental score. Physical: 1, Mental: 2, Social: 4
Academics: 3, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 0, Communication: 4,
Additionally, while humans are Illicit: 1, Industrial: 0, Martial: 0, Survival: 0
limited to a score of one to five Speed: 1, Defense: 7
in their attributes, beasts have Hit Points: 8, Fatigue: 5
no such limits. Otherwise, a Gear: To maintain their public appeal, politicians will generally dress in fine
bear could be no stronger than clothing. Hidden in their pockets, you might find a favorite book, personal
a man. records, a flask of strong liquor to relieve the stress of their position, and a
revolver to speed along those really tough appeals.
Physical: 4, Mental: 2, Social: 1
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 2, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 4, Survival: 2
Speed: 1, Defense: 11
Hit Points: 17, Fatigue: 5
Gear: The exact armament of a soldier will depend on his personal wealth or the
ruling authority that has employed him. Being professional fighters, it's not
uncommon to encounter them wielding semi-automatic rifles, survival knives, and
metal armor. Their inventory will also likely include camping gear, field rations,
and some personal effects or good luck charms.
Creature Archetypes
Bear, Black
Type: Natural
Physical: 8, Mental: 0, Social: 0
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 3, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 2, Survival: 3
Speed: 2, Defense: 7, Protection: 1
Hit Points: 29, Fatigue: 5
Attack: 1d6+8
Type: Natural Carving up Critters
Physical: 5, Mental: 0, Social: 1
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 4, Communication: 0, If any creatures are slain and
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 2, Survival: 3 butchered, they will yield both
Speed: 2, Defense: 7, Protection: 0 one serving of food and
Hit Points: 20, Fatigue: 5 sufficient hide to create one
Attack: 1d6+5 article of clothing for each point
in the Physical attribute.
Type: Genetic Construct
Physical: 5, Mental: 1, Social: 3
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 4, Communication: 2,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 3
Speed: 2, Defense: 9, Protection: 1
Hit Points: 20, Fatigue: 8
Attack: 2d6
Type: Natural
Physical: 4, Mental: 0, Social: 2
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 3, Communication: 1,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 3
Speed: 2, Defense: 8, Protection: 0
Hit Points: 17, Fatigue: 6
Attack: 2d6
Type: Genetic Construct
Physical: 2, Mental: 2, Social: 1
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 4, Communication: 1,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 4, Survival: 4
Speed: 2, Defense: 11, Protection: 0
Hit Points: 11, Fatigue: 6
Attack: 2d6
Type: Natural
Physical: 1, Mental: 0, Social: 0
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 3, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 3
Speed: 2, Defense: 8, Protection: 0
Hit Points: 8, Fatigue: 5
Attack: 1d6
Type: Genetic Construct
Physical: 12, Mental: 2, Social: 2
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 5, Communication: 1,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 2, Survival: 3
Speed: 4, Defense: 9, Protection: 1
Hit Points: 41, Fatigue: 10
Attack: 1d6+12
Genetic Constructs Type: Natural
Physical: 10, Mental: 0, Social: 0
Some animals are noted as Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 4, Communication: 0,
having the type of "Genetic Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 2, Survival: 2
Construct." GCs are genetically Speed: 3, Defense: 7, Protection: 0
engineered animals that were Hit Points: 35, Fatigue: 8
created during the Resource Attack: 1d6+10
Wars to provide for many of
mankind's basic needs. In Rabbit
addition to the rules for normal Type: Natural
animals, these creatures also Physical: 1, Mental: 0, Social: 0
have the following special rules: Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 4, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 0, Survival: 3
i. Their genetically engineered Speed: 2, Defense: 5, Protection: 0
flesh is highly nutritive, meaning Hit Points: 8, Fatigue: 5
they will yield twice as much Attack: 1d3
food as a normal animal.
