Supply Chain Collaboration The Key To Success in A Global Economy
Supply Chain Collaboration The Key To Success in A Global Economy
Supply Chain Collaboration The Key To Success in A Global Economy
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Executive Summary: The Need for Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Collaboration at Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Barriers to Effective Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Heterogeneous Infrastructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Supplier and Customer Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Lack of Effective Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Security and Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Upstream, Downstream, and Internal Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Deployment of Collaborative Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Because of global competition and the rapid adoption of out- Supply chain risk has increased as lead times have become
sourcing, todays organizations are operating in a networked longer and more variable because of geographically dispersed
business environment. The past decade has witnessed a signifi- partners who are stretching the supply chain to the limits.
cant increase in globalization across all industry segments. As a Reductions in the time available to build products, as well as
result, supply chains have become highly complex, are global in customer demand for increasing configuration and delivery
scope, and include multiple touch points that range from the flexibility, are creating intense time-to-market pressure.
handling of raw materials to the delivery of finished goods to the Low-cost manufacturing has gained parity with traditional
customer. In this new environment, supply chains must exhibit suppliers, and high fuel prices are causing companies to look
a high degree of adaptability, responsiveness, and collaboration. for ways to lower distribution and transportation costs.
Shrinking capital availability is forcing companies to streamline
Organizations are now finding it essential to transform tradition- manufacturing and supply operations and build efficiencies,
al supply chains from linear, sequential processes into adaptive which are critical to the supply network.
supply chain networks in which communities of customer- Customers are armed with information about the real value of
centric, demand-driven companies share knowledge, intelli- products, which is shrinking customer loyalty and requiring
gently adapt to changing market conditions, and proactively customer service levels too expensive for companies that are
respond to shorter, less-predictable life cycles. unable to manage supply chain efficiencies.
Adaptive supply chain networks address an organizations most Adaptive supply chain networks possess the flexibility to contin-
pressing supply chain problems, such as the following issues: ually sense and respond to the environment in near real time
Outsourcing, nearshoring, and offshoring have resulted in without compromising operational and financial efficiencies.
supply networks that require multiple geographically dis- These networks seamlessly connect supply, planning, manufac-
persed partners to bring products and services to market. turing, and distribution operations to critical enterprise applica-
tions and provide visibility across the supply network, thereby
enabling rapid decision making and optimal execution. Adaptive
supply chain networks are the key to supply chain collaboration.
1. Manufacturing
2. Sales
5 3. Shared Services
6 4. Warehouse
5 3
5 5 5. Customer
2 4 2
5 5 3 6. Supplier
2 4
1 5 7 7. Outsourcing
3 2
3 Manufacturer
5 4
6 5
Another approach is the concept of balanced scorecard report- Regardless of the industry, we see common themes appearing.
ing, which typically looks at performance from financial, For example, across all industries, supply chain collaboration
customer, internal business process, and innovation perspectives. operates at the following levels:
Key performance indicator (KPI) reporting, based on a set of Strategic
predefined metrics that align performance with the objectives At this level, you and your partners make joint decisions on
of the other members of the supply chain, can help generate strategic issues such as the following examples:
mutual gains and savings. Production capacities
Product design
Note that almost every industry is experimenting with supply Production facility and fulfillment network expansion
chain collaboration, creatively adapting the concept to fit its Portfolio joint marketing
specific needs. Pricing plans
For example, consumer products and retail companies are imple- This level involves sharing information with your partners on
menting safety stock levels across their entire supply chains. topics such as the following:
The idea is to meet a target service level while creating a minimal Forecasts
necessary amount of safety stock for all intermediate and fin- Production and transportation plans and capacities
Bills of material (BOMs) These approaches solve many of the connectivity problems
Orders between organizations, but they can be costly and require
Product descriptions substantial commitments of IT resources. Also, at present,
Prices and promotions even with EDI, XML, or virtual private network (VPN) solutions
Inventory integrated directly into back-end systems, some companies
Allocations still only dump the data into data warehouse technologies or
Product and material availability only partially integrate the data into a business process. You
Service levels are then able to provide only limited visibility or information,
Contract terms, such as supply capacity, inventory, and which is not effective in connecting business processes and
services reducing supply chain decision cycle times.
