Thousand Words PDF
Thousand Words PDF
Thousand Words PDF
Explain the list to students using the information page as a guide. Use percentages in explaining the numbers as fractions and ordinal numbers
may not be familiar to all students.
Have the students go down the list verifying that they know the meaning of each word immediately without having to think about it. If they
have to think about the meaning (even for a second) have them mark that word for further practice. If they dont know a word instruct them to
ask the meaning using the word number.
Encourage other students to provide their fellow students with the answers. When multiple meanings are possible, some constructive
discussion may ensue. Encourage answers but try to provide the most often used and simplest definition.
Students will likely reference the equivalent word or phrase in their own language. A blank is provided next to each entry for this purpose. This
list becomes the students own personal glossary for study outside of class.
Depending on the level of your students you may choose to only cover 25-50 words per lesson. Discourage working ahead by more advanced
students as this weakens the usefulness of the activity.
Students practice recognition of patterns, pronunciation, and saying large numbers in this exercise without even knowing it. Finally, this is an
excellent filler activity if you find yourself with extra time in class.
2006 Center for Applied Linguistics & Language Education. As with all CALLE activities and references, this document is freely available for
classroom use and reproduction so long as it is kept in its original format and the CALLE name and logo are not removed. Removal of CALLE
name or logo will result in a violation of US and International copyright law and may be prosecuted as such.
This list is the product of several years of linguistic research and surveys. It is meant to provide a reference of the most common words in the
English language based on their frequency of use in written texts.
A team of scientists used computers to analyze every piece of widely circulated print literature in the English speaking world for a period of three
years in the early 1990s. This included major newspapers, magazines, and novels. The team recorded the words on each page and recorded
how many times each word appeared . Their research resulted in this list which ranks the 1000 most common words in the English language by
how often they are used.
Note that today a few more words may appear in this list that were not so common in the early 1990s such as internet, website, Iraq, etc. Also
be aware that each word is counted independently so a noun may appear in both its singular and plural forms and a verb may appear in several
forms throughout the list.
These words make up a standard basic vocabulary. They do not meet any specific need, but comfort with and practice of these words will make
reading and learning more complex forms much easier.
The first 25 words make up 33% of all written texts. The first 100 words make up a full 50%.
And, the first 300 account for 65% of all words you are likely to encounter when reading.
Knowing all 1000 of these words means that you can read 75% of most books and newspapers
even before learning any specialised vocabulary.
1. the ______________ 26. or ______________ 51. will ______________ 76. n u m b e r _____________
2. of ______________ 27. one ______________ 52. up ______________ 77. n o ______________
3. and ______________ 28. had ______________ 53. other ______________ 78. w a y ______________
4. a ______________ 29. by ______________ 54. about ______________ 79. c o u l d ______________
5. to ______________ 30. word ______________ 55. out ______________ 80. p e o p l e _____________
6. in ______________ 31. but ______________ 56. many ______________ 81. m y ______________
7. is ______________ 32. not ______________ 57. then ______________ 82. t h a n ______________
8. you ______________ 33. what ______________ 58. them ______________ 83. f i r s t ______________
9. that ______________ 34. all ______________ 59. these ______________ 84. w a t e r ______________
923. c o l u m n _____________ 948. fig ______________ 973. win ______________ 998. e f f e c t ______________
Verb [be]: am (482), is (7), are (15), was (12), were (35), be (22), been (85), being (297)
Verb [do]: do (47), does (154), did (95), done (401), doing
Verb [have]: have (24), has (69), had (28), having
Pronouns: I (20), you (8), he (11), she (46), it (10), we (36), they (19); me (112), him (66), her (62), us (174), them (58)
Possessives : my (81), your (38), his (18), her (62), its (89), our (119), their (49)
Youll also find the basic colors, numbers, prepositions, and conjunctions, words for time (day, week, year, etc.), and basic geographic terms like
land, island, mountain, etc.
There are several variations of this list. This particular listing is taken From: The Reading Teachers Book of Lists, Third Edition; by Edward Bernard Fry,
Ph.D, Jacqueline E. Kress, Ed.D & Dona Lee Fountoukidis, Ed.D.