Snake, Venomous
ii. Specialized glands bred into Type: Genetic Construct
GCs contain disinfectants and Physical: 4, Mental: 1, Social: 2
regenerative cells, giving a +4 Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 2, Communication: 1,
bonus to any checks used by Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 3, Survival: 3
healers in possession of such a Speed: 1, Defense: 9, Protection: 2
gland. GCs yield one gland per Hit Points: 25, Fatigue: 6
point of Physical, and each Attacks: 1d6 - If the bite deals any Hit Point damage, the target has been injected
gland may only be used once. with venom. However, unlike their natural counterparts, GC snakes are guard
animals more than predators, affable toward their owners and interested in only
iii. Clothing made from the hide restraining aggressors. As a result, their altered venom is nothing more than a
of a GC is unusually rugged potent anesthetic., dealing 1d6 fatigue damage.
and offers 1 point of protection.
Snake, Venomous
iv. The durability of a GC's Type: Natural
physiology offers a +2 to any Physical: 1, Mental: 0, Social: 0
checks made to construct tools, Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 1, Communication: 0,
shelter, clothing, or other items Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 2, Survival: 3
from their remains. Speed: 1, Defense: 7, Protection: 0
Hit Points: 8, Fatigue: 3
v. GCs are often times more Attacks: 1d3 - If the bite deals any Hit Point damage, the target has been injected
intelligent and social than their with venom. An additional point of damage will be dealt each minute for 3d6
natural counterparts, meaning minutes. A successful first aid check (Mental + Survival) will shorten the poison's
they will more quickly learn duration by 1d6 minutes, and each click will shorten it by 1d6 minutes more.
commands or more easily
sense their master's current Turkey
mood. Type: Natural
Physical: 3, Mental: 0, Social: 0
Academics: 0, Agriculture: 0, Athletics: 1, Communication: 0,
Illicit: 0, Industrial: 0, Martial: 0, Survival: 3
Speed: 1, Defense: 5, Protection: 0
Hit Points: 14, Fatigue: 5
Attacks: 1d3
At a Glance either collapsed or focused their
efforts or larger cities, he knew Breaking the Brakes
Linden sits atop lush, wooded hills Linden was on its own. The citizens
along the western shore of the would need direction to make it People came and went from
Buffalo River. The area has warm, through this tragedy, so he hastily Linden everyday. At times Red
humid weather, with sufficient rainfall prepared an action plan, and around swore it had no permanent
to support dense vegetation. 8:00pm he emerged from city hall residents, though his own
and addressed the people gathered business, situated at the far
The town has a population of about in the town square. He called on edge of town, likely contributed
1,000 people, though it is frequently them to return to their homes, share to this. Nonetheless, he was
visited by nearby farmers or traveling their material resources with those in accustomed to seeing all
merchants. Shops, homes, and need, and do what they could to keep manner of folk pass through
workshops line its roads, the mix of vital services operating. The people here, and he had learned how
modern and archaic buildings (some complied, and this gave Mayor Black to read them all.
dating back to the 19th century) time to build a detailed vision for the
giving the town an eclectic look. The town's future. "A Harrington brake system will
citizens of Linden take great pride in work just fine for a large truck,"
their city, and it is well maintained. The only way to keep the town from he said, giving his customer
collapsing was to keep the people fed sufficient space to peer beneath
While Linden was of little significance and busy. Anyone that had important the vehicle.
before the nuclear war, its skills such as medicine, farming, or
importance has grown quite a bit handiwork was put to work. Those "No, this won't work." The
since. If you're looking for raucous lacking such skills were assigned to young man straightened up,
nightlife and seedy deals, this town is aid them and learn from them. brushing the dust off his hands.
not for you. However, if you're "It must be a Blackwell model
looking for honest work and a market Though the town remained peaceful 17b or nothing at all."
for trading supplies, you'll find what for a while, the hardship of the new
you need in Linden. And not only is it life and lingering emotional shock of "I don't know any truck that
a stable township and center of local the nuclear war started to crack its needs a 17b. What model are
commerce, but it's also home to one unity. Refugees from less fortunate you repairing?" He already
of the most impressive collections of towns also began squatting in and knew the answer, but he was
working vehicles in the state. around the city, putting a great strain curious whether the visitor
on its resources. would confess it.