At this level, you and your partners engage in an integrated Supplier and Customer Challenges
exchange of key transactional data such as the following Often suppliers and customers have different perspectives
information: on some key supply chain issues. For example, consider the
Purchase orders following questions:
Production/work orders How does the supplier handle demand variability?
Sales orders Who is liable for inventory and safety stock?
POS information Are lead times reasonable, and is the supplier receiving an
Invoices accurate and stable view of the demand stream?
Credit notes How accurate are the customers forecasts?
Debit notes
Payments Areas of contention can arise around issues such as inventory
carrying costs and price protection, particularly in industries
Barriers to Effective Collaboration characterized by short product life cycles due to obsolescence.
Obviously, all three levels of collaborative interaction can bring
numerous benefits to you and your partners. However, establish- Lack of Effective Metrics
ing this kind of rapport can be difficult; there are numerous Metrics that include performance measurements from all
barriers to effective collaboration that you must either avoid or members of the supply chain are essential. Instead of focusing on
overcome. optimizing their own companys operations, members of an
extended, adaptive supply chain need to work collaboratively to
Heterogeneous Infrastructures assure mutual gains and savings. This means you have to extend
Connecting with a wide range of partners, all with different your line of sight across your entire supply chain to measure
technical functionalities and IT infrastructures, can be costly, the performance of activities and organizations that are not
complicated, and time consuming. Although phone and fax under your direct control. Without end-to-end visibility across
remain the primary mediums for interaction, other tools and your supply chain, making performance improvements becomes
services are enjoying widespread use, such as electronic data extremely difficult.
interchange (EDI) and RosettaNet, a set of standards and services
that provide a common language for e-business transactions and
the foundation for integrating critical processes among partners
within the global supply chain.
Security and Safety business functions and geographies are aligned and in support of
Security across the entire supply chain, ranging from coping the companys strategy and financial goals. If your organization
with hackers and other malefactors to planning comprehensive lacks a comprehensive S&OP process and has not included part-
disaster recovery, is essential. ner capabilities in the demand and supply plans that feed into
your S&OP process, supply chain collaboration can be crippled.
Upstream, Downstream, and Internal Collaboration
Supply network collaboration can take place upstream between
3. Contract
your company and your suppliers and outsourcing partners, Manufacturing
downstream between you and your customers, and within the
four walls of your organization, as follows:
Greater connectivity and collaboration between you and You often see the following processes in your supplier
your trading partners creates numerous benefits for both collaboration:
your suppliers and your customers, including the following Purchase order and release processing
advantages over a less-collaborative process: Supplier-managed inventory
Lower inventory levels and higher inventory turns The kanban process
Lower fulfillment (transportation and warehousing) costs Dynamic replenishment
Lower out-of-stock levels Invoice/credit/debit processing
Shorter lead times
Improved customer service Purchase Order Processing
Early sensing of demand and gaining of market intelligence An effective collaborative application provides a comprehensive
The ability to shape demand platform for managing and automating the purchase order
Visibility into customer demand and supplier performance process, resulting in faster cycle times and reduced errors that
Earlier and quicker decision making are an inevitable part of manual purchase order processing.
These added benefits are particular to suppliers: This approach also allows smaller, less sophisticated suppliers
Faster order-to-cash cycles to participate in the purchase order process without an EDI
Insight into their own performance connection.
Better capacity utilization
Increased inventory turns Release Processing
Increased order fill rates Release processing is the communication of customer
scheduling-agreement releases to suppliers. Releases reflect
Supplier Collaboration net customer requirements over time and usually contain
Supplier collaboration allows even your smallest partners to join a firm order horizon and a forecast horizon.
in your strategic and tactical supply chain efforts. This coopera-
tion helps reduce transactional costs because it replaces fax and By minimizing administrative steps, automating the release
e-mail as primary modes of communication. As a result, most process leads to a reduction in errors and results in real-time,
of the errors that tend to creep into the cumbersome manual accurate communication of requirements and the associated
processes are eliminated. commitments from suppliers.
