ACS2000 Preventive Maintenance Web
ACS2000 Preventive Maintenance Web
ACS2000 Preventive Maintenance Web
ACS 2000 drive maintenance schedule and significantly reduces Use of genuine service parts Increased reliability leading to a
the risk of failure while increasing the lifetime of the drive. Regular longer component lifetime
preventive maintenance services contribute to higher reliability of Timely part replacement in Increased reliability leading to
the installed plant which in turn maintains high productivity and accordance with the drive reduced drive and plant operational
minimizes plant downtime. maintenance schedule lifetime costs
Maintenance schedules help long Schedules help define whether to
Preventive maintenance - the lifeblood of a drive term maintenance budget planning continue maintenance or to upgrade,
Drive preventive maintenance consists of annual drive retrofit, or replace a drive
inspections and component replacements according to the Updating to the latest software Ensures optimum drive performance
product specific maintenance schedule. A maintenance version
schedule provides a systematic and functional means of
maintaining a specific drive type. The maintenance schedule is
based on ABBs extensive experience and know-how of manu-
facturing and maintaining electric drives. Specifications of com-
ponent suppliers, as well as environmental and operational con-
ditions of the drive are also carefully observed and considered.
Replacement of component R
Inspection (visual inspection, correction, and replacement if needed) I
Performance of on-site work (commissioning, tests, measurements, etc.) P
No action -
Note! Recommended service intervals and component replacements are based on the
ambient conditions specified by ABB.
1. The air filters can be replaced or cleaned. The action should be made based on the For more information please contact:
actual condition of the filter.
2. It is recommended to replace the device after four years of operation. ABB Inc.
3. The expected lifetime of DC capacitors (self-healing) depends mainly on the ambient
conditions. The recommended intervals are based on operation with rated current and Drive Services
maximum permitted temperature. A capacitor should be replaced when regularly taken 16250 W. Glendale Drive
measurements show a significant deviation from the rated capacitance.
4. AC capacitors (not self-healing) are used in input and output filters. Unlike DC capaci- New Berlin, WI 53151
tors, AC capacitors do not show signs of reduced capacitance over the lifetime. Measure- Phone: +800-752-0696 Option 1
ments of the capacitance also do not allow predicting the lifetime, which depends mainly
on the ambient conditions.
5. The expected lifetime of the optical fibers depends mainly on the ambient conditions.
The recommended intervals are based on operation with rated current and maximum
permitted temperature. An optical fiber should be replaced when regularly taken measure-
ments show significant deterioration of the fiber.
6. Improvements based on further development, software modifications, and so on. When
printed circuit boards must be replaced, an upgrade of the control system should be
considered as well.
Please refer to the service instructions and product manuals for more information.