On June 18th, 2109, a riot engulfed "That's not your concern. I
Being such a small town, Linden was the city, leaving eleven people dead have the gold on me. Now, do
never targeted by nuclear warheads. and many buildings in the northwest you have the part or not?"
As news of the worldwide attacks of town burnt to the ground. Mayor
unfolded, most people stuck to the Black raised the alarm, beckoning all "No. I'm sorry, but I don't."
nearest media outlet or fled home to able-bodied and willing citizens to
tend to their loved ones. Once the defend their homes. The mustered
majority of broadcast stations had citizens were brutal in putting down
gone offline, people started trickling the riot, but they were also quite
into town, hoping to talk to neighbors effective. Those responsible for the
and learn what might come next. By riot were executed and the rank-and-
nightfall, the town square was file participants were driven away.
packed with people, and to Linden's
credit, they remained peaceful. While the affair lasted less than a
day, its effects still linger on. The
The town's Mayor, Frederick Black, citizen militia became the de facto
had spent the evening trying to get method for protecting the town from
information from state and federal large threats, and the near
agencies. Realizing they had all unconditional support for the mayoral
office was solidified as a way of life. disinterested in the office, likely put
Breaking the Brakes When Frederick Black died from into the race by his wife, Loretta.
cancer in 2123, he was buried in a Even more damaging was Loretta's
"That's too bad." The stranger choice plot outside of town, honored prominent role in the most credible
took his hat from the place he'd like a passing king, his grave marked conspiracy theories surrounding
hung it on a dilapidated tractor. by a stone plaque that enumerated Mayor Steinmann's death.
He scanned the junkyard to see his contributions to the city.
if anyone else had come along Mayor Townsend is still serving as
and noticed him there. Then Another mayor, Kevin Black, nephew the leader of Linden today. He has
with nothing more than a nod, of Frederick, was elected thereafter. reduced and reorganized the law
he snatched up his rifle and In the tradition of the first Mayor books, striking down the vast majority
took his leave. Black, he too remained in office for of his predecessor's edicts and
life. He dedicated his time in office to simplifying older laws. These moves
Red glanced at the Blackwell continuing the work of his uncle. have won him a great deal of love
17b laying on the ground only a Farms and workshops were from the community. He has also
few yards away beneath a dirty expanded, and a formalized system created a formalized treaty with the
blanket, disassembled, but of schooling was created to pass on Tennessee Guard, granting them
otherwise in excellent condition. both general education and permission to monitor trade in the
He was glad the man hadn't specialized knowledge of critical town and protect his mayoral
recognized it. The braking trades. Kevin also opened talks with competitor, Red Cohen, whose so-
system had only one use: it was the Tennessee Guard -- a military called junkyard is considered one of
a specialty item, designed for a organization created from the the best treasure troves of pre-bomb
30 ton assault vehicle, and no Tennessee National Guard -- machines in the state.
one would worry about making regarding security, trade laws, and
it stop unless they'd found a other matters of state-wide interest. Despite his many intelligent moves,
way to make it move and shoot. Kevin died in 2152 and was buried he's made no attempts to hide his
alongside his uncle. odd behavior which annoys Loretta
The old man tucked his hands Cohen and occasionally wins her an
in his grease-lined pockets and The third post-bomb Mayor of Linden ally in her effort to remove the Mayor
shuffled across his junkyard. was Lewis Steinmann. Being a from office. Tensions between the
He'd best go see the Mayor and harsh and humorless man, he lacked two are generally kept quiet from
let him know, preferably before the diplomatic tact of the previous outsiders, but they're an inescapable
his wife returned. Mayors. He demanded greater part of life in the city.