allow suppliers to make better decisions on how to deploy goods Outsourced Manufacturer Collaboration
across various customers locations, which leads to increased Managing outsourced manufacturing relationships, or contract
customer service levels, lower transportation costs, reduced manufacturers, is of increasing importance for many companies,
inventory levels, and lower sales costs. large and small, in a variety of industries because of its ability to
reduce operating costs, improve new product time to market,
The Kanban Process and increase ROI on capital investment. However, to successfully
Kanban is a signal-based replenishment concept related to lean implement an outsourcing strategy, you must shift your focus
or just-in-time (JIT) production that historically uses cards to from owning and organizing assets to working collaboratively
signal the need for replenishment of an item. Leveraging col- with partners.
laborative technologies, the kanban process allows customers
to electronically issue the kanban replenishment signals to sup- This collaboration must extend beyond simply exchanging infor-
pliers in real time. The supplier can quickly and accurately mation regarding order fulfillment. Collaborative efforts must
determine requirements and be proactively alerted to exception reach across the entire supply chain to help streamline essential
situations such as a new or empty storage location. processes such as product development and pricing and product
manufacturability, as well as reduce manufacturing costs and
Dynamic Replenishment improve responsiveness to customer demand.
Dynamic replenishment is a process that enables suppliers to
compare customer forecast or planning data with their own A new level of visibility into the work order status is also essential
production plans to better match supply and demand. It also to ensure seamless visibility across all manufacturing processes,
allows suppliers to compare a customers firm commitments both internal and outsourced.
or orders with the suppliers orders.
When automating these processes, you must support the
This approach enhances the visibility of normal material require- information-sharing, collaboration, and monitoring activities
ments planning (MRP)-driven execution processes such as pur- that are needed to effectively manage the relationship with a
chase order processing or release processing. It allows suppliers contract manufacturer. The most commonly deployed business
to flexibly adjust to shifts in customer requirements or supply processes are as follows:
shortages. The approach increases order fill rates and reduces Contract manufacturing purchasing is a purchase order
raw materials, finished-goods inventory, and expediting costs. based process in which the purchase order has an associated
production BOM attached to it. The contract manufacturer
Invoicing Processes can then access the purchase order and collaborate on both
Automating the invoice/credit/debit processes enables a complete finished-goods and component levels and update changes to
closed-loop process for all supply side processes (purchase order, the customers enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
release, supplier-managed inventory, kanban, and dynamic This allows you to run internal planning functions using the
replenishment). This should include the complete invoicing latest supply commitments from the contract manufacturer.
process, from creation to payment, and enable suppliers to have Supply network inventory (SNI) visibility and monitor-
visibility into the status of all invoices, debits, credits, and pay- ing of inventory, supply, and demand information across
ments. In addition, organizations should be able to initiate multiple tiers is critical to ensure that all parties are sharing
self-billing through an automated evaluated-receipt-settlement the actual status at all times. As such, the SNI process gives
process. visibility into component-level planning and stock at both the
component suppliers and contract manufacturers locations, This also provides the visibility needed to effectively receive or
and the technology has minimum and maximum stock-limit calculate out-of-stock information automatically and use the
tracking, including on-screen color changes and e-mail alerts. resulting information for sales forecasting and promotion plan-
The work order process is the most sophisticated and granu- ning. You can then share forecasts, POS and inventory data, and
lar way of collaborating and tracking contract manufacturer other vital information with business partners.
activities that represent the production activities at the
contract manufacturers facility. The work order must com- Exception reporting also needs to be part of this business process.
municate the finished-goods need, allow for changes to the By resolving missing data and exception situations, you can exe-
BOM in a collaborative manner, track production progress, cute forecasting, replenishment, and fulfillment planning more
project finished-goods date and quantity changes on the basis expeditiously.
of the current production status, and capture consumption
of components and materials owned by the customer. Responsive customer replenishment processes allow you to
respond more rapidly and efficiently to short-term demand fluc-
Customer Collaboration tuations in the baseline and promotion business processes. Thus,
Customer collaboration is gaining traction in many industries you realize increased sales and fewer lost sales from stock-outs.
that are pushing to become more demand driven. Customer
collaboration embraces the ability to sense demand signals and Other forms of customer collaboration functionalities include
automatically replenish the customers inventory on the basis of more traditional vendor-managed inventory (VMI) functional-
actual demand. This is most commonly seen in consumer prod- ities, including replenishment logic based on minimum and
ucts and other industries that operate downstream distribution maximum stock balance limits. By using your customers con-
structures that extend to retailers. sumption data, running a forecast, and conducting replenish-
ment order planning, you can fully manage the inventories at
This approach supports the following benefits: the customers site.
Enables the shift from a manufacturer push to a balanced,
demand-driven push-pull supply chain Forecast collaboration also known as collaborative planning,
Combines forecast and demand-driven supply chain strategies forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) is a process supported
Ensures intelligent short-term demand management for by the Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Standards (VICS)
baseline and promotion processes and automates the response Association, which in part manages the pure forecast collabora-
to changing demand tion pieces between a supplier and a customer. CPFR is also sup-
Helps manufacturing companies fulfill store-level-based ported effectively in a customer collaboration strategy. A forecast
replenishment requirements such as cross-docking can be both received from a customer and generated by the sup-
plier on the basis of historical data. Providing this information on
Unlike traditional forecast-driven replenishment, with a cus- a jointly accessible Web site allows the partners to collaborate to
tomer collaboration strategy, replenishment processes become reach a consensus, or agreed-upon, forecast, which in turn can
more responsive and are triggered primarily by actual customer be used to drive VMI replenishments, be fed into a demand-
demand information. POS and electronic product code (EPC) planning tool, and be sent back to the customer.
data also adds to visibility across the entire supply chain and
enhances the process. It allows manufacturers and retailers to
manage and execute joint promotions that can take into account
last-minute changes.
Overall, this CPFR approach improves your processing speed Sales and Operations Planning
and leads to better distribution-planning schedules. Real-time Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is a widely used collabora-
and automated communications mean reduced data entry and tive process that allows the organization to introduce critical
customer order errors. One of the major benefits is improved supply chain information into the decision-making process.
collaboration between the supplier and customer.
With globalization and outsourcing, much of the information
When it comes to store replenishment collaboration, many impacting an organizations decision-making process is generat-
retailers are already sharing POS data with their suppliers. Some ed externally to the enterprise. Given these trends, organizations
are now taking the next step by asking their manufacturers to are finding that a comprehensive S&OP process is even more
take part in the store replenishment process. This approach important. The S&OP decision-making process ensures that your
goes beyond conventional VMI and continuous replenishment business is continually managed to meet agreed-upon strategies,
programs that concentrate on retail inventory. goals, and commitments, despite constant changes in your
Store replenishment collaboration involves both the retailer
and manufacturer in a collaborative arrangement that includes The S&OP process comprises a series of integrated and interde-
sharing information on retail events and store POS forecasts. pendent business reviews, structured and focused to ensure that
Both parties also work together to use information such as the tactical plans in all of the business functions and geographies
demand forecasts, store clustering, presentation and safety stock are aligned and in support of the companys strategy. You are
targets, assortment optimization, order sizing, and lead times protected against unwelcome surprises: the process identifies
and distribution methods. and allows you to plan what you can do now to handle contin-
gencies that may not appear on your radar screen for up to a year
The benefits are worth the transition. Because store replenish- and a half.
ment collaboration is the closest link the manufacturer has to
the end consumer, it directly impacts shelf availability. Both the S&OP allows you to introduce collaborative information into
retailer and the manufacturer benefit from better visibility into the decision-making process. When used as part of your collab-
customer takeaway, improved replenishment accuracy, and orative efforts, it enables better communications between cross-
improved in-stocks, overstock reduction, and promotion. The functional groups and your trading partners.