output from the town's industries,
passed burdensome laws, and Culture
irritated the town's most respected
members. He survived only until The citizens of Linden are
October 2153 when he fell dead predominantly Caucasian, though
during an inspection of the streets. several families of African descent
Doctors declared the cause of death live within the town. Unless a
to be heart failure, but there was no traveler from a distant place is
shortage of conspiracy theories that passing through, you will hear no
called it an assassination. language other than English. Most
citizens are at least marginally
Mike Townsend was elected as the Christian, Protestants outnumbering
fourth mayor. He was an excellent Catholics roughly five-to-one.
manager and affable man, though
also debatably insane. His Dress is typical for an American city,
eccentricities would have cost him though agrarian and frontier
the election, however, his opponent influences are visible in the rugged
was the renowned scavenger-cum- fabrics and functional designs. Most
mechanic, Red Cohen, who was would prefer overalls and woolen
generally understood to be coats to finer fashions, the latter
typically appearing only on Sunday respected elders of the town.
mornings or special occasions. Over Sea and Land
Views on sensitive subjects such as In the post-war world,
race and religion vary from person- Linden enjoys easy access to waterways have taken on a new
to-person. However, since the multiple rivers, a lush landscape, and importance. Fuel no longer
threats of a post-bomb world are constant visitation from merchant exists in sufficient abundance to
never far from anyone's mind, most caravans. Local trades include support heavy land traffic.
are willing to live peacefully with their farming, fishing, and logging. The However, the currents and wind
neighbors in the interest of mutual town itself is primarily geared toward provide all the power you need
survival. retailing the goods made in the to move goods across the
surrounding lands, though it also has water. For this reason (and the
The citizens of Linden value stability skilled artisans employed in obvious need for drinking
and simplicity. They prefer the status workshops for woodworking, leather water), cities that are far from
quo to adventurous ideas, the safety tanning, tailoring, and blacksmithing rivers, lakes, or seas have
of home to wandering outside of generally diminished in
town. They have no interest in Since Linden sees so many travelers, importance and population.
meddling in outside affairs and do not the town is an excellent place to
take kindly to outsiders meddling in obtain luxury goods such as Linden
their own. They may be a bit slow to Ale, a wide assortment of candies,
trust the intentions of travelers that and formal clothing. Some of these
pass through the town, but will goods are brought in from other
always show them courtesy and places, but most are made locally.
One can readily obtain mechanical
Governance devices here as well, mostly from the
graveyard of machines accumulated
Linden is governed by a Mayor who by Red Cohen. It is not uncommon
is the sole authority and lawmaker for for people to travel great distances in
the entire town, though he will often search of an unusual part,
defer decisions to other citizens salvageable machine, or even just
when his workload is too great or the Red's know-how.
decision is out of his expertise.
Examples of such deferment include Noteworthy Places
the current Mayor's appointing of a
Sheriff for town law enforcement and Courthouse - The courthouse is a red
his reliance on Minister Barrows for brick building, trimmed with white
matters of diplomacy. stone, constructed in the early 20th
century. Its simple, rectangular
The Mayor is elected on the second architecture is reminiscent of many
Sunday of every year. There is no schoolhouses and government
term limit on the Mayor's office, so if buildings constructed during that age.
he can survive the frequent elections, The public is allowed on the lower
he could serve indefinitely. The levels, which include an art gallery,
elections are conducted in the court courtroom, and library. The top two
square with every adult resident levels are the abode of the Mayor,
voting by a show of hands. the office having been moved there
from the old city hall decades ago.
As with most things, the residents of There are no true judges in Linden,
Linden keep their government so disputes are typically overhead by
simple. There are no layers of the Mayor or a well respected citizen
bureaucracy, no complicated legal he appoints to stand in his place.
codes, and trials are decided by
Court Square - Also called the town on a scenic bluff over the Buffalo
A Little Bit of History square, court square is the plaza River, just north of town. Despite
located in front of the historic being made with modern materials
In the interest of keeping the courthouse, roughly in the middle of and techniques, the builders were
locations in Skies of Glass town. It is a common attraction for careful to maintain the appearance of
consistent and believable, they those passing through, and it is not the original, down to the stone
are all based on real places. In uncommon to see locals or outsiders foundation, brick chimney, and white-
fact, many of the buildings pausing to rest here. A handful of washed walls. The new Sparks
mentioned here (such as the shops and food carts have sprung up House features a restaurant, candy
courthouse, Methodist Church, around the square to take advantage shop, and guest rooms, making it a
and Sparks House) all stand of this traffic. The square is also a popular stop-over location for those
today. The individuals common gathering place for town traveling through the town by foot or
described as residing there, meetings or celebrations, and is boating down the river. The
however, are all pure works of always decorated by the townsfolk to establishment is owned and operated
fiction. reflect the current holiday or season. as a collective effort by quite a few
Linden residents.
As of the 2000 census, the real Linden Methodist Church - The
Linden, Tennessee had a church is a brick building with a Noteworthy People
population of 1,015 people and white, gabled roof and wooden doors.
covered just under one square It is not the only religious Jack Bailey - Sheriff - Jack is a bear
mile of land. In our imagined establishment in the town, but it is of a man, with thick brown hair and
future, the town has increased the most popular, giving it great matching beard, broad shoulders,
in prominence, while life significance in local life. Sunday and a towering frame. Despite his
expectancy has plummeted services are usually full to standing size, he moves quietly about town
worldwide. Therefore, we room only, and numerous people will with a gentle smile on his face. He
decided to leave its population visit the church throughout the week, doesn't speak much, and when he
about the same. seeking the religious advice or does, his voice is soft. Fortunately,
prayerful support of the resident Jack's job doesn't require him to say
Minister. very much since the townsfolk
respect him such that they rarely
Red's Junkyard - The name of Red's argue with him, and disrespectful
business establishment is a bit of a outsiders are generally intimidated by
misnomer. His large, fenced his size. He typically dresses in
property and wooden workshop are flannel shirts, thick pants, and heavy
home to some of the most valuable boots, earning him the nickname of
salvage in the state. The land near "lumberjack" amongst the children.
his house is lined with old vehicles, He lives in a house not far from the
farm equipment, generators, and the city hall with his wife, Margo, and two
like. Most are ruined beyond use, teenage sons, Alan and Mark. Jack
though many still have useable parts, is a humble man, God-fearing man
and a few are in working order. Both who regularly attends the local
Red and his collection are so Methodist church.
valuable they have become
something of a security concern to Timothy Barrows - minister of Linden
the town which has established a Methodist Church - The Minister is a
permanent guard to protect him from short, bald man with glasses that
thieves, raiders, and spies from other aren't quite the right prescription.
cities. Though physically awkward he is well
learned and keeps a modest library
Sparks House - Though the original of books inside the church. He never
Sparks House -- an early 19th sought the position, but Timothy
century home -- burnt down in the Barrows plays a role in town politics
mid 21st century, a replica was built equally important to his role in the
church. He is universally regarded Red Cohen - owner of Red's
as a wise, compassionate man, and Junkyard - Red is a gangly man with A Little Bit of History
is therefore the lone individual in white hair, a scraggly beard, and
town that can work as a peacemaker deep-set eyes. He walks with a The playwright, Tennessee
between almost any disputing slight limp and his gaze frequently Williams, was actually not from
persons. For example, it is by his wanders. He has had an interest in Tennessee at all. He spent
urging alone that Loretta Cohen has machines from a very young age and most of his early life in Missouri
kept her rivalry with the Mayor to collected them in an empty lot behind and Mississippi, earning the
angry chats instead of more open, his parents' house, teaching himself nickname "Tennessee" in
divisive protests. how to build and repair them all. college as a result of his thick,
Though he lacked sufficient materials southern accent. His real name
Loretta Cohen - Red Cohen's wife; to restore most of his collection to was Thomas Lanier Williams III.