collaboration provides a direct window into consumer response
to new products, existing shelf distribution, and the effectiveness A good S&OP process allows you to achieve an optimal balance
of promotions. The manufacturer and other suppliers can between demand and supply, reduce shortages, and improve cash
leverage this new influx of information to optimize their supply flow. You reduce lead times as well as finished-goods inventory
chain operations. and transportation costs. You are better able to collaborate with
all members of your extended supply chain and to serve your
The Role of Sensory Technology Collaborative supply chain sensory technology applications
When properly implemented, sensory technology such as RFID include the following functionalities:
enables you to deliver a level of visibility into the supply chain Goods issue and receipt via automatic shipping and receiving
that was previously unavailable. It provides the automated func- processing, based on bar-code and RFID reads
tionalities to feed real-time data into your supply chain systems. Generation of advanced shipping notices (ASNs), with
associated EPC information
For example, you can track and trace EPCs across the supply net- Writing and coding of tag identification on the basis of the
work, receive alerts when problems arise, and share EPC-related EPC standard
data with your trading partners. You can also attach RFID tags Tracking of packing and loading of units, cases, and pallets
to pallets, cases, or single product units to remotely sense move- Handling of unit-level tracking, with alerts to flag out-of-stock
ment of goods through the supply chain. Having immediate items, incorrect shipping quantities, or other situations
information about the location and status of goods can help Pallet-, case-, and item-level tagging
improve decision making at tactical and execution levels. Analysis of key supply chain and inventory metrics
A collaborative supply chain environment that encompasses all Supply Chain Performance Management
members of the value chain from the organization to its most Performance management functionalities allow you and your
distant trading partners and suppliers requires continuous and supply chain partners to define, measure, analyze, share, and
careful monitoring and evaluation. improve KPIs such as costs, efficiency, and asset usage. In a collab-
orative supply chain environment, these functionalities allow
Effective supply chain metrics and collaboration go hand in you and your partners to quickly identify and react to delays, as
hand. Capturing and evaluating meaningful performance well as identify and investigate areas of potential waste.
measures can help you align activities across your entire supply
chain, target profitable market segments, and obtain a competi- Supply chain performance management constantly tracks key
tive advantage. However, your organization may have a limited performance measurements and automatically generates an
set of metrics in place that do not extend beyond your own alert when performance deviates from standards.
operations to include other members of the collaborative supply
chain. This lack of visibility makes it difficult to integrate, syn- The technologies that support the performance management
chronize, and optimize interenterprise processes. functionality include operational and analytic software. Opera-
tional software generates the data, production plans, stock,
Needed is a fully coordinated, closed-loop supply chain manage- and delivery dates that are used to calculate KPIs. Extractors
ment solution that monitors events, sends alerts, and evaluates transfer data from this operational software to analytic software
performance across your entire network. You and your partners at predetermined intervals.
can synchronize, manage, and evaluate activities across your
supply chain network through the functionalities provided by On a strategic level, this type of advanced supply chain perfor-
supply chain event management, supply chain performance mance management creates a window into the performance
management, and S&OP. of your entire supply chain. In a collaborative environment, it
provides you with the visibility you need into your own and your
Supply Chain Event Management partners performance. Performance management gives you the
Once you can capture supply chain events, the next step is to necessary feedback to create true, closed-loop supply chain man-
model relevant milestones at every point in your supply chain agement, which is key to driving continuous improvement,
process, such as the receipt and processing of inbound goods or delivering superior performance, and ensuring that your supply
distribution and proof-of-delivery activities. chain continues to be efficient and competitive.
SAP provides all the functionalities and tools you need to create SAP Supply Network Collaboration
and maintain a truly adaptive and collaborative supply network. The SAP Supply Network Collaboration application is a Web-
based solution within SAP SCM that is designed to help you
The SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) application is enhance visibility, collaborate more effectively with suppliers,
the only complete supply chain management application that and increase the overall speed, accuracy, and adaptiveness of
allows you to adapt your supply chain processes to an ever- your supply network. With SAP Supply Network Collaboration,
changing competitive environment. SAP SCM transforms your you and your supply network partners share inventory and
supply chain from sequential processes into an adaptive supply transactional information easily and seamlessly.
chain network.
SAP Supply Network Collaboration connects you and your
SAP SCM offers you not only planning and execution software business partners on a shared, easy-to-use platform. It serves as a
to manage enterprise operations, but also visibility and collabo- single point of entry for your company and your business part-
ration technology to extend those operations beyond corporate ners. The Web interface allows both large enterprises and smaller
boundaries. The application enables network-wide visibility, companies with less sophisticated IT environments to use the
collaboration, and analytics across the extended supply chain. application. You and your partners may wish to work with just
The result is measurable improvements through cost reductions, the applications supplier-managed inventory process, just the
service-level increases, and productivity gains, ultimately leading release processing, or a combination of both processes. Whatever
to stronger profit margins. your choice, SAP Supply Network Collaboration helps provide
visibility into all your supply network processes.
Using collaboration functions that improve visibility into supply
and demand, you can work with partners to reduce inventory For companies in the customers role, SAP Supply Network
buffers, increase the velocity of raw materials and finished goods Collaboration provides the following benefits:
through the pipeline, improve customer service, and increase You can more easily delegate the responsibility for your inven-
revenues. tory to a business partner and thus profit from the business
partners greater planning expertise.
Essentially you are working with a demand-driven supply net- You obtain an overview of all your suppliers routine activities
work a system of technologies and processes that sense and at a glance on your customer-specific overview, whenever you
react to real-time demand signals across a supply network wish.
of customers, suppliers, and employees. Collaboration allows You can rely on notifications automatically issued by the
you to share this demand intelligence with the members of your software system to inform you about critical situations in real
extended supply network for both strategic and tactical purposes. time, so regular monitoring is not required.
Your companys stock is constantly replenished without effort
Network-wide visibility across the entire supply chain lets plan- for procurement. You can reduce the risk of material shortage
ners and key decision makers perform strategic as well as day- on one hand and excessive holding costs on the other.
to-day business planning. You can monitor and analyze the Your production runs smoothly, with minimal risk of bottle-
performance of the extended supply chain using predefined KPIs. necks or production downtimes caused by material shortages.
In addition, you can test situations to determine how the supply Your costs are reduced through the reduction of manual activ-
chain network can address changes in the market, the business, ities and processes.
or customer demand. Standard approaches to easily bring partners on board enable
quick adoption and rapid ROI.
On a partner-by-partner basis, SAP Supply Network Collab-
oration can be leveraged as a strategic supplier application or Your Company
Low Volume
a supplier portal that quickly multiplies the number of inte- Web Browser
grated online transactions throughout the supply base. SAP NetWeaver
You can take over replenishment for your customers more Customers
SAP Supply SAP
Network SCM SAP ERP:
easily, because the application assists you in monitoring all Collaboration SAP
products you are responsible for, at whatever location, at a XI
glance, on the supplier-specific overview. No sophisticated
software environment is needed. Partners
With SAP NetWeaver, you can seamlessly connect your own SAP SCM is powered by the SAP NetWeaver platform. SAP
business processes with those of your partners by using message- NetWeaver unifies technology components into a single
based and standards-based methods for process integration. You platform, allowing organizations to reduce IT complexity
can offer various communication channels as well as process and obtain more business value from their IT investments. It
coordination and monitoring. Also, SAP NetWeaver allows you provides the best way to integrate all systems running SAP or
to connect RFID technology directly to software that needs to non-SAP software.
sense and control automated signals in real time.
SAP NetWeaver also helps organizations align IT with their
Using SAP NetWeaver, you can provide business information business. With SAP NetWeaver, organizations can compose
management through enterprise reporting, query, and analysis; and enhance business applications rapidly using enterprise
business planning and analytical services; enterprise data ware- services. As the foundation for enterprise service-oriented
housing; enterprise knowledge management; and enterprise architecture (enterprise SOA), SAP NetWeaver allows organi-
search. These IT activities are enabled by components of SAP zations to evolve their current IT landscapes into a strategic
NetWeaver, such as the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence environment that drives business change.
component, the SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure (SAP
NetWeaver XI) component, and the knowledge management
functionality of the SAP NetWeaver Portal component.