competitor to the Mayor - While working order, his knowledge
Loretta is wife to the famous Red became encyclopedic and his Tennessee died at 71 after
Cohen, she is also important in her collection can be readily harvested choking on a bottle cap. It is
own right. She's in her 60s, but still for its parts. People travel from great thought he may have failed to
possesses the energy and wit of a distances to buy material from him or gag or cough out the cap as a
woman half her age. Loretta is seek his aid in resurrecting an old result of drug and alcohol use.
capable of playing many roles, being relic. Unlike his wife, Loretta, Red
a loving grandmother, resourceful has little interest in town politics,
homemaker, and political firebrand, preferring a quiet life, tinkering in his
all with equal passion. While she is junkyard.
graceful and compassionate in most
situations, Loretta's busybody "Mad Mike" Townsend - town Mayor -
inclinations can sometimes get the Roughly 50 years old, with salt-and-
best of her, leading her to meddle in pepper hair, lavish suits, a black
ways that do more harm than good. cane, and a thick beard, there is an
Her most important spat at present is air of distinction about Mike. He is
her hostility toward the town's frequently seen strutting about town,
presiding Mayor. Feeling her own greeting its citizens with a broad
husband is the city's most significant smile and "how do you do" as he
resident -- and being rather disturbed surveys his domain. The Mayor is
by Linden being led by a "madman" -- intelligent, diplomatic, and well
she works tirelessly to sway the spoken, addressing friend and
residents to oppose Townsend or adversary alike in flowery speech
vote him out of office. She has been that seems about 200 years out of
largely unsuccessful, but her silver date. Despite his charisma, he is
tongue has swayed a growing regarded as eccentric -- perhaps
minority to her side. It is also insane -- by those that know him
rumored that Loretta has a darker best. He keeps an immutable daily
side, perhaps being willing to stoop schedule, which includes such
to questionable means to reach what oddities as consuming only the inside
she believes to be noble ends. The of three biscuits for breakfast,
most noteworthy example of these insisting the husks be burned in the
rumors is that she had some hand in same fire that cooked them, petting
poisoning the previous Mayor. his three dogs in alphabetical order,
Loretta insists these are just the and kissing only his wife's left cheek.
whisperings of unscrupulous gossips, Regarding town politics, he is well
and her otherwise impeccable aware of Loretta Cohen's ambitions
character gives some credence to to replace him, though he pays her
this claim. little heed and recognizes that her
husband, Red, is both uninterested in
the position and a city treasure to be
jealously guarded. Most Linden
A Little Bit of Science residents consider "Mad Mike" an
exceptional leader or at least a
In a post-nuclear world, the charming and harmless man, though
cockroach is not likely to be a growing minority would prefer to
swarming across the Earth. see him replaced by a more sane
They are not as resistant to individual.
radiation as many other species
of insects, and they require Noteworthy Organizations
much of our artificial heating
and daily waste to survive. The Tennessee Guard - The Guard,
While they won't likely be founded from the ashes of the
extinct, don't expect these Tennessee National Guard, serves
fellows to be the ones inheriting as an extra-governmental security
the Earth. They actually do a force throughout the state. By
better job of surviving without agreement of the Mayor, they have
heads than they do surviving posted 22 riflemen in the town.
without us. While the Mayor may occasionally
call upon them for assistance in
maintaining order, their primary
purpose is to protect Red's motor
cache. The currently stay in an old
store front, converted into a barracks,
located a mere hundred feet from
Red's home.
Barter Value Chart
Below is a BV chart to use a starting point for Linden, Tennessee. Keep in mind that this chart is only meant to
describe the region in general terms. An individual's needs may raise or lower the BV of any item given here.
Type: _______________ Dmg: ______ Optimal Range: _____ Ammo: ____
Type: _______________ Dmg: ______ Optimal Range: _____ Ammo: ____
Type: _______________ Dmg: ______ Optimal Range: _____ Ammo: ____
Type: _______________ Dmg: ______ Optimal Range: _____ Ammo: ____
Type: ________________ DR: ____ Notes: __________________________
Type: ________________ DR: ____ Notes: __________